Grade 9 Past Papers.

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Mathematics. Notes: Grade 8 and 9 Mathematics - Questions and Answers Past Papers: ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2021 ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2021 ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2021 GCE ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2020 ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2020 ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2020 GCE ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2020 specimen ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2019 ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2019 ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2019 GCE ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2019 GCE ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2018 ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2017 ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2016 ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2016 ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2015 ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2015 ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2014 ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2014 ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2014 specimen ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2014 specimen ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2013 ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2013 ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2012 ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2012 ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2011 ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2011 ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2010 ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2010 ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2009 ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2009 ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2008 ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2007 Science. Notes: Grade 8 to 9 Integrated Science - Questions nd Answers Past Papers: ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2020 specimen. ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2019. ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2017 ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2016 specimen ECZ Integrated Science Paper 2 2015 specimen ECZ Integrated Science Paper 3 2015 ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2014 specimen ECZ Integrated Science Paper 2 2014 specimen ECZ Environmental Science Paper 2 2012 English. Notes: Grade 8 to 9 English Language Pamphlet Past Papers: ECZ English Paper 1 2020 specimen ECZ English Paper 2 2019 (Solutions: click here ) ECZ English Paper 1 2016 (Solutions: click here ) ECZ English Paper 2 2016 ECZ English Paper 1 2015 (Solutions: click here ) ECZ English Paper 1 2014 specimen ECZ English Paper 2 2014 specimen ECZ English Paper 1 2013 ECZ English Paper 2 2013 ECZ English Paper 3 2013 ECZ English Paper 1 2012 ECZ English Paper 2 2012 ECZ English Paper 3 2012 ECZ English Paper 1 2011 ECZ English Paper 2 2011 ECZ English Paper 3 2011 ECZ English Paper 1 2010 ECZ English Paper 2 2010 ECZ English Paper 3 2010 ECZ English Paper 1 2009 ECZ English Paper 2 2009 ECZ English Paper 3 2009 ECZ English Paper 1 2008 ECZ English Paper 2 2008 ECZ English Paper 3 2008 History. ECZ History 2013 ECZ History 2012 ECZ History 2011 ECZ History 2010 ECZ History 2009 ECZ History 2004 ECZ History 2003 ECZ History 2002 ECZ History 2001 Social Studies. Notes: Grade 8 and 9 Social Studies Pamphlet Grade 8 to 9 Social Studies Notes Past Papers: ECZ Social Studies Paper 2 2020 specimen ECZ Social Studies Paper 1 2017 ECZ Social Studies Paper 2 2017 ECZ Social Studies Paper 2 2016 ECZ Social Studies Paper 1 2015 ECZ Social Studies Paper 1 2014 specimen ECZ Social Studies Paper 2 2014 specimen Geography. ECZ Geography Paper 1 2013 ECZ Geography Paper 2 2013 ECZ Geography Paper 1 2012 ECZ Geography Paper 2 2012 ECZ Geography Paper 1 2011 ECZ Geography Paper 2 2011 ECZ Geography Paper 1 2010 ECZ Geography Paper 2 2010 ECZ Geography Paper 1 2009 ECZ Geography Paper 2 2009 ECZ Geography Paper 1 2008 Civics. ECZ Civics 2013 (Solutions: click here ) ECZ Civics 2012 (Solutions: click here ) ECZ Civics 2011 (Solutions: click here ) ECZ Civics 2010 (Solutions: click here ) ECZ Civics 2009 Religious Education. Notes: Grade 8 to 9 Religious Education Notes Past Papers: ECZ Religious Education 2020 specimen ECZ Religious Education 2019 ECZ Religious Education 2018 ECZ Religious Education 2017 ECZ Religious Education 2016 ECZ Religious Education 2015 ECZ Religious Education 2014 specimen ECZ Religious Education 2013 ECZ Religious Education 2012 ECZ Religious Education 2011 ECZ Religious Education 2010 ECZ Religious Education 2009 Computer Studies. Notes: Grade 8 Computer Studies Notes Grade 8 to 9 Computer Studies Notes Grade 9 Computer Basics - Input Devices Past Papers: ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2020 specimen ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2019 ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2017 ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2017 ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2016 ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2016 ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2015 ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2015 ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2014 specimen ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2014 specimen Business Studies. Notes: Business Studies Revison Guide Grade 8 to 9 Business Studies - Questions and Answers Past Papers: ECZ Business Studies 2020 specimen ECZ Business Studies 2019 specimen ECZ Business Studies 2017 specimen ECZ Business Studies 2016 ECZ Business Studies 2015 ECZ Business Studies 2014 specimen Office Practice. ECZ Office Pratice 2013 ECZ Office Pratice 2013 specimen ECZ Office Pratice 2012 ECZ Office Pratice 2012 specimen ECZ Office Pratice 2011 ECZ Office Pratice 2011 specimen ECZ Office Pratice 2010 ECZ Office Pratice 2010 specimen ECZ Office Pratice 2009 ECZ Office Pratice 2009 specimen French. ECZ French Paper 1 2020 specimen ECZ French Paper 1 2014 specimen ECZ French Paper 2 014 specimen Art & Design. ECZ Art & Design 2020 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Art & Design 2018 Paper 1 ECZ Art & Design 2014 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Art & Design 2014 Paper 2 specimen ECZ Art & Design 2014 Paper 3 specimen Physical Education. ECZ Physical Education 2014 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Physical Education 2014 Paper 2 specimen Home Economics. ECZ Home Economics 2014 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Home Economics 2014 Paper 2 specimen ECZ Home Economics 2014 Paper 3 specimen ECZ Home Economics 2013 Paper 1 ECZ Home Economics 2013 Paper 2 ECZ Home Economics 2012 Paper 1 ECZ Home Economics 2012 Paper 2 ECZ Home Economics 2011 Paper 1 ECZ Home Economics 2011 Paper 2 ECZ Home Economics 2010 Paper 1 ECZ Home Economics 2010 Paper 2 ECZ Home Economics 2009 Paper 1 ECZ Home Economics 2009 Paper 2 Musical Arts Education. ECZ Musical Arts Education 2020 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Musical Arts Education 2014 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Musical Arts Education 2014 Paper 2 specimen ECZ Musical Arts Education 2014 Paper 3 specimen Agricultural Science. ECZ Agricultural Science 2020 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Agricultural Science 2014 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Agricultural Science 2014 Paper 2 specimen Design & Technology. ECZ Design and Technology 2020 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Design and Technology 2014 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Design and Technology 2014 Paper 2 specimen ECZ Design and Technology 2014 Paper 3 specimen Icibemba. ECZ Icibemba 2020 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Icibemba 2020 Paper 2 specimen ECZ Icibemba 2014 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Icibemba 2014 Paper 2 specimen Kiikaonde. ECZ Kiikaonde 2020 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Kiikaonde 2020 Paper 2 specimen ECZ Kiikaonde 2014 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Kiikaonde 2014 Paper 2 specimen Lunda. ECZ Lunda 2020 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Lunda 2020 Paper 2 specimen ECZ Lunda 2014 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Lunda 2014 Paper 2 specimen Cinyanja. ECZ Cinyanja 2020 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Cinyanja 2020 Paper 2 specimen ECZ Cinyanja 2016 Paper 2 ECZ Cinyanja 2015 Paper 1 ECZ Cinyanja 2014 Paper 2 specimen ECZ Cinyanja 2014 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Cinyanja 2014 Paper 2 specimen Chitonga. ECZ Chitonga 2020 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Chitonga 2020 Paper 2 specimen ECZ Chitonga 2014 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Chitonga 2014 Paper 2 specimen Silozi ECZ Silozi 2020 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Silozi 2020 Paper 2 specimen ECZ Silozi 2014 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Silozi 2014 Paper 2 specimen Luvale. ECZ Luvale 2020 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Luvale 2020 Paper 2 specimen ECZ Luvale 2014 Paper 1 specimen ECZ Luvale 2014 Paper 2 specimen

