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Speech therapy activities for pronouns & how to teach pronouns in speech therapy.

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How to teach pronouns in Speech Therapy

As a mom of 2 and speech therapist for over 18 years, I’ve seen my fair share of pronoun errors in kids. Let’s be honest, it’s cute for a while. “Him has the ball.” These errors, or delays, typically go hand in hand with verb tense errors as well. “Her goed there.” Still funny out of the mouths of a 3 year old. What are the developmental milestones for pronouns, verbs, and other developmental morphemes? I dug into the research and I thought I’d share the evidence for best practice tells us how and when to treat pronouns during our speech therapy sessions. I break it down into 2 parts below.

What does the research say about pronouns?

There is no clear-cut progression for the acquisition of pronouns. However, most linguists agree that I and it are the first pronouns to emerge, followed by you . Research also indicates that children use most subjective and objective pronouns by three years of age and possessive pronouns by age five. Owens, R.E. (1996). Language development: An introduction. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.  So…if you have Kindergarten students with incorrect pronouns…GET ON IT!

Grammar int­ervention should contain more variety, not less! In one study, children heard their grammatical target (e.g. –ed) recast in either 12 unique verbs twice each or 24 unique verbs once each during each 30-minute session. The targets were a variety of grammatical forms (e.g. pronouns, auxiliary is , third-person singular –s). When teaching new morphemes, we should provide a variety of different examples, rather than focusing on a small sample. Importantly, the target should be the thing that’s held consistent (e.g. past-tense –ed) while all the other words around it vary.

Although this may seem like it would be confusing for young children, the researchers hypothesized that when there is high lexical variability, children focus on the aspects of the utterance that are the most stable . For instance, when teaching the pronoun she and providing a variety of different verbs, the child might focus most on the target she , and learn it more quickly.

See below HOW to implement this.

Plante, E., Ogilvie, T., Vance, R., Aguilar, J.M., Dailey, N.S., Meyers, C., … Burton, R. (2014). Variability in the language input to children enhances learning in a treatment context. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 23, 530–545.

-excerpts from The Informed SLP,

Another study included twenty-five 5- to 8-year-old children with developmental language disorder, 13 of whom were randomized to receive an implicit-only (I-O) intervention whereas the remaining 12 participants were randomized to receive a combined explicit–implicit (E-I) intervention to learn 3 novel grammatical forms.

Implicit means they received a lot of exposures to the morphemes, but no explanation. Explicit means they also received a rule for when to use the morpheme.

Study findings indicate that, as compared to implicit instruction, children are more likely to acquire, maintain, and generalize novel grammatical forms when taught with explicit instruction . See below HOW to implement this.

Finestack, L. H. (2018). Evaluation of an explicit intervention to teach novel grammatical forms to children with developmental language disorder.  Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research . Advance online publication. doi: 10.1044/2018_JSLHR-L-17-0339.

One study looked at a group of 4–6-year-olds with DLD got a half-hour of enhanced* conversational recast  treatment for targeted morphemes, of which the first or last 2–4 minutes were devoted to an  auditory bombardment activity —something like having the child turn over picture cards while the clinician said phrases with the target structure. Overall, the therapy was effective, and the children improved in their use of the focus morpheme compared to controls. But—the researchers found that  more children benefited from the therapy   when auditory bombardment came last . Why? The authors suggest that it helped “consolidate the child’s internal representation” of the morpheme. Doing the bombardment first didn’t seem to offer any advantage over not doing it at all, based on a comparison with equivalent treatment groups from the authors’ previous work.

*Recasting, where the clinician repeats the child’s utterance, correcting any errors of grammar, is an evidence-based language intervention strategy. The “enhanced” part means that clinicians got the children’s attention before doing the recast, and also that they made sure to use different verbs each time. We know children learn better from a wider variety of examples.

Plante, E., Tucci, A., Nicholas, K., Arizmendi, G. D., & Vance, R. (2018). Effective Use of Auditory Bombardment as a Therapy Adjunct for Children With Developmental Language Disorders.  Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 49 (2), 320–333.

See below HOW to implement this strategy.

Speech Therapy Activities for Pronouns: An evidence-based approach to working on pronouns in speech therapy

Implementing an evidence-based approach to pronouns:

ACTIVITY 1: Use pronoun posters to teach & reinforce the grammar rules.

Speech Therapy Activities for Pronouns: Use these pronoun teaching posters with your speech therapy students

ACTIVITY 2: Use the full-size pronoun sorting mats in this multi-level pronouns unit with 12 dots. This keeps the target pronoun stable and provides a variety of phrases.

Speech Therapy Activities for Pronouns: Use these sorting mats for evidence-based teaching of pronouns in speech therapy

ACTIVITY 3: Use the pronoun cards and statement cards at the end of sessions for auditory bombardment. Hold the cards up next to your face for improved joint attention if needed.

