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Why Do a Ph.D in Finance?

jackd9999 - Certified Professional

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As a sophomore undergrad, how can I best position myself to get into a good Ph.D. program? I plan on doing a masters beforehand, and I was wondering if it would be in my best interest to seek out work experience prior to applying to Ph.D. programs or if I should just do research and work towards publications at my University (which is a top 25 school).

What are the requirements for a Top 25 Ph.D. in Finance?

Getting into a top Ph.D. in Finance program is extremely competitive. A firm foundation in math is essential as is economics. To set yourself apart, a letter from a well-published professor is going to give you an edge. If you can get yourself an internship with this professor, even better.

Any and all experience you can get prior to your Ph.D. application will be useful. The most effective approach is getting published in a top finance publication, however with the limited research knowledge and experience received in an undergrad, this can prove difficult.

Finance related work experience and internships are valuable as they display your dedication and work ethic but they are not likely going to be enough for your Ph.D. application. What they will do is give you a better of an idea what a career in finance would be like and if you would prefer to be in a bank/corporate setting or academia post-graduation.

Finance Ph.D. Ranking

Take a look at some of the top-ranked business schools according to Bloomberg

why phd in finance

teenagepirate: Top finance Ph.Ds are more competitive than any entry-level job within banking. A publication always helps. Research experience helps more than internships but competitive internships (top name bank etc.) have value because they're a signal that you're capable of working hard. Admission to the top 25 schools is essentially a lottery. Average GMAT for Chicago's finance Ph.D. was 760+ for instance. Work hard, do your math courses, do your economic courses, get good recommendation letters from well-published finance profs (try to do research internships with them). Independent research won't get you very far because as an undergrad, you're just not trained well enough to do it to a high level.

What do Finance Ph.Ds do after Graduating?

A Ph.D. in Finance will set you up for a position at a quantitive trading desk. They land fewer jobs with I-banks and more often work behind the scenes and are generally less involved directly with clients as their reputation tends to be that they are more academic and less business oriented. What it does set you up for, however, is a career in academia as a professor or researcher.

Schumacher: I-banks generally have economists and market strategists (not sure who gets these jobs and how) that generally most of these people carry PhDs. The trend at most quant trading desks seems to lean more towards the physics, mathematics, statistics PhDs. It's a great degree to have if you want to break into trading. To be honest, a Finance Ph.D. is basically only beneficial to people who want to become college professors, which has its perks (ridiculously short hours, low-stress environment, and great pay assuming you can get a job at a half-decent college).


UES802: I was talking a bit ago with an MD at an MM I-bank and someone asked him a similar question. He responded with, while anything is possible, attaining a Ph.D. in Finance won't really help your chances to get into I-banking all that much. He personally felt that people who go this route tend to get too used to the culture and routine that is involved with school, and are better equipped to become a professor than to attempt to enter the business world.

Academic-based positions can be extremely lucrative and appealing due to the great benefits and hours but if you’re keen to work with clients and in the front end of things, it would probably be more book education than you need.

Read More about Finance Ph.Ds at Wall Street Oasis

  • Ph.D. Yah or Nah?
  • Finance Ph.D. vs. Finance MBA
  • Any Value to a Summer Internship before doing a Ph.DProgram?

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IlliniProgrammer - Certified Professional

It's fairly difficult. Princeton admits 1-2 PhDs each year. Same with the other top ten schools.

My advice is to write a paper that gets published in a Big Three journal (Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies.) If you can do that, you should get in just about anywhere.

jackd9999 - Certified Professional

IlliniProgrammer: It's fairly difficult. Princeton admits 1-2 PhDs each year. Same with the other top ten schools. My advice is to write a paper that gets published in a Big Three journal (Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies.) If you can do that, you should get in just about anywhere.

Wow, are non-ivies (say, top 30 schools) a little easier? How about a publication in a good health economics journal? (I hope to get more involved in healthcare finance research)

Would my undergrad summers best be utilized by doing research or internships at F500 or investment banks ?

teenagepirate's picture

Top finance PhDs are more competitive than any entry level job within banking. A publication always helps. Research experience helps more than internships but competitive internships (top name bank etc.) have value because they're a signal that you're capable of working hard.

Admission to the top 25 schools is essentially a lottery. Average GMAT for Chicago's finance PhD was 760+ for instance. Work hard, do your math courses, do your econ courses, get good recommendation letters from well published finance profs (try to do research internships with them). Independent research won't get you very far because as an undergrad, you're just not trained well enough to do it to a high level.

Finally, don't post here, post on urch.com and read econjobrumors.com . People here are a little bit retarded and think a PhD is something you do if you don't get a job and you want to be lazy. A finance assistant prof (ie straight out of PhD) at a top 25 school will get $200k+ for 9 months a year and a professorial lifestyle. Hell, even PhD students get a $30k stipend (and can raise external financing for the program). It's not as much as you get paid in industry, but it's pretty excellent when you consider the lifestyle and the fact that you don't have to wade through as much bullcrap in your career.

teenagepirate: IlliniProgrammer: It's fairly difficult. Princeton admits 1-2 PhDs each year. Same with the other top ten schools. My advice is to write a paper that gets published in a Big Three journal (Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies.) If you can do that, you should get in just about anywhere.

