Free Aptitude Test Practice Questions 2024

problem solving aptitude tests

An aptitude test is an assessment used to evaluate an individual's ability to perform specific tasks or skills . It's typically used in education and employment contexts. The term "aptitude" refers to the capability, talent, or innate Cognitive and Analytical Reasoning skills a person has for specific tasks.

Aptitude tests assess the following abilities:

  • Verbal Reasoning includes Critical Thinking, Deductive Reasoning, Written Communication, and Reading Comprehension questions.
  • Logical Reasoning (Non-Verbal)  includes Abstract Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, Diagrammatic Reasoning, and Spatial Reasoning questions.
  • Logical Reasoning (Verbal) includes True/False/Cannot Say, Deduction, and Syllogism questions.
  • Numerical Reasoning includes Basic Arithmetic, Mathematical Knowledge, Numerical Logic, and Word Problems questions.
  • Mechanical Reasoning  includes Mechanical Comprehension, Mechanical Knowledge, Electronics Knowledge, and Mechanical Tools questions.
  • Situational Judgment includes job-related real-life situation questions that assess the candidate's decision-making abilities.

Companies and government organizations usually hire the services of test providers to perform pre-employment job aptitude tests that include a mix of various aptitude test questions. These include CCAT , SHL , Wonderlic , Watson Glaser , Ramsay , Predictive Index , Raven , and Revelian .

Contact us at [email protected] If you're not sure which test is relevant for your position.

Here you will find aptitude examples of a variety of aptitude question types along with detailed explanations about their use and how to approach and solve them.

Each example is designed to enhance understanding and improve problem-solving skills. Let’s begin.

Aptitude Test Practice

The main challenge with aptitude questions arises from the tight time limit and the diversity of skills tested, including abstract reasoning, numerical ability, verbal comprehension, problem-solving, and more.

Individuals may struggle depending on their personal strengths, weaknesses, and the type of aptitude test they are taking.

Try the following aptitude practice test to familiarize yourself with a diverse range of aptitude practice questions.

Verbal Reasoning Questions

A verbal reasoning question is a type of question that assesses your ability to understand and analyze written information. It typically involves a passage of text followed by one or more questions that require you to draw logical conclusions, make inferences, evaluate arguments, and identify assumptions.

Here are some Verbal Reasoning questions you can try:

Deductive Reasoning Aptitude Question

Company spokesmen report exclusively to the PR manager, unless the company is small, in which case they report directly and exclusively to the CEO. When company spokesmen report to the CEO, they sleep well at night.

Conclusion: Only those who sleep well at night are company spokesmen who work in small companies.

A. Conclusion follows

B. Conclusion does not follow

Conclusion follows.

Company spokesmen in big company = A, report exclusively to the PR manager = B, report directly and exclusively to the CEO = C, can sleep well at night = D. According to the premises, (A -> B), (~A -> C), and (C -> D), which means (~A -> D).

The conclusion states (only D -> ~A).

Notice the conclusion is a manipulation of the combination of premises. Compare (~A -> D) to (only D -> ~A): two operations were used – transposing and adding the word only. According to the NOT Triangle, the meaning stays the same.

There are several common deductive reasoning question types you'll likely see on your aptitude test, with the most common ones being syllogism (like the example question above) and seating arrangements. To learn how to answer such questions easily and increase your chances of acing the aptitude exam, visit our SHL Deductive Reasoning page , which includes more sample questions and a complete prep course.

Reading Comprehension Aptitude Question


According to a famous anecdote, Archimedes was required to determine whether the crown, made for King Heiro the second, was forged entirely of pure gold. The king, who supplied the gold himself, wanted to make sure the goldsmith did not substitute some of it with silver.

Since melting down the crown to calculate its density was not a viable option, Archimedes had to come up with a new method for measuring the crown's composition. Archimedes knew if he could measure the volume of the king's crown, and compare it with another crown, made of pure gold and of an identical weight, he'd be able to determine the crown's composition. Alas, at the time there was no known method for taking such a measurement.

One day, whilst attending one of the public bath houses, Archimedes noticed that as his body was slowly sinking into the bath, the level of water was rising, respectively. He realized he had found a way to measure an object's volume; the volume of the water that rose is equal to volume of the immersed body (in this case, his own). Bursting with enthusiasm about his discovery, he ran naked into the street shouting "Eureka!", Greek for "I have found it".

According to the passage, Archimedes wanted to calculate the crown's density since:

A. It is indicative of the crown's composition.

B. It is indicative of the amount of gold that has been substituted.

C. It can reveal how much of the king's gold had been used forging the crown.

D. It reveals the exact materials that make up the king's crown.

The correct answer is (A).

According to the fourth paragraph, "…provide him with the crown's density, which in turn would reveal the true nature of the crown's composition." Density can be used to indicate the crown's composition, in terms of whether it is made of pure gold. However, it cannot supply us with further information, such as how much gold was substituted.

Therefore, the correct answer is (A). 

Reading Comprehension questions require the ability to read and process large amounts of text within a limited time frame and the capacity to understand and draw conclusions when dealing with complex pieces of information. For more information, see our Reading Comprehension PrepPack .

Visit our MAP Assessment Test . 

Written Communication Aptitude Question

Please identify which type of error appears in the sentence below, if any.

The drunk driver made a report that he was driving within the speed limit but he forgot to mention that he did not have a valid driver's license.

A. Grammar.

B. Spelling.

C. Punctuation and Capitalization.

D. No mistake.

A comma should be used before the word "but" to connect the two independent clauses. The correct answer is C.

If you’re struggling with proper syntax, punctuation, and correct sentence structure practice will help you get better and improve your skills with Restatements, Information Presentation, and Paragraph Organization practice questions. For more information, see the SHL Verbal Reasoning page .

Critical Thinking Aptitude Question

Everyone who has been diagnosed with sleep apnoea has encountered a personal battle owing to the disease. For example, Vicki suffered from depression and lost her job, while Bill felt a strain on his marriage.

Proposed assumption: Vicki and Bill encountered a personal battle because they couldn’t come to terms with their disease.

A . Conclusion follows

B . Conclusion does not follow

The correct answer is B (Conclusion does not follow).

It is plausible that the reason people who suffer from sleep apnoea encounter a personal battle is because of an inability to come to terms with this disease. However, since the passage does not provide an actual reason, you cannot reach this conclusion without reasonable doubt.

Critical thinking tests can have up to 5 major sections or sub-tests that assess and measure various aspects. To ensure you know how to ace these sections and increase your chances of passing your upcoming aptitude test, visit our Critical Thinking test guide , which includes a free sample test and a full practice course.

Additionally, you check out our Free Watson Glaser Practice Test .

Logical Reasoning Questions (Non-Verbal)

A non-verbal reasoning question is a type of question that assesses your ability to understand and analyze visual information without relying on language or verbal communication. It involves the interpretation and manipulation of visual patterns, symbols, shapes, figures, and diagrams.

Logical Reasoning refers to the ability to think critically, analyze information, and draw valid conclusions based on logical principles and patterns.

Here are some Non-Verbal Logical Reasoning Aptitude assessment questions you can try:

Inductive Reasoning Aptitude Question

Inductive Reasoning question

The correct answer is 3.

The relationship between figure X and figure Y is as follows: 1) The outer shape of figure Y is the same as the inner shape of figure X. 2) The format of the outer shape of figure Y (dotted line) has the same format as the outer shape of figure X. 3) The inner shape does not change.

The correct answer must have the same relationship with figure Z.

Answers 1, 4 and 5 can be eliminated as they show a change to the inner shape. Answer 2 can be eliminated as the outer shape is in a different format than that of the outer shape in figure Z. In other words, the outer shape in figure Z has a solid line, so the outer shape of the correct answer must also have a solid line.

We are left with answer 3, which is the correct answer, as the outer shape takes on the form of the inner shape in figure Z, i.e. it becomes a circle, the format of the outer shape is the same format as that of figure Z (solid line), and the inner shape does not change.

On inductive reasoning tests, you'll usually see diagrams and be asked to spot the logical pattern, possibly using verbal, abstract, and/or mechanical reasoning. Inductive reasoning tests are taken by job-seekers in all fields and at all levels. To try more sample questions and access the complete practice course for inductive reasoning aptitude tests, visit our in-depth SHL Inductive Reasoning Practice .

Abstract Reasoning Aptitude Question

Look at the two sets of shapes. Then determine whether a test shape belongs in Set A, Set B or neither.

Aptitude Test Preparation

The following test shape belongs to:

Aptitude Test Guide

Set A : If the arrow points upwards, it crosses only the square. If it points to any other direction it crosses both the square and the triangle.

Set B : One type of shape (triangle, arrow, etc.) appears 3 times.

The test shape belongs to set A, since the arrow points upwards and crosses the square.

Abstract reasoning is highly correlated to cognitive aptitude. That's why almost any cognitive aptitude test includes abstract questions. To improve your abstract reasoning skills and try realistic abstract practice tests from the most common tests, visit our Abstract Reasoning Practice Guide .

Spatial Reasoning Aptitude Question

Spatial Reasoning Sample Question

The answer is B.

Spatial reasoning tests (or "spatial awareness tests") can be challenging, especially since most candidates aren't used to solving such questions and it requires some practice to master the solving techniques. To improve your solving skills, try more sample questions, and access the complete spatial reasoning practice course, visit our Spatial Reasoning Practice Guide .

Diagrammatic Reasoning Aptitude Question

diagrammatic reasoning sample question

A. = JLOO B. = JJLO C. = JJOL D. = LOO

The correct answer is A .

The aim is to understand rule 3. To do so, first determine the rule for 2 and 1.

First, look at the - TI - TTI – section. Since TI becomes TTI when applying rule 2, this means that rule 2 commands you to duplicate the first letter. Since QPRG becomes QQPGR when applying rules 1 and 2, and we know that rule 2 commands you to duplicate the first letter, we can conclude that rule 1 commands you to swap the last two letters.

QPRG becomes QPRGG when applying both rules 3 and 1. We already know that rule 1 commands you to swap the last two letters. We can therefore conclude that rule 3 commands you to double the last letter (rule 1 doesn’t change the result, because the last letter is doubled first and then swapped). Since rule 3 commands you to double the last letter, the last letter JLO becomes JLOO.

Some diagrammatic reasoning questions can be extremely challenging if you encounter them for the first time on your job aptitude test. To eliminate the element of surprise and ensure you know how to solve such questions quickly and accurately, visit our Logical Reasoning Practice Prep , which includes practice tips and a full prep course.

Logical Reasoning Aptitude Question (Verbal)

Verbal Logical Reasoning refers to the ability to think critically, analyze information, and draw valid conclusions based on logical principles and patterns. Verbal Logical questions include True/False/Cannot Say, Deduction, and Syllogism.

Here is a verbal Logical Reasoning question you can try.

Three travelers - John, Kate, and Lenny - came back from three trips to the following countries: Mauritania, Nepal, Oman, Peru and Qatar. The countries each of them visited must be consistent with the following rules and conditions:

  • Each country was traveled by at least one of the travelers.
  • Each traveler took only one trip, during which he or she traveled to only two or three different countries.
  • Only one traveler traveled to Qatar.
  • Every traveler who traveled to Mauritania also traveled to Nepal.
  • A traveler who traveled to Qatar did not travel to Peru.
  • John traveled to all the countries Kate traveled to.

Which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the countries Lenny traveled to?

A. Mauritania, Nepal, Oman.

B. Oman, Qatar, Peru.

C. Nepal, Oman, Qatar.

D. Qatar, Mauritania, Oman.

E. Mauritania, Nepal.

The correct answer to this question is the only response that does not violate any of the rules. In particular - every country must be visited at least once without any of the travelers visiting less than 2 and more than 3 countries.

(A) If this is the correct answer, then John must have traveled to Qatar and Kate to Peru. But if Kate travels to Peru then John must also travel to Peru - a violation of the rules (q → ~p).

logical reasoning verbal A

(B) This response violates one of the rules (q → ~p) and therefore it is not the correct answer.

(C) If this is the correct answer, then between John and Kate - Peru and Mauritania must be visited. A possible setup could be:

logical reasoning verbal B

Logical reasoning questions may come in a non-verbal form - abstract, diagrammatic, inductive, and in verbal form - True/False/Cannot Say, Deduction, and Syllogism. To get thorough practice for any of these types and increase your chances of acing your upcoming aptitude exam, visit our Logical Reasoning Test Prep .

Numerical Reasoning Aptitude Question

Numerical Reasoning refers to the ability to understand and analyze numerical information in order to solve problems and make informed decisions. Numerical reasoning questions typically involve mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentages, ratios, averages, and interpreting graphs, charts, and tables.

Here is one Numerical question we can try.

There is a circular outdoor ice skating rink. The machine that prepares the rink for skating at the start of the day prepares 600 square feet of rink every hour. If the circumference of the rink is 200 feet.

Approximately how many minutes does it take the machine to prepare the entire rink for skating at the beginning of each day?

The correct answer is approximately 318 minutes.

C = 2*π*r. If the circumference of the rink is 200 feet, then the radius of the rink is 100/π. A = π*r2, therefore the area of the rink is 10000/π. If the machine prepares 600 square feet every hour, then it takes (10000/π)/600 = 50/3π hours in order to prepare the entire rink. Multiply this result by 60 to convert from a number of hours to a number of minutes: (50*60)/3π = 1000/π.  Since π≈3.14, the correct answer must be 318 minutes.

Numerical reasoning questions can be challenging due to several factors: a lack of confidence in dealing with numbers, the need for complex problem-solving, time pressures, and the need for multistep calculations. Want to practice more Numerical Reasoning questions? See the Numerical Reasoning Practice page .

Mechanical Reasoning Aptitude Question

Mechanical reasoning refers to the ability to understand and apply principles of mechanics and physics in order to solve problems related to mechanical systems, machinery, and physical forces.

Challenge your mechanical skills with the following question.

Mechanical Aptitude Sample question

C) Both have to apply equal force

D) There is not sufficient data

The correct answer is (A) .

A lever is a long, rigid beam or bar used to lift heavy weights, allowing to apply less force for a longer distance in order to move a weight around a fixed pivot. A lever consists of three parts:

Fulcrum - the fixed point at which the lever pivots (usually marked as a triangle) Load - load is the weight or resistance that is moved by the lever.

Effort arm - the amount of force required to the work, i.e., the force used to push down or pull up the lever to move the load.

There are 3 types of levers, classified according to the placement of the fulcrum, load and effort.

Class 1 - the fulcrum is located between the applied force and the load, e.g. a crowbar or a pair of scissors. Class 2 - the load is situated between the fulcrum and the force, e.g. a nutcracker. Class 3 - the force is applied between the fulcrum and the load, e.g. tweezers.

In this question, the fisherman rod is a class 3 lever in which the effort is between the fulcrum and the load. The fulcrum is the end of the fishing rod (the end without the fishing line), the load is the fish, and the effort is the force applied by the fisherman. It is the position of the effort required to lift the fish that changes between the two figures.

