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How to Craft a Highly Effective Pecha Kucha Presentation

Ashish Arora

With their concise format and dynamic style, Pecha Kucha presentations have become increasingly popular in various fields, from design and architecture to business and education. Originating from Japan, the Pecha Kucha format challenges presenters to deliver their message in a visually engaging manner. 

In this article, we’ll explore the key principles and strategies for creating a highly effective Pecha Kucha presentation that captivates audiences and leaves a lasting impression.

Understanding the Pecha Kucha Format

Pecha Kucha, which translates to “chit-chat” in Japanese, follows a simple yet structured format: twenty slides, each displayed for twenty seconds, resulting in a combined presentation time of 6 minutes and 40 seconds. This format forces presenters to distill their message to its essence, focusing on clarity, brevity, and visual impact.

The brevity of the Pecha Kucha format challenges presenters to communicate their ideas succinctly and effectively. With only 20 seconds per slide, there is no room for long-winded explanations or unnecessary details. This laser-focused approach keeps audiences engaged and ensures that the presentation delivers maximum impact in a short amount of time.

Moreover, the structured nature of the Pecha Kucha format encourages presenters to maintain a steady pace and rhythm throughout their presentations. With each slide automatically advancing after 20 seconds, presenters must maintain momentum and keep the presentation flowing smoothly.

Tips to Craft a Stunning Pecha Kucha Presentation

1. define your message.

The first step in crafting a Pecha Kucha presentation is clearly and concisely defining your message. Identify the critical points you want to convey and structure your presentation around them. 

Remember that each slide should communicate one idea or concept, supported by concise text and compelling visuals. Avoid cluttering your slides with too much information or overwhelming graphics, as simplicity is critical.

2. Commence with Storyboarding

Storyboarding is a vital step in the creation process. It helps you visualize the flow of your presentation and ensure coherence and continuity. 

Plan the sequence of your slides, providing a logical progression of ideas and flawless transitions between topics. Once you have finalized your storyboard, rehearse and practice your presentation multiple times to improve and refine your delivery, timing, and pacing. 

Practice speaking confidently and fluently within the 20-second time limit for each slide, aiming for a smooth and polished delivery on the presentation day.

3 . Create Engaging Visuals

Visuals are central in Pecha Kucha presentations, serving as the primary means of communication and engagement. Choose high-quality images, graphics, and videos that complement your message and enhance understanding. Keep text to a minimum, using keywords or short phrases to reinforce key points. Incorporate eye-catching visuals, color schemes, and design elements to capture the audience’s attention and convey your message effectively.

4. Think Outside the Box

One of the hallmarks of Pecha Kucha presentations is creativity, innovation, and outside-the-box thinking. Embrace the opportunity to experiment with unconventional formats, storytelling techniques, and presentation styles that showcase your personality and perspective. 

Consider incorporating interactive elements, live demonstrations, or props to add depth and interest to your presentation. Remember that Pecha Kucha is as much about creativity and expression as it is about information sharing, so do not be afraid to let your imagination run wild.

5. Engage the Audience

Audience engagement is key to a successful Pecha Kucha presentation. Encourage interaction and participation by asking thought-provoking questions, soliciting feedback, or inviting audience members to share their experiences or insights about your topic. Maintain eye contact , use expressive gestures, and speak enthusiastically to keep your viewers invested.

6. Maintain Consistency

Establishing consistency in design elements such as font, colors, and layout is crucial for a mesmerizing experience for your viewers. With the rapid pace of Pecha Kucha presentations, consistency helps ensure that your audience can quickly absorb and understand the information presented without being distracted.

However, it may seem tedious to ensure consistency if you craft slides from scratch. Thus, you can use pre-designed PowerPoint templates and make your presentation look visually consistent, engaging, and professional.

Benefits of Pecha Kucha Presentations

A). cuts through the noise.

In a world inundated with information, brevity is not just appreciated; it is essential. Pecha Kucha presentations cut through the noise, offering a streamlined format that delivers maximum impact in minimum time. By dividing complex concepts into bite-sized chunks, presenters ensure their message is clear, memorable, and easily digestible for audiences with limited attention spans.

b). Keeps the Audience Actively Involved

Pecha Kucha presentations are like a whirlwind tour of inspiration, keeping the audience alert with their fast-paced rhythm and dynamic visuals. With no time for distractions, audiences are drawn into the narrative, eagerly anticipating what is next and actively participating in the presentation journey.

c). Creates a Canvas for Creativity

In the world of Pecha Kucha, there are no boundaries, only possibilities waiting to be found. Presenters are encouraged to think outside the box, pushing through the limits of imagination. Whether through clever storytelling, innovative design, or unexpected twists, Pecha Kucha presentations are all about creativity, where ideas take flight and imagination knows no bounds.

d). Increases Time Efficiency

Time is precious, and Pecha Kucha presentations respect that. With a strict time limit of 6 minutes and 40 seconds, presenters must make every second count, delivering their message with precision and purpose. This efficiency makes Pecha Kucha presentations ideal for busy professionals, conference attendees, and anyone seeking knowledge in a condensed and digestible format.

e). Opportunity for Networking

Beyond the presentation, Pecha Kucha events are a hub of collaboration, bringing together diverse minds and perspectives from across industries and disciplines. Presenters can connect with like-minded individuals, forge new partnerships, and spark meaningful conversations that extend far beyond the confines of the presentation stage.

f). Skill Development

Presenting in the Pecha Kucha format is not just about sharing ideas but also about honing essential communication and presentation skills. From crafting a compelling narrative to delivering it with confidence and flair, presenters develop valuable skills that translate seamlessly to the workplace and beyond. Whether pitching a new project, delivering a keynote speech, or simply sharing ideas with colleagues, the skills acquired through Pecha Kucha presentations are invaluable assets in today’s fast-paced world.

Creating a highly effective Pecha Kucha presentation requires careful planning, creativity, and practice. By understanding the format and embracing creativity and innovation, presenters can deliver impactful presentations that inform, inspire, and entertain. Whether presenting at a conference, pitch competition, or team meeting, mastering the art of Pecha Kucha can enhance your skills and help you become a better presenter.

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Ashish Arora

Ashish Arora

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What is a Pecha Kucha Presentation?


Imagine this: You're in a presentation, listening minute after minute to someone reading directly from a PowerPoint . Their voice is monotonous, and without realizing it, you start disconnecting from what they are saying within a few minutes. After half an hour, you're already bored, and after an hour, you can't wait for it to end.

Sounds familiar? We've all experienced the infamous "death by PowerPoint" at some point. The good news: there is a solution. If you want your presentations to tell a story and keep the audience engaged, there is a presentation style you should know about: Pecha Kucha. Today, we will tell you everything you need to know about it.

pecha kucha presentation examples youtube

We’ll go over the following topics:

What is Pecha Kucha Presentation?

What are the origins of pechakucha presentations, how do you do a pecha kucha presentation let’s go step-by-step.

  • What do experts say? Best practices for creating pecha kucha style presentation

Ready to create your own? Check out some Pecha Kucha Presentation Examples

Pechakucha frequently asked questions, what is the difference between a powerpoint presentation and a pecha kucha, what is a pecha kucha night, what are good topics for pecha kucha presentation.

Pecha Kucha, chit-chat in Japanese, is a unique presentation style . These presentations are known for telling stories through images rather than text and are typically brief. They use the 20x20 rule, where each presentation consists of 20 slides, and each slide is displayed for only 20 seconds, automatically progressing to the next one. This results in a total presentation time of 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

pecha kucha presentation examples youtube

This might be a novel format and one that challenges the speaker more than regular presentations, but it undoubtedly has its benefits. The main one is the huge improvement in the audience’s experience. Why?

  • It keeps presentations concise and dynamic , making them feel fast, light, and engaging. 
  • It minimizes distractions and maximizes engagement. 
  • Since there is no text to read from,  presenters have to be more prepared and make the effort to craft a coherent story , resulting in a seamless narrative. 
  • It helps speakers stay on-topic , preventing them from going off track and adding unnecessary details to their talks.

pecha kucha presentation examples youtube

Pecha Kucha presentations help you develop valuable skills that are beneficial in many settings . One of them is definitely the corporate world, where time constraints are common and concise communication is essential. Another one is in educational settings like classrooms, where these type of presentations can improve student’s public speaking abilities. Research strongly supports these benefits:

“One of the greatest advantages of PK is that it is often very appealing, engaging, and enjoyable to the audience (...). According to A. M. Beyer (2011) , the creative use of PowerPoint software has the potential to result in high student engagement on the side of both the presenter and the audience.”

Pecha Kucha presentations were created in Tokyo in 2003 by architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham . They introduced it as a platform for young designers to come together, showcase their work, and exchange ideas through brief presentations. The core principle behind Pecha Kucha was to "talk less, show more,"

Since then, its popularity has gone beyond the design field, becoming a worldwide phenomenon . These presentations are now used in many different settings ranging from academic conferences to business meetings and even informal gatherings. There is a whole community dedicated to Pecha Kucha, who get together and organize “Pecha Kucha Nights.”

Are you ready to create your own Pecha Kucha presentation? Let’s take a look at how to do them in PowerPoint.

In the Home Tab, go to Slides and click New Slides until you get the 20 slides you need. You can also click Ctrl + M.

pecha kucha presentation examples youtube

Now, you need to remove any placeholders they have. To do this, go to the View Tab, and in Presentation Views , choose Slide Sorter . Select all of your slides. 

pecha kucha presentation examples youtube

Then, go to the Home Tab, select Layout , and choose Blank .

pecha kucha presentation examples youtube

The next step is to set the slides to advance automatically. To achieve this, go to the Transitions Tab. In timing, go to Advance Slides , deselect On Mouse Click , and check After . Now, set the timer for 20 seconds .

pecha kucha presentation examples youtube

Finally, you can add a Transition effect. It’s best to choose a simple one, such as Fade , and select a short Duration for it (such as 00.50).

pecha kucha presentation examples youtube

And that’s all! Now, you can begin inserting your images and practicing your presentation.

