How to Turn Off Reviews on Facebook

Jay Fuchs

Published: June 07, 2022

Sometimes, the mantra "all publicity is good publicity" isn’t true. Negative reviews can damage the reputation of your business, and when you’re working tirelessly to improve your service or product — while still trying to bring in sales — it’s understandable to want to turn off Facebook reviews when the complaints get overwhelming.

business owner learning how to turn off facebook reviews to protect brand reputation

According to HubSpot Research, 85% of customers are likely to share negative experiences with others. For businesses trying to resolve problems without having too much bad press, having no reviews visible on certain platforms can be a better solution.

You’re not alone, businesses go through rough patches sometimes, and there’s steps to take to silence the noise. Today, we’ll walk you through how to turn off reviews on Facebook, and give you reasons why you should, or shouldn’t, remove them.

  • Open Facebook and go to your business page.
  • Click the ‘Settings’ menu for your business page.
  • Select ‘Templates and Tabs’ option.
  • Toggle the blue ‘Reviews’ button off.

1. Open Facebook and go to your business page.

how to turn off reviews on facebook step #1:  open facebook and go to your business page

If you own more than one business page, you want to make sure you select the page you want to disable Facebook reviews for.

2. Click the ‘Settings’ menu for your business page.

how to turn off reviews on facebook step #2: click the settings menu for your page

When you click on Settings, you’ll be taken to a selection of choices all under the umbrella of Page Settings.

3. Select ‘Templates and Tabs’ option.

how to turn off reviews on facebook step #3: select templates and tabs

4. Toggle the blue ‘Reviews’ button off.

Once you have toggled the button, it will be the color gray, indicating that you’ve successfully turned off reviews. This action is saved automatically, so your customers won’t see or be able to post any reviews on your page moving forward.

how to turn off reviews on facebook step #4: toggle the blue reviews button off

Turning off Facebook reviews is a big call to make that can have both positive and negative implications. Before making that decision, it's important to consider both how your business is faring as a whole and how your audience is perceiving you as a result.

Why You Should Disable Facebook Reviews

There are going to be points when business isn't booming — ugly stretches where you're prone to an influx of bad reviews. Some reasons to consider turning them off would be:

  • The bad reviews were a product of isolated incidents. You could be subject to a product recall or an employee of yours might have provided particularly poor customer service before you became hip to their behavior and replaced them.
  • The public's perception of your business can be volatile. There's a good chance you won't want to be bombarded with disgruntled customers venting frustrations before you have the chance to address them.
  • You can't selectively delete reviews on Facebook. So long as they're not inappropriate, obscene, or flat-out false. And even if that's the case, that process can still take a while to see through.

If your business is in a rough patch that you're working tirelessly to address, it might be in your best interest to turn off Facebook reviews until you're on the side of it.

On another hand, there’s some positive reasons to keep them up even if they’re not the ratings you want, and it’s worth considering before you turn them off.

Reasons to Keep Reviews on Facebook

1. reviews add legitimacy to your business..

Reviews — good or bad — provide a degree of legitimacy to your business. They let potential customers know that others engage with your company and imply that you care about customer feedback.

2. You can respond to customer reviews or feedback.

Keeping reviews up also provides you with the opportunity to respond to customer reviews and feedback. You get to say your piece and let prospects and customers know that you hear them. You can demonstrate that you understand where they're coming from and are willing to take the necessary steps to address the issues and concerns they're raising.

3. Prospects like to see testimonials.

Even if all your customer reviews aren’t a perfect five-star rating, your customers will value the ability to read customer review testimonials . Turning off Facebook reviews can possibly kneecap your perceived authenticity. Sometimes it might be better to face the music and explicitly let your audience know the specific strides you plan on taking to make things right.

Disable Facebook Reviews If You Need To

Turning off Facebook reviews is a process that should take a lot of thought and consideration. It's up to you to decide whether taking harsh reviews on the chin or keeping things calm until you have your business in order suits your situation better. No matter which route you take, it's helpful to know how to shut Facebook reviews down — just in case they get to be too much.

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in July 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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How to turn off Facebook recommendations and reviews (and why it might not be a good idea)

In business, reputation is everything. While it may take years to build, it can be struck down in a matter of hours. In today’s digital world, online reputation matters as much, if not more, than offline. Critical reviews that appear across social media can be hugely damaging. What’s more, critical reviews can sometimes be inaccurate and unfair. 

There are some 90 million business pages on Facebook and 140 million businesses use Facebook to promote their products and services further.

What are Facebook Recommendations and Reviews?

These are customer business recommendations and reviews posted to a business’s Facebook page. Facebook recently relaunched their Reviews as Recommendations. Recommendations only provide the option to recommend, or not recommend your business. A positive recommendation automatically gets a 5 star rating and a critical recommendation a 1 star rating.

In many cases, Facebook Recommendations allow customers to share their positive experience with your business. Customers can indicate whether they recommend your business to others, something that is often seen as a powerful endorsement. As a result, businesses can enjoy increased sales and even improved local SEO rankings as your business is mentioned, rated and reviewed.

On the flip side, Facebook Recommendations also provide an outlet for unhappy customers to share their experience (and to say that they would not recommend your business to others). 

There may be times when you want to remove a Facebook Recommendation. This could be for a fake or spam recommendation, or due to entirely inappropriate or inaccurate information that could damage your brand. Just bear in mind though that it is very difficult to get a recommendation removed once posted.

How to remove Facebook Recommendation

When you find recommendations that you believe require removal from your Facebook Page (i.e. they are fake), you’ll need to flag them and notify Facebook immediately. It’s not possible to delete them yourself.

In order for the Facebook team to check the recommendation, it will need to be reported. It’s worth pointing out that only recommendations with a comment on them can be reported. The Facebook team recommend that your business should comment constructively on any critical recommendation, even those you deem to be fake. This will then enable you to flag and report the recommendation accordingly and also show others that you are attempting to solve the problem in a constructive manner. Avoid calling out the fake recommendation publicly as this can appear defensive and also sow distrust amongst your audience. 

Follow these straightforward steps to get the recommendation flagged with Facebook: 

1. Find the recommendation you want to remove. 

2. Navigate to the top right-hand corner and click on the three dots. A drop-down menu will pop up and select “Find support or report Recommendation.”

3. Click the option most relevant for you and hit “Send”.

The review is now registered with Facebook. Once they review your complaint, if they find the review to be fraudulent or against Facebook’s Community Standards, the team will remove it directly from your Business page.

Why you might not want to report and remove critical recommendation

We have talked lots on this blog about the importance of responding to all customer feedback and recommendation, even the bad ones ! A genuine critical recommendation isn’t necessarily the end of the world. In many cases, this feedback can allow your business to make important changes and grow as a result. A full complement of 5-star recommendations is often mistrusted by consumers too, raising suspicions about fake recommendations.

Rather than removing these critical recommendations, consider responding positively and constructively, addressing the problems and showing that you are making efforts to improve the experience. This will allow others to see that you’re proactive and responsive.

How to hide Facebook Reviews (Recommendations)

If you’re still convinced that Facebook Recommendations aren’t for you, you can hide them entirely rather than removing. Hiding Facebook Reviews doesn’t delete the feedback, but simply hides them from view.  The Facebook tab is still called Reviews, not Recommendations – just to confuse us all 😉

Here’s how you hide, or remove Facebook Recommendations from your Facebook Page step-by-step:

  • Go to Settings on your Page
  • Click Edit Page
  • Scroll down until you find Reviews
  • Choose the Settings option (to the right of recommendations)
  • Turn Reviews off

If you want to re-enable the recommendations later, go back to the same location and turn them ON again. Having no recommendations visible on your Facebook Page isn’t entirely helpful. You could be missing out on a powerful opportunity to share the experiences of your customers and might not appear as an established, trustworthy business.

Turning off Facebook Reviews is a process that should not be taken lightly. It’s up to you to decide whether taking critical recommendations on the chin or keeping things calm until you have your business in order suits your situation better. No matter which route you take, it’s helpful to know how to shut Facebook Reviews down.

Get more reviews instead

One brilliant way to outnumber and move on from a genuine critical review is to boost the number of customer reviews you receive overall. A platform like HelpfulCrowd can help you build more user-generated content by collecting content-rich customer reviews. This will have the effect of pushing a critical reviews further down the list and boosting your overall rating (so long as your business provides a good level of service to your customers of course). You can also show these alongside your Facebook Recommendations on your website using the HelpfulCrowd widgets. Sign up for a free demo today.

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can you hide facebook reviews

How To Turn Off & Delete Facebook Reviews

can you hide facebook reviews

See how brands use to manage negative feedback

Once just used as a platform to connect with friends, Facebook has grown over the years to offer many additional services and benefits to businesses. One of these being, reviews (also known as Facebook Recommendations). Facebook reviews are found on Business Pages and can be collected by everyone from Ford to your little bakery down the road.

Whilst there are many benefits of collecting reviews on Facebook , unlike when using a Licensed Review Partner such as, reviews are not verified and can be left by anyone. This does put companies at some risk of receiving fraudulent feedback. Which begs the question:

Can you delete Facebook Reviews?

Unfortunately, the answer is NO, you can't remove Facebook Reviews.

As with reviews on Google and other platforms, individual, legitimate reviews - however malicious - cannot be removed. This is all part of the online trust Facebook aims to provide with its review system - if businesses could tamper with their reviews, they could no longer be trusted as a reliable source of information.

However, all is not lost - whilst not perfect, there are other solutions. We've got two ways to remove Facebook reviews to help you out when disaster strikes.

How to report a fake Facebook Review?

If you're happy to wait a while for your issue to be resolved, consider flagging your Facebook review. In order to do this, the review will need to go against Facebook's Community Standards .

Facebook's Community Standards cover things such as:

  • Hate speech
  • Misrepresentation
  • Cruelness & insensitivity

Although these are broad review guidelines, if someone is overly offensive or seems ingenuine when leaving your business a Facebook Recommendation, it may warrant removal.

Now, let us first show you some red flags of fake and offensive reviews so that you can take advantage of the reporting guidelines to mark them as spam.

How can you spot fake reviews on Facebook? 

Here are several telltale signs that can help you distinguish genuine feedback from fraudulent or offensive reviews.

  • The reviewer's profile. Fake reviewers often have incomplete profiles, with few friends, generic profile pictures, and limited activity.
  • The language used in the review. Fake reviews often contain overly generic or nonsense words and lack specific details about the product or service.
  • Consistency across multiple reviews. They are likely fabricated if you notice multiple reviews posted in a short time frame with similar wording or structure.

Fake facebook review

‍ So how do you report a recommendation or review about a business Page on Facebook?

Reporting a Facebook Recommendation is easy. All you need to do is:

Step 1: Click Reviews below the Page cover photo.

navigation menu of facebook page

Step 2: Click on the three dots to the top right of the review, then select 'Report post.'

where to report a facebook review

You will then see a pop-up window. Select the most appropriate description from the list, then press send.

reasons to report facebook reviews as spam

Step 3 (Last step): Wait patiently and cross your fingers.

If Facebook finds the review to go against its Community Standards, it will be removed and there will be no record of it on your page.

In the meantime, we'd encourage you to respond to negative reviews in the most professional way possible to show other customers you're being proactive and help save face.

How to turn off Facebook Reviews?

The second option you have for getting rid of your Facebook reviews is more extreme. Whilst you can't manually delete individual Facebook reviews, you can remove them all from your page.It's important to remember that this won't wipe the slate clean - it simply means reviews will no longer be shown on your business page, and will also inhibit anyone from leaving you feedback in the future, whether good or bad.

Sound a bit extreme, doesn't it? That's why many think of hiding Facebook reviews instead of turning them off completely

Can you hide reviews on Facebook instead of removing them?

Again the answer is NO.

You can hide many other sections, such as Check-ins, Music, Sports, etc., but Reviews, together with About, Photos, and Videos, are fixed in the Navigation bar (unless you turn it off).

When navigating to the More dropdown in the Page menu bar and choosing Manage Section (you need to be a page admin or page collaborator to see this), you'll see that you can't uncheck Reviews in the list.

reviews is a fixed element on facebook page

How to get rid of all your Facebook reviews? ‍

This time, the process is even simpler and requires no input from Facebook at all. To delete your Facebook reviews in one clean sweep:

Step 1: Navigate to your business page and ensure you're logged in as the page.

Step 2: Click on the three dots at the top-left of the page.

remove facebook reviews

Step 3: Select ‘Page and tagging settings’.

how to remove facebook reviews

Step 4: You'll land on a new page where you can find an ON/OFF toggle next to Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page? . Switch it off to remove the Reviews section on your Facebook page.

turn off facebook reviews

Bonus Solution: Diffuse the situation & win the customer over

Our third and final solution for getting rid of Facebook reviews won't necessarily always work, nor is it guaranteed to remove a negative review, however, we think it's worth a punt as it has plenty of other benefits.

The solution is simple: win your disgruntled reviewer over so much, that they want to change their review. This is easier than it sounds - most customers don't want to leave a bad review, they want good products, good service and a good experience. They want to give positive feedback! So when they don't, chances are, you messed up.

To put things right, it's essential to respond to positive and negative reviews professionally and empathetically - even if you don't agree with their comment. Apologise, explain why the problem happened and, if possible, provide a solution. It's the strength of your solution that's likely to win them back around.

How to Manage Reviews Online?

Effective online review management helps online businesses not only maintain a strong reputation but also foster online trust. Some practical tips you can apply today to achieve this are:

  • Actively solicit reviews from your satisfied customers. Sending follow-up emails after a purchase, including a review request in your newsletters, or offering incentives for leaving a review are excellent practices to increase your number of reviews. The more reviews you collect, the more credible your business appears to potential customers
  • Respond to positive reviews. When customers leave positive feedback, take the time to thank them. Acknowledging their comments shows that you value their input and appreciate their business. Personalize your responses to make customers feel special and build a stronger connection.
  • Respond promptly and courteously to negative reviews. Acknowledge the customer's concerns and offer a solution or apology. This demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and can be a nudge to ask the customer to edit or delete their negative feedback on Facebook .
  • Use online reputation management tools . Tools like can streamline the process of managing online reviews. helps collect and verify reviews and provides features to showcase them on your website. This boosts credibility and can positively influence potential customers.

As with deleting reviews off any platform, the goal should really be prevention not cure. Prevent negative feedback, and you'll never need to know how to remove Facebook Reviews !

If negative reviews do occur, consider your options, consider the resources available to you, breathe, and make an informed and strategic choice that focusses on long-term success, not short-term reputation.

Still unsure about how to remove Facebook reviews? Head over to our website or jump on live chat with one of our advisors. Try our platform for free with out 14-day t

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How To Remove Reviews From Facebook

Negative Facebook reviews are a huge turnoff for potential customers. You can only imagine the consequences for your brand if it becomes a victim of review bombing, with trolls purposely posting bad feedback.

That’s why we’ve created this guide, where we’ll show you how to remove reviews from Facebook to preserve your online reputation.

What Are Facebook Reviews?

Facebook reviews are feedback that customers post on your business’s Facebook page. These reviews can just be ratings or ratings with recommendations. 

Unlike many other social platforms, Facebook isn’t anonymous. These are real people posting real reviews. Good Facebook reviews indicate past customers have had a positive experience with your brand, likely influencing potential customers to do business with you.

The Basics of Removing Reviews From Facebook

Facebook for business is a blessing and a curse. With nearly 3 billion people using the platform, you get exposure like no other—but you’ll also find yourself dealing with inappropriate or unfair feedback.

Let’s take a look at how you can tackle this issue.

Understanding Whether a Review on Facebook Is Fake

Before we discuss deleting or removing Facebook reviews, you need to identify whether a customer review is fake in the first place.

For starters, it’s helpful to maintain a customer database and transactional records to cross-check a negative review from a customer. Does the negative review match or closely resemble an existing customer? Do you have a customer complaint on the file matching the events recounted in the review?

If it does, the review is genuine, and you should work on resolving it with tact. But if the review doesn’t align with any of your business records, it’s fake. 

