case study definition in speech

Designing and Conducting Case Studies

This guide examines case studies, a form of qualitative descriptive research that is used to look at individuals, a small group of participants, or a group as a whole. Researchers collect data about participants using participant and direct observations, interviews, protocols, tests, examinations of records, and collections of writing samples. Starting with a definition of the case study, the guide moves to a brief history of this research method. Using several well documented case studies, the guide then looks at applications and methods including data collection and analysis. A discussion of ways to handle validity, reliability, and generalizability follows, with special attention to case studies as they are applied to composition studies. Finally, this guide examines the strengths and weaknesses of case studies.

Definition and Overview

Case study refers to the collection and presentation of detailed information about a particular participant or small group, frequently including the accounts of subjects themselves. A form of qualitative descriptive research, the case study looks intensely at an individual or small participant pool, drawing conclusions only about that participant or group and only in that specific context. Researchers do not focus on the discovery of a universal, generalizable truth, nor do they typically look for cause-effect relationships; instead, emphasis is placed on exploration and description.

Case studies typically examine the interplay of all variables in order to provide as complete an understanding of an event or situation as possible. This type of comprehensive understanding is arrived at through a process known as thick description, which involves an in-depth description of the entity being evaluated, the circumstances under which it is used, the characteristics of the people involved in it, and the nature of the community in which it is located. Thick description also involves interpreting the meaning of demographic and descriptive data such as cultural norms and mores, community values, ingrained attitudes, and motives.

Unlike quantitative methods of research, like the survey, which focus on the questions of who, what, where, how much, and how many, and archival analysis, which often situates the participant in some form of historical context, case studies are the preferred strategy when how or why questions are asked. Likewise, they are the preferred method when the researcher has little control over the events, and when there is a contemporary focus within a real life context. In addition, unlike more specifically directed experiments, case studies require a problem that seeks a holistic understanding of the event or situation in question using inductive logic--reasoning from specific to more general terms.

In scholarly circles, case studies are frequently discussed within the context of qualitative research and naturalistic inquiry. Case studies are often referred to interchangeably with ethnography, field study, and participant observation. The underlying philosophical assumptions in the case are similar to these types of qualitative research because each takes place in a natural setting (such as a classroom, neighborhood, or private home), and strives for a more holistic interpretation of the event or situation under study.

Unlike more statistically-based studies which search for quantifiable data, the goal of a case study is to offer new variables and questions for further research. F.H. Giddings, a sociologist in the early part of the century, compares statistical methods to the case study on the basis that the former are concerned with the distribution of a particular trait, or a small number of traits, in a population, whereas the case study is concerned with the whole variety of traits to be found in a particular instance" (Hammersley 95).

Case studies are not a new form of research; naturalistic inquiry was the primary research tool until the development of the scientific method. The fields of sociology and anthropology are credited with the primary shaping of the concept as we know it today. However, case study research has drawn from a number of other areas as well: the clinical methods of doctors; the casework technique being developed by social workers; the methods of historians and anthropologists, plus the qualitative descriptions provided by quantitative researchers like LePlay; and, in the case of Robert Park, the techniques of newspaper reporters and novelists.

Park was an ex-newspaper reporter and editor who became very influential in developing sociological case studies at the University of Chicago in the 1920s. As a newspaper professional he coined the term "scientific" or "depth" reporting: the description of local events in a way that pointed to major social trends. Park viewed the sociologist as "merely a more accurate, responsible, and scientific reporter." Park stressed the variety and value of human experience. He believed that sociology sought to arrive at natural, but fluid, laws and generalizations in regard to human nature and society. These laws weren't static laws of the kind sought by many positivists and natural law theorists, but rather, they were laws of becoming--with a constant possibility of change. Park encouraged students to get out of the library, to quit looking at papers and books, and to view the constant experiment of human experience. He writes, "Go and sit in the lounges of the luxury hotels and on the doorsteps of the flophouses; sit on the Gold Coast settees and on the slum shakedowns; sit in the Orchestra Hall and in the Star and Garter Burlesque. In short, gentlemen [sic], go get the seats of your pants dirty in real research."

But over the years, case studies have drawn their share of criticism. In fact, the method had its detractors from the start. In the 1920s, the debate between pro-qualitative and pro-quantitative became quite heated. Case studies, when compared to statistics, were considered by many to be unscientific. From the 1930's on, the rise of positivism had a growing influence on quantitative methods in sociology. People wanted static, generalizable laws in science. The sociological positivists were looking for stable laws of social phenomena. They criticized case study research because it failed to provide evidence of inter subjective agreement. Also, they condemned it because of the few number of cases studied and that the under-standardized character of their descriptions made generalization impossible. By the 1950s, quantitative methods, in the form of survey research, had become the dominant sociological approach and case study had become a minority practice.

Educational Applications

The 1950's marked the dawning of a new era in case study research, namely that of the utilization of the case study as a teaching method. "Instituted at Harvard Business School in the 1950s as a primary method of teaching, cases have since been used in classrooms and lecture halls alike, either as part of a course of study or as the main focus of the course to which other teaching material is added" (Armisted 1984). The basic purpose of instituting the case method as a teaching strategy was "to transfer much of the responsibility for learning from the teacher on to the student, whose role, as a result, shifts away from passive absorption toward active construction" (Boehrer 1990). Through careful examination and discussion of various cases, "students learn to identify actual problems, to recognize key players and their agendas, and to become aware of those aspects of the situation that contribute to the problem" (Merseth 1991). In addition, students are encouraged to "generate their own analysis of the problems under consideration, to develop their own solutions, and to practically apply their own knowledge of theory to these problems" (Boyce 1993). Along the way, students also develop "the power to analyze and to master a tangled circumstance by identifying and delineating important factors; the ability to utilize ideas, to test them against facts, and to throw them into fresh combinations" (Merseth 1991).

In addition to the practical application and testing of scholarly knowledge, case discussions can also help students prepare for real-world problems, situations and crises by providing an approximation of various professional environments (i.e. classroom, board room, courtroom, or hospital). Thus, through the examination of specific cases, students are given the opportunity to work out their own professional issues through the trials, tribulations, experiences, and research findings of others. An obvious advantage to this mode of instruction is that it allows students the exposure to settings and contexts that they might not otherwise experience. For example, a student interested in studying the effects of poverty on minority secondary student's grade point averages and S.A.T. scores could access and analyze information from schools as geographically diverse as Los Angeles, New York City, Miami, and New Mexico without ever having to leave the classroom.

The case study method also incorporates the idea that students can learn from one another "by engaging with each other and with each other's ideas, by asserting something and then having it questioned, challenged and thrown back at them so that they can reflect on what they hear, and then refine what they say" (Boehrer 1990). In summary, students can direct their own learning by formulating questions and taking responsibility for the study.

Types and Design Concerns

Researchers use multiple methods and approaches to conduct case studies.

Types of Case Studies

Under the more generalized category of case study exist several subdivisions, each of which is custom selected for use depending upon the goals and/or objectives of the investigator. These types of case study include the following:

Illustrative Case Studies These are primarily descriptive studies. They typically utilize one or two instances of an event to show what a situation is like. Illustrative case studies serve primarily to make the unfamiliar familiar and to give readers a common language about the topic in question.

Exploratory (or pilot) Case Studies These are condensed case studies performed before implementing a large scale investigation. Their basic function is to help identify questions and select types of measurement prior to the main investigation. The primary pitfall of this type of study is that initial findings may seem convincing enough to be released prematurely as conclusions.

Cumulative Case Studies These serve to aggregate information from several sites collected at different times. The idea behind these studies is the collection of past studies will allow for greater generalization without additional cost or time being expended on new, possibly repetitive studies.

Critical Instance Case Studies These examine one or more sites for either the purpose of examining a situation of unique interest with little to no interest in generalizability, or to call into question or challenge a highly generalized or universal assertion. This method is useful for answering cause and effect questions.

Identifying a Theoretical Perspective

Much of the case study's design is inherently determined for researchers, depending on the field from which they are working. In composition studies, researchers are typically working from a qualitative, descriptive standpoint. In contrast, physicists will approach their research from a more quantitative perspective. Still, in designing the study, researchers need to make explicit the questions to be explored and the theoretical perspective from which they will approach the case. The three most commonly adopted theories are listed below:

Individual Theories These focus primarily on the individual development, cognitive behavior, personality, learning and disability, and interpersonal interactions of a particular subject.

Organizational Theories These focus on bureaucracies, institutions, organizational structure and functions, or excellence in organizational performance.

Social Theories These focus on urban development, group behavior, cultural institutions, or marketplace functions.

Two examples of case studies are used consistently throughout this chapter. The first, a study produced by Berkenkotter, Huckin, and Ackerman (1988), looks at a first year graduate student's initiation into an academic writing program. The study uses participant-observer and linguistic data collecting techniques to assess the student's knowledge of appropriate discourse conventions. Using the pseudonym Nate to refer to the subject, the study sought to illuminate the particular experience rather than to generalize about the experience of fledgling academic writers collectively.

For example, in Berkenkotter, Huckin, and Ackerman's (1988) study we are told that the researchers are interested in disciplinary communities. In the first paragraph, they ask what constitutes membership in a disciplinary community and how achieving membership might affect a writer's understanding and production of texts. In the third paragraph they state that researchers must negotiate their claims "within the context of his sub specialty's accepted knowledge and methodology." In the next paragraph they ask, "How is literacy acquired? What is the process through which novices gain community membership? And what factors either aid or hinder students learning the requisite linguistic behaviors?" This introductory section ends with a paragraph in which the study's authors claim that during the course of the study, the subject, Nate, successfully makes the transition from "skilled novice" to become an initiated member of the academic discourse community and that his texts exhibit linguistic changes which indicate this transition. In the next section the authors make explicit the sociolinguistic theoretical and methodological assumptions on which the study is based (1988). Thus the reader has a good understanding of the authors' theoretical background and purpose in conducting the study even before it is explicitly stated on the fourth page of the study. "Our purpose was to examine the effects of the educational context on one graduate student's production of texts as he wrote in different courses and for different faculty members over the academic year 1984-85." The goal of the study then, was to explore the idea that writers must be initiated into a writing community, and that this initiation will change the way one writes.

The second example is Janet Emig's (1971) study of the composing process of a group of twelfth graders. In this study, Emig seeks to answer the question of what happens to the self as a result educational stimuli in terms of academic writing. The case study used methods such as protocol analysis, tape-recorded interviews, and discourse analysis.

In the case of Janet Emig's (1971) study of the composing process of eight twelfth graders, four specific hypotheses were made:

  • Twelfth grade writers engage in two modes of composing: reflexive and extensive.
  • These differences can be ascertained and characterized through having the writers compose aloud their composition process.
  • A set of implied stylistic principles governs the writing process.
  • For twelfth grade writers, extensive writing occurs chiefly as a school-sponsored activity, or reflexive, as a self-sponsored activity.

In this study, the chief distinction is between the two dominant modes of composing among older, secondary school students. The distinctions are:

  • The reflexive mode, which focuses on the writer's thoughts and feelings.
  • The extensive mode, which focuses on conveying a message.

Emig also outlines the specific questions which guided the research in the opening pages of her Review of Literature , preceding the report.

Designing a Case Study

After considering the different sub categories of case study and identifying a theoretical perspective, researchers can begin to design their study. Research design is the string of logic that ultimately links the data to be collected and the conclusions to be drawn to the initial questions of the study. Typically, research designs deal with at least four problems:

  • What questions to study
  • What data are relevant
  • What data to collect
  • How to analyze that data

In other words, a research design is basically a blueprint for getting from the beginning to the end of a study. The beginning is an initial set of questions to be answered, and the end is some set of conclusions about those questions.

Because case studies are conducted on topics as diverse as Anglo-Saxon Literature (Thrane 1986) and AIDS prevention (Van Vugt 1994), it is virtually impossible to outline any strict or universal method or design for conducting the case study. However, Robert K. Yin (1993) does offer five basic components of a research design:

  • A study's questions.
  • A study's propositions (if any).
  • A study's units of analysis.
  • The logic that links the data to the propositions.
  • The criteria for interpreting the findings.

In addition to these five basic components, Yin also stresses the importance of clearly articulating one's theoretical perspective, determining the goals of the study, selecting one's subject(s), selecting the appropriate method(s) of collecting data, and providing some considerations to the composition of the final report.

Conducting Case Studies

To obtain as complete a picture of the participant as possible, case study researchers can employ a variety of approaches and methods. These approaches, methods, and related issues are discussed in depth in this section.

Method: Single or Multi-modal?

To obtain as complete a picture of the participant as possible, case study researchers can employ a variety of methods. Some common methods include interviews , protocol analyses, field studies, and participant-observations. Emig (1971) chose to use several methods of data collection. Her sources included conversations with the students, protocol analysis, discrete observations of actual composition, writing samples from each student, and school records (Lauer and Asher 1988).

Berkenkotter, Huckin, and Ackerman (1988) collected data by observing classrooms, conducting faculty and student interviews, collecting self reports from the subject, and by looking at the subject's written work.

A study that was criticized for using a single method model was done by Flower and Hayes (1984). In this study that explores the ways in which writers use different forms of knowing to create space, the authors used only protocol analysis to gather data. The study came under heavy fire because of their decision to use only one method.

Participant Selection

Case studies can use one participant, or a small group of participants. However, it is important that the participant pool remain relatively small. The participants can represent a diverse cross section of society, but this isn't necessary.

For example, the Berkenkotter, Huckin, and Ackerman (1988) study looked at just one participant, Nate. By contrast, in Janet Emig's (1971) study of the composition process of twelfth graders, eight participants were selected representing a diverse cross section of the community, with volunteers from an all-white upper-middle-class suburban school, an all-black inner-city school, a racially mixed lower-middle-class school, an economically and racially mixed school, and a university school.

Often, a brief "case history" is done on the participants of the study in order to provide researchers with a clearer understanding of their participants, as well as some insight as to how their own personal histories might affect the outcome of the study. For instance, in Emig's study, the investigator had access to the school records of five of the participants, and to standardized test scores for the remaining three. Also made available to the researcher was the information that three of the eight students were selected as NCTE Achievement Award winners. These personal histories can be useful in later stages of the study when data are being analyzed and conclusions drawn.

Data Collection

There are six types of data collected in case studies:

  • Archival records.
  • Interviews.
  • Direct observation.
  • Participant observation.

In the field of composition research, these six sources might be:

  • A writer's drafts.
  • School records of student writers.
  • Transcripts of interviews with a writer.
  • Transcripts of conversations between writers (and protocols).
  • Videotapes and notes from direct field observations.
  • Hard copies of a writer's work on computer.

Depending on whether researchers have chosen to use a single or multi-modal approach for the case study, they may choose to collect data from one or any combination of these sources.

Protocols, that is, transcriptions of participants talking aloud about what they are doing as they do it, have been particularly common in composition case studies. For example, in Emig's (1971) study, the students were asked, in four different sessions, to give oral autobiographies of their writing experiences and to compose aloud three themes in the presence of a tape recorder and the investigator.

In some studies, only one method of data collection is conducted. For example, the Flower and Hayes (1981) report on the cognitive process theory of writing depends on protocol analysis alone. However, using multiple sources of evidence to increase the reliability and validity of the data can be advantageous.

Case studies are likely to be much more convincing and accurate if they are based on several different sources of information, following a corroborating mode. This conclusion is echoed among many composition researchers. For example, in her study of predrafting processes of high and low-apprehensive writers, Cynthia Selfe (1985) argues that because "methods of indirect observation provide only an incomplete reflection of the complex set of processes involved in composing, a combination of several such methods should be used to gather data in any one study." Thus, in this study, Selfe collected her data from protocols, observations of students role playing their writing processes, audio taped interviews with the students, and videotaped observations of the students in the process of composing.

It can be said then, that cross checking data from multiple sources can help provide a multidimensional profile of composing activities in a particular setting. Sharan Merriam (1985) suggests "checking, verifying, testing, probing, and confirming collected data as you go, arguing that this process will follow in a funnel-like design resulting in less data gathering in later phases of the study along with a congruent increase in analysis checking, verifying, and confirming."

It is important to note that in case studies, as in any qualitative descriptive research, while researchers begin their studies with one or several questions driving the inquiry (which influence the key factors the researcher will be looking for during data collection), a researcher may find new key factors emerging during data collection. These might be unexpected patterns or linguistic features which become evident only during the course of the research. While not bearing directly on the researcher's guiding questions, these variables may become the basis for new questions asked at the end of the report, thus linking to the possibility of further research.

Data Analysis

As the information is collected, researchers strive to make sense of their data. Generally, researchers interpret their data in one of two ways: holistically or through coding. Holistic analysis does not attempt to break the evidence into parts, but rather to draw conclusions based on the text as a whole. Flower and Hayes (1981), for example, make inferences from entire sections of their students' protocols, rather than searching through the transcripts to look for isolatable characteristics.

However, composition researchers commonly interpret their data by coding, that is by systematically searching data to identify and/or categorize specific observable actions or characteristics. These observable actions then become the key variables in the study. Sharan Merriam (1988) suggests seven analytic frameworks for the organization and presentation of data:

  • The role of participants.
  • The network analysis of formal and informal exchanges among groups.
  • Historical.
  • Thematical.
  • Ritual and symbolism.
  • Critical incidents that challenge or reinforce fundamental beliefs, practices, and values.

There are two purposes of these frameworks: to look for patterns among the data and to look for patterns that give meaning to the case study.

As stated above, while most researchers begin their case studies expecting to look for particular observable characteristics, it is not unusual for key variables to emerge during data collection. Typical variables coded in case studies of writers include pauses writers make in the production of a text, the use of specific linguistic units (such as nouns or verbs), and writing processes (planning, drafting, revising, and editing). In the Berkenkotter, Huckin, and Ackerman (1988) study, for example, researchers coded the participant's texts for use of connectives, discourse demonstratives, average sentence length, off-register words, use of the first person pronoun, and the ratio of definite articles to indefinite articles.

Since coding is inherently subjective, more than one coder is usually employed. In the Berkenkotter, Huckin, and Ackerman (1988) study, for example, three rhetoricians were employed to code the participant's texts for off-register phrases. The researchers established the agreement among the coders before concluding that the participant used fewer off-register words as the graduate program progressed.

Composing the Case Study Report

In the many forms it can take, "a case study is generically a story; it presents the concrete narrative detail of actual, or at least realistic events, it has a plot, exposition, characters, and sometimes even dialogue" (Boehrer 1990). Generally, case study reports are extensively descriptive, with "the most problematic issue often referred to as being the determination of the right combination of description and analysis" (1990). Typically, authors address each step of the research process, and attempt to give the reader as much context as possible for the decisions made in the research design and for the conclusions drawn.

This contextualization usually includes a detailed explanation of the researchers' theoretical positions, of how those theories drove the inquiry or led to the guiding research questions, of the participants' backgrounds, of the processes of data collection, of the training and limitations of the coders, along with a strong attempt to make connections between the data and the conclusions evident.

Although the Berkenkotter, Huckin, and Ackerman (1988) study does not, case study reports often include the reactions of the participants to the study or to the researchers' conclusions. Because case studies tend to be exploratory, most end with implications for further study. Here researchers may identify significant variables that emerged during the research and suggest studies related to these, or the authors may suggest further general questions that their case study generated.

For example, Emig's (1971) study concludes with a section dedicated solely to the topic of implications for further research, in which she suggests several means by which this particular study could have been improved, as well as questions and ideas raised by this study which other researchers might like to address, such as: is there a correlation between a certain personality and a certain composing process profile (e.g. is there a positive correlation between ego strength and persistence in revising)?

Also included in Emig's study is a section dedicated to implications for teaching, which outlines the pedagogical ramifications of the study's findings for teachers currently involved in high school writing programs.

Sharan Merriam (1985) also offers several suggestions for alternative presentations of data:

  • Prepare specialized condensations for appropriate groups.
  • Replace narrative sections with a series of answers to open-ended questions.
  • Present "skimmer's" summaries at beginning of each section.
  • Incorporate headlines that encapsulate information from text.
  • Prepare analytic summaries with supporting data appendixes.
  • Present data in colorful and/or unique graphic representations.

Issues of Validity and Reliability

Once key variables have been identified, they can be analyzed. Reliability becomes a key concern at this stage, and many case study researchers go to great lengths to ensure that their interpretations of the data will be both reliable and valid. Because issues of validity and reliability are an important part of any study in the social sciences, it is important to identify some ways of dealing with results.

Multi-modal case study researchers often balance the results of their coding with data from interviews or writer's reflections upon their own work. Consequently, the researchers' conclusions become highly contextualized. For example, in a case study which looked at the time spent in different stages of the writing process, Berkenkotter concluded that her participant, Donald Murray, spent more time planning his essays than in other writing stages. The report of this case study is followed by Murray's reply, wherein he agrees with some of Berkenkotter's conclusions and disagrees with others.

As is the case with other research methodologies, issues of external validity, construct validity, and reliability need to be carefully considered.

Commentary on Case Studies

Researchers often debate the relative merits of particular methods, among them case study. In this section, we comment on two key issues. To read the commentaries, choose any of the items below:

Strengths and Weaknesses of Case Studies

Most case study advocates point out that case studies produce much more detailed information than what is available through a statistical analysis. Advocates will also hold that while statistical methods might be able to deal with situations where behavior is homogeneous and routine, case studies are needed to deal with creativity, innovation, and context. Detractors argue that case studies are difficult to generalize because of inherent subjectivity and because they are based on qualitative subjective data, generalizable only to a particular context.


The case study approach is a comparatively flexible method of scientific research. Because its project designs seem to emphasize exploration rather than prescription or prediction, researchers are comparatively freer to discover and address issues as they arise in their experiments. In addition, the looser format of case studies allows researchers to begin with broad questions and narrow their focus as their experiment progresses rather than attempt to predict every possible outcome before the experiment is conducted.

Emphasis on Context

By seeking to understand as much as possible about a single subject or small group of subjects, case studies specialize in "deep data," or "thick description"--information based on particular contexts that can give research results a more human face. This emphasis can help bridge the gap between abstract research and concrete practice by allowing researchers to compare their firsthand observations with the quantitative results obtained through other methods of research.

Inherent Subjectivity

"The case study has long been stereotyped as the weak sibling among social science methods," and is often criticized as being too subjective and even pseudo-scientific. Likewise, "investigators who do case studies are often regarded as having deviated from their academic disciplines, and their investigations as having insufficient precision (that is, quantification), objectivity and rigor" (Yin 1989). Opponents cite opportunities for subjectivity in the implementation, presentation, and evaluation of case study research. The approach relies on personal interpretation of data and inferences. Results may not be generalizable, are difficult to test for validity, and rarely offer a problem-solving prescription. Simply put, relying on one or a few subjects as a basis for cognitive extrapolations runs the risk of inferring too much from what might be circumstance.

High Investment

Case studies can involve learning more about the subjects being tested than most researchers would care to know--their educational background, emotional background, perceptions of themselves and their surroundings, their likes, dislikes, and so on. Because of its emphasis on "deep data," the case study is out of reach for many large-scale research projects which look at a subject pool in the tens of thousands. A budget request of $10,000 to examine 200 subjects sounds more efficient than a similar request to examine four subjects.

Ethical Considerations

Researchers conducting case studies should consider certain ethical issues. For example, many educational case studies are often financed by people who have, either directly or indirectly, power over both those being studied and those conducting the investigation (1985). This conflict of interests can hinder the credibility of the study.

The personal integrity, sensitivity, and possible prejudices and/or biases of the investigators need to be taken into consideration as well. Personal biases can creep into how the research is conducted, alternative research methods used, and the preparation of surveys and questionnaires.

A common complaint in case study research is that investigators change direction during the course of the study unaware that their original research design was inadequate for the revised investigation. Thus, the researchers leave unknown gaps and biases in the study. To avoid this, researchers should report preliminary findings so that the likelihood of bias will be reduced.

Concerns about Reliability, Validity, and Generalizability

Merriam (1985) offers several suggestions for how case study researchers might actively combat the popular attacks on the validity, reliability, and generalizability of case studies:

  • Prolong the Processes of Data Gathering on Site: This will help to insure the accuracy of the findings by providing the researcher with more concrete information upon which to formulate interpretations.
  • Employ the Process of "Triangulation": Use a variety of data sources as opposed to relying solely upon one avenue of observation. One example of such a data check would be what McClintock, Brannon, and Maynard (1985) refer to as a "case cluster method," that is, when a single unit within a larger case is randomly sampled, and that data treated quantitatively." For instance, in Emig's (1971) study, the case cluster method was employed, singling out the productivity of a single student named Lynn. This cluster profile included an advanced case history of the subject, specific examination and analysis of individual compositions and protocols, and extensive interview sessions. The seven remaining students were then compared with the case of Lynn, to ascertain if there are any shared, or unique dimensions to the composing process engaged in by these eight students.
  • Conduct Member Checks: Initiate and maintain an active corroboration on the interpretation of data between the researcher and those who provided the data. In other words, talk to your subjects.
  • Collect Referential Materials: Complement the file of materials from the actual site with additional document support. For example, Emig (1971) supports her initial propositions with historical accounts by writers such as T.S. Eliot, James Joyce, and D.H. Lawrence. Emig also cites examples of theoretical research done with regards to the creative process, as well as examples of empirical research dealing with the writing of adolescents. Specific attention is then given to the four stages description of the composing process delineated by Helmoltz, Wallas, and Cowley, as it serves as the focal point in this study.
  • Engage in Peer Consultation: Prior to composing the final draft of the report, researchers should consult with colleagues in order to establish validity through pooled judgment.

Although little can be done to combat challenges concerning the generalizability of case studies, "most writers suggest that qualitative research should be judged as credible and confirmable as opposed to valid and reliable" (Merriam 1985). Likewise, it has been argued that "rather than transplanting statistical, quantitative notions of generalizability and thus finding qualitative research inadequate, it makes more sense to develop an understanding of generalization that is congruent with the basic characteristics of qualitative inquiry" (1985). After all, criticizing the case study method for being ungeneralizable is comparable to criticizing a washing machine for not being able to tell the correct time. In other words, it is unjust to criticize a method for not being able to do something which it was never originally designed to do in the first place.

Annotated Bibliography

Armisted, C. (1984). How Useful are Case Studies. Training and Development Journal, 38 (2), 75-77.

This article looks at eight types of case studies, offers pros and cons of using case studies in the classroom, and gives suggestions for successfully writing and using case studies.

Bardovi-Harlig, K. (1997). Beyond Methods: Components of Second Language Teacher Education . New York: McGraw-Hill.

A compilation of various research essays which address issues of language teacher education. Essays included are: "Non-native reading research and theory" by Lee, "The case for Psycholinguistics" by VanPatten, and "Assessment and Second Language Teaching" by Gradman and Reed.

Bartlett, L. (1989). A Question of Good Judgment; Interpretation Theory and Qualitative Enquiry Address. 70th Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco.

Bartlett selected "quasi-historical" methodology, which focuses on the "truth" found in case records, as one that will provide "good judgments" in educational inquiry. He argues that although the method is not comprehensive, it can try to connect theory with practice.

Baydere, S. et. al. (1993). Multimedia conferencing as a tool for collaborative writing: a case study in Computer Supported Collaborative Writing. New York: Springer-Verlag.

The case study by Baydere et. al. is just one of the many essays in this book found in the series "Computer Supported Cooperative Work." Denley, Witefield and May explore similar issues in their essay, "A case study in task analysis for the design of a collaborative document production system."

Berkenkotter, C., Huckin, T., N., & Ackerman J. (1988). Conventions, Conversations, and the Writer: Case Study of a Student in a Rhetoric Ph.D. Program. Research in the Teaching of English, 22, 9-44.

The authors focused on how the writing of their subject, Nate or Ackerman, changed as he became more acquainted or familiar with his field's discourse community.

Berninger, V., W., and Gans, B., M. (1986). Language Profiles in Nonspeaking Individuals of Normal Intelligence with Severe Cerebral Palsy. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 2, 45-50.

Argues that generalizations about language abilities in patients with severe cerebral palsy (CP) should be avoided. Standardized tests of different levels of processing oral language, of processing written language, and of producing written language were administered to 3 male participants (aged 9, 16, and 40 yrs).

Bockman, J., R., and Couture, B. (1984). The Case Method in Technical Communication: Theory and Models. Texas: Association of Teachers of Technical Writing.

Examines the study and teaching of technical writing, communication of technical information, and the case method in terms of those applications.

Boehrer, J. (1990). Teaching With Cases: Learning to Question. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 42 41-57.

This article discusses the origins of the case method, looks at the question of what is a case, gives ideas about learning in case teaching, the purposes it can serve in the classroom, the ground rules for the case discussion, including the role of the question, and new directions for case teaching.

Bowman, W. R. (1993). Evaluating JTPA Programs for Economically Disadvantaged Adults: A Case Study of Utah and General Findings . Washington: National Commission for Employment Policy.

"To encourage state-level evaluations of JTPA, the Commission and the State of Utah co-sponsored this report on the effectiveness of JTPA Title II programs for adults in Utah. The technique used is non-experimental and the comparison group was selected from registrants with Utah's Employment Security. In a step-by-step approach, the report documents how non-experimental techniques can be applied and several specific technical issues can be addressed."

Boyce, A. (1993) The Case Study Approach for Pedagogists. Annual Meeting of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. (Address). Washington DC.

This paper addresses how case studies 1) bridge the gap between teaching theory and application, 2) enable students to analyze problems and develop solutions for situations that will be encountered in the real world of teaching, and 3) helps students to evaluate the feasibility of alternatives and to understand the ramifications of a particular course of action.

Carson, J. (1993) The Case Study: Ideal Home of WAC Quantitative and Qualitative Data. Annual Meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication. (Address). San Diego.

"Increasingly, one of the most pressing questions for WAC advocates is how to keep [WAC] programs going in the face of numerous difficulties. Case histories offer the best chance for fashioning rhetorical arguments to keep WAC programs going because they offer the opportunity to provide a coherent narrative that contextualizes all documents and data, including what is generally considered scientific data. A case study of the WAC program, . . . at Robert Morris College in Pittsburgh demonstrates the advantages of this research method. Such studies are ideal homes for both naturalistic and positivistic data as well as both quantitative and qualitative information."

---. (1991). A Cognitive Process Theory of Writing. College Composition and Communication. 32. 365-87.

No abstract available.

Cromer, R. (1994) A Case Study of Dissociations Between Language and Cognition. Constraints on Language Acquisition: Studies of Atypical Children . Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 141-153.

Crossley, M. (1983) Case Study in Comparative and International Education: An Approach to Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the Australian Comparative and International Education Society. Hamilton, NZ.

Case study research, as presented here, helps bridge the theory-practice gap in comparative and international research studies of education because it focuses on the practical, day-to-day context rather than on the national arena. The paper asserts that the case study method can be valuable at all levels of research, formation, and verification of theories in education.

Daillak, R., H., and Alkin, M., C. (1982). Qualitative Studies in Context: Reflections on the CSE Studies of Evaluation Use . California: EDRS

The report shows how the Center of the Study of Evaluation (CSE) applied qualitative techniques to a study of evaluation information use in local, Los Angeles schools. It critiques the effectiveness and the limitations of using case study, evaluation, field study, and user interview survey methodologies.

Davey, L. (1991). The Application of Case Study Evaluations. ERIC/TM Digest.

This article examines six types of case studies, the type of evaluation questions that can be answered, the functions served, some design features, and some pitfalls of the method.

Deutch, C. E. (1996). A course in research ethics for graduate students. College Teaching, 44, 2, 56-60.

This article describes a one-credit discussion course in research ethics for graduate students in biology. Case studies are focused on within the four parts of the course: 1) major issues, 2 )practical issues in scholarly work, 3) ownership of research results, and 4) training and personal decisions.

DeVoss, G. (1981). Ethics in Fieldwork Research. RIE 27p. (ERIC)

This article examines four of the ethical problems that can happen when conducting case study research: acquiring permission to do research, knowing when to stop digging, the pitfalls of doing collaborative research, and preserving the integrity of the participants.

Driscoll, A. (1985). Case Study of a Research Intervention: the University of Utah’s Collaborative Approach . San Francisco: Far West Library for Educational Research Development.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, Denver, CO, March 1985. Offers information of in-service training, specifically case studies application.

Ellram, L. M. (1996). The Use of the Case Study Method in Logistics Research. Journal of Business Logistics, 17, 2, 93.

This article discusses the increased use of case study in business research, and the lack of understanding of when and how to use case study methodology in business.

Emig, J. (1971) The Composing Processes of Twelfth Graders . Urbana: NTCE.

This case study uses observation, tape recordings, writing samples, and school records to show that writing in reflexive and extensive situations caused different lengths of discourse and different clusterings of the components of the writing process.

Feagin, J. R. (1991). A Case For the Case Study . Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.

This book discusses the nature, characteristics, and basic methodological issues of the case study as a research method.

Feldman, H., Holland, A., & Keefe, K. (1989) Language Abilities after Left Hemisphere Brain Injury: A Case Study of Twins. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 9, 32-47.

"Describes the language abilities of 2 twin pairs in which 1 twin (the experimental) suffered brain injury to the left cerebral hemisphere around the time of birth and1 twin (the control) did not. One pair of twins was initially assessed at age 23 mo. and the other at about 30 mo.; they were subsequently evaluated in their homes 3 times at about 6-mo intervals."

Fidel, R. (1984). The Case Study Method: A Case Study. Library and Information Science Research, 6.

The article describes the use of case study methodology to systematically develop a model of online searching behavior in which study design is flexible, subject manner determines data gathering and analyses, and procedures adapt to the study's progressive change.

Flower, L., & Hayes, J. R. (1984). Images, Plans and Prose: The Representation of Meaning in Writing. Written Communication, 1, 120-160.

Explores the ways in which writers actually use different forms of knowing to create prose.

Frey, L. R. (1992). Interpreting Communication Research: A Case Study Approach Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.

The book discusses research methodologies in the Communication field. It focuses on how case studies bridge the gap between communication research, theory, and practice.

Gilbert, V. K. (1981). The Case Study as a Research Methodology: Difficulties and Advantages of Integrating the Positivistic, Phenomenological and Grounded Theory Approaches . The Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration. (Address) Halifax, NS, Can.

