PHP Tutorial

  • PHP Tutorial
  • PHP - Introduction
  • PHP - Installation
  • PHP - History
  • PHP - Features
  • PHP - Syntax
  • PHP - Hello World
  • PHP - Comments
  • PHP - Variables
  • PHP - Echo/Print
  • PHP - var_dump
  • PHP - $ and $$ Variables
  • PHP - Constants
  • PHP - Magic Constants
  • PHP - Data Types
  • PHP - Type Casting
  • PHP - Type Juggling
  • PHP - Strings
  • PHP - Boolean
  • PHP - Integers
  • PHP - Files & I/O
  • PHP - Maths Functions
  • PHP - Heredoc & Nowdoc
  • PHP - Compound Types
  • PHP - File Include
  • PHP - Date & Time
  • PHP - Scalar Type Declarations
  • PHP - Return Type Declarations
  • PHP Operators
  • PHP - Operators
  • PHP - Arithmatic Operators
  • PHP - Comparison Operators
  • PHP - Logical Operators
  • PHP - Assignment Operators
  • PHP - String Operators
  • PHP - Array Operators
  • PHP - Conditional Operators
  • PHP - Spread Operator
  • PHP - Null Coalescing Operator
  • PHP - Spaceship Operator
  • PHP Control Statements
  • PHP - Decision Making
  • PHP - If…Else Statement
  • PHP - Switch Statement
  • PHP - Loop Types
  • PHP - For Loop
  • PHP - Foreach Loop
  • PHP - While Loop
  • PHP - Do…While Loop
  • PHP - Break Statement
  • PHP - Continue Statement
  • PHP - Arrays
  • PHP - Indexed Array
  • PHP - Associative Array
  • PHP - Multidimensional Array
  • PHP - Array Functions
  • PHP - Constant Arrays
  • PHP Functions
  • PHP - Functions
  • PHP - Function Parameters
  • PHP - Call by value
  • PHP - Call by Reference
  • PHP - Default Arguments
  • PHP - Named Arguments
  • PHP - Variable Arguments
  • PHP - Returning Values
  • PHP - Passing Functions
  • PHP - Recursive Functions
  • PHP - Type Hints
  • PHP - Variable Scope
  • PHP - Strict Typing
  • PHP - Anonymous Functions
  • PHP - Arrow Functions
  • PHP - Variable Functions
  • PHP - Local Variables
  • PHP - Global Variables
  • PHP Superglobals
  • PHP - Superglobals
  • PHP - $_SERVER
  • PHP - $_POST
  • PHP - $_GET
  • PHP - $_FILES
  • PHP - $_ENV
  • PHP - $_COOKIE
  • PHP File Handling
  • PHP - File Handling
  • PHP - Open File
  • PHP - Read File
  • PHP - Write File
  • PHP - File Existence
  • PHP - Download File
  • PHP - Copy File
  • PHP - Append File
  • PHP - Delete File
  • PHP - Handle CSV File
  • PHP - File Permissions
  • PHP - Create Directory
  • PHP - Listing Files
  • Object Oriented PHP
  • PHP - Object Oriented Programming
  • PHP - Classes and Objects
  • PHP - Constructor and Destructor
  • PHP - Access Modifiers
  • PHP - Inheritance
  • PHP - Class Constants
  • PHP - Abstract Classes
  • PHP - Interfaces
  • PHP - Traits
  • PHP - Static Methods
  • PHP - Static Properties
  • PHP - Namespaces
  • PHP - Object Iteration
  • PHP - Encapsulation
  • PHP - Final Keyword
  • PHP - Overloading
  • PHP - Cloning Objects
  • PHP - Anonymous Classes
  • PHP Web Development
  • PHP - Web Concepts
  • PHP - Form Handling
  • PHP - Form Validation
  • PHP - Form Email/URL
  • PHP - Complete Form
  • PHP - File Inclusion
  • PHP - GET & POST
  • PHP - File Uploading
  • PHP - Cookies
  • PHP - Sessions
  • PHP - Session Options
  • PHP - Sending Emails
  • PHP - Sanitize Input
  • PHP - Post-Redirect-Get (PRG)
  • PHP - Flash Messages
  • PHP - AJAX Introduction
  • PHP - AJAX Search
  • PHP - AJAX XML Parser
  • PHP - AJAX Auto Complete Search
  • PHP - AJAX RSS Feed Example
  • PHP - XML Introduction
  • PHP - Simple XML Parser
  • PHP - SAX Parser Example
  • PHP - DOM Parser Example
  • PHP Login Example
  • PHP - Login Example
  • PHP - Facebook and Paypal Integration
  • PHP - Facebook Login
  • PHP - Paypal Integration
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  • PHP Advanced
  • PHP - MySQL
  • PHP.INI File Configuration
  • PHP - Array Destructuring
  • PHP - Coding Standard
  • PHP - Regular Expression
  • PHP - Error Handling
  • PHP - Try…Catch
  • PHP - Bugs Debugging
  • PHP - For C Developers
  • PHP - For PERL Developers
  • PHP - Frameworks
  • PHP - Core PHP vs Frame Works
  • PHP - Design Patterns
  • PHP - Filters
  • PHP - Callbacks
  • PHP - Exceptions
  • PHP - Special Types
  • PHP - Hashing
  • PHP - Encryption
  • PHP - is_null() Function
  • PHP - System Calls
  • PHP - HTTP Authentication
  • PHP - Swapping Variables
  • PHP - Closure::call()
  • PHP - Filtered unserialize()
  • PHP - IntlChar
  • PHP - Expectations
  • PHP - Use Statement
  • PHP - Integer Division
  • PHP - Deprecated Features
  • PHP - Removed Extensions & SAPIs
  • PHP - FastCGI Process
  • PHP - PDO Extension
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PHP - Assignment Operators Examples

You can use assignment operators in PHP to assign values to variables. Assignment operators are shorthand notations to perform arithmetic or other operations while assigning a value to a variable. For instance, the "=" operator assigns the value on the right-hand side to the variable on the left-hand side.

Additionally, there are compound assignment operators like +=, -= , *=, /=, and %= which combine arithmetic operations with assignment. For example, "$x += 5" is a shorthand for "$x = $x + 5", incrementing the value of $x by 5. Assignment operators offer a concise way to update variables based on their current values.

The following table highligts the assignment operators that are supported by PHP −

Operator Description Example
= Simple assignment operator. Assigns values from right side operands to left side operand C = A + B will assign value of A + B into C
+= Add AND assignment operator. It adds right operand to the left operand and assign the result to left operand C += A is equivalent to C = C + A
-= Subtract AND assignment operator. It subtracts right operand from the left operand and assign the result to left operand C -= A is equivalent to C = C - A
*= Multiply AND assignment operator. It multiplies right operand with the left operand and assign the result to left operand C *= A is equivalent to C = C * A
/= Divide AND assignment operator. It divides left operand with the right operand and assign the result to left operand C /= A is equivalent to C = C / A
%= Modulus AND assignment operator. It takes modulus using two operands and assign the result to left operand C %= A is equivalent to C = C % A

The following example shows how you can use these assignment operators in PHP −

It will produce the following output −

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Web & Server

  • Selenium Java
  • PHP Tutorial
  • PHP Install
  • PHP Hello World
  • Check if variable is set
  • Convert string to int
  • Convert string to float
  • Convert string to boolean
  • Convert int to string
  • Convert int to float
  • Get type of variable
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Exponentiation
  • Simple Assignment
  • Addition Assignment
  • Subtraction Assignment
  • Multiplication Assignment
  • Division Assignment
  • Modulus Assignment
  • PHP Comments
  • Python If AND
  • Python If OR
  • Python If NOT
  • Do-While Loop
  • Nested foreach
  • echo() vs print()
  • printf() vs sprintf()
  • PHP Strings
  • Create a string
  • Create empty string
  • Compare strings
  • Count number of words in string
  • Get ASCII value of a character
  • Iterate over characters of a string
  • Iterate over words of a string
  • Print string to console
  • String length
  • Substring of a string
  • Check if string is empty
  • Check if strings are equal
  • Check if strings are equal ignoring case
  • Check if string contains specified substring
  • Check if string starts with specific substring
  • Check if string ends with specific substring
  • Check if string starts with specific character
  • Check if string starts with http
  • Check if string starts with a number
  • Check if string starts with an uppercase
  • Check if string starts with a lowercase
  • Check if string ends with a punctuation
  • Check if string ends with forward slash (/) character
  • Check if string contains number(s)
  • Check if string contains only alphabets
  • Check if string contains only numeric digits
  • Check if string contains only lowercase
  • Check if string contains only uppercase
  • Check if string value is a valid number
  • Check if string is a float value
  • Append a string with suffix string
  • Prepend a string with prefix string
  • Concatenate strings
  • Concatenate string and number
  • Insert character at specific index in string
  • Insert substring at specific index in string
  • Repeat string for N times
  • Replace substring
  • Replace first occurrence
  • Replace last occurrence
  • Trim spaces from edges of string
  • Trim specific characters from edges of the string
  • Split string
  • Split string into words
  • Split string by comma
  • Split string by single space
  • Split string by new line
  • Split string by any whitespace character
  • Split string by one or more whitespace characters
  • Split string into substrings of specified length
  • Transformations
  • Reverse a string
  • Convert string to lowercase
  • Convert string to uppercase
  • Join elements of string array with separator string
  • Delete first character of string
  • Delete last character of string
  • Count number of occurrences of substring in a string
  • Count alphabet characters in a string
  • Find index of substring in a string
  • Find index of last occurrence in a string
  • Find all the substrings that match a pattern
  • Check if entire string matches a regular expression
  • Check if string has a match for regular expression
  • Sort array of strings
  • Sort strings in array based on length
  • Foramatting
  • PHP – Format string
  • PHP – Variable inside a string
  • PHP – Parse JSON String
  • Conversions
  • PHP – Convert CSV String into Array
  • PHP – Convert string array to CSV string
  • Introduction to Arrays
  • Indexed arrays
  • Associative arrays
  • Multi-dimensional arrays
  • String array
  • Array length
  • Create Arrays
  • Create indexed array
  • Create associative array
  • Create empty array
  • Check if array is empty
  • Check if specific element is present in array .
  • Check if two arrays are equal
  • Check if any two adjacent values are same
  • Read/Access Operations
  • Access array elements using index
  • Iterate through array using For loop
  • Iterate over key-value pairs using foreach
  • Array foreach()
  • Get first element in array
  • Get last element in array
  • Get keys of array
  • Get index of a key in array
  • Find Operations
  • Count occurrences of specific value in array
  • Find index of value in array
  • Find index of last occurrence of value in array
  • Combine two arrays to create an Associative Array
  • Convert array to string
  • Convert array to CSV string
  • Join array elements
  • Reverse an array
  • Split array into chunks
  • Slice array by index
  • Slice array by key
  • Preserve keys while slicing array
  • Truncate array
  • Remove duplicate values in array
  • Filter elements in array based on a condition
  • Filter positive numbers in array
  • Filter negative numbers in array
  • Remove empty strings in array
  • Delete Operations
  • Delete specific value from array
  • Delete value at specific index in array
  • Remove first value in array
  • Remove last value in array
  • Array - Notice: Undefined offset: 0
  • JSON encode
  • Array Functions
  • array_chunk()
  • array_column()
  • array_combine()
  • array_change_key_case()
  • array_count_values()
  • array_diff_assoc()
  • array_diff_key()
  • array_diff_uassoc()
  • array_diff_ukey()
  • array_diff()
  • array_fill()
  • array_fill_keys()
  • array_flip()
  • array_key_exists()
  • array_keys()
  • array_pop()
  • array_product()
  • array_push()
  • array_rand()
  • array_replace()
  • array_sum()
  • array_values()
  • Create an object or instance
  • Constructor
  • Constants in class
  • Read only properties in class
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Define property and method with same name in class
  • Uncaught Error: Cannot access protected property
  • Nested try catch
  • Multiple catch blocks
  • Catch multiple exceptions in a single catch block
  • Print exception message
  • Throw exception
  • User defined Exception
  • Get current timestamp
  • Get difference between two given dates
  • Find number of days between two given dates
  • Add specific number of days to given date
  • ❯ PHP Tutorial
  • ❯ PHP Operators
  • ❯ Assignment

PHP Assignment Operators

In this tutorial, you shall learn about Assignment Operators in PHP, different Assignment Operators available in PHP, their symbols, and how to use them in PHP programs, with examples.

Assignment Operators

Assignment Operators are used to perform to assign a value or modified value to a variable.

Assignment Operators Table

The following table lists out all the assignment operators in PHP programming.

Simple Assignment=x = 5Assigns value of 5 to variable x.
Addition Assignment+= Assigns the result of to x.
Subtraction Assignment-= Assigns the result of to x.
Multiplication Assignment*= Assigns the result of to x.
Division Assignment/= Assigns the result of to x.
Modulus Assignment%= Assigns the result of to x.

In the following program, we will take values in variables $x and $y , and perform assignment operations on these values using PHP Assignment Operators.

PHP Program

Assignment Operators in PHP

Assignment Operators Tutorials

The following tutorials cover each of the Assignment Operators in PHP in detail with examples.

  • PHP Simple Assignment
  • PHP Addition Assignment
  • PHP Subtraction Assignment
  • PHP Multiplication Assignment
  • PHP Division Assignment
  • PHP Modulus Assignment

In this PHP Tutorial , we learned about all the Assignment Operators in PHP programming, with examples.

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PHP Assignment Operators

Php tutorial index.

PHP assignment operators applied to assign the result of an expression to a variable. = is a fundamental assignment operator in PHP. It means that the left operand gets set to the value of the assignment expression on the right.

Operator Description
= Assign
+= Increments then assigns
-= Decrements then assigns
*= Multiplies then assigns
/= Divides then assigns
%= Modulus then assigns

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Assignment Operators

Table of Contents


Basic assignment operator, combined assignment operators, string and array assignment operators, the role of assignment operators in control structures, best practices and common mistakes.

PHP, a popular server-side scripting language, is fundamental for web development. Understanding how to manipulate data through expressions and operators is crucial for effective PHP programming. Assignment operators are particularly important as they allow you to set and modify the values of variables efficiently. For example, when managing user data in a form submission, assignment operators help store and update the input values seamlessly.

Introduction to assignment operators and their role in PHP

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. They come in various forms, each serving a unique purpose. From the basic = operator to more complex ones like += and .=, these operators simplify the process of handling variables and data. They are integral to PHP's functionality, especially in scenarios involving loops, conditional statements, and data manipulation.

The "=" operator

The basic assignment operator in PHP is the "=" sign. It is used to set the value of a variable.

How the basic assignment works in PHP

This operator assigns the value on the right to the variable on the left. It's the foundation of most operations in PHP, allowing values to be initialised and manipulated throughout the script.

Examples of basic assignment

  • Assigning a string to a variable: $name = 'John';
  • Assigning a number to a variable: $age = 30;
  • Assigning the result of an arithmetic operation: $total = 20 + 15;

Overview of combined assignment operators

In PHP, combined assignment operators enhance coding efficiency by performing an operation and an assignment in a single step. These operators are syntactic sugar, reducing the complexity of common tasks in variable manipulation.

Operators and their functions

  • += : Adds and assigns the value. $a = 5; $a += 3; // $a is now 8
  • -= : Subtracts and assigns the value. $b = 5; $b -= 2; // $b is now 3
  • *= : Multiplies and assigns the value. $c = 3; $c *= 4; // $c is now 12
  • /= : Divides the variable by a value and assigns the result. $d = 10; $d /= 2; // $d is now 5
  • %= : Performs division and assigns the remainder to the variable. $e = 10; $e %= 3; // $e is now 1

Real-world examples of using each combined operator

Combined assignment operators are particularly useful in scenarios involving iterative calculations or repeated updates to the same variable, such as calculating running totals or adjusting values in a loop.

  • Using += for summing values in an array: $sum = 0; foreach ($numbers as $number) { $sum += $number; } // Output the sum echo $sum;
  • Using *= in compound interest calculations: $principal = 1500; $rate = 0.05; $years = 10; for ($i = 0; $i < $years; $i++) { $principal *= (1 + $rate); } echo $principal;

Using .= for string concatenation

The .= operator in PHP is a powerful tool for appending one string onto another. This operator simplifies the process of building longer strings from multiple pieces, making it essential for tasks like generating dynamic HTML or processing form inputs.

Using += for array manipulation

While typically used for numerical addition, the += operator also has a significant role in arrays. It adds elements from one array to another but does not overwrite values at existing keys, unlike the array_merge function.

Practical examples demonstrating string and array assignments

  • Building a dynamic URL query: $url = ""; $username = "user"; $token = "abc123"; $url .= "username=" . urlencode($username); $url .= "&token=" . urlencode($token); // Output:

Note: In this example, since the += operator does not overwrite existing keys, the size remains 'medium', as defined in the defaults.

Use in loops (e.g., for, while)

Assignment operators are instrumental within loops for maintaining and updating the loop's control variables. This utility helps in optimizing the code and making it easier to manage and read.

  • Incrementing a counter in a loop: for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { echo $i . ' '; } // Outputs: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  • Accumulating total within a while loop: $i = 0; $total = 0; while ($i < 5) { $total += $i; $i++; } echo $total; // Outputs: 10

Use in conditional statements (if-else)

Assignment operators streamline operations within conditional statements, allowing variables to be updated based on different conditions efficiently.

  • Adjusting values based on conditions: $age = 20; if ($age > 18) { $status = 'adult'; } else { $status = 'minor'; } echo $status; // Outputs: adult
  • Modifying values in an associative array: $scores = ['John' => 75, 'Jane' => 85]; if ($scores['John'] < 80) { $scores['John'] += 5; // Increment John's score } // Outputs: ['John' => 80, 'Jane' => 85]

Example snippets showing assignment operators in control structures

These snippets illustrate how assignment operators facilitate the management of data within PHP's control structures, demonstrating their versatility and efficiency in various programming scenarios.

Assignment operators, while straightforward, require careful use to ensure code clarity and maintainability. Here are some tips to maximize their effectiveness:

  • Always initialize variables before using them with assignment operators to avoid undefined behavior.
  • Use combined assignment operators to make the code more concise and readable, especially within loops and conditional logic.
  • Be mindful of operator precedence to ensure that expressions are evaluated in the order you intend.

Even seasoned developers can fall into traps when using assignment operators. Being aware of these can prevent common errors:

  • Misusing the += operator with non-numeric data types: Remember that += is primarily for numerical calculations. Misapplying it to arrays or strings can lead to unexpected results.
  • Overlooking the return value of an assignment: Assignments in PHP return the assigned value, which can be used in further expressions but sometimes leads to confusing code if not handled carefully.
  • Confusing the == and = operators: It’s easy to mistakenly use = (assignment) instead of == (comparison) in conditional statements, which can lead to assignments where comparisons were intended.

Effective debugging strategies can save hours of troubleshooting. Here are some tailored for assignment operator issues:

  • Check for unintentional assignments within conditional statements — a common source of bugs.
  • Use debugging tools or simple echo statements to trace the changes in variable values throughout your script to understand where values may not be updating as expected.
  • When dealing with complex expressions, break them down and test each component individually to isolate issues.

Recap of key points about assignment operators in PHP

Assignment operators are foundational to PHP programming, allowing developers to initialize, update, and manipulate variables efficiently. From the basic = operator to combined assignment operators like += and .=, understanding their proper use is crucial for writing clear and effective code.

Encouragement to practice using different types of assignment operators

The best way to master assignment operators is through consistent practice. By integrating these operators into various coding exercises and projects, you can enhance your fluency and confidence in using them. Try creating small scripts that leverage different assignment operators to see how they affect the flow and output of your code.

Home » PHP Tutorial » PHP Operators

PHP Operators

Summary : in this tutorial, you will learn about PHP operators and how to use them effectively in your script.

An operator takes one or more values, known as operands, and performs a specific operation on them.

For example, the + operator adds two numbers and returns the sum of them.

PHP supports many kinds of operators:

Arithmetic Operators

Assignment operators, bitwise operators, comparison operators.

  • Increment/Decrement Operators

Logical Operators

  • Concatenating Operators

The arithmetic operators require numeric values. If you apply them to non-numeric values, they’ll convert them to numeric values before carrying the arithmetic operation.

The following are the list of arithmetic operators:

+AdditionReturn the sum of two operands
SubtractionReturn the difference between two operands
*MultiplicationReturn the product of two operands
/DivisionReturn the quotient of two operands
%ModulusReturn the remainder of the division of the first operand by the second one

The following example uses the arithmetic operators:

Comparison operators allow you to compare two operands.

A comparison operator returns a Boolean value, either true or false . If the comparison is truthful, the comparison operator returns true , otherwise, it returns false .

The following are the list of comparison operators in PHP:

==EqualityReturn if both operands are equal, otherwise returns .
===IdentityReturn if both operands have the same data type and equal, otherwise return .
!===Not identicalReturn if both operands are not equal or not have the same data type, otherwise return .
>Greater thanReturn if the operand on the left  is greater than the operand on the right, otherwise return .
>=Greater than or equal toReturn if the operand on the left  is greater than or equal to the operand on the right, otherwise return .
<Less thanReturn if the operand on the left is less than the operand on the right, otherwise return .
<=Less than or equalReturn if the operand on the left  is less than or equal to the operand on the right, otherwise return .

Logical operators allow you to construct logical expressions. A logical operator returns a Boolean value.

PHP provides the following logical operators:

&&Logical ANDReturn if both operands are , otherwise return . If the first operand is , it will not evaluate the second operand because it knows for sure that the result is going to be . This is known as short-circuiting.
||Logical ORReturn if one of the operands is , otherwise returns . If the first operand is , it will not evaluate the second one.
xorLogical XORReturn if either operand, not both, is otherwise, return
!Notreturns if the operand is and returns if the operand is .

Bitwise operators perform operations on the binary representation of the operands. The following illustrates bitwise operators in PHP:

AndIf both bits are 1, the corresponding bit in the result is 1; otherwise, the corresponding bit is 0
Or (inclusive or)If both bits are 0, the corresponding bit in the result is 0; otherwise, the corresponding bit is 1
Xor (exclusive or)If either bit, but not both, in  and  are 1, the corresponding bit in the result is 1; otherwise, the corresponding bit is 0
NotChange bit 1 to 0 and 0 to 1 in the $x operand
Shift leftShifts the bits in left by the number of places specified by .
Shift rightShifts the bits in  right by the number of places specified by .

Incrementing/ Decrementing Operators

Increment (++)  and decrement (–) operators give you a quick way to increase and decrease the value of a variable by 1.

The following table illustrates the increment and decrement operators:

ExampleNameReturned ValueEffect on $a
Pre-increment Increments  by 1, then returns .
Post-increment Returns , then increments  by 1.
Pre-decrement Decrements  by 1, then returns .
Post-decrement Returns , then decrements  by 1.

Concatenating Operator

Concatenating operator (.) allows you to combine two strings into one. It appends the second string to the first one and returns the combined string. For example:

Assignment operator ( = ) assigns a value to a variable and returns a value. The operand on the left is always a variable, while the operand on the right can be a literal value, variable, expression, or a function call that returns a value. For example:

In the first expression, we assigned $x  variable value 10 .  In the second one, we assigned the value of $x to $y variable. The third one is a little bit complicated. First, we assigned 20 to $x . The assignment operator ( = ) returns 20 and then 20 is assigned to $z  variable.

Besides the basic assignment operator( = ), PHP provides you with some assignment operators:

  • plus-equal  +=
  • minus-equal  -=
  • divide-equal  /=
  • multiplication-equal  *=
  • modulus-equal  %=
  • XOR-equal  ^=
  • AND-equal  &=
  • OR-equal  |=
  • concatenate-equal  .=

PHP operators precedence

The precedence of an operator decides which order the operator is evaluated in an expression.

PHP assigned each operator precedence. Some operators have the same precedence, e.g., precedences of the addition ( + ) and subtraction( - ) are equal.

However, some operators have higher precedence than others.

For example, the precedence of the multiplication operator ( * ) is higher than the precedence of the add( + ) and the subtract ( - ) operators:

Because the precedence of the multiplication operator ( * ) is higher than the precedence of the add( + ) operator, PHP evaluates the multiplication operator ( * ) first and then add operator ( * ) second.

To force the evaluation in a particular order, you put the expression inside parentheses () , for example:

In this tutorial, you have briefly learned about the most commonly used PHP operators.

  • ▼PHP Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • String Operators
  • Array Operators
  • Incrementing Decrementing Operators

PHP Assignment Operators


Assignment operators allow writing a value to a variable . The first operand must be a variable and the basic assignment operator is "=". The value of an assignment expression is the final value assigned to the variable. In addition to the regular assignment operator "=", several other assignment operators are composites of an operator followed by an equal sign.

Interestingly all five arithmetic operators have corresponding assignment operators, Here is the list.

The following table discussed more details of the said assignment operators.

Shorthand Expression Description
$a+= $b $a = $a + $b Adds 2 numbers and assigns the result to the first.
$a-= $b $a = $a -$b Subtracts 2 numbers and assigns the result to the first.
$a*= $b $a = $a*$b Multiplies 2 numbers and assigns the result to the first.
$a/= $b $a = $a/$b Divides 2 numbers and assigns the result to the first.
$a%= $b $a = $a%$b Computes the modulus of 2 numbers and assigns the result to the first.

View the example in the browser

Previous: Logical Operators Next: Bitwise Operators

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PHP - assignment operators example

The example below shows the usage of assignment and compound assignment operators:

  • = Assignment operator
  • += Addition AND assignment operator
  • -= Subtraction AND assignment operator
  • *= Multiply AND assignment operator
  • /= Division AND assignment operator
  • **= Exponent AND assignment operator
  • %= Modulo AND assignment operator

The output of the above code will be:

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PHP Operators: Understanding the Building Blocks of PHP Programming

PHP Operators

As one of the most popular programming languages used on the web, PHP is a powerful tool for creating dynamic and interactive web applications. Whether you’re building a simple contact form or a complex content management system, understanding PHP operators is essential for writing efficient and effective code.

In this article, we’ll explore the different types of PHP operators and how they can be used to manipulate values, make comparisons, and control program flow. By the end of this article, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the building blocks of PHP programming .

What are Operators?

In programming, operators are special symbols or keywords that are used to perform specific actions on values or variables. In PHP, there are several different types of operators, each with their own set of rules and behaviors.

Operators can be used to perform mathematical operations, such as addition or subtraction, as well as comparison operations, such as checking if one value is equal to another. They can also be used to control program flow, such as executing code only if a certain condition is met.

Types of Operators

In PHP, there are several types of operators, each with its own set of rules and behaviors. Let’s take a closer look at each type.

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical operations on values. PHP supports the following arithmetic operators:

  • Addition (+)
  • Subtraction (-)
  • Multiplication (*)
  • Division (/)
  • Modulus (%)
  • Exponentiation (**)

For example, the following code uses the addition operator to add two numbers:

Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. In PHP, the following assignment operators are supported:

  • Assignment (=)
  • Addition assignment (+=)
  • Subtraction assignment (-=)
  • Multiplication assignment (*=)
  • Division assignment (/=)
  • Modulus assignment (%=)

For example, the following code uses the addition assignment operator to add a value to an existing variable:

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare values and determine if they are equal, greater than, or less than each other. PHP supports the following comparison operators:

  • Not equal (!=)
  • Identical (===)
  • Not identical (!==)
  • Greater than (>)
  • Less than (<)
  • Greater than or equal to (>=)
  • Less than or equal to (<=)

For example, the following code uses the equal operator to check if two values are equal:

Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to combine multiple conditions and determine if they are true or false. PHP supports the following logical operators:

  • And (&&)

For example, the following code uses the and operator to check if two conditions are both true:

Increment and Decrement Operators

Increment and decrement operators are used to increase or decrease the value of a variable by one. PHP supports the following increment and decrement operators:

  • Increment (++)
  • Decrement (–)

For example, the following code uses the increment operator to increase the value of a variable by one:

String Operators

String operators are used to concatenate two or more strings together. In PHP, the concatenation operator is the period (.) symbol. For example, the following code uses the concatenation operator to concatenate two strings:

Array Operators

Array operators are used to manipulate arrays. PHP supports the following array operators:

  • Equality (==)
  • Identity (===)
  • Inequality (!=)
  • Non-identity (!==)

For example, the following code uses the union operator to combine two arrays:

Operator Precedence

When multiple operators are used in a single expression, the order in which they are evaluated is determined by their precedence. Operator precedence defines the order in which operators are evaluated in an expression.

For example, in the expression $a + $b * $c , the multiplication operator has a higher precedence than the addition operator. This means that $b * $c is evaluated first, and then the result is added to $a .

It’s important to understand operator precedence when writing complex expressions, as it can affect the outcome of the expression. To ensure that expressions are evaluated in the correct order, you can use parentheses to group sub-expressions.

In PHP programming, operators are essential for manipulating values, making comparisons, and controlling program flow. There are several types of operators in PHP, including arithmetic, assignment, comparison, logical, increment and decrement, string, and array operators.

By understanding the different types of operators and their behaviors, you can write more efficient and effective PHP code. It’s important to remember operator precedence when writing complex expressions, and to use parentheses to group sub-expressions to ensure that expressions are evaluated in the correct order.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced PHP programmer, understanding operators is a crucial part of building dynamic and interactive web applications. With this comprehensive guide to PHP operators, you’ll have the knowledge you need to take your PHP programming skills to the next level.

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Patel is a skilled software developer with a passion for front-end stacks and a specific interest in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With 3 years of experience in the industry, Patel has developed a deep understanding of front-end web development and is well-versed in the latest industry trends and best practices.

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In PHP, operators are symbols that perform operations on one or more values (also known as operands) and return a result. There are several different types of operators in PHP, including:

  • Arithmetic operators : perform basic arithmetic operations.
  • Assignment operators : assign a value to a variable, such as the simple assignment operator.
  • Comparison operators : compare two values and return a boolean result indicating whether the comparison is true or false.
  • Logical operators : perform operations on boolean values and return a boolean result.

Operators are a fundamental building block of programming, and they are used to build expressions and control structures in PHP. Understanding how to use operators correctly is an essential skill for any PHP programmer.

What is an expression?

An expression is any piece of code that produces a value. It's like a small calculation or instruction that does something and gives you a result.

Let's go through some of these operators.

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are symbols used to perform basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulo division, and exponentiation. The following are the most common arithmetic operators in PHP:

The addition operator ( + ) adds two values together.


The subtraction operator ( - ) subtracts one value from another.


The multiplication operator ( * ) multiplies two values together.

The division operator ( / ) divides one value by another.

Out of all the arithmetic operators, the modulo operator may feel like one of the strangest operators in PHP. The modulo division operator in PHP is represented by the percent symbol ( % ). It performs modulo division, which returns the remainder of a division operation.

For example, if $a is 5 and $b is 2 , then $a % $b would evaluate to 1 , because 5 divided by 2 is 2 with a remainder of 1 .

The modulo operator is useful in a variety of applications, such as testing for odd or even numbers, determining the last digit of a number, or finding the next multiple of a number. For instance, you can use the modulo operator to test if a number is odd or even by checking if its remainder is 0 or 1 when divided by 2 .


The exponentiation operator in PHP is represented by two asterisks ( ** ). It calculates the power of a number, with the first operand being the base and the second operand being the exponent.

For example, if $base is 2 and $exponent is 8 , then $base ** $exponent would evaluate to 256 , because 2 raised to the power of 8 is 256 .

The exponentiation operator was introduced in PHP 7.0, so it may not be available in older versions of PHP.

Arithmetic operators are used in PHP to perform simple mathematical operations and are used frequently in many PHP programs. For example, you might use arithmetic operators to calculate the total cost of an order, to determine the average score on a test, or to perform any other type of calculation that involves basic arithmetic operations.

Assignment operators

Assignment operators in PHP are used to assign values to variables. The most commonly used assignment operator is the equal sign ( = ), which assigns the value of the right operand to the left operand. For example:

In this code, the value 5 is assigned to the variable $a .

In addition to the basic assignment operator, there are several compound assignment operators in PHP that combine an operation with an assignment. These operators perform the operation on the values and then assign the result to the variable on the left side. Some of the most commonly used assignment operators in PHP include:

Addition assignment

The addition assignment ( += ) adds the value on the right side to the value of the variable on the left side and then assigns the result back to the left side.

In this example, $a += 5 is the equivalent of $a = $a + 5 .

Subtraction assignment

The subtraction assignment operator ( -= ) subtracts the value on the right side from the value of the variable on the left side, and then assigns the result back to the left side.

In this example, $a -= 2 is the equivalent of $a = $a - 2 .

Multiplication assignment

The multiplication assignment operator ( *= ) multiplies the value of the variable on the left side by the value on the right side, and then assigns the result back to the left side.

In this example, $a *= 5 is the equivalent of $a = $a * 5 .

Division assignment

The division assignment operator ( /= ) divides the value of the variable on the left side by the value on the right side, and then assigns the result back to the left side.

In this example, $a /= 2 is the equivalent of $a = $a / 2 .

Modulo assignment

The modulo assignment operator ( %= ) divides the value of the variable on the left side by the value on the right side and then returns the remainder of the division operation.

In this example, $a %= 5 is the equivalent of $a = $a % 2 .

Exponentiation assignment

The exponentiation assignment operator ( **= ) performs exponentiation and assigns the result to the variable on the left side.

In this example, $a **= 5 is the equivalent of $a = $a ** 5 .

Concatenation assignment

The concatenation assignment operator ( .= ) performs concatenation and assigns the result to the variable on the left side.

In this example, $b .= " world is the equivalent of $b = $a . " world" .

Here's a summary of all the assignment operators.


Comparison operators

Comparison operators in PHP are used to compare two values and determine whether a certain condition is true or false . The result of a comparison is a boolean value ( true or false ).

The following are the most common comparison operators in PHP:

The equal to operator ( == ) operator returns true if the values are equal, and false otherwise.

In this example, the $a variable stores true because 5 and 5 are equal to each other. The same isn't true for the $b variable since 5 is not equal to 10 .

Lastly, the third example compares the integer 5 with a string "5" . While they're completely different data types, PHP considers them to be equal. Behind the scenes, PHP changes the data types to be the same before comparing them.

Not equal to

The not equal to operator ( != ) returns true if the values are not equal and false otherwise.

Unlike before, the $a variable will store false even though the numbers are equal to each other. The numbers must not be the same value for a truthy value. On the other hand, the $b variable will store true since that's the case.

Identical to

The identical to operator ( === ) returns true if the values are equal and of the same type , and false otherwise.

The examples are the same as the equal to operator, but there's one difference than before. The $c variable will store false even though the values match. Since their data types are different, PHP has determined that they don't match.

The == (equal to) operator and the === (identical) operator are used to compare values in PHP. The difference between the two is that the == operator performs a loose comparison, while the === operator performs a strict comparison.

You would want to use the == operator over the === operator when you need to compare values of different data types, and you are okay with the type conversion. On the other hand, you would want to use the === operator over the == operator when you need to perform a strict comparison and do not want type conversion.

In general, it's recommended to use the === operator over the == operator when performing comparisons in PHP, as it provides a more secure and accurate comparison.

Not identical to

The not identical to operator ( !== ) returns true if the values are not equal or not of the same type and false otherwise.

Greater than

The greater than operator ( > ) returns true if the left value is greater than the right value and false otherwise.

The less than operator ( < ) returns true if the left value is less than the right value and false otherwise.

Greater than or equal to

The greater than or equal to operator ( >= ) returns true if the left value is greater than or equal to the right value, and false otherwise.

Less than or equal to

The less than or equal to operator ( <= ) returns true if the left value is less than or equal to the right value, and false otherwise.

Here's a table with a summary of all the comparison operators.

Equal toReturn if both operands are equal; otherwise, it returns .
Not equal toReturn if both operands are equal; otherwise, it returns .
Identical toReturn if both operands have the same data type and equal; otherwise, it returns .
Not identical toReturn if both operands are not equal or not have the same data type; otherwise, it returns .
Greater thanReturn if the operand on the left is greater than the operand on the right; otherwise, it returns .
Greater than or equal toReturn if the operand on the left is greater than or equal to the operand on the right; otherwise, it returns .
Less thanReturn if the operand on the left is less than the operand on the right; otherwise, it returns .
Less than or equal toReturn if the operand on the left is less than or equal to the operand on the right; otherwise, it returns .

Logical Operators

A logical operator in PHP is an operator that performs a logical operation on two or more values and returns a boolean value ( true or false ). The most common logical operators in PHP are && , || , and ! .

Logical operators are useful in PHP because they allow us to make decisions based on multiple conditions, which is an essential part of programming. They help us write more complex and powerful code by allowing us to control the flow of execution based on different conditions.

Let's look at these operators.

The and operator

The and operator ( && ) in PHP is a logical operator that is used to check if two conditions are both true . If both conditions are true , the operator returns true , and if either one or both of the conditions are false, it returns false .

What is a condition?

A condition in PHP is a statement that evaluates to either true or false . Conditions can be created using comparison operators such as == (equal to), != (not equal to), > (greater than), < (less than), >= (greater than or equal to), and <= (less than or equal to). Logical operators can be used to combine multiple conditions and make more complex decisions.

In this example, the && operator checks if $age >= 18 and $age <= 65 are both true . If both conditions are true , the $canWork variable will store true .

The && operator is useful because it allows us to write code that makes decisions based on multiple conditions. For example, we could use it to check if someone is eligible for a job based on their age, education, and work experience. By combining multiple conditions with the && operator, we can write more sophisticated and powerful code.

The or operator

The or operator ( || ) in PHP is the logical "or" operator. It is used to combine two conditions and returns true if at least one of the conditions is true .

In this code, the condition $isRaining || $isSnowing is checking if either $isRaining or $isSnowing is true . If either of them is true , the $isWeatherBad variable gets set to true .

The || operator is useful in situations where multiple conditions need to be checked and the program should take action if any of them is true . It allows you to write concise and readable code, as you can check multiple conditions with a single line of code.

The not operator

The ! operator in PHP is the logical "not" operator. It is used to negate or reverse the value of a boolean expression. It returns true if the expression is false , and false if the expression is true .

In this code, the condition !$isRaining is checking if $isRaining is false . If it is false, the $isWeatherGood variable will be set to true . The ! operator is useful in situations where you want to check if a condition is false , or you want to negate the value of a boolean expression.


Short-circuiting in PHP refers to a feature of the && operator that stops evaluating its expressions as soon as it can determine the overall result of the operation. For example, consider the following code:

In this code, the condition $debugMode && print("Debugging Code"); checks if the $debugMode variable is true . However, since this variable is false , the second condition is never evaluated. Because we already know the overall result will be false . The PHP interpreter takes advantage of this fact and stops evaluating $b as soon as it knows the result.

What is the print function?

The print function is an alternative solution to the echo keyword. It'll output content onto the page similar to the echo keyword.

If we were to set the $debugMode variable to true , the reverse would occur. Since it's true , the print function gets executed and the message appears on the screen.

Short-circuiting helps to improve the performance of PHP code by avoiding unnecessary calculations and evaluations. In some cases, it can also help to prevent errors or unexpected results by avoiding the evaluation of expressions that would cause errors or have side effects.

Key takeaways

  • Arithmetic operators perform basic arithmetic operations.
  • Assignment operators assign a value to a variable, such as the simple assignment operator.
  • Comparison operators compare two values and return a boolean result indicating whether the comparison is true or false.
  • Logical operators perform operations on boolean values and return a boolean result.

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  • Operator Precedence
  • Increment and Decrement
  • Error Control

An operator is something that takes one or more values (or expressions, in programming jargon) and yields another value (so that the construction itself becomes an expression).

Operators can be grouped according to the number of values they take. Unary operators take only one value, for example ! (the logical not operator ) or ++ (the increment operator ). Binary operators take two values, such as the familiar arithmetical operators + (plus) and - (minus), and the majority of PHP operators fall into this category. Finally, there is a single ternary operator , ? : , which takes three values; this is usually referred to simply as "the ternary operator" (although it could perhaps more properly be called the conditional operator).

A full list of PHP operators follows in the section Operator Precedence . The section also explains operator precedence and associativity, which govern exactly how expressions containing several different operators are evaluated.

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  • PHP Operators

Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values.

PHP divides the operators in the following groups:

Arithmetic operators

Assignment operators.

  • Comparison operators
  • Increment/Decrement operators
  • Logical operators
  • String operators
  • Array operators

PHP Operators with Example

The PHP arithmetic operators are used with numeric values to perform common arithmetical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication etc.

  • Operator Name Example Result
  • + Addition $x + $y Sum of $x and $y
  • - Subtraction $x - $y Difference of $x and $y
  • * Multiplication $x * $y Product of $x and $y
  • / Division $x / $y Quotient of $x and $y
  • % Modulus $x % $y Remainder of $x divided by $y
  • ** Exponentiation $x ** $y Result of raising $x to the $y'th power (Introduced in PHP 5.6)

Run :

10 6 16 4 0 64

The PHP assignment operators are used with numeric values to write a value to a variable.

The basic assignment operator in PHP is "=" . It means that the left operand gets set to the value of the assignment expression on the right.

  • Assignment Same as… Description
  • x = y x = y The left operand gets set to the value of the expression on the right
  • x += y x = x + y Addition
  • x -= y x = x - y Subtraction
  • x *= y x = x * y Multiplication
  • x /= y x = x / y Division
  • x %= y x = x % y Modulus

Run :

20 40 20 400 20 0

Comparison Operators

The PHP comparison operators are used to compare two values (number or string):

  • == Equal $x == $y Returns true if $x is equal to $y
  • === Identical $x === $y Returns true if $x is equal to $y, and they are of the same type
  • != Not equal $x != $y Returns true if $x is not equal to $y
  • <> Not equal $x <> $y Returns true if $x is not equal to $y
  • !== Not identical $x !== $y Returns true if $x is not equal to $y , or they are not of the same type
  • > Greater than $x > $y Returns true if $x is greater than $y
  • < Less than $x < $y Returns true if $x is less than $y
  • >= Greater than or equal to $x >= $y Returns true if $x is greater than or equal to $y
  • <= Less than or equal to $x <= $y Returns true if $x is less than or equal to $y

Increment / Decrement Operators

The PHP decrement operators are used to decrement a variable’s value.

  • Operator Name Description
  • ++$x Pre-increment Increments $x by one, then returns $x
  • $x++ Post-increment Returns $x, then increments $x by one
  • --$x Pre-decrement Decrements $x by one, then returns $x
  • $x-- Post-decrement Returns $x , then decrements $x by one

Logical Operators

The PHP logical operators are used to combine conditional statements.

  • and And $x and $y True if both $x and $y are true
  • or Or $x or $y True if either $x or $y is true
  • xor Xor $x xor $y True if either $x or $y is true, but not both
  • && And $x && $y True if both $x and $y are true
  • || Or $x || $y True if either $x or $y is true
  • ! Not !$x True if $x is not true

String Operators

PHP has two operators that are specially designed for strings.

  • . Concatenation $txt1 . $txt2 Concatenation of $txt1 and $txt2
  • .= Concatenation assignment $txt1 .= $txt2 Appends $txt2 to $txt1

Array Operators

The PHP array operators are used to compare arrays.

  • + Union $x + $y Union of $x and $y
  • == Equality $x == $y Returns true if $x and $y have the same key/value pairs
  • === Identity $x === $y Returns true if $x and $y have the same key/value pairs in the same order and of the same types
  • != Inequality $x != $y Returns true if $x is not equal to $y
  • <> Inequality $x <> $y Returns true if $x is not equal to $y
  • !== Non-identity $x !== $y Returns true if $x is not identical to $y
PHP Operators – Assignment & Exercises
Write a program to add two numbers ’10’ and ‘5’
Write a program to subtract number ‘3’ from ’12’
Write a program to subtract number ’10’ from ‘5’
Write a program to multiply two numbers ‘7’ and ’11’
Write a program to divide ’10’ by ‘4’ (10/4) and check the output.
Write a program to check the remainder (using Modulus), when ’10’ divided by ‘4’.

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PHP Operators

In this tutorial you will learn how to manipulate or perform the operations on variables and values using operators in PHP.

What is Operators in PHP

Operators are symbols that tell the PHP processor to perform certain actions. For example, the addition ( + ) symbol is an operator that tells PHP to add two variables or values, while the greater-than ( > ) symbol is an operator that tells PHP to compare two values.

The following lists describe the different operators used in PHP.

PHP Arithmetic Operators

The arithmetic operators are used to perform common arithmetical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication etc. Here's a complete list of PHP's arithmetic operators:

Operator Description Example Result
Addition Sum of $x and $y
Subtraction Difference of $x and $y.
Multiplication Product of $x and $y.
Division Quotient of $x and $y
Modulus Remainder of $x divided by $y

The following example will show you these arithmetic operators in action:

PHP Assignment Operators

The assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.

Operator Description Example Is The Same As
Add and assign
Subtract and assign
Multiply and assign
Divide and assign quotient
Divide and assign modulus

The following example will show you these assignment operators in action:

PHP Comparison Operators

The comparison operators are used to compare two values in a Boolean fashion.

Operator Name Example Result
Equal True if $x is equal to $y
Identical True if $x is equal to $y, and they are of the same type
Not equal True if $x is not equal to $y
Not equal True if $x is not equal to $y
Not identical True if $x is not equal to $y, or they are not of the same type
Less than True if $x is less than $y
Greater than True if $x is greater than $y
Greater than or equal to True if $x is greater than or equal to $y
Less than or equal to True if $x is less than or equal to $y

The following example will show you these comparison operators in action:

PHP Incrementing and Decrementing Operators

The increment/decrement operators are used to increment/decrement a variable's value.

Operator Name Effect
Pre-increment Increments $x by one, then returns $x
Post-increment Returns $x, then increments $x by one
Pre-decrement Decrements $x by one, then returns $x
Post-decrement Returns $x, then decrements $x by one

The following example will show you these increment and decrement operators in action:

PHP Logical Operators

The logical operators are typically used to combine conditional statements.

Operator Name Example Result
And True if both $x and $y are true
Or True if either $x or $y is true
Xor True if either $x or $y is true, but not both
And True if both $x and $y are true
Or True if either $x or $y is true
Not True if $x is not true

The following example will show you these logical operators in action:

PHP String Operators

There are two operators which are specifically designed for strings .

Operator Description Example Result
Concatenation Concatenation of $str1 and $str2
Concatenation assignment Appends the $str2 to the $str1

The following example will show you these string operators in action:

PHP Array Operators

The array operators are used to compare arrays:

Operator Name Example Result
Union Union of $x and $y
Equality True if $x and $y have the same key/value pairs
Identity True if $x and $y have the same key/value pairs in the same order and of the same types
Inequality True if $x is not equal to $y
Inequality True if $x is not equal to $y
Non-identity True if $x is not identical to $y

The following example will show you these array operators in action:

PHP Spaceship Operator PHP 7

PHP 7 introduces a new spaceship operator ( <=> ) which can be used for comparing two expressions. It is also known as combined comparison operator.

The spaceship operator returns 0 if both operands are equal, 1 if the left is greater, and -1 if the right is greater. It basically provides three-way comparison as shown in the following table:

Operator Equivalent

The following example will show you how spaceship operator actually works:

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PHP Advance

Operators - php basics.

Operators are symbols that instruct the PHP processor to carry out specific actions. For example, the addition ( + ) symbol instructs PHP to add two variables or values, whereas the greater-than ( > ) symbol instructs PHP to compare two values.

PHP operators are grouped as follows:

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Increment/Decrement operators
  • Logical operators
  • String operators
  • Array operators
  • Conditional assignment operators

Arithmetic Operators

The PHP arithmetic operators are used in conjunction with numeric values to perform common arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and so on.

Operator Name Example Output
Addition $x + $y Sum of and
Subtraction $x - $y Difference of and
Multiplication $x * $y Product of and
Division $x / $y Quotient of and
Modulus $x % $y Remainder of divided by
Exponentiation $x ** $y Result of raising to the 'th power

Sample usage of Arithmetic Operators:

Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.

Operator Name Example Output
Assign $x = $y The left operand gets set to the value of the expression on the right
Add and assign $x += $y Addition
Subtract and assign $x -= $y Subtraction
Multiply and assign $x *= $y Multiplication
Divide and assign quotient $x /= $y Division
Divide and assign modulus Modulus

Sample usage of Assignment Operators:

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values in a Boolean fashion.

Operator Name Example Output
Equal $x == $y True if is equal to
Identical $x === $y True if is equal to , and they are of the same type
Not equal $x != $y True if is not equal to
Not equal $x <> $y True if is not equal to
Not identical $x !== $y True if is not equal to , or they are not of the same type
Less than $x < $y True if is less than
Greater than $x > $y True if is greater than
Greater than or equal to $x >= $y True if is greater than or equal to
Less than or equal to $x <= $y True if is less than or equal to

Sample usage of Comparison Operators:

Increment / Decrement Operators

Increment operators are used to increment a variable's value while decrement operators are used to decrement.

Operator Name Output
Pre-increment Increments by one, then returns
Post-increment Returns , then increments by one
Pre-decrement Decrements by one, then returns
Post-decrement Returns , then decrements by one

Sample usage of Increment / Decrement Operators:

Logical Operators

Logical operators are typically used to combine conditional statements.

Operator Name Example Output
And $x and $y if both and are
Or $x or $y if either or is
Xor $x xor $y if either or is , but not both
And $x && $y if both and are
` ` Or
Not !$x if is not

Sample usage of Logical Operators:

String Operators

String operators are specifically designed for strings.

Operator Name Example Output
Concatenation $str1 . $str2 Concatenation of and
Concatenation assignment $str1 .= $str2 Appends the to the

Sample usage of String Operators:

Array Operators

Array operators are used to compare arrays.

Operator Name Example Output
Union $x + $y Union of and
Equality $x == $y True if and have the same key/value pairs
Identity $x === $y True if and have the same key/value pairs in the same order and of the same types
Inequality $x != $y True if is not equal to
Inequality $x <> $y True if is not equal to
Non-identity $x !== $y True if is not identical to

Conditional Assignment Operators

Conditional assignment operators are used to set a value depending on conditions.

Operator Name Example Output
Ternary $x = expr1 ? expr2 : expr3 Returns the value of . The value of is expr2 if expr1 = . The value of is expr3 if expr1 =
Null coalescing $x = expr1 ?? expr2 Returns the value of . The value of is expr1 if expr1 exists, and is not . If expr1 does not exist, or is , the value of is expr2. Introduced in PHP 7

Sample usage of Conditional Assignment Operators:

Create the following variables: $num1 , $num2 , $num3 . Assign the integer 3 to $num1 and 9 to $num2 . Multiply $num1 by $num2 and assign the product to $num3 . Print the result on $num3

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PHP Operators

In this article, we will see how to use the operators in PHP, & various available operators along with understanding their implementation through the examples.

Operators are used to performing operations on some values. In other words, we can describe operators as something that takes some values, performs some operation on them, and gives a result. From example, “1 + 2 = 3” in this expression ‘+’ is an operator. It takes two values 1 and 2, performs an addition operation on them to give 3. 

