Themes and Analysis

By elie wiesel.

'Night' is a short and incredibly impactful novel that uses direct language and avoids metaphors and other figures of speech to tell its story.

Emma Baldwin

Article written by Emma Baldwin

B.A. in English, B.F.A. in Fine Art, and B.A. in Art Histories from East Carolina University.

Wiesel depicts his experiences in the Holocaust through the eyes of Eliezer who conveys the terrors of what he endured and saw. Readers will likely note reoccurring themes of faith, silence, and inhumanity, as well as symbols that include corpses, fire, and night. 

Night Themes and Analysis

Night Themes 

Faith .

Throughout the novel, Elie is forced to question his faith in God. When God does not step in and stop the horrors around him, Elie has to consider that his faith may have been wrong all along. He learned that God demands sacrifice but is, in the end, compassionate and loving, that’s far from what he learned firsthand during his experiences in the novel, Night . Despite the fact that Eliezer says he’s lost his faith several times, Wiesel includes religious allusions and figurative language that suggest that that’s not completely true. By the end of the novel, while his understanding of the world and religion has shifted, he’s not completely without faith. 


This is one of the primary themes in the novel, and one that can be found in Wiesel’s other works as well as lectures. Elie is constantly bothered by the silence of God and the silence of other men and women in Europe throughout the novel.

There are numerous examples of indifference throughout the novel. Elie notes the village’s indifferent reaction when Moishe returns with news of what he’s seen, the German people’s ability to ignore what’s going on right in front of their faces, and of course, the Nazi soldier’s indifference to the lives they were destroying. One of the most telling scenes comes towards the end of the novel when the prisoners are running toward Gleiwitz and are being shot down by guards if they paused for even a moment. 


Indifference and silence go hand in hand with inhumanity in Night. It’s impossible to read this novel and not walk away feeling horrified by the inhuman practices promoted and carried out by the Nazi regime. Eliezer has trouble making sense of the world after seeing some of the terrible things that happened inside and outside the camps. One such scene comes after he’s arrived with his father and they walk past a pit in which S.S. soldiers are burning the bodies of children.

Additionally, the prisoner on prisoner violence and hate is another aspect of the inhuman environment Eliezer had to endure. The men in his camps were so desperate they turned on one another, even sons on fathers. This is seen quite clearly at the end of the novel when the prisoners beat Eliezer’s father and effectively end his life. 

Analysis of Key Moments in Night

  • Elie studies with Moishe the Beadle. Moishe is expelled from Sighet. 
  • Moishe returns and tells everyone what he saw and experienced. 
  • German soldiers come to Sighet and place restrictions of Jews living there. 
  • Eliezer and his family are moved into a ghetto
  • Eliezer and his family are transported to Birkenau on cattle cars. 
  • Elie is separated from his mother and sisters . 
  • The men are taken to Auschwitz. 
  • Elie is given number r A-7713. 
  • Everyone goes to Buna. 
  • Elie is beaten and has his gold crown removed. 
  • Elie watches a young boy executed. 
  • Elie’s father barely passes inspection. 
  • The death march begins from Buna to an abandoned village and then Gleiwitz. 
  • Everyone gets on a train to Buchenwald and very few survive the journey. 
  • Elie’s father dies of dysentery and a beating from the other men. 
  • Elie is liberated from the camp. 

Style, Tone, and Figurative Language in Night

Throughout Night, Wiesel writes about Elie’s experiences in a detached tone. He uses short sentences and clear words to report on what Elie saw and what he felt. Wiesel was trying to put his experiences into words, in a way that accurately represented them but allowed him to keep some distance from the character of Eliezer. The text is sparse, with very few complex passages or examples of figurative language. Elie Wiesel chose to speak directly to the reader in a way that could not be misunderstood.

Often, Wiesel does take a step back from a terrible scene, talking around it rather than directly describing it. For example, when he speaks about an S.S. guard shooting a prisoner. 

The tone in the novel is serious throughout . There are no light or happy moments. Even when the novel concludes and the camp has been liberated, Elie concludes the novel with a striking scene of loss and sorrow with Eliezer standing in front of a mirror. 

Analysis of Symbols in Night

Night .

One of the most obvious and important symbols in the novel is night. By naming the novel “night” and pushing themes of religious doubt, it’s important to consider Genesis and the passages regarding God’s creation of the earth. First, the Bile says, there was “darkness upon the face of the deep.” It’s this darkness, with the absence of God, that Eliezer lives through. Light is absent from some of the most important scenes in the novel, such as when Eliezer’s father is talking to him about the deportation of the Jews and when they arrive at Birkenau/Auschwitz. 

Fire is a symbol of death and destruction in Night. It is used by the Nazis to destroy evidence of their genocide. It first appears in a horrifying passage when Madame Schächter cries out “ Fire! Look at the flames! Flames everywhere ,” when the train arrives in Birkenau. When the train pulls in, Eliezer can smell burning flesh immediately. This is something that haunts the rest of the novel. The fire is an ever-present reminder of the deaths waiting for those able to escape the initial threat of the crematorium. 


