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13 Ways to Quickly Improve Your Academic Essay Writing Skills


Written by  Scribendi

Anyone can learn to produce an academic essay if they begin with a few basic essay-writing rules. 

An academic essay must be based upon a solid but debatable thesis, supported by relevant and credible evidence, and closed with a succinct and thorough conclusion.

By adhering to the best way to write an essay, you can create valuable, persuasive papers even when you're under a time crunch!

What Makes a Good Essay?

As previously noted, the foundation of any good academic essay is its thesis statement. 

Do not confuse your thesis with your opening sentence. There are many good ways to start an essay , but few essays immediately present their main ideas.

After you draft your thesis, you can begin to develop your essay around it. This development will include the main supporting points of your essay, which will scaffold its main body. 

Essays also typically include a relevant and compelling introduction and conclusion.

Learn How to Write a Great Thesis Statement .

Good Ways to Start an Essay

Understanding How to Write a Good Essay

When writing an academic essay, you must take a number of qualities and characteristics into careful consideration. Focus, development, unity, coherence, and correctness all play critical roles when it comes to distinguishing an exceptional essay from one that is less than perfect.

The following essay-writing tips can help writers organize, format, and support their essays in ways that fit their intended purpose and optimize their overall persuasiveness. Here are 13 essay tips for developing and writing your next academic paper.

1. Know What You Are Going to Write About Before You Start Writing

While untrained writers might just sit down and start typing, educated and experienced writers know that there are many steps to writing an essay.

In short, you should know what you want to say before you type a single word. The easiest way to narrow down a thesis and create a proper argument is to make a basic outline before you begin composing your essay.

Your outline should consist of rough notes that sketch out your introduction (including your thesis), the body of your essay (which should include separate paragraphs that present your main supporting points with plenty of evidence and examples), and your conclusion (which ties everything together and connects the argument back to your thesis).

2. Acquire a Solid Understanding of Basic Grammar, Punctuation, and Style

Before getting into more refined essay-writing techniques, you must have a solid grasp of grammar, punctuation, and style. Without these writing fundamentals, it will be difficult to communicate your ideas effectively and ensure that they are taken seriously.

Grammar basics include subject and verb agreement, correct article and pronoun use, and well-formed sentence structures. Make sure you know the proper uses for the most common forms of punctuation. Be mindful of your comma usage and know when a period is needed.

Finally, voice is tremendously important in academic essay writing. Employ language that is as concise as possible. Avoid transition words that don't add anything to the sentence and unnecessary wordiness that detracts from your argument.

Furthermore, use the active voice instead of the passive whenever possible (e.g., "this study found" instead of "it was found by this study"). This will make your essay's tone clear and direct.

3. Use the Right Vocabulary and Know What the Words You Are Using Actually Mean

How you use language is important, especially in academic essay writing. When writing an academic essay, remember that you are persuading others that you are an expert who argues intelligently about your topic.

Using big words just to sound smart often results in the opposite effect—it is easy to detect when someone is overcompensating in their writing.

If you aren't sure of the exact meaning of a word, you risk using it incorrectly. There's no shame in checking, and it might save you from an embarrassing word misuse later!

Using obscure language can also detract from the clarity of your argument—you should consider this before pulling out a thesaurus to change a perfectly appropriate word to something completely different.

4. Understand the Argument and Critically Analyze the Evidence

While writing a good essay, your main argument should always be at the front of your mind. While it's tempting to go off on a tangent about an interesting side note, doing so makes your writing less concise.

Always question the evidence you include in your essay; ask yourself, "Does this directly support my thesis?" If the answer is "no," then that evidence should probably be excluded. 

When you are evaluating evidence, be critical and thorough. You want to use the strongest research to back up your thesis. It is not enough to simply present evidence in support of an argument. A good writer must also explain why the evidence is relevant and supportive.

Everything you include should clearly connect to your topic and argument.   

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5. Know How to Write a Conclusion That Supports Your Research

One of the most overlooked steps to writing an essay is the conclusion. Your conclusion ties all your research together and proves your thesis. It should not be a restatement of your introduction or a copy-and-paste of your thesis.

A strong conclusion briefly outlines the key evidence discussed in the body of an essay and directly ties it to the thesis to show how the evidence proves or disproves the main argument of your research.

Countless great essays have been written only to be derailed by vague, weakly worded conclusions. Don't let your next essay become one of those.     

6. Build a Solid Thesis to Support Your Arguments

A thesis is the main pillar of an essay. By selecting a specific thesis, you'll be able to develop arguments to support your central opinion. Consider writing about a unique experience or your own particular view of a topic .

Your thesis should be clear and logical, but it should also be debatable. Otherwise, it might be difficult to support it with compelling arguments.

7. Develop an Interesting Opening Paragraph to Hook In Readers from the Get-Go

No matter how you begin your essay, you must strive to capture the reader's interest immediately. If your opening paragraph doesn't catch the eye and engage the brain, any attempt at persuasion may end before the essay even starts. 

The beginning of your essay is crucial for setting the stage for your thesis.

8. Always Remember to Edit and Proofread Your Essay

Any decent writer will tell you that writing is really rewriting. A good academic essay will inevitably go through multiple drafts as it slowly takes shape. When you arrive at a final draft, you must make sure that it is as close to perfect as possible.

This means subjecting your essay to close and comprehensive editing and proofreading processes. In other words, you must read your paper as many times as necessary to eliminate all grammar/punctuation mistakes and typos.

It is helpful to have a third party review your work. Consider consulting a peer or professional editing service. Keep in mind that professional editors are able to help you identify underdeveloped arguments and unnecessarily wordy language, and provide other feedback.

Get Critical Feedback on Your Writing

Hire an expert academic editor , or get a free sample, 9. when developing your essay's main body, build strong and relevant arguments.

Every sentence in the main body of your paper should explain and support your thesis. When deciding how much evidence to include in an academic essay, a good guideline is to include at least three main supporting arguments.

Those main supporting arguments, in turn, require support in the form of relevant facts, figures, examples, analogies, and observations. 

You will need to engage in appropriate research to accomplish this. To organize your research efforts, you may want to develop a list of good research questions . 

10. Choose the Format of Your Essay before Writing It

The final shape that your essay takes depends a great deal on what kind of format you use. Popular college essay format types include the Modern Language Association of America ( MLA ), American Psychological Association ( APA ), and Chicago Manual of Style ( Chicago style).

These formats govern everything from capitalization rules to source citation. Often, professors dictate a specific format for your essay. If they do not, you should choose the format that best suits your field.

11. Create Clear Transitions between Your Ideas

Although unnecessary transition words are the enemy of clarity and concision, they can be invaluable tools when it comes to separating and connecting the different sections of your essay. 

Not only do they help you express your ideas but they also bring a cohesive structure to your sentences and a pleasant flow to your writing. Just be sure that you are using the right transition words for the right purpose and to the proper effect.

12. Always Include an Organized Reference Page at the End of Your Essay

As a key component of MLA, APA, and Chicago Style formatting, the reference or Works Cited page is an essential part of any academic essay.

Regardless of the format used, the reference page must be well organized and easy to read so that your audience can see exactly where your outside information came from. 

To produce a properly formatted reference page, you may have to familiarize yourself with specialized phrases and abbreviations, such as " et al ." 


13. Use Inclusive Language

Incorporating inclusive language in your academic writing ensures that your work is respectful and accessible to all readers. Use gender-neutral pronouns like "they/them" and replace gender-specific terms with inclusive alternatives, such as "firefighter" instead of "fireman." 

You can also respect cultural diversity by avoiding stereotypes and generalizations, specifying details like "Japanese, Thai, and Indian cuisine" rather than "Asian cuisine." Engaging with diverse audiences for feedback and staying updated on inclusive language practices will help you continuously improve your writing.

How to Write a Good Hook for an Essay

The key to a good hook is to introduce an unexplored or absorbing line of inquiry in your introduction that addresses the main point of your thesis. 

By carefully choosing your language and slowly revealing details, you can build reader anticipation for what follows. 

Much like an actual worm-baited fishing hook, a successful hook will lure and capture readers, allowing the writer to "reel them in."

How to Get Better at Writing Essays

You can get better at writing essays the same way that you improve at anything else: practice, practice, practice! However, there are a few ways that you can improve your writing quickly so you can turn in a quality academic essay on time.

In addition to following the 13 essay tips and guidelines above, you can familiarize yourself with a few common practices and structures for essay development. 

Great writing techniques for essays include brainstorming and tree diagrams, especially when coming up with a topic for your thesis statement. Becoming familiar with different structures for organizing your essay (order of importance, chronological, etc.) is also extremely helpful.

How to Write a Good Introduction for an Essay

To learn how to write a good essay, you must also learn how to write a good introduction. 

Most effective essay introductions begin with relatively broad and general subject matter and then gradually narrow in focus and scope until they arrive at something extremely specific: the thesis. This is why writers tend to place their thesis statements at the very end of their introductory paragraph(s).

Because they are generally broad and often relate only tangentially to an essay's main point, there is virtually no limit on what the beginning of a good introduction can look like. However, writers still tend to rely on somewhat cliché opening sentences, such as quotations and rhetorical questions.

How to Write a Good Conclusion for an Essay

Briefly put, a good conclusion does two things. It wraps up any loose ends and drives home the main point of your essay. 

To learn how to write a good conclusion, you will want to ensure that no unanswered questions remain in the reader's mind. A good conclusion will restate the thesis and reinforce the essay's main supporting points.

Take Your Essay from Good to Great

About the author.

Scribendi Editing and Proofreading

Scribendi's in-house editors work with writers from all over the globe to perfect their writing. They know that no piece of writing is complete without a professional edit, and they love to see a good piece of writing turn into a great one after the editing process. Scribendi's in-house editors are unrivaled in both experience and education, having collectively edited millions of words and obtained nearly 20 degrees collectively. They love consuming caffeinated beverages, reading books of various genres, and relaxing in quiet, dimly lit spaces.

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Typical essay structure, 7 steps to writing a good essay, a step-by-step guide to writing a good essay.

Whether you are gearing up for your GCSE coursework submissions or looking to brush up on your A-level writing skills, we have the perfect essay-writing guide for you. 💯

Staring at a blank page before writing an essay can feel a little daunting . Where do you start? What should your introduction say? And how should you structure your arguments? They are all fair questions and we have the answers! Take the stress out of essay writing with this step-by-step guide – you’ll be typing away in no time. 👩‍💻


What is an essay?

Generally speaking, an essay designates a literary work in which the author defends a point of view or a personal conviction, using logical arguments and literary devices in order to inform and convince the reader.

So – although essays can be broadly split into four categories: argumentative, expository, narrative, and descriptive – an essay can simply be described as a focused piece of writing designed to inform or persuade. 🤔

The purpose of an essay is to present a coherent argument in response to a stimulus or question and to persuade the reader that your position is credible, believable and reasonable. 👌

So, a ‘good’ essay relies on a confident writing style – it’s clear, well-substantiated, focussed, explanatory and descriptive . The structure follows a logical progression and above all, the body of the essay clearly correlates to the tile – answering the question where one has been posed. 

But, how do you go about making sure that you tick all these boxes and keep within a specified word count? Read on for the answer as well as an example essay structure to follow and a handy step-by-step guide to writing the perfect essay – hooray. 🙌

Sometimes, it is helpful to think about your essay like it is a well-balanced argument or a speech – it needs to have a logical structure, with all your points coming together to answer the question in a coherent manner. ⚖️

Of course, essays can vary significantly in length but besides that, they all follow a fairly strict pattern or structure made up of three sections. Lean into this predictability because it will keep you on track and help you make your point clearly. Let’s take a look at the typical essay structure:  

#1 Introduction

Start your introduction with the central claim of your essay. Let the reader know exactly what you intend to say with this essay. Communicate what you’re going to argue, and in what order. The final part of your introduction should also say what conclusions you’re going to draw – it sounds counter-intuitive but it’s not – more on that below. 1️⃣

Make your point, evidence it and explain it. This part of the essay – generally made up of three or more paragraphs depending on the length of your essay – is where you present your argument. The first sentence of each paragraph – much like an introduction to an essay – should summarise what your paragraph intends to explain in more detail. 2️⃣

#3 Conclusion

This is where you affirm your argument – remind the reader what you just proved in your essay and how you did it. This section will sound quite similar to your introduction but – having written the essay – you’ll be summarising rather than setting out your stall. 3️⃣

No essay is the same but your approach to writing them can be. As well as some best practice tips, we have gathered our favourite advice from expert essay-writers and compiled the following 7-step guide to writing a good essay every time. 👍

#1 Make sure you understand the question

#2 complete background reading.