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Zambia ECZ Grade 9 Religious Education Past Papers PDF

religious education past papers grade 9

All Zambia ECZ Grade 9 Religious Education Past Papers PDF (2010 – 2020) free download for revision. All these past papers will come in handy to all students preparing for the upcoming Examinations Council Exams of Zambia.

Zambia ECZ Grade 9 Religious Education Past Papers PDF

About the Zambia ECZ

An Act of Parliament established the Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) in 1983 to set and conduct examinations and award certificates to successful candidates.  Before this enactment, the Ministry of Education and Culture under the Examinations Section used to conduct the examinations.

After the enactment, the section continued to perform the function of conducting the examinations while simultaneously developing an institutional framework and job descriptions.

Important!:  Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

The full launch and operationalization of the Examinations Council of Zambia was in 1987 as a semi-autonomous public institution (Parastatal). Prior to the establishment of the Council, the University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate in the United Kingdom was the examining and awarding body. The syndicate’s examinations catered for many countries and consequently, it was not easy for such examinations to reflect the needs of Zambia.  

The country was subject to the curricula, syllabi and regulations of the syndicate with little say in the general policy of the syndicate examinations. In view of this, it became necessary to reach a decision to localise School Certificate examinations. Consequential to this was the need to develop capacity in the construction, administration and marking of examinations. This gave rise to the establishment of the Examinations Council of Zambia.

The main functions of the Council as stipulated in the Examinations Council of Zambia Act, No. 15 of 1983 are to:

  • To conduct examinations
  • To process the results;
  • To award certificates and diplomas to candidates who pass examinations conducted by the council;
  • To carry out relevant research in examinations;
  • To advise any public institution on the development and use of any system of testing or examining when requested to do so;
  • To formulate syllabuses for examinations; promote the international recognition of qualifications conferred by the Council;
  • To approve or reject appointments of examiners;
  • To organise training courses, or arrange for the training of, examiners, markers, supervisors, invigilators and other persons connected with examinations;
  • To invite any person or body in or outside Zambia to assist the Council in the conduct of examinations.

ECZ Religious Education 2020 specimen

ECZ Religious Education 2019

ECZ Religious Education 2018

ECZ Religious Education 2017

ECZ Religious Education 2016

ECZ Religious Education 2015

ECZ Religious Education 2014 specimen

ECZ Religious Education 2013

ECZ Religious Education 2012

ECZ Religious Education 2011

ECZ Religious Education 2010

ECZ Religious Education 2009

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Dans notre plateforme, vous trouverez les derniers sujets des examens nationaux ( G.C.E , CAP , BEPC , PROBATOIRE , BAC , BTS , LICENCE , MASTER , DOCTORAT) et internationaux ainsi que les anciennes épreuves de concours d’entrée dans des grandes écoles au Cameroun, en Côte d’ivoire, au Gabon, au Senegal et dans le monde: ENS , EAMAU , ENAM , ENIEG , IRIC , IFORD , IDE , MINSANTE , ENSET , ESSEC , IUT , FGI , FASA , FMSB , ESSTIC , EGEM , ENSP , ENSPT , UCAC , ENIET , POLICE , MINE ET PONT , FMSP , IIA , FSMB , EAMAC , CAFOP , INFAS , FASTEF

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Grade 9 Past Papers

Choose your subject and download past papers as pdfs.

