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Essay On Nature | Nature Essay for Students and Children in 500 Words

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay On Nature: An Essay on Nature helps the students to understand the implications of the natural world. From the various flora and fauna to the expansive biomes, nature has a lot to offer. However, ever since humans and showed up, the planet has started to change drastically. Nature seems to be getting sparser every year, animals disappear, and trees get cut down only to be replaced by skyscrapers.

Hence, it is crucial to enable students to understand that nature should be conserved. And there is no better way to do it than to write an essay on nature. Furthermore, the earlier that students are educated about the plight of nature, the better the chances that future generations act on the matter. Read on about Essay on Nature Conservation, Importance of Nature, Beauty of Nature and for School Children and Kids. Explore the “do’s” and “don’ts” when writing an essay on nature:

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Essay On Nature – Important Points to Note

When writing an essay on nature, or any essay for that matter, remember the following:

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  • Write an introductory paragraph for the essay
  • Reduce the use of jargons unless the topic is very technical
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  • Use dates, names and factual figures
  • End the essay with a conclusion
  • Read through the essay to find and remove grammatical issues or factual errors.

“Look deep into Nature and then you will understand everything Better” – Nature Essay

Essay on Nature

Essay On Nature – Sample 1 (250 Words)

Nature, in its broadest sense, is a term that refers to the physical world and life in general. It encompasses all life on earth, including humans. However, it does not include human activities. The term nature is derived from the Latin word, “Natura”, which translates to “essential qualities” or “innate disposition.” Nature seems to be getting sparser every year, animals disappear, and trees get cut down only to be replaced by skyscrapers

As stated above, nature includes not just life, but a host of other non-living physical entities. These include the atmosphere, climate, weather, water and even abstract factors like the aesthetic beauty of nature. Nature did not arise spontaneously; hence if we were to make an accurate timeline, it would encompass billion of years of progress and evolution.

The earth is thought to have formed when gravity pulled the stellar gas, dust and debris together, eventually forming a planet. And like the other terrestrial planets in the solar system, the earth is made up of a central core and a rocky mantle. But before the earth got to this stage, scientists believe that the earth’s surface was entirely covered by hot molten rock or magma. Only after a few billion years did it start cooling down, creating the solid crust that we are familiar with today.

Just like the non-living components of nature, life did not arise instantaneously. It took billions of years for the earliest precursors of life to show up. However, these “organisms” were nothing more than a self-replicating molecule. However, from this precursor, life has evolved into the multitude of lifeforms that we see today. Today, the complex interaction between living things and non-living things contributes to the concept of nature.

500 Words Nature Essay

Nature can be understood as a “phenomena” that encompasses the physical world and the life which interacts with it. It includes humans and every other form of life present on the planet. The word nature has its roots in Latin. It is derived from the word “Natura” which means “essential qualities”. However, in ancient times, the word was a literal synonym for “birth”.

Today, the word “nature” refers to wildlife and geology. This means it includes the realm that includes all forms of life and the many processes associated with non-living objects. In most cases, nature also refers to the forests and the wildlife living within. Other definitions indicate places with the absence of human intervention as nature too.

The evolution of nature is not spontaneous; it took billions of years of geological time for its formation. According to scientists, the earth was formed nearly 4.54 billion years ago. Before this time, the earth was a giant, swirling mass of gas and debris orbiting the sun. The early earth was a completely different place. The atmosphere was completely devoid of oxygen, and there was no water on its surface. It was a hellish place with extremely high temperatures.

The landscape was littered with molten magma and thick plumes of toxic smoke. Life was nowhere in sight, and it would not emerge for several billion years more. As the earth cooled down, water condensed and fell as rain. However, it rained for such a long time that the basins and troughs began to fill up with water. This event created the very first oceans of the world. However, the earth was still devoid of life and oxygen was non-existent in the atmosphere.

One of the biggest unsolved mysteries today is the origin of life. There are fossils to support the earliest organisms, but nothing was known of how they came about. Scientists have put forth many speculations and hypotheses stating the origin of life. One of the most popular is the Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vents Theory. It states that the earliest precursors to life originated from underwater volcanic vents. These volcanic vents spewed out minerals that were abundant in many nutrients required for early life forms. However, this is just a speculation that there is no conclusive evidence supporting the same.

The first undisputed evidence of life emerged some 3.7 billion years ago. These were similar to today’s cyanobacteria – which were microscopic single-celled organisms. Since then, life has had billions of years to evolve. And when life emerged from the seas on to dry land, major evolutionary leaps were made. The first-ever land plants appeared followed by the invertebrates. Vertebrates made their way on to land much later, evolving into magnificent life forms such as the dinosaurs. On the geological timescale, we humans evolved only recently. The fossils of our earliest ancestors are over 200,000 years old.

Conclusion on Nature Essay

However, our technology and progress have had a detrimental effect on the planet. Our climates are changing and temperatures and rising. We are losing our polar icecaps, and as a result, ocean levels are rising. All these factors can cause destruction in the near future if we do not keep a check on our carbon footprint and deforestation. Essay on Nature In Hindi, Marathi, Telugu and Kannada will update soonly.

FAQ’s on Essay On Nature

Question 1. What is nature?

Answer: Nature encompasses the physical world and the life which interacts with it.

Question 2. What is the importance of nature?

Answer: Without nature, the natural balance in the ecosystem is lost. This can lead to many detrimental effects such as global warming, greenhouse effect, rising sea levels, increased natural calamities.

Question 3. How does nature help us?

Answer: Nature provides a lot of resources. Some of these resources are life-saving and others are of significant commercial value. It also keeps a check on the adverse effects of human activities.

Question 4. Are humans nature?

Answer: Humans and all other lifeforms are a part of nature. But human activities are not a part of nature.

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Interesting Literature

A Summary and Analysis of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s ‘Nature’

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

‘Nature’ is an 1836 essay by the American writer and thinker Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-82). In this essay, Emerson explores the relationship between nature and humankind, arguing that if we approach nature with a poet’s eye, and a pure spirit, we will find the wonders of nature revealed to us.

You can read ‘Nature’ in full here . Below, we summarise Emerson’s argument and offer an analysis of its meaning and context.

Emerson begins his essay by defining nature, in philosophical terms, as anything that is not our individual souls. So our bodies, as well as all of the natural world, but also all of the world of art and technology, too, are ‘nature’ in this philosophical sense of the world. He urges his readers not to rely on tradition or history to help them to understand the world: instead, they should look to nature and the world around them.

In the first chapter, Emerson argues that nature is never ‘used up’ when the right mind examines it: it is a source of boundless curiosity. No man can own the landscape: it belongs, if it belongs to anyone at all, to ‘the poet’. Emerson argues that when a man returns to nature he can rediscover his lost youth, that wide-eyed innocence he had when he went among nature as a boy.

Emerson states that when he goes among nature, he becomes a ‘transparent eyeball’ because he sees nature but is himself nothing: he has been absorbed or subsumed into nature and, because God made nature, God himself. He feels a deep kinship and communion with all of nature. He acknowledges that our view of nature depends on our own mood, and that the natural world reflects the mood we are feeling at the time.

In the second chapter, Emerson focuses on ‘commodity’: the name he gives to all of the advantages which our senses owe to nature. Emerson draws a parallel with the ‘useful arts’ which have built houses and steamships and whole towns: these are the man-made equivalents of the natural world, in that both nature and the ‘arts’ are designed to provide benefit and use to mankind.

The third chapter then turns to ‘beauty’, and the beauty of nature comprises several aspects, which Emerson outlines. First, the beauty of nature is a restorative : seeing the sky when we emerge from a day’s work can restore us to ourselves and make us happy again. The human eye is the best ‘artist’ because it perceives and appreciates this beauty so keenly. Even the countryside in winter possesses its own beauty.

The second aspect of beauty Emerson considers is the spiritual element. Great actions in history are often accompanied by a beautiful backdrop provided by nature. The third aspect in which nature should be viewed is its value to the human intellect . Nature can help to inspire people to create and invent new things. Everything in nature is a representation of a universal harmony and perfection, something greater than itself.

In his fourth chapter, Emerson considers the relationship between nature and language. Our language is often a reflection of some natural state: for instance, the word right literally means ‘straight’, while wrong originally denoted something ‘twisted’. But we also turn to nature when we wish to use language to reflect a ‘spiritual fact’: for example, that a lamb symbolises innocence, or a fox represents cunning. Language represents nature, therefore, and nature in turn represents some spiritual truth.

Emerson argues that ‘the whole of nature is a metaphor of the human mind.’ Many great principles of the physical world are also ethical or moral axioms: for example, ‘the whole is greater than its part’.

In the fifth chapter, Emerson turns his attention to nature as a discipline . Its order can teach us spiritual and moral truths, but it also puts itself at the service of mankind, who can distinguish and separate (for instance, using water for drinking but wool for weaving, and so on). There is a unity in nature which means that every part of it corresponds to all of the other parts, much as an individual art – such as architecture – is related to the others, such as music or religion.

The sixth chapter is devoted to idealism . How can we sure nature does actually exist, and is not a mere product within ‘the apocalypse of the mind’, as Emerson puts it? He believes it doesn’t make any practical difference either way (but for his part, Emerson states that he believes God ‘never jests with us’, so nature almost certainly does have an external existence and reality).

