Thesis & Dissertation Information

All forms applicable to your major are now available using the new Forms portal. Fill out, submit, and print using the link below. Any questions, please email Julie Muenchen .

Templates & Guidelines

  • Formatting Guidelines
  • CEAS PowerPoint Template
  • CEAS Defense Form  
  • Admission to Candidacy Form  
  • PhD Dissertation Committee Form  

Frequently Asked Questions

Students must submit a defense public notice prior to their defense

  • Required  MS Public Notice  must be submitted 1 week prior to defense
  • Required  PhD Public Notice  must be submitted 2 weeks prior to defense
  • Required on line announcement for PhD students to post a 2 week public notice on the graduate school website.  Log in to “Announce Your Defense” . This is optional for MS students.

Submission Date ‐ It is your responsibility to follow the  graduation deadlines  for submitting graduation requirements and materials. Failure to meet published deadlines will result in cancellation of your graduation.

Defense Date - It is recommended that your defense date be 2 weeks or more prior to the Electronic Submission of Thesis/Dissertation Due Date graduation deadlines. This will give you 2 weeks to make any necessary changes, upload to SafeAssign and ETD. Please notify your advisor of the ETD submission date and deadlines when scheduling your defense date.

Two forms are required to be signed by your advisor and committee on the day of your defense:

  • Defense Form  
  • Committee Approval Form
  • Submit your signed  CEAS Defense Form ,  Program of Study  and  Plagiarism Pledge  to the GSO, 665 Baldwin Hall
  • 1st Submit your thesis/dissertation to  SafeAssign  in Blackboard.  You will find a class in your blackboard upload your thesis/dissertation and instructions on what to do after you upload.   Wait for approval from the GSO.  Do not submit to ETD until you have your  SafeAssign  approval.
  • 2nd Upload to ETD ONLY after you have received your SafeAssign approval.  You advisor must approve your ETD submission by the ETD submission date.  This is a firm deadline, no exceptions.  The deadline can be found on the Graduation Checklist.
  • MEng Students - ONLY
  • All MEng students should refer to the MEng Handbook for forms and graduation procedures. If you have graduation questions please see Julie Steimle, 665 Baldwin Hall or email  [email protected] . All GRADUATION forms below must be submitted to Julie Steimle two weeks prior to the commencement date for the term you are graduating in. 
  • Program of Study
  • Capstone Approval Form
  • MEng Student Code of Conduct Verification Form
  • ALL MS, MEng and PhD Graduating Students


Certification letters will take 2‐3 weeks after all graduation submissions are complete. Degree posting to transcripts take approximately 4‐5 weeks after the graduation date. Diplomas are mailed out approximately 6 weeks after the graduation date. If you have an address change for your diploma please email the address change to Chelsea Smalling at [email protected] . Please include your name, M#, complete new address, phone #, program and degree.

Electronic Diplomas – Student who have graduated in or after the Fall 2017 semester have the option of ordering an electronic diploma. The electronic diploma will not replace the paper diploma. An electronic diploma will only be available for purchase after the paper diploma prints.

CeDiploma: University of Cincinnati is proud to offer you a Certified Electronic Diploma which you can  order/download  today!

  • Your CeDiploma is an official, portable, and verifiable electronic version of your accomplishment and can be shared for a lifetime.
  • Your CeDiploma will be issued with at 12-digit CeDiD (Certified Electronic Document Identifier) which can be validated and help expedite the verification process for potential employers.
  • Order within  Catalyst .

If you have any questions, please email  [email protected]  with your name and student ID.

Ph.D. Information Technology

The Information Technology doctoral program prepares students with skills to advance applied research in evidence-based, human-centered and secure IT practice. In addition, the program prepares doctoral students whose research will advance knowledge in evidence-based practices needed to educate future IT professionals at the K12, undergraduate, and graduate levels.

Curriculum Overview

The curriculum requires a total of 90 credit hours post Baccalaureate that are distributed among four areas:

1. Core area (33 semester credit hours) that includes:

  • 15 hours of Information Technology Foundations
  • 12 hours in an Area of Specialization
  • 6 hours of research preparation

2. Methodology (12 semester credit hours)

3. Electives (15 semester credit hours) distributed among analytical, quantificational, computational, social, and experiential themes.

4. Dissertation (30 semester credit hours)

Doctoral Program

Our Ph.D. in Information Technology is offered as an onsite degree:

  • Ph.D. in Information Technology

For questions related to the PhD program, please contact us by submitting a ticket with the "Contact Us" button below. 

