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Difference between "have done" and "had done"

I want to know the difference between "have done" and "had done". When and where it should be used?

  • phrase-usage
  • present-perfect
  • past-perfect

Eddie Kal's user avatar

4 Answers 4

Have done --- Have done is a present perfect tense , generally it is used when the action is completed recently/just now.

Had done -- Had done is a past perfect tense , generally refers to something which happened earlier in the past, before another action also occured in the past.

For Example:

We have done the work -- Here the action completed recently/just now.

My friend offered me an apple in classroom yesterday , but I wasn't hungry because I had just eaten lunch -- Here the action happened earlier(" yesterday "), and another action (" I had just eaten lunch ") also occured in the past.

Ramya S's user avatar

"Have (or has) done" can be used as a standalone declarative phrase. ("I have done my homework."), although other phrases can be added ("I have done my homework, so I'm going to visit a friend.")

"Had done" is always used in a multi-phrase construction ("I had done my homework, so I went to visit a friend." or "If he had done his homework, he could have gone to the party.")

WhatRoughBeast's user avatar

Here is the answer I found on one of English forums:

We have done our homework. present perfect tense. Completed in the very recent past.

We had done our homework, so we were allowed to go to the movies. past perfect tense. Completed in the past, prior to the simple past "act" of being allowed.

Note that the simple present of "to have," third person singular, is "has." He has done his homework. The "done" remains in the base form, and does not change. "Had" is simple past, and does not change for person or number: He had done his homework, so he was allowed to go to the movies.


Manideep Reddy's user avatar

I "have done" is present perfect while I "had done" is past perfect. What these tell us is when the action was completed (made perfect/perfected).

So, "I have done the thing" tells us, at this present time, that "the thing" is completely done. At this present time the action is complete or perfect. Present Perfect .

On the other hand, "I had done the thing" tells us, that at some time in the past , "the thing" was already completely done. At some past time the action was complete/perfect. Past Perfect .

You can use them like this

Present Perfect: Something you have recently completed or something you did a long time ago or something you used to do, but you don't do any longer.

I have ridden horses in the past. (but I no longer do) I have baked that cake. (just recently)

Past Perfect Is used when you want to talk about what happened in the past AFTER the event in question.

I had ridden horses, but I was still afraid of them. I had baked a cake, and it was delicious.

I suppose another way to envisage them is like this.

Historic Past, Past, Present, Future.

I have baked a cake (Past) and it is tasty (Present). Soon it will all be gone. (Future)

I had baked a cake (Historic Past) and it was tasty (Past). But now it's all gone (Present).

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he do his homework before

  • Action Verbs
  • Auxiliary (or Helping) Verbs
  • Stative Verbs
  • Modal Verbs
  • Phrasal Verbs
  • Verb Tenses
  • Irregular Verbs
  • Irregular Verbs List
  • Confusing Verbs
  • Gerunds and Infinitives
  • Infinitive Definition & Examples
  • Do, Does, Did
  • An Extensive List of Phrasal Verbs
  • The Present Simple Tense
  • The Present Progressive Tense
  • The Past Simple Tense
  • The Past Progressive Tense
  • The Present Perfect Simple Verb Tense
  • The Future Tense
  • The Present Perfect Progressive Tense

The Past Perfect Simple Tense

  • The Past Perfect Progressive Tense
  • The Future Perfect Tense
  • Passive Voice
  • Conjugation
  • Conjunctions
  • Preposition
  • Use after, as soon as, the moment that, until before using the past perfect simple. Ex: After she had moved out , I found her notes./ I didn’t say anything until she had finished talking.
  • Use before, when, by the time before the past simple: Ex. Before I knew it, she had run out the door. / By the time he phoned her, she had found someone new.

Write better and faster Ginger helps you write confidently. Start writing with Ginger

  • The past perfect simple, to refer to the action that happened first or earlier
  • The past simple to refer to the action that happened second or later
  • After Sofie had finished her work, she went to lunch. (First she finished her work and then she went to eat lunch.)
  • I washed the floor when the painter had gone. (First the painter left and then I washed the floor.)
  • Harold had known about it for a while. (First he knew about it, then others knew about it)
  • walk > walk ed / study > stud ied / stop > stop ped / create > creat ed
Subject had +Verb(V3) (Past Participle) Rest of Sentence
I / You / We / They He / She / It had met him before he became famous
had lived here for three years by the time we met
  • By the time Doris got to the party, everyone had gone home.
  • Everyone had gone home by the time Doris had got to the party.

Contractions in the Past Perfect Simple

Punctuation tip.

  • I had > I'd - After I'd used the phone, I paid the bill.
  • He had > He'd / She has > She'd / It has > It'd - It'd happened so quickly, I didn't notice.
  • We had > We'd / You have > You'd /They are > They'd – We'd just gotten home, when we heard the blast outside.

Negative Sentences in the Past Perfect Simple Tense

Subject Auxillery Verb Verb in V3 (Past Participle) Rest of Sentence
I / You / We / They He / She / It hadn't (had not) driven a car before then
had never driven a car before then
  • I had not eaten at that restaurant before today.
  • Samantha hadn't had time to explain her side of the story.
  • My friends hadn't ever gone to France.
  • My friends had never gone to the USA either.

Yes/No Questions in the Past Perfect Simple

Auxiliary Verb Subject Verb in V3 (Past Participle) Rest of Sentence
Had I / you / we / they he / she / it had time to rehearse you're the song
Had he / she / it eaten there before
  • Had you cleaned up the mess by the time they came home?
  • Had Adam ever spoken to the CEO before he was fired?

Wh-Questions in the Past Perfect Simple

Wh-Word Auxiliary Verb Subject Verb in V3 (Past Participle) Rest of Sentence
What had I / you / we / they he / she / it taught before leaving education
Why had changed the subject
  • What had they said that made him so angry?
  • Why had he agreed to work for that salary?
  • How much had he drunk before you got to him?

Tag Questions in the Past Perfect Simple

  • John had known about the cancer for a couple of years, hadn't he ?
  • They had been in business together, hadn't they ?
  • Jennifer hadn't spoken to you about it, had she ?
  • They had never eaten a proper Indian meal, had they ?

