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The National Teachers College

Doctor of Education

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National Teachers College (NTC) is a private educational institution based in Quiapo, Manila. Founded in 1928 by Flora A. Ylagan and Segundo M. Infantado, Sr., the college was one of the first schools that the government allowed to offer a general course in Education. NTC offers students, who dream of finishing higher education but who may not necessarily have the traditional access to it, the promise of amazing experiences in K-12, college, and graduate learning, so that they not just complete, but excel in their chosen fields and help build the nation.

NTC currently offers undergraduate programs under the School of Teacher Education, School of Business and School of Arts, Sciences, and Techhnology. Its School of Advanced Studies has available graduate courses in Education. Following the Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum, the school also caters to preparatory, elementary, junior high school, and senior high school students. Its SHS department provides the ABM, HUMSS, STEM, and ICT strands.

Since its foundation, the National Teachers College has been providing Filipinos quality and democratic education, producing socially responsible educators and professionals who contribute significantly to the development of both local and global communities. In 1987, the Education program already has a Level III Accreditation from PACUCOA; and the program currently has a Level III reaccredited status from the institution. For the past decade, NTC has also produced several placers in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).

De La Salle University

  • PhD in Education, major in Education Leadership and Management (Regular Program)
  • Gokongwei College of Engineering
  • Academic Departments
  • Graduate Degree Programs

PhD in Education, major in Educational Leadership and Management

(regular program, phdelm).

This program prepares its graduates for professional careers in teaching, educational policy and evaluation, research and administration.  It also prepares them to have a strong foundation in educational leadership and management. They are exposed to theories, concepts, and principles in educational leadership and management. 

The enabling or major courses are grounded in professional practice to enable the students to develop competence and skills as an educational leader and manager in the area of research, strategic planning and management, curriculum and instruction, and other related areas. 

The integrating courses enable the students to meaningfully connect and integrate theory with practice. These are also focused on understanding one’s self as a leader responsible for transforming educational organizations in a diverse and global society.


Graduates of PhD in Educational Leadership and Management are expected to possess the following Lasallian attributes, namely:

ELGA 1: Critical Thinker and Creative Thinker

  • Analyze educational leadership and management concepts, theories, model, best practices, fiscal forecasting and funds development, issues, trends and developments, innovative approaches, and policy formation, and their implications and/or applications in transforming educational systems and institutions to promote meaningful learning and contribute to social and international development
  • Promote creative, strategic, and transformational thinking, as well as an international, entrepreneurial, and innovative orientation in the workplace.
  • Reflect on and recognize the relationships between personal wellness and leadership, spirituality, and organizational effectiveness.

ELGA2: Effective Communicator

  • Communicate expectations and goals and provide directions that will enable people in the organization to work collaboratively in the attainment of the educational institution’s stakeholders and potential investors.
  • Foster professional ethos and build authentic relationships among school leaders, teachers, students, parents, and employees.

ELGA3: Reflective Life-long Learner

  • Engage in a systematic reflection about one’s professional practice with the aim of acquiring better understanding of oneself in order to lead effectively and responsibly in the renewal and transformation of educational organizations, and in the attainment of the educational institution’s shared vision- mission amidst the changing educational demands of a diverse and globalized society.
  • Openness to continual learning, advancement of knowledge, and enhancement of competence and skills as educational leaders and managers.

ELGA4: Service-driven Citizen

  • Exercise leadership in community development programs and projects grounded in sound research, theory, and practice.
  • Contribute to nation-building by engaging in research for policy development and implementation, innovations in educational leadership and management, teaching and learning, and the optimal contribution of education in personal and societal development. .

ELGA 5: Innovator and Constant seeker of improvement

  • Design and implement strategies that value and recognize the achievements and accomplishments of teachers and students, inspire them to engage with each other in learning, as well as support professional growth of teachers.


Admission to programs offered by the Department of Educational Leadership and Management is on a selective basis. In general, only those students who can profit from graduate work and are able to successfully comply with prescribed requirements for graduation shall be considered.