How are the results for attending a program outside the top 30 or even top 50? Does it get increasingly tough to get tenure and industry opportunities?

Also, I was on academic probation during my freshman year due to poor grades. If I bounce back to about a 3.7 GPA or so by time of application, would it come back to bite me?

Thank you for your response, it helped greatly!

Between Harrison Hong, Markus Brunnermeier, and Ben Bernanke, we have our fair share of research on the financial markets.

Everyone has access to WRDS; everyone can crank out an analysis and figure out if there's something publishable in about a week's time; and the papers are examined blindly. This is something any 21 year old with Excel and WRDS can do; it's not exactly like this is 1978 and some 18 year old is trying to invent the PC in his parents' California garage. (Oh wait.)

Ask a tough question for which there is financial or economic data to answer it with. Then find an appropriate journal to submit your analysis to. They don't really consider the fact that you're an undergrad until the decision to publish has already been made.

Get something published- just make sure you have something really interesting. The JoF's submission fee is something like $250 and they have a twelve week turnaround time.

link sk's picture

just u are, idiots

just ure retarded

Hayek - Certified Professional

The market is very good, solid 6 figure salaries for starting associate professors. Pretty much everything you read about getting into economics PhD programs can be cross applied to finance PhD programs. The most improtant things are going to be:

  • Math background: math stats, probability, differential equations, and real analysis would be very good.
  • Recs from profs
  • Experience working as a research assistant, writing a senior thesis, etc. These are the sorts of things that make for good recs.
  • A non disqualifying GRE quant score (as close to 800 as possible).

Also look into econ PhDs where you can concentrate in financial economics. They won't care about interning at a F500 or whatever, it's irrelevant.

(the reason I mentioned Etula there in the last paragraph is not because he's a retard or anything but because his asset pricing paper was mentioned on Falkenblog yesterday http://falkenblog.blogspot.com/2013/01/is-broker-dealer-leverage-elusiv… and I really wasn't convinced by it yet this guy is an "asset pricing expert" in QIS at GSAM )

teenagepirate: (the reason I mentioned Etula there in the last paragraph is not because he's a retard or anything but because his asset pricing paper was mentioned on Falkenblog yesterday http://falkenblog.blogspot.com/2013/01/is-broker-dealer-leverage-elusiv… and I really wasn't convinced by it yet this guy is an "asset pricing expert" in QIS at GSAM )

How difficult is getting into an accounting phd program? What undergrad/ MS concentrations would set me up best for this and/or finance?

jackd9999: teenagepirate: (the reason I mentioned Etula there in the last paragraph is not because he's a retard or anything but because his asset pricing paper was mentioned on Falkenblog yesterday http://falkenblog.blogspot.com/2013/01/is-broker-dealer-leverage-elusiv… and I really wasn't convinced by it yet this guy is an "asset pricing expert" in QIS at GSAM )

As for your undergrad, it's not super important. Undergraduate accounting tends to be way more practical than what research is. Your best bets are math, econ, statistics and finance, with a few accounting courses so that you understand the very basic concepts. After those come engineering, physics etc. Essentially, you just need to be able to show that you can handle the very quantitative courseload. Often, you'll need to have done a few basic courses in micro-economics and finance, but this is not a hard requirement at all schools. Some schools (Stanford comes to mind, MIT too I think) also require some programming proficiency so it makes sense to do a bit of compsci as well.

And are you serious about "everyone can crank out an analysis and figure out it there's something publishable"? It takes Hong, Brunnermeier etc. a year or so to go from idea to publication and that's with an army of research assistants and co-authors. It's virtually impossible for an undergrad to know the established methodologies for a given field, to know whether their question is relevant and to be able to write the paper in the right way to get their point across in a way that's acceptable to the editors. An undergrad is not going to get a top 3 pub in econ/acc/fin, they may get their dissertation in if their supervisor puts a lot of work into it, but I've never seen a BSc diss make it, only masters level ones. And, as I said, the supervisor usually helps a lot with that.

If you have a trading strategy that can generate a big enough sharpe ratio, it's not too tough to get it published in the JQFA. And if it's big enough and obvious enough to raise a lot of doubt about the EMH or CAPM , you're now talking about a big three publication.

You can vet a trading strategy in about three days in industry. It took me a week to come up with something that can consistently generate a Sharpe of 2.

Most of the quants who held Finance PhDs I worked with in industry were published multiple times in grad school. Seriously, it's not all that tough. And it doesn't really matter your school's ranking- it matters what you, personally get published. Attending a school with a brand name can also be helpful, but you're only the sum of your work product.

Bottom line: If you want into grad school, get something published .

IlliniProgrammer: And are you serious about "everyone can crank out an analysis and figure out it there's something publishable"? It takes Hong, Brunnermeier etc. a year or so to go from idea to publication and that's with an army of research assistants and co-authors. It's virtually impossible for an undergrad to know the established methodologies for a given field, to know whether their question is relevant and to be able to write the paper in the right way to get their point across in a way that's acceptable to the editors. An undergrad is not going to get a top 3 pub in econ/acc/fin, they may get their dissertation in if their supervisor puts a lot of work into it, but I've never seen a BSc diss make it, only masters level ones. And, as I said, the supervisor usually helps a lot with that.