Indeed, we can determine that we are separate from nature by changing out perspective in relation to it: for example, by bending down and looking between our legs, observing the landscape upside down rather than the way we usually view it. Emerson quotes from Shakespeare to illustrate how poets can draw upon nature to create symbols which reflect the emotions of the human soul. Religion and ethics, by contrast, degrade nature by viewing it as lesser than divine or moral truth.

Next, in the seventh chapter, Emerson considers nature and the spirit . Spirit, specifically the spirit of God, is present throughout nature. In his eighth and final chapter, ‘Prospects’, Emerson argues that we need to contemplate nature as a whole entity, arguing that ‘a dream may let us deeper into the secret of nature than a hundred concerted experiments’ which focus on more local details within nature.

Emerson concludes by arguing that in order to detect the unity and perfection within nature, we must first perfect our souls. ‘He cannot be a naturalist until he satisfies all the demands of the spirit’, Emerson urges. Wisdom means finding the miraculous within the common or everyday. He then urges the reader to build their own world, using their spirit as the foundation. Then the beauty of nature will reveal itself to us.

In a number of respects, Ralph Waldo Emerson puts forward a radically new attitude towards our relationship with nature. For example, although we may consider language to be man-made and artificial, Emerson demonstrates that the words and phrases we use to describe the world are drawn from our observation of nature. Nature and the human spirit are closely related, for Emerson, because they are both part of ‘the same spirit’: namely, God. Although we are separate from nature – or rather, our souls are separate from nature, as his prefatory remarks make clear – we can rediscover the common kinship between us and the world.

Emerson wrote ‘Nature’ in 1836, not long after Romanticism became an important literary, artistic, and philosophical movement in Europe and the United States. Like Wordsworth and the Romantics before him, Emerson argues that children have a better understanding of nature than adults, and when a man returns to nature he can rediscover his lost youth, that wide-eyed innocence he had when he went among nature as a boy.

And like Wordsworth, Emerson argued that to understand the world, we should go out there and engage with it ourselves, rather than relying on books and tradition to tell us what to think about it. In this connection, one could undertake a comparative analysis of Emerson’s ‘Nature’ and Wordsworth’s pair of poems ‘ Expostulation and Reply ’ and ‘ The Tables Turned ’, the former of which begins with a schoolteacher rebuking Wordsworth for sitting among nature rather than having his nose buried in a book:

‘Why, William, on that old gray stone, ‘Thus for the length of half a day, ‘Why, William, sit you thus alone, ‘And dream your time away?

‘Where are your books?—that light bequeathed ‘To beings else forlorn and blind! ‘Up! up! and drink the spirit breathed ‘From dead men to their kind.

Similarly, for Emerson, the poet and the dreamer can get closer to the true meaning of nature than scientists because they can grasp its unity by viewing it holistically, rather than focusing on analysing its rock formations or other more local details. All of this is in keeping with the philosophy of Transcendentalism , that nineteenth-century movement which argued for a kind of spiritual thinking instead of scientific thinking based narrowly on material things.

Emerson, along with Henry David Thoreau, was the most famous writer to belong to the Transcendentalist movement, and ‘Nature’ is fundamentally a Transcendentalist essay, arguing for an intuitive and ‘poetic’ engagement with nature in the round rather than a coldly scientific or empirical analysis of its component parts.

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Essay on Nature: In 100 Words, 200 Words, 300 Words


  • Updated on  
  • Oct 13, 2023

Essay on Nature

Nature is the intricate web of life that surrounds us, encompassing everything from the air we breathe to the majestic landscapes we admire. It includes the delicate balance of ecosystems, the diversity of flora and fauna, and the natural resources that sustain all living beings on Earth. Exploring the beauty and significance of nature is not only a pleasurable endeavour but also a crucial one, as it reminds us of our responsibility to protect and preserve our environment.

the nature essay

Table of Contents

  • 1 Tips to Write the Best Essay
  • 2 Essay on Nature in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Nature in 200 Words
  • 4 Essay on Nature in 300 Words

Tips to Write the Best Essay

Here are some tips to craft an exceptional essay:

  • Understand the Topic: Grasp the essence of the topic and its different aspects before you start writing.
  • Structure: Organize your essay coherently, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Thesis Statement: Formulate a strong thesis statement that summarizes the main point you want to convey.
  • Use Vivid Language: Employ descriptive language to bring the beauty of nature to life for your readers.
  • Supporting Evidence: Back up your points with facts, statistics, and examples to make your essay more convincing.
  • Variety of Ideas: Discuss different perspectives and dimensions of the topic to showcase a comprehensive understanding.
  • Proofread: Edit your essay for grammar, punctuation, and clarity before submitting it.

Essay on Nature in 100 Words

Nature is a precious gift, encompassing all living and non-living entities. It provides us with air, water, food, and shelter. The beauty of nature soothes our souls and brings us closer to the marvels of creation. However, human activities are threatening the delicate balance of ecosystems, leading to pollution, deforestation, and climate change. It’s our responsibility to protect and preserve nature for future generations to enjoy its wonders.

Essay on Nature in 200 Words

Nature is the ultimate source of inspiration and sustenance for all life forms on Earth. From the smallest microorganisms to the tallest trees, every aspect of nature plays a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of our planet. The diversity of flora and fauna, the intricate ecosystems, and the natural resources provide us with food, shelter, and even the air we breathe.

Despite its undeniable importance, human activities are wreaking havoc on nature. Deforestation, pollution, and excessive use of natural resources are causing irreparable damage to our environment. Climate change, triggered by human-induced factors, is resulting in extreme weather events and rising sea levels, endangering both human and animal habitats.

Preserving nature is not a choice; it’s a necessity. The responsibility to conserve nature lies in the hands of every individual. Planting trees, reducing waste, using sustainable resources, and raising awareness about the importance of nature are steps we can take to mitigate the damage.

Nature has provided us with boundless beauty and resources, but it’s up to us to ensure its survival. By respecting and nurturing the natural world, we can secure a healthier and more vibrant planet for current and future generations.

Essay on Nature in 300 Words

Nature is a symphony of vibrant life forms and dynamic ecosystems that create a harmonious and intricate web of existence. The lush greenery of forests, the tranquil blue of oceans, the diverse habitats of animals, and the breathtaking landscapes remind us of the sheer magnificence of the world we inhabit. It’s a world that offers us both solace and sustenance, making our survival intertwined with its preservation.

The ecosystem services provided by nature are immeasurable. The forests act as the lungs of the Earth, producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. Wetlands filter our water, providing us with clean and fresh sources of hydration. Bees and other pollinators enable the growth of crops, contributing to global food security.

However, the rampant disregard for nature’s delicate balance is leading to alarming consequences. The relentless deforestation for urbanization and agriculture is causing habitat loss, leading to the extinction of numerous species. The excessive emission of greenhouse gases is driving climate change, with rising temperatures and unpredictable weather patterns threatening vulnerable communities.

To ensure the well-being of our planet and future generations, conservation and sustainable practices are imperative. Afforestation and reforestation efforts must be intensified to restore lost ecosystems. Transitioning to renewable energy sources can reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change. Moreover, raising awareness and fostering a deep connection with nature can instil a sense of responsibility and inspire positive action.

In conclusion, nature is not merely a resource for human exploitation; it’s a complex and interconnected system that sustains life in all its forms. We must recognize our role as custodians of the environment and act with diligence to protect and preserve it. By embracing sustainable practices and fostering a profound respect for nature, we can secure a future where the world’s natural wonders continue to thrive.

Nature encompasses the entirety of the physical world and its components, including landscapes, flora, fauna, air, water, and ecosystems. It encompasses the natural environment and all living and non-living elements that shape and sustain life on Earth.

Nature is vital for our survival, providing resources like air, water, and food. It maintains ecological balance, supports biodiversity, and offers inspiration and solace. However, human activities threaten its delicate equilibrium, necessitating conservation efforts.

Saving nature requires planting trees, reducing waste, using sustainable resources, and raising awareness about its importance. Adopting renewable energy sources, practising responsible consumption, and fostering a connection with nature are crucial steps in its preservation.

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Manasvi Kotwal

Manasvi's flair in writing abilities is derived from her past experience of working with bootstrap start-ups, Advertisement and PR agencies as well as freelancing. She's currently working as a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu to be a part of its thriving ecosystem.

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  • Nature Essay


Essay About Nature

Nature refers to the interaction between the physical surroundings around us and the life within it like atmosphere, climate, natural resources, ecosystem, flora, fauna, and humans. Nature is indeed God’s precious gift to Earth. It is the primary source of all the necessities for the nourishment of all living beings on Earth. Right from the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the house we live in is provided by nature. Nature is called ‘Mother Nature’ because just like our mother, she is always nurturing us with all our needs. 

Whatever we see around us, right from the moment we step out of our house is part of nature. The trees, flowers, landscapes, insects, sunlight, breeze, everything that makes our environment so beautiful and mesmerizing are part of Nature. In short, our environment is nature. Nature has been there even before the evolution of human beings. 