Since the work (or more precisely, torque) is constant, the longer the distance between the effort and the fulcrum, the easier it is to lift the load because the force required to do work is distributed over a longer distance.

Therefore, (A) is the correct answer, since, in this figure, the fisherman applies his effort at a shorter distance from the fulcrum and hence has to pull his fishing rod harder.

Most Mechanical Reasoning Aptitude tests require a deep understanding of mechanical, electrical, and maintenance subjects. Some will also assess your spatial reasoning and math skills. To improve your skills and knowledge in these areas and enhance your chances of passing the test, visit our Mechanical Reasoning Test Page , which includes a free practice test, sample questions, and a full practice course.

Common Mechanical Reasoning Assessments include the SHL Mechanical Comprehension , IBEW Test , Ramsay Mechanical Test , and Bennet Mechanical Test .

Situational Judgment Aptitude Question

Situational judgment refers to the ability to assess and respond appropriately to various situations or scenarios that you may encounter in real-life or work-related settings.

Try to solve the following scenario.

You manage a department that includes 10 employees who work with customers, and a supervisor. You notice that one of the employees is regularly late arriving in the morning.

What would you do?

A. Nothing. You trust the supervisor - she works closely with the team members and is probably aware of the situation and it's under her control.

B. Talk to the employee next time you see him arrive late.

C. Ask the supervisor if she's aware of this situation.

D. Tell the supervisor that she should pay more attention to her employees' arriving hours, as it looks bad.

Best response: C

This question assesses your understanding of your position as a manager in terms of the chain of command. Be aware that different workplaces prefer different levels of managerial involvement versus keeping of the chain of command; we recommend that you read about your potential workplace and position before taking the test.

Response A is a “do nothing” response. This kind of response is passive and is rarely the best course of action. Although it may be likely that the supervisor is aware of the situation, you can’t assume it. This response fails to supervise employees’ performance.

Talking to the employee yourself ( response B ) ignores the supervisor’s authority and responsibility (chain of command). You want to take action, but not to undermine the supervisor.

In response C you take action which is appropriate for someone in your position – you bring the situation to the supervisor’s awareness and allow her to handle it as she sees fit. This is the best response in this situation.

In response D you reprimand your supervisor for the employee’s actions. You don’t trust the supervisor’s skills and judgment, and don’t provide her the authority to handle the situation her way, and don’t provide her a chance to explain her point of view – you don’t know if she is aware of the situation or if there are any special reasons for it (effective communication).

Situational Judgement Tests have become highly popular in recent years, and even huge employers, such as Amazon and Procter & Gamble , have started using them to screen their candidates. To get a better understanding of situational question types, take a free SJT sample test , or visit our In-Basket Prep Guide .

  • Civil Service Aptitude Tests

The following list includes some of the civil service government organizations that use aptitude exams as part of their admission process.

ASVAB Aptitude Test

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is an aptitude assessment that measures cognitive skills and abilities which help predict future academic and occupational success in the military. The exam includes a mix of Verbal, Numerical, and Mechanical questions.

For more information about the assessment see our Free ASVAB Practice Page .

IBEW Aptitude Test

The IBEW Aptitude Test, a time-bound, multiple-choice examination, is a necessary requirement for anyone aspiring to embark on an electrician apprenticeship .

The Exam includes a mix of Mechanical, Verbal, and Numerical aptitude questions

For more information about the assessment see our free IBEW Practice Guide .

TSA Aptitude Test

The TSA CBT test serves as one of the initial challenges you'll encounter when charting a career path in the Transportation Security Administration. The exam includes a mix of Verbal Reasoning and X-Ray questions.

For more information about the assessment see the TSA CBT Prep Page .

USPS Aptitude Tests

The USPS aptitude tests consist of 4 different exams that measure the skills and abilities of applicants for various positions in the USPS, such as mail carriers, mail processing clerks, mail handlers, and sales, services, and distribution associates.

The exam includes various aptitude tests that are unique to USPS such as Work Scenarios and Verify Customer Information alongside different personality exams.

For more information about the assessment see our  Free USPS Practice Page .

ATSA Aptitude Test

The ATSA Test, or Air Traffic Skills Assessment, is a preliminary employment examination administered by the FAA for individuals pursuing a career as Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs). The exam includes a mix of Verbal, Non-Verbal, and Logical Reasoning questions.

For more information about the assessment see our free ATSA Exam Prep Guide .

What Is Aptitude?

"Aptitude" is a term often used in psychology, education, and human resources to refer to a person's natural ability or potential for learning and performing certain tasks or skills. It represents the capacity or potential of an individual to acquire knowledge or skills, given the proper resources and learning environment.

This ability is thought to be inherent or inborn, though it can be developed and improved over time with training and practice. It is often measured with aptitude tests, which are designed to assess one's abilities in specific areas.

What Is an Aptitude Test?

An Aptitude test (Also known as a Career Path test ) is a career test for adults used to understand a person's ability to perform or learn specific tasks. These tests don't focus on knowledge or skills that a person already has, but rather on their potential to learn and succeed in certain areas.

The goal is to predict how well a person will perform in a certain job or field based on these inherent abilities.

There are two main ways aptitude tests are utilized:

  • Career Guidance - These tests aid individuals in exploring various career paths and pinpointing a profession that aligns well with their abilities and passions.
  • Screening Job Applicants - Employers utilize aptitude tests to evaluate prospective employees, identifying those who demonstrate the potential to thrive in a specific role.

What is the Difference Between an Aptitude Test and A Cognitive Ability Test?

A career aptitude test for adults serves as a useful instrument that assists individuals in uncovering their talents, passions, and personality attributes.

By doing so, it helps them identify suitable professions that align with their unique qualities. These tests are often accessible online and can be completed within a relatively short span of time.

Though there is a multitude of career aptitude tests designed for adults, most measure similar key aspects:

  • Interests : They delve into what excites and inspires you, and which activities you derive enjoyment from.
  • Skills: They gauge your strengths and capabilities, assessing the unique talents you possess.
  • Personality : They explore your values and predilections and consider how you engage with others. There are various free career tests on the web you can try.

What is a Career Aptitude Test?

Aside from aptitude tests, most employers include one or several interviews throughout their hiring process. Pre-recorded video interviews, such as HireVue 's, have become highly popular in recent years. Visit our pre-recorded interview page to learn more about how to prepare for them.

If you are looking for a different test , or are not sure which test is relevant for your position, please contact us at [email protected] and we will do our best to ensure you get the most accurate preparation for your upcoming assessment.

What’s on This Page

  • Verbal Aptitude Practice
  • Logical Aptitude Practice
  • Numerical Aptitude Practice
  • Mechanical Aptitude Practice
  • SJT Aptitude Practice

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Aptitude Questions and Answers

Aptitude questions can be challenging, but with the right preparation and practice, you can tackle them with ease. Our comprehensive guide to aptitude questions and answers covers all the essential topics of Aptitude, including Quantitative Aptitude , Logical Reasoning , and Verbal Ability . Whether you’re a student preparing for an examination or looking for a job to improve your problem-solving skills. With our step-by-step guide and sample questions, you will gain the confidence to tackle aptitude questions in interviews and competitive exams with ease.

Aptitude: Quantitative Aptitude Topics

Quantitative aptitude covers a wide range of topics and questions including:-

  • Numbers [ Practice ]
  • LCM and HCF [Practice LCM & HCF ]
  • Work and Wages [ Practice ]
  • Pipes and Cisterns [ Practice ]
  • Time Speed Distance [ Practice ]
  • Trains, Boats, and Streams [ Practice ]
  • Percentage [ Practice ]
  • Ratio, Proportion, and Partnership [ Practice ]
  • Mixture and Alligation [ Practice ]
  • Algebra [ Practice ]
  • Average [ Practice ]
  • Age [ Practice ]
  • Profit and Loss [ Practice ]
  • Simple Interest [ Practice ]
  • Compound Interest [ Practice ]
  • Mensuration 2D [ Practice ]
  • Mensuration 3D [ Practice ]
  • Trigonometry & Height and Distances [ Practice ]
  • Progressions [ Practice ]
  • Logarithms [ Practice ]
  • Permutation and Combination [ Practice ]
  • Probability [ Practice ]
  • Geometry [ Practice ]
  • Clocks [ Practice ]
  • Calendars [ Practice ]
  • Coding-Decoding [ Practice ]
  • Race [ Practice ]
  • Simplification and Approximation [ Practice ]
  • Data Interpretation [ Practice ]


Aptitude: Logical Reasoning Topics

Logical Reasoning covers a wide range of topics and questions including:-

  • Number Series
  • Letter and Symbol Series
  • Verbal Classification
  • Essential Part
  • Artificial Language
  • Matching Definitions
  • Making Judgments
  • Logical Problems
  • Logical Games
  • Analyzing Arguments
  • Course of Action
  • Statement and Conclusion
  • Theme Detection
  • Cause and Effect
  • Statement and Argument
  • Logical Deduction
  • Letter Series
  • Verification of the Truth of the Statement
  • Coding Decoding
  • Assertion and Reason
  • Statement and Assumptions
  • Logical Venn Diagram

Aptitude: Verbal Ability Topics

Verbal Ability covers a wide range of topics and questions including:-

  • Spotting Errors
  • Selecting Words
  • Sentence Formation
  • Ordering of Words
  • Sentence Correction
  • Sentence Improvement
  • Completing Statements
  • Ordering of Sentences
  • Paragraph Formation
  • Closet Test
  • Comprehension
  • One Word Substitutes
  • Idioms and Phrases
  • Change of Voice
  • Change of Speech
  • Verbal Analogies
  • Preposition

Aptitude Questions and Answers – FAQs

What is aptitude.

The natural ability or potential of a person to learn or perform a specific task or skill is referred to as aptitude. It is often used to describe a person’s inherent talent or capacity in a particular area, such as language, or music.

How can I improve my aptitude skills?

There are several ways to improve your aptitude skills, including practicing with sample questions and tests, seeking feedback and guidance from experts or mentors.

What are aptitude tests used for? 

Aptitude tests are used to assess a person’s potential in a particular field or to help identify areas in which a person may excel. They are often used in academic settings, such as college admissions or scholarship applications, and in professional settings, such as job interviews and career assessments.

How to get answers for aptitude questions?

To get answers for aptitude questions: Understand the Concept : Learn the underlying concepts and formulas. Practice Regularly : Solve similar questions to build familiarity. Use Elimination : Narrow down multiple-choice options by eliminating incorrect ones. Work Backwards : For some problems, try working from the answer choices to the question. Time Management : Practice solving questions within a time limit to improve speed and accuracy.

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Problem Solving test

Summary of the problem solving test.

This Problem Solving test evaluates candidates’ ability to define problems and analyze data/textual information to make correct decisions . Our test helps you identify candidates with the analytical skills to assess and respond to complex business situations quickly and accurately.

Covered skills

Creating and adjusting schedules

Interpreting data and applying logic to make decisions

Prioritizing tasks and applying order based on a given set of rules

Analyzing textual and numerical information to draw conclusions

Use the Problem Solving test to hire

Any role that involves managing constantly shifting variables with tight deadlines, including administrative assistants, project managers, customer service managers, web developers, and people working in hospitality or sales.

Sign up for a Free forever plan and use this Problem Solving assessment test for free!

graphic image for cognitive ability tests

About the Problem Solving test

Effective problem-solving involves the ability to:

Define complex problems

Break it down into manageable parts using verbal and numerical reasoning skills

Develop approaches to solve the (sub)problem using creativity and analytical thinking

Execute flawlessly

Problem-solving abilities are difficult to assess through resume screening alone. A candidate might say they’ve solved several problems in the past, but that doesn’t show their ability to work well under pressure or tell you how sophisticated their problem-solving abilities are.

That’s why our Problem Solving test enables candidates to show off their skills in real time. This problem resolution test presents candidates with typical problem-solving scenarios like 1) scheduling based on a diverse set of conditions, 2) identifying the right sequence of actions based on several business rules, and 3) drawing conclusions based on textual and numerical information

Check out our practice preview questions to see the Problem Solving test in action.

A successful problem solver can quickly identify the key elements of the problem and work through the problem at speed without making mistakes. This multiple-choice test is also useful to check candidates' overall analytical skills.

problem solving aptitude tests

The test is made by a subject-matter expert

The global IT industry has benefited from Anirban’s talents for over two decades. With a flawless reputation that precedes him, Anirban has earned a status as a sought-after agile project manager and consultant. He’s worked internationally as a Senior Project Manager with companies such as Ericsson, IBM, and T-Mobile.

Anirban’s love for learning helps him keep his skills sharp. He holds an MBA and a degree in engineering, is a certified Scrum Master, and has certifications in Prince2 and ITIL.

Crafted with expert knowledge

TestGorilla’s tests are created by subject matter experts. We assess potential subject-matter experts based on their knowledge, ability, and reputation. Before being published, each test is peer-reviewed by another expert, then calibrated using hundreds of test takers with relevant experience in the subject.

Our feedback mechanisms and unique algorithms allow our subject-matter experts to constantly improve their tests.

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TestGorilla helps me to assess engineers rapidly. Creating assessments for different positions is easy due to pre-existing templates. You can create an assessment in less than 2 minutes. The interface is intuitive and it’s easy to visualize results per assessment.


VP of engineering, mid-market (51-1000 FTE)

Any tool can have functions—bells and whistles. Not every tool comes armed with staff passionate about making the user experience positive.

The TestGorilla team only offers useful insights to user challenges, they engage in conversation.

For instance, I recently asked a question about a Python test I intended to implement. Instead of receiving “oh, that test would work perfectly for your solution,” or, “at this time we’re thinking about implementing a solution that may or may not…” I received a direct and straightforward answer with additional thoughts to help shape the solution.

I hope that TestGorilla realizes the value proposition in their work is not only the platform but the type of support that’s provided.

For a bit of context—I am a diversity recruiter trying to create a platform that removes bias from the hiring process and encourages the discovery of new and unseen talent.

Chief Talent Connector, small business (50 or fewer FTE)

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problem solving aptitude tests

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Building assessments is quick and easy with TestGorilla. Just pick a name, select the tests you need, then add your own custom questions.

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problem solving aptitude tests

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The Problem Solving test will be included in a PDF report along with the other tests from your assessment. You can easily download and share this report with colleagues and candidates.

problem solving aptitude tests

Why are problem solving skills important to employers?

Employers should use problem solving skills assessment tests because nearly every role benefits from staff with positive, troubleshooting mindsets.

Problem solving skills in the workplace mean that employees can respond quickly to challenges, creating processes that mitigate or remove obstacles that prevent the company from achieving its goals.

These challenges can be anything, for example: 

Delays in your supply chain

Conflict between team members

Technological problems

Problem solving skills are especially important in roles such as project management, administrative assistance, and planning work with ever-changing circumstances and tight deadlines.