ECZ English Paper 1 2020 specimen

ECZ English Paper 2 2019

ECZ English Paper 1 2019

ECZ English Paper 1 2016

ECZ English Paper 1 2015

ECZ English Paper 1 2014 specimen

ECZ English Paper 2 2014 specimen

ECZ English Paper 1 2013

ECZ English Paper 2 2013

ECZ English Paper 3 2013

ECZ English Paper 1 2012

ECZ English Paper 2 2012

ECZ English Paper 3 2012

ECZ English Paper 1 2011

ECZ English Paper 2 2011

ECZ English Paper 3 2011

ECZ English Paper 1 2010

ECZ English Paper 2 2010

ECZ English Paper 3 2010

ECZ English Paper 1 2009

ECZ English Paper 2 2009

ECZ English Paper 3 2009

ECZ English Paper 1 2008

ECZ English Paper 2 2008

ECZ English Paper 3 2008

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2021 

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2021 

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2021 GCE

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2020 specimen

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2019

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2019

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2018

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2017

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2017

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2016

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2016

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2015

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2015

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2014

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2014

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2014 specimen

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2014 specimen

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2013

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2013

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2012

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2012

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2011

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2011

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2010

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2010

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2009

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2009

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2008

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2007

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2020 specimen

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2019

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2017

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2016 specimen

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 2 2015 specimen

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 3 2015

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2014 specimen

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 2 2014 specimen

ECZ Environmental Science Paper 2 2012

ECZ Civics 2013

ECZ Civics 2012

ECZ Civics 2011

ECZ Civics 2010

ECZ Civics 2009

ECZ Geography Paper 1 2013

ECZ Geography Paper 2 2013

ECZ Geography Paper 1 2012

ECZ Geography Paper 2 2012

ECZ Geography Paper 1 2011

ECZ Geography Paper 2 2011

ECZ Geography Paper 1 2010

ECZ Geography Paper 2 2010

ECZ Geography Paper 1 2009

ECZ Geography Paper 2 2009

ECZ Geography Paper 1 2008

ECZ History 2013

ECZ History 2012

ECZ History 2011

ECZ History 2010

ECZ History 2009

ECZ History 2004

ECZ History 2003

ECZ History 2002

ECZ History 2001

ECZ Religious Education 2020 specimen

ECZ Religious Education 2019

ECZ Religious Education 2018

ECZ Religious Education 2017

ECZ Religious Education 2016

ECZ Religious Education 2015

ECZ Religious Education 2014 specimen

ECZ Religious Education 2013

ECZ Religious Education 2012

ECZ Religious Education 2011

ECZ Religious Education 2010

ECZ Religious Education 2009

ECZ Cinyanja 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Cinyanja 2020 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Cinyanja 2016 Paper 2

ECZ Cinyanja 2015 Paper 1

ECZ Cinyanja 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Cinyanja 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Icibemba Paper 2 2017 GCE.

ECZ Icibemba Paper 1 2017 GCE.

ECZ Icibemba Paper 2 2016 GCE.

ECZ Icibemba Paper 1 2016 GCE.

ECZ Chitonga 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Chitonga 2020 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Chitonga 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Chitonga 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Kiikaonde 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Kiikaonde 2020 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Kiikaonde 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Kiikaonde 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Silozi 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Silozi 2020 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Silozi 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Silozi 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Luvale 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Luvale 2020 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Luvale 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Luvale 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Lunda 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Lunda 2020 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Lunda 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Lunda 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ French Paper 1 2020 specimen

ECZ French Paper 1 2014 specimen

ECZ French Paper 2 014 specimen

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2020 specimen

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2019

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2017

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2017

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2016

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2016

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2015

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2015

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2014 specimen

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2014 specimen

ECZ Business Studies 2020 specimen

ECZ Business Studies 2019 specimen

ECZ Business Studies 2017 specimen

ECZ Business Studies 2016

ECZ Business Studies 2015

ECZ Business Studies 2014 specimen

ECZ Office Pratice 2013

ECZ Office Pratice 2013 specimen

ECZ Office Pratice 2012

ECZ Office Pratice 2012 specimen

ECZ Office Pratice 2011

ECZ Office Pratice 2011 specimen

ECZ Office Pratice 2010

ECZ Office Pratice 2010 specimen

ECZ Office Pratice 2009

ECZ Office Pratice 2009 specimen

ECZ Art & Design 2018 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Art & Design 2018 Paper 1

ECZ Art & Design 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Art & Design 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Art & Design 2014 Paper 3 specimen

ECZ Physical Education 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Physical Education 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Home Economics 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Home Economics 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Home Economics 2014 Paper 3 specimen

ECZ Home Economics 2013 Paper 1

ECZ Home Economics 2013 Paper 2

ECZ Home Economics 2012 Paper 1

ECZ Home Economics 2012 Paper 2

ECZ Home Economics 2011 Paper 1

ECZ Home Economics 2011 Paper 2

ECZ Home Economics 2010 Paper 1

ECZ Home Economics 2010 Paper 2

ECZ Home Economics 2009 Paper 1

ECZ Home Economics 2009 Paper 2

ECZ Musical Arts Education 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Musical Arts Education 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Musical Arts Education 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Musical Arts Education 2014 Paper 3 specimen

ECZ Design and Technology 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Design and Technology 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Design and Technology 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Design and Technology 2014 Paper 3 specimen

Agricultural Science 2020 Paper 1 specimen

Agricultural Science 2014 Paper 1 specimen

Agricultural Science 2014 Paper 2 specimen is developed by young innovators trying to simplify Zambian education. This site is missing some material but is updated frequently.

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Zambia Examination Past Papers Grade 9 (All Subjects)

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E-statement of results ECZ 2023/2024 – Zambia Examinations Council

We are pleased to present all prospective Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) Grade 7, 9 and 12 Examination candidates the ECZ past exam questions for download in pdf format. Are you in your last stage of Secondary School Education or not in the School system? If yes, you can now download the Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) Grade 7, 9 and 12 Examination past papers to assist you with your studies.

The following below are the Zambia Examination Past Papers Grade 9 for all subjects. Download Zambian past examination papers for Grade 9 and pass your examination with flying colours. Select a subject and download past papers for free.


