Use This Business Plan Questionnaire to Strategize Your Company’s Growth

Use This Business Plan Questionnaire to Strategize Your Company’s Growth

Without a plan, running a business is like setting off on a trek into the wilderness with no map, no knowledge of your destination, and no understanding of how you will get there.

Writing a business plan may sound like a chore, but it can ultimately generate value in terms of attracting investment and plotting future growth. Business planning can feel all the more daunting for new business owners as it is difficult to determine where you would like to be in 12 months, let alone five years down the track.

While some business plans are intended to be internal documents only, most are written to help attract an investor or procure a business loan. We have created the following business plan questionnaire to help guide business owners through the process.

1. Executive Summary

The executive summary is like a 30-second elevator pitch. It should be written with the assumption that a busy lender or investor will give it no more than a glance before making the decision to 1) ignore it or 2) find out more. Don’t be boring — find a way to hook the reader’s attention from the outset. However, avoid going into too much detail.

  • What problem does your business solve, and how?
  • What makes your business uniquely qualified to succeed?
  • What are its core strengths?
  • How much money do you need from the lender/investor?
  • What will be their ROI ?
  • Why should the lender/investor find out more?

2. The Business

Now that you have hooked the reader’s attention with the executive summary, they will want to know more about the business itself.

  • What is your business mission/vision?
  • What sector does the business belong to?
  • Where is the business located?
  • What is the business ownership structure?
  • What products or services do you offer?
  • What is the potential for future growth?
  • What differentiates this business from its competitors?

3. Production

The nuts and bolts of the plan, this section tells the lender/investor how your product or service is produced. This is another area where business planners risk going into too much detail. Keep things simple, concise, and free from technical jargon.

  • How is your product or service produced?
  • What does it cost to produce your product or service?
  • What facilities, equipment, and materials are needed?
  • Who are your main suppliers?
  • What licenses or permits are required for operation?

4. Personnel

This section should reassure the reader that your business is in safe hands and that there is a management plan to support future growth.

  • Who manages the business?
  • Who is on the management team?
  • What are their key skills and qualifications?
  • How many employees does your business have?
  • Is there an adequate pool of talent for future hires?
  • Do you have an organizational chart?
  • Do you have a management strategy?

5. Customers

Demonstrate that you have researched the size of the market, know who your customers are, and are familiar with any competitors who have the potential to erode your market share. 

  • What is the size of the market?
  • What are your customer demographics?
  • What do you charge for your products or services?
  • What market share do you currently have, and what share do you plan to achieve?
  • Who are your key competitors?
  • What is your marketing strategy?

This part of your business plan must be 100% accurate. Keep in mind that some readers will skip straight to this part after reading the executive summary. 

  • If a new business: What costs are involved in setting up your business?
  • What will be your estimated business income for the coming year?
  • What is your projected business income for the coming three years?
  • What is the breakeven point, and what sales volume is needed to make a profit?
  • What are your overheads?
  • What are your current assets and liabilities?
  • How much are you asking the lender/investor for? 

A common flaw in business plans is that they are frequently built upon best-case scenarios and do not consider the impacts of risk events — such as an economic downturn — taking place. Acknowledge the risks, and show how they will be prepared for and mitigated.

  • What are the main risks that could impact the business?
  • How likely are they, and how significant would the impacts be?
  • How are these risks managed?
  • Do you have a business contingency plan?  

After detailing the current state of the business, it’s time to turn to future growth. Use this section to establish that the business has an opportunity to grow, along with a plan to do so.

  • Do you have a growth strategy?
  • By what percentage do you intend to grow, and by when?
  • What are your growth milestones?
  • What additional resources will be needed to support growth?

9. Call to Action

Conclude your business plan by reiterating the main request for an investment or loan. Provide a call to action to set up a meeting.

10. Supporting Documentation

Include any documentation needed to support the information above, such as financial details, copies of operating licenses, or your marketing, personnel, and growth strategies.

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135 Business Plan Questions

Embarking on the business journey of your dreams begins with a robust business plan. This plan is not just a document—it’s the roadmap to your success, painting a clear picture of where you’re headed and how you plan to get there.

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a hopeful startup pioneer, the questions I’ve compiled are designed as your compass, guiding you through the intricate landscape of business strategy.

From your executive summary to the details of your financial projections, each question serves to dig deep into the essence of your vision, solidifying your plan with precision and care.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

  • What is the core mission of your business?
  • How would you describe your company’s business model in simple terms?
  • What unique problem does your business solve for its customers?
  • What are the short-term and long-term goals of the company?
  • Who are the intended clients or customers of your business?
  • What is the vision statement for your business?
  • Who are the founders and key team members, and what are their roles?
  • How does your company set itself apart from the competition?
  • What are the main achievements or milestones of your business to date?
  • What key opportunities do you see in the market?
  • How much funding are you seeking, and how will it be used?
  • What are the main products or services your company offers?
  • What is the current stage of your business (concept, start-up, growth)?
  • How do you see your company evolving in the next five years?
  • Can you summarize the financial outlook and projections for your company?

Company Description Considerations

  • What is the legal structure of your business (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation)?
  • How did the idea for the business originate, and how has it been developed?
  • Who are the target customers, and why will they choose your business?
  • What are the key elements of your business’s operations?
  • What are the specific advantages of your location or facilities, if any?
  • How does your company’s history and background set it up for success?
  • What business sector or industry does your company fall under?
  • How does your company contribute to the economy and community?
  • What partnerships or collaborations are essential to your business?
  • What are the core values and culture of your company?
  • How does your business respond to changes in the market?
  • What relevant certifications, licenses, or permits does your business hold?
  • What are the main risks and challenges your business faces?
  • What role does sustainability play in your company’s operations?
  • How does diversity and inclusion manifest in your company?

Market Analysis

  • Who is your primary target market, and what are their defining characteristics?
  • How large is the target market, and what is its projected growth?
  • What are the trends and themes currently shaping your target market?
  • Who are your top competitors, and what are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • What is your market share, or what market share do you project to capture?
  • How do your target customers make their purchasing decisions?
  • What factors influence the demand for your products or services?
  • What barriers to entry exist in your market, and how can they be overcome?
  • How does pricing play a role in your market position?
  • What is your value proposition to customers in comparison to competitors?
  • How might technology impact your market in the future?
  • What are the legal or regulatory factors affecting your market?
  • How have external factors like the economy affected your market historically?
  • How does geography affect your market and business model?
  • What are the risks associated with your target market?

Organization and Management Structure

  • Who comprises the leadership team, and what are their backgrounds?
  • What is the organizational structure of your business?
  • How will your management team help achieve the business’s goals?
  • What gaps exist in your current team, and how do you plan to fill them?
  • What are the roles and responsibilities of your management team members?
  • How does the management structure align with your business strategy?
  • How does your team make decisions and communicate internally?
  • What systems are in place for performance management and accountability?
  • What is your plan for recruiting and retaining skilled employees?
  • How do you approach leadership development and training?
  • How does the current team’s expertise align with the business goals?
  • What are the board of directors’ roles, if applicable?
  • How do you plan to create a productive company culture?
  • What external advisors or consultants does the business use, and why?
  • How have you planned for succession in key management roles?

Service or Product Line Inquiry

  • What are the main products or services your business offers?
  • How do these products or services fulfill customer needs?
  • What is unique about your products or services?
  • How does product/service quality compare to competitors?
  • What is the lifecycle of your products or services?
  • How is your product or service produced or delivered?
  • Are there any patents, copyrights, or trademarks involved?
  • What research and development activities are you pursuing?
  • How do you plan to expand your product or service range?
  • What customer feedback have you received about your product or service?
  • How does your product or service adapt to changes in the market?
  • What is the pricing strategy for your products or services?
  • How does your product or service contribute to your brand image?
  • What are the future plans for developing your product or service?
  • How do warranty or guarantee terms play into your offering?

Marketing and Sales Strategies

  • What marketing channels will you use to reach your target audience?
  • How will you position your company within the market?
  • What promotional strategies will you utilize to attract customers?
  • What is your sales forecast for the first year and beyond?
  • How will you set sales targets and measure success?
  • What sales tactics will you employ to enhance customer acquisition?
  • How will your marketing and sales strategies evolve as the business grows?
  • What is your approach to online and social media marketing?
  • What customer relationship management processes will you put in place?
  • How do you plan to establish your brand identity?
  • What partnerships or sponsorships will you leverage to enhance marketing?
  • What are your strategies for repeat business and customer loyalty?
  • What is your process for tracking marketing ROI?
  • How do customer service and support fit into your sales strategy?
  • How does your marketing strategy cater to different customer segments?

Funding Request Fundamentals

  • How much total funding is required to reach your business objectives?
  • What specific purposes will the funding be used for?
  • What is your proposed timeline for the utilization of funds?
  • What types of funding (e.g., equity, loan) are you pursuing?
  • How will investors or lenders get a return on their investment?
  • What is the current financial position of the business?
  • How much equity are you willing to exchange for investment?
  • What are the key financial milestones that the funding will help achieve?
  • What are the terms you’re seeking for any loans?
  • How do you plan to manage cash flow and ensure financial stability?
  • What collateral, if any, are you offering to back up your funding request?
  • How does the funding impact your business’s financial projections?
  • What is the exit strategy for investors?
  • How will additional funding influence your strategic business decisions?
  • What contingencies do you have in place if you don’t secure the expected funding?

Financial Projections and Feasibility

  • What are your financial forecasts for the next three to five years?
  • How did you arrive at your revenue and expense estimates?
  • What are the key assumptions underlying your financial projections?
  • What are the projected cash flow statements for the next few years?
  • What is your break-even analysis showing?
  • What are your strategies for maintaining a healthy profit margin?
  • How do you plan to monitor and manage financial risks?
  • What is your approach to pricing and cost control?
  • How will you balance reinvestment in the business with profitability?
  • What financial metrics will you use to gauge business performance?
  • How will you handle unexpected financial shortfalls or emergencies?
  • What is your strategy for financial record-keeping and accounting?
  • How do customer payment terms and cycles affect your cash flow?
  • What financial software or tools do you use for projections?
  • How will financial trends and economic conditions potentially impact your projections?

Appendix and Supporting Documents

  • What supporting documents will you include in the appendix?
  • How will these documents reinforce your business plan’s credibility?
  • What resumes or biographies of your team members will you present?
  • What legal documents are relevant to include (e.g., licenses, permits)?
  • How can we access extensive market studies mentioned in the plan?
  • What are your key technical product specifications or service descriptions?
  • How do your financial statements and accounting documents get audited?
  • What testimonials or case studies from customers can you showcase?
  • What press coverage or media mentions has your business received?
  • Can you provide industry endorsements or expert opinions?
  • How will technology prototypes or demos be made available for review?
  • What are your policies and procedures manuals like?
  • How do your charts, graphs, and tables support your plan’s data?
  • What correspondence or contracts with suppliers/partners are appropriate to include?
  • How does your intellectual property documentation reflect on your business’s value?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i write a business plan myself, or should i hire a professional.

Writing a business plan yourself is possible, especially with the aid of specific questions that cover all business aspects. However, hiring a professional can provide expertise and a polished result, particularly if you seek significant funding.

How often should I update my business plan?

Regular updates are crucial—annually at minimum or more often if your business is rapidly changing. This keeps your business plan relevant and useful as a dynamic, guiding document.

What’s the most critical part of a business plan?

While all sections are important, the Executive Summary is critical as it’s often the first (and sometimes only) part read by potential investors or partners. Clear and compelling financial projections are also vital for potential funders.

Final Thoughts

As your blueprint comes together, remember that the strength of your business plan lies in its details and its ability to represent the vision and practicalities of your enterprise honestly.

The questions outlined will challenge you to think critically, anticipate future hurdles, and prepare for success. With these comprehensive inquiries as your cornerstone, you can turn your business from a dream into an actionable, thriving reality.

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Bea Mariel Saulo

  • 21 Business Survey Questions + [Template Examples]


As you work on growing your business and making the best entrepreneurial decisions, you would need to carry out a lot of research, which is where you need a business surveys.  Business surveys make research easy and equip you with relevant information for better decision-making.

Knowing what a business survey is, how to create one, and seamlessly administer it should be a priority for any organization. When properly implemented, a business survey can aid the exponential growth of any organization 

What is a Business Survey? 

A business survey is a research tool that is used for collecting relevant data about a business from a predetermined audience. It is made up of a set of structured questions that help you to gather information about industry dynamics, market preferences, competition, and other important business variables. 

For instance, a restaurant may need to find out how the customers rate its overall service delivery. To achieve this, it can administer a customer satisfaction survey that allows the customers to provide feedback on different aspects of the business. 

To get the right information through a business survey, you must ask the right questions. With a business survey, you will gather first-hand information and gain interesting insights that are crucial to the overall growth of your organization. 

Importance of Business Surveys 

  • A business survey helps you to gather important insights for different aspects of your business. Gathering first-hand information from customers allows you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your business and to improve on organizational processes. 
  • With a business survey, you would be able to gather feedback from your customers. Asking customers to provide feedback on your business helps you to know where you stand and also identify any areas of the business that need improvement. 
  • Data gathered via a business survey would help you improve your customer experience and build lasting client relationships. When you provide excellent service delivery for clients, you would record repeated patronage and expand your client base.
  • A business survey plays a major role in the optimization of overall business operations. Data gathered from such surveys highlights areas needing improvement in your business which you can concentrate your resources on. 
  • It is an essential step towards making objective and unbiased business decisions.  

Types of Business Survey 

Customer surveys.

A customer survey is a type of business survey that is used to collect first-hand information on the perceptions of your customers. Typically, it consists of questions that bother on the opinions and expectations of your customers as they interact with your business and make use of your product or service. 

Since customers lie at the heart of every business, it is important to always be abreast of their needs and to also understand how they view your organization. Working with this data would help you to improve your business processes for better service delivery. 

Top Customer Survey Questions for Businesses  

  • How would you rate our service delivery? 
  • What was your experience like? 
  • Did our customer service representative resolve the issue on time?
  • Are you satisfied with the resolution of this issue?
  • Are you satisfied with the available payment methods? 
  • How can we improve our service delivery for you?
  • Do you have any suggestions/comments to help us serve you better?
  • How likely are you to recommend us to your network?
  • How easy is the purchasing process with our company?
  • Did you find our website useful? 

Customer Survey Templates For Businesses

  • Customer Complaint Form  

Use this customer complaint form template to gather information on the challenges faced by customers for easy resolution. With this form, you can collect important information that will be useful in swiftly addressing any issues faced by customers as they interact with your products or services. 

  • Customer Satisfaction Survey

Conducting a customer satisfaction survey helps you to find out if your customers are satisfied with your products or services. With this survey, you would be able to know what your customers think about your product or service and the extent to which your product meets their needs. 

  • Restaurant Satisfaction Survey

Allow customers to rate your service delivery after a hearty meal, by carrying out a restaurant satisfaction survey . Data gathered via this survey helps you to improve your overall service delivery and provide a great customer experience for your clients. 

  • Website Evaluation Survey

Use this website evaluation survey template to gather feedback from users about your website. This survey allows users to share their experience using your website. 

  • Event Satisfaction Survey

An event satisfaction survey is an important tool that is used to gather feedback from event attendees. This survey provides meaningful insights into attendees’ perceptions of different aspects of your event and also helps you to improve on future events.

  • Post-event Survey

This survey allows attendees to assess your event . Here, attendees can rate their overall experience and provide specific feedback on different aspects of your event also make specific suggestions for improving future events. 

  • Online Feedback Form

An online feedback form is used to seamlessly collect feedback on business processes from customers. With this form, you can easily collect, organize, and process useful information from customers on products, services, and other aspects of your business.

Product Surveys

A product survey is a tool that is used to gather information on what users think about a product. It helps you to understand users’ experiences with your product and to also gather information for improving the overall product experience. 

You can administer a product survey as part of market research before the launch of a new product. This will help you get first-hand information about what the market really wants and create a product that meets these needs. 

Every contact a consumer (or customer) has with your product goes a long way in determining his or her perception of your business. Collecting feedback on users’ experiences gives you an opportunity to understand the concerns of your customers and make sure your product is meeting their needs. 

Top Product Survey Questions for Businesses

  • How often do you use our product?
  • What product features do you find useful?
  • How likely are you to recommend this product? 
  • What value does this product provide for you?
  • Did the product meet your expectations?
  • How would you describe our product?
  • How satisfied are you with the product?
  • How long have you been using our product?
  • What are the top 3 benefits you get from our product?
  • How can we make this product better for you? 

Product Survey Template For Businesses

  • Customer Complaint Form

A customer complaint form is useful in improving your product and customer experience. With this form, you would be able to collect information on any issues faced by your customers and swiftly resolve them for a better user experience. 

  • Product Pricing Survey

Use this product pricing survey template to sample opinions on product pricing. If you are launching a new product and want to avoid pricing your product above or below the market standard, you need to get customer feedback on your product’s price. 

  • Internet Usage Survey

An internet usage survey is used to gather information on the daily “internet behaviors” of respondents. With this survey, you would understand how the internet fits into the everyday lives of your customers. It can be used as part of market research for a product. 

  • Product Evaluation Form

Administering a product evaluation survey is one of the most important steps you can take after launching a new product. This survey allows you to gather feedback from users on different aspects of your product in order to improve the product as needed. 