By asking candidates to pass a problem solving test online during the recruitment process, you ensure that all your recruits have what it takes to troubleshoot problems, improve your productivity, and increase your chances of innovation.

 A problem solving skills test also ensures that you do this with minimal bias, using an objective numerical measure to establish the required skill set and build a shortlist.

You should also explore candidates’ approaches to creative problem solving in more depth with problem solving questions in the interview stage.

Key problem solving abilities to measure with a problem solving test

A strong problem resolution test evaluates candidates’ ability to define problems and analyze data and textual information to make decisions that best serve the business. 

Some of the considerations for problem-solving test questions include:

Creating and adjusting schedules: Candidates should use a problem-solving process to understand what they can realistically achieve within time and how to adjust schedules to account for variable outcomes.

Interpreting data and applying logic to make decisions: Job seekers should have an aptitude for aligning data with business goals and making actionable decisions.

Prioritizing and applying order based on a given set of rules: Applicants can determine which project tasks take priority by using prioritization rules and supporting information.

Analyzing textual and numerical information to draw conclusions: Examining textual and numerical information to reveal patterns, relationships, and trends can help candidates draw accurate conclusions and pick the best choice from a selection of alternative solutions.

problem solving aptitude tests

What job roles can you hire with our Problem Solving test?

You can – and should – use an ability test of problem solving skills when screening for most roles to reduce time-to-hire, even when hiring globally like Nexus HR.

However, it is especially important when hiring for positions where effective problem-solving is needed – for example, managerial roles, project-focused roles, and jobs where employees frequently work under time limits.

Here are some examples of roles you should use a problem solving assessment for:

Administrative assistants: Employees who can think on their feet can swiftly resolve logistical challenges, manage schedules, and facilitate seamless communication.

Project managers : Problem solving skills are essential to keep projects on track and ensure deadlines are met, even when unexpected changes occur.

Customer service managers: Customer service reps must make prompt decisions to respond to customer queries and solve their issues quickly.

Web developers : Great programmers have the competency to spot problems in their code and identify possible solutions.

Venture capitalists: Venture capitalists must be able to think critically and spot both opportunities and risks in potential investments – problem solving skills are key here.

Hospitality staff : Hotel and restaurant workers thrive when they can identify and effectively respond to customer issues, turning negatives into positive experiences.

Salespeople: Sales professionals benefit from the ability to transform client challenges and objections into opportunities for problem-solving, which often leads to upsells and cross-sells.

problem solving aptitude tests

Create a multi-measure assessment: 4 tests to pair with the Problem Solving test

Of course, a problem solving test alone can’t tell you if a candidate has all the right skills for the role. Instead, include a problem solving skills test as part of a multi-measure psychometric assessment alongside up to four other essential skills tests to find the best candidates.

Here’s an example of four tests you might include to make a strong multi-measure assessment:

Communication test : Ensure your candidates maintain clear communication with teammates and direct reports, which is essential when discussing problems, brainstorming solutions, and implementing the chosen strategy

Time Management test : Dig deeper into jobseekers’ abilities to respond to time-pressured tasks and manage deadlines

Critical Thinking test : Identify prospects with the cognitive ability and logical reasoning to solve nuanced problems, stay objective, and balance complexities in their decision-making process

Big Five (OCEAN) Personality test : Get insight into what kind of worker a candidate is through five key metrics: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and emotional stability.

Note: We haven’t included any role-specific skills tests here because they depend on the position you’re hiring for. However, we highly recommend you add at least one in your five-test assessment to ensure your candidates possess the right skills for the job.

An assessment is the total package of tests and custom questions that you put together to evaluate your candidates. Each individual test within an assessment is designed to test something specific, such as a job skill or language. An assessment can consist of up to 5 tests and 20 custom questions. You can have candidates respond to your custom questions in several ways, such as with a personalized video.

Yes! Custom questions are great for testing candidates in your own unique way. We support the following question types: video, multiple-choice, coding, file upload, and essay. Besides adding your own custom questions, you can also create your own tests.

A video question is a specific type of custom question you can add to your assessment. Video questions let you create a question and have your candidates use their webcam to record a video response. This is an excellent way to see how a candidate would conduct themselves in a live interview, and is especially useful for sales and hospitality roles. Some good examples of things to ask for video questions would be "Why do you want to work for our company?" or "Try to sell me an item you have on your desk right now."

Besides video questions, you can also add the following types of custom questions: multiple-choice, coding, file upload, and essay. Multiple-choice lets your candidates choose from a list of answers that you provide, coding lets you create a coding problem for them to solve, file upload allows your candidates to upload a file that you request (such as a resume or portfolio), and essay allows an open-ended text response to your question. You can learn more about different custom question types here .

Yes! You can add your own logo and company color theme to your assessments. This is a great way to leave a positive and lasting brand impression on your candidates.

Our team is always here to help. After you sign up, we’ll reach out to guide you through the first steps of setting up your TestGorilla account. If you have any further questions, you can contact our support team via email, chat or call. We also offer detailed guides in our extensive help center .

It depends! We offer five free tests, or unlimited access to our library of 400+ tests with the price based on your company size. Find more information on our pricing plans here , calculate the cost-benefit of using TestGorilla assessments, or speak to one of our sales team for your personalized demo and learn how we can help you revolutionize hiring today.

Yes. You can add up to five tests to each assessment.

We recommend using our assessment software as a pre-screening tool at the beginning of your recruitment process. You can add a link to the assessment in your job post or directly invite candidates by email.

TestGorilla replaces traditional resume screening with a much more reliable and efficient process, designed to find the most skilled candidates earlier and faster.

We offer the following cognitive ability tests : Numerical Reasoning, Problem Solving, Attention to Detail, Reading Comprehension, and Critical Thinking.

Our cognitive ability tests allow you to test for skills that are difficult to evaluate in an interview. Check out our blog on why these tests are so useful and how to choose the best one for your assessment.

Related tests

Intermediate math, mechanical reasoning, attention to detail (textual), verbal reasoning, critical thinking, numerical reasoning, computational thinking, basic math calculations, understanding instructions, attention to detail (visual).

Aptitude Test

For jobseekers.

Practice your skills and earn a certificate of achievement when you score in the top 25%.

For Companies

Test candidates with real-world problems and interview the best ones.

About the test

The Aptitude test assesses the ability to use reason to solve problems which involve rigorous and methodical thinking skills.

The assessment includes work-sample tasks such as:

Understanding numerical data in order to calculate accurate answers.

Analyzing patterns in information and evidence to arrive at correct conclusions.

Evaluating language to summarize information and make the right decisions.

Good analysts, managers, and developers all need to be adept with these analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills.

Sample public questions

Billy never slows down or stops painting no matter how tired he is. In fact, it would take Billy only 4 hours to paint a fence by himself. It would take Suzy 6 hours to paint the same fence by herself.

On Friday, Billy and Suzy worked together to paint the fence and Billy got tired after 2 hours.

How much time did it take to paint the whole fence?

You are having a discussion with your friend about the apps you both use.

Every app your friend uses, you also use. Spreadsheet is the app you use the most. You don't use the Calculator app at all.

With regard to what’s written above, select which of the following statements are true.

A grid of figures

Select the tile below that should be placed in the unknown tile above so that all three rows above follow the same pattern.

The possible answers

Cats are common pets throughout the world, and their worldwide population exceeds 500 million. Cats are the second most popular pet in the U.S. by number of pets owned, behind freshwater fish. Although cat ownership has commonly been associated with women, research has shown that men and women in the U.S. are equally likely to own a cat. They are ranked as the third most popular pet in the U.K. by number of pets owned, after fish and dogs, with 8 million being owned.

What can be concluded from the text above?

The charts below show the number of cars John sold last year and the profit per car he made.

A chart showing the number of cars sold and the profit per car.

How much did John earn last year?

A chart showing the number of cars sold and the profit per car.

The charts above show the number of cars that John sold last year, and the profit per car. In which quarter did John make the highest average profit per car sold?

In which year did the company make the largest profit per employee?

A chart showing the profit per employee.

In college, Jill taught Sam different math theorems.

After leaving college, Jill forgot more math theorems than Sam learned from her.

Based only on the above, which of the below must be true statements.

In the summer, Agathe wore an ill-fitting sun hat and oversized sunglasses to the beach in Greece. Both slipped off when she fell asleep in her swimsuit on the beach at 2 p.m.

What will most likely happen to Agathe?

John has a bag of apples, and two brothers, Jack and Jim.

The image below shows the number of apples that John has eaten and put in the family's compost barrel.

Apples Compost Heap

John then splits the remainder equally between himself and each one of his brothers. Jack and Jim both eat half the apples they have been given. Together the three brothers have 4 apples left.

How many apples did John start with?

When Spring began, a bottled water startup launched its product. When Summer began, it started a 6 month marketing campaign to increase sales. Sales rose and stayed high but, when Summer ended, they fell and stayed low. When Winter began, the startup failed and went out of business.

A grid of circles

After saving for years, John's parents bought him his first car for his birthday. He was so happy that they decided to keep buying him cars on future birthdays that came after the same interval of years.

Today they bought him yet another car—38 years after the first.

Here are the birthday cars.


How old was John when he got his first car from his parents?

In an upcoming referendum, voters will be asked whether the minimum wage should be increased. Telephone polls of likely voters were conducted to predict what the result might be. All respondents were put into at least one of six categories based on profession and age: scientist, lawyer, hourly wage earner, small business owner, younger voter, older voter. The opinion polls showed: A majority of voters are in favor of keeping the current minimum wage. A majority of scientists and lawyers supported a rise in the minimum wage. Younger voters are more inclined to support a rise in the minimum wage. Older voters tend to support no change. Hourly wage earners overwhelmingly supported a rise in the minimum wage. Small business owners were evenly split on the subject.

Select all the statements that can be concluded from the above text:

A grid of circles

Dan put a large bet on a horse. However, a day before the race, the horse was injured.

Select which of the following statements are true:

Germany's economy avoided falling into recession during the final three months of last year. This means that it avoided two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth, which is the definition of a recession. This was a small, but positive, surprise for all analysts who, after the July-to-September period that featured a 0.3% decline, predicted the continuation of this negative trend. Reasons for slower growth last year include a slowdown in the global economy and a weaker car sector, with some German consumers less willing to buy new cars amid confusion over new emission standards. Joe Johnson, senior financial analyst, told the BBC that US tariffs on EU car exports, which US President Donald Trump has threatened, could have a major impact on Germany. He thinks that, if this happens, Germany might fall into recession.

The company's sick leave policy says:

This company’s sick leave policy applies to all our employees who have been with our company for more than six months. Our employees can take sick leave only when they want to recover from a sudden illness, accident, or injury. They can use up to 10 days of sick leave for these purposes per calendar year. Upon completion of each 12 month period of employment, employees will receive 3 additional days of sick leave for every completed 12 month period of working for the company. Unspent additional sick leave days cannot be transferred to the next 12 month period. For example, an employee who has worked for the company for 10 years would receive 30 additional days of sick leave, or 40 in total. Keep in mind that employees who become sick should either use their sick days or work from home to avoid spreading illnesses.

Fill in the blanks, with numbers, for the cases below. Enter the number 0 for cases when an employee doesn't have the right to sick leave, according to the policy.

  • Emily, who has worked for us for almost half a year and still hasn't used any sick leave days, has the right to use up to __ sick leave days this year.
  • Faith, who just started her 3rd year of working for us and has not taken sick leave until now, had a car accident. She has the right to use up to __ days of sick leave to recover from her injuries.
  • Vanessa, who started to work for us a little over a year ago, took 2 days of sick leave last year. She was Faith's passenger in the car accident. Vanessa has the right to use up to __ days of sick leave to recover from her injuries.
  • Edith, who began working for us 8 months ago, has the right to use up to __ sick leave days for a volunteer adult care program at a local hospital that lasts the whole day.
  • If Gabrielle, who has worked for us for 20 months, and who took a 10-day sick leave immediately after her 6-month trial period had finished, gets ill tomorrow, she will have the right to use up to __  days of sick leave.

It has rained continuously for 15 days. Tomorrow, an important football match is being held in an outdoor stadium.

An eagerly awaited new album has been leaked several hours before its official release. Listeners are now able to download the album for free.

How will this affect album sales?

Which product line saw the largest absolute increase in income (dollar amount, not percentage) in the second half of the year compared to the first half of the year?

Product line Quarters
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
C# $26,000 $27,000 $33,000 $15,000
JavaScript $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $18,000
HTML/CSS $1,000 $5,000 $7,000 $1,000
PHP $12,000 $11,000 $14,000 $13,000
Ruby $4,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000

Five types of tires were tested in three different driving conditions.

Consider the following table of their test scores:

Tire Type Driving Condition Test Scores
Dry Wet Snow
Desert 10 4 1
Beach 5 8 5
Mountain 6 9 6
Swamp 7 10 4
Jungle 7 5 6

If a tire type scored 4 or less in any category, it failed the test.

What is the highest average score of the tire types that passed the test?

Carefully read the following excerpt from an article on paper production:

With the recovery rate of used paper for recycling approaching 70 percent in the United States and Europe, and approaching 80 percent in Japan, to keep up with our demand for paper we need to continue using fresh fiber as well as recycled, according to the premise set forward in a new report by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Detailing the reasons why fresh fiber combined with recycled is important for a single integrated wood fiber system, the report examines the “complementarity” of using both and discusses the functions of different types of fibers and the issues related to both recycling old fiber and sourcing fresh fiber. In 2012, 400 million tons of paper and paperboard were produced and consumed globally, which is double that in 1985, notes the report. As the population continues to expand and standards of living increase, this number is expected to climb by another 40 percent by 2028. While many would advocate for cutting down on paper use in the first place, in the face of global demand the most sustainable fiber may have to be the next best thing. But therein lies the rub: finding adequate quantities of said fiber will be the challenge of the global pulp and paper industry.

Which statement most effectively summarizes the text?

An author writes an argumentative essay to persuade readers to agree with a claim about a topic. When writing an argumentative essay, it's important to establish credibility with readers to convince them that the author is trustworthy. True statements, accurate evidence, and clear logic increase an author's credibility. However, false statements, inaccurate evidence, and unclear logic make an author less credible. With lower credibility, an author is less likely to persuade readers to agree with a claim--even when it is trustworthy.

Select the statement that most effectively summarizes the above text:

A postcard and a stamp together cost $1.50. The postcard costs one dollar more than the stamp.

How much does the stamp cost?

A brother and sister own equal parts in a company. The minority shareholders have the remaining 12,000 shares or 30% of the company.

What is the number of shares that the sister owns?