Importance of Nature

If not for nature then we wouldn’t be alive. The health benefits of nature for humans are incredible. The most important thing for survival given by nature is oxygen. The entire cycle of respiration is regulated by nature. The oxygen that we inhale is given by trees and the carbon dioxide we exhale is getting absorbed by trees. 

The ecosystem of nature is a community in which producers (plants), consumers, and decomposers work together in their environment for survival. The natural fundamental processes like soil creation, photosynthesis, nutrient cycling, and water cycling, allow Earth to sustain life. We are dependent on these ecosystem services daily whether or not we are aware.

Nature provides us services round the clock: provisional services, regulating services, and non-material services. Provisional services include benefits extracted from nature such as food, water, natural fuels and fibres, and medicinal plants. Regulating services include regulation of natural processes that include decomposition, water purification, pollution, erosion and flood control, and also, climate regulation. Non-material services are the non-material benefits that improve the cultural development of humans such as recreation, creative inspiration from interaction with nature like art, music, architecture, and the influence of ecosystems on local and global cultures. 

The interaction between humans and animals, which are a part of nature, alleviates stress, lessens pain and worries. Nature provides company and gives people a sense of purpose. 

Studies and research have shown that children especially have a natural affinity with nature. Regular interaction with nature has boosted health development in children. Nature supports their physical and mental health and instills abilities to access risks as they grow. 

Role and Importance of Nature

The natural cycle of our ecosystem is vital for the survival of organisms. We all should take care of all the components that make our nature complete. We should be sure not to pollute the water and air as they are gifts of Nature.

Mother nature fosters us and never harms us. Those who live close to nature are observed to be enjoying a healthy and peaceful life in comparison to those who live in urban areas. Nature gives the sound of running fresh air which revives us, sweet sounds of birds that touch our ears, and sounds of breezing waves in the ocean makes us move within.

All the great writers and poets have written about Mother Nature when they felt the exceptional beauty of nature or encountered any saddening scene of nature. Words Worth who was known as the poet of nature, has written many things in nature while being in close communion with nature and he has written many things about Nature. Nature is said to be the greatest teacher as it teaches the lessons of immortality and mortality. Staying in close contact with Nature makes our sight penetrative and broadens our vision to go through the mysteries of the planet earth. Those who are away from nature can’t understand the beauty that is held by Nature. The rise in population on planet earth is leading to a rise in consumption of natural resources.  Because of increasing demands for fuels like Coal, petroleum, etc., air pollution is increasing at a rapid pace.  The smoke discharged from factory units and exhaust tanks of cars is contaminating the air that we breathe. It is vital for us to plant more trees in order to reduce the effect of toxic air pollutants like Carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, etc. 

Save Our Nature

Earth’s natural resources are not infinite and they cannot be replenished in a short period. The rapid increase in urbanization has used most of the resources like trees, minerals, fossil fuels, and water. Humans in their quest for a comfortable living have been using the resources of nature mindlessly. As a result, massive deforestation, resultant environmental pollution, wildlife destruction, and global warming are posing great threats to the survival of living beings. 

Air that gives us oxygen to breathe is getting polluted by smoke, industrial emissions, automobile exhaust, burning of fossil fuels like coal, coke and furnace oil, and use of certain chemicals. The garbage and wastes thrown here and there cause pollution of air and land. 

Sewage, organic wastage, industrial wastage, oil spillage, and chemicals pollute water. It is causing several water-borne diseases like cholera, jaundice and typhoid. 

The use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agriculture adds to soil pollution. Due to the mindless cutting of trees and demolition of greeneries for industrialization and urbanization, the ecological balance is greatly hampered. Deforestation causes flood and soil erosion.

Earth has now become an ailing planet panting for care and nutrition for its rejuvenation. Unless mankind puts its best effort to save nature from these recurring situations, the Earth would turn into an unfit landmass for life and activity. 

We should check deforestation and take up the planting of trees at a massive rate. It will not only save the animals from being extinct but also help create regular rainfall and preserve soil fertility. We should avoid over-dependence on fossil fuels like coal, petroleum products, and firewood which release harmful pollutants to the atmosphere. Non-conventional sources of energy like the sun, biogas and wind should be tapped to meet our growing need for energy. It will check and reduce global warming. 

Every drop of water is vital for our survival. We should conserve water by its rational use, rainwater harvesting, checking the surface outflow, etc. industrial and domestic wastes should be properly treated before they are dumped into water bodies. 

Every individual can do his or her bit of responsibility to help save the nature around us. To build a sustainable society, every human being should practice in heart and soul the three R’s of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. In this way, we can save our nature.  

Nature Conservation

Nature conservation is very essential for future generations, if we will damage nature our future generations will suffer.

Nowadays, technological advancement is adversely affecting our nature. Humans are in the quest and search for prosperity and success that they have forgotten the value and importance of beautiful Nature around. The ignorance of nature by humans is the biggest threat to nature. It is essential to make people aware and make them understand the importance of nature so that they do not destroy it in the search for prosperity and success.

On high priority, we should take care of nature so that nature can continue to take care of us. Saving nature is the crying need of our time and we should not ignore it. We should embrace simple living and high thinking as the adage of our lives.  


FAQs on Nature Essay

1. How Do You Define Nature?

Nature is defined as our environment. It is the interaction between the physical world around us and the life within it like the atmosphere, climate, natural resources, ecosystem, flora, fauna and humans. Nature also includes non-living things such as water,  mountains, landscape, plants, trees and many other things. Nature adds life to mother earth. Nature is the treasure habitation of every essential element that sustains life on this planet earth. Human life on Earth would have been dull and meaningless without the amazing gifts of nature. 

2. How is Nature Important to Us?

Nature is the only provider of everything that we need for survival. Nature provides us with food, water, natural fuels, fibres, and medicinal plants. Nature regulates natural processes that include decomposition, water purification, pollution, erosion, and flood control. It also provides non-material benefits like improving the cultural development of humans like recreation, etc. 

An imbalance in nature can lead to earthquakes, global warming, floods, and drastic climate changes. It is our duty to understand the importance of nature and how it can negatively affect us all if this rapid consumption of natural resources, pollution, and urbanization takes place.

3. How Should We Save Our Nature?

We should check deforestation and take up the planting of trees at a massive rate. It will save the animals from being extinct but also help create regular rainfall and preserve soil fertility. We should avoid over-dependence on fossil fuels like coal, petroleum products, and firewood which release harmful pollutants to the atmosphere. We should start using non-conventional sources of energy like the sun, biogas, and wind to meet our growing need for energy. It will check and reduce global warming. Water is vital for our survival and we should rationalize our use of water. 

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Nature Essay

Everything we see around us is a part of nature, from towering mountains to microscopic organisms, from dry deserts to vast oceans. Everything that we see, touch, hear, feel, and even taste is part of nature. Here are some sample essays on the topic "Nature”.

100 Words Essay on Nature

Nature is everything around us; even those things that we cannot see, such as microorganisms, are part of nature. Mankind is so dependent on nature; it provides everything that we need. The spices that make our food delicious, the water without which the existence of life is impossible—all are provided by nature, which is why we call it “Mother Nature." Though there are people who ignore the fact that our lives depend on it and, for some temporary benefit, tend to destroy it without even caring about the consequences. We all must pledge to protect nature at any cost, for us and for future generations.

Nature Essay

200 Words on Nature Essay

Nature in its purest form is a gift to humanity. One cannot even fathom living without nature.

Nature Provides | Just like a tree depends on the connection of its roots, mankind’s roots are deeply connected to nature. Directly or indirectly, everything that we use and depend upon is provided by nature, which is why we respect it as our mother. Our nature provides us with a variety of beautiful flowers, attractive birds, animals, and green plants; a blue sky, land, running rivers, sea, forests, air, mountains, hills, and much more.

Threats To Nature | Though there are people who, for their own profits, do not hesitate to harm it, they can go to even the lowest of the low, like cutting down trees, destroying lands, and poisoning water sources, just to make a fortune. We need to realise that our selfish and bad activities have disturbed nature to a great extent.

Our Responsibility | We all should try to maintain nature’s beauty. It is our responsibility to protect our nature, as it protects and nurtures us. Because nature is a silent teacher, we must all pledge to protect this valuable asset bestowed upon us. It does not scold, but if the man does not pay attention properly, it does not hesitate to punish.

500 Words on Nature Essay

Nature is both humanity's most valuable and most beautiful asset. It can be said that God designed nature to show his love and care for the beings living on this planet. Today, everyone has less time to enjoy nature. In the increasing crowd, we forgot to enjoy nature and improve our health. We started using technological instruments for our health and fitness. And some of the things we do have a negative impact on nature.

Mother Nature

We respect nature as our mother and call it “Mother Nature” because, just like a mother for her child, Mother Nature fulfils our needs and nurtures us like her children. She provides us food to eat, water to relieve our thirst, a place to live, scenes to enjoy, and medicines, and just like a mother, she teaches us important lessons, sometimes even through hard experiences. But above that, we are totally dependent on her existence.

Things to Learn from Nature

Nature has a plethora to teach human beings. Here are a few of them:-

Essential Resources | Using the healthy food and drink that nature provides, we can live a healthy lifestyle. In a similar way, it gives us food and water so we can function. The two essential components for survival, rainfall and sunshine, are produced by nature.