  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2020 specimen
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2019
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2019
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2018
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2017
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2016
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2016
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2015
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2015
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2014
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2014
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2014 specimen
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2014 specimen
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2013
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2013
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2012
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2012
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2011
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2011
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2010
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2010
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2009
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2009
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2008
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2007
  • ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2020 specimen.
  • ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2019.
  • ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2017
  • ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2016 specimen
  • ECZ Integrated Science Paper 2 2015 specimen
  • ECZ Integrated Science Paper 3 2015
  • ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2014 specimen
  • ECZ Integrated Science Paper 2 2014 specimen
  • ECZ Environmental Science Paper 2 2012
  • ECZ English Paper 1 2020 specimen
  • ECZ English Paper 2 2019
  • ECZ English Paper 1 2016
  • ECZ English Paper 2 2016
  • ECZ English Paper 1 2015
  • ECZ English Paper 1 2014 specimen
  • ECZ English Paper 2 2014 specimen
  • ECZ English Paper 1 2013
  • ECZ English Paper 2 2013
  • ECZ English Paper 3 2013
  • ECZ English Paper 1 2012
  • ECZ English Paper 2 2012
  • ECZ English Paper 3 2012
  • ECZ English Paper 1 2011
  • ECZ English Paper 2 2011
  • ECZ English Paper 3 2011
  • ECZ English Paper 1 2010
  • ECZ English Paper 2 2010
  • ECZ English Paper 3 2010
  • ECZ English Paper 1 2009
  • ECZ English Paper 2 2009
  • ECZ English Paper 3 2009
  • ECZ English Paper 1 2008
  • ECZ English Paper 2 2008
  • ECZ English Paper 3 2008
  • ECZ History 2013
  • ECZ History 2012
  • ECZ History 2011
  • ECZ History 2010
  • ECZ History 2009
  • ECZ History 2004
  • ECZ History 2003
  • ECZ History 2002
  • ECZ History 2001

Social Studies.

  • ECZ Social Studies Paper 2 2020 specimen
  • ECZ Social Studies Paper 1 2017
  • ECZ Social Studies Paper 2 2017
  • ECZ Social Studies Paper 2 2016
  • ECZ Social Studies Paper 1 2015
  • ECZ Social Studies Paper 1 2014 specimen
  • ECZ Social Studies Paper 2 2014 specimen
  • ECZ Geography Paper 1 2013
  • ECZ Geography Paper 2 2013
  • ECZ Geography Paper 2 2013 (Answer Sheet)
  • ECZ Geography Paper 1 2012
  • ECZ Geography Paper 2 2012
  • ECZ Geography Paper 1 2011
  • ECZ Geography Paper 2 2011
  • ECZ Geography Paper 1 2010
  • ECZ Geography Paper 2 2010
  • ECZ Geography Paper 1 2009
  • ECZ Geography Paper 2 2009
  • ECZ Geography Paper 1 2008
  • ECZ Civics 2013
  • ECZ Civics 2013 (Answer Sheet)
  • ECZ Civics 2012
  • ECZ Civics 2011
  • ECZ Civics 2010
  • ECZ Civics 2009

Religious Education.

  • ECZ Religious Education 2020 specimen
  • ECZ Religious Education 2019
  • ECZ Religious Education 2018
  • ECZ Religious Education 2017
  • ECZ Religious Education 2016
  • ECZ Religious Education 2015
  • ECZ Religious Education 2014 specimen
  • ECZ Religious Education 2013
  • ECZ Religious Education 2012
  • ECZ Religious Education 2011
  • ECZ Religious Education 2010
  • ECZ Religious Education 2009

Computer Studies.

  • ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2020 specimen
  • ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2019
  • ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2017
  • ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2017
  • ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2016
  • ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2016
  • ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2015
  • ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2015
  • ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2014 specimen
  • ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2014 specimen

Business Studies.

  • ECZ Business Studies 2020 specimen
  • ECZ Business Studies 2019 specimen
  • ECZ Business Studies 2017 specimen
  • ECZ Business Studies 2016
  • ECZ Business Studies 2015
  • ECZ Business Studies 2014 specimen

Office Practice.

  • ECZ Office Pratice 2013
  • ECZ Office Pratice 2013 specimen
  • ECZ Office Pratice 2012
  • ECZ Office Pratice 2012 specimen
  • ECZ Office Pratice 2011
  • ECZ Office Pratice 2011 specimen
  • ECZ Office Pratice 2010
  • ECZ Office Pratice 2010 specimen
  • ECZ Office Pratice 2009
  • ECZ Office Pratice 2009 specimen
  • ECZ French Paper 1 2020 specimen
  • ECZ French Paper 1 2014 specimen
  • ECZ French Paper 2 014 specimen

Art & Design.

Physical education..

  • ECZ Physical Education 2014 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Physical Education 2014 Paper 2 specimen

Home Economics.

  • ECZ Home Economics 2014 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Home Economics 2014 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Home Economics 2014 Paper 3 specimen
  • ECZ Home Economics 2013 Paper 1
  • ECZ Home Economics 2013 Paper 2
  • ECZ Home Economics 2012 Paper 1
  • ECZ Home Economics 2012 Paper 2
  • ECZ Home Economics 2011 Paper 1
  • ECZ Home Economics 2011 Paper 2
  • ECZ Home Economics 2010 Paper 1
  • ECZ Home Economics 2010 Paper 2
  • ECZ Home Economics 2009 Paper 1
  • ECZ Home Economics 2009 Paper 2

Musical Arts Education.

  • ECZ Musical Arts Education 2020 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Musical Arts Education 2014 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Musical Arts Education 2014 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Musical Arts Education 2014 Paper 3 specimen

Agricultural Science.

  • ECZ Agricultural Science 2020 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Agricultural Science 2014 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Agricultural Science 2014 Paper 2 specimen

Design & Technology.

