studential economics personal statement

Undergraduate Personal Statement Example: Economics

studential economics personal statement

With so many university personal statement examples available, how do you know if you’re reading a good one?  

After all, personal statement examples can teach you how to write and structure your application, and you can quickly learn how to write a personal statement by examining others.

Reading examples of personal statements can be valuable when applying to a university or college course. But what exactly should they contain?

Undergraduate personal statements should highlight relevant academic and practical experience, academic skills, ambitions and suitability for the degree field. This undergraduate personal statement example for Economics clearly illustrates these three critical elements.

Undergraduate degree personal statement examples are sometimes referred to as personal mission statements or statements of purpose , so if you’re tasked with writing a personal mission statement, the following example will work for you.

I’ve broken down this personal statement example section by section, with a commentary on each element. 

That way, you’ll see its strengths and weaknesses and get some inspiration for your own personal statement .

Once you’ve read the personal statement example and analysis, you can download a pdf of the whole document to use as inspiration for your own!

studential economics personal statement

Personal Statement Example: Introduction

“The unprecedented pace and scope of global economic change shape our lives in unfamiliar and complex ways. The COVID-19 pandemic, Russia’s war in Ukraine and the rising surge of authoritarian populism in Pakistan all challenge social and financial norms, leading to unpredictability in individual behaviour and international markets. Having experienced first-hand the vastly differing economies of the UK, Pakistan and Qatar, I have developed an interest in how economics affects education, employment and income. Comparing each country’s response to the pandemic and observing the long-term impact of the decisions taken, I’m keen to learn which new ideas will replace the old paradigms, how inflation can be tamed without triggering a recession, and whether it is possible to grow global prosperity without exacerbating inequality at a national level.”

My Commentary and Analysis 

This writer begins this personal statement example by displaying an informed and comprehensive understanding of global politics and current affairs. Although this doesn’t seem directly connected to the study of economics, it’s actually a sophisticated way of introducing the topic. Economics and global affairs are inextricably linked, and displaying this knowledge allows the writer to evidence their knowledge comprehensively.

They then outline their global experience and begin to suggest the ways in which global politics and finance are interconnected. In doing so, the writer introduces their motivations and suitability confidently.

If you’re struggling with your personal statement introduction, check out my article on how to write perfect opening paragraphs here .

studential economics personal statement

Personal Statement Example: Section 2

“I thrive on undertaking research into current financial issues and sharing my perspectives with the world. Following the IMF’s reporting of US tariffs on Chinese imports, I analysed how economies rival one another as part of a wider war of geopolitical positioning. Additionally, I examined the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and its economic effects on neighbouring countries. My articles ‘How the US-China Conflict Affects Asia’ and ‘The Economic Impact of the Afghan Crisis on Pakistan’ were featured in Pakistan’s New Reporter newspaper.”

My Commentary and Analysis

Here the writer outlines their research and clarifies their understanding of international trade and finance a little more broadly. This works well, as it adds some depth and development to the previous section without repeating content. 

The theme of international trade continues throughout this personal statement example, but the impressive aspect here is the reference to the articles that the writer has published. Again, this is an important aspect to include as, for an undergraduate example, it establishes the writer as a uniquely qualified and motivated candidate. 

It’s unusual for an undergraduate applicant to have this level of experience and clarity of motivation, so don’t worry if that isn’t something you have achieved yet. The key thing is to make the most of each experience you have and outline its value to your application and ambition.

If you’d like to learn more about how to structure your personal statement or statement of purpose , check out my awesome Personal Statement Template eBook here . It’s full of detailed examples of what to include!

studential economics personal statement

Personal Statement Example: Section 3

“My relief work has exposed me to many societal disparities, fuelling my interest in economics and finance. I’ve witnessed first-hand the interplay between poverty and the economy and researched economic theories and their implications in real-world contexts to understand these real-life complexities. Deeply moved by the impact of the pandemic lockdowns on those reliant on a daily wage in underserved communities in Pakistan, I was inspired to set up a youth team for the food charity FoodShare and distribute warm meals through the uncertainty of constant lockdowns. This led me to research and discover theories such as Sens, which focused on income inequality and capability deprivation.”

The writer outlines their philanthropic and relief work with relevant examples, all of which serve to establish their understanding of the role of economics in real-world settings. 

The focus is beginning to move away from economics, and whilst the content is impressive, it would be sensible to relate the material to the subject area a little more fully at this stage in the personal statement.

