Required Practical: Investigating Specific Heat Capacity ( AQA GCSE Physics )

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Required Practical 1: Investigating Specific Heat Capacity

Aims of the experiment.

  • The aim of the experiment is to determine the specific heat capacity of a substance, by linking the amount of energy transferred to the substance with the rise in temperature of the substance
  • Independent variable = Time,  t
  • Dependent variable = Temperature, θ
  • Material of the block
  • Current supplied,  I
  • Potential difference supplied,  V

Equipment List

Heat Capacity Apparatus Table, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

  • Thermometer = 1 °C
  • Stopwatch = 0.01 s
  • Voltmeter = 0.1 V
  • Ammeter = 0.01 A

Specific Heat Capacity Apparatus, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Apparatus to investigate the specific heat capacity of the aluminium block

  • Start by assembling the apparatus, placing the heater into the top of the block
  • Measure the initial temperature of the aluminium block from the thermometer
  • Turn on the power supply and start the stopwatch
  • Whilst the power supply is on, the heater will heat up the block. Take several periodic measurements, eg. every 1 minute of the voltage and current from the voltmeter and ammeter respectively, calculating an average for each at the end of the experiment up to 10 minutes
  • Switch off the power supply, stop the stopwatch and leave the apparatus for about a minute. The temperature will still rise before it cools
  • Monitor the thermometer and record the final temperature reached for the block
  • An example table of results might look like this:

Specific Heat Capacity Example Table, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Analysis of Results

  • The thermal energy supplied to the block can be calculated using the equations:
  • E = thermal energy, in joules (J)
  • Q = Charge, in coulombs (C)
  • I = current, in amperes (A)
  • V = potential difference, in volts (V)
  • t = time, in seconds (s)
  • Rearrange to make Q the subject
  • Substitute into the Q = It equation
  • Rearrange to make E the subject
  • The change in thermal energy is defined by the equation:
  • Δ E = change in energy, in joules (J)
  • m =  mass, in kilograms (kg)
  • c =  specific heat capacity, in joules per kilogram per degree Celsius (J/kg °C)
  • Δ θ =  change in temperature, in degrees Celsius (°C)
  • Rearranging for the specific heat capacity, c :
  • To calculate Δθ:
  • To calculate Δ E:
  • I = average current, in amperes (A)
  • V =  average potential difference (V)
  • θ f = final time, in seconds (s)
  • θ i = initial time, in seconds (s)
  • These values are then substituted into the specific heat capacity equation to calculate the specific heat capacity of the aluminium block

Evaluating the Experiment

Systematic Errors:

  • Make sure the voltmeter and ammeter are initially set to zero, to avoid zero error

Random Errors:

  • This means the measured value of the specific heat capacity is likely to be higher than what it actually is
  • To reduce this effect, make sure the block is fully insulated
  • This would eliminate errors from the voltmeter, ammeter and the stopwatch
  • Make sure the temperature value is read at eye level from the thermometer, to avoid parallax error
  • The experiment can also be repeated with a beaker of water of equal mass, the water should heat up slower than the aluminium block

Safety Considerations

  • Run any burns immediately under cold running water for at least 5 minutes
  • Allow time for all the equipment, including the heater, wire and block to cool before packing away the equipment
  • Keep water away from all electrical equipment
  • Wear eye protection if using a beaker of hot water

Leander, Physics

Teacher tip

From my experience of teaching this practical investigation, it is usually done as a teacher demonstration because of the specialist equipment used. Therefore, students find it more difficult to engage with than a hands-on practical, and so can often find it quite confusing. This Required Practical does come up in exams very frequently, so you do need to make the extra effort to understand the equipment, the set-up and how the measurements are taken.

The main idea is that the measurements of current and potential difference allow you to calculate the energy transferred to the metal block, and from there you can use the change in temperature and the energy supplied to calculate the specific heat capacity of the metal.

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Author: Leander

Leander graduated with First-class honours in Science and Education from Sheffield Hallam University. She won the prestigious Lord Robert Winston Solomon Lipson Prize in recognition of her dedication to science and teaching excellence. After teaching and tutoring both science and maths students, Leander now brings this passion for helping young people reach their potential to her work at SME.

