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The Journey: The Grade 10 Virtual Completion Ceremonies

Home / Junior High School / The Journey: The Grade 10 Virtual Completion Ceremonies

It was a school year unlike any other as the Grade 10 students bid their Junior High School (JHS) years farewell in what was a memorable year of learning and growing which culminated in the first virtual Grade 10 Completion Ceremonies held last June 10, 2021.

The fun and meaningful gathering brought together the Grade 10 Completers, their parents and families, the JHS Department personnel, and JCA school leadership in a live program hosted via Zoom. It was a delightful morning of celebrating the four fruitful years of the Grade 10 Batch 2021 filled with recollection of experiences and memories that made each student’s JHS life a significant season of preparing them for the journey ahead.


It was a time for celebration as the Grade 10 Completers take their bow before closing this chapter of their lives and venturing to a new one awaiting them. I ndeed, God has enabled all the Grade 10 students and JCA to triumph over the challenges of the new normal. 


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Moving Up & Graduation Program (EMCEE Script)

Free downloadable EMCEE Script for Moving Up and Graduation Program for the School Year 2018-2019. This script was originally posted at DepEd LP’s.

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Graduation is the traditional end-of-school-year rites marking the accomplishment of a particular educational stage to begin a new one. This is the reason why the ceremony is called Commencement Exercises as commence means to begin. Graduates are awarded diplomas and wear the graduation attire known as the toga and cap.

In accordance with the K-12 system, Grade 10 students will observe the Moving-Up ceremony instead of the traditional graduation. This paves the way for their entry to Senior High School. It covers the last two years of the K to 12 program and includes Grades 11 and 12. During these two years, students will go through a core curriculum and subjects under a track of their choice.

Download EMCEE Script for Moving Up and Graduation Program

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Senior High School Voucher Program for SY 2022-2023

The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Guidelines on Eligibility and Application for the Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP) for School Year (SY) 2022-2023 to provide details on the requirements, procedure, and schedule for voucher application, from qualification to redemption, as well as other information relative to SHS VP application.

These guidelines shall have national applicability, effective for vouchers that will be redeemed in SY 2022-2023.

These guidelines shall remain in effect unless otherwise amended or repealed.

For more information, please contact the following: Office of the Undersecretary for Finance through email at [email protected] or GAS-Program Management Office through email at [email protected].

Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.

Table of Contents


Republic Act (RA) No. 10533, otherwise known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, lengthened Philippine basic education from ten (10) to thirteen (13) years with the addition of Kindergarten and Grades 11 and 12 in Senior High School (SHS). Grade 11 was introduced in School Year (SY) 2016-2017, Grade 12 in SY 2017-2018.

The Philippine Constitution of 1987, particularly Article XIV, Section 1, guarantees the right of every Filipino to accessible and quality basic education, and Article XIV, Section 2.3 mandates the State to establish a system of, among others, subsidies, and incentives to deserving individuals in both public and private schools. RA No. 10533 upholds both of the said provisions by explicitly expanding the programs of assistance under Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education (E-GASTPE Law or RA No. 8545 which amends RA No. No. 6728) to extend the benefits accorded by E-GASTPE to qualified learners in Grades 11 and 12. RA No. 10533 further mandates the Department of Education (DepEd) to formulate programs to enact the abovementioned law based on the principles of public-private partnership.

In this regard, DepEd developed the Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP), a program of financial assistance wherein subsidies in the form of vouchers are provided to qualified SHS learners in VP-participating SHSs. DepEd Order (DO) No. 11, s. 2015 provided the policy guidelines on the implementation of SHS VP. The said guidelines categorized the learners into two: those who automatically qualify for SHS VP, and those who shall undergo application, subject to additional guidelines that DepEd will issue for that purpose. This DepEd Order is being issued to provide the guidelines on the application for SHS VP in SY 2022-2023.

These guidelines shall have national applicability, and provide details on the requirements, procedure, and schedule for voucher application, from qualification to redemption, as well as other information relative to SHS VP application. These guidelines shall be effective for vouchers that will be redeemed in SY 2022-2023 .


For purposes of these guidelines, the terms listed below are defined as follows:

This refers to an educational provider that is not directly operated by DepEd but has been granted by DepEd with a permit or government recognition to operate SHS, and has met the requirements for participation in the SHS VP. This includes private SHSs and SUCs/LUCs that are laboratory schools offering SHS.