You can vet a trading strategy in about three days in industry; probably less. It took me a week to come up with something that can consistently generate a Sharpe of 2.

Just randomly picked 3 top 10 schools that showed CVs of their current students / job market candidates. Most of them have no publications, a few have one paper with a supervisor or something. You don't get a top 3 publication for figuring out a trading rule, you don't even get a JPM or FAJ for that. No one cares, it's probably the result of data mining or ignoring something like liquidity/ trading costs etc..

And what do you mean by quant? You mean someone working derivs, or a quant as in someone who specializes in quantitative investing? Basically mathematical finance vs. asset pricing? Because in mathematics and physics it's a lot easier to publish than in finance, articles are much shorter and take less time to get through.

If getting a top journal publication was easy, leading professors wouldn't travel half-way around the world to present papers at seminars and get comments on them.

teenagepirate: IlliniProgrammer: And are you serious about "everyone can crank out an analysis and figure out it there's something publishable"? It takes Hong, Brunnermeier etc. a year or so to go from idea to publication and that's with an army of research assistants and co-authors. It's virtually impossible for an undergrad to know the established methodologies for a given field, to know whether their question is relevant and to be able to write the paper in the right way to get their point across in a way that's acceptable to the editors. An undergrad is not going to get a top 3 pub in econ/acc/fin, they may get their dissertation in if their supervisor puts a lot of work into it, but I've never seen a BSc diss make it, only masters level ones. And, as I said, the supervisor usually helps a lot with that.
Uncovering Hedge Fund Skill from The Portfolio Holdings They Hide This paper studies the “confidential holdings” of institutional investors, especially hedge funds, where the quarter‐end equity holdings are disclosed with a delay through amendments to Form 13F and are usually excluded from the standard databases. Funds managing large risky portfolios with nonconventional strategies seek confidentiality more frequently. Stocks in these holdings are disproportionately associated with information‐sensitive events or share characteristics indicating greater information asymmetry. Confidential holdings exhibit superior performance up to 12 months, and tend to take longer to build. Together the evidence supports private information and the associated price impact as the dominant motives for confidentiality. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jofi.12012/pdf

Ok, so someone had the neat idea of running a regression of hedge fund performance against the percentage of portfolios that they disclose through amendments. Woohoo! Journal of Finance! Oh, wow, it was probably mostly done by a grad student too (Yuehua Tang).

As for the strategies, of course you have to take bids and asks. These are reported in nearly every market database. You also have to be conservative in estimating market impact for larger strategies- the fact is that you may not be able to execute some strategy with millions of dollars off of a bid or ask of 500 shares, but there are a number of models commercially available for empirically guessing how much such a transaction would move the market.

If you (1) have a valid arbitrage strategy that WILL make money and (2) use it to make a convincing argument about financial theory, you pretty much have a publication in either the Big Three or one of the next few journals.

Of course, sometimes the best strategies and ideas never get published.

1.) Come up with a theory about the markets. Ideally one that relies on data that wasn't available 20 years ago. (This may rule out theories on cash equities) 2.) Design a strategy to test that theory. 3.) Figure out whether the results show anything. Ideally, try to have a natural experiment with a control and a test. 4.) Figure out how interesting and meaningful those results are. 5.) Clean it up and try to publish it.

You should be able to cycle through 1-4 in 40 hours of work. 5 will take another ~80 hours before you submit to your first journal. Also it's wise to submit to some repository so your idea doesn't get scooped.

I just noticed you also asked about the UK in your first post. So I'll mention that briefly as well.

Basically, in the UK, LBS is basically an American school and is the only UK school that ranks really well globally. LSE has a good name in industry but they're very large and not that respected internationally in "academic finance" or accounting, and apparently treat their PhD students quite poorly. LSE , Warwick, Imperial, Cass, Oxford and Cambridge are pretty much what you would treat as the second tier of schools in the UK after LBS with each having some sort of problem: Cambridge's faculty of finance is tiny and very junior but decent, at the other end of the spectrum you have LSE and Cass which are really big but with a lot of mediocre people and bought talent. Oxford had like 3 people go to this year's AFA meeting which was quite impressive for a faculty as small as theirs. For the UK and finance, LBS is the way to go and should that fail, then LSE and Oxford. But there are many many schools that are as good as LSE and Oxford which are not impossible to get into in the US so at that point it becomes a point of how much funding you can get and how well the research interests match yours. For accounting, I have no idea really because it seems like accounting research in Europe and accounting in the US are done completely differently and European researchers are just unable to get good publications into the top US journals but dominate publishing in AOS. I don't know enough to rank the schools but LBS's department of accounting seems fairly good by international standards (faculty seem to publish in the top US journals), even though it's quite small.