When I created the Multi-Level Pronoun Unit , I wanted to include concepts from this research to guide my treatment activities. I find my caseload has the most difficulty with subject, object, possessive, and reflexive pronouns. I created cards for auditory bombardment and drilling, teaching posters with multiple examples, and sorting mats for extensive opportunities for practicing correct pronouns.

I also integrated opportunities to increase MLU, answer WH (who) questions, and improve irregular verb tenses – all while giving a scaffolded approach to teaching.

Do you have students struggling with pronouns and other grammatical forms? Try this Multi-Level Pronouns Program and let me know what you think! If you’d like a closer look at everything included, check out the videos from my Instagram story highlights !

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Home » How to Effectively Teach Pronouns in Speech Therapy

How to Effectively Teach Pronouns in Speech Therapy

  • By Kim Lewis
  • September 25, 2023

pronoun homework speech therapy

If you work with preschool and early elementary aged children in speech therapy, you are going to be working on correct pronoun usage. Although autistic children often struggle with pronouns, it’s also a common error for many language delayed children. Most children who struggle with pronouns struggle with the part of speech or grammar. It’s not usually a matter of not understanding or recognizing different genders. The most prevalent error is overgeneralization of “he.” Continue reading for hands-on ways to teach pronouns in speech therapy!

How Pronouns Develop

“Mine” is usually the first pronoun to appear in a child’s vocabulary and appears by 2 years of age.  The subjective pronouns “he” and “she” emerge between 2.5 and 3 years.

These are often where you will begin to see pronoun confusion. Objective and possessive pronouns emerge even later. Be sure to do a careful analysis to determine if the issue is between using masculine and feminine pronoun forms or if there is confusion between subjective, objective, or possessive grammatical forms.

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Perfect Practice for Pronouns

If you work on “he” and “she” right from the beginning, you will spend a lot more time working towards mastery. Setting up activities for “perfect practice” will ensure faster progress.  “Perfect practice” means you will only work on one pronoun at a time before moving on to another.

This is an important tip to share with caregivers!

Start with “he” since that is typically the one children overgeneralize. Have the child choose several toys/stuffies that they view as boys or use photos of family members or classmates. Make sure they’ve mastered using “he” for these characters/people before moving on to the girls.

When you do move on, have the child choose several toys/stuffies they view as girls or use photos of family members or classmates. ONLY practice “she” until they’ve mastered it before combining both male and female characters.

These pronoun readers offer a low prep “perfect practice” activity you can send home for extra practice after assembling in your therapy sessions.

It’s important that the child designates which characters are boys and which are girls especially if you are using toys or characters that could be seen as either. You want to make sure that you’re working on grammar not gender!

Want to include singular “they?” You can add it in as a separate skill (from he/she) to master at any time, but often the most success comes from addressing plural and singular “they” at the same time after he/she is consistent.

7 Activities to Work on Pronouns in Speech Therapy

When it comes to working on pronouns I speech, one or two pronoun activities isn’t going to cut it! Children with language delays often need practice – a lot of practice – with this skill and a variety of activities help with carry-over and accommodates a wide range of interests.

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Note:  Many children’s toys contain a lot of gender stereotyping. While this isn’t something to actively promote, you can use it to your advantage when working on pronouns.

Mr. & Ms. Potato Head

This classic duo does double duty for pronouns and body part/clothing vocabulary. “He needs ears.”

Melissa & Doug W ooden Dress-up Dolls

These are a combination of puzzles/paper dolls which allow for easy clothing changes. I’m partial to the professions outfits . “She’s an astronaut.”

Superheroes/Action Figures

Pull out all the Marvel and Avenger characters for some action packed practice with “he” (save Wonder Woman and Black Widow for the next activity). “He’s running in to save the day!”

Princesses/Action Figures

Those well-known Disney princesses come in handy here and there’s no reason they can’t fraternize with Wonder Woman, Black Widow, and Batgirl. “She’s coming to the rescue!”

Little love to act out what they see regularly which is why baby dolls are always a popular choice. Choose either a boy or a girl baby to address your needs. “He needs a bath.”

Doctor Visit

Again, littles are familiar with going to the doctor and usually enjoy the pretend play of a doctor’s visit. “She’s had a terrible cough, doctor.” 

Pull out a dollhouse and characters to stand-in for the child’s adults. This is a great activity for the point when you are combining pronouns. “He’s ready for dinner. She is going to bed.”

[The links to toy products are affiliate links through Amazon which means I may earn a small commission if you buy through my link. It does not impact the price you pay. Thank you for supporting my blog!]

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How to Teach Pronouns in Speech Therapy

Teaching pronouns in speech therapy is crucial, as children with language delays frequently struggle with employing the correct pronouns during conversations, particularly when distinguishing between “he” and “she.” This challenge can manifest in various ways: some children may consistently use “he” or “she” regardless of the subject’s gender, others might default to “him” and “her,” and some may skip pronouns altogether. Such inaccuracies can significantly obscure the clarity of the child’s communication, making it difficult for listeners to follow who is being referred to. Keep reading to learn How to Teach Pronouns in Speech Therapy.

