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Nuffield Science Year 7

The Nuffield Science for Key Stage Three course materials for Year Seven were planned as an integrated science course.

T he topics

Topic A Being a scientist

Topic B Senses

Topic C Measuring

Topic D Solar System

Topic E Forces

Topic F Elements and compounds

Topic G Atoms and molecules

Topic H Patterns

The resources

The activity sheets form the core of the course. They are supported (for teachers and technicians) by the teachers' guide and, for students, by the pupils' book. Sometimes the pupils' book presents a context from which the activities arise: sometimes it provides applications of science studied in the activities. There are many questions in both the activity sheets and the pupils' book. The suggested activities are varied. They include practical investigations, teacher demonstrations, designing and making, fieldwork, discussion and debate as well as puzzles.

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Please be aware that resources have been published on the website in the form that they were originally supplied. This means that procedures reflect general practice and standards applicable at the time resources were produced and cannot be assumed to be acceptable today. Website users are fully responsible for ensuring that any activity, including practical work, which they carry out is in accordance with current regulations related to health and safety and that an appropriate risk assessment has been carried out.

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Subject(s)Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth science, Science
Published1990 - 1999
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Your digital toolkit for Year 7 Science

Table of contents, year 7 science overview.

Year 7 Science is a varied and interesting subject that is often well-liked and sparks curiosity in students. It involves hands-on and investigative work, with model making and experiments undertaken both in the science lab and out in the field (which may be the wider school, community or natural environment). Depending on the school, students are often able to follow their own interests to a degree, picking topics to explore within the realms of the curriculum. Their work is assessed in class and through assignments and short in-school tests.

What do students learn in Year 7 Science?

The learning for Year 7 Science students is primarily environmentally focused, with students investigating and exploring the diversity of life on Earth and using this learning to expand their scientific knowledge. They will begin to develop an understanding of the role of classification to order and organise information, and the ways in which systems – both natural and man-made – work within our environment and society.

The idea of renewable and non-renewable resources and their relationship within a timescale are investigated and explored through the Year 7 Science curriculum, as well as the repercussions of the use and abuse of such resources.

Year 7 students will explore forces in nature, including the relationships between the Earth, Moon and Sun. Students can expect to use modelling to explore theories and make measurements, as well as to look into such systems as food chains and water cycles.

How is content divided in the Year 7 Science curriculum?

There are three content strands in the Year 7 Science curriculum: Science understanding; Science as a human endeavour; and Science inquiry skills. Here’s what’s included in each of these strands:

Science understanding includes:

Biological sciences, which looks at the interactions between organisms and the effects of human activities, as represented by food chains and food webs.

Chemical sciences, namely mixtures and solutions and how they contain a combination of pure substances that can be separated using a range of techniques.

Earth and space sciences, which looks into phenomena on Earth, such as seasons and eclipses, and how they are caused by the relative positions of the sun, Earth and moon. Also students will investigate the distinction between Earth’s non-renewable resources, such as oil, and its renewable ones, such as water.

Physical sciences, including how a change to an object’s motion is caused by unbalanced forces, such as Earth’s gravitational attraction, acting on the object.

Science as a human endeavour includes:

Nature and development of science, or how scientific knowledge has changed peoples’ understanding of the world and can change with new evidence. Also how science knowledge can develop through collaboration across disciplines and with contributions from a range of cultures.

Use and influence of science investigates how solutions to contemporary issues found using science and technology impact on other areas of society, with ethical considerations. This looks into how people use science understanding and skills in their jobs.

Science inquiry skills include:

Questioning and predicting is about identifying questions and problems that can be investigated scientifically and making predictions based on scientific knowledge.

Planning and conducting as a skill involves collaboratively and individually planning and running a range of investigation types, including fieldwork and experiments, while ensuring safety and ethical guidelines are followed. Also, students learn to measure and control variables, and select equipment appropriate to the task and later, collect data with accuracy.

Processing and analysing data and information includes constructing and using a range of representations, including graphs, keys and models to represent and analyse patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate. Also, summarising this data, with students doing their own investigations and using secondary sources, and using scientific understanding to identify relationships and draw conclusions based on evidence.

Evaluating is reflecting on scientific investigations including considering the quality of the data collected, and identifying where improvements could be made. It’s also about using scientific knowledge and findings from investigations to evaluate claims based on evidence.

