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  • My Resources

World War 2 Project ideas and activities: Free Interactive PPT Slides

Are you on the lookout for captivating World War 2 Project Ideas and activities? If so, then I have great news for you. One of the best ways to engage your students while they learn about this pivotal event in history is via a my visually stunning and captivating World War II Interactive PowerPoint . And the best part: You'll even get some of the slides for free . How do you get them? Just keep on reading!

Check out the preview video! Click the play button and turn on the volume! 

Conquer Teaching Challenges and breathe Life into WW2 Education

Have you ever felt overwhelmed when it comes to teaching World War II in the classroom? Do you wish there were creative , engaging ways to get students excited about learning world history and expanding their knowledge of such an important global event like World War II? You're not alone! I understand how difficult it can be as a teacher to help your students grasp complex topics like WW2 or the Cold War for example. That's why I've crafted a visually stunning and exciting interactive PowerPoint about World War II. With this amazing tool, you'll be able to engage your class by providing thoughtful materials that make learning about the WWII era enjoyable.

Engage, Enlighten and Entertain Students with Dynamic Visuals.

One of the most effective ways to bring history to life is through visually stunning presentations. The World War II Interactive PowerPoint Slides offer a captivating and immersive experience, transporting your students back in time to the events that shaped the world. These dynamic visuals will ignite curiosity and create a memorable learning environment. Whether you're seeking to engage students, deepen their understanding, or inject excitement into your classroom, this teaching strategy will help you achieve remarkable results right away.

Get a Free World War 2 Project plus Interactive PowerPoint Slides and Sign Up

Social Studies Activties for Middle School - Digital interactive PowerPoint 14 slides for free

Sign up now to revolutionize your lessons with a valuable resource! Get 14 interactive PowerPoint slides, perfectly aligned with the free interactive Notebook pages, saving you weeks of prep time. These captivating slides bring World War II to life, providing a dynamic visual experience for your students. While this freebie offers a glimpse, the complete WW2 PowerPoint Presentation boasts over 60 slides of captivating content. Don't miss out on enhancing your teaching and engaging your students. Here is a preview video of my whole interactive PowerPoint presentation.

Hold up, that’s not all! Alongside complimentary Interactive Notebook pages and the interactive PowerPoint Slides about World War II, I’ve created a host of innovative teaching resources that are about to change the way you approach World War 2 lessons. Take advantage of a comprehensive 10-week curriculum, and a thought-provoking reading passage complete with questions and a solution key – all for free. These resources will be delivered straight to your inbox over four days. Save valuable time, engage your students, and unleash the full potential of your World War 2 teaching.

Although usable as a standalone, this material is designed to integrate seamlessly with the " WORLD WAR II BUNDLE ", creating a comprehensive and interconnected learning experience. This Bundle encompasses over 150 pages and includes the following four resources:

  • WW2 Reading Passages & Worksheets
  • WW2 Interactive Notebook
  • WW2 Interactive PowerPoint
  • WW2 Test – Assessment 

I ntroducing World History Project with World War II Interactive PowerPoint

The WW2 Interactive PowerPoint offers a comprehensive learning experience for middle school social studies. It kind of acts like a World War II museum that covers important events , important political figures (e.g. important people like Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin from the Soviet Union, Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and more), causes of World War II, the home front, phases of the war, advances in science , the progress of the war effort, key battles, vocabulary and much more. Use it for engaging classroom presentations or individual exploration. Watch the preview video for a thrilling glimpse of this extraordinary resource.

Benefits of Using The WW2 Interactive PowerPoint Project

Interactive PowerPoint - activities for teaching world war 2

Main Benefits:

Active student participation:, seamless integration with curriculum:.

  • Customization for Different Learning Styles
  • Real-World Connections

Encourage active participation and critical thinking with interactive elements embedded within the PowerPoint slides. Tip: Incorporate engaging activities such as discussion prompts, multimedia content, and quizzes. These features will keep students actively engaged, enabling them to interact with the material and deepen their understanding.

Integrating the World War 2 Interactive PowerPoint Slides into your existing curriculum is seamless. Align the slides with your lesson plans and topics and enhance the content with interactive visuals. The PowerPoint slides act as a valuable resource, enabling you to effortlessly deliver comprehensive and impactful lessons .

Customization for Different Learning Styles:

Tailor the World War II Interactive PowerPoint Slides to cater to the diverse learning styles in your classroom. Whether your students are visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learners, these slides, when used with the complementary interactive Notebook pages, provide a versatile platform to accommodate different preferences. 

Real-World Connections:

Tip: The visually powerful PPT Presentation helps you make history relevant and relatable by connecting World War II to contemporary events and global issues. Students can draw parallels between the past and the present, and you can encourage them to analyze historical events in a modern context. This approach fosters critical thinking skills and encourages students to become informed global citizens.

How to Use the interactive PowerPoint Effectively

Supercharge your classroom with the perfect combination: the WW2 Interactive PowerPoint and Interactive Notebook . Imagine your students diving into the world of significant battles like Pearl Harbor and D-Day, not just through dry textbooks, but with captivating real pictures brought to life in animated slides. Unlike Google Slides, PowerPoint adds that extra level of engagement that truly brings history to life. Plus, you can enhance your teaching with a differentiated approach that caters to every student's needs. Set a due date while offering a range of topics at different difficulty levels for students to choose from. This allows for personalized learning experiences and ensures that each student is challenged at their own pace.

With this dynamic duo you can unlock the full potential of your lessons and leave a lasting impact on your students. 

Combining these materials enhances the learning experience. The presentation has a user-friendly interface, resembling a smartphone app with effortless navigation. No password is required, ensuring a hassle-free experience for you and your students. Simply click on the read-only mode . Explore the seamless integration of these resources and unlock the full potential of your WW2 teaching ideas.

By implementing these powerful teaching ideas and activities using the World War 2 Interactive PowerPoint Slides, you'll revolutionize your classroom and inspire a love for history in your students. From immersive visual learning to active student participation, seamless integration with your curriculum, customization for different learning styles, and fostering real-world connections, these strategies will elevate your teaching and drive remarkable results. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable learning journey with your students as you bring World War II to life like never before.

Check out an overview of  ALL MY RESOURCES HERE .