Here are a few common red flags to easily spot a fake Facebook review:

  • The account has one of those typical fake names. Think: John Retartagan, Patty O’Furniture, Olive Yew
  • The account is created on the same day as the day of the review—and for the sole purpose of giving your business a bad review
  • The account profile picture is copied from somewhere else
  • The account is connected to a competitor or a former employee
  • The posted review has an inaccurate description of your business’s product or service is filled with silly grammatical errors or recommends your competitor in the complaint

Unfortunately, removing fake Facebook reviews isn’t as easy as you might hope.

Deleting Facebook Reviews From Customers Isn’t Possible

Can you remove or delete Facebook reviews? No, you cannot delete a legitimate review on Facebook, however malicious. 

This is because of Facebook’s policy to provide a reliable and transparent review system to its users. If it allowed businesses to tamper with reviews, people would lose their trust in Facebook and not see it as a reliable source of information.

But Facebook doesn’t extend the same courtesy to fake reviews made from shady and fake accounts. If the review is flagrant and/or in obvious violation of its community standards, Facebook will remove it. 

In other cases, Facebook is unlikely to take down a Facebook recommendation. The scathing and unfair review will stay connected to your page unless you take a few remedial and preventive actions.

Deleting or Editing Facebook Reviews That You Wrote

You can delete or edit a Facebook review that you’ve written. This holds true for your personal account as well as your business account.

Simply locate the review you want to remove or edit and click on the three dots.

Select Edit Review to make changes, and click Save when you’re done. Otherwise, you can just click Delete Review and tap Delete again to confirm the removal.

If you’re having trouble finding the review on a page, you can also locate it by:

  • Tapping your profile picture from your feed
  • Clicking the three dots
  • Navigating to Activity Log
  • Locating the review from past activity
  • Select Edit Review or Delete Review (same as above)

Again, these steps only work for reviews that you’ve written yourself. You do not have the power to delete a review that was written by somebody else.

Reporting a Review on Facebook 

If the Facebook review goes against Facebook‘s Community Standards , you can flag it. To do this, the review should either be clearly fake or contain one or more of the following prohibited forms of speech:

  • Hate speech
  • Misrepresentation
  • Cruelness and insensitivity

Facebook‘s Community Standards are broad, but the platform is quick to remove a Facebook recommendation if it’s ingenuine or overly offensive.

You can report a review on Facebook by following these steps:

  • Log into your Facebook business page.
  • Click on the Reviews tab on the top menu bar. Go to the review you want to report.
  • Click on the three dots on the top right hand of the review.
  • Select Report post from the displayed options. A pop-up window will appear on your screen.
  • Select the most appropriate description from the displayed list, and follow the prompts to finish the process.

Example of Facebook report post screen with options to select reason for report

After reporting a Facebook recommendation, all you can do is wait. Facebook will review your request, and if it finds the review goes against its Community Standards, it’ll remove the review forever.

Respond to Your Real Negative Facebook Reviews 

If legitimate customers have left bad Facebook recommendations, you need to respond positively and promptly as part of customer service.

Start with an apology and address the matter at hand, followed by offering a viable solution moving forward. If you do this right, you can change your customer’s negative experience into a positive one. It’ll also show potential customers your company cares about its customers and is serious about helping them.

Keep the following in mind when you respond to:

  • Be sympathetic and non-confrontational
  • Try to respond to recommendations promptly
  • Keep your response short, sweet, and concise

Make sure customers are happy with your suggestion and reassure all customers that if things go wrong, you’ve always got their back. We have an in-depth guide that further explains how responding to negative reviews professionally and tactfully can work in your favor.

Respond to Your Positive Reviews Too

You should respond to all reviews left on your Facebook page—not just the negative ones. Here’s why.

First of all, anyone taking the time out of their day to provide feedback and write a review deserves to be recognized. This is especially true for people who are sharing compliments and kind words about your business.

But if you’re only responding to negative reviews, it will only draw more attention to the bad ones when people are scrolling through your timeline.

This way, anyone who visits your business page will see responses to every review. So the negative ones won’t stick out like a sore thumb.

Turning Off or Disabling Facebook Reviews

If you feel a negative review is hurting your business—or don’t want to deal with the trouble of worrying about bad or fake reviews, you can take a more extreme measure: disable Facebook recommendations entirely.

To be clear, turning off the review section will hide all the recommendations left by past customers, both positive and negative. This also doesn’t give you a clean slate—you’ll see all reviews again upon enabling Facebook reviews in the future. Still, this is an excellent option if you have several fake reviews.

Here are the steps to disable reviews from Facebook:

  • Open your business page, making sure you’re logged in as the page admin.
  • Click on Settings at the top right of the page.
  • Navigate to the left-hand side of the page, and select Templates and Tab from the menu. 
  • Scroll down to Reviews , and click on Settings .
  • To the right of the Show Reviews option, you’ll see a slider. Click on it to disable it.
  • Select Save to confirm your new settings.

Facebook reviews menu with option to show reviews and slider turned off

Now, customers can no longer see any negative feedback on your business’s Facebook page.

3 Tools to Remove Reviews From Facebook

Managing your online reputation is important, regardless of your business size and industry. Below, we’ve put together a list of three reliable online reputation management companies that can help you manage negative reviews on Facebook.

Better Reputation

can you hide facebook reviews

Better Reputation provides services for businesses and individuals that need to remove negative reviews on Facebook, Yelp, Google, and so on. It is our overall top pick for online reputation management services for most people.

This is a very straightforward service to use. You’ll get in touch with a reputation specialist, explain your situation, and they will get back to you with a price for removing one or more Facebook reviews. Better Reputation is upfront about pricing, so there won’t be any surprises.

The company will also be upfront with you about Facebook reviews that are going to be impossible to remove. You won’t have to waste your time or money trying to do the impossible.

If getting your online reputation takes more than addressing a few Facebook reviews, Better Reputation has many other tools to help. Get in touch with Better Reputation today for a free consultation to discover your next best action.

Nextiva social media management page highlighting its 24/7 online review management feature

Before you can flag a review for removal on Facebook, the first thing you need to do is identify which reviews should be removed. Thanks to Nextiva , you can get real-time notifications based on specific tags and alerts you’ve set up.

This is one of the fastest ways to identify reviews that fit Facebook’s removal criteria, so you can report violations quickly to ensure they’re taken down ASAP.

Best of all, Nextiva uses AI-powered monitoring and listening tools to help you manage reviews beyond Facebook. So you can set up these same types of alerts across all review sites and remove bad reviews faster than ever before.

BirdEye social media management landing page highlighting its social listening feature.

Birdeye offers a wide range of reputation management solutions, but it’s the integrations with Facebook and Google that set it apart.

With Birdeye, you can auto-send review requests, respond to customer reviews on Facebook and other sites, and gather actionable insights with Natural language Processing (NLP). Review monitoring and management, review generation, and review marketing are the other desirable features.

You can also build a custom profile that can be beneficial to generate awareness and get more customers to check out your products and services. The fact that all these services are available on a single platform makes things even more convenient.

5 Tricks for Removing Reviews from Facebook

The following tricks and best practices will help you take control of your Facebook reviews:

Manage Your Emotions

Fake reviews can be upsetting. But don’t let your emotions get the best of you. This type of behavior does not solve your problem—and it may put your brand in a negative light.

Have trust in your business. Work on offering high-quality products and services that consistently yield positive reviews. Don’t lower your ethical standards just because somebody else decides to play dirty. 

Remember, anything you write on Facebook can be viewed by the public. While it’s ok to privately message a customer to resolve a situation, it’s never ok to bash them or lose your cool. Not only is this bad business but there’s a good chance that those screenshots will end up being seen in the public eye.

Get More Positive Reviews

Positive reviews are the best way to offset fake reviews and negative comments. 

Reach out to customers who have positive experiences with your brand, and politely ask them to drop in a good word on your Facebook page . You can also offer them incentives like exclusive discounts or free goodies to make them more likely to turn the odds in your favor.

No business is perfect, and customers understand that. It’s normal for businesses to have negative remarks mixed into customer reviews. So one or two bad reviews won’t be the end of you.

But if you’re able to get lots of positive reviews on Facebook, the handful of negative comments will be an afterthought to prospective customers.

Hire a Reputation Management Service

Take control of your Facebook reviews and protect your online reputation by working with a reliable reputation management company.

A reputation management company can build an effective online reputation management strategy for your business. These services can help remove fake Facebook reviews by overcoming roadblocks in Facebook‘s reporting process—and if they can’t, the service can suppress fake reviews effectively to hide them from prospective customers.

Reputation management services can also help you get more positive reviews on Facebook. So whether you need fake reviews removed, new reviews from happy customers, or a combination of both, a reputation management service like Better Reputation can get the job done.

Over time, the negative reviews will be drowned out and all anyone will see is the high star rating of your business.

Image from Better Reputation website showing a reviews reputation improving over time. As more positive reviews are generated, the negative reviews lose their impact.

Set Alerts For New Facebook Reviews

If you get a negative Facebook review, it’s important that you act quickly.

Again, the removal process isn’t instant. So any delay on your end will just prolong the process and leave the review on your page for more time than it needs to be there.

To ensure you’re acting quickly, you can set up alerts each time a new review is left on your Facebook page. Most reputation management services offer some type of review dashboard with custom alerts. You can also use Birdeye to set up alerts and streamline the way you monitor online reviews.

Example of a new review alert from Birdeye

Reply to Negative Facebook Reviews

There’s no guarantee that every bad Facebook review on your page will get removed. Even if it does get removed, there’s a chance it stays live for a week or longer.

In the meantime, you should respond to all of your Facebook reviews—including the negative ones that you want removed.

Replying to reviews shows your customers that you care. It also shows anyone else who reads the review that you’ve acknowledged any mistakes and taken steps to fix the situation.

If that review ends up getting removed, that’s great! But at least your audience will see that you’ve replied while it’s still active.

Removing Facebook Reviews: Your Top Questions Answered

You can only delete bad reviews from Facebook if it’s determined that the reviews are fake or they violate Facebook’s community guidelines. That’s because Facebook is committed to transparency and won’t let businesses remove reviews simply because a customer had a bad experience.  Businesses don’t have the power to delete reviews on their own. They must instead flag the review, and someone from Facebook will remove it if it violates their community standards.

If you think someone has left a fake review on your Facebook page, you can report it to Facebook by clicking on the three dots at the top right of the review. You’ll see an option to report the post, and Facebook will prompt you to select a reason for why you’re flagging it. The review will not automatically be removed when you report it. You must wait for someone to check your request to verify that the review is either fake or violates Facebook’s community standards. If it’s deemed that your request is valid, Facebook will delete the fake review forever.

To turn off and hide Facebook reviews, navigate to the Settings section of your business profile and select Edit Page . Click Reviews and then toggle off the button that shows reviews on your page and allows people to write new reviews.  Hiding Facebook reviews does not delete them. Instead, it removes all of your existing reviews from being publicly shown on your Facebook page and disables new reviews from being added. While hiding Facebook reviews would prevent bad reviews from being shown on your page, it will also hide your good reviews. It’s an all-or-nothing decision, and you can’t pick which reviews are hidden.

It’s typically in your best interest to respond to all Facebook reviews, including bad ones. Responding to negative Facebook reviews shows the dissatisfied customer that you care and can help restore their faith in your brand. This small step can prevent you from losing them as a customer altogether.  Replying to bad reviews on Facebook also shows prospective customers that your brand is active, engaging, and taking the right steps to make customers happy. For additional tips and best practices, check out our guide on how to respond to negative reviews .

To manage reviews on Facebook, log into your account and navigate to the Settings page. Then select Reviews from the Templates and Tabs menu.  Alternatively, you can select reviews directly from your Facebook page by scrolling to a specific review and clicking the three dots in the top right corner. A drop-down menu will appear with different review management options, including flagging the review or directly messaging the reviewer.

When you report a review on Facebook, someone on Facebook’s team will evaluate your report and determine whether the review goes against Facebook’s community standards. If the reviewer finds the post in violation, they’ll remove it from your Facebook page. Your report is confidential, and the account you reported will not be notified that you reported them.  It can take anywhere from several days to several weeks for someone on Facebook’s team to view your report and act on it.

Reporting a review on Facebook does not automatically remove it. The review must first be checked by a member of the Facebook team to see if it violates Facebook’s policies and community standards.  Reviews that just contain a star rating without any written content or pictures cannot be reported.

Just one report of a Facebook review will trigger someone from Facebook to review it. If Facebook determines that the review does not follow its community standards and guidelines, it will be removed. If the review is not removed, you’ll typically have the chance to request another one. If the second report is denied, you may be eligible to request a decision from Facebook’s oversight board.

What to Do Next

Now that you know how to remove reviews from Facebook, it’s time to focus on building a sound social media marketing strategy.

Admittedly, social media marketing isn’t easy. You have to spend time learning how to do it right. Luckily, there are a few strategies and techniques to make data-based decisions, steering your business towards success. When done properly, you can get more traffic for your business, score more positive reviews, and improve conversion rates.

Here are a few Quick Sprout guides to help you get started on the right track:

  • How to Effectively Market Your Small Business on Social Media
  • The Beginner’s Guide to Online Marketing
  • The Beginner’s Guide to the Best Strategies to Manage Your Online Reputation

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How to Remove Reviews from Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide

Table of Contents

Managing your business’s online reputation is crucial, and Facebook reviews play a significant role in how potential customers perceive your brand. While positive reviews can bolster your business, negative feedback may sometimes require action. Knowing how to address this feedback by removing or disabling reviews on your Facebook business page can help maintain your brand’s image and ensure that your online presence accurately reflects your business’s standards and customer service.

Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways

  • Removing Facebook reviews involves navigating the page’s settings to hide or address unwanted feedback.
  • Maintaining an online reputation includes active management and response to both positive and negative reviews.
  • Understanding Facebook’s review system is vital for enhancing your business’s public perception.

Facebook Reviews Explained

Understanding Facebook Reviews

When dealing with Facebook reviews, you’re engaging with a feature that enables customers to leave feedback directly on your business’s Facebook page. This feedback can consist of both positive and negative reviews, which are public and contribute to your online reputation .

The Basics:

  • Facebook : A dominant social media platform where reviews are visible to anyone accessing your business page.
  • Customers : They can express their satisfaction or discontentment through reviews, impacting potential customers’ perceptions.

Review Impact:

  • Positive Review : Can boost your business appeal, encouraging new customers.
  • Negative Review : Might deter potential customers and can harm your business’s reputation if not addressed properly.


As a business owner, managing Facebook reviews is part of maintaining your reputation on social media . Regularly monitor your reviews, engage with customers, and address concerns to show that you value feedback.


Facebook reviews are a powerful tool for businesses to build trust and credibility with potential customers. While you cannot delete reviews, you have the option to report inappropriate content or hide the review section if necessary.

Managing Negative Feedback

Managing Negative Feedback on FB

When you encounter negative feedback on Facebook, it’s crucial to tackle it head-on. Ensuring your reputation management is balanced between addressing genuine customer concerns and dealing with any dishonest reviews is essential for maintaining your brand’s integrity.

Responding to Negative Reviews

When addressing negative comments , it’s important to respond promptly and professionally. Construct a reply that acknowledges the customer’s experience while also reflecting your commitment to customer satisfaction. Follow this simple structure:

  • Thank the customer for their feedback.
  • Apologize for any negative experience.
  • Offer to resolve the issue, either publicly or through private channels.

This approach demonstrates that you value customer feedback and are willing to improve.

Dealing with Fake Reviews

Handling a fake review requires a different strategy:

  • Identify the review that seems disingenuous.
  • Click the three dots next to the review, and select Find support or report recommendation .
  • Follow the prompts to report the review to Facebook for removal consideration.

Navigating Facebook Settings

Navigating Facebook Settings

In managing your Facebook business page, you can either completely hide reviews or report specific inappropriate ones in compliance with Facebook’s community standards.

How to Hide Facebook Reviews In 3 Steps?

  • Access Settings : From your Facebook business page, select Settings .
  • Locate Reviews : In the side menu, choose Templates and Tabs . Scroll to Reviews .
  • Disable Reviews : Click Settings next to Reviews, then toggle the slider to OFF to hide reviews. Remember to save changes.

