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Essay On The Person I Admire The Most – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay For Kids

Medha Saini

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On The Person I Admire The Most For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on the person i admire the most for kids, paragraph on the person i admire the most for children, short essay on the person i admire the most for kids, long essay on the person i admire the most for children, what will your child learn from the essay on ‘the person i admire the most’.

Having a person whom you admire and consider an inspiration in life is of great importance.  We all need someone who we can look up to, as well as count on for always being there to support you, and help you if needed. When you need guidance, this is the person whom you trust the most. You seek their advice as you regard them highly and look up to them with respect. This is the person whom you admire the most.

Children may feel admiration for their parents, grandparents, teachers or even their best friend. They hold this person close to their heart and value their presence in their lives. Children may be asked to write an essay on ‘The person i admire the most’ in English as an assignment in school. This topic is an emotional one, and kids will be required to write from their hearts. Expressing abstract feelings in words may be challenging for kids at first, but with practice, they can master their writing skills in no time.

Let us guide your child to write a beautiful essay on this topic with some important points and examples.

Before you begin writing an essay on the given topic, keep in mind the following points:

  • Every essay should have a good introductory line and a concluding idea.
  • Think about the topic and jot down the points that come to your mind.
  • Arrange the points in a good sequence and elaborate on them to form meaningful sentences or paragraphs.
  • Try to use a few new words to showcase your vocabulary on the topic, however be sure of the meaning of the word and its correct use in context.
  • When writing about the person you admire, start by introducing the person, how they are related to you, and their unique qualities, and explain why you admire those qualities in them.

Let us begin with the simplest form of essay writing. When kids are newly introduced to essay writing, they can start by forming simple sentences and expressing their ideas in a few lines. Take a look at this example of an essay for classes 1 and 2 in 10 lines.

  • The person I admire the most is my brother Arjun.
  • He is my elder brother and also my best friend.
  • The quality I admire the most about him is that he is very helpful.
  • He always helps me with my studies whenever I have some difficulties understanding a lesson.
  • He also helps my parents with all the work in the house like cleaning, laying out the dining table and going out on his bicycle to buy groceries.
  • When he helps others selflessly, they feel very happy and wish well for him.
  • He is also a very brave and strong boy.
  • He is never scared of anything, and also takes care of me when I am scared of something like barking dogs on the streets or dark rooms.
  • He always says that instead of getting scared, we must face our fears and defeat it.
  • I admire his spirit and wish to be more like him.

As children progress academically, they will learn to write more coherent essays with several ideas connected together to form a small paragraph. For this, children will have to learn to weave individual points together to compose their essay. Check out this example of an essay on ‘The person I admire the most’.

The person I admire the most is my grandfather. He was in the army and has fought bravely to protect our country. Being an army person, the value he respects the most in life is discipline. He always teaches me about good behaviour and courteous manners. He always says, “Manners make a man” and also lives by this moral. Because of his courteousness, he is very well respected by everyone around him. All the family members have the highest regard for him. He is many generations older than me but he has always made me feel like he understands me well. So I go to him every time I need some guidance. One day when I had a fight with my sister, he explained to me that making up after a fight and extending the first hand of friendship can make me a better person. I followed his advice and the fight was immediately resolved. I admire my grandfather’s personality and conviction, and wish that I too become like him with my contribution to society and to the country.

Once your child learns how to weave their ideas into a paragraph, you can take it up a notch by teaching how to write a short essay on the given topic. In this essay for classes 1, 2 and 3, children will be required to make elaborate points and organise them in separate paragraphs with an introduction and conclusion. Take a look at this example to learn how to write a short essay:

I have many friends who are very dear to me. But the one I admire the most is my best friend Jia.

Jia is one of the best players in our school’s basketball team. Her biggest ambition is to play in the Olympics one day. She is an ace shooter and when she has the ball in her hand, there is no chance for it to miss the basket. While being excellent at sports, Jia is also very good in studies. She stands first in all the subjects in the class. Jia always remains an enthusiastic learner in class and her projects and assignments are always the most creative. She is also great at theatre. Last year, Jia took part in an English play had everyone spell-bound with her performance on the stage. She had observed her housekeeper very closely and had noted all her actions before performing the role on stage.

Jia is skilled at every activity. She has learnt this art from her mother. Her mother always taught her to put her heart and soul in everything she does. She often tells me that we should be focused and dedicated in all our pursuits. We cannot achieve much if our minds are diverted. This is the secret of her success.

I admire her for her attitude and all her achievements and wish to be like her.

When children are given an assignment to write an essay for class 3, they must put together all their knowledge, think of unique ideas, use their best vocabulary in the right context and elaborate on their points eloquently. A long essay needs a good introductory paragraph followed by a body with several well-thought out ideas and a good conclusion. Refer to these examples given below:

The Person I Admire Most – My Mother

The person I admire the most in the whole wide world is my mother. She is the most caring person in my life. She is my first, foremost and closest friend and I love her over and above everyone else.

My mother cares for me a lot and dedicated a lot of her time in helping me out throughout the day. She prepares delicious breakfast and some food for me to carry to school. When I come back from school, she talks to me all about my day and checks my homework. When it’s time for exams, she encourages me to study hard and avoid distractions. Sometimes I feel upset when she doesn’t let me watch TV for long hours and insists on studying more, but when I get a successful result, I realise that the entire credit goes to her motivation.

