
Kinematic Equations: Explanation, Review, and Examples

  • The Albert Team
  • Last Updated On: April 29, 2022

problem solving with kinematics equation 3 answer key

Now that you’ve learned about displacement, velocity, and acceleration, you’re well on your way to being able to describe just about any motion you could observe around you with physics. All that’s left is to learn how these values really play into each other. We know a few ways to move between them, but they’re all pretty limited. What happens if you need to find displacement, but only know acceleration and time? We don’t have a way to combine all of those values yet. Enter the four kinematic equations. 

What We Review

The Kinematic Equations

The following four kinematic equations come up throughout physics from the earliest high school class to the highest level college course:

\Delta x=\dfrac{v+v_{0}}{2} t
\Delta x=v_{0}t+\frac{1}{2}at^{2}
v^{2}=v_{0}^{2}+2a\Delta x

Don’t let all of these numbers and symbols intimidate you. We’ll talk through each one – what they mean and when we use them. By the end of this post, you’ll be a master of understanding and implementing each of these physics equations. Let’s start with defining what all of those symbols mean. 

The First Kinematic Equation


This physics equation would be read as “the final velocity is equal to the initial velocity plus acceleration times time”. All it means is that if you have constant acceleration for some amount of time, you can find the final velocity. You’ll use this one whenever you’re looking at changing velocities with a constant acceleration.

The Second Kinematic Equation

\Delta x=\dfrac{v+v_{0}}{2} t

This one is read as “displacement equals final velocity plus initial velocity divided by two times time”. You’ll use this one whenever you don’t have an acceleration to work with but you need to relate a changing velocity to a displacement.

The Third Kinematic Equation

\Delta x=v_{0}t+\frac{1}{2}at^{2}

This one may look a bit scarier as it is longer than the others, but it is read as “displacement equals initial velocity times time plus one half acceleration times time squared”. All it means is that our displacement can be related to our initial velocity and a constant acceleration without having to find the final velocity. You’ll use this one when final velocity is the only value you don’t know yet.

It is worth noting that this kinematic equation has another popular form: x=x_{0}+v_{0}t+\frac{1}{2}at^{2} . While that may seem even more intimidating, it’s actually exactly the same. The only difference here is that we have split up \Delta x into x-x_{0} and then solved to get x on its own. This version can be particularly helpful if you’re looking specifically for a final or initial position rather than just an overall displacement.

The Fourth Kinematic Equation

v^{2}=v_{0}^{2}+2a\Delta x

Our last kinematic equation is read as “final velocity squared equals initial velocity squared plus two times acceleration times displacement”. It’s worth noting that this is the only kinematic equation without time in it. Many starting physicists have been stumped by reaching a problem without a value for time. While staring at an equation sheet riddled with letters and numbers can be overwhelming, remembering you have this one equation without time will come up again and again throughout your physics career.

It may be worth noting that all of these are kinematic equations for constant acceleration. While this may seem like a limitation, we learned before that high school physics courses generally utilize constant acceleration so we don’t need to worry about it changing yet. If you do find yourself in a more advanced course, new physics equations will be introduced at the appropriate times.

How to Approach a Kinematics Problem

So now that we have all of these different kinematic equations, how do we know when to use them? How can we look at a physics word problem and know which of these equations to apply? You must use problem-solving steps. Follow these few steps when trying to solve any complex problems, and you won’t have a problem.

Step 1: Identify What You Know

This one probably seems obvious, but skipping it can be disastrous to any problem-solving endeavor. In physics problems, this just means pulling out values and directions. If you can add the symbol to go with the value (writing t=5\text{ s} instead of just 5\text{ s} , for example), even better. It’ll save time and make future steps even easier.

Step 2: Identify the Goal

In physics, this means figuring out what question you’re actually being asked. Does the question want you to find the displacement? The acceleration? How long did the movement take? Figure out what you’re being asked to do and then write down the symbol of the value you’re solving for with a question mark next to it ( t=\text{?} , for example). Again, this feels obvious, but it’s also a vital step.

Step 3: Gather Your Tools

Generally, this means a calculator and an equation. You’ll want to look at all of the symbols you wrote down and pick the physics equation for all of them, including the unknown value. Writing everything down beforehand will make it easier to pull a relevant equation than having to remember what values you need while searching for the right equation. You can use the latter method, but you’re far more likely to make a mistake and feel frustrated that way.

Step 4: Put it all Together

Plug your values into your equation and solve for the unknown value. This will usually be your last step, though you may find yourself having to repeat it a few times for exceptionally complex problems. That probably won’t come up for quite a while, though. After you’ve found your answer, it’s generally a good idea to circle it to make it obvious. That way, whoever is grading you can find it easily and you can easily keep track of which problems you’ve already completed while flipping through your work.