What do experts say? Best practices for creating Pecha Kucha style presentation

Understanding what Pecha Kucha is about is pretty straightforward, but actually doing this type of presentation can be much more difficult than people think. But we are here to help! We have come up with the best tips and tricks from our presentation experts . Let’s take a look at what they say:

1.Before you begin…take a step back!

All experts agree on one thing: take time to prepare your presentation . Before you even open PowerPoint, you should be able to answer:

  • What story will you be talking about? Why?
  • What is your goal? To inform? Inspire? Convince?
  • What is the impression you want to give?
  • What feeling do you want your audience to stay with?

After you have all your answers, it’s time to plan. Take out your pen and paper and start drafting what you want to say. In this first draft, just let your ideas flow without trying to filter or organize them, and include everything you would like to share. 

The next step is to organize all of your ideas. To do so, group them by sections and then define the content slide by slide. Consider the following structure:

  • Introduction: This is the first impression you’ll give your audience. Think about how you’ll engage with them, get their attention and connect emotionally.
  • Middle: In this section, remember to keep the flow of the story, so make sure each slide is connected with the one that comes before and after.
  • Closing: Consider what you want your audience to stay with. It could be an emotion, idea, or desire to do something. This is one of the parts your audience will remember the most.

Remember that achieving your perfect structure and content is not easy and definitely not something you get on your first try. It might take many attempts before you get the version you’ll be presenting , but don’t worry! It’s all part of the process.

2. Select the best visuals

Once you have defined your content per slide, it’s time to choose the images you’ll show. This is a really important step because it is the only thing your audience will see. Since these images will be the primary focus for your audience, consider the following tips:

  • Choose high-quality images: Choose the highest-quality visuals, especially if they will be displayed in fullscreen. Clear and captivating images can significantly enhance the overall impression of your presentation.
  • Align images with your message: Reflect on the content of each slide and ask yourself: "What story am I telling, and what type of image complements that narrative?" Make sure that the chosen images really align and reinforce your intended message.
  • Maintain coherence: Establish visual coherence throughout your presentation. If you have established a theme, only choose images that seamlessly integrate with that theme. 
  • Establish emotional connections: Consider the emotional impact your chosen pictures may have on your audience. A well-selected image can evoke emotions, making your presentation more memorable and engaging.

3. Practice, practice, practice

One might think delivering a short presentation is much easier than giving an extended talk, but evidence suggests the opposite. Actually, being clear and concise is a challenge most people underestimate . It is not easy to synthesize information and stay on topic, not to mention being able to tell a story and connect in under 7 minutes!

This is why practice is so important, especially in this type of presentations, so make sure you follow these practice tips:

  • Practice to adjust your presentation: The first few times you run through your whole presentation, time yourself and see if you need to make any adjustments to your content to get the exact 20 seconds per slide. You may need to leave some details out or adjust your information so the content in all your slides is balanced.
  • Practice to perfect your presentation: Once your content is adjusted and ready, shift your focus to memorizing the presentation. Pay attention to the flow of your presentation, ensuring a seamless connection between points. Additionally, practice your oratory skills—intonation, vocal tone, strategic pauses, breath control, body language, and eye contact. Every detail matters.

Bonus tip: You can record yourself or practice in front of a mirror. This might be uncomfortable, but it will do wonders for your presentation skills.

Are you preparing a Pecha Kucha presentation? Then don't miss these examples!

Pecha Kucha Presentation Example #1: Let’s Promote Wellness in Patients  

In this example, Mark Holder talks about using positive psychology to promote health care. What makes this presentation stand out is its ability to capture the viewer's attention, maintain interest , and communicate effectively. Images are used as visual support, and the presentation flows interestingly and engagingly.

Pecha Kucha Presentation Example #2: Our Words Can Create Sustained Change

In this example, Manisha Willms reflects on what it means to be healthy. She does this by showing us drawings of 4-year-olds about what the word "healthy" means to them. 

As for the presentation, her use of images is different, as her slides are only focused on the children's drawings , which complement her talk instead of guiding it. Nevertheless, they achieve the purpose of connecting with the audience by generating emotions such as tenderness and laughter; and totally complement the message she gives.

Pecha Kucha Presentation Example #3: Let's Put More Joy into Our Lives and Work

This example is a more personal one. In this talk, Eyoälha Baker talks about her life experiences and challenging moments, and how these helped her connect with the importance of sharing joy through her work.

This presentation shows us a great example of connecting with an audience through vulnerability and transparency. Eyoälha is not afraid of being open, showing emotion, and telling personal stories, and the audience warmly receives and embraces them.

The main difference between traditional PowerPoint presentations and Pecha Kucha presentations is their style and format. While PowerPoint presentations allow for flexibility in terms of duration and how content is presented,  Pecha Kucha presentations adhere to a specific format.

Pecha Kucha presentations exclusively utilize images without any accompanying text. They follow the 20x20 rule, where each presentation consists of 20 slides , each shown for only 20 seconds before automatically progressing to the next one. This structured approach results in a total presentation time of 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

Inspired by the success of Pecha Kucha among designers, thousands of cities worldwide began hosting their own Pecha Kucha Nights. These events consist of people getting together to present their own Pecha Kucha . The topics of the presentations can vary widely, from holiday photos to political messages, as long as presenters adhere to the 20x20 format.

If you'd like to know more about Pecha Kucha Nights or see more examples, check out this page about Pecha Kucha Nights in Dundee to get an idea about the community and atmosphere of such events.

Good topics for a Pecha Kucha presentation are those that fit well with the short format and can be represented by exclusively using images . Some of the most common topics are:

  • Personal projects or initiatives
  • Travel adventures
  • Reflections or ideas
  • Personal stories

These subjects work effectively within the 20x20 format, allowing presenters to communicate meaningful insights without overwhelming the audience .

On the other hand, Pecha Kucha may not be the best choice for some presentations, such as presentations with a lot of data , details or ones with controversial topics. Because of the time limit, presentations that require a lot of detail, explanation or discussion with the audience are not the best idea for this format.

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Home Blog Presentation Ideas How to Create a Highly Effective Pecha Kucha Presentation

How to Create a Highly Effective Pecha Kucha Presentation

What is and How to create a Pecha Kucha Presentation

Brevity is considered the soul of wit, but it can also be a powerful technique for effective communication. When you say more with less, you capture your audience’s attention and leave a lasting impression. This is precisely what Pecha Kucha is all about.

It’s a quick-fire format presentation where the speaker tells a story using photos within strict timing.

Whether you’re a seasoned presenter or just starting, Pecha Kucha has something to offer those who want to take their presentations to the next level. In this article, we’ll dive into its benefits as a presentation style and provide tips and strategies for creating effective Pecha Kucha presentations.

What Is a Pecha Kucha Presentation?

The format of a Pecha Kucha, or 20×20 presentation, is simple: in a Pecha Kucha presentation, the presenter shows 20 slides containing an image, each displaying for exactly 20 seconds. The photos will auto-forward, so there’s no way of going back to or skipping ahead of the slides. This means each presentation is exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds long.

This style of Pecha Kucha presentation is quite similar to lightning talks, where the speakers have five minutes to present a five-slide presentation, or the ignite talks, where presenters have 15 seconds to present each slide of a 20-slide presentation.

The challenge for presenters is to convey their idea with the combined use of images and concise, impactful statements within this tight time frame.

Pecha Kucha, which means “chit-chat” in Japanese, was created by architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, who seek to encourage a fast-paced presentation style. Since then, it has become a worldwide phenomenon, used in settings ranging from academic conferences to business meetings and even informal gatherings.

The Benefits of Pecha Kucha Presentations

Infographic on the benefits of Pecha Kucha presentations - Infographic created by SlideModel

Pecha Kucha presentations are highly engaging. The timing of Pecha Kucha presentations adds an element of excitement. Each slide changes every 20 seconds, keeping the audience engaged, and this helps hold their attention and prevents them from becoming distracted or disengaged.

Pecha Kucha helps you focus on the main topic. The time limit helps presenters stay on track and avoid going off on tangents, which can be a problem in more traditional presentations. This can be a valuable skill in the corporate world, where time is often limited, and getting to the point quickly is crucial.

Pecha Kucha presentations are highly visual. Because Pecha Kucha presentations rely heavily on visual aids, they can effectively communicate complex or abstract ideas to an audience. This helps make presentations more memorable and impactful, as the brain processes visual information more quickly and effectively than written or spoken information.

Pecha Kucha promotes creative thinking and communication. The format challenges presenters to distill their ideas into a concise and visually engaging format. So instead of running around the bush and filling in their talk with non-essential information, they focus on the most important aspects of their message. 

Furthermore, the challenge of syncing the message with images stimulates creativity by inspiring connections and associations between ideas.

How to Make a Pecha Kucha Presentation (Step by Step)

1. define your main message.

Defining your main message is crucial in preparing a presentation or communication, and also when preparing a Pecha Kucha presentation. When you can pinpoint the core message you want to convey during a presentation, it becomes easier to identify which information to include and which to eliminate.

To narrow down your presentation’s key message or idea, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of my presentation – to inform, to inspire, to convince?
  • What do I want my audience to know?
  • What do I want my audience to do after the presentation?

Your main message should be a direct answer to these questions and something your audience can easily grasp and remember.

Example: Let’s say you are giving a presentation on a new diet cereal bar product. A good thesis could be, “Diet cereal bars are a convenient and nutritious snack option that can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.”

Defining your main message in Pecha Kucha presentations

From here, you can start outlining and structure your presentation. Let the main message lead the way.

So, in our example, you can cite studies showing the health benefits of eating a nutritious diet and present the nutritional value of cereal bars that can help achieve that goal.

2. Select the Best Visuals

You can identify the main message of your presentation and the points that go along with it. The second step would be turning them into visuals.

Many presentation guides will tell you how important visualizations are in a PowerPoint, but Pecha Kucha takes that even further. As mentioned, it emphasizes storytelling with the use of images.

You may still use text to provide context for visual elements, but use it sparingly and avoid paragraphs. Remember, you only have 20 seconds to present each slide, so your audience won’t have the time to read lengthy texts.

Instead, you should use high-quality images directly related to your message. This will help reinforce your message and ensure your visuals are not distracting or confusing.