As for if you have a valid arbitrage strategy, lots of people think they do and try to publish them but get rejected. Why? Because most likely they're ignoring something... A lot of professionals think they've got a winning strategy but if they exposed that strategy to the kind of scrutiny that academic ideas get they'd realize just how flawed it actually is.
There have been a couple of arbitrages published in recent years but in reality they're quite rare.. If you have a valid arbitrage strategy that will make money, chances are that either you can use it to make a lot of money (doesn't happen often in practice) or you can publish it (doesn't happen often either).

This isn't that complicated, though.

Anyhow, OP, I strongly recommend http://www.urch.com/forums/phd-business/ instead of here. Here you just have too few people who know anything about the process and too many people who will answer without knowing anything for this forum to be useful (not referring to anyone on this thread but this whole forum)

mgt's picture

PhD in Finance vs. Working ( Originally Posted: 10/28/2012 )

I'm early into a PhD program in Finance at a 10-20 ranked b-school. I'm not so sure about going the academia route if I do complete my degree, and find myself more excited about building a career as a researcher in the AM industry. Considering the options of (1) finishing the PhD and going into AM as a researcher, or (2) trying to find a buy or sell side research job and quitting the program (I already have a Master's), does anyone out there with experience have any advice or comparisons for these two paths? Is the ceiling higher with the PhD, and is it worth the 5 year investment?

West Coast rainmaker - Certified Professional

Geez, finance PhD programs are insanely competitive. If you're in a good program, I would stay where you are.

Depending on your location, you should be able to find part-time work/ internships / consulting jobs while you are working on your degree. If you come out with strong work experience and a good thesis, just about any buyside firm will at least give you a look.

I assume you have a stipend? Then the only cost is opportunity. In this market, staying in a PhD program isn't a terrible idea. You could always quit if you get an offer from a top fund - but in the meantime, you are building your resume (and hopefully getting work experience).

I do have a stipend, but unfortunately my program won't allow me to take outside work while enrolled in the program. So my options for building work experience are pretty limited.

The Biz Kid - Certified Professional

A phD will definitely get you noticed but if you don't have any relevant experience, summer internship , etc, then you will be just like every other PhD who is having a career crises. The problem with a masters at a non-feeder school is that there are many people with them (MFE, etc.) so your resume won't stand out too much. I would say the ceiling is not higher with a PhD but it will help you get noticed by top shops/ AM firms.

If you don't want to do quant/systematic strategies then the value proposition of a PhD diminishes. But again, a PhD will get you noticed in any shop that isn't straight fundamental.

I would think that if you're at a top school then many of your professors consult for the industry. you should ask them about their experience and then also see if they can help you get a summer internship or help them on a project. that should give you a better idea if you think it's worth quitting your program.

StrongMan - Certified Professional

Since you're pursuing a PhD in Finance, you're most likely going to be offered positions in quantitative finance research(derivatives pricing). It isn't that bad of a place to be. If you don't want to complete your thesis, then by all means start applying to all the major companies.

You're most likely in a small predicament. I'm guessing you don't know how to program the common languages used like c, c++, java, and python which would rule you out of many quantitative research positions. Given that, you'll be in a more competitive pool competing with students straight out of undergrad for research positions. Since you have a masters, many company HR reps will say you deserve higher pay. But then you've got to think about the department budget and who's running it and what they're willing to sacrifice. In a sense, you run the risk of being overqualified for a research position but under-qualified for another(quant finance research).

With that said, i'd recommend you get through the remainder years and complete your phd.

If you really want to go into industry, 2 years of programming will do you well, C++, Java, and Python at the minimum.

I would have to disagree with one of the above posters. Do not tell your professors that you're planning to go into industry. As you already know, the whole point of a PhD is to prepare you to be an academic researcher. You'll most likely face some opposition when planning your thesis if you tell your professors that your headed to industry.

MountainKing - Certified Professional

These are some links which should be of help if you're looking for an industry career post PhD

http://www.econjobrumors.com/topic/phd-in-finance-for-private-sector http://www.econjobrumors.com/topic/afa-private-sector-aqr-blackrock http://www.econjobrumors.com/topic/us-industry-salaries-for-phds/page/1 http://www.econjobrumors.com/topic/most-economists-are-losers



Also, finish the PhD. Somehow. The signal premium is worth it. You could arguably drop out with an MS which was paid for and go to work on the street as a quant, but Dr. ABC > Mr. ABC.

Also the buy side roles which are available to Finance PhDs are VERY different from the roles held by MFEs.

Incremental benefit for doing Phd finance ( Originally Posted: 04/13/2013 )

Seeing recently stats of leading business school in US and UK (especially), i was amazed to find that msc/ms programs in finance requirements besides funding are less but they create greater monetary value for finance graduate. On other hand, phd guys invest 5 years with no experience/industry links have to end p on almost same salary. Starting salary for MS guy in year 0 ( just after graduation) is suppose 70 K then it would be approx 92 K by end of differential 4 years ( assuming 7 % increment in annual salary) On other hand, how many phd guys cross on such break even of 92 K at start?