#3 Make a detailed plan 

#4 Write your opening sentences 

#5 flesh out your essay in a rough draft, #6 evidence your opinion, #7 final proofread and edit.

Now that you have familiarised yourself with the 7 steps standing between you and the perfect essay, let’s take a closer look at each of those stages so that you can get on with crafting your written arguments with confidence . 

This is the most crucial stage in essay writing – r ead the essay prompt carefully and understand the question. Highlight the keywords – like ‘compare,’ ‘contrast’ ‘discuss,’ ‘explain’ or ‘evaluate’ – and let it sink in before your mind starts racing . There is nothing worse than writing 500 words before realising you have entirely missed the brief . 🧐

Unless you are writing under exam conditions , you will most likely have been working towards this essay for some time, by doing thorough background reading. Re-read relevant chapters and sections, highlight pertinent material and maybe even stray outside the designated reading list, this shows genuine interest and extended knowledge. 📚

#3 Make a detailed plan

Following the handy structure we shared with you above, now is the time to create the ‘skeleton structure’ or essay plan. Working from your essay title, plot out what you want your paragraphs to cover and how that information is going to flow. You don’t need to start writing any full sentences yet but it might be useful to think about the various quotes you plan to use to substantiate each section. 📝

Having mapped out the overall trajectory of your essay, you can start to drill down into the detail. First, write the opening sentence for each of the paragraphs in the body section of your essay. Remember – each paragraph is like a mini-essay – the opening sentence should summarise what the paragraph will then go on to explain in more detail. 🖊️

Next, it's time to write the bulk of your words and flesh out your arguments. Follow the ‘point, evidence, explain’ method. The opening sentences – already written – should introduce your ‘points’, so now you need to ‘evidence’ them with corroborating research and ‘explain’ how the evidence you’ve presented proves the point you’re trying to make. ✍️

With a rough draft in front of you, you can take a moment to read what you have written so far. Are there any sections that require further substantiation? Have you managed to include the most relevant material you originally highlighted in your background reading? Now is the time to make sure you have evidenced all your opinions and claims with the strongest quotes, citations and material. 📗

This is your final chance to re-read your essay and go over it with a fine-toothed comb before pressing ‘submit’. We highly recommend leaving a day or two between finishing your essay and the final proofread if possible – you’ll be amazed at the difference this makes, allowing you to return with a fresh pair of eyes and a more discerning judgment. 🤓

If you are looking for advice and support with your own essay-writing adventures, why not t ry a free trial lesson with GoStudent? Our tutors are experts at boosting academic success and having fun along the way. Get in touch and see how it can work for you today. 🎒


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How to Write a GCSE English Literature Essay

I was an English teacher for many years, both at GCSE and A Level , and I found that students did best when they knew exactly what examiners wanted (and crucially, didn’t want) to see in any English essay. This guide will give you some of my top tips for success when it comes to achieving the top grade in any GCSE English Literature paper.

Nick Redgrove

English Senior Content Creator

5 months ago

  • 1 . What do examiners want to see in any English essay at GCSE? 
  • 2 . How long should a GCSE English Literature essay be?
  • 3 . Planning the GCSE English Literature essay
  • 4 . How do you structure an English Literature essay?
  • 5 . How do you write a GCSE English Literature essay conclusion?
  • 6 . GCSE English Literature essay examples

Whichever exam board you are studying as part of your GCSE English Literature (AQA, Edexcel, OCR, Eduqas or WJEC), or if you’re studying for an IGCSE (Edexcel or CIE), you will be required to write a long essay on at least one type of text. These texts could include a Shakespeare play, a 19th-century novel, a modern text, or poetry, either from an anthology or unseen. Because some of these essay questions can be worth up to 40 marks (and therefore a huge chunk of your overall GCSE mark), it is vital that you have a good grounding in essay writing to get the top marks in your English Literature exam. 

What do examiners want to see in any English essay at GCSE? 

My experience also working as an examiner means that I have first-hand knowledge of the conversations that exam boards have with their individual examiners. The first thing to say is that examiners always want to give students credit: GCSE exams are “positively” marked, which means that they don’t deduct marks for mistakes. Instead, they start from the top of the mark scheme and fit students into a level, working down until they find a “best fit” between the student and a level.

So what? I hear you cry. Well, this means that if you - as a student - understand the English Literature mark scheme, and the assessment objectives, then you know exactly what you have to do to succeed. I always talked to my students about “thinking like an examiner”. The best way to do this is to look at the mark scheme on your exam board’s website. Even better, here at SME we have created student-friendly mark schemes, where we have “translated” them into everyday language. Here’s one for the Shakespeare essay question for AQA Paper 1.

How long should a GCSE English Literature essay be?

This is a great question, and one my students always asked me! The simple answer is: not as long as you might think. A “good essay” is certainly not the same as a long essay. In fact, I drummed into my students a favourite phrase of mine: “write less, plan more”. Much like the writing questions in the GCSE English Language paper, it is a much better idea to write a shorter, well-planned essay than including everything you can possibly remember about the character or theme that has come up in the exam question. In fact, when I was an examiner, I was often instructed to mark an essay down a level if it was too long, because inevitably these hyper-long pieces of writing lost focus and became unstructured. A shorter essay, focused throughout on the exam question, will always do better than a 10-page mega-essay that includes as many points as a student can remember in the timeframe. I have seen a whole essay that is only four sides of A4 achieve full marks. As a result, it can be a good idea to spend at least 20-30% of your allocated time on planning your answer.

Planning the GCSE English Literature essay

As already mentioned, planning can be the key to unlocking the very highest marks at GCSE. At SME, we have detailed, step by step guides on how to plan essays for Shakespeare , and also for the AQA GCSE English Literature 19-century novel (including A Christmas Carol ) and modern text (including An Inspector Calls ). However, before you start writing your essay, some great tips include:

Make sure you understand the exam question. Underline the key words of the question

Annotate the exam paper (this is especially great if you are answering an essay question that also includes an extract)

Establish your own argument, or viewpoint, based on the key words of the question

Write down your overarching argument (this is often called a “thesis statement”) at the top of your page

Select evidence that backs up your thesis statement (if you have been given an extract, try to select evidence from elsewhere in the text as well)

Based on your selected evidence, organise your argument into two or three main points (these will form your paragraphs)

How do you structure an English Literature essay?

A lot of schools and colleges teach students very specific paragraph structures, such as PEE, or PETAL. Although this can be a great way to learn how to write essay paragraphs, for the very highest marks at GCSE these rigid structures can be limiting. Exam boards say that they would prefer students to move away from PEE-style structures, because this allows students the space to be more “exploratory” and “conceptualised”: both of these words really mean that they want a lot more of that second “E” in PEE: explanation. 

Overall, I always asked my students to follow this broad structure for any essay:

Introduction: for the very highest marks, this must include a thesis statement, or a summary of your overall argument

Paragraph 1: This would include a topic sentence, which sets out the main point of the paragraph, and then uses various pieces of evidence to back up the argument made in the topic sentence

Paragraph 2: This would include a topic sentence, which sets out the main point of the paragraph, and then uses various pieces of evidence to back up the argument made in the topic sentence

Paragraph 3: This would include a topic sentence, which sets out the main point of the paragraph, and then uses various pieces of evidence to back up the argument made in the topic sentence. Depending on the exam board, and question, this could include a counter-argument

Conclusion: This would make the case that the argument, as set out in the introduction, has been proved

How do you write a GCSE English Literature essay conclusion?

Conclusions are tricky. Lots of English teachers have slightly different opinions on how to write conclusions for a GCSE English Literature essay. Some teachers might even say that it is not necessary to write a conclusion, but here at SME we always think it’s a great idea. This is because it really helps create what examiners call a “coherent response”: an argument that is focused all the way through, right to the end. Here are my top tips for writing a conclusion for a GCSE English Literature essay:

A conclusion should only summarise the proof you have provided for your argument

It only needs to be two or three sentences long

It should include the words of the question and your thesis statement

Remember, you do not get rewarded for including the same information twice, so try to be brief when summarising the points you made in the main body of your essay

GCSE English Literature essay examples

At SME, we have lots of annotated model answers for GCSE English Literature questions, including one for Macbeth , and another for A Christmas Carol.

Here is an excerpt from our model answer on whether Lady Macbeth is a character who changes throughout the play:

Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth as a female character who changes dramatically over the course of the play: she changes from a ruthless, remorseless woman who is able to manipulate her husband, to one that is side-lined by Macbeth and, ultimately, totally consumed by guilt. Shakespeare is perhaps suggesting that unchecked ambition and hubris, particularly for women, have fatal consequences.

Here’s an excerpt from our model answer for A Christmas Carol on how Dickens presents the suffering of the poor:

In this extract, Dickens uses the two characters, Ignorance and Want, as an allegory, as they are symbolic of society’s cruelty towards the suffering of the poor. Dickens uses these two characters to expose the consequences of society’s greed and avarice. The children are first depicted as emerging from the spirit’s robe which underscores Dickens’s message of how poverty, and its devastating consequences, remain largely shrouded, unseen and ignored by society. Furthermore, Dickens’s imagery depicts the children as emaciated and wretched which induces both horror and pity in the reader.

For lots more model answers, tips and step by step guides, please do visit the GCSE English Literature pages of SME. 

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Written by Nick Redgrove

Nick is a graduate of the University of Cambridge and King’s College London. He started his career in journalism and publishing, working as an editor on a political magazine and a number of books, before training as an English teacher. After nearly 10 years working in London schools, where he held leadership positions in English departments and within a Sixth Form, he moved on to become an examiner and education consultant. With more than a decade of experience as a tutor, Nick specialises in English, but has also taught Politics, Classical Civilisation and Religious Studies.

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How to Write Top-Graded Essays in English

How to Write Top-Graded Essays in English

  • 5-minute read
  • 7th December 2022

Writing English papers and essays can be challenging at first, but with the right tools, knowledge, and resources, you can improve your writing skills. In this article, you’ll get some tips and tricks on how to write a top-graded essay in English.

Have you heard the saying “practice makes perfect”? Well, it’s wrong. Practice does make improvement, though. Whether you’re taking an English composition class, studying for the IELTS or TOEFL , or preparing to study abroad, you can always find new ways to practice writing in English.

If you practice on a daily basis, you’ll be exercising the skills you know while challenging yourself to learn even more. There are many ways you can practice writing in English daily:

  • Keep a daily journal.
  • Write practice essays.
  • Do creative writing exercises .

Read in English

The best way to improve your writing is to read English books, news articles, essays, and other media. By reading the writing of other authors (whether they’re native or non-native speakers), you’re exposing yourself to different writing styles and learning new vocabulary. Be sure to take notes when you’re reading so you can write down things you don’t know (e.g., new words or phrases) or sentences or phrases you like.

For example, maybe you need to write a paper related to climate change. By reading news articles or research papers on this topic, you can learn relevant vocabulary and knowledge you can use in your essay.

FluentU has a great article with a list of 20 classic books you can read in English for free.

Immerse Yourself in English

If you don’t live in an English-speaking country, you may be thinking, “How can I immerse myself in English?” There are many ways to overcome this challenge. The following strategies are especially useful if you plan to study or travel abroad:

  • Follow YouTube channels that focus on learning English or that have English speakers.
  • Use social media to follow English-speaking accounts you are interested in.
  • Watch movies and TV shows in English or use English subtitles when watching your favorite shows.
  • Participate in your English club or salon at school to get more practice.
  • Become an English tutor at a local school (teaching others is the best way to learn).

By constantly exposing yourself to English, you will improve your writing and speaking skills.

Visit Your Writing Center

If you’re enrolled at a university, you most likely have a free writing center you can use if you need help with your assignments. If you don’t have a writing center, ask your teacher for help and for information on local resources.

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Use Your Feedback

After you submit an English writing assignment, you should receive feedback from your teacher on how you did. Use this feedback to your advantage. If you haven’t been getting feedback on your writing, ask your teacher to explain what issues they are seeing in your writing and what you could do to improve.

Be Aware of Your Common Writing Mistakes

If you review your feedback on writing assignments, you might notice some recurring mistakes you are making. Make a list of common mistakes you tend to make when writing, and use it when doing future assignments. Some common mistakes include the following:

  • Grammar errors (e.g., not using articles).
  • Incorrect vocabulary (e.g., confusing however and therefore ).
  • Spelling mistakes (e.g., writing form when you mean from ).
  • Missing essay components (e.g., not using a thesis statement in your introduction).
  • Not using examples in your body paragraphs.
  • Not writing an effective conclusion .