Market Surveys 

A market survey is an important method of gathering information about the preferences of the target market. It is made up of a set of structured questions that bother on the inclinations of consumers, their behaviors, expectations, and purchasing power. 

A market survey is an important aspect of market research because it helps organizations to collect insightful feedback from users. With this information, you can develop effective marketing strategies for upcoming products and services, and also improve on the features of existing products. 

A market survey helps you to make business decisions from an informed point of view. Rather than basing business decisions on sentiments or guesses, you would be able to depend on actual data from your target market to drive objective decision-making. 

With the data from a market survey, you would better understand consumer demographics and record higher customer acquisition rates. Not only that, but the information retrieved from the target market via market surveys and segmentation is also a source of creating definite and long-term marketing plans for a product. 

Top Market Survey Questions for Businesses

  • Would you choose this product?
  • What do you like about this product or service?
  • How can we improve this product for you?
  • What do you like most about the competing products in the market?
  • Would you choose this product over its competitors?
  • What is your monthly shopping budget?
  • Is our payment plan convenient for you? 
  • Would you recommend this product to others?
  • What do you dislike about this product?
  • Do you think our product is the best in the market?

Market Survey Templates For Businesses

  • Market Survey Form Template

This is important for market research and is used to collect information about market preferences and consumer behaviors. With this form template, you’d gain insights into the needs of your target market. 

  • Demographic Survey

A demographic survey is made up of a set of questions that help you to gather information about your target market. With a demographic survey, you would be able to collect relevant consumer data such as age, occupation, educational status, income level, etc. 

It is also very useful in creating an accurate buyer persona.

How to Create a Business Survey with Formplus

  • Sign in to your Formplus account to access the form builder. Click on the “create new form” button on your dashboard. 
  • Enter the title of your form (e.g. Business Survey Form).
  • You can click or drag and drop preferred fields to your business survey. 


  • Save your business survey to access the form customization section. Here, you can modify your form’s appearance by adding background images, including your organization’s logo, and changing the form layout. 


  • Use the multiple sharing options to share your business survey form with respondents. You can send out email notifications to respondents or share the form with your online community via the social media direct sharing buttons. 

Understanding what a business survey is and how to go about it would help you make better decisions for your organization. A business survey provides useful insights into market preferences and behaviors which are extremely important for the formulation of growth strategies for your business.  

In this article, we’ve discussed different types of business surveys with question samples and we’ve also shared meaningful tips for creating a good business survey. You can use Formplus to create and administer different business surveys for your organization with little or no hassles. 


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  • business survey template
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Table of Contents

  • 9+ Business Plan Questionnaire Templates in PDF | MS Word

1. Business Plan Questionnaire in PDF

2. supporting business plan questionnaire, 3. simple business plan questionnaire, 4. aquaculture business plan questionnaire, 5. printable business plan questionnaire, 6. marketing and business plan questionnaire, 7. basic business plan questionnaire, 8. business plan and project questionnaire, 9. formal business plan questionnaire, 10. new practice business questionnaire in doc, what is a business plan, what questions does a business plan answer, what are the objectives of a business plan, how do you write business objectives, what are the company aims and purposes, what are some good business questions to ask, what is the basic structure of a business plan, what are the elements of a business plan, what is required for a business to succeed, what is the most significant resource for a business, what are the financial resources, school templates.

A business plan is a precise, genuine evaluation of a business venture’s possibilities for achievement in the market. It is basically a process to manage the central risks of facing a venture. Have a look at the business plan questionnaire plan templates provided down below and choose the one that best fits your purpose.

business plan questionnaire examples

  • What type of business are you in?
  • How will the business earn money?
  • What does your business require to get off the ground?
  • What is the working budget ?
  • Who are your clients?
  • How will you communicate with your clients?
  • What sets you separated from the competition?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses?
  • Becoming and staying successful
  • The productivity of people and supplies
  • Exceptional customer service
  • Employee appeal and retention
  • Mission-driven core values
  • Sustainable growth
  • Make sure each action is steady with your worth and your purposes.
  • Create a schedule .
  • Map out as many steps as feasible.
  • The purpose of setting more solid business goals needs to be tied tightly to your organization’s compliance to act.
  • What obstacle does your business determine?
  • How does your business make an income?
  • Which parts of your business are not successful?
  • Is your cash flow accurate each month?
  • What is your pricing approach and why?
  • Executive Summary
  • Organization Description
  • Market Study
  • Organization and Management
  • Service or Product Line
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Funding Request
  • Financial Projections

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30+ Business Plan Questions & Step-By-Step Business Plan Guide

Last Updated:  

30 May 2024

Table Of Contents

  • 30+ Business Plan Question s

8 Steps to Creating a Full-Proof Business Plan

  • SurveySparrow: The Best Business Plan Tool

Whether in business, marketing, or sales, you know how crucial a solid business plan is to your success. It’s not just about getting started—it’s about setting a clear direction for growth and innovation. This blog is your first step toward clarity and strategy.

Creating a comprehensive business plan is critical for entrepreneurs and business owners. It serves as a roadmap for your business and helps secure funding from investors and banks.

A well-crafted business plan should address key areas of your business, providing a detailed overview of its objectives, strategies, and financial projections.

Here’s a guide structured around crucial categories, each followed by pertinent business plan questions that will help in developing a robust business plan

30 Critical Business Plan Questions to Ask

Whether you’re steering a startup toward uncharted territories, aiming to elevate an established brand, or driving relentless sales growth, your business plan is the compass that guides your strategy, operations, and financial foresight.

Understanding this, we’ve compiled 30 questions designed to ignite your planning process and refine your business strategy.

Here we go.

Executive Summary

  • What is your business’s mission statement?
  • What products or services does your business offer?
  • Who are the founders, and what is their background?
  • What is the current stage of the business (concept, start-up, expansion)?
  • What are the key financial highlights?

Market Analysis

6. Who is your target market, and how large is it? 7. What are the current trends and growth in your industry? 8. Who are your competitors, and what are their strengths and weaknesses? 9. How does your business fit into the market? 10. What is your unique value proposition?

Wait, wouldn’t you need a survey to run these questions and gather feedback? What if I told you that you can do that easily with Surveysparrow .

If you’re ready to chart your business path, grab our Free Business Plan Questionnaire Template . Begin your journey to success now.

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 Marketing and Sales Strategy

11. How will you reach your target market (marketing channels)? 12. What is your pricing strategy? 13. How do you plan to sell your product or service? 14. What is your sales forecast for the first year? 15. How will you measure the success of your marketing efforts?

Operations Plan

16. What is the location of your business, and why? 17. What facilities and equipment do you need? 18. Who are your suppliers, and what are your supply chain logistics? 19. What is the production process? 20. How will you ensure quality control and customer service?

Management and Organization

21. Who makes up the management team, and what are their roles? 22. How does your organizational structure look? 23. What are the backgrounds of your team members? 24. What gaps in expertise or knowledge exist in your team? 25. How will you fill these gaps (hiring, advisors, etc.)?

Financial Plan

26. What are your startup costs? 27. What is your break-even analysis? 28. What are your projected profit and loss statements for the first 1-3 years? 29. What are your cash flow projections? 30. What are the assumptions underlying your financial projections?

By carefully answering these questions, you can construct a thorough business plan that addresses all the critical components needed for your business’s success. Remember, a business plan is not a static document; it should evolve as your business grows and adapts to market changes.

  • A Journey Begins: Identifying the Problem
  • The Voyage of Discovery: Defining Your Customers
  • The Battle Plan: Reaching Your Customers
  • Understanding the Landscape: Identifying Your Competitors
  • The Strategy Map: Outlining Your Operational Plan
  • Charting the Course: Defining Your Business Structure
  • The Guardian of Your Venture: Creating a Risk Management Plan
  • Calculating the Costs: Budgeting and Financial Projections

1. Identify the Problem

Just as any memorable journey starts with a step, every successful business starts with identifying a problem.

The burning question to answer here is: what problem is your business attempting to solve? Remember, the more specific the issue, the better your chances of designing a unique solution that customers will flock to.

2. Define Your Customers

Identifying your target customer is crucial in the business planning process. This involves understanding and defining your potential customers’ specific demographics, psychographics, behaviors, and needs.

By doing this, you can tailor your products, services, and marketing strategies to meet their specific needs. The more precisely you can define your target audience , the more effectively you can serve them and set your business up for success.

3. Reach Your Customers

Now that You’ve discovered your target customers. Now comes the next challenge: How do you reach them?

Consider all possible marketing channels. Will it be social media? Email newsletters? Influencer partnerships? The choice is yours, but ensure it aligns with where your customers spend their time. After all, there’s no point in sending smoke signals if your customers are tuned into the radio.

 4. Identify Your Competitors

Now you have your bearings; it’s time to study the lay of the land. This means understanding your competition. The question is: Who are they, and how do they solve the same problem?

Understanding your competitors will help you differentiate your business and position it uniquely in the market. After all, in the quest for customer loyalty, your unique selling proposition (USP) is your Excalibur.

 5. Outline Your Operational Plan

So, you’ve identified the problem, defined your customers, planned your marketing, and sized up the competition. You’re almost ready to set sail. But first, there’s another significant piece of the business puzzle to put in place: your operational plan.

Your operational plan should include a detailed plan for sourcing deals. Using the Grata data deal sourcing platform can further help streamline this process and ensure you have access to the most relevant and up-to-date information.

How will your business function day-to-day? What resources will you need? Answering these business plan questions will help you create a clear blueprint of your business operations, ensuring your venture runs as smoothly as a well-oiled machine.

6. Define Your Business Structure

One question that’s often overlooked in the excitement of crafting business plans is this: What is your business structure? Sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or LLC ?

Your business structure will significantly affect taxation, liability, and other legalities. It’s like choosing the right ship for your journey – you need one that will safely weather the storms of your entrepreneurial voyage.

7. Create a Risk Management Plan

In the entrepreneurship journey, bumps and detours are part of the course. Having a risk management plan is essential. The business plan question is: What potential obstacles might you face, and how will you mitigate them?

A well-thought-out risk management plan ensures you’re prepared for the challenges ahead.

8. Create Budget and Financial Projections

Now, onto the numbers. What will be the cost of starting and running your business? How soon before you break even? Financial forecasts might seem as daunting as navigating uncharted waters, but they’re vital in answering the essential business-related question : Will your venture be financially viable?

How Can SurveySparrow Help You in Critical Business Planning

With SurveySparrow by your side, you’re never alone in your business planning journey. Its extensive suite of customer and employee experience tools offers invaluable insights to help answer all these key questions in your business plan.

Use SurveySparrow to conduct comprehensive market research, understand customer behavior, and even keep tabs on employee satisfaction. With this trusty tool, you’re well-equipped to answer all your business plan questions, ensuring your entrepreneurial journey is successful.

Here’s how you can do it.

Market Research : SurveySparrow allows you to design and distribute surveys to gather insights about your market. You can explore potential customer needs, preferences, and pain points and evaluate market trends and size, all of which are critical inputs for your business plan.

Customer Segmentation and Profiling : Using SurveySparrow, you can categorize your potential customers based on their preferences, behavior, demographics, and more. This can help you define your target market, tailor your offerings, and devise effective marketing strategies.

Competitor Analysis : By surveying consumers, you can gain insights about your competitors – their strengths, weaknesses, and what customers think of them. This data can be vital in positioning your business uniquely in the market.

Pricing Strategy : You can use surveys to understand what customers are willing to pay for your product or service, helping you devise a suitable pricing strategy.

Risk Assessment : Use surveys to gather feedback about potential risks or barriers to your business. Understanding these risks in advance can help you form strategies to mitigate them.

Employee Engagement : If you plan to have employees, understanding their needs and expectations is crucial for crafting your operations plan and culture. SurveySparrow can assist with gathering employee feedback and gauging engagement .

Product Testing : Before launching, you can use SurveySparrow to get feedback on your product or service. This can help you fine-tune it according to your target market’s needs and preferences.

Financial Projections : The data you gather from customer and market surveys can help inform your sales forecasts and financial projections, key business plan components .

In short, SurveySparrow can offer a wealth of information, helping you answer the critical questions in your business plan. You’re better equipped to create a robust, data-driven business plan by leveraging these tools.

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That’s All of It.

Remember, every successful business starts with a comprehensive business plan. And every comprehensive business plan starts with answering the right questions. So, go ahead and take the plunge. Your entrepreneurial journey awaits, and with SurveySparrow as your co-pilot, you’re set for an exciting voyage.

After all, the sky’s the limit regarding what you can achieve in the business world. Onwards and upwards, future tycoons!

Growth Marketer at SurveySparrow

Passionate, eidetic, and a writer at large.

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50 Business Survey Questions for Questionnaires

Business Survey Questions

Gathering accurate data is crucial to making informed decisions. That’s why we’ve put together a list of 50 Business Survey Questions for Questionnaires that can be used to gather information from customers, employees, and other stakeholders. These questions cover various topics, including customer satisfaction, market segmentation, and employee engagement.

Learn more: employee engagement survey examples

Whether you’re just starting market research or looking to take your surveys to the next level, this list is a must-read for any business owner looking to improve their bottom line. Let’s dive in!

LEARN ABOUT: Testimonial Questions

What are the business survey questions?

The business survey questions are the online questionnaires that can help you make well-informed decisions and maximize the potential of your business. It will enable a researcher to understand the industry, current and prospective customers, competitors, internal problems, and markets.

LEARN ABOUT: Structured Questionnaire

For example, an energy drink company wants to understand public opinion about its product and the factors influencing that choice when choosing an energy drink. In such a case, an  energy drinks survey , which includes business-related survey questions, will enable the company to gather data to help them brand their product and market it accordingly to gain a higher market share.

LEARN ABOUT: Survey Mistakes And How to Avoid

Business survey questions, when asked correctly, can advance your business in leaps and bounds. It can help you with the following points that are crucial to any business.

  • To build customer relationships  – Customer relationship with the company is one of the most important parameters that can build a business or destroy a business. To understand where you stand, the  Net Promoter Score (NPS)  needs to be identified. Asking questions using the  NPS survey  to gather such data can help you build a long-lasting relationship with the customer and make them your brand ambassadors who recommend you to their friends and colleagues.
  • Improve your customer service  – Customer service leads to customer satisfaction. If a customer is satisfied, they would keep coming back to you for more and promote your business. A happy customer is a loyal customer. Using business survey questions in customer satisfaction surveys or  customer service surveys , calculate customer satisfaction scores (CSAT) and customer effort scores (CES). You can use this data to improve customer satisfaction through excellent customer service.
  • Understand feedback  – Feedback is what changes the entire business strategy. When you know what is going wrong, you can improve or correct it. Use business survey questions in event feedback surveys such as  product satisfaction surveys  to gather feedback from existing customers and prospective customers to better your product or service and retain customers through  customer loss surveys .

LEARN ABOUT: Event Surveys

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Free business survey template

An essential business survey question is the NPS question that calculates the NPS score. It enables the researcher to understand if his business strategy or market strategy is in the right direction. Usually, this feedback question is accompanied by other business survey questions. However, it is recommended to start the survey with this question :

Considering your complete experience with our product/service, how likely are you to recommend it to a friend or a colleague?

Business Survey Questions for Product/Service Feedback

  • What is the main benefit you receive from using our product/service?
  • What are the top 3 benefits you get from our product/service?
  • Less than a month
  • 1 to 6 months
  • 6 months to 1 year
  • Other (Please specify)
  • Once a week
  • 2-3 times a month
  • Once a month
  • Every 2-3 months
  • 2-3 times a year or less
  • Very satisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied
  • Probably not
  • Definitely not
  • Competitor 1
  • Competitor 2
  • Competitor 3
  • Competitor 4
  • Yes, by the company or its representative
  • No, it was resolved by me, or someone outside the company
  • No, the problem was never resolved
  • No problems, so never contacted the support team
  • What recommendations would you offer to improve our product/service?

The above questions are business survey questions that enable a researcher to understand customer opinions about a product/service. It allows the researcher to gather feedback on the product, identify gaps, and thus help the company to make changes to processes or the product/service accordingly.

Business Survey Questions for Market Research

  • In your opinion, what are the things that you like most about the product/service?
  • In your opinion, what improvements can be made to the product/service?
  • What is it that you like most about competing products currently available?
  • In your opinion, what improvements can be made for the competing products now available?
  • I already had it, but want to replace it
  • It serves a need of mine
  • For quality reasons
  • For durability reasons
  • Because of the price
  • It is very costly
  • I don’t need it
  • Quality is not up to the mark
  • It is not durable
  • I already have it
  • Extremely likely
  • Very likely
  • Somewhat likely
  • Not so likely
  • Not at all likely

Market research questions enable a researcher to understand the market. Such questions can help companies before launching a product/service into the market. Gathering feedback from the target audience will enable the company to understand the demand in the market and improve the product segemntation to capture a higher market share.

Business S urvey Questions to Evaluate Customer Service

  • A scale of 1 to 10
  • Knowledge of the product
  • Understanding the issue
  • Willingness to help
  • Efficiency/promptness
  • Ability to complete a transaction
  • Courteousness
  • Level of satisfaction with the resolution
  • Knowledge of the product and brand
  • Friendliness
  • Responsiveness
  • There was too much waiting
  • I never required customer support
  • It took too long
  • May or may not
  • Somewhat unlikely
  • Very unlikely
  • By mail order
  • Over the phone
  • At the store
  • Not too easy, not too hard
  • What improvements can be made to the billing process to make it easier for you?
  • Do you have any suggestions/comments to help us serve you better?

