mother of the groom wedding speech samples, mother and son hugging

  • 4 Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Samples

So your son has asked you to speak at his wedding…but you don’t know where to start! No worries, below we’re sharing four mother of the groom wedding speech samples, from the short and sweet to the hilarious or religious, so you can find the perfect words for your own speech. Plus, we’re sharing the six-part structure to the perfect parent speech and seven tips to ensure you nail it on reception night!

Ready? Let’s write that mother of the groom speech!

Heads up: While this post is directed at mothers of grooms, our advice, tips and examples below will apply to all parents of the couple getting married. Since not all weddings have grooms – and not all grooms have mothers – these speech skills are for everyone.

mother of the bride, mother of the groom speech, wedding speech

What should I say in my son’s wedding speech?

Here is the basic structure for any good parent speech at their child’s wedding:

Part 1: Introduction

Introduce yourself! Tell the crowd your name and your relationship to the couple. If it’s a fairly small wedding you can include a caveat like “As most of you know, I’m Oliver’s mom,” since most people will know who you are. You may also want to welcome everyone to the wedding, but this is often only appropriate if you’re hosting the wedding (aka paying for it).

Part 2: Words about your child

Next, share some words about your son. This section should be a few sentences about how happy you are for your son, how proud you are of him, and maybe a short story that highlights your special mother-son relationship.

Part 3: Words about your child’s partner

Remember, this speech isn’t all about your son! You also want to spend some time talking about your son’s new spouse. Welcome them to the family, talk about how you knew they were the one, and mention what traits you love most about them.

Part 4: Story about the couple

While it can be tempting in a mother of the groom speech to just tell stories about your son growing up, save those stories and focus instead on the newlyweds as a couple. Do you have a favourite memory with both of them? Was there a particular moment when you knew they were meant to be? Maybe a sweet story about their first date or engagement?

Ideally, you want to choose a story that is short and sweet, that reflects who the couple is, and is told from your point of view. It would be odd for you to tell their engagement story if it didn’t involve you, just like it would be cringe-worthy to tell a story that embarrasses your son or his new spouse. Don’t overthink this. Any sweet memory you’ve shared with the couple will do!

Part 5: Marriage advice and well wishes

As you’re starting to wrap up your speech, you may want to share some words of wisdom for the newlyweds’ future together. This can be based on your own marriage or marriage advice you’ve heard. Again, don’t overthink this! If you don’t have any sage wisdom to share, you can simply say a sentence or two wishing your son and his new spouse all the best.

Part 6: End with a toast

The best way to end any wedding speech is with a toast. This is where you will ask all of the guests to join you in raising a glass to the happy newlyweds!

wedding toast, wedding speech, young hip and married

When does the mother of the groom wedding speech happen?

Parent speeches usually happen during the reception as part of the speech line-up. Depending on what your son is planning, he may ask you to open the speeches or speak somewhere in the middle. You may even close the speeches, but often the newlywed couple makes the last speech so they can thank everyone else for speaking.

Make sure you check in with the couple about exactly when you’re speaking so you’re prepared. Find out what time your speech is scheduled for and who you’re speaking after, just in case the schedule is delayed. That way, you can make sure your drink is topped up and you’re not in the bathroom when it’s time to give your speech!

Does a mother of the newlyweds have to speak at the wedding?

No, wedding speeches are not mandatory. Not all couples have speeches at their reception and not all couples want their parents to take part in those speeches. And even if your child does ask you to speak, you can always say no. (However, we hope you don’t!)

Traditionally, only men spoke at weddings. It was the father of the bride , the groom and the best man who gave speeches. These days, speeches are opening up to folks from both families and of all genders, but it’s still mostly men we hear from. With the father of the bride traditionally getting the spotlight role of walking the bride down the aisle , we love the idea of letting moms speak at the reception. More women’s voices in weddings please!

If you’re nervous about speaking at the wedding, check out some of our tips below. Remember that this is just a short speech delivered in front of people who love you and your child. If you think you’ll need some support at the mic, consider asking another family member to give the speech with you. Try not to let your nerves stand in the way of this special moment!

parents of the groom, mother of the groom, father of the groom, wedding speech

4 mother of the groom wedding speech samples

Heartfelt mother of the groom wedding speech sample.

Family and friends, I stand before you today with a heart full of joy and gratitude as the mother of the groom. This is a momentous occasion, and I couldn’t be happier to celebrate the love that has brought us all together.

I have watched my son grow into the incredible man he is today. From a young age, he has always been compassionate, caring, and thoughtful. He has a heart of gold, and I am so proud of the person he has become.

And then, along came [Partner’s Name]. It was clear from the very beginning that they were the missing piece to our family puzzle. Their warmth, kindness, and unwavering support have brought so much happiness into our lives, and I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect partner for my son.

I remember the day my son introduced us to [Partner’s Name]. The way their eyes lit up when they spoke about their shared dreams and aspirations was truly magical. From that moment, it was evident that they were destined to be together. Through thick and thin, they have shown us the strength of their love, always finding laughter and joy in each other’s company.

As my son embarks on this incredible journey called marriage, I want to offer a piece of advice that has guided my own marriage: Always communicate openly and honestly with each other. Listen with your hearts, be patient, and never forget to cherish the little moments.

If you will all join me in raising a glass to [Groom’s Name] and [Partner’s Name], two remarkable individuals who have found their forever love in each other. May your journey together be filled with laughter, adventure, and an abundance of love. Cheers!

Short & sweet mother of the groom wedding speech sample

Good evening, everyone. My name is [Name] and I am the happy mother of the groom. I am so excited to celebrate this day with you all.

My son, [Groom’s Name], has always been a source of pride and inspiration in our family. His dedication, his sense of humour, and his unwavering kindness have touched the hearts of everyone he meets. When [Partner’s Name] entered our lives, it was like a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day. They have brought immense joy and warmth into our family, and we are so grateful to have them in our lives.

Together, [Groom’s Name] and [Partner’s Name] have navigated life’s ups and downs, always supporting and uplifting one another. Their love has grown stronger with each passing day, and it’s an honour to witness their journey. My wish for you both as you start this new chapter is that you will embrace change together, and let your love grow stronger with each passing day.

So let’s all raise our glasses to [Groom’s Name] and [Partner’s Name]. May your love continue to shine brightly, blessing each other and everyone around you. Cheers!

mother of the groom wedding speech examples, how to write a wedding speech

Funny mother of the groom wedding speech sample

My name is [Name] and I am absolutely thrilled to be here today as the mother of the groom. They say weddings are a time for love, laughter, and happiness, and I intend to deliver on at least two of those fronts tonight!

Now, let me say a few words about my son, [Groom’s Name]. From the moment he was born, I knew he was special. He has always had a unique way of making us laugh, whether it’s with his goofy jokes or his charming smile. He’s a true comedian at heart, and he’s been keeping our family in stitches for years.

And then, along came [Partner’s Name]. I must say, [Partner’s Name], you have the patience of a saint to put up with my son’s antics! But your grace, your kindness, and your ability to roll with the punches have won all of our hearts. You’re the peanut butter to his jelly, and we couldn’t be happier to welcome you into our family.

They say that opposites attract, and that couldn’t be more true in this case. [Groom’s Name] is notorious for his messy habits, while [Partner’s Name] is the definition of neat and organized. I remember the day they moved in together, and it was like watching a sitcom. But, against all odds, they’ve managed to find harmony in their differences and build a beautiful life together.

[Groom’s Name] and [Partner’s Name], as you begin this exciting journey of marriage I want to remind you to keep the laughter alive! Life can throw some curveballs, but if you can find humour in the little things, you’ll get through it. A couple that laughs together, stays together.

So please join me as we raise our glasses to [Groom’s Name] and [Partner’s Name]. May your days be filled with laughter, your love be as strong as your sense of humour, and your life together be one hilarious adventure. Cheers to the funniest couple in the room!

Religious mother of the groom wedding speech sample

We gather here today to celebrate not only the union of [Groom’s Name] and [Partner’s Name] but also to acknowledge the divine presence that blesses this sacred bond. As the mother of the groom, I am profoundly grateful to be a part of this beautiful celebration.

I want to take a moment to praise my son, [Groom’s Name]. He has always possessed a strong faith and unwavering devotion. His commitment to his values and his compassion for others are a testament to the goodness in his heart.

[Partner’s Name], from the moment you entered our lives, it was evident that your faith was equally strong. Your kindness, your humility, and your genuine love for [Groom’s Name] have been a blessing to our family. We are grateful for your presence and your shared commitment to faith.

The love story of [Groom’s Name] and [Partner’s Name] has been guided by their faith. They have prayed together, found solace in their shared beliefs, and sought spiritual guidance through life’s challenges. Their journey is a testament to the power of faith in nurturing a love that is unbreakable.

[Groom’s Name] and [Partner’s Name], as you embark on this sacred journey of marriage, I want to remind you to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Seek His guidance in times of joy and tribulation, and let your faith be the cornerstone of your love. Together, may you find strength and peace in His presence.

Together, let us raise our glasses and offer a prayer for [Groom’s Name] and [Partner’s Name], that their marriage may be blessed with divine love, unwavering faith, and the grace of God. May their union be a shining example of the power of faith in love. Cheers to a blessed and joyous marriage!

PS: Looking for help with father of the groom rehearsal dinner speeches? We’ve got you covered!

mother of the groom, mother and son wedding portrait

7 tips for an awesome mother of the groom wedding speech

1. write your speech down on paper.

Your wedding speech should be written down on paper. Don’t try to memorize it, don’t make it up on the spot and don’t read it off your phone. Take the time to write or type your speech out onto a piece of paper for you to read and reference. This is the best way to guarantee a smooth speech delivery and it looks best in photos.

2. Practice your wedding speech

Just because you’re not memorizing it doesn’t mean you don’t need to practice your wedding speech. Practice saying your speech out loud in front of a mirror so you’re comfortable with all of the words. This will give you added confidence on the big day!

3. Include your spouse (if appropriate)

If appropriate, include your spouse in your speech. You may want to give the speech together, each saying different parts, or just have them stand next to you while you speak. If your relationship isn’t one where you’d like to give a speech together, you can still reference your spouse or your family in your speech.

4. Keep it short

Your wedding speech should be 2-3 minutes long. That’s the sweet spot for wedding speeches – any longer and people get bored, any shorter and people might blink and miss it. Aim for 2-3 minutes while writing and time yourself when you practice so you know how long your speech is.

5. Skip the embarrassing stories

You may have joked with your son that you were going to share his naked baby photos at his wedding but when it comes to your speech, keep the embarrassing stuff out. A funny little story is okay but anything that is going to make your son or his new spouse uncomfortable should not be included.

6. Mention your son’s new spouse and their family

We included this in the structure of a speech above but it bears repeating: Don’t forget to mention your son’s new spouse! So many mother of the groom speeches only focus on the groom with no mention of the person he’s marrying. Remember, this isn’t all about your son; this is about his marriage. Take the time to highlight your new child-in-law, speak directly to them in your speech, and make them and their family feel welcome.

7. Prepare for emotions

Many parents say they don’t want to give a speech at their child’s wedding because they fear they’ll get too emotional. But rather than letting that stop you from speaking, take some time to prepare for it in advance. By practicing your speech at home, you’ll be more comfortable with your words and the emotions they bring up. You can also practice grounding exercises and bring tissues with you to the podium. Plus, who doesn’t love a photo of a tearful mother-son hug?

Check out more tips for wedding speakers and readers here!


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7 best father of the GROOM speech examples

As the father of the groom, your speech on his big day holds immense significance. It’s a moment to express your pride, love, and best wishes for the newlyweds. Crafting a heartwarming and memorable speech can be challenging. In this article, we’ve curated a list of the 7 best father of the groom speech examples that will help you create an unforgettable moment at your son’s wedding.

From sentimental and heartfelt speeches to ones filled with humor and nostalgia, these examples showcase different styles and approaches. Whether you’re seeking inspiration or looking for the perfect words to convey your emotions, these speeches will guide you in creating a speech that resonates.

With each example, we’ll provide insights into why it works, so you can tailor it to your unique relationship with your son. You’ll discover tips on adding personal anecdotes, establishing a connection with the audience, and leaving a lasting impression on this special day.

So, get ready to make your son’s wedding unforgettable with these 7 best father of the groom speech examples !

how to write a speech for your son's wedding

The Importance of the Father of the Groom Speech

The father of the groom speech is an integral part of any wedding celebration. It serves as an opportunity for you, as the father, to publicly express your love, pride, and well wishes for your son and his new spouse. Your words have the power to create a lasting impact on the couple and the entire audience. It’s a chance to share memorable anecdotes, impart wisdom, and leave everyone with a warm and heartfelt experience.

A well-crafted father of the groom speech can also help set the tone for the rest of the wedding festivities. It allows you to create a sense of unity and love among family and friends gathered to celebrate this joyous occasion. Your speech should not only celebrate the love between your son and his partner but also honor the joining of two families.

Remember, this is a special moment to show your son how much he means to you and how proud you are of the person he has become. It’s an opportunity to connect emotionally with the audience and leave a lasting impression on this significant day in your son’s life.

how to write a speech for your son's wedding

Tips for Delivering the best Father of the Groom Speech

Before we dive into the top 7 best father of the groom speech examples, let’s go over some essential tips to help you deliver a heartfelt and memorable speech:

  • Prepare and Practice : Take the time to prepare your speech in advance. Jot down key points, anecdotes, and quotes you want to include. Practice delivering the speech multiple times to ensure you feel confident and comfortable on the big day.
  • Keep it Personal : Tailor your speech to reflect your unique relationship with your son. Share personal stories, inside jokes, and moments that highlight your bond. This will make your speech more authentic and meaningful.
  • Be Authentic : Speak from your heart and let your emotions shine through. Don’t be afraid to show vulnerability and express your love and pride for your son. Authenticity will resonate with the audience and create a more powerful impact.
  • Add Humor (If Appropriate) : Injecting some humor into your speech can lighten the atmosphere and make it more engaging. However, make sure your jokes are tasteful and appropriate for the occasion. Avoid anything that may offend or embarrass your son or the guests.
  • Keep it Concise : While it’s important to share heartfelt sentiments, remember to keep your speech concise and focused. Aim for a speech that is around 5-7 minutes long, as this will hold the audience’s attention and prevent it from becoming too lengthy.
  • Practice Delivery : Pay attention to your tone, pace, and body language while delivering your speech. Maintain eye contact with the audience, use appropriate gestures, and vary your voice to keep the audience engaged. A well-delivered speech will have a more significant impact.

By following these tips, you’ll be well-prepared to deliver a heartfelt and memorable father-of-the-groom speech that will leave a lasting impression on your son, his partner, and all the guests.

how to write a speech for your son's wedding

7 Best Father of the Groom Speech Examples

Speech example 1: a sentimental and touching speech.

Good evening everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], [Groom’s Name]’s father. It feels like just yesterday I was teaching him how to ride a bike, and now here he is, all grown up and starting a new chapter in his life.

[Groom’s Name], from the moment you were born, you’ve brought so much joy and laughter into our lives. You were always such a curious and kind-hearted boy, always eager to explore and help others. Seeing you grow into the man you are today fills me with immense pride.

[Bride’s Name], from the first time you walked into our home, you brought a warmth and kindness that fit right in with our family. You make [Groom’s Name] so incredibly happy, and that’s all I could ever ask for in a daughter-in-law. You two complement each other perfectly, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you as a couple.

Marriage is a journey of love, laughter, and sometimes even tears. But through it all, remember to communicate openly, support each other’s dreams, and most importantly, never stop cherishing the love you share.

[Groom’s Name], [Bride’s Name], I am so incredibly happy for the both of you. May your love story continue to grow stronger with each passing year. Now, please raise your glasses with me as I propose a toast to the happy couple! Here’s to a lifetime of love, happiness, and adventure together!

how to write a speech for your son's wedding

Speech Example 2: A Funny and Lighthearted Speech

Alright everyone, settle down! For those of you who haven’t met the slightly-less-handsome half of [Groom’s Name]’s genetic makeup, I’m [Your Name], his dad.

Now, [Groom’s Name], where do I even begin? You’ve always been quite the character, haven’t you? Remember that time you “borrowed” the car to take your friends on a joyride at 16? Or the “science experiment” that turned the living room into a volcanic disaster zone? Let’s just say you’ve kept us on our toes over the years.