It’s a hard rule to avoid cartoonish and clipart photos, especially in the business setting, as they make your slide look tacky. This might mean using more modern, minimalist images for a sleek, professional look or more vibrant, colorful images for a more playful and creative feel.

It’s also important to consider the overall aesthetic of your presentation template and choose images consistent with that theme. If you represent a brand, use slides with the look and feel you are known for.

Example: In our diet cereal bar example, you may choose images that showcase the bar’s ingredients, such as images of whole grains, nuts, and dried fruits. You could also use images of people engaging in healthy activities, such as jogging or hiking, to reinforce the idea that the cereal bar is a healthy snack option for people on the go.

3. Structure Your Presentation

Like other forms of presentation, a Pecha Kucha presentation should have a clear structure – no matter how short. You may need it more in this scenario to avoid losing any of your precious time going off on tangents.

Conversely, it will be easier for your audience to follow along and understand your message if you present it organized and coherently.

You can follow several presentation structures , but for something like Pecha Kucha, we recommend a more linear style. One that has an introduction, body, and conclusion.

The Pyramid Principle has all these elements and might work in a fast-paced presentation format. In this style, the main idea or conclusion is presented at the beginning, followed by a series of supporting points that are organized hierarchically. This approach can help your audience engage in critical thinking, as they are encouraged to consider how each piece of information relates to the larger message being presented.

Example: Let’s return to our diet cereal bar example to illustrate how the Pyramid Principle can be applied in a Pecha Kucha presentation.

Open your presentation by stating your main idea or message: “Our diet cereal bars are a convenient and nutritious snack option that can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.”

Then, discuss the supporting points that further develop the main idea.

  • You may discuss the natural ingredients and X calories it contains, making it a healthy snack option.
  • You may talk about the range of delicious flavors that it comes with, establishing the idea that it’s a nutritious option that does not compromise on taste.
  • You may talk about the convenient packaging that makes it perfect for busy people on the go.

4. Practice, practice, practice

Pecha Kucha’s presentation is all about timing and mastery, so you must conduct a  dry run to ensure that you’d feel comfortable with the flow of your presentation on the actual delivery.

Rehearse your presentation multiple times as if it’s the real thing. This means setting a strict timer for 20 seconds per slide to ensure that you are staying on track and not going over time. Google Slide and PowerPoint have an option that automatically advances slides within several seconds.

Although 20 seconds may feel very short, speak at a moderate pace to ensure you are not rushing through the presentation. But, also avoid lingering on any one slide for too long.

Tips and Tricks for an Effective Pecha Kucha Delivery

1. using engaging storytelling techniques.

Although we did say that you may state your main idea at the beginning of your presentation , you don’t just get to drop the bomb, or it will sound dry. Using an engaging story will help you do this with finesse.

People are naturally drawn to stories – they love journeys. Structure your presentation like a story, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Sharing personal experiences or anecdotes through storytelling can help to humanize your presentation and make it more relatable for your audience.

Example: You can share a personal anecdote about your struggles with maintaining a healthy diet. You could talk about how you struggled to find healthy snack options while working long hours at your desk job.

Exposing a personal anecdote on a Pecha Kucha presentation

2. Connecting With Your Audience and Maintaining It

Sharing a story or a personal experience is one way to connect with your audience. Still, it isn’t just about getting their attention – keeping their attention on you is far more important.

It’s common advice for speakers to keep eye contact with the audience. We’d like to add something to this – look at your audience intently and respond to what you see. Knowing your audience’s nonverbal cues can help you connect with them and respond to their needs.

Speaking of nonverbal, you should be aware of your body language too. Use intentional hand gestures, but avoid excessive movements that may take the audience’s attention from you.

Finally, don’t forget to smile. Smiling helps convey a positive and approachable attitude and shows that you like your audience.

3. Handling Unexpected Challenges Or Technical Issues

With over six minutes to present your case, there should be no room for mistakes when making a Pecha Kucha presentation. The best advice is to have a backup plan for your backup plan.

No, we don’t mean carrying 2 laptops and 2 projectors around! But it’s best practice to have a USB drive with your presentation saved on it, just in case. You may also save your presentation on the cloud if you lose both copies on your device and external drive.

In the event of a complete technology failure, be ready to present without the slides. Remember, the slides are only a visual aid, and your delivery and message are the most important aspects of your presentation.

If you need a quick method to create a pecha kucha presentation, check out our  AI presentation maker . A tool in which you add the topic, curate the outline, select a design, and let AI do the work for you.

Pecha Kucha makes it possible to deliver a compelling presentation within minutes. Remember to keep your main message at the forefront when creating this type of presentation, choose high-quality visuals that reinforce your message, and practice your timing to ensure your presentation flows smoothly. With these tips, you can deliver a presentation that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

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Pecha Kucha Presentation

Pecha Kucha Presentation

Table of Contents

Do you sometimes feel lost in presentations that go on and on with tons of information? There’s a new and interesting presentation format gaining popularity called Pecha Kucha (pronounced peh-chah kuh-chah). This comes from Japan and means “chit-chat”.  Pecha Kucha offers a fresh way to share ideas that’s both short and engaging.

Here’s how it works: presenters use 20 slides that change automatically every 20 seconds. This keeps things moving and encourages presenters to be clear and use visuals effectively. But the benefits aren’t just for the audience. There’s some surprising research that shows Pecha Kucha presentations can be enjoyable for the presenter too. In one study, over 70% of students said they liked creating a Pecha Kucha presentation. They enjoyed the chance to be creative and focus on their message. Another study found that an even higher percentage, 94% of students, wanted to see Pecha Kucha presentations used more in their classes.

So, if you’re tired of long presentations with bullet points, Pecha Kucha might be a good option. It’s a new way to share information, and it could be a great choice for your next presentation.

What is a Pecha Kucha Presentation

What is a Pecha Kucha Presentation

Pecha Kucha presentations are a unique format that focuses on using images instead of lots of text to tell a story. They’re also quite short! As we mentioned before, they follow a 20×20 rule: 20 slides, each shown for just 20 seconds, moving on automatically. This means the whole presentation takes only about 6 and a half minutes.

This might seem like a new way of doing things, and it can be more challenging for the speaker than a regular presentation. But there are definitely some advantages to this format, especially for the audience. Here’s why:

  • Presentations Stay Focused and Interesting: The short time keeps things moving and makes them feel lively and engaging.
  • Less Distraction, More Attention: With no text on the slides, the audience is more likely to stay focused on the speaker and the story.
  • Stronger Preparation, Smoother Flow: Because there’s no script to read from, presenters need to be well-prepared and craft a clear story beforehand, making the presentation flow better.
  • Staying on Track: The format helps speakers avoid going off on tangents and including unnecessary details.

Pecha Kucha presentations can also be a great way to develop skills that are useful in many situations. For example, they can be helpful in the business world, where time is often limited and clear communication is key. They can also be beneficial in educational settings, like classrooms, where they can help students improve their public speaking abilities. There’s research to back up these benefits too!

The Benefits of Pecha Kucha

Benefits of  Pecha Kucha Presentation

Benefits for Presenters:

  • Sharper Focus: The time limit encourages presenters to refine their message and concentrate on the main points. This leads to clear and well-organized presentations that avoid unnecessary details.
  • Communication Boost: Pecha Kucha presentations demand strong delivery skills to grab the audience’s attention quickly. This format can help presenters become more confident public speakers and improve their storytelling techniques.
  • Time Management Mastery: The structured format ensures presenters stay on schedule and deliver their message efficiently. This is a valuable skill for anyone who needs to communicate effectively with limited time.
  • Creative Spark: The challenge of fitting a whole idea into 20 slides with 20 seconds each ignites creativity. Presenters need to find impactful visuals and compelling ways to deliver their message, leading to innovative presentation styles.

Benefits for Audiences:

  • Engaging and Upbeat: The fast-paced format keeps the audience interested and prevents presentations from becoming dull. The variety of topics presented in one Pecha Kucha Night adds to the overall dynamic atmosphere.
  • Lasting Impact: The focused nature of Pecha Kucha presentations allows audiences to remember key points more easily. The emphasis on visuals and concise delivery leads to a more impactful and memorable experience.
  • Exposure to New Ideas: Pecha Kucha Nights offer the chance to explore a wide range of topics and perspectives in a short amount of time. This can spark curiosity, broaden knowledge, and inspire new ideas.
  • Time-Efficient Learning: The short format allows audiences to learn about several topics without a large time commitment. This is ideal for busy schedules or those seeking a quick dose of inspiration or knowledge.

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How to Create a PechaKucha Presentation

How to Create a PechaKucha Presentation

1. Define Your Main Message

The first step in any presentation, including a PechaKucha, is figuring out your central idea. This is sometimes called your thesis. Knowing your main message makes it easier to decide what information to include and what to leave out.

Here are some questions to help you focus your PechaKucha’s key point:

  • What’s the goal of my presentation? Is it to share information, inspire people, or persuade them?
  • What do I want the audience to learn?
  • What action should they take after the presentation?

Your main message should be a clear answer to these questions and something the audience can easily understand and remember.

Example: Imagine you’re presenting a new diet cereal bar. A clear message could be: “These cereal bars are a convenient and nutritious snack that supports a healthy lifestyle.”

Once you have your main message, you can start planning and structuring your presentation. Let this central idea guide your choices.

Building on the example, you could share research on the benefits of a healthy diet and then showcase the nutritional content of the cereal bars and how they fit into a healthy lifestyle.

2. Choosing Images for Your PechaKucha Presentation

The next step is selecting visuals that effectively communicate your ideas. Think about the key points you want to get across and how to turn them into engaging images.

While good visuals are important in any presentation, PechaKucha presentations rely heavily on them for storytelling. Images should be the main focus, with text used sparingly to provide context. With only 20 seconds per slide, lengthy text won’t be effective.

Use high-quality images that directly relate to your message. They should be clear and avoid being distracting or confusing for the audience.

For a professional look, it’s generally best to avoid cartoonish or clip-art style images. Instead, consider using modern, minimalist images for a sleek feel or choose vibrant, colorful images for a more playful presentation.

It’s also a good idea to ensure the images fit the overall style of your presentation. If you’re representing a brand, use visuals that match your established brand identity.