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Life Expectancy , Workplace , Math Courses , Blue-collar Workers , Candidate Answers , Road Trip , Kindergarten , Penny Flipping , World Championship , All-Stars , Masked Burglar , Free Calls , Broken Clock , Digits to Employees , Pages Turned , Olive Oil Press , Discount , Gear Wheels , Cooking Oil , Vacation Days , Break , Thief , Alarm System , Condominium , Working Week , Fossil Dig , Bikers , Elves , Mold , Laptop Setup , Gas Price , Gas Price Change , Busy Intersection , Fruit Juice Processing , Riviera Hotels , Uber , Renewable Energy , Flower Exports , Lucky Roller , Customer Parking , Digital Ads , Holidays , Tax , Money , Arithmetic Dots 3 , Rotating Figures 1 , Rotating Figures 2 , Rotating Figures 3 , Spot the Duplicates 2 , Red Black Chart , Clock Hands , Closed Deals , Currency Exchange , Ears , Marbles , Pages , Profit Margin , Profits , Race Track , Revenue Growth , Revenue No Growth , Snack , Spin the Wheel , Traffic Counter , Turtles , Middle Ages Warlords , Football Stadium Renovation , Exclude the Duplicates 1 , Spot the Duplicates 4 , Arithmetic Dots 2 , Feature Usage , Combining Figures 3 , Plans , Clock Angles , Outdoor Tub , Exclude the Duplicates 3 , Spot the Duplicates 3 , Combining Figures 4 , Combining Figures 1 , Exclude the Duplicates 2 , Arithmetic Dots 1 , Employees to Digits , Elementary School , Game Rules , Drawing the Next Card , Award for Ana , Business Reports , Complaining Customers , Highs and Lows , Pink Diamonds , A Bad Good Year , Office Space , Auto Oversight , Kids on Apps , Coffee and Cake .

Skills and topics tested

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Inductive Reasoning
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Deductive Reasoning
  • Fallacy of the Undistributed Middle
  • Fallacy of Exclusive Premises
  • Fallacy of Division
  • Fallacy of Composition
  • Gambler's Fallacy
  • Affirming a Disjunct
  • Masked-Man Fallacy
  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Table Lookup
  • Divide and Conquer
  • Linear Equations
  • Understanding Rules
  • Working with Time
  • Argument from Fallacy
  • Affirming the Consequent
  • Double Counting
  • Illicit Major
  • Attribute Substitution
  • Percentages
  • Conjunction Fallacy
  • Critical Thinking
  • Most Effective Summary
  • True Statement
  • Existential Fallacy
  • Modal Fallacy
  • Newspaper Excerpts
  • Abstract Reasoning
  • Numeric Representation
  • Three Horizontal Rows
  • Rotating Elements
  • Duplicate Elements
  • Correlation and Causation
  • Arithmetic Mean
  • Chart Lookup
  • Exclusive Elements
  • Venn Diagram
  • Additive Elements
  • Circular Reasoning
  • Dependent Events
  • Probability

For job roles

  • Administrative Assistant
  • Call Center Agent
  • Content Writer
  • Customer Support
  • Data Analyst
  • Financial Analyst
  • Financial Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • Software Developer

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Abstract Reasoning Tests

Abstract reasoning example questions, critical thinking test, numerical reasoning test, verbal reasoning test, attention to detail test, how to prepare for an aptitude test, frequently asked questions, aptitude tests: 10 sample questions and answers.

Updated August 16, 2024

Edward Mellett

Aptitude tests are administered to understand your inherent abilities to reason and respond to specific tasks.

They are widely used in various forms to screen candidates or evaluate existing employees for a future job role.

The most generic and widely used aptitude tests are curated to measure different facets of your abilities, mainly on the following areas:

  • Abstract Reasoning
  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Attention to Detail

Apart from these base types, there are various other specialized aptitude tests which you may face in specific industries or based on your role in different career stages.

We have discussed each of the most common job related aptitude tests in detail.

Illustrative examples and helpful hints are provided throughout to aid your preparation.

Read on to find out more.

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In Abstract Reasoning Tests you are presented with a set of abstract images or shapes.

The ask is to identify a missing item or find the last item in the sequence.

These tests try to evaluate your ability to work with concepts and abstract ideas.

They are often used to screen for positions where problem-solving and analytical skills are required.

Versions of Abstract Reasoning Tests are also variously referred to as Diagrammatic Tests or Inductive Reasoning Tests .

The most common types of questions asked in an Abstract Reasoning Test are as follows:

  • Compete the sequence
  • Find the missing item in sequence
  • Find the odd one out

Remember to check for the following while you answer abstract reasoning questions:

  • Look out for a pattern in the movement inside the given area. The movements can be clockwise or anti-clockwise.
  • Repeat the observation for all constituent ‘items’, check out for one ‘rule’ at a time.
  • Check for rotations of individual items on its axis; generally rotations are 45, 90 or 180 degrees in either clockwise or anti-clockwise direction.
  • Check for sequence of changing colours or shading.
  • Check for sequence of alternating items (e.g. a triangle may alternate with a hexagon in a given position between consecutive steps).
  • Check for a pattern in the figure (e.g. triangle (3-sides) > square (4-sides) – pentagon (5-sides) > hexagon (6-sides), etc.).

1. Complete the sequence from the options given below:

Abstract Reasoning

2. Find the odd one out from the figures given below:

Abstract Reasoning

Prepare for Abstract Reasoning Tests with TestHQ

This family of tests is meant to evaluate how you can critically analyse any set of information to draw logical conclusions.

You may need to compare between statements and assess whether the information presented is consistent, deducible or independent.

The test examines your capacity to use logical reasoning while interpreting textual information.

Critical Thinking Tests are also sometimes referred to as Logical Reasoning Tests .

Following are the main types of questions that may be asked:

  • Understanding of cause and effect
  • Recognition of assumptions
  • Evaluation of arguments
  • Drawing of conclusions

A variation of the critical thinking test also tests your ability to deal with Sequences and arrangements.

The critical thinking test is extensively used for managerial and mid-to-senior level positions and certain specific job roles (like in legal or para-legal professions).

A Watson Glaser Test is a widely known version of critical thinking test that is globally used by corporates for evaluating candidates for screening and promotion purposes.

Prepare for Critical Thinking Tests with TestHQ

3. Sidney is older than Rachel. Rachel and Beatrice are both older than Tina. Elena is not the youngest.

Who is the youngest of the five?

a) Rachel b) Tina c) Elena d) Cannot say

4. Statement 1: Budget tourism has seen a marked increase over the last decade.

Statement 2: Many wealthy patients from developed economies have visited countries in the Far East for organ transplantation surgery.

a) Both the statements I and 2 are independent causes. b) Statement 2 is the cause and statement I is its effect. c) Statement I is the cause and statement 2 is its effect. d) Both the statements I and 2 are effects of independent causes.

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Numerical Reasoning Tests determine your comfort with numbers and ascertain how efficiently you can handle numerical problems.

The types of questions cover a wide expanse.

However, these are some of the most common types of numerical reasoning questions that you may encounter:

  • Understanding number pattern and sequence
  • Interpreting graphs
  • Interpreting tables
  • Foundational knowledge of fractions, recurring, percentage, etc.

The following may come in handy while answering numerical reasoning type of questions:

  • In percentage type questions it is almost always easy to consider a total of 100 and then move from there. Decreases time spent in working with fractions or decimals.
  • Try quick approximations. For example, dividing by 10.2 would give an answer which would be a close approximation of a division by 10. Will save time while calculating.
  • Sometimes it is quicker to try arriving at the answer using the options given. Try back-calculating.
  • For sequence type of questions normally arithmetic or geometric progression, powers and common multipliers are used. Sometimes the difference between consecutive numbers may be in a sequence or the given sequence can be in fact a combination of two sequences.

Prepare for a Numerical Reasoning Test with TestHQ

5. Identify the next number in the following sequence:

25, 49, 97, ?

a) 159 b) 179 c) 139 d) 193

6. The following figure shows the propensity to spend of visitors at an online store in Q1, 2019.

Assuming in the next quarter the Low Propensity and High Propensity customers double, while the Medium Propensity customers get halved, what would be the percentage of High Propensity customers in Q2, 2019?

Numerical Reasoning Test

a) 70% b) 75% c) 77% d) 79%

Verbal Reasoning Tests would measure your ability to comprehend written information quickly and correctly.

It may also evaluate how well you can relate the data presented in various places of a passage and draw appropriate inferences.

Ability to understand subtleties of the language is also tested to understand your basic communication skills.

The complexity of the test would vary depending upon seniority and type of position.

The following tips may be helpful while answering verbal reasoning questions:

Never assume anything which is not in the given text even if it is ‘common knowledge’. Only information presented in the passage is to be considered while answering any question.

Read the passage carefully with attention to detail. Be careful not to miss out on any details within the text.

Practise quick reading. Sometimes the passages may be quite big and unless you practise speed reading you may get stranded for time.

Look out for options like ‘cannot say’ or ‘cannot be inferred’. Sometimes information given in the passage would be kept intentionally insufficient and this would indeed be a correct option to choose.

7. Aachen university is globally acclaimed for its rich curriculum and celebrated alumni, many of whom hold prestigious positions in multinational companies, home and abroad.

It is the largest technical university in Germany.

The teaching pedagogy is focused on practical application of knowledge rather than cramming of theory.

Students are encouraged to actively participate in co-curricular activities and a percentage of marks is set aside for documented voluntary social work during a semester.

The university also boasts of a robust internship program and has tie-ups with reputed companies in mainland Europe.

Inference: The university attracts a lot of foreign students annually. The above inference is:

a) True b) False c) Probably True d) Probably False e) Insufficient Data

8. It is difficult to survive in the present day industry on cost case alone.

Clients and consumers are more and more stressing on quality.

To promote a low cost model, the organisations banking on cutting costs are often compelled to cut corners during production or development.

Ultimately, as it so happens, the stringent quality checks are often compromised.

However, the modern day consumers are by and large comfortable to pay for the cost of quality instead of merely paying less upfront for a product or service of questionable quality.

In the long run, the added cost of quality pays for itself by lowering lingering maintenance and defect fixing costs and prolonging the working life of a product or service procured.

Makes more economic sense to pay a thousand dollars for a quality product upfront and stay relaxed for 10 years than buy three similar products for five hundred dollars thrice in a decade.

Not to mention the additional installation and/or re- training costs and loss of peace of mind!

The passage above refers to:

a) Wastage of resources in the name of quality. b) Unreasonably high cost of quality. c) Growing consumer distaste for higher price in the name of quality. d) Consumer awareness on quality vis-à-vis cheaper alternatives.

Prepare for a verbal reasoning test with TestHQ

The attention to detail test evaluates your ability to quickly identify errors, omissions and anomalies.

Traditionally this test used large numbers and alphanumeric strings and you were supposed to find whether two given strings matched.

However, newer versions of the attention to detail test also includes passages.

You are to carefully read through the text and answer follow-up questions asked.

Questions are carefully crafted to check how responsive you are to minute details presented (or, intentionally hidden in the write-up).

Also, you may encounter questions involving matching between two sets of addresses or similar looking email id’s in the latest versions of attention to detail tests.

These are also known as Error Checking Tests .

Attention to detail tests are widely used for various entry level positions and for job roles that require this specific skill abundantly (e.g. office assistant, secretary, admin staff, etc.).

You may like to consider the following tips while preparing for an attention to detail test:

In case you find it difficult to visually check and compare entire strings, feel free to devise your own ways – you may start from the left and check two numerals each or divide in groups of four. It should be fairly easy with practice. You may also want to say out the numbers aloud or use a stylus, pen or pencil tip as an aid to focus.

There are certain digit pairs which are most commonly used in error-checking kind of questions. For example, 3 & 8, 1 & 7, 6 & 9, 8 & 0, etc. With practice you can pick these ‘usual suspects’ more easily.

Human eyes often get tricked while looking at a large number of consecutive zeroes (0). If there are 4 or more consecutive zeros, check carefully – that sequence might hide a possible mismatch.

Look out for seemingly minor details like a missing comma (,), semicolon (;), period (.) or an apostrophe (‘).

For passages of text, read carefully through the sentences. While speed-reading we often tend to glance through certain words or small bits of information. The question may intentionally be created to catch these inadvertent omissions.

9. Consider the addresses for a student as on file versus as printed in the University yearbook.

Jenny Black
75 Eastdale Lane,
Brighthelm Town,
East Daleside,
HE45 7QP
Jenny Block
76 Eastdale Lane,
Brighthelm Town
East Dale,
HE45 7QP

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a) There are 5 differences in the addresses b) There are 4 differences in the addresses c) There are 3 differences in the addresses d) There are no differences in the addresses

10. Statement A: Under the starry clear sky Averi and Hailey lay awake talking about clans, flights beyond the blue mountain ridges, battles and hunted werewolves.

Statement B: Under the starry clean sky Averie and Haylie lay awake talking about clams, fights beyond the blue mountain ridges, battled and hunted werewolves.

Which of the following is true with reference to the above statements?

a) There is no difference between Statement A and Statement B b) There are 2 differences between Statement A and Statement B c) There are 3 differences between Statement A and Statement B d) There are more than 3 differences between Statement A and Statement B

Prepare for an error checking test with TestHQ

Other Types Of Specialised Aptitude Tests

Apart from these generic aptitude tests which do not require any pre-learnt skills there are several other different trade specific aptitude tests that you may come across often.

Examples are:

Mechanical Reasoning Test

Mechanical Reasoning Tests are administered to check your understanding of basic laws of physics.

Generally there is no direct academic question – rather the test is geared to probe your grasp of mechanical concepts mapped to everyday scenarios.

Clarity of concept and depth of understanding of the basics are primarily evaluated.

If you are aiming for an engineering or technical job role, you may expect to appear for this type of aptitude test.

Spatial Reasoning Test

This is another type of aptitude test used mainly for design, architecture or engineering job roles.

You will be probed on your understanding of multidimensional objects represented in a two dimensional plane along with concepts of reflection, rotation, symmetry etc.

E-Tray Exercises

E-tray exercises are another job role specific aptitude test to evaluate how well you can handle and prioritise multiple concurrent tasks.

You may be presented with a workday scenario with different simultaneous job requests.

You will then be tested on your ability to delegate and arrange the assigned work based on differing priorities.

Proprietary Aptitude Tests

Now that we have gone through the basic types of aptitude tests, here’s a quick look at six of the most common proprietary tests on the market that combine one or more flavours of the base tests.

These are immensely popular in the industry and you can expect to face at least one of them in some stage of your career.

IBM Kenexa provides a specialised version of the error checking test that would require you to compare two numeric, text or alphanumeric strings and mark whether there is a match and the two sets are the ‘same’ or there is a mismatch and the two sets are ‘different’.

In this case you should tune your strategy to save time.

You do not need to find all the differences – if there is a single difference noted you can mark it 'different’ and move on to the next.

Criteria Based Skills Test

Another flavour of attention to detail test is the Criteria Based Skills Test (CBST) by Criteriacorp .

