United States Institute of Peace

Contests for students.

The U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) is committed to educating the next generation of peacebuilders about the U.S. role in preventing and resolving conflicts around the world, and about the important part that young people can play as engaged global citizens.

Starting in 1987, USIP challenged students to think critically about global issues of conflict and peace through the National Peace Essay Contest (NPEC). Now, USIP is building upon the legacy of the NPEC (which was wrapped up in 2014) by partnering with other organizations on a range of initiatives that inspire students to learn more about global peacebuilding and to put their own good ideas into action.

Make sure to explore our other resources for students, teachers, and the broader public by visiting the Public Education section. 

Wilson King Photo

Academic WorldQuest

Each year, the World Affairs Councils of America (WACA) engages more than 4,000 high school students across the U.S. in its signature quiz contest that tests their knowledge of global issues and foreign policy in 10 categories. Since 2016, USIP has been a co-sponsor of this national contest, ensuring the inclusion of a peace and conflict category in Academic WorldQuest each year. 

For the 2021 competition, USIP’s category is  “Exploring Peace in a World of Conflict,”  with featured resources that blend research, data, and real-life examples of peacebuilding in action. For more information, check out our Academic WorldQuest page! 

National High School Essay Contest

As a successor to USIP’s own National Peace Essay Contest, USIP has since 2015 partnered with the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) on its annual National High School Essay Contest. The contest engages high school students in learning and writing about issues of peace and conflict, and encourages appreciation for diplomacy’s role in building partnerships that can advance peacebuilding and protect national security. 

The winner of the contest receives a $2,500 cash prize, an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. to meet leadership at the U.S. Department of State and USIP, and a full-tuition paid voyage with Semester at Sea upon the student’s enrollment at an accredited university. The runner-up receives a $1,250 cash prize and a full scholarship to participate in the International Diplomacy Program of the National Student Leadership Conference. 

Explore the 2022 essay contest topic, “Partnerships for Peace in a Multipolar Era,” download this year’s contest study guide , and learn more about the essay contest here. 

Lions Clubs International

British Isles Member Support Site

Peace Poster & Essay Competitions

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Please use the search box, or navigate using the categories from the home page. If you have specific questions, a chat facility is available.

Lions International Peace Poster and Peace Essay Competitions

2024-25 contest theme: ‘peace without limits’, contact details.

Contact: Lions Clubs International British Isles (MD105) head office
Telephone: 0121 441 4544  [Office hours are 9:00am to 5.00pm between Monday to Friday]

Key information

The theme of this year’s Lions International Peace Poster provides young people (aged 11-13) with the opportunity to express their visions of peace through being connected with one another.

Students ages 11, 12, or 13 as of November 15 are eligible to participate in the International Peace Poster and Peace Essay Contests.

Peace essay contest

Created to give an opportunity for visually impaired young people to express their feelings of peace, the International Essay Contest is a staple of Lions clubs around the world. Lions work with local schools and area families to identify young people who are interested in participating and who could benefit from this program. One grand prize winner will receive an award and US$5,000.

Each essay must be submitted with a completed entry form. Essays must be no longer than 500 words in length, submitted in English, typed in black ink and double-spaced.

Peace poster contest

For over three decades, Lions clubs around the globe have been sponsoring a very special art contest in schools and youth groups. More than four million young people from 100 countries worldwide have taken part in the contest.

Creating peace posters gives children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity. The young artists are free to use a variety of art mediums. They are encouraged to portray their life-experiences and culture in responding to the theme.

Every Lions Club is encouraged to engage with young people in their community to sponsor a Peace Poster contest entry.

Purchasing a Peace Poster pack

Lions clubs need to order a Peace Poster pack to enter the contest. Peace poster kits may be purchased from the MD105 head office (available from 15 January to 1 October). The Peace Poster kit and Essay Poster kit each cost £15.00 plus postage.

Each kit contains:

  • Official club contest guide and rules
  • Official school or youth group contest guide and rules
  • Participant flyer to duplicate and give to participating students to take home
  • Sticker to place on the back of the winning poster
  • Certificates for the contest winner and school or youth group

Peace Poster judging

Each poster is judged on originality, artistic merit, and expression of the theme. Entries advance through several judging levels: local, district, multiple district, and international.

All district winners need to be received at Lions Clubs International (MD105) British Isles office by 1 December. An overall multiple district winner is then selected, and submitted for the international judging stage.

At the international level, judges from the art, peace, youth, education, and media communities select one grand prize winner and 23 merit award winners.

Winner of 2023-2024 theme ‘Dare to Dream’

Thank you to all the entrants of this year’s Peace Poster and Peace Essay Competition.