Educating Physics

Educating Physics

Determining Specific Heat Capacity Through Experiment


  • To understand how to practically determine the specific heat capacity of a substance

\Delta E = mc \Delta \theta


A practical for specific heat capacity involves measuring the temperature changes of different materials when they are heated . An investigation involves linking the decrease of one store of one energy store to the increase in thermal energy store. As you would expect, the energy transferrer (work done) will cause a temperature to rise.

As you will have learned on the specific heat capacity page, the temperature rise of a material depends on its specific heat capacity. Materials with a low specific heat capacity (a low capacity to store thermal energy) will have a greater temperature increase than those with a high specific heat capacity.

Apparatus required

  • Aluminium block with two holes, one for a thermometer and one for a heater
  • 50 W, 12 V heater

precautions in specific heat capacity experiment

  • Thermometer
  • Beaker (250 cm 3 )

Safety precautions

precautions in specific heat capacity experiment

  • The heating element will get very hot, especially if not inside a metal block. Take care not to burn yourself
  • Damaged equipment should not be used (e.g. bare wires etc.)
  • If you scald yourself with the heater or water then, cool under running cold water immediately for 10 minutes.
  • Measure the mass of the aluminium block using the balance, if recorded in grams, this should be converted into kilograms.
  • Place the heater and thermometer into the aluminium block

precautions in specific heat capacity experiment

  • Measure the  starting temperature of the metal block (you may need to wait for the thermometer to stop changing first).
  • Turn the power pack on and up to about 5V, this can be higher for certain heaters (but it will say the maximum on it)
  • Record the ammeter and voltmeter readings every 60 seconds in a table like that shown further down this page. These values may vary during the experiment, but they shouldn’t do significantly. Whilst recording the ammeter and voltmeter reading, also record the new temperature of the block at each 60s interval.
  • After about 10 minutes turn off the power supply.
  • Keep the thermometer in the metal block for a while longer. Record the maximum temperature of the block. The heater will still have some energy after you have turned off the power supply so you want to record any additional temperature rise from this energy.

P = IV

Examples of results tables you should consider using:

precautions in specific heat capacity experiment

Things to consider before experimenting

  • The heating element should fit very snuggly into the metal block, but there may be a small layer of air between the heating element  and the metal block. Add a drop of water before you put the heating element in to improve transfer of energy between the heating element and the metal block.
  • Remember to measure the mass of the metal block. These blocks are usually 1kg, but to make sure your calculations are accurate, you should take an accurate mass measurement.
  • Make sure you heat the metal block for at least 10 minutes; otherwise you will not be able to draw a graph with a good range of results.
  • Don’t forget to use your graph to find the gradient of the line. You will need this and the mass of the block to work out the specific het capacity  of the metal.

Analysing the results

After drawing you line of best and taking your gradient the specific heat capacity can be found by using the following equation:

\text{specific heat capacity} = \frac{1}{mass \times gradient}

Exemplar graph and results:

****waiting for a good graph to be drawn from a student ****

precautions in specific heat capacity experiment

  • Usually, the value for specific heat capacity found is higher than it should be, this is because more energy is put into the system than that used to heat up the substance. Some energy goes into wasted energy, such as heat loss to the surroundings. To improve the results, an insulation material should be used around the block.
  • If you are trying to determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid, then the liquid should be stirred before each measurement to ensure all the water is the same temperature. Additionally, a lid should be used, since heat rises this is one way thermal energy can be lost to the surroundings.

Further reading:

  • Specific heat capacity – S-cool

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  • CBSE Class 11
  • CBSE Class 11 Physics Practical
  • To Determine Specific Heat Capacity Of A Given Solid By Method Of Mixture

To Determine Specific Heat Capacity of a Given Solid by Method of Mixture

Specific heat capacity is defined as the amount of heat required for one gram of substance at 1℃. To understand how to determine the specific heat capacity of a given solid by the method of mixtures, please read the below article.

To determine the specific heat capacity of a given solid by the method of mixtures.