Kinematic Equation 1: Review and Examples

To learn how to solve problems with these new, longer equations, we’ll start with v=v_{0}+at . This kinematic equation shows a relationship between final velocity, initial velocity, constant acceleration, and time. We will explore this equation as it relates to physics word problems. This equation is set up to solve for velocity, but it can be rearranged to solve for any of the values it contains. For this physics equation and the ones following, we will look at one example finding the variable that has already been isolated and one where a new variable needs to be isolated using the steps we just outlined. So, let’s jump into applying this kinematic equation to a real-world problem.

A car sits at rest waiting to merge onto a highway. When they have a chance, they accelerate at 4\text{ m/s}^2 for 7\text{ s} . What is the car’s final velocity?

problem solving with kinematics equation 3 answer key

We have a clearly stated acceleration and time, but there’s no clearly defined initial velocity here. Instead, we have to take this from context. We know that the car “sits at rest” before it starts moving. This means that our initial velocity in this situation is zero. Other context clues for an object starting at rest is if it is “dropped” or if it “falls”. Our other known values will be even easier to pull as we were actually given numerical values. Now it’s time to put everything into a list.

  • v_{0}=0\text{ m/s}
  • a=4\text{ m/s}^2
  • t=7\text{ s}

Our goal here was clearly stated: find the final velocity. We’ll still want to list that out so we can see exactly what symbols we have to work with on this problem.

We already know which of the kinematic equations we’re using, but if we didn’t, this would be where we search our equation sheet for the right one. Regardless, we’ll want to write that down too.

Step 4: Put it All Together

At this point, we’ll plug all of our values into our kinematic equation. If you’re working on paper, there’s no need to repeat anything we’ve put above. That being said, for the purposes of digital organization and so you can see the full problem in one spot, we will be rewriting things here.

Now let’s get a bit trickier with a problem that will require us to rearrange our kinematic equation.

A ball rolls toward a hill at 3\text{ m/s} . It rolls down the hill for 5\text{ s} and has a final velocity of 18\text{ m/s} . What was the ball’s acceleration as it rolled down the hill?

Just like before, we’ll make a list of our known values:

  • v_{0}=3\text{ m/s}
  • t=5\text{ s}
  • v=18\text{ m/s}

Again, our goal was clearly stated, so let’s add it to our list:

We already know which equation we’re using, but let’s pretend we didn’t. We know that we need to solve for acceleration, but if you look at our original list of kinematic equations, there isn’t one that’s set up to solve for acceleration:

This begs the question, how to find acceleration (or any value) that hasn’t already been solved for? The answer is to rearrange an equation. First, though, we need to pick the right one. We start by getting rid of the second equation in this list as it doesn’t contain acceleration at all. Our options are now:

  • \Delta x=v_{0}t+\dfrac{1}{2}at^{2}
  • v^{2}=v_{0}^{2}+2a\Delta x

Now we’ll need to look at the first list we made of what we know. We know the initial velocity, time, and final velocity. There’s only one equation that has all the values we’re looking for and all of the values we know with none that we don’t. This is the first kinematic equation:

In this case, we knew the kinematic equation coming in so this process of elimination wasn’t necessary, but that won’t often be the case in the future. You’ll likely have to find the correct equation far more often than you’ll have it handed to you. It’s best to practice finding it now while we only have a few equations to work with.

Like before, we’ll be rewriting all of our relevant information below, but you won’t need to if you’re working on paper.

Although you can plug in values before rearranging the equation, in physics, you’ll usually see the equation be rearranged before values are added. This is mainly done to help keep units where they’re supposed to be and to avoid any mistakes that could come from moving numbers and units rather than just a variable. We’ll be taking the latter approach here. Follow the standard PEMDAS rules for rearranging the equation and then write it with the variable we’ve isolated on the left. While that last part isn’t necessary, it is a helpful organizational practice:

For a review of solving literal equations, visit this post ! Now we can plug in those known values and solve:

Kinematic Equation 2: Review and Examples

Next up in our four kinematics equations is \Delta x=\dfrac{v+v_{0}}{2} t . This one relates an object’s displacement to its average velocity and time. The right-hand side shows the final velocity plus the initial velocity divided by two – the sum of some values divided by the number of values, or the average. Although this equation doesn’t directly show a constant acceleration, it still assumes it. Applying this equation when acceleration isn’t constant can result in some error so best not to apply it if a changing acceleration is mentioned.

A car starts out moving at 10\text{ m/s} and accelerates to a velocity of 24\text{ m/s} . What displacement does the car cover during this velocity change if it occurs over 10\text{ s} ?

  • v_{0}=10\text{ m/s}
  • v=24\text{ m/s}
  • t=10\text{ s}
  • \Delta x=\text{?}
  • \Delta x=\dfrac{v+v_{0}}{2} t

This time around we won’t repeat everything here. Instead, We’ll jump straight into plugging in our values and solving our problem:

problem solving with kinematics equation 3 answer key

A ball slows down from 15\text{ m/s} to 3\text{ m/s} over a distance of 36\text{ m} . How long did this take?