The Peace poster competition was won by Isabella Golez Age 12, sponsored by Bexhill Lions of District 105SE

peace essay competition

Winner of the Peace Essay 2023-2024 theme ‘Dare to Dream’

Erica June Steel aged 13 with her Peace Essay ‘Dare to dream’ sponsored by Milton Keynes Stony Stratford Lions Club of District 105A

Depending on the location of punctuation Dare to Dream can be said with negative connotations, however it is absolutely critical to dare to dream. Without the act of doing so we wouldn’t have had great achievements like climbing mount Everest, circumnavigating the world or landing on the moon. All of the above and many more come from one or more people sitting down, and daring to dream.

Like many things in life Daring to dream can often start with a What if, “what if there was a form of airborne transport?” Led to the invention of Airplanes, “what if man kind could set foot on the moon?” Led to Apollo eleven and humans on the moon. However, daring to dream can also sometimes result in catastrophe, Hitler dreamt of a world without Jews and then we had the holocaust and World War 2. Putin dreams that he will rebuild the Soviet Union and look at the conflict in Ukraine. Catastrophic daring to dream doesn’t always stem from fascist leaders. As an example, in 1986 the space shuttle challenger disintegrated 73 seconds after take-off those seven lives wouldn’t have been lost if humans hadn’t dreamt of being in space.

Yet despite all the Pros and cons of daring to dream so much good could be done if mankind did it a little more. With a little more determination, selflessness, purpose and more than anything with the rest of humanity, nature and planet earth at the centre of their hearts.

Winner of 2022-2023 theme ‘Lead with Compassion’

peace essay competition

Peace Essay Winner of 2022-2023  theme ‘Lead with Compassion’

Dalyzie Simpson, sponsored by Milton Keynes Stony Stratford Lions, who has just turned 14 years of age.

Lead With Compassion

Why should a leader be compassionate? ” You should not count your chickens before they hatch!” If you were a leader, you cannot just assume that your association know what they are meant to be doing, referring to “You should not count your chickens before they hatch” you do not know if all those chicken eggs will hatch so being the leader, you should be compassionate about leading your troop and they should be led by their leader with compassion without cutting any corners. If you com1t your chickens before they hatch, you are cutting corners by not waiting for them to hatch.

“Show the way to your fellow committee” Lead your people down the right path. A leader should be compassionate about everything they want their followers to believe, therefore they shall find a new leader and someone who is more compassionate about everything they say.

People who are followers should want to follow you as their leader because your compassionate about your beliefs and you should want others to obey you. If you were not compassionate about having to lead, your followers would not want to follow you and they would not want to support your beliefs if your feelings were not too strong about a certain topic. Make people of the public support you with your ambitions, hopes and dreams. Help your community work to their full potential and to their best abilities, further more you shall be able to help more and more people because the more people that follow you the more they shall spread the word about your leadership and how compassionate you are.

Let’s take the Prime Minister role, if you lead the public to believe your actions are not considerable of being worthy of becoming a Prime Minister, the public and media will discriminate you and feel hatred towards them because they betrayed the population via there inconsiderate behaviours of their Prime Minister, so they will not support what the Prime

Ministers decisions are because of their actions. The public will certainly have lost hope in their Prime Minister and how compassionate they feel towards their Prime Minster. However, leading the public with compassion and pleasant honours, the Public will listen and understand how their Prime Minister will be an enjoyable leader.

A leader should be compassionate about what they are leading others to believe because otherwise, no one will want to be led by their leader. Supporting others to their best abilities makes an incredible leader. That sums up the question that was mentioned at the start. Lead yourself to be compassionate to make a good impression on others! You shall then become a better person.

Dayzie Simpson – 448 words

Hi, I have no vision at all, including not being able to see light or dark, nothing and my condition is FND and i touched typed this.

Winners of 2021-2022 theme ‘We are all connected’

Thank you to all the entrants of this year’s Peace Poster and Peace Essay Competition.

