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Dissertations en management organisation

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  • Sub Catégorie Effacer Filtre Management organisation
  • Type Effacer Filtre Dissertation
  • Année de publication Année de publication 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001
  • Extension Extension docx doc pdf odt zip xlsx xls
  • Nb de pages Nb de pages + 5 pages + 10 pages + 20 pages + 30 pages + 40 pages + 50 pages

1171 résultats

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Quelles sont les théories classiques du leadership ?

Dissertation - 59 pages - management organisation.

Les théories du leadership, regroupées en groupes, visent, en tant que modèle d'explication, à décrire, analyser, expliquer et prédire le phénomène du leadership afin d'indiquer, de prévoir et de mettre en oeuvre des voies possibles de changement ou d'amélioration dans la pratique...

Quel est le rôle de la gestion des aptitudes humaines en entreprise ?

Dissertation - 6 pages - management organisation.

Quand ont eu lieu les premières réflexions sur l'orientation des forces ? Dans quelles disciplines cette perspective a-t-elle été adoptée en premier lieu et quels représentants ont particulièrement poussé le thème ? Ce travail présente les débuts du thème, ainsi que l'historique, et...

Leadership et contrôle de gestion - Le leadership est-il orienté sur le contrôle de gestion ou l'inverse ?

Leadership et contrôle de gestion : est-ce que cela va ensemble ? De prime abord, l'un n'a pas grand-chose à voir avec l'autre. Regardons d'abord la différence : la principale différence formelle entre les deux notions est hiérarchique. En effet, la notion de contrôle est...

En quoi la prise de fonction du manager est-elle un moment clé pour mettre en oeuvre sa mission ?

Dissertation - 5 pages - management organisation.

La société actuelle est impactée par des transformations régulières qui bouleversent le monde du travail et par la même occasion les méthodes managériales. Pour répondre à ces évolutions, le manager doit se "caméléoniser" en accompagnant ses collaborateurs de différentes manières selon leurs...

Le management participatif permet-il de préserver et/ou d'améliorer la santé des collaborateurs ?

Dissertation - 2 pages - management organisation.

Le management participatif est une approche qui favorise l'implication des travailleurs dans la prise des décisions au sein d'une entreprise. Elle permet de préserver et d'améliorer la santé mentale et physique des collaborateurs. Qu'est-ce que le management participatif ? Quels...

En quoi le management des connaissances est un levier du changement organisationnel ? - Plan détaillé

Dissertation - 4 pages - management organisation.

Le changement organisationnel concerne le changement des structures, dispositifs, méthodes et outils de l'organisation. Le changement définit un changement d'état, d'un état A vers un état B. Il s'agit d'un processus, d'une dynamique. Le changement se caractérise par une...

La place de la hiérarchie dans les organisations élaborée dans les années 20 résiste-t-elle au contexte actuel ?

Le terme organisation peut se définir comme un ensemble structuré de moyens et d'acteurs coopérants pour atteindre un objectif commun. MINTZBERG, quant à lui, précise qu'il s'agit d'une action collective à la poursuite de la réalisation d'une action commune. Pour CROZIER,...

Les entreprises peuvent-elles être à la fois compétitives et rentables ?

À l'aube d'une 4e révolution industrielle, la combinaison des facteurs de production est en pleine mutation vers un nouveau modèle axé sur l'automatisation des process (procédés / méthodes de production). Ces transformations visent à améliorer la combinaison des facteurs de production...

La gestion d'un service de Police municipale par un Chef de Service

Dissertation - 1 pages - management organisation.

Le service de Police municipale au sein d'une ville est un service clé notamment au travers de ses missions inhérentes rendues dans le but d'améliorer le cadre de vie des habitants. C'est également un service qui dispose de spécificités, puisqu'il s'agit d'un service avec...

Quel est l'intérêt pour un pays d'organiser une exposition universelle ?

Ce document est une dissertation complète et entièrement rédigée qui s'interroge sur l'intérêt pour un pays d'organiser une exposition universelle.

Dans quelle mesure l'organisation actuelle du travail remet-elle en cause l'organisation taylorienne du travail ? - publié le 17/10/2022

La division du travail constitue une source majeure des gains de productivité qui fondent la croix économique. Elle fait appel à une organisation rationnelle de l'entreprise par ses dirigeants. Après avoir pris la forme dominante tayloro-fordienne, l'organisation du travail a connu une...

Comment internet se place-t-il au centre du monde du travail de nos jours ?

Pour les entreprises, internet est aujourd'hui primordial. Il offre un accès direct à l'information et constitue un lien avec le travailleur, il est constamment présent. Nous allons donc répondre ensemble à la question : comment internet se place-t-il au centre du monde du travail de nos...

Plan détaillé du commentaire de l'article 66 de la Constitution de 1958

Dissertation - 3 pages - management organisation.

Il s'agit du plan très détaillé du commentaire de l'article 66 de la Constitution de 1958, réalisé dans le cadre d'un TD de droit administratif. En l'occurrence, c'est un document à vocation pédagogique [à travers l'exemple] de 2e année en Licence de Droit, science politique mais aussi...

Procédure pénale : Commentaire groupé des arrêts de Cass. crim. 13 novembre 2001 et 21 juin 2005

Il s'agit d'un corrigé [sous forme de plan très détaillé] en procédure pénale du commentaire groupé des arrêts de la chambre criminelle de la Cour de cassation des 13 novembre 2001 et du 21 juin 2005. Les arrêts étudiés sont les suivants : - Premier arrêt (13 novembre 2001) ; - Deuxième...

Droit administratif : Le service public

Il s'agit d'un cours sous la forme d'un plan détaillé en droit administratif général ayant pour objet d'étude le service public. Ce document de cinq pages à vocation pédagogique contient des développements intégralement rédigés sur la notion de service public, la distinction SPIC-SPA...

Droit administratif : Les actes administratifs - publié le 15/08/2022

Il s'agit d'un cours sous la forme d'un plan détaillé en droit administratif général ayant pour objet d'étude les actes administratifs. Ce document à vocation pédagogique contient des développements intégralement rédigés sur les caractères généraux, l'élaboration ainsi que la...

Droit administratif : La police administrative

Il s'agit d'un cours sous la forme d'un plan détaillé en droit administratif général ayant pour objet d'étude la police administrative. Ce document à vocation pédagogique contient des développements intégralement rédigés sur la notion de police administrative, l'organisation de la...

Droit administratif : Les contrats administratifs

Il s'agit d'un cours sous la forme d'un plan détaillé en droit administratif général ayant pour objet d'étude les contrats administratifs. Ce document à vocation pédagogique contient une introduction intégralement rédigée ainsi que des développements (également rédigés) sur les...

Droit de la famille : Le consentement dans la formation du mariage

Il s'agit d'un plan très détaillé en droit de la famille ayant pour objet d'étude le consentement dans la formation du mariage. Ce document clair et très structuré (5 pages) s'avèrera fort utile pour de nombreux(ses) étudiant(e)s en Droit, science politique, parcours assistant(e)...

L'État de droit est-il un État de valeurs particulières ?

Dissertation - 9 pages - management organisation.

Il s'agit d'une dissertation en science politique ayant pour objet d'étude le sujet suivant : « L'État de droit est-il un État de valeurs particulières ? ». Ce document clair, exhaustif et très structuré s'avèrera fort utile pour de nombreux(ses) étudiant(e)s en science politique,...

