What Legacy Do I Want To Leave My School Essay

As you finish your high school career and look ahead to the future, one of the questions that looms is: what legacy do I want to leave at my school? Do you want to be remembered as an outstanding student who achieved all-around excellence? Perhaps you’re hoping for a memory in which your contributions made tangible improvements in any areas, whether academics, social clubs or athletics. Together we will explore how to put together a great essay answering this question while leaving a lasting mark on your school. If you are wondering how to do my essay for me on legacy, sit down and think about everything from start to end and all the experiences you faced. 

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an legacy essay

Table of Contents

Why Legacy Matters: What Legacy Means To You And Why It Matters:

Like many students you are also thinking about How to write my essay on legacy? First thing is you should understand What legacy means? To me is that it is something that I want to leave behind for the people around me. It is a way to remember what I have done and how I have been influenced by others. Legacy means being able to look back on my life and see all the good that I have done, as well as all the bad. But whatever legacy I leave behind, I know that it will be something that the people who are close to me can be proud of. It will leave a lasting impression on those who experience them and they all contribute something unique and valuable to the world. 

  • Legacy represents the culmination of someone’s life experiences and hard work. It’s a testament to their accomplishments and a symbol of their impact on society.
  • A legacy is a source of pride for the descendants of the person who created it. They can be proud of what their ancestors accomplished, even if they didn’t have anything directly involved in it.
  • Legacy can inspire others to reach for their dreams and achieve great things.
  • Legacy establishes a culture of excellence. It creates a set of expectations that can be difficult to achieve without precedent.
  • Legacy teaches employees how to operate within boundaries and with a common goal in mind. It develops teamwork and communication skills.
  • Legacy fosters innovation by providing an environment where new ideas can be tested and adopted. Employees who are passionate about their work will be more likely to come up with innovative solutions.
  • Legacy reinforces company values and sets the standard for what is expected from employees. This helps them identify with the company and feel invested in its future success.
  • It builds trust between the company and its customers, which enhances relationships and strengthens business ties over time

The Importance Of Legacy: 

Legacy means different things to different people, but the importance of leaving a legacy is undeniable. Legacy can be defined as an inherited or acquired characteristic, typically a lasting one. Legacies can be either positive or negative, but in either case they have the potential to influence future generations. Positive legacies can include accomplishments such as improving society or making a significant contribution to one’s field of study. Negative legacies, on the other hand, can include crime and abuse. 

Regardless of its nature, leaving a legacy is important because it demonstrates that someone was willing to invest themselves in something larger than themselves. It also shows that a person was willing to sacrifice their time and effort for others.

Choosing A Legacy: What Legacy Should You Choose?

Choosing a legacy for school can be difficult, but it’s important to think about what you want your legacy to be. 

There are many different options and it really depends on what you’re looking for in life. Here are some things to consider when choosing your legacy: 

What are your goals? Are you hoping to make a difference in the world? Are you looking to help others? If so, what kind of difference do you want to make?

Who are your role models? Do any of them have particular legacies that inspire you? What lessons have they taught you that you want to pass on?

What type of person do you want to be remembered as? Are you more interested in being known for your accomplishments or for who you were close to?

an legacy essay

  • Academic Scholarships: Legacy students often pursue academic scholarships to further their education and leave a lasting legacy at the school they are attending. These scholarships can provide financial assistance as well as recognition of their hard work and dedication to their studies.
  • Service Projects: Many legacy students choose to leave a lasting impact on their schools by taking part in service projects that benefit the student body or the surrounding community. This could include volunteering for local charities, leading club activities, or organizing events on campus.
  • Sports Teams: For generations, many families have had a long-standing tradition of being involved in athletics at the high school and college level. Legacy students may choose to continue this tradition by participating in sports teams at their chosen school and leaving an indelible mark on its competitive spirit.
  • Leadership Opportunities : Legacy students often have access to leadership opportunities that are unavailable to other students such as positions within student organizations, on-campus jobs, or even presidential positions at universities like Harvard or Yale. These positions allow students to make decisions that affect the entire student body and leave a lasting impression on their university’s culture and atmosphere.
  • Alumni Networking: Legacy students often use their alumni connections to obtain internships, jobs, and mentorships after graduation. This allows them to keep connections with people who share similar interests and experiences while also furthering their own careers after graduation.

What are some things I can do to create a legacy at my school?

Creating a legacy at your school can be done in many ways. Here are some suggestions to help you get started:

  • Host events or activities for the student body. Whether it’s a charity drive, a fundraiser, or any kind of event that benefits the greater good of your school community, hosting such events will leave behind a lasting impression and an inspiring story for future generations.
  • Get involved with various clubs and organizations on campus. Joining groups that align with your passions and interests can help you develop deeper connections within the student body while also expanding your knowledge and skillset.
  • Mentor younger students or peers in need. Developing meaningful relationships with students who may be struggling academically, socially, or otherwise can leave an impact beyond just their current academic career. You could even start a mentorship program at your school to help other students excel in their studies while giving back to the community.
  • Become an advocate for student rights or initiatives that benefit the larger school population. If there is something you feel strongly about that may improve student life, stand up for what is right and lead by example so other students feel inspired to do the same.
  • Form meaningful relationships with faculty members and administrators at your school by taking initiative in discussing ways to better the environment at your institution through various projects or initiatives you have come up with yourself or alongside your peers.  Working collaboratively on finding solutions can lead to great results that will make a lasting impact on both current and future students of the school for years to come

Tips For Crafting A Legacy School Essay:

Legacy school essays are an important component of the college admissions process. Crafting a strong, unique essay can help you stand out from the crowd and give you an edge when it comes to acceptance. If you are thinking about best college essay writing service .

Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling legacy school essay:

Brainstorm Ideas: Before you begin writing, take time to think about what makes your story unique and how it will set you apart from other applicants. Consider your experiences, family history, and special skills that have shaped who you are as a person.

Establish Your Goals: What do you hope to achieve by attending this particular school? Why is this specific institution the right fit for your future career path? Answering these questions can help ensure your essay focuses on relevant, meaningful topics related to your ultimate goals.

Research The School: Researching the school’s mission statement and values allows you to provide more detailed information in your essay that shows why this particular school is ideal for your individual needs. Be sure to include facts about courses or academic programs that excite you and demonstrate why the school is the perfect place for you to reach your goals.

Use Rich Vocabulary & Details : Using high-level language can help capture the attention of admissions officers and make a lasting impression on them throughout their reading process. Additionally, including vivid details can bring life and color into your story and make it easier for readers to connect with what you’re saying in paper form rather than hearing it spoken aloud.

Revise & Proofread: After finishing your first draft, take time to review it carefully and make any necessary changes or edits before submitting the final version of your essay. Having someone else read through it can also be helpful in finding any mistakes or improving certain lines of thought that may otherwise go unnoticed.