Check out lots more examples of personal statements here , and see how they can inspire your application!

studential economics personal statement

Personal Statement Example: Section 4

“Initiating a drive to plant trees as a member of my college’s Green Club, I realised that a financial incentive for growing trees, given directly to landowners in underserved urban and rural communities, would contribute precisely to the economic stimulus they need. My findings were substantiated when I read Dambisa Moyo’s ‘Dead Aid’. I admire her views on development in low-income economies and her arguments for using trade as a growth and development strategy in Africa rather than relying on government-to-government aid. It is experiences like these which have convinced me to pursue this course of study.”

My Commentary and Analysis: 

This is a highly complex paragraph in many respects. It outlines an additional aspect to the writer’s experience and motivation and gives the reader a deeper sense of the engagement the writer intends to have with the subject matter.

Offering evidence of research increases the writer’s range of academic skills and suitability for the course. This is important at this stage of the personal statement, as there have been few references to academic or transferable skills before this point. 

Undergraduate personal statements usually focus on the academic skills developed in further education. As this applicant has focused on other elements, it’s good to see the writer has begun to reference them at this stage.

The one thing that all successful personal statements have in common is that they are concise, engaging and accurate in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Consequently, I always recommend Grammarly to my students and clients. 

It’s an outstanding tool for ensuring your personal statement is rich with detail whilst hitting those all-important word limits. Check out the free version of Grammarly here , or hit the banner for more information.

studential economics personal statement

Personal Statement Example: Conclusion

“My commitment to degree-level economics is reflected in my decision to study A-level Law during my gap year. This has developed my essay writing, analytical and critical thinking skills and taught me to apply logic and reasoning to reach decisions. Equally, attending the Young Leaders summer program at Buckley University last summer allowed me to develop my project management, team building and leadership skills whilst learning about sustainable development goals. I researched the pandemic in Canada and terrorism in Somalia and presented my ideas from an economic viewpoint, arguing how a country’s stability is directly interlinked with its economic growth, affecting the sustainability of development goals. I valued the opportunity to represent my team and take the lead in public speaking and debating at the Oxford Union Chamber, and was proud to win the ‘Best Debating Team’ prize. I won first prize in the Marshall Young Mathematician competition whilst at college, allowing me to put my mathematical, logical reasoning, problem-solving and analytical skills into practice.

A diligent, dedicated and motivated student, I’m confident that my personal qualities, practical experience and academic interests will fully support my commitment to reading for an economics degree.”

The first paragraph above is, perhaps, the most effective and relevant in this personal statement. This is because previous academic skills and experiences are referenced, and their value is considered in relation to the degree course applied for.

The writer then outlines their co-curricular activities. These are highly relevant and impressive examples, and including them here shows the scope of the applicant’s commitment and quality. Referencing the award the writer achieved and considering the transferable skills gained is a compelling strategy that adds to their suitability for the degree.

In summary, there are some significant strengths in this personal statement example. The applicant is mature, engaged and accomplished. They show a range of experiential and practical skills, and the depth of their achievements makes them highly suitable.

In contrast, there’s a lack of formal academic depth here and not very much content that reflects the writer’s personality. Equally, there could be a wider reference to the value that the writer would bring to the university environment.

For more great advice, check out my article on writing an excellent final personal statement paragraph here .

studential economics personal statement

Click here or on the banner below to get your free download of this complete personal statement example . 

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Whether you’re looking for personal mission statement examples or an example of personal purpose statement, I hope this personal statement example has been helpful. Above all, I wish you every success in your academic career. 

If you’d like to work with me to develop your personal statement 1:1 and write a powerful mission statement, I’d be delighted to hear from you. 

Find out about my personal statement support services by clicking here or on the image below.

studential economics personal statement

Research and content verified by Personal Statement Planet .

David Hallen

I've worked in the Further Education and University Admissions sector for nearly 20 years as a teacher, department head, Head of Sixth Form, UCAS Admissions Advisor, UK Centre Lead and freelance personal statement advisor, editor and writer. And now I'm here for you...

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Economics Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

What stands out to me when I read one of the better newspapers is that economics often dominates the headlines. It is so ubiquitous it’s almost hidden in plain sight and many people don’t even realise they are debating economic policy and issues when they talk about what’s happening. The key position of economics in modern society has stimulated me to find out more about it at an increasing advanced level. The relationship between economics and large businesses really fascinates me and I have completed my extended project on this alongside my economics, maths and history A-levels.

Studying economics at university will give me the opportunity to delve deeper into this complex financial world and I look forward to applying my analytical skills to understand more about how economics influences the global business world.

My interest in economics goes beyond my college work. To learn new skills, I have set up a website that acts as a revision guide for economics for A-level students and also those doing economics at GCSE. As part of this I have started a blog in which I analyse and write about current economic issues, using knowledge gleaned from The Economist, newspapers and other publications.