The following factors are considered in the admission process:

  • Possession of a master’s degree in educational management with an average of at least 90%.
  • Managerial experience
  • Interview results
  • Potential for graduate work and educational leadership based on results of interview
  • Clarity of proposed research area


Prerequisite Courses

Students who intend to pursue the Educational Leadership and Management track whose MA degrees are not in Educational Leadership and Management are required to take a total of 13 units of courses offered in the master’s program in Educational Leadership and Management. The following courses are:

  • Educational Leadership and Management in the New Economy
  • Curriculum Engineering or Instructional Leadership
  • Legal Aspects of Education
  • Fiscal Planning and Management
  • Lasallian Philosophy of Education

Graduates of non-thesis Master’s programs are required to write and complete a thesis prior to enrollment in PhD courses. The adviser and the department chair shall review and approve the thesis paper.


Basic/Foundation Courses  9 units
Major Courses 15 units
Cognates/Electives  6 units
Integrating Courses  6 units
Written Comprehensive Examination  0 units
Research Publication*  0 units
Dissertation Writing 12 units

Additional six (6) units of Advanced Technical Reading and Writing 1 and 2 will be required for applicants with a low score in the essay part of the entrance examination.

An Integrative Paper is required for all students who have earned 18 units (i.e. half of the 36 academic units of the PHDELM program). The purpose of the Integrative paper is to assess the student’s capability to engage in doctoral research. 

Students are allowed to enroll in academic courses (maximum of six units) during the trimester that they are working on the Integrative Paper. Students whose work is found satisfactory will be allowed to complete the remaining academic courses and program requirements, including enrollment in EDM536D (Philosophies, Theories, and Models of Research in Educational Management).

* The student must have at least one publication in an internationally/nationally indexed journal. The publication date must be within the student’s residency in the program. The published article should bear the name of De La Salle University as the student’s affiliation.


EDM504D   ADVANCED STATISTICS (3 units) This course exposes the student to statistical principles and methods useful in research and managerial responsibilities. Computer facilities shall be employed extensively in the solution of statistical problems.

EDM536D   PHILOSOPHIES, THEORIES, AND MODELS OF RESEARCH IN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT (3 units) The course is an extension of the Methods of Research class at the master’s level. It is designed to develop knowledgeable producers and consumers of research on educational management. For a holistic perspective of the research process, the course integrates statistics with research whenever called for. 

E DM540D   EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATIONAL INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (3 units) The course attempts to provide educational leaders with a strong foundation consisting of research, theory-oriented, and inter-disciplinary approaches such that they develop their own principles and theories that may provide consistent guidelines for their management actions. The course focuses on the concepts of strategic planning and management and their applications to the internationalization of education. Students are expected to have acquired knowledge and skills vital to designing strategic plans for educational international institutions.

MAJOR COURSES (15 units)

EDM930D   TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATIONAL FISCAL HEALTH AND FORECASTING (3 units) The course focuses on the fiscal health and forecasting of higher international educational institutions and the technological tools to aid in the field. It familiarizes the students with the fiscal standards and procedures in maintaining financially healthy institutions. It also focuses on the process of planning, directing and controlling financial resources for the strategic growth of higher educational institutions within a restrictive and limited market.

EDM691D   STRATEGIC PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATIONAL POLICY FORMATION (3 units) The course focuses on the concepts of strategic planning and management and their applications to education. It also focuses on strategically responding to and planning the formulation of regional or national Educational policy. Students are expected to have acquired knowledge and skills vital to designing strategic plans for educational institutions and educational policy formation.

The course focuses on the concepts and principles of strategic planning and management and their applications to educational management. Topics for research and discussion will include the context of strategic planning and their implications on educational planning, and planning approaches, process, and methodologies. 

At the end of the course, students are expected to: a) acquire knowledge and understanding of these concepts and principles of strategic planning and management; b) develop expertise in the use of various methodologies, tools and methodologies for strategic planning; and c) apply knowledge and skills learned and acquired by designing a proposed “plan for planning” for an educational institution.

EDM920D   HUMAN BEHAVIOR, ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE, AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT (3 units) This course will focus on employee behavior, organizational structures and culture, and organizational learning. The course will also examine the relationship between employee behavior, culture and institutional effectiveness and development.

EDM927D    MANAGEMENT OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION (3 units) The course focuses on the study of curriculum and instruction at the institutional and system levels. The course focuses on the study of curriculum and instruction at the institutional and system levels. Innovative approaches in curriculum management and supervision of instructional programs will be the major focus of this course.