Materials Required

  • A hypsometer
  • Calorimeter
  • A lid and outer jacket
  • Solid in small pieces
  • Two half-degree thermometers
  • Clamp stand

The calorimeter is a device used to measure the heat flow of a chemical or physical reaction. Calorimetry is the process of measuring this heat. It consists of a metal container to hold water above the combustion chamber and a thermometer to measure the temperature change. Hypsometer is an instrument used to determine the boiling point of water at a given altitude.

Determine Specific Heat Capacity Of A Given Solid By Method Of Mixture

  • Put thermometers A and B in a beaker containing water and note their reading. Let thermometer A be a standard to find the correction that is to be applied to thermometer B.
  • Put the thermometer B into the copper tube of a hypsometer containing the powder of the given solid. Before placing the hypsometer on the burner, add a sufficient amount of water.
  • Record the weight of the calorimeter with a stirrer and lid over it.
  • Add water (temperature between 5 to 8℃) to the calorimeter at half-length and weigh it again.
  • Heat the hypsometer till the temperature of the solid is steady.
  • Note the temperature of water in calorimetry. Now slowly stir and add the solid powder from the hypsometer to the calorimeter and record the final temperature of the mixture.
  • Remove thermometer A from the calorimeter.
  • Note the weight of the calorimeter with the contents and lid.


Reading of thermometer A = T A = ……… ℃

Reading of thermometer B = T B = ……… ℃

Correction applied in B with respect to A (T A – T B ) = …….. ℃

Mass of calorimeter and stirrer m = …….. g

Water equivalent of calorimeter ω = m × 0.095 = …….. g

Specific heat of copper calorimeter = 0.095 cal/g

Mass of calorimeter + stirrer + lid = m 1 = ……. g

Mass of calorimeter + stirrer + lid + cold water = m 2 = …… g

The steady temperature of hot solid = T s = …….. ℃

Corrected temperature of hot solid T =T s – (T A – T B ) = ……… ℃

The temperature of cold water = t =……… ℃

The temperature of the mixture = Ө =…….. ℃

Mass of calorimeter, stirrer, lid, cold water, and solid = m 3 =…… g


Mass of cold water = m 2 – m 1 =…….. g

Mass of hot solid = m 3 – m 2 =…….. g

Rise of the temperature of cold water and calorimeter = Ө – t =………. ℃

Fall in temperature of solid = T – Ө =……… ℃

Heat gain by calorimeter, cold water and stirrer = [ω + ( m 2 – m 1 )(Ө – t)] =……. (a)

Heat lost by solid = (m 3 – m 2 ) × C × (T – Ө) =……. (a)

Here, C is the specific heat of solid to be calculated.

According to the principle of calorimeter, heat lost = heat gained

Specific heat of given solid by the method of the mixture is ………. cal g -1 ℃ -1 .


  • A sufficient amount of solid powder should be used to cover the tip of the thermometer.
  • A sufficient amount of water should be taken in a hypsometer.
  • Dropping of solid should be quick and gentle.
  • To avoid excess radiation, the calorimeter should be polished from the outside.
  • The temperature of cold water should not cross the dew point.

Sources of Error

  • There might be heat loss while transferring solid into the calorimeter.
  • During conduction, convection, and radiation, there might be heat loss.
  • The bulbs of the thermometer might not be completely inside the solid.

Note: To determine the specific heat of a given liquid by the method of mixtures, the liquid is taken in place of cold water to determine the specific heat. Proceed with the same procedure as in the experiment.

Q1. What is the heat?

Ans: Heat is defined as the quality of being hot at high temperatures.

Q2. Define the specific heat of the substance.

Ans: It is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1℃.

Q3. State the principle of calorimetry.

Ans: The principle of calorimetry is heat lost is equal to the heat gained.

Q4. Why is calorimeter made of copper is used in the experiment?

Ans: The specific heat of copper is very low. The absorption and liberation of heat will be less during heat transfer.

Q5. Is heat gained always equal to the heat lost?

Ans: If there is no chemical reaction taking place between the components only then heat loss will be always equal to the heat gain.

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What are the precautions in specific heat capacity experiment?