Exercises – Past Perfect Simple

  • After Loren had turned on the alarm, she locked the door. (turn on)
  • By the time Simone arrived , the police had already left. (arrive)
  • Had you known about the contract they signed? (know)
  • After the company _____Joe, he began to work on his first project. (hire)
  • _____you _______ the news before you saw it on TV? (hear)
  • Michael didn’t want to see the movie because he _______ the book yet. (not read)
  • The concert ______ already _______when we _______ the stadium. (begin/ enter)
  • Until Anne ________ Mark, she ____ never ______in love. (meet, be)
  • Bill __________ for years before he finally _______. (smoke/ quit)
  • _______ Sara ever _______to London by herself before then? (drive)
  • How many fish ______ the boys _____ by the time it started raining? (catch)
  • You ________ them to go to the beach, hadn’t you? (forbid)
  • The girls _______ in weeks? That’s why they ______ so much afterwards. (exercise / hurt)
  • hadn't read
  • had/begun/entered
  • met/had/been
  • had smoked/quit
  • had forbidden
  • hadn’t exercised / hurt

Examples - Past Perfect Simple

  • After Sofie had finished her work, she went to lunch.
  • I washed the floor when the painter had gone.
  • Harold had known about it for a while.
  • I didn't say anything until she had finished talking.
  • After she had moved out, I found her notes.
  • Before I knew it, she had run out the door.
  • By the time he phoned her, she had found someone new.
  • I had had enough of his complaining.
  • After I'd used the phone, I paid the bill.
  • It'd happened so quickly, I didn't notice.
  • We'd just gotten home, when we heard the blast outside.

Yes/No Questions

Wh- questions, tag questions.

  • John had known about the cancer for a couple of years, hadn't he?
  • They had been in business together, hadn't they?
  • Jenifer hadn't spoken to you about it, had she?
  • They had never eaten a proper Indian meal, had they?

Strategies for Parents

Do or Does: Which is Correct?

By: Author Dr. Patrick Capriola

Posted on Published: November 29, 2021

The verb “do” is among the most common English verbs, and like most verbs we use a lot, it’s irregular. “Do” and “does” are both forms of the verb “do” in the simple present, so which is correct, “do” or “does?”

When you talk about yourself, you should say, “I do” as in “I do the dishes,” not “I does the dishes.” Even though the verb “do” is irregular, it still follows the rule that a present tense verb, in the third-person singular, needs an “s” at the end. For example, “I eat” and “he eats.” Like other verbs, “do” gets an “s” in the third-person singular, but we spell it with “es” — “does.”

Let’s take a closer look at how “do” and “does” are different and when to use each one. We’ll also talk about how to make negative sentences and questions with “do” and “does,” and we’ll even check out some common phrasal verbs and expressions that use “do.”

Do Is a Verb: What Does It Mean?

“Do” and “does” are action verbs, and we use them to describe an activity in the present tense ( source ). Remember that we use the simple present tense to talk about habits or activities that happen consistently over time.

Is It “I Do” or “I Does”?

Say “I do” when you are talking about work or an activity you are performing yourself. Here are some examples:

  • I always do my homework before dinner.
  • I do the dishes after we eat.

You only need to use the word “does” when you use the third-person singular to talk about another person or thing ( source ). Look at these sentences:

  • He always does his homework before dinner.
  • She does the dishes after we eat.
  • That car does well in the snow.

Can We Use “Do” with “I”?

As we’ve learned from the previous examples, you can use “do” with “I.” Bearing that in mind, which of these sentences is correct?

  • I do all my chores on Saturday.
  • I does all my chores on Saturday.

If you chose the first sentence, you’re correct! Remember, we need “do” when the subject is “I.”

Can We Use “Does” with “I”?

This also raises the question of whether we can use “does” with “I.” Simply put, no, you cannot use “does” with “I.” Consider the next examples. Which sentence is correct?

  • I does it as many times as it takes.
  • I do it as many times as it takes.

The second sentence is correct. Remember, the third-person singular is the only subject that uses “does.” You can say, “He does it as many times as it takes,” but you cannot say, “I does it as many times as it takes.”

“Does” and “Do” Chart

Here’s an easy chart to help you remember when to use “does” or “do.”

You (singular)do
You (plural) do

As you can see from the chart, you should always use “do” in the simple present tense when you are talking about anyone except he, she, or it. For those subjects, you need “does.”

Do or Does Singular

For proper subject-verb agreement, the singular subjects “I” and “you” need the word “do.” To describe how singular subjects “he,” “she,” or “it” complete an action, you will need to use the word “does.”

  • I do my best.
  • You do my hair exactly how I like it.
  • She does everything with a smile.

Of course, if you are using someone’s name or the name of an “it,” you’ll also use “does.”

  • Mr. Garcia does car repair from his shop.
  • This printer also does color, as well as black and white.

Do or Does Plural

In contrast, for proper subject-verb agreement, you should use “do” with all plural subjects, like “we,” “they,” or the plural “you.”

  • We do the laundry every week.
  • They do their jobs well.
  • You do your best all the time.
  • They do volunteer work at the library. 

“Does” and “Do” Examples

Now you try! Look at these sentences and decide if you should use “do” or does.”

1.    Mr. and Mrs. Lee always _____ what they say.

2.    You guys ______ that project, and we can _____ this one. (you → plural)

3.    The horse ______ laps around the track.

4.    I _____ the sewing by hand.

5.    You and I ______ whatever we want.

6.    You _____ a good job when you cook. (you → singular)

7.   I _____my work from home now.

Here are the answers. How did you do?

1.   do

2.   do, do

3.   does

4.   do

5.   do

6.   do

7.   do

Using Do and Does With Various Sentence Structures

he do his homework before

There are many different ways to use the verbs “do” and “does,” whether as main verbs or helping verbs. In this section, we’ll review the main applications for both.

Do and Does in a Positive Sentence for Emphasis

Occasionally, we can use “do” and “does” as helping verbs . However, this isn’t very common in positive sentences unless you want to give extra emphasis to the sentence’s main verb. You will still use “does” with the third-person singular and “do” with all other personal pronouns. 

