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  • Published 2007
  • Education, Psychology

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Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ INFLIBNET

  • Shodhganga@INFLIBNET
  • Panjab University
  • Department of Education
Title: Academic achievement and social competence in relation to intelligence home environment and demographic variables of adolescents
Researcher: Chopra, Vimple
Keywords: Academic Achievement
Demographic Variables
Home Environment
Social Competence
Social Sciences,Social Sciences General,Education and Educational Research
University: Panjab University
Completed Date: 2019
Abstract: The present study investigated the academic achievement and social competence of adolescents in relation to their successful intelligence, home environment and demographic variables (gender, locale and type of school). The study was conducted on 800 class XI students of two districts in Punjab namely: Jalandhar and Kapurthala. The sample was selected using simple random sampling technique from the schools affiliated to Punjab School Education Board, Mohali. Descriptive survey method was used for data collection. Tools used for data collection were: Successful Intelligence Test constructed and standardized by the investigator, Home Environment Scale by Akhtar and Saxena (2013), Social Competence Scale by Sharma and Rani (2013). For academic achievement, the marks obtained by students in annual matriculation examination were noted from the school records. For the analysis of the data, Product Moment Correlation Coefficients and Three Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were employed. The findings of the study reported that successful intelligence and its dimensions namely analytical, practical and creative intelligence and home environment have significant positive correlation with academic achievement and social competence of adolescents. Moreover, successful intelligence in combination with home environment influence significantly the academic achievement of adolescents across different gender, locale and type of schools. Home environment, successful intelligence alongwith analytical and creative abilities influence social competence of adolescents. The results indicated that urban students from private schools have better academic achievement than the students from rural government schools and the social competence of adolescents of government schools is better than the private schools. The findings of the study indicated that the education system has to be based on three folded abilities - analytical, practical and creative
Pagination: xix,338p.
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Influence of Home Environment on the Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Imo State

Title: Influence of Home Environment on the Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Imo State

Bachelor Thesis , 2019 , 64 Pages , Grade: 3.8

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The general purposes of this study is to find out the influence of home environment on study academic performance. Specifically, the study sets out to examine the influence of parental occupation on the academic performance of secondary school students in Owerri metropolis of Imo state. It tries to find out whether the size of the family to which they belong affect the students academic performance in Owerri metropolis; and to determine the extent to which type of family would affect the academic performance of students. This study will be delimited to government owned secondary schools in Owerri. Municipal of Imo state Nigeria. Over a period of time, it has been observed the students who are exposed to the same lesson by the same teachers are likely to perform differently when they are evaluated. According to Fagbamiye, the board education or ministry of education world wide suspected teaching methodology and classroom teachers as being the cause at the problem yet it seems to persist. This shows that outside the school environment, students are faced with other factors that influence their academic performances. There is also clear distinction between the gifted children and others, but even at that there are factors that influence the academic of both gifted and non-gifted children which can not be traced to the school environment.






This study investigates the influence of home environment on the academic performance of secondary school students in limo state the study was delimited to secondary schools with adequate sample and sampling techniques and story area the simple ransom sampling was uses in the simple for the story was designed and administered to the student the data collected was analyzed using mean standard deviation of finding that was observed at the time of this research work and two researchers were accepted based on their relationship. The researchers therefore made recommendations based on the data collected and analyzed which we feel would be helpful to improve the efficient and effective to home environment on the performance of secondary school students in lmo state the study was organized under five main chapters. Four well structured research question aided data collection and inter relation. The survey design comprised of nine schools. not schools were selected out of eighteen school, required one hundred and forty four respondents were at males while two hunderedd and sixteen were females this also fifly eight parents were selected form the stage area of the study. The questionnaires were this validated and their reliability were tested before should being administered on the sample size using percent come after age method and four point like type scale as the completing statistical tool. Data was collected, organized and your discussed as could be seen in 4.1, 4.4. Then story some of the findings in this work include, the level parents e of family size on students.


1.1 background of study.