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There are several precautions that should be taken in specific heat capacity experiments:

  • The sample should be of a known, uniform composition.
  • The sample should be of a known, uniform size.
  • The sample should be of a known, uniform shape.
  • The sample should be clean and dry.
  • The sample should be at the same temperature as the calorimeter.
  • The calorimeter should be well insulated.
  • The calorimeter should be of known heat capacity.
  • The surroundings should be at a constant temperature.

David Denton ∙

Some precautions to consider in a specific heat capacity experiment include ensuring that the equipment is calibrated correctly, using an appropriate amount of the substance being tested, maintaining a consistent temperature throughout the experiment, and taking proper safety measures when handling hot objects or substances.

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What is the precaution taken on specific heat capacity experiment?

Some precautions taken during a specific heat capacity experiment include ensuring the apparatus is properly calibrated, using consistent and accurate measurements, minimizing heat loss to the surroundings, and maintaining a controlled environment to reduce external influences on the results. These precautions help ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data collected during the experiment.

What are precaution in specific heat capacity experiment?

Some precautions to consider in a specific heat capacity experiment include ensuring proper insulation to minimize heat loss, using accurate measuring instruments to determine mass and temperature changes, and conducting the experiment in a controlled environment to avoid external influences on the results. Additionally, it's important to handle hot objects with care and follow appropriate safety protocols when working with heat sources.

To determine the specific heat capacity of a solid conclusion?

To determine the specific heat capacity of a solid, conduct an experiment where you measure the temperature change of a known mass of the solid when a known amount of heat is added or removed. By calculating the specific heat capacity using the formula Q = mcΔT (where Q is the heat energy, m is the mass, c is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the temperature change), you can determine the specific heat capacity of the solid. Repeat the experiment multiple times to ensure accuracy and reliability in your conclusion.

Why does the temperature of the metal fall from its maximum after a while in a specific heat capacity of metals experiment?

The temperature of the metal falls from its maximum during a specific heat capacity experiment because the metal is losing heat to its surroundings through conduction and radiation. This heat loss causes the temperature to decrease over time until it reaches equilibrium with the surrounding environment.

How do you reduce the errors in specific heat capacity experiment?

To reduce errors in a specific heat capacity experiment, ensure proper calibration of equipment, accurately measure mass and temperature, minimize heat loss through insulation, and repeat measurements to calculate an average. Additionally, use a consistent method and ensure the substance is uniform to improve accuracy.


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Physics Paper 2, Nov/Dec. 2013  
Questions: 1                        

Water of mass   =  20g at temperature 50oC was poured into the calorimeter and stirred.  The final temperature of the mixture was noted and recorded.  The calorimeter was emptied, cleaned and dried.

With fresh and the same amount of iron fillings  each time, the process was repeated more times, with   = 30g,40g, 60g and 70g respectively, all at same temperature of 50oC

Fig. 2 shows the final temperature case evaluate:

                 (   =  
(iii)        Tabulate your readings.
    (iv)        Plot a graph with on the vertical axis and on the horizontal axis.
    (v)         Determine the slope, , of the graph.
    (vi)        State precautions that are necessary to ensure accurate results when
                 performing this experiment.


(b) (i)         Explain the statement: ‘

      (ii)        If  10s  =  of iron.


This was a very popular question among the candidates and was fairly well attempted.  However, a few of the candidates did not observe the discontinuity in the scale drawing of the illustrated thermometer and so they did not obtain the correct raw reading of While some candidates were able to determine raw correctly ; a category of candidates were unable to convert it using the appropriate scale.  The other category were able to convert the raw θ correctly but failed while substituting θ convert to evaluate  xi, yi and Ti.  Some even confused

Tabulation of readings, plotting of graphs and the determination of the slope was fairly well done.
Precautions and part (b) was poorly done. Very few candidates explained the expression “specific heat capacity of iron is 470 J kg-1K-1 correctly while majority of the responding candidates could not determine ci from the given equation.