Communicating is the ability to communicate ideas, findings and evidence based solutions to problems using scientific language and representations, along with the use of digital technologies where appropriate.

How is Year 7 Science assessed?

Science is a hands-on, investigative subject, making it difficult to complete through bookwork alone, and to test through written examinations. Instead, most schools will assess a Year 7 student’s learning through the year, taking examples of their experiments, questioning, explanations, investigations and scientific analysis to form a portfolio of work, which will determine the breadth, depth and wealth of their learning.

Fortunately, there are a wealth of online teaching resources these days, written by curriculum experts, that support students to achieve excellent results in their school assessments.

How does a Year 7 student study for Science?

While much of the Science curriculum is practical, students may have some in-class tests to check their knowledge of certain topics. This could include labelling a diagram with the names of scientific equipment, labelling the body parts of an animal, or the different parts of a cell. This learning can be practised to ensure this knowledge is retained.

Vocabulary can also be studied. For students, having a good knowledge of the language used in the lab and the field will help make you a more efficient and adept scientist. This can be done through practice online tests or by creating flashcards of key terminology.

Year 7 is the first year when most students will realise the value and scope of science, and begin to work with the subject in a hands-on manner. For many students, this is an exciting step into a world that holds promise for the future, while others may not find their niche within the curriculum. Whether they are future scientists or just here to absorb knowledge of the world around them, there is great value in the Year 7 curriculum for understanding the systems that make life work.

There is plenty of crossover from science into other areas of their learning, particularly critical thinking and inquiry skills.

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Comprehensive & curriculum aligned, try an activity or get started for free, year 7 science worksheets.

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Your child can learn and practise their year 7 science skills (age 11-12) and then put them to the test with our automatically marked, interactive science worksheets ! Our year 7 science worksheets will help your child’s transition into their first exciting year of Secondary School and more importantly, independent learning; with a great range of topics to look forward to, our worksheets are the perfect way to help them along the way. Our Key Stage 3 year 7 science revision resources both as pdf or online are perfect for your child as they’re starting to prepare for their first set of exams in Secondary School! Our expert team of teachers make sure our worksheets are kept up to date with the year 7 science curriculum so your child doesn’t miss out on anything they need to know. This year they'll be introduced to the most important year 7 science topics in preparation for their GCSEs, and we can help them get ahead with plenty of useful resources like our human body worksheets , as well as year 7 physics worksheets , year 7 chemistry worksheets and much more - we’ll help prepare your child for their year 7 science assessments in the best way possible!

Year 7 science tests & assessments

  • Assessment: End of Term 1 Start Test
  • Assessment: End of Term 3 Start Test
  • Assessment: End of Year Start Test
  • Assessment: End of Term 2 Start Test

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  • Biology View Worksheets
  • Chemistry View Worksheets
  • Human Body View Worksheets

This term’s popular year 7 science worksheets

Finding the right year 7 science worksheets that will actually help your child is easier said than done. If you’re struggling to find the right thing for your child, have a look through a selection of our most popular year 7 science worksheets and try them for free today to see why we’re trusted by parents around the UK.

Understand Chemical Equat...

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Understand the Structure...

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Recognise Circuit Symbols...

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Assessment: Back-to-school (Y7) PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Biology: Cells

Describe How Organisms Grow TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe what Living Things are Made of TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explore How Cells, Tissues and Organs Work Together TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify the Functions of Specialised Cells TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Biology: Genes and Evolution

Explore Inherited Characteristics TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Find Out About Inherited Characteristics TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Types of Variation Among Organisms TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn About Natural Selection TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Biology: Health and Diseases

Calculate the Different Energy Needs in a Healthy Diet TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Compare Data on the Effects of Age, Asthma and Smoking on Total Lung Capacity TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Compare Stimulants and Depressants TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe Different Types of Drugs TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Biology: The Human Body and Processes

Describe How a Bell Jar Can Be Used as a Model of Breathing TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe the Breathing System TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe the Female Reproductive Cycle TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe the Process of Birth and the Needs of Newborn Babies TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Chemical Reactions

Describe What Happens in Thermal Decomposition TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE


Identify Chemical Reactions or Physical Changes TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Investigate Acids and Alkalis TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Chemistry: Atoms and the Periodic Table