Over a period of time, it has been observed the students who are exposed to the same lesson by the same teachers are likely to perform differently when they are evaluated.

According to Fagbamiye (1977). The board education or ministry of education world wide suspected teaching methodology and classroom teachers as being the cause at the problem yet it seems to persist. This shows that outside the school environment, students are faced with other factors that influence their academic performances. There is also clear distinction between the gifted children and others, but even at that there are factors that influence the academic of both gifted and non-gifted children which can not be traced to the school environment.

Nwosu (2001) observed that most countries of the world are faced with problems of limited data on the influence of the home environment on secondary school student’s academic performance. This is due to low level of development of technology. He further stated that no nation can rise above the level of education provided for its citizens.

According to daily sun of April Monday 16th 2007. There are social, political, economic, religious diplomatic and other development instabilities which tend to hamper educational practices. Hence many uncontrolled variables are responsible for academic performance of secondary school students.

Education has one of its basic tasks of training young people to become useful members of the society and this training begins at home in an informal way. The home of the child is the first place he enters as he is born into the world by his or her parents.

The home environment means the family background of the child, which includes all the human and material resources present in the home, that affect child’s living such as the parent’s level of education, occupation, social-economic status and the socializing facilities available in the house. Thus the home is the basic in situation for providing the child’s primary socialization and laying the educational foundation for the child upon which the other agents of socialization build. As a result of the great need of training the young people, the government has come into guide and helps the home and schools to achieve this great task by proving the national policy on education which contains the national objectives for education.

National policy on education (2004) has it that the board areas of secondary education are as follows:

a. Useful living within the society b. Higher education

In specific terms secondary education hall

a. Provide all primary school learners with the opportunity for education of a higher level irrespective of sex, social status, religious or ethnic background. b. Offer diversified curriculum to cater for the differences in talents opportunities and future role c. Develop and promote Nigerian language arts, and culture in the contents of words cultural heritage d. Inspire students with a desire for self-improvement achievement of excellence. e. Foster national unity with an emphasis on the common ties that unite us in our diversity f. Raise a generation of people who can think for themselves, respect the views and feelings of other, respects the dignity of labor, appreciate there value specified under our board national goals and lives as good citizens. g. Provide technical knowledge and vocational skills necessary for agricultural industrial,. Commercial and economic development h. Provide trained man power in the applied science, technology and commercial a sub-professional grades.

Abubakar (1990) opined that which a child receives from his or her parent is most likely to have a highly significant and dominant effect on his or her behavior in his or her later life invariably , what the childe learns at home and how his family motivates him towards education contributes to the child’s success or failure at school. The environment plays a very remarkable role in the life of every individual includes his education life.

There are home environmental factors such as:

a. Parents level of education b. Occupation and socio-economic status c. Family size and type d. Motivation and possession of certain facilities at home among other influence the student’s academic performance. This study examines some of these factors as they relate to student performance at school.


Statics on academic performance of secondary school student has it that there has been a persistence poor performance of secondary school students in internal and external exams students who are exposed to some teaching and learning experience perform differently. It has also been proved by psychologist that a difference in intelligence is not the only factors responsible for the difference in performance of students.

Moreover, very scanty attention has been given to most aspects of home background of students like parental level of education, parental occupation, family size and type of family as it affects their academic performance. The problem of this research work, Therefore is to find out the influence of home environment on the academic secondary school students performance of see school students in Imo State Nigeria.


This study will be delimited to government owned secondary schools in Owerri. Municipal of Imo state Nigeria. It will examine low variables such as parental occupation, parental level of education, the size of the family and type of the family and how they affect the child’s academic performance at the secondary school level.


The general purposes of this study s find out the influence of home environment on study academic performance. Specifically, the study set out to examine he influence of parental occupation on the

1. The academic performance of secondary school students in Owerri metropolis of Imo state? 2. Find out whether the size of the family to which they belong affect the students academic performance in Owerri metropolis 3. Determine the extent to which type of family would affect the academic performance of students.