Peace Poster Winner Martha Gilson

Martha said “peace to me is the understanding of everyone in harmony”

Martha Gibson (aged 12) sponsored by Ross on Wye Lions Club  – District CW

peace essay competition

Peace Essay Winner George Dukas

The winner of the Peace Essay Competition is George Dukas (aged 13) sponsored by Hemel Hempstead Lions Club in District A

Whoever we are we share a connection with others. We were all born into a family whose branches have spread over the years, some more than others.  We connect with our thoughts and beliefs with other groups of individuals yet we are unique and no two people, even identical twins are exactly the same. Life gives us many experiences and challenges that affect our being and those around us. We move areas, we see things our families don’t and we react in different ways. As we age the world grows smaller by visiting places outside of our circle. We gain new and different skills which enhance the person we are. We learn some lessons and modify our actions yet sometimes we can’t accept the change All of this is dependant on communications that keep us connected. Speech is the most effective tool as a voice to share. Telephone, social media in its many modes, television and the internet mean connections can be instant and over long distances. The world has become smaller even with space flight. But it is the connection of people together, close and familiar that mean the most. Spoken work is good but a look, a smile, a touch that shows someone understands and cares about another can bring such calm and peace. Empathy with another, an act of kindness towards the needy, putting yourself in their shoes goes a long way to showing the world at its best. The feeling of belonging, of not being alone is the unsurpassed. If we look towards peace in the world, doesn’t all of this mean one thing. Whoever we are and whatever we are we are not alone, we are definitely connected in some way. A huge family of humans who are different but not and who have the ability to communicate with each other, to have empathy and to make their living a better ideal. Lets join together and succeed regardless of colour, religion or language and by or connections work thorough our differences.

The global winner of the Lions International Peace Essay 2019-2020 was Joseph Critchlow, sponsored by the City of Liverpool Lions Club

The Spring 2020 LION Magazine features Joseph Critchlow (page 25):

  • Link to Flip magazine
  • Link to PDF Download

Global winners

  • Current and previous winners of the global Peace Essay contest: https://www.lionsclubs.org/en/peace-essay
  • Current Peace Poster winners from around the world: https://www.lionsclubs.org/en/peace-poster-winners
  • Grand Prize Peace Poster winners since 1988: https://www.lionsclubs.org/en/start-our-approach/youth/peace-poster/grand-prize-winners


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An image of a typewriter, a dove and other items related to peaceful uses of nuclear technology

'Atoms for Peace and Development' Essay Competition

The IAEA’s essay competition for young adults around the world is based on the IAEA’s slogan – Atoms for Peace and Development. The competition is designed to commemorate the 70th anniversary of US President Dwight D Eisenhower’s ‘Atoms for Peace’ speech delivered on 8 December 1953 to the United Nations General Assembly in New York, which laid the foundation for the establishment of the IAEA in 1957. The winning essay will posit ways the IAEA and the international community can address today’s biggest challenges within the mission of “Atoms for Peace and Development”.

Who is eligible to participate?

Anyone between 18 and 24 years of age, as of 23 October 2023, is eligible.

The competition is free to enter, and contestants are limited to one entry. Here are the terms and conditions of the competition.

How can I enter the competition?

Essays can be submitted on this page from Tuesday, 20 September 2023. The deadline is 23:59 CET, Monday, 23 October 2023.

Essays must be original and a maximum of 4000 characters. Please read the terms and conditions for further requirements.

What are the judging criteria?

Essays will be judged on:

  • Style and originality
  • Impact of new ideas

What is the prize?

The winning essay will be announced on the anniversary of the speech on 8 December 2023. The winner of the competition will be invited to Vienna. 

Guidance for the Essay

Since 1957, the IAEA has played a central role in delivering the benefits of the atom to humanity, while helping to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.

Essay writers can familiarize themselves with the IAEA’s mission including the IAEA Mid-Term Strategy . The IAEA has published informative videos explaining the work of the Agency.

About the IAEA and its mission

  • The objectives of the IAEA’s dual mission – to promote and control the Atom – are defined in Article II of the IAEA Statute.

“The Agency shall seek to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world. It shall ensure, so far as it is able, that assistance provided by it or at its request or under its supervision or control is not used in such a way as to further any military purpose.”

  • Read here:  https://www.iaea.org/about/overview/history  

The safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear technology for sustainable global development

  • Watch here (2 min): Nuclear Technology for Climate  
  • Watch here (7 min): Nuclear Power: The Road to a Carbon Free Future  
  • Watch here (7 min): Scientific Forum 2022: Rays of Hope – Cancer Care for All  
  • Watch here (3 min):  Building Better Agriculture One Atom at a Time  
  •  Watch here (3 min): Nuclear Science for SDGs: Clean Water And Sanitation  
  • Watch here (3 min): Nuclear Science for Ocean Health  
  • Watch here (3 min): Nuclear science: The future of fusion energy  
  • Watch here (2 min): NUTEC: A Nuclear Solution to Plastic Pollution | IAEA  
  • Watch here (3 min) Preparing the World for Future Pandemics | IAEA

This article was amended on 4 December, 2023.