My mother used to work in a bank a few years back, but she left her job due to some dire situations during the pandemic. But she is a very dynamic lady. She soon started her own company that invests in small businesses and helps start-ups rise to success. Entrepreneurs consider her to be their biggest ray of hope and guiding light. Seeing how many people she has helped rise from dreamers to achievers is inspiring.

Even in the family, my mother is everyone’s favourite. She is always available to help everyone because she is an expert at everything. She cooks delicious meals, is great with home accounts and banking work, and has many other talents. She is great at crocheting, so on every special occasion, she gives handmade gifts to her friends and family.

What I love about my mother the most is that I can always depend on her. Whenever I tell her about some difficulty I face, she always guides me to come up with a solution. She encourages me to be independent and handle my own circumstances with her help and guidance whenever required. I can also trust her with anything, knowing that she will always have my back.

My mother is very strict with the discipline she expects us to maintain at home. If we break the rules, she gets upset and we must be ready to correct our mistakes, but all throughout, I know that she loves me and does it for me to learn the best habits.

She inspires me to be a strong, independent and successful woman. I admire all her qualities, especially how to be the best mother ever!

The Person I Admire Most – My Father

The person who I admire the most is my father. He is a dynamic man who has created a successful path for himself and others too. He is the best at everything he does, and yet is a humble and down-to-earth man.

My father is a doctor. Everyday, he works hard to care for all his patients and their health. I have noticed that even on holidays, he is occupied with following up about his patients’ care and ensuring they are getting better. He treats everyone with the best facilities that he can provide to them.

Becoming a doctor is not easy. It takes years of studies and a lot of money to go to medical college. My father’s family did not have enough means for higher education, but he earned a scholarship and created an opportunity for himself. My grandparents too are very proud of his hard work and success, and they always narrate his stories as an example for me to follow.

My father explained to me that despite good hospitals and clinics in the city, many people do not get good healthcare, because they do not have the means. To ensure that everyone gets the right medical attention, my father also runs a small clinic where he does check-ups for poor people at a nominal charge and provides medication at subsidised rates, so that everyone can afford medical care. He donates some of his own money to this cause to make sure that the clinic never has to say no to any patient. This selfless and generous act makes him a highly respected person in the city. I feel very proud that he is my father.

Despite being in a busy profession, my father spends a lot of quality time with me. We have a Sunday ritual of playing a ‘fathers vs children’ football match in our colony. Not only is he a great player himself, he also coaches me and all the other children to prepare for this weekend match. He is the coolest dad ever!

Because of my love and admiration for him, I don’t like to disappoint him in any way. The one thing he gets upset about is if I don’t work hard towards my studies. He always teaches me that studying hard is the biggest duty that children have towards the future of the society. Whether I score high marks or not, he insists that I must always give my 100% while studying and learning.

My father has taught me a lot, through such moral lessons as well as through the way he has led his own life. I admire his personality and wish to become just like him when I grow up.

The Person I Admire Most – My Teacher

A child’s first interaction beyond home is at school. Once children step out of their home and enter into the big world out there, the one person who holds their hands as a guiding force is their teacher.

I too had one such teacher whom I met on my first day at school. It is since that day that I admire my teacher, Geeta Ma’am, the most in the world. When I went to school for the first time, I was very nervous. I felt like crying and wanted to go back home. That is when Geeta Ma’am came up to me and told me, “It is only the brave ones that have the strength to take a step forward.” This thought inspired me and made take the brave step into the classroom which is where my independent journey started.

Geeta Ma’am is a really fun teacher. Whenever she teaches us something new, she makes us observe some examples of it in the real world to make our lessons more relatable. This way, we understand everything perfectly and never forget what we have once learnt. She comes up with many new and creative activities for us to do in school to make us learn better.

She is every students’ favourite teacher because she is never partial. She pays equal attention to every child, and makes sure no one in the class is too shy to ask their doubts. She is very fair and never favours one child over another.

Every teacher wants their students to focus on studies and score well in exams, but Geeta Ma’am believes in a balanced life. She encourages us to participate in many extracurricular activities to bring out our unique talents. Last month, our school announced a poetry writing competition. Geeta Ma’am encouraged me to participate in it, giving me the confidence that I had good writing skills. I never knew that I had this skill, but she recognised my talent and helped me perfect it. It was all due to her encouragement that I participated and won the competition!

Everyday I learn a lot from Geeta Ma’am, not just bookish knowledge but important life lessons too. She is one of my biggest force of motivation, and I admire her and highly respect her. I wish to accomplish something in life and make her proud.

When your child writes an essay about the person they admire the most, they get an opportunity to reflect upon some of the most desirable qualities in a person. They observe the traits of inspiring people and think about how to achieve these traits themselves.

Expressing these ideas on pen and paper is altogether a different ball game. Children will improve their thinking, analytical, writing and communication skills while writing an essay on this topic. They will expand their vocabulary and be able to express themselves more confidently.

Use the above given examples to guide your child how to write an essay on the person they admire the most. The points given here can serve as a foundation for ideas, based on which they can write the essay on their own.