Just like any other programming language, PHP also supports various types of operations like arithmetic operations(addition, subtraction, etc), logical operations(AND, OR etc), Increment/Decrement Operations, etc. Thus, PHP provides us with many operators to perform such operations on various operands or variables, or values. These operators are nothing but symbols needed to perform operations of various types. Given below are the various groups of operators:

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Logical or Relational Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Conditional or Ternary Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Spaceship Operators (Introduced in PHP 7)
  • Array Operators
  • Increment/Decrement Operators
  • String Operators

Let us now learn about each of these operators in detail.

Arithmetic Operators: 

The arithmetic operators are used to perform simple mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc. Below is the list of arithmetic operators along with their syntax and operations in PHP.



$x + $y

Sum the operands


$x – $y

Differences the operands



$x * $y

Product of the operands



$x / $y

The quotient of the operands



$x ** $y

$x raised to the power $y



$x % $y

The remainder of the operands

Note : The exponentiation has been introduced in PHP 5.6. 

Example : This example explains the arithmetic operator in PHP.

Logical or Relational Operators:

These are basically used to operate with conditional statements and expressions. Conditional statements are based on conditions. Also, a condition can either be met or cannot be met so the result of a conditional statement can either be true or false. Here are the logical operators along with their syntax and operations in PHP.

andLogical AND$x and $yTrue if both the operands are true else false
orLogical OR$x or $yTrue if either of the operands is true else false
xorLogical XOR$x xor $yTrue if either of the operands is true and false if both are true
&&Logical AND$x && $yTrue if both the operands are true else false
||Logical OR$x || $yTrue if either of the operands is true else false
!Logical NOT!$xTrue if $x is false

Example : This example describes the logical & relational operator in PHP.

Comparison Operators: These operators are used to compare two elements and outputs the result in boolean form. Here are the comparison operators along with their syntax and operations in PHP.

==Equal To$x == $yReturns True if both the operands are equal
!=Not Equal To$x != $yReturns True if both the operands are not equal
<>Not Equal To$x <> $yReturns True if both the operands are unequal
===Identical$x === $yReturns True if both the operands are equal and are of the same type
!==Not Identical$x == $yReturns True if both the operands are unequal and are of different types
<Less Than$x < $yReturns True if $x is less than $y
>Greater Than$x > $yReturns True if $x is greater than $y
<=Less Than or Equal To$x <= $yReturns True if $x is less than or equal to $y
>=Greater Than or Equal To$x >= $yReturns True if $x is greater than or equal to $y

Example : This example describes the comparison operator in PHP.

Conditional or Ternary Operators :

These operators are used to compare two values and take either of the results simultaneously, depending on whether the outcome is TRUE or FALSE. These are also used as a shorthand notation for if…else statement that we will read in the article on decision making. 

Here, the condition will either evaluate as true or false. If the condition evaluates to True, then value1 will be assigned to the variable $var otherwise value2 will be assigned to it.



If the condition is true? then $x : or else $y. This means that if the condition is true then the left result of the colon is accepted otherwise the result is on right.

Example : This example describes the Conditional or Ternary operators in PHP.

Assignment Operators: These operators are used to assign values to different variables, with or without mid-operations. Here are the assignment operators along with their syntax and operations, that PHP provides for the operations.



$x = $y

Operand on the left obtains the value of the operand on the right


Add then Assign

$x += $y

Simple Addition same as $x = $x + $y


Subtract then Assign

$x -= $y

Simple subtraction same as $x = $x – $y


Multiply then Assign

$x *= $y

Simple product same as $x = $x * $y


Divide then Assign (quotient)

$x /= $y

Simple division same as $x = $x / $y


Divide then Assign (remainder)

$x %= $y

Simple division same as $x = $x % $y

Example : This example describes the assignment operator in PHP.

Array Operators: These operators are used in the case of arrays. Here are the array operators along with their syntax and operations, that PHP provides for the array operation.



$x + $y

Union of both i.e., $x and $y



$x == $y

Returns true if both has same key-value pair



$x != $y

Returns True if both are unequal



$x === $y

Returns True if both have the same key-value pair in the same order and of the same type



$x !== $y

Returns True if both are not identical to each other



$x <> $y

Returns True if both are unequal

Example : This example describes the array operation in PHP.

Increment/Decrement Operators: These are called the unary operators as they work on single operands. These are used to increment or decrement values.

++Pre-Increment++$xFirst increments $x by one, then return $x
Pre-Decrement–$xFirst decrements $x by one, then return $x
++Post-Increment$x++First returns $x, then increment it by one
Post-Decrement$x–First returns $x, then decrement it by one

Example : This example describes the Increment/Decrement operators in PHP. 

String Operators: This operator is used for the concatenation of 2 or more strings using the concatenation operator (‘.’). We can also use the concatenating assignment operator (‘.=’) to append the argument on the right side to the argument on the left side.

.Concatenation$x.$yConcatenated $x and $y
.=Concatenation and assignment$x.=$yFirst concatenates then assigns, same as $x = $x.$y

Example : This example describes the string operator in PHP.

Spaceship Operators :

PHP 7 has introduced a new kind of operator called spaceship operator. The spaceship operator or combined comparison operator is denoted by “<=>“. These operators are used to compare values but instead of returning the boolean results, it returns integer values. If both the operands are equal, it returns 0. If the right operand is greater, it returns -1. If the left operand is greater, it returns 1. The following table shows how it works in detail:

$x < $y$x <=> $yIdentical to -1 (right is greater)
$x > $y$x <=> $yIdentical to 1 (left is greater)
$x <= $y$x <=> $yIdentical to -1 (right is greater) or identical to 0 (if both are equal)
$x >= $y$x <=> $yIdentical to 1 (if left is greater) or identical to 0 (if both are equal)
$x == $y$x <=> $yIdentical to 0 (both are equal)
$x != $y$x <=> $yNot Identical to 0

Example : This example illustrates the use of the spaceship operator in PHP.

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Exploring PHP Operators

Throughout this article, we will look at the various types of PHP operators , such as arithmetic operators, assignment operators, comparison operators, and logical operators.

PHP Operators

In order to give you a better understanding of how to implement these operators, we will provide examples of how they are used in practice.

In this way, you can learn how to use them in real scenarios.

  • PHP Operators:
  • PHP Arithmetic Operators:
  • PHP Assignment Operators:
  • PHP Comparison Operators:
  • PHP Increment / Decrement Operators:
  • PHP Logical Operators:
  • PHP String Operators:
  • PHP Array Operators:
  • PHP Conditional Assignment Operators:

PHP Operators

Operators are the fundamental building blocks of any programming language.

PHP offers a number of operators for operating on variables and values.

These include mathematical calculations, comparisons, logical operations, and so on.

Variables and values can be manipulated with the help of operators.

In PHP , the operators are divided into the following categories:

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Increment/Decrement operators
  • Logical operators
  • String operators
  • Array operators
  • Conditional assignment operators

PHP Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators in PHP are used for performing common math operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.

Operator’sNameExamplesOutputTest Code
+Addition$a + $bSum of $a and $b
Subtraction$a – $bDifference of $a and $b
*Multiplication$A * $bProduct of $a and $b
/Division$a / $bQuotient of $a and $b
%Modulus$a % $bRemainder of $a divided by $b
**Exponentiation$a ** $bResult of raising $a to the $b’th power

PHP Assignment Operators

PHP assignment operators allow you to assign a number to a variable in order to write that value to that variable.

A PHP assignment operator called “ = ” is the most basic assignment operator.

Basically, what this means is that the left operand is assigned the value of the assignment expression on the right side of the equation.

Assignment’sExamplesOverviewTest Code
a = ba = bLeft operand is set to right operand’s value.
a += ba = a + bAddition
a -= ba = a – bSubtraction
a *= ba = a * bMultiplication
a /= ba = a / bDivision
a %= ba = a % bModulus

PHP Comparison Operators

A comparison PHP operator compares two values and returns a true or false Boolean value.

Different types of values, such as numbers , strings , and booleans, can be compared using PHP comparison operators.

Operator’sName’sExamplesOutputTest Code
==Equal$a == $bTrue if $a matches $b.
===Identical$a === $bTrue if $a matches $b and are of the same type.
!=Not equal$a != $bTrue if $a does not match $b.
<>Not equal$a <> $bTrue if $a does not match $b.
!==Not identical$a !== $bTrue if $a does not match $b and are not of the same type.
>Greater than$a > $bTrue if $a is greater than $b.
<Less than$a < $bTrue if $a is less than $b.
>=Greater than or equal to$a >= $bTrue if $a is greater than or equal to $b.
<=Less than or equal to$a <= $bTrue if $a is less than or equal to $b.
<=>Spaceship$a <=> $bDetermines whether $a is less than, equal to, or greater than $b by returning an integer. Introduced in PHP 7.

PHP Increment / Decrement Operators

An increment or decrement operator increases or decreases a variable’s value by 1.

You can use these PHP operators in looping functions and other places where you need to change a variable’s value by a certain amount.

OperatorsName’sOverviewTest Code
++$aPre-incrementIt increments $a by one, then returns $a as a result.
$a++Post-incrementIt returns the value $a, and then increments the value $a by one after that.
–$aPre-decrementIt decrements $a by one, then returns $a as a result.
$a–Post-decrementIt returns the value $a, and then the value $a by one after that.

PHP Logical Operators

With logic operators, multiple conditions are combined and evaluated as one Boolean expression.

For creating complex conditional statements, PHP supports a variety of logic operators.

OperatorsName’sExamplesOutputTest Code
andAnd$a and $bIt is true if both $a and $b are true at the same time.
orOr$a or $bIf either $a or $b is true, then the condition is true.
xorXor$a xor $bIf either $a or $b is true, but not both of them, then it is true.
&&And$a && $bIt is true if both $a and $b are true at the same time.
||Or$a || $bIf either $a or $b is true, then the condition is true.
!Not!$aIt is true if $a is not true, otherwise it is false.

PHP String Operators

In order to manipulate strings in various ways, string operators are used.

In PHP, there are a number of string operators that are supported.

For example, you can concatenate a series of strings, compare a sequence of strings, and search for substrings within a sequence.

OperatorsName’sExamplesOutputTest Code
.Concatenation$str1 . $str2Combination of $str1 and $str2 into a single string.
.=Concatenation assignment$str1 .= $str2$str2 is added to $str1.

PHP Array Operators

An array operator is a method of manipulating an array in a number of different ways.

In order to combine, compare, and modify arrays in a variety of different ways, there are a number of array operators that can be used.

OperatorsName’sExamplesOutputTest Code
+Union$a + $bThe Union of $a and $b
==Equality$a == $bReturns true if there is a key/value pair in $a and $b that matches
===Identity$a === $bReturns true if there is a key/value pair in $a and $b that matches and of the same types.
!=Inequality$a != $bThe function returns true if $a is not equal to $b.
<>Inequality$a <> $bThe function returns true if $a is not equal to $b.
!==Non-identity$a !== $bThe function returns true if $a is not identical to $b.

PHP Conditional Assignment Operators

The conditional assignment operator allows a variable to be assigned a value only if a certain condition is met.

A number of conditional assignment operators are available in PHP, which can be used to simplify code and improve its efficiency.

OperatorsName’sExamplesOutputTest Code
?:Ternary$a = ? : The union of $a and $a
??Null coalescing$a = ?? This function returns the value of the variable $a.

Expr2 is the value of $a if expr1 = TRUE, otherwise expr2 is the value of $a

If , then the value of will be expr3 instead of expr1

In conclusion, understanding PHP operators is crucial for any developer looking to manipulate variables and values in PHP.

Whether you are working with arithmetic operations, logical operations, string operations, or any other operation, a solid understanding of how these PHP operators work is essential.

By using the examples and explanations provided in this article, you can master the use of PHP operators and improve your PHP programming skills.

With time and practice, you can become proficient in using PHP operators and use them effectively to write more efficient and optimized PHP code.


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Operators are used to perform operations on PHP variables and simple values.

In PHP there are total 7 types of operators, they are:

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Increment/Decrement Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • String Operators
  • Array Operators

There are a few additional operators as well like, Type operator, Bitwise operator, Execution operators etc.

Based on how these operators are used, they are categorised into 3 categories:

  • Unary Operators : Works on a single operand(variable or value).
  • Binary Operators : Works on two operands(variables or values).
  • Ternary Operators : Works on three operands.

PHP Arithmetic Operators

These operators are used to perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, multiplication, division, etc.

NameOperatorWhat does it do?Example
Addition It is used to perform normal addition.$a + $b
Subtraction It is used to perform normal subtraction.$a - $b
Multiplication It is used to perform multiplication.$a * $b
Division It is used to perform division.$a / $b
Exponent It returns the first operand raised to the power the second operand. $a ** $b
Modulus(or, Remainder) It returns the remainder of first operand divided by the second operand$a % $b

PHP Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables, either as it is or after performing some arithmetic operation on it. The most basic assignment operator is equal to = .

, will save the value of variable to the variable
is same as
is same as
is same as
is same as
is same as

So basically, the assignment operator provides us with shorthand techniques to perform arithmetic operations.

PHP Comparison Operators

As the name suggest, these are used to compare two values.

NameOperatorWhat does it do?Example
Equal It returns if left operand is equal to the right operand.$a == $b
Identical It returns if left operand is equal to the right operand and they are of the same type.$a === $b
Not Equal It returns if left operand is not equal to the right operand.$a != $b
Not Identical It returns if left operand is not equal to the right operand, and they are of different type as well.$a !== $b
Greater than It returns if left operand is greater than the right operand.$a > $b
Less than It returns if left operand is less than the right operand.$a < $b
Greater than or equal to It returns if left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand.$a >= $b
Less than or equal to It returns if left operand is less than or equal to the right operand.$a <= $b

PHP Increment/Decrement Operators

These operators are unary operators , i.e they require only one operand.

, It will first increment the operand by (add one to it) and then use it or return it.
, It will first return the operand and then increment the operand by .
, It will first decrement the operand by (subtract one from it) and then use it or return it.
, It will first return the operand and then decrement the operand by .

These operators are very useful and handy when use loops or when we have simply increment any value by one in our program/script.

PHP Logical Operators

Logical operators are generally used when any action depends on two or more conditions.

NameOperatorWhat does it do?Example
And or It returns true if both the operands(or expressions) returns true.$a && $b
Or or It returns true if any one out of the two operands(or expressions) returns true, or both return true.$a || $b
Xor It returns true if any one out of the two operands(or expressions) returns true, but not when both return true.$a xor $b
Not This is a . It returns true, if the operand(or expression) returns false.!$a

PHP String Operators

String operators are used to perform operations on string . There are only two string operators, generally PHP built-in functions are used to perform various operations on strings, we will learn about them in coming tutorials.

NameOperatorWhat does it do?Example
Concatenation (a dot)It is used to concatenate(join together) two strings.$a.$b
Concatenation Assignment It is used to append one string to another.$a .= $b

Here we have a simple example to demonstrate the usage of both the string operators.

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PHP Array Operators

These operators are used to compare arrays .

NameOperatorWhat does it do?Example
Equal It returns if both the arrays have same key/value pairs.$a == $b
Identical It returns if both the arrays have same key/value pairs, in same order and of same type.$a === $b
Not Equal It returns if both the arrays are not same.$a != $b
Not Identical It returns if both the arrays are not identical, based on type of value etc.$a !== $b
Union(Join) It joins the arrays together$a + $b
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PHP Operators (With Examples)

By Shahnail Khan Last updated : December 7, 2023

PHP Operators

Operators are fundamental building blocks of programming languages. They allow us to manipulate and combine data to achieve desired results. In PHP, there are many operators available for various purposes. This tutorial will introduce you to the most common PHP operators and provide examples of their usage.

The following are the operators in PHP:

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Increment/Decrement Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • String Operators
  • Array Operators
  • Conditional Assignment Operators

1) PHP Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

The following are the PHP arithmetic operators:

Operator Description Example
+ Addition $sum = 100 + 50; // $sum will be 150
- Subtraction $difference = 200 - 100; // $difference will be 100
* Multiplication $product = 5 * 3; // $product will be 15
/ Division $quotient = 100 / 2; // $quotient will be 50
% Modulus $remainder = 100 % 3; // $remainder will be 1

Example of PHP Arithmetic Operators

The output of the above example is:

2) PHP Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.

The following are the PHP assignment operators:

Operator Description Example
= Simple assignment $a = 65;
+= Adds and assigns $a += 5; means (a=a+5) // $a will be 70
-= Subtracts and assigns $a -= 5; means (a=a-5) // $a will be 65
*= Multiplies and assigns $a *= 2; means (a*2) // $a will be 130
/= Divides and assigns $a /= 2; // $a will be 10

Example of PHP Assignment Operators

3) php comparison operators.

Comparison operators are used to compare two values and return a Boolean ( true / false ) result.

The following are the PHP comparison operators:

Operator Description Example
== Equal to $a == 10; // true
!= Not equal to $a != 10; // false
< Less than $a < 10; // false
> Greater than $a > 10; // false
<= Less than or equal to $a <= 10; // true
>= Greater than or equal to $a >= 10; // true
<=> Spaceship operator (PHP 7+) $a <=> 10; // -1

Example of PHP Comparison Operators

4) php increment/decrement operators.

Increment and decrement operators are used to increase or decrease the value of a variable by 1.

The following are the PHP increment/decrement operators:

Operator Description Example
++ Pre-increment ++$a; // $a becomes 11
-- Pre-decrement --$a; // $a becomes 9
$a++ Post-increment $a++; // $a becomes 10 (after the statement execution)
$a-- Post-decrement $a--; // $a becomes 9 (after the statement execution)

Example of PHP Increment/Decrement Operators

5) php logical operators.

Logical operators are used to combine two or more Boolean values and return a single Boolean result.

The following are the PHP logical operators:

Operator Description Example
&& Logical And $a > 10 && $b < 5; // true only if both $a > 10 and $b < 5 are true
|| Logical Or $a and $b; // Return true if both are true
! Logical Not !($a > 10); // true if $a is not greater than 10
and Logical And $a and $b; // Return true if both are true
or Logical Or $a or $b; // Return true if either is true
xor Logical Xor $a xor $b; // Return true if either is true, but not both

Example of PHP Logical Operators

6) php string operators.

String operators are used to manipulate and combine strings .

The following are the PHP string operators:

Operator Description Example
. Concatenation $str1 = "Include" . " " . $str2;
.= String concatenation and assignment $str1 .= "Help";
== Equal to $str1 == "Include Help"; // true
!= Not equal to $str1 != "Include Help"; // false

Example of PHP String Operators

7) php array operators.

Array operators in PHP are used to compare two arrays, these are basically a kind of relation operators for the array companions.

The following are the PHP array operators:

Operator Description Example
+ Array Union $a + $b; - Returns union or arrays.
== Array Equality $a == $b; - Returns if both have the same key and value pairs.
=== Array Identity $a == $b; - Returns if both have the same key and value pairs (their order and type must be same).
!= Array Inequality $a != $b; - Returns true if both are not equal.
<> Array Inequality $a <> $b; - Returns true if both are not equal.
!== Array non-identity $a <> $b; - Returns true if $a is not identical to $b.

Example of PHP Array Operators

8) php conditional assignment operators.

Conditional assignment operators are used to define value based on the given conditions.

The following are the PHP conditional assignment operators:

Operator Description Example
?: Ternary Operator $result = expr1 ? expr2 : expr2;
?? Non-Coalescing Operator $result = expr1 ?? expr2;

Example of PHP Conditional Assignment Operators

Php operators practice (more examples).

Now let's practice some questions to understand PHP Operators better.

To understand the below-given examples/practices, you should have the knowledge of the following PHP topics:

  • PHP basic syntax
  • PHP data types
  • PHP echo and print statements
  • PHP conditional statements
  • PHP strings

Write a PHP script that calculates the area of a rectangle given its length and width using arithmetic operators.

Create a PHP script that checks if a given number is both divisible by 2 and 3. Use logical operators to perform the check.

Write a PHP function that compares two strings and returns "Equal" if they are the same, "Greater" if the first string is lexicographically greater, and "Smaller" if the second string is lexicographically greater.

Implement a PHP script that determines whether a given number is positive, negative, or zero using the ternary operator.

Develop a PHP program that uses the multiplication and assignment operator (*=) to calculate the square of a number.

Write a PHP function that takes two numbers as parameters and uses the spaceship operator to return:

  • -1 if the first number is less than the second,
  • 0 if they are equal,
  • 1 if the first number is greater than the second.

Create an array of fruits and another array of vegetables. Use array operators to merge these arrays and display the combined list.

Implement a PHP script that uses a loop to print the numbers from 1 to 10 using the post-increment operator.

Write a PHP function that takes two strings as parameters and concatenates them using the concatenation and assignment operator (.=). Return the resulting string.

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  • Conditional Operators

Conditional Assignment Operator in PHP is a shorthand operator that allow developers to assign values to variables based on certain conditions.

In this article, we will explore how the various Conditional Assignment Operators in PHP simplify code and make it more readable.

Let’s begin with the ternary operator.

Ternary Operator Syntax

The Conditional Operator in PHP, also known as the Ternary Operator, assigns values to variables based on a certain condition. It takes three operands: the condition, the value to be assigned if the condition is true, and the value to be assigned if the condition is false.

Here’s an example:

In this example, the condition is $score >= 60 . If this condition is true, the value of $result is “Pass”. Otherwise, the value of $result is “Fail”.

To learn more, visit the PHP ternary operator tutorial . Let’s now explore the section below to delve into the Null Coalescing Operator in PHP.

The Null Coalescing Operator (??)

The Null Coalescing Operator, also known as the Null Coalescing Assignment Operator, assigns a default value to a variable if it is null. The operator has two operands: the variable and the default value it assigns if the variable is null. Here’s an example:

So, In this example, if the $_GET['name'] variable is null, the value of $name is “Guest”. Otherwise, the value of $name is the value of $_GET['name'] .

Here’s another pattern utilizing it with the assignment operator. Let’s proceed.

The Null Coalescing Assignment Operator (??=)

The Null Coalescing Operator with Assignment, also known as the Null Coalescing Assignment Operator, assigns a default value to a variable if it is null. The operator has two operands: the variable and the default value it assigns if the variable is null. Here’s an example:

So, the value of $name is null. The Null Coalescing Assignment Operator assigns the value “Guest” to $name. Therefore, the output of the echo statement is “Welcome,”Guest!”.

Moving into the following section, you’ll learn how to use the Elvis operator in PHP.

The Elvis Operator (?:)

In another hand, The Elvis Operator is a shorthand version of the Ternary Operator. Which assigns a default value to a variable if it is null. It takes two operands: the variable and the default value to be assigned if the variable is null. Here’s an example:

In this example, if the $_GET['name'] variable is null, the value“Guest” $name s “Guest”. Otherwise, the value of $name is the value of $_GET['name'] .

Let’s summarize it.

Wrapping Up

The Conditional Assignment Operators in PHP provide developers with powerful tools to simplify code and make it more readable. You can use these operators to assign values to variables based on certain conditions, assign default values to variables if they are null, and perform shorthand versions of conditional statements. By using these operators, developers can write more efficient and elegant code.

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  • Install PHP
  • Hello World
  • PHP Constant
  • PHP Comments

PHP Functions

  • Parameters and Arguments
  • Anonymous Functions
  • Variable Function
  • Arrow Functions
  • Variadic Functions
  • Named Arguments
  • Callable Vs Callback
  • Variable Scope

Control Structures

  • If-else Block
  • Break Statement

PHP Operators

  • Operator Precedence
  • PHP Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • PHP Bitwise Operators
  • PHP Comparison Operators
  • PHP Increment and Decrement Operator
  • PHP Logical Operators
  • PHP String Operators
  • Array Operators
  • Ternary Operator
  • PHP Enumerable
  • PHP NOT Operator
  • PHP OR Operator
  • PHP Spaceship Operator
  • AND Operator
  • Exclusive OR
  • Spread Operator
  • Null Coalescing Operator

Data Format and Types

  • PHP Data Types
  • PHP Type Juggling
  • PHP Type Casting
  • PHP strict_types
  • Type Hinting
  • PHP Boolean Type
  • PHP Iterable
  • PHP Resource
  • Associative Arrays
  • Multidimensional Array

String and Patterns

  • Remove the Last Char

Other Tutorials

  • If Condition
  • require_once & require
  • array_map()
  • Elvis Operator
  • Predefined Constants
  • PHP History


Learn PHP Syntax, Comments, Variables and Data Types – with Examples

' data-src=

Welcome to today‘s tutorial on learning PHP basics! In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know as a beginner – PHP syntax, comments, variables and data types. Let‘s get started!

Introduction to PHP

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely used open-source general-purpose scripting language designed specifically for web development. It can be embedded into HTML and runs on the server-side, allowing you to dynamically generate web page content. PHP scripts are executed by the PHP processor module on your web server.

Some key advantages of PHP:

  • Open source & free to use
  • Compatible with many databases and platforms
  • Fast performance
  • Scalable & reliable
  • Robust ecosystem with many frameworks & libraries

Let‘s now dive deeper into PHP syntax and language constructs.

A PHP script can be placed anywhere in a document. PHP code is always enclosed within special start and end delimiter tags <?php and ?> like this:

All PHP statements end with a semicolon ( ; ). Comments in PHP can be added with # or // for single line comments or /* */ for multi-line comments.

Here is an example PHP snippet with interspersed HTML:

When the above code is executed on a web server with PHP enabled, the output will be:

The PHP code is seamlessly embedded within HTML and outputs dynamic content.

Comments in PHP

Comments are important in any programming language to explain parts of your code or leave notes for other developers. PHP has two ways of assigning comments:

Single Line Comments

Use // for single line comments:

Multi-line Comments

Use /* */ for multi-line comments:

Comments are ignored by the PHP parser and not executed.

Variables in PHP

Variables are containers for storing data values in PHP. Think of them as simple boxes you can store any of your stuff in.

Rules for PHP variables:

  • Variables start with the $ sign, followed by the name
  • The name must start with a letter or underscore _
  • Can only contain alphanumeric characters a-z , A-Z , 0-9 and underscores _
  • Case-sensitive – $firstname and $firstName are different variables

Here are some examples of valid variable names:

To assign a value to a variable, use the = operator:

To access or print a variable‘s value, reference it by the $ sign:

Some things to note about PHP variables:

  • When you assign a new value to an existing variable, it overwrites the previous value
  • Uninitialized variables have the default value of NULL
  • Variables defined within functions are local, others are global
  • Variables don‘t need explicit declaration, the first assignment does that

Data Types in PHP

PHP is a dynamically typed language. This means PHP variables can hold values of different data types instead of being strictly typed like other languages.

The main data types in PHP include:

Let‘s look at some common PHP data types:

String represents sequence of characters like "Hello". Can be specified in single quotes ‘ ‘ or double quotes " " :

Integers represent non-decimal numbers between -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

Float (floating point number) represents decimal point numbers:

A boolean represents a truth value – either TRUE or FALSE. Useful in conditional testing.

An array stores multiple values in one single variable in the form of a list. Values can be accessed by their index number.

We have just scratched the surface of data types here. You‘ll learn about more complex types like arrays and objects in later tutorials!

Recap & Conclusion

We have covered a lot of PHP basics in this beginner tutorial including:

  • PHP syntax for embedding PHP code within HTML
  • Using comments with // and /* */ to annotate code
  • Variables for storing data values
  • Different data types like strings, integers, floats and booleans

You now know enough PHP basics to start writing your own PHP scripts!

There are still much more to learn about methods, conditions, loops, functions and object-oriented PHP. The next tutorial will focus on print statements and output in PHP.

So stay tuned and keep practicing everything learned so far!

' data-src=

Dr. Alex Mitchell is a dedicated coding instructor with a deep passion for teaching and a wealth of experience in computer science education. As a university professor, Dr. Mitchell has played a pivotal role in shaping the coding skills of countless students, helping them navigate the intricate world of programming languages and software development.

Beyond the classroom, Dr. Mitchell is an active contributor to the freeCodeCamp community, where he regularly shares his expertise through tutorials, code examples, and practical insights. His teaching repertoire includes a wide range of languages and frameworks, such as Python, JavaScript, Next.js, and React, which he presents in an accessible and engaging manner.

Dr. Mitchell’s approach to teaching blends academic rigor with real-world applications, ensuring that his students not only understand the theory but also how to apply it effectively. His commitment to education and his ability to simplify complex topics have made him a respected figure in both the university and online learning communities.

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Operators in C Programming: A Complete Overview

Curious about Operators in C Programming? Operators in C are symbols that perform operations on variables and values, such as addition, subtraction, and comparison. This blog will delve into various operators, including arithmetic, logical, and bitwise, explaining their functions and how they are used in C programming.


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Are you struggling to master the foundational concepts of programming? Understanding operators in C programming is crucial for anyone looking to write efficient and powerful code. These operators are the building blocks that enable you to perform calculations, manipulate data, and make decisions within your programs. 

In this blog, we'll delve into the various types of operators in C programming, from arithmetic to logical, and explore how they work together to bring your code to life. By mastering these operators, you'll gain the confidence to tackle more complex programming challenges, making your code both cleaner and more effective. Stay with us as we guide you through the essentials of operators in C programming, helping you unlock the true potential of your coding skills. 

Table of Contents 

1) What is a C Operator? 

2) Types of Operators in C 

   a) Arithmetic Operations in C 

   b) Relational Operators in C 

   c) Logical Operator in C 

   d) Bitwise Operators in C 

   e) Assignment Operators in C 

   f) Increment and Decrement Operators 

   g) sizeof Operator 

   h) Other Operators 

3) Conclusion 

What is a C Operator? 

In C Programming, an operator is a symbol that instructs the compiler to perform specific mathematical, relational, or logical operations on variables and values to produce a result. Operators are fundamental in manipulating data and are used extensively in expressions to perform calculations, comparisons, and logical evaluations.  

They enable programmers to write concise and efficient code by simplifying complex operations into manageable components. From simple arithmetic operations like addition and subtraction to more complex tasks like bitwise manipulations and logical decision-making, operators in C are essential tools that facilitate a wide range of programming tasks and functionalities.  

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Types of Operators in C 

C Operators are categorised based on the type of operation they perform. These categories include arithmetic, relational, logical, sbitwise, assignment, increment and decrement, size of, and other miscellaneous operators. Each category has specific functions and uses in programming. Understanding these operators in conjunction with the various Data Types in C allows programmers to effectively manipulate and process data. 

1) Arithmetic Operations in C 

Arithmetic operators perform basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus. 

Operators and Their Functions: 

a) + (Addition): Adds two operands. 

b) - (Subtraction): Subtracts the second operand from the first. 

c) * (Multiplication): Multiplies two operands. 

d) / (Division): Divides the numerator by the denominator. 

e) % (Modulus): Returns the remainder of a division operation. 



int main() { 

    int a = 10, b = 5; 

    printf("Addition: %dn", a + b);      // 15 

    printf("Subtraction: %dn", a - b);   // 5 

    printf("Multiplication: %dn", a * b); // 50 

    printf("Division: %dn", a / b);      // 2 

    printf("Modulus: %dn", a % b);       // 0 

    return 0; 

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2) Relational Operators in C 

Relational operators compare two values or variables. They return a boolean result (true or false). 

a) == (Equal to): Checks if two operands are equal. 

b) != (Not equal to): Checks if two operands are not equal. 

c) > (Greater than): Checks if the left operand is greater than the right. 

d) < (Less than): Checks if the left operand is less than the right. 

e) >= (Greater than or equal to): Checks if the left operand is greater than or equal to the right. 

f) <= (Less than or equal to): Checks if the left operand is less than or equal to the right. 


int main() { 

    int a = 10, b = 5; 

    printf("a == b: %dn", a == b);   // 0 (false) 

    printf("a != b: %dn", a != b);   // 1 (true) 

    printf("a > b: %dn", a > b);     // 1 (true) 



3) Logical Operators in C 

Logical operators are used to combine multiple relational expressions. 

a) && (Logical AND): Returns true if both operands are true. 

b) || (Logical OR): Returns true if at least one operand is true. 

c) ! (Logical NOT): Returns true if the operand is false. 


int main() { 

    int a = 1, b = 0; 

    printf("a && b: %dn", a && b);   // 0 (false) 

    printf("a || b: %dn", a || b);   // 1 (true) 

    printf("!a: %dn", !a);           // 0 (false) 

    return 0; 

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4) Bitwise Operators in C 

Bitwise operators perform operations on binary representations of integers. 

a) & (AND): Performs bitwise AND. 

b) | (OR): Performs bitwise OR. 

c) ^ (XOR): Performs bitwise XOR. 

d) ~ (NOT): Performs bitwise NOT. 

e) << (Left Shift): Shifts bits to the left. 

f) >> (Right Shift): Shifts bits to the right. 


int main() { 

    int a = 5, b = 3; 

    printf("a & b: %dn", a & b);    // 1 

    printf("a | b: %dn", a | b);    // 7 

    printf("a ^ b: %dn", a ^ b);    // 6 

    printf("~a: %dn", ~a);          // -6 


    return 0; 

5) Assignment Operators in C 

Assignment operators assign values to variables. 

a) =: Simple assignment. 

b) +=: Adds and assigns. 

c) -=: Subtracts and assigns. 

d) *=: Multiplies and assigns. 

e) /=: Divides and assigns. 

f)  %=: Takes modulus and assigns. 


int main() { 

    int a = 10; 

    a += 5;   // a = a + 5 

    printf("a += 5: %dn", a);  // 15 

    a -= 3;   // a = a - 3 

    printf("a -= 3: %dn", a);  // 12 

    a *= 2;   // a = a * 2 

    printf("a *= 2: %dn", a);  // 24 

    a /= 4;   // a = a / 4 

    printf("a /= 4: %dn", a);  // 6 

    a %= 3;   // a = a % 3 

    printf("a %%= 3: %dn", a); // 0 

    return 0; 

6) Increment and Decrement Operators 

Increment and decrement operators increase or decrease the value of a variable by one. 

a) ++: Increment operator. 

b) --: Decrement operator. 


int main() { 

    int a = 10; 


    printf("a++: %dn", a);  // 11 


    printf("a--: %dn", a);  // 10 

    return 0; 

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7) sizeof Operator 

The sizeof operator returns the size of a variable or data type in bytes. 


int main() { 

    int a; 

    float b; 

    double c; 

    char d; 

    printf("Size of int: %lun", sizeof(a));    // Typically 4 bytes 

    printf("Size of float: %lun", sizeof(b));  // Typically 4 bytes 

    printf("Size of double: %lun", sizeof(c)); // Typically 8 bytes 

    printf("Size of char: %lun", sizeof(d));   // Typically 1 byte 

    return 0; 

8) Other Operators 

Other miscellaneous operators include the comma operator, the conditional operator (ternary), and the cast operator. 

a) , (Comma): Separates expressions. 

b)  ?: (Ternary): A shorthand for the if-else statement. 

c) (type) (Cast): Converts a variable from one type to another. 

Example :  


int main() { 

    int a = 10, b = 20, c; 

    c = (a > b) ? a : b; 

    printf("Ternary operator: %dn", c); // 20   

    float d = 3.14; 

    int e; 

    e = (int)d; 

    printf("Cast operator: %dn", e);    // 3 

    return 0; 


Understanding and effectively using operators in C programming is crucial for writing efficient and effective code. By mastering these operators, you can perform a wide range of operations, from simple arithmetic to complex bitwise manipulations, enhancing your programming capabilities. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Operators in C are symbols that instruct the compiler to perform specific mathematical, relational, or logical operations on variables and values. They enable manipulation of data, facilitating various operations such as arithmetic calculations, comparisons, and logical evaluations, which are essential for writing functional C programs.  

The '=' operator is an assignment operator that assigns the value on its right to the variable on its left. The '==' operator is a relational operator used to compare two values, returning true if they are equal and false if they are not. 

Logic operators in C include && (logical AND), || (logical OR), and ! (logical NOT). These operators are used to combine or invert logical expressions, enabling decision-making processes within the program based on multiple conditions.  

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Introduction to Python Operators

php assignment operators examples

  • Baibhav Kumar
  • Aug 30, 2024
  • Other Artcile

This article explains Python operators, covering arithmetic, comparison, logical, bitwise, membership, identity, and operator overloading. It includes examples for each, emphasizing their importance in performing operations and comparisons.

In Python, operators are symbols that tell the program to perform specific operations on values or variables. They help you add numbers, compare values, or manipulate data. There are different types of operators, like those for math, comparing things, working with bits, and even creating custom actions. In this guide, we'll break down these operators into simple explanations so you can easily understand how they work.

Python Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators provide a set of operators to perform basic mathematical operations:

  • Addition (+): This operator adds two values together.
  • Subtraction (-): Subtracts one value from another.
  • Multiplication (*): Multiplies two values.
  • Division (/): Divides one value by another, resulting in a floating-point number.
  • Floor Division (//): Divides two values and returns the largest integer less than or equal to the result.
  • Exponentiation (**): Raises one value to the power of another.
  • Modulus (%): Returns the remainder after dividing one value by another.

Python Arithmetic Operators Output

Python Comparison Operators

Comparison operators help compare values and return either True or False. These operators include:

  • Greater Than (>): Checks if the value on the left is greater than the value on the right.
  • Less Than (<): Check if the value on the left is less than the value on the right.
  • Equal To (==): Checks if both values are equal.
  • Not Equal To (!=): Checks if both values are not equal.
  • Greater Than or Equal To (>=): Check if the value on the left is greater than or equal to the value on the right.
  • Less Than or Equal To (<=): Check if the value on the left is less than or equal to the value on the right.

Comparison operators are vital for controlling program flow, particularly in decision-making scenarios like if statements and loops.

Python Comparison Operators

Python Logical Operators

Python logical operators are used to perform logical operations on boolean values, returning either True or False. They are primarily used in conditional statements to combine or negate conditions.

  • and: Returns True if both operands are True; otherwise, it returns False.
  • or: Returns True if at least one of the operands is True; returns False only if both are False.
  • not: Negates the boolean value; if the value is True, it returns False, and vice versa.

Logical operators are used to create complex conditions, enabling more flexible and sophisticated decision-making in programs.

Python Logical Operators

Python Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators in Python work at the bit level, meaning they perform operations on the binary representation of numbers. These operators manipulate individual bits of data, which can be useful for low-level programming tasks like handling binary data or optimizing performance.

  • & (AND): Compares each bit of two numbers. If both bits are 1, the result is 1. Otherwise, it's 0.
  • | (OR): Compares each bit of two numbers. If at least one bit is 1, the result is 1. If both are 0, the result is 0.
  • ^ (XOR): Compares each bit of two numbers. If the bits are different, the result is 1. If they are the same, the result is 0.
  • ~ (NOT): Flips all the bits of a number, turning 1s into 0s and 0s into 1s.
  • << (Left Shift): Shifts the bits of a number to the left by a specified number of positions, effectively multiplying the number by powers of two.
  • >> (Right Shift): Shifts the bits of a number to the right by a specified number of positions, effectively dividing the number by powers of two.

Bitwise operators are often used in scenarios where performance and memory efficiency are critical, such as in systems programming, cryptography, or data compression.

Python Bitwise Operators

Python Membership Operators

Membership operators in Python are used to check if a value is part of a sequence, such as a list, tuple, string, or set. These operators help determine whether a particular item exists within a collection.

  • in: This operator checks if a value exists in a sequence. If the value is found, it returns True; otherwise, it returns False.
  • not in: This operator checks if a value does not exist in a sequence. If the value is not found, it returns True; otherwise, it returns False.

Membership operators are commonly used in conditions or loops to verify the presence or absence of elements in data structures like lists, strings, or dictionaries. For example, you might check if a user’s input exists in a predefined list of valid options.

Python Membership Operators

Python Identity Operators

Identity operators in Python are used to compare the memory locations of two objects. They check whether two variables refer to the same object in memory, rather than just having equal values.

  • is: This operator returns True if two variables point to the same object in memory, meaning they are identical.
  • is not: This operator returns True if two variables do not point to the same object in memory, meaning they are not identical.

Identity operators are helpful when you need to check if two variables reference the same object, particularly when dealing with mutable objects like lists or dictionaries. For instance, in cases where you want to avoid unintentional modifications to a shared object.

Python Identity Operators

Operator overloading in Python allows you to change how operators like +, -, and * work with your custom objects. Normally, these operators work with basic data types like numbers, but with operator overloading, you can define what they do when applied to your objects.

  • Customizing Operators: You can change how operators like +, -, and == behave when used with your objects by defining special methods in your class.
  • Make Objects Behave Like Built-in Types: This allows your objects to interact with operators in a way that feels natural, just like numbers or strings do.
  • Simplifies Complex Data Structures: It is helpful for creating more intuitive code when working with complex objects like matrices, vectors, or custom data types.

Python Operator Overloading Example 2 Output

To write effective Python code, it's important to understand different operators, like those for math, logic, bitwise operations, checking membership, and comparing identity. Python also lets you extend these operators to work with custom objects, making the language more powerful. Whether you're doing calculations or comparing items, operators are a key part of Python that you'll use often.

  • Operator Overloading

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Python Overview

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Vulnerability Summary for the Week of August 19, 2024

The CISA Vulnerability Bulletin provides a summary of new vulnerabilities that have been recorded by the  National Institute of Standards and Technology  (NIST)  National Vulnerability Database  (NVD) in the past week. In some cases, the vulnerabilities in the bulletin may not yet have assigned CVSS scores. Please visit NVD for updated vulnerability entries, which include CVSS scores once they are available.

Vulnerabilities are based on the  Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures  (CVE) vulnerability naming standard and are organized according to severity, determined by the  Common Vulnerability Scoring System  (CVSS) standard. The division of high, medium, and low severities correspond to the following scores:

  • High : vulnerabilities with a CVSS base score of 7.0–10.0
  • Medium : vulnerabilities with a CVSS base score of 4.0–6.9
  • Low : vulnerabilities with a CVSS base score of 0.0–3.9

Entries may include additional information provided by organizations and efforts sponsored by CISA. This information may include identifying information, values, definitions, and related links. Patch information is provided when available. Please note that some of the information in the bulletin is compiled from external, open-source reports and is not a direct result of CISA analysis.  

High Vulnerabilities

Vendor -- Product
DescriptionPublishedCVSS ScoreSource InfoPatch Info
Liquid Web--GiveWP
Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability in Liquid Web GiveWP allows Object Injection.This issue affects GiveWP: from n/a through
webdevmattcrom--GiveWP Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform
The GiveWP - Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to PHP Object Injection in all versions up to, and including, 3.14.1 via deserialization of untrusted input from the 'give_title' parameter. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to inject a PHP Object. The additional presence of a POP chain allows attackers to execute code remotely, and to delete arbitrary files.2024-08-20

sjhoo--Woo Inquiry

The Woo Inquiry plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to SQL Injection in all versions up to, and including, 0.1 due to insufficient escaping on the user supplied parameter 'dbid' and lack of sufficient preparation on the existing SQL query. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to append additional SQL queries into already existing queries that can be used to extract sensitive information from the database.2024-08-21

Forcepoint--Web Security

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Forcepoint Web Security (Transaction Viewer) allows Stored XSS. The Forcepoint Web Security portal allows administrators to generate detailed reports on user requests made through the Web proxy. It has been determined that the "user agent" field in the Transaction Viewer is vulnerable to a persistent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability, which can be exploited by any user who can route traffic through the Forcepoint Web proxy. This vulnerability enables unauthorized attackers to execute JavaScript within the browser context of a Forcepoint administrator, thereby allowing them to perform actions on the administrator's behalf. Such a breach could lead to unauthorized access or modifications, posing a significant security risk. This issue affects Web Security: before
Joomla! Project--Joomla CMS

The pagination class includes arbitrary parameters in links, leading to cache poisoning attack vectors.2024-08-20
LiteSpeed Technologies --LiteSpeed Cache

Incorrect Privilege Assignment vulnerability in LiteSpeed Technologies LiteSpeed Cache litespeed-cache allows Privilege Escalation.This issue affects LiteSpeed Cache: from 1.9 through

SolarWinds--Web Help Desk

The SolarWinds Web Help Desk (WHD) software is affected by a hardcoded credential vulnerability, allowing remote unauthenticated user to access internal functionality and modify data.2024-08-21

newlib_project -- newlib
An issue in newlib v.4.3.0 allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code via the time unit scaling in the _gettimeofday function.2024-08-20

N/A -- N/A

A SQL Injection vulnerability exists in the Downtime component in Centreon Web 24.04.x before 24.04.3, 23.10.x before 23.10.13, 23.04.x before 23.04.19, and 22.10.x before

N/A -- N/A

A SQL Injection vulnerability exists in the Timeperiod component in Centreon Web 24.04.x before 24.04.3, 23.10.x before 23.10.13, 23.04.x before 23.04.19, and 22.10.x before

Keyfactor Command 10.5.x before 10.5.1 and 11.5.x before 11.5.1 allows SQL Injection which could result in code execution and escalation of privileges.2024-08-20
typecho -- typecho
A stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Typecho v1.3.0 allows attackers to execute arbitrary web scripts or HTML via a crafted payload.2024-08-20
N/A -- N/A

Swissphone DiCal-RED 4009 devices allow a remote attacker to gain access to the administrative web interface via the device password's hash value, without knowing the actual device password.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

Swissphone DiCal-RED 4009 devices allow a remote attacker to gain a root shell via TELNET without authentication.2024-08-22

Azure--Microsoft Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra
An improper access control vulnerability in the Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra allows an authenticated attacker to elevate privileges over a network.2024-08-20
squirrelly -- squirrelly
squirrellyjs squirrelly v9.0.0 and fixed in v.9.0.1 was discovered to contain a code injection vulnerability via the component options.varName.2024-08-21

hargal -- hargal_windows_client
Hargal - CWE-284: Improper Access Control2024-08-20
N/A -- N/A

Ezviz Internet PT Camera CS-CV246 D15655150 allows an unauthenticated host to access its live video stream by crafting a set of RTSP packets with a specific set of URLs that can be used to redirect the camera feed.2024-08-23

Hotel Management System commit 91caab8 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the room_type parameter at admin_room_removed.php.2024-08-20
Hotel Management System commit 91caab8 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the book_id parameter at admin_modify_room.php.2024-08-20
An issue in the login component (process_login.php) of Hotel Management System commit 79d688 allows attackers to authenticate without providing a valid password.2024-08-20
Pharmacy Management System commit a2efc8 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the invoice_number parameter at preview.php.2024-08-20
An arbitrary file upload vulnerability in ERP commit 44bd04 allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via uploading a crafted HTML file.2024-08-20
ERP commit 44bd04 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the id parameter at /index.php/basedata/contact/delete?action=delete.2024-08-20
arajajyothibabu -- school_management_system
School Management System commit bae5aa was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the password parameter at login.php2024-08-20
arajajyothibabu -- school_management_system
School Management System commit bae5aa was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the sid parameter at /search.php?action=2.2024-08-20
arajajyothibabu -- school_management_system
School Management System commit bae5aa was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the transport parameter at vehicle.php.2024-08-20
School Management System commit bae5aa was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the medium parameter at paidclass.php.2024-08-20
arajajyothibabu -- school_management_system
School Management System commit bae5aa was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the medium parameter at admininsert.php.2024-08-20
School Management System commit bae5aa was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the medium parameter at insertattendance.php.2024-08-20
arajajyothibabu -- school_management_system
School Management System commit bae5aa was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the medium parameter at unitmarks.php.2024-08-20
arajajyothibabu -- school_management_system
School Management System commit bae5aa was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the medium parameter at dtmarks.php.2024-08-20
arajajyothibabu -- school_management_system
School Management System commit bae5aa was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the medium parameter at attendance.php.2024-08-20
arajajyothibabu -- school_management_system
School Management System commit bae5aa was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the medium parameter at substaff.php.2024-08-20
nepstech -- ntpl-xpon1gfevn_firmware
An issue in wishnet Nepstech Wifi Router NTPL-XPON1GFEVN v1.0 allows a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information via the cookie's parameter2024-08-19

N/A -- N/A

Kashipara Bus Ticket Reservation System v1.0 is vulnerable to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) via /deleteTicket.php.2024-08-23

N/A -- N/A

A SQL injection vulnerability in "/login.php" of the Kashipara Bus Ticket Reservation System v1.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands and bypass Login via the "email" or "password" Login page parameters.2024-08-23

N/A -- N/A

An Incorrect Access Control vulnerability was found in /admin/add_room_controller.php in Kashipara Hotel Management System v1.0, which allows an unauthenticated attacker to add the valid hotel room entries in the administrator section via the direct URL access.2024-08-22

lopalopa -- music_management_system
An Unrestricted file upload vulnerability was found in "/music/ajax.php?action=signup" of Kashipara Music Management System v1.0, which allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via uploading a crafted PHP file.2024-08-21
lopalopa -- music_management_system
A SQL injection vulnerability in "/music/ajax.php?action=login" of Kashipara Music Management System v1.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands and bypass Login via the email parameter.2024-08-21

lopalopa -- music_management_system
A SQL injection vulnerability in "/music/ajax.php?action=find_music" in Kashipara Music Management System v1.0 allows an attacker to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the "search" parameter.2024-08-21

N/A -- N/A

A SQL injection vulnerability in "/music/controller.php?page=view_music" in Kashipara Music Management System v1.0 allows an attacker to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the "id" parameter.2024-08-21

In TRENDnet TEW-752DRU FW1.03B01, there is a buffer overflow vulnerability due to the lack of length verification for the service field in gena.cgi. Attackers who successfully exploit this vulnerability can cause the remote target device to crash or execute arbitrary commands.2024-08-19
In the TP-Link RE365 V1_180213, there is a buffer overflow vulnerability due to the lack of length verification for the USER_AGENT field in /usr/bin/httpd. Attackers who successfully exploit this vulnerability can cause the remote target device to crash or execute arbitrary commands.2024-08-19
Apache Software Foundation--Apache DolphinScheduler
Exposure of Remote Code Execution in Apache Dolphinscheduler. This issue affects Apache DolphinScheduler: before 3.2.2. We recommend users to upgrade Apache DolphinScheduler to version 3.2.2, which fixes the issue.2024-08-20

azzaroco--Ultimate Membership Pro
Improper Privilege Management vulnerability in azzaroco Ultimate Membership Pro allows Privilege Escalation.This issue affects Ultimate Membership Pro: from n/a through 12.6.2024-08-19
azzaroco--Ultimate Membership Pro
Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability in azzaroco Ultimate Membership Pro allows Object Injection.This issue affects Ultimate Membership Pro: from n/a through 12.6.2024-08-19
Improper Privilege Management vulnerability in eyecix JobSearch allows Privilege Escalation.This issue affects JobSearch: from n/a through
Bit Apps--Bit Form Pro
Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type vulnerability in Bit Apps Bit Form Pro allows Command Injection.This issue affects Bit Form Pro: from n/a through
Crew HRM--Crew HRM
Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability in Crew HRM allows Object Injection.This issue affects Crew HRM: from n/a through
Hamed Naderfar--Compute Links
Improper Control of Filename for Include/Require Statement in PHP Program ('PHP Remote File Inclusion') vulnerability in Hamed Naderfar Compute Links allows PHP Remote File Inclusion.This issue affects Compute Links: from n/a through
Geek Code Lab--Login As Users
Improper Privilege Management vulnerability in Geek Code Lab Login As Users allows Privilege Escalation.This issue affects Login As Users: from n/a through
Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability in myCred allows Object Injection.This issue affects myCred: from n/a through
opensecurity -- mobile_security_framework
Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is a pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framework capable of performing static and dynamic analysis. Before 4.0.7, there is a flaw in the Static Libraries analysis section. Specifically, during the extraction of .a extension files, the measure intended to prevent Zip Slip attacks is improperly implemented. Since the implemented measure can be bypassed, the vulnerability allows an attacker to extract files to any desired location within the server running MobSF. This vulnerability is fixed in