Sample Essay:

Throughout my time at School I have been immensely fortunate to have so many positive experiences and fond memories. From the friends and mentors that I’ve made, to the lessons that I’ve learned, the impact of this school has had a lasting impression on me. As my time here comes to an end, I am reminded of what legacy I want to leave behind for future generations of students.

I want to leave behind a legacy that emphasizes the importance of community involvement. One of my favorite things about this school is how passionate everyone is about bettering themselves as well as their peers. During my time here, it became clear that there was an unspoken agreement among all students: We should help each other out in any way possible in order to create a better learning environment for everyone. Whether it be helping out with homework or offering moral support during rough times, I believe it is essential for us all to work together if we are going to achieve success as a community.

In addition, I want to leave behind a legacy that highlights the importance of embracing diversity and inclusivity within our school walls. Everywhere you look at our school you can find representation from different cultures and backgrounds which makes our school such a unique place. It’s something special when we all come together despite our differences and strive towards a common goal. To me, this demonstrates the power of collaboration and how great things can be accomplished when we put aside any preconceived notions or biases we may have had before getting acquainted with one another.

Lastly, but most importantly, I wish for my legacy at School to promote respect for oneself as well as for others around them. Throughout my time here, I found it incredibly inspiring how everyone respected each other’s opinions regardless of what those opinions were; not just respecting those who agreed with them but also those who held different viewpoints than their own. This level of respect truly made me appreciate the diverse group of people present at our school more than ever before and inspired me to extend kindness on both sides during difficult conversations or debates regarding differing beliefs.

Through these three values- community involvement, embracing diversity & inclusivity, and mutual respect-I would like to make sure that my presence here will continue on even after graduation season ends by leaving behind a meaningful legacy that current and future students alike can be proud of.

Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, if you want to leave Legacy: Be yourself, and don’t be afraid to be creative. Believe in yourself, and never stop believing in your dreams. If you can do these things, then your legacy will be something that is remembered for a long time and will make a positive impact on the world and you are having difficulty writing an essay try Edu Jungles .

What is a legacy? 

A legacy refers to the impact or influence that an individual has on others, and the lasting impression they leave behind.

Why is it important to think about the legacy you want to leave at school?

Thinking about the legacy you want to leave at school can help you set goals and work towards making a positive impact on your community. It also allows you to reflect on your values and what you hope to achieve during your time in school.

How can I identify what kind of legacy I want to leave at school?

Take some time to think about your personal values and interests, as well as the needs of your school community. Consider ways in which you can use your strengths and talents to make a positive impact, whether it’s through academics, extracurricular activities, or community service.

What are some examples of legacies that students have left at their schools?

There are many different types of legacies that students can leave at their schools, such as starting a new club or organization, leading a successful fundraising campaign for a local charity, or mentoring younger students.

How can I ensure that my legacy has a lasting impact at my school? 

To ensure that your legacy has a lasting impact, focus on building strong relationships with others in your school community and collaborating with them to achieve common goals. Additionally, document your accomplishments and share them with future generations of students so that they may be inspired by your example.

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When and Where to Identify That You’re a Legacy Student in the Application Process

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You have probably heard of the term “legacy” as it relates to college admissions. As you may already know, it generally refers to a student or applicant who has some type of existing connection with the school to which he or she is applying. This could mean that an applicant’s parent, sibling, aunt, or cousin has been a student there in the past, or it could mean that the applicant’s parent is a member of the faculty or staff. Whatever the case may be, at some schools, legacy status can give you a boost up in the admissions process.

While it’s not always clear to what extent this advantage exists, and it does vary widely between schools, there is usually a place to indicate on the application if you are a legacy. But is this enough? Should you also discuss it in your essay? Should you mention it in your interviews? What if there isn’t an obvious place to indicate this on your application?

Not to worry. We have the answers to these questions and more! To learn more about how and when to indicate that you’re legacy, keep reading.

Why Does Being a Legacy Matter?

The short and simple answer to this question is money. Many schools, especially small private ones, rely heavily on donations to build their endowment. These donations usually come from satisfied alums, and the more involved an alum is in the college, the more likely he or she is to donate money.

Generally, the closer your relation is, the more powerful your legacy status will be. For example, a parent alum is a more powerful relationship than an aunt or cousin. To learn more about legacy status, what it really means, and how much it matters, check out Legacy Demystified: How the People You Know Affect Your Admissions Decisions .

an legacy essay

How Will Colleges Know I’m a Legacy?

There is a place on most college applications, including the common app, where you can indicate where your parents went to college. On some applications, they will even ask directly if you are a legacy and if so, to indicate your relation.

It is safe to assume that if a college cares about legacy status, they will ask. If there is no place to indicate that your dad attended the same school, it’s unlikely that the college believes this is relevant information in the application process.

When you list the relations who make you a legacy, try to stick to the closest and strongest ties. Colleges care most about direct relations, like parents. Siblings, aunts and uncles, and grandparents are also considered, but these are usually thought of as less important. Any more distant relatives probably won’t be close enough relations to help in the application process, but it doesn’t hurt to list them. Keep in mind, though, that if you have close relations you should definitely list these first so that they aren’t lost in a long list of more distant connections.

Should I Mention I’m a Legacy in an Interview?

The purpose of an admissions interview is to get to know you better as a person and as an applicant. It is not necessary to mention your legacy status during an interview unless it comes up naturally and you consider it an integral part of who you are as an applicant or person. For example, in some families, there is a deep sense of connection to a particular college. It may be someplace you’ve visited frequently and dreamed of attending since you were a child. If this is the case for you and the interviewer asks why you want to attend, your legacy status could be a relevant response.

If, on the other hand, your legacy status does not significantly contribute to who you are as an applicant or your reasons for wanting to attend the school, this response may not be particularly relevant for you. Interviewers are usually well attuned to your authenticity, so trying to insert your legacy status where it isn’t actually important will not come off as genuine. Instead, it’s best to discuss your actual reasons for interest in the school.

Should I Write About Being a Legacy in My Essay?

Again, essays are a chance to express who you are and to give colleges a glimpse into a side of yourself not otherwise apparent on your application. If being a legacy is an integral part of your identity, you might choose to elaborate on it in your essay, but it’s likely that there are more relevant and insightful aspects of yourself that you could discuss instead.

Your best bet is to not force the issue. If, after careful reflection, you decide that your legacy status is the most important aspect of yourself to elaborate on in your essay, then doing so is a genuine response. On the other hand, if you approach the essay with the intent to sneak in a mention of your legacy status, it’s likely that the admissions committee will see right through your motives. Ultimately, there are probably more valuable aspects of yourself that you could focus on.

Also, keep in mind that if the application does not ask about legacy status, it’s unlikely to play a role in admissions decisions, so if this is the case, your essay is almost certainly better spent discussing something more likely to impact your application.

Will Being a Legacy Get Me Into College?