This study on an innovative secondary school in England shows how a "low-profile" participant-observer case study was crucial to the initial observation, the testing of hypotheses, the interpretive approach, and the grounded theory.

Gilgun, J. F. (1994). A Case for Case Studies in Social Work Research. Social Work, 39, 4, 371-381.

This article defines case study research, presents guidelines for evaluation of case studies, and shows the relevance of case studies to social work research. It also looks at issues such as evaluation and interpretations of case studies.

Glennan, S. L., Sharp-Bittner, M. A. & Tullos, D. C. (1991). Augmentative and Alternative Communication Training with a Nonspeaking Adult: Lessons from MH. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 7, 240-7.

"A response-guided case study documented changes in a nonspeaking 36-yr-old man's ability to communicate using 3 trained augmentative communication modes. . . . Data were collected in videotaped interaction sessions between the nonspeaking adult and a series of adult speaking."

Graves, D. (1981). An Examination of the Writing Processes of Seven Year Old Children. Research in the Teaching of English, 15, 113-134.

Hamel, J. (1993). Case Study Methods . Newbury Park: Sage. .

"In a most economical fashion, Hamel provides a practical guide for producing theoretically sharp and empirically sound sociological case studies. A central idea put forth by Hamel is that case studies must "locate the global in the local" thus making the careful selection of the research site the most critical decision in the analytic process."

Karthigesu, R. (1986, July). Television as a Tool for Nation-Building in the Third World: A Post-Colonial Pattern, Using Malaysia as a Case-Study. International Television Studies Conference. (Address). London, 10-12.

"The extent to which Television Malaysia, as a national mass media organization, has been able to play a role in nation building in the post-colonial period is . . . studied in two parts: how the choice of a model of nation building determines the character of the organization; and how the character of the organization influences the output of the organization."

Kenny, R. (1984). Making the Case for the Case Study. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 16, (1), 37-51.

The article looks at how and why the case study is justified as a viable and valuable approach to educational research and program evaluation.

Knirk, F. (1991). Case Materials: Research and Practice. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 4 (1 ), 73-81.

The article addresses the effectiveness of case studies, subject areas where case studies are commonly used, recent examples of their use, and case study design considerations.

Klos, D. (1976). Students as Case Writers. Teaching of Psychology, 3.2, 63-66.

This article reviews a course in which students gather data for an original case study of another person. The task requires the students to design the study, collect the data, write the narrative, and interpret the findings.

Leftwich, A. (1981). The Politics of Case Study: Problems of Innovation in University Education. Higher Education Review, 13.2, 38-64.

The article discusses the use of case studies as a teaching method. Emphasis is on the instructional materials, interdisciplinarity, and the complex relationships within the university that help or hinder the method.

Mabrito, M. (1991, Oct.). Electronic Mail as a Vehicle for Peer Response: Conversations of High and Low Apprehensive Writers. Written Communication, 509-32.

McCarthy, S., J. (1955). The Influence of Classroom Discourse on Student Texts: The Case of Ella . East Lansing: Institute for Research on Teaching.

A look at how students of color become marginalized within traditional classroom discourse. The essay follows the struggles of one black student: Ella.

Matsuhashi, A., ed. (1987). Writing in Real Time: Modeling Production Processes Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation.

Investigates how writers plan to produce discourse for different purposes to report, to generalize, and to persuade, as well as how writers plan for sentence level units of language. To learn about planning, an observational measure of pause time was used" (ERIC).

Merriam, S. B. (1985). The Case Study in Educational Research: A Review of Selected Literature. Journal of Educational Thought, 19.3, 204-17.

The article examines the characteristics of, philosophical assumptions underlying the case study, the mechanics of conducting a case study, and the concerns about the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the method.

---. (1988). Case Study Research in Education: A Qualitative Approach San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Merry, S. E., & Milner, N. eds. (1993). The Possibility of Popular Justice: A Case Study of Community Mediation in the United States . Ann Arbor: U of Michigan.

". . . this volume presents a case study of one experiment in popular justice, the San Francisco Community Boards. This program has made an explicit claim to create an alternative justice, or new justice, in the midst of a society ordered by state law. The contributors to this volume explore the history and experience of the program and compare it to other versions of popular justice in the United States, Europe, and the Third World."

Merseth, K. K. (1991). The Case for Cases in Teacher Education. RIE. 42p. (ERIC).

This monograph argues that the case method of instruction offers unique potential for revitalizing the field of teacher education.

Michaels, S. (1987). Text and Context: A New Approach to the Study of Classroom Writing. Discourse Processes, 10, 321-346.

"This paper argues for and illustrates an approach to the study of writing that integrates ethnographic analysis of classroom interaction with linguistic analysis of written texts and teacher/student conversational exchanges. The approach is illustrated through a case study of writing in a single sixth grade classroom during a single writing assignment."

Milburn, G. (1995). Deciphering a Code or Unraveling a Riddle: A Case Study in the Application of a Humanistic Metaphor to the Reporting of Social Studies Teaching. Theory and Research in Education, 13.

This citation serves as an example of how case studies document learning procedures in a senior-level economics course.

Milley, J. E. (1979). An Investigation of Case Study as an Approach to Program Evaluation. 19th Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research. (Address). San Diego.

The case study method merged a narrative report focusing on the evaluator as participant-observer with document review, interview, content analysis, attitude questionnaire survey, and sociogram analysis. Milley argues that case study program evaluation has great potential for widespread use.

Minnis, J. R. (1985, Sept.). Ethnography, Case Study, Grounded Theory, and Distance Education Research. Distance Education, 6.2.

This article describes and defines the strengths and weaknesses of ethnography, case study, and grounded theory.

Nunan, D. (1992). Collaborative language learning and teaching . New York: Cambridge University Press.

Included in this series of essays is Peter Sturman’s "Team Teaching: a case study from Japan" and David Nunan’s own "Toward a collaborative approach to curriculum development: a case study."

Nystrand, M., ed. (1982). What Writers Know: The Language, Process, and Structure of Written Discourse . New York: Academic Press.

Owenby, P. H. (1992). Making Case Studies Come Alive. Training, 29, (1), 43-46. (ERIC)

This article provides tips for writing more effective case studies.

---. (1981). Pausing and Planning: The Tempo of Writer Discourse Production. Research in the Teaching of English, 15 (2),113-34.

Perl, S. (1979). The Composing Processes of Unskilled College Writers. Research in the Teaching of English, 13, 317-336.

"Summarizes a study of five unskilled college writers, focusing especially on one of the five, and discusses the findings in light of current pedagogical practice and research design."

Pilcher J. and A. Coffey. eds. (1996). Gender and Qualitative Research . Brookfield: Aldershot, Hants, England.

This book provides a series of essays which look at gender identity research, qualitative research and applications of case study to questions of gendered pedagogy.

Pirie, B. S. (1993). The Case of Morty: A Four Year Study. Gifted Education International, 9 (2), 105-109.

This case study describes a boy from kindergarten through third grade with above average intelligence but difficulty in learning to read, write, and spell.

Popkewitz, T. (1993). Changing Patterns of Power: Social Regulation and Teacher Education Reform. Albany: SUNY Press.

Popkewitz edits this series of essays that address case studies on educational change and the training of teachers. The essays vary in terms of discipline and scope. Also, several authors include case studies of educational practices in countries other than the United States.

---. (1984). The Predrafting Processes of Four High- and Four Low Apprehensive Writers. Research in the Teaching of English, 18, (1), 45-64.

Rasmussen, P. (1985, March) A Case Study on the Evaluation of Research at the Technical University of Denmark. International Journal of Institutional Management in Higher Education, 9 (1).

This is an example of a case study methodology used to evaluate the chemistry and chemical engineering departments at the University of Denmark.

Roth, K. J. (1986). Curriculum Materials, Teacher Talk, and Student Learning: Case Studies in Fifth-Grade Science Teaching . East Lansing: Institute for Research on Teaching.

Roth offers case studies on elementary teachers, elementary school teaching, science studies and teaching, and verbal learning.

Selfe, C. L. (1985). An Apprehensive Writer Composes. When a Writer Can't Write: Studies in Writer's Block and Other Composing-Process Problems . (pp. 83-95). Ed. Mike Rose. NMY: Guilford.

Smith-Lewis, M., R. and Ford, A. (1987). A User's Perspective on Augmentative Communication. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 3, 12-7.

"During a series of in-depth interviews, a 25-yr-old woman with cerebral palsy who utilized augmentative communication reflected on the effectiveness of the devices designed for her during her school career."

St. Pierre, R., G. (1980, April). Follow Through: A Case Study in Metaevaluation Research . 64th Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. (Address).

The three approaches to metaevaluation are evaluation of primary evaluations, integrative meta-analysis with combined primary evaluation results, and re-analysis of the raw data from a primary evaluation.

Stahler, T., M. (1996, Feb.) Early Field Experiences: A Model That Worked. ERIC.

"This case study of a field and theory class examines a model designed to provide meaningful field experiences for preservice teachers while remaining consistent with the instructor's beliefs about the role of teacher education in preparing teachers for the classroom."

Stake, R. E. (1995). The Art of Case Study Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

This book examines case study research in education and case study methodology.

Stiegelbauer, S. (1984) Community, Context, and Co-curriculum: Situational Factors Influencing School Improvements in a Study of High Schools. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Discussion of several case studies: one looking at high school environments, another examining educational innovations.

Stolovitch, H. (1990). Case Study Method. Performance And Instruction, 29, (9), 35-37.

This article describes the case study method as a form of simulation and presents guidelines for their use in professional training situations.

Thaller, E. (1994). Bibliography for the Case Method: Using Case Studies in Teacher Education. RIE. 37 p.

This bibliography presents approximately 450 citations on the use of case studies in teacher education from 1921-1993.

Thrane, T. (1986). On Delimiting the Senses of Near-Synonyms in Historical Semantics: A Case Study of Adjectives of 'Moral Sufficiency' in the Old English Andreas. Linguistics Across Historical and Geographical Boundaries: In Honor of Jacek Fisiak on the Occasion of his Fiftieth Birthday . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

United Nations. (1975). Food and Agriculture Organization. Report on the FAO/UNFPA Seminar on Methodology, Research and Country: Case Studies on Population, Employment and Productivity . Rome: United Nations.

This example case study shows how the methodology can be used in a demographic and psychographic evaluation. At the same time, it discusses the formation and instigation of the case study methodology itself.

Van Vugt, J. P., ed. (1994). Aids Prevention and Services: Community Based Research . Westport: Bergin and Garvey.

"This volume has been five years in the making. In the process, some of the policy applications called for have met with limited success, such as free needle exchange programs in a limited number of American cities, providing condoms to prison inmates, and advertisements that depict same-sex couples. Rather than dating our chapters that deal with such subjects, such policy applications are verifications of the type of research demonstrated here. Furthermore, they indicate the critical need to continue community based research in the various communities threatened by acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS) . . . "

Welch, W., ed. (1981, May). Case Study Methodology in Educational Evaluation. Proceedings of the Minnesota Evaluation Conference. Minnesota. (Address).

The four papers in these proceedings provide a comprehensive picture of the rationale, methodology, strengths, and limitations of case studies.

Williams, G. (1987). The Case Method: An Approach to Teaching and Learning in Educational Administration. RIE, 31p.

This paper examines the viability of the case method as a teaching and learning strategy in instructional systems geared toward the training of personnel of the administration of various aspects of educational systems.

Yin, R. K. (1993). Advancing Rigorous Methodologies: A Review of 'Towards Rigor in Reviews of Multivocal Literatures.' Review of Educational Research, 61, (3).

"R. T. Ogawa and B. Malen's article does not meet its own recommended standards for rigorous testing and presentation of its own conclusions. Use of the exploratory case study to analyze multivocal literatures is not supported, and the claim of grounded theory to analyze multivocal literatures may be stronger."

---. (1989). Case Study Research: Design and Methods. London: Sage Publications Inc.

This book discusses in great detail, the entire design process of the case study, including entire chapters on collecting evidence, analyzing evidence, composing the case study report, and designing single and multiple case studies.

Related Links

Consider the following list of related Web sites for more information on the topic of case study research. Note: although many of the links cover the general category of qualitative research, all have sections that address issues of case studies.

  • Sage Publications on Qualitative Methodology: Search here for a comprehensive list of new books being published about "Qualitative Methodology"
  • The International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education: An on-line journal "to enhance the theory and practice of qualitative research in education." On-line submissions are welcome.
  • Qualitative Research Resources on the Internet: From syllabi to home pages to bibliographies. All links relate somehow to qualitative research.

Becker, Bronwyn, Patrick Dawson, Karen Devine, Carla Hannum, Steve Hill, Jon Leydens, Debbie Matuskevich, Carol Traver, & Mike Palmquist. (2005). Case Studies. Writing@CSU . Colorado State University.

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Blog Business How to Present a Case Study like a Pro (With Examples)

How to Present a Case Study like a Pro (With Examples)

Written by: Danesh Ramuthi Sep 07, 2023

How Present a Case Study like a Pro

Okay, let’s get real: case studies can be kinda snooze-worthy. But guess what? They don’t have to be!

In this article, I will cover every element that transforms a mere report into a compelling case study, from selecting the right metrics to using persuasive narrative techniques.

And if you’re feeling a little lost, don’t worry! There are cool tools like Venngage’s Case Study Creator to help you whip up something awesome, even if you’re short on time. Plus, the pre-designed case study templates are like instant polish because let’s be honest, everyone loves a shortcut.

Click to jump ahead: 

What is a case study presentation?

What is the purpose of presenting a case study, how to structure a case study presentation, how long should a case study presentation be, 5 case study presentation examples with templates, 6 tips for delivering an effective case study presentation, 5 common mistakes to avoid in a case study presentation, how to present a case study faqs.

A case study presentation involves a comprehensive examination of a specific subject, which could range from an individual, group, location, event, organization or phenomenon.

They’re like puzzles you get to solve with the audience, all while making you think outside the box.

Unlike a basic report or whitepaper, the purpose of a case study presentation is to stimulate critical thinking among the viewers. 

The primary objective of a case study is to provide an extensive and profound comprehension of the chosen topic. You don’t just throw numbers at your audience. You use examples and real-life cases to make you think and see things from different angles.

case study definition in speech

The primary purpose of presenting a case study is to offer a comprehensive, evidence-based argument that informs, persuades and engages your audience.

Here’s the juicy part: presenting that case study can be your secret weapon. Whether you’re pitching a groundbreaking idea to a room full of suits or trying to impress your professor with your A-game, a well-crafted case study can be the magic dust that sprinkles brilliance over your words.

Think of it like digging into a puzzle you can’t quite crack . A case study lets you explore every piece, turn it over and see how it fits together. This close-up look helps you understand the whole picture, not just a blurry snapshot.

It’s also your chance to showcase how you analyze things, step by step, until you reach a conclusion. It’s all about being open and honest about how you got there.

Besides, presenting a case study gives you an opportunity to connect data and real-world scenarios in a compelling narrative. It helps to make your argument more relatable and accessible, increasing its impact on your audience.

One of the contexts where case studies can be very helpful is during the job interview. In some job interviews, you as candidates may be asked to present a case study as part of the selection process.

Having a case study presentation prepared allows the candidate to demonstrate their ability to understand complex issues, formulate strategies and communicate their ideas effectively.

Case Study Example Psychology

The way you present a case study can make all the difference in how it’s received. A well-structured presentation not only holds the attention of your audience but also ensures that your key points are communicated clearly and effectively.

In this section, let’s go through the key steps that’ll help you structure your case study presentation for maximum impact.

Let’s get into it. 

Open with an introductory overview 

Start by introducing the subject of your case study and its relevance. Explain why this case study is important and who would benefit from the insights gained. This is your opportunity to grab your audience’s attention.

case study definition in speech

Explain the problem in question

Dive into the problem or challenge that the case study focuses on. Provide enough background information for the audience to understand the issue. If possible, quantify the problem using data or metrics to show the magnitude or severity.

case study definition in speech

Detail the solutions to solve the problem

After outlining the problem, describe the steps taken to find a solution. This could include the methodology, any experiments or tests performed and the options that were considered. Make sure to elaborate on why the final solution was chosen over the others.

case study definition in speech

Key stakeholders Involved

Talk about the individuals, groups or organizations that were directly impacted by or involved in the problem and its solution. 

Stakeholders may experience a range of outcomes—some may benefit, while others could face setbacks.

For example, in a business transformation case study, employees could face job relocations or changes in work culture, while shareholders might be looking at potential gains or losses.

Discuss the key results & outcomes

Discuss the results of implementing the solution. Use data and metrics to back up your statements. Did the solution meet its objectives? What impact did it have on the stakeholders? Be honest about any setbacks or areas for improvement as well.

case study definition in speech

Include visuals to support your analysis

Visual aids can be incredibly effective in helping your audience grasp complex issues. Utilize charts, graphs, images or video clips to supplement your points. Make sure to explain each visual and how it contributes to your overall argument.

Pie charts illustrate the proportion of different components within a whole, useful for visualizing market share, budget allocation or user demographics.

This is particularly useful especially if you’re displaying survey results in your case study presentation.

case study definition in speech

Stacked charts on the other hand are perfect for visualizing composition and trends. This is great for analyzing things like customer demographics, product breakdowns or budget allocation in your case study.

Consider this example of a stacked bar chart template. It provides a straightforward summary of the top-selling cake flavors across various locations, offering a quick and comprehensive view of the data.

case study definition in speech

Not the chart you’re looking for? Browse Venngage’s gallery of chart templates to find the perfect one that’ll captivate your audience and level up your data storytelling.

Recommendations and next steps

Wrap up by providing recommendations based on the case study findings. Outline the next steps that stakeholders should take to either expand on the success of the project or address any remaining challenges.

Acknowledgments and references

Thank the people who contributed to the case study and helped in the problem-solving process. Cite any external resources, reports or data sets that contributed to your analysis.

Feedback & Q&A session

Open the floor for questions and feedback from your audience. This allows for further discussion and can provide additional insights that may not have been considered previously.

Closing remarks

Conclude the presentation by summarizing the key points and emphasizing the takeaways. Thank your audience for their time and participation and express your willingness to engage in further discussions or collaborations on the subject.

case study definition in speech

Well, the length of a case study presentation can vary depending on the complexity of the topic and the needs of your audience. However, a typical business or academic presentation often lasts between 15 to 30 minutes. 

This time frame usually allows for a thorough explanation of the case while maintaining audience engagement. However, always consider leaving a few minutes at the end for a Q&A session to address any questions or clarify points made during the presentation.

When it comes to presenting a compelling case study, having a well-structured template can be a game-changer. 

It helps you organize your thoughts, data and findings in a coherent and visually pleasing manner. 

Not all case studies are created equal and different scenarios require distinct approaches for maximum impact. 

To save you time and effort, I have curated a list of 5 versatile case study presentation templates, each designed for specific needs and audiences. 

Here are some best case study presentation examples that showcase effective strategies for engaging your audience and conveying complex information clearly.

1 . Lab report case study template

Ever feel like your research gets lost in a world of endless numbers and jargon? Lab case studies are your way out!

Think of it as building a bridge between your cool experiment and everyone else. It’s more than just reporting results – it’s explaining the “why” and “how” in a way that grabs attention and makes sense.

This lap report template acts as a blueprint for your report, guiding you through each essential section (introduction, methods, results, etc.) in a logical order.

College Lab Report Template - Introduction

Want to present your research like a pro? Browse our research presentation template gallery for creative inspiration!

2. Product case study template

It’s time you ditch those boring slideshows and bullet points because I’ve got a better way to win over clients: product case study templates.

Instead of just listing features and benefits, you get to create a clear and concise story that shows potential clients exactly what your product can do for them. It’s like painting a picture they can easily visualize, helping them understand the value your product brings to the table.

Grab the template below, fill in the details, and watch as your product’s impact comes to life!

case study definition in speech

3. Content marketing case study template

In digital marketing, showcasing your accomplishments is as vital as achieving them. 

A well-crafted case study not only acts as a testament to your successes but can also serve as an instructional tool for others. 

With this coral content marketing case study template—a perfect blend of vibrant design and structured documentation, you can narrate your marketing triumphs effectively.

case study definition in speech

4. Case study psychology template

Understanding how people tick is one of psychology’s biggest quests and case studies are like magnifying glasses for the mind. They offer in-depth looks at real-life behaviors, emotions and thought processes, revealing fascinating insights into what makes us human.

Writing a top-notch case study, though, can be a challenge. It requires careful organization, clear presentation and meticulous attention to detail. That’s where a good case study psychology template comes in handy.

Think of it as a helpful guide, taking care of formatting and structure while you focus on the juicy content. No more wrestling with layouts or margins – just pour your research magic into crafting a compelling narrative.

case study definition in speech

5. Lead generation case study template

Lead generation can be a real head-scratcher. But here’s a little help: a lead generation case study.

Think of it like a friendly handshake and a confident resume all rolled into one. It’s your chance to showcase your expertise, share real-world successes and offer valuable insights. Potential clients get to see your track record, understand your approach and decide if you’re the right fit.

No need to start from scratch, though. This lead generation case study template guides you step-by-step through crafting a clear, compelling narrative that highlights your wins and offers actionable tips for others. Fill in the gaps with your specific data and strategies, and voilà! You’ve got a powerful tool to attract new customers.

Modern Lead Generation Business Case Study Presentation Template

Related: 15+ Professional Case Study Examples [Design Tips + Templates]

So, you’ve spent hours crafting the perfect case study and are now tasked with presenting it. Crafting the case study is only half the battle; delivering it effectively is equally important. 

Whether you’re facing a room of executives, academics or potential clients, how you present your findings can make a significant difference in how your work is received. 

Forget boring reports and snooze-inducing presentations! Let’s make your case study sing. Here are some key pointers to turn information into an engaging and persuasive performance:

  • Know your audience : Tailor your presentation to the knowledge level and interests of your audience. Remember to use language and examples that resonate with them.
  • Rehearse : Rehearsing your case study presentation is the key to a smooth delivery and for ensuring that you stay within the allotted time. Practice helps you fine-tune your pacing, hone your speaking skills with good word pronunciations and become comfortable with the material, leading to a more confident, conversational and effective presentation.
  • Start strong : Open with a compelling introduction that grabs your audience’s attention. You might want to use an interesting statistic, a provocative question or a brief story that sets the stage for your case study.
  • Be clear and concise : Avoid jargon and overly complex sentences. Get to the point quickly and stay focused on your objectives.
  • Use visual aids : Incorporate slides with graphics, charts or videos to supplement your verbal presentation. Make sure they are easy to read and understand.
  • Tell a story : Use storytelling techniques to make the case study more engaging. A well-told narrative can help you make complex data more relatable and easier to digest.

case study definition in speech

Ditching the dry reports and slide decks? Venngage’s case study templates let you wow customers with your solutions and gain insights to improve your business plan. Pre-built templates, visual magic and customer captivation – all just a click away. Go tell your story and watch them say “wow!”

Nailed your case study, but want to make your presentation even stronger? Avoid these common mistakes to ensure your audience gets the most out of it:

Overloading with information

A case study is not an encyclopedia. Overloading your presentation with excessive data, text or jargon can make it cumbersome and difficult for the audience to digest the key points. Stick to what’s essential and impactful. Need help making your data clear and impactful? Our data presentation templates can help! Find clear and engaging visuals to showcase your findings.

Lack of structure

Jumping haphazardly between points or topics can confuse your audience. A well-structured presentation, with a logical flow from introduction to conclusion, is crucial for effective communication.

Ignoring the audience

Different audiences have different needs and levels of understanding. Failing to adapt your presentation to your audience can result in a disconnect and a less impactful presentation.

Poor visual elements

While content is king, poor design or lack of visual elements can make your case study dull or hard to follow. Make sure you use high-quality images, graphs and other visual aids to support your narrative.

Not focusing on results

A case study aims to showcase a problem and its solution, but what most people care about are the results. Failing to highlight or adequately explain the outcomes can make your presentation fall flat.

How to start a case study presentation?

Starting a case study presentation effectively involves a few key steps:

  • Grab attention : Open with a hook—an intriguing statistic, a provocative question or a compelling visual—to engage your audience from the get-go.
  • Set the stage : Briefly introduce the subject, context and relevance of the case study to give your audience an idea of what to expect.
  • Outline objectives : Clearly state what the case study aims to achieve. Are you solving a problem, proving a point or showcasing a success?
  • Agenda : Give a quick outline of the key sections or topics you’ll cover to help the audience follow along.
  • Set expectations : Let your audience know what you want them to take away from the presentation, whether it’s knowledge, inspiration or a call to action.

How to present a case study on PowerPoint and on Google Slides?

Presenting a case study on PowerPoint and Google Slides involves a structured approach for clarity and impact using presentation slides :

  • Title slide : Start with a title slide that includes the name of the case study, your name and any relevant institutional affiliations.
  • Introduction : Follow with a slide that outlines the problem or situation your case study addresses. Include a hook to engage the audience.
  • Objectives : Clearly state the goals of the case study in a dedicated slide.
  • Findings : Use charts, graphs and bullet points to present your findings succinctly.
  • Analysis : Discuss what the findings mean, drawing on supporting data or secondary research as necessary.
  • Conclusion : Summarize key takeaways and results.
  • Q&A : End with a slide inviting questions from the audience.

What’s the role of analysis in a case study presentation?

The role of analysis in a case study presentation is to interpret the data and findings, providing context and meaning to them. 

It helps your audience understand the implications of the case study, connects the dots between the problem and the solution and may offer recommendations for future action.

Is it important to include real data and results in the presentation?

Yes, including real data and results in a case study presentation is crucial to show experience,  credibility and impact. Authentic data lends weight to your findings and conclusions, enabling the audience to trust your analysis and take your recommendations more seriously

How do I conclude a case study presentation effectively?

To conclude a case study presentation effectively, summarize the key findings, insights and recommendations in a clear and concise manner. 

End with a strong call-to-action or a thought-provoking question to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

What’s the best way to showcase data in a case study presentation ?

The best way to showcase data in a case study presentation is through visual aids like charts, graphs and infographics which make complex information easily digestible, engaging and creative. 

Don’t just report results, visualize them! This template for example lets you transform your social media case study into a captivating infographic that sparks conversation.

case study definition in speech

Choose the type of visual that best represents the data you’re showing; for example, use bar charts for comparisons or pie charts for parts of a whole. 

Ensure that the visuals are high-quality and clearly labeled, so the audience can quickly grasp the key points. 

Keep the design consistent and simple, avoiding clutter or overly complex visuals that could distract from the message.

Choose a template that perfectly suits your case study where you can utilize different visual aids for maximum impact. 

Need more inspiration on how to turn numbers into impact with the help of infographics? Our ready-to-use infographic templates take the guesswork out of creating visual impact for your case studies with just a few clicks.

Related: 10+ Case Study Infographic Templates That Convert

Congrats on mastering the art of compelling case study presentations! This guide has equipped you with all the essentials, from structure and nuances to avoiding common pitfalls. You’re ready to impress any audience, whether in the boardroom, the classroom or beyond.

And remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Venngage’s Case Study Creator is your trusty companion, ready to elevate your presentations from ordinary to extraordinary. So, let your confidence shine, leverage your newly acquired skills and prepare to deliver presentations that truly resonate.

Go forth and make a lasting impact!

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The Ultimate Guide to Qualitative Research - Part 1: The Basics

case study definition in speech

  • Introduction and overview
  • What is qualitative research?
  • What is qualitative data?
  • Examples of qualitative data
  • Qualitative vs. quantitative research
  • Mixed methods
  • Qualitative research preparation
  • Theoretical perspective
  • Theoretical framework
  • Literature reviews

Research question

  • Conceptual framework
  • Conceptual vs. theoretical framework

Data collection

  • Qualitative research methods
  • Focus groups
  • Observational research

What is a case study?

Applications for case study research, what is a good case study, process of case study design, benefits and limitations of case studies.

  • Ethnographical research
  • Ethical considerations
  • Confidentiality and privacy
  • Power dynamics
  • Reflexivity

Case studies

Case studies are essential to qualitative research , offering a lens through which researchers can investigate complex phenomena within their real-life contexts. This chapter explores the concept, purpose, applications, examples, and types of case studies and provides guidance on how to conduct case study research effectively.

case study definition in speech

Whereas quantitative methods look at phenomena at scale, case study research looks at a concept or phenomenon in considerable detail. While analyzing a single case can help understand one perspective regarding the object of research inquiry, analyzing multiple cases can help obtain a more holistic sense of the topic or issue. Let's provide a basic definition of a case study, then explore its characteristics and role in the qualitative research process.

Definition of a case study

A case study in qualitative research is a strategy of inquiry that involves an in-depth investigation of a phenomenon within its real-world context. It provides researchers with the opportunity to acquire an in-depth understanding of intricate details that might not be as apparent or accessible through other methods of research. The specific case or cases being studied can be a single person, group, or organization – demarcating what constitutes a relevant case worth studying depends on the researcher and their research question .

Among qualitative research methods , a case study relies on multiple sources of evidence, such as documents, artifacts, interviews , or observations , to present a complete and nuanced understanding of the phenomenon under investigation. The objective is to illuminate the readers' understanding of the phenomenon beyond its abstract statistical or theoretical explanations.

Characteristics of case studies

Case studies typically possess a number of distinct characteristics that set them apart from other research methods. These characteristics include a focus on holistic description and explanation, flexibility in the design and data collection methods, reliance on multiple sources of evidence, and emphasis on the context in which the phenomenon occurs.

Furthermore, case studies can often involve a longitudinal examination of the case, meaning they study the case over a period of time. These characteristics allow case studies to yield comprehensive, in-depth, and richly contextualized insights about the phenomenon of interest.

The role of case studies in research

Case studies hold a unique position in the broader landscape of research methods aimed at theory development. They are instrumental when the primary research interest is to gain an intensive, detailed understanding of a phenomenon in its real-life context.

In addition, case studies can serve different purposes within research - they can be used for exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory purposes, depending on the research question and objectives. This flexibility and depth make case studies a valuable tool in the toolkit of qualitative researchers.

Remember, a well-conducted case study can offer a rich, insightful contribution to both academic and practical knowledge through theory development or theory verification, thus enhancing our understanding of complex phenomena in their real-world contexts.

What is the purpose of a case study?

Case study research aims for a more comprehensive understanding of phenomena, requiring various research methods to gather information for qualitative analysis . Ultimately, a case study can allow the researcher to gain insight into a particular object of inquiry and develop a theoretical framework relevant to the research inquiry.

Why use case studies in qualitative research?

Using case studies as a research strategy depends mainly on the nature of the research question and the researcher's access to the data.

Conducting case study research provides a level of detail and contextual richness that other research methods might not offer. They are beneficial when there's a need to understand complex social phenomena within their natural contexts.

The explanatory, exploratory, and descriptive roles of case studies

Case studies can take on various roles depending on the research objectives. They can be exploratory when the research aims to discover new phenomena or define new research questions; they are descriptive when the objective is to depict a phenomenon within its context in a detailed manner; and they can be explanatory if the goal is to understand specific relationships within the studied context. Thus, the versatility of case studies allows researchers to approach their topic from different angles, offering multiple ways to uncover and interpret the data .

The impact of case studies on knowledge development

Case studies play a significant role in knowledge development across various disciplines. Analysis of cases provides an avenue for researchers to explore phenomena within their context based on the collected data.

case study definition in speech

This can result in the production of rich, practical insights that can be instrumental in both theory-building and practice. Case studies allow researchers to delve into the intricacies and complexities of real-life situations, uncovering insights that might otherwise remain hidden.

Types of case studies

In qualitative research , a case study is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Depending on the nature of the research question and the specific objectives of the study, researchers might choose to use different types of case studies. These types differ in their focus, methodology, and the level of detail they provide about the phenomenon under investigation.

Understanding these types is crucial for selecting the most appropriate approach for your research project and effectively achieving your research goals. Let's briefly look at the main types of case studies.

Exploratory case studies

Exploratory case studies are typically conducted to develop a theory or framework around an understudied phenomenon. They can also serve as a precursor to a larger-scale research project. Exploratory case studies are useful when a researcher wants to identify the key issues or questions which can spur more extensive study or be used to develop propositions for further research. These case studies are characterized by flexibility, allowing researchers to explore various aspects of a phenomenon as they emerge, which can also form the foundation for subsequent studies.

Descriptive case studies

Descriptive case studies aim to provide a complete and accurate representation of a phenomenon or event within its context. These case studies are often based on an established theoretical framework, which guides how data is collected and analyzed. The researcher is concerned with describing the phenomenon in detail, as it occurs naturally, without trying to influence or manipulate it.

Explanatory case studies

Explanatory case studies are focused on explanation - they seek to clarify how or why certain phenomena occur. Often used in complex, real-life situations, they can be particularly valuable in clarifying causal relationships among concepts and understanding the interplay between different factors within a specific context.

case study definition in speech

Intrinsic, instrumental, and collective case studies

These three categories of case studies focus on the nature and purpose of the study. An intrinsic case study is conducted when a researcher has an inherent interest in the case itself. Instrumental case studies are employed when the case is used to provide insight into a particular issue or phenomenon. A collective case study, on the other hand, involves studying multiple cases simultaneously to investigate some general phenomena.

Each type of case study serves a different purpose and has its own strengths and challenges. The selection of the type should be guided by the research question and objectives, as well as the context and constraints of the research.

The flexibility, depth, and contextual richness offered by case studies make this approach an excellent research method for various fields of study. They enable researchers to investigate real-world phenomena within their specific contexts, capturing nuances that other research methods might miss. Across numerous fields, case studies provide valuable insights into complex issues.

Critical information systems research

Case studies provide a detailed understanding of the role and impact of information systems in different contexts. They offer a platform to explore how information systems are designed, implemented, and used and how they interact with various social, economic, and political factors. Case studies in this field often focus on examining the intricate relationship between technology, organizational processes, and user behavior, helping to uncover insights that can inform better system design and implementation.