Answer Questions About Diagrams of Atoms and Molecules TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Apply the Law of Conservation of Mass to Equations TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Apply the Law of Conservation of Mass to Solve Calculations TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explore the Chemical Formulae of Compounds TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Chemistry: Chemical Analysis

Identify Pure Substances From Their Melting and Boiling Points TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify the Features of a Pure Substance TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Recognise Particle Diagrams of Pure Substances TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Recognise Pure Substances and Mixtures TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE



Describe how Organisms are Sorted into Groups TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify the Different Processes that Indicate a Living Organism TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Combined Assessment

Assessment: English, Maths and Science Combined (Y7) PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Ecosystems and the Environment

Describe Feeding Relationships TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe How Environmental Variations Affect Organisms TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe the Adaptations of Predators and Prey TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Environmental Influences on Organisms TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

End of Term 1

Assessment: End of Term 1 PREVIEW WORKSHEET

End of Term 2

Assessment: End of Term 2 PREVIEW WORKSHEET

End of Term 3

Assessment: End of Term 3 PREVIEW WORKSHEET

End of Year

Assessment: End of Year PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Energy and Fuels

Calculate Fuel Uses and Costs TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Compare Different Energy Resources TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe Energy Changes TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explore Energy Changes TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Analyse Data on Stretching Elastic Materials TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Analyse Force Diagrams TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explore the Causes and Impact of Friction TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explore the Contact Force of Tension TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Materials and Changes

Explain What Factors Affect Solubility TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Solutes, Solvents and Solutions TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Investigate Chromatography TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Investigate Filtration and Evaporation TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Compare Chemical and Physical Changes TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Compare Densities of Solids, Liquids, and Gases TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe and Explain Diffusion TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe and Explain the Conservation of Mass TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

National Curriculum Objectives

Assessment: Atoms, Elements and Compounds PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Assessment: Chemical Reactions PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Assessment: Earth and Atmosphere PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Assessment: Electricity and Electromagnetism PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Physics: Electricity

Develop Understanding of Electricity, Current and Potential Difference TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explain Static Electricity and Electric Fields TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn About Conductors and Insulators TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn About Electrical Symbols and Circuit Diagrams TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Physics: Energy

Analyse Internal Energy Differences and Changes TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Compare Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Compare Heat and Temperature TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe Internal Energy TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Physics: Matter

Understand Changes of State Between Solids, Liquids and Gases TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Physics: Waves

Compare Longitudinal and Transverse Waves TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Compare Properties of Different Colours of Visible Light TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Compare the Hearing Ranges of Humans and Animals TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Define and Calculate Amplitude, Frequency, and Wavelength TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Substances Needed for Photosynthesis TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Investigate How Pollen Tubes Grow TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practical Science Skills

Understand How to Analyse and Evaluate Data TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand How to Measure and Record Data TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Space, the Solar System and the Planets

Compare Mass, Weight and Gravity TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe Features of the Solar System TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe Structures Beyond our Solar System TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe the Properties of the Sun and Moon TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE


Calculate Speed Through Investigations TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Calculate Speed Using Different Units TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Relate Speed, Distance and Time TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE


Scientific attitudes, experimental skills and investigations, analysis and evaluation, inheritance, chromosomes, dna, genes, relationships in an ecosystem, cells and organisation, nutrition and digestion.

Understand the Consequences of Imbalances in a Diet TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand the Different Energy Needs of People TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE


Describe the Role of the Reproductive System TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Discuss the Role of the Reproductive System Including the Menstrual Cycle TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Skeletal and Muscular Systems

Describe the Structure and Functions of the Human Skeleton TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe the Structure of the Human Skeleton TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Differentiate Between the Types of Muscle and Their Functions TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explain the Role of Joints in Movement TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Gas Exchange Systems (Breathing)

Evaluate the Bell Jar Model for Breathing TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explain What Addiction Is TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explore What Stimulants and Depressants Are TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Acids and Alkalis: Neutralisation Reactions

Investigate Hazardous Substances TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Formulae and Equations

Learn to Identify Simple Chemical Symbols in Chemical Reactions TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand Chemical Equations TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Recognise Acids and Alkalis Used in Everyday Life TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand the pH Scale TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Types of Chemical Reactions

Investigate Combustion TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Investigate Signs of Reactions TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Rearrangement of Atoms in Reactions

Understand How to Represent Atoms in Chemical Reactions TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Investigate Enzymes as Catalysts TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn About Catalysts TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Study the Mass of Catalysts During Reactions TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE


Calculation of fuel uses and costs.

