Sample Essays on “Who Am I?” How to guide, with Outlines

Published by gudwriter on November 23, 2017 November 23, 2017

How to Write an Essay About Yourself

Many students, from high school to college level, do not know how to describe themselves. They mix up ideas as they do not really know what they need to include in their writing. The main aim of a who am I essay is to make the reader understand who you are and what you believe in. Remember, the essay doesn’t have to be always about the positive side- you can include your weak points as well in a creative way. You can also write about what makes you unique (unique skills, character, etc). If you need help, college admission essay writing services is available to assist you.

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Striking the balance makes your essay realistic and convincing.

Character : What are your character traits? Which habits define you?

Values : What is your value system? Here, you need to include things that inspire you. It is here that you state your beliefs, motivations, principles, and inspirations. The reader expects you to have either staunch stands on certain things and this is the part where you make them know. Do not highlight radical points, though.

Skills : What aptitudes do you have? And, what is the level in each skill? This may include communication, computer, education, languages, leadership, or anything else you find worthy.

Achievements :

Life experiences that influenced your life

Perhaps you would like to read an essay sample on what makes you unique ?

Who Am I Essay Example 1 Outline

Below is a layout you should follow when writing a personal essay to impress your professor.

  • Hook – The Question – who am I?
  • Brief summary: Well, I know quite much about myself: I am a social, kind, respectful, and principled young man.
  • Thesis : I am a kind, friendly, respectful, and principled young person.
  • Point : Social
  • Illustration : Meeting new friends
  • Logic : Makes me dynamic
  • Thesis relation: A cheerful, social and accommodative person is how many people know me.
  • Point : Respectful and law abiding
  • Illustration : Want to get along with everyone- both juniors and seniors. Car seats, polite character
  • Explanation : I know the limits
  • Thesis relation : Every day, I want to be known as a person who is respectful even to those who least deserve it.
  • Point : Hobbies
  • Illustrations : Sports, chess, music
  • Explanation : Clear my mind, get healthier.
  • Thesis relation : Sportsmanship has taught me to be fair other people, diligent and focused.
  • Point : I am not perfect- when I don’t hit my targets, obvious opposition from people who don’t love progress. My love for novelty makes me uncomfortable with normal rules.
  • Illustrations : My mum says I am selfish and that I always want everything to go my way. Yet, I’m still the person you will find in doing voluntary community work to help people.
  • Explanation : I guess my self-esteem is too high for people to put down. This rubs feathers with people who stand my path to success.
  • Thesis relation : I’d be a liar to say I am a genius, flawless or immortal- and that’s who I am.
  • Restatement of thesis
  • Summary of essay
  • Signing out

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Who Am I Essay Example 1

Who am I? Describing oneself is one of the most complicated tasks. In most cases, we always define ourselves using institutions, other people, or activities. Well, I know quite much about myself: I am a kind, friendly, respectful, and principled young person.

First, I am a sociable person. I love to meet people and make new friends. It’s not that I am an extrovert. However, I always work towards getting along with people. Of course, there are times I enjoy being alone for meditation . However, being around people makes me feel comfortable. I like to utilize every chance I get to make new friends. Interacting with people from different parts of the world makes me a diverse person. I am one of those people who believe that there is richness in human diversity. I am not quite selective of who I socialize with. A cheerful, cordial, and accommodative person is how many people know me.

Second, I am kind and respectful. Well, I appreciate that there is a thin line between being social and respectful. I want to treat everyone – junior or senior- with utmost reverence. In this regard, I am quite a listener. This didn’t start yesterday- I have always loved to give up my seats to elders in the train since I was young. Again, I am firm and at the same time polite. I love to make my points in a way that won’t hurt those around me. I always desire to be respectful even to those who least deserve it. Being respectful does not subtract anything from me after all.

Third, I have a great affection to team play. Well, I probably got this trait from my life as a sportsperson. I have been a school captain in Team Handball and Badminton. Today, I still participate in these games as a coach. I’m adherent to chess and I could become a grandmaster in the next few months. Sports and competitions have trained me to be fair, diligent, hardworking, and focused. As my hobby, chess clears my mind while athletics make me healthy. I’d definitely not tell who I am without mentioning sportsmanship. Actually, sports largely define me.

I am not perfect, though. I can be moody when I don’t hit my targets. My love for novelty makes me uncomfortable with normal rules. My mum says I am selfish and that I always want everything to go my way. Yet, I’m still the person you will find doing voluntary community work to help people. I guess my self-esteem is too high for people to put down. This rubs feathers with anyone who stands on the path to success. I’d be a liar if I said that I am a genius, flawless or immortal- and that’s who I am.

Anyway, it may be a little difficult to explain who I am. However, there are qualities that are an outright depiction of me. Respect, principles, sportsmanship, and leadership are some of them. As a quick learner, I love to change every behavior that doesn’t make me a better person. The desire to be good to everybody has made me who I am today and I intend to keep it that way.

Personal Essay Example 2 Outline


I give a description of myself in relation to my family background, personality, and how I view life.

Paragraph 1:

Family background

  • Revolves around strong Christian faith since my parents are staunch Roman Catholic faithful
  • I was born in Chicago, Illinois 21 years ago and I am the third born in a family of four children.
  • I am a female of African American origin and I am very proud of my cultural background and family values

Paragraph 2:

My personality

  • I am outspoken and like socializing and making new friends
  • I value respect and believe it is two way
  • I am hard working

Paragraph 3:

My view of life

  • All humans are equal regardless of their cultural, racial and religious backgrounds as well as gender
  • I am liberal in that I am open to learning new things such as new cultures, religions, and even languages
  • Divergent views should be tolerated

I can summarize myself as someone who is respectful, accommodating, and open minded. I appreciate that as a human, I need others for my life to be complete. I believe my personality and world views are matching and thus I find life more sociable and interesting.

Personal Essay Example 2

My family background revolves around strong Christian faith since my parents are staunch Roman Catholic faithful. I was born in Chicago, Illinois 21 years ago and I am the third born in a family of four children. I am a female of African-American origin and I am very proud of my cultural background and family values. Like my parents, I have developed the habit and routine of going to church every Sunday in line with Christian doctrines. As a matter of fact, all the members of my family value attending Sunday masses wherever they may find themselves. I grew up in a working-parents family and I have grown to live in harmony with my siblings.

Regarding my personality, I am one person who is outspoken and likes socializing and making new friends. The number of friends I have in college is uncountable because I have no boundaries when it comes to building relationships. That notwithstanding, I value respect and believe it is two way. I expect that anybody I interact with should show me the same level of respect I show them irrespective of their background or status in the society. I am hard working because my parents taught me to loathe laziness since it is the beginning of poverty and miserable life. To me, respect and hard work go hand in hand. Working hard respectfully has opened many doors for me so far in my life.

My view of life is that all humans are equal regardless of their cultural, racial, and religious backgrounds as well as gender. This is why I have friends whose cultural and other backgrounds are diverse. I am also liberal in that I am open to learning new things such as new cultures, religions, and even languages. For instance, I can speak fluent French and Spanish yet I am American. I also believe that divergent views should be tolerated because this is part of enhancing human diversity. My parents had once tried to stop me from being too open minded but I persisted with it. Being open to new things, in my view, amounts to being accommodative to human diversity.

In conclusion, I can summarize myself as someone who is respectful, accommodative, and open minded. I appreciate that as a human, I need others for my life to be complete. When I show that I care for and accommodate different views, I find it easy working with others. I have thus managed to evade suffering any form of racial or cultural profiling because people find me easy to deal with. I believe my personality and world views are matching and thus I find life more sociable and interesting. It is my intention to continue leading this fulfilling life.

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Personal Essay Sample 3 Outline

I am a faithful Christian who is open-minded, friendly, and action-oriented.


In spite of being a staunch Christian, I am open to other people’s ways of worship and generally to other people’s way of life and opinions.

  • I can listen to and understand what other people say and treat it as their opinion to which they are entitled whether or not I agree with it.
  • I am able to live amongst people of various cultures.
  • However, I do not let other people’s views or cultures affect my own.

I am a friendly person who highly values friendship.

  • I have the habit of forming strong friendships both in our neighborhood and at school.
  • I have quite a number of friends from various backgrounds because I do not choose friends based on their cultural backgrounds.
  • I believe in genuine friendship and as soon as I detect that one is not a true friend, I drop them.

I follow my decisions and promises with actions as I believe that it is through actions that one can solve their problems and meet their life goals.

  • I keep to my decisions once I make them.
  • I have been able to accomplish many of my life’s endeavors especially in my academic life.
  • I also know that keeping promises is one of the best ways of keeping relationships alive and healthy.
  • I normally do all it takes to keep a promise irrespective of who I make it to.

I am an open-minded Christian who values relationships and I act on my decisions and promises. I am accommodative to diverse views and opinions even when they sharply contrast with mine. I pursue my life goals and keep relationships through action.

Personal Essay Sample 3

As a person, I feel growing over the years has significantly changed who I am. I have had to see and experience many things that I did not get to see in my childhood. I have also met many different people and visited many places. Some of the perspectives I held about people and certain things have certainly changed. In addition, I have undergone significant personal growth which has seen my personality transform as well. I have also become more decisive in my actions and in my relationships with others. I am a faithful Christian who is open-minded, friendly, and action-oriented.

In spite of being a staunch Christian, I am open to other people’s ways of worship and generally to other people’s way of life and opinions. I can listen to and understand what other people say and treat it as their opinion to which they are entitled whether or not I agree with it. This way, I have been able to learn a lot from others and widen my view of life and humanity. I am also able to live amongst people of various cultures. However, I do not let other people’s views or cultures affect my own as much as I may be accommodative to them. This is because I believe that the world has enough space for everyone to practice their own cultures and share their opinions without interfering with others.

I am also a friendly person who highly values friendship. From my childhood, I developed the habit of forming strong friendships both in our neighborhood and at school. I have carried this habit to my adulthood and I have quite a number of friends from various backgrounds because I do not choose friends based on their cultural backgrounds. However, I believe in genuine friendship and as soon as I detect that one is not a true friend, I drop them. To me, a friend should be like family that is always there for one in their better and tough days and moments. Out of this belief, I have helped a number of friends both in and out of school and shared with them some of my innermost secrets. I too have benefited from the loyalty of these friendships.

Further, I follow my decisions and promises with actions as I believe that it is through actions that one can solve their problems and meet their life goals. This virtue has helped me accomplish many of my life’s endeavors especially in my academic life. For example, since my middle school level, I decided that I would not consume television content during examination periods but maximally concentrate on the exams. I have kept to this decision and have thus posted good grades all through because I always have enough time to prepare for exams. I also know that keeping promises is one of the best ways of keeping relationships alive and healthy. I normally do all it takes to keep a promise irrespective of who I make it to. I do keep even as simple a promise as that of sharpening my younger sister’s drawing pencil every morning before she goes to school.

I am an open-minded Christian who values relationships and I act on my decisions and promises. I am accommodative to diverse views and opinions even when they sharply contrast with mine. I pursue my life goals and keep relationships through action. I also have many friends since I believe that genuine friendship is highly beneficial to humans. This personality and values enable me to live a fulfilling life as I am capable of accomplishing my goals and at the same time live harmoniously with others.

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Who Am I Essay: Writing Tips and Sample

Your “Who am I?” essay is a paper where you describe yourself as a person. Mention what inspires and motivates you, what you love and don’t love, your goals and wishes, etc.

In this article, you’ll learn how to write this personal essay. (And please don’t miss a ready-made example to understand what to describe in your work!)

How to Write a “Who Am I” Essay

You’re that person who knows you best, but writing about yourself is still challenging:

You read a writing prompt for a college application or scholarship , and you aren’t sure if you understand it in detail. How do you know what exactly to mention in your essay? You can’t find words to describe your nature and skills. How do you know if that particular accomplishment or story from your life is worth including?

Stick with us here for practical tips on writing a “Who Am I” essay, with a free template to follow.

How to start?

Ask any writer, and they will tell you that the hardest part of the writing process is to start it. It’s a kind of writer’s block when you stare at a blank screen and don’t know what to write. Below are several ideas that can help you craft a compelling essay about yourself:

  • Think about one sentence that would describe you best. (A technique some authors use for inspiration: Answer the question, “What would friends write on your grave?” or “What do you want the world to remember about you?” You can start an essay with that phrase.
  • In the introduction, describe yourself in general . (Be truthful and honest.)
  • Discuss one or two of your hobbies. (Choose those you’re most passionate about, those influencing your mood — and maybe your skills — most.)
  •   Highlight your achievements but don’t boast. ( Be reflective by analyzing and evaluating what you’ve achieved.)
  • Add some personality to the essay. (Tell anecdotes, include examples, and be creative to keep readers engaged with your story.)


Short Essay About “Who I Am” Sample

You’re welcome to use the below template from our professional writer for crafting your future “Who am I” essays. Here it goes:

Actionable Tips to Improve Your Paper

Ready to start writing? Consider these helpful tips on crafting a person essay about who I am:

1) Understand your audience

Who will read your essay? Is it a college admission officer who knows nothing about you? Or, maybe it’s your school teacher with some background of who you are? Do you plan to publish your reflection for your social media followers or blog readers?

Depending on the audience, your story may change. Add details about what interests your readers: What would they want to know? Understanding your readers will make your essay more compelling (1). It will be easier for you to engage them and make them emotionally connected to your story.

2) Don’t be afraid to look vulnerable

Allow the readers to see your inner feelings. Sincerity and reflection are the new black, you know. It’s okay to speak about your strengths, weaknesses, or worries to the audience. That’s what differentiates you from other people, thus making you an individual.

Here’s the big secret:

Admission committees appreciate students’ understanding of their weaknesses and areas to grow. Communicate the willingness to change and grow. You’re just a human, after all.

Write about what you want to develop in yourself. Or, tell about life experiences that have changed or influenced you most.