My school specialises in business and enterprise and I was able to participate in a Young Enterprise project in which I formed a company with a small team of other students and we had to produce a business plan and sell products to other students. This was a great opportunity to practice some of the theory I had been learning and I found that it increased my confidence at communicating with others and taught me a lot about team work.

In my spare time I have worked at my local pet shop, something which has allowed me to see a small business in operation. I have also been able to deal with customers and to learn about caring for rabbits, guinea pigs, small birds and other pets. Through this I started to realise that the economic bottom line may not be the prime consideration in some situations, particularly where live animals and people are involved.

To relax, I like to read science fiction novels and I am an avid Sudoku fan. I am now applying some of the web building skills I have used in my website and blog on economics to designing and building a new website for the pet shop where I work on Saturdays.

I am convinced that I am making the right choice to study economics at university. My skills and determination to work hard and to look at all aspects of business success will carry me through three years of an economics degree and will lead me to a career in which I can apply my knowledge with integrity and with a high regard for people’s needs.

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Sample Economics Personal Statement (admitted to Oxford, Cambridge, LSE)

studential economics personal statement

by Talha Omer, M.Eng., Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

The following personal statement is written by an applicant who got accepted to top graduate programs in economics. Variations of this personal statement got accepted at Oxford, Cambridge, and LSE. Read this essay to get inspiration and understand what a top economics school PS should look like.

You might also be interested in reading this Statement of Purpose in Economics  that got admitted to Harvard, Yale and Princeton.

Sample Personal Statement Economics


The sounds coming from near the doorway may have startled an outsider but were barely noticed by the people lounging on charpoys and mooras (wicker stools). With the atmosphere abuzz with their chatter, the sputtering sound of the diesel generator lent more time to catch up as the bulbs lit up and fans whirred on throughout the haveli (palace) on an otherwise hot evening. But on days when it refused to crackle, my grandmother would enkindle gas lanterns filling the veranda with hissing sounds and soothing moonlight rays.

I still cherish these memories from my childhood trips to XYZ, my native village, some 450kms from the closest city. At the time, the short sojourns from Kuwait felt rather adventurous. However, the perspective turned wrong when I permanently moved to XYZ. Due to unannounced electricity breakdowns, we would find ourselves groping in the dark to the closest candle stand while sweating in the scorching summer.

And just when we thought it couldn’t get worse, the occasional power breakdowns segued into a full-blown crisis of the decade. Over the next seven years, we witnessed unprecedented power outages averaging 15-18 hours daily. People weren’t just lamenting the loss of mental peace; they were mourning the monetary losses worth billions of rupees translating into 1.5% of GDP.

Fast forward 15 years, and I found myself in a position to alleviate the situation. As Deputy Administrative Head of the Government’s Economic Affairs division, I administer a departmental budget worth $500 million. I am currently undertaking solarization projects. A recent shift towards renewables has occurred after public unrest during the early decade led to hasty investments in thermal-based power plants. Unfortunately, seven years later, we are still reeling from the aftermath of a bitter public backlash as we have the lowest regional electricity consumption per capita.

In addition to high tariffs, the energy sector has been marred by the accumulation of circular debt of $30 billion. This has been caused by multiple factors, such as electricity theft, transmission losses, and non-payment of dues. Having worked in Economic Affairs Division, I have also been part of a team that took massive power sector reforms, including:

  • elimination of subsidies
  • policy formulation on electricity theft and conservation 
  • overhaul of sectoral regulatory bodies
  • privatization of distribution companies et al.

However, as the Program ended, so did the reforms.

Regrettably, negative externalities from these energy woes have had spillover effects on all socio-economic sectors. The environment has especially poorly been affected by the process for the lack of an integrated generation and transmission policy framework in the renewable industry. Being a lower riparian state has also exacerbated climate change. We face extreme weather conditions – floods, droughts, smog, and diminishing water tables. Unable to agree on water issues not covered under the Indus Water Treaty has led to regular skirmishes and legal battles in the International Court of Justice.

Given the background, my country’s economic and Energy woes require a holistic understanding of the subject. This makes Economic policy specializing in Energy the right choice for my graduate studies. Furthermore, I can become an effective leader and economist in the sector through the interdisciplinary pedagogical approach covering policy, economics, management, law; practical skills; quantitative and qualitative analysis within an international context.