A focused approach is recommended to effectively teach pronouns, tackling one category of pronoun at a time to avoid overwhelming the child. Starting points could vary; one might begin with the “he” and “she” pronouns, or perhaps with “they” for plural references. When introducing personal pronouns like “I” or “you,” it’s often beneficial to teach them concurrently, sometimes even incorporating “we” into the lesson for a more comprehensive understanding. Deciding on a starting point and then adhering to the following five steps can significantly enhance pronoun learning in speech therapy sessions or even during practice at home.

Unlocking the world of pronouns in speech therapy can significantly enhance a child’s communication skills. Here’s a step-by-step guide on effectively teaching pronouns in speech therapy. Paving the way for young learners to have clearer and more confident expressions.

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Understanding Pronouns Through Reception

The foundational step in teaching pronouns during speech therapy is fostering a child’s receptive understanding of them, setting the stage for their usage in conversational speech. Beginning with simple recognition exercises, such as asking the child to identify the correct person in a picture based on pronouns like “he” or “she,” lays a solid groundwork. For gender-specific pronouns, it’s helpful to initially explain that boys are generally referred to as “he” and girls as “she,” acknowledging exceptions to these generalizations.

Utilize images of a boy and a girl engaged in identical activities and prompt the child to indicate the correct image upon hearing “he is…” or “she is…”. This approach can be extended to other pronouns, such as “they are…” or “we are…”, though pronouns like “I” and “you” may require a different strategy due to their complexity. Once the child demonstrates proficiency in correctly identifying the depicted actions or subjects based on pronouns, it’s time to progress to the next stage of learning.

Introducing Pronouns in Brief Phrases

To enhance children’s proficiency with pronouns “he,” “she,” and “they” in short phrases, a dynamic activity like a Pronoun Treasure Hunt can be both educational and enjoyable. The activity involves using pictures of boys, girls, and groups of children engaged in various activities, along with small objects or “treasures” such as stickers or toy coins, which the children will match to the pictures. Begin by distributing these pictures around the room or on a table, ensuring they’re easily accessible to the child, and hide the treasures nearby.

Children embark on a treasure hunt, and upon discovering a treasure, they determine to which picture it belongs—whether a boy, a girl, or a group—based on the depicted activity. They’re then encouraged to articulate their decision in short phrases, such as “She wants the coin” for a single girl or “They want the coin” for a group.

Correct use of pronouns is reinforced through praise and possible rewards. For a twist, include pictures of the child and the adult to practice “I” and “you,” or intensify the challenge by incorporating actions into the pictures, prompting phrases like “He is jumping.” This activity not only aids in mastering pronoun use but also injects an element of fun into learning, making it a memorable experience for the child.

Introducing Pronouns within Full Sentences

Once the child is comfortable using pronouns in brief phrases, the next step is to encourage them to construct full sentences with “he” and “she.” Present the child with images of individuals engaging in various activities and guide them to describe what they see using pronouns, such as saying “she is riding her bike” instead of naming the individual. Utilize a range of resources for these images, including family photos, online images, or magazine cutouts. For instance, compiling a dedicated photo album on a device with pictures specifically chosen for therapy can offer a convenient, go-to resource.

If a child refers to someone by their name or as “the boy/girl” instead of using a pronoun, gently steer them towards pronoun use by affirming their observation and then asking, “Yes, the boy is riding. If it’s a boy, do we say ‘he’ or ‘she’?” Encourage them to correct themselves if they use the wrong pronoun by repeating their statement with the incorrect pronoun as a question to prompt self-correction. For instance, if the error was saying “she is riding” when referring to a boy, a question “She is riding??” might help the child realize and rectify their mistake.

Moreover, introducing “I,” “you,” and “we” pronouns can be done by describing mutual activities, which also paves the way for integrating possessive pronouns (like “his, her, theirs”) and object pronouns (such as “him, her”) as these constructions become relevant in conversation. This method reinforces the understanding and use of subject pronouns and gradually expands the child’s grasp of possessive and object pronouns within contextually rich sentences.

Integrating Pronouns in Narratives and Storytelling

As the teaching of pronouns progresses, it’s beneficial to incrementally increase the complexity of the activities to challenge the child appropriately. Once the child demonstrates proficiency in using target pronouns within simple sentences, it’s time to elevate the learning experience. Introducing a storybook with diverse characters offers an excellent opportunity for the child to practice pronoun usage in a more nuanced context.

Guide the child to describe the unfolding events in the story, emphasizing the use of correct pronouns (he, she, they) to refer to the characters. If the focus is on personal pronouns such as “I/you/we,” consider creating a personalized photo album featuring the child and yourself engaged in various activities. This can serve as a concrete visual aid for retrospection and discussion about the actions performed by each person.

The activity of inventing stories also provides a fertile ground for practicing pronouns, encouraging the child to integrate the target pronouns while weaving narratives about the characters or experiences involving themselves, you, or a group. This approach reinforces their understanding and usage of pronouns and stimulates creativity and narrative skills, making the learning process both educational and engaging.