Here you would also need to be prepared to check for grammar and spelling mistakes and test basic arithmetic functions.

Wonderlic provides a popular version of aptitude test called the Wonderlic Personnel Test , which is a combination of logical reasoning, abstract reasoning, numerical reasoning types of questions along with other specific types like jumbled up sentences, vocabulary test, etc.

The SHL test , used by a large number of corporates globally to screen their workforce, is similarly a combination of verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, inductive and deductive reasoning and error checking questions.

Questions are generally tougher and of higher difficulty than other similar tests in the market.

Caliper Profile Test

Perhaps one of the toughest abstract reasoning test you may face is the Caliper profile test .

It forms part of the test suite along with a behavioural section.

The questions here would deal with abstract patterns, numbers and letter sequences.

You are to find out either a missing member of the sequence or identify what comes next.

A totally different and novel approach to aptitude tests is taken by Revelian .

Known as Cognify tests , these are game-based assessments and you would be tested on numerical reasoning, verbal knowledge and problem solving as you play six mini- games.

No multiple choice questions, no options to tick.

You play and get assessed!

Prepare for aptitude tests with TestHQ

Now that you have a fair idea of the type of questions you might expect while you sit for any aptitude test, remember that almost all of these tests have the following characteristics in common:

  • They are almost always multiple-choice types of questions.
  • Unless specific for an industry or job (as mentioned earlier), they do not require you to have any specialized prior knowledge. These tests are meant to find out your inherent reasoning, logical skills or expertise in communication and ease with numbers. Your overall alertness and attention span are also often tested.
  • There is almost always a time pressure built into the tests. Many of the aptitude tests do not expect you to finish all questions within the prescribed time.
  • There is generally no ordered range of complexity. All questions carry equal weightage.
  • There may or may not be negative marking. Keeping these in mind, you may accordingly strategize on how to prepare for the tests.

It might help to check out the following while you prepare:

Step 1 . Practise. Practise.

And then practise some more.

However hard any kind of aptitude test may feel to you, remember there are always some basic types for any given test.

Try to familiarise yourself with them and you will see your scores improve dramatically.

Step 2 . Do Your Research

Before you sit for a particular test, research well and check if you can on whether there is any negative marking.

Some proprietary ones do have them, but most don’t.

Accordingly strategize to take educated guesses.

Generally there are 4 answer options per question.

Even if you manage to eliminate one option as definitely improbable, you raise your probability of a successful guess by about 8%!

Step 3 . Practise Against the Clock.

After you get a hang of the types of questions asked, start keeping note of the time you take to answer each question as you try to solve in practice.

Based on the type of aptitude test and the test provider, the time available per question may range from around 20 seconds for error checking exercises to about two minutes for the harder abstract reasoning or numerical reasoning questions.

As a rule of the thumb, anything less than a minute per question is a very good place to start with.

With practise you will see your time remarkably improve.

Last but not the least, stay well rested and try to be relaxed while you sit for the tests.

All the best!

What is an aptitude test?

An aptitude test is designed to measure your reasoning abilities. They are also referred to as cognitive ability tests.

They test the ability to think logically, solve problems and reason effectively.

They are most often used as part of the recruitment process or for entry onto gifted education programs.

What does an aptitude test measure?

Aptitude tests measure your cognitive reasoning skills. They cover verbal, numerical, abstract and logical reasoning ability.

Other types of aptitude tests are more specialised and relate to a specific industry.

For example, for a role in engineering, you might be asked to complete a mechanical reasoning test. A spatial ability test is used for careers in design, architecture and surveying.

Are aptitude tests hard to pass?

Aptitude tests can feel difficult. They are designed to assess your innate reasoning abilities and identify your strengths and weaknesses.

To improve your results, take practice tests online to help familiarise you with the style of questions. The more you work on your weaker areas, the more likely it is you will pass.

Where can you prepare for aptitude tests?

You can prepare for aptitude tests by taking sample assessments online. and Practice Reasoning Tests have practice tests to help improve your scores.

How to pass an aptitude test?

To pass an aptitude test you need to start preparing in advance. Take sample tests online to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Take the tests under timed conditions and keep a record of your progress. Practicing questions beforehand will help you feel confident and prepared to pass on the day.

What is an example of an aptitude test?

Some examples of an aptitude test include verbal, numerical, abstract or cognitive reasoning tests. Other tests focus on mechanical or spatial reasoning ability.

For some roles you may be asked to complete a clerical ability, error checking or typing test. A situational judgement test is used to check whether you behave in alignment with a company’s values and code of conduct.

What is on an aptitude test?

Aptitude tests vary depending on which skills they are assessing.

The most common types of aptitude test assess verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning ability.

The questions are designed to assess your mathematical ability, communication skills and critical thinking. Questions are often multiple choice and have a clear right or wrong answer.

For example, you may be asked to complete a sentence or interpret a diagram.

What is an aptitude test used for?

Aptitude tests are used to evaluate your thinking ability. The tests are designed to measure your strengths and ability to apply these skills to different situations.

Your results are often used to show whether you are a good fit for a particular job role. They can be used to determine your potential for success in a job.

Where can I find sample questions for specific aptitude tests?

Sample questions for specific aptitude tests can be found online at TestHQ.

Are aptitude tests timed?

Aptitude tests are strictly timed and most take around 30 minutes to complete.

Questions are often multiple-choice and have a right or wrong answer. You may not be able to complete all the questions in the given time limit.

Practice sample aptitude tests under timed conditions to help you prepare for this type of assessment.

What types of aptitude tests are there?

There are different types of aptitude tests. These include verbal, numerical and abstract (or diagrammatic) reasoning tests.

There are also more specific tests available that test mechanical, spatial and clerical abilities.

Check which test you have been asked to sit so you can prepare in advance.

Where can I get a complete guide for specific aptitude tests?

A complete guide to specific aptitude tests can be found on TestHQ. This describes the types of tests, what to expect and includes sample practice questions.

Job Test Prep

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Aptitude Tests: Test Types & Free Practice Materials (2024)

Aptitude Tests are effective testing instruments to screen potential candidates for the interviewing round. Being one of the most accurate predictors of employees’ performance, the tests are prevalent across various industries: finance, management, or engineering. Through different test types, this pre-hiring tool highlights individuals’ cognitive strengths in every aspect, ensuring recruiters hire the top talent and best match their demands.

To help you get your foot in the door of desirable companies, we will provide a comprehensive overview of aptitude tests in this article: what to expect, free sample questions, and practical tips to ace the exams!

What is an aptitude test?

An aptitude test is a standardized psychometric assessment designed to measure candidates' cognitive abilities and behavioral traits . In most companies, job applicants are often required to take the tests as a screening round for interviews . Some notable providers of aptitude tests are SHL, Aon, Saville, and Kenexa. Typically, an aptitude test comprises various tasks depending on a particular domain the company wants to highlight, namely:

  • Numerical Reasoning Test
  • Verbal Reasoning Test
  • Deductive Reasoning Test
  • Inductive Reasoning Test

Above are the most widely-used test types; however, you may encounter less common assessments based on the specific role you are applying for, including:

  • Estimation Test
  • Spatial Reasoning Test
  • Diagrammatic Reasoning Test
  • Mechanical Reasoning Test
  • Attention Test
  • Memory Test

Note:  Besides the written format, aptitude tests can also use gamified technology, which increases the interaction between test takers and the tests. Some common assessments built under a game-based format are listed in the next part of this article, so stay tuned!

When do aptitude tests take place?

Aptitude tests are often in the second stage of the selection process. Companies use online assessments as a screening tool to pick out potential candidates for the interviewing round. Normally, you are invited to take exams after finishing your application form at the company’s website. Here is a brief introduction to how a recruitment process with aptitude tests will be: Application Form ⇒ Online Tests ⇒ Interview .

problem solving aptitude tests

Stage 1: Application Form

In this stage, you need to access and sign up on the hiring company’s website,  upload your documents and submit an online application . The company can gain an overview of your background, personality, and motivation through your application form and how these are compatible with the organization’s culture and values.

Stage 2: Online Tests

After completing the application form, you will be directed to online tests that measure candidates’  cognitive abilities and behavioral strengths . These exams are often tightly timed, comprising multiple-choice questions in different areas, such as numerical, verbal, and deductive reasoning. Some companies include situational judgment tests or occupational personality questionnaires to assess candidates’ behavior or problem-solving skills at the workplace.

Stage 3: Interview

The interview round can be administered in the form of  phone screenings or in-person discussions . This stage often comes after online aptitude tests, in which you will give the company a better understanding of your personality, skills, and work experience . At the same time, it is also your chance to better understand your company by asking questions and further discussing.

Depending on a variety of skills and abilities, aptitude tests comprise different types of tests. Besides the common types like numerical, verbal, and deductive reasoning tests prevalent in most industries, there are other assessments customized to the needs of specific roles. The next part of this article will dive deep into each exam, so stay tuned!

Aptitude test - Numerical reasoning test

Numerical reasoning test is a widely-used assessment to measure candidates’ math skills and the ability to interpret numerical data. The tests are prevalent in most test publishers, including some notable names like SHL, Aon, or Saville. The time limit varies from 10 to 30 minutes, allocated for 3 main question types:

Word problem

Data interpretation, calculation.

problem solving aptitude tests

Word problem and Data Interpretation are the most common question types, as they account for 80% of Numerical Reasoning Tests. The next part will cover deeper insights and examples for each type, so keep moving!

In this question type, you will encounter mathematical questions in written format , from which you have to extract the information and perform arithmetic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. Here is an example from MConsultingPrep:

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Source: MConsultingPrep

Explanation :

The number of people actually deciding to take English courses after liking the fan page is 6,300 × 2% = 126 people.

The revenue from these customers is 126 × 5.3 = 667.8 million VND. The campaign would generate 667.8 - 40 = 627.8 million VND in profit.

So, the correct answer is C.

Data interpretation questions ask you to understand and use graphical and tabular data to calculate a required value . This common question type measures your data analysis and decision-making ability, which is crucial for any business-related role as you regularly face numerical tables and charts. 

problem solving aptitude tests

If the value of investment increases 10% per annum, what would be the future value of total investment for projects completed in 2019 as on the year 2021? Compound rate is not taken into account.

A. €496M

B. €82M

C. €492M

D. €410M

To calculate the future value of total investment for projects completed in 2019 as on the year 2021, you will need to first calculate the total value of investments in 2019, then the increase of value of investments in 2 years and finally add the two numbers together.

Total value of investments in 2019 = 250 + 160 = €410M

The increase of value of investments in two years (2019 to 2021) = 410 × 10% × 2 = €82M

Required value = 410 + 82 = €492M

Calculation questions consist of basic arithmetic operations , such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Your job is to perform math calculations using mental math as quickly and accurately as possible , as this question type often does not permit a calculator. Here are some sample questions for you to practice:

QUESTION 1: 20 x 10 - 35 = ?

QUESTION 2: 80 : 5 + 250 = ?

Aptitude test - Verbal reasoning test

Verbal reasoning test is an aptitude test measuring your language comprehension and the ability to process written information. Along with numerical reasoning test, this assessment is developed by most test publishers. However, the format varies among providers, and the duration ranges from 15 to 20 minutes. There are 5 popular types of verbal reasoning tests, namely:

  • Synonym/Antonym 
  • Analogy 
  • Word association 

Making inferences

Reading comprehension.

problem solving aptitude tests

Each question type aims to assess one domain of your language comprehension and lexicon. Let’s explore their purpose, sample questions, and training materials in the next part of this blog!


In this question type, you are asked to determine the relationship between two given words , whether they are synonyms, antonyms, or neither. This question aims to measure your vocabulary level, one of the critical areas in Verbal Reasoning Tests. Let’s look at the example below:

When published by test providers, synonym/antonym questions are often under gamified assessments. Game-based questions record your time taken as a factor to measure your overall result.

problem solving aptitude tests

Source: Test Partnership

Answer : Almost the same (Synonyms)

Explanation : Exit is the action of leaving. So these words are synonyms.

Analogy questions often have two parts; one includes an example of a word pair. From that, you have to select the corresponding answer of a given word to make another pair with a similar relationship. This question type measures not only your lexicon but also the ability to find connections between words.

problem solving aptitude tests

Explanation : In this example, we can see that DRUM is a type of INSTRUMENT. Therefore, the bridge is Item to Category, and we need to find a word that is the category that DRILL falls into. And out of all the options, we have TOOL.

Word association

This question type asks you to select one or two words that have a different meaning from the rest . Identifying the odd-one-out requires a good understanding of the semantic relationship between words. Test yourself with this example from MConsultingPrep:

Making inferences is one of the most common types of verbal reasoning questions, in which you have to determine whether a given inference derives from the passage by selecting “true”, “false”, or “cannot say”. Besides verbal comprehension, you also need logical ability to reason the information from the text. 

problem solving aptitude tests

Answer : TRUE

Explanation : It is stated in the second sentence that when played at a low intensity relative to background noise, all three types of sound reduced pain sensitivity in the mice. The adverb "Surprisingly" and "did not expect that" have the same meaning.

In Reading comprehension questions, you have to process information from a given passage and spot relevant details . Typically, you are asked to determine which statement is included/not included in the text or generate the passage's main idea. Below is a sample question from MConsultingPrep:

problem solving aptitude tests

Explanation : The reasons are listed in the second and third sentences of the passage. However, there is no detail about tobacco smoke making people choke.

Aptitude test - Estimation test

In Estimation Tests, you will have to perform quick and accurate estimations without using a calculator . Craft and technical positions will be the ideal subjects of this test, as estimation skills are crucial. The tests are often tightly timed, or your completion time will be factored into your overall performance.

Let’s look at a gamified question from JobFlare to better understand this type of test:

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Source: JobFlare

Answer : Left Greater

Aptitude test - Deductive reasoning test

Deductive reasoning test is a logical thinking assessment requiring you to draw valid inferences from general clues and facts . The main aim of this assessment is to evaluate your ability to make logical deductions for problem-solving. The completion time ranges in various test providers, such as SHL, Aon, or Kenexa, typically around 20-30 minutes. There are 3 popular types of Deductive Reasoning Tests:

  • Ordering and arrangement 

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Keep scrolling to dive deeper into each question type!

In Syllogism questions, you are presented with general facts used to verify one or more conclusions . Specifically, your job is to determine which option follows the given statements. Let’s examine this question:

problem solving aptitude tests

Denote ~T: Tablets ~A: Ample ~L: Laptops ~P: Phones

1. Analyzing the statements:

Some tablets are Ample. ⇒ T ∩ A Some laptops are tablets. ⇒ L ∩ T Every tablet is a phone. ⇒ If one is a Tablet, one must be a Phone ⇒ T ⊂ P

We draw the Euler diagram as in the figure (at the top of the page)

Note : We can only draw the diagram based on what is given from the premises.

