Aspirants Essay

Essay on Zebra in English (150, 200, 250, 500 Words)


Zebras, with their iconic black and white stripes, are emblematic of the African savanna. Belonging to the Equidae family, they captivate with their beauty and resilience, playing crucial roles in their ecosystems.

Here, we’ve presented essays on “Zebra” in 150, 200, 250 & 500 word samples. All the essays will be helpful for students of all classes i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & class 12.

Table of Contents

Essay on Zebra in 150 Words


Zebras are fascinating creatures that captivate the imagination with their distinctive black and white stripes. Found in the grasslands and savannas of Africa, zebras belong to the Equidae family and are closely related to horses and donkeys. Their striking appearance serves as both camouflage and a means of communication within their social groups. Understanding the behavior and characteristics of zebras sheds light on the intricate dynamics of wildlife ecosystems.

Behavior and Habitat

Zebras typically live in herds, where they rely on each other for protection against predators such as lions and hyenas. Their habitat consists of vast open plains where they can graze on grass and access water sources. Despite their herbivorous diet, zebras are resilient animals capable of enduring harsh environmental conditions. They possess strong social bonds within their groups, often engaging in mutual grooming and displaying intricate body language to maintain cohesion.

In conclusion, zebras represent an integral part of the African savanna ecosystem, contributing to its biodiversity and ecological balance. Their iconic stripes and social behaviors have captured the curiosity of researchers and wildlife enthusiasts alike. By studying zebras, we gain valuable insights into the complex interactions between species and the importance of conservation efforts to preserve these magnificent creatures for future generations.

Essay on Zebra

Zebra Essay in 200 Words

Zebras, with their distinctive black and white striped coats, are iconic symbols of the African savanna. Belonging to the Equidae family, zebras share ancestry with horses and donkeys. Their unique markings serve multiple purposes, including camouflage and social signaling within their herds. Studying zebras offers insights into the intricate dynamics of wildlife ecosystems and the adaptations of herbivores in the grasslands of Africa.

Physical Characteristics

Zebras possess several physical adaptations that aid in their survival. Their elongated faces are equipped with strong teeth suited for grazing on tough grasses, while their slender legs provide agility for swift escapes from predators. The black and white stripes of zebras are believed to confuse predators, making it difficult for them to single out individual prey within a herd. Additionally, these stripes may help regulate body temperature by creating air currents along the zebra’s skin.

Social Behavior

Zebras are highly social animals, often forming large herds consisting of multiple family groups. Within these herds, individuals engage in various social behaviors such as grooming, playing, and vocal communication. Strong bonds exist between members of the herd, contributing to their collective defense against predators and ensuring the well-being of the group as a whole.

Habitat and Diet

Zebras primarily inhabit the grasslands and savannas of Africa, where they graze on a diet of grass and occasionally browse on leaves and shrubs. Their habitat provides ample grazing opportunities and access to water sources essential for their survival. Despite facing threats from habitat loss and predation, zebras have adapted to thrive in diverse environments across their range.

In conclusion, zebras represent a captivating example of adaptation and social behavior in the animal kingdom. Their role as herbivores contributes to the balance of ecosystems in the African savanna, highlighting the interconnectedness of species within these habitats. By studying zebras, researchers gain valuable insights into the complexities of wildlife ecology and the importance of conservation efforts to protect these magnificent creatures and their habitats.

Essay Writing on Zebra in 250 Words

The zebra, characterized by its striking black and white stripes, is a quintessential inhabitant of the African plains. Belonging to the Equidae family, zebras are closely related to horses and donkeys. With three distinct species, namely the plains zebra, Grevy’s zebra, and mountain zebra, these herbivores play a vital role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems. Understanding their behavior and adaptations is crucial for wildlife conservation efforts.

Distribution and Population

The range of zebras extends across sub-Saharan Africa, from the grasslands of East Africa to the arid regions of Southern Africa. According to recent estimates, the population of plains zebras, the most common species, is around 500,000 individuals. However, both Grevy’s and mountain zebras face significant threats to their survival, with population estimates of fewer than 3,000 for Grevy’s zebra and approximately 9,000 for mountain zebras.

Adaptive Features

Zebras have evolved several unique adaptations to thrive in their environment. Their stripes serve as effective camouflage, disrupting the outlines of their bodies and making it challenging for predators to single out individuals within a herd. Additionally, these stripes may help regulate body temperature by creating air currents along the zebra’s skin, aiding in thermoregulation in the hot African climate.

Social Structure

Zebras are social animals, forming cohesive groups known as harems or bachelor herds. Within these groups, individuals exhibit complex social behaviors, including grooming, mutual recognition, and vocalizations. Strong social bonds contribute to their collective defense against predators, enhancing the survival chances of the group as a whole.

Conservation Challenges

Despite their resilience, zebras face numerous threats to their survival, including habitat loss, fragmentation, and poaching. Human activities such as land development and livestock grazing encroach upon their natural habitat, leading to competition for resources and habitat degradation. Conservation efforts focused on protecting key habitats and implementing anti-poaching measures are crucial for safeguarding zebra populations.

In conclusion, zebras are emblematic of the African savanna, playing a vital role in its ecological balance. As keystone herbivores, they influence vegetation dynamics and support diverse wildlife communities. However, ongoing conservation challenges threaten their existence, underscoring the importance of proactive measures to preserve their habitats and ensure their long-term survival in the wild.

Writing an Essay on Zebra in 500 Words

Zebras, characterized by their distinctive black and white stripes, are iconic symbols of the African savanna. Belonging to the Equidae family, they are closely related to horses and donkeys. With three main species—the plains zebra, Grevy’s zebra, and mountain zebra—these herbivores inhabit various regions across sub-Saharan Africa, playing crucial roles in their respective ecosystems. Examining their behavior, adaptations, and conservation status provides valuable insights into wildlife ecology and management strategies.

The distribution of zebras spans a range of habitats, from the grasslands of East Africa to the arid regions of Southern Africa. The plains zebra, the most widespread species, boasts a population estimated at around 500,000 individuals. However, the outlook for Grevy’s zebra and mountain zebra is less optimistic. Grevy’s zebra, found in Kenya and Ethiopia, faces a declining population, with fewer than 3,000 individuals remaining. Similarly, mountain zebras, inhabiting the mountainous regions of Namibia, South Africa, and Angola, number around 9,000 individuals.

Zebras exhibit several physical adaptations suited to their environment. Their elongated faces house strong teeth adapted for grazing on tough grasses, while their slender legs provide agility for swift escapes from predators. The most striking feature of zebras is undoubtedly their black and white stripes, which serve multiple functions. Beyond providing camouflage, these stripes may play a role in thermoregulation, helping zebras regulate body temperature in the hot African climate by creating air currents along their skin.