Download the interactive powerpoint ww2 for FREE

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How to Teach Early Humans for Kids: 13 Steps to Bring the Stone Age to Life

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30+ of the Best World War II Homeschool Resources

World War 2 resources are plentiful. But which ones are worth using? This list of ideas for middle & high school will enhance your study, especially for topics beyond D-Day & Pearl Harbor .

We adored Story of the World. ADORED it. (Still do, in fact. We often reference it for a quick overview or refresher on a topic.) One of my few homeschool regrets is taking so long to try it out because I heard some bad reviews. I don’t have many regrets, but that is one of them. BUT.

(There’s always a but.)

Sometimes, we wanted to dive deeper into a topic than she does, particularly when we were studying American history. We did just that when we studied the Revolutionary War & the Civil War. When we studied World War 1 , we did a long pause. My public schools mostly glanced right over the topic & I was excited to dig into it. And sometimes, I wanted to add more alternative views than what could possibly be included in a curriculum.

Pausing the regular book & diving into a topic for a few weeks has been our solution. We get to keep the curriculum we love AND benefit from diving into a topic. On a personal level, I enjoy them myself because it gives me a chance to learn quite a bit more than I already knew.

I divide up our in-depth units into general themes. We may stay on the same theme for a few days until everything is completed, or we may cycle through them so we are doing something new each day.

The themes I used for this unit study included:

  • So it begins (conditions that led us back into another world war)
  • War in Africa

London Blitz

  • Day-to-Day Life: On the American Homefront
  • And So It Ends (atomic bomb, peace treaties, Nuremberg Trials)

Creating a World War 2 Unit Study

Creating a homeschool unit study doesn’t have to be intimidating. We’re lucky to live in a time when we have so many free resources readily available. Creating a unit study that is customized to your own family’s interests is my favorite thing about them.

  • When I create a new unit, my first step is to decide how long we will do it. And then I add at least one more week on — it always takes us longer than I expected!
  • Next, I decide if we want to do brief overviews of several topics or a deep dive into just a couple of them. There isn’t a right answer; both serve their purpose. The first time we studied World War 2, I chose to do an overview. My kiddos were in 2nd-7th grade & had some knowledge, but we hadn’t studied it in a structured way. I wanted to lay a foundation of basic knowledge on which they could then add layers of knowledge.
  • Next up, narrow down your topics. For our first go-round, my themes were So It Begins (conditions that led us back into a world war), War in Africa, London Blitz, On the American Homefront, Propaganda, And So It Ends (atomic bomb, peace treaties, Nuremberg Trials).
  • Next, what weeks are you going to do it? What else is going on that week? How long will you do it each day? It’s really easy to make your unit study plans — and then realize they aren’t going to work for the time you have to do it!
  • Finally, it’s time to have fun. What kinds of resources are your favorite? We love videos, so I like to add those every day. I don’t enjoy reading out loud, so I schedule no more than 30 minutes of that. (We’re in the car quite a bit, so listening to audiobooks & podcasts is an option for us.) Does your family enjoy creating art? Are you science-minded? Keep all of that in mind as you start locating resources.

The Road to World War 2

  • The Century: Over the Edge (Covering 1936-1941 leading to our entrance into the war.)
  • What Happened to the Man Who Defied Hitler? (The story behind the man in the viral picture.)
  • 1936 Olympics
  • The Nazi Olympics
  • Causes of World War 2
  • How Europe Went to War in 1939  (Europe’s Lead-up to the war.)
  • The Road to Pearl Harbor (Amazon Prime, 16 episodes, a bit dry, so we watched bits & pieces)

Into the Jaws of death image

Other World War 2 Resources

  • Timeline cards depicting the major events of the Second World War
  • Various WW2 printables & lesson aids  (search for WW2)
  • Norman Rockwell’s Four Freedoms
  • World War II Database (images, photos, locations, equipment, etc)
  • Albert Einsteins’s Miracle Year
  • Albert Einstein & the Age of Extremism

Museums & Historical Sites about the Second World War

Museum websites are one of my first stops when I’m searching for primary sources, activity ideas, virtual tours, lesson plans, etc. Their educational sections are often far more helpful than Google! I’ve also found eager help when I’ve reached out to educational coordinators for many museums.

  • Britain’s Imperial War Museums  
  • The National WW II Museum
  • United States Air Force WW 2 Gallery
  • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  • Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center
  • Verzetsmuseum (Dutch Resistance Museum)
  • Museum of the Great Patriotic War
  • Royal Military Museum (Belgium)
  • Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site (video tour)

Books about World War 2

Teaching about horrific events, including World War 2, in an age-appropriate way is often a challenge. Can your youngest handle the same details that your oldest did? What images are too graphic? How do you teach the serious impact without overwhelming your kiddos?

While we’re a big documentary family, when it comes to young kids, I always introduced heavy topics via books. I liked to start with gentle books that were focused on the time period, skirted around the issue, or focused on the helpers. (For example, books like Twenty & Ten, The Grand Mosque of Paris, and Rosie the Riveter: The Legacy of an American Icon.)

World War 2 Chapter Books for Grades 4-6

  • What was Pearl Harbor?
  • Twenty & Ten (A sweet, short story of French children & Jewish children. The audiobook is well done.)
  • What was the bombing of Hiroshima?
  • Woeful Second World War by Horrible Histories (or the video version )

Historical Fiction for Middle Schoolers

  • The War That Saved My Life
  • The Winged Watchman
  • A Faraway Island
  • Green Glass Sea (Story of the Manhattan Project)
  • Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
  • Heroes: A Novel of Pearl Harbor

World War 2 Graphic Novels

  • Sophie Scholl: Daring Activist of World War II
  • They Called Us Enemy
  • The Courageous Six Triple Eight: The All-Black Female Battalion of World War II
  • Displacement
  • We Hereby Refuse

Memoirs & Biographies

  • The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom

Guide to History on TV

Access this article and hundreds more like it with a subscription to Junior Scholastic magazine.

Junior Scholastic  Teaching Kits

Teacher-approved stories, resources, and worksheets, courtesy of  junior scholastic , the middle school social studies classroom magazine..