Here are some examples of how either “do” or “does” can provide emphasis for your main verb:

  • I do want to go ; please call me! (You do not think I want to go)
  • He does like pickles on his sandwich. (You thought he did not like them.)
  • Sally and Harry do want to get married; they just don’t know when.

Making Negative Sentences With Do and Does

We also use “do” and “does” as helping verbs in negative sentences if the main verb is not “be.” Just add the adverb “not” after the helping verb “do” or “does,” then use your main verb. You will still use “does” for “he,” “she,” and “it” and “do” for all other personal pronouns. Consider the following examples:

  • I do not want to go .
  • You do not need to help me.
  • Marla does not eat meat.
  • We do not exercise on Fridays.
  • You (plural) do not use plastic forks.
  • They do not think it will happen.

Any of these sentences are fine. However, it’s much more common to make a contraction with “not,” especially when you are speaking. Simply combine “do” or “does” with “not” into one word, and then replace the “o” in “not” with an apostrophe.

  • I don’t want to go.
  • You don’t need to help me.
  • Marla doesn’t eat meat.
  • We don’t exercise on Fridays.
  • You don’t use plastic forks.
  • They don’t think it will happen.

Making Questions With Do and Does

A very common way to ask questions in English is by using “do” and “does” as helping verbs. Use them when you are asking a question that needs a “yes” or “no” answer. 

The rule for when to use “do” and “does” is still the same. You need to use “does” with “he,” “she,” or “it” and “do” with “I” and all other personal pronouns ( source ). Here are some examples:

  • Do you like chocolate ice cream?
  • Does he need help?
  • Do they make a lot of money?
  • Do we have a meeting today?

The answer to all of these questions can be a simple yes or no. If you need a longer answer to a question, you can add a question word — who, what, where, when, why, how, which — before “do” or “does.”

  • Why does he always arrive late?
  • How do you spell that?
  • What do I use to clean this?
  • Who do they live with?

However, there are times you do not need to use “do” and “does” when you ask a question. We’ve already talked about one — when your main verb is a form of “be.” Here are two more:

  • When your main verb is a compound verb, like “are going.”
  • When you use a modal verb, like “can,” should,” have,” etc.

Making Negative Questions With “Do” and “Does”

To make negative questions, you should use the contractions “don’t” and “doesn’t.” It’s very rare to form a negative question by saying or spelling “do not” or “does not.” Instead, just put these contractions at the beginning of the sentence, before the subject. These questions only need a “yes” or “no” answer.

  • Don’t I look pretty?
  • Doesn’t that dog need a bath?
  • Don’t we have a meeting today?

Do and Does Can Substitute for Other Verbs

If your listener knows what action you are talking about, you can also follow “do” and “does” with the pronoun “it.”

  • We do it every week. (the laundry.)
  • He never does it until the weekend. (his homework.)
  • They do it with love. (their cooking)
  • This machine does it better. (the function of the machine you are talking about)

Speaking of pronouns, be aware that it’s not a good idea to directly follow “do” or “does” with a pronoun that refers to a person, like “him,” “her,” or “us.” Sentences like that are either so casual that they sound uneducated, or they can refer in a derogatory way to activities that you wouldn’t talk about in normal conversation.

However, you can use possessive pronouns, like “my” and “her,” followed by a noun.

  • I do her hair every morning.
  • Does Mr. Smith do your yard three times a week?

Other Ways to Use Do and Does

You can also use “do” and “does” with indefinite pronouns like “everything” and “nothing” to talk about activities.

  • I do everything around the house.
  • She does nothing unless someone asks her.

And finally, you can use “do” and “does” with an adverb to describe how you performed that activity.

  • Matthew does his homework quickly.

Pronouncing Do and Does

“Do” and “does” also have irregular pronunciation, but don’t worry! Once you learn how to say them, they are easy to remember. The following pronunciation guides use Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary ( source ) and IPA symbols to help you ( source ).

Do\ˈdü\/duː/Pronounce “do” like you pronounce “you” or “two.”
Does\ˈdəz\/dʌz/Pronounce “does” as you pronounce “was” or the second syllable of “be-cause.”

Some Useful Idioms and Phrasal Verbs With “Do”

Since we use “do” and “does” a lot, there are also many expressions and idioms that use these two words ( source ). Here are a few:

Do (someone) a favor → to do a kind or helpful act for someone:

  • Molly, would you do me a favor and help me move these boxes?

Do business → to sell or buy from:

  • That deal sounds good; can we do business?

Do you good → a good thing that will help you:

  • Take this medicine; it does you good.

Do a number on → to hurt or harm someone or something:

  • The puppy does a number on my shoes.

Do-over → a second try to accomplish a task that was previously unsuccessful:

  • Can I have a do-over?

Do the trick → to produce the desired result:

  • I fixed the picture frame with a nail; that should do the trick.

Do you read me → this is serious; it is important that you do as I say:

  • Jonathan, do not play in the street. Do you read me?

he do his homework before

How to Answer “How Are You Doing?”

Finally, what should you say when someone asks you, “How are you doing?” You can’t answer this with the present tense “I do.” Instead, you need to use the present continuous, as they did in their question. This article was written for

You might answer, “I’m doing well” or “I’m doing good.” Both are correct, but they mean different things. Check out this article on the difference between “doing well” and “doing good.”

Final Thoughts

Remember, you should use “does” for the third-person singular. Use “do” for all other personal pronouns, both singular and plural. This rule applies when you use “do” as an action verb, as well as when you use it as a helping verb.

The more you listen to native speakers and practice your own speaking, the more you will discover that using “do” and “does” correctly will soon become natural for you. 

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" He did his homework ," he said.

" He did his homework ," Mr. Vaidya said.

He does his homework , and he talks to people.

He did his homework with no trouble.

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" He did his homework ," Rees said approvingly.

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T086 - Past Tense Simple or Progressive

Gap-fill exercise.

Fill in the correct form of the PAST TENSE : Simple or Progressive !