How to Report Inappropriate Facebook Reviews?

  • Identify the Review : On your page, find the review in question.
  • Flag the Review : Click on the three dots icon near the review, then select Report post .
  • Follow Prompts : Choose the issue that best represents why the review is inappropriate (e.g., hate speech, bullying). Submit your report for Facebook to evaluate according to Facebook’s community standards .

How to Delete Facebook Reviews?

How to Delete Facebook Reviews?

If you need to delete a review you wrote or manage reviews on your Facebook business page, different methods are available.

To delete a review you wrote:

  • Navigate to your profile and tap your profile picture.
  • Click on the Activity Log and select Interactions , then Reviews .
  • Find the review you want to remove and tap on it.
  • Choose Delete Review and confirm by tapping Delete .

To manage reviews on your business page:

Disabling Reviews Entirely:

  • Go to your Page Settings .
  • Click on Templates and Tabs .
  • Turn off the Reviews tab to hide them from your page.

Remove a Specific Review:

  • Flag the review by clicking on the dots next to the review.
  • Choose Give feedback on this review and follow the prompts.
  • Facebook will review flagged content and remove it if it violates Community Standards . These standards include prohibitions on hate speech, violence, and graphic content.

Note : Disabling reviews will not delete them, but simply hide them from your page. They can still be managed and reinstated in the same way later on.

Improving Online Reputation

Improving Online Reputation

Effective online reputation management is pivotal for brands eager to build a robust digital presence. Primarily, it hinges on harnessing positive feedback and excelling in customer service to elevate your brand above competitors.

Collecting Positive Reviews

To amplify the benefit of positive feedback, take a structured approach to collect testimonials. First, ensure that you provide exceptional customer service , as this naturally encourages customers to share their positive experiences. Subsequently, here are specific steps:

  • Promptly request reviews : Engage with your customers shortly after a transaction or service, while their experience is fresh.
  • Make it easy : Provide a direct link to the platform where you want them to leave the review.
  • Guide them : Offer a set of questions or prompts to help them articulate their experience, leading to more detailed testimonials.

Brand Communication Strategies

Strategic communication is another key to maintaining a positive brand reputation online. Below are strategies to keep a constructive dialogue with your audience:

  • Transparency : Be clear about your products and services to set accurate customer expectations.
  • Responsiveness : Address both positive and negative feedback promptly, showing that your brand values customer input.
  • Consistent Messaging : Ensure that your brand’s voice and messaging are consistent across all platforms.

Avoiding Review Mishaps

Avoiding Review Mishaps

When managing your business’s online reputation, the key to minimizing the impact of negative reviews is to take proactive measures. By focusing on prevention and responsive customer complaint handling, you can reduce the likelihood of negative feedback escalating on your Facebook page.

Preventing Negative Reviews

Proactive Customer Service: Reliable and proactive customer service is the cornerstone of preventing negative reviews. Ensure that your team is:

  • Well-trained in product knowledge
  • Quick to respond to inquiries
  • Empathetic and solution-oriented when addressing customer issues

Monitor Feedback Closely: Regularly solicit and monitor feedback through:

  • Customer surveys
  • Direct outreach after purchase
  • Engagement on social media posts

These strategies can help you identify and resolve issues before they turn into public negative reviews.

Handling Customer Complaints

Timely Response: When a customer complaint arises:

  • Respond promptly to reviews, ideally within 24 hours.
  • Publicly acknowledge the issue, showing others that you take concerns seriously.

Resolution Transparency: Follow these steps to handle the complaint:

  • Apologize for any inconvenience caused, demonstrating accountability.
  • Offer a clear resolution to the problem or a pathway for discussion.
  • Encourage the customer to continue the conversation privately , which can segue into resolving the issue outside of the public eye.

Legal Considerations

When addressing reviews on your Facebook business page, it’s crucial that you navigate the removal process with a clear understanding of the legal backdrop. This ensures you’re not infringing on any rights and are complying with platform policies.

  • Legitimate Reviews : Understand that genuine customer feedback is protected. You can’t remove a review simply because it’s negative if it accurately represents the customer’s experience.
  • Misrepresentation : If a review is false or misleading, it may constitute misrepresentation. In this case, you have grounds to report it to Facebook for removal.
  • Personal Account : Utilize your personal account to report inappropriate reviews through Facebook’s reporting mechanism. Reviews can be reported by clicking the three dots next to the review and following the prompts.
  • Former Employee : Be aware of the potential for biased reviews from disgruntled former employees. These may qualify for removal if they violate Facebook’s guidelines regarding conflicts of interest or authenticity.

To ensure compliance with Facebook’s terms and policies, follow these steps:

  • Evaluate each review carefully to determine if it violates guidelines.
  • Report reviews that are fraudulent, defamatory, or violate Facebook’s terms.
  • Keep Records of any communication or reports made in case further action is required.

It is your right to manage your Facebook business page image, but remember, actions taken to remove reviews are subject to the social platform’s review guidelines and local law. Always consider the legal ramifications and act responsibly when handling online reviews.

Enhancing Business Reputation

In managing your online presence as a small business, leveraging Facebook Recommendations and understanding the impact of Local SEO through Facebook Reviews are vital steps. These approachable strategies can lead to a robust reputation and potentially draw more clients to your business.

Using Facebook Recommendations

Facebook Recommendations are a form of social proof for your business where customers share their positive experiences. To take advantage of this feature:

  • Ask Satisfied Customers: Encourage customers who had a positive experience to leave a recommendation on your business page.
  • Respond to Recommendations: Engage with those who leave positive feedback to show your appreciation and encourage others to do the same.

This direct interaction not only enhances your reputation but also fosters community.

Local SEO and Facebook Reviews

Facebook Reviews can influence your Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization), making your business more visible to those in your geographical area. To improve Local SEO:

  • Collect Positive Reviews: Strive for positive Facebook reviews as they contribute to local search rankings.
  • Accuracy is Key: Ensure your business information is accurate and consistent across Facebook and other listings to boost SEO efforts.

By utilizing these focused tactics, you can strengthen your business reputation, drawing on the power of social media and search optimization.

Leveraging Review Management Services

When managing your business’s online reputation, review management services can be a vital tool in your arsenal. These services offer a centralized platform for monitoring and responding to reviews across various websites, including Facebook. By engaging with a review management service, you ensure that customer feedback is addressed efficiently, which can positively influence your sales and public image.

Review Management Features:

  • Centralization: Receive and respond to reviews from multiple platforms in one place.
  • Alerts: Get notified of new reviews to stay on top of your business’s feedback.
  • Analytics: Utilize in-depth insights to understand customer sentiment and areas for improvement.

Review management services often come with tools that facilitate both the gathering of positive feedback and the mitigation of negative experiences. For small businesses, in particular, this can be crucial for maintaining a strong digital footprint against competitors.

Benefits for Your Business:

  • Time-saving : Streamline the process of managing reviews.
  • Customer Engagement : Show that you value feedback by timely responses.
  • Improved Ratings : Potential boost in ratings by prompt resolution of issues.
  • Insightful Analytics : Make informed business decisions based on customer trends and feedback reports.

Select a review management service that integrates seamlessly with your Facebook business page. Look for features that allow not just for review gathering, but also for generating comprehensive reports. Reflect on the feedback received to foster improvement and innovation within your business. Remember, managing reviews is not just about addressing the negative but also about amplifying the positive to enhance your brand’s reputation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i remove a bad review on facebook.

You cannot directly delete a bad review from your Facebook page. Facebook allows users to share their experiences freely, and as such, does not provide the ability to simply remove individual reviews.

How can I delete a review someone left on my Facebook business page?

To delete a review someone left on your Facebook business page, you must report it to Facebook for violating the platform’s Community Standards. If Facebook deems the review inappropriate, it may be removed.

How do I delete all reviews on my Facebook page?

While you cannot delete all reviews individually, you can disable the reviews section on your page. This action hides all previous reviews from your page, but it will not delete them.

Is it possible to disable the reviews feature on my Facebook page?

Yes, you can disable the reviews feature on your Facebook page from your page settings by navigating to “Templates and Tabs” and toggling off the “Show Reviews” option.

What steps should I take to address a negative review on Facebook Marketplace?

If you receive a negative review on Facebook Marketplace, the best practice is to respond professionally and attempt to resolve any issues. You cannot delete the review, but a civil response might encourage the reviewer to update or delete the review.

Can a user alter or remove their review after posting it on Facebook?

Yes, a user has the option to edit or delete their own review on Facebook after posting it. As a business owner, you can also respond to reviews, potentially leading to a resolution and prompting the user to update their review.

How do I report or flag an inappropriate review on my Facebook page?

To report or flag an inappropriate review, click the exclamation point icon next to the review and select the reason why you believe the review should be reported. Facebook will then review the claim.

What happens if I block someone, will their review still be visible on my Facebook page?

If you block someone on Facebook, their review will not be removed from your page. Blocking a user only restricts them from interacting with your page; it does not delete their past activity.

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  • Social Media How to Remove Reviews From Facebook [3 Ways]

How to Remove Reviews From Facebook [3 Ways]

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  • Macy is a marketing writer with over five years of experience creating content for dozens of industries including food and beverage, home services, and education. She also specializes in creating SEO and PPC content. Her work has been featured by Search Engine Journal, HubSpot, Entrepreneur, Clutch, and more. In her free time, Macy enjoys trying new crafts and reading comic books.

You know every customer who comes to your store or visits you online won’t love your products or services. Some people take to the Internet to air their complaints about your business on platforms like Google or Facebook. But what do you do when you get a bunch of negative reviews?

On this page, we’ll show you how to remove reviews from Facebook. If you find you need help managing your reviews, WebFX has a team of over 500 experts ready to help you with review management . With over 28 years of experience, you can feel confident that we will help you get and manage more positive reviews.

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Great agencies have more than 100 testimonials.

WebFX has over 1,100+ glowing client testimonials.

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Can you delete reviews on Facebook?

When people leave spammy, fake, or negative feedback on your Facebook page, your immediate instinct is to remove the review. You’re scared that it’ll hurt future business and that you’ll lose customers as a result. Now you want to know how to delete reviews on Facebook.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to “delete” reviews from your page. Part of the integrity system of reviews is that companies can’t delete reviews just because they speak ill of the company. Reviews provide users with authentic experiences that help them make purchasing decisions.

In fact, 92% of users trust recommendations over a brand. While you can’t remove all negative Facebook reviews, there are steps you can take to remove bad reviews from Facebook that are spammy or unfair.

How to remove reviews from Facebook

If you find you have spammy, irrelevant, or unfair reviews, you can take steps to rectify these reviews.

Report a review to Facebook

Facebook enables you to report reviews if they meet specific qualifications. You can have a review removed if:

  • The review is not relevant to your business
  • The review is unfair
  • The review contains nudity or violence
  • The review is harassment
  • The review is spam
  • The review contains hate speech

When you suspect that you have a review that meets one of these qualifications, you can try to have Facebook remove it for you. Follow these steps to remove negative Facebook reviews:

  • Go into your business’s Facebook account
  • Go to the “Reviews” tab
  • Find the review you want to dispute
  • Click the exclamation box in the corner
  • Select the option that best describes your review
  • Input any additional information or explanation

It may take Facebook some time to remove the review, so don’t expect immediate action!

Turn off reviews

When you learn how to remove reviews from Facebook, you’ll find an option to turn off reviews completely. While this option isn’t recommended because reviews are so valuable to your business, it is an option you can choose. You may want to consider turning off reviews if your profile gets spammed with reviews that aren’t legitimate.

For example, you could turn off reviews until Facebook can remove the spammy ones. Follow these steps to turn off reviews:

  • Log into your business’s Facebook account
  • Click the “Settings” option
  • Click “Edit Page”
  • Scroll down to “Reviews”
  • Switch to “Off”

Rectify the situation

Since you don’t have a direct avenue to remove bad reviews from Facebook immediately, you may wonder if there are any other options that you could use to change a negative review. Well, good news, there is! One of the best ways to remove negative Facebook reviews is to get people to change them by rectifying the situation.

reviews for business

Not only does it show you listen to your audience, but it also shows you’re willing to make things right to provide the best experience.

Should you always try to remove negative Facebook reviews?

You know how to delete reviews on Facebook, but is it necessary to try and remove negative Facebook reviews? If they’re spammy or completely unfair, then yes, you’ll want to remove them. But your standard negative review?

You might want to reconsider. While you should try to resolve problems from negative reviews, aiming to remove negative reviews entirely isn’t always the best move. People expect to see negative reviews on your profile.

In fact, 82% of shoppers specifically seek out negative reviews. Negative reviews lead people to spend five times as much time on a website and can increase conversion rates by 85%. People don’t trust businesses that only have positive reviews.

review pizza place

Not to mention, if they see you responding to negative reviews instead of trying to remove bad reviews from Facebook, they’ll feel confident that you own up to your mistakes and try to make it right for your customers. So, before you try to remove negative Facebook reviews that are authentic, consider how they could help your business gain new customers.

WebFX can help you manage reviews for your business

Now that you know how to remove reviews from Facebook, you can start looking at your reviews to see if you have spammy ones you need to remove. But if you’re feeling overwhelmed with trying to find time to manage reviews, WebFX can help.

At WebFX, we know how to remove bad reviews from Facebook and help you attract more positive reviews to your profile. We have over 1,100 glowing client testimonials that attest to the excellent work we do for our clients. If you want to go beyond managing reviews, we’ve got your back. Ready to get started?

Contact us online or call us today at 888-601-5359 to speak with a strategist about our review management services !

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WebFX is a full-service marketing agency with 1,100+ client reviews and a 4.9-star rating on Clutch! Find out how our expert team and revenue-accelerating tech can drive results for you! Learn more

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Table of Contents

  • Can You Delete Reviews on Facebook?
  • How to Remove Reviews from Facebook
  • Report a Review to Facebook
  • Turn off Reviews
  • Rectify the Situation
  • Should You Always Try to Remove Negative Facebook Reviews?
  • WebFX Can Help You Manage Reviews for Your Business

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How To Turn Off Reviews on Facebook

Picture of Laura Nelson, VP of Marketing

Laura Nelson, VP of Marketing

How to Remove Facebook Reviews

  • September 22, 2020

All business owners with an established online presence worry about this one thing when it comes to managing their reviews on popular review platforms. That’s right: the bad review. 

There are several ways to deal with bad or negative reviews online, including learning how to respond to them professionally and promptly. But if you are getting an influx of fake reviews which may be unwarranted and damaging, flagging and reporting each one might be too troublesome and time-consuming. The best option for you here would be to disable your reviews until the issue gets resolved temporarily. 

One of the most popular social media platforms for you to grow your reviews is Facebook. Coming second only to Google and with over 80 million established Business pages, optimizing your reviews on this highly visited social network is critical. 

This is why it’s completely justified for a small business with a mediocre rating to turn off Facebook reviews and re-strategize how best to build upon their star ratings and positive reviews. 

Keep reading to discover the benefits of Facebook business reviews, what you can do to invite customers to give feedback, and how to turn off reviews if required.

Benefits of Facebook Business Reviews

Facebook Business reviews are a great way to boost your business reputation and credibility online. Customers turn to online sources to confirm the quality of your service, and one of the most reliable ways they do this is by reading other customer reviews.

If you aren’t focused on building your online reviews and ratings, here’s why you should reconsider:

It boosts local SEO: Businesses with 5-star reviews and ratings rank better on Google searches, boosting your search results and allowing local customers to find you faster. Google’s search algorithm factors in the reviews and traction you gain on multiple platforms are not just it’s own. Investing energy in improving this can pay off in the long run, SEO-wise.

Builds trust: A small or local business with several star ratings and positive feedback will instantly look more favorable to a potential customer than one with little to no engagement. If you have a couple of bad reviews, responding to them right and handling your customer service professionally can turn those reviews around and make you more credible.

Attracts more business: The more visibility and online real estate you build, the better. Your business can thrive online if you equip it with the right resources, and Facebook’s network-based model is a great way to attract more customers through the reviews feature by sharing it in customer circles and through word-of-mouth referrals.


Uncover 20 hacks to get more reviews for your listings in a flash!