This is just a general list of writing mistakes, some of which you may make. But be sure to go through your writing feedback or talk with your teacher to make a list of your most common mistakes.

Use a Prewriting Strategy

So many students sit down to write an essay without a plan. They just start writing whatever comes to their mind. However, to write a top-graded essay in English, you must plan and brainstorm before you begin to write. Here are some strategies you can use during the prewriting stage:

  • Freewriting
  • Concept Mapping

For more detailed information on each of these processes, read “5 Useful Prewriting Strategies.”

Follow the Writing Process

All writers should follow a writing process. However, the writing process can vary depending on what you’re writing. For example, the process for a Ph.D. thesis is going to look different to that of a news article. Regardless, there are some basic steps that all writers should follow:

  • Understanding the assignment, essay question, or writing topic.
  • Planning, outlining, and prewriting.
  • Writing a thesis statement.
  • Writing your essay.
  • Revising and editing.

Writing essays, theses, news articles, or papers in English can be challenging. They take a lot of work, practice, and persistence. However, with these tips, you will be on your way to writing top-graded English essays.

If you need more help with your English writing, the experts at Proofed will proofread your first 500 words for free!

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How to master A Level Geography 20-mark essay questions

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How to master A Level Geography 20-mark essay questions

What should I do before attempting an A Level Geography 20-mark essay question?

Should i plan an a level geography 20-mark essay, how should i structure an a level geography 20-mark essay.

As we run up to exam season, many of you will now be completing your NEAs (non-examined assessment) and exam content, and starting to focus on exam technique. You may be thinking about how you will tackle the dreaded 20-mark essay questions . Essay questions are very much like marmite for students. Some love them as they get the chance to explore key geographic theories and showcase their knowledge and understanding, which may not be possible in lower-stakes questions. However, others may struggle to formulate their geographic ideas or structure them in a way that makes a convincing argument.

In my experience, all A Level geography students must be systematic and structured in the way they write their long-form answers. This approach ensures that students cover all the necessary content while also demonstrating the geographic skills that examiners are assessing.

Examiners use both AO1 and AO2 to evaluate students in essay questions. AO1 requires students to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of places, environments, concepts, processes, interactions and change at various scales. AO2 deals with the application of knowledge and understanding in different contexts to interpret, analyse, and evaluate geographical information and issues. The strongest students can produce answers that balance the two aspects in their responses. If you weigh your answers too far toward knowledge recall and simply state facts, figures, and case study knowledge without doing anything with the knowledge (this is where command words are essential), you will not be able to achieve the highest levels described in the level descriptors.

Before you attempt essay questions, I suggest you take a look at the mark schemes for some past paper questions. It is important to focus on the level descriptors as these are what the examiners will use to assess your answers. Pay attention to the language they use to describe what they are looking for, and when you start your attempts, consider whether your language and writing style match the descriptors. The exam board mark schemes are available on the PMT A Level Geography past papers webpage .

Another place to look before attempting essay questions is the assessed sample answers produced by the exam boards (e.g. AQA Paper 1 Hazards Example Responses ). These are available on the exam board websites and show a range of pupil responses to exam questions. They come with a helpful commentary that explains how the pupils gained marks, highlights the importance of a well-structured response, and provides insight into what examiners are looking for when assessing your answers.

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Where to start – command words

As mentioned above, it is very important for students to be systematic in their approach to answering 20 markers. The first thing students need to understand is the command word . Without knowledge of what the command word means and what it is asking you to do, you will not be able to fully engage with the question. To find out the meaning of different command words , you should visit your exam board’s website and look in the specification.

Essay questions tend to use the command words “to what extent” or “assess” . According to AQA, if the question includes the “to what extent” command word, you should “Consider several options, ideas or arguments and come to a conclusion about their importance/success/worth”. On the other hand, if it is an “assess” question, you should “use evidence to weigh up the options to determine the relative significance of something. Give balanced consideration to all factors and identify which are the most important.”

BUG the question

Command words can help guide you in how to structure your answers and the skills you need to exhibit. During KS3 and KS4, you may have been told to BUG the question, where B stands for box the command work , U for underline key terms , and G for glance back at the question .

I would encourage all A Level students to continue to use this strategy, even for longer essay questions. It will help ensure that you are answering the question you are being asked, rather than the question you wish you were being asked.

Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.

It is crucial for all students to plan their essay writing before they start answering a question. An essay question requires you to write for a sustained period, and if you don’t have a clear plan for what you’re going to write, you may lose focus on your points and arguments and not fully answer the question.

I suggest that all A Level students write a brief plan before attempting the question . This plan should outline the introduction, including key terms to define and any case studies to introduce, the main argument in each of your paragraphs, and finally, the contents of your conclusion. Spending just five minutes on this will save you time in the long run and help keep you on track to answering the question fully.

Teenage boy doing online revision course.

Looking for support with your AS Level Geography revision?

Our two-day Geography AS Level May Half-term Revision Course is designed to get Year 12 students up to speed for their end-of-year assessments. Book now and enjoy a 10% discount with the code GEOGBLOG10 .

A good structure is key to success in essay writing. A clear structure enables you to answer the question coherently and reduces the chance that you will lose the key focus of your points. All of the exam boards recommend following the structure outlined below:


  • Main body of the answer (three to four key arguments)

In academia, this is sometimes known as the hourglass essay . An hourglass essay starts with a big idea, narrows down to a specific question, and then widens back out to explain why that specific question is important in the grand scheme of things.

The introduction of your essay should account for approximately 10% of the total essay length , and it’s an excellent opportunity for you to impress the examiner. Your essay introduction should give a broad view of the essay themes and provide a definition of the key terms that you have underlined in your question. It is also the place to introduce a case study location . A strong start to your essay is crucial as it demonstrates to the examiner that you have a clear understanding of the geographic content you’ve been studying.

Once you have written your introduction, you can then get on to answering the questions. While the introduction mainly covers AO1 (knowledge and understanding of geography), the main body of your answer should cover both AO1 and AO2 (analysis and evaluation in the application of knowledge and understanding).

As before, the way you structure the main body of your answer is very important, and you must form your points clearly and coherently. During my teaching and tutoring, I have seen many ways of forming these arguments/points, but the two most effective methods I have seen are using PEEL or PEACE paragraphs .

  • E xplanation
  • A pplication

Teacher teaching creating writing skills.

Everyone is different, and everyone has their unique writing style. My advice to all A Level students is to try both methods when beginning to tackle essay questions and determine which one works best for you. I would also recommend completing PEEL/PEACE paragraphs and asking for feedback from your teacher or tutor.

The main body of the essay should consist of three to four arguments that cover the views for the specific question. Those who can link back to the question but also between their paragraphs will have the best chance of performing well in their essay questions.

After completing the main body, you now need to finish your essay with a conclusion. Just like the introduction, this should be roughly 10% of the total essay length . The main aim of the conclusion is to bring your essay to a close and essentially answer the question you have been asked. In the conclusion, you should summarise your argument and avoid introducing any new information . It is simply a chance to express your own thoughts and opinions while bringing your essay to a close.

The quality of a conclusion is often a key indicator of the overall quality of an essay. Although it is a short section of the whole piece of writing, it provides a platform to showcase several important geographic skills such as analysis, summarising, and creating synoptic links .

Overall, it is very important that you give yourself enough time to complete your essay questions during your examinations and that you follow the structures discussed above. If you follow these guidelines, you will see an improvement in the quality of your essay responses.

If you’re in Year 13 and in need of additional help, PMT Education runs Geography A Level Easter Crash Courses for AQA and Edexcel . Whether you need support with exam technique or want to revise key sections of the syllabus with the help of an experienced tutor, these courses will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to excel in your summer exams.

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Dave is a qualified teacher with 10 years of experience teaching GCSE and A Level Geography. He has worked as an assistant faculty leader for Humanities and a professional mentor for new and trainee teachers. He has also been involved with the supervision and guidance of NEAs. Dave currently works in higher education and trains geography teachers across the North West of England. He is also a tutor at PMT Education , with experience running highly successful geography courses.

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How do you write a 20-mark history essay at A level?

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Are you an A level history student wanting to succeed? Every student wants to succeed in their studies, with top grades being highly sought after. There’s just no avoiding it: History is not an easy A level. You need to work hard and practice these essays to improve over time. You might not be able to perfect these essays on the first try – but don’t worry. A levels are a learning process and you have two years of college to assess your progress and perform better. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you can learn to get as high a mark as possible. After all, getting certain grades are crucial for university and employment positions!

A brief overview

For history essays, you need to structure them properly to impress your examiner and a half term revision course in May will certainly give you some final tips for your exams. This will show that you are strong at written communication, helping to display your argument most effectively. Students should write an introduction, main body, and conclusion for history essays to get the most marks possible.


Within the first few lines of your introduction, students should state their argument clearly regarding the question. It’s recommended to use words within the set question, using this language to show the examiner you are focused. This will also help set the context of the time period, showing that you have historical knowledge. Present your line of judgement almost straight away to get directly to the point, cutting out any unneeded description. State the factors that you are going to be discussing in the main body of the essay, arguing their importance. Judge why one factor is the most important in your debate with a relevant reason.

A teacher smiling at camera in classroom

The main body

The main body is the biggest part of your essay, usually including around three different paragraphs of three different factors. However, the history exams are notorious for being time-sensitive. Therefore, students often reduce the main body to two factors if they are running out of time. Usually, a point, evidence, explain structure works well in the main paragraphs. Make your point in an argument, back it up with relevant evidence, and explain why this is significant. Higher marking essays will also evaluate these points. Historians should always think about being analytical and critical, so try to think about the wider context too. You’ll also want to return to your argument at the end of each paragraph. This will demonstrate to the examiner that you are focused on the question.

The conclusion

Even though you’ve almost finished your essay, this is not the time to give up! You need to summarise your key factors in the conclusion, rounding up why each is important. You also need to reassert why your judgement is strong, linking back to the question without adding any additional points.

Therefore, there are different components to consider in a 20-mark history A level essay. However, approaching this structure can be less overwhelming if you break each component down. Tackling an essay with good punctuation and grammar, clear language, and a reasonable argument can help you succeed.

If you, or your parents would like to find out more, please just get in touch via email at [email protected] or call us on 0800 689 1272 . 

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Rubric Grids: Essay Marking Made Easy!

Screen Shot 2015-02-25 at 20.55.57

  • Introduction (3 marks available)
  • Conclusion (2 marks available)
  • Topic Sentences (4 marks available)
  • Breadth (3 marks available)
  • Depth (4 marks available)
  • Style (4 marks available)

For each of these, I provide different level descriptors for 1 mark up to the maximum available for that particular essay feature. Then, it’s simply a question of shading off the correct cell in the grid and providing an explanation on the right-hand side.

The benefits of this approach are that I mark the essay much more methodically, but also much more quickly. Rather than  make one overall evaluation right at the end of the essay, I instead make separate, shorter but more focused comments about half a dozen features of the piece. This provides the students with feedback which is directly comparable to their previous essay rubric so they can spot exactly where they have improved, and where they need to focus next.

Marking Rubric for History Essays

If you have similar rubrics for other subject areas that you’d like to share on this blog, feel free to contact me!

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Guide to Marking English Essay Assignments from Your Students

essay writing for 20 marks

Do you have a hard time marking the English essay assignments from your students?

Well, this can be quite a common headache for tutors as language can be a rather subjective language.

What you perceive as interesting and well written might not be the same for other readers.

Moverover, you need to keep in mind the Cambridge marking scheme when it comes to N/O/A Levels.

Having a very different essay marking scheme as compared to Cambridge marking schemes can potentially be hazardous to your student’s grades due to the different marking styles and expectations.

But fret not, in this article, I’ll be breaking down the information you need to know on how to mark English essay assignments.

Read on to find out!

1) PSLE Essay Marking Scheme

I’ll be going through the PSLE marking scheme with you first as PSLE is not marked and graded by Cambridge.

As you should already know, students sitting for PSLE English Essay will be given a topic with 3 pictures that provides different interpretations.

Students will be required to write an essay consisting of at least 150 words .

And the total score of the PSLE essay is 40 marks .