The above questions enable a company to evaluate the customer service being provided. Using the data gathered from such questions can help the company modify processes, train its customer service staff, motivate and reward employees, and become a much more customer-centric organization.

LEARN ABOUT: Employee Centricity

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Business Survey Questions to Measure Customer Satisfaction

  • Considering your complete experience with our company, how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or a colleague?
  • Low quality
  • High quality
  • Not durable
  • Very little
  • Does not meet the need
  • Which three features of our product/service are most important to you?
  • Which three features of our product/service need improvement?

Business Survey Questions to Calculate Customer Effort

  • Very difficult
  • Usual amount
  • After putting in the effort, how much did the response meet your expectations?
  • Very responsive
  • Very unresponsive
  • Overall, on a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the product/service(1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest)?
  • Is there anything else you would like us to know?

LEARN ABOUT: System Usability Scale

The above questions will enable a company to measure customer satisfaction and customer effort. Such data will allow the company to make changes or improve their product/service or processes.

LEARN ABOUT: Product Survey Questions

Business Survey Questions to Retain Customers

  • Brand value
  • Marketing and promotion
  • Variety of products
  • Word of mouth
  • Quality of our products
  • Range of product/service
  • Quality of product/service
  • Behavior of staff
  • Poor understanding of your requirements
  • Better alternative company
  • Which alternative or competitor did you shift to now to meet your needs?
  • Range of products/services
  • Customer service
  • Yes, I am subscribed to receive promotional content.
  • Yes, but I am not a subscriber yet.
  • More knowledgeable staff
  • Better advertisements and promotion
  • Better financial transactions
  • Better customer service
  • Better understanding of the requirements
  • They agreed with the issues you stated.
  • They agreed but were still biased towards us.
  • They denied such an experience could happen.
  • They had no opinion about it.
  • Is there any comment/suggestion that you would like to convey that will help improve customer experience?

LEARN ABOUT: User Interface Survey Questions & Travel Survey Questionnaire And Survey Template

In conclusion, we’ve shared a list of 50 essential survey questions that can be used to gather valuable information from customers, employees, and other stakeholders. By asking the right questions, you can gain business insights into customer satisfaction, student interest survey , market segmentation, and employee engagement, among other important topics. And by using a powerful survey tool like QuestionPro, you can easily create, distribute, and analyze surveys to gather the data you need to make informed decisions for your business.

You can also find best alternatives of for your business.

Remember, effective market research is the key to unlocking growth and success for your business. We hope that this list of survey questions will serve as a valuable resource as you conduct your own market research. Learn more and start your journey today!



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Business surveys – 16 free questionnaire templates you can download

Surveys can help with a whole range of business questions and challenges, from designing a new product to checking on employee engagement . Here’s a run-down of the power of the survey and which kind to use when.

What is a business survey?

A business survey is a survey that’s used in business, which gives it a pretty wide definition. If you use a survey in a way that supports your business goals, it can be considered a business survey.

Another way to define business survey is it’s a survey about your business, i.e. one that reflects the state of a part of your company and can help you improve your ways of working or develop your strategy.

Types of business survey

Whether you’re a large multi-national or a small business just starting up, surveys are a cost-effective and accessible method for gaining vital insights to help you thrive.

In this article, we’ll run through the main categories of business surveys, how they work and what they’re for. We’ll also show you where to find survey questionnaire templates and example questions to get you started with your own business survey program.

Customer surveys

These surveys are all about finding out what your customers think and feel about their experiences with you, and learning about their expectations and values. Customer surveys should be run as a continuous program that keeps you in touch with your market and informs your decision-making.

CSAT is short for customer satisfaction. A customer satisfaction survey tells you how satisfied a customer is with some aspect of your business. You can run a CSAT survey on something specific, like a purchase or store visit, or use it as a general barometer of how your customers feel about you.

Download your free CSAT survey template

2. NPS (Net Promoter Score)

NPS is a one-question metric that captures how willing a customer would be to recommend you to a friend or colleague. As with CSAT, NPS can be run in different contexts. There’s transactional NPS, which focuses on a specific purchase experience, and relationship NPS, which focuses on the customer’s feelings towards your brand as a whole.

Download your free NPS survey template

3. Website satisfaction survey

This one’s especially useful if you run an ecommerce site, although it’s good practice for any business with a web presence (which these days is pretty much every business) to check in with customers on how their site is performing.

Download your free website satisfaction survey template

4. Customer segmentation survey

Within your customer base you’ll have a number of different groups, each with different needs and priorities. Customer segmentation means you can target your marketing to reach each of these groups. Your customer survey program is a powerful tool for finding out who your customers are and what segments they belong to.

Learn more about customer segmentation

5. Event feedback survey

A big-ticket event such as a conference, summit, festival or pop-up deserves its own feedback loop. This will help you to assess the value and ROI of the event, and to plan for future events based on what you learn.

Download your free post-event feedback survey template

6. Customer service survey

Customer service is a major component of customer experience . Whether they’ve been in touch with your contact center, engaged with employees in a store or branch, or met your team in person at an event, getting feedback from customers about the service they’ve received is valuable for your employees and your business strategy.

Download your free customer service survey template

Employee surveys

Businesses are increasingly aware that employee experience is a foundational requirement for a successful business. It’s linked with all kinds of success factors, from employee retention to better customer experiences. A program of surveys and other forms of listening and feedback will help you to keep your employee experience strong.

7. Employee engagement survey

An employee engagement survey gives you experience data about what it’s like to work in your company. An annual survey used to be the standard approach, but nowadays more and more businesses are using shorter and more targeted surveys – aka pulse surveys – to keep their knowledge up to date.

Download your free employee engagement survey template

8. Exit survey

When an employee’s time with you comes to an end, use an exit survey to gather their thoughts about the business, their role, and what made them choose to leave. You can use the survey as a stand-alone tool or combine it with an exit interview to gain more context.

Download your free employee exit survey template

9. Onboarding survey

The onboarding period is highly influential on the employee experience as a whole. During an employee’s first days or weeks it’s valuable to gather feedback that will help make your onboarding program the best it can be for future hires.

Download your free employee onboarding survey template

10. Employee suggestion action survey

Taking feedback from employees is valuable, but it becomes so much more so if you tell them what you’re doing with their input. Consulting your employees on how to consolidate feedback and turn it into a plan gives them a sense of ownership and commitment to what you do in the future.

Download your free employee suggestion action planning survey

Product surveys

From initial concept to final packaging design iteration, so much of product design depends on knowing your customers’ needs and expectations. Along with focus groups, interviews and other research tools, surveys can help you shed light on the customer’s perspective throughout your design process.

11. Product research survey

A lot of thinking goes into designing or refining a product. Running consultative surveys gives you the chance to sense-check your plans with your intended audience and make sure you’re on course to please your customers with the finished product.

Download your free product research survey template 

12. Pricing survey

Setting the price point for a product is a real balancing act. Pricing studies help you find the sweet spot where you’re charging exactly what the customer is willing to pay, without overpricing your product or leaving money on the table.

Download your free pricing survey template

13. Package testing survey

How you package and present your products can make a big difference to the value your customer perceives. It can even change their relationship with your brand. A package testing survey will give you valuable data about your customers’ preferences and their expectations of your product packaging

Download your free package testing survey

14. Feature prioritization survey

Which features matter to your customers? Would they be willing to sacrifice one feature for another? Understanding your customers through feedback means you can select the right mix of features for your product and get the most value from your product development budget

Download your free feature prioritization survey

Brand surveys

Your brand exists in the hearts and minds of your customers. Surveys help you understand how you’re perceived relative to your competitors, what customers think you offer that nobody else can, and which values and characteristics people associate with your company.

15. Brand awareness survey

A brand awareness survey tells you much more than just whether people have heard of you. It’s a gauge of where you are in your market, what customers perceive and which channels they perceive it through, and how you should pitch your marketing and advertising to best connect with how customers see you.

Download your free brand awareness survey

16. Ad testing survey

Ad testing surveys help you understand whether your messaging and creative are hitting home with your customers – before you roll out the big budgets. It’s a valuable way to test out ideas and concepts so you can get your ads right the first time, every time.

Download your free ad testing survey

That’s just the beginning

These are just a few of the survey categories you can use to improve your business and get to know your customers and employees better.

For more free templates and other resources, visit our marketplace .

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Sarah Fisher

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  • 50 Great business survey questions for your next questionnaire

50 Great business survey questions for your next questionnaire

Eren Eltemur

Trying to expand your business requires a lot of knowledge. Making business decisions, future plans, and strategies is key to achieving success. But the real question is, where should I start? How to obtain this knowledge? We invite you to join this journey with a business survey to achieve this success. Understanding and conducting a business survey is the first step to this success.

For this reason, you will learn what a business survey is in this article. What are the different types of business surveys, and how to evaluate your business through collecting customer opinions, experiences, and suggestions? To get answers to these questions, you must ask the right questions and gathered 50 survey questions that business owners can use in their business surveys.

  • What is a business survey?

A business survey is a way to gather information from clients and employees through survey questions such as market research questions , demographic questions , customer satisfaction questions , and customer feedback . By employing the right survey, you can get a better understanding of target customers and potential customers and improve your product or service. 

  • 5 Types of business surveys

There are different types of business forms & surveys with specific purposes, and each aims to gather different types of information.  Here we listed some common business survey types for different data-gathering purposes. You can use online surveys and forms to grow your businesses . 

1 - Customer surveys

Customer surveys are types of surveys that focus on gathering various data from customers. Customer retention surveys and customer satisfaction surveys are valuable ways to measure customer satisfaction and how to hold them in a particular brand. This information gathered from customers can be used to improve the products and services. Also, it can be helpful for identifying areas where companies focus their efforts and funds to achieve customer happiness.

Customer Service Satisfaction Survey Template

Customer Service Satisfaction Survey Template

Net Promoter Score Survey

Net Promoter Score Survey

E-commerce Survey

E-commerce Survey

2 - employee surveys.

These types of surveys focus on gathering data from employees to improve the effectiveness and workflow while giving importance to employee happiness. You can use employee satisfaction surveys , employee engagement surveys, exit surveys , or other evaluation surveys to improve your workflow. 

Employee Satisfaction Survey Template

Employee Satisfaction Survey Template

360 Degree Feedback Survey Template

360 Degree Feedback Survey Template

New Hire Orientation Survey

New Hire Orientation Survey

3 - brand recognition.

These types of surveys aim to measure brand awareness . Using brand recognition surveys can be helpful in improvements on brands' marketing and advertising efforts and also measure the effectiveness of former decisions and strategies.

Market Research Survey Template

Market Research Survey Template

Brand Personality Questionnaire Template

Brand Personality Questionnaire Template

Brand Ambassador Application Form Template

Brand Ambassador Application Form Template

4 - product surveys.

Product research surveys focus on product improvement by gathering data from customers and developers. Learning suggestions and opinions on the product beforehand allow businesses to make improvements by identifying errors in product design and functionality. 

Product Research Survey Template

Product Research Survey Template

Product Quality Survey

Product Quality Survey

Pricing Survey

Pricing Survey

5 - market surveys.

Market research surveys are focused on analyzing information on the market, competitors, consumers, and target audience. It gives valuable insights into consumer preferences and market strategies that directly influence overall business planning .

Marketing Strategy Questionnaire

Marketing Strategy Questionnaire

Mobile Banking Survey

Mobile Banking Survey

Concept Testing Survey

Concept Testing Survey

  • 50 business survey questions for your company surveys

In this article, we have gathered 50 great business survey questions for company surveys. You can use these pre-made survey questions to finalize your survey quickly. These questions are focused on different aspects of a company. You can find questions that focus on customers, employees, products, and market research.  

Business survey questions for customer service evaluation

1  - On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with the level of customer service in your latest interaction?

2  - Was the customer service representative polite and professional?

3  - How likely are you to use our customer service in the future?

4  - Was the customer service representative able to resolve your issue?

5  - On a scale of 1-10, do you consider contacting the customer service team easy?

6  - What could we change to improve your experience with our customer service?

#1 Business survey question example

#1 Business survey question example

Business survey questions for customer satisfaction

7  - What feature do you appreciate most about our brand?

8  - What do you think are our 3 aspects that need improvement?

9  - How easy was it for you to reach our customer support teams?

10  - Could you easily reach the purchasing platforms of our product?

11  - What is the most important feature that distinguishes us from our competitors?

12  - How satisfied are you with [product/service]?

13  - How likely are you to recommend us to others?

#2 Business survey question example

#2 Business survey question example

Business survey questions for market research

14  - Where did you see and buy our product/service?

15  - Where did you hear about [Product/Service]?

16  - What other brands do you prefer besides us? Why?

17  - Would you recommend us to your friends or family?

18  - What was the biggest reason for you to shop from us?

19  - To what extent do advertisements about the brand affect your purchase?

20  - Are our rates competitive with those of other companies operating in the same industry?

#3 Business survey question example

#3 Business survey question example

Business survey questions for product development

21  - How satisfied are you with the product performance?

22  - What are the features you most like about the product?

23  - Have you encountered any problems or difficulties with the product?

24  - How do our products solve your problems? 

25  - Which feature do you think is necessary to add to improve our product?

26  - How easy or difficult is our product to use?

27  - What influences your purchase more—the item's quality or price?

28  - What should the optimal pricing be?

#4 Business survey question example

#4 Business survey question example

Business survey questions for brand recognition

29  - What is the major motivation for trying this brand for the first time?

30  - Do you have any suggestions about our brand and how we present ourselves to the public?

31  - How likely are you to recommend our brand to a friend or colleague?

32  - Have you heard of our brand before?

33  - How do you think our brand compares to competitors?

34  - What image comes to mind when you hear our company name?

35  - What could we change to enhance your opinion of our brand?

36  - Do you believe that other individuals would quickly recognize and remember our company name?

#5 Business survey question example

#5 Business survey question example

Business survey questions for employee satisfaction

37  - Is your salary satisfying you enough?

38  - Do events at the company motivate you to work harder?

39  - What other activities would you prefer to do?

40  - Do you think your communication with your manager and colleagues is good enough?

41  - Do you think your ideas are valued at work?

42  - Is your job as you dreamed? And do you love doing it?

43  - Do you think your achievements are appreciated enough?

#6 Business survey question example

#6 Business survey question example

Business survey questions for employee evaluation

44  - What motivates you most in your job?

45  - What are your strengths and weaknesses? And how do they affect your profession?

46  - What steps could you take, in your opinion, to enhance your overall job performance?

47  - How pleased are you with the company's prospects for learning and growth?

48  - What was the biggest challenge for you this year? how did you overcome it?

49  - What is the job position you want to work in in the future?

50  - What is your happiest job-related moment?

#7 Business survey question example

#7 Business survey question example

  • Question types to use in your business surveys

The fundamental elements of any online form are form fields. They enable businesses to learn more about the target audience. There are a few different alternatives to use in a survey to create complex and detailed questions. Here is a list of form fields that can be used in business surveys.

Some of the most used form fields include choice questions, such as single selection, multiple selections, picture selection, and selection matrix. Also, you have a variety of text field options, such as short text and long text. And for a more straightforward method, you can also include yes/no questions in your surveys to get definite answers. 

  • Single selection: Enables responders to choose only one option.
  • Multiple selections: Enables responders to choose multiple options. 
  • Picture selections: You can present multiple or single-choice questions with visual options. 
  • Selection matrix: Offers a more straightforward method for responders.
  • Short text: You can use short text if you ask a question that requires manual typing with short answers.
  • Long text: The long text is used for more detailed questions that require manual typing.
  • Yes/No: It is a closed-type question and helps collect definite answers to questions with only two options: yes and no.
  • How to create a business survey

You can create a business survey with for free. Easily customize your pre-made business survey template. Make use of different features to add multiple layers to your questions. Creating professional and eye-pleasing surveys with requires no coding knowledge, which is good news. Create your surveys, edit your form fields, and customize your design . Adjust your general settings afterward, and then you can share your business survey right away. To create a business survey, follow these 5 simple steps:

  • Choose a template:  With more than 1000 ready-made templates, you can find the suitable template that matches your needs.
  • Edit your form fields: Edit and personalize your form field and add multiple layered and detailed questions to your surveys with the alternative form fields.
  • Customize the design: Creating eye-pleasing designs with is an easy task. Choose from themes and change your colors to create a survey that suits your brand colors. 
  • Adjust your general settings: Don't forget to check the general settings. You can find a useful welcome and thank you page there. Also, you can enable CAPTCHA and disable multiple submissions.
  • Publish and Share: You can share your survey with a simple link or use social media sharing options and embed it on your website. 

In conclusion, you can easily create and customize your business survey with these 50 great questions focusing on different types . Use different types of form fields to improve your survey and create professional business surveys with for free. Here are some pre-made example business surveys for your use. You can either use them directly or customize them to match your taste. 

Company Satisfaction Survey Template

Company Satisfaction Survey Template

Product Satisfaction Questionnaire

Product Satisfaction Questionnaire

Website Feedback Survey Template

Website Feedback Survey Template

  • Form Features
  • Data Collection

Table of Contents

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What Is a Business Survey Question? Definition, Importance & Examples

business plan questionnaire examples

Many entrepreneurs aim to scale their businesses, often turning to expensive consultants and time-consuming PR efforts.

But what if I told you there’s a simpler, more cost-effective way?