How To Get More Positive Reviews on Facebook

Your number one priority should be not to handle negative Facebook reviews, but to build more positive ones. If you proactively work toward generating positive buzz around your business instead of expecting bad news, you might avert the risk of negative reviews more effectively.

Here are a couple of pointers on how you can attract star reviews on Facebook to negate the impact of the few bad ones you may have on your business page: 

Invite happy customers to drop a review with a direct link: If you’ve explored your Reviews tab before in page settings, you may have noticed the direct link Facebook generates. This direct URL can be used in your email marketing and social media campaigns to invite your core customers to write a review. This will also make it easier for them to find you on Facebook without doing a manual search. 

Share 5-star reviews from Google on Facebook: If you already have an established review base on your Google business listing, you can share the fantastic reviews from there on your Facebook platform. You can even go a step further and tag customers directly on Facebook. This will enable them to share the post on their profile, allowing your business to be seen by their friends and extended circles. 

Create email campaigns and review request templates: Be proactive in your customer engagement methods by creating and timing email campaigns alongside critical milestones in your customer’s journey (for example, after a sale). This is a smart way to elevate your brand image while simultaneously following up and engaging with customers you’ve done business with.

Embed Facebook reviews onto your site: You can show off the good reviews you’ve gained on your website and other select platforms. This can attract a different audience that may be learning about your business on a platform other than Facebook. This will also encourage customers who have done business with you to write a review if they see others have done the same.

Steps To Turning Off Reviews On Facebook

You’ve done all you could to avert the negative reviews. You’ve responded to them, you’ve flagged the fraudulent and fake Facebook reviews, and you’ve waited patiently for things to turn around. But your ratings aren’t looking any better and you’re just one more bad review away from a reputational crisis.

There is one last option for you, extreme as it may be. But if you believe turning off reviews on Facebook can provide you some temporary relief as you work out how best to improve your review game, then by all means, you should go for it!

Note: this does not delete all the reviews. It just means they’re temporarily off display on your Business page. Should you choose to enable reviews later, these same ones will come back. 

Follow these simple steps to turn off your reviews on Facebook: 

Step #1: Log in to your Facebook Business page

Step #2: click on the “settings” tab , step #3: navigate to “templates and tabs”, step #4: navigate to the “reviews” tab, step #5: turn off reviews with the slider.

Log in to your Facebook Business page and make sure you’re logging into the associated administrator account.

Log in to your Facebook Business page

Pro-tip: if, by default, you’re already logged into your personal Facebook account, you can directly access your Facebook page to make the changes you need.

Once you’re on your Facebook Business page, look to the upper right-hand corner and you’ll see the “Settings” button. This is where you manage all your page related settings, including the reviews section. Click on it.

Click on the “Settings” tab

The Settings page will open up with an expansive menu on the left-hand side, listing out various administrative options with the details of each selection on the right. Find “Templates and Tabs” and click on this button.

Navigate to “Templates and Tabs”

Head to the “Reviews” tab and you will be able to see the associated settings for it.

Enable Reviews through the slider

Do you see that handy little slider to the right of “Show Reviews”? Click it to disable it to OFF mode. And then save your settings.

Turn off Reviews with the slider

It’s as simple as that. Now, reviews will no longer be visible on your business page.

Turning off our reviews isn’t the ideal path to take for your review management operations but it’s a good way to get rid of bad reviews, especially if you’ve already tried the other alternatives. 

While you’re on your Facebook review break, brainstorm ways to improve upon your reviews and make a stronger comeback. If you’re finding it difficult to manage reviews all on your own, consider partnering up with a review management service like ours to optimize your online reputation management.

can you hide facebook reviews

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Uncover the best hacks to get more reviews for your Google Business listing, in a flash!

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can you hide facebook reviews

How to Remove Facebook Reviews in 2023? Step-by-Step Guide

can you hide facebook reviews

There are a lot of reasons why you might remove Facebook reviews from your business page. However, going about this task is not as simple as you'd think—especially in 2023, as Facebook community standards continue to evolve.

Maybe your business has gotten a few customers who are bad for business and always leave bad feedback. You may be getting negative reviews unrelated to your business, from non-genuine customers, or violating community standards.

No matter the reason, you need to know how to get rid of Facebook reviews to ensure your potential customers are not influenced by a non-legitimate customer's negative experience or fake reviews. 

In this article, we'll provide step-by-step instructions on how to remove Facebook online reviews in 2023. We'll also explain what Facebook's community standards say is inappropriate content and how to turn off reviews on your profile.

We'll also look at alternative solutions when removing reviews from Facebook is not an option. So, if you're looking for the best ways to manage your online reputation, let's get started.

Can you delete a review on Facebook? 

Yes, you can delete a Facebook review from your business page in 2023. However, the process of doing so is more complex than it used to be.

Facebook wants to ensure each user has the right to publish factual feedback of businesses who use their platform. Whether it's a positive recommendation, or a perceived unfair review based on poor service by the business. 

One misconception about this social media platform is that business owners can remove any false reviews for whatever reason. That's not entirely accurate. 

It's good to remember that any user who has left a review can choose to report it if they feel that their review has been unfairly removed.

So, always look at Facebook's community standards before deleting any customer complaint. 

If you decide that the content in the review is inappropriate or violates any of Facebook's policies, go ahead and delete it. Once you have removed the review, you can use the "Report" feature to report it to Facebook for further investigation.

4 Reasons you might want to remove Facebook reviews from your business profile 

As we said above, you should think carefully about whether or not to remove a review from your Facebook business page. Many times, the feedback you think is bad is legitimate based on some deficiencies in your operation.

If you remove a former customer's inappropriate reviews without due cause, it could go against you if the user thinks their review was justified.

Users have rights as well, one of which is to file a complaint with Facebook based on the business reviews action.

However, there are some valid reasons why you should remove individual reviews from your Facebook business profile.

Reason #1 – The review is not relevant to your business

One of the most common reasons you should remove a review from your Facebook business page is if it has nothing to do with your business. These are called irrelevant reviews. This happens quite often, especially if your Facebook business page is public.

There are some Facebook users who are toxic and will go out of their way to provide negative feedback just because they can. This type of objectionable content or a one-star review, can negatively impact your business's social proof, which is a key element to proactive online reputation management. 

As such, if a user posts something that is not related to what you offer,  and thus, not a legitimate review, then it's time for it to go.

Reason #2 – The review was not published by a genuine customer

Another reason to remove a review is if it was not published by an actual customer. This often happens when a business owner or their friends post reviews to boost the ratings on their page.

Facebook and other review sites have strict rules that say business employees and family members can't boost ratings. If you are caught permitting this action, it can lead to significant penalties.

To be protective of your business's online credibility, any reviews that don't come from genuine customers should be removed from your page.

Reason #3 – The reviewer has a long history of negative only feedback

We all know that one person always has something negative to say and never posts anything positive. Unfortunately, these types of customers can do a great deal of harm to your business's reputation.

If you find that a user's reviews and feedback are mostly negative, the best thing to do is to remove all of them from your page. Genuine customer feedback that is not perfect is acceptable. And it's important to respond to these reviews in a positive and professional manner. 

But, if you find that users are only there to talk bad about your business, you are within your rights to delete and ban them from your page. 

Reason #4 – The content in the review is hostile or against community standards

Finally, if you find that the content in a review is hostile or goes against Facebook's community standards, you should delete it immediately. Graphic content has no place on Facebook or any other public review forum. 

Hate speech and other inappropriate content can do a lot of damage to the image of your brand. This type of feedback can also impact a new visitor's purchase decision. Getting rid of these kinds of reviews before they are reported is key to keeping a good online reputation and getting customers to like your brand.

What Facebook's community standards consider as inappropriate content 

can you hide facebook reviews

When it comes to real reviews being removed from your Facebook business page, you should always make sure that it is in accordance with the social networking site's community standards. These rules are meant to protect users and make sure they can use their platform in a safe way online.

These four rules are some of the most common community standards that you should think about when deciding if something is wrong - so your page visitors can make an informed purchase decision. 

Rule #1 – Threats of violence 

Threats of violence against a person or a group of people are not allowed in any content. All these kinds of posts should be reported to Facebook and taken down from your page right away.

Rule #2 – Hate speech

Hate speech about any race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity will be flagged and taken down. Additionally, any posts that belittle or demean a group of people should also be deleted from your page.

Rule #3 – Bullying and harassment

Bullying or harassing people is not allowed on Facebook, and any content that is thought to be bullying or harassing will be flagged and taken down. If you find that any reviewer is posting content that is designed to offend or hurt another person, then you should delete it as soon as possible.

Rule #4 – Spam

Finally, any posts or reviews that contain spam will be flagged by Facebook and taken off your page. This also includes content with false information, misleading language, fake ads, and links to websites that are harmful.

These are just some of the more common community standards that should be considered when it comes to removing reviews from your Facebook page. Always make sure to double-check any content posted on your page before deciding whether it should stay up.  

How to request a Facebook review removal?

If you find that a review on your page violates any of the above rules, you can report it to Facebook. This will flag the content and alert Facebook's moderators that there might be something wrong with this post.

1) To begin the reporting process, visit your business page and locate the review in question.

2) Then click the three dots in the top right corner of the review and select "Report."

can you hide facebook reviews

3) Once you've told Facebook about a review, their team will look into it and take action as needed.

If they decide that the content doesn't break any community rules or give out false information, it will stay on your page.

How to turn off reviews on Facebook in 2 easy steps

Removing reviews from your Facebook page can be a time-consuming process, but there are some steps you can take to make it easier. Here are the steps you should take to turn off reviews on Facebook in 2023:

Step 1: Start by going to your business page and clicking "Settings."

can you hide facebook reviews

Step 2: Next, click on "Edit Page" and then select "Manage Reviews." On this page, you will find the option to turn off reviews. Click that button, and you're done!

Turning off reviews on Facebook is a great way to protect your page from inappropriate content or spam. With this feature, you can make sure that everything you post on your page follows the rules and won't get taken down by Facebook.

What if removing reviews from Facebook is not an option?

Unfortunately, there are times when removing reviews from Facebook is simply not an option. Even the best social media marketing agencies or digital marketing experts can struggle with knowing when or if to remove a review. 

The goal of any online review platform is to generate factual reviews from active users of your services or products. These reviews can influence potential clients, so you want to ensure to resolve reviews that showcase your business in a negative light in a professional way. 

In these situations, the best thing to do is to be proactive and respond to the bad review to stop any more damage. Here are a few ways you can mitigate questionable reviews with excellent customer service on display. 

Option #1: Respond to negative feedback

The first choice is to respond to the bad review and answer any questions or concerns that the angry customers brought up. This method gives you a chance to show how much you care about quality service and how seriously you take their feedback.

can you hide facebook reviews

Option #2 – Try to resolve the negative reviewer's issue

Another option is to try and resolve the issue that caused the negative review by disgruntled customers in the first place. If you can address the dissatisfied customer's grievances, then it might be possible for them to change their opinion about your business.

Option #3 - Ask a customer to edit or delete their review

If you're able to resolve the issue that the negative reviewer had with your business, you could ask the customer to edit or remove their bad review. While this might not be ideal, it can help to prevent other customers from seeing the negative opinion and forming an unfavorable impression of your business.

Option #4 – Use reputation management software to increase positive reviews

Lastly, learn how to get Facebook reviews using software solutions like ReviewsOnMyWebsite to manage your reputation and help get more good reviews on your page. This will increase the number of positive reviews, which can make up for any negative ones and keep your overall rating high.

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How long does it take Facebook to remove a reported review?

It depends on the nature of the review and how quickly Facebook's moderators can respond to your request. Generally, it could take anywhere from a few days to several weeks for a reported review to be taken down. The important thing is to report the review on time so that the moderators can respond quickly.

How long does it take to disable Facebook reviews?

Disabling reviews on Facebook is a relatively easy process that should only take a few minutes. Once you have turned off the feature, any reviews that have already been posted will no longer be visible on your page.

What should I do while I wait for Facebook to remove a review?

You can start a positive review program while you wait for Facebook to remove a review. With an automated software like ReviewsOnMyWebsite, you can ask current customers to leave a review. This will help to balance out any negative feedback and make sure your overall rating stays high.

How long do reviews stay on Facebook?

Once a review is posted on your page, it will remain visible unless you remove it or choose to disable the reviews feature. With that said, Facebook's algorithms could decide to hide some reviews if they are inappropriate or seem like spam.

If you block someone on Facebook, will it remove their review?

Blocking someone on Facebook will not automatically remove their review. But you can tell Facebook's moderation team that the review is wrong, and depending on what it says, it may be taken down.

Key takeaways

Facebook is a powerful tool used by many businesses to connect with their current and future customers. However, most consumers these days judge the quality of a local business or service provider based on the quality of their overall ratings and direct customer reviews.

Using a flexible and automated solution like ReviewsOnMyWebsite permits a business with a Facebook page to send SMS and email review invites to their past and current customers. The business can insert a direct link to their review page, which permits the customer to quickly leave a rating or review with a single click.

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Say Goodbye to Negative Feedback: How to Remove Facebook Reviews

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Table of Contents

Facebook Reviews are an effective approach to promoting your company’s reputation, attracting new clients, and even boosting your local rankings. But what if you get a negative or fabricated review that harms your brand’s image? How can you delete, hide, or report Facebook reviews that do not accurately reflect your worth?

Here, we will show you how to fix that issue. We will also go over how to reply to reviews, acquire positive feedback on reputation management, and get more reviews on Facebook.

What Are Facebook Reviews?

These are just client reviews uploaded to a company’s Facebook Page. Ideally, the evaluations are favorable, and they demonstrate to other consumers how pleasant doing business with you can be. Reviews differ from ratings and suggestions in that they are more detailed. It implies that, depending on the evaluation, they might be more valuable or destructive to your company.

How to Delete Facebook Reviews? 

When you come across some reviews that you think should be deleted from your Facebook Page, mark them and notify Facebook. It is not always as simple as you may think to allow the Facebook staff to investigate the review, it first must be communicated to, and at this moment, only reviews with comments can be submitted. It is not possible to mark and report a review if it lacks a comment. These apply to any review, even if it is bogus and from a person who never conducted business with your organization.

However, if you want to remove reviews from Facebook, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to your Facebook page and click on the About tab
  • Scroll down to the reviews section
  • Find the review you want to delete and click on the three dots on the right-hand side of the review
  • Click on Delete review
  • Confirm the action by clicking delete

Note: Only the page owner or admin can erase a review. But if you are not the page owner or admin, you can not delete reviews. Additionally, removing reviews from Facebook may impact your overall rating on Facebook, and it is recommended to address any negative feedback with a response before considering deletion.

How to Hide Facebook Reviews?

can you hide facebook reviews

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The technique for hiding reviews differs slightly from that for eliminating them. Hiding your Reviews does not remove them; rather, they are removed from your Facebook Page . They will all return once you re-enable them. It may be something you would like to do if you have several fraudulent reviews and need to completely delete them.

Follow the next steps to hide the bad reviews:

  • Go to your Page’s Settings
  • Select Edit Page
  • Scroll down till you come to Reviews
  • Select Settings (to the right of Reviews)
  • Turn off Reviews
  • Click the Save button

If you wish to re-enable the reviews, return to the same location and switch them back on.

How to Report Fake Facebook Reviews?

You received a slanderous, phony review that included hate speech and nasty comments. It may also be causing significant damage to your company’s credibility, and the only solution is to remove or report it.

  • Locate the review you wish to delete.
  • Click the three dots in the upper right-hand corner. A drop-down choice will appear, from which you can choose to find support or report recommendations.
  • Select the best choice for you and press the send button.

The review has now been submitted to Facebook. If they determine the review to be fake or in violation of Facebook’s Community Standards (such as; misrepresentation, hate speech, bullying, cruelness, and insensitivity) after reviewing your complaint, the staff will eliminate it from your company’s page.

Respond to Your Real Negative Reviews on Facebook

Begin with a sincere apology and address the issue together, followed by a credible solution for moving forward. If you do this correctly, you can turn a terrible experience for your customer into a great one. It will also demonstrate to potential customers that your organization values its clients and is committed to assisting them.

