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10.5: Assignment- Evaluating Leadership

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  • Page ID 47747
  • Lumen Learning

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In your readings on Leadership, you learned the difference between management and leadership, as well as traits, styles, and situations of leaders and leadership.

In this assignment, you will research and write about a modern leader of your choice. You may not select one of the leaders discussed in the course. Carefully consider the traits, styles, and differing situations for leadership in today’s organizations.

  • Select a leader to profile in your written report. You may select one you admire, or a “good example of a bad example.” There are numerous websites naming leaders to get you started. A quick search on “famous contemporary leaders” revealed millions of possible lists, OR you may select a leader in your personal or professional life: your boss, a coach, a team leader, etc.
  • Research your chosen leader, identifying evidence of his/her traits, styles, and leadership situations. Relate your findings to the module concepts. For example, how did your chosen leader demonstrate the trait of “desire to lead”? Prepare examples.
  • First, introduce your leader, and state why you selected him/her. Was their leadership effective or not effective?
  • Next, expand upon the traits and style of your leader, including at least three properly referenced and defined terms from the module reading. For example, if you select Drive, describe what the term means in the context of leadership and how your leader demonstrates it.
  • Next, describe the leadership situation your chosen leader was in, using one of the Situational Leadership Models from the module reading. For example, if your leader was charged with a group of new or low-competence employees, did they use the Selling style prescribed by Ken Blanchard?
  • Finally, conclude with a short description of your personal leadership style and how effective it has been for you to date.

In addition to the text, you are encouraged to research leadership and your chosen leader, using reliable and properly cited Internet resources. You may also draw from your personal work experience with appropriate examples to support your references.

Contributors and Attributions

  • Assignment: Evaluating Leadership . Authored by : Betty Fitte and Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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Effective research project leadership

Are these three statements all true?  The number of books published about leadership and management (35,000 listed on Amazon, for example) suggests there must be more to it than common sense - if so, what do you need really to know? We start this section with a very brief introduction to leadership and management, but the key truths are in the other two statements: you do need to find your own ways, and you do need to make time to live these roles well. 

Leadership or management?

Quite often these terms are used interchangeably, so that, as Alan Bryman puts it in his review of Effective Leadership in Higher Education , "...distinguishing between them becomes a semantic exercise that is difficult to apply in concrete situations."  However, is is quite possible to identify a range of characteristics and approaches in the literature on leadership and management which are broadly held to constitute some difference. Here, for example, slightly adapted from Bennis (1997) :

A manager... A leader...
Administers  Innovates
Maintains Develops
Imitates Originates
Focuses on systems/structures Focuses on people
Relies on control Inspires trust
Has a short-range view Has a long-range perspective
Asks how and when? Asks what and why?
Looks at the bottom line Looks at the horizon
Accepts status quo Challenges status quo
Does things right Does the right things

The important point to note is these different roles are both needed in different situations, so it is certainly not a case of management bad, leadership good.   You should think about developing skills and expertise in both roles.  


Think about the people in leadership and management roles in your organisation.  How well do they demonstrate the approaches and characteristics identified above? 

Is there anyone you see as a particular role model?

Is that person a manager or a leader, on the whole? 

Which aspects of these roles do you think you would find most challenging?

Developing your own approaches

You have to develop your own approaches to leading and managing. Associated with leadership is an extremely important concept, that of authenticity. This concept is central to  the work of Goffee and Jones who asked the question: Why should anyone be led by you? The answer they discovered was that people want to be led by someone real, that they wanted someone who was authentic. Two ways of putting this:

  • "Try to lead like someone else - and you will fail."
  • "Be yourself - with skill."

Which means, of course, that you have to find ways of being authentically yourself in a wide range of different situations. This is about two things really; developing awareness of what you are really like, and having the confidence to behave in a way that communicates that. 

The page on Research Leadership styles might help you to identify a way of leading that feels right for you, and finding out more about your own personality type and team role preferences can be extremely insightful and helpful. Your institution may well have someone trained in the use of psychometric tools, such as MBTI or Belbin, and talking to them could be very valuable. (Doing such exercises as a group can be a powerful way of developing both understanding and a team ethos. Talk to your local staff or organisational developers.) Look also at the section on 360 feedback , for an idea on finding out more about how others view you.

Making time for leadership and management

The confident leader or manager is not the person who displays their abilities by working harder or longer than the team, or who takes on the biggest challenges. The confident leader or manager recognises there are some high-level strategic or interface issues that only she or he can take responsibility for, but there are many tasks that can be undertaken just as well by members of the team - and there may even be members of your team who have specialist skills that you don't have (and this may be just why they are part of the team).  And they don't, in fact, have to do things better than you; they just have to be able to do them to an acceptable level. Your time is especially valuable because there are some things that only the leader can do, there won't be much time left after you've done all these.  Have a look at the page on time management for more information, and the section on Developing yourself as a PI. You will find time invested in developing your leadership and management skills will be well spent.

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627 Leadership Essay Topics & Examples

Looking for leadership essay topics to write about? Being both an exciting research area and a practical skill, leadership is definitely worth exploring!

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📃 Leadership Essay: How to Write

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✍️ Leadership Essay Topics for College

❓ leadership essay questions.

In your leadership essay, you might want to take a look at the sphere of government or elaborate on the role of leadership in business organizations. Here we’ve gathered most catchy leadership title ideas together with leadership essay examples. There are also useful tips on writing your introduction, conclusion, and formulating a thesis statement.

🔝 Top 10 Leadership Essay Topics

  • Leadership as a research area and a practical skill
  • Theories of leadership
  • Functional leadership theory
  • Autocratic and democratic leadership styles: compare and contrast
  • Task-oriented leadership style: the key features
  • Measuring leadership: the main approaches
  • Gender and leadership in Western countries
  • The concept of leadership: myths and misunderstandings
  • Emotional intelligence and leadership: the connection
  • Leadership in non-human animals

While writing a leadership essay, you may struggle with the subject, structure, titles, and other components. Don’t worry – these tips will help you to write the best leadership paper!

Tip 1. Choose your subject area first. If your professor did not provide specific topics, you would need to select one on your own. In order to do this, you may focus on an area of leadership that sounds interesting to you.

For example, if you consider working in the hospitality sector in the future, write about leadership in hotels or restaurants. Alternatively, you can browse leadership essay topics online and see if that gives you any clarity.

Tip 2. Narrow down the topic. To ensure that your essay earns high marks, you should avoid choosing an area of leadership that is too broad.

A college level paper should offer enough details and depth to receive an excellent grade. For instance, instead of overviewing a bunch of leadership styles, focus on how certain styles impede or facilitate teamwork. This will give you enough to talk about while limiting the scope of your essay.

Tip 3. Don’t confuse leadership with management! This is a common mistake that students make while writing leadership essays. Although the two concepts overlap, leadership is more about beliefs and vision, whereas managerial work is focused on specific tools and techniques.

Thus, a leader may or may not be a manager. To get more familiar with the subject of leadership, research various leadership styles, such as transformational, autocratic, and servant leadership.

Tip 4. Pay attention to the structure. In a great essay, ideas are always well-organized and follow one another in a logical sequence. First, write an introduction where you present your topic and thesis.

Then, write the main body, where you explain the key concepts and the relationships between them by reviewing relevant research evidence.

Lastly, write a conclusion summarizing your key points. A good leadership essay conclusion should also show how the information can be applied in practice.

Tip 5. Seek to answer any questions that readers might have. For your essay to show excellent depth, you need to address the points that might be interesting to readers in connection with your subject area.

For example, if you are reviewing a particular leadership style, you might want to discuss in which settings it would be useful and what are some of its limitations.

To make this part easier, you could search for leadership essay questions online to clarify what kind of answers readers expect you to cover.

Tip 6. Explain the importance and relevance of your paper. Because leadership is focused on effective strategies that can be applied in real life, you need to provide examples of how your essay may be used to support future practice and research.

Can leaders use the information you provided to improve their relationships with other employees? Can the proposed strategies influence performance?

Think about the potential uses of your research, as well as any gaps that are yet to be studied. Highlighting areas for future research will show your tutor that you are genuinely interested in the subject while also helping you plan for future essays.

We hope that these leadership essay tips will make it easier for you to write an outstanding paper! Make sure to check our website for sample essays on leadership!