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The Person I Admire The Most – Essay in 10 Lines, 100 to 1500 Words

Short Essay on The Person I Admire The Most

Essay on The Person I Admire The Most: There are many people in our lives who we look up to and admire for various reasons. In my case, the person I admire the most is my mother. She has been a constant source of love, support, and guidance throughout my life. Her strength, resilience, and selflessness inspire me every day. In this essay, I will delve into the reasons why my mother is the person I admire the most and how she has shaped me into the person I am today.

Table of Contents

The Person I Admire The Most Essay Writing Tips

1. Choose a person you truly admire: Before you start writing your essay, make sure you choose a person who you genuinely admire and look up to. This could be a family member, a friend, a teacher, a celebrity, or anyone who has had a significant impact on your life.

2. Brainstorm qualities and characteristics: Think about the qualities and characteristics that make this person admirable to you. Consider their personality traits, their accomplishments, their values, and how they have influenced you in a positive way.

3. Create an outline: Before you start writing, create an outline for your essay. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your essay flows smoothly. Include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

4. Start with a strong introduction: Begin your essay with a strong introduction that grabs the reader’s attention. You can start with a quote, a personal anecdote, or a brief description of the person you admire.

5. Provide specific examples: In the body paragraphs of your essay, provide specific examples of why you admire this person. Share personal experiences, anecdotes, or stories that illustrate their admirable qualities.

6. Use descriptive language: Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of the person you admire. Describe their appearance, their actions, and how they make you feel.

7. Reflect on their impact: Reflect on the impact this person has had on your life. How have they inspired you, motivated you, or helped you become a better person? Share specific examples of how they have influenced you.

8. Conclude with a strong ending: End your essay with a strong conclusion that summarizes your main points and reinforces why you admire this person. You can also reflect on how you aspire to be like them in the future.

9. Edit and revise: Once you have finished writing your essay, make sure to edit and revise it for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Ask a friend, family member, or teacher to read over your essay and provide feedback.

10. Finalize your essay: Make any necessary revisions and finalize your essay. Make sure to proofread it one last time before submitting it. Good luck!

Essay on The Person I Admire The Most in 10 Lines – Examples

1. The person I admire the most is my mother. 2. She is the epitome of strength and resilience. 3. Despite facing numerous challenges in life, she always remains positive and optimistic. 4. Her unwavering love and support have been a constant source of inspiration for me. 5. She is selfless, always putting the needs of others before her own. 6. Her work ethic and determination to succeed in all aspects of life are truly admirable. 7. She is a role model for me in terms of her kindness, compassion, and generosity. 8. I am in awe of her ability to juggle multiple responsibilities and still find time to care for her loved ones. 9. Her wisdom and guidance have shaped me into the person I am today. 10. I am grateful to have such an incredible woman as my mother, and I strive to be like her in every way possible.

Sample Essay on The Person I Admire The Most in 100-180 Words

The person I admire the most is my mother. She is the epitome of strength, resilience, and selflessness. Despite facing numerous challenges in her life, she has always remained positive and determined to provide for our family.

My mother has always put the needs of others before her own. She works tirelessly to ensure that we have everything we need and never complains about the sacrifices she has to make. Her unwavering love and support have been a constant source of inspiration for me.

I admire my mother for her unwavering dedication to her family, her ability to overcome obstacles with grace, and her endless capacity for love. She is truly a role model for me, and I am grateful to have her in my life.

Short Essay on The Person I Admire The Most in 200-500 Words

The person I admire the most is my mother. She has been a constant source of love, support, and inspiration in my life. From a young age, she has always been there for me, guiding me through life’s challenges and celebrating my successes.

One of the things I admire most about my mother is her strength and resilience. Despite facing numerous hardships and obstacles in her life, she has always remained positive and determined. She has taught me the importance of perseverance and never giving up, no matter how difficult the situation may be.

My mother is also incredibly selfless and caring. She always puts the needs of others before her own and goes out of her way to help those in need. Whether it’s volunteering at a local charity or lending a listening ear to a friend in need, she is always there to offer support and comfort.

In addition to her selflessness, my mother is also a hardworking and dedicated individual. She has always been a role model for me in terms of her work ethic and determination. Despite juggling a full-time job and taking care of our family, she always manages to excel in everything she does.

Furthermore, my mother is an incredibly loving and nurturing parent. She has always been there for me, offering guidance, support, and unconditional love. She has taught me the importance of family and the value of strong relationships.

Overall, my mother is the person I admire the most because of her strength, resilience, selflessness, and love. She has shaped me into the person I am today and I am forever grateful for her presence in my life. I strive to be like her in every way possible and hope to make her proud.

Essay on The Person I Admire The Most in 1000-1500 Words

The Person I Admire The Most

There are many people in this world who have achieved great success and have made a significant impact on society. However, there is one person in particular who I admire the most – my mother. My mother is the epitome of strength, resilience, and selflessness, and I am constantly in awe of her ability to overcome challenges and always put others before herself.

My mother has faced numerous obstacles throughout her life, yet she has never let them define her. From a young age, she had to take on the responsibility of caring for her younger siblings after her parents passed away. Despite the hardships she faced, she never wavered in her determination to provide for her family and ensure that her siblings had a bright future. This selfless act of sacrifice is just one of the many reasons why I admire her so much.

In addition to her strength and resilience, my mother is also an incredibly hardworking individual. She has always been dedicated to her job and has never shied away from putting in long hours to provide for our family. I have seen her work tirelessly to ensure that we have everything we need, even if it means sacrificing her own needs and desires. Her work ethic is truly inspiring, and it has taught me the value of hard work and perseverance.