  • My brother ( DRINK ) while he ( DO ) his homework.
  • He ( WALK ) into the classroom, then he (SAT) down.
  • Harry ( SING ) a song when Jane ( COME ) in.
  • Nothing ( HAPPEN ) when I turned on the radio.
  • It ( START ) to rain while I ( WALK ) through the park.
  • Jackie ( LISTEN ) to the radio when the doorbell  ( RING ).
  • He ( FIND ) some money when he ( CLEAN ) the cupboards.
  • He ( SEE ) the accident when he (DRIVE) home from work.
  • While Jimmy ( TELL ) a joke his teacher ( WALK ) in.
  • The Smiths ( FLY ) to Italy yesterday.
  • It ( BEGIN ) to snow while we ( PLAY ) football.
  • They ( LIVE ) in Portugal when the earthquake ( HAPPEN )

Exercise on Simple Past and Past Perfect

Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Perfect).

  • When Simon went had gone out to play, he already did had already done his homework.
  • Jenny came had come home, sat had sat down and switched had switched on the telly.
  • Before that day in winter, the African boy never saw had never seen snow in his life.
  • She gave had given me the book that she read had read .
  • We visited had visited the museum that our friend told had told us about a month before.

Grammar Exercises: Past Perfect Simple and Continuous

Grammar exercises - past perfect, do the exercises below on the past perfect simple and continuous and click on the button to check your answers., write the past participle of the following irregular verbs., complete the sentences in past perfect simple (affirmative form.), complete the sentences in past perfect simple (negative)., complete the questions in past perfect simple., put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect or the simple past), put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense (past perfect simple or continuous.), related materials:.

Grammar Quiz

Tim ______________ (do) his homework before he went to bed.

A. have done

B. has done

C. had done

Select your answer:          

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Other quiz:

He lives ___ apartment 501. a. in b. on c. at

I have two sisters

A. but we didn’t ski.

B. and a brother.

C. or a teacher

D. but I didn’t understand it.

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.

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he do his homework before

He his homework before he went to the cinema

He his homework before he went to the cinema


Question 21 – 25: Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) to fill in each blank.

He ________ his homework before he went to the cinema.

Đáp án đúng: B

Lời giải của tự học 365.

Giải chi tiết:

Cách dùng: Thì quá khứ hoàn thành diễn tả sự việc, hành động xảy ra trước một sự việc, hành động khác trong quá khứ.

Hành động “went to cinema”(đi xem phim) xảy ra sau hành động “do his homework”(làm bài tập về nhà) trong quá khứ.

Công thức: Before S + Ved/V2, S + had + Ved/V3

Tạm dịch: Anh ấy đã làm xong bài tập về nhà trước khi đi xem phim.

Ý kiến của bạn Hủy

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@tomm : He is done his homework doesn't make sense because "is" is present tense while the rest of the sentence is past tense. Past tense = He has done his homework Present tense = he is doing his homework. Hope this helps !

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he do his homework before

@tomm He is done his homework is wrong. He has done his homework is right.

he do his homework before

You can also say, "he is done with his homework"

@tomm no problem, @tomm : if you add 'with' to make it "he was done with his homework" it will make more sense, the word "with" is called a preposition that is placed before a noun or pronoun to make a sentence complete. sentences that are not complete sound un-natural., if you are using it as a question, say "can i watch television when you are done" if you are making a statement, say "i will watch television when you are done." "i can" is used to imply you are capable of doing something. ex: "i can cook" & "i can drive".

he do his homework before

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Does do his homework or does do homework?

  • Thread starter lola77777
  • Start date Oct 7, 2010


  • Oct 7, 2010

Hola... Quisiera saber como se diría correctamente a) Does Peter do his homework in the evenings? b) Does Peter do homework in the evenings? Gracias  


Senior Member

Both are correct. They could be interpreted differently, though: a) Does Peter do his homework in the evenings? Does he do all of his homework? b) Does Peter do homework in the evenings? Does he do homework (or something else)? Context is everything, though.  


horsewishr said: Both are correct. They could be interpreted differently, though: a) Does Peter do his homework in the evenings? Does he do all of his homework? b) Does Peter do homework in the evenings? Does he do homework (or something else)? Context is everything, though. Click to expand...
aztlaniano said: Welcome, lola77777! Se pueden usar las dos versiones. Tratándose de una pregunta, también podría ser: Does Peter do any home work ...? ( Does Peter do any of his homework in the evenings? Does Peter often/always/usually do (his) homework in the evenings? Hay matices, los significados son algo diferentes. Si pregunto, por ejemplo, "Does Peter do any of his homework in the evening" podría implicar (¿O es que hace las tareas sólo a la hora de comer?) (He traspado esta entrada desde el foro de vocabulario y he pedido que el hilo allí se quite, ya que tenemos este.) Click to expand...

he do his homework before

[LỚP 12 SGK MỚI] Sách Tổng Ôn Tập Toán Học Tập 1 - Ôn Thi TN THPT & Ôn Thi ĐGNL HN - ĐGNL HCM

he do his homework before

[LỚP 12 SGK MỚI] Sách Tổng Ôn Tập Toán Học Tập 2 - Ôn Thi TN THPT & Ôn Thi ĐGNL HN - ĐGNL HCM

he do his homework before

[LỚP 12 SGK MỚI] Combo 2 Sách Tổng Ôn Toán Học Tập 1 - Tổng Ôn Toán Học Tập 2 - Ôn Thi TN THPT & Ôn Thi ĐGNL HN - ĐGNL HCM

he do his homework before

[LỚP 12 SGK MỚI] - Sổ Tay Toán Học 12

he do his homework before

[LỚP 12 SGK MỚI] - Sách Tổng Ôn Tập Vật Lí Tập 1 - Ôn Thi TN THPT & Ôn Thi ĐGNL HN - ĐGNL HCM

he do his homework before

[LỚP 12 SGK MỚI] - Sách Tổng Ôn Tập Vật Lí Tập 2 - Ôn Thi TN THPT & Ôn Thi ĐGNL HN - ĐGNL HCM

he do his homework before

[LỚP 12 SGK MỚI] - Combo 2 Sách Tổng Ôn Vật Lí Tập 1 - Tổng Ôn Vật Lí Tập 2 - ÔnThi TN THPT & Ôn Thi ĐGNL HN - ĐGNL HCM