Discipline | Nature also teaches us to appreciate the time and use it wisely because life is short and time is fleeting. Every day, the sun rises. The uninterrupted cycle of nature teaches us the value of discipline and punctuality.

Patience And Perseverance | It teaches us to work tirelessly toward our objective while continuing to flow forward like a river. Additionally, it conveys a message of bravery and hope. Even though nature suffers, it continues. With patience, we can continue and are certain to succeed, just as the sun emerges from the darkness of night after the darkest hour.

Necessity of Conservation

Recently, our family went to a neighbouring state. It was beautiful and scenic the last time we visited, but this time it was not the same; the air was polluted and the water was black due to industrial waste. The industries and construction had ruined the place; it used to be a sight to see, but now the pollution won’t even let us see the clear blue sky.

If we want to protect the environment, we must act quickly and forcefully to stop any further harm. Preventing deforestation at all levels is the most crucial action. All industries must strictly avoid polluting ocean water because it significantly worsens water scarcity. The excessive use of appliances like ovens, air conditioners, and cars results in large amounts of chlorofluorocarbons, which deplete the ozone layer. As a result, there is global warming, which results in thermal expansion and glacier melting.

In conclusion, nature possesses a potent transformative force that is essential for the continuation of life as we know it. It is our responsibility to protect it for the benefit of future generations because it is necessary for humanity to thrive. To ensure that life on Earth can last indefinitely, we must work hard to preserve natural resources.

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The Nature Essay. Ecocritical Explorations

Profile image of Simone  Schröder

2019, The Nature Essay

The Nature Essay: Ecocritical Explorations is the first extended study of a powerful literary form born out of the traditions of Enlightenment and Romanticism. It traces the varied stylistic paradigms of the ‘nature essay’ down to the present day. Reading essays as platforms for ecological discourse, the book analyses canonical and marginalised texts, mainly from German, English and American literature. Simone Schröder argues that the essay’s environmental impact is rooted in its negotiation of scientific, poetic, spiritual, and ethical modes of perceiving nature. Together, the chapters on these four aspects form a historical panorama of the nature essay as a genre that continues to flourish in our time of ecological crisis. Authors discussed include: Alexander von Humboldt, Henry David Thoreau, Virginia Woolf, Robert Musil, Ernst Jünger, W.G. Sebald, Kathleen Jamie, and David Foster Wallace.

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Journal of Practical Studies in Education

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Essay on Conservation of Nature for Students and Children

500+ words essay on conservation of nature.

Nature has provided us numerous gifts such as air , water, land, sunlight , minerals, plants, and animals. All these gifts of nature make our earth a place worth living. Existence on Earth would not be possible without any of these. Now, while these natural resources are present on Earth in plenty. Unfortunately, the necessity of most of these has increased extremely over the centuries due to growth in the human population.

essay on conservation of nature

What is Conservation of Nature?

Conservation of nature means the preservation of forests, land, water bodies, and minerals, fuels, natural gases, etc. And to make sure that all these continue to be available in abundance. Thus all these natural resources make life worth living on Earth. Life would not be imaginable without air, water, sunlight as well as other natural resources present on the earth.

Thus, it is essential to conserve these resources in order to retain the environment integral. Here is a look at the types of natural resources existing on Earth and the ways to conserve these:

Types of Natural Resources:

  • Renewable Resources : These are resources such as air, water, and sunlight that refill naturally.
  • Non-Renewable Resources: These are resources like fossil fuels and minerals that do not restock reform very slowly.
  • Biotic: These originate from living beings and organic material like plants and animals.
  • Abiotic: These come from non-living things and non-organic material. These comprise air, water, and land as well as metals like iron, copper, and silver.

Natural resources are also categories such as actual resources, reserve resources, stock resources and potential resources based on their development stage.

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How to Conserve Nature and Its Resources?

Many of the natural resources are being used at a faster rate as compared to their speed of production. There is so a necessity for conservation of nature and the natural resources it offers. Here are some of the ways in which these resources can be conserved:

Reduce Water Consumption

Water is available in abundance on Earth . This is one of the reasons people do not consider much before using it. However, if we keep using it at this speed. In the future, we may not be left with as much of it. Therefore, simple things such as turn off the tap while brushing or reuse the leftover water to water the plants can help in this direction.

Reduce Usage of Electricity

Use only as much energy as you require. It is thus advised to limit the usage of electricity. Simple habits such as turning off the lights before parting your room, turn off the electric appliances after use.  Switching to energy-saving fluorescent or LED bulbs can make a change.

Restrict Usage of Paper

Paper manufacturing depends only on trees. Increasing the use of paper means encouraging deforestation . This is one of the key reasons for concern is in today’s time Always ensure you use only as much paper as necessary. Stop taking print outs and use e-copies instead to do your bit.

Use Newer Agricultural Methods

The government must aware the methods such as mixed cropping, crop rotation. Also, the government should teach the minimum use of pesticides, insecticides. Appropriate use of manures , bio-fertilizers, and organic fertilizers to the farmers.

Spread Awareness

Spreading awareness about the conservation of nature is always a necessary step. It can be achieved only when more and more people understand its importance and the ways in which they can help. Besides this, it is essential to plant more and more tress. It is necessary to contribute towards lowering air pollution. We must use shared transport and employing rainwater harvesting systems to conserve nature.

Nature comprises of everything that surrounds us. The trees, forests, rivers, rivulets, soil, air all are the part of nature. Keeping nature and its resources integral. So, it is very important for the continuation of life on earth. It would be difficult to imagine life on earth, which has a spoiled natural environment.

Therefore, taking appropriate steps to conserve nature in its untouched form. It must be a priority for the human race. Only human beings with their power and ability can save nature in its purest forms.

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the nature essay

The Greatest Nature Essay Ever

. . . WOULD BEGIN WITH an image so startling and lovely and wondrous that you would stop riffling through the rest of the mail, take your jacket off, sit down at the table, adjust your spectacles, tell the dog to lie down , tell the kids to make their own sandwiches for heavenssake, that’s why god gave you hands , and read straight through the piece, marveling that you had indeed seen or smelled or heard exactly that, but never quite articulated it that way, or seen or heard it articulated that way, and you think, man, this is why I read nature essays, to be startled and moved like that, wow.

The next two paragraphs would smoothly and gently move you into a story, seemingly a small story, a light tale, easily accessed, something personal but not self-indulgent or self-absorbed on the writer’s part, just sort of a cheerful nutty everyday story maybe starring an elk or a mink or a child, but then there would suddenly be a sharp sentence where the dagger enters your heart and the essay spins on a dime like a skater, and you are plunged into waaay deeper water, you didn’t see it coming at all, and you actually shiver, your whole body shimmers, and much later, maybe when you are in bed with someone you love and you are trying to evade his or her icy feet, you think, my god, stories do have roaring power, stories are the most crucial and necessary food, how come we never hardly say that out loud?

The next three paragraphs then walk inexorably toward a line of explosive Conclusions on the horizon like inky alps. Probably the sentences get shorter, more staccato. Terser. Blunter. Shards of sentences. But there’s no opinion or commentary, just one line fitting into another, each one making plain inarguable sense, a goat or even a senator could easily understand the sentences and their implications, and there’s no shouting, no persuasion, no eloquent pirouetting, no pronouncements and accusations, no sermons or homilies, just calm clean clear statements one after another, fitting together like people holding hands.

Then an odd paragraph, this is a most unusual and peculiar essay, for right here where you would normally expect those alpine Conclusions, some Advice, some Stern Instructions & Directions, there’s only the quiet murmur of the writer tiptoeing back to the story he or she was telling you in the second and third paragraphs. The story slips back into view gently, a little shy, holding its hat, nothing melodramatic, in fact it offers a few gnomic questions without answers, and then it gently slides away off the page and off the stage, it almost evanesces or dissolves, and it’s only later after you have read the essay three times with mounting amazement that you see quite how the writer managed the stagecraft there, but that’s the stuff of another essay for another time.

And finally the last paragraph. It turns out that the perfect nature essay is quite short, it’s a lean taut thing, an arrow and not a cannon, and here at the end there’s a flash of humor, and a hint or tone or subtext of sadness, a touch of rue, you can’t quite put your finger on it but it’s there, a dark thread in the fabric, and there’s also a shot of espresso hope, hope against all odds and sense, but rivetingly there’s no call to arms, no clarion brassy trumpet blast, no website to which you are directed, no hint that you, yes you, should be ashamed of how much water you use or the car you drive or the fact that you just turned the thermostat up to seventy, or that you actually have not voted in the past two elections despite what you told the kids and the goat. Nor is there a rimshot ending, a bang, a last twist of the dagger. Oddly, sweetly, the essay just ends with a feeling eerily like a warm hand brushed against your cheek, and you sit there, near tears, smiling, and then you stand up. Changed.

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Brian, Thank you for sharing. I moved with your words through each paragraph. And surprisingly at the end, I really felt as though I had been reading a truly great nature essay, almost simultaneously with your essay. I very much enjoyed the imagery.

Thank you for this, brilliantly done. I feel this way when I read Annie Dillard’s essays.

Who made the b/w photographic image at the head of your column? When you wrote “image” I thought you were referring to this epigraphic view, which is lovely but not forceful enough to do what your written image purported to accomplish.