3) Proofread and edit your essay

Once your essay is ready, it’s time to proofread and edit it. Here’s a short checklist of the details to fix if any:

  • Grammar and punctuation mistakes (verb tenses, sentence structure)
  • Spelling errors and inconsistencies in names or terms
  • Incorrect capitalization
  • No logical flow or transitions between paragraphs
  • Excessive wordiness and repetition
  • Biased language
  • Too much passive voice and redundant adverbs
  • Too sophisticated words and phrases that have simpler alternatives

That’s It: Your “Who Am I” Essay Is Ready

In this blog post, we tried to cover all the core details of personal essay writing. Now you know how to start it, what elements to include, and how to craft it for better readability and emotional connection with the audience.

We hope our 500-word essay example will help you write your perfect story about yourself. If you still have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask our professional writers for help.


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Essay Sample: Who Am I?

26 March, 2020

7 minutes read

Author:  Richard Pircher

This essay sample is written by Handmadewriting staff as an example of a reflective essay. It will demonstrate how to craft such an essay step by step on a simple yet popular topic.

essay example

The question of who am I seems to be the simplest question one can answer. Yet, when I took the time to try and figure out Who am I, I found this question is the one that requires critical thinking. In general, the answer to this question is that I am a regular person who loves spending quality time with the people I appreciate.  In addition, I dedicate myself to completing my duties, and I have a dream of becoming a great person. However, there are so many other things that make me a person. I always try to use every opportunity to have more free time for my hobbies.

who am i

For one to be a great person in life, it is critical that they ask themselves this question, especially given that it is a question that helps a person be in a position of evaluating themselves. Overall, the question of who am I is possible to give an answer by categorizing the general characteristics of an individual’s life into three divisions.  The three categories are spiritual, personal traits and how I perceive life and the society around me.

Me as a Spiritual Identity

In terms of the spiritual division, I would consider myself as a relatively spiritual person basing on the life that I have been nurtured through. The matter is that all my life, I have been raised up by parents who are staunch Christians and who have taught me the importance of leading a spiritual life. When I was young, I could describe my life to be majorly guarded by religion since what I remembered most of the time is going to church, singing gospel songs and praying.

Whenever I was in trouble, I never thought of any other solution rather than to pray to God for help. For example, I was taught in my early life that God was the solution and provider of everything that mankind ever needed. As a result, I have lived to believe this up to now. Moreover, I can also attest that it’s through religion that all my morals are based. Nonetheless, it will be a lie if I say that I still hold spirituality dear as I used to when I was growing up. And to be honest, it’s dismal for me to admit it.

As one grows and discovers many things around the world, especially during the teenage period, we start questioning the very ideals we were taught, and in my case, spirituality. In other words, my high school moments changed me a lot. Though I eased on the issue of divinities, I still try to hold spirituality dear to me, and I can confirm that I am more independent in making spiritual decisions compared to when I was young. This is due to the shifts and turns that have taken place in my life since I was young. From my religious journey, I deemed it important to learn other religious views in order to be familiar with some of them. I strongly believe that it is very wrong to spread rivalry among religions.

Furthermore, I feel like we all have the right to worship in any dominion or religion we consider to be the closest to heart and soul. Through my study of different religions, I have become a person who loves and always supports diversity in different sectors.

Me as Personality

Regarding my personality, I think that I am a very friendly person deducing from how I relate to my peers, children and older people. Personally I like being optimistic, and I like talking about positive things in life since I believe that people have the capacity to do great things as long as they believe in themselves. Among other things, I am slow at judging people on the decisions that they make. Besides, I like treating people equally since I believe everyone has the right to be perceived so. But still it this does not mean that I am a very indulgent and naive person.

When I am wrong, I become angry, just like anyone does, and there are moments whereby I find it hard to manage my anger. Therefore, I can assert that this is the greatest challenge that I am facing. That’s why I am doing my best to learn how to make rational decisions when I am angry. I have healthy self-esteem, I am confident, and I do not easily shy away from talking to people either individually or in a group. Generally, I can say that I am a kind and loving person – someone who always advocates for the right things to be done in society.

Me as an Insightful Person

Lastly, speaking of my perception about the world and the society around me, I think that I am an open-minded individual who believes that the world is a good place to live in, only it has been destroyed by people. Therefore, it is our call as human beings to do out best and make contributions to turn the world into a much better place. I believe that change starts with an individual, but many people are afraid of this change. When evaluating the society I am living in, I believe that its imperfections is a result of human acts. Hence, a solution to the faults within the contemporary society can be implemented by teaching children to become people of integrity when they grow up. All in all, everything of the above mentioned is me – it is what I stand for.

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How to describe your personality in a paragraph – 7 example answers

The way we ourselves rarely mirrors the reality . We tend to see ourselves better, nicer, and perhaps also more attractive than others do see us- -if they actually care. At the end of the day everything is subjective, and each person sees the world–and each living creature they interact with–with a unique pair of eyes . Nevertheless, you will often face the question about your personality , be it on a job application, in an interview, or even on a dating website. Sometimes they ask you to describe yourself in one word only, sometimes they ask what three words would your friends use to describe you , and sometimes they ask you to describe your personality in one paragraph. What do they want to hear from you in this case?

Hiring manager want to hear that you have a fitting personality for the job . Or at least that you think so :). Of course, some things change from one job to another, but certain phrases will always work, such as that you are enthusiastic about work, show initiative, are attentive to the needs of your colleagues and so on. To make your answer sound more realistic , you should add also some neutral or even negative characteristics–perhaps you get angry easily, lose patience quickly, or are overly talkative at times. Just make sure to mention that you are aware of the issue and how it impacts you at work, and that you try to work on it. You can also opt for a more humble answer, or even for a philosophical one…

Let’s have a look at 7 sample answers right now. I tried to come up with some mix, and hope you will “find yourself” in at least one of the answers . Remember that this question isn’t the most difficult interview question you may ever face, and there’s no point in overthinking it. Just be yourself, show confidence and humility at the same time, and make sure that your personality is at least somehow fitting for the job.

7 example answers to “How to describe your personality in a paragraph” question

  • I would describe my personality as outgoing, friendly, and talkative. I thrive when surrounded by other people, and find it easy to connect with anyone I meet. Always looking for bridges, not fences . I would also say that I have a good sense of humor, and people generally enjoy my company. Having said all of that, I realize that each coin has two sides, and sometimes I have to be careful to make sure that I do not talk more than work in the job.
  • I am rather introverted , but that doesn’t mean that I do not like people. Just enjoy keeping things to myself, focusing on the job, and doing my best every day. Having said that, if someone invites me for a conversation or something I won’t say no. I try to be attentive to the needs of my colleagues , and if I feel someone may need a helping hand, I do not hesitate to offer it. Generally I am a hardworking person, but I tend to have a low day once or twice a month , and on such a day I typically do not get much done.
  • I think what describes me the best is the expression “ creative mind “. Because I always enjoy to come up with new ideas, think outside the box, or even challenge the status quo. Now it doesn’t mean that I find it hard to oblige the rules. I do that. But I do not hesitate twice to share my feedback and suggest improvements . I hope you are looking for someone with this personality, and that’s one of the main reasons why I applied for your job offer.
  • Energetic, motivated, enthusiastic about work and life. Just someone it is a pleasure to have in the workplace, since such a person always lifts the morale of the entire team . At least that’s the way I see it, and also what my former managers have told about me. Having said that, I understand that enthusiasm is not enough–one needs also skill and precision in this job, but I honestly believe to have both, and am ready to demonstrate it from day one, if you give me a chance in this job.
  • A team player . That sort of sums it up. Someone who thrives in a team environment. Always interested in my colleagues, their needs and feelings. Always trying my best to not let the colleagues down . Of course, this also have some drawbacks, especially when I should work on something alone I may struggle with motivation. But it is a learning process, and I hope to improve on my weakness soon, and be someone that can thrive working both independently and in a team.
  • My nickname can be “never gives up” , and that sort of characterizes who I am. Maybe I am not the most talented person in the world–when it comes to any tasks, but you can be sure I always give me 100% effort , and if I fail with something I try again. I am one of those guys who enjoy reinventing themselves, trying new hobbies, learning new skills. For example at the moment I am learning to play saxophone, and I enjoy it greatly. If I should point out something negative –because at the end of the day we all have some weaknesses, I’d say that I sometimes find it hard to bear with negativity at work . But that’s just the current state of things, and I hope to change it.
  • I would describe myself as a very calm and balanced person . Always try to see the brighter side of things , always looking for the good in people and in events that happen to me. I very rarely complain about everything, and do the job without unnecessary stress. What’s more, people say I am a good companion for the talk about virtually any topic, and that my inner calm help them feel good and relaxed in the workplace . I sincerely believe your team can benefit from having me onboard, and cannot wait to start working here.

Ready to answer this one? I hope so! If you’re still not sure, you can check out 7 sample answers to similar interview questions:

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  • How would your colleagues describe your personality?
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Personality Traits Essay

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The study of personality traits has always been a fascinating subject for researchers. In this personality traits essay, the author dives into the personality theories that explain an individual’s unique personality. From extroversion to conscientiousness, this essay on personality traits will explore the different elements that shape our behavior and interactions with the world. The paper aims to comprehensively understand the complexity of human personality and its impact on our daily lives.



Different individuals are characterized by different physiological and psychological characteristics or values. Collectively, these factors contribute significantly to the nature of the behavior of these individuals. The term personality trait refers to these intrinsic differences in individuals that remain outstanding and stable throughout the life of the individuals.

In many individuals these intrinsic differences remain a personal and constant aspect that explains why the individual behave or react towards situations the way the do. Personality theories explain that individuals have distinctive and characteristic behavior which remains distinctive throughout a variety of situations.

Humans are in one way or another compelled to articulating a certain behavioral pattern and to identify or note differences in the way other people behave. (Emotional Competency, 2009).

Personality trait theories try to explain the differences in behavior patterns that are displayed by different personalities in similar situations. They as well try to explain why individuals behave differently in such situations. An individual can be said to be cheerful, talkative, cold, compulsive, and intelligent.

It can be noted that these personality traits remains more or less consistent over a long period of time or probably they last over a life time. What brings continuity in a person’s behavior characteristic is described as his or her personality.

Lexical hypothesis has found it extended application in describing personality traits. According to the hypothesis, people become used to characteristic differences more and more until they finally get engrossed into their languages of communication.

The hypothesis argue that the more important a difference is, the more people will notice it and the more they will talk about it and consequently they will invent a word for it. (Emotional Competency, 2009).

Researchers extracted from a list of 18000 words and came up with the Big Five Personality Factors. There factors happens to be very similar to the Five Factor Model of Personality. These Five Personality Factors includes:

  • Extraversion. Examples include talkative, extroverted, aggressive, bold, assertive, unrestrained, shy, quiet, untalkative and confident.
  • Agreeableness. Examples include sympathetic, kind, warm, considerate, cold, unsympathetic, unkind, helpful, affectionate and truthful.
  • Conscientiousness. Examples include organized, orderly, neat, disorganized, disorderly, careless and sloppy.
  • Emotional stability. Examples include relaxed, unenvious, unexcitable, patient, moody, temperamental, touchy, envious irritable and self-pity.
  • Intellect. Examples include creative, intellectual, imaginative, philosophical, unimaginative, uncreative, unsophisticated and imperceptive. (Emotional Competency, 2009).

As earlier stated, personality traits last for long period of time and in many cases they extend throughout the life of the individual. Sources have shown that it is these personal attributes that form integration web among our communities. In the process of understanding oneself, it becomes substantially important for one to understand, accept and apply his or her personality traits. (Emotional Competency, 2009).

Social unacceptability is connected to social inclusion or exclusion from certain social groupings. The issue of exclusion or inclusion is a major decision the humans as social animals have to take care of. An individual is either included or excluded from certain social entities.

A different approach on defining personality trait aimed at identifying descriptive nouns. From this research, there was development of the Eight Factor Model of Personality traits. According to this model, the eight factors that are a part and parcel of people personality tarts are; social unacceptability, intellect, egocentrism, ruggedness, delinquency, attractiveness, liveliness and disorientation.

According to this development, characteristic traits such as lawbreaker, alcoholic, rebel, comedian, speculator, daydreamer, tough, dummy, moron, poet, aggressor and many others were developed. (Emotional Competency, 2009). The above eight factors can be seen to correlate with people primal concerns as follows:

  • Intellect refers to the level of enlightenment in matters that affect the community at large. The levels of intelligency place humans at different social orientations. Sometimes the level of intelligence is seen as the levels of evolutionary advancement and therefore distinguishes humans that belong to a certain generational grouping.
  • Egocentrism on the other hand relates to lack of empathy and concern for others. It sometimes can be presented as a false self-image or someone being overzealous.
  • The fourth factor, ruggedness relates to aggression, dominance and hunger to attain power.
  • Delinquency is more or less similar to cheating. The importance and effectiveness of cheater detectors within the society cannot be overemphasized as explained in the theory of reciprocal altruism.
  • Sex and procreating are bonded together in this sixth factor of personality trait.
  • Factor seven is related to attracting attention. This factor is termed as important in attracting attention especially from mates of the opposite sex.
  • Disorientation relates to reliability and competence of a person. (Emotional Competency, 2009).

According to the developed theories, personality trait understanding are very critical if understanding different behavior patterns that are displayed by different persons is anything to go by.(Emotional Competency, 2009).

It is therefore important to understand ones personal trait so that if there is anything negative about how e behave, one can consider the possibility of averting from it. This is necessary because some of these traits are detrimental in the way we live and relate with those who live with us. (Emotional Competency, 2009).

Emotional Competency. (2009). Personality Traits . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, March 28). Personality Traits Essay.

"Personality Traits Essay." IvyPanda , 28 Mar. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Personality Traits Essay'. 28 March.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Personality Traits Essay." March 28, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Personality Traits Essay." March 28, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Personality Traits Essay." March 28, 2019.