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The History and Heroes of World War II

An overview of World War II: why the U.S. got involved, what citizens did to fight back, and how people worldwide were affected

Featured Teaching Kits

Teacher-approved stories, resources, and worksheets for teaching about World War II in your classroom, courtesy of  Junior Scholastic , the middle school Social Studies classroom magazine

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The Attack on Pearl Harbor

This American History play tells the story of the shocking 1941 attack on the U.S. naval base in Hawaii. Accounts from real soldiers help bring this infamous day to life for your students.


Meet the Navajo Code Talkers

During World War II, information could be just as important as weapons. Learn how a group of young Navajo men helped win the war in the Pacific by creating an unbreakable code for the United States military.


Life in the Japanese Internment Camps

While the U.S. military fought overseas, a different battle was happening on American soil, as more than 110,000 Japanese Americans were placed in internment camps. This American History play tells their story in dramatic detail.


Adolfo Kaminsky, A Hero of the Holocaust

Not all the heroes of World War II were soldiers. Find out how a shy Jewish teenager in France risked his life to help thousands of victims escape the Nazis by forging documents.


Want to see more from Junior Scholastic magazine?

Famous quotes from World War II

“Danger gathers upon our path. We cannot afford—we have no right—to look back. We must look forward.”

— British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, December 1936

“Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.”

— Franklin D. Roosevelt, in a 1941 speech asking Congress to declare war

“It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.”

— Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

“Today the guns are silent. A great tragedy has ended. A great victory has been won.”

— U.S. General Douglas MacArthur, supreme commander of the Allied Powers, after Japan’s formal surrender in September 1945

Key Figures  

Four world war ii figures who made an impact.

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Franklin D. Roosevelt

Roosevelt, who served as U.S. president from 1933-1945, tried to avoid U.S. involvement in World War II but changed course after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He partnered with Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and China to defeat Germany and its allies.

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Born in 1929, Frank was 13 years old when she and her Jewish family were forced into hiding in the Netherlands to avoid Nazi persecution. They were discovered two years later and sent to concentration camps, where Frank died. After the war, her father published her diary, which has been read by millions of people.

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Adolf Hitler

Hitler ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945 and led the Nazi Party. He sought to reestablish Germany as a leading power in Europe by seizing land from other countries and eliminating European Jews. Hitler killed himself on April 30, 1945, after realizing he faced certain defeat.

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Winston Churchill

As prime minister of Great Britain during World War II, Churchill gave powerful speeches and famously resisted tyranny. He is largely credited with Britain’s decision to ally with the United States and the Soviet Union--a strategy that helped end the war.

Supplemental resources that link to external websites about World War II

World War II Photos

The National Archives' collection of more than 200 World War II photographs, organized by topic

The History Channel: World War II

Film footage, interactives, and articles related to the war

World War II Artifacts

An interactive history of World War II told through artifacts and images

Terms and definitions that pertain to World War II


discrimination against Jews

concentration camp

a prison or place of forced labor; often a general term that includes death camps specifically designed by the Nazis as mass killing centers during World War II

a part of a city in which members of a minority race or group live, usually in poor conditions

the mass slaughter of millions of Jews and other people by the Nazis during World War II

internment camp

a place where enemies or suspected enemies are held

a member of a political party, led by Adolf Hitler from 1920 to 1945, that was dedicated to German dominance of Europe and the destruction of Jews

Explore Other Topics

Discover other free social studies topics and middle school teaching resources.

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The Roles of the Presidency

From Commander-in-Chief to Chief-of-State, the President has many critical roles.

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The United States Constitution

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Ancient Civilizations

An overview of humanity’s first large societies: how they formed, who ruled them, and how they influenced the world today.

ww2 project homework

The Civil Rights Movement

ww2 project homework

Women’s History: The Struggle for Equality

Learn about important women throughout history—including Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Sojourner Truth—and the progress that’s been made in the fight for gender equality.  

ww2 project homework

Real Teens of History

These inspiring teens fought for what they believed in—and made history in the process.

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Social Studies Debate Kit

Teaching the art of debating—and how to write an effective argument essay—can help students master critical-thinking and communication skills.

ww2 project homework

Mastering Media Literacy and Digital Literacy

In an increasingly digital world, being able to navigate technology skillfully and evaluate online resources for accuracy and trustworthiness is crucial.

ww2 project homework

Teaching map skills can build students’ geography knowledge—and enhance their understanding of the world in which they live.

ww2 project homework

Middle School Civics

An overview of civics: what it means to be a good citizen, how democracy works, and why staying informed and engaged matters—even as kids.

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The Civil War and Reconstruction

Use these features and supporting resources to give students deeper as well as broader knowledge of these key periods in U.S. history.

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The U.S. is a nation of immigrants, built by people who left their homes to seek new lives and opportunities. However, Americans' feelings about immigrants are mixed.

Empower Your Students  to Explore Their World

Discover Junior Scholastic Magazine for Grades 6–8

narvikk/Getty Images (Plane); Illustration by Dave Seeley (Pearl Harbor); Bettmann/Getty Images (code talkers); Library of Congress/Corbis/VCG via Getty Images (internment camp); Courtesy Sarah Kaminsky (forging materials); Hulton Archive/Getty Images (FDR); Anne Frank Fonds Basel/Getty Images (Anne Frank); Bettmann/Getty Images (Adolf Hitler); Fox Photos/Getty Images (Winston Churchill)

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US Army soldier reads to girl

World War II at Home

With school closures due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Museum is committed to serving students, teachers, and parents who are now conducting school online. Teaching from home can present unique challenges, but The National WWII Museum offers a wide array of online resources to help you teach your students or children about the history of World War II from the comfort of your own home. Below you will find a collection of lesson plans, essays, webinars, and at-home activities designed to help educators and homeschooling parents reach their teaching goals while they are away from their classrooms.

For Teachers

From the collection to the classroom.

From the Collection to the Classroom : The online educational hub for The National WWII Museum’s own curriculum covering four separate volumes on the history of World War II including: The War in the Pacific, The War in Europe, The Home Front, and Liberation & Legacy. Each curriculum kit contains essays, lesson plans, links to oral histories, maps, timelines, and several other teaching tools you can use to help students learn about the war that changed the world.

All lessons and essays are free to access and download. Teachers, please create a free account to access the full selection of resources, including archival footage, “What Would You Do?” scenario videos, as well as other online resource materials.