Enter business surveys! These powerful tools allow you to gather feedback from those who matter most to your business, helping you make informed decisions and save valuable time and resources.

In this post, discover the benefits of business survey questions and how they can fast-track your business growth.

But first, here’s a quick video tutorial to get you started:

Watch: How to Create a Survey Using ProProfs Survey Maker

What Are Business Survey Questions?

Business survey questions are simply questions designed to gather feedback, opinions, or data from various stakeholders involved in a business’s operations, products, services, and/or market.

business plan questionnaire examples

These questionnaires help you form growth strategies by analyzing meaningful insights about market trends, employees, and customer behaviors. They can cover a wide range of topics, including customer satisfaction , employee feedback , product feedback , market research , and more.

Business survey questions are pivotal in ensuring that you don’t invest time and resources in developing products or services that don’t meet your audience’s needs.

By prioritizing customer needs from the outset, your efforts are focused on creating valuable solutions tailored to their requirements.

Examples of Business Survey Questions for Your Questionnaire

Now that we have discovered what business survey questions are, let’s explore some examples of questions categorized by types that you can use in your business survey questionnaire.

Business Survey Questions for Product/Service Feedback

A product survey is the best way for businesses to learn what customers think about their products. Conducting such surveys before launching a product lets you analyze the market demands and customers’ needs. 

Similarly, asking these questions from your existing customer base will help you understand how customers are enjoying their experience and how the product can be improved further.

Sample questions to ask customers about your products and services:

  • How often do you use [product name]?
  • Which features of the [product name] are most valuable to you?
  • How would you compare [product name] to our competitors?
  • Are there any features missing on [product name]?
  • What are you trying to solve by using [product name]?
  • What other types of people do you think could find [product name] useful?
  • How easy is it to use [product name]?
  • Would you rate the product/service as “value for money”?
  • How likely are you to recommend [product name]to others?
  • How could we improve [product name] to better meet your needs?

Business Survey Questions for Market Research

Learning about the market and competitors is crucial for business success. The best way to do this is by asking the right market research questions . This way, you can identify opportunities to improve your business strategies, operations, and product planning.

Sample questions to ask about the target market and competitors:

  • What is the first brand you think of when purchasing an XYZ product? 
  • How favorable is our brand to you? 
  • What aspects can we improve on our existing product? 
  • Are there any other brands that offer similar services you’re currently using or planning to use?
  • Which features do you like the most on [COMPETITOR’S PRODUCT]?
  • What features would drive you to switch to a similar product?
  • Can you think of any other brand offering what you want? 
  • Could you share your views on your dream product?
  • Did we solve all your support problems?
  • Can we help you get started using XYZ’s product or service?
  • Were you satisfied with our promptness and support?
  • Would you be willing to recommend us to your friends, family, or colleagues?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate your experience with us?
  • Are you willing to buy from us again?

Business Survey Questions to Evaluate Customer Service

Exceptional customer service plays a vital role in maintaining and strengthening business-customer relationships. Based on the type of your business, you can get a pulse on your customer service by asking the following business questions:

  • When interacting with our company recently, were you pleased with the level of support you received?
  • On a scale of 1-5, how courteous or uncourteous would you say our service/support team member was?
  • On a scale of 1-5, how knowledgeable or unknowledgeable would you say our service/support team member was?
  • On a scale of 1-5, how effective or ineffective was the service/support team member’s communication?
  • How friendly was our service member while assisting you?
  • How satisfied are you with the responsiveness of our customer service team?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the professionalism of our customer service representatives?
  • Did our customer service team adequately address your concerns or inquiries?
  • Did our customer service team meet your expectations in resolving your issue or query?

Business Survey Questions to Measure Customer Satisfaction

These questions are all about getting to the heart of how satisfied your customers are with your products or services. They’ll give you a clear picture of what’s working well and where you might need to make some improvements to keep those smiles coming!

Sample questions to include in a customer satisfaction survey :

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your product experience?
  • How likely are you to recommend [product name] to others?
  • Rate your satisfaction with our [team name] in resolving this issue for you.
  • Do you feel that our support team has answered your inquiry immediately?
  • Is your issue completely resolved?
  • How likely are you to purchase again from us in the future?
  • How likely are you to return to our website?
  • In your own words, describe how you feel about [product name].
  • Do you think our employees can do better?
  • How can we improve your experience with [product name]?
  • What made you choose [product name] over a competitor’s?
  • Please share any additional comments or feedback for us.

Business Survey Questions to Calculate Customer Effort

A customer effort score survey aims at capturing the information about whether customers find it easy/useful to interact with your brand/product or not. You can leverage an online survey tool to access a wide range of ready-made survey templates and question types to effectively create a survey .

Sample business questions to include in a CES survey are:

  • How easy did you find our product to navigate?
  • How easy was it to find the information or service you were looking for on our website?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how much effort did you have to exert to resolve your issue with our product/service?
  • To what extent do you agree with the following statement: “Our business app is really easy to use”?
  • If we could do anything – what do you think we could do to make this app easier to use?
  • Did you encounter any obstacles or difficulties while navigating our website or using our product/service?
  • How likely are you to recommend our company to others based on your recent interaction?
  • Overall, how satisfied are you with the level of effort required to complete your recent transaction with us?

Business Survey Questions to Retain Customers

Retaining customers is crucial for every business as acquiring new customers could cost up to 5 times more than retaining the existing ones. 

The longer customers stay with you, the more loyal they tend to become to your brand. Customer loyalty is the basis of repeat business. Thus, businesses can leverage customer retention surveys that help them measure how loyal their customers are towards their brand. 

Example questions to ask customers about brand loyalty:

  • Does the product help you achieve your business goals? 
  • If you could change one thing about [this product], what would it be? 
  • How would you rate your experience with [this product]? 
  • How well does [this product] meet your needs? 
  • How likely are you to recommend [this product/brand] to your family and friends?
  • How satisfied are you with the overall value you receive from using our product/service?
  • Have you encountered any challenges or limitations when using our product/service? If so, please specify.
  • How likely are you to continue using our product/service in the future?
  • How responsive and helpful do you find our customer support team when addressing your concerns or issues?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to renew your subscription or purchase from us again?

Business Survey Questions to Uncover Customer Issues

The questions in this survey help pinpoint any concerns or challenges your customers might be facing. By asking the right questions, you can uncover issues and address them promptly, ensuring a positive customer experience.

Sample questions you can ask to discover any challenges your customers may be facing:

  • Have you encountered any difficulties or frustrations while using our product/service?
  • What improvements would you like to see in our product/service?
  • How likely are you to recommend our company to others based on your recent experience?
  • Did our product/service meet your expectations? Why or why not?
  • Have you experienced any technical issues or glitches while using our product/service?
  • How satisfied are you with the level of customer support you received?
  • Are there any features or functionalities missing from our product/service that you would find beneficial?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to continue using our product/service in the future?
  • Can you share any specific instances where our product/service did not meet your needs?
  • What can we do to improve your experience with our product/service?

Business Survey Questions to Collect Employee Feedback

Employees are an invaluable part of a business’s journey, and it’s incredibly important to find out their satisfaction levels with their workplace. Employee feedback questions can provide valuable information about workplace satisfaction, communication, and areas for improvement.

By listening to your employees and addressing their feedback, you can create a positive work environment, boost morale, and increase productivity.

Example questions to ask employees about their overall feedback:

  • How satisfied are you with your current role within the company?
  • Do you feel that your ideas and opinions are valued by your team and management?
  • How would you rate the communication channels within the company?
  • Are you satisfied with the training and development opportunities provided by the company?
  • Do you feel motivated and engaged in your work?
  • How supported do you feel by your immediate supervisor or manager?
  • Are there any obstacles or challenges hindering your productivity at work?
  • How satisfied are you with the work-life balance offered by the company?
  • What changes or improvements would you like to see in the workplace environment?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company as a great place to work?

Business Survey Questions to Create a Customer Success Story

The questions in this survey are tailored to capture success stories from your customers. These stories can be powerful tools for marketing and building brand credibility.

By showcasing real-life examples of how your product or service has benefited customers, you can attract new customers, build trust, and strengthen your brand reputation.

Questions you can ask to create a customer success story:

  • Can you share a specific experience where our product/service helped you achieve a significant goal or overcome a challenge?
  • How has our product/service positively impacted your business or life?
  • What specific features or aspects of our product/service do you find most valuable?
  • Can you provide an example of how our product/service has saved you time or money?
  • How likely are you to recommend our product/service to others based on your experience?
  • Can you share any measurable results or improvements you’ve seen since using our product/service?
  • What initially attracted you to our product/service, and how has it met your expectations?
  • Would you be willing to share your success story with others through a case study or testimonial?
  • Is there anything else you’d like to add about your experience with our product/service?

 Business Survey Examples to Capture Lead Data

Lead data survey questions aim to capture valuable lead data from potential customers through queries on their needs, preferences, and purchase intent. This data can help you tailor your marketing efforts, nurture leads effectively, and ultimately increase conversions and sales.

Example questions to include in a lead data capture survey:

  • What prompted you to visit our website or engage with our brand?
  • Which products or services are you most interested in learning more about?
  • How soon do you plan to make a purchase or decision regarding [specific product or service]?
  • What factors are most important to you when choosing a [product/service] provider?
  • Have you previously used similar products/services from another provider? If so, please specify.
  • What challenges or pain points are you currently experiencing that [specific product or service] could address?
  • Are you the decision-maker for purchasing [specific product or service] within your organization?
  • How did you hear about our company or discover our products/services?
  • Would you be interested in receiving more information or updates about our products/services via email?
  • Can you provide any additional comments or feedback about your needs or preferences?

 Business Survey Questions for Brand Awareness

For businesses to be successful, it is important to keep an eye on how their target audience perceives their brand. A good brand awareness survey includes questions that help to gauge the audiences’ overall brand perception and sentiments. 

Sample business questions you can use are:

  • When you think of [brand name], what comes to your mind?
  • How likely are you to recommend [brand name] to your friends?
  • Do you enjoy using products offered by [brand name]?
  • How would you describe your latest experience with [brand name]?
  • Why do you buy from [brand name]?
  • What unique value does our product offer?
  • What kind of brand appeals to you the most?
  • On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate our brand in terms of customer experience?
  • How well are you familiar with the products from [brand name]?
  • When was the first time you heard about [brand name]?
  • How often do you come in contact with [brand name]?
  • When was the last time you used a product from [brand name]?

 Business Survey Questions for Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis questions gather insights about your competitors and the broader market landscape. By asking questions about competitor awareness, strengths, weaknesses, and market trends, you can gain valuable intelligence to inform your strategic decision-making. 

Understanding your competitors can help you identify areas for differentiation, anticipate market changes, and stay ahead of the competition.

Example questions to include in this survey:

  • How aware are you of our competitors in the market?
  • Which competitors do you consider to be our main rivals?
  • How would you rate our brand compared to our competitors in terms of quality?
  • What do you perceive as our main strengths compared to our competitors?
  • In what areas do you believe our competitors outperform us?
  • Have you ever considered switching to a competitor’s product/service? If so, why?
  • What factors influence your decision when choosing between our brand and our competitors?
  • How do you typically research or compare different options before making a purchase decision?
  • What do you think our competitors do better than us in terms of marketing or customer service?
  • Are there any emerging competitors in the market that you think we should be aware of?

 Business Survey Questions to Measure Customer Loyalty

Gauging customer loyalty is a big part of expanding as a business, and Net Promoter Score surveys have been made just for that! These surveys basically consist of two parts: a rating question and a follow-up open-ended question to know the reason behind the given rating. 

Based on the scores, NPS calculation is done and the respondents are categorized into Promoters (scores 9-10), Passives (scores 7-8), and Detractors scores (0- 6).

Net Promoter Score (NPS) Questions

Rating question: 

“On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our [business/ product/service] to a friend or colleague?”

Depending upon the context, you can include the name of a brand, product, or service in the classic NPS question to collect relevant responses. 

Open-ended questions : 

“What is the primary reason for your score?”

After asking your customers to rate you, you can personalize the standard follow-up question based on their response (positive, neutral, or negative), such as:

  • What was missing or disappointing in your experience with our [business/ product/service]?
  • How can we improve your experience?
  • Which features are the most valuable for your business?
  • What do you like the most/least about [business/ product/service]?
  • How does our product meet your business needs?
  • What business problems are you trying to solve with our product?
  • Why did you opt for our [business/ product/service] over our competition?

How to Create a Business Survey with ProProfs Survey Maker?

It’s incredibly easy to create a business survey with ProProfs Survey Maker. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the steps:

Step 1 : After creating an account/logging in, go to your ProProfs Survey Maker Dashboard , click + Create a Survey .

business plan questionnaire examples

Step 2: Click on the + Create from Scratch button to get started. You can also choose to click on the Create button, as shown.

business plan questionnaire examples

Step 3: You’ll arrive in the editor where you can add several elements to your survey like questions, themes, branding, logo , and so on. Click More >> Popular Settings where you can choose the number of questions per page in a survey. You can also select the order of questions and answers that you want to display to each respondent.

business plan questionnaire examples

Step 4: Add questions by selecting the question type from the dropdown menu. Click Preview to see how the survey will appear to the viewer.

Once you’ve created the survey and are happy about the way it looks, click Done . 

Congratulations, your survey is ready to use!

business plan questionnaire examples

Or, if you want a quick survey without any effort on your part at all, simply click Generate with ProProfs AI.

You can define the survey topic (100 characters max), provide a supporting description (200 characters max), and choose the question type and quantity from dropdown menus.

Scale Your Business with the Right Business Survey Questions 

By all appearances, collecting feedback is the most vital aspect of making intelligent and informed decisions about your company’s products and services. Knowing your customers’ concerns will help you resolve them at the earliest. 

This way, you can ensure that your audience has an engaging experience each time they interact with your business. After all, no matter how big you are, you still need to improve.

Therefore, creating business surveys with the right set of business survey questions lays the foundation to steer your business toward success.  Regardless of business size, online survey tools such as ProProfs Survey Maker can help you create and share business surveys with the right audience.

Take a quick free tour of the product, or schedule a free personalized demo today!

Emma David

About the author

Emma David is a seasoned market research professional with 8+ years of experience. Having kick-started her journey in research, she has developed rich expertise in employee engagement, survey creation and administration, and data management. Emma believes in the power of data to shape business performance positively. She continues to help brands and businesses make strategic decisions and improve their market standing through her understanding of research methodologies.

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Business plans can help you get funding or bring on new business partners. Investors want to feel confident they’ll see a return on their investment as it is the tool you’ll use to convince people that working with you — or investing in your company — is a good and smart choice.

Picking the Right Business Plan

There is no right or wrong business plan- there is only the plan that can best suit your needs. Businessmen and investors would normally make use of the traditional business plan as they are more common that make use of a standard structure, and encourage you to go into detail in each section. The disadvantage of this however is that it tends to be quite tedious and straining to make since it requires to be at least a few dozen pages long due to the careful detail that will have to be used and since it is more comprehensive that way.  You may also see what is a survey questionnaire?

1. Traditional business plan format

In drafting said business plan, there is actually no need to exactly follow the business plan outline. What is crucial for you to include are these 9 aspects that can be found in a typical traditional business plan format.

2. Executive summary

This is known as the executive summary since it is in this section that you will be explaining on what your company is about and why the said business is going to be successful. Included in your executive summary should also be your mission statement, your product or service, and basic information about your company’s leadership team, employees, and your store location.

3. Company description

Another crucial aspect that should be included in your business plan must also be the company description. What exactly does your company do and who does it cater to? What services can it provide the customers and where does it see itself a couple of years from now? Try to also list down the strengths that the company can offer to its clients as to make a name for itself. Make sure that in writing the company description, it would have to be detailed and smart-sounding. You may also like research questionnaire examples & samples .

4. Market analysis

Now that you have already described the your company completely, it is high time for you to conduct your own market analysis and what kind of target market do you think it tends to attract. Who are you catering to? Do you know the likes and dislikes of your clientele? Are you aware of the growing competition? And if you are, do you think you can serve their products better? Try to keep in mind that businesses who are in the same industry tend to have the same niche market. You just have to find out on what aspects do you think you can do better. You may also check out assessment questionnaire examples .

5. Organization and management

Now that the foundations have already been formed, it is then time to lay out on who is in charge and who does what in the company. And for that, you need to form an organizational chart to help. When forming an organizational chart, you will be tasked to list down all the personnel involved with the company, what division or branch do they represent and their role in the company? By listing them down, it means that this certain member or team is accountable for that kind of task and whatever results their team has managed to achieve will be given due credit or will be held responsible if they have somehow failed.  You might be interested in student questionnaire examples .

 6. Service or product line

Describe what you sell or what service you offer. Explain how it benefits your customers and what the product life cycle looks like. Share your plans for intellectual property, like copyright or patent filings. If you’re doing research and development for your service or product, explain it in detail.

7. Marketing and sales

There is no single strategy for marketing a said product nor is there a perfect marketing or sales strategy. There is only the value of giving up or not giving up. When you know that Strategy A has not been working for quite sometime, will you proceed to Strategy B or will you keep going with the former until it starts working? Truth be told, you can go with either. Because in the world of business, everything is achieved by either lots of preparation or by sheer luck. Sometimes, you just have to go with your instincts and guts.