Being a legacy on its own is not enough to get you into college, but at some schools, particularly small private ones that rely heavily on an endowment, being a legacy can certainly give your application a boost. Clearly identifying your legacy status on the indicated field of the application is the only way necessary to inform the admissions committee of your relation. If no such field exists on the application, it’s safe to say that the school does not weigh legacy status in their admissions decisions.

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What Is Legacy Writing & How To Get Started

What Is Legacy Writing & How To Get Started

Yours in health, The DrWeil.com Team

To kick off my Spontaneous Happiness Legacy Tips & Tools posts, I wanted to take some time to cover the basic principles of legacy writing. Whether you are a new or seasoned legacy writer, I hope you will benefit from this review to refine or renew your commitment to legacy writing and reflective process notes. Future monthly “Legacy Tips & Tools” will generally focus on a specific writing topic each month, so be sure to check back in October! – Rachael Freed

The 4 Basic Principles Of Legacy Writing

The basic principles of legacy and legacy writing include:

  • Legacy letters (ethical will documents). These differ from memoir, spiritual autobiography, genealogy-/family history or scrapbooking in intention, but not necessarily in content.
  • The intention ( purpose ) of legacy writing is to discover, communicate, and preserve your values, stories, wisdom, and blessings for future generations.
  • Legacy letters may be written to a family member, friend, colleague, co‐worker or community. The recipient of your legacy letter may no longer be alive. One need not be a parent or a grandparent to leave a legacy of values . As Marianne Williamson declared, “We are all mothers of the planet.”
  • Legacy writing is a privilege and responsibility for all of us, no matter our age or gender, to tether future generations to their past, to their families, tribes, and communities and to nurture and inspire them.

Dr. Weil suggested in his endorsement of my book Women’s Lives, Women’s Legacies that, “The ethical will is a wonderful gift to leave to your family at the end of your life, but … its main importance is what it can give you in the midst of life .”

What did Dr. Weil mean? The ethical will “links you to your history, gives purpose to your daily life, and communicates your legacies to those you love.” This writing also nourishes you, the writer. Legacy writing addresses universal human needs – our own personal needs – needs of which we are generally unaware. These include: the need to belong, to be known and remembered, to make a difference, to bless and be blessed, and to celebrate Life.

“Stories [and values] have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can’t remember who we are or why we’re here.”                                                                                       

– Sue Monk Kidd

The inaccessible or arcane term “ethical will,” or even “spiritual-ethical will” may frighten potential legacy writers. Don’t be scared away! We are all competent to write a “legacy letter,” and to feel confident that we have something worthwhile to communicate. As well, the reflection component pre- or post- letter writing is central to our learning to know and appreciate ourselves more deeply.

The Practice Of Writing Legacy Letters

Understanding the fundamentals of legacy letters and ethical wills lead us to principles of practice.

  • We can all write a letter! Use a letter format (far less threatening than writing a document or a book.) In this day of swiftly deleted emails and the corrupted spelling of text messaging, there is something special, even sacred, about receiving a letter in a loved one’s hand.
  • Time yourself and write for 15 minutes, and no more. Limiting your writing time will focus your intention and combat the idea that legacy writing is an overwhelming task meant only for retirees. (You can always go back to rework and amend your draft.) Most writers find that the discipline of brief timed writing almost always results in surprising and profound expressions directly from the heart, the foundation of a powerful message to your loved one.
  • Directly after writing a legacy letter, write your reflections about your experience – writing for no more than five minutes. Keep them with a copy of your letter in your personal legacy file. These ‘process notes’ are the mental complement to your heartfelt letter. They provide you with a different perspective about the experience of writing a legacy letter: An invaluable reflection – an opportunity to learn more about yourself and the values that matter most to you.
  • Need more structure? You may find the following four-paragraph template useful to organize your letter (this is more fully explained in my book Your Legacy Matters ). Briefly the four paragraphs are:

The context : Provide a snapshot of the times and circumstances

Your learning (wisdom gleaned) from your story

The closer , a blessing (the core of all legacy writing), that flows from your story and learning to the intended recipient(s) of your letter.

May your reflection and legacy writing be a gift to yourself today and to those you love tomorrow, Rachael Freed

Rachael Freed, LICSW, senior fellow, Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing, University of Minnesota, is the author of Your Legacy Matters and Women’s Lives, Women’s Legacies. [email protected]   and www.life-legacies.com

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John F. Evans,  Ed.D

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Legacy Writing

Documenting your life experiences, values, and opinions to share with others.

Posted March 9, 2014

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"Legacy writing is a way of documenting your life experiences, values, and opinions to share with others. It can be a cherished gift to family and loved ones, and healing for the writers themselves." —Andrew Weil, MD

What will your legacy be? Do the significant people in your life know what you have valued most, what you thought was your purpose, or what you learned about life as you lived it? Do they know how you navigated life’s challenges, celebrated life’s gifts, or how you simply enjoyed beauty every day? Do they know you have found benefits from challenges as well as from life’s beauty? Do they know how you used your moments of reflection to make life-course corrections? Legacy writing answers these questions and more for others and for ourselves.

When we make explicit our values, purpose, and beliefs about our life—as well as our desires for our dying and death—we answer questions that others may wish to ask but can’t find the words. Our answers are rooted in our life stories of the past or life stories of significance in the present—and in passing on our wisdom , love, and blessings for the future. In contemporary legacy writing, as with ancient writing, we write for generations now and generations to come. It isn’t only presidents and public figures who wish to leave a legacy—many other people want to know how their life has made a difference, that they have influenced someone or something. Legacy writing fulfills our desire for someone to know us at a profoundly deep and personal level.

Legacy Writing Prompts

Following are three legacy writing choices. For the purpose of your six-week program, choose at least one option and write for at least twenty minutes. Later, you may decide to dedicate a longer period of time and write about more topics. Some have made such writing a project on its own. Many people report a shift in perspective when they think about how their response reflects their values and purpose.

Choice # 1: Legacy Blessing

Write a blessing for someone that promotes their happiness , well-being, and prosperity. Write for twenty minutes. In your writing, affirm their gifts and talents. Consider the milestones they will encounter in their life and offer your wisdom and support. Give permission for them to love others and to enjoy life when you are no longer with them. Let the receiver know how they have blessed you and what they mean to you.

Choice #2: Legacy of Gratitude and Joy

Write a statement of gratitude and joy about a person, specific event, or life experience. Write for twenty minutes. Describe your most joyous, wonderful, exquisite experience. Recall how you felt, what you thought, what you said, what others said to you, who was with you, and where you were. How do you feel about it now?

Choice #3: Legacy Narrative

Write a short story about yourself on one of the topics below. Write for twenty minutes. Repeat as often as desired.