A wonderful book example that facilitates teaching pronouns through storytelling and character description is “Where Are You Going, Little Mouse?” by Robert Kraus, illustrated by Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey. This charming story follows the journey of a little mouse who decides to leave his mouse hole and explore the world, meeting various characters along the way.

As you read “Where Are You Going, Little Mouse?” with a child, you can pause on each page to discuss what the little mouse is doing and which characters he encounters. For instance, when the little mouse meets the big, scary cat, you can ask the child to describe the scene using the correct pronouns: “Who is chasing him?” or “What is she thinking about the little mouse?” This encourages the child to use “he” for the mouse and “she” for the cat, practicing gender-specific pronouns in context.

Enhancing Pronoun Usage within Everyday Conversations

As the child becomes more proficient in using pronouns within sentences and structured storytelling, the goal shifts towards ensuring they apply these pronouns accurately in all their communications. When noticing a pronoun error, gently guide the child towards the correct usage using strategies such as:

  • Echoing the mistake as a question to prompt self-correction: “She is walking?”
  • Clarifying gender, then confirming the appropriate pronoun: “Is that a boy or a girl? So, do we say ‘he’s my friend’ or ‘she’s my friend’?”
  • Gently highlighting the error: “Actually, it’s ‘they are happy.’”
  • Correcting the error subtly without explicit emphasis: “Right, we are at Grandpa’s house.”

Initially, it’s advisable to avoid correcting every mistake to prevent overwhelming the child. Consider designating specific times for focused correction, informing the child in advance, such as:

“In the next 5 minutes, let’s pay extra attention to using ‘he’ and ‘she’ correctly. I’ll gently remind you if needed, okay?”

This approach eases the child into understanding that corrections will only occur during designated “good speech time” sessions, not constantly.

Gradually, as the child’s proficiency improves, you can increase the frequency of corrections. Starting with a manageable scope ensures the child remains motivated and not discouraged. Over time, the child is likely to make fewer errors, necessitating less intervention and reinforcing their mastery of pronouns in everyday speech.

Conclusion on How to Teach Pronouns in Speech Therapy

Thank you for reading through this resource on How to Teach Pronouns in Speech Therapy. In teaching pronouns in speech therapy, adopting a patient, tailored approach that respects the unique pace of each child’s learning journey is crucial. Progress in mastering pronouns varies significantly from one child to another, highlighting the importance of personalized strategies and interventions.

Therapists can foster significant improvements in a child’s pronoun usage by gradually increasing the complexity of exercises—from simple identification to using pronouns in conversation—and providing supportive feedback. Ultimately, the goal is to enhance communication skills in a way that feels achievable and encouraging, recognizing and celebrating each child’s individual progress along the way.

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Parents:  If you are a mommy or a daddy (or grandma or grandpa) who wants to work with your child at home, you can use these speech therapy activity pages for extra practice.  Just choose the sound position to work on (initial, medial, or final) and click on the corresponding link to view and print the worksheets.  To help make practice more fun, you can print out two of the same page so you have pairs, cut them out, and use them to play a game of memory or go fish. You can also use them as flashcards.  You will find free speech therapy worksheets by sound and at a variety of levels; word level, phrase level and sentence levels!

Articulation Worksheets

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/th/ Sound Voiced

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Regular past tense.

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Fall & autumn memory game, christmas vocabulary 1, christmas vocabulary 2, summer vocabulary, summer vocabulary companion, grammar bingo games – holiday and seasonal themed, grammar bingo games.

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Vocabulary BINGO Games – Holiday and Seasonal Themed

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Angeline Gormley

Pronouns Speech Therapy Workbook Paperback – Large Print, March 17, 2021

  • Print length 24 pages
  • Language English
  • Publication date March 17, 2021
  • Dimensions 8.5 x 0.06 x 11 inches
  • ISBN-13 979-8723611115
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Product details

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0918DHPLY
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Independently published (March 17, 2021)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 24 pages
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8723611115
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 3.84 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 8.5 x 0.06 x 11 inches
  • #773 in Communicative Disorders in Special Ed. (Books)
  • #2,853 in Language Arts Teaching Materials
  • #17,308 in Education Workbooks (Books)

About the author

Angeline gormley.

Hello, my name is Angeline Gormley. I am an SLP and a M.Ed graduate experienced working with children who have diverse needs. I create skill-based workbooks on early to middle childhood education to help develop certain areas in language development and other competencies. If you enjoyed or found any of my workbooks useful, please don't forget to send in ratings and positive reviews! It truly helps support me and the charities I donate to (St. Jude and Tim Tebow Foundation).

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Learn more about the map styles

Each map type offers different information and each map style is designed for a different purpose. Read about the styles and map projection used in the above map (Physical Map of Novosibirsk).

Physical map

Physical map illustrates the mountains, lowlands, oceans, lakes and rivers and other physical landscape features of Novosibirsk. Differences in land elevations relative to the sea level are represented by color.