Related resources

  • Atoms for Peace and Development
  • Atoms for Peace speech
  • History of the IAEA
  • IAEA Statute

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Scientific resources

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  • Safeguards and Additional Protocol

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Global Campaign for Peace Education

Goi Peace Foundation: International Essay Contest for Young People

peace essay competition

*This program is an activity of the UNESCO Global Action Programme (GAP) on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

This annual essay contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy, imagination and initiative of the world’s youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development. It also aims to inspire society to learn from the young minds and to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world.

Theme: “Education to Build a Better Future for All”

We live in a world with many complex problems, both local and global. What kind of education and learning would help us address these challenges and create a sustainable world and a better life for all? Describe your concrete ideas for an ideal education.

1. Essays may be submitted by anyone up to 25 years old (as of June 15, 2016) in one of the following age categories: a) Children (ages up to 14) b) Youth (ages 15 – 25) 2. Essays must be 700 words or less in English, French, Spanish or German, or 1600 characters or less in Japanese, excluding essay title. Essays may be typed or printed. 3. Essays must have a cover page indicating (1) category (Children or Youth) (2) essay title (3) your name (4) address (5) phone number (6) e-mail (7) nationality (8) age as of June 15, 2016 (9) gender (10) school name (if applicable) (11) word count. Teachers and youth directors may submit a collection of essays from their class or group. Please enclose a list of participants’ names, ages and the name and contact information of the submitting teacher or director. * Entries missing any of the above information will not be considered. * Please note that the organizer is unable to confirm receipt of essays or answer individual inquiries concerning contest results. 4. Entries may be submitted by postal mail or online. * IMPORTANT: To send your essay online, you must go to the online registration page and follow the required steps. 5. Essays must be original and unpublished. Plagiarized entries will be rejected. 6. Essays must be written by one person. Co-authored essays are not accepted. 7. Copyright of the essays entered will be assigned to the organizer.

Entries must be received by June 15, 2016 (23:59 your local time).

The following awards will be given in the Children’s category and Youth category respectively:

1st Prize: Certificate and prize of 100,000 Yen (approx. US$880 as of February 2016) … 1 entrant 2nd Prize: Certificate and prize of 50,000 Yen (approx. US$440 as of February 2016) … 2 entrants 3rd Prize: Certificate and gift … 5 entrants Honorable Mention: Certificate and gift … 25 entrants

 * 1st prize winners will be invited to the award ceremony in Tokyo, Japan scheduled for November 2016 and will receive the Minister of Education Award. (Travel expenses will be covered by the organizer.) * Additional awards (Recognition for Effort, Best School Award, School Incentive Award) will be given if applicable. * All prize winners will be announced by the end of October 2016 on the Goi Peace Foundation web site (www.goipeace.or.jp). Certificates and gifts will be mailed to the winners in December 2016.

Please send entries to:

International Essay Contest c/o The Goi Peace Foundation 1-4-5 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0093 Japan

OR submit online.

For inquiries, please contact [email protected] 

Essay Contest 2016 Flyer (PDF)

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Join the Campaign & help us #SpreadPeaceEd!

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Coventry International Young Peoples Peace Essay Competition

Managed by united nations association coventry branch.

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2023 Peace Essays

Links to the winning essays of the International Peace Essay Competition 2023 are listed below.

You can also read or download a PDF book containing all these essays here .

15-17 Age Group

1st Prize: Arnav Madan from England

2nd Prize: Kashi Dubariya from United Kingdom

3rd Prize: Armash from Sri Lanka

18-21 Age Group

1st Prize: Abdul-Ganiyy Abdul-Wasiu Olanrewaju from Nigeria

2nd Prize: Alawode, Oluwafeyikemi Marvellous from Nigeria

3rd Prize: UWONKUNDA Mireille from Rwanda

22-24 Age Group

1st Prize: Chiahanam Nwobodo from Nigeria

2nd Prize: Muhammad Ghifari from Indonesia

Joint 3rd Prize: Ibe Chijioke Kennedy from Nigeria

Joint 3rd Prize: Salma Amanda Latifa from Indonesia

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Opportunity Desk

Goi Peace Foundation International Essay Contest for Young People 2023 (¥100,000 prize)

peace essay competition

Deadline: June 15, 2023

Applications are invited for the Goi Peace Foundation International Essay Contest for Young People 2023 . This annual essay contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy, creativity and initiative of the world’s youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development. It also aims to inspire society to learn from the young minds and to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world.

Theme: Youth Creating a Peaceful Future

What does a peaceful world look like to you? How can young people work together, using creative ideas and approaches to realize a peaceful future? Share your specific ideas.