This refers to a subsidy given by the State to qualified Grade 10 completers to enable them to enroll at a VP-participating SHS of their choice. The assistance helps to defray the cost of tuition and other published fees charged by a VP-participating SHS. The subsidy is not given to the learner as cash; DepEd instead pays directly to the VP-participating SHS where the learner enrolls.

This refers to a learner who is expected to complete Junior High School (JHS) in formal or Alternative Learning System (ALS) at the end of SY 2021-2022 or had completed Grade 10 not earlier than 2016 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11.

This refers to a learner who participates in the ESC program, a program of financial assistance by DepEd for learners in certified private JHSs.

This refers to a Grade 10 completer who is eligible to avail of the voucher in SY 2022-2023 because they are either an automatically qualified learner or a QVA.

This refers to a Grade 10 completer who needs to apply to qualify for a voucher.

This refers to a voucher applicant whose application is successful and is thus considered a QVR.

This refers to the act of availing of the voucher by enrolling at a VP-participating SHS in any of the DepEd-approved learning delivery options.

This refers to a QVR who avails of the voucher through successful voucher redemption.


It is a policy of the Department to uphold the right of every Filipino to quality basic education by providing access whether through public provision or programs and arrangements based on the principles of public-private partnership. Consistent with Section 10 of RA No. 10533, DepEd engages the services of basic educational institutions that are not directly operated by DepEd through programs of assistance under E-GASTPE.

One such program of assistance is the SHS VP which aims to increase access to SHS thereby providing greater choice to learners and their families in deciding the SHS program that caters to their needs and career goals. In accordance with Section 22 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA No. 10533, DepEd shall make SHS VP available primarily to Grade 10 completers in public schools but shall also make it available to qualified Grade 10 completers

in private educational institutions, subject to compliance with the qualifications and guidelines provided in this DepEd Order.

The health and safety of voucher applicants and all others who will be involved in the voucher application process are of paramount importance to DepEd, especially given the COV1D-19 situation. Thus, SHS VP application shall be conducted in accordance with the IATF recommendations on the management of the COVID-19 pandemic. Utmost consideration shall be extended to applicants without compromising the integrity of the application process and the concomitant SHS VP financial resources.


DepEd is the institutional owner of the SHS VP. As such, it is the final authority on policy decisions and issues arising from its implementation. DepEd implements the SHS VP in fulfillment of its mandate, and in furtherance of the K to 12 reform agenda of the government. To ensure the program’s success, DepEd develops the necessary policies, provides the necessary resources, and monitors and evaluates indicators relative to the objectives of the SHS VP. It exercises oversight power over PEAC and concerned DepEd offices in their implementation of the program.

The Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) has been contracted by DepEd to manage the SHS VP. PEAC is the trustee of the Fund for Assistance to Private Education, a perpetual trust fund created to provide assistance to private education in the country. Specifically, for SHS VP application, PEAC shall coordinate with DepEd and other stakeholders to ensure that applications are processed and results are promptly released. PEAC is represented nationally by its National Secretariat (PEAC NS).

Learners and their parent/guardians are responsible for their own voucher applications and choice of Senior High School. They shall ensure that forms are correctly filled, documents are complete, and attested applications are received by PEAC NS on or before the deadline. They are also responsible for checking the results of their application once the results have been announced. Learners who are QVRs are responsible for redeeming their vouchers within the prescribed redemption period.

Schools shall provide learners and parents with information, guidance, and assistance on the SHS VP and the application process. They must process documents requested by the learners, and may provide career guidance programs, conduct orientations on SHS VP, and provide resources to facilitate voucher applications. Schools shall uphold student choice in the SHS VP and shall not impose their preferences on learners or otherwise engage in practices that undermine student choice.


Learners who completed JHS in public schools operated by DepEd, and in public or private educational institutions not directly operated by DepEd but granted by DepEd with a permit or government recognition to operate are eligible for SHS VP. Learners who completed Grade 10 as passers of the Alternative Learning System Accreditation and Equivalency (ALS A&E) Test or as passers of the Presentation Portfolio Assessment, and of the Philippine Education Placement Test (PEPT) are also eligible for SHS VP. For brevity, these learners shall be referred to as Grade 10 completers. Grade 10 completers are subdivided into (1) automatically qualified learners, and (2) voucher applicants.