Health research

Health research is another field where case studies are highly valuable. They offer a way to explore patient experiences, healthcare delivery processes, and the impact of various interventions in a real-world context.

case study definition in speech

Case studies can provide a deep understanding of a patient's journey, giving insights into the intricacies of disease progression, treatment effects, and the psychosocial aspects of health and illness.

Asthma research studies

Specifically within medical research, studies on asthma often employ case studies to explore the individual and environmental factors that influence asthma development, management, and outcomes. A case study can provide rich, detailed data about individual patients' experiences, from the triggers and symptoms they experience to the effectiveness of various management strategies. This can be crucial for developing patient-centered asthma care approaches.

Other fields

Apart from the fields mentioned, case studies are also extensively used in business and management research, education research, and political sciences, among many others. They provide an opportunity to delve into the intricacies of real-world situations, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of various phenomena.

Case studies, with their depth and contextual focus, offer unique insights across these varied fields. They allow researchers to illuminate the complexities of real-life situations, contributing to both theory and practice.

case study definition in speech

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Understanding the key elements of case study design is crucial for conducting rigorous and impactful case study research. A well-structured design guides the researcher through the process, ensuring that the study is methodologically sound and its findings are reliable and valid. The main elements of case study design include the research question , propositions, units of analysis, and the logic linking the data to the propositions.

The research question is the foundation of any research study. A good research question guides the direction of the study and informs the selection of the case, the methods of collecting data, and the analysis techniques. A well-formulated research question in case study research is typically clear, focused, and complex enough to merit further detailed examination of the relevant case(s).


Propositions, though not necessary in every case study, provide a direction by stating what we might expect to find in the data collected. They guide how data is collected and analyzed by helping researchers focus on specific aspects of the case. They are particularly important in explanatory case studies, which seek to understand the relationships among concepts within the studied phenomenon.

Units of analysis

The unit of analysis refers to the case, or the main entity or entities that are being analyzed in the study. In case study research, the unit of analysis can be an individual, a group, an organization, a decision, an event, or even a time period. It's crucial to clearly define the unit of analysis, as it shapes the qualitative data analysis process by allowing the researcher to analyze a particular case and synthesize analysis across multiple case studies to draw conclusions.


This refers to the inferential model that allows researchers to draw conclusions from the data. The researcher needs to ensure that there is a clear link between the data, the propositions (if any), and the conclusions drawn. This argumentation is what enables the researcher to make valid and credible inferences about the phenomenon under study.

Understanding and carefully considering these elements in the design phase of a case study can significantly enhance the quality of the research. It can help ensure that the study is methodologically sound and its findings contribute meaningful insights about the case.

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Conducting a case study involves several steps, from defining the research question and selecting the case to collecting and analyzing data . This section outlines these key stages, providing a practical guide on how to conduct case study research.

Defining the research question

The first step in case study research is defining a clear, focused research question. This question should guide the entire research process, from case selection to analysis. It's crucial to ensure that the research question is suitable for a case study approach. Typically, such questions are exploratory or descriptive in nature and focus on understanding a phenomenon within its real-life context.

Selecting and defining the case

The selection of the case should be based on the research question and the objectives of the study. It involves choosing a unique example or a set of examples that provide rich, in-depth data about the phenomenon under investigation. After selecting the case, it's crucial to define it clearly, setting the boundaries of the case, including the time period and the specific context.

Previous research can help guide the case study design. When considering a case study, an example of a case could be taken from previous case study research and used to define cases in a new research inquiry. Considering recently published examples can help understand how to select and define cases effectively.

Developing a detailed case study protocol

A case study protocol outlines the procedures and general rules to be followed during the case study. This includes the data collection methods to be used, the sources of data, and the procedures for analysis. Having a detailed case study protocol ensures consistency and reliability in the study.

The protocol should also consider how to work with the people involved in the research context to grant the research team access to collecting data. As mentioned in previous sections of this guide, establishing rapport is an essential component of qualitative research as it shapes the overall potential for collecting and analyzing data.

Collecting data

Gathering data in case study research often involves multiple sources of evidence, including documents, archival records, interviews, observations, and physical artifacts. This allows for a comprehensive understanding of the case. The process for gathering data should be systematic and carefully documented to ensure the reliability and validity of the study.

Analyzing and interpreting data

The next step is analyzing the data. This involves organizing the data , categorizing it into themes or patterns , and interpreting these patterns to answer the research question. The analysis might also involve comparing the findings with prior research or theoretical propositions.

Writing the case study report

The final step is writing the case study report . This should provide a detailed description of the case, the data, the analysis process, and the findings. The report should be clear, organized, and carefully written to ensure that the reader can understand the case and the conclusions drawn from it.

Each of these steps is crucial in ensuring that the case study research is rigorous, reliable, and provides valuable insights about the case.

The type, depth, and quality of data in your study can significantly influence the validity and utility of the study. In case study research, data is usually collected from multiple sources to provide a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the case. This section will outline the various methods of collecting data used in case study research and discuss considerations for ensuring the quality of the data.

Interviews are a common method of gathering data in case study research. They can provide rich, in-depth data about the perspectives, experiences, and interpretations of the individuals involved in the case. Interviews can be structured , semi-structured , or unstructured , depending on the research question and the degree of flexibility needed.


Observations involve the researcher observing the case in its natural setting, providing first-hand information about the case and its context. Observations can provide data that might not be revealed in interviews or documents, such as non-verbal cues or contextual information.

Documents and artifacts

Documents and archival records provide a valuable source of data in case study research. They can include reports, letters, memos, meeting minutes, email correspondence, and various public and private documents related to the case.

case study definition in speech

These records can provide historical context, corroborate evidence from other sources, and offer insights into the case that might not be apparent from interviews or observations.

Physical artifacts refer to any physical evidence related to the case, such as tools, products, or physical environments. These artifacts can provide tangible insights into the case, complementing the data gathered from other sources.

Ensuring the quality of data collection

Determining the quality of data in case study research requires careful planning and execution. It's crucial to ensure that the data is reliable, accurate, and relevant to the research question. This involves selecting appropriate methods of collecting data, properly training interviewers or observers, and systematically recording and storing the data. It also includes considering ethical issues related to collecting and handling data, such as obtaining informed consent and ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of the participants.

Data analysis

Analyzing case study research involves making sense of the rich, detailed data to answer the research question. This process can be challenging due to the volume and complexity of case study data. However, a systematic and rigorous approach to analysis can ensure that the findings are credible and meaningful. This section outlines the main steps and considerations in analyzing data in case study research.

Organizing the data

The first step in the analysis is organizing the data. This involves sorting the data into manageable sections, often according to the data source or the theme. This step can also involve transcribing interviews, digitizing physical artifacts, or organizing observational data.

Categorizing and coding the data

Once the data is organized, the next step is to categorize or code the data. This involves identifying common themes, patterns, or concepts in the data and assigning codes to relevant data segments. Coding can be done manually or with the help of software tools, and in either case, qualitative analysis software can greatly facilitate the entire coding process. Coding helps to reduce the data to a set of themes or categories that can be more easily analyzed.

Identifying patterns and themes

After coding the data, the researcher looks for patterns or themes in the coded data. This involves comparing and contrasting the codes and looking for relationships or patterns among them. The identified patterns and themes should help answer the research question.

Interpreting the data

Once patterns and themes have been identified, the next step is to interpret these findings. This involves explaining what the patterns or themes mean in the context of the research question and the case. This interpretation should be grounded in the data, but it can also involve drawing on theoretical concepts or prior research.

Verification of the data

The last step in the analysis is verification. This involves checking the accuracy and consistency of the analysis process and confirming that the findings are supported by the data. This can involve re-checking the original data, checking the consistency of codes, or seeking feedback from research participants or peers.

Like any research method , case study research has its strengths and limitations. Researchers must be aware of these, as they can influence the design, conduct, and interpretation of the study.

Understanding the strengths and limitations of case study research can also guide researchers in deciding whether this approach is suitable for their research question . This section outlines some of the key strengths and limitations of case study research.

Benefits include the following:

  • Rich, detailed data: One of the main strengths of case study research is that it can generate rich, detailed data about the case. This can provide a deep understanding of the case and its context, which can be valuable in exploring complex phenomena.
  • Flexibility: Case study research is flexible in terms of design , data collection , and analysis . A sufficient degree of flexibility allows the researcher to adapt the study according to the case and the emerging findings.
  • Real-world context: Case study research involves studying the case in its real-world context, which can provide valuable insights into the interplay between the case and its context.
  • Multiple sources of evidence: Case study research often involves collecting data from multiple sources , which can enhance the robustness and validity of the findings.

On the other hand, researchers should consider the following limitations:

  • Generalizability: A common criticism of case study research is that its findings might not be generalizable to other cases due to the specificity and uniqueness of each case.
  • Time and resource intensive: Case study research can be time and resource intensive due to the depth of the investigation and the amount of collected data.
  • Complexity of analysis: The rich, detailed data generated in case study research can make analyzing the data challenging.
  • Subjectivity: Given the nature of case study research, there may be a higher degree of subjectivity in interpreting the data , so researchers need to reflect on this and transparently convey to audiences how the research was conducted.

Being aware of these strengths and limitations can help researchers design and conduct case study research effectively and interpret and report the findings appropriately.

case study definition in speech

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  • Case Study | Definition, Examples & Methods

Case Study | Definition, Examples & Methods

Published on 5 May 2022 by Shona McCombes . Revised on 30 January 2023.

A case study is a detailed study of a specific subject, such as a person, group, place, event, organisation, or phenomenon. Case studies are commonly used in social, educational, clinical, and business research.

A case study research design usually involves qualitative methods , but quantitative methods are sometimes also used. Case studies are good for describing , comparing, evaluating, and understanding different aspects of a research problem .

Table of contents

When to do a case study, step 1: select a case, step 2: build a theoretical framework, step 3: collect your data, step 4: describe and analyse the case.

A case study is an appropriate research design when you want to gain concrete, contextual, in-depth knowledge about a specific real-world subject. It allows you to explore the key characteristics, meanings, and implications of the case.

Case studies are often a good choice in a thesis or dissertation . They keep your project focused and manageable when you don’t have the time or resources to do large-scale research.

You might use just one complex case study where you explore a single subject in depth, or conduct multiple case studies to compare and illuminate different aspects of your research problem.

Case study examples
Research question Case study
What are the ecological effects of wolf reintroduction? Case study of wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park in the US
How do populist politicians use narratives about history to gain support? Case studies of Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán and US president Donald Trump
How can teachers implement active learning strategies in mixed-level classrooms? Case study of a local school that promotes active learning
What are the main advantages and disadvantages of wind farms for rural communities? Case studies of three rural wind farm development projects in different parts of the country
How are viral marketing strategies changing the relationship between companies and consumers? Case study of the iPhone X marketing campaign
How do experiences of work in the gig economy differ by gender, race, and age? Case studies of Deliveroo and Uber drivers in London

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Once you have developed your problem statement and research questions , you should be ready to choose the specific case that you want to focus on. A good case study should have the potential to:

  • Provide new or unexpected insights into the subject
  • Challenge or complicate existing assumptions and theories
  • Propose practical courses of action to resolve a problem
  • Open up new directions for future research

Unlike quantitative or experimental research, a strong case study does not require a random or representative sample. In fact, case studies often deliberately focus on unusual, neglected, or outlying cases which may shed new light on the research problem.

If you find yourself aiming to simultaneously investigate and solve an issue, consider conducting action research . As its name suggests, action research conducts research and takes action at the same time, and is highly iterative and flexible. 

However, you can also choose a more common or representative case to exemplify a particular category, experience, or phenomenon.

While case studies focus more on concrete details than general theories, they should usually have some connection with theory in the field. This way the case study is not just an isolated description, but is integrated into existing knowledge about the topic. It might aim to:

  • Exemplify a theory by showing how it explains the case under investigation
  • Expand on a theory by uncovering new concepts and ideas that need to be incorporated
  • Challenge a theory by exploring an outlier case that doesn’t fit with established assumptions

To ensure that your analysis of the case has a solid academic grounding, you should conduct a literature review of sources related to the topic and develop a theoretical framework . This means identifying key concepts and theories to guide your analysis and interpretation.

There are many different research methods you can use to collect data on your subject. Case studies tend to focus on qualitative data using methods such as interviews, observations, and analysis of primary and secondary sources (e.g., newspaper articles, photographs, official records). Sometimes a case study will also collect quantitative data .

The aim is to gain as thorough an understanding as possible of the case and its context.

In writing up the case study, you need to bring together all the relevant aspects to give as complete a picture as possible of the subject.

How you report your findings depends on the type of research you are doing. Some case studies are structured like a standard scientific paper or thesis, with separate sections or chapters for the methods , results , and discussion .

Others are written in a more narrative style, aiming to explore the case from various angles and analyse its meanings and implications (for example, by using textual analysis or discourse analysis ).

In all cases, though, make sure to give contextual details about the case, connect it back to the literature and theory, and discuss how it fits into wider patterns or debates.

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McCombes, S. (2023, January 30). Case Study | Definition, Examples & Methods. Scribbr. Retrieved 3 September 2024, from

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Shona McCombes

Shona McCombes

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How to Write a Case Study: Definition, Outline, Steps & Examples

Case study

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A case study is a research method that involves an in-depth examination of a particular subject, often a person, group, event, or organization. It's used to explore complex issues in real-world contexts. A case study can provide insights that might not be achieved with other research methods.

Are you struggling with writing a case study and don't know where to begin? You are not alone. Most students involved in the Psychology or Sociology field often find this task challenging. Especially if they are new to this research method. However, with the right structure and preparation, creating a case study paper will be a piece of cake. 

After reading this article, you will be armed with all essential details including:

  • Definition 
  • Case study types
  • Basic structure
  • Steps on how to write a case study
  • Examples that worked.

Let’s dive right in!

What Is a Case Study: Definition

A case study is a research method that involves examining a specific instance to let researchers learn more about an individual, event, organization or concept. It is like a magnifying glass for studying real-life situations. By looking at a single example, we can learn more about complex issues and understand patterns. 

Case studies are used in the fields like Psychology, Business, Statistics or Nursing. As a rule, students apply this research method when writing a dissertation or thesis . 

Depending on the research question and the data needed to address a problem, case studies can involve various research methods.

Research Methods Applied in Case Studies




Statistical analysis

Document analysis

Case Study Example

A researcher is interested in studying the effects of a newly implemented teaching method on student performance. To find out, they observe a class of 30 students over one semester. The researcher compares the test scores from before and after the method was used, documenting its effectiveness.  The study results showed that academic performance had improved by 11.5% since the new teaching method was implemented. The researcher concluded that this approach works well and can be generalized to a broader population.

Let's recap the main points. 

Essay Structure Basics

What Is the Purpose of a Case Study?

The primary purpose of a case study is to gain insight into the real-world situations through the investigation and analysis of a single instance. This research design is often applied to meet such goals: 

  • Develop a better understanding of complex issues or phenomena 
  • Identify patterns and relationships
  • Test hypotheses and theories in natural settings
  • Provide practical solutions
  • Illustrate best practices or successful strategies.

Every case study writer can customize their work to fit the needs of a specific discipline, as shown below.

Use of Case Studies 

✓ Analyze successful marketing campaigns✓ Evaluate customer satisfaction✓ Assess brand loyalty


✓ Understand complex legal issues✓ Prepare for trials✓ Make decisions based on previous court cases

✓ Examine individual behavior✓ Develop treatment plans✓ Test hypotheses

✓ Understand social structures✓ Analyze group dynamics✓ Explore societal issues

✓ Evaluate patient care✓ Diagnose rare conditions✓ Offer treatment

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Types of Case Studies

There are different types of case studies that scholars or students can bring into play. Each approach has its own focus and is chosen based on research objectives. 

  • Descriptive case studies This approach involves a detailed examination of a particular situation or phenomenon to understand it better. Here, researchers see the context, events, and processes that led to a particular outcome, and get a comprehensive picture of the situation.
  • Explanatory case studies Explanatory method allows us to understand the "why" and “how” behind a particular event or phenomenon. As the name suggests, this type of case study seeks to test and explain the causal relationship between independent and dependent variables . 
  • Exploratory case studies Imagine being a detective and investigating a mystery or problem in its early stages. This is the main idea of an exploratory investigation. It helps to recognize key questions, potential patterns, and areas for further research. It's like peeling back the layers of an onion, revealing new insights and uncovering possible solutions. 
  • Intrinsic case studies  Unlike other case study methods, an intrinsic approach is used to explore a unique instance. Here, researchers focus on a particular scenario in its own right, rather than trying to apply the outcomes to a broader population.  
  • Instrumental case studies This type of study examines one instance to shed light on a larger group or phenomenon. Instrumental technique is a good choice if you want to develop theoretical frameworks and obtain generalizable findings.
  • Cumulative case studies  While conducting cumulative research, students compile and synthesize information from multiple similar instances. Here, you combine the results of multiple studies to draw more generalized conclusions.
  • Collective case reports Think of several individual instances being studied together to provide a broader understanding of a specific phenomenon. These instances are often connected by a common theme. This enables researchers to compare and contrast cases and uncover tendencies. 
  • Critical case studies Researchers use this method to explore exceptional instances that are particularly interesting or thought-provoking. Critical approach helps to analyze why a specific situation occurred and what could have been done differently.

Case Study Structure: Main Parts

When investigating any phenomenon, it’s important to organize your sections in a logical manner. A structure of a case study usually includes such components:

  • Introduction This section is a place to present a case. Provide a brief overview of your instance, introduce your key research objectives and prepare the readers for further analysis.
  • Problem identification By laying out a problem, you will be able to show the scope and significance of your topic. Identify the main issue that will be examined and build a clear statement of the problem.
  • Background A properly established context sets the stage for research and lays a foundation for case evaluation. Offer relevant background information on the instance. This can be a historical, geographical or cultural context.
  • Methodology Describe your  methodology in research  – approach, data collection methods and analysis techniques used in your investigation.
  • Solution  Now is the time to determine potential solutions to address the problem, and evaluate the pros and cons of each resolution. Make sure solutions are realistic.
  • Results  Once a case study is conducted, you should share your key findings. Mention any data or evidence that was collected and analyzed.
  • Discussion This part of a case study is a perfect opportunity for analysis. Discuss the implications of your outcomes and draw conclusions
  • Conclusion Summarize your main points, restate a problem and solutions, and offer final recommendations or next steps.

Case Study Structure

Case Study Outline

Before you create a case study, it’s a good idea to prepare an outline. It serves as a skeleton of your project. A well-structured outline of a case study helps organize your thoughts in a logical manner.

Below you can see an example of a basic template. Feel free to use it for inspiration. 

General Outline  

  • Brief subject introduction
  • Research purpose and objectives
  • Necessary context
  • Problem/issue
  • Problem significance
  • Subject/idea history
  • Setting or environment description
  • Key challenges, opportunities, or turning points
  • Research methods used to gather information
  • Data analysis methods
  • Possible strategies
  • Assessment of solutions
  • Recommended solvents
  • Major discoveries from the data analysis
  • Implications
  • Limitations/challenges
  • Summary of key points
  • Restatement of the problem and solution
  • Final suggestions or next steps

Based on the sample template shown above, arrange your key ideas and highlight critical information. You may change the blocks to meet your assignment’s unique requirements.

Before You Start Writing a Case Study

Preparation  is the key to success. To make your case study flawless, you need to establish your goal and plan. This will lay the foundation of the whole process before you begin writing.

Ensure you follow these 3 crucial steps before moving further. 

1. Carefully Read the Instructions 

Your professor may provide you with special requirements, case study rubric or exemplary works. The instructions may include details on preferred format, structure, word count, writing style or analysis techniques. Read given material attentively and make sure you fully understand the guidelines. 

Get expertly crafted works to meet your academic needs. Buy case study from certified professionals and ace your assignments with ease.

2. Conduct Research

Researching is the most time-consuming part of writing a case study. Review relevant studies on the research topic to gain a deeper understanding of your subject. You may want to go through different sources and identify their strengths and limitations. Strive to build a bridge between your case study report and existing gaps. 

Make sure to jot down all your ideas, opinions, notes or questions related to your research. This approach will help you build an outline and write a case study accordingly.  

3. Gather Data

Now you are all set for the data collection process. Identify the most relevant type of information pertinent to your research question.

Consider using primary sources such as interviews, surveys or questionnaires. Secondary resources may include books, articles, case studies and public documents. 

Your data must be accurate and reliable so double-check your research results before integrating them into your project.

Collecting Data for a Case Study Using Different Methods

How to Write a Case Study in 7 Steps?

Now that you are familiar with the preparation stages, it's time to dive into the writing process. Writing case studies can be challenging. But by following a structured approach, you can produce a clear and engaging work. 

To create a strong project, it's important to carefully plan and execute each step of your flow, from identifying the research question to presenting your conclusions. Below we have prepared detailed guidelines on how to write a case study paper. 

7 Steps on How to Write a Case Study

1. Introduce a Case Study

Start your case study introduction by presenting your subject and providing a brief overview of the research objectives. It's important to highlight the significance of your case and explain why it warrants examination. One way to do this is to focus on innovative aspects, such as a novel approach to a problem or a new technology. You can also emphasize the broader implications. 

You should also preview a structure. This will give readers an idea of what to expect. Briefly describe your main points or provide a rough outline. 

Case Study Introduction Example

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition that can arise in individuals who have experienced a traumatic event. In this case study, we examine the experiences of a patient who was diagnosed with PTSD following a car accident. Our analysis focuses on the patient's symptoms, including intrusive thoughts, hyperarousal, and avoidance behaviors. We also explore the treatments employed to manage these symptoms. By analyzing this case, we aim to provide insights into the challenges of treating PTSD and offer recommendations for improving therapeutic interventions for individuals suffering from this condition.

2. Describe a Problem

Before you get to the problem, provide context that explains the issue at hand. Identify the scope and impact of this problem. One efficient strategy of creating case studies that trigger attention is integrating examples or statistics. This helps to understand how severe this situation is. 

Additionally, you may want to highlight any challenges or obstacles that have prevented a problem from being solved. 

Example of Problem Description in a Case Study

John is a 28-year-old man who was involved in a serious car accident three months ago. Since then, he has been experiencing PTSD symptoms, including recurring nightmares, flashbacks, and feelings of anxiety. These symptoms have affected his work performance and relationships with family and friends. Despite seeking help from his primary care physician and attending therapy sessions, John has not experienced significant improvement. The challenge is to identify effective treatments that can help John manage his PTSD and improve his quality of life.

>> Read more: How to Write a Problem Statement

3. Discuss Research Methods 

Research methods you apply will define how to make a case study. There are multiple ways to collect data. So your primary task here is to figure out what kind of information you want to obtain. 

Your research strategy should align with your objectives. For instance, interviews can help capture detailed information from a small sample of people. On the other hand, surveys involve large groups of individuals. If you are using interviews or surveys, provide a list of questions participants were asked. 

You can also do experiments to test out different theories or conduct document analysis to identify trends. 

>> Learn more: What Is Experimental Design  

Example of How to Describe Research Methods 

In this research, both quantitative and qualitative data were utilized. 10 semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants who had experienced PTSD symptoms following a traumatic event. Additionally, data was collected from a survey of 253 individuals who had not been diagnosed with PTSD. We inquired about their experiences with trauma and the types of coping strategies they used to manage stress. Medical records from John's primary care physician were analyzed to track his progress over time. The combination of quantitative and qualitative data allowed for a comprehensive understanding of John's unique experiences with PTSD.

4. Offer Solutions to the Problem 

The next stage involves coming up with potential solutions. Explain what strategies could be used to address the problem.

For example, if you write a case study on a business-related problem, solutions may involve implementing procedures to improve efficiency. Alternatively, in a healthcare niche, you will offer a new medication or therapy.

Be sure to provide evidence from your research or expert opinions to support your suggestions.

Here’s how to do a case study solutions section. 

Example of Solution

One potential solution for addressing John's PTSD symptoms is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). According to a study by Bisson and colleagues (2013), CBT has been found to be effective in reducing symptoms of PTSD in individuals who have experienced traumatic events. The therapist can work with John to identify and challenge negative thought patterns related to his traumatic experience and teach him coping skills to manage his anxiety and stress.

5. Present Your Key Results

Most scholars judge case study reports by research outcomes. You need to show that your solution works. Analyze collected data and share your most significant findings in your results section . This can be an increase in profits or a patient's health improvement. 

When you write your case study outcomes, it is important to organize the information in a clear and concise manner. Use tables, graphs and charts to illustrate your data visually. 

Provide a short summary of your results and their implications. But don’t just tell. You need to back up your research with evidence. If you used interviews, be sure to include any statistical analysis done for those results. 

Example of Case Study Research Results

Our analysis showed that participants who received cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) reported a significant decrease in symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as compared to those who received no therapy. Specifically, the group who received CBT experienced a 35% reduction in symptoms. Meanwhile, the control group experienced no significant change. These findings suggest that CBT may be an effective treatment option for individuals with PTSD.

6. Conclude with Recommendations

A conclusion of a case study is where you wrap everything up and provide recommendations for further research. Sum up your key points and explain how they could be used to solve similar problems. You can also highlight any unexpected findings or insights that emerged during the study. Don’t forget to discuss any ethical considerations or limitations. 

You need to create a lasting impression. For this, end a case study with a thought-provoking statement or call to action. 

Case Study Conclusion Example

Our research highlighted the significant impact of PTSD on individuals who have experienced a traumatic event. The results suggested that cognitive-behavioral therapy and reprocessing therapy are effective treatments for PTSD. However, more research is needed to determine the long-term effects of these treatments. Additionally, the stigma surrounding mental health and seeking treatment remains a significant barrier to access to care. It is crucial for healthcare professionals and policymakers to address this issue and increase access to mental health services.

7. Proofread Your Case Study

Once you are done with writing a case study, you need to carefully review it. Keep an eye on these things when checking your work: 

  • Grammar mistakes Proofread your writing for typos and grammar errors. Feel free to use our  Grammar Checker  to make sure you got everything right.
  • Clarity Check whether your work is readable and concise. Avoid long sentences and complex structures.
  • Sources accuracy Make sure to check all sources for accuracy. It is also important to ensure that all reported data is up-to-date.
  • Citations Ascertain whether all sources are properly cited and the same style is used consistently throughout your paper.

Case Study Format

Besides the content, it is also important to stick to a specific case study paper format. The layout of your paper should follow guidelines of the chosen citation style.

There are different ways to format a case study. Commonly used styles include APA, MLA, Chicago and Harvard. Each format  presents specific requirements for formatting your text and references. 

Check out our detailed guides listed below to learn more about each style. 

>>  How to Write a Paper in APA Format?

>>  How to Do MLA Format?  

>>  How to Write a Chicago Style Paper?

Case Study Examples

Getting actual examples of case studies can be a great way to learn and understand how to write one. To help you out, we have collected several sample case study paper examples for different disciplines. Feel free to use these samples as inspiration when writing your own paper.

Case Study Writing Tips

With the right approach, your effort will reward you with an A+. In this section, we will list some actionable tips on how to write a good case study: 

  • Planning your work ahead Planning your work ahead Make sure to create an outline before you start writing and stick to it throughout the entire process.
  • Arranging your data logically Break down complex information into chunks and use visual elements (tables, graphs, diagrams) to present it.
  • Structuring your writing Use headings and subheadings to organize your content and make key points easy to access.
  • Keeping your text simple Write your case study in an easy-to-read language and refrain from complex sentence structures.
  • Remaining impartial Be objective in your analysis and avoid personal biases.

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Case Study

Even a small mistake can undermine your whole work. Here are some common pitfalls students fail to account for in their case studies:

  • Focusing too much on the background Provide enough space for analysis of your problem and solution.
  • Stuffing with direct quotes Quotes can be used as evidence in your paper. But relying on them too much will make it sound overly repetitive.
  • Not referring to all sources Always cite your sources correctly and use only reliable data in your paper.
  • Being vague Avoid general statements and be more specific while discussing your results and solutions.
  • Failing to mention possible gaps Always consider ethical considerations or limitations.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Case Study

Using a case study approach as your research method has its own pros and cons. On one hand, it is an effective way to explore a particular issue in detail. On the other, there are certain limitations that come with this approach. Below we will cover both strengths and limitations of case studies.

Benefits of Case Study

A case study is like a seed that can grow into a fruitful tree, providing resolutions to intricate problems. Here are the biggest case study benefits you can use to your advantage:

  • In-depth analysis Researchers can gather a lot of information on a specific topic or issue.
  • Insights into elaborate issues Allows researchers to examine complex issues in a controlled manner.
  • Real-life situations You are able to test theories or hypotheses in real-world settings.
  • Comprehensive approach Researchers can collect both quantitative and qualitative data.
  • Unique revelations This method can enlight on previously unexplored or understudied areas.

Limitations of Case Study

As with any research method, case studies have their fair share of drawbacks. Let's take a closer look at some of the most prevalent issues that can arise when using this approach.

  • Limited generalizability Due to the small sample size and unique nature of each case, it can be difficult to generalize findings to a larger population.
  • Observer bias Researchers may bring their own biases and perspectives, which can influence their results and interpretations.
  • Time-consuming and expensive This approach requires significant time and resources to conduct, making it less feasible for some research questions.
  • Lack of control In contrast to experimental research, case studies lack control over extraneous variables. This can make it difficult to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Subjectivity Collected data is often subjective and open to interpretation, which can introduce potential errors.

Case Study Paper Writing Checklist

Before you write a case study assignment, make sure to recap all the information you have learnt today. Refer to this checklist to ensure you are on the right track. 

Bottom Line on How to Write a Case Study

Writing a case study can be an incredibly challenging task for any student. However, with the right approach and tips, you can easily turn this daunting task into a pleasant experience. 

We hope this article helped you understand how to write a case study. Remember to focus on the practical part and avoid overgeneralizing or cherry-picking data.


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Frequently Asked Questions

1. what is a case study in research.

A case study is a research method that involves an in-depth analysis of a particular subject. This approach most often focuses on a single event, person or group. It provides insight into the context of a problem and can be used to explore solutions to intricate issues.

2. What is the difference between a case study and a research paper?

The main difference between a case study and a research paper is in their scope. A case study explores a limited number of subjects, while research papers investigate multiple variables and/or draw conclusions from larger data sets. While both works contain evidence-based information, the focus and approach taken are quite different. Research papers are more general in nature, while case studies focus on narrow problems.

3. How long should a case study be?

The length of a case study varies depending on the type of assignment. Case studies intended for scholarly articles range from 3,000 to 4,0000 words or more. Meanwhile, if it’s a separate chapter in your MA or PhD dissertation, you will need to keep it between 8,000-15,000 words. Follow specific guidelines provided by your professor or institution. 

4. Why is a case study important?

Case studies are an important research tool, as they provide detailed information on a particular issue. By exploring a single instance from multiple angles, researchers can uncover solutions to complicated problems that may not be immediately apparent. Using this method, scientists also test hypotheses and generate new theories.

5. What makes a good case study?

A good case study should be organized, well-researched, and contain evidence. Some characteristics of a case study include:

  • Precise subject overview
  • Thorough analysis that goes beyond surface-level information
  • Examination of a single scenario from various perspectives
  • Fact-based arguments
  • Validated findings.

6. How to start a case study?

To start a case study, begin by carefully reading requirements and identifying the main problem to be addressed. Don't jump to conclusions or make assumptions – take it one step at a time. Once you have a clear understanding of your goal, gather relevant data. This includes doing research, interviewing people, and analyzing relevant documents.


Joe Eckel is an expert on Dissertations writing. He makes sure that each student gets precious insights on composing A-grade academic writing.

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Home » Case Study – Methods, Examples and Guide

Case Study – Methods, Examples and Guide

Table of Contents

Case Study Research

A case study is a research method that involves an in-depth examination and analysis of a particular phenomenon or case, such as an individual, organization, community, event, or situation.

It is a qualitative research approach that aims to provide a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the case being studied. Case studies typically involve multiple sources of data, including interviews, observations, documents, and artifacts, which are analyzed using various techniques, such as content analysis, thematic analysis, and grounded theory. The findings of a case study are often used to develop theories, inform policy or practice, or generate new research questions.

Types of Case Study

Types and Methods of Case Study are as follows:

Single-Case Study

A single-case study is an in-depth analysis of a single case. This type of case study is useful when the researcher wants to understand a specific phenomenon in detail.

For Example , A researcher might conduct a single-case study on a particular individual to understand their experiences with a particular health condition or a specific organization to explore their management practices. The researcher collects data from multiple sources, such as interviews, observations, and documents, and uses various techniques to analyze the data, such as content analysis or thematic analysis. The findings of a single-case study are often used to generate new research questions, develop theories, or inform policy or practice.

Multiple-Case Study

A multiple-case study involves the analysis of several cases that are similar in nature. This type of case study is useful when the researcher wants to identify similarities and differences between the cases.

For Example, a researcher might conduct a multiple-case study on several companies to explore the factors that contribute to their success or failure. The researcher collects data from each case, compares and contrasts the findings, and uses various techniques to analyze the data, such as comparative analysis or pattern-matching. The findings of a multiple-case study can be used to develop theories, inform policy or practice, or generate new research questions.

Exploratory Case Study

An exploratory case study is used to explore a new or understudied phenomenon. This type of case study is useful when the researcher wants to generate hypotheses or theories about the phenomenon.

For Example, a researcher might conduct an exploratory case study on a new technology to understand its potential impact on society. The researcher collects data from multiple sources, such as interviews, observations, and documents, and uses various techniques to analyze the data, such as grounded theory or content analysis. The findings of an exploratory case study can be used to generate new research questions, develop theories, or inform policy or practice.

Descriptive Case Study

A descriptive case study is used to describe a particular phenomenon in detail. This type of case study is useful when the researcher wants to provide a comprehensive account of the phenomenon.

For Example, a researcher might conduct a descriptive case study on a particular community to understand its social and economic characteristics. The researcher collects data from multiple sources, such as interviews, observations, and documents, and uses various techniques to analyze the data, such as content analysis or thematic analysis. The findings of a descriptive case study can be used to inform policy or practice or generate new research questions.

Instrumental Case Study

An instrumental case study is used to understand a particular phenomenon that is instrumental in achieving a particular goal. This type of case study is useful when the researcher wants to understand the role of the phenomenon in achieving the goal.