Zebras are highly social animals, forming cohesive groups known as harems or bachelor herds. Within these groups, individuals engage in various social behaviors, including grooming, playing, and vocal communication. Strong social bonds exist between members of the herd, contributing to their collective defense against predators such as lions and hyenas. Communication through vocalizations and body language helps coordinate group movements and maintain social cohesion.

Predation and Defense Mechanisms

Despite their social structure, zebras face constant threats from predators in their natural habitat. Lions, hyenas, and crocodiles are among the primary predators targeting zebras, particularly vulnerable individuals such as foals and injured adults. Zebras employ several defense mechanisms to evade predation, including running at high speeds and forming tight-knit groups to confuse predators. Their distinctive stripes may also deter predators by making it difficult to single out individual zebras within a herd.

Reproduction and Life Cycle

The reproductive behavior of zebras is influenced by seasonal variations in food availability and environmental conditions. Mating typically occurs during the rainy season, ensuring an abundance of food resources for pregnant females. Gestation lasts around 12 months, after which a single foal is born. Foals are highly precocial, capable of standing and running shortly after birth. They remain within the protective confines of the herd, receiving care and protection from the entire group.

Despite their resilience, zebras face numerous conservation challenges threatening their long-term survival. Habitat loss and fragmentation due to human activities such as agriculture, mining, and infrastructure development pose significant threats to zebra populations. Additionally, poaching for their meat, hides, and traditional medicine exacerbates population declines, particularly for Grevy’s zebra, which is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List.

Conservation Efforts

Efforts to conserve zebras and their habitats involve a combination of measures aimed at addressing key threats and promoting coexistence with local communities. Protected areas and wildlife reserves play essential roles in safeguarding zebra populations, providing safe havens where they can thrive free from human disturbances. Community-based conservation initiatives engage local communities in conservation efforts, fostering a sense of stewardship and promoting sustainable livelihoods that benefit both people and wildlife.

In conclusion, zebras are integral components of the African savanna, contributing to its ecological balance and biodiversity. Understanding their behavior, adaptations, and conservation needs is essential for ensuring their survival in the face of increasing human pressures. By implementing effective conservation strategies and fostering harmonious relationships between humans and wildlife, we can secure a future where zebras continue to roam the African plains for generations to come.

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Zebra Essay | Essay on Zebra for Students and Children in English

Zebra Essay:  Zebras are African equines who are striped with black and white coats. It’s quite common to see zebras at the zoos. They move, gallop and trot like horses thus, resembling them a lot. They are known as wild animals since they are not domesticated. They fall into the Equidae family where the horses and donkeys are also included. There are three different types of species of Zebras and we are going to learn more about it in this article.

Long and Short Essays on Zebra for Students and Kids in English

A long essay of 450-500 words has been provided it is useful for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. For the reference of students in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, a short essay of 100-150 words has been provided.

Long Essay on Zebra 500 Words in English

Zebras mostly sleep while standing which is similar to that of horses. Their way of communication with each other is by snorting, barking, or whinnying. When they are tensed or calm, it is their ears that are used for communication. Now, there are different ways to understand their physiology such as if the ears standstill in an upright position it means they are calm, but if the ears are pushed forward, it means they are frightened or tensed.

It’s mostly lions and hyenas that hunt them. In case a zebra is threatened, they form a circle facing outward to threaten the predator and would either kick or bite. They have long black strips which help them to some extent from predators as it camouflages well with the long grass. Thus, aiding them to get away from their predator like lions because lions cannot distinguish colours. Zebras are mostly hunted for their skin. The Grevy’s Zebra comes under endangered species.

Their eyes are located at the sides of their heads which help them see at a better angle while a predator is around and secure themselves. These animals have an excellent sense of taste, smell, and have good hearing power as well. It is their strong night vision that helps them see at night and helps them stay away from predators. Their shiny coat on the body helps to have control of the heat from the sun.

The wild zebras can have a lifespan of 25 years. The height at the shoulder varies from 1.1 to 1.5 m and they can weigh around 200 kg to 450 kg. Zebras have large and rounded ears. It is not possible to ride zebras, unlike horses. This is because they are aggressive and can kick or bite if one gets closer to them. Zebras make a lot of noises which include snorting, braying, and high pitched barking to communicate within a group. These herbivores animals can run at the speed of 66 km/hr and sometimes outpacing their natural predators as well.

It is zebra’s stripes that disperse more than 80 per cent helping them to prevent sunburn. Female zebras are capable of giving birth to one offspring at a time and their gestation period is between 12 to 13 months. Baby Zebras also known as foals are born with brown and white stripes, at the time of birth. At the time of birth, these foals weigh up to 70 pounds and begin grazing in almost one week. They can take 7 to 16 months to become grown-up adults. They can travel long distances. Zebras play a crucial role in other herbivores’ lives by helping in clearing the way for the growth of tender new leaves and grasses.

Short Essay on Zebra 150 words in English

Zebras, one of the most fascinating mammals, belong to the category of ‘Perissodactyla’ and are one of the most beautiful animals with black and striped coats. They are considered as one of the most aesthetic animals due to their black and white stripes which sets them apart from others.

It is quite amazing to know that no zebra can have the same pattern of stripes. The patterns vary with the species they belong to. They are particularly found in Savannah. They can be called social animals since they prefer living in small family groups. Zebras are herbivorous animals and the diet consists of leaves, grass, and twigs. Zebras prefer living in groups or a herd known as ‘Zeal’. The black and white stripes are what makes them one of the most peculiar animals. The plain zebra or the normal zebra have stripes on the stomach too, but other kinds of zebras have a plain white stomach.

10 Lines on Zebra Essay in English

  • Zebras have stripes that make them unique.
  • Zebras have great eyesight.
  • Zebras belong to the Equidae family, also known as the horse family.
  • Zebras are herbivores which means they feed on plant parts.
  • Zebra’s main predator is lions.
  • Zebras are mainly active at night.
  • They mate all year round.
  • They are mainly found in Southern Savanna and the arid plains of eastern Africa.
  • These animals live in groups and this group is known as ‘harems’.
  • Every zebra has a different stripe pattern making one look different from the other.

FAQ’s on Zebra Essay

  Question 1.  To which family do zebras belong?

Answer:  Zebras belong to a family called Equidae .

Question 2.  Why are zebras famous?

Answer:  Zebras are famous for their stripes which are black and white.

Question 3.  What is their primary food source?

Answer:  Their primary food source is plant-based.

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Essay on Zebra

Students are often asked to write an essay on Zebra in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Zebra


Zebras are fascinating creatures known for their unique black and white stripes. They belong to the horse family and are native to Africa.

Every zebra has a unique stripe pattern, much like human fingerprints. They are generally about 1.2-1.3 meters tall.