Green color represents lower elevations, orange or brown indicate higher elevations, shades of grey are used for the highest mountain ranges in the world. Underwater topography is represented by blues. Darker blues are used for the deepest water, lighter shades of blue represent shallower water such as the continental shelf.

Geographic map projection

A map projection is a way how to transform points on a Earth to points on a map. This map of Novosibirsk uses Plate Carree projection. The Plate Carree projection is a simple cylindrical projection originated in the ancient times. It has straight and equally spaced meridians and parallels that meet at right angles.

All projections from a sphere to a plane are distorted. The drawback of the Plate Carree projection is that it doesn't make an attempt to compensate for these distortions. For the general view of Novosibirsk, this is not a significant problem. The detailed maps use the Mercator projection which preserves the shape of small areas better.

Locations near Novosibirsk

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  • Zaton 4.7 km
  • Bol'shaya Krivoshchëkova 7.2 km
  • Kar'yer 8.0 km
  • Bugry 8.3 km
  • Kar'yer Mochishche 8.5 km
  • Ust'-Inya 8.8 km
  • Levoberezhniy 9.8 km
  • Ozërnyy 10 km
  • Kamenka 10 km
  • Katkovo 11 km

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Novosibirsk city, Russia

The capital city of Novosibirsk oblast .

Novosibirsk - Overview

Novosibirsk is the third most populous city in Russia, the administrative center of the Siberian Federal District and Novosibirsk Oblast. It is the largest business, cultural, transport, educational, and scientific center of Siberia. Novosibirsk is often called the “Capital of Siberia”.

The population of Novosibirsk is about 1,621,000 (2022), the area - 503 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 383, the postal codes - 630000-630901.

Novosibirsk city flag

Novosibirsk city coat of arms.

Novosibirsk city coat of arms

Novosibirsk city map, Russia

Novosibirsk city latest news and posts from our blog:.

29 November, 2020 / Novosibirsk Akademgorodok - the scientific center of Siberia .

25 December, 2018 / Chuya Highway - the Most Picturesque Road in Russia .

18 September, 2018 / Novosibirsk - the view from above .

10 December, 2014 / The night views of Novosibirsk .

17 July, 2014 / Novosibirsk hit by a heavy hailstorm .

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History of Novosibirsk

Foundation of novosibirsk.

Novosibirsk is a city with a very interesting history. Unlike many other cities in Russia, it does not have a specific founder. Since the 18th century, on the left bank of the Ob, one of the largest rivers in the world, there was the village of Krivoshchekovo, where migrants from the European provinces of the Russian Empire lived. However, it did not become the basis of Novosibirsk. The city was born on the other, right, bank of the Ob, when the Trans-Siberian Railway approached it in 1893.

Originally it was just a village for the builders of a railway bridge across the Ob. It could turn out to be temporary and disappear after the completion of construction, if not for the combination of several factors that contributed to the development of trade - a large river, a railway, a flat relief convenient for building. At first, the village was named Alexandrovsky, in honor of Emperor Alexander III. For the third anniversary, it received a new name and became Novonikolaevsky, in honor of the Emperor Nicholas II.

In 1897, the first trains went across the bridge. The settlement was quickly growing. By 1898, there were already 7.8 thousand people in the village. In 1903, when the village acquired the status of a town with the name Novonikolaevsk, its population was 26 thousand people. In the 1910s, Novonikolaevsk experienced a construction boom. By 1913, the population of the city was 86 thousand people.

Novonikolaevsk, was the center of the major lines of communication, in which the navigable Ob River crossed with the Great Siberian Way and the Altai Railway. The First World War turned the city into the largest center for training troops beyond the Urals.

More Historical Facts…

Novosibirsk - the Siberian Chicago

In 1921, Novonikolaevsk received the status of the administrative center of the Novonikolaevsk Governorate. In 1925, it became the administrative center of the huge Siberian Krai - practically all the regions of Trans-Ural Russia.

The capital of the new huge region needed a new name. Here are just some of the proposed names: Krasnograd, Sibleninsk, Krasnoobsk, Sibkraisk, Sibkraigrad, Leningrad-on-Ob. On February 12, 1926, Novonikolaevsk (“a new city of Nicholas”) was renamed Novosibirsk (“a new city in Siberia”. In 1926, at the Regional Scientific Congress, it was decided to turn Novosibirsk into a “promsad” (“industrial garden”) or “city-garden”. About 120 thousand people lived in the city at that time. The city got the nickname “Siberian Chicago”.

The main elements of the renovated Siberian capital were supposed to be “social towns” - complex residential areas at factories and plants. New cadres were needed to build a new society. Novosibirsk quickly became a city of students. In the 1930s, 8 universities and 10 technical schools were opened here. The city became the Trans-Ural capital of such an architectural style as constructivism.