2. Check the conclusions:

I . All phones are not laptops. ⇒ If one is a phone, one can not be a laptop ⇒ P ≠ L Based on the diagram, we can see that (L ∩ T ⊂ P) ⇒ (L ∩ P) ⇒ Some phones can be laptops ⇒ Conclusion I does not follow.

II . Some phones are Ample. ⇒ If one is a Laptop, one must be an Ample⇒ P ∩ A Based on the diagram, we can see that A intersects(A ∩ T ⊂ P) ⇒ P and A intersects (A ∩ P) ⇒ Some Phones, which is also Tablet, must be Ample. ⇒ Conclusion II follows.

Ordering and arrangement

In Ordering and arrangement questions, you have to arrange a group of items or people in the correct order by using given hypotheses. Let’s look at an example of this common question type:

problem solving aptitude tests

From clue (1) and (2), we get two pairs of dishes: [Biscuits-Curries]; [Frankie-Kababs]

From clue (3), we get the position of Pasta: Pasta _ _ _ _ Kababs is neither to the immediate right nor to the immediate left of Pasta, then Kababs can be any position except for the first and second one.

From clue (4), we get the position of Frankie: Pasta _ _ Frankie _

From clue (5) and (1), we get the positions of Biscuits and Curries: Pasta Curries Biscuits Frankie _

The last empty position should be of Kababs.

The final seating arrangement will be as follows (at the top of the page)

Therefore, Biscuits is between Curries and Frankie.

To solve the grouping questions, you need to divide the subjects into different categories based on one or a few sets of conditions . Let’s practice a sample question from MConsultingPrep:

problem solving aptitude tests

If the hen stays in B, the bear cannot stay, and every other animal must stay in either A or C, depending on the position of the bee colony. If the Hen stays in either A or C, and the bees stay in B, every animal must stay in A or C. If the hen stays in either A or C and the bees If the hen stays in either A or C and the bees don’t stay in B, every animal can stay in B, but the bear. Therefore, in every case, the bear can only stay in either A or C, or not stay at all.

problem solving aptitude tests

Aptitude test - Inductive reasoning test

Inductive Reasoning Test is a common aptitude test assessing your ability to recognize and interpret the patterns of abstract figures . The tests often last 15-20 minutes, including around 20-30 questions. Some notable test providers of Inductive Reasoning Tests are SHL, Aon, and Saville. Typical questions in Inductive Reasoning Test are:

Figure series

Odd one out.

problem solving aptitude tests

Let’s take a closer look at each question type together!

In Figure Series, you will be asked to find the missing figure in a sequence by spotting the rule of the series. Let’s take a look at an example of this question type:

problem solving aptitude tests

Source: “How to pass diagrammatic reasoning tests” by Mike Bryon

Rule 1: The arrow rotates counterclockwise in every step.

Rule 2: The degree of rotation is 360, 180, 90, 45 respectively.

Odd one out questions require you to identify the figure that doesn’t follow the common rule of a sequence . In other words, your job is to examine the group of elements and recognize the governing pattern between them. 

problem solving aptitude tests

Source: “The Ultimate IQ Test Book” by Philip Carter & Ken Russell

The black dot in figure C is connected to 2 white dots, while black dots in all the others are connected to 3 white dots.

You will be given a grid of items , which requires you to find the missing part based on given patterns . Let’s try out a sample Matrix question to test your abstract reasoning skills:

problem solving aptitude tests

Divide the matrix into 4 squares. Opposite corner blocks of four squares are identical.

Aptitude test - Spatial reasoning test

Spatial reasoning tests measure candidates’ ability to understand and manipulate 2D or 3D objects by spotting patterns between those shapes. SHL, Kenexa, and Saville are common providers of this assessment, differing from each other in formats and time conditions. 2 types of questions in a spatial reasoning test include:

  • Mental folding 
  • Mental rotation 

Mental folding

Candidates are asked to unfold cubes to find their correct appearance on a transparent sheet. The folded paper must resemble exactly the sides and edges of the original 3D shape. Let’s examine the example below:

problem solving aptitude tests

Mental rotation

Your job in mental rotation questions is to imagine how a 3D shape is viewed from another perspective and match the original object with the correct presentation of its new orientation. Here is an example of how this question type will be:

problem solving aptitude tests

Aptitude test - Diagrammatic reasoning test

In the Diagrammatic Reasoning Test, you have to work with diagrams and flowcharts to find the rules governing given operations and apply them to deduce a logical output . The average time limit is about 20 minutes. This test type is not as common as those above; however, some test publishers are providing Diagrammatic Reasoning Tests, such as Aon or Saville.

problem solving aptitude tests

Source: Saville

The effect of “T” is changing the shading of all figures, so the color of the input has been altered but the sequence order remains the same. Therefore, the input must be in light color.

Aptitude test - Mechanical reasoning test

Mechanical Reasoning Test assesses your ability to apply mechanical knowledge to solve problems . This test is commonly designed for technical jobs, such as engineering or IT positions. Topics often appear in mechanical reasoning tests, including:

  • Material property
  • Fluid dynamics
  • Temperature and heat transfer
  • Pressure and sound energy 
  • Momentum and kinetic energy 

Let’s look at an example of what to expect in this test:

problem solving aptitude tests

The end of the bar is attached to the handle. Therefore, they move in the same direction.

Aptitude test - Attention test

Attention tests determine whether a candidate can focus on textual details while processing information under time pressure . The tests are often used for roles that require detail-oriented skills, such as technical positions or accounting. 2 common types of questions can be found in an attention test are:

Error checking

Difference spotting.

This test asks you to match a given data to the correct option on the left side. This may sound easy, but samples on the list are often identical and confusing. Let’s look at an example from SHL below:

problem solving aptitude tests

Source: SHL

You must be familiar with the “Spot-the-Difference” game, where you must identify all the differences between 2 similar images . Difference spotting tests are designed with the same approach, requiring you to compare 2 near-identical photos and determine if they are different or the same. Here’s a sample question for you to try out:

problem solving aptitude tests

Answer : Same

Aptitude test - Memory test

Memory tests assess the ability to memorize information in a certain period . This test type often comes in game-based tests, in which you have a few seconds to look at a picture or item, then recognize it afterward. Some tests are more taxing, like P&G's Grid challenge, which requires you to simultaneously solve symmetry and rotation problems while keeping track of a dot's location after briefly viewing it. Let's try out this interesting gamified assessment:

problem solving aptitude tests

Source: P&G

The second task shows up, typically spatial awareness tests. Can you still remember where the highlighted dot locates after this symmetry question?

problem solving aptitude tests

Answer : No

Practice aptitude tests with MConsultingPrep

Aptitude Tests are a tough ask for most candidates as they measure cognitive abilities beyond any acquired industry knowledge. Also, online screening tests can be highly selective, with the average cut-off rate between 60-80%. However, hard work and regular practice can improve the required skills for the tests.

To help you survive the most-used assessments (Numerical Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Deductive Reasoning Test), MConsultingPrep provides a wide range of simulation exams with thorough explanations and tried-and-true study guides. With our practical training materials, you can master the needed skills for aptitude tests from any test publisher!

Frequently asked questions

What is usually on an aptitude test?

Several sections are used by most positions, such as numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, or logical reasoning tests . However, specific roles can require other tests customized for their needed criteria: spatial reasoning test, estimation test, or attention test.

What is the passing score for aptitude tests?

There is no fixed benchmark for aptitude tests as it depends on different companies. However, it is commonly acknowledged that you should achieve the 80th percentile, which means you outperform 80% of the candidates.

Note : A percentile rank compares individuals’ performance with other test takers of aptitude tests. Specifically, it is the percentage of candidates with lower performance that ranked score.

Can you fail aptitude tests? 

Yes, it is normal to fail aptitude tests when candidates do not acquire the needed skills for the jobs. Moreover, recruitments are often competitive; only a small percentage of test takers are qualified. If not reaching the passing score, you can still reapply for the role; usually every six-month.

Is the aptitude test oral or written?

Aptitude tests are often conducted on the hiring company’s application website. Online aptitude tests, though remotely administered, are strictly proctored and tightly timed.

Why are aptitude tests so hard?

Aptitude tests focus on candidates’ natural strengths, which cannot be acquired from industry knowledge. Moreover, online tests are often under a strict time limit and cut off a huge number of candidates, making them highly selective and challenging.

How long after aptitude test is the interview?

It takes approximately 2 weeks to one month to receive an announcement about the next round. Typically, the company will contact you through email, which presents your result and details of the interview stage.

How can I clear my aptitude test in one day?

We all know that learning aptitude tests in one day is impossible, as they cover a wide range of test types, measuring various skills and abilities. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully prepare day by day to master the skills required. However, MConsultingPrep can help you learn aptitude tests as fast as possible with our practical guidelines.

Scoring in the McKinsey PSG/Digital Assessment

The scoring mechanism in the McKinsey Digital Assessment

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Aptitude Test Package

Simulating most common test publishers, this package provides you with 1400+ numerical, verbal and logical reasoning questions. Ace the aptitude test with our practical study guides tailored to each question type.

The NHS aptitude tests include 5 different assessments: numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, critical reasoning, and situational judgement tests

JP Morgan aptitude test is a screening tool for their interview. The test is divided into 4 types: numerical, verbal, logical reasoning & situational judgment

While the majority of aptitude tests contain multiple-choice questions, some test providers provide gamified assessments. Dive in the details now!

Problem-Solving Aptitude Test Questions 2024 - Placement Mock Exam Papers with Answers

Practice free online solved Problem-Solving Aptitude Mock Test 2024: Download previous year's solved Problem-Solving placement exam question papers with answers.

  • What is Problem-Solving aptitude test?
  • How to prepare for Problem-Solving aptitude test?
  • What is the difficulty level of Problem-Solving aptitude test?
  • Tips to pass the latest Problem-Solving placement exam 2024.
  • Practice 100+ Problem-Solving aptitude test papers.
  • Top Problem-Solving aptitude mock tests.

What is Problem-Solving Aptitude Test?

Problem-Solving placement aptitude test is a popular pre-employment cognitive ability assessment. To make better hiring decisions, companies conducts a Problem-Solving test to predict candidates' competency level and likelihood of success in a job role. A company uses Problem-Solving tests during the recruitment process to compare applicants.

Placement aptitude test is designed to assess the Problem-Solving skills of the candidates. Problem-Solving placement aptitude test contains multiple-choice questions.

How to Pass Problem-Solving Aptitude Test?

If you are going to appear in the upcoming Problem-Solving aptitude test 2024, follow these top 5 tips to easily pass the test:

[1] Practice Realistic Problem-Solving Online Tests

If you want to pass the Problem-Solving aptitude test, then you need to practice a lot. You should take online tests under simulated exam conditions and start practicing tricky questions for the Problem-Solving aptitude test.

[2] Know the Latest Exam Format of the Problem-Solving Placement Test

Researching the format of the Problem-Solving aptitude test beforehand will prevent any surprises during the real exam conducted by Problem-Solving.

[3] Focus on your Weakest Areas

While practicing time-bound Problem-Solving mock tests, try to find some difficult topics from the Problem-Solving aptitude test syllabus and create strategies to improve exam results.

[4] Manage your Time Carefully During the Problem-Solving Mock Test Papers

Time-bound Problem-Solving mock tests are conducted under strict time restrictions. Keep an eye on the clock during the Problem-Solving aptitude test and work steadily.

[5] What if I Fail Problem-Solving Aptitude Exam on my First Attempt?

Problem-Solving is not that difficult but some candidates are not able to score high in the Problem-Solving aptitude test on their first attempt. Such applicants are advised to practice the previous year's Problem-Solving aptitude questions. It will help candidates understand the Problem-Solving aptitude test format. This way, test givers will be able to score well in the Problem-Solving section of the placement examination next time.

Is Problem-Solving Aptitude Test Difficult?

The overall difficulty level of the Problem-Solving placement aptitude exam is moderate. Problem-Solving aptitude question papers are one of the important study materials for preparing effectively for the Problem-Solving placement exam. Candidates should analyse Problem-Solving aptitude test papers thoroughly to find the most important and scoring topics of the latest Problem-Solving aptitude exam pattern and syllabus.

Best Tips to Prepare for Problem-Solving Aptitude Test for the Latest Campus Placements 2024

Watch this video if you are searching:

  • Top tips to prepare and pass Problem-Solving Aptitude Test.
  • Mistakes to avoid during Problem-Solving placement exam preparation.
  • How to clear Problem-Solving aptitude test without preparation?
  • How to clear aptitude tests in Problem-Solving campus placement papers?
  • How to prepare for Problem-Solving aptitude test in one day?
  • Free Problem-Solving aptitude tests.
  • Online Problem-Solving aptitude tests.