Furthermore, my mother is a kind and compassionate person who always puts the needs of others before her own. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need, whether it be a friend, family member, or stranger. Her generosity knows no bounds, and she is always willing to go above and beyond to make sure that others are taken care of. Her selflessness is something that I strive to emulate in my own life, and I am constantly inspired by her acts of kindness and compassion.

Despite all of the challenges and hardships she has faced, my mother has always maintained a positive attitude and a sense of optimism. She has a way of seeing the good in every situation and always finds a way to make the best out of any circumstance. Her ability to stay positive in the face of adversity is truly remarkable, and it is something that I deeply admire about her.

In addition to her personal qualities, my mother is also an incredibly talented individual. She is a skilled cook, seamstress, and artist, and her creativity knows no bounds. I have always been amazed by her ability to turn ordinary ingredients into delicious meals, or to transform a simple piece of fabric into a beautiful piece of clothing. Her creativity and talent have inspired me to pursue my own passions and interests, and I am constantly in awe of her artistic abilities.

Overall, my mother is the person I admire the most because of her strength, resilience, selflessness, and positive attitude. She has faced numerous challenges throughout her life, yet she has never let them hold her back. Instead, she has used them as opportunities to grow and learn, and has always come out stronger on the other side. Her unwavering dedication to her family, her work ethic, and her kind and compassionate nature are just a few of the many reasons why I look up to her and strive to be more like her every day.

In conclusion, my mother is truly an extraordinary individual who has had a profound impact on my life. Her strength, resilience, selflessness, and positive attitude are qualities that I deeply admire, and I am grateful to have her as a role model. She has taught me the value of hard work, perseverance, and kindness, and I will always be grateful for the lessons she has imparted on me. My mother is the person I admire the most, and I am proud to call her my role model and my hero.

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Essay on Person I admire Most

4 Best Written Essays on the Person I Admire the Most

Having an ideal person in life is of great importance.  We all need someone who supports us in every life situation, who will always be there for you, and help you if needed. No matter what happens, that person is your support system. This could be your best friend or your family member, but it definitely has to be someone close to your heart. But sometimes things turn sour when the person you admire, don’t feel the same way about you.

Essay on the Person I admire Most | Why I Praise My Teacher Essay 

A Person I Praise Most is my teacher.  She’s a wonderful human being. She has taught me so many things in these 10 years of my life, and she never gave up on her students. Her credibility is unquestionable. Everything I know today, I learned from her.

She helped me with every obstacle I had since the very beginning; not only did she help me with them, but she also encouraged me to overcome them. She is my inspiration of becoming someone great, and no matter how confused I am about the future , she always reassure me that everything will work out fine, if I believe in myself.

Essay on Person I admire Most

Why I Praise my teacher Most;

Every person should have an ideal in life because if someone does not have something to aspire towards, they don’t know what their purpose is or why they are even alive. This might sound harsh but it’s true. Following are the reasons why I like my teacher most;

  • His way of teaching is very effective and interesting
  • He is patience with us even if we do mistakes he corrects us immediately
  • He always encourages us to come up with new ideas and innovations using the technology tools which helps in bringing out the hidden talents in all of us and at the same time makes learning process fun
  • He is always available for his students and treats us as best friends
  • He strives hard to bring the educational environment to excellence by involving the parents, students and teachers
  • He encourages all of us to participate in social activities like sports events, cultural events etc which boosts our confidence level and enthusiasm towards studying
  • He is a very friendly person and has never bothered us to do anything which reduces our interest level
  • He provides us with necessary facilities like computer lab, library etc
  • His sense of humor is infectious and he makes sure that we understand the subject by thoroughly explaining everything
  • He motivates students along with the teachers to bring out the best in everyone
  • He also gives us class presentations and we learn a lot from them
  • He guides students as per their interests and bring out the hidden talents of each individual like music, sports etc
  • Believe me he is the best teacher I ever had!!! And this is why I love him!

We all need a support system in life, and teachers are the best support systems we have. They always encourage us to be better than what we are today. One of my favorite quotes says:

” A teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for others.”

Teachers are role models for children because by teaching their students they become significant in the lives of others. Teachers are an inspiration for good behavior and healthy decisions. They always try their best to guide us at every stage in life and set a good example for everyone so that no one falls in the wrong path and lead a better life.

Essay on Person I admire the Most my father:

Throughout our lives, we come across many people who leave a lasting impression on us. They inspire us, motivate us and shape our character in ways that go beyond words. For me, one such person is my father. He is not just someone I look up to but also the person I admire most in this world.

My father was born in a small town in India, to a humble family. He had a tough childhood and had to start working at a young age to support his family. Despite the challenges he faced, he never let go of his dreams and worked hard to achieve them.

Hardworking Nature

One of the main reasons I admire my father is because of his relentless work ethic. He always puts in his best effort, no matter what the task at hand is. From working long hours to providing for our family, he never complains and carries out his responsibilities with dedication and determination.

Compassionate Soul

Aside from being a hard worker, my father has a heart of gold. He has taught me the value of compassion and empathy towards others. I have seen him go out of his way to help those in need, whether it is donating to charity or volunteering his time and skills. His selfless nature has always inspired me to be a better person.