In other words, the greatest nature essay ever moves like a poem? Imagery and metaphor, showing and not telling, all in as tight and concise a space as possible given the form and genre?

Ah yes, changed. What all us nature mystics aspire to do and how skillfully you worked the other side of the mirror, seeing us seeing you writing to us turning on a dime, change changing indeed . . . .

The Greatest Comment Ever on ‘The Greatest Nature Essay Ever’ would begin with a compliment on the author’s deft use of words, words like flowing water, organic sentences sprouting one from the other like vines climbing up and over a wall and into the sunlight. The compliment would be short, just a sentence or two, complimentary of course, ending with a quiet phrase such as, ‘nicely done Brian Doyle.’

Reminds me of Abbott’s Waste-land Wonderings. Though it must belong to conservatives, I see something fresh and new. Thanks.

Brian, congratulations on a finely constructed piece. I liked it to much I’m going to feature it in my December newsletter and will mention it on my blog (www.pagelambert.blogspot.com) With credits to Orion, of course, whose link is already on my blog. I lead outdoor writing adventures and look forward to sharing your piece with clients.

I nominate David Quammen’s “The Same River Twice”

Seth Zuckerman’s The Same River Twice should be in the running too.

I don’t know why I was led down the path that led to Portland Magazine Brian Doyle but I followed it today on the day that I needed to find it. Thank you.

Very, very beautiful and inspirational.

As what I expect is becoming usual, for me, when I read an essay of You: Yeah! When I read your Essays it feels like my grandmother has just offered me a magnificent bowl of fruit. There’s not a duplicate in the basket. I just heard you speak at In Praise of the Essay, and I was the one, with my daughter at my side, who was overcome with both laughter and tears, a shaken, not stirred mixture of the two. When you’d waltz our way with your emphatic delivery of your heart on that delicate platter, I got a real sense of you. And then, as soon as you were through, and not a moment later, I opened up the issue of your Portland review, and there, on the inside cover you delivered again that same heart on the same delicate platter, when you gave me “All Legs and Curiosity.” And I thought, this man has the power to make Women Burst into tears! And I did, right there at that table. And as I tried to compose myself, my daughter at my side, age 17 having visited Fordham in the Bronx not some 15 hours before, I hand the issue over to the woman at my side. She’s told me her daughter will soon be to school, but she has serious peanut allergies, and the delicacy of finding the right roommate for that situation has her beside herself, knowing there are things she can’t control.

I think to myself, I need to talk to this guy. What and how he says it and What he writes are delivered the Very same. But, I shy a way.

I go home and I find a Brevity Gem: the one you wrote about your children, and you being a stone. I’m filled up again, and I post it on My facebook, and one of my more sensitive man friends, who’s really a real friend, leaves a sensitive comment, and I realize then, This Man has the Power to Make Men cry too! And I decide there and then, He needs to be my mentor too. Will You?

What on earth is this all about? Was ist das?

A massive loss in natural disaster is afoot if you don’t stop writing essays so nobody will remember the images anyhow. So something helpful. Dreamers dream, ideas create ideologies.

brian ilove u very much for a beautiful poem . i delivered the ur nature essay & i got 1’st prize thank u a lot brian

Can someone tell me what a nature essay is about? Particularly this one

I’m trying to answer some questions for my school assignment.

(Eng.Comp 101)

Thank you, Cliff G

wonderful essay

What’s with the goat?

I just want to make sure this is the same Brian Doyle who wrote Joyas Volardores. Both beautifully written!

Yes, Vince, the same Brian Doyle. Here’s just a few of the other essays of his that Orion has published:


Many more have only appeared in the print edition. He’s a real favorite of ours, and our readers!

Erik, Orion

I agree with @melvin, The Same River twice is my favorite essay of all time.

Very helpful and informative article. If you do not mind then I will share it. Thank you !

When we choose to simply sit in nature together, we are writing it’s great essay.

Brian, I just read this. I haven’t yet read anything that brought me to the near tears situation but yours made me feel things I hadn’t felt in a while. At one point, minor goosebumps too.

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Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson left the ministry to pursue a career in writing and public speaking. Emerson became one of America's best known and best-loved 19th-century figures. More About Emerson

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The workings of nature: naturalist writing and making sense of the world.

Genevieve Valentine


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"In every generation and among every nation, there are a few individuals with the desire to study the workings of nature; if they did not exist, those nations would perish."

-- Al-Jahiz, The Book of Animals

In 185 AD, Chinese astronomers recorded a supernova. Among more detached details of its appearance, there is this: "It was like a large bamboo mat. It displayed the five colors, both pleasing and otherwise."

The attempt to ground the unknown within the familiar — and the editorial aside of "otherwise" — cuts to the heart of naturalist writing. Nearly 2000 years later, Carl Sagan did the same in Cosmos , condensing astronomy to its component parts: facts and wonder.

We've been curious about the natural world since before recorded time; the history of naturalism is human history. By the ninth century, al-Jahiz's multi-volume History of Animals combined zoological folklore with scientific observation, including theories of natural selection. In the early 20th century, Sioux author Zitkala-Ša wrote landscapes intertwined with the personal, which became a model for the form. In 1962, Rachel Carson's ecological manifesto Silent Spring was a deciding factor in banning DDT.

The best naturalist writing delivers both a secondhand thrill of obsession and a jolt of protectiveness for what's been discovered. Some of it reveals as much about the author as the surroundings. (Carl Linnaeus' 1811 Tour of Lapland manuscript cuts off a paragraph about wedding customs mid-sentence, picking up again with a breathless catalog of marsh plants.) And naturalists themselves are shaped by the lure of landscapes on the page. Robert MacFarlane's Landmarks explores the British countryside using others' writing as an interior map that challenges him to approach familiar places in new ways.

We love reading about nature for the same reason naturalists love being ankle-deep in marshes: Nature provides enough order to soothe and enough entropy to surprise. It's also why so many involve a person in the landscape; understanding our place in the world is as important as understanding the world itself. We read the work of naturalists to capture that sense of discovery made familiar. They present worlds we've never seen, and make us care as if they were our own backyards.

Not every naturalist sets out to be an activist; this is a literary tradition as much as a scientific one. But there are threads that connect naturalist literature, across continents and centuries. It's driven by an environmental curiosity that integrates the scientific and the spiritual; facts inspire wonder, rather than quench it. And every piece of naturalist literature, from al-Jahiz to today, makes a case for preserving the world it sees.

The Invention of Nature

The Invention of Nature

Some naturalists actually do try to encompass the world entire. In The Invention of Nature , Andrea Wulf follows Alexander Humboldt's expeditions in Latin America and European royal courts, painting a portrait of a man whose hunger for knowledge — and constant pontificating about it — bordered on caricature. Humboldt's legacy is the 'web of life' his work conveyed to a lay audience. That interconnectedness made him an early conservationist; by 1800 he was noting adverse effects "when forests are destroyed, as they are everywhere in America by European planters, with an imprudent precipitation."

But he wasn't the first to catalog the systems of life. A century before Humboldt, German-born naturalist Maria Sybilla Merian was in Surinam, recording her life's passion: butterflies, moths, and insects. Chrysalis , Kim Todd's biography of this amateur scientist who established the idea of a life cycle, aims for a sly impression of Merian, down to the subject matter: "Insects," Todd explains, "generally gave off a whiff of vice." Merian's engravings made life cycles palpable for a public who still believed rotten meat spontaneously transformed into flies; it was impressive enough to change assumptions about the natural world (though Merian's credit waned as male scientists began absorbing her work into their own).

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

To write about the world around us is to write about people, whether cataloging the unknown or coming to terms with one's backyard. This is the dynamic at the heart of Annie Dillard's Pilgrim at Tinker Creek , which carries a touch of the hymnal (and a grim streak that has a grandmother in Merian's engraving of a tarantula devouring a bird), and Barbara Hurd's Stirring the Mud , a love letter swamps, bogs, and "the damp edges of what is most commonly praised." And few naturalists write themselves into their landscapes quite so drily as M. Krishnan. The essays in Of Birds and Birdsong carry a sense of magical realism; always scientifically rigorous (his bird descriptions are those of a man looking for a particular friend in a crowd of thousands), Krishnan writes himself as a resigned meddler in avian affairs; he could try to be invisible among nature's bounty, but then who'd train his pigeons?

Of course, some writers have to fight to be seen on the landscape at all. Enter The Colors of Nature , an anthology of nature writing by people of color edited by Alison H. Deming and Lauret E. Savoy, providing deeply personal connections to — or disconnects from — nature. Jamaica Kincaid's "In History" considers naturalism in the aftermath of colonialism, asking a crucial question for naturalism in a global context: "What should history mean to someone who looks like me?" And Joseph Bruchac's travel diary is pragmatism shot through with hope; "Our old words keep returning to the land."

The Colors of Nature

The Colors of Nature

For others, the internal landscape and that hope for the natural world must be rediscovered in tandem. In Braiding Sweetgrass , botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer tackles everything from sustainable agriculture to pond scum as a reflection of her Potawatomi heritage, which carries a stewardship "which could not be taken by history: the knowing that we belonged to the land." That sense of connection, or the loss of it, is the spine of the book: mucking out a pond is a microcosm, agriculture becomes rumination on symbiosis, and mast fruiting of pecan trees parallels human and plant communities.