Example: If you’re presenting a new diet cereal bar, you could choose images of the ingredients like whole grains, nuts, and dried fruits. You could also use pictures of people exercising to highlight the product as a healthy snack option.

3. Planning Your PechaKucha Presentation

Just like any presentation, even a short PechaKucha one needs a clear structure. This is especially important to keep yourself on track and avoid getting sidetracked in the limited time.

A well-organized presentation is easier for your audience to follow and understand your message.

There are many presentation structures you could use, but for a fast-paced PechaKucha, a simple and linear approach works well. This means having a clear introduction, a main body with your key points, and a conclusion.

One option that might be helpful for a PechaKucha is the Pyramid Principle. This approach involves starting with your main idea or conclusion, followed by supporting points that build on it one by one. This can help your audience think critically about how each piece of information connects to the bigger picture.

Example: Putting the Pyramid Principle into Action

Let’s imagine you’re creating a PechaKucha presentation about a new healthy snack bar. Here’s how the Pyramid Principle could work:

  • Start Strong: Open with your main message, something like: “Our new diet cereal bar offers a convenient and nutritious snack option to support your healthy lifestyle.”
  • Build Your Case: Then, use your slides to present supporting details: 
  • Highlight the natural ingredients and low-calorie count, emphasizing the health benefits.
  • Showcase the variety of delicious flavors, demonstrating it’s a healthy choice that still tastes great.
  • Focus on the convenient packaging, making it perfect for busy lifestyles.

This structure keeps your presentation focused and uses each slide to build on the main idea.

4. Practice Your PechaKucha Presentation

Since timing is critical in a PechaKucha presentation, it’s important to rehearse beforehand so you feel confident with the flow of your talk.

Run through your presentation several times, just like you would during the actual event. This means setting a timer for each slide, aiming for around 20 seconds to make sure you stay on track. Many presentation programs like Google Slides and PowerPoint offer options to automatically advance slides after a set time.

While 20 seconds might seem short, try to speak at a natural pace to avoid rushing through your content. However, you also don’t want to get stuck on any one slide for too long.

Closing Thoughts

Crafting a concise and engaging Pecha Kucha presentation takes some practice, but the payoff is a clear and interesting experience for both you and the audience. Remember, the strength of this format lies in its simplicity. By using some helpful Pecha Kucha presentation ideas , you can focus on impactful visuals and a captivating story. This will turn your ideas into a short, memorable presentation that sticks with the audience.

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What software can I use to create Pecha Kucha slides?

Any presentation software like PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Keynote are great choices, You can also consider AI-powered presentation makers like Slides AI, which can elevate your presentations by suggesting layouts, and visuals, saving you time and boosting your content’s impact.

Is it okay to use personal stories in my presentation?

Personal anecdotes can be incredibly effective for connecting with your audience and making your presentation more relatable.

Can there be words on a Pecha Kucha?

The fewer words you have on the slide, the better it is for your Pecha Kucha presentation. But you can still use words. Try to limit them to slide titles and photo captions.

Can I insert a video file in a Pecha Kucha presentation?

Short videos (under 20 seconds) can be included within a slide, but ensure it auto-plays silently to avoid conflicting with your narration. Prioritize using slides without video, but if essential, practice extensively to stay in sync.

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  • Effective Teaching Strategies

Tips for Pecha Kucha Presentations

  • July 3, 2024
  • John Orlando, PhD

The Pecha Kucha presentation style is gaining interest in education. It has many beneficial aspects for students and educators alike.

What is a Pecha Kucha Presentation?

This style requires that a speaker use 20 images, each lasting 20 seconds, to deliver a presentation. This makes the presentation closer to a TedTalk than the usual Death by PowerPoint. The speaker is forced to move out of the covering content mentality to the communicating mentality that makes TedTalks so interesting. This is done not just by shortening the length of the talk, but also by timing the images. 

With only 20 seconds per image, students are less likely to turn their backs on the audience to read bullet points and more likely to speak directly to the audience while using imagery to amplify the message, which is the true use of visuals.

Pecha Kucha Example

For instance, a speaker discussing the Eiffel Tower might talk about its height. But instead of just listing its height with a bullet point, the speaker might show an image of it next to other structures at the time, such as the pyramids, to make the point that it was the tallest structure in the world when built. The speaker might then note that it has since been eclipsed by numerous other structures and illustrate how much taller buildings are now with a graphic showing the tower next to more recent structures. Now, instead of regurgitating a number that will not be remembered one minute after it is spoken, the speaker is focusing on the relevance of the tower and its place in history. 

Thus, the image and transition requirements force the speaker to consider what is important in the information and how to communicate that to the audience in a way that will be understood and remembered.

Pecha Kucha for Online Classes

The technique is primarily used in education for student presentations, but there is no reason an instructor cannot use it for his or her own presentations as well. 

The Pecha Kucha method is ideal for an introductory video in an online class that motivates participation in a module by explaining why the topic is important and what students should get out of class material. The instructor will be forced to focus on relevance, just as students are when doing a presentation.

Digital Storytelling

Pecha Kucha in an online class uses the “digital storytelling” video method I have discussed previously ( Online Classroom , June 2017), where the creator records the audio first and then adds images to match the spoken words. See that article for guidance on making these types of videos. Students in online classes can then post their creations to the learning management system if it has that capability or to an outside hosting site such as Google Drive, Dropbox, YouTube, Vimeo, or others and provide the class with a link to it.  

Tips for your Pecha Kucha Presentation

Instructors should provide some coaching to students on the technique when assigning a Pecha Kucha presentation. Following are some important points to bring up when explaining how to create an effective and engaging presentation with this method.

Choose Images Wisely

As noted, one important guideline is that visuals are not for projecting your notes—they are not public 3 × 5 cards—they are for illustrating your points with images. 

Only Mention Relevant Content

The instructor should also remind students to focus on relevance, not simply list facts. Why is the height of the Eiffel Tower relevant? Maybe civilizations built tall monuments to display their power, which is why the tallest structures were once in Egypt—the greatest civilization at the time—then in Europe and then the United States. Now the tallest buildings are in the Middle East and East Asia; what might that represent?

Choose an Interesting Opener

Most importantly, communication begins with capturing your listener’s attention, be it a friend, class, or auditorium, so students need to consider how to grab and hold their audience’s attention. What opening will pique the listener’s interest? This skill will serve them well in the future.

Don’t be too Strict with the 20-second Limit

Finally, students will need to be coached on how to deal with the 20-second image limit. While the format helps cut out the clutter and get straight to the point of a presentation, Pecha Kucha should not artificially restrain or elongate points to match the visuals. It is a mistake to make each point exactly 20 seconds long, no matter how important. 

Instead, if a point needs 60 seconds to make, the presenter should simply choose three images in sequence to illustrate how it develops. 

A point about human diversity might start with an image of a crowd, then of distinct individuals, then of a small number of individuals from different cultures. In this way, the time restriction can aid cognition by generating new insights. 

We generally think that our ideas should not be influenced by delivery technique, but in reality the medium always influences thinking. Just as a page limit on an article influences its focus and direction, limits on presentation style will influence the thinking that goes into it, and this is a strength of the medium.

Take a look at these two good resources for more ideas on how to use Pecha Kucha in your classes.

Richard Edwards provides excellent advice to teachers and students in Pecha Kucha in the Classroom: Tips and Strategies for Better Presentations at  

The Pecha Kucha website has numerous high-quality examples to get the creative juices flowing at  

This article first appeared in  The Teaching Professor  on June 26, 2017 © Magna Publications. All rights reserved.

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  • PowerPoint and Presenting Stuff

Ten Easy Topics for Pecha Kucha

We have so many interactive and communicative visitors on They get in touch via email, or the feedback forms, or via our chat applet, and even through our LinkedIn and Facebook communities. One question that has come up often is about topics for Pecha Kucha presentations. So I decided to do something about these questions by writing this post about easy topics for Pecha Kucha presentations.

See Also: 10 Tips for Pecha Kucha | Pecha Kucha Questions

Let’s start with wondering about why do readers ask for topic ideas? Why not choose something that’s close to their heart or something that inspires them? That’s because Pecha Kucha presentations are not your typical PowerPoint slide decks. In fact, there’s no rule in Pecha Kucha that dictates you must use PowerPoint. As long as you have twenty slides, it does not matter if you are using PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, Google Slides, a PDF, or even a program that advances photographs. Just remember that these presentations are limited to twenty slides that show up for only twenty seconds each. And the presenter must speak all along, while the slides are showing and changing.

The second reason people ask for topic ideas is that this might be their first Pecha Kucha presentation, and they are not sure what will work, and what won’t.

Yes, it is a good idea to use a simple topic, and it helps if the topic is something you are excited about. The Pecha Kucha site says, “The key to a great presentation is to present something you love.”

But what are simple topics, that excite you, and are interesting to your audiences? Of course, if you already have a topic, you need not read further, but if you are still looking for ideas, here are ten easy topics that you can use for your Pecha Kucha presentations.

1. Share Travel Experiences

Did you get back from an around-the-world trip, or did you go to Antarctica? Or did you do something more simpler, like a sightseeing trip around your own town, or a little more amazing, like a visit to the Great Wall of China or the Taj Mahal in India? Yes, you can show photos, but more importantly, show photos about your experiences while traveling, and speak about those experiences.

Talk about your fears during your travels, and how you overcame them. Was there something surprising that happened–something you never imagined? Did you meet a close friend unexpectedly in a place halfway around the globe? See, any of these travel experiences will interest people, if they are accompanied by some great visuals. But make sure that you don’t get into too much detail because you only have twenty seconds for each slide. And audiences only want to see the larger picture–they don’t want to know about every small detail!

For slides, use pictures that you clicked on your vacation. If you are not the camera-happy type, you can try to get shareable pictures from sites such as Flickr. See our Searching Flickr for Creative Commons Pictures page to learn more.

Taj Mahal

2. Talk Food

If there’s something audiences love more than travel, it’s got to be food. Why? That’s because rather than traveling around the world, food can make the world travel to your table.

If you love to cook, you can share your favorites, and by favorites, this could be just names of your favorite foods with pictures. You want to share entire recipes? Wait, there may not be too much time to share entire recipes, unless you use all twenty slides for just one recipe–and that’s a great idea too. You can then talk about the ingredients, the preparation, the cooking, and the eating.