Test or as passers of the Presentation Portfolio Assessment, and of the Philippine Education Placement Test (PEPT) are also eligible for SHS VP. For brevity, these learners shall be referred to as Grade 10 completers. Grade 10 completers are subdivided into (1) automatically qualified learners, and (2) voucher applicants.

  • Automatically Qualified Learners

Only Grade 10 completers who fall under the categories below automatically qualify for vouchers and are considered qualified voucher recipients (QVRs). They do not need to apply for vouchers.

  • Category A: All SY 2021-2022 Grade 10 completers in Public Schools
  • Category B: All SY 2021-2022 Grade 10 completers in Private Schools who are ESC grantees
  • Voucher Applicants

Only learners in the categories below need to apply for vouchers and shall be referred to as voucher applicants (VAs). Acceptance of VAs shall be determined using set parameters subject to the availability of funds.

  • Category C: All SY 2021-2022 Grade 10 completers in Private Schools who are not ESC grantees
  • Category D: All Grade 10 completers who completed Grade 10 prior to SY 2021-2022 but not earlier than 2016 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11
  • Category E: Learners who had passed the ALS A&E Test for Grade 10 not earlier than 2016 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11, or ALS learners who passed or will take Portfolio Assessment in SY 2022-2023
  • Category F: Learners who passed the PEPT for Grade 10 not earlier than 2016 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11, or learners who will take the PEPT for Grade 10 in SY 2022-2023

NOTE: The following learners are not eligible for SHS VP:

  • Learners who graduated High School in 2015 or earlier
  • Incoming Grade 12 learners who were not part of SHS VP in Grade 11
  • Non-Filipino learners

The table below may be used for easy reference:

Table 1. Eligibility Guide

Not eligibleAutomatically Qualified Learners
(No need to apply)
Voucher Applicants
(Need to apply)
Learners who graduated High
School in 2015 or earlier
Category A: Grade 10 completers in public schools (SY 2021-2022)Category C: Grade 10 completers in private schools who are not ESC grantees (SY 2021-2022)
Incoming Grade 12 learners who were not part of SHS VP in Grade 11Category B: Grade 10 completers who are ESC grantees(SY 2021-2022)Category D: Grade 10 completers who completed Grade 10 prior to SY 2021-2022 but not earlier than 2016 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11
Non-Filipino learnersCategory E: Learners who had passed the ALS A&E Test for Grade 10 not earlier than 2016 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11, or ALS learners who passed or will take Portfolio Assessment in SY 2022-2023
Category F: Learners who passed the PEPT for Grade 10 not earlier than 2016 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11, or learners who will take the PEPT for Grade 10 in SY 2022-2023

Voucher Application Procedures

Application will be done online ONLY; free of charge. No manual applications will be accepted. VAs are highly discouraged from submitting multiple applications. All applications shall be coursed through PEAC NS via the Online Voucher Application Portal (OVAP) at DepEd shall not accept submissions of applications. The table below enumerates the steps for online application.

Table 2. Voucher Application Procedure

Online Application

Deadline for creation of accounts on OVAP: July 22, 2022

Deadline for application: July 29, 2022

  • Access OVAP at Follow the instructions to create an OVAP account. VAs must use a working email address they have access to.

NOTE: An account is not yet an application.

  • Wait for a confirmation email that shall be sent to the VA’s email address. Upon receipt of the confirmation email, click on the link provided to access the OVAP as a registered user.
  • Complete the electronic Voucher Application Form (VAF-1). VAs may do this in parts but must ensure changes are saved by section.
  • Scan or take a picture and upload the following required documents in the OVAP:

a. Recent 2×2 colored ID photo b. Notarized Affidavit* * of occupation and income for ALL that apply: both parents, guardian/s, and other person/s helping send the VA to school, if any c. Signed Parent Consent Form** for VAs below 18 years old at the time of the submission of the application

d. Certificate of Financial Assistance*** received from the JHS, if applicable

  • Click the attestation button and submit the application. An application is not considered complete until it is attested.
  • Check the result of application thru OVAP. VAs with successful applications become eligible for the voucher and shall be called Qualified Voucher Applicants (QVAs).
  • Download the QVA Certificate from OVAP. The QVA Certificate is required for voucher redemption. QVAs shall submit their QVA Certificate to the SHS they decide to enroll at as proof that they are entitled to the voucher.

*Attached as Annex 1 is a template for the Affidavit stating the occupation and income of the applicant’s parents or guardian/s, which needs to be notarized. **Attached as Annex 2 is the Parent Consent Form. The Parent Consent Form is required for VAs below 18 years old at the time of the submission of the application. *** Attached as Annex 3 is a template for the Certificate of Financial Assistance.