Corpses appear throughout the novel, bringing into the light the true extent of the horrors the Nazi regime perpetrated on the Jewish people. Eliezer is forced to witness deaths and sees piles of bodies. The image of a corpse also appears at the end of the novel when Eliezer looks at himself in the mirror and thinks that he looks more than a corpse than he does a living person. It’s a symbol for the death of who he was, the strength of his faith, and the loss of the 11 million who did in the Holocaust . 

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Emma Baldwin

About Emma Baldwin

Emma Baldwin, a graduate of East Carolina University, has a deep-rooted passion for literature. She serves as a key contributor to the Book Analysis team with years of experience.


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Night Themes

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themes in night by elie wiesel essay

Elie Wiesel

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Having and Losing Faith in God Theme Icon

Having and Losing Faith in God

One of the main themes of Night is Eliezer's loss of religious faith. Throughout the book, Eliezer witnesses and experiences things that he cannot reconcile with the idea of a just and all-knowing God.

At the beginning of the narrative, Eliezer declares, "I believed profoundly." He is twelve years old and his life is centered around Judaism—studying the Talmud during the day, praying at the synagogue at night until he weeps with religious feeling. He…

Having and Losing Faith in God Theme Icon

One of the legacies of the Holocaust is the sheer scale of one group of people's inhumanity towards other groups of people. In the case of the Jews, the German government and German society attempted to redefine them as sub-human, and then as creatures who deserved to die.

But Night doesn't just focus on the Nazis and their seemingly endless diabolical behavior (concentration camp doctors—those who swear an oath to do no harm—are some of…

Inhumanity Theme Icon

Fathers and Sons

As his family is being marched from its home, Eliezer sees his father weep for the first time. By the end of the book, his father is dead, another victim of the Nazi death camps. In between, Night explores the ways traditional father-son relationships break down under impossibly difficult conditions. At the heart of this theme is Eliezer's relationship with his own father. Yet the narrator also pays attention to other father-son relationships among the…

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Guilt and Inaction

On several occasions in Night , Eliezer watches as his father is beaten and can do nothing about it. Or, rather, he could perhaps help his father in the very short term, but he would quickly pay for it with his life. (Eliezer's father, too, must watch powerlessly as Eliezer is whipped by a kapo.) Even though a small act of resistance is the equivalent of suicide, Eliezer cannot help feeling guilt about his fear…

Guilt and Inaction Theme Icon

by Elie Wiesel

Night themes.

Throughout the novel, Wiesel uses both literal and figurative silence to connote the lack of voice that Jews in the concentration camps have against their captors. One of the ways that silence permeates the book is the way in which God remains silent to the plight and violence against Jews. This is evident in several moments of the book, when one prisoner asks during the hanging of the silent angel “where god is.” When silence is broken, it is often to remind the reader of moments of humanity, such as when Juliek plays Beethoven in the middle of the night, reminding the rest of the prisoners that they are intelligent human beings, not silent animals.

Though probably somewhat an obvious theme given the title, night is constant theme that appears throughout the book, mostly to symbolize the darkness into which the world has plummeted. The first time that “night” is made apparent is when Wiesel describes the first night in the concentration camp, saying, “never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed.” An endless night symbolizes how Weisel and his fellow prisoners experienced time, in which routine violence governs their existences, and in which day offers no respite from darkness.

Human Nature

Perhaps one of the most salient themes is Wiesel’s insight into human nature, his descriptions posing the reader with the question of where animal instinct ends and civility begins. The breakdown of civility happens very early on, when people are first herded onto the cattle cars and some young couples begin to openly copulate with each other. As comfort is substituted for violence, people in Wiesel’s world are frequently described as beasts, and their survival instincts supersede their emotions and relational ties, even when it comes to family: the most tragic example is when a young man kills his own father for a piece of bread. By the end of the book, the reader understands that countless people lost more than their lives: they were also robbed of their humanity.

Related to both human nature and to loyalty, dignity is also a theme that permeates the book. Dignity also ebbs with time in the concentration camps, as routine things that gave meaning to live are stripped away. One of the key examples of this is when Akiba Drummer is sentenced to death and asks people to pray for him, to “say the kaddish.” Though people promise him that they will do so, they all forget to give him a dignified death, as people no longer value remembering each other. Dignity, of giving life meaning and making sense of one’s place in it, dissipates in favor of survival.

Faith in God

A huge theme throughout the piece is the evolving relationship that Wiesel has with God. The reader learns early on in the book that Eliezer is very devout and eager to learn more about his faith, but as time continues, so the stability of his faith is challenged. Interestingly, it is not that Wiesel ever stops believing in God in entirely, but more that he has a deep resentment of a god who has allowed for such evil to persist. Wiesel frequently identifies the reason for people’s death as their loss of a will to live; while Wiesel does indeed lose faith, he never does so completely, and the reader is led to believe that it is perhaps his emotion, even if negative, towards God, that is partly responsible for keeping him alive.

Tied to the theme of human nature and dignity, scenes and discussions of loyalty permeate the novel. Though Wiesel trusts his father, he at times does not appear to trust himself, and he often condemns himself for thinking his life in the concentration camp would be easier if he were alone and unburdened by his father. However, after witnessing instances of family betrayal in the concentration camp, Wiesel begs to God that he will never betray his father. Though Wiesel is true to his world, loyalty for others in the concentration camp breaks down as resources become scarcer and survival instincts replace loyal ties. Eliezer does not blame the prisoners for severing ties of loyalty: instead, he blames the Nazis for giving them no other choice.