🏆 Best Leadership Essay Examples

  • Nelson Mandela Leadership Style Mandela’s fight for democracy and fulfilment of the majority will was also seen in his efforts to reconcile Libya with the rest of the world.
  • Transformational Leadership Essay This requires the transformational leader to have the right communication skills to be able to relay the vision they have to a point of winning the willingness of the followers such that they too are […]
  • Google Democratic Leadership Style – Compared to Amazon Applying behavioural leadership style theories in Bezos and Schmidt’s case reveals that the Amazon CEO is an autocratic leader while the Google CEO is a democratic leader.
  • Reed Hastings’ Leadership Style: Netflix CEO’s Strategy Since the work of a leader is crucial for the performance of the whole enterprise, it is essential to analyze the leadership style of a particular business leader through the perspective of his or her […]
  • Foundation of Army Leadership Essay The Army leaders therefore, need to be swift, adaptive, and multi-skilled both in the country and across the world. This ensures obedience of the Army to the authority of the President and his authority from […]
  • Leadership Case Study This is mainly achieved through setting a pace in serving as a role model and creation of a working environment that allows members of the organization or employees to feel honored as part of the […]
  • Frederick Douglass Leadership Personality Traits Report (Assessment) The book was so humorous that he feared that he would be enslaved again for the weaknesses that he portrayed in the American lifestyle and how he was able to trick them with the attire […]
  • Nigerian Poor Governance and Leadership In the paper under consideration, we will examine the concepts of the good governance and leadership, the problems concerning the implementation of these concepts in the Nigerian government; then we will investigate the history of […]
  • Leadership in Organization Leadership is applicable in the nurturing and development of constructive behavior patterns and organizational culture. Charismatic leadership is appropriate for the development of followers.
  • Mahatma Gandhi’s Leadership This report is an analysis of the behaviour and leadership style of Ghandi, the transactional and transformative aspects of his leadership and the way he used the power he had to help India gain Independence.
  • Mercedes Company: Leadership and Management Essentials The idea behind theoretical investigation is to obtain enough background information on leadership styles, which might be applied to analysing the performance of Mercedes Benz in the light of the theory’s implications on the practice […]
  • Esther’s Leadership Qualities Essay The book of Ester narrates the story of a young Jewish woman who rose to the thrones of power but also reveals the life of the Jews under the Persian reign.
  • Teamwork and Leadership From diversity to team hierarchy, many factors influence the eventual output of the team, affecting the leader, team members’ performance, and client’s satisfaction.
  • Nelson Mandela’s Leadership in the “Invictus” Film The film “Invictus” is a 2009 drama and biography that depicts the challenging initiative of Nelson Mandela to unite the country with the help of sport.
  • Comparison of Leadership and Management In leadership, the leader uses his charisma and influence to elicit the help and support of the followers to achieve goals.
  • Foundations of Army Leadership BLC This paper examines the foundation of Army leadership, focusing on its levels and leaders’ characteristic features.
  • Barack Obama’s Charismatic Leadership In Obama’s Case, the sparkle and invisible energy as defined by Rao pushed him to the presidency and continues allowing him some loyal following albeit the fact that some are being disappointed by the slow […]
  • Comparison of Gandhi’s and Hitler’s Leadership The primary direction of Gandhi’s political and social work was the fight against the nationalist movement of the British rule of India.
  • Leadership: Portfolio Project I will start by conducting a comprehensive analysis of my background in order to understand the factors that might have defined my leadership qualities in one way or the other.
  • Leadership and Management Practice The efficacy of a decision to either lead or manage will base on the closeness of how the insight of the knowledge, expertise and talent of persons trying to pursue the goal matches with the […]
  • Google Company’s Situational Leadership The current CEO of Google, Larry Page, is a considered a great leader because of his ability to apply situational leadership skills in resolving some of the problems that threaten the success of the company.
  • Leadership Self-Assessment Essay To a butcher, the organizational goals of increased productivity, the input of both the individual and groups in the organization remains invaluable. To this end, the strengths and weaknesses that are inherent in my style […]
  • Management and Leadership: Nokia Corporation The approach of the company is to have an innovative and outstanding teamwork; though the company has a departmental approach, the company ensures that it has teams in all sections that are mandated and empowered […]
  • Bill Gates’s Leadership and Impact on Organization This problem grew out of the practice that was common in Microsoft to challenge the ideas of one another, doubt them, and put them to the test.
  • Meg Whitman – Leadership Style: What Do People Do When They Are Leading? This is due to the fact that it influences the extent to which employees are committed to attainment of the set organizational goals.
  • Educational Leadership and Management Team leadership is “the ability to solve every problem affecting a given group”. I have understood why every educational leader should use the best leadership styles.
  • School Leadership The multi-levelled pedagogic school leaders highly determine the mode of teaching students in schools and the effective application of the learning process.
  • Starbuck Company Case: Howard Schultz Leadership Style Hence, he spends a lot of time with staff and guarantees that the company helps employees to grow both financially and intellectually.
  • Bernard Arnault’s Leadership One of Arnault’s leadership styles entails identifying brands that are preferred in the market and working on enhancing the quality of these brands. Bernard Arnault is a visionary leader who has helped LVMH to attain […]
  • Developing Leadership Skills Bearing in mind the fact that the leader is tasked with marshaling the organization’s resources to accomplish some organizational goal, it can be rightfully stated that part of the role of the leader is to […]
  • Autocratic Leadership Versus Participative Theory It will also critically analyse the effectiveness of both participative and autocratic leadership styles in an organisation to determine the most appropriate style to be adopted for the success of an organisation.
  • Leadership in General Electric The third impact of good leadership at GE is that the ability of the organization to retain its employees would be increased.
  • Toyota’s Culture and Leadership Strategy Toyota’s Leadership and Culture Irrespective of numerous difficulties, the company is still one of the leaders of the industry. To understand the essence of the lean leadership, it is crucial to consider some peculiarities of […]
  • Marriott International Leadership This paper aims to present the analysis of the prevalent leadership style typical of executives and directors in Marriott International; to discuss the connection between the leadership style and ethical practices; to determine possible ethical […]
  • Strategic Leadership Nevertheless, it is important that for these strategic plans to be implemented properly there is need to have strategic leadership in the organization in order to provide the much needed leadership.
  • Ken Lay’s Leadership and Enron Company’s Downfall An analysis of Lay’s ethical conduct outlined below is conducted through the prism of Kidder’s ethical checkpoints, the principles of moral sensitivity, moral judgment, moral motivation, moral character, as well as the CEO’s power and […]
  • Conrad Hilton Leadership Styles and Principles Leaders in this category want to transcend the basic needs of a human being and to have a sense of life success.
  • Personal Leadership Profile Analysis At the same time, I could also use my drive for learning to develop communication, motivation, conflict resolution, and other relevant skills that could enhance the performance of my team and the work environment in […]
  • General Leadership Style: Norman Schwarzkopf According to the Katz model of leadership, the leader with human skills can leverage the power of the group. When the young Schwarzkopf visited his father in different parts of the world, he had the […]
  • Democratic Leadership Style Self-Analysis Democratic leadership style is a participative and consensus-based approach to decision-making in which the leader encourages input from all members of the team and makes decisions that reflect the group’s best interests.