* Your rites of passage

* What an important experience taught you

* How something changed your life

* Your dreams attained

* Your frustrated dreams

* Your fondest memories

* Things you looked forward to in the past and things you look forward to now

* How you handle the difference between expectations, challenges, and frustrations

* What makes you get up in the morning

* What keeps you up at night

* How you unwind or how you don’t

* What makes you resilient

* What five words you wish people would use when they describe you

See more about Legacy Writing in Expressive Writing: Words that Heal . Pennebaker and Evans (2014)

John F. Evans,  Ed.D

John F. Evans, Ed.D. , is a writer, scholar, and workshop facilitator, as well as the founder and executive director of Wellness & Writing Connections.

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Example Of Legacy Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Health , Children , Development , Family , Life , Happiness , Memory , Influence

Published: 12/10/2019


1. What is Legacy?

Legacy is a reputation that is left behind by a person which is likely to affect his or her generation and those close. Legacy is determined by how a person lived in his or her life which will become the basis on which he will be remembered. It is hoped that as a person goes through life, they make decisions that not will only affect their lives but also the lives of those who are close to them. In most cases, legacy sets a foundation that will affect subsequent generations. In the epitaphs of Spoon River Anthology, we see a number of individuals either suffering or benefitting from the legacy of people that had greater influence on them. For instance, Ollie McGee did not take good care of his wife and made him die in misery and frustration. Benjamin Pantier on the other hand is remembered to be a loyal friend who stayed close even when others left. Legacy can hence have both positive and negative impacts depending on how they affected acquaintances.

2. What is the importance of legacy

Legacy is important in letting people know the kind of life that one lived. A legacy is mostly determined after a person has died as they get to ascertain the overall benefit they had towards the society and how they affected those around them (Masters 114). Legacy is also a determining factor of how the affected parties will leave their life after the death of their master. It is usually a challenge to them to either perform better than their predecessor or maintain what they had established. Those that had to suffer the consequences of a negative legacy are obliged to work harder so that they change things for the better. For those who had the privilege of inheriting a good legacy, they have the challenge of walking in the same shoes and even performing better. In both cases, there is always need to work hard, realizing that even though the legacy of those long gone has already been determined, they have a role to play in creating their own.

3. What will be your Legacy?

I am personally working hard to ensure that I live something commendable not only for my children but the other people that are looking up to me. After going through life and the experiences that others have gone through, I realize that money has an answer to almost everything. It is for this purpose that I desire to be rich so that my children will not lack anything. I do not desire to live like Eugene Carman who spent all the days of his life on one economic activity that did not yield him much. He overworked himself just to get enough for the day instead of having some investments. I would instead to be like Doctor Meyers who lived a selfless life for the benefit of those around. There is no telling of the people that were touched by his services. He did all he could to ensure that his patients had a second chance. His children too were happy and well fed as he enjoyed a good return for his work.

Contrary to people who make so much impact on peoples lives like Adam Weirauch but later on died frustrated just because of not being able to perform a particular task, I would want to leave a good legacy to the last day. I would not only want to make other people happy at the expense of my health or family, but I would like the same to reflect in all aspect of my life. I consider it meaningless to work tirelessly during youthful years only to spend the older years battling with sicknesses. In my pursuit to make reaches, I will also ensure that I take good care of my health.

3. How much control does one have over their legacy?

Despite the possibility of a person inheriting a negative legacy, they have the ability to influence their destiny by the decisions they make. Each day provides individuals with opportunities to excel in life by setting goals. A person may not have control over what other people do, but they surely have a responsibility in determining their future by what they choose. Despite the negative influences that one may be exposed to, he may not have an excuse especially when they fail (Masters 89). An individual has the capacity of determining his next step by what they desire. It is not just enough to desire certain life but also to accompany this by hard work. In most cases, people have to get rid of negative influences such as the environment and people. A change is always necessary whenever a person wants to achieve great things. Even though they will be encountered by a number of challenges in their quest for change, overcoming them is necessary for their achievement. Making a sacrifice for a worthy cause is always necessary and important.

Works cited

Masters, L. Edgar. Spoon River Anthology. London: McGraw hill, 1973.


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Legacy, Essay Example

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A legacy is defined as a gift, received from a relative, friend, or anyone from a past generation or time. The gift can be money, property, or even just an imprint on the lives of others. I hope that I will leave a legacy that denotes the importance of always allowing oneself to grow within their personal life and of always acknowledging others for the skill and knowledge they bring to the table. Hopefully, I will be remembered as someone who was not afraid to listen, learn, and change. Someone who did not belittle others or dismiss views not in accordance with my own, but a person that encouraged and recognized that we learn from others.

This is my personal mission statement for now. It is a work under construction and will always be so. In this way, it can be customized and tweaked as I go through life to represent how I may change and grow and the different circumstances I will find myself in.

My purpose is to express my willingness to take risks, willingness to learn and my positive outlook on life by remaining open to trying things outside my comfort zone, by committing myself to ongoing personal development and by always looking for the good in others and in my surroundings. My personal goals are to pass all of this year’s classes with grades of ‘B’ or above, to join a new club, and to spend part of the day at least once a week with each parent in one-on-one time. My financial goal for the year is to obtain at least $20,000.00 by 2/8/2013.

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How Thinking About Legacy May Benefit Society

Research from Professor Kimberly Wade-Benzoni shows how legacy reflection leads to altruistic behavior and long-term thinking

Kimberly Wade-Benzoni_Duke University's Fuqua School of Business_Legacy tasks, long-term thinking

People want their legacy to have a meaningful impact on future generations, and when prompted to think about it, they are more likely to give some of their wealth to benefit society. That’s according to Professor Kimberly Wade-Benzoni of Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business .

When deciding how to transfer their wealth, people are naturally inclined to prioritize their inner circles, Wade-Benzoni writes in a paper published in the journal of Social Psychological and Personality Science. The research is co-authored with Duke Ph.D. candidate Jessica Paek, and the University of Buffalo’s Daniela Goya-Tocchetto, who earned her Ph.D. at Duke.

The researchers found that legacy reflection can nudge people to act in ways that benefit the collective.

“When people are thinking about their legacy, they contemplate what makes their lives meaningful and they're more likely to act on the behalf of future generations,” Wade-Benzoni said.

Across four experiments, the co-authors examined if prompting people to think about their legacy would lead to charitable behavior by expanding the circles of people and causes they care about, in what the authors dubbed as the “Andrew Carnegie Effect,” after the famous philanthropist who donated most of his wealth to charities .

The experiments

Wade-Benzoni and colleagues recruited more than 3,500 online participants to run experiments looking at wealth allocations to different beneficiaries such as children or charitable causes.

In the first study, half of the participants reflected on their desires to have an impact on future generations and half did not. Participants then learned about the dispositions of a will, including options for primary and secondary beneficiaries for their assets. The experiment showed that participants who had been prompted to think about legacy were more likely to list charities as secondary beneficiaries in their will, even as they kept family and inner circle as primary beneficiaries, as compared with the control group that did not engage in the reflection task.