he do his homework before

[LỚP 12 SGK MỚI] Sách Tổng Ôn Tập Hóa Học Tập 1 - Ôn Thi TN THPT & Ôn Thi ĐGNL HN - ĐGNL HCM

he do his homework before

[LỚP 12 SGK MỚI] Sách Tổng Ôn Tập Hóa Học Tập 2 - Ôn Thi TN THPT & Ôn Thi ĐGNL HN - ĐGNL HCM

he do his homework before

[LỚP 12 SGK MỚI] Combo 2 Sách Tổng Ôn Hóa Học Tập 1 - Tổng Ôn Hóa Học Tập 2 - ÔnThi TN THPT & Ôn Thi ĐGNL HN - ĐGNL HCM

he do his homework before

[SÁCH MỚI VỀ] Combo 2 Sách Tổng Ôn Sinh Học Tập 1 - Tổng Ôn Sinh Học Tập 2 - ÔnThi TN THPT & Ôn Thi ĐGNL HN - ĐGNL HCM Sinh Học Lớp 12 - Dành cho 2K7

he do his homework before

[LỚP 12 SGK MỚI] Sách Ngữ Văn Tập 1 - Ôn Thi TN THPT & Ôn Thi ĐGNL HN - ĐGNL HCM

he do his homework before

[LỚP 12 SGK MỚI] Sách Địa Lí Tập 1 - Ôn Thi TN THPT & Ôn Thi ĐGNL HN - ĐGNL HCM

he do his homework before

[LỚP 12 SGK MỚI] - Combo 3 Sách Khối A - Tập 1 (Tổng Ôn Toán Học Tập 1 - Tổng Ôn Vật Lí Tập 1 - Tổng Ôn Hóa Học Tập 1)

he do his homework before

[LỚP 12 SGK MỚI] - Combo 2 Sách Tổng Ôn Toán Học - Vật Lí Tập 1 - Tặng Sổ Tay Toán Học - Dành Cho 2K7

he do his homework before

Combo Tổng Ôn Toán, Hoá Tập 1 - Tặng Sổ Tay Toán Học - Dành Cho 2K7

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My wife isn't 'just' a stepmom to my son. He sees her as his other mom.

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My wife has been in my son's life since he was 6 years old.

She has taken on a parental role, stepping in whenever I need extra help.

Even though she's his stepmom, my son considers her his other mom.

After Vice President Kamala Harris announced she was running for president, one criticism lobbed against her was that she is not a parent because she has never given birth to children. But she is the stepmother to her husband Doug Emhoff 's two children.

Like Harris, my wife is a stepmother to my son.

I am no longer in a relationship with his father and have been in a new relationship for four years. My wife came into my son's life when he was 6 years old and quickly stepped into a parental role. It was a role she enthusiastically took on.

Although she didn't give birth to my son, my wife is absolutely his second mother.

My son and wife's relationship started friendly

My wife didn't immediately take an authoritative role or force him to treat her like a parent. At first, she was more like a grown-up friend — someone he knew he needed to respect, but someone who would take him on drives to get ice cream or let him pretend to drive her car while I was inside the grocery store.

I was worried about parenting with another person all the time. As the primary parent, I wasn't used to dividing parenting duties . My wife was aware of that and always deferred to me as the primary parent.

But the bond between my son and my wife was instant. He had never met someone I was dating before, but he liked her immediately.

My wife has taken on more responsibility as a stepmom

Over the last four years, she's taken on more parental responsibility but never tried to act like she was more of a parent than myself or my son's father. She is a bonus mom, someone there to kiss him goodnight , help him with his homework, and love him unconditionally.

During the pandemic, my wife volunteered to take the lead in helping my son with virtual school so I could focus on work. She created a schedule for him, made him lunch, and ensured he kept up with assignments. When the playgrounds opened, she would take him to play, armed with a backpack full of whatever was needed.

I have gone on several overnight trips , leaving the two of them alone together. My son doesn't even call or text me when I'm gone because he's having so much fun hanging out with my wife. I never have to worry about him; I know my wife will make sure he takes a bath and goes to bed on time.

There are days when I will ask her to tag in and do the bedtime routine because I'm working or want a break, and she does it without question. My son knows that if he needs something, he doesn't have to come to me all the time.

Seeing my wife willingly step into a parental role with my son has strengthened our relationship. I knew I loved her almost immediately after we met, but seeing how my son responded to her made me more secure in my decision.

Sometimes, she still refers to him as mine, and I always remind her that she's his mom, too. We do everything as a team: school meetings, performances, birthday parties . Everyone knows us as his two moms, and there's no one else I could imagine doing this with.

My son now sees my wife as the missing piece to our family puzzle. He proudly claims her as his other mom.

"You're my mom too," my son will say when my wife calls herself his stepmom. He made that decision. My wife never wanted to force a close relationship on him, but he pushed for it.

Media has warped the perception of stepmoms

Popular media depictions of stepmoms are largely negative. The common trope is that they're evil.

For example, you have characters like Meredith Blake in the Lindsay Lohan version of "The Parent Trap," the Baroness von Schraeder in " The Sound of Music ," and, of course, the prototype: Cinderella's Evil Stepmother.

These women are always seen as temptresses who come in and seduce the father into marrying them before revealing they intend to get rid of his daughter so that she will be the only woman in his life.

Maybe there are stepmoms out there who fit this description, but by and large, stepmoms are there to be whoever their step kids want them to be.

I know that's exactly the role my wife plays, and my son and I are all the more lucky for it.