But in all seriousness, [Groom’s Name], you’ve grown into a wonderful man. You’re kind, compassionate, and have a work ethic that would put anyone to shame. [Bride’s Name], you somehow managed to tame this wild beast, and for that, I am eternally grateful. You bring out the best in him, and your laughter together is a joy to hear.

Marriage is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. But with the love and respect you clearly have for each other, I know you two will face any challenge life throws your way. Just remember, [Groom’s Name], always listen to your wife, even if it takes you a while to understand!

Now, let’s raise a glass to the happy couple! May your life together be filled with more laughter, love, and maybe a little less property damage than your teenage years, [Groom’s Name]! Cheers!

how to write a speech for your son's wedding

Speech Example 3: A Speech Filled with Advice and Wisdom

Good evening everyone! For those of you unfamiliar, I’m [Your Name], [Groom’s Name]’s father. Today, we celebrate not just a wedding, but the beautiful union of two remarkable souls.

[Groom’s Name], watching you grow from a curious child into the responsible young man you are today has been a privilege. You’ve always possessed a thirst for knowledge and a genuine desire to make a difference in the world.

Marriage, my son, is a partnership built on trust, respect, and unwavering support. There will be times of sunshine and storm clouds, moments of immense joy and inevitable challenges. But remember, through it all, you and [Bride’s Name] have each other.

Here’s some advice I’ve gleaned from my own journey:

  • Communication is key. Always be open and honest with each other, even when it’s difficult. Learn to truly listen to each other’s thoughts and feelings.
  • Nurture your individual passions. Marriage doesn’t mean losing yourself. Make time for your hobbies and dreams, and encourage your partner to do the same.
  • Embrace the power of forgiveness. Nobody’s perfect. Mistakes will be made. Learn to forgive each other, move forward, and grow stronger as a couple.
  • Never stop laughing together. Laughter is the best medicine. Find humor in everyday life, cherish silly moments, and keep the joy alive in your relationship.

[Bride’s Name], you’ve become a cherished member of our family. Your kindness, intelligence, and unwavering love for [Groom’s Name] are truly inspiring. Remember, a strong marriage is a two-way street. Offer unwavering support, celebrate his victories, and be his rock during difficult times.

Together, you two possess the strength, love, and resilience to build a beautiful life together. Never stop learning from each other, growing as individuals, and cherishing the incredible bond you share.

So raise your glasses with me as I toast to the happy couple! May your journey be filled with unwavering love, unwavering support, and a lifetime of happiness together! Cheers!

how to write a speech for your son's wedding

Speech Example 4: A Speech Honoring Family Traditions and Values

Good evening everyone! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], [Groom’s Name]’s father. Today, we celebrate a union that not only joins two hearts but also blends two families with rich histories and cherished traditions.

[Groom’s Name], from a young age, we instilled in you the importance of family, respect, and a strong work ethic. These values, passed down from generations before us, have shaped who you are today. It fills me with immense pride to see you carry on these traditions and create new ones with [Bride’s Name].

[Bride’s Name], from the moment you entered our family, you embraced our customs and traditions with warmth and openness. You’ve even added your own unique traditions to the mix, creating a beautiful tapestry of shared experiences.

Marriage, at its core, is about building a new family unit, but it doesn’t erase the families that came before. It’s about honoring the past while forging a new path together.

As you embark on this new adventure, [Groom’s Name], remember the lessons learned from our family traditions:

  • The importance of family meals. Sharing a meal together creates a sense of connection and strengthens family bonds. Continue this tradition, even on busy days.
  • The power of storytelling. Sharing stories of past generations keeps family history alive. Make time to create new stories and traditions with [Bride’s Name] and your future family.
  • The value of giving back. Helping those in need is a core value in our family. Find ways to volunteer together and make a positive impact on your community.

Together, you two have the opportunity to create a legacy of your own. Combine the cherished traditions from both your families and weave them into your new life together. Remember, a strong foundation built on respect, love, and shared values will weather any storm.

[Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], I raise a glass to you! May your journey be filled with cherished traditions, unwavering love, and a lifetime of happiness together. Cheers!

how to write a speech for your son's wedding

Speech Example 5: A Speech Expressing Gratitude and Appreciation

Good evening everyone! For those of you who haven’t met the man responsible for most of [Groom’s Name]’s terrible jokes, I’m [Your Name], his dad. Just kidding!

Seriously though, today is a day overflowing with gratitude. First and foremost, [Groom’s Name], I’m incredibly proud of the man you’ve become. Your kindness, compassion, and unwavering determination inspire me every day.

[Bride’s Name], from the moment you entered our lives, you brought a ray of sunshine that brightened our entire family. You complement [Groom’s Name] perfectly, and your love for each other is truly heartwarming. Thank you for making him so happy.

Looking around this room, I see so many faces who have played a significant role in shaping [Groom’s Name]’s life. To all of you, my family, friends, and loved ones, thank you for your unwavering support, love, and guidance throughout the years. It takes a village to raise a child, and you all played a part in making [Groom’s Name] the wonderful man he is today.

Marriage is a beautiful journey of shared experiences, laughter, and growth. To the happy couple, I express my deepest gratitude for allowing me to witness your love story unfold. Thank you for including me and our family in this momentous occasion.

Now, as I raise my glass, I propose a toast not just to the happy couple, but to everyone here who has played a part in their lives. May your journey together be filled with love, laughter, and a lifetime of cherished memories. Cheers!

how to write a speech for your son's wedding

Speech Example 6: A Speech Highlighting the Groom’s Qualities and Achievements

Good evening everyone! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], [Groom’s Name]’s father. Today, we celebrate not just a wedding, but the union of two incredible individuals.

[Groom’s Name], from a young age, you’ve always impressed me with your [Positive Quality 1] and [Positive Quality 2]. Remember how you [Tell a short story highlighting a specific quality]? That moment truly exemplified your [Positive Quality 3].

Your dedication and hard work have never gone unnoticed. Seeing you achieve your goals in [Area of Achievement] has filled me with immense pride. You never shy away from a challenge, and your [Positive Quality 4] always helps you find a solution.

[Bride’s Name], you bring out the very best in [Groom’s Name]. Your [Positive Quality] and [Positive Quality] perfectly complement his personality. Together, you are a force to be reckoned with!

Marriage is a partnership built on mutual respect and admiration. [Groom’s Name], I have no doubt that you will continue to [Positive Quality] and [Positive Quality] throughout your marriage. These are the very qualities that make you such a remarkable man.

[Bride’s Name], cherish [Groom’s Name]’s [Positive Quality] and [Positive Quality]. He is a kind, compassionate, and driven man, and you are incredibly lucky to have him by your side.

Together, you two have a bright future ahead. May your journey be filled with love, laughter, and countless achievements. Raise a glass with me as I toast to the happy couple! Cheers to a lifetime of happiness together!

Speech Example 7: A Speech Sharing Memorable Anecdotes and Stories

Good evening everyone! For all of you who haven’t met the chief instigator of most of [Groom’s Name]’s childhood mischief, that would be me, [Your Name], his dad.

Looking back, [Groom’s Name], there are countless memories that come flooding back. Remember that time you [Share a funny or heartwarming anecdote about the Groom’s childhood]? Or how about the [Another funny or heartwarming anecdote]? Those moments truly captured your [Positive Quality] and [Positive Quality] nature.

But it wasn’t all fun and games. There were times when you [Share a story about a challenge the Groom overcame], which showcased your incredible [Positive Quality] and [Positive Quality]. Seeing you overcome that obstacle was a defining moment in your journey.

[Bride’s Name], when you entered our lives, you brought a sense of calm and maturity that [Groom’s Name] (dare I say) desperately needed! Just kidding! But seriously, you two balance each other perfectly. The way you [Share a story about the couple’s relationship] truly warms my heart.

Marriage is a beautiful tapestry woven with threads of shared experiences. [Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name], keep adding new and vibrant threads to your tapestry. Remember the laughter, the challenges you overcame together, and the unwavering love that binds you.

Now, as I raise a glass, here’s to the happy couple! May your journey together be filled with countless adventures, heartwarming memories, and a lifetime of love that grows stronger with each passing year. Cheers!

how to write a speech for your son's wedding

Conclusion: Crafting a Personalized and Memorable Father of the Groom Speech

Crafting a personalized and memorable father of the groom speech is a wonderful way to show your love, pride, and support for your son on his big day. By drawing inspiration from the top 7 heartwarming father of the groom speech examples, you can create a speech that resonates with your unique relationship and leaves a lasting impression. Remember to add your personal touch, share heartfelt anecdotes, and express your genuine emotions. Connect with the audience, deliver your speech with confidence, and let your love for your son shine through. By following the tips provided and putting in the time to prepare and practice, you’ll create a speech that will make your son’s wedding day truly unforgettable. So go ahead, embrace this special moment, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the best father of the groom speeches:

How long should a father of the groom speech be?

A father of the groom speech should ideally be around 3-5 minutes long. This ensures you hold the audience’s attention and avoids going overlong.pen_spark

What are some key elements to include in a father of the groom speech?

A good father of the groom speech should express your pride in your son, welcome your new daughter-in-law to the family, share a heartfelt anecdote or two, and offer words of wisdom or advice to the happy couple.pen_spark

Is it okay to tell funny stories in a father of the groom speech?

Absolutely! Humor can lighten the mood and make your speech more engaging. However, ensure the jokes are appropriate for the occasion and avoid anything that might embarrass your son or the bride’s family.pen_spark

What if I get emotional while delivering the speech?

It’s perfectly natural to feel emotional during your son’s wedding. Embrace your emotions and let them shine through. Authenticity resonates with the audience and creates a more powerful impact.pen_spark

Do I need to memorize the entire speech?

While memorizing the speech is ideal, it’s not essential. Prepare some notes with key points, anecdotes, and quotes you want to include. This will help you stay focused and deliver your speech confidently.pen_spark

How can I personalize the speech to reflect my relationship with my son?

Tailoring the speech to your unique bond is what makes it truly special. Share personal stories, inside jokes, or specific moments that highlight your connection with your son. This adds a layer of authenticity and meaning to your speech.

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Mastering the Father of the Groom Speech: Our Top Tips + Templates

Hey there, dads! So, your son is getting married, and it’s your turn to make a speech. No pressure, right? The father of the groom speech is your chance to express your joy, pride, and a lifetime of memories. We’re here to guide you through crafting that perfect speech, one that resonates with warmth, humor, and love. Let’s dive in and make sure your words are as memorable as the day itself!

Our Top Tips for Crafting the Perfect Father of the Groom Toast

Creating a speech for your son’s wedding can feel like a daunting task. But fear not! Here are some tips to help you craft a speech that’s memorable, heartfelt, and a highlight of the big day:

1. Start with a Clear Structure

Like any good story, your speech should have a beginning, middle, and end. Start with an introduction, share your main message or stories in the body, and end with a toast to the newlyweds.

2. Keep It Personal

Talk about your personal experiences and memories with your son. Reflect on his growth and the journey he’s taken to this special day. Personal anecdotes add warmth and authenticity to your speech.

3. Be Inclusive

Remember to welcome and acknowledge your son’s partner in your speech. Share your joy in welcoming them to the family and express your support for their union.

4. Balance Humor and Sentiment

A good speech blends humor with heartfelt moments. Light-hearted jokes or amusing anecdotes can add levity, but always balance them with sincere sentiments about your son and his partner. The key is to keep it light and loving – no embarrassing stories that you wouldn’t want shared at your own wedding!

5. Practice Makes Perfect

Rehearse your speech several times before the big day. This will help you become more comfortable with your words and manage any nervousness.

6. Use Notes if Needed

It’s okay to use notes! This can help keep you on track and ensure you don’t forget any important points.

7. Avoid Inside Jokes

While it’s tempting to include inside jokes, remember that the entire audience might not understand them. Aim for broader appeal in your humor.

8. Speak from the Heart

Ultimately, the best speeches are those that come from the heart. Be genuine in your expressions of love and pride, and your words will surely resonate with everyone.

How long should a Father of the Groom Speech Be?

Aim for a speech that’s around 5-7 minutes. This length is perfect for maintaining the audience’s attention while allowing you to express your thoughts fully.

8 Father of the Groom Speech Templates to Help Get You Started

Template 1: the classic reflection.

“Ladies and gentlemen, as I stand here before you, my heart is filled with emotions. Seeing [Son’s Name], my beloved son, on his wedding day, brings back a flood of memories. From the first time I held him in my arms, through his first steps, his first day of school, and all the milestones we’ve shared, each moment has been a stepping stone to this beautiful day. [Son’s Name], your mother and I have watched you grow into the remarkable man you are today. And now, as you embark on this new journey with [Partner’s Name], we are filled with pride and joy. To the newlyweds, may your life together be filled with love, laughter, and endless happiness.”

Template 2: The Humorous Anecdote

“Good evening, everyone! I’m [Your Name], the father of that handsome groom over there. Now, I promise to keep this short because I’ve been told I can’t tell all 200 of [Son’s Name]’s most embarrassing stories. Instead, I’ll share just one. Remember, [Son’s Name], the time when you… [Insert a funny, light-hearted story]. That little tale goes to show the journey [Son’s Name] has been on and the wonderful person he has become. [Partner’s Name], I hope you’re ready for more adventures like this! Here’s to laughter and love, today and always.”

Template 3: The Heartfelt Message

“As I look at [Son’s Name] today, I am reminded of the incredible journey it has been raising him. There were days filled with challenges, laughter, and lessons that have shaped him into the man he is now. [Son’s Name], your strength, kindness, and integrity have always made us proud. And today, as you join hands with [Partner’s Name], we are confident that together you will build a life of love and happiness. To my son and his wonderful partner, may your marriage be as rich and profound as the love that brings us together today.”

Template 4: The Journey Together

“In life, we embark on many journeys. The journey of fatherhood, for me, began the day [Son’s Name] was born. It was a journey of learning, of growth, and of immense joy. Today, as [Son’s Name] begins his journey as a husband alongside [Partner’s Name], I am filled with pride. You both have found in each other a partner for the journey ahead – a journey I hope will be filled with love, understanding, and the kind of happiness that grows stronger with each passing day. Here’s to new beginnings and everlasting love.”

Template 5: The Wisdom of Experience

“To [Son’s Name] and [Partner’s Name], as you stand on the brink of a life filled with shared dreams and promises, I want to share a little wisdom that comes with a few gray hairs. Remember, marriage is a partnership, a balance of give and take, laughter and tears, and, most importantly, love and respect. Hold onto each other through the ups and downs, and cherish each moment. Your journey together is a beautiful tapestry of love that you will weave day by day. May your love story be as incredible as the love that binds you.”

Template 6: The Bond of Family

“Today, as I watch [Son’s Name] and [Partner’s Name] begin their life together, I am reminded of the bond of family. [Son’s Name], from the day you were born, you have been the light of our lives. Your journey has been our journey, and your happiness, our happiness. As you and [Partner’s Name] create a new family, remember the love and lessons from the home you came from. Cherish each other, support each other, and build a home filled with love, laughter, and the kind of joy that comes from deep within. To my son and his beloved, may your family be blessed with love and happiness always.”

Template 7: The Future Forward

“On this remarkable day, as I look at [Son’s Name] and [Partner’s Name], I see a future filled with incredible potential. You both bring out the best in each other, and together, the possibilities are endless. As you embark on this new chapter, know that our love and support will always be with you. Embrace each challenge as an opportunity to grow, and each joy as a moment to cherish. Here’s to a future that shines bright with love and happiness.”

Template 8: The Tribute to Love

“In celebrating the union of [Son’s Name] and [Partner’s Name], we are not just witnessing the joining of two individuals but the merging of love, dreams, and hopes. Love is the foundation upon which you will build your lives together, a bond that will guide you through every adventure life brings. May your love be a source of strength, a beacon of hope, and a reminder of the beautiful journey you have embarked upon together. To the newlyweds, may your love story be as magical and enduring as the love that surrounds you today.”

Your Speech, Your Voice

Remember, a Father of the Groom speech is a reflection of you and your relationship with your son. Keep it authentic, speak from the heart, and let your words be a testament to the love and pride you feel on this significant day.

Call to Action Got a story to share about your experience as the father of the groom? Or maybe you’re looking for a bit more advice? Drop a comment below – we’d love to hear your stories and help out with any questions you have. Your insights could be the guiding light for other dads in the same boat!

Creative Wedding Planning Ideas

Mother and Father of Groom – Sample Wedding Speeches & Toasts

Mother and Father of Groom Speech Examples

Get ideas for your special speech at your son’s wedding with our Mother and Father of Groom Speech Examples.