While an obvious theme in the book would be freedom from the concentration camps, Wiesel also includes more subversive examples of freedom. As his father weakens, Wiesel feels burdened by having to care for his father. When his father is near death and taken to the crematory, Wiesel resents himself for, in some ways, feeling freed from his responsibility by his father’s death. Wiesel also pictures freedom as not only as defined as being liberated from the concentration camps, but in some cases as being freed from life itself. He describes life as burdensome, and the act of living it as a torture from which he sometimes wishes to be released.

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Night Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Night is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Night, Chapter 2

From the text:

"There are eighty of you in the car," the German officer added. "If anyone goes missing, you will all be shot, like dogs."

What becomes elies main goal

In chapter three Elizer's main goal was for himself and his father to be selected for work and thus stay alive. They achieve this goal by lying to authorities and looking healthy enough to work.

I'm sorry, you have not provided the excerpt in question. Please include all information in your posts.

Study Guide for Night

Night study guide contains a biography of Elie Wiesel, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About Night
  • Night Summary
  • Character List

Essays for Night

Night essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Night by Elie Wiesel.

  • Silent Night
  • The Motivation in Night
  • The Gospel According to Mark and Night: Would St. Mark Call Night a 'Religious Book'?
  • NIght and the Problem of Evil
  • The Changing Nature of the Relationship Between Elie and His Father in Night

Lesson Plan for Night

  • About the Author
  • Study Objectives
  • Common Core Standards
  • Introduction to Night
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
  • Related Links
  • Night Bibliography

Wikipedia Entries for Night

  • Introduction
  • Film and television
  • Video games

themes in night by elie wiesel essay

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Religion and the Loss of Faith

The struggle to maintain religious faith in conditions of brutal oppression and suffering is a major theme in Night . As a 12-year old boy when the narrative begins, Eliezer is a devout Jew, studying the Torah, Talmud, and Cabbala, the central religious texts of Judaism. He prays regularly and fervently, weeping emotionally though he does not understand why. His spiritual aspiration is encouraged by Moché the Beadle , who instructs him in Jewish mystical theology during long evenings of reading and interpreting the verses of the Cabbala. Religion is the defining element of the young boy’s identity, as it is for many of the Jews of Sighet. Through devotion and intense study of the sacred texts, Eliezer hopes he can grasp the underlying truth behind the mysteries of the world, a world he believes is permeated with the presence and will of a benevolent God.

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Themes of “night” by elie wiesel.


Lesley J. Vos

The following review example can serve as a guide for students trying to find inspiration when writing an assignment. 

What makes the story real? Not the reliability of facts or the fact that it’s based on real events. The main element is honesty. Integrity to share the happiest and the saddest moments, success and despair. The real story is raw to the bone, and the real author never hides behind the pen and paper.

This is the case for Elie Wiesel. The writer chooses memoir to go uncensored with his thoughts and memories about the most challenging moment in his life and the scariest event in history – war. 

Elie Wiesel’s “Night” is a powerful narrative that delves into the darkest chapters of human history through the eyes of a young Jewish boy, Eliezer. This semi-autobiographical novel, though woven with fictional elements, deeply reflects Wiesel’s harrowing experiences in Nazi concentration camps. “Night” is not just a story of survival but also a testament to the human spirit facing unimaginable horrors. In this article, we’ll explore the central themes that emerge from this profound work, rendered in simple text for clarity and understanding.

In this article, we’ll discover the main themes in “Night” and their meaning. 

Loss of Identity

The themes of “Night” by Elie Wiesel explore profound aspects of human nature and spirituality. Eliezer’s journey begins in his hometown, where he is deeply immersed in Jewish teachings and traditions. His profound identity as a young, devout Jew is starkly contrasted with the dehumanization he endures under the Nazi regime. The camps strip him of his name, his hair, and eventually, his faith, reducing him to a mere number. The transformation is so drastic that Eliezer, along with other prisoners, begins to see themselves as nothing more than animals, fighting over scraps of bread. This theme highlights not just a loss of personal identity but the obliteration of humanity itself.

“In the afternoon, they made us line up. Three prisoners brought a table and some medical instruments. We were told to roll up our left sleeves and file past the table. The three “veteran” prisoners, needles in hand, tattooed numbers on our left arms. I became A-7713. From then on, I had no other name.”

Loss of identity, faith, the oppressive silence, and the ubiquity of suffering are not just historical reflections but also universal questions that resonate across time. Wiesel’s narrative serves as a stark reminder of the depths of darkness humanity can reach, and the resilience required to search for light amid such darkness.

Loss of Identity

Loss of Faith

The core of Eliezer’s being is his faith, which is deeply challenged by the atrocities he witnesses. At the beginning of the narrative, Eliezer declares, “I believed profoundly.”  

“I was twelve. I believed profoundly. During the day I studied the Talmud, and at night I ran to the synagogue to weep over the destruction of the Temple.”