Zebras live in various habitats like grasslands, savannas, woodlands, and coastal hills. They are mostly found in East and Southern Africa.

Zebras are social animals. They live in small family groups that combine into large herds.

Zebras are herbivores, feeding mostly on grass, leaves, and bark. They need to constantly move in search of food.

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250 Words Essay on Zebra

Zebras, an iconic symbol of the African savannah, belong to the Equidae family, which also includes horses and donkeys. They are known for their distinctive black-and-white striped coats, which have intrigued scientists for centuries.

Biological Characteristics

Zebras are large herbivores, typically standing 1.25-1.5 meters at the shoulder and weighing between 200 and 450 kilograms. Their unique striping pattern, varying from broad to thin, vertical to horizontal, is believed to serve multiple functions. Some theories suggest it is a form of camouflage, a method of heat management, or even a way to repel insects.

Species and Distribution

There are three species of zebras: the Plains zebra, the Mountain zebra, and the Grevy’s zebra. Each species inhabits different regions in Africa, with the Plains zebra being the most widespread. They inhabit a variety of habitats, from grasslands to savannas, and even mountainous regions.

Behavior and Ecology

Zebras are social animals that live in small family groups consisting of a stallion, several mares, and their offspring. These groups can join larger aggregations, forming a complex social structure. Zebras are also migratory animals, moving to areas where food is more abundant.

Conservation Status

In conclusion, zebras are fascinating creatures with complex behaviors and adaptations. Their unique stripes make them one of the most recognizable animals in the world, and their survival is crucial for maintaining the biodiversity of African ecosystems.

500 Words Essay on Zebra

Zebras, a species of wild horse renowned for their distinctive black and white stripes, are one of the most recognizable creatures in the animal kingdom. With three different species – the Plains Zebra, Mountain Zebra, and the Grevy’s Zebra – these animals are an important part of the African ecosystem. This essay will delve into the fascinating world of zebras, exploring their biology, behavior, and the ecological role they play.

Biology of Zebras

Behavior and social structure.

Zebras are social animals, living in small family groups called harems, consisting of one stallion, several mares, and their offspring. Some species form larger groups known as herds, while others, like the Grevy’s zebra, live in more loose social structures. Zebras communicate using vocalizations, body postures, and facial expressions.

Ecological Role

Zebras play a critical role in shaping the African savannah ecosystem. As herbivores, they contribute to plant population control and seed dispersal. Their grazing habits can influence the types of plants that dominate their habitats. Moreover, they are a significant food source for large predators, such as lions and hyenas, contributing to the balance of the ecosystem.

The conservation status of zebras varies by species. The Plains Zebra is relatively abundant, but the Mountain Zebra and Grevy’s Zebra are both endangered, with populations declining due to habitat loss, hunting, and competition with livestock. Conservation efforts are ongoing, focusing on habitat preservation and reducing human-wildlife conflict.

Zebras, with their iconic stripes and complex social structures, are an integral part of the African ecosystem. Their biological features and behaviors have evolved to suit their environment, demonstrating the intricate interplay between species and their habitats. However, like many other wild species, zebras face the challenges of habitat loss and human conflict. It is incumbent on us to ensure that these remarkable creatures continue to roam the African plains for generations to come. Understanding the biology, behavior, and ecological role of zebras is a crucial step in this direction.

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What is a zebra?

Zebras are African mammals known for their distinctive black and white stripes, which help deter biting horseflies . Despite much debate surrounding which is their ‘base’ color, zebras are considered to be black with white stripes in their fur.

As part of the horse family, they have an equine-like appearance with long legs and a mane along their neck. Each zebra’s stripes are unique, much like human fingerprints.

Zebras are primarily found in various African habitats, ranging from savannahs and grasslands to mountainous regions. A zebra’s species determines their preferred habitat, with different types occupying different geographical areas.

There are three species of zebra—the plains zebra , Grevy’s zebra , and the mountain zebra . You can tell the different species apart by their different stripe patterns.

Plains zebras are the most common. They have wide stripes that are set far apart. They’re found in the grasslands across much of eastern and southern Africa.

Identifiable by their narrower stripes, Grevy’s zebra is the most threatened species. These zebras live in dry, sparsely wooded areas in Kenya and southern Ethiopia.

The mountain zebra lives in dry upland plains in southern Africa, particularly in Namibia.

Male Grevy’s zebras are larger than females. Both males and females are nearly the same size for the plains zebra and the mountain zebra.

Of all the species, the Grevy’s zebra is the largest, measuring 1.24 to 1.6 meters (4.1 to 5.3 feet) tall at the shoulder. They typically weigh 350 to 250 kilograms (750 to 1000 pounds).

The mountain zebra is a little shorter and lighter to help it navigate rugged terrain. It is 1.16 to 1.45 meters (3.8 to 4.8 feet) tall at the shoulder, and it weighs 200 to 430 kilograms (450 to 950 pounds).

Plains zebras are about the same size as their mountain-dwelling counterparts. They have an average height of 1.1 to 1.5 meters (3.6 to 4.8 feet) at the shoulder, weighing 175 to 400 kilograms (380 to 850 pounds).

Zebras are mammals, meaning they reproduce through giving birth to live young and nurse them with milk. After a gestation period of around 11 to 13 months , a female zebra gives birth to a single foal, which can stand and walk shortly after birth. The mother is generally the one who raises the young, though she receives additional protection and support from the herd.

Zebras play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. They are considered ‘ pioneer grazers ’, and their grazing helps prevent the overgrowth of certain plant species, which leads to more biodiversity.

As herbivores, zebras eat only plants—mostly leaves, shrubbery, and small trees. They are a keystone species, meaning they are vital for the survival of their habitat. By eating taller, sturdier plants, zebras prepare the landscape for smaller animals who rely on shorter, more nutrient-dense grasses.

Additionally, zebras are an important prey species, supporting the carnivores in their ecosystems. They face threats from predators such as lions, hyenas, and crocodiles. Their speed and agility are crucial defense mechanisms, and they often travel and live in large packs for protection.

What is a zebra’s scientific name?

Each species of zebra has a different scientific name:

  • Grevy’s zebra: Equus grevyi
  • Mountain zebra: Equus zebra
  • Plains zebra: Equus quagga

Grevy’s zebra is named after Jules Grevy, a former president of France. President Grevy was given a zebra as a gift in 1882 by the king of Abyssinia (now Ethiopia). Zoologists realized this zebra was different from other species they had seen and named it after the president.

Are zebras endangered?

The three species of zebra have varied threat levels. According to the IUCN:

  • Mountain zebras are vulnerable
  • Plains zebras are near threatened (though they’re considered close to vulnerable)
  • Grevy’s zebras are endangered

Where do zebras live?