            (i)         Record six values of                                                                                                         
(ii)        Measure and record six values of                                                  
(iv)       Tabulate their readings                                                                                            
(v)         Plot  a graph with on the vertical axis and M on the horizontal axis using
            appropriate scales                                                                                                   
(vi)       Distinguish between the axes and draw line of best fit                       
(vii)      Determine the slope of the graph
(viii)     State any of the following precautions

(ix)  Explain that 470 J of heat/ energy is needed to raise the temperature of  1kg of iron by 1K                                                                                    
      (x)   Determine the specific heat capacity C               substituting                                  

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What are the precautions for the specific heat capacity experiment?

precautions in specific heat capacity experiment

Table of Contents

  • 1 What are the precautions for the specific heat capacity experiment?
  • 2 What are the precautions and conditions for a calorimetric experiment?
  • 3 Why must the sample be poured safely but quickly into the calorimeter?
  • 4 What are the materials required in an experiment to find specific heat of solid?
  • 5 What are the safety precautions when handling bomb calorimeter?
  • 6 Which of the following are precautions to be followed while conducting the Newtons law of cooling experiment?
  • 7 How does specific heat depend on temperature?
  • 8 What would be some errors when measuring the specific heat of a metal?

The Precautions:

  • Sufficient solid power should be taken to cover the tip of the thermometer properly.
  • Sufficient water should be taken in the hypsometer.
  • The solid should be dropped quickly and gently.
  • The calorimeters generally should be polished from outside to avoid excessive radiation losses.

What are the precautions and conditions for a calorimetric experiment?


  • Do not stir the liquid in the calorimeter vigorously because vigorous stirring does cause some increase in temperature.
  • The space between the calorimeter and the wooden box should be filled with cotton to avoid heat loss.

Which three factors affect specific heat capacity?

This quantity is known as the specific heat capacity (or simply, the specific heat), which is the heat capacity per unit mass of a material. Experiments show that the transferred heat depends on three factors: (1) The change in temperature, (2) the mass of the system, and (3) the substance and phase of the substance.

Why must the sample be poured safely but quickly into the calorimeter?

The sample must be poured safely but quickly into the calorimeter, so that a minimal amount of heat is lost to the surrounding air. If water from the beaker entered the calorimeter in would add heat that is unrelated to the sample and alter the calculated mass of water.

What are the materials required in an experiment to find specific heat of solid?

Material Required: Calorimeter, Thermometer, Stirrer, water, steam heater, wooden box and solid whose ‘S’ to be found. Procedure: Measure the mass of calorimeter with stirrer. Knowing the specific heats of calorimeter and water, we can calculate the specific heat of the solid (lead shots).

What is the conclusion of specific heat capacity?

Conclusion: The specific heat capacity of Alumium is 900J/Kg/K and the specific heat capacity of Lead is 1300J/Kg/K. This is as I predicted. This means that it takes more energy to change the temperature of lead than of Aluminium.

What are the safety precautions when handling bomb calorimeter?

Submerge the bomb in the calorimeter bucket, avoid tilting the bomb. Make sure that there are no persistent gas bubbles escaping from the bomb seal. If you see gas escaping, DO NOT CONTINUE.

Which of the following are precautions to be followed while conducting the Newtons law of cooling experiment?

Precautions. Stir the water/oil to allow uniform cooling. Room temperature should remain constant. Avoid any heal source near the experiment site so that room temperature remains constant.

How does temperature affect specific heat capacity?

Then as temperature increases more of the energy levels become excited & the internal energy rises rapidly and so does the slope of U vs T and so heat capacity increases.

How does specific heat depend on temperature?

At low temperatures, collisions do not provide enough energy to get out of the ground states for rotation or vibration. The average energy increases only from translation. As the substance heats up, the average kinetic energy of the molecules increases. It then contributes to the specific heat.

What would be some errors when measuring the specific heat of a metal?

One of the common sources of error in the determination of the specific heat capacity of a metal is that some heat is lost during the transfer of a metal from the boiling water to the calorimeter.

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Specific Heat Capacity Exam Question - Miss Wise's Physics Site

Specific Heat Capacity Exam Question - Miss Wise's Physics Site

Specific capacity latent shc determining immersion Mr toogood physics Gcse physics required practical: determining specific heat capacity

Gcse determining experiment apparatus heater immersion

The arrangement in the figure below was used to determine the specificHeat specific capacity measuring calorimeter measure metal ppt thermal liquid used energy transfer mass amount powerpoint presentation Substances thermodynamics tecSpecific capacity figure precautions.