“Family is still important, but we found a meaningful shift of their decisions towards collectivistic causes,” Wade-Benzoni said.

In other studies, the researchers found similar legacy prompts would lead to actual commitments and allocation of money to real-world charities.

In the final experiment, participants were first invited to solve a puzzle which would award them a bonus payment. Then, similar to the other studies, a group of participants engaged in legacy reflection, and a control group did not. The researchers asked whether participants would donate the money they earned in the puzzle task to a real charity devoted to underprivileged children’s education, versus saving for the education of their own children. The results showed those who thought about legacy were more likely to donate to the charity.

“Legacy reflection tasks led to significant reductions in the amount allocated to relational circles, like one's own children, and an increase in the money allocated to the collectivistic categories, such as charities,” Wade-Benzoni said.

Insights for leaders

One psychological mechanism behind this effect is the “expansion of the circles of moral concerns,” Wade-Benzoni said.

People care most for their “inner circle” and feel obliged to provide for their close relationships, she said. But when they think about their legacy, their circle of moral consideration expands to include community, society at large and future generations, she explained.

“Legacy reflection extends goodwill beyond the borders of close relationships and helps direct it to collective causes,” Wade-Benzoni said. “When legacy motivations are activated, people become more inclined to sacrifice their self-interest in the present for the benefit of others in the future.”

Building a legacy “gives people a bit of symbolic immortality, which is one of the most fundamental of human motivators,” Wade-Benzoni said.

Policymakers, organizations, and business leaders can harness this motivation to help people develop and maintain a long-term mindset, which can support broader organizational and societal goals.

“A simple legacy-reflection task is an easy-to-implement, low-cost and benign tool leaders can use to help their employees think about their goals more holistically, be more other oriented, and reduce short-termism,” she said.

This story may not be republished without permission from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. Please contact  [email protected]  for additional information.

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Current Events Conversation

What Students Are Saying About: Leaving a Legacy, Fighting for a Cause and Looking at the Stars

an legacy essay

By The Learning Network

  • March 28, 2019

If you read our Current Events Conversation regularly, you know that one thing we love to see is students talking to each other in the comments section. It’s an excellent way to practice your civil discourse skills, learn about people who are different from you and connect with other teenagers from all over the world.

We want to highlight some of the ways students respectfully and productively engaged with each other on our site this week. If you’re looking to spark a conversation with your fellow commenters, here are a few ideas to get you started:

• Respectfully reply to comments you disagree with, offering more evidence, a different perspective or a counterpoint, like Justin Pfeifer from Hoggard High School, Wilmington, N.C. , did on our Student Opinion question, “ Should the U.S. Ban Military-Style Semiautomatic Weapons? ” and Benea Quintero from Arizona did on “ Do You Have Satisfying Friendships? ”

• Ask questions to push the conversation further, like sowda mohamed from Minnesota did on our question, “ Should We Abolish the Death Penalty? ”

• Leave a note on the comments that speak to you and tell the writer why, like Kate Schaefers from Minnesota and Kara from Hawaii did on our prompt, “ What Legacy Do You Want to Leave Behind? ”

• Or, simply hit the “Recommend” button to let others know you liked what they had to say, like many did on our Picture Prompt “ $430 Million Deal .”

Students, what else can you add to the conversation? We’d love to see more of you talking to your fellow commenters. We’ll keep a look out for it this week and we might even call you out in next week’s Current Events Conversation.