EDM931D   MANAGEMENT OF ENTREPRENEURIAL & ADAPTIVE INSTITUTIONS IN THE   INTERNATIONALIZATION OF EDUCATION (3 units) The course serves as a forum for students to discuss concepts and principles of entrepreneurial management and their applications to educational leadership and management of International Higher Educational Institutions. The course also applies the concepts, theories, approaches, models, practices, issues, concerns and consequences of internationalization of higher education managing adaptive Higher Educational Institutions. It provides students with the opportunity to design a program integrating the concepts of internationalization of education for institutions of higher learning in the Philippines.


Any 2 cognates/elective courses:

EDM593D     DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVE DELIVERY SYSTEMS (3 units) The course focuses on the design and development of educational delivery systems appropriate in a technology-enabled society. Topics for discussion will include e-learning, distance education, technology-enabled educational platforms among others.

EDM624D    ADVANCED EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (3 units) This course will specifically deal with different models of qualitative research. This course will introduce students to different kinds of research using the qualitative method at the same time to guide them in the experience of designing and implementing a qualitative study. This course will also give students a clear description of the difference of qualitative research from other forms of researches.

EDM680D    SERVICE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATION (3 units) The course introduces to students the basic principles of delivering services to various users in schools, managing the processes that deliver these services and, and how service performance can be improved. The course will primarily deal with academic and administrative services.

EDM905D    SEMINAR IN DISSERTATION WRITING (3 units) This seminar-workshop is intended to improve the quality of students’ proposed research topics, either for a project paper or a dissertation. This course is therefore designed to introduce students to the critical aspects of their proposed topic by openly sharing and soliciting from co-participants specialized and technical types of research techniques.

EDM914D    MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATIONAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS (3 units) The course will provide educational leaders the full understanding of the various issues and concerns relative to the organization, management and administration of educational technology in a learning environment. The students will be exposed to the various types of information communication technologies and their instructional application.


EDM926D     SPIRITUALITY, PERSONAL LEADERSHIP, SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (3 units) This integrating course will focus on spiritually in the workplace, and will provide opportunities for students to understand concepts, skills and strategies of personal transformation vital in leading organizations in a rapidly changing society. Topics will include personal vision, the context for innovation, and personal well-being. Ethical and responsible organizations and society will also be analyzed.

EDM929D    ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN A GLOBAL SOCIETY (3 units) This integrating course provides a forum for students to analyze global trends and their impact on educational development. Students are expected to develop a plan aimed at bringing about organizational transformation of an educational institution or an educational system.


EDM951P    DISSERTATION WRITING 1 (6 units) It involves the development of a research topic, presenting the dissertation proposal, conducting the study, and presenting the results and oral defense.





  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Doctor of Education
  • Master of Arts in Education
  • Master in Development Management
  • Master of Science in Agriculture
  • Master in Management Engineering
  • Master in Business Administration
  • Master in Public Administration
  • Accreditation
  • Co-curricular Activities
  • Extra-curricular Activities
  • Theses and Dissertations Archives
  • Publications
  • Public Defense
  • Journal of Advanced Studies
  • Journal of Innovative Teaching and Contextualized Education
  • Dyornal ng Edukasyon at Araling Panlipunan

Pangasinan State University Sas Campus


The Doctor of Education (EdD) in the School of Advanced Studies  is a graduate degree program that enhances and builds upon the knowledge, values  and skills obtained from a graduate teacher education program. At the doctorate level, the program aims to develop students who have :

  • an expert level of theoretical knowledge in a specific subject area in education;
  • the competence and motivation to draw from expert-level knowledge to understand and solve different problems related to their area of specialization in education, and
  • the competence to undertake advanced independent research in an area of specialization in education.