MEGABOT is a fully customized Discord bot for learning and fun. The `/math` command and functionality of MEGABOT versions < 1.5.0 contains a remote code execution vulnerability due to a Python `eval()`. The vulnerability allows an attacker to inject Python code into the `expression` parameter when using `/math` in any Discord channel. This vulnerability impacts any discord guild utilizing MEGABOT. This vulnerability was fixed in release version

frrouting -- frrouting
An issue was discovered in FRRouting (FRR) through 10.1. bgp_attr_encap in bgpd/bgp_attr.c does not check the actual remaining stream length before taking the TLV value.2024-08-19
microcks -- microcks
In Microcks before 1.10.0, the POST /api/import and POST /api/export endpoints allow non-administrator access.2024-08-19

N/A -- N/A

The Mirai botnet through 2024-08-19 mishandles simultaneous TCP connections to the CNC (command and control) server. Unauthenticated sessions remain open, causing resource consumption. For example, an attacker can send a recognized username (such as root), or can send arbitrary data.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in UCI IDOL 2 (aka uciIDOL or IDOL2) through 2.12. Due to improper input validation, improper deserialization, and improper restriction of operations within the bounds of a memory buffer, IDOL2 is vulnerable to Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks and possibly remote code execution. There is an access violation and EIP overwrite after five logins.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in UCI IDOL 2 (aka uciIDOL or IDOL2) through 2.12. Due to improper input validation, improper deserialization, and improper restriction of operations within the bounds of a memory buffer, IDOL2 is vulnerable to Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks and possibly remote code execution. A certain XmlMessage document causes 100% CPU consumption.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in UCI IDOL 2 (aka uciIDOL or IDOL2) through 2.12. Data is transferred over a raw socket without any authentication mechanism. Thus, communication endpoints are not verifiable.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in UCI IDOL 2 (aka uciIDOL or IDOL2) through 2.12. Due to improper input validation, improper deserialization, and improper restriction of operations within the bounds of a memory buffer, IDOL2 is vulnerable to Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks and possibly remote code execution via the \xB0\x00\x3c byte sequence.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in Matrix libolm (aka Olm) through 3.2.16. The AES implementation is vulnerable to cache-timing attacks due to use of S-boxes. This is related to software that uses a lookup table for the SubWord step. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer.2024-08-22

bdthemes--Ultimate Store Kit Elementor Addons, Woocommerce Builder, EDD Builder, Elementor Store Builder, Product Grid, Product Table, Woocommerce Slider

The Ultimate Store Kit Elementor Addons, Woocommerce Builder, EDD Builder, Elementor Store Builder, Product Grid, Product Table, Woocommerce Slider plugin is vulnerable to PHP Object Injection via deserialization of untrusted input via the _ultimate_store_kit_compare_products cookie in versions up to , and including, 1.6.4. This makes it possible for an unauthenticated attacker to inject a PHP Object. No POP chain is present in the vulnerable plugin. If a POP chain is present via an additional plugin or theme installed on the target system, it could allow the attacker or above to delete arbitrary files, retrieve sensitive data, or execute code.2024-08-21

Unknown--GEO my WP
The GEO my WP WordPress plugin before does not prevent unauthenticated attackers from including arbitrary files in PHP's execution context, which leads to Remote Code Execution.2024-08-19

The WPML plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Remote Code Execution in all versions up to, and including, 4.6.12 via the Twig Server-Side Template Injection. This is due to missing input validation and sanitization on the render function. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to execute code on the server.2024-08-21

Unknown--Chatbot with ChatGPT WordPress
The Chatbot with ChatGPT WordPress plugin before 2.4.5 does not properly sanitise and escape a parameter before using it in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL injection exploitable by unauthenticated users when submitting messages to the chatbot.2024-08-20
brandondove--Favicon Generator (CLOSED)

The Favicon Generator plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in versions up to, and including, 1.5. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the output_sub_admin_page_0 function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to delete arbitrary files on the server via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link. The plugin author deleted the functionality of the plugin to patch this issue and close the plugin, we recommend seeking an alternative to this plugin.2024-08-24

bitpressadmin--Contact Form by Bit Form: Multi Step Form, Calculation Contact Form, Payment Contact Form & Custom Contact Form builder
The Contact Form by Bit Form: Multi Step Form, Calculation Contact Form, Payment Contact Form & Custom Contact Form builder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to arbitrary file read and deletion due to insufficient file path validation in multiple functions in versions 2.0 to 2.13.9. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Administrator-level access and above, to read and delete arbitrary files on the server, which can easily lead to remote code execution when the right file is deleted (such as wp-config.php).2024-08-20

jielink\+_jsotc2016_project -- jielink\+_jsotc2016
A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, has been found in Anhui Deshun Intelligent Technology Jieshun JieLink+ JSOTC2016 up to 20240805. This issue affects some unknown processing of the file /report/ParkChargeRecord/GetDataList. The manipulation leads to improper access controls. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-19

jielink\+_jsotc2016_project -- jielink\+_jsotc2016
A vulnerability, which was classified as problematic, was found in Anhui Deshun Intelligent Technology Jieshun JieLink+ JSOTC2016 up to 20240805. Affected is an unknown function of the file /Report/ParkCommon/GetParkInThroughDeivces. The manipulation leads to improper access controls. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-19

jielink\+_jsotc2016_project -- jielink\+_jsotc2016
A vulnerability has been found in Anhui Deshun Intelligent Technology Jieshun JieLink+ JSOTC2016 up to 20240805 and classified as problematic. Affected by this vulnerability is an unknown functionality of the file /report/ParkOutRecord/GetDataList. The manipulation leads to improper access controls. The attack can be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-19

dell -- dns-120_firmware
A vulnerability was found in D-Link DNS-120, DNR-202L, DNS-315L, DNS-320, DNS-320L, DNS-320LW, DNS-321, DNR-322L, DNS-323, DNS-325, DNS-326, DNS-327L, DNR-326, DNS-340L, DNS-343, DNS-345, DNS-726-4, DNS-1100-4, DNS-1200-05 and DNS-1550-04 up to 20240814 and classified as critical. Affected by this issue is the function cgi_audio_search/cgi_create_playlist/cgi_get_album_all_tracks/cgi_get_alltracks_editlist/cgi_get_artist_all_album/cgi_get_genre_all_tracks/cgi_get_tracks_list/cgi_set_airplay_content/cgi_write_playlist of the file /cgi-bin/myMusic.cgi. The manipulation leads to command injection. The attack may be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer. NOTE: Vendor was contacted early and confirmed that the product is end-of-life. It should be retired and replaced.2024-08-19

project_expense_monitoring_system_project -- project_expense_monitoring_system
A vulnerability was found in itsourcecode Project Expense Monitoring System 1.0. It has been classified as critical. Affected is an unknown function of the file login1.php of the component Backend Login. The manipulation of the argument user leads to sql injection. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-19

project_expense_monitoring_system_project -- project_expense_monitoring_system
A vulnerability was found in itsourcecode Project Expense Monitoring System 1.0. It has been declared as critical. Affected by this vulnerability is an unknown functionality of the file execute.php. The manipulation of the argument code leads to sql injection. The attack can be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-19

project_expense_monitoring_system_project -- project_expense_monitoring_system
A vulnerability was found in itsourcecode Project Expense Monitoring System 1.0. It has been rated as critical. Affected by this issue is some unknown functionality of the file print.php. The manipulation of the argument map_id leads to sql injection. The attack may be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-19

adonesevangelista -- online_blood_bank_management_system
A vulnerability was found in itsourcecode Online Blood Bank Management System 1.0. It has been rated as critical. Affected by this issue is some unknown functionality of the file register.php of the component User Signup. The manipulation of the argument user leads to sql injection. The attack may be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-20

janobe -- point_of_sales_and_inventory_management_system
A vulnerability classified as critical has been found in SourceCodester Point of Sales and Inventory Management System 1.0. This affects an unknown part of the file login.php. The manipulation of the argument email leads to sql injection. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-20

SPIP--SPIPThe porte_plume plugin used by SPIP before 4.30-alpha2, 4.2.13, and 4.1.16 is vulnerable to an arbitrary code execution vulnerability. A remote and unauthenticated attacker can execute arbitrary PHP as the SPIP user by sending a crafted HTTP request.2024-08-23

gotribe -- gotribe-admin
A vulnerability was found in Go-Tribe gotribe-admin 1.0 and classified as problematic. Affected by this issue is the function InitRoutes of the file internal/app/routes/routes.go of the component Log Handler. The manipulation leads to deserialization. The patch is identified as 45ac90d6d1f82716f77dbcdf8e7309c229080e3c. It is recommended to apply a patch to fix this issue.2024-08-20

demozx -- gf_cms
A vulnerability was found in demozx gf_cms 1.0/1.0.1. It has been classified as critical. This affects the function init of the file internal/logic/auth/auth.go of the component JWT Authentication. The manipulation leads to hard-coded credentials. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. Upgrading to version 1.0.2 is able to address this issue. The patch is named be702ada7cb6fdabc02689d90b38139c827458a5. It is recommended to upgrade the affected component.2024-08-20

Cisco--Cisco Unifed Communications Manager

A vulnerability in the SIP call processing function of Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) and Cisco Unified Communications Manager Session Management Edition (Unified CM SME) could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to cause a denial of service (DoS) condition on an affected device. This vulnerability is due to improper parsing of SIP messages. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending a crafted SIP message to an affected Cisco Unified CM or Cisco Unified CM SME device. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to cause the device to reload, resulting in a DoS condition that interrupts the communications of reliant voice and video devices.2024-08-21
N/A -- N/A

cgi-bin/fdmcgiwebv2.cgi on Swissphone DiCal-RED 4009 devices allows an authenticated attacker to gain access to arbitrary files on the device's file system.2024-08-22

Manage Engine--ADAudit Plus

Zohocorp ManageEngine ADAudit Plus versions below 8000 are vulnerable to the authenticated SQL injection in file summary option.2024-08-23
Manage Engine--ADAudit Plus

Zohocorp ManageEngine ADAudit Plus versions below 8000 are vulnerable to the authenticated SQL injection in dashboard. Note: This vulnerability is different from another vulnerability (CVE-2024-36516), both of which have affected ADAudit Plus' dashboard.2024-08-23
Manage Engine--ADAudit Plus

Zohocorp ManageEngine ADAudit Plus versions below 8000 are vulnerable to the authenticated SQL injection in dashboard. Note: This vulnerability is different from another vulnerability (CVE-2024-36515), both of which have affected ADAudit Plus' dashboard.2024-08-23
Manage Engine--ADAudit Plus

Zohocorp ManageEngine ADAudit Plus versions below 8000 are vulnerable to the authenticated SQL injection in alerts module.2024-08-23
Collabora Online--Online

Collabora Online is a collaborative online office suite based on LibreOffice. In affected versions of Collabora Online, https connections from coolwsd to other hosts may incompletely verify the remote host's certificate's against the full chain of trust. This vulnerability is fixed in Collabora Online,, and
Dell--Dell Power Manager

Dell Power Manager (DPM), versions 3.15.0 and prior, contains an Incorrect Privilege Assignment vulnerability. A low privileged attacker with local access could potentially exploit this vulnerability, leading to Code execution and Elevation of privileges.2024-08-22
projectcapsule -- capsule
Capsule is a multi-tenancy and policy-based framework for Kubernetes. In Capsule v0.7.0 and earlier, the tenant-owner can patch any arbitrary namespace that has not been taken over by a tenant (i.e., namespaces without the ownerReference field), thereby gaining control of that namespace.2024-08-20

N/A -- N/A

A SQL Injection vulnerability exists in the service configuration functionality in Centreon Web 24.04.x before 24.04.3, 23.10.x before 23.10.13, 23.04.x before 23.04.19, and 22.10.x before

mattermost -- mattermost
Mattermost versions 9.9.x <= 9.9.1, 9.5.x <= 9.5.7, 9.10.x <= 9.10.0, 9.8.x <= 9.8.2 fail to sanitize user inputs in the frontend that are used for redirection which allows for a one-click client-side path traversal that is leading to CSRF in User Management page of the system console.2024-08-22

Casdoor is a UI-first Identity and Access Management (IAM) / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform. In Casdoor 1.577.0 and earlier, a logic vulnerability exists in the beego filter CorsFilter that allows any website to make cross domain requests to Casdoor as the logged in user. Due to the a logic error in checking only for a prefix when authenticating the Origin header, any domain can create a valid subdomain with a valid subdomain prefix (Ex:, allowing the website to make requests to Casdoor as the current signed-in user.2024-08-20


memos is a privacy-first, lightweight note-taking service. A CORS misconfiguration exists in memos 0.20.1 and earlier where an arbitrary origin is reflected with Access-Control-Allow-Credentials set to true. This may allow an attacking website to make a cross-origin request, allowing the attacker to read private information or make privileged changes to the system as the vulnerable user account. This vulnerability is fixed in

Servision--Servision IVG Webmax 1.0.57
Servision - CWE-287: Improper Authentication2024-08-20

Hertzbeat is an open source, real-time monitoring system. Hertzbeat has an authenticated (user role) RCE via unsafe deserialization in /api/monitors/import. This vulnerability is fixed in


Prior to 3385, the user-controlled role parameter enters the application in the Kubernetes::RoleVerificationsController. The role parameter flows into the RoleConfigFile initializer and then into the Kubernetes::Util.parse_file method where it is unsafely deserialized using the YAML.load_stream method. This issue may lead to Remote Code Execution (RCE). This vulnerability is fixed in 3385.2024-08-20

Hotel Management System commit 91caab8 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the book_id parameter at admin_room_history.php.2024-08-20
A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the component admin_room_added.php of Hotel Management System commit 91caab8 allows attackers to escalate privileges.2024-08-20
Hotel Management System commit 91caab8 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the room_type parameter at admin_room_added.php.2024-08-20
A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the component admin_room_removed.php of Hotel Management System commit 91caab8 allows attackers to escalate privileges.2024-08-20
Pharmacy Management System commit a2efc8 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the invoice_number parameter at sales_report.php.2024-08-20
A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the component edit_categorie.php of Warehouse Inventory System v2.0 allows attackers to escalate privileges.2024-08-20
siamonhasan -- warehouse_inventory_system
A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the component add_product.php of Warehouse Inventory System v2.0 allows attackers to escalate privileges.2024-08-20
A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the component edit_product.php of Warehouse Inventory System v2.0 allows attackers to escalate privileges.2024-08-20
siamonhasan -- warehouse_inventory_system
A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the component add_group.php of Warehouse Inventory System v2.0 allows attackers to escalate privileges.2024-08-20
siamonhasan -- warehouse_inventory_system
A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the component edit_group.php of Warehouse Inventory System v2.0 allows attackers to escalate privileges.2024-08-20
siamonhasan -- warehouse_inventory_system
A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the component delete_group.php of Warehouse Inventory System v2.0 allows attackers to escalate privileges.2024-08-20
siamonhasan -- warehouse_inventory_system
A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the component delete_categorie.php of Warehouse Inventory System v2.0 allows attackers to escalate privileges.2024-08-20
siamonhasan -- warehouse_inventory_system
A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the component delete_user.php of Warehouse Inventory System v2.0 allows attackers to escalate privileges.2024-08-20
siamonhasan -- warehouse_inventory_system
A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the component delete_product.php of Warehouse Inventory System v2.0 allows attackers to escalate privileges.2024-08-20
A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the component delete_media.php of Warehouse Inventory System v2.0 allows attackers to escalate privileges.2024-08-20
A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the component categorie.php of Warehouse Inventory System v2.0 allows attackers to escalate privileges.2024-08-20
pligg -- pligg_cms
Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via /admin/admin_backup.php?dobackup=clearall2024-08-20
pligg -- pligg_cms
Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via /admin/admin_group.php?mode=delete&group_id=32024-08-20
pligg -- pligg_cms
Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via /admin/edit_page.php?link_id=12024-08-20
pligg -- pligg_cms
Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via /admin/admin_log.php?clear=12024-08-20
pligg -- pligg_cms
Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via /admin/admin_backup.php?dobackup=database2024-08-20
pligg -- pligg_cms
Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via /admin/submit_page.php.2024-08-20
pligg -- pligg_cms
Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via /admin/admin_backup.php?dobackup=avatars2024-08-20
pligg -- pligg_cms
Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via /admin/admin_backup.php?dobackup=files2024-08-20
pligg -- pligg_cms
Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) via admin/admin_page.php?link_id=1&mode=delete2024-08-20
N/A -- N/A

Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via /admin/domain_management.php?whitelist_add2024-08-20
pligg -- pligg_cms
Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via /admin/admin_widgets.php?action=install&widget=akismet2024-08-20
pligg -- pligg_cms
Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via /admin/admin_widgets.php?action=remove&widget=Statistics2024-08-20
pligg -- pligg_cms
Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via /admin/admin_config.php?action=save&var_id=322024-08-20
pligg -- pligg_cms
Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via /module.php?module=karma2024-08-20
N/A -- N/A

Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via /admin/domain_management.php?id=0&list=whitelist&remove=pligg.com2024-08-20
pligg -- pligg_cms
Pligg CMS v2.0.2 was discovered to contain a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability via /admin/admin_editor.php2024-08-20
linksys -- e1500_firmware
A Command Injection vulnerability exists in the do_upgrade_post function of the httpd binary in Linksys E1500 v1.0.06.001. As a result, an authenticated attacker can execute OS commands with root privileges.2024-08-19
lopalopa -- music_management_system
An Unrestricted file upload vulnerability was found in "/music/ajax.php?action=save_playlist" in Kashipara Music Management System v1.0. This allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via uploading a crafted PHP file.2024-08-21

lopalopa -- music_management_system
An Unrestricted file upload vulnerability was found in "/music/ajax.php?action=save_music" in Kashipara Music Management System v1.0. This allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via uploading a crafted PHP file.2024-08-21

lopalopa -- music_management_system
An Unrestricted file upload vulnerability was found in "/music/ajax.php?action=save_genre" in Kashipara Music Management System v1.0. This allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via uploading a crafted PHP file.2024-08-21

N/A -- N/A

A SQL injection vulnerability in "/music/view_user.php" in Kashipara Music Management System v1.0 allows an attacker to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the "id" parameter of View User Profile Page.2024-08-21

N/A -- N/A

A host header injection vulnerability in Staff Appraisal System v1.0 allows attackers to obtain the password reset token via user interaction with a crafted password reset link. This will allow attackers to arbitrarily reset other users' passwords and compromise their accounts.2024-08-23

N/A -- N/A

DrayTek Vigor 3900 before v1.5.1.5_Beta, DrayTek Vigor 2960 before v1.5.1.5_Beta and DrayTek Vigor 300B before v1.5.1.5_Beta were discovered to contain a command injection vulnerability via the action parameter at cgi-bin/mainfunction.cgi.2024-08-21
N/A -- N/A

JPress through 5.1.1 on Windows has an arbitrary file upload vulnerability that could cause arbitrary code execution via ::$DATA to AttachmentController, such as a .jsp::$DATA file to io.jpress.web.commons.controller.AttachmentController#upload. NOTE: this is unrelated to the attack vector for CVE-2024-32358.2024-08-22

Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') vulnerability in Crocoblock JetGridBuilder allows PHP Local File Inclusion.This issue affects JetGridBuilder: from n/a through
WP OnlineSupport, Essential Plugin--Timeline and History slider
Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') vulnerability in WP OnlineSupport, Essential Plugin Timeline and History slider allows PHP Local File Inclusion.This issue affects Timeline and History slider: from n/a through 2.3.2024-08-19
Missing Authorization vulnerability in creativeon WHMpress allows Accessing Functionality Not Properly Constrained by ACLs.This issue affects WHMpress: from n/a through 6.2-revision-5.2024-08-19
Bit Apps--Bit Form Pro
Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') vulnerability in Bit Apps Bit Form Pro allows File Manipulation.This issue affects Bit Form Pro: from n/a through
Themelocation--Woo Products Widgets For Elementor
Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') vulnerability in Themelocation Woo Products Widgets For Elementor allows PHP Local File Inclusion.This issue affects Woo Products Widgets For Elementor: from n/a through
Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') vulnerability in WPDeveloper EmbedPress allows PHP Local File Inclusion.This issue affects EmbedPress: from n/a through
-- xwiki
XWiki Platform is a generic wiki platform offering runtime services for applications built on top of it. A user without script/programming right can trick a user with elevated rights to edit a content with a malicious payload using a WYSIWYG editor. The user with elevated rights is not warned beforehand that they are going to edit possibly dangerous content. The payload is executed at edit time. This vulnerability has been patched in XWiki 15.10RC1.2024-08-19


Kanister is a data protection workflow management tool. The kanister has a deployment called default-kanister-operator, which is bound with a ClusterRole called edit via ClusterRoleBinding. The "edit" ClusterRole is one of Kubernetes default-created ClusterRole, and it has the create/patch/udpate verbs of daemonset resources, create verb of serviceaccount/token resources, and impersonate verb of serviceaccounts resources. A malicious user can leverage access the worker node which has this component to make a cluster-level privilege escalation.2024-08-20

LF Edge eKuiper is a lightweight IoT data analytics and stream processing engine running on resource-constraint edge devices. A user could utilize and exploit SQL Injection to allow the execution of malicious SQL query via Get method in sqlKvStore. This vulnerability is fixed in

The T-Head XuanTie C910 CPU in the TH1520 SoC and the T-Head XuanTie C920 CPU in the SOPHON SG2042 have instructions that allow unprivileged attackers to write to arbitrary physical memory locations, aka GhostWrite.2024-08-19
N/A -- N/A

D-Link DI_8004W 16.07.26A1 contains a command execution vulnerability in jhttpd msp_info_htm function.2024-08-23

N/A -- N/A

D-Link DI_8004W 16.07.26A1 contains a command execution vulnerability in the jhttpd upgrade_filter_asp function.2024-08-23

N/A -- N/A

Tenda FH1206 V1.2.0.8(8155)_EN contains a Buffer Overflow vulnerability via the function formWrlsafeset.2024-08-23
Manage Engine--OpManager, Remote Monitoring and Management

Zohocorp ManageEngine OpManager and Remote Monitoring and Management versions 128329 and below are vulnerable to the authenticated remote code execution in the deploy agent option.2024-08-23
Manage Engine--ADAudit Plus

Zohocorp ManageEngine ADAudit Plus versions below 8121 are vulnerable to the authenticated SQL injection in account lockout report.2024-08-23
Manage Engine--ADAudit Plus

Zohocorp ManageEngine ADAudit Plus versions below 8000 are vulnerable to the authenticated SQL injection in aggregate reports option.2024-08-23
Manage Engine--ADAudit Plus

Zohocorp ManageEngine ADAudit Plus versions below 8000 are vulnerable to the authenticated SQL injection in reports module.2024-08-23
Manage Engine--ADAudit Plus

Zohocorp ManageEngine ADAudit Plus versions below 8121 are vulnerable to the authenticated SQL injection in extranet lockouts report option.2024-08-23
zen-cart -- zen_cart
Zen Cart findPluginAdminPage Local File Inclusion Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of Zen Cart. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the findPluginAdminPage function. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of user-supplied data prior to passing it to a PHP include function. An attacker can leverage this in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code in the context of the service account. Was ZDI-CAN-21408.2024-08-21

Red Hat--Red Hat Open Container Platform 4

An insufficient entropy vulnerability was found in the Openshift Console. In the authorization code type and implicit grant type, the OAuth2 protocol is vulnerable to a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack if the state parameter is used inefficiently. This flaw allows logging into the victim's current application account using a third-party account without any restrictions.2024-08-21

aukejomm--woocommerce google feed manager

The WooCommerce Google Feed Manager plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized loss of data due to a missing capability check on the 'wppfm_removeFeedFile' function in all versions up to, and including, 2.8.0. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to delete arbitrary files on the server, which can easily lead to remote code execution when the right file is deleted (such as wp-config.php).2024-08-23

magnetforensics -- axiom
Magnet Forensics AXIOM Command Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows network-adjacent attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of Magnet Forensics AXIOM. User interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target must acquire data from a malicious mobile device. The specific flaw exists within the Android device image acquisition functionality. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied string before using it to execute a system call. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the current user. Was ZDI-CAN-23964.2024-08-21

File Manager--File Manager Pro

The File Manager Pro plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to arbitrary file uploads due to missing file type validation and capability checks in the mk_file_folder_manager AJAX action in all versions up to, and including, 8.3.7. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to upload arbitrary files on the affected site's server which may make remote code execution possible.2024-08-23

logsign -- unified_secops_platform
Logsign Unified SecOps Platform Directory Traversal Arbitrary File Deletion Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to delete arbitrary files on affected installations of Logsign Unified SecOps Platform. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the HTTP API service, which listens on TCP port 443 by default. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied path prior to using it in file operations. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to delete files in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-25025.2024-08-21

logsign -- unified_secops_platform
Logsign Unified SecOps Platform Directory data_export_delete_all Traversal Arbitrary File Deletion Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to delete arbitrary files on affected installations of Logsign Unified SecOps Platform. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the HTTP API service, which listens on TCP port 443 by default. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied path prior to using it in file operations. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to delete files in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-25026.2024-08-21

logsign -- unified_secops_platform
Logsign Unified SecOps Platform Directory Traversal Arbitrary Directory Deletion Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to delete arbitrary directories on affected installations of Logsign Unified SecOps Platform. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the HTTP API service, which listens on TCP port 443 by default. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied path prior to using it in file operations. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to delete directories in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-25028.2024-08-21

levantoan--imagine hotspot by devvn

The Image Hotspot by DevVN plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to PHP Object Injection in all versions up to, and including, 1.2.5 via deserialization of untrusted input in the 'devvn_ihotspot_shortcode_func' function. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Author-level access and above, to inject a PHP Object. No known POP chain is present in the vulnerable software. If a POP chain is present via an additional plugin or theme installed on the target system, it could allow the attacker to delete arbitrary files, retrieve sensitive data, or execute code.2024-08-24

bitpressadmin--Contact Form by Bit Form: Multi Step Form, Calculation Contact Form, Payment Contact Form & Custom Contact Form builder
The Contact Form by Bit Form: Multi Step Form, Calculation Contact Form, Payment Contact Form & Custom Contact Form builder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to arbitrary file deletion due to insufficient file path validation in the iconRemove function in versions 2.0 to 2.13.4. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Administrator-level access and above, to delete arbitrary files on the server, which can easily lead to remote code execution when the right file is deleted (such as wp-config.php).2024-08-20

autel -- maxicharger_ac_elite_business_c50_firmware
Autel MaxiCharger AC Elite Business C50 AppAuthenExchangeRandomNum Stack-Based Buffer Overflow Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows network-adjacent attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of Autel MaxiCharger AC Elite Business C50 EV chargers. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the handling of the AppAuthenExchangeRandomNum BLE command. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of the length of user-supplied data prior to copying it to a fixed-length stack-based buffer. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the device. Was ZDI-CAN-23384.2024-08-21
levelfourstorefront--Shopping Cart & eCommerce Store
The Shopping Cart & eCommerce Store plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to boolean-based SQL Injection via the 'model_number' parameter in all versions up to, and including, 5.7.2 due to insufficient escaping on the user supplied parameter and lack of sufficient preparation on the existing SQL query. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to append additional SQL queries into already existing queries that can be used to extract sensitive information from the database.2024-08-20

oretnom23 -- clinic_patient_management_system
A vulnerability has been found in SourceCodester Clinics Patient Management System 1.0 and classified as critical. This vulnerability affects unknown code of the file /pms/ajax/get_packings.php. The manipulation of the argument medicine_id leads to sql injection. The attack can be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-19

tamparongj_03 -- online_graduate_tracer_system
A vulnerability was found in SourceCodester Online Graduate Tracer System 1.0 and classified as critical. This issue affects some unknown processing of the file /tracking/admin/view_csprofile.php. The manipulation of the argument id leads to sql injection. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-19

adonesevangelista -- laravel_property_management_system
A vulnerability was found in itsourcecode Laravel Property Management System 1.0. It has been classified as critical. Affected is the function UpdateDocumentsRequest of the file DocumentsController.php. The manipulation leads to unrestricted upload. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-20

tamparongj_03 -- online_graduate_tracer_system
A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, was found in SourceCodester Online Graduate Tracer System up to 1.0. Affected is an unknown function of the file /tracking/admin/fetch_genderit.php. The manipulation of the argument request leads to sql injection. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-20

google -- chrome
Use after free in Passwords in Google Chrome on Android prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-08-21

Google--ChromeInappropriate implementation in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-08-21

google -- chrome
Out of bounds memory access in Skia in Google Chrome prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker who had compromised the renderer process to perform out of bounds memory access via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-08-21


Heap buffer overflow in Fonts in Google Chrome prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-08-21

google -- chrome
Use after free in Autofill in Google Chrome prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker who had convinced the user to engage in specific UI interactions to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-08-21

google -- chrome
Type Confusion in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-08-21


Type confusion in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker to exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)2024-08-21


Inappropriate implementation in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker to potentially perform out of bounds memory access via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-08-21


Heap buffer overflow in PDFium in Google Chrome prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker to perform an out of bounds memory read via a crafted PDF file. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-08-21

google -- chrome
Insufficient data validation in V8 API in Google Chrome prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted Chrome Extension. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-08-21

redhat -- openstack_platform
A flaw was found in the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) director. This vulnerability allows an attacker to deploy potentially compromised container images via disabling TLS certificate verification for registry mirrors, which could enable a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack.2024-08-21


A vulnerability was found in TOTOLINK AC1200 T8 4.1.5cu.862_B20230228 and classified as critical. Affected by this issue is the function setDiagnosisCfg. The manipulation leads to buffer overflow. The attack may be launched remotely. NOTE: The vendor was contacted early about this disclosure but did not respond in any way.2024-08-22


A vulnerability was found in TOTOLINK AC1200 T8 4.1.5cu.862_B20230228. It has been declared as critical. This vulnerability affects the function setTracerouteCfg. The manipulation leads to buffer overflow. The attack can be initiated remotely. NOTE: The vendor was contacted early about this disclosure but did not respond in any way.2024-08-22


A vulnerability was found in TOTOLINK AC1200 T8 4.1.5cu.862_B20230228. It has been rated as critical. This issue affects the function exportOvpn. The manipulation leads to buffer overflow. The attack may be initiated remotely. NOTE: The vendor was contacted early about this disclosure but did not respond in any way.2024-08-22

microfocus -- netiq_privileged_access_manager
A vulnerability found in OpenText Privileged Access Manager that issues a token. on successful issuance of the token, a cookie gets set that allows unrestricted access to all the application resources. This issue affects Privileged Access Manager before
microfocus -- netiq_privileged_access_manager
SSH authenticated user when access the PAM server can execute an OS command to gain the full system access using bash. This issue affects Privileged Access Manager before
adegans--AdRotate Banner Manager The only ad manager you'll need
The AdRotate Banner Manager - The only ad manager you'll need plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to arbitrary file uploads due to missing file extension sanitization in the adrotate_insert_media() function in all versions up to, and including, 5.13.2. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with administrator-level access and above, to upload arbitrary files with double extensions on the affected site's server which may make remote code execution possible. This is only exploitable on select instances where the configuration will execute the first extension present.2024-08-20

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/cma: Do not change route.addr.src_addr outside state checks If the state is not idle then resolve_prepare_src() should immediately fail and no change to global state should happen. However, it unconditionally overwrites the src_addr trying to build a temporary any address. For instance if the state is already RDMA_CM_LISTEN then this will corrupt the src_addr and would cause the test in cma_cancel_operation(): if (cma_any_addr(cma_src_addr(id_priv)) && !id_priv->cma_dev) Which would manifest as this trace from syzkaller: BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in __list_add_valid+0x93/0xa0 lib/list_debug.c:26 Read of size 8 at addr ffff8881546491e0 by task syz-executor.1/32204 CPU: 1 PID: 32204 Comm: syz-executor.1 Not tainted 5.12.0-rc8-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 Call Trace: __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:79 [inline] dump_stack+0x141/0x1d7 lib/dump_stack.c:120 print_address_description.constprop.0.cold+0x5b/0x2f8 mm/kasan/report.c:232 __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:399 [inline] kasan_report.cold+0x7c/0xd8 mm/kasan/report.c:416 __list_add_valid+0x93/0xa0 lib/list_debug.c:26 __list_add include/linux/list.h:67 [inline] list_add_tail include/linux/list.h:100 [inline] cma_listen_on_all drivers/infiniband/core/cma.c:2557 [inline] rdma_listen+0x787/0xe00 drivers/infiniband/core/cma.c:3751 ucma_listen+0x16a/0x210 drivers/infiniband/core/ucma.c:1102 ucma_write+0x259/0x350 drivers/infiniband/core/ucma.c:1732 vfs_write+0x28e/0xa30 fs/read_write.c:603 ksys_write+0x1ee/0x250 fs/read_write.c:658 do_syscall_64+0x2d/0x70 arch/x86/entry/common.c:46 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae This is indicating that an rdma_id_private was destroyed without doing cma_cancel_listens(). Instead of trying to re-use the src_addr memory to indirectly create an any address derived from the dst build one explicitly on the stack and bind to that as any other normal flow would do. rdma_bind_addr() will copy it over the src_addr once it knows the state is valid. This is similar to commit bc0bdc5afaa7 ("RDMA/cma: Do not change route.addr.src_addr.ss_family")2024-08-22

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: gadget: rndis: add spinlock for rndis response list There's no lock for rndis response list. It could cause list corruption if there're two different list_add at the same time like below. It's better to add in rndis_add_response / rndis_free_response / rndis_get_next_response to prevent any race condition on response list. [ 361.894299] [1: irq/191-dwc3:16979] list_add corruption. next->prev should be prev (ffffff80651764d0), but was ffffff883dc36f80. (next=ffffff80651764d0). [ 361.904380] [1: irq/191-dwc3:16979] Call trace: [ 361.904391] [1: irq/191-dwc3:16979] __list_add_valid+0x74/0x90 [ 361.904401] [1: irq/191-dwc3:16979] rndis_msg_parser+0x168/0x8c0 [ 361.904409] [1: irq/191-dwc3:16979] rndis_command_complete+0x24/0x84 [ 361.904417] [1: irq/191-dwc3:16979] usb_gadget_giveback_request+0x20/0xe4 [ 361.904426] [1: irq/191-dwc3:16979] dwc3_gadget_giveback+0x44/0x60 [ 361.904434] [1: irq/191-dwc3:16979] dwc3_ep0_complete_data+0x1e8/0x3a0 [ 361.904442] [1: irq/191-dwc3:16979] dwc3_ep0_interrupt+0x29c/0x3dc [ 361.904450] [1: irq/191-dwc3:16979] dwc3_process_event_entry+0x78/0x6cc [ 361.904457] [1: irq/191-dwc3:16979] dwc3_process_event_buf+0xa0/0x1ec [ 361.904465] [1: irq/191-dwc3:16979] dwc3_thread_interrupt+0x34/0x5c2024-08-22

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iio: adc: tsc2046: fix memory corruption by preventing array overflow On one side we have indio_dev->num_channels includes all physical channels + timestamp channel. On other side we have an array allocated only for physical channels. So, fix memory corruption by ARRAY_SIZE() instead of num_channels variable. Note the first case is a cleanup rather than a fix as the software timestamp channel bit in active_scanmask is never set by the IIO core.2024-08-22

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: KVM: x86/mmu: make apf token non-zero to fix bug In current async pagefault logic, when a page is ready, KVM relies on kvm_arch_can_dequeue_async_page_present() to determine whether to deliver a READY event to the Guest. This function test token value of struct kvm_vcpu_pv_apf_data, which must be reset to zero by Guest kernel when a READY event is finished by Guest. If value is zero meaning that a READY event is done, so the KVM can deliver another. But the kvm_arch_setup_async_pf() may produce a valid token with zero value, which is confused with previous mention and may lead the loss of this READY event. This bug may cause task blocked forever in Guest: INFO: task stress:7532 blocked for more than 1254 seconds. Not tainted 5.10.0 #16 "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message. task:stress state:D stack: 0 pid: 7532 ppid: 1409 flags:0x00000080 Call Trace: __schedule+0x1e7/0x650 schedule+0x46/0xb0 kvm_async_pf_task_wait_schedule+0xad/0xe0 ? exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x60/0x70 __kvm_handle_async_pf+0x4f/0xb0 ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x8/0x30 exc_page_fault+0x6f/0x110 ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x8/0x30 asm_exc_page_fault+0x1e/0x30 RIP: 0033:0x402d00 RSP: 002b:00007ffd31912500 EFLAGS: 00010206 RAX: 0000000000071000 RBX: ffffffffffffffff RCX: 00000000021a32b0 RDX: 000000000007d011 RSI: 000000000007d000 RDI: 00000000021262b0 RBP: 00000000021262b0 R08: 0000000000000003 R09: 0000000000000086 R10: 00000000000000eb R11: 00007fefbdf2baa0 R12: 0000000000000000 R13: 0000000000000002 R14: 000000000007d000 R15: 00000000000010002024-08-22

dell -- repository_manager
Dell Repository Manager version 3.4.2 and earlier, contain a Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Installation module. A local low privileged attacker may potentially exploit this vulnerability leading to the execution of arbitrary executable on the operating system with high privileges using the existing vulnerability in operating system. Exploitation may lead to unavailability of the service.2024-08-21
N/A -- N/A

Buffer Overflow vulnerability found in Kemptechnologies Loadmaster before v. allows a remote attacker to casue a denial of service via the, isreverse library.2024-08-21

apache -- seatunnel
Mysql security vulnerability in Apache SeaTunnel. Attackers can read files on the MySQL server by modifying the information in the MySQL URL allowLoadLocalInfile=true&allowUrlInLocalInfile=true&allowLoadLocalInfileInPath=/&maxAllowedPacket=655360 This issue affects Apache SeaTunnel: 1.0.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version [1.0.1], which fixes the issue.2024-08-21
Joomla! Project--Joomla! CMS

Improper Access Controls allows backend users to overwrite their username when disallowed.2024-08-20
google -- android
In sendDeviceState_1_6 of RadioExt.cpp, there is a possible use after free due to improper locking. This could lead to local escalation of privilege with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation.2024-08-19

The DXE module SmmComputrace contains a vulnerability that allows local attackers to leak stack or global memory. This could lead to privilege escalation, arbitrary code execution, and bypassing OS security mechanisms2024-08-21

This SMM vulnerability affects certain modules, allowing privileged attackers to execute arbitrary code, manipulate stack memory, and leak information from SMRAM to kernel space, potentially leading to denial-of-service attacks.2024-08-21
keyfactor -- command
Keyfactor Command 10.5.x before 10.5.1 and 11.5.x before 11.5.1 allows SQL Injection which could result in information disclosure.2024-08-20
N/A -- N/A

Swissphone DiCal-RED 4009 devices allow a remote attacker to gain read access to almost the whole file system via anonymous FTP.2024-08-22

autodesk -- revit
A maliciously crafted DWG file, when parsed in Revit, can force a stack-based buffer overflow. A malicious actor can leverage this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code in the context of the current process.2024-08-21
Microsoft--Microsoft Edge Chromium-based

Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability2024-08-22
Microsoft--Microsoft Edge Chromium-based

Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability2024-08-22
Dell--SupportAssist for Home PCs

Dell SupportAssist for Home PCs Installer exe version 4.0.3 contains a privilege escalation vulnerability in the installer. A local low-privileged authenticated attacker could potentially exploit this vulnerability, leading to the execution of arbitrary executables on the operating system with elevated privileges.2024-08-21
ibm -- sterling_connect_direct_web_services
IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Web Services 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 uses weaker than expected cryptographic algorithms that could allow an attacker to decrypt highly sensitive information.2024-08-22

Avtec--Outpost 0810

Avtec Outpost stores sensitive information in an insecure location without proper access controls in place.2024-08-22
Barix--Barix SIP Client Web Management Interface UI
Barix - CWE-200 Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor2024-08-20
keyfactor -- aws_orchestrator
Keyfactor AWS Orchestrator through 2.0 allows Information Disclosure.2024-08-20

Hertzbeat is an open source, real-time monitoring system. Hertzbeat 1.6.0 and earlier declares a /api/monitor/{monitorId}/metric/{metricFull} endpoint to download job metrics. In the process, it executes a SQL query with user-controlled data, allowing for SQL injection.2024-08-20

Avtec--Outpost 0810

Avtec Outpost uses a default cryptographic key that can be used to decrypt sensitive information.2024-08-22

authentik is an open-source Identity Provider. Several API endpoints can be accessed by users without correct authentication/authorization. The main API endpoints affected by this are /api/v3/crypto/certificatekeypairs/<uuid>/view_certificate/, /api/v3/crypto/certificatekeypairs/<uuid>/view_private_key/, and /api/v3/.../used_by/. Note that all of the affected API endpoints require the knowledge of the ID of an object, which especially for certificates is not accessible to an unprivileged user. Additionally the IDs for most objects are UUIDv4, meaning they are not easily guessable/enumerable. authentik 2024.4.4, 2024.6.4 and 2024.8.0 fix this issue.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

publiccms V4.0.202302.e and before is vulnerable to Any File Upload via publiccms/admin/cmsTemplate/saveMetaData2024-08-23

ERP commit 44bd04 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the id parameter at /index.php/basedata/inventory/delete?action=delete.2024-08-20
N/A -- N/A

DedeCMS V5.7.115 has a command execution vulnerability via file_manage_view.php?fmdo=newfile&activepath.2024-08-23
nepstech -- ntpl-xpon1gfevn_firmware
An issue in wishnet Nepstech Wifi Router NTPL-XPON1GFEVN v1.0 allows a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information via the lack of encryption during login process2024-08-19

N/A -- N/A

Kashipara Hotel Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to Unrestricted File Upload RCE via /admin/add_room_controller.php.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

An Incorrect Access Control vulnerability was found in /admin/rooms.php in Kashipara Hotel Management System v1.0, which allows an unauthenticated attacker to view valid hotel room entries in administrator section.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

An Incorrect Access Control vulnerability was found in /admin/delete_room.php in Kashipara Hotel Management System v1.0, which allows an unauthenticated attacker to delete valid hotel room entries in the administrator section.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

Kashipara Hotel Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to Incorrect Access Control via /admin/users.php.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

A SQL injection vulnerability in /music/index.php?page=view_playlist in Kashipara Music Management System v1.0 allows an attacker to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the "id" parameter.2024-08-21

N/A -- N/A

An issue in the downloader.php component of TOSEI online store management system v4.02, v4.03, and v4.04 allows attackers to execute a directory traversal.2024-08-21
Bit Apps--Bit Form Pro
Incorrect Authorization vulnerability in Bit Apps Bit Form Pro bitformpro allows Accessing Functionality Not Properly Constrained by ACLs.This issue affects Bit Form Pro: from n/a through
nouthemes--Leopard - WordPress offload media
Missing Authorization vulnerability in nouthemes Leopard - WordPress offload media allows Accessing Functionality Not Properly Constrained by ACLs.This issue affects Leopard - WordPress offload media: from n/a through
PluginOps--Landing Page Builder
Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') vulnerability in PluginOps Landing Page Builder allows PHP Local File Inclusion.This issue affects Landing Page Builder: from n/a through
floraison -- fugit
fugit contains time tools for flor and the floraison group. The fugit "natural" parser, that turns "every wednesday at 5pm" into "0 17 * * 3", accepted any length of input and went on attempting to parse it, not returning promptly, as expected. The parse call could hold the thread with no end in sight. Fugit dependents that do not check (user) input length for plausibility are impacted. A fix was released in fugit


Russh is a Rust SSH client & server library. Allocating an untrusted amount of memory allows any unauthenticated user to OOM a russh server. An SSH packet consists of a 4-byte big-endian length, followed by a byte stream of this length. After parsing and potentially decrypting the 4-byte length, russh allocates enough memory for this bytestream, as a performance optimization to avoid reallocations later. But this length is entirely untrusted and can be set to any value by the client, causing this much memory to be allocated, which will cause the process to OOM within a few such requests. This vulnerability is fixed in

Microsoft--Microsoft Entra

Improper access control in Decentralized Identity Services allows an unathenticated attacker to disable Verifiable ID's on another tenant.2024-08-23

This openedx-translations repository contains translation files from Open edX repositories to be kept in sync with Transifex. Before moving to pulling translations from the openedx-translations repository via openedx-atlas, translations in the edx-platform repository were validated using edx-i18n-tools. This validation included protection against malformed translations and translations-based script injections. Prior to this patch, the validation implemented in the openedx-translations repository did not include the same protections. The maintainer inspected the translations in the edx-platform directory of both the main and open-release/redwood.master branches of the openedx-translations repository and found no evidence of exploited translation strings.2024-08-23


RequestStore provides per-request global storage for Rack. The files published as part of request_store 1.3.2 have 0666 permissions, meaning that they are world-writable, which allows local users to execute arbitrary code. This version was published in 2017, and most production environments do not allow access for local users, so the chances of this being exploited are very low, given that the vast majority of users will have upgraded, and those that have not, if any, are not likely to be exposed.2024-08-23
rust-bitcoin -- miniscript
The Miniscript (aka rust-miniscript) library before 12.2.0 for Rust allows stack consumption because it does not properly track tree depth.2024-08-19

hex-rays -- ida_pro
ida64.dll in Hex-Rays IDA Pro through 8.4 crashes when there is a section that has many jumps linked, and the final jump corresponds to the payload from where the actual entry point will be invoked. NOTE: in many use cases, this is an inconvenience but not a security issue.2024-08-19
N/A -- N/A

Tenda FH1206 V1.2.0.8(8155)_EN contains a Buffer Overflow vulnerability via the function fromSetIpBind.2024-08-23
N/A -- N/A

Guest users in the Mage AI framework that remain logged in after their accounts are deleted, are mistakenly given high privileges and specifically given access to remotely execute arbitrary code through the Mage AI terminal server2024-08-23
N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in Matrix libolm (aka Olm) through 3.2.16. Cache-timing attacks can occur due to use of base64 when decoding group session keys. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer.2024-08-22

BT: Missing Check in LL_CONNECTION_UPDATE_IND Packet Leads to Division by Zero2024-08-19
vipre -- advanced_security
VIPRE Advanced Security PMAgent Link Following Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to escalate privileges on affected installations of VIPRE Advanced Security. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute low-privileged code on the target system in order to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the Patch Management Agent. By creating a symbolic link, an attacker can abuse the agent to delete a file. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to escalate privileges and execute arbitrary code in the context of SYSTEM. Was ZDI-CAN-22315.2024-08-21

vipre -- advanced_security
VIPRE Advanced Security PMAgent Uncontrolled Search Path Element Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to escalate privileges on affected installations of VIPRE Advanced Security. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute low-privileged code on the target system in order to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the Patch Management Agent. The issue results from loading a file from an unsecured location. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to escalate privileges and execute arbitrary code in the context of SYSTEM. Was ZDI-CAN-22316.2024-08-21

vipre -- advanced_security
VIPRE Advanced Security Incorrect Permission Assignment Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to escalate privileges on affected installations of VIPRE Advanced Security. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute low-privileged code on the target system in order to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the Anti Malware Service. The issue results from incorrect permissions on a file. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to escalate privileges and execute arbitrary code in the context of SYSTEM. Was ZDI-CAN-22345.2024-08-21

windscribe -- windscribe
Windscribe Directory Traversal Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to escalate privileges on affected installations of Windscribe. An attacker must first obtain the ability to execute low-privileged code on the target system in order to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the Windscribe Service. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied path prior to using it in file operations. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to escalate privileges and execute arbitrary code in the context of SYSTEM. Was ZDI-CAN-23441.2024-08-21

nissan-global -- blind_spot_protection_sensor_ecu_firmware
Predictable seed generation in the security access mechanism of UDS in the Blind Spot Protection Sensor ECU in Nissan Altima (2022) allows attackers to predict the requested seeds and bypass security controls via repeated ECU resets and seed requests.2024-08-19
Unknown--AI Engine
AI Engine < 2.4.3 is susceptible to remote-code-execution (RCE) via Log Poisoning. The AI Engine WordPress plugin before 2.5.1 fails to validate the file extension of "logs_path", allowing Administrators to change log filetypes from .log to .php.2024-08-19
irfanview -- irfanview
IrfanView WSQ File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Write Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of IrfanView. User interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target must visit a malicious page or open a malicious file. The specific flaw exists within the parsing of WSQ files. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of user-supplied data, which can result in a write past the end of an allocated buffer. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the current process. Was ZDI-CAN-24192.2024-08-21
irfanview -- irfanview
IrfanView WSQ File Parsing Out-Of-Bounds Write Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of IrfanView. User interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target must visit a malicious page or open a malicious file. The specific flaw exists within the parsing of WSQ files. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of user-supplied data, which can result in a write past the end of an allocated buffer. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the current process. Was ZDI-CAN-23273.2024-08-21
Schneider Electric--Accutech Manager
CWE-120: Buffer Copy without Checking Size of Input ('Classic Buffer Overflow') vulnerability exists that could cause a crash of the Accutech Manager when receiving a specially crafted request over port 2536/TCP.2024-08-20
Panasonic Holdings Corporation--Control FPWIN Pro

Stack-based buffer overflow in Control FPWIN Pro version and all previous versions may allow attackers to execute arbitrary code via a specially crafted project file.2024-08-21

liquidpoll -- LiquidPoll – Polls, Surveys, NPS and Feedback Reviews

The LiquidPoll - Polls, Surveys, NPS and Feedback Reviews plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the 'form_data' parameter in all versions up to, and including, 3.3.78 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-08-21

A maliciously crafted DWF file, when parsed in AdDwfPdk.dll through Autodesk AutoCAD, can force an Out-of-Bounds Write. A malicious actor can leverage this vulnerability to cause a crash, read sensitive data, or execute arbitrary code in the context of the current process.2024-08-20
presstigers -- Simple Job Board

The Simple Job Board plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to PHP Object Injection in all versions up to, and including, 2.12.3 via deserialization of untrusted input when editing job applications. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Editor-level access and above, to inject a PHP Object. No known POP chain is present in the vulnerable software. If a POP chain is present via an additional plugin or theme installed on the target system, it could allow the attacker to delete arbitrary files, retrieve sensitive data, or execute code.2024-08-24