  • v_{0}=15\text{ m/s}
  • v=3\text{ m/s}
  • \Delta x=36\text{ m}

We don’t have a kinematic equation for time specifically, but we learned before that we can rearrange certain equations to solve for different variables. So, we’ll pull the equation that has all of the values we need and isolate the variable we want later:

Again, we won’t be rewriting anything, but we will begin by rearranging our equation to solve for time:

Now we can plug in our known values and solve for time.

Kinematic Equation 3: Review and Examples

Our next kinematic equation is \Delta x=v_{0}t+\frac{1}{2}at^{2} . This time we are relating our displacement to our initial velocity, time, and acceleration. The only odd thing you may notice is that it doesn’t include our final velocity, only the initial. This equation will come in handy when you don’t have a final velocity that was stated either directly as a number or by a phrase indicating the object came to rest. Just like before, we’ll use this equation first to find a displacement, and then we’ll rearrange it to find a different value.

A rocket is cruising through space with a velocity of 50\text{ m/s} and burns some fuel to create a constant acceleration of 10\text{ m/s}^2 . How far will it have traveled after 5\text{ s} ?

  • v_{0}=50\text{ m/s}
  • a=10\text{ m/s}^2
  • \Delta x=v_{0}t+\frac{1}{2}at^{2}

At this point, it appears that these problems seem to be quite long and take several steps. While that is an inherent part of physics in many ways, it will start to seem simpler as time goes on. This problem presents the perfect example. While it may have been easy to combine lines 4 and 5 mathematically, they were shown separately here to make sure the process was as clear as possible. While you should always show all of the major steps of your problem-solving process, you may find that you are able to combine some of the smaller steps after some time of working with these kinematic equations.

Later in its journey, the rocket is moving along at 20\text{ m/s} when it has to fire its thrusters again. This time it covers a distance of 500\text{ m} in 10\text{ s} . What was the rocket’s acceleration during this thruster burn?

  • v_{0}=20\text{ m/s}
  • \Delta x=500\text{ m}

As usual, we’ll begin by rearranging the equation, this time to solve for acceleration.

Now we can plug in our known values to find the value of our acceleration.

Kinematic Equation 4: Review and Examples

The last of the kinematic equations that we will look at is v^{2}=v_{0}^{2}+2a\Delta x . This one is generally the most complicated looking, but it’s also incredibly important as it is our only kinematic equation that does not involve time. It relates final velocity, initial velocity, acceleration, and displacement without needing a time over which a given motion occurred. For this equation, as with the others, let’s solve it as is and then rearrange it to solve for a different variable.

A car exiting the highway begins with a speed of 25\text{ m/s} and travels down a 100\text{ m} long exit ramp with a deceleration (negative acceleration) of 3\text{ m/s}^2 . What is the car’s velocity at the end of the exit ramp?

  • v_{0}=25\text{ m/s}
  • \Delta x=100\text{ m}
  • a=-3\text{ m/s}^2

Note that our acceleration here is a negative value. That is because our problem statement gave us a deceleration instead of an acceleration. Whenever you have a deceleration, you’ll make the value negative to use it as an acceleration in your problem-solving. This also tells us that our final velocity should be less than our initial velocity so we can add that to the list of what we know as well.

  • Final velocity will be less than initial.

Being able to know something to help check your answer at the end is what makes this subject a bit easier than mathematics for some students.

While we generally try to not have any operations going on for the isolated variable, sometimes it’s actually easier that way. Having your isolated variable raised to a power is generally a time to solve before simplifying. This may seem like an arbitrary rule, and in some ways it is, but as you continue through your physics journey you’ll come up with your own practices for making problem-solving easier.

Now that we have both sides simplified, we’ll take the square root to eliminate the exponent on the left-hand side:

If we remember back at the beginning, we said that our final velocity would have to be less than our initial velocity because the problem statement told us that we were decelerating. Our initial velocity was 25\text{ m/s} which is, indeed, greater than 5\text{ m/s} so our answer checks out.

problem solving with kinematics equation 3 answer key

A ghost is sliding a wrench across a table to terrify the mortal onlooker. The wrench starts with a velocity of 2\text{ m/s} and accelerates to a velocity of 5\text{ m/s} over a distance of 7\text{ m} . What acceleration did the ghost move the wrench with?

  • v_{0}=2\text{ m/s}
  • v=5\text{ m/s}
  • \Delta x=7\text{ m}

We can also make an inference about our acceleration here – that it will be positive. Not every problem will tell you clearly the direction of the acceleration, but if your final velocity is greater than your initial velocity, you can be sure that your acceleration will be positive.

  • Positive acceleration

You’ll get better at picking up on subtle hints like this as you continue your physics journey and your brain starts naturally picking up on some patterns. You’ll likely find this skill more and more helpful as it develops and as problems get more difficult.