I. Foundation Courses (18 Units)

EDF 301 Seminar in Advanced Philosophy of Education 3
EDF 302 Educational Planning and Management 3
EDF 303  Perspective of Education 1 3
EDF 304 Perspective of Education 2 3
EDF 305 Quantitative Methods of Research  3
EDF 306 Qualitative Methods of Research 3

II. Specialization Courses (21 Units)

EDM 311 Management of Educational Institution 3
EDM 312 Financing Educational Systems 3
EDM 313 Human Resource Development in Education 3
EDM 314 Dynamics and Ecology of Educational Management 3
EDM 315 Educational Innovations and Technology 3
EDM 316 Management Communications System 3
EDM 317 Comparative Educational Management Systems 3

III. Elective/Cognate Courses (9 Units)

EDM 331 Crisis Mgt. Indigenous Decision-Making Pattern 3
EDM 332 Educational Evaluation Patterns 3
EDM 333 Policy Process and Analysis 3
EDM 334 Management Information Systems 3

IV. Computer Courses (3 Units)

Adv. Comp 1 Statistical Packages 3

V. Comprehensive Examination

VI. Dissertation Writing (12 Units)

EDM 400 Dissertation Writing 12

Foundation Courses      18
Specialization Courses      21
Elective/ Cognate Courses       9
Computer Course       3
Dissertation Writing      12


Core/Foundation      18
Major Courses      21-24
Cognates      6-9
Dissertation Writing      12


GAC 311 Foundation in Guidance and Counseling 3
GAC 312

Research in Seminar in Student Services (w/ Emphasis in Guidance)

GAC 313 Practicum in Counseling 3
GAC 314 Psychological Testing II 3
GAC 315 

Practicum in Students Services and Guidance Intervention Program

GAC 316 Group Dynamics 3
GAC 317 Career Education 3
GAC 321 Test Construction 3
GAC 322 Hypnotherapy 3
GAC 323 Group Remediation 3
GAC 400 Dissertation Writing 12


DM 311 Discrete Structures 3
DM 312 Modern Geometries 3
DM 313 Mathematical Packages  3
DM 314 Matrix Theory 3
DM 315  Complex Analysis 3
DM 316 Real Analysis   3
DM 317 Advanced Calculus 3
DM 318 Multivariate Analysis 3
DM 319 Galois Theory   3
DM 320    Linear Models   3
DM 321
Mathematical Investigations
DM 400 Dissertation Writing 12

Foundation Courses      18
Specialization Courses      21-24
Cognate Courses       6-9
Dissertation Writing      12
Core/Foundation      18
Major Courses      21
Elective/Cognates      9
Computer Course      3
Dissertation Writing      12


EDF 301 Perspective of Education I (Issues and Philosophies in Science Education) 3
EDF 302 Perspective of Education II (Critical and Comparative Studies in Education, Pedagogical Theories of Teaching and Learning) 3
EDF 303  Quantitative Research 3
EDF 304 Qualitative Research 3
EDF 305 Curriculum Development in Science Education 3
EDF 306 Executive and Risk Management in Science Education 3

II. Major Courses (21 Units)

EDSc311 Environmental Planning and Management for Sustainable Development 3
EDSc312 Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 3
EDSc313 Advanced Genetics and Evolution 3
EDSc314 Advanced Physics 3
EDSc315 Advanced Organic Reactions and Mechanisms 3
EDSc316 Advanced Biochemistry 3
EDSc317 Science, Entrepreneurship, and Philippine Economy 3
EDSc321 Crisis Management, Indigenous Decision Making Pattern in Science 3
(Choice of any two subjects from the Ph.D. and Ed.D. Courses) 6

IV. Comprehensive Examination


*Review/Graduate Seminar 1

Comprehensive Examination
GR 400 Dissertation Writing 12

Foundation Courses      18
Major Courses      21
Cognate Courses       9
Institutional Course       1
Dissertation Writing      12


Educational Management

Guidance and Counseling

Mathematics Education

Doctor Of Philosophy

Science Education

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PhD in Education in the Philippines

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Program overview.

The Ph.D. in Education (PhD-Ed) is a two-year graduate degree program that enhances and builds upon the knowledge and competencies obtained from a graduate teacher education program. At the doctorate level, the program aims to develop students who have an expert level of theoretical knowledge in a specific subject area in education and have the competence and motivation to draw from expert-level knowledge to understand and solve different problems related to their area of specialization in education; and have the competence to undertake advanced independent research in an area of specialization in education.

Recommended Undergraduate Program

Students who wish to pursue a Ph.D. in Education should have an undergraduate and a master's degree related to the education field. It is also advised for those who wish to take up this program to have had prior experience in teaching.