This study is significant to the teacher because it will serve as a guild that would enable them understands their students and know the approach or method to adopt in teaching. The fin dings of this study will bridge the gap of variation in academic performance and how to organize it to see that every student is carried along no matter his or her families.

Furthermore, the finding and recommendation would be useful to the government, curriculum planners and examination bodies in policy making and in planning educational objectives for Nigerian students.

Finally, this work will be a guideline to the future researcher who will carryout their research work on this areas will raise more questions on the homes environment effects the academic performance of secondary school students. They study when completed will open up new areas for further studies.


The conduct of this study will be guild by the following research questions

1. To what extent does parent level of education influence secondary school student’s academic performance? 2. To what extent does family size influence the secondary school student’s academic performance? 3. To what extent does parent occupation affect the secondary school student academic performance? 4. How does the type of family structure affect the secondary school student’s academic performance?


1. There is no significant relationship between the parent’s level of education and secondary school academic performance. 2. There is no significant relationship between parents occupation and secondary school student academic performance 3. There is no significant relationship between the family size and academic performance of secondary school student. 4. There is no significant relationship between family structure and student academic performance in schools secondary school precisely.


2.1 the concept of home environment.

The home or the family is the institution the child enters that is to say hat the home is a place where the child’s earliest education and socialization begins. According to Nwachukwu and Agulaana (2002), the home is described as the primary and most important human institution fir the socialization of the child. The child’s experience within the family definitely influences his behaviors; the have provides the child the nature which he or she requires for normal physical cognitive and psycho to social development.

The child usually builds his self image in the home based on the members of the family status in the society. To a large extent, the home being the child’s first part of call in the society constitutes his reference point for evaluating his behavior expectation and performance against that of children from other families.

The foundation that is laid for the child in home equips him for the challenges he will face in the future. What the child learns at home and how his family motivated him towards education contributes to the child success or failure in school.

Bergin (1981) in his explanation holds that stimulating home environment may teach generalized skill the help children to profit more from school institution that peer from less stimulating environment furthermore, he assert that it is possible that some parents teach their children to value the kind of learning activities the school provide and these enhance their motivation to do the work the school set before them.

Onyehalu (1990) contended that the home provides an important for which the child’s learning capacity is enhance. Sperling (19679) asserts that the exact environment has not been determined. It seems to be at least plus or minus 15 point he continued that any person below 90 intelligent that is below average intelligent quotient (IQ) level is classified as dull. But exposure to stimulating environment has the tendency of increasing the person’s intelligent quotient level from 90 to about 105. Hence, these will make a person formally below average intelligent to be classified into the upper figure of a person with average.

Lawson (1979) opined that minority of children is faced with having to develop functional adaptation to two sets of environment, to the home and neighborhood on one hard and to the large “main stream” society particularly the school on the other hand.

According to Henderson (1981) and Lowsa (1979) the home and neighborhood environment and school environment present the child with different sets of demand characteristics. The child’s success in school environment depends on the degree of overlap or continuity on the demand characteristics of the home neighborhood.

Bayley (1990) posited that environmental conditions that determine how the individual’s intelligent quotient will develop include nutrition health, quality of stimulation, emotional climate of the home and the type of feedback elicited by behavior. in continuation, he said that given children with the same goes, the child with better parental and postnatal nutrition, the more, intellectually stimulating and emotionally secured home and the more appropriate reward for academic accomplishment will attains a high (7Q) score, when tested in grade. He posited that environmental condition accentuate whatever differences intelligence that are present at birth.

Bronfenberene, (1978) emphasized the intrinsic interconnectedness of the family and the school and the connectedness of the family and the school and the importance of these interconnections to development of children. He further argued that in the last two decades there has been a breakdown of the ties between the home and the school resulting in increased stress on the children and is on evidence of increasingly disturbed psychological functioning. This analysis shows that there is need to examine the relationship between the home and school and the developmental impact on the academic performance of the child.