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  • Describe Your Personality Essay

How to Masterfully Describe Your Personality in an Essay

By: Tasha Kolesnikova

How to Masterfully Describe Your Personality in an Essay

What's your personality type? Knowing your personality traits and the ability to describe them in written form will help you in all aspects of your life - from your first day in school until your last job. For instance, one practical application of such essays is to impress hiring managers with your cover letter and job interviews. Being able to answer the "tell me about yourself" query properly not only enables you to answer interview questions and explain why you fit the job description perfectly but also helps you navigate through your work-life and relationships with your co-workers.

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Your Portrait - Select the Key Characteristics

You don't necessarily need a personality test to know your personality. But how would you describe yourself? Talking about yourself may be hard. However, knowing yourself well is essential for profound communication skills and adaptability.

Every person has weaknesses in their personality as well. When writing your personality essay for your job application, for example, you can choose weaknesses that are unimportant to the position you're applying for, such as being shy or having limited experience. You can also include traits that you consider a weakness but can actually also be your strengths, like being self-critical or being competitive.

Theories on Personality

How does your personality develop over time? There are many explanations scattered around with different theories in various studies. One of them is the Theory of Temperaments.

This is the earliest known theory from Hippocrates. He divided personality based on four temperaments connected to bodily fluids he referred to as "humor."


Using Adjectives in Your Essay

Which descriptions fit you the best? Before you write your essay, remember that you should establish a bond between you and your reader. Using adjectives will help you in creating that connection. Adjectives are critical in expressing ourselves and how we relate with others. They help us explain and give specific information in our answers that will make others get to know us better.

Think of the words you associate with yourself the most or find synonyms you can use in your essay. You can take advantage of thesaurus sites online like WordHippo and Synonymy to properly convey your personality type. For example, you can talk about your conscientiousness or substitute it with simpler words like "dedicated" or "ethical" so your readers will easily understand what you mean.

How to Describe Your Personality in a Paragraph With Examples

When constructing a personality paragraph, it's imperative to identify and integrate aspects like values, knowledge, and behavior, to offer a rounded depiction of oneself.

Personality paragraph examples:

A well-rounded personality paragraph, brimming with real-life examples, not only describes traits but also the influences and motivations behind them, providing a more insightful glimpse into one’s character.

Crafting an authentic and introspective essay on my personality profile involves a meticulous exploration of self, allowing for a candid reflection on how I perceive and project myself.

To start, my personality essay introduction would offer a synopsis of my character, allowing a sneak peek into my temperament, beliefs, and capabilities.

Knowing how to describe your personality in an essay involves weaving a narrative that captures not only individual traits but also emotions, thoughts, abilities, and the influence of family and surroundings on one's personality.

A short personality essay should also depict my interactions with individuals, illustrating how relationships have shaped and continue to mold my character. Describing my personality essay entails delving into factual and nuanced reflections of my personal experiences and interactions, providing a multidimensional view of my individuality.

When considering how to write an essay about your personality, combining self-awareness with an honest and engaging narrative is crucial for creating a resonant and comprehensive portrayal.

Your peers may ask you to make an essay to prepare you for a situation when you will have to reply to the hiring managers' requests. An example of this essay is as follows:

Each individual has a personality that is unique to them, making them irreplaceable. This makes humans interesting because everyone has different experiences and reasons why they behave and feel the way they do. The three traits that describe me the most are as follows: honest, reliable, and ambitious.

I live by a strict code of honesty. Not only was I raised by my parents to always tell the truth but also because it became an integral part of my life that I can't imagine myself trying to lie. Being honest helped me keep my relationships with my family and friends strong. This is because, at any time that we have misunderstandings, we talk about it openly.

Me being honest contributes to my reliability. When I give someone my word, I always intend to keep it. I apply this philosophy at all times: from small routine tasks to critical projects on which many things depend.

I am an ambitious person, as I want to achieve all the goals that I set in life. New accomplishments make me extremely happy and help me to dream big!

The sample essay you have just read could be assessed with a B- grade. But how to make it an A+?

To be fair, the essay's introduction is rather good. It talks on the topic from a general perspective, narrowing it down to the essay's focus – the author's personality. However, to make this introductory paragraph a brilliant one, think of a more gradual transition, for instance:

"There are no two personalities that are the same, and that's the beauty of it! I always like seeing myself as a part of a shining galaxy, spreading my unique light among other fellow stars. If I think about what character traits make up my bright shine, the three major pillars that come to mind are honesty, reliability, and a great deal of ambition."

This introduction uses metaphors and will definitely be remembered by the reader!

The sample essay's main body also has parts that require improvement. While the paragraph about reliability has a connection with the previous one, the part where the author talks about ambition seems disconnected. Adding just one sentence could fix this issue:

"Speaking of grand projects, I have plenty – after all, I'm an ambitious person."

Also, it is highly advisable to elaborate on the topic. In this essay, for example, the author could share some plans or dreams with the reader, making the story more personal and relatable.

Finally, the sample essay is lacking a conclusion. Summarize what you've already said and make a memorable statement to end your essay, for example:

"As you can see, I am quite a mix. As challenging as being honest, reliable, and ambitious at the same time may be, I try to make the best of it!"

Tips on Creating a Brilliant Essay About Yourself

Writing an essay about your personality can be tough, especially if you're an introvert, as it's the same as showing your inner self to other people. In fact, you will need to brainstorm and explain why you have that personality trait - how you acquired it and why you're keeping it with you until now.

  • Organization. Make a draft about what you want to talk about in your essay.
  • Structure. Don't forget to write a great introduction, with the body supporting your points, and end it with a proper conclusion.
  • Honesty. Talk about your real personality traits while highlighting the positive ones. Don't write traits you don't have.

What Questions to Answer When Writing About Your Personality:

1. What are the personality traits I have that I am most proud of?

Focus on traits that help make you an asset to anyone you work with. Play up your extraversion and downplay any neuroticism.

2. Why do I have these traits, and do I plan to keep them?

Expound on how you acquired these traits - were they because you were raised with these manners, or is it because of an experience you had where you realized these behaviors help? Make your readers relate to your encounters.

3. How will these traits help me in my daily life and at my workplace?

Elaborate on why you're proud of these traits and how they make your relationships flourish. Give emphasis to behaviors that assist you in having a better relationship with people. After all, teamwork is all about people's personalities working well together.

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Your personality essay should include a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Begin with a general introduction of yourself, delve deeper into specific traits, values, and experiences in the body, and summarize the main points in the conclusion. Integrate real-life examples and facts to add depth and authenticity to your essay.

How can I intertwine society, understanding, and problems in an essay about my personality?

When writing an essay on my personality, briefly discuss how societal issues and what you learn from them shape your character and actions. For instance, mention a specific societal problem that has influenced your views, values, or behavior, illustrating the interconnectedness of your personality and your environment in a concise manner.

How do I ensure the situations mentioned are reflective of my personality in an essay about my personality type?

In your paper, outline your personality type clearly and illustrate with a situation showing its impact and interaction with society. Use real-life examples to demonstrate how your personality perceives and responds to societal contexts, ensuring a cohesive and authentic representation in your essay.

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what kind of person are you essay

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I studied sociology and marketing at Europa-Universität Viadrina (Germany) and Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal). When I was a sophomore, back in 2018, I decided to put what I've learned into practice, so I got my first job in digital marketing. I currently work in the content marketing department at Studybay, building strong, effective, and respectful communication between the platform and our clients.

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I really appreciate and understood!

Nabila Abdulmalik

A well explained article here. I'm happy. Regards!

mathias porep

This article is very helpful, in my opinion. I was having trouble with "how do you know your personality?" essay and this helped me a lot. 🙌

What a great article! This gave me a lot of ideas for how to begin an essay about myself and my personality.

💭 To be honest, I always find it hard to write a personality paragraph. At school, it's tough for me to figure out which of my qualities to stress, and it's difficult to stay honest and fair.

Discussing how can I describe my personality in a paragraph examples made me reflect on my own experiences. School has always pushed me to explore this but it’s never been easy.

Thank you So much for example

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what kind of person are you essay

Who Am I Essay

Introduction on who am i essay.

Who am I? This is a question that keeps bothering you at times. Isn’t it? You want to know what I am and what are qualities that make you unique from others. Before someone asks about you, there has to be a proper understanding of who you are and the things that you do are different. The reason is that when such questions are prompted, you must be in a position to speak fearlessly about yourself without hesitation. Most of the time, you just speak in short sentences about yourself, which includes, name, class, or place that you belong to. But there are people who might be interested in knowing more about you than the brief introduction. It can include your likes, dislikes, passions, goals, dreams, etc. Therefore, you need to analyze yourself and come up with things that you are good at. In this particular who am I essay, you have to speak about yourselves and the things that you like to do. Here is an example for you. 

Who Am I Essay Example

I am in grade 5 and live in California. We are a family of four members. My father is an architect and my mother is a teacher. I have two siblings who are older than me.  I am someone who is an extremely shy and quiet person. This often makes people misunderstand that I cannot speak confidently. But, it is not true as I have immense knowledge on different things. However, I like to assess the place and situation before speaking. When someone approaches me, I would like to be humble and kind enough to answer their questions. 

Most importantly, I’m comfortable with people whom I know, so that the information being conveyed will be interpreted easily. While studying or participating in any activities, I try to focus so that my concentration is towards the things that I’m doing. My hobbies are basically reading, drawing, singing, playing sports, and many more things that fascinate me. I try to give my best in all the activities that I participate in. Moreover, I believe that all the activities require complete focus and dedication in order to gain knowledge and develop essential skills. I dislike or have fear of certain things like slimy creatures, cockroaches, and heights. But, my focus is also towards overcoming these fears. 

I have a lot of belief in dreaming big and setting goals for myself. There are many things that I would like to achieve and do systematically in life. It includes taking care of my parents, siblings, and people around me. The most important thing is to dedicate myself to the service of others. There is nothing more satisfying than helping others. Therefore, I have to educate myself really well on things that I want to do. Apart from this, I am keen on learning new things each and every day. While learning, I pay attention to developing important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, decision making, analytical and communication skills. Moreover, I’m very punctual and like to do things on time. 

I am extremely friendly to all the people around me which makes me a happy person. There is a sense of happiness in spending time with friends. This also gives an opportunity to be part of their lives. We all hang out together and eat delicious food prepared at home or sometimes visit restaurants. Occasionally, we go for a picnic or tour with friends and family members. I am fortunate enough to see beautiful places and learn new things from there. Besides this, I like to do crafts activities at home. This will enhance my creativity and imagination to do something better. 

Hence, the who am I essay is extremely beneficial in extracting the areas that you are interested in. Sometimes, we might not express all this information when you try to communicate with others. This also gives an opportunity to explore your likes and dislikes. 

Also explore: Personality essay and friendship essay .

We hope you found this who am I essay helpful. For more essays, check Osmo’s essays for kids .

Frequently Asked Questions on Who Am I Essay

How can you write a who am i essay in less than 100 words.

Here is an example of a who am I essay in less than 100 words: I’m the youngest member of my family, but I have several other roles to play. I’m a good and responsible daughter to my parents, a good sister to my siblings and a supportive and understanding friend. I set goals for myself and work hard to achieve them. I love to play basketball and I am learning to play the piano too. My hobbies include reading, baking and listening to music. Like everyone I too have bad habits, but I constantly work towards making myself better person.

How to write a good essay on yourself?

Some of the steps to write a good essay about yourself are 1. Describe yourself in detail with honesty. 2. Write about your hobbies and interests. 3. Include your achievements but avoid boasting about yourself. 4. Use personal experiences and examples. 5. Add some personality and creativity to make the essay more interesting.

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Steven Stosny, Ph.D.


What kind of person do you want to be, don’t ask yourself what kind of person you are..

Posted February 18, 2011 | Reviewed by Ekua Hagan

I receive a dozen or so emails every day from strangers wanting psychological advice. Although they focus on complaints about family members and co-workers, hidden between the lines in most of these rather long missives is the implicit query, "Why do I put up with this?" And that begs the deeper question, "What kind of person am I?"

Of course, it's impossible to give responsible advice by email, even if there weren't so many requests, but I would like to tell these unhappy authors to focus on behaviors within their control. To achieve meaningful behavior change, the most salient question is this:

"What kind of person do I want to be?"

No easy question to answer. But a good starting place is to decide what you want to motivate you.

There's always a choice, provided that you don't spend your life on automatic pilot or wondering what kind of person you are. This post and the next will cover the motivational choice most likely to produce growth and psychological well being: the creation of value.

There is a unique drive within humans to create value, to invest appreciation, time, energy, effort, and sacrifice in certain persons, groups, objects, and behaviors. Note that we don't literally experience value so much as create it. A sunset has value only if we actively invest the time and effort to appreciate it. Civilization is not a by-product of the instinct to survive and reproduce, as I recently read; it is a result of the drive to create value.

Unlike mere excitement or indulging in what you like and enjoy, creating value makes you feel like a better person. I can be exhilarated by a basketball game, enraptured by a bowl of ice cream, or fascinated with a flickering candle, but my life has more meaning when I help my daughter solve a problem or recognize the basic humanity of a criminal.

In heightened states, the creation of value gives a keen sense of well being and vitality — you feel more alive and alert looking at a sunset or connecting to a loved one or expressing genuine compassion or appreciating something creative, committing to a cause, connecting to a community, or achieving some sort of spiritual knowledge.

Core Values

The specific values we create are highly personal, but they tend to fall into broad categories of core values : basic humanity, attachment /love, appreciation of beauty in nature and created objects, a sense of community, and some notion of spirituality or transcendence.

Your core values are what you regard as the most important things to and about you. They inspire a wish to improve, appreciate, connect, and protect. They are what you "stand for" and how you would like to be remembered.

Adherence to core values gives a sense of authenticity (you know who you are), meaning, and purpose. Breach of them stimulates guilt , shame , anxiety , and eventual identity diffusion. Not investing enough in core values is what people regret the most at the end of their lives.

