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500+ Educational Research Topics

Educational Research Topics

Education is a fundamental human right that plays a vital role in shaping the future of individuals, communities, and societies. In order to improve the effectiveness of education, it is crucial to engage in rigorous educational research that seeks to understand how people learn, what factors influence their learning outcomes, and how educational systems can be designed to promote equitable access and success for all learners. Educational research topics cover a wide range of issues, from exploring new teaching methods to examining the impact of technology on learning. In this blog post, we will delve into some of the most important and relevant educational research topics, highlighting their significance and potential impact on the field of education.

Educational Research Topics

Educational Research Topics are as follows:

  • The effects of personalized learning on student academic achievement
  • The impact of teacher expectations on student achievement
  • The effectiveness of flipped classroom models on student engagement and learning outcomes
  • The impact of classroom design on student behavior and learning
  • The relationship between socio-economic status and student academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of differentiated instruction on student academic achievement
  • The impact of technology on student learning outcomes
  • The effectiveness of online learning versus traditional classroom instruction
  • The influence of teacher expectations on student achievement
  • The role of parental involvement in student success
  • The relationship between school culture and student engagement
  • The impact of teacher training on student achievement
  • The effectiveness of peer tutoring programs
  • The relationship between socioeconomic status and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning
  • The impact of standardized testing on student motivation and achievement
  • The role of homework in student learning
  • The relationship between teacher-student rapport and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of differentiated instruction
  • The relationship between student self-esteem and academic achievement
  • The impact of school size on student achievement
  • The role of school discipline policies in student behavior and achievement
  • The effectiveness of character education programs
  • The relationship between school funding and student achievement
  • The impact of school start times on student achievement
  • The effectiveness of arts education programs
  • The relationship between teacher feedback and student learning
  • The impact of school climate on student achievement
  • The effectiveness of online assessment tools
  • The relationship between teacher expectations and student behavior
  • The impact of school resources on student achievement
  • The effectiveness of teacher collaboration
  • The relationship between student motivation and academic achievement
  • The impact of class size on student achievement
  • The role of student-teacher trust in academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of student-led conferences
  • The relationship between student self-efficacy and academic achievement
  • The impact of school culture on teacher job satisfaction
  • The effectiveness of inquiry-based learning
  • The relationship between teacher stress and student achievement
  • The impact of school safety measures on student achievement
  • The effectiveness of flipped classroom instruction
  • The relationship between teacher diversity and student achievement
  • The impact of technology integration on teacher job satisfaction
  • The effectiveness of project-based assessment
  • The relationship between school climate and teacher job satisfaction
  • The impact of teacher job satisfaction on student achievement
  • The effectiveness of service-learning programs
  • The relationship between school leadership and teacher job satisfaction
  • The impact of parent-teacher communication on student achievement
  • The effectiveness of online professional development for teachers
  • The relationship between student engagement and teacher job satisfaction
  • The impact of peer mentoring programs on student achievement
  • The effectiveness of cooperative learning
  • The relationship between teacher-student ethnicity match and student achievement
  • The impact of school discipline policies on teacher job satisfaction
  • The relationship between teacher quality and student academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of technology integration in the classroom
  • The impact of parent involvement on student academic achievement
  • The relationship between teacher leadership and student academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of peer tutoring on student academic achievement
  • The impact of class size on student academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning on student academic achievement
  • The impact of teacher diversity on student academic achievement
  • The relationship between student engagement and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of student-centered learning on academic achievement
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on academic achievement
  • The relationship between homework and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of cooperative learning on academic achievement
  • The impact of school culture on academic achievement
  • The relationship between teacher collaboration and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of online learning on academic achievement
  • The impact of standardized testing on student academic achievement
  • The relationship between teacher burnout and student academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness interventions on student academic achievement
  • The impact of cultural competency on student academic achievement
  • The relationship between teacher job satisfaction and student academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of social-emotional learning on academic achievement
  • The impact of parent-teacher communication on academic achievement
  • The relationship between student-teacher relationships and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of inquiry-based learning on academic achievement
  • The impact of learning environment on academic achievement
  • The relationship between student attendance and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of feedback on academic achievement
  • The impact of teacher expectations on student behavior
  • The relationship between teacher training and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of teacher professional development on academic achievement
  • The impact of teacher beliefs on student academic achievement
  • The relationship between classroom management and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of bilingual education on academic achievement
  • The impact of cultural background on academic achievement
  • The relationship between teacher turnover and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of tutoring programs on academic achievement
  • The impact of teacher salaries on academic achievement
  • The relationship between teacher-student racial matching and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of college preparatory programs on academic achievement
  • The impact of high-stakes testing on academic achievement
  • The relationship between student well-being and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of service learning on academic achievement.
  • The effects of technology on student learning outcomes.
  • The relationship between parental involvement and student achievement.
  • The impact of teacher feedback on student motivation and learning.
  • The effectiveness of online learning compared to traditional classroom instruction.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in academic success.
  • The relationship between sleep and academic performance.
  • The effectiveness of peer tutoring on student achievement.
  • The impact of early childhood education on later academic success.
  • The effects of social media on academic performance and well-being.
  • The impact of teacher expectations on student achievement.
  • The effectiveness of differentiated instruction on student learning outcomes.
  • The relationship between teacher burnout and student performance.
  • The effectiveness of inclusive education for students with disabilities.
  • The impact of teacher training and professional development on student outcomes.
  • The effects of school culture and climate on student engagement and achievement.
  • The relationship between homework and student achievement.
  • The effectiveness of gamification in education.
  • The impact of nutrition on student academic performance.
  • The effects of gender on academic achievement and attitudes towards learning.
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning on student engagement and learning outcomes.
  • The relationship between school attendance and academic performance.
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on academic achievement and well-being.
  • The effectiveness of cooperative learning on student learning outcomes.
  • The effects of parental involvement in homework on student achievement.
  • The relationship between student engagement and academic performance.
  • The impact of classroom size on student learning outcomes.
  • The effectiveness of feedback in online learning environments.
  • The effects of poverty on student academic achievement.
  • The relationship between student motivation and academic achievement.
  • The impact of school leadership on student outcomes.
  • The effectiveness of formative assessment on student learning outcomes.
  • The effects of school funding on student achievement.
  • The relationship between student self-regulation and academic performance.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on academic achievement and student attitudes towards learning.
  • The effectiveness of technology integration in the classroom.
  • The effects of teacher diversity on student achievement and attitudes towards learning.
  • The relationship between teacher expectations and student engagement.
  • The impact of school policies on student academic performance and behavior.
  • The effectiveness of metacognitive strategies on student learning outcomes.
  • The effects of parental involvement on student behavior and well-being.
  • The relationship between teacher collaboration and student achievement.
  • The impact of school transitions on student academic performance and well-being.
  • The effectiveness of inquiry-based learning on student engagement and learning outcomes.
  • The effects of standardized testing on student motivation and learning.
  • The relationship between student self-efficacy and academic performance.
  • The impact of cultural competency training on teacher attitudes and student outcomes.
  • The effectiveness of blended learning on student achievement and engagement.
  • The effects of teacher beliefs and attitudes on student outcomes.
  • The relationship between student achievement and post-secondary success.
  • The impact of extracurricular activities on student academic performance and well-being.
  • The effectiveness of flipped classroom models in higher education
  • The relationship between teacher-student rapport and academic performance
  • The effects of parental involvement on student achievement
  • The effectiveness of differentiated instruction in mixed-ability classrooms
  • The impact of teacher collaboration on student learning outcomes
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning in K-12 education
  • The relationship between classroom climate and student motivation
  • The effects of social media use on academic performance
  • The impact of inclusive education on students with disabilities
  • The effectiveness of online learning in higher education
  • The relationship between school size and academic achievement
  • The effects of school uniforms on student behavior and academic performance
  • The impact of student-centered learning on student achievement
  • The effectiveness of cooperative learning in K-12 education
  • The relationship between teacher expectations and student achievement
  • The effects of school funding on student achievement
  • The impact of teacher training on student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of peer tutoring in K-12 education
  • The effects of class size on student achievement
  • The impact of bilingual education on student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of gamification in education
  • The relationship between standardized testing and student achievement
  • The effects of homework on student achievement
  • The impact of parental involvement on college retention rates
  • The effectiveness of problem-based learning in K-12 education
  • The effects of teacher feedback on student learning outcomes
  • The impact of school discipline policies on student behavior and academic performance
  • The effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction in K-12 education
  • The relationship between teacher burnout and student outcomes
  • The effects of teacher-student racial/ethnic matching on academic performance
  • The impact of extracurricular activities on student achievement
  • The effectiveness of blended learning in higher education
  • The relationship between school leadership and student achievement
  • The effects of parental involvement on student attendance
  • The impact of peer influence on student achievement
  • The effectiveness of outdoor learning in K-12 education
  • The relationship between teacher autonomy and student outcomes
  • The effects of teacher diversity on student achievement
  • The impact of early childhood education on later academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness practices in education
  • The relationship between teacher evaluation and student achievement
  • The effects of student self-assessment on learning outcomes
  • The impact of cultural competence on teacher-student relationships and academic performance
  • The effectiveness of online discussion forums in higher education
  • The relationship between school climate and student mental health
  • The effects of student-teacher race/ethnicity matching on academic performance
  • The impact of college majors on post-graduation outcomes.
  • The impact of technology on student engagement and academic performance
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning compared to traditional teaching methods
  • The impact of school uniforms on student behavior and academic performance
  • The relationship between teacher diversity and student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of peer mentoring for at-risk students
  • The impact of school funding on student achievement
  • The relationship between parent-teacher communication and student success
  • The effectiveness of social media for educational purposes
  • The impact of inclusive education on academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of teacher mentoring programs for new teachers
  • The relationship between school funding and student outcomes
  • The impact of teacher diversity on student achievement
  • The effectiveness of using games in the classroom for learning
  • The impact of teacher collaboration on teacher retention
  • The effectiveness of using graphic novels in the classroom for literacy development
  • The impact of standardized testing on student motivation and performance
  • The effectiveness of teacher coaching on teacher practice and student learning
  • The relationship between parent-teacher communication and student outcomes
  • The impact of peer mentoring on academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of teacher professional learning communities on student outcomes
  • The relationship between teacher personality and classroom climate
  • The impact of arts education on student creativity and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of technology in teaching math
  • The relationship between teacher autonomy and teacher motivation
  • The impact of student-led conferences on parent involvement and academic performance
  • The effectiveness of differentiated instruction for gifted and talented students
  • The relationship between school discipline policies and student mental health
  • The impact of teacher leadership on school improvement
  • The effectiveness of using social media in education
  • The relationship between teacher beliefs and teacher effectiveness
  • The impact of school size on student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of using simulations in the classroom for learning
  • The relationship between parent involvement and teacher satisfaction
  • The impact of outdoor education on student learning and development
  • The effectiveness of using digital portfolios in the classroom for assessment
  • The relationship between teacher collaboration and teacher professional growth
  • The effectiveness of using multimedia in the classroom for learning
  • The relationship between school choice and student achievement
  • The impact of teacher empathy on student motivation and engagement
  • The effectiveness of using mindfulness practices in the classroom
  • The relationship between teacher creativity and student engagement
  • The impact of student ownership on academic performance
  • The effectiveness of using project-based learning in science education
  • The relationship between teacher job satisfaction and teacher retention
  • The impact of using drama in the classroom for learning
  • The effectiveness of using educational apps in the classroom
  • The relationship between teacher feedback and student achievement
  • The impact of peer assessment on student learning
  • The effectiveness of using simulations in social studies education
  • The impact of teacher-parent partnerships on student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of using podcasts in the classroom for learning
  • The relationship between teacher collaboration and teacher well-being
  • The impact of school culture on parent involvement
  • The effectiveness of using debate in the classroom for critical thinking skills.
  • The impact of teacher-student ratio on academic performance
  • The effectiveness of outdoor education on student learning
  • The impact of teacher gender on student engagement and achievement
  • The relationship between teacher feedback and student self-efficacy
  • The effectiveness of blended learning for language education
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on student attendance
  • The relationship between teacher diversity and school culture
  • The effectiveness of cultural responsiveness in the classroom
  • The impact of school choice on student outcomes
  • The relationship between classroom design and student engagement
  • The effectiveness of differentiated instruction for gifted students
  • The impact of student mobility on academic achievement
  • The relationship between teacher experience and classroom management
  • The effectiveness of technology in teaching mathematics
  • The impact of teacher burnout on student performance
  • The relationship between teacher job satisfaction and student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of arts education on student development
  • The impact of standardized testing on student motivation and academic performance
  • The relationship between teacher-student trust and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of online learning for adult education
  • The impact of school culture on teacher retention
  • The relationship between student motivation and academic success
  • The effectiveness of game-based learning for science education
  • The impact of teacher training on student outcomes in special education
  • The relationship between teacher beliefs and classroom management
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning for social studies education
  • The impact of school leadership on teacher job satisfaction
  • The relationship between teacher support and student mental health
  • The effectiveness of experiential learning for environmental education
  • The impact of teacher collaboration on student outcomes
  • The relationship between school climate and student achievement
  • The effectiveness of technology in teaching foreign languages
  • The impact of teacher evaluation on instructional quality
  • The relationship between school diversity and student achievement
  • The effectiveness of multicultural education for promoting social justice
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on student self-esteem
  • The relationship between teacher turnover and student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of inquiry-based learning for mathematics education
  • The impact of school discipline policies on student behavior
  • The relationship between teacher expectations and student engagement
  • The effectiveness of technology in teaching literacy
  • The impact of teacher autonomy on classroom innovation
  • The relationship between school climate and teacher job satisfaction.
  • The relationship between classroom size and student achievement
  • The impact of school leadership on student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of different types of assessment methods
  • The influence of teacher attitudes on student motivation and engagement
  • The relationship between parental involvement and student achievement
  • The effectiveness of different teaching strategies for diverse learners
  • The impact of early childhood education on academic success
  • The relationship between teacher training and student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of different types of feedback on student learning
  • The impact of student-centered learning on academic performance
  • The effectiveness of differentiated instruction for diverse learners
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on academic success
  • The relationship between school culture and student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of flipped classrooms compared to traditional classrooms
  • The impact of classroom management on student behavior and academic performance
  • The effectiveness of peer tutoring on student learning
  • The impact of parental involvement on student behavior and social-emotional development
  • The effectiveness of co-teaching for students with disabilities
  • The impact of bilingual education on academic achievement
  • The relationship between teacher beliefs and student achievement
  • The effectiveness of online learning compared to traditional classroom instruction
  • The impact of school culture on teacher satisfaction and retention
  • The relationship between teacher experience and student achievement
  • The effectiveness of technology-enhanced learning environments
  • The impact of teacher-student race/ethnicity matching on academic performance
  • The effectiveness of inquiry-based learning for science education
  • The relationship between school discipline policies and student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of teacher professional development on student learning
  • The impact of teacher preparation programs on teacher effectiveness
  • The relationship between classroom climate and student engagement
  • The effectiveness of teacher collaboration on student learning
  • The impact of social-emotional learning on academic performance
  • The relationship between teacher motivation and student achievement
  • The effectiveness of technology in teaching English as a second language
  • The impact of teacher autonomy on student outcomes
  • The relationship between teacher feedback and student motivation
  • The effectiveness of self-regulated learning strategies for academic success
  • The impact of single-sex education on student achievement
  • The relationship between teacher personality and student engagement
  • The effectiveness of experiential learning for history education
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on student mental health
  • The relationship between school safety and student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness practices on student behavior and academic performance.
  • The impact of technology on classroom learning
  • The effectiveness of differentiated instruction in diverse classrooms
  • The relationship between teacher burnout and student achievement
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on academic performance
  • The effectiveness of teacher professional development on instructional practice
  • The effectiveness of online learning during the pandemic
  • The impact of teacher burnout on student achievement
  • The effectiveness of early childhood education programs
  • The impact of parental involvement on student success
  • The relationship between teacher expectations and student performance
  • The impact of school safety measures on student well-being
  • The relationship between school culture and teacher satisfaction
  • The effectiveness of using manipulatives in math education
  • The impact of homework on student achievement
  • The relationship between teacher preparation programs and teacher retention
  • The effectiveness of using technology for literacy development
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on student behavior and academic achievement
  • The relationship between school leadership and teacher morale
  • The effectiveness of using virtual reality in science education
  • The impact of teacher gender on student achievement
  • The relationship between parental involvement and student motivation
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning in social studies education
  • The impact of school climate on student attendance
  • The relationship between teacher experience and student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of using game-based learning in language arts education
  • The relationship between school funding and teacher quality
  • The effectiveness of using inquiry-based learning in science education
  • The impact of teacher expectations on student motivation
  • The relationship between school facilities and student achievement
  • The effectiveness of using music in the classroom for learning
  • The impact of teacher diversity on student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of using graphic organizers in the classroom for writing
  • The impact of teacher evaluation systems on teacher performance
  • The relationship between school size and student achievement
  • The effectiveness of using digital storytelling in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher feedback on student learning
  • The relationship between teacher professional development and student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of using problem-based learning in math education
  • The impact of school discipline policies on student outcomes
  • The relationship between teacher expectations and student self-esteem
  • The effectiveness of using visual aids in the classroom for learning
  • The impact of school culture on teacher collaboration
  • The relationship between school climate and student behavior
  • The effectiveness of using drama in language arts education
  • The impact of teacher motivation on student engagement
  • The relationship between school culture and student academic identity
  • The effectiveness of using mobile devices in the classroom for learning
  • The relationship between school climate and teacher retention
  • The effectiveness of using games for social-emotional learning
  • The impact of teacher-student racial matching on student achievement.
  • The relationship between parental involvement and academic achievement
  • The impact of inclusive education on social and emotional development
  • The effectiveness of blended learning on student outcomes
  • The impact of school culture on student behavior and attitudes
  • The effectiveness of flipped classroom models on student engagement
  • The relationship between teacher autonomy and student motivation
  • The impact of bilingual education on cognitive development
  • The effectiveness of cooperative learning strategies in the classroom
  • The effectiveness of classroom management strategies on student behavior
  • The impact of standardized testing on teaching and learning
  • The effectiveness of peer tutoring on academic achievement
  • The relationship between teacher training and student achievement
  • The impact of cultural diversity on classroom dynamics and learning
  • The effectiveness of technology in teaching and learning writing
  • The relationship between school facilities and student learning
  • The impact of teacher collaboration on instructional quality
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning in science education
  • The relationship between parent involvement and school climate
  • The impact of teacher feedback on student learning and motivation
  • The effectiveness of assessment tools in measuring student learning
  • The relationship between student attitudes and academic achievement
  • The impact of college readiness programs on student success
  • The effectiveness of using graphic organizers for teaching reading comprehension
  • The relationship between teacher leadership and school improvement
  • The impact of special education programs on student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of using digital tools in teaching and learning history
  • The relationship between school culture and student attendance
  • The impact of teacher expectations on student self-efficacy
  • The effectiveness of using peer assessment in student writing
  • The impact of teacher preparation programs on instructional quality
  • The impact of teacher-student ratio on student outcomes
  • The relationship between student engagement and academic achievement in online learning
  • The impact of teacher tenure policies on student outcomes
  • The relationship between school safety and student learning
  • The effectiveness of using game-based learning in the classroom.
  • The impact of COVID-19 on online learning in K-12 education
  • The effectiveness of differentiated instruction in a diverse classroom
  • The impact of early literacy intervention programs on reading comprehension
  • The effectiveness of inquiry-based learning in science education
  • The relationship between parent involvement and student academic success
  • The impact of teacher feedback on student writing
  • The effectiveness of using digital tools for formative assessment
  • The relationship between teacher burnout and student engagement
  • The relationship between school climate and bullying prevention
  • The impact of school discipline policies on student behavior and academic achievement
  • The effectiveness of using virtual reality in history education
  • The relationship between teacher expectations and student self-efficacy
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on student well-being
  • The effectiveness of using games for math learning in elementary school
  • The relationship between teacher training and technology integration in the classroom
  • The impact of school culture on student mental health
  • The effectiveness of using project-based learning in social studies education
  • The relationship between teacher autonomy and job satisfaction
  • The impact of socio-economic status on access to higher education
  • The effectiveness of using technology for language learning
  • The relationship between school size and student outcomes
  • The impact of school leadership on teacher retention
  • The effectiveness of using active learning strategies in college classrooms
  • The relationship between teacher collaboration and student achievement
  • The impact of school-based mental health services on student well-being
  • The effectiveness of using assistive technology for special education students
  • The relationship between teacher job satisfaction and student performance
  • The impact of school-based health education programs on student health behaviors
  • The effectiveness of using simulations in science education
  • The effectiveness of using educational games for literacy development
  • The relationship between school culture and student academic achievement
  • The impact of teacher professional development on student outcomes
  • The effectiveness of using experiential learning in business education
  • The impact of teacher diversity on student engagement
  • The effectiveness of using graphic organizers in the classroom for reading comprehension
  • The relationship between school climate and teacher collaboration
  • The impact of school-based social-emotional learning programs on student behavior and academic performance
  • The effectiveness of using mobile devices for language learning
  • The relationship between teacher autonomy and teacher creativity
  • The effectiveness of using game-based learning for STEM education
  • The relationship between school climate and student motivation
  • The effectiveness of using mindfulness practices in the classroom for student well-being.
  • The effectiveness of personalized learning strategies
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness interventions in reducing stress and anxiety in students
  • The impact of teacher communication styles on student engagement
  • The relationship between bilingual education and cognitive development
  • The effectiveness of using virtual simulations in science education
  • The impact of school start times on student performance and well-being
  • The effectiveness of using art in language arts education
  • The impact of teacher-student race matching on student motivation and achievement
  • The relationship between school culture and student mental health
  • The effectiveness of inquiry-based learning in social studies education
  • The impact of peer mentoring on student success in college
  • The relationship between teacher burnout and student behavior
  • The effectiveness of using manipulatives in science education
  • The effectiveness of using gamification in math education
  • The impact of teacher-student gender matching on student attitudes towards STEM subjects
  • The relationship between student engagement and academic performance
  • The effectiveness of using social media in language learning
  • The relationship between school climate and parent involvement
  • The effectiveness of using technology in physical education
  • The effectiveness of using multimedia in history education
  • The impact of teacher motivation on student engagement and achievement
  • The relationship between school culture and parent satisfaction
  • The impact of teacher feedback on student motivation and self-regulation
  • The relationship between school climate and student attitudes towards diversity
  • The effectiveness of using blended learning in literacy education
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on college success
  • The effectiveness of using digital portfolios for assessment
  • The impact of teacher diversity on school culture and climate
  • The relationship between school leadership and teacher professional development
  • The effectiveness of using inquiry-based learning in art education
  • The impact of teacher-student personality matching on academic achievement
  • The relationship between school climate and student creativity
  • The effectiveness of using coding in math education
  • The impact of teacher mentoring on new teacher retention
  • The relationship between school culture and student motivation
  • The effectiveness of using peer feedback in writing instruction
  • The impact of teacher diversity on student attitudes towards diversity
  • The relationship between school culture and student resilience
  • The effectiveness of using case-based learning in business education
  • The impact of teacher-student trust on student engagement and academic achievement.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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110+ Exceptional Education Research Topics Ideas