Real World Science

Real World Science : Real World Science is part of an effort by The National WWII Museum, and funded by the Northrop Grumman Foundation, to use the war that changed the world to teach how society turns to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) when it faces big problems. Gain access to over forty different lesson plans to help students learn how to connect science, history, and literacy through a series of fun activities.

Distance Learning Program Archive

Distance Learning Program Archive : Find all past webinars and Electronic Field Trips within this video archive. Videos can be sorted by category, so if you teach social studies, science, or English, there is something for you! Be sure to check out our recent Electronic Field Trip about the Manhattan Project, where student reporters visit the first industrial-scale nuclear reactor in Washington state and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. You can also find this same archive along with other great content, on the Museum’s YouTube Channel .

WWII Flipgrid Disco Library

WWII Flipgrid Disco Library : The Museum has recently partnered with Flipgrid and is one of the first few Museum content partners on their Disco Library . We have 31 topics and counting on a range of subjects related to the war. If your field trips have now been canceled, you can still have your students interact with a Museum educator by having them upload video questions to Flipgrid . We’ll be moderating that grid and posting responses to select questions daily.

Get in the Scrap!

Get in the Scrap! : Inspired by the scrapping efforts of students during World War II, Get in the Scrap! is a national service learning project for students in grades 4-8 all about recycling and energy conservation. Your students have the power to affect positive change on the environment; much like students 70 years ago played a positive role on the Home Front in securing victory in WWII.

For Students

Live webinars.

Live Webinars : Over the next several weeks, join The National WWII Museum for a series of K–12 webinars broadcasting live each Thursday at 12:00 p.m. central time. Students and their families will meet Museum Educators who will teach important lessons from definitive moments in World War II. You’ll also participate in live demonstrations, Q&A, and decision-making scenarios. Set your calendar and make plans to join us!

The 320th Barrage Balloon Battalion: The African American Heroes of the D-Day Invasion February 17 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

The Woman Behind the Camera in World War II March 31 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Meet the Young Adult Author Deborah Hopkinson April 28 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Korematsu v. United States: Japanese American Incarceration in WWII May 12 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

The History of European Antisemitism May 18 | 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. (CT)

Highlights from The National WWII Museum Education Collection September 17 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Niels Bohr: At the Crossroads of History September 24 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Beneath the Bayou October 1 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Red Tail, WASP and Firefly: The Aviators of WWII October 8 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

WWII and the Early Civil Rights Movement October 15 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

The Origins of WWII October 22 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Meet the Author: Alan Gratz October 27 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT) (On a Tuesday)

On Deck of Patrol Torpedo Boat 305 November 12 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Electing Roosevelt: 1940 and 1944 November 19 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Free Pearl Harbor Student Webinars November 30–December 4

From Christmas Lights to Bomb Fuses December 10 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Dr. Seuss and WWII: Analyzing Political Cartoons December 17 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Highlights from The National WWII Museum Education Collection January 14 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Meet the Author: Sharon Cameron January 28 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

The Color of Blood: Charles R Drew, MD., Ph.D. February 11 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

American Liberators of the Holocaust February 25 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Development of Drugs and Vaccines: Lessons from World War II March 11 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

STEM Innovation: from the Computer to Artificial Intelligence March 25 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

The Holocaust: One Teen's Story of Persecution and Survival April 8 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Tinkering with Found Objects: A STEAM Webinar April 14 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

S. Neil Fujita: Cover To Cover April 22 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Miss a webinar? Check out all previous webinars on the Museum’s YouTube channel .

At Home Science for Kids

Check out this PDF for fun at-home activities that tie STEM concepts to WWII history. These activities are great for kids in 3rd to 8th grade, but can be adapted up or down.

WWII At Home STEM Activities

Elementary Lessons and Activities

Simple to follow, at-home lessons and activity resources for students in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade. Most activities are interdisciplinary, linking history with various other subjects (ELA, Math, Arts).

Code School Activity Guide

Greetings from Far Away-Writing Informal Letters with V-Mail

Stamping Out the Enemy-War Savings Stamp Math

Service on Celluloid

Service on Celluloid : Listen to a podcast brought to you by The National WWII Museum that takes a deep look at depictions of World War II on film over the last 70-plus years. In-house experts at the Museum, along with special guests, hold lively debates on the historical merits of treasured classics and smaller films alike. Pairing the films with the podcast episodes makes for a fun at-home activity that teachers, students, and parents can all engage with.

Interactive Video Series

Check out this interactive video series for students! Each video features a different topic, and interactive features in which students can drag and drop, answer questions, and interact with the content. Videos will be released November 2020, February 2021 and April 2021. Note: for optimal viewing experience, we recommend accessing these programs on a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet device.

All Around the World: Exploring the Ecosystems of World War II November 5 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Online Resource Sites

Along with lesson plans and educational resources, The National WWII Museum also offers online microsites full of primary source materials and archival images.

Guests of the Third Reich

Guests of the Third Reich : A special exhibit website that details the stories and experiences of American Prisoners of War (POWs) in Europe. Including maps, photographs, and journals kept by American POWs, this website provides first-person perspectives on capture, life in the camps, and the eventual liberation of American servicemembers imprisoned by Nazi forces.

See You Next Year!

See You Next Year! : Access over 40 digitized highschool yearbooks from WWII that reveal the subtle and outright ways the war affected life on the Home Front. These yearbooks provide unique glimpses into the lives of American high school students who confronted and worked to support the realities brought forth by WWII.

Barbed Wire to Battlefields: Japanese American Experiences in WWII

Barbed Wire to Battlefields: Japanese American Experiences in WWII : This microsite details the personal accounts of Americans of Japanese descent who fell under the suspicion of the general American public and formal incarceration by the federal government in the days following Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. As roughly 120,000 Japanese Americans endured incarceration in internment camps across the country, 33,000 Japanese Americans still answered the call to serve the United States in World War II. Photographs, oral histories, and archival materials help to tell these stories.

We’re here to help you in these challenging and new circumstances. Follow us on our social media platforms to connect directly with the WWII Media and Education Center staff!

Follow us on Twitter: @WWIIEducation .

Are you a K-12 teacher? Join our closed Facebook page created just for teachers to share and discuss resources related to the history of World War II: K-12 Education at The National WWII Museum .