We’ll start by rearranging our equation to solve for acceleration.

As usual, now that we’ve rearranged our equation, we can plug in our values.

Again, we can go back to the beginning when we said our acceleration would be a positive number and confirm that it is. 

Problem-Solving Strategies

At this point, you’re likely getting the sense that physics will be a lot of complex problem-solving. If so, your senses are correct. In many ways, physics is the science of explaining nature with mathematical equations. There’s a lot that goes into developing and applying these equations, but at this point in your physics career, you’ll find that the majority of your time will likely be spent on applying equations to word problems. If you feel that your problem-solving skills could still use some honing, check out more examples and strategies from this post by the Physics Classroom or through this video-guided tutorial from Khan Academy.

That was a lot of equations and examples to take in. Eventually, whether you’re figuring out how to find a constant acceleration or how to solve velocity when you don’t have a value for time, you’ll know exactly which of the four kinematic equations to apply and how. Just keep the problem-solving steps we’ve used here in mind, and you’ll be able to get through your physics course without any unsolvable problems.

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Module 1 Problem-Solving for Basic Kinematics


There are four kinematic equations that describe the motion of objects without consideration of its causes.

Learning Objectives

Choose which kinematics equation to use in problems in which the initial starting position is equal to zero

Key Takeaways

  • The four kinematic equations involve five kinematic variables: [latex]\text{d}[/latex], [latex]\text{v}[/latex], [latex]\text{v}_0[/latex], [latex]\text{a}[/latex], and [latex]\text{t}[/latex].
  • Each equation contains only four of the five variables and has a different one missing.
  • It is important to choose the equation that contains the three known variables and one unknown variable for each specific situation.
  • kinematics : The branch of physics concerned with objects in motion.

Kinematics is the branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of points, bodies (objects), and systems of bodies (groups of objects) without consideration of the causes of motion. There are four kinematic equations when the initial starting position is the origin, and the acceleration is constant:

  • [latex]\text{v} = \text{v}_0 + \text{at}[/latex]
  • [latex]\text{d} = \frac{1}{2}(\text{v}_0 + \text{v})\text{t}[/latex] or alternatively [latex]\text{v}_{\text{average}} = \frac{\text{d}}{\text{t}}[/latex]
  • [latex]\text{d} = \text{v}_0\text{t} + (\frac{\text{at}^2}{2})[/latex]
  • [latex]\text{v}^2 = \text{v}_0^2 + 2\text{ad}[/latex]

Notice that the four kinematic equations involve five kinematic variables: [latex]\text{d}[/latex] , [latex]\text{v}[/latex] , [latex]\text{v}_0[/latex] , [latex]\text{a}[/latex] , and [latex]\text{t}[/latex]. Each of these equations contains only four of the five variables and has a different one missing. This tells us that we need the values of three variables to obtain the value of the fourth and we need to choose the equation that contains the three known variables and one unknown variable for each specific situation.

Here the basic problem solving steps to use these equations:

Step one – Identify exactly what needs to be determined in the problem (identify the unknowns).

Step two – Find an equation or set of equations that can help you solve the problem.

Step three – Substitute the knowns along with their units into the appropriate equation, and obtain numerical solutions complete with units.

Step four – Check the answer to see if it is reasonable: Does it make sense?

Problem-solving skills are obviously essential to success in a quantitative course in physics. More importantly, the ability to apply broad physical principles, usually represented by equations, to specific situations is a very powerful form of knowledge. It is much more powerful than memorizing a list of facts. Analytical skills and problem-solving abilities can be applied to new situations, whereas a list of facts cannot be made long enough to contain every possible circumstance. Such analytical skills are useful both for solving problems in a physics class and for applying physics in everyday and professional life.

  • Curation and Revision. Provided by : Boundless.com. License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • OpenStax College, College Physics. September 17, 2013. Provided by : OpenStax CNX. Located at : http://cnx.org/content/m42125/latest/?collection=col11406/1.7 . License : CC BY: Attribution
  • kinematics. Provided by : Wiktionary. Located at : http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/kinematics . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • Motion diagram. Provided by : Wikipedia. Located at : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_diagram . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • motion. Provided by : Wiktionary. Located at : http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/motion . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • diagram. Provided by : Wiktionary. Located at : http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/diagram . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • stroboscopic. Provided by : Wikipedia. Located at : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/stroboscopic . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • Boundless. Provided by : Amazon Web Services. Located at : http://s3.amazonaws.com/figures.boundless.com/51129b2ee4b0c14bf464ce1b/1.jpg . License : CC BY: Attribution
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Introduction to Two-Dimensional Kinematics

Chapter outline.