Letters that make up the words of education

Topics for education research usually comprise school research topics, research problems in education, qualitative research topics in education, and concept paper topics about education to mention a few.

If you’re looking for research titles about education,  you’re reading the right post! This article contains 110 of the best education research topics that will come in handy when you need to choose one for your research. From sample research topics in education, to research titles examples for high school students about education – we have it all.

Educational Research Topics

Research title examples for college students, quantitative research titles about education, topics related to education for thesis, research titles about school issues, ph.d. research titles in education, elementary education research topics, research title examples about online class, research titles about modular learning, examples of research questions in education, special education research titles.

The best research titles about education must be done through the detailed process of exploring previous works and improving personal knowledge.

Here are some good research topics in education to consider.

What Are Good Research Topics Related to Education?

  • The role of Covid-19 in reinvigorating online learning
  • The growth of cognitive abilities through leisure experiences
  • The merits of group study in education
  • Merits and demerits of traditional learning methods
  • The impact of homework on traditional and modern education
  • Student underdevelopment as a result of larger class volumes
  • Advantages of digital textbooks in learning
  • The struggle of older generations in computer education
  • The standards of learning  in the various academic levels
  • Bullying and its effects on educational and mental health
  • Exceptional education tutors: Is the need for higher pay justifiable?

The following examples of research titles about education for college students are ideal for a project that will take a long duration to complete. Here are some education topics for research that you can consider for your degree.

  • Modern classroom difficulties of students and teachers
  • Strategies to reform the learning difficulties within schools
  • The rising cost of tuition and its burden on middle-class parents
  • The concept of creativity among public schools and how it can be harnessed
  • Major difficulties experienced in academic staff training
  • Evaluating the learning cultures of college students
  • Use of scientific development techniques in student learning
  • Research of skill development in high school and college students
  • Modern grading methods in underdeveloped institutions
  • Dissertations and the difficulties surrounding their completion
  • Integration of new gender categories in personalized learning

These research topics about education require a direct quantitative analysis and study of major ideas and arguments. They often contain general statistics and figures to back up regular research. Some of such research topics in education include:

  • The relationship between poor education and increased academic fees
  • Creating a social link between homeschool and traditional schoolgoers
  • The relationship between teacher satisfaction and student performance
  • The divide between public and private school performance
  • The merits of parental involvement in students’ cognitive growth.
  • A study on child welfare and its impact on educational development
  • The relationship between academic performance and economic growth
  • Urbanization in rural areas and its contribution to institutional growth
  • The relationship between students and professors in dissertation writing
  • The link between debt accumulation and student loans
  • Boarding schools and regular schools: The role these two school types play in cognitive development

Educational-related topics used for a thesis normally require a wide aspect of study and enough educational materials.  Here are some education research topics you can use for write my thesis .

  • The difficulties of bilingual education in private universities
  • Homework and its impact on learning processes in college education
  • Dissertation topic selection: Key aspects and research obligations
  • Social media research topics and their educational functions
  • A detailed educational review of student learning via virtual reality techniques
  • Ethnicities in universities and their participation in group activities
  • The modern approach to self-studying for college students
  • Developing time management skills in modern education
  • Guidelines for teacher development in advanced educational institutions
  • The need for religious education in boarding schools
  • A measure of cognitive development using digital learning methods

A research title about school issues focuses on activities surrounding the school environment and its effects on students, teachers, parents, and education in general. Below are some sample research titles in education, relating to school issues.

  • Learning English in bilingual schools
  • A study of teachers’ role as parent figures on school grounds
  • Addressing the increased use of illegal substances and their effects in schools
  • The benefits of after-class activities for foreign students
  • Assessing student and teacher relationships
  • A study of the best methods to implement safety rules in school
  • Major obstacles in meeting school schedules using boarding students as a case study
  • The need for counseling in public and private schools: Which is greater?
  • Academic volunteering in understaffed public schools
  • Modern techniques for curbing school violence among college students
  • The advantages and disadvantages of teacher unions in schools

As you create your proposed list of research topics in education, consider scientific journals for referencing purposes. Here are some Ph.D. research titles for education.

  • The modern methods of academic research writing
  • The role of colleges in advanced mental care
  • The merits and demerits of Ph.D. studies in Europe and Africa
  • Interpersonal relationships between students and professors in advanced institutions
  • A review of community colleges: merits and demerits
  • Assessing racism in academic ethnic minorities
  • The psychological changes of students in higher education
  • The questionable standards of student loan provisions
  • The merits of personalized teaching techniques in colleges
  • The wage gap between private and public university teachers
  • Teacher responsibilities in private universities versus public universities

The research topics in elementary education in 2023 are very different from the elementary education research topics from five or ten years ago. This creates interesting grounds for different research titles for elementary education.

Here are some elementary education title research ideas.

  • Assessing quick computer literacy among elementary school pupils.
  • The role of video games in childhood brain development
  • Male vs female role models in early education periods
  • The advantages of digital textbooks in elementary schools
  • The impact of modern curriculums on elementary education
  • Lack of proper school grooming is a cause of violence.
  • Should elementary school children be taught about LGBTQ?
  • A review of the need for sexual education in elementary schools
  • The effects of emotional dependence in early childhood learners.
  • The need for constant technology supervision of elementary school students
  • Advantages of computer-guided education in elementary schools

Here are some research title examples for students taking online classes.

  • The academic difficulties experienced by online students.
  • A study of decreased attention in online classes
  • The upsides and downsides of online education
  • The rising fees of online and traditional education in universities
  • A detailed study on the necessity of college internships
  • The need to provide college scholarships based on environmental achievements
  • How online education terminates university fraternities and sororities.
  • The role of academic supervisors in career selection
  • Why interactive assignments improved learning capabilities during the pandemic
  • Merits of education in online learning environments
  • Why online lessons are the least effective for some college students

The modular learning approach focuses primarily on learning outcomes. Here are some examples of research titles about modular learning.

  • Modular learning and the role of teachers in its execution
  • Teaching techniques of religious institutions
  • Potential risks of accelerated learning
  • Modular learning on students’ future performances
  • The general overview of modular learning amongst students
  • The modern Advantages and disadvantages of inclusive classes
  • Observing student developments in modular learning
  • Music therapy for fostering modular learning techniques
  • The creation of a personalized curriculum for students.
  • Applications of modular learning both in home-schooling?
  • The benefits of modular learning towards creating a more holistic educational system

These research title examples about education answer important questions and they can also be argumentative essay topics .

Here are some titles of research about education questions.

  • What impacts do learning approaches provide for students?
  • How can schools manage their increasing gender differences?
  • What fosters the provision of learning needs?
  • What are the best educational recruitment methods?
  • How can cognitive development improve education?
  • How can you assess the moral growth of institutions?
  • What are the primary causes of educational differences in geographical locations?
  • How can institutions address increasing mental health needs?
  • Why is early intervention essential in students with mental health setbacks?
  • What are the characteristics of mental health deterioration among students?
  • What techniques are acceptable in regulating the violence of students in institutions

Some of the research title examples about education include:

  • How do schools create more personalized learning methods?
  • Evaluating mental health setbacks during education
  • The impact of modern technology on special education
  • The cognitive improvements via specialized learning in dyslexic children
  • The psychological link between dyslexia and bullying in high school
  • Impact of social isolation in special education classes
  • The difficulties in providing specialized learning environments
  • A study of orphan students with disabilities and their aptitudes for learning
  • How special classes improve the self-esteem of disabled students.
  • How to use modern teaching techniques in unique learning environments.
  • A study of the application of digital games to autistic learning

Final words about education research topics

We have provided some reliable examples of a research topic about education you can use for write my thesis . You can use these research titles in education to cultivate your ideas, create inspiration, or for online research. Remember always to select a topic that you’re naturally passionate about and do diligent research, and reach out to our professional writing services if you need any help.

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Top Education Research Topics and Ideas for Students: Find Inspiration for Your Paper

Updated 11 Mar 2024

Education research paper topics

Education research plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of teaching and learning. However, for students, finding a compelling research topic can be a daunting task. That's why we're here to help! In this article, we have curated a collection of the latest education research topics and ideas to inspire you. From exploring how to best utilize technology in classrooms, to evaluating how certain teaching methods can improve learning outcomes, there is a wide range of topics that can be investigated. If you're seeking further support, don't hesitate to reach out and say, " Do my research paper !" We are here to simplify the process and help you excel in your academic pursuits. So let's delve into the exciting world of education research together!

List of education research paper topics

Education research paper topics refer to a wide range of subjects that students can explore in the field of education. Here is a list of topics for your inspiration:

  • Impact of Online Learning on Student Engagement and Academic Performance
  • Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning in Promoting Critical Thinking Skills
  • Socioeconomic Status and Access to Quality Education
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality in Enhancing the Learning Experience
  • Role of Teacher Expectations in Shaping Student Outcomes
  • Peer Mentoring Programs in Supporting Student Success
  • Classroom Design and Student Learning Outcomes
  • Technology-Assisted Language Learning in Second Language Acquisition
  • Differentiated Instruction in Meeting Diverse Student Needs
  • Cultural Competence in Teacher Effectiveness and Student Achievement
  • Teacher-Student Relationships and Student Motivation
  • Mindfulness Practices in Promoting Student Well-Being and Academic Achievement
  • Teacher Professional Development and Instructional Quality
  • Community Partnerships in Improving Educational Opportunities and Outcomes
  • Inquiry-Based Learning in Promoting Scientific Literacy
  • Experiential Learning Methods
  • Parental Involvement and Student Success
  • Early Childhood Education Outcomes
  • Class Size and Academic Performance
  • Motivation and Academic Performance
  • School Climate and Academic Performance
  • Collaborative Learning Approaches
  • Cultural Competence and Academic Achievement
  • Early Literacy Instruction and Future Reading Success
  • Gender Disparities in Stem Academic Performance

Higher education research paper topics

This subtopic explores the impact of higher education on career prospects, the cost and affordability of college, the effectiveness of online learning, and the benefits of international study programs. Conducting research on these topics can lead to a better understanding of higher education and help achieve positive outcomes.

  • Examining the Relationship between Online Learning and Student
  • Engagement and Academic Performance in Higher Education
  • The Effectiveness of Technology in Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education
  • Mental Health Consequences of Student Loan Debt: A Study
  • Cultural Backgrounds and Their Influence on Students' Academic Experiences and Outcomes in Higher Education
  • Evaluating the Impact of Mindfulness-Based Programs on Reducing Stress and Enhancing Academic Performance in College Students
  • Assessing the Role of Faculty Diversity in Improving Student Learning and Success in Higher Education
  • Student Engagement and Retention Rates in Higher Education: A Correlation Analysis
  • The Preparedness of Competency-Based Education Programs for the Workforce
  • The Continuing Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education and Its Future Prospects
  • The Contribution of Student Support Services to Academic Success and Graduation Rates in Higher Education

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Special education research topics

  • Assistive Technology for Academic Success
  • Inclusive Education Best Practices
  • Parent Involvement for Disability Outcomes
  • Differentiated Instruction for Disabled Students
  • Early Intervention for Young Learners
  • Positive Behavior Interventions for Disabilities
  • Co-teaching Models for Disabled Students
  • Teacher Attitudes Towards Disabilities
  • Peer Mentoring for Emotional Development
  • Vocational Training for Disabled Employment
  • Individualized Education Programs and Outcomes
  • Reading Interventions for Learning Disabilities
  • Social Skills Training for Disabilities
  • Paraeducators’ Support for Disabled Students
  • Self-Determination for Independent Living Skills
  • Peer Support Groups for Emotional Outcomes
  • Assistive Tech for Extracurricular Activities
  • Mindfulness Interventions for Self-Regulation
  • Collaborative Problem-Solving for Disabilities
  • Physical Activity for Emotional Well-Being
  • Inclusive Education for Students with special needs

Educational research topics on child development

This topic covers a broad range of research topics, including the effects of nature and nurture on child development, the impact of early childhood experiences on later development, the role of play in learning, and the influence of family and cultural factors on child development.