👍 Interesting Leadership Essay Topics

  • Nursing: Leadership Development Plan I utilize the nursing process and evidence-based practice to work collaboratively with the core team, including the patient, staff members, primary care provider, registered nurse care manager, and patient support technician, and expanded team, including […]
  • Ethical Leadership: Martin Luther King All individuals were expected to consider his actions and embrace the idea of morality. Through the use of a positive community culture and empowerment tactics, King managed to model such desirable behaviors.
  • Mark Zuckerberg’s Leadership Style Shareholders have complained about his leadership and failure to increase the stock price of Facebook, and others have claimed he is socially inept and too young and immature to be a CEO of a multi-billion […]
  • 21st Century Leadership Based on the character of these issues, researchers distinguish six major areas of the new leadership, and each one of them includes a set of practices which are considered to be contributive to the organisational […]
  • Development and Curriculum Leadership: Advanced Curriculum Models This book is of great assistance to educational leaders who want to explain curriculum concepts, analyze and understand the hidden curriculum, explain the contracting nature of curriculum elements and unfold strategies to develop and implement […]
  • Mary Kay Ash and Her Leadership Style The success of this woman, as well as her contributions to the world of business, may be explained in terms of her biography, milestones, she had to cope with, and the decisions she made during […]
  • Leadership Approach in “The Devil Wears Prada” The first point is personal characteristics that can be considered on the example of the film. Thus, whether it is the latest edition of a Harry Potter book that she manages to find or her […]
  • Gibb’s Reflective Cycle in Nursing Leadership To ensure all the processes run effectively in the organization, the leader must reflect on the various encounters to improve the aspect of decision-making and management.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Hal Moore’s Leadership Hal Moore’s courage to fight on despite the odds that had afflicted his men was the major driving factor that led to the victory of his group over the Vietnamese.
  • Participative Leadership: Strengths and Weakness The paper gives an overview of the approach, followed by the strengths and weakness of participative leadership. Organizational leadership, more so the approach of leadership is critical to the performance of an organization.
  • Leadership Style: Reflection and Analysis The concept of leadership is an essential part of the modern world due to the fact that it is one of the key determinants of successful management.
  • Servant Leadership Research Paper | Term Paper In the context of organizations, leading entails the leader consolidating the efforts and resources of the organization and focusing on the future by setting up a vision for the organization which it intends to achieve […]
  • Bad Leadership: Causes and Effects This can result in a loss of confidence on the part of employees and may cause them to feel resentment towards their leaders.
  • Leadership of Change in an Organization The change process involves developing urgency of change, empowering change groups, developing a vision, frequent and powerful communication of the vision, eliminating change obstacles, creating short-term goals, building on change and incorporating change in the […]
  • King T’Challa’s Leadership in “Black Panther” However, because Black Panther needed the help of the Jabari, he had to suppress some feelings of pride and act in the interest of his people.
  • Leadership of Jerry Yang, Co-Founder of Yahoo The creation of Yahoo is the story of the hobby and knowledge of two Yang people who wanted to make the Internet more convenient.
  • The Leadership of Mao Zedong For example, the Great Leap Forward policy resulted in a food crisis that led to the death of many Chinese people. Mao was assertive in the development and implementation of his policies.
  • The Essence of Leadership: Warren Buffet and Oprah Winfrey To understand the concept of leadership, the report evaluates the leadership qualities that the two leaders have developed. The reason behind the conflicts rests on the fact that the organisation, for instance, has no one […]
  • Howard Schultz’s Leadership Style: Strengths and Weaknesses These results are in a large part due to his leadership style which can be characterised as transformational, the strengths of which are openness to new ideas and creativity, and among the weaknesses can be […]
  • Ann Fudge’s Leadership Lessons The reason is in the fact that Fudge is a broad-minded leader who is interested in receiving new experiences. Fudge demonstrates a medium level of extraversion as she is a good motivator and a decisive […]
  • The Action-Observation Model: Leadership Discussion In the beginning, I tried to persuade some volunteers to agree with their assignments since they were helping to spread awareness of a good cause; however, as arguments started occurring, I decided that the best […]
  • Organizational Culture & Leadership: Whirlpool Corporation At the heart of the discussion of management and leadership are the concepts of goal setting and results. Common to both managers and leaders is the focus on the results they produce, which are based […]
  • Sundar Pichai’s Leadership and Action Logics As a result, the issue of action logics presented in this paper is vital because it paves the way for leaders to develop practical ways of understanding not only their individual codes of conduct but […]
  • Unilever Company’s Leadership and Corporate Governance The success of Unilever associated with the company’s commitment to leadership. First, the strategic leadership of Unilever is tied to the company’s long-term goals and objectives.
  • A Revolutionary Model of Leadership When the father of Ricardo Semler left his company in the early 80s, he never imagined that his son would transform Semco to be a leading and one of the best-known companies across the globe.
  • Leadership Concepts: Kentucky Fried Chicke This means that if the recipe was revealed to a leader who is not loyal to this organization, he/she would share it with the competitors which could cause the organization to loose many of its […]
  • Individual Leadership Philosophy I have also developed new values that will continue to support my leadership objectives. I will also acquire new skills that have the potential to improve my leadership philosophy.
  • Walt Disney and Henry Ford Leadership Styles Disney devoted his time to art and had a dream of becoming a leader in the animation business. The employees started to fear him and could avoid the lobby whenever Disney was passing.
  • Ursula Burns Leadership Style in Xerox Company By suggesting that color printing should be made more affordable, as well as reconsidering the company’s organizational behavior and putting a very strong emphasis on the relationships between the managers and the staff, Burns has […]
  • Leadership and Motivation – Carlos Ghosn The purpose of this paper is to present a discussion of theories and concepts of leadership in current multinational businesses using the leadership style of Carlos Ghosn as a benchmark for effective leadership in the […]
  • Situational Leadership Style According to the two experts, the major responsibility of any situational leader is to become accustomed to their individual leadership style and satisfy the followers’ needs.
  • Carly Fiorina’s Leadership at Hewlett-Packard Company In this respect, the first part of the paper will compare the traits of Carly to the characteristics described in various leadership theories.
  • BMW Key Strategic Issues Analysis The strong brand name and capital potential of the company is the core elements of the company’s success and popularity across the globe.
  • Delta Airlines Company’s Traditional and Digital Leadership The aviation industry is one of the most performing sectors of the economy, generating considerable revenues to the respective airline companies across the globe.
  • Reflective Practice in Leadership This model has made me understand that I need to orient myself to the organisational culture and values cherished by my subordinates to enable me to have beneficial exchanges with my subordinates.
  • Leadership Styles: Democratic, Autocratic and Laissez-Faire According to McNichol and Hamer, the participative approach, compared to the other styles, enhances the productivity of employees for a prolonged period of time as it encourages cooperation and increases staff morale. As a democratic […]
  • Leadership in the hospitality industry His success in business has been attributed to the manner in which he attends to details such as research and collection of information, provision of clean and high quality products and services, and the logical […]
  • Leadership Philosophy and the Theories of Leadership These theories are the trait theory of leadership, behavioral theory of leadership, and the contingency theory of leadership. In line with the chosen personal leadership philosophy that urges the leader to show empathy, the trait […]
  • Maxine Clark’s Leadership at Build-A-Bear Workshop How might her personality influence her behaviour as the CEO of Build-A-Bear? Maxine Clark is the founder and CEO of Build-A-Bear Workshop.
  • Warren Buffett’s Leadership in Berkshire Hathaway The analysis is conducted within the appropriate business context after the examination of the history, structure, and organizational culture of Berkshire Hathaway.