  • ECZ Design and Technology 2020 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Design and Technology 2014 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Design and Technology 2014 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Design and Technology 2014 Paper 3 specimen
  • ECZ Icibemba 2020 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Icibemba 2020 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Icibemba 2014 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Icibemba 2014 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Kiikaonde 2020 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Kiikaonde 2020 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Kiikaonde 2014 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Kiikaonde 2014 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Lunda 2020 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Lunda 2020 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Lunda 2014 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Lunda 2014 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Cinyanja 2020 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Cinyanja 2020 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Cinyanja 2016 Paper 2
  • ECZ Cinyanja 2015 Paper 1
  • ECZ Cinyanja 2014 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Cinyanja 2014 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Chitonga 2020 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Chitonga 2020 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Chitonga 2014 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Chitonga 2014 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Silozi 2020 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Silozi 2020 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Silozi 2014 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Silozi 2014 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Luvale 2020 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Luvale 2020 Paper 2 specimen
  • ECZ Luvale 2014 Paper 1 specimen
  • ECZ Luvale 2014 Paper 2 specimen


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ECZ Grade 9 Luvale Past papers is available now on This is to help students improve their studying capacity…

ECZ Grade 9 Chitonga Past papers

ECZ Grade 9 Chitonga Past papers

ECZ Grade 9 Chitonga Past papers is available now on This is to help students improve their studying capacity…

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Zambia ECZ Grade 9 Past Papers PDF (2010 – 2020)

Download Zambia ECZ Grade 9 past papers for 2010 to 2020. All these past papers will come in handy to all students preparing for the upcoming Examinations Council Exams of Zambia.

As a student preparing for a public exam, studying past questions is one of the biggest ways of getting accustomed to the way the exam is set.

The  Examinations Council of Zambia  (ECZ) was established under the Examinations Council of Zambia Act of 1983, [1]  to set and conduct examinations and award certificates to successful candidates.

You can download ECZ past papers PDF files for 2009 to 2020 from her e.

About the Zambia ECZ

An Act of Parliament established the Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) in 1983 to set and conduct examinations and award certificates to successful candidates.  Before this enactment, the Ministry of Education and Culture under the Examinations Section used to conduct the examinations. 

After the enactment, the section continued to perform the function of conducting the examinations while simultaneously developing an institutional framework and job descriptions.

The full launch and operationalization of the Examinations Council of Zambia was in 1987 as a semi-autonomous public institution (Parastatal). Prior to the establishment of the Council, the University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate in the United Kingdom was the examining and awarding body. The syndicate’s examinations catered for many countries and consequently, it was not easy for such examinations to reflect the needs of Zambia.

The country was subject to the curricula, syllabi and regulations of the syndicate with little say in the general policy of the syndicate examinations. In view of this, it became necessary to reach a decision to localise School Certificate examinations. Consequential to this was the need to develop capacity in the construction, administration and marking of examinations. This gave rise to the establishment of the Examinations Council of Zambia.

The main functions of the Council as stipulated in the Examinations Council of Zambia Act, No. 15 of 1983 are to:

  • To conduct examinations
  • To process the results;
  • To award certificates and diplomas to candidates who pass examinations conducted by the council;
  • To carry out relevant research in examinations;
  • To advise any public institution on the development and use of any system of testing or examining when requested to do so;
  • To formulate syllabuses for examinations; promote the international recognition of qualifications conferred by the Council;
  • To approve or reject appointments of examiners;
  • To organise training courses, or arrange for the training of, examiners, markers, supervisors, invigilators and other persons connected with examinations;
  • To invite any person or body in or outside Zambia to assist the Council in the conduct of examinations.

Free Download ECZ Grade 9 Past Papers PDF (2010 – 2020)

Below is a collection of Zambia ECZ Grade 9 past papers. Download them and start revising right away.

  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2020 specimen
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2019
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2019
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2018
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2017
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2016
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2016
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2015
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2015
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2014
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2014
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2014 specimen
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2014 specimen
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2013
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2013
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2012
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2012
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2011
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2011
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2010
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2010
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2009
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2009
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2008
  • ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2007

Download Mathematics Past Questions PDF

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[irp posts=”86272″ name=” Biology WAEC Syllabus for SSCE and GCE 2021″]


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religious education past papers grade 9

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St. Catherine High School

Prayer and Work Conquer All


Trigonometry - Trig Ratios

Sine, Cosine and Tangent - Notes

If you are using your phone and asked to "rotate to begin", rotate the view of your screen to landscape.

Trig. Ratio 1

Trigonometry - Law of Sines / Sine Rule

Sine Rule Notes

Click the link below and read the notes. Complete the test  at the bottom by creating a MICROSOFT word document and input the answers. When you have finished the activity, whatsapp the word document with your answers to your English Teacher.

WEEK 1,2 &3

Clauses & Activity

Types of Sentences

Antonyms Activity

WEEK 1 -Prose

Discussion Questions - Whole book.

TKAM Study guide

TKAM Multiple Choice Test

TKAM Crossword Puzzle CH. 1-4

WEEK 2 -Prose

TKAM Discussion Questions (2)

TKAM Characterisation



WEEK 3 -Poetry

Analysis of  Dulce-Et-Decorum-Est by Wilfred Owen

Religious Education

Unit 2: personal stewardship.

Students should Read pages 32   - 41 from their textbook with the topics: 1. Growing in responsibility: Judaism 2. Growing in responsibility: Christianity 3. Growing in responsibility: Islam 4. Making personal choices and moral decisions  5. Sexuality 1

Students are required to pick up from their last topic, then make notes and complete  ' Things to do activities'. Some of the 'Things to do'  activities are stated as group work; however, they should be done individually.

Growing in Responsibility

Instruction: Students who are without the textbook should copy information from handout to their  note books then:

1. State the different roles and responsibilities they have as they mature into adulthood.

2. Highlight the roles of influential persons who played a part in their upbringing.

Growing in Responsibility Handout

Physical Education

Grades 7, 8 & 9 - girls, grades 7, 8 & 9 - boys.