Practise Calculating Fuel Uses and Costs TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise How to Calculate Fuel Uses and Costs TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Changes in Systems

Explore Forms of Energy and Apply Joules TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explore Forms of Energy and Energy Transfer TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Forms of Energy and Apply Joules TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Investigate Energy and Changes in Systems TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Energy Changes and Transfers

Find Out About Energy Changes TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Energy Changes TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Our Sun as a Star, Other Stars and Galaxies

Discover What is Beyond our Solar System TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Seasons and the Earth's Tilt

Explain How Seasons Occur TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explore Earth's Seasons TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Find Out About our Days and Seasons TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Know About our Days and Seasons TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Gravity Forces

Examine the Effects of Gravity TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE



Physical Changes

Describe Changes of State TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explain Brownian Motion TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explain Changes of State TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Particle Model

Describe Properties of Fluids TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE


Static Electricity

Learn About Polarisation of Charge in Static Electricity TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn About Static Electricity Experiments TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand Charge and Coulombs TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Current Electricity

Learn About Series and Parallel Circuits TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describing Motion

Interpret Force Diagrams TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Investigate Friction Through an Experiment TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Balanced Forces

Find Out About Normal Reaction Force TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn About Balanced Forces and Equilibrium TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn About Terminal Velocity TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Recognise Balanced and Unbalanced Forces from Diagrams TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Pressure in Fluids

Understand Gas Pressure TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Motion and Forces

Investigate the Effects of Unbalanced Forces TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Separating Mixtures

Learn About Chromatography TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn About Filtration and Evaporation TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Mixtures, including Dissolving

Investigate What Factors Affect Solubility TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Recognise Different Types of Mixtures TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Concept of a Pure Substance

Understand Some Differences Between Pure and Impure Substances TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Diffusion: Particle Model

Learn About Diffusion in Solids and Liquids TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Relate the Process of Diffusion to the Concentration of Particles TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand Diffusion and the Particles in a Gas TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand Diffusion in Different States of Matter TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identifying Pure Substances

Composition of the atmosphere.

Investigate the Gases Around Us TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Observed Waves

Define and Measure Amplitude, Frequency, and Wavelength TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe Features of Water Waves TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Sound Waves

Describe How Sound Travels in Different Materials TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explain Reflection and Absorption of Sound Waves TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Interpret and Calculate Properties of Sound Waves TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Energy Waves

Describe How Waves Transfer Information by Microphones and Speakers TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Describe Uses of Ultrasound TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explain How Earthquakes Transfer Energy in Waves TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explain Uses of Radio Waves and Microwaves TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Light Waves

Describe What Happens When Light Hits an Object TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explain Dispersion and the Spectrum of White Light TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Recall Basic Properties of Light TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases

Explore the Different Particle Arrangement in Liquids and Gases TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Investigate the Movement of Particles in Solids, Liquids and Gases TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Study the Differences Between the Three States of Matter TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand the Arrangement of Particles in Solids, Liquids and Gases TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Changes of State: Particle Model

Recognise Changes of State: Freezing and Condensing TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Recognise Changes of State: Melting and Boiling TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand Changes of State and Forces of Attraction TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Simple Atomic Model

Explore the Difference between Atoms and Molecules in the Atomic Model TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Atoms and Molecules in Diagrams TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Identifying Atoms and Molecules in Diagrams TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Atoms, Elements and Compounds

Identify Elements and Compounds from their Particle Diagrams TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Recognise Compounds TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Recognise the Difference Between Elements and Compounds TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand the Difference Between an Element and a Compound TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Chemical Symbols and Formulae

Identify Elements from Simple Chemical Formulae TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn to Identify Simple Chemical Symbols for Elements and Molecules TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Look at the Periodic Table TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Conservation of Mass

Find Out About the Law of Conservation of Mass TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn About the Conservation of Mass in Chemical Reactions TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn About the Conservation of Mass in Simple Reactions TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions

Core subjects.