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Donald Trump headlines Montana rally after plane was diverted but landed safely


Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump arrives for a news conference at his Mar-a-Lago estate Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024, in Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


Republican Senate candidate Tim Sheehy shakes hands with Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Bozeman, Mont., Friday, Aug. 9, 2024. (AP Photo/Janie Osborne)

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Members of former President Donald Trump’s team disembark from his Boeing 757 after arriving at the Billings Logan International Airport in Billings, Mont., on Friday afternoon, Aug. 9, 2024, enroute to Bozeman. (Larry Mayer/The Billings Gazette via AP)

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a campaign rally in Bozeman, Mont., Friday, Aug. 9, 2024. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump talks after speaking at a campaign rally in Bozeman, Mont., Friday, Aug. 9, 2024. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

People wait in line before a campaign rally for Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump, in Bozeman, Mont., Friday, Aug. 9, 2024. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Susan Reneau, 72, of Missoula, Mont., arrives before Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Bozeman, Mont., Friday, Aug. 9, 2024. (AP Photo/Janie Osborne)

FILE - Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., leaves the chamber as the Senate prepares to advance the $95 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan passed by the House, at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, April 23, 2024. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

Former President Donald Trump’s Boeing 757 arrives at the Billings Logan International Airport in Billings, Mont., on Friday afternoon, Aug. 9, 2024, enroute to Bozeman. (Larry Mayer/The Billings Gazette via AP)

BOZEMAN, Mont. (AP) — Donald Trump traveled to Montana for a Friday night rally intended to drum up support for ousting the state’s Democratic senator, but the former president’s plane first had to divert to an airport on the other side of the Rocky Mountains because of a mechanical issue, according to airport staff.

Trump’s plane was en route to Bozeman, Montana, when it was diverted Friday afternoon to Billings, 142 miles to the east, according to Jenny Mockel, administrative assistant at Billings Logan International Airport. Trump continued to Bozeman via private jet.


FILE - U.S. Senate candidate Tim Sheehy talks about his campaign, Friday, Feb. 9, 2024, in Helena, Mont. Sheehy is seeking the Republican nomination to challenge U.S. Sen. Jon Tester in the November election. (AP Photo/Matthew Brown, File)

The former president came to Montana hoping to remedy some unfinished business from 2018, when he campaigned repeatedly in Big Sky Country in a failed bid to oust incumbent Democratic Sen. Jon Tester. On Friday, Trump ripped into the three-term senator, mocking him for being overweight and for insinuating he sometimes sided with the former president.

“He voted to impeach me — that guy voted to impeach me,” Trump said of Tester, whom he called a “slob” with “the biggest stomach I’ve ever seen.”

Trump also invited to the stage Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson, his former White House physician, to further slam Montana’s senior senator. Tester sank Jackson’s nomination to be Trump’s Veterans Affairs secretary, alleging the doctor drank and used prescription drugs while on duty.


Tester has tried to convince voters he’s aligned with Trump on many issues, mirroring his successful strategy from six years ago. While that worked in a non-presidential election year, it faces a more critical test this fall with Tester’s opponent, former Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy , trying to link the three-term incumbent to Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

Trump kicked off his rally about 90 minutes behind schedule and immediately began lacing into Tester. “We are going to defeat radical left Democrat Jon Tester, he’s terrible,” Trump said. “We’re going to evict crazy Kamala,” he continued, workshopping a nickname on his new rival.

Harris has benefitted nationally from a burst of enthusiasm among core Democratic constituencies, who coalesced quickly around her after President Joe Biden withdrew from the campaign last month. She’s drawn big crowds in swing states, touring this week with Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, her choice to be her vice presidential nominee.

Trump’s only rally this week, meanwhile, was in a state he won by 16 percentage points four years ago rather than a November battleground. Facing new pressure in the race from a candidate with surging enthusiasm, Trump on Thursday called questions about his lack of swing state stops “stupid.”

“I don’t have to go there because I’m leading those states,” he said. “I’m going because I want to help senators and congressmen get elected.”

He will add on fundraising stops in Wyoming and Colorado.


Trump could be decisive in Montana’s Senate race

Friday’s rally at Montana State University drew thousands of GOP supporters. Yet the former president’s bigger impact could be simply having his name above Sheehy’s on the ballot in November, said University of Montana political analyst Rob Saldin.

“There is a segment of the electorate that will turn out when Trump is on the ticket,” Saldin said. And that could benefit Sheehy, a Trump supporter and newcomer to politics who made a fortune off an aerial firefighting business.

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Republicans have been on a roll in Montana for more than a decade and now hold every statewide office except for Tester’s.

Tester won each of his previous Senate contests by a narrow margin, casting himself as a plainspoken farmer who builds personal connections with people in Montana and is willing to break with his party on issues that matter to them. He’s also become a prolific fundraiser.

The race has drawn national attention with Democrats clinging to a razor-thin majority in the Senate and defending far more seats than the GOP this year. Tester is considered among the most vulnerable Democratic incumbents.

For him to win, large numbers of Trump supporters would have to vote a split ticket and get behind the Democratic senator.

Trump’s drive to oust Tester traces back to the lawmaker’s work in 2018 as chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Tester revealed past misconduct by Trump’s personal physician, Ronny Jackson, that sank Jackson’s nomination to lead the Veterans Affairs Department.

Then-President Trump took the matter personally and came to Montana four times to campaign for Republican Matt Rosendale, who was then the state auditor. Rosendale lost by 3 percentage points.

Tester has positioned himself apart from national Democrats

Before Trump’s latest visit, Tester has sought to insulate himself against charges that he’s part of the Democratic establishment by rolling out the names of Republicans who support him, including former Montana Gov. Marc Racicot. His campaign highlighted more than 20 pieces of legislation, many dealing with veterans’ issues, that Tester sponsored and Trump signed.

Tester also was the sole Democratic delegate from Montana to withhold a vote backing Harris as the party’s presidential candidate in the wake of Biden’s withdrawal. And when the Democratic National Convention takes place later this month in Chicago, Tester will be back in Montana “farming and meeting face to face with Montanans,” campaign spokesperson Harry Child said.

The last time Tester attended the Democratic National Convention was in 2008. That’s also the last time a Democratic presidential candidate came anywhere near winning Montana, with President Barack Obama losing by just over 2 percentage points.

On Friday, in an interview as he waited for the Trump rally to start, Sheehy dismissed the idea that Tester can survive Montana’s swing to the right. “Jon Tester is by 95%-plus in lockstep with the Biden-Harris agenda,” Sheehy said. “So I don’t think his attempt to message himself as a moderate is going to work.”