The following awards will be given in the Children’s category and Youth category respectively:

  • 1st Prize (1 entrant): Certificate, prize of 100,000 Yen (approx. US$740 as of Feb. 2023) and gift
  • 2nd Prize (3 entrants): Certificate, prize of 50,000 Yen (approx. US$370 as of Feb. 2023) and gift
  • 3rd Prize (5 entrants): Certificate and gift
  • Honorable Mention: Certificate and gift


  • Children (ages up to 14)
  • Youth (ages 15 – 25)
  • Essays must be 700 words or less in English or French, or 1600 characters or less in Japanese. Essays must be typed, with your name and essay title included at the top of the first page.
  • There are no particular rules regarding formatting (font style, size, line space, etc.). However, essays must be submitted in either MS Word (DOC/DOCX) or PDF format.
  • Essays must be original and unpublished. Plagiarized entries will be rejected.
  • Essays must be written by one person. Co-authored essays are not accepted.


Entries must be submitted online. Entries submitted by postal mail or e-mail are not accepted.

Click here to apply

For more information, visit International Essay Contest .

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Jude Ogar is an educator and youth development practitioner with years of experience working in the education and youth development space. He is passionate about the development of youth in Africa.

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Goi Peace Foundation Annual Essay Contest for Young People 2024

  • Deadline June 15, 2024
  • Region Online

peace essay competition

Call for essays for the 2024 Goi Peace Foundation Annual Essay Contest for Young People!

Goi Peace Foundation annual essay contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy, creativity and initiative of the world’s youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development. It also aims to inspire society to learn from the young minds and to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world. This program is an activity within the framework of UNESCO’s Education for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving the SDGs (ESD for 2030).

Get the  Youth Opportunities iOS App here  for the fully-funded opportunities.

“My Experience of Overcoming Conflict” is the theme for this year’s International Essay Contest for Young People.

There are many different reasons why conflicts arise, including divergent viewpoints and moral principles. Have you ever been a part of a quarrel that you were able to resolve? What insights did that experience give you? In what ways do you hope to use the knowledge you have gained to both society and your personal life?

Youth Opportunities invites you to join your preferred channel to get the latest updates directly to your messenger inbox. 1. Youth Opportunities:  https://m.me/j/AbZTmgEzD1UchDte/ 2. Fully Funded Conferences:  https://m.me/j/AbZTfhFTiPCnXf2D/ 3. Full Scholarships:  https://m.me/j/AbbrjbkOMM6I68Cs/ 4. Paid Internships/Jobs:  https://m.me/j/AbaAskb6jFFnRser/ 5. Circle:  https://m.me/j/AbY0vVKSPJULUnE4/

Essays may be submitted by anyone up to 25 years old (as of June 15, 2024) in one of the following age categories:

  • Children (ages up to 14)
  • Youth (ages 15 – 25)

You can give your essay an original title. Essays may be in any style (thesis or prose, academic or literary), as long as the content is in line with the theme. Essays must be no more than 700 words in French or English, or 1600 characters in Japanese. A cover page is not required. Essays have to be typed, with the essay title, your email address, and your name at the top of the first page. Regarding formatting (font style, size, line space, etc.), there are no specific guidelines. Essays, however, have to be turned in in PDF or MS Word (DOC/DOCX) format. The word limit does not apply to your name, email address, or essay title.

The following awards will be given in the Children’s category and Youth category respectively:

  • 1st Prize: Certificate, prize of 100,000 Yen (approx. US$660 as of Feb. 2024) and gift – 1 entrant
  • 2nd Prize: Certificate, prize of 50,000 Yen (approx. US$330 as of Feb. 2024) and gift  – 3 entrants
  • 3rd Prize: Certificate and gift – 5 entrants
  • Honorable Mention: Certificate and gift – 25 entrants
  • 1st to 3rd prize winners will be invited to the Winners Gathering to be held online.
  • Additional awards (Best School Award, School Incentive Award) will be given if applicable.
  • All prize winners will be announced on October 31, 2024 (Japan time) on the official website. Certificates and gifts will be mailed to the winners in January 2025.


  • You must be 25 years old or younger as of June 15, 2024, which is the entry deadline date. That means you must be born after June 15, 1998. On the other hand, there is no minimum age requirement.
  • The contest is open to young minds across the world.