The arc of a basketball, the orbit of a satellite, a bicycle rounding a curve, a swimmer diving into a pool, blood gushing out of a wound, and a puppy chasing its tail are but a few examples of motions along curved paths. In fact, most motions in nature follow curved paths rather than straight lines. Motion along a curved path on a flat surface or a plane (such as that of a ball on a pool table or a skater on an ice rink) is two-dimensional, and thus described by two-dimensional kinematics. Motion not confined to a plane, such as a car following a winding mountain road, is described by three-dimensional kinematics. Both two- and three-dimensional kinematics are simple extensions of the one-dimensional kinematics developed for straight-line motion in the previous chapter. This simple extension will allow us to apply physics to many more situations, and it will also yield unexpected insights about nature.

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Access for free at https://openstax.org/books/college-physics-2e/pages/1-introduction-to-science-and-the-realm-of-physics-physical-quantities-and-units
  • Authors: Paul Peter Urone, Roger Hinrichs
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: College Physics 2e
  • Publication date: Jul 13, 2022
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/college-physics-2e/pages/1-introduction-to-science-and-the-realm-of-physics-physical-quantities-and-units
  • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/college-physics-2e/pages/3-introduction-to-two-dimensional-kinematics

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problem solving with kinematics equation 3 answer key

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Kinematic Equations and Graphs

  • Kinematic Equations Introduction
  • Solving Problems with Kinematic Equations
  • Kinematic Equations and Free Fall
  • Sample Problems and Solutions
  • Kinematic Equations and Kinematic Graphs

Lesson 4 of this unit at The Physics Classroom focused on the use of velocity-time graphs to describe the motion of objects. In that Lesson, it was emphasized that the slope of the line on a velocity-time graph is equal to the acceleration of the object and the area between the line and the time axis is equal to the displacement of the object. Thus, velocity-time graphs can be used to determine numerical values and relationships between the quantities displacement (d), velocity (v), acceleration (a) and time (t). In Lesson 6, the focus has been upon the use of four kinematic equations to describe the motion of objects and to predict the numerical values of one of the four motion parameters - displacement (d), velocity (v), acceleration (a) and time (t). Thus, there are now two methods available to solve problems involving the numerical relationships between displacement, velocity, acceleration and time. In this part of Lesson 6, we will investigate the relationships between these two methods.  

Example Problem - Graphical Solution

Consider an object that moves with a constant velocity of +5 m/s for a time period of 5 seconds and then accelerates to a final velocity of +15 m/s over the next 5 seconds. Such a verbal description of motion can be represented by a velocity-time graph. The graph is shown below.

The horizontal section of the graph depicts a constant velocity motion, consistent with the verbal description. The positively sloped (i.e., upward sloped) section of the graph depicts a positive acceleration, consistent with the verbal description of an object moving in the positive direction and speeding up from 5 m/s to 15 m/s. The slope of the line can be computed using the rise over run ratio. Between 5 and 10 seconds, the line rises from 5 m/s to 15 m/s and runs from 5 s to 10 s. This is a total rise of +10 m/s and a total run of 5 s. Thus, the slope (rise/run ratio) is (10 m/s)/(5 s) = 2 m/s 2 . Using the velocity-time graph, the acceleration of the object is determined to be 2 m/s 2 during the last five seconds of the object's motion. The displacement of the object can also be determined using the velocity-time graph. The area between the line on the graph and the time-axis is representative of the displacement; this area assumes the shape of a trapezoid. As discussed in Lesson 4, the area of a trapezoid can be equated to the area of a triangle lying on top of the area of a rectangle. This is illustrated in the diagram below.

The total area is then the area of the rectangle plus the area of the triangle. The calculation of these areas is shown below.

Rectangle Triangle
Area = base * height
Area = (10 s) * (5 m/s)

Area = 50 m
Area = 0.5 * base * height
Area = 0.5 * (5 s) * (10 m/s)

Area = 25 m

The total area (rectangle plus triangle) is equal to 75 m. Thus the displacement of the object is 75 meters during the 10 seconds of motion.

The above discussion illustrates how a graphical representation of an object's motion can be used to extract numerical information about the object's acceleration and displacement. Once constructed, the velocity-time graph can be used to determine the velocity of the object at any given instant during the 10 seconds of motion. For example, the velocity of the object at 7 seconds can be determined by reading the y-coordinate value at the x-coordinate of 7 s. Thus, velocity-time graphs can be used to reveal (or determine) numerical values and relationships between the quantities displacement (d), velocity (v), acceleration (a) and time (t) for any given motion.

Example Problem - Solution Using Kinematic Equation

Now let's consider the same verbal description and the corresponding analysis using kinematic equations. The verbal description of the motion was:

An object that moves with a constant velocity of +5 m/s for a time period of 5 seconds and then accelerates to a final velocity of +15 m/s over the next 5 seconds

Kinematic equations can be applied to any motion for which the acceleration is constant. Since this motion has two separate acceleration stages, any kinematic analysis requires that the motion parameters for the first 5 seconds not be mixed with the motion parameters for the last 5 seconds. The table below lists the given motion parameters.

t = 0 s - 5 s t = 5 s - 10 s
v = 5 m/s
v = 5 m/s

t = 5 s

a = 0 m/s
v = 5 m/s
v = 15 m/s

t = 5 s

Note that the acceleration during the first 5 seconds is listed as 0 m/s 2 despite the fact that it is not explicitly stated. The phrase constant velocity indicates a motion with a 0 acceleration . The acceleration of the object during the last 5 seconds can be calculated using the following kinematic equation.