Commentaire : SIEYÈS, Discours à l'Assemblée nationale constituante du 7 septembre 1789

Ce document clair et très structuré s'avèrera fort utile pour de nombreux(ses) étudiant(e)s en Droit, science politique, IEP, IPAG, AES, GEA, LEA… et bien entendu tout(e) autre intéressé(e) comme par exemple pour préparer certains concours. A titre d'information, j'ai obtenu la note...

La citoyenneté s'exerce-t-elle nécessairement dans le cadre d'une nation ? - publié le 11/08/2022

Dissertation - 7 pages - management organisation.

Il s'agit d'une dissertation en science politique ayant pour objet d'étude le sujet suivant : « La citoyenneté s'exerce-t-elle nécessairement dans le cadre d'une nation ? ». Ce document clair, exhaustif et très structuré s'avèrera fort utile pour de nombreux(ses) étudiant(e)s en science...

Progrès technique, productivité et croissance

Dissertation - 21 pages - management organisation.

Il s'agit d'une dissertation de sciences économiques ayant pour objet d'étude le sujet suivant : « progrès technique, productivité et croissance ». Ce document clair, exhaustif (21 pages) et très structuré s'avèrera fort utile pour de nombreux(ses) étudiant(e)s en sciences économiques,...

Le juge administratif et la loi - publié le 09/08/2022

Il s'agit d'un plan [très] détaillé de grande qualité en droit administratif général ayant pour objet d'étude le sujet de dissertation suivant : "Le juge administratif et la loi". Ce document clair et très structuré s'avèrera fort utile pour de nombreux(ses) étudiant(e)s en Droit, science...

Droit administratif : « Le juge administratif a-t-il trop de pouvoirs ? »

Il s'agit d'un plan très détaillé ayant pour objet d'étude le sujet de dissertation suivant : « Le juge administratif a-t-il trop de pouvoirs ? ». Celui-ci a été réalisé dans le cadre d'un cours de droit administratif général. Ce document clair et très bien structuré s'avèrera fort...

Le patron doit-il être un modèle ? - Introduction et plan détaillé

Quel que soit son niveau, la principale responsabilité d'un patron est d'assurer le fonctionnement et le développement de l'entreprise. Cela implique beaucoup de choses, notamment le fait de guider les responsables et les équipes vers la performance.

Le management dans les pays asiatiques peut-il servir de modèle aux entreprises françaises ?

Dissertation - 15 pages - management organisation.

Dans les entreprises, le management joue un rôle primordial. En effet, la concurrence est de plus en vive dans tous les domaines, et un bon management permet souvent une meilleure réussite et de meilleures performances chiffrées sur le long terme. Le manager est un acteur clé, garant certes de la...

Quel lien existe-t-il entre la démarche qualité RSE et l'amélioration de la performance économique ?

En quoi la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises est-elle un outil d'amélioration de la performance pour les firmes ? Il s'agit d'une problématique essentielle à laquelle toutes les sociétés ne sont pas en capacité de répondre. En effet, beaucoup d'entre elles mettent en place...

Comment utilisez-vous le concept de « chaîne de valeur » pour exécuter une stratégie d'entreprise de « réduction des coûts » ?

La chaîne de valeur est un outil d'analyse stratégique interne mis au point par Michael Porter dans son ouvrage portant sur l'avantage concurrentiel paru dans les années 80. Elle aide à repérer de manière systématique les activités qui permettent à une entreprise de créer de la valeur...

Que pensez-vous de la méthode de certaines entreprises qui utilisent le stress comme carburant de la performance ?

Le stress est la réaction de l'organisme face à une situation extérieure, une situation qui est agressive pour nous. C'est à partir de ce ressenti que l'on va avoir l'envie de s'adapter. Le stress est une énergie qui peut être utilisée positivement, mais qui peut également...

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Grand oral de physique - les JO

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40 sujets de dissertation avec corrigés

40 sujets de dissertation avec corrigés

Comme convenu, plus de 40 sujets de dissertation avec corrigés. Un grand merci à toutes les personnes qui, sans elles, ce dossier aurait pas eu lieu. Prière de faire gaffe par rapport à la méthodologie proposée et à utiliser les présents supports pour affiner votre feuille le jour J. Ainsi, à ne pas les considérer comme des modèles mais comme des back up d’appui. Accéder aux dissertations corrigées : 📚📚📚 => Télécharger ici #Ouvrages_Byfadil Plus de supports sur @Ouvrages By FADIL Cordialement, ❤️

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Digital Commons @ USF > Muma College of Business > Management > Theses and Dissertations

Management and Organization Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Examining the Factors Impacting the Undergraduate Degree Performance in the College of Business at Southern Univeristy and Agriculture & Mechanical College , Brian D. Adams

Understanding Donor Preferences and Intentions: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach , Kimberly Cubre

Home Is Where the Work Is: How Biases in Managers’ Resource Allocation Decisions Affect Task Performance in Remote Work Environments , Richard D. Mautz III

Fraud Brainstorming in an Era of Remote Work: The Effects of Alternative Video Conferencing Configurations and Audit Team Hierarchy , Ahmed Shuaib

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

For Love or Money: Investor Motivations in Equity-Based Crowdfunding , Jason C. Cherubini

The Great Resignation: An Exploration of Strategies to Combat School Bus Driver Shortages in the Post-COVID-19 Era , James E. Cole Jr.

An Empirical Analysis of Sentiment and Confidence Regarding Interest Rates in Disclosures of Public Firms in the U.S. Fintech Sector , James J. Farley

Motivations for Planning: Uncovering the Inhibitors to the Adoption of Comprehensive Financial Planning for Business Owners , Daniel R. Gilham

An Examination of Reward-Based Crowdfunding Performance and Success , Matthew Alan Grace

All Quiet on The Digital Front: The Unseen Psychological Impacts on Cybersecurity First Responders , Tammie R. Hollis

Commitment to Change Dimensions: The Influence of Innovative Work Behavior and Organizational Environments , Michael Holmes

Turmoil in the Workforce: Introduction of the Nomadic Employee , Catrina Hopkins

Attention-Grabbing Tactics on Social Media , Arjun Kadian

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Building a Mentor-Mentee Maturity Model , Leroy A. Alexander

Do Auditors Respond to Changes in Clients’ Analyst Coverage? Evidence from a Natural Experiment , Mohammad Alkhamees

Designing a Messaging Strategy to Improve Information Security Policy Compliance , Federico Giovannetti

Are all pictures worth 1,000 words? An Investigation of Fit Between Graph Type and Performance on Accounting Data Analytics Tasks , Shawn Paul Granitto

An Enterprise Risk Management Framework to Design Pro-Ethical AI Solutions , Quintin P. McGrath

Deceptive Appeals and Cognitive Influences Used in Fraudulent Scheme Sales Pitches , Rafael J. Toledo

Using Online Reviews to Identify How Hotels Can Satisfy Travelers With Pets While Making Money , Sonia Weinhaus

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The IS Social Continuance Model: Using Conversational Agents to Support Co-creation , Naif Alawi

The Use of Data Analytic Visualizations to Inform the Audit Risk Assessment: The Impact of Initial Visualization Form and Documentation Focus , Rebecca N. Baaske (Becca)