You can also talk about what recipes you like to cook, and why? Are the ingredients interesting? Or did you invent these recipes? Or are they family recipes handed down through generations?

If you identify yourself more as someone who enjoys eating more than cooking, then you can share a list of your favorite restaurants, and what you like to eat when you go there.

Of course, the food theme has so many more possibilities: you can take about making candy, your success with vegan meals, your discovery of Japanese cuisine, or the herbs you grow in a kitchen garden. As long as you are passionate about food in some way, you already have an amazing topic for your next Pecha Kucha presentation.

So what do you stay away from? Avoid talking too much about violent food, especially if you know your audience has a fair share of vegans and vegetarians. Never show pictures of killed animals, and if some food is not allowed as per customs of a particular religion, you may want to avoid that topic too.

Pictures for food are so easy to click, find, or discover. Just click what you eat at home, whatever you cook, or anything you order at a restaurant. Pictures clicked with your camera phone are usually good enough, as long as you present the food aesthetically.

Pan Pizza

3. Emotions, and Controlling Them

Does any one emotion scare you, or have you found a way to control that emotion? Which emotions? These could be something that you want to control such as fear, jealousy, anger, greed, or any number of other emotions. But then there are positive emotions too that you can talk about, such as caring, happiness, laughter, love (including parenting), and more. Of course, there’s no need to control the positive emotions as much.

With negative emotions, you can devote a few slides about how they come about in people, their disadvantages, and ways to control them.

With positive emotions, you can talk about why they are opposites of negative emotions, and how they can benefit others–and you too.

Clearly, each emotion has so much information available to be shared, that you will have to stop when you have content that is sufficient for twenty slides.

Also, it’s better to not go into too much detail about emotions, and also don’t fall into the trap of sharing too much about yourself in a Pecha Kucha presentation, because not everyone in the audience is your best friend.

Finding pictures about emotions can be the easiest, and also the most difficult! Why? That’s because it’s easy to find pictures about common emotions such as happiness or grief. But complex emotions such as anger or greed are different–how many pictures of angry people can you show? And greed is relative as a subject because one person’s necessity may be another’s indulgence. In such cases, you will have to weave a story and look at situations where these emotions show up. You can also use plain text, such as quotations for such slides, although you’ll have to restrict such quotations to just a few slides.

Fear - Little Boy

4. Looking at the Future

This is a fun topic, and you can let your imagination soar. What about how air travel will function forty years from now? Or how kitchen gadgets will change in the next hundred years?

Or how will changes in electricity, phones, make-up, books, or even security change the society in the next ten, twenty, or thirty years? This type of topic is great because you are only limited by your imagination–and audiences love to explore the future along with you.

You may have a tough time finding visuals that correspond to your imagination. You can therefore doodle on paper, and then scan or photograph your doodles, that can become slides for your Pecha Kucha presentation.

Future Science Fiction

5. Explore Satire

OK, this is not everyone’s cup of tea. But if satire is close to your heart, it can be a great topic for a Pecha Kucha presentation. Make sure you identify that you are using satire right at the beginning, so that your audience can consume your content in the right spirit.

Try to make some fun of yourself too, rather than always poking fun at others–this approach will balance your content. Also, there’s no need to be overly mean or sarcastic. Keep your satire fairly simple. After all, how much complicated can you get in twenty seconds?

Visuals for satire slides can include photographs and cartoons, and you may want to source your visual content from copyright free resources such as Creative Commons or Public Domain repositories.


6. Explain What You Do

How many times have you delivered a presentation for business reasons that tells audiences about what you do, or what your company does? Now what if you were to spin those same slides, and make them a lot less formal? What if you were to remove anything that cannot be shared outside your business, and replace that with fun experiences and even mistakes that taught you lessons? Won’t that make a very interesting Pecha Kucha presentation?

So why not just follow this option, and create an unusual slide deck that explains what you do, but not to business partners or clients! Imagine you have to explain what you do to your ninety-year old grandmother and to a ten-year old nephew–both at the same time? Won’t such an audience give you an excuse to add more pictures? Well, that’s exactly what you need in a Pecha Kucha presentation.

You can click a bunch of selfies and use them here, and even use some of your old pictures. You can share pictures of locations where you worked as long as you are not breaking any copyright rules, and also use anything you please, as long as you believe that you would find these pictures interesting if you were a part of the audience?

What You Do

7. Create a Picture Show About Your Hobby

Do you collect stamps or fruit boxes? Do you enjoy embroidery or video-gaming? Is astrology something you love, or maybe shopping is something you excel at? People have so many hobbies, and the stranger your hobby is, the more interested your audience will be to hear more about it. You can talk about what got you started, why you continued, and why you plan to follow along your hobby for years to come.

And then talk about whether your family loves your hobby or hates it, whether they encourage you or not, and share a funny story that involves your hobby.

The best part about doing a presentation about your hobby is that the content you want to show is right there with you–and you can often click pictures of your collectibles at home. If you have an outdoors hobby, make sure to take your camera along when you stepping out on hobby-time. And if your hobby is photography, then you already have enough visual content.


8. Talk about Pets

Everyone loves pets, because pet-owners want to know more about pets of other people. And those who are not pet-owners want to know what make you so passionate about your pet. Either way, this is a very successful topic because it’s easy to share simple experiences with your pets in a few words, that fits within a single slide; and you can also share a longer experiences across multiple slides.

While talking about dogs and cats can be interesting, talking about uncommon pets may be more interesting for audiences because everyone wants to hear about something they have never experienced, and audiences want to relive those experiences, along with you.

If you have pets, you most certainly have many pictures of them.

Pets Dog

9. Ten, Fifteen, or Twenty

If you find everything difficult, the easiest answer is to create a list of “ten, fifteen, or twenty” best or worst of anything and use that info to create a Pecha Kucha presentation. What about ten favorite songs, twenty favorite movies, or something more exotic like fifteen poisonous plants?

If your list has ten items, you can dedicate two slides per item. If you choose fifteen, you can use the extra five slides to add an intro and conclusion. If your list has twenty items, you get one slide per item.

Such lists can also include inspirational quotes about a particular topic.

For visuals, use anything you like such as pictures, doodles, newspaper clippings, quotes, charts, tables, and even maps–or combine them all together as long as you respect copyrights. Learn more in our Picture Copyrights page.

10. Talk About What Not to Do

OK, here’s your chance to hand out to wisdom to unsuspecting folks. Show your most intelligent facial expression, and share wisdom. Really? Is that even a real suggestion on this list? Yes indeed, but that’s only half the story. Here’s the other half we never told you about: the key to success in such presentations is to show your human self and admit that you have made many mistakes in your life, but you learned from those mistakes, and will now share your wisdom with others.

Every human is different, and is also a subject-matter expert in some sphere. To attain that expertise, you must have made mistakes and must have used those mistakes as stepping stones to success. Talk about those stepping stones, and tell your audience about the mistakes they can avoid.

Visuals for such presentations need to be calm and not overly colorful. Use scenery that shows dawn or dusk.

Stepping Stones Reed

Topics To Stay Away From

As with anything else, stay away from religion, sex, and politics because almost anyone can attend a Pecha Kucha presentation. You should therefore stay away from any topic that could be minutely controversial.

The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer, or company.

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Learn about Pecha Kucha presentation

The following article will put a stop to your never-ending quest for cooler, more effective and more engaging presentations with the popular presentation format called Pecha Kucha, which is a fast, engaging and effective way to deliver succinct and impactful information.

Though there are loads of and ways to communicate your ideas, but the most revolutionary is the  Pecha Kucha  format.

Pecha Kucha is simple layout that asks the speaker to present against a backdrop of twenty slides, each changing every twenty seconds. 

  • What is Pecha Kucha
  • Why create format

What is Pecha Kucha night?

Creating a pecha kucha presentation.

  • Links for reference for Pecha Kucha presentation

What is Pecha Kucha?

Pecha Kucha is a special style of presentation that involves short, powerful messages, where a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds of commentary each (6 minutes and 40 seconds total).

The images advance automatically and you talk in synchrony to the images. Therefore, it’s sometimes called a 20×20 presentation. Since each Pecha Kucha presentation consists of 20 images shown for 20 seconds each – they will auto-advance as a slideshow, so there is no going back, pausing, or skipping around.

 Its translated as “chit-chat” or “the sound of conversation” in Japanese and created by two architects, Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Tokyo’s Klein-Dytham Architecture (KDa ) in 2003 who were inspired by the idea of “talk less, show more”. The first Pecha Kucha Night was held in Tokyo in their gallery/lounge/bar/club/creative kitchen, SuperDeluxe, in February, 2003.

 Klein Dytham architecture still organize and support the global Pecha Kucha Night network and organize Pecha Kucha Night Tokyo. It’s quite similar to a haiku poem in terms of its composition.

Here are few examples of Pecha Kucha presentations

pecha kucha presentation examples youtube

Why create Pecha Kucha format?

Because architects talk too much, like any other creative person, can go on forever once handed over a microphone and images to present.  So the basis of Pecha Kucha is presenting 20 images, each for 20 seconds a piece the kicker is that the slides advance automatically to discourage rambling and to keep the presenter on track. The presentations are concise, specific and powerful.

If you consider some of the downsides of traditional presentations and how easy it is to lose the audience’s interest, the benefits of Pecha Kucha are more apparent. For presenters, the format is predetermined so a lot of the guess work is taken out of building a talk. For the audience, every 20 seconds the slides, and therefore the ideas, advance, meaning it’s easier to stay engaged and attentive.

Here’s a link on how to make efficient use of the time spent on a presentation as of industry standard and you can notice the attention span is decreasing day by day thus Peach Kucha also gaining popularity

Originally started in Tokyo, Pecha Kucha has spread through the idea of the Pecha Kucha Night™, which is a fun and informal gathering where creative people come together and on any topics such as travels, research projects, student projects, hobbies, collections, or other interests in the Pecha Kucha 20×20 format.

These informal get-togethers have reached nearly 700 cities in the world and give anyone a platform to share their work, ideas or whatever they’re passionate about.