For Example, a researcher might conduct an instrumental case study on a particular policy to understand its impact on achieving a particular goal, such as reducing poverty. The researcher collects data from multiple sources, such as interviews, observations, and documents, and uses various techniques to analyze the data, such as content analysis or thematic analysis. The findings of an instrumental case study can be used to inform policy or practice or generate new research questions.

Case Study Data Collection Methods

Here are some common data collection methods for case studies:

Interviews involve asking questions to individuals who have knowledge or experience relevant to the case study. Interviews can be structured (where the same questions are asked to all participants) or unstructured (where the interviewer follows up on the responses with further questions). Interviews can be conducted in person, over the phone, or through video conferencing.


Observations involve watching and recording the behavior and activities of individuals or groups relevant to the case study. Observations can be participant (where the researcher actively participates in the activities) or non-participant (where the researcher observes from a distance). Observations can be recorded using notes, audio or video recordings, or photographs.

Documents can be used as a source of information for case studies. Documents can include reports, memos, emails, letters, and other written materials related to the case study. Documents can be collected from the case study participants or from public sources.

Surveys involve asking a set of questions to a sample of individuals relevant to the case study. Surveys can be administered in person, over the phone, through mail or email, or online. Surveys can be used to gather information on attitudes, opinions, or behaviors related to the case study.

Artifacts are physical objects relevant to the case study. Artifacts can include tools, equipment, products, or other objects that provide insights into the case study phenomenon.

How to conduct Case Study Research

Conducting a case study research involves several steps that need to be followed to ensure the quality and rigor of the study. Here are the steps to conduct case study research:

  • Define the research questions: The first step in conducting a case study research is to define the research questions. The research questions should be specific, measurable, and relevant to the case study phenomenon under investigation.
  • Select the case: The next step is to select the case or cases to be studied. The case should be relevant to the research questions and should provide rich and diverse data that can be used to answer the research questions.
  • Collect data: Data can be collected using various methods, such as interviews, observations, documents, surveys, and artifacts. The data collection method should be selected based on the research questions and the nature of the case study phenomenon.
  • Analyze the data: The data collected from the case study should be analyzed using various techniques, such as content analysis, thematic analysis, or grounded theory. The analysis should be guided by the research questions and should aim to provide insights and conclusions relevant to the research questions.
  • Draw conclusions: The conclusions drawn from the case study should be based on the data analysis and should be relevant to the research questions. The conclusions should be supported by evidence and should be clearly stated.
  • Validate the findings: The findings of the case study should be validated by reviewing the data and the analysis with participants or other experts in the field. This helps to ensure the validity and reliability of the findings.
  • Write the report: The final step is to write the report of the case study research. The report should provide a clear description of the case study phenomenon, the research questions, the data collection methods, the data analysis, the findings, and the conclusions. The report should be written in a clear and concise manner and should follow the guidelines for academic writing.

Examples of Case Study

Here are some examples of case study research:

  • The Hawthorne Studies : Conducted between 1924 and 1932, the Hawthorne Studies were a series of case studies conducted by Elton Mayo and his colleagues to examine the impact of work environment on employee productivity. The studies were conducted at the Hawthorne Works plant of the Western Electric Company in Chicago and included interviews, observations, and experiments.
  • The Stanford Prison Experiment: Conducted in 1971, the Stanford Prison Experiment was a case study conducted by Philip Zimbardo to examine the psychological effects of power and authority. The study involved simulating a prison environment and assigning participants to the role of guards or prisoners. The study was controversial due to the ethical issues it raised.
  • The Challenger Disaster: The Challenger Disaster was a case study conducted to examine the causes of the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion in 1986. The study included interviews, observations, and analysis of data to identify the technical, organizational, and cultural factors that contributed to the disaster.
  • The Enron Scandal: The Enron Scandal was a case study conducted to examine the causes of the Enron Corporation’s bankruptcy in 2001. The study included interviews, analysis of financial data, and review of documents to identify the accounting practices, corporate culture, and ethical issues that led to the company’s downfall.
  • The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster : The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster was a case study conducted to examine the causes of the nuclear accident that occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan in 2011. The study included interviews, analysis of data, and review of documents to identify the technical, organizational, and cultural factors that contributed to the disaster.

Application of Case Study

Case studies have a wide range of applications across various fields and industries. Here are some examples:

Business and Management

Case studies are widely used in business and management to examine real-life situations and develop problem-solving skills. Case studies can help students and professionals to develop a deep understanding of business concepts, theories, and best practices.

Case studies are used in healthcare to examine patient care, treatment options, and outcomes. Case studies can help healthcare professionals to develop critical thinking skills, diagnose complex medical conditions, and develop effective treatment plans.

Case studies are used in education to examine teaching and learning practices. Case studies can help educators to develop effective teaching strategies, evaluate student progress, and identify areas for improvement.

Social Sciences

Case studies are widely used in social sciences to examine human behavior, social phenomena, and cultural practices. Case studies can help researchers to develop theories, test hypotheses, and gain insights into complex social issues.

Law and Ethics

Case studies are used in law and ethics to examine legal and ethical dilemmas. Case studies can help lawyers, policymakers, and ethical professionals to develop critical thinking skills, analyze complex cases, and make informed decisions.

Purpose of Case Study

The purpose of a case study is to provide a detailed analysis of a specific phenomenon, issue, or problem in its real-life context. A case study is a qualitative research method that involves the in-depth exploration and analysis of a particular case, which can be an individual, group, organization, event, or community.

The primary purpose of a case study is to generate a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the case, including its history, context, and dynamics. Case studies can help researchers to identify and examine the underlying factors, processes, and mechanisms that contribute to the case and its outcomes. This can help to develop a more accurate and detailed understanding of the case, which can inform future research, practice, or policy.

Case studies can also serve other purposes, including:

  • Illustrating a theory or concept: Case studies can be used to illustrate and explain theoretical concepts and frameworks, providing concrete examples of how they can be applied in real-life situations.
  • Developing hypotheses: Case studies can help to generate hypotheses about the causal relationships between different factors and outcomes, which can be tested through further research.
  • Providing insight into complex issues: Case studies can provide insights into complex and multifaceted issues, which may be difficult to understand through other research methods.
  • Informing practice or policy: Case studies can be used to inform practice or policy by identifying best practices, lessons learned, or areas for improvement.

Advantages of Case Study Research

There are several advantages of case study research, including:

  • In-depth exploration: Case study research allows for a detailed exploration and analysis of a specific phenomenon, issue, or problem in its real-life context. This can provide a comprehensive understanding of the case and its dynamics, which may not be possible through other research methods.
  • Rich data: Case study research can generate rich and detailed data, including qualitative data such as interviews, observations, and documents. This can provide a nuanced understanding of the case and its complexity.
  • Holistic perspective: Case study research allows for a holistic perspective of the case, taking into account the various factors, processes, and mechanisms that contribute to the case and its outcomes. This can help to develop a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the case.
  • Theory development: Case study research can help to develop and refine theories and concepts by providing empirical evidence and concrete examples of how they can be applied in real-life situations.
  • Practical application: Case study research can inform practice or policy by identifying best practices, lessons learned, or areas for improvement.
  • Contextualization: Case study research takes into account the specific context in which the case is situated, which can help to understand how the case is influenced by the social, cultural, and historical factors of its environment.

Limitations of Case Study Research

There are several limitations of case study research, including:

  • Limited generalizability : Case studies are typically focused on a single case or a small number of cases, which limits the generalizability of the findings. The unique characteristics of the case may not be applicable to other contexts or populations, which may limit the external validity of the research.
  • Biased sampling: Case studies may rely on purposive or convenience sampling, which can introduce bias into the sample selection process. This may limit the representativeness of the sample and the generalizability of the findings.
  • Subjectivity: Case studies rely on the interpretation of the researcher, which can introduce subjectivity into the analysis. The researcher’s own biases, assumptions, and perspectives may influence the findings, which may limit the objectivity of the research.
  • Limited control: Case studies are typically conducted in naturalistic settings, which limits the control that the researcher has over the environment and the variables being studied. This may limit the ability to establish causal relationships between variables.
  • Time-consuming: Case studies can be time-consuming to conduct, as they typically involve a detailed exploration and analysis of a specific case. This may limit the feasibility of conducting multiple case studies or conducting case studies in a timely manner.
  • Resource-intensive: Case studies may require significant resources, including time, funding, and expertise. This may limit the ability of researchers to conduct case studies in resource-constrained settings.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Home Blog Business How to Present a Case Study: Examples and Best Practices

How to Present a Case Study: Examples and Best Practices

Case Study: How to Write and Present It

Marketers, consultants, salespeople, and all other types of business managers often use case study analysis to highlight a success story, showing how an exciting problem can be or was addressed. But how do you create a compelling case study and then turn it into a memorable presentation? Get a lowdown from this post! 

Table of Content s

Why Case Studies are a Popular Marketing Technique 

Popular case study format types, how to write a case study: a 4-step framework, how to do a case study presentation: 3 proven tips, how long should a case study be, final tip: use compelling presentation visuals, business case study examples, what is a case study .

Let’s start with this great case study definition by the University of South Caroline:

In the social sciences, the term case study refers to both a method of analysis and a specific research design for examining a problem, both of which can generalize findings across populations.

In simpler terms — a case study is investigative research into a problem aimed at presenting or highlighting solution(s) to the analyzed issues.

A standard business case study provides insights into:

  • General business/market conditions 
  • The main problem faced 
  • Methods applied 
  • The outcomes gained using a specific tool or approach

Case studies (also called case reports) are also used in clinical settings to analyze patient outcomes outside of the business realm. 

But this is a topic for another time. In this post, we’ll focus on teaching you how to write and present a case study, plus share several case study PowerPoint templates and design tips! 

Case Study Woman Doing Research PPT Template

Besides presenting a solution to an internal issue, case studies are often used as a content marketing technique . According to a 2020 Content Marketing Institute report, 69% of B2B marketers use case studies as part of their marketing mix.

A case study informs the reader about a possible solution and soft-sells the results, which can be achieved with your help (e.g., by using your software or by partnering with your specialist). 

For the above purpose, case studies work like a charm. Per the same report: 

  • For 9% of marketers, case studies are also the best method for nurturing leads. 
  • 23% admit that case studies are beneficial for improving conversions. 

Moreover, case studies also help improve your brand’s credibility, especially in the current fake news landscape and dubious claims made without proper credit. 

Ultimately, case studies naturally help build up more compelling, relatable stories and showcase your product benefits through the prism of extra social proof, courtesy of the case study subject. 

Case Study Computer PPT Template

Most case studies come either as a slide deck or as a downloadable PDF document. 

Typically, you have several options to distribute your case study for maximum reach:

  • Case study presentations — in-person, virtual, or pre-recorded, there are many times when a case study presentation comes in handy. For example, during client workshops, sales pitches, networking events, conferences, trade shows, etc. 
  • Dedicated website page — highlighting case study examples on your website is a great way to convert middle-on-the-funnel prospects. Google’s Think With Google case study section is a great example of a web case study design done right.

Case Study Example Google PPT Template

  • Blog case studies — data-driven storytelling is a staunch way to stand apart from your competition by providing unique insights, no other brand can tell. 
  • Video case studies — video is a great medium for showcasing more complex business cases and celebrating customer success stories.

Once you decide on your case study format, the next step is collecting data and then translating it into a storyline. There are different case study methods and research approaches you can use to procure data. 

But let’s say you already have all your facts straight and need to organize them in a clean copy for your presentation deck. Here’s how you should do it. 

Business Case Study Example PPT Template

1. Identify the Problem 

Every compelling case study research starts with a problem statement definition. While in business settings, there’s no need to explain your methodology in-depth; you should still open your presentation with a quick problem recap slide.

Be sure to mention: 

  • What’s the purpose of the case study? What will the audience learn? 
  • Set the scene. Explain the before, aka the problems someone was facing. 
  • Advertise the main issues and findings without highlighting specific details.

The above information should nicely fit in several paragraphs or 2-3 case study template slides

2. Explain the Solution 

The bulk of your case study copy and presentation slides should focus on the provided solution(s). This is the time to speak at length about how the subject went from before to the glorious after. 

Here are some writing prompts to help you articulate this better:

  • State the subject’s main objective and goals. What outcomes were they after?
  • Explain the main solution(s) provided. What was done? Why this, but not that? 
  • Mention if they tried any alternatives. Why did those work? Why were you better?

This part may take the longest to write. Don’t rush it and reiterate several times. Sprinkle in some powerful words and catchphrases to make your copy more compelling.

3. Collect Testimonials 

Persuasive case studies feature the voice of customer (VoC) data — first-party testimonials and assessments of how well the solution works. These provide extra social proof and credibility to all the claims you are making. 

So plan and schedule interviews with your subjects to collect their input and testimonials. Also, design your case study interview questions in a way that lets you obtain quantifiable results.

4. Package The Information in a Slide Deck

Once you have a rough first draft, try different business case templates and designs to see how these help structure all the available information. 

As a rule of thumb, try to keep one big idea per slide. If you are talking about a solution, first present the general bullet points. Then give each solution a separate slide where you’ll provide more context and perhaps share some quantifiable results.

For example, if you look at case study presentation examples from AWS like this one about Stripe , you’ll notice that the slide deck has few texts and really focuses on the big picture, while the speaker provides extra context.

Need some extra case study presentation design help? Download our Business Case Study PowerPoint template with 100% editable slides. 

Case Study Man With Giant Clipboard PPT Template

Your spoken presentation (and public speaking skills ) are equally if not more important than the case study copy and slide deck. To make a strong case study, follow these quick techniques. Alternatively, you can learn how to present a business case here.

Focus on Telling a Great Story

A case study is a story of overcoming a challenge, and achieving something grand. Your delivery should reflect that. Step away from the standard “features => benefits” sales formula. Instead, make your customer the hero of the study. Describe the road they went through and how you’ve helped them succeed. 

The premises of your story can be as simple as:

  • Help with overcoming a hurdle
  • Gaining major impact
  • Reaching a new milestone
  • Solving a persisting issue no one else code 

Based on the above, create a clear story arc. Show where your hero started. Then explain what type of journey they went through. Inject some emotions into the mix to make your narrative more relatable and memorable. 

Experiment with Copywriting Formulas 

Copywriting is the art and science of organizing words into compelling and persuasive combinations that help readers retain the right ideas. 

To ensure that the audience retains the right takeaways from your case study presentation, you can try using some of the classic copywriting formulas to structure your delivery. These include:

  • AIDCA — short for A ttention, I nterest, D esire, C onviction, and A ction. First, grab the audience’s attention by addressing the major problem. Next, pique their interest with some teaser facts. Spark their desire by showing that you know the right way out. Then, show a conviction that you know how to solve the issue—finally, prompt follow-up action such as contacting you to learn more. 
  • PADS — is short for Problem, Agitation, Discredit, or Solution. This is more of a sales approach to case study narration. Again, you start with a problem, agitate about its importance, discredit why other solutions won’t cut it, and then present your option. 
  • 4Ps — short for P roblem, P romise, P roof, P roposal. This is a middle-ground option that prioritizes storytelling over hard pitches. Set the scene first with a problem. Then make a promise of how you can solve it. Show proof in the form of numbers, testimonials, and different scenarios. Round it up with a proposal for getting the same outcomes. 

Take an Emotion-Inducing Perspective

The key to building a strong rapport with an audience is showing that you are one of them and fully understand what they are going through. 

One of the ways to build this connection is by speaking from an emotion-inducing perspective. This is best illustrated with an example: 

  • A business owner went to the bank
  • A business owner came into a bank branch 

In the second case, the wording prompts listeners to paint a mental picture from the perspective of the bank employees — a role you’d like them to relate to. By placing your audience in the right visual perspective, you can make them more receptive to your pitches. 

Case Study Medical Example PPT Template

One common question that arises when creating a case study is determining its length. The length of a case study can vary depending on the complexity of the problem and the level of detail you want to provide. Here are some general guidelines to help you decide how long your case study should be:

  • Concise and Informative: A good case study should be concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary fluff and filler content. Focus on providing valuable information and insights.
  • Tailor to Your Audience: Consider your target audience when deciding the length. If you’re presenting to a technical audience, you might include more in-depth technical details. For a non-technical audience, keep it more high-level and accessible.
  • Cover Key Points: Ensure that your case study covers the key points effectively. These include the problem statement, the solution, and the outcomes. Provide enough information for the reader to understand the context and the significance of your case.
  • Visuals: Visual elements such as charts, graphs, images, and diagrams can help convey information more effectively. Use visuals to supplement your written content and make complex information easier to understand.
  • Engagement: Keep your audience engaged. A case study that is too long may lose the reader’s interest. Make sure the content is engaging and holds the reader’s attention throughout.
  • Consider the Format: Depending on the format you choose (e.g., written document, presentation, video), the ideal length may vary. For written case studies, aim for a length that can be easily read in one sitting.

In general, a written case study for business purposes often falls in the range of 1,000 to 2,000 words. However, this is not a strict rule, and the length can be shorter or longer based on the factors mentioned above.

Our brain is wired to process images much faster than text. So when you are presenting a case study, always look for an opportunity to tie in some illustrations such as: 

  • A product demo/preview
  • Processes chart 
  • Call-out quotes or numbers
  • Custom illustrations or graphics 
  • Customer or team headshots 

Use icons to minimize the volume of text. Also, opt for readable fonts that can look good in a smaller size too.

To better understand how to create an effective business case study, let’s explore some examples of successful case studies:

Apple Inc.: Apple’s case study on the launch of the iPhone is a classic example. It covers the problem of a changing mobile phone market, the innovative solution (the iPhone), and the outstanding outcomes, such as market dominance and increased revenue.

Tesla, Inc.: Tesla’s case study on electric vehicles and sustainable transportation is another compelling example. It addresses the problem of environmental concerns and the need for sustainable transportation solutions. The case study highlights Tesla’s electric cars as the solution and showcases the positive impact on reducing carbon emissions. Amazon’s case study on customer-centricity is a great illustration of how the company transformed the e-commerce industry. It discusses the problem of customer dissatisfaction with traditional retail, Amazon’s customer-focused approach as the solution, and the remarkable outcomes in terms of customer loyalty and market growth.

Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola’s case study on brand evolution is a valuable example. It outlines the challenge of adapting to changing consumer preferences and demographics. The case study demonstrates how Coca-Cola continually reinvented its brand to stay relevant and succeed in the global market.

Airbnb: Airbnb’s case study on the sharing economy is an intriguing example. It addresses the problem of travelers seeking unique and affordable accommodations. The case study presents Airbnb’s platform as the solution and highlights its impact on the hospitality industry and the sharing economy.

These examples showcase the diversity of case studies in the business world and how they effectively communicate problems, solutions, and outcomes. When creating your own business case study, use these examples as inspiration and tailor your approach to your specific industry and target audience.

Finally, practice your case study presentation several times — solo and together with your team — to collect feedback and make last-minute refinements! 

1. Business Case Study PowerPoint Template

case study definition in speech

To efficiently create a Business Case Study it’s important to ask all the right questions and document everything necessary, therefore this PowerPoint Template will provide all the sections you need.

Use This Template

2. Medical Case Study PowerPoint Template

case study definition in speech

3. Medical Infographics PowerPoint Templates

case study definition in speech

4. Success Story PowerPoint Template

case study definition in speech

5. Detective Research PowerPoint Template

case study definition in speech

6. Animated Clinical Study PowerPoint Templates

case study definition in speech

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Business Intelligence, Business Planning, Business PowerPoint Templates, Content Marketing, Feasibility Study, Marketing, Marketing Strategy Filed under Business

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  • Critical Discourse Analysis | Definition, Guide & Examples

Critical Discourse Analysis | Definition, Guide & Examples

Published on August 23, 2019 by Amy Luo . Revised on June 22, 2023.

Critical discourse analysis (or discourse analysis) is a research method for studying written or spoken language in relation to its social context. It aims to understand how language is used in real life situations.

When you conduct discourse analysis, you might focus on:

  • The purposes and effects of different types of language
  • Cultural rules and conventions in communication
  • How values, beliefs and assumptions are communicated
  • How language use relates to its social, political and historical context

Discourse analysis is a common qualitative research method in many humanities and social science disciplines, including linguistics, sociology, anthropology, psychology and cultural studies.  

Table of contents

What is discourse analysis used for, how is discourse analysis different from other methods, how to conduct discourse analysis, other interesting articles.

Conducting discourse analysis means examining how language functions and how meaning is created in different social contexts. It can be applied to any instance of written or oral language, as well as non-verbal aspects of communication such as tone and gestures.

Materials that are suitable for discourse analysis include:

  • Books, newspapers and periodicals
  • Marketing material, such as brochures and advertisements
  • Business and government documents
  • Websites, forums, social media posts and comments
  • Interviews and conversations

By analyzing these types of discourse, researchers aim to gain an understanding of social groups and how they communicate.

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case study definition in speech

Unlike linguistic approaches that focus only on the rules of language use, discourse analysis emphasizes the contextual meaning of language.

It focuses on the social aspects of communication and the ways people use language to achieve specific effects (e.g. to build trust, to create doubt, to evoke emotions, or to manage conflict).

Instead of focusing on smaller units of language, such as sounds, words or phrases, discourse analysis is used to study larger chunks of language, such as entire conversations, texts, or collections of texts. The selected sources can be analyzed on multiple levels.

Critical discourse analysis
Level of communication What is analyzed?
Vocabulary Words and phrases can be analyzed for ideological associations, formality, and euphemistic and metaphorical content.
Grammar The way that sentences are constructed (e.g., , active or passive construction, and the use of imperatives and questions) can reveal aspects of intended meaning.
Structure The structure of a text can be analyzed for how it creates emphasis or builds a narrative.
Genre Texts can be analyzed in relation to the conventions and communicative aims of their genre (e.g., political speeches or tabloid newspaper articles).
Non-verbal communication Non-verbal aspects of speech, such as tone of voice, pauses, gestures, and sounds like “um”, can reveal aspects of a speaker’s intentions, attitudes, and emotions.
Conversational codes The interaction between people in a conversation, such as turn-taking, interruptions and listener response, can reveal aspects of cultural conventions and social roles.

Discourse analysis is a qualitative and interpretive method of analyzing texts (in contrast to more systematic methods like content analysis ). You make interpretations based on both the details of the material itself and on contextual knowledge.

There are many different approaches and techniques you can use to conduct discourse analysis, but the steps below outline the basic structure you need to follow. Following these steps can help you avoid pitfalls of confirmation bias that can cloud your analysis.

Step 1: Define the research question and select the content of analysis

To do discourse analysis, you begin with a clearly defined research question . Once you have developed your question, select a range of material that is appropriate to answer it.

Discourse analysis is a method that can be applied both to large volumes of material and to smaller samples, depending on the aims and timescale of your research.

Step 2: Gather information and theory on the context

Next, you must establish the social and historical context in which the material was produced and intended to be received. Gather factual details of when and where the content was created, who the author is, who published it, and whom it was disseminated to.

As well as understanding the real-life context of the discourse, you can also conduct a literature review on the topic and construct a theoretical framework to guide your analysis.

Step 3: Analyze the content for themes and patterns

This step involves closely examining various elements of the material – such as words, sentences, paragraphs, and overall structure – and relating them to attributes, themes, and patterns relevant to your research question.

Step 4: Review your results and draw conclusions

Once you have assigned particular attributes to elements of the material, reflect on your results to examine the function and meaning of the language used. Here, you will consider your analysis in relation to the broader context that you established earlier to draw conclusions that answer your research question.

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Normal distribution
  • Measures of central tendency
  • Chi square tests
  • Confidence interval
  • Quartiles & Quantiles
  • Cluster sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Thematic analysis
  • Cohort study
  • Peer review
  • Ethnography

Research bias

  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Conformity bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Availability heuristic
  • Attrition bias
  • Social desirability bias

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Luo, A. (2023, June 22). Critical Discourse Analysis | Definition, Guide & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 3, 2024, from

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16 case study examples (+ 3 templates to make your own)

Hero image with an icon representing a case study

I like to think of case studies as a business's version of a resume. It highlights what the business can do, lends credibility to its offer, and contains only the positive bullet points that paint it in the best light possible.

Imagine if the guy running your favorite taco truck followed you home so that he could "really dig into how that burrito changed your life." I see the value in the practice. People naturally prefer a tried-and-true burrito just as they prefer tried-and-true products or services.

To help you showcase your success and flesh out your burrito questionnaire, I've put together some case study examples and key takeaways.

What is a case study?

A case study is an in-depth analysis of how your business, product, or service has helped past clients. It can be a document, a webpage, or a slide deck that showcases measurable, real-life results.

For example, if you're a SaaS company, you can analyze your customers' results after a few months of using your product to measure its effectiveness. You can then turn this analysis into a case study that further proves to potential customers what your product can do and how it can help them overcome their challenges.

It changes the narrative from "I promise that we can do X and Y for you" to "Here's what we've done for businesses like yours, and we can do it for you, too."

16 case study examples 

While most case studies follow the same structure, quite a few try to break the mold and create something unique. Some businesses lean heavily on design and presentation, while others pursue a detailed, stat-oriented approach. Some businesses try to mix both.

There's no set formula to follow, but I've found that the best case studies utilize impactful design to engage readers and leverage statistics and case details to drive the point home. A case study typically highlights the companies, the challenges, the solution, and the results. The examples below will help inspire you to do it, too.

1. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Volcanica Coffee and AdRoll

On top of a background of coffee beans, a block of text with percentage growth statistics for how AdRoll nitro-fueled Volcanica coffee.

People love a good farm-to-table coffee story, and boy am I one of them. But I've shared this case study with you for more reasons than my love of coffee. I enjoyed this study because it was written as though it was a letter.

In this case study, the founder of Volcanica Coffee talks about the journey from founding the company to personally struggling with learning and applying digital marketing to finding and enlisting AdRoll's services.

It felt more authentic, less about AdRoll showcasing their worth and more like a testimonial from a grateful and appreciative client. After the story, the case study wraps up with successes, milestones, and achievements. Note that quite a few percentages are prominently displayed at the top, providing supporting evidence that backs up an inspiring story.

Takeaway: Highlight your goals and measurable results to draw the reader in and provide concise, easily digestible information.

2. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Taylor Guitars and Airtable

Screenshot of the Taylor Guitars and Airtable case study, with the title: Taylor Guitars brings more music into the world with Airtable

This Airtable case study on Taylor Guitars comes as close as one can to an optimal structure. It features a video that represents the artistic nature of the client, highlighting key achievements and dissecting each element of Airtable's influence.

It also supplements each section with a testimonial or quote from the client, using their insights as a catalyst for the case study's narrative. For example, the case study quotes the social media manager and project manager's insights regarding team-wide communication and access before explaining in greater detail.

Takeaway: Highlight pain points your business solves for its client, and explore that influence in greater detail.

3. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} EndeavourX and Figma

Screenshot of the Endeavour and Figma case study, showing a bulleted list about why EndeavourX chose Figma followed by an image of EndeavourX's workspace on Figma

My favorite part of Figma's case study is highlighting why EndeavourX chose its solution. You'll notice an entire section on what Figma does for teams and then specifically for EndeavourX.

It also places a heavy emphasis on numbers and stats. The study, as brief as it is, still manages to pack in a lot of compelling statistics about what's possible with Figma.

Takeaway: Showcase the "how" and "why" of your product's differentiators and how they benefit your customers.

4. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} ActiveCampaign and Zapier

Screenshot of Zapier's case study with ActiveCampaign, showing three data visualizations on purple backgrounds

Zapier's case study leans heavily on design, using graphics to present statistics and goals in a manner that not only remains consistent with the branding but also actively pushes it forward, drawing users' eyes to the information most important to them. 

The graphics, emphasis on branding elements, and cause/effect style tell the story without requiring long, drawn-out copy that risks boring readers. Instead, the cause and effect are concisely portrayed alongside the client company's information for a brief and easily scannable case study.

Takeaway: Lean on design to call attention to the most important elements of your case study, and make sure it stays consistent with your branding.

5. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Ironclad and OpenAI

Screenshot of a video from the Ironclad and OpenAI case study showing the Ironclad AI Assist feature

In true OpenAI fashion, this case study is a block of text. There's a distinct lack of imagery, but the study features a narrated video walking readers through the product.

The lack of imagery and color may not be the most inviting, but utilizing video format is commendable. It helps thoroughly communicate how OpenAI supported Ironclad in a way that allows the user to sit back, relax, listen, and be impressed. 

Takeaway: Get creative with the media you implement in your case study. Videos can be a very powerful addition when a case study requires more detailed storytelling.

6. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Shopify and GitHub

Screenshot of the Shopify and GitHub case study, with the title "Shopify keeps pushing ecommerce forward with help from GitHub tools," followed by a photo of a plant and a Shopify bag on a table on a dark background

GitHub's case study on Shopify is a light read. It addresses client pain points and discusses the different aspects its product considers and improves for clients. It touches on workflow issues, internal systems, automation, and security. It does a great job of representing what one company can do with GitHub.

To drive the point home, the case study features colorful quote callouts from the Shopify team, sharing their insights and perspectives on the partnership, the key issues, and how they were addressed.

Takeaway: Leverage quotes to boost the authoritativeness and trustworthiness of your case study. 

7 . .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Audible and Contentful

Screenshot of the Audible and Contentful case study showing images of titles on Audible

Contentful's case study on Audible features almost every element a case study should. It includes not one but two videos and clearly outlines the challenge, solution, and outcome before diving deeper into what Contentful did for Audible. The language is simple, and the writing is heavy with quotes and personal insights.

This case study is a uniquely original experience. The fact that the companies in question are perhaps two of the most creative brands out there may be the reason. I expected nothing short of a detailed analysis, a compelling story, and video content. 

Takeaway: Inject some brand voice into the case study, and create assets that tell the story for you.

8 . .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Zoom and Asana

Screenshot of Zoom and Asana's case study on a navy blue background and an image of someone sitting on a Zoom call at a desk with the title "Zoom saves 133 work weeks per year with Asana"

Asana's case study on Zoom is longer than the average piece and features detailed data on Zoom's growth since 2020. Instead of relying on imagery and graphics, it features several quotes and testimonials. 

It's designed to be direct, informative, and promotional. At some point, the case study reads more like a feature list. There were a few sections that felt a tad too promotional for my liking, but to each their own burrito.

Takeaway: Maintain a balance between promotional and informative. You want to showcase the high-level goals your product helped achieve without losing the reader.

9 . .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Hickies and Mailchimp

Screenshot of the Hickies and Mailchimp case study with the title in a fun orange font, followed by a paragraph of text and a photo of a couple sitting on a couch looking at each other and smiling

I've always been a fan of Mailchimp's comic-like branding, and this case study does an excellent job of sticking to their tradition of making information easy to understand, casual, and inviting.

It features a short video that briefly covers Hickies as a company and Mailchimp's efforts to serve its needs for customer relationships and education processes. Overall, this case study is a concise overview of the partnership that manages to convey success data and tell a story at the same time. What sets it apart is that it does so in a uniquely colorful and brand-consistent manner.

Takeaway: Be concise to provide as much value in as little text as possible.

10. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} NVIDIA and Workday

Screenshot of NVIDIA and Workday's case study with a photo of a group of people standing around a tall desk and smiling and the title "NVIDIA hires game changers"

The gaming industry is notoriously difficult to recruit for, as it requires a very specific set of skills and experience. This case study focuses on how Workday was able to help fill that recruitment gap for NVIDIA, one of the biggest names in the gaming world.

Though it doesn't feature videos or graphics, this case study stood out to me in how it structures information like "key products used" to give readers insight into which tools helped achieve these results.

Takeaway: If your company offers multiple products or services, outline exactly which ones were involved in your case study, so readers can assess each tool.

11. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} KFC and Contentful

Screenshot of KFC and Contentful's case study showing the outcome of the study, showing two stats: 43% increase in YoY digital sales and 50%+ increase in AU digital sales YoY

I'm personally not a big KFC fan, but that's only because I refuse to eat out of a bucket. My aversion to the bucket format aside, Contentful follows its consistent case study format in this one, outlining challenges, solutions, and outcomes before diving into the nitty-gritty details of the project.

Say what you will about KFC, but their primary product (chicken) does present a unique opportunity for wordplay like "Continuing to march to the beat of a digital-first drum(stick)" or "Delivering deep-fried goodness to every channel."

Takeaway: Inject humor into your case study if there's room for it and if it fits your brand. 

12. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Intuit and Twilio

Screenshot of the Intuit and Twilio case study on a dark background with three small, light green icons illustrating three important data points

Twilio does an excellent job of delivering achievements at the very beginning of the case study and going into detail in this two-minute read. While there aren't many graphics, the way quotes from the Intuit team are implemented adds a certain flair to the study and breaks up the sections nicely.

It's simple, concise, and manages to fit a lot of information in easily digestible sections.

Takeaway: Make sure each section is long enough to inform but brief enough to avoid boring readers. Break down information for each section, and don't go into so much detail that you lose the reader halfway through.

13. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Spotify and Salesforce

Screenshot of Spotify and Salesforce's case study showing a still of a video with the title "Automation keeps Spotify's ad business growing year over year"

Salesforce created a video that accurately summarizes the key points of the case study. Beyond that, the page itself is very light on content, and sections are as short as one paragraph.

I especially like how information is broken down into "What you need to know," "Why it matters," and "What the difference looks like." I'm not ashamed of being spoon-fed information. When it's structured so well and so simply, it makes for an entertaining read.

14. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Benchling and Airtable

Screenshot of the Benchling and Airtable case study with the title: How Benchling achieves scientific breakthroughs via efficiency

Benchling is an impressive entity in its own right. Biotech R&D and health care nuances go right over my head. But the research and digging I've been doing in the name of these burritos (case studies) revealed that these products are immensely complex. 

And that's precisely why this case study deserves a read—it succeeds at explaining a complex project that readers outside the industry wouldn't know much about.

Takeaway: Simplify complex information, and walk readers through the company's operations and how your business helped streamline them.

15. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Chipotle and Hubble

Screenshot of the Chipotle and Hubble case study with the title "Mexican food chain replaces Discoverer with Hubble and sees major efficiency improvements," followed by a photo of the outside of a Chipotle restaurant

The concision of this case study is refreshing. It features two sections—the challenge and the solution—all in 316 words. This goes to show that your case study doesn't necessarily need to be a four-figure investment with video shoots and studio time. 

Sometimes, the message is simple and short enough to convey in a handful of paragraphs.

Takeaway: Consider what you should include instead of what you can include. Assess the time, resources, and effort you're able and willing to invest in a case study, and choose which elements you want to include from there.

16. .css-12hxxzz-Link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-Link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} Hudl and Zapier

Screenshot of Hudl and Zapier's case study, showing data visualizations at the bottom, two photos of people playing sports on the top right , and a quote from the Hudl team on the topleft

I may be biased, but I'm a big fan of seeing metrics and achievements represented in branded graphics. It can be a jarring experience to navigate a website, then visit a case study page and feel as though you've gone to a completely different website.

The case study is essentially the summary, and the blog article is the detailed analysis that provides context beyond X achievement or Y goal.

Takeaway: Keep your case study concise and informative. Create other resources to provide context under your blog, media or press, and product pages.

3 case study templates

Now that you've had your fill of case studies (if that's possible), I've got just what you need: an infinite number of case studies, which you can create yourself with these case study templates.

Case study template 1

Screenshot of Zapier's first case study template, with the title and three spots for data callouts at the top on a light peach-colored background, followed by a place to write the main success of the case study on a dark green background

If you've got a quick hit of stats you want to show off, try this template. The opening section gives space for a short summary and three visually appealing stats you can highlight, followed by a headline and body where you can break the case study down more thoroughly. This one's pretty simple, with only sections for solutions and results, but you can easily continue the formatting to add more sections as needed.

Case study template 2

Screenshot of Zapier's second case study template, with the title, objectives, and overview on a dark blue background with an orange strip in the middle with a place to write the main success of the case study

For a case study template with a little more detail, use this one. Opening with a striking cover page for a quick overview, this one goes on to include context, stakeholders, challenges, multiple quote callouts, and quick-hit stats. 

Case study template 3

Screenshot of Zapier's third case study template, with the places for title, objectives, and about the business on a dark green background followed by three spots for data callouts in orange boxes

Whether you want a little structural variation or just like a nice dark green, this template has similar components to the last template but is designed to help tell a story. Move from the client overview through a description of your company before getting to the details of how you fixed said company's problems.

Tips for writing a case study

Examples are all well and good, but you don't learn how to make a burrito just by watching tutorials on YouTube without knowing what any of the ingredients are. You could , but it probably wouldn't be all that good.

Have an objective: Define your objective by identifying the challenge, solution, and results. Assess your work with the client and focus on the most prominent wins. You're speaking to multiple businesses and industries through the case study, so make sure you know what you want to say to them.

Focus on persuasive data: Growth percentages and measurable results are your best friends. Extract your most compelling data and highlight it in your case study.

Use eye-grabbing graphics: Branded design goes a long way in accurately representing your brand and retaining readers as they review the study. Leverage unique and eye-catching graphics to keep readers engaged. 

Simplify data presentation: Some industries are more complex than others, and sometimes, data can be difficult to understand at a glance. Make sure you present your data in the simplest way possible. Make it concise, informative, and easy to understand.

Use automation to drive results for your case study

A case study example is a source of inspiration you can leverage to determine how to best position your brand's work. Find your unique angle, and refine it over time to help your business stand out. Ask anyone: the best burrito in town doesn't just appear at the number one spot. They find their angle (usually the house sauce) and leverage it to stand out.

Case study FAQ

Got your case study template? Great—it's time to gather the team for an awkward semi-vague data collection task. While you do that, here are some case study quick answers for you to skim through while you contemplate what to call your team meeting.

What is an example of a case study?

An example of a case study is when a software company analyzes its results from a client project and creates a webpage, presentation, or document that focuses on high-level results, challenges, and solutions in an attempt to showcase effectiveness and promote the software.

How do you write a case study?

To write a good case study, you should have an objective, identify persuasive and compelling data, leverage graphics, and simplify data. Case studies typically include an analysis of the challenge, solution, and results of the partnership.

What is the format of a case study?

While case studies don't have a set format, they're often portrayed as reports or essays that inform readers about the partnership and its results. 

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Hachem Ramki picture

Hachem Ramki

Hachem is a writer and digital marketer from Montreal. After graduating with a degree in English, Hachem spent seven years traveling around the world before moving to Canada. When he's not writing, he enjoys Basketball, Dungeons and Dragons, and playing music for friends and family.

  • Content marketing

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Case Study Research Method in Psychology

Saul McLeod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul McLeod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Learn about our Editorial Process

Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

Associate Editor for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

On This Page:

Case studies are in-depth investigations of a person, group, event, or community. Typically, data is gathered from various sources using several methods (e.g., observations & interviews).

The case study research method originated in clinical medicine (the case history, i.e., the patient’s personal history). In psychology, case studies are often confined to the study of a particular individual.

The information is mainly biographical and relates to events in the individual’s past (i.e., retrospective), as well as to significant events that are currently occurring in his or her everyday life.

The case study is not a research method, but researchers select methods of data collection and analysis that will generate material suitable for case studies.

Freud (1909a, 1909b) conducted very detailed investigations into the private lives of his patients in an attempt to both understand and help them overcome their illnesses.

This makes it clear that the case study is a method that should only be used by a psychologist, therapist, or psychiatrist, i.e., someone with a professional qualification.

There is an ethical issue of competence. Only someone qualified to diagnose and treat a person can conduct a formal case study relating to atypical (i.e., abnormal) behavior or atypical development.

case study

 Famous Case Studies

  • Anna O – One of the most famous case studies, documenting psychoanalyst Josef Breuer’s treatment of “Anna O” (real name Bertha Pappenheim) for hysteria in the late 1800s using early psychoanalytic theory.
  • Little Hans – A child psychoanalysis case study published by Sigmund Freud in 1909 analyzing his five-year-old patient Herbert Graf’s house phobia as related to the Oedipus complex.
  • Bruce/Brenda – Gender identity case of the boy (Bruce) whose botched circumcision led psychologist John Money to advise gender reassignment and raise him as a girl (Brenda) in the 1960s.
  • Genie Wiley – Linguistics/psychological development case of the victim of extreme isolation abuse who was studied in 1970s California for effects of early language deprivation on acquiring speech later in life.
  • Phineas Gage – One of the most famous neuropsychology case studies analyzes personality changes in railroad worker Phineas Gage after an 1848 brain injury involving a tamping iron piercing his skull.

Clinical Case Studies

  • Studying the effectiveness of psychotherapy approaches with an individual patient
  • Assessing and treating mental illnesses like depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD
  • Neuropsychological cases investigating brain injuries or disorders

Child Psychology Case Studies

  • Studying psychological development from birth through adolescence
  • Cases of learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, ADHD
  • Effects of trauma, abuse, deprivation on development

Types of Case Studies

  • Explanatory case studies : Used to explore causation in order to find underlying principles. Helpful for doing qualitative analysis to explain presumed causal links.
  • Exploratory case studies : Used to explore situations where an intervention being evaluated has no clear set of outcomes. It helps define questions and hypotheses for future research.
  • Descriptive case studies : Describe an intervention or phenomenon and the real-life context in which it occurred. It is helpful for illustrating certain topics within an evaluation.
  • Multiple-case studies : Used to explore differences between cases and replicate findings across cases. Helpful for comparing and contrasting specific cases.
  • Intrinsic : Used to gain a better understanding of a particular case. Helpful for capturing the complexity of a single case.
  • Collective : Used to explore a general phenomenon using multiple case studies. Helpful for jointly studying a group of cases in order to inquire into the phenomenon.

Where Do You Find Data for a Case Study?

There are several places to find data for a case study. The key is to gather data from multiple sources to get a complete picture of the case and corroborate facts or findings through triangulation of evidence. Most of this information is likely qualitative (i.e., verbal description rather than measurement), but the psychologist might also collect numerical data.

1. Primary sources

  • Interviews – Interviewing key people related to the case to get their perspectives and insights. The interview is an extremely effective procedure for obtaining information about an individual, and it may be used to collect comments from the person’s friends, parents, employer, workmates, and others who have a good knowledge of the person, as well as to obtain facts from the person him or herself.
  • Observations – Observing behaviors, interactions, processes, etc., related to the case as they unfold in real-time.
  • Documents & Records – Reviewing private documents, diaries, public records, correspondence, meeting minutes, etc., relevant to the case.

2. Secondary sources

  • News/Media – News coverage of events related to the case study.
  • Academic articles – Journal articles, dissertations etc. that discuss the case.
  • Government reports – Official data and records related to the case context.
  • Books/films – Books, documentaries or films discussing the case.

3. Archival records

Searching historical archives, museum collections and databases to find relevant documents, visual/audio records related to the case history and context.

Public archives like newspapers, organizational records, photographic collections could all include potentially relevant pieces of information to shed light on attitudes, cultural perspectives, common practices and historical contexts related to psychology.

4. Organizational records

Organizational records offer the advantage of often having large datasets collected over time that can reveal or confirm psychological insights.

Of course, privacy and ethical concerns regarding confidential data must be navigated carefully.

However, with proper protocols, organizational records can provide invaluable context and empirical depth to qualitative case studies exploring the intersection of psychology and organizations.

  • Organizational/industrial psychology research : Organizational records like employee surveys, turnover/retention data, policies, incident reports etc. may provide insight into topics like job satisfaction, workplace culture and dynamics, leadership issues, employee behaviors etc.
  • Clinical psychology : Therapists/hospitals may grant access to anonymized medical records to study aspects like assessments, diagnoses, treatment plans etc. This could shed light on clinical practices.
  • School psychology : Studies could utilize anonymized student records like test scores, grades, disciplinary issues, and counseling referrals to study child development, learning barriers, effectiveness of support programs, and more.

How do I Write a Case Study in Psychology?

Follow specified case study guidelines provided by a journal or your psychology tutor. General components of clinical case studies include: background, symptoms, assessments, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes. Interpreting the information means the researcher decides what to include or leave out. A good case study should always clarify which information is the factual description and which is an inference or the researcher’s opinion.

1. Introduction

  • Provide background on the case context and why it is of interest, presenting background information like demographics, relevant history, and presenting problem.
  • Compare briefly to similar published cases if applicable. Clearly state the focus/importance of the case.

2. Case Presentation

  • Describe the presenting problem in detail, including symptoms, duration,and impact on daily life.
  • Include client demographics like age and gender, information about social relationships, and mental health history.
  • Describe all physical, emotional, and/or sensory symptoms reported by the client.
  • Use patient quotes to describe the initial complaint verbatim. Follow with full-sentence summaries of relevant history details gathered, including key components that led to a working diagnosis.
  • Summarize clinical exam results, namely orthopedic/neurological tests, imaging, lab tests, etc. Note actual results rather than subjective conclusions. Provide images if clearly reproducible/anonymized.
  • Clearly state the working diagnosis or clinical impression before transitioning to management.

3. Management and Outcome

  • Indicate the total duration of care and number of treatments given over what timeframe. Use specific names/descriptions for any therapies/interventions applied.
  • Present the results of the intervention,including any quantitative or qualitative data collected.
  • For outcomes, utilize visual analog scales for pain, medication usage logs, etc., if possible. Include patient self-reports of improvement/worsening of symptoms. Note the reason for discharge/end of care.

4. Discussion

  • Analyze the case, exploring contributing factors, limitations of the study, and connections to existing research.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of the intervention,considering factors like participant adherence, limitations of the study, and potential alternative explanations for the results.
  • Identify any questions raised in the case analysis and relate insights to established theories and current research if applicable. Avoid definitive claims about physiological explanations.
  • Offer clinical implications, and suggest future research directions.

5. Additional Items

  • Thank specific assistants for writing support only. No patient acknowledgments.
  • References should directly support any key claims or quotes included.
  • Use tables/figures/images only if substantially informative. Include permissions and legends/explanatory notes.
  • Provides detailed (rich qualitative) information.
  • Provides insight for further research.
  • Permitting investigation of otherwise impractical (or unethical) situations.

Case studies allow a researcher to investigate a topic in far more detail than might be possible if they were trying to deal with a large number of research participants (nomothetic approach) with the aim of ‘averaging’.

Because of their in-depth, multi-sided approach, case studies often shed light on aspects of human thinking and behavior that would be unethical or impractical to study in other ways.

Research that only looks into the measurable aspects of human behavior is not likely to give us insights into the subjective dimension of experience, which is important to psychoanalytic and humanistic psychologists.

Case studies are often used in exploratory research. They can help us generate new ideas (that might be tested by other methods). They are an important way of illustrating theories and can help show how different aspects of a person’s life are related to each other.

The method is, therefore, important for psychologists who adopt a holistic point of view (i.e., humanistic psychologists ).


  • Lacking scientific rigor and providing little basis for generalization of results to the wider population.
  • Researchers’ own subjective feelings may influence the case study (researcher bias).
  • Difficult to replicate.
  • Time-consuming and expensive.
  • The volume of data, together with the time restrictions in place, impacted the depth of analysis that was possible within the available resources.

Because a case study deals with only one person/event/group, we can never be sure if the case study investigated is representative of the wider body of “similar” instances. This means the conclusions drawn from a particular case may not be transferable to other settings.

Because case studies are based on the analysis of qualitative (i.e., descriptive) data , a lot depends on the psychologist’s interpretation of the information she has acquired.

This means that there is a lot of scope for Anna O , and it could be that the subjective opinions of the psychologist intrude in the assessment of what the data means.

For example, Freud has been criticized for producing case studies in which the information was sometimes distorted to fit particular behavioral theories (e.g., Little Hans ).

This is also true of Money’s interpretation of the Bruce/Brenda case study (Diamond, 1997) when he ignored evidence that went against his theory.

Breuer, J., & Freud, S. (1895).  Studies on hysteria . Standard Edition 2: London.

Curtiss, S. (1981). Genie: The case of a modern wild child .

Diamond, M., & Sigmundson, K. (1997). Sex Reassignment at Birth: Long-term Review and Clinical Implications. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine , 151(3), 298-304

Freud, S. (1909a). Analysis of a phobia of a five year old boy. In The Pelican Freud Library (1977), Vol 8, Case Histories 1, pages 169-306

Freud, S. (1909b). Bemerkungen über einen Fall von Zwangsneurose (Der “Rattenmann”). Jb. psychoanal. psychopathol. Forsch ., I, p. 357-421; GW, VII, p. 379-463; Notes upon a case of obsessional neurosis, SE , 10: 151-318.

Harlow J. M. (1848). Passage of an iron rod through the head.  Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 39 , 389–393.

Harlow, J. M. (1868).  Recovery from the Passage of an Iron Bar through the Head .  Publications of the Massachusetts Medical Society. 2  (3), 327-347.

Money, J., & Ehrhardt, A. A. (1972).  Man & Woman, Boy & Girl : The Differentiation and Dimorphism of Gender Identity from Conception to Maturity. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Money, J., & Tucker, P. (1975). Sexual signatures: On being a man or a woman.

Further Information

  • Case Study Approach
  • Case Study Method
  • Enhancing the Quality of Case Studies in Health Services Research
  • “We do things together” A case study of “couplehood” in dementia
  • Using mixed methods for evaluating an integrative approach to cancer care: a case study

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Case Study – Definition, Types & Examples

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A case study is a research method that delves deeply into a specific instance to analyse its complexities and draw broader insights applitaxile to similar situations. Through a structured methodology , encompassing data collection, analysis, and interpretation, case studies offer a comprehensive understanding of real-life phenomena within their natural contexts. This approach allows researchers to explore intricate details, uncover patterns, and derive valuable implications.


  • 1 Case study in a nutshell
  • 2 Definition: Case study
  • 3 Types of case studies
  • 4 When to perform a case study
  • 5 Conducting a case study
  • 6 Pros and cons

Case study in a nutshell

A case study is a detailed examination of a particular project, event, individual, or organisation over a defined period. It focuses on the complexities and outcomes of real-life situations, providing an in-depth understanding of the factors leading to successes or failures.

Definition: Case study

A case study is a research methodology that involves an in-depth, detailed examination of a case or cases within a real-life context. It is used across various disciplines, including psychology, sociology, education, business, and law. The purpose of a case study is to explore and understand complex issues, processes, or behaviours by analysing them from multiple angles and using multiple sources of evidence. Case studies are particularly useful for inwaistcoatigating phenomena that cannot be studied through experimental methods, offering insights into aspects of the subject that might be overlooked by other research methodologies.

Case studies are valuable for generating hypotheses that can be tested with other methods, developing theories, and providing practical solutions to real-world problems. They are particularly effective in capturing the nuances and complexities of situations that are too complex for more straightforward research designs . The following outlines the key characteristics of case studies.

Depth and detail

Contextual analysis, qualitative (and quantitative) data, multiple sources of evidence, specificity, flexibility.

Case studies provide a thorough understanding of the case in question, including its historical background, current situation, and the various factors influencing it.

They consider the subject’s context, recognising that behaviours, decisions, and outcomes are often deeply influenced by environmental, social, and historical factors.

A mixed-methods case study approach relies on qualitative data like interviews , observations, and document analysis, and also includes quantitative data to support findings.

Case studies typically draw on various data sources, such as documents, archival records, interviews, direct observation, participant observation, and physical artefacts, to provide a comprehensive view of the overall case.

They focus on a specific case, event, individual, or organisation , allowing for a detailed examination that might not be feasible with broader research methods.

Case study research is flexible, allowing researchers to adapt their approaches as new insights emerge during the inwaistcoatigation.

The goal is to gain insights and a deeper understanding of the case and its broader implications, rather than to generalize findings to all cases.

Types of case studies

Case studies vary widely in focus and purpose, adapting to the needs of different academic disciplines and professional fields. Each type of case study serves a different purpose and can be chosen based on the specific objectives of the research, the nature of the subject being studied, and the available resources. They are a powerful tool for researchers and practitioners alike, offering detailed insights and a deep understanding of complex phenomena, behaviours, and processes within their real-life contexts. Despite this diversity, they can generally be categorized into several main types based on their intent and approach.


Collective case studies

A collective case study also referred to as a multiple case study, involves the detailed examination and analysis of several cases simultaneously or sequentially to inwaistcoatigate a phenomenon, condition, or situation. These cases are chosen because they are expected to exhibit particular features or outcomes significant to the research question or hypothesis. By studying multiple cases, researchers aim to gain a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of the issue at hand, identifying patterns, variations, and insights that might not be evident when conducting single case study research alone.


  • Involves multiple cases, allowing for a comparison to identify similarities between different instances of the phenomenon.
  • The cases are purposefully selected based on their ability and extent to provide insight into the research question of the case.
  • Aims to understand the phenomenon within its real-life context, recognising the influence of various complex factors.
  • Data are individually and in aggregate analysed, allowing researchers to identify overarching patterns across cases.
  • Variability by acknowledging and exploring the differences between cases to understand the spectrum of possible outcomes.
  • Enhances generalizability: Examining multiple cases, allows researchers to test the finding of one case against others, enhancing the generalizability of the observations.
  • Rich insights: Collective case studies provide rich, multifaceted, contextual insights into the studied phenomenon, ensuring the possibility to inwaistcoatigate the complexity of real-life situations.
  • Theory development: These studies are particularly useful for developing theories, allowing researchers to refine and build upon existing ones based on the findings.

Topic: Patient experiences with telehealth services

  • Objective: Exploring patient satisfaction and challenges faced when using telehealth services across various demographics.
  • Cases: Patients from different age groups, health conditions, and regions who have used telehealth services for at least six months.
  • Result: A comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing patient satisfaction with telehealth, including technological litreacy, communication quality, and access to care, informing improvements in telehealth practices.

Comparative case studies

A comparative case study is a research approach that involves the detailed analysis and comparison of two or more cases, which can be organisation s, communities, individuals, events, etc. It aims to inwaistcoatigate and explore similarities, contrasts, and pattern variations across cases to gain a deeper understanding of the studied topic and why certain phenomena vary under different conditions.

  • Systematically examines the differences and similarities between cases to draw insights that may not emerge from one case.
  • Serves as a cornerstone for developing, testing, or refining existing theories or generating new theories and concepts.
  • The cases are carefully selected based on the variations in dimensions to understand the influence of different conditions.
  • Does not sacrifice the depth of understanding each case individually, allowing researchers to consider the contribution of contextual factors.
  • This type of case study includes qualitative and quantitative methods and approaches for collecting and analysing data.
  • Rich insights: They provide contextual and detailed insights into the dynamics of each case, which is crucial for understanding complex phenomena.
  • Theory development: Comparative case studies are conducive to testing existing theories in different contexts and building new theories based on observed patterns.
  • Flexibility: Methods and approaches can be adapted as the study progresses, allowing for the exploration of unexpected findings or new research questions.

Topic: Impact of socioeconomic factors on academic achievement

  • Objective: Exploring how socioeconomic status (SES) influences academic achievement in primary schools.
  • Case A: Primary school located in an affluent neighbourbonnet with high-income families.
  • Case B: Primary school located in an area with primarily low-income families.
  • Result: Emphasis on the importance of addressing disparities in resources, support systems, and community factors to ensure equitable educational opportunities for all the students.

Critical instance case studies

A critical instance case study entails focused research that inwaistcoatigates one or two instances to understand one occurrence rather than generalizing the situation. It explores a unique, unusual, or particularly informative phenomenon. These cases are typically chosen because they are expected to provide insight into an area of interest or to challenge or refine existing theoretical concepts and assumptions. The goal of this method is to understand the complexity and uniqueness of critical cases and how they inform broader understandings and generalizations about a topic.

  • Dives into a specific case(s) to uncover the intricacies that contribute to its unique characteristics.
  • Useful for examining phenomena that are too complex or rare to be captured through broader studies.
  • Cases are selected for their potential to provide insight into an issue or to challenge universal opinions.
  • A detailed qualitative analysis, but quantitative methods can also complement the examination.
  • Creates a balance between the uniqueness of the case and the potential for making broader inferences.
  • In-depth understanding: Critical instance case studies aim to provide an in-depth and nuanced understanding of a specific case or cases, underscoring the contextual factors that influence outcomes.
  • Theory development: By focusing on cases that are expected to challenge or refine theoretical assumptions, this type of study contributes to developing and refining theories.
  • Flexibility: The methods used can be adapted to the specific demands of the case, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of the unique aspects of the critical instance.

Topic: Impact of innovative teaching methods on student engagement in a rural school

  • Objective: Inwaistcoatigating how the implementation of project-based learning in a rural primary school affects student engagement and learning outcomes.
  • Case: A primary school in a rural area that has recently implemented project-based learning across all grades.
  • Result: Detailed analysis of the challenges and successes of implementing innovative teaching methods in a resource-constrained environment, highlighting the role of community support and teacher adaptability in fostering positive educational outcomes and results.

Cumulative case studies

A cumulative case study involves aggregating information from several sites collected at different times. The goal is to collect past studies to increase generalization without costing more time or money on new, possibly repetitive studies. It synthesizes findings from multiple cases over adequate time to understand a broader phenomenon or to identify patterns and trends. These studies are chosen because their cumulative evidence can provide a more convincing and comprehensive insight into a subject of interest, supporting or contradicting theoretical assumptions through a wider lens of observation.

  • Aggregates findings from different cases and existing sources to uncover common themes.
  • Specifically, valuable for integrating and comparing data from already studied situations.
  • Case selection based on whether they can compare and contrast multiple instances.
  • Employs both qualitative and quantitative methods, facilitating a more comprehensive analysis.
  • Strike a balance between diversity and the potential for generalization.
  • Comprehensive synthesis: This approach aims to synthesize data across multiple instances, offering a broader perspective on the subject matter that highlights commonalities and differences.
  • Pattern identification: By examining various cases collectively, this approach seeks to identify underlying patterns, trends, and themes that might not be apparent in single case study research.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Accumulating evidence from existing studies, allows for a more resource-efficient way to gain a wide-ranging understanding. Thereby, the expenses and time of conducting new, individual studies can also be avoided.

Topic: Effectiveness of remote learning across different socio-economic backgrounds

  • Objective: analysing how remote learning during school closures impacted students’ academic performance across various socio-economic backgrounds.
  • Cases: Multiple schools from diverse socio-economic areas that implemented remote learning during the same period.
  • Result: A comparative analysis revealing patterns of engagement, accessibility issues, and academic outcomes, highlighting the importance of addressing equity in access to technology and learning resources.

Descriptive case studies

A descriptive case study, a process-oriented case study, is a research approach focused on providing a detailed account and analysis of a specific case (or cases) within its real-life context. Unlike other types of case studies that might seek to test hypotheses or understand causal relationships, descriptive research aims to document the unique characteristics, conditions, processes, and outcomes of the case in question. The primary goal is to describe the phenomenon in depth and detail, offering a comprehensive understanding of the context and variables involved.

  • Captures the nuances, providing a rich, detailed description that covers various aspects.
  • Considers the environment of the case, recognising the context’s significant influences.
  • Employs a mixed-methods case study approach using qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Identifies patterns that may inform future research, like hypotheses for causal research or theories.
  • Illustrates a particular phenomenon within its real-world context, providing valuable insights.
  • Comprehensive documentation: It provides an exhaustive description of a case, which involves documenting contexts, processes, and results, aiming to capture complexities.
  • Insightful understanding: Descriptive case studies shed light on how and why things happen under specific circumstances through detailed examination. Their detailed outcomes help to inform practice, policy, or further research.
  • Pattern identification: While not primarily focusing on hypothesis testing or theory development, descriptive research often suggests areas for further research by identifying patterns.

Topic: The role of community gardens in urban food security

  • Objective: Exploring the impact of community gardens on food security in urban areas extensively, seeking to understand how the gardens contribute to the availability and accessibility of fresh produce for residents.
  • Cases: Three community gardens that are located in different urban neighbourbonnets, each with varying levels of access to supermarkets or fresh food markets.
  • Result: Detailed description and comparison of each garden’s operation, community involvement, challenges faced, and the benefits realised in terms of food security, emphasizing the importance of community leadership, support from local organisation s, and adaptability of garden practices to local needs.

Explanatory case studies

Similar to the descriptive type, an explanatory case study is also a process-oriented case study, that seeks to explain the underlying mechanisms or reasons behind a particular phenomenon or set of outcomes within its real-life context. Unlike descriptive case studies, which focus primarily on providing a detailed account of a specific case, explanatory case studies aim to uncover how and why certain events occur, offering insights into causal pathways and processes leading to a particular outcome.

  • Process-oriented case study that explores the causal mechanisms that lead to certain outcomes.
  • Allows researchers to examine complex real-life contexts in their natural setting.
  • Uses multiple sources of evidence, like qualitative data and sometimes quantitative data.
  • Frequently employs existing theoretical framework to guide their analysis and explain findings.
  • Contributes to the development and refinement of theoretical concepts, offering practical insights.
  • Uncovering causal relationships: It explores the causal mechanisms that lead to certain outcomes within a case or across cases, seeking to elucidate the processes and factors that contribute to the studied topic.
  • Theory development: This type of case study can be employed to test existing theories in new contexts or to refine and develop new theoretical frameworks based on its findings.
  • Informing policy and practice: Provides valuable insights that can inform policy-making, strategy, and practical interventions, emphasizing its applitaxiility to real-world challenges.

Topic: Impact of remote work on employee productivity and well-being

  • Objective: Aiming to explain the causal relationships between remote work and its effects on employee productivity and well-being, seeking to uncover the mechanisms through which remote work influences these outcomes and to identify the conditions under which the effects are most pronounced.
  • Cases: Examining three companies in different industries, technology, finance, and education, that implemented long-term remote work arrangements as a response to external factors like the global pandemic.
  • Result: The comparative analysis reveals that the presence of supportive digital infrastructure, degree of flexibility in work arrangements, and opportunities for informal interactions are critical factors influencing the outcome of remote work policies, suggesting that it can enhance the productivity and well-being of employees.

Exploratory case studies

Exploratory case studies are qualitative research methods used to conduct preliminary projects for little-understood phenomena to develop hypotheses and establish research priorities. Unlike explanatory or descriptive case studies that aim to explain the aspects of specific cases, exploratory case studies are often conducted when a problem is not clearly defined, and there is a need for further inwaistcoatigation to understand the context.

  • Serves as an initial step in researching a new area, gathering as much information as possible.
  • Flexible research design, allowing for adjustments as new insights are gained in the process.
  • Generates hypotheses or theories that can be applied and tested in further research.
  • Relies on qualitative data collection methods to gain an understanding of the case in real-life context.
  • Foundation for explanatory studies, experimental designs , or large-scale quantitative research.
  • Comprehensive understanding : Aims to gain a clear understanding of the studied phenomenon, especially when it is new, complex, or not well defined.
  • Generating hypotheses: Through detailed observation, data collection, and analysis, it is geared towards generating hypotheses or theories about the phenomenon.
  • Research priorities: Determines which aspects of the case merit further research by uncovering the most significant issues, challenges, or opportunities in association.

Topic: The adoption of virtual reality (VR) technologies in higher education

  • Objective: Aiming to explore how and why higher education institutions are adopting VR technologies for teaching and learning purposes. The study seeks to understand the motivations, processes, challenges, and initial impacts of VR adoption on pedagogical practices and student engagement.
  • Cases: Examining three universities that have recently integrated VR technologies into their curriculum, each representing a different approach such as for enhancing engineering and architecture courses, medical and healthcare training, and art and history courses.
  • Result: The exploratory research uncovers various motivations, such as the desire to enhance student learning experiences, improve student engagement, and prepare students for future technological landscapes. Challenges identified across the cases include technical issues, high costs or implementation, and the need for faculty training and support.

Illustrative case studies

An illustrative case study primarily describes and demonstrates a particular phenomenon in a detailed and understandable way. It utilizes a descriptive approach, aiming to make the unfamiliar familiar by providing concrete examples that illuminate broader themes or issues. This type of case study is primarily used to provide insight into and highlight specific aspects of a research problem, helping to convey the complexities of real-life situations through the detailed examination of one or more instances.

  • Provides a comprehensive description of the phenomenon that occurs within the case(s) being studied.
  • Used as educational tools in various fields to help visualize complex theories and concepts.
  • Simplifies particular points within a larger analysis, supporting the understanding of broader principles.
  • Presents complex issues in a clear and accessible manner by focusing on specific instances.
  • Primarily descriptive research, but also serves as a preliminary step towards further research.
  • Clarification of complex phenomena: Aims to break down complex processes, making them more understandable by providing a detailed view.
  • Introduction of issues: Introduces common and uncommon issues through detailed storytelling, shedding light on specific challenges or successes.
  • Theory development: Enhances theoretical knowledge by providing concrete examples that support or exemplify theoretical concepts or frameworks.

Topic: Digital transformation in small businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic

  • Objective: Aiming to illustrate the strategies and challenges small businesses faced while undergoing digital transformation due to the pandemic by highlighting how these businesses adapted to the sudden need for digital operations, the impact of these changes on their operations, and the lessons learned throughout.
  • Case A: A family-owned restaurant that transitioned to online orders and delivery.
  • Case B: A local bookshop that implemented an e-commerce platform for online sales and virtual book clubs.
  • Case C: A small fitness studio that shifted to offering online workout classes.
  • Result: The collective insights from these cases demonstrate the critical role of digital litreacy, the need for flexible business models, and the importance of maintaining customer relationships during the transition. Conclusively, the study findings underscore the potential of digital transformation to not only sustain small businesses during crises but also to catalyse growth and innovation.

Instrumental case studies

An instrumental case study is an individual case study, focusing on a single subject to gain a broader understanding of a phenomenon. In contrast to other types of case studies that aim to describe or explain the case in great detail, instrumental case studies use the particular case as an instrument to understand something else. In other words, the case merely plays a supportive role in facilitating insight into larger issues or refining theoretical concepts.

  • The case allows for thorough exploration and understanding of the broader phenomenon at hand.
  • Instrumental case studies aim to extend findings beyond the case to address a broader issue.
  • The research questions are framed to explore the broader phenomenon rather than just the specifics.
  • Uses multiple sources of data and data collection methods within a real-life context.
  • Develops theories by examining the representation of the broader issues in the specific case.
  • Broader insights into particular issues: Uses the specific case as a vehicle to explain a broader phenomenon, contributing to refining theoretical frameworks.
  • Informs policy or practice: Provides valuable insights that can guide decision-making processes that address the complexities of real-world situations.
  • Identifies patterns: Explores the case in-depth to identify patterns that may apply to similar contexts by a detailed assessment of the case as a representative instance.

Topic: Integration of technology in high school education

  • Objective: Aiming to explore the effect of integrating technology into high school education on student engagement and academic performance to understand how the use of technology and digital platforms can enhance the learning experience, foster engagement, and improve outcomes in high school settings.
  • Cases: Examining three specific classrooms, such as science, litreature, and mathsematics, within the same high school that is known for integrating technology across all subject areas.
  • Result: The study findings reveal that technology integration, when effectively implemented, significantly enhances student engagement and academic performance across the various subject areas. Thereby, it underscores the importance of strategic planning, professional development for teachers, and the selection of appropriate technological tools that align with educational objectives.

Intrinsic case studies

As opposed to instrumental case studies that aim to understand a broader phenomenon beyond the case, an intrinsic case study primarily focuses on the case itself. An intrinsic case study is selected not because it is representative of other cases, but because it presents a unique phenomenon that is worth exploring thoroughly on its own merits. In other words, an intrinsic case study is used when a case is revealing, distinctive, or intriguing in a way that warrants detailed examination.

  • An intrinsic case study focuses on the idiosyncrasies and specifics of a case due to its uniqueness.
  • Captures the essence with a profound description of the case’s contexts, processes, and outcomes.
  • The insights gained from intrinsic case studies can be primarily applied to the case itself.
  • Understanding the case from various perspectives, involving a flexible research process.
  • Intrinsic case studies primarily use qualitative research methods to gather rich and contextual data.
  • Insight into the particular case: Aims to gain a deep understanding of the case for its own sake by focusing on the uniqueness and complexities of the case.
  • Explorative and interpretative: Delves into outstanding features, challenges, conditions, and opportunities of the case to uncover its distinct intricacies.
  • Contribution to theories: Through the detailed study of the case, patterns may be determined that offer insights, resonating with wider concepts or theories.