The three species of zebra live in different areas across the African continent.

Grevy’s zebras live in arid shrubland and grassland in Kenya and some remote parts of southern Ethiopia.

Plains zebras are the species of zebra with the largest range and are found from South Sudan and southern Ethiopia as far east as the Nile River, and as far south as southern Angola and northern Namibia and northern South Africa. They thrive in savannahs, shrublands, and grasslands .

Mountain zebras, as the name suggests, live at a higher altitude. Found in South Africa, Namibia, and Angola, they can survive in more rugged, mountainous terrain and escarpment areas up to 2000 meters above sea level.

Zebras face several threats that have made their populations vulnerable, including hunting, habitat loss, disease, and climate change. 

Climate change

Zebras are particularly vulnerable to droughts. As droughts spread throughout Africa and occur more frequently, they lead to reduced water sources and restrict zebras’ access to water and food.

In 2022, a devastating drought in Kenya threatened the survival of Grevy’s zebras, an already endangered species. After experiencing four rainy seasons without rain, northern Kenya’s wild animals are living through a catastrophic climatic event.

Zebras are hunted for their iconic black and white skins. Some subspecies of zebra have already been driven to extinction by hunters. The quagga is a plains zebra subspecies that was over-hunted to extinction in the late 1800s .

In some areas, zebras are also hunted for their meat by local tribes, either for sustenance or for sale. This is particularly a threat for plains zebras, especially when they move out of protected areas.

Sadly, zebras are captured and sold into the exotic pet trade as well. Across the world, including in the US, zebras are prized for their rarity and kept in peoples’ homes like pet horses. In fact, in 2021, three pet zebras escaped from the property of an exotic animal breeder in the US, highlighting yet again the issues with trying to keep wild animals in captivity.

Habitat loss

Zebras are facing an ongoing struggle of habitat loss, driven primarily by three causes:

  • Agriculture and aquaculture
  • Livestock farming and ranching
  • Residential and commercial development

Livestock farming, ranching, and agriculture often come with fences that block plains zebras’ migration corridors, preventing them from completing their annual migrations each season. This, in turn, can lead to reduced food sources and fragmentation of zebra populations.

In particular, Grevy’s zebras used to be found all over Africa. Fossils indicate that their range once stretched across Asia all the way to China. Now, the subspecies is only found in Kenya and Ethiopia, with fewer than 3,000 individuals left in the wild.

As more habitat is taken up by farming, agriculture, and urban development, zebras are left with insufficient space to live in. They have to compete for food and water sources with other animals and fellow zebras, traveling long distances to find resources.

While all zebras suffer from a number of diseases—including outbreaks of anthrax, Theileria and Babesia (tick-borne diseases), and West Nile Virus—Grevy’s zebras are hit the hardest.

When zebras come into contact with unvaccinated livestock, they can easily pick up diseases. As they face habitat loss, zebras are forced into closer quarters with other animals, including livestock, leading to more dangerous infections. These diseases could decimate entire populations of the already endangered Grevy’s zebra.

Loss of genetic diversity

Genetic diversity loss is a major issue for a mountain zebra subspecies called the Cape mountain zebra . They have a very small population, which means the risk of inbreeding is high.

Inbreeding leads to a lack of genetic diversity, making zebras susceptible to disease and illness. As more habitat is lost and the zebra populations become fragmented, genetic diversity becomes harder to come by. 

What does a zebra eat?

Zebras are herbivores and primarily graze on grasses. Their diet consists mainly of various types of grass, though they may also eat leaves, buds, bark, shrubs, and small trees.

As a keystone species, their eating patterns help conserve the health of the whole ecosystem. Their munching helps to prepare plains for other grazing animals that require shorter, more nutritional grasses.

Of course, water is crucial for zebras, and they often need to drink regularly to stay hydrated, especially in their natural habitats, like African savannahs.

Are zebras black or white?

Zebras are black with white stripes . Their white strips result from a lack of melanin, which causes their hair to have zero pigment in those areas.

If you shaved a zebra, the skin underneath their fur would be all black. 

Are zebras faster than horses?

Though the two animals share characteristics, zebras are not faster than horses.

Zebras have an average top speed of 64 kilometers per hour (40 miles per hour) while horses can reach speeds of 88 kilometers per hour (55 miles per hour).

Do zebras sleep standing up?

Just like horses, zebras can sleep while standing upright . While standing, they can enter a light sleep state where they are still aware of their surroundings, which allows them to quickly respond to potential threats and predators.

However, zebras also lie down for periods of deeper sleep , particularly at night, when they feel safer.

What is the lifespan of a zebra?

On average, a zebra will live up to 25 years in the wild.

What are the three types of zebras?

There are three main species of zebras.

The plains zebra is the most widespread species. Plains zebras are known for their distinctive wide black and white stripes, and they inhabit various grasslands and savannahs in eastern and southern Africa.

Grevy’s zebras are the largest of the three species and have narrower stripes than the plains zebra. They are native to the arid regions of East Africa, particularly Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia.

Mountain zebras have two subspecies—the Cape mountain zebra and the Hartmann’s mountain zebra. They are smaller than the plains zebra and have a unique stripe pattern, with a grid-like pattern on their rump. They are found in South Africa, Namibia, and Angola.

Each species has its own distinct characteristics, including variations in stripe patterns, size, and habitat.

How close are zebras to extinction?

The endangered status of zebras varies by species.

The zebra species with the smallest population left in the wild is Grevy’s zebra , which has around 1,900 mature individuals remaining. They are considered endangered by the IUCN and, for now, are at greater risk for extinction than the other two species.

Some subspecies of zebra, like the quagga , have already gone extinct due to human activity. The last known surviving quagga died in the London Zoo in 1872 .

Are zebras friendly?

In general, zebras are known for being social animals within their herds and exhibit a degree of friendliness or tolerance toward each other. Occasionally, males can be aggressive, particularly when defending their territory.

However, when it comes to human interactions, it’s essential to remember that zebras are not domesticated like horses. They are not friendly towards humans and have been known to attack people—perhaps one of the reasons they were never domesticated in the first place.

Zebras are wild animals and should not be kept as pets. Despite this, zebras are highly sought after in the illegal pet trade.

IFAW helps protect endangered species worldwide, including zebras.

In 2022, drought swept through northern Kenya after four failed rainy seasons in a row, threatening the endangered Grevy’s zebra .

Thankfully, Grevy’s Zebra Trust (GZT), the only organization in the world focused entirely on conserving Grevy’s zebra in Kenya, provides vital care to these vulnerable animals, supported by IFAW.

GZT observed declining forage and water, provided wild zebras with extra food when needed, and ensured they were getting enough water—an essential requirement for nursing mothers.