In the concentration camps of Birkenau-Auschwitz, the horrors Eliezer witnesses begin to shake his faith in God. The crematoriums burn without end, devouring countless lives, including the most innocent of all—children. The cruelty he observes and endures is unimaginable, more brutal than one would ever treat animals. He struggles with the idea of a just God who would allow such atrocities.

“Night. No one prayed, so that the night would pass quickly. The stars were only sparks of the fire which devoured us. Should that fire die out one day, there would be nothing left in the sky but dead stars, dead eyes.”

Despite the terror surrounding them, Eliezer is struck by the sight of fellow Jews clinging to their faith, praying and seeking solace in their beliefs. This perseverance in the face of such evil puzzles him; it seems to demonstrate a strength and a capacity for forgiveness that surpasses the deity they worship.

As time goes on, death becomes a constant companion in the camps, and despair takes root. Eliezer, along with others, loses any remaining belief in a benevolent God. This sentiment is shared by others, like Akiba Drumer and a rabbi Eliezer speaks with, who conclude that a God cannot exist in a world that allows the Holocaust to happen.

“Behind me, I heard the same man asking: “Where is God now?” And I heard a voice within me answer him: “Where is He? Here He is—He is hanging here on this gallows. . . . “”

Eliezer’s faith is irreparably damaged during an execution at Buna, where a young boy is hanged before the eyes of the prisoners. A voice from the crowd pierces the air with the question, “ Where is God now? ” In his heart, Eliezer believes that if God exists, He is present in the suffering of the boy on the gallows, who dies a slow, agonizing death while the prisoners are forced to witness.


Silence permeates “Night,” symbolizing both the incomprehensible absence of God and the muted response of the world to the Holocaust. Eliezer grapples with God’s silence, unable to reconcile it with the loving deity he was raised to worship. 

This theme is painfully illustrated when Eliezer fails to answer his dying father’s call, a silence born of utter despair and hopelessness. Wiesel uses this motif to challenge the reader, posing difficult questions about divine and human inaction in the face of atrocity.


Fathers and Sons

Eliezer’s story begins with him witnessing his father cry for the first time when they are forced to leave their home. This is significant because it shows a crack in the strong figure his father has always been. The memoir “Night” delves into the breakdown of father-son bonds under the extreme conditions of the Holocaust. Central to this theme is the changing relationship between Eliezer and his father, which also reflects on the relationships between other fathers and sons in the concentration camps.

Before the Holocaust, Eliezer’s father is a respected figure both in the community and at home. Their relationship is based on tradition, where honoring one’s parents is a key commandment, especially in Jewish families like theirs. But once Eliezer and his father are separated from the rest of their family at Birkenau, they only have each other. As his father becomes weaker, the roles they once played change. Eliezer finds himself in the position of being the protector, rather than the one protected.

Life in the camps tests their relationship in many ways. Eliezer often feels guilty for being mad at his father when he can’t defend himself or keep up with the march. Despite his weakening state, his father still tries to look after Eliezer by giving him tools for survival and even saving him from being strangled on the train. But there’s only so much they can do to shield one another from suffering. As the conditions worsen and the weaker prisoners start dying, fathers start to be seen as burdens. Sons struggle with guilt over their survival instincts and their inability to save their fathers. Eliezer witnesses the extreme of this when a young man abandons his exhausted father, a rabbi, during a death march, and again on a train when a son kills his father for food.

These harsh realities force Eliezer to confront his feelings for his father. However, by the end of “Night,” these feelings become irrelevant. His father falls ill, no one is willing to provide medical help, and Eliezer is powerless to protect him or to stop others from causing harm. The roles and relationships that once defined them are irreversibly altered.

“Oh, to strangle the doctor and the others! To burn the whole world! My father’s murderers! But the cry stayed in my throat.”

Father and son by the sea

Final thoughts

Elie Wiesel’s “Night” shares a heart-wrenching story of how the Holocaust tore apart people’s lives and faith. It shows the painful change in a son’s duty to his father and the struggle to keep hope alive. The book makes us think deeply about the harsh truths of survival and loss during one of history’s darkest times.

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105 Night by Elie Wiesel : Night Essay Topics & Examples

Night by Elie Wiesel is one of the most powerful books on Holocaust and Nazi German concentration camps. If you’re looking for Night essay topics and tips on how to master your Night essay , you have come to the right place.

✍️ Night Essay: How to Write

⭐ thesis statement for night by elie wiesel, 🔝 top 7 night argumentative essay topics, 🏆 best night essay examples & topics, 📌 night essay topics: most interesting ideas, 👍 good research topics about night by elie wiesel, ❓ essay questions for night by elie wiesel.

Night’s major themes include faith and dehumanization, but there are many other aspects that you can explore. This article will provide you with topics, samples, and tips on how to write your essay, including Night thesis statement.

This article will show a few essential tips on how to write the paper and provide you with ideas for your Night by Elie Wiesel essay thesis.

Before you start your work on the paper, we’d suggest you to wipe out all the distractions: turn off the phone and TV. Use app- and website-blocking tools to concentrate on your research and writing.

Now, when you’re concentrated enough, check the next steps to write an A+ paper.