Cpt Savior's picture

I don't think that money is what is driving people to Finance PhDs. At least not as much as MS . But there are probably other things involved as well.

meaning you agree that on monetary ( or more precisely quantitative return on investment ) terms, phd is behind.

i actually put these facts to this forum just after seeing very few "quality" Masters level specialized fin. programs in US, on other hand all big universities are investing through doctorate level finance courses in finance industry.

Ihavenoclue's picture

From my understanding most of the PHD students in business schools go there for free. Most of these people want to teach and do research, which is cool. I don't think most of them get a phd for the money, it is more like credential that they need to be able to teach and do research.

Dottor's picture

PhD finance for a job in market ( Originally Posted: 07/17/2015 )

I am starting a PhD program in finance this September. My ultimate aim is to be a researcher in the AM industry and maybe in hedge funds. You might think that PhD is a painful and not a certain path to achieve it, but I would also like to keep options open for academia for the future.

My question here would be the areas/topics that industry might find attractive and that I can excel during my PhD. I am interested in topics in asset pricing and behavioral finance, like analysing/creating models to see the difference in prices of financial products in different stages of business cycles, etc. I am not sure whether those are relevant topics for AM and hedge fund analysts?

WRT my background, I do have a BS in Physics and MS in Finance so I feel I have capacities in both quantitative and financial areas. I am quite good in MATLAB, but VBA and C++ or Java seem a-must to be in the market.

Please let me know which topics I need to focus on my PhD study, the ones that significantly help me to land some jobs in relevant areas. Not sure whether it make any sense, but my studies were in Europe and i want to stay in Europe. The school is ranked in the European top 10-20 with a few excellent researchers.

Many thanks

Going Concern - Certified Professional

If you're getting a PhD and know matlab I would assume you can pick up vba in a few minutes, it's pretty basic (no pun intended)

GutShot - Certified Professional

Check out quantnet and poets and quants

anonymousbro - Certified Professional

I don't have any input here other than that I'd be careful about listening to advice from here for something as sensitive as your PHD thesis. I would reach out directly to HF 's directly and anyone else you want to work with else well.

onpar1's picture

Finance PhD's ( Originally Posted: 06/28/2007 )

What's the typical starting job for fresh Finance PhD's other than academia? Do they tend to go into quant-based funds or something similar or do a lot start out at Associated at BB 's?

Also, does it matter which school you get your PhD from? Can a PhD from Tier 2 B-school get a good job or is he/she going to have a hard time?

Schumacher's picture

Why are you asking? These types of questions alone are a pretty good indication that you will never be a Finance PhD.

But to answer your question Finance PhDs have been known to secure jobs as quants and associates at BBs . Like always the better the school...the better your chances of landing these types of jobs.

Personally, I think a PhD in Finance is a complete waste of time unless you had your heart sent on the academic world. If youre brainy enough to get a PhD in finance youre probably brainy enough to get a PhD or at least a Masters in Math/Stats/CompSci/Physics, all of which are probably more marketable in the academic world AND finance.

UES802's picture

I concur with Schumacher.

I was talking a bit ago with an MD at a MM I-bank and someone asked him a similar question. He responded with, while anything is possible, attaining a PhD in Finance won't really help your chances to get into Ibanking all that much. He personally felt that people who go this route tend to get too used to the culture and routine that is involved with school, and are better equipped to become a professor than to attempt to enter the business world.

Jimbo - Certified Professional

One of the top interest rate quants in the world is a finance PhD.

MartingaleMeasure's picture

Math Finance PhD to Wall Street ( Originally Posted: 10/17/2015 )

Long time reader, first time poster...

I'm currently a student in one of the top math finance programs. Until recently I'd planned on joining a finance department at a business school after completing my PhD. Unfortunately, having taken a number of finance courses not offered by the math department - we offer few topics courses - and I've discovered that most of the finance research is mathematically and/or statistically unsound.* The math finance research while rigorous is utterly useless.** As such, I'm strongly considering a transition back to the private sector.

Prior to joining my PhD, I worked in data analytics consulting for four years. I've generally held sales roles and have been client facing. I'm not your typical PhD: I love client interations, I wasn't a nerd in college or HS though I went to a good university, and I was an athlete throughout college and HS. Ideally, I'd like a role that facilitates a lot of social interaction and that's close to the money. Seeing the jobs most of our people get, and yes it's mainly quant jobs in banks or hedge funds , I've acquired the impression that those two things don't characterize their everyday tasks. Should I complete my PhD? Is there a role for a PhD that doesn't make you a trader's bitch or turn you into some sort of quasi-academic troll at Two Sigma?

QGKZ's picture

I'm interested in why you think quants are quasi-academic trolls?

I've heard a lot of quants say that having a postgraduate math degree for quant roles is completely unnecessary/overkill, since the math you learn as an undergraduate math major is sufficient. It's more a function of marketability, or advertising on behalf of the firms who hire these math PhDs.

Also, your comments on mathematical-finance research seems reasonable given many of the opinions of renown quants. Apparently, a lot of the research has just become completely useless and unsound - essentially mental masturbation.

Keep in mind, quants at places like AQR/Two Sigma do more than just research - they also develop and execute actual investment strategies.