Subjects and Curriculum

Problems in Philippine education

Teaching constitutional issues to elementary or high school children

Using community resources to support science education

Principles of administration in educational institutions

The physical science curriculum in secondary schools

Attitude formation and change in the classroom

Educational sociology in the Philippine setting

Guidance and student services in education

The methodology of secondary school teaching

Seminar in the improvement of instruction

Legal basis of education in the Philippines

Science curriculum in secondary schools

Teaching literature in secondary schools

Biological science in secondary schools

Curriculum development recent trends

Philosophy of the Philippine education

Personnel administration in education

Education and anthropology

Philosophy of education

Admission Requirements


The student must have an undergraduate and a master’s degree relevant to the program

An applicant with a degree not in line with the education field may still be admitted to the program as long as they take the pre-requisite courses.

The student must pass the Graduate Admissions Test of the university

Basic Requirements

Undergraduate Transcript of records (Original and Photocopy)

Recommendation letters from former professors, deans, or colleagues

Letter of intent

Most recent medical and dental health record

Copy of NSO Certified birth certificate

Copy of undergraduate diploma

(1) Latest 2”x2”ID Picture

Areas of Specialization

Educational Management

Guidance and Counseling


Special Education

Supervision and Administration

Early Childhood Education

Science Education

Physical Education

Program Outcome

Graduates of Ph.D. in Education are expected to be able to:

A comprehensive and in-depth understanding of a complex and coherent body of knowledge and skills that are at the forefront of an academic discipline or professional area;

The ability to extend the latter or generate new knowledge through research;

The ability to make informed judgements on complex issues in specific fields of specialization, and of approaching and solving problems in innovative ways.

To become a Licensed Teacher in the Philippines, a graduate of Ph.D. in Education needs to pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). The examination is conducted by the Board of Professional Teachers under the supervision of the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC).

Career Opportunities

Graduates of Ph.D. in Education may pursue a career path in both public and private educational institutions or government agencies. They may apply as a college education professor, university administrator, education administrator, education policy consultant, school administrator, or a curriculum director.

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  • Doctor of Education
  • PhD in Educational Management

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Doctor of Education major in Educational Management

Doctor of Education major in Educational Management

The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) major in Educational Management is a rigorous, research-based program designed to prepare education professionals to become visionary leaders in the field of educational management. This program emphasizes the development of advanced skills and knowledge necessary to effectively lead, administer, and transform educational institutions and systems.

Program Educational Objectives

Graduates of Ed.D. Programs shall

Update and enrich classroom teachers' content knowledge in a specific subject area or professional area;
Life-long learning
2 Enhance and expand teachers' theoretical and technical knowledge for teaching a specific subject area or professional area; andLife-long learning
3 Develop the teachers; research capabilities for replicating, verifying, validating, contextualizing, and/or applying theoretical and practical knowledge about the different aspects of the educational process.Life-long learning
  • Comprehensive and in-depth understanding of a complex and coherent body of knowledge (e.g., theories, principles, concepts) and skills (e.g., problem-solving and communication skills) that are in the forefront of an academic discipline or professional area;
  • Extend the latter or generate new knowledge through research;
  • Inform judgements on complex issues in specific fields of specialization, and of approaching and solving problems in innovative ways;
  • Understand, develop and sustain arguments about, and critically evaluate the established theories, principles, and concepts at the forefront of a specialized field of study;
  • Extend the forefront knowledge by conducting original research or other forms of advanced scholarship of a level of quality that meets the standards of peer review and eventually merit publication;
  • Interpret and critically asses new contributions to knowledge by other individuals, and communicate such interpretations and assessment to both specialist and non-specialist audiences;
  • Conceptualize, design, and implement research projects for the generation of new knowledge and/or of new educational programs and systems, and adjust the project design in consideration of external exigencies; and
  • Make very informed judgements on complex issues in their field of specialization and its application, even in the absence of complete data, in ways that are informed by the ethical and social dimensions of the field, and be able to communicate their ideas to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.