📌 Controversial Leadership Title Ideas

  • W. Buffett’s and F. Porsche’s Leadership Styles Finally, the third reason to call Ferdinand Porsche a bad leader is his ignorance of the social context. The businessman did not contribute to the development of the community or country but focused on his […]
  • Leadership Style and Employee Motivation: Burj Al Arab Hotel How effective and sustainable is the current leadership approach within the Burj Al Arab in the management of the level of employee motivation? How effective is the function of the current leadership styles in improving […]
  • Personality and Leadership Style Relationship According to his approach and tests, stable and introverted people are phlegmatic, stable and extroverted are sanguine, unstable and introverted are melancholic, and unstable and extroverted are choleric.
  • Relationship between Leadership and Management Additionally, it is apparent that the only constant in the business world is change, and for this reason, for employees to be sure of coping with such changes, there is need for them to acquire […]
  • Leadership and Motivation: FedEx Corporation and UPS Inc. Introduction Leadership is the process of influencing people to contribute willingly to the goals and objectives of the organization. To solve this problem, the managers of FedEx used 360-degree feedback system to identify the causes […]
  • Transformational Leadership among Nursing Students The members choose me as the nursing student among the ten to be their leader. The leader creates a vision for the team and encourages them to make the dream a reality.
  • Personal Leadership Development Plan I will continue with such exercises to find answers to existential questions and achieve my personal and religious goals. I identify my managers and supervisors as the best people to offer professional counsel and advice.
  • Stephen Hawking: Visionary and Cross-Cultural Leadership By incorporating the elements of visionary and cross-cultural leadership, he manages to succeed as not only the man that makes science evolve and become understandable to those interested in it but also the leader of […]
  • Leadership Legacy Issues The ability of leadership to attain results is dependent on many factors such the followers, the environment, resources, and activities that go towards the achievement of the goals that the leadership is established to attain.
  • “Organizational Culture and Leadership” by Schein, Edgar H. The book covers the subject of leadership and culture in three major sections, including the definition of organizational culture and leadership, the dimensions of culture, and leadership’s role in building culture.
  • The Free-Rein Leadership Style In my perception, the free-rein leadership style is the most suitable for me as it includes a high level of freedom and individual decision-making among employees and the opportunity to look at problems from different […]
  • Effective Leadership: What It Means It is very imperative to bring a change in the organization and only successful leaders can bring this change in their organization and their team.
  • The Book “The Power of Positive Leadership” by Jon Gordon The positive psychology paradigm connects to organizational behavior and the leadership position. The book’s goal is to provide a framework for leadership and explain some instances of effective leadership.
  • Daniel Roth’s and Sam Hazen’s Personal Values in Leadership Hazen’s primary personal values in his leadership style are commitment, which was mentioned previously, and interpersonal connection: Hazen constantly aims to improve the relationships with his juniors.
  • Leadership Action Plan To begin with, I will join a toastmaster that can support my communicational and leadership goals. For instance, the decision to join a toastmaster will support most of my needs.
  • Ricardo Semler’s Leadership at Semco Partners The case of Ricardo Semler and Semco companies reflects typically on the transformational leadership from the traditional Brazilian company’s organisational leadership structure that involved pyramidal headship.
  • Leadership Behavior: Ratan Tata and Emotional Intelligence This shows that Ratan Tata, as a leader, was not eager to compete but rather searched for options to expand the market through acquiring businesses.
  • Bill Gates’ Leadership To achieve the best out of the two, Bill Gates explored a dichotomy of both to align his characteristic leadership with the company core values.
  • The Impact of School Governance on School Leadership The traditional school system in most states and territories took the form of the old public administration with school governance highly centralized in the Ministry of Education and the Education Department.
  • Mohandus Gandhi’s leadership He modeled what he expected his followers to act on and practiced ethical leadership, as his core motivation was to benefit his fellow countrymen and women rather than himself, thus he was ready to face […]
  • Charismatic Leadership The transformational leaders focus on changing the organizations or the leaders, while the charismatic leader has a focus on commitment and devotion both to the persona values as well as those of the group members […]
  • Constructive Criticism in Leadership The manager’s charisma and constructive criticism benefited all employees, enhancing productivity and professionalism and developing skills and competencies. The manager at my first workplace was open to feedback and positive criticism from top management and […]
  • How Does Social Media Affect Leadership? As a result, the new types of leadership are designed, and the significance of the global network is felt due to the possibility of information exchange.
  • Leadership Styles and Theories According to Yukl, a leader is the individual with the responsibility of the leadership role, while the rest of the member are followers.
  • Leadership Styles, Traits in a Nursing Professionals The leadership styles that are being utilized by my group members are servant leadership, charismatic leadership and transactional leadership.
  • Nelson Mandela: Speeches and Leadership Nelson Mandela is, undoubtedly, one of the strongest and the most inspiring political leaders of the 20th century, the embodiment of the human spirit’s limitless possibilities.
  • Women in Top Leadership Positions According to glass ceiling proponents, women have a limit in ascending to top leadership positions and they are set up to fail at a given point in time when those invisible barriers are reached.
  • Studying Leadership Behaviour: “The King’s Speech” by Tom Hooper This article will discuss the leadership style, behaviour and traits that the main character of The King’s Speech had and what are the learning outcomes from the case of the leader in the historical movie.
  • Democratic Leadership Styles and Patient Outcomes Democratic leadership positively impacts patient outcomes as it influences nurses to participate in all processes of the organization and contribute to its development.
  • Leadership Theories in the Automotive Industry At the same time, the changes in the industry and the economic environment of the recent years have led to the situation where the leaders of the field lost their definitive advantage and faced a […]
  • Leadership in “The Hunger Game” Movie Moreover, the archery skills of Everdeen her earned power to the extent that players saw her as a big threat in the game.
  • “Spiritual Leadership” by Henry and Richard Blackaby The lack of leadership strategies causes the death of the church1.”Chapter Two: The Leader’s Role: What Leaders Do” The chapter starts with the evaluation of various definitions of leadership.
  • Contingency Theory of Leadership In order to improve the effectiveness of the leader, the situation should be modified or aligned to the leader’s capabilities. According to this model, the effectiveness of leadership depends on the relevance of the task […]
  • “The Ethics of Leadership” by Ciulla Joanne On the one hand, the moral problem presented in the case is that an individual and leaders should be able to understand that the question of morality revolves around their ability to act in an […]
  • Transformational Leadership Theory: Pros and Cons This form of leadership seeks to bring change to an organization by having to leader act as a role model who motivates and inspires the rest of the workforce.
  • Elon Musk’s Leadership Style and Accomplishments His business acumen is exemplified by his massive successes that he has achieved, mainly as the CEO of Space X and Tesla Motors, as well as other businesses, including Neuralink, the Boring Company, and Open […]
  • Organizational Behavior: Teamwork and Leadership The attributes of a strong and successful group encompass effective communication, facilitated morale, excellent leadership, and the ability of the members to perceive themselves as valuable players.
  • Leadership Case: Arthur Burton’s Behavior Burton paid a lot of attention to hiring employees, and he tried to make sure that novice employees would-be professionals who could use their creativity to contribute to the development of the company.
  • John Howard’s Leadership Style In addition, he applied a reassuring style of leadership that succeeded because most of his closest supporters were not in politics by the time he ascended to power.
  • Does Gender Affect Leadership? The number of women who are reaching top positions in the management of an organization is very less, though nowadays there is some change in this fact and so many women are holding top leadership […]