Identification of Entrepreneurial Competencies in I-Corps Site Teams at the University of South Florida , Mark A. Giddarie

Understanding Nonprofit Boards: An Exploratory Study of the Governance Practices of Regional Nonprofits , Susan Ryan Goodman

Strengthening the Entrepreneurial Support Community , Andrew J. Hafer

Who to Choose? Rating Broker Best Practices in the Medicare Advantage Industry , Darwin R. Hale

Bridging the Innovatino Gap at SOCOM , Gregory J. Ingram

Improving Environmental Protection: One Imagined Touch at a Time , Luke Ingalls Liska

Residential Curbside Recycle Context Analysis , Ntchanang Mpafe

Fighting Mass Diffusion of Fake News on Social Media , Abdallah Musmar

Managing Incomplete Data in the Patient Discharge Summary to Support Correct Hospital Reimbursements , Fadi Naser Eddin

GAO Bid Protests by Small Business: Analysis of Perceived and Reported Outcomes in Federal Contracting , David M. Snyder

Engagement and Meaningfulness as Determinants of Employee Retention: A Longitudinal Case Study , Calvin Williams

Public Budgeting as Moral Dilemma , Ben Wroblewski

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Improving Engagement: The Moderating Effect of Leadership Style on the Relationship Between Psychological Capital and Employee Engagement , Scott Beatrice

Physician Self-Efficacy and Risk-Taking Attitudes as Determinants of Upcoding and Downcoding Errors: An Empirical Investigation , Samantha J. Champagnie

Digital Identity: A Human-Centered Risk Awareness Study , Toufic N. Chebib

Clarifying the Relationship of Design Thinking to the Military Decision-Making Process , Thomas S. Fisher

Essays on the Disposition Effect , Matthew Henriksson

Analysis of Malicious Behavior on Social Media Platforms Using Agent-Based Modeling , Agnieszka Anna Onuchowska

Who Rises to the Top: An Investigation of the Essential Skills Necessary for Partners of Non-Big 4 Public Accounting Firms , Amanda K. Thompson-Abbott

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

The Financial and Nonfinancial Performance Measures That Drive Utility Abandonments and Transfers in the State of Florida , Daniel Acheampong

Locating a New Collegiate Entrepreneurship Program, a Framework for a University Campus , Douglas H. Carter

Understanding Employee Engagement: An Examination of Millennial Employees and Perceived Human Resource Management Practices , Danielle J. Clark

The Potential Impact Radius of a Natural Gas Transmission Line and Real Estate Valuations: A Behavioral Analysis , Charles M. Hilterbrand Jr.

Introducing a Mobile Health Care Platform in an Underserved Rural Population: Reducing Assimilations Gaps on Adoption and Use via Nudges , Joseph Hodges

Controlling Turnover in an Inside Sales Organization: What are the Contributing Factors , Dennis H. Kimerer

An Emergent Theory of Executive Leadership Selection: Leveraging Grounded Theory to Study the U.S. Military's Special Forces Assessment and Selection Process , Darryl J. Lavender

Essays on Migration Flows and Finance , Suin Lee

The Underutilized Tool of Project Management - Emotional Intelligence , Gerald C. Lowe

Increasing the Supply of the Missing Middle Housing Types in Walkable Urban Core Neighborhoods: Risk, Risk Reduction and Capital , Shrimatee Ojah Maharaj

Playing Darts in the Dark: How are Chamber of Commerce Leaders Aligned for Greater Effectiveness? , Robert J. Rohrlack Jr.

Are Transfer Pricing Disclosures Related to Tax Reporting Transparency? The Impact of Auditor-Provided Transfer Pricing Services , Stephanie Y. Walton

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Price Transparency in the United States Healthcare System , Gurlivleen (Minnie) Ahuja

How to Build a Climate of Quality in a Small to Medium Enterprise: An Action Research Project , Desmond M. Bishop III

Banking on Blockchain: A Grounded Theory Study of the Innovation Evaluation Process , Priya D. Dozier

Enhancing the Design of a Cybersecurity Risk Management Solution for Communities of Trust , James E. Fulford Jr.

An Examination of the Progressive and Regressive Factors that Business Owners Consider When Choosing Whether or Not to Implement an Exit Strategy , David C. Pickard

The Relationship between Ambient Lighting Color and Hotel Bar Customer Purchase Behavior and Satisfaction , Kunal Shah

The Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) Industry and the Business Impacts of the Evolution of the Federal Regulatory Environment , Darren W. Spencer

Intercultural Communication Between International Military Organizations; How Do You Turn a ‘No’ Into a ‘Yes’? , Douglas A. Straka

Essential Leadership Skills for Frontline Managers in a Multicultural Organization , Janelle Ward

Moffitt Cancer Center: Leadership, Culture and Transformation , W. James Wilson

Two Essays on String of Earnings Benchmarks , Yiyang Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Multi-Step Tokenization of Automated Clearing House Payment Transactions , Privin Alexander

The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Investment and Disclosure on Cooperation in Business Collaborations , Sukari Farrington

What Factors during the Genesis of a Startup are Causal to Survival? , Gilbert T. Gonzalez

The Great Recession of 2007 and the Housing Market Crash: Why Did So Many Builders Fail? , Mohamad Ali Hasbini

The Effect of Expanded Audit Report Disclosures on Users’ Confidence in the Audit and the Financial Statements , Peter Kipp

An Examination of Innovation Idea Selection Factors in Large Organizations , Troy A. Montgomery

Essays on Sales Coaching , Carlin A. Nguyen

Vital Signs of U.S. Osteopathic Medical Residency Programs Pivoting to Single Accreditation Standards , Timothy S. Novak

Leaders Who Learn: The Intersection of Behavioral Science, Adult Learning and Leadership , Natalya I. Sabga

Toward a Systemic Model for Governance and Strategic Management: Evaluating Stakeholder Theory Versus Shareholder Theory Approaches , James A. Stikeleather

A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Cognitive Awareness Training on Transaction Processing Accuracy: An Introduction to the ACE Theoretical Construct , John Townsend

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Effect of Presentation Format on Investor Judgments and Decisions: Does the Effect Differ for Varying Task Demands? , Kevin Agnew

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Multi-Task Setting Involving Simple and Complex Tasks: An Exploratory Study of Employee Motivation , Maia Jivkova Farkas

Essays on Mergers and Acquisitions , Marcin Krolikowski

Do Social Biases Impede Auditor Reliance on Specialists? Toward a Theory of Social Similarity , Rina Maxine Limor

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Psychological Distance: The Relation Between Construals, Mindsets, and Professional Skepticism , Jason Rasso

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Combining Natural Language Processing and Statistical Text Mining: A Study of Specialized Versus Common Languages , Jay Jarman

An Empirical Investigation of Decision Aids to Improve Auditor Effectiveness in Analytical Review , Robert N. Marley

The Effects of Item Complexity and the Method Used to Present a Complex Item on the Face of a Financial Statement on Nonprofessional Investors` Judgments , Linda Gale Ragland

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Two Essays on Information Ambiguity and Informed Traders’ Trade-Size Choice , Ziwei Xu

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Two Essays on the Conflict of Interests within the Financial Services Industry-- Financial Industry Consolidation: The Motivations and Consequences of the Financial Services Modernization Act (FSMA) and “Down but Not Out” Mutual Fund Manager Turnover within Fund Families , Lonnie Lashawn Bryant