  • Play and Learning in Early Childhood Development
  • Mindfulness and Its Role in Promoting Child Development
  • Nature Exposure and Children’s Cognitive Development
  • Art Education for Child Development
  • Family Dynamics Impact on Child Development
  • The Effect of Trauma on Child Development
  • Bilingualism and Cognitive Development in Children
  • Creativity for Early Childhood Development
  • Socioeconomic Status and Child Development
  • Peer Mentoring for Child Development
  • How Motor Skills Affect Children’s Academic Success?
  • The Impact of Parent-Child Communication on Child Development
  • Attachment and Self-Esteem Development in Children
  • The Influence of Childcare Settings on Child Development
  • Outdoor Play’s Relationship to Child Development
  • Social Media and Adolescent Development
  • Importance of Empathy for Child Development
  • Culture and Gender Identity Development in Children
  • The Importance of Resilience for Child Development
  • Role of Executive Functioning in Social Skills Development

Educational research topics for college students

  • Effects of Technology on Student Learning Outcomes in Higher Education
  • A Comparative Study on Student Engagement and Achievement in Online Versus Traditional Classroom Instruction
  • Teacher Feedback and Its Impact on Student Performance
  • Parent Involvement and Its Influence on Student Academic Achievement
  • Correlational Study on Sleep Habits and Academic Performance Among College Students
  • Comparison of Different Study Techniques and Strategies for College Students
  • Cultural Diversity in the Classroom and Its Effects on Student Learning
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Student Motivation and Academic Performance
  • Teaching Methodologies and Student Achievement in Stem Fields
  • Impact of Teacher Expectations on Student Academic Achievement
  • Comparative Study on Gender and Academic Performance in Different Subject Areas
  • Extracurricular Activities and Academic Achievement: Examining the Relationship
  • Effects of Peer-To-Peer Learning on Student Academic Performance
  • The Impact of College Entrance Exams on Student Academic Performance
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Social Media Use and Academic Performance Among College Students
  • A Comparative Study on the Impact of Active Versus Passive Learning Approaches on Student Academic Performance
  • Examining the Impact of Teacher Training on Student Academic Achievement
  • The Effects of Teacher Burnout on Student Academic Achievement
  • Different Types of Assessments and Their Effects on Student Academic Performance
  • The Relationship Between College Students’ Study Habits and Academic Performance

Latest research topics in education

  • How Can Technology Be Used to Enhance Student Learning in the Classroom?
  • What Are the Benefits and Challenges of Homeschooling as a Form of Education?
  • How Does the Use of Social Media Affect Student Engagement and Academic Performance?
  • What Is the Impact of Teacher-Student Relationships on Student Motivation and Achievement?
  • How Can Cultural Diversity Be Effectively Incorporated Into the Classroom to Promote Learning and Understanding?
  • What Are the Best Strategies for Promoting Effective Reading Skills in Students of All Ages?
  • How Can Project-Based Learning Be Used to Promote Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills in Students?
  • What Are the Most Effective Ways to Promote Student Creativity and Innovation in the Classroom?
  • How Does Teacher Feedback and Assessment Impact Student Learning and Academic Success?
  • What Are the Benefits and Challenges of Online Learning in Higher Education?
  • How Can Differentiated Instruction Be Used to Meet the Needs of Diverse Learners in the Classroom?
  • What Is the Impact of Parental Involvement on Student Academic Achievement?
  • How Can Schools Promote Positive Mental Health and Well-Being in Students?
  • What Is the Role of Experiential Learning in Promoting Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes?
  • What Are the Best Strategies for Promoting Effective Writing Skills in Students of All Ages?
  • How Can Schools Effectively Address and Prevent Bullying and Cyberbullying?
  • What Is the Impact of Student-Teacher Ratio on Student Academic Achievement?
  • How Can Schools Promote Effective Collaboration and Teamwork Skills in Students?
  • What Are the Benefits and Challenges of Competency-Based Education in Higher Education?
  • How Can Schools Effectively Support and Accommodate Students With Disabilities?

Topics for action research in education

Discover how to make a positive difference in the world of education through innovative and effective action research. Learn about topics for action research that are relevant to current educational practices and trends. Get started on making your mark through thoughtful exploration of educational topics for action research!

  • The Impact of Project-Based Learning on Student Achievement
  • Strategies to Increase Student Engagement Through Technology Integration
  • Methods to Improve Reading Comprehension in Elementary School Students
  • Addressing Absenteeism Among High School Students
  • Effective Strategies for Promoting Collaborative Learning
  • Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Middle School Students
  • Improving Teacher-Student Relationships to Enhance Student Learning
  • Mindfulness Practices to Reduce Student Anxiety
  • Examining the Effectiveness of Differentiated Instruction on Student Learning Outcomes
  • Investigating the Effects of Physical Activity on Academic Achievement
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices to Meet the Needs of Diverse Students
  • Investigating the Effects of Class Size on Student Achievement
  • Strategies to Improve Parent Involvement in the Education Process to Support Student Success
  • Examining the Effects of Music Education on Academic Achievement
  • Effective Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners
  • Investigating the Effects of School Uniforms on Student Behavior
  • Promoting Positive Behavior in the Classroom Through Positive Reinforcement
  • Addressing Academic Stress Among High School Students
  • Strategies to Address Student Learning Gaps Caused by Pandemic-Related Disruptions
  • The Impact of Teacher Professional Development on Student Learning Outcomes

Provocative education research topics

Research into education is groundbreaking, with new discoveries and ideas being created every day. This list of provocative research topics focuses on the most timely and important questions in education today. From educational technology to teaching methods and beyond, these questions are sure to spark intriguing conversations and novel insights.

  • How Does the Use of Technology in the Classroom Impact Student Learning Outcomes?
  • To What Extent Does Parental Involvement Affect Academic Performance?
  • In What Ways Does Teacher Diversity Influence Student Success?
  • What Are the Benefits and Challenges of Multilingual Education in the Classroom?
  • How Does Social Media Use Affect Student Learning and Academic Achievement?
  • What Are the Strengths and Weaknesses of Standardized Testing in Measuring Student Learning?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Classroom Environment and Academic Achievement?
  • How Does Project-Based Learning Develop Critical Thinking Skills in Students?
  • What Is the Correlation Between Mental Health and Academic Performance?
  • How Effective Is Differentiated Instruction in Promoting Student Engagement?
  • What Is the Impact of Professional Development on Teacher Efficacy and Student Learning Outcomes?
  • How Does Collaborative Learning Impact Student Academic Achievement?
  • What Is the Role of School Culture in Promoting Academic Success?
  • How Can Education Promote Equity and Social Justice in the Classroom?
  • How Does Online Learning Compare to Traditional Classroom Learning in Developing Student Competencies?
  • What Is the Correlation Between Parenting Styles and Student Academic Success?
  • How Do Gender and Cultural Differences Impact Learning Styles and Academic Achievement?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Extracurricular Activities and Academic Success?
  • How Effective Is Personalized Learning in Fostering Student Motivation and Engagement?
  • What Is the Long-Term Impact of Early Childhood Education on Academic Achievement and Success?

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How to choose a good topic on education subject

Choosing a good topic on education is essential for engaging your audience and making an impact. To do this successfully, consider the following steps:

  • Determine your passions: contemplate the facets of education that captivate and inspire you the most.
  • Know your audience: be mindful of the readers or viewers of your work, and consider their interests and preferences.
  • Explore contemporary trends and concerns: investigate recent developments, tendencies, technologies, approaches, policies, and research within education that are currently influencing the field.
  • Uncover knowledge voids: pinpoint areas within education where research or comprehension is lacking, and choose a subject that addresses these deficiencies while contributing to the broader field.
  • Consult with experts: engage with teachers, professors, or other industry professionals to gather insights on potential subjects - they may even provide helpful recommendations or direct you to valuable resources!

Choosing the right research topic is vital for students in the field of education. Staying informed about current trends and developments is key. This article provides a diverse list of top education research paper topics, allowing students to select an intriguing idea that aligns with their interests and goals. To save time and effort, you can choose to pay for papers , guaranteeing expertly crafted research papers while you concentrate on your academic goals.

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How to Choose a Dissertation Topic | 8 Steps to Follow

Published on November 11, 2022 by Shona McCombes and Tegan George. Revised on November 20, 2023.

Choosing your dissertation topic is the first step in making sure your research goes as smoothly as possible. When choosing a topic, it’s important to consider:

  • Your institution and department’s requirements
  • Your areas of knowledge and interest
  • The scientific, social, or practical relevance
  • The availability of data and resources
  • The timeframe of your dissertation
  • The relevance of your topic

You can follow these steps to begin narrowing down your ideas.

Table of contents

Step 1: check the requirements, step 2: choose a broad field of research, step 3: look for books and articles, step 4: find a niche, step 5: consider the type of research, step 6: determine the relevance, step 7: make sure it’s plausible, step 8: get your topic approved, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about dissertation topics.

The very first step is to check your program’s requirements. This determines the scope of what it is possible for you to research.

  • Is there a minimum and maximum word count?
  • When is the deadline?
  • Should the research have an academic or a professional orientation?
  • Are there any methodological conditions? Do you have to conduct fieldwork, or use specific types of sources?

Some programs have stricter requirements than others. You might be given nothing more than a word count and a deadline, or you might have a restricted list of topics and approaches to choose from. If in doubt about what is expected of you, always ask your supervisor or department coordinator.

Start by thinking about your areas of interest within the subject you’re studying. Examples of broad ideas include:

  • Twentieth-century literature
  • Economic history
  • Health policy

To get a more specific sense of the current state of research on your potential topic, skim through a few recent issues of the top journals in your field. Be sure to check out their most-cited articles in particular. For inspiration, you can also search Google Scholar , subject-specific databases , and your university library’s resources.

As you read, note down any specific ideas that interest you and make a shortlist of possible topics. If you’ve written other papers, such as a 3rd-year paper or a conference paper, consider how those topics can be broadened into a dissertation.

After doing some initial reading, it’s time to start narrowing down options for your potential topic. This can be a gradual process, and should get more and more specific as you go. For example, from the ideas above, you might narrow it down like this:

  • Twentieth-century literature   Twentieth-century Irish literature   Post-war Irish poetry
  • Economic history   European economic history   German labor union history
  • Health policy   Reproductive health policy   Reproductive rights in South America

All of these topics are still broad enough that you’ll find a huge amount of books and articles about them. Try to find a specific niche where you can make your mark, such as: something not many people have researched yet, a question that’s still being debated, or a very current practical issue.

At this stage, make sure you have a few backup ideas — there’s still time to change your focus. If your topic doesn’t make it through the next few steps, you can try a different one. Later, you will narrow your focus down even more in your problem statement and research questions .

There are many different types of research , so at this stage, it’s a good idea to start thinking about what kind of approach you’ll take to your topic. Will you mainly focus on:

  • Collecting original data (e.g., experimental or field research)?
  • Analyzing existing data (e.g., national statistics, public records, or archives)?
  • Interpreting cultural objects (e.g., novels, films, or paintings)?
  • Comparing scholarly approaches (e.g., theories, methods, or interpretations)?

Many dissertations will combine more than one of these. Sometimes the type of research is obvious: if your topic is post-war Irish poetry, you will probably mainly be interpreting poems. But in other cases, there are several possible approaches. If your topic is reproductive rights in South America, you could analyze public policy documents and media coverage, or you could gather original data through interviews and surveys .

You don’t have to finalize your research design and methods yet, but the type of research will influence which aspects of the topic it’s possible to address, so it’s wise to consider this as you narrow down your ideas.

It’s important that your topic is interesting to you, but you’ll also have to make sure it’s academically, socially or practically relevant to your field.

  • Academic relevance means that the research can fill a gap in knowledge or contribute to a scholarly debate in your field.
  • Social relevance means that the research can advance our understanding of society and inform social change.
  • Practical relevance means that the research can be applied to solve concrete problems or improve real-life processes.

The easiest way to make sure your research is relevant is to choose a topic that is clearly connected to current issues or debates, either in society at large or in your academic discipline. The relevance must be clearly stated when you define your research problem .

Before you make a final decision on your topic, consider again the length of your dissertation, the timeframe in which you have to complete it, and the practicalities of conducting the research.

Will you have enough time to read all the most important academic literature on this topic? If there’s too much information to tackle, consider narrowing your focus even more.

Will you be able to find enough sources or gather enough data to fulfil the requirements of the dissertation? If you think you might struggle to find information, consider broadening or shifting your focus.

Do you have to go to a specific location to gather data on the topic? Make sure that you have enough funding and practical access.

Last but not least, will the topic hold your interest for the length of the research process? To stay motivated, it’s important to choose something you’re enthusiastic about!

Most programmes will require you to submit a brief description of your topic, called a research prospectus or proposal .

Remember, if you discover that your topic is not as strong as you thought it was, it’s usually acceptable to change your mind and switch focus early in the dissertation process. Just make sure you have enough time to start on a new topic, and always check with your supervisor or department.

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.


  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

Formulating a main research question can be a difficult task. Overall, your question should contribute to solving the problem that you have defined in your problem statement .

However, it should also fulfill criteria in three main areas:

  • Researchability
  • Feasibility and specificity
  • Relevance and originality

All research questions should be:

  • Focused on a single problem or issue
  • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
  • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly

Writing Strong Research Questions

You can assess information and arguments critically by asking certain questions about the source. You can use the CRAAP test , focusing on the currency , relevance , authority , accuracy , and purpose of a source of information.

Ask questions such as:

  • Who is the author? Are they an expert?
  • Why did the author publish it? What is their motivation?
  • How do they make their argument? Is it backed up by evidence?

A dissertation prospectus or proposal describes what or who you plan to research for your dissertation. It delves into why, when, where, and how you will do your research, as well as helps you choose a type of research to pursue. You should also determine whether you plan to pursue qualitative or quantitative methods and what your research design will look like.

It should outline all of the decisions you have taken about your project, from your dissertation topic to your hypotheses and research objectives , ready to be approved by your supervisor or committee.

Note that some departments require a defense component, where you present your prospectus to your committee orally.

The best way to remember the difference between a research plan and a research proposal is that they have fundamentally different audiences. A research plan helps you, the researcher, organize your thoughts. On the other hand, a dissertation proposal or research proposal aims to convince others (e.g., a supervisor, a funding body, or a dissertation committee) that your research topic is relevant and worthy of being conducted.

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McCombes, S. & George, T. (2023, November 20). How to Choose a Dissertation Topic | 8 Steps to Follow. Scribbr. Retrieved August 12, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/research-process/dissertation-topic/

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Educational research topics: navigating the path to knowledge and innovation.

10 Best Educational Research Topics | Future Education Magazine

Educational research is the cornerstone of progress in the field of education. It catalyzes change, informing pedagogical practices, shaping policies, and addressing the diverse needs of learners. The exploration of educational research topics is a journey into the intricacies of teaching and learning, revealing insights that contribute to the ongoing evolution of educational systems worldwide.

The Significance of Educational Research

Educational research is a systematic inquiry into various aspects of the educational process. It aims to deepen our understanding of how students learn, the effectiveness of teaching methods, and the impact of educational policies. This knowledge, derived from rigorous research, empowers educators, policymakers, and stakeholders to make informed decisions that shape the trajectory of education.

Here are 10 Diverse Educational Research Topics:

1. technology integration in education.

Exploring the impact of digital tools, online platforms, and interactive technologies on teaching and learning. Investigating the effectiveness of blended learning models and the implications of artificial intelligence in education.

2. Inclusive Education

Examining strategies for creating inclusive classrooms that cater to students with diverse learning needs. Assessing the impact of inclusive practices on student achievement and well-being.

3. Student Motivation and Engagement

10 Best Educational Research Topics | Future Education Magazine

Educational Research Topics helps Investigate factors that influence student motivation and engagement in the learning process. Exploring the role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators in fostering a positive learning environment.

4. Assessment and Evaluation Practices

Examining the effectiveness of traditional and alternative assessment methods in gauging student understanding. Investigating strategies for fair and equitable evaluation, considering diverse learning styles.

5 . Teacher Professional Development

Researching the impact of professional development programs on teacher effectiveness. Exploring innovative approaches to continuous learning for educators.

6. Early Childhood Education

Investigating the long-term effects of early childhood education on cognitive and social development. Exploring effective teaching methods for young learners.

7 . Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Examining the role of SEL in enhancing student well-being and academic success. Investigating the impact of SEL programs on school climate and community dynamics.