For more information or questions about our online resources and programs, email us at [email protected] .

World War 2 (WW2) History Lessons, Worksheets & Resources

Browse our online library of world war 2 (ww2) history lessons and resources. aimed at students 11-14 years old (ks3) & 14-16 year old (gcse). great for home study or to use within the classroom environment., featured resources.

Looking to save time and find the most popular and useful resources on School History? Take a look at the featured resources below.

KS3, GCSE & A-Level Resources

Are you teaching students aged 11 to 16? If so, you can save a lot of time with our specific World War Two modules below.

All Resources

Potsdam conference facts & worksheets.

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PODCAST: HISTORY UNPLUGGED J. Edgar Hoover’s 50-Year Career of Blackmail, Entrapment, and Taking Down Communist Spies

The Encyclopedia: One Book’s Quest to Hold the Sum of All Knowledge PODCAST: HISTORY UNPLUGGED

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World War Two Worksheets

  • Causes of World War Two Assessment An assessment to test pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the causes of World War Two.
  • Causes of World War Two Assessment Mark Scheme Mark scheme for the above assessment including curriculum levels.
  • Causes of World War Two A three-page information sheet giving details of the main causes of World War Two – Versailles, Hitler’s Actions, Appeasement, League of Nations.
  • Causes of World War Two Wordsearch A wordsearch of key words relating to the main causes of World War Two.
  • Causes of World War Two Crossword A crossword with clues relating to the main causes of World War Two.
  • Appeasement Crossword A crossword with clues relating to appeasement.
  • Conscription An information sheet about conscription in Britain during World War Two.
  • Conscription Crossword A crossword with clues relating to conscription.
  • Conscription Wordsearch A wordsearch of key words relating to conscription.
  • The Blitz An information sheet that gives a general overview to the Blitz of 1940.
  • The Blitz Crossword A crossword with clues relating to the Blitz.
  • The Blitz Wordsearch A wordsearch of key words associated with the Blitz.
  • The Home Front A two-page illustrated information sheet about the Home Front – includes: Evacuation, Rationing, Women and The Home Guard
  • Home Front Wordsearch A wordsearch of key words relating to the Home Front.
  • German Successes and Failures An illustrated three page worksheet with information and questions relating to German/Axis successes and failures during World War Two.
  • German Successes and Failures Crossword A crossword with clues relating to the Successes and Failures of the Germans and Axis powers.
  • German Successes and Failures Wordsearch A wordsearch of key words related to German successes and failures during World War Two.
  • World War Two Events Anagrams Anagrams of the main World War Two events.
  • Dunkirk Activity Sheet A blank table for pupils to complete with information about Dunkirk. Can be used in connection with newspaper frame below.
  • Dunkirk Newspaper Frame A blank, illustrated newspaper frame with the headline Dunkirk – Triumph or Defeat?
  • Home Front Brainstorm Diagram A diagram to brainstorm and check understanding of various aspects of the Home Front.
  • Home Front Wordsearch A wordsearch of words related to the Home Front.
  • Geneva Convention An information sheet about the Geneva Convention mainly focusing on 1929 convention regarding prisoners of war.
  • Geneva Convention Crossword A crossword with clues related to the Geneva Convention.
  • Geneva Convention Wordsearch A wordsearch of key words related to the Geneva Convention.
  • German Prisoners of War in Britain An information sheet about German prisoners of war in Britain.
  • German Prisoners of War in Britain Crossword A crossword with clues relating to German prisoners of war in Britain.
  • German Prisoners of War in Britain Wordsearch A wordsearch of key words related to German prisoners of war in Britain.
  • Prisoner of War Camps in Germany An illustrated information sheet about German prisoner of war camps.
  • Prisoner of War Camps in Germany Crossword A crossword with clues related to Prisoner of War camps in Germany.
  • Prisoner of War Camps in Germany Wordsearch A wordsearch of key words related of Prisoner of War camps in Germany.
  • The Great Escape A three-page illustrated information sheet about the allied escape from Stalag Luft III.
  • Great Escape Crossword A crossword with clues relating to the ‘Great Escape’ from Stalag Luft III.
  • Great Escape Wordsearch A wordsearch of key words associated with the ‘Great Escape’.
  • Prisoner of War Camps in Japan An illustrated information sheet about prisoner of war camps in Japan.
  • Prisoner of War Camps in Japan Crossword A crossword with clues related to prisoner of war camps in Japan.
  • Prisoner of War Camps in Japan Wordsearch A wordsearch of key words associated with Prisoner of War camps in Japan.
  • Pearl Harbor Sources Picture and written sources about Pearl Harbor.
  • Japanese Internment Camps in the US A two-page information sheet about the internment of Japanese-American citizens during WW2.
  • Japanese Internment Camps in the US Crossword A crossword with clues related to Japanese internment camps in the US.
  • Japanese Internment Camps in the US Wordsearch A wordsearch of key words related to Japanese Internment camps in the US.
  • Hiroshima & Nagasaki An information/activity sheet concerning the dropping of the two atomic bombs.
  • World War Two Statistics Statistics and data about countries, leaders and deaths during World War Two.
  • World War Two Crossword A crossword with clues related to the main events of World War Two.
  • World War Two Wordsearch A wordsearch of key words related to World War Two.

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Information about World War 2

3rd September 1939

why second world war

. Britain and France declared war on Germany after Hitler had refused to abort his invasion of Poland.

When did World War Two end?

How did people protect themselves during the war?

Children and some women were from the big cities into the countryside. People carried to protect themselves and built shelters. All windows and doors were .

- please read
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© Copyright Mandy Barrow 2013

I teach computers at The Granville School and St. John's Primary School in Sevenoaks Kent.

Follow me on Twitter @mbarrow

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Education Standards

North carolina essential standards for social studies.

Learning Domain: History

Standard: Understand the implications of global interactions.

Standard: Analyze the effects of social, economic, military and political conflict among nations, regions, and groups (e.g. war, genocide, imperialism and colonization).

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Screen Shot 2021-11-16 at 3.22.07 PM

World war ii choice board.

World War II Choice Board

World War II Choice Board.

This is a World War II choice board. All students should complete the "Free Space" along with 1 other box of their choice. Each project is on a different subject and each utilizes different tools to complete. This will allow students to select a topic or topics that interest them. 