And sometimes, you would need to prepare extensively to ensure that the plan works. But without even bothering to advertise or market your product for the whole public to know about, how can it then be successful? Reach out to the local media, hire graphic designers to do with attractive posters and simple billboards for you. If you do, then there is absolutely no reason to worry.

8. Funding request

Specify whether you want debt or equity, the terms you’d like applied, and the length of time your request will cover. Give a detailed description of how you’ll use your funds. Specify if you need funds to buy equipment or materials, pay salaries, or cover specific bills until revenue increases. Always include a description of your future strategic financial plans just in case.

9. Financial projections

Provide a prospective financial outlook for the next five years. Include forecasted income statements , balance sheets , cash flow statements , and capital expenditure budgets. For the first year, be even more specific and use quarterly — or even monthly — projections.

10. Appendix

The appendix simply refers to the supporting documents that you would need to include to make your business plan more substantial. Example of these are credit histories, resumes, product pictures, letters of reference , licenses, permits, or patents, legal documents, permits, and other contracts.

Business Plan Questionnaire Essay Example

Business Plan Questionnaire Essay Mode

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Questions to Ask Before Drafting a Business Plan

1) What is the need that your business exists to satisfy?

  • Just as there are billions of people who have different needs and wants, there are simply thousands of different kinds of businesses that can help satisfy their needs. If you are an entrepreneur or a businessman looking for a way to set his mark on the world, take a moment or a breather to ask yourself if the the business is really worth pursuing and what need or want can it satisfy that is not already found in the market? If you already know the answer to those questions, then it is a decision that you have to stick by. You may also see how to prepare a questionnaire .

2) How will your business satisfy the need?

  • Introduce and describe the business itself. Consider including a mission or vision statement with objectives detailing how the business satisfies the need in the market. Remember not to fake it. Once you begin to fake your answers, then people will immediately see through the lie and begin doubting as to whether the business is worth it or not.

3) How does your company differentiate itself?

  • As mentioned before, you are not the only business in that particular kind of industry. Acknowledge the simple fact that there were others before you and that there will be others after you if you are not careful. But two fast food restaurants do not exactly serve the same food as their competitors, now do they? Obviously, they have their pros and cons. As the owner or the one in-charge of handling the business, it is crucial that you try to describe your business model and competitive advantage. In that way, you are not only looking at the tree in front of you, but the whole forest surrounding you. You may also see questionnaire templates & examples .

4) Who will be the key players in the business?

  • Who are going to be the ones running the show and doing most of the legwork? It is important to name those people and point out as to the role that they are going to play in contributing to the success of the company. You may also like survey questionnaire examples .

5) How big is the market you are entering?

  • Only after understanding the industry you are entering – its size, attractiveness and profit potential – can you truly justify the opportunity.

New Business Plan Questionnaire Example

Business Plan Questionnaire Example

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Keep in mind that you need to be committed from the start ’till the end when formulating your business plan.


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20 business survey questions to ask your customers

How to Create a Survey

20 business survey questions to ask your customers

Examples of business survey questions, market research questions, product feedback questions, customer service feedback questions, brand recognition questions.

How can you know if your customers are happy with your products and services and plan to continue purchasing? All you have to do is ask!

Customer surveys are a great way to gather insights that will help you make decisions about the future of your company. The questions you ask will depend on the survey’s purpose. Do you want to research a potential new market or solicit customer feedback? Or maybe you want to measure brand awareness or understand the competitor landscape.

Whatever your goal, keep reading to learn which business survey questions to ask in order to get more meaningful insights.

Youtube Embed Poster: 4FtU5Se2kx0

Goals for business survey questions

“Surveys are an easy and non-intrusive way to get business data that would otherwise be impossible to get,” says Harrison Tanner Baron, CEO and founder of Growth Generators , a digital marketing agency.

When drafting your questions, it’s important to have a clear objective in mind: What does your organization want to achieve by asking these questions? This will help you determine what types of questions to ask, the order in which to ask them, and whom to ask.

Here are some of the most common business survey goals:

  • Learn more about the target audience. Market research surveys that ask questions related to demographics and customer needs help businesses learn more about their customer base and what they want in terms of products and services.

Find out  marketing research survey tips  in our guide.

  • Get insight on a specific product or service. A company that’s releasing a new product or service may launch it for a small audience first and survey their responses to see what can be improved before releasing it into the wider market.
  • Improve customer service. How an organization treats its customers determines whether they choose to come back or not. Business survey questions that seek to understand a customer’s experience can help organizations improve their service processes.
  • Understand their competitive position. Questions around brand recognition help the company see how customers perceive it in the wider market. This can impact branding strategies and marketing approaches.

“Feedback from customers is worth its weight in gold,” says Baron. “Big box stores have surveys on the bottom of their receipts, and online companies automate surveys. The data can help drive more sales, but, more importantly, it can be used to improve the overall customer experience.”

Baron notes that some companies may think customer surveys are a bit invasive. “However, most people are happy to participate for a chance to win a gift card or store credit,” he notes.

“The main drawback of customer surveys is that sometimes customers can give feedback that may be hard for businesses to stomach,” says Baron. It’s important to be open to all kinds of responses — both positive and negative — when conducting customer surveys.

Check it out…

Learn the right questions to ask your customers about products, services, and target audiences, and more.

These types of questions help organizations make decisions about the future direction of their company, such as markets to target or products to develop.

  • What is your most pressing daily challenge?
  • If you had an ideal solution to this problem, what would it look like?
  • Are you more likely to fix the problem yourself or hire someone to do it for you?
  • How likely are you to purchase this product?
  • What do you value most in a product: affordability, quality, or the time it saves?

Questions like these produce valuable insight into how consumers view a product and where it could use some improvements. They can also help businesses project future sales.

  • What surprised you about this product?
  • Does this product live up to your expectations?
  • How likely are you to recommend this product to a friend?
  • What do you like least about using this product?
  • If you could change anything about this product, what would it be?

These questions are important because they aid in customer retention efforts and enable businesses to fine-tune their customer service processes.

  • How would you rate your experience at our store today?
  • How likely are you to return to our e-commerce store?
  • Will you recommend our business to a friend?
  • Did the customer service representative resolve your issue effectively?
  • If you could change anything about your experience today, what would it be?

Organizations ask these questions to see where they stand in the industry, how they can improve their image, and how they can become more memorable.

  • Which company is the leader in this industry?
  • What is the most memorable marketing campaign you’ve seen in this industry?
  • Why would you choose a certain business over another in this industry?
  • Do you view our organization as an expert in this industry?
  • What is more valuable to you when choosing a business: name recognition or price point?

Business survey questions with Jotform

Ready to create your own business survey ? Baron notes that good business survey questions can help your organization make more money by uncovering what your target audience wants.

Jotform has you covered with thousands of form and survey templates for a wide array of business needs , including tax forms, demographic surveys, job applications, and many more. Each survey template is fully customizable, so you can edit the content, colors, and logos to create an attractive-looking survey that will help you meet your business goals.

Thank you for helping improve the Jotform Blog. 🎉


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Tips for Choosing the Right Business Plan Consultant

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  • June 24, 2024

tips on choosing the right business plan consultant

Find yourself staring at the blank screen while writing your business plan? Well, every entrepreneur feels that once in their business journey. This is where a business plan consultant comes into the picture.

Think of a business plan consultant as your strategic partner who helps you craft the plan and create strategies that help you with funding.

But the tricky part is: How do you choose the right business plan consultant? Because there are a lot of options that will confuse you.

Worry not, here are the tips for choosing the right business plan consultant through which you can examine and select the right one for your business.

But before that let us understand why it’s important to hire a consultant.

Why do I need a business plan consultant?

A business plan consultant works closely with you and understands your business thoroughly. They help you achieve your goals like expanded market share, cost reduction, enhanced customer experience, and more.

Consultants have experience in various industries and expertise in fields like marketing, strategic planning, and more. So, having a consultant by your side will lead you to a successful business.

So, as we know why we need a business plan consultant, let’s move ahead to the tips.

8 Tips for choosing the right business plan consultant

Are you too facing the issues in choosing the right business plan consultant ? Well, there are many options online and offline for a consultant, so let’s see how to choose “the one” for your business:

1. Experience and expertise

First, look into which industries the business plan consultant has experience in. Also, consider their expertise, and see if it is relevant for your business.

Go for industry-specific experience, as this ensures familiarity with the unique problems and opportunities related to the industry.

Also, see if they have any successful track record in similar projects in the same industry. Lastly, review their portfolio for detailed strategic plans customized for a business like yours.

2. Check qualifications

Before finalizing the business plan consultant, ensure they have the qualifications that you’re looking for. Go for a solid educational background, such as degrees in business, finance, or related fields, which is necessary for your industry.

Also, check if the consultants have any additional training and memberships in any professional organizations.

3. Review ratings and feedback

Explore recommendations and reviews of the consultant, before you finalize them. If you have word-of-mouth referrals from other businesses then it is a plus, as they come authentically.

Also, scan online reviews and get to know about the consultant’s methodology. All of these combined act as evidence of the consultant’s past work, process, and credibility.

4. Consider compatibility

Look for a consultant who not only has the necessary skills and expertise but communicates effectively. A compatible consultant will be able to offer personalized advice that resonates with your vision, ultimately leading to a more successful output.

5. Verify their process

Understanding the approach of the consultant is essential to ensure a successful outcome. It’s important to verify that their process includes comprehensive research, data analysis, and a clear strategic plan.

Requesting a detailed outline of the process along with the expected timeline can help you understand their method and set clear expectations.

6. Discuss fees and contracts

Discussing fees and contracts before hiring a consultant maintains transparency. You need to clearly understand their fee structure and what it covers.

Apart from that, make sure the contract clearly states what you’ll get, when you’ll get the plan, and how much you’ll have. This clarity helps prevent misunderstandings and potential disputes later on.

7. Review sample plans

Request sample business plans from the consultant to evaluate their work. This will help you know their writing style, attention to detail, and overall professionalism.

By going through their past work, you can consider whether their process syncs with your expectations and requirements.

8. Know their knowledge

Here you should get to know about the consultant’s knowledge by asking certain specific questions from the industry like:

  • How do you update yourself with all the industry changes and trends?
  • Can you please explain a complex concept of the business and how you plan to apply the same in my business?
  • What metrics or KPIs are the most important for you and which you will use for my business?

Also, look into if they can provide you with in-depth replies to your questions.

That’s it guys! I hope following the above tips will help you choose the right business plan consultant for your business.

But, if you don’t want to go to and for for your business plan, you can write it on your own with the help of a business planning software like Upmetrics .

This tool helps you with business planning, creating financial forecasts, strategic planning, and a lot more.

So, why not write your business plan on your own? Start planning today.


Sample Business Plan Library

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One Page Business Plan Template

Use this simple one-page business plan template to immediately get started on your plan.


Free Startup Business Plan Template

Use this simple startup business plan template to immediately get started on your plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a business plan consultant help with funding.

Yes, a business plan consultant helps you with writing engaging business plans which ultimately supports you in attracting investors and banks for funds.

How long does it take to complete a business plan?

It might take around weeks, months, or even more for a business plan consultant or a writer to create a business plan for your business. However, with the AI-powered business planning tool like Upmetrics, you can write your plan in days.

Should I pay someone to write my business plan?

Paying someone or not depends on your budget and requirements. But you can write your business plan professionally for just as low as $7 with Upmetrics.

What kind of information do I need to provide to the consultant?

You need to provide the history of your business, product or services, target market, competitors, marketing strategies, financial projections, operational details, legal requirements, and more—for them to understand your business.

About the Author

business plan questionnaire examples

Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

Reach Your Goals with Accurate Planning

Tailored Business Proposals: 19 Examples for Different Industries

business plan questionnaire examples

The cornerstone of winning any new business lies in the strength of your proposal. The aim? To not only outline your offer, but to paint a picture so vivid your prospects can see the brighter future your partnership could bring.

In this guide, we unpack everything you need to paint this picture. First, we’ll work through the theory: showing how to structure your proposal for maximum impact. Then, we’ll see how these look in practice with 19 industry-tailored, time-tested business proposal examples.

In short, everything you need to take your proposal game to the next level.

Key Takeaways

  • A Strong Start is Half the Battle: Your proposal's introduction should grab attention like a headline does. Think of it as the trailer to the blockbuster that is your proposal.
  • Clarity is King: Aim for a fluff-free zone. We'll show you how to be crystal clear about what you're offering and why it matters.
  • Tailor Made to Fit: Like a bespoke suit, your proposal should be customized to fit your potential client's needs. Leave the cookie-cutting to the competition.
  • Evidence, Please: Back up your claims with solid proof. Testimonials, case studies, and data are your best friends.
  • A Call to Action That Calls Out: Don't leave your reader hanging. A compelling call to action prompts their next move - so it's imperative that you're crystal clear about what you want them to do next to move things forward.

How to structure your business proposal

Every element of a great business proposal should serve the overall objective. Clarity and concision are your priorities. In the spirit of being direct, here's a blueprint (as well as some tips) to get you there:

Executive Summary : After your title page, begin with an executive summary that captures the essence of your proposal. This section should be compelling, providing a clear snapshot of the client's problem and your proposed solution, setting the stage for the details that follow.

Define the Problem : Show your deep understanding of the challenges your potential client is facing, showing empathy and insight. This reassures the client that you grasp the nitty-gritty and the nuances of their situation.

Propose Your Solutions : In this section, outline your proposed solutions. Each solution should directly address a facet of the client's problem, clearly explaining how your services or products fit their needs. Focus on how you solve the problem, not just the features and benefits of your product or service.

Methodology and Timeline : Discuss your methodology and project timeline, providing a clear roadmap of how and when you plan to implement your solutions. This section should reassure the client of your project management skills, communication and planning abilities and that you have a realistic approach.

Pricing: Transparently outline your pricing structure while emphasizing the value provided. It’s crucial to balance cost with the benefits your client will gain, presenting your proposal as a strategic investment. Remember to include any add-on services or additional charges to avoid surprising your client later on in the process.

Proof of Success : Support your proposal with concrete evidence of your past successes. Include case studies, testimonials, and relevant data that validate your claims and demonstrate your capability and experience. If it's appropriate, you can provide some references your prospect can reach out to.

Conclusion and Call to Action : Conclude with a strong call to action. Clearly state what steps you want the reader to take next, whether it’s scheduling a meeting, signing a contract, or any other specific requirements.

This structured approach ensures that your proposal is a persuasive, coherent argument that effectively communicates why you are the best choice for the client.

19 Business proposal examples to use

When it comes to your unique needs, you're the expert. But, in order to get you started or inspire you to sell in new ways, we offer a robust library of business proposal templates . Each one is tailored to a different sector, showcasing how to apply the structure we've just outlined in real-world scenarios. Here are 19 different sample proposals, so you have plenty of choices to use or peruse!

1. SaaS Proposal

When writing a SaaS proposal , you must detail the office chaos your software will calm. Show them a future where productivity soars, thanks to your cloud-based wizardry. Be specific about features, but link each one to a benefit. "Our feature X means your team can do Y, leading to Z% more sales." Don't forget to sprinkle in client testimonials from other businesses that have achieved zen thanks to your help! Look at our SaaS Proposal Template to see exactly what I mean.

SaaS Proposal Template

Propel your business forward with our SaaS Proposal Template – present a persuasive case for adopting your solution to prospects.

SaaS Proposal Template

2. Mobile App Development Proposal

Here, you're the architect of the next app everyone can't live without. Your mobile app proposal should start with the vision: the gap in the market your app fills beautifully. Describe how smooth and intuitive the user journey is. Outline the development timeline and the rigor of your testing and quality assurance strategy. Then, pull out the portfolio and social proof to show that you have the experience to match the vision. Our Mobile App development template will give you a better idea of how to tell your story in a way prospective clients won't be able to refuse an opportunity to work with you.

Mobile App Development Proposal Template

Secure projects with a compelling and persuasive Mobile App Development Proposal Template– craft a comprehensive, innovative, and tailored pitch swiftly.

Mobile App Development Proposal Template

3. Enterprise Sales Proposal

This is where you think big - there are so many proposal creation possibilities. You're addressing companies with complex needs and multiple stakeholders. Your sales proposa l should reflect that. Start with an executive summary that speaks their language—efficiency, scalability, ROI. Dive deep into how your solution aligns with their strategic goals. Use data to lead them to the inevitable conclusion that your solution isn't just the best option; it's the only one that makes sense. Our enterprise sales template belongs in your proposal kit and shows how this is done well.

Grab our Enterprise Sales Template

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proposal template

4. Software Development Proposal

This one's all about transformation. Your opening should paint a picture for a prospective buyer of the digital makeover their business will undergo. Detail the technical wizardry you'll employ in your software development proposal, but take the time to demystify all of it. Break your process into clear, digestible phases, showing milestones and success at each turn. When discussing costs, emphasize the long-term value of custom software—like investing in a high-quality tool that pays for itself over time. Our software proposal template shows what this all looks like in practice.

Software Development Proposal Template

Win development projects with a thorough and persuasive software pitch – prepare a comprehensive, detailed, and tailored proposal quickly.

Software Development Proposal Template

5. Investment Proposal

Here, you're wooing investors with a unique idea that's as solid as it is exciting: your business model, your market analysis, and your growth projections. These are particularly crucial for larger projects that require significant capital. So, you need to present a clear and concise outline of the opportunity, the potential ROI, and the associated risks. Look at how Qwilr’s investment proposal template establishes a clear understanding between the investor and the opportunity. It also leaves space for all of the important contractual language to ensure you're staying compliant while you pitch.