My aim is socio-economic development in tandem with confidence-building measures and strategic partnerships with the neighboring countries. Studying at Oxford will provide this learning opportunity in and out of the class as I will interact with some of the most brilliant minds worldwide and work in teams with them. I also look forward to student-led events, conferences, guest lectures, field trips, and panel discussions to augment my understanding of supranational political demands. This will help me lead economic policy reforms for the next 25 years.


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By Nik Taylor (Editor, The Uni Guide) | 21 September 2023 | 8 min read

Writing an economics personal statement: expert advice from universities

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The university application personal statement is changing in 2025
University admissions service Ucas has announced that a new style of personal statement will be launched in 2025. This will affect anyone making a university application from autumn 2025 onwards.


Read around the subject 

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Let your passion for economics shine through in your personal statement

  • Read more:  teacher secrets for writing a great personal statement

Make sure you really understand what economics is all about

Do your research into the course.

  • Read more:  personal statement FAQs

Keep your personal statement personal

Talk about how you engage with the world around you.

  • Read more:  the ten biggest mistakes to avoid when writing your personal statement

Show your interest in collecting and analysing data

  • Read more:  universities reveal all about personal statements

Don’t only focus on finance

  • Read more:  universities explain how to end your personal statement with a bang

Include extracurricular activities with relevant skills

  • Read more:  how to write your personal statement when you have nothing interesting to say

You could talk about your plans for your future, but don’t worry if you don’t have a definite career trajectory all mapped out

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It shouldn’t matter if you haven’t studied economics before

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We've gone through some of the most commonly asked personal statement questions and put all the answers in one place

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Successful Personal Statement For Economics At Cambridge

Last Updated: 12th April 2022

Author: Chloe Hewitt

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Economics applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Cambridge University. The Economics Course at Cambridge provides a rounded, rigorous education in Economics which is valuable for a wide range of career paths.

Read on to see how this candidate wrote a Personal Statement that helped secure their place on a reputable degree. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement:


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:

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Economics Personal Statement

The right answer – does such a thing even exist? When considering the field of mathematics, my response would be an unequivocal yes – indeed, I find its simplicity and elegance some of its most attractive qualities. For economics, however, the question of a right answer is not so straightforward. My interest in economics was sparked when I read “Freakonomics” and “SuperFreakonomics”. I found the search for a logical explanation behind seemingly illogical behaviour intriguing, and the idea that small changes to incentives could effect such large changes to those behaviours fascinating.

To further my understanding, I attended lectures at the LSE, including one given by Ha-Joon Chang. His arguments challenged much of what I had learned – deregulation and trade liberalisation would not, apparently, stimulate competitive growth, while education, it turned out, could not be counted on to increase entrepreneurship or productivity. These contradictions made me eager to read his “23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism” and “Bad Samaritans”. Although relishing his controversial stance on almost everything, I found his central thesis – that by using protectionism to support fledgling domestic industries, other poor nations can emulate South Korea’s success – overly optimistic and one-size-fits-all. As Paul Collier argues in “The Bottom Billion”, many are trapped by conflict or bad governance, with even bleaker prospects after “missing the boat” on which many Asian economies sailed away to prosperity.     

While economics is rooted in the world around us, with all its fascinating, messy complexities, mathematics derives its beauty from its abstract nature. It is unique in that it can lead us to an answer that is not merely the right one, but is true in an absolute sense. This was emphasised by G. H. Hardy in “A Mathematician’s Apology”, where he spoke of a mathematical reality distinct from the ordinary one, of which we can only ever hope to produce a “partial and imperfect copy”. Another of the appeals of mathematics is its breadth of application. I was able to explore this over the past three years in a series of Royal Institution master classes covering topics from graph theory to the mathematics of juggling. My decision to continue with mathematics was confirmed when I undertook the AEA; I found it challenging but immensely satisfying to be able to use simple concepts from the A-level core modules to solve even the most daunting problems.

Over the past year, I have mentored two students in mathematics. Explaining concepts to them helped deepen my own understanding and led me to explore proofs behind theorems I had previously accepted. In addition, acting as a primary school classroom assistant inspired me to set up my own volunteering scheme, in which I and other students help children learn to read. I have enjoyed competing in the UKMT Mathematics Challenge, in which I won a medal at Olympiad level, and the UK Linguistics Olympiad, in which I twice progressed to the selection round for the national team. I have also represented my school in the Hans Woyda competition, and am excited to be doing the same in the Target 2.0 challenge later this year.