Tracking the Application, Follow-ups, and Inquiries

It is the responsibility of the VA to ensure that his or her application is complete, correct, and attested, and that it is received on or before the deadline. It is likewise the responsibility of the VA to track the status of the application. VAs may check the status of their application by accessing their account on OVAP.

For any and all inquiries on the application process anchor your application, please email the PEAC National Secretariat at [email protected].

Qualification or Disqualification

Grade 10 completers who fall under Categories A, and B, as discussed in Section VI. (Eligibility) of these guidelines are QVRs and should not apply. Their applications shall not be processed.

PEAC NS shall process all application forms submitted by VAs on or before August 12, 2022, and forward the results to DepEd for approval.

The following applications shall be disqualified:

  • Applications submitted after the deadline
  • Applications with incomplete VAF-1
  • Applications that contain false information

Results of Application

Results will be posted on OVAP and may be accessed by VAs, VAs will not be notified of the results; it is the responsibility of the VA to check the results of the application on OVAP. Announcements on the posting of results shall be made on the PEAC NS and DepEd websites, and other available media.

For VAs who fall under Categories E and F, being a QVA is contingent upon the results of the ALS A&E Test or Presentation Portfolio Assessment, and PEPT, respectively. VAs who have successful SHS VP applications but do not pass the ALS A&E Test or Presentation Portfolio Assessment, and PEPT in time for SY 2022-2023 will not be entitled to voucher redemption and will not be VPBs.

Grounds for disqualification/exclusion of QVA and revocation of voucher:

  • False information in application and/or supporting documents
  • Failure of submitted supporting documents to support information declared in the VAF-1
  • Failure to submit proof of eligibility to enroll for Grade 11 as ALS Qualifier
  • Failure to submit proof of eligibility to enroll for Grade 11 as PEPT Qualifier

DepEd, PEAC, and schools may request the submission of additional documents that will support the details in the VA’s Notarized Affidavit, such as the parents’ Certificate of Employment and Income Tax Return, during the conduct of spot checks to ensure the veracity of the VA’s submission.

Willfully, unlawfully, and knowingly making untruthful statements or falsehoods upon material matters required by this voucher application as well as other violations of these guidelines will disqualify the VA and may bar the learner from other Government Assistance and Subsidies (GAS) programs by DepEd without prejudice to administrative and criminal charges that may be filed against the VA under existing, applicable laws.

Voucher Validity and Redemption

QVRs redeem the voucher by enrolling for Grade 11 at a VP-participating SHS in any of the DepEd-approved learning delivery options. As with any learner, the QVR must satisfy the requirements for admission set by the VP-participating SHS. A QVR who successfully enrolls at a VP-participating SHS becomes a voucher program beneficiary (VPB). Upon enrollment, QVRs must present to their chosen VP-participating SHS the following documentary evidence as proof of their eligibility.

A list of SHS VP participating schools can be accessed in Included in the list of participating schools are list of the requirements needed for the online application in OVAP.

Table 4. Documentary Evidence of Eligibility

QVR CategoryDocumentWhere to obtain document
Category AReport card bearing a Learner Reference NumberJunior high school
Category BESC CertificateJunior high school or PEAC NS
Categories C, D, E, FQVA CertificatePEAC NS via OVAP
Category Ea. Certificate of Rating (COR) -for those who passed the ALS A&E Test for Grade 10, not earlier than 2016
b. Certificate of Completion -with ALS Portfolio Assessment Certificate Number for those who passed the Presentation Portfolio Assessment
a. DepEd-Bureau of Educational Assessment (BEA)
b. DepEd Schools Division Office where the ALS learner took the Presentation Portfolio Assessment
Category FCOR – PEPT for Grade 10DepEd-BEA

Voucher redemption begins on August 22,2022 and ends on November 4,2022. Vouchers not redeemed within the prescribed period shall no longer be valid.

The voucher covers only two school years – Grades 11 and 12, regardless of the number of school years it takes for the recipient to complete SHS.