Practice 100+ Free Online Problem-Solving Aptitude Tests with Solved Questions and Answers

When you are preparing for the Problem-Solving aptitude test, do not forget to practice with old Problem-Solving question papers. There are many good sources online, where you can download PDF exam papers or practice free Problem-Solving aptitude mock tests:

  • Free Online PROBLEM-SOLVING TEST Practice & Preparation Tests
  • Use our problem-solving test to hire the best - TestGorilla
  • Problem-Solving Skills Assessment Test | Vervoe
  • 16 Problem-Solving Test Interview Questions & Answers
  • McKinsey Problem-Solving Test Practice Test A
  • Analytical Reasoning Tests: Free Online Questions & Tips
  • Problem-Solving Quizzes & Trivia - ProProfs
  • Logical Reasoning Test: 100s Of Free Practice Questions (2022)
  • Free Bairesdev Problem-Solving Test Prep - 12minprep
  • What is Problem-Solving? Steps, Process & Techniques | ASQ
  • Problem-Solving Ability Test - MeritTrac
  • Problem-Solving Skills Test - Mettl
  • Problem-Solving Assessment and Tests | Discover Assessments
  • Problem-solving | HackerRank
  • Reasoning Puzzles Questions and Answers - Free Online Test
  • Problem-Solving Quizzes |
  • McKinsey Problem-Solving Game - Guide & Mock Test
  • Creative Problem-Solving Test - Psychology Today
  • How To Test Problem-Solving Skills In Tech Interview
  • Top 20 Problem-Solving Interview Questions (Example Answers …
  • Free Analytical Reasoning Test Practice for Jobs - 2022
  • Logical Problems Quiz - Reasoning Questions and Answers
  • Problem-Solving Flashcards, test questions and answers
  • PISA Test - OECD
  • Problem-Solving Reasoning - key concepts with solved examples
  • Problem-Solving Skills Test | Soft Skills & Management Skills …
  • Online Problem-Solving Skills Test For Recruitment
  • Problem-Solving Test - 9 - MBA Entrance | GRE | SAT | GMAT
  • Problem-Solving and Decision Making Free Practice Test
  • Test: Problem-Solving- 1 | 10 Questions MCQ Test General Test ...
  • McKinsey Assessment Test: Free Practice Questions (2022)
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  • Problem-Solving Questions and Answers for Interviews
  • 250+ TOP MCQs on Problem-Solving and Answers
  • Free Problem-Solving Online Practice Tests - WizIQ
  • Problem-solving test: Telomere replication - PubMed
  • Problem-Solving - Advanced Test: Assess and Hire the best …
  • Problem-Solving Assessments | Aptitude Practice Tests | Best …
  • Problem-Solving Games, Activities & Exercises for Adults
  • A comprehensive guide to the McKinsey PST and how to prepare
  • Problem-Solving Test | HighMatch
  • 10 Interview Questions to Determine Problem-Solving Skills
  • Logical Reasoning Tests: A 2022 Guide - Psychometric Success
  • Bain Online Test: Overview & Samples | MConsultingPrep
  • Sample GMAT Problem-Solving Questions, With Answers
  • 10 problem-solving interview questions to find top talent

Top Problem-Solving Placement Aptitude Mock Tests

  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: 3i Infotech, AAI, ABACUS, ABB.
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  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: ADP, Agreeya, Akamai, Alcatel Lucent.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: Allfon, Alumnus, Amazon, Amdocs.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: AMI, Andhra Bank, AppLabs, Apps Associates.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: Aricent, Ashok Leyland, Aspire, Atos Origin.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: Axes, Bajaj, Bank of Maharashtra, BEL, BEML.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: BHEL, BirlaSoft, Blue Dart, Blue Star.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: BOB, BPCL, BPL, Brakes.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: BSNL, Cadence, Calsoft, Canara Bank.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: Canarys, Capgemini, Caritor, Caterpillar.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: CDAC, C-DOT, CGI, Changepond.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: Ciena, Cisco, Citicorp, CMC.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: Consagous, Convergys, CORDYS, Crompton.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: CSC, CTS, Cummins, Dell, Deloitte.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: Delphi-TVS, DeShaw, Deutsche, Dotcom.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: DRDO, EDS, ELGI, ELICO.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: EIL, ERICSSON, Essar, Fidelity.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: Flextronics, Freescale, FXLabs, GAIL.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: GE, Genpact, Geodesic, Geometric.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: Globaledge, GlobalLogic, Godrej, Google.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: Grapecity, HAL, HCL, Hexaware.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: Honeywell, HP, HPCL, HSBC, Huawei.
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  • Problem-Solving Aptitiude tests: VeriFone, Virtusa, Wipro, Zensar.

Other Placement Aptitude Tests

  • General Aptitude Test.
  • Quantitative Aptitude Test.
  • Verbal Ability Aptitude Test.
  • Logical Reasoning Aptitude Test.
  • Cognitive Speed Aptitude Test.
  • Critical Thinking Aptitude Test.
  • Decision-Making Aptitude Test.
  • Problem-Solving Aptitude Test.
  • Psychometric Aptitude Test.
  • Spatial Reasoning Aptitude Test.

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Free practice assessment tests and free aptitude tests

Assessments can take place at the employer’s offices, or in a private assessment center and are used to measure an applicant’s true capabilities and characteristics. By helping companies identify the candidates that will most likely perform well on the job, these tests can lead to additional business benefits. On you can practice several free assessment tests and aptitude tests with explanations. Some examples of our free assessment tests and free aptitude tests that you can practice are: - Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test - SHL Assessment - Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test - Abstract Reasoning - Numerical Reasoning These free tests are made to help you get started and to give you a better idea of ​​what to expect. On this page, you will find several free practice assessments and aptitude tests. You can also practice intelligence tests and other types of tests on our platform. All these tests are used for selection procedures at companies.

Why practice for an assessment?

Practicing for an assessment is important as you do not want to be faced with any surprises during your assessment. Practicing the assessment components that will be in your assessment ensures that you are well prepared for your assessment. Most assessment tests are often more difficult than you think because the questions you expect can be asked slightly differently. By practicing a lot you are prepared for every question and you increase the chance that you will pass your assessment!

How long in advance should you start practicing?

Preferably as soon as you know that you have to take an assessment! Practicing is very important. Starting a couple of months before your assessment can be crucial for your success. It ensures that you master the thinking process and are familiar with every type of question. Always start practicing at least 30 days in advance! Do you have any questions or do you want more information? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Cognitive Ability Test

What is a cognitive ability test.

A cognitive ability test is a type of assessment that employers use to evaluate your thinking skills. It’s all about how you process information, solve problems, and make decisions. Unlike tests that focus on specific job skills, this one looks at general mental abilities like memory, reasoning, attention to detail, and your ability to understand and manipulate different types of information.

Cognitive ability tests vary in their structure, but they commonly include 20 to 50 multiple-choice questions. These questions are designed to assess key aspects of cognitive ability and need to be answered within a strict time frame.

This page provides a comprehensive list of the most widely-used cognitive ability tests, along with a free shortened cognitive ability test for you to try.

Are you recruiting and looking for a Cognitive Ability Test?  Click here

What Questions can I expect in a Cognitive Ability Test?

In a cognitive ability test, you can expect a variety of questions that challenge different parts of your brain. While cognitive ability tests come in various formats and levels of difficulty, they fundamentally aim to evaluate the following areas:

  • Numerical Reasoning: This encompasses tests of number-related cognitive skills, ranging from simple arithmetic to complex numerical problem-solving tasks.
  • Logical Reasoning: These questions challenge you to understand complex texts and use critical thinking to draw conclusions, recognize key facts, and make logical deductions.
  • Deductive Reasoning: In these questions, you need to draw logical conclusions from specific rules or statements presented to you.
  • Verbal Reasoning : These tests measure your understanding of the English language, covering aspects like vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and the ability to reason critically.
  • Abstract Reasoning: These tests assess your ability to discern patterns or logical sequences in symbols or matrices, often asking you to identify a missing element that completes a logical series based on hidden rules or information.
  • Spatial Ability: Spatial ability tests involve visualizing and manipulating shapes in your mind, focusing on tasks like rotating objects or interpreting 2D and 3D forms. They assess your skill in understanding spatial relationships and patterns.

How are Cognitive Ability Tests Used?

Employers use cognitive ability tests to gauge how well candidates might handle the mental demands of a job. It’s a way to predict your ability to learn new things, adapt to changes, and solve problems that could come up in the role you’re applying for. These tests are just one part of the recruitment process, but they provide valuable insight into your general mental agility and potential as an employee.

Common Types of Cognitive Ability Tests

Cognitive ability tests, though aimed at assessing similar skills, differ greatly in length, time constraints, and level of challenge. Below, you’ll find a selection of the most widely-used cognitive tests available today. Click on the links provided to learn how each test evaluates cognitive abilities:

  • Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) The CCAT is designed to measure critical thinking, problem-solving skills, reasoning ability, and learning capacity. It comprises 50 multiple-choice questions and has a time limit of 15 minutes.
  • Universal Cognitive Aptitude Test (UCAT) The UCAT serves as the language-independent alternative to the CCAT. This test includes 40 multiple-choice questions and is administered within a 20-minute time limit.
  • Talogy Logiks General Intermediate Talogy (formerly Cubiks) Logiks Intermediate consists of 50 questions with a total time limit of 12 minutes. The test includes three sub-tests: Verbal, Numerical, and Abstract.
  • Talogy Logiks General Advanced The advanced version consists of 30 questions with a combined 20-minute time limit. The test also includes three sub-tests: Verbal, Numerical, and Abstract.
  • McQuaig Mental Agility Test (MMAT) The MMAT evaluates vocabulary, verbal reasoning skills, and proficiency in basic mathematical functions. It consists of 50 questions to be completed within a 15-minute time limit, covering mathematical ability, verbal reasoning, and vocabulary.
  • Revelian Cognitive Ability Test (RCAT) The RCAT is a timed multiple-choice test that measures general cognitive ability. The test includes 51 questions to be answered within a time limit of 20 minutes.
  • Predictive Index Cognitive Assessment Test (PICA) The PICA assesses cognitive ability through three categories: verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and abstract reasoning. The PICA consists of 50 questions with a time limit of only 12 minutes.
  • Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT) The WPT is a cognitive ability test that assesses an individual’s problem-solving and learning abilities. This Wonderlic test consists of 50 multiple-choice questions that must be completed in 12 minutes.
  • Thomas International General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) The GIA consists of five sub-tests and includes a total of about 200 questions in less than 20 minutes.
  • Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) The HBRI evaluates reasoning and problem-solving and includes 24 questions with a time-limit of 30 minutes.

Free Cognitive Ability Test

Try a free simulated cognitive ability test. This test will measure your overall cognitive ability across four sections.

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Cognitive Ability Tests

  • 456 questions

Cognitive ability tests are predictors of general intelligence. Like IQ tests, they examine your ability to solve problems and think logically, via verbal, numerical, mechanical, spatial and logical questions.

Cognitive tests are popular with employers, as the broad range of aptitudes covered can give a good overview of each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, and indicate whether they have what it takes to succeed in the role.

What is a cognitive ability test?

Cognitive ability tests were first created at the end of the 19th century and are used as a measure of someone’s general mental ability .

Unlike more targeted aptitude tests (such as verbal or numerical reasoning) the cognitive ability test covers a range of aptitudes – often mechanical reasoning and spatial awareness – to assess an individual’s overall intelligence.

The shift between subjects can be challenging, especially if your strengths lie in one area, and the tight time limit makes it even harder. Practice and preparation is the key, especially for those aptitudes where you often get lower scores.

On a typical cognitive ability test, you might answer questions on any of these topics:

  • Numerical reasoning
  • Verbal reasoning

Logical reasoning

  • Mechanical reasoning
  • Spatial awareness

Getting familiar with the different styles of questions, the shift between topics and the speed in which you need to answer each question will really help when it comes to tackling the cognitive ability test as part of a job application.

Which employers use them, and why?

The cognitive ability test is recognised as one of the best indicators of a potential employee’s ability for the job they’re applying for.

Assessing not just your general aptitude, but your ability to work under pressure and shift between different styles of questions and challenges, the test can prove to an employer that you’ll make smart decisions, that you can think on your feet and that you know how to keep calm under pressure — all invaluable skills.

As a result, the cognitive ability test is used by a wide range of employers in industries as diverse as finance and the armed forces. However, it’s particularly useful when hiring for jobs that are known to require complex decision-making; roles such as pilot, doctor, lawyer and engineer, because the relationship between a strong cognitive ability test score and overall job performance here is considered to be closely linked.

Implementing a cognitive ability test can yield numerous benefits for employers, including improved hiring outcomes, reduced training periods, and various financial advantages. Considering the modest cost associated with administering and analyzing the test results, it’s no surprise that it has emerged as one of the most prevalent recruitment tools in use today.

Types of cognitive ability test

When you take a cognitive ability test you’ll cover a range of different subjects and questions that can be practised in greater detail as full tests.

In particular, you should aim to prepare for:

Numerical Ability Tests

Numerical ability tests are designed to examine your aptitude for numbers. The questions cover mathematical problems such as ratios and percentages, fractions, data interpretation and even financial analysis .

This type of test is particularly challenging as the questions are complex and the tight time limits don’t leave much more than a minute for you to answer each question.

Practising as many numerical reasoning tests as you can, particularly if this is an area you’re weaker at, will help you to perform better at the cognitive ability test, and will prove to an employer that you’re able to work with numbers quickly and accurately.

Verbal Ability Tests

Verbal ability tests evaluate your comprehension and communication skills.

You’ll read through dense passages of text and then be faced with a series of questions on what you’ve just read, to which you’ll have to select a multiple-choice answer (usually ‘true’, ‘false’ or ‘cannot say’).

No prior knowledge of the subject matter is needed. In fact, it’s important that you answer based just on what you’ve read, paying particular attention to what’s actually been stated, and what’s merely been inferred.

Scoring well at the verbal ability section of the cognitive ability test shows an employer that you’re able to assimilate lots of information quickly, that you have good comprehension skills and that you’re able to differentiate between fact and fiction.

Logical Ability Tests

Logical ability tests use pattern- and shape-based puzzles to assess your problem solving and logical thinking skills.

You’ll be required to look at a series of different shapes or patterns and use your logical abilities to work out the rule that connects them all, in order to finish the sequence.

The questions might be unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. And you won’t have long to answer each question — so practising as many of these tests as you can before taking a general cognitive ability test will help to improve both your speed and accuracy.

Mechanical Ability Tests

Mechanical ability tests assess your ability to understand different mechanical and electrical principles. Covering everything from energy and transformation, to levers, pulleys and pressure, these tests are commonly used when hiring for engineers and the armed forces .

The knowledge you’re being tested on here is very specific; it really does require prior reading rather than guesswork on the day.

Practising a few mechanical reasoning tests before taking a cognitive ability test will help you to brush up on your understanding of mechanical and electrical principles. It will also ensure you’re used to the question style and the speed at which you’ll need to answer every question.

Spatial Awareness Tests

Spatial awareness tests are an opportunity for you to demonstrate your ability to manipulate images and shapes into their two- and three-dimensional forms, and draw conclusions from limited amounts of information.

Typically set by architecture and engineering firms, the spatial awareness test helps an employer to see how good you are at working with shapes, as well as your problem-solving skills and time management.

Again, this style of question isn’t something you’ll necessarily have come across, which makes practising past tests all the more important.

Publishers of cognitive ability tests

There are numerous publishers who administer cognitive ability tests. If you can find out which organisation is publishing the test you’re taking, it means you can prepare using past tests from that publisher, and get used to the specific style and format of questions.

Here are a few of the most popular publishers used in the UK:

Revelian — An Australian test provider that uses tests created by psychologists for employers across the world.

SHL — One of the biggest test providers, offering assessments for 150 countries in 30 different languages.

Predictive Index — A popular pre-employment assessment provider that specialises in cognitive and behavioural tests.

Prepare yourself for leading employers


Free Practice Cognitive Ability Test Questions

As mentioned, the cognitive ability test covers a huge variety of topics and question styles.

Most people will naturally be stronger at some areas and have to work a little harder on others, so it’s important to try your hand at all the various different types of questions as part of your preparation.

Below are five practice cognitive ability questions for you to try out. All answers are below.

Numerical Reasoning

numerical reasoning practice question

What was the total power in gigawatts generated by thermal power over the full year?

Verbal Reasoning

verbal reasoning practice question

Statement : A derivative could be used by an airline to secure the price of oil now, which it won’t use until six months time.

Logical Reasoning

logical reasoning practice question

Which of the given shapes would complete the sequence?

Mechanical Reasoning

mechanical reasoning practice question

How much force is required to lift the weight?

Spatial Reasoning

spatial reasoning practice question

Which of the given shapes is the unfolded net of the 3D shape?

Numerical reasoning : Q1 = 10 GW Q2 = 10 GW Q3 = 14 GW Q4 = 13 GW

So the total is C) 47 GW produced by thermal power.