The substitution and algebra are shown here.

This value for the acceleration of the object during the time from 5 s to 10 s is consistent with the value determined from the slope of the line on the velocity-time graph.

The displacement of the object during the entire 10 seconds can also be calculated using kinematic equations. Since these 10 seconds include two distinctly different acceleration intervals, the calculations for each interval must be done separately. This is shown below.

t = 0 s - 5 s t = 5 s - 10 s
d = v *t + 0.5*a*t
d = (5 m/s)*(5 s) +0.5*(0 m/s )*(5 s)
d = 25 m + 0 m
d = 25 m
d = ((v + v )/2)*t
d = ((5 m/s + 15 m/s)/2)*(5 s)
d = (10 m/s)*(5 s)
d = 50 m

The total displacement during the first 10 seconds of motion is 75 meters, consistent with the value determined from the area under the line on the velocity-time graph.

The analysis of this simple motion illustrates the value of these two representations of motion - velocity-time graph and kinematic equations. Each representation can be utilized to extract numerical information about unknown motion quantities for any given motion. The examples below provide useful opportunity for those requiring additional practice.  

Check Your Understanding


Solutions to Above Questions

The distance traveled can be found by a calculation of the area between the line on the graph and the time axis.

Area = 313 m

b. The distance traveled can be calculated using a kinematic equation. The solution is shown here.

= 25.0 m/s

v = 0.0 m/s

a = -1.0 m/s

(0 m/s) 2 = (25.0 m/s) 2 + 2 * (-1.0 m/s 2 )*d

0.0 m 2 /s 2 = 625.0 m 2 /s 2 + (-2.0 m/s 2 )*d

0.0 m 2 /s 2 - 625.0 m 2 /s 2 = (-2.0 m/s 2 )*d

(-625.0 m 2 /s 2 )/(-2.0 m/s 2 ) = d

313 m = d  

The distance traveled can be found by a calculation of the area between the line on the graph and the time axis. This area would be the area of the triangle plus the area of rectangle 1 plus the area of rectangle 2.

Area = 0.5*(5.0 s)*(10.0 m/s) + (5.0 s)*(25.0 m/s) + (10.0 s)*(35.0 m/s)

Area = 25 m + 125 m + 350 m

Area = 500 m

First find the d for the first 5 seconds:

= 25.0 m/s

t = 5.0 s

a = 2.0 m/s

d = (25.0 m/s)*(5.0 s) + 0.5*(2.0 m/s 2 )*(5.0 s) 2

d = 125 m + 25.0 m

Now find the d for the last 10 seconds:

= 35.0 m/s

t = 10.0 s

a = 0.0 m/s

d = v i *t + 0.5*a*t 2

d = (35.0 m/s)*(10.0 s) + 0.5*(0.0 m/s 2 )*(10.0 s) 2

d = 350 m + 0 m

The total distance for the 15 seconds of motion is the sum of these two distance calculations (150 m + 350 m):

distance = 500 m  

b. The time to rise up and fall back down to the original height is twice the time to rise up to the peak. So the solution involves finding the time to rise up to the peak and then doubling it.

= 40.0 m/s

v = 0.0 m/s

a = -10.0 m/s

2*t up = ??

0 m/s = 40 m/s + (-10 m/s2)*t up

(10 m/s 2 )*t up = 40 m/s

t up = (40 m/s)/(10 m/s 2 )

t up = 4.0 s

2*t up = 8.0 s  

The distance traveled can be found by a calculation of the area between the line on the graph and the time axis. This area would be the area of the rectangle plus the area of the triangle.

Area = (10.0 min)*(0.50 mi/min) + 0.5*(2.0 min)*(0.50 mi/min)

Area = 5 mi + 0.5 mi

Area = 5.5 mi

First find the d for the first 10 minutes:

= 0.50 mi/min

t = 10.0 min

a = 0.0 mi/min

d = (0.50 mi/min)*(10.0 min) + 0.5*(0.0 mi/min 2 )*(10.0 min) 2

d = 5.0 mi + 0 mi

Now find the d for the last 2 minutes:

= 0.50 mi/min

t = 2.0 min

a = -0.25 mi/min

d = (0.50 mi/min)*(2.0 min) + 0.5*(-0.25 m/s 2 )*(2.0 min) 2

d = 1.0 mi + (-0.5 mi)