Grab our Investment Proposal Template

investment proposal template preview

6. Marketing Proposal

Imagine you’re crafting a strategy to turn a brand from a wallflower into the life of the party. Your marketing proposal should delve into the current market position and paint a picture of the potential you can help them realize. Outline a multi-channel approach, weaving in success stories like proof points in your narrative. Include your proposed project scope and include the deliverables like brand guidelines, design assets, copy and strategy work. Show them how your unique blend of creativity and analytics will boost their visibility and engagement, leading to a measurable uptick in sales and brand loyalty. Our marketing proposal template shows you exactly how it's done.

Marketing Proposal Template

Win clients with a clear and convincing Marketing Proposal – craft an engaging, goal-driven, and results-focused proposal in no time.

Marketing Proposal Template

7. SEO Proposal

Your SEO proposal acts as their map, guiding them through the winding terrain of search engine algorithms to the pinnacle of those Page 1 rankings. Start by laying out the stark reality of their current online presence and its untapped potential. Break down your strategy into tangible steps—keyword research, on-page optimization, content marketing. Use case studies to illustrate the climb from obscurity to prominence. Make it clear that investing in SEO is not a cost but a growth catalyst. How do you do it? Use our SEO proposal template. It's designed for engagement and interactive storytelling.

SEO Proposal Template

Gain clients with a captivating and persuasive SEO Proposal – design a strategic, data-driven, and results-focused proposal quickly.

SEO Proposal Template

8. Paid Search Proposal (PPC or Google Ads)

Think of this as plotting a direct route to sales growth. Your opening? It highlights the inefficiency of their current advertising efforts compared to the precision targeting Google Ads offers. Your PPC proposal should map out a campaign that targets their ideal customers with laser focus, promising better conversion rates at a lower cost. Include projections to illustrate the potential return on ad spend, turning skepticism into anticipation- as this Google Ads proposal template neatly demonstrates.

PPC Proposal Template

Craft a winning PPC strategy with the comprehensive PPC Proposal Template – efficiently develop targeted and result-oriented campaigns

PPC Proposal Template

9. Influencer Marketing Proposal

Begin your influencer marketing proposal by introducing yourself, your brand, and your audience. Then, demonstrate your understanding of the target brand's needs and how your content and audience can help service those needs. Drill down into the metrics that will define success for them here: people interacting with the content, website visitors, sales, new followers, etc. Showcase success stories as evidence that this approach isn't just trendy; it's transformative.

This influencer marketing proposal template helps you create a data-driven, results-orientated proposal in a fraction of the time.

Influencer Proposal Template

Showcase your expertise in influencer marketing with our dynamic Influencer Proposal Template. Designed for accuracy and impact, it enables you to create a data-driven, results-oriented proposal tailored to your potential partner's goals.

Influencer Proposal Template

10. Branding Proposal

You're the artist envisioning a brand's rebirth. Start your branding proposal with a critique of the current brand identity and its market perception. Propose a rebranding strategy that promises to not just change looks but revitalize the brand's story, making it resonate with today’s audience. Include mood boards, success stories, and market research to back your vision. Paint a picture of the future where their brand isn’t just seen but felt deeply by its audience. Our brand identity proposal template helps highlight the unique approach to identity, positioning, and messaging that you bring to the table.

Branding Proposal Template

Win clients with a compelling and persuasive brand strategy – craft a clear, consistent, and impactful brand proposal quickly.

Branding Proposal Template

11. Sponsorship Proposal

Position your sponsorship proposal as a win-win partnership that elevates both parties. Begin with an analysis of the potential partner’s audience and how it overlaps with your client’s target market. Propose a sponsorship deal that feels less like a transaction and more like a collaboration towards a shared goal. Highlight past sponsorship successes as proof of concept, ensuring the partner feels confident in the mutual benefits. Our sponsorship proposal template helps you create a detailed, goal-orientated and mutually beneficial pitch in minutes.

Grab our Sponsorship Proposal Template

sponsorship proposal template preview

12. Content Marketing Proposal

With your content marketing proposal , you're the storyteller proposing a saga that captures and holds the audience's attention. Start with the harsh reality of their current content's performance—or lack thereof. Lay out a content strategy that spans blog posts, videos, and social media, all designed to engage and convert. Use metrics from past campaigns to underscore the value of quality content, positioning it as the cornerstone of digital marketing success. Qwilr’s content marketing proposal template helps your team close impactful, high-value clients and expand your business.

Grab our Content Marketing Proposal Template

Drive content success with our Content Marketing Proposal Template – win high value clients by presenting a comprehensive content offering.

a content marketing proposal is prepared by your company name and date

13. Email Marketing Proposal

With your email marketing proposal , you’re connecting your knowledge of email marketing to the potential client's needs. Showcase your content plan, focussing on segmentation and personalization methods aimed at deepening relationships and driving sales. Present data from successful email campaigns to illustrate the potential for increased open rates and conversions. Our email marketing proposal template can be the shortcut to your success.

Email Marketing Proposal Template

Win clients with an engaging and convincing Email Marketing Proposal – craft a targeted, data-driven, and results-oriented proposal in no time.

Email Marketing Proposal Template

14. Website Design Proposal

Here, you're the digital renovator, promising a website that wows and works hard. With your website design proposal , it's no surprise that aesthetics are important. Use rich media, interactive elements, and high-quality images to heighten engagement. Show mockups or case studies to illustrate the transformative power of good design, framing the website not just as a cost but as an investment in the brand’s digital footprint. Our website proposal template will help you land clients while showcasing your expertise.

Grab our Website Design Proposal Template

proposal template

15. “Spin Selling” Proposal

Adopt the role of a sales strategist, advocating for a method that spins ordinary conversations into sales opportunities. Highlight the inefficiencies in their current sales approach with empathy. Introduce SPIN Selling as a proven methodology focussing on Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need-payoff questions, promising to elevate your sales professionals to the trusted advisors the modern buyer prefers. Use success stories to cement the credibility of this approach and our SPIN selling template to help you do it all in a fraction of the time.

Grab our Spin Selling Proposal Template

spin selling proposal template preview

16 & 17. “MeddPicc” and “Meddicc” Proposals

For these, position yourself as a sales transformation guru. Each proposal should dissect the current sales process, revealing gaps and missed opportunities. Present MEDDPICC/MEDDIC as comprehensive frameworks that ensure thorough qualification and a deeper understanding of customer needs, leading to more predictable and successful sales outcomes. Bolster your case with testimonials and metrics from businesses that have seen significant improvements after adopting these methodologies. Our MeddPicc and Meddicc proposal templates can prove invaluable allies here.

Grab our MEDDPICC Proposal Template

sales meddic template preview

18. “Challenger Sales” Proposal

Here, you're advocating for a bold, assertive approach to sales that challenges prospects’ preconceptions. Begin by illustrating the limitations of their current sales strategy with real-world examples. Introduce the Challenger Sales model as the game-changer, emphasizing its focus on teaching, tailoring, and taking control of the sales conversation. Highlight the success stories of companies that have embraced this model, showcasing impressive results. Qwilr’s Challenger Sales Methodology template embraces this solution-focussed sales approach.

Grab our Challenger SaaS Proposal Template

challenger saas proposal template preview

19. “Mutual Action Plan” Proposal

Imagine guiding your client toward a collaborative sales strategy that maps out the path to a closed deal. Start with the pitfalls of traditional, one-sided sales plans. Present the Mutual Action Plan as a partnership between seller and buyer, creating a shared roadmap towards decision-making. Highlight its benefits—increased transparency, alignment, and a higher rate of successful closures—backed by case studies of successful implementations. Look how this Mutual Action Plan template fosters collaboration with its shared goals, milestones, and commitments.

Grab our Mutual Action Plan Template

proposal template

Start Using Qwilr to Create Your Business Proposal Template

With Qwilr, gone are the days of one-size-fits-all PDF templates that blend into the background noise of your prospect's inbox. Here’s how Qwilr’s proposal software turbo-charges your efficiency and creativity:

  • Tailor-Made Templates: Jumpstart your sales proposal process with business communications templates that are as flexible as they are beautiful. Customize to your heart's content, ensuring every proposal (and proposal template) reflects your unique brand and message. Our proposal samples showcase how you can create a robust and winning proposal efficiently each and every time.
  • Interactive Quotes: Transform bland, static quotes into interactive, engaging elements that allow your prospects to customize their options.
  • Seamless Integrations: Connect Qwilr with your CRM, accounting software, and more of your best sales tools to streamline your workflow. It’s like having a team of assistants at your beck and call, ensuring every part of the proposal process is in sync.
  • Real-Time Notifications: Receive alerts the moment your proposal is viewed. It's like having ESP, giving you a decent gauge on buyer intent , plus the perfect timing to follow up, answer questions, or just give a gentle nudge.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Learn what works and what doesn’t. Qwilr’s analytics give you a behind-the-scenes look at how your proposals perform, turning data into actionable insights.

The best proposal software should not just be a tool but a member of your team- one that works tirelessly to ensure your proposals stand out and deliver results. Qwilr isn't just a step toward more effective proposals; it's a leap into a future where your proposals do more than speak for you—they impress, they engage, and (most importantly) they close deals .

Final Thoughts

The path to creating proposals that not only capture attention but also win hearts (and deals) is intricate yet immensely rewarding. Explore Qwilr’s Proposal Software to create proposals that stand out and deliver real results. Let's make every proposal your stepping stone to success.

About the author

Marissa Taffer, Founder & President of M. Taffer Consulting

Marissa Taffer | Founder & President of M. Taffer Consulting

Marissa Taffer is the Founder & President of M. Taffer Consulting. She brings over 15 years of sales and marketing experience across various industries to a broad range of clients.

Frequently asked questions

How long should a business proposal be.

A proposal should be as long as necessary to convey your value proposition clearly and compellingly. That said, aim for brevity and relevance. If you can say it powerfully in five pages, don't stretch it to ten.

How can I make my proposal stand out?

In a world of black and white, be a burst of color. Use visuals, infographics, and even videos if your platform allows it. Tailor your proposal to speak directly to your prospect's needs and pain points. And don’t forget the power of a compelling story—people remember stories far longer than specs and numbers.

What's the biggest mistake to avoid in a business proposal?

Overlooking the 'why.' It's easy to get caught up in the what and the how (what you're offering and how you'll do it), but if you forget to explain why it matters to them, you've lost before you've begun. Always link your services or products back to their benefits.

Should pricing always be included in a proposal?

Yes, but with a twist. Pricing should be transparent but also flexible. Use interactive pricing tables that allow your prospects to adjust scope based on their budget.

How important are follow-ups after sending a proposal?

Imagine planting a seed and not watering it… Follow-ups with your prospective client are crucial. They show you're genuinely interested in their business and open the door for feedback or questions. Timing is key, though—wait a day or two, not an hour (and definitely not a week!)

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  • Best Online Advisor for Low Fees 
  • Best Online Advisor for Diversified Investing
  • Best Online Advisor for 529 Plans
  • Best Online Advisor for Financial Planning and Personal Development
  • Best Online Advisor for Retirement Saving
  • Why You Should Trust Us

Best Online Financial Advisors 2024: Find the Right Fit for Your Needs

Paid non-client promotion: Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate investing products to write unbiased product reviews.

What Are Online Financial Advisors?

A financial advisor is a catch-all term that includes financial planners and investment advisors. Most online advisors offer investment management — whether it's carried out by a human or a sophisticated computer algorithm — and financial planning services or tools.

Types of Online Advisors

The main types of online financial advisors are: 

  • Robo-Advisors: Automated investment platforms (aka robo-advisors) use algorithms to generate a custom investment portfolio based on an individual's risk tolerance, goals, and time horizon. Robo-advisors typically offer low-cost ETFs as a cost-effective way to instantly diversify an investor's asset allocation and mitigate risk. 
  • Human Advisors (Virtual): Financial advisors that offer personalized financial planning and investment advice online through virtual meetings, email, and other virtual communication channels. 
  • Hybrid Models: Some online brokerages offer hybrid financial advice, combining automated investment advice and management through a robo-advisor and one-on-one consultation from a human advisor. 

Benefits of Using Online Financial Advisors

Online financial advisors allow you to ditch the in-person hassle and access expert financial guidance from your phone or home computer. Online financial advisors leverage investment technology and generally low-cost compared to traditional in-person consultants.  

Not only does it make investing more affordable for many individuals, but clients can more easily adjust and monitor their investments on their own time. Robo-advisor and hybrid online advisors typically offer online dashboards and tools for convenient managing and monitoring. 

Compare the Top Online Financial Advisors 2024

For this list, we didn't consider online advisors that match clients and advisors for comprehensive financial  planning services, such as Zoe Financial or Facet Wealth . Instead, we focused on tech-driven firms where you can access an automated and personalized portfolio and consult a professional for advice when needed.

Here are our top picks for the best online financial advisors as picked by Business Insider editors in 2024.

SoFi Automated: Best Online Advisor for Low Fees 

SoFi SoFi Automated Investing

SoFi Automated Investing supports individual investment accounts, joint accounts, traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, SEP IRAs, and 401(k) rollovers.

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. No account minimum or management fees to invest
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Goal planning and automatic portfolio rebalancing
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Range of other account options across SoFi website
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. SoFi offers complimentary CFP access across all accounts
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No tax-loss harvesting
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No socially responsible portfolio options

SoFi Invest is one of the best investment apps and the best investment apps for beginners. It's a great platform for US investors who are looking for an intuitive online trading experience, an open active or automated investing account, and assets like cryptocurrencies.

  • Promotion: None at this time.
  • Consider it if: You're new to investing and want to leave the trading decisions to professionals.

SoFi Automated Investing offers individual and joint taxable brokerage accounts , traditional IRA, Roth IRA, and SEP IRA.

SoFi stands out for its lack of advisory fees, free one-on-one consultations with CFPs, portfolio diversity, and goal-planning features. SoFi builds a personalized investment portfolio based on your risk tolerance, goals, and time horizon. Additional SoFi membership perks include loan discounts and career counseling. 

What to look out for: SoFi doesn't have tax-loss harvesting features and limited portfolio diversity. 

SoFi Invest review

Betterment: Best Online Advisor for Diversified Investing

Betterment Betterment Investing

Betterment offers individual or joint accounts, IRAs, trust accounts, and cash reserve or checking accounts.

$0 to open, $10 to start investing ($100,000 for premium plan)

$4 per month (or 0.25%/year) for digital plan; 0.40%/ year for premium plan; 1%/year for crypto portfolios

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. No minimum for standard investing account
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Goal-based planning, tax-loss harvesting, charitable giving, and socially responsible investing available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Access to certified financial planners
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Mobile app with external account syncing options
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. You'll have to pay to consult a human advisor, unless you have the premium plan
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. $4 monthly fee (or 0.25% annual fee)

Betterment is best for hands-off investors who want to take advantage of professionally built, personalized ETF and cryptocurrency portfolios. The platform offers CFP access, so it could suit those in search of additional guidance from human advisors.

  • App store rating: 4.7 iOS/4.5 Android
  • Consider it if: You want access to robo-advice with multiple service levels.

Betterment Investing offers individual and joint taxable brokerage, traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SEP IRA, inherited IRA, and trust.

What stands out:  Betterment is a robust trading platform offering premium plans with unlimited access to CFPs through phone or email. Investors can use the platform's goal-setting feature, ESG investing, automatic rebalancing, and easy-to-use financial dashboard. 

What to look out for:  Accounts with a $100,000 balance can upgrade to get advisor access, but the annual fee increases from 0.25% (an industry low) to 0.40%

Betterment review

Wealthfront: Best Online Advisor for 529 Plans

Wealthfront Wealthfront Investing

Fund your first taxable investment account with at least $500 in the first 30 days of account opening and earn a $50 bonus.

$1 ($500 for automated investing)

$0 for stock trades. 0.25% for automated investing (0.06% to 0.13% for fund fees)

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Low annual fee for investment accounts; crypto trust investments available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Tax-loss harvesting, portfolio lines of credit, 529 college savings plans available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Cash account
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Mobile app and investing and retirement tools
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. You need at least $100,000 to utilize additional investment strategies
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No human advisor access

Wealthfront is one of the best robo-advisor options if you're in search of low-cost automated portfolio management, and one of the best socially responsible investing apps for features like tax-loss harvesting, US direct indexing, and crypto trusts.

  • Consider it if: You're balancing several goals and want to streamline your finances.
  • Promotion: Fund your first taxable investment account with at least $500 in the first 30 days of account opening and earn a $50 bonus.

Wealthfront Investing offers individual and joint taxable brokerage, traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SEP IRA, trust, and 529 savings plan .

Wealthfront is one of the best online financial advisors for college education savings and cryptocurrency trusts. You can borrow up to 30% of your investment balance at a low interest rate with a portfolio line of credit. Wealthfront also offers personalized recommendations with smart financial planning software. 

What to look out for:  On-staff financial advisors don't offer personalized advice

Wealthfront review

Ellevest: Best Online Advisor for Financial Planning and Personal Development

Ellevest Ellevest

Ellevest offers two investing portfolios to fit your needs.