The Game of Cricket

Grades 9 - Boys

1. List five (5) ROLES of the following :

A. Cricket West Indies

B. Jamaica Cricket Association(JCA).

                                                                                                                                         ( 10 Marks)

2. Explain the relationships between the two organizations at A and B in terms of how each      other relates.                                                                                                               (10 Marks)

3. Discuss three impacts that the game of cricket plays in the Jamaican society.

                                                                                                                                          (10 Marks)                                                                                                                                    (Total 30 Marks)

Email assignment  to Mr. Morgan at: [email protected]

Grade 9 - Boys and Girls

Cricket and Volleyball

Grades 7 & 9 Girls

Submit all assignments to:  [email protected]

Identify the notes of the major scales


Phillip DaCosta is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Phillip DaCosta's Personal Meeting Room

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 581 495 9198

Thursday April 2, 2020

Business Education

Marketing activities.

Channels of Distribution

Environmental Protection

Planning & Organizing the Business

Preterite tense

Download the document below  and complete in your notebooks, the preterite tense of verbs ending in -car,-gar,-zar, irregular preterite cucaracha , the most irregular spanish verbs in the preterite, assignment 1, write a paragraph on 4 of the following jamaican dance personalities. this paragraph should give background information on each dancer as well as highlighting important aspects of their dance career., a photograph of each dancer is required., professor rex nettleford, dr. l’antoinette stines, marlon  simms, kerry-ann henry , clive thompson , patsy ricketts, orville hall, chris walker , neila ebanks, barbara requa , assignment 2.

Latin Dance

Latin Dances  hail from several different countries in South and Central America and the Caribbean, and most have influences that range far beyond this region. Some dances are easier to learn than others, but all Latin   have a flair that hooks both spectators and dancers.

Write a paragraph on each of the following Latin Dances:


Cha Cha Cha



Paso Doble 


In this paragraph include the following:

A brief history on each dance style

The meaning for each dance style given

Place origins for each dance style

Instruments used for each dance style 

This assignment should be done in Microsoft Word and sent to the following email address [email protected] .

The assignment should have a cover page with each student’s name, grade, title for assignment   and date. The deadline to hand in the assignment is April 20,2020 at 5pm .

Food, Nutrition and Health

Convenience foods, cake marking.

Cake is a delicious , sweet item made from flour, sugar, and other ingredients, that is usually baked which can be served as a snack or dessert in a meal. They are important items for such celebrations as birthday, weddings, anniversaries or other family occasions. Link to Notes

Social Studies

Read the following notes. copy and complete in your notebooks.

religious education past papers grade 9

Activity #1

Integration Movement Notes and Activity

Automotive Technology

Wheels and tyres, electrical technology, resistor colour codes.

religious education past papers grade 9

Mechanical Technology

religious education past papers grade 9

The Mulatto Revolt

Notes and Activity

Cuban Revolution

Use the PowerPoint Presentation on the Cuban Revolution as well as other sources to complete the worksheet. Worksheet PowerPoint

Clothing and Textiles

Clothing and culture, agriculture, agriculture and the environment notes and activity, irrigation powerpoint, fertilizer notes, pesticides notes, sensitivity & coordination, complete activity taken from pages 31-34 of exploring biology grade 9, use the words in the word bank to complete the concept map., nervous system, dear students,, as you might have heard, csec will be using sba and paper 1 for exam., listed in the syllabus is a copy of what the paper 1 would be like at the end, text & syb\csec physics syllabus with specimen papers and mark scheme-keys.pdf, we have covered the syllabus, please review materials on magnetism, one student has not turned in their lab book some did not check all labs., students know who they are. the score are being entered as final grade you have all worked hard and very proud of you all’ be safe and “keep your head to the sky”, any questions, 876 363 7334,, [email protected], i will also continue to post information on this school site, csec physics syllabus with specimen papers and mark scheme-keys.

Physics Module 2 (Magnetism)

Physics Module 2 (Magnetism Worksheet)

Visual Arts

Teachers: Mr. Lindo

Instruction : Create a two-point perspective drawing using the link below as a step-by-step guide. Drawing MUST BE COMPLETED USING A PENCIL . After drawing is completed, please take a picture of the work and send it to the email address provided. 

Your name and class must be written at the top of the work, and place in the subject when sending the email of the completed work. 

Nb: Work and questions should be sent to the following email address: [email protected]

Ajiraforum South africa | Universities and Tvet Colleges Admissons | Grades Past Exam Papers and Memo

ECZ Religious Education Grade 9 Past Exam Paper with Answers Paper 1& 2 Zambia PDF Download

Ecz religious education grade 9 past exam paper with answers paper 1& 2 zambia pdf download,   join our whatsapp group. click here.

ECZ Religious Education Grade 9 Past Exam Paper with Answers Paper 1& 2 Zambia PDF Download Are you Preparing to seat for ECZ Zambia Religious Education Examination this Year ? Here you will be able to Download Freely Religious Education Grade 9 ECZ Exams Past Paper 1 & Paper 2 For All terms past and Previous exam question papers Study Notes, Guide , with Answers (Marking Scheme) f or answers For Academic Year (2024 ,2023,2022, 2021, 2020, 2019,2018,2017,2016,2015 and more) This Article is Accuracy  prescribed textbooks, and study guides. Most of the resources are in pdf format for easy Download. For The All Terms Semester 1 Term 1,  Semester 1 term 2,Semester 2 Term 3, Semester 2 term 4 . The most recent official Past Paper, and Sample Test from the Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) , are available for free on Along with the solutions and mark systems, each question is also detail explained.

This school year, if you’re taking  Religious Education Grade 9 we have all the resources you need to succeed, such as prior exams and exam prep guides. You can gain insight into what is tested on this topic by using these resources. They will aid in your comprehension of the theories and concepts being examined, allowing you to devote more time to studying for your tests.

