Zero conditional

First conditional

Second conditional

Third conditional

Mixed conditionals

Worksheets - handouts


Worksheets - pdf exercises.

  • Zero conditional - worksheet
  • Zero conditional - exercises
  • Zero conditional - worksheets
  • --------------------------------
  • First conditional - worksheet
  • First conditional - pdf exercises
  •  IF Clauses - Type 1 
  • IF-clauses - conditional 1
  • First conditional - worksheets
  • ---------------------------------
  • Second conditional - worksheet
  • IF Clauses - Type 2
  • Second conditional - worksheets
  • First and second conditional
  • Worksheet - second conditional
  • Third conditionals - pdf exercises
  • The third conditional - pdf
  • IF Clauses - Type 3
  • Third conditional - worksheets
  • Third conditional - pdf exercises
  • Conditional sentences - mixed
  • Second and third conditional
  • Conditional worksheet -> answers
  • IF-clauses - all types 1  
  • IF-clauses - all types 2 
  • IF-clauses - all types 3 
  • IF-clauses - all types 4  
  • IF-clauses - all types 5 
  • Missing sentence types 1
  • Missing sentence types 2
  • Mixed conditionals - worksheets
  • Mixed conditionals - worksheet
  • Conditional sentences - exercises
  • If clauses - advanced 1
  • If clauses - advanced 2
  • If Clauses - all types 3
  • If Clauses - all types 4
  • If Clauses - all types 5
  • If Clauses - all types 7
  • If Clauses - all types 8
  • If clauses - worksheet
  • Worksheets pdf - print
  • If clauses - finish the sentences
  • Grammar worksheets - handouts

Grammar lesson

  • Conditionals - grammar notes

Conditional Statements & Converses Worksheets


Basic Lesson

Demonstrates how to determine common factors in an equation. Factor: 5x - 30 The largest factor of 5 and 30 is 5. Since the terms do not contain a variable (x) in common, we cannot factor any variables.

Intermediate Lesson

Explores how to factor large polynomials. Factor: 3y(y + 2) - 4(y + 2) The greatest common factor of these two terms is (y+2).

Independent Practice 1

Contains 20 Common Factors problems. The answers can be found below.

Independent Practice 2

Features another 20 Common Factors problems.

Homework Worksheet

Common Factors problems for students to work on at home. Example problems are provided and explained. The largest number that will divide evenly into 4,6,2 and 2 The highest power of a present in each term is a.<

See how well you understand this skill.

Homework and Quiz Answer Key

Answers for the homework and quiz.

Lesson and Practice Answer Key

Answers for both lessons and both practice sheets.

What is the number?

There is a 3 digit number with the tens digit 5 more than the ones digit. The hundreds digit is 8 less than the tens digit. The number is 194

Learn ESL

Conditional Sentences Exercises with Answers

Conditional sentences are one of the important parts of English grammar. If you know about conditional sentences then you can easily construct conditional sentences in your communication. In the article below I cover conditional sentences exercises with answers, test the knowledge of your conditional sentences by writing the sentences below on a paper, then check the correct answers in the bottom of the page.

A) Decide which of the sentences below is conditional type1, 2 & 3 is:

  • ___________If I were rich, I would travel around the world.
  • _____________She wouldn’t have missed the train if she had woken up earlier.
  • ____________I’ll call you if I come back early.

B) Put the verbs in the correct tense (conditional 1):

  • If I (finish) __________________early, I will call you.
  • I (catch) ________________the 9:00 train if I hurry up.
  • She will know the answer, if she (try) ____________________________ to understand.

C) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (conditional 2):

  • If I (be)_____________________a star, I would help the needy.
  • He (buy)___________________a house if he had a job.
  • She (be)____________________happy, if she married him.

D) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (conditional 3):

  • If he (be)____________________careful, he would not have had that terrible accident.
  • I (pass) ______________________the exam if I had worked hard.
  • Her father would not have died, if he (go) ___________________________to the doctor.
  • If the USA government (spend) _____________________________________ all the money given.
  • We wouldn`t have been able to make conditional statements if Jalali (teach) ________________________ us the practical grammar.

E) Match the clauses below.