Two Essays on Multiple Directorships , Chia-wei Chen

Two Essays on Financial Condition of Firms , Sanjay Kudrimoti

A Study of Cross-Border Takeovers: Examining the Impact of National Culture on Internalization Benefits, and the Implications of Early Versus Late-Mover Status for Bidders and Their Rivals , Tanja Steigner

Two Essays on Corporate Governance⎯Are Local Directors Better Monitors, and Directors Incentives and Earnings Management , Hong Wan

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

The Role of Ethnic Compatibility in Attitude Formation: Marketing to America’s Diverse Consumers , Cynthia Rodriguez Cano

Two Essays on Venture Capital: What Drives the Underpricing of Venture CapitalBacked IPOs and Do Venture Capitalists Provide Anything More than Money? , Donald Flagg

Two essays on market efficiency: Tests of idiosyncratic risk: informed trading versus noise and arbitrage risk, and agency costs and the underlying causes of mispricing: information asymmetry versus conflict of interests , Jung Chul Park

The impact of management's tone on the perception of management's credibility in forecasting , Robert D. Slater

Uncertainty in the information supply chain: Integrating multiple health care data sources , Monica Chiarini Tremblay

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Adolescent alcohol use and educational outcomes , Wesley A. Austin

Certificate of need regulation in the nursing home industry: Has it outlived its usefulness? , Barbara J. Caldwell

The impacts of the handoffs on software development: A cost estimation model , Michael Jay Douglas

Using emergent outcome controls to manage dynamic software development , Michael Loyd Harris

The information technology professional's psychological contract viewed through their employment arrangement and the relationship to organizational behaviors , Sandra Kay Newton

The causal effect of alcohol consumption on employment status , Chanvuth Sangchai

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  • Plan de dissertation

Plan de dissertation : méthodologie et exemples

Publié le 27 novembre 2018 par Justine Debret . Mis à jour le 14 février 2022.

Le plan d’une dissertation est la structure ou le “squelette” de votre dissertation.

Table des matières

Combien de parties pour un plan de dissertation , plan de dissertation : apparent ou pas , les types de plan pour une dissertation, exemple de plan pour une dissertation (de philosophie), le plan d’une dissertation juridique, le plan d’une dissertation de philosophie.

Nous conseillons de faire un plan en trois parties (et deux sous-parties) pour les dissertations en général.

Toutefois, ce n’est pas obligatoire et vous pouvez le faire en deux parties (et trois sous-parties).

C’est différent pour les dissertations de droit ! Pour les dissertations juridiques, le plan doit contenir deux parties (et pas trois).

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exemple de dissertation management

Le plan d’une dissertation peut être apparent ou non, tout dépend du type de dissertation rédigé.

Les dissertations de philosophie n’ont en général pas de plan apparent. Les titres apparaissent dans une phrase introductive.

Attention ! Pour les dissertations juridiques, les titres doivent être apparents et ils ne doivent pas comporter des verbes conjugués.

Il en existe plusieurs et chaque type de plan de dissertation a ses spécificités.

1. Le plan d’une dissertation dialectique

Le plan dialectique (ou critique) est un plan « thèse, antithèse et synthèse ». Il est utilisé lorsque l’opinion exprimée dans le sujet de dissertation est discutable et qu’il est possible d’envisager l’opinion inverse.

Le plan d’une dissertation dialectique suit le modèle suivant :

I. Exposé argumenté d’une thèse. II. Exposé argumenté de la thèse adverse. II. Synthèse (dépassement de la contradiction)

2. Le plan de dissertation analytique

Le plan analytique permet d’analyser un problème qui mérite une réflexion approfondie. Vous devez décrire la situation, analyser les causes et envisager les conséquences. Il est possible de faire un plan « explication / illustration / commentaire ».

Le plan d’une dissertation analytique suit généralement le modèle suivant :

I. Description/explication d’une situation II. Analyse des causes/illustration III. Analyse des conséquences/commentaire

3. Le plan de dissertation thématique

Le plan thématique est utilisé dans le cadre de questions générales, celles qui exigent une réflexion progressive.

I. Thème 1 II. Thème 2 III.Thème 3

4. Le plan de dissertation chronologique

Le plan chronologique est utilisé dans le cas d’une question sur un thème dont la compréhension évolue à travers l’histoire.

I. Temporalité 1 II. Temporalité 2 III. Temporalité 3

Voici un exemple de plan analytique pour une dissertation sur le thème «  l’Homme est-il un animal social ? « .

1. La nature en nous 1.1. L’être humain, un animal parmi les autres ? 1.2. Les pulsions humaines comme rappel de notre archaïsme ? 2. La personne humaine : un être de nature ou de culture ? 2.1. La société comme impératif de survie : l’Homme est un loup pour l’Homme 2.2. La perfectibilité de l’Homme l’extrait de la nature 3. Plus qu’un animal social, un animal politique 3.1. L’Homme, un être rationnel au profit du bien commun 3.2. La coexistence humaine et participation politique du citoyen

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Les dissertations juridiques sont construites en deux parties et ont un plan apparent.

Le plan a une forme binaire  : deux parties (I et II), deux sous-parties (A et B) et parfois deux sous-sous-parties (1 et 2). Votre plan de dissertation doit reposer sur quatre idées principales.

Plus d’informations sur le plan d’une dissertation juridique

Les dissertations de philosophie sont construites en trois parties (en général) et n’ont pas de plan apparent.

Chaque partie est introduite avec une phrase d’introduction.

Plus d’informations sur le plan d’une dissertation de philosophie

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Debret, J. (2022, 14 février). Plan de dissertation : méthodologie et exemples. Scribbr. Consulté le 19 août 2024, de

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Dissertation Examples To Inspire You

Are you looking for inspiration to start working on your dissertation, just need to go through the structure of an already written dissertation to match with your own, or want to check out our quality of work before placing an order with us? Our experts have got you covered.

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Dissertation Examples For Different Academic Levels

You should know that dissertations vary on different academic levels. They have distinct requirements, like the number of words and references, and are also graded differently. Therefore, you should check for dissertation examples on your particular study level if you want to know exactly what to write.

ResearchProspect has thousands of dissertation samples prepared for you at different study levels. Moreover, if you still have issues, you can connect with our expert dissertation writers to work on your dissertation for you.

Undergraduate Dissertation Examples

It is not compulsory to write a dissertation at an undergraduate level. However, some fields, like social sciences, may require you to write one. They are generally 8000–15000 words long. If you are an undergraduate student looking for inspiration, you can view our subject-wise samples.

Masters Dissertation Samples

Need to write a masters dissertation but don't know where to start? ResearchProspect has dissertations that show the readers how research is done in the field. Our examples are enough to get you started with your own research.

PhD Dissertation Examples

PhD dissertations are the most complicated and are compulsory to get a doctorate degree. You have to include proper references and appendices. It is typically around 70000–100000 words. Don’t feel anxious, though. You can use our samples for inspiration, and if it is not enough, our experts will be happy to assist you with writing one.

Real-World Samples From Actual Studies

A question might arise: How will dissertation examples written to prepare samples be of good quality? At times, students place an order with us, but due to some reason, the order gets cancelled, or the customer leaves us mid-project. In such situations, we are left with the work prepared by our expert writers. These professionals are masters of their fields and have years of experience writing and researching.