The total distance for the 12 minutes of motion is the sum of these two distance calculations (5.0 mi + 0.5 mi):

distance = 5.5 mi  

Area = 101 m

= 45.0 m/s

v = 0.0 m/s

a = -10.0 m/s

(0 m/s) 2 = (45.0 m/s) 2 + 2 * (-10.0 m/s 2 )*d

0.0 m 2 /s 2 = 2025.0 m 2 /s 2 + (-20.0 m/s 2 )*d

0.0 m 2 /s 2 - 2025.0 m 2 /s 2 = (-20.0 m/s 2 )*d

(-2025.0 m 2 /s 2 )/(-20.0 m/s 2 ) =d

Since the accident pileup is less than 101 m from Vera, she will indeed hit the pileup before completely stopping (unless she veers aside).  

Area = 0.5*(5.0 s)*(15.0 m/s) + (10.0 s)*(30.0 m/s) + (5.0 s)*(30.0 m/s)

Area = 37.5 m + 300 m + 150 m

Area = 488 m

First find the d for the first 10 seconds:

= 30.0 m/s

t = 10.0 s

a = 0.0 m/s

d = (30.0 m/s)*(10.0 s) + 0.5*(0.0 m/s 2 )*(10.0 s) 2

d = 300 m + 0 m

Now find the d for the last 5 seconds:

= 30.0 m/s

t = 5.0 s

a = 3.0 m/s

d = (30.0 m/s)*(5.0 s) + 0.5*(3.0 m/s 2 )*(5.0 s) 2

d = 150 m + 37.5 m

d = 187.5 m

The total distance for the 15 seconds of motion is the sum of these two distance calculations (300 m + 187.5 m):

distance = 488 m  


  1. Kinematic Equations: Sample Problems and Solutions

    Kinematic equations relate the variables of motion to one another. Each equation contains four variables. The variables include acceleration (a), time (t), displacement (d), final velocity (vf), and initial velocity (vi). If values of three variables are known, then the others can be calculated using the equations. This page demonstrates the process with 20 sample problems and accompanying ...

  2. Kinematics Practice Problems with Answers

    Solution: This is a basic kinematics problem, so we will explain the steps in detail. Step 1: Since all these problems are in one dimension, draw a horizontal axis (like the positive x x axis), and place the object on it, so that its motion matches the direction of the axis. Step 2: Specify the known and wanted information.

  3. Kinematic Equations and Problem-Solving

    d = vi • t + ½ • a • t2. Once the equation is identified and written down, the next step of the strategy involves substituting known values into the equation and using proper algebraic steps to solve for the unknown information. This step is shown below. d = (0 m/s) • (4.1 s) + ½ • (6.00 m/s 2) • (4.10 s) 2.

  4. PDF Kinematics: Practice Problems with Solutions in Physics Physexams

    In kinematic problems, one should specify two points and apply the kinematic equation of motion to those. (a) Label the bottom of the cliff asOc . Therefore, given the initial velocity and the height of the cliff, one can use the following kinematic equation which relates those to the fall time. y −y 0 = 1 2 a yt 2 + v 0yt yO c −y 0 = 1 2 ...

  5. The kinematic equations (article)

    If we know three of these five kinematic variables for an object undergoing constant acceleration, we can use a kinematic equation to solve for one of the unknown variables. The kinematic equations are listed below. 1. v = v 0 + a t. 2. Δ x = ( v + v 0 2) t. 3. Δ x = v 0 t + 1 2 a t 2. 4. v 2 = v 0 2 + 2 a Δ x.

  6. Kinematic Equations: Explanation, Review, and Examples

    Kinematic Equation 1: Review and Examples. To learn how to solve problems with these new, longer equations, we'll start with v=v_{0}+at. This kinematic equation shows a relationship between final velocity, initial velocity, constant acceleration, and time. We will explore this equation as it relates to physics word problems.

  7. PDF Topic 4 Content: Kinematics Problem Solving Practice Solutions

    Next, step two, identify problem type. The key phrase in this problem is slows uniformly. This tell us the type of problem we are working on. This problem involves uniform acceleration and we can apply the four kinematics equations. Step three is to make a table of values. Here we list all the knowns as well as what we are being asked to determine.

  8. 2.4: Problem-Solving for Basic Kinematics

    Key Points. The four kinematic equations involve five kinematic variables: \(\mathrm{d,v,v_0,a}\) and \(\mathrm{t}\). Each equation contains only four of the five variables and has a different one missing. It is important to choose the equation that contains the three known variables and one unknown variable for each specific situation.

  9. Module 1 Problem-Solving for Basic Kinematics

    Here the basic problem solving steps to use these equations: Step one - Identify exactly what needs to be determined in the problem (identify the unknowns). Step two - Find an equation or set of equations that can help you solve the problem. Step three - Substitute the knowns along with their units into the appropriate equation, and ...