The AcyMailing - An Ultimate Newsletter Plugin and Marketing Automation Solution for WordPress plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to arbitrary file uploads due to missing file type validation in the acym_extractArchive function in all versions up to, and including, 9.7.2. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to upload arbitrary files on the affected site's server which may make remote code execution possible.2024-08-22

python -- python
There is a LOW severity vulnerability affecting CPython, specifically the 'http.cookies' standard library module. When parsing cookies that contained backslashes for quoted characters in the cookie value, the parser would use an algorithm with quadratic complexity, resulting in excess CPU resources being used while parsing the value.2024-08-19

logsign -- unified_secops_platform
Logsign Unified SecOps Platform Incorrect Authorization Authentication Bypass Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to bypass authentication on affected installations of Logsign Unified SecOps Platform. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the HTTP API service, which listens on TCP port 443 by default. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of the user's license expiration date. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to bypass authentication on the system. Was ZDI-CAN-25029.2024-08-21

bitpressadmin--Contact Form by Bit Form: Multi Step Form, Calculation Contact Form, Payment Contact Form & Custom Contact Form builder
The Contact Form by Bit Form: Multi Step Form, Calculation Contact Form, Payment Contact Form & Custom Contact Form builder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to generic SQL Injection via the entryID parameter in versions 2.0 to 2.13.9 due to insufficient escaping on the user-supplied parameter and lack of sufficient preparation on the existing SQL query. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Administrator-level access and above, to append additional SQL queries to already existing queries that can be used to extract sensitive information from the database.2024-08-20

bitpressadmin--Contact Form by Bit Form: Multi Step Form, Calculation Contact Form, Payment Contact Form & Custom Contact Form builder
The Contact Form by Bit Form: Multi Step Form, Calculation Contact Form, Payment Contact Form & Custom Contact Form builder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to generic SQL Injection via the id parameter in versions 2.0 to 2.13.9 due to insufficient escaping on the user-supplied parameter and lack of sufficient preparation on the existing SQL query. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Administrator-level access and above, to append additional SQL queries into already existing queries that can be used to extract sensitive information from the database.2024-08-20

redhat -- build_of_apache_camel_-_hawtio
A vulnerability was found in Undertow where the ProxyProtocolReadListener reuses the same StringBuilder instance across multiple requests. This issue occurs when the parseProxyProtocolV1 method processes multiple requests on the same HTTP connection. As a result, different requests may share the same StringBuilder instance, potentially leading to information leakage between requests or responses. In some cases, a value from a previous request or response may be erroneously reused, which could lead to unintended data exposure. This issue primarily results in errors and connection termination but creates a risk of data leakage in multi-request environments.2024-08-21

zzcms -- zzcms
A vulnerability was found in ZZCMS 2023. It has been declared as critical. This vulnerability affects unknown code of the file /I/list.php. The manipulation of the argument skin leads to path traversal. The attack can be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-19

zzcms -- zzcms
A vulnerability was found in ZZCMS 2023. It has been rated as problematic. This issue affects some unknown processing of the file 3/E_bak5.1/upload/eginfo.php. The manipulation of the argument phome with the input ShowPHPInfo leads to information disclosure. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-19

A vulnerability classified as critical has been found in ZZCMS 2023. Affected is an unknown function of the file /admin/about_edit.php?action=modify. The manipulation of the argument skin leads to path traversal. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-19

A vulnerability classified as critical was found in ZZCMS 2023. Affected by this vulnerability is an unknown functionality of the file /admin/class.php?dowhat=modifyclass. The manipulation of the argument skin[] leads to path traversal. The attack can be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-19

google -- chrome
Insufficient data validation in Installer in Google Chrome on Windows prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a local attacker to perform privilege escalation via a malicious file. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-08-21

Google -- Chrome

Insufficient data validation in Installer in Google Chrome on Windows prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a local attacker to perform privilege escalation via a crafted symbolic link. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-08-21

Google -- Chrome

Insufficient data validation in Installer in Google Chrome on Windows prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a local attacker to perform privilege escalation via a crafted symbolic link. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-08-21

mattermost -- mattermost
Mattermost versions 9.9.x <= 9.9.1, 9.5.x <= 9.5.7, 9.10.x <= 9.10.0 and 9.8.x <= 9.8.2 fail to restrict which roles can promote a user as system admin which allows a System Role with edit access to the permissions section of system console to update their role (e.g. member) to include the `manage_system` permission, effectively becoming a System Admin.2024-08-22
itsourcecode-- Payroll Management System

A vulnerability classified as critical was found in itsourcecode Payroll Management System 1.0. Affected by this vulnerability is an unknown functionality of the file login.php. The manipulation of the argument username leads to sql injection. The attack can be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-22

SourceCodester -- E-Commerce System

A vulnerability has been found in SourceCodester E-Commerce System 1.0 and classified as critical. This vulnerability affects unknown code of the file /ecommerce/admin/login.php of the component Admin Login. The manipulation of the argument user_email leads to sql injection. The attack can be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-22

Python Software Foundation-- CPython

There is a HIGH severity vulnerability affecting the CPython "zipfile" module. When iterating over names of entries in a zip archive (for example, methods of "zipfile.ZipFile" like "namelist()", "iterdir()", "extractall()", etc) the process can be put into an infinite loop with a maliciously crafted zip archive. This defect applies when reading only metadata or extracting the contents of the zip archive. Programs that are not handling user-controlled zip archives are not affected.2024-08-22


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Medium Vulnerabilities

Vendor -- Product
DescriptionPublishedCVSS ScoreSource InfoPatch Info
microfocus -- netiq_self_service_password_reset
Improper Input Validation vulnerability in OpenText Self Service Password Reset allows Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). This issue affects Self Service Password Reset before and
IBM--App Connect Enterprise Certified Container
IBM App Connect Enterprise Certified Container 5.0, 7.1, 7.2, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 10.0, 10.1, 11.0, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 12.0, and 12.1 does not limit calls to unshare in running Pods. This can allow a user with access to execute commands in a running Pod to elevate their user privileges.2024-08-24

themebeez -- Orchid Store

The String locator plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the 'sql-column' parameter in all versions up to, and including, 2.6.5 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that execute if they can successfully trick a user into performing an action such as clicking on a link. This required WP_DEBUG to be enabled in order to be exploited.2024-08-24

Cisco -- Cisco Identity Services Engine Software

Multiple vulnerabilities in the REST API of Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) could allow an authenticated, remote attacker to conduct blind SQL injection attacks. These vulnerabilities are due to insufficient validation of user-supplied input in REST API calls. An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities by sending crafted input to an affected device. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to view or modify data on the affected device.2024-08-21
Cisco--Cisco Identity Services Engine

A vulnerability in the web-based management interface of Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) could allow an authenticated, remote attacker to obtain sensitive information from an affected device. This vulnerability is due to improper enforcement of administrative privilege levels for high-value sensitive data. An attacker with read-only Administrator privileges for the web-based management interface on an affected device could exploit this vulnerability by browsing to a page that contains sensitive data. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to collect sensitive information regarding the configuration of the system.2024-08-21
Cisco--Cisco Identity Services Engine

A vulnerability in the web-based management interface of Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to conduct a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack and perform arbitrary actions on an affected device. This vulnerability is due to insufficient CSRF protections for the web-based management interface of an affected device. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by persuading a user of the interface to follow a crafted link. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to perform arbitrary actions on the affected device with the privileges of the targeted user.2024-08-21
Cisco--Cisco Unified Communications Manager

A vulnerability in the web-based management interface of Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) and Cisco Unified Communications Manager Session Management Edition (Unified CM SME) could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to conduct a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack against a user of the interface. This vulnerability exists because the web-based management interface does not properly validate user-supplied input. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by persuading a user of the interface to click a crafted link. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to execute arbitrary script code in the context of the affected interface or access sensitive, browser-based information.2024-08-21
risetheme--RT Easy Builder

The RT Easy Builder - Advanced addons for Elementor plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the plugin's widgets in all versions up to, and including, 2.2 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on user supplied attributes. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers with contributor-level and above permissions to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-08-24

heytap -- internet_browser
The ColorOS Internet Browser com.heytap.browser application for Android allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary JavaScript code via the component.2024-08-19

Ericsson--Packet Core Controller
Ericsson Packet Core Controller (PCC) contains a vulnerability in Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF) where improper input validation can lead to denial of service which may result in service degradation.2024-08-20
ibm -- openpages_grc_platform
IBM OpenPages with Watson 8.3 and 9.0 could allow authenticated users access to sensitive information through improper authorization controls on APIs.2024-08-22

Typecho v1.3.0 was discovered to contain a race condition vulnerability in the post commenting function. This vulnerability allows attackers to post several comments before the spam protection checks if the comments are posted too frequently.2024-08-19

N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered on Swissphone DiCal-RED 4009 devices. An attacker with access to the file /etc/deviceconfig may recover the administrative device password via password-cracking methods, because unsalted MD5 is used.2024-08-22

Microsoft--Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge (HTML-based) Memory Corruption Vulnerability2024-08-23
Microsoft--Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge for Android Spoofing Vulnerability2024-08-22

Applications that use spring-boot-loader or spring-boot-loader-classic and contain custom code that performs signature verification of nested jar files may be vulnerable to signature forgery where content that appears to have been signed by one signer has, in fact, been signed by another.2024-08-23
spring--spring security
Missing Authorization When Using @AuthorizeReturnObject in Spring Security 6.3.0 and 6.3.1 allows attacker to render security annotations inaffective.2024-08-20
Manage Engine--Service Engine Desk Plus

An Stored Cross-site Scripting vulnerability affects Zohocorp ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus, ServiceDesk Plus MSP and SupportCenter Plus.This issue affects ServiceDesk Plus versions: through 14810; ServiceDesk Plus MSP: through 14800; SupportCenter Plus: through 14800.2024-08-23
mattermost -- mattermost
Mattermost versions 9.9.x <= 9.9.1, 9.5.x <= 9.5.7, 9.10.x <= 9.10.0 and 9.8.x <= 9.8.2 fail to ensure that remote/synthetic users cannot create sessions or reset passwords, which allows the munged email addresses, created by shared channels, to be used to receive email notifications and to reset passwords, when they are valid, functional emails.2024-08-22
Manage Engine--Service Engine Desk Plus

An Stored Cross-site Scripting vulnerability in request module affects Zohocorp ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus, ServiceDesk Plus MSP and SupportCenter Plus.This issue affects ServiceDesk Plus versions: through 14810; ServiceDesk Plus MSP: through 14800; SupportCenter Plus: through 14800.2024-08-23

Casdoor is a UI-first Identity and Access Management (IAM) / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform. In Casdoor 1.577.0 and earlier, he purchase URL that is created to generate a WechatPay QR code is vulnerable to reflected XSS. When purchasing an item through casdoor, the product page allows you to pay via wechat pay. When using wechat pay, a QR code with the wechat pay link is displayed on the payment page, hosted on the domain of casdoor. This page takes a query parameter from the url successUrl, and redirects the user to that url after a successful purchase. Because the user has no reason to think that the payment page contains sensitive information, they may share it with other or can be social engineered into sending it to others. An attacker can then craft the casdoor link with a special url and send it back to the user, and once payment has gone though an XSS attack occurs.2024-08-20

okfn -- ckan
CKAN is an open-source data management system for powering data hubs and data portals. The Datatables view plugin did not properly escape record data coming from the DataStore, leading to a potential XSS vector. Sites running CKAN >= 2.7.0 with the datatables_view plugin activated. This is a plugin included in CKAN core, that not activated by default but it is widely used to preview tabular data. This vulnerability has been fixed in CKAN 2.10.5 and

Priority - CWE-80: Improper Neutralization of Script-Related HTML Tags in a Web Page (Basic XSS)2024-08-20
IBM--Global Configuration Management

IBM Global Configuration Management 7.0.2 and 7.0.3 could allow an authenticated user to archive a global baseline due to improper access controls.2024-08-20

apache -- airflow
Apache Airflow, versions before 2.10.0, have a vulnerability that allows the developer of a malicious provider to execute a cross-site scripting attack when clicking on a provider documentation link. This would require the provider to be installed on the web server and the user to click the provider link. Users should upgrade to 2.10.0 or later, which fixes this vulnerability.2024-08-21


Homepage is a highly customizable homepage with Docker and service API integrations. The default setup of homepage 0.9.1 is vulnerable to DNS rebinding. Homepage is setup without certificate and authentication by default, leaving it to vulnerable to DNS rebinding. In this attack, an attacker will ask a user to visit his/her website. The attacker website will then change the DNS records of their domain from their IP address to the internal IP address of the homepage instance. To tell which IP addresses are valid, we can rebind a subdomain to each IP address we want to check, and see if there is a response. Once potential candidates have been found, the attacker can launch the attack by reading the response of the webserver after the IP address has changed. When the attacker domain is fetched, the response will be from the homepage instance, not the attacker website, because the IP address has been changed. Due to a lack of authentication, a user's private information such as API keys (fixed after first report) and other private information can then be extracted by the attacker website.2024-08-23

Mattermost versions 9.9.x <= 9.9.1, 9.5.x <= 9.5.7, 9.10.x <= 9.10.0, 9.8.x <= 9.8.2 fail to properly enforce permissions which allows a user with systems manager role with read-only access to teams to perform write operations on teams.2024-08-22
A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the component update_page_details.php of Blood Bank And Donation Management System commit dc9e039 allows attackers to execute arbitrary web scripts or HTML via a crafted payload injected into the Page Details parameter.2024-08-20
N/A -- N/A

SeaCMS 13.0 has a remote code execution vulnerability. The reason for this vulnerability is that although admin_editplayer.php imposes restrictions on edited files, attackers can still bypass these restrictions and write code, allowing authenticated attackers to exploit the vulnerability to execute arbitrary commands and gain system privileges.2024-08-20

N/A -- N/A

A Stored Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability was found in "/admin_schedule.php" in Kashipara Bus Ticket Reservation System v1.0, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via scheduleDurationPHP parameter.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability was found in Kashipara Hotel Management System v1.0 via /admin/delete_room.php.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

A Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability was found in "/core/signup_user.php " of Kashipara Hotel Management System v1.0, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via "user_fname" and "user_lname" parameters.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in AcuToWeb server v. allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via the index.php component.2024-08-23
okfn -- ckan
CKAN is an open-source data management system for powering data hubs and data portals. There are a number of CKAN plugins, including XLoader, DataPusher, Resource proxy and ckanext-archiver, that work by downloading the contents of local or remote files in order to perform some actions with their contents (e.g. pushing to the DataStore, streaming contents or saving a local copy). All of them use the resource URL, and there are currently no checks to limit what URLs can be requested. This means that a malicious (or unaware) user can create a resource with a URL pointing to a place where they should not have access in order for one of the previous tools to retrieve it (known as a Server Side Request Forgery). Users wanting to protect against these kinds of attacks can use one or a combination of the following approaches: (1) Use a separate HTTP proxy like Squid that can be used to allow / disallow IPs, domains etc as needed, and make CKAN extensions aware of this setting via the ckan.download_proxy config option. (2) Implement custom firewall rules to prevent access to restricted resources. (3) Use custom validators on the resource url field to block/allow certain domains or IPs. All latest versions of the plugins listed above support the ckan.download_proxy settings. Support for this setting in the Resource Proxy plugin was included in CKAN 2.10.5 and
ckeditor -- ckeditor
CKEditor4 is an open source what-you-see-is-what-you-get HTML editor. A potential vulnerability has been discovered in CKEditor 4 Code Snippet GeSHi plugin. The vulnerability allowed a reflected XSS attack by exploiting a flaw in the GeSHi syntax highlighter library hosted by the victim. The GeSHi library was included as a vendor dependency in CKEditor 4 source files. In a specific scenario, an attacker could craft a malicious script that could be executed by sending a request to the GeSHi library hosted on a PHP web server. The GeSHi library is no longer actively maintained. Due to the lack of ongoing support and updates, potential security vulnerabilities have been identified with its continued use. To mitigate these risks and enhance the overall security of the CKEditor 4, we have decided to completely remove the GeSHi library as a dependency. This change aims to maintain a secure environment and reduce the risk of any security incidents related to outdated or unsupported software. The fix is be available in version 4.25.0-lts.2024-08-21

discourse--discourse placeholder theme component

Discourse Placeholder Forms will let you build dynamic documentation. Unsanitized and stored user input was injected in the html of the post. The vulnerability is fixed in commit a62f711d5600e4e5d86f342d52932cb6221672e7.2024-08-20

Ghost is a Node.js content management system. Improper authentication on some endpoints used for member actions would allow an attacker to perform member-only actions, and read member information. This security vulnerability is present in Ghost v4.46.0-v5.89.4. v5.89.5 contains a fix for this issue.2024-08-20

opensearch project--security dashboards plugin
OpenSearch Dashboards Security Plugin adds a configuration management UI for the OpenSearch Security features to OpenSearch Dashboards. Improper validation of the nextUrl parameter can lead to external redirect on login to OpenSearch-Dashboards for specially crafted parameters. A patch is available in 1.3.19 and 2.16.0 for this issue.2024-08-23

N/A -- N/A

Tenda FH1206 V1.2.0.8(8155)_EN contains a Buffer Overflow vulnerability via the functino formWrlExtraGet.2024-08-23
N/A -- N/A

Mage AI allows remote users with the "Viewer" role to leak arbitrary files from the Mage server due to a path traversal in the "File Content" request2024-08-23
N/A -- N/A

Mage AI allows remote users with the "Viewer" role to leak arbitrary files from the Mage server due to a path traversal in the "Git Content" request2024-08-23
N/A -- N/A

Mage AI allows remote users with the "Viewer" role to leak arbitrary files from the Mage server due to a path traversal in the "Pipeline Interaction" request2024-08-23
piotnetdotcom--Piotnet Addons For Elementor

The Piotnet Addons For Elementor plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the plugin's Image Accordion, Dual Heading, and Vertical Timeline widgets in all versions up to, and including, 2.4.30 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on user supplied attributes. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-08-23

themeum--Tutor LMS Elementor Addons
The Tutor LMS Elementor Addons plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the 'course_carousel_skin' attribute within the plugin's Course Carousel widget in all versions up to, and including, 2.1.4 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on user supplied attributes. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-08-20

posimyththemes--The Plus Addons for Elementor – Elementor Addons, Page Templates, Widgets, Mega Menu, WooCommerce

The The Plus Addons for Elementor - Elementor Addons, Page Templates, Widgets, Mega Menu, WooCommerce plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the carousel_direction parameter of testimonials widget in all versions up to, and including, 5.6.2 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on user supplied attributes. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-08-22

posimyththemes--The Plus Addons for Elementor Elementor Addons, Page Templates, Widgets, Mega Menu, WooCommerce
The The Plus Addons for Elementor - Elementor Addons, Page Templates, Widgets, Mega Menu, WooCommerce plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the video_date attribute within the plugin's Video widget in all versions up to, and including, 5.6.2 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-08-20

webdevmattcrom--GiveWP Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform
The GiveWP - Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on the 'handle_request' function in all versions up to, and including, 3.13.0. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to edit event ticket settings if the Events beta feature is enabled.2024-08-20


The Phlox PRO theme for WordPress is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via search parameters in all versions up to, and including, 5.16.4 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that execute if they can successfully trick a user into performing an action such as clicking on a link.2024-08-21

3ds -- 3dexperience
A reflected Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability affecting 3DSwymer from Release 3DEXPERIENCE R2022x through Release 3DEXPERIENCE R2024x allows an attacker to execute arbitrary script code in user's browser session.2024-08-20
3ds -- 3dexperience
An URL redirection to untrusted site (open redirect) vulnerability affecting 3DPassport in 3DSwymer from Release 3DEXPERIENCE R2022x through Release 3DEXPERIENCE R2024x allows an attacker to redirect users to an arbitrary website via a crafted URL.2024-08-20
posimyththemes--The Plus Addons for Elementor Elementor Addons, Page Templates, Widgets, Mega Menu, WooCommerce
The The Plus Addons for Elementor - Elementor Addons, Page Templates, Widgets, Mega Menu, WooCommerce plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the 'res_width_value' parameter within the plugin's tp_page_scroll widget in all versions up to, and including, 5.6.2 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-08-20

Unknown--Chatbot with ChatGPT WordPress
The Chatbot with ChatGPT WordPress plugin before 2.4.5 does not sanitise and escape user inputs, which could allow unauthenticated users to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks against admins2024-08-19
infosatech--WP Last Modified Info
The WP Last Modified Info plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the 'template' attribute of the lmt-post-modified-info shortcode in all versions up to, and including, 1.9.0 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-08-20

dfactory--responsive lightbox & gallery

The Responsive Lightbox & Gallery plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via file uploads in all versions up to, and including, 2.4.7 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping affecting the rl_upload_image AJAX endpoint. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Author-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses the 3gp2 file.2024-08-22

elbanyaoui--Smart Online Order for Clover

The Smart Online Order for Clover plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized loss of data due to a missing capability check on the 'moo_deactivateAndClean' function in all versions up to, and including, 1.5.6. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to deactivate the plugin and drop all plugin tables from the database.2024-08-21

danieliser--Popup Maker Boost Sales, Conversions, Optins, Subscribers with the Ultimate WP Popups Builder
The Popup Maker - Boost Sales, Conversions, Optins, Subscribers with the Ultimate WP Popups Builder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the 'close_text' parameter in all versions up to, and including, 1.19.0 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page.2024-08-20

shawfactor--LH Add Media From URL

The LH Add Media From Url plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Reflected Cross-Site Scripting via the 'lh_add_media_from_url-file_url' parameter in all versions up to, and including, 1.23 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that execute if they can successfully trick a user into performing an action such as clicking on a link.2024-08-21


An issue was discovered in GitLab EE affecting all versions starting 17.0 to 17.1.6, 17.2 prior to 17.2.4, and 17.3 prior to 17.3.1 allows an attacker to execute arbitrary command in a victim's pipeline through prompt injection.2024-08-22
logsign -- unified_secops_platform
Logsign Unified SecOps Platform Directory Traversal Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to disclose sensitive information on affected installations of Logsign Unified SecOps Platform. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the HTTP API service, which listens on TCP port 443 by default. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied path prior to using it in file operations. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to disclose information in the context of root. Was ZDI-CAN-25027.2024-08-21

marla14--responsive video

The Responsive video plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the plugin's video settings function in all versions up to, and including, 1.0 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on user supplied attributes. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page. This requires responsive videos to be enabled for posts.2024-08-21

otasync--OTA Sync Booking Engine Widget

The OTA Sync Booking Engine Widget plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in all versions up to, and including, 1.2.7. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the otasync_widget_settings_fnc() function. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to update the plugin's settings and inject malicious scripts via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.2024-08-21

themeisle--orbit fox by themeisle

The Orbit Fox by ThemeIsle plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via SVG File uploads in all versions up to, and including, 2.10.36 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Author-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses the SVG file.2024-08-22

dontdream--BP Profile Search
The BP Profile Search plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in all versions up to, and including, 5.7.5. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on the bps_ajax_field_selector(), bps_ajax_template_options(), and bps_ajax_field_row() functions. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to inject malicious web scripts via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.2024-08-20

oretnom23 -- simple_forum_website
A vulnerability, which was classified as problematic, was found in SourceCodester Simple Forum Website 1.0. This affects an unknown part of the file /registration.php of the component Signup Page. The manipulation of the argument username leads to cross site scripting. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-19

itsourcecode--Project Expense Monitoring System
A vulnerability classified as critical has been found in itsourcecode Project Expense Monitoring System 1.0. This affects an unknown part of the file transferred_report.php. The manipulation of the argument start/end/employee leads to sql injection. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-20

itsourcecode--Project Expense Monitoring System
A vulnerability classified as critical was found in itsourcecode Project Expense Monitoring System 1.0. This vulnerability affects unknown code of the file printtransfer.php. The manipulation of the argument transfer_id leads to sql injection. The attack can be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-20

itsourcecode--Laravel Property Management System
A vulnerability was found in itsourcecode Laravel Property Management System 1.0 and classified as critical. This issue affects the function upload of the file PropertiesController.php. The manipulation of the argument file leads to unrestricted upload. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-20

chillzhuang--spring blade
A vulnerability classified as critical has been found in chillzhuang SpringBlade 4.1.0. Affected is an unknown function of the file /api/blade-system/menu/list?updatexml. The manipulation leads to sql injection. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. NOTE: The vendor was contacted early about this disclosure but did not respond in any way.2024-08-21


A Denial of Service (DoS) issue has been discovered in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions prior to 17.1.6, 17.2 prior to 17.2.4, and 17.3 prior to 17.3.1. A denial of service could occur upon importing a maliciously crafted repository using the GitHub importer.2024-08-22


A vulnerability has been found in TOTOLINK AC1200 T8 4.1.5cu.862_B20230228 and classified as critical. Affected by this vulnerability is the function setDiagnosisCfg. The manipulation leads to os command injection. The attack can be launched remotely. NOTE: The vendor was contacted early about this disclosure but did not respond in any way.2024-08-22


A vulnerability was found in TOTOLINK AC1200 T8 4.1.5cu.862_B20230228. It has been classified as critical. This affects the function setTracerouteCfg. The manipulation leads to os command injection. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. NOTE: The vendor was contacted early about this disclosure but did not respond in any way.2024-08-22

sourcecodester--online health care system

A vulnerability classified as critical has been found in SourceCodester Online Health Care System 1.0. Affected is an unknown function of the file search.php. The manipulation of the argument f_name with the input 1%' or 1=1 ) UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,database(),7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23# as part of string leads to sql injection. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-22

sourcecodester--online computer and laptop store

A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, has been found in SourceCodester Online Computer and Laptop Store 1.0. Affected by this issue is some unknown functionality of the file /php-ocls/classes/Master.php?f=pay_order. The manipulation of the argument id leads to sql injection. The attack may be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-22

Source Codester--E-Commerce System

A vulnerability was found in SourceCodester E-Commerce System 1.0 and classified as critical. This issue affects some unknown processing of the file /ecommerce/popup_Item.php. The manipulation of the argument id leads to sql injection. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-22

Source Codester--E-Commerce System

A vulnerability was found in SourceCodester E-Commerce System 1.0. It has been classified as critical. Affected is an unknown function of the file /ecommerce/admin/products/controller.php. The manipulation of the argument photo leads to unrestricted upload. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-23


A vulnerability classified as critical was found in D-Link DNS-120, DNR-202L, DNS-315L, DNS-320, DNS-320L, DNS-320LW, DNS-321, DNR-322L, DNS-323, DNS-325, DNS-326, DNS-327L, DNR-326, DNS-340L, DNS-343, DNS-345, DNS-726-4, DNS-1100-4, DNS-1200-05 and DNS-1550-04 up to 20240814. This vulnerability affects the function cgi_unzip of the file /cgi-bin/webfile_mgr.cgi of the component HTTP POST Request Handler. The manipulation of the argument path leads to command injection. The attack can be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer. NOTE: Vendor was contacted early and confirmed that the product is end-of-life. It should be retired and replaced.2024-08-24


A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, has been found in D-Link DNS-120, DNR-202L, DNS-315L, DNS-320, DNS-320L, DNS-320LW, DNS-321, DNR-322L, DNS-323, DNS-325, DNS-326, DNS-327L, DNR-326, DNS-340L, DNS-343, DNS-345, DNS-726-4, DNS-1100-4, DNS-1200-05 and DNS-1550-04 up to 20240814. This issue affects the function cgi_add_zip of the file /cgi-bin/webfile_mgr.cgi of the component HTTP POST Request Handler. The manipulation of the argument path leads to command injection. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer. NOTE: Vendor was contacted early and confirmed that the product is end-of-life. It should be retired and replaced.2024-08-24


A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, was found in D-Link DNS-120, DNR-202L, DNS-315L, DNS-320, DNS-320L, DNS-320LW, DNS-321, DNR-322L, DNS-323, DNS-325, DNS-326, DNS-327L, DNR-326, DNS-340L, DNS-343, DNS-345, DNS-726-4, DNS-1100-4, DNS-1200-05 and DNS-1550-04 up to 20240814. Affected is the function cgi_s3_modify of the file /cgi-bin/s3.cgi of the component HTTP POST Request Handler. The manipulation of the argument f_job_name leads to command injection. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer. NOTE: Vendor was contacted early and confirmed that the product is end-of-life. It should be retired and replaced.2024-08-24


A vulnerability has been found in D-Link DNS-120, DNR-202L, DNS-315L, DNS-320, DNS-320L, DNS-320LW, DNS-321, DNR-322L, DNS-323, DNS-325, DNS-326, DNS-327L, DNR-326, DNS-340L, DNS-343, DNS-345, DNS-726-4, DNS-1100-4, DNS-1200-05 and DNS-1550-04 up to 20240814 and classified as critical. Affected by this vulnerability is the function cgi_s3 of the file /cgi-bin/s3.cgi of the component HTTP POST Request Handler. The manipulation of the argument f_a_key leads to command injection. The attack can be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer. NOTE: Vendor was contacted early and confirmed that the product is end-of-life. It should be retired and replaced.2024-08-24


A vulnerability was found in D-Link DNS-120, DNR-202L, DNS-315L, DNS-320, DNS-320L, DNS-320LW, DNS-321, DNR-322L, DNS-323, DNS-325, DNS-326, DNS-327L, DNR-326, DNS-340L, DNS-343, DNS-345, DNS-726-4, DNS-1100-4, DNS-1200-05 and DNS-1550-04 up to 20240814 and classified as critical. Affected by this issue is the function module_enable_disable of the file /cgi-bin/apkg_mgr.cgi of the component HTTP POST Request Handler. The manipulation of the argument f_module_name leads to command injection. The attack may be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer. NOTE: Vendor was contacted early and confirmed that the product is end-of-life. It should be retired and replaced.2024-08-24


A vulnerability was found in D-Link DNS-120, DNR-202L, DNS-315L, DNS-320, DNS-320L, DNS-320LW, DNS-321, DNR-322L, DNS-323, DNS-325, DNS-326, DNS-327L, DNR-326, DNS-340L, DNS-343, DNS-345, DNS-726-4, DNS-1100-4, DNS-1200-05 and DNS-1550-04 up to 20240814. It has been classified as critical. This affects the function webdav_mgr of the file /cgi-bin/webdav_mgr.cgi of the component HTTP POST Request Handler. The manipulation of the argument f_path leads to command injection. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer. NOTE: Vendor was contacted early and confirmed that the product is end-of-life. It should be retired and replaced.2024-08-24


A vulnerability was found in D-Link DNS-120, DNR-202L, DNS-315L, DNS-320, DNS-320L, DNS-320LW, DNS-321, DNR-322L, DNS-323, DNS-325, DNS-326, DNS-327L, DNR-326, DNS-340L, DNS-343, DNS-345, DNS-726-4, DNS-1100-4, DNS-1200-05 and DNS-1550-04 up to 20240814. It has been declared as critical. This vulnerability affects the function cgi_FMT_R5_SpareDsk_DiskMGR of the file /cgi-bin/hd_config.cgi of the component HTTP POST Request Handler. The manipulation of the argument f_source_dev leads to command injection. The attack can be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer. NOTE: Vendor was contacted early and confirmed that the product is end-of-life. It should be retired and replaced.2024-08-24

A vulnerability was found in D-Link DNS-120, DNR-202L, DNS-315L, DNS-320, DNS-320L, DNS-320LW, DNS-321, DNR-322L, DNS-323, DNS-325, DNS-326, DNS-327L, DNR-326, DNS-340L, DNS-343, DNS-345, DNS-726-4, DNS-1100-4, DNS-1200-05 and DNS-1550-04 up to 20240814. It has been rated as critical. This issue affects the function cgi_FMT_Std2R5_1st_DiskMGR of the file /cgi-bin/hd_config.cgi of the component HTTP POST Request Handler. The manipulation of the argument f_source_dev leads to command injection. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer. NOTE: Vendor was contacted early and confirmed that the product is end-of-life. It should be retired and replaced.2024-08-24


A vulnerability classified as critical has been found in Go-Tribe gotribe up to cd3ccd32cd77852c9ea73f986eaf8c301cfb6310. Affected is the function Sign of the file pkg/token/token.go. The manipulation of the argument config.key leads to hard-coded credentials. Continious delivery with rolling releases is used by this product. Therefore, no version details of affected nor updated releases are available. The patch is identified as 4fb9b9e80a2beedd09d9fde4b9cf5bd510baf18f. It is recommended to apply a patch to fix this issue.2024-08-24

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iio: adc: men_z188_adc: Fix a resource leak in an error handling path If iio_device_register() fails, a previous ioremap() is left unbalanced. Update the error handling path and add the missing iounmap() call, as already done in the remove function.2024-08-22

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Fix crash due to out of bounds access into reg2btf_ids. When commit e6ac2450d6de ("bpf: Support bpf program calling kernel function") added kfunc support, it defined reg2btf_ids as a cheap way to translate the verifier reg type to the appropriate btf_vmlinux BTF ID, however commit c25b2ae13603 ("bpf: Replace PTR_TO_XXX_OR_NULL with PTR_TO_XXX | PTR_MAYBE_NULL") moved the __BPF_REG_TYPE_MAX from the last member of bpf_reg_type enum to after the base register types, and defined other variants using type flag composition. However, now, the direct usage of reg->type to index into reg2btf_ids may no longer fall into __BPF_REG_TYPE_MAX range, and hence lead to out of bounds access and kernel crash on dereference of bad pointer.2024-08-22

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/ib_srp: Fix a deadlock Remove the flush_workqueue(system_long_wq) call since flushing system_long_wq is deadlock-prone and since that call is redundant with a preceding cancel_work_sync()2024-08-22

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: DR, Fix slab-out-of-bounds in mlx5_cmd_dr_create_fte When adding a rule with 32 destinations, we hit the following out-of-band access issue: BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in mlx5_cmd_dr_create_fte+0x18ee/0x1e70 This patch fixes the issue by both increasing the allocated buffers to accommodate for the needed actions and by checking the number of actions to prevent this issue when a rule with too many actions is provided.2024-08-22

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netfilter: nf_tables: fix memory leak during stateful obj update stateful objects can be updated from the control plane. The transaction logic allocates a temporary object for this purpose. The ->init function was called for this object, so plain kfree() leaks resources. We must call ->destroy function of the object. nft_obj_destroy does this, but it also decrements the module refcount, but the update path doesn't increment it. To avoid special-casing the update object release, do module_get for the update case too and release it via nft_obj_destroy().2024-08-22

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nfp: flower: Fix a potential leak in nfp_tunnel_add_shared_mac() ida_simple_get() returns an id between min (0) and max (NFP_MAX_MAC_INDEX) inclusive. So NFP_MAX_MAC_INDEX (0xff) is a valid id. In order for the error handling path to work correctly, the 'invalid' value for 'ida_idx' should not be in the 0..NFP_MAX_MAC_INDEX range, inclusive. So set it to -1.2024-08-22

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netfilter: nf_tables: unregister flowtable hooks on netns exit Unregister flowtable hooks before they are releases via nf_tables_flowtable_destroy() otherwise hook core reports UAF. BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in nf_hook_entries_grow+0x5a7/0x700 net/netfilter/core.c:142 net/netfilter/core.c:142 Read of size 4 at addr ffff8880736f7438 by task syz-executor579/3666 CPU: 0 PID: 3666 Comm: syz-executor579 Not tainted 5.16.0-rc5-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 Call Trace: <TASK> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] lib/dump_stack.c:106 dump_stack_lvl+0x1dc/0x2d8 lib/dump_stack.c:106 lib/dump_stack.c:106 print_address_description+0x65/0x380 mm/kasan/report.c:247 mm/kasan/report.c:247 __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:433 [inline] __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:433 [inline] mm/kasan/report.c:450 kasan_report+0x19a/0x1f0 mm/kasan/report.c:450 mm/kasan/report.c:450 nf_hook_entries_grow+0x5a7/0x700 net/netfilter/core.c:142 net/netfilter/core.c:142 __nf_register_net_hook+0x27e/0x8d0 net/netfilter/core.c:429 net/netfilter/core.c:429 nf_register_net_hook+0xaa/0x180 net/netfilter/core.c:571 net/netfilter/core.c:571 nft_register_flowtable_net_hooks+0x3c5/0x730 net/netfilter/nf_tables_api.c:7232 net/netfilter/nf_tables_api.c:7232 nf_tables_newflowtable+0x2022/0x2cf0 net/netfilter/nf_tables_api.c:7430 net/netfilter/nf_tables_api.c:7430 nfnetlink_rcv_batch net/netfilter/nfnetlink.c:513 [inline] nfnetlink_rcv_skb_batch net/netfilter/nfnetlink.c:634 [inline] nfnetlink_rcv_batch net/netfilter/nfnetlink.c:513 [inline] net/netfilter/nfnetlink.c:652 nfnetlink_rcv_skb_batch net/netfilter/nfnetlink.c:634 [inline] net/netfilter/nfnetlink.c:652 nfnetlink_rcv+0x10e6/0x2550 net/netfilter/nfnetlink.c:652 net/netfilter/nfnetlink.c:652 __nft_release_hook() calls nft_unregister_flowtable_net_hooks() which only unregisters the hooks, then after RCU grace period, it is guaranteed that no packets add new entries to the flowtable (no flow offload rules and flowtable hooks are reachable from packet path), so it is safe to call nf_flow_table_free() which cleans up the remaining entries from the flowtable (both software and hardware) and it unbinds the flow_block.2024-08-22

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: gso: do not skip outer ip header in case of ipip and net_failover We encounter a tcp drop issue in our cloud environment. Packet GROed in host forwards to a VM virtio_net nic with net_failover enabled. VM acts as a IPVS LB with ipip encapsulation. The full path like: host gro -> vm virtio_net rx -> net_failover rx -> ipvs fullnat -> ipip encap -> net_failover tx -> virtio_net tx When net_failover transmits a ipip pkt (gso_type = 0x0103, which means SKB_GSO_TCPV4, SKB_GSO_DODGY and SKB_GSO_IPXIP4), there is no gso did because it supports TSO and GSO_IPXIP4. But network_header points to inner ip header. Call Trace: tcp4_gso_segment ------> return NULL inet_gso_segment ------> inner iph, network_header points to ipip_gso_segment inet_gso_segment ------> outer iph skb_mac_gso_segment Afterwards virtio_net transmits the pkt, only inner ip header is modified. And the outer one just keeps unchanged. The pkt will be dropped in remote host. Call Trace: inet_gso_segment ------> inner iph, outer iph is skipped skb_mac_gso_segment __skb_gso_segment validate_xmit_skb validate_xmit_skb_list sch_direct_xmit __qdisc_run __dev_queue_xmit ------> virtio_net dev_hard_start_xmit __dev_queue_xmit ------> net_failover ip_finish_output2 ip_output iptunnel_xmit ip_tunnel_xmit ipip_tunnel_xmit ------> ipip dev_hard_start_xmit __dev_queue_xmit ip_finish_output2 ip_output ip_forward ip_rcv __netif_receive_skb_one_core netif_receive_skb_internal napi_gro_receive receive_buf virtnet_poll net_rx_action The root cause of this issue is specific with the rare combination of SKB_GSO_DODGY and a tunnel device that adds an SKB_GSO_ tunnel option. SKB_GSO_DODGY is set from external virtio_net. We need to reset network header when callbacks.gso_segment() returns NULL. This patch also includes ipv6_gso_segment(), considering SIT, etc.2024-08-22

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: CDC-NCM: avoid overflow in sanity checking A broken device may give an extreme offset like 0xFFF0 and a reasonable length for a fragment. In the sanity check as formulated now, this will create an integer overflow, defeating the sanity check. Both offset and offset + len need to be checked in such a manner that no overflow can occur. And those quantities should be unsigned.2024-08-22

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Fix crash due to incorrect copy_map_value When both bpf_spin_lock and bpf_timer are present in a BPF map value, copy_map_value needs to skirt both objects when copying a value into and out of the map. However, the current code does not set both s_off and t_off in copy_map_value, which leads to a crash when e.g. bpf_spin_lock is placed in map value with bpf_timer, as bpf_map_update_elem call will be able to overwrite the other timer object. When the issue is not fixed, an overwriting can produce the following splat: [root@(none) bpf]# ./test_progs -t timer_crash [ 15.930339] bpf_testmod: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel. [ 16.037849] ================================================================== [ 16.038458] BUG: KASAN: user-memory-access in __pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath+0x32b/0x520 [ 16.038944] Write of size 8 at addr 0000000000043ec0 by task test_progs/325 [ 16.039399] [ 16.039514] CPU: 0 PID: 325 Comm: test_progs Tainted: G OE 5.16.0+ #278 [ 16.039983] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS ArchLinux 1.15.0-1 04/01/2014 [ 16.040485] Call Trace: [ 16.040645] <TASK> [ 16.040805] dump_stack_lvl+0x59/0x73 [ 16.041069] ? __pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath+0x32b/0x520 [ 16.041427] kasan_report.cold+0x116/0x11b [ 16.041673] ? __pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath+0x32b/0x520 [ 16.042040] __pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath+0x32b/0x520 [ 16.042328] ? memcpy+0x39/0x60 [ 16.042552] ? pv_hash+0xd0/0xd0 [ 16.042785] ? lockdep_hardirqs_off+0x95/0xd0 [ 16.043079] __bpf_spin_lock_irqsave+0xdf/0xf0 [ 16.043366] ? bpf_get_current_comm+0x50/0x50 [ 16.043608] ? jhash+0x11a/0x270 [ 16.043848] bpf_timer_cancel+0x34/0xe0 [ 16.044119] bpf_prog_c4ea1c0f7449940d_sys_enter+0x7c/0x81 [ 16.044500] bpf_trampoline_6442477838_0+0x36/0x1000 [ 16.044836] __x64_sys_nanosleep+0x5/0x140 [ 16.045119] do_syscall_64+0x59/0x80 [ 16.045377] ? lock_is_held_type+0xe4/0x140 [ 16.045670] ? irqentry_exit_to_user_mode+0xa/0x40 [ 16.046001] ? mark_held_locks+0x24/0x90 [ 16.046287] ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x1e/0x30 [ 16.046569] ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x8/0x30 [ 16.046851] ? lockdep_hardirqs_on+0x7e/0x100 [ 16.047137] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae [ 16.047405] RIP: 0033:0x7f9e4831718d [ 16.047602] Code: b4 0c 00 0f 05 eb a9 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 f3 0f 1e fa 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 8b 0d b3 6c 0c 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48 [ 16.048764] RSP: 002b:00007fff488086b8 EFLAGS: 00000206 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000023 [ 16.049275] RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f9e48683740 RCX: 00007f9e4831718d [ 16.049747] RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 00007fff488086d0 [ 16.050225] RBP: 00007fff488086f0 R08: 00007fff488085d7 R09: 00007f9e4cb594a0 [ 16.050648] R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000206 R12: 00007f9e484cde30 [ 16.051124] R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 0000000000000000 [ 16.051608] </TASK> [ 16.051762] ==================================================================2024-08-22

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: hwmon: Handle failure to register sensor with thermal zone correctly If an attempt is made to a sensor with a thermal zone and it fails, the call to devm_thermal_zone_of_sensor_register() may return -ENODEV. This may result in crashes similar to the following. Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000000003cd ... Internal error: Oops: 96000021 [#1] PREEMPT SMP ... pstate: 60400009 (nZCv daif +PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) pc : mutex_lock+0x18/0x60 lr : thermal_zone_device_update+0x40/0x2e0 sp : ffff800014c4fc60 x29: ffff800014c4fc60 x28: ffff365ee3f6e000 x27: ffffdde218426790 x26: ffff365ee3f6e000 x25: 0000000000000000 x24: ffff365ee3f6e000 x23: ffffdde218426870 x22: ffff365ee3f6e000 x21: 00000000000003cd x20: ffff365ee8bf3308 x19: ffffffffffffffed x18: 0000000000000000 x17: ffffdde21842689c x16: ffffdde1cb7a0b7c x15: 0000000000000040 x14: ffffdde21a4889a0 x13: 0000000000000228 x12: 0000000000000000 x11: 0000000000000000 x10: 0000000000000000 x9 : 0000000000000000 x8 : 0000000001120000 x7 : 0000000000000001 x6 : 0000000000000000 x5 : 0068000878e20f07 x4 : 0000000000000000 x3 : 00000000000003cd x2 : ffff365ee3f6e000 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : 00000000000003cd Call trace: mutex_lock+0x18/0x60 hwmon_notify_event+0xfc/0x110 0xffffdde1cb7a0a90 0xffffdde1cb7a0b7c irq_thread_fn+0x2c/0xa0 irq_thread+0x134/0x240 kthread+0x178/0x190 ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 Code: d503201f d503201f d2800001 aa0103e4 (c8e47c02) Jon Hunter reports that the exact call sequence is: hwmon_notify_event() --> hwmon_thermal_notify() --> thermal_zone_device_update() --> update_temperature() --> mutex_lock() The hwmon core needs to handle all errors returned from calls to devm_thermal_zone_of_sensor_register(). If the call fails with -ENODEV, report that the sensor was not attached to a thermal zone but continue to register the hwmon device.2024-08-22

Open-Xchange GmbH--OX App Suite
Module savepoints could be abused to inject references to malicious code delivered through the same domain. Attackers could perform malicious API requests or extract information from the users account. Exploiting this vulnerability requires temporary access to an account or successful social engineering to make a user follow a prepared link to a malicious account. Please deploy the provided updates and patch releases. The savepoint module path has been restricted to modules that provide the feature, excluding any arbitrary or non-existing modules. No publicly available exploits are known.2024-08-19

google -- nest_mini_firmware
The libcurl CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER option was disabled on a subset of requests made by Nest production devices which enabled a potential man-in-the-middle attack on requests to Google cloud services by any host the traffic was routed through.2024-08-19
Typecho v1.3.0 was discovered to contain a Client IP Spoofing vulnerability, which allows attackers to falsify their IP addresses by specifying an arbitrary IP as value of X-Forwarded-For or Client-Ip headers while performing HTTP requests.2024-08-19

N/A -- N/A

Swissphone DiCal-RED 4009 devices allow an unauthenticated attacker use a port-2101 TCP connection to gain access to operation messages that are received by the device.2024-08-22

friendica -- friendica
Friendica 2024.03 is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in settings/profile via the homepage, xmpp, and matrix parameters.2024-08-20

ibm -- sterling_connect_direct_web_services
IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Web Services 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by the failure to properly enable HTTP Strict Transport Security. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to obtain sensitive information using man in the middle techniques.2024-08-22

okfn -- ckan
CKAN is an open-source data management system for powering data hubs and data portals. If there were connection issues with the Solr server, the internal Solr URL (potentially including credentials) could be leaked to package_search calls as part of the returned error message. This has been patched in CKAN 2.10.5 and

Adobe--Adobe Experience Manager

Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.5.20 and earlier are affected by a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. If an attacker is able to convince a victim to visit a URL referencing a vulnerable page, malicious JavaScript content may be executed within the context of the victim's browser.2024-08-23
Adobe--Adobe Experience Manager

Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.5.20 and earlier are affected by a stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability that could be abused by an attacker to inject malicious scripts into vulnerable form fields. Malicious JavaScript may be executed in a victim's browser when they browse to the page containing the vulnerable field.2024-08-23
Adobe--Adobe Experience Manager
Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.5.20 and earlier are affected by a stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability that could be abused by an attacker to inject malicious scripts into vulnerable form fields. Malicious JavaScript may be executed in a victim's browser when they browse to the page containing the vulnerable field.2024-08-23
Adobe--Adobe Experience Manager

Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.5.20 and earlier are affected by a stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability that could be abused by an attacker to inject malicious scripts into vulnerable form fields. Malicious JavaScript may be executed in a victim's browser when they browse to the page containing the vulnerable field.2024-08-23
Adobe--Adobe Experience Manager

Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.5.20 and earlier are affected by a stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability that could be abused by an attacker to inject malicious scripts into vulnerable form fields. Malicious JavaScript may be executed in a victim's browser when they browse to the page containing the vulnerable field.2024-08-23
Adobe--Adobe Experience Manager

Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.5.20 and earlier are affected by a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. If an attacker is able to convince a victim to visit a URL referencing a vulnerable page, malicious JavaScript content may be executed within the context of the victim's browser.2024-08-23
Adobe--Adobe Experience Manager

Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.5.20 and earlier are affected by a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. If an attacker is able to convince a victim to visit a URL referencing a vulnerable page, malicious JavaScript content may be executed within the context of the victim's browser.2024-08-23
Adobe--Adobe Experience Manager

Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.5.20 and earlier are affected by a stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability that could be abused by an attacker to inject malicious scripts into vulnerable form fields. Malicious JavaScript may be executed in a victim's browser when they browse to the page containing the vulnerable field.2024-08-23
Adobe--Adobe Experience Manager

Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.5.20 and earlier are affected by a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. If an attacker is able to convince a victim to visit a URL referencing a vulnerable page, malicious JavaScript content may be executed within the context of the victim's browser.2024-08-23
Adobe--Adobe Experience Manager

Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.5.19 and earlier are affected by a stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability that could be abused by an attacker to inject malicious scripts into vulnerable form fields. Malicious JavaScript may be executed in a victim's browser when they browse to the page containing the vulnerable field.2024-08-23
Adobe--Adobe Experience Manager
Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.5.19 and earlier are affected by a DOM-based Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. This vulnerability could allow an attacker to inject and execute arbitrary JavaScript code within the context of the user's browser session. Exploitation of this issue requires user interaction, such as convincing a victim to click on a malicious link.2024-08-23
7-twenty -- bot
7Twenty - CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')2024-08-20
matrix -- javascript_sdk
matrix-js-sdk is a Matrix messaging protocol Client-Server SDK for JavaScript. A malicious homeserver can craft a room or room structure such that the predecessors form a cycle. The matrix-js-sdk's getRoomUpgradeHistory function will infinitely recurse in this case, causing the code to hang. This method is public but also called by the 'leaveRoomChain()' method, so leaving a room will also trigger the bug. This was patched in matrix-js-sdk

mattermost -- mattermost
Mattermost versions 9.9.x <= 9.9.1, 9.5.x <= 9.5.7, 9.10.x <= 9.10.0, 9.8.x <= 9.8.2 fail to restrict the input in POST /api/v4/users which allows a user to manipulate the creation date in POST /api/v4/users tricking the admin into believing their account is much older.2024-08-22
N/A -- N/A

A Stored Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability was found in "/history.php" in Kashipara Bus Ticket Reservation System v1.0, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via the Name, Phone, and Email parameter fields.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

A Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability was found in the "/schedule.php" page of the Kashipara Bus Ticket Reservation System v1.0, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via the "bookingdate" parameter.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

Kashipara Music Management System v1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection via /music/manage_playlist_items.php. An attacker can execute arbitrary SQL commands via the "pid" parameter.2024-08-21




Missing Authentication for Critical Function vulnerability in icegram Icegram allows Accessing Functionality Not Properly Constrained by ACLs.This issue affects Icegram: from n/a through
VOID CODERS--Void Elementor Post Grid Addon for Elementor Page builder
Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal') vulnerability in VOID CODERS Void Elementor Post Grid Addon for Elementor Page builder allows PHP Local File Inclusion.This issue affects Void Elementor Post Grid Addon for Elementor Page builder: from n/a through 2.3.2024-08-19
Jamie Bergen--Plugin Notes Plus
Missing Authorization vulnerability in Jamie Bergen Plugin Notes Plus allows Accessing Functionality Not Properly Constrained by ACLs.This issue affects Plugin Notes Plus: from n/a through

Missing Authorization vulnerability in VeronaLabs WP SMS.This issue affects WP SMS: from n/a through
Umbraco CMS is an ASP.NET CMS. An authenticated user can access a few unintended endpoints. This issue is fixed in