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Although our free samples include a broad range of work, from qualitative dissertation examples to quantitative dissertation examples, and more, we also get that your requirements may be different from what you see in these samples, so if you get your dissertation written by our experts, you will receive work tailored to your exact requirements.

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High-quality biology dissertation examples.

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Biology Dissertation

Molecular biology and physiology of isolated chloroplasts from the algae vaucheria....

Academic Level: Master

Quality: 1st / 72%

Seed dormancy and germination in the summer annual Galeopsis speciosa...

Academic Level: Undergraduate

Quality: 1st / 76%

Links Between Mental Health and Employment Outcomes among Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder...

Quality: 1st / 68%

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Effects of chronic stress on working memory are sex-specific and age-dependent....

Quality: 1st / 70%

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The role of attitude inside and outside today’s organizations....

Quality: 1st / 67%

Premium Examples Of Business Dissertation

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Quality: 1st / 78%

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Academic Level: PHD

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Why Manchester United Football Club Has Been One Of The Most Successful Sports Clubs In The World?...

Quality: 1st / 59%

Investigating the Impact of Employee Engagement on Organisational Performance During the Covid-19 Crisis....

Cognitive process of entrepreneurs in the examination of opportunity evaluation.....

Quality: 1st / 71%

Business Management Dissertations Written By Experts

Check out our business management dissertation examples to learn about the research done in fields like marketing, strategy, operations, international business, supply chain management, business development management, and others. Take inspiration from our samples now.

Business Management Dissertation

Human resource development in palestinian higher education, with special reference to evaluation..., the synergy between entrepreneurship and technological innovation and its role in organisational development..., the leadership styles of successful project managers – investigating the successful project delivery....

Quality: 1st / 79%

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Outstanding examples of construction dissertation.

ResearchProspect provides valuable knowledge through research on real-time construction projects. Other areas that our experts have worked with include environmental engineering, transportation engineering, municipal engineering, water resources, and coastal engineering.

Construction Dissertation

Entering construction professionals: survey of work values and career expectations..., a framework for enhancing the success of construction projects undertaken in libya..., criminology.

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Criminology Dissertation

Criminalization, social exclusion, and punishment: the united states prosecution of migrants....

Quality: 1st / 60%


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Economics Dissertation

Financial development, institutions and poverty reduction....

Quality: 1st / 58%

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Quality: 1st / 75%

Money Supply-Inflation Relationship in Postcommunist Russia...

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Education Dissertation

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Engineering Dissertation

Unwired enterprise systems...., a thesis submitted to the department of civil engineering, college of architecture and civil engineering...., on efficient automated methods for simulation output data analysis..., assessing the impact of bicycle treatments on bicycle safety: a multi-methods approach..., usability-oriented software development process..., an investigation of the impact of the application of ict and knowledge management (km) in improving project..., material selection for innovative design of automotive component..., an analysis of the implications of using digital engineering and bim in the design, construction and maintenance....

Quality: 1st / 77%

Creative Methods for Sustainability Driven Innovation...

Event management.

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Event Management Dissertation

Motivation to attend to a cultural event and the role of social network on attendees' satisfaction..., a study on event management case: tomatkarnevalen..., dissertation samples for environmental management students.

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Environmental Management Dissertation

Sustainable and ethical fashion: study about the retail practices in the dutch fashion industry....

Quality: 1st / 63%

Quality Dissertations In Fashion Studies

Seeking information on psychology of fashion and how clothing choices reflect identity? Our professionals have gathered a list of fashion dissertation examples in areas such as fashion houses, fashion industry, social media and technology, and sustainable fashion practices.

Fashion Dissertation

The dark side of fast fashion – in search of consumers’ rationale behind the continued consumption of fast fashion..., user-generated content and brand engagement in the fashion industry....

Finance dissertations often involve investments and financial markets. In our finance dissertation examples, you can find economic policies, investment strategies, risk management techniques, financial models, fintech and traditional financial institutions. View these samples now.

Finance Dissertation

The impact of board characteristics on firm’s financial performance: evidence from the netherlands...., determinants of the returns on equity of largest portuguese public limited companies..., risk taking in financial markets: a behavioral perspective..., a study of financial risk management in the south korean financial market using var methodology..., impact of the global financial crisis 2008-2009 on the uk construction industry....

Quality: 1st / 69%

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Law Dissertation

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MBA Dissertation

A study of the evolving needs of hiring managers in the business-to-business technology..., management information systems: a strategic tool for business..., media & design.

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Media Design Dissertation

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Nursing Dissertation

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Political Science Dissertation

The arab spring uprisings in geopolitical context...., prestige, humiliation and international politics.....

Quality: 1st / 80%

The Violence of Nostalgia: Conspiracy Theorism, White Nationalism, and Restoring American Exceptionalism...

Run forest run - a cross-national study on the effect of property rights and liberty on deforestation....

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Philosophy Dissertation

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Psychology Dissertation

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Optimising global supply chain operations....

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Dissertation Samples To Inspire Your Creativity

Are you new to writing dissertations and do not know where to start? ResearchProspect’s list of free dissertation examples is here not only to inspire you but also to showcase the quality of our work so you can get stress-free and leave your dissertations to our professionals.

Viewing samples of previously written dissertations allows you to properly structure your dissertation, and you can check how to implement the formatting style coherently.

Additionally, with the help of dissertation samples, you can grasp the approach towards common elements in every dissertation. Every dissertation sample mostly follows the same structure, with main sections - abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, and reference list.

Furthermore, checking out well-written examples of dissertations enables you to appreciate what makes a strong research project, and you can implement those elements in your own dissertation as well.

We have samples for everyone. If you need undergraduate dissertation examples or PhD dissertation examples in your field of study, just browse through our easy-to-use search bar.

Can’t Find What You Are Looking For? Hire An Expert

There is a slim chance that you will not find the right dissertation in our sample section that fits your needs, or even after reviewing these examples, you still cannot wrap your head around how to write a dissertation. That is totally understandable. Dissertation writing is not an easy task. It is based on years of research and is a culmination of what you have learned throughout your degree.

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So, what are you waiting for? For services, fill out our order form and avail yourself of custom help according to your needs.

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Dissertation/Thesis Template

The fastest (and smartest) way to craft a winning dissertation that showcases your study and earns you marks. 

Available in Google Doc, Word & PDF format 4.9 star rating, 5000 + downloads

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Step-by-step instructions

Tried & tested academic format

Fill-in-the-blanks simplicity

Pro tips, tricks and resources

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What’s Covered In The Template?

This dissertation template is based on the tried and trusted best-practice format for formal academic research projects. The template structure reflects the overall research process, ensuring your document has a smooth, logical flow. Here’s how it’s structured:

  • The title page/cover page
  • Abstract (sometimes also called the executive summary)
  • Table of contents
  • List of figures /list of tables
  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Literature review
  • Chapter 3: Methodology
  • Chapter 4: Research findings /results 
  • Chapter 5: Discussion /analysis of findings
  • Chapter 6: Conclusion
  • Reference list

Each section is explained in plain, straightforward language , followed by an overview of the key elements that you need to cover within each section. We’ve also included practical examples to help you understand exactly what’s required in each section.

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FAQs: Dissertation & Thesis Template

Faqs: dissertation template, what format is the template (doc, pdf, ppt, etc.).