Specific heat capacity exam questionSpecific capacity heat energy equation physics using temperature gcse thermal change science revision changes system amount ice Specific heat capacityHeat specific capacity substance aqa spec 2021 amount energy.


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Gcse physics specific heat capacity

Physics capacity heat specific aqa level ib year shcSpecific heat capacity of selected substances Capacity specific gcseTo determine specific heat capacity of a given solid.

Aqa a level physics year 2 /ib physicsHeat specific capacity method lab mixtures brass Specific heat capacity and latent heat experiments in physicsCapacity specific heat latent physics method experiment diagram experiments online.

Electricity - detailed contents

Specific capacity determine method mixtures procedure

Schoolphysics ::welcome::Specific heat capacity practical lesson Lab 3: specific heat capacity (method of1.3 specific heat capacity.

Heat liquid specific capacity electrical diagram method apparatus calorimetry energy given shc temperature thermal container supplied element levelphysicstutorSpecific heat capacity and latent heat Aqa gcse 9-1 physics specific heat capacity and specific latent heatSpecific heat capacity and latent heat experiments in physics.

schoolphysics ::Welcome::

Heat specific capacity block finding investigation physics energy

Heat specific capacity gcse aqa physics latent .

Specific Heat Capacity Exam Question - Miss Wise's Physics Site

Specific heat capacity of selected substances - tec-science

Specific Heat Capacity and Latent Heat Experiments In Physics - Ask

Specific Heat Capacity and Latent Heat Experiments In Physics - Ask

AQA GCSE 9-1 Physics Specific Heat Capacity and Specific Latent Heat

AQA GCSE 9-1 Physics Specific Heat Capacity and Specific Latent Heat

1.3 Specific Heat Capacity

1.3 Specific Heat Capacity

Specific heat capacity - YouTube

Specific heat capacity - YouTube

AQA A Level Physics Year 2 /IB Physics - Specific Heat Capacity

AQA A Level Physics Year 2 /IB Physics - Specific Heat Capacity

PPT - Specific Heat Capacity PowerPoint Presentation, free download

PPT - Specific Heat Capacity PowerPoint Presentation, free download

GCSE Physics Required Practical: Determining Specific Heat Capacity

GCSE Physics Required Practical: Determining Specific Heat Capacity

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  1. Required Practical: Investigating Specific Heat Capacity

    The aim of the experiment is to determine the specific heat capacity of a substance, by linking the amount of energy transferred to the substance with the rise in temperature of the substance. Variables: Independent variable = Time, t. Dependent variable = Temperature, θ. Control variables: Material of the block. Current supplied, I.

  2. Determining Specific Heat Capacity Through Experiment

    Make sure you heat the metal block for at least 10 minutes; otherwise you will not be able to draw a graph with a good range of results. Don't forget to use your graph to find the gradient of the line. You will need this and the mass of the block to work out the specific het capacity of the metal. Analysing the results.

  3. To Determine Specific Heat Capacity Of A Given Solid

    Viva Voice. Q1. What is the heat? Ans: Heat is defined as the quality of being hot at high temperatures. Q2. Define the specific heat of the substance. Ans: It is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1℃. Q3. State the principle of calorimetry. Ans: The principle of calorimetry is heat lost is equal to the heat gained.

  4. What are the precautions in specific heat capacity experiment?

    There are several precautions that should be taken in specific heat capacity experiments: The sample should be of a known, uniform composition. The sample should be of a known, uniform size. The ...

  5. Determination Of Specific Heat Capacity Of A Given Solid

    The determination of the specific heat capacity of a given solid is a fundamental experiment in physics that helps us understand how different materials respond to heat. ... calculate the specific heat capacity of the metal.1) 150 J/kg°C2) 2500 J/kg°C3) 1100 J/kg°C4) 1500 J/kg°CSolution:Given values:The initial temperature of the metal (T1 ...