🥇 Good Leadership Topics to Write

  • Jim Jones Leadership Traits
  • Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Leadership and Management
  • Management and Leadership Paper
  • Strategic Leadership and Organisational Transformation of Walmart
  • Healthcare Leadership and Economic Models
  • Modern Nurse’s Role: Leadership
  • Leadership Skills and Leadership Development Plan
  • Mark Cuban’s Leadership Style in a Basketball Team
  • Carlos Slim: Leadership Styles and Personality
  • Leadership in Sports Analysis
  • Red Bull Project’s Effective Leadership Measures
  • Relationship of Problem Solving to Leadership
  • Leadership at The New York Times Newspaper
  • Personal Vision Statement in Organizational Leadership
  • Jeff Bezos’s Leadership and the Amazon Revolution
  • Leadership Input to the Community Development
  • The Common Theories of Leadership
  • Leadership – Ann Fudge
  • Leadership Styles in Nigeria, America and China
  • The Benefits of Transformational Leadership
  • Definition of Strategic Leadership
  • Leadership Management in the Hospitality Industry
  • GlaxoSmithKline’s Leadership Management Framework
  • Concept of Leadership Skills
  • Organizational Behavior and Theory
  • Delta Airlines: Corporate Governance and Leadership Issues
  • John Terrill’s Leadership Style at DGL International
  • My Leadership Achievements and Services to Our Community
  • Chicago Bulls 1995-96 Championship: Team Leadership
  • Mark Zuckerberg: Leadership Style on Practice
  • The Leadership and Communication Style of Angela Ahrendts
  • Leadership, Its Requirements, Roles and Objectives
  • Leadership in “12 Angry Men”
  • Machiavelli and Othello’s Leadership Skills
  • Blanchard and Fiedler Leadership Models
  • Astro Airlines: Burton’s Leadership Style
  • A Leadership Development Plan’s Analysis
  • Warren Buffet’s vs. Bernard Madoff’s Leadership Styles
  • Followership and Servant Leadership in the Military
  • Leadership Styles in Nursing
  • Nursing Leadership and Personal Skills
  • Leadership of Health Care
  • Leadership Experience Critique
  • Democratic vs. Autocratic Leadership Styles
  • Leadership vs. Management in the Nursing Context
  • B-Med Company’s Leadership Change and Management
  • Leadership in Teams: Experience and Reflection
  • Ho Ching’s Leadership at Temasek Holdings
  • Lao-Tzu’s and Confucius’ Ideas on Leadership
  • Elon Musk’s Leadership and Action Logics
  • Tim Cook’s Leadership Transformation and Action Logics
  • Leadership: Definition and Features
  • Leadership Concepts in the “Coach Carter” Film
  • Effective Leadership: Character and Personal Growth
  • Transformational Leadership and Management Skills
  • Colonel Novak’s Effective Leadership Behavior
  • Women’s Features in Administrative Leadership
  • “Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership” Book
  • Sales Management and Leadership
  • Educational Leadership: Theories and Practices
  • Leadership Theory and Practice via an Account of BP’s Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
  • Leadership Motivation: Anita Roddick, Founder of Body Shop
  • Ineffective Leadership in a Workplace
  • Leadership Styles of Yahoo, Blackberry, and Google
  • Leadership in the United Arab Emirates
  • Charismatic vs. Inspirational Leadership
  • The Charismatic Leadership of Steve Jobs at Apple
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Commander Abrashoff leadership Style
  • Team Dysfunction and Leadership
  • Leadership and Teambuilding
  • Gender Differences in Leadership Styles
  • Leadership in the 21st Century
  • Analysis of “Understanding Leadership”
  • Theories of Situational and Participative Leadership
  • James Madison’s Leadership Qualities
  • Survival in Today’s Business Environment Requires Strategic Leadership
  • Organizational Leadership Socrates
  • Attitude Reflects Leadership: a Look at Leadership in your Professional Portfolio
  • The Role of Leadership Programs in Business
  • Bedside Shift Reporting: Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management
  • “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” by John Maxwell
  • Biblical Leadership and Ministry
  • The Concept of Laissez-Faire Leadership Style
  • Ethics Code in School Leadership
  • Leadership Values and Authenticity
  • Mountain West Health Plans Company’s Leadership Styles
  • Leadership Through Effective Communication
  • Leadership Issues: The Case of CEO Gary Kelly of Southwest Airlines
  • The Effect of Leadership in Project Management
  • Daimler-Chrysler Merger: Leadership Issue
  • Impact of Gender Difference on Leadership Styles
  • Transcendental Leadership and Total Quality Management Theories
  • Leadership in the “Saving Private Ryan” Film
  • Leadership in Lost TV Series
  • New Business Realities and Leadership Theories
  • The Role of Storytelling in Leadership
  • Leadership Challenges in the Church
  • Nursing Management and Leadership Studies
  • Personal Development of Leadership and Flexibility
  • Zappos Organization’s Leadership and Objectives
  • Leadership Philosophies and Core Values in Healthcare
  • Leadership Styles: Democratic and Collective
  • Criminal Justice Leadership: Strategies and Practice
  • Pixar Company’s Effective Leadership and Competitive Advantages
  • Workplace Management Styles: Autocratic Leadership
  • Radical Leadership at Semco by Ricardo Semler
  • Leadership Role-Play Activity for Students
  • How Communication Affects Leadership
  • Cognitive Skills and Leadership Performance: The Nine Critical Skills
  • Self-Awareness Importance in Effective Leadership
  • Personal Leadership Approach
  • Martin Luther King and Winston Churchill’s Leadership Styles
  • The Global Leadership of Carlos Ghosn at Nissan
  • J.F. Kennedy’s People-Oriented Leadership
  • Political Frame for Educational Leadership Issues
  • Leadership Impact on Healthcare Delivery
  • Ontology and Epistemology in Leadership Research
  • Effective Leadership Today
  • Public Safety Leadership Styles and Tools
  • Strategic and Ethical Leadership Styles Comparison
  • Adidas Company’ Leadership Issues
  • Bill Gates’s Leadership and Success Factors
  • Emotional Intelligence and Leadership in the UAE
  • Leadership in the Early Childhood Field
  • Reflection on Leadership in Management
  • Transformational Leadership in Hotel Industry
  • Wooden on Leadership: How to Create a Winning Organization?
  • Sheikh Zayed’s Authentic Leadership
  • Steve Jobs and Tim Cook Leadership Styles Comparison
  • J. Carranza’s Leadership at United Parcel Service Company
  • Alvis Corporation’ Leadership Information
  • The Ship Board: Management Styles and Leadership
  • Ann Fudge Leadership Style Analysis
  • Global Leadership Development
  • Khalaf Al Habtoor’s Leadership Style
  • The Role of Leadership in Business and Its Advantages
  • Aspects of Leadership Styles
  • Transformational, Self-Leadership, Kyosei and Customer Relationship Leadership Styles
  • Leadership as One of the Important Factors in any Organization
  • Strategic Thinking and Leadership
  • What Makes a Great Military Leader?
  • General Electric’s Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welch’s Leadership
  • Meliá Hotels International: The Leadership Model
  • Relationship Between Personality and Leadership Style
  • Leadership and Influence
  • Dr. Maya Angelou and Her Leadership Abilities
  • Leadership and Its Approaches: Strengths and Weaknesses
  • The Behavioral Approach of Studying Leadership
  • Human Resource Management – Leadership Qualities
  • Leadership: Alan Keith
  • Traits Theory in Leadership
  • Leadership Styles: Nelson Mandela and Margaret Thatcher
  • The Importance of Strategic Leadership in the Global Business Environment
  • Business Ethics in Multinational Corporations
  • Leadership Models and Theories: Management Process in Organization
  • Leadership Traits and Characteristics
  • Management and Leadership in Case of General Motors Company
  • Machiavellian Leadership Style
  • Personal Leadership Philosophy in Nursing
  • Business Ethics in Leadership & Management Development
  • Management vs. Leadership. What Leaders Really Do?
  • Leadership Theories: Mother Teresa
  • Biblical Leadership, “Becoming a Different Kind of Leader”
  • Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: Leadership Analysis
  • Paternalistic Leadership and Cross-Cultural Relations
  • Level 5 Leadership, Humility, and Will
  • Singapore Mass Rapid Transit Company’s Leadership Style
  • Richard Branson’s Business Leadership
  • Leadership: Providing Purpose, Motivation and Inspiration
  • Leadership Style: Ellen Kullman
  • Transformational Leadership at Virgin Group
  • Leadership Style of Richard Branson
  • Regional Strategies for Global Leadership
  • Insomniac Games Inc.: Development of Leadership Strategy
  • Organizational Motivation and Leadership in Workplace
  • Servant Leadership at St. Jude Children’s Hospital
  • The Role of Inclusive Leadership Strategy in Diverse Workplaces
  • Transparency: The Role in Leadership
  • International Leadership: Management Strategies
  • Community Leadership in Personal Experience
  • Pacesetting as a Leadership Concept
  • The Volkswagen Group: Global Leadership and Management
  • Leadership, Trustworthiness, and Ethical Stewardship
  • BM and Leadership: Delegation
  • The Nature of Leadership Power
  • Professional Development Plan: Developing Leadership
  • Personal Experience of Ineffective Leadership
  • Public Leadership and Its Qualities
  • Leadership at YouTube: Susan Wojcicki
  • Leadership and Diversity Discussion
  • Gates and Buffett: Global Leadership and Management
  • Inter-Organizational Networks and Leadership
  • The Leadership of Lubna Al Qasimi
  • Barack Obama’s Leadership Skills
  • Leadership Themes and Recreation
  • James D. Sinegal’s Leadership Analysis
  • Impact of Leadership Style on Employee Empowerment
  • Sergey Brin: Leadership Process and Organizations in Context
  • Consolidated Products Managers’ Leadership Styles
  • Influence of Leadership Style on Employees Performance
  • Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing
  • Positive Behaviour Leadership Model in Teaching
  • Social Change and Servant Leadership Models
  • Andy Garafallo’s Recipe in Leadership Theory and Practice
  • Comprehensive Leadership Approach
  • Leadership Styles: Abraham Lincoln and Adolf Hitler
  • Leadership: Johari Window and Transactional Analyses
  • Team Leadership in “Apollo 13” by Ron Howard
  • Emergency Department: Leadership Strategy
  • Leadership Styles in the Middle Eastern Companies
  • Autocratic, Democratic, Free-Rein, Coaching Leadership
  • Leadership: Top Talent Retention
  • Advantages and Limitations of Online Leadership
  • Global Leadership Barriers and Overcoming Measures
  • Classical Leadership Style and Aristotle’s Perspective
  • Hovey and Beard Company: Leadership and Management
  • Scholarship, Practice and Leadership
  • Costco Company’s Business Diversity, Ethics, Leadership
  • Mandela’s Leadership: Long Walk to Freedom
  • Poor Leadership as a Cause of Employee Turnover
  • Strategic Leadership: Gap Inc.
  • Strategic Thinking and Strategic Leadership
  • Complexity Theory Models of Leadership with Other Models of Leadership
  • The Concept of Leadership
  • Leadership and Organisational Change in MCFC
  • How Emotional Intelligence Influences Leadership
  • Reflection on Leadership and Sustainability: SKK Inc
  • Success Factors and Leadership Strategies: Southwest Airlines and Emirates Airlines
  • Performance Management: Key Strategies and Practical Guidelines
  • Quality Management Systems
  • Critical Examination of Strategic Leadership
  • Leadership: Virgin Group
  • Leadership and Constitution
  • Leadership and Management Definition
  • The leadership of Amazon
  • Effective Situational Leadership
  • Jamie Oliver and Leadership in the Food Industry