Above, you'll find a list of interactive and printable year 7 science worksheets, assessments and revision materials by topic which have been designed by teachers to help your child improve their understanding and comprehension of the year 7 science topics taught in schools. We have plenty of useful year 7 science revision worksheets, to help with important topics like year 7 chemical reactions , year 7 cells and many more; we can help your child gain a good understanding of what might come up on a year 7 science test!

Along with our worksheets we also have year 7 science test papers with answers to give your child an idea what they have to look forward to when it comes to the real deal! We cover the whole range of year 7 science topics to help your child learn and develop their knowledge from year 6 science . We can also help support your child’s studies across the other core subjects, including year 7 English and year 7 maths . Our resources are 100% aligned to the National Curriculum, and can give you insight into your child's year 7 science revision progress throughout the year, since they’re available to complete online or printable in a pdf format. Try one of the above sample free year 7 science worksheets to test your child's attainment levels - we're here to help your child succeed!

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Year 7 science: what your child learns

Bunsen burner

Science is usually taught in ability sets in Year 7. The curriculum for KS3 is the same for all sets, but higher groups will be working towards attaining higher levels, while the lower sets will be given more support.

The syllabus includes chemistry, physics and biology and is designed to build on the topics the children studied at primary school. Children will be working with familiar subjects but the work will be more advanced. They will be working in laboratories, carrying out more experiments and recording and analysing their results. This will help the children to develop particular areas of scientific learning:

  • Practical and enquiry skills
  • Critical understanding of evidence
  • Communication

Science in Year 7 – what your child will learn:

The science curriculum covers the whole of KS3 so this year your child could be studying one or more of the following topics:

Energy, electricity and forces

  • Renewable energy
  • Emerging technologies
  • Electrical circuits
  • How to measure current and voltage
  • Force and its effect on objects
  • Magnetic fields
  • Electromagnets

Transition pack

Instantly download Year 6 to 7 transition packs

  • English & Maths transition packs
  • Practise journalistic writing, figurative language, persuasive text and more
  • Revise key maths methods and concepts

Chemical and material behaviour

  • Properties and behaviour of matter
  • Elements in the Periodic Table
  • Atoms and compounds
  • Chemical properties and patterns
  • pH scale for acids, alkalis and bases
  • Solids, liquids and gases

Organisms, behaviour and health

  • Tissues, organs and body systems
  • Plant and animal cells
  • Life processes
  • Human reproduction, including fertilisation and foetal development 
  • Adolescence
  • Importance of healthy eating and exercise
  • Effects of drugs such as tobacco and alcohol
  • Respiration and breathing
  • Effects of viruses and bacteria
  • Variation in living things
  • Human and animal behaviour
  • Living things and their habitats
  • Food chains

The environment, Earth and the universe

  • Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock formation
  • Weathering of rocks
  • Motions of the sun, moon, stars and planets
  • Causes of changes in the environment

Supporting Year 7 science at home

  • If your child enjoys experimenting, ask if your school has a science club
  • Buy a pH testing kit and encourage your child to check out some of the foods in your kitchen or the soil in your garden
  • Take a fishing net and investigate habitats – try pond dipping, or if you go to the beach, rock pooling
  • Help your child to experiment with light by making a simple pinhole camera: all you need is a box and some film or light sensitive paper
  • See what happens when you add water to cornflour and then squeeze it. Is it a liquid or a solid? Get your child to investigate
  • Grow your own crystals together, using sugar or salt, boiling water and a jam jar
  • Get your child to try making their own version of a lava lamp using a plastic bottle, coloured water and oil
  • You can make a messy volcano by finding out what happens when an acid (vinegar) mixes with a base (baking soda)
  • Look at the moon and stars through a telescope together

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By Stacey Wheeler, Senior Science Technician

When students come to us from year 6 they are amazed to be in a real lab; the benches, the high stools, sinks, gas taps, and all the sockets around!

For some the novelty wears off quicker than others. Perhaps they realise that the stools aren’t actually that comfortable. Or, and I can’t believe I’m saying this but it could be down to a lack of interest in science. Whatever the reasons, this is where our science teachers come in. The people who inspire the next generation of scientists. It is our job to engage students and get them interested in something that is all around us. And what is one of the key tools to help us do this? A science practical . And more importantly, getting the practical done correctly so they get the results to prove a theory!