Value Flows Outward

Value needs to pour out of us, not into us. In other words, an authentic sense of personal value depends on the amount of value we create, not on how much we are valued by others.

For example, it does not feel good to be loved when we do not love. Though it may be an ego boost at first, one-way love inevitably produces guilt for not returning it or inadequacy for the inability to return it or self-doubt for getting something we don't deserve.

More importantly, if we seem to need value poured into us, we necessarily see ourselves as empty and powerless and become vulnerable to self-abuse or manipulation by others. We will lead lives of little meaning, rife with numbness, anger , or resentment; we'll become depressed or rebels without a cause.

what kind of person are you essay

Those who approach love under the illusion that they have a hole inside that someone else must fill tend to find lovers with very small cups.

That's because people with big cups — a lot to give — look for other people with big cups, so they can get as much as they give. Those with small cups look for lovers with big holes who will appreciate what little they can give. The illusion that value must be poured into us leads to failure in many endeavors but is especially disastrous in love relationships.

Emotions and Value

Emotions are necessarily embedded in the creation of value. To paraphrase Silvan Tomkins, with emotion , anything is important, and without it, nothing is. Positive emotions signal an increase in value-creation; negative emotions indicate loss of value.

Thus emotional pain and emptiness are not punishment for bad behavior, as my well-meaning elementary school teachers drubbed into my head (and behind). Rather, emotional pain and emptiness are motivations to create more value, which is the only thing (besides drugs and distraction) that alleviates them.

You won't stop being hurt, angry, or depressed over an argument with a loved one until you look at yourself and your loved one with more compassion. You won't stop being irritated by charitable solicitations until you give what you truly believe is right to give. You won't stop feeling depressed or anxious until you appreciate more.

There is one big problem with emotions and values in regard to motivational choices. The emotions embedded in values are all but indistinguishable from those stimulated by the environment . The wellbeing engendered by loving, for instance, is often confounded with that of being loved. The shame of hurting a loved one is easily confused with the pain of being hurt by a loved one.

Our inability to distinguish emotions that are motivations from those that are reactions is what makes feelings such a lousy guide for behavior. Consistently acting on feelings leads to frustration and powerlessness — reactive feelings are controlled by your environment. The value you create depends entirely on you.

Steven Stosny, Ph.D.

Steven Stosny, Ph.D., treats people for anger and relationship problems. His recent books include How to Improve your Marriage without Talking about It and Love Without Hurt .

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Who Am I Essay | Essay on Who Am I for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Who Am I Essay:  There are 135 crore people in just India and more than that many parts of the world. But not one person is exactly similar to one and other. Each person has their own characteristics, persona and idiosyncrasies. This who am I essay is based on my charter and personality and not on the facts of who I am or where I am from or which school I study at.

A person’s character should not be judged by his or her marks card or back balance or the amount of wealth he or she has. The deeds and personalities are what makes a person good.

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Long and Short Essays on Who Am I for Students and Kids in English

You can find a 600-word long who am I essay in English for schoolchildren and students. We have also provided a short 200-word who am I essay for the same purpose. Long essay on who am I is helpful for students of classes 7,8,9 and 10.

Long Essay on Who Am I 600 Words in English

I am a boy and that is all the facts and stats that I will be mentioning in this who am I essay. I won’t be talking about where I come from, who are my parents, which school I study or what class am I in or what my age is. Because these are just things that just represent me but not define me. My character and persona is what defines me and hence in this entire who am I essay, I will be talking about my character, personality likes and dislikes

I believe I am a person who dreams big and has big ambitions in life. Doctors have always been my inspiration since my father himself is one. I have seen him sacrifice his vacation time and free time with families in order to save lives at hospitals. When I was small, I used to get angry when my dad left and went away by terming it is an emergency. I never understood why he did that when I was a small kid. But now that I understand what he does is more important than playing games with me, I always wish him good luck when he goes to work. I know he saves a lot of lives each and every day and that is the reason everyone is my apartment and at my school respect him.

When I grow up, I want to become like my father and save people’s lives. I believe I am a person with empathy. I usually don’t get angry and I always try to understand why people behave the way they do. I always stand in their shoe and look at things from their point of view. This has helped me understand the world better and I believe that has made me a better human being. My father always says that to become a good human being, and more importantly a good doctor, one needs to have empathy and have lots of patience. I strongly believe that I have both those qualities.

I am a strong believer in God and the existence of supernatural power in our universe. I hail from an orthodox brahmin family and these religious and spiritual values have been inculcated in my nature right from my childhood. These values have always helped me grow as a better person. The belief that there is a God watching whatever we do from up above the sky makes me be careful before committing mistakes knowingly. The fear of God has made me a righteous person from the beginning.

I am an ambivert, which means I enjoy socialising with people once in a while and at the same time I also enjoy being alone, at the comfort of my own company. This nature of mine has helped me in my studies as well as free time. In case I find a subject to be difficult, I and my friends do group study and have fun while doing so. At times, when I prefer to be alone, I try to learn some new habit like reading a book or learning a guitar.

I am a kind person by heart and I intentionally never try to hurt people., as I said at the beginning of this “who am I essay”, I am an empathetic person with no ego and attitude problems. I can gel well with people and my friends like me. But, like every human being, I too have some bad qualities. I usually get angry at my mother whenever she makes potato because I don’t like potato and sometimes waste the food that she has cooked for me. I bite my nails which is an unhealthy habit. I am a person who works hard and is trying to improve myself.

Essay on Who Am I

Short Essay on Who Am I 200 Words in English

Find below a 200-word short Who am I Essay in English for schoolchildren and students. Who Am I Essay is helpful for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. This can be used for an essay writing competition and assignment.

I am a boy who is a very ambitious person and dreams to become a doctor one fine day when I grow up. I want to serve people in need and save their lives, just like my father does. As he says, one needs to be compassionate and empathetic in nature to become a good doctor. I have always believed that I have all the qualities to be a doctor. I am a hard worker, I am empathetic and I am compassionate with people.

I always see myself as a kind and good-hearted person. But one thing I can’t stop myself from doing is eating junk food. I love eating pizzas and burgers at parties. My parents always scold and warn me of the health issues that junk food can cause for children like me. But like every kid, I guess I have a naughty side too.

But I do have some down coming that I am religiously working one. I am a short-tempered person. They say temperament is a bad quality in a doctor. I have been working on reducing my temperament by doing yoga and prayanam exercises.

10 Lines on Who am I Essay in English

  • I am a highly ambitious person with big dreams for my future.
  • I love traveling to hill stations.
  • I love my parents a lot. I idolise my father who is a doctor.
  • I want to become a doctor and save people’s lives when I grow up.
  • I believe I am an empathetic and compassionate person.
  • Like every human being, I have a few bad habits like short temper and biting my nails.
  • I am a hard worker and listen to my parents and teachers every time.
  • I love reading poetry and playing the guitar in my free time.
  • I am a social person who loves to talk and interact with people.
  • I dole many hats as the youngest kid in my family, from being a good son to a good brother a good friend to everyone.

Essay About Who Am I

FAQ’s on Who am I Essay in English

Question 1. How to be a good person?

Answer: Be compassionate, empathetic and helpful to people to become a good person

Question 2. Is having bad habits bad?

Answer: Every human being will have bad habits. We just have to work on it and turn that into a good habit

Question 3. What are your favourite hobbies?

Answer: Travelling, writing and reading are my favourite pass time hobbies

Question 4. How to develop a good personality in life?

Answer: Listen to your heart and follow your passion by working hard to develop a unique personality

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Words: 1040 |

Updated: 21 November, 2023

Words: 1040 | Pages: 2 | 6 min read

Table of contents

Prompt examples for the "who am i" essays, "who am i" essay examples.

  • Self-Reflection and Identity Explore the concept of self-reflection and the journey to discovering one's identity. How has self-awareness evolved throughout your life, and what factors have contributed to your understanding of who you are?
  • Emotions and Self-Perception Discuss your emotional landscape and its impact on your self-perception. How do you experience and express emotions? How do they shape your self-image and interactions with others?
  • Self-Esteem and Self-Obsession Examine the dynamics of self-esteem and self-obsession in your life. How has your self-esteem evolved over time, and how does it relate to your self-obsession or self-care? Share personal experiences that illustrate this evolution.
  • Social Interactions and Introversion Reflect on your social interactions and introverted tendencies. How do you navigate social situations, and what happens when you step out of your comfort zone? Discuss the balance between introversion and extroversion in your life.
  • Leadership and Taking Charge Describe your experiences with leadership and taking charge in various situations. How do you approach leadership roles, and what qualities make you effective in these roles? Share examples of when you've assumed leadership and its impact on those around you.

Who am I: Creative Essay

Works cited.

  • Akhtar, S., & Akhtar, F. (2016). A critical study of self-concept and self-esteem. Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 21(7), 15-22.
  • Benson, K. (2007). The power of personality types in career success. Journal of Employment Counseling, 44(3), 98-104.
  • Cassidy, S., & Eachus, P. (2002). Developing the computer user self-efficacy (CUSE) scale: Investigating the relationship between computer self-efficacy, gender and experience with computers. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 26(2), 133-153.
  • Costa, P. T., & McCrae, R. R. (1992). Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) professional manual. Psychological Assessment Resources.
  • Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2008). Self-determination theory: A macrotheory of human motivation, development, and health. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 49(3), 182-185.
  • Friedman, H. S. (2010). Personality, disease, and self-healing: An integrative perspective. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 16(1), 5-9.
  • Howard, L. W., & Ferris, G. R. (1996). The employment interview context: Social and situational influences on interviewer decisions. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26(24), 2153-2174.
  • McAdams, D. P. (1993). The stories we live by: Personal myths and the making of the self. Guilford Press.
  • Swami, V. (2008). The influence of body weight on self-perceptions and partner preferences. Sex Roles, 58(9-10), 651-654.
  • Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. (1974). Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases. Science, 185(4157), 1124-1131.

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How to Write Who Am I Essay

“Who am I?” Human beings are the only creatures on the planet who can ask themselves this question. Other animals don’t have problems with self-identity. Lions, dolphins, and zebras don’t ask questions. They just try to survive in this cruel world. But we can’t live without inventing problems regularly. That’s why “Who Am I” essays are so popular.

In truth, we like digging in our heads and souls looking for answers. We truly believe that our actions and feeling have a logical explanation, and every habit or trait has its root. Maybe we’re doing everything right. Maybe we care too much. Yet, we are here not to debate but to find out how to write “Who Am I” essay.

First of all, let’s figure out when we need to write a “Who Am I” essay.

When do you need a “who am I” essay

In short, you might need a “Who am I” essay for college, for work, for your bio, or simply for yourself. When you write it for yourself or for your bio, you don’t have any particular purpose but self-analysis. Sure, there are no concrete rules or requirements, and you can write it the way you want (or pay for essay to get qualified help and save your time).

But when it comes to work or college, everything is a bit more complicated. Your “Who Am I” essay can become a part of the application process or job interview. Through your writing, an employer or an admissions committee will be able to take a closer look at your personality. Your essay has to convince them that you’re the best candidate for the scholarship or for the job. Thus, you need a few tips on how to write “Who Am I” essay to make a good impression.

what is who am I essay

10 “who am I” essay ideas to amaze your readers

We’re sure that your personality is outstanding, and colleges and companies should fight for your excellence. But they don’t know about it yet. Even the sweetest candy and the most interesting books needs a bright cover to be noticed, right? Make your “Who Am I” essay sample so brilliant that nobody can resist the temptation to meet you personally and learn more about you.

1. Be honest, but delicate

Admissions officers as well as hiring managers read tons of CV’s, application essays, and cover letters. Do you think they can’t distinguish lies from truth? Don’t even try to add some fake facts to your essay. Firstly, some data is easy to check. Secondly, your life is exciting enough without any fantasies. Finally, you have a conscience, right?

2. Write about your passion

When you write about something you really like, your essay is filled with positive energy. Thus, it makes a good impression on the readers. If you’re going to apply for the position of interpreter, you don’t have to write about learning languages. For example, you can emphasize that the best about this profession is communicating with people if you really enjoy a social life.

3. Share an interesting story

When you compose a “Who Am I” essay not just for yourself, make sure that it will be interesting for your audience. Your childhood memories can be priceless for you and your parents, but they’re not likely to interest the admissions officers, unless you were an extraordinary child.

4. Switch on your creativity

“Who Am I” Essay samples don’t belong to the category of academic writing, so forget about the rules! Of course, not all the rules. We still don’t recommend you to use jargon or contractions. But you are not limited to the standard structure of the essay or specified sources. Moreover, you don’t even have to quote anybody, as the only person who has a right to express his opinion about you is, actually, YOU!

5. Use make-up

Not real make-up, for sure. You’d use metaphorical make-up. Hide or smooth your weaknesses and highlight your strengths. That’s what professional make-up artists do! Your inner beauty and qualities can also be emphasized!

6. Tell them more

Both hiring managers and the admissions board know everything about your academic achievements or work experience from your CV or resume. You don’t have to share this information again in your essay. Your task is to give them something more and to show them what kind of person you are. A human being is not just a bunch of numbers and facts!

7. Avoid boasting

Nobody likes upstarts. Sure, you have to demonstrate your positive qualities and achievements to make a good impression. But it doesn’t mean that you should sound arrogant. Readers should understand that your victories aren’t a gift or luck but the result of hard work and self-development.

8. Show your perspective

Admissions officers and hiring managers are interested in your personal thinking process. A “Who Am I” essay doesn’t require any additional sources or quotes. Your thoughts are enough to create a brilliant piece of writing. Don’t try to be someone else! Your personality is worth seeing.

9. Think about the impression

Being honest and being yourself are very good principles when we talk about how to write “Who Am I” essay. However, you should always keep the balance between frankness and a positive impression. If you choose to write about your mistake or failure, mention how this negative experience has made you a better person. Imperfections make us unique, but in your essay, they should look charming and interesting, not abominable.