  • Pick up a topic and narrow it. Read the book and choose a topic that you find interesting. Then narrow it as much as possible. The key idea of this step is the narrower your topic will be, the easier will be your writing process.
  • Clarify your ideas and arguments. Think about what you’re going to discuss in your paper. Define key arguments you will use. You can use mindmapping tools that will help you to organize your ideas in a logical flow. Later, this will help you to write a Night essay outline.
  • Search for examples and quotes to support your arguments. Research quotes to support your point of view. You can also use examples from other literary masterpieces, especially if you’re writing a compare and contrast essay. Make sure not to use too many citations: use 3 to 5 quotes and examples as evidence. You may also use a quote as an essay hook.
  • Create an outline of your paper. Outlining helps you to structure your ideas and arguments. Moreover, a detailed outline makes the writing process much easier.

When writing your essay’s introduction, pay attention to the thesis statement. The function of paper thesis is to state your opinion and give your readers an understanding of what the essay is about. If you’re struggling with your Night thesis statement, check out these examples:

  • In Night , Elie Wiesel demonstrates how extreme circumstances challenge a person’s religious beliefs.
  • The author shows how dehumanization affected the main character and made him gradually lose his humanity.
  • The atrocities suffered by the main character made him lose his childhood in a traumatic way.
  • Father and son in “Night”: relationship dynamic.
  • Destructive power of family ties in “Night.”
  • Analysis of Death March in “Night.”
  • “Night’s” ending: is it hopeful?
  • Power and violence in Wiesel’s “Night.”
  • “Night”: the significance of the title.
  • What does Elie Wiesel write about the death of God?

If you’re struggling with a Night theme to choose for your paper, you may find some interesting ideas below:

  • Theme of family. Analyze the relations between the father and son. Why it is important to stay with your family, especially during challenging times?
  • Theme of faith and God. Analyze, why does the author writes about the death of God? Provide your own reflection on God and faith. What makes people believe in gods even when there is no hope?
  • Power and violence. Think, why Germans who had a power made use violence to force Jews into concentration camps. Read the episode about the Death March and explore why German Soldiers never deprived themselves of killing prisoners who could not keep up.

If writing Night by Elie Wiesel Essay is still a challenging process, check our selection of free paper samples and other useful information at IvyPanda to get advice and find an inspiration!

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  • The Book “Night” by Elie Wiesel Eliezer is the narrator in the tale and experiences multiple challenges throughout the story. Faith, guilt and inaction, and inhumanity are some of the narratives themes that readers can analyze when focusing on the various […]
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  • Understanding of God in Eliezer’s “Night” His unshakable and unconditional faith in God is demonstrated at the beginning of the text through his interest in Talmud, and expressing grief over the destruction of the Temple.
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  • Eliezer’s Lost Childhood and the Image in the Mirror The author of the book presents his hero in two ways: on the one hand, he depicts the boy, who is full of hopes and expectations; on the other hand, he shows the boy whose […]
  • Night by Elie Wiesel: Eliezer’s Relationship With His Father The relationship Eliezer has with his father at the beginning of the story can be compared to the one he has with God soon after the tough experiences and problems at the Nazi concentration camps […]
  • Change in Wiesel’s Understanding of God But this did not change the faith he had in God and he continued believing that God was going to safe them. He believed that the Jews were faithful to God but his understanding was […]
  • Comparison of Night by Elie Weisel and Cry of the Beloved Country by Paton Wiesel was brought up in the mountains of the present day Romania and in 1944, at fifteen years old, his family was captured as part of a mission by the Germans to torture the Jews.
  • The Importance of Maintaining Faith and Goal to Endure and Overcome Situation in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Terrifying Encounters of the “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Examples of Extreme Dehumanization and Genocide Portrayed in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Dehumanizing Sufferings During the Holocaust in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Meaning of the Poem in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • Violations of Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Elie Wiesel’s “Night”
  • The Symbol of Fire During the Holocaust in the Novel “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Power of the Nazis, Death, Loss of Humanity and of Faith in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Portrayal of the Hard Life in a Concentration Camp in Elie Wiesel’s “Night”
  • Reliability of Testimonies of the Holocaust Survivors: Elie Wiesel’s “Night” and Binjamin Wilkomirski’s “Fragments”
  • The Theme of Peer Pressure in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Father-Son Relationship Theme in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Transformation of Eliezer’s Relationship With God in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Survival of the Jewish People in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Inhumanity of the Genocide During the Holocaust in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Psychological Transformation of Holocaust Victims Caused by the Fight to Survive in Two Novels: Elie Wiesel’s “Night” and Art Spiegelman’s “Maus”
  • The Experiences at the Nazi Death Camp as Described in Elie Wiesel’s “Night”
  • The Life Journey of Elie From Schoolboy to Corpse in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Importance of Studying the Holocaust in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Heartbreaking Stories and Memories of Holocaust Survivors in Elie Wiesel’s “Night” and John Chua’s “Marion’s Triumph”
  • The Lose of Faith in God in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Transformation of Eliezer’s Personality Throughout the “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Significance of Family Ties in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Human History and the Desire for the Agony in the Novel “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • Theme of Self Respect in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Horrors of Genocide: “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Loss of Faith in Humanity in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Role of Spirituality and Religion in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Theme of Darkness in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The True Picture of the Holocaust in Elie Wiesel’s “Night”
  • The Three Levels of Racism in the Holocaust in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Use of Literary Techniques in Elie Wiesel’s “Night”
  • The Genocide and the Holocaust of “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Issues of the World War Two as Portrayed in the Novel “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Role of Religion in James McBride’s “Color of Water” and Elie Wiesel’s “Night”
  • The Creation of Suspense in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Significance of “Night” by Elie Wiesel for the Audience of the 21st Century
  • The Frightened and Lonely Attitude of the Speaker in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Struggle of the Holocaust Survivor in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Unique Perspective of Elie on Human Rights Due to His Holocaust Experiences in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • The Value of Time in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • A Life After the Concentration Camp in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • What Was Hitler’s Reasoning for His War on Jews in “Night” by Elie Wiesel?
  • What Are the Imagery and Literary Devices in “Night” by Elie Wiesel?
  • How Life Through the Holocaust Is Imaged in “Night” by Elie Wiesel?
  • Does the Book “Night” by Elie Wiesel Lead to Hope or Despair?
  • What Psychological Changes in Victims Are Showed in “Night” by Elie Wiesel?
  • What Is the Most Devastating Choice Made in the Book “Night” by Elie Wiesel?
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Night by Elie Wiesel: an Analysis of Surviving at All Costs