IFAW also worked on translocating animals, including zebras, to the protected Kasungu National Park in western Malawi in 2015. Decades of severe poaching and encroachment into the park had all but decimated the wild animals that had once lived there. Reintroducing diverse animals and supporting wildlife rangers has returned the park to the thriving ecosystem it is today.

Together with our partners on the ground worldwide, our commitment is to create a future where animals and people can thrive together.

How can you help?

Zebras face several threats to survival, including climate change, hunting, habitat loss, and disease. IFAW is working to help conserve zebra populations and their habitats.

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School Essay

  • Essay on The Zebra
  • Post category: Essay
  • Reading time: 4 mins read

The zebra is an African wild animal like a horse. It belongs to the horse family. It has black and white lines on its body. The unique stripes of zebras make them one of the most familiar animals among men.

The zebras came into existence before 4 million years. Their stripes come in different patterns, depending on the individual zebra. They are usually social animals as they live in small or large herds. They have never been tamed by men unlike their closest relatives like horses and donkeys.

There are three types of zebras. They are the plain’s zebra, the grevy’s zebra, and the mountain zebra. The plain’s zebra is the most common. The mountain zebra of Africa has a smooth coat, a white belly, and narrower stripes compared to the plain’s Zebra. The grevy’s zebra is the largest type. It has a long and narrow head. It appears like a mule. It is an inhabitant of the grasslands of Ethiopia and Kenya. The grevy’s zebra is the rarest type and is in danger of extinction.

Mountains, grasslands, forests, hills, etc. are some of the important habitats where zebras live.

They feed almost on grasses. Occasionally they eat shrubs, herbs, twigs, leaves, and bark. Their digestive systems allow them to live on diets of lower nutritional value. Like horses, zebras sleep standing up. They only sleep when neighbor zebras are around to warn them of enemies.

Generally, zebras are slower than horses but are full of energy. When their enemy chases them, they zigzag their way from one side to another. This makes it difficult for the enemy to catch them. When they are trapped, they kick or bite the attacker.

Male zebras are slightly bigger than females, The plain’s zebra is about 6 to 8.5 feet long. Its tail is about 18 inches. Each zebra can weigh up to 350 kilograms.

The zebras have excellent eyesight. Like most animals, their eyes are on the sides of their head. This gives them a wide-angle of view. They also have night vision. That means they can see at night, although not as good as that of most of their attackers.

Zebras have brilliant hearing abilities and have larger ears. They can turn their ears in almost any direction. In addition to good eyesight and hearing ability, they have a sharp sense of smell and taste.

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10 Lines on Zebra

Zebras are one of the most fascinating mammals belonging to the category of “Perissodactyla” with presence mostly in Africa. ‘Perissodactyla’ is the category of odd toed ungulate mammals with simple stomachs. Zebras prefer to live in a group or herd known as ‘Zeal’. If one of the zebra from zeal is attacked by predator others will come to its defence and form a circle to keep predator away.

Many people around the globe consider zebra as one of the most beautiful animal because of their iconic black and white stripes which sets them apart when they are compared to other land mammals. The pattern of stripes varies from species to species. No two zebras can have the same pattern of stripes.

Ten Lines on Zebra in English

We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Zebra in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essay, paragraphs writing, speech narration, in exams as well as in the school competitions.

1) Zebras are one of the most peculiar species due to the presence of black and white stripes on their back.

2) They are typically found in Savannahs, tree less grasslands, scrublands, mountains and coastal hilly areas.

3) Zebras are social animal and they prefer to live in small family groups.

4) Globally there are 3 species of zebras, i.e. Plain Zebras, Grevy’s Zebra, and Mountain Zebra.

5) Lifespan of Zebra varies between 20 to 30 years.

6) Average height of Zebra lies between 3.5-5 ft and can weigh up to 460 kg.

7) Female zebras give birth to one offspring at a time and gestation period lies between 12 to 13 months.

8) Baby Zebras or foals are born with stripes which are mostly brown and white in colour at the time of birth.

9) Foals weigh up to 70 pounds at the time of birth and begin grazing in one week.

10) Foals take 7 to 16 months of time to become grown up adults.

10 Lines and Sentences on Zebra

1) The stripes help zebra to hide in the grass and may confuse predators by working like a camouflage.

2) When zebras are chased by predators like lion or leopards they usually outrun them by zig zag motion.

3) Zebras have remarkable eyesight and they can even see in nights also.

4) Zebras have large, rounded ears with excellent hearing ability and they also have great sense of smell and taste.

5) We can’t ride zebras like horses since they are aggressive in nature and they can kick or bite if we get closer to them.

6) Zebras create lot of noises like snort, bray and high pitched bark in order to communicate within a group.

7) Zebras can run at the speed of 66 km/hr and sometimes they outpace their natural predators.

8) Zebra’s stripes disperse more than 80 percent of heat coming from sun which helps to prevent them from sunburn.

9) Zebras are generally herbivorous and their diet includes leaves, grass and twigs.

10) Zebras can migrate up to 1700 miles in constant search of food and water.

5 Lines on Zebra

1) Zebra is a wild animal.

2) They are black with white stripes.

3) They eat plants and grass.

4) Zebras are aggressive.

5) They mostly live in groups.

20 Lines on Zebra

1) Zebra is a mammal of the Equus genus with a black and white striped body.

2) This distinct animal is found in east and southern Africa.

3) The habitat of Zebra is Savanna Woodlands, shrub lands, and mountainous areas.

4) Grevy’s zebra, plains zebra, and mountain zebra are three living species of zebra in the world.

5) Zebra is stated among the three living groups of the family Equidae.

6) Zebra is herbivores animal and feeds on grass, twig, barks, etc.

7) The patterns of stripes in zebra are not alike but specific for every individual.

8) The striped appearance of zebra is considered as a mechanism of defense.

9) Zebra has very good sensing power, eyesight, and power of hearing.

10) The young one of zebra can start walking after 20 minutes of birth.

11) Zebra is a mammal with a black and white striped body coat and found in Africa.

12) A large rounded chest, feathery tail, long face with a long neck, and erect manes are the body features of this animal.

13) They communicate with each other by sounds of braying or barking and facial expressions.

14) The posture of the ears, eyes, and teeth of a zebra gives the message of different conditions.

15) They run in a zig-zag pattern that makes it difficult for predators to trace the path.

16) The species of plains and mountain zebra exhibit social behavior and live in family unlike Gravy’s zebra living alone.

17) They escape from being preyed on by predators by running and their running velocity is 68.4 km/h.

18) The gestation period in zebra is 12 months for mountain zebra and 13 months for Gravy’s zebra.

19) The life span of zebra is between 20-30 years.

20) Zebra has an interesting quality of sleeping in a standing posture during the day.