1st Year • 1st Semester

Course NameUnits
EDUC 301 Philosophy of Education3
EDUC 304 Filipino Theology of Education3
AW Academic Writing for Graduate Students3

1st Year • 2nd Semester

Course NameUnits
EDUC 311A Organizational Development and Change in Education3
EDUC 312 Supervision of Instruction3
EDUC 313 School Legislation3

2nd Year • 1st Semester

Course NameUnits
EDUC 315 Leadership Behavior3
EDUC 316 School Personnel Management3
EDUC 317 Management of School System3

2nd Year • 2nd Semester

Course NameUnits
EDUC 320A Theory and Practice of Educational Management3
EDUC 321a Statistics in Education3
EDUC 332 School Physical Plant Management3

3rd Year • 1st Semester

Course NameUnits
EDUC 335A Seminar in Special Topics in Educational Management3

3rd Year • 2nd Semester

Course NameUnits

4th Year • 1st Semester

Particular Amount

Senior Level:

  • Superintendent of Schools: Serve as the top executive overseeing an entire school district. Develop and implement policies, budgets, and educational initiatives.
  • Dean of Academic Affairs (Higher Education): Lead academic planning and development at the university level. Oversee curriculum, accreditation, and faculty affairs.
  • Director of Education Policy: Shape and advocate for education policies at the district or state level. Collaborate with policymakers and educational stakeholders.
  • Chief Learning Officer: Oversee the learning and development strategy for an educational organization. Ensure alignment with organizational goals and educational standards.
  • Executive Director of Educational Foundations: Lead a foundation focused on supporting educational initiatives. Manage fundraising, grant programs, and community partnerships.

Managerial/Executive Level:

  • Chief Education Officer (CEO): Serve as the top executive overseeing education-related operations. Set strategic direction, policies, and standards for the organization.
  • President or Provost (Higher Education Institution): Lead a college or university as its chief executive officer. Provide vision and strategic leadership for academic and administrative functions.
  • Executive Director of Educational Services: Oversee educational services at a district or regional level. Manage curriculum, assessment, and support programs.
  • Chief Academic Officer (K-12): Serve as the top academic leader in a school district. Shape educational policies, curriculum standards, and instructional practices.
  • Education Policy Advisor (Government or Nonprofit): Advise governmental or nonprofit organizations on education policies. Contribute to the development and implementation of education initiatives.

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation - Lucena City Lucena

Institute of Graduate Studies and Research IGSR

Master of Arts in

Offered in Lucena City

Public Administration (Thesis Program)

Library Information Science (Non-Thesis)

major in Mathematics

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  • Strategic Foresight and Innovation
  • Human and Social Development
  • Gender and Development
  • PUP Online Journal System
  • PUP Online Survey for Faculty Evaluation
  • University Thesis and Disseration Manual

Doctor in Education Management

Program Description The Doctor in Education Management (DEM) is an academic, research degree designed especially for school administrators at all levels of education, education specialists, and educators serving at the tertiary level.

The program emphasizes high standards and advanced levels of academic challenge in pursuit of quality and excellence in education. It incorporates a research orientation for effective decision making, enabling them to become positive change agents in the attainment of national and international goals.

Vision The Doctor in Education Management (DEM) is envisioned as an excellent graduate program for educational leaders who are leading initiators of innovations, reforms and research in education.

Mission To produce quality and ethical educational leaders equipped with a solid foundation in educational philosophy and advanced knowledge, skills and competencies through which they can exert a profound influence on the future of educational systems.

  • To develop high quality leadership and expertise in the field of educational management to meet global standards
  • To enhance conceptual, analytical and research skills in the field of educational management through the use of technologies
  • To provide advanced knowledge, skills and competencies in instruction, research, production and extension services
  • To strengthen research capabilities towards national growth and development
  • To cultivate a culture of scholarship, mentoring, professionalism, ethical and social responsibility, and humanism
  • DEM 730 Philosophical and Psycho-Social Perspectives in Education
  • DEM 731 Seminar in Contemporary Issues in Education
  • DEM 732 Statistics Applied to Educational Research
  • DEM 733 Seminar in Organizational Development and Sustainability
  • RSH 730 Dissertation Seminar 1
  • DEM 734 Seminar in Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
  • DEM 735 Ethical Leadership and Human Relations
  • DEM 736 Systems Analysis in Education
  • DEM 737 Management of Curriculum and Instruction(3 units)
  • DEM 738 Leadership and Executive Training for Educational Managers
  • DEM 739 Educational Legislations and Policy Analysis
  • DEM 740 Fiscal Management for Educational Institutions
  • DEM 741 Seminar in Governance and Management of Educational Institutions
  • RSH 731 Dissertation Seminar 2
  • DBA 741 Seminar in Global Issues and Trends in Business
  • DBA 734 Knowledge  Management
  • DPA 730 Global Civil Service Systems
  • RSH 740 Dissertation