The issue is that your background already puts you into the 'quantitative roles bucket'. It may be difficult to convince people in roles with more client-interaction that they should hire you. Trading, risk and investment management roles are what's open to you right now. Of these, investment management would probably offer the most client-interactions.

Investment management at a BB like Goldman Sachs Asset Management , as opposed to a quant fund, may offer a bit more of what you're looking for. I have seen some quants (with/without PhDs) in asset management roles at BB banks. I also hear that Asset Management has quite a bit of client interaction, although others are better qualified to advise you on this.

If you want to get out of quant roles completely, then you're going to have more trouble. This is made significantly worse by the fact that you're a Math PhD, rather than straight out of undergrad. It makes you an 'experienced' hire and I'm not sure how well a Math PhD would be able to recruit for an IB analyst role, ect.

disabledaccount's picture

Careers options for PhD in Finance (Other than academia) ( Originally Posted: 11/14/2015 )

I am a first year PhD Finance student at a school which has very a solid reputation in overall but not the top in finance. As a PhD student, my priority is on getting an academic position, but I am also interested in career options in the industry.

Are there substantial number of people getting into IBD or Sales & Trading with a finance phd degree? I am also considering to quant or strats positions, but computational language is not something that I am familiar with.

I know that investment banks prefer fresh college graduates or MBA students over PhD candidates for their front office tasks other than quant, but I also heard that some trading desks dealing with more complicated products such as structure rates or exotics willingly hire PhD guys. Is that true?

If my research is on corporate finance , more specifically capital structure of firms , would it boost my employability for IBD ?

In terms of locational preference, I would not mind to work in any of major financial centers around world. (NY, London or HK) So, if you have any knowledge on those places, please give me some insight.

Quant Hedge Funds. Although it totally depends on the penchant of your PHD program. Quantitative Researchers are research (new models) and programming focused.

juniormistmaker - Certified Professional

IBD I would say a no. You're likely too old and a bit too quantitatively orientated for the role which is as much soft skills as hard science. I would imagine you may have an easier time on the S&T side with a quant desk but I would think you'd likely need to develop some coding skills which frankly shouldn't be that hard to pick up.

Thanks, guys. So you guys suggest that only 'quant' related positions would be available for me? And for the programming language, I am currently using matlab and R for my coursework and research. Would it be sufficent?

kruzon - Certified Professional

undefined: Thanks, guys. So you guys suggest that only 'quant' related positions would be available for me? And for the programming language, I am currently using matlab and R for my coursework and research. Would it be sufficent?

Matlab and R are perfect. In trading , you want a language you can crunch data / backtest strategies with (R / Python) as well as one that has solid execution when you go live (Matlab / Python / C++). Look into statistical arbitrage / pairs trading, you should pick this up no problem w/ your background. Download a few data sets online, run some simple analysis to start, and you can formulate a strategy to start paper trading on your own. From there you can join prop desks, HFT , structuring etc.

If algorithmic trading doesn 't interest you and you don't want to go the pure academic route another way in is through a multilateral organization as an economist . After a few years those positions can set you up well to jump to a bank or hedge fund where you can make some serious coin.

realjackryan - Certified Professional

I like the idea about economics. There is a third option other than industry and academia... Government!

Federal Reserve has nice paychecks and exit opps... They cap out around 200 k though if I remember right.

And PLEASE... If you want to go to industry do NOT do research on corporate finance . I would use the opportunity to find an arbitrage or something other statistically significant relationship which produces consistent alpha .

wahaha008's picture

econ/finance phd ( Originally Posted: 04/08/2007 )

if you are currently in a econ or finance phd program what exit opportunities are there on wall street

vkrasikFT's picture

FI and Equity Quant Reserch/Deriv Pricing groups, banks like Lehman and CS have a PhD day/presentation some time in fall, where they tell about PhD opportunities. make sure you school work is quant/econometrics related. Are you Stern fin or econ ?

just looking @ my options

dixm655 - Certified Professional

You can become a professor.

zeev's picture

Finance Phd ( Originally Posted: 10/23/2011 )

I am doing Phd in finance, passed the first two levels of CFA exams. I have been told that my background fits for buy side firms, especially HFs . My uni is not an ivy league school though. What do you think is the best way for me to contact HFs?

As my uni is not an ivy league school, they are not coming to my uni and it is hard for me to find something through the alumni.

Thanks in advance.

GreenwichForLife - Certified Professional

Cold call/ cold email tons of firms. Use Linkedin to connect with people at HFs you would be interested in working for. I'd imagine it wouldn't be hard to get responses since you're doing a PhD.

blastoise's picture

What topics are you studying in finance.. I'm just being nosy as I didn't know they offered such a Ph.d

My thesis in on market microstructure of derivatives market. I also work on asset pricing.

Let's say I am graduating in summer, when do you think I should start sending e-mails?

buybuybuy - Certified Professional

3 years ago.

buybuybuy: 3 years ago.