Topic: Transformation of a historic library into a community hub

  • Objective: Aiming to explore the transformation of a historic library in a small town into a vibrant community hub by focusing on this particular library due to its unique position in the community’s history, architectural heritage, and the innovative approach it has taken to evolve beyond traditional library services.
  • Case: It revolves around the Elmwood Library, built in the early 1900s and known for its architectural significance and deep-rooted place in the town’s history. Over time, its role and relevance faced challenges due to digitalization and the change in community needs. Thus, the study examines the redefinition of becoming a community hub of the library, focusing on digital access, community engagement, and preservation of historical essence.
  • Result: The study findings uncover the multifaceted impact of Elmwood Library’s transformation by highlighting the successful navigation of its historical preservation alongside modernization to meet current community needs. Key outcomes include increased community engagement, enhanced digital litreacy, and the library’s role in fostering a sense of communal identity.

When to perform a case study

A case study is the right research method for examining and gaining precise, contextual insights about a real-world problem or scenario. It gives researchers a method of studying the main characteristics, definitions, and inferences about a specific individual, group, event, or organisation . The decision whether to perform a case study should be driven by the nature of the research question, objectives, and the value of gaining a contextualized understanding of the issues at hand.  The following illustrates a few scenarios and research objectives that typically warrant the use of a case study.

Complex phenomenon

Rare & unique cases, testing & generating theories.

When the goal is to explore a complex phenomenon in detail, particularly within its real-life context, case studies serve as ideal methods for inwaistcoatigating and explaining multifaceted issues thoroughly.

Case study research is also relevant to conduct to examine rare or unique conditions that are not easily replicated or found in larger populations. Examples are studying a rare disease, unique institution, or significant event.

When you test theoretical models or hypotheses within real-life contexts, case studies allow you to observe how theoretical principles play out in practice, providing valuable insights into the applitaxiility and limitations of these theories. Case studies also assist in generating new theories because existing theories do not adequately explain a phenomenon. They can identify patterns and relationships that lead to the formulation of new theoretical propositions through elabourate analysis.

Teaching and policy development

Prospective case studies, multifaceted approach.

Case studies are often relevant to use in educational settings to provide real-life examples for students to analyse. They are particularly valuable for policymakers and practitioners seeking an in-depth understanding of a scenario to inform decision-making processes.

Prospective case studies have the main objective of observing changes over an adequate time period within a specific context or group. Thus, prospective case studies are suitable for conducting research over extended periods to track developments, understand cause-and-effect relationships, and observe the impact of interventions.

Case studies are also relevant for research that benefits from a multi-perspective analysis, as they enable the use of multiple data sources and methods such as interviews, observations, and document analysis to provide a comprehensive view of the studied subject.

Conducting a case study

The process of conducting a case study can be divided into five crucial stages such as defining the case(s), selecting the case(s), collecting and analysis of data, interpreting data, and reporting the findings.


Defining the case(s)

Defining the case(s) for a case study involves specifying the unit of analysis or the main entity that you are inwaistcoatigating. This stage is crucial as it sets the boundaries of what is to be studied, guiding the focus of the research, and shaping the research questions, data collection, and analysis. A well-defined case is essential for ensuring the research is manageable, coherent, and capable of addressing the objectives effectively. It also requires a clear understanding of the purpose of the study research, context, and perspectives from which it will be explored.

In terms of the nature of the case, you must clarify whether the case is a group, organisation , individual, event, or geographical unit. This in turn will affect the type of data and evidence that will be collected and further affect the interpretation of results. In addition to this, the scope of the case determines the time period and geographical boundaries.

Selecting the case

Selecting the case is a crucial stage, as it significantly influences the research questions, problem statement , depth of the research, and potential contribution to existing knowledge. Thus, it is imperative to choose a specific focus to ground your research. Key considerations in selecting the case are:

  • Clearly define what you want to achieve with your case study; What are the research objectives?
  • Determine the type of case study, as this will influence the type of case you select.
  • Develop criteria that the case must meet to ensure it is suitable for your study.
  • Identify cases that may have rich potential for contributing to your research objectives.
  • Assess the potential cases against your selection criteria by considering the pros and cons.
  • Offer the potential to answer your research questions, meet the aims, and ensure access to data.
  • Justify how the case meets your selection criteria and how it will assist in reaching the research objectives.
  • Ensure the case adheres to ethical considerations , like consent and confidentiality.
  • Consider the feasibility of conducting the case such as resources, adequate time, and access to information.

Case studies usually focus on outliers rather than deliberate sampling techniques. Thus, they often do not require representative cases or random samples before research.

Collecting and analysis of data

For a case study approach, data is typically collected systematically, gathering detailed and comprehensive information that will support the analysis and conclusion of the study. This stage of the process is essential, as the relevance of the data impacts the depth and internal validity of the case study findings.

Case studies often employ multiple data sources or methods (data triangulation) that are primarily qualitative. Common methods include semi-structured interviews or structured interviews , direct observations , analysing relevant documents, focus groups , or audiovisual materials. These types of qualitative methods can undergo thematic analysis , coding, or narrative analysis , depending on their relevance.

In some cases, quantitative methods are used to complement qualitative data to provide a broader understanding of the case study and enhance internal validity. These methods involve surveys and questionnaires or existing data sets that are relevant to the study for secondary data analysis. For these, you can employ, e.g., statistical analysis or trend analysis. Utilizing a mixed-methods case study approach offers the opportunity to provide a deeper and elabourate overview of the study.

Theoretical framework and interpreting data

Case studies overlook general theories in favour of specific details. A theoretical framework serves as the foundation that navigates every aspect of the study, ranging from data collection to data analysis and assists in interpreting findings within a broader context. Understanding its application in interpreting data is crucial for creating meaningful and impactful research.

The theoretical framework entails a variety of interrelated concepts and theories that guide your research, determining what will be measured and what statistical relationships may be looked for. It provides a general set of principles, explanations, and definitions that help organise the entyre research process. A theoretical framework can be used to:

  • Challenge an existing theory by inwaistcoatigating deviance that is not considered in the universal assumptions.
  • Expand on established theories by proposing new ideas that should be included.
  • Exemplify a given theory by showing the relationship between the case and the theory.
  • Explain the theory for your research, grounding your study in a conceptual context.
  • Guide the research question , influencing the research design, including what data to collect and interpret.
  • Assist in identifying the limits to those generalizations your study can and cannot make.
  • Provide a rationale for your research, indicating why it is a worthwhile contribution to knowledge.

Reporting findings

Reporting the findings of your case study poses one of the last crucial stages of finalizing your study. It involves presenting your data and analyses in a structured and compelling way and requires careful consideration of your audience, whether they are academics, industry professionals, or other stakeholders. This section is the heart of your report and should be given careful attention. Here is a short overview of the structure of reporting findings.

  • organise by theme or research question
  • Support the findings with evidence from your data
  • Incorporate tables, graphs, and charts to visualize data
  • Present detailed narratives of events and processes clearly

For effective reporting, aim for clear and concise expression, explaining complex concepts clearly, and avoiding unnecessary jargon. Also, maintaining consistency in terms of formatting and presentation style throughout the report is vital to keeping academic integrity. Keep in mind that the goal fo your case study report is not just to present your findings, but to communicate their significance and implications effectively. Thus, tailoring your report to your audience in an engageing manner, will draw the reader into the study and thereby, enhance its impact and value.

Pros and cons

Case studies can take on the shapes of at least four research designs and can be associated with an array of types, each leading to different applications. Nonetheless, understanding their unique epistemological and ontological assumptions is important for the substantial methodological differences, they entail. The following table outlines the general benefits and limitations of using a case study for your research.

What are the four key sections of a case study?

A case study entails at least four sections:

  • Introduction
  • Body: background information, explaining the purpose, presenting the findings

What is the case study method in research?

The case study method is an in-depth inwaistcoatigation of a research subject, individual, or group. It is a focused research method that analyses the causes and consequences of a specific phenomenon. A case study facilitates the exploration of a real-life issues within a defined context, using multiple date sources.

What are the types of case study?

Here is a list of the types of case studies:

  • Comparative
  • Critical instance
  • Descriptive
  • Explanatory
  • Exploratory
  • Illustrative
  • Instrumental

What are examples of case studies?

Case studies are widely used in psychology and clinical contexts, analysing rare or unique conditions. Popular ones are:

  • Phineas Gage (the man who hat a railway spike through his head) – John Martin Marlow
  • Little Hans and The Rat Man – Sigmund Freud

What is a case study in psychology?

In psychology, it is typically an individual case study, focusing on a single person, community, or event that relies on data in clinical contexts drawn from psychometric testing, observations, interviews, experiments, and existing case studies.

What are the limitations of a case study?

Case studies are often criticized for their subjectivity, bias, or lack of rigor, as they typically rely heavily on the researcher’s interpretations and selection of data, which is often influences by personal views, preferences, or assumptions.

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What is Hate Speech? The Case for a Corpus Approach

  • Original Paper
  • Open access
  • Published: 26 April 2023
  • Volume 18 , pages 397–430, ( 2024 )

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case study definition in speech

  • Maxime Lepoutre   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Sara Vilar-Lluch   ORCID: 2 ,
  • Emma Borg   ORCID: 3 &
  • Nat Hansen   ORCID: 3  

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Contemporary public discourse is saturated with speech that vilifies and incites hatred or violence against vulnerable groups. The term “hate speech” has emerged in legal circles and in ordinary language to refer to these communicative acts. But legal theorists and philosophers disagree over how to define this term. This paper makes the case for, and subsequently develops, the first corpus-based analysis of the ordinary meaning of “hate speech.” We begin by demonstrating that key interpretive and moral disputes surrounding hate speech laws—in particular, surrounding their compatibility with the rule of law, democracy, and free speech—depend crucially on the ordinary meaning of “hate speech.” Next, we argue, drawing on recent developments in legal philosophy, that corpus linguistics constitutes a distinctively promising tool for ascertaining the ordinary meaning of “hate speech.” Finally, we offer a proof of concept, by outlining, and analyzing the interpretive and moral implications of, the first such study.

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1 Introduction

Contemporary public discourse is saturated with speech that vilifies and incites hatred or violence against vulnerable social groups (Futtner and Brusco 2021 ). The proliferation of this kind of speech has prompted various responses from liberal democracies. Some of these responses take the form of counterspeech, which aims to counter this bad speech with “more speech” (Howard 2021 ; Lepoutre 2021 ). But the vast majority of liberal democracies have gone further, and adopted legal responses as well. Footnote 1 For example, the UK’s Public Order Act of 1986 prohibits the use of “threatening,” “abusive,” or “insulting” words when these words are either intended to “stir up racial hatred,” or are likely to do so.

To pick out these problematic communicative acts—and, by extension, to characterize attempted responses to them—the term “hate speech” has gained widespread usage. The term originally emerged in the 1980s among legal theorists who investigated the deployment of legal measures to counter harmful racist utterances. But, as the legal philosopher Alexander Brown ( 2017a : 424) has noted, the term “hate speech” is no longer confined to legal circles. Instead, it has gained currency in everyday talk, and features prominently, for instance, in news articles (“French presidential candidate Zemmour convicted of hate speech”) (Abboud 2022 ), on social media (e.g., Twitter’s #hatespeech), and in popular culture. Footnote 2 Thus, Brown suggests, the term “hate speech” does not simply have a legal meaning: it also has an ordinary meaning which, though it initially grew out of legal scholarship, has since taken on “a life of its own” ( 2017a : 424).

What is the ordinary meaning of “hate speech”? Brown ( 2017b : 574–81) mentions, and critically scrutinizes, a number of common claims (or “folk platitudes”) about this term. The term “hate speech” is often thought (a) to imply a negative judgment about the speech in question; (b) to pick out speech that is, or is liable to be, legally regulated; (c) that targets particular social groups; and (d) that is liable to harm these groups. Finally—though Brown ultimately rejects this claim—“hate speech” is commonly said (e) to be connected, in some necessary way, to feelings or attitudes of hatred. To date, however, the status of these folk platitudes, and thus the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” itself, remains underexplored. For one thing, Brown’s analysis ( 2017a ; 2017b ) remains the sole investigation of the term “hate speech” that is specifically dedicated to examining its ordinary meaning. Moreover, Brown himself does not purport to have given the final word on the topic. On the contrary, he explicitly “advocat[es] a new research agenda, to be pursued from a variety of academic disciplines across the arts, humanities, and social sciences” aimed at “excavating the ordinary concept hate speech ” ( 2017a : 430).

The present paper aims to contribute to this interdisciplinary research agenda. Specifically, it aims to do so by making the case for, and developing, the first sustained corpus analysis of “hate speech.” Footnote 3 In recent years, corpus linguistics has emerged as an increasingly popular tool for ascertaining the ordinary meaning of legal terms (e.g., Lee and Mouritsen 2017 , 2021 ; Gries 2020 ). We aim to bring this fruitful interpretive methodology to “hate speech”—and, in so doing, to further our understanding of this term’s ordinary meaning .

The rest of the paper will proceed as follows. Section  2 demonstrates why it matters, from a legal, political and ethical standpoint, that we grasp the ordinary meaning of “hate speech.” Sect.  3 then introduces corpus linguistics and argues, drawing on recent debates in legal philosophy, that it is a promising tool for ascertaining the ordinary meaning of “hate speech.” Having thus made the case for a corpus approach to “hate speech,” Sects.  4 and 5 offer a proof of concept: they outline (Sect.  4 ), and analyse the results of (Sect.  5 ), the first such study. Section  6 briefly concludes.

2 Why the Ordinary Meaning of “Hate Speech” Matters

As noted above, Brown argues for an interdisciplinary research programme aimed at determining the ordinary meaning of “hate speech.” But why should we care what “hate speech” means ordinarily, when it is used outside of legal circles?

2.1 Interpretation

The first reason has to do with legal interpretation . Some influential theories of legal interpretation—e.g., textualism or “public meaning” originalism—stipulate that the meaning of legal terms is, to a significant degree, a function of their ordinary meaning. For those who embrace these interpretive theories, ordinary meaning is therefore directly relevant to interpreting legal terms (e.g., Gries 2020 : 628–29).

But the interpretive significance of ordinary meaning doesn’t require embracing these specific legal theories. Even those who deny that legal terms should be interpreted according to their ordinary meaning may nonetheless agree that ordinary meaning is epistemically relevant to interpretation. For example, purposivists and intentionalists (who give greater emphasis to lawmakers’ intentions) can take the ordinary meaning of a term as defeasible evidence of what lawmakers intended—and so, of legal meaning (Tobia 2021 : 741).

In our context, the upshot is that the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” is relevant, directly or indirectly, to interpreting “hate speech” in legal texts that contain this term, as in South Africa’s Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 2000 (especially s.10), and parts of the European Court of Human Rights’ case law. Footnote 4

There is a complication here. Although some bodies of law do contain the term “hate speech,” many of the laws that are conventionally referred to as “hate speech laws” do not (Brown 2015 ). For instance, the UK’s Public Order Act of 1986 makes reference to language that is “insulting,” “threatening,” “abusive,” and “stir[s] up hatred,” but does not include the term “hate speech.” The ordinary meaning of “hate speech” is therefore not directly relevant to legal interpretation in these cases. In acknowledgement of this fact, however, we will complement our corpus analysis of the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” with an analysis of several other terms commonly contained in hate speech laws (see Sect.  4 below).

2.2 Implementation

There is a second core reason why the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” (and other terms contained in hate speech law) matters. Even if the ordinary meaning of these terms were not relevant to the interpretation of hate speech laws, it would still be relevant to their implementation .

This is because, when implementing hate speech laws, it is important to know whether there is a mismatch between the legal meaning of “hate speech” (and other terms contained in hate speech law), and the way these terms are ordinarily understood. As Jeffrey Howard ( 2019 : 211–213) has argued, the moral justification of laws aimed at prohibiting speech depends partly on the expected consequences of implementing those laws. The problem, in this context, is that a mismatch between the legal meaning of “hate speech” (and other terms contained in hate speech law), and the ordinary meaning of these terms, risks leading to adverse consequences when implementing hate speech laws.

One such potential consequence concerns fair notice . A key principle of the rule of law is that those subjected to the law must have “fair notice.” They must be able to organize their lives and adjust their behaviours around existing laws, so as to avoid violating them—and for that, they need to be able to understand what the law says (e.g., Gries 2020 : 629; Tobia 2020 : 737). Accordingly, if the legal meaning of terms associated with hate speech laws is systematically disconnected from the way these terms are ordinarily understood, the public may lack the “fair notice” required adequately to adjust their behaviours.

A further possible consequence relates to trust in democratic norms . If the actual meaning of hate speech laws is disconnected from the way the public ordinarily understand “hate speech,” this may lead to the public perception—justified or unjustified—that those who are being sanctioned by these laws have unfairly been silenced. This feeling of silencing, in turn, may fuel a loss of trust in democratic norms of inclusion and public debate. This risk is especially high amidst the present “crisis of representation,” where some sections of the electorate—rightly or wrongly—already feel ignored or silenced.

The final risk we will mention here concerns the so-called chilling effect . A common critique of hate speech laws is that their implementation could lead to widespread self-censorship among the electorate—including to self-censorship of legitimate speech (Howard 2019 : 245–46). Whether this worry is well founded depends crucially on how hate speech laws are ordinarily understood. If, for example, “hate speech” (and other terms contained within hate speech laws) are ordinarily understood in a way that is more expansive than their actual legal meaning, deploying such laws may result in a chilling effect.

Thus, identifying the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” matters for reasons of implementation as well as interpretation. Notice, moreover, that the considerations relating to implementation apply whether or not the term “hate speech” is contained in hate speech laws. If it is, then its ordinary meaning is clearly relevant to how those laws are publicly understood. But even laws that do not contain the term “hate speech” (such as the Public Order Act of 1986) are conventionally labelled, and regarded as, “hate speech laws.” Footnote 5 Consequently, the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” provides insight into how these laws are interpreted by the public.

Having said that, it is important to remember that our analysis in Sect.  4 will not merely examine the term “hate speech” itself. As explained in 2.1 , we will complement our analysis of “hate speech” by examining several other terms that are commonly contained in hate speech laws. This will help provide further insight into how hate speech laws are ordinarily understood, independently of whether they contain the term “hate speech.” And, by extension, it will help further clarify whether, and to what extent, implementing hate speech laws is likely to violate the principle of fair notice, erode trust in democratic norms, and produce a free speech-impairing chilling effect.

3 Why Use Corpus Linguistics?

We have argued that there are strong reasons—relating to legal interpretation and to the ethical and political costs of implementation—to ascertain the ordinary meaning of “hate speech.” But how should we go about doing so? There are various ways of assessing the ordinary meaning of a legal term. For example, one can proceed by examining one’s own intuitions about meaning; by looking up a dictionary definition of the term(s) in question; or, by surveying ordinary citizens or experts in experimental settings (e.g., Gries 2020 : 629; Mouritsen 2011 : 180–90). Brown, for his part, predominantly proceeds by appealing to intuitions about permissible uses of “hate speech.” Footnote 6

In recent years, however—in part due to dissatisfaction with these existing methods—corpus linguistics has emerged as a distinct—and distinctly promising—way of ascertaining the ordinary meaning of legal terms. Corpus linguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies language by examining large bodies of text (corpora). These texts are typically drawn from real-world (or “natural”) communicative settings. And the examination of these texts is usually facilitated by software-assisted statistical analyses (Gries 2020 : 631–32).

More specifically, corpus analysis of a term’s meaning can take at least three forms. Collocation analysis examines which words or phrases most frequently appear near a term under consideration. Closely related to collocation analysis is keywords analysis. Keywords are terms that are particularly salient within a corpus (partly because they appear more often in it than we would normally expect them to) and which are commonly used to shed light on what a given corpus is about. When a corpus is assembled around a target term (e.g., “hate speech”), keywords analysis can therefore provide insight into what texts containing this term are usually about . Concordance line analysis, finally, involves extracting target terms with excerpts from the contexts in which they occur (“concordance lines”). For example, one might examine a random sample of hundreds of concordance lines (the size of a sample will vary depending on the number of times the target term appears in the corpus), to evaluate how the term is used (Gries 2020 ).Concordance line analysis combines quantitative and qualitative approaches to understanding a text, since it aggregates individual judgments about how an expression is being used in various contexts.

The jurisprudential movement known as “legal corpus linguistics,” which was pioneered by Judge Thomas Lee and Stephen Mouritsen ( 2017 ), proposes to apply corpus linguistics to the ordinary meaning of legal terms. Footnote 7 There are at least two benefits to this approach.

The first relates to the size of its sample. Legal corpus linguistics examines the way a legal term is used across very many cases: often, it considers hundreds or thousands of uses. Why does this large number of cases matter? The idea is that, insofar as the corpus is balanced—i.e., insofar as it contains a range of different speakers and communicative contexts—this will yield a representative picture of the way the term is ordinarily used (Gries 2020 : 637).

This arguably constitutes an improvement over two alternative ways of assessing ordinary meaning: the use of individual intuitions; and the appeal to dictionary definitions. Footnote 8 Intuitions about the ordinary meaning of a term vary across different individuals (Gries 2020 : 629–30). And a similar observation applies to dictionaries: definitions of a given term vary across different dictionaries—so much so, that different sides in legal disputes often appeal to competing dictionary definitions (Solan and Gales 2016 : 257). Accordingly, having a single person introspect their intuitions, or appealing to a particular dictionary definition, is unlikely to yield a representative picture of the way a term is ordinarily used or understood.

The second core benefit of using corpus linguistics to gauge the ordinary meaning of legal terms is its focus on language in “natural” communicative settings. Corpora are typically not composed of speech produced simply for the purposes of a study. Rather, they contain speech that was generated naturally, as part of real-world communication (e.g., newspapers, social media, transcribed speeches) (Lee and Mouritsen 2021 : 320–32; Sytsma et al. 2019 : 232–33). This stands in contrast to “experimental jurisprudence” which instead involves “artificial” speech—speech that was deliberately elicited, for the purposes of study, in experimental settings.

Why does the preference for natural speech matter? One reason is that speech that is artificially elicited may not accurately reflect ordinary usage. According to Lee and Mouritsen ( 2021 : 320), subjects may deviate from ordinary usage quite simply because they “know that they are being observed and subjected to analysis.” Put differently, the mere awareness of being observed, and the linguistic introspection prompted by this awareness, may lead subjects to use language in ways they would not in ordinary communicative settings. Another concern with artificially elicited speech concerns the specific way that it is elicited. Speech that is elicited in experimental surveys may be distorted by pragmatic effects of the survey design. As Sytsma et al. observe, the wording or structuring of experimental survey questions often inadvertently invites particular interpretations of the question, in a way that biases the answers that follow (Sytsma et al. 2019 : 231–32).

To be clear, these concerns may not be insurmountable. It may be possible to devise a survey experiment in a way that mitigates the “observer effect” and simulates a natural communicative setting. Moreover, well-designed surveys may be able to avoid unwanted pragmatic effects (Sytsma et al. 2019 : 232–33). But the point remains that doing so is difficult. Because corpus linguistics uses language that was produced independently of the study, in real-world communicative settings, it largely sidesteps these difficulties.

Of course, legal corpus linguistics faces challenges of its own. To begin, conducting an adequate corpus analysis is no easy task. It requires, notably, assembling a time-relevant and balanced corpus; carefully designing search terms for that corpus; and systematically interpreting keywords, collocates, and concordance lines. Early defences of legal corpus linguistics have sometimes downplayed the expertise needed to carry out these tasks (e.g., Mouritsen 2011 : 203). This is not an argument against legal corpus linguistics per se. But it does suggest, contrary to what some corpus advocates have argued, that it may often be impractical for judges to deploy this tool, at least without expert assistance.

But some critics have raised a more fundamental challenge. According to Tobia ( 2021 ), even when properly conducted, a corpus search only provides partial insight into the ordinary meaning of a legal term. Specifically, Tobia ( 2021 ) argues that legal corpus linguistics tends to reveal the prototypical meaning of a term—i.e., its most salient meaning. This is, in part, because collocation analysis highlights which words are most frequently used alongside the term under investigation. The problem, for Tobia ( 2021 : 759), is that terms can also have permissible uses that are less common and less salient. For example, although the prototype of “vehicle” may be a machine with wheels and an engine (e.g., a car), “vehicle” may nonetheless permissibly be used to refer to non-prototypical modes of conveyance, such as a canoe. The concern, then, is that focusing on prototypical meaning will tend to obscure such permissible meanings.

There are three things to say in response to this objection. The first is that the prototypical meaning of “hate speech”—the meaning that is most salient to people—is arguably the most important one for our purposes (Lee and Mouritsen 2017 : 788). Consider, for example, fair notice. If hate speech laws are interpreted according to an extremely uncommon—but permissible—meaning of hate speech, this may not give the public fair notice of what to expect from the law. Accordingly, if lawmakers wish to give the public fair notice, it seems crucial to consider whether the content of hate speech laws is aligned with the most salient public understanding of “hate speech.”

The second point is that, on closer inspection, corpus linguistics may also provide insight into permissible but non-prototypical meanings of “hate speech.” It is true that collocation highlights the terms or phrases that are most commonly associated with “hate speech.” But corpus linguistics does not reduce to collocation analysis. Footnote 9 Examining a large enough sample of concordance lines containing “hate speech” would reveal obscure uses of “hate speech” as well as more common ones.

The final—and most important—point is that corpus linguistics needn’t be the only tool we use to ascertain the ordinary meaning of “hate speech.” As Lee and Mouritsen ( 2021 : 358) acknowledge, the best way to assess ordinary meaning may be “a sort of triangulation,” which combines corpus evidence with other approaches, such as survey experiments and dictionary definitions (see also Sytsma forthcoming). Thus, even if it were true that corpus linguistics provides limited insight into permissible meanings of “hate speech,” we can use survey methods, dictionaries, or even individual intuitions to complement it.

More generally, our point is not that corpus linguistics is perfect, or even that it should replace alternative modes of analysis (such as Brown’s). The point is simply that, given its distinct strengths—in particular, its large sample size, and its emphasis on natural language—we have good reason to enrich existing examinations of the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” (and other terms contained in hate speech law) using a corpus approach. This is what we do in the rest of this article.

4 A Corpus Study of “Hate Speech”

The corpus study we carried out sought answers to two questions. First and foremost: how is the term “hate speech” ordinarily understood? Answering this first question can shed light on how the public perceive hate speech laws—and by implication, on how we should interpret these laws, and the ethical costs associated with their implementation. However, as discussed in Sect.  2 , not all hate speech laws contain the term “hate speech.” So, to provide further insight into public perceptions and interpretations of hate speech laws, we complemented our first question with another: namely, how are key terms contained in hate speech laws ordinarily understood? To make this second question tractable, we focused on a number of key terms used in UK law (specifically, the Public Order Act of 1986) to characterize hate speech.

To investigate these questions, we assembled relevant corpora. From a corpus linguistics perspective, the fact that “hate speech” is a legal term as well as an ordinary term poses a potential challenge. Searches of “hate speech” in a general corpus are likely to retrieve some legal uses (e.g., in institutional regulations or other legal documents) alongside non-legal ones. This can make it more difficult to examine how people outside the legal community use “hate speech.” To mitigate this difficulty, we built a small specialized “journalistic hate speech” corpus for the purpose of the study to conduct a pilot analysis that would inform a second analysis on a “general” corpus.

The “journalistic hate speech” corpus we assembled comprises 255 news reports about hate-speech related events (e.g., incidents and offences, political debates, hate speech-related laws) consisting of 164,183 words. News articles were retrieved from the Nexis database Lexis Library News, and date from 1990 to 2021. All news reports were published by British media, though they in principle cover both national and international news. In order for this journalistic corpus to be as representative as possible, it included a diverse range of media outlets, including both tabloid and non-tabloid newspapers, and both large national newspapers (e.g., The Guardian, The Times, the Daily Mail ) and smaller local newspapers (e.g., the Yorkshire Post, the Belfast Telegraph , and the Birmingham Post ).

The pilot analysis of this journalistic hate speech corpus was intended to provide an initial look into the public understanding of “hate speech.” This first analysis was then followed by a second study of “hate speech” in the “general” corpus, English Web 2020 (enTenTen20) . Footnote 10 The English Web 2020 (enTenTen20) contains 38 billion words and is comprised of texts retrieved from internet domains of states whose official language is English. In addition to being much larger than the journalistic corpus, the general corpus is also much more varied. It contains texts drawn from a wide range of sources, including not just newspapers, but also blogs, discussion sites, and (to a much smaller extent) Footnote 11 legal sources. Moreover, its texts examine an extremely broad range of topics, including arts, society, business, science, sports, technology, and so on.

The first stage of our analysis (the pilot analysis), which focused on the journalistic hate speech corpus, took the following form. We began by studying the keywords for this corpus. As Sect.  3 discussed, keywords are words that are particularly salient within a corpus, and which therefore provide insight into what this corpus is about (Baker 2006 : 125). We then examined the top collocates, within this corpus, for the term “ hate speech.” Footnote 12 Collocates, recall, are words that frequently co-occur in a particular corpus, thereby providing insight into how these terms tend to be used (Xiao 2015 ). Collocations were retrieved using Sketch Engine’s Word Sketch tool, which provides fine-grained information about the grammatical patterns in which collocates appear. This grammatical information yields greater understanding of how a given term relates to its top collocates (and so, greater understanding of how this term is used). Footnote 13 Finally, the collocation analysis was supported by an examination of concordance lines (lines of text that show uses of the term considered in context).

Broadly speaking, this pilot analysis tended to offer support for—as well as important precisifications of—the folk platitudes about “hate speech” mentioned in the Introduction (regarding the valence of “hate speech,” and its relationship to legal regulation, social groups, harm, and feelings of hate).

One core advantage of the journalistic hate speech corpus is that it wholly excludes legal texts, and so helps us focus on non-legal uses. However, this corpus remains relatively small (by the standards of corpus linguistics). Furthermore, its restriction to journalistic texts raises the possibility that the patterns of use it reveals might not be representative of ordinary users more generally. In particular, one might plausibly think that journalists writing about hate speech are better acquainted with hate speech law than the average person. As a result, one might worry that the understanding of “hate speech” revealed by the journalistic corpus is likely to be biased in the direction of the legal understanding. Footnote 14

To be clear, this bias does not mean that the journalistic corpus is irrelevant to understanding how “hate speech” is ordinarily understood. For one thing, news articles about hate speech can plausibly be expected to influence how ordinary people outside the journalistic profession think about hate speech. And since—as explained above—our journalistic corpus includes a diverse range of newspapers (local and national, tabloid and non-tabloid), some of which have a large circulation, it plausibly provides some insight into how a wide range of ordinary people might conceive of hate speech. For another, although it is likely that journalists are better versed in hate speech law than ordinary users, it needn’t follow that the way they use “hate speech” perfectly coincides with the legal meaning of “hate speech.” News articles and legal texts serve different social functions and have different intended audiences. Hence, we might expect them to diverge in the way they use some terms, including some legal terms. Footnote 15 In Sect. 5.3 , for instance, we will see that, even in the journalistic corpus, accounts of the groups that can be targeted by “hate speech” sometimes diverge from the legal meaning of “hate speech.”

Having said that, it is still plausible to think that journalists tend to use “hate speech” in a way that is closer to the legal meaning of “hate speech” than most ordinary people do. To offset this potential bias, the second stage of our analysis therefore sought to replicate our findings from the journalistic corpus by conducting collocation and concordance analyses of “hate speech” in the general corpus. As discussed above, the general corpus is larger and includes much more diverse sources than our journalistic corpus. Consequently, examining the general corpus allowed us to check whether portrayals of hate speech in the journalistic corpus were reflected in broader patterns of use. On the whole, we found that they tended to be. In Sect.  5 , we will cite evidence from both the journalistic and general corpus to ensure that our analysis of the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” is as balanced as possible.

Combining the journalistic corpus with the general corpus goes some way towards alleviating concerns about bias in our sample. But it is also important to reiterate that we do not intend this study to be the final word on what corpus analysis can say about the ordinary meaning of “hate speech.” On the contrary, we intend this study primarily as a proof of concept, which demonstrates the fruitfulness of this mode of inquiry. Consequently, our hope is that this initial study will help motivate follow-up studies, which assemble and investigate other relevant corpora (for example, uses of “hate speech” on various social media platforms), and which therefore help us arrive at an even more balanced understanding of the ordinary meaning of “hate speech.”

The stages of our analysis that we have just outlined focused directly on the term “hate speech.” But, as explained above, the final stage of our analysis instead focused on a number of key hate-speech related terms in the UK’s Public Order Act. Specifically, we focused on the terms “threatening,” “abusive,” and “insulting.” We conducted concordance and collocation analyses relating to these terms, as well as disjunctions and conjunctions of these terms (e.g., “threatening and/or abusive”), within the general corpus. These analyses paid special attention to two things. First, the concordance line analysis explored whether, and how often, uses of these terms and locutions were hate-speech related or not (and so, whether there is public awareness of the place of insulting, threatening, and/or abusive speech within hate speech). Second, the collocation analysis allowed us to compare the semantic values of these three terms, using Sketch Engine’s Word Sketch Difference tool, which automatically compares the collocates associated with two different terms.

Below, we examine the key conceptual and normative take-aways of this corpus study by systematically revisiting the core “folk platitudes” about hate speech introduced in Sect.  1 . Details can be found in the Appendix.

5 The Ordinary Meaning of “Hate Speech”

As noted in Sect.  1 , debates surrounding the meaning of “hate speech” often revolve around the following propositions: (a) that the term “hate speech” implicates a negative evaluation; (b) that it involves the idea of legal regulation; (c) that it targets groups; (d) that it tends to produce harm; and (e) that it is connected, in some important way, to feelings of hate or hatred. Though Brown is critical of at least some of these propositions (see below), he refers to these as “folk platitudes” (or common claims) about the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” (Brown 2017b : 574–81). Footnote 16 The results of our corpus analysis speak to each of these claims.