Application Process

  • Visit the Registration Link by clicking on the “APPLY NOW” button.
  • Go to either “Individual” or “School/Organization” Entrant Registration page.
  • After entering all required information, click “SUBMIT” button at the bottom of the page to create an account.
  • When your account is successfully created, you will be automatically logged in to “My Account”.
  • For “INDIVIDUAL”: In “My Account”, click “Register Essay” on the side menu, attach your essay by selecting the file on your computer, and click “SUBMIT”. Only one entry per person is accepted. Once your entry is successfully submitted, you can download your certificate from the “Download Certificate”.
  • For “SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION”: In “My Account”, click “Add/Delete Student” on the side menu, register one student per row, attach each essay by selecting the file on your computer, and click “SUBMIT.” Only one entry per person is accepted. Once your entry is successfully submitted, you can download your students’ certificates from the “Student List” and your certificate from the “Teacher‘s Certificate of Participation” on the side menu.
  • If you leave “My Account” page, you can log in again with your email address and password from “Entrant login” on the top menu.

Please Note:

  • You can only create one account with one email address.
  • Essay file in either MS Word (DOC/DOCX) or PDF format.
  • Your essay file size must be 2MB or less.
  • Your essay must be typed, with your name, email address and essay title included at the top of the first page.

Application Deadline: June 15, 2024

For Further Queries

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The Goi Peace Foundation International Essay Contest for Young People

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National High School Essay Contest

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The 2025 Contest Will Launch on September 30, 2024!

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2024 Essay Contest Topic

This year, AFSA celebrates the 100th anniversary of the United States Foreign Service. Over the last century, our diplomats and development professionals have been involved in groundbreaking events in history – decisions on war and peace, supporting human rights and freedom, creating joint prosperity, reacting to natural disasters and pandemics and much more. As AFSA looks back on this century-long history, we invite you to join us in also looking ahead to the future. This year students are asked to explore how diplomats can continue to evolve their craft to meet the needs of an ever-changing world that brings fresh challenges and opportunities to the global community and America’s place in it.

Over the past 100 years the Foreign Service has faced a multitude of challenges such as world war, terrorism, nuclear proliferation, humanitarian disasters, global pandemics, and economic crises. In a 1,000-1,500-word essay please identify what you believe will be the biggest challenge to face the Foreign Service in the future. The essay will describe this challenge and clearly define how American diplomats can help mitigate it.

Successful essays will use past or current diplomatic efforts to support what you believe to be the best course of action to tackle this obstacle.

For more information on Essay Contest Rules and Guidance please visit this page . For additional resources and to view the 2024 Study Guide please visit this page .

AFSA Announces the Winner of the 2023 High School Essay Contest

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The American Foreign Service Association’s national high school essay contest completed its twenty-third year with over 400 submissions from 44 states.

Three randomized rounds of judging produced this year’s winner, Justin Ahn, a junior from Deerfield Academy in Deerfield, Massachusetts. In his essay, “Mending Bridges: US-Vietnam Reconciliation from 1995 to Today,” Justin focuses on the successful reconciliation efforts by the Foreign Service in transforming US-Vietnam relations from post-war tension to close economic and strategic partnership.

Justin traveled to Washington in AUgust 2023, where he met with Secretary of State Antony Blinken. He also received a full tuition scholarship to an educational voyage with Semester at Sea.

Niccolo Duina was this year’s runner-up. He is a senior at Pulaski Academy in Little Rock, Arkansas. Niccolo attended the international diplomacy program of the National Student Leadership Conference in summer 2023.

There were eight honorable mentions:

  • Santiago Castro-Luna – Chevy Chase, Maryland
  • Dante Chittenden – Grimes, Iowa
  • Merle Hezel – Denver, Colorado
  • Adarsh Khullar – Villa Hills, Kentucky
  • Nicholas Nall – Little Rock, Arkansas
  • Ashwin Telang – West Windsor, New Jersey
  • Himani Yarlagadda – Northville, Michigan
  • Sophia Zhang – San Jose, California

Congratulations! We thank all students and teachers who took the time to research and become globally engaged citizens who care about diplomacy, development, and peacebuilding.

If you are not graduating this year, please consider submitting another essay for next year’s contest. The new prompt will be published in fall 2023.


AFSA collects your information for this contest and for AFSA partners. You may be signed up to receive updates or information from AFSA and our partners. You will receive confirmation from AFSA that your submission has been received and a notification if you are the winner or an honorable mention in June . You may also receive a message from our sponsor regarding their program offerings.


peace essay competition

Students whose parents are not in the Foreign Service are eligible to participate if they are in grades nine through twelve in any of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. territories, or if they are U.S. citizens attending high school overseas. Students may be attending a public, private, or parochial school. Entries from home-schooled students are also accepted. Previous first-place winners and immediate relatives of directors or staff of AFSA, NLSC and Semester at Sea are not eligible to participate. Previous honorable mention recipients are eligible to enter. $2,500 to the writer of the winning essay, in addition to an all-expense paid trip to the nation’s capital from anywhere in the U.S. for the winner and his or her parents, and an all-expense paid educational voyage courtesy of Semester at Sea.