$1 - $240 (varies by portfolio)

$54 - $97 annually; $5 or $9/month

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Personalized, automated investment advice with a $0 minimum requirement
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Monthly plans include discounted access to certified financial planners
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Automated IRA accounts and 401(k)/403(b) rollovers available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Private wealth management for individuals, families, and institutions who have at least $1 million to invest
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No active trading opportunities available; money is mainly invested in stock ETFs and bond ETFs
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. You can only open individual investment accounts and retirement accounts; joint accounts or custodial accounts not available

Ellevest is one of the best robo-advisors for goal-focused investing. It could be a good fit if you want automated investing and retirement accounts.

  • Consider it if: You're looking for a one-stop shop for financial planning.

Ellevest offers individual taxable brokerage, traditional IRA, Roth IRA, and SEP IRA (all held at Folio Investments).

Ellevest is a comprehensive financial advisor and trading platform built around women's unique needs and challenges. Investors get access to an extensive library of content and advisor-led workshops. Additionally, Ellevest offers a socially responsible investment portfolio and monthly progress reports. 

What to look out for:  Financial coaching costs extra (but members get 30%- 50% off). Access to retirement account management requires an upgrade.

Ellevest review

Ameriprise Financial Investments: Best Online Advisor for Retirement Saving

Ameriprise Financial Services Ameriprise Financial Investments

Ameriprise Financial Services has been operating for 130 years Ameriprise Financial Services is licensed in all 50 states but only has 10 physical locations throughout the US; it's currently headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Varies by account

$500 annual advisory fee, 2% AUM

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Access to personal finance research and investment tools
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Fiduciary financial advisor access
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Various account and investment options
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. High account minimums
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Difficult to navigate website
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Complex fee structure

Ameriprise Financial Services is a brokerage and financial advisory firm best for experienced, passive investors interested in using the site's financial planning services, wealth management tools, and fiduciary advisor access.

Ameriprise Financial Investments offers three managed account options that can be opened as an individual brokerage account, traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, Simple IRAs, SEP IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, 529 plans, and Coverdell education savings accounts (CESA). 

Ameriprise Financial Investments is one of the largest registered investment advisors in the US and is best for experienced investors looking for advanced charting and investing features. You'll get access to fiduciary financial advisors for consultations or account management. 

What to look out for: Ameriprise 's managed account fees are high, and it has a complex fee structure. 

Ameriprise Financial Services review

How Much Do Online Financial Advisors Cost?

Financial advisors providing financial advice often charge by the hour, typically between $100 to $300. Advisors creating a comprehensive financial plan tend to charge a flat rate between $1,000 and $3,000. 

If you hire an advisor to manage your investment portfolio, you'll be charged a percentage of your account balance, typically between 1% and 3% annually. In comparison, that's much higher than the fees that the best robo-advisors charge; you get the added benefit of building a relationship with a trusted source who can adjust your strategy as needed, provide personal recommendations, and answer questions when they arise.

How to Choose the Best Online Financial Advisors

The best online financial advisor for you depends on your goals, risk tolerance, investments, and time horizon. If you're a new investor interested in passive investing, an online robo-advisor is likely a good place to start. On the other hand, if you're looking for professional insight and a customized financial plan, you're better off with access to a human advisor through phone or video calls. 

You can also meet with an expert in person for financial guidance. So if you prefer to meet face-to-face, here are some tools to find some in your area:

  • This is a database of all CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals who are authorized to use their CFP® marks by the CFP® Board and are accepting new clients.
  • Using the advanced search function, you can choose from over 40 focus areas you're looking to get help with and include your current amount of investable assets.
  • Click here to visit the CFP Board website .
  • This database helps connect young professionals — those in generations X and Y (millennials) — with individual advisors.
  • Every advisor holds the CFP® certification, is a fiduciary , does not require a minimum net worth to take on new clients, and does not earn commissions.
  • Click here to visit XY Planning Network .
  • This platform maintains a database of fee-only financial advisors, not specifically CFP® certificates, who commit to a fiduciary oath once a year. 
  • You can filter by location to see a list of advisory firms in your area.
  • Click here to visit the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors website .

Online financial advisors are generally trustworthy. The best advisors follow the fiduciary rule, meaning they operate in their clients' best interest and are fee-only. This means client fees are their only compensation, and they don't earn a commission when they invest in certain funds or buy financial products.

Not everyone needs a robo-advisor, but beginners or passive investors looking for a hands-off approach to stock trading may prefer how cost-effective and convenient robo-advisors are. Affordable financial advisors can be hard to come by, so robo-advisors are a great alternative for many people. However, a financial advisor may be better if you need specific advice on your finances or investment strategy or if you're too overwhelmed or confused by your money to plan for retirement or invest in the stock market. 

The cost of an online financial advisor varies from platform to platform and advisor to advisor. The cost largely depends on the services, licensing, account balance, and complexity. Robo-advisors typically charge lower fees than human advisors. 

Why You Should Trust Us: Our Methodology

We Reviewed the best online financial advisors using Business Insider's methodology for rating investment platforms . We compared a long list of Registered Investment advisors (RIAs), considering fees, investment selection, access, ethics, and customer service. The best online advisors have top marks in all five categories. Investment platforms are given a rating between 0 and 5.

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A Top-Notch Dishwasher Job Description

By Homebase Team

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Hiring new employees as a small business owner comes with a lot of responsibility that goes beyond simply interviewing and selecting a candidate. Having a thorough understanding of the role you’re hiring for, knowing the specific attributes you expect in a candidate before you start, and establishing a well-thought-out framework for your hiring process are just as important. This will both connect you to your most ideal candidates and paint clear expectations for job seekers.

Creating a hiring process that is seamless for both you and your potential candidates requires planning ahead, asking thoughtful and detailed questions, and having open and transparent communication. You want potential candidates to fully understand the position requirements as well as be enthusiastic about the role. In this guide, we’ll coach you through the ins-and-outs of hiring for a dishwasher role, the duties and responsibilities of the position, and how to refine your hiring process. 

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Dishwasher job description: understanding the role of a dishwasher.

A dishwasher, sometimes referred to as a kitchen helper, is a behind-the-scenes restaurant position that involves ensuring the cleanliness of the dining area and the kitchen. The role of dishwasher goes far beyond that though—the right candidate is someone who can be a team player, take on additional tasks to help other staff members keep up with restaurant demand, and keep equipment and the space in safe and good condition. An excellent dishwasher will also be able to keep up with a fast-paced environment and prioritize tasks in a busy setting. This helps the entire team function like a well-oiled machine and create a welcoming environment for customers.

The ideal dishwasher employee likely also has aspirations within the food and beverage industry as a whole. A dishwasher may be an entry-level position requiring minimal experience, but it is also a perfect gateway into moving up the ladder in a culinary environment. Working in a kitchen can teach them important aspects of food safety, preparing cook stations, and delivering exceptional customer service, setting them up for growth and development in your business.

Being a dishwasher can sometimes be a demanding and laborious job, so it’s also important to look for a candidate who will bring positive and uplifting energy to the workplace and be able to maintain good spirits even in high-stress situations. Dishwashers may not often interact face-to-face with customers, but fostering an uplifting and lively environment with the team behind the scenes is just as important! 

business plan questionnaire examples

What to think about when hiring.

Now that you’ve identified the attributes of a perfect candidate for your dishwasher position, you can dig into the key components of the hiring process. Every candidate you consider for an open role will be different based on their unique personality, experience, culture, and background. When growing your team, you want to consider all of these aspects and how they both fit into and add to your overall company culture and team dynamic.

When hiring, you should not only prioritize the skills and knowledge a candidate can bring to the table, but also their character and work ethic, the ability to create a connection with your team, and all the talents they bring to the table even outside of the required skill set. Some recruiters call this “The 3 C’s of Hiring: Character, Chemistry, and Competence”. 

If you’re thinking about hiring and growing your team, there are several different things to consider before jumping in.

1. Hiring takes time

Many people, especially small business owners hiring for the first time, often think that hiring will be a quick and easy process. Find a candidate, hire them on the spot, and they’ll hit the ground running. But this simply isn’t the case most of the time. You’ll need to sift through dozens of applications, resumes, and references—or on the flip side, you might struggle to find good candidates if you’re not looking in the right places. And even when you do find a handful of ideal candidates with the right qualifications, you’ll need to schedule and conduct interviews, do a thoughtful assessment of your options, and ultimately make a decision (which might sound easier than it is).

Hiring and onboarding also go hand-in-hand, which adds to the time it takes to get a new employee equipped with the training and resources they need to take on responsibilities and do their job effectively. It could take anywhere from weeks to months from the point of looking for candidates to getting them up and running.

But this is not a negative thing—the reason hiring takes time is because you need that window to ensure you’re making the best decision for your company, and for the employee! To take some stress off your shoulders during that time, there are many useful automated tools that can help you hire and onboard employees easily and manage everything in one place. This includes posting jobs to online job boards, tracking applicants, and scheduling interviews.

2. Plan for recruitment and onboarding

Hiring employees also adds some new responsibilities to your role. The first is recruitment. As nice as it would be, you can’t simply post a job online and wait for the applications to come rolling in. Instead, you have to look at recruiting job seekers somewhat like a sales role. You are essentially selling your business, your values, and your open positions to job seekers in the market. Why should they work for you? As much as you want them to be a great fit for your company, they also want your company to be a great fit for them.

You also need to consider what it takes to onboard a new employee. Do you have another experienced employee already that will be able to take on training, or will you need to spend the time training them yourself? Do you have all the necessary forms and documentation ready for your new hire on their first day, like welcome packets, employee handbooks, and tax forms? These are all things to have prepared in advance before you start the hiring process. You can also use app-based tools to help you accomplish these tasks automatically and securely.

3. Locate the right places to find job candidates

There are endless avenues for finding candidates in today’s job market, and endless job seekers on the hunt at any given time. However, some of these avenues will be best suited to an open dishwasher position while others might not. It may take some trial and error to determine which sites or other mediums work best for hiring for a dishwasher role, but some options include LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, ZipRecruiter, and Google for Jobs. If you have the means, you could even work with a recruiter to help you find the right candidates.

Questions to ask in an interview.

The interview process is all about learning your candidates strengths, skill sets, interpersonal skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication. Dishwashers not only need to be able to accomplish the tasks of their role, but be able to interact effectively with their team members. There are several different categories of questions you can ask to get a good understanding of the candidate in front of you.

Background and personality

  • Tell us a bit about yourself, interests, background, and what led you to work in this industry?
  • How would your friends and coworkers describe you as a person?
  • What is something you’ve achieved in your life that you’re really proud of?
  • What’s one fact about you that isn’t on your LinkedIn profile/resume?

Prior experience

  • Tell us about your work background and how it applies here.
  • What was your primary contribution at your most recent job?
  • Was there an experience where you faced a big challenge, and how did you overcome it?
  • What was the most interesting project you worked on?

About your business and the role

  • What drew you to working with our business?
  • What areas of expertise or skills do you have that make you the right candidate for this position?
  • What would you say is your strongest attribute as an employee?
  • How do you prioritize tasks and manage your time during busy shifts?

Long-term goals and aspirations

  • What are your career path interests?
  • What are your long-term professional and personal goals?
  • How does working at this company fit in with your long-term goals?
  • How do you see this dishwasher position contributing to your career growth?

A dishwasher job description template, just for you!

Ready to hire your next dishwasher? We’ve created a sample job description to help you present dishwasher job responsibilities and attract great candidates.

Feel free to copy and paste our description below, or use it as inspiration for your own. Just remember to customize it to fit the needs of your job opening and establishment!

We’re looking for our next dishwasher!

Our restaurant is looking for a new addition to our team of dedicated dishwashers. As a dishwasher, you will be responsible for cleaning and sanitizing dishes, utensils, and kitchen equipment, maintaining a spotless kitchen area, and contributing to the smooth operation of our restaurant.

Our dishwashers are an essential part of our team, ensuring that our kitchen runs efficiently and hygienically. If you’re looking for a fast-paced job with opportunities for growth in the restaurant industry, you might be just the dishwasher we’re looking for.

What you’ll do: Duties & responsibilities

  • Clean and sanitize dishes, glassware, utensils, and kitchen equipment efficiently and thoroughly
  • Operate and maintain dishwashing machines
  • Keep the kitchen area clean, organized, and sanitized
  • Properly store clean dishes, utensils, and equipment
  • Assist with basic food prep tasks when needed
  • Dispose of garbage and recyclables according to guidelines
  • Follow all health and safety regulations
  • Participate in regular training to improve your skills and knowledge of kitchen operations

Who you are.

  • Detail-oriented: you ensure every dish is spotless
  • Hardworking: you can handle the physical demands of the job
  • Efficient: you work quickly without compromising quality
  • Team player: you collaborate well with kitchen and wait staff
  • Reliable: you show up on time and ready to work
  • Adaptable: you can handle busy periods and changing priorities
  • Committed to cleanliness and hygiene standards

Who we are: What to expect

  • We value every team member and recognize the importance of each role in our restaurant’s success
  • We prioritize a clean, safe, and efficient kitchen environment
  • Our team meetings are structured to solve problems collectively and improve our operations
  • We offer competitive wages and opportunities for advancement within our organization
  • We provide a supportive work environment and the necessary training to help you succeed

Outside of being reliable, hardworking, and efficient, a dishwasher must be able to meet the following skill-based responsibilities to be a great match for this position:

  • Punctual and able to manage time efficiently
  • Can multitask in a fast-paced environment
  • Can safely and thoroughly clean dishes, utensils, kitchen equipment, and work areas
  • Able to operate dishwashing machines and other cleaning equipment
  • Capable of lifting and carrying heavy loads
  • Able to stand for extended periods and work in a hot, humid environment
  • Can follow instructions and adhere to food safety regulations
  • Willing to assist other kitchen staff as needed
  • Committed to maintaining a hygienic workspace and ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations

How to apply, and what happens next

[Include specific application instructions and next steps in the hiring process]

How Homebase helps you manage your hiring.

Hiring a new employee can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Free hiring and onboarding tools like Homebase provide you with an all-in-one platform that takes the hassle out of hiring. You can post jobs for free to top online job boards, promote your job with paid boosts, screen candidates, message applicants and schedule interviews, and even automate the new hire paperwork process. Sounds easy, right? (It is!)

While you focus on refining your job descriptions, hiring strategy, and expectations for a new hire, let Homebase do the rest. Give Homebase a try for free today !

Remember:  This is not legal advice. If you have questions about your particular situation, please consult a lawyer, CPA, or other appropriate professional advisor or agency.

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business plan questionnaire examples

60 Employee Benefits Survey Questions for Actionable Insights

Dr. steve aldana.

  • Last updated Jun 25, 2024
  • Leave a comment

A well-designed employee benefits survey can reveal valuable insights into which benefits truly matter to your employees and your organization’s success. Here, we outline best practices for survey design and list 60 employee benefits survey questions that yield reliable, actionable insights.

Employee working at her desk to complete an employee benefits survey.

Importance of Employee Benefits Surveys

60 employee benefits survey questions.

  • Best Practices
  • Free Sample Survey

Download our free sample employee benefits survey. Use this example as inspiration to create your own survey tailored to your organization’s unique needs.

Employee benefits surveys lend insight into how happy employees are with your benefits package, which often correlates with overall job satisfaction , presenteeism and absenteeism rates, and workplace morale . 

Consider these statistics:

  • 60% of employees say benefits are extremely or very important when deciding to stay with employers ( Forbes )
  • 73% of employees would change jobs for better family benefits ( Benefits Pro/Ovia Health )
  • 76% of employees who understand their benefits are happy, and 50% say benefits make them more loyal to their employers ( ASPPA )

A well-designed survey helps employers:

  • Identify opportunities to improve existing benefits
  • Introduce benefits that cater to their employees’ unique needs
  • Benchmark their benefits packages against industry competitors
  • Gauge vendor performance
  • Identify and close communication gaps
  • Invest more wisely based on employee needs and preferences

One on one meeting to review and discuss an upcoming employee benefits survey.

There are many examples of employers offering perks such as on-site fitness centers, game rooms, or massages when employees really want better mental health benefits, family-related perks, or more flexible work options. Misjudging which benefits employees truly want causes companies to waste money and risk employee satisfaction, recruitment, and retention .

Knowing which benefits employees value most – and how they rate and understand them – is key to offering a fantastic benefits package that fosters positive business outcomes. Various employees and employee groups have different needs and values, so insights gained through surveys guide benefits-related decisions. 

RELATED: 15 Ways to Promote High Job Satisfaction

Here are 60 example employee benefits survey questions, segmented by “general” and specific types of benefits. You can use these to develop your own survey tailored to your employees’ and organization’s unique needs. 

TIP : Before you start designing your survey, read the best practices outlined below the questions. You can also find a sample employee benefits survey at the end of this article.

Remote employee completing the benefits survey while at work.

1. Which benefits are most important to you? (alternatively, rate each benefit by order of importance) 2. Which benefits are least important to you? 3. How often do you use your benefits? 4. How easy is it to use your benefits? Are there any barriers to using them? 5. How well do you understand your benefits package? 6. Do you feel your benefits were effectively communicated during onboarding? 7. Do you know how to get answers to questions about your benefits? 8. How would you rate the open enrollment process? What works well, and what could be improved? 9. Do you feel you have enough time and information to make informed decisions during open enrollment?  10. Do you feel your benefits package meets your needs? Why or why not? 11. Are there any benefits we don’t currently offer but you would take advantage of if we did? 12. Overall, how would you rate the quality of our benefits vendors? 13. Do you feel your benefits package is competitive compared to similar employers? 14. How likely would you recommend working here to friends and family, based on your benefits package? 15. What is the best and worst part of our benefits program? 16. Do you have any additional questions, comments, concerns, or recommendations regarding your benefits package?