It's a book absorbed with the unfolding of the world to observant eyes — that sense of discovery that draws us in. Happily for armchair naturalists, mysteries of the natural world never stop unfolding; but increasingly, a sense of impending doom accompanies the delight of knowledge. Kimmerer mentions a language between trees as something awaiting more specific study; it arrives later this year in Peter Wohlleben's The Hidden Life of Trees . A no-nonsense writing style — he came, he studied, here's how to date a forest via its weevil population — frames a deeply conservationist argument: Trees harbor not only ecosystems, but feelings, vocabulary, and etiquette. Hidden Life is designed to be an arboreal Silent Spring .

The Whale

For some places, however, no revelations are yet possible; the world being studied is simply too mysterious to be yet wholly understood. With meditative prose, 1986's Arctic Dreams chronicled Barry Lopez's expeditions in an ecosystem so punishing half an animal population can die every winter, and so otherworldly animal fat is preserved on bones after a century. "Something eerie ties us to the world of animals," he says, and it's both a warning and a promise. In The Whale: In Search of the Giants of the Deep, Philip Hoare's marine obsession is similarly dreamlike; for him, what we know about whales and how they make us feel is deeply linked. After all, our 'discovery' of them is still in its first blush. Sperm whales were first filmed in 1984; "We knew what the world looked like before we knew what the whale looked like." The only absolute conclusion in his book is a stern one: Humanity's damaging effects on nature and its fascination with the unknown has been devastating; if we're going to keep whales long enough to know them, that fascination will have to take a more protective turn.

To write about the world around us is to write about people, whether cataloging the unknown or coming to terms with one's backyard. These narratives are crucial, especially now — stories of the worth of nature, even just as a mirror of ourselves, build a narrative in which nature's something worth saving. It's imperfect; making nature an object rather than a subject prevents us from seeing ourselves as part of natural patterns of cause and effect. But in The Colors of Nature, Aileen Suzara pins it down: "The landscape is a narrative, not a narrator, because it has no human voice." The human voice that looked at the dark and saw a dying star is heard 2000 years later. If we're going to have another 2000 years, there's no time like the present to start listening.

Genevieve Valentine's latest novel is Icon.

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Summary: “nature”.

“Nature” is an 1836 essay by the American philosopher and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson . Philosophical in scope, it lays out the tenets of Emerson’s ideas about Transcendentalism, a movement that promoted the virtues of the natural world and the individual and regarded society and organized religion as corrupting forces.

In the Introduction, Emerson complains that his age is “retrospective” in its reverence for the teaching and philosophy of the past (15). His generation ought to have “an original relation to the universe” because this point in history is as good a time as any for gaining insight into the wonders of God’s creation (15). Organized religion, he argues, has done little to further man’s understanding of the truth behind creation. When a “true theory” emerges, it will not need to be mediated through a sacred text or pastor; rather, “it will be its own evidence” (15).

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Emerson considers that the universe is composed of nature and the soul. He defines nature as “essences unchanged by man” (16), such as space and trees, which render the works of man insignificant by comparison.

In Chapter 1, “Nature,” Emerson argues that to find true solitude , man must go outdoors and contemplate the vastness of nature until he is awestruck. Nature is egalitarian, as it does not discriminate based on education or riches. The landscape belongs to no one, regardless of people’s property rights. The variety found in nature corresponds to the shifting moods of man, and nature is therefore his fitting companion in good and inclement weather alike.

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Man can be restored to a greater sense of self through a contemplation of nature and can even get closer to God. In this state of transcendence, “all mean egotism vanishes” as man becomes “a transparent eye-ball” who is nothing and yet sees all (18).

In Chapter 2, “Commodity,” Emerson explains that commodity is one of the uses of nature. Nature is man’s “provision,” being “at once his floor, his work-yard, his play-ground, his garden, and his bed” (20). Emerson observes how in his lifetime, which overlapped with the Industrial Revolution, man has harnessed nature to achieve unparalleled technological advancement.

In Chapter 3, “Beauty,” Emerson draws attention to the fact that in ancient Greek, the word for the world— cosmos —is synonymous with beauty. Beauty is thus “the constitution of all things” (22), and all natural things “give us a delight in and for themselves; a pleasure arising from outline, color, motion, and grouping” (22). However, the presence of “a spiritual element” is necessary to avoid lapsing into sensualism, as Emerson considers beauty the external “mark God sets upon virtue” (24). Another application of beauty is the intellect, which “searches out the absolute order of things as they stand in the mind of God, and without the colors of affectation” (26). He argues that this process leads to the making of art, as “the beauty of nature reforms itself in the mind […] for new creation” (26).

In Chapter 4, “Language,” Emerson regards words as “signs of natural facts” and that “every word which is used to express a moral or intellectual fact, if traced to its root, is found to be borrowed from some material appearance” (28). For example, the word “ wrong means twisted ,” while “ supercilious ” suggests “the raising of the eyebrow ” (28). On a further level, “every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact” as “every appearance in nature corresponds to some state of mind” (28). Emerson places man, the maker of language, “in the center of beings” because he is responsible for making meaning (29). Crucially, man and other natural beings have an interdependent relationship, as neither can be understood without the other.

Emerson argues that corruption in men is closely followed by corruption in language, as “secondary desires” such as those for riches or pleasure get in the way of truth, and “old words are perverted to stand for things which are not” (30). He considers that rural poets are less likely to lose the truth of their relationship to nature than those in cities, who stand to be corrupted by crowds and politicians. He thinks that living in harmony with nature, and the subsequent love of truth and virtue, will enable man to better understand the origins of creation (33).

In Chapter 5, “Discipline,” Emerson considers that nature is a discipline, and through it, man can gain a sense of order or hierarchy, as nature is full of examples of how “things are not huddled and lumped, but sundered and individual” (35). Nature can be a moral influence on man because it teaches him truths about the limits and substance of things. A wise individual is as discerning as nature in their judgment of the relative merits of things.

There is a unity in the variety of nature, as harmonies and motifs are repeated in its different elements. Man is the most ordered being in all of Creation; however, every human specimen evinces some flaw or injury. Actions are more capable than words of communicating the “central Unity” of things; they are “the perfection and publication of thought,” while words “break, chop, and impoverish” (39).

In Chapter 6, “Idealism,” Emerson addresses the notion put forth by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato that the perceptual world of nature is a mere shadow of the eternal truthful realm of God and ideas. Emerson concludes that this line of questioning is immaterial: As humans are powerless to test the accuracy of their senses, nature, “be what it may, is ideal to me” (41). However, while man exists entirely within natural laws, “the question of the absolute existence of nature still remains open” (41).

Human reason helps to give the material of nature expression and meaning. Poets can utilize natural motifs to express their thoughts as ideas, as their work becomes “the use which Reason makes of the material world” (43). Arguably, the poet only differs from the philosopher in that he seeks beauty before truth, as both subordinate “the apparent order and relations of things to the empire of thought” and seek constants within the shifting scenes of human experience (45). This search for truth behind the shifting scenes of reality enables men to live without the fear of worldly misfortune, as all worldly problems begin to appear transient to him.

While children begin their lives centered in nature and the truth of the perceptual world, as their reason grows, they stand to live more for the mind and the eternal states within it. For Emerson idealism sees the universe as a unified “picture, which God paints on the instant eternity, for the contemplation of the soul” (48). The universal soul can transcend disputes of mankind, especially ecclesiastical ones.

In Chapter 7, “Spirit,” Emerson contends that all the functions of nature can be grouped in the category of spirit, which speaks of God and origins. Spirit is a “perpetual effect,” like “a great shadow pointing always to the sun behind us” (50). Without this religious element, idealism “leaves God out of me. It leaves me in the splendid labyrinth of my perceptions, to wander without end” (50).

Rather than building nature around humanity, God “puts it forth through us, as the life of the tree puts forth new branches and leaves through the pores of the old” (51). A man can rely on God just as a plant can rely upon the earth. Through nature, man has access to the mind of the creator and so can become a miniature version of a creator himself.

Man can measure his virtue or degeneration according to how harmoniously he lives with nature, as “we are as much strangers in nature as we are aliens from God” (52). This is because every landscape bears evidence of God and his creative power.

In Chapter 8, “Prospects,” Emerson laments that the empirical sciences are so concerned with the observation and mastery of particular aspects of nature that they lose sight of the whole picture. Instead, the optimal naturalist would see that empiricism is limited, and that the truth of his relationship to the world “is not to be learned by any addition or subtraction or other comparison of known quantities, but is arrived at by untaught sallies of the spirit, by a continual self-recovery, and by entire humility” (53). The optimal naturalist focuses on wholes over parts, and spirit over matter.

Emerson quotes Plato when he says that “poetry,” with its contemplation of wholes and universals, “comes nearer to vital truth than history” (55), which studies mankind piecemeal. Emerson considers that man’s present relationship to nature, which is mainly utilitarian, is an impoverished one.