Jester and barley (1969), in the study found out that the amount of conversation in the home particularly that directed towards the child relate significantly to the child’s performance on development tests.

Elizabeth Fraster in her study “Home Environment and the school” )1968) investigated whether there is a relationship between factors in the home environment of the child and his progress in school. She found out that factors in the home environment correlated with school more than they did with intelligence. The environmental factors which she found to have contributed most to the difference were partly socio-economic, motivational and emotion. It follows therefore that the socio-economic status of the parent together with atmosphere of the home impact of the children academic performance seeing the emotional state of the child, determines how successful he is goinf to be in his academic pursuit.


When we talk of him environment, there .are factors that makes up this home environment and these factos influence student academic performance. Tough there are many of the but we are interested in the major ones which include:


Education has to do with the process of training one through school from one level to another in order to obtain knowledge and skills which he requires for effective living.

Jacques maintained that the word education has a triple jet intermingled connotation and refers wither to (in its broadest sense) any process by mean of which man is shaped and led towards fulfillment of that task of formation which adults undertake intentionally with regards to youths or in it strictest sense, the special task of schools and universities.

According to Iwuchukwu (2003:40) education as the process of through which the individual is helped to attain the development of his potentialities and their maximum activation when necessary according to right reason and to achieve thereby his perfect self fulfillment.

During the colonial period in Nigeria, formal education was restricted to a handful or men of privilege birth and wealth thus, very few people has the opportunity to partake in formal education with modern time. Today however, it is no longer possible to education only a minority. Occupation are becoming so specialized and complex that the survival of society depend on having educated citizenry

The level educational attainment of people determines their exposure and influences their understanding and behavior towards certain issues in life. For instance a father with only first school leaving certificate may not have understanding of what the requirement for training his child in the university education and understand what it takes to train a child in the higher institution.

Parents level of educationis a better predictor of success in student’s academic pursuit. This s because parent’s level of education determines parent’s level of occupation which in turn determines their income level.

Woyd (1974) asserts that it is becoming apparent that the well educated are today able to ensure, by their wealth and their ability to understand and manipulate the school system, that their own children receive good and better education than themselves and that they will constitute the educated elite of the coming generation. This means that education parent would always do their best to ensure that their children are educated too.

Jouce (1998) posited that educational status of parents affects the demand they make on their children she added that elite parents understand the role of individual differences among their children and this help them to accommodate and encourage their children. Thus, encouraging children motivates them to improve their effort in their academic pursuit. As a result, children whose parents are educated stand a better chance to be motivated by parents and that aids their academic performance.

Dore (1976) observed that the enormous educational advantage occurs to the children of university educated parents and leads to sharply entrenched class divisions vary rapidly.

He further stated that on its own the educational system cannot bring about these advantages but there are important variable which come to play an important role in establishing these enormous educational advantage. These include:.

First the most educated parents are those in the best jobs and some with the highest income. These provide them with the material resources to assured the education of all their children and provide them with high quality schooling with boarding. Furthermore it allows them to dispense with the labour of their children at all time also household labour such as looking after young children, looking, cleaning etc. are performed by his servant, instead of their children. This offers the children the opportunity to study at home, do their assignment home work and as a result enhance their performance at school.

Secondly he posited that the general cultural environment of home is likely to according to parental education and this will tend to help the elites child at school. Example it is common for elites parent to use and (to use correctly) the official language of the school at home and teach their children at children at early home and to teach their children at early age. This is associated with numerous factors that affect educational performance of student such as the ability to elite parents to explain school work to their children, encourage them to read by buying them educational books, rewarding them and punishing them according to their academic performances. Home elite parent activities intervene in their children education in order to maximize their chances of academic success.

Obasi (1998:38) state that “besides the conferral of social status in the society, the particular family into which a child is born exists a considerable influence on his life chance the type and level of education he received his career prospects and a host of other social privileges and opportunities. “thus the child of an illiterate village farmer could have lesser chances of succeeding in school and hence professionally than the child of the university professor. Hence the child of the illiterate farmer seems most likely to attend on ill equipped and perhaps poorly staffed rural primary end secondary schools.