Sample Speech #1

I am honored to stand here and congratulate my son and his new bride on their beautiful wedding.

Tom, your father and I are so very proud of you. We’ve had the privilege of watching you grow into a great man, and we both know you will make a wonderful husband.

Beth, it is with love and joy that we welcome you into our family on this day. We are proud to call you our daughter-in-law and are so glad you chose to marry our son. When I look at the two of you, I see the love that is between you. A love that is built to last a lifetime.

Let’s raise our glasses in honor and joy to Tom and Beth. We could all learn something about love from these two. Here’s to the bride and groom — you deserve all the happiness in the world! And your father and I deserve grandchildren — hint, hint!

Sample Speech #2

On this special day I am pleased to welcome our new daughter-in-law to the family. Beth, I couldn’t have chosen a better bride for our son if I’d tried. We are so very honored to have you in our family and look forward to many happy years together.

Tom — your mother and I are so proud of you. You’re a wonderful son and we are blessed to be your parents.

I wish you and your new bride Beth all the love and happiness in the world. I know what it’s like to spend your life with the woman you love, and I can tell you you’re in for years of love and laughter. Sure, there can be some tough times — but they only serve to make the good ones more sweet and deepen the special bond that exists between husband and wife.

So without further delay, I’d like to propose a toast to our son Tom and his beautiful wife Amy. May today be the start of a lifetime of togetherness and love.

Looking for more help with your Wedding speech?

Get Your Hands On 200+ Professionally Written, Awe-Inspiring Wedding Speeches and Toasts.

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A Guide to Writing the Perfect Mother of the Groom Speech

Last Updated: May 19, 2024 Fact Checked

  • How to Write Your Speech

Best Practices

Templates & examples.

  • What Not to Say

This article was co-authored by Lynn Kirkham and by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 16,464 times.

Your son’s wedding is quickly approaching and all the details are taken care of—except the speech you plan to give at the rehearsal dinner or reception. We're here to help! Writing and giving a mother of the groom speech will be a piece of cake with our guide. You only need a few stories, anecdotes, and sweet words to melt everyone’s hearts. We’ll explain what to include and avoid, provide tons of examples, and even show you how to format your speech from beginning to end.

Things You Should Know

  • Start your speech with a quick introduction, stating who you are and your relationship to the couple.
  • Add personality and warmth to your speech by including heartwarming or funny stories about your son.
  • Finish your speech with a touching message for the happy couple, expressing how bright and joyful you wish their future together to be.

How to Write a Mother of the Groom Speech

Step 1 Start by introducing yourself.

  • If you’re feeling stuck, brainstorm speech ideas by jotting down what words describe your son and his partner.
  • Practice makes perfect! If you’re nervous about giving your speech, that’s completely normal. Practice your speech as many times as possible so you know what you’ll say and how you’ll say it. This can help calm your nerves. [5] X Research source
  • Keep your speech short and sweet. [6] X Research source The longer your speech is, the less engaged your audience will be. So, aim to keep your speech under 5 minutes.
  • At the end of the day, make the speech unique to you. If these templates don’t speak to you, that’s okay! Write and speak from the heart. [7] X Research source
  • If you’re worried about how your speech sounds, ask someone to read it over.
  • 1 Standard Example Hello everyone, I’m [Your Name], the mother of the handsome groom. I’m so grateful to be standing before you today to celebrate [Your Son’s Name] and [Your Son’s Partner’s Name], and it’s been wonderful getting to meet each and every one of you. The support you’ve shown my son is truly heartwarming. Now, some of you know [Your Son’s Name] as the person who’s always [insert personal description]. But to me, he’s still the sweetest little boy. [Insert story about your son’s childhood]. [Your Son’s Name] has always been [insert description that matches above childhood story], and now he’s found someone just as incredible as he is. [Your Son’s Partner’s Name], you are [insert description of your son’s partner]. From the first time I met you, I knew you were the one. It gives me great honor to welcome you into our family. [Your Son’s Name] and [Your Son’s Partner’s Name], I hope your lifetime together is full of joy and laughter. May your love continue to grow with each year, each milestone, and each hardship. Let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple! Here’s to many more happy years to come!
  • 2 Short & Sweet Example Dear friends and family, I’m here tonight to talk about my son, [Your Son’s Name], the most [insert description] man I know. Ever since he was little, he’s been a [insert description]. He has a heart of gold, and I knew whoever would win his heart one day would be someone very, very special. [Your Son’s Partner’s Name], you are that very special someone. From the moment [Your Son’s Name] introduced me to you, I knew you were his future. You’re [insert description], and I can’t imagine anyone better for my son. [Insert a popular quote or family saying]. I can’t wait to spend more time with you, [Your Son’s Partner’s Name]. I hope your marriage is happy, bright, and filled with joy. I love you both dearly.
  • 3 Funny Example Good evening, everyone! Thank you all for coming to this special occasion. I am honored to stand before you as the groom's mother. Now, [Your Son’s Name] may have gotten his good looks from his father, but he certainly got his humor from me! [Insert a funny story about your son growing up that showcases his personality or relationship with you] [Insert another story about your son that focuses on his relationship with his partner] And [Your Son’s Partner’s Name], our beautiful bride. Now, I must admit, when [Your Son’s Name] first introduced us, I was a bit skeptical. But I’m happy to say you’ve won me over with that contagious laugh, kind heart, and [insert description]. [Your Son’s Partner’s Name], you’ve brought my son and this family so much joy these past few years, and I cannot thank you enough for that. You’re a perfect match for each other, and it’s been an honor to watch you grow and thrive in each other's arms. Here’s to a future full of love and laughter. To the happy couple!
  • 4 Heartfelt Example Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here tonight to talk to you about my son and his fabulous new life partner. Growing up, [Your Son’s Name] always talked about finding the one. [Insert personal story]. When he brought [Your Son’s Partner’s Name] home, I just had this feeling. Something told me this was it. And then he asked [Your Son’s Partner’s Name] to marry him. [Insert story about the proposal]. I knew she’d say yes—we all did! But seeing them waltz into the house with the biggest grins made it all so much more real. [Your Son’s Partner’s Name], I’m so happy to say you’re a part of this family. It feels like you always have been. Here’s to many, many years of happiness. I love you both.
  • 5 Simple Example Good evening, everyone! I don’t want to take up too much of your time. After all, we have a lot of speeches to get through tonight! So I’ll just say how happy I am for my son and his beautiful partner. These two are a force to be reckoned with, and I have no doubt that they are going to do such wondrous things together. To [Your Son’s Name] and [Your Son’s Partner’s Name]! Let all of your wildest dreams come true.

What Not to Say In Your Speech

Step 1 Avoid bringing up past relationships.

Expert Q&A

  • Typically, the mother of the groom speech is given at the rehearsal dinner or during the reception after the wedding ceremony. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Do breathing exercises to help calm your nerves before you give your speech. Try inhaling for 4 counts and exhaling for another 4. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Write your speech down if you feel like you’ll forget it. There’s no shame in glancing at it every so often! Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to write a speech for your son's wedding

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Speech From Parents Of The Groom?

Table of Contents:

The father of the groom is a crucial figure in the wedding ceremony, and it is essential to write an effective speech. To create a memorable speech, consider keeping it light and good, using humor, stories, or witty jokes.

To start, gather your thoughts and memories about your son and the journey you have shared. Include Cherished moments and share your emotions to make the speech more meaningful.

As the father of the groom, your speech should be personal and heartfelt, sharing your memories of your son and the happy couple. Follow a Father of the Groom Speech Outline to get started on a speech. Keep it short and sweet, aiming for a speech that is around 3-5 minutes long and no longer than 7 minutes.

A wedding toast given by the parents of the groom serves an important role in uniting two families. It allows the parents to welcome their new daughter-in-law and her relatives, offer wisdom to the newlyweds, and tell a story about their son. Keep the toast simple and sweet, honoring the bride, thanking the parents, and expressing gratitude for their continued support.

In summary, writing a father of the groom speech can be a rewarding experience, but it is essential to keep it light and personal, using humor, stories, and avoiding dirty jokes. Personalize the details and stories to make it true to yourself and your relationship with your son.

📹 Parents of the groom speech

Speech From Parents Of The Groom?

What should the groom’s parents say?

Thank the father of the bride and introduce yourself. Thank guests again. Talk about the groom and share stories. Talk about his partner and how happy your son is. Welcome his partner into the family. Raise a toast to the newlyweds. If there are two fathers of the groom, the structure is almost the same. You’ll need to thank guests as you would in the father of the bride speech. Split the thank-yous between your speeches. If you’ve split wedding planning and finances, thank your son’s partner’s family for paying and arranging the day. You can just welcome them as your new family and joke about sharing grandparent duties with them.

What should a father say at his son's wedding?

What should a father say at his son’s wedding?

Welcome them into your family. Thank your son’s new spouse for joining your family. Thank their parents for raising such a great person. Send well wishes. Give the couple some advice or your wishes for their future together. It’s an honor to give a father of the groom speech, but it can be daunting. This is your chance to show your love, share memories, and give advice to your son and his new spouse. To make your speech stand out, we’ve put together a guide with tips and examples to help you craft the best father of the groom speech.

One of the best father of the groom speeches we’ve ever seen! One of the best father of the groom speeches ever. Father of the bride speeches get all the glory, but Trevor’s speech to his son Trent was one of the best father of the groom speeches I’ve ever heard.

What color is the groom’s mother supposed to wear?

The Best Colors for Mothers of the Groom. If your son lets you choose your day-of look, choose a color that matches the dress code, venue, and season. Jewel tones and earthy hues like emerald green and burgundy work well, as do black and navy. Valiente also says to wear a flattering color that matches the wedding colors. However, it’s a good idea to ask your son and his partner for ideas. Some couples ask their parents to coordinate with the wedding party. Check with the couple before you start shopping. Avoid these colors for mothers of the groom. Avoid white or colors that resemble the bride’s wedding outfit. Avoid blush, beige, or other light neutral tones that may appear lighter on camera. Unless asked, don’t match the bridal party colors, says Valiente.

What should the mother of the groom not do?

What should the mother of the groom not do?

A mother-of-the-groom shouldn’t overshadow the bride’s mother. … Don’t act like a bridesmaid. Don’t be too critical. Don’t steal the bridesmaid’s spotlight. … Don’t invite extra guests. … Attend the pre-wedding events.

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  • 8 Things the Mother-of-the-Groom Should Never Do

Want to be a great mother-of-the-groom? Here’s what you shouldn’t do before and on your son’s wedding day. Your son’s wedding is coming up, and you’re happy. You’re really happy. You’ve already secured your spot as a VIP guest, but you don’t want to upset your future daughter-in-law during the planning process or on the big day. A mother-of-the-groom should avoid acting like a bridesmaid and making empty offers.

Do groom’s parents speak at the wedding?

Speech by the mother or father of the groom. The mother and father of the groom give a speech at the rehearsal dinner. This is because traditionally the groom’s parents hosted the rehearsal dinner and the bride’s parents hosted the wedding. Some couples split the budget differently, so Imberman suggests having both sets of parents speak at the wedding reception. The groom’s parents can follow the same format as the mother and father of the bride. Speech by the bride or groom. The bride and groom can also give speeches. As the bride or groom, you can thank everyone for being there or give a short speech. Keep wedding speeches brief and speak from the heart, says Imberman. You can also be creative. Some couples give their speeches together, taking turns. Who gives a speech at the rehearsal dinner? The rehearsal dinner host(s) usually speak first. Once they’ve welcomed everyone, others can speak.

What do you say to your daughter and son-in-law on wedding day?

Happy wedding day to my daughter and her boyfriend. Have a wonderful future. May your life together be full of love. Congratulations! May you be happy, joyful, and in love as you start your new adventure together. Daughter, congratulations. May you share beautiful memories and love. Congratulations, daughter and son-in-law. I’m excited for you. Wishing you love and happiness in your marriage. Dear daughter and son-in-law, congratulations on your wedding. Your loved ones will always support you. Congrats! I love you both and wish you a happy marriage. Congratulations on your wedding, daughter and son-in-law! Your loved ones will always be there for you. Congrats, girl! Your marriage makes me happy. Watching my daughter marry her soulmate makes me happy. Dearest, congrats. Enjoy your love story. I love my daughter and her husband. Happy wedding day! May your love last forever. Congrats, sweetheart. I love you and thank you for making me happy. Congratulations on your wedding. May your marriage be filled with love and blessings. Dear daughter and son-in-law, congratulations on your wedding. I appreciate you both. May your love story be full of excitement, passion, and delight. Best wishes for your marriage, daughter and son-in-law. Ten short wedding wishes for your daughter. Your daughter is getting married. It’s a good time to share your love and best wishes. These short wedding wishes are a way to let your daughter know you care as she begins married life. Use these wishes to make the day memorable.

What should a parents say in a wedding speech?

Welcome everyone. Pay tribute to the bride’s other parent. Share stories and memories of the bride from childhood and today. Talk about meeting their new partner. Offer advice to the couple. Finish with a toast. When you have to write a speech, your brain goes blank! Here are some questions to help you find stories about your daughter. Anecdotes make speeches more interesting. You have a lifetime of stories. What was she like as a child? Did she have funny school reports? Did she have a funny nickname? How does she compare now? Who was her first celebrity crush? How do they compare to her partner? What job did she want as a child? What does she do now? Did she plan her wedding as a child? What makes her laugh? What’s her worst habit? Any memorable moments? Did you and your siblings ever argue? How did the couple meet? When and how did she tell you? Do they share unusual hobbies? How do they tolerate each other’s quirks? Did her partner ask for permission? What did you think? What did you say? How did you feel when she became a mother? What advice did you give her?

Does the mother of the groom say anything at the wedding?

Does the mother of the groom say anything at the wedding?

What do you say to your son on his wedding day? On his wedding day, a mother can say she loves her son, share memories, give advice, and wish him well with his new spouse. How to Write a Mother of the Groom Speech. Like anyone giving a speech, the mother of the groom is going to wonder what to say. Be respectful. You want to be funny. How do you make this funny, memorable, and sweet? We’re not going to tell you exactly what to say, but we have the structure to make your speech perfect. This template will help you.

Introduce yourself. Some guests won’t know you. Tell the couple how you know them. This will help you talk about what you want to say next. Thank wedding guests. This makes them feel good and turns you from talking at them to talking to them. Include memories. You can tell a funny story about them growing up or a cute story about when you realized he would make a perfect husband. Don’t forget about the bride’s partner. Welcoming the bride to the family is always a sweet moment. Use this chance to say when you first realized they were meant to be together or when you knew she was part of the family. Also congratulate her parents for raising a fine woman. Explain why you are happy for them. Be proud of them and tell them how happy you are for them. Add a few jokes. If you know the bride well, you can include her. Otherwise, stick to the groom. Keep it short. Make your statements clear. Practice your speech so it’s short. Give some unique advice for newlyweds. Give your best wishes to the couple. Give them some advice for marriage. This will end your mother of the groom speech perfectly.

What does the mother of the groom say in her speech?

What does the mother of the groom say in her speech?

A mother of the groom speech should express love and pride for her son. Speak from the heart and share how he has grown. Mention his good qualities, achievements, and values.

“My dear son, you bring me joy and pride.” Your kindness, empathy, and resilience inspire me every day. I’m so proud of you.”

“My son, I’m so proud of you. Every day, I see how wonderful you are becoming. Thank you for being my miracle. Mother of the Groom Speech: Welcome the Bride.

What does the groom's mother give the bride?

What does the groom’s mother give the bride?

Family heirlooms. Heirlooms are thoughtful wedding gifts. They show how much you love and accept the bride. Gifting her a special heirloom shows you’re excited to welcome her as a family member. These items can be jewelry, watches, or a handkerchief. Family heirlooms are warm, tender gestures that show how happy the mother of the groom is to have her daughter-in-law join the family.

· Use the wedding registry. A wedding registry is a great place to choose gifts! Give her something from the list and see her face light up. It’s so heartwarming and exciting to see your son marry the love of his life. As the mother of the groom, it’s important to welcome your daughter-in-law with gifts to make her feel special. These gifts show how happy you are on your wedding day and make you closer.

What do you say in a speech at your son's wedding?

What do you say in a speech at your son’s wedding?