A similar situation is developing in Ohio, where three-term Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown faces a tough race in a state expected to vote for Trump.

Harris visited Ohio when the two were Senate colleagues to raise money for Brown’s 2018 campaign, but Brown has said he has no plans to campaign with her this year. Like Tester, Brown has highlighted legislation he worked on that Trump signed into law.

Friday’s rally takes place in Gallatin County, which Tester has become increasingly reliant on over the course of his political career.

He lost the county in his first Senate race, in 2006, but his support has since grown. A substantial margin of victory in Gallatin in 2018 helped push him ahead of Rosendale.

Republican Don Seifert, a former Gallatin County commissioner, said he voted for Tester that year and plans to do so again this year.

Seifert backed Trump in 2016 and said he has continued to support other Republicans, including Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte and Sen. Steve Daines.

“Montanans tend to vote for the person over the party,” Seifert said. “For the state of Montana, Jon is the one that can do what we need.”

But Sheehy says Tester has lost touch with his home state and fallen into step with Democrats in Washington. The Republican said in a message this week to supporters that Tester was “responsible for the rise of Kamala Harris” because he served as chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee from 2015 to 2017, when she was elected to the Senate from California.

Tester has outraised Sheehy by more than three-to-one in campaign donations reported to the Federal Election Commission. However, outside groups supporting Sheehy have helped the Republican make up much of that gap. Spending in the race is on track to exceed $200 million as advertisements from the two sides saturate Montana’s airwaves.

Associated Press reporters Amy Beth Hanson in Helena, Montana, and Julie Smyth in Columbus, Ohio, contributed to this report.

he do his homework before


Dak Prescott dunks on Jerry Jones for his absurd CeeDee Lamb stance

Randy gurzi | aug 8, 2024.

Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott (4) and owner Jerry Jones

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Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has always been a gold mine when it comes to quotes but his latest might prove to be damaging.

When asked about CeeDee Lamb, who is holding out in hopes of a new contract, Jones absurdly said he had “ no urgency ” to get anything done. That drew attention from Lamb as well as Micah Parsons — who will be looking for a new contract in 2025. It also didn’t go unnoticed by their franchise quarterback, Dak Prescott.

As Prescott ended his press conference Thursday night, he threw a jab at Jones saying he has " urgency for it to happen ."

MORE:  CeeDee Lamb claps back at Jerry Jones' lack of urgency, contract drama

Dak Prescott walking off the stage after his press conference: “I know y’all want to ask, I got urgency for it to happen.” He also added that once Lamb does return, it will only take “1 or 2” practices to get back in full swing. #DallasCowboys — Nick Harris (@NickHarrisDC) August 9, 2024

Prescott added that it won't take long for he and Lamb to get back on the same page but he's surely eager to have his No. 1 target back. He's also ready to put his own contract drama in the rear view.

For the second time in his career, Prescott is going through negotiations with Jones and the Cowboys. They dragged their feet before signing him to a four-year deal in 2021 and are doing the same now. Clearly, he wants to see his deal get done but he also holds all the cards.

MORE: Micah Parsons adds fuel to Jerry Jones-CeeDee Lamb contract firestorm

Dallas allowed Prescott a clause in his current deal that prevents them from using any tag to keep him in 2025. Prescott can then hit free agency and start a bidding war for his services.

If getting north of $60 million wasn't enough incentive for him to do this, perhaps Jones irritating all the star players will be.

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Randy Gurzi


Arizona State grad


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Tim Walz’s Extraordinarily Ordinary Life

The governor of Minnesota hasn’t spent his life striving for the pinnacle of politics. That is how he got there.

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Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, wearing a dark jacket, a white shirt and a blue tie, with an American flag pin on his lapel.

By Ernesto Londoño and Adam Nagourney

Ernesto Londoño reported from St. Paul. Adam Nagourney has covered politics for The New York Times since 1996.

Tim Walz never attended an Ivy League school. He never wrote a political memoir. He once worked at a tanning bed factory in Jonesboro, Ark . And until he was 40, he never showed much interest in a career in politics.

Mr. Walz, the 60-year-old governor of Minnesota chosen by Vice President Kamala Harris as her running mate on Tuesday, had not devoted his life to reaching this pinnacle.

In selecting Mr. Walz, Ms. Harris has picked a one-man rejoinder to the idea that the Democrats are the party of the cultural and coastal elite. His biography and his style are a sharp contrast not only to Ms. Harris, who is from California, but also to former President Donald J. Trump, a New York billionaire, and to some degree to Mr. Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, who graduated from Yale Law School (and wrote a best-selling memoir).

Mr. Walz has led a life that stands out in the top echelon of American politics: a tableau filled with scenes of farming, turkey hunting, weekends of National Guard duty, public schools and coaching the local high school football team to a state championship.

Since turning to politics, Mr. Walz has used this biography to his political advantage and it was no small part of what drew Ms. Harris to Mr. Walz, who until weeks ago was virtually unknown to most Democrats. With his broad smile and unpolished style, it was the Minnesota governor — more than any other Democrat — who was able to conceive and deliver Democrats’ new favorite attack on Mr. Trump and his party: that they are “creepy” and “weird as hell.”

For all his affability, Mr. Walz has displayed, at times, shrewd political instincts. His positions have evolved as his ambitions have broadened. He has capitalized on key moments. After the Democrats won control of both houses of the State Legislature in 2022, he enacted a raft of liberal legislation — policies that are far more popular in cities and suburbs than in the rural, working-class communities that raised him.

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    he do his homework before

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    he do his homework before

  5. "Little Boy Doing His Homework" by Stocksy Contributor "Lea Jones

    he do his homework before

  6. Homework: how to help him get it right

    he do his homework before


  1. Past Perfect Tense Verbs Flashcards

    Past Perfect Tense Verbs (you / finish) _________ your homework before you went to the cinema?

  2. tense

    Note that the simple present of "to have," third person singular, is "has." He has done his homework. The "done" remains in the base form, and does not change. "Had" is simple past, and does not change for person or number: He had done his homework, so he was allowed to go to the movies.