As per IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), each species of zebra has been classified into different categories of conservation status for example mountain zebras are the vulnerable species and Grevy’s Zebras are the endangered ones. Mountain zebras are getting hunted by men for their skin and meat.

Apart from hunting, environmental hazards such as drought, loss of habitat due to farming are some of the other reasons which have greatly reduced the population of zebras. Many of the species of zebras are presently protected in national parks, but still, they are facing the risk of getting endangered.

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A group of zebras graze on grass.

Physical Features

Zebras look similar to horses. They stand between 47 and 55 inches (120 and 140 centimeters) tall at the shoulder. Each species of zebra has its own pattern of stripes. The plains zebra has broad stripes that are widely spaced. The stripes of Grevy’s zebra are narrow and closely spaced, and the belly is white. The mountain zebra has a gridlike pattern of stripes on the rump.

Zebras eat mostly tall, rough grasses. Some types also eat shrubs, herbs, and bulbs. Zebras communicate with each other using calls and facial expressions. They often greet each other with nose-to-nose contact.

Family Life

A young plains zebra follows its mother.

Zebras in Danger

Grevy’s zebra is endangered, or in danger of dying out. The mountain zebra also is threatened. People are trying to save zebras by breeding them in captivity and then releasing them into the wild.

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Essay on Zebras


The zebra is one of the most enigmatic and fascinating creatures in the animal kingdom.

With its distinctive black and white stripes, it is easily recognizable, yet there is much that we still don’t know about this elusive creature. For example, why do zebras have stripes? No one is quite sure. Some scientists believe that they help to camouflage the zebra in the tall grass, while others believe that they serve as a warning to predators.

Zebras are also fascinating creatures from a behavioral standpoint. They are herd animals, and are known for being very social and for forming close bonds with their family and friends. They are also one of the few animals that can see in both full color and black and white.

In this essay, we will explore the mystery and fascination of the zebra. We will discuss its unique physical characteristics, its behavior and social dynamics, and why it has captured our imagination for centuries.

What Are Zebras?

Zebras are one of the most unique and intriguing animals on the planet.

There are three types of zebras: the plains zebra, the Grévy’s zebra, and the Mountain’s zebra. All three species have black and white stripes, but there are some differences in their coats.

Zebras are herbivores and they eat a variety of plants, including grasses, leaves, and branches. They can also survive on thorny bushes and other tough vegetation.

Zebras are mostly found in Africa, but there are some populations in Asia. They live in herds of up to 200 animals and they are known for their intelligence and social behavior.

Where Do Zebras Live?

Zebras are found in Africa and in zoos throughout the world.

There are three species of zebra: the plains zebra, the Grévy’s zebra, and the mountain zebra. Zebras live in a variety of habitats, from open plains to rocky mountains.

Zebras are found in Africa and in zoos throughout the world. They are a popular attraction at zoos, because of their unique stripes and their playful nature.

What Do Zebras Eat?

What do zebras eat? Zebras are herbivores, which means that they eat mostly plants. Their diet consists of grass, leaves, and branches.

Zebras are not as selective about their food as other animals, such as lions or cheetahs. This is because zebras are able to digest a wide variety of plants, which allows them to survive in areas where other animals would not be able to find food.

How Do Zebras Reproduce?

The female of the zebra is impregnated by the male, and between 360–390 days, one to two foals are born. Zebras do not follow a defined breeding cycle and can give birth at any time of the year, with January seeing the highest number of recorded births.

One male, numerous females, and their young make up a zebra herd. Female zebras breastfeed their young until they are mature, which is between 16 and 18 months after birth. Due to the young zebras’ vulnerability to predator attacks, only around half of the offspring will survive to adulthood. At 18 months, the male zebras that do survive form their own herds.

What Are the Predators of Zebras?

According to PawNation, zebra are preyed upon by African lions, leopards, cheetahs, African wild dogs, spotted hyenas, and Nile crocodiles. Zebras are herbivores, and the carnivores that live nearby consume them.

According to PawNation, an African lion can kill a young, ill, or injured zebra on its own. African lions frequently hunt in packs called prides. The pride cooperates to pursue and kill the prey. Smaller than lions and another zebra predator are leopards. Leopards typically hunt on their own. However, due to their small size, they are unable to kill an adult zebra that is healthy. They typically target injured or ill zebras as well as smaller species like deer and wild pigs.

The swiftest terrestrial mammal, cheetahs normally hunt by themselves or in packs. When hunting by themselves, they prey on young zebras. They may kill an adult zebra when they hunt in packs. To catch their prey, these animals rely on their quick movements and acute vision.

African wild dogs are a species that are in danger of extinction. These predators hunt in packs of six to twenty individuals. A mature zebra can be taken down by large packs. Scavengers, spotted hyenas also hunt in packs. The Nile crocodiles, which eat zebras as they drink from pools of water or swim across rivers, are another zebra predator.

What Is the Zebra’s Place in the Ecosystem?

Zebra are herbivores, and so they play an important role in the food chain. They are prey for lions and other predators, and they also provide food for scavengers.

But what makes the zebra unique is its stripes. No one is quite sure why zebras have stripes, but many scientists believe that they serve as camouflage or as a way to confuse predators.

What Is the Zebra’s Place in Human Culture?

What is the zebra’s place in human culture? This is a question that has puzzled people for centuries. Some say that zebras are symbols of luck and good fortune. Others believe that they represent the balance between order and chaos.

What Threats Does the Zebra Face?

What threats does the zebra face? The answer is, quite simply, many.

There are threats from humans, who hunt zebras for their meat or fur. There are threats from other animals, who view zebras as competition for food or territory. And there are threats from the environment, such as drought or floods that can destroy zebra habitat.

The zebra is a fascinating animal, and it is in danger of becoming extinct. It is important that we do what we can to protect them.

How Can We Help Zebras?

You might be wondering, “What can I do to help zebras?” There are a few things you can do:

1. Learn more about zebras and their habitats.

2. Spread awareness about the plight of zebras and the importance of conservation.

3. Support organizations that are working to protect zebras and their habitats.

4. Vote for leaders who are committed to conservation.

5. Reduce your carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices.

6. Educate your friends and family about the importance of conservation.

7. Get involved in your community and support local conservation efforts.

8. Be a responsible consumer and choose environmentally friendly products.

9. Advocate for conservation policies at the local, state, and national levels.

In conclusion, the zebra is a fascinating and unique creature. Its stripes are mysterious and its behavior is elusiveness. Despite its lack of popularity, the zebra is a remarkable animal that is worth studying and protecting.The zebra is an important part of the African ecosystem and plays a vital role in the food chain. Zebras are also a keystone species, which means that they help to maintain the balance of their habitat. Without zebras, the African savanna would be a very different place.

It is important to protect zebras not only for their own sake but also for the sake of the ecosystem. The zebra is a beautiful and intriguing animal that deserves our respect and protection.