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82 Legacy Essay Topics

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an legacy essay

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  • The Way Bilingual People Perceive Their Cultural Heritage Amy Tan writes in her essay “Mother’s tong” about the memories of her childhood, the inability of her mother to speak English as if it was her native language, and the ways it influenced the […]
  • Journey Through Time and Culture: Exploring China’s Rich Heritage and Festivals At the same time, China is in “relative isolation from the outside world,” which allows the country to preserve its traditional cultural heritage. In conclusion, China is one of the most amazing and unusual countries […]
  • Why Shakespearean Legacy Still Matters First, Shakespeare’s work is universal and timeless. Relatable characters and themes weave the stories in Shakespeare’s plays.
  • Modern Turkey, Ottoman Legacy and Westernization Many of the country’s customs and practices, such as the traditional Turkish greeting and the importance of hospitality, have their roots in the Ottoman period.
  • The Pulley System: History and Heritage The pulley system is a set of wheels and a rope, one end of which is attached to fixed object, while the other one is fixed on an object that has to be lifted.
  • African Art and Cultural Heritage An example of expressive individualism is the artistic creation of the Dan people. Unlike the static form of traditional Western sculpture, African art depicts dynamics and readiness for movement.
  • The Significance and Legacy of Altar Q in Copan The Maya site of Copan is one of the most important monuments of civilization. Moreover, the monument is of historical importance and allows one to trace the royal dynasty of the Maya civilization.
  • Brazilian Quilombos’ Heritage, Memory and Identity From the perspective of the indigenous population, the mechanization of the process because it diminishes the role of people in the creation itself.
  • Christian Heritage of North Carolina It is required to establish the background of the Christian Church organization in order to offer a brief history of the North Carolina Christian Conference.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy and Modern-Day Criticism King was linked to the development of the civil rights movement as it was considered to cause a lot of revolution in the country through the use of peaceful demonstrations, which succeeded in the attainment […]
  • Architectural Heritage: Digital Preservation The main aims of digital preservations are; to enable the supply of heritage through digital outlets to large audiences, to guarantee that initial measurements and forms of natural heritage are not lost in case of […]
  • The Prince Edward Theatre as English Heritage The auditorium is in a prime position in the heart of the West End, making it easy for theatre-goers to access.
  • Cultural Heritage and Human Rights in France For example, the imagination of the inhabitants of this region manifested itself vividly in many ways during the development and construction of the famous Notre Dame Cathedral.
  • The Methodist Doctrinal Heritage Methodism is one of the currents of Protestantism that originated in the 18th century within the Anglican Church, the founder of which is John Wesley.
  • African Heritage in the Caribbean It is reasonable to conclude that most individuals in the Caribbean associate with Africa and its cultures since they cherish and acknowledge their forefathers, shipped from the continent to the Caribbean by Europeans as slaves.
  • Thomas Jefferson’s Legacy in American Memory The text is valuable as it validates my other sources and provides detailed accounts of Jefferson’s position on the issue of slavery.
  • The History of Women’s Heritage Month WHM is a result of countless women’s hardships and devotion from the beginning of the 20th century they steadily fought for the right to be acknowledged and rightfully deserved it.
  • Astor Piazzolla: Biography, Career, and Legacy The great Astor, an outstanding Argentine composer of the twentieth century, went down in history as the “great transformer of tango,” a true exponent of the music of Buenos Aires and the creator of the […]
  • Antebellum Slavery’s Role in Shaping the History and Legacy of American Society The novel tells the story of two different times, the 1970s and 1815s, and shows other conditions of the heroes’ existence due to gender and racial characteristics.
  • African Nationalism as Colonial Legacy The oppression of rural areas and production and the prioritization of the urban population has become the main reason for the spread of poverty among the African population.
  • Life and Legacy of Dorothea Dix Her childhood was very rough and almost non-existent and it showed in her teaching style and in her later life. She had no childhood and often denied the existence of her parents, which shows how […]
  • The Life, Achievement, and Legacy to Computer Systems of Bill Gates As the president and the CEO of Microsoft Corporation, the market leader in supplying software for personal computers, he became the youngest billionaire in the computer industry.
  • Life, Achievement, and Legacy to Computer Systems of Alan Turing Turing was quite influential in computer science development, in addition to setting the framework for the formalization of the algorithm concept, in addition to the use of the Turing machine that he developed, for computation.
  • The Colonial Legacy of the Offenses Against the Person Act in Jamaica, West Indies This paper will examine the impact of the legislation on Jamaica, West Indies in the social context of abortion by tracing the colonial history and outlining both past and present abortion laws on the island […]
  • The Artistic Legacy of Maya Lin: A Cultural Response to the Vietnam War Major confrontations as the signs of a shift in cultural perspectives and attitudes have always defined the development of art, the Vietnam War being one of the infamous examples of the phenomenon.
  • The Legacy of Artemisia Gentileschi: One of the Greatest Female Artists of the 16th-17th Centuries During her active years, Gentileschi had to face a great deal of adversity and social resistance, which was not unusual for driven and ambitious women of her era.
  • Fairness in Schooling: Legacy of the Brown v. Board of Education Decision In the field of education, the ban on co-education of white and black children had been in force for many decades, and one of the turning points that became the driver of repealing this inhuman […]
  • “The Odyssey” by Homer and Its Legacy: A Romantic Vision of the State Odysseus is known all over the world as one of the most outstanding models of leadership anthemed in the literature of the ancient world.
  • 14th Century Legacy in the Sonnets of Garcilaso Eliot’s theory of the impersonality of poetry: “The only way of expressing emotion in the form of art is by finding an “objective correlative”; in other words, a set of objects, a situation, a chain […]
  • Emily Carr’s Legacy in Canadian Art History Her remembrance was greatly attributed to the paintings she made, with the main highlights being her pursuit of Canadian spirit in a modern way as was represented in several of her paintings.
  • The Changing Legacy of Christopher Columbus The current legacy of Columbus states that he was the first person to discover America and that he had set sail to prove that the Earth was round and hence an oceanic voyage westward would […]
  • The Legacy of the Sixties This led to the formation of a loose coalition grouped under the term the New Left which was united in the struggle against racism and the Vietnam War, as well as the hippie movement which […]
  • Inheritance and Legacy: August Wilson’s “The Piano Lesson” Perhaps one of the contributing factors that made this piece entertaining is the characterization of the characters in it. The material inheritance is the piano that had been to the family of Berniece and Boy […]
  • Heritage – A Sense of Belongingness Global movements like the entry of the heritage monuments in the tourism sector, and along with that interest of private companies have raised many complex issues on the ownership rights of the heritage sites, which […]
  • The Legacy and Impact of Abraham Lincoln He spoke against the war and stated that God had forgotten to defend the weak and the innocent and permitted the strong band of murderers and demons from hell to kill men, women and children […]
  • Ottoman Empire’s Legacy to Modern Turkey At the same time, the conservative administrative structure of the Ottoman Empire and the way of ruling the country, which was the authoritative monarchy, allowed only for the development of the already existing branches of […]
  • Vietnam Shadows: The War, Its Ghosts, And Its Legacy by A.R. Isaacs Isaacs explains his belief that this portrayal of the American soldier in Vietnam is detrimental, saying that this contributed to the sense of much of the American public that the soldiers were responsible for the […]
  • Haiti: The Duvaliers and Their Legacy This paper seeks to understand the impact of the media on the public having a close look at Haiti and Francois Duvalier’s government.
  • The Socratic Legacy or the Cynic Legacy The Socratic legacy understand that the moral life is the best life for the agent thus has the central role of linking Socrates’ intuitions of the pre-eminence of morality with the theory of uniform self-interested […]
  • The Intergenerational Legacy of Trauma Generated in War-Zone Children Despite how the children are recruited into the armed force, child soldiers are victims, and their taking part in conflicts brings serious implications to their physical as well as emotional welfare. The signatories thus have […]
  • The Spanish Frontier Legacy in Southwest America The lands of the Aztecs were extremely rich in terms of gold and silver, while the Southwest failed to live up to the expectations of the Spanish.
  • American History: The Legacy of the 1960s The focus on liberation and the reinforcement of the traditionally democratic values resonated with a range of American citizens, causing American society to experience a gradual change in values.
  • The Second World War and Its Legacy While being spatially distanced from the military conflict that grasped the entirety of Europe at the time, the United States also experienced the drastic effects of WWII, including the tremendous number of human lives devoured […]