Start by thinking. Before you start writing, think about what you want to say. What do you want to say about your son and his new wife? How can you make the speech personal? Jot down a few notes to help you write. Keep it personal. As the father of the groom, your speech should be personal. Share memories of your son and the happy couple. Make the speech more meaningful and engaging. Be humorous. Weddings are for celebrating, and a little humor can make things more fun. Use stories and jokes to make your speech fun, but be careful what you say. As the father of the groom, you know love and marriage. Tell the happy couple what you think and what you wish for them. Practice, practice, practice. Practice makes perfect. Practice your speech a few times before the wedding. Keep it short. Your speech should be short and to the point. Speeches should be 3-5 minutes long, no longer than 7 minutes. You can use quotes or make up your own.

The father of the groom’s wedding speech is an opportunity to share your thoughts and feelings about your son and his new spouse. Follow these tips to craft a personal, heartfelt, and memorable speech. It’s a special day for your son and his spouse, so make it fun.

Templates. Here are 10 father of the groom speeches to use as inspiration:

What does a mother say at her son's wedding?

What does a mother say at her son’s wedding?

You’ve raised a great kid, and I couldn’t have asked for a better match for my son. Grooms Name, Brides Name, I wish you happiness, love, and laughter. May your love grow and flourish. To the happy couple! Are you the mother of the groom and giving a speech at your son’s wedding? Writing a meaningful speech can be hard, but with a little help, you can create one that will make your audience cry with joy. Tips: Here are some tips for writing the perfect mother of the groom wedding speech: Start by thinking. Before you start writing, think about your relationship with your son and what you want to say to the newlyweds. Write down any memories, anecdotes, or words of wisdom that come to mind. Keep it personal. Your speech should be about your son, not wedding advice. Tell stories about your son and show your love for the couple. Your speech should be about your son, but also show your love and support for the couple. Express your happiness for them and your excitement for their future together. Be sincere. Your speech should be from the heart. Avoid clichés and insincere jokes. Practice, practice, practice. Practice your speech so you can deliver it confidently and smoothly. Practice in front of a mirror or with a friend or family member to get feedback and make any necessary adjustments. Keep it short. Keep your speech short and to the point. Speeches should be around 5-7 minutes long.

📹 Emotional Mother of the Groom Speech Brings Everyone to Tears

A wedding day is not just about the bride and groom. It’s also such a huge day for the couple’s parents. They have raised their …

Speech From Parents Of The Groom?

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how to write a speech for your son's wedding

Christina Kohler

As an enthusiastic wedding planner, my goal is to furnish couples with indelible recollections of their momentous occasion. After more than ten years of experience in the field, I ensure that each wedding I coordinate is unique and characterized by my meticulous attention to detail, creativity, and a personal touch. I delight in materializing aspirations, guaranteeing that every occasion is as singular and enchanted as the love narrative it commemorates. Together, we can transform your wedding day into an unforgettable occasion that you will always remember fondly.

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The brides expression says all she knows she’s not worthy of this man. She looks threatened by the mother. And the son should be holding his mother one last time because she’s paying him such great tribute for the happiness that he’s bought in her life. I’m sorry the bride looks like one of those frat party chicks.

I passive-aggressively used a mother’s wedding speech to make fun of my unmarried boss. She was upset I had signed up for a one-person shift. One of our student leader’s responsibilities is organizing who works which shifts on the schedule, and my boss scolded him for not noticing I had signed up to go solo. When she asked him if she thought I could do the shift, I answered for him with a firm “yes,” because I felt belittled by her. She said she didn’t think so, was all “I’ve told you not to sign up for shifts by yourself, I’ve been very clear about that, I don’t know how much clearer I can get for you to listen” (something like, that, so I’m not perfectly quoting her), and she told me I need someone there to give me instructions and guide me. A couple hours later, after the bride’s mom’s speech, I said to my crew, “That was one nice speech. And she’s right. Marriage is a wonderful joyous thing, and is the best thing a person can experience. (I turned to my boss) Ain’t that right, (name)?” How obvious is my secret insult?

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How to Write the Best Parents of the Groom Speech

parents of the groom speech

The big day arrives, your son beams with joy, and all eyes turn to you – the proud parents of the groom. But instead of the traditional solo speeches, why not create a truly special moment by delivering a tandem parents of the groom speech ?

This heartwarming tradition allows you to share your son’s story and well wishes together, reflecting the unified front you present as a family. This guide will equip you with the tools to craft a heartfelt, humorous, and unforgettable parents of the groom speech, delivered as a team!

Of course, even the most confident parents can find wedding speeches challenging (that’s why you’re here, right?). Balancing humor and sentiment, avoiding clichés, and making your speech stand out can feel overwhelming.

Fear not! This article has you covered. We’ve compiled some of the best parents of the groom speeches we’ve filmed at weddings, offering a treasure trove of tips, tricks, templates, and inspiring examples. Whether you’re looking for guidance on structure, anecdotes to personalize your speech, or simply want to witness some heartwarming deliveries, this guide will be your one-stop shop for crafting a memorable tandem speech.

So sit back, relax, and get ready to create a parents of the groom speech that will have everyone raising a glass (and maybe even shedding a tear) to the happy couple!

How to Start a Parents of the Groom Speech

Crafting the opening of your parents of the groom speech is like setting the stage for a heartwarming performance. Here are some tips to grab your audience’s attention and set the tone for a memorable toast:

  • Welcome with warmth: Start by introducing yourselves as the proud parents of the groom. A simple “Good evening everyone!” or “For those who haven’t met us, we’re John’s parents” works well. Express your joy at being there to celebrate this special day.
  • Consider a shared introduction: If you’re delivering the speech together, you can add a playful touch by acknowledging the teamwork. Something like, “We decided to tackle this speech together, just like John and Jane are tackling life together,” can set a lighthearted mood.
  • Start with a personal anecdote (optional): If you feel comfortable, sharing a quick memory about your son can be a touching way to begin. Maybe it’s a funny childhood story or a moment that showcases his personality. This personalizes the speech and allows guests to connect with you.
  • Express gratitude: Take a moment to thank everyone for joining the celebration. You can also express your appreciation to your new son-in-law or daughter-in-law’s family for welcoming your son with open arms.

Remember, keep it concise and heartfelt. The goal is to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for your speech. Let your genuine joy for the couple shine through, and the rest will follow.

Related Article: How to Write the Best Mother of the Bride Speech

How to Write a Heartfelt Parents of the Groom Speech

Deanne’s speech is a brilliant example of how to make a touching and sincere speech to your son. At one point she got choked up while saying how proud she is of everything Luke has accomplished in his life. Here are some quick tips on how you can write a touching speech about your son on his wedding day:

Craft a speech filled with love and memories. Reflect on your son’s journey. Share a story that showcases his growth and the qualities you admire. Express your love for him and how happy you are he’s found his perfect partner. Warmly welcome your new daughter or son-in-law, mentioning what you appreciate about them. Keep your speech concise and focus on the most important emotions.

Key points for a heartfelt speech:

  • Focus on stories and emotions
  • Highlight your son’s growth
  • Express love and support
  • Welcome your new spouse warmly
  • Briefly mention what you admire about them
  • Practice beforehand

Venue: Intercontinental Sanctuary Cove Resort (The Grange) Photos: Ben & Hope Photography

Struggling with your speech and need a hand? Check out the Toast Builder from – a simple DIY tool I discovered to help write heartfelt toasts.

Use the discount code “ motion10 ” at checkout and get 10% off your purchase.

How long should the parents of the groom speech be?

The ideal length for a parents of the groom speech is generally between 3-6 minutes . This keeps the speech concise and engaging for the audience, while still allowing you to express your well wishes and share a heartfelt message.

Here’s a breakdown of why this timeframe works well:

  • Attention span:  Studies suggest that listener attention spans tend to wane after around 5-7 minutes. Keeping your speech within this range ensures the audience stays engaged with your message.
  • Respecting the schedule:  Weddings often have a planned flow, with other toasts and speeches scheduled. A concise speech allows for a smooth transition and avoids disrupting the program.
  • Saying what matters:  Three to six minutes is enough time to express your gratitude, share a heartfelt message for the couple, and maybe even add a touch of humor.

Here are some additional tips for managing the length of your speech:

  • Practice and time yourself:  Rehearse your speech out loud to get a sense of its natural flow and timing.
  • Edit ruthlessly:  Once you have a draft, go through it and remove any unnecessary elements or stories that don’t directly contribute to your message.
  • Focus on quality over quantity:  It’s better to deliver a short, impactful speech than a long, rambling one.

Remember, the goal is to create a memorable moment that celebrates the couple. By keeping your speech concise and heartfelt, you can ensure your message resonates with everyone present.

Venue: The Acre Boomerang Farm Photos: Jessica Stannard Photography

parents of the groom speech

How do I end a parents of the groom speech?

To end a parents of the groom speech on a memorable note, follow these tips:

  • Express Gratitude: Thank everyone for being part of the special day. Mention specific people who have contributed significantly, such as the bride’s parents, close family, and friends.
  • Share a Final Anecdote or Sentiment: Conclude with a touching story or heartfelt sentiment about the groom and bride. This could be a cherished memory or a reflection on their journey together.
  • Offer Words of Wisdom or Blessing: Provide a piece of advice or a blessing for the couple’s future. This adds a personal and meaningful touch to your speech.
  • Raise a Toast: Invite everyone to raise a glass to the newlyweds. This signals the end of your speech and unites everyone in a shared moment of celebration.
  • Keep It Concise: Ensure your conclusion is succinct and impactful. Aim to leave a lasting impression without dragging on.

Example Ending:

“Finally, I want to thank everyone for being here today to celebrate this beautiful occasion. [Bride’s name], welcome to our family. We couldn’t have asked for a better partner for our son. [Groom’s name], we are incredibly proud of the man you have become. Remember to always cherish, respect, and support each other. Now, let’s raise our glasses to a lifetime of love, happiness, and adventure for [Bride’s name] and [Groom’s name]. To the newlyweds!”

What are the key elements of a good parents of the groom speech?

  • Heartfelt love and pride for your son.
  • Warm welcome for the bride, highlighting her qualities.
  • Optional: Share a personal anecdote or two.
  • Offer brief, gentle advice (if comfortable).
  • Express joy and excitement for their future.
  • End with a heartfelt toast to the happy couple.

Remember: Be yourself, speak from the heart, and keep it brief. Good luck!

What topics should be avoided in a Parents of the Groom speech?

When giving a parents of the groom speech, avoid these topics to keep it respectful and memorable:

  • Negative Stories or Embarrassing Moments: Focus on positive anecdotes.
  • Ex-Partners: Only mention the bride and groom.
  • Controversial Topics: Steer clear of politics, religion, or family disputes.
  • Inappropriate Humor: Use family-friendly jokes.
  • Financial Matters: Avoid discussing money.
  • Personal Grievances: Keep the speech conflict-free.
  • Overly Long Stories: Be brief and engaging.
  • Drinking and Partying: Highlight the groom’s positive qualities instead.

By avoiding these subjects, your speech will be heartfelt and well-received.

What if I get emotional during the speech?

Embrace the feels! Genuine emotion makes your speech even more touching. A tear or a shaky voice shows the raw love and pride you have for your son and new daughter-in-law. Pause if needed, take a deep breath, and speak from the heart. The audience will connect with your vulnerability and celebrate your joy right alongside you. Remember, this is a day of love and emotion, so let yours flow freely!

What if the Parents of the Groom are Separated or Divorced?

Prioritize unity over specifics. Focus on celebrating your son’s happiness and welcoming the bride into the family as a whole. Acknowledge your shared joy if comfortable, but avoid dwelling on the past or any specific dynamics. Use “we” as much as possible when reflecting on your son’s journey, and offer joint well-wishes for their future. Most importantly, let your love and pride for him shine through, showing him support and creating a moment of family togetherness even in a non-traditional structure.

Disclaimer: This website is reader-supported. When you purchase through my carefully selected affiliate links, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products and services I genuinely believe in.

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The Bridal Tip

Touching Mother Speech At Wedding – Heartfelt Words For Son

When it comes to a wedding, the mother of the groom holds a special place in the ceremony. Her speech is a moment to express all the love, pride, and joy she feels for her son and to welcome the new addition to the family, the bride. It is a chance to create an emotional connection with the couple and leave a lasting impression on everyone present. In this article, we will explore the key elements of a touching mother speech at a wedding.

Setting the Tone: Creating an Emotional and Heartfelt Connection

A mother’s speech at her son’s wedding should begin by expressing the deep love and pride she feels for her son. It’s an opportunity to share heartfelt words that showcase the unique bond between a mother and her child. By sharing memorable anecdotes and stories, the mother can help the audience understand the depth of their relationship and the journey they have taken together.

Furthermore, it’s important for the mother to acknowledge the bride and her family, showing appreciation for the love and support they have given to the couple. This gesture helps create a sense of unity and highlights the importance of building strong relationships between families.

Reflecting on the Journey: Recalling Childhood Memories and Milestones

As a mother, one of the most powerful aspects of a speech is reflecting on the journey from childhood to this special day. By recalling cherished memories and milestones, the mother can demonstrate the growth and development of her son. This not only showcases the love and care she has given but also emphasizes the values and lessons he has learned along the way.

Moments such as the son’s first steps, school achievements, and his transition into adulthood can be discussed with pride and admiration. Sharing these moments helps the audience connect with the son’s journey and paints a picture of the person he has become.

Welcoming the Bride: Embracing the New Addition to the Family

A vital aspect of a mother’s speech is warmly welcoming the bride into the family. This is an opportunity to express warm wishes, acceptance, and gratitude for the bride’s presence in their lives. The mother should recognize the bride’s qualities and strengths, highlighting how she complements her son and contributes to their happiness.

Emphasizing the importance of supporting the couple’s union is also crucial. This can be achieved by expressing confidence in their love and their ability to navigate any challenges they may face in their married life. Such affirmations give the newlyweds a sense of unity and support from their families.

Offering Advice and Wisdom: Guidance for a Successful Marriage

A mother’s speech is an opportunity to share valuable advice and wisdom gained from her own experiences. By drawing on lessons learned from her own marriage, the mother can offer guidance for a successful and fulfilling union.

Some key aspects to touch upon may include the importance of open communication, love, and compromise. Encouraging the couple to always express their feelings and listen to each other fosters a healthy connection. Additionally, emphasizing the need for patience, understanding, and forgiveness helps establish a strong foundation for their future together.

Celebrating the Couple: Highlighting Their Unique Love Story

While reflecting on the couple’s unique love story, the mother’s speech is an opportunity to highlight and celebrate their journey. By sharing how the couple complements each other, identifying their shared dreams, and recognizing their commitment and devotion, the mother can help inspire and uplift the audience.

Sharing personal insights into the relationship, funny moments, or challenges overcome together helps create an intimate and relatable connection between the couple and the guests. It adds depth to the speech and showcases the love and dedication they have for each other.

Thanking the Guests: Gratitude for Everyone’s Presence and Support

Expressing gratitude is a crucial part of a mother’s speech. The mother should take a moment to convey appreciation for the presence and support of friends and family. By acknowledging those who made the wedding possible and sharing heartfelt thanks for their love and support, the mother creates a warm and inclusive atmosphere.

Recognizing key individuals such as the wedding planner, family members, and close friends adds a personal touch to the speech. This helps strengthen the bond between the couple and their loved ones, leaving a lasting impression on everyone in attendance.

Conclusion: Ending on an Emotional and Hopeful Note

As the mother concludes her speech, she should leave the guests and the couple with final words of love, encouragement, and hope for the future. Expressing excitement for the adventures and memories they will create together sets a positive tone and leaves everyone feeling uplifted.

A touching mother speech at a wedding is a beautiful way to express love, pride, and support for the son and his new bride. It offers an opportunity to create an emotional connection with the couple and leave a lasting impression on all those present. By sharing heartfelt words, memorable stories, and offering guidance, a mother can create a speech that touches the hearts of everyone in attendance.

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Jessica Rankin

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In This Article

Son Wedding Speech: Main Tips

Son of the bride speech, son of the groom speech, son wedding speech examples to find inspiration.

  • Wedding Party & Reception

The Ultimate Guide To Giving A Son Wedding Speech

Natalia Bayeva

nagi.graphy via Instagram

Son wedding speech – is possibly the most sentimental thing that can happen at a wedding. Lots of important family and friends give speeches at weddings, and if the couple has kids, they sometimes contribute as well. These speeches are becoming quite the thing, and if you’re the son of a bride or groom, you might be looking at giving son wedding speeches.


This speech shows your parent how proud you are of them and how happy you are for this stage in their lives. Finding the right words can sometimes be difficult, but that’s why we are here.