Agreed. Start emailing and calling ASAP. Attend as many networking events as possible. Tap into the alumni networks of both your PhD school and BA/ BS school, as well as any possible masters you may have done.

broadex's picture

New here & im a PHD Finance hunter ( Originally Posted: 04/11/2014 )

Trying to get ideas about PHD finanace proposal.

MissMoneyPenny's picture

Not sure if trolling, but if you're seriously looking for someone else to come up with your Phd topic, you probably should not be pursuing a Phd in the first place.

AcctNerd - Certified Professional

You should probably be talking with your advisor.

gokirop's picture

This cant be serious :)

finance phd ( Originally Posted: 10/01/2011 )

I will graduate this summer and I am taking CFA level 3 exam this June.I am good at econometrics , R and Matlab. My uni is not an ivy league school, but has a good reputation.

Sell side quants told me that my profile suits better for buy side jobs. I am wondering which buy side firms hire finance phds. Thanks in advance.

Nebular - Certified Professional

Take a look around the Hedge Fund forum. This site has alot of great resources. Here's some for you:

WSO hedge fund career guide

<a href="//www.wallstreetoasis.com/faq-best-discussions-hedge-funds>Best discussion hedge fund FAQ</a>

You'll also find lists of firms there^ ">

plzhedge's picture

Phd in Finance profile eval ( Originally Posted: 09/27/2014 )

Hi Gurus out there.

I am interested in applying to Finance Phd program.

I would like gurus here to provide me some insights/ideas on my chances getting into these programs listed below:

Uni. of Michigan, UCLA, Duke, USC, Cornell, Boston College, University of Florida, Rutgers.

To provide info on my background/stats:

UGPA: 3.45 & GPGA: 3.5. Studied EE during undergrad and Comp. Engr as major and econ as minor studies during grad school w/ full fellowship & stipend.

GRE V 156 GRE Q 170 AWA 4... I know i bombed my verbal :(

1.5 yrs of research experience & winning IEEE research fellowship/scholarship for my research.

2 yrs of working @ High tech firm (think apple or google) by the time i enroll to phd program..

I am particularly worried about my gpa since it is not 3.8 or 3.9 as advertised on many phd program website...

Do you gurus think if I have a reasonable chance to get into one of the programs I listed above? And is there any particular area I should improve or work on, say GRE verbal for example?

Any advice or comment will be appreciated :)

Just to add another piece of info...

i received my BSE & MSE from top 5 engineering program.....

SFREIT - Certified Professional

Your background certainly isn't bad. I have done some reading in finance PhD programs and I think you have a lot of points in your favor. I think it is likely that you will be able to get in somewhere, however there are a few things to keep I mind from what I've read:

The Math. Have you taken Real Analysis in undergrad? Finance and Econ PhDs are pretty brutal math-wise and knowing the EE students I know, it is very possible to come out of an engineering program without a strong enough math background for a Finance/Econ PhD.

You alluded to this in your post but finance PhD programs are extremely competitive. Even for someone like you it will be tough to get in to a top program.

Research fellowship is a big point in your favor, leverage that in your application.

Great thanks for your comment. First of all, here is a list of math courses I took: Cal I, II, III, IV, Linear Algebra, statistics, Regression/forecasting, Probabilistic method in engineering which covers some Real Analysis, and many other engineering courses requiring intro knowledge level of Real analysis. But I have not taken a course called Real Analysis. And I am aware of the competitiveness of the Finance PHD program :(

What do you think of my lowish gpa and verbal score? Any reg flag or yellow card?

golfer23 - Certified Professional

Finance PhD ( Originally Posted: 08/11/2011 )

Most recent post on this seems to be in 2007.

To put it simply, I did my undergrad in Finance, have an MBA , and am taking CFA Level III next June. Working in ER currently.

Really considering going and doing my doctorate. Love the researching professor lifestyle and autonomy. Anyone done this? Advice going forward? (Starting next fall)

Flake - Certified Professional

That actually sound pretty cool...

sl1201 - Certified Professional

I'm actually interested in pursuing this path as well

Professor Jarrow at Cornell was a math major and a MBA from Tuck. He got his PhD at MIT in 3 years after that. Look up HJM model.

To the OP, what specific field within finance are you interested in?

econ - Certified Professional

I dropped out of an Econ PhD, so if anyone is considering this path and wants to ask me any questions, feel free to PM me.

London George's picture

The life of an academic is, to misquote Thomas Hobbes, "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish" and shit.

You have much less autonomy you think you do; you're obliged to churn out a constant streams of papers that will (most likely) be read by almost nobody; and, you have to be prepared to relocate to the middle-of-nowhere's-ville to take a job teaching undergrads. To make things worse, the actual process of researching can be incredibly lonely too.

Not for me. And I strongly considered it.

Specific field of interest would be more on the corporate side of things -- M&A, spin-offs, restructurings, etc.

Thanks for the input, all. Definitely is a major decision with ramifications, but there's a major part of me that believes I will regret it if I don't do it.

Also, I think that a major catalyst for my thought process here is that I don't really see myself living tick-by-tick to the stock market, or being so focused on a given industry that I can tell you the exact inventory level for a company 3 quarters ago. Don't get me wrong, I love my job right now -- and I think that analysts who are so in tune with an industry are really good, and it's amazing to see that level of knowledge about companies.