Life is full of challenges, and my father has faced his fair share of them. However, what sets him apart is his resilience. No matter how tough the situation, he never gives up and always finds a way to overcome it. This quality of his has taught me to never lose hope and keep moving forward, no matter what.

Above all, my father is someone I look up to as a role model. He leads by example, and his actions speak louder than words. His unwavering morals and values have shaped my own, and I strive to be a better individual because of him.

In conclusion, my father is not just a person I admire, but he is also my hero. His hardworking nature, compassionate soul, resilience and his role as a role model have had a significant impact on my life. I am grateful for all that he has done for me, and I hope to make him proud in all that I do. He will always be the person I admire most in this world. So, let’s take a moment to think about the people who have shaped us into who we are today and give them the appreciation they deserve. They are the true heroes of our lives, and we should never forget to thank

Essay on Person I admire the most is my mother:

My mother is the most influential person in my life. She has been there for me through thick and thin, supporting me in every decision I make. Her selflessness, determination, and unconditional love have shaped me into the person I am today. This essay will explore the reasons why my mother is the person I admire most.

Selflessness and Sacrifice

My mother is the epitome of selflessness and sacrifice. She always puts others before herself, especially her family. Growing up, I saw how hard she worked to provide for our family and ensure we had everything we needed. Despite facing many challenges, she never complained or asked for anything in return. Her sacrifices have taught me the value of putting others first and have instilled in me a strong work ethic.

Determination and Resilience

My mother’s determination and resilience have always amazed me. She has faced numerous obstacles in her life, but she never let them defeat her. Instead, she tackled every challenge head-on and emerged stronger and wiser. Her perseverance has taught me to never give up, no matter how difficult the situation may seem. I have learned from her that with determination and hard work, anything is possible.

Unconditional Love

One of the most admirable qualities of my mother is her unconditional love for her family. She has always been there for me through every triumph and failure, offering unwavering support and guidance. Her love knows no bounds, and she would do anything to see her loved ones happy and successful. I am grateful for her constant love and support, which have given me the strength to overcome any obstacles in life.

In conclusion, my mother is the person I admire most because of her selflessness, determination, resilience, and unconditional love. She has been my guide, my role model, and my biggest supporter throughout my life, and I am forever grateful for her. Her life lessons have shaped me into a strong, compassionate, and determined individual, and I aspire to be like her every day. So, my mother will continue to be the person I admire most.

Essay on Person I admire most for class 3,4,5:

As human beings, we all have someone we admire and look up to in our lives. It could be a family member, a friend, a colleague or even a celebrity. For me, the person I admire the most is my mother.

Growing up, my mother has always been there for me through thick and thin. She has been my biggest supporter and my best friend. Her unwavering love, selflessness and determination have been a constant source of inspiration for me.

My mother has faced many challenges in her life but she always manages to overcome them with grace and strength. She taught me the importance of hard work, perseverance and staying positive even in difficult times.

Not only is my mother a role model in terms of her character, but she is also highly accomplished in her career as a doctor. Despite her busy schedule and demanding job, she always makes time for our family and puts us first.

I admire my mother for her endless sacrifices, unconditional love and unwavering support towards me and our family. She has taught me valuable life lessons that I will carry with me forever. I am truly grateful to have her as my mother and I aspire to be like her in every way.

In conclusion, my mother is the person I admire the most because of her incredible strength, kind heart and unwavering support. She has shaped me into the person I am today and for that, I will always be grateful. Who is the person you admire the most? Take a moment to think about the special people in your life and appreciate them for all they do. So, make sure to cherish them and let them know how much you admire and appreciate them. Remember, a little gratitude can go a long way.

Q: How do you write someone you admire most in an essay?

A: To write about someone you admire in an essay, start with an introduction, describe the person, explain why you admire them, provide examples, and conclude with a summary of their impact on your life.

Q: Who is the person I admire the most?

A: Only you can answer that question based on your personal feelings and experiences.

Q: Who is the person you admire most, and why?

A: I don’t have personal preferences, so I can’t provide a specific individual. It varies from person to person based on their own values and experiences.

Q: Why do I admire my father the most?

A: You would admire your father the most based on your personal experiences and the qualities or actions that you find admirable in him.

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The Person I Admire the Most: My Mother

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Admired Person — My Father – A Person I Admire The Most


My Father – a Person I Admire The Most

  • Categories: Admired Person Someone Who Inspires Me

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Words: 1488 |

Published: Dec 16, 2021

Words: 1488 | Pages: 3 | 8 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, the person i like most – my father, works cited.