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Preview of World War 2 Unit Plan Bundle: Projects, Activities, & Lessons for Every Day

World War 2 Unit Plan Bundle: Projects , Activities, & Lessons for Every Day

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WORLD WAR II World History Research Project | Vocabulary Activity Worksheet

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World War 2 and the Homefront Document Analysis Project for US History

Preview of WWII Propaganda Posters Activities and Project Print & Digital

WWII Propaganda Posters Activities and Project Print & Digital

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World War II Project Menu- No prep, share and go!

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Appeasement Reading and Analysis Worksheet for World War 2 Project

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Between the Great World Wars Centers Activity with Mini Unit Project WWI - WWII

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World War 2 Homefront Student Project | Japanese Internment, Comics, Rationing

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Atomic Bombing of Japan - Manhattan Project - Webquest with Key ( World War Two )

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World War II Research Project Posters - Printable & Digital

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World War II Project ( World War 2 Battles)

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World War II : War 's End, Germany Surrenders, Manhattan Project , Atomic Bombs

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Primary WWII unit activities, resources, vocab, assessments, project , games, ppt

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WWII Research Project

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World War 2 Teaching Ideas

  • October 15, 2021

World war 2 lesson ideas KS2

This post is written by history specialist Anne.

Whether you are studying the Second World War as a history topic, or are looking for some resources to extend your work on Remembrance Day , take a look at our new World War 2 resources. Our Second World War lesson presentations include lots of factual information, photographs and offer a real insight into what happened and the effect on people’s lives during the war. Explore our World War 2 teaching ideas today! 

The Battle of Britain World War 2 Lesson Presentation

Battle of Britain KS2 teaching resources

Our Battle of Britain KS2 lesson presentation takes you and your children through the key events of the Battle of Britain. Learn about Hitler’s first plans for an invasion of Britain named ‘Operation Sealion’, the battle in the air between German and RAF planes, and how a new British radar system ultimately led to Hitler’s first defeat of the Second World War.

The Allies World War 2 Lesson Presentation

Allied Forces KS2 teaching resources

British Allies from all over the Commonwealth and the world joined forces to stop and defeat the Nazis. On the other side, the Nazis joined together with Italy and Japan to form the Axis.

Explore some of the key events involving the Allies through the text, illustrations and photographs in our Allies KS2 lesson presentation . Find out about the events of Dunkirk, the D-day landings, the role of the Soviet Army, and the atomic bombs which were dropped on Japan at the end of the war.

Home front KS2 teaching resources

The Home Front KS2 teaching resources

If you want to investigate how the Second World War affected the lives of ordinary people, then this Home Front KS2 lesson presentation is perfect. It illustrates how everyone in Britain contributed to the war effort and had to change their daily lives. Women took on men’s roles and worked in hospitals treating the injured, children were evacuated from their homes, whilst regular air raids and rationing affected the everyday lives of the British people.

Holocaust KS2 lesson presentation

The Holocaust KS2 teaching resources

The Holocaust was a horrific event that occured during the Second World War. Though not suitable for study by younger children, it is important that older children have an understanding of the way the Nazis discriminated against some groups of people. 

We have created a thoughtful and sensitive Holocaust KS2 lesson presentation  on the Holocaust for use with older KS2 children. The presentation refers to the concentration camps, Anne Frank and her family, and the rules that the Jewish people had to follow. It also explains how some people were freed and how we remember all the victims today. As with all of our presentations, it is editable so it can be adapted to the needs and sensitivities of your own children and we strongly advise that you read through all of the text before using with your class.

Explore the rest of our World War 2 resources  here.

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Book corner ideas for primary

Explore our reading corner ideas and inspo! 

Teaching Ideas

World War 2 Day Ideas

The ideas below were contributed by teachers from all around the world when I was planning a World War 2 day with my Year 5 class. Thanks to everyone who helped.