  • Greek Legacy in a Contemporary Democratic State This may be one of the reasons that the application of ethics bestowed upon citizens in Ancient Greece led to its success, and to be referred to as one of the best democracies of its […]
  • Tourists’ Attitude to Technology in China’s Heritage Tourism This Dissertation critically illustrates the perceptions and attitudes of tourists to the ICT implication in the practice of heritage tourism in China, the response of the tourism industry, and the factors affecting the motivation and […]
  • Italian Heritage and Its Impact on Life in the US The low rate of career penetration for Italian-Americans in the field of medicine is in part due to a combination of false stereotyping, belief that other ethnicities are simply better in the field of medicine, […]
  • Identification and Legacy of the US History This land almost doubled the area of the USA and made it one of the widest countries around the globe. This was a mission directed by President Jefferson in the year 1804 to facilitate the […]
  • Cultural Heritage and the Challenge of Sustainability On the contrary, Maggie and Mama are the ones who realize that heritage is not in the price of artifacts but in the attitude to one’s present-day life.
  • Clothing and Accessories’ Heritage in Saudi Arabia The aba or abaya is a piece of outer clothing that has gained the most of its popularity among the Bedouin tribes.
  • Cape Breton’s Cultural Heritage: Traditions of Mi’kmaq People One of the major disadvantages of this strategy is that the fine details of the history may be altered by the narrator. The text by Caplan provides a narrative of the Mi’kmaq way of life […]
  • Traditional Bedouin Aba as Saudi Arabian Heritage However, with the course of time, instead of the definition of a lifestyle, the term “Bedouin” became the determinant of an identity.
  • Valletta as a Heritage Tourism Destination It is necessary to note that the city is multinational and this also contributes to a potential interest of tourists coming from different European countries.
  • Museum of Jewish Heritage and Learning Experience It is also a somber realization since the hate and bigotry that caused the suffering of the Jewish people continues to exist in the world today, albeit in a different form.
  • Hashima Islands as a World Heritage Site This paper includes insights into the history of the island and provides a brief analysis of the significance of the site as well as the debate on the development of the human society in general […]
  • African Art and Lega’s People Legacy As Bravmann explains, the culture of the Lega society blends the elements of the colonial Bwamis and the elements of other African cultures: “it is through initiation into Bwami, and through the gradual movement through […]
  • Counterculture Legacy on People’s Lifestyle The 1960’s are characterized by the a social movement which was called Counterculture and had a great influence on the historical, political and social events in the USA, as well as in the whole world, […]
  • Management: Integrating Legacy Manufacturing Software The focus of modern manufactures on the integration of the legacy manufacturing software with the ERP system is explained with references to the fact that the result of the integration is the effective management and […]
  • Abraham Lincoln: A Legacy of Freedom He also implemented an act on National Banking, which led to the establishment of a common currency in the nation and allowed for the development of a union of all the banks in the nation.
  • How Confucianism as the Asian American Heritage Has Been Maintained in Asian American Families The Confucian philosophy uses the concepts of training and control and love in the Chinese parenting practices, such that they are deeply involved in the lives of their children.
  • Cultural Heritage Tourism: Valletta and Venice The capital of Valletta and Venice are two cities in the republic of Malta and the republic of Italy respectively, which have shown competitive architectural designing, and thus form substantial tourism attractions in the two […]
  • World Heritage Sites: Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens Currently, the building is in the process of being restored to the theme that was there in the 20th century. The Royal Exhibition Building is the building and the Carlton garden is the site in […]
  • Sustainability of Heritage Tourism in Australia The purpose of the plan is to involve the government and other stakeholders, including the corporate organizations to better understand and contribute in protection and conservation of the cultural and heritage assets within the country.
  • Online Marketing of Heritage Visitor Attractions in Malta Therefore, the specific objectives of this research will be: To conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature in relation to the online marketing of heritage visitor attractions To identify the current supply and demand for […]
  • The Cultural Heritage of Canada: Values of Each Generation In addition, the percentage of the common law marriages is on the rise. In addition, the law favors women about the custody of children in divorce cases.
  • World Heritage: The Royal Exhibition Building & Carlton Gardens Some of the objectives that were set are to conserve and protect the world heritage value of the sites, to incorporate the protection of the site into a complete planning program and to ensure that […]
  • The Heritage of the Soviet Union Thus, to understand the future of these countries, it is important to consider political systems within the countries and define factors which resulted in the development of such regimes.
  • Heritage Tourism and Its Peculiarities To this end, it assesses the strategic locations of the site and the importance of achieving the intended goal, which aims towards the revenue generation and culture preservation.
  • Heritage Tourism: Megalithic Temples One of the major stakeholders to this tourist destination is the Heritage Malta that is greatly involved in managing the museums and sites.
  • Bernard Russell’s Philosophical Legacy The Russell’s solution to this is as follows: inconsistencies within the amolecular’ descriptions, to which we resort, while trying to ensure the spatial integrity of our perceptions of the universe, can be eliminated by the […]
  • Maoist Legacy in Contemporary China Over the subsequent years, after the demise of Mao as a social legend, questions have prevailed whether the idea of social equality is practicable in the contemporary China, with evidence pointing out the reemergence of […]
  • Thomas Paine’s Vision and Legacy In his simple radicalism and using means he could, that of the pen, Paine used it so effectively that he is credited with the success of the American revolution, the French revolution, and the British […]
  • Imperialism History and Legacy Moreover, the scramble for Africa by colonial masters began, and this led to the Berlin Conference of 1888. Consequently, massive migration from the colonies into Europe occurred, and this was a key factor to the […]
  • Thomas Nast’s Life and Legacy He was widely known as a political commentator, and through his work, Nast managed to impact significantly on political arena. For instance, his work as an artist contributed to the success of Abraham Lincoln’s election […]
  • Walt Disney Company: Entertainment Legacy The Walt Disney Company was established in the year 1923 by two brothers: Roy Disney and Walt Disney. The success of quality is attributed to efficient communication between the customers and the company; customers provide […]
  • Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis: Life and Legacy Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was an influential figure in the United State due to her great contribution to political life as the First Lady of the United States, as well as her active work in social […]
  • The Burden of Hitler’s Legacy In his opinion, the Jews were to be blamed for Germany’s downfall in World War 1 and the subsequent peace treaty that was a source of embarrassment to the nation.
  • Japan’s Nuclear Disaster: Fukushima’s Legacy The cladding, the reactor vessel, the containment building, and a dry-wall building were the barriers to protect the nuclear power plant.
  • An Economic Approach to World Heritage The culture of a given community would determine the history of such a community in terms of architectural designs of the past such as the Great Wall of China and so on.
  • Our Latin Heritage Concert It is hypnotic and sensuous, with what seems like an unvarying single beat, surrounded by the swirl of a melody that stays largely in major key.
  • The Experienced Touch at Heritage Christian Home The care and support for the developmentally disabled residents at Heritage Christian Home on Yorktown Road in Penfield, New York, is proving to be a jigsaw puzzle with regard to hiring of the staff to […]
  • Confucius: Life, Teachings, and Legacy According to him, moral virtue is the only means of ensuring that there is order in the society. His mother thus played the role of the father in bringing up Confucius and it is through […]
  • Barbie Doll: The History and Legacy The psychology behind the invention of the doll has contributed to the change of perceptions of many women on their roles and capabilities.
  • History and Heritage in Determining Present and Future History is also a tool used to establish the validity of the current beliefs or ideas held by an individual, society or section of a society and the invalidity of the ideas and beliefs held […]
  • Nixon’s Legacy, Reaganomics The media was influenced by the aftermath of the Watergate scandal as it gained confidence and a more aggressive approach to investigating and unraveling of scandals in the government in an attempt to facilitate transparency […]
  • The Legacy of George W. Bush He brought in the support and vote for the Christian Conservatives, and his father was elected as the 41st president of America.
  • African Americans: The Legacy of Slavery in the U.S. This paper is about the slavery and the struggles that the slaves underwent and the revolution that took place in a bid to have the slaves freed and pronounced as equal American citizens.
  • Mid-City at the Crossroads: Shaw Heritage Trail Washington, DC is the place where it is always interesting to be, to listen to other people conversions, and to enjoy the sights offered to the tourists, and Neighborhood Heritage Trails provides people with a […]
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 28). 127 Legacy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/legacy-essay-topics/