  • Dolan, A. (2020). The Importance of Role Models: Why You Need Them and How to Find Them. Psychology Today. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/happiness-purpose/202006/the-importance-role-models-why-you-need-them-and-how-find-them
  • Johnson, R. A. (2015). The Power of Positive Role Models. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-power-of-positive-role-models_b_6349268
  • Shukla, P. (2018). Importance of Father's Involvement in a Child's Life. LinkedIn. Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/importance-fathers-involvement-childs-life-pooja-shukla/
  • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2021). Role Model. In Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/role-model
  • Shehan, C. (2018). The Impact of Parental Involvement on Children's Well-being. Psychology Today. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/singletons/201805/the-impact-parental-involvement-childrens-well-being
  • Warneken, F., & Tomasello, M. (2006). Altruistic Helping in Human Infants and Young Chimpanzees. Science, 311(5765), 1301-1303. doi: 10.1126/science.1121448
  • Hoff, E. (2006). How Social Contexts Support and Shape Language Development. Developmental Review, 26(1), 55-88. doi: 10.1016/j.dr.2005.11.002
  • Bandura, A. (1991). Social Cognitive Theory of Moral Thought and Action. In W. M. Kurtines & J. L. Gewirtz (Eds.), Handbook of Moral Behavior and Development: Theory, Research, and Applications (Vol. 1, pp. 45-103). Psychology Press.
  • Fletcher, G. J. O., Simpson, J. A., Thomas, G., & Giles, L. (1999). Ideals in Intimate Relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(1), 72-89. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.76.1.72
  • Sulloway, F. J. (1997). Born to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics , and Creative Lives. Vintage Books.

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write an essay on the person you admire the most

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How to Write a Descriptive Essay About a Person You Admire

write an essay on the person you admire the most

Writing a descriptive essay, or a “describe a person you admire” essay, can be a fantastic way to develop your writing skills. These skills will be particularly useful if you choose to write fiction.

This type of writing is very different from academic writing, but it is hugely rewarding, and doing it well can become a stepping stone into a career in writing in the United Kingdom. If you’re ever unsure about your work, using an essay writing service for UK students can provide valuable feedback and guidance.

Step One: Choose Your Subject/Brainstorm

The essay about someone you admire could focus on, for example, your father, your mother, a friend, a grandparent, a celebrity like UK favorite Kate Middleton, a public figure like Mahatma Gandhi, or your favorite teacher.

Write a paragraph about the person you admire as you brainstorm. Think about what message you want to get across.

Step Two: Write Your First Draft

Your first draft is exactly that—a first draft. Don’t worry too much about everything being perfect. The most important thing at this point is getting all your thoughts down on paper.

Remember, this is a descriptive essay about a person you love and feel admiration for—you want the reader to feel as though they know the person after reading your piece.

A good writer can make you feel as though you know a person. A great writer makes you care about the person.

Show, Don’t Tell

I’m sure you’ve come across this term before. It’s the mantra of most creative writers and their teachers. But what does it actually mean?

It’s simple, really. Use words to build up a picture in your reader’s mind. Don’t just tell them things; let them see it in their mind.

For example:

  • Telling – The man was angry.
  • Showing – The man jumped to his feet, his face red and frowning. He gave an unintelligible roar, spraying spittle in front of his face. He crossed the room in three quick strides, wrenching the door open and slamming it shut behind him.

Do you see the difference there? You can show the reader that the man is angry without even using the word. I’m sure I don’t need to explain why showing is a better writing technique.

Use the Senses

To really bring your piece to life and make the reader feel a personal connection to your writing, use all of the senses:

  • Sight – Describe the physical attributes of the person.
  • Sound – What does their speech sound like?
  • Touch – What do they feel like—for example, are their hands rough from years of hard work?
  • Smell – What smells do you associate with the person? Did they always wear a certain scent?
  • Taste – Do you associate any tastes with the person? Did they have a signature cake recipe that no one can match?

Step Three: Edit

Reread your work, concentrating on the following:

  • Does the essay flow well? If not, re-order your paragraphs until it does.
  • Try to imagine you are reading about a stranger. Have you included enough details to make you feel like you know them? Do you know what they look like? Do you feel as though you understand their character and motivations?
  • Have you shown rather than told?

Of course, check your spelling, punctuation, and grammar too. Have you used clichés? Too many adjectives? If you’re still unsure, you might wonder, "Can I write my essay for me safely with professional help?" The answer is yes, by choosing a reliable service.

If, at the end of the piece, you feel something toward the person, you have done a good job!

write an essay on the person you admire the most

For decades, the UK has been an extremely popular destination for students across the world. Every year, students flock to cities across the biggest channel island in search of a higher education that will help them land the job of their dreams. But why do so many individuals make the journey to the UK and its education system?

write an essay on the person you admire the most

The United Kingdom is an extremely diverse place. Despite London being one of the central hubs of Europe, it is far different from similar cities such as Berlin, Paris or Madrid, as is the rest of the country. There’s simply nowhere else like it. Culturally, there is a tonne of differences, traditions and just the way things work can vary from town to town, city to city.


Sample Descriptive Essay About A Person You Admire

  • Views 334913
  • Author Abigal W.

When asked about the person I admire in the universe, I do not require to look at celebrities or any other big influential names in society. When it comes to me, the person I admire most in the world is my mother. We all have people whom we consider to be highly inspirational and influential to look upon, and in my case, my mother is an excellent example of these characters. She is an extraordinary person in my life because of her enduring strength that I dearly admire, and she is also kind as well as supportive.

One thing I most admire about my mother for is her strength, which appears to be resistant throughout hard times. My mother is a single mother, and she has managed to raise three children all by herself, providing us with a good life and education, while still balancing work. For instance, when my brother and I cleared high school, only one of us hoped to join college because of our financial situation, but she worked two jobs to ensure that we enrolled in college. Single mothers across the globe face financial instability where they are forced to engage in other strategies to extend income to take care of their family (West et al. 359). I hold great admiration for my mother because of her determination, how she never backs down, and the way she stands up for what she believes in no matter the hardships that come along.