10. Demonstrate your potential

Don’t forget to mention your plans for the future. Smart people always think about perspectives and opportunities. If you write a “Who Am I” college essay, explain how you can contribute to the development of the college community. When it comes to a job interview, you can mention how you want to improve the working process or how your skills will help this company to grow.

who am i essay ideas

These 10 tips will guarantee the success of your essay! We know that general recommendations are not enough for you – you can either request write my paper for me help, or continue learning our guide.

So, don’t hesitate! Move on to the list of good and bad topics for your “Who Am I” essay for college or work!

“Who am I” essay ideas to write and to avoid

We should remind you one more time that we’re talking mostly about essays for college or work. When you compose an essay exclusively for self-analysis, it doesn’t matter what topic you pick. But when you need to impress someone, you should be more careful with your choice. Below, you’ll find a list of “Who Am I” Essay Ideas that you should and shouldn’t use for your writing.

5 good topics for a “who am I” essay

  • Achievement

That’s classic. If you don’t seek originality and want to choose a time-tested option, this topic is perfect for you. Of course, there is one necessary condition: you need a really meaningful achievement to write about. Baking a cake or getting a high GPA is not enough! It should be something impressive like climbing Mount Everest or saving the planet from an alien invasion. So choose wisely!

  • Fixed mistake

If there is one topic even more impressive than a personal achievement, it is a fixed mistake. People love stories about falls and rises because we enjoy dramas. In your “Who Am I” essay sample, you should not only tell about your failure and your solution. The most important here is to underline how this situation has influenced your character, values, and worldview. Explain to your readers how this mistake has made you a better person.

  • Dramatic change

Headings like “From Accountant to Famous Artist in One Year” or “A Life-Changing Journey to Africa” always attract our attention. Audiences like miraculous changes. When we read such stories, we start believing that something similar will happen to us and change our lives forever. Look back at your life. Who or what is responsible for the most dramatic twist of your fate? Maybe this story is worth sharing.

  • Leadership experience

Both colleges and companies are looking for leaders. No one likes sheep, and everybody wants to see a shepherd as a part of their community. Of course, it is impossible to build a good team exclusively from leaders. However, if you feel like you can bring people together and give them the right directions, write about this quality in your “Who Am I” essay. Provide a real-life example in order not to sound baseless.

  • Questioned belief

Doubts are an indispensable part of life, especially for people who learn new things about the world around them every day. For example, you’ve always believed that men are braver than women.

5 bad topics for a “who am I” essay

  • Other persons

We know that you love your parents, your teachers, and other great people around you. However, they are not the ones who are going to enter the university or apply for the position of manager. It’s you! So, please, write about you! Of course, you can mention other people, but they should never be the main characters of your “Who Am I” essay.

  • School achievements

School is far from real life. If you’re applying for college, you don’t have much choice, because your school years are the only period you’ve already lived through. Yet, if you are around 30 years old, don’t write about your school life in the essay. It was a long time ago! We’re sure that you’ve had much more exciting experiences than history tests or bullying.

Being philosophical is not bad when you have a philosophical conversation. But it’s not good when you have to write about yourself! You’re not a philosophical concept. You’re a real person with real problems, real friends, and real actions. Your aim is not to find the meaning of life in your essay. Your task is to show your personality.

  • Sports victory

If you aren’t a professional sportsman, your sports victories are not interesting to anybody. Just face it! You can be proud of the winning goal or your personal record, but your employer or admissions committee doesn’t really care. They want to learn more about your goals, principles, professional experience, and personal qualities.

  • Religion and politics

It’s a bit old-fashioned to claim that these topics are not for the dinner table, especially when you have dinner with a group of close friends. It’s totally fine to talk about faith, elections, and religion among your pals. However, it is still unacceptable for the application process. You don’t know the person who is going to read your writing very well. He or she might have an extremely different worldview. So, don’t take the risk of hurting their feelings!

That’s enough instruction for now, guys! There is another efficient way to teach you how to write “Who Am I” essay in addition to writing assistance from our cheap essay writing service . We’ll give you a nice well-written example so you’ll have a good template for your own writing.

“Who am I” essay example

You can use our sample to learn how actually a “Who Am I” essay outline should look. In your own essay, you don’t have to divide the text into separate sections by subheadings. We’ve added them to our sample only for comfortable reading. We kindly ask you not to plagiarize our text. Enjoy reading!

“Who Am I” Essay: Introduction

When do people become adults? What is the moment when they cross the line and leave their careless childhood behind? I think that it’s not the easiest question to ask. However, I considered myself to be an adult, even though I’m only 21 years old for a good reason.

“Who Am I” Essay: Main Body

The first time when I thought that I was an adult was when I moved out of my parents’ house and entered the university. I left my small native town behind and became a rightful citizen of the capital. I felt so independent and free but not for long. You see, everybody needs money to live independently. At that time, my only income was my parents’ money. So, it was too early to call myself an adult. But I wanted that so much!

Later, I got my first real job. For a couple of months, I felt really adult because I started to earn my own money. Unfortunately, my first serious job was not well paid. I understood that I had to move out of the dorm as I was not a student anymore. I had no other choice but to ask my parents for financial support to rent an apartment. I was so disappointed as I had lost my right to call myself an adult again.

Since one year ago, my whole world has changed. I’ve got a new job, and I’ve found many interesting and amazing people who inspire me every day. My life is great and full of bright and positive emotions. But it has also become much harder. I think a lot about my career, my private life, my plans, my skills, and other numerous things. I don’t dream about my future as I used to when I was a child. I think about the future, and I really worry about it.

“Who Am I” Essay: Conclusion

Now, I understand that I don’t want to be an adult, because that means to be the only person who is responsible for my life and success. Ironically, I think that exactly this understanding is what makes me an adult.

“Who am I” essay writing steps infographic

how to write who am i essay

We hope that you’ve learned how to start a “Who Am I” essay and how to make it brilliant from our guide. We are glad to share this information with you, as we strongly believe that all people should have the opportunity to look inside themselves and provide a proper self-analysis. Moreover, you should know how to present your strengths and impress your hiring manager or admissions officer. Finally, you can use our guide when you write a bio for your blog or social media profile.

Can you see now how helpful this guide is? Anyway, we’ve done our best composing it. Now, it’s your turn to work a bit and amaze the world with your outstanding writing.

Pro help with “who am I” essay writing

On the other hand, not all of us have enough time or energy to create awesome essays. But, you can always rely on our EssayShark team! We’re ready to help you any time with any writing problems. Apply to us 24/7 and take advantage of our great benefits! On our website, you’ll find expert assistance of talented writers. They’ll provide you with well-written, high-quality samples at affordable prices.

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Essay on Who Am I for Students and Children

500+ words essay on who am i.

In this world, many people surround us. Though we all apparently look similar, yet we all are unique in our own ways. The uniqueness gives us an identity. I am a teenage girl. I am like most teenage girls but I am also different from others. Those differences make me who I am.

essay on who am i

I am a girl in mid-teenage. From childhood, I always loved to interact with people. I like to know people and make friends. I am a social person and go out with my friends and family. Also, I like to visit new places. Nature attracts me. Therefore, whenever I get the vacation I always insist on my friends and family for a getaway in nature’s lap.

Travelling gives me immense pleasure. I always capture beautiful moments and places in my camera. Whenever I am sad, I revisit my photo album to look at the beautiful places and moments. The thought of those happy moments and beautiful places makes me happy.

I am serious and disciplined about my studies and read many books other than my textbooks. Reading autobiographies and detective storybooks are what I like. I am involved in extra curriculum activities. I am learning music and love to sing.

Also, I listen to all genres of music but Hindustani classical , semi-classical, Bollywood songs are my favorite. Melodious songs are close to my heart. I always participate in musical and cultural events organized in my school. I also take part in the inter-school competition and have been a winner at an inter-school competition a couple of times. Those are cherishable and proud moments of my life.

Every person is a mix of good and bad qualities. I am not an early riser by nature. I understand that waking up early is very important to become productive. Still, during my holidays I take the liberty of waking up late.

I am an ambitious person and a dreamer. My dream is to become a teacher. I think a teacher is a big motivator and guide. I would like to motivate people and guide them to do good for society.

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Me in several roles

While growing up I have realized that I am an individual but I play several roles throughout the day. As per these roles, my behavior and attitude keep altering. This variation adds various shades in my personality.

In my home firstly, I am a daughter. I try to listen and follow what my parents teach me. When I do well in studies, they become proud. Yet when I do not obey them, they scold me. I get lots of love, care and attention from my parents.  I also care, love, and respect them. My parents are my first identity in this world.

Secondly, I am a sister. I have an elder brother. He takes care of me and guides to follow the path to success. My brother is also my friend. We spend quality time together playing, laughing at jokes together, and watching our favorite cartoon shows. The love, care, the fight makes a beautiful bond between us.

Thirdly, I am a student. Our teachers always try to guide us to realize our path of life. They want us to be sincere in studies and build a successful career . They also instill in us the values of a good human being. I try to be a sincere and obedient student and always do my homework and do well in studies. I also respect my teachers and am an obedient student. My teachers are patient and they always guide me to overcome my mistakes.

Fourthly, the role that we all love is that of a friend. I have many friends. I love moving out and spending time with my friends. We help each other in times of need. We live happy moments together. Friendship is very beautiful. I love to make my friends feel special, and never miss wishing them on their birthdays.


Life is full of experiences. Every moment we meet different people and face different situations. In this course of life, we not only get to know different people, but we also get to know ourselves in different ways.

As we grow, our likes dislike interest changes. Our perception and outlook toward life also change with time and experience. Thus, the search to the answer to the question of who I am is a lifelong process.

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Guide to Different Kinds of Essays


An essay is a paper that discusses, describes or analyzes one topic. It can discuss a subject directly or indirectly, seriously or humorously. It can describe personal opinions, or just report information. An essay can be written from any perspective, but essays are most commonly written in the first person ( I ), or third person (subjects that can be substituted with the he, she, it, or they pronouns).

There are many different kinds of essays. The following are a some of the most common ones:

Descriptive Cause/Effect Argumentative Definition Narrative Critical Compare/Contrast Process


Examples: A descriptive essay could describe . . .

The descriptive essay provides details about how something looks, feels, tastes, smells, makes one feel, or sounds. It can also describe what something is, or how something happened. These essays generally use a lot of sensory details. The essay could be a list-like description that provides point by point details. Or, it could function as a story, keeping the reader interested in the plot and theme of the event described.


Examples: A definition essay may try and define . . .

A definition essay attempts to define a specific term. It could try to pin down the meaning of a specific word, or define an abstract concept. The analysis goes deeper than a simple dictionary definition; it should attempt to explain why the term is defined as such. It could define the term directly, giving no information other than the explanation of the term. Or, it could imply the definition of the term, telling a story that requires the reader to infer the meaning.


Examples:A compare/contrast essay may discuss . . .

The compare/contrast essay discusses the similarities and differences between two things, people, concepts, places, etc. The essay could be an unbiased discussion, or an attempt to convince the reader of the benefits of one thing, person, or concept. It could also be written simply to entertain the reader, or to arrive at an insight into human nature. The essay could discuss both similarities and differences, or it could just focus on one or the other. A comparison essay usually discusses the similarities between two things, while the contrast essay discusses the differences.


Examples:A cause/effect essay may explain . . .

The cause/effect essay explains why or how some event happened, and what resulted from the event.

This essay is a study of the relationship between two or more events or experiences. The essay could discuss both causes and effects, or it could simply address one or the other. A cause essay usually discusses the reasons why something happened. An effect essay discusses what happens after a specific event or circumstance.

The example below shows a cause essay, one that would explain how and why an event happened.

If this cause essay were about a volcanic eruption, it might go something like this: “Pressure and heat built up beneath the earth’s surface; the effect of this was an enormous volcanic eruption.”

The next example shows an effect essay, one that would explain all the effects that happened after a specific event, like a volcanic eruption.

If this effect essay were about a volcanic eruption again, it might go something like this:

“The eruption caused many terrible things to happen; it destroyed homes, forests, and polluted the atmosphere.”

Examples:A narrative essay could tell of . . .

The narrative essay tells a story. It can also be called a “short story.” Generally, the narrative essay is conversational in style and tells of a personal experience. It is most commonly written in the first person (uses I ). This essay could tell of a single, life-shaping event, or simply a mundane daily experience.

Examples: A process essay may explain . . .

A process essay describes how something is done. It generally explains actions that should be performed in a series. It can explain in detail how to accomplish a specific task, or it can show how an individual came to a certain personal awareness. The essay could be in the form of step-by-step instructions, or in story form, with the instructions/explanations subtly given along the way.


Examples: An argumentative essay may persuade a reader that . . .

An argumentative essay is one that attempts to persuade the reader to the writer’s point of view. The writer can either be serious or funny, but always tries to convince the reader of the validity of his or her opinion. The essay may argue openly, or it may attempt to subtly persuade the reader by using irony or sarcasm.

Examples: A critical essay may analyze . . .

A critical essay analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, and methods of someone else’s work. Generally, these essays begin with a brief overview of the main points of the text, movie, or piece of art, followed by an analysis of the work’s meaning. It should then discuss how well the author/creator accomplishes his/her goals and makes his/her points. A critical essay can be written about another essay, story, book, poem, movie, or work of art.


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What Kind of Student are you

This reflective essay will explore the author’s own identity as a student. It will discuss their learning style, strengths and weaknesses, academic interests, and attitudes towards education. The piece will consider the factors that influence their approach to learning, such as personal experiences, motivation, and educational environment. It will also reflect on how these attributes shape their academic and personal growth. PapersOwl showcases more free essays that are examples of Communication.

How it works

During my work at the university, I have formed images of the main types of students, I present them to your attention.

But communication with him is a real pleasure.