1- If we didn`t have the American teacher at ESL_______________ 2- My teacher wouldn’t have been angry with me______________ 3- If I have lots of money in the future, _______________ 4- If the Pakistan government paved all the roads and streets in Quetta, ___________ 5- If Jalal hadn`t learned English from expert professors in San Antonio, Texas, __________ 6- If our neighbors do not interfere our internal affairs, _______________ 7- If Taliban and the Afghan government get together, 8- She wouldn`t have been given the current position in the company___________ 9- If we hadn`t been taught by Jalal and Mrs. Jalal, _____________ 10- If you study hard and be punctual, _______________ a- you can learn perfect English. b- we wouldn`t have been able to know this much English. c- I will make a shelter for orphans and disabled people. d- the air wouldn`t be this much polluted in here. e- we wouldn`t be able to learn the correct pronunciation of English words. f- if I had come to my class on time. g- he wouldn’t have been able to write all the books and chapters for ESL. h- we can definitely improve our country. i- if she had been lazy and talentless. j- Afghanistan will become one of the strongest countries in the world.

  • would have passed

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Conditional sentences

In this English exercise, we will explore the three main types of conditional sentences, commonly known as "if" clauses. These conditionals are essential tools in English that express a condition and its result.

  • Type 1 conditionals describe real and possible situations in the future.
  • Type 2 conditionals discuss hypothetical situations in the present or future.
  • Type 3 conditionals reflect on hypothetical situations in the past, discussing what could have happened but didn't.

For each sentence in the exercise, choose the correct form to complete the if-clause accurately.

Math Worksheets Land

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Conditional Statement Worksheets

These are logic statements are most often presented in the form of (if, then) sentences. They tell us that if we are sure that something is true, this is how we should respond. It is good decision making at its core. While many people play checkers or chess, if they knew the best possible moves under all circumstances, it would be very tough to lose. In this section of our site, we introduce you to this form of math language at a slower pace to help you adjust your level of thinking to it. This section is very layered, and you will have the opportunity to advance with this skill quickly in this section as well. Students will learn how to write and interpret the terms presented in a conditional expression with these lessons and worksheets.

Aligned Standard: 6.EE.B.7

  • Multiplication and Division Step-by-step Lesson - The focus of the lesson is directed at topics that kids have trouble with at this level.
  • Guided Lesson - Getting the variable by itself is your main priority.
  • Guided Lesson Explanation - Most of them are single steps, but one requires a little more attention.
  • Practice Worksheet 1 - Fourteen problems for you to tackle.
  • Independent Practice Worksheet 2 - Practice makes perfect when it comes to this topic.
  • Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.

Homework Sheets

Each successive problem steps up the level of difficulty.

  • Homework 1 - Fill in the tables.
  • Homework 2 - This continues from the homework #1 sheet.

Practice Worksheets

Each sheet is broken into either Add/Subtract or Multiply Divide skills.

  • Practice 3 - This will give you an idea where you stand with these types of expressions.
  • Practice 4 - The values increase ever so slightly.
  • Practice 5 - The focus here is on tables that include multiplication and division.
  • Practice 6 - We return back to sums and differences.

Math Skill Quizzes

We tried to cover every angle that this material comes from here.

  • Quiz 1 - These are conditional that are written to make you think.
  • Quiz 2 - Where will you run with this.
  • Quiz 3 - y x 6 = z The problem: Find y when z = 18.

What Are Conditional Statements?

A conditional statement is a simple (if, then) logic statement. We use these statements in our lives daily to make decisions based on either what we observe or know to true from other sources. An example would be the statement, "If it is raining outside, I will bring my umbrella." You could look outside to see if it is raining or could have caught a weather report to verify that it was in fact raining. The main takeaway from conditionals is that they are cause and effect.

A conditional statement or a conditional expression is often symbolized by variables, mostly p and q. The variable (p) is often used for indicating the hypothesis and the variable (q) is used for the conclusion. There is also a logical connector with the conditional statement. The logical connector is indicated by the arrow sign. The condition is considered to be true unless a true hypothesis leads to a false conclusion.

There is a table that can help understand conditional statements and their expected outcomes:

P  Q  P->Q T  T  T T  F  F F  T  T F  F  T

The above table is called the truth table. It can be seen that p-> is only false in cases where the value of P is true and Q is false. In all other cases, it is true. It is important to note that conditional is a compound statement.