When marking PSLE essay scripts, you should primarily focus on 2 key areas;

– Content (20 marks)

– Language (20 marks)

When you’re marking content, you should be looking out for the relevance of the story and ideas with relation to the given topic.

If the flow of ideas in the story is; 

  • portrayed in a very clear and logical way with relevance to the topic
  • the story is very well developed

The range of marks awarded should be from 18 marks to 20 marks .

If the flow of ideas in the story is;

  • portrayed in a clear and logical way with relevance to the topic
  • the story is well developed

The range of marks awarded should be from 15 marks to 17 marks .

  • portrayed in a rather clear and logical way
  • is appropriate for the topic
  • story being generally developed

The range of marks awarded should be from 11 marks to 14 marks .

  • unclear at some parts of the script
  • only has slight relevance to the topic, 
  • has poor development

The range of marks awarded should be from 6 marks to 10 marks .

  • confusing, 
  • has no logic
  • all over the place
  • is not relevant to the topic
  • with very poor development

The range of marks awarded should be from 1 marks to 5 marks .

essay writing for 20 marks

When you’re marking language, you should be looking out for the grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation.

The flow of the idea, paragraphing, and sequence of events is also something you should look out for.

If there is;

  • little to no grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors
  • wide use of vocabulary
  • excellent paragraphing and sequencing

If there is; 

  • few grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors
  • adequate use of vocabulary
  • good paragraphing and sequencing

The range of marks awarded should be from 14 marks to 16 marks .

  • a number grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors
  • limited use of vocabulary
  • average paragraphing and sequencing

The range of marks awarded should be from 10 marks to 12 marks .

  • quite a number of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors
  • limited and wrong use of vocabulary
  • poor paragraphing and sequencing

The range of marks awarded should be from 6 marks to 8 marks .

  • grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors everywhere
  • language used causes confusion to readers

The range of marks awarded should be from 2 marks to 4 marks .

essay writing for 20 marks

Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation

For students to score for language, they must ensure that there should be little to no grammatical errors.

Followed by little to no spelling errors.

With proper use of punctuations.

If there are numerous grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors, the marks should be deducted accordingly.

When it comes to vocabulary , you’re assessing your students based on how proficient their English language is by looking at their use of words.

Note that you shouldn’t just award higher marks just because there is a wide use of fancy words, make sure the words are used in appropriate context before awarding the marks.

Paragraphing and Sequencing

For this section, you should be looking out for the flow of the ideas.

There should be a smooth transition from one paragraph to another with no abrupt stop.

Depending on how the student arranges his idea and thoughts, you should penalise the student if the flow of the story causes confusion and is illogical.

essay writing for 20 marks

2) O Level Marking Scheme

For students sitting for O Level English , their scripts will be marked and graded by Cambridge.

Which brings about the importance of you marking their essays based on the Cambridge Marking Scheme.

For Paper 1, it contains Situational Writing , and Continuous Writing (Essay).

Both Situational Writing and Continuous Writing contain 30 marks respectively.

When marking Situational Writing scripts, you should primarily focus on 2 key areas; 

– Task Fulfillment 

– Language

When marking Continuous Writing scripts, you should primarily focus on flow and language.

Task Fulfillment

  • good understanding of purpose
  • clear awareness of context and audience
  • excellent structure and correct format used
  • required points are well developed
  • excellent use of given information and visual stimulus

The range of marks awarded should be 9 marks to 10 marks .

  • an understanding of purpose
  • an awareness of context and audience
  • proper structure and format used
  • required points are developed
  • good use of given information and visual stimulus

The range of marks awarded should be 7 marks to 8 marks .

  • adequate understanding of purpose
  • some awareness of context and audience
  • appropriate structure and format used
  • required points are addressed but not developed
  • not much use of given information and visual stimulus

The range of marks awarded should be 5 marks to 6 marks .

  • only a slight understanding of purpose
  • slight confusion to context and audience
  • wrong structure and use of format
  • some required points are left out
  • very little use of given information and visual stimulus

The range of marks awarded should be 3 marks to 4 marks .

  • misunderstanding of purpose
  • confusion to context and audience
  • every required point is left out
  • no use of given information and visual stimulus

The range of marks awarded should be 1 mark to 2 marks .

essay writing for 20 marks

Language (applicable for both Writings)

  • high accuracy of grammar, spelling, and punctuations
  • excellent use of tenses
  • excellent paragraphing
  • appropriate tone

The range of marks awarded should be 18 marks to 20 marks .

  • good accuracy of grammar, spelling, and punctuations with slight errors
  • good use of tenses
  • good paragraphing

The range of marks awarded should be 16 marks to 17 marks .

  • substantial accuracy of grammar, spelling, and punctuations with errors that don’t really affect clarity of communication
  • some tense error
  • some paragraph have weak or inappropriate links
  • appropriate tones with some errors

The range of marks awarded should be 13 marks to 15 marks .

  • substantial accuracy of grammar, spelling, and punctuations with errors that slightly affect clarity of communication
  • errors in verb forms and tenses
  • paragraphing lacks unity
  • tones may be uneven

The range of marks awarded should be 11 marks to 12 marks .

  • bare accuracy of grammar, spelling, and punctuations with frequent errors that can hamper precision and distract reader from content
  • tones may be inappropriate

The range of marks awarded should be 8 marks to 10 marks .

  • many grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
  • frequent errors in verb forms and tenses
  • repetitive sentences in paragraphs
  • poor paragraphing

The range of marks awarded should be 6 marks to 7 marks .

  • many grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that require readers to re-read multiple times
  • poor language skill set

The range of marks awarded should be 1 mark to 5 marks .

For more in depth information on the marking scheme of O Level English Essays, click on this link .

essay writing for 20 marks

3) A Level General Paper (GP) Essay Marking Scheme

As a JC tutor , when marking GP essays , you should primarily focus on;

– content 

– use of english

GP Paper 1 comprises 12 questions and students have to answer any one of the 12 questions.

The word count range should be between 500 to 800 words.

The content section takes up 30 marks of Paper 1.

When marking the scripts based on the content, the relevance of whatever is written is very important.

If the content written is not related to the topic chosen, then you’ll have to fail it.

This section contains 20 marks of Paper 1.

The language of the script should contain as little grammar, spelling, and punctuation error in order to score well.

If you spot any of these errors when marking the scripts, you should penalise accordingly.

For more information, click on this link .

4) Plagiarism 

Teaching GP Tuition and having to mark long essays is not easy. 

But you can’t afford to let your students get away with plagiarism.

When it comes to essays, plagiarism is a very serious offence.

Plagiarism occurs when students write their essays online completely based on someone’s else.

You may notice that the words and sentences used are identical to model essays.

Make sure to use a tool to check plagiarism .

According to Cambridge, students will score 0 if they plagiarise other people’s essays!

essay writing for 20 marks

Here you have it, I hope this article is able to help you mark your student’s essays better.

By following these tips, I’m sure your marking style will be almost identical to the markers at Cambridge!

Thanks for reading!

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essay writing for 20 marks

A State Ranker’s Guide to Writing 20/20 English Advanced Essays

Essays can be tough. Like, really tough.They’re made tougher still because...

Marko Beocanin

Marko Beocanin

99.95 ATAR & 3 x State Ranker

1. Introduction to this Guide

Essays can be tough. Like, really tough.

They’re made tougher still because every HSC English module has a different essay structure, and no-one seems to have a consistent idea of what an ‘ essay’ actually is (not to get postmodern on you!).

My name is Marko Beocanin, and I’m an English teacher at Project Academy. In this post I hope to demystify essay-writing and arm you with a “tried and proven” approach you can apply to any essay you’ll write in HSC English and beyond. In 2019, I completed all four units of English (Extension 2, Extension 1, and Advanced), and state ranked 8th in NSW for English Advanced and attained a 99.95 ATAR – so take it from me, I’ve written a lot of essays! Here’s some of the advice I’ve picked up throughout that experience.

2. My Essay-Writing Methodology

For us to understand how to write an essay, it’s important to appreciate what an essay (in particular, a HSC English essay) actually is. I’ve come to appreciate the following definition:

An essay is a structured piece of writing that argues a point in a clear, sophisticated way , and expresses personality and flair.

Let’s have a look at each of these keywords – and how they should inform our essay-writing process – in more detail.

3. “Arguing a point” means CAUSE and EFFECT

When most people study English, they tend to make huge lists of Themes, Values, Concerns, Quotes and so on. While this is a great exercise for collecting evidence and understanding your texts, it’s important to remember that your essay is not simply a theme summary or quote bank – you have to actually argue something!

And any argument needs a cause and an effect.

When you approach any essay question, it’s not enough to simply chuck in quotes/topic-sentences that abstractly relate to it. An internal checklist you could go through while reading a question might look like:

  • What is the question actually asking me?
  • What is my response to the question?
  • Am I actually making an argument in my response, and not just repeating the question?
  • What is my cause?
  • What is my effect?
  • How can I prove my argument?

It’s only at question 4 that quotes/analysis/topic-sentences appear. Your first step in writing any essay is to actually have an argument to prove.

Cause and Effect in Thesis Statements

To demonstrate what I mean by cause-and-effect, let’s have a look at a lower-band essay thesis on Nineteen Eighty-Four:

In Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell explores totalitarianism.

This sentence is a flat declaration of a theme. While it does identify totalitarianism, it doesn’t give any indication on what parts of totalitarianism Orwell explores, and what the actual effect of totalitarianism is.

In Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell explores the abuse of power in totalitarian regimes.

This one is certainly better, because it describes a specific element of totalitarianism that Orwell explores – but it’s still missing an actual argument about what totalitarianism DOES to people. A full cause and effect (and higher band) thesis statement might look like:

In Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell explores how the abuse of power in totalitarian regimes leads to a brutalised human experience.

This thesis explicitly outlines how the CAUSE (abuse of power in totalitarian regimes) leads to the EFFECT (a brutalised human experience).

There’s certainly still some ambiguity in this sentence – for example, what sort of human experiences are being brutalised? – and in an exam, you’d substitute that for the specific human experiences outlined in the question.

In general, whenever you see sentences like “Composer X discusses Theme Y” in your essay drafts, think about developing them into “Composer X discusses how Specific Cause of Theme Y leads to Specific Effect of Theme Y”.

Cause and Effect Diagrams

To make sure that your arguments actually have a specific cause and effect , try writing them out in the following diagrammatic way:

essay writing for 20 marks

Surprisingly, drawing the arrow made a huge psychological difference for me!

If you struggle with this, try to restructure/rephrase your arguments until they can be categorised in such a way. Making and rewriting these diagrams is also a great way to prep for exams without writing out your whole essay.

Cause and Effect in Analysis

Similarly, when it comes to your actual analysis itself, make sure that you’re not just listing techniques and quotes. You’re not just analysing your quotes for the sake of naming the techniques in them – you’re analysing them to prove a point!

Whenever you consider a quote for your essay, ask yourself:

  • What is this quote about?
  • How does this quote prove my argument?
  • How do the literary techniques in this quote prove my argument?

Let’s use an example from King Henry IV, Part 1 to illustrate this. A lower band piece of analysis might look like:

King Henry’s opening monologue employs anthropomorphism: “Daub her lips with her own children’s blood…bruise her flow’rets with…armed hoofs.”

While the technique of anthropomorphism is identified, this sentence doesn’t link to any argument about WHY that technique is there and what it does.

King Henry’s opening monologue anthropomorphises England as a mother violated by war: “Daub her lips with her own children’s blood…bruise her flow’rets with…armed hoofs.”

This is certainly better, because it explains what the technique actually does – but it still doesn’t discuss how the technique guides us to an actual point.

King Henry’s opening monologue anthropomorphises England as a mother violated by war: “Daub her lips with her own children’s blood…bruise her flow’rets with…armed hoofs…” to convey the civil unrest caused by his tenuous claim to the throne.

This analysis not only outlines the technique in detail, but it also explicitly embeds it with an argument – this time, structured as EFFECT ( civil unrest ) caused by CAUSE ( his tenuous claim to the throne ).

In general, whenever you see analysis in your drafts written as “Composer X uses Technique Y in Quote Z”, try to rewrite it as “Composer X uses Technique Y in Quote Z to argue Point A”.

4. Clear, Sophisticated Way

In general, clarity/sophistication in Advanced essays comes from two main sources.

4.1 Essay Structure

For most essays, the simplest and most effective overall structure looks like:

  • Intro: Here, you answer the question with an argument, summarise your points and link to the rubric.
  • 3 – 4 Body Paragraphs: Here, you actually make your points.
  • Conclusion: Here, you re-summarise your arguments and ‘drop the mic’.