8 . Online and Distance Learning

10 Best Educational Research Topics | Future Education Magazine

Exploring the challenges and opportunities associated with online and distance learning. Assessing the effectiveness of virtual classrooms and the accessibility of online education. Researching various Educational Research Topics may result in more understanding

9. Educational Leadership and Administration

Investigating the qualities and practices of effective educational leaders. Exploring the impact of leadership on school culture, teacher morale, and student outcomes.

10 . Global and Comparative Education

Comparing educational systems across different countries and cultures. Examining the role of education in addressing global challenges and fostering international collaboration.

Emerging Trends in Educational Research

1 . neuroeducation.

Investigating the intersection of neuroscience and education to understand how the brain learns. Exploring the implications of neuroscientific findings for instructional practices.

2. Environmental Education

Examining the integration of environmental education into curricula. Investigating the Educational Research Topics like the impact of eco-friendly practices and outdoor learning on students’ environmental consciousness.

3 . Data-Driven Decision Making

Exploring the use of data analytics to inform educational decision-making. Assessing the ethical considerations of data use in education.

4 . Equity and Inclusion

10 Best Educational Research Topics | Future Education Magazine

Research strategies to address educational disparities based on race, socio-economic status, and other factors. Investigating the impact of inclusive practices on overall student success.

Challenges and Opportunities in Educational Research


  • Funding Constraints: Limited financial resources can hinder the scope and depth of educational research initiatives.
  • Ethical Considerations: Ensuring ethical research practices, especially with vulnerable populations, presents ongoing challenges.
  • Implementation Gap : Bridging the divide between research findings and practical implementation in classrooms remains a persistent challenge.


  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Opportunities for collaboration between educators, researchers, and experts from diverse fields can lead to holistic insights.
  • Technology Integration : Leveraging technological advancements can enhance data collection, analysis, and the dissemination of research findings.
  • Global Collaboration: International collaboration provides opportunities to study educational systems in varied cultural contexts, fostering a broader understanding of effective practices.

Educational research is a dynamic and multifaceted endeavor, delving into an array of topics that collectively shape the future of education. From the integration of technology to the exploration of global education systems, researchers play a pivotal role in advancing our understanding of effective teaching and learning practices.

As we navigate the vast landscape of educational research topics, it becomes clear that the quest for knowledge is both a challenge and an opportunity. The challenges of funding constraints, ethical considerations, and the implementation gap are met with opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration, technological integration, and global cooperation.

In essence, educational research topics are the driving force behind innovation in education. It empowers educators with evidence-based practices, guides policymakers in shaping effective policies, and ultimately enriches the learning experiences of students worldwide. As researchers continue to explore new frontiers and address persistent challenges, the collective efforts in educational research pave the way for a more inclusive, equitable, and transformative education system.

Also Read: Multiple Intelligences: What Does the Research Say?

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how do i find a research topic in education

  • How to Choose a PhD Research Topic
  • Finding a PhD


Whilst there are plenty of resources available to help prospective PhD students find doctoral programmes, deciding on a research topic is a process students often find more difficult.

Some advertised PhD programmes have predefined titles, so the exact topic is decided already. Generally, these programmes exist mainly in STEM, though other fields also have them. Funded projects are more likely to have defined titles, and structured aims and objectives.

Self funded projects, and those in fields such as arts and humanities, are less likely to have defined titles. The flexibility of topic selection means more scope exists for applicants to propose research ideas and suit the topic of research to their interests.

A middle ground also exists where Universities advertise funded PhD programmes in subjects without a defined scope, for example: “PhD Studentship in Biomechanics”. The applicant can then liaise with the project supervisor to choose a particular title such as “A study of fatigue and impact resistance of biodegradable knee implants”.

If a predefined programme is not right for you, then you need to propose your own research topic. There are several factors to consider when choosing a good research topic, which will be outlined in this article.

How to Choose a Research Topic

Our first piece of advice is to PhD candidates is to stop thinking about ‘finding’ a research topic, as it is unlikely that you will. Instead, think about developing a research topic (from research and conversations with advisors).

Consider several ideas and critically appraise them:

  • You must be able to explain to others why your chosen topic is worth studying.
  • You must be genuinely interested in the subject area.
  • You must be competent and equipped to answer the research question.
  • You must set achievable and measurable aims and objectives.
  • You need to be able to achieve your objectives within a given timeframe.
  • Your research question must be original and contribute to the field of study.

We have outlined the key considerations you should use when developing possible topics. We explore these below:

Focus on your interests and career aspirations

It is important to choose a topic of research that you are genuinely interested in. The decision you make will shape the rest of your career. Remember, a full-time programme lasts 3-4 years, and there will be unforeseen challenges during this time. If you are not passionate about the study, you will struggle to find motivation during these difficult periods.

You should also look to your academic and professional background. If there are any modules you undertook as part of your Undergraduate/Master degree that you particularly enjoyed or excelled in? These could form part of your PhD research topic. Similarly, if you have professional work experience, this could lead to you asking questions which can only be answered through research.

When deciding on a PhD research topic you should always consider your long-term career aspirations. For example, as a physicist, if you wish to become an astrophysicist, a research project studying black holes would be more relevant to you than a research project studying nuclear fission.

Read dissertations and published journals

Reading dissertations and published journals is a great way to identify potential PhD topics. When reviewing existing research ask yourself:

  • What has been done and what do existing results show?
  • What did previous projects involve (e.g. lab-work or fieldwork)?
  • How often are papers published in the field?
  • Are your research ideas original?
  • Is there value in your research question?
  • Could I expand on or put my own spin on this research?

Reading dissertations will also give you an insight into the practical aspects of doctoral study, such as what methodology the author used, how much data analysis was required and how was information presented.

You can also think of this process as a miniature literature review . You are searching for gaps in knowledge and developing a PhD project to address them. Focus on recent publications (e.g. in the last five years). In particular, the literature review of recent publications will give an excellent summary of the state of existing knowledge, and what research questions remain unanswered.

If you have the opportunity to attend an academic conference, go for it! This is often an excellent way to find out current theories in the industry and the research direction. This knowledge could reveal a possible research idea or topic for further study.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

Discuss research topic ideas with a PhD supervisor

Discuss your research topic ideas with a supervisor. This could be your current undergraduate/masters supervisor, or potential supervisors of advertised PhD programmes at different institutions. Come to these meetings prepared with initial PhD topic ideas, and your findings from reading published journals. PhD supervisors will be more receptive to your ideas if you can demonstrate you have thought about them and are committed to your research.

You should discuss your research interests, what you have found through reading publications, and what you are proposing to research. Supervisors who have expertise in your chosen field will have insight into the gaps in knowledge that exist, what is being done to address them, and if there is any overlap between your proposed research ideas and ongoing research projects.

Talking to an expert in the field can shape your research topic to something more tangible, which has clear aims and objectives. It can also find potential shortfalls of your PhD ideas.

It is important to remember, however, that although it is good to develop your research topic based on feedback, you should not let the supervisor decide a topic for you. An interesting topic for a supervisor may not be interesting to you, and a supervisor is more likely to advise on a topic title which lends itself to a career in academia.

Another tip is to talk to a PhD student or researcher who is involved in a similar research project. Alternatively, you can usually find a relevant research group within your University to talk to. They can explain in more detail their experiences and suggest what your PhD programme could involve with respect to daily routines and challenges.

Look at advertised PhD Programmes

Use our Search tool , or look on University PhD listing pages to identify advertised PhD programmes for ideas.

  • What kind of PhD research topics are available?
  • Are these similar to your ideas?
  • Are you interested in any of these topics?
  • What do these programmes entail?

The popularity of similar PhD programmes to your proposed topic is a good indicator that universities see value in the research area. The final bullet point is perhaps the most valuable takeaway from looking at advertised listings. Review what similar programmes involve, and whether this is something you would like to do. If so, a similar research topic would allow you to do this.

Writing a Research Proposal

As part of the PhD application process , you may be asked to summarise your proposed research topic in a research proposal. This is a document which summarises your intended research and will include the title of your proposed project, an Abstract, Background and Rationale, Research Aims and Objectives, Research Methodology, Timetable, and a Bibliography. If you are required to submit this document then read our guidance on how to write a research proposal for your PhD application.

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225+ Action Research Topics In Education (Updated 2023)

Action research in education offers a powerful tool for educators to actively engage in improving their teaching practices and student outcomes. By combining research and action, this approach encourages teachers to become reflective practitioners and agents of change within their classrooms and schools. Action research topics in education encompass a wide range of issues that educators can investigate to address specific challenges and enhance their instructional strategies.

From examining the impact of technology integration to exploring innovative assessment methods, action research empowers teachers to develop evidence-based solutions tailored to their unique educational contexts. By conducting small-scale studies, educators can gather data, analyze it, and implement targeted interventions to make tangible improvements in student learning.

In this blog, we will delve into a variety of action research topics in education, exploring how they can empower educators to drive meaningful change and foster a dynamic and effective learning environment for their students.

Format of action research paper in education


Please note that this table provides a general outline and can be customized based on the specific requirements and guidelines of your research paper.

300+ For College Students (Updated 2023)

What to consider while selecting action research topics in education

When selecting action research topics in education, it is important to consider several factors to ensure that your research is meaningful, relevant, and feasible. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

Personal Interest

Choose action research topics in education that genuinely interests you. When you are passionate about the subject matter, you will be more motivated and engaged throughout the research process.

Educational Context

Consider the specific educational context in which you work or are interested in. Reflect on the challenges, needs, or areas of improvement within that context. Your research should address a problem or issue that is relevant and impactful within the educational setting.

Research Gap

Review existing literature and research in your chosen area to identify any gaps or unanswered questions. Select action research topics in education that contributes to the existing knowledge base and fills a research gap.


Evaluate the feasibility of conducting the research within the available resources, time frame, and constraints. Consider factors such as access to participants, data collection methods, ethical considerations, and potential support from colleagues or institutions.

Relevance and Impact

Choose action research topics in education that have practical implications and can lead to positive changes in teaching practices, student learning, or educational policies. Aim for research that can make a difference in the educational field.

Collaboration Opportunities

Consider if there are opportunities for collaboration with colleagues, researchers, or educational organizations. Collaborative research can provide additional support, expertise, and diverse perspectives.

Ethical Considerations

Ensure that your research topic aligns with ethical guidelines and regulations. Consider the potential impact on participants and ensure their rights, privacy, and confidentiality are protected.

Remember, selecting an action research topic is an important decision, so take the time to thoroughly evaluate and choose a topic that aligns with your goals and the needs of the educational community you serve.