Read on for a guide and tips on how to give son wedding speeches.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to start son wedding speech.

Start by introducing yourself and thanking the guests for honoring the couple with their presence. Whether you’re giving a wedding speech as son of the bride or groom, you can continue by talking about your parent, sharing memories and jokes.

When The Son Should Give A Speech At Mother’s Wedding?

Speeches are traditionally given after the wedding meal whether it’s dinner or lunch. So, if you are scheduled to speak, you can start getting ready soon as everyone has been fed.

son wedding speech newlyweds

chelseawhitephotog via Instagram

The wedding speech for a son to the bride or groom is important because of the relationship between a child and their parent. This speech, asides from being a love letter, could be a great way to show that the child approves this union and welcomes this new parent into the family. Here are a few helpful tips.

  • Don’t sweat it , just relax and be yourself. Understand that you’re just giving a speech for a few minutes, nothing more.
  • Understand that you’re not required to be funny or anything like that. Just speak from the heart, and that should be fine.
  • Appreciate your parent , tell them the ways they make you happy and talk about how happy you are for them.
  • You can add a cute story or memory that will resonate but remember to keep it short. The best speeches are under ten minutes.

son wedding speech bride

The wedding speech for the son of the bride is an opportunity to appreciate your mom and honor her as she starts this new chapter in her life. This is also a time to express your love for her and perhaps even tease her a little like you’re used to, or even tease the groom too.

However simple this might seem; it can be challenging for most. You could use the following tips to sharpen your skills and deliver that speech your mom will love.

  • Write down your speech. Even if you know it by heart, it helps to have it written down.
  • Choose your outfit carefully , make sure it’s something you like, an attire that makes you confident enough to stand in front of people and speak.
  • Practice your speech. While a son of the bride wedding speech might seem simple, you could falter giving the speech if you don’t practice enough. So, whether it’s with siblings or even a dear friend or to a mirror, make sure you practice giving the speech a few times.
  • Consider using cue cards if you can, instead of a long piece of paper that might confuse you and distract the audience.
  • Ask family members to rate your speech honestly and decide if you need more practice.
  • Memorize your speech if you can. This way, you can look at the guests more and less at your cue cards. You will also have more confidence if you don’t have to read it out.

Son To Mother Wedding Speech: Tips On Writing

  • Make your speech as human as possible . Write about how such a special day makes you feel and what your mother means to you.
  • Mention family , the love that you share and why this day is so important.
  • Read and edit all you have written over and over until you feel it is perfect.

Tips On Giving The Speech

  • After introducing yourself, be appreciative. Appreciate the guests for being there and say a few nice words about the couple.
  • Find that sweet spot of giving a speech that is long enough, but not too long. Between five and ten minutes is a good duration for a son to mother wedding speech.
  • Give jokes if you want, but don’t go overboard. Be kind with your humor. Tease, but don’t cross over to making fun of anyone.

Son Of The Bride Wedding Speech Outline Guide

Here is an outline that can help you better write your son of the bride wedding speech.

  • Introduction: Always begin with introducing yourself, and then welcome family and guests, thank them for taking the time to be there.
  • Share stories and memories: Stories and memories are a great way to connect with your audience and convey whatever feelings you have for your parent and their partner.
  • Tease if you want to: Humor is always good. You can tease your parent lightly and watch them light up with pride. It will amuse the guests too.
  • Mention your mom or dad’s partner: Remember to talk about their partner. You could include them in the tease or welcome them into the family. Thank them for all they’ve been to you and your parent.
  • End with well wishes: Finish with well wishes to the couple. If you are well above the legal age, you could end it with a toast.

What Not To Say In a Speech

  • Don’t bring up bad memories. On such a day of celebration, the last thing you want to do is air dirty linen in public. This is a day of joy, a day to celebrate love and family. If there are any personal challenges or grievances, they can always be discussed afterwards.
  • Do not cry extensively. While it is a good idea to show emotion, tears of joy are a good thing. However, it would be nice to hold in any excessive emotion so that the focus can remain on the couple and not shift to you.
  • Don’t go overboard on the humor. Try to be light with the teasing. Jokes are good, but only in moderation. You need to ensure that they do not cross the line from funny to offensive.

son wedding speech groom

Son To Father Wedding Speech: Tips On Writing

  • Introduction. Always start with introducing yourself, since not everyone there might know who you are.
  • Express your feelings. Talk about how you feel on such a special day and what the couple mean to you.
  • Tell a story. You can always bring your speech together with a story about an experience or memory that will highlight the good qualities of your parent and their partner in connection to you.
  • Welcome the guests. While introducing yourself it’s important to remember to welcome the guests. Some of them have come a long way to honor their invitations.
  • Focus. While honoring your father in your speech, remember that the main focus is his new relationship and his partner. So, honor your father but also remember to recognize his new wife.
  • Add humor, but it’s not compulsory. If you can find something funny to say, it would help loosen up the audience. But, it’s not something you have to do. You can always give a simple and expressive speech and it will be just as good.

Son Of The Groom Speech On Wedding Day Outline Ideas

  • Introduce yourself and thank the guests for coming.
  • Share memories and stories about your father and his partner if possible, or about your relationship with your father.
  • Add humor if you can. Teasing your dad would add some fun to your speech that will also connect with the audience.
  • Welcome your stepmother to the family, and end with well wishes to the couple.

What Not To Say In Speech

  • Try not to bring up any exes. This would include your mom as it might be a touchy subject. However, if it is not, you could find a sweet way to mention her or her memory if deceased.
  • Do not make a long speech. Speeches can get boring if too long, and guests can become distracted.
  • Do not bring up any grievances or bad memories. There is a place and time for everything, and this is a time for love and celebration.

son wedding speech tips

elisabettalillyred via Instagram

Use these son of the groom and son of the bride wedding speech examples to find the inspiration to write your own.

Hi all! My name is _, I am the son of our fiance. It is the first time when I give a speech at a wedding and I don’t know what to talk about. I will say one thing, I am glad that my dad managed to find such a wonderful woman and become happy again. Some people know some don’t, my mother died 10 years ago. It took many years for our family to recover and start living anew. And today I want to congratulate the newlywed and welcome _ to our family!
Good evening! I am the son of the bride, _. First of all, I want to thank everyone who is here with us today on this special day for our family. My mom today is just incredibly beautiful and her eyes sparkle with happiness. What could be better? I am very glad that she met _, he is a very cheerful and kind man. I think we will become good friends. Cheers! For the bride and groom!
My name is _. I am the son of our bride. To be honest, when my mother told me to give a speech, I wrote it for 3 weeks, in the end, I threw it out and decided that I would say something from the heart already on the spot. The biggest thing I want to say is how much I love my mother, how proud I am of her, and how glad I am that she has found such a wonderful man. And of course, thank you all for coming today and celebrating such a joyful event with us! Cheers!
Hi dad and _, and all our guests! Thank you for being with us today. I _, the son of the groom and I would like to say a few words. Age is not a hindrance to love! And today we can see it! My mother has been gone for more than 20 years and we all believed that one day my dad would meet his love again. So, here we are today at his wedding. This is incredible happiness! You just look at _. She is so beautiful today! Cheers! Be happy!

Whether you’re at your dad or mom’s wedding and need to give a son wedding speech, we hope this guide and tips will be able to inspire you when writing your own.

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Writing the Perfect Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

Our mother of the groom wedding speech guide gives you tips and templates for giving a memorable mother of the groom wedding speech.

Mother of the groom giving speech

Are you the mother of the groom and tasked with giving a speech at your son's wedding? Writing a heartfelt and meaningful speech can be a daunting task, but with a little preparation and guidance, you can create the perfect speech that will leave your audience in tears of joy.

Here are some tips on how to write the perfect mother of the groom wedding speech:

  • Start by brainstorming . Before you start writing, take some time to think about your relationship with your son and what you want to say to the newlyweds on their special day. Jot down any memories, anecdotes, or words of wisdom that come to mind.
  • Keep it personal . Your speech should be about your son and your relationship with him, rather than about general wedding advice. Share personal stories and memories that highlight the unique bond you have with your son.
  • Show your love and support for the couple . While your speech should be about your son, it's also important to show your love and support for the couple. Express your happiness for them and your excitement for their future together.
  • Be heartfelt and sincere . Your speech should come from the heart and be sincere. Avoid using cliche phrases or jokes that may come across as insincere.
  • Practice, practice, practice . Rehearsing your speech is key to delivering it confidently and smoothly. Practice in front of a mirror or with a close friend or family member to get feedback and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Keep it short and sweet . While you may have a lot to say, it's important to keep your speech concise and to the point. Aim for around 5-7 minutes in length.

Here are a few points you can include in your mother of the groom wedding speech:

  • Share a personal story about the groom and how he has grown and changed over the years
  • Express your love and support for the couple
  • Offer words of wisdom and advice for the couple's future together
  • Raise a toast to the happy couple

Writing the perfect mother of the groom wedding speech takes time, preparation, and a lot of heart. By following these tips and focusing on your personal relationship with your son, you can create a speech that will be remembered and cherished for years to come.

Here are 10 mother of the groom wedding speech templates to give you inspiration for your son's wedding:

Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Template #1

Good evening everyone,

I’m [Mother of Groom’s name], mother of the handsome groom, [Groom’s name].

[Anecdote about Groom’s childhood, growing up, and his relationship with his future spouse.]

[Groom’s name] has always been a joy in my life, and [future spouse’s name] has brought so much happiness into his life. And to see them join together in marriage, well, it just fills my heart with joy.

[Anecdote about the couple’s love story, how they met, their first date, and what made you know they were meant to be together.]

I’ve never seen [Groom’s name] as happy as he is with [future spouse’s name]. Their love is truly inspiring, and I know they will have a lifetime of happiness together.

[Anecdote about your relationship with the bride’s family, and how you feel welcomed into their family.]

I am so grateful to have [future spouse’s name] and her family as a part of our family now. I know we will have many happy memories together.

[Anecdote about the couple’s future plans, and your hopes for their life together.]

[Groom’s name] and [future spouse’s name], I wish you a lifetime of love, happiness, and adventure. May your love continue to grow and flourish each and every day.

So, let’s raise a glass to the happy couple. Congratulations [Groom’s name] and [future spouse’s name]. To a lifetime of love and happiness!

Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Template #2

Hello everyone,

My name is [Name], and I have the honor of being the mother of the groom. I'm so grateful to be here today to celebrate the love between [Groom's Name] and [Bride's Name].

Now, some of you may know [Groom's Name] as the man who's always [insert personal anecdote about the groom]. But to me, he's just my little boy who's all grown up and about to start the next chapter of his life.

[Groom's Name] has always been the kindest, most thoughtful person I know. From [insert personal anecdote about the groom's childhood], to [insert personal anecdote about the groom's adulthood], he's always had a heart of gold. And now, he's found someone who's just as wonderful as he is.

[Bride's Name], you are an absolute gem. From the moment [Groom's Name] introduced us, I knew you were the one for him. And I have to say, [insert personal anecdote about the bride and groom's relationship], it's been the cutest thing to witness.

[Groom's Name], [Bride's Name], I wish you a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness together. May your love continue to grow and flourish with each passing year.

And to the rest of the guests here today, let's raise a glass to the happy couple. Cheers!

Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Template #3

Dear friends and family,

I stand before you today, honored to be the mother of the groom and to be a part of this joyous occasion. As I look around, I am struck by the love and happiness that fills this room. It is a reminder of what is truly important in life, and that is the love we have for one another.

As I reflect on my son's journey to this day, I am filled with pride and gratitude. [Insert personal anecdote about your son's upbringing].

And now, as he joins his life with [bride's name], I am filled with joy. [Insert personal anecdote about the bride and groom's relationship].

Marriage is a beautiful thing, but it is not always easy. It requires hard work, patience, and an unwavering commitment to one another. But if two people are willing to put in the effort, the reward is a love that will last a lifetime.

[Groom's name] and [bride's name], I know that you have what it takes to make this marriage work. You have already demonstrated your love and devotion to one another, and I have no doubt that your future together will be bright.

So, let us raise a glass to the happy couple. May your love continue to grow, may your life together be filled with joy and laughter, and may you always find comfort in one another's arms.

To [groom's name] and [bride's name], congratulations and best wishes for a lifetime of happiness.

Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Template #4

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am here tonight to talk about my son, [groom's name], who has brought so much joy and laughter into my life. Just like George Carlin once said, "A wedding is just a day, when two people become one, but the memories will last a lifetime."

[Personal Anecdote 1]

For example, [insert memory or story that showcases the groom's character or relationship with the bride].

[Personal Anecdote 2]

And who could forget the time [insert another memorable moment that includes both the groom and the bride].

[Groom's name] has always been a special and unique individual. He has always had a great sense of humor, just like George Carlin, who once said, "There's no such thing as youth. There's just a universal atypical adolescence."

[Groom's name], you have found the love of your life in [bride's name], and I couldn't be happier for the two of you. You complement each other in every way, just like George Carlin said, "Marriage is an attempt to solve problems together which you didn't even have when you were on your own."

[Groom's name], I want you to know that your mother is here for you, to support you and love you, now and always. And [bride's name], I welcome you into our family with open arms.

So, let's raise a glass to the happy couple. To [groom's name] and [bride's name], may your marriage be filled with laughter, love and joy. Cheers!

Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Template #5

Good evening everyone!

I hope you're all having a great time at this beautiful wedding. I'm [Your Name], the mother of the groom, and I just wanted to say a few words about my son [Groom's Name].

[Insert personal anecdote about the groom growing up, something that made you proud, or a funny story]

Now let's talk about [Bride's Name]. [Insert personal anecdote or compliment about the bride]. I have to say, I've never seen [Groom's Name] this happy. [Bride's Name], you have brought so much joy into my son's life and I am grateful to have you as a daughter-in-law.

[Insert personal anecdote about the wedding or the couple's relationship]

I would also like to thank [Parents of the Bride] for raising such a wonderful daughter. You have raised a kind, intelligent, and beautiful person, and I couldn't have asked for a better match for my son.

[Groom's Name], [Bride's Name], I wish you a lifetime of happiness, love, and laughter. May your love for each other continue to grow and flourish with each passing day.

Cheers to the happy couple!

Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Template #6

I am honored to stand here today as the mother of the groom. [Insert groom's name] may have gotten his good looks from his father, but I know for a fact he got his humor from me!

[Personal Anecdote #1 - share a funny story about the groom growing up, or a moment from his life that showcases his personality and/or relationship with you]

[Personal Anecdote #2 - share another funny or heartwarming story, this time focused on the groom's relationship with the bride]

And now, let's talk about the beautiful bride [insert bride's name]. When [groom's name] first brought her home, I have to admit, I was a little skeptical. But let me tell you, this girl has won me over. [bride's name], you have brought so much joy and love into my son's life, and for that I am forever grateful.

[groom's name], [bride's name], you two are the perfect match. Your love for each other is so strong, it can light up a room. I have no doubt that you will have a lifetime of happiness together.

[Raise glass] To the happy couple!

Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your evening!

Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Template #7

Hello everyone, I am the proud mother of the groom and I must say, my son looks so handsome today! (Insert personal anecdote about your son growing up, a funny story or a moment that stands out)

I want to thank everyone for joining us on this special day as we celebrate the love and union of my son and his beautiful bride. (Insert personal anecdote about the bride and how she and your son met)

As I sit here and look at my son, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed with emotions. It feels like just yesterday he was playing with toy cars and now he’s all grown up, starting a new chapter in his life with the love of his life by his side. (Insert personal anecdote about your son's life milestones or events)

I am so grateful for the amazing woman he has chosen to spend the rest of his life with. She brings out the best in him and I couldn’t be happier for them both. (Insert personal anecdote about the bride and how she has impacted your son's life)

To my son and his bride, I want you to know that I will always be here for you, supporting you and cheering you on every step of the way. I wish you a lifetime of love, happiness, and adventures together.

And to everyone here, let’s raise a toast to the happy couple! Cheers!

Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Template #8

First of all, I would like to say thank you for joining us on this beautiful day as we celebrate [Groom's name] and [Bride's name]'s union. It's an honor for me to be standing here today as the mother of the groom.

Now, let me tell you a little bit about [Groom's name]. When he was born, I remember thinking, "This kid is going to be trouble." And boy, was I right! [Insert funny story about the groom growing up].

But despite all the trouble, [Groom's name] has always been a loving son and a loyal friend. And I couldn't be more proud of the man he's become.