Try the following to respond:

  • Be understanding and non-confrontational.
  • With recommendations as soon as possible.
  • Keep your reaction brief, pleasant, and to the point.

Ensure certain that clients are satisfied with your idea and ensure every client that if something goes wrong, they will be compensated.

Why Facebook Reviews Are Important to Reputation Management?

can you hide facebook reviews

It is critical to be aware of it due to the platform’s prominence not simply as a social media website, but also as a location for consumers to study their next purchase. According to customer review data, Facebook accounts for 19% of all reviews. In a nutshell, getting reviews on your Facebook business page can influence a customer’s purchasing decision.

If reporting or erasing a Facebook review is not a choice for you, keep in mind that you can use positive review best practices, particularly when it comes to understanding how to respond to negative Facebook reviews:

Accept responsibility and apologize

When replying to negative comments, an apology is often the best place to start because it defuses the tension. If your organization makes a mistake, admit it right away in your answer, but avoid apologizing many times.

Take important problems offline

Take the chat offline if there are issues to avoid discussing sensitive topics in public.

Stick to the company and brand rules

Make sure you understand your company’s social media and brand rules so you can respond with the appropriate terms. It contributes to the establishment of a professional tone.

Resolve certain problems

Respond to any particular issues raised by the evaluation. Positive reviews and ratings of five stars can also include concerns. Discover the customer’s experience and share any modifications or improvements made in response to their unsolicited input.

Avoid replying late. The sooner you respond to your customer, the better your chances are of resolving the issue.

Show your gratitude

Regardless of the customer’s rating, say thank you . Appreciating customer input lessens the impact of unpleasant comments while reinforcing positive emotions in your favorable evaluations.

How Can I Get More Reviews on Facebook?

can you hide facebook reviews

Attracting more positive reviews is one of the most effective strategies you can do to turn around fraudulent or negative reviews. Return to consumers who you know had an enjoyable interaction with you and politely ask them to put a good word in for you on Facebook.

Some ways to manage the online reputation:

  • Incorporate Facebook Reviews into your website and other platforms
  • Create and distribute a Facebook Review link to your consumers
  • Using a post-purchase email template, invite your consumers to leave a Facebook review

What Happens When You Report a Review From Facebook?

When you submit a review on Facebook, staff from the Facebook team will investigate your report and assess whether the review violates Facebook’s community standards. If the reviewer deems the post to be in violation, it will be removed from your Facebook profile. Your report is private, and the account that you denounced will not be alerted that you did so. 

It can take several days up to several weeks for somebody on Facebook’s staff to review and act on your report.

When Will Facebook Remove Fake Reviews?

When the review team determines that the review is fundamentally unfair, or when it includes one of the following kinds of content that violates Facebook’s community standards.

Violence and criminal behavior

Are removed from Facebook language that incites or aids serious violence, terrorist organizations, organized crime, homicide, and human trafficking organizations, and people are also barred from establishing a Facebook presence.

Although Facebook allows people to share their experiences and raise awareness about issues such as self-harm or suicide, it does not allow postings that celebrate or promote these concepts. Posts regarding abuse (sexual or otherwise), harassment, and intimidation are expressly prohibited. Also, it eliminates all the content that reveals personally-identifying information.

Unacceptable Content

Facebook has agreed to eliminate content that a reasonable audience would find unpleasant and upsetting. Racism, violence, explicit material, sexual nakedness, sexual conduct, and sexual solicitation are examples of content that Facebook considers undesirable.

Authenticity and Integrity

Facebook also discourages misleading and inauthentic activity. Users must make accounts in their genuine names, not an alias or a fictitious identity. Spamming, cyberattacks, the dissemination of fake news and altered media, and identity falsification are also prohibited.

How to Build a Strong Reputation by Encouraging People to Leave Reviews

can you hide facebook reviews

Online reviews have become increasingly unavoidable. By utilizing their potential, you will have the opportunity to build brand ambassadors who will gladly spread the word about your organization.

Consumers today want to have a say, and social media is primarily about sharing ideas and reveling in the spotlight. When you’re confident that a consumer had a positive experience with your organization, you should always urge them to rate your company and, if possible, post a review on Facebook.

We know how difficult and stressful it is to cope with unfavorable reviews, which is exactly why understanding how to delete, hide, and report Facebook reviews is critical for your business. For that reason, individual reviews can be removed by Facebook’s team. 

Whatever approach you use, ensure that you answer your reviews professionally and respectfully and that you promote additional good feedback from your satisfied consumers. By doing so, you may transform your Facebook reviews into a valuable asset for your company’s success.

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How To Manage & Remove Facebook Reviews

Online reputation is everything for a brand. And statistics reveal that Facebook holds 19% of all customer reviews and can significantly impact your company's online reputation and image, for better or worse.

While positive reviews have the potential to attract new customers to your business, there may come a time when social media managers have to deal with negative reviews depending on the frequency of their occurrence. In such cases, panicking and being hasty is not the right way to go about it.

We are here for that. We have not only presented steps to remove negative Facebook reviews but also how to manage them. So, explore the blog to know how to manage the noise with poise, along with the pros and cons that come with it.

Understanding The Importance Of Facebook Reviews

Well, people rely on reviews! 93% of customers look at online reviews before making a purchase. Hence, negative or positive reviews can significantly influence their buying decision. And if we talk about Facebook reviews, particularly, then the platform with 2.96 billion monthly active users holds significant importance for businesses and individuals alike and their online reputation.

To build a better online reputation for your brand, here are some key reasons why understanding and managing Facebook reviews are essential:

Influence On Consumer Decision-Making

Facebook being the third-most-visited website in the world, is often consulted by users either to shop online or to check reviews before purchasing something. In fact, 54.9% of Facebook users follow or research brands and products on the platform. In such a scenario, positive reviews on the platform can act as powerful social proof, influencing potential customers' decisions to engage with a business, make a purchase, or visit a physical location.

For instance, check out this positive customer review on Wendy’s Facebook Page.

Understanding The Importance Of Facebook Reviews

Optimized Search Engine Visibility

Facebook Reviews can be crucial in optimizing local SEO (Search Engine Optimization). When a company's Facebook page receives positive reviews, it enhances the overall online reputation, credibility, and trustworthiness. Search engines, like Google, take into account signals from social media platforms, including Facebook, while determining search rankings. Businesses with positive reviews are more likely to generate increased user engagement and appear in local search results, making it easier for potential customers to find and consider them.

Garnering Valuable Customer Feedback and Insights

Facebook Reviews offer valuable feedback directly from customers. Whether positive or negative, if you look at it from an optimistic angle, then it has a lot of benefits for your business. For instance, positive reviews can highlight what aspects of your business are working well and your strong areas, while negative reviews can reveal areas that are lacking and require more improvement. With both insights, you can take a step forward and refine your products, services, and overall customer experience management.

For instance, check out this negative review that a customer has shared on the Starbucks Facebook Page.

Understanding The Importance Of Facebook Reviews

Addressing Customer Concerns

Negative reviews, while challenging, provide an opportunity to address customer concerns publicly. Responding to reviews, whether positive or negative, on Facebook demonstrates that your business values customer feedback and is actively engaged with its audience. In fact, 53% of people are likelier to buy from a business they can message. Facebook allows businesses to add Facebook Messenger live chat to their websites to improve customer service. By responding professionally and resolving issues, businesses can showcase their commitment to excellent customer service and problem-solving, leading to increased loyalty.

For instance, check out this concern that a customer has shared on McDonald’s Facebook Page.

Understanding The Importance Of Facebook Reviews

Increased Competitive Advantage

Did you know that 58% of shoppers say they are willing to pay more for products that have good reviews? Well, a collection of positive Facebook reviews can actually signal that your existing customers are having a good brand experience, which further removes the hesitation of new customers when considering to buy or avail your product/ service respectively. This gives you a competitive advantage over others in the same industry, as customers are more likely to choose a business with a better overall rating and a significant number of positive reviews.

Steps To Remove Facebook Reviews

Dealing with reviews can get tricky sometimes. Yes, especially if they are negative or fake, be it Facebook or any other social platform for that matter. But since our matter of concern is Facebook in this blog, we’ll stick to that.

There are basically two ways to deal with negative or fake reviews on Facebook.

  • Removing a particular review that you deem harmful to your business.
  • Hiding the entire Review Section until you get some solid positive reviews.

We’ll tell you both. While you can find the easy steps below, before hopping to do that, know that removing a review requires having a comment on them to be reported. If the review doesn’t have a comment, it isn’t possible to flag and report it. In fact, this is applicable to any reviews, even the fake ones or from someone who has never done business with your company.

In cases such as these, we recommend you comment on them as though they were real negative reviews. This way, it will have a comment and can be flagged and reported. Besides this, you can also make a positive impression, as the customers will notice that you have made an active effort to attempt to resolve the problem, which can further enhance your brand reputation.

To know furthermore about removing or hiding bad social media reviews , check out the sections below.

Removing Facebook Reviews

Removing Facebook reviews is not directly possible for page admins. However, Facebook provides options to manage reviews and report inappropriate ones. If you believe a review violates Facebook's policies or is fake, follow these steps to report it and potentially have it removed:

Step 1: Log in to your Facebook account and go to your business page.

Step 2: Click on the "Reviews" tab on the left-hand side of your page to view all the reviews.

Removing Facebook Reviews

Step 3: Identify the review you want to report for removal.

Step 4: Click on the three horizontal dots (ellipsis) located on the right-hand side of the review.

Removing Facebook Reviews

Step 5: Select the "Find support or report recommendation" option from the drop-down menu.

Removing Facebook Reviews

Step 6: Choose the appropriate reason for reporting the review. Facebook provides options like spam, hate speech, harassment, and other policy violations.

Removing Facebook Reviews

Step 7: Follow the on-screen instructions to provide additional information if required.

Step 8: Click "Submit" to send the report to Facebook for review.

Removing Facebook Reviews

Keep in mind that Facebook will assess the reported review and determine whether it violates their Community Standards or review guidelines. If Facebook deems the review to be in violation, they may remove it. However, if they find the review to be within their guidelines, it will likely remain visible.

It's important to note that attempting to manipulate or misuse the review reporting system can lead to consequences for your page, so only report reviews that genuinely violate Facebook's policies.

Remember, managing reviews professionally and responding to them courteously can be a more constructive approach to maintaining a positive online reputation . And more so, engaging with customers and addressing their concerns can demonstrate your commitment to excellent customer service.

Hiding Facebook Reviews Section

While removing and reporting individual Facebook Reviews can be laborious, you can always hide the entire Review Section for some time if you feel that you do not have enough good reviews.

We recommend this step for new businesses who want to get a fresh slate of positive reviews. Otherwise, businesses batting for a considerable period of time should avoid this, as removing the Reviews Section entirely will mean that customers can no longer leave feedback, good or bad, which can be an obstacle in gathering constructive feedback.

Depending on your choice and business requirements, follow the steps below to hide the Review Section until restoring them.

Step 1: Log in to your Facebook account as the page admin and navigate to your business page.

Step 2: Go to the "Settings" tab located at the top-right corner of your Facebook page.

Hiding Facebook Reviews Section

Step 3: In the left-hand column of the Settings page, click on "Templates and Tabs."

Hiding Facebook Reviews Section

Step 4: Scroll down to find the "Reviews" tab in the list of tabs available for your page.

Step 5: Click on the "Settings" button next to the "Reviews" tab.

Hiding Facebook Reviews Section

Step 6: Toggle off the option that says "Show Reviews" to hide the Reviews section from your page.

Step 7: Save the changes.

Hiding Facebook Reviews Section

Keep in mind that hiding the Reviews section means that visitors to your page won't be able to see or leave reviews. Suppose you want to maintain transparency and receive feedback from customers. In that case, it's generally better to manage reviews rather than hide them completely, and that's what takes us to the next section of the blog, which is managing your Facebook Reviews.

Steps To Manage Facebook Reviews

Yes, Facebook Reviews need to be managed if you really want to capitalize on them. Besides, for each negative comment, deleting or removing is not the ideal solution unless it's derogatory. Hence, managing it is the middle path you need to take to build a successful brand.

In fact, with 60% of consumers feeling that the number of reviews a business has is critical when reviewing and deciding whether to use its services, business owners or marketing managers need to embrace 4 essential steps to manage their online reputation management strategy , once their number of reviews and business grows.

Step 1: Leverage A Reputation Management Tool

Time is one of the crucial factors when it comes to managing reviews on Facebook, as it controls about 3% of all online reviews. Besides, if you receive a lot of reviews, it can be hard to keep a timely track of all of them and address the negative ones as a priority. To give an easy and hassle-free solution to your concern, we’d recommend you resort to online reputation management tools in such situations.

And Statusbrew can be one suitable option for you. Ranging from Google My Business, Google Play Store, App Store, Trip Advisor, and TrustRadius to Yelp, this multiple platform-friendly tool can help you easily manage all from a single dashboard. This even includes managing communications on social and messaging channels like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Whatsapp, Line, etc.

Leverage A Reputation Management Tool

Besides this, some of the features you can exploit include:

  • Leveraging AI-powered sentiment analysis to understand audience emotions.
  • Manage reviews and customer queries at a large scale.
  • Get notified of all negative and fake reviews and manage them along with your team.
  • Automatically route reviews to a specific inbox/team member based on your requirement.
  • Keep track of customers often posting fake reviews using inbuilt CRM.
  • Control team member access.
  • Get in-depth brand reputation insights.
  • Auto-hide spam and trolls across your social profiles.
  • Identify new customers with listening solutions.

If you want to access these features while managing your Facebook reviews besides your social conversation, book a FREE demo today and see for yourself ?

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Step 2: Ask For Positive Facebook Reviews Smartly

According to USA Today, 5% to 10% of customers actually write reviews proactively when asked by a brand. This is one of the most effective ways to keep and manage a steady stream of positive reviews rolling in as they attract customers to a business and increase their spending by over 30% .

Besides this, another way to manage can be to influence other potential customers with positive feedback because 73% of them are looking for recent reviews. For them to notice the same, you can embed Facebook Reviews into your website and other social platforms and showcase your existing positive reviews to build trust and encourage others to leave one.

Ask For Positive Facebook Reviews Smartly

To know more about asking for reviews, check out our bonus content: 12 smart ways to ask for a review.

Step 3: Give Equal Importance To Both Positive And Negative Reviews

When it comes to managing reviews, remember that both positive and negative ones require equal weightage in terms of importance. Just because negative reviews lead to a churn of almost 40% of potential customers, it does not mean that you ignore the positive ones. In fact, 67% of consumers want a mix of both positive and negative reviews.

Give Equal Importance To Both Positive And Negative Reviews

So, whether it's a glowing testimonial or a critical comment, it's crucial to respond to all reviews, as acknowledging it makes a difference. Hence, the next time you spot a negative Facebook review, ask the user to contact you privately to see if you can resolve their issue. And for a positive one, adequately thank them and, as mentioned in the previous step, attempt to leverage them for your own benefit.

Give Equal Importance To Both Positive And Negative Reviews

4 Mistakes To Avoid While Managing Facebook Reviews

While these online critiques can do wonders for your business, they can also pose potential pitfalls if not managed properly. Hence, with managing Facebook reviews, there are some common mistakes that businesses should avoid to ensure a successful review management strategy. As a savvy social media manager, if you want to want to steer clear of common mistakes that could tarnish your brand's reputation, here are four of them.

4 Mistakes To Avoid While Managing Facebook Reviews

Ignoring Or Deleting Essential Negative Reviews

Think like a customer. Would you like it if you report an issue with your product/ service and nobody even acknowledges it? It's true for all of us. The online reputation of a brand is deeply rooted in how they treat their customers. Furthermore, 96% of customers look for negative reviews specifically.

If your brand is already going through a rough patch, ignoring constructive negative reviews can worsen the situation and do more harm than good. It will alienate your customers, making them lose their faith in your brand.

We don't want this, right? Instead, embrace them as opportunities for growth. Respond promptly and professionally, offering sincere apologies and solutions to rectify the situation. Show your customers that their feedback matters and you're committed to making things right.