Khoj is an application that creates personal AI agents. The Automation feature allows a user to insert arbitrary HTML inside the task instructions, resulting in a Stored XSS. The q parameter for the /api/automation endpoint does not get correctly sanitized when rendered on the page, resulting in the ability of users to inject arbitrary HTML/JS. This vulnerability is fixed in


REXML is an XML toolkit for Ruby. The REXML gem before 3.3.6 has a DoS vulnerability when it parses an XML that has many deep elements that have same local name attributes. If you need to parse untrusted XMLs with tree parser API like, you may be impacted to this vulnerability. If you use other parser APIs such as stream parser API and SAX2 parser API, this vulnerability is not affected. The REXML gem 3.3.6 or later include the patch to fix the vulnerability.2024-08-22

xwiki -- xwiki
XWiki Platform is a generic wiki platform offering runtime services for applications built on top of it. It is possible for a user without Script or Programming rights to craft a URL pointing to a page with arbitrary JavaScript. This requires social engineer to trick a user to follow the URL. This has been patched in XWiki 14.10.21, 15.5.5, 15.10.6 and


Hono is a Web application framework that provides support for any JavaScript runtime. Hono CSRF middleware can be bypassed using crafted Content-Type header. MIME types are case insensitive, but isRequestedByFormElementRe only matches lower-case. As a result, attacker can bypass csrf middleware using upper-case form-like MIME type. This vulnerability is fixed in

webdevmattcrom--GiveWP Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform
The GiveWP - Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized access of data due to a missing capability check on the 'setup_wizard' function in all versions up to, and including, 3.13.0. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to read the setup wizard administrative pages.2024-08-20

webdevmattcrom--GiveWP Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform
The GiveWP - Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized access and deletion of data due to a missing capability check on the 'handle_request' function in all versions up to, and including, 3.14.1. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to read attachment paths and delete attachment files.2024-08-20

3ds -- 3dexperience
A reflected Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability affecting ENOVIA Collaborative Industry Innovator from Release 3DEXPERIENCE R2022x through Release 3DEXPERIENCE R2024x allows an attacker to execute arbitrary script code in user's browser session.2024-08-20
maxfoundry--word press button plugin maxbuttons

The WordPress Button Plugin MaxButtons plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to information exposure in all versions up to, and including, 9.7.8. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to obtain the full path to instances, which they may be able to use in combination with other vulnerabilities or to simplify reconnaissance work. On its own, this information is of very limited use.2024-08-24


An issue was discovered in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions starting from 8.2 prior to 17.1.6 starting from 17.2 prior to 17.2.4, and starting from 17.3 prior to 17.3.1, which allows an attacker to create a branch with the same name as a deleted tag.2024-08-22

flamix--Flamix: Bitrix24 and Contact Form 7 integrations

The Flamix: Bitrix24 and Contact Form 7 integrations plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Full Path Disclosure in all versions up to, and including, 3.1.0. This is due the plugin utilizing mobiledetect without preventing direct access to the files. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to retrieve the full path of the web application, which can be used to aid other attacks. The information displayed is not useful on its own, and requires another vulnerability to be present for damage to an affected website.2024-08-21


 imagerecycle--ImageRecycle pdf & image compression
The ImageRecycle pdf & image compression plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on several AJAX actions in all versions up to, and including, 3.1.14. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to perform unauthorized actions, such as updating plugin settings.2024-08-24


The WordSurvey plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via the 'sounding_title' parameter in all versions up to, and including, 3.2 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with administrator-level access, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page. This only affects multi-site installations and installations where unfiltered_html has been disabled.2024-08-21

starkinfo--WP testimonial widget
The WP Testimonial Widget plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on the fnSaveTestimonailOrder function in all versions up to, and including, 3.0. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to change the order of testimonials.2024-08-21

appcheap--App Builder – Create Native Android & iOS Apps On The Flight

The App Builder - Create Native Android & iOS Apps On The Flight plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to limited SQL Injection via the 'app-builder-search' parameter in all versions up to, and including, 4.2.6 due to insufficient escaping on the user supplied parameter and lack of sufficient preparation on the existing SQL query. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to append additional SQL queries into already existing queries that can be used to extract sensitive information from the database.2024-08-21

bitpressadmin--Contact Form by Bit Form: Multi Step Form, Calculation Contact Form, Payment Contact Form & Custom Contact Form builder
The Contact Form by Bit Form: Multi Step Form, Calculation Contact Form, Payment Contact Form & Custom Contact Form builder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to arbitrary JavaScript file uploads due to missing input validation in the addCustomCode function in versions 2.0 to 2.13.9. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Administrator-level access and above, to upload arbitrary JavaScript files to the affected site's server.2024-08-20

adonesevangelista -- laravel_property_management_system
A vulnerability was found in itsourcecode Laravel Property Management System 1.0. It has been declared as problematic. Affected by this vulnerability is an unknown functionality of the file /admin/notes/create of the component Notes Page. The manipulation of the argument Note text leads to cross site scripting. The attack can be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-20

rems -- account_manager_app
A vulnerability classified as problematic was found in SourceCodester Accounts Manager App 1.0. This vulnerability affects unknown code of the file update-account.php of the component Update Account Page. The manipulation of the argument Account Name/Username/Password/Link leads to cross site scripting. The attack can be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-20

N/A -- N/A

Mage AI allows remote unauthenticated attackers to leak the terminal server command history of arbitrary users2024-08-22
linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: configfs: fix a race in configfs_{,un}register_subsystem() When configfs_register_subsystem() or configfs_unregister_subsystem() is executing link_group() or unlink_group(), it is possible that two processes add or delete list concurrently. Some unfortunate interleavings of them can cause kernel panic. One of cases is: A --> B --> C --> D A <-- B <-- C <-- D delete list_head *B | delete list_head *C --------------------------------|----------------------------------- configfs_unregister_subsystem | configfs_unregister_subsystem unlink_group | unlink_group unlink_obj | unlink_obj list_del_init | list_del_init __list_del_entry | __list_del_entry __list_del | __list_del // next == C | next->prev = prev | | next->prev = prev prev->next = next | | // prev == B | prev->next = next Fix this by adding mutex when calling link_group() or unlink_group(), but parent configfs_subsystem is NULL when config_item is root. So I create a mutex configfs_subsystem_mutex.2024-08-22

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: fix concurrent reset and removal of VFs Commit c503e63200c6 ("ice: Stop processing VF messages during teardown") introduced a driver state flag, ICE_VF_DEINIT_IN_PROGRESS, which is intended to prevent some issues with concurrently handling messages from VFs while tearing down the VFs. This change was motivated by crashes caused while tearing down and bringing up VFs in rapid succession. It turns out that the fix actually introduces issues with the VF driver caused because the PF no longer responds to any messages sent by the VF during its .remove routine. This results in the VF potentially removing its DMA memory before the PF has shut down the device queues. Additionally, the fix doesn't actually resolve concurrency issues within the ice driver. It is possible for a VF to initiate a reset just prior to the ice driver removing VFs. This can result in the remove task concurrently operating while the VF is being reset. This results in similar memory corruption and panics purportedly fixed by that commit. Fix this concurrency at its root by protecting both the reset and removal flows using the existing VF cfg_lock. This ensures that we cannot remove the VF while any outstanding critical tasks such as a virtchnl message or a reset are occurring. This locking change also fixes the root cause originally fixed by commit c503e63200c6 ("ice: Stop processing VF messages during teardown"), so we can simply revert it. Note that I kept these two changes together because simply reverting the original commit alone would leave the driver vulnerable to worse race conditions.2024-08-22

sasiddiqui--Custom Permalinks

The Custom Permalinks plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting in versions up to, and including, 2.6.0 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping on tag names. This allows authenticated users, with editor-level permissions or greater to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page, even when 'unfiltered_html' has been disabled.2024-08-24


An issue has been discovered in GitLab EE affecting all versions starting from 12.5 before 17.1.6, all versions starting from 17.2 before 17.2.4, all versions starting from 17.3 before 17.3.1. Under certain conditions it may be possible to bypass the IP restriction for groups through GraphQL allowing unauthorised users to perform some actions at the group level.2024-08-22

N/A -- WP Table Builder

The WP Table Builder WordPress plugin through 1.5.0 does not sanitise and escape some of its Table data, which could allow high privilege users such as admin to perform Stored Cross-Site Scripting attacks even when the unfiltered_html capability is disallowed (for example in multisite setup)2024-08-23
Spring--Spring Framework
In Spring Framework versions 5.3.0 - 5.3.38 and older unsupported versions, it is possible for a user to provide a specially crafted Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expression that may cause a denial of service (DoS) condition. Specifically, an application is vulnerable when the following is true: * The application evaluates user-supplied SpEL expressions.2024-08-20
ibm -- sterling_connect_direct_web_services
IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Web Services 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 is vulnerable to cross-site request forgery which could allow an attacker to execute malicious and unauthorized actions transmitted from a user that the website trusts.2024-08-22

mattermost -- mattermost
Mattermost versions 9.5.x <= 9.5.7 and 9.10.x <= 9.10.0 fail to time limit and size limit the CA path file in the ElasticSearch configuration which allows a System Role with access to the Elasticsearch system console to add any file as a CA path field, such as /dev/zero and, after testing the connection, cause the application to crash.2024-08-22
Priority - CWE-200: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor2024-08-20
Priority - CWE-552: Files or Directories Accessible to External Parties2024-08-20
Adobe--Adobe Experience Manager

Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.5.20 and earlier are affected by a stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability that could be abused by an attacker to inject malicious scripts into vulnerable form fields. Malicious JavaScript may be executed in a victim's browser when they browse to the page containing the vulnerable field.2024-08-23
Adobe--Adobe Experience Manager

Adobe Experience Manager versions 6.5.20 and earlier are affected by an Improper Input Validation vulnerability that could lead to a security feature bypass. An low-privileged attacker could leverage this vulnerability to slightly affect the integrity of the page. Exploitation of this issue requires user interaction and scope is changed.2024-08-23
N/A -- N/A

A Stored Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability was found in "/core/signup_user.php" of Kashipara Hotel Management System v1.0, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via the "user_email" parameter.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

A Stored Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability was found in " /admin/edit_room_controller.php" of the Kashipara Hotel Management System v1.0, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via "room_name" parameter.2024-08-22

N/A -- N/A

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the component /index/index.html of YZNCMS v1.4.2 allows attackers to execute arbitrary web scripts or HTML via a crafted payload injected into the configured remarks text field.2024-08-21
N/A -- N/A

autMan v2.9.6 was discovered to contain an access control issue.2024-08-23

N/A -- N/A

autMan v2.9.6 allows attackers to bypass authentication via a crafted web request.2024-08-23

Mattermost Plugin Channel Export versions <=1.0.0 fail to restrict concurrent runs of the /export command which allows a user to consume excessive resource by running the /export command multiple times at once.2024-08-23
Scott Paterson--Easy PayPal Buy Now Button
URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect') vulnerability in Scott Paterson Easy PayPal Buy Now Button.This issue affects Easy PayPal Buy Now Button: from n/a through 1.9.2024-08-19
Salon Booking System--Salon booking system
URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect') vulnerability in Salon Booking System Salon booking system.This issue affects Salon booking system: from n/a through
Metagauss User Registration Team--RegistrationMagic
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in Metagauss User Registration Team RegistrationMagic allows Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).This issue affects RegistrationMagic: from n/a through
Umbraco is an ASP.NET CMS. Some endpoints in the Management API can return stack trace information, even when Umbraco is not in debug mode. This vulnerability is fixed in

Apollo is a configuration management system. A vulnerability exists in the synchronization configuration feature that allows users to craft specific requests to bypass permission checks. This exploit enables them to modify a namespace without the necessary permissions. The issue was addressed with an input parameter check which was released in version


Mattermost versions 9.9.x <= 9.9.1, 9.5.x <= 9.5.7, 9.10.0, 9.8.x <= 9.8.2 fail to enforce permissions which allows a guest user with read access to upload files to a channel.2024-08-22
Vim is an open source command line text editor. When performing a search and displaying the search-count message is disabled (:set shm+=S), the search pattern is displayed at the bottom of the screen in a buffer (msgbuf). When right-left mode (:set rl) is enabled, the search pattern is reversed. This happens by allocating a new buffer. If the search pattern contains some ASCII NUL characters, the buffer allocated will be smaller than the original allocated buffer (because for allocating the reversed buffer, the strlen() function is called, which only counts until it notices an ASCII NUL byte ) and thus the original length indicator is wrong. This causes an overflow when accessing characters inside the msgbuf by the previously (now wrong) length of the msgbuf. The issue has been fixed as of Vim patch v9.1.0689.2024-08-22

mattermost -- mattermost
Mattermost versions 9.5.x <= 9.5.7, 9.10.x <= 9.10.0 fail to enforce proper access controls which allows any authenticated user, including guests, to mark any channel inside any team as read for any user.2024-08-22
clevelandwebdeveloper--hide my site

The Hide My Site plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Sensitive Information Exposure in all versions up to, and including, 2.2 due to the plugin not restricting access to the REST API when password protection is enabled. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to gain unauthorized access to the site.2024-08-21


Access control for plugin data sources protected by the ReqActions json field of the plugin.json is bypassed if the user or service account is granted associated access to any other data source, as the ReqActions check was not scoped to each specific datasource. The account must have prior query access to the impacted datasource.2024-08-20
sethshoultes--Event Espresso – Event Registration & Ticketing Sales

The Event Espresso 4 Decaf - Event Registration Event Ticketing plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to limited unauthorized plugin settings modification due to a missing capability check on the saveTimezoneString and some other functions in all versions up to, and including, 5.0.22.decaf. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to modify some of the plugin settings.2024-08-21

elbanyaoui--Smart Online Order for Clover

The Smart Online Order for Clover plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized modification of data due to a missing capability check on several functions in all versions up to, and including, 1.5.6. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Subscriber-level access and above, to update product and category descriptions, category titles and images, and sort order.2024-08-21

F5--NGINX Agents

NGINX Agent's "config_dirs" restriction feature allows a highly privileged attacker to gain the ability to write/overwrite files outside of the designated secure directory.2024-08-22
themifyme--Themify Builder

The Themify Builder plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized post duplication due to missing checks on the duplicate_page_ajaxify function in all versions up to, and including, 7.6.1. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to duplicate and view private or draft posts created by other users that otherwise shouldn't be accessible to them.2024-08-22

deepakkite--User Private Files – WordPress File Sharing Plugin

The User Private Files - WordPress File Sharing Plugin plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Insecure Direct Object Reference in all versions up to, and including, 2.1.0 via the 'dpk_upvf_update_doc' due to missing validation on the 'docid' user controlled key. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with subscriber-level access and above, to gain access to other user's private files.2024-08-22

A vulnerability, which was classified as problematic, has been found in FastAdmin up to Affected by this issue is some unknown functionality of the file /index/ajax/lang. The manipulation of the argument lang leads to path traversal. The attack may be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. Upgrading to version is able to address this issue. It is recommended to upgrade the affected component.2024-08-19

google -- chrome
Inappropriate implementation in Permissions in Google Chrome prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker to perform UI spoofing via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-08-21

google -- chrome
Inappropriate implementation in FedCM in Google Chrome prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker to perform UI spoofing via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-08-21

google -- chrome
Insufficient policy enforcement in Data Transfer in Google Chrome prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker who convinced a user to engage in specific UI gestures to leak cross-origin data via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)2024-08-21

google -- chrome
Inappropriate implementation in Views in Google Chrome prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker to perform UI spoofing via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Low)2024-08-21


Inappropriate implementation in WebApp Installs in Google Chrome on Windows prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious application to perform UI spoofing via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Low)2024-08-21

google -- chrome
Inappropriate implementation in Custom Tabs in Google Chrome on Android prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker to perform UI spoofing via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Low)2024-08-21

google -- chrome
Inappropriate implementation in Extensions in Google Chrome on Windows prior to 128.0.6613.84 allowed a remote attacker to perform UI spoofing via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Low)2024-08-21

A vulnerability was found in thinkgem JeeSite 5.3. It has been rated as problematic. This issue affects some unknown processing of the file /js/a/login of the component Cookie Handler. The manipulation of the argument skinName leads to cross site scripting. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-23

ImageRecycle--ImageRecycle pdf & image compression

The ImageRecycle pdf & image compression plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery in all versions up to, and including, 3.1.14. This is due to missing or incorrect nonce validation on several functions in the class/class-image-otimizer.php file. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to update plugin settings along with performing other actions via a forged request granted they can trick a site administrator into performing an action such as clicking on a link.2024-08-24


Low Vulnerabilities

Vendor -- Product
DescriptionPublishedCVSS ScoreSource InfoPatch Info
linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: io_uring: add a schedule point in io_add_buffers() Looping ~65535 times doing kmalloc() calls can trigger soft lockups, especially with DEBUG features (like KASAN). [ 253.536212] watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#64 stuck for 26s! [b219417889:12575] [ 253.544433] Modules linked in: vfat fat i2c_mux_pca954x i2c_mux spidev cdc_acm xhci_pci xhci_hcd sha3_generic gq(O) [ 253.544451] CPU: 64 PID: 12575 Comm: b219417889 Tainted: G S O 5.17.0-smp-DEV #801 [ 253.544457] RIP: 0010:kernel_text_address (./include/asm-generic/sections.h:192 ./include/linux/kallsyms.h:29 kernel/extable.c:67 kernel/extable.c:98) [ 253.544464] Code: 0f 93 c0 48 c7 c1 e0 63 d7 a4 48 39 cb 0f 92 c1 20 c1 0f b6 c1 5b 5d c3 90 0f 1f 44 00 00 55 48 89 e5 41 57 41 56 53 48 89 fb <48> c7 c0 00 00 80 a0 41 be 01 00 00 00 48 39 c7 72 0c 48 c7 c0 40 [ 253.544468] RSP: 0018:ffff8882d8baf4c0 EFLAGS: 00000246 [ 253.544471] RAX: 1ffff1105b175e00 RBX: ffffffffa13ef09a RCX: 00000000a13ef001 [ 253.544474] RDX: ffffffffa13ef09a RSI: ffff8882d8baf558 RDI: ffffffffa13ef09a [ 253.544476] RBP: ffff8882d8baf4d8 R08: ffff8882d8baf5e0 R09: 0000000000000004 [ 253.544479] R10: ffff8882d8baf5e8 R11: ffffffffa0d59a50 R12: ffff8882eab20380 [ 253.544481] R13: ffffffffa0d59a50 R14: dffffc0000000000 R15: 1ffff1105b175eb0 [ 253.544483] FS: 00000000016d3380(0000) GS:ffff88af48c00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [ 253.544486] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [ 253.544488] CR2: 00000000004af0f0 CR3: 00000002eabfa004 CR4: 00000000003706e0 [ 253.544491] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 [ 253.544492] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 [ 253.544494] Call Trace: [ 253.544496] <TASK> [ 253.544498] ? io_queue_sqe (fs/io_uring.c:7143) [ 253.544505] __kernel_text_address (kernel/extable.c:78) [ 253.544508] unwind_get_return_address (arch/x86/kernel/unwind_frame.c:19) [ 253.544514] arch_stack_walk (arch/x86/kernel/stacktrace.c:27) [ 253.544517] ? io_queue_sqe (fs/io_uring.c:7143) [ 253.544521] stack_trace_save (kernel/stacktrace.c:123) [ 253.544527] ____kasan_kmalloc (mm/kasan/common.c:39 mm/kasan/common.c:45 mm/kasan/common.c:436 mm/kasan/common.c:515) [ 253.544531] ? ____kasan_kmalloc (mm/kasan/common.c:39 mm/kasan/common.c:45 mm/kasan/common.c:436 mm/kasan/common.c:515) [ 253.544533] ? __kasan_kmalloc (mm/kasan/common.c:524) [ 253.544535] ? kmem_cache_alloc_trace (./include/linux/kasan.h:270 mm/slab.c:3567) [ 253.544541] ? io_issue_sqe (fs/io_uring.c:4556 fs/io_uring.c:4589 fs/io_uring.c:6828) [ 253.544544] ? __io_queue_sqe (fs/io_uring.c:?) [ 253.544551] __kasan_kmalloc (mm/kasan/common.c:524) [ 253.544553] kmem_cache_alloc_trace (./include/linux/kasan.h:270 mm/slab.c:3567) [ 253.544556] ? io_issue_sqe (fs/io_uring.c:4556 fs/io_uring.c:4589 fs/io_uring.c:6828) [ 253.544560] io_issue_sqe (fs/io_uring.c:4556 fs/io_uring.c:4589 fs/io_uring.c:6828) [ 253.544564] ? __kasan_slab_alloc (mm/kasan/common.c:45 mm/kasan/common.c:436 mm/kasan/common.c:469) [ 253.544567] ? __kasan_slab_alloc (mm/kasan/common.c:39 mm/kasan/common.c:45 mm/kasan/common.c:436 mm/kasan/common.c:469) [ 253.544569] ? kmem_cache_alloc_bulk (mm/slab.h:732 mm/slab.c:3546) [ 253.544573] ? __io_alloc_req_refill (fs/io_uring.c:2078) [ 253.544578] ? io_submit_sqes (fs/io_uring.c:7441) [ 253.544581] ? __se_sys_io_uring_enter (fs/io_uring.c:10154 fs/io_uring.c:10096) [ 253.544584] ? __x64_sys_io_uring_enter (fs/io_uring.c:10096) [ 253.544587] ? do_syscall_64 (arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80) [ 253.544590] ? entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (??:?) [ 253.544596] __io_queue_sqe (fs/io_uring.c:?) [ 253.544600] io_queue_sqe (fs/io_uring.c:7143) [ 253.544603] io_submit_sqe (fs/io_uring.c:?) [ 253.544608] io_submit_sqes (fs/io_uring.c:?) [ 253.544612] __se_sys_io_uring_enter (fs/io_uring.c:10154 fs/io_uri ---truncated---2024-08-22

linux -- linux_kernel
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: bpf: Add schedule points in batch ops syzbot reported various soft lockups caused by bpf batch operations. INFO: task kworker/1:1:27 blocked for more than 140 seconds. INFO: task hung in rcu_barrier Nothing prevents batch ops to process huge amount of data, we need to add schedule points in them. Note that maybe_wait_bpf_programs(map) calls from generic_map_delete_batch() can be factorized by moving the call after the loop. This will be done later in -next tree once we get this fix merged, unless there is strong opinion doing this optimization sooner.2024-08-22

mattermost -- mattermost
Mattermost versions 9.9.x <= 9.9.1, 9.5.x <= 9.5.7, 9.10.x <= 9.10.0, 9.8.x <= 9.8.2, when shared channels are enabled, fail to redact remote users' original email addresses stored in user props when email addresses are otherwise configured not to be visible in the local server."2024-08-22
trufflesecurity -- trufflehog
TruffleHog is a secrets scanning tool. Prior to v3.81.9, this vulnerability allows a malicious actor to craft data in a way that, when scanned by specific detectors, could trigger the detector to make an unauthorized request to an endpoint chosen by the attacker. For an exploit to be effective, the target endpoint must be an unauthenticated GET endpoint that produces side effects. The victim must scan the maliciously crafted data and have such an endpoint targeted for the exploit to succeed. The vulnerability has been resolved in TruffleHog v3.81.9 and later versions.2024-08-19


CKEditor4 is an open source what-you-see-is-what-you-get HTML editor. A theoretical vulnerability has been identified in CKEditor 4.22 (and above). In a highly unlikely scenario where an attacker gains control over the domain, they could potentially execute an attack on CKEditor 4 instances. The issue impacts only editor instances with enabled version notifications. Please note that this feature is disabled by default in all CKEditor 4 LTS versions. Therefore, if you use CKEditor 4 LTS, it is highly unlikely that you are affected by this vulnerability. If you are unsure, please contact us. The fix is available in version 4.25.0-lts.2024-08-21

SourceCodester--Leads Manager Tool
A vulnerability has been found in SourceCodester Leads Manager Tool 1.0 and classified as problematic. This vulnerability affects unknown code of the file update-leads.php. The manipulation of the argument phone_number leads to cross site scripting. The attack can be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-20

Genexis--Tilgin Home Gateway

A vulnerability was found in Genexis Tilgin Home Gateway 322_AS0500-03_05_13_05. It has been rated as problematic. This issue affects some unknown processing of the file /vood/cgi-bin/vood_view.cgi?lang=EN&act=user/spec_conf&sessionId=86213915328111654515&user=A&message2user=Account%20updated. The manipulation of the argument Phone Number leads to cross site scripting. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. NOTE: The vendor was contacted early about this disclosure but did not respond in any way.2024-08-21

SourceCodester--Record Management System

A vulnerability, which was classified as problematic, was found in SourceCodester Record Management System 1.0. This affects an unknown part of the file sort1_user.php. The manipulation of the argument position leads to cross site scripting. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-24

SourceCodester--Record Management System

A vulnerability has been found in SourceCodester Record Management System 1.0 and classified as problematic. This vulnerability affects unknown code of the file search_user.php. The manipulation of the argument search leads to cross site scripting. The attack can be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-24


Mattermost versions 9.5.x <= 9.5.7, 9.10.x <= 9.10.0 fail to properly enforce permissions which allows a team admin user without "Add Team Members" permission to disable the invite URL.2024-08-22
gitoxide An idiomatic, lean, fast & safe pure Rust implementation of Git. gitoxide-core, which provides most underlying functionality of the gix and ein commands, does not neutralize newlines, backspaces, or control characters-including those that form ANSI escape sequences-that appear in a repository's paths, author and committer names, commit messages, or other metadata. Such text may be written as part of the output of a command, as well as appearing in error messages when an operation fails. This sometimes allows an untrusted repository to misrepresent its contents and to alter or concoct error messages.2024-08-22
Octopuc Deploy--Octopus Server

In affected versions of Octopus Server OIDC cookies were using the wrong expiration time which could result in them using the maximum lifespan.2024-08-21
SourceCodester--Online Computer and Laptop Store

A vulnerability, which was classified as problematic, was found in SourceCodester Online Computer and Laptop Store 1.0. This affects an unknown part of the file /php-ocls/classes/SystemSettings.php?f=update_settings of the component Setting Handler. The manipulation of the argument System Name leads to cross site scripting. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.2024-08-22


Severity Not Yet Assigned

Vendor -- Product
DescriptionPublishedCVSS ScoreSource InfoPatch Info
N/A -- N/A

Python Pip Pandas v2.2.2 was discovered to contain an arbitrary file read vulnerability.2024-08-23not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: spi: spi-zynq-qspi: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in zynq_qspi_exec_mem_op() In zynq_qspi_exec_mem_op(), kzalloc() is directly used in memset(), which could lead to a NULL pointer dereference on failure of kzalloc(). Fix this bug by adding a check of tmpbuf. This bug was found by a static analyzer. The analysis employs differential checking to identify inconsistent security operations (e.g., checks or kfrees) between two code paths and confirms that the inconsistent operations are not recovered in the current function or the callers, so they constitute bugs. Note that, as a bug found by static analysis, it can be a false positive or hard to trigger. Multiple researchers have cross-reviewed the bug. Builds with CONFIG_SPI_ZYNQ_QSPI=m show no new warnings, and our static analyzer no longer warns about this code.2024-08-22not yet calculated

OpenText--Performance Center
Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor vulnerability in OpenText Performance Center on Windows allows Retrieve Embedded Sensitive Data.This issue affects Performance Center: 12.63.2024-08-21not yet calculated
OpenText--Performance Center
Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in OpenText Performance Center on Windows allows Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).This issue affects Performance Center: 12.63.2024-08-21not yet calculated
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dmaengine: idxd: Prevent use after free on completion memory On driver unload any pending descriptors are flushed at the time the interrupt is freed: idxd_dmaengine_drv_remove() -> drv_disable_wq() -> idxd_wq_free_irq() -> idxd_flush_pending_descs(). If there are any descriptors present that need to be flushed this flow triggers a "not present" page fault as below: BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: ff391c97c70c9040 #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page The address that triggers the fault is the address of the descriptor that was freed moments earlier via: drv_disable_wq()->idxd_wq_free_resources() Fix the use after free by freeing the descriptors after any possible usage. This is done after idxd_wq_reset() to ensure that the memory remains accessible during possible completion writes by the device.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: dmaengine: idxd: Let probe fail when workqueue cannot be enabled The workqueue is enabled when the appropriate driver is loaded and disabled when the driver is removed. When the driver is removed it assumes that the workqueue was enabled successfully and proceeds to free allocations made during workqueue enabling. Failure during workqueue enabling does not prevent the driver from being loaded. This is because the error path within drv_enable_wq() returns success unless a second failure is encountered during the error path. By returning success it is possible to load the driver even if the workqueue cannot be enabled and allocations that do not exist are attempted to be freed during driver remove. Some examples of problematic flows: (a) idxd_dmaengine_drv_probe() -> drv_enable_wq() -> idxd_wq_request_irq(): In above flow, if idxd_wq_request_irq() fails then idxd_wq_unmap_portal() is called on error exit path, but drv_enable_wq() returns 0 because idxd_wq_disable() succeeds. The driver is thus loaded successfully. idxd_dmaengine_drv_remove()->drv_disable_wq()->idxd_wq_unmap_portal() Above flow on driver unload triggers the WARN in devm_iounmap() because the device resource has already been removed during error path of drv_enable_wq(). (b) idxd_dmaengine_drv_probe() -> drv_enable_wq() -> idxd_wq_request_irq(): In above flow, if idxd_wq_request_irq() fails then idxd_wq_init_percpu_ref() is never called to initialize the percpu counter, yet the driver loads successfully because drv_enable_wq() returns 0. idxd_dmaengine_drv_remove()->__idxd_wq_quiesce()->percpu_ref_kill(): Above flow on driver unload triggers a BUG when attempting to drop the initial ref of the uninitialized percpu ref: BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000010 Fix the drv_enable_wq() error path by returning the original error that indicates failure of workqueue enabling. This ensures that the probe fails when an error is encountered and the driver remove paths are only attempted when the workqueue was enabled successfully.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: USB: gadgetfs: Fix race between mounting and unmounting The syzbot fuzzer and Gerald Lee have identified a use-after-free bug in the gadgetfs driver, involving processes concurrently mounting and unmounting the gadgetfs filesystem. In particular, gadgetfs_fill_super() can race with gadgetfs_kill_sb(), causing the latter to deallocate the_device while the former is using it. The output from KASAN says, in part: BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in instrument_atomic_read_write include/linux/instrumented.h:102 [inline] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in atomic_fetch_sub_release include/linux/atomic/atomic-instrumented.h:176 [inline] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in __refcount_sub_and_test include/linux/refcount.h:272 [inline] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in __refcount_dec_and_test include/linux/refcount.h:315 [inline] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in refcount_dec_and_test include/linux/refcount.h:333 [inline] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in put_dev drivers/usb/gadget/legacy/inode.c:159 [inline] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in gadgetfs_kill_sb+0x33/0x100 drivers/usb/gadget/legacy/inode.c:2086 Write of size 4 at addr ffff8880276d7840 by task syz-executor126/18689 CPU: 0 PID: 18689 Comm: syz-executor126 Not tainted 6.1.0-syzkaller #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 10/26/2022 Call Trace: <TASK> ... atomic_fetch_sub_release include/linux/atomic/atomic-instrumented.h:176 [inline] __refcount_sub_and_test include/linux/refcount.h:272 [inline] __refcount_dec_and_test include/linux/refcount.h:315 [inline] refcount_dec_and_test include/linux/refcount.h:333 [inline] put_dev drivers/usb/gadget/legacy/inode.c:159 [inline] gadgetfs_kill_sb+0x33/0x100 drivers/usb/gadget/legacy/inode.c:2086 deactivate_locked_super+0xa7/0xf0 fs/super.c:332 vfs_get_super fs/super.c:1190 [inline] get_tree_single+0xd0/0x160 fs/super.c:1207 vfs_get_tree+0x88/0x270 fs/super.c:1531 vfs_fsconfig_locked fs/fsopen.c:232 [inline] The simplest solution is to ensure that gadgetfs_fill_super() and gadgetfs_kill_sb() are serialized by making them both acquire a new mutex.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tty: fix possible null-ptr-defer in spk_ttyio_release Run the following tests on the qemu platform: syzkaller:~# modprobe speakup_audptr input: Speakup as /devices/virtual/input/input4 initialized device: /dev/synth, node (MAJOR 10, MINOR 125) speakup 3.1.6: initialized synth name on entry is: (null) synth probe spk_ttyio_initialise_ldisc failed because tty_kopen_exclusive returned failed (errno -16), then remove the module, we will get a null-ptr-defer problem, as follow: syzkaller:~# modprobe -r speakup_audptr releasing synth audptr BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000080 #PF: supervisor write access in kernel mode #PF: error_code(0x0002) - not-present page PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0002 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI CPU: 2 PID: 204 Comm: modprobe Not tainted 6.1.0-rc6-dirty #1 RIP: 0010:mutex_lock+0x14/0x30 Call Trace: <TASK> spk_ttyio_release+0x19/0x70 [speakup] synth_release.part.6+0xac/0xc0 [speakup] synth_remove+0x56/0x60 [speakup] __x64_sys_delete_module+0x156/0x250 ? fpregs_assert_state_consistent+0x1d/0x50 do_syscall_64+0x37/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd </TASK> Modules linked in: speakup_audptr(-) speakup Dumping ftrace buffer: in_synth->dev was not initialized during modprobe, so we add check for in_synth->dev to fix this bug.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: tty: serial: qcom-geni-serial: fix slab-out-of-bounds on RX FIFO buffer Driver's probe allocates memory for RX FIFO (port->rx_fifo) based on default RX FIFO depth, e.g. 16. Later during serial startup the qcom_geni_serial_port_setup() updates the RX FIFO depth (port->rx_fifo_depth) to match real device capabilities, e.g. to 32. The RX UART handle code will read "port->rx_fifo_depth" number of words into "port->rx_fifo" buffer, thus exceeding the bounds. This can be observed in certain configurations with Qualcomm Bluetooth HCI UART device and KASAN: Bluetooth: hci0: QCA Product ID :0x00000010 Bluetooth: hci0: QCA SOC Version :0x400a0200 Bluetooth: hci0: QCA ROM Version :0x00000200 Bluetooth: hci0: QCA Patch Version:0x00000d2b Bluetooth: hci0: QCA controller version 0x02000200 Bluetooth: hci0: QCA Downloading qca/htbtfw20.tlv bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for qca/htbtfw20.tlv failed with error -2 Bluetooth: hci0: QCA Failed to request file: qca/htbtfw20.tlv (-2) Bluetooth: hci0: QCA Failed to download patch (-2) ================================================================== BUG: KASAN: slab-out-of-bounds in handle_rx_uart+0xa8/0x18c Write of size 4 at addr ffff279347d578c0 by task swapper/0/0 CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 6.1.0-rt5-00350-gb2450b7e00be-dirty #26 Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Robotics RB5 (DT) Call trace: dump_backtrace.part.0+0xe0/0xf0 show_stack+0x18/0x40 dump_stack_lvl+0x8c/0xb8 print_report+0x188/0x488 kasan_report+0xb4/0x100 __asan_store4+0x80/0xa4 handle_rx_uart+0xa8/0x18c qcom_geni_serial_handle_rx+0x84/0x9c qcom_geni_serial_isr+0x24c/0x760 __handle_irq_event_percpu+0x108/0x500 handle_irq_event+0x6c/0x110 handle_fasteoi_irq+0x138/0x2cc generic_handle_domain_irq+0x48/0x64 If the RX FIFO depth changes after probe, be sure to resize the buffer.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: misc: fastrpc: Fix use-after-free race condition for maps It is possible that in between calling fastrpc_map_get() until map->fl->lock is taken in fastrpc_free_map(), another thread can call fastrpc_map_lookup() and get a reference to a map that is about to be deleted. Rewrite fastrpc_map_get() to only increase the reference count of a map if it's non-zero. Propagate this to callers so they can know if a map is about to be deleted. Fixes this warning: refcount_t: addition on 0; use-after-free. WARNING: CPU: 5 PID: 10100 at lib/refcount.c:25 refcount_warn_saturate ... Call trace: refcount_warn_saturate [fastrpc_map_get inlined] [fastrpc_map_lookup inlined] fastrpc_map_create fastrpc_internal_invoke fastrpc_device_ioctl __arm64_sys_ioctl invoke_syscall2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: misc: fastrpc: Don't remove map on creater_process and device_release Do not remove the map from the list on error path in fastrpc_init_create_process, instead call fastrpc_map_put, to avoid use-after-free. Do not remove it on fastrpc_device_release either, call fastrpc_map_put instead. The fastrpc_free_map is the only proper place to remove the map. This is called only after the reference count is 0.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: misc: fastrpc: Fix use-after-free and race in fastrpc_map_find Currently, there is a race window between the point when the mutex is unlocked in fastrpc_map_lookup and the reference count increasing (fastrpc_map_get) in fastrpc_map_find, which can also lead to use-after-free. So lets merge fastrpc_map_find into fastrpc_map_lookup which allows us to both protect the maps list by also taking the &fl->lock spinlock and the reference count, since the spinlock will be released only after. Add take_ref argument to make this suitable for all callers.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: mac80211: sdata can be NULL during AMPDU start ieee80211_tx_ba_session_handle_start() may get NULL for sdata when a deauthentication is ongoing. Here a trace triggering the race with the hostapd test multi_ap_fronthaul_on_ap: (gdb) list *drv_ampdu_action+0x46 0x8b16 is in drv_ampdu_action (net/mac80211/driver-ops.c:396). 391 int ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; 392 393 might_sleep(); 394 395 sdata = get_bss_sdata(sdata); 396 if (!check_sdata_in_driver(sdata)) 397 return -EIO; 398 399 trace_drv_ampdu_action(local, sdata, params); 400 wlan0: moving STA 02:00:00:00:03:00 to state 3 wlan0: associated wlan0: deauthenticating from 02:00:00:00:03:00 by local choice (Reason: 3=DEAUTH_LEAVING) wlan3.sta1: Open BA session requested for 02:00:00:00:00:00 tid 0 wlan3.sta1: dropped frame to 02:00:00:00:00:00 (unauthorized port) wlan0: moving STA 02:00:00:00:03:00 to state 2 wlan0: moving STA 02:00:00:00:03:00 to state 1 wlan0: Removed STA 02:00:00:00:03:00 wlan0: Destroyed STA 02:00:00:00:03:00 BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: fffffffffffffb48 PGD 11814067 P4D 11814067 PUD 11816067 PMD 0 Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI CPU: 2 PID: 133397 Comm: kworker/u16:1 Tainted: G W 6.1.0-rc8-wt+ #59 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 1.16.0-20220807_005459-localhost 04/01/2014 Workqueue: phy3 ieee80211_ba_session_work [mac80211] RIP: 0010:drv_ampdu_action+0x46/0x280 [mac80211] Code: 53 48 89 f3 be 89 01 00 00 e8 d6 43 bf ef e8 21 46 81 f0 83 bb a0 1b 00 00 04 75 0e 48 8b 9b 28 0d 00 00 48 81 eb 10 0e 00 00 <8b> 93 58 09 00 00 f6 c2 20 0f 84 3b 01 00 00 8b 05 dd 1c 0f 00 85 RSP: 0018:ffffc900025ebd20 EFLAGS: 00010287 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: fffffffffffff1f0 RCX: ffff888102228240 RDX: 0000000080000000 RSI: ffffffff918c5de0 RDI: ffff888102228b40 RBP: ffffc900025ebd40 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000001 R10: 0000000000000001 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff888118c18ec0 R13: 0000000000000000 R14: ffffc900025ebd60 R15: ffff888018b7efb8 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff88817a600000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: fffffffffffffb48 CR3: 0000000105228006 CR4: 0000000000170ee0 Call Trace: <TASK> ieee80211_tx_ba_session_handle_start+0xd0/0x190 [mac80211] ieee80211_ba_session_work+0xff/0x2e0 [mac80211] process_one_work+0x29f/0x620 worker_thread+0x4d/0x3d0 ? process_one_work+0x620/0x620 kthread+0xfb/0x120 ? kthread_complete_and_exit+0x20/0x20 ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30 </TASK>2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: mac80211: fix initialization of rx->link and rx->link_sta There are some codepaths that do not initialize rx->link_sta properly. This causes a crash in places which assume that rx->link_sta is valid if rx->sta is valid. One known instance is triggered by __ieee80211_rx_h_amsdu being called from fast-rx. It results in a crash like this one: BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 00000000000000a8 #PF: supervisor write access in kernel mode #PF: error_code(0x0002) - not-present page PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0002 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI CPU: 1 PID: 506 Comm: mt76-usb-rx phy Tainted: G E 6.1.0-debian64x+1.7 #3 Hardware name: ZOTAC ZBOX-ID92/ZBOX-IQ01/ZBOX-ID92/ZBOX-IQ01, BIOS B220P007 05/21/2014 RIP: 0010:ieee80211_deliver_skb+0x62/0x1f0 [mac80211] Code: 00 48 89 04 24 e8 9e a7 c3 df 89 c0 48 03 1c c5 a0 ea 39 a1 4c 01 6b 08 48 ff 03 48 83 7d 28 00 74 11 48 8b 45 30 48 63 55 44 <48> 83 84 d0 a8 00 00 00 01 41 8b 86 c0 11 00 00 8d 50 fd 83 fa 01 RSP: 0018:ffff999040803b10 EFLAGS: 00010286 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffffb9903f496480 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: 0000000000000000 RBP: ffff999040803ce0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: ffff8d21828ac900 R13: 000000000000004a R14: ffff8d2198ed89c0 R15: ffff8d2198ed8000 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8d24afe80000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00000000000000a8 CR3: 0000000429810002 CR4: 00000000001706e0 Call Trace: <TASK> __ieee80211_rx_h_amsdu+0x1b5/0x240 [mac80211] ? ieee80211_prepare_and_rx_handle+0xcdd/0x1320 [mac80211] ? __local_bh_enable_ip+0x3b/0xa0 ieee80211_prepare_and_rx_handle+0xcdd/0x1320 [mac80211] ? prepare_transfer+0x109/0x1a0 [xhci_hcd] ieee80211_rx_list+0xa80/0xda0 [mac80211] mt76_rx_complete+0x207/0x2e0 [mt76] mt76_rx_poll_complete+0x357/0x5a0 [mt76] mt76u_rx_worker+0x4f5/0x600 [mt76_usb] ? mt76_get_min_avg_rssi+0x140/0x140 [mt76] __mt76_worker_fn+0x50/0x80 [mt76] kthread+0xed/0x120 ? kthread_complete_and_exit+0x20/0x20 ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30 Since the initialization of rx->link and rx->link_sta is rather convoluted and duplicated in many places, clean it up by using a helper function to set it. [remove unnecessary rx->sta->sta.mlo check]2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: f2fs: let's avoid panic if extent_tree is not created This patch avoids the below panic. pc : __lookup_extent_tree+0xd8/0x760 lr : f2fs_do_write_data_page+0x104/0x87c sp : ffffffc010cbb3c0 x29: ffffffc010cbb3e0 x28: 0000000000000000 x27: ffffff8803e7f020 x26: ffffff8803e7ed40 x25: ffffff8803e7f020 x24: ffffffc010cbb460 x23: ffffffc010cbb480 x22: 0000000000000000 x21: 0000000000000000 x20: ffffffff22e90900 x19: 0000000000000000 x18: ffffffc010c5d080 x17: 0000000000000000 x16: 0000000000000020 x15: ffffffdb1acdbb88 x14: ffffff888759e2b0 x13: 0000000000000000 x12: ffffff802da49000 x11: 000000000a001200 x10: ffffff8803e7ed40 x9 : ffffff8023195800 x8 : ffffff802da49078 x7 : 0000000000000001 x6 : 0000000000000000 x5 : 0000000000000006 x4 : ffffffc010cbba28 x3 : 0000000000000000 x2 : ffffffc010cbb480 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : ffffff8803e7ed40 Call trace: __lookup_extent_tree+0xd8/0x760 f2fs_do_write_data_page+0x104/0x87c f2fs_write_single_data_page+0x420/0xb60 f2fs_write_cache_pages+0x418/0xb1c __f2fs_write_data_pages+0x428/0x58c f2fs_write_data_pages+0x30/0x40 do_writepages+0x88/0x190 __writeback_single_inode+0x48/0x448 writeback_sb_inodes+0x468/0x9e8 __writeback_inodes_wb+0xb8/0x2a4 wb_writeback+0x33c/0x740 wb_do_writeback+0x2b4/0x400 wb_workfn+0xe4/0x34c process_one_work+0x24c/0x5bc worker_thread+0x3e8/0xa50 kthread+0x150/0x1b42024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Bluetooth: hci_qca: Fix driver shutdown on closed serdev The driver shutdown callback (which sends EDL_SOC_RESET to the device over serdev) should not be invoked when HCI device is not open (e.g. if hci_dev_open_sync() failed), because the serdev and its TTY are not open either. Also skip this step if device is powered off (qca_power_shutdown()). The shutdown callback causes use-after-free during system reboot with Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth: Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 0072662f67726fd7 ... CPU: 6 PID: 1 Comm: systemd-shutdow Tainted: G W 6.1.0-rt5-00325-g8a5f56bcfcca #8 Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Robotics RB5 (DT) Call trace: tty_driver_flush_buffer+0x4/0x30 serdev_device_write_flush+0x24/0x34 qca_serdev_shutdown+0x80/0x130 [hci_uart] device_shutdown+0x15c/0x260 kernel_restart+0x48/0xac KASAN report: BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in tty_driver_flush_buffer+0x1c/0x50 Read of size 8 at addr ffff16270c2e0018 by task systemd-shutdow/1 CPU: 7 PID: 1 Comm: systemd-shutdow Not tainted 6.1.0-next-20221220-00014-gb85aaf97fb01-dirty #28 Hardware name: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Robotics RB5 (DT) Call trace: dump_backtrace.part.0+0xdc/0xf0 show_stack+0x18/0x30 dump_stack_lvl+0x68/0x84 print_report+0x188/0x488 kasan_report+0xa4/0xf0 __asan_load8+0x80/0xac tty_driver_flush_buffer+0x1c/0x50 ttyport_write_flush+0x34/0x44 serdev_device_write_flush+0x48/0x60 qca_serdev_shutdown+0x124/0x274 device_shutdown+0x1e8/0x350 kernel_restart+0x48/0xb0 __do_sys_reboot+0x244/0x2d0 __arm64_sys_reboot+0x54/0x70 invoke_syscall+0x60/0x190 el0_svc_common.constprop.0+0x7c/0x160 do_el0_svc+0x44/0xf0 el0_svc+0x2c/0x6c el0t_64_sync_handler+0xbc/0x140 el0t_64_sync+0x190/0x1942024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: efi: fix NULL-deref in init error path In cases where runtime services are not supported or have been disabled, the runtime services workqueue will never have been allocated. Do not try to destroy the workqueue unconditionally in the unlikely event that EFI initialisation fails to avoid dereferencing a NULL pointer.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: platform/surface: aggregator: Add missing call to ssam_request_sync_free() Although rare, ssam_request_sync_init() can fail. In that case, the request should be freed via ssam_request_sync_free(). Currently it is leaked instead. Fix this.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: platform/x86/amd: Fix refcount leak in amd_pmc_probe pci_get_domain_bus_and_slot() takes reference, the caller should release the reference by calling pci_dev_put() after use. Call pci_dev_put() in the error path to fix this.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5e: Fix macsec possible null dereference when updating MAC security entity (SecY) Upon updating MAC security entity (SecY) in hw offload path, the macsec security association (SA) initialization routine is called. In case of extended packet number (epn) is enabled the salt and ssci attributes are retrieved using the MACsec driver rx_sa context which is unavailable when updating a SecY property such as encoding-sa hence the null dereference. Fix by using the provided SA to set those attributes.2024-08-21not yet calculated