On July 30, 1930, due to the division of the Siberian Krai, Novosibirsk became the center of the West Siberian Krai. In 1934, a new railway bridge was built across the Ob River and the population grew to 294 thousand people. By 1939, it increased up to 406 thousand people. On September 28, 1937, the West Siberian Krai was divided into Novosibirsk Oblast with the capital in Novosibirsk and Altai Krai.

During the Second World War, the enlistment offices of Novosibirsk Oblast sent more than half a million soldiers to the front. There were 115 evacuation hospitals in the region. Almost 27% of all shells fired by the Red Army during the war were produced in Novosibirsk. Despite the fact that not a single bomb fell on the territory of Novosibirsk, the pre-war city disappeared forever. Instead of the planned residential areas/parks, industrial zones of evacuated factories appeared, a lot of buildings changed their civilian purpose to military-industrial (some of them - forever).

The evacuation radically changed the demography of Novosibirsk - people evacuated from Moscow and Leningrad brought with them a new way of life, new artistic tastes. A lot of them stayed in Novosibirsk after the war. During the war years, Novosibirsk also became the center of the musical culture of Siberia. The Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater, one of the main attractions of Novosibirsk, was opened on May 12, 1945.

Novosibirsk after the Second World War

The demographic inertia of the evacuation turned the pre-war Novosibirsk into a metropolis. By 1956, its population increased to 750 thousand people. On September 2, 1962, a millionth resident of the city was born. It took Novosibirsk only 70 years to achieve this status from the moment of its foundation, which made it the youngest of all million cities.

In 1950, the construction of the Novosibirsk hydroelectric power station began; a large reservoir was created, the so-called Ob Sea. The idea of creating a Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk was implemented in 1957. About 20 kilometers south of the center of Novosibirsk, in the middle of the forest, Akademgorodok was built - a town of scientists. In 1959, Novosibirsk State University was opened.

In 1979, construction of the metro began in Novosibirsk. Opened in 1985, it became the first one in the Trans-Ural part of Russia. Today, the Novosibirsk metro has 13 stations and annually carries about 70 million passengers.

In 1990, the bridge that had given rise to the city was reconstructed. To preserve the memory of the first builders, one of its span structures was installed on the embankment of the Ob in the park “Gorodskoye Nachalo”.

The transition to a market economy led to a sharp drop in production. High-tech industries, such as radioelectronics, microelectronics, instrument making, and aircraft construction suffered especially heavy losses. In 1991-1998, industrial production in Novosibirsk decreased by more than 3 times.

In the 1990s, the economic structure of the Novosibirsk region and Novosibirsk underwent fundamental changes. The main structural change was that the production of services in the city began to exceed the production of goods, the role of industry decreased, the share of transport, trade, communications, agriculture, and a lot of branches of market services increased.

Thus, the potential points of growth of Novosibirsk reproduced on a new historical, technological, and institutional basis the initial system of its development priorities: a large transport hub in the system of transnational transport corridors, a trade, intermediary, and financial center - the center of Siberia, a large business, scientific, educational, and cultural center.

In the 21st century, Novosibirsk became the first Russian city (after Moscow and St. Petersburg) to exceed the population of 1.5 million.

Architecture of Novosibirsk

The building of the West-Siberian Railway in Novosibirsk

The building of the West-Siberian Railway in Novosibirsk

Author: Vytautas Podlesaitis

Old building in Novosibirsk

Old building in Novosibirsk

Author: Andrey Osokin

On the street in Novosibirsk

On the street in Novosibirsk

Author: Serge Klimenko

Novosibirsk - Features

Novosibirsk is the most populous city in the Asian part of Russia. It is located in the southeastern part of the West Siberian Plain on both banks of the Ob River next to the Novosibirsk reservoir. The width of the Ob River within the city is 750-850 meters. The City Day of Novosibirsk is celebrated on the last Sunday of June.

The city is located in the continental climatic zone. The flatness of the territory allows both cold waves from the north and heat waves from the southwest to freely spread. That’s why both severe frosts and short-term thaws can be observed in winter. The duration of winter is 120-130 days, summer - about 90 days. The average air temperature in January is minus 16.5 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 19.4 degrees Celsius.

On the coat of arms of Novosibirsk you can see a schematic image of the Ob River and the bridge across it, part of the Trans-Siberian Railway, which gave rise to the city.

The economy of Novosibirsk is based on industry, trade, transport, science, and scientific services. The city is successfully developing in the absence of large resource-extracting enterprises in the region, which distinguishes it from most large cities in Siberia.

The main activities of industrial production are: production of food, computers, electronic and optical products, chemicals, vehicles and equipment, metallurgy, beverage production. Novosibirsk is one of the leading suppliers of nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants and research reactors in Russia and abroad.

Novosibirsk is the largest scientific center in the Asian part of Russia. More than 100 organizations carry out research and development in this city. There are about three dozen higher educational institutions here.