Additional Courses (Pre-DEM, 18 units)

  • EDU 640 Foundations of Education
  • MEM 643 Administration and Supervision of Schools
  • MEM 640 Curriculum Theories, Principles and Instructional Designs
  • MEM 649 Education Models, Paradigms and Procedures
  • EDU 642 Advanced Measurement and Evaluation
  • MEM 650 Learning Theories and Innovators in Teaching
  • Graduate School
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  • Graduate Assistantship Program
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  • Doctorate Degree
  • Master's Degree

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  1. School of Graduate Studies

    doctor of education abbreviation philippines

  2. School of Graduate Studies

    doctor of education abbreviation philippines

  3. Abbreviation For Doctor Of Education

    doctor of education abbreviation philippines

  4. EDD Definición: Doctor en educación

    doctor of education abbreviation philippines

  5. Abbreviations & Acronyms

    doctor of education abbreviation philippines

  6. How to Become a Doctor in the Philippines

    doctor of education abbreviation philippines


  1. Education Abbreviation. #learnenglish #improveenglish #shortsfeed

  2. Education Abbreviation!! #english #englishlanguage #speakenglish #englishlearning #hinditoenglish

  3. Education Abbreviation #english #best #viral #video #viralvideo #viralshorts #reels #viralshort

  4. Doctor degree full form//#viral #trending #video #viralvideo #trendingshorts #gk #share

  5. #education abbreviation 🔥📚📖✍️💯📌#viralshorts #fullforms#english #spokenenglish#trendingshorts #viral

  6. Education Abbreviation #yutubeshorts #shortsviral #englsihlearning #englishspeaking



    Degree Program Acronyms 79. Family Life and Child Development. Science in Family Life and Child Development -BS FLCD. Diploma in Early Childhood Development -DECD. Master of Family Life and Child Development -MFLCD. -BAF.

  2. Doctor of Education in the Philippines -

    The Doctor of Education (EdD) is a two-year graduate degree program that enhances and builds upon the knowledge and competencies obtained from a graduate teacher education program.

  3. GBSEALD Doctoral Degree Programs - Ateneo de Manila University

    Yes. As long as you have completed a masteral degree program and have an experience of at least five years in the education field, you are eligible to apply for the EdD program. Note: For PhD, the prerequisite is an MA in Education (which is thesis track).

  4. Doctor of Education | The National Teachers College ...

    The Doctor of Education (EdD) is a two-year graduate degree program that enhances and builds upon the knowledge and competencies obtained from a graduate teacher education program.

  5. Doctor of Education | Academics | Gokongwei Brothers School ...

    Our EdD is a professional doctorate designed for professionals in education committed to making a difference in educational research, policy, and practice. Doctoral students may choose from among three tracks or specializations: Learning & Teaching, Educational Leadership & Administration, and Catholic Educational Leadership & Pedagogy.

  6. PhD in Education, major in Education Leadership and ...

    ELGA2: Effective Communicator. Communicate expectations and goals and provide directions that will enable people in the organization to work collaboratively in the attainment of the educational institution’s stakeholders and potential investors.

  7. Doctor of Education | Pangasinan State University Sas Campus

    The Doctor of Education (EdD) in the School of Advanced Studies is a graduate degree program that enhances and builds upon the knowledge, values and skills obtained from a graduate teacher education program.

  8. PhD in Education in the Philippines -

    The Ph.D. in Education (PhD-Ed) is a two-year graduate degree program that enhances and builds upon the knowledge and competencies obtained from a graduate teacher education program.

  9. Doctor of Education major in Educational Management - MSEUF

    The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) major in Educational Management is a rigorous, research-based program designed to prepare education professionals to become visionary leaders in the field of educational management.

  10. Polytechnic University of the Philippines

    The Doctor in Education Management (DEM) is an academic, research degree designed especially for school administrators at all levels of education, education specialists, and educators serving at the tertiary level.