[Groom's name], you and [Bride's name] are the perfect match. You both bring out the best in each other and together, you will accomplish great things. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you both.

So, [Groom's name] and [Bride's name], I want you to know that I love you both with all my heart. I wish you a lifetime of happiness, love, and laughter.

And to the newlyweds, I raise a toast to your future together. May it be filled with love, joy, and a lot of laughter.

Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Template #9

Good evening! My name is [Your Name], and I am the mother of the groom. I am overjoyed to be here today to celebrate my son [Groom's Name] and his beautiful bride [Bride's Name].

I want to take a moment to thank everyone for coming together to make this day special. It truly means the world to us.

[Insert personal anecdote about the groom growing up and how proud you are of him]

[Groom's Name], you have grown into a remarkable young man and I am so grateful to have you as my son. [Bride's Name], from the moment you entered our lives, you brought love and light into our family. I know that you two will have a lifetime of happiness together.

[Insert personal anecdote about the bride and how she fits into the family]

I want to raise a toast to the happy couple. May your love for each other continue to grow and flourish. May your life be filled with joy, laughter and all the things that make you happy.

[Insert a closing sentiment and another toast]

So here's to [Groom's Name] and [Bride's Name], may your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and all the blessings life has to offer.

Mother of the Groom Wedding Speech Template #10

I'm [Name], the mother of the groom, and I couldn't be happier to be here today to celebrate the love between [Groom Name] and [Bride Name].

First of all, I have to say that [Groom Name] has always been an incredible son. [Insert personal anecdote about the groom that showcases his character].

And now, he's found the love of his life in [Bride Name]. [Insert personal anecdote about the bride and groom's relationship].

[Groom Name] and [Bride Name], I have no doubt that the two of you will have a long and happy life together. May your love continue to grow and flourish, and may your marriage be filled with laughter, love, and joy.

[Insert a touching sentiment or advice for the newlyweds].

So, let's raise a glass to the happy couple. To [Groom Name] and [Bride Name], congratulations, and may you have a lifetime of love and happiness.

how to write a speech for your son's wedding

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How To Write A Wedding Speech: The Ultimate Guide For Do’s, Don’ts, and Delivery PART 1/3: Do’s

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Holiday Wedding Pros And Cons

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How To Write A Wedding Speech: The Ultimate Guide For Do’s, Don’ts, and Delivery PART 2/3: Don’ts

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how to write a wedding speech dos

how to write a wedding speech dos

Someone you love is getting married, and you’ve just been asked to give a speech at the wedding. What an honor! But also, if you’re not used to giving speeches, what a nightmare! Public speaking can be scary , which is why many people prefer to avoid it. But when your bestie asks you to make a speech at his or her wedding, it’s time to rally. But now you’re wondering if you even know how to write a wedding speech! What makes some wedding speeches fun and memorable, and what makes others cringy and fall flat? We’ve got you. We’ve put together the ultimate guide for how to write a wedding speech, focusing on things you definitely should do, things you definitely should NOT do, and then how to deliver your killer wedding speech like a pro.

If you’re wondering how to write a wedding speech, here are a few “Do’s” to keep in mind.

  • Start planning early
  • Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom
  • Thanks to hosts, guests, and wedding party; congratulate the couple
  • Make it personal
  • Think of 3 traits with 3 stories
  • Talk about the couple
  • Have a beginning, middle, and end
  • Consider your audience
  • Keep it short and sweet
  • It’s okay to be simple and meaningful

1. Start planning early

If you don’t know how to write a wedding speech but the bride just asked you to give one, this is not a time to procrastinate. Public speaking is one of the number one fears many people have, so it’s likely you’ve avoided giving too many public speeches before this. And unless you’re a performer or a veteran improv comedian, you might not do too well winging this one. If you get nervous in front of an audience (as most of us do), the best defense against freezing up when you take the mic is being prepared. 

As soon as you know you’ve been asked to give a speech at the wedding, begin jotting down notes immediately. Whenever you’re inspired by a thought of the couple or remember an anecdote that might be worth retelling, make note of it. This will help to give you a pool of ideas to draw from when you start writing down the speech.

Begin gathering ideas and writing the speech a couple of weeks to a month before the wedding. You’ll need time to edit, fine-tune it, and make it concise. And as wedding showers, bachelorette parties, and other wedding festivities begin, you might find there are entertaining stories from these events you want to add as well. If you want to write it all at once, you can do that too. However, make sure to sleep on it and come back with fresh eyes. You don’t want just “okay,” you want your speech to be heartfelt and meaningful.

You will also want to begin early to give yourself time to practice and rehearse your speech plenty of times.

2. Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom

No matter how large or small the wedding is, it’s likely you will not be familiar with many of the guests on one or both sides. And they won’t be familiar with you either. So don’t leave them guessing! 

Make sure when you start to write a wedding speech to introduce yourself and mention how you know the couple. This will help them understand the context of your speech, which will also help it to be more well-received. 

3. Thank hosts, guests, and wedding party; congratulate the couple

It’s also courteous to take this time to thank the hosts and other members of the wedding party for all the hard work that went into the event, and to thank guests for being there to support the newlyweds, especially those who had to travel far. 

It’s also a good time to officially congratulate the newlyweds and offer them your personal well-wishes for their future. It is imperative that you don’t forget this part, because they are the whole reason you’re there and giving a speech!

4. Make it personal

Whether you are the maid of honor, the best man, father of the bride, or just a friend, you were asked to give a speech because of your close connection and relationship with either the bride or groom (or both). 

And since you know your friend as well as you do, you probably have plenty of stories to share; so the next tip for how to write a wedding speech is don’t hesitate to make it personal and share those stories! This will also help guests get to know the other half of the couple they might not know as well or are just meeting for the first time. And those guests who do know them will love hearing some entertaining stories they might not have heard yet.

5. Think of 3 traits with 3 stories

If you’re finding it difficult to come up with anything, a useful approach for how to write a wedding speech is to think of 3 positive defining traits or qualities of the bride or groom and recount three stories or examples that illuminate a time they exhibited these traits. These stories could be comedic, heartwarming, or both. Just make sure they are relevant and entertaining!

6. Talk about the couple

If you’re the maid of honor and have been chatting up the bride for the whole speech, part of how to write a wedding speech is to make sure at some point it circles around to the groom, too, and to the two of them as a couple.  

Recount the time you met him, or how you remember talking about him with the bride in the beginning stages of their relationship. If you don’t know the groom all that well, talk about how good they are as a couple and about how happy he makes her. 

And If you’re not a fan of the groom, this is not the time to air your grievances. Always keep it positive. 

7. Have a beginning, middle, and end

All good speeches have a good flow and take the audience along with it. 

Don’t let your speech fall flat or jumble together in a haphazard confusion of disconnected anecdotes. Give it the structure of an overarching theme, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. 

We are not talking about a novel here, just make sure there is a direction to where the speech is going, and that the destination, end, or sentiment is achieved. It doesn’t need to be Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator, but a three-act structure does help keep you grounded. Most people also follow a story easier when there is a clear direction for a story or speech. 

8. Consider your audience

The next thing to keep in mind when considering how to write a wedding speech is to make sure you consider who your audience is. 

This is not the bachelor or bachelorette party. There will be a wide range of people present from children to the elderly, and from close friends of the bride and groom to casual acquaintances and coworkers. Make sure your speech is free of any crudeness that might not be fit for such a varied audience. Also, this isn’t the time to take a shot at any of the religious cermonies.

Be considerate and keep it positive and use language everyone can relate to. 

9. Keep it short and sweet

You want your speech to be meaningful and memorable; but the wedding is not about you, and yours is not the only speech. 

No one ever complains about a speech being too short, but they do begin to grumble if it runs on too long. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind when figuring out how to write a wedding speech is to keep your speech between 2-5 minutes long. Any longer than 5 minutes and you’ll lose everyone to thoughts of cake and whether or not to Cupid Shuffle later. 

10. Add humor

Don’t be afraid to be funny! Another tip for how to write a wedding speech is that if you’ve got a lighthearted, creative, joking side, use it and add humor to your speech! Everyone likes to be entertained. 

This doesn’t mean you should scour the internet for generic wedding-themed jokes, but if you’ve got some good original material to use that helps relate a story about the bride or groom in a comedic way, do it. As long as you’re not making fun of the couple but having fun with them, jokes are great. Or you can even poke fun at yourself to illuminate a higher quality in your bestie. It’s all about making the newlyweds shine. 

If you’re creative and have other talents, use them! If you are musical, bust out your instrument and/or vocal cords and make the speech in the form of a song! Use props, and get the other guests involved! The newlyweds will feel special because you created something for them, and the guests will love joining in the fun.

11. It’s okay to be simple and meaningful

If entertaining isn’t your thing, that’s okay! Don’t force it – just be yourself. It’s okay to be simple and meaningful with your speech. Always keep in mind when you go to write a wedding speech that what’s important is that you are genuine and speak from the heart.

Hopefully, you found these tips for how to write a wedding speech helpful, and can start writing today! And stay tuned to our blog for the next part in this ultimate guide for how to write a wedding speech where we highlight a few things you should definitely avoid.

Love this content and want more? Read more about weddings on our blog ! Involved in the wedding planning process and the bride is still looking for a venue ? Give us a call today and we’ll help you find the perfect place!

Jennings Trace

Jennings Trace

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Mother Of The Groom Speech Examples

March 19, 2017 By Kate

mother of the groom speech examples

If you are reading this article, then you must be a mother whose son is getting married soon. This is an exciting time for you as a mother and you might be tasked with delivering a speech on your son’s wedding day.

Your son, who was once your little boy, has now grown up and is getting married. A wedding is not just an emotional time for the couple, it is also an intense time for the family as well, especially the parents of the bride and groom. If you want to let your son and his bride know how happy you are for them, you can write a speech that will be delivered at the wedding.

As the Mother of the Groom, there are different messages and themes that you can touch on in your speech. You can talk about how grateful you are to have such a wonderful son and an amazing daughter-in-law. You can talk about what your son was like as a boy as well.

You can also talk about love. You will have the knowledge to talk about the love that a mother has for her son. You can even talk about the love that you have for your husband. And to tie up the theme, you can talk about the love that the bride and groom have for each other.

Since it is a very special day, you will want to work hard on this speech. When working on this speech, you will want to think about good memories of your son. This will help to provide you with the right kind of positive inspiration. You will also want to try and focus on your son’s good qualities as well as those of his bride.

You can also try talking about the first time you met the bride and what she and the groom are like as a couple. How do the bride and groom complement each other? How has the groom changed since he met the bride? What are your hopes and wishes for the newlywed couple?

These are just a few topics and questions that might help you write a speech that is truly personal. Even though there are speech examples below for you to use, you will also want to avoid sounding generic. It should be clear that this speech was written for your son and his bride and they will appreciate the personal details that you include in your speech.

Below are several examples of speeches for a Mother of the Groom. These speech examples can be used as inspiration for the speech that you will give at your son’s wedding.

1. [Groom,] my son, I love you so much. On your wedding day, I am overcome with so many happy emotions: love, gratitude, excitement, and joy. You could not have found a better bride to spend the rest of your days with. [Bride,] thank you for making my son so happy. I am more grateful to you than words can possibly say.

2. I may be a little more than biased, but I am sure I am not alone when I say that [groom] is a person who is kind and generous. He has a heart of gold.

As [groom’s] mother, it can be very tempting to take all of the credit for the wonderful person that he has grown up to be. While his father and I did our best to be great parents and to raise him with good values in a loving home, at the end of the day, we are not responsible for the person he is today.

The plain truth of the matter is that [groom] is the main person responsible for who he is now. And this person that sits before all of us today is a person of exceptional character. He is a beautiful individual, inside and out and I am so blessed to be his mother. I could not have asked for him to be any better than he is.

Believe me, I do not just say this because he is my son. He is someone who I know makes the world a better, happier place. But [bride,] she makes him even better than he was before because she just brings out the very best qualities in him.

Just when I thought my son could not be happier, [bride] came along and changed his world for the better. And during their relationship, she made him want to be the best person that he could be. And I really do thank her for that.

3. There are merely not enough words to describe the sense of peace that a mother feels in her heart when she knows that her child is taken care of. While I know that my son could fend for himself and survive alone in the world, I also know how nice it is to have someone to care for you and spend the rest of your life with you. If you are lucky enough to get that chance, then you can never take it for granted.

I know that no matter what happens, [bride] and [groom] will care for each other and take care of each other with patience, love, and understanding.

I know that my son is in good hands and that he has found the perfect woman to be his wife. I know that they will be great together and that they will continue to make each other happy.

[Bride] and [groom] I wish you nothing but happiness, success, and an endless love that will burn brighter and stronger between you to as your days go by. I love you both very much. Take care of each other always.

4. [Groom,] I have known you for a very long time and I like to think that I know you well. And from the moment I met [bride,] it was crystal clear that she was the one for you. If I had not been introduced to her yet and was asked to pick her out from a crowd of people, I would have been able to spot her right away. And I would have known she was your soulmate.

You and [bride] were meant to be together. Your wedding day is just a reminder of that, a promise that you have made to each other to stick together and stay side by side. Congratulations to the two of you, from your proud mother.

5. While it was quite a long time ago, I can still remember my very own wedding day quite vividly. Even though the wedding day was all about my husband and I, I did not get to see him all day until the wedding ceremony itself. That is, after all, the tradition.

As I prepared for the wedding, I was surrounded by plenty of loving people including my bridesmaids, my mother-in-law, and my own loving mother who was a huge source of support for me as I planned my wedding.

On the day of my wedding, I knew that my mother was excited for me, but I also knew there was something bittersweet about seeing your baby getting married. Today, I truly have an idea of how my mother felt. I can hardly believe that my baby boy is now the man sitting right there. How time flies.

[Groom,] I am beyond proud of you for everything that you are and everything that you have accomplished. No matter what you do, you make us so proud and happy and I know that I am not alone when I say that you and [bride] are just right for each other. I just know that you will bring each other love, joy, and peace for many years to come.

6. [Groom,] you have always been a boy that I could be proud of. And now that you are a man, I could not be any prouder of who you have become. As your mother, I am so very happy and proud for you because you were able to find [bride,] a loving, beautiful woman who will love you for the rest of your life. I know you will treat her with respect and shower her with love.

7. The first time I laid eyes on [groom,] I was instantly in love. He was my little baby who grow into a wobbly toddler, and then a curious child. Then came the pre-teen and teen years and the next thing I knew, my little baby was a man.

[Groom,] I am so proud of the person that you have become. You have always made your family proud in everything that you do and on your special wedding day today, we could not be happier for you.

8. As a mother, there are so many moments in your child’s life that stay with you. There is the moment they are born, when you first hold them in your arms. That is a moment you never forget.

Over the years, I have so many fond memories of my son. There was his very first word, his first steps, and his first day of school. On graduation day, I had so many emotions. Imagine how I feel today, on his wedding day, to a beautiful and lovely woman.

[Groom,] every time I think that I could not be happier for you, something new happens to remind me how blessed I am to be your mother. Thank you for being such a wonderful son. I know that you will be a great husband and that [bride] will be a great wife to you.

9. Love is the truly the greatest gift of love. When you have it, never treasure it always and never let it go. That is the advice that I have for you on your wedding day. You will have hard days and you will have great days as well, just remember to love each other no matter what. I love you both and wish the best for you two.

10. Seeing all of the lovely people here reminds me a little bit of my own wedding day. The excitement, the intense planning, and the nerves going all around. Many people might refer to their wedding day as the happiest day of their life, but I do not find that to be true for me.

While my wedding day was an amazing, unforgettable day full of love, for me that special day was only the beginning of a wonderful life with my soulmate. I hope that your wedding day is only the catalyst for the rest of your beautiful life together, like it was for my beautiful life with my husband and family.

11. To my lovely son [groom] and his wonderful wife [bride], may you continue to grow together in love. My wish for you is that today is only the beginning of your happy days together. May you learn to cherish each other more and more over the years and may your love for each other grow stronger with each passing day.

12. Sometimes in life, it can be hard to remember all the blessings we have. But I am really blessed in so many ways. I am blessed to have a loving husband and a wonderful family. My son [groom] has blessed our family with so many happy memories and we are eternally proud of him. And now, [groom] is blessed to have [bride] as his wife.

I have to say that our family is also just as blessed to be able to welcome [bride] into our family. How did we get so lucky with such an amazing and kindhearted woman? I hope that we can make you feel welcome and loved as if you were our own flesh and blood. [Bride,] know that you are like a daughter to me now. I know that God will bless the two of you in your marriage and in your many years together as husband and wife.