Kenneth and brain (1981) posited that material and cultural differences between classes help to determine school environment and performance variation and that elite children are better fed and heal their resulting to good mental development and performances. Thus one should not underestimate the importance of diet, material and cultural factors in the home in guaranteeing the above average performance of elite’s children.

Douglas (1972) asserted from his research on the effect of parental education on the length of time their children spend in school. The working class parent with lowest educational attain merit want their children to leave school earlier than the parent, with middle class of education thus parent concern help interest, encouragement and punishment, school choice and expressed opinion for the children’s academic success has effect on children achievement in school.

Blakemore and cookery (1981) asserted that in predominantly rural area children whose parent’s lives above average levels of education and who practice non-agricultural occupations tends to be over represented in school. They hold that if parents are educated and realized the advantage of high level of education, they would encourage their children to get the same and even higher level of education. This would be possible if their performance is encouraging.

Relsel and Miltans (1980) established that children from more educated homes scores higher than leas privileged children on the intellectual curiously test which positively correlate with grades.

According to Hieynemn (1976) there is positive relationship between parents education and student’s academic achievement.

On the other Ward Pell (1974), was of he view that examination success is by means due to social advantage and in the case of parental education the difference is the reverse of what was expected from his research in Ghana about the influence of parental education on school achievement.

However parental level of education determines the social class to which the home could be classified. Higher parental level of education brings higher paid occupation that places parent in the upper class thereby affording opportunity to invest more in children education ensure facilitating and conductive that enhance academic performance of the children.


The world occupation could be defined as what a person does to earn a living. It can be seen as service rendered in order to receive wage salary at the end of the service.

Having seen what occupation means therefore occupational roles and property ownership and control are the criteria by which we define social classes. Occupational differs widely as regards their general desirability. The major determinant of desirability is the wage or salary, which goes with the job. Others include the nature of the work does, this opportunity for promotion working condition.(dangerous, dirty and tiring work is under desirable).

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home environment and academic achievement thesis

Nnaekwe Kingsley

DOI: 10.21276/sjahss.2018.6.9.2 Abstract: The study is on the impact of family background on academic performance of secondary school students in Enugu. The specific objectives include: to find out if there is any significant difference; in the academic performances of students from small and large family size; to discover how stable home influences the academic performance of the students. Design survey method was used in the study. A population of 225 was used, comprising Queens College Enugu (65), Urban Girls Secondary school Enugu (40), New Layout Boys secondary School (40), Girls High school Uwani (50), Boys High School Uwani (30).The method for data collection was questionnaire. The tables were analyzed using percentages. The findings simply indicate that small family sizes promote the qualitative and good academic performance; and that stable home has positive influence on the academic performances of the students. In conclusion, it is said that home is the bases for student ...

Jan Inah Pave Suyo

Johnson Cosmo

The environmental condition and the nature of social interaction that goes on in the family may have some positive or negative influence on the academic achievement of a child. However, the performance of the students has been left in the hands of the teachers and they are solely blamed for the learners' poor performance. This study investigated the perceived influence infrastructure on the secondary school students' performance. The study used a cross-sectional survey research design. The study employed structured questionnaires and interview schedules to collect data. The target population was 109,151 consisting of students, teachers and parents. A sample size of 598 respondents consisting of purposively sampled 212 teachers and multistage sampled 212 students and randomly sampled 174 parents was used in this study. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies, means, standard deviation and percentages. The study established that phone ownership and excessive use of phones by students negatively affect students' academic performance. The study also recommends that parents should control their children's use of mobile phones.

sudhakar sam

Journal Plus Education

Benignus Nwankwo

The basic goal of this research was to determine some home environmental factors influencing the academic performance of secondary school students in Owerri Zone II, Imo State, Nigeria. Survey research design was adopted and two research questions guided the study. The population for the study comprises 1030 respondents made up of all the 64 principals and 966 teachers in the 32 public secondary schools in Owerri Zone II, Imo state. A sample of 206 respondents was selected randomly and this represents 20% of the respondents’ population. The sample consists of 32 principals and 174 teachers in the study area. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire designed by the researchers. Face and content validity of the instrument was obtained after the appraisal and input made by two experts; One in Measurement and Evaluation, and another in Educational Management and Policy, Faculty of Education Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. Corrections were made based on their observati...