The winner's school also receives a donation of 10 copies of AFSA's Inside a U.S. Embassy: Diplomacy at Work

peace essay competition

The Fund for American Diplomacy is AFSA's 501(c)(3) charitable organization that supports AFSA’s outreach goals. AFSA National High School Essay contest is AFSA’s main outreach initiative to high school students. We appreciate your willingness to contribute. Rest assured that your contribution will be put to good use. Donations to the FAD are fully tax deductible.

Contest Information

  • Current & Past Winning Essays
  • Rules and Guidelines
  • Writer's Resources
  • Writer's Checklist
  • Description of the Foreign Service
  • What Diplomats Do and Why It Matters
  • Oral Histories and Country Readers
  • Semester at Sea
  • Educational Voyage Details
  • National Student Leadership Conference

peace essay competition

Arkansas Peace Week

Make peace our natural state, peace week youth essay contest.

Online Registration Form

Arkansas Peace Week Essay contest is open to Arkansas students, 7th – 12th grade. Last year we had over 300 submissions from all over the state.

Essay should address the following theme:

  • The United States provides billions of dollars in military aid for ongoing conflicts in Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine. Is military aid a good tool for promoting peace and human rights in the world? If yes, how? If no, why not?
  • (How) is US aid effective, or not effective, in promoting peace and human rights in these regions?
  • Are there other ways that we, as a country or as individuals, can promote peace in these regions?
  • Can violence lead to peace? What in your experience informs your answer to this question?

Schools, teachers, faith groups and other youth organizations are encouraged to sponsor and guide students with their submissions.   We encourage schools to conduct their own local contest during Arkansas Peace Week, September 15 – 22. Local contest winner’s entries can be submitted into our state wide competition. Hang our Youth Essay Contest flyer at your school.

Awards will be presented for six age groups: 7th grade through 12th grade.

1st Place winners in each grade will receive $100 2nd Place winners in each grade will receive $50 3rd Place winners in each grade will receive $25

Entries must be submitted by September 27, 2024. For complete rules and to register for the contest, please see our Online Registration Form .

Finalists will be announced October 25, 2024. Award winners will be announced at the Arkansas State Capitol Rotunda on November 16, 2024

Email [email protected] or call Bob Estes at 501-804-6052 with questions.

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International Peace Poster Contest

For over three decades, Lions clubs around the globe have been sponsoring a very special art contest in schools and youth groups. Creating peace posters gives children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity.

The 2024-2025 Contest Peace Poster Contest Deadlines Order a Peace Poster Contest Kit Additional Resources Contest Winners Peace Poster Tabletop Exhibit

The 2024-2025 Contest

Peace Without Limits

For peace to be anything more than a possibility, we need to make it a priority. This year, we’re asking our young students to create a poster that speaks to our world’s infinite potential for kindness once we commit to pursuing the idea of peace without limits.

Peace Poster Contest Deadlines

Students ages 11, 12 or 13 as of November 15 are eligible to participate in the International Peace Poster Contest. Entries not meeting the following deadlines will be disqualified.

  • January 15: Kits go on sale from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters.
  • October 1: Deadline to purchase kits from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters.
  • November 15: Postmark deadline for a club to send one winning poster (per contest sponsored) to the district governor.
  • December 1: Postmark deadline for a district governor to send one winning district poster to multiple district council chairperson.
  • December 1: Postmark deadline for a district governor not belonging to a multiple district to send one winning poster to the Brand & Creative Department at International Headquarters.
  • December 1: Postmark deadline for a club not belonging to a district to send one winning entry to the Brand & Creative Department at International Headquarters.
  • December 15: Postmark deadline for the multiple district council chairperson to send one winning poster to the Brand & Creative Department at International Headquarters.
  • February 1: International winners notified on or before this date.

Order a Peace Poster Contest Kit

To sponsor the Peace Poster Contest, Lions clubs can order a contest kit from January 15 to October 1. The kit is available in 12 of our official languages. A kit is needed for each contest sponsored.

Each kit contains:

  • Official Club Contest Guide and Rules
  • Official School or Youth Group Contest Guide and Rules
  • Participant Flyer to duplicate and give to participating students to take home
  • Sticker to place on back of winning poster
  • Certificates for contest winner and school or youth group

Order Your Kit

*To order a kit by phone, call Club Supplies Sales at (630) 571-5466 or 1-800-710-7822 (U.S., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Canada only). 