5.1 “Hate Speech” and Evaluation

The first and least controversial thing to note is that, in ordinary discourse, the term “hate speech” characteristically involves a negative evaluation. To call something “hate speech” is to express a negative judgment of it.

This is notably manifested in the collocation data regarding the actions most commonly associated with “hate speech.” For example, in the general corpus, “hate speech” is characteristically something that is “spewed,” which connotes that it is undesirable. Footnote 17 This also comes across in the metaphors and similes deployed to refer to “hate speech.” For one thing, collocations backed by concordance line analysis show that, in both the general and the journalistic hate speech corpus, hate speech is regularly likened to a destructive natural force (e.g., “hate speech is spreading like wildfire in social media.”). Footnote 18 For another, discussions of hate speech in the general corpus routinely evoke the metaphor of war: hate speech is something we must “battle,” “combat,” or “fight.”

Thus, corpus data about ordinary usage strongly supports the folk platitude that “hate speech” has a built-in evaluative dimension: it is inherently something undesirable, to be feared like a natural catastrophe, and possibly eliminated like an enemy on the battlefield.

5.2 “Hate Speech” and the Law

But even if “hate speech” picks out speech that is negatively evaluated, this leaves open what exactly should be done about it. Here, the second important finding is that “hate speech” is ordinarily viewed as speech that is, or at least is liable to be, legally regulated.

This is borne out, firstly, by keywords data. The top keywords for “hate speech” in the journalistic hate speech corpus reveal that this term typically appears in texts that are about “banning”, “criminalising,” or “prosecuting” hate speech. An analysis of collocation data in the general corpus (with, as usual, checks of concordance lines to provide context) supports this finding. Many of the top collocates for “hate speech” concern the legal prosecution of particular instances of hate speech (e.g., “prosecute,” “convict,” “indict,” “arrest”) or with broader legislative policies surrounding hate speech (e.g., “legislation,” “prohibition,” “law”).

These patterns of use do not necessarily mean that people generally believe hate speech morally should be legally actionable. But they do show an awareness of “hate speech” as a legally relevant term. Hate speech, on this understanding, is speech that is usually subject to legal regulation, and performance of which is liable to lead to prosecution.

This is not an obvious finding, for two reasons. First, although the term “hate speech” originated in legal circles, it has, as Brown observes, since gained a life of its own outside legal circles (Brown 2017a ). Second, and as we have already mentioned, the specific term “hate speech” is absent from the text of many laws that are conventionally regarded as hate speech laws (including the Public Order Act of 1986). Prima facie, it was therefore by no means obvious that the ordinary concept “hate speech” would preserve, or involve, this legal dimension. Yet our corpus approach suggests that it does: the idea that hate speech is liable to legal regulation and prosecution is salient in ordinary usage.

This result is morally significant, not least because of its implications for fair notice. Indeed, it tells us at least two important things about the public’s awareness and understanding of the laws to which it is subject. The first is that, although the term “hate speech” is absent from many hate speech laws, its ordinary meaning is relevant to how the public regards and understands these laws. Patterns of ordinary use show that “hate speech” is commonly used when referring to the regulation and prosecution of hate speech—regardless of whether the laws in question contain the term “hate speech.” The second implication is more substantive. It is that there is widespread awareness, among the public, that hate speech is usually subject to legal regulation. Prima facie, this is good news for fair notice.

To some, however, building legal regulation into the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” comes with countervailing drawbacks. Brown, in particular, expresses the concern that doing so may lead to an excessively narrow understanding of “hate speech”—particularly if the community in question has a high threshold for considering speech to be regulatable.Hence, such a concept of “hate speech” may fail to include many “forms of speech that disproportionately harm already disadvantaged or victimised members of society” ( 2017b : 581).

There are several things to say in response. First, the fact that “hate speech” is closely associated to the idea of legal regulation needn’t entail a narrow understanding of “hate speech.” One reason for this is that we could in principle decide to endorse a low threshold for speech to be regulatable. Alternatively, we might maintain a high threshold, but determine that more speech satisfies this threshold than had previously been acknowledged (perhaps due to a greater acknowledgement of the harms that hate speech inflicts on disadvantaged members of society).

Second, a narrow conception of “hate speech” may not be as problematic as Brown suggests. It would be problematic if, as Brown ( 2017b : 581) worries, it left us without the conceptual resources needed to “identify and flag” communicative acts that disproportionately harm certain vulnerable groups. But we have other concepts that can serve this purpose. For example, we might use Mary Kate McGowan’s ( 2019 : ch.5) concept of “oppressive speech” to pick out such communicative utterances, while leaving it open which instances of oppressive speech are regulatable—and so, which of them counts as “hate speech.”

Moreover, a relatively narrow ordinary concept of “hate speech” may be positively useful from the perspective of the chilling effect. As mentioned in Sect.  2 , one of the core concerns with legally regulating “hate speech” is that it might lead to excessive self-censorship. The narrower the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” is, the less likely this is to happen. Thus, the fact that ordinary uses of “hate speech” prototypically involve the idea of regulation—as our corpus study suggests—needn’t be a problem, even if it were to lead to a more restricted conception of “hate speech.”

So far, we have suggested that the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” is prototypically associated with the idea of legal regulation, and that, normatively speaking, this may well be a welcome result. At this point, however, one might raise a methodological concern. Our analysis up to this point has assumed that, when “hate speech” is associated with the idea of legal regulation in our corpora, this is evidence that the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” is connected to the idea of legal regulation. Yet this assumption may be too quick. It is possible, after all, that ordinary people sometimes use the ordinary concept of “hate speech,” and sometimes instead use the legal concept of “hate speech.” Indeed, in a series of recent experimental studies, Tobia et al. ( 2023 ) find that ordinary people are often inclined to interpret legal terms according to their legal meaning (even when these legal terms also have an ordinary meaning). Footnote 19 Accordingly, it is possible that, when “hate speech” is associated with the idea of legal regulation in the journalistic corpus and the general corpus, people are using the legal concept, not the ordinary concept. If so, then our evidence would not necessarily show that the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” is connected to the idea of legal regulation. Footnote 20

This is a real concern. It is extremely difficult, empirically speaking, to distinguish (1) the possibility that the ordinary concept of “hate speech” deployed by ordinary people is associated with the idea of legal regulation, from (2) the possibility that ordinary people are simply switching seamlessly between the ordinary concept of “hate speech” and the legal concept of “hate speech.”

The first thing to say in response is that this methodological concern is not specific to the corpus approach. Consider, for example, the use of dictionary definitions to ascertain ordinary meaning. Suppose a dictionary definition of “hate speech” refers to the idea of legal regulation. Footnote 21 From this, we might want to infer that the ordinary concept of “hate speech” is associated with the idea of legal regulation. But, here too, there is an alternative interpretation—namely, that this dictionary definition is informed by ordinary uses of “hate speech,” and those ordinary uses switch back and forth between the ordinary concept and the legal concept. Footnote 22

But even if the problem at hand is not specific to the corpus approach, it might still limit our ability to draw conclusions from our study. So we need to go further than this initial “companions-in-guilt” response. A second response is empirical. Tobia et al.’s ( 2023 ) recent experimental studies suggest that whether ordinary people understand a term according to its legal meaning, or to its ordinary meaning, is highly sensitive to the term’s context. When an ordinary user is asked how a term should be understood in a legal text , they are very likely to think it should be understood according to its legal meaning. Footnote 23 But when the term is placed in an ordinary non-legal context (e.g., newspapers) the opposite is true—that is, the ordinary meaning tends to be favoured. Footnote 24

This is significant, because our corpora are overwhelmingly composed of non-legal texts. The journalistic corpus, recall, is exclusively composed of newspaper articles; and although the general corpus can include legal texts (see Sect.  4 ), these represent at most an extremely small part of this corpus. Footnote 25 This provides some reason to think that our corpora are well placed to provide insight into the ordinary meaning of “hate speech,” as opposed to its legal meaning. And so, it provides tentative reasons for thinking that the very strong association we find between “hate speech” and the idea of legal regulation reflects, at least partly, the ordinary meaning of “hate speech.”

We emphasize that these empirical reasons are tentative. After all, Tobia et al.’s ( 2023 ) experimental surveys do not specifically ask respondents how they think “hate speech” should be understood in ordinary contexts. But their experiments nevertheless help suggest future empirical research that could complement, and reinforce the results of, the present corpus study (in line with the triangulation approach outlined in Sect.  3 ). Future research could use experimental methods to assess whether ordinary people are inclined to think “hate speech” should be understood according to its legal meaning, or according to its ordinary meaning, across different contexts.

The third and final response relates more closely to the normative significance of our study: even if the alternative interpretation of our results proved to be correct, this still would not undermine the normative insights we draw from our corpus analysis. To see this, consider once more the principle of fair notice. Suppose it were true that, whenever ordinary users in our corpus associate “hate speech” with legal regulation, they are drawing on the legal concept of hate speech. Still the important conclusion outlined above remains: namely, that ordinary users appear to be aware that hate speech is liable to legal regulation. Footnote 26

Thus, our point is not just that the methodological challenge under consideration is not specific to the corpus approach; nor simply that there are (defeasible) empirical reasons to think that the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” does have a connection to the idea of legal regulation. In addition—and crucially—our corpus is capable of providing normatively significant insights even before we can decisively resolve this methodological challenge.

Let us take stock. We have argued that, insofar as our corpus approach provides insight into the ordinary meaning of “hate speech,” Footnote 27 it suggests that the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” is aligned with the law in an important respect: it recognizes that hate speech is, very often, legally regulated. But even so, it is possible that what ordinary usage counts as “hate speech” differs substantially from the speech that is actually prohibited. In what follows, we therefore examine more closely the perceived content of hate speech.

5.3 “Hate Speech” and Groups

“Hate speech,” as it is legally understood, is typically speech that targets particular social groups (Brown 2016 ; Waldron 2012 ; Gelber 2019 ). Our corpus analysis suggests that this is reflected in ordinary use. “Hate speech,” as it is ordinarily understood, takes aim at specific groups of people.

This is visible, firstly, in the keywords data from our journalistic hate speech corpus. Overwhelmingly, “hate speech” is mentioned in journalistic texts that are about speech that targets racial and ethnic groups, religious groups, and sexual minority groups. The collocates from the general corpus broadly support this. The term “hate speech” is frequently modified by adjectives specifying which social group is being targeted (e.g., “racist,” “antisemitic,” “homophobic,” “anti-gay,” “Islamophobic,” “sexist”).

At first sight, this is a positive result from the standpoint of fair notice. It suggests that, in this respect, the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” is aligned with what the law actually prohibits. But this agreement might yet be superficial. It also matters whether the specific target groups included in hate speech law match the target groups specified in ordinary use.

A complication arises when tackling this question. The problem is that different hate speech laws specify different categories of social groups (Brown 2016 : 276–77). To make this question tractable, therefore, we will focus predominantly on a specific category of hate speech laws: the UK’s Public Order Act of 1986. And, accordingly, we look predominantly at uses in the journalistic hate speech corpus, which comprises texts drawn exclusively from British media, and is therefore most relevant to the UK context.

The most striking observation is that there is a great deal of alignment between the two in terms of which categories of groups are included. Since 2010, the Public Order Act prohibits speech that stirs up hatred against racial groups (where this includes ethnic groups), religious groups, and groups defined by sexual orientation. As mentioned above, this is mirrored in the keywords data from the journalistic hate speech corpus. Uses of “hate speech” mostly occur in contexts involving speech that targets groups on grounds of their race and ethnicity, religious, and sexual orientation. So, the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” in the UK seems largely to match existing UK hate speech law.

There are nevertheless some notable points of departure. The journalistic hate speech corpus contains frequent references to specific gender-based hate speech. Footnote 28 For instance, the word “misogynistic” is one of the most frequent modifiers of the term “hate speech.” To be clear: this does not mean that gender-based hate speech is a prototypical example of “hate speech.” By analogy, the fact that “black” is a frequent modifier of “swan” does not mean that swans are prototypically black. Rather, it means the opposite—the modification is needed precisely because swans are not prototypically black. Still, this fact about ordinary usage does suggest that hate speech can target gender groups. And, to reiterate, this constitutes a departure from UK law.

What should we make of this departure, normatively speaking? The departure suggests, first, that the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” is more expansive than the legal meaning. This, in turn, might raise worries relating to the chilling effect. The broader the meaning of “hate speech,” the greater the potential for it to induce self-censorship.

Yet this more expansive understanding may also have countervailing benefits. We have already seen that the legal meaning of “hate speech” informs its ordinary meaning. But the reverse is also possible: ordinary usage of “hate speech” can serve an ameliorative function, by pointing the way towards a more morally consistent account of which groups should be covered by hate speech law (on the idea of conceptual amelioration, see, e.g., Haslanger 2012 ; Burgess, Cappelen, and Plunkett 2020 ). If hate speech is prohibited because it harms particular disadvantaged groups, then one might think that this applies, not just to racist and homophobic speech, but to some instances of misogynistic speech as well. Footnote 29 Nor is it speculative to think that the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” might positively impact its legal meaning. In fact, the UK government has been considering such “expansionary proposals” (Law Commission No 348, 2014). So, even if this more expansive account of the targets of hate speech exacerbates concerns relating to the chilling effect, it does not necessarily follow that it is unwelcome overall.

Up until this point, the main mismatch we have considered has to do with types of social groups (e.g., race, religion, sexual orientation, gender). But there is a second notable difference, which has to do with subgroups within these social groups. In the journalistic hate speech corpus, “hate speech” refers overwhelmingly to speech that targets vulnerable or disadvantaged subgroups—for example, “Jews,” “Muslims,” “Rohingyas,” the “LGBT” community, and so on. This finding also holds in the general corpus (e.g., “hate speech against religious minorities has been stepped up”). By contrast, the text of the Public Order Act—and indeed, the text of hate speech laws more generally—tends to focus on the general categories (“race,” “sexual orientation”), without distinguishing between dominant and vulnerable subgroups.

This comparative narrowness may be especially desirable from the perspective of the chilling effect. A particularly strong version of this worry holds that hate speech legislation might silence criticism of dominant groups (e.g., whites, heterosexuals) by the very groups whom they oppress (e.g., people of colour, members of the LGBT community). On this view, which Nadine Strossen ( 2018 ) notably articulates, vulnerable groups might refrain from voicing their legitimate recriminations out of fear of being legally sanctioned for doing so. The narrow focus on vulnerable subgroups makes this less likely, by explicitly excluding the possibility that speech directed at dominant social groups might count as “hate speech.”

In other respects, this narrowness—and the resulting mismatch between the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” and hate speech law—may nonetheless seem problematic. In terms of fair notice, members of the public might not realize that hate speech laws prohibit speech that targets dominant groups as well as vulnerable groups. And one might worry that this mismatch, in turn, could have a damaging impact on democratic trust. Someone who feels that they have been unfairly silenced, because the legal prohibition on hate speech is more expansive than they had initially thought, may lose faith in the democratic process as a result.

In practice, the mismatch in question may be more apparent than real. As Louise Richardson-Self ( 2018 : 1–2) explains in the Australian context, while hate speech law is “ostensibly neutral” between dominant and vulnerable groups, in practice it has almost exclusively been applied to speech that targets vulnerable groups. Nor is this observation confined to the Australian context. There is a clear moral justification for this asymmetrical treatment: as Katharine Gelber ( 2019 : 404) argues, speech directed at subgroups can generate harms that speech directed at dominant groups usually cannot. However, although it may not influence the application of hate speech laws, the mismatch does point to a way in which clarification of the law to bring it better into line with ordinary meaning would improve fair notice.

The broader upshot is this: When it comes to the “who” of hate speech—who are the targets of hate speech—corpus data suggests that the ordinary concept of “hate speech” aligns quite closely with hate speech law. Furthermore, to the extent that the ordinary meaning departs from hate speech law, these departures (the focus on gender-based hate speech and the focus on subgroups) have the potential to serve an ameliorative purpose.

5.4 “Hate Speech” and Harm

“Hate speech,” as the term is ordinarily understood, is negatively valanced, is prototypically considered to be regulatable speech, and usually targets certain groups. But what makes it regulatable, according to most legal philosophers, is not just that it targets certain groups. It is that it has a tendency to harm members of these groups (Gelber 2019 : 400; Waldron 2012 : ch.4; Maitra and McGowan 2012 : 4–8; Brown 2017b : 579–80).

This connection between hate speech and harm is omnipresent in ordinary usage. The ordinary meaning of “hate speech,” as reflected in our corpora, associates hate speech with a number of different harms. The strongest association is undoubtedly with incitement (Howard 2019 ). Keywords from the journalistic hate speech corpus signal that references to “hate speech” are very often about speech deployed for the purposes of “inciting violence” or “inciting hatred.” Collocation data from both the journalistic and general corpora unambiguously supports this. In the latter, for example, “incite” is the single verb most often used with “hate speech” as a subject.

But the harms ordinarily associated with “hate speech” do not end there. At least two other categories of harms stand out. One salient category has to do, roughly, with violating the dignity of targets ( 2012 : ch.4). Keywords data from the journalistic hate speech corpus, for example, suggests that “hate speech” is commonly used to characterize speech that “insult[s],” “dehumanise[s],” “belittle[s],” and “denigrate[s].” Hate speech, based on this pattern of usage, picks out speech that diminishes, or promotes the inferiority of, its targets.

Another, slightly less salient, category of harms that is manifest in ordinary use concerns the psychological effects of hate speech. For instance, collocation data from the hate speech and general corpora indicates that “hate speech” is often used when discussing speech that “offend[s],” “harass[es],” or “abuse[s]” its targets. The common idea here is that “hate speech” can psychologically “wound” its targets, by causing them to experience negative feelings (e.g., of hurt, distress, shock) (see, e.g., Delgado 1993 , on “words that wound”).

These examples are not meant to exhaust the harms that ordinary use associates with “hate speech.” Rather, they are intended to illustrate, first and foremost, that harm does feature prominently in the ordinary meaning of “hate speech.” But we can go further than this first conclusion. The particular way in which harm is connected to the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” has notable implications for both fair notice and the chilling effect.

In terms of fair notice, the corpus indicates a meaningful measure of alignment between what hate speech law prohibits, and the way “hate speech” is ordinarily understood. One complication here is that, as mentioned above, hate speech law varies across different countries. But despite this variation, some harms are widely recognized across different bodies of hate speech law. This is perhaps most notably the case with incitement to hatred and/or violence (Brown 2015 : 26–28). For example, the Public Order Act explicitly prohibits “stirring up hatred.” Likewise, the Canadian Criminal Code 1985 outlaws “the wilful promotion of hatred against any identifiable group.” The fact that incitement features so centrally in the ordinary concept of “hate speech” allows ordinary users to track, in an important respect, actual legal provisions.

Other dimensions of alignment are more specific to the UK context (to which, recall, our journalistic hate speech corpus is especially relevant). The Public Order Act specifically rules out the use of “insulting,” “abusive,” or “threatening” words that are likely, or intended, to stir up hatred. Ordinary usage mirrors this to a significant degree. As explained above, “hate speech” is frequently associated, in ordinary usage, with speech that “insult[s]” or “abuse[s]” its targets. Conversely, our corpus searches on the terms “abusive,” “threatening,” and “insulting” show that, when ordinary users employ two or more of these terms together, they are very often using them to refer to hate speech. This provides evidence that there is public awareness of key terms contained in the UK’s hate speech law Footnote 30 —and, insofar as this is the case, that the public has adequate notice of these legal provisions.

What about the chilling effect? The most important upshot of our results is that the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” is not reducible to “offensive speech.” Psychological offence is one of the negative effects commonly associated with “hate speech.” But ordinary usage suggests that “hate speech” characteristically involves more than simply offence—in particular, “hate speech” prototypically involves harms such as incitement, and often, violations of dignity.

This is morally significant. As Jeremy Waldron ( 2012 : 105) has argued, “offense, however deeply felt, is not a proper object of legislative concern.” The reason, for Waldron, is that offence, including deep offence, is inevitable in any society marked by cultural and religious diversity. Indeed, in such a society, “each group’s creed seems like an outrage to every other group” (Waldron 2012 : 127). To prohibit speech simply on the grounds that it is offensive would therefore give rise to an excessive chilling effect: doing so would be incompatible with maintaining adequate protections for personal, cultural, and religious expression. It is a good thing, then, that “hate speech” is prototypically understood as harmful in ways that go beyond mere offensiveness.

Other aspects of ordinary usage might appear more troubling. Our corpus analysis of “threatening,” “abusive,” and “insulting” suggests that these three terms have quite different semantic profiles. In other words, they are ordinarily used in quite different ways (see Appendix, Figs.  1 , 2 , 3 ).

Prima facie, this may seem worrying from the perspective of the chilling effect. According to Nadine Strossen ( 2018 ), who critiques hate speech legislation, it is wrong for the state to prohibit categories of speech that are defined in vague terms. This, she suggests, is because.

when an unduly vague law regulates speech […] it inevitably deters people from engaging in constitutionally protected speech for fear that they might run afoul of the law. ( 2018 : 69)

The problem, in our context, is that if the Public Order Act prohibits “threatening,” “abusive,” or “insulting,” language, and if the ordinary meanings of these three terms differ from one another, the statute may seem excessively vague—and, as a result, potentially quite broad—to the public. This vagueness and breadth, Strossen might say, risks leading to excessive self-censorship.

On closer inspection, however, this worry may be overstated. The Public Order Act does not prohibit the use of “threatening,” “abusive,” or “insulting” speech simpliciter. It prohibits such speech when it is likely to, or intended to, stir up hatred . This further “incitement” clause makes the category of prohibited speech more restricted and specific—and, crucially, our corpus data suggests that the public are often aware that “hate speech” involves incitement. So, although the semantic divergence of “threatening,” “abusive,” and “insulting” may introduce some vagueness in public perceptions of hate speech law, patterns of ordinary usage suggest that this vagueness (and the attending self-censorship) is not as great as it might initially seem.

5.5 “Hate Speech” and Hate

Our analysis so far has assessed four dimensions of the ordinary term “hate speech”: its valence; its relationship to legal regulation; whom it targets; and its connection to harm. Up to this point, though, we have said next to nothing about the last “folk platitude” Brown mentions: the idea that “hate speech” is meaningfully connected to emotions or feelings of hate.

This is one of the most vexed definitional questions surrounding “hate speech.” The idea that “hate speech” bears an important relationship to hate seems commonsensical—and, accordingly, it has enjoyed fairly broad support among legal theorists (e.g., Post 2009 : 123; Strossen 2018 : xxiii). But Brown himself, like several other legal theorists, has categorically rejected what he calls the “myth of hate.” “The ter[m] ‘hate speech’,” he concludes, “can be used in cases where no hate or hatred is involved” ( 2017a : 467; see also Waldron 2012 : 34–37).

Ordinary usage suggests that there is in fact a close connection between the ordinary meaning of “hate speech,” on the one hand, and emotions or feelings of hate or hatred, on the other. This is particularly visible in the keywords data from our journalistic hate speech corpus: “hatred,” “religious hatred,” “racial hatred,” and “inciting hatred” all feature among the top keywords. What this indicates is that articles where the term “hate speech” appears also tend to be about feelings of hatred.

What might be the nature of this relationship? In principle, the term “hate speech” and hatred could be connected in different ways. Feelings of hatred could motivate hate speech; could be expressed by hate speech; and, finally, could be produced by hate speech. While our corpus data does not exclude the first two, it points most clearly to the third. The fact that “inciting hatred” features as one of the top keywords for “hate speech” suggests that “hate speech” is commonly used when discussing speech that is liable to produce feelings of hatred. A closer check of 215 concordance lines supports this suggestion. Overwhelmingly, “hatred” features as a potential product of “hate speech” (e.g., “disablist and misogynist hate speech contributes to a climate of hatred”).

This may appear to contradict Brown’s rejection of the “myth of hate.” But on closer examination, this appearance is misleading for two reasons. The first reason relates to context. The relationship between feelings of hatred and “hate speech” appeared more strongly in the journalistic hate speech corpus than in the general corpus. This is quite likely no accident. The journalistic hate speech corpus, as we have seen, is based on UK news articles. Given that hate speech laws in the UK prohibit stirring up, or inciting, hatred, it is therefore unsurprising that, in this national context, we should find a close association between “hate speech” and hatred.

This result leaves open the possibility that, in a different national context, there may be no meaningful connection between “hate speech,” as ordinarily understood, and the feeling of hatred. So, our finding is in principle compatible with rejecting the “myth of hate” when considering “hate speech” from a comparative, cross-national, perspective (as Brown does).

The second reason concerns the nature of “ordinary meaning.” When assessing the ordinary meaning of “hate speech,” Brown is predominantly concerned with permissible meanings. What he shows is that it may be linguistically permissible— even if it may be unusual—to use the term “hate speech” in contexts entirely unrelated to the feeling of hatred. By contrast, and as discussed in Sect.  3 , insofar as corpus methods are used to look at data about linguistic frequency, they provide insight into the prototypical (or most salient) meaning of “hate speech.” What our analysis suggests, then, is that, in the UK, “hate speech” is prototypically connected to the production of hatred. This is consistent with thinking that it might nonetheless be permissible (if unusual) to use the term “hate speech” differently.

These two points show why our findings relating to the place of hate in “hate speech” are not necessarily at odds with Brown’s. But, perhaps more importantly, they also illustrate two core advantages of using corpus methods to investigate “hate speech.” First, corpus methods can provide insight into the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” that is tailored to specific national or subnational contexts. This is crucially important for policy guidance. To determine whether hate speech laws in a specific context satisfy requirements of fair notice, or are likely to lead to a chilling effect, we need to know about the ordinary meaning of “hate speech” in that context.

Second, corpus methods can provide insight into prototypical meaning. This, too, is of vital importance when thinking about policy. As Sect.  3 discussed, the prototypical meaning of “hate speech” may be more relevant than its permissible meaning to determining whether the public has sufficient notice of hate speech laws (or, for that matter, whether such laws are likely to lead to a chilling effect). What is more, Mouritsen ( 2011 : 161) provides evidence that, while individual intuitions can be a relatively secure guide when it comes to permissible meanings, they are highly misleading as guides to prototypical meaning. Thus, the corpus method is doubly useful: it yields information about ordinary meaning that is needed to assess hate speech policies in specific contexts; and this information would otherwise be difficult to access.

6 Conclusion

Our analysis has two core upshots for legal and philosophical investigations of hate speech. The first upshot is methodological. We have argued—and provided a proof of concept—for using corpus linguistics to ascertain the ordinary meaning of “hate speech.” Looking at how ordinary speakers use “hate speech,” on a large scale and in natural communicative environments, can help us assess, in ways that would otherwise be difficult to do, some of the most prominent ethical and legal objections to hate speech law: e.g., that it risks violating fair notice; that it jeopardizes democratic norms; and that it undermines free speech. Indeed, a corpus approach to “hate speech” allows us to gauge more precisely how, and to what degree, these objections really apply within a particular social community. Thus, it helps bridge the divide between abstract normative considerations, and the real-world contexts in which they are meant to apply. In doing so, it provides an empirically grounded foothold for resolving protracted disputes between advocates and opponents of hate speech law.

Our investigation also yields substantive, and normatively relevant, insights about “hate speech.” One recurrent insight is that ordinary usage in the UK tracks, to a significant degree, actual hate speech law. It reflects an understanding, in particular, that hate speech is not just frowned upon, but legally regulated; that it targets certain groups; that it is harmful speech; and that, in the UK at least, it is closely (if not necessarily) associated with inciting hatred. As we have seen, this alignment is morally significant. It suggests, for instance, that the UK’s Public Order Act needn’t violate fair notice or erode trust in democratic norms. It also contributes to allaying fears relating to free speech—not least, because the public recognizes that prototypical “hate speech” is a narrower category than “offensive speech.” The alignment is by no means total. But even where ordinary understanding departs from the law, it may serve an ameliorative purpose, for example, by encouraging a normatively appropriate broadening, in the law, of which groups can be targeted by “hate speech”; or by recommending that the law’s de facto focus on speech targeting vulnerable groups be made more explicit.

These substantive conclusions are not meant to be definitive. They, like the preliminary evidence we have supplied, are defeasible. But what they illustrate is the prospect, made possible by corpus methods, of moving past merely rhetorical appeals to values such as free speech, democracy, and the rule of law, to a more serious consideration of what these values recommend in terms of real-world speech regulation.

For an influential overview of this body of law, see Brown ( 2015 ).

See, for example, the common occurrence of the term “hate speech” in pop songs: .

Note that Culpeper ( 2021 ) has launched a preliminary investigation into this topic. But the term he actually investigates is “hateful,” not “hate speech.” This is a significant limitation because the relationship between “hate speech” and “hate” or “hatefulness” is hotly debated. See Sect.  5 e below.

See, especially, Gündüz v. Turkey (in Brown 2017a : 435).

For instance, the Public Order Act of 1986 is taxonomized as a “hate speech law” in crowdsourced sites such as Wikipedia, in academia (Brown 2015 ), in think tanks (Alkiviadou et al. 2020 ), etc. The corpus data we report in Sect.  4 appears to support this point. Uses of “hate speech” in UK newspapers are prototypically associated with the idea of legal regulation. This suggests that, despite not containing the term “hate speech,” laws banning hate speech in the UK are ordinarily understood in these terms.

In particular, he often appeals to his intuitions regarding whether certain uses of the term “hate speech” appear meaningful or appropriate. See, e.g., Brown ( 2017a : 445, 448, 451, 452, 453, 457, 461).

See also Mouritsen ( 2011 ), Gries ( 2020 ), and Lee and Mouritsen ( 2021 ).

It is more debatable whether this constitutes an advantage relative to experimental survey methods. Tobia ( 2020 ) argues that it does not; but Sytsma et al. ( 2019 : 231–32) disagree.

Moreover, not all frequent collocates are signs of prototypical meaning. A word may be frequently associated with another precisely to modify its prototypical meaning.

This “general corpus” is available in Sketch Engine ( , the software employed to perform the corpus analysis.

As explained in Sketch Engine (see previous note), the legal genre represents by far the smallest of the listed enTenTen20 genres (compared to “blogs,” “news,” and “discussion”).

We also conducted follow-up searches on some related terms, such as “hatred,” for reasons that will become clear in 5.5 .

Collocate strength is calculated with the logDice score, based on the frequencies of the node, the collocate, and the co-occurrence of the node and the collocate.

We are grateful to a reviewer for pressing us on this point.

According to Tobia et al. ( 2023 , 27), people are less likely to think that legal professionals are experts about the meaning of a given term (including a given legal term) when that term features in a non-legal text (such as a newspaper) as opposed to a legal text. This constitutes prima facie evidence that legal terms may be used and understood differently in newspapers, compared to legal texts.

Brown initially mentions just four of these (evaluation, regulation, hate, groups) but he later cites a fifth (harm).

Collocate data from the general corpus, for instance, shows that that the top five objects of the verb “spew” are prototypically negative entities: namely, “venom,” “lava,” “hate,” “vitriol” and “bile.” Warriner et al.’s ( 2013 ) systematic examination of word valence corroborates this, indicating that “spew” has very low valence, on a par with “ordeal,” “neurosis,” and “narcissism.”.

Warriner et al. ( 2013 ) also show that “wildfire” has negative valence, comparable to “wasteful,” “violence,” and “vicious.”.

See, e.g., Tobia et al.’s ( 2023 , 1) assertion that “ordinary people […] regularly take terms in law to communicate technical legal meanings, not ordinary ones.”.

We are grateful to a reviewer for raising this challenge.

See, e.g., the Cambridge Dictionary (2022) definition, whose sole example of “hate speech” in a sentence makes reference to the legal prosecution of hate speech.

An opponent might respond that, if ordinary uses of “hate speech” refer to the idea of legal regulation so much that this is picked up by a dictionary definition, then the idea of legal regulation has arguably become part of the ordinary meaning of “hate speech.” But if we grant this response, then it also helps our corpus approach: indeed, one might say, analogously, that if ordinary uses of “hate speech” refer to the idea of legal regulation so much that they figure highly among the collocations and concordances of a corpus analysis (as they in fact do, in our corpus analysis) then the idea of legal regulation has arguably become part of the ordinary meaning of “hate speech.”.

See, e.g., Tobia et al. ( 2023 , 39): “ when a term appears in a legal source (e.g., a statute), people are much more inclined to understand it to take a technical legal meaning” (emphasis added).

Specifically, Tobia et al.’s ( 2023 , 37–38) results indicate that, in what they call “ordinary contexts” (which includes things such as the front of a newspaper), participants are considerably more likely to select the term’s ordinary meaning than any of the technical meanings offered (see especially Fig. 4).The fact that they find no significant interaction effect between (ordinary/legal) context and (ordinary/legal) term type suggests that the ordinary context effect applies independently of term type (see 2023, 96).

See note 11.

Tobia et al. ( 2023 , 9, 34, 59–68) are clear on this point. From the observation that ordinary users understand certain legal terms according to their legal meaning, they conclude that the way ordinary users construe this legal meaning is relevant to fair notice.

This qualifier is needed because, as explained above, it is conceivable that users are switching back and forth between the ordinary and legal concepts, and our empirical data cannot conclusively rule out this possibility.

Two things are worth noting here. First, references to gender-based hate speech are also observable in the general corpus. Second, this divergence between uses of “hate speech” in the journalistic corpus, and the legal understanding of “hate speech,” seems to be especially strong evidence that the ordinary understanding of which groups are targeted by hate speech diverges from the legal understanding. This is because—as discussed in Sect.  4 —the journalistic corpus is likely to be somewhat biased in the direction of the legal meaning of “hate speech.”.

See Richardson-Self ( 2018 ; 2021 ) for an argument to this effect.

By contrast, similar searches conducted on an American corpus (the Corpus of Contemporary American English) showed exceedingly few co-occurrences of these terms—and that, when they co-occur, they are typically not related to hate speech.