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essay about zebra in english

10 lines on Zebra in English

Today, we are sharing  10 lines on Zebra in English.  This article can help students who are looking for information  about 10 lines on Zebra.  This essay is very simple and easy to remember. The level of this essay is moderate so any student can write on this topic.

10 lines on Zebra

1) Zebras are herbivorous animals that belong to the equine family, which includes horses and donkeys.

2) They are native to Africa and are known for their distinctive black and white striped pattern.

3) Each zebra has a unique pattern of stripes, which helps them to identify one another in a herd.

4) Zebras are social animals that live in groups called herds, which can range in size from a few individuals to hundreds.

5) Their stripes are thought to serve as a form of camouflage, helping them to blend in with their surroundings and avoid predators.

6) Zebras have excellent hearing and eyesight, which helps them to detect danger and predators from a distance.

7) They are able to run at speeds of up to 65 km/h (40 mph) to escape predators like lions and hyenas.

8) Zebras are important grazers in the savannah ecosystem, helping to maintain the grasslands and prevent them from becoming overgrown.

9) There are three species of zebra: the plains zebra, the mountain zebra, and the Grevy’s zebra.

10) Zebras have a lifespan of around 25 years in the wild and up to 40 years in captivity.

5 lines on zebra

1) Zebras are wild equids native to Africa, characterized by their black and white stripes.

2) They are herbivores and feed on a variety of grasses and leaves.

3) Zebras are social animals and live in herds that can consist of up to several hundred individuals.

4) They are able to run at fast speeds and use their stripes for camouflage to avoid predators.

5) Zebras are an important part of the savannah ecosystem and play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.

Answer: Zebras are different from horses in several ways, including their distinctive black and white striped pattern, their shorter and more upright mane, and their smaller size. Additionally, zebras are wild animals and have not been domesticated, unlike horses.

Answer: Zebras have stripes as a form of camouflage that helps them blend in with their surroundings and avoid predators. The stripes also help to regulate the zebras’ body temperature by creating air currents that cool them down.

Answer: Zebras are fast runners and can run at speeds of up to 65 km/h (40 mph) to escape predators like lions and hyenas.

Answer: Zebras have a lifespan of around 25 years in the wild and up to 40 years in captivity. However, their lifespan can vary depending on the species of zebra and their habitat.

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10 lines on Zebra in English

10 lines on Zebra in English – Best for class 2, 3, 4 & 5

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Through this article, we are sharing 10 lines on Zebra in English. This post will help those students who are looking for information about Zebra in the English Language.

If any student wants to write a short essay on Zebra then, this post is very useful for them. Information about Zebra is very simple and easy for writing purposes.

These sentences on Zebra are very short and easy to understand, so any level of student can write on this topic.

10 lines about Zebra in English

Short essay on Zebra in English ( In 3 Formats )

  • Zebras are a type of animal that belong to the horse family.
  • They are native to Africa and can be found in savannas, grasslands, and scrublands.
  • Zebras have black and white stripes all over their bodies, and no two zebras have the same stripe pattern.
  • These stripes help zebras to blend in with each other and make it difficult for predators to single out a specific zebra to attack.
  • Zebras are primarily herbivores, which means they mostly eat plants like grasses and leaves.
  • Zebras are highly social animals that live in large groups known as herds. Herds can consist of up to several hundred individuals, including males, females, and their offspring.
  • Male zebras are called stallions, and they are typically larger and more muscular than females. Female zebras are called mares, and they are generally smaller and less muscular than males.
  • Zebras can run very fast and use their speed to escape from predators.
  • They also have excellent eyesight and hearing, which helps them to detect predators from a distance.
  • Zebras are beautiful and fascinating animals that play an important role in the ecosystem of their habitats.

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  • Zebras are about the same size as small horses and can weigh up to 800 pounds.
  • They have long, slender legs that help them to move quickly and gracefully.

Zebras use different sounds, such as snorts and whinnies, to communicate with each other.

  • When a zebra is born, it can stand up and walk within just a few minutes.
  • Baby zebras, called foals, stay with their mothers for up to a year before they become independent.
  • Zebras have thick fur that helps to protect them from the hot sun and cold temperatures at night.
  • In addition to their black and white stripes, zebras have a mane that stands upright on their necks.
  • Zebras are a type of African equid and there are three main species of zebra: the plains zebra, the mountain zebra, and the Grevy’s zebra.
  • Zebras are important to the ecosystem because they help to control the growth of grasses and other plants.
  • Many people enjoy seeing zebras in zoos and on safaris, but it’s important to remember that they are wild animals that should be treated with respect and care.
  • Zebras are very fast runners and can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour.
  • They have powerful legs and hooves that they use to defend themselves from predators.
  • Zebras are able to sleep standing up, which helps to keep them safe from predators while they rest.
  • Their black and white stripes help to keep them cool by reflecting sunlight and creating air currents around their bodies.
  • Zebras have a keen sense of smell and can use it to detect food and predators.
  • They have large ears that they use to listen to sounds in their environment.
  • Zebras are able to drink saltwater, which is a valuable adaptation in their arid habitats.
  • They are social animals and often groom each other to strengthen social bonds.
  • Zebras have excellent memories and are able to recognize individual members of their herd.
  • Zebras hold significant cultural importance in many African societies, where they are often regarded as symbols of strength, freedom, and resilience.

10 lines about Zebra in English

  • What are zebras?

Zebras are a type of African equid that belong to the horse family.

  • What do zebras look like?

Zebras have black and white stripes all over their bodies, with no two zebras having the same stripe pattern. They have a mane that stands upright on their necks and long, slender legs.

  • Where do zebras live?

Zebras are native to Africa and can be found in savannas, grasslands, and scrublands.

  • Are zebras social animals?

Yes, zebras are social animals and live in groups called herds.

  • How do zebras communicate with each other?
  • How long do zebras live?

The lifespan of a zebra can vary depending on the species and the environment in which it lives. In the wild, zebras can typically live for up to 20 to 25 years.

  • Are zebras endangered?

While some species of zebra are classified as threatened or endangered, others are listed as of Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The Grevy’s zebra is considered endangered, while the plains zebra and mountain zebra are listed as Near Threatened.

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We working on helping the students to do their homework in a simple and easy way. Essay writing on Zebra is generally asked the students in Schools.

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essay about zebra in english

Zebra : The zebra galloped away from the lion.

Zebras, one of the most fascinating mammals, belong to the category of ‘Perissodactyla’ and are one of the most beautiful animals with black and striped coats. They are considered as one of the most aesthetic animals due to their black and white stripes which sets them apart from others.