The dissertation template is provided as a Google Doc. You can download it in MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive. You’re also welcome to convert it to whatever format works best for you, such as LaTeX or PDF.

What types of dissertations/theses can this template be used for?

The template follows the standard best-practice structure for formal academic research projects such as dissertations or theses, so it is suitable for the vast majority of degrees, particularly those within the sciences.

Some universities may have some additional requirements, but these are typically minor, with the core structure remaining the same. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to double-check your university’s requirements before you finalise your structure.

Will this work for a research paper?

A research paper follows a similar format, but there are a few differences. You can find our research paper template here .

Is this template for an undergrad, Masters or PhD-level thesis?

This template can be used for a dissertation, thesis or research project at any level of study. It may be slight overkill for an undergraduate-level study, but it certainly won’t be missing anything.

How long should my dissertation/thesis be?

This depends entirely on your university’s specific requirements, so it’s best to check with them. As a general ballpark, Masters-level projects are usually 15,000 – 20,000 words in length, while Doctoral-level projects are often in excess of 60,000 words.

What about the research proposal?

If you’re still working on your research proposal, we’ve got a template for that here .

We’ve also got loads of proposal-related guides and videos over on the Grad Coach blog .

How do I write a literature review?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack how to write a literature review from scratch. You can check out the literature review section of the blog here.

How do I create a research methodology?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack research methodology, both qualitative and quantitative. You can check out the methodology section of the blog here.

Can I share this dissertation template with my friends/colleagues?

Yes, you’re welcome to share this template. If you want to post about it on your blog or social media, all we ask is that you reference this page as your source.

Can Grad Coach help me with my dissertation/thesis?

Within the template, you’ll find plain-language explanations of each section, which should give you a fair amount of guidance. However, you’re also welcome to consider our dissertation and thesis coaching services .

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Management Stratégique

Par gvbauer   •  1 Octobre 2014  •  1 385 Mots (6 Pages)  •  3 032 Vues

Mana Stratégique

Stratégie = combinaisons des objectifs et des moyens choisi pour les atteindre à partir d’une analyse de son environnement.

L’entreprise par sa stratégie cherche à se positionner de tel sorte qu’elle puisse obtenir de façon durable des résultats satisfaisants pour ses propriétaires et ses partenaires

La stratégie retenue est finalement un compromis entre ce que l’entreprise veut faire, ce qu’elle a les moyens de faire (ressource, compétence, force, faiblesse), ce qu’elle devrait faire et ce qu’elle est autorisée à faire

Plusieurs caractéristiques :

- elle positionne l’entreprise par rapport à son environnement, la stratégie reposant ainsi sur une intelligence des contraintes

- elle engage l’entreprise à long terme

- elle engage l’entreprise toute entière et est du ressort de la DG

L’intérêt de la stratégie est d’obliger l’entreprise à étudier et à prévoir les principales évolutions de son environnement lui permettant de s’y adapter mais également d’agir sur celui ci.

La gestion stratégique permet à l’entreprise d’établir de façon raisonnée ses axes de dév, elle facilite ainsi la gestion courante en donnant un cadre de référence et des finalités cohérentes.

Chaque entreprise présente des finalités particulières dû notamment à la personnalité et aux aspirations de ses dirigeants. Ces derniers sont par ailleurs porteurs d’un système de valeur, càd un ensemble de croyance et d’attitude, de principes qui vont conditionner les finalités et les objectifs de l’entreprise.

Dans la plupart des cas, ces finalités diverses imposent une rentabilité qui est la manifestation de l’équilibre économique de l’entreprise. Les objectifs de l’entreprise sont des résultats chiffrés qu’elle veut atteindre et correspondes à la traduction opérationnelle de finalités. Chaque objectif est ainsi un état souhaité d’un élément du système entreprise.

Analyse stratégique et concurrentielle

⇒ Etudier les conditions de l’environnement et a repérer les capacités de l’entreprise par rapport à ses conditions et ses finalités. Elle permet de définir et d’évaluer les différentes stratégies possibles et de faciliter ainsi le choix d’une stratégie de l’entreprise.

L’analyse concurrentielle permet de situer l’entreprise par rapport à ses concurrents.

Analyse stratégique

Elle repose sur plusieurs concepts

La segmentation stratégique :

Elle consiste en un découpage des activités de l’entreprise en ensemble de produit partageant certaines ressources productives ou commerciales affrontant les mêmes concurrents et pouvant ainsi faire l’objet d’une stratégie unique.

Les ensembles ainsi obtenus sont appelés segments stratégiques ou domaines d’activité stratégique ou encore unité stratégique homogènes.

Effet d’expérience :

C’est le fait que le cout unitaire d’un produit diminue d’un pourcentage constant à chaque doublement de l’expérience de l’entreprise.

L’expérience est mesurée par la production cumulée du produit considéré, phénomène mesurable dans l’industrie. Cet effet s’explique par la réalisation d’économie d’échelle et par un effet d’apprentissage càd une baise du coup de la mains d’œuvre du fait du dév du savoir faire technique et d’une meilleur organisation.

Système d’objectif :

Il est obtenu en découpant les objectifs généraux de l’entreprise car par être efficiente, la fixation d’un objectif doit déboucher sur le choix des moyens d’actions constituants eux mêmes des objectifs pour les subordonnées. Ainsi ce système apparait comme une chaine de couple fin moyen qui permet à l’entreprise de décider à tous les niveaux de façon cohérente conformément à sa stratégie.

Le portefeuille d’activité :

Ensemble des domaines d’activités d’une entreprise. Un domaine d’activité correspond de façon générale à un couple produit/marché et se caractérise par un cycle de vie.

Le métier :

Ensemble des compétences nécessaires pour exercer efficacement une activité donnée. Son identification passe donc par un inventaire des facteurs de compétence autrement dit les compétences de base cœur de compétence. Une industrie recouvre le plus souvent plusieurs métiers tel que l’industrie chimique.

La mission :

La raison d’être de l’entreprise, défini par ses dirigeants. Elle sert à l’intérieur de l’entreprise de référence lors de la prise de certaines décisions tactiques ou opérationnelles et propose des orientations générales auxquelles le personnel peut se rallier. A l’extérieur elle sert comme outil de référence pour les relations publics et apparait dans ce but sur des documents externes.

L’analyse concurrentielle.

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Dissertations on Management

Management involves being responsible for directing others and making decisions on behalf of a company or organisation. Managers will have a number of resources at their disposal, of which they can use where they feel necessary to help people or a company to achieve their goals.

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5 conseils pour rédiger vos dissertations à l'université

5 conseils pour rédiger vos dissertations à l'université

23 novembre 2023 •

2 min de lecture

Comment vous assurer que vos dissertations répondront aux attentes des enseignants ? Eh bien, pour commencer, sachez que vous devez exprimer vos idées de manière claire, cohérente et concise.

Objectif principal : défendre un argument, soutenir une thèse et amener le lecteur à la conclusion inévitable à laquelle conduisent les faits présentés. Pour autant, la dissertation demande de vraies compétences, compétences que vous allez pouvoir affûter avec les conseils ci-dessous.