  • Contingency Theories of Leadership
  • The Role of Civic Leadership
  • Lesson Plan ‘The Concept of Leadership’
  • Introduction to the Four Functions of Management
  • Leadership & Direction: Questions to Ask
  • Leadership Skills of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s
  • Is Ethical Behavior and Leadership a Challenge to Law Enforcement Officers?
  • Management, Leadership and Communication
  • The Status of Women in Leadership
  • The Failure of Leadership in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
  • Pros and Cons of the Four Major Styles of Leadership
  • Strategic Change Leadership in Management
  • Transformational and Transactional Leadership
  • Situational Leadership Theory & Path-Goal Leadership Theory
  • Leadership: Role, Benefits, and Limitations
  • Personal Leadership Charter
  • Leadership Qualities as a Part of a Team
  • Spiritual Leadership and Citizenship Behaviors
  • A Lollipop Moment in Leadership
  • The Main Characteristics of Servant Leadership
  • Organizational Theory: Democratic Leadership
  • Leadership Under Cultural Influences
  • Leadership in Healthcare Management
  • Adaptive Leadership as a Style and Model
  • Leadership: Self-Evaluation and Comparison
  • Bill Gates’ Positive Leadership Behavior
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Leadership Program
  • Task Specialization and Directive Leadership in Beaufort County School District
  • Mindful Leadership in Managing Critical Change
  • Strategic Leadership at The New York Yankees Team
  • Chapter 6 of Northouse’s Leadership: Theory and Practice
  • Leadership, Family, and Community Collaboration Project
  • The Crucial Role of Courageous Followers in Effective Leadership
  • Leadership in Group Counselling
  • Relation Between Leadership and Police Ethics
  • Leadership in the Educational Sector
  • How Nursing Professionals Can Benefit From Servant Leadership
  • Leadership and Innovations: Article Review
  • Applying Five Leadership Practices
  • Transformational and Servant Leadership in Nursing
  • Strategic Leadership in the United Arab Emirates
  • Leadership: Theory and Practice
  • The Plays “The Iliad,” “The Odyssey,” and “Agamemnon”: Understanding of Leadership
  • Leadership Development Plan in Nursing
  • Leadership: Character, Competencies, and Virtues
  • Nursing Practice: Leadership and Cooperation
  • St James Settlement’s Leadership and Management
  • Servant Leadership in Fannie Lou Hamer
  • The Art of Communication as the Language of Leadership
  • Organizational Leadership and Attitude-Behavior Theory
  • Leadership and Ethical Requirements
  • Measurement and Leadership Effectiveness in Business
  • Leadership: Definition and Values
  • Principles of Management and Leadership Positions
  • Application of Irrefutable Laws of Leadership in the Military
  • French and Raven’s Five Forms of Power: An Overview
  • Leadership Style as an Important Element of the Nursing Practice
  • Leadership Styles Across Generations Working in Wal-Mart Store
  • Christ’s Approach to Leadership: Transformational Leadership Theory
  • Morale and Leadership, Encouragement, Dedication, and Commitment Within a Band
  • Elon Musk: Leadership, Financial Success, and the Future of Tesla
  • Leadership in Turbulent Times: Key Takeaways
  • Brand Leadership by Levi’s and Coca-Cola in Going Green
  • Leadership Role of Creating Safe Nursing Environment
  • Clinical Nurse Leadership Program
  • Transformational Leadership at School Sites
  • Fostering Effective Leadership and Collaboration in Human Services
  • Behavioral and Situational Leadership: Pros and Cons
  • Leadership Skills, Goals and Vision of Nurses
  • Educational Theories and Leadership Studies
  • Communication Style and Leadership
  • American Association of Critical-Care Nurses and Its Leadership Culture
  • Effective Leadership Analysis
  • Transformational Leadership: Essential Strategies
  • Servant Leadership Characteristic Evaluation: Conceptualization
  • Maintaining a Leadership Position in a Company
  • A District Director Nurse’s Leadership Roles
  • Effective Leadership: Traits and Behaviors
  • Assignment: Student Integrity and Nursing Leadership
  • How Contemporary Leadership Styles Are Relevant in Today’s Military
  • Diversity as One of the Principles for Sustainability Leadership
  • Leadership in Nursing Practice
  • Exploring Power Constructs in Leadership: A Self-Reflective Study
  • Servant Leadership: The Key Aspects
  • Leadership and Management: Reflection
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Leadership Reflection
  • Leadership Commitment Statement on Prevention of Workplace Violence
  • Leadership Foundations in Nursing Practice
  • Presidential Leadership: Diplomatic History
  • IoT and G.E.’s Leadership Position
  • Principles of Leadership and Future of Terrorism
  • Leadership at the Reuters Holdings PLC Company
  • The Foundation of Army Leadership and Its Factors
  • Leadership in a Multinational Organization
  • The Ryno Firm’s Demands of Responsible Leadership
  • Two Models of Political Leadership
  • Change Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
  • The Hempel Paints Firm’s Leadership for Strategic Execution
  • Qatari German Medical Devices: Leadership for Strategic Execution
  • The Home Depot’s Journey Towards Innovation and Effective Change Leadership
  • Leadership Communication and Management
  • Culture and Leadership in Health and Social Care
  • Barack Obama’s Biography and Political Leadership
  • Modern Leadership: Trends and Challenges
  • Leadership Leverage at Gunderson Lutheran Health Facility
  • Gender and Leadership in Healthcare Administration
  • Leadership Theories and Styles
  • Leadership Philosophy in Nursing
  • The Personal Leadership Philosophy in Nursing
  • Collaborative Leadership Model in Business
  • Leadership: Summary of Media Interview
  • Culture and Leadership in Organizations
  • The Doctor of Nursing Practice Leadership Program
  • Personal Leadership Philosophies
  • Leadership Types in Telemedicine
  • Connective Nursing Leadership
  • Aspects of Collaborative Leadership
  • Aspects of Collaborative Leadership Plan
  • Organizational Change: The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Employees
  • My Involvement as a Leader, Leadership Coach, and Development Instructor
  • Transformational Leadership and Abusive Supervision
  • Personal Leadership Philosophy in the Sports Industry
  • The Role of Leadership in a Digitalized World
  • The Importance of Leadership Training
  • The Servant Leadership Concept
  • Emotionally Intelligent Leadership
  • Holistic View of the Management and Leadership
  • Leadership Skills for the Negotiation Process
  • Measuring the Quality of Government Leadership
  • Collaboration and Leadership in Healthcare
  • Kouzes and Posner Model of Nursing Leadership
  • Leadership Formation in the Medical Field
  • The Leadership and Funding Relationship
  • Transformational Leadership in a Healthcare Team
  • Abortion Backlash and Leadership Issues
  • Strategic Crisis Leadership: South Korea’s Response to Covid-19
  • Darwin E. Smith’s Level 5 Leadership Characteristics
  • Change Leadership: Telehealth Technology at Orlando Health
  • Leadership Style Personality Assessment
  • The Basic Aspects of Leadership
  • Leadership in a Digitized World
  • Authentic Leadership in Healthcare
  • Aspects of Leadership in Healthcare
  • Behavioral Theories of Leadership
  • Personal Leadership Style’s Improvement Areas
  • Organizational Experiences Based on Leadership
  • Leadership Analysis in Corporate Governance
  • Leadership at Qatar National Bank
  • Aspects of the Sustainable Leadership Style
  • Nursing Leadership in the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Martin Luther King’s Leadership Approach
  • Self-Analysis on Democratic Leadership
  • Leadership Ambiguity in Nursing Practice
  • Importance of Leadership Skills for Employee
  • Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Development
  • Interpersonal Leadership Skills in Bank of America
  • Developing Organizations and Leadership
  • Leadership Approaches in Healthcare
  • Behavioral and Trait Leadership Theories in Medical Educational Setting
  • Nursing Informatics: Leadership and Administration
  • Developing Leadership Skills in Nursing: A Proposal
  • Women’s Leadership During a Crisis
  • Situational Leadership Analysis
  • Leadership for Happiness in Workplaces
  • Leadership in Nursing: Organizational Servant Leadership
  • Supportive Leadership During COVID-19
  • The Type of Leadership Described by Daniel Goleman
  • Transformational Leadership Benefits Innovation
  • Transformational Leadership at the Walmart Organization
  • Machiavelli’s The Prince and Cheney’s Leadership
  • Exploring Diversity and Inclusion Leadership
  • The Significance in Shaping Emerging Trends in Leadership
  • Authentic Leadership Style in Business
  • Leadership Experience Example: Leading a User Research Team
  • Importance of Leadership Attributes for Healthcare
  • Importance of Leadership in Healthcare and Nursing
  • Servant Leadership Benefits in Nursing
  • Leadership and Its Three Major Models
  • Adaptive Leadership: The Main Aspects
  • Boris Johnson: Influence Tactics and Leadership
  • Discussion of Servant Leadership Behaviors
  • Analysis of Poor Leadership Experience
  • Enterprise Holdings at Leadership Styles
  • The Value of Leadership Skills and Teamworking
  • Leadership Implementation Regarding Medication Incidents
  • William White: Leadership Style
  • Servant Leadership and Decision-Making in Nursing
  • Leadership Behaviors, Passion, and Devotion
  • Can a Dictator Who Developed an Economy Be Considered to Have Leadership?
  • Does Leadership Affect Employee Commitment Management?
  • Does Despotic Leadership Harm Employee Family Life?
  • What Two Characteristics Best Describe Leadership?
  • Are the Differences Between Management and Leadership?
  • Does Leadership Style Impact on Projects Team Member Performance?
  • Can Responsible Leadership Affect Work-Life Balance?
  • Does Decentralized Leadership Influence the Performance?
  • What Are the Key of Leadership Skills That Can Not Learn From?
  • What Are the Critical Factors in Understanding the Nature and Dimensions of Leadership?
  • How Does Leadership Emerge in a Group That Has No Common History?
  • What Are Charismatic Leadership?
  • How Bad Does Leadership Affect the Organization?
  • How Are Culture and Leadership Linked?
  • Does Cartel Leadership Facilitate Collusion?
  • What Is the Role of Machiavellianism in the Relationship Between Authentic Leadership and Morality?
  • Does Leadership Make a Difference?
  • How Are Leadership and Management Similar?
  • Are Leadership Fairness, Psychological Distress, and Role Stressors Interrelated?
  • How Does Ethical Leadership Influence Employees?
  • How Does Leadership Work in Different Gangs?
  • Can Servant Leaders Fuel the Leadership Fire?
  • Are Leadership Mentoring Programs Beneficial?
  • Can Transactional Leadership Keep Your Team in Shape?
  • How Does Authentic Leadership Influence Employee Proactivity?
  • What Are the Differences Between Management and Leadership?
  • What Leadership Behaviors and Management Systems Support?
  • What Are Niccolo Machiavelli’s Ideas on Effective Leadership?
  • Can Leadership Theory Improve Leadership Quality?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Leadership Type and Organization Performance?
  • Career Development Topics
  • Conflict Resolution Essay Topics
  • Management Skills Research Topics
  • Communication Theories Paper Topics
  • Management Styles Essay Titles
  • Trait Theory Research Topics
  • Work Environment Research Topics
  • Work-Life Balance Essay Titles
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, November 9). 627 Leadership Essay Topics & Examples.