A “redemption of the soul” (57), and a restoration of man’s wholeness, will enable him to perceive a complete vision of nature and himself reflected in it. Importantly, “he cannot be a naturalist, until he satisfies all the demands of the spirit” (57). Then all the natural commonplaces that man takes for granted will be restored to him as wonders, as he looks “at the world with new eyes” (57). Emerson ends with a long quotation from the man he calls his Orphic poet—this was Amos Bronson Alcott, a fellow Transcendentalist and friend of Emerson’s—that posits that “nature is not fixed but fluid” and subject to the alterations and molding of spirit (58).

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Save Nature Essay

the nature essay


We are always happy to get gifts from others, as they make us feel special and valued. Nature is such a gift given to us that it must be treated equally like any other gift. We might think that since nature and its resources are available for free, we can utilise them in whichever way we want. This approach towards nature is not good, and this is what is discussed in this save our nature essay.

The minute we step out of our homes, we are entering the space of nature, and everything we see around us forms a part of it. The plants, trees, flowers, sky, soil, water, sun, insects, and wind all fall under nature. Therefore, we must keep our nature as beautiful as it is.

Importance of Saving Nature

Even though nature has a significant role in supporting our lives, each component has a specific role in maintaining the balance of nature. While we get food to eat, air to breathe and water to drink from nature, we also enjoy the natural beauty and sounds as they lift our moods. Nature provides us with many resources, and we return its kindness by overexploiting and harming nature. Thus, as people living on Earth, we need to be conscious of our actions on surroundings that disrupt its natural flow.

Human activities are the main villain that harms nature. Earlier, it was not evident the dangerous effects of human exploitation on nature. When we think that we have only cut down a single tree, which might not damage nature, remember that there would be hundreds of others who think like you. So, one tree becomes hundreds, thousands and millions. At this pace, nature will soon exhaust its resources, and we will be suffering from various natural disasters and diseases. To put it simply, our mere existence would be threatened. This is why we need to preserve nature. In this how to save nature essay, we explore a few ways to coexist with nature.

Ways to Save Nature

We must be mindful of the fact that though nature has infinite resources, they will soon get depleted if we use them carelessly. As people started moving to cities, this led to the clearance of land and deforestation. The impact is environmental threats, such as green gas emissions, global warming, extinction of natural flora and fauna, etc. And the price we will have to pay will be huge.

To save ourselves from natural calamities and protect nature, let us move towards sustainable practices. By using eco-friendly products and discarding plastic and other non-degradable materials, we are doing a huge favour to our nature. We can also join our hands to reduce pollution by segregating wastes, using public transport and avoiding the use of pesticides. This save our nature essay from BYJU’S will be helpful for children to understand that if we take care of these trivial things, we can ensure the long life of nature.

You can explore more essays similar to the save nature essay on BYJU’S website to enhance kids’ learning experience. Also, access a wide range of kid-friendly learning resources on the website.

What is meant by nature?

The things that we see around us, which are not made by humans, constitute nature. It includes all living and nonliving things like air, water, sun, wind, animals, trees, mountains, oceans, etc.

What are some of the ways to save nature?

We can save nature if we stop over utilising the resources given to us by nature. We must preserve our environment as it is and not loot its materials. Moreover, we must take an environment-friendly approach, which must be reflected in our actions.

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The Mysterious Nature of Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby

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Words: 742 |

Published: Jun 13, 2024

Words: 742 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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The mysterious background of jay gatsby, the extravagant lifestyle of jay gatsby, the questionable sources of gatsby's wealth, bibliography.

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My daughter has a disability. This is the reaction from strangers I hate the most

My 40-year-old daughter has cerebral palsy and an intellectual disability. Over the years, I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard, “God only gives special needs children to special people.” I’ve often found myself biting my tongue, resisting the urge to retort: “Add that to the list of things God forgot to give.” But I’ve never done that.

I’m not brave enough. 

Instead, I offer a polite nod, maybe a “thank you,” and seethe with resentment. These well-intentioned sentiments often come across as complimentary — but honestly, they annoy me, and I am sure I’m not alone. According to a 2021 report from the Census Bureau , disability rates among the nation’s children have been rising since the early 1990s. In 2019, an estimated 2.6 million households had at least one child in the home with a disability, the report states.  

Old yearbook photo of Jessica at a young age

Back in the ’80s, it took me years to accept my child’s diagnosis . While I dealt with getting her services and therapies, I was certain my daughter would somehow magically … recover. Today, there is an effort within the disability community to encourage people with disabilities to take pride in who they are and their whole self, including disability. Yet I struggled with that concept when my daughter was younger. At the time, I wanted to separate her from her disability. 

That’s probably why some of these comments irritated me so much — although even today, I still don’t appreciate them. 

It never helped when I was struggling with my daughter during an uncontrollable meltdown in the grocery store checkout line and heard the person behind me quote this oversimplified phrase like they were sharing a secret. “God only gives special needs children to special people,” they said, as so many have . I pictured grabbing all their items and shoving them off the checkout conveyor belt, then sneering, “Serves you right.”  

One more thing I’ve never done.

That sentence still feels condescending to me. So does this one, which I’ve also frequently heard: “What a wonderful blessing to be given this child.” Or, “You’re so blessed.”  

Old family photo taken in front of the universal studios globe

These heartfelt sentiments, offered like a gift, don’t help. I certainly don’t feel blessed. Or special. Besides, don’t we all deserve not to be singled out because of our differences? Rather than making the “God” comment or some sort of generic remark, why not offer some acknowledgment of the child’s accomplishments? Or recognize the effort it takes for us as parents to navigate these daily challenges. I would love for someone to say, “I know it’s a challenge, but you seem to be handling it pretty well.” 

Or, even better: “What can I do to help you?” 

Parenting a child who falls outside societal norms can be incredibly isolating. Today I understand that it’s impossible to separate my daughter from her disability. I see that she has a unique perspective on the world around her; it is who she is. While I can now understand the God quote — even if I don’t like it — what I’ve never understood is the criticism and judgment from individuals who couldn’t recognize my daughter’s atypical behavior. Several years ago, during a trip to the mall, my daughter refused to accompany me into the stall of a public restroom. A woman rushed in and demanded to know why my child was screaming. “I came in here when I heard all the commotion. I thought someone was hurt.”  

When she discovered it was simply a battle of wills, she muttered something about how some people don’t know a thing about controlling their children. I was too embarrassed to respond. 


Jessica standing in front of her mothers book poster

We often encounter unplanned journeys in our lives, and as a parent of a child with disabilities , I have had to travel rocky terrain. It’s time to educate people on what to say — or what not to say — to marginalized parents. 

I recently heard this quote, from someone who has a son with a disability, and it captured the essence of my years of experience: “Sometimes the things we can’t change end up changing us.” 

Cathy reading from her book with Jessica during a book launch

It captures the transformative power of acceptance and resilience in the face of adversity and, at least for me, is a perfect alternative to the God quote. Most of us believe we must soldier on and not complain about our challenges. This acknowledges the journey of the parent of a child with differences. Instead of dwelling on our inability to change a situation, we have to learn to be resilient and adaptable. Raising my daughter challenged my ableist beliefs, helped me shift my perspective and ultimately taught me the power of acceptance. 

And it helped me realize that God doesn’t give special children to special people. Every one of us is special.

Catherine Shields writes about parenting, disabilities and self-discovery. In her debut memoir, "The Shape of Normal" (Vine Leaves Press, November 2023), she explores the truths and lies parents tell themselves. Her writing has appeared in Newsweek, Bacopa Literary Review, Grown and Flown, Brevity Blog, Mother Magazine, U Revolution, Kaleidoscope, Write City Magazine and Manifest-Station. She lives in Miami. Read more here and here .

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Environmental Fallout: the Invisible War on Nature Amidst the Ukraine Crisis

This essay is about the significant environmental impacts of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. It highlights the extensive pollution from destroyed industrial facilities, power plants, and water systems, leading to severe air and water contamination. The war has disrupted Ukraine’s diverse ecosystems, causing soil erosion, habitat destruction, and threats to biodiversity. Long-term ecological degradation is also a concern, with toxic substances from weapons contaminating soil and water for decades. Energy infrastructure has been heavily damaged, increasing reliance on unsustainable energy sources. Addressing these issues requires immediate and long-term strategies focusing on pollution mitigation, ecological restoration, and sustainable development to ensure a resilient future for Ukraine and beyond.

How it works

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has undoubtedly gripped the world’s attention, primarily for its immediate human toll and geopolitical ramifications. However, beneath the surface of these urgent concerns lies another crisis that often goes unnoticed: the environmental impact. As the war rages on, it is causing profound ecological damage, with effects that could last long after the guns fall silent. This invisible war on nature is a crucial yet underreported aspect of the Ukraine crisis, blending the urgent needs of environmental science with the stark realities of modern warfare.

One of the most immediate environmental repercussions of the conflict is the extensive pollution resulting from the destruction of infrastructure. Industrial facilities, power plants, and water treatment systems have been prime targets, releasing hazardous substances into the air, soil, and water. For instance, the bombing of chemical plants has led to the emission of toxic chemicals, significantly worsening air quality. These pollutants pose severe health risks not only to the local population but also to neighboring regions, as they can travel far beyond their point of origin through atmospheric currents.