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ETD Center Subbranding

Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center

OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) contains over 58,000 theses and dissertations from students at 31 of Ohio’s world-renowned academic institutions. In 2012, Google thanked OhioLINK for making ETD open-access content easier to find by Google Scholar. Theses and dissertations from Ohio’s academic institutions were downloaded more than six million times from researchers around the globe in 2015.

Consider reading this blog post to learn more about the upload process for theses and dissertations. And also check out our overview flyer  about the ETD Center.

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  • Digital Accessibility Resources for the OhioLINK ETD Center
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PhD Program in English Literature

Program requirements.

Both the MA and PhD program in English Literature take the following courses:

  • Professionalization Seminar (1 credit, may be waived for PhD    students entering with knowledge of the profession)
  • Methods of Criticism and Critical Debates: Introduction to Theory    Course (3 credits)
  • Cultural Difference and Alterity: Literature and/or Theory Course    (3 credits)
  • English Composition Practicum (2 credits)
  • Teaching College Writing (3 credits)
  • Further course work at the PhD level includes the following:
  • Four courses supporting two fields of study (6 credits each, for a    total of 12 credits)
  • Three Electives , chosen from courses at the 6000-8000 levels (9 credits)
  • One Research seminar for exam preparation and the dissertation    proposa l , or another course supporting one of the two fields of study    (3 credits)
  • At least one 8000-level course
  • Students with sufficient background can, with approval from the Area Director, take an alternate theory course to the Introduction to Theory Course .

Upon completing course work, students move forward to the dissertation stage of the PhD program by passing a qualifying written and oral examination.  Faculty members administer exams designed in consultation with a committee approved by the Director of Graduate Study.  The exam structure is linked to course work, with the goal of focusing on preparation for the dissertation.

  • Students select two fields of study.  Fields of study might include broad literary or theoretical movements, topics based on historical chronology, national boundaries, and genre study, including narratology and poetic theory, and pedagogy; they might focus on concepts emerging from the study of race and ethnicity, class, gender and/or sexuality, or from popular culture, film, and media studies.   
  • The first field of study includes a substantial theoretical component relevant to the proposed dissertation topic.  Along with coverage of primary and secondary texts in the area studied, it addresses the topic, methodology, and theoretical position of the dissertation.
  • The second field of study may be single area further supporting work on the dissertation, or it may be designed to enhance the candidate’s success in the job market.

Students construct and complete reading lists for the two fields of study in consultation with members of their exam committees.

LCS Exam Committee Form

Overview of the PhD in Literary and Culture Studies

Overview of the PhD in Literary and Culture Studies   

 and contact faculty for letters if you wish to apply

 by the dept's  if substantial work has been completed  and contact faculty for letters if you wish to apply

and another by 

 and contact faculty for letters if you wish to apply

 by the 

and another by 

by the 

1 Students teaching or TAing for the department will sign up for  ENGL 9095  while students serving as research or administrative assistants will sign up for  ENGL 9096 ; unfunded students sign up for neither.

Unfunded students are required to enroll in 10 credit hours to be considered full time, and 5 credit hours to be considered half-time for student loan deferral purposes. 

Full time, funded students must register for  at least 12 credit hours  and  no more than 18 credit hours  per semester. ENGL 9095 and ENGL 9096 are not required courses; they are filler courses that give funded students 3 credit hours in order to meet the 12 credit hour requirement. Funded students can opt out of enrolling in ENGL 9095/6 as long as they are enrolled in 12+ credit hours each semester.  Do not sign up for ENGL 9095/6 if doing so puts you over 18 credit hours  a semester.

2 If you have external (non-English Dept.) GAship funding, sign up for 12 credit hours of ENGL 9099 each semester. If you have fifth-year English Dept. funding and do not want UC student health insurance, sign up for 1 credit hour in the Fall only. If you have fifth-year English Dept. funding and require UC student health insurance, sign up for 1 credit hour each semester. If you have fifth-year English Dept. funding and want to defer student loans, sign up for 5 credit hours each semester.

  • PhD Program Requirements and Information
  • MA Program Requirements and Information
  • MA Thesis Committee Form
  • Graduate School Handbook
  • Funding Resources
  • Teacher Training Program
  • Placement After Graduation
  • PhD Application
  • MA Application
, doctoral student in the College of Engineering & Applied Science, will present his dissertation, on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 3:30 PM in room Microsoft Teams The committee will be chaired by Professor of EECS Ranganadha Vemuri. The presentation is open to the public.