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5e: IPoIB, Block PKEY interfaces with less rx queues than parent A user is able to configure an arbitrary number of rx queues when creating an interface via netlink. This doesn't work for child PKEY interfaces because the child interface uses the parent receive channels. Although the child shares the parent's receive channels, the number of rx queues is important for the channel_stats array: the parent's rx channel index is used to access the child's channel_stats. So the array has to be at least as large as the parent's rx queue size for the counting to work correctly and to prevent out of bound accesses. This patch checks for the mentioned scenario and returns an error when trying to create the interface. The error is propagated to the user.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: Fix command stats access after free Command may fail while driver is reloading and can't accept FW commands till command interface is reinitialized. Such command failure is being logged to command stats. This results in NULL pointer access as command stats structure is being freed and reallocated during mlx5 devlink reload (see kernel log below). Fix it by making command stats statically allocated on driver probe. Kernel log: [ 2394.808802] BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 000000000002a9c0 [ 2394.810610] PGD 0 P4D 0 [ 2394.811811] Oops: 0002 [#1] SMP NOPTI ... [ 2394.815482] RIP: 0010:native_queued_spin_lock_slowpath+0x183/0x1d0 ... [ 2394.829505] Call Trace: [ 2394.830667] _raw_spin_lock_irq+0x23/0x26 [ 2394.831858] cmd_status_err+0x55/0x110 [mlx5_core] [ 2394.833020] mlx5_access_reg+0xe7/0x150 [mlx5_core] [ 2394.834175] mlx5_query_port_ptys+0x78/0xa0 [mlx5_core] [ 2394.835337] mlx5e_ethtool_get_link_ksettings+0x74/0x590 [mlx5_core] [ 2394.836454] ? kmem_cache_alloc_trace+0x140/0x1c0 [ 2394.837562] __rh_call_get_link_ksettings+0x33/0x100 [ 2394.838663] ? __rtnl_unlock+0x25/0x50 [ 2394.839755] __ethtool_get_link_ksettings+0x72/0x150 [ 2394.840862] duplex_show+0x6e/0xc0 [ 2394.841963] dev_attr_show+0x1c/0x40 [ 2394.843048] sysfs_kf_seq_show+0x9b/0x100 [ 2394.844123] seq_read+0x153/0x410 [ 2394.845187] vfs_read+0x91/0x140 [ 2394.846226] ksys_read+0x4f/0xb0 [ 2394.847234] do_syscall_64+0x5b/0x1a0 [ 2394.848228] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x65/0xca2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: Fix potential memory leak in ice_gnss_tty_write() The ice_gnss_tty_write() return directly if the write_buf alloc failed, leaking the cmd_buf. Fix by free cmd_buf if write_buf alloc failed.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ice: Add check for kzalloc Add the check for the return value of kzalloc in order to avoid NULL pointer dereference. Moreover, use the goto-label to share the clean code.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/vmwgfx: Remove rcu locks from user resources User resource lookups used rcu to avoid two extra atomics. Unfortunately the rcu paths were buggy and it was easy to make the driver crash by submitting command buffers from two different threads. Because the lookups never show up in performance profiles replace them with a regular spin lock which fixes the races in accesses to those shared resources. Fixes kernel oops'es in IGT's vmwgfx execution_buffer stress test and seen crashes with apps using shared resources.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/msm/dpu: Fix memory leak in msm_mdss_parse_data_bus_icc_path of_icc_get() alloc resources for path1, we should release it when not need anymore. Early return when IS_ERR_OR_NULL(path0) may leak path1. Defer getting path1 to fix this. Patchwork: yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ASoC: Intel: sof-nau8825: fix module alias overflow The maximum name length for a platform_device_id entry is 20 characters including the trailing NUL byte. The sof_nau8825.c file exceeds that, which causes an obscure error message: sound/soc/intel/boards/snd-soc-sof_nau8825.mod.c:35:45: error: illegal character encoding in string literal [-Werror,-Winvalid-source-encoding] MODULE_ALIAS("platform:adl_max98373_nau8825<U+0018><AA>"); ^~~~ include/linux/module.h:168:49: note: expanded from macro 'MODULE_ALIAS' ^~~~~~ include/linux/module.h:165:56: note: expanded from macro 'MODULE_INFO' ^~~~ include/linux/moduleparam.h:26:47: note: expanded from macro '__MODULE_INFO' = __MODULE_INFO_PREFIX __stringify(tag) "=" info I could not figure out how to make the module handling robust enough to handle this better, but as a quick fix, using slightly shorter names that are still unique avoids the build issue.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: scsi: storvsc: Fix swiotlb bounce buffer leak in confidential VM storvsc_queuecommand() maps the scatter/gather list using scsi_dma_map(), which in a confidential VM allocates swiotlb bounce buffers. If the I/O submission fails in storvsc_do_io(), the I/O is typically retried by higher level code, but the bounce buffer memory is never freed. The mostly like cause of I/O submission failure is a full VMBus channel ring buffer, which is not uncommon under high I/O loads. Eventually enough bounce buffer memory leaks that the confidential VM can't do any I/O. The same problem can arise in a non-confidential VM with kernel boot parameter swiotlb=force. Fix this by doing scsi_dma_unmap() in the case of an I/O submission error, which frees the bounce buffer memory.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: regulator: da9211: Use irq handler when ready If the system does not come from reset (like when it is kexec()), the regulator might have an IRQ waiting for us. If we enable the IRQ handler before its structures are ready, we crash. This patch fixes: [ 1.141839] Unable to handle kernel read from unreadable memory at virtual address 0000000000000078 [ 1.316096] Call trace: [ 1.316101] blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x20/0xa8 [ 1.322757] cpu cpu0: dummy supplies not allowed for exclusive requests [ 1.327823] regulator_notifier_call_chain+0x1c/0x2c [ 1.327825] da9211_irq_handler+0x68/0xf8 [ 1.327829] irq_thread+0x11c/0x234 [ 1.327833] kthread+0x13c/0x1542024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: sched/core: Fix use-after-free bug in dup_user_cpus_ptr() Since commit 07ec77a1d4e8 ("sched: Allow task CPU affinity to be restricted on asymmetric systems"), the setting and clearing of user_cpus_ptr are done under pi_lock for arm64 architecture. However, dup_user_cpus_ptr() accesses user_cpus_ptr without any lock protection. Since sched_setaffinity() can be invoked from another process, the process being modified may be undergoing fork() at the same time. When racing with the clearing of user_cpus_ptr in __set_cpus_allowed_ptr_locked(), it can lead to user-after-free and possibly double-free in arm64 kernel. Commit 8f9ea86fdf99 ("sched: Always preserve the user requested cpumask") fixes this problem as user_cpus_ptr, once set, will never be cleared in a task's lifetime. However, this bug was re-introduced in commit 851a723e45d1 ("sched: Always clear user_cpus_ptr in do_set_cpus_allowed()") which allows the clearing of user_cpus_ptr in do_set_cpus_allowed(). This time, it will affect all arches. Fix this bug by always clearing the user_cpus_ptr of the newly cloned/forked task before the copying process starts and check the user_cpus_ptr state of the source task under pi_lock. Note to stable, this patch won't be applicable to stable releases. Just copy the new dup_user_cpus_ptr() function over.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/i915/gt: Cleanup partial engine discovery failures If we abort driver initialisation in the middle of gt/engine discovery, some engines will be fully setup and some not. Those incompletely setup engines only have 'engine->release == NULL' and so will leak any of the common objects allocated. v2: - Drop the destroy_pinned_context() helper for now. It's not really worth it with just a single callsite at the moment. (Janusz)2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iommu/arm-smmu-v3: Don't unregister on shutdown Similar to SMMUv2, this driver calls iommu_device_unregister() from the shutdown path, which removes the IOMMU groups with no coordination whatsoever with their users - shutdown methods are optional in device drivers. This can lead to NULL pointer dereferences in those drivers' DMA API calls, or worse. Instead of calling the full arm_smmu_device_remove() from arm_smmu_device_shutdown(), let's pick only the relevant function call - arm_smmu_device_disable() - more or less the reverse of arm_smmu_device_reset() - and call just that from the shutdown path.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iommu/arm-smmu: Don't unregister on shutdown Michael Walle says he noticed the following stack trace while performing a shutdown with "reboot -f". He suggests he got "lucky" and just hit the correct spot for the reboot while there was a packet transmission in flight. Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000098 CPU: 0 PID: 23 Comm: kworker/0:1 Not tainted 6.1.0-rc5-00088-gf3600ff8e322 #1930 Hardware name: Kontron KBox A-230-LS (DT) pc : iommu_get_dma_domain+0x14/0x20 lr : iommu_dma_map_page+0x9c/0x254 Call trace: iommu_get_dma_domain+0x14/0x20 dma_map_page_attrs+0x1ec/0x250 enetc_start_xmit+0x14c/0x10b0 enetc_xmit+0x60/0xdc dev_hard_start_xmit+0xb8/0x210 sch_direct_xmit+0x11c/0x420 __dev_queue_xmit+0x354/0xb20 ip6_finish_output2+0x280/0x5b0 __ip6_finish_output+0x15c/0x270 ip6_output+0x78/0x15c NF_HOOK.constprop.0+0x50/0xd0 mld_sendpack+0x1bc/0x320 mld_ifc_work+0x1d8/0x4dc process_one_work+0x1e8/0x460 worker_thread+0x178/0x534 kthread+0xe0/0xe4 ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 Code: d503201f f9416800 d503233f d50323bf (f9404c00) ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- Kernel panic - not syncing: Oops: Fatal exception in interrupt This appears to be reproducible when the board has a fixed IP address, is ping flooded from another host, and "reboot -f" is used. The following is one more manifestation of the issue: $ reboot -f kvm: exiting hardware virtualization cfg80211: failed to load regulatory.db arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: disabling translation sdhci-esdhc 2140000.mmc: Removing from iommu group 11 sdhci-esdhc 2150000.mmc: Removing from iommu group 12 fsl-edma 22c0000.dma-controller: Removing from iommu group 17 dwc3 3100000.usb: Removing from iommu group 9 dwc3 3110000.usb: Removing from iommu group 10 ahci-qoriq 3200000.sata: Removing from iommu group 2 fsl-qdma 8380000.dma-controller: Removing from iommu group 20 platform f080000.display: Removing from iommu group 0 etnaviv-gpu f0c0000.gpu: Removing from iommu group 1 etnaviv etnaviv: Removing from iommu group 1 caam_jr 8010000.jr: Removing from iommu group 13 caam_jr 8020000.jr: Removing from iommu group 14 caam_jr 8030000.jr: Removing from iommu group 15 caam_jr 8040000.jr: Removing from iommu group 16 fsl_enetc 0000:00:00.0: Removing from iommu group 4 arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: Blocked unknown Stream ID 0x429; boot with "arm-smmu.disable_bypass=0" to allow, but this may have security implications arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: GFSR 0x80000002, GFSYNR0 0x00000002, GFSYNR1 0x00000429, GFSYNR2 0x00000000 fsl_enetc 0000:00:00.1: Removing from iommu group 5 arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: Blocked unknown Stream ID 0x429; boot with "arm-smmu.disable_bypass=0" to allow, but this may have security implications arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: GFSR 0x80000002, GFSYNR0 0x00000002, GFSYNR1 0x00000429, GFSYNR2 0x00000000 arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: Blocked unknown Stream ID 0x429; boot with "arm-smmu.disable_bypass=0" to allow, but this may have security implications arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: GFSR 0x80000002, GFSYNR0 0x00000000, GFSYNR1 0x00000429, GFSYNR2 0x00000000 fsl_enetc 0000:00:00.2: Removing from iommu group 6 fsl_enetc_mdio 0000:00:00.3: Removing from iommu group 8 mscc_felix 0000:00:00.5: Removing from iommu group 3 fsl_enetc 0000:00:00.6: Removing from iommu group 7 pcieport 0001:00:00.0: Removing from iommu group 18 arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: Blocked unknown Stream ID 0x429; boot with "arm-smmu.disable_bypass=0" to allow, but this may have security implications arm-smmu 5000000.iommu: GFSR 0x00000002, GFSYNR0 0x00000000, GFSYNR1 0x00000429, GFSYNR2 0x00000000 pcieport 0002:00:00.0: Removing from iommu group 19 Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000000000a8 pc : iommu_get_dma_domain+0x14/0x20 lr : iommu_dma_unmap_page+0x38/0xe0 Call trace: iommu_get_dma_domain+0x14/0x20 dma_unmap_page_attrs+0x38/0x1d0 en ---truncated---2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ixgbe: fix pci device refcount leak As the comment of pci_get_domain_bus_and_slot() says, it returns a PCI device with refcount incremented, when finish using it, the caller must decrement the reference count by calling pci_dev_put(). In ixgbe_get_first_secondary_devfn() and ixgbe_x550em_a_has_mii(), pci_dev_put() is called to avoid leak.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: arm64/mm: fix incorrect file_map_count for invalid pmd The page table check trigger BUG_ON() unexpectedly when split hugepage: ------------[ cut here ]------------ kernel BUG at mm/page_table_check.c:119! Internal error: Oops - BUG: 00000000f2000800 [#1] SMP Dumping ftrace buffer: (ftrace buffer empty) Modules linked in: CPU: 7 PID: 210 Comm: transhuge-stres Not tainted 6.1.0-rc3+ #748 Hardware name: linux,dummy-virt (DT) pstate: 20000005 (nzCv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--) pc : page_table_check_set.isra.0+0x398/0x468 lr : page_table_check_set.isra.0+0x1c0/0x468 [...] Call trace: page_table_check_set.isra.0+0x398/0x468 __page_table_check_pte_set+0x160/0x1c0 __split_huge_pmd_locked+0x900/0x1648 __split_huge_pmd+0x28c/0x3b8 unmap_page_range+0x428/0x858 unmap_single_vma+0xf4/0x1c8 zap_page_range+0x2b0/0x410 madvise_vma_behavior+0xc44/0xe78 do_madvise+0x280/0x698 __arm64_sys_madvise+0x90/0xe8 invoke_syscall.constprop.0+0xdc/0x1d8 do_el0_svc+0xf4/0x3f8 el0_svc+0x58/0x120 el0t_64_sync_handler+0xb8/0xc0 el0t_64_sync+0x19c/0x1a0 [...] On arm64, pmd_leaf() will return true even if the pmd is invalid due to pmd_present_invalid() check. So in pmdp_invalidate() the file_map_count will not only decrease once but also increase once. Then in set_pte_at(), the file_map_count increase again, and so trigger BUG_ON() unexpectedly. Add !pmd_present_invalid() check in pmd_user_accessible_page() to fix the problem.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/msm/dp: do not complete dp_aux_cmd_fifo_tx() if irq is not for aux transfer There are 3 possible interrupt sources are handled by DP controller, HPDstatus, Controller state changes and Aux read/write transaction. At every irq, DP controller have to check isr status of every interrupt sources and service the interrupt if its isr status bits shows interrupts are pending. There is potential race condition may happen at current aux isr handler implementation since it is always complete dp_aux_cmd_fifo_tx() even irq is not for aux read or write transaction. This may cause aux read transaction return premature if host aux data read is in the middle of waiting for sink to complete transferring data to host while irq happen. This will cause host's receiving buffer contains unexpected data. This patch fixes this problem by checking aux isr and return immediately at aux isr handler if there are no any isr status bits set. Current there is a bug report regrading eDP edid corruption happen during system booting up. After lengthy debugging to found that VIDEO_READY interrupt was continuously firing during system booting up which cause dp_aux_isr() to complete dp_aux_cmd_fifo_tx() prematurely to retrieve data from aux hardware buffer which is not yet contains complete data transfer from sink. This cause edid corruption. Follows are the signature at kernel logs when problem happen, EDID has corrupt header panel-simple-dp-aux aux-aea0000.edp: Couldn't identify panel via EDID Changes in v2: -- do complete if (ret == IRQ_HANDLED) ay dp-aux_isr() -- add more commit text Changes in v3: -- add Stephen suggested -- dp_aux_isr() return IRQ_XXX back to caller -- dp_ctrl_isr() return IRQ_XXX back to caller Changes in v4: -- split into two patches Changes in v5: -- delete empty line between tags Changes in v6: -- remove extra "that" and fixed line more than 75 char at commit text Patchwork: yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/virtio: Fix GEM handle creation UAF Userspace can guess the handle value and try to race GEM object creation with handle close, resulting in a use-after-free if we dereference the object after dropping the handle's reference. For that reason, dropping the handle's reference must be done *after* we are done dereferencing the object.2024-08-21not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: do not start relocation until in progress drops are done We hit a bug with a recovering relocation on mount for one of our file systems in production. I reproduced this locally by injecting errors into snapshot delete with balance running at the same time. This presented as an error while looking up an extent item WARNING: CPU: 5 PID: 1501 at fs/btrfs/extent-tree.c:866 lookup_inline_extent_backref+0x647/0x680 CPU: 5 PID: 1501 Comm: btrfs-balance Not tainted 5.16.0-rc8+ #8 RIP: 0010:lookup_inline_extent_backref+0x647/0x680 RSP: 0018:ffffae0a023ab960 EFLAGS: 00010202 RAX: 0000000000000001 RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 000000000000000c RDI: 0000000000000000 RBP: ffff943fd2a39b60 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000001 R10: 0001434088152de0 R11: 0000000000000000 R12: 0000000001d05000 R13: ffff943fd2a39b60 R14: ffff943fdb96f2a0 R15: ffff9442fc923000 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff944e9eb40000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007f1157b1fca8 CR3: 000000010f092000 CR4: 0000000000350ee0 Call Trace: <TASK> insert_inline_extent_backref+0x46/0xd0 __btrfs_inc_extent_ref.isra.0+0x5f/0x200 ? btrfs_merge_delayed_refs+0x164/0x190 __btrfs_run_delayed_refs+0x561/0xfa0 ? btrfs_search_slot+0x7b4/0xb30 ? btrfs_update_root+0x1a9/0x2c0 btrfs_run_delayed_refs+0x73/0x1f0 ? btrfs_update_root+0x1a9/0x2c0 btrfs_commit_transaction+0x50/0xa50 ? btrfs_update_reloc_root+0x122/0x220 prepare_to_merge+0x29f/0x320 relocate_block_group+0x2b8/0x550 btrfs_relocate_block_group+0x1a6/0x350 btrfs_relocate_chunk+0x27/0xe0 btrfs_balance+0x777/0xe60 balance_kthread+0x35/0x50 ? btrfs_balance+0xe60/0xe60 kthread+0x16b/0x190 ? set_kthread_struct+0x40/0x40 ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30 </TASK> Normally snapshot deletion and relocation are excluded from running at the same time by the fs_info->cleaner_mutex. However if we had a pending balance waiting to get the ->cleaner_mutex, and a snapshot deletion was running, and then the box crashed, we would come up in a state where we have a half deleted snapshot. Again, in the normal case the snapshot deletion needs to complete before relocation can start, but in this case relocation could very well start before the snapshot deletion completes, as we simply add the root to the dead roots list and wait for the next time the cleaner runs to clean up the snapshot. Fix this by setting a bit on the fs_info if we have any DEAD_ROOT's that had a pending drop_progress key. If they do then we know we were in the middle of the drop operation and set a flag on the fs_info. Then balance can wait until this flag is cleared to start up again. If there are DEAD_ROOT's that don't have a drop_progress set then we're safe to start balance right away as we'll be properly protected by the cleaner_mutex.2024-08-22not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: do not WARN_ON() if we have PageError set Whenever we do any extent buffer operations we call assert_eb_page_uptodate() to complain loudly if we're operating on an non-uptodate page. Our overnight tests caught this warning earlier this week WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 553508 at fs/btrfs/extent_io.c:6849 assert_eb_page_uptodate+0x3f/0x50 CPU: 1 PID: 553508 Comm: kworker/u4:13 Tainted: G W 5.17.0-rc3+ #564 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 1.13.0-2.fc32 04/01/2014 Workqueue: btrfs-cache btrfs_work_helper RIP: 0010:assert_eb_page_uptodate+0x3f/0x50 RSP: 0018:ffffa961440a7c68 EFLAGS: 00010246 RAX: 0017ffffc0002112 RBX: ffffe6e74453f9c0 RCX: 0000000000001000 RDX: ffffe6e74467c887 RSI: ffffe6e74453f9c0 RDI: ffff8d4c5efc2fc0 RBP: 0000000000000d56 R08: ffff8d4d4a224000 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: 00015817fa9d1ef0 R11: 000000000000000c R12: 00000000000007b1 R13: ffff8d4c5efc2fc0 R14: 0000000001500000 R15: 0000000001cb1000 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8d4dbbd00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007ff31d3448d8 CR3: 0000000118be8004 CR4: 0000000000370ee0 Call Trace: extent_buffer_test_bit+0x3f/0x70 free_space_test_bit+0xa6/0xc0 load_free_space_tree+0x1f6/0x470 caching_thread+0x454/0x630 ? rcu_read_lock_sched_held+0x12/0x60 ? rcu_read_lock_sched_held+0x12/0x60 ? rcu_read_lock_sched_held+0x12/0x60 ? lock_release+0x1f0/0x2d0 btrfs_work_helper+0xf2/0x3e0 ? lock_release+0x1f0/0x2d0 ? finish_task_switch.isra.0+0xf9/0x3a0 process_one_work+0x26d/0x580 ? process_one_work+0x580/0x580 worker_thread+0x55/0x3b0 ? process_one_work+0x580/0x580 kthread+0xf0/0x120 ? kthread_complete_and_exit+0x20/0x20 ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 This was partially fixed by c2e39305299f01 ("btrfs: clear extent buffer uptodate when we fail to write it"), however all that fix did was keep us from finding extent buffers after a failed writeout. It didn't keep us from continuing to use a buffer that we already had found. In this case we're searching the commit root to cache the block group, so we can start committing the transaction and switch the commit root and then start writing. After the switch we can look up an extent buffer that hasn't been written yet and start processing that block group. Then we fail to write that block out and clear Uptodate on the page, and then we start spewing these errors. Normally we're protected by the tree lock to a certain degree here. If we read a block we have that block read locked, and we block the writer from locking the block before we submit it for the write. However this isn't necessarily fool proof because the read could happen before we do the submit_bio and after we locked and unlocked the extent buffer. Also in this particular case we have path->skip_locking set, so that won't save us here. We'll simply get a block that was valid when we read it, but became invalid while we were using it. What we really want is to catch the case where we've "read" a block but it's not marked Uptodate. On read we ClearPageError(), so if we're !Uptodate and !Error we know we didn't do the right thing for reading the page. Fix this by checking !Uptodate && !Error, this way we will not complain if our buffer gets invalidated while we're using it, and we'll maintain the spirit of the check which is to make sure we have a fully in-cache block while we're messing with it.2024-08-22not yet calculated