 A typical Pecha Kucha Night (PKN) normally includes 8 to 14 presentations. Organizers in some cities have customized their own format.

 For example, in  Groningen, Netherlands, two six-minute, 40-second presentation slots are given to a live band, and the final 20 seconds of each presentation includes an immediate critique of the presentation by the host’s sidekicks.

pecha kucha presentation examples youtube

Another such example of a Pecha Kucha night held in Mumbai is in the link

This is how you can prepare a Pecha Kucha presentation and improve your presentation.

1. Choosing a topic

If you’re a beginner start out with a topic you love or are passionate about. This way not only will your passion shine through your presentation but also motivate you and make it more personal.

Many times, presenters get tempted to choose complicated topics that need so many facts to be explained even before you get to the topic.

 Let’s face it – not everything in this world is simple enough to be explained in less than 7 minutes. But you can simplify your topic, or you can choose another topic that is simple enough to be explained within that time frame.

Once you have chosen a topic, leave out the un-required and focus on your message – you should be able to condense the gist of your entire message in one, simple line. Then elaborate as required.

2. Creating an outline

Once you’ve decided on the topic, you should start with an outline. You can call your outline a structure, a story, etc.

Think about the main points you want to make about it. These will likely guide what your images will be. It’s suggested that you write down the two key points you want to make for each slide and try to stick to that.

 You can make use of paper sheets, PostIt notes, an iPad or tablet, or even Microsoft Word, Evernote, or OneNote. Work with whichever medium makes you feel comfortable, as long as you end up with a rough outline.

Outlining will help streamline your content and focus on the most important points of your message.

3. Creating slides

Once you’re done with outlining, import your outline into PowerPoint or any other slide program. PowerPoint can import outlines to create slides, but even if you do not want to import your outline, you can still create slides from your text content.

Keep it simple without the use of texts, bullet points or facts and figures. You The key point of a successful Pecha Kucha is the strong, impactful and striking images along with the speak over.

Check out this link on how to cut down on texts used in a ppt

4. Images  

Images are the key to an effective Pecha Kucha talk. Try to find images that are illustrations or metaphors of your key points and / or use words as image.

This makes delivery of your presentation much easier, as you’re not trying to race through a list of points. It also makes your presentation more engaging. The images you choose should reinforce your ideas. Make sure your images are high quality and that you have permission to use them. You can reach to professional agency for designing PowerPoint presentation if you are participating in high stake meeting

5. Practice

Practice, practice, practice! That’s the only way to get the presentation to flow like a conversation. Practice really makes the difference and it is okay to have notes.

The best way to get rid of those nerves and build confidence for speaking in front of a group is to practice your presentation several times. You can either learn your speech by heart, word to word or understand the meaning of each slide and talk about it naturally.

Though you may be tempted to fit as much words as possible in the 20 seconds per slide time limit try to keep your voice natural and calm at an appropriate pace with the audience. Remember Pecha Kucha is a space for creativity.

Links for reference  


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Pecha Kucha presentations explained

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Anete Ezera January 24, 2024

We’ve all experienced those lengthy presentations that are overflowing with details, yet they’re so cluttered that we hardly absorb any of the information. When it’s your turn to present, you’ll want a method that captures your audience’s attention and communicates your message clearly. This is where the Pecha Kucha technique comes into play. When you combine this with Prezi for your presentation design , you’re setting yourself up for a successful delivery.

A women presenting a presentation with a school presentation theme

What is a Pecha Kucha presentation? 

Many elements make a Pecha Kucha presentation different from conventional styles. Let’s look at what makes up a PechaKucha: 

  • Basic concept: PechaKucha is a presentation style designed to be concise and fast-paced.
  • Slide count: It uses exactly 20 slides.
  • Timing: Each slide is displayed for 20 seconds.
  • Total duration: This means your entire presentation will last 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
  • Content approach: The idea is to make your points quickly and clearly. It’s more about the key ideas rather than lots of details.
  • Purpose: The Pecha Kucha format helps to avoid long and complicated presentations. It keeps things simple and engaging.
  • Common use: It’s popular in creative and professional settings. People often use it to share new ideas or projects.
  • Audience engagement: With its quick pace, it tends to hold the audience’s attention better than traditional presentation styles.

In summary, a Pecha Kucha presentation is all about brevity and clarity. You get just enough time to make your point, but not so much that your audience loses interest. It’s a great way to present if you want to leave a lasting impression without overwhelming your listeners with too much information.

A man presenting on stage, giving a Ted Talk presentation.

Where did this presentation style come from? 

The Pecha Kucha presentation style originated in Tokyo back in 2003, created by architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham. They noticed a common problem at meetups where speakers, often overenthusiastic or poorly prepared, would go on for too long, causing the audience to lose interest. So, they came up with PechaKucha as a solution. 

This style was created to keep presentations short and clear. It lets speakers share their ideas or work in a time-efficient and engaging way. The PechaKucha became popular quickly, as it became known for helping make presentations easier to understand.

The name ‘PechaKucha’ translates to ‘chit-chat’. A great reflection of the formats designed for simple, fast-paced presentations, where each speaker shares their ideas in a brief, conversational manner. 

Growth in popularity

Since its start in 2003, Pecha Kucha presentations have really taken off. By 2019, it had spread to more than 1,142 cities, and over 3 million people had attended PechaKucha events . This shows just how well-received and adaptable this presentation style is across the globe, resonating with a wide range of audiences.

Who might use a Pecha Kucha presentation? 

Pecha Kucha presentations are quite versatile, so they’re used by a wide range of people and industries. Let’s look at a few examples:

  • Educators and students: In schools and universities, teachers and students use Pecha Kucha for classroom presentations. It’s great for keeping lectures engaging and helping students learn to express their ideas concisely.
  • Designers and architects: This is where Pecha Kucha presentations started. Design professionals use it to showcase their projects or concepts in a format that’s quick and visually driven, perfect for highlighting design elements.
  • Business professionals: In the corporate world, from startups to large companies, Pecha Kucha helps in pitching ideas or presenting updates without dragging on. It’s effective for keeping meetings efficient and focused.
  • Marketing teams: Marketing professionals use it to brainstorm and present campaign ideas. The format forces them to boil down their concepts to the essentials, which is key in marketing.
  • Tech industry: In tech, where things change rapidly, Pecha Kucha allows professionals to share updates or innovations in a fast-paced, digestible manner, which is crucial for keeping up with the industry’s pace.
  • Creative artists: Artists, photographers, and writers use it to present their work or concepts in a narrative yet concise way, often to peers or potential clients.

Pecha Kucha presentations are popular in many fields because they emphasize being brief and clear. It pushes presenters to get straight to the point, which is vital in our fast-paced world. Also, its structured format brings in a creative aspect, making presentations more than just informative, but artistic too.

pecha kucha presentation examples youtube

Pecha Kucha in the digital age

Today, where virtual settings are dominating in business and education, Pecha Kucha presentations stand out. This format’s concise nature is perfect for online meetings and webinars, where keeping the audience engaged is crucial. And with the Prezi Video functionality, you don’t need to settle for screen sharing – you can effectively showcase your slides right next to you on-screen, improving engagement.

It’s also a great tool in online education, helping to deliver compact lessons that are easy for students to digest. This blend of brevity and visual storytelling makes Pecha Kucha presentations an ideal choice for digital communication.

Prezi Video

Tips for making the most of your virtual Pecha Kucha presentation

  • Test your tech: Ensure your microphone, camera, and internet connection are stable, and your Prezi Video is connected.
  • Engage your audience: Although uncommon in traditional Pecha Kucha presentations, in adapting Pecha Kucha for virtual settings, you can consider interactive elements like polls or Q&A to enhance engagement, especially in an environment where audience attention can be more fragmented.
  • Practice timing: Rehearse to keep each slide to 20 seconds. Online environments demand precise timing to hold attention.
  • Eye contact: Although virtual, try to look at the camera to create a sense of connection with your audience.

Challenges and tips for overcoming them in Pecha Kucha presentations

While Pecha Kucha presentations offer a unique and engaging way to convey information, they also come with their own set of challenges. Here are some common challenges that presenters may face and tips on how to overcome them:

Content selection

When it comes to picking what goes on each slide, it can be a bit tricky. The key here is to keep things focused. Stick to your main ideas and visuals that really back up what you’re saying. Avoid adding in extra stuff that doesn’t directly support your message.


Presenting in a fast-paced style like Pecha Kucha can make anyone feel a bit jittery. To tackle this , practice your presentation in front of friends or colleagues. Getting comfortable with your material and the timing can help ease those nerves.

Technical issues

Whether you’re presenting digitally or in person, tech problems can pop up unexpectedly. It’s a good idea to be ready for these hiccups by testing your equipment beforehand. Having a backup plan in case of any technical glitches will ensure your presentation stays smooth and professional.

Lack of detail

Pecha Kucha is all about brevity, but sometimes, you might worry about leaving out important details. To deal with this, consider offering extra resources or references for those who want to dive deeper into your topic after your presentation.

Slide design

Creating visually appealing slides that match your message can be a bit of a challenge. Don’t hesitate to use Prezi’s design tools to your advantage. And if you’re not sure about your presentation’s look, asking for feedback on its aesthetics can be really helpful.

By recognizing and getting ready for these challenges, you’ll be well-prepared to make sure your Pecha Kucha presentation delivers your message effectively.

Learn more about creating and delivering a Pecha Kucha presentation in the following video:

Prezi: the best platform to create your Pecha Kucha presentation 

Prezi is well-suited for Pecha Kucha presentations for many reasons. First, its non-linear presentation style allows for creative storytelling , which aligns with the concise and impactful nature of Pecha Kucha. The zooming feature of Prezi helps to maintain audience engagement , a key aspect of Pecha Kucha. Also, Prezi’s visual-centric approach is perfect for Pecha Kucha’s emphasis on visuals over text. And finally, Prezi’s ease of use and flexibility in arranging content helps presenters focus on timing, crucial for the 20 seconds per slide format of Pecha Kucha.