, doctoral student in the College of Arts and Sciences, will present his dissertation, on Friday, October 25, 2024 at 11:00 AM in room 222 Arts & Sciences. The committee will be chaired by Professor of English and Film & Media Studies Gary Weissman. The presentation is open to the public.

, doctoral student in the College of Engineering & Applied Science, will present his dissertation, on Wednesday, July 9, 2025 at 12:00 PM in room Virtual The committee will be chaired by Professor of Biomedical Engineering Leyla Esfandiari. The presentation is open to the public.


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Thesis & Dissertation Databases

  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses & @ Univesity of Cincinnati Access to a body of well over 11,000 University of Cincinnati dissertations and theses, this is the most direct link to the broadest collection of UC dissertations & theses. The time period covers from 1886 to the present. Nearly all of this collection is available in full text in PDF format.
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) -- International PQDT indexes millions of theses and dissertations from around the world. Coverage is from 1637 to the present. Full text is available for most of the dissertations added since 1997. There is also significant retrospective full text coverage for titles prior to 1997.
  • OhioLINK ETD Center Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center (OhioLINK) is an online database of masters' theses and doctoral dissertations from graduate students in participating Ohio colleges and universities. The OhioLINK ETD database provides access by author, school, department and keywords. Most titles are available in full text.

ETD (Electronic Thesis and Dissertation) help

The Graduate School ETD Informaton Web site provides an ETD time line, page order and formatting information and a FAQ page.

ETD Help Desk

Location: 110 Van Wormer Hall
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221
Phone: 513- 556-1496
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  • Last Updated: Jul 1, 2024 1:59 PM
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Upcoming Dissertation Defenses

UC doctoral students participate in a public defense of their dissertations. Students announce their dissertation by entering information through the Graduation Checklist application.

Defense Announcements

'' Synthetic Benchmark Generation Using Attributed Graph Grammars For Hardware Security Applications''

'' Regenerating Monstrosity: Adapting the Horror Villain ''

'' Developing Piezoelectric Materials for Tissue Engineering''

View more dissertation defense announcements .


  1. (PDF) PhD Dissertation

    university of cincinnati dissertation

  2. Undergraduate Scholarly Showcase

    university of cincinnati dissertation

  3. View

    university of cincinnati dissertation

  4. Dissertation search university of cincinnati

    university of cincinnati dissertation

  5. Wsu Dissertation Checklist

    university of cincinnati dissertation

  6. News

    university of cincinnati dissertation


  1. Electronic Thesis / Dissertation Information

    The University of Cincinnati strongly recommends making electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) accessible. You can ensure your accessibility features are established when you convert your thesis or dissertation document from Word to PDF. Please see PDF Documents and Creating accessible PDFs for tutorials and guides.

  2. Theses and Dissertations

    Resources, tools, and services provided to graduate students by the University of Cincinnati Libraries.

  3. Dissertation

    Dissertation. Each PhD and EdD student must produce and defend a dissertation showing high scholarly achievement based on their original research. The student is required to submit an electronic document as evidence of this research. Students in all other doctoral programs should consult their academic programs regarding requirements and ...

  4. Dissertation and Thesis Information

    Dissertation and Thesis Information. Contains information on submission requirements, checklist guides, accessibility, timelines and more. The Academic Writing Center offers free workshops to graduate students on important writing concepts. The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) Dissertation Success Curriculum is ...

  5. Dissertation

    Dissertation Defense. Upon satisfactory completion of the dissertation, the candidate presents a public lecture, as required by the Graduate School, and is orally examined on the dissertation by the members of the dissertation committee. The committee members must be given at least 14 calendar days between receipt of the final manuscript and ...

  6. Education Complete

    Theses & Dissertation Databases. Use these databases to find dissertations and theses. Access to a body of well over 8,000 University of Cincinnati electronic dissertations and theses, this is the best link to the broadest collection of electronic UC dissertations. The time period covers mainly from 1955 to the present.

  7. DAAP Theses & Dissertations

    DAAP Theses & Dissertations Theses and Dissertations from the College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP) are available online and at the DAAP Library, the SW Depository, and the Archives and Rare Books Library.