We often hear the computer programming and computer science involve a great deal of math. Conditional statements provide the foundation from which all computer programming languages are built from. Just like these declarations allow people to make decisions, they all computer programs to automatically make decisions based on the rules that were set forth within it. Think of something simple like pushing left on a controller for a video game, a program is running to monitor the joystick. The program receives the feedback that you have pushed left on the controller (if) and then moves your character to the left on the screen. The video game industry worldwide is a market valued at over 150 billion dollars annually. It is hard to comprehend that none of that would be possible without these simple math sentences and interpreting them properly.

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Homework 3 Conditional Statements Answer Key


The homework 3 conditional statements answer key provides a comprehensive solution to the conditional statements section of Homework 3. This guide offers a clear understanding of conditional statements, their types, and their applications in real-world programming scenarios. By delving into the concepts and techniques associated with conditional statements, this answer key empowers programmers to tackle coding challenges with confidence and efficiency.

Throughout this guide, we will explore the fundamental principles of conditional statements, including their syntax, evaluation process, and common pitfalls. We will also delve into various methods for solving conditional statements, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, we will provide a step-by-step procedure for debugging conditional statements, ensuring that programmers can identify and resolve errors effectively.

Definition of Conditional Statements

Conditional statements are a fundamental concept in programming that allow the execution of code based on specific conditions. They provide a way to control the flow of a program and make decisions.

Conditional statements are used to evaluate a condition and execute a specific block of code if the condition is true. They come in various forms, such as if-else statements, switch-case statements, and ternary operators.

Homework 3: Conditional Statements Answer Key


Homework 3 focused on the implementation of conditional statements in a programming language. Students were required to write code that evaluated conditions and executed appropriate actions.

The answer key for the conditional statements section of Homework 3 includes the following:

  • If-else statement: The answer key provides the correct syntax and usage of the if-else statement.
  • Switch-case statement: The answer key explains the structure and functionality of the switch-case statement.
  • Ternary operator: The answer key demonstrates the use of the ternary operator as a concise way to evaluate conditions.

Examples of Conditional Statements

Conditional statements are widely used in real-world applications. Here are some examples:

Language Statement Purpose
Java if (age >= 18) System.out.println(“Eligible to vote”); Checks if the user is eligible to vote based on age.
Python if password == “secret”: print(“Access granted”) Validates the user’s password for access.
JavaScript switch (fruit) case “apple”: console.log(“It’s an apple!”); break; case “banana”: console.log(“It’s a banana!”); break; Determines the type of fruit based on a variable.

Methods for Solving Conditional Statements

There are different methods for solving conditional statements, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:

Method 1: Manual Evaluation

This method involves manually checking each condition and executing the corresponding code. It is straightforward but can be time-consuming for complex conditions.

Method 2: Flowcharting, Homework 3 conditional statements answer key

Flowcharting uses visual diagrams to represent the flow of control in a program. It helps visualize the logic and identify potential errors.

Method 3: Boolean Algebra

Boolean algebra uses mathematical operations to simplify and optimize conditional statements. It is a powerful technique but requires a good understanding of Boolean logic.

Procedures for Debugging Conditional Statements: Homework 3 Conditional Statements Answer Key

Debugging conditional statements involves identifying and resolving errors in the code:

  • Check the condition: Ensure that the condition is correctly written and evaluates to the intended result.
  • Trace the code: Step through the code line by line to see how the condition is evaluated and what code is executed.
  • Use logging or print statements: Add logging statements to output the values of variables and the results of conditions to help identify the source of the error.
  • Test with different inputs: Try different input values to see if the condition behaves as expected.

FAQ Explained

What is the purpose of conditional statements in programming?

Conditional statements allow programmers to control the flow of execution in a program based on certain conditions. They enable programs to make decisions and perform different actions depending on whether a condition is true or false.

What are the different types of conditional statements?

There are several types of conditional statements, including if-else statements, switch-case statements, and ternary conditional operators. Each type serves a specific purpose and has its own syntax.

How do I debug conditional statements?

Debugging conditional statements involves identifying and resolving errors that prevent them from functioning correctly. This can be done by using debugging tools, such as breakpoints and print statements, to trace the execution of the program and identify the source of the error.

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