While it’s cool to play around with the number of body paragraphs, for example, the structure above is generally a safe bet for Advanced.

The most variety comes from the actual structure within your body paragraphs.

There are plenty of online guides/resources with fun acronyms like STEEL and PEETAL and less fun ones like PEEQTET – but ultimately, the exact formula you go with is a relatively inconsequential matter of choice and style. Just make sure you have the following elements roughly in this order!

4.2 Cause and Effect Topic Sentence

Here, you make your point as clearly as possible (remember cause and effect), and address the specific argument that the paragraph will cover. It’s fantastic if you can link this argument to the argument in your previous paragraph.

4.3 Context Sentence

This bit is vital (and often forgotten!). Texts don’t exist in a void – their composers had lives, were influenced by the world around them, and had inspirations and purposes in their compositions. Context can be political, socio-cultural, religious, philosophical, literary etc… as long as it’s there!

4.4 Cause and Effect Analysis ‍

In a three-paragraph structure, a solid aim is for four to five quotes per paragraph. Each point you make should be justified with a quote, and each quote should have a technique linked to it. It’s usually helpful to order your quotes chronologically as they appear within the text (to show how the argument progressively builds) – but in more non-linear forms like poetry, for example, you can switch it up a little. Make sure each paragraph covers quotes from the whole text, to demonstrate a broad range of analysis!

Here, you might give a restatement of your topic sentence that summarises your main ideas.

Wording and Expression

A common misconception with English Advanced is that huge words and long, meandering sentences will score the most marks.

In Advanced, clarity should come from your expression , while sophistication should come from your ideas . Ultimately, the more complex your expression and sentence structure is, the more your markers will have to work to connect with your content.

While an occasional well-executed piece of technical jargon is impressive, it should never come at the cost of clearly and explicitly getting your point across.

A few general tips I’ve picked up from both my time as a student and my work as a tutor include:

  • Avoid using a thesaurus/online synonym-search whenever possible! If you didn’t consider using a word naturally, it’s unlikely it will flow with the rest of your expression.
  • A long, comma-intensive sentence can (and should) almost always be replaced with two or more sentences.
  • Use semicolons sparingly (if at all), and with GREAT caution.
  • Never underestimate words like “because”, “leads to”, “causes” etc. They are simple, but brilliantly effective at establishing a clear cause and effect structure!
  • Make sure to continuously reuse words from the question. Even if this feels clunky, it helps you actually engage with the question.
  • Also make sure to continuously use rubric keywords – particularly in Common Mod and Mod A!

5. Personality and Flair

And now… the hardest bit. Putting a bit of you into your essays.

There’s no one way to “add personality/flair” – this is where you have the freedom to develop your own voice and style. Remember that your markers love literature – and for them to see real, unadulterated enthusiasm in your work is an absolute win that will be marked generously.

To develop that passionate flair/personality, I encourage you to do three things:Practice. A Lot. The more you write – whether it’s homework questions, mini paragraphs, or flat-out full practice essays – the better you’ll become at writing. It’s as simple as that.

6. Concluding Remarks

Get feedback on your work.

To make sure you’re actually improving with your writing, aim to get plenty of feedback from both of these groups:

  • People who know your text and HSC English in-and-out (teachers, tutors, scholars etc.), so they can engage with your analysis and help develop your style/structure.
  • People who don’t know your texts and HSC English particularly well (parents, friends, etc.), so they can check your arguments actually make sense!

Explore your own English-related interests.

Reading widely and writing weird stuff just for fun adds an indescribable but very real level of depth and nuance to your essay-writing. For me, this involved immersing myself in crazy literary theory that had nothing to with my texts, and writing super edgy poetry. Find what works for you!

Good Luck!!!

Whether this article reaches you the night before Paper 1, or at the start of your English journey – I’m confident that you can do this. If you can find even one thing that you connect with about this subject… whether it’s a character you love, or a beautiful poem, or a wacky critical piece that’s totally BS… hopefully you’ll realise that essay writing doesn’t have to be so tough after all!

essay writing for 20 marks

The Ultimate Guide on HSC Verbs

Navigating the HSC exams can be daunting, especially when it comes to understanding and responding to the nuances of the seemingly endless HSC verbs.

Alexandra Lawrence

Alexandra Lawrence

English Department

essay writing for 20 marks

How I Achieved a 99.80 ATAR with 8+ Hours of Sleep Every Night

Here are 4 effective HSC study tips from the Vice Captain of Baulkham Hills!

Rishabh Jain

Rishabh Jain

Head of HSC Chemistry

essay writing for 20 marks

Module A Exemplar Essay – Poetry of Sylvia Plath & Ted Hughes

The following essay was written by Project Academy English Tutor, Marko Beocanin

essay writing for 20 marks

Common Module State-Rank Essay Showcase: Nineteen Eighty-Four

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A Level Sociology Essays – How to Write Them

Table of Contents

Last Updated on November 10, 2022 by

This post offers some advice on how you might plan and write essays in the A level sociology exams. 

Essays will either be 20 or 30 marks depending on the paper but the general advice for answering them remains the same:

how to write sociology essays " data-image-caption data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" width=640 height=480 class="ezlazyload aligncenter wp-image-10399 size-full" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22" alt data-recalc-dims=1 ezimgfmt="rs rscb1 src ng ngcb1" data-ezsrc=""> how to write sociology essays " data-image-caption data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" width=640 height=480 class="aligncenter wp-image-10399 size-full" src="" alt data-recalc-dims=1> How to write an A-level sociology essay

Skills in the a level sociology exam.

The AQA wants you to demonstrate 3 sets of skills in the exam – below are a few suggestions about how you can do this in sociology essays.

AO1: Knowledge and Understanding

You can demonstrate these by:

AO2: Application 

Ao3: analysis and evaluation.

NB ‘Assess’ is basically the same as Evaluation

You can demonstrate analysis by….

Use the item


For more exams advice please see my exams and essay advice page

Seven examples of sociology essays, and more advice…

The contents are as follows:.

Introductory Section

These appear first in template form, then with answers, with the skills employed shown in colour. Answers are ‘overkill’ versions designed to get full marks in the exam.

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Higher Essay Writing Help

essay writing for 20 marks

For those who are struggling with writing essays and need help with structure or how to write an essay at Higher. There are so many ways to write and structure essays you may have your own way but recently at the SQA this simple method was said to be the most successful for candidates.

What is the Question Asking?

First things first READ THE QUESTION – what is it asking you? Is it asking you for your own opinion, a religious view, a non religious view. Is it asking you to explain the consequences of holding a belief, is it asking for the links between beliefs and practices. This is where many people go wrong, they see a key word and they go off on a tangent or regurgitate an essay they’ve memorised and try to fit it in. Once you know what the question is asking you the goal is to make sure you Answer the Question .

10 Mark Analysis Questions

10 Markers are Analysis only – this means you are not asked to come to a judgement on the issues instead these questions are wanting you to show what you know and then take the knowledge further with some analysis.


When writing 10 Markers you want to write about 3-4 Paragraphs of Knowledge and Analysis.

Your paragraph could be formatted like –

Knowledge Point

A moral issue arising from … is …

An example of this is …

Some would argue that …

Analysis Point

A consequence of this might be … Another could be …

They think this because …

Essentially your essay should follow the format KKKAA KKKAA KKKAA. This is giving the potential for 9 KU marks and 6 Analysis marks so shoudl cover your bases.

20 Mark Analysis and Evaluation Questions

20 Marker questions combine both Analysis and Evaluation. You will be asked to come to a judgement. You should do this throughout your essay and not just in the conclusion. Make sure you know what judgement the question is asking for you to come to.


When writing 20 markers you want about 4 or 5 paragraphs. Your essay should look like this.

Evaluation Point

Muslims would not completely accept …

This therefore makes clear that … because …

Your overall structure should therefore look like KKKAAEE KKKAAEE KKKAAEE KKKAAEE – this therefore would have 12 KU points, 8 Analysis Points and 8 Evaluation points. All basis should therefore be covered.

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Griffin Teaching

11+ creative writing guide with 50 example topics and prompts

by Hayley | Nov 17, 2022 | Exams , Writing | 0 comments

The 11+ exam is a school entrance exam taken in the academic year that a child in the UK turns eleven.

These exams are highly competitive, with multiple students battling for each school place awarded.

The 11 plus exam isn’t ‘one thing’, it varies in its structure and composition across the country. A creative writing task is included in nearly all of the 11 plus exams, and parents are often confused about what’s being tested.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that the plot of your child’s writing task is important. It is not.

The real aim of the 11+ creative writing task is to showcase your child’s writing skills and techniques.

And that’s why preparation is so important.

This guide begins by answering all the FAQs that parents have about the 11+ creative writing task.

At the end of the article I give my best tips & strategies for preparing your child for the 11+ creative writing task , along with 50 fiction and non-fiction creative writing prompts from past papers you can use to help your child prepare. You’ll also want to check out my 11+ reading list , because great readers turn into great writers.

Do all 11+ exams include a writing task?

Not every 11+ exam includes a short story component, but many do. Usually 3 to 5 different prompts are given for the child to choose between and they are not always ‘creative’ (fiction) pieces. One or more non-fiction options might be given for children who prefer writing non-fiction to fiction.

Timings and marking vary from test to test. For example, the Kent 11+ Test gives students 10 minutes for planning followed by 30 minutes for writing. The Medway 11+ Test gives 60 minutes for writing with ‘space allowed’ on the answer booklet for planning.

Tasks vary too. In the Kent Test a handful of stimuli are given, whereas 11+ students in Essex are asked to produce two individually set paragraphs. The Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex (CCSE) includes 2 creative writing paragraphs inside a 60-minute English exam.

Throughout the UK each 11+ exam has a different set of timings and papers based around the same themes. Before launching into any exam preparation it is essential to know the content and timing of your child’s particular writing task.

However varied and different these writing tasks might seem, there is one key element that binds them.

The mark scheme.

Although we can lean on previous examples to assess how likely a short story or a non-fiction tasks will be set, it would be naĂŻve to rely completely on the content of past papers. Contemporary 11+ exams are designed to be ‘tutor-proof’ – meaning that the exam boards like to be unpredictable.

In my online writing club for kids , we teach a different task each week (following a spiral learning structure based on 10 set tasks). One task per week is perfected as the student moves through the programme of content, and one-to-one expert feedback ensures progression. This equips our writing club members to ‘write effectively for a range of purposes’ as stated in the English schools’ teacher assessment framework.

This approach ensures that students approaching a highly competitive entrance exam will be confident of the mark scheme (and able to meet its demands) for any task set.

Will my child have a choice of prompts to write from or do they have to respond to a single prompt, without a choice?

This varies. In the Kent Test there are usually 5 options given. The purpose is to gather a writing sample from each child in case of a headteacher appeal. A range of options should allow every child to showcase what they can do.

In Essex, two prescriptive paragraphs are set as part of an hour-long English paper that includes comprehension and vocabulary work. In Essex, there is no option to choose the subject matter.

The Medway Test just offers a single prompt for a whole hour of writing. Sometimes it is a creative piece. Recently it was a marketing leaflet.

The framework for teaching writing in English schools demands that in order to ‘exceed expectations’ or better, achieve ‘greater depth’, students need to be confident writing for a multitude of different purposes.

In what circumstances is a child’s creative writing task assessed?

In Essex (east of the UK) the two prescriptive writing tasks are found inside the English exam paper. They are integral to the exam and are assessed as part of this.

In Medway (east Kent in the South East) the writing task is marked and given a raw score. This is then adjusted for age and double counted. Thus, the paper is crucial to a pass.

In the west of the county of Kent there is a different system. The Kent Test has a writing task that is only marked in appeal cases. If a child dips below the passmark their school is allowed to put together a ‘headteacher’s appeal’. At this point – before the score is communicated to the parent (and probably under cover of darkness) the writing sample is pulled out of a drawer and assessed.

I’ve been running 11+ tutor clubs for years. Usually about 1% of my students passed at headteacher’s appeal.

Since starting the writing club, however, the number of students passing at appeal has gone up considerably. In recent years it’s been more like 5% of students passing on the strength of their writing sample.

What are the examiners looking for when they’re marking a student’s creative writing?

In England, the government has set out a framework for marking creative writing. There are specific ‘pupil can’ statements to assess whether a student is ‘working towards the expected standard,’ ‘working at the expected standard’ or ‘working at greater depth’.