Additional Resources

Peace Poster Honorable Mention Certificate Lions International Peace Essay Contest Peace Poster and Peace Essay Contest Social Media Kits Peace Poster Club Level Winner Press Release Template

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Contest Winners 

Current Winners

Take a look at the 2023-2024 winners from around the world. 

Grand Prize Winners

Take a look back at the grand prize winners throughout the years. 

Peace Poster Tabletop Exhibit

The Tabletop Exhibit is a great way to draw additional attention to the contest, and encourage others to get involved. Past successful locations include libraries, community events and district, multiple district and state Lions conventions.

It’s available for loan free of charge to clubs, districts and multiple districts in the United States to promote the Peace Poster Contest. Please note that due to customs regulations, we are unable to ship the exhibit outside of the United States.

To learn more, contact (630) 203-3812.

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All donations accepted on lionsclubs.org support Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), which is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charitable organization. Lions Clubs International (LCI) is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt social welfare organization and is not eligible to accept or solicit charitable donations. LCI and LCIF are EEO providers.

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  2. International Essay Contest for Young People

    This annual essay contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy, creativity and initiative of the world's youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development. It also aims to inspire society to learn from the young minds and to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world.

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    The contest engages high school students in learning and writing about issues of peace and conflict, and encourages appreciation for diplomacy's role in building partnerships that can advance peacebuilding and protect national security. The winner of the contest receives a $2,500 cash prize, an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. to ...

  5. Registration page for International Essay Contest for Young People

    All prize winners will be announced on October 31, 2024 (Japan time) on the Goi Peace Foundation website. When do I register? You can submit your essay whenever you are ready. Since entries tend to concentrate on the deadline date, we recommend you submit your essay earlier to avoid difficulties in accessing the registration page.

  6. Peace Poster & Essay Competitions

    Peace essay contest Created to give an opportunity for visually impaired young people to express their feelings of peace, the International Essay Contest is a staple of Lions clubs around the world. Lions work with local schools and area families to identify young people who are interested in participating and who could benefit from this program.

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  14. Goi Peace Foundation International Essay Contest for Young People 2023

    Deadline: June 15, 2023 Applications are invited for the Goi Peace Foundation International Essay Contest for Young People 2023. This annual essay contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy, creativity and initiative of the world's youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development.

  15. Goi Peace Foundation Annual Essay Contest for Young People 2024

    Goi Peace Foundation annual essay contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy, creativity and initiative of the world's youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development.

  16. Entrant Login

    The Goi Peace Foundation International Essay Contest for Young People Heiwa Daiichi Bldg. 1-4-5 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0093 Japan Tel: +81 3 3265 2071 [email protected]

  17. National High School Essay Contest

    2024 Essay Contest Topic This year, AFSA celebrates the 100th anniversary of the United States Foreign Service. Over the last century, our diplomats and development professionals have been involved in groundbreaking events in history - decisions on war and peace, supporting human rights and freedom, creating joint prosperity, reacting to natural disasters and pandemics and much more. As AFSA ...

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    The power of culture to create a better future. Every part of the world has its own culture. Culture includes the arts, traditions and customs of a country or region, as well as the wisdom, values, lifestyles and trends of the people living there. In order to build a peaceful world, we need to acknowledge and respect each other's cultures.

  19. Peace Week Youth Essay Contest

    We encourage schools to conduct their own local contest during Arkansas Peace Week, September 15 - 22. Local contest winner's entries can be submitted into our state wide competition. Hang our Youth Essay Contest flyer at your school. Awards will be presented for six age groups: 7th grade through 12th grade. 1st Place winners in each grade ...

  20. Peace Poster Contest

    Join the Peace Poster Contest and share your vision of peace with the world. Lions Clubs International invites young people to express their creativity and kindness through art.

  21. 2023 International Essay Contest for Young People

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  22. PDF 2023 International Essay Contest for Young People

    I am aware that the International Essay Contest for Young People receives many wonderful essays each year. Through this initiative, I sincerely hope that young people from all over the world, who are tomorrow's leaders, can meet and interact with one another, helping to bring about world peace and the creation of sustainable societies and communities.

  23. PDF Peacock҂s.Feet? time first place winner at the annual

    Peace Corps Volunteer who taught English in China. He enjoys wandering the desert and train tracks ... publications are a co-authored essay with an undergraduate in Pedagogy, as well as an article on religion and ... competition, and her story "Pinnacle" was published in the Los Angeles Review. Two of her stories were