200+ Action research topics in education

  • The impact of technology integration on student engagement in the classroom.
  • Strategies to improve reading comprehension in elementary school students.
  • Enhancing parental involvement in student learning and academic success.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of cooperative learning strategies in promoting peer interaction and collaboration.
  • Addressing the achievement gap in mathematics between different student groups.
  • Examining the impact of inclusive education on the academic and social development of students with disabilities.
  • Enhancing critical thinking skills through project-based learning.
  • Implementing differentiated instruction to meet the diverse needs of students in the classroom.
  • Investigating the effects of homework on student learning and academic performance.
  • Promoting positive classroom behavior and reducing disruptive behaviors.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of teacher feedback in improving student writing skills.
  • Strategies to promote a growth mindset and enhance student motivation.
  • Examining the impact of physical activity on student concentration and academic performance.
  • Enhancing teacher-student relationships and its impact on student engagement and achievement.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement.
  • Strategies to support English language learners in mainstream classrooms.
  • Examining the impact of peer tutoring on student learning and academic achievement.
  • Enhancing teacher collaboration and its impact on instructional practices and student outcomes.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of inquiry-based science instruction in promoting student understanding.
  • Promoting gender equity in STEM education.
  • Examining the impact of mindfulness practices on student well-being and academic success.
  • Strategies for reducing test anxiety and promoting test-taking skills.
  • Investigating the effects of the classroom environment on student learning and engagement.
  • Enhancing student self-regulation skills through metacognitive strategies.
  • Promoting multicultural education and inclusivity in the classroom.
  • Examining the impact of flipped classroom models on student learning outcomes.
  • Strategies for integrating technology effectively in early childhood education.
  • Investigating the effects of outdoor education on student engagement and academic achievement.
  • Enhancing teacher professional development programs to improve instructional practices.
  • Promoting environmental education and sustainable practices in schools.
  • Examining the impact of social-emotional learning programs on student behavior and well-being.
  • Strategies for supporting students with ADHD in the classroom.
  • Investigating the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior and academic performance.
  • Enhancing parental involvement in early childhood education settings.
  • Promoting digital literacy skills among students.
  • Examining the impact of peer assessment on student learning and achievement.
  • Strategies for fostering creativity and innovation in the classroom.
  • Investigating the effects of inclusive literature on promoting empathy and cultural understanding.
  • Enhancing the use of formative assessment in the classroom.
  • Promoting critical media literacy skills among students.
  • Examining the impact of outdoor learning on student engagement and academic achievement.
  • Strategies for promoting positive social skills and reducing bullying in schools.
  • Investigating the effects of flexible seating arrangements on student behavior and learning outcomes.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology in special education settings.
  • Promoting student self-efficacy and academic motivation.
  • Examining the impact of project-based learning on student problem-solving skills.
  • Strategies for promoting positive school climate and student well-being.
  • Investigating the effects of parental involvement on student homework completion and academic performance.
  • Enhancing teacher feedback practices to improve student learning and achievement.
  • Promoting inclusive practices for students with diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • Examining the impact of arts education on student creativity and academic success.
  • Strategies for supporting students with learning disabilities
  • Investigating the effects of gamification on student motivation and engagement.
  • Enhancing collaborative learning in online education settings.
  • Promoting effective study habits and time management skills among students.
  • Examining the impact of parental involvement on early literacy skills development.
  • Strategies for promoting positive teacher-student relationships in high school settings.
  • Investigating the effects of mindfulness practices on reducing stress and anxiety in students.
  • Enhancing student self-esteem and self-confidence through targeted interventions.
  • Promoting gender equality in science education.
  • Examining the impact of teacher-led professional learning communities on instructional practices and student outcomes.
  • Strategies for supporting students with autism spectrum disorder in inclusive classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of project-based learning on student problem-solving skills in mathematics.
  • Enhancing cultural competency among educators to meet the needs of diverse student populations.
  • Promoting digital citizenship and online safety education.
  • Examining the impact of restorative justice practices on reducing disciplinary incidents and promoting a positive school climate.
  • Strategies for integrating social justice education across the curriculum.
  • Investigating the effects of parental involvement on student transitions from elementary to middle school.
  • Enhancing teacher collaboration for effective interdisciplinary instruction.
  • Promoting global citizenship and cross-cultural understanding in the classroom.
  • Examining the impact of music education on student cognitive development and academic performance.
  • Strategies for supporting students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in mainstream classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of cooperative learning strategies on improving students’ social skills.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with visual impairments.
  • Promoting inclusive practices for students with diverse learning needs.
  • Examining the impact of teacher-led professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes.
  • Strategies for promoting positive classroom behavior in early childhood settings.
  • Investigating the effects of growth mindset interventions on student resilience and academic achievement.
  • Enhancing parent-teacher communication for improved student support and academic success.
  • Promoting environmental sustainability education in primary schools.
  • Examining the impact of outdoor play on children’s physical and cognitive development.
  • Strategies for supporting students with English language learning difficulties.
  • Investigating the effects of mindfulness practices on reducing test anxiety in students.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with learning disabilities.
  • Promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills in mathematics education.
  • Examining the impact of peer mentoring programs on student academic and social-emotional development.
  • Strategies for creating inclusive classrooms for students with hearing impairments.
  • Investigating the effects of student-led conferences on student ownership of learning.
  • Enhancing the use of formative assessment for personalized instruction.
  • Promoting positive classroom discourse and student participation.
  • Examining the impact of outdoor experiential learning on student environmental awareness and action.
  • Strategies for supporting students with emotional and behavioral disorders in inclusive settings.
  • Investigating the effects of teacher self-reflection on instructional practices and student outcomes.
  • Enhancing the use of assistive technology for students with physical disabilities.
  • Promoting media literacy education to develop critical media consumers.
  • Examining the impact of service-learning on student civic engagement and social responsibility.
  • Strategies for creating inclusive classrooms for students with specific learning disabilities.
  • Investigating the effects of inquiry-based science instruction on student scientific inquiry skills.
  • Enhancing teacher-parent partnerships for collaborative support of student learning.
  • Promoting cultural diversity education in secondary schools.
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student academic achievement in science education.
  • Strategies for promoting inclusive practices for students with speech and language disorders.
  • Investigating the effects of flipped classroom models on student engagement and learning outcomes in social studies.
  • Enhancing teacher feedback practices to improve student writing skills in English language arts.
  • Promoting social-emotional learning through mindfulness-based interventions in elementary schools.
  • Examining the impact of project-based learning on student creativity and problem-solving skills in the arts.
  • Strategies for supporting students with executive functioning difficulties in the classroom.
  • Investigating the effects of differentiated instruction on student motivation and academic achievement in mathematics.
  • Enhancing parental involvement in supporting early literacy development at home.
  • Promoting inclusive practices for students with physical disabilities in physical education classes.
  • Examining the impact of teacher-student relationships on student attendance and classroom behavior.
  • Strategies for promoting positive peer relationships and reducing social isolation in middle school.
  • Investigating the effects of drama-based pedagogy on student engagement and understanding in literature studies.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with learning difficulties in computer science education.
  • Promoting character education and ethical decision-making in schools.
  • Examining the impact of teacher self-efficacy on instructional practices and student outcomes.
  • Strategies for supporting students with English language learning difficulties in content area classes.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student motivation and academic achievement in history education.
  • Enhancing family-school partnerships for students with special educational needs.
  • Promoting critical digital literacy skills for responsible online information consumption.
  • Examining the impact of inclusive physical education on student attitudes towards fitness and physical activity.
  • Strategies for supporting students with dyslexia in reading instruction.
  • Investigating the effects of outdoor education on student environmental attitudes and behaviors.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with autism spectrum disorder.
  • Promoting career readiness and employability skills in high school education.
  • Examining the impact of parent-led reading interventions on early literacy skills in kindergarten.
  • Strategies for promoting positive teacher-student relationships in online learning environments.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement in science education.
  • Enhancing teacher collaboration for effective co-teaching in inclusive classrooms.
  • Promoting global perspectives and intercultural understanding in social studies education.
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student social skills and peer relationships.
  • Strategies for supporting students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in physical education classes.
  • Investigating the effects of project-based learning on student problem-solving skills in computer science.
  • Enhancing cultural competence among educators for working with diverse student populations.
  • Promoting digital citizenship and online safety in digital media literacy education.
  • Examining the impact of restorative practices on reducing disciplinary incidents and fostering a positive school climate.
  • Strategies for supporting students with emotional and behavioral challenges in mainstream classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of growth mindset interventions on student academic resilience in mathematics education.
  • Enhancing parent-teacher communication for effective student support and academic success.
  • Promoting environmental sustainability education in secondary schools.
  • Examining the impact of outdoor experiential learning on student STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) interest and career aspirations.
  • Strategies for creating inclusive classrooms for students with visual impairments.
  • Investigating the effects of student-led conferences on student self-evaluation and goal setting.
  • Enhancing the use of formative assessment for personalized instruction in physical education.
  • Promoting positive classroom management strategies.
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student academic achievement in foreign language education.
  • Strategies for promoting inclusive practices for students with autism spectrum disorder in inclusive classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models on student engagement and learning outcomes in mathematics.
  • Enhancing teacher feedback practices to improve student oral communication skills in language arts.
  • Promoting social-emotional learning through mindfulness-based interventions in high schools.
  • Examining the impact of project-based learning on student creativity and problem-solving skills in technology education.
  • Strategies for supporting students with learning difficulties in inclusive science classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of differentiated instruction on student motivation and academic achievement in social studies.
  • Enhancing parental involvement in supporting numeracy development at home.
  • Promoting inclusive practices for students with sensory impairments in inclusive classrooms.
  • Examining the impact of teacher-student relationships on student motivation and academic achievement in physical education.
  • Strategies for promoting positive peer relationships and reducing bullying in high schools.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student motivation and academic achievement in mathematics education.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with learning difficulties in science education.
  • Promoting character education and ethical decision-making in elementary schools.
  • Examining the impact of teacher self-efficacy on instructional practices and student outcomes in music education.
  • Strategies for supporting students with English language learning difficulties in mathematics classes.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement in social-emotional learning.
  • Enhancing family-school partnerships for students with special educational needs in inclusive settings.
  • Promoting critical digital literacy skills for responsible online communication in language arts education.
  • Examining the impact of inclusive physical education on student attitudes towards physical fitness and well-being.
  • Strategies for supporting students with dyscalculia in mathematics instruction.
  • Investigating the effects of outdoor education on student environmental knowledge and sustainability practices.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with hearing impairments in inclusive classrooms.
  • Promoting career exploration and development in middle school education.
  • Examining the impact of parent-led science experiments on student interest and learning outcomes in science education.
  • Strategies for promoting positive teacher-student relationships in virtual learning environments.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement in language arts.
  • Enhancing teacher collaboration for effective co-planning and instructional delivery in inclusive classrooms.
  • Promoting global citizenship and cultural competence in foreign language education.
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student social-emotional development and well-being.
  • Strategies for supporting students with physical disabilities in adaptive physical education classes.
  • Investigating the effects of project-based learning on student problem-solving skills in engineering education.
  • Enhancing cultural competence among educators for working with diverse student populations in social studies.
  • Promoting digital literacy skills for responsible online research and information evaluation.
  • Examining the impact of restorative practices on reducing conflicts and promoting positive relationships in middle schools.
  • Strategies for supporting students with emotional and behavioral challenges in inclusive classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of growth mindset interventions on student academic resilience in language arts.
  • Enhancing parent-teacher communication for effective collaboration and student support in mathematics education.
  • Promoting environmental sustainability education in primary schools through cross-curricular integration.
  • Examining the impact of outdoor experiential learning on student ecological literacy and environmental stewardship.
  • Strategies for creating inclusive classrooms for students with cognitive impairments.
  • Investigating the effects of student-led conferences on student self-reflection and goal-setting in science education.
  • Enhancing the use of formative assessment for personalized instruction in social studies.
  • Promoting positive classroom management strategies for students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student academic achievement in physical sciences.
  • Strategies for promoting inclusive practices for students with speech and language difficulties in inclusive classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models on student engagement and learning outcomes in language arts.
  • Enhancing teacher feedback practices to improve student presentation skills in communication studies.
  • Promoting social-emotional learning through mindfulness-based interventions in middle schools.
  • Examining the impact of project-based learning on student creativity and problem-solving skills in fine arts.
  • Strategies for supporting students with learning difficulties in inclusive social-emotional learning programs.
  • Investigating the effects of differentiated instruction on student motivation and academic achievement in physical education.
  • Enhancing parental involvement in supporting STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education at home.
  • Promoting inclusive practices for students with intellectual disabilities in inclusive classrooms.
  • Examining the impact of teacher-student relationships on student motivation and academic achievement in music education.
  • Strategies for promoting positive peer relationships and fostering social-emotional development in high schools.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student motivation and academic achievement in physical sciences.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with learning difficulties in social studies education.
  • Promoting character education and ethical decision-making in secondary schools.
  • Examining the impact of teacher self-efficacy on instructional practices and student outcomes in physical education.
  • Strategies for supporting students with English language learning difficulties in science classes.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement in physical education.
  • Enhancing family-school partnerships for students with special educational needs in inclusive physical education settings.
  • Promoting critical digital literacy skills for responsible online communication in social studies education.
  • Strategies for supporting students with dysgraphia in writing instruction.
  • Investigating the effects of outdoor education on student environmental knowledge and sustainable practices in science education.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with visual impairments in inclusive classrooms.
  • Promoting career exploration and development in high school education.
  • Examining the impact of parent-led math activities on student interest and learning outcomes in mathematics education.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement in social sciences.
  • Enhancing teacher collaboration for effective co-planning and instructional delivery in inclusive physical education settings.
  • Promoting global citizenship and cultural competence in history education.
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student social-emotional development and well-being in language arts.
  • Strategies for supporting students with physical disabilities in inclusive arts education classes.
  • Investigating the effects of project-based learning on student problem-solving skills in computer programming education.
  • Enhancing cultural competence among educators for working with diverse student populations in mathematics education.
  • Promoting digital literacy skills for responsible online communication and information sharing.
  • Examining the impact of restorative practices on reducing conflicts and promoting positive relationships in high schools.
  • Strategies for supporting students with emotional and behavioral challenges in inclusive language arts classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of growth mindset interventions on student academic resilience in social sciences.
  • Enhancing parent-teacher communication for effective collaboration and student support in science education.
  • Promoting environmental sustainability education in elementary schools through interdisciplinary integration.

Tips to write appealing action research paper in education

Here are some tips to write an appealing action research paper in education:

  • Select a Relevant and Engaging Topic: Choose action research topics in education that is relevant to the field of education and aligns with your interests and goals. Select a topic that has practical implications and can contribute to improving educational practices.
  • Clearly Define the Problem: Clearly define the problem or issue you want to address through your action research. Provide a concise and focused problem statement that highlights the specific area you aim to investigate.
  • Set Clear Objectives: State clear and measurable objectives for your research. Identify what you want to achieve through your study and how you plan to measure your outcomes.
  • Conduct a Literature Review: Conduct a thorough review of existing literature related to your research topic. Identify gaps in current knowledge and highlight how your research will contribute to filling those gaps.
  • Use a Rigorous Research Design: Choose an appropriate research design that aligns with your research objectives. Consider whether a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods approach is most suitable for your study.
  • Collect and Analyze Data: Collect relevant data through appropriate methods, such as surveys, interviews, observations, or document analysis. Use rigorous data analysis techniques to derive meaningful findings from your data.
  • Reflect and Take Action: Reflect on your findings and consider their implications for educational practice. Based on your findings, develop actionable recommendations or interventions that can be implemented to address the identified problem.
  • Write Clearly and Concisely: Present your research in a clear and concise manner. Use appropriate academic language and structure your paper logically. Clearly explain your methodology, findings, and conclusions.
  • Support Findings with Evidence: Use evidence from your data analysis to support your findings and conclusions. Use graphs, charts, or quotes from participants to enhance the credibility of your research.
  • Discuss Limitations and Future Directions: Acknowledge the limitations of your study and discuss areas for future research. Address any potential biases or challenges that may have influenced your findings.
  • Consider the Audience: Keep in mind the intended audience for your research paper, which may include educators, researchers, or policymakers. Write in a way that engages and appeals to your target audience.
  • Revise and Edit: Proofread your paper for any grammatical or spelling errors. Revise your content to ensure clarity and coherence. Seek feedback from peers or mentors to improve the quality of your paper.

Remember, an appealing action research paper in education is one that not only presents valuable findings but also offers practical insights and recommendations for improving educational practices.

In conclusion, action research topics in education provide a powerful framework for addressing real-world issues and improving teaching and learning practices. This research approach empowers educators to take an active role in identifying challenges, implementing interventions, and evaluating their impact within their own classrooms or educational settings. 

By engaging in systematic inquiry, educators can generate valuable insights, evidence-based strategies, and meaningful changes that positively influence student outcomes. Action research promotes a reflective and collaborative approach, encouraging teachers to continuously refine their instructional methods, adapt to diverse student needs, and create inclusive learning environments. 

Ultimately, action research in education empowers educators to be agents of change, fostering innovation and improvement in education while enhancing student engagement, achievement, and well-being.

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Research Process

  • Brainstorming
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  • Explore Books
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  • Narrowing a Topic
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Finding a Research Topic

Which step of the research process takes the most time?

A. Finding a topic B. Researching a topic C. Both

How did you answer the above question? Do you spend most of your efforts actually researching a topic, or do you spend a lot of time and energy finding a topic? Ideally, you’ll want to spend fairly equal amounts of effort on both. Finding an appropriate and manageable topic can sometimes be just as hard as researching a topic.

A good research topic will have a body of related research which is accessible and manageable. Identifying a topic with these characteristics at the beginning  of the research process will ultimately save you time.

Finding a research topic that is interesting, relevant, feasible, and worthy of your time may take substantial effort so you should be prepared to invest your time accordingly. Considering your options, doing some background work on each option, and ultimately settling on a topic that is manageable will spare you many of the frustrations that come from attempting research on a topic that, for whatever reason, may not be appropriate.

Remember that as you are searching for a research topic you will need to be able to find enough information about your topic(s) in a book or scholarly journal. If you can only find information about your topic(s) in current event sources (newspapers, magazines, etc.) then the topic might be too new to have a large body of published scholarly information. If this is the case, you may want to reconsider the topic(s).

So how do you find a research topic? Unfortunately there’s no directory of topics that you pick and choose from, but there are a few relatively easy techniques that you can use to find a relevant and manageable topic. A good starting point may be to view the Library's Resources for Finding a Research Topic Workshop below.

The sub-pages in this section (on the left-hand menu) offer various tips for where and how to locate resources to develop your research topic. And for additional information on selecting a research topic, see the resources below.

  • Defining a Topic - SAGE Research Methods
  • Develop My Research Idea - Academic Writer Note: You MUST create an Academic Writer account AND start a paper in order to access this tool. Once you have done so, open a paper and click Research Lab Book in the left navigation menu.
  • The Process for Developing Questions - ASC Guide

Finding & Staying Current on a Research Topic Webinar

This webinar will introduce you to resources which can be used to locate potential topics for a research paper or dissertation, including websites, reference books, and scholarly articles.

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How to Select a Research Topic: A Step-by-Step Guide

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by  Antony W

June 6, 2024

how to select a research topic

Learning how to select a research topic can be the difference between failing your assignment and writing a comprehensive research paper. That’s why in this guide we’ll teach you how to select a research topic step-by-step.

You don’t need this guide if your professor has already given you a list of topics to consider for your assignment . You can skip to our guide on how to write a research paper .

If they have left it up to you to choose a topic to investigate, which they must approve before you start working on your research study, we suggest that you read the process shared in this post.

Choosing a topic after finding your research problem is important because:

  • The topic guides your research and gives you a mean to not only arrive at other interesting topics but also direct you to discover new knowledge
  • The topic you choose will govern what you say and ensures you keep a logical flow of information.

Picking a topic for a research paper can be challenging and sometimes intimidating, but it’s not impossible. In the following section, we show you how to choose the best research topic that your instructor can approve after the first review.

How to Select a Research Topic 

Below are four steps to follow to find the most suitable topic for your research paper assignment:

Step 1: Consider a Topic that Interests You 

how do i find a research topic in education

If your professor has asked you to choose a topic for your research paper, it means you can choose just about any subject to focus on in your area of study. A significant first step to take is to consider topics that interest you.

An interesting topic should meet two very important conditions.

First, it should be concise. The topic you choose should not be too broad or two narrow. Rather, it should be something focused on a specific issue. Second, the topic should allow you to find enough sources to cite in the research stage of your assignment.

The best way to determine if the research topic is interesting is to do some free writing for about 10 minutes. As you free write, think about the number of questions that people ask about the topic and try to consider why they’re important. These questions are important because they will make the research stage easier for you.

You’ll probably have a long list of interesting topics to consider for your research assignment. That’s a good first step because it means your options aren’t limited. However, you need to narrow down to only one topic for the assignment, so it’s time to start brainstorming.

Step 2: Brainstorm Your Topics 

how do i find a research topic in education

You aren’t doing research at this stage yet. You are only trying to make considerations to determine which topic will suit your research assignment.

The brainstorming stage isn’t difficult at all. It should take only a couple of hours or a few days depending on how you approach.

We recommend talking to your professor, classmates, and friends about the topics that you’ve picked and ask for their opinion. Expect mixed opinions from this audience and then consider the topics that make the most sense. Note what topics picked their interest the most and put them on top of the list.

You’ll end up removing some topics from your initial list after brainstorming, and that’s completely fine. The goal here is to end up with a topic that interests you as well as your readers.

Step 3: Define Your Topics 

how do i find a research topic in education

Check once again to make sure that your topic is a subject that you can easily define. You want to make sure the topic isn’t too broad or too narrow.

Often, a broad topic presents overwhelming amount of information, which makes it difficult to write a comprehensive research paper. A narrow topic, on the other hand, means you’ll find very little information, and therefore it can be difficult to do your assignment.

The length of the research paper, as stated in the assignment brief, should guide your topic selection.

Narrow down your list to topics that are:

  • Broad enough to allows you to find enough scholarly articles and journals for reference
  • Narrow enough to fit within the expected word count and the scope of the research

Topics that meet these two conditions should be easy to work on as they easily fit within the constraints of the research assignment.

Step 4: Read Background Information of Selected Topics  

how do i find a research topic in education

You probably have two or three topics by the time you get to this step. Now it’s time to read the background information on the topics to decide which topic to work on.

This step is important because it gives you a clear overview of the topic, enabling you to see how it relates to broader, narrower, and related concepts. Preliminary research also helps you to find keywords commonly used to describe the topic, which may be useful in further research.

It’s important to note how easy or difficult it is to find information on the topic.

Look at different sources of information to be sure you can find enough references for the topic. Such periodic indexes scan journals, newspaper articles, and magazines to find the information you’re looking for. You can even use web search engines. Google and Bing are currently that best options to consider because they make it easy for searchers to find relevant information on scholarly topics.

If you’re having a hard time to find references for a topic that you’ve so far considered for your research paper, skip it and go to the next one. Doing so will go a long way to ensure you have the right topic to work on from start to finish.

Get Research Paper Writing Help 

If you’ve found your research topic but you feel so stuck that you can’t proceed with the assignment without some assistance, we are here to help. With our research paper writing service ,  we can help you handle the assignment within the shortest time possible.

We will research your topic, develop a research question, outline the project, and help you with writing. We also get you involved in the process, allowing you to track the progress of your order until the delivery stage.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.


How to Start a Research Project: Choosing a Topic

  • Choosing a Topic

Beginning Your Research Project

You have an assignment coming up in class. You need to write a research paper, create an annotated bibliography, or make a presentation. These are just some research projects you may need to do.

This guide will show you different ways to start a research project. When following this guide, please consider 3 concepts:

  • Center your personal research interests - What are you interested in?
  • Take as long on each step as you would like.
  • Skip steps and repeat steps as you need.

Starting from Nothing: The Mind Map

A mind map is a visual way of building a topic into a research question .

A topic is the basic idea that interests you. This is the idea that sparks your research. A topic could be "barbeque," "The Cold War," "flightless birds," or "the common cold." If you are having trouble choosing a topic , review the class syllabus or canvas modules. Find a topic covered in class that you can see yourself spending time with.