1. Présentez votre thèse de manière claire et concise

L'énoncé de votre thèse doit présenter votre sujet et votre position en une seule phrase. Après avoir effectué toutes vos recherches, vous aurez peut-être l'impression que vous ne pourrez jamais écrire un énoncé aussi court. Pour vous aider, réfléchissez à la manière dont vous présenteriez la chose brièvement à une personne qui ne travaille pas dans votre secteur professionnel. Imaginez par exemple qu'un membre de votre famille vous pose des questions au dîner. L'énoncé de votre thèse doit exprimer clairement votre opinion et résumer votre argumentation. Vous apporterez des nuances plus tard, dans le reste de votre dissertation.

2. Étayez l'énoncé de votre thèse

Pour que votre argumentation soit recevable, vous devez l'étayer à l'aide de sources secondaires solides. Bien que Wikipédia permette de trouver de nombreuses sources secondaires, il ne s'agit pas à proprement parler d'une source crédible. Selon le sujet que vous abordez, penchez-vous plutôt sur des études ou articles de recherche. Les articles issus de revues du secteur, telles que The Journal of Hotel and Business Management sont particulièrement utiles. Par ailleurs, ces articles incluent de nombreuses références aux études et analyses d'origine.

3. Créez un plan

Une dissertation de qualité s'enchaîne selon une séquence logique. Il est bien plus facile d'y parvenir en créant un plan sur lequel vous pourrez vous appuyer. En effet il est possible que vous vous lanciez dans des digressions sans vous en rendre compte. En vous reportant à votre plan, vous pourrez déterminer à quel niveau reprendre le fil pour retrouver le bon chemin.

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4. Écrivez un premier jet

Le premier jet ne doit jamais être le dernier. Prévoyez suffisamment de temps pour coucher sur papier un premier jet et le retravailler par la suite. Il est difficile de repérer les erreurs, incohérences et même fautes d'orthographe au moment de l'écriture. En reprenant votre texte à tête reposée le lendemain ou quelques jours plus tard, vous pourrez l'améliorer plus aisément.

5. Rédigez l'introduction en dernier

Le premier paragraphe d'une dissertation universitaire est souvent le plus difficile à écrire. En vous y attaquant en dernier, une fois vos arguments et éléments de preuve exposés, toute votre dissertation paraîtra plus cohérente. Vous pouvez également décider de réécrire totalement votre introduction une fois la dissertation terminée.

Le plus difficile, c'est finalement de commencer. Parfois, il suffit de laisser les idées venir à vous et de commencer à écrire. Vous pourrez toujours revenir sur votre texte par la suite pour en modifier ou supprimer des parties. L'important, c'est de commencer.

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What Is a Dissertation? | Guide, Examples, & Template

Structure of a Dissertation

A dissertation is a long-form piece of academic writing based on original research conducted by you. It is usually submitted as the final step in order to finish a PhD program.

Your dissertation is probably the longest piece of writing you’ve ever completed. It requires solid research, writing, and analysis skills, and it can be intimidating to know where to begin.

Your department likely has guidelines related to how your dissertation should be structured. When in doubt, consult with your supervisor.

You can also download our full dissertation template in the format of your choice below. The template includes a ready-made table of contents with notes on what to include in each chapter, easily adaptable to your department’s requirements.

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  • In the US, a dissertation generally refers to the collection of research you conducted to obtain a PhD.
  • In other countries (such as the UK), a dissertation often refers to the research you conduct to obtain your bachelor’s or master’s degree.

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Table of contents

Dissertation committee and prospectus process, how to write and structure a dissertation, acknowledgements or preface, list of figures and tables, list of abbreviations, introduction, literature review, methodology, reference list, proofreading and editing, defending your dissertation, free checklist and lecture slides.

When you’ve finished your coursework, as well as any comprehensive exams or other requirements, you advance to “ABD” (All But Dissertation) status. This means you’ve completed everything except your dissertation.

Prior to starting to write, you must form your committee and write your prospectus or proposal . Your committee comprises your adviser and a few other faculty members. They can be from your own department, or, if your work is more interdisciplinary, from other departments. Your committee will guide you through the dissertation process, and ultimately decide whether you pass your dissertation defense and receive your PhD.

Your prospectus is a formal document presented to your committee, usually orally in a defense, outlining your research aims and objectives and showing why your topic is relevant . After passing your prospectus defense, you’re ready to start your research and writing.

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exemple de dissertation management

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The structure of your dissertation depends on a variety of factors, such as your discipline, topic, and approach. Dissertations in the humanities are often structured more like a long essay , building an overall argument to support a central thesis , with chapters organized around different themes or case studies.

However, hard science and social science dissertations typically include a review of existing works, a methodology section, an analysis of your original research, and a presentation of your results , presented in different chapters.

Dissertation examples

We’ve compiled a list of dissertation examples to help you get started.

  • Example dissertation #1: Heat, Wildfire and Energy Demand: An Examination of Residential Buildings and Community Equity (a dissertation by C. A. Antonopoulos about the impact of extreme heat and wildfire on residential buildings and occupant exposure risks).
  • Example dissertation #2: Exploring Income Volatility and Financial Health Among Middle-Income Households (a dissertation by M. Addo about income volatility and declining economic security among middle-income households).
  • Example dissertation #3: The Use of Mindfulness Meditation to Increase the Efficacy of Mirror Visual Feedback for Reducing Phantom Limb Pain in Amputees (a dissertation by N. S. Mills about the effect of mindfulness-based interventions on the relationship between mirror visual feedback and the pain level in amputees with phantom limb pain).

The very first page of your document contains your dissertation title, your name, department, institution, degree program, and submission date. Sometimes it also includes your student number, your supervisor’s name, and the university’s logo.

Read more about title pages

The acknowledgements section is usually optional and gives space for you to thank everyone who helped you in writing your dissertation. This might include your supervisors, participants in your research, and friends or family who supported you. In some cases, your acknowledgements are part of a preface.

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exemple de dissertation management

The abstract is a short summary of your dissertation, usually about 150 to 300 words long. Though this may seem very short, it’s one of the most important parts of your dissertation, because it introduces your work to your audience.

Your abstract should:

  • State your main topic and the aims of your research
  • Describe your methods
  • Summarize your main results
  • State your conclusions

Read more about abstracts

The table of contents lists all of your chapters, along with corresponding subheadings and page numbers. This gives your reader an overview of your structure and helps them easily navigate your document.

Remember to include all main parts of your dissertation in your table of contents, even the appendices. It’s easy to generate a table automatically in Word if you used heading styles. Generally speaking, you only include level 2 and level 3 headings, not every subheading you included in your finished work.

Read more about tables of contents

While not usually mandatory, it’s nice to include a list of figures and tables to help guide your reader if you have used a lot of these in your dissertation. It’s easy to generate one of these in Word using the Insert Caption feature.

Read more about lists of figures and tables

Similarly, if you have used a lot of abbreviations (especially industry-specific ones) in your dissertation, you can include them in an alphabetized list of abbreviations so that the reader can easily look up their meanings.

Read more about lists of abbreviations

In addition to the list of abbreviations, if you find yourself using a lot of highly specialized terms that you worry will not be familiar to your reader, consider including a glossary. Here, alphabetize the terms and include a brief description or definition.