  6. Physics Paper 2, Nov/Dec. 2013

    (vi) State two precautions that are necessary to ensure accurate results when performing this experiment. (b) (i) Explain the statement: ' the specific heat capacity of iron is 470 J kg-1 K-1' (ii) If 10s = determine the value of the specific heat capacity ci of iron.

  7. Determination Of Specific Heat Of Given Liquid By Method ...

    The determination of the specific heat of a given liquid by the method of mixtures is a fundamental experiment in thermodynamics. This method involves mixing a known mass of the liquid at a certain temperature with another substance, typically water, at a different temperature. By measuring the final equilibrium temperature of the mixture, the specific heat of the liquid can be calculated.

  8. Specific Heat

    Specific Heat. Students use a temperature sensor to experimentally determine the identity of a metal based on its specific heat capacity. Supports NGSS Performance Expectation HS-PS3-1: Create a computational model to calculate the change in the energy of one component in a system when the change in energy of the other component(s) and energy flows in and out of the system are known.

  9. Measurement of The Specific Heat Capacity of Water by An Electrical

    3 MEASUREMENT OF THE SPECIFIC LATENT HEAT OF FUSION OF ICE (mcΔθ)cal + (mcΔθ)water = (ml)ice + (mcΔθ)melted ice PRECAUTIONS Ensure that the ice is dried. Use warmed water at the start of the experiment to reduce overll heat loss. This also helps the ice to melt more quickly speeding up the expt. Use a well insulated calorimeter to avoid loss or gain of heat to the surroundings.

  10. Required Practicals

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the aim of the specific heat capacity experiment?, What is the method for the specific heat capacity experiment?, What are the safety precautions for the specific heat capacity experiment? and more.

  11. What are the precautions for the specific heat capacity experiment

    This quantity is known as the specific heat capacity (or simply, the specific heat), which is the heat capacity per unit mass of a material. Experiments show that the transferred heat depends on three factors: (1) The change in temperature, (2) the mass of the system, and (3) the substance and phase of the substance.

  12. physics required practicals Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like specific heat capacity required practical, safety precautions specific heat capacity, thermal insulation (testing different materials and more. ... Record the highest temp that it reaches + calculate temp rise during the experiment. = record results in graph/ table. safety ...

  13. Physics

    Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like (1) Specific Heat Capacity: to determine specific heat capacity of one or more materials. Describe a method to determine the specific heat capacity of some materials., (1) What equipment is used to find the specific heat capacity of one or more materials?, (1) What are the safety precautions of specific heat capacity experiment ...

  14. Experiment Specific Heat Capacity Lab Report

    The formula we used to calculate the specific heat capacity for each metal is Q=mc. Thus, c =. INTRODUCTION. Specific heat is the amount of heat per unit mass that required to raise the temperature by 1°C. Specific heat is helpful in determining the processing temperature and amount of heat necessary for processing (Kayode Coker, 1995).

  15. Precaution to take during specific heat capacity experiment

    Precaution to take during specific heat capacity experiment - 52578902. aadityavyas7577 aadityavyas7577 22.06.2022 Physics ... Advertisement tarnbirkaur1986 tarnbirkaur1986 Answer: here is your answer . Explanation: Precautions ... To determine the specific heat of a solid, it must be dropped quickly into the water without splashing water in ...

  16. 3. What is meant by specific heat capacity? How will you prove experiment

    Specific heat capacity is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one unit mass of a substance by one degree Celsius (or one Kelvin). It is a property that varies from substance to substance. To prove experimentally that different substances have different specific heat capacities, we can perform a calorimetry experiment.

  17. In two experiments with a continuous flow calorimeter to ...

    The heat required to raise the temperatureQmsT Let power lost to surrounding be P 16Pdmdts10 When the power is doubled the rate of flow becomes three times 32P3dmdts10 32P16P3P8W. ... In two experiments with a continuous flow calorimeter to determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid, ...

  18. Specific Heat Capacity Circuit Diagram

    Specific capacity latent shc determining immersion Specific capacity figure precautions Specific capacity heat energy equation physics using temperature gcse thermal change science revision ... Aqa a level physics year 2 /ib physicsHeat specific capacity method lab mixtures brass Specific heat capacity and latent heat experiments in ...