  • Formalist. It occurs quite often, it is usually female. This is an intelligent and hardworking student, but he completes assignments not because he likes the subject, but because he needs to. He is very disciplined and used to a constant work schedule. I am amazed at such students, they are always ready, where do they find time for this? At the same time, they do not look like nerds.
  • Mediocre. Such a student is distinguished by a mediocre attitude towards learning. He attends classes because he needs to get a diploma, but he does not make any effort to master the profession, he does only the minimum so that he does not get expelled from the university, often it consists in “rubbing his pants.” He is usually not stupid, his knowledge is very mediocre.
  • Interested in. A student of any type can move to this category. These are the students who like the subject they are studying, and they study because they are passionate, not because they have to. It happens that a student is passionate about one subject and attends only it, it happens that if he is a formalist, then he does others out of necessity, and does one for the soul.
  • Silly you. A student who is stupid in everyday life and has not yet figured out how everything works around where he got to, does not know how to quickly navigate in a difficult situation. For him, the deduction is more real than for anyone else.
  • Impenetrable. This man seemed to have built an armor around himself, it is impossible to reach him. He decided in advance that he did not need this subject and did not perceive any information in pairs, but attends, just sits, writes down, and leaves anyway with what he came without having mastered the new knowledge.
  • Tired. This student is tired due to the fact that he studied hard at school/college/technical school and now he has no strength left for further education, or he is just such a person, tired of life. It is also impossible to reach such a person, he does not perceive new information.
  • Busy. Such a student has a lot of things to do outside the classroom, it can be work, hobbies, personal life, social life at the university, in which he is involved, or something else. These are usually intelligent and energetic students, but they practically do not go to pairs, they close the session only thanks to the previously acquired knowledge in a secondary (/ special) educational institution.
  • An outspoken bummer. This is all laziness, unless it’s not lazy to lie on the couch. He is usually expelled sooner or later, only if someone constantly “does not kick” him to study, for example, parents or friends, then he receives his fully three-point diploma, but he himself does not strive for anything.
  • Modest. This is usually a quiet, modest guy, regularly visits couples, performs the necessary tasks, but is not talkative, he will not say anything, if not asked, little is known about him.
  • Suck up. Most often female, but there are also guys. It is believed that a higher grade is ensured through a good relationship with the teacher, from them you can usually hear plenty of compliments, and on the exam, in the case of a troban, abuse.
  • I am the best! These are students with high self-esteem, they look down on not only their classmates, but also consider the teacher to be below myself. At the same time, they regularly raise their self-esteem and themselves in the eyes of others by lowering those around them, innocent people. It is interesting to watch such people from the outside, they are usually charismatic personalities, but being involved in interaction with them is akin to pouring a tub of dirt on you.

These are, in my opinion, the main types of modern students. What kind of student are you? Do you study because you need to or because you like it? But what if you only study what is interesting? In other subjects, credit cannot be obtained, and therefore, a diploma of higher education and related benefits …


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"What Kind Of Student Are You," , 06-Jul-2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 30-Jun-2024] (2021). What Kind Of Student Are You . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 30-Jun-2024]

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Writing 101: The 8 Common Types of Essays

Written by MasterClass

Last updated: Jun 7, 2021 • 3 min read

Whether you’re a first-time high school essay writer or a professional writer about to tackle another research paper, you’ll need to understand the fundamentals of essay writing before you put pen to paper and write your first sentence.

what kind of person are you essay

Pretty People Really Do Have It Better

The Pretty Privilege

W hen you’re young, you come to know quite quickly who’s pretty and who isn’t. If you’re pretty, people will tell you often and upfront. And if prettiness isn’t your overwhelmingly defining feature, people will use other complimentary adjectives to encourage you: smart , clever, fastidious, well-behaved, talented, funny, etc. “Creative” was a big one for me. An adult told me once when I was about 12 that I would understand I was pretty when I was older. I remember at the time feeling a kind of dread about the futility of an unformed future and its uncertain promises.

“ Pretty ” is wholly subjective, of course. When I was growing up in the ’90s, it was mostly defined as being thin, white, cisgender, and feminine. And while that lens has broadened quite a bit now, those markers are still generally the easiest to benefit from if you hit them.

The social advantages of pretty privilege are many: good-looking people come off as smart, capable, trustworthy, and generally morally virtuous. If you’re hot, your dating app matches will never run empty. People will buy you drinks at bars, randomly do nice things for you, give you gifts, and generally go out of their way for you. Economic advantages abound, too: attractive people are more likely to receive raises, promotions, and be heard in the workplace, and the perception of their productivity and value to a company is outsized. There are several studies that examine the power of pretty privilege and the unbalanced life experiences of those who have it.

Read More: Stop Calling My Daughter Pretty

There’s a psychological term for the cognitive bias we have when making judgments about a person, brand, or place: the “halo effect” shows how our initial positive impressions tend to influence our overall judgments of one another. 

Pretty privilege is a form of self-sustaining energy, in that way—all the positive feedback that attractive people receive instills a kind of self-worth in them that they are indeed deserving of everything they desire, which makes their endeavors that much more persuasive. After all, believing in yourself is necessary for others to believe in you too. 

This also explains why hot people who commit crimes are less likely to be arrested or convicted (or more likely to receive lenient sentences ). See: “hot convict” Jeremy Meeks, whose mugshot went viral on Facebook in 2014 after he was arrested on felony weapons charges during a gang sweep in Stockton, Calif. Meeks became a professional model and actor after having served half of his 27-month sentence. Not many people know what happened to the other purported gang members who were also arrested and incarcerated from that sweep, presumably because their mug shots were not as noteworthy. It’s also how a fake German heiress can spin a Netflix series and reality TV show out of defrauding hundreds of thousands of dollars from the New York City elite, after ample splashy media coverage.

No one has the power to choose the face and body they are born with, but a person can gain pretty privilege by acquiring attractive features through cosmetic manipulation . I’ve never been more assured that pretty privilege is real and powerful than when I’ve intentionally and laboriously leaned into perceived femininity—long, flowing weaves, false lashes, makeup, heels. But there are certain provisions to the ways that pretty privilege works, and generally it calls for a kind of beauty that appears convincingly “natural” in order to imbue positive associations of goodness and moral virtue with beauty. And we all know that “natural” is as subjective of a word as “pretty.”

We don’t really have a collective name for whatever the opposite of natural beauty is, but the word “fake”—implying undesirable traits like untrustworthiness and dishonesty—is liberally applied to those sporting visible makeup or cosmetic enhancement. The most neutral terms we can manage are “low maintenance” and “high maintenance.” And “high maintenance” is pretty much always used in a pejorative sense when describing a person. “Low maintenance” implies the kind of virtue inherent in a lack of vanity (or beauty routine). If you only ever buy beauty and personal care products marketed toward “normal” skin and hair—and no one ever tells you “You’d look so much better if…”—congratulations, you can enjoy a peaceful, low-maintenance life.

Read More: Not Even the Kardashians Can Keep Up With Their Unrealistic Beauty Standards

“Normal” is a made-up term when it comes to beauty products . There is no normal police; it is not a benchmark regulated by any governing scientific, industrial, or medical body. Rather, it instead refers to the larger culture at hand’s idea of what is baseline acceptable. Opting out of beauty’s machinations is something that mostly people with pretty privilege can manage without risking social stigma. You’re considered low maintenance if you don’t fuss over your appearance beyond basic hygiene while still appearing appealing, but you’ve let yourself go if you don’t fuss over your appearance beyond basic hygiene and don’t fulfill a certain level of conventional attractiveness.

Pretty privilege is an uncomfortable topic, both for those who are overlooked or dismissed in favor of preferable looks, and for those whose successes and individual agency are undermined as a by-product of their appearance. And for women, pretty privilege plays a much more outsized role because women remain broadly objectified by society; our looks are often the most prioritized asset we have to bargain with, and looking the part is always requisite to getting the part. I like to think that my ample skill, experience, and charm make me a qualifying candidate for most jobs, but I am willing to bet from experience that optics have always prevailed where doubt may linger.

Beauty and attraction are incredibly subjective, but privilege is often based in institutional and established cultural beliefs, lots of which blend racism and colorism , sexism, fatphobia , ableism , ageism, and other appearance-based discriminations into their perceptions of beauty. Those who experience these prejudices often spend so much of their time performing their value, reassuring others of their capabilities as they navigate their own self-doubt . The virtues projected onto beauty work just as much against those who don’t fulfill beauty’s ideals. It’s not ugliness that is the assumed opposite of beauty—it’s abnormality.

But there’s a plot twist: an absence of pretty privilege doesn’t necessarily condemn you to a life less extraordinary. People are dynamic, attraction is fickle, and charm, intelligence, and wit will get you a lot further than looks can (even if you have to put more effort in them). Our appetite for beauty demands some variety, and if everyone looks the same then prettiness becomes redundant and boring. Humans aren’t completely shallow, despite unflattering evidence that may suggest otherwise. It’s our experiences and privileges that grant us access to resources for individual resistance; how we’re born into the world and how we’re taught to perceive ourselves determines how much we can cash in on those privileges.

And it turns out that the halo effect works both ways— your personality and behaviors play a big part in how hot people think you are. Being cool, kind, and doing “good things” can change how a person’s attractiveness is perceived, namely by increasing it. Talent bias, wealth bias, good deed bias, BDE (big dick energy)—they all contribute to people thinking you’re hotter than the sum of your physical attributes . In one study, subjects were shown images of the same person with different personality descriptors. Images accompanied by verbal descriptions of their generosity and kindness resulted in higher scores of facial attractiveness than when the same images were accompanied by negative traits like selfishness and unfriendliness. Personality perception affects facial attractiveness, as do other contextual elements like prior knowledge of a person and their role in your social community. Generally speaking, good behavior and positive attributes make you more attractive.

Looks do matter—sometimes, a bit too much, it feels like—because they’re a conduit to power. There’s a reason pretty privilege is, in fact, a privilege; it makes life easier by the status it grants. But the thing about beauty is that it often usurps other positive qualities a person might possess. Prettiness is a passive trait, after all. It’s a common assumption that classic hotties must not have had to develop any other redeeming characteristics because beauty is the ultimate redemption. It’s important to remember that hotness and desirability are made up of so much more than the sum of your most desirable physical features. They’re encompassed by a host of nonphysical attributes that contribute to how you’re perceived, including the idiosyncrasies and quirks of your personality.

I have a theory that everyone is hot, it’s just that some people know it and some people are not yet aware of it. Often the difference between the two is confidence—it doesn’t even have to be real; fake it ‘til you make it, as they say. Plus, with so much applied aesthetics in our faces all the time now, beauty fatigue is real . We crave personality, unique quirks, and the kind of charm that comes from a life less polished. I mean, there’s nothing less cool than conforming to society’s standards, and that includes beauty. Sometimes all it takes is enough time to pass for that thing you were insecure about (freckles, gap teeth, too-thick eyebrows, no eyebrows, scars, et cetera) to have its moment in the limelight, and for you realize that your insecurity doesn’t define who you are. If anything, it proves to you that it’s all made up, and you can release yourself from appearance anxiety, bit by bit as time goes on. Owning your individual quirks and what makes you you is always hot behavior. When I think about what attracts me to people, it’s always something about their outlook on life, their warmth and generosity of spirit, how comfortable they are in their own skin, and the solidness of their presence, which is often some enigmatic thing that tells me they know what’s up. Energy always pulls where beauty falls short.

Excerpted from Die Hot With a Vengeance , provided courtesy of Dey Street/HarperCollins Publishers. Copyright © 2024 by Sable Yong.

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This Arizona cactus blooms for 1 night. Here's when to see the rare Queen of the Night

Cactuses sure give Arizonans a lot to talk about. From towering Saguaros  that are not what they look like , to a  cactus looking like a couple kissing . But every summer, the queen of cactuses makes an appearance to showcase its stunning flowers that  bloom en mass for only one night every year.

On Saturday, June 29, the majority of these flowers were expected to bloom, offering those who catch the event one of nature's most unique experiences.

Here's what to know about the Bloom Night event in 2024 and about the Queen of the Night, the Arizona-native flower that blooms for only one night each summer.

Tips to make the most out of Bloom Night 2024

Tohono Chul gave the following advice to people planning to attend Bloom Night this year:

  • Bring a flashlight and a refillable water bottle.
  • Wear closed-toe walking shoes and comfortable outdoor clothing.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and watch your step; the Desert View Trail is home to wildlife such as rattlesnakes, tarantulas, lizards, insects and more.
  • Bring your membership card if you are a member.
  • Guest Passes are not eligible for this special event.
  • For photography, remember to bring a camera with a flash or external lighting and be mindful not to block the view of other members when capturing photos of the Queen.

Kissing cactus: This Arizona cactus is getting noticed for its odd shape

When does the Queen of the Night bloom?

This cactus, scientifically known as peniocereus greggii, can start to bloom from May to late July. Brian Rasmussen, curator at the University of Arizona campus arboretum, said a few individual flowers might bloom at different times during the summer months, but there's a single night in which the vast majority of them bloom in mass.

Matt Johnson, manager and curator of the Desert Legume Program at the University of Arizona, said no one knows exactly why this synchronized phenomenon happens, and it's extremely hard to predict when that bloom night will occur each year.

"It's very hard to tell when it will happen," Rasmussen said. "You just have to watch the buds as they grow bigger, that's really the only way you could tell. But you don't know when a blooming sequence happens until it, they start opening up."

What time does the Queen of the Night bloom?

The flowers usually begin to bloom after sunset around 8 p.m., reach full opening by midnight, and close by 9 a.m. the next morning. Each flower can be from 4 to 6 inches in diameter.

"All the plants in the area will bloom in the same night all together, and then the flowers close up in the morning," Rasmussen said. "Say the plant has 10 buds on it, probably 8 of them would bloom on that night. It's very captivating, it's an amazing plant."

Why does it bloom for a single night?

Just like a queen, this flower is beautifully tactical.

According to Raul Puente with Desert Botanical Garden, the Queen of the Night is pollinated by a moth, which is active at night. To attract the moth, the flower uses a few strategies.

When the flower is blooming, it releases a sweet scent that, according to Puentes, is perceivable to humans, which means the fragrance is quite strong for the much more scent-sensitive moths to smell from afar.