13. When my son [groom] was born, I was overjoyed to have a son. He was perfect in every way and I could not have wanted more. Our son gave us some of the happiest times of our lives and we did our best to make him happy as well.

While God did not give us a daughter at first, I have to say that I am perfectly okay with that. But now that [bride] is a part of our family, it really does feel like God did give us a daughter after all. Even before they got married, [bride] was part of the family. But after today it is official. [Bride,] welcome to our family. We welcome you with open, loving arms.

14. Hello everyone, I am [groom’s] mother. As many of you know, our family can be a little crazy. We can be loud and maybe even intimidating to outsiders who don’t know us. But we are also fiercely loyal. We would do anything for each other and we love each other dearly.

When [bride] was first introduced to the family, I hoped that she wouldn’t be scared off. You could instantly tell that she was a wonderful person and you could see how much she cared about [groom] and how deep her love for him was.

Now I know that I can sometimes come on too strong. But [bride] held her own and quickly found her place in this family. And now that she and [groom] are married, they are creating their own family together.

While the love of a mother is like nothing else, I know firsthand that there is something truly special about the love that a husband and wife have for each other. That kind of love is strong and unlike anything else. It is a treasure that you must cherish always.

[Bride,] thank you for being part of the family and for making [groom] so happy. Let us all toast to the happy newlyweds.

15. Even though [groom] is an adult now, in many ways he is still very much the same as the little baby and the little boy I knew. And yet, one day, something about him did change. He seemed happier, bright-eyed, and more optimistic. Something about him was different. And then one day we met [bride] and it all made sense. Our son was in love. We were so happy for him and we were happy to get to know [bride.]

It was not long before it became clear to all of us that the two of them would spend the rest of their lives together. Even before the engagement, you could easily tell that these two beautiful people were meant to be husband and wife.

[Groom,] I am overjoyed that you are changed, that you are happier now than ever before. May today only be the beginning of your happy days. And [bride,] thank you for putting such a big smile on my son’s face.

You may also enjoy our Bride’s Speech Examples.

16. A mother’s love for her child is unique. It is special. Even before my son was born I knew that I always wanted the best for him. I wanted [groom] to have everything in this life. I wanted him to always be surrounded by those who love him. And one day, I hoped that he would find somebody to love who would love him just as much.

I hoped that he would be as lucky as I was to find my soulmate, that this special person would move the sun and moon for him and that he would do the same. I wanted him to know the kind of love that exists between two people who are meant to spend an eternity side by side.

And that is why I am so happy that he met [bride.] Not only is she beautiful and charming, she brings out the best in him. And she makes him happy. And I think he makes her happy too. May they always be willing to move the sun and moon for each other and may their marriage be blessed and happy.

17. [Groom,] if I have not told you enough I will tell you now. You are the kindest person I know. You have enough love in your heart for all of your family and friends, and [bride] who is now your wife.

Even when you were a child I knew that you would be an amazing person. While I knew that your life would not always be easy, I knew that at the end of the day, I would not have to worry about you.

Knowing how you are as a person, I still want to remind you what a marriage is about.

18. As [groom’s] mother, I cannot truly say how happy I am to see him married to such a wonderful person. This has been a beautiful wedding and while I am sure we are all enjoying the festivities and the celebration of [groom] and [bride’s] love, I cannot help but think of their future with excitement and hope.

To be married is to be blessed with a best friend who wants to wake up next to you every day. Someone who will stick with you through good times and bad, who will make you laugh when you cry and laugh along with you when you are overcome with joy. I can say without a doubt that [bride] and [groom] have found that in each other.

As a mother, here is my wish for the happy newlyweds. I hope that you remember to be patient and kind to one another, even on the tough days. I hope that years and decades from now, you will be old and gray and still in love with each other if not even more deeply in love than you were on your wedding day.

I hope that over the years, you will continue to learn more new things about each other like uncovering a piece of buried treasure. You both have a whole lifetime ahead of you and I know you will make a million wonderful memories together.


how to write a speech for your son's wedding

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  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception? How to Write a Wedding Toast Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech How to Write a Best Man Toast Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech What to Know About a Newlywed Toast Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

Public Speaking Experts Share Their Top Tips for Giving an Amazing Wedding Speech

Check out their best examples and advice to learn how to knock it out of the park.

how to write a speech for your son's wedding

Photo by Kurt Boomer

In This Article

Most people would agree that public speaking isn't easy, and this is especially true when you're feeling the added pressure that comes along with giving a speech at a loved one's wedding. Not only do you have the attention of dozens (if not hundreds!) of guests you probably don't know, but you're also trying to appeal to a group of people in a wide range of ages from all different phases of the couple's lives. What's more, you want your speech to delight the couple of the hour and be as appealing to your group of friends as it to the newlyweds' grandparents. All in all, it's a tough task.

Before you panic, know that we're here to help. Ahead, we're sharing a comprehensive guide on what you should include in your speech , how to nail your delivery, and questions to consider to get the brainstorming process started—all from noteworthy speakers, well-established speechwriters, and wedding planners (who have seen it all).

Wedding Speech Template

Every great wedding speech has one thing in common: the right flow. Factor in these guidelines to help you find your own organic rhythm.

Open With a Statement or Question

Don't lead with a joke or a reference to how nervous you are. "The goal is to engage your audience, not make it a boring one-way message," says award-winning motivational speaker Jaime Pfeffer . "You'll lose them if you do this."

Introduce Yourself

After your opener, introduce yourself, says Fallon Carter , a wedding planner, even designer, and professional speaker. "A lot of times, people don't know who is speaking, and they don't know their relationship to the bride or the groom," she says. "It's really important to identify yourself, so make sure you've prepared something."

Address Your Audience

As speaker and life strategy coach Mark Black, CSP , points out, focusing on yourself only enhances nerves. "Instead, concentrate on your audience and how you want them to feel. This will help you to speak from the heart, allowing your speech to do what it's supposed to do: Make the couple feel special while also engaging the audience."

Focus on a Few Points

Seasoned speaker Susan Bender Phelps, CEO of Odyssey Mentoring & Leadership , says her top guideline is to select one to three aspects of the newlyweds that you love and appreciate, along with no more than three short stories to illustrate each of these points (or that one point). "The simple, succinct story or stories where the bride and groom are the hero will work best." This is an excellent way to structure your speech and keep your message focused.

How Long Wedding Speeches Should Be

The ideal length for a speech is three to five minutes, with five minutes being the absolute maximum you should speak for. That's it. "I’ve never been to a wedding where anyone said, 'That was a great wedding, but the best man speech was just too short and that  ruined  it,'" says David Litt , the speechwriter for former President Barack Obama and author of Thanks, Obama .

Carter agrees: "I always say anywhere between two and five minutes—and no more than five minutes," she says. "You want to keep things short and sweet." It's just as important to keep in mind when the speech will take place when determining length, since toasts are often timed with meal courses: "Be mindful of how long a course generally takes or how long it takes people to eat," Carter adds, noting that most courses last between 15 and 20 minutes and that several speeches have to fit inside each window. "If there are other people speaking, you want to be mindful and give them space."

Wedding Speech Tips

Now that you've established the right framework for your words, take note of these essential tips for acing the delivery from a few speaking pros.

Rehearse Regularly

The better prepared you are, the more confident you'll be and the better your speech will be, says author and professional speaker Barry Maher . A good rule of thumb is to practice the speech enough that you can remember the points you want to make and the order in which you want to make them. That way, you can look out to the crowd and make eye contact every so often.

Record Yourself Practicing

Use your phone to take a video of yourself practicing, suggests Kate Kenfield , speaker and sex educator. "It can be a little uncomfortable to watch yourself, but you'll be able to identify distracting mannerisms, such as the verbal pauses 'um,' 'uh,' and 'like'." It's also a good idea to practice your speech in front of someone else. "A second opinion can help you craft your piece and make it that much stronger," she says.

Don't forget body language! Rehearse the speech in front of a mirror and notice things like your facial expression, eye contact, and hand position.

Avoid Alcohol

Although it may be tempting to look for some liquid courage, alcohol definitely won't do you any favors, warns keynote speaker Amy Morin , author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do . "It may cause you to slur your speech and forget your lines, so wait until after your toast to celebrate," she advises. If you need a drink to loosen up the nerves or can't refrain from participating in a toast without being rude, stick to one glass of Champagne before you address the crowd.

Use Nerves to Your Advantage

A little nervousness can actually liven up your speech. "I get worried if I'm not a little nervous," says Maher. "I'll actually try to make myself a little tense to get my energy level up." The key is to harness that energy and communicate it in a positive, genuine way; tensing up to the point that you forget your words or panic won't make for a great presentation.

Be Yourself

Keep in mind that you're not putting on a show, only sharing your personal perspective. Trying too hard to force the funny can yield the opposite of the desired effect, cautions Matt Dalley, co-founder of Simply Eloped . "I've noticed that keeping it short and sweet, heartfelt and warm, and coming across as authentic and focused on the couple is something we are all capable of and generates some very wonderful moments," he says.

Never Embarrass the Newlyweds

It's a wedding toast, not a roast. While this should go without saying, keep the bachelor or bachelorette party jokes out of it, and remember that grandma and possibly a few colleagues are in the audience, notes Laurie Battaglia , a keynote speaker and workplace strategist. "It's okay to look back at childhood and refer to something funny, but ask yourself if you'd like 200-plus of your closest friends knowing that story about you."

Use Your Notes

Reading your speech straight from a piece of paper is a big no-no. However, having a couple of note cards handy is encouraged. "You're likely to be nervous, excited, and exhausted, which can make you forget your lines," explains Morin. "The audience won't care if you glance at your notes. In fact, there's a good chance they won't even notice."

Wedding Speech Brainstorm Ideas

Need some inspiration? Ask yourself these questions to get the brainstorming process going.

  • Who will speak before you? After you? How will this affect the content of your toast? (Perhaps you want to include a reference to their speech, thank them for an introduction, or introduce the next speaker).
  • Is there someone you should thank for making the event possible and inviting you to speak?
  • What would you want to hear in this speech if you were in the audience?
  • Is there a favorite story or memory that the couple would want you to share with their friends and family?

Wedding Speech Examples to Make Your Own

So, what does it look like when all these elements come together? Wedding vow and speechwriter Katelyn Peterson , owner and creator of Wedding Words , offered us three examples of successful toasts to inspire your own.

Maid of Honor Wedding Speech Example

"Hi, I’m Maya, the bride’s older sister . With Lucy being three years younger, we fell right into our respective roles as sister-rivals growing up. We constantly fought over stolen clothes, monopolizing the phone back when landlines were a thing, and what boy band to blare from the car speakers. I’m still Team Backstreet Boys while Lucy is forever indebted to NSYNC.

Looking back on those memories, I should have stepped up and granted Lucy permission to wear my favorite sweater for picture day, to hand her the phone once in a while, and to let her play, 'Bye Bye Bye.' Even I can admit that’s a good one. But despite Lucy being the younger sister, she has always been more patient, more accommodating, and more thoughtful than me. And that’s because when it comes to the people she loves, she’s all in.

She’s the one to prioritize their desires. She’s the one to compromise first. And, she’s the one to support their dreams as if they were her own. 

This is why it makes me so happy to know that Lucy has found a home in David. He matches her in compassion, thoughtfulness, and warmth. And I know he’ll spend his life prioritizing her desires, being ready to compromise, and supporting her dreams as his own.

Cheers to Lucy and David! May you always feel loved because you always put each other first."

Best Man Wedding Speech Example

"Hello, everyone. My name is Luke and I’m the best man . I met Robert eight years ago when I became his neighbor. His reputation preceded him as I had heard about the 'Block Party King' before my closing papers were inked. 

Rob has never been the guy to wear fancy clothes. In fact, I’m still in shock seeing him in that tux tonight. And he’s never been the guy to show off even though the work he’s put into his vintage Mustang could make Henry Ford himself envious.

But when it comes to cooking, he should receive an award. His pulled pork is a staple at our summer block parties and his homemade barbeque sauce has remained our neighborhood’s best-kept secret. But the most satisfying part about his delicious dishes is that there’s always plenty to go around. And Rob makes sure your plate is never empty. I have no idea how he pulls it off, but Rob has a covert ability to scoop seconds onto your plate without you ever seeing him do it. I hope you all came hungry tonight, folks. You’ve been warned! 

The first time I met Jasmine I could immediately tell she was an amazing person. She laughed at his jokes which I never thought anyone would get. She supported his career and the nonstop travel involved. But most importantly, whenever we’re all hanging out, Jasmine is the one always topping off Rob’s plate with more pasta, more chicken, more of everything. When she’s around, it’s never empty. 

And that’s when I saw what a perfect match they were for each other. I know they will always put each other first, make sure their needs are met, and will never allow the other to go hungry.

So let’s raise our glasses to toast the newlyweds! As you begin this next chapter together, may your plates and your hearts always remain full."

Father of the Bride Wedding Speech Example

"Good evening, family, and friends. I’m Daniel Lee, the father of the bride. I’d like to welcome you to this special occasion where we get to celebrate the love between my daughter Allison and her new wife, Kristin. 

Standing up here today, I’m reminded of all the moments that led to this significant one. The dance recitals that ended with standing ovations and the soccer games that concluded with winning scoreboards. 

But, while those were fun and rewarding times, those aren’t the moments I cherish most with Allison. The memories that make me smile the brightest are those in-between the big stuff moments. It’s the makeshift magic shows in our living room using a bedsheet that Allison confiscated from our linen closet to convert into a curtain. It’s the countless tea parties she hosted with exclusive invitations just for me and her beloved stuffed bear, Buttons. And it’s the way she’d beg to stay up for just five more minutes but was asleep on the couch by minute number two.

Those everyday, blink-and-you’ll-miss-them moments with Allison are the ones that gave color to my life and filled my heart with a happiness I never knew could exist.

So, my beautiful daughter, as you begin your life with Kristin today, I have one wish for you: May your warmest memories come from the ordinary moments throughout your marriage, and may those moments give you a reason to smile brighter every day. Cheers! I love you both." —Daniel

What Not to Say in a Wedding Speech

Your job when delivering a wedding speech is to keep things light—tell an anecdote, make an emotional connection, then wish the couple well before you close out. Anything that doesn't feel definitively positive should be avoided. "I would advocate against bringing up negative details, specifically past relationships or past spouses," says Carter. "Skip anything that you wouldn't want to be physically recorded and played over and over again—this is a rule of thumb."

Keep it light, delicate, and present- and future-focused, Carter adds. "If you're going to go into the past, make those stories really intentional," she says. "Bring those stories back to who they are now. Your mission is to create a great environment and vibe and to potentially give some information about one of the newlyweds, so that it's enlightening for all guests."

A Guide to Wedding Reception Toasts

  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception?
  • How to Write a Wedding Toast
  • Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech
  • How to Write a Best Man Toast
  • Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech
  • What to Know About a Newlywed Toast
  • currently on Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips
  • 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

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Bride reads out fiancé's affair texts instead of their vows at wedding

  • Bride reads out fiancé's affair texts instead of their vows at wedding

The bride decided to turn a nightmare scenario into a 'celebration of honesty' on her wedding day

Gerrard Kaonga

Gerrard Kaonga

Your wedding day is meant to be one of the happiest days of your life, so most don’t expect they are going to be getting the ultimate dose of revenge on their partner at the ceremony.

While the wedding day didn't turn out exactly how she planned, it will definitely be a memorable day.

The unfortunate bride explained that she and her long-term boyfriend had been in a relationship for several years.

So, you can only imagine the joy she was feeling ahead of marrying who she thought was soul mate.

Things took quite the sour turn only hours before the ceremony, however.

The bride received a devastating text just hours before her wedding. (tonefotografia/Getty)

Casey, who used a fake name for herself and her fiancé Alex, was with her bridesmaids when she got a text to her phone that would really make your heart drop and crumble.

The night before she got a message from an unknown number showing screenshotted messages of her husband speaking to this mystery woman.

Alongside the grabs, the unidentified person wrote: "I wouldn’t marry him. Will you?"

The messages were very incriminating for Alex, who had evidently been having an affair with another woman in the months running up to his wedding to Casey.

"This weekend. You and I. It is on, hot stuff. Bring your A game," one racy message read.

"Your body is f**king incredible. And s**t do you know how to use it. I wish my GF had half the skills you do," read another.

A third text went on: "I miss you so much. I can’t stop thinking about L, S, F’ing you. I’ve never had this kind of connection before."