In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: fix relocation crash due to premature return from btrfs_commit_transaction() We are seeing crashes similar to the following trace: [38.969182] WARNING: CPU: 20 PID: 2105 at fs/btrfs/relocation.c:4070 btrfs_relocate_block_group+0x2dc/0x340 [btrfs] [38.973556] CPU: 20 PID: 2105 Comm: btrfs Not tainted 5.17.0-rc4 #54 [38.974580] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 04/01/2014 [38.976539] RIP: 0010:btrfs_relocate_block_group+0x2dc/0x340 [btrfs] [38.980336] RSP: 0000:ffffb0dd42e03c20 EFLAGS: 00010206 [38.981218] RAX: ffff96cfc4ede800 RBX: ffff96cfc3ce0000 RCX: 000000000002ca14 [38.982560] RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 4cfd109a0bcb5d7f RDI: ffff96cfc3ce0360 [38.983619] RBP: ffff96cfc309c000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 [38.984678] R10: ffff96cec0000001 R11: ffffe84c80000000 R12: ffff96cfc4ede800 [38.985735] R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: ffff96cfc3ce0360 [38.987146] FS: 00007f11c15218c0(0000) GS:ffff96d6dfb00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [38.988662] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [38.989398] CR2: 00007ffc922c8e60 CR3: 00000001147a6001 CR4: 0000000000370ee0 [38.990279] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 [38.991219] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 [38.992528] Call Trace: [38.992854] <TASK> [38.993148] btrfs_relocate_chunk+0x27/0xe0 [btrfs] [38.993941] btrfs_balance+0x78e/0xea0 [btrfs] [38.994801] ? vsnprintf+0x33c/0x520 [38.995368] ? __kmalloc_track_caller+0x351/0x440 [38.996198] btrfs_ioctl_balance+0x2b9/0x3a0 [btrfs] [38.997084] btrfs_ioctl+0x11b0/0x2da0 [btrfs] [38.997867] ? mod_objcg_state+0xee/0x340 [38.998552] ? seq_release+0x24/0x30 [38.999184] ? proc_nr_files+0x30/0x30 [38.999654] ? call_rcu+0xc8/0x2f0 [39.000228] ? __x64_sys_ioctl+0x84/0xc0 [39.000872] ? btrfs_ioctl_get_supported_features+0x30/0x30 [btrfs] [39.001973] __x64_sys_ioctl+0x84/0xc0 [39.002566] do_syscall_64+0x3a/0x80 [39.003011] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae [39.003735] RIP: 0033:0x7f11c166959b [39.007324] RSP: 002b:00007fff2543e998 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000010 [39.008521] RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007f11c1521698 RCX: 00007f11c166959b [39.009833] RDX: 00007fff2543ea40 RSI: 00000000c4009420 RDI: 0000000000000003 [39.011270] RBP: 0000000000000003 R08: 0000000000000013 R09: 00007f11c16f94e0 [39.012581] R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007fff25440df3 [39.014046] R13: 0000000000000000 R14: 00007fff2543ea40 R15: 0000000000000001 [39.015040] </TASK> [39.015418] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- [43.131559] ------------[ cut here ]------------ [43.132234] kernel BUG at fs/btrfs/extent-tree.c:2717! [43.133031] invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI [43.133702] CPU: 1 PID: 1839 Comm: btrfs Tainted: G W 5.17.0-rc4 #54 [43.134863] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 04/01/2014 [43.136426] RIP: 0010:unpin_extent_range+0x37a/0x4f0 [btrfs] [43.139913] RSP: 0000:ffffb0dd4216bc70 EFLAGS: 00010246 [43.140629] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff96cfc34490f8 RCX: 0000000000000001 [43.141604] RDX: 0000000080000001 RSI: 0000000051d00000 RDI: 00000000ffffffff [43.142645] RBP: 0000000000000000 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ffff96cfd07dca50 [43.143669] R10: ffff96cfc46e8a00 R11: fffffffffffec000 R12: 0000000041d00000 [43.144657] R13: ffff96cfc3ce0000 R14: ffffb0dd4216bd08 R15: 0000000000000000 [43.145686] FS: 00007f7657dd68c0(0000) GS:ffff96d6df640000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [43.146808] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [43.147584] CR2: 00007f7fe81bf5b0 CR3: 00000001093ee004 CR4: 0000000000370ee0 [43.148589] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 [43.149581] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 00000000000 ---truncated---2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iommu/amd: Fix I/O page table memory leak The current logic updates the I/O page table mode for the domain before calling the logic to free memory used for the page table. This results in IOMMU page table memory leak, and can be observed when launching VM w/ pass-through devices. Fix by freeing the memory used for page table before updating the mode.2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ibmvnic: free reset-work-item when flushing Fix a tiny memory leak when flushing the reset work queue.2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mptcp: Correctly set DATA_FIN timeout when number of retransmits is large Syzkaller with UBSAN uncovered a scenario where a large number of DATA_FIN retransmits caused a shift-out-of-bounds in the DATA_FIN timeout calculation: ================================================================================ UBSAN: shift-out-of-bounds in net/mptcp/protocol.c:470:29 shift exponent 32 is too large for 32-bit type 'unsigned int' CPU: 1 PID: 13059 Comm: kworker/1:0 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc2-00630-g5fbf21c90c60 #1 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.13.0-1ubuntu1.1 04/01/2014 Workqueue: events mptcp_worker Call Trace: <TASK> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0xcd/0x134 lib/dump_stack.c:106 ubsan_epilogue+0xb/0x5a lib/ubsan.c:151 __ubsan_handle_shift_out_of_bounds.cold+0xb2/0x20e lib/ubsan.c:330 mptcp_set_datafin_timeout net/mptcp/protocol.c:470 [inline] __mptcp_retrans.cold+0x72/0x77 net/mptcp/protocol.c:2445 mptcp_worker+0x58a/0xa70 net/mptcp/protocol.c:2528 process_one_work+0x9df/0x16d0 kernel/workqueue.c:2307 worker_thread+0x95/0xe10 kernel/workqueue.c:2454 kthread+0x2f4/0x3b0 kernel/kthread.c:377 ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:295 </TASK> ================================================================================ This change limits the maximum timeout by limiting the size of the shift, which keeps all intermediate values in-bounds.2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: auxdisplay: lcd2s: Fix memory leak in ->remove() Once allocated the struct lcd2s_data is never freed. Fix the memory leak by switching to devm_kzalloc().2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: arcnet: com20020: Fix null-ptr-deref in com20020pci_probe() During driver initialization, the pointer of card info, i.e. the variable 'ci' is required. However, the definition of 'com20020pci_id_table' reveals that this field is empty for some devices, which will cause null pointer dereference when initializing these devices. The following log reveals it: [ 3.973806] KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000028-0x000000000000002f] [ 3.973819] RIP: 0010:com20020pci_probe+0x18d/0x13e0 [com20020_pci] [ 3.975181] Call Trace: [ 3.976208] local_pci_probe+0x13f/0x210 [ 3.977248] pci_device_probe+0x34c/0x6d0 [ 3.977255] ? pci_uevent+0x470/0x470 [ 3.978265] really_probe+0x24c/0x8d0 [ 3.978273] __driver_probe_device+0x1b3/0x280 [ 3.979288] driver_probe_device+0x50/0x370 Fix this by checking whether the 'ci' is a null pointer first.2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/smc: fix connection leak There's a potential leak issue under following execution sequence : smc_release smc_connect_work if (sk->sk_state == SMC_INIT) send_clc_confirim tcp_abort(); ... sk.sk_state = SMC_ACTIVE smc_close_active switch(sk->sk_state) { ... case SMC_ACTIVE: smc_close_final() // then wait peer closed Unfortunately, tcp_abort() may discard CLC CONFIRM messages that are still in the tcp send buffer, in which case our connection token cannot be delivered to the server side, which means that we cannot get a passive close message at all. Therefore, it is impossible for the to be disconnected at all. This patch tries a very simple way to avoid this issue, once the state has changed to SMC_ACTIVE after tcp_abort(), we can actively abort the smc connection, considering that the state is SMC_INIT before tcp_abort(), abandoning the complete disconnection process should not cause too much problem. In fact, this problem may exist as long as the CLC CONFIRM message is not received by the server. Whether a timer should be added after smc_close_final() needs to be discussed in the future. But even so, this patch provides a faster release for connection in above case, it should also be valuable.2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: ipv6: ensure we call ipv6_mc_down() at most once There are two reasons for addrconf_notify() to be called with NETDEV_DOWN: either the network device is actually going down, or IPv6 was disabled on the interface. If either of them stays down while the other is toggled, we repeatedly call the code for NETDEV_DOWN, including ipv6_mc_down(), while never calling the corresponding ipv6_mc_up() in between. This will cause a new entry in idev->mc_tomb to be allocated for each multicast group the interface is subscribed to, which in turn leaks one struct ifmcaddr6 per nontrivial multicast group the interface is subscribed to. The following reproducer will leak at least $n objects: ip addr add ff2e::4242/32 dev eth0 autojoin sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.eth0.disable_ipv6=1 for i in $(seq 1 $n); do ip link set up eth0; ip link set down eth0 done Joining groups with IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP (unprivileged) or setting the sysctl net.ipv6.conf.eth0.forwarding to 1 (=> subscribing to ff02::2) can also be used to create a nontrivial idev->mc_list, which will the leak objects with the right up-down-sequence. Based on both sources for NETDEV_DOWN events the interface IPv6 state should be considered: - not ready if the network interface is not ready OR IPv6 is disabled for it - ready if the network interface is ready AND IPv6 is enabled for it The functions ipv6_mc_up() and ipv6_down() should only be run when this state changes. Implement this by remembering when the IPv6 state is ready, and only run ipv6_mc_down() if it actually changed from ready to not ready. The other direction (not ready -> ready) already works correctly, as: - the interface notification triggered codepath for NETDEV_UP / NETDEV_CHANGE returns early if ipv6 is disabled, and - the disable_ipv6=0 triggered codepath skips fully initializing the interface as long as addrconf_link_ready(dev) returns false - calling ipv6_mc_up() repeatedly does not leak anything2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netfilter: nf_queue: fix possible use-after-free Eric Dumazet says: The sock_hold() side seems suspect, because there is no guarantee that sk_refcnt is not already 0. On failure, we cannot queue the packet and need to indicate an error. The packet will be dropped by the caller. v2: split skb prefetch hunk into separate change2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: netfilter: fix use-after-free in __nf_register_net_hook() We must not dereference @new_hooks after nf_hook_mutex has been released, because other threads might have freed our allocated hooks already. BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in nf_hook_entries_get_hook_ops include/linux/netfilter.h:130 [inline] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in hooks_validate net/netfilter/core.c:171 [inline] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in __nf_register_net_hook+0x77a/0x820 net/netfilter/core.c:438 Read of size 2 at addr ffff88801c1a8000 by task syz-executor237/4430 CPU: 1 PID: 4430 Comm: syz-executor237 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc5-syzkaller-00306-g2293be58d6a1 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 01/01/2011 Call Trace: <TASK> __dump_stack lib/dump_stack.c:88 [inline] dump_stack_lvl+0xcd/0x134 lib/dump_stack.c:106 print_address_description.constprop.0.cold+0x8d/0x336 mm/kasan/report.c:255 __kasan_report mm/kasan/report.c:442 [inline] kasan_report.cold+0x83/0xdf mm/kasan/report.c:459 nf_hook_entries_get_hook_ops include/linux/netfilter.h:130 [inline] hooks_validate net/netfilter/core.c:171 [inline] __nf_register_net_hook+0x77a/0x820 net/netfilter/core.c:438 nf_register_net_hook+0x114/0x170 net/netfilter/core.c:571 nf_register_net_hooks+0x59/0xc0 net/netfilter/core.c:587 nf_synproxy_ipv6_init+0x85/0xe0 net/netfilter/nf_synproxy_core.c:1218 synproxy_tg6_check+0x30d/0x560 net/ipv6/netfilter/ip6t_SYNPROXY.c:81 xt_check_target+0x26c/0x9e0 net/netfilter/x_tables.c:1038 check_target net/ipv6/netfilter/ip6_tables.c:530 [inline] find_check_entry.constprop.0+0x7f1/0x9e0 net/ipv6/netfilter/ip6_tables.c:573 translate_table+0xc8b/0x1750 net/ipv6/netfilter/ip6_tables.c:735 do_replace net/ipv6/netfilter/ip6_tables.c:1153 [inline] do_ip6t_set_ctl+0x56e/0xb90 net/ipv6/netfilter/ip6_tables.c:1639 nf_setsockopt+0x83/0xe0 net/netfilter/nf_sockopt.c:101 ipv6_setsockopt+0x122/0x180 net/ipv6/ipv6_sockglue.c:1024 rawv6_setsockopt+0xd3/0x6a0 net/ipv6/raw.c:1084 __sys_setsockopt+0x2db/0x610 net/socket.c:2180 __do_sys_setsockopt net/socket.c:2191 [inline] __se_sys_setsockopt net/socket.c:2188 [inline] __x64_sys_setsockopt+0xba/0x150 net/socket.c:2188 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x35/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7f65a1ace7d9 Code: 28 00 00 00 75 05 48 83 c4 28 c3 e8 71 15 00 00 90 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 c7 c1 b8 ff ff ff f7 d8 64 89 01 48 RSP: 002b:00007f65a1a7f308 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000036 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000006 RCX: 00007f65a1ace7d9 RDX: 0000000000000040 RSI: 0000000000000029 RDI: 0000000000000003 RBP: 00007f65a1b574c8 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: 0000000020000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00007f65a1b55130 R13: 00007f65a1b574c0 R14: 00007f65a1b24090 R15: 0000000000022000 </TASK> The buggy address belongs to the page: page:ffffea0000706a00 refcount:0 mapcount:0 mapping:0000000000000000 index:0x0 pfn:0x1c1a8 flags: 0xfff00000000000(node=0|zone=1|lastcpupid=0x7ff) raw: 00fff00000000000 ffffea0001c1b108 ffffea000046dd08 0000000000000000 raw: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000ffffffff 0000000000000000 page dumped because: kasan: bad access detected page_owner tracks the page as freed page last allocated via order 2, migratetype Unmovable, gfp_mask 0x52dc0(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_NOWARN|__GFP_NORETRY|__GFP_COMP|__GFP_ZERO), pid 4430, ts 1061781545818, free_ts 1061791488993 prep_new_page mm/page_alloc.c:2434 [inline] get_page_from_freelist+0xa72/0x2f50 mm/page_alloc.c:4165 __alloc_pages+0x1b2/0x500 mm/page_alloc.c:5389 __alloc_pages_node include/linux/gfp.h:572 [inline] alloc_pages_node include/linux/gfp.h:595 [inline] kmalloc_large_node+0x62/0x130 mm/slub.c:4438 __kmalloc_node+0x35a/0x4a0 mm/slub. ---truncated---2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: blktrace: fix use after free for struct blk_trace When tracing the whole disk, 'dropped' and 'msg' will be created under 'q->debugfs_dir' and 'bt->dir' is NULL, thus blk_trace_free() won't remove those files. What's worse, the following UAF can be triggered because of accessing stale 'dropped' and 'msg': ================================================================== BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in blk_dropped_read+0x89/0x100 Read of size 4 at addr ffff88816912f3d8 by task blktrace/1188 CPU: 27 PID: 1188 Comm: blktrace Not tainted 5.17.0-rc4-next-20220217+ #469 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS ?-20190727_073836-4 Call Trace: <TASK> dump_stack_lvl+0x34/0x44 print_address_description.constprop.0.cold+0xab/0x381 ? blk_dropped_read+0x89/0x100 ? blk_dropped_read+0x89/0x100 kasan_report.cold+0x83/0xdf ? blk_dropped_read+0x89/0x100 kasan_check_range+0x140/0x1b0 blk_dropped_read+0x89/0x100 ? blk_create_buf_file_callback+0x20/0x20 ? kmem_cache_free+0xa1/0x500 ? do_sys_openat2+0x258/0x460 full_proxy_read+0x8f/0xc0 vfs_read+0xc6/0x260 ksys_read+0xb9/0x150 ? vfs_write+0x3d0/0x3d0 ? fpregs_assert_state_consistent+0x55/0x60 ? exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x39/0x1e0 do_syscall_64+0x35/0x80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7fbc080d92fd Code: ce 20 00 00 75 10 b8 00 00 00 00 0f 05 48 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 31 c3 48 83 1 RSP: 002b:00007fbb95ff9cb0 EFLAGS: 00000293 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000000 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 00007fbb95ff9dc0 RCX: 00007fbc080d92fd RDX: 0000000000000100 RSI: 00007fbb95ff9cc0 RDI: 0000000000000045 RBP: 0000000000000045 R08: 0000000000406299 R09: 00000000fffffffd R10: 000000000153afa0 R11: 0000000000000293 R12: 00007fbb780008c0 R13: 00007fbb78000938 R14: 0000000000608b30 R15: 00007fbb780029c8 </TASK> Allocated by task 1050: kasan_save_stack+0x1e/0x40 __kasan_kmalloc+0x81/0xa0 do_blk_trace_setup+0xcb/0x410 __blk_trace_setup+0xac/0x130 blk_trace_ioctl+0xe9/0x1c0 blkdev_ioctl+0xf1/0x390 __x64_sys_ioctl+0xa5/0xe0 do_syscall_64+0x35/0x80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae Freed by task 1050: kasan_save_stack+0x1e/0x40 kasan_set_track+0x21/0x30 kasan_set_free_info+0x20/0x30 __kasan_slab_free+0x103/0x180 kfree+0x9a/0x4c0 __blk_trace_remove+0x53/0x70 blk_trace_ioctl+0x199/0x1c0 blkdev_common_ioctl+0x5e9/0xb30 blkdev_ioctl+0x1a5/0x390 __x64_sys_ioctl+0xa5/0xe0 do_syscall_64+0x35/0x80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae The buggy address belongs to the object at ffff88816912f380 which belongs to the cache kmalloc-96 of size 96 The buggy address is located 88 bytes inside of 96-byte region [ffff88816912f380, ffff88816912f3e0) The buggy address belongs to the page: page:000000009a1b4e7c refcount:1 mapcount:0 mapping:0000000000000000 index:0x0f flags: 0x17ffffc0000200(slab|node=0|zone=2|lastcpupid=0x1fffff) raw: 0017ffffc0000200 ffffea00044f1100 dead000000000002 ffff88810004c780 raw: 0000000000000000 0000000000200020 00000001ffffffff 0000000000000000 page dumped because: kasan: bad access detected Memory state around the buggy address: ffff88816912f280: fa fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fc fc fc fc ffff88816912f300: fa fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fc fc fc fc >ffff88816912f380: fa fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fc fc fc fc ^ ffff88816912f400: fa fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fc fc fc fc ffff88816912f480: fa fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fc fc fc fc ==================================================================2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: xen/netfront: destroy queues before real_num_tx_queues is zeroed xennet_destroy_queues() relies on info->netdev->real_num_tx_queues to delete queues. Since d7dac083414eb5bb99a6d2ed53dc2c1b405224e5 ("net-sysfs: update the queue counts in the unregistration path"), unregister_netdev() indirectly sets real_num_tx_queues to 0. Those two facts together means, that xennet_destroy_queues() called from xennet_remove() cannot do its job, because it's called after unregister_netdev(). This results in kfree-ing queues that are still linked in napi, which ultimately crashes: BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000000 #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP PTI CPU: 1 PID: 52 Comm: xenwatch Tainted: G W 5.16.10-1.32.fc32.qubes.x86_64+ #226 RIP: 0010:free_netdev+0xa3/0x1a0 Code: ff 48 89 df e8 2e e9 00 00 48 8b 43 50 48 8b 08 48 8d b8 a0 fe ff ff 48 8d a9 a0 fe ff ff 49 39 c4 75 26 eb 47 e8 ed c1 66 ff <48> 8b 85 60 01 00 00 48 8d 95 60 01 00 00 48 89 ef 48 2d 60 01 00 RSP: 0000:ffffc90000bcfd00 EFLAGS: 00010286 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff88800edad000 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: 0000000000000001 RSI: ffffc90000bcfc30 RDI: 00000000ffffffff RBP: fffffffffffffea0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000001 R12: ffff88800edad050 R13: ffff8880065f8f88 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: ffff8880066c6680 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8880f3300000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 0000000000000000 CR3: 00000000e998c006 CR4: 00000000003706e0 Call Trace: <TASK> xennet_remove+0x13d/0x300 [xen_netfront] xenbus_dev_remove+0x6d/0xf0 __device_release_driver+0x17a/0x240 device_release_driver+0x24/0x30 bus_remove_device+0xd8/0x140 device_del+0x18b/0x410 ? _raw_spin_unlock+0x16/0x30 ? klist_iter_exit+0x14/0x20 ? xenbus_dev_request_and_reply+0x80/0x80 device_unregister+0x13/0x60 xenbus_dev_changed+0x18e/0x1f0 xenwatch_thread+0xc0/0x1a0 ? do_wait_intr_irq+0xa0/0xa0 kthread+0x16b/0x190 ? set_kthread_struct+0x40/0x40 ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30 </TASK> Fix this by calling xennet_destroy_queues() from xennet_uninit(), when real_num_tx_queues is still available. This ensures that queues are destroyed when real_num_tx_queues is set to 0, regardless of how unregister_netdev() was called. Originally reported at yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: thermal: core: Fix TZ_GET_TRIP NULL pointer dereference Do not call get_trip_hyst() from thermal_genl_cmd_tz_get_trip() if the thermal zone does not define one.2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iommu/vt-d: Fix double list_add when enabling VMD in scalable mode When enabling VMD and IOMMU scalable mode, the following kernel panic call trace/kernel log is shown in Eagle Stream platform (Sapphire Rapids CPU) during booting: pci 0000:59:00.5: Adding to iommu group 42 ... vmd 0000:59:00.5: PCI host bridge to bus 10000:80 pci 10000:80:01.0: [8086:352a] type 01 class 0x060400 pci 10000:80:01.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0x00000000-0x0001ffff 64bit] pci 10000:80:01.0: enabling Extended Tags pci 10000:80:01.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold pci 10000:80:01.0: DMAR: Setup RID2PASID failed pci 10000:80:01.0: Failed to add to iommu group 42: -16 pci 10000:80:03.0: [8086:352b] type 01 class 0x060400 pci 10000:80:03.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0x00000000-0x0001ffff 64bit] pci 10000:80:03.0: enabling Extended Tags pci 10000:80:03.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold ------------[ cut here ]------------ kernel BUG at lib/list_debug.c:29! invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI CPU: 0 PID: 7 Comm: kworker/0:1 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc3+ #7 Hardware name: Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650V3/SB27A86647, BIOS ESE101Y-1.00 01/13/2022 Workqueue: events work_for_cpu_fn RIP: 0010:__list_add_valid.cold+0x26/0x3f Code: 9a 4a ab ff 4c 89 c1 48 c7 c7 40 0c d9 9e e8 b9 b1 fe ff 0f 0b 48 89 f2 4c 89 c1 48 89 fe 48 c7 c7 f0 0c d9 9e e8 a2 b1 fe ff <0f> 0b 48 89 d1 4c 89 c6 4c 89 ca 48 c7 c7 98 0c d9 9e e8 8b b1 fe RSP: 0000:ff5ad434865b3a40 EFLAGS: 00010246 RAX: 0000000000000058 RBX: ff4d61160b74b880 RCX: ff4d61255e1fffa8 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 00000000fffeffff RDI: ffffffff9fd34f20 RBP: ff4d611d8e245c00 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: ff5ad434865b3888 R10: ff5ad434865b3880 R11: ff4d61257fdc6fe8 R12: ff4d61160b74b8a0 R13: ff4d61160b74b8a0 R14: ff4d611d8e245c10 R15: ff4d611d8001ba70 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ff4d611d5ea00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: ff4d611fa1401000 CR3: 0000000aa0210001 CR4: 0000000000771ef0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe07f0 DR7: 0000000000000400 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: <TASK> intel_pasid_alloc_table+0x9c/0x1d0 dmar_insert_one_dev_info+0x423/0x540 ? device_to_iommu+0x12d/0x2f0 intel_iommu_attach_device+0x116/0x290 __iommu_attach_device+0x1a/0x90 iommu_group_add_device+0x190/0x2c0 __iommu_probe_device+0x13e/0x250 iommu_probe_device+0x24/0x150 iommu_bus_notifier+0x69/0x90 blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x5a/0x80 device_add+0x3db/0x7b0 ? arch_memremap_can_ram_remap+0x19/0x50 ? memremap+0x75/0x140 pci_device_add+0x193/0x1d0 pci_scan_single_device+0xb9/0xf0 pci_scan_slot+0x4c/0x110 pci_scan_child_bus_extend+0x3a/0x290 vmd_enable_domain.constprop.0+0x63e/0x820 vmd_probe+0x163/0x190 local_pci_probe+0x42/0x80 work_for_cpu_fn+0x13/0x20 process_one_work+0x1e2/0x3b0 worker_thread+0x1c4/0x3a0 ? rescuer_thread+0x370/0x370 kthread+0xc7/0xf0 ? kthread_complete_and_exit+0x20/0x20 ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 </TASK> Modules linked in: ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- ... Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception Kernel Offset: 0x1ca00000 from 0xffffffff81000000 (relocation range: 0xffffffff80000000-0xffffffffbfffffff) ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception ]--- The following 'lspci' output shows devices '10000:80:*' are subdevices of the VMD device 0000:59:00.5: $ lspci ... 0000:59:00.5 RAID bus controller: Intel Corporation Volume Management Device NVMe RAID Controller (rev 20) ... 10000:80:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Device 352a (rev 03) 10000:80:03.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Device 352b (rev 03) 10000:80:05.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Device 352c (rev 03) 10000:80:07.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Device 352d (rev 03) 10000:81:00.0 Non-Volatile memory controller: Intel Corporation NVMe Datacenter SSD [3DNAND, Beta Rock Controller] 10000:82:00 ---truncated---2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ASoC: ops: Shift tested values in snd_soc_put_volsw() by +min While the $val/$val2 values passed in from userspace are always >= 0 integers, the limits of the control can be signed integers and the $min can be non-zero and less than zero. To correctly validate $val/$val2 against platform_max, add the $min offset to val first.2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iwlwifi: mvm: check debugfs_dir ptr before use When "debugfs=off" is used on the kernel command line, iwiwifi's mvm module uses an invalid/unchecked debugfs_dir pointer and causes a BUG: BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 000000000000004f #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP CPU: 1 PID: 503 Comm: modprobe Tainted: G W 5.17.0-rc5 #7 Hardware name: Dell Inc. Inspiron 15 5510/076F7Y, BIOS 2.4.1 11/05/2021 RIP: 0010:iwl_mvm_dbgfs_register+0x692/0x700 [iwlmvm] Code: 69 a0 be 80 01 00 00 48 c7 c7 50 73 6a a0 e8 95 cf ee e0 48 8b 83 b0 1e 00 00 48 c7 c2 54 73 6a a0 be 64 00 00 00 48 8d 7d 8c <48> 8b 48 50 e8 15 22 07 e1 48 8b 43 28 48 8d 55 8c 48 c7 c7 5f 73 RSP: 0018:ffffc90000a0ba68 EFLAGS: 00010246 RAX: ffffffffffffffff RBX: ffff88817d6e3328 RCX: ffff88817d6e3328 RDX: ffffffffa06a7354 RSI: 0000000000000064 RDI: ffffc90000a0ba6c RBP: ffffc90000a0bae0 R08: ffffffff824e4880 R09: ffffffffa069d620 R10: ffffc90000a0ba00 R11: ffffffffffffffff R12: 0000000000000000 R13: ffffc90000a0bb28 R14: ffff88817d6e3328 R15: ffff88817d6e3320 FS: 00007f64dd92d740(0000) GS:ffff88847f640000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 000000000000004f CR3: 000000016fc79001 CR4: 0000000000770ee0 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: <TASK> ? iwl_mvm_mac_setup_register+0xbdc/0xda0 [iwlmvm] iwl_mvm_start_post_nvm+0x71/0x100 [iwlmvm] iwl_op_mode_mvm_start+0xab8/0xb30 [iwlmvm] _iwl_op_mode_start+0x6f/0xd0 [iwlwifi] iwl_opmode_register+0x6a/0xe0 [iwlwifi] ? 0xffffffffa0231000 iwl_mvm_init+0x35/0x1000 [iwlmvm] ? 0xffffffffa0231000 do_one_initcall+0x5a/0x1b0 ? kmem_cache_alloc+0x1e5/0x2f0 ? do_init_module+0x1e/0x220 do_init_module+0x48/0x220 load_module+0x2602/0x2bc0 ? __kernel_read+0x145/0x2e0 ? kernel_read_file+0x229/0x290 __do_sys_finit_module+0xc5/0x130 ? __do_sys_finit_module+0xc5/0x130 __x64_sys_finit_module+0x13/0x20 do_syscall_64+0x38/0x90 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae RIP: 0033:0x7f64dda564dd Code: 5b 41 5c c3 66 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 f3 0f 1e fa 48 89 f8 48 89 f7 48 89 d6 48 89 ca 4d 89 c2 4d 89 c8 4c 8b 4c 24 08 0f 05 <48> 3d 01 f0 ff ff 73 01 c3 48 8b 0d 1b 29 0f 00 f7 d8 64 89 01 48 RSP: 002b:00007ffdba393f88 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000139 RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 0000000000000000 RCX: 00007f64dda564dd RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 00005575399e2ab2 RDI: 0000000000000001 RBP: 000055753a91c5e0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000002 R10: 0000000000000001 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: 00005575399e2ab2 R13: 000055753a91ceb0 R14: 0000000000000000 R15: 000055753a923018 </TASK> Modules linked in: btintel(+) btmtk bluetooth vfat snd_hda_codec_hdmi fat snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic iwlmvm(+) snd_sof_pci_intel_tgl mac80211 snd_sof_intel_hda_common soundwire_intel soundwire_generic_allocation soundwire_cadence soundwire_bus snd_sof_intel_hda snd_sof_pci snd_sof snd_sof_xtensa_dsp snd_soc_hdac_hda snd_hda_ext_core snd_soc_acpi_intel_match snd_soc_acpi snd_soc_core btrfs snd_compress snd_hda_intel snd_intel_dspcfg snd_intel_sdw_acpi snd_hda_codec raid6_pq iwlwifi snd_hda_core snd_pcm snd_timer snd soundcore cfg80211 intel_ish_ipc(+) thunderbolt rfkill intel_ishtp ucsi_acpi wmi i2c_hid_acpi i2c_hid evdev CR2: 000000000000004f ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- Check the debugfs_dir pointer for an error before using it. [change to make both conditional]2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: cifs: fix double free race when mount fails in cifs_get_root() When cifs_get_root() fails during cifs_smb3_do_mount() we call deactivate_locked_super() which eventually will call delayed_free() which will free the context. In this situation we should not proceed to enter the out: section in cifs_smb3_do_mount() and free the same resources a second time. [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in rcu_cblist_dequeue+0x32/0x60 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] Read of size 8 at addr ffff888364f4d110 by task swapper/1/0 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] CPU: 1 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/1 Tainted: G OE 5.17.0-rc3+ #4 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] Hardware name: Microsoft Corporation Virtual Machine/Virtual Machine, BIOS Hyper-V UEFI Release v4.0 12/17/2019 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] Call Trace: [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] <IRQ> [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] dump_stack_lvl+0x5d/0x78 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] print_address_description.constprop.0+0x24/0x150 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] ? rcu_cblist_dequeue+0x32/0x60 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] kasan_report.cold+0x7d/0x117 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] ? rcu_cblist_dequeue+0x32/0x60 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] __asan_load8+0x86/0xa0 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] rcu_cblist_dequeue+0x32/0x60 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] rcu_core+0x547/0xca0 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] ? call_rcu+0x3c0/0x3c0 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] ? __this_cpu_preempt_check+0x13/0x20 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] ? lock_is_held_type+0xea/0x140 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] rcu_core_si+0xe/0x10 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] __do_softirq+0x1d4/0x67b [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] __irq_exit_rcu+0x100/0x150 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] irq_exit_rcu+0xe/0x30 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:06 2022] sysvec_hyperv_stimer0+0x9d/0xc0 ... [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] Freed by task 58179: [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] kasan_save_stack+0x26/0x50 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] kasan_set_track+0x25/0x30 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] kasan_set_free_info+0x24/0x40 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] ____kasan_slab_free+0x137/0x170 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] __kasan_slab_free+0x12/0x20 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] slab_free_freelist_hook+0xb3/0x1d0 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] kfree+0xcd/0x520 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] cifs_smb3_do_mount+0x149/0xbe0 [cifs] [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] smb3_get_tree+0x1a0/0x2e0 [cifs] [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] vfs_get_tree+0x52/0x140 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] path_mount+0x635/0x10c0 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] __x64_sys_mount+0x1bf/0x210 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] do_syscall_64+0x5c/0xc0 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] Last potentially related work creation: [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] kasan_save_stack+0x26/0x50 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] __kasan_record_aux_stack+0xb6/0xc0 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] kasan_record_aux_stack_noalloc+0xb/0x10 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] call_rcu+0x76/0x3c0 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] cifs_umount+0xce/0xe0 [cifs] [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] cifs_kill_sb+0xc8/0xe0 [cifs] [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] deactivate_locked_super+0x5d/0xd0 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] cifs_smb3_do_mount+0xab9/0xbe0 [cifs] [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] smb3_get_tree+0x1a0/0x2e0 [cifs] [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] vfs_get_tree+0x52/0x140 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] path_mount+0x635/0x10c0 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] __x64_sys_mount+0x1bf/0x210 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] do_syscall_64+0x5c/0xc0 [Thu Feb 10 12:59:07 2022] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xae2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: get rid of warning on transaction commit when using flushoncommit When using the flushoncommit mount option, during almost every transaction commit we trigger a warning from __writeback_inodes_sb_nr(): $ cat fs/fs-writeback.c: (...) static void __writeback_inodes_sb_nr(struct super_block *sb, ... { (...) WARN_ON(!rwsem_is_locked(&sb->s_umount)); (...) } (...) The trace produced in dmesg looks like the following: [947.473890] WARNING: CPU: 5 PID: 930 at fs/fs-writeback.c:2610 __writeback_inodes_sb_nr+0x7e/0xb3 [947.481623] Modules linked in: nfsd nls_cp437 cifs asn1_decoder cifs_arc4 fscache cifs_md4 ipmi_ssif [947.489571] CPU: 5 PID: 930 Comm: btrfs-transacti Not tainted 95.16.3-srb-asrock-00001-g36437ad63879 #186 [947.497969] RIP: 0010:__writeback_inodes_sb_nr+0x7e/0xb3 [947.502097] Code: 24 10 4c 89 44 24 18 c6 (...) [947.519760] RSP: 0018:ffffc90000777e10 EFLAGS: 00010246 [947.523818] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: 0000000000963300 RCX: 0000000000000000 [947.529765] RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 000000000000fa51 RDI: ffffc90000777e50 [947.535740] RBP: ffff888101628a90 R08: ffff888100955800 R09: ffff888100956000 [947.541701] R10: 0000000000000002 R11: 0000000000000001 R12: ffff888100963488 [947.547645] R13: ffff888100963000 R14: ffff888112fb7200 R15: ffff888100963460 [947.553621] FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff88841fd40000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [947.560537] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [947.565122] CR2: 0000000008be50c4 CR3: 000000000220c000 CR4: 00000000001006e0 [947.571072] Call Trace: [947.572354] <TASK> [947.573266] btrfs_commit_transaction+0x1f1/0x998 [947.576785] ? start_transaction+0x3ab/0x44e [947.579867] ? schedule_timeout+0x8a/0xdd [947.582716] transaction_kthread+0xe9/0x156 [947.585721] ? btrfs_cleanup_transaction.isra.0+0x407/0x407 [947.590104] kthread+0x131/0x139 [947.592168] ? set_kthread_struct+0x32/0x32 [947.595174] ret_from_fork+0x22/0x30 [947.597561] </TASK> [947.598553] ---[ end trace 644721052755541c ]--- This is because we started using writeback_inodes_sb() to flush delalloc when committing a transaction (when using -o flushoncommit), in order to avoid deadlocks with filesystem freeze operations. This change was made by commit ce8ea7cc6eb313 ("btrfs: don't call btrfs_start_delalloc_roots in flushoncommit"). After that change we started producing that warning, and every now and then a user reports this since the warning happens too often, it spams dmesg/syslog, and a user is unsure if this reflects any problem that might compromise the filesystem's reliability. We can not just lock the sb->s_umount semaphore before calling writeback_inodes_sb(), because that would at least deadlock with filesystem freezing, since at fs/super.c:freeze_super() sync_filesystem() is called while we are holding that semaphore in write mode, and that can trigger a transaction commit, resulting in a deadlock. It would also trigger the same type of deadlock in the unmount path. Possibly, it could also introduce some other locking dependencies that lockdep would report. To fix this call try_to_writeback_inodes_sb() instead of writeback_inodes_sb(), because that will try to read lock sb->s_umount and then will only call writeback_inodes_sb() if it was able to lock it. This is fine because the cases where it can't read lock sb->s_umount are during a filesystem unmount or during a filesystem freeze - in those cases sb->s_umount is write locked and sync_filesystem() is called, which calls writeback_inodes_sb(). In other words, in all cases where we can't take a read lock on sb->s_umount, writeback is already being triggered elsewhere. An alternative would be to call btrfs_start_delalloc_roots() with a number of pages different from LONG_MAX, for example matching the number of delalloc bytes we currently have, in ---truncated---2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: sched/fair: Fix fault in reweight_entity Syzbot found a GPF in reweight_entity. This has been bisected to commit 4ef0c5c6b5ba ("kernel/sched: Fix sched_fork() access an invalid sched_task_group") There is a race between sched_post_fork() and setpriority(PRIO_PGRP) within a thread group that causes a null-ptr-deref in reweight_entity() in CFS. The scenario is that the main process spawns number of new threads, which then call setpriority(PRIO_PGRP, 0, -20), wait, and exit. For each of the new threads the copy_process() gets invoked, which adds the new task_struct and calls sched_post_fork() for it. In the above scenario there is a possibility that setpriority(PRIO_PGRP) and set_one_prio() will be called for a thread in the group that is just being created by copy_process(), and for which the sched_post_fork() has not been executed yet. This will trigger a null pointer dereference in reweight_entity(), as it will try to access the run queue pointer, which hasn't been set. Before the mentioned change the cfs_rq pointer for the task has been set in sched_fork(), which is called much earlier in copy_process(), before the new task is added to the thread_group. Now it is done in the sched_post_fork(), which is called after that. To fix the issue the remove the update_load param from the update_load param() function and call reweight_task() only if the task flag doesn't have the TASK_NEW flag set.2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: riscv: fix oops caused by irqsoff latency tracer The trace_hardirqs_{on,off}() require the caller to setup frame pointer properly. This because these two functions use macro 'CALLER_ADDR1' (aka. __builtin_return_address(1)) to acquire caller info. If the $fp is used for other purpose, the code generated this macro (as below) could trigger memory access fault. 0xffffffff8011510e <+80>: ld a1,-16(s0) 0xffffffff80115112 <+84>: ld s2,-8(a1) # <-- paging fault here The oops message during booting if compiled with 'irqoff' tracer enabled: [ 0.039615][ T0] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000000000f8 [ 0.041925][ T0] Oops [#1] [ 0.042063][ T0] Modules linked in: [ 0.042864][ T0] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 5.17.0-rc1-00233-g9a20c48d1ed2 #29 [ 0.043568][ T0] Hardware name: riscv-virtio,qemu (DT) [ 0.044343][ T0] epc : trace_hardirqs_on+0x56/0xe2 [ 0.044601][ T0] ra : restore_all+0x12/0x6e [ 0.044721][ T0] epc : ffffffff80126a5c ra : ffffffff80003b94 sp : ffffffff81403db0 [ 0.044801][ T0] gp : ffffffff8163acd8 tp : ffffffff81414880 t0 : 0000000000000020 [ 0.044882][ T0] t1 : 0098968000000000 t2 : 0000000000000000 s0 : ffffffff81403de0 [ 0.044967][ T0] s1 : 0000000000000000 a0 : 0000000000000001 a1 : 0000000000000100 [ 0.045046][ T0] a2 : 0000000000000000 a3 : 0000000000000000 a4 : 0000000000000000 [ 0.045124][ T0] a5 : 0000000000000000 a6 : 0000000000000000 a7 : 0000000054494d45 [ 0.045210][ T0] s2 : ffffffff80003b94 s3 : ffffffff81a8f1b0 s4 : ffffffff80e27b50 [ 0.045289][ T0] s5 : ffffffff81414880 s6 : ffffffff8160fa00 s7 : 00000000800120e8 [ 0.045389][ T0] s8 : 0000000080013100 s9 : 000000000000007f s10: 0000000000000000 [ 0.045474][ T0] s11: 0000000000000000 t3 : 7fffffffffffffff t4 : 0000000000000000 [ 0.045548][ T0] t5 : 0000000000000000 t6 : ffffffff814aa368 [ 0.045620][ T0] status: 0000000200000100 badaddr: 00000000000000f8 cause: 000000000000000d [ 0.046402][ T0] [<ffffffff80003b94>] restore_all+0x12/0x6e This because the $fp(aka. $s0) register is not used as frame pointer in the assembly entry code. resume_kernel: REG_L s0, TASK_TI_PREEMPT_COUNT(tp) bnez s0, restore_all REG_L s0, TASK_TI_FLAGS(tp) andi s0, s0, _TIF_NEED_RESCHED beqz s0, restore_all call preempt_schedule_irq j restore_all To fix above issue, here we add one extra level wrapper for function trace_hardirqs_{on,off}() so they can be safely called by low level entry code.2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: prevent copying too big compressed lzo segment Compressed length can be corrupted to be a lot larger than memory we have allocated for buffer. This will cause memcpy in copy_compressed_segment to write outside of allocated memory. This mostly results in stuck read syscall but sometimes when using btrfs send can get #GP kernel: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0x841551d5c1000: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI kernel: CPU: 17 PID: 264 Comm: kworker/u256:7 Tainted: P OE 5.17.0-rc2-1 #12 kernel: Workqueue: btrfs-endio btrfs_work_helper [btrfs] kernel: RIP: 0010:lzo_decompress_bio (./include/linux/fortify-string.h:225 fs/btrfs/lzo.c:322 fs/btrfs/lzo.c:394) btrfs Code starting with the faulting instruction =========================================== 0:* 48 8b 06 mov (%rsi),%rax <-- trapping instruction 3: 48 8d 79 08 lea 0x8(%rcx),%rdi 7: 48 83 e7 f8 and $0xfffffffffffffff8,%rdi b: 48 89 01 mov %rax,(%rcx) e: 44 89 f0 mov %r14d,%eax 11: 48 8b 54 06 f8 mov -0x8(%rsi,%rax,1),%rdx kernel: RSP: 0018:ffffb110812efd50 EFLAGS: 00010212 kernel: RAX: 0000000000001000 RBX: 000000009ca264c8 RCX: ffff98996e6d8ff8 kernel: RDX: 0000000000000064 RSI: 000841551d5c1000 RDI: ffffffff9500435d kernel: RBP: ffff989a3be856c0 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000 kernel: R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000001000 R12: ffff98996e6d8000 kernel: R13: 0000000000000008 R14: 0000000000001000 R15: 000841551d5c1000 kernel: FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff98a09d640000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 kernel: CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 kernel: CR2: 00001e9f984d9ea8 CR3: 000000014971a000 CR4: 00000000003506e0 kernel: Call Trace: kernel: <TASK> kernel: end_compressed_bio_read (fs/btrfs/compression.c:104 fs/btrfs/compression.c:1363 fs/btrfs/compression.c:323) btrfs kernel: end_workqueue_fn (fs/btrfs/disk-io.c:1923) btrfs kernel: btrfs_work_helper (fs/btrfs/async-thread.c:326) btrfs kernel: process_one_work (./arch/x86/include/asm/jump_label.h:27 ./include/linux/jump_label.h:212 ./include/trace/events/workqueue.h:108 kernel/workqueue.c:2312) kernel: worker_thread (./include/linux/list.h:292 kernel/workqueue.c:2455) kernel: ? process_one_work (kernel/workqueue.c:2397) kernel: kthread (kernel/kthread.c:377) kernel: ? kthread_complete_and_exit (kernel/kthread.c:332) kernel: ret_from_fork (arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:301) kernel: </TASK>2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: thermal: int340x: fix memory leak in int3400_notify() It is easy to hit the below memory leaks in my TigerLake platform: unreferenced object 0xffff927c8b91dbc0 (size 32): comm "kworker/0:2", pid 112, jiffies 4294893323 (age 83.604s) hex dump (first 32 bytes): 4e 41 4d 45 3d 49 4e 54 33 34 30 30 20 54 68 65 NAME=INT3400 The 72 6d 61 6c 00 6b 6b 6b 6b 6b 6b 6b 6b 6b 6b a5 rmal.kkkkkkkkkk. backtrace: [<ffffffff9c502c3e>] __kmalloc_track_caller+0x2fe/0x4a0 [<ffffffff9c7b7c15>] kvasprintf+0x65/0xd0 [<ffffffff9c7b7d6e>] kasprintf+0x4e/0x70 [<ffffffffc04cb662>] int3400_notify+0x82/0x120 [int3400_thermal] [<ffffffff9c8b7358>] acpi_ev_notify_dispatch+0x54/0x71 [<ffffffff9c88f1a7>] acpi_os_execute_deferred+0x17/0x30 [<ffffffff9c2c2c0a>] process_one_work+0x21a/0x3f0 [<ffffffff9c2c2e2a>] worker_thread+0x4a/0x3b0 [<ffffffff9c2cb4dd>] kthread+0xfd/0x130 [<ffffffff9c201c1f>] ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 Fix it by calling kfree() accordingly.2024-08-22not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: gsmi: fix null-deref in gsmi_get_variable We can get EFI variables without fetching the attribute, so we must allow for that in gsmi. commit 859748255b43 ("efi: pstore: Omit efivars caching EFI varstore access layer") added a new get_variable call with attr=NULL, which triggers panic in gsmi.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: gadget: f_ncm: fix potential NULL ptr deref in ncm_bitrate() In Google internal bug 265639009 we've received an (as yet) unreproducible crash report from an aarch64 GKI 5.10.149-android13 running device. AFAICT the source code is at: The call stack is: ncm_close() -> ncm_notify() -> ncm_do_notify() with the crash at: ncm_do_notify+0x98/0x270 Code: 79000d0b b9000a6c f940012a f9400269 (b9405d4b) Which I believe disassembles to (I don't know ARM assembly, but it looks sane enough to me...): // halfword (16-bit) store presumably to event->wLength (at offset 6 of struct usb_cdc_notification) 0B 0D 00 79 strh w11, [x8, #6] // word (32-bit) store presumably to req->Length (at offset 8 of struct usb_request) 6C 0A 00 B9 str w12, [x19, #8] // x10 (NULL) was read here from offset 0 of valid pointer x9 // IMHO we're reading 'cdev->gadget' and getting NULL // gadget is indeed at offset 0 of struct usb_composite_dev 2A 01 40 F9 ldr x10, [x9] // loading req->buf pointer, which is at offset 0 of struct usb_request 69 02 40 F9 ldr x9, [x19] // x10 is null, crash, appears to be attempt to read cdev->gadget->max_speed 4B 5D 40 B9 ldr w11, [x10, #0x5c] which seems to line up with ncm_do_notify() case NCM_NOTIFY_SPEED code fragment: event->wLength = cpu_to_le16(8); req->length = NCM_STATUS_BYTECOUNT; /* SPEED_CHANGE data is up/down speeds in bits/sec */ data = req->buf + sizeof *event; data[0] = cpu_to_le32(ncm_bitrate(cdev->gadget)); My analysis of registers and NULL ptr deref crash offset (Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 000000000000005c) heavily suggests that the crash is due to 'cdev->gadget' being NULL when executing: data[0] = cpu_to_le32(ncm_bitrate(cdev->gadget)); which calls: ncm_bitrate(NULL) which then calls: gadget_is_superspeed(NULL) which reads ((struct usb_gadget *)NULL)->max_speed and hits a panic. AFAICT, if I'm counting right, the offset of max_speed is indeed 0x5C. (remember there's a GKI KABI reservation of 16 bytes in struct work_struct) It's not at all clear to me how this is all supposed to work... but returning 0 seems much better than panic-ing...2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: io_uring/poll: don't reissue in case of poll race on multishot request A previous commit fixed a poll race that can occur, but it's only applicable for multishot requests. For a multishot request, we can safely ignore a spurious wakeup, as we never leave the waitqueue to begin with. A blunt reissue of a multishot armed request can cause us to leak a buffer, if they are ring provided. While this seems like a bug in itself, it's not really defined behavior to reissue a multishot request directly. It's less efficient to do so as well, and not required to rearm anything like it is for singleshot poll requests.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: fix race between quota rescan and disable leading to NULL pointer deref If we have one task trying to start the quota rescan worker while another one is trying to disable quotas, we can end up hitting a race that results in the quota rescan worker doing a NULL pointer dereference. The steps for this are the following: 1) Quotas are enabled; 2) Task A calls the quota rescan ioctl and enters btrfs_qgroup_rescan(). It calls qgroup_rescan_init() which returns 0 (success) and then joins a transaction and commits it; 3) Task B calls the quota disable ioctl and enters btrfs_quota_disable(). It clears the bit BTRFS_FS_QUOTA_ENABLED from fs_info->flags and calls btrfs_qgroup_wait_for_completion(), which returns immediately since the rescan worker is not yet running. Then it starts a transaction and locks fs_info->qgroup_ioctl_lock; 4) Task A queues the rescan worker, by calling btrfs_queue_work(); 5) The rescan worker starts, and calls rescan_should_stop() at the start of its while loop, which results in 0 iterations of the loop, since the flag BTRFS_FS_QUOTA_ENABLED was cleared from fs_info->flags by task B at step 3); 6) Task B sets fs_info->quota_root to NULL; 7) The rescan worker tries to start a transaction and uses fs_info->quota_root as the root argument for btrfs_start_transaction(). This results in a NULL pointer dereference down the call chain of btrfs_start_transaction(). The stack trace is something like the one reported in Link tag below: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000041: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000208-0x000000000000020f] CPU: 1 PID: 34 Comm: kworker/u4:2 Not tainted 6.1.0-syzkaller-13872-gb6bb9676f216 #0 Hardware name: Google Google Compute Engine/Google Compute Engine, BIOS Google 10/26/2022 Workqueue: btrfs-qgroup-rescan btrfs_work_helper RIP: 0010:start_transaction+0x48/0x10f0 fs/btrfs/transaction.c:564 Code: 48 89 fb 48 (...) RSP: 0018:ffffc90000ab7ab0 EFLAGS: 00010206 RAX: 0000000000000041 RBX: 0000000000000208 RCX: ffff88801779ba80 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000001 RDI: 0000000000000000 RBP: dffffc0000000000 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: fffff52000156f5d R10: fffff52000156f5d R11: 1ffff92000156f5c R12: 0000000000000000 R13: 0000000000000001 R14: 0000000000000001 R15: 0000000000000003 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff8880b9900000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00007f2bea75b718 CR3: 000000001d0cc000 CR4: 00000000003506e0 DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 Call Trace: <TASK> btrfs_qgroup_rescan_worker+0x3bb/0x6a0 fs/btrfs/qgroup.c:3402 btrfs_work_helper+0x312/0x850 fs/btrfs/async-thread.c:280 process_one_work+0x877/0xdb0 kernel/workqueue.c:2289 worker_thread+0xb14/0x1330 kernel/workqueue.c:2436 kthread+0x266/0x300 kernel/kthread.c:376 ret_from_fork+0x1f/0x30 arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S:308 </TASK> Modules linked in: So fix this by having the rescan worker function not attempt to start a transaction if it didn't do any rescan work.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: btrfs: qgroup: do not warn on record without old_roots populated [BUG] There are some reports from the mailing list that since v6.1 kernel, the WARN_ON() inside btrfs_qgroup_account_extent() gets triggered during rescan: WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 6424 at fs/btrfs/qgroup.c:2756 btrfs_qgroup_account_extents+0x1ae/0x260 [btrfs] CPU: 3 PID: 6424 Comm: snapperd Tainted: P OE 6.1.2-1-default #1 openSUSE Tumbleweed 05c7a1b1b61d5627475528f71f50444637b5aad7 RIP: 0010:btrfs_qgroup_account_extents+0x1ae/0x260 [btrfs] Call Trace: <TASK> btrfs_commit_transaction+0x30c/0xb40 [btrfs c39c9c546c241c593f03bd6d5f39ea1b676250f6] ? start_transaction+0xc3/0x5b0 [btrfs c39c9c546c241c593f03bd6d5f39ea1b676250f6] btrfs_qgroup_rescan+0x42/0xc0 [btrfs c39c9c546c241c593f03bd6d5f39ea1b676250f6] btrfs_ioctl+0x1ab9/0x25c0 [btrfs c39c9c546c241c593f03bd6d5f39ea1b676250f6] ? __rseq_handle_notify_resume+0xa9/0x4a0 ? mntput_no_expire+0x4a/0x240 ? __seccomp_filter+0x319/0x4d0 __x64_sys_ioctl+0x90/0xd0 do_syscall_64+0x5b/0x80 ? syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x17/0x40 ? do_syscall_64+0x67/0x80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd RIP: 0033:0x7fd9b790d9bf </TASK> [CAUSE] Since commit e15e9f43c7ca ("btrfs: introduce BTRFS_QGROUP_RUNTIME_FLAG_NO_ACCOUNTING to skip qgroup accounting"), if our qgroup is already in inconsistent state, we will no longer do the time-consuming backref walk. This can leave some qgroup records without a valid old_roots ulist. Normally this is fine, as btrfs_qgroup_account_extents() would also skip those records if we have NO_ACCOUNTING flag set. But there is a small window, if we have NO_ACCOUNTING flag set, and inserted some qgroup_record without a old_roots ulist, but then the user triggered a qgroup rescan. During btrfs_qgroup_rescan(), we firstly clear NO_ACCOUNTING flag, then commit current transaction. And since we have a qgroup_record with old_roots = NULL, we trigger the WARN_ON() during btrfs_qgroup_account_extents(). [FIX] Unfortunately due to the introduction of NO_ACCOUNTING flag, the assumption that every qgroup_record would have its old_roots populated is no longer correct. Fix the false alerts and drop the WARN_ON().2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: xhci: Fix null pointer dereference when host dies Make sure xhci_free_dev() and xhci_kill_endpoint_urbs() do not race and cause null pointer dereference when host suddenly dies. Usb core may call xhci_free_dev() which frees the xhci->devs[slot_id] virt device at the same time that xhci_kill_endpoint_urbs() tries to loop through all the device's endpoints, checking if there are any cancelled urbs left to give back. hold the xhci spinlock while freeing the virt device2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: Add exception protection processing for vd in axi_chan_handle_err function Since there is no protection for vd, a kernel panic will be triggered here in exceptional cases. You can refer to the processing of axi_chan_block_xfer_complete function The triggered kernel panic is as follows: [ 67.848444] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000060 [ 67.848447] Mem abort info: [ 67.848449] ESR = 0x96000004 [ 67.848451] EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits [ 67.848454] SET = 0, FnV = 0 [ 67.848456] EA = 0, S1PTW = 0 [ 67.848458] Data abort info: [ 67.848460] ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000004 [ 67.848462] CM = 0, WnR = 0 [ 67.848465] user pgtable: 4k pages, 48-bit VAs, pgdp=00000800c4c0b000 [ 67.848468] [0000000000000060] pgd=0000000000000000, p4d=0000000000000000 [ 67.848472] Internal error: Oops: 96000004 [#1] SMP [ 67.848475] Modules linked in: dmatest [ 67.848479] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 5.10.100-emu_x2rc+ #11 [ 67.848483] pstate: 62000085 (nZCv daIf -PAN -UAO +TCO BTYPE=--) [ 67.848487] pc : axi_chan_handle_err+0xc4/0x230 [ 67.848491] lr : axi_chan_handle_err+0x30/0x230 [ 67.848493] sp : ffff0803fe55ae50 [ 67.848495] x29: ffff0803fe55ae50 x28: ffff800011212200 [ 67.848500] x27: ffff0800c42c0080 x26: ffff0800c097c080 [ 67.848504] x25: ffff800010d33880 x24: ffff80001139d850 [ 67.848508] x23: ffff0800c097c168 x22: 0000000000000000 [ 67.848512] x21: 0000000000000080 x20: 0000000000002000 [ 67.848517] x19: ffff0800c097c080 x18: 0000000000000000 [ 67.848521] x17: 0000000000000000 x16: 0000000000000000 [ 67.848525] x15: 0000000000000000 x14: 0000000000000000 [ 67.848529] x13: 0000000000000000 x12: 0000000000000040 [ 67.848533] x11: ffff0800c0400248 x10: ffff0800c040024a [ 67.848538] x9 : ffff800010576cd4 x8 : ffff0800c0400270 [ 67.848542] x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : ffff0800c04003e0 [ 67.848546] x5 : ffff0800c0400248 x4 : ffff0800c4294480 [ 67.848550] x3 : dead000000000100 x2 : dead000000000122 [ 67.848555] x1 : 0000000000000100 x0 : ffff0800c097c168 [ 67.848559] Call trace: [ 67.848562] axi_chan_handle_err+0xc4/0x230 [ 67.848566] dw_axi_dma_interrupt+0xf4/0x590 [ 67.848569] __handle_irq_event_percpu+0x60/0x220 [ 67.848573] handle_irq_event+0x64/0x120 [ 67.848576] handle_fasteoi_irq+0xc4/0x220 [ 67.848580] __handle_domain_irq+0x80/0xe0 [ 67.848583] gic_handle_irq+0xc0/0x138 [ 67.848585] el1_irq+0xc8/0x180 [ 67.848588] arch_cpu_idle+0x14/0x2c [ 67.848591] default_idle_call+0x40/0x16c [ 67.848594] do_idle+0x1f0/0x250 [ 67.848597] cpu_startup_entry+0x2c/0x60 [ 67.848600] rest_init+0xc0/0xcc [ 67.848603] arch_call_rest_init+0x14/0x1c [ 67.848606] start_kernel+0x4cc/0x500 [ 67.848610] Code: eb0002ff 9a9f12d6 f2fbd5a2 f2fbd5a3 (a94602c1) [ 67.848613] ---[ end trace 585a97036f88203a ]---2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nilfs2: fix general protection fault in nilfs_btree_insert() If nilfs2 reads a corrupted disk image and tries to reads a b-tree node block by calling __nilfs_btree_get_block() against an invalid virtual block address, it returns -ENOENT because conversion of the virtual block address to a disk block address fails. However, this return value is the same as the internal code that b-tree lookup routines return to indicate that the block being searched does not exist, so functions that operate on that b-tree may misbehave. When nilfs_btree_insert() receives this spurious 'not found' code from nilfs_btree_do_lookup(), it misunderstands that the 'not found' check was successful and continues the insert operation using incomplete lookup path data, causing the following crash: general protection fault, probably for non-canonical address 0xdffffc0000000005: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP KASAN KASAN: null-ptr-deref in range [0x0000000000000028-0x000000000000002f] ... RIP: 0010:nilfs_btree_get_nonroot_node fs/nilfs2/btree.c:418 [inline] RIP: 0010:nilfs_btree_prepare_insert fs/nilfs2/btree.c:1077 [inline] RIP: 0010:nilfs_btree_insert+0x6d3/0x1c10 fs/nilfs2/btree.c:1238 Code: bc 24 80 00 00 00 4c 89 f8 48 c1 e8 03 42 80 3c 28 00 74 08 4c 89 ff e8 4b 02 92 fe 4d 8b 3f 49 83 c7 28 4c 89 f8 48 c1 e8 03 <42> 80 3c 28 00 74 08 4c 89 ff e8 2e 02 92 fe 4d 8b 3f 49 83 c7 02 ... Call Trace: <TASK> nilfs_bmap_do_insert fs/nilfs2/bmap.c:121 [inline] nilfs_bmap_insert+0x20d/0x360 fs/nilfs2/bmap.c:147 nilfs_get_block+0x414/0x8d0 fs/nilfs2/inode.c:101 __block_write_begin_int+0x54c/0x1a80 fs/buffer.c:1991 __block_write_begin fs/buffer.c:2041 [inline] block_write_begin+0x93/0x1e0 fs/buffer.c:2102 nilfs_write_begin+0x9c/0x110 fs/nilfs2/inode.c:261 generic_perform_write+0x2e4/0x5e0 mm/filemap.c:3772 __generic_file_write_iter+0x176/0x400 mm/filemap.c:3900 generic_file_write_iter+0xab/0x310 mm/filemap.c:3932 call_write_iter include/linux/fs.h:2186 [inline] new_sync_write fs/read_write.c:491 [inline] vfs_write+0x7dc/0xc50 fs/read_write.c:584 ksys_write+0x177/0x2a0 fs/read_write.c:637 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x3d/0xb0 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd ... </TASK> This patch fixes the root cause of this problem by replacing the error code that __nilfs_btree_get_block() returns on block address conversion failure from -ENOENT to another internal code -EINVAL which means that the b-tree metadata is corrupted. By returning -EINVAL, it propagates without glitches, and for all relevant b-tree operations, functions in the upper bmap layer output an error message indicating corrupted b-tree metadata via nilfs_bmap_convert_error(), and code -EIO will be eventually returned as it should be.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: xhci: Check endpoint is valid before dereferencing it When the host controller is not responding, all URBs queued to all endpoints need to be killed. This can cause a kernel panic if we dereference an invalid endpoint. Fix this by using xhci_get_virt_ep() helper to find the endpoint and checking if the endpoint is valid before dereferencing it. [233311.853271] xhci-hcd xHCI host controller not responding, assume dead [233311.853393] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000000000e8 [233311.853964] pc : xhci_hc_died+0x10c/0x270 [233311.853971] lr : xhci_hc_died+0x1ac/0x270 [233311.854077] Call trace: [233311.854085] xhci_hc_died+0x10c/0x270 [233311.854093] xhci_stop_endpoint_command_watchdog+0x100/0x1a4 [233311.854105] call_timer_fn+0x50/0x2d4 [233311.854112] expire_timers+0xac/0x2e4 [233311.854118] run_timer_softirq+0x300/0xabc [233311.854127] __do_softirq+0x148/0x528 [233311.854135] irq_exit+0x194/0x1a8 [233311.854143] __handle_domain_irq+0x164/0x1d0 [233311.854149] gic_handle_irq.22273+0x10c/0x188 [233311.854156] el1_irq+0xfc/0x1a8 [233311.854175] lpm_cpuidle_enter+0x25c/0x418 [msm_pm] [233311.854185] cpuidle_enter_state+0x1f0/0x764 [233311.854194] do_idle+0x594/0x6ac [233311.854201] cpu_startup_entry+0x7c/0x80 [233311.854209] secondary_start_kernel+0x170/0x1982024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nommu: fix memory leak in do_mmap() error path The preallocation of the maple tree nodes may leak if the error path to "error_just_free" is taken. Fix this by moving the freeing of the maple tree nodes to a shared location for all error paths.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: io_uring: lock overflowing for IOPOLL syzbot reports an issue with overflow filling for IOPOLL: WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 28 at io_uring/io_uring.c:734 io_cqring_event_overflow+0x1c0/0x230 io_uring/io_uring.c:734 CPU: 0 PID: 28 Comm: kworker/u4:1 Not tainted 6.2.0-rc3-syzkaller-16369-g358a161a6a9e #0 Workqueue: events_unbound io_ring_exit_work Call trace:  io_cqring_event_overflow+0x1c0/0x230 io_uring/io_uring.c:734  io_req_cqe_overflow+0x5c/0x70 io_uring/io_uring.c:773  io_fill_cqe_req io_uring/io_uring.h:168 [inline]  io_do_iopoll+0x474/0x62c io_uring/rw.c:1065  io_iopoll_try_reap_events+0x6c/0x108 io_uring/io_uring.c:1513  io_uring_try_cancel_requests+0x13c/0x258 io_uring/io_uring.c:3056  io_ring_exit_work+0xec/0x390 io_uring/io_uring.c:2869  process_one_work+0x2d8/0x504 kernel/workqueue.c:2289  worker_thread+0x340/0x610 kernel/workqueue.c:2436  kthread+0x12c/0x158 kernel/kthread.c:376  ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20 arch/arm64/kernel/entry.S:863 There is no real problem for normal IOPOLL as flush is also called with uring_lock taken, but it's getting more complicated for IOPOLL|SQPOLL, for which __io_cqring_overflow_flush() happens from the CQ waiting path.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible NULL pointer dereference in snd_usb_pcm_has_fixed_rate() The subs function argument may be NULL, so do not use it before the NULL check.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: octeontx2-pf: Fix resource leakage in VF driver unbind resources allocated like mcam entries to support the Ntuple feature and hash tables for the tc feature are not getting freed in driver unbind. This patch fixes the issue.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/sched: act_mpls: Fix warning during failed attribute validation The 'TCA_MPLS_LABEL' attribute is of 'NLA_U32' type, but has a validation type of 'NLA_VALIDATE_FUNCTION'. This is an invalid combination according to the comment above 'struct nla_policy': " Meaning of `validate' field, use via NLA_POLICY_VALIDATE_FN: NLA_BINARY Validation function called for the attribute. All other Unused - but note that it's a union " This can trigger the warning [1] in nla_get_range_unsigned() when validation of the attribute fails. Despite being of 'NLA_U32' type, the associated 'min'/'max' fields in the policy are negative as they are aliased by the 'validate' field. Fix by changing the attribute type to 'NLA_BINARY' which is consistent with the above comment and all other users of NLA_POLICY_VALIDATE_FN(). As a result, move the length validation to the validation function. No regressions in MPLS tests: # ./ -f tc-tests/actions/mpls.json [...] # echo $? 0 [1] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 17743 at lib/nlattr.c:118 nla_get_range_unsigned+0x1d8/0x1e0 lib/nlattr.c:117 Modules linked in: CPU: 0 PID: 17743 Comm: syz-executor.0 Not tainted 6.1.0-rc8 #3 Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 04/01/2014 RIP: 0010:nla_get_range_unsigned+0x1d8/0x1e0 lib/nlattr.c:117 [...] Call Trace: <TASK> __netlink_policy_dump_write_attr+0x23d/0x990 net/netlink/policy.c:310 netlink_policy_dump_write_attr+0x22/0x30 net/netlink/policy.c:411 netlink_ack_tlv_fill net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2454 [inline] netlink_ack+0x546/0x760 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2506 netlink_rcv_skb+0x1b7/0x240 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:2546 rtnetlink_rcv+0x18/0x20 net/core/rtnetlink.c:6109 netlink_unicast_kernel net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1319 [inline] netlink_unicast+0x5e9/0x6b0 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1345 netlink_sendmsg+0x739/0x860 net/netlink/af_netlink.c:1921 sock_sendmsg_nosec net/socket.c:714 [inline] sock_sendmsg net/socket.c:734 [inline] ____sys_sendmsg+0x38f/0x500 net/socket.c:2482 ___sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2536 [inline] __sys_sendmsg+0x197/0x230 net/socket.c:2565 __do_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2574 [inline] __se_sys_sendmsg net/socket.c:2572 [inline] __x64_sys_sendmsg+0x42/0x50 net/socket.c:2572 do_syscall_x64 arch/x86/entry/common.c:50 [inline] do_syscall_64+0x2b/0x70 arch/x86/entry/common.c:80 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nfc: pn533: Wait for out_urb's completion in pn533_usb_send_frame() Fix a use-after-free that occurs in hcd when in_urb sent from pn533_usb_send_frame() is completed earlier than out_urb. Its callback frees the skb data in pn533_send_async_complete() that is used as a transfer buffer of out_urb. Wait before sending in_urb until the callback of out_urb is called. To modify the callback of out_urb alone, separate the complete function of out_urb and ack_urb. Found by a modified version of syzkaller. BUG: KASAN: use-after-free in dummy_timer Call Trace: memcpy (mm/kasan/shadow.c:65) dummy_perform_transfer (drivers/usb/gadget/udc/dummy_hcd.c:1352) transfer (drivers/usb/gadget/udc/dummy_hcd.c:1453) dummy_timer (drivers/usb/gadget/udc/dummy_hcd.c:1972) arch_static_branch (arch/x86/include/asm/jump_label.h:27) static_key_false (include/linux/jump_label.h:207) timer_expire_exit (include/trace/events/timer.h:127) call_timer_fn (kernel/time/timer.c:1475) expire_timers (kernel/time/timer.c:1519) __run_timers (kernel/time/timer.c:1790) run_timer_softirq (kernel/time/timer.c:1803)2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdgpu: Fix potential NULL dereference Fix potential NULL dereference, in the case when "man", the resource manager might be NULL, when/if we print debug information.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: nfsd: fix handling of cached open files in nfsd4_open codepath Commit fb70bf124b05 ("NFSD: Instantiate a struct file when creating a regular NFSv4 file") added the ability to cache an open fd over a compound. There are a couple of problems with the way this currently works: It's racy, as a newly-created nfsd_file can end up with its PENDING bit cleared while the nf is hashed, and the nf_file pointer is still zeroed out. Other tasks can find it in this state and they expect to see a valid nf_file, and can oops if nf_file is NULL. Also, there is no guarantee that we'll end up creating a new nfsd_file if one is already in the hash. If an extant entry is in the hash with a valid nf_file, nfs4_get_vfs_file will clobber its nf_file pointer with the value of op_file and the old nf_file will leak. Fix both issues by making a new nfsd_file_acquirei_opened variant that takes an optional file pointer. If one is present when this is called, we'll take a new reference to it instead of trying to open the file. If the nfsd_file already has a valid nf_file, we'll just ignore the optional file and pass the nfsd_file back as-is. Also rework the tracepoints a bit to allow for an "opened" variant and don't try to avoid counting acquisitions in the case where we already have a cached open file.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: iommu/iova: Fix alloc iova overflows issue In __alloc_and_insert_iova_range, there is an issue that retry_pfn overflows. The value of iovad->anchor.pfn_hi is ~0UL, then when iovad->cached_node is iovad->anchor, curr_iova->pfn_hi + 1 will overflow. As a result, if the retry logic is executed, low_pfn is updated to 0, and then new_pfn < low_pfn returns false to make the allocation successful. This issue occurs in the following two situations: 1. The first iova size exceeds the domain size. When initializing iova domain, iovad->cached_node is assigned as iovad->anchor. For example, the iova domain size is 10M, start_pfn is 0x1_F000_0000, and the iova size allocated for the first time is 11M. The following is the log information, new->pfn_lo is smaller than iovad->cached_node. Example log as follows: [ 223.798112][T1705487] sh: [name:iova&]__alloc_and_insert_iova_range start_pfn:0x1f0000,retry_pfn:0x0,size:0xb00,limit_pfn:0x1f0a00 [ 223.799590][T1705487] sh: [name:iova&]__alloc_and_insert_iova_range success start_pfn:0x1f0000,new->pfn_lo:0x1efe00,new->pfn_hi:0x1f08ff 2. The node with the largest iova->pfn_lo value in the iova domain is deleted, iovad->cached_node will be updated to iovad->anchor, and then the alloc iova size exceeds the maximum iova size that can be allocated in the domain. After judging that retry_pfn is less than limit_pfn, call retry_pfn+1 to fix the overflow issue.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/msm: another fix for the headless Adreno GPU Fix another oops reproducible when rebooting the board with the Adreno GPU working in the headless mode (e.g. iMX platforms). Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000 when read [00000000] *pgd=74936831, *pte=00000000, *ppte=00000000 Internal error: Oops: 17 [#1] ARM CPU: 0 PID: 51 Comm: reboot Not tainted 6.2.0-rc1-dirty #11 Hardware name: Freescale i.MX53 (Device Tree Support) PC is at msm_atomic_commit_tail+0x50/0x970 LR is at commit_tail+0x9c/0x188 pc : [<c06aa430>] lr : [<c067a214>] psr: 600e0013 sp : e0851d30 ip : ee4eb7eb fp : 00090acc r10: 00000058 r9 : c2193014 r8 : c4310000 r7 : c4759380 r6 : 07bef61d r5 : 00000000 r4 : 00000000 r3 : c44cc440 r2 : 00000000 r1 : 00000000 r0 : 00000000 Flags: nZCv IRQs on FIQs on Mode SVC_32 ISA ARM Segment none Control: 10c5387d Table: 74910019 DAC: 00000051 Register r0 information: NULL pointer Register r1 information: NULL pointer Register r2 information: NULL pointer Register r3 information: slab kmalloc-1k start c44cc400 pointer offset 64 size 1024 Register r4 information: NULL pointer Register r5 information: NULL pointer Register r6 information: non-paged memory Register r7 information: slab kmalloc-128 start c4759380 pointer offset 0 size 128 Register r8 information: slab kmalloc-2k start c4310000 pointer offset 0 size 2048 Register r9 information: non-slab/vmalloc memory Register r10 information: non-paged memory Register r11 information: non-paged memory Register r12 information: non-paged memory Process reboot (pid: 51, stack limit = 0xc80046d9) Stack: (0xe0851d30 to 0xe0852000) 1d20: c4759380 fbd77200 000005ff 002b9c70 1d40: c4759380 c4759380 00000000 07bef61d 00000600 c0d6fe7c c2193014 00000058 1d60: 00090acc c067a214 00000000 c4759380 c4310000 00000000 c44cc854 c067a89c 1d80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 c4310468 00000000 c4759380 c4310000 c4310468 1da0: c4310470 c0643258 c4759380 00000000 00000000 c0c4ee24 00000000 c44cc810 1dc0: 00000000 c0c4ee24 00000000 c44cc810 00000000 0347d2a8 e0851e00 e0851e00 1de0: c4759380 c067ad20 c4310000 00000000 c44cc810 c27f8718 c44cc854 c067adb8 1e00: c4933000 00000002 00000001 00000000 00000000 c2130850 00000000 c2130854 1e20: c25fc488 00000000 c0ff162c 00000000 00000001 00000002 00000000 00000000 1e40: c43102c0 c43102c0 00000000 0347d2a8 c44cc810 c44cc814 c2133da8 c06d1a60 1e60: 00000000 00000000 00079028 c2012f24 fee1dead c4933000 00000058 c01431e4 1e80: 01234567 c0143a20 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1ea0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1ec0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1ee0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1f00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1f20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1f40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1f60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1f80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 0347d2a8 00000002 00000004 00000078 00000058 1fa0: c010028c c0100060 00000002 00000004 fee1dead 28121969 01234567 00079028 1fc0: 00000002 00000004 00000078 00000058 0002fdc5 00000000 00000000 00090acc 1fe0: 00000058 becc9c64 b6e97e05 b6e0e5f6 600e0030 fee1dead 00000000 00000000 msm_atomic_commit_tail from commit_tail+0x9c/0x188 commit_tail from drm_atomic_helper_commit+0x160/0x188 drm_atomic_helper_commit from drm_atomic_commit+0xac/0xe0 drm_atomic_commit from drm_atomic_helper_disable_all+0x1b0/0x1c0 drm_atomic_helper_disable_all from drm_atomic_helper_shutdown+0x88/0x140 drm_atomic_helper_shutdown from device_shutdown+0x16c/0x240 device_shutdown from kernel_restart+0x38/0x90 kernel_restart from __do_sys_reboot+0x ---truncated---2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/amdgpu: Fixed bug on error when unloading amdgpu Fixed bug on error when unloading amdgpu. The error message is as follows: [ 377.706202] kernel BUG at drivers/gpu/drm/drm_buddy.c:278! [ 377.706215] invalid opcode: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP NOPTI [ 377.706222] CPU: 4 PID: 8610 Comm: modprobe Tainted: G IOE 6.0.0-thomas #1 [ 377.706231] Hardware name: ASUS System Product Name/PRIME Z390-A, BIOS 2004 11/02/2021 [ 377.706238] RIP: 0010:drm_buddy_free_block+0x26/0x30 [drm_buddy] [ 377.706264] Code: 00 00 00 90 0f 1f 44 00 00 48 8b 0e 89 c8 25 00 0c 00 00 3d 00 04 00 00 75 10 48 8b 47 18 48 d3 e0 48 01 47 28 e9 fa fe ff ff <0f> 0b 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 0f 1f 44 00 00 41 54 55 48 89 f5 53 [ 377.706282] RSP: 0018:ffffad2dc4683cb8 EFLAGS: 00010287 [ 377.706289] RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff8b1743bd5138 RCX: 0000000000000000 [ 377.706297] RDX: ffff8b1743bd5160 RSI: ffff8b1743bd5c78 RDI: ffff8b16d1b25f70 [ 377.706304] RBP: ffff8b1743bd59e0 R08: 0000000000000001 R09: 0000000000000001 [ 377.706311] R10: ffff8b16c8572400 R11: ffffad2dc4683cf0 R12: ffff8b16d1b25f70 [ 377.706318] R13: ffff8b16d1b25fd0 R14: ffff8b1743bd59c0 R15: ffff8b16d1b25f70 [ 377.706325] FS: 00007fec56c72c40(0000) GS:ffff8b1836500000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 [ 377.706334] CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 [ 377.706340] CR2: 00007f9b88c1ba50 CR3: 0000000110450004 CR4: 00000000003706e0 [ 377.706347] DR0: 0000000000000000 DR1: 0000000000000000 DR2: 0000000000000000 [ 377.706354] DR3: 0000000000000000 DR6: 00000000fffe0ff0 DR7: 0000000000000400 [ 377.706361] Call Trace: [ 377.706365] <TASK> [ 377.706369] drm_buddy_free_list+0x2a/0x60 [drm_buddy] [ 377.706376] amdgpu_vram_mgr_fini+0xea/0x180 [amdgpu] [ 377.706572] amdgpu_ttm_fini+0x12e/0x1a0 [amdgpu] [ 377.706650] amdgpu_bo_fini+0x22/0x90 [amdgpu] [ 377.706727] gmc_v11_0_sw_fini+0x26/0x30 [amdgpu] [ 377.706821] amdgpu_device_fini_sw+0xa1/0x3c0 [amdgpu] [ 377.706897] amdgpu_driver_release_kms+0x12/0x30 [amdgpu] [ 377.706975] drm_dev_release+0x20/0x40 [drm] [ 377.707006] release_nodes+0x35/0xb0 [ 377.707014] devres_release_all+0x8b/0xc0 [ 377.707020] device_unbind_cleanup+0xe/0x70 [ 377.707027] device_release_driver_internal+0xee/0x160 [ 377.707033] driver_detach+0x44/0x90 [ 377.707039] bus_remove_driver+0x55/0xe0 [ 377.707045] pci_unregister_driver+0x3b/0x90 [ 377.707052] amdgpu_exit+0x11/0x6c [amdgpu] [ 377.707194] __x64_sys_delete_module+0x142/0x2b0 [ 377.707201] ? fpregs_assert_state_consistent+0x22/0x50 [ 377.707208] ? exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x3e/0x190 [ 377.707215] do_syscall_64+0x38/0x90 [ 377.707221] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x63/0xcd2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/i915: Fix potential context UAFs gem_context_register() makes the context visible to userspace, and which point a separate thread can trigger the I915_GEM_CONTEXT_DESTROY ioctl. So we need to ensure that nothing uses the ctx ptr after this. And we need to ensure that adding the ctx to the xarray is the *last* thing that gem_context_register() does with the ctx pointer. [tursulin: Stable and fixes tags add/tidy.] (cherry picked from commit bed4b455cf5374e68879be56971c1da563bcd90c)2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: io_uring/poll: add hash if ready poll request can't complete inline If we don't, then we may lose access to it completely, leading to a request leak. This will eventually stall the ring exit process as well.2024-08-21not yet calculated

OpenText™ --  CX-E Voice

Path Traversal vulnerability discovered in OpenText™ CX-E Voice, affecting all version through 22.4. The vulnerability could allow arbitrarily access files on the system.2024-08-22not yet calculated
Atlassian--Bamboo Data Center
This High severity RCE (Remote Code Execution) vulnerability CVE-2024-21689  was introduced in versions 9.1.0, 9.2.0, 9.3.0, 9.4.0, 9.5.0, and 9.6.0 of Bamboo Data Center and Server. This RCE (Remote Code Execution) vulnerability, with a CVSS Score of 7.6, allows an authenticated attacker to execute arbitrary code which has high impact to confidentiality, high impact to integrity, high impact to availability, and requires user interaction. Atlassian recommends that Bamboo Data Center and Server customers upgrade to latest version, if you are unable to do so, upgrade your instance to one of the specified supported fixed versions: Bamboo Data Center and Server 9.2: Upgrade to a release greater than or equal to 9.2.17 Bamboo Data Center and Server 9.6: Upgrade to a release greater than or equal to 9.6.5 See the release notes ([]). You can download the latest version of Bamboo Data Center and Server from the download center ([]). This vulnerability was reported via our Bug Bounty program.2024-08-20not yet calculated

Atlassian -- Confluence Data Center

This High severity Reflected XSS and CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) vulnerability was introduced in versions 7.19.0, 7.20.0, 8.0.0, 8.1.0, 8.2.0, 8.3.0, 8.4.0, 8.5.0, 8.6.0, 8.7.1, 8.8.0, and 8.9.0 of Confluence Data Center and Server. This Reflected XSS and CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) vulnerability, with a CVSS Score of 7.1, allows an unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary HTML or JavaScript code on a victims browser and force a end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application in which they're currently authenticated which has high impact to confidentiality, low impact to integrity, no impact to availability, and requires user interaction. Atlassian recommends that Confluence Data Center and Server customers upgrade to latest version, if you are unable to do so, upgrade your instance to one of the specified supported fixed versions: * Confluence Data Center and Server 7.19: Upgrade to a release greater than or equal to 7.19.26 * Confluence Data Center and Server 8.5: Upgrade to a release greater than or equal to 8.5.14 * Confluence Data Center and Server 9.0: Upgrade to a release greater than or equal to 9.0.1 See the release notes ( You can download the latest version of Confluence Data Center and Server from the download center ( This vulnerability was reported via our Bug Bounty program.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Joomla! Project -- Joomla! CMS

Inadequate validation of URLs could result into an invalid check whether an redirect URL is internal or not..2024-08-20not yet calculated
Joomla! Project -- Joomla! CMS

The mail template feature lacks an escaping mechanism, causing XSS vectors in multiple extensions.2024-08-20not yet calculated
Checkmk GmbH--Checkmk
Least privilege violation and reliance on untrusted inputs in the mk_informix Checkmk agent plugin before Checkmk 2.3.0p12, 2.2.0p32, 2.1.0p47 and 2.0.0 (EOL) allows local users to escalate privileges.2024-08-20not yet calculated
N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in Italtel Embrace 1.6.4. The web application inserts the access token of an authenticated user inside GET requests. The query string for the URL could be saved in the browser's history, passed through Referers to other web sites, stored in web logs, or otherwise recorded in other sources. If the query string contains sensitive information such as session identifiers, then attackers can use this information to launch further attacks. Because the access token in sent in GET requests, this vulnerability could lead to complete account takeover.2024-08-20not yet calculated
N/A -- N/A