Water pollution is another dire consequence. The damage to water infrastructure has resulted in the contamination of rivers and groundwater with industrial chemicals, heavy metals, and sewage. This situation exacerbates public health challenges, especially in conflict zones where medical facilities are already overwhelmed. The scarcity of clean water has forced people to rely on unsafe sources, leading to outbreaks of waterborne diseases and further straining the healthcare system.

The war’s impact on Ukraine’s rich biodiversity is also significant. The country’s varied landscapes, which include fertile agricultural land, forests, and wetlands, have been severely disrupted. The movement of heavy military equipment and the detonation of explosives have caused widespread soil erosion and habitat destruction. This has led to the displacement and death of numerous plant and animal species, some of which are already threatened or endangered. The war has interrupted migratory patterns, destroyed breeding grounds, and fragmented habitats, making it difficult for wildlife to survive and thrive.

In addition to immediate environmental damage, the conflict has the potential to cause long-term ecological degradation. The use of weapons containing toxic substances, such as depleted uranium and white phosphorus, can contaminate soil and water for decades. These substances pose ongoing risks to human health and the environment, as they can enter the food chain and bioaccumulate in living organisms. The destruction of agricultural land has also led to reduced food production, contributing to food insecurity and increasing dependence on international aid.

Energy infrastructure has not been spared either. Attacks on power plants and energy facilities have caused not only immediate disruptions but also long-term damage to energy security. The loss of critical infrastructure has forced communities to rely on alternative energy sources, often less sustainable and more polluting. This shift has increased the environmental footprint and carbon emissions, counteracting global efforts to combat climate change. Rebuilding the damaged energy infrastructure will require significant time and resources, delaying the transition to greener energy systems.

Addressing the environmental impacts of the Ukraine conflict requires a multi-pronged approach. Immediate actions are needed to mitigate pollution and provide clean water and sanitation to affected populations. Repairing and upgrading damaged infrastructure, monitoring environmental quality, and implementing emergency response measures are critical steps. These efforts should be supported by international cooperation and funding to ensure they are effective and sustainable.

Long-term strategies should focus on ecological restoration and sustainable development. Rehabilitating damaged ecosystems, reforesting degraded areas, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices are essential for the region’s recovery. International organizations and environmental NGOs can play a vital role in providing expertise and resources for these initiatives. Integrating environmental considerations into peacebuilding and reconstruction processes can help ensure that environmental sustainability is prioritized in post-conflict recovery.

Interestingly, the environmental crisis in Ukraine can be paralleled with the narratives from post-apocalyptic fiction, where humanity grapples with the remnants of a devastated world. In many ways, the environmental challenges in Ukraine resemble the aftermath of a dystopian scenario, where the line between natural and man-made disasters blurs. This comparison highlights the urgent need for proactive measures to prevent further environmental degradation and to safeguard the planet for future generations.

The conflict in Ukraine serves as a stark reminder of the interconnectedness of human and environmental security. The environmental impacts of war are not confined to the immediate area of conflict but have far-reaching consequences that can affect global ecosystems and human health. As we address the humanitarian and geopolitical aspects of the Ukraine crisis, we must also recognize and tackle the environmental dimensions. This approach will help us build a more resilient and sustainable future for Ukraine and the global community.

In conclusion, the environmental fallout from the Ukraine conflict is a multifaceted issue that demands urgent attention. Pollution, ecosystem disruption, and long-term ecological degradation are significant challenges that require immediate and sustained efforts. By integrating environmental considerations into conflict resolution and reconstruction processes, we can ensure that the recovery is both environmentally and socially sustainable. The lessons learned from this crisis underscore the importance of protecting our natural environment even in the face of human conflict, highlighting the need for a holistic approach to global security and sustainability.


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Environmental Fallout: The Invisible War on Nature Amidst the Ukraine Crisis. (2024, Jun 17). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/environmental-fallout-the-invisible-war-on-nature-amidst-the-ukraine-crisis/

"Environmental Fallout: The Invisible War on Nature Amidst the Ukraine Crisis." PapersOwl.com , 17 Jun 2024, https://papersowl.com/examples/environmental-fallout-the-invisible-war-on-nature-amidst-the-ukraine-crisis/

PapersOwl.com. (2024). Environmental Fallout: The Invisible War on Nature Amidst the Ukraine Crisis . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/environmental-fallout-the-invisible-war-on-nature-amidst-the-ukraine-crisis/ [Accessed: 21 Jun. 2024]

"Environmental Fallout: The Invisible War on Nature Amidst the Ukraine Crisis." PapersOwl.com, Jun 17, 2024. Accessed June 21, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/environmental-fallout-the-invisible-war-on-nature-amidst-the-ukraine-crisis/

"Environmental Fallout: The Invisible War on Nature Amidst the Ukraine Crisis," PapersOwl.com , 17-Jun-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/environmental-fallout-the-invisible-war-on-nature-amidst-the-ukraine-crisis/. [Accessed: 21-Jun-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2024). Environmental Fallout: The Invisible War on Nature Amidst the Ukraine Crisis . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/environmental-fallout-the-invisible-war-on-nature-amidst-the-ukraine-crisis/ [Accessed: 21-Jun-2024]

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Guest Essay

Dad Brain Is Real, and It’s a Good Thing

A man with his back to the camera holds a baby.

By Darby Saxbe

Dr. Saxbe, a professor of psychology at the University of Southern California, is writing a book about how fatherhood changes the brain.

A father of three recently told me that if he could go back in time and give himself one piece of advice, it would be to have kids sooner. Fatherhood changed him; it gave his life purpose, he said. It turns out neuroscience agrees with him.

My research lab investigates how the brain changes when men become fathers, and we are discovering that fatherhood can be transformative for their brains and bodies. The brain and hormonal changes we observe in new dads tell us that nature intended men to participate in child rearing, because it equipped them with neurobiological architecture to do so. They, too, can show the fundamental instinct for nurturing that’s often attributed solely to mothers.

Not only that, but men’s involvement in fatherhood can have long-term benefits for their brain health — and for healthy societies. At a time when boys and men seem to be experiencing greater social isolation and declining occupational prospects, the role of father can provide a meaningful source of identity. But the transition to fatherhood can also be a time of vulnerability, which is why supporting fathers should be a priority for policymakers.

In a 2022 study , my colleagues and I collaborated with researchers in Spain to gather brain scans of a small number of first-time fathers before and after their children were born. Our results echoed studies of mothers done by some of the same researchers. In several landmark studies , they found that as women became mothers, their brains lost volume in gray matter, the layer of brain tissue rich with neurons, in regions across the brain, including those responsible for social and emotional processing.

Although a shrinking brain sounds like bad news, less can be more: These changes may fine-tune the brain to work more efficiently. The teenage brain also trims its gray matter as it develops. Women who lost more brain volume showed stronger attachment to their infants after birth, indicating that the shrinkage promoted bonding.

Our findings for fathers were similar. Men also lost gray matter volume in new fatherhood, in some of the same regions that changed in women. But volume reductions for dads were less pronounced. The findings for mothers had been so striking that a machine-learning algorithm could tell mothers and nonmothers apart by their brain scans alone. The picture was noisier for fathers. My hunch is that men’s brain changes looked less clear-cut because fathers vary so much in their levels of engagement in parenting.

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Scan, Treat, Repeat with Cheri Henderson The Burn

Nature lover Cheri Henderson lives along Lake Superior in Minnesota and was first diagnosed with breast cancer at 39.  She in now living with Stage IV MBC.  In this episode, Cheri reads her essay “Scan, Treat, Repeat” from the 2023 “New Normal” issue of Wildfire.  Cheri’s piece is about living alongside cancer - but not letting it take over everything.  April and Cheri talk about find your footing after a cancer diagnosis, holding both fear and joy while living with metastatic disease, finding community, and the dualities of early stage and late stage breast cancer.  Cheri will share her writing process for her essay, and about the cycles of nature. Connect with Cheri:  https://www.instagram.com/chender1/ https://www.facebook.com/cheri.henderson.31 Cheri’s resources mentioned: Better Than Before Breast Cancer podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/6O1n0AC2tuK5SaFFHCK13j?si=oHIG26JzRQWSNTbEQGjf-g&preview=coverart&nd=1&dlsi=7c2a806021c74794 More on Laura MacGregor: https://laramacgregor.com/ Purchase the “New Normal” issue here: https://www.wildfirecommunity.org/shop/p/mbc23 Buy the Wildfire book Igniting the Fire Within: Stories of Healing, Hope & Humor, Inside Today’s Young Breast Cancer Community: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BJVJ629F?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860 Get the free Wildfire “Hot Flashes” email newsletter: https://www.wildfirecommunity.org/newsletter?rq=newsletter Learn about Wildfire writing workshops: https://www.wildfirecommunity.org/workshops Shop Wildfire merch & more: https://www.wildfirecommunity.org/shop *Free* Get Wildfire and The Burn freebies here: https://www.wildfirecommunity.org/free More about Wildfire Magazine:  https://www.wildfirecommunity.org https://www.instagram.com/wildfire_bc_magazine/ https://www.facebook.com/wildfirecommunity If you liked this episode, you might like this one too: Information on submitting your story for consideration to be published in Wildfire Magazine: https://www.wildfirecommunity.org/submissions

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