Applicable Voucher Values

The applicable voucher amount is determined by the category of the QVR, and the location, type, and fees of the VP-participating SHS where the QVR will enroll. The maximum voucher amounts are shown in the table below:

Table 5. Maximum applicable voucher amount (in PHP per student per school year)

Location of Non-DepEd SHSQVR CategoryVoucher AmountVoucher Amount for
National Capital Region (NCR)Categories A, E, F22,50011,250
Categories B, C, D18,00011,250
Highly urbanized cities (HUCs) outside of NCRCategories A, E, F20,00010,000
Categories B, C, D16,00010,000
All other locationsCategories A, E, F17,5008,750
Categories B, C, D14,0008,750

Voucher amounts represent the maximum payment a VP-participating SHS shall be paid per VPB per school year. Schools receive voucher payments based on the total school fees they charge or the maximum voucher amount applicable, whichever is lower.

Schedule of Implementation

VAs are advised to be mindful of significant dates in the SHS VP as shown in the schedule below:

Table 6. Schedule of SHS VP Application implementation

June 29, 2022Start of voucher application period which includes VA OVAP Account Creation & Application Submission
July 22, 2022Deadline for creation of accounts on OVAP
July 29, 2022Deadline for submission of applications on OVAP
August 12, 2022PEAC NS will forward all processed application forms to DepEd for approval
August 22, 2022Posting of application results in the QVA Account Panel and start of voucher redemption

Monitoring and Evaluation

DepEd and PEAC shall conduct random checks on schools and learners to ensure program compliance. The Regional Program Committees (RPComs) comprised of DepEd Schools Division Offices and Regional Offices as well as PEAC Regional Secretariats shall provide feedback including complaints and queries, on the implementation of these guidelines to the DepEd Central Office through the GAS Program Management Office (GAS-PMO) and the PEAC NS, respectively. For any concerns, voucher applicants may also communicate their feedback through the Public Assistance Action Center and its counterparts in the field.

PEAC shall monitor the conduct of voucher application, with regular process checks, so as to meet standards on turnaround times and data integrity. It shall prepare and submit interim reports as may be required by DepEd to improve future implementations of the SHS VP.


  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in Region I
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in Region II
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in Region III
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in Region IV-A
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in Region IV-B
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in Region V
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in Region VI
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in Region VII
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in Region VIII
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in Region IX
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in Region X
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in Region XI
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in Region XII
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in Region XIII
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in NCR
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in CAR
  • Senior High School Voucher Program Participating Schools in BARMM

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Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

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Home Blog Presentation Ideas How to Make a Presentation Longer: 7 Strategies to Master

How to Make a Presentation Longer: 7 Strategies to Master

Cover for How to Make a Presentation Longer guide by SlideModel

A common question asked by presenters is how to extend a presentation’s duration. This can be because they feel the topic is covered superficially for the audience’s knowledge level or because they find themselves intimidated by the allocated time slot. Either way, adding filler content without care can lead to losing audience interest and significantly impact the presentation’s effectiveness.

The key to making a presentation longer without compromising quality lies in enhancing content depth, utilizing visual and interactive elements, and effectively managing the timing of the delivery. In this article, we will explore seven different strategies for extending a presentation’s length while preserving its quality and ensuring the additional time is meaningful.

Table of Contents

Strategy 1 – Expanding Content Depth

Strategy 2 – enhancing visuals and multimedia, strategy 3 – interactive elements and audience engagement, strategy 4 – revisiting and recapping, strategy 5 – time management and pacing, strategy 6 – supplementary materials and handouts, strategy 7 – enhancing the introduction and conclusion, final words.

As we previously mentioned, the feeling that the presentation can go much in depth is frequent when presenters have to simplify the complexity of their ideas (check our article on how to present complex concepts for more information) to meet the audience’s knowledge level. This can either work or be a total disaster if the presentation is trimmed without considering if the audience is getting a clear picture of what you’re explaining.

N.B.: If you’re wondering how to simplify explanations in your presentation to speak with a non-technical audience, check our article on applying Feynman’s Technique for presentations . 

Revisiting Core Topics: Adding Depth to Key Points

Start by reviewing the main topics of your presentation. Identify areas where you can provide additional insights or expand on existing points. This could involve discussing the historical context, exploring underlying theories, or addressing potential counterarguments. By doing so, you not only lengthen your presentation but also offer a more thorough exploration of the subject matter. This is a strategy commonly applied in thesis presentations .

For example, if your presentation is on marketing strategies, you could delve into the psychological principles behind consumer behavior or discuss the evolution of marketing trends over the years. This added depth can provide valuable context and make your presentation more compelling.