A research question is the focus of your research project. It is the thesis of your paper or the point of your presentation.

Work with us through the mind map steps to build your own research question .

To create a mind map , you will need to be able to write or type text, and the text must also be rearrangeable.

  • Start with an idea like "Kitchen Design". Place your idea in the center.

Photo of a desk with a card reading "Kitchen Design" in the middle.

  • Surround your central idea with related concepts. I wrote all the kinds of kitchens I could think of. I could have also chosen to list appliances or design themes instead.

Photo of a desk with cards listing kitchen types around a central card reading "Kitchen Design"

  • Out of the kitchen-types, I was most drawn to "Hospital Kitchens". I then added concepts around "Hospital Kitchens". These concepts can be moved to also combined with other ideas.

Photo of cards arranged in a mind map design

  • I also thought more about "Home Kitchens". I combined, "Kitchen Safety", "Consumer Preferences", and "Advertisements."

Photo of cards arranged in a mind map design

  • My final version of my mind map example is very small. Don't worry if you have many more ideas and need more time rearranging your cards and planning.

I have identified two different starting research questions by combining my concepts:

  • How could hospital managers design hospital kitchens to be safer for employees?
  • How do kitchen appliance manufacturers advertise the safety of their products to consumers?

Research Questions

A research question is the focus of your research project. It is the thesis of your paper or the point of your presentation. Here are some requirements of a good research question:

  • Research questions cannot be answered with "yes" or "no".
  • Research questions can be researched.
  • A small research paper shouldn't have a research question with a giant scope: How does preventative healthcare get planned?
  • A small research paper should have a research question with a manageable scope: How do preventative care programs for type II diabetes in Alabaman clinics get advertised?

In this example, we narrowed the scope of our initial research question in a few ways:

  • Type: "Preventative care" was limited to - "type II diabetes"
  • Place: We had no initial location limit. We limited ourselves to "Alabaman clinics"
  • Action: "Planned" was defined as "advertised"

Sometimes, research questions need to change slightly after you have done some research. If you were not able to find any useful resources for the example research question, then you could try changing the scope. If you cannot find anything specific to Alabaman clinics, then you could change that part of your research question to "United States clinics" or "Alabaman healthcare providers."

Still stuck? Please check Monash University's Developing Research Questions guide .

Turning your Research Question into a Search

Useful links.

  • Purdue OWL: Choosing a Topic This handout provides detailed information about how to write research papers including discussing research papers as a genre, choosing topics, and finding sources.
  • UNC: Brainstorming This handout discusses techniques that will help you start writing a paper and continue writing through the challenges of the revising process. Brainstorming can help you choose a topic, develop an approach to a topic, or deepen your understanding of the topic’s potential.
  • University Writing Center Schedule a session with a tutor at the University Writing Center.
  • Next: JSTOR >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 12, 2024 9:27 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.southalabama.edu/start-research
  • Learning how to find, evaluate, and use resources to explore a topic in depth

Series Editor : Michael Theall, Youngstown State University Authors : Gail MacKay, Indiana University Kokomo; Barbara Millis, University of Nevada-Reno; Rebecca Brent, Education Designs, Inc.

At institutions of higher education across the U.S., information literacy (IL) is being integrated into general education curricula as a specific learning objective. The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) (1) defines information literate students as those who “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.” As the world moves toward a knowledge-based economy, information literacy becomes a crucial component of preparing students for the lifelong learning that current and future job markets demand.

IDEA Research Report #1 (2) states that, “…It is important to recognize that much of the subject matter content which students learn today will be outdated in 5-10 years after they graduate.” Thus, an emphasis on lifelong learning seems imperative. Canja (3), for example, suggests that “… Lifelong learning has become an economic necessity for national and global productivity. With the decline in birth rates in major developed countries, persons—still active, still healthy—must continue in the workforce, trained and retrained” (p. 27). Ironically, IDEA Research Report #1 also finds that the objectives identified as emphasizing lifelong learning (Learning to find and use resources, and Gave tests/projects that covered most important points) were identified as “Important” or “Essential” in only about 30% of the classes using IDEA. The ACRL (1) notes, “Information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. It is common to all disciplines, to all learning environments, and to all levels of education. It enables learners to master content and extend their investigations, become more self-directed, and assume greater control over their own learning.” However, information literacy does not concern itself only with technical resources. Successful students and workers must also be able to affiliate with others and to seek and find expertise among the human resources that are available (4).

Seeking out information resources and then using them to address a question or a problem are engaging activities, and there are several attached benefits. First is recognition of the value of the resources. Next is application of the new information and the construction of new knowledge. Intrinsic motivation results from the realization that learning is taking place and ultimately, these practical and motivational effects promote continued use of the resources, lifelong learning, and facilitates deep learning.

For example, here are key components that characterize a deep, rather than a surface approach to learning. Rhem (5) summarizes them as follows:

Motivational context: We learn best what we feel a need to know. Intrinsic motivation remains inextricably bound to some level of choice and control. Courses that remove these take away the sense of ownership and kill one of the strongest elements in lasting learning.

Learner activity: Deep learning and “doing” travel together. Doing in itself isn’t enough. Faculty must connect activity to the abstract conceptions that make sense of it, but passive mental postures lead to superficial learning.

Interaction with others: As Noel Entwistle put it in a recent email message, “The teacher is not the only source of instruction or inspiration.”

A well-structured knowledge base: This does not just mean presenting new material in an organized way. It also means engaging and reshaping, when necessary, the concepts students bring with them. Deep approaches and learning for understanding are integrative processes. The more fully new concepts can be connected with students’ prior experience and existing knowledge, the more it is they will be impatient with inert facts and eager to achieve their own synthesis (p. 4).

If instructors are to motivate students to acquire the skills of information literacy that will help them to remain lifelong learners, then they need to design research projects and assignments that get students into the knowledge base and engage them in critical thinking activities through active learning and interaction with one another. Through such sequenced assignments, students can learn how to answer relevant questions and to solve challenging problems.

Keep in mind that an important component of finding and using resources to explore topics is evaluating the quality of those resources. In an information-rich world, students must be able to determine if a resource is reliable and valid enough to use in their work. These information literacy skills (and even quantitative literacy skills–see the Teaching Note, “Learning appropriate methods for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting numerical information”) must be taught. See the Teaching Note, “Encouraged students to use multiple resources (e.g. Internet, library holdings, outside experts) to improve understanding,” for more ideas.

Teaching This Objective

The most relevant IDEA instructional method is “encouraged students to use multiple resources to improve understanding.” This Learning Note complements Baron’s with some general guidelines that focus on developing good research projects or assignments to assist with “learning how to find and use resources for answering questions or solving problems” and attempts to help instructors provide students with effective and feasible assignments. With today’s information overload, students need guidance in locating and using appropriate resources for answering questions and solving problems. Students must hone these skills throughout their lives. Academic librarians can serve as an instructor’s best ally.

Other IDEA instructional methods that are important to Objective #9 include items #2 Finding ways to help students answer their own questions, #8 Stimulating intellectual effort, #15 Inspiring students to set and achieve goals, #18 Asking students to help each other understand ideas or concepts, and #19 Assigning work that requires original or creative thinking. These relationships are logical because the nature of investigative activity requires intellectual effort, focused exploration, and creativity, and the connections between problem solving and gathering information and evidence have been well-documented (6). These methods support many of the specific hints described below.

Motivation as a starting point. Locating information for its own sake provides practice, but it fails to engage motivated students in productive work linked to an understood outcome. Feldman suggests that student achievement remains strongly correlated to the perceived outcomes of instruction (7). The relevance of assigned work is also critical to student’s active engagement (8) and a major predictor of student ratings of their teachers (9). Thus, skill development becomes much more productive when there is a clearly understood link between the assigned work and specific learning goals or tangible products. The real-world analog is obvious: people do not search for information unless they have a reason to do so. Because in many teaching-learning situations, teachers expect students to explore issues and topics that may not intrinsically interest them, demonstrating relevance and utility become critical first steps in getting students engaged (See “Related course material to real-life situations” and “Introduced stimulating ideas about the subject”). Allowing students some choice of topic or project can motivate them to take a deeper approach to learning (10).

Sequence the research project or assignment. If instructors want students to learn to find and use resources to tackle stimulating questions and challenging problems through research, they need to design sequenced activities that motivate students and get them into the knowledge base. This can often be accomplished through the individual work that students do either as discrete homework assignments or as smaller parts of an extended research project. What becomes of these assignments or project components is critical for deep learning. Instructors should design in-class exercises where learners are actively engaged with the material they prepared individually and with each other (11).

A. Planning

  • Arrange for library instruction. Even students who have achieved some level of proficiency with library research will benefit from the reinforcement and enhancement of their skills. Require attendance. Attend yourself, asking questions as a learner.
  • Bring the class to the library or ask a librarian to come to your classroom when they are ready to begin their project, not in advance. Students learn best when there is an immediate and applicable need.
  • Send a copy of the assignment to the instruction librarian at your campus. Ask for input before finalizing the assignment. Librarians, for example, are highly skeptical of the academic value of commonly assigned “Library Scavenger Hunts.”
  • Include homegrown resource guides, sometimes called “pathfinders,” in your initial quest for student library sources. Often campus instruction and reference librarians develop these guides for various fields or disciplines. If your field is not included, ask the library to develop a resource guide for your area. These subject guides provide students with suggestions for “where to start” their research. Included in the guides are both print and electronic sources such as subject encyclopedias; specialized periodical indexes such as Applied Science and Technology Index ; PsycINFO ; or Sociological Abstracts ; also included are reference works or standards in the field such as The Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) ; CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics ; or the Statistical Abstract of the United States .
  • Consider alternatives to the conventional research paper. Excellent assignment ideas reside on the Web, often at other campus library sites (12, 13, 14, 15, 16).

B. Designing

  • Provide your expectations for the assignment in writing to your students. Let them know what the assignment involves and what you expect them to learn from the experience. “I don’t know what s/he wants” is a student lament transcending the ages. Make their day; tell them. To help students fully understand these expectations in practice, consider providing strong and weak samples of typical segments of the project or assignment to discuss and critique in class.
  • Specify how the assignment fits with the goals or objectives of the course to show relevance. Be as explicit as possible. Share this information, also, with instruction librarians to help them determine appropriate sources.
  • Provide students with the grading criteria in writing for the project or assignment.
  • Offer a variety of flexible topics, encouraging students to choose ones that interest them.
  • Review the student-selected topics to see that they are appropriate and achievable. Avoid very current or local topics if students need scholarly sources as scholarly peer reviewed journals take time to reach publication.
  • Place materials on “Reserve,” if necessary, to avoid having 30 students compete for six books.
  • Discuss the role of attribution and documentation in a community of scholars. Include a policy on plagiarism in the syllabus. Emphasize the ethical use of information and of the avoidance of plagiarism. Aside from ethics, there are also copyright laws, both national and international, to consider. Specifically discuss appropriate and inappropriate use of online material, a gray area for many students.
  • Announce which style manual you expect students to use. Be very specific about documentation for online sources. Many style manuals are difficult to interpret.

Provide opportunities to engage in deep learning. As noted in the background section, the key components characterizing deep learning are motivation context, learner activity, interaction with others, and a well-structured knowledge base (5). As an example, faculty members can ask students, as part of a larger research project, to prepare paired annotations based on the double entry journal recommended by writing across the curriculum and classroom assessment experts (17). The teacher or the students identify a pool of articles on the question or problem at hand. Each student, working individually out-of-class, prepares a reflective commentary on one of the articles or chapters. They do so using a double column format (a Microsoft Word table works beautifully) where they cite the key points of the research article on the left-hand side and reactions, questions, commentary, and connections with other readings on the right, aligning the key point with the reflective commentary. The entries in these columns will not be the same length. When students come to class, the teacher randomly pairs them with another student who has read and analyzed the same research article. The two partners now read one another’s reflective commentaries, comparing both the key points they have identified and their specific responses to them. They discuss their reasons for the choices they made. Then working together, they prepare a composite annotation summarizing the article (See IDEA Paper No. 38).

This activity should be repeated several times during the semester, pairing different students. It enables students to reflect on their own thinking skills (metacognition) and to compare their thinking with those of other students. The more paired annotations they complete, the more skilled students become at identifying key points in an article and “using resources for answering questions or solving problems.” This structure thus enables teachers to sequence learning in meaningful ways. It builds critical thinking and writing skills by having students analyze and then compare their responses to the same piece of writing. It has the additional virtue of being relevant to virtually any discipline. Over the course of the semester, students build a repertoire of annotated research articles they can bring to bear on the given question or problem.

A note about technology. A thorough discussion of the ways in which new technologies can support and supplement students’ efforts to find and use resources is beyond the scope of this Note. However, we should mention at minimum, that the bounty that awaits students who explore web-based resources comes with a price: the equally large amount of inaccurate, incomplete, and sometimes distorted information that can be found in any web search. The critical issue for teachers is to construct assignments that require specific information known to exist and is accessible with minimum interference from useless, irrelevant, or biased data . Your resource librarian can be a tremendous asset in saving you hours of work (e.g., training students on effective and efficient search strategies and helping everyone to avoid wasting time and effort on valueless information). All disciplines and courses deal with electronic information and we cannot ignore its potential value. What is important to remember in constructing assignments is that the work must have a meaningful relationship to a clearly stated outcome. There has to be a tangible “payoff” in terms of students being able to connect the work to an understood and desired result.

Assessing This Objective

  • Develop a rubric (or a form) to assess the announced grading criteria. For example, assign a certain number of points for each component of a project or assignment (see 2 below). What percentage of the total will the final paper and bibliography be? Note what happens if any of the required items are a day late; two days late; etc. What percentage will mechanics—spelling, punctuation, grammar—contribute to the final grade?
  • Sequence parts of the project or assignment by establishing intermittent deadlines along the way. This practice not only helps prevent procrastination, but also helps to deter plagiarism. For example, have due dates for the overall topic and the thesis statement, due dates for a preliminary bibliography of “X” number of sources, an outline, a first draft, oral presentation, written or in-class peer reviews, etc.
  • Require critical thinking. If students are using Web sites, for example, ask for the background or credentials of the author; ask for the date of last revision if currency is important; ask if students found any bias on the site; and ask why they selected this site from among all the others.
  • Make use of peer reviewing throughout the research project or assignment to provide an additional source of feedback and add to the active learning and student interactions essential for deep learning. Have students exchange drafts and apply the rubric or checklist that will be used to assess the assignment. The opportunity for critical review of another draft and seeing comments from a peer will help them more fully understand the expectations, leading to better final products.
  • Review respected resources such as the Tutorial for Developing and Evaluating Library Assignments at the University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, MD (18) and the Scoring Criteria for Development/Resource-Based Learning Project at Delta College, University Center, MI (19).
  • Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). (2006). Information literacy competency standards for higher education. American Library Association. Retrieved September 27, 2006 from http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlstandards/standardsguidelines.htm
  • Hoyt, D. P., & Perera, S. (2000). Teaching approach, instructional objectives, and learning: IDEA research report #1 . Manhattan, KS: IDEA Center, Kansas State University.
  • Canja, E. T. (2002). Lifelong learning: Challenges and opportunities. CAEL Forum and News , 26-29.
  • Klemp, G. O. (1977). Three factors of success. In D. W. Vermilye (Eds.) Relating work and education: Current issues in higher education 1977 . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Rhem, J. (1995). Close-up: Going deep. The National Teaching and Learning Forum, 5 (1), 4.
  • See the Problem Based Learning website at: http://www.samford.edu/pbl/ for many resources and references. Retrieved September 27, 2006.
  • Feldman, K. A. (1989). The association between student ratings of specific instructional dimensions and student achievement: Refining and extending the synthesis of data from multisection validity studies. Research in Higher Education, 30 , 583-645.
  • Theall, M. (1999). What have we learned? A synthesis and some guidelines for effective motivation in higher education. In M. Theall (Eds.) “Motivation from within: Encouraging faculty and students to excel.” New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 78 . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Franklin, J. L., & Theall, M. (1995). The relationship of disciplinary differences and the value of class preparation time to student ratings of instruction. In N. Hativa & M. Marincovich (Eds.) “Disciplinary differences in teaching and learning: Implications for practice.” New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 64 . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Felder, R.M., & Brent, R. (2005). Understanding student differences. Journal of Engineering Education, 94 (1), 57-72. Retrieved September 27, 2006 from http://www.ncsu.edu/effective_teaching/Papers/Understanding_Differences.pdf
  • Millis, B. J. (2006). Helping faculty learn to teach better and “smarter” through sequenced activities. In S. Chadwick-Blossy & D.R. Robertson (Eds.). To Improve the Academy , Vol 24. (pp. 216-230). Bolton, MA: POD Network and Anker Publications.
  • Designing assignments , University of Washington Libraries.
  • Effective assignments using library and Internet resources . (2004). Teaching Library, University of California, Berkeley. Retrieved September 27, 2006 from http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/assignments.html
  • Fister, B., & Fuhr, S. (2001). Suggestions for assignments. Enhancing developmental research skills in the undergraduate curriculum . Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library, Gustavus Adolphus College. Retrieved September 27, 2006 from http://www.gustavus.edu/oncampus/academics/library/IMLS/assignmentsuggestions.html
  • Recommendations for creating effective library assignments. (2005). Mitchell Memorial Library, Library Instructional Services, Mississippi State University. Retrieved September 27, 2006 from http://library.msstate.edu/content/templates/?a=323&z=74
  • Creative assignments using information competency and writing. (2006). Ohio University, Athens OH. Retrieved September 27, 2006 from http://www.library.ohiou.edu/inst/creative.html
  • Millis, B., & Cottell, P. (1998). Cooperative learning for higher education faculty. Greenwood Press: American Council on Education, Oryx Press.
  • Kelley, K., & McDonald, R. (2005). Section 4: Designing assignments that contain writing and research. In Information literacy and writing assessment project: Tutorial for developing and evaluating assignments . Information and Library Services, University of Maryland University College.
  • Examples of good assessments . (2006). Delta College Library, Delta College. Retrieved September 27, 2006 from http://www.delta.edu/library/assessments.html
  • IDEA Paper No. 38: Enhancing Learning – and More! – Through Cooperative Learning , Millis
  • IDEA Paper No. 41: Student Goal Orientation, Motivation, and Learning , Svinicki
  • from http://ejournals.library.gatech.edu/ijsotel/index.php/ijsotel/article/view/19/18
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How to Research a Topic

Last Updated: January 10, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD . Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. There are 14 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 298,230 times.