By blooming en mass, the plant increases its chances of being pollinated since it has more buds open at once and by producing an even more intense fragrance altogether.

What does the Queen of the Night look like?

For most of the year, this unusual cactus looks like dead sticks with a jumble of gray and purplish stems. But every summer for the blooming event, the queen chooses a white gown so she can reflect moonlight off her petals and make it easier for pollinators to find her.

"It's so uncactus-like in its appearance. Most people would not think it very attractive, it's not symmetrical like some other cacti are," Johnson said. "But then it has this spectacular flower, which is certainly the largest and showiest flower of any cactus native to Arizona."

The flower closes up shortly after the first of the sun's rays hit in the morning. Puente said this could be because, being such a large flower, the plant uses quite a bit of energy for the opening and can lose a lot of water when it blooms. By blooming at night, the plant also avoids water evaporation during sunlight hours.

Where can you see the Queen of the Night bloom?

According to Puente, this plant is pretty much scattered across the desert and is very hard to find because it typically grows under nurse trees and tends to camouflage as a bunch of wispy, dry sticks amid shrub branches. It is more common around washes, but your best bet is to look out for the blooming event every year, Puente said.

"It's very hard to spot them in the wild," Rasmussen said. "The one night of the year when most of all the flowers in an area open up is typically the only way you can see it."

Tohono Chul Botanical Garden, located at 7366 N Paseo Del Norte in Tucson, has the world's largest collection of the Queen of the Night and hosts an event every summer so people can see their mass blooming.

Because it is hard to predict, sometimes the announcement is given roughly 12 hours in advance. To be notified, you can sign up to the Garden's  Bloom Watch newsletter.

Rasmussen said people can also find them at the university's arboretum at the Krutch Garden, next to Old Main and at the Desert Plant Conservatory on top of the 6th Street garage.

The Desert Botanical Garden also has a collection planted in ports near the trails so people can see them easily when they start blooming. Two of them were expected to bloom later this week, Puente said.

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Agence france-presse.

Panamanian court acquits 28 people tied to 'Panama Papers' scandal

A Panamanian court on Friday acquitted 28 people charged with money laundering in connection with the now-defunct law firm Mossack Fonseca, the epicenter of the "Panama Papers" international tax evasion scandal.

Among those acquitted were the firm's founders, Jurgen Mossack and Ramon Fonseca, the latter of whom died in May in a Panamanian hospital.

During the trial, which was held in Panama City in April, the prosecution asked for 12 years in prison for the duo, the maximum sentence for money laundering.

However, Judge Baloisa Marquinez acquitted the pair and 26 others after finding that evidence taken from the law firm's servers had not been gathered in line with due process, raising doubts about its "authenticity and integrity," a court statement said.

The judge also ruled that "the rest of the evidence was not sufficient and conclusive to determine the criminal responsibility of the defendants," the court statement said.

Leaked documents from Mossack Fonseca in 2016 revealed how many of the world's wealthy stashed assets in offshore companies, triggering scores of investigations around the globe.

Those implicated included former British premier David Cameron, Russian President Vladimir Putin, football star Lionel Messi, Argentina's then-president Mauricio Macri and Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodovar, to name but a few.

- 'Justice has been done' -

Panamanian prosecutors had alleged that Mossack and Fonseca helped create opaque companies in which executives of the German multinational Siemens deposited millions of euros outside the company's official accounts.

They were also charged with helping divert money from a massive fraud in Argentina.

"Justice has been done, we are extremely satisfied with the ruling handed down by the judge," Guillermina McDonald, lawyer for Mossack and other defendants, told AFP.

However, "we are a little sad because along the way we lost Mr. Ramon Fonseca, and he has not been able to see this result," she added.

The trial began eight years after the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) began publishing the "Panama Papers" on April 3, 2016.

The investigation , based on 11.5 million leaked documents from Mossack Fonseca, revealed how personalities from around the world hid properties, companies, assets and profits to evade taxes or launder money.

To do so, they created companies through the firm, opening bank accounts and creating shell foundations in multiple countries to hide money, which in some cases came from illicit activities, according to the investigation.

The scandal led to the closure of Mossack Fonseca and shaped the international image of Panama as an offshore tax haven.

Offshore companies are not in themselves illegal, and there are numerous legitimate reasons for using them. But they can also be used to launder the proceeds of criminal activities or to conceal misappropriated or politically inconvenient wealth.

"Truly there has been a great injustice that has been done," Mossack said after the conclusion of the hearing.

"Both my partner and all the people who have worked with me have been serious, honest and correct people," he added.

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Should trump be allowed to run for office, wealthy donors furious at being dragged into 'internecine warfare' surrounding trump.

As the auditioning to be Donald Trump's running mate reaches a fever pitch before the Republican National Convention kicks into gear in mid-July, billionaire donors are being increasingly being used as "pawns" by the leading contenders for the second slot to catch the former president's eye.

According to a report from the New York Times, one of the keys to becoming the GOP VP nominee is the ability to bring more cash to the general election campaign and hopefuls are flaunting their big-money contacts as a reason to be the chosen one.

The report also notes that not all of the wealthy donors are pleased at being used as bait.

The Times Michael C. Bender and Theodore Schleifer are reporting, "Republican hopefuls are looking to convince Mr. Trump that they have the financial backing behind them that could help swing the race,' before adding, "Many vice-presidential hopefuls, including some outside contenders wise to the financial dynamic, have responded, boasting — and sometimes exaggerating — the amount they could raise for the ticket. The posturing, in some cases, has drawn sneers from some Republican donors, who feel like they are being used as pawns in internecine warfare."

In the case of Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), he has failed to rope in one of his biggest benefactors, billionaire Peter Thiel who wants nothing to do with the convicted felon ex-president , telling attendees at the Aspen Ideas Festival this week, "If you hold a gun to my head, I will vote for Trump. I’m not going to give any money to his super PAC.”

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) has also annoyed some of his rich supporters who have other plans for him.

At a recent gathering of wealthy donors interested in a policy forum he is behind, more than a few "bristled at the way the Scott team and the news media have implicitly positioned them as endorsers of a Trump-Scott ticket, according to a person close to these donors. In reality, this person said, many people signed onto Mr. Scott’s event believing that he is likely to be the next powerful chair of the Senate Banking Committee," the Times is reporting while adding, "An aide to Mr. Scott declined to comment."

You can read more here .

Biden, Trump battle for blue-collar voters as steel merger looms

Working class voters in Rust Belt cities like Pittsburgh used to favor Democrats overwhelmingly, but years of economic hardship and the rise of social issues favoring Republicans have made them a swing constituency again in 2024.

President Joe Biden has cleared one key hurdle, winning endorsements from union presidents, including the United Steelworkers (USW), a key player in the US Steel takeover battle that has loomed over the 2024 campaign in Pennsylvania.

But just how many rank-and-file workers ignore union chiefs and vote for Donald Trump could have a decisive impact in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, where the margin could be 100,000 votes or fewer.

Biden backers point to the incumbent's reliable support of organized labor, links to working-class Scranton, Pennsylvania and legislative accomplishments like the 2021 infrastructure law.

"We listened to four years of Donald Trump talking about infrastructure, because there was a lot of lip service," said steelworker JoJo Burgess in a Biden ad. "Joe Biden delivered on it."

"Right now, we have the most pro American worker president in office that we've ever had," said Burgess, who is also mayor of Washington, Pennsylvania.

But Rudy Sanetta, a maintenance worker at US Steel, prefers Trump on the economy and because of his stance on gun rights.

"I like him for his resistance to the politicians," Sanetta said of Trump. "The other guy, I have no confidence."

Working class voters "are the most pivotal because they're the ones who have actually demonstrated that they're willing to select either Trump or Biden," said Jonathan Cervas, a political scientist at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

Exit polling from Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania in 2020 suggests the swing to Biden of white working class voters who favored Trump in 2016 "significantly influenced the difference between winning and losing," according to a May paper by progressive political consultant Mike Lux Media and the organized labor-backed group In Union.

But the paper pointed to recent polling that showed a drop in Biden's support among union households in Wisconsin and Michigan, while Pennsylvania was unchanged from 2020.

"Democrats need to understand that these working-class Heartland voters have been through a lot of tough times over the last few decades," said the paper, which urged early outreach from trusted sources that connects with voters' "real-life experience to counter digital misinformation and social pressure."

- Eroding support -

Since Trump's political emergence, there has been considerable debate about the different reasons for the erosion of white working-class support for Democrats.

Some commentators view Trump's 2016 upset as at least partly a racial backlash after the presidency of Barack Obama and Trump's embrace of issues like illegal immigration.

Other commentators, like Ruy Teixeira of the American Enterprise Institute, have called the Democratic Party's progressive positions on issues like police reform and transgender rights alienating to voters who are more culturally conservative.

The 2023 book "Rust Belt Union Blues," a case study of the Pittsburgh region, points to the after-effects of the 1970s and 1980s industrial downturn that led to huge job losses and shuttered union halls, weakening labor's bargaining hand with companies.

The downturn also diminished the community role of unions, which once held picnics and other gatherings where members would don colorful pins promoting their locals; this contributed to a solidarity oriented around issues like fair wages and health care.

While unions still hold some activities, many workers who survived industry downsizings now socialize around religion and hunting, where politically-oriented groups lean conservative, according to authors Lainey Newman and Theda Skocpol.

- Pocketbook issues -

Bernie Hall, who leads the USW Pennsylvania district, agreed that many union members have varied affiliations, but said work remains central.

"Especially in western Pennsylvania, you know people really identify with the union," he said.

Hall, who praised Biden as a "blue-collar" Democrat who has delivered for voters, predicted Biden would win a majority of steelworkers, but acknowledged that Trump holds considerable support.

Some workers turned to Trump after decades of industrial decline to "blow up" the system, Hall said, adding, "I still think there's an appeal to that for some people."

Alex Barna, a machinist at US Steel, was a lifelong Democrat who voted for Obama. But since 2016, Barna has voted for Trump twice and will do so again, crediting the former president's tax cuts with a good economy before Covid-19.

"What affected us was the pocketbook and the pocketbook" was good, said Barna's wife, Helen, contrasting it with today's higher inflation.

"A lot of people think of the four years of the mean tweets," said Helen Barna. "At least we lived better."

Black British music in spotlight at new exhibition

What do a champagne bottle signed by Stormzy, Beethoven's tuning fork and a giant peacock Carnival costume have in common? They're all currently on display in a first-of-its-kind exhibition at the British Library.

"Beyond the Bassline: 500 Years of Black British Music" is the first major exhibition to document the rich history of music by the UK's African and Caribbean heritage communities.

Featuring immersive soundscapes and original commissioned artworks, "Beyond the Bassline", which runs until August 24, is not a typical library exhibit.

Made up of five sections, it begins with "Ocean", which explores the black British music's fraught colonial past, and ends with "Cyberspace", which examines the modern-day impacts of technology and the rising mainstream popularity of black British artists.

Along with historical artifacts -- such as the tuning fork gifted to black violinist George Bridgetower and the peacock costume by Leeds Carnival designer Hughbon Condor -- each section is accompanied by soundscapes, moving images and artistic collaborations with community organizations from across the UK.

"I like to see it as a journey... through time and space," Aleema Gray, lead curator of the exhibition, told AFP.

The primary target audience is "young people, music fans and people of African and Caribbean heritage community", who have historically not always felt welcome within institutions such as the British Library, she added.

"Part of the initiative was really trying to break down those barriers," she explained, pointing out the use of "we" and "our" in the text labels, intended to make it "feel like we're speaking to" visitors as they wander the exhibit.

Gray was recruited specifically for the project, which was first proposed by Grammy-winning musician and academic Mykaell Riley as a partnership between London's University of Westminster and the library.

With over six million recordings in its archives, the library has one of the largest sound collections in the world, making it a fitting venue for an exhibition that focuses as much on sound as on visuals.

Comprising 300 artifacts, "Beyond the Bassline" took over a year to put together, in what Gray described as a "marathon" effort with the aim of taking visitors on a journey through nearly six centuries of music history.

- Community and legacy -

Music as a vehicle for community is an underlying theme throughout the exhibition, said Gray, who wanted to highlight regional narratives and acknowledge London's dominance on the black music scene.

Contributions include a dance video shot on the Welsh coastline by Cardiff group Jukebox Collective, and a lofty, church-like installation celebrating the influence of faith and religion on black British music.

The final installation is a stunning immersive short film, Iwoyi, created by Tayo Rapoport and Rohan Ayinde in collaboration with south London group Touching Bass.

Gray has been overwhelmed by public reception to the exhibition, especially from musicians and young people.

"I've seen so many musicians come here and say 'we've never been acknowledged (before),’" she said.

Seeing how honoured many have felt to have their stories inside a place like the British Library has been "one of the biggest achievements" of the exhibition.

Gray is already focused on efforts to cement the exhibition's community legacy, which include a book and events involving further collaborations with local artists.

"The exhibition is not just about the past and the present, it's about the future," she said.

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That Big Jan. 6 Supreme Court Decision Is Not the Win for Trump People Think It Is

This is part of  Opinionpalooza , Slate’s coverage of the major decisions from the Supreme Court this June. Alongside  Amicus , we kicked things off this year by explaining  How Originalism Ate the Law . The best way to support our work is by joining  Slate Plus . (If you are already a member, consider a  donation  or  merch !)

In Fischer v. United States , a divided Supreme Court, in an opinion by Chief Justice John Roberts, handed Donald Trump a political victory by saying the government overreached in prosecuting some of the Jan. 6 rioters. But it created a potentially big legal problem for him by confirming that the submission of “false evidence” in an official proceeding—as Trump allegedly help orchestrate with the fake electors scheme after he lost the 2020 election—indeed violates federal law. Should Donald Trump ever go to trial on 2020 election interference, and that’s a big if depending on what the Supreme Court does Monday in the pending Trump immunity case, he could well face some serious jail time.