My mother has a striking appearance, but behind this, she is very alluring, admirable, and kind. At first, one can conclude that she is a blunt and cold person because of her quiet nature, but after knowing her, she turns out to be a friendly, warm-hearted, gentle, and generous person. My mother has been a dedicated individual in the society through volunteering in church during weekends and holidays as well as helping in the local homeless shelters. Kindness is crucial and healthy since one takes pride in caring for others since they need caring, and it gives people a pleasant feeling (Adamu par. 6). Thanks to my mother, I have grown to be a kind-hearted and deeply-caring person since I believe that it's upon me to help those in need whenever I am capable.

I am lucky to have a mother who always supports me no matter my misgivings. No matter the activity I am in or the decision I make, my mother is still there for me to give me advice and encouragement, but at the end of the day, she is at all times by my side. I had a difficult time adapting to my first year in high school, and I almost quit, but my mum listened to my grievances, and with her support, I managed to finish high school. Supportive behavior is crucial for individual well-being, especially when it comes to emotional support, where a person can be able to relieve distress from a challenge (MacGeorge and Van Swol 7). My mother's supportive character has given me the strength to endure a lot of challenging situations in life as well as learn a lot in what life has to offer.

Special people like my mother exist to make our lives better and to mold us to become a better version of ourselves. My mother is a strong spirited person, kind-hearted, has unbreakable strength and very supportive. Over the years, I have learned a lot through her character and thoughts, which have molded me to the caring, decent, and brilliant person I am today. The people around us turn out to be the best role models.

Works Cited

Adamu, Zaina. "The Healing Power of Kindness.” CNN , Cable News Network, 13 Feb. 2018, edition.cnn.com/2017/02/13/health/iyw-healing-power-kindness-trnd/index.html.

MacGeorge, Erina L., and Lyn M. Van Swol, eds. The Oxford handbook of advice . Oxford University Press, 2018, pp.7.

West, Stacia, et al. "Coming Up Short: Family Composition, Income, and Household Savings." Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research 8.3 (2017): 355-377.

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The Person I Admire The Most Is My Friend (Essay Sample)

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Is there a friendship in your life that pushes you to become better? Is there anyone in mind that makes you think, “I admire my friend”?

This essay focuses on the author’s most meaningful friendship. She shares reasons why she admires this friend and recalls the impressive character traits she possesses. She also shares the lessons she learned from her friend who lives by example.

Inspired to write your own essay about the person you look up to? Check out our website for essay writing services that can help you piece together those avid praises for your best friends.

The Person I Admire The Most is My Friend

I know that everybody can think of a specific person who they admire in life. Whether it’s their character traits, physical features, or social skills, each human has a specific set of attractive things about them that are admirable to others.

The one person that I admire most in my life is my friend Prisca. I look up to and appreciate her simply because of her beauty, brains, and sophisticated nature.

Shallow Focus Photo of Woman Using Game boy

It goes without saying that Prisca is known for her beauty. In fact, that’s what most people say first when they think of her. She has long, curly brown hair, brown eyes that are big and round like saucers, and a perfect body. She is four inches tall with slender legs and a bright and contagious smile. I admire her physical appearance that is enviable and eye-catching.

Prisca, My Best Friend

Prisca has personality traits that make her unique and admirable.

First, she is agreeable. Prisca is very kind; she is friendly, generous, and considerate. You can always expect her to be busy helping others. She is also mindful of how she supports her community. Moreover, she is very cooperative; she willingly and nicely works with other people to achieve a shared goal. Whenever she is free, she always pitches in to help me with my class assignments, and sometimes even hard chores in the house.

Photo of Two Women Smiling Wearing White Shirt

Her sophistication and sense of wisdom are commendable. She is hardworking and creative, and this is reflected in her amazing grades. She’s at the top of her class in all subjects and has won numerous competitions at school. She is a go-getter who believes in hard work and consistency.

For as long as I can remember, she has always been referred to as a good example in school, church, and the neighborhood. She is up-to-date and knowledgeable about current world events as she makes it a point to read a lot of books and newspapers. Her taste for fashion and accessories is great and admirable.

Life Lessons from Prisca

On many occasions, Prisca stays genuinely true to herself. She is definitely not a people-pleaser and is very clear on her values and convictions. She is true to who she is. She will not try to be a clone of other people just to be accepted. She speaks up when feeling annoyed to express and release her anger.

Prisca leads by example. She encourages all her friends and younger siblings to be disciplined by being disciplined herself. She is respectful towards everyone and obedient to authorities, and she always abides by rules and codes of behavior.

Photo of Three Laughing Woman Sitting on White Couch

Moreover, Prisca is selfless. She always makes time to be there for people who need her help. She will give of herself, even when she doesn’t have much to share, whether it’s material or intangible needs. She is always more concerned about the needs and wishes of others and not her own. She takes an active part in community initiatives intended to help and improve the lives of the less fortunate in the locality.

She is straightforward and humble. She always stands by the truth even when faced with the dangers of being left by friends or being victimized. She barely tells lies. Most importantly, even with her wonderful accomplishments, she remains grounded. She doesn’t brag or show off to her peers and friends. She is down to earth and has never paraded around pridefully.

Every person has someone in his or her life that he or she admires for reasons best known to him or her. With Prisca, it’s the fact that she is comfortable with herself. Her beauty compounded with her character makes her a friend for keeps. She is someone I intend to keep in my life.