With so much information potentially available at your fingertips, having a research assignment can be daunting. However, if you approach your research methodically, you'll be able to answer any research question in a thoughtful and comprehensive way. Develop a research question that is narrow enough to be addressed within the scope of your paper, then use keywords to find sources that have the information you need. Once you've found several sources, you'll be ready to organize your information into a logical report that adequately answers your question. [1] X Research source

Developing Your Topic

Step 1 Read through your assignment instructions carefully.

  • If you don't understand any aspect of the assignment, don't be afraid to ask your instructor directly. It's better to get an explanation about something than to assume you know what it means and later find out your assumption was incorrect.

Step 2 Brainstorm some topics that interest you and fall within the assignment's parameters.

  • For example, suppose your instructor assigned a research paper about a "public health concern." You might make a list that included such public health concerns as teenage vaping, anti-vaxxers, and drunk driving.
  • From your list, choose one area in particular that you want to look at. This is where you'll start your research. For the purposes of this example, assume you chose to research vaping among teenagers.

Step 3 Look up general information about the topic.

  • If you're doing a general internet search on your topic and not getting back many strong results, there may not be enough information out there for you to research that topic. This is typically rare, though, unless you've started off with a topic that's too narrow. For example, if you want to study vaping in your high school, you might not find enough sources. However, if you expanded your search to include all high schools in your state, you might have more luck.
  • If you're not very knowledgeable about your topic, look for a resource that will provide a general overview, so you can become more familiar with possible questions you could answer in your research paper.

Step 4 Decide on the question you want to answer through your research.

  • For example, if you wanted to look at teenagers and vaping, you might decide to ask "Are teenagers who vape more likely to smoke than teenagers who don't?"
  • How you frame your question also depends on the type of paper you're writing. For example, if you were writing a persuasive research essay, you would need to make a statement, and then back that statement up with research. For example, instead of asking if teenagers who vape are more likely to smoke than teenagers who don't, you might say "Teenagers who vape are more likely to start smoking."

Tip: Be versatile with your research question. Once you start more in-depth research, you may find that you have to adjust it or even change it entirely, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's just part of the process of learning through research.

Step 5 Seek knowledge about your specific question.

  • Look at the number of results you get, as well as the quality of the sources. You might also try an academic search engine, such as Google Scholar, to see how much academic material is out there on your chosen question.

Step 6 Refine your question...

  • For example, if you've selected teenagers who vape, the "who" would be teenagers. If a search of that topic yields too much information, you might scale it back by looking at a specific 5-year period (the "when") or only at teenagers in a specific state (the "where").
  • If you needed to broaden your question on the same topic, you may decide to look at teenagers and young adults under the age of 25, not just teenagers.

Finding Quality Sources

Step 1 Identify the types of sources you'll likely need.

  • 1- to 2-page paper: 2 to 3 webpages or short journal articles
  • 3- to 5-page paper: 4 to 8 journals or scholarly articles, webpages, or books
  • 5- to 10-page paper: 6 to 15 journals or scholarly articles, webpages, or books
  • 10- to 15-page paper: 12 to 20 journals or scholarly articles, webpages, or books

Step 2 Use topical keywords to find your initial sources.

  • For example, if you're researching the prevalence of vaping among teenagers, you might also include "adolescents" and "youth" as synonyms for teenagers, along with "tobacco use" or "e-cigarettes" as synonyms for vaping.
  • Take advantage of academic databases available online through your school in addition to the internet.

Tip: Get help from research librarians. They know the most efficient ways to find the information you need and may be able to help you access sources you didn't even know existed.

Step 3 Evaluate potential sources using the CRAAP method.

  • Currency : How recent is the information? When was the source last updated?
  • Reliability : Are there references for facts and data? Is the content mostly opinion?
  • Authority : Who is the creator of the content? Who is the publisher? Are they biased in any way? Does the creator have academic credentials in the field?
  • Accuracy : Has the content been peer-reviewed or edited by a third party? Is the information supported by evidence? Can you easily verify facts in another source?
  • Purpose/Perspective : Is the content intended to teach you something or to sell you something? Is the information presented biased?

Tip: If your source fails any prong of the CRAAP method, use extreme caution if you refer to it in your research paper. If it fails more than one prong, you're probably better off not using it.

Step 4 Mine reference lists to find additional sources you can use.

  • If an author mentions a particular source more than once, you definitely want to read that material.
  • The reference list typically contains enough information for you to find the source on your own. If you find that you can't access the source, for example because it's behind a paywall, talk to your school or a public librarian about it. They may be able to get you access.

Step 5 Take notes about each resource you find.

  • List the citation information for the source at the top of the card, then take notes in your words. Include the page numbers (if applicable) that you would use in your citation.
  • If you copy something directly from the source, put quote marks around those words and write the page number (if applicable) where that quote appears. You may also want to distinguish quotes even further, for example, by having quotes in a different color text than your words. This will help protect you against accidental plagiarism .

Organizing Your Information

Step 1 Create a spreadsheet with bibliographic information for all of your sources.

  • Include columns for the full citation and in-text citation for each of your sources. Provide a column for your notes and add them to your spreadsheet. If you have direct quotes, you might include a separate column for those quotes.
  • Many word-processing apps have citation features that will allow you to input a new source from a list, so you only have to type the citation once. With a spreadsheet, you can simply cut and paste.

Tip: Even if your word-processing app automatically formats your citation for you, it's good practice to create the citation yourself in your spreadsheet.

Step 2 Categorize your notes into groups of similar information.

  • For example, if you were writing a paper on teenagers and vaping, you may have notes related to the age teenagers started vaping, the reasons they started vaping, and their exposure to tobacco or nicotine before they started vaping.
  • If you used a digital note-taking app, you typically would categorize your notes by adding tags to them. Some notes may have more than one tag, depending on the information it covered.

Step 3 Order your categories in a way that answers your research question.

  • For example, suppose your research indicated that teenagers who vaped were more likely to switch to regular cigarettes if someone in their household smoked. The category covering teenage vapers' exposure to tobacco or nicotine before they started vaping would most likely be the first thing you talked about in your paper, assuming you wanted to put the strongest evidence first.

Step 4 Draft a basic outline for your paper based on your order of categories.

  • Unless your instructor has specific requirements for your outline, you can make it as detailed or as simple as you want. Some people prefer full sentences in their outlines, while others have sections with just a word or two.
  • Working through the outline methodically can help you identify information that you don't have yet that you need to support your thesis or answer your research question.

Step 5 Review your notes and adjust your research question as necessary.

  • Even at this late stage, don't be afraid to change your question to more accurately frame your research. Because of your research, you know a lot more about the topic than you did when you first wrote your question, so it's natural that you would see ways to improve it.

Step 6 Search for additional sources to fill holes in your research.

  • For example, when outlining your paper about teenagers and vaping, you may realize that you don't have any information on how teenagers access e-cigarettes and whether that access is legal or illegal. If you're writing a paper about teenagers vaping as a public health concern, this is information you would need to know.
  • It's also likely that as you formulated your outline, you discovered that you didn't need some sources you previously thought would be valuable. In that situation, you may need to seek more sources, especially if throwing out a source took you below the minimum number of sources required for your assignment.

Community Q&A

wikiHow Staff Editor

  • Start your research as soon as possible after you get your assignment. If you leave it to the last minute, you won't have time to properly research the topic. You may also find that you overlook important information or make mistakes because you're rushing to finish. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0
  • Breaking the research process down into small chunks and accomplishing a little each day can help you manage your time. Plan on spending at least as much time researching as you spend writing, if not more. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0

how do i find a research topic in education

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About This Article

Christopher Taylor, PhD

To research a topic, you should use scholarly articles, books, and authoritative webpages, since they'll offer the most reliable information. You can find good sources by searching for keywords related to your topic online or using an academic database. For example, if your topic is about saving wild tigers, you could include keywords like "conservation," "tigers," and "wildlife," in your searches. Once you find a source you want to use, double check that it's up to date and written by someone trustworthy before you use it. Additionally, make sure you keep track of all your sources, since you'll need to make a reference list that includes each source you used. For tips on how to come up with a research topic, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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The top list of academic search engines

academic search engines

1. Google Scholar

4. science.gov, 5. semantic scholar, 6. baidu scholar, get the most out of academic search engines, frequently asked questions about academic search engines, related articles.

Academic search engines have become the number one resource to turn to in order to find research papers and other scholarly sources. While classic academic databases like Web of Science and Scopus are locked behind paywalls, Google Scholar and others can be accessed free of charge. In order to help you get your research done fast, we have compiled the top list of free academic search engines.

Google Scholar is the clear number one when it comes to academic search engines. It's the power of Google searches applied to research papers and patents. It not only lets you find research papers for all academic disciplines for free but also often provides links to full-text PDF files.

  • Coverage: approx. 200 million articles
  • Abstracts: only a snippet of the abstract is available
  • Related articles: ✔
  • References: ✔
  • Cited by: ✔
  • Links to full text: ✔
  • Export formats: APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, Vancouver, RIS, BibTeX

Search interface of Google Scholar

BASE is hosted at Bielefeld University in Germany. That is also where its name stems from (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine).

  • Coverage: approx. 136 million articles (contains duplicates)
  • Abstracts: ✔
  • Related articles: ✘
  • References: ✘
  • Cited by: ✘
  • Export formats: RIS, BibTeX

Search interface of Bielefeld Academic Search Engine aka BASE

CORE is an academic search engine dedicated to open-access research papers. For each search result, a link to the full-text PDF or full-text web page is provided.

  • Coverage: approx. 136 million articles
  • Links to full text: ✔ (all articles in CORE are open access)
  • Export formats: BibTeX

Search interface of the CORE academic search engine

Science.gov is a fantastic resource as it bundles and offers free access to search results from more than 15 U.S. federal agencies. There is no need anymore to query all those resources separately!

  • Coverage: approx. 200 million articles and reports
  • Links to full text: ✔ (available for some databases)
  • Export formats: APA, MLA, RIS, BibTeX (available for some databases)

Search interface of Science.gov

Semantic Scholar is the new kid on the block. Its mission is to provide more relevant and impactful search results using AI-powered algorithms that find hidden connections and links between research topics.

  • Coverage: approx. 40 million articles
  • Export formats: APA, MLA, Chicago, BibTeX

Search interface of Semantic Scholar

Although Baidu Scholar's interface is in Chinese, its index contains research papers in English as well as Chinese.

  • Coverage: no detailed statistics available, approx. 100 million articles
  • Abstracts: only snippets of the abstract are available
  • Export formats: APA, MLA, RIS, BibTeX

Search interface of Baidu Scholar

RefSeek searches more than one billion documents from academic and organizational websites. Its clean interface makes it especially easy to use for students and new researchers.

  • Coverage: no detailed statistics available, approx. 1 billion documents
  • Abstracts: only snippets of the article are available
  • Export formats: not available

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Consider using a reference manager like Paperpile to save, organize, and cite your references. Paperpile integrates with Google Scholar and many popular databases, so you can save references and PDFs directly to your library using the Paperpile buttons:

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Google Scholar is an academic search engine, and it is the clear number one when it comes to academic search engines. It's the power of Google searches applied to research papers and patents. It not only let's you find research papers for all academic disciplines for free, but also often provides links to full text PDF file.

Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature developed at the Allen Institute for AI. Sematic Scholar was publicly released in 2015 and uses advances in natural language processing to provide summaries for scholarly papers.

BASE , as its name suggest is an academic search engine. It is hosted at Bielefeld University in Germany and that's where it name stems from (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine).

CORE is an academic search engine dedicated to open access research papers. For each search result a link to the full text PDF or full text web page is provided.

Science.gov is a fantastic resource as it bundles and offers free access to search results from more than 15 U.S. federal agencies. There is no need any more to query all those resources separately!

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Male teacher high fives young student as she enters a classroom.

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What Motivates Teachers to Enter the Profession?

In a piece for EdSurge, researchers share their work that suggests the reason someone chooses to become a teacher could determine how successful they will be in the role.

Andrew Kwok and Brendan Bartanen

August 12, 2024

This commentary was originally published by EdSurge. (Photo iStock)

What if why you choose to become a teacher determines how successful you will be in the role?

Society has always been fascinated to learn about the motivations of famous athletes, entertainers, and politicians and how they came to their profession. We think about their career trajectory and consider its relevance to ourselves or people we know. What if, similarly, we learned about the motivations of aspiring K-12 teachers, and used that to predict how effective they will be and how long they will stay in the classroom?

Persistent concerns reiterate teacher shortages throughout the nation . Recent evidence has also pointed to declining interest in becoming a teacher, aligned with the decreased professionalization, prestige and pay of the sector . Yet noble individuals press forward and choose to educate our children anyway. Why, in spite of the headwinds, do they become teachers?

As professors and researchers in university teaching and learning programs, we’re fascinated by this question. We figured that learning more about teacher motivation could help us better understand teacher pipelines and find ways to diversify and improve the quality of our nation’s teachers, so we designed a study to gather more information.

From 2012-2018, nearly 2,800 preservice teachers within one of the largest teacher preparation programs in Texas responded to an essay prompt, “Explain why you decided to become a teacher.” We used a natural language processing algorithm to review their responses.

Historically , people went into teaching for relatively straightforward reasons: They desired a stable career, enjoyed having summers off, or had family members who were teachers. However, across the essay responses, we found that those motivations were not the most prevalent, nor were they related to teacher outcomes — but others were.

Read the full story, including the study results, at EdSurge.

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Potassium in Your CKD Diet

Last Updated: May 05, 2023

Medically reviewed by NKF Patient Education Team

Table of Contents

About potassium, high-potassium foods and low-potassium choices, additional considerations.

Potassium is an important mineral found in your body that is responsible for many functions. People living with kidney disease are at risk for having potassium levels outside of the goal range (either too high or too low). To keep your potassium levels in the goal range, you may need to watch how much potassium you are eating throughout the day. For more information about potassium, please visit the NKF Potassium AtoZ page .

If you have high potassium (hyperkalemia), your healthcare provider may advise you to limit certain foods that are higher in potassium. If you have low potassium (hypokalemia), you may be advised the opposite – increase the amount of potassium you eat in your diet.

Honor a Hero. Save a life.

Almost all foods have some potassium. A food that is considered “high-potassium” generally has 200 mg or more potassium per serving. While any food that meets this criteria is considered "high potassium", some will have more potassium than others. This means the size of the serving that you eat is very important. A large amount of a low-potassium food can easily turn it into a high-potassium food.

The table below includes some of the most common foods that are high in potassium (on the left) and some choices that are lower in potassium (on the right). Your dietitian can also help you identify how much potassium is in your favorite foods. Together, you can put together a healthy eating plan that helps you get the right amount of potassium in your diet.

(More than 200 mg of potassium per serving)

(Less than 200 mg of potassium per serving)

1 serving = ½ cup (unless otherwise stated) 

Apricots (raw = 2 medium-sized; dried = 5 halves)

Avocado (1/4 of a whole)

Banana (1/2 of a whole)


Dates (5 whole)

Dried figs

Dried fruits

Grapefruit juice

Honeydew melon

Kiwi (1 medium-sized)

Mango (1 medium-sized)

Nectarine (1 medium-sized)

Orange (1 medium-sized)

Orange juice

Papaya (1/2 of a whole)

Pomegranate (1 whole)

Pomegranate juice

Prunes and prune juice


Apple (1 medium-sized)

Applesauce and apple juice

Apricots (canned in juice)





Fruit cocktail

Grapes and grape juice

Grapefruit (1/2 of a whole)

Mandarin oranges

Peaches (raw = 1 small-sized; canned = ½ cup)

Pears (raw = 1 small-sized; canned = ½ cup)

Pineapple and pineapple juice

Plum (1 whole)



Tangerine (1 whole)

Watermelon (limit to 1 cup)

1 serving = ½ cup (unless otherwise stated)

Acorn squash


Bamboo shoots

Beans (baked, black, dried, or refried)

Butternut squash


Broccoli (cooked)

Brussels sprouts

Carrots, raw

Chinese cabbage

Greens (except kale)

Hubbard squash




White mushrooms (cooked)



Peas, dried

Potatoes (white and sweet)




Spinach (cooked)

Tomatoes and tomato products

Vegetable juices

Alfalfa sprouts

Asparagus (raw = 6 spears)

Beans (green or wax)

Broccoli (raw)

Cabbage (green or red)


Celery (1 stalk)

Corn (fresh = ½ ear; frozen = ½ cup)





Mixed vegetables

White mushrooms (raw)



Peas (green)




Water chestnuts (canned)


Yellow squash

Zucchini squash

1 serving = ½ cup (unless otherwise stated)

Beef (3 ounces)

Bran and bran products

Chicken (3 ounces)

Chocolate (1.5-2 ounces)


Milk (all types = 1 cup)

Molasses (1 tablespoon)

Nuts and seeds (1 ounce)

Peanut butter (2 tablespoons)

Salmon (3 ounces)

Salt substitutes / lite salt

Salt-free broth


Snuff/chewing tobacco

Wheat germ

Bread and bread products (not whole grains)

Cake (yellow or angel)

Coffee (limit to 8 ounces)

Pie (without chocolate or high-potassium fruit)

Cookies (without nuts or chocolate)




Tea (limit to 16 ounces)

The size of the serving that you eat is very important. A large amount of a low-potassium food can easily turn it into a high-potassium food.