Roberts barely acknowledged the factual circumstances surrounding the Fischer case. For months, Donald Trump had been telling his supporters that the 2020 presidential election was going to be (and eventually was) stolen from him. He encouraged his supporters to come to D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021, for “wild” protests. That was a significant day because it was when Vice President Mike Pence presided over a joint session of Congress and the Electoral College votes were to be counted confirming Joe Biden as the winner. After (and during) Trump’s speech before a boisterous crowd, large segments of that group went to the U.S. Capitol and invaded. The result was a violent insurrection, leaving five dead and 140 law enforcement officers injured. Four officers later died by suicide. It was horrendous.

Roberts sadly doesn’t acknowledge this unfortunate history and ongoing threat to American democracy or take any position on it, other than to state, contrary to the antifa takes, that “a crowd of supporters of then-President Donald Trump gathered outside the Capitol” and eventually invaded. This stands in sharp contrast with Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson who, in her concurring opinion, opened by calling out and condemning what happened:

On January 6, 2021, an angry mob stormed the United States Capitol seeking to prevent Congress from fulfilling its constitutional duty to certify the electoral votes in the 2020 Presidential election. The peaceful transfer of power is a fundamental democratic norm, and those who attempted to disrupt it in this way inflicted a deep wound on this Nation. But today’s case is not about the immorality of those acts.

Roberts instead approached the question as an antiseptic one of statutory interpretation, involving a statute concerning the “obstruction” of an official proceeding. There’s no question that the rioters could be charged with certain crimes that are straightforward, like criminal trespass or destruction of government property. Those charges will still stand against many of the Jan. 6 rioters, but the obstruction charges mattered because they raised the potential for much more jail time.

Follow me into the weeds for a moment. Here’s the obstruction statute at issue:

(c) Whoever corruptly— (1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or (2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined … or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

The question was whether Joseph Fischer, one of the Jan. 6 invaders, “otherwise” “obstruct[ed]” or “imped[ed]” an official proceeding. More precisely, how should the legal system read the word otherwise ? Does it apply to any way in which a proceeding might be obstructed, or was it limited to doing so in ways like the ways done in (c)(1), which involves the interference or manipulation of evidence? The majority—including Jackson in her concurrence—read the statute in context to apply to doing something with evidence. Congress enacted the statute after the Enron accounting scandal, and the prime concern was about the evidence manipulation and tampering. The dissenters, led by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, joined by Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, read the statute more broadly to apply to all different ways one might obstruct or impede an official proceeding, including through criminal acts of trespass and violence.

Barrett is a committed textualist, and she makes a good case to read the statute broadly. But the chief justice and Jackson, a former federal public defender, had their own arguments for reading it more narrowly. As a matter of statutory interpretation, this was one of those cases that could have gone either way. My own view is that there’s no reason Congress in writing the statute would have wanted to stop obstruction or impeding of official proceedings only through the use of evidence, not violence, and that the statute was fairly applied to people like Fischer, who knew what they were doing was wrong.

So this is a political victory for the Trumpists, who can now claim judicial overreach as a number of Jan. 6 insurrectionists get part of their charges thrown out . Of course, no one is going to be getting into the weeds of statutory interpretation when they debate this in public. The point is that supporters of the rioters can say the Biden Department of Justice overreached in aggressively applying the statute. As I write this, the banner headline on the New York Times website says, “Supreme Court Says Prosecutors in Jan. 6 Case Overstepped.” That surely hands a victory to Trump and his supporters.

But Roberts did one thing that he did not have to do that surely would hurt Trump if he ever goes on trial for election interference. Trump too was charged with interfering with an official proceeding. He did not physically invade the Capitol or destroy property. He instead is alleged to have engaged in election subversion, including causing the submission of fake electors in an effort to swing the election that he lost from Biden to him.

Could that conduct count as a violation of the statute? The majority opinion states that “it is possible to violate (c)(2) by creating false evidence—rather than altering incriminating evidence.” That’s exactly what Trump is alleged to have engaged in a conspiracy to do. If Trump acted corruptly and if the fake slates of electors count as “false evidence,” well then he and others could be in a lot of criminal trouble.

Roberts’ opinion was joined by other conservative justices, including Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Clarence Thomas. Getting them on the record on this is no small thing. And surely the Barrett dissenters would agree too that the statute covers the creation of false evidence.

That’s legally bad news for Donald Trump, should he ever go on trial. Tune in Monday to see if that’s even possible. Trump has argued that the charges against him need to be dismissed because he’s immune from prosecution. The Supreme Court is expected to issue its opinion, and I’m not expecting good news.

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  • How to write an argumentative essay | Examples & tips

How to Write an Argumentative Essay | Examples & Tips

Published on July 24, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An argumentative essay expresses an extended argument for a particular thesis statement . The author takes a clearly defined stance on their subject and builds up an evidence-based case for it.

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Table of contents

When do you write an argumentative essay, approaches to argumentative essays, introducing your argument, the body: developing your argument, concluding your argument, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about argumentative essays.

You might be assigned an argumentative essay as a writing exercise in high school or in a composition class. The prompt will often ask you to argue for one of two positions, and may include terms like “argue” or “argument.” It will frequently take the form of a question.

The prompt may also be more open-ended in terms of the possible arguments you could make.

Argumentative writing at college level

At university, the vast majority of essays or papers you write will involve some form of argumentation. For example, both rhetorical analysis and literary analysis essays involve making arguments about texts.

In this context, you won’t necessarily be told to write an argumentative essay—but making an evidence-based argument is an essential goal of most academic writing, and this should be your default approach unless you’re told otherwise.

Examples of argumentative essay prompts

At a university level, all the prompts below imply an argumentative essay as the appropriate response.

Your research should lead you to develop a specific position on the topic. The essay then argues for that position and aims to convince the reader by presenting your evidence, evaluation and analysis.

  • Don’t just list all the effects you can think of.
  • Do develop a focused argument about the overall effect and why it matters, backed up by evidence from sources.
  • Don’t just provide a selection of data on the measures’ effectiveness.
  • Do build up your own argument about which kinds of measures have been most or least effective, and why.
  • Don’t just analyze a random selection of doppelgänger characters.
  • Do form an argument about specific texts, comparing and contrasting how they express their thematic concerns through doppelgänger characters.

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An argumentative essay should be objective in its approach; your arguments should rely on logic and evidence, not on exaggeration or appeals to emotion.

There are many possible approaches to argumentative essays, but there are two common models that can help you start outlining your arguments: The Toulmin model and the Rogerian model.

Toulmin arguments

The Toulmin model consists of four steps, which may be repeated as many times as necessary for the argument:

  • Make a claim
  • Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim
  • Explain the warrant (how the grounds support the claim)
  • Discuss possible rebuttals to the claim, identifying the limits of the argument and showing that you have considered alternative perspectives

The Toulmin model is a common approach in academic essays. You don’t have to use these specific terms (grounds, warrants, rebuttals), but establishing a clear connection between your claims and the evidence supporting them is crucial in an argumentative essay.

Say you’re making an argument about the effectiveness of workplace anti-discrimination measures. You might:

  • Claim that unconscious bias training does not have the desired results, and resources would be better spent on other approaches
  • Cite data to support your claim
  • Explain how the data indicates that the method is ineffective
  • Anticipate objections to your claim based on other data, indicating whether these objections are valid, and if not, why not.

Rogerian arguments

The Rogerian model also consists of four steps you might repeat throughout your essay:

  • Discuss what the opposing position gets right and why people might hold this position
  • Highlight the problems with this position
  • Present your own position , showing how it addresses these problems
  • Suggest a possible compromise —what elements of your position would proponents of the opposing position benefit from adopting?

This model builds up a clear picture of both sides of an argument and seeks a compromise. It is particularly useful when people tend to disagree strongly on the issue discussed, allowing you to approach opposing arguments in good faith.

Say you want to argue that the internet has had a positive impact on education. You might:

  • Acknowledge that students rely too much on websites like Wikipedia
  • Argue that teachers view Wikipedia as more unreliable than it really is
  • Suggest that Wikipedia’s system of citations can actually teach students about referencing
  • Suggest critical engagement with Wikipedia as a possible assignment for teachers who are skeptical of its usefulness.

You don’t necessarily have to pick one of these models—you may even use elements of both in different parts of your essay—but it’s worth considering them if you struggle to structure your arguments.

Regardless of which approach you take, your essay should always be structured using an introduction , a body , and a conclusion .

Like other academic essays, an argumentative essay begins with an introduction . The introduction serves to capture the reader’s interest, provide background information, present your thesis statement , and (in longer essays) to summarize the structure of the body.

Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a typical introduction works.

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts is on the rise, and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its critical benefits for students and educators—as a uniquely comprehensive and accessible information source; a means of exposure to and engagement with different perspectives; and a highly flexible learning environment.

The body of an argumentative essay is where you develop your arguments in detail. Here you’ll present evidence, analysis, and reasoning to convince the reader that your thesis statement is true.

In the standard five-paragraph format for short essays, the body takes up three of your five paragraphs. In longer essays, it will be more paragraphs, and might be divided into sections with headings.

Each paragraph covers its own topic, introduced with a topic sentence . Each of these topics must contribute to your overall argument; don’t include irrelevant information.

This example paragraph takes a Rogerian approach: It first acknowledges the merits of the opposing position and then highlights problems with that position.

Hover over different parts of the example to see how a body paragraph is constructed.

A common frustration for teachers is students’ use of Wikipedia as a source in their writing. Its prevalence among students is not exaggerated; a survey found that the vast majority of the students surveyed used Wikipedia (Head & Eisenberg, 2010). An article in The Guardian stresses a common objection to its use: “a reliance on Wikipedia can discourage students from engaging with genuine academic writing” (Coomer, 2013). Teachers are clearly not mistaken in viewing Wikipedia usage as ubiquitous among their students; but the claim that it discourages engagement with academic sources requires further investigation. This point is treated as self-evident by many teachers, but Wikipedia itself explicitly encourages students to look into other sources. Its articles often provide references to academic publications and include warning notes where citations are missing; the site’s own guidelines for research make clear that it should be used as a starting point, emphasizing that users should always “read the references and check whether they really do support what the article says” (“Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia,” 2020). Indeed, for many students, Wikipedia is their first encounter with the concepts of citation and referencing. The use of Wikipedia therefore has a positive side that merits deeper consideration than it often receives.

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An argumentative essay ends with a conclusion that summarizes and reflects on the arguments made in the body.

No new arguments or evidence appear here, but in longer essays you may discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your argument and suggest topics for future research. In all conclusions, you should stress the relevance and importance of your argument.

Hover over the following example to see the typical elements of a conclusion.

The internet has had a major positive impact on the world of education; occasional pitfalls aside, its value is evident in numerous applications. The future of teaching lies in the possibilities the internet opens up for communication, research, and interactivity. As the popularity of distance learning shows, students value the flexibility and accessibility offered by digital education, and educators should fully embrace these advantages. The internet’s dangers, real and imaginary, have been documented exhaustively by skeptics, but the internet is here to stay; it is time to focus seriously on its potential for good.

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An argumentative essay tends to be a longer essay involving independent research, and aims to make an original argument about a topic. Its thesis statement makes a contentious claim that must be supported in an objective, evidence-based way.

An expository essay also aims to be objective, but it doesn’t have to make an original argument. Rather, it aims to explain something (e.g., a process or idea) in a clear, concise way. Expository essays are often shorter assignments and rely less on research.

At college level, you must properly cite your sources in all essays , research papers , and other academic texts (except exams and in-class exercises).

Add a citation whenever you quote , paraphrase , or summarize information or ideas from a source. You should also give full source details in a bibliography or reference list at the end of your text.

The exact format of your citations depends on which citation style you are instructed to use. The most common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago .

The majority of the essays written at university are some sort of argumentative essay . Unless otherwise specified, you can assume that the goal of any essay you’re asked to write is argumentative: To convince the reader of your position using evidence and reasoning.

In composition classes you might be given assignments that specifically test your ability to write an argumentative essay. Look out for prompts including instructions like “argue,” “assess,” or “discuss” to see if this is the goal.

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Argumentative Essay | Examples & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved June 27, 2024, from

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A black-and-white photograph of Justin Timberlake’s face.

By Jennifer Weiner

Ms. Weiner, a novelist, writes frequently about gender and culture.

Poor Justin Timberlake … are not three words I could have imagined typing 25 or 15 or even five years ago.

Mr. Timberlake, the “Mickey Mouse Club” veteran turned boy band pinup; half, along with Britney Spears, of an iconic millennial power couple; the platinum-selling, Grammy-award-winning solo artist and a go-to “Saturday Night Live” guest host; and now, as the whole wide world has learned, the dude arrested in the Hamptons early Tuesday morning and charged with driving while intoxicated.

Sprinkling salt on the wound, Page Six reported that the arresting officer didn’t know who the perp was. After Mr. Timberlake reportedly muttered that the arrest was “going to ruin the tour,” the officer asked, “What tour?” Per People magazine, “The internet can’t stop laughing.” Among the cascade of jokes: that his arrest might be the one event that could turn all of X pro-cop for a day and that Mr. Timberlake should have been more concerned with taking a cab back than bringing sexy back . Streams of Britney Spears’s song “Criminal” spiked. Savage memes keep replicating.

The misery of celebrities always occasions a fire hose of schadenfreude, but this seems next level. Where, I found myself wondering as I scrolled and LOL’ed, are the fans rallying to his defense? Why is everyone enjoying this quite so very, very much?

The answer is that this isn’t happening to any old celebrity. It’s happening to the man who for the longest time seemed, to many, like the embodiment of unearned good fortune — in a word, privilege. He’s a talented performer, a gifted singer, a charming actor, sure. But his biggest talent may be for getting away clean.

Over the years Mr. Timberlake has not been immune to controversy, just to its consequences. Time after time, he escaped unscathed, looking and, it seemed, feeling just fine, while those around him were left to pick up the pieces.

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