Read more about glossaries

The introduction serves to set up your dissertation’s topic, purpose, and relevance. It tells the reader what to expect in the rest of your dissertation. The introduction should:

  • Establish your research topic , giving the background information needed to contextualize your work
  • Narrow down the focus and define the scope of your research
  • Discuss the state of existing research on the topic, showing your work’s relevance to a broader problem or debate
  • Clearly state your research questions and objectives
  • Outline the flow of the rest of your work

Everything in the introduction should be clear, engaging, and relevant. By the end, the reader should understand the what, why, and how of your research.

Read more about introductions

A formative part of your research is your literature review . This helps you gain a thorough understanding of the academic work that already exists on your topic.

Literature reviews encompass:

  • Finding relevant sources (e.g., books and journal articles)
  • Assessing the credibility of your sources
  • Critically analyzing and evaluating each source
  • Drawing connections between them (e.g., themes, patterns, conflicts, or gaps) to strengthen your overall point

A literature review is not merely a summary of existing sources. Your literature review should have a coherent structure and argument that leads to a clear justification for your own research. It may aim to:

  • Address a gap in the literature or build on existing knowledge
  • Take a new theoretical or methodological approach to your topic
  • Propose a solution to an unresolved problem or advance one side of a theoretical debate

Read more about literature reviews

Theoretical framework

Your literature review can often form the basis for your theoretical framework. Here, you define and analyze the key theories, concepts, and models that frame your research.

Read more about theoretical frameworks

Your methodology chapter describes how you conducted your research, allowing your reader to critically assess its credibility. Your methodology section should accurately report what you did, as well as convince your reader that this was the best way to answer your research question.

A methodology section should generally include:

  • The overall research approach ( quantitative vs. qualitative ) and research methods (e.g., a longitudinal study )
  • Your data collection methods (e.g., interviews or a controlled experiment )
  • Details of where, when, and with whom the research took place
  • Any tools and materials you used (e.g., computer programs, lab equipment)
  • Your data analysis methods (e.g., statistical analysis , discourse analysis )
  • An evaluation or justification of your methods

Read more about methodology sections

Your results section should highlight what your methodology discovered. You can structure this section around sub-questions, hypotheses , or themes, but avoid including any subjective or speculative interpretation here.

Your results section should:

  • Concisely state each relevant result together with relevant descriptive statistics (e.g., mean , standard deviation ) and inferential statistics (e.g., test statistics , p values )
  • Briefly state how the result relates to the question or whether the hypothesis was supported
  • Report all results that are relevant to your research questions , including any that did not meet your expectations.

Additional data (including raw numbers, full questionnaires, or interview transcripts) can be included as an appendix. You can include tables and figures, but only if they help the reader better understand your results. Read more about results sections

Your discussion section is your opportunity to explore the meaning and implications of your results in relation to your research question. Here, interpret your results in detail, discussing whether they met your expectations and how well they fit with the framework that you built in earlier chapters. Refer back to relevant source material to show how your results fit within existing research in your field.

Some guiding questions include:

  • What do your results mean?
  • Why do your results matter?
  • What limitations do the results have?

If any of the results were unexpected, offer explanations for why this might be. It’s a good idea to consider alternative interpretations of your data.

Read more about discussion sections

Your dissertation’s conclusion should concisely answer your main research question, leaving your reader with a clear understanding of your central argument and emphasizing what your research has contributed to the field.

In some disciplines, the conclusion is just a short section preceding the discussion section, but in other contexts, it is the final chapter of your work. Here, you wrap up your dissertation with a final reflection on what you found, with recommendations for future research and concluding remarks.

It’s important to leave the reader with a clear impression of why your research matters. What have you added to what was already known? Why is your research necessary for the future of your field?

Read more about conclusions

It is crucial to include a reference list or list of works cited with the full details of all the sources that you used, in order to avoid plagiarism. Be sure to choose one citation style and follow it consistently throughout your dissertation. Each style has strict and specific formatting requirements.

Common styles include MLA , Chicago , and APA , but which style you use is often set by your department or your field.

Create APA citations Create MLA citations

Your dissertation should contain only essential information that directly contributes to answering your research question. Documents such as interview transcripts or survey questions can be added as appendices, rather than adding them to the main body.

Read more about appendices

Making sure that all of your sections are in the right place is only the first step to a well-written dissertation. Don’t forget to leave plenty of time for editing and proofreading, as grammar mistakes and sloppy spelling errors can really negatively impact your work.

Dissertations can take up to five years to write, so you will definitely want to make sure that everything is perfect before submitting. You may want to consider using a professional dissertation editing service , AI proofreader or grammar checker to make sure your final project is perfect prior to submitting.

After your written dissertation is approved, your committee will schedule a defense. Similarly to defending your prospectus, dissertation defenses are oral presentations of your work. You’ll present your dissertation, and your committee will ask you questions. Many departments allow family members, friends, and other people who are interested to join as well.

After your defense, your committee will meet, and then inform you whether you have passed. Keep in mind that defenses are usually just a formality; most committees will have resolved any serious issues with your work with you far prior to your defense, giving you ample time to fix any problems.

As you write your dissertation, you can use this simple checklist to make sure you’ve included all the essentials.

Checklist: Dissertation

My title page includes all information required by my university.

I have included acknowledgements thanking those who helped me.

My abstract provides a concise summary of the dissertation, giving the reader a clear idea of my key results or arguments.

I have created a table of contents to help the reader navigate my dissertation. It includes all chapter titles, but excludes the title page, acknowledgements, and abstract.

My introduction leads into my topic in an engaging way and shows the relevance of my research.

My introduction clearly defines the focus of my research, stating my research questions and research objectives .

My introduction includes an overview of the dissertation’s structure (reading guide).

I have conducted a literature review in which I (1) critically engage with sources, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of existing research, (2) discuss patterns, themes, and debates in the literature, and (3) address a gap or show how my research contributes to existing research.

I have clearly outlined the theoretical framework of my research, explaining the theories and models that support my approach.

I have thoroughly described my methodology , explaining how I collected data and analyzed data.

I have concisely and objectively reported all relevant results .

I have (1) evaluated and interpreted the meaning of the results and (2) acknowledged any important limitations of the results in my discussion .

I have clearly stated the answer to my main research question in the conclusion .

I have clearly explained the implications of my conclusion, emphasizing what new insight my research has contributed.

I have provided relevant recommendations for further research or practice.

If relevant, I have included appendices with supplemental information.

I have included an in-text citation every time I use words, ideas, or information from a source.

I have listed every source in a reference list at the end of my dissertation.

I have consistently followed the rules of my chosen citation style .

I have followed all formatting guidelines provided by my university.


The end is in sight—your dissertation is nearly ready to submit! Make sure it's perfectly polished with the help of a Scribbr editor.

If you’re an educator, feel free to download and adapt these slides to teach your students about structuring a dissertation.

Open Google Slides Download PowerPoint

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Business Management Dissertation Topics (34 Examples) For Research

Mark May 31, 2020 Jun 5, 2020 Business , Business Management No Comments

We understand a dissertation is the most pivotal part of your degree program. As a business management student, you need to have a top-notch idea for research. So, were have listed down the business management dissertation topics to help you out. You can explore the business management dissertation topics and research topics on business management […]

business management dissertation topics

We understand a dissertation is the most pivotal part of your degree program. As a business management student, you need to have a top-notch idea for research. So, were have listed down the business management dissertation topics to help you out. You can explore the business management dissertation topics and research topics on business management to choose one that you find the most interesting.

A list Of Business Management Dissertation Topics

How the organisations have become customer-focused?

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