"I burst into shamed and broken tears," Casey wrote in an essay for Body+Soul. "My girls were threatening all manner of violence against him. They insisted I call him immediately and call the wedding off."

She continued to write: "But I loved Alex. I wanted to marry Alex tomorrow. I was too shocked and sad to be angry. I didn’t call him.

"Eventually, we tried to go to bed. I didn’t sleep a wink and when dawn finally broke I awoke the girls and told them my decision - I was going to go ahead with the wedding as expected, and ‘out’ him in front of our friends and family."

The woman got her own back by outing her cheating partner to the whole wedding party. (Peter Dazeley/Getty)

As a way of 'outing' her then-husband-to-be, Casey proceeded to read out the text messages to all their wedding guests instead of her vows.

"It seems Alex is not who I thought he was," said the jilted bride. "I love all of you and as horrible as this is I’m glad you all are here.

"There will not be a wedding reception today, but instead, there will be a celebration of honesty, finding true love and following your heart even when it hurts."

Color left the groom's face as his private messages were read out loud, and he eventually 'stalked out of the church with his best man trailing behind him'.

Casey concluded the essay: "It was certainly not the wedding day I had planned but to our credit, it was one hell of a party."

I'm sure many, many tequila shots were consumed that night.

Topics:  News , Sex and Relationships , Life

Gerrard is a Journalist at UNILAD and has dived headfirst into covering everything from breaking global stories to trending entertainment news. He has a bachelors in English Literature from Brunel University and has written across a number of different national and international publications. Most notably the Financial Times, Daily Express, Evening Standard and Newsweek.

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Fact-checking attacks on Walz’s military record by Vance and other Republicans

This fact check originally appeared on PolitiFact .

Republican vice presidential nominee and Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance sought to negatively frame the 24-year military career of newly minted Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz, Minnesota’s current governor.

“When the United States Marine Corps, when the United States of America, asked me to go to Iraq to serve my country, I did it,” Vance  said  Aug. 7 at the Shelby, Michigan, police department. Vance  served  as a combat correspondent for the U.S. Marine Corps from 2003 to 2007 and deployed to Iraq for six months in 2005 but  did not experience combat .

Vance continued, “When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, do you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him. … I think it’s shameful.” At a different event, Vance used the phrase “ stolen valor ” to describe his accusations against Walz.

On X, Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, made a  claim similar to Vance’s,  writing, “Tim Walz TURNED HIS BACK on the soldiers in his unit because he was TOO afraid to deploy to Iraq!!”

READ MORE: Democrats defend Walz’s military record as Vance, GOP begin attacks

Walz retired from the Minnesota National Guard in May 2005. He had submitted retirement paperwork five to seven months beforehand, Fox News  reported , citing the Minnesota National Guard.

In March 2005, Walz’s battalion had been notified about a possible deployment to Iraq within two years, Walz’s congressional campaign said in a  news release  that month, citing the National Guard Public Affairs Office. The Minnesota National Guard said the battalion then received an official order about mobilizing for deployment to Iraq in July 2005, after Walz retired.

Vance’s statement misleads by distorting the timeline. Walz had not been “asked by his country to go to Iraq,” as Vance said. He had been given a two-year window for a potential, not definite, deployment. And the official deployment notice came after Walz’s retirement.

Walz has said since before his Army retirement that he left to run for Congress. He filed his candidacy paperwork in February 2005, before the March 2005 notification about the potential deployment.

This is not a new line of attack. When Walz ran for a second term as Minnesota governor in 2022, his Republican opponent, who did not serve in the U.S. military,  criticized  Walz for leaving the National Guard before his unit deployed to Iraq.

Two retired Minnesota National Guard command sergeant majors also  penned a paid letter  to a Minnesota newspaper in 2018 claiming Walz “embellished and selectively omitted facts” about his military service. This letter resurfaced on X after Vice President Kamala Harris tapped Walz as her running mate. Other  guard   members  who served with Walz have defended him.

Walz’s spokesperson in the Minnesota governor’s office did not respond to a request for comment, and the Harris-Walz campaign declined to comment.

When reached by  The New York Times , a Harris-Walz campaign spokesperson didn’t provide new details about Walz’s retirement timeline and instead highlighted Walz’s record advocating for veterans and their families.

When contacted for comment, Vance’s campaign spokesperson sent links to the 2005 Walz campaign news release about the potential deployment and several news stories that quote former members of Walz’s battalion who were upset with him for not deploying to Iraq.

Walz’s military timeline

Walz enlisted in the Nebraska National Guard on April 8, 1981, two days after his 17th birthday. In 1996, Walz transferred to the Minnesota National Guard, where he served in the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery until he retired May 16, 2005, Army Lt. Col. Kristen Augé, Minnesota National Guard’s state public affairs officer, told PolitiFact in a statement.

During his service, Walz responded to floods and tornadoes, specialized in heavy artillery and was recognized for his proficiency in sharpshooting and hand grenades, Minnesota Public Radio  reported .

On Aug. 3, 2003, Walz and his battalion were deployed to Italy to support U.S. operations in Afghanistan under Operation Enduring Freedom. Walz returned to Minnesota in April 2004, Augé said.

WATCH: A look at Walz’s record and how he could bolster Democratic support in the Midwest

In May 2005, Walz, then 41, officially retired from the Minnesota National Guard to campaign for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District. He  filed  his statement of candidacy paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on Feb. 10, 2005. Walz was elected to Congress in November 2006.

Al Bonnifield, who served with Walz in the Minnesota National Guard, told  Minnesota Public Radio  in 2018 that Walz weighed his retirement from the guard and congressional run “very heavy.” Bonnifield reiterated this to  The Washington Post  on Aug. 7.

“Would the soldier look down on him because he didn’t go with us? Would the common soldier say, ‘Hey, he didn’t go with us, he’s trying to skip out on a deployment?’ And he wasn’t,” Bonnifield said in 2018.

Doug Julin, who served as a more senior command sergeant major in Walz’s battalion, said Walz went over his head to get retirement approval before the unit’s deployment was official, because Julin would have “analyzed it and challenged him,” the  New York Post  reported Aug. 8.

Others who served in Walz’s battalion have said he “ditched” them and his actions were “dishonorable,” Fox News  reported .

Battalion’s deployment to Iraq

Walz’s unit received an “alert order” for mobilization to Iraq on July 14, 2005, Army Lt. Col. Ryan Rossman, Minnesota National Guard’s director of operations, told PolitiFact in a statement.

The unit received the official Department of the Army mobilization order Aug. 14, 2005, and mobilized Oct. 12, 2005, Rossman said.

The unit deployed to Iraq in March 2006 and was deployed for 19 months, according to an October 2007  congressional resolution .

The two retired Minnesota National Guard command sergeant majors who wrote the 2018 letter said the battalion received a “warning order” in early 2005 “to prepare to be mobilized for active duty for a deployment to Iraq.” They did not specify the warning letter’s date. Augé of the Minnesota National Guard told PolitiFact the agency doesn’t have information about any unofficial orders that might have been sent to the battalion.

An  archived March 20, 2005, press release  from Walz’s congressional campaign website said the National Guard Public Affairs Office announced March 17, 2005, “a possible partial mobilization of roughly 2,000 troops from the Minnesota National Guard.” The announcement said a portion of Walz’s battalion could be mobilized to serve in Iraq within the next two years.

Walz said in his campaign’s press release, “As Command Sergeant Major I have a responsibility not only to ready my battalion for Iraq, but also to serve if called on. I am dedicated to serving my country to the best of my ability, whether that is in Washington, D.C., or in Iraq. I don’t want to speculate on what shape my campaign will take if I am deployed, but I have no plans to drop out of the race.”

Although Walz had been  promoted  in 2004 to command sergeant major, he retired in 2005 as a master sergeant,  one rank below  command sergeant major, “for benefit purposes because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy,” Augé said.

Joseph Eustice, a 32-year military veteran who served in and led the same guard unit as Walz, told  The New York Times  and  NewsNation  in Aug. 7 interviews that when Walz decided to retire in May 2005, their unit had heard rumors of a potential deployment to Iraq, but had not received official orders.

Vance said, “When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, do you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him.”

Vance’s statement ignores that Walz’s unit was not officially ordered to go to Iraq until July 2005, two months after Walz officially retired.

After 24 years of military service, Walz said he retired from the Minnesota National Guard in May 2005 to run for Congress. He had submitted retirement paperwork five to seven months beforehand. He filed candidacy paperwork in February 2005.

READ MORE: 5 things to know about Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’ VP pick

There’s an element of truth in Vance’s statement because in March 2005, before Walz officially retired, his battalion was notified of possible deployment to Iraq within two years. Walz was aware at the time of his retirement that deployment could be possible and one of his fellow guard members described Walz’s retirement decision as “very heavy.”

But the March 2005 notification gave a time frame of two years for a possible — not definite — deployment that would not occur immediately, which is the way Vance’s statement framed it.

At PolitiFact, the burden of proof is on the speaker, Vance, who did not provide details to support his statement. We rate it Mostly False.

PolitiFact Researcher Caryn Baird contributed to this report.

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Democratic vice presidential nominee Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz speaks at a campaign rally in Philadelphia, Aug. 6, 2024. (AP)

Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu

J.D. Vance wrote the foreword for Project 2025’s Kevin Roberts’ upcoming book

If your time is short.

In June, Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, announced that he had written the foreword for Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts’ forthcoming book, "Dawn’s Early Light."

The Heritage Foundation spearheaded Project 2025, a manual containing a wish list of policy proposals in case of a Republican presidential victory in November. Roberts has promoted the work and has often been described as a Project 2025 leader and architect.

In July, former President Donald Trump selected Vance as his vice presidential running mate. The Trump-Vance campaign has sought to distance itself from Project 2025.

In his maiden speech as the Democratic Party’s vice presidential candidate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz attacked his Republican opponent, Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio.

He argued that Vance’s close ties to Project 2025 are clear.

"J.D. Vance literally, literally wrote the foreword for the architect of the Project 2025 agenda," Walz said Aug. 6 in Philadelphia, as Vice President Kamala Harris stood behind him.

Walz’s description is accurate.

Project 2025 , led by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, is a 900-page manual published in 2023 that includes detailed policies that the next Republican presidential administration could apply.

The Trump-Vance campaign has sought to distance itself from Project 2025, which included a foreword from Heritage Foundation President Kevin D. Roberts titled "A Promise to America."

Roberts’ forthcoming book, "Dawn's Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America," includes a foreword by Vance, HarperCollins Publishers’ website and other marketing materials show. 

In  leading the Heritage Foundation, Roberts has promoted Project 2025 and has been called on its leaders and architects by numerous news outlets, including The Associated Press , The New York Times , The Washington Post ,  Axios and PolitiFact .

In his opening to Project 2025’s "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise," Roberts said that "The Heritage Foundation is facilitating this work," and called it "an agenda prepared by and for conservatives who will be ready on Day One of the next Administration to save our country from the brink of disaster."

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When the Heritage Foundation confirmed that Project 2025 Director Paul Dans had stepped down, Roberts took over as the project’s head . Dans served in Trump’s administration in the Office of Personnel Management.

Before former President Donald Trump in July selected Vance as his 2024 running mate, Vance touted his involvement in "Dawn’s Early Light."

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"I was thrilled to write the foreword for this incredible book, which contains a bold new vision for the future of conservatism in America," Vance wrote in a June 19 X post .

Broadside Books, a HarperCollins imprint that specializes in conservative literature, is publishing the book. At 304 pages, it "outlines a peaceful ‘Second American Revolution’ for voters looking to shift the power back into the hands of the people," the publisher’s description says. 

"Dawn’s Early Light" was originally scheduled to be released in September , but has been postponed to the post-Election Day date of Nov. 12 . Vance’s name is on the book’s cover, according to the publisher’s digital preview . The book’s marketing strategy has changed in recent weeks, however, following an assassination attempt against Trump, heightened pushback against Project 2025 and Vance’s selection for the Republican ticket. The New York Times reported July 31 that Broadside Books removed a downloadable advanced copy of the book that had been made available to reviewers and booksellers, removed from the front cover art that showed an image of a burned out match and swapped out its original subtitle, "Burning Down Washington to Save America," for "Taking Back Washington to Save America."

In an Aug. 11 interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, Vance tempered his connection to Project 2025 and called Roberts a friend — a word Roberts has also used to describe Vance. "Project 2025 is not affiliated with the Trump campaign," Vance said. "Kevin Roberts is a friend of mine, but I wouldn’t say that he speaks for the president in the same way I wouldn’t say that he speaks for me."

The Associated Press on July 30 shared an excerpt of an advance copy of Vance’s foreword that read, "Never before has a figure with Roberts’s depth and stature within the American Right tried to articulate a genuinely new future for conservatism. The Heritage Foundation isn’t some random outpost on Capitol Hill; it is and has been the most influential engine of ideas for Republicans from Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump."

The New Republic reported July 30 that it also obtained a copy of the foreword, which it reprinted on its website. There is no mention of Project 2025 in the excerpt attributed to Vance. It contains the passage shared by the AP and goes on to liken "modern liberalism" to "a well-meaning gardener" who treats a garden with chemicals, killing both weeds and "many of the good things." A modern conservative movement, the excerpt said, needs to recultivate the garden: 

"The old conservative movement argued if you just got government out of the way, natural forces would resolve problems—we are no longer in this situation and must take a different approach. As Kevin Roberts writes, ‘It’s fine to take a laissez-faire approach when you are in the safety of the sunshine. But when the twilight descends and you hear the wolves, you’ve got to circle the wagons and load the muskets.’" 

A Harris-Walz campaign spokesperson pointed us to evidence including Vance’s July 19 X post, as well as book readings and speeches Vance has participated in at the Heritage Foundation.

When we asked Vance’s team about Walz’s claim, the campaign responded with an Aug. 9 statement from spokesperson William Martin reiterating that Vance "has previously said that he has no involvement with (Project 2025) and has plenty of disagreements with what they're calling for."

Walz said Vance "literally wrote the foreword for the architect of the Project 2025 agenda."

Vance wrote the forward for a book authored by Roberts, the Heritage Foundation’s president and a Project 2025 leader.

We rate this claim True.

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Our Sources

Harper Collins, Dawn's Early Light , accessed Aug 9, 2024

X post, J.D. Vance , June 19, 2024

RealClearPolitics, Heritage President To Delay Book Publication After Project 2025 Firestorm , Aug. 6, 2024

The Washington Post, Trump took a private flight with Project 2025 leader in 2022 , Aug. 7, 2024

The Associated Press, LIVE: Kamala Harris introduces Tim Walz as VP pick at Philadelphia rally , Aug. 6, 2024

PolitiFact, No, this 2021 video does not show Trump’s VP pick J.D. Vance endorsing Project 2025 , July 31, 2024

The Heritage Foundation, Paul Dans , accessed Aug 9, 2024

The Associated Press, Project 2025 shakes up leadership after criticism from Democrats and Trump, but says work goes on , July 30, 2024

BBC News, Project 2025 leader quits conservative think tank , July 30, 2024

The Associated Press, Project 2025’s new leader Kevin Roberts postpones his own book launch until after the election , Aug. 7, 2024

The Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 - Mandate for Leadership , 2023

X post, Kevin Roberts , July 30, 2024

CNN, Dana Bash asked JD Vance about Tim Walz calling him weird. Hear his response , Aug. 11, 2024

ProPublica, The Man Behind Project 2025’s Most Radical Plans , Aug. 1, 2024

The New York Times, Inside the Heritage Foundation’s Plans for ‘Institutionalizing Trumpism’ , Jan. 21, 2024

The New Republic, Why Project 2025 Leader Suddenly Delayed His Book Release , Aug. 7, 2024

The Associated Press, Vance praises a key leader behind Project 2025, a conservative effort Trump has disavowed , July 30, 2024 

Axios, J.D. Vance wrote foreword of upcoming book from Project 2025 architect , July 25, 2024

The New York Times, Book With Project 2025 Ties and JD Vance Foreword Is Delayed Until After Election , Aug. 7, 2024

The New Republic, Read J.D. Vance’s Violent Foreword to Project 2025 Leader’s New Book , July 30, 2024

X post, Reuben Jones , July 15, 2024

YouTube, Foreign Policy Lessons from Marine and Sen. JD Vance - The Heritage Foundation , Apr. 27, 2023

Facebook, Author J.D. Vance on the American Dream - The Heritage Foundation , July 20, 2017

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