"627 Leadership Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 9 Nov. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '627 Leadership Essay Topics & Examples'. 9 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "627 Leadership Essay Topics & Examples." November 9, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "627 Leadership Essay Topics & Examples." November 9, 2023.


IvyPanda . "627 Leadership Essay Topics & Examples." November 9, 2023.

Module 10: Leadership

Assignment: evaluating leadership, preparation.

In your readings on Leadership, you learned the difference between management and leadership, as well as traits, styles, and situations of leaders and leadership. Many modern-day leaders were profiled in the text, including:

  • Warren Buffett
  • Martin Winterkorn
  • Carrie Toldstedt
  • Ginni Rometty
  • Mark Zuckerberg

In this assignment, you will research and write about a modern leader of your choice. You may not select one of the leaders listed above .  The following steps will help you prepare for your written assignment:

  • Thoroughly read the Leadership module.
  • Carefully consider the traits, styles, and differing situations for leadership in today’s organizations.
  • Select a leader to profile in your written report. You may select one you admire, or a “good example of a bad example.”  There are numerous websites naming leaders to get you started.  A quick search on “famous contemporary leaders” revealed millions of possible lists, OR you may select a leader in your personal or professional life: your boss, a coach, a team leader, etc.
  • Research your chosen leader, identifying evidence of his/her traits, styles, and leadership situations. Relate your findings to the module concepts. For example, how did your chosen leader demonstrate the trait of “desire to lead”?  Prepare examples.
  • First, introduce your leader, and state why you selected him/her. Was their leadership effective or not effective?
  • Next, expand upon the traits and style of your leader, including at least three properly referenced and defined terms from the module reading. For example, if you select Drive, describe what the term means in the context of leadership and how your leader demonstrates it.
  • Next, describe the leadership situation your chosen leader was in, using one of the Situational Leadership Models from the module reading. For example, if your leader was charged with a group of new or low-competence employees, did they use the Selling style prescribed by Ken Blanchard?
  • Finally, conclude with a short description of your personal leadership style and how effective it has been for you to date.

Your written assignment will be graded using the  Written Assignment Rubric . Please review and keep it in mind as you prepare your assignment. Each component is weighted as follows:

10% Organization and Format

Adequate: Writing is coherent and logically organized, using a format suitable for the material presented. Transitions used between ideas and paragraphs create coherence. Overall unity of ideas is supported by the format and organization of the material presented.

40% Content

Adequate: All required questions are addressed with thoughtful consideration reflecting both proper use of content terminology and additional original thought. Some additional concepts are presented from properly cited sources, or originated by the author following logic and reasoning they’ve clearly presented throughout the writing.

40% Development – Critical Thinking

Adequate: Content indicates original thinking, cohesive conclusions, and developed ideas with sufficient and firm evidence. Ideas presented are not merely the opinion of the writer, and clearly address all of the questions or requirements asked with evidence presented to support conclusions drawn.

10% Grammar, Mechanics, Style

Adequate: Writing is free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, allowing the reader to follow ideas clearly. There are no sentence fragments and run-ons. The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices is presented in a cohesive style that enhances the content of the message.

  • Assignment: Evaluating Leadership . Authored by : Betty Fitte and Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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  • Research Process

Research Team Structure

  • 4 minute read

Table of Contents

A scientific research team is a group of individuals, working to complete a research project successfully. When run well, the research team members work closely, and have clearly defined roles. Every team member should know their role, and how it plays into the project as a whole. Ultimately, the principal investigator is responsible for every aspect of the project.

In this article, we’ll review research team roles and responsibilities, and the typical structure of a scientific research team. If you are forming a research team, or are part of one, this information can help you ensure smooth operations and effective teamwork.

Team Members

A group of individuals working toward a common goal: that’s what a research team is all about. In this case, the shared goal between team members is the successful research, data analysis, publication and dissemination of meaningful findings. There are key roles that must be laid out BEFORE the project is started, and the “CEO” of the team, namely the Principal Investigator, must provide all the resources and training necessary for the team to successfully complete its mission.

Every research team is structured differently. However, there are five key roles in each scientific research team.

1. Principal Investigator (PI):

this is the person ultimately responsible for the research and overall project. Their role is to ensure that the team members have the information, resources and training they need to conduct the research. They are also the final decision maker on any issues related to the project. Some projects have more than one PI, so the designated individuals are known as Co-Principal Investigators.

PIs are also typically responsible for writing proposals and grant requests, and selecting the team members. They report to their employer, the funding organization, and other key stakeholders, including all legal as well as academic regulations. The final product of the research is the article, and the PI oversees the writing and publishing of articles to disseminate findings.

2. Project or Research Director:

This is the individual who is in charge of the day-to-day functions of the research project, including protocol for how research and data collection activities are completed. The Research Director works very closely with the Principal Investigator, and both (or all, if there are multiple PIs) report on the research.

Specifically, this individual designs all guidelines, refines and redirects any protocol as needed, acts as the manager of the team in regards to time and budget, and evaluates the progress of the project. The Research Director also makes sure that the project is in compliance with all guidelines, including federal and institutional review board regulations. They also usually assist the PI in writing the research articles related to the project, and report directly to the PI.

3. Project Coordinator or Research Associate:

This individual, or often multiple individuals, carry out the research and data collection, as directed by the Research Director and/or the Principal Investigator. But their role is to also evaluate and assess the project protocol, and suggest any changes that might be needed.