  • Pupils create identity cards before the day.
  • Dressing up, of course.
  • Writing postcards home.
  • Make luggage labels.
  • Listening to the ‘wireless’ (old broadcasts may be available on Youtube).
  • Recreating the famous broadcast – podcasting throughout the day.
  • Watching British Pathe news clips.
  • Siren alerts – (fire alarms) children have to get under the table or into an air raid shelter.
  • Make a video recording of what to do in the blackout.
  • Inviting in community members who were evacuated to be interviewed – these can then be written up by children and shared on a school website and blog – also useful for archiving podcasting interviews.
  • Children to research what happened in the local area during the War, e.g. photos of buildings that survived and why.
  • Science – investigating what materials are best seen in a blackout (or not seen).
  • I really love the idea of radio broadcasts.  Audacity  is a great tool for recording and creating it.
  • Give children names which were common during the period.
  • Carry out radio broadcasts and news reports on both the Battle of Britain and VE Day.
  • Invite members of the British Legion in and recreate a street party! They are really helpful and like coming in and sharing their stories – we have linked it to what is going on now, as well as the country now celebrates a Veterans Day for all who served in June each year.
  • DT activity – using recipes from Home front books. Lots are available online, and children can cook these!
  • As part of the shelters topic, they had to ‘design’ what they thought would be the ‘best’ shelter using given materials.
  • What about talking to someone on the other side of the pond? Maybe a Skype/IM event where you talk with another class about WWII?
  • DT/Maths – design and make a gas mask box.
  • Watch an episode of Dad’s Army or extracts from other videos (e.g. Goodnight Mr Tom, Carrie’s War, videos from BBC class clips, etc.).
  • Role-play interviews with characters from the period.
  • Use  Crazy Talk with a photo of Winston Churchill. The pupils would love to see his lips moving.
  • How about writing in role – in a shelter – freeze framing and then thought talking to follow? They could be shown a photo of children / family in the shelter and try to express how the people feel.
  • Think about being evacuated and taking a suitcase of your favourite items. What would you put in it? Bring some of them into school to discuss. Children bring a small bag with their favourite items in it.
  • Learning simple first aid – like how to make a sling or put somebody in the recovery position. It would be an important skill in times of war. Maybe invite St John’s Ambulance or the Red Cross?
  • You could write ‘found’ poetry where children look at poems written by others about war and collect words and phrases from them and then create their own poetry by selecting and rearranging – this could be linked to freeze-framing.
  • Make a book quiz using a word cloud tool. Copy and paste extracts from books for people to guess the book…. This could be done with war extracts.
  • What about sticking tape across the windows of classrooms to stop them from shattering if a bomb were to explode? You could also try blacking some out, too.
  • What are they going to eat on the day? Can you get dried eggs nowadays? They should also see suet – there is a whole history of food here.
  • Think about ‘voice’ and the cooks of the day – was it Margureite Patten. It’s great to do a comparison with Jamie Oliver in terms of how formality etc, has changed. Could you write instructions in the style of both?
  • Design WW2 campaign posters and slogans. Have a look at this site for lots of lesson ideas about using the campaign posters –  https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/wwii-posters/
  • Make Anderson shelters in DT. Use Go Control, and they will build procedures to control their shelters – e.g. the lookout sees the planes coming, then air-raid siren sounds, light comes on in shelter etc. After a  preset time, the all-clear siren goes etc…
  • Sing WW2 songs. What about learning actions as well – think, “Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run”.
  • Watch WW2 dramas… Spywatch is fantastic.
  • Suitcase activity – what would they pack if they were being evacuated? What does the content of a particular case tell us about its owner?
  • Get the children to bring in a cereal box, design a suitcase and then put things that an evacuee would have in the suitcase (suggested by Katie Warriner).
  • Photograph the day using 21st-century technology, then use editing software to make B&W / sepia and add effects to make it look like old photos.
  • I am sure there is lots of map work – is it possible to find ‘old’ maps online?
  • Use a tool like Google Docs for collaboration on the day. Have a document up on the computer, and throughout the day, messages are sent to the pupils, e.g. is there anyone out there? My house is under attack, etc. This could also be used to communicate between different classes… and share experiences of the day. If all classes are doing WW2 day, then each can be given a different role and therefore respond differently to the messages. Home guard, RAF, Land army, etc.
  • How about a virtual telegraph STOP? They could send each other telegram-type messages STOP. Makes children be aware of full stops STOP.
  • Overlap with English dept – The Machine Gunners is a brilliant novel aimed at young teenagers.
  • What about a short drama about feelings, saying goodbye to Mum as you’re packed off on the train to the countryside? How does it feel as you leave the station/arrive at your destination?
  • Could you do some dancing? Find out about dancing from the period and try it out for yourself!
  • …and following on, what about some WW2 music? You could get students to write extra verses / analyse the mood / message of different songs.
  • It would be a good idea to develop the unit by COMPARING the experience in the UK with that of civilians in Russia (Leningrad) and Germany (Dresden) – otherwise, it gets a bit “Anglocentric”…
  • Art – how about some dramatic ‘going over the top’ paintings?
  • The day itself could be interspersed with “events” that can be presented to the students via radio broadcasts from Chamberlain (declaration of war) through Churchill (“Fight them on the beaches” etc) through to 1945; for each, the students could keep their own “war diary” so that as well as getting the empathetical skills, they are also developing their chronological understanding of the main events. Lord Haw-Haw’s broadcasts could be used too, all the way up to VE day (“we may allow ourselves a brief period of rejoicing”, etc).
  • ‘In the Mood’ – get the children to imagine they are playing instruments – and join together to form an orchestra with a band leader. Learn the Lambeth Walk and Jitterbug – Pathe News have great clips of both these dances. Why not teach the children how to waltz? There must be some parents out there who would come in for an afternoon.
  • A simple timeline always keeps things in perspective. I like to use research groups to look at different aspects of the same subject, and each group adds to the same timeline using online tools.
  • Could you ask parents to come in at the end or beginning of the day to ‘choose’ their evacuees to take home with them? We did this in school and it was good fun!

Do you have any more suggestions? Please add them to the comments below.

James And The Giant Peach

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The Wartime Memories Project - The Second World War 1939 - 1945

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The project is actively seeking recollections from the war years. If you lived through the war years and have a tale or two to tell, we would love to hear from you.

Listed below are some of the areas of interest to the project:-

Latest statistics for the site show over per month, if every visitor gave just one penny in donation the funding issues for this project would vanish in an instant. Please consider giving a small donation.

We would like to say a huge to those who have made donations and enabled the move to our new server, however it still costs to run the site! Any donation however small is always welcome.

New: In response to many requests, we have just launched a timecapsule to preserve

Please note we currently have a huge backlog of submitted material, our volunteers are working through this as quickly as possible and all names, stories and photos will be added to the site. We are currently undergoing a technical redesign of the site, this will take take some time to complete and whilst it is in progress some images will be off line and some links may be broken.

We are aware of the issue with missing images, this is due to the redesign of the website, images will reappear as soon as the new version of the page is completed, thank you for your patience.

We are also looking for volunteers to help with the website. We currently have a huge backlog of material which need to be edited for display online, if you have a good standard of written English, an interest in the two World Wars and a little time to spare online we would appreciate your help. For more information please see our page on

Honour members of your own family who served in the First or Second World War and those on the home front who lived though this unique times.

Our resources will help you to find out more about your relatives. Please send in a short article, with a photo if possible, so that their contribution will be recognised.

If you would like to support us, a donation, no matter how small, would be much appreciated, annually we need to raise enough funds to pay for our web hosting and admin or this site will vanish from the web.
- Please note we currently have a huge backlog of submitted material, our volunteers are working through this as quickly as possible and all names, stories and photos will be added to the site. If you have already submitted a story to the site and your UID reference number is higher than 264466 your information is still in the queue, please do not resubmit, we are working through them as quickly as possible.   Please read our

Want to find out more about your relative's service? Want to know what life was like during the War? Our contains an ever growing number diary entries, personal letters and other documents, most transcribed into plain text.

We are now on Facebook. Like this page to receive our updates.

We are actively seeking more volunteers to help with this website. If you have a computer and would like to volunteer, please get in touch. There is no need for any specialist web skills, or knowledge of the social history of the two world wars. It will be a great learning experience and it would look great on your CV.

The Great War and World War Two were perhaps the most traumatic times in recent history. The fighting and hardships affecting the whole of Europe, the Pacific and having a knock on effect through out the world. This project aims to collect and preserve the memories of people who have lived through the war. Not just the dramatic events which are usually recorded, but also the everyday memories.