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Published: Mar 8, 2024

Words: 740 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

At the heart of Night

One of the most striking themes of night.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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Night by Elie Wiesel: Essay Topics & Samples

Do you need to write an essay on Elie Wiesel’s Night ? Are you feeling too overwhelmed and don’t know how to start? No worries!

In this article, we’ve gathered everything you need to create an outstanding Night essay: topics, the most insightful questions, valuable prompts, and useful examples.

Night by Elie Wiesel Essay Topics

  • The transformation of Eliezer’s personality throughout the book. Describe the main character’s personality at the beginning of the book. What were the boy’s interests? How did he perceive the world living in Sighet? Examine how the concentration camp changed Eliezer’s attitude towards life.
  • The significance of family ties in Night by Elie Wiesel. Analyze the relationship between Eliezer and his father . In your opinion, are family ties a powerful or a destructive force for the main character? State your position and support it with good examples.
  • Night : just a title or a powerful symbol? Does night itself symbolize anything in the book? If yes, what? What role does the symbol of the night play for the comprehension of the entire story? To make your essay more dynamic, consider inserting relevant quotes from the book.
  • The religious context in Night, a novel by Elie Wiesel. Investigate Eliezer’s attitude towards God . Compare and contrast his perception of divine powers in the beginning and at the end of the book. What factors influenced the transformation of the main character’s worldview?
  • Did Eliezer become a stronger or a weaker person? Analyze Eliezer’s transformation . Did the obstacles he went through make him feel weaker or stronger? Present your point of view and support it with valid arguments and appropriate evidence from the text.
  • Is there a life after the concentration camp?   “From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me” (Eliezer, Night ). How do you think Eliezer’s life will look like after the camp? Is there any chance he will be able to get back to everyday life?  
  • Eliezer’s relief after his father’s death: a betrayal or a normal reaction? Why do you think Eliezer felt like he got rid of the burden after his father passed away? Should the main character be ashamed about it? Analyze how the trials Eliezer went through transformed his attitude towards his dad.
  • Hell on Earth. Describe the Nazi’s inhuman actions toward the deported Jews. What were the Nazi’s intentions? After Eliezer witnessed the tourers in the concentration camp, did he lose faith in God? Or did he only started questioning God’s justice and kindness?
  • The unexpected interpretation of the symbol of fire. The fire is the central symbol Elie Wiesel includes in his book. Analyze its meaning and significance. Compare and contrast the role of the fire in Night and the Bible. Why do you think the author interprets fire in quite an unusual way?
  • The significance of Night by Elie Wiesel for the audience of the 21 st century. Think about the lessons the modern readers could learn from this book. Will you suggest reading it to your children? In your opinion, can Night become outdated and irrelevant one day?

Night by Elie Wiesel: Essay Samples

In case you lack the inspiration to compose your Night essay, we collected the most insightful samples. Read their summaries, choose the one you most liked, and create your outstanding piece of writing!

  • Father-Son Relationships in Eliezer Wiesel’s Book “Night” Are you about to write an essay on the evolution of the relationship between Eliezer and his father? Take a look at this example! You will find an analysis of the family ties and a bunch of crucial quotes.
  • Jews’ Suffering in “Night” by Elie Wiesel Literature Analysis The given essay sample explores the trials the Jews were forced to go through during the Holocaust. Also, you will find some insights into Eliezer’s struggle to maintain his faith in God. Check it out!
  • Events in the Concentration Camps: “Night” by Elie Wiesel This essay gives a general overview of the events that occurred to Eliezer and his fellow Jews in several concentration camps. Also, the author focuses on the effect of hardships on the relationship between Eliezer and his father.
  • Eliezer and His Father in Elie Wiesel’s Night How did Eliezer change his attitude towards his father as the plot progresses? Curious about the reasons for the main character’s personality transformation? Read this essay and grasp the answers to all of your questions!
  • Elie’s Life in “Night” by Elie Wiesel The following essay will take you into a long journey of Eliezer’s life, starting from Sighet and ending in the hospital in front of the mirror. Are you ready to feel compassion towards the main character? Check this essay out!
  • Elie Wiesel’s “Night” – Eliezer’s Faith in God Eliezer’s relationship with God takes a separate storyline in the book. Do you want to investigate it? Take a look at this essay!
  • Family Relationship in ”Night” by Elie Wiesel At the beginning of the book, Eliezer’s family is an exemplary one in Sighet. But how do the family ties shift throughout the story? Do they weaken or strengthen? Read this sample and figure it out!
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Night Study Guide