Despite their differences, the authors I mentioned above hold something in common: their use of empirical methods to reach conclusions. It is here that the attraction of combining the study of mathematics and economics becomes especially apparent. Without mathematics, economics risks beginning to earn its title “the dismal science”, reducing to speculation and rhetoric without even the emotional investment enjoyed by politics. This is not to dismiss the importance of normative economics, but to say that it draws meaning from a basis in fact. I am not arguing for sound bite solutions to complex questions, but rather that, even in a field as hotly debated as economics, the right answer is still a worthwhile goal, reachable through the use of data and copious amounts of trial and error.

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

This statement is thoughtful and interesting, and conveys clear motivations for studying Economics, as well as demonstrating a good level of preparation for university study. The student elaborates on their response to each preparatory activity they engaged in, rather than falling into the trap of simply listing books read and lectures attended. They are clearly passionate about the subject, and show promise as an economist, which they demonstrate in, again, not only listing their achievements, but explaining what they took from the experience, and subtly indicating what this says about them as a student.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

I have very little to say in criticism of this essay except that, perhaps, it could come across as a little cliché. Questioning whether there is such a thing as ‘the right answer’ in the introduction, and concluding that pursuit of the field to which they’re applying for further study is worthy are both very common.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

This is an exceptional personal statement. Not only is the student accomplished, they convey this without bragging, and in enough detail that we gain insight into their abilities, motivations, and personal interests, rather than simply receiving a list in prose form. Though the ideas with which the student begins and concludes the statement are somewhat unoriginal, the explanation found in between is exceptionally strong, and justifies the unoriginal sentiments – they’re clearly not being added just as throwaway lines.

This Personal Statement for Chemistry is a great example of demonstrating motivation and development which is vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Cambridge, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

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Economics personal statement example 47.

As a ‘third culture kid’, I grew up with a foot in two different worlds, my parents having migrated from ex-USSR states and started a new life in the West. It taught me to appreciate the economic differences arising from opposing institutional ideologies, which I am keen on continuing to explore at higher education. To feed my increasing curiosity, I read ‘Crises in the Post‐Soviet Space’ by Felix Jeitner et al., where David Lane explicates the juxtaposing living conditions of western countries and post-Soviet states through privatisation, a factor determined by governmental institutions.

From a young age, I have witnessed how governmental institutions are instrumental in influencing economic organisation, and I experienced their impacts on prosperity and opportunity. This point is confirmed by Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson in ‘Why Nations Fail’, tying the current economic differences between the West and post-socialist countries with their respective institutional trajectories forged by historical events. Institutional importance is also prevalent in ‘Economic Liberalism and Its Rivals’ by Keith Darden, where both books explain the transitions in international relations through institutional reorganisation as authoritarian regimes become pluralistic.

Institutions’ lack of consideration for the effects of industrial activity on ecosystems has exacerbated climate change, which will hamper economic prosperity for my generation. To that end, I wrote my Extended Essay on the extent to which a circular economy can be implemented in China by 2050. Analysing studies such as ‘A digital-enabled circular strategies framework for manufacturing companies’ by Eivind Kristoffersen allowed me to conclude that China, despite its government expenditures into digital technologies, would still not reach a circular economy in the near future due to its politicised governmental and economic processes. Furthermore, the increasing environmental crisis in China intensifies inequality, which was tackled by Kenneth Mayhew in a lecture. I agreed with his assessment that governmental institutions should enact strict legislation to protect the working class before attempting to become circular.

I found Oxnet, a course run by Pembroke College, fascinating in expanding on the responsibilities of institutions when facing climate threats. Professor Shankar discussed the different renewable energies that can mitigate climate change, keeping in mind the differences in wealth between nations. This was formative in shaping my belief that the onus of achieving a sustainable future should lie on HEDCs since low-income countries have weak institutions, riddled with high corruption and little interest in improving standards of living, let alone the environment. I am eager to further develop my understanding of governmental institutions’ role in shaping economic and sustainable trends, and their influences on inequality through studying economics.

To complement my classroom knowledge of economics, I have aimed to put it to practical use. I spent a week at BNP Paribas valuing commercial properties to determine the amount the bank would loan against those properties. The experience was insightful in seeing the effects of nationwide trends and local economic factors in establishing the market yield. Moreover, in a Model United Nations debate on the ‘Militarisation of Space,’ I reasoned that opportunity cost occurs when nations focus spending on weaponisation rather than sustainability, highlighting the interplay between economics and politics. Through such experiences, I have gained a deeper appreciation of economics’ real-world applications, which I hope to continue growing at university.

My initial curiosity about the economic differences between my home countries has led to my unparalleled passion for the discipline; I look forward to studying economics at undergraduate level.

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Applied to Cambridge, LSE, UCL, King's and Bath. Need to wait and see if I get offers though...

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