Providing Additional Examples and Case Studies

Real-world examples and case studies are powerful tools that help illustrate key points and make abstract concepts more relatable. By including more examples and detailed case studies, you can extend the length of your presentation while enhancing its practical value.

Consider breaking down elaborate examples step-by-step, analyzing the outcomes, and discussing lessons learned. You can also compare multiple case studies to highlight different approaches or outcomes, adding depth and duration to your presentation. An ideal tool for such a purpose is a comparison chart .

Comparison slide to extend a presentation's duration on market behaviorals by sex

Integrating Data and Statistics

Data and statistics add credibility and authority to your presentation. More data points, charts, and graphs can help you fill additional time while supporting your arguments with concrete evidence.

When presenting data , take the time to explain its significance, how it was gathered, and what it means in the context of your topic. This will add length and ensure that your audience fully understands the importance of the information presented.

Visual elements and multimedia can significantly contribute to a presentation’s overall length and quality. By thoughtfully incorporating more slides, videos, and interactive media, you can both extend your presentation and make it more visually appealing.

Using More Slides with Detailed Information

One simple way to extend your presentation is by adding more slides. However, it’s essential to ensure that these slides contribute meaningful content. Apply one of the core concepts of the 10-20-30 rule of PowerPoint presentations and deliver one idea per slide.

For instance, if discussing a new software tool, you could dedicate one slide to its features, another to its benefits, and additional slides to real-world applications. This approach allows you to cover more ground without overwhelming your audience with too much information on a single slide.

Features slide for a software solution for logistics

Adding Videos and Animations

Working with video presentations and adding animations to PowerPoint slide decks can effectively increase the length of your presentation while providing a dynamic change of pace. Videos can serve as powerful visual aids, offering demonstrations, testimonials, or additional context that might be difficult to convey through text alone.

Ensure that any videos or animations used are directly relevant to the content and add value to the presentation. You can also pause after the video to discuss its content in detail, further extending the time. Another tip we can mention from our experience is to test the control buttons for the video, as sometimes presenters lose a lot of time trying to stop or rewind a video if a question arises.

Incorporating Infographics and Diagrams

Presentation infographics and diagrams are valuable tools for summarizing complex information in a visually engaging way. By taking the time to explain each component of an infographic or diagram, you can extend your presentation while helping your audience better understand the material.

For example, if your presentation involves explaining a process, a flowchart or diagram can break down each step. You can then discuss each part in detail, highlighting its significance and how it contributes to the overall process.

Let’s be clear: audience engagement is THE power element to extend your presentation’s length. This can be as simple as incorporating exercises inside your presentations, like questions to let the audience think about an idea. This section will explore three different approaches to boosting engagement through audience interaction.

Including Q&A Sessions

Designating specific times for Q&A sessions throughout the presentation effectively engages your audience and extends the presentation’s length. Encourage your audience to ask questions about the content you’ve covered and provide thorough answers.

If you anticipate questions that require more detailed responses, consider preparing additional slides or materials to support your answers. This lengthens the presentation and ensures that your audience feels their questions are being addressed comprehensively.

Q&A sessions don’t have to be neglected to the final part of your presentation. You can add them in the middle after defining a series of concepts and then engage with the audience to test their understanding until that point.

Utilizing Polls and Surveys

Interactive presentation elements like polls and surveys are great tools for involving your audience and gathering real-time feedback. You can use polling software to ask questions during the presentation, and the results will be displayed instantly on the screen, or work with a traditional method like survey PPT templates .

Multiple choice slide to extend a talk length

After each poll, discuss the results. You can compare them to industry data or research and explore what the answers might imply about your audience’s perspectives. This interaction extends the presentation and makes it more engaging for participants.

Encouraging Group Discussions

This strategy is commonly used in motivational presentations when speakers invite their audience to do two—to three-minute exercises in which a question is asked between pairs. 

After the group discussions, bring the audience together to share insights and observations. You can then comment on these points, adding your own perspective and tying the discussion back to the main content of your presentation.

Revisiting key points and providing recaps is a highly effective strategy for increasing content retention while extending the duration of your presentation.

Summarizing Key Points After Each Section

Summarize the key points at the end of each major section of your presentation. This reinforces the material and helps the audience retain the information.

Summary slide with key takeaways to extend a presentation's duration

Briefly recapping the content allows you to transition smoothly into the next section, which can naturally lengthen the presentation. This practice not only aids retention but also ensures that your audience stays on track with the flow of the presentation. Additionally, it can be a good strategy if the slide deck is repurposed in PDF format so the audience can revisit each section and remember the concepts.