Night by Elie Wiesel is a tragic story of a Jewish teenager that won’t let any reader stay indifferent. The novel is based on real-life events experienced by the author. Thus, Elie Wiesel’s Night is autobiographical, yet how much of the story is fiction remains unclear. It’s known as a...

Night by Elie Wiesel: Summary & Analysis

Night is a semi-fictional memoir by a Romanian-born American writer Elie Wiesel. The book tells the horrifying story of a Jewish teenager who goes through the dreadful torture of the Holocaust. There you’ll see its summary and analysis. The action takes place during World War II. Thus, the book’s analysis...

Elie Wiesel’s Night: Characters

The Night book’s characters impress the readers with their multifaceted natures and dramatic fates. Through their sufferings in concentration camps, Elie Wiesel demonstrates horrifying events the Jews faced during the Holocaust. Now let’s look closely at the key figures of the story: Eliezer Wiesel Eliezer is the book’s central character,...

Night by Elie Wiesel: Themes

Elie Wiesel’s memoir Night explores many critical issues that occurred during World War II. Night themes play a crucial role for the readers since they help to comprehend the book’s main idea. Willing to investigate themes in Night by Elie Wiesel? Read the following article and find a lot of...

Night by Elie Wiesel: Symbols

Symbolism in Night plays a crucial role. It helps the reader reveal the author’s hidden ideas and dive deep into the book’s theme. Elie Wiesel discovers only two symbols in Night – the fire and the night itself. Yet, their meanings are essential for the comprehension of the entire memoir....

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Elie Wiesel: a Life Marked by Witnessing and Testimony

This essay about Elie Wiesel explores his life from his birth on September 30, 1928, in Sighet, Romania, through his experiences as a Holocaust survivor, to his roles as a Nobel Prize-winning author, professor, and human rights activist. It highlights his contributions to Holocaust literature, particularly his memoir “Night,” his advocacy for oppressed people worldwide, and his enduring legacy as a moral guide and educator who inspires compassion and justice.

How it works

Elie Wiesel, one of the deepest voices of Elimination, was born on September, 30, 1928, in little city Sighet, placed in Carpathian Mountains of Romania. His birth marked beginning of trip that would bring him over, to remain to Nobel Housemaids by a recipient of an award author, by a professor, political activist, and rescued Eliminations, whose works have left, mark indelible on world understanding humanity and him itself dark hour.

Early years Wiesel were wymoczone in Jewish tradition and study. Growing in the united society, he was surrounded by a rich culture and his religious practices of ancestors.

His father, Shlomo, was the respected public leader, and his mother, Sarah, instiled at his love for history and study. These formative years, filled with a faith and familial obligations, there were brutally destroyed in 1944, when Wiesel and his family were deported Auschwitz, Nazi concentration camp.

Elimination, one of history frightful genocides, saw that Wiesel loses his mother, father, and the youngest sister. This traumatic period brightly overflows in his “Night of biography,” native stones of literature of Elimination. At night,” Wiesel goes into detail tormenting experience his arrangements, deathbed marches, and fights for a survival in the world that, presumably, abandoned humanity. His limning straight does not pour historical events but and bottoms deeply in the psychological and spiritual actions of Elimination, promising readers, to resist to the depth of cruelty and resilient height.

After war, Wiesel found shelter in France, where he pursued the education and eventually began a career in journalism. Without regard to passing of time, memory of Elimination visited him often. It was not to conversation with the French author François Mauriac, that Wiesel was convinced to violate his silence. A result was “Evening,” foremost published in Yiddish in 1955 and later in French and English. But seminal work brought Wiesel stormy wish of player of representative office and set him how a key witness to Elimination.

After his literary additions, Wiesel devoted the life to guaranteeing, that atrocities of Elimination are not able to be forgotten. He became a vocal defender for human rights, declaring against oppression and genocide, where did not take place then. His activity was not limited experience Jewish; The moral compass of Wiesel directed him, to support low-spirited people in the whole world, by the way those in South Africa, Nikaragua, and former Yugoslavia. His efforts were confessed globally, arriving at an apogee in his receipt of Standard Pokoju in 1986. Nobel Committee praised him how a “messenger to humanity,” doing an accent at his indefatigable work, to be at war with indifference and move forward understanding.

An academic career of Wiesel was identically prominent. He served as a professor in University of Boston, where he held Andrew W. Mellon Professorship in Humanity. His courses were often concentrated on the themes of memory, standing, and ethic responsibility of individuals in society. Through his studies, Wiesel influenced on numerous students, inspiring them, to think critically of history, ethics, and human condition.