Responding Emotionally Or Defensively

Since 49% of consumers trust online reviews as much as they’d trust a personal recommendation, it is very important to diplomatically handle them.

Unfortunately, some businesses get caught up in the heat of the moment, responding to negative reviews with fiery retorts. Remember, the comment section is not the Colosseum, and a heated Facebook comment section can be a death knell for your online reputation.

Stay cool under pressure! Respond with empathy, understanding, and a calm demeanor. Address the customer's concerns without getting defensive. By taking the high road, you'll not only diffuse the situation but also demonstrate your commitment to excellent customer service.

Violating Facebook's Review Guidelines

We get it; the lure of a perfect five-star rating can be tempting, but the path of fake reviews could lead to a reputation disaster. And if your brand is up to perform for the long run, avoid the pitfalls of fake review cover-ups.

Attempting to manipulate or incentivize customers to leave positive reviews or report fake reviews can violate Facebook's review guidelines which can lead to penalties, including the removal of reviews or even suspension of your page. Besides, customers are savvy, and they can find out how to spot a fake review easily.

Hence, focus on providing an outstanding experience and encourage genuine feedback from satisfied customers. Authenticity is the key to building trust and long-lasting customer relationships.

Not Monitoring Reviews Regularly

Failing to monitor reviews regularly can result in a drop in ratings if you have received new reviews in several months or received several negative reviews in a row. This can lead to missing out on opportunities to engage with customers and address their concerns and key areas of improvement. In fact, 53% of consumers expect brands to respond to negative reviews within a week.

Hence, it's important to set up notifications for new reviews or take the help of Statusbrew to streamline your review management process. We understand your hassle and will help you automate certain actions to keep track of every customer review and comment across social.

By avoiding these mistakes, businesses can create a more effective and customer-centric approach to managing Facebook reviews.

Remove Or Manage? What’s Your Take?

If you are reading this, we know that’s a lot of information to process, especially if you are new in business. But if you have understood the “whys” and the “hows” that we have tried to validate throughout the blog, you will know the importance of gauging it.

Following the given steps is easy, but understanding which approach to take in what situation is the real deal. And if you feel confused while doing that, feel free to revisit our blog and come up with the right decision.

Ahana Basu, a content writer at Statusbrew, transforms ideas into captivating narratives. Besides writing, she loves exploring cuisines, powerlifting, drawing, and jamming to classical music.

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How To Remove Reviews From Facebook - Easy Hacks

How To Remove Reviews From Facebook - Easy Hacks | DemandHub

Facebook reviews can significantly impact your company’s online reputation and image, for better or worse.

Statistics reveal that as much as 90% of consumers consult reviews before visiting a business, and 84% of people consider online reviews to be as reliable as a personal recommendation.

Positive reviews can go a long way in winning potential customers over to your brand and growing your social media presence.

Unfortunately, there comes a time when every business owner also has to deal with a bad Facebook review or two. Sometimes, these are fake reviews that aim to taint your company’s name.

However, if a negative Facebook review is legitimate, then the situation must be handled tactfully.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to handle different types of bad reviews - both real and fake.

There are times when business owners have to remove Facebook reviews to protect the company’s image. This may be necessary when your business’ Facebook page receives spam posts, unfair reviews, hate speech, or false reviews that aren’t from real customers.

Can you delete a bad review on Facebook?

How can i delete a review on facebook, can a review be removed, should you respond to or delete negative reviews, examples of responding to facebook reviews, manage facebook reviews with demandhub.

The short answer: yes. But, in order to get a false negative review deleted off your business page, you will have to take the following steps to let Facebook know to take down the review. Only Facebook’s team can remove the reviews, and you can alert them by flagging the reviews.

Step 1: Comment on the review

On Facebook, page owners cannot remove individual reviews themselves. However, users can flag a review to notify Facebook’s team to remove the reviews. But, users can only flag a review if it has at least one comment on it.

Commenting on negative reviews is tricky - the situation needs to be handled with great care. Even if a review is fake, the comment should express an attempt to resolve the problem.

When your legitimate customers read the review, they will know that your company made an effort to fix the issue.

Step 2: Flag the review

To flag a review, navigate to the top-right of the post and select the arrow pointing downward.

Press ‘Report post’, and proceed to explain why you are flagging the review.

Step 3: Wait for Facebook’s team to remove the review

This may take a while, as their team has to manually assess the report.

If the team finds that the review is in violation of Facebook’s Community Standards, they will remove it and no record of the review will remain.

While users can’t delete individual Facebook reviews, there is an extreme option available; removing all of the reviews entirely.

This won’t permanently delete the reviews, but visitors can no longer view them. Deleting your business page’s reviews also means that customers can no longer leave feedback, good or bad unless the reviews are restored.

Here’s how to collectively delete your Facebook reviews:

  • Visit your business page and make sure that you’re logged in as a page admin.
  • At the page’s top-right corner, select the ‘Settings’ button.
  • The page’s left-hand corner has a menu, from which you need to select ‘Templates and Tabs’.
  • Scroll to the ‘Reviews’ tab, and select ‘Settings’.
  • Finally, navigate to ‘Show Reviews’ towards the right, and a slider will be visible. Click to disable the reviews, and proceed to ‘Save’ the changes. Now, customer reviews and negative feedback will no longer be visible on your Facebook page.

If managed properly, negative reviews can present your business in a positive light and build confidence in your brand.

Potential customers may be cautious about purchasing from stores that showcase only positive business reviews on their Facebook page, as this makes a brand seem less authentic. Thus, sometimes it’s in your company’s favor to keep negative reviews around if the matter has been resolved.

However, if your business is facing unfair negative comments, then removing them might be necessary. If your legitimate customers have left a couple of bad reviews, then it’s important to respond positively as part of customer service.

A good response to negative feedback should address the problem at hand and offer a solution moving forward. This can change your customer’s experience from a negative one to a positive one.

Moreover, it shows potential clients that your company cares about its customers and is serious about resolving problems.

There are many instances where deleting a review might be wise, and even necessary. Sometimes, users abuse the reviews feature to leave fake negative reviews on your Facebook business page. You can determine if a review is fake by checking for the user’s transaction history, and seeing if the complaint is from a legitimate customer or not.

Businesses may also choose to flag reviews because they are in direct violation of Facebook’s Community Standards - e.g the post may contain hate speech.

Some reviews fall under the ‘spam’ category - they may have nothing to do with your products or services, and may be advertisements for other brands and businesses. In this case, you should report the review to have it deleted.

Here are some good examples of businesses responding to Facebook reviews:

Intrepid Travel

Intrepid Travel is the world’s largest adventure travel organization for small groups. In this particular situation, the company has responded to a negative review concerning their cancellation policy.

Intrepid Travel responded with an informative, empathetic reply in which they detailed a breakdown of the expenses and gently pointed out how the policy helps support communities that are suffering from COVID-19’s economic repercussions.

Facebook review response travel agency example

Wendy’s is a popular American fast-food chain that has expanded globally. In this case, a customer has complained about the efficiency of Wendy’s drive-thru service.

The company has responded by first empathizing with the customer’s concern, and then proceeded to offer to make it up to them.

Facebook review response restaurant example

Stella & Dot

Stella & Dot is an accessories company that sells jewelry and lets customers host trunk shows. This particular review is an excellent example of how a positive response and proper care can turn a negative review around in your brand’s favor.

Initially, the customer expressed dissatisfaction concerning Stella & Dot’s product.

The company responded with an apology and proceeded to address the problem and offered a solution.

After the matter was resolved, the client edited their review, changing it from a negative one to positive feedback.

Facebook review response retail store example

If you’re looking to boost your Facebook page, the best place to start is with online reviews of your business. Build trust with your future customers through the power of word of mouth — online.

At DemandHub, our mission is to help local businesses grow by making it easier to communicate with customers. With modern messaging technology, your local business can text review invitations to your customers, enabling them to post a review with just a few clicks in under 30 seconds.

Request a demo to see how we can help grow your local business with our messaging tools to help you attract, engage, and retain more customers.

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Taking the time to know how to remove reviews from Facebook can be a vital practice for any brand. Opening your Facebook business Page (via your personal account or through Facebook Business Manager ) to enable interactions with customers on Facebook can bring about negative reviews or even unfairly hurtful comments.

In the former case, you will need to address the feedback head-on and learn how to respond to negative reviews on Facebook. But when diplomacy fails you’ll find yourself asking this question: “How do I delete Facebook reviews ?”

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Take the guesswork out of your strategy. Instantly generate your brand's online Reputation Scorecard, complete with review highlights, ratings, keyword trends and more.

Can You Delete Facebook Reviews?

Here’s the thing: you can’t delete a review on Facebook. You can’t simply delete Facebook reviews – a.k.a. Recommendations – on an individual level in the same way you can hide or delete unwanted comments on your Page or an unflattering selfie you accidentally uploaded.

However, what you can do to remove Facebook reviews is to disable Recommendations for your Page. To do so:

  • Click on the “Pages” tab on the left menu on your Facebook news feed.
  • On your Page, click on “Page Settings,” which is located on the left-hand menu.
  • Click on the “Templates and Tabs” on the left menu.
  • Find the “Reviews” option and turn the tab off.

Before turning the feature, please keep in mind deactivating Recommendations will remove current ratings and Recommendations from your Page. While this might help delete bad reviews, it might actually do more harm than good, especially when consumers are looking for social proof to make an informed purchase decision.

an illustration of two people working together as they learn how to remove reviews from facebook

If you don’t want to disable reviews completely, but still want to remove a review, your best option is to report it. Specifically, you can report reviews that do not follow Facebook’s Community Standards or don’t focus on the products and services offered by your business. After you submit a report, Facebook will review it and may remove Facebook reviews and Recommendations that don’t follow the site’s standards.

To make a report to Facebook:

  • On your page, click on the “Reviews” tab underneath your Page name.
  • Click on the three-dotted button on the top right of any review that you want to report.
  • Click on “Find support or report Recommendation.”
  • Follow the on-screen instructions.

Why Facebook Reviews are Important to Reputation Management

The concept of how to remove reviews from Facebook might not be as simple as it sounds, but it is important to be aware of it due to the popularity of the platform not just as a social media website; but as a place for consumers to research their next purchase. Customer review data shows that Facebook holds 19% of all reviews. In other words, having Facebook reviews on your Page can impact a consumers’ purchase behavior.

If reporting or removing a review from Facebook is not an option for you, remember that you can apply review best practices, especially when it comes knowing how to respond to negative reviews :

  • Apologize and take ownership. An apology is often the best way to start when responding to a negative review because it defuses the situation. If your company makes a mistake, immediately own up to it in the response, but avoid apologizing multiple times.
  • Take serious issues offline. If there are serious issues, take the conversation offline to avoid discussing difficult topics publicly.
  • Follow company and brand guidelines. Be sure you know your company’s social media and brand guidelines so that you use the right terminology in your response. This helps establish a professional tone.
  • Resolve specific issues. Address any specific issues raised in the review. Sometimes positive comments and five-star ratings also include points of concern. Find out about the customer’s experience and communicate any changes or improvements made as a result of their unsolicited feedback .
  • Be prompt. Avoid delays in responding. The sooner you can get back to your customer, the greater your chances of improving the situation.
  • Show appreciation. Regardless of the rating the customer gave, say “thank you.” Showing your appreciation of customer feedback minimizes the impact of negative comments and reinforces positive sentiment in your good reviews.

We understand how stressful and difficult it is to deal with negative reviews, and that is why we are here to help your business leverage feedback and reviews to improve your brand reputation. Get your free reputation scorecard today and let us help you take the guesswork out of your strategy. To learn how to handle your business’s presence on Facebook, visit our Facebook Reputation Management: Best Practices Guide for Brands .

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How To Disable Reviews on a Facebook Page

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Jamie Read more February 16, 2022

Any company in 2021 is subject to online reviews that can either make or break their business. Being troubled with trolls or a campaign trying to discredit your business online? This tutorial will show you how to disable reviews on Facebook and how to handle negative feedback so you still come out on top regardless of what is said.

How To Disable Reviews on a Facebook Page

Reviews, or social proof, as they are otherwise known are incredibly powerful. Few people buy anything online without checking reviews first and seeing negative reviews, even one bad review with 99 positive ones is enough to put some purchasers off.

If you run a business, Facebook is an essential part of your marketing mix. With billions of users, multiple ways to interact with customers, a two-way conversation with your fans, and lots of methods you can use for engagement, why would not you use it?

There are obvious downsides though. The same trolls and jerks that make Facebook difficult to use as a private citizen can also be the same with businesses. Facebook is also used to discredit some businesses on purpose by review bombing and through coordinated campaigns of social media marketing.

can you hide facebook reviews

Search for ‘buy negative Facebook reviews’ online and see the dozens of companies offering to sell negative reviews. For not a lot of money, you can buy negative reviews to supposedly counter the raft of positive reviews to make your profile more realistic. In reality, those services are used to discredit competitors. Nobody thinks for a second that any business would ever purposely add negative feedback to their own account.

How to Disable Reviews on Facebook

It is possible to disable reviews or to report and remove fake ones. Most would suggest removing fake ones and leaving reviews enabled. If you are continually targeted by fakes, disabling them altogether may be the only way.

To disable feedback:

can you hide facebook reviews

When you’ve completed these steps, viewers of your Facebook page will no longer see any reviews.

This is the nuclear option as reviews are important to buying decisions but if you have no choice, that’s how you disable them.

Report a Fake Review on Facebook

If you only suffer a few fake reviews, you would be much better off tackling them instead of turning off feedback. Here’s how:

  • Open Facebook and navigate to your Facebook page.

can you hide facebook reviews

If you have ever dealt with Facebook before, you won’t have much hope that anything will happen. However, you have to follow the process and let the company do anything or nothing before taking it further.

Handling Negative or Fake Reviews

The measure of a business is not how it handles day-to-day operations but how it handles itself when things go wrong. Your first instinct might be anger, despair, and a desire for revenge but none of those things will work on Facebook.

Handling Real Negative Facebook Reviews

The key to handling negative reviews is to do it calmly and professionally. Replying with a rant is not going to win you any new customers or increased loyalty. However, if you address the problem at hand, offer to work with the customer to ensure their satisfaction, and act professionally and appropriately, the negative review can actually be made to work for you instead of against you.

It is good for customers to see how a company handles criticism. If you do it professionally and rise above any vitriol spilled in a review, you come out on top. Offer to work with the customer to make sure they are happy, you reassure all customers that even if things go wrong, you’ve got their back. That is worth many positive reviews.

However, the company is taking steps to keep these fake review accounts from doing any damage to innocent businesses. Just recently, the company removed over 16,000 accounts for this type of behavior.

Handling Fake Facebook Reviews

Handling fake reviews is slightly different but can also be turned on its head. Being honest and upfront with your customers about what is happening and asking them to leave positive reviews to counter the fakes can work.

It isn’t guaranteed to work though. Not all businesses have that kind of customer loyalty and not everyone will want to leave a review. Placing a reply to each fake marking it as such can go a long way to managing the situation.

Fake reviews are something of a plague on Facebook and other review sites. As many companies are spending resources on combating hate speech, fake news, and higher-profile issues, fewer resources are placed with other customer service areas.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i delete a review.

Unfortunately, there’s no ‘delete’ button on a Facebook review. Your only option is to report a review or to respond back to it politely and professionally.

If I disable reviews will the existing reviews disappear?

Yes, until you turn them back on again. If someone really has it out for your business it may be a good idea to disable reviews and allow customers to post their true testimony about your company on your wall.

How can I get more reviews?

Good reviews are great advertising. If you do have one or two bad ones, getting more good ones can bring your score up. To get more reviews you can ask your patrons to leave a review. Some companies will even offer a discount for such a return of gratitude.

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How to Delete a Negative Facebook Review About Your Business

As a business owner, discovering a scathing one-star review on your Facebook page can be incredibly stressful and frustrating, especially if you feel it’s unfair or unwarranted. Facebook reviews are often one of the first things potential customers see when searching for your business, and even a single negative review can color their impression and impact their decision to engage with your brand.