It is the largest transport hub in Siberia connecting Siberia, the Far East, Central Asia with the European regions of Russia. Novosibirsk is also a river port. The city is served by Tolmachevo International Airport, the largest in terms of passenger traffic in the Asian part of Russia. The airport is located at the intersection of a large number of flights from Southeast Asia to Europe and from North America to India and Asia.

Novosibirsk was the only city in Russia located in two time zones. Since its foundation, it was growing in two parts along different banks of the Ob. And since the meridian of the hour passed right along the Ob River, there were two time zones in one city. On the left bank, the difference with Moscow was 3 hours, and on the right bank - 4 hours. At first, this did not cause much inconvenience as each half lived quite apart. In 1955, when the first road bridge across the Ob was built, the city became more connected. In 1958, Novosibirsk switched to a single time zone.

Despite its young age, Novosibirsk has 145 monuments of architecture, history, monumental art and archeology taken under state protection. 47 monuments of wooden architecture of the late 19th - early 20th centuries are of particular value. There are also over a dozen different museums in Novosibirsk.

Main Attractions of Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk Zoo - one of the largest and best zoos in Russia, where about 11,000 animals, birds, and reptiles of 770 species are kept on an area of 63 hectares in a pristine pine forest. More than 350 species are listed in the International Red Book. This zoo is visited by about one million people every year. It also hosts ecological events and festivals. Timiryazeva Street, 71/1.

Novosibirsk Theater of Opera and Ballet . Founded in 1945, it is one of the leading theaters in Russia. It occupies the largest theater building in Russia constructed in the constructivist style in 1931-1941. This unique architectural complex has the status of a cultural heritage of the Russian Federation. It is one of the symbols of Novosibirsk and probably its most recognizable building.

The main feature of the building is its huge dome with a diameter of 60 meters and a height of 35 meters. The large hall of the theater can accommodate 1,449 spectators. The theater is located on Lenin Square - the main square of Novosibirsk, where you can also find a number of interesting monuments. This theater is also known as the “Siberian Colosseum”. Krasnyy Prospekt, 36.

Novosibirsk Museum of Local Lore - one of the main museums in Novosibirsk. The historical department of the museum is located in a picturesque building of the former City Trade House (a monument of history and architecture of federal significance built in 1910).

This museum has a number of unique exhibits: a complete mammoth skeleton, collections of household and religious items of Siberian peoples collected by expeditions in the 1920s-1930s. There are also collections of numismatics, woodwork, glass, porcelain and faience, an archaeological collection, etc. Krasnyy Prospekt, 23.

Novosibirsk Art Museum . The permanent exhibition presents the following sections: icons (old Russian art), foreign art (works of Italian, French, Flemish, Dutch, Belgian, German masters), Russian art of the 18th-19th centuries (works by I. Shishkin, A. Kuindzhi, I. Repin , V. Surikov, and others), Russian art of the early 20th century, art of the Soviet period, Russian art of the late 20th century. There is a separate section devoted to the works of N. Roerich. Krasnyy Prospekt, 5.

Novosibirsk Museum of Railway Technology . This museum has a large collection of steam, diesel, and electric locomotives, carriages, which mainly operated on the railways of Western Siberia. In addition, you can see such Soviet cars as GAZ, Moskvich, ZAZ of different years of production, as well as several trucks, tractors, and all-terrain vehicles. The total length of the exhibition grounds is about 3 kilometers. It is the largest museum of this subject beyond the Urals with over 100 exhibits. Razyezdnaya Street, 54/1.

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (1897-1899). Built of red brick in the neo-Byzantine style, this is one of the first stone buildings on the territory of Novosibirsk and the most beautiful church in the city. Krasnyy Prospekt, 1A.

Monument to the Laboratory Mouse . This unusual monument is located in a public garden near the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the territory of Akademgorodok. The mouse with glasses holds the knitting needles in its paws and knits a double helix of DNA.

The monument symbolizes gratitude to this animal for the fact that mankind has the opportunity to use mice to study animal genes, molecular and physical mechanisms of diseases, and the development of new drugs. Akademika Lavrent’yeva Prospekt, 10/2.

Zaeltsovsky Park - one of the oldest parks in Novosibirsk that celebrated its 85th anniversary in 2017. The park has all the conditions for a comfortable and cultural pastime: walking paved paths, rides, summer verandas and gazebos, a paintball club, an ice rink, a rope park, etc.

For history buffs, the ethnopark “Territory of Siberia” has been created, where everyone can get acquainted in detail with the culture of the indigenous peoples who lived in these places several hundred years ago. In winter, it is a great place to go skiing. There is also a children’s railway with a length of 5.3 km here. At the terminal station, you will be offered to go to the Novosibirsk Zoo, which is located nearby.

Novosibirsk Central Park - a large park in the center of Novosibirsk and the oldest park in the city. On an area of 10.5 hectares, there are summer cafes and ice cream kiosks, dozens of rides and sports equipment rental points. There is an open-air skating rink in winter. The park often hosts festivals, concerts, and tournaments. The Novosibirsk Theater of Musical Comedy is also located here. Michurina Street, 8.