RELATED: Are Happy Employees More Productive in the Workplace?

Health Insurance

17. Are you and your family enrolled in health insurance? 18. Are you satisfied with your health insurance? Why or why not? 19. Do you feel your health insurance will meet your needs in the future? 20. Are your premiums, deductibles, co-pays, etc. affordable? 21. Do you feel your health plan has adequate mental health benefits? 22. What are the most valuable aspects of your health plan? 23. Do you take advantage of an HSA? 24. Are there any features missing from your health plan?

RELATED: Impact of Employee Wellness Programs on Health Care Costs

Wellness Program

25. Are you familiar with our wellness program? 26. Do you participate in our wellness program? Why or why not? 27. Which wellness initiatives do you participate in? 28. What are the most valuable aspects of our wellness program? 29. What are the least valuable aspects of our wellness program? 30. What would encourage you to engage more in our wellness program? 31. Are there any wellness initiatives or activities we should consider adding?

RELATED: 50 Employee Wellness Program Examples for Any Budget

Two employees reviewing the benefits offered during an onboarding meeting.

Family (Childcare, FMLA, Parental Leave)

32. How important are childcare benefits? 33. Does childcare make it easier to do your job? 34. Do you understand your FMLA and parental leave rights and options? 35. Do your parental leave benefits meet your family’s needs? 36. How could we improve childcare and parental leave?

Time Off (PTO, Sick Leave)

37. How well do you understand our PTO and sick leave policies? 38. Do you feel we offer adequate PTO and sick leave time? 39. Do you feel you can take time off when needed? 40. How easy is it to return to work after taking time off? 41. Do you feel supported when you’re sick?

42. How well do you understand your retirement plan? 43. Do you feel our retirement contribution is adequate? 44. How confident are you that you will be able to comfortably retire? 45. What age do you plan to retire? 46. Do you contribute to a retirement savings plan? 47. Do you feel we offer good resources for financial and retirement planning?

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Professional Development and Tuition Reimbursement

48. Are you familiar with our professional development benefits? 49. Do you take advantage of our professional development benefits to acquire new skills? 50. Do you feel we offer adequate professional development allowances and opportunities? 51. Do you understand our tuition reimbursement benefits?

Stock Options/Equity

52. Are you familiar with our stock options/equity? 53. How important is it to be offered stock options and equity?

Flexible Work

54. Do you feel you have a good work-life balance? 55. How important is it to have remote work/work from home/hybrid work opportunities? 56. How many days per week would you prefer to work remotely? 57. How satisfied are you with our flexible work arrangements?

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58. Are you familiar with our allowances for technology/transportation/housing/gym memberships? 59. Do you know how to get reimbursed for technology/transportation/housing/gym memberships? 60. Do you feel your reimbursement/stipend benefits are adequate?

Group from HR reviewing the results of an employee benefits survey.

Employee Data

Your benefits survey should also include questions to help you segment employee responses so you can better understand the unique needs of each employee group. For example, you might find that employees with children prioritize different benefits than those who do not have children. 

Example questions include:

  • Marital status
  • Parental status
  • Number of years employed by your organization

Employee Benefits Survey Best Practices

Follow these best practices to design effective employee benefits surveys that yield actionable insights.

1. Keep It Short (But Ask Enough Questions)

Strike a balance between asking enough questions to get the insights you need yet keeping your survey short enough for employees to thoughtfully consider each question and give honest, insightful answers. 

Though some sources recommend including up to 75 survey questions that take around 30 minutes to complete, you might fare better with up to 30 questions and a survey that takes less than 15 minutes to complete.

2. Make It Easy to Participate

The easier it is to take your survey, the more likely employees will participate and give useful responses. One option is to use online survey software and email the link to each employee.

3. Allow Employees to Answer Anonymously

Consider making your survey anonymous or giving employees the option to remain anonymous. Anonymous surveys encourage participation and are likely to elicit honest responses, since employees won’t fear potential backlash (even if it’s an irrational fear).

Keep in mind that anonymous surveys do have drawbacks, including the inability to follow up with employees for additional insights and an overall lack of accountability for their responses.

4. Use Static and Open-Ended Questions

Your employee benefits survey should include a mix of response types. Options include:

  • Rating scales (1-10)
  • Yes/No questions
  • The Likert Scale (strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly agree)
  • Open-ended (best for questions where unique insights add value; for example, which benefits employees would like added)

5. Be Transparent

Explain to employees why you are conducting the survey and reassure them that their responses will not be used against them. Instead, they’ll be used to improve their benefits package.

6. Consult Key Stakeholders

Consult others in your organization to assist with survey design, including department leaders, HR representatives, and employees. These conversations can help you develop relevant survey questions.

7. Give a Deadline (and an Incentive)

Give employees a deadline to complete their surveys and consider an incentive to encourage responses. Incentive ideas include gift cards, early leave, and additional time off.

8. Analyze Survey Results

Use survey responses to gain actionable insights to improve your benefits program and employee satisfaction. Survey software can make it easy to segment responses by employee attributes, which can lend deeper insights into how you can tailor your benefits packages to meet the needs of your best employees. 

If you conduct annual employee benefits surveys (and you should), it’s a good idea to compare year-over-year results to gauge improvement over time. 

An essential step to a successful benefit survey is reviewing and analyzing the results.

Sample Employee Benefits Survey

Download our free sample employee benefits survey . Use this example as inspiration to design a survey customized to your organization’s unique needs.

A illustrates the value of wellness programs as part of a strong employee benefits package. Wellness programs improve employee health behaviors, reduce health risks, improve productivity, decrease absenteeism, improve recruitment and retention, and decrease employer healthcare costs. 

WellSteps makes it easy to introduce a wellness program to your organization. Our program features a dedicated guide, the WellSteps app, and the industry’s only guaranteed ROI. Learn more or today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an employee benefits survey.

An employee benefits survey reveals insights into how satisfied employees are with their benefits package. A well-designed survey helps employers understand which benefits employees value most and identify areas for improvement so they can develop a benefits package that attracts and retains top talent while improving overall job satisfaction.

How do employee benefits surveys help businesses?

Employee benefits surveys help businesses:

  • Make better decisions about which benefits to offer based on what their employees value most
  • Reduce costs by eliminating unnecessary benefits employees do not want
  • Attract and retain top-performing employees who value strong benefits packages
  • Improve overall employee satisfaction and boost morale
  • Evaluate benefits vendor performance
  • Gauge year-over-year improvement (by comparing current and past survey results)

How many questions should an employee benefits survey have?

Generally speaking, you can include anywhere from 2 to 75+ questions on an employee benefits survey. We recommend around 30 questions – long enough to gain valuable insights but short enough to encourage employees to complete their surveys.

How often should you have employees take benefits surveys?

We recommend conducting employee benefits surveys once each year. That gives you time to analyze your surveys, adjust your benefits package based on responses, and evaluate whether those adjustments influence desirable outcomes for employees and your organization.

What is the best employee benefits survey software or platform?

You can use just about any survey software to conduct employee benefits surveys. Some HR platforms feature built-in survey capabilities, while other popular options include SurveyMonkey and Google Forms . 

What benefits do employees value most?

It’s dependent on your employees, but in general, SHRM states that employers place the greatest importance on the following benefits categories:

  • Flexible work
  • Professional development
  • Financial (non-retirement)
  • Transportation

Read SHRM’s employee benefits report for additional insights.

Where can I find an example employee benefits survey?

You can download a free employee benefits survey here .

  • Tags: benefit analysis , employee benefits , survey results

About The Author

Dr. Steve Aldana

Dr. Aldana is the CEO of Wellsteps, a worksite wellness solution that leads the nation in wellness program deployment and engagement. Dr. Aldana authored over 75 scientific papers and 7 books on health risk management, healthy living, and health promotion programs. He has given over 350 keynote speeches across the U.S. on the ability of good nutrition and regular exercise to prevent, arrest, and reverse many chronic diseases.

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  • Financial Advisor

Financial Planning Basics

Jordan Tarver

Updated: Jun 26, 2024, 4:51pm

Financial Planning Basics

No matter the size or scope of your financial goals, a financial plan can help make them a reality.

Financial planning is the process of looking at the current state of your finances and making a step-by-step plan to get it where you want it to be. That may mean devising a plan to become debt-free or figuring out how to save enough money for a down payment on a new home.

This process can include many aspects of personal finance, including investing, debt repayment, building savings, planning for retirement and even purchasing insurance.

Anyone can engage in financial planning—it’s not just for the wealthy. You can get started on making financial goals on your own, and if you choose, you can work with a financial professional to help devise the smartest plan to make those goals a reality.


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5 Steps to Create a Financial Plan

A financial plan is devised of smaller goals or tasks that will help support you along your financial journey. Create a financial plan with these five steps:

1. Identify Your Financial Goals

By identifying your financial goals, you’ll have a clear idea of what you need to accomplish to make them happen. Your goals should be realistic and actionable and include a timeline of when you want to accomplish them.

Making a goal to pay off credit card debt by a certain date, for example, would be an appropriate financial goal that will set you up for success.

2. Set a Budget

Having a clear picture of your finances will make it easier to achieve any financial goals. A budget can help you understand where your money is going each month. It can also help you identify where you may be overspending, giving you opportunities to cut back and allocate that money elsewhere.

One of the easiest budgets to start with is the 50/30/20 budget . This budget plan allocates your monthly income into three buckets: mandatory expenses (50%), savings and debt repayment (20%) and discretionary spending (30%). This is just one of many types of budgeting plans out there.

A budget should be a guide to help you understand your monthly finances and devise smaller goals that will bring you closer to your long-term financial goals. You likely won’t always follow your budget down to every single penny; keeping this in mind will help you stay on track, rather than get discouraged and give up on budgeting altogether.

There are apps out there that make budgeting much easier by helping you visualize your spending and savings choices each month. Some budgeting apps even give you the option to enter your financial goals directly into their platform to help you stay on track. A fully featured budgeting app allows you to track spending, manage recurring bill payments, set savings goals and manage your monthly cash flow.

3. Build an Emergency Fund

Building an emergency fund will help make sure that a financial emergency doesn’t become a catastrophic financial event.

Experts usually recommend having six months’ worth of living expenses saved to cushion you, should the unfortunate unexpected happen, such as losing a job. But six months’ worth of money can be unattainable for those who may be struggling financially, or those living in tight financial means each month.

You can start building an emergency fund by setting a few dollars aside each paycheck. You can start with a small fund goal of $100 to $200 to establish your fund. From there, you can create other smaller goals that will add up to a larger financial cushion. Some budgeting and savings apps also give you the option of rounding up to the nearest dollar in transactions and funnel that spare change toward your savings.

4. Reduce Your Debt

Having to make debt payments each month means you’ll have less money to allocate toward your purchase goals. Plus, carrying credit card debt can be expensive; every month, you’re accruing interest on your balance, which can make it take longer to pay off.

There are a variety of debt payoff methods out there. Two of the most popular include the debt snowball and debt avalanche methods . With the snowball method, you’ll pay off your smallest balance debts first, then make your way to the ones with the higher balances. The debt avalanche, on the other hand, starts with higher interest rate debts first.

5. Invest for the Future

Although risky, investing can help grow your money, even if you’re not wealthy. You can get started with investing by enrolling in your company’s 401(k) plan or opening a low-or-no fee account through an online broker .

Keep in mind that investing always involves some risk; you could end up losing the money you invest. There are also robo-advisors that automatically recommend investments based on your goals and risk tolerance.

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Bottom Line

A financial plan is composed of a series of smaller goals that will help you achieve a larger financial goal, such as purchasing a home or retiring comfortably. A solid financial plan includes identifying your goals, creating a budget, building an emergency fund, paying off high interest debt and investing.

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Jordan Tarver has spent seven years covering mortgage, personal loan and business loan content for leading financial publications such as Forbes Advisor. He blends knowledge from his bachelor's degree in business finance, his experience as a top performer in the mortgage industry and his entrepreneurial success to simplify complex financial topics. Jordan aims to make mortgages and loans understandable.


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    Common items to include are credit histories, resumes, product pictures, letters of reference, licenses, permits, patents, legal documents, and other contracts. Example traditional business plans. Before you write your business plan, read the following example business plans written by fictional business owners.

  12. PDF 75 Basic Questions Behind a Business Plan

    75 Basic Questions Behind a Business Plan A business plan is a written document that clearly defines the goals of a startup or existing business and outlines specific methods for achieving these goals.An effective business plan acts as the management and financial blueprint for developing and growing your business.

  13. 50 Business Survey Questions for Questionnaires

    That's why we've put together a list of 50 Business Survey Questions for Questionnaires that can be used to gather information from customers, employees, and other stakeholders. These questions cover various topics, including customer satisfaction, market segmentation, and employee engagement. Learn more: employee engagement survey examples.

  14. Business Surveys: 16 Free Downloadable Survey Templates

    Download your free NPS survey template. 3. Website satisfaction survey. This one's especially useful if you run an ecommerce site, although it's good practice for any business with a web presence (which these days is pretty much every business) to check in with customers on how their site is performing.

  15. 50 Questions Your Business Plan Should Answer

    1. What is the price of your product or service and why? 2. How much capital is required to execute your business plan? 3. How much is the company is worth? 4. What existing products/services does ...

  16. 50 Great business survey questions for your next questionnaire

    In conclusion, you can easily create and customize your business survey with these 50 great questions focusing on different types. Use different types of form fields to improve your survey and create professional business surveys with for free. Here are some pre-made example business surveys for your use.

  17. What Is a Business Survey Question? Definition, Importance & Examples

    Business survey questions are simply questions designed to gather feedback, opinions, or data from various stakeholders involved in a business's operations, products, services, and/or market. These questionnaires help you form growth strategies by analyzing meaningful insights about market trends, employees, and customer behaviors.

  18. 24 Questions To Include on a Business Questionnaire

    24 business questionnaire examples Business questionnaires typically include a combination of open-ended and closed-ended questions. Closed-ended questions may include multiple-choice questions, questions using a scale or questions asking for a rating. Consider including long-form, open-ended questions that allow customers to provide in-depth ...

  19. Business Survey Questions and Templates

    During and/or after a project, send a business-to-business survey to see how it's going and what you can do to get their repeat business. Questions like, "How well did your account manager handle your project?" and, "How likely are you to recommend our company to others?" will go a long way in helping you improve your client relations.

  20. Answering your top 5 business plan questions

    In that case, you'll need a business plan to present to lenders and investors. Attracting partners, early team members, advisors, and others can be easier with a business plan. A business plan helps make what might have started as a back-of-a-napkin idea much more legitimate. 3. When is the right time to write a business plan?

  21. 150+ Free Questionnaire Examples & Sample Survey Templates

    Filter by survey type. All our sample survey template questions are expert-certified by professional survey methodologists to make sure you ask questions the right way-and get reliable results. You can send out our templates as is, choose separate variables, add additional questions, or customize our questionnaire templates to fit your needs.


    Business Plan Questionnaire Page 5 5. Any outside consultants who work or will work with you as your company grows (e.g., accountants, attorneys, bankers, insurance agents, and experts such as technology advisors, web developers, and payroll specialists, for example) and what their roles are 6.

  23. Formulating a Business Plan with Questionnaire

    The appendix simply refers to the supporting documents that you would need to include to make your business plan more substantial. Example of these are credit histories, resumes, product pictures, letters of reference, licenses, permits, or patents, legal documents, permits, and other contracts. Business Plan Questionnaire Essay Example

  24. 20 business survey questions to ask your customers

    Business survey questions that seek to understand a customer's experience can help organizations improve their service processes. Understand their competitive position. Questions around brand recognition help the company see how customers perceive it in the wider market. This can impact branding strategies and marketing approaches.

  25. 8 Tips on Choosing the Right Business Plan Consultant

    Here you should get to know about the consultant's knowledge by asking certain specific questions from the industry like: ... Use this simple one-page business plan template to immediately get started on your plan. Download Template. Free Startup Business Plan Template.

  26. Tailored Business Proposals: 19 Examples for Different Industries

    Then, we'll see how these look in practice with 19 industry-tailored, time-tested business proposal examples. In short, everything you need to take your proposal game to the next level. ... Look how this Mutual Action Plan template fosters collaboration with ... answer questions, or just give a gentle nudge. Data-Driven Insights: Learn what ...

  27. Top Online Financial Advisors 2024: Reviews & Comparisons

    Here are our top picks for the best online financial advisors as picked by Business Insider editors in 2024. ... Advisors creating a comprehensive financial plan tend to charge a flat rate between ...

  28. A Top-Notch Dishwasher Job Description

    Hiring new employees as a small business owner comes with a lot of responsibility that goes beyond simply interviewing and selecting a candidate. Having a thorough understanding of the role you're hiring for, knowing the specific attributes you expect in a candidate before you start, and establishing a well-thought-out framework for your ...

  29. 60 Employee Benefits Survey Questions for Actionable Insights

    Here are 60 example employee benefits survey questions, segmented by "general" and specific types of benefits. You can use these to develop your own survey tailored to your employees' and organization's unique needs.

  30. What Is Financial Planning?

    Financial planning is the process of looking at the current state of your finances and making a step-by-step plan to get it where you want it to be. That may mean devising a plan to become debt-fre