Whether you went to the same school or have known each other your whole life,  you and the person you look up to should be in the kind of friendship that brings out the best in each other. I know that Prisca has always encouraged me to become the best I can be. I hope you have someone who can give you that kind of confidence boost, too.

Things I Admire About My Best Friend (Short Essay Sample)

Anyone who knows me knows how much I admire respect my good friend Prisca. We started hanging out in elementary school and the rest is history.

It was my mom who encouraged me to start a conversation with Prisca when we sat together in English class on the first day of school. I was feeling timid and shy and was drawn to how Prisca would easily befriend the other children. Even the teachers were fond of her because she knew how to have fun and make people laugh while learning at the same time.

I’m proud to call her one of my closest friends today. Prisca is the reason why I have the confidence and ability to connect with other people warmly. She helped me get over my nervousness in talking to others and accompanied me during breaks to converse with classmates.

I’ll never forget how wonderful a friend Prisca is. In fact, I wish everyone I know had someone like her. Not only is she the first reason I am able to do well in life today, but she also encourages me to relentlessly dream big for my future.

How To Write An Essay About Someone You Admire?

To craft a meaningful piece about the person you admire, think of the reasons why you admire him or her. Look at the different aspects of his or her life story – from the physical and social, to the mental and emotional. How does this person make you feel? How does this person encourage you? Are you a better person with him or her in your life? You can also talk about how the two of you met and what the circumstances were. Share what drew you to him or her in the first place, and how your friendship formed. Talk about the good times, but don’t leave out the challenges you both faced in your friendship.

The Qualities That Make A Person Admirable

There are many ways for someone to be admirable. He or she could be someone who leads by modeling first, so his or her authenticity and transparency are characteristics that are attractive to others. They could have a vast knowledge of a topic that other people wish they knew more about. They could be generous with their time. They could have the ability to hope during even the toughest and darkest of times. They could teach very well. They could make things happen just by their sheer influence. They could give the most sensible and practical advice and don’t offer an opinion that’s unsolicited. They generally make it hard for you to imagine life without them.

write an essay on the person you admire the most

English Compositions

An Essay on the Person I Admire The Most (My Father)[PDF]

Hello, today our essay presentation is going to be on “The Person I Admire The Most”. In this essay, I mentioned my father as my most admired person.

Essay on the Person I Admire The Most feature image

The person whom I admire the most in my life is my father. My father’s name is Mr. Manoj Kumar. He works as a bank manager in Axis bank. He is thirty-five years old. He is highly educated and has cleared many competitive exams with flying colors.

He is an optimist by thinking. He never thinks anything negative. He is a strong person. He takes all the decisions of my life with the consent of my mother. They both are very caring and supportive of each other. They never fight and stay together happily. They balance everything in a very easy way.

My father is a nice person. He behaves sweetly with everyone. He is a gentleman for me. He helps in doing my homework. He gives me good advice. He teaches me good moral values. He teaches me to respect my elders and greet them nicely.

He encourages me to do running in the morning as he is a sportive person. Running is his favorite as it keeps our body fit and helps to make our body strong. He tells me various health benefits of eating fruits as they contain vital vitamins and minerals that are essential for our body. They make our bodies filled with nutrition.

He takes me out every morning and evening. In the evening, he takes me out to have some good food. Some times we also go for walking. He tells me stories of his childhood, how he used to play every time and my grandfather scolded him.

On our way, he takes me to the chaat stall every weekend. The stall owner makes tasty chaat and serves on a proper plate. Then, we go forward and reach the park. In the park there are many swings for the children, I also meet my friend there.

Our family does dinner together. My father is the branch of the family and has taught me to pray before having the food. He told me to wash the hands every time before you have lunch or dinner.

He tells me bedtime stories of great personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawahar Lal Nehru, and many others. Each new day. He is a simple person by nature. He is a soft-spoken person. He influences every time he meets a new person. He has helping nature due to which many people say good things about him.

My father helps my mother in house chores work also. On Sundays, he helps my mother to clean the house because our maid goes on holiday. He keeps everything clean and tidy.

He knows which thing to keep where and how to place it. He is a great chef also. He can cook Italian food and Indian food too. He takes care of me and my mother whenever we get ill. He stays up all night and gives medicines at the correct time.

In the morning, my father drops me to the school and later picks me from there and drops me home. He gets back to his office then. He is a very economical person who makes the budget every month and saves money for extra expenses too. At the end of the month, he calculates the total money spent and tries to reduce out the extra or miscellaneous expenses.

On every occasion, he gets new clothes for me. He has good choosing ability to select what is best for me and my mother. He gets gifts for my mother on their wedding anniversary.

He gets a gift for me too on my every birthday. He organizes a birthday party on my birthday. He helps my mother with everything. He invites my friends on my birthdays and takes great care of them.

My father is my best friend. I share everything with him that happens to me at my school. He is a proud father and becomes happy when I secure the first position in the class. I am proud to be his daughter. I love my father very much. He always fulfills all the promises he makes to me and so does I. He is my mentor and inspiration in my life. He is the greatest person I have ever met in my life.

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My Mother - the Person I Admire the Most

  • Category: Life
  • Topic: Mother , My Heroes , Someone Who Inspires Me

Pages: 1 (466 words)

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