Verbal reasoning : True – “to secure the price of a commodity which is to be “bought” at a future date, but at a price that is set today.”

Logical reasoning : The shapes are moving around the points of the polygon. The circle and arrow are both moving anti-clockwise 2 points, and the square is moving 4 spaces in a clockwise direction. So the answer is C.

Mechanical reasoning : There is only 1 load-bearing section of rope, which means that the force needed to lift the weight is the same as the weight itself. So the answer is 10kg.

Spatial reasoning : If you look at the two ends, you can see that the only correct answer could be C.

Sample Cognitive Ability Tests question Test your knowledge!

A sequence of statements is given below. Which statement logically follows from the given statements? 1. No manager is a leader. 2. All directors are managers. 3. Some leaders are directors.

  • Some directors are not leaders.
  • No directors are leaders.
  • All leaders are directors.
  • Some managers are not directors.

All roses are flowers. Some flowers fade quickly. Therefore:

  • Some roses fade quickly.
  • Roses are the only flowers that do not fade quickly.
  • No roses fade quickly.
  • It is possible that some roses fade quickly.

If it takes 5 minutes to drill a half-inch hole, how long will it take to drill a two-inch hole?

A researcher compiled data over several years and found that for Company X, employee productivity increases by 2% for every 1% increase in salary. If an employee's salary is increased by 10%, by how much can the researcher expect their productivity to increase?

Which word is a synonym for 'evanescent'?

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Cognitive Ability Tests Tips

1 try out each of the different test types.

We recommend working through the different types of tests we’ve listed that sit within the overall cognitive ability test. This will help you identify your stronger and weaker areas.

2 Work harder on your weaker areas

It’s tempting to spend more time on the areas you enjoy, but ignoring this urge in favour of working on your weaker spots will pay dividends when it counts. So whether it’s logic slowing you down or verbal reasoning causing you a little uneasiness, spend the extra time on the topics you find more challenging.

3 Practice in a suitable environment

Practically speaking, there’s no substitute for a quiet environment when taking mock tests. Try to find as peaceful an area as possible when you’re taking a mock test, and ensure you have everything you need before you start.

4 Put the timer on

It’s essential to time yourself while doing any practice tests, so you can see how well you fare against the clock. At the end, go over your answers and spend time evaluating your score, and if there were mistakes, why they happened.

Cognitive Ability Video Tutorials

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Graph Interpretation

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Cognitive Ability Tests FAQs

What is this test used for.

Cognitive ability tests are a common tool used by employers to gauge a job seeker’s potential in various skill areas. They serve as a quantifiable method to assess problem-solving and logical thinking capacities, which are essential across numerous jobs and industries.

What do these tests involve?

These tests are a series of questions designed to evaluate your problem-solving abilities and logical reasoning. Covering a range of topics, from verbal to spatial understanding, they effectively measure how you process information and confront complex situations.

What do these tests measure?

Our cognitive ability tests focus on precise evaluation of your analytical skills, adaptability, and problem-solving prowess. Utilizing state-of-the-art adaptive technology, our test questions constantly evolve to maintain up-to-date with industry trends and standards, offering a true measure of your cognitive strengths.

Where can I practice these tests?

You can dive into a variety of practice cognitive ability tests right here at Practice Aptitude Tests. We provide a deep library of simulations that closely mimic real test environments, giving you the best preparation for your upcoming assessments.

Which employers use these tests?

A wide range of employers across various fields leverage cognitive ability tests as part of their hiring process. These assessments help them identify candidates who have the necessary mental acuity and agility that complement their specific job roles and organizational needs.

Reviews of our Cognitive Ability tests

What our customers say about our Cognitive Ability tests

United States of America

October 14, 2023


I found the test challenging and very exciting. I really had to slow down to think through the logic.

Preeti Borra

October 10, 2023

I like the test it's very difficult to solve in one attempt. It is very good test for practice the exam. But they are almost same type of questions still it is very difficult to solve. I would like to attempt more questions like this for practice. I try to understand the pattern.

Christopher Christopher Ward

United Kingdom

October 03, 2023

This required a thoughtful anyalysis of all information presented and required cross referencing of evidence provided.

Obialo Egwim

September 06, 2023

The test was challenging

The test was difficult to understand for the last few questions but decently easy to understand for the first few . But I understood the questions .

Pamela Almeida

July 24, 2023

Shapes and Positions

Interesting series of questions. Sometimes the answers come easier by visual review, sometimes by comparative review.

July 05, 2023

This Was Fun

This test seems t only be focused on spatial awareness and pattern recognition. Although, because I have not yet seen the results of the test I'm unfamiliar just how much these two skills play a role in the bigger picture.

Vladimir Nicolescu

June 29, 2023

Pretty Balanced

It was my first cognitive ability test. seems pretty balanced. Some harder but I managed to find some logic even in the toughest ones

Dylan Kovacevich

June 28, 2023

Good, like to see more.

Thought there would of been a mix of numerical and verbal reasoning, rather than just abstract reasoning.

Sayantani Halder

June 22, 2023

Best GCA questions to practice

I liked the way the questions slowly progressed toward increasing difficulty levels. It helps in getting a grip on the logical reasoning skills

Busi Mongwe

South Africa

June 21, 2023

Pay attention

There instructions were at the beginning of the test which made me panic and anxious so I just clicked on anything but caught on in the middle of the test

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Aptitude Questions and Answers

Aptitude interview questions and answers.

Here you can find Aptitude interview questions and answers for your placement interviews and entrance exam preparation.

Why should I learn to solve Aptitude questions?

Learn and practise solving Aptitude questions to enhance your skills so that you can clear interviews, competitive examinations, and various entrance tests (CAT, GATE, GRE, MAT, bank exams, railway exams, etc.) with full confidence.

Where can I get Aptitude questions and answers with explanations?

IndiaBIX provides you with numerous Aptitude questions and answers with explanations. Fully solved problems with detailed answer descriptions and explanations are given and will be easy to understand.

Where can I get Aptitude MCQ interview questions and answers (objective type, multiple choice)?

Here you can find multiple-choice-type Aptitude questions and answers for your interviews and entrance examinations. Objective-type and true-or-false-type questions are also given here.

How do I download Aptitude questions in PDF format?

You can download Aptitude quiz questions and answers as PDF files or eBooks.

How do I solve Aptitude quiz problems?

You can easily solve all kinds of quiz questions based on Aptitude by practising the given exercises, including shortcuts and tricks.

  • Problems on Trains
  • Time and Distance
  • Height and Distance
  • Time and Work
  • Simple Interest
  • Compound Interest
  • Profit and Loss
  • Partnership
  • Problems on Ages
  • Volume and Surface Area
  • Permutation and Combination
  • Problems on Numbers
  • Problems on H.C.F and L.C.M
  • Decimal Fraction
  • Simplification
  • Square Root and Cube Root
  • Surds and Indices
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Pipes and Cistern
  • Boats and Streams
  • Alligation or Mixture
  • Races and Games
  • Stocks and Shares
  • Probability
  • True Discount
  • Banker's Discount
  • Odd Man Out and Series

Current Affairs

Interview questions, group discussions.

  • Data Interpretation
  • Verbal Ability
  • Verbal Test
  • Python Programming
  • C Programming
  • C++ ,   C#
  • Technical Interview
  • Placement Papers
  • Submit Paper


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  2. SOLUTION: Aptitude test problem solving methods

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  4. Best platform to conduct Online Aptitude Tests to know problem-solving

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  5. SIG Problem Solving Assessment

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  6. Quantitative Aptitude Problem-Solving Techniques In CA

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  5. Cracking Verbal Reasoning: Mastering Alphabet and Blood Relation Aptitude Tests!

  6. UGC-CSIR NET Dec 2015 |General Aptitude prob 1-5| Maths, Life Science @ 1/4


  1. Aptitude Test: 16 Free Tests with 129+ Questions and Answers

    If you do not, you will be forced to use whatever they might provide you with. 5. Answer as many questions as possible in the time given. But be wary of negative marking. Gain access to the best free aptitude tests online. Practice more than 100 questions with answers for 16 aptitude assessments with expert tips.

  2. 17 Free Practice Aptitude Tests: Try A Free Test Now

    5120 questions. Maximise your chances of success by taking some of our free practice assessments. We've included a full spectrum of free aptitude tests, including numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, situational judgement and many more. All our aptitude tests are written by accredited psychometric experts and are designed to prepare you for ...

  3. Aptitude Test: 1000s Of Free Practice Aptitude Test Questions

    An aptitude test is a way to measure a job candidate's cognitive abilities, work behaviours, or personality traits. Aptitude tests will examine your numeracy, logic and problem-solving skills, as well as how you deal with work situations. They are a proven method to assess employability skills. Aptitude tests measure a range of skills such as ...

  4. 12 Effective Aptitude Test Questions & Answers

    TestGorilla is a leading pre-employment screening platform that offers ready-made aptitude tests to evaluate candidates on numerical reasoning, critical thinking, problem-solving, reading comprehension, decision-making, and more. Explore TestGorilla by signing up for a free plan, scheduling a free 30-minute live demo, or taking a product tour today

  5. McKinsey Problem Solving Test Practice Test A

    Problem Solving Test used for selection purposes. This test assesses your ability to solve business problems using deductive, inductive, and quantitative reasoning. This practice test contains a total of 26 questions. The actual test contains 26 questions and you will be given 60 minutes to answer as many questions as possible.

  6. Free Sample Aptitude Test Questions & Answers (2024)

    Sample numerical reasoning test question. Answer: 3) 50%. Solution: Identify how much snow fell in Whistler in November and December (Nov = 20cm & Dec = 30cm) Calculate the difference between the two months: 30 - 20 = 10. Divide the difference by November (original figure) and multiply by 100: 10/20 x 100 = 50%.

  7. Free Aptitude Test Practice Questions 2024

    The main challenge with aptitude questions arises from the tight time limit and the diversity of skills tested, including abstract reasoning, numerical ability, verbal comprehension, problem-solving, and more. Individuals may struggle depending on their personal strengths, weaknesses, and the type of aptitude test they are taking.

  8. Free Aptitude Practice Questions with Explanations

    Free online practice aptitude tests. Start now! Our tests simulate what you can expect on the actual assessment and all questions come with detailed explanations. ... This test measures your problem-solving and non-verbal skills. It assesses your ability to interpret patterns or the relationship between shapes. Prepare to succeed. Try now ...

  9. Critical Thinking Test: Free Practice Questions

    Problem-Solving Proficiency: Navigate through intricate problems that mirror real-world challenges, honing your capacity to approach issues systematically and derive effective solutions. What to Expect: The Critical Thinking Practice Test is crafted to mirror the format and complexity of the actual examination. ... Aptitude Tests: 10 Sample ...

  10. Aptitude Questions and Answers

    Our comprehensive guide to aptitude questions and answers covers all the essential topics of Aptitude, including Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Ability. Whether you're a student preparing for an examination or looking for a job to improve your problem-solving skills. With our step-by-step guide and sample questions, you ...

  11. Problem Solving Test

    This problem resolution test presents candidates with typical problem-solving scenarios like 1) scheduling based on a diverse set of conditions, 2) identifying the right sequence of actions based on several business rules, and 3) drawing conclusions based on textual and numerical information. Check out our practice preview questions to see the ...

  12. Aptitude Test

    About the test. The Aptitude test assesses the ability to use reason to solve problems which involve rigorous and methodical thinking skills. The assessment includes work-sample tasks such as: Understanding numerical data in order to calculate accurate answers. Analyzing patterns in information and evidence to arrive at correct conclusions.

  13. Logical Reasoning Test: 100s Of Free Practice Questions (2024)

    A logical reasoning test is an assessment that measures your ability to interpret information, apply logic to solve problems and draw relevant conclusions. It is typically non-verbal and in a multiple-choice format, and requires the use of rules and deduction to reach answers, rather than prior knowledge.

  14. Critical Thinking Test

    Practice Critical Thinking Test. Try a free critical thinking test. This free practice test contains 10 test questions and has a time limit of 6 minutes. Improve your performance with our test preparation platform. Access 24/7 from all your devices. More than 1000 verbal practice questions.

  15. Free Aptitude Test: Questions and Answers

    The most common types of questions asked in an Abstract Reasoning Test are as follows: Compete the sequence. Find the missing item in sequence. Find the odd one out. Remember to check for the following while you answer abstract reasoning questions: Look out for a pattern in the movement inside the given area.

  16. Aptitude Tests: Test Types & Free Practice Materials (2024)

    Inductive Reasoning Test is a common aptitude test assessing your ability to recognize and interpret the patterns of abstract figures. The tests often last 15-20 minutes, including around 20-30 questions. Some notable test providers of Inductive Reasoning Tests are SHL, Aon, and Saville.

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    for Pre-employment Assessments. Unlock Your Potential: Ace your employee aptitude test or school entrance exam effortlessly with our tailored online practice tests. Practice with one of our free aptitude tests, or take your preparation to the next level with our comprehensive test preparation packages. Sign up now and start your preparation today.

  18. Analytical Reasoning Tests

    These aptitude tests are most commonly used in the hiring of science, tech and IT roles, as the type of skills they seek to showcase - logical thinking, identifying patterns, problem solving and critical thinking - are all valuable in these industries. ... Dive into questions that challenge your problem-solving abilities across verbal, non ...

  19. Problem-Solving Aptitude Test Questions 2024

    Problem-Solving placement aptitude test is a popular pre-employment cognitive ability assessment. To make better hiring decisions, companies conducts a Problem-Solving test to predict candidates' competency level and likelihood of success in a job role. A company uses Problem-Solving tests during the recruitment process to compare applicants.

  20. Free Aptitude Practice Questions with Explanations

    These free tests are made to help you get started and to give you a better idea of what to expect. On this page, you will find several free practice assessments and aptitude tests. You can also practice intelligence tests and other types of tests on our platform. All these tests are used for selection procedures at companies.

  21. Cognitive Ability Test

    The CCAT is designed to measure critical thinking, problem-solving skills, reasoning ability, and learning capacity. It comprises 50 multiple-choice questions and has a time limit of 15 minutes. Universal Cognitive Aptitude Test (UCAT) The UCAT serves as the language-independent alternative to the CCAT. This test includes 40 multiple-choice ...

  22. Cognitive Ability Tests: Free Practice Questions & Tips (2024)

    456 questions. Cognitive ability tests are predictors of general intelligence. Like IQ tests, they examine your ability to solve problems and think logically, via verbal, numerical, mechanical, spatial and logical questions. Cognitive tests are popular with employers, as the broad range of aptitudes covered can give a good overview of each ...

  23. Aptitude Questions and Answers

    Here you can find Aptitude interview questions and answers for your placement interviews and entrance exam preparation. Learn and practise solving Aptitude questions to enhance your skills so that you can clear interviews, competitive examinations, and various entrance tests (CAT, GATE, GRE, MAT, bank exams, railway exams, etc.) with full ...