ECZ Exams Grading Syestem

A+11.0086.00 – 100.00DistinctionA+ 
A10.00 – 10.9976.00 – 85.99DistinctionA 
B+9.00 – 9.9966.00 – 75.99MeritoriusB+ 
B8.00 – 8.9956.00 – 65.99Very SatisfactoryB 
C+6.00 – 6.9946.00 – 55.99Definite PassC+ 
P5.00 – 5.9940.00 – 45.99Pass 
C4.00 – 4.9936.00 – 39.99Bare PassCMinimum passing grade
CP3.00 – 3.9930.00 – 35.99Compensatory passC- 
D+2.00 – 2.990.00 – 29.99Bare failF 
D1.00 – 1.990.00 – 29.99Clear failF 
E1.00 – 0.990.00 – 29.99WorthlessF 
1.00 – 2.00DistinctionA
3.00 – 4.00MeritB
5.00 – 6.00CreditC
7.00 – 8.00SatisfactoryD

Where to Download  Religious Education Grade 9 Past Exam Papers and Memos

You can access the Religious Education Grade 9  Past Exam Papers and Memos in a few different way

Recommended => ECZ Web Portal Login -E-Statement Results Checking & Online Verification

One way is to access the for Religious Education Grade 9 Past Exam Papers and Answers on the website of your local Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) ,Schools and Examination Centers.

You can also look for the papers online. You should find a few options after performing a quick Google search. Finally, you can also request copies of the papers from other students or teachers.

It is crucial to remember that these documents and memos aren’t always the most current or accurate. For instance, the 2015 papers and memos might not accurately reflect the curriculum today. For the

most accurate and recent information, it is always best to visit the website of your local department of basic education.

How to Pass ECZ Religious Education Exams with flying colors

One of the most significant accomplishments in your academic career is passing ECZ. It provides access to a wide range of post secondary options and employment possibilities. Use our best study advice to complete your matriculation, and you’ll succeed with flying colors.

READ => ECZ e-Statement of Results Grade 9 Examination Results  PDF Download

Top Tips on Passing Your ECZ Exams

Passing ECZ Exam is one of the most important achievements in your academic career. It opens the door for many further study options and career opportunities.

Study a Little Everyday

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to cram all your studying into the night before your exams. Study a bit every day. When your exam day finally arrives, all you need to do is revise.

Join Study Groups

Join a community of your peers striving towards the same goal. Study groups allow you to share information as well as offer help and support. You can even join online study groups .

Take Note on Making Notes

Your notes are a great resource when studying. Whether it’s your own or notes you made while in class, don’t let it go to waste. Make the most out of your notes and turn them into flashcards.

Take Extra Classes

If you’re struggling with a subject, ask your teacher to arrange extra classes and get the help you need. Who knows, there may be other students struggling with the same subject as you.

Create a Study Schedule

Stay up to date by using a study schedule. Note down your exam dates, and when you will study each subject. Allocate enough days to each subject, and don’t forget to add rest days too.

Believe You’ll Pass, and You Will

If you don’t feel confident writing your exams, you should adopt a positive attitude. If you believe you’ll pass, you will. Chin up and enjoy every step of it. It will all be worth it in the end.

List of ECZ Religious Education Grade 9 Past Exam Paper with Answers Paper

ECZ Religious Education 2020 specimen

ECZ Religious Education 2019

ECZ Religious Education 2018

ECZ Religious Education 2017

ECZ Religious Education 2016

ECZ Religious Education 2015

ECZ Religious Education 2014 specimen

ECZ Religious Education 2013

ECZ Religious Education 2012

ECZ Religious Education 2011

ECZ Religious Education 2010

ECZ Religious Education 2009

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Religious Education Grade 9

  • About This Book

This new edition of Religious Education for lower secondary is a three-level resource that matches the aims, approaches and methods of the National Standards Curriculum in Jamaica. It encourages students to embrace the diversity of Caribbean religious culture in a holistic manner, by looking at the four major religions – Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam – and Rastafarianism and Revivalism, within the themes of Identity, Worship and Stewardship.

Key features: • Students will be able to relate to the real-life examples provided in the ‘In the Caribbean’ sections • ‘Did you know?’, ‘What do you think?’ and group discussion features allow students to share their thoughts and knowledge in a structured and safe environment • Digital activities cover the syllabus ICT attainment targets by focusing on communication and collaboration, designing and producing, research, critical thinking, problem solving and decision making and Digital Citizenship. • Personal dictionary icons provide students with the opportunity to reflect on, and develop, a deeper understanding of key terms and concepts • End-of-chapter and unit assessment questions test understanding and stimulate analysis of topics

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Religious Education Grade 9

ECZ Grade 9 Past Papers PDF Download

ECZ Grade 9 Past Papers PDF Download | Examination Council of Zambia, ECZ Grade 9 Past Papers & Revision guide. You can check it out and get to download your past paper to prepare for the next exam.

Are you in search of ECZ Grade 9 Past Papers and answers? If that’s what you are looking for, we have compiled the ECZ grade 9 past papers & answers in Pdf format to enable you to prepare for the forthcoming Examination Council of Zambia, ECZ grade 9 examination.

Candidates are advised to study the past questions properly to give them clues on the nature of questions to expect.

Free ECZ Grade 9 Past Papers PDF Download (Updated)


ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2020 specimen

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2019

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2019

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2018

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2017

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2016

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2016

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2015

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2015

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2014

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2014

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2014 specimen

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2014 specimen

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2013

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2013

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2012

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2012

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2011

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2011

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2010

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2010

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2009

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2009

ECZ Mathematics Paper 1 2008

ECZ Mathematics Paper 2 2007

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2020 specimen.

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2019.