Providing Multiple Recaps Throughout the Presentation

In addition to summarizing after each section, consider including recaps at various points throughout your presentation. These could be more detailed and involve revisiting earlier content in light of new information presented later.

For instance, if you introduce a concept early in the presentation, you could revisit it in a new context, showing how it applies to a different aspect of your topic. This would extend the presentation and deepen the audience’s understanding of the content.

We’ve spoken in the past about the importance of time management in leadership . For presenters, time management is as clear as understanding which is the adequate pacing for your speech, which areas to prioritize, and where you feel you can add an extra edge for the sake of improving your performance as a presenter.

Slowing Down Delivery for Emphasis

Presenters can naturally extend their presentation by slowing down their delivery, particularly when emphasizing key points. Speaking more slowly and deliberately can give your audience time to absorb the information and reflect on your words.

This approach also gives you the opportunity to elaborate on important concepts, ask rhetorical questions, and create a more thoughtful, measured pace for your presentation.

Practicing to Ensure Adequate Timing

Practice is essential for acknowledging that your presentation is the correct length. By rehearsing multiple times, you can identify areas where you can slow down, add more detail, or insert pauses for reflection or interaction.

Consider timing yourself during practice runs to see where you might need to extend or shorten sections. This will help you achieve a balanced, well-paced presentation that meets your time goals. 

Providing supplementary materials and handouts can add depth to your presentation and extend its duration by encouraging ongoing engagement with the content.

Preparing Extended Handouts

Create detailed presentation handouts that expand on the content of your talk. These can include additional information, resources for further reading, or detailed explanations of complex topics.

Refer to these handouts during the presentation and walk through them with your audience. This not only extends the presentation but also ensures that the audience has access to valuable take-home materials.

Distributing Reading Materials During the Presentation

If appropriate, you can distribute reading materials during the presentation and give the audience time to read them before continuing. These could be articles, reports, or any other document that adds to the presentation content.

After the reading, take the time to discuss the material with the audience, asking for their thoughts or providing your analysis. This is a well-known method of encouraging active learning in presentations.

Using Post-Presentation Content for Extended Engagement

To extend engagement after the presentation, consider offering additional content or activities. This could include follow-up emails with additional resources, online discussions, or even a webinar that delves deeper into the topic.

The introduction and conclusion of a presentation are critical moments that set the stage and leave a lasting impression. Expanding these sections can effectively lengthen your presentation while ensuring it is impactful from start to finish.

Starting with a Detailed Introduction

Presenters often dwell on the best way to start a presentation . A well-crafted introduction does more than just outline the structure of your presentation—it sets the tone and provides context that can draw in your audience. Take time to introduce the topic comprehensively, explaining why it matters and how it relates to the audience’s interests or challenges.

You might also include a brief overview of what led you to explore the topic, such as personal experiences, research findings, or current industry trends. This adds a narrative element to your presentation, making it more engaging and setting the stage for the detailed content to follow.

Additionally, consider using an anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a surprising statistic to hook your audience from the start. These elements capture attention and allow you to explore the topic from different angles, thus extending the length of your introduction.

Expanding on the Conclusion with Actionable Takeaways

The conclusion of your presentation should do more than simply recap the content—it should also offer actionable takeaways that the audience can apply in their own work or lives. Take the time to clearly articulate these takeaways, explaining why they are important and how they can be implemented.

You can also revisit any questions or challenges posed in the introduction, providing answers or solutions based on the content covered in the presentation. This full-circle approach reinforces the material and adds additional time as you guide the audience through applying what they’ve learned.

Consider ending with a call to action slide , encouraging your audience to take specific steps based on the information presented. Whether it’s implementing a new strategy, conducting further research, or simply reflecting on the insights shared, a strong conclusion with clear next steps can significantly extend the duration of your presentation while leaving a lasting impact.

We’ve explored seven ways of creating more meaningful time in your presentations, several of which encourage active audience participation. Working on your presentation skills is a good idea to optimize your abilities in handling transitions, unexpected pauses, unplanned questions, and any inconvenience that can divert your attention from the planned course. 

Whether you are preparing for a business, academic, or public speaking event, the strategies outlined in this article provide a comprehensive guide to ensuring your presentation is both longer and more impactful.

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