"127 Legacy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 28 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/legacy-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '127 Legacy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 28 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "127 Legacy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/legacy-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "127 Legacy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/legacy-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "127 Legacy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/legacy-essay-topics/.

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  1. Example Of Legacy Essay

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  5. 📗 Leaving a Legacy

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  1. "What's the legacy you want to leave?" (And why this question is so

    Crafting an essay that embodies the legacy they wish to establish helps applicants present a coherent narrative that showcases their values, passions, and vision for the future. This narrative can then leave a lasting impression on admissions officers who are looking to identify individuals with the drive and potential to create meaningful change.

  2. What Legacy Do You Want to Leave Behind?

    Professor Peabody, who died in 1967 at age 70, did indeed leave an enviable legacy. As stated in the university's memorial, he was "an inspiring and challenging teacher in helping thousands of ...

  3. What Is My Legacy Essay

    717 Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. A legacy can be describe as many things. Some people leave good legacy but also bad ones. A legacy is the only thing many people remember you by. Many people have the legacy of being a great doctor or a fantastic husband. I would like mine to be about the positive things I did in life.

  4. My Legacy: [Essay Example], 803 words GradesFixer

    Get original essay. Our legacy is often a reflection of the values and beliefs that guide our actions. When we think of individuals who have left a positive mark on history, we may consider figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., or Mother Teresa. These individuals exemplified values such as compassion, justice, and equality ...

  5. What Legacy Do I Want To Leave My School Essay

    Legacy school essays are an important component of the college admissions process. Crafting a strong, unique essay can help you stand out from the crowd and give you an edge when it comes to acceptance. If you are thinking about best college essay writing service. Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling legacy school essay:

  6. My Legacy Speech: [Essay Example], 806 words GradesFixer

    A legacy is the mark that we leave on the world, the lasting impact that we have on those around us and on future generations. It is the culmination of our actions, values, and contributions that shape the world in some way, big or small. In considering my legacy, I have reflected on the values and principles that have guided me throughout my ...

  7. The New Way to Write Your Life Story: The 10 Themes of Legacy Writing

    Best of all, these legacy themes are easy to write with only 2-3 pages for each. If you have ever written a high school term essay, you can write your life story. The 10 core legacy themes are: Forks in the Road. My Family, My Self. The Meaning of Wealth. My Life's Work. Self-Image and Well-Being. The Male-Female Equation.

  8. When and Where to Identify That You're a Legacy Student in the

    If, after careful reflection, you decide that your legacy status is the most important aspect of yourself to elaborate on in your essay, then doing so is a genuine response. On the other hand, if you approach the essay with the intent to sneak in a mention of your legacy status, it's likely that the admissions committee will see right through ...

  9. What Is Legacy Writing & How To Get Started

    The basic principles of legacy and legacy writing include: Legacy letters (ethical will documents). These differ from memoir, spiritual autobiography, genealogy-/family history or scrapbooking in intention, but not necessarily in content. The intention (purpose) of legacy writing is to discover, communicate, and preserve your values, stories ...

  10. Legacy Writing

    Choice # 1: Legacy Blessing. Write a blessing for someone that promotes their happiness, well-being, and prosperity. Write for twenty minutes. In your writing, affirm their gifts and talents ...

  11. Legacy Essays: What Is Legacy

    Legacy is a reputation that is left behind by a person which is likely to affect his or her generation and those close. Legacy is determined by how a person lived in his or her life which will become the basis on which he will be remembered. It is hoped that as a person goes through life, they make decisions that not will only affect their ...

  12. My Legacy Essay

    My Legacy Essay. 494 Words2 Pages. Like stated by Joseph Ellick, a junior at Florida Memorial University, a legacy is what we are remembered by after we are gone. When thinking about legacies, it's hard to put a finger exactly on how one would like to make a difference. The main thought that comes to mind is to want to do good by family ...

  13. My legacy: What I want to leave behind

    A house will grow old and become outdated, and a sum of money will soon be spent. A Legacy, in contrast, may not be as easily measured, but can be valued for generations. My life may well be spent in the accumulation of things so as to provide both comfort and enjoyment for my family, but the legacy I wish to leave will be born in the words ...

  14. Legacy, Essay Example

    A legacy is defined as a gift, received from a relative, friend, or anyone from a past generation or time. The gift can be money, property, or even just an imprint on the lives of others. I hope that I will leave a legacy that denotes the importance of always allowing oneself to grow within their personal life and of always acknowledging others ...

  15. My Legacy: What I Will Bring to UC Irvine

    Despite her criticisms and my fear of disappointing her, I persisted, sustained by the love which drove her expectations. My achievements have granted me prestige and self-confidence, as well as a sense of pride from my mother. This is my legacy which I will bring to UC Irvine.

  16. How Thinking About Legacy May Benefit Society

    March 6, 2024. Behavioral Science, Management. People want their legacy to have a meaningful impact on future generations, and when prompted to think about it, they are more likely to give some of their wealth to benefit society. That's according to Professor Kimberly Wade-Benzoni of Duke University's Fuqua School of Business.

  17. My Legacy Essay Examples

    My Legacy Essay Examples. When I was a child, adults asked me all sorts of things, ranging from my age to my favorite color. However, the one inquiry I remember the most had to do with what my career would be when I was older. I never really took this question seriously. However, recently I realized that the adults were simply asking the wrong ...

  18. What Students Are Saying About: Leaving a Legacy, Fighting for a Cause

    In "Want to Leave a Legacy?Be a Mentor," Jane E. Brody writes that making a positive impact in the lives of others is a surefire way to be remembered after one's physical life ends — more ...

  19. 82 Legacy Essay Topics & Research Titles at StudyCorgi

    David: The Legacy of Leadership. Adolf Hitler's Rise to Power, Impact, and Legacy. Constantine the Great - His Life and Legacy. Muslim Heritage in Culture, Art, and Religion. The Ancient Sumerian History and Legacy. John Hughes: The Life and Legacy of a Teen Film Icon. Slavery's Legacy in Kindred by Octavia Butler.

  20. Free Legacy Essays and Research Papers on GradesFixer

    Essays on legacy could explore the legacy of current or extinct civilizations or states, of cultural groups, of remarkable personalities, of artistic, intellectual, or social movements, historical events. Browse for more essay topics in this category and pay attention to the outline, structure, and writing style of provided essay samples. ...

  21. Leaving A Legacy Essay: Leaving A Legacy

    1657 Words. 7 Pages. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Leaving a Legacy Abraham Lincoln once said, "In the end, it 's not the years in your life that count. It 's the life in your years." (Quotes) The quality of a person's life can be determined by many different components. Some people define their lives on ...

  22. 127 Legacy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The Legacy of the Arabic Female Poetry: Al-Khansa. Al-Khansa is considered one of the greatest Arabic poetesses of the classical period. To a large extent, the death of her most beloved brother Sakhr defined Al-Khansa's poetic style known as ritha, or mourning elegy. Umm Al-Nar: Geoarchaeology and Cultural Heritage.

  23. 9/11's long legacy: How the attack on the World Trade Center is ...

    Diseases related to the dust and smoke produced by the collapse of the Twin Towers have claimed twice as many lives than the attacks themselves 23 years ago - and new health problems are still ...