The Ob River and “the Ob Sea” . The Ob is one of the world’s largest rivers, its length is more than 3,600 km. This river flows through a lot of Siberian cities. Within Novosibirsk, the river is transformed into a large reservoir, which bears the unofficial name “the Ob Sea”. The main purpose of the water reservoir is to generate electricity. Also, the shores of the “sea” are a popular recreation area for locals and city visitors.

Novosibirsk city of Russia photos

Novosibirsk views.

Novosibirsk Thermal Power Plant #5

Novosibirsk Thermal Power Plant #5

Author: Grigory Filippov

Novosibirsk Zoo

Novosibirsk Zoo

Author: Artemov Ruslan

Pre-revolutionary building in Novosibirsk

Pre-revolutionary building in Novosibirsk

Soviet monuments on Lenin Square in Novosibirsk

Monument to Revolutionaries in Novosibirsk

Monument to Revolutionaries in Novosibirsk

Author: Pascal Winkler

Monument to Peasants in Novosibirsk

Monument to Peasants in Novosibirsk

Lenin Monument in Novosibirsk

Lenin Monument in Novosibirsk

Pictures of Novosibirsk

Saint Nicholas Chapel in Novosibirsk

Saint Nicholas Chapel in Novosibirsk

Author: Vladimir Kharitonov

Pavilion Globe in Novosibirsk

Pavilion Globe in Novosibirsk

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    Free Worksheets. I created these free speech and language worksheets so you can easily download and print them out to use as part of your speech therapy program. Just scroll down the page to view the worksheets by topic. You will find free speech therapy worksheets for articulation, vocabulary , grammar, holiday articulation and language games ...

  13. Pronoun Activities for Speech Therapy

    Pronoun Activities for Speech Therapy. Clio has taught education courses at the college level and has a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction. Teaching students to use pronouns is an important part ...

  14. She Said, He Said: Let's Talk About Pronouns

    A pronoun is defined as a word that takes the place of a noun. There are different types of pronouns, but for purposes of early language development, we'll stick to the basics. Personal pronouns include I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. Possessive pronouns include my, your, his, her, their, and its. The research varies slightly concerning ...

  15. Speech Therapy Pronoun Worksheets Teaching Resources

    Browse speech therapy pronoun worksheets resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. ... Are you looking for summer-themed language activities or homework for subject pronouns and action words? Time for summer shenanigans! This is a 55 page tiered packet of all black and ...

  16. Pronoun Worksheet Speech Therapy Teaching Resources

    Browse pronoun worksheet speech therapy resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. ... →summer speech therapy homework program Please note, this packet is included in the "Speech All Year" bundle- don't purchase this if you own that bundle! Check out the bundle to ...

  17. Personal Pronoun I For Speech Therapy Teaching Resources

    PDF. This is a fun make and take speech therapy activity for practicing personal pronouns, specifically "I". Students use pictures or their own drawings to talk about themselves. Practice in speech therapy until the student is proficient at using "I". They can take their book home after mastering the concept.

  18. Pronouns Speech Therapy Workbook

    Welcome to Pronouns Speech Therapy Workbook. In this educational resource, you will be able to teach pronouns to kids. It is an ideal resource when teaching pronouns speech therapy concepts, or as an alternative for pronouns in action cards.Learn about subject pronouns and possessive pronouns which is an ideal topic for preschool, kindergarten, and elementary levels.

  19. Pronouns Song

    These pronouns are great to practice for children with difficulties learning language, English learners, toddlers, and late talkers. Knowing how to use "he,...

  20. Novosibirskaya Oblast', Russia

    Area, 178,200 sq km. Population, 2,522,000 (1973). Novosibirsk Oblast is divided into 30 raions. There are 14 cities and 15 urban-type settlements. The administrative center is the city of Novosibirsk. The oblast has been awarded the Order of Lenin twice (Jan. 8, 1957, and Nov. 27, 1970). Natural features.

  21. Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia guide

    Novosibirsk Oblast - Features. Novosibirsk Oblast is located in the south east of the East-Siberian Plain, in the steppe, forest-steppe and taiga zones, between the Ob and the Irtysh rivers. The length of the region from west to east - 642 km, from north to south - 444 km. The southern part of Vasyugan swamp, the largest swamp in the world ...

  22. Physical Map of Novosibirsk

    83° 0' 0" E. Minimal elevation. 64 m. Maximal elevation. 216 m. Land/Water. mainland. It's neither this physical map nor any other of the many millions of maps. The value of a map gallery is not determined by the number of pictures, but by the possibility to see the world from many different perspectives.

  23. Novosibirsk city, Russia travel guide

    Novosibirsk - Features. Novosibirsk is the most populous city in the Asian part of Russia. It is located in the southeastern part of the West Siberian Plain on both banks of the Ob River next to the Novosibirsk reservoir. The width of the Ob River within the city is 750-850 meters. The City Day of Novosibirsk is celebrated on the last Sunday of ...