This web site aims to be a collecting point for the project. If you lived through the war years please leave your memories on the form provided or send an e-mail. If you were born after the war and know someone who would like to share their stories, please ask them and add their tale to the collection.

We also accept recollections in audio and video formats, if you want to send an audio-video file or a tape of memories.

Please be aware that we currently have a large backlog of material waiting to be added to the website. We will respond to all emails as quickly as possible, please accept our apologies for any delay in replying.

If you would like to make a dontation towards the costs of keeping this project online, please get in touch or use the button below to make a donation via paypal.

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Thank you.

Please use the link below, or visit our book shop, the commission earned will help to support this website.

I explore many WW2-orientated websites and always read through the forums. In so many cases families of those who have died since the war are searching for information about husbands, fathers and grandfathers who had one thing in common - "They didn't like to talk about the war". Sad to say, that is/was a very selfish trait. Sometimes 'old war stories' are the few remaining precious links that families have with their loved ones. I'd like to enter this plea to whoever reads it that present generations MUST persuade their living ex-servicemen family members to open up, put all other considerations aside and tell it like it was. Or if they're too reticent, at least write things down for their descendants to have as a record of what their forbears endured during those momentous years. MAKE THEM DO IT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE PLEASE! We're all dying off at a very rapid rate.

Peter Deacon

It is important as time marches on to gather memories before the generations who live through the war pass away and their memories are lost forever.

The project will publish some memories, and photographs on-line. Others will be collected for publication in print. Memories of all types can be added, no matter if you were at home during the war, (which ever country you call home), posted abroad with one of the services, helped in the home guard or resistance, were evacuated or in a reserved occupation. Memories are welcome from both sides of the conflict, the project is not politically motivated, the aim is to preserve the stories without judgement. No matter which area of the world and what part you played, active or observer, the list is endless. No matter how small please add your memories to the collection and help preserve the wartime spirit forever, in the hope that it will never happen again.


The free section of the Wartime Memories Project website is run by volunteers. We have been helping people find out more about their relatives wartime experiences since 1999 by recording and preserving recollections, documents, photographs and small items.

The website is paid for out of our own pockets, library subscriptions and from donations made by visitors. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources and we currently have a huge backlog of submissions.

If you are enjoying the site, please consider making a donation, however small to help with the costs of keeping the site running.

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The Wartime Memories Project Website

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World War II (Project Homework)

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Rachel Wright

World War II (Project Homework) Paperback

  • Language English
  • Publisher Franklin Watts Ltd
  • Dimensions 8.35 x 0.16 x 10.35 inches
  • ISBN-10 0749664266
  • ISBN-13 978-0749664268
  • See all details

Product details

  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0749664266
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0749664268
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 5.3 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 8.35 x 0.16 x 10.35 inches

About the author

Rachel wright.

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ww2 project homework


  1. WW2 Homework Project

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  2. Seven Awesome Activities for Teaching World War 2

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  3. Some Of Our WW2 Homework Tasks

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  5. WW2 Anderson Shelters. Completed as homework. These were the first to

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  1. World War 2 Project ideas and activities: Free Interactive PPT Slides

    The WW2 Interactive PowerPoint offers a comprehensive learning experience for middle school social studies. It kind of acts like a World War II museum that covers important events, important political figures (e.g. important people like Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin from the Soviet Union, Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and more), causes of World War II, the home front, phases of the war ...

  2. 30+ of the Best World War II Homeschool Resources

    Other World War 2 Resources. Timeline cards depicting the major events of the Second World War. Various WW2 printables & lesson aids (search for WW2) Norman Rockwell's Four Freedoms. World War II Database (images, photos, locations, equipment, etc) Albert Einsteins's Miracle Year. Albert Einstein & the Age of Extremism.

  3. Seven Awesome Activities for Teaching World War 2

    3) Salute to Service Plaque Project. If you teach US History, it's very likely that your state standards include the ways varied groups contributed to the war effort. The most common include: Women aka Rosie the Riveter. Japanese American Nisei soldiers. African Americans and the Tuskegee Airmen.

  4. World War II Teaching Resources

    Famous quotes from World War II. "Danger gathers upon our path. We cannot afford—we have no right—to look back. We must look forward.". — British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, December 1936. "Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by ...

  5. World War II at Home

    : Inspired by the scrapping efforts of students during World War II, Get in the Scrap! is a national service learning project for students in grades 4-8 all about recycling and energy conservation. Your students have the power to affect positive change on the environment; much like students 70 years ago played a positive role on the Home Front ...

  6. World War 2 (WW2) Worksheets

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  7. World War Two (WW2) for Kids

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  9. World War Two Worksheets

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  11. World War 2 for Kids

    The Second World War was started by Germany in an unprovoked attack on Poland. Britain and France declared war on Germany after Hitler had refused to abort his invasion of Poland. When did World War Two end? The War ended in the Summer of 1945. It is estimated that 50 million people lost their lives during World War 2.

  12. World War II Choice Board

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  13. World War Ii Project Teaching Resources

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  14. World War 2 Teaching Ideas

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  19. World War 2 Planning KS2 Overview

    This World War 2 topic planning overview includes links to other fun resources and wider learning opportunities. Plan fun school trips to air raid museums to aid your pupils' learning - more information is included in the resource. With an outline of each topic, you'll be able to explore the exciting history of World War 2 with your class.

  20. PDF Homework Choice Grid The Second World War

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  23. The Wartime Memories Project

    The project continues to grow and we are still actively collecting recollections from the years 1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945. If you or any members of your families have recollections or photos from the time we would love to hear from you. Recollections from any part of the world are welcome and from both sides of the conflict.

  24. World War II (Project Homework) Paperback

    Ideal support for homework projects, packed full of information and fascinating facts; Includes puzzles and quizzes; Supports National Curriculum subjects. Read more Report an issue with this product or seller. Previous slide of product details. Language. English. Publisher. Franklin Watts Ltd. Dimensions. 8.35 x 0.16 x 10.35 inches.

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    Question: Suppose your firm is considering investing in a project with the cash flows shown as follows, that the required rate of return on projects of this risk class is 12 percent, and that the maximum allowable payback and discounted payback statistic for the project are two and two and a half years, respectively.