  10. Horizontally launched projectile review (article)

    The engine has a mass of 250 kg . assume that the vibration can be moddeled by Simple harmonic motion. 1.Determine the angular velocity of the vibration spring. 2. determine the maximum linear velocity of the vibration. 3.calculate the linear velocity of the engine at 4mm from the maximum amplitude. 4.

  11. What are the kinematic equations? (article)

    If we know three of these five kinematic variables for an object undergoing constant acceleration, we can use a kinematic equation to solve for one of the unknown variables. The kinematic equations are listed below. 1. v = v 0 + a t. 2. Δ x = ( v + v 0 2) t. 3. Δ x = v 0 t + 1 2 a t 2. 4. v 2 = v 0 2 + 2 a Δ x.

  12. PDF Physics

    Distance x1. Distance x2. To calculate how far it has traveled in the initial ten seconds, we need to. use the formula relating acceleration to distance: Since the car started at a stationary position, it had velocity (vi) of 0 m/s, and thus we can effectively ignore the first part of the equation.

  13. Kinematic Equations and Free Fall

    Kinematic equations relate the variables of motion to one another. Each equation contains four variables. The variables include acceleration (a), time (t), displacement (d), final velocity (vf), and initial velocity (vi). If values of three variables are known, then the others can be calculated using the equations. This page describes how this can be done for situations involving free fall motion.

  14. Kinematics Practice Problems Name: Block: Date:

    Kinematics is the study of motion. In 1-D motion, most every kinematic problem can be solved using one of 4 equations. These equations will allow you to solve for almost any aspect of the motion of an object: displacement, velocity and acceleration. The 4 equations are as follows: 𝑎𝑎𝑣 = ∆𝑣 ∆𝑡 𝑑 =𝑑𝑖+𝑣𝑖𝑡+ 1 2

  15. Kinematic Equations

    Kinematic equations relate the variables of motion to one another. Each equation contains four variables. The variables include acceleration (a), time (t), displacement (d), final velocity (vf), and initial velocity (vi). If values of three variables are known, then the others can be calculated using the equations.

  16. Using the Kinematic Equations to Solve Problems

    This video tutorial lesson is the second of three lessons on the Kinematic Equations. The purpose of this video is to demonstrate through three examples an e...

  17. Ch. 3 Introduction to Two-Dimensional Kinematics

    4.3 Newton's Second Law of Motion: Concept of a System; 4.4 Newton's Third Law of Motion: Symmetry in Forces; 4.5 Normal, Tension, and Other Examples of Forces; 4.6 Problem-Solving Strategies; 4.7 Further Applications of Newton's Laws of Motion; 4.8 Extended Topic: The Four Basic Forces—An Introduction; Glossary; Section Summary ...

  18. How to Solve Kinematic Equations

    Problem solving strategy. Step 1: Draw it out! This will help you visualize the problem and help you check your answer at the end. Step 2: List your givens! Write all your knowns and unknown from the problem on the diagram from step 1. Step 3: Check out which equation you have to use. The right equation will contain all the variables from step 2.

  19. Kinematic Equations and Graphs

    Solution to Question 1. a. The velocity-time graph for the motion is: The distance traveled can be found by a calculation of the area between the line on the graph and the time axis. Area = 0.5*b*h = 0.5* (25.0 s)* (25.0 m/s) Area = 313 m. b. The distance traveled can be calculated using a kinematic equation.

  20. Kinematics (Description of Motion) Problems

    There are three key kinematic equations. If you carefully select the equation which most directly describes the situation in your problem, you will not only solve the problem in fewer steps but also understand it better. The three equations, written for motion in the x-direction, are: x = x 0 + v 0 Δt + ½ a (Δt) 2 (relates position and time)

  21. 9.8: Problem Solving

    Solving this equation for x yields x = rθ x = r θ. Before using this equation, we must convert the number of revolutions into radians, because we are dealing with a relationship between linear and rotational quantities: θ = (200rev)(2π rad 1 rev) = 1257 rad. (9.8.1) (9.8.1) θ = ( 200 r e v) ( 2 π r a d 1 r e v) = 1257 r a d.

  22. 2.4: Problem-Solving for Basic Kinematics

    Key Points. The four kinematic equations involve five kinematic variables: \(\mathrm{d,v,v_0,a}\) and \(\mathrm{t}\). Each equation contains only four of the five variables and has a different one missing. It is important to choose the equation that contains the three known variables and one unknown variable for each specific situation.

  23. Moth resonant mechanics are tuned to wingbeat frequency and energetic

    angle in equation (2.1) by the wing stroke amplitude such that ϕ t =ϕ t /ϕ. o. We then non-dimensionalized each torque in equation (2.1) by the peak aerodynamic torque at the midstroke, resulting in the following non-dimensional torques as a function of non-dimensional wing angle ϕ. τ^ (2.11) aero (t)=1−(ϕ ^ (t)) 2. τ^ inertial (t ...