Without regard to his substantial public presence, the personal life of Wiesel was marked obedience and deep meaning of responsibility for a certificate. He married Marion Erster Rose in 1969, and together they had a son, Elisha. Marion played critical role to translation many from his works, helping to spread his report on more wide audience. Domestic life of Wiesel provided his sense of norm and comfort, grounding his indefatigable pursuit of justice in the personal, human context. Elie Wiesel passed away on July 2, 2016, leaving behind a legacy that extends far beyond his written words. His life and work continue to resonate, reminding us of the horrors of which humanity is capable, but also of the enduring power of faith, memory, and resilience. Wiesel’s testimony serves as a stark reminder of the past and a moral guide for the future, urging us never to forget and always to fight against injustice.

In remembering Elie Wiesel, we honor not only a survivor but a teacher, a witness, and a moral beacon. His life’s work challenges us to confront the darker aspects of human history while inspiring us to strive for a more compassionate and just world. The date of his birth, September 30, 1928, marks the beginning of a journey that has forever changed how we understand and remember the Holocaust.


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Elie Wiesel: A Life Marked by Witnessing and Testimony. (2024, Jun 28). Retrieved from

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  7. Night Themes

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "Night" by Elie Wiesel. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

  8. Themes of Night by Elie Wiesel: Essay Example, Sample

    The themes of "Night" by Elie Wiesel explore profound aspects of human nature and spirituality. Eliezer's journey begins in his hometown, where he is deeply immersed in Jewish teachings and traditions. His profound identity as a young, devout Jew is starkly contrasted with the dehumanization he endures under the Nazi regime.

  9. The Central Themes in "Night" by Elie Wiesel Literature Analysis Essay

    The night is the novel by Elie Wiesel, Jewish-American author and activist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for his struggle for life, humanity, and peace. The work is devoted to the life of Jewish during the Holocaust. The life of the father and the son who were sent to Gestapo became the central theme of the novel's plot.

  10. The Book "Night" by Elie Wiesel Essay (Book Review)

    Exclusively available on IvyPanda®. "Night" is a heart-wrenching story of a young man's journey, the author as a prisoner in Auschwitz and Buchenwald during the holocaust. Elie Wiesel provides a first-hand account of the horrors he witnessed and experienced during his time in the concentration camps. He describes the events that took ...

  11. 105 Night by Elie Wiesel : Night Essay Topics & Examples

    The Issues of the World War Two as Portrayed in the Novel "Night" by Elie Wiesel. The Role of Religion in James McBride's "Color of Water" and Elie Wiesel's "Night". The Creation of Suspense in "Night" by Elie Wiesel. The Significance of "Night" by Elie Wiesel for the Audience of the 21st Century.

  12. What are the main themes in the book Night?

    Night, by Elie Wiesel, is a 1955 book about the Holocaust and the author's father, who was killed in the Buchenwald concentration camp. It is the first in a trilogy of books dealing with Elie's ...

  13. Night Essays and Criticism

    Essays and criticism on Elie Wiesel's Night - Essays and Criticism. Select an area of the website to search ... "Night - Themes of Faith and Disbelief." Nonfiction Classics for Students, Vol. 4 ...

  14. Night by Elie Wiesel: an Analysis of Surviving at All Costs

    Published: Mar 8, 2024. Elie Wiesel's groundbreaking memoir, Night, chronicles the author's journey through the Holocaust and his transformation from an innocent youth to a broken survivor. The book is a gripping account of the horrors of war, and its portrayal of the human capacity for cruelty is both harrowing and enlightening.

  15. Night by Elie Wiesel

    Lesson Summary. Night is a Holocaust semi-autobiographical novel by Elie Wiesel. It blends the author's experiences with fictionalized details to tell a narrative. Telling the story of Eliezer, a ...

  16. Themes in Night by Elie Wiesel

    Faith Theme. The memoir Night by Elie Wiesel has themes that impress the readers with their versatility and deep meaning.With the plot progress, the author discovers the cental issues from different perfectives. Among all the themes in the book Night, the subject of faith takes the leading role.Moreover, it demonstrates the main character's transformation throughout the entire story.

  17. Night Critical Essays

    Essays and criticism on Elie Wiesel's Night - Critical Essays. Select an area of the website to search ... The Monkey's Paw Themes; Popular Questions and Answers.

  18. Elie Wiesel's Night: Essay Topics & Examples

    Events in the Concentration Camps: "Night" by Elie Wiesel. This essay gives a general overview of the events that occurred to Eliezer and his fellow Jews in several concentration camps. Also, the author focuses on the effect of hardships on the relationship between Eliezer and his father. Eliezer and His Father in Elie Wiesel's Night.

  19. Elie Wiesel: a Life Marked by Witnessing and Testimony

    Essay Example: Elie Wiesel, one of the deepest voices of Elimination, was born on September, 30, 1928, in little city Sighet, placed in Carpathian Mountains of Romania. His birth marked beginning of trip that would bring him over, to remain to Nobel Housemaids by a recipient of an award author