Members of the headteacher panel assessing the writing task are given a considerable number of samples to assess at one time. These expert teachers have a clear understanding of the framework for marking, but will not be considering or discussing every detail of the writing sample as you might expect.

Schools are provided with a report after the samples have been assessed. This is very brief indeed. Often it will simply say ‘lack of precise vocabulary’ or ‘confused paragraphing.’

So there is no mark scheme as such. They won’t be totting up your child’s score to see if they have reached a given target. They are on the panel because of their experience, and they have a short time to make an instant judgement.

Does handwriting matter?

Handwriting is assessed in primary schools. Thus it is an element of the assessment framework the panel uses as a basis for their decision.

If the exam is very soon, then don’t worry if your child is not producing immaculate, cursive handwriting. The focus should simply be on making it well-formed and legible. Every element of the assessment framework does not need to be met and legible writing will allow the panel to read the content with ease.

Improve presentation quickly by offering a smooth rollerball pen instead of a pencil. Focus on fixing individual letters and praising your child for any hint of effort. The two samples below are from the same boy a few months apart. Small changes have transformed the look and feel:

11+ handwriting sample from a student before handwriting tutoring

Sample 1: First piece of work when joining the writing club

Cursive handwriting sample of a boy preparing for the 11+ exam after handwriting tutoring.

Sample 2: This is the same boy’s improved presentation and content

How long should the short story be.

First, it is not a short story as such—it is a writing sample. Your child needs to showcase their skills but there are no extra marks for finishing (or marks deducted for a half-finished piece).

For a half hour task, you should prepare your child to produce up to 4 paragraphs of beautifully crafted work. Correct spelling and proper English grammar is just the beginning. Each paragraph should have a different purpose to showcase the breadth and depth of their ability. A longer – 60 minute – task might have 5 paragraphs but rushing is to be discouraged. Considered and interesting paragraphs are so valuable, a shorter piece would be scored more highly than a rushed and dull longer piece.

I speak from experience. A while ago now I was a marker for Key Stage 2 English SATs Papers (taken in Year 6 at 11 years old). Hundreds of scripts were deposited on my doorstep each morning by DHL. There was so much work for me to get through that I came to dread long, rambling creative pieces. Some children can write pages and pages of repetitive nothingness. Ever since then, I have looked for crafted quality and am wary of children judging their own success by the number of lines competed.

Take a look at the piece of writing below. It’s an excellent example of a well-crafted piece.

Each paragraph is short, but the writer is skilful.

He used rich and precisely chosen vocabulary, he’s broken the text into natural paragraphs, and in the second paragraph he is beginning to vary his sentence openings. There is a sense of control to the sentences – the sentence structure varies with shorter and longer examples to manage tension. It is exciting to read, with a clear awareness of his audience. Punctuation is accurate and appropriate.

Example of a high-scoring writing sample for the UK 11+ exam—notice the varied sentence structures, excellent use of figurative language, and clear paragraphing technique.

11+ creative writing example story

How important is it to revise for a creative writing task.

It is important.

Every student should go into their 11+ writing task with a clear paragraph plan secured. As each paragraph has a separate purpose – to showcase a specific skill – the plan should reflect this. Built into the plan is a means of flexing it, to alter the order of the paragraphs if the task demands it. There’s no point having a Beginning – Middle – End approach, as there’s nothing useful there to guide the student to the mark scheme.

Beyond this, my own students have created 3 – 5 stories that fit the same tight plan. However, the setting, mood and action are all completely different. This way a bank of rich vocabulary has already been explored and a technique or two of their own that fits the piece beautifully. These can be drawn upon on the day to boost confidence and give a greater sense of depth and consideration to their timed sample.

Preparation, rather than revision in its classic form, is the best approach. Over time, even weeks or months before the exam itself, contrasting stories are written, improved upon, typed up and then tweaked further as better ideas come to mind. Each of these meets the demands of the mark scheme (paragraphing, varied sentence openings, rich vocabulary choices, considered imagery, punctuation to enhance meaning, development of mood etc).

To ensure your child can write confidently at and above the level expected of them, drop them into my weekly weekly online writing club for the 11+ age group . The club marking will transform their writing, and quickly.

What is the relationship between the English paper and the creative writing task?

Writing is usually marked separately from any comprehension or grammar exercises in your child’s particular 11+ exam. Each exam board (by area/school) adapts the arrangement to suit their needs. Some have a separate writing test, others build it in as an element of their English paper (usually alongside a comprehension, punctuation and spelling exercise).

Although there is no creative writing task in the ISEB Common Pre-test, those who are not offered an immediate place at their chosen English public school are often invited back to complete a writing task at a later date. Our ISEB Common Pre-test students join the writing club in the months before the exam, first to tidy up the detail and second to extend the content.

What if my child has a specific learning difficulty (dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, ASD)?

Most exam boards pride themselves on their inclusivity. They will expect you to have a formal report from a qualified professional at the point of registration for the test. This needs to be in place and the recommendations will be considered by a panel. If your child needs extra arrangements on the day they may be offered (it isn’t always the case). More importantly, if they drop below a pass on one or more papers you will have a strong case for appeal.

Children with a specific learning difficulty often struggle with low confidence in their work and low self-esteem. The preparations set out above, and a kids writing club membership will allow them to go into the exam feeling positive and empowered. If they don’t achieve a pass at first, the writing sample will add weight to their appeal.

Tips and strategies for writing a high-scoring creative writing paper

  • Read widely for pleasure. Read aloud to your child if they are reluctant.
  • Create a strong paragraph plan where each paragraph has a distinct purpose.
  • Using the list of example questions below, discuss how each could be written in the form of your paragraph plan.
  • Write 3-5 stories with contrasting settings and action – each one must follow your paragraph plan. Try to include examples of literary devices and figurative language (metaphor, simile) but avoid clichĂŠs.
  • Tidy up your presentation. Write with a good rollerball pen on A4 lined paper with a printed margin. Cross out with a single horizontal line and banish doodling or scribbles.
  • Join the writing club for a 20-minute Zoom task per week with no finishing off or homework. An expert English teacher will mark the work personally on video every Friday and your child’s writing will be quickly transformed.

Pressed for time? Here’s a paragraph plan to follow.

At Griffin Teaching we have an online writing club for students preparing for the 11 plus creative writing task . We’ve seen first-hand what a difference just one or two months of weekly practice can make.

That said, we know that a lot of people reading this page are up against a hard deadline with an 11+ exam date fast approaching.

If that’s you (or your child), what you need is a paragraph plan.

Here’s one tried-and-true paragraph plan that we teach in our clubs. Use this as you work your way through some of the example prompts below.

11+ creative writing paragraph plan

Paragraph 1—description.

Imagine standing in the location and describe what is above the main character, what is below their feet, what is to their left and right, and what is in the distance. Try to integrate frontend adverbials into this paragraph (frontend adverbials are words or phrases used at the beginning of a sentence to describe what follows—e.g. When the fog lifted, he saw… )

Paragraph 2—Conversation

Create two characters who have different roles (e.g. site manager and student, dog walker and lost man) and write a short dialogue between them. Use what we call the “sandwich layout,” where the first person says something and you describe what they are doing while they are saying it. Add in further descriptions (perhaps of the person’s clothing or expression) before starting a new line where the second character gives a simple answer and you provide details about what the second character is doing as they speak.

Paragraph 3—Change the mood

Write three to four sentences that change the mood of the writing sample from light to gloomy or foreboding. You could write about a change in the weather or a change in the lighting of the scene. Another approach is to mention how a character reacts to the change in mood, for example by pulling their coat collar up to their ears.

Paragraph 4—Shock your reader

A classic approach is to have your character die unexpectedly in the final sentence. Or maybe the ceiling falls?

11+ creative writing questions from real papers—fictional prompts

  • The day the storm came
  • The day the weather changed
  • The snowstorm
  • The rainy day
  • A sunny day out
  • A foggy (or misty) day
  • A day trip to remember
  • The first day
  • The day everything changed
  • The mountain
  • The hillside
  • The old house
  • The balloon
  • The old man
  • The accident
  • The unfamiliar sound
  • A weekend away
  • Moving house
  • A family celebration
  • An event you remember from when you were young
  • An animal attack
  • The school playground at night
  • The lift pinged and the door opened. I could not believe what was inside…
  • “Run!” he shouted as he thundered across the sand…
  • It was getting late as I dug in my pocket for the key to the door. “Hurry up!” she shouted from inside.
  • I know our back garden very well, but I was surprised how different it looked at midnight…
  • The red button on the wall has a sign on it saying, ‘DO NOT TOUCH.’ My little sister leant forward and hit it hard with her hand. What happened next?
  • Digging down into the soft earth, the spade hit something metal…
  • Write a story which features the stopping of time.
  • Write a story which features an unusual method of transport.
  • The cry in the woods
  • Write a story which features an escape

11+ creative writing questions from real papers—non-fiction prompts

  • Write a thank you letter for a present you didn’t want.
  • You are about to interview someone for a job. Write a list of questions you would like to ask the applicant.
  • Write a letter to complain about the uniform at your school.
  • Write a leaflet to advertise your home town.
  • Write a thank you letter for a holiday you didn’t enjoy.
  • Write a letter of complaint to the vet after an unfortunate incident in the waiting room.
  • Write a set of instructions explaining how to make toast.
  • Describe the room you are in.
  • Describe a person who is important to you.
  • Describe your pet or an animal you know well.

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essay writing for 20 marks

Marking: How we mark your essay to improve your grade

Since 2006, oxbridge essays has been the uk’s leading paid essay-writing and dissertation service.

We have helped 10,000s of undergraduate, Masters and PhD students to maximise their grades in essays, dissertations, model-exam answers, applications and other materials. If you would like a free chat about your project with one of our UK staff, then please just reach out on one of the methods below.

The essay marking service we provide here at Oxbridge Essays seeks to provide students with a better insight into their own essay writing so they can, in turn, improve their grades. But how do we go about marking your essay, dissertation or other assignment? What do we look at? What feedback do we give? How do we arrive at an estimated grade for your work? How can all of this help you in your own writing? And, how does this compare to the marking process your university tutor or lecturer will use? If you're interested in knowing how the academic marking process really works (and you should be – it will help you immensely), then read on.

When writing essays, it can be challenging to take a step back and read your work as the audience would. For students, this audience is usually a lecturer or tutor: a person with the power to give good or bad grades. That's why having a professional pair of eyes review your work before you submit it can be invaluable.

What we look for in a great essay is likely to be the same as what your tutor is looking for. Where we differ is in the level of attention devoted to providing feedback. We are not just seeking to critique your essay – our ultimate aim is to help you improve your essay to its very best potential.

The marking process

It may sound obvious, but no two markers are the same. We are human beings, after all. We may have different stylistic preferences, and what interests us will vary. Despite this, there are certain constant elements that go into writing a great essay . We look for these elements during the marking process and then give feedback on any areas that need attention. In this sense, we are the critical reader to you as an academic writer .

1. The brief

The first thing a marker will likely do is examine the writer’s brief. This indicates essay type, subject and content focus, word limit and any other set requirements. The brief gives us the guidelines by which to mark the essay. With these expectations in mind, critical reading of your essay begins. There are five key elements that we examine, all of which form the basis of any great essay :

2. Structure

A well-crafted essay will have a clear sense of structure. This is the template upon which to hang your message. Get your structure right and you’re well on the way to creating a great essay. Getting it right is all about organisation and ensuring you include all the necessary elements. The essential structural components of any essay should be an introduction, the main body and a conclusion.

An effective introduction sets the scene immediately. Within the first few sentences, it should be obvious what the rest of the essay is about. The context of the question and, therefore, the overall scope of the essay should also be explicit. This manages the reader’s expectations for the rest of their experience reading, and marking, your piece of work. The more satisfying introductions justify both the question itself and any areas of particular focus.

So, while seeking to improve an essay, we look for whether the writer has answered the what, where, who and why questions in the introduction. What is the writing about? Yes, the essay title gives us some idea but here is where we expect to see it made explicit. Who is it written for, and why? Where is it relevant?

Of course, the question of how tends to be the focus of the main body of the essay. And the main body forms the bulk of your assignment. Its organisation will depend on the type of exercise you have undertaken, and what requirements and constraints have been set by your assessors. We always take these points into consideration when marking. Markers are also aware of formatting conventions and are sensitive to these when developing critical feedback. Independent of these constraints, we check your work to determine how well different sections relate to each other and that there is a logical flow of content. This flow is the primary demonstrator that you have understood what you are writing about and how you should be presenting it. Logical flow can easily make the difference between grades. When marking your work, we aim to give you pointers on how to strengthen this area.