Project Coordinators or Research Associates also need to be monitoring any experiments regarding compliance with regulations and protocols, and they often help in reporting the research. They report to the Principal Investigator, Research Director, and sometimes the Statistician (see below).

4. Research Assistant:

This individual, or individuals, perform the day-to-day tasks of the project, including collecting data, maintaining equipment, ordering supplies, general clerical work, etc. Typically, the research assistant has the least amount of experience among the team members. Research Assistants usually report to the Research Associate/Project Coordinator, and sometimes the Statistician.

5. Statistician:

This is the individual who analyzes any data collected during the project. Sometimes they just analyze and report the data, and other times they are more involved in the organization and analysis of the research throughout the entire study. Their primary role is to make sure that the project produces reliable and valid data, and significant data via analysis methodology, sample size, etc. The Statistician reports both to the Principal Investigator and the Research Director.

Research teams may include people with different roles, such as clinical research specialists, interns, student researchers, lab technicians, grant administrators, and general administrative support staff. As mentioned, every role should be clearly defined by the team’s Principal Investigator. Obviously, the more complex the project, the more team members may be required. In such cases, it may be necessary to appoint several Principal Administrators and Research Directors to the research team.

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Famous Leaders Research and Speech Project

Interviewing Famous Leaders in History

Brief Description

Students research a famous leader and then assume the role of interviewer and responder as they compose a question-and-answer interview with that leader.

Students will

* Learn about the lives and careers of famous world leaders (Presidents, Roman emperors, English monarchs, or others).
* Assess and paraphrase historical sources.

This lesson is an alternative approach to a traditional research paper.

Materials Needed

* Biographical dictionaries or other sources of biographical information about leaders of the period being studied.
* Internet access (optional)

The Lesson

Students select the individual they would most like to learn more about.

Compose a preliminary list of questions to ask your leader. You must have a minimum of 10 questions.

Interviews with questions of high quality will earn a better grade.

Sample Topics should include questions (but not limited to):
* The leader's family and background;
* How the person became leader
* A significant contribution for which the leader was responsible (for example, a significant law that was enacted under a president's leaderships �)
* Military matters under the leader's tenure;
* Social policies during the leader's term/reign;
* Contributions the leader made; or
* Personal habits, likes, and so on.

Students will use available resources (books, Internet sites, and other sources) to research/learn about the leader. Then they will put themselves in the shoes of an interviewer who lived at the same time as the leader; they will compose historically accurate questions and answers to those questions. They should include questions that will lead to sharing of information they found personally interesting as they researched the life and times of the leader.

Students will need to include a reference to the sources used for each answer; or to include a full and correctly formatted reference list with their interview.
Students should include with their interviews a portrait of the leader.
A fun technology integration activity would be to take digital pictures of the students posed to appear as if they are interacting with the image they collected of the leader; then use a Photoshop program to superimpose the image of the student on the image of the leader.

As a culminating activity, students will share their interviews with their classmates (Approximately 5-8 minutes). They might do this by reading them aloud with a partner (the partner can be the interviewer and the student can pose as the famous leader). Students will be CIM scored on the class presentation of their research. (Note: District Mandate/Graduation Requirement: Students must pass two CIM scored speeches.) The speech could take the form of an interview, a power point, or a regular speech. This final activity might even include costumes.

Grading Scale

50 points for the information on your famous leader/speech to the class
10 points for the references for your leader (At least two needed)
10 points for a portrait of your leader
You can earn up to 10 extra credit points for dressing up like your leader


12/ 2-3� Intro assignment. Pick famous leader by next class.
12/10 �11 & 12/15-16 � Work time on interview and research time in library (How to cite references lessons taught by Ms. Fulton)
1/7-8: In class lessons on Citation Page.
1/ 13-14 � Presentations in class. Paper due and typed Citation Page in proper format due.

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Home / 2024 / June / New public archives will share wisdom, artifacts from Dolores Huerta’s lifetime of successful social change leadership

New public archives will share wisdom, artifacts from Dolores Huerta’s lifetime of successful social change leadership

June 18, 2024

By Allison Arteaga Soergel

Dolores Huerta sitting with a young women holding an old photograph and talking

UC Santa Cruz received a $1 million grant from the Mellon Foundation to establish new public archives documenting the legacy of social justice activist Dolores Huerta, in partnership with the Dolores Huerta Foundation. UCSC will hire a project archivist and two new postdoctoral scholars to develop Huerta’s archives and to produce related research and education materials. 

Dolores Huerta co-founded the United Farm Workers with Cesar Chavez in 1962 and has spent more than 60 years leading community organizing efforts. Her impact as a labor leader reshaped the country, earning her the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Her subsequent work, including through the Dolores Huerta Foundation , has tackled issues like gender discrimination, voter registration, education reform, LGBTQ rights, and economic inequality. 

“Part of Dolores Huerta’s image is very tied to United Farm Workers, and rightfully so, but there's a much deeper and richer story,” said Professor Sylvanna Falcón, former director of UC Santa Cruz’s Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas and faculty lead for the new archiving project. “My hope is that these future archives can more holistically portray her legacy.”  

At 94 years old, Huerta is still tirelessly dedicated to her organizing efforts, and that includes building up a new generation of leaders. She believes the archives can support that goal. 

“I hope that my life’s work of organizing and empowering people on a grassroots level will help inspire people to realize they have personal power and the responsibility to take action to preserve democracy for fair political representation,” Huerta said. “It takes time and lots of hard work to build a movement, but we learn lessons all along the way, and the changes that we end up making by working together are long-lasting and transformative.”

To share Huerta’s story, the University Library at UC Santa Cruz, led by University Librarian Elizabeth Cowell, will hire a project archivist for a three-year term to work in partnership with the Dolores Huerta Foundation on inventorying, organizing, and providing public access to Huerta’s personal papers and records from her work with the foundation. UC Santa Cruz alumnus and award-winning director Peter Bratt will also grant the archiving team access to extensive research from his acclaimed documentary, Dolores . 

Teresa Mora, head of special collections at the University Library, will oversee the archivist’s work. She said the project will contribute to a nationwide push for greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in archives. 

“Establishing these archives is important both to honor and learn from Dolores Huerta’s legacy, and also as a critical corrective to national archives more broadly,” Mora explained. “Women, especially women of color, are often grossly underrepresented, if not excluded, on a national level, but this project can help to change that. Dolores Huerta has always worked to open doors for women of color, so this project aims to carry that same energy into the archiving world.”

The archive development will take place at the Bakersfield headquarters of the Dolores Huerta Foundation and will include preserving records of the foundation’s groundbreaking work, which has been led over the years by Dolores Huerta and Camila Chávez, the executive director of the foundation. Chávez and Lori de Leon, the archival project director for the foundation, are Huerta’s daughters, and they have both been on the frontlines working for social justice since childhood. De Leon, in particular, has long dreamed of establishing archives for her mother. 

“I’ve spent over 55 years at the forefront of the movement, realizing the importance of my mother’s influential work, and along the way, I have collected and preserved important artifacts pertaining to her activism,” de Leon said. “This new partnership with UC Santa Cruz will allow us to capture and share these treasures with the public, with the purpose of inspiring future generations to become civically engaged.” 

In support of these efforts, UC Santa Cruz’s Latin American and Latino Studies Department will also hire two new postdoctoral scholars in Latinx studies , who will be affiliated with the Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas. During their two-year appointments, they’ll work to demonstrate how materials from the archives can be used for research and education that engages with Huerta’s formidable legacy. 

The project’s postdoctoral scholars will also be eligible for the UC faculty hiring incentive, which could result in tenure-track assistant professorships afterward. UC Santa Cruz faculty members Catherine Ramirez, professor and chair of Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS), and Jessica Taft, professor of LALS and current faculty director of the Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas, will help to support the project, alongside Falcón. 

Looking toward the future, Armando Bengochea, a senior program officer at the Mellon Foundation who is supporting the project, said that the foundation is excited about the impact Huerta’s archives could have. The Mellon Foundation’s Higher Learning and Public Knowledge programs are collaborating to fund the archiving initiative. The foundation sees Huerta’s legacy as a perfect fit with the mission of those programs. 

“We are especially focused on narratives such as the one that will be told through this marvelous archive; Huerta has spent a lifetime challenging injustices and advocating for the vulnerable and the marginalized,” Bengochea said. “Dolores Huerta is an American icon who has inspired countless others to follow in her footsteps, and we hope that her archives will allow that process to continue far into the future.”

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Last modified: June 18, 2024


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