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For feedback on previous drafts and/or helpful discussions, we are grateful to Karamvir Chadha, Joanna Demaree-Cotton, Sarah Fisher, Jumbly Grindrod, Sylvia Jaworska, Stephen Mouritsen, Brian Slocum, and Kevin Tobia. This project was generously supported by the University of Reading’s Interdisciplinary Research Fund. Nat Hansen also gratefully acknowledges support from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

This project was funded by the University of Reading Interdisciplinary Research Fund.

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Politics and International Relations, University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire, UK

Maxime Lepoutre

Reading Centre for Cognition Research, University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire, UK

Sara Vilar-Lluch

Department of Philosophy, University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire, UK

Emma Borg & Nat Hansen

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Journalistic hate speech corpus

2.1 top ten keywords (word clusters) of the journalistic hate speech corpus (reference corpus: english web 2020 ententen20 ) (table 1 ), 2.2 keywords of the journalistic hate speech corpus portraying hate speech-related actions (single words and word clusters) (table 2 ), 2.3 keywords of the hate speech corpus portraying social actors (single words and word clusters) (table 3 ).

NB: Table 1 does not include nationality adjectives, in their majority references to the countries that have been associated with hate speech issues in the UK media

2.4 Keywords of the hate speech corpus portraying entities related to hate speech (single words and word clusters) (Table 4 )

2.5 collocations for “hate speech” (grammatical patterns of modifiers, nouns modified by “hate speech”, verbs with “hate speech” as object, and words associated with “hate speech” with “and”/ “or” conjunctions) (table 5 ), general corpus ( english web 2020 ententen20 ).

NB: The examples included in the tables to illustrate the grammatical patterns were obtained with the GDEX ( Good Dictionary Example ) tool of Sketch Engine , which provides examples that would serve dictionary or teaching purposes.

3.1 Collocations of the general corpus reflecting actions related to hate speech (grammatical patterns of verbs with “hate speech” as subject and object) (Table 6 )

3.2 collocations of the general corpus reflecting social actors associated with hate speech as victims (grammatical patterns of modifiers of “hate speech” and “hate speech” followed by against prepositional phrase) (table 7 ), 3.3 collocations of the general corpus reflecting hate speech-countering actions and measures (grammatical patterns of the prepositional phrases for, on and against in pre-modifying position) (table 8 ), 3.4 some concordances reflecting a representation of hate speech as a natural force and in terms of war:.

volunteer groups to fight hate speech spreading at "lightning speed" […] (

[war metaphor and natural forces metaphor]

The battle against hate speech is a universal and international one, and while geoblocking helps to protect people in certain countries from accessing and seeing hateful content, it does not combat the issue as a whole. (

[war metaphor]

Hate speech is spreading like wildfire in social media. We must extinguish it, […] (

[natural forces metaphor and war metaphor]

3.5 Concordance analysis for the patterns “threatening and/or abusive” and “threatening and/or insulting.”

NB: The first 100 concordances of the patterns “threatening and/or abusive” and “threatening and/or insulting” were coded according to whether (1) the collocates are associated with hate speech (according to the Public Order Act definition), and (2) the context of the concordance is legal. Online sources of the concordances were checked to help tagging the context of use in those cases where it could not be determined by the co-text or the name of the source alone.

3.5.1 Concordances of the pattern “threatening and/or abusive”

3.5.2 concordances of the pattern “threatening and/or insulting”.

Tables 11 and 12

3.5.3 Uses of “threatening”, “abusive” and “insulting”

NB: The contrasting collocates of the three descriptors (“threatening”, “abusive” and “insulting”) were examined with the Word Sketch Difference tool of Sketch Engine . Figures 1 , 2 , 3 below provide the collocates for the grammatical pattern “… and/or …”, which allows us to identify characteristics associated with the concepts. The figures show the top 10 collocates. In the diagrams, collocates are distributed horizontally according to their association with the term considered; the circles show whether the collocates present more or fewer hits with the term.

figure 1

“Threatening” and “abusive” in “and/or X” pattern

figure 2

“threatening” and “insulting” in “and/or X” pattern

figure 3

“Insulting” and “abusive” in “and/or X” pattern

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About this article

Lepoutre, M., Vilar-Lluch, S., Borg, E. et al. What is Hate Speech? The Case for a Corpus Approach. Criminal Law, Philosophy 18 , 397–430 (2024).

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Accepted : 22 March 2023

Published : 26 April 2023

Issue Date : July 2024


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  • Published: 01 September 2024

Utilisation of rondavel space by amaXhosa people: a case of Mbhashe local municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

  • Africa Ndude 1 &
  • Sinenhlanhla Memela 1  

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume  11 , Article number:  1122 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Anthropology

Traditional rondavel building patterns, designs and materials have changed due to urbanisation, economic status, globalisation, and modernisation. There is limited understanding of how the architectural change has impacted the utilisation of rondavel space. This study uses the concept of habitus to understand whether the changing design of traditional rondavels has influenced their utilisation, based on a case study of the Mbhashe Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa. The data was collected using semi-structured interviews. The findings reveal the habitus of the AmaXhosa people on how they utilise traditional rondavels (family house) for childbirth, placing a deceased’s coffin, sleeping, seating, food preparation, serving and storage, keeping the spear, hosting ceremonies, communicating with ancestors, and interacting with the living. While the influence of contemporary architecture has changed the construction of rondavels, the inhabitants have not resisted changes to the architecture or cultural values as they have found different ways to adapt. Certain old dispositions are adaptable to contemporary structures, but some people are uninterested in adapting elements to the contemporary rondavel. Some habits of utilising traditional rondavels cannot be adapted to the contemporary rondavel because of health and medical innovations.

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Based on archaeological evidence, rondavels have existed since pre-colonial times as a prime settlement form in homesteads in much of South Africa and other African countries, including Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho and Eswatini (Schoenauer 2000 ; Steyn 2006 ). The rondavel is considered as a vernacular architecture: it is built using locally sourced material and forms part of a region’s culture and heritage (OpenHeritage 2016 ). Steyn ( 2006 :1) describes the rondavel as a “drum”, often built with mud and grass-thatched roofs (Fig. 1A ). They are popular indigenous settlements which are still prevalent in the rural areas. While most households have more than one rondavels (Fig. 1B ), some indigenous settlements are now roofed with zinc materials (Fig. 1B ). Going forward, this article refers to indigenous settlements as traditional rondavels.

figure 1

A traditional rondavel with grass-thatched roof and ( B ) household two rondavels with zinc roof.

Traditional rondavels were used for dwelling and hosting important customary rituals and celebrations in Africa (Steyn 2006 ). Modern day rondavels exist with flat-roofed rectangular buildings or structures built using cement and zinc roofs, which will be referred to as contemporary rondavel design henceforth (Van Vuuren 2017 ).

Steyn ( 2006 ) argues that the change is a result of urbanisation and economic status because people admire urban architecture and can afford their desired building materials. A study by Aikpehae et al. ( 2016 ) reveals that globalisation, urbanisation and modernisation transformed building patterns, designs and materials used for construction. They illustrate how Nigerian building patterns and housing have transformed because of the influence of colonisation (Aikpehae et al. 2016 ). Guerrieri ( 2020 ) adds that migration has allowed the export of architecture and urban planning models from one country to another; hence, we see the same style across countries. The global intercultural contact led to the change in dwellings in southern Africa (Frescura 1981 , 2015 ) where traditional dwellings were constructed using mud, wattle and thatch grass. Missionaries introduced contemporary building constructed using sun brick and mortar with corrugated iron sheet for roofing as well as highveld and parapet housing styles, the contemporary building is illustrated in Fig. 2 .

figure 2

Illustration of the contemporary building under construction.

Tapiero et al. ( 2024 ) indicates that in Montesinho Natural Park, north-east of Portugal, residents had vernacular buildings constructed using locally available wood, slate stone tiles, lime mortar, schist and granite. The availability of industrialised material and decreasing traditional labour posed a threat vernacular buildings.

The following section discusses the evolution of the traditional and modern rondavel followed by the utilisation of rondavels by amaXhosa people, detailing the study area, research methods, results, discussion and conclusion.

Traditional and modern rondavel evolution

Early African dwellings were caves, stone-walled iron shelters or houses quickly erected and dismantled as nomadic societies followed herds of animals (Frescura, 1981 ; Moremoholo, 2021 ). Frescura ( 1981 ) explains the historical development of dwelling types, presented in Fig. 3 . The earliest traditional dwelling was a beehive hut also known as ngqu-phantsi . It was made up of stakes organised in a circle with their tops arched inward to a point. The stakes were then bound together by hoops and the frame was insulated with thatched grass (Walton, 1949 ). It is possible that the need for more living space resulted in the rondavel, which is a cone-on-cylinder rondavel with a wall and roof. Although its doorway was raised higher compared to the beehive hut, it was still lower than the height of a man. The material used to construct traditional rondavel was either a thatch roof with stones and mud bricks or sticks mixed clay and dung mortar or mud and wattle (Walton 1949 ; Frescura 1981 ; Oliver 2006 ; Moremoholo 2021 ; Onyejegbu et al. 2023 ). These vernacular dwellings were constructed using locally available materials (Tapiero et al. 2024 ).

figure 3

This figure is covered by Creative Commons licence.

The third iteration of dwelling development was influenced by Western ideas of hipped-on-cone, which had a linear floor plan, rooms divided into rows and triangulation of the thatch roof. The fourth dwelling type was an introduction of the highveld style with iron-sheet roofing and sun brick (Frescura 1981 ).

Western ideas influenced the cone-on-cylinder rondavel design and materials used which included the use of iron-sheet roofing and sun brick. Despite the Western influences, the traditional rondavel still exists while others have modernised (Moremoholo 2021 ; Onyejegbu et al. 2023 ). Vellinga ( 2006 ) notes that the traditional vernacular architecture has not vanished, but has rather merged with modern styles to suit the current circumstances. Tapiero et al. ( 2024 ) argue that the use of modern materials in construction does not compromise the values of the dwelling in the community. They also note that conserving vernacular architecture plays an essential role in the preservation of culture and sustainable practises by optimising energy usage (Tapiero et al. 2024 ). Onyejegbu et al. ( 2023 ) argue that some Nigerian households still have traditional mud huts that were built by their forefathers in commemoration of their culture, tradition and prowess.

Moremoholo ( 2021 ) used a case study of the Sotho community in Makgabeng, a rural area in Limpopo to investigate how indigenous values have been incorporated or retained on houses built using brick and mortar. The findings show that both traditional rondavel and modern dwellings exist and residents were able to adapt values of indigenous rondavel to modern dwellings, including practising ancestral ceremonies.

Smith ( 2022 ) suggests that the modernisation of the traditional rondavel design into contemporary sensibilities reflects the development of awareness of the diverse heritage that connects South Africa to the rest of the African continent and its people. Thus, the integration and adaptation of indigenous values into modernisation promotes self-definition for many South Africans. Moreover, it encourages a deeper appreciation of the connections between South Africa and the rest of the world. Bianco ( 2022 ) states that this hybrid form of building reflects the evolution of local culture and ways of life so that one can imagine new development aspects entrenched in the culture and environment (Bianco 2022 ). Thus, currently, vernacular architecture can be understood as the foundation of the contemporary architectural type that is rooted in integrating local building traditions (Naude 2010 ; Bianco 2022 ). The current study focuses on the amaXhosa people and intends to understand whether the changing design of traditional rondavels has influenced their utilisation.

The utilisation of rondavels by amaXhosa people

The amaXhosa people are predominantly located in the Eastern Cape province (Nyamende 1994 ; Mokhoathi 2021 ). A rondavel in a Xhosa home ( umzi ) typically exists in a cluster of other structures. Umzi , plural imizi , is a collection of physical, social and organic elements constituting a settlement component known as homestead. It typically comprises several rondavels or huts (the family house, with middle huts reserved for children and visitors as well as a traditional dispensary and consultation), an adjacent garden and a kraal with tools and equipment often used in various ways (Perry 2013 ).

The family house ( indlu enkulu ) is the main hut where everyone meets to socialise and prepare, store and eat food (McAllister 2004 ). It is a space where all rituals take place and people communicate with their ancestors (McAllister 2004 ; Mlisa 2009 ). In the past, following the birth of a child in the family house, children and men were prohibited from using the space (Kobo 2016 ). McAllister ( 2004 ) illustrates how the family house is divided, as shown in Fig. 4 .

figure 4

This figure was reproduced with permission: Ethnology, Department of Anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh.

The upper part, called entla , is associated with ancestors; an appointed person will commune with the ancestors, and it serves a storage space for meat and beer if there is a ritual planned (McAllister 2004 ; Reeve 2011 ). The right side is the sitting area for men while the left is reserved women. Older people sit next to the door on either side, while the youngest generation often sits next to the upper part of the rondavel (McAllister 2004 ). At the centre is a hearth ( eziko ), where they make fire for cooking (McAllister, 2004 ; Brocious 2021 ). Kobo ( 2016 ) identifies the hearth as a pedagogical space for the girl child to learn food preparation. The way the amaXhosa people utilise the traditional family house can be purported as a gendered space.

A gendered space is “…more attractive for women than for men; men and women use the same space in different ways: some spaces give feelings of comfort and belonging to men, while women feel excluded; in some spaces, women have authority, while other spaces are under male authority” (Fortuijn et al. 2004 : 215). This is a gendered space because of how a spatial order of seating and gender roles in the utilisation of the space is enforced (McAllister 2004 ; Kobo 2016 ).

It should be noted that the number of rondavels in a homestead depends on the family’s needs. In addition to the family house, a rondavel may be reserved as a bedroom for younger family members and to accommodate visitors (Mlisa 2009 ). Moreover, a rondavel may be used by traditional healers for consultations and storing dispensary (umrawule) items. Certain people are often excluded from using such a space. Menstruating women are prohibited from accessing this space while on their cycle because of a belief that they will defile the herbs (Mlisa, 2009 ). The dispensary is only built once a rondavel has been revealed to a potential traditional healer in a dream, and a ritual is performed to officially open the rondavel and the dispensary prior to consultations being held (Mlisa, 2009 ).

Literature is ambiguous as to whether the recorded rondavel uses are performed in traditional or contemporary rondavels and whether the uses are adaptable to current rondavel designs (McAllister 2004 ; Mlisa 2009 ; Perry 2013 ; Kobo 2016 ; Brocious 2021 ). The available literature focuses on understanding traditional rondavel architecture, its utilisation, history and the changes in the design and structure (Schoenauer 2000 ; Steyn 2006 ). Vellinga ( 2006 ) also notes that publications on vernacular architecture are rarely featured and those that are available focus on drawings, forms and material. The impact of changing building designs and structures in traditional space utilisation is inadequately understood. It is against this backdrop that this study uses the concept of habitus to understand whether the changing design and structure of rondavels has influenced the traditional utilisation of rondavel spaces, based on a case study of the Mbhashe Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa.

Pierre Bourdieu, a French sociologist who was concerned with what motivates social action and behaviour (Navarro 2006 ), developed the concept of habitus, which refers to the norms, values, habits, dispositions and behaviour of a particular group. Each society has its own habitus. Habitus can then guide how a particular group feels, thinks, acts and uses the space (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). Habitus can be a product of past experiences and practices learned from parents, family experiences, and society (Hong and Zhao 2015 ). It is created and reproduced by the structures and practices of society (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). People with similar backgrounds (social class, religion, nationality, ethnicity, education and profession) usually share habitus which shapes how individuals perceive or receive the world. It is not fixed; it changes due to circumstances (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). However, when change occurs, some within the group may resist the change while others adapt to a new style of doing things. Often, others combine the traits of new and old habitus. Therefore, the theory seeks to provide an in-depth understanding of how people adapt in a changing world and circumstances resulting to change.

Bourdieu used this concept to study how the Algerian habitus changed during the liberation struggle in the 1950s (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). He analysed their norms, values, habits, dispositions and behaviour before and after colonisation. He defined Algerian peasantry as a traditional society which believed in:

the importance of group solidarity;

kinship based on patriarchal and patrilineal relationships;

patriarchal division of labour;

marriage as the primary concern of the family; and

an economy governed by pre-capitalist methods such as

subsistence farming,

products not sold but shared by the community

goods exchanged for social capital (i.e. a neighbour will lend you an ox in exchange for fresh produce).

The economy was governed by strict reciprocity and non-payment. The blacksmith was expected to provide each peasantry with all repairs in exchange for goods and services (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). Their habitus was passed from generation to generation. As determined by Bourdieu, habitus changes over time due to circumstances. The change in the Algerian habitus was a result of French colonial imposition which introduced a capitalist economy leading to a decline in agricultural activities and the establishment of factories in urban areas (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). Due to this increased urbanisation, people started working for wages, which resulted in the development of social classes (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). Subsequently, women were granted access to receiving an education and earning a living. Likewise, society was introduced to the concept of bachelorhood, with marriage being an individual choice. Communal living with neighbours sharing their fresh produce evolved into neighbours selling their produce for cash (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). Ultimately, the culture of group solidarity was destroyed, and the focus was on individualism.

Bourdieu argues that change can be adopted or resisted, as evidenced in Algeria (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). Certain Algerian norms, values, habits, dispositions and behaviours were influenced by innate traditions of peasantry and colonial imposition (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). Most older people resisted the change and continued to be trapped in the old way of life.

This study focuses on the traditional family house rondavel with the users’ social activities derived from the norms, values, habits, dispositions and behaviours of amaXhosa. Premised on the concept of habitus used by Bourdieu et al. ( 2000 ) and Navarro ( 2006 ) in the analysis of Algerian peasantry, this study unpacks the utilisation of the traditional family house rondavel before the introduction of contemporary architecture and design changes. Before the introduction of the contemporary architecture, the traditional family house rondavel was spatially divided based on gender and used for childbirth, communicating with ancestors and hosting rituals, serving and storing food and igniting a fire for warmth (McAllister 2004 ; Kobo 2016 ; Brocious 2021 ). This paper intends to understand whether the changing design and structure of rondavels has influenced its utilisation, using the case of Mbhashe Local Municipality.

Mbhashe local municipality

The Mbhashe Local Municipality extends over a geographic area of over 3200 km² and is situated within the Amathole District Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa (Mbhashe Local Municipality IDP, 2016 ; 2023 a). The municipality is named after the Mbhashe River, which tracks between the municipality’s major urban regions of Willowvale (Gatyane), Xhorha and Dutywa, the latter being the administrative centre or municipal headquarters. The municipality has a total population of approximately 240 020 people (Municipalities of South Africa 2023 ), 94% of whom speak the isiXhosa language (Mbhashe Local Municipality IDP, 2016 ; 2023 b). It is a rural region facing various challenges, including poor road infrastructure, high unemployment and inadequate access to essential services such as water and electricity (Mbhashe Local Municipality IDP, 2016 ; 2023 a). It finds significant economic leverage from tourism nodes through coastal, inland and historic or heritage site attractions.

Rondavel structures are prominent in every homestead. Over 66% of households in the municipality are traditional dwellings Footnote 1 , followed by 21 and 5% of households living in brick or concrete block structures and flat blocks, respectively (Mbhashe Local Municipality IDP, 2021 ). However, some households have a modernised rondavel and, more commonly, an octagonal-shape veranda structure, sometimes with an attached garage. Others tend not to have a rondavel at all albeit infrequently. In rural areas, the process of domestic building is not influenced by planning schemes and policies (Oliver 2006 ). Instead, rural architecture is enriched by the surrounding natural environment, local economy and livelihood of villagers (Pirzad and Moghaddam 2023 ). This offers villagers free will to build the type and design of house they desire.

Figure 5 represents the spatial location and geographical extent of Mbhashe Local Municipality in the Amathole District Municipality, with reference to the Eastern Cape Province and South Africa, respectively. The points of interest indicated in the map are examples of homesteads and places across the municipality where:

contemporary rondavels at the Village Lodge in the Dutywa urban region,

rondavel clusters in the homestead of Nqadu great place (Komkhulu ) in rural Willowvale,

Emanzothweni , a multitype dwelling homestead in Bende location, rural Dutywa (Photo: Lilitha Breakfast), and

Kwa-Nonyameko, a multitype dwelling homestead in the Mbhangcolo administration area in rural Willowvale (Photo: Luyanda Ndude).

figure 5

A map representing a study area—Mbhashe Local Municipality.


Ethical clearance was received from Rhodes University. Purposive sampling was used to select a sample population, which included participants of amaXhosa descent with a rondavel structure in their homesteads and residing within the Mbhashe Local Municipality. Ten participants, aged 24–48 years old, were interviewed; they are referred to as Participants 1 to 10 (P01–P10).

Data was collected using participatory mapping and semi-structured interviews consisting of open-ended questions. The interview schedule was developed with a purpose of obtaining an in-depth understanding of the utilisation of rondavels and changes that occurred over time because of the new architectural style. The interviews were conducted face-to-face at the participants’ residences. The participants were also given a rondavel diagram to illustrate the spatial ordering of how the rondavel family house was utilised in the Mbhashe Local Municipality. The results are presented in Fig. 6 .

figure 6

Spatial ordering of how the amaXhosa family house rondavel was utilized in the Mbhashe Municipality.

The information from the participants' drawings were then used to create Fig. 6 diagram, which was constructed using ArcMap 10.7.1 software for visualisation of the activities undertaken in the family house. The circle represents a typical rondavel floorplan with a diameter of 6 m (3 m radius). The diameter of the rondavel intersects the doorway and therefore dictates the gendered sides. The points in the diagram do not represent actual geometric values, instead they are ordinal representations of circular living in the AmaXhosa family house. Data was analysed and presented using thematic analysis. The concept of habitus guided the development of the themes presented. The first theme related to the amaXhosa habitus and the utilisation of traditional rondavels in the Mbhashe Local Municipality and the second was the amaXhosa habitus and the changing rondavel design in the Mbhashe Local Municipality

In both themes, specialised quotations to highlight some pertinent statements and demonstrate how the participants make sense of the rondavels and their utilisation, using their exact words.

amaXhosa habitus and the utilisation of traditional rondavel in the Mbhashe municipality

The section of findings only focus on the traditional family house rondavel before the introduction of the contemporary architecture. Adapted from McAllister ( 2004 ), the participants were given a circle to explain the use of each space and its purpose. They also revealed some uses that were not presented in earlier sections. First, the spatial division of the family house based on gender was discussed, followed by how the Mbhashe people utilised the family house. Figure 6 illustrates the spatial division between men (right) and women (left) inside the family house. Women married into the family ( makoti ) are forbidden to access the men’s side. The mud bench, known as soze , is built on the men’s side by the door for seating.

Women sit on the floor on handcrafted mats woven from reeds or grass known as ikhukho . Behind the door on the women’s side is a place for childbirth. The participants also alluded to the statement made by Kobo ( 2016 ) that during the birthing process, children and men are prohibited from using the space. They revealed that there was no cultural significance in giving birth at home. Instead, the inaccessibility of health facilities necessitated home births. Booysen ( 2003 ) argues that, in South African rural areas, women give birth at home because health facilities are located remotely to the homesteads and they do not have the means to access them.

Regarding funeral rites, the deceased’s coffin will arrive at the homestead the day before the funeral and a night vigil – a ceremony to honour the deceased—will be held in the family house. The coffin is usually placed on the women’s side and senior women will gather to sleep next to the coffin until the funeral. An elderly family member will burn impepho (incense) and request the ancestors to welcome the deceased. It is believed that if this ritual is not performed, the deceased will not rest in peace.

In households that use the family house for sleeping, designated spaces will be allocated for men and women. A handcrafted mat is used as a base for the foam mattress on both sides. The seating arrangement in the family house is based on seniority, with younger members of the household placed toward the upper layer, as noted by McAllister ( 2004 ). The participants further explained that seniority was not based on age: married women were regarded as senior and women who were not related by blood or matrimony would occupy the upper end of the women’s side. Men’s seating arrangements depend on when one was initiated, with the youngest (the last to go to the bush) towards the upper layer.

McAllister ( 2004 ) and Reeve ( 2011 ) reveal that an appointed person will commune with the ancestors, and store meat and beer in the upper part of the rondavel if there is a ritual. Their findings concur with how the Mbhashe people utilise the space, further indicating that the upper layer is divided into A and B, as shown in Fig. 6 . On the right (men’s side) is where slaughtered meat and beer is stored. It is the responsibility of the men to serve both the meat and beer; hence, it is located on their side. Section B in Fig. 6 is a space in the uppermost end of the rondavel on the women’s side. It contains domestic essentials such as a table and cupboard, crockery, and cutlery and ilitye lokuguba , which is a flat rock which is used to grind food.

In the centre of the family house is a hearth. Kobo ( 2016 ) argues that this is where women are taught to prepare food. The findings of this study also reveal that men also use the space to roast corn. So, there are no gender-based restrictions on the use of this space. The centre also has a pole called intsika , which supports the roof structure. The door is positioned in the lower part of the family house. Section C, illustrated in Fig. 6 , is where the spear ( umkhonto) is kept by sticking it on the roof above the doorway on the men’s side. The spear is used for the slaughter of traditional animals if there is a ritual or ceremony. The spear is believed to obstruct lightning during a storm and is placed in the doorway.

The participants also utilised the rondavel for interacting with each other and the ancestors. Interaction takes place through song and dance during ceremonies. People also interact through spoken word to communicate with or appease ancestors, to socialize with each other by telling stories of love, horror, fiction, and the past, and to play games. The study’s participants expressed clearly how the family house is used which they learned from growing up in rural areas and passed from generation to generation. They have the duty to continue passing this information to the younger members of the family.

amaXhosa habitus and the changing rondavel design in the Mbhashe local municipality

People in the rural areas of the Mbhashe Local Municipality were inclined to architectural change and desire contemporary architecture and luxury, including those who did not currently own it. The contemporary rondavel design was considered progressive, cognisant of the times and, for that matter, the contemporary way of life to which there was a strong inclination to conform: “I too [wish to have a modern house] because these are the houses that are built nowadays, and they make the home beautiful” (P 01).

Notwithstanding, there was a strong consensus to preserve conventional ways of using space and adapt to the contemporary design, including the structure and shape (multi-room), the material used (no longer a thatched roof or mud walls), or hard surfaces (tiles/concrete). The respondents preferred contemporary structures because of their aesthetic and convenience: “…contemporary houses have better aesthetical value, spacious and are functional (e.g., energy consumption, natural lighting)” ( P 09).

Other uses were not adopted in the contemporary house design such as utilising the family house for childbirth because modern women mostly give birth in hospitals and clinics. Statistics South Africa ( 2020 ) revealed that the number of home deliveries has decreased from 14% in 1998 to 4% in 2016 while health facility deliveries have increased from 83.4% in 1998 to 96.7% in 2016 (Statistics South Africa 2020 ). Both 1998 and 2016 home deliveries statistics are indicative of the national level (Statistics South Africa 2020 ).

Placing the deceased’s coffin in the upper part of the family house (section B in Fig. 6 ) was adopted in contemporary rondavel utilisation until the Covid-19 pandemic when people became sceptical of disease transmission. Before the pandemic, the deceased’s body would arrive at home a day before burial, and people would gather for a final ceremony the night before the funeral (night vigil) inside the family house to honour the deceased (Bambalele 2020 ). A South African Covid-19 restriction prohibited corpses being sent home prior to the funeral and the hosting of night vigils (Bambalele 2020 ). This practice has continued since Covid-19 restrictions were relaxed, while others have stopped. However, once the deceased’s coffin arrives on the funeral day, it is taken to the upper part of the family house and a ritual will still be performed where incense is burnt and a request is made to the ancestors to welcome the deceased. Therefore, the cultural significance of the whole process does not rest with the placement of the deceased’s body a day before the funeral but the performance of the ritual.

The presence of mud benches on the men’s side no longer exists. Although the traditional rondavel structure is diminishing in the physical environment, modernisation has certainly swayed people’s sense of feeling, thinking, acting and their use of space. Admittedly, modernisation has not entirely appropriated the Xhosa people’s habitus. Some people were uninterested in adapting to some elements of the contemporary rondavel and house design: “A traditional rondavel must be present in a home. You can make fire, but it is difficult to do that on floor tiles. Still, you perform customs in traditional rondavel” (P 03).

These people continue to use traditional rondavels for the above purposes while also adapting the contemporary rondavel or house design for other uses such as sleeping, unless there is a ceremony when there is no space: “ People do not want to sleep on the floor in the rondavel, and there is no privacy and tile, or cemented floor is cold” (P 04).

While other participants preferred to continue performing traditional ceremonies and communicating with ancestors in the traditional rondavel structure, there were respondents who were open to communicating with ancestors and interacting with the living, and divide space based on gender in the contemporary rondavel – as indicated in Fig. 6 . The cultural strongholds continued to be practiced regardless of the house structure. Therefore, in the absence of a traditional rondavel structure in a homestead, any other house design such as butterfly or flat-roof corner houses can be used for traditional ceremonies: “any house structure can be used as a rondavel; it does not change the culture. It is the same” (P01).

Regarding food preparation, serving and storage, some people used the contemporary rondavel with slight changes for cooking. For example, food is prepared in the family house’s upper part (B section in Fig. 6 ) using a gas or electric stove instead of a hearth at the centre. Others will prepare food and store it in the kitchen of the main house, but people will be served in the contemporary rondavel.

This paper used the concept of habitus to understand whether the changing design and structure of rondavels has influenced its utilisation. Habitus refers to the norms, values, habits, dispositions and behaviours of a particular group, which can then guide how they feel, think, act, and use the space. Habitus can be a product of past experiences and practices learned from parents, family experiences, and society (Hong and Zhao 2015 ). It is created and reproduced by structures and practices of society; it is not fixed and changes over time due to particular circumstances (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). The study discussed the amaXhosa people’s habitus on the utilisation of the traditional family house rondavel and how it has been influenced by the introduction of contemporary architectural designs. It is noted that architectural change brought by society does not change cultural norms, values, habits, dispositions and behaviours attached to rondavels but results in finding ways to accommodate and preserve its utilisation in new architectural developments and selectively choosing ideas to be transmitted to the contemporary house design. The cultural norms, values, habits, dispositions, and behaviours attached to rondavels have also been influenced by advancements in health and medical innovation, as well as Covid-19.

The findings revealed the habitus of the amaXhosa people at the Mbhashe Local Municipality. The utilisation of the traditional family house rondavel includes childbirth, placement of the deceased’s coffin, sleeping, seating, food preparation, serving and storage, keeping the spear, hosting ceremonies, communicating with ancestors, and interacting with the living. The amaXhosa habitus is acquired by growing up in the Xhosa society, being taught by parents, and observing how things are done, which has been passed down from generation to generation. The influence of contemporary architecture brought changes in the construction of rondavel.

Home births are no longer practised because of advancements in health and medicine. The placement of the deceased’s coffin in the upper part of the rondavel a day prior to the funeral has been adopted in the use of a contemporary rondavel; however, it is no longer prevalent because of the Covid-19 restrictions. However, on the day of the funeral, the deceased’s coffin is placed in the upper part of the rondavel for a shorter period and a ritual burning incense and asking the ancestors to welcome the deceased is performed because it is a critical cultural practice.

People also do not opt to sleep on the floor unless there is a ceremony. The preparation of food, its serving and storage differs in that there is no hearth in the new contemporary house; so food is prepared in the main house or the upper part of the rondavel. The gendered division of space, hosting ceremonies, communicating and interacting with ancestors has been adopted in contemporary houses too. However, some still prefer to host ceremonies and communicate with the ancestors in traditional rondavels instead.

People have not resisted new architectural designs or changing cultural norms, values, habits, dispositions and behaviours but have found ways to adapt. Certain old dispositions are adaptable to contemporary structures. Also, a study conducted by Moremoholo ( 2021 ) reveals that some indigenous values such as practising ancestral ceremonies can be incorporated or retained in modern house structure. However, some people are not interested in adapting elements to the contemporary rondavel. They would rather have two structures – the current rondavel design and a traditional rondavel to be utilised for uses that cannot be adapted to the contemporary rondavel. The presence of traditional rondavel in modern times is also witnessed even in Nigeria (Onyejegbu et al. 2023 ).

Some cultural norms, values, old habits, dispositions, and behaviours of utilising traditional rondavels were not adapted to the contemporary rondavel because of health and medical innovations such as childbirth and placing the deceased’s coffin in the rondavel. Clearly, some amaXhosa cultural practices are modified but not completely forgotten.

Future studies can focus on profiling architectural designs found in the Mbhashe Local Municipality and investigate their origins and influencing factors. Others could also focus on rondavels utilised by traditional healers to understand how they have been impacted by architectural changes to space utilisation. It will be also interesting to understand why people still opt for traditional rondavels despite the existence of beautiful modern buildings.

Data availability

All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article and additional information is available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

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Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa

Africa Ndude & Sinenhlanhla Memela

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The research involves human participants, so Rhodes University has given ethical clearance to this research project. You can request to see the clearance certificate by contacting the Ethics Coordinator ([email protected]). All procedures performed involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the Rhodes University Ethical Standards Committee, reference number 2023-7347-7994.

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Informed consent was obtained from all individuals who participated in the study. Participants had to sign an informed consent declaration form, which provided information about the nature and purpose of the study, the benefits and risks, and how data is collected, managed, analysed, presented, and stored. The study uses the concept of habitus to understand whether the changing design of traditional rondavels has influenced their utilisation, based on a case study of the Mbhashe Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa. Participating in this research project contributes to the sustainability and preservation of memory. Participants answered questions from the interview schedule. Participation was entirely voluntary, and they were made aware that they could withdraw at any stage without any negative consequences and would not be compensated for participating. Participants were also notified that some use of space might trigger bad experiences and be sensitive or hurtful; should they feel triggered, they can withdraw or not talk about such experiences. Confidentiality and anonymity of records were maintained when presenting the results. The data collected is stored securely, and only used for publication of this journal, if any data collected is to be used by the Researcher for any further study, the participants will be informed in writing. Participants have a right to receive feedback about this research unless they elect not to receive this feedback.

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Ndude, A., Memela, S. Utilisation of rondavel space by amaXhosa people: a case of Mbhashe local municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 11 , 1122 (2024).

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Received : 13 February 2024

Accepted : 21 August 2024

Published : 01 September 2024


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