  8. Ph.D. Dissertations

    Ph.D. Dissertations. Bachelor's of Science in Criminal Justice - Online. Correctional Rehabilitation Graduate Certificate- Online. Crime Analysis and Prevention Graduate Certificate- Online. Centers and Institutes. Ph.D. Dissertations.

  9. Thesis & Dissertation Information

    Learn more about the thesis & dissertation requirements to graduate from UC's College of Engineering & Applied Science grad program!

  10. Thesis/Dissertation

    Thesis/Dissertation. Submission/Graduation Deadlines. Refworks. University of Cincinnati. College of Arts & Sciences (Dean's Office) 155 B Arts & Sciences Hall. Cincinnati, OH 45221. UC Tools. Canopy & Canvas.

  11. Culminating Experience: Theses and Capstones

    Culminating Experience: Theses and Capstones. Every degree requires a culminating experience that is designed to integrate and apply the knowledge and learning gained from the curriculum, and demonstrate mastery of the subject matter in the degree. A master's thesis is required by some programs, and a master's capstone project/experience is ...

  12. Repositories

    Scholar@UC is a digital repository that enables the University of Cincinnati community to share its research and scholarly work with a worldwide audience. Faculty and staff can use Scholar@UC to collect their work in one location and create a durable and citeable record of their papers, presentations, publications, datasets, or other scholarly ...

  13. Ph.D. Information Technology

    15 hours of Information Technology Foundations 12 hours in an Area of Specialization 6 hours of research preparation 2. Methodology (12 semester credit hours) 3. Electives (15 semester credit hours) distributed among analytical, quantificational, computational, social, and experiential themes. 4. Dissertation (30 semester credit hours)

  14. Media Studies

    Access to a body of well over 8,000 University of Cincinnati electronic dissertations and theses, this is the best link to the broadest collection of electronic UC dissertations. The time period covers mainly from 1955 to the present. To acquire the dissertations electronically, users request the full text from UMI (ProQuest) and are sent a link and a password to access the dissertation ...

  15. Theses and Dissertations

    ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (UC Electronic) Access to a body of well over 8,000 University of Cincinnati electronic dissertations and theses, this is the best link to the broadest collection of electronic UC dissertations. The time period covers mainly from 1955 to the present. Dissertations from 1997 forward are available in the OhioLINK ...

  16. Formatting Guidelines

    Formatting Guidelines Work with your committee to conduct your research and write your thesis or dissertation. Examples of ETDs from most programs are available online at the OhioLINK ETD Collection.

  17. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) contains over 58,000 theses and dissertations from students at 31 of Ohio's world-renowned academic institutions. In 2012, Google thanked OhioLINK for making ETD open-access content easier to find by Google Scholar. Theses and dissertations from Ohio's academic institutions were downloaded more than six million times from researchers ...

  18. PhD Program in English Literature

    PhD Exams Upon completing course work, students move forward to the dissertation stage of the PhD program by passing a qualifying written and oral examination. Faculty members administer exams designed in consultation with a committee approved by the Director of Graduate Study.

  19. Mathematical Sciences

    Thesis & Dissertation Databases ProQuest Dissertations & Theses & @ Univesity of Cincinnati Access to a body of well over 11,000 University of Cincinnati dissertations and theses, this is the most direct link to the broadest collection of UC dissertations & theses. The time period covers from 1886 to the present.

  20. Defense Announcements

    The University of Cincinnati, in Cincinnati, Ohio, is an urban, public, research university founded in 1819. UC offers many opportunities for success by providing a balance of academic excellence, real-world (co-op) experience and collaborative research. Within a dynamic environment, the university nurtures rich cultural experiences and the intellectual exchange of ideas among faculty, staff ...

  21. Dean's Dissertation Completion Fellowship

    Dean's Dissertation Completion Fellowship The Graduate College Dean's Fellowship typically awards five fellowships annually to doctoral students in the final year of degree work to support superior scholarship that enhances the reputation of their program, college, and the University of Cincinnati.

  22. Climate Change Resource Guide

    Thesis & Dissertation Databases ProQuest Dissertations & Theses & @ Univesity of Cincinnati Access to a body of well over 11,000 University of Cincinnati dissertations and theses, this is the most direct link to the broadest collection of UC dissertations & theses. The time period covers from 1886 to the present.

  23. Dissertation Defenses

    Upcoming Dissertation Defenses UC doctoral students participate in a public defense of their dissertations. Students announce their dissertation by entering information through the Graduation Checklist application.