I feel like the things that I like about doing ER I can do for my own portfolio on a go-forward basis. And I also want to make sure that I can have solid balance in my life -- be a husband, be a good dad. Not that it can't be done in ER , but the balance challenge is significantly more difficult.

I'm aware that academia is no bed of roses and that there's no "free lunch", but I feel like, for me, the benefits outweigh the costs.

Fair enough.

Do a Masters and re-assess. I was dead set on avoiding the City and "corporate" economics when I finished my undergrad. Two years later I u-turned.

So long as you apply yourself with gusto- and don't look back- you can't really go wrong, as with most things in life. Until your set off in the direction, keep your options open and don't burn any bridges.

panta_rhei's picture

PhD Finance for I-Banks !? ( Originally Posted: 11/10/2007 )

i'm currently studying economics and am considering a phd in finance, I'm still having about 2years ahead until graduation though.

Why I would like yet to get a clear opinion whether or not to pursue a PhD afterwards is, since if I wanted to do one (in a really good school) I would need to concentrate more (maybe entirely) on my studies now in order to get a sufficient good degree, in contrast to doing as many as possible relevant internships in order to get a good job directly after graduation. Aside from that I would need to apply already in about a year I guess.

I read already some related threads about the topic, many advice "do it if you really are interested in the subject" which makes definitely sense and of course I am interested! but if i knew already which job i would like to go for for sure and also knew that the phd wouldnt be usefull for that particular job, i wouldn't do one I think. But since I don't really know yet, what kind of job to aim for (and general whether industry or maybe academia) it also would help me to keep all my options open.

I read many times that in many areas of i-banks a phd absolutely wouldn't be neccessary, though i read as well since financial instruments are getting more and more complex a phd could be beneficial.

So my main question is in which areas of i-banks (i.e. sales, trading , risk management, NOT structuring since that's obvious) is a finance phd (with what specialisation?) beneficial or even neccessary?

I'd really appreciate your input! Thanks a lot in advance!

Danny_ish - Certified Professional

I don't know much about other areas, but for corporate finance , a PhD is definitely not required, nor is it beneficial.

Ibanks generally have economists and market strategists (not sure who gets these jobs and how) that generally most of these people carry PhDs.

The trend at most quant trading desks seems to leaning more towards the physics, mathematics, statistics PhDs.

If you have a good math background you can check out the MFE programs both in the U.S. and U.K. Its a great degree to have if you want to break into trading

To be honest, a Finance PhD is basically only beneficial to people who want to become college professors, which has its perks (ridiculously short hours, low stress environment, and great pay assuming you can get a job at a half-decent college). If I-banking is what you're after though, dont waste 8-12 years of your life pursuing a PhD when you could be gaining some valuable work exp.

luke77 - Certified Professional

A PhD would be relevant on certain trading desks, research, probably risk management, and I can't really speak to other areas . If you have a finance PhD you will not have a problem getting a job at a bank - they are in very high demand. Having said that, don't get a PhD as a means to get into banking unless you are really, really, interested in the topic you're working on. Something like 50% of PhD finance candidates burn out, and that's coming from an already very select crowd - I've heard admissions stats are somewhere around 10-20%. It's not an easy road.

buzzyforth's picture

career advice for PhD student ( Originally Posted: 01/18/2013 )

restructury's picture

I wouldn't recommend to do that online MBA . To me that's kinda ridiculous. There are all kinds of majors in IBD , so don't worry about that. Maybe the CFA Level I can show your general interest in finance, but there are very variable notions on this strategy here on WSO

You're Ivy, so that's a very big plus. I would concentrate on getting my story right: " Why do you wanna do finance?" Why now? What can you bring to the table? I also would try to dwell on your quant skills, if there are any.

Your age is a big problem, so be prepared.

restructury, thanks for your comment.

Do I have a realistic shot at an associate position with a MBA? Should I do the UCLA certificate program in investment management and analysis? Is taking CFA 1 is the best course of action if I have some time to spare on preparation for IB job (beside networking)?

Due to my experience you would only have a shot for an assoiciate positions with a prestigious MBA , not at all with an online MBA .

The UCLA program or CFA Level I program is a very good add on in my opinion.

But I think you have to focus on getting a job (networking) more than to add another qualification.

So let me ask you: Why do you wan't to get into finance?

Have you ever thought about consulting? (Your CV and Ph.D. may have mor advantages here) I'm just asking because I do have a couple of friends who want(ed) to get out of their traditional field (engineering, chemistry;..) just to do something more business related without any clear focus.

roofstreet - Certified Professional

you're an ivey so....NETWORK, NETWORK and NETWORK!

I am leaning towards a MBA which could open more doors compared to specific training/knowledge I could get from CFA . Even though its online, its the same degree given to other students in the full-time program (the interviewers won't know unless he/she asks me explicitly about the nature of the program) Since I already have access to alumni network and career services at my ivy league schools, I don't care much about the networking opportunity within my MBA cohort. My plan is not get another brand name on my resume - but to