When students come to us we want to bring excitement, let them use the equipment as much as possible, without taking away from the learning.

Rainbow fizz

Those two words say it all really, do I have to explain further? This one throws probably the first colour change students will see right in front of their eyes into the mix. Incorporating steady skills and a challenge of who can produce the best pH range makes for a great experiment. Another bonus is that it’s cheap to do, consisting of only 4 chemicals and a few other pieces of equipment. I know I don’t have to tell you how special a pipette is to precise measurements!

Top 5 science experiments

  • Using the standard hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solutions we pour around 20ml of acid into a boiling tube
  • Add a spatula of sodium carbonate then a couple of drops of universal indicator.
  • Now comes the precise part, slowly and sparingly, sodium hydroxide is dripped down the side of the boiling tube.

Technique is key, and there are many varying results. But great fun all round.

Rock salt experiment

  • We start by crushing the rock salt with a pestle and mortar, then we mix with water using a measuring cylinder, beaker and stirrer.
  • Next comes filtering using a conical flask, filter paper and funnel to get rid of the sand in the mixture.
  • And finally pouring our solution into an evaporating basin.
  • At this point you can either heat using a Bunsen burner or it can be left to evaporate naturally over a few days.

Top 5 science experiments

This is great experiment to show that not everything dissolves in water and that we can use the process of evaporation to separate substances. This is a very top heavy experiment for equipment but overall is not that messy! We can go into more depth with older students and do a specific weight of the rock salt and find out how much salt is produced at the end.

Wires all over the place! This experiment teaches students the basics of electrical circuits. What can conduct, what doesn’t? Is there a better material? How does your light switch work? What goes into the workings of the school bell (if you still use the old school electrics of course).

Top 5 science experiments

How can you work safely with electric. It is a great experiment and one that is relatively safe. Learning about things like this and being able to see it work right in-front of you is a great thing. Sometimes there is even time to get a solar panel out or design a wind turbine and see the production of power from these. Students really do thrive of being given some independence to lead their practical and find out what does and doesn’t work.

Burning foods

You read that and thought bunsen didn’t you? Surprisingly not on this occasion! When we teach about burning foods, we find that a tea light is a lot safer to use to get the food alight. For this experiment students are given a range of crisps, crackers and poppadums/ prawn crackers.

They light the piece of food and see what temperature the water gets to in their boiling tube from that piece of food. We can make this more complicated by using the same weight of the different food to make it a fair test. We make sure the same amount of water is being used by measuring it with a measuring cylinder. No prizes for guessing the most energy packed food!

Air resistance- parachute demo

Let’s face it, if you get out a parachute and challenge the students to run so far in a certain amount of time, a lot of them will jump at the chance, and if they don’t, you still know that you will have their full attention on what is going on! So we use 2 different sizes of parachute and compare our results as a class. Seeing these things in the now really does help.

These can be equipment and chemical heavy but they prove exactly what we want them to see, understand and learn. What practicals would you add to this list? Which ones do you think bring the necessary awe and wonder? And have any failed spectacularly?

Oxford Smart Activate is a complete Key Stage 3 science curriculum: informed by research and you. With  Oxford Smart Activate, you are fully supported to deliver a Key Stage 3 science experience that connects to your students lived experiences. One that nurtures students, builds skills and knowledge, and carries that curiosity through to GCSE.

Further reading:

  • ‘ Lab Equipment that spark awe and wonder in classroom ‘ by Stacey Wheeler
  • ‘ Using  Oxford Smart  Activate’ by Adele Read
  • ‘ Developing metacognition through the science curriculum’ by Dr Andrew Chandler-Grevatt

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Free Printable Science Worksheets for 7th Year

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Explore printable Science worksheets for 7th Year

Science worksheets for Year 7 are an essential tool for teachers looking to engage their students in the exciting world of science. These worksheets cover a wide range of topics, from life science and earth science to physical science and chemistry, ensuring that students have a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. With a variety of activities, such as experiments, research projects, and interactive exercises, Year 7 science worksheets help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Teachers can easily incorporate these worksheets into their lesson plans, using them as a supplement to classroom instruction or as a means of assessing student progress. Science worksheets for Year 7 are a valuable resource for teachers, providing them with the tools they need to create a stimulating and effective learning environment for their students.