How to create a Pecha Kucha using Prezi

Creating a Pecha Kucha presentation using Prezi involves a few key steps:

  • Start a new Prezi: Choose a blank presentation or a template or one that suits your topic.
  • Plan your content: Since Pecha Kucha requires 20 slides, each for 20 seconds, outline your main points to fit this format.
  • Choose a theme: Think about a theme such as colors and fonts that align with the message of your Pecha Kucha. You want to be consistent on every slide so be sure to use the same theme throughout the whole presentation.
  • Add slides: Create 20 slides in Prezi. Focus on using images and minimal text for each slide. This will help you attain your goal of sharp, concise content, which is crucial for a Pecha Kucha presentation.
  • Design your slides: Use Prezi’s tools to add visuals, keeping in mind the zoom and pan features that can make transitions more engaging.
  • Time for your presentation: Practice your speech to ensure each slide is presented for 20 seconds.
  • Rehearse: Run through your presentation multiple times to get the timing right.

Remember, Prezi’s strength is in creating visually appealing and non-linear presentations, which can add a dynamic element to your Pecha Kucha.

A young woman in a modern office space uses a laptop at a desk. Space for copy.

Presenting your Pecha Kucha

So, you’ve designed and created your Pecha Kucha, but what about presenting it successfully? Here’s some tips for presenting your Pecha Kucha in the most effective way: 

  • Start strong: Open by saying something engaging to grab attention immediately. Your first slide sets the tone.
  • Confidence: Always use strong body language to make yourself appear confident, even if you’re not. Good posture, clear gestures, and a loud voice can make you seem self-assured despite nerves. 
  • Storytelling: Weave your information into a fast-paced story. Stories are easier for audiences to follow and remember.
  • Visuals are key: Use strong, relevant images. Pecha Kucha is visually driven; let your pictures do the talking.
  • Minimize text: Avoid clutter. Use key phrases or words only, as visuals should lead the narrative.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Know your material well. This ensures smooth transitions and timing.
  • Keep to the point: Focus on your main message. Each slide should contribute clearly to your overall point. During the speech, choose your words wisely to stick to the punchy, attention-grabbing method of Pecha Kucha. 
  • Engage with your audience: Make eye contact. Engaging with your audience creates a connection.
  • Use humor wisely: If appropriate, humor can make your presentation memorable. But keep it relevant.
  • Time management: Again, it’s important to stick to the 20-second rule per slide to maintain pace and structure.
  • End with impact: Conclude with a strong, memorable point or call to action. Leave your audience with something to think about.

Young businesswoman saying thank-you to audience after seminar. Happy businesswoman smiling and saying thank-you to her team in office.

It’s essential to understand that how you deliver your Pecha Kucha is as crucial as its design. A confident and clear presentation keeps the audience engaged and interested in your message. Preparation is key. Stick to your plan and avoid deviating or getting sidetracked, as this can disrupt the structure and purpose of your Pecha Kucha.

Final thoughts on Pecha Kucha presentations

Wrapping up, Pecha Kucha presentations are a great way to share ideas effectively, especially in the digital era. They are quick, focused, and keep audiences engaged. For creating these presentations, Prezi stands out as an ideal tool. Its features complement the Pecha Kucha style, helping your presentation make a stronger impact. If you’re planning your next presentation, give Prezi a try to bring your Pecha Kucha to life.

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PechaKucha: PowerPoint Presentations with a Difference

For those of us interested in presentation techniques, PechaKucha is a two-word term that we hear often. Although it may sound like some exotic dish you order off a menu, PechaKucha is in fact an incredibly unique form of presenting.

A PechaKucha presentation is designed to save your audience from the dreaded “death by PowerPoint”. Keep reading to find out what PechaKucha is all about and how you can use it to your advantage.

What is PechaKucha?

PechaKucha is a Japanese word that translates to something like “confused chatter” or “babble of voices”.

PechaKucha was brought to life in 2003 by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Klein Dytham Architecture in Tokyo. This presentation technique was invented by architects, but it works wonderfully for short presentations in other industries , such as tourism, wellness or in marketing and management.

The reason behind PechaKucha presentations

PechaKucha Sucess faktors for your PowerPoint presentatio

PechaKucha is an innovative method that makes  slideshows, or PowerPoint presentations, more effective. Presentations are often drawn out and dull, and the average person’s attention span is short. This means that during a long presentation, only small fragments of the key content are being absorbed.

PowerPoint experts often speak of “death by PowerPoint” . Metaphorically speaking, this is when many audience members switch off before they’ve even heard the core of the presentation. The solution for this is: the PechaKucha presentation .

The PechaKucha presentation is a unique, short presentation with a fixed duration. The presentation contains 20 slides, each of which is shown for 20 seconds. The entire presentation has a length of exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds .

Presenters have no control over this and must strictly adhere to the time frame. This ensures that an audience is able to take in all key information. The presentation’s script has to be aligned exactly with the slides shown. You can find tips on how to do this further down in the article.

Another distinctive feature of the PechaKucha presentation is that the 20 slides are not text slides, but picture slides. Your audience sees only one image with no or little text while you have a time window of 20 seconds to explain it. The PechaKucha presentation focuses on meaningful images and graphics . The goal of this method is to  convey content concisely , avoid “death by PowerPoint” and increase an audience’s attention .

The PechaKucha presentation has many advantages :

  • A fixed time frame: Presenters have no opportunity to drag out and prolong their presentations unnecessarily.
  • Boiled-down information: Presentation content is to the point and easier to understand.
  • An entertaining presentation: PechaKucha’s brevity is a breath of fresh air for an audience. “Death by PowerPoint” is completely avoided.
  • Variety: With its unique structure, a PechaKucha presentation is anything but commonplace; it has a unique appeal and becoming increasingly popular.

PechaKucha doesn’t work for every presentation topic

Think carefully about whether a PechaKucha presentation is the right type of presentation for your topic . For example, PechaKucha doesn’t lend itself well to presentations on financial reports or related topics. Due to PechaKucha’s time constraints, valuable information on graphs or charts can easily get lost, leaving the audience with a lot of questions.

This type of presentation is also not recommended for topics that require discussion. There is simply no time to include questions or discussion points in the allotted time frame.

How to prepare for a PechaKucha presentation

PechaKucha that's how you prepare yourself right

Preparation is key for a PechaKucha presentation. The visuals need to be carefully selected and suit your presentation to a tee . Other things to consider are:

  • How should you structure your presentation?
  • What storytelling elements can you bring to the table?
  • What do you want to convey? What is your core message?
  • How can your images reinforce your core message?
  • Where can you find suitable images?

Tip #1: Divide your presentation into a beginning, middle and end.

You have two options. If your topic is complex and you don’t want to waste time, you can go straight to your main point . Or you can build an arc of suspense by starting your presentation with a short anecdote , and then lead your audience to the actual topic. This allows you to establish surprising references and create little aha moments.

Other possibilities for a suspense-building opening are:

  • A question (with or without a vote)
  • A short story

For the conclusion, grab your audience’s full attention with a call to action . More information about this can be found here .

Tip #2: Storytelling and PechaKucha go hand in hand.

Nothing creates a dramatic build-up and arc of suspense better than storytelling . This is how you evoke emotions in the audience. Draw from life; tell about moving, involving moments. For more tips, check out our storytelling article .

Tip #3: Focus on the core message.

Define your key message as precisely as possible and weave your presentation around it. Get as familiar with your topic as you can. You’ll quickly find a convincing presentation structure that fills the 7 minutes informatively and gets to the heart of the matter.

Further tips on this can be found in our blog post .

Tip #4: Find images that follow your storyline.

You want to develop a story that your audience can invest themselves in. People love visual stimuli. Your images, photos or even graphics should be crisp and in a high enough resolution. Remember that pictures play a key role in a PechaKucha presentation .

Choose pictures that will pique your audience’s interest . Pictures with an object in the middle often work well. In contrast, statistics or images with too much detail don’t translate well in a PechaKucha time frame.

Of course, the images should correspond to your topic . Randomly selected images without a deep connection to the presentation quickly look unprofessional and out of place.

Tip #5: Pictures can be found everywhere.

Take your own photos with your camera or smartphone, scan photos from newspapers, magazines or books, buy images from providers like Fotolia, use graphics programs, or create your own collages and drawings. There are so many possibilities! If you’re using something other than your own image, don’t forget to acknowledge the source on each slide.

Tip #6: Practice your presentation.

Giving a PechaKucha presentation takes practice. The strict time frame requires you to deliver your presentation fluidly. Stumbles or other mishaps could waste valuable time. Practice A LOT in advance. Also, pay attention to your body language while you present. Try to stay relaxed and speak with intention.

PechaKucha Nights (PKN)

PechaKucha Nights

The PechaKucha presentation has become so popular that there are gatherings all over the world called PechaKucha Nights . The PKNs take place mainly in large cities, such as Cologne or Berlin. You can find more information about these evenings and what’s happening near you on the official PechaKucha website .

Try a PechaKucha PowerPoint presentation – a unique way of presenting

Compared to standard PowerPoint presentations, PechaKuchas come from a different angle and is not without its challenges. Its picture slideshow makes choosing the right images even more important than with an ordinary presentation .

On top of that, you’re limited by the time frame . But PechaKucha offers one huge advantage: you won’t lose your audience’s attention and you’ll save them from the dreaded “death by PowerPoint” .

Think about whether your topic fits this type of presentation and its time frame. Prepare well for the presentation and take our tips to heart.

Do you have any questions about PechaKucha presentations or PowerPoint in general? Feel free to contact us by sending an email to [email protected] . We’re here to help!