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How potassium affects kidney patients

Tips to lower the amount of potassium in your food

If you want to include high-potassium vegetables in your diet, leach them first. Leaching helps lower the amount of potassium in a vegetable by pulling some (but not all) of the potassium out of the vegetable.

To leach vegetables:

  • Peel and place the vegetable in cold water so they won’t darken
  • Slice vegetable 1/8 inch thick
  • Rinse in warm water for a few seconds
  • Soak for a minimum of 2 hours in warm unsalted water using ten times the amount of water to the amount of vegetable. For example, 1 cup of vegetable requires 10 cups of water. If soaking longer, change the water every four hours.
  • Rinse under warm water again for a few seconds.
  • Cook vegetable with five times the amount of unsalted water to the amount of vegetable. For example, 1 cup of vegetable requires 5 cups of water.

If your favorite vegetables are high in potassium, ask your dietitian whether leaching can help you eat some while keeping your potassium level within the goal range. Since leaching does not remove all the potassium, you still must limit the amount of leached high-potassium vegetables you eat.

Another easy way to lower the amount of extra potassium you get from food is to avoid drinking or using the liquid from canned fruits, canned vegetables, or the juices from cooked meat.

Kidney Health

Looking for more info about kidney health.

Join our kidney community for valuable tips and resources to support your kidney wellness journey.

NKF Council on Renal Nutrition CKD Kidney Dietitian Directory https://www.kidney.org/ckdrd

NKF Your Guide to Potassium Download the Potassium guide

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This week in the Law Library we’re looking at more bar exam resources, reviewing more basic legal research skills for summer, and celebrating Disability Pride Month.

Bar Exam Study Resources

Congratulations! You have made it through law school but now the bar exam looms. Don’t worry, the Law Library’s got your back. When you’ve caught your breath and you’re ready to start your bar studying, we have resources that can help. Check out our Bar Exam Research Guide .

The July 2024 bar examination will be administered at the Roberts Centre , 123 Gano Road, Wilmington, Ohio July 30-31, 2024. The Holiday Inn Roberts Centre room block opens on May 14, 2024, at 11 am. Learn more at: Ohio Bar Exam

5 More Resources to Help You Study for the Bar Exam

The Bar Exam is not a sprint, it’s a marathon so pace yourself! You can see the previous week’s featured bar exam resources on our July 1 , June 24 , June 17 , June 10 , June 3 , May 28 , and May 21 . Check out this week’s Bar Exam Resource highlights below on what to do two weeks before the bar exam.

Ameribar, It’s Two Weeks Before the Bar Exam. Help!

Shelley Awe, Bar Exam Tips for Two Weeks Out, Vault (Feb. 8, 2021)

Bar Exam Mind, Bar Exam Schedule: The Final Two Weeks

Bar Exam Toolbox, You Have Two Weeks of Bar Prep Remaining, Have You Completed This Checklist?

JD Advising, How to Make a Study Schedule the Last Two Weeks of Bar Exam Prep

Summer Legal Research Tips

Previously, we looked at:

Initial steps to take when you get a summer research project

Start by identifying the resources available to you at your place of summer employment and ask questions. Develop a research plan. Read more about developing a research plan on our Research Strategy & Documentation guide .

Secondary sources

Then you may need to do background research about your issue before jumping into primary sources such as statutes and case law. A good secondary source can explain the law around your issue and cite you to primary sources. It can save you a lot of time and effort! Learn more about researching in secondary sources in our Researching Secondary Sources Guide or watch our videos on finding and searching within the various secondary source types .

Researching statutes in annotated codes

If your issue is statutory, you want to use an annotated code. An annotated code is a great research tool because it offers editorial enhancements such as: (1) cross references to related statutes and regulations; (2) more detailed historical notes, secondary source references; (3) if it is a Thomson Reuters code you will get topic and key number references to help you find cases; and (3) the case annotations.

Statutory finding tools

Once in an annotated code, use the statutory finding tools like indexes, tables of contents, parallel reference tables, and the popular names table to find the statutory sections you need.

Updating and validating statutes

Update and validate your statutes by making sure that you are working with the most current version of a statute when researching a current issue and using Shepards and KeyCite to validate your statute and to identify any pending legislation that may impact your statute.

Historical and Superseded Codes

You can research historical codes using HeinOnline, Govinfo.gov, Bloomberg Law, Fastcase, Lexis, and Westlaw. You can also compare statutes on Lexis and Westlaw and be sure and always check the effective dates of statutes.

Statutory Surveys

Sometimes a researcher is asked to find statutes from multiple jurisdictions on a particular topic. Take advantage of compiled statutory surveys such as (1) Lexis and Westlaw 50-state surveys; (2) Subject Compilations of State Laws on HeinOnline ; (3) State Law Charts on Bloomberg Law and Smart Charts on VitalLaw ; and (4) National Conference of State Legislatures . Read more about statutory surveys in our 50-State Surveys Guide .

This week we will begin covering how to find cases.

Finding Cases by Headnote

Headnotes are summaries of the issues in a case. They are not actually part of the opinion. Each headnote is numbered. You can click on the headnote number and be taken to the place within the opinion where the issue of the headnote is discussed. Headnotes are tools that can be used for research but they are not part of the actual case itself. You should never cite to a headnote and always read the opinion and do not rely on the headnote.

Headnotes in Westlaw

Using westlaw topic and key numbers assigned to headnotes to find cases.

Each headnote in a case published in Westlaw is assigned a topic and key number. These topic and key numbers can be used to find more cases on the same subject. For example, if we had a headnote that was assigned the topic of Damages and the key number of 57.21 and we want to find more cases that talk about what is needed to prove a claim of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, we can use the topic of Damages and the key number of 57.21 and look online to find more cases that discuss this same thing. If you want to see the topic and key numbers in Westlaw headnotes, you may have to click the grid view link at the top of where the headnotes begin. The key number assigned to a particular headnote is always the last and narrowest key number assigned. Click on the link for the topic and key number and Westlaw will run a search and bring up all cases in their system that have been classified under that topic and key number. Note that you may need to change your jurisdiction for the search because the system keeps the last jurisdiction chosen.

Using Cases that Cite This Headnote

To find other cases that cite a particular headnote, click on the “Cases that cite this headnote” link located below the headnote summary of the point of law. Cases that cite a headnote consist of the citing references that specifically address that particular point of law in the case. Because cases may address many different issues, this can be a quick way to find the most relevant cases citing your case for the particular issue covered by that headnote.

Headnotes in Lexis

Using lexis topics assigned to headnotes to find cases.

Lexis headnotes are still organized by broad topics and then progressively subdivided by narrower subjects, but Lexis headnote subjects tend to be broader concepts than the Westlaw key numbers. Also, Lexis headnotes do not editorialize, they actually lift language straight from the text of the case. We can find more cases on a topic by clicking on the topic links assigned to the headnote. In Lexis, the topic links are above the headnote. If we want a broader search, we can use the topic intermediate levels, for example, we could search Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress rather than the specific Elements beneath that. A search on any intermediate level will bring up results for all the more specific levels below it.

Using More Like this Headnote to Find Cases

More Like This Headnote appears at the end of a headnote, and gives you the ability to find cases that have headnotes that closely match the language or meaning of a headnote in your case.

Using Shepardize – Narrow by this Headnote to Find Cases

To find more cases that discuss the same point of law, click “Shepardize – Narrow by this Headnote.” This will show you all cases that cite to this case that reference the same issue as that headnote.

Don’t forget that you can always find out more about researching cases in our Researching Cases Guide or watch our videos on finding cases.

July Is Disability Pride Month!

Disability Pride Flag. A black flag with a lightning bolt of blue, yellow, white, red, and green. Source: Ann Magill/Public Domain

About Disability Pride Month

Disability Pride Month is an annual worldwide observance holiday during the month of July. It promotes awareness of disability as an identity, a community, a culture & the positive pride felt by disabled people. It directly challenges systematic ableism and discrimination. President George H.W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law in 1990 and in July of that same year, the first Disability Pride Day was celebrated in Boston.

This month, the American Bar Association’s Commission on Disability Rights invites you to take part in the #BeCounted campaign . The #BeCounted campaign encourages lawyers with disabilities across the country to add themselves to the ABA’s U.S. map.

5 Resources to Learn More about Accessibility & Disability Issues

Disability rights are civil rights. From voting to parking, the ADA is a law that protects people with disabilities in many areas of public life. From answers to common questions to official legal documents, ADA.gov has everything you need to understand your rights and responsibilities under the ADA.

Disability History Museum

The Disability History Museum is a virtual project that aims to foster a deeper understanding about how changing cultural values, notions of identity, laws and policies have shaped and influenced the experience of people with disabilities, their families and their communities over time.

Library of Congress, Disability Law in the United States: A Beginner’s Guide

This research guide provides an overview of relevant laws and regulations related to disability rights. It provides resources from the federal government and non-profit organizations that work toward advancing the rights of people with disabilities. The guide is by no means exhaustive, however it offers a extensive guidance on resources for performing legal research on this subject, as well as information from leading advocates and government entities with missions to protect those with disabilities from discrimination.

Museum of disABILITY History (Virtual Museum)

The Museum of disABILITY History is dedicated to advancing the understanding, acceptance and independence of people with disabilities. The Museum's exhibits, collections, archives and educational programs create awareness and a platform for dialogue and discovery.

Smithsonian National Museum of American History, EveryBody: An Artifact History of Disability in America

People with disabilities have been present throughout American history, but rarely appear in textbooks or shared public memories. This online exhibition helps us understand the American experience and reveals how complicated history really is.

Posted on July 15, 2024 by Susan Boland

how do i find a research topic in education

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how do i find a research topic in education

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If you’re trying to find a suitable research topic for your dissertation, thesis or research project, this is for you. The list provides 1000+ topic ideas across 25 research areas, including:

  • Accounting & finance
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
  • Biotech and genetic engineering
  • Blockchain and crypto
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  • Public administration
  • Public health and epidemiology
  • Robotics and automation

Simply put, this is the largest single source of research topic inspiration you’ll find. Plus, you’ll get free access to our popular webinar , Research Topic Ideation 101, as well as our tried and trusted research proposal template . 

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Additional Resources

If you’re looking for a high-quality research topic, you’ll also want to check these out…

1-On-1 Private Coaching

Research Topic Bootcamp

The Grad Coach YouTube Channel

The Grad Coach Podcast

How do COVID-19 antibody tests differ from diagnostic tests?

I've heard about antibody testing for covid-19. what is antibody testing is it the same as testing to diagnose covid-19.

Antibody testing shows whether you have antibodies to the virus that causes COVID-19, also called coronavirus disease 2019.

Having antibodies suggests you've either had an infection with the virus in the past or you've had the COVID-19 vaccine. Antibody testing is not used to diagnose COVID-19.

What are antibodies and why are antibody tests done?

Antibodies are proteins. The body makes antibodies when there are things in the body that shouldn't be there, such as viruses. The antibodies help clear out the virus. Having antibodies to a virus may give some protection from the disease caused by the virus for a time.

A blood test can show whether you have antibodies to the COVID-19 virus within days to weeks of having the infection or the vaccine. But antibody testing, also called serology testing, is not done routinely.

A healthcare professional might use an antibody test to diagnose complications of COVID-19. These include multisystem inflammatory syndrome, a rare condition linked to COVID-19.

If you've gotten over COVID-19, you might be able to help others who have COVID-19. If testing shows that you have a high level of antibodies, you might donate part of your blood called plasma. This is called convalescent plasma. It may help others with severe disease who have a weakened immune system.

What tests are used to diagnose COVID-19?

Two types of tests can help diagnose COVID-19.

Molecular tests. These tests look for genetic material from the COVID-19 virus.

Polymerase chain reaction tests, shortened to PCR tests, are molecular tests. You may also hear this type of test called an NAAT test, short for nucleic acid amplification test.

PCR tests are more accurate than the other type of COVID-19 test, called an antigen test. You can do PCR tests at home. But they are more likely to be done by a healthcare professional and processed in a lab.

Antigen tests. These tests look for viral proteins called antigens.

Antigen tests also may be called rapid COVID-19 tests or at-home COVID-19 tests. These tests are useful if you need quick results.

Antigen tests are accurate. But they're less accurate than PCR tests. If you have symptoms and an antigen test is negative for COVID-19, take another antigen test after 48 hours to get the best result.

If you don't have symptoms and get a negative result, test again after 48 hours. If the result is still negative and you think you have COVID-19, you can test a third time after another 48 hours. Or you can get a molecular test or call your healthcare professional.

How do I get a COVID-19 diagnostic test?

In the United States, at-home COVID-19 tests are available from several sources. Free tests can be mailed to U.S. addresses, or you can buy tests in stores and pharmacies or online. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves the tests. On the FDA website, you can find a list of the tests that are validated and when they expire.

Daniel C. DeSimone, M.D.

  • COVID-19 variant
  • COVID-19 drugs: Are there any that work?
  • AskMayoExpert. Serological antibody testing. Mayo Clinic; 2022.
  • Interim guidelines for COVID-19 antibody testing. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/testing/antibody-tests-guidelines.html. Accessed March 5, 2024.
  • Antibody (serology) testing for COVID-19: Information for patients and consumers. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices/antibody-serology-testing-covid-19-information-patients-and-consumers. Accessed March 5, 2024.
  • AskMayoExpert. COVID-19: Drug regimens and other treatment options. Mayo Clinic; 2022.
  • COVID-19 testing: What you need to know. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/testing.html. Accessed March 5, 2024.
  • At-home COVID-19 antigen tests: Take steps to reduce your risk of false negative results: FDA safety communication. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/safety-communications/home-covid-19-antigen-tests-take-steps-reduce-your-risk-false-negative-results-fda-safety. Accessed March 6, 2024.
  • AT-home OTC COVID diagnostic tests. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices/home-otc-covid-19-diagnostic-tests. Accessed March 6, 2024.
  • Zhang Y et al. Molecular and antigen tests, and sample types for diagnosis of COVID-19: A review. Future Virology. 2022; doi:10.2217/fvl-2021-0256.

Products and Services

  • A Book: Endemic - A Post-Pandemic Playbook
  • Begin Exploring Women's Health Solutions at Mayo Clinic Store
  • A Book: Future Care
  • Antibiotics: Are you misusing them?
  • COVID-19 and vitamin D
  • Convalescent plasma therapy
  • Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
  • COVID-19: How can I protect myself?
  • Herd immunity and respiratory illness
  • COVID-19 and pets
  • COVID-19 and your mental health
  • COVID-19 antibody testing
  • COVID-19, cold, allergies and the flu
  • Long-term effects of COVID-19
  • COVID-19 tests
  • COVID-19 in babies and children
  • Coronavirus infection by race
  • COVID-19 travel advice
  • COVID-19 vaccine: Should I reschedule my mammogram?
  • COVID-19 vaccines for kids: What you need to know
  • COVID-19 vaccines
  • COVID-19 vs. flu: Similarities and differences
  • COVID-19: Who's at higher risk of serious symptoms?
  • Debunking coronavirus myths
  • Different COVID-19 vaccines
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
  • Fever: First aid
  • Fever treatment: Quick guide to treating a fever
  • Fight coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission at home
  • Honey: An effective cough remedy?
  • How to measure your respiratory rate
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  • Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pregnancy and COVID-19
  • Safe outdoor activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
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  • Thermometers: Understand the options
  • Treating COVID-19 at home
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  • Vaccine guidance from Mayo Clinic
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    An annotated code is a great research tool because it offers editorial enhancements such as: (1) cross references to related statutes and regulations; (2) more detailed historical notes, secondary source references; (3) if it is a Thomson Reuters code you will get topic and key number references to help you find cases; and (3) the case annotations.

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  30. How do COVID-19 antibody tests differ from diagnostic tests ...

    In the United States, at-home COVID-19 tests are available from several sources. Free tests can be mailed to U.S. addresses, or you can buy tests in stores and pharmacies or online. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves the tests. On the FDA website, you can find a list of the tests that are validated and when they expire.