Quizizz is an excellent platform for teachers to access a wide range of resources, including science worksheets for Year 7. This platform offers interactive quizzes, engaging presentations, and other educational materials that can be easily integrated into the classroom. Teachers can create their own quizzes or choose from a vast library of pre-made quizzes, allowing them to customize their lessons to suit the needs of their students. In addition to science worksheets, Quizizz also offers resources for other subjects, such as math, English, and social studies, making it a one-stop-shop for all of a teacher's educational needs. With Quizizz, teachers can ensure that their Year 7 students are receiving a well-rounded education, while also making learning fun and engaging.

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Yr 7 combined imagination and artistic flair with Scientific research last half term.  They selected an individual cell from a plant or animal of their choice and found out about its function and structure.  After three weeks of preparation, they each gave a speech about their cell and revealed a 3-d model of it, indicating all the specialisations.  Even those isolating at home were able to participate and we all enjoyed some creative uses of household recycling (and in one case, scone mixture!).

Several pupils gained Headmaster’s commendations for their project, which was only possible if the model had been created with great attention to detail and the research was detailed and relevant.  This year saw an exceptionally high standard of models ranging from inventive uses of balloons and delicious tasting cakes.  What a tremendous achievement.

Below is the work of Anna B, Edward.

Catherine Lake-Johns

Head of Science

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Year 8 Scholarship Success – ECS Pupils Offered Awards to Prestigious Schools

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The Imagination Tree

Creative play and learning for kids

Science Experiments for Kids

April 5, 2014 by Anna Ranson

Science experiments for kids

We absolutely love trying out new science experiments together at home and are always on the look out for new amazing ideas to try! Thankfully there are many wonderful children’s activity blogs and education websites sharing some great ideas, and I have found our favourites from these to collate together into this bumper collection.

Click the link description to go through to the full activity and see the instructions and more photos. Many of these science experiments for kids are from our own site too!

I hope you enjoy them all!

Make soap fluff for glorious sensory play

Freeze and melt jelly(o)!

Make bubbly concoctions!

Make elephant toothpaste!  [Fun at Home with Kids]

Explore density with fruit juice [Inspiration Laboratories]

Change the colour of flowers

Make bubbles in dry ice [Not Just Cute]

Make raindrops [Learn Play Imagine]

Learn about clouds and rain [Reading Confetti]

Freeze and then defrost objects in ice

Make an egg shell disappear [Science Sparks]

Grow beans on cotton balls

Grow a crystal garden overnight! [Babble Dabble Do]

Grow cress in shapes and letters

Grow a carrot top [Laughing Kids Learn]

Explore magnetism

30 Amazing Science Experiments for Kids!

Make colours dance through Oobleck

Make water walk!  [Royal Baloo]

Explore chromatography  [Buggy and Buddy]

Make a tornado!  [Little Bins for Little Hands]

Experiment  4 different ways with baking soda [Science Sparks]

Create waves in an ocean discovery bottle

Design and build bridges to carry a weight

Make a bar of soap into a fluffy cloud [Happy Hooligans]

Layer a rainbow [Playdough to Plato]

Make DIY, edible rainbow slime! [Blog Me Mom]

Make magnetic slime [Frugal Fun for Boys]

Squeeze rain out of clouds! [Teach Preschool]

Learn about forces with this collection of experiments [Science Sparks]

Make a lava lamp [Hands on as we Grow]

Come and join us on Facebook to see more amazing ideas like these shared all day every day!

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April 6, 2014 at 12:28 pm

Thank you so much for sharing Anna!!! What a great round up of projects!

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April 8, 2014 at 12:07 pm

What a great collection! Pinning and tweeting!

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April 8, 2014 at 3:00 pm

I work at a public library in the US. This year our summer reading theme is science, and I plan to share many of these experiments at my story times. Thank you so much, Anna.

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April 8, 2014 at 7:46 pm

I recently tried out your grow beans in a jar experiment with the kids I teach in Kindergarden. I have very fond memories of doing this in School too. The kids absolutely loved it but before we did the experiment I read Jack and the beanstalk and told them we were growing our own magic beanstalk.