Pakistan Journal of Distance and online learning

Farooq N A W A Z Khan

Home is the first institution of a child that have significant relationships with students’ overall life. Current study have investigated the relationship of home enviornemnt with secondary school students performances. The focus of the study was to findout the relationship of home interactions, physcial facilities and students academic performances. Secondary school students were the population of the study. Data were colleted through a questionnaire and was analyzed with the help of SPSS. Percentage, mean scores, standard devaition and pearson correlation were applied to the collected data. Reuslts obtained from analysis illustrated that a substantail majority of respondents are lacking separate study rooms at their homes, have a very low interactional oppportnuties at home in home related matters, but still majority of them were satisfied with their home envionment. Based on the results it was recommended students need to be involved in domestic issues, they might be provided separate rooms for study and all the other facilities needed for educational progress of students.

Kingsley Opoku

International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences

Dipak Bhattacharya

Appropriate home environment and parental participation largely impact upon learning performance of primary school children. Due to lack of parents' competencies and poor home environment, children of the primary schools may be less motivated to learn. So, it is very necessary to create such home environment where children get chance to learn actively. That's why, the researcher had framed two objectives in the present study: To identify how the home related factors effect on learning performance of primary school children and To suggest remedial measures to overcome the poor learning performance of primary school children due to home related factors. The present study was conducted on 40 parents and 20 students of 10 primary schools of Contai Municipality by using descriptive survey method. The researcher had used achievement test for students, self made interview schedules for students and self made interview schedules for parents separately in this study. The findings of the study were: Nutritional status did not have any effects on the learning performance of primary school children. Educational status of parents, occupational status of parents, level of academic help received from family members, tuition facility, time devoted for self-study home related factors were effected on learning performance of primary school children.

egunsola abraham olawuyi emmanuel

Abstract: This study used ex-post facto and correlation survey to investigate the influence of home environment on academic performance of senior secondary students in Adamawa State. The population of the study consisted of 8,548 students in class 2 in 2012/13 to 2013/14 academic sessions. A total sample of 900 students was drawn from the population using multi-stage random sampling technique to respond to the instrument for data collection for the study. The instrument was a 40 item researcher designed questionnaire titled Home Environment Factors and Students’ Academic Achievement Test in Agricultural Science (HEFSAATAS) consisting of two sections A and B. Inferential statistics z-test and Correlation analysis were used to analyse and interpret the data. The results showed that parental educational qualification (r = 0.73), occupation (r = 0.71) and home location (r = 0.73) were highly correlated with students’ academic performance while parental economic status (income and affluence) have moderate correlation (r – 0.60) but all the independent variables have significant influence on students’ performances in Agricultural Science at the secondary school. It was recommended that parents and other significant persons should make students’ homes conducive and stimulatory to learning not only the school subjects but education in general. Key Words: Home, Environment, Academic, Achievement

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rose mwanza

E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Olivia Akrofi

International journal of applied research


Minati Choudhury

International Journal of Indian Psychology

bharat Mimrot

Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal

Psychology and Education , Joana D. Fuentes , Venus A. Victoria

Azuka Ugoanefo Udoka

Interal Res journa Managt Sci Tech

International Journal of Secondary Education

Ikechukwu Ogu

Adesoji Oni


Adekunle Adetula

Texila International Journal , Oluwafemi T E M I T A Y O Ilesanmi

nelson jagero

saipul adib

Rachael Akpusugh

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isara solutions

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Abiola R I C H I E Imafidon

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Olayemi J Abiodun-Oyebanji


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