A SQL Injection vulnerability exists in the updateServiceHost functionality in Centreon Web 24.04.x before 24.04.3, 23.10.x before 23.10.13, 23.04.x before 23.04.19, and 22.10.x before yet calculated

N/A -- N/A

A SQL Injection vulnerability exists in the Graph Template component in Centreon Web 24.04.x before 24.04.3, 23.10.x before 23.10.13, 23.04.x before 23.04.19, and 22.10.x before yet calculated

BlackBerry -- CylanceOPTICS for Windows

A tampering vulnerability in the CylanceOPTICS Windows Installer Package of CylanceOPTICS for Windows version 3.2 and 3.3 could allow an attacker to potentially uninstall CylanceOPTICS from a system thereby leaving it with only the protection of CylancePROTECT.2024-08-20not yet calculated
N/A -- N/A

cgi-bin/fdmcgiwebv2.cgi on Swissphone DiCal-RED 4009 devices allows an unauthenticated attacker to gain access to device logs.2024-08-22not yet calculated

N/A -- N/A

A stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability has been identified in SMSEagle software version < 6.0. The vulnerability arises because the application did not properly sanitize user input in the SMS messages in the inbox. This could allow an attacker to inject malicious JavaScript code into an SMS message, which gets executed when the SMS is viewed and specially interacted in web-GUI.2024-08-23not yet calculated
N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in the Docusign API package 8.142.14 for Salesforce. The Apttus_DocuApi__DocusignAuthentication__mdt object is installed via the marketplace from this package and stores some configuration information in a manner that could be compromised. With the default settings when installed for all users, the object can be accessible and (via its fields) could disclose some keys. These disclosed components can be combined to create a valid session via the Docusign API. This will generally lead to a complete compromise of the Docusign account because the session is for an administrator service account and may have permission to re-authenticate as specific users with the same authorization flow.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Versa -- Direector

The Versa Director GUI provides an option to customize the look and feel of the user interface. This option is only available for a user logged with Provider-Data-Center-Admin or Provider-Data-Center-System-Admin. (Tenant level users do not have this privilege). The "Change Favicon" (Favorite Icon) option can be mis-used to upload a malicious file ending with .png extension to masquerade as image file. This is possible only after a user with Provider-Data-Center-Admin or Provider-Data-Center-System-Admin has successfully authenticated and logged in. Severity: HIGH Exploitation Status: Versa Networks is aware of one confirmed customer reported instance where this vulnerability was exploited because the Firewall guidelines which were published in 2015 & 2017 were not implemented by that customer. This non-implementation resulted in the bad actor being able to exploit this vulnerability without using the GUI. In our testing (not exhaustive, as not all numerical versions of major browsers were tested) the malicious file does not get executed on the client. There are reports of others based on backbone telemetry observations of a 3rd party provider, however these are unconfirmed to date.2024-08-22not yet calculated

N/A -- N/A

A persistent (stored) cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability has been identified in Automad 2.0.0-alpha.4. This vulnerability enables an attacker to inject malicious JavaScript code into the template body. The injected code is stored within the flat file CMS and is executed in the browser of any user visiting the forum.2024-08-23not yet calculated

Joomla! Project--Joomla! CMS

The stripImages and stripIframes methods didn't properly process inputs, leading to XSS vectors.2024-08-20not yet calculated
SonicWall -- SonicOS

An improper access control vulnerability has been identified in the SonicWall SonicOS management access, potentially leading to unauthorized resource access and in specific conditions, causing the firewall to crash. This issue affects SonicWall Firewall Gen 5 and Gen 6 devices, as well as Gen 7 devices running SonicOS 7.0.1-5035 and older versions.2024-08-23not yet calculated
N/A -- N/A

Learning with Texts (LWT) 2.0.3 is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS). The application has a specific function that does not filter special characters in URL parameters. Remote attackers can inject JavaScript code without authorization. Exploiting this vulnerability, attackers can steal user credentials or execute actions such as injecting malicious scripts or redirecting users to malicious sites.2024-08-21not yet calculated

N/A -- N/A

Buffer Overflow vulnerability in the net/bootp.c in DENEX U-Boot from its initial commit in 2002 (3861aa5) up to today on any platform allows an attacker on the local network to leak memory from four up to 32 bytes of memory stored behind the packet to the network depending on the later use of DHCP-provided parameters via crafted DHCP responses.2024-08-23not yet calculated

N/A -- N/A

Retool (self-hosted enterprise) through 3.40.0 inserts resource authentication credentials into sent data. Credentials for users with "Use" permissions can be discovered (by an authenticated attacker) via the /api/resources endpoint. The earliest affected version is yet calculated

N/A -- N/A

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the component /email/welcome.php of Mini Inventory and Sales Management System commit 18aa3d allows attackers to execute arbitrary web scripts or HTML via a crafted payload injected into the Title parameter.2024-08-21not yet calculated
A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in the component admin_modify_room.php of Hotel Management System commit 91caab8 allows attackers to escalate privileges.2024-08-20not yet calculated
N/A -- N/A

SeaCMS 13.0 has a remote code execution vulnerability. The reason for this vulnerability is that although admin_files.php imposes restrictions on edited files, attackers can still bypass these restrictions and write code, allowing authenticated attackers to exploit the vulnerability to execute arbitrary commands and gain system privileges.2024-08-22not yet calculated

An issue in apollocongif apollo v.2.2.0 allows a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information via a crafted request.2024-08-20not yet calculated

N/A -- N/A

An issue in Netgear DGN1000WW v. allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via the Diagnostics page2024-08-23not yet calculated
N/A -- N/A

Kashipara Bus Ticket Reservation System v1.0 0 is vulnerable to Incorrect Access Control via /deleteTicket.php.2024-08-23not yet calculated

N/A -- N/A

An Incorrect Access Control vulnerability was found in /admin/edit_room_controller.php in Kashipara Hotel Management System v1.0, which allows an unauthenticated attacker to edit the valid hotel room entries in the administrator section.2024-08-22not yet calculated

In D-Link DIR-860L v2.03, there is a buffer overflow vulnerability due to the lack of length verification for the SID field in gena.cgi. Attackers who successfully exploit this vulnerability can cause the remote target device to crash or execute arbitrary commands.2024-08-19not yet calculated

N/A -- N/A

An eval Injection vulnerability in the component invesalius/reader/ of InVesalius 3.1.99991 through 3.1.99998 allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via loading a crafted DICOM file.2024-08-23not yet calculated

N/A -- N/A

A host header injection vulnerability exists in the forgot password functionality of ArrowCMS version 1.0.0. By sending a specially crafted host header in the forgot password request, it is possible to send password reset links to users which, once clicked, lead to an attacker-controlled server and thus leak the password reset token. This may allow an attacker to reset other users' passwords.2024-08-23not yet calculated

itsourcecode -- Online Accreditation Management System

itsourcecode Online Accreditation Management System contains a Cross Site Scripting vulnerability, which allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code via a crafted payload to the SCHOOLNAME, EMAILADDRES, CONTACTNO, COMPANYNAME and COMPANYCONTACTNO parameters in controller.php.2024-08-23not yet calculated

N/A -- N/A

eScan Management Console 14.0.1400.2281 is vulnerable to Incorrect Access Control via acteScanAVReport.2024-08-20not yet calculated
cron/entry.c in vixie cron before 9cc8ab1, as used in OpenBSD 7.4 and 7.5, allows a heap-based buffer underflow and memory corruption. NOTE: this issue was introduced during a May 2023 refactoring.2024-08-20not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: usb: qmi_wwan: fix memory leak for not ip packets Free the unused skb when not ip packets arrive.2024-08-20not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net: wan: fsl_qmc_hdlc: Convert carrier_lock spinlock to a mutex The carrier_lock spinlock protects the carrier detection. While it is held, framer_get_status() is called which in turn takes a mutex. This is not correct and can lead to a deadlock. A run with PROVE_LOCKING enabled detected the issue: [ BUG: Invalid wait context ] ... c204ddbc (&framer->mutex){+.+.}-{3:3}, at: framer_get_status+0x40/0x78 other info that might help us debug this: context-{4:4} 2 locks held by ifconfig/146: #0: c0926a38 (rtnl_mutex){+.+.}-{3:3}, at: devinet_ioctl+0x12c/0x664 #1: c2006a40 (&qmc_hdlc->carrier_lock){....}-{2:2}, at: qmc_hdlc_framer_set_carrier+0x30/0x98 Avoid the spinlock usage and convert carrier_lock to a mutex.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/vmwgfx: Fix a deadlock in dma buf fence polling Introduce a version of the fence ops that on release doesn't remove the fence from the pending list, and thus doesn't require a lock to fix poll->fence wait->fence unref deadlocks. vmwgfx overwrites the wait callback to iterate over the list of all fences and update their status, to do that it holds a lock to prevent the list modifcations from other threads. The fence destroy callback both deletes the fence and removes it from the list of pending fences, for which it holds a lock. dma buf polling cb unrefs a fence after it's been signaled: so the poll calls the wait, which signals the fences, which are being destroyed. The destruction tries to acquire the lock on the pending fences list which it can never get because it's held by the wait from which it was called. Old bug, but not a lot of userspace apps were using dma-buf polling interfaces. Fix those, in particular this fixes KDE stalls/deadlock.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5e: Fix CT entry update leaks of modify header context The cited commit allocates a new modify header to replace the old one when updating CT entry. But if failed to allocate a new one, eg. exceed the max number firmware can support, modify header will be an error pointer that will trigger a panic when deallocating it. And the old modify header point is copied to old attr. When the old attr is freed, the old modify header is lost. Fix it by restoring the old attr to attr when failed to allocate a new modify header context. So when the CT entry is freed, the right modify header context will be freed. And the panic of accessing error pointer is also fixed.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: s390/fpu: Re-add exception handling in load_fpu_state() With the recent rewrite of the fpu code exception handling for the lfpc instruction within load_fpu_state() was erroneously removed. Add it again to prevent that loading invalid floating point register values cause an unhandled specification exception.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: net/mlx5: Always drain health in shutdown callback There is no point in recovery during device shutdown. if health work started need to wait for it to avoid races and NULL pointer access. Hence, drain health WQ on shutdown callback.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/nouveau: prime: fix refcount underflow Calling nouveau_bo_ref() on a nouveau_bo without initializing it (and hence the backing ttm_bo) leads to a refcount underflow. Instead of calling nouveau_bo_ref() in the unwind path of drm_gem_object_init(), clean things up manually. (cherry picked from commit 1b93f3e89d03cfc576636e195466a0d728ad8de5)2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: riscv/purgatory: align riscv_kernel_entry When alignment handling is delegated to the kernel, everything must be word-aligned in purgatory, since the trap handler is then set to the kexec one. Without the alignment, hitting the exception would ultimately crash. On other occasions, the kernel's handler would take care of exceptions. This has been tested on a JH7110 SoC with oreboot and its SBI delegating unaligned access exceptions and the kernel configured to handle them.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: perf: Fix event leak upon exec and file release The perf pending task work is never waited upon the matching event release. In the case of a child event, released via free_event() directly, this can potentially result in a leaked event, such as in the following scenario that doesn't even require a weak IRQ work implementation to trigger: schedule() prepare_task_switch() =======> <NMI> perf_event_overflow() event->pending_sigtrap = ... irq_work_queue(&event->pending_irq) <======= </NMI> perf_event_task_sched_out() event_sched_out() event->pending_sigtrap = 0; atomic_long_inc_not_zero(&event->refcount) task_work_add(&event->pending_task) finish_lock_switch() =======> <IRQ> perf_pending_irq() //do nothing, rely on pending task work <======= </IRQ> begin_new_exec() perf_event_exit_task() perf_event_exit_event() // If is child event free_event() WARN(atomic_long_cmpxchg(&event->refcount, 1, 0) != 1) // event is leaked Similar scenarios can also happen with perf_event_remove_on_exec() or simply against concurrent perf_event_release(). Fix this with synchonizing against the possibly remaining pending task work while freeing the event, just like is done with remaining pending IRQ work. This means that the pending task callback neither need nor should hold a reference to the event, preventing it from ever beeing freed.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: perf: Fix event leak upon exit When a task is scheduled out, pending sigtrap deliveries are deferred to the target task upon resume to userspace via task_work. However failures while adding an event's callback to the task_work engine are ignored. And since the last call for events exit happen after task work is eventually closed, there is a small window during which pending sigtrap can be queued though ignored, leaking the event refcount addition such as in the following scenario: TASK A ----- do_exit() exit_task_work(tsk); <IRQ> perf_event_overflow() event->pending_sigtrap = pending_id; irq_work_queue(&event->pending_irq); </IRQ> =========> PREEMPTION: TASK A -> TASK B event_sched_out() event->pending_sigtrap = 0; atomic_long_inc_not_zero(&event->refcount) // FAILS: task work has exited task_work_add(&event->pending_task) [...] <IRQ WORK> perf_pending_irq() // early return: event->oncpu = -1 </IRQ WORK> [...] =========> TASK B -> TASK A perf_event_exit_task(tsk) perf_event_exit_event() free_event() WARN(atomic_long_cmpxchg(&event->refcount, 1, 0) != 1) // leak event due to unexpected refcount == 2 As a result the event is never released while the task exits. Fix this with appropriate task_work_add()'s error handling.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: devres: Fix memory leakage caused by driver API devm_free_percpu() It will cause memory leakage when use driver API devm_free_percpu() to free memory allocated by devm_alloc_percpu(), fixed by using devres_release() instead of devres_destroy() within devm_free_percpu().2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: RDMA/hns: Fix soft lockup under heavy CEQE load CEQEs are handled in interrupt handler currently. This may cause the CPU core staying in interrupt context too long and lead to soft lockup under heavy load. Handle CEQEs in BH workqueue and set an upper limit for the number of CEQE handled by a single call of work handler.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: vhost/vsock: always initialize seqpacket_allow There are two issues around seqpacket_allow: 1. seqpacket_allow is not initialized when socket is created. Thus if features are never set, it will be read uninitialized. 2. if VIRTIO_VSOCK_F_SEQPACKET is set and then cleared, then seqpacket_allow will not be cleared appropriately (existing apps I know about don't usually do this but it's legal and there's no way to be sure no one relies on this). To fix: - initialize seqpacket_allow after allocation - set it unconditionally in set_features2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: crypto: ccp - Fix null pointer dereference in __sev_snp_shutdown_locked Fix a null pointer dereference induced by DEBUG_TEST_DRIVER_REMOVE. Return from __sev_snp_shutdown_locked() if the psp_device or the sev_device structs are not initialized. Without the fix, the driver will produce the following splat: ccp 0000:55:00.5: enabling device (0000 -> 0002) ccp 0000:55:00.5: sev enabled ccp 0000:55:00.5: psp enabled BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 00000000000000f0 #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page PGD 0 P4D 0 Oops: 0000 [#1] PREEMPT SMP DEBUG_PAGEALLOC NOPTI CPU: 262 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc1+ #29 RIP: 0010:__sev_snp_shutdown_locked+0x2e/0x150 Code: 00 55 48 89 e5 41 57 41 56 41 54 53 48 83 ec 10 41 89 f7 49 89 fe 65 48 8b 04 25 28 00 00 00 48 89 45 d8 48 8b 05 6a 5a 7f 06 <4c> 8b a0 f0 00 00 00 41 0f b6 9c 24 a2 00 00 00 48 83 fb 02 0f 83 RSP: 0018:ffffb2ea4014b7b8 EFLAGS: 00010286 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff9e4acd2e0a28 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: 0000000000000000 RSI: 0000000000000000 RDI: ffffb2ea4014b808 RBP: ffffb2ea4014b7e8 R08: 0000000000000106 R09: 000000000003d9c0 R10: 0000000000000001 R11: ffffffffa39ff070 R12: ffff9e49d40590c8 R13: 0000000000000000 R14: ffffb2ea4014b808 R15: 0000000000000000 FS: 0000000000000000(0000) GS:ffff9e58b1e00000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 00000000000000f0 CR3: 0000000418a3e001 CR4: 0000000000770ef0 PKRU: 55555554 Call Trace: <TASK> ? __die_body+0x6f/0xb0 ? __die+0xcc/0xf0 ? page_fault_oops+0x330/0x3a0 ? save_trace+0x2a5/0x360 ? do_user_addr_fault+0x583/0x630 ? exc_page_fault+0x81/0x120 ? asm_exc_page_fault+0x2b/0x30 ? __sev_snp_shutdown_locked+0x2e/0x150 __sev_firmware_shutdown+0x349/0x5b0 ? pm_runtime_barrier+0x66/0xe0 sev_dev_destroy+0x34/0xb0 psp_dev_destroy+0x27/0x60 sp_destroy+0x39/0x90 sp_pci_remove+0x22/0x60 pci_device_remove+0x4e/0x110 really_probe+0x271/0x4e0 __driver_probe_device+0x8f/0x160 driver_probe_device+0x24/0x120 __driver_attach+0xc7/0x280 ? driver_attach+0x30/0x30 bus_for_each_dev+0x10d/0x130 driver_attach+0x22/0x30 bus_add_driver+0x171/0x2b0 ? unaccepted_memory_init_kdump+0x20/0x20 driver_register+0x67/0x100 __pci_register_driver+0x83/0x90 sp_pci_init+0x22/0x30 sp_mod_init+0x13/0x30 do_one_initcall+0xb8/0x290 ? sched_clock_noinstr+0xd/0x10 ? local_clock_noinstr+0x3e/0x100 ? stack_depot_save_flags+0x21e/0x6a0 ? local_clock+0x1c/0x60 ? stack_depot_save_flags+0x21e/0x6a0 ? sched_clock_noinstr+0xd/0x10 ? local_clock_noinstr+0x3e/0x100 ? __lock_acquire+0xd90/0xe30 ? sched_clock_noinstr+0xd/0x10 ? local_clock_noinstr+0x3e/0x100 ? __create_object+0x66/0x100 ? local_clock+0x1c/0x60 ? __create_object+0x66/0x100 ? parameq+0x1b/0x90 ? parse_one+0x6d/0x1d0 ? parse_args+0xd7/0x1f0 ? do_initcall_level+0x180/0x180 do_initcall_level+0xb0/0x180 do_initcalls+0x60/0xa0 ? kernel_init+0x1f/0x1d0 do_basic_setup+0x41/0x50 kernel_init_freeable+0x1ac/0x230 ? rest_init+0x1f0/0x1f0 kernel_init+0x1f/0x1d0 ? rest_init+0x1f0/0x1f0 ret_from_fork+0x3d/0x50 ? rest_init+0x1f0/0x1f0 ret_from_fork_asm+0x11/0x20 </TASK> Modules linked in: CR2: 00000000000000f0 ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]--- RIP: 0010:__sev_snp_shutdown_locked+0x2e/0x150 Code: 00 55 48 89 e5 41 57 41 56 41 54 53 48 83 ec 10 41 89 f7 49 89 fe 65 48 8b 04 25 28 00 00 00 48 89 45 d8 48 8b 05 6a 5a 7f 06 <4c> 8b a0 f0 00 00 00 41 0f b6 9c 24 a2 00 00 00 48 83 fb 02 0f 83 RSP: 0018:ffffb2ea4014b7b8 EFLAGS: 00010286 RAX: 0000000000000000 RBX: ffff9e4acd2e0a28 RCX: 0000000000000000 RDX: 0000000 ---truncated---2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: PCI: endpoint: Clean up error handling in vpci_scan_bus() Smatch complains about inconsistent NULL checking in vpci_scan_bus(): drivers/pci/endpoint/functions/pci-epf-vntb.c:1024 vpci_scan_bus() error: we previously assumed 'vpci_bus' could be null (see line 1021) Instead of printing an error message and then crashing we should return an error code and clean up. Also the NULL check is reversed so it prints an error for success instead of failure.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: PCI: rcar: Demote WARN() to dev_warn_ratelimited() in rcar_pcie_wakeup() Avoid large backtrace, it is sufficient to warn the user that there has been a link problem. Either the link has failed and the system is in need of maintenance, or the link continues to work and user has been informed. The message from the warning can be looked up in the sources. This makes an actual link issue less verbose. First of all, this controller has a limitation in that the controller driver has to assist the hardware with transition to L1 link state by writing L1IATN to PMCTRL register, the L1 and L0 link state switching is not fully automatic on this controller. In case of an ASMedia ASM1062 PCIe SATA controller which does not support ASPM, on entry to suspend or during platform pm_test, the SATA controller enters D3hot state and the link enters L1 state. If the SATA controller wakes up before rcar_pcie_wakeup() was called and returns to D0, the link returns to L0 before the controller driver even started its transition to L1 link state. At this point, the SATA controller did send an PM_ENTER_L1 DLLP to the PCIe controller and the PCIe controller received it, and the PCIe controller did set PMSR PMEL1RX bit. Once rcar_pcie_wakeup() is called, if the link is already back in L0 state and PMEL1RX bit is set, the controller driver has no way to determine if it should perform the link transition to L1 state, or treat the link as if it is in L0 state. Currently the driver attempts to perform the transition to L1 link state unconditionally, which in this specific case fails with a PMSR L1FAEG poll timeout, however the link still works as it is already back in L0 state. Reduce this warning verbosity. In case the link is really broken, the rcar_pcie_config_access() would fail, otherwise it will succeed and any system with this controller and ASM1062 can suspend without generating a backtrace.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: media: pci: ivtv: Add check for DMA map result In case DMA fails, 'dma->SG_length' is 0. This value is later used to access 'dma->SGarray[dma->SG_length - 1]', which will cause out of bounds access. Add check to return early on invalid value. Adjust warnings accordingly. Found by Linux Verification Center ( with SVACE.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: xfrm: Fix input error path memory access When there is a misconfiguration of input state slow path KASAN report error. Fix this error. west login: [ 52.987278] eth1: renamed from veth11 [ 53.078814] eth1: renamed from veth21 [ 53.181355] eth1: renamed from veth31 [ 54.921702] ================================================================== [ 54.922602] BUG: KASAN: wild-memory-access in xfrmi_rcv_cb+0x2d/0x295 [ 54.923393] Read of size 8 at addr 6b6b6b6b00000000 by task ping/512 [ 54.924169] [ 54.924386] CPU: 0 PID: 512 Comm: ping Not tainted 6.9.0-08574-gcd29a4313a1b #25 [ 54.925290] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009), BIOS 1.16.3-debian-1.16.3-2 04/01/2014 [ 54.926401] Call Trace: [ 54.926731] <IRQ> [ 54.927009] dump_stack_lvl+0x2a/0x3b [ 54.927478] kasan_report+0x84/0xa6 [ 54.927930] ? xfrmi_rcv_cb+0x2d/0x295 [ 54.928410] xfrmi_rcv_cb+0x2d/0x295 [ 54.928872] ? xfrm4_rcv_cb+0x3d/0x5e [ 54.929354] xfrm4_rcv_cb+0x46/0x5e [ 54.929804] xfrm_rcv_cb+0x7e/0xa1 [ 54.930240] xfrm_input+0x1b3a/0x1b96 [ 54.930715] ? xfrm_offload+0x41/0x41 [ 54.931182] ? raw_rcv+0x292/0x292 [ 54.931617] ? nf_conntrack_confirm+0xa2/0xa2 [ 54.932158] ? skb_sec_path+0xd/0x3f [ 54.932610] ? xfrmi_input+0x90/0xce [ 54.933066] xfrm4_esp_rcv+0x33/0x54 [ 54.933521] ip_protocol_deliver_rcu+0xd7/0x1b2 [ 54.934089] ip_local_deliver_finish+0x110/0x120 [ 54.934659] ? ip_protocol_deliver_rcu+0x1b2/0x1b2 [ 54.935248] NF_HOOK.constprop.0+0xf8/0x138 [ 54.935767] ? ip_sublist_rcv_finish+0x68/0x68 [ 54.936317] ? secure_tcpv6_ts_off+0x23/0x168 [ 54.936859] ? ip_protocol_deliver_rcu+0x1b2/0x1b2 [ 54.937454] ? __xfrm_policy_check2.constprop.0+0x18d/0x18d [ 54.938135] NF_HOOK.constprop.0+0xf8/0x138 [ 54.938663] ? ip_sublist_rcv_finish+0x68/0x68 [ 54.939220] ? __xfrm_policy_check2.constprop.0+0x18d/0x18d [ 54.939904] ? ip_local_deliver_finish+0x120/0x120 [ 54.940497] __netif_receive_skb_one_core+0xc9/0x107 [ 54.941121] ? __netif_receive_skb_list_core+0x1c2/0x1c2 [ 54.941771] ? blk_mq_start_stopped_hw_queues+0xc7/0xf9 [ 54.942413] ? blk_mq_start_stopped_hw_queue+0x38/0x38 [ 54.943044] ? virtqueue_get_buf_ctx+0x295/0x46b [ 54.943618] process_backlog+0xb3/0x187 [ 54.944102] __napi_poll.constprop.0+0x57/0x1a7 [ 54.944669] net_rx_action+0x1cb/0x380 [ 54.945150] ? __napi_poll.constprop.0+0x1a7/0x1a7 [ 54.945744] ? vring_new_virtqueue+0x17a/0x17a [ 54.946300] ? note_interrupt+0x2cd/0x367 [ 54.946805] handle_softirqs+0x13c/0x2c9 [ 54.947300] do_softirq+0x5f/0x7d [ 54.947727] </IRQ> [ 54.948014] <TASK> [ 54.948300] __local_bh_enable_ip+0x48/0x62 [ 54.948832] __neigh_event_send+0x3fd/0x4ca [ 54.949361] neigh_resolve_output+0x1e/0x210 [ 54.949896] ip_finish_output2+0x4bf/0x4f0 [ 54.950410] ? __ip_finish_output+0x171/0x1b8 [ 54.950956] ip_send_skb+0x25/0x57 [ 54.951390] raw_sendmsg+0xf95/0x10c0 [ 54.951850] ? check_new_pages+0x45/0x71 [ 54.952343] ? raw_hash_sk+0x21b/0x21b [ 54.952815] ? kernel_init_pages+0x42/0x51 [ 54.953337] ? prep_new_page+0x44/0x51 [ 54.953811] ? get_page_from_freelist+0x72b/0x915 [ 54.954390] ? signal_pending_state+0x77/0x77 [ 54.954936] ? preempt_count_sub+0x14/0xb3 [ 54.955450] ? __might_resched+0x8a/0x240 [ 54.955951] ? __might_sleep+0x25/0xa0 [ 54.956424] ? first_zones_zonelist+0x2c/0x43 [ 54.956977] ? __rcu_read_lock+0x2d/0x3a [ 54.957476] ? __pte_offset_map+0x32/0xa4 [ 54.957980] ? __might_resched+0x8a/0x240 [ 54.958483] ? __might_sleep+0x25/0xa0 [ 54.958963] ? inet_send_prepare+0x54/0x54 [ 54.959478] ? sock_sendmsg_nosec+0x42/0x6c [ 54.960000] sock_sendmsg_nosec+0x42/0x6c [ 54.960502] __sys_sendto+0x15d/0x1cc [ 54.960966] ? __x64_sys_getpeername+0x44/0x44 [ 54.961522] ? __handle_mm_fault+0x679/0xae4 [ 54.962068] ? find_vma+0x6b/0x ---truncated---2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: cfg80211: handle 2x996 RU allocation in cfg80211_calculate_bitrate_he() Currently NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_2x996 is not handled in cfg80211_calculate_bitrate_he(), leading to below warning: kernel: invalid HE MCS: bw:6, ru:6 kernel: WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 2312 at net/wireless/util.c:1501 cfg80211_calculate_bitrate_he+0x22b/0x270 [cfg80211] Fix it by handling 2x996 RU allocation in the same way as 160 MHz bandwidth.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: mlxsw: spectrum_acl_erp: Fix object nesting warning ACLs in Spectrum-2 and newer ASICs can reside in the algorithmic TCAM (A-TCAM) or in the ordinary circuit TCAM (C-TCAM). The former can contain more ACLs (i.e., tc filters), but the number of masks in each region (i.e., tc chain) is limited. In order to mitigate the effects of the above limitation, the device allows filters to share a single mask if their masks only differ in up to 8 consecutive bits. For example, dst_ip/25 can be represented using dst_ip/24 with a delta of 1 bit. The C-TCAM does not have a limit on the number of masks being used (and therefore does not support mask aggregation), but can contain a limited number of filters. The driver uses the "objagg" library to perform the mask aggregation by passing it objects that consist of the filter's mask and whether the filter is to be inserted into the A-TCAM or the C-TCAM since filters in different TCAMs cannot share a mask. The set of created objects is dependent on the insertion order of the filters and is not necessarily optimal. Therefore, the driver will periodically ask the library to compute a more optimal set ("hints") by looking at all the existing objects. When the library asks the driver whether two objects can be aggregated the driver only compares the provided masks and ignores the A-TCAM / C-TCAM indication. This is the right thing to do since the goal is to move as many filters as possible to the A-TCAM. The driver also forbids two identical masks from being aggregated since this can only happen if one was intentionally put in the C-TCAM to avoid a conflict in the A-TCAM. The above can result in the following set of hints: H1: {mask X, A-TCAM} -> H2: {mask Y, A-TCAM} // X is Y + delta H3: {mask Y, C-TCAM} -> H4: {mask Z, A-TCAM} // Y is Z + delta After getting the hints from the library the driver will start migrating filters from one region to another while consulting the computed hints and instructing the device to perform a lookup in both regions during the transition. Assuming a filter with mask X is being migrated into the A-TCAM in the new region, the hints lookup will return H1. Since H2 is the parent of H1, the library will try to find the object associated with it and create it if necessary in which case another hints lookup (recursive) will be performed. This hints lookup for {mask Y, A-TCAM} will either return H2 or H3 since the driver passes the library an object comparison function that ignores the A-TCAM / C-TCAM indication. This can eventually lead to nested objects which are not supported by the library [1]. Fix by removing the object comparison function from both the driver and the library as the driver was the only user. That way the lookup will only return exact matches. I do not have a reliable reproducer that can reproduce the issue in a timely manner, but before the fix the issue would reproduce in several minutes and with the fix it does not reproduce in over an hour. Note that the current usefulness of the hints is limited because they include the C-TCAM indication and represent aggregation that cannot actually happen. This will be addressed in net-next. [1] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 153 at lib/objagg.c:170 objagg_obj_parent_assign+0xb5/0xd0 Modules linked in: CPU: 0 PID: 153 Comm: kworker/0:18 Not tainted 6.9.0-rc6-custom-g70fbc2c1c38b #42 Hardware name: Mellanox Technologies Ltd. MSN3700C/VMOD0008, BIOS 5.11 10/10/2018 Workqueue: mlxsw_core mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_vregion_rehash_work RIP: 0010:objagg_obj_parent_assign+0xb5/0xd0 [...] Call Trace: <TASK> __objagg_obj_get+0x2bb/0x580 objagg_obj_get+0xe/0x80 mlxsw_sp_acl_erp_mask_get+0xb5/0xf0 mlxsw_sp_acl_atcam_entry_add+0xe8/0x3c0 mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_entry_create+0x5e/0xa0 mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_vchunk_migrate_one+0x16b/0x270 mlxsw_sp_acl_tcam_vregion_rehash_work+0xbe/0x510 process_one_work+0x151/0x3702024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: wifi: ath12k: change DMA direction while mapping reinjected packets For fragmented packets, ath12k reassembles each fragment as a normal packet and then reinjects it into HW ring. In this case, the DMA direction should be DMA_TO_DEVICE, not DMA_FROM_DEVICE. Otherwise, an invalid payload may be reinjected into the HW and subsequently delivered to the host. Given that arbitrary memory can be allocated to the skb buffer, knowledge about the data contained in the reinjected buffer is lacking. Consequently, there's a risk of private information being leaked. Tested-on: QCN9274 hw2.0 PCI WLAN.WBE.1.1.1-00209-QCAHKSWPL_SILICONZ-12024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: exec: Fix ToCToU between perm check and set-uid/gid usage When opening a file for exec via do_filp_open(), permission checking is done against the file's metadata at that moment, and on success, a file pointer is passed back. Much later in the execve() code path, the file metadata (specifically mode, uid, and gid) is used to determine if/how to set the uid and gid. However, those values may have changed since the permissions check, meaning the execution may gain unintended privileges. For example, if a file could change permissions from executable and not set-id: ---------x 1 root root 16048 Aug 7 13:16 target to set-id and non-executable: ---S------ 1 root root 16048 Aug 7 13:16 target it is possible to gain root privileges when execution should have been disallowed. While this race condition is rare in real-world scenarios, it has been observed (and proven exploitable) when package managers are updating the setuid bits of installed programs. Such files start with being world-executable but then are adjusted to be group-exec with a set-uid bit. For example, "chmod o-x,u+s target" makes "target" executable only by uid "root" and gid "cdrom", while also becoming setuid-root: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root cdrom 16048 Aug 7 13:16 target becomes: -rwsr-xr-- 1 root cdrom 16048 Aug 7 13:16 target But racing the chmod means users without group "cdrom" membership can get the permission to execute "target" just before the chmod, and when the chmod finishes, the exec reaches brpm_fill_uid(), and performs the setuid to root, violating the expressed authorization of "only cdrom group members can setuid to root". Re-check that we still have execute permissions in case the metadata has changed. It would be better to keep a copy from the perm-check time, but until we can do that refactoring, the least-bad option is to do a full inode_permission() call (under inode lock). It is understood that this is safe against dead-locks, but hardly optimal.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Linux -- Linux

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: usb: vhci-hcd: Do not drop references before new references are gained At a few places the driver carries stale pointers to references that can still be used. Make sure that does not happen. This strictly speaking closes ZDI-CAN-22273, though there may be similar races in the driver.2024-08-23not yet calculated

Pi-hole before 6 allows unauthenticated admin/api.php?setTempUnit= calls to change the temperature units of the web dashboard. NOTE: the supplier reportedly does "not consider the bug a security issue" but the specific motivation for letting arbitrary persons change the value (Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin), seen by the device owner, is unclear.2024-08-19not yet calculated

N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in UCI IDOL 2 (aka uciIDOL or IDOL2) through 2.12. Data is sent between client and server with encryption. However, the key is derived from the string "(c)2007 UCI Software GmbH B.Boll" (without quotes). The key is both static and hardcoded. With access to messages, this results in message decryption and encryption by an attacker. Thus, it enables passive and active man-in-the-middle attacks.2024-08-22not yet calculated

N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in Matrix libolm (aka Olm) through 3.2.16. There is Ed25519 signature malleability due to lack of validation criteria (does not ensure that S < n). NOTE: This vulnerability only affects products that are no longer supported by the maintainer.2024-08-22not yet calculated

N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in llama_index before 0.10.38. download/ includes an exec call for import {cls_name}.2024-08-22not yet calculated

N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in Fort before 1.6.3. A malicious RPKI repository that descends from a (trusted) Trust Anchor can serve (via rsync or RRDP) an ROA or a Manifest containing a signedAttrs encoded in non-canonical form. This bypasses Fort's BER decoder, reaching a point in the code that panics when faced with data not encoded in DER. Because Fort is an RPKI Relying Party, a panic can lead to Route Origin Validation unavailability, which can lead to compromised routing.2024-08-24not yet calculated
N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in Fort before 1.6.3. A malicious RPKI repository that descends from a (trusted) Trust Anchor can serve (via rsync or RRDP) a resource certificate containing an Authority Key Identifier extension that lacks the keyIdentifier field. Fort references this pointer without sanitizing it first. Because Fort is an RPKI Relying Party, a crash can lead to Route Origin Validation unavailability, which can lead to compromised routing.2024-08-24not yet calculated
N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in Fort before 1.6.3. A malicious RPKI repository that descends from a (trusted) Trust Anchor can serve (via rsync or RRDP) a signed object containing an empty signedAttributes field. Fort accesses the set's elements without sanitizing it first. Because Fort is an RPKI Relying Party, a crash can lead to Route Origin Validation unavailability, which can lead to compromised routing.2024-08-24not yet calculated
-- N/A

An issue was discovered in Fort before 1.6.3. A malicious RPKI repository that descends from a (trusted) Trust Anchor can serve (via rsync or RRDP) a resource certificate containing a Key Usage extension composed of more than two bytes of data. Fort writes this string into a 2-byte buffer without properly sanitizing its length, leading to a buffer overflow.2024-08-24not yet calculated
N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in Fort before 1.6.3. A malicious RPKI repository that descends from a (trusted) Trust Anchor can serve (via rsync or RRDP) a resource certificate containing a bit string that doesn't properly decode into a Subject Public Key. OpenSSL does not report this problem during parsing, and when compiled with OpenSSL libcrypto versions below 3, Fort recklessly dereferences the pointer. Because Fort is an RPKI Relying Party, a crash can lead to Route Origin Validation unavailability, which can lead to compromised routing.2024-08-24not yet calculated
N/A -- N/A

An issue was discovered in Fort before 1.6.3. A malicious RPKI repository that descends from a (trusted) Trust Anchor can serve (via rsync or RRDP) an ROA or a Manifest containing a null eContent field. Fort dereferences the pointer without sanitizing it first. Because Fort is an RPKI Relying Party, a crash can lead to Route Origin Validation unavailability, which can lead to compromised routing.2024-08-24not yet calculated
N/A -- N/A

The TikTok (aka com.zhiliaoapp.musically) application before 34.5.5 for Android allows the takeover of Lynxview JavaScript interfaces via deeplink traversal (in the application's exposed WebView). (On Android 12 and later, this is only exploitable by third-party applications.)2024-08-24not yet calculated
Centreon -- Centreon

Centreon updateServiceHost SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of Centreon. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the updateServiceHost function. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied string before using it to construct SQL queries. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the apache user. Was ZDI-CAN-23294.2024-08-21not yet calculated
Centreon -- Centreon

Centreon initCurveList SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of Centreon. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the initCurveList function. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied string before using it to construct SQL queries. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the apache user. Was ZDI-CAN-22683.2024-08-21not yet calculated
GitHub -- GitHub Enterprise Server

An Incorrect Authorization vulnerability was identified in GitHub Enterprise Server that allowed a GitHub App with only content: read and pull_request_write: write permissions to read issue content inside a private repository. This was only exploitable via user access token and installation access token was not impacted. This vulnerability affected all versions of GitHub Enterprise Server prior to 3.14 and was fixed in versions 3.13.3, 3.12.8, 3.11.14 and 3.10.16. This vulnerability was reported via the GitHub Bug Bounty program.2024-08-20not yet calculated

Unknown -- Ditty

The Ditty WordPress plugin before 3.1.46 re-introduced a previously fixed security issue ( in v3.1.392024-08-23not yet calculated
GitHub -- GitHub Enterprise Server

An XML signature wrapping vulnerability was present in GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES) when using SAML authentication with specific identity providers utilizing publicly exposed signed federation metadata XML. This vulnerability allowed an attacker with direct network access to GitHub Enterprise Server to forge a SAML response to provision and/or gain access to a user with site administrator privileges. Exploitation of this vulnerability would allow unauthorized access to the instance without requiring prior authentication. This vulnerability affected all versions of GitHub Enterprise Server prior to 3.14 and was fixed in versions 3.13.3, 3.12.8, 3.11.14, and 3.10.16. This vulnerability was reported via the GitHub Bug Bounty program.2024-08-20not yet calculated

NETGEAR -- ProSAFE Network Management System

NETGEAR ProSAFE Network Management System getSortString SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of NETGEAR ProSAFE Network Management System. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the getSortString method. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied string before using it to construct SQL queries. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of SYSTEM. Was ZDI-CAN-23207.2024-08-21not yet calculated

NETGEAR -- ProSAFE Network Management System

NETGEAR ProSAFE Network Management System getFilterString SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of NETGEAR ProSAFE Network Management System. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the getFilterString method. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of a user-supplied string before using it to construct SQL queries. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of SYSTEM. Was ZDI-CAN-23399.2024-08-21not yet calculated

OpenText™ -- Network Node Manager i (NNMi)

Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (XSS or 'Cross-site Scripting') vulnerability in OpenText™ Network Node Manager i (NNMi) could allow Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).This issue affects Network Node Manager i (NNMi): 2022.11, 2023.05, 23.4, 24.2.2024-08-23not yet calculated
OpenText™ -- Network Node Manager i (NNMi)

URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect') vulnerability in OpenText™ Network Node Manager i (NNMi) allows URL Redirector Abuse.This issue affects Network Node Manager i (NNMi): 2022.11, 2023.05, 23.4, 24.2.2024-08-23not yet calculated
GitHub -- GitHub Enterprise Server

An Incorrect Authorization vulnerability was identified in GitHub Enterprise Server, allowing an attacker to update the title, assignees, and labels of any issue inside a public repository. This was only exploitable inside a public repository. This vulnerability affected GitHub Enterprise Server versions before 3.14 and was fixed in versions 3.13.3, 3.12.8, and 3.11.14. Versions 3.10 of GitHub Enterprise Server are not affected. This vulnerability was reported via the GitHub Bug Bounty program.2024-08-20not yet calculated

Foxit -- PDF Reader

Foxit PDF Reader Doc Object Use-After-Free Information Disclosure Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to disclose sensitive information on affected installations of Foxit PDF Reader. User interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target must visit a malicious page or open a malicious file. The specific flaw exists within the handling of Doc objects. The issue results from the lack of validating the existence of an object prior to performing operations on the object. An attacker can leverage this in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code in the context of the current process. Was ZDI-CAN-23702.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Foxit -- PDF Reader

Foxit PDF Reader AcroForm Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of Foxit PDF Reader. User interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target must visit a malicious page or open a malicious file. The specific flaw exists within the handling of AcroForms. The issue results from the lack of validating the existence of an object prior to performing operations on the object. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the current process. Was ZDI-CAN-23736.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Foxit -- PDF Reader

Foxit PDF Reader AcroForm Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of Foxit PDF Reader. User interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target must visit a malicious page or open a malicious file. The specific flaw exists within the handling of AcroForms. The issue results from the lack of validating the existence of an object prior to performing operations on the object. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the current process. Was ZDI-CAN-23900.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Foxit -- PDF Reader

Foxit PDF Reader AcroForm Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of Foxit PDF Reader. User interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target must visit a malicious page or open a malicious file. The specific flaw exists within the handling of AcroForms. The issue results from the lack of validating the existence of an object prior to performing operations on the object. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of the current process. Was ZDI-CAN-23928.2024-08-21not yet calculated

Rockwell Automation -- ThinManager® ThinServer

A vulnerability exists in the Rockwell Automation ThinManager® ThinServer that allows a threat actor to disclose sensitive information. A threat actor can exploit this vulnerability by abusing the ThinServer™ service to read arbitrary files by creating a junction that points to the target directory.2024-08-23not yet calculated
pretix -- pretix

Stored XSS in organizer and event settings of pretix up to 2024.7.0 allows malicious event organizers to inject HTML tags into e-mail previews on settings page. The default Content Security Policy of pretix prevents execution of attacker-provided scripts, making exploitation unlikely. However, combined with a CSP bypass (which is not currently known) the vulnerability could be used to impersonate other organizers or staff users.2024-08-23not yet calculated

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    php assignment operators examples

  2. PHP 5 Operators

    php assignment operators examples

  3. Assignment Operators in PHP

    php assignment operators examples

  4. 9

    php assignment operators examples

  5. Php Operators Comprehensive Guide with Examples

    php assignment operators examples

  6. Complete Guide and Tutorials for PHP Operators with example

    php assignment operators examples


  1. PHP Assignment/Project 4

  2. PHP operators الدرس الحادي عشر شرح العمليات بالتفصيل

  3. php operators, assignment operators


  5. 12th Computer Applications

  6. Mastering Core Java Operators


  1. PHP: Assignment

    In addition to the basic assignment operator, there are "combined operators" for all of the binary arithmetic, array union and string operators that allow you to use a value in an expression and then set its value to the result of that expression.For example:

  2. PHP Assignment Operators

    Use PHP assignment operator ( =) to assign a value to a variable. The assignment expression returns the value assigned. Use arithmetic assignment operators to carry arithmetic operations and assign at the same time. Use concatenation assignment operator ( .= )to concatenate strings and assign the result to a variable in a single statement.

  3. PHP Operators

    Learn how to use PHP operators to perform arithmetic, assignment, comparison, logical, and other operations on variables and values. W3Schools provides clear examples, syntax, and exercises for PHP operators.

  4. PHP

    PHP - Assignment Operators Examples - You can use assignment operators in PHP to assign values to variables. Assignment operators are shorthand notations to perform arithmetic or other operations while assigning a value to a variable. For instance, the = operator assigns the value on the right-hand side to the variable on the left-han

  5. PHP Assignment Operators

    In this tutorial, you shall learn about Assignment Operators in PHP, different Assignment Operators available in PHP, their symbols, and how to use them in PHP programs, with examples. Assignment Operators. Assignment Operators are used to perform to assign a value or modified value to a variable. Assignment Operators Table. The following table ...

  6. PHP Assignment Operators: Performing Calculations

    The null coalescing operator simplifies code by enabling the assignment of default values to variables. By reading this tutorial, you will gain more information about it. Anyway, assigning a reference in PHP is one of the language's benefits, enabling developers to set a value and refer back to it anywhere during the script-writing process.

  7. PHP Assignment Operators

    PHP Assignment Operators. PHP assignment operators applied to assign the result of an expression to a variable. = is a fundamental assignment operator in PHP. It means that the left operand gets set to the value of the assignment expression on the right. Operator.

  8. Mastering Assignment Operators in PHP: A Comprehensive Guide

    For example, when managing user data in a form submission, assignment operators help store and update the input values seamlessly. Introduction to assignment operators and their role in PHP. Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. They come in various forms, each serving a unique purpose.

  9. PHP Operators

    An operator takes one or more values, known as operands, and performs a specific operation on them. For example, the + operator adds two numbers and returns the sum of them. PHP supports many kinds of operators: Arithmetic Operators. Assignment Operators. Bitwise Operators. Comparison Operators.

  10. PHP assignment operators

    Description. Assignment operators allow writing a value to a variable. The first operand must be a variable and the basic assignment operator is "=". The value of an assignment expression is the final value assigned to the variable. In addition to the regular assignment operator "=", several other assignment operators are composites of an ...

  11. PHP assignment operators example

    The example below shows the usage of assignment and compound assignment operators: = Assignment operator += Addition AND assignment operator-= Subtraction AND assignment operator *= Multiply AND assignment operator /= Division AND assignment operator **= Exponent AND assignment operator %= Modulo AND assignment operator

  12. PHP Operators: Understanding the Building Blocks of PHP Programming

    In PHP programming, operators are essential for manipulating values, making comparisons, and controlling program flow. There are several types of operators in PHP, including arithmetic, assignment, comparison, logical, increment and decrement, string, and array operators. By understanding the different types of operators and their behaviors ...

  13. Operators

    In PHP, operators are symbols that perform operations on one or more values (also known as operands) and return a result. There are several different types of operators in PHP, including: Arithmetic operators: perform basic arithmetic operations. Assignment operators: assign a value to a variable, such as the simple assignment operator.

  14. PHP: Operators

    An operator is something that takes one or more values (or expressions, in programming jargon) and yields another value (so that the construction itself becomes an expression). Operators can be grouped according to the number of values they take. Unary operators take only one value, for example ! (the logical not operator) or ++ (the increment ...

  15. PHP Operators with Examples

    Assignment operators. The PHP assignment operators are used with numeric values to write a value to a variable. The basic assignment operator in PHP is "=". It means that the left operand gets set to the value of the assignment expression on the right. Assignment Same as… Description

  16. Working with PHP Operators

    What is Operators in PHP. Operators are symbols that tell the PHP processor to perform certain actions. For example, the addition ( +) symbol is an operator that tells PHP to add two variables or values, while the greater-than ( >) symbol is an operator that tells PHP to compare two values. The following lists describe the different operators ...

  17. PHP Operators

    Operators are symbols that instruct the PHP processor to carry out specific actions. For example, the addition (+) symbol instructs PHP to add two variables or values, whereas the greater-than (>) symbol instructs PHP to compare two values.PHP operators are grouped as follows: Arithmetic operators; Assignment operators; Comparison operators; Increment/Decrement operators

  18. PHP Operators

    These operators are nothing but symbols needed to perform operations of various types. Given below are the various groups of operators: Arithmetic Operators. Logical or Relational Operators. Comparison Operators. Conditional or Ternary Operators. Assignment Operators. Spaceship Operators (Introduced in PHP 7)

  19. PHP Examples

    Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, XML and more. ... PHP Operators. ... Assignment operator: x = y Assignment operator: x += y Assignment operator: x -= y Assignment operator: x *= y Assignment operator: x /= y Assignment ...

  20. Php Operators Comprehensive Guide with Examples

    Exploring PHP Operators. Throughout this article, we will look at the various types of PHP operators, such as arithmetic operators, assignment operators, comparison operators, and logical operators.. In order to give you a better understanding of how to implement these operators, we will provide examples of how they are used in practice.. In this way, you can learn how to use them in real ...

  21. PHP Operators

    In PHP there are total 7 types of operators, they are: Arithmetic Operators. Assignment Operators. Comparison Operators. Increment/Decrement Operators. Logical Operators. String Operators. Array Operators. There are a few additional operators as well like, Type operator, Bitwise operator, Execution operators etc.

  22. PHP Operators (With Examples)

    They allow us to manipulate and combine data to achieve desired results. In PHP, there are many operators available for various purposes. This tutorial will introduce you to the most common PHP operators and provide examples of their usage. The following are the operators in PHP: Arithmetic Operators; Assignment Operators; Comparison Operators

  23. PHP Conditional Operator: Examples and Tips

    Conditional Assignment Operator in PHP is a shorthand operator that allow developers to assign values to variables based on certain conditions. In this article, we will explore how the various Conditional Assignment Operators in PHP simplify code and make it more readable. Let's begin with the ternary operator. Ternary Operator Syntax

  24. Learn PHP Syntax, Comments, Variables And Data Types

    A PHP script can be placed anywhere in a document. PHP code is always enclosed within special start and end delimiter tags <?php and ?> like this: <?php // PHP code goes here ?> All PHP statements end with a semicolon (;). Comments in PHP can be added with # or // for single line comments or /* */ for multi-line comments.

  25. Operators in C Programming: Explained with Examples

    d) Bitwise Operators in C . e) Assignment Operators in C . f) Increment and Decrement Operators . g) sizeof Operator . h) Other Operators . 3) Conclusion . What is a C Operator? In C Programming, an operator is a symbol that instructs the compiler to perform specific mathematical, relational, or logical operations on variables and values to ...

  26. Introduction to Python Operators

    Membership operators are commonly used in conditions or loops to verify the presence or absence of elements in data structures like lists, strings, or dictionaries. For example, you might check if a user's input exists in a predefined list of valid options. Example

  27. Vulnerability Summary for the Week of August 19, 2024

    The Mirai botnet through 2024-08-19 mishandles simultaneous TCP connections to the CNC (command and control) server. Unauthenticated sessions remain open, causing resource consumption. For example, an attacker can send a recognized username (such as root), or can send arbitrary data. 2024-08-22: 9.1: CVE-2024-45163: [email protected] [email protected] ...