  3. He ________ his homework before dinner. A. do ...

    When I finished my homework for the next day, I ———- dinner for my little sister. She was so hungry. A. cook B. am cooking C. cooked

  4. Past simple or present perfect?

    Past simple or present perfect. How long, for, since, already, yet, before, ever, never, etc. B1 - English intermediate grammar exercises.

  5. English Grammar Rules

    Use after, as soon as, the moment that, until before using the past perfect simple. Ex: After she had moved out, I found her notes./ I didn't say anything until she had finished talking. Use before, when, by the time before the past simple: Ex. Before I knew it, she had run out the door. / By the time he phoned her, she had found someone new.

  6. Do or Does: Which is Correct?

    You only need to use the word "does" when you use the third-person singular to talk about another person or thing ( source ). Look at these sentences: He always does his homework before dinner. She does the dishes after we eat. That car does well in the snow.

  7. He do his homework

    The sentence "He do his homework" is not grammatically correct in written English. The correct form would be "He does his homework." You can use this sentence to indicate that someone regularly completes their homework. For example: "John is a diligent student. He does his homework every day before dinner." similar ( 60 )

  8. He ___ his homework before dinner.

    How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button. GrammarQuiz.Net - Improve your knowledge of English grammar, the best way to kill your free time. He ___ his homework before dinner. A. finish B. finished C. finishing D. finishes - Verb Tenses Quiz.

  9. T086

    Gap-fill exercise. Fill in the correct form of the PAST TENSE : Simple or Progressive ! My brother ( DRINK) while he ( DO) his homework. He ( WALK) into the classroom, then he (SAT) down. Nothing ( HAPPEN) when I turned on the radio. It ( START) to rain while I ( WALK) through the park. Jackie ( LISTEN) to the radio when the doorbell ( RING ).

  10. Exercise on Simple Past and Past Perfect

    When Simon went had gone out to play, he already did had already done his homework. Jenny came had come home, sat had sat down and switched had switched on the telly. Before that day in winter, the African boy never saw had never seen snow in his life. She gave had given me the book that she read had read . We visited had visited the museum that our friend told had told us about a month before.

  11. Adverbs of frequency with present simple

    Learn how to use adverbs if frequency with present simple. This is an English grammar lesson for beginners or elementary students (level A1 CEFR). In this lesson, you will find three English grammar exercises with answers. There is also a grammar explanation with grammar rules and grammar charts.

  12. Grammar Exercises: Past Perfect Simple and Continuous

    Put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect or the simple past) The storm (destroy) the house that they had built . The children (clean) the blackboard they had used to do the mathematics exercise. When she went out to play, she (do / already) her homework. She (eat) all of the food that we had made . He took off the jacket he (put on) before.

  13. He vs. Him Grammar Rules Simplified

    Using "he" or "him" wrong in a sentence can create an embarrassing grammar faux pas. Ensure that you are ready for any pronoun situation by getting quick and easy grammar rules for using "he" and "him."

  14. Tim ______________ (do) his homework before he went to bed

    A. have done B. has done C. had done D. do Select your answer:

  15. He his homework before he went to the cinema

    Hành động "went to cinema" (đi xem phim) xảy ra sau hành động "do his homework" (làm bài tập về nhà) trong quá khứ. Công thức: Before S + Ved/V2, S + had + Ved/V3

  16. He had done the homework before he went out to play.

    I heard the sentence "He had done the homework before he went out to play." in a video for English learners. Could you please tell me if we say "He had done his homework before he went to play.", do we get a similar meaning?

  17. After doing/having done his homework, he watched TV

    Its flavour differs a bit from "After he did", because the "had done" version more strongly suggests the completion aspect, i.e. he (had) finished all of his homework before watching TV. With "did", you are just reporting on his activities. First he did some homework (not necessarily all of it), and then he watched some TV.

  18. Do his homework

    Definition of do his homework in the Idioms Dictionary. do his homework phrase. What does do his homework expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.

  19. What is the difference between "he is done his homework.

    Past tense = He has done his homework Present tense = he is doing his homework. Hope this helps !|You can also say, "he is done with his homework"|The word "With" is called a preposition that is placed before a noun or pronoun to make a sentence complete.

  20. Does do his homework or does do homework?

    Both are correct. They could be interpreted differently, though: a) Does Peter do his homework in the evenings? Does he do all of his homework? b) Does Peter do homework in the evenings? Does he do homework (or something else)? Context is everything, though.

  21. He (do) his homework before he went to the cinema.

    ID 168647. He (do) his homework before he went to the cinema. A. had done B. did C. does D. A&C

  22. My wife isn't 'just' a stepmom to my son. He sees her as his ...

    The writer's wife has been a stepmom in her son's life since he was 6. She helps with parenting duties, and her son now sees her as his third parent.

  23. What we know about military records of Walz and Vance

    Walz's military record has been under scrutiny after a series of claims made by veterans and leading Republicans.

  24. Trump plane heading to Montana rally was diverted but landed safely

    Donald Trump is visiting Montana for a rally in support of Republican Senate candidate Tim Sheehy. He also hopes to remedy some unfinished business from 2018.

  25. Fact-checking Vance's claims on Walz's military service

    CNN's Alayna Treene fact-checks JD Vance's claims about Tim Walz's military service.

  26. VP pick Tim Walz faced accusations in 2006 of embellishing his ...

    VP pick Tim Walz faced accusations in 2006 of embellishing his military service, which he called slander

  27. Dak Prescott dunks on Jerry Jones for his absurd CeeDee Lamb stance

    Jerry Jones has put his foot in his mouth before but this time, he might have gone too far as he got the wrong type of attention from Dak Prescott.

  28. 19 Facts About Tim Walz, Harris's Pick for Vice President

    19 Facts About Tim Walz, Harris's Pick for Vice President. Mr. Walz, the governor of Minnesota, worked as a high school social studies teacher and football coach, served in the Army National ...

  29. Assessing claims about Tim Walz's military service

    Republicans are attacking the Democratic vice-presidential nominee on his retirement timing and with allegations of "stolen valor."

  30. Tim Walz's Extraordinarily Ordinary Life

    The governor of Minnesota hasn't spent his life striving for the pinnacle of politics. That is how he got there.