A strong essay conclusion serves to summarise to your assessor how well you can reflect on what you have written about. It is another vital part of the whole picture that we look to ensure you’ve mastered. We check to see if your ideas have been brought together and are coherent. If we see it, your assessor will too.

3. Knowledge and understanding

Here is where we assess how well you have understood the question and how much you know about the subject. We do more than simple fact checking (though we do ensure you have got your stuff right). We want to see how clear things are and if they’ve been linked together in the right way. We ask, how well is your message conveyed?

Often, in academic writing, it can be tempting to cram as much detail into a sentence as possible. Or to include every single point of view on the topic in hand. Really, this is the wrong way to go. At first glance, it may seem a point of style, but the best way to show your understanding of a subject is to lay your knowledge and research out in plain terms. And keep your work focused. This level of clarity is something we examine. You can find some helpful tips on perfecting your essay writing style here .

Despite a need for focus, we do expect to see breadth and depth of knowledge. This means you provide a suitable level of detail to answer the question but also evidence of a wider understanding of the subject. In short, has the detail been put into context?

Is it clear that you understand what you talk about? We have mentioned this already, but it’s the main thing your examiners are looking for, so it bears repeating. The facts you’ve researched, the way you’ve worded and structured them, the logical flow between them, and any insights you’ve discussed all contribute towards this. Your level of comprehension is foremost in the marker’s mind.

Have all things been considered? Are there any issues left out or missed? Sometimes, you’ll intentionally omit an area, and so this should be indicated when you talk about scope in the introduction. But if you’ve missed something and it seems like you’ve just forgotten it, we will remind you.

Focus – do things stay on track or are there any digressions? There’s nothing wrong with tangents, as long as they add to the story. We assess exactly the value of each phrase in the work and let you know if anything is diluting your message. Remember, your marker is knowledgeable in your area of study. If we don’t understand it, chances are your tutors won’t either.

4. Argument and critical thinking

To get the good grades, this is an area to give attention to. Convincing the reader of your argument is, essentially, what essay writing is all about. This is about how you’ve used the information to tell your story or make your point. What we look for here are coherence and evidence. Argument needs to be seen strongly throughout the work. Do you follow your line of argument right through and are counterarguments presented? We’ll let you know if, and where, your particular argument is well-formulated and substantiated. Most important for you, we give feedback on any holes in your logic.

As said, we look to see if the argument is solid, well-reasoned, examined from all angles and supported by evidence. This support comes from the literature. As we cast a critical eye on your writing, we check to see if you have, in turn, done the same to the literature. Can you discuss critically complex, even abstract, ideas and concepts? Evidence of clarity and independent thought is great to see. Going beyond what the accepted norms are is a clear indicator of your capabilities.

5. Use of sources

We examine the type and range of sources used in the construction of your essay. The best of essays will demonstrate analysis beyond any core texts to include current, respectable works, and maybe even discuss controversial ones.

All information sources must be cited in your work. This is more than simply showing where you gathered your information from. A well-placed citation gives the reader confidence in what has been claimed by the writer. So, here we look to see how suitable the sources are in supporting your text. In other words, have their contents been properly understood and are they appropriately represented?

Of course, we check to see that sources are accurately referenced in your bibliography .

6. Style and presentation

This is all about how you have packaged your content. You could have the best story to tell but it may be missed if hidden by poor presentation.

We examine the usual mechanisms of English, such as spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence construction. Stylistic factors such as tone, formatting and quality of figures, are also considered. What we’re really looking for, is whether you’re giving your examiner a tiring read or an easy ride. We also check conventions related to reference style, data presentation, quote placements and so on.

One of the most important elements in presentation is consistency. It is essential to maintain high standards throughout and we pay close attention to this detail.

How Oxbridge Essays can help you

Your tutor or lecturer will grade your work. Few have the liberty of time to feedback, in great detail, on how they arrived at this decision. But our marking process is thorough and detailed. From our notes on your work, we compile a report that explains our thoughts and, importantly, gives guidance on any areas that could be improved.

What did you do well? We’ll tell you. This is more than a simple exercise in making you feel good. Knowing where your strengths lie gives you the opportunity to refocus your energies to areas more in need of attention, and also learn from your successes.

This is where we lay it all out. To improve your work , it is vital to know the parts that need some attention. This applies when editing the current work, but also in deciding which skills to focus on developing as you progress further in your career.

List of suggested improvements

Here, we don't just list of things we had trouble with. As markers, we identify problem areas and make actionable suggestions for how these could be altered to make your essay stronger. This expands on the weaknesses section but is specific and, as mentioned, actionable. We order this by value. Most impactful changes first; least impactful last. This means you can work through the list from top to bottom, and even if you don’t manage to make all the changes by hand-in date, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that obvious weaknesses have been turned into strengths.

As well as an overall grade, part of our marking process involves assessing different components of the work. Each of the five main areas, mentioned above, are given scores (from 1-5, very poor to excellent), to let you know how you rate.

In addition, we gauge your merits in other areas, such as originality, creativity, readability and independent thought. It is strength in these areas that, generally, separate the good work (B) from the great work (A).

Your overall grade is a guide. We follow similar criteria that academic institutions do, so you can be sure to have a good idea of how you are doing. An excellent essay will demonstrate strong critical and accurate analysis of a wide range of appropriate subject material, clear and substantiated arguments, independent thought, impeccable presentation, organisation and expression. The very best of these will show a level of originality beyond the expected.

Our summary is the take-home message: a little round-up of how your work was viewed by a critical reader.

What this means for you

While there’s a lot of detail and formality in the work we do to grade your essay, what we’re really trying to give you is some useful advice on how to raise the quality of your work . Ultimately, our marking service is there to help you – no matter your current skill level, subject area or level of study – get closer to achieving the grades you need.

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Marking: the difference between right and wrong

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Marking: from a marker’s perspective

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Understanding feedback from your essay marker

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Revealed: Harvard Business School’s New MBA Essays For Applicants

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Harvard Business School’s Baker Library.

With just 10 weeks before its first application deadline on Sept. 4th, Harvard Business School today (June 25) revealed a newly revised application for MBA candidates, including a new set of three short essays along with a refresh on how it will evaluate applicants for future classes.

The new prompts?

Business-Minded Essay : Please reflect on how your experiences have influenced your career choices and aspirations and the impact you will have on the businesses, organizations, and communities you plan to serve. (up to 300 words)

Leadership-Focused Essay : What experiences have shaped who you are, how you invest in others, and what kind of leader you want to become? (up to 250 words)

Growth-Oriented Essay : Curiosity can be seen in many ways. Please share an example of how you have demonstrated curiosity and how that has influenced your growth. (up to 250 words)


Eagerly awaited by thousands of prospective students and admission consultants, you can bet that the admissions pages of the HBS website were continually refreshed all morning for a glimpse at the new essay. The Harvard Business School essay prompt for the Class of 2027 was posted at 10:30 a.m. with the opening of the 2024-2025 application online.

This year’s change was put through by Rupal Gadhia , who joined the school as managing director of admissions and financial aid last October. A 2004 Harvard MBA, Gadhia came to the school with no previous admissions experience, having been the global head of marketing for SharkNinja robots.

In explaining the change in a blog post , Gadhia noted that “we have refreshed the criteria on which we evaluate candidates. We are looking for applicants who are business-minded, leadership-focused, and growth-oriented…This is your opportunity to discuss meaningful or formative experiences that are important to you that you haven’t had a chance to fully explore elsewhere in your application…Be authentic, be yourself.”


The school added some context to its new criteria for admission, more clearly defining what it means by business-minded, leadership-focused, and growth-oriented.


We are looking for individuals who are passionate about using business as a force for good – who strive to improve and transform companies, industries, and the world. We are seeking those who are eager to solve today’s biggest problems and shape the future through creative and integrated thinking. Being business-minded is about the interest to help organizations succeed, whether in the private, public, or non-profit sector. This business inclination can be found in individuals with a variety of professional and educational experiences, not just those who come from traditional business backgrounds.

In Your Application: We will look for evidence of your interpersonal skills, quantitative abilities, and the ways in which you plan to create impact through business in the future.


We are looking for individuals who aspire to lead others toward making a difference in the world, and those who recognize that to build and sustain successful organizations, they must develop and nurture diverse teams. Leadership takes many forms in many contexts – you do not have to have a formal leadership role to make a difference. We deliberately create a class that includes different kinds of leaders, from the front-line manager to the startup founder to the behind-the-scenes thought leader.

In Your Application: Your leadership impact may be most evident in extracurriculars, community initiatives, or your professional work.


We are looking for individuals who desire to broaden their perspectives through creative problem solving, active listening, and lively discussion. At HBS you will be surrounded by future leaders from around the world who will make you think more expansively about what impact you might have. Our case and field-based learning methods depend on the active participation of curious students who are excited to listen and learn from faculty and classmates, as well as contribute their own ideas and perspectives.

In Your Application: We will look for the ways in which you have grown, developed, and how you engage with the world around you.


The new essay prompts come  nearly two months after candidates to the school’s MBA program would more typically know what was expected of them. Some admission consultants say the delay over the prompt’s release, along with nearly a month’s slow down in releasing application deadlines, is “wildly insensitive” to applicants who will have less time than normal to prepare for the round one deadline of Sept. 4th.

That’s especially true because the most successful applicants to HBS have highly demanding jobs that consume the vast majority of their time. Many candidates go through multiple drafts of their essays to get them as close to perfection as humanly possible. MBA admission consultants are expecting a lot of up-to-the-deadline work this year to help prep candidates for Harvard and other top business schools.

The new application still preserves the post-interview reflection for applicants who are invited to a 30-minute admissions interview. Within 24 hours of the interview, candidates are required to submit a written reflection through the school’s online application system.


Early reaction to the change suggests the likelihood of mixed reviews. “This is an uninspired and odd set of questions,” says Sandy Kreisberg, founder of and an MBA admissions consultant who closely reads the tea leaves of Harvard’s admissions process. “I don’t know how it’s different from what else do you want us to know about you, frankly,” he adds in a reference to last year’s single essay prompt.

“HBS has certainly moved from the abstract to the concrete,” believes Jeremy Shinewald, founder and CEO of mbaMission, a leading MBA admissions consulting firm. “Some applicants previously felt like they didn’t know where to start and some weren’t sure if they had answered the question, even when they were done. Now, the questions are quite straightforward and all have a cause and effect relationship — one where the applicant discusses the past to reveal the present or future. Smart applicants will understand how to share their experiences and, more importantly, how to relay their values. Some will mistakenly try to whack HBS over the head with stories of their epic feats, but the key isn’t to brag or embellish – the key is to simply create a clear relationship, via narrative, between past experience and true motivations.”

Shinewald found it astonishing that Harvard could not have made the change earlier. “It is, of course, surprising that HBS left applicants on edge until the last minute, all to create very traditional essays,” he adds. “As applicants learn in MBA classrooms, change can be hard and take time. The bottom line here is that these essays are somewhat of an applicant’s dream – they allow the savvy applicant to play to their strengths and draw on their best anecdotes and experiences to create a complete story. Some applicants will lament the absence of a ‘Why HBS?’ prompt, but my guess is that the admissions committee recognized that they would get an almost homogenous collection of essays touting the case method and other well known features. HBS gets some kudos for keeping the focus on the applicant.”

Adds Petia Whitmore of My MBA Path: “I think they reflect one of the traits of this new generation of candidates which is that they don’t handle ambiguity well. So it seems like Harvard had to spell out what they’re looking for way more prescriptively than in the past.”

Some, however, find the new essays a return to the past. “To me, the prompts feel quite regressive, and a return to the more formulaic approach that pervaded MBA applications two decades ago,” believes Justin Marshall, a New York-based MBA admissions consultant. “Because the previous prompt was so open ended, it forced applicants to be introspective and self-aware. You couldn’t just ramble for 900 words; you had to identify themes in your life to show how your personal experiences shaped your values, your leadership style, and your goals. Comparatively, these new prompts are much more paint-by-numbers. Applicants will likely cover the same ground in terms of topic, but there’s very little room for nuance and self-expression. I think it will be harder for applicants with less conventional backgrounds and experiences to differentiate themselves. I’m sure HBS grew tired of reading so many painfully earnest ‘life story’ essays, but I suspect they’ll soon find themselves yearning for essays that have a heartbeat and personality. 250 words just doesn’t allow for that unless you’re a very crafty writer.”