But while you can’t wave a magic wand and make bad Facebook reviews disappear, you’re not powerless. There are concrete steps you can take to remove reviews that cross the line, respond professionally to valid criticism, and generate more positive reviews to outshine the occasional unhappy customer. In this guide, we’ll walk you through exactly how to do that.

Can You Delete Reviews On Your Facebook Business Page?

No, business page owners cannot delete Facebook reviews directly. However, you can report reviews that violate Facebook’s Community Standards or are defamatory to request removal by Facebook. Reportable offenses include spam, harassment, hate speech, inappropriate content, policy violations, and false statements of fact.

To report a review:

  • Click the three dots in the top right of the review
  • Select “Find Support or Report Recommendation”
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the report

If a review is found to be defamatory by a court of law, you can submit a court order to Facebook for the review’s removal. An experienced internet defamation attorney can assist you in obtaining this court order and compelling Facebook to take down the offending review.

If a non-defamatory review doesn’t violate Facebook’s standards, you can respond publicly or privately or disable reviews entirely via Page Settings. However, this removes all existing and new reviews.

Why You Can’t Delete Facebook Reviews Yourself

Facebook’s policy prevents business page owners from removing reviews directly, whether they are positive, negative, or defamatory. This helps preserve the authenticity and integrity of reviews while protecting Facebook from legal liability for the content of user-generated posts.

While it may be disappointing that you can’t simply delete a review you feel is unfair or false, Facebook’s stance makes sense. If businesses could pick and choose which reviews to keep, the whole review system would be much less trustworthy and useful for consumers. Reviews are meant to be an honest reflection of real customer experiences, not just a highlight reel that businesses curate.

Like most online platforms, Facebook is protected from liability for defamatory reviews by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act . This means you can’t sue Facebook for defamation in user-generated content. Your legal recourse is to go after the individual poster.

As frustrating as this may be when you’re on the receiving end of a bad review, it’s ultimately better for everyone. Consumers can put more stock in reviews when they know businesses can’t manipulate them. And businesses that consistently deliver great experiences will still shine based on their overall review profile.

So, while you can’t unilaterally erase negative or even defamatory reviews from your page, you have options for dealing with them. Reportable violations and court-ordered removals can address reviews that cross legal lines. For other negative feedback, thoughtful and professional responses can showcase your commitment to customer satisfaction and improvement. We’ll cover these approaches in more detail in the following sections.

When to Report a Facebook Review vs. Respond to It

For the majority of negative reviews that express authentic customer experiences or opinions, even if you disagree with them, the better approach is to respond thoughtfully and professionally. Reviews where customers share honest feedback, no matter how critical, serve an important purpose for your business. They highlight areas where you may need to improve and give you the chance to show customers that you hear their concerns and care about making things right.

If a negative review doesn’t include these clear policy violations, your efforts are better spent crafting a gracious response. Here are some tips for responding to critical reviews in a way that shows your business in a positive light:

  • Thank the reviewer for taking the time to share their feedback
  • Acknowledge their frustration or disappointment, even if you feel it’s not fully warranted
  • Avoid arguing or getting defensive about their claims
  • Take responsibility where appropriate and express your commitment to improvement
  • Highlight any relevant context that helps explain the situation (in a respectful, non-combative way)
  • Provide contact information and invite them to discuss the issue further offline

For example, if a customer writes a 1-star review complaining about a long wait time or rude service, you could respond with something like:

“Hi [Name], thank you for alerting us to this issue. We always strive to provide prompt, friendly service, so we’re very sorry your experience didn’t reflect that. We’d like to learn more about what happened so we can address it with our team. Please reach out to our manager at [email], and we’ll work to make this right. We appreciate you giving us the chance to improve.”

This kind of response shows other customers that you’re attentive, accountable, and eager to provide outstanding service. It can turn a negative review into a net positive for your reputation.

Dealing with Defamatory Facebook Reviews

While most negative reviews are expressions of authentic customer experiences and opinions, some cross the line into defamation territory. A defamatory review is one that contains objectively false statements presented as fact, which can seriously damage a business’s reputation and financial well-being.

It’s important to distinguish defamation from honest critical feedback. A review is not considered defamatory if it’s based on a real customer interaction, even if you disagree with the customer’s opinion or perception of events. Defamation requires the reviewer to make demonstrably false claims, such as accusing your business of illegal activity, unethical conduct, or other misconduct that never actually occurred.

Some examples of potentially defamatory Facebook reviews include:

  • Falsely accusing your employees of harassment, discrimination, or other unlawful behavior
  • Claiming that your business knowingly sells defective or dangerous products
  • Alleging that your business engages in fraudulent billing or financial practices
  • Stating that your business violated health codes, safety regulations, or other laws (when it hasn’t)
  • Accusing your business of being a scam or intentionally ripping off customers

If your business is targeted by this kind of malicious false review on Facebook, simply reporting it for a community standards violation will likely be insufficient. Facebook is generally not liable for defamatory content posted by third parties and has no obligation to remove even blatantly false reviews.

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How to Report a Facebook Review for Removal

Facebook will remove reviews that violate its Community Standards. The key is knowing what qualifies as a violation and how to report it properly.

Facebook’s Community Standards prohibit all sorts of inappropriate and abusive content, including:

  • Spam and fake reviews
  • Harassment, threats, and hate speech
  • Graphic violence and adult content
  • Illegal activities like selling drugs or weapons
  • Invasion of privacy, like sharing someone’s personal information
  • Misinformation and deceptive claims

So if a review contains profanity, makes a personal attack, discloses private details, or in any other way violates these standards, you can and should report it.

The process is fairly straightforward:

  • Find the review on your business page
  • Click the three dots in the top right corner of the review
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to select the reason for reporting and submit

Remember that reporting a review doesn’t guarantee it will be removed. Facebook’s team evaluates all reports to determine whether there was indeed a violation of standards.

What to Expect After Reporting a Facebook Review

So, you’ve identified a review that contains harassment, hate speech, personal information, or other prohibited content and submitted a report to Facebook. Now what?

  • First, it’s important to understand that reporting a review doesn’t automatically remove it from your page. All reports are evaluated by Facebook’s team to determine whether the content actually violates their Community Standards. Depending on the specifics of the case and how busy their queue is, this process can take anywhere from a few hours to a few business days.
  • Facebook, unfortunately, doesn’t provide an estimated timeline or ongoing updates about reported reviews. However, you will be notified once they’ve made a decision, typically via a Support Inbox message on Facebook.
  • If Facebook’s moderators agree that the review violates their standards, they’ll remove it from your page entirely. To your customers and anyone else who visits your page, it will be as if the review never existed. Unfortunately, you won’t be provided with more details about why the decision was made.
  • If Facebook decides not to take down the review, but you still feel it contains abusive content, you can submit an appeal to have the case reviewed a second time. However, the decision on the appeal is final, so if the review is found not to be in violation a second time, you’ll have exhausted this avenue.
  • If Facebook determines the review doesn’t violate its policies, even if you feel it’s unfair or contains misinformation, it will remain published on your page. You’ll have to pursue other options for dealing with it, such as responding publicly or contacting the customer privately to resolve their complaint.

How to Disable Reviews on Your Facebook Business Page

If your business is receiving an overwhelming volume of inappropriate or fake negative reviews that aren’t being successfully addressed by reporting, or if you simply don’t have the bandwidth to monitor and respond to reviews on an ongoing basis, you may want to consider disabling the reviews feature on your Facebook page altogether, at least temporarily.

Disabling reviews means the existing reviews on your page will no longer be visible to the public, and customers won’t be able to post new reviews. It effectively hides your review section from your page.

Here’s how to turn off reviews on your Facebook business page:

  • From your business page, click “Settings” in the top right corner
  • In the left-hand menu, click “Templates and Tabs”
  • Scroll down to the section labeled “Tabs” and find “Reviews”
  • Click “Settings” next to the Reviews tab
  • Toggle the slider next to “Show Reviews” to the off-position
  • Click “Save” to confirm the change
  • Once you’ve completed these steps, reviews will no longer appear on your page, and the “Reviews” tab will disappear. If a customer visits your page and tries to leave a review, they’ll get an error message saying that reviews aren’t currently available.

Before you take this step, it’s important to consider the potential downsides of disabling reviews. Reviews, especially positive ones, are valuable social proof that can help convince new customers to choose your business. A CompTIA study found that 93% of customers read reviews before purchasing, so not having any reviews at all may hurt your credibility and competitiveness.

Reviews are also a key ranking factor in local search results. Facebook business pages with an active review section rank higher in search than those without. So, disabling reviews may make it harder for customers to discover your business when they search on Facebook.

Finally, turning off reviews sends a negative signal to customers. It may give the impression that you don’t value feedback or aren’t confident in your ability to provide positive experiences. Some customers may assume that you turned off reviews because you were getting too many bad ones, even if that’s not the case.

Disabling reviews should generally be a last resort or temporary measure, not a permanent strategy. You may choose to turn reviews off until you can control an influx of spam or until you have the resources to manage legitimate negative reviews actively. But in most cases, it’s better to leave reviews and deal with critical feedback through reporting and thoughtful responses.

Proactive Strategies for Improving Your Facebook Reviews

As important as handling negative reviews on Facebook appropriately, it’s even better to proactively cultivate more positive reviews that enhance your brand reputation and inspire trust in prospective customers. The best way to minimize the impact of the occasional 1-star review is to have dozens of glowing 5-star reviews surrounding it.

Deliver Exceptional Customer Service

Of course, the foundation of a great review profile is consistently delivering exceptional customer experiences that motivate people to sing your praises online. No amount of review-generation tactics can make up for subpar service or shoddy products. However, even businesses that routinely delight customers can benefit from deploying smart strategies to encourage more of those happy customers to share their opinions on Facebook.

Invite Your Best Customers to Leave Reviews

The most effective approach is personally inviting your best customers to write a Facebook review. Train your staff to identify customers who seem especially satisfied with their experience and ask them to provide feedback on your page. You can even give them a direct link to make leaving a review easy.

Incentivize Reviews

Some businesses incentivize reviews by offering discounts, freebies, or contest entries to customers who write them. You’ll want to be cautious with this approach, as it can run afoul of Facebook’s policies if not done carefully. Never offer rewards for positive reviews specifically, as it’s considered a form of coercion. Instead, encourage customers to share their honest feedback and provide the incentive regardless of whether their review is positive or negative.

Utilize Different Communication Methods for Your Review Requests

You can also use email, text messages, or social media to ask customers for reviews. Timing these requests shortly after a purchase or service is complete when the experience is still fresh in their mind tends to get the best results. Whichever method you choose, the key is to be consistent and make providing feedback as quick and convenient as possible for your customers.

By combining these proactive strategies with effective handling of negative reviews, you can turn your Facebook review section into a powerful asset for your business that continually attracts new customers and reinforces loyalty among existing ones.

We Can Help You Protect Your Business’s Reputation on Facebook

In today’s digital age, online reviews are one of the most influential factors in a customer’s decision to engage with a business. Facebook, with its massive user base and prominent review system, has become a key battleground for shaping brand reputations. Whether legitimate or fraudulent, negative reviews on this platform can severely undermine a business’s growth and success if not handled properly.

If your business struggles with negative or defamatory Facebook reviews, the experienced internet defamation attorneys at Minc Law are here to help. We have extensive experience with Facebook and other online review sites and know how to quickly and effectively remove false and defamatory content to protect your hard-earned reputation.

Don’t let fake or negative reviews damage your business without a fight. Reach out today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our experienced defamation attorneys . We’ll discuss the details of your situation and explain how we can help you achieve a swift and successful resolution. Your reputation is your most valuable asset – let us help you protect it.

This page has been  peer-reviewed, fact-checked, and edited by qualified attorneys  to ensure substantive accuracy and coverage.

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Mastering facebook reviews: the complete 2024 guide.

Activate the Facebook Reviews tab on your Facebook business Page and grow with customer feedback.

Epic guide to Facebook Reviews

Facebook reviews, or recommendations, are a vital part of a business’s online reputation.

After all, they provide the best type of social proof you can get, increase the visibility of your business, and help you convert visitors into dedicated customers.

Moreover, the impact customer reviews have on your business cannot be underestimated. The vast majority of U.S. adults (82%) say they check online reviews before a purchase. Also, over 18% of U.S. adults say they had bought something through Facebook.

So keep on reading as we tell you all about Facebook reviews, how to add them to your page, and how they help your business succeed in today’s day and age.

About Facebook recommendations former Facebook reviews

Facebook Recommendations are a feature on Facebook that allows users to provide feedback about their experiences with businesses, services, or products.

Unlike traditional star-rated reviews, Recommendations enable users to simply recommend or not recommend a business to their friends and network. These Recommendations can include written feedback, photos, and tags, creating a more comprehensive and social form of review. This feature integrates directly into a business’s Facebook Page, making it easier for potential customers to see authentic opinions and experiences shared by real users.

Note: Facebook’s ‘Recommendations’ feature is the evolution of the older ‘Reviews’ system, and you can still find it under the ‘Reviews’ tab of Facebook pages. However, instead of using the old star rating system, buyers recommend (or not) a product or a business, share a written opinion, and leave tags and images (should they choose to).

FYI: You can embed Facebook reviews widget  automatically with  EmbedReviews platform.  Start a free trial  and display your Facebook Page recommnedations now. 

Embed Facebook reviews widget

Embed Facebook Recommendations and Reviews on your Website

Try EmbedReviews , generate Facebook and Google reviews, and display a social media reviews widget on your website. Automatically and in seconds.

All PRO features | Cancel any time.

How to set up your Facebook business page reviews?

You can very quickly and very easily add your Facebook Reviews tab on your official page. Just complete these straightforward steps:

  • Log in to your account and go to your business Facebook page ;
  • Click on your profile image (top-right corner and tap ‘Settings & privacy’ ;

Enable Facebook reviews step 2

That’s it! Now, your ‘Reviews’ tab will be live on your official page, and your customers can share their experiences with your business for everyone to see.

Example of Facebook page reviews tab

Note: Once you activate the ‘Reviews’ tab and start getting feedback, you won’t be able to delete Facebook reviews yourself. You will have to flag innacurate reviews and Facebook’s team will deal with them if they violate Facebook’s Community Standards.

How to get your Facebook Reviews page link?

Google My Business has made getting a  Google review link  easy, but getting a Facebook review link will be a bit different. No worries, we’ll show you two easy ways to do it!

Option 1: Copy the reviews page URL

To get your Facebook Reviews link, you have to follow two simple steps:

  • Log in to your Facebook page —start by logging into your Facebook account and navigating to your official business page;
  • Add ‘/review’ to your page URL —find the browser address bar, click at the end of it, and then simply type ‘/review’ after your page URL;
  • Copy the URL to share it —simply copy the entire string you see in the address bar for future use. For instance, is EmbedSocial’s Facebook Reviews page link – as shown below:

facebook reviews url

Congratulations, you have it!

Now, share the Reviews link of your Facebook business page across the internet, such as on your website, in emails, in your newsletters, or on your social media platforms, i.e., anywhere you see a chance to invite your customers to review you.

Note: When sending the link, also add a brief explanation on  how your customers can leave you a Facebook review for your product and services.

Option 2: Build your own direct Facebook review link

What if your customers are not logged into their personal or business accounts? If you send them the above link, they’ll be asked to log into Facebook first, which may discourage them from reviewing your business. No worries, here’s a solution to that:

  • Utilize the Facebook login URL ->
  • Put a redirect to your reviews page by adding “next” ->
  • Convert your page URL into the corresponding equivalent in HTML and add it after the “next” component ->

As you can see, it’s not complicated at all! Just replace the colon (:) with %3A and the slash (/) with %2F. That way, whenever the customer logs in to their account, they’ll be redirected to your reviews page. Works like a charm every time!

How can your customers leave you Facebook reviews?

Since the introduction of the ‘Recommendations’ review system, your clients will no longer have to select a number of stars to describe your products and/or services. They only have to navigate to your page’s ‘Reviews’ tab or follow the above ‘Reviews’ link.

write facebook review

Once there, they only have to tap ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ under the ‘Do you recommend [your business name]’ message. Then, the ‘Recommendation’ box will open and prompt users to share their thoughts about your business. They’ll have to write at least 25 characters.