Are you looking for professionally designed slide templates to form the cornerstone of your presentation? Feel free to take a look around our shop. You’ll find a wide variety of slides on numerous topics. You’re sure to find something for your presentation! ► To the shop

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JSmol Viewer

The effect of augmented reality on learning meiosis via guided inquiry and pecha kucha: a quasi-experimental design.

pecha kucha presentation examples youtube

1. Introduction

1.1. inquiry-based learning and guided inquiry, 1.2. pecha kucha, 1.3. ar and ar application, 2. materials and methods, 2.1. experiment plan, 2.2. ar app división meiótica 3d, 2.3. knowledge assessment tests, 2.4. statistical analyses, 3.1. students learning performance on post-test (q1), 3.2. students learning performance on follow-up test (q2), 3.3. students learning performance when using ar with guided inquiry and pecha kucha (q3), 3.4. students learning performance when using only guided inquiry and pecha kucha (q4), 4. discussion, 5. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

Class (Group)ARMaleFemaleN TotalAverage Age
A (control group)no16143016
B (experimental group)yes18102816
C (experimental group)yes16716
Total 35306516
First 90-Min Lesson
Orientation: Inform students that the work will be done in groups of three, with support from the manual, internet research using the Search Coach integrated into Teams, to answer the research problem presented. Explain that they will create a PowerPoint as the final product, according to the Pecha Kucha methodology (exclusively images representing the meiosis process with narration), with a limit of 11 slides and 20 s of narration per slide.
Conceptualisation: The defined research question was “How does cell division by meiosis takes place?”
Investigation: Students used the manual and the internet, exclusively using the Search Coach integrated into Teams, to research and gather information, which they organised and recorded in a Word document submitted on Teams.
Conclusion: Students created the PowerPoint, using the Pecha Kucha methodology to present the cell division process by meiosis, based on the collected information.
Used the División Meiótica 3D app that triggers AR through markers.No use of the AR app.
second 90-min lesson
Discussion: Each group made a 3-min and 40-s presentation (20 s per slide). At the end of each presentation, a feedback session was provided by peers and the teacher.
post-test moment
An assessment composed of eight items.
follow-up moment (fifteen days later)
The global test included a group of ten items on meiosis.
(multiple choice)
Meiosis has two successive stages, designated as division I and II. The main characteristic of these divisions is that division I
(__) is equational and division II is reductional.
(__) allows DNA replication and division II reduces ploidy.
(__) is reductional and division II is equational.
(__) allows the reduction of ploidy and division II allows DNA replication.
(multiple choice)
In the phase where cell 1 is located, the nuclei presents _____ amount of DNA and the set of chromosomes they possess is genetically _____.
(__) the same … identical
(__)the same … different
(__) different … different
(__) different … identical
A donkey and a horse are capable of mating and producing offspring, the mule. The mule has 63 chromosomes in its cells, with the donkey father having 62 chromosomes and the horse mother having 64.
Explain why the mule is unable to produce gametes and therefore cannot have offspring.
Class (Group)ARPost TestFollow-Up
A (CG)no102.8338.0740185200144.3040.7061200200
B (EG)yes123.3937.3965190200154.7940.3761200200
Class (Group)-TestStatisticdfpSkewnesspKurtosisp
A (CG)–post-test0.955300.2310.3580.427−0.6190.833
B (EG)–post-test0.951280.2090.1520.441−1.1650.858
A (CG)–follow-up0.942300.101−0.1090.427−0.8840.833
B (EG)–follow-up0.915280.027−0.6400.441−0.4950.858
Class (Group)-TestNAverageSDtp
A (CG)–post-test30102.8338.07−2.070.021
B (EG)–post-test28123.3937.39
Class (Group) TestNAverageSDtp
A (CG)–follow-up30144.3040.70−0.980.165
B (EG)–follow-up28154.7940.37
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Share and Cite

Faria, A.; Lobato Miranda, G. The Effect of Augmented Reality on Learning Meiosis via Guided Inquiry and Pecha Kucha: A Quasi-Experimental Design. Information 2024 , 15 , 566.

Faria A, Lobato Miranda G. The Effect of Augmented Reality on Learning Meiosis via Guided Inquiry and Pecha Kucha: A Quasi-Experimental Design. Information . 2024; 15(9):566.

Faria, António, and Guilhermina Lobato Miranda. 2024. "The Effect of Augmented Reality on Learning Meiosis via Guided Inquiry and Pecha Kucha: A Quasi-Experimental Design" Information 15, no. 9: 566.

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    pecha kucha presentation examples youtube

  2. "Pecha Kucha" Marketing Presentation Example

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  3. Pecha Kucha Example Presentation on Fear of Public Speaking

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  4. How to make a Pecha Kucha Presentation?

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  5. Pecha Kucha Examples : Pecha Kucha Format For Presentations

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  6. Creating a Pecha Kucha Presentation Using PowerPoint

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  1. Pecha Kucha presentation

  2. Pecha Kucha Presentation Zeel

  3. 5 Minutes Recipe

  4. Pecha Kucha presentation

  5. Canva

  6. Lacchha pakora easy & quick recipe


  1. What makes a great PechaKucha Presentation

    Brian Scott Peterson, PechaKucha's Global Dude at PKHQ in Tokyo, has watched literally 1000's of PechaKucha Presentations. He has given quite a few as well a...


    Dear Fellow Teachers,Videos' accessibility, usability, and adaptability to this New Normal Mode of Learning are valuable assets to students, educators, and e...

  3. How to make a PechaKucha presentation for class [for students ...

    Learn the basics of PechaKucha, a creative and engaging presentation style, with tips and examples from this YouTube video.

  4. How to Craft a Highly Effective Pecha Kucha Presentation

    3. Create Engaging Visuals. Visuals are central in Pecha Kucha presentations, serving as the primary means of communication and engagement. Choose high-quality images, graphics, and videos that complement your message and enhance understanding. Keep text to a minimum, using keywords or short phrases to reinforce key points.

  5. What is a Pecha Kucha Presentation?

    Pecha Kucha, chit-chat in Japanese, is a unique presentation style. These presentations are known for telling stories through images rather than text and are typically brief. They use the 20x20 rule, where each presentation consists of 20 slides, and each slide is displayed for only 20 seconds, automatically progressing to the next one.

  6. How to Create a Highly Effective Pecha Kucha Presentation

    How to Make a Pecha Kucha Presentation (Step by Step) 1. Define Your Main Message. Defining your main message is crucial in preparing a presentation or communication, and also when preparing a Pecha Kucha presentation. When you can pinpoint the core message you want to convey during a presentation, it becomes easier to identify which ...

  7. How PechaKucha Works: Tips for PechaKucha Presentations

    PechaKucha works in a specific format for both words and images. The format is as follows: 1. The topic: Presenters at a PechaKucha Night must deliver a speech on a predetermined topic. The format may relate to their work or interests, and the presenter must use twenty slides to support their presentation. 2.

  8. Creating a Pecha Kucha Presentation Using PowerPoint

    Pecha Kucha is a simple presentation format devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham where you show 20 slides or images, each for only 20 second. The images ...

  9. Pecha Kucha Presentation: Mastering the 20x20 Slide Format

    There's a new and interesting presentation format gaining popularity called Pecha Kucha (pronounced peh-chah kuh-chah). This comes from Japan and means "chit-chat". Pecha Kucha offers a fresh way to share ideas that's both short and engaging. Here's how it works: presenters use 20 slides that change automatically every 20 seconds.

  10. PDF Pecha Kucha: Tips, Resources & Examples

    A "Pecha Kucha" or 20×20 presentation contains 20 slides, with each slide shown for 20 seconds, for a presentation of exactly 6 minutes, 40 seconds. The format is similar to an "Ignite Talk", which is 20×15 (i.e. 20 slides, 15 seconds per slide, 5 minutes in length), so advice for preparing and delivering Ignite and Pecha Kucha ...

  11. PechaKucha Presentation: Introduction of myself

    Description. Introduce about myself such as my background, career object, experience, live environment, volunteer job, and my favourites. Transcript. today I'm gonna interview about my show about four including Ali Changle family My right Red white from the university and persuade my dream study a process in Australia fighting toward chip My goal.

  12. Tips for Pecha Kucha Presentations

    Finally, students will need to be coached on how to deal with the 20-second image limit. While the format helps cut out the clutter and get straight to the point of a presentation, Pecha Kucha should not artificially restrain or elongate points to match the visuals. It is a mistake to make each point exactly 20 seconds long, no matter how ...

  13. Ten Easy Topics for Pecha Kucha

    Image: Pixabay. 5. Explore Satire. OK, this is not everyone's cup of tea. But if satire is close to your heart, it can be a great topic for a Pecha Kucha presentation. Make sure you identify that you are using satire right at the beginning, so that your audience can consume your content in the right spirit.

  14. How To Create a Pecha Kucha Presentation

    5. Practice. Practice, practice, practice! That's the only way to get the presentation to flow like a conversation. Practice really makes the difference and it is okay to have notes. The best way to get rid of those nerves and build confidence for speaking in front of a group is to practice your presentation several times.

  15. Pecha kucha presentation

    Is death by power point a problem in your organisation? Here are some tips on the pecha kucha presentation style. Simple 20 x 20 (only 6 minutes and 40 secon...

  16. The Perfect Pecha Kucha Presentation

    Let's look at what makes up a PechaKucha: Basic concept: PechaKucha is a presentation style designed to be concise and fast-paced. Slide count: It uses exactly 20 slides. Timing: Each slide is displayed for 20 seconds. Total duration: This means your entire presentation will last 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

  17. PechaKucha of the Day

    Give the PechaKucha a like and let the Presenter know that you're inspired by their story! This is your space to share your thoughts about PechaKucha of the Day! Welcome! Welcome to the PechaKucha of the Day Community, everyone! Here we'll be featuring and discussing PK Presentations that PKHQ had curated and deemed worthy of the title ...

  18. Pecha Kucha on presenting a Pecha Kucha

    A 20 slide Pecha Kucha offering tips for constructing a 20 slide Pecha Kucha. Prepared by Matthew Bird with the hope that my RISD History of Industrial Desig...

  19. PechaKucha Presentations: The Art of Visual Storytelling

    The PechaKucha presentation is a unique, short presentation with a fixed duration. The presentation contains 20 slides, each of which is shown for 20 seconds. The entire presentation has a length of exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Presenters have no control over this and must strictly adhere to the time frame.

  20. 3. Sample of Pecha Kucha Presentation

    LIA English Competition (LEC) 2017

  21. Information

    This study investigates the effectiveness of using augmented reality (AR), combined with guided inquiry and the Pecha Kucha technique, on students' academic outcomes when learning meiosis. The main objective was to analyse whether this combination presents significant differences in the academic performance of students in the experimental group (EG) compared to the control group (CG), who ...


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  23. Pecha Kucha

    LSU, Interior Design - Health & Wellness course, LEED Certified Pecha Kucha Presentation (20 second slides)