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Epidemiology, Prevention & Control of Dengue Fever / DHF
Published by Merryl Garrison Modified over 9 years ago
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Presentation on theme: "Epidemiology, Prevention & Control of Dengue Fever / DHF"— Presentation transcript:
Flight Surgeon RSV Day I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e ANGRC Joint Base Andrews UNCLASSIFIED.
2 Module 1 Pathophysiology Clinical course WHO classification & limitation Other manifestations Dr Suresh Kumar Infectious Diseases Unit Hospital Sungai.
III. Clinical Manifestations of Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION.
(Pronounced as Dhen Gey)
Tropical Diseases Tropical diseases encompass all diseases that occur solely, or principally, in the tropics. In practice, the term is often taken to refer.
Controlling the risk of Chikungunya
Dengue Divya Bappanad Karapitya Hospital Galle, Sri Lanka.
Arthropod-borne Viruses
Management of Dengue Fever Dr David Tran 16/09/09.
Diseases are of various types.Presently the whole world is facing many new viral diseases such as Aids,Hepatitis,dengue etc. The global prevalence of dengue.
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Ms. Belton October 2014.
Judith Pinkham (Ph.D. Student) Walden University PUBH 8165 Instructor: Dr. Fredric Grant Summer 2013.
Arthropod-borne Viruses Arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) are viruses that can be transmitted to man by arthropod vectors. Arboviruses belong to three.
Virus, Vector and Epidemiology
Common Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers include: R R R Rift valley fever, Dengue fever, Lassa fever,. E E E Ebola and marburg viral disease. B B
1. Outline Introduction Epidemiology transmission Clinical manifestation Treatment Prevention 2.
VIRAL HEAMORRHAGIC FEVERS Ahmed Mandil Prof of Epidemiology Dept of Family & Community Medicine College of Medicine, King Saud University.
Dengue Virus Causes dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever
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