Whatever the case, getting into Harvard’s MBA program is still a daunting exercise. Last year, 1,076 of the 8,264 candidates who applied for admission to Harvard Business School gained admission, an acceptance rate of 13.2%, making HBS the second most selective prestige MBA program in the country after Stanford Graduate School of Business which had an admit rate of 8.4%. Harvard saw a 15.4% drop in MBA applications from the 9,773 it received a year-earlier.

Joint degree applicants for the Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard Law School, and Harvard Kennedy School must provide an additional essay: How do you expect the joint degree experience to benefit you on both a professional and a personal level? (up to 400 words)


Joint degree applicants for the Harvard Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences must provide an additional essay: The MS/MBA Engineering Sciences program is focused on entrepreneurship, design, and innovation. Describe your past experiences in these areas and your reasons for pursuing a program with this focus. (recommended length: 500 words). Applicants will also be able to respond to an optional essay.

In any case, it’s the biggest change in Harvard Business School’s application in nearly a decade. The last time HBS made a major switch, moving to the essay prompt it just eliminated, was in 2016. That change to just one essay with no word limit and a post-interview reflection was made by then admissions chief Dee Leopold.

When Leopold applied to Harvard as an MBA candidate in 1978, she had to write eight essays. Over her years as managing director of admissions, she first cut the essays down to four and then one, making it optional, and finally the one last prompt with a post-interview reflection, saying that applying to HBS should not be a writing contest .

essay writing for 20 marks

OUR BUSINESS CASUAL PODCAST: The New HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL MBA Application:   Fortuna Admissions’ Caroline Diarte-Edwards and ApplicantLab’s Maria Wich-Vila join P&Q’s John A. Byrne to offer applicant advice on how to answer the new HBS essay prompts


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The Supreme Court’s New Leaked Abortion Draft Reeks of Cynicism

On Wednesday morning, the Supreme Court inadvertently released a draft of its decision in Moyle v. United States , a major case about emergency abortions. First obtained by Bloomberg News , the draft shows the court planning to punt the case, sending it back down to the lower courts without any decision on the merits. It also reinstated an injunction requiring Idaho to permit abortions in the case of major health crises.

This outcome reeks of a cynical compromise, secured by the more tactical conservative justices, to push this explosive issue past this fall’s election. The Republican Party’s position—that states may force patients to the brink of death before allowing them to terminate a failing pregnancy— is politically toxic . A Supreme Court decision allowing states to impose such a draconian policy could hurt Republicans, and Donald Trump specifically, in November. The three less-extreme conservative justices may have therefore figured out a way to punt the case. Yet they also gave us good reason to believe that when it comes back around next year, they will side with the red states that wish to enforce their abortion bans against patients in extreme medical distress.

Moyle revolves around the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, known as EMTALA, which Congress enacted in 1986. The law requires hospitals that accept federal funding to provide stabilizing care for any “emergency medical condition” that poses “serious jeopardy” to a person’s health. Abortion is the standard of care for many pregnancy-related conditions, and hospitals have long provided the procedure when necessary to stabilize a patient. At least half a dozen states, however, have enacted abortion bans so stringent that they conflict with EMTALA’s commands. Idaho, for instance, criminalizes abortion except when it is necessary to prevent a patient’s death. (Doctors who perform an abortion before the patient is close enough to death face a mandatory minimum of two years’ imprisonment.)

Joe Biden’s Department of Justice sued Idaho, alleging that EMTALA preempts state law. A district court agreed, issuing an injunction that required Idaho to allow abortions when a patient’s health (but not necessarily her life) was in serious jeopardy. The Supreme Court halted that injunction and took up the case before the appeals court could issue a decision on the merits. As soon as SCOTUS intervened, Idaho doctors had to start airlifting pregnant patients to neighboring states to obtain emergency abortions that were illegal under Idaho law.

If the draft opinion is accurate, then the Supreme Court has decided that it should not have intervened in the first place. It reached this conclusion by a 5–4 vote: Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor joined with Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh, as well as Chief Justice John Roberts, to dismiss the case as “improvidently granted,” with a one-line per curiam opinion. These justices also voted to lift the stay on the injunction that had protected Idaho patients, and they were joined by Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson on that front. (Jackson would have decided the case against Idaho rather than dismissing it.) The compromise seems obvious: Kagan and Sotomayor agreed to dismiss the case in exchange for a reinstatement of the stay in Idaho.

Barrett wrote to explain her vote, joined by Roberts and Kavanaugh. Her draft concurrence should throw cold water on anyone tempted to call this move a victory for reproductive rights. The justice makes two key points. First, she claimed that Idaho has expanded access to emergency abortions beyond what it initially represented, while the DOJ has narrowed EMTALA’s scope beyond what it initially claimed. She cited concession by Idaho’s attorney during oral argument that the state would allow abortions in an emergency situation in which death is not inevitable, like preeclampsia and preterm premature rupture of the membranes. In light of this shift, Barrett wrote, it’s unclear how state and federal laws conflict, requiring further lower court proceedings. And she voted to lift the stay not because she agrees with the DOJ’s interpretation of EMTALA but because, “even with the preliminary injunction in place, Idaho’s ability to enforce its law remains almost entirely intact.”

Second, and more ominously, Barrett cited an alarming constitutional theory that Idaho brought at the eleventh hour. Congress enacted EMTALA pursuant to the spending clause, under which the federal government may offer (or withdraw) funds with certain strings attached. Idaho alleges that Congress cannot mandate funding conditions that force recipients to violate states’ criminal laws. If that’s true, then even if EMTALA requires emergency abortions when a patient’s life is at risk, it must yield to state bans that criminalize such care. In her draft concurrence, Barrett called this novel theory “difficult and consequential,” urging the lower courts to address it. Her opinion reads like an invitation for Idaho to develop this concept more fully and present it next term, when she—and Roberts and Kavanaugh—will be less prone to the pressures of an impending presidential election and thus likely more amenable to it.

As with any Barrett opinion, a casual reader may find herself nodding along, persuaded by the clear writing and smooth reasoning. But ponder this draft concurrence for more than a few minutes and it falls apart. Yes, the Department of Justice and Idaho have whittled down the scope of their disagreement—but so what? The conflict is still there, in the text of the respective laws and in their potential applications. The Idaho Supreme Court has already provided its definitive interpretation of the state ban, declaring that it permits abortion only when necessary to prevent death, not to protect a patient’s health more broadly. Yet Barrett credited the unfounded assertions of the midlevel state lawyer, Joshua Turner, who argued the case before them. Turner’s legally meaningless thought bubbles will not protect a doctor accused of violating the ban. As Jackson wrote in her partial dissent: “Some of my colleagues latch onto the bald representations of Idaho’s counsel, using them as an escape hatch that justifies our dispensing with having to issue a merits ruling in these cases.”

If Barrett were even remotely inclined to interpret EMTALA as a protection for abortion patients, she would not have performed this casuistic jujitsu. For the Supreme Court’s purposes, all that matters is the existence of a conflict, which even Barrett had to acknowledge while fudging its contours. That conflict gave the justices an opportunity to decide the foundational question: Does EMTALA override the most extreme applications of state abortion bans? SCOTUS could have said yes, then sent the case back down for the lower courts to apply it on the ground. The district court could have sussed out the precise scope of the clash between state and federal laws and delineated the point at which EMTALA supersedes Idaho’s ban. Barrett’s refusal to take this course of action suggests that she is not prepared—indeed, will never be prepared—to enforce EMTALA against the states.

So, why the punt? A generous explanation is that Barrett could not swallow the consequences of a decision for Idaho. Justice Samuel Alito’s draft dissent, joined by Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, is unyielding in its cruel disregard for women’s health; he acknowledged, for instance, that Idaho’s ban may require doctors to stand by and wait for a pregnant patient to develop “infection and serious risk of sepsis” before terminating her failing pregnancy. This borderline sadistic position may have been too much for Barrett to accept. Perhaps she would rather wait to embrace Idaho’s legalistic theory about the spending clause to obscure the human suffering this approach would unleash.

A cynic, though, might assume that Barrett, along with Kavanaugh and Roberts, wants to push this issue past the presidential election. Biden has centered his campaign on reproductive rights, highlighting women who were nearly killed by abortion bans and laying the blame at Trump’s feet. A decision freeing states to continue denying emergency abortions to patients in distress would vividly illustrate the devastating fallout from the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade . It would remind voters that Trump created this court, stacking it with surefire votes against abortion rights, and raise the stakes for reproductive freedom in the run-up to November. Now the court that Trump made is planning to quietly duck out of the limelight on this issue.

But it can’t stay away for long. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5 th Circuit has already ruled against the Biden administration’s interpretation of EMTALA, subjecting millions of women to far-reaching bans on emergency abortions. This issue will boomerang back up to SCOTUS, and it will have to make a decision. As Jackson wrote in her draft opinion, “Storm clouds loom ahead.” How far ahead? Maybe not even a year—maybe until just after November. Until then, patients in Idaho have some semblance of protection in an injunction. And tens of millions of others face the harrowing uncertainty that the Supreme Court just indefensibly prolonged.

This is part of  Opinionpalooza , Slate’s coverage of the major decisions from the Supreme Court this June. Alongside  Amicus , we kicked things off this year by explaining  How Originalism Ate the Law . The best way to support our work is by joining  Slate Plus . (If you are already a member, consider a  donation  or  merch !)

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Guest Essay

Something’s Rotten About the Justices Taking So Long on Trump’s Immunity Case

A view of the Supreme Court building under dark skies with the portico lighted.

By Leah Litman

Ms. Litman is a professor at the University of Michigan Law School, a host of the “Strict Scrutiny” podcast and a former clerk to the Supreme Court justice Anthony Kennedy.

For those looking for the hidden hand of politics in what the Supreme Court does, there’s plenty of reason for suspicion on Donald Trump’s as-yet-undecided immunity case given its urgency. There are, of course, explanations that have nothing to do with politics for why a ruling still hasn’t been issued. But the reasons to think something is rotten at the court are impossible to ignore.

On Feb. 28, the justices agreed to hear Mr. Trump’s claim that he is immune from prosecution on charges that he plotted to subvert the 2020 election. The court scheduled oral arguments in the case for the end of April. That eight-week interval is much quicker than the ordinary Supreme Court briefing process, which usually extends for at least 10 weeks . But it’s considerably more drawn out than the schedule the court established earlier this year on a challenge from Colorado after that state took Mr. Trump off its presidential primary ballot. The court agreed to hear arguments on the case a mere month after accepting it and issued its decision less than a month after the argument. Mr. Trump prevailed, 9-0.

Nearly two months have passed since the justices heard lawyers for the former president and for the special counsel’s office argue the immunity case. The court is dominated by conservatives nominated by Republican presidents. Every passing day further delays a potential trial on charges related to Mr. Trump’s efforts to remain in office after losing the 2020 election and his role in the events that led to the storming of the Capitol; indeed, at this point, even if the court rules that Mr. Trump has limited or no immunity, it is unlikely a verdict will be delivered before the election.

The immunity case is not the only big case hanging fire. Some two dozen remain undecided that were argued even before the April 25 oral argument over Mr. Trump’s immunity. A case on gun rights for domestic abusers under a restraining order was argued in November; cases involving the power of federal agencies and a multibillion-dollar settlement for opioid victims were heard in December and January; the court also has yet to decide whether upwind states must cut emissions that affect the air quality in downwind states. That case was argued in February.

The court is a busy place, though the justices are completing decisions at the second slowest rate since the 1946 term, according to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal. The court tries to wrap up its business for the term that began in October by the end of June. It’s not shocking that cases argued later in the term end up being decided later, especially because by the end of April, when the immunity case was heard, the court was still working to finish cases argued months earlier. April was also among the court’s busiest months: The justices heard 10 cases.

But these seemingly mundane, process explanations overlook some of the particulars in the immunity case. Mr. Trump’s lawyers put together a set of arguments that are so outlandish they shouldn’t take much time to dispatch. Among them is the upside-down claim that, because the Constitution specifies that an officer who is convicted in an impeachment proceeding may subsequently face a criminal trial, the Constitution actually requires an impeachment conviction before there is any criminal punishment.

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    For those looking for the hidden hand of politics in what the Supreme Court does, there's plenty of reason for suspicion on Donald Trump's as-yet-undecided immunity case given its urgency.