It is quite amazing to know that no zebra can have the same pattern of stripes. The patterns vary with the species they belong to. They are particularly found in Savannah. They can be called social animals since they prefer living in small family groups. Zebras are herbivorous animals and the diet consists of leaves, grass, and twigs. Zebras prefer living in groups or a herd known as ‘Zeal’. The black and white stripes are what makes them one of the most peculiar animals. The plain zebra or the normal zebra have stripes on the stomach too, but other kinds of zebras have a plain white stomach.

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10 Lines on Zebra | Short Essay on Zebra

10 Lines on Zebra | Short Essay on Zebra

Short Essay on Zebra

  • Zebra is a herbivorous wild animal.
  • They are attackers by nature, so they cannot be domesticated.
  • It has four legs, a tail, two ears, and the face is like a horse.
  • Zebras are majorly found in forests.
  • There are three kinds of zebras, Plain Zebra, Grey’s Zebra, and the Mountain Zebra.
  • The zebra has white & black stripes, which make it a beautiful animal.
  • A zebra can live up to 20 to 30 years.
  • The black and white stripes of zebra protect them from predators.
  • Zebras can run at a very high speed.
  • Zebras prefer to live in a group called a zeal.

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10 lines on Zebra Crossing in English - Short essay on Zebra Crossing - Few lines about Zebra Crossing

Today, we are sharing ten lines essay on Zebra Crossing . This article can help the students who are looking for information about Zebra Crossing in English . This essay is very simple and easy to remember. The level of this essay is moderate so any students can write on this topic. This article is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3 .

short essay on Zebra Crossing

10 lines on Zebra Crossing in English

  • Zebra crossing helps people cross the road safely.
  • It is important for road safety.
  • Zebra crossing was first started on 31st October 1951, in Britain.
  • Black and white stripes printed on the road are called zebra crossings.
  • Zebra crossing should be used only when the signal is green for pedestrians.
  • Never pass the vehicle to the zebra crossing when the signal is red for the vehicle.
  • Doing this is a punishable offense.
  • On the road where there is no zebra crossing, we should not cross the road from there.
  • Zebra crossing name is taken from zebra animal.
  • Because the color of the zebra is also in black and white stripes.

essay about zebra in english

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    The plain's zebra is the most common. The mountain zebra of Africa has a smooth coat, a white belly, and narrower stripes compared to the plain's Zebra. The grevy's zebra is the largest type. It has a long and narrow head. It appears like a mule. It is an inhabitant of the grasslands of Ethiopia and Kenya. The grevy's zebra is the ...

  6. 16

    English Comp. Narrative Essay, Tiffany Hinson Feb. 2, 2021; Preview text. The zebra, recognized by its distinct black and white stripes, stands out in the savannas and grasslands of Africa. This equine mammal, belonging to the Equidae family, not only captivates with its striking appearance but also plays an important role in the ecosystem it ...

  7. 10 Lines on Zebra

    1) Zebra is a mammal of the Equus genus with a black and white striped body. 2) This distinct animal is found in east and southern Africa. 3) The habitat of Zebra is Savanna Woodlands, shrub lands, and mountainous areas. 4) Grevy's zebra, plains zebra, and mountain zebra are three living species of zebra in the world.

  8. zebra

    Physical Features. Zebras look similar to horses. They stand between 47 and 55 inches (120 and 140 centimeters) tall at the shoulder. Each species of zebra has its own pattern of stripes. The plains zebra has broad stripes that are widely spaced. The stripes of Grevy's zebra are narrow and closely spaced, and the belly is white.

  9. Essay on Zebras

    Zebras are one of the most unique and intriguing animals on the planet. There are three types of zebras: the plains zebra, the Grévy's zebra, and the Mountain's zebra. All three species have black and white stripes, but there are some differences in their coats. Zebras are herbivores and they eat a variety of plants, including grasses ...

  10. 10 lines on Zebra in English

    Today, we are sharing 10 lines on Zebra in English.This article can help students who are looking for information about 10 lines on Zebra.This essay is very simple and easy to remember. The level of this essay is moderate so any student can write on this topic.

  11. 10 lines on Zebra in English

    10 lines essay on Zebra in 3 formats. Format 1; Format 2; Format 3; FAQ; Through this article, we are sharing 10 lines on Zebra in English. This post will help those students who are looking for information about Zebra in the English Language. If any student wants to write a short essay on Zebra then, this post is very useful for them.

  12. Zebra Short Story Analysis

    Zebra Short Story Analysis. 456 Words2 Pages. This short story is a fascinating story about a kid, named Zebra, you will not want to stop reading, with crazy cliffhangers. "Zebra" By, Chaim Potok shows how to never give up even during change. Zebra, or Adam, shows how to work through hardship and change, to find something else that will ...

  13. Essay on Zebra in 150 Words.

    Zebras are herbivorous animals and the diet consists of leaves, grass, and twigs. Zebras prefer living in groups or a herd known as 'Zeal'. The black and white stripes are what makes them one of the most peculiar animals. The plain zebra or the normal zebra have stripes on the stomach too, but other kinds of zebras have a plain white stomach.

  14. Interesting Animal Facts : Zebra

    Pebbles present, Interesting Animal Facts in English : Zebra. Zebra Essay, Zebra Facts, Zebra Quiz, Zebra Song, Zebra Story. Learn all the details about the ...

  15. Zebra Essay in English 10 Lines || Short Essay on Zebra

    Learn to Write an Essay on Zebra in English 🔴 RECOMMENDED VIDEOS 🎥🎥🎥

  16. 10 Lines on Zebra

    Short Essay on Zebra. Zebra is a herbivorous wild animal. They are attackers by nature, so they cannot be domesticated. It has four legs, a tail, two ears, and the face is like a horse. Zebras are majorly found in forests. There are three kinds of zebras, Plain Zebra, Grey's Zebra, and the Mountain Zebra.

  17. 10 lines on Zebra in English

    Today, we are sharing ten lines essay on Zebra. This article can help the students who are looking for information about Zebra in English. This essay is very simple and easy to remember. The level of this essay is moderate so any students can write on this topic. This article is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3.

  18. 10 Lines Essay On Zebra

    10 Lines Essay On Zebra In EnglishInstagram ID - #animal #animals #rhymes #education #writingti...

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  26. Communication

    2000<x. For example, if Zack has taught 9,000 classes with ZEBRA ENGLISH, and he has been with us for 1,095 days, then Zack's average finished classes per year is 3,000 classes. And his base pay is $9 per class. Average Finished Classes Per Year = Number of Finished Classes/Days on That Platform * 365.

  27. 10 lines on Zebra Crossing in English

    Today, we are sharing ten lines essay on Zebra Crossing. This article can help the students who are looking for information about Zebra Crossing in English. This essay is very simple and easy to remember. The level of this essay is moderate so any students can write on this topic. This article is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3.