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2017

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2016 specimen

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 2 2015 specimen

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 3 2015

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 1 2014 specimen

ECZ Integrated Science Paper 2 2014 specimen

ECZ Environmental Science Paper 2 2012

English Language

ECZ English Paper 1 2020 specimen

ECZ English Paper 2 2019

ECZ English Paper 1 2016

ECZ English Paper 2 2016

ECZ English Paper 1 2015

ECZ English Paper 1 2014 specimen

ECZ English Paper 2 2014 specimen

ECZ English Paper 1 2013

ECZ English Paper 2 2013

ECZ English Paper 3 2013

ECZ English Paper 1 2012

ECZ English Paper 2 2012

ECZ English Paper 3 2012

ECZ English Paper 1 2011

ECZ English Paper 2 2011

ECZ English Paper 3 2011

ECZ English Paper 1 2010

ECZ English Paper 2 2010

ECZ English Paper 3 2010

ECZ English Paper 1 2009

ECZ English Paper 2 2009

ECZ English Paper 3 2009

ECZ English Paper 1 2008

ECZ English Paper 2 2008

ECZ English Paper 3 2008

ECZ History 2013

ECZ History 2012

ECZ History 2011

ECZ History 2010

ECZ History 2009

ECZ History 2004

ECZ History 2003

ECZ History 2002

ECZ History 2001

Social Studies

ECZ Social Studies Paper 2 2020 specimen

ECZ Social Studies Paper 1 2017

ECZ Social Studies Paper 2 2017

ECZ Social Studies Paper 2 2016

ECZ Social Studies Paper 1 2015

ECZ Social Studies Paper 1 2014 specimen

ECZ Social Studies Paper 2 2014 specimen

ECZ Geography Paper 1 2013

ECZ Geography Paper 2 2013

ECZ Geography Paper 2 2013 (Answer Sheet)

ECZ Geography Paper 1 2012

ECZ Geography Paper 2 2012

ECZ Geography Paper 1 2011

ECZ Geography Paper 2 2011

ECZ Geography Paper 1 2010

ECZ Geography Paper 2 2010

ECZ Geography Paper 1 2009

ECZ Geography Paper 2 2009

ECZ Geography Paper 1 2008

ECZ Civics 2013

ECZ Civics 2013 (Answer Sheet)

ECZ Civics 2012

ECZ Civics 2011

ECZ Civics 2010

ECZ Civics 2009

Religious Education.

ECZ Religious Education 2020 specimen

ECZ Religious Education 2019

ECZ Religious Education 2018

ECZ Religious Education 2017

ECZ Religious Education 2016

ECZ Religious Education 2015

ECZ Religious Education 2014 specimen

ECZ Religious Education 2013

ECZ Religious Education 2012

ECZ Religious Education 2011

ECZ Religious Education 2010

ECZ Religious Education 2009

Computer Studies.

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2020 specimen

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2019

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2017

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2017

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2016

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2016

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2015

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2015

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 1 2014 specimen

ECZ Computer Studies Paper 2 2014 specimen

Business Studies.

ECZ Business Studies 2020 specimen

ECZ Business Studies 2019 specimen

ECZ Business Studies 2017 specimen

ECZ Business Studies 2016

ECZ Business Studies 2015

ECZ Business Studies 2014 specimen

Office Practice.

ECZ Office Pratice 2013

ECZ Office Pratice 2013 specimen

ECZ Office Pratice 2012

ECZ Office Pratice 2012 specimen

ECZ Office Pratice 2011

ECZ Office Pratice 2011 specimen

ECZ Office Pratice 2010

ECZ Office Pratice 2010 specimen

ECZ Office Pratice 2009

ECZ Office Pratice 2009 specimen

ECZ French Paper 1 2020 specimen

ECZ French Paper 1 2014 specimen

ECZ French Paper 2 014 specimen

Art & Design.

ECZ Art & Design 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Art & Design 2018 Paper 1

ECZ Art & Design 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Art & Design 2014 Paper 1 specimen (Answer Sheet)

ECZ Art & Design 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Art & Design 2014 Paper 3 specimen

Physical Education.

ECZ Physical Education 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Physical Education 2014 Paper 2 specimen

Home Economics.

ECZ Home Economics 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Home Economics 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Home Economics 2014 Paper 3 specimen

ECZ Home Economics 2013 Paper 1

ECZ Home Economics 2013 Paper 2

ECZ Home Economics 2012 Paper 1

ECZ Home Economics 2012 Paper 2

ECZ Home Economics 2011 Paper 1

ECZ Home Economics 2011 Paper 2

ECZ Home Economics 2010 Paper 1

ECZ Home Economics 2010 Paper 2

ECZ Home Economics 2009 Paper 1

ECZ Home Economics 2009 Paper 2

Musical Arts Education.

ECZ Musical Arts Education 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Musical Arts Education 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Musical Arts Education 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Musical Arts Education 2014 Paper 3 specimen

Agricultural Science.

ECZ Agricultural Science 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Agricultural Science 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Agricultural Science 2014 Paper 2 specimen

Design & Technology.

ECZ Design and Technology 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Design and Technology 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Design and Technology 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Design and Technology 2014 Paper 3 specimen

ECZ Icibemba 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Icibemba 2020 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Icibemba 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Icibemba 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Kiikaonde 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Kiikaonde 2020 Paper 2 specimen

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ECZ Kiikaonde 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Lunda 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Lunda 2020 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Lunda 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Lunda 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Cinyanja 2020 Paper 1 specimen

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ECZ Cinyanja 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Chitonga 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Chitonga 2020 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Chitonga 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Chitonga 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Silozi 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Silozi 2020 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Silozi 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Silozi 2014 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Luvale 2020 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Luvale 2020 Paper 2 specimen

ECZ Luvale 2014 Paper 1 specimen

ECZ Luvale 2014 Paper 2 specimen

For more downloads, visit

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Grade 09 - Religion

Download grade 9 religion past papers, grade 9 religion exam papers, textbooks, school syllabus, teachers' guide, activity sheets in sinhala, english, and tamil medium. download grade 9 religion term test papers for the first term, second term and third term test for free, grade 09 religion paper in tamil medium 3rd term test – 2018.

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Download Grade 09 Religionpaper in the Tamil Medium 3rd term test 2018. You can download the following link Below. It’s...

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