As users leave you new reviews, they will start appearing at the top of the ‘Reviews’ tab feed of your Facebook business page.

How to respond to your Facebook reviews?

You must respond to all (or most of) your Facebook reviews, both positive and negative. That’s the best way to maintain a strong online presence and build trust with your customers.

To respond to Facebook reviews, you will typically get a notification on Facebook or via email , and when you click on it, it will take you directly to that review, so you can check out the review, and provide your reply—it’s as easy as writing a comment on a Facebook post.

Here are some practical  review reply templates  for review responses:

Positive reviews response example:

Hello [Reviewer’s Name], Thank you so much for your kind review! We’re thrilled to hear that you had a great customer experience with our [product/service]. Our team works hard to provide excellent customer service, and we’re glad to see that it’s making a difference. We appreciate your support and would love for you to share your experience with your friends and family. If you have any other feedback or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We look forward to serving you again soon! Warm regards, [Your Name] [Business Name]

Negative reviews response example

Hello [Reviewer’s Name], We apologize for the less than satisfactory experience you had with our [product/service]. It’s essential for us to maintain high standards, and we’re sorry that we did not meet your expectations this time. We’d like to learn more about your experience and find a way to make things right. Please reach out to us at [contact information] or send us a private message so we can discuss this further and find a suitable resolution. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused, and we appreciate your feedback as it helps us improve and provide better service in the future. Sincerely, [Your Name] [Business Name]

How to report a Facebook review?

Sometimes you may receive fake negative reviews that affect your online reputation. Naturally, you have to deal with negative reviews as soon as possible. But, since you cannot outright delete them, you’ll have to report them for violating Facebook’s Community Standards :

  • Find the negative review in your ‘Reviews’ tab ;

report facebook review

  • Choose to receive notifications about the report and click ‘Submit’ ;

Here’s a brief video covering the entire process:

How to get new reviews for your Facebook business pages?

The fun part starts here: finding cool new ways to motivate your customers to leave you positive Facebook recommendations.

These are some of the strategies you can try out include:

  • Adding a physical ‘Review’ sign at your place of business— you can edit and place the official ‘ Facebook Review Us ‘ stickers anywhere from your counter to your tables, walls, shopping windows, or any other prominent sections of your premises;
  • Use the Facebook Wi-Fi feature— set up Facebook Wi-Fi in your business location to get more customer reviews, which will allow your visitors to hook up to your guest Wi-Fi for free once they check in to your Facebook business page and leave you a review;
  • Embed a digital ‘Review us on Facebook’ button— you can place this button anywhere from your homepage to your blog and social media sites;
  • Create a Facebook contest —you can always stage a discount contest for your customers, who will be able to participate if they leave you a Facebook review;
  • Asking your regular customers— you can always ask for a review outright, especially your regular visitors, which will be included to help you out. You can either ask them in person or send them an email such as this one, along with the promise of a discount:
“Thanks for stopping by again [customer name]”.  “Do you use Facebook? The reason I ask is that we have a Facebook Reviews section that we use to collect our customer’s comments. Would you be interested in posting one?”   Here is our link (link to Facebook reviews section) Thank you so much. [Your Name] [Your Company Name]

Need more strategies for getting Facebook reviews?

Check the detailed blog post covering 5 ways to get Facebook reviews for your business, or download the Facebook reviews guide:

How to display your Facebook reviews on your website?

One of the best ways to collect more reviews is to promote your existing recommendations across your website and add the relevant CTA buttons for review collection. Additionally, the ability to embed Facebook reviews on your website boosts trust and provides real-time evidence of the experiences shared by your real customers.

The Facebook reviews widget has a direct API integration with Facebook, and with just one click enables users to aggregate all their Facebook page reviews and display on their website with an embeddable code:

Here is an example:

The best part? The widget allows you to combine reviews from all popular social media platforms and review sources like Facebook, Yelp, and Google , into one stunning widget. Moreover, you can import third-party reviews and craft custom testimonials.

Check below the various widget layouts, including sliders, grids, and rating badges and pick one to signup and create yours.


Facebook Reviews Feed

Embed Facebook reviews in a slider.


Facebook Reviews Table

Show reviews in a full-page feed.


Facebook Reviews Popup

Display Facebook reviews in a popover widget.


Facebook Reviews Slider

Show Facebook reviews in a modern slider.

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Step-by-step guide on collecting Facebook reviews . Related article

In case you are using a web builder to build your website, the code works with the most popular CMS and website builders, so click on your specific website builder to proceed:

  • Facebook Reviews for WordPress
  • Facebook Reviews for Squarespace
  • Facebook Reviews for PageCloud
  • Facebook Reviews for Weebly
  • Facebook Reviews for Wix
  • Facebook Reviews for Shopify
  • Facebook Reviews for Webflow

What are the benefits of Facebook reviews?

Every serious business must collect Facebook reviews/recommendations nowadays as they come with several advantages, including but not limited to the following:

1. They increase your organic reach

Positive reviews and recommendations can help your business gain more visibility on Facebook, as they may appear in the Facebook Feeds of the reviewer’s friends or when someone asks for recommendations. This increased exposure can attract more potential customers.

How? When a customer recommends your bakery on Facebook, their friends might see the recommendation in their Feed, thus sparking interest in your products and driving more foot traffic to your bakery.

2. They boost your brand credibility

A collection of positive reviews and recommendations serves as  social proof , demonstrating that your business is reliable, trustworthy, and offers great experiences, which can influence potential customers to choose your products or services over your competitors.

How? A new user visiting your digital marketing agency’s Facebook page sees numerous glowing reviews from satisfied clients. This positive feedback instills confidence in the user, making them more likely to engage with your agency.

3. They improve your search engine ranking

Positive reviews can improve your search engine ranking, as search engines also consider  user-generated content about a certain business in their ranking algorithms.

How? Your restaurant has numerous positive reviews on Facebook. When someone searches for restaurants in your area, your restaurant is more likely to appear higher in the search results due to the positive feedback.

4. They help you gain your visitors’ trust

When potential customers see a high volume of positive reviews, they are more likely to trust your business and feel confident in their decision to engage with your products or services.

How? A potential client is considering hiring your home cleaning service. Upon seeing the numerous positive reviews on your Facebook page, they feel reassured that your service is reliable and trustworthy, making them more likely to hire you.

Hopefully, our guide on Facebook business reviews gives you specific directions on improving your  online reputation management  and leveling up your digital marketing strategy.

Remember, getting more reviews on Facebook (and other social media sites) can take a little effort, but it’s an investment that pays off in the long run. We promise!

FAQs about Facebook reviews

Yes, Facebook reviews still exist, but they have evolved into a new format called ‘ Facebook Recommendations ‘, which no longer uses the previous star-based system. Users now recommend (or not) a certain business or product and leave a text-based review. They also have the option to add various tags and relevant images. This new format allows for more context and encourages users to provide more valuable feedback for potential customers.

To see the reviews of your or other businesses, you will have to navigate to the official page and click on the ‘Reviews’ tab underneath the profile image. If the tab is not there, the ‘Reviews’ feature has to be activated through the page’s ‘Privacy’ section.

No, Facebook reviews are not private. When a user leaves a review on a business Page, it is publicly visible to anyone visiting said Page. This allows potential customers to read about the experiences of others, which can influence their decision to engage with the business.

As a business owner, you cannot directly delete Facebook Reviews left by users. However, you can report a review if it violates Facebook’s Community Standards or contains spam. Then, if Facebook determines the review is inappropriate, they may remove it. Alternatively, you can disable the ‘Reviews’ tab on your business Page, which will hide all reviews from your Page, but this will make it harder for potential customers to learn more about your business.

While you cannot directly remove a bad review on Facebook, you can take steps to address it. First, respond to the review professionally and empathetically, offering to address the issue and rectify the situation. If that doesn’t work and you believe the review is from a fake account, spam, or violates Facebook’s Community Standards, you can report it to Facebook for review.

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can you hide facebook reviews

Can you delete bad reviews from Facebook? Answers to common Facebook business questions

Facebook reviews are reviews that customers can leave on your Facebook business page. They can be highly valuable to your small business. Rather than star ratings or star reviews, which provide only basic information about your business, written reviews give customers the chance to go into more detail about the customer experience your company offers.

As a result, positive reviews can help to build potential customers’ trust and interest in your business, and they may encourage your followers to place their first order or stop at your store for the first time.

Likewise, negative Facebook reviews can be incredibly damaging. This is particularly true of reviews that are spam, falsified or of a personal nature and don’t actually concern your business. In this case, you may need to remove the bad reviews to protect your business.

Free Guide: 10 Tips To Get More Customers From Facebook

Can you delete bad reviews on your facebook business page.

Part of what makes Facebook reviews so valuable is the fact that business owners can’t simply delete the reviews themselves. This feature helps ensure the reviews reflect an honest assessment of a business — unless your business is targeted with spam or false reviews.

If you need to have spam or false reviews removed, you can do so by following Facebook’s review removal process.

What types of reviews can be removed from my Facebook business page?

Facebook will remove spam and fake reviews if you flag them. Reviews that go against Facebook’s Community Standards , including hate speech, will also be removed. Facebook generally will not remove honest reviews of your business left by an actual customer.

What is the difference between deleting and blocking someone on Facebook?

If someone who has liked your Facebook business page is leaving false or problematic reviews, you may want to prevent them from continuing to do so. You might choose to delete or block the person from your Facebook page.

If you delete or remove someone who has liked your page, they will no longer see your page updates. However, they can simply choose to like your page again.

A better option may be to block the user from your business page. You can accomplish this through the Admin Panel of your page. Click on the “New Likes” section, then click “See All.” You will need to click the “X” next to the name of the person you wish to block, then choose the “Ban permanently” option to block the user.

A user who has been blocked from your page can no longer comment on, message or like the page. This can be an effective way to prevent the problematic user from leaving false business reviews.

What is the best way to remove bad reviews on Facebook?

There are several ways to remove bad reviews on Facebook.

Ask Facebook to remove the reviews

If you’re dealing with spam or fake Facebook reviews, you can ask Facebook to remove them. You need to log into your Facebook account and navigate to your business profile page.

You can only report reviews with at least one comment, so before you report the review, you need to leave a comment. Even if the review is fake, comment as if you were talking to a real customer. This comment will demonstrate that you take customers’ concerns seriously, which is important if any of your page followers read the review before it is removed.

Next, look to the top right of the post, then click on the downward-pointing arrow. Click “Report Post” and provide details about why you believe the review should be removed.

Facebook manually evaluates each report, so once you’ve reported the review, you may need to wait a while. If Facebook determines the review goes against community standards, it will be removed.

Hide all of your Facebook reviews

You can also choose to hide all of your Facebook reviews, which will hide both negative and positive reviews. The reviews won’t be permanently deleted so you can restore them at a future date.

To hide your Facebook reviews, log into your Facebook profile and navigate to your business page. Click on the “Settings” button in the top right corner of the page. Choose “Templates and Tabs” on the left-hand corner menu. Choose the “Reviews” tab and click on “Settings.” There is a slider button next to the “Show Reviews” option. Click on the slider to disable your reviews, and then click “Save.” You can repeat the process when you want to show reviews again.

How to deal with negative reviews on your Facebook page

When you use Facebook for business marketing, even negative reviews can offer a valuable marketing opportunity. By taking the time to acknowledge the customer feedback, show concern for the customer’s experience and take steps to correct the situation, you demonstrate empathy for the customer and a desire to fix issues.

Responding to reviews is critical to online reputation management, showing that you truly value your customers. This is also true of other online reviews, including Yelp and Google reviews.

By strategically responding to negative feedback, you can build potential customer trust in your business. You’ve demonstrated that you work to fix problems, and potential customers can expect to receive that same type of response if they ever have an issue with your business.

Examples of responses to negative Facebook reviews

A good response to a bad Facebook review will acknowledge a customer’s negative experience. The business owner should admit that the incident was unfair or inappropriate and apologize.

Then, the owner should offer to make it up to the customer, whether with a product replacement, a gift card, a discount or another gesture that’s appropriate for the issue. It’s critical to offer a solution and ensure that the customer feels their concerns are heard.

Rely on Broadly for Facebook review management

Customer reviews are critical for attracting new customers. Broadly can help you manage your reviews , promptly respond to customer feedback and leverage your organic Facebook reviews so your business gets maximum value from them.

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    Click on the "Settings" tab located at the top right corner of the page. 2. Manage page tabs. In the left-hand menu, click on "Templates and Tabs.". Scroll down to find the "Reviews" tab. Click on "Settings" next to it. 3. Adjust visibility. A pop-up window will appear with options to show or hide the "Reviews" tab.

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    Click the 'Settings' menu for your business page. Select 'Templates and Tabs' option. Toggle the blue 'Reviews' button off. 1. Open Facebook and go to your business page. If you own more than one business page, you want to make sure you select the page you want to disable Facebook reviews for. 2. Click the 'Settings' menu for ...

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  6. How To Remove Reviews From Facebook

    Here are the steps to disable reviews from Facebook: Open your business page, making sure you're logged in as the page admin. Click on Settings at the top right of the page. Navigate to the left-hand side of the page, and select Templates and Tab from the menu. Scroll down to Reviews, and click on Settings.

  7. How to Remove Reviews from Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide

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  8. Turn Recommendations on or off for your business Page

    Click your Page's profile photo in the top right. Click Settings & privacy, then click Settings. Click Page and tagging. Toggle Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page? on or off. Note: If your Page previously had reviews, Recommendations have been automatically turned on for your Page.

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    Unfortunately, you can't delete negative reviews but you have other ways to handle them. Especially when they are spam or offensive in nature. Next are your options for handling negative Facebook reviews. 3 Ways to Hide Reviews on Facebook page Hide reviews on Facebook entirely. We hope you will not be in a position that you have to do this.

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    Should you choose to enable reviews later, these same ones will come back. Follow these simple steps to turn off your reviews on Facebook: Step #1: Log in to your Facebook Business page. Step #2: Click on the "Settings" tab. Step #3: Navigate to "Templates and Tabs". Step #4: Navigate to the "Reviews" tab. Step #5: Turn off Reviews ...

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    To turn off your reviews on Facebook, follow these steps: Log in to your Facebook business page. Go to your page's Settings menu, located in the top right corner. Click Edit Page. Find the Reviews heading and select the Settings button. Go to the section that says Show Reviews, and move the slider from ON to OFF.

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    Scroll down to the section labeled "Tabs" and find "Reviews". Click "Settings" next to the Reviews tab. Toggle the slider next to "Show Reviews" to the off-position. Click "Save" to confirm the change. Once you've completed these steps, reviews will no longer appear on your page, and the "Reviews" tab will disappear.

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    You can edit your rating or your written review. Once you're done with your edits, tap Save. To delete your review: From your Feed, tap your profile picture. Tap , then tap Activity Log. Tap Interactions, then tap Reviews. Swipe down to the review that you want to delete, then tap on the review. Tap Delete Review, then tap Deleteto confirm.

  21. How To Remove Spam Reviews on Facebook

    How To Hide Reviews on Facebook. Some companies may not have access to reputation management services. So instead of spending time manually checking to see if there are new reviews on their Facebook page, they can choose to hide reviews on Facebook. If your page has several four- and five-star reviews, it would be a pity to hide reviews on ...

  22. Mastering Facebook Reviews: The Complete 2024 Guide

    Note: Facebook's 'Recommendations' feature is the evolution of the older 'Reviews' system, and you can still find it under the 'Reviews' tab of Facebook pages. However, instead of using the old star rating system, buyers recommend (or not) a product or a business, share a written opinion, and leave tags and images (should they ...

  23. Can you delete bad reviews from Facebook? Answers to common Facebook

    Click on the "Settings" button in the top right corner of the page. Choose "Templates and Tabs" on the left-hand corner menu. Choose the "Reviews" tab and click on "Settings.". There is a slider button next to the "Show Reviews" option. Click on the slider to disable your reviews, and then click "Save.". You can repeat ...

  24. No Way To Hide Biden's Disastrous Debate Performance

    This wasn't some "cheap fake" or altered video meme online. This was happening in real time. You can't spin what Americans saw Thursday night.