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April 8, 2014 at 8:16 pm

Thanks so much for including my dry ice bubbles, Anna! What a wonderful collection you’ve created!

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Science Experiments For Kids

Making an egg bounce, gravity-defying water, mixing colours, making slime, rainbow skittles.

Science isn’t all about lab coats and goggles. Raid your kitchen cupboards, blow up balloons and make water do some very strange things!  All with our fun science experiments for kids you can do at home.

These cool science experiments don’t need fancy ingredients or equipment, making them great for encouraging STEM learning outside of the classroom. They make science a game! Get ready to roll up your sleeves – which science experiment will you try first?

We all know if you take an egg from its carton and drop it on the floor, it will crack and make a whole lot of mess.

But, prepare to be shocked with this simple experiment showing how to make an egg bounce .

Yep, this fun science experiment for kids can be done easily using things you’ll find in the kitchen cupboards. Check out the below video from parent blogger The Dad Lab for full instructions. You won’t believe the results!!

Gravity is what keeps us all with our feet firmly on the ground, but what if we could trick it and turn it into a science experiment instead?

Great for doing at home, all you’ll need is a wine glass, some water, a sheet of card and a bucket, as we show you how to make gravity-defying water .

Ideal for introducing science-based activities to young children. This simple experiment for mixing colours and water is a simple science experiment designed for preschoolers.

Let your little one choose which colour to use when, ask them to describe the colourful shapes they’ll see dancing in the water and see what happens when you mix more than one colour together.

Ah, slime. It’s the one thing that parents across the UK have been being pestered to make, so why not turn it into a science activity? For our concoction, we mixed shaving foam, PVA glue and a little bit of air freshener (fabric conditioner can work too!).

This creates a slime that you can swirl, stretch and crack, providing hours of fun. Try changing the quantities to see how the mixture changes. Then, ask the kids to explain the differences.

This Rainbow Skittles science experiment can be done in seconds, making it a great way to try science at home even with the most easily distracted toddler sized assistant.

All you’ll need to do is arrange Skittles in a circle on a plate and fill the middle with warm water. Then sit back and watch as the colours drain and mix with the water, creating a cool rainbow pattern in front of your eyes. Plus, any bonus Skittles equal a tasty treat for you!

If all these science experiments for kids have got your mind-boggling, then why not plan a day out to a science centre near you? With loads of hands-on activities to really bring science to life, find your nearest now:

London Science Museum | ThinkTank – Birmingham Science Museum | Aberdeen Science Centre | Glasgow Science Centre | Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester | Life Science Centre (Centre for Life), Newcastle | National Science and Media Museum, Manchester | Techniquest, Cardiff | Museum of Victorian Science, Whitby | Whipple Museum of the History of Science, Cambridge | Museum of the History of Science, Oxford

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Year 7 - Introduction L1 - Science KS3 risks/hazards worksheet and answers

Year 7 - Introduction L1 - Science KS3 risks/hazards worksheet and answers

Subject: Chemistry

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity


Last updated

9 September 2024

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Worksheets to get students to identify hazards in a laboratory and the precautions they can take.

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    Yr 7 combined imagination and artistic flair with Scientific research last half term. They selected an individual cell from a plant or animal of their choice and found out about its function and structure. After three weeks of preparation, they each gave a speech about their cell and revealed a 3-d model of it, indicating all the specialisations.

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    pdf, 3.35 MB. pdf, 2.79 MB. pdf, 2.4 MB. A scheme of work to introduce science to year 7. I have created a booklet that goes with this which is mainly taken from exploring science which has not been included. The 11 powerpoints with these have also been added. Creative Commons "Sharealike".

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  19. Science Experiments For Kids

    Science experiments Show: Making An Egg Bounce. Gravity-defying water. Mixing Colours. Making Slime. Rainbow Skittles. Science isn't all about lab coats and goggles. Raid your kitchen cupboards, blow up balloons and make water do some very strange things! All with our fun science experiments for kids you can do at home.

  20. Year 7

    Year 7 - Introduction L1 - Science KS3 risks/hazards worksheet and answers. Subject: Chemistry. Age range: 7-11. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. DP. Last updated. 29 August 2024. ... Jobs Jobs home UK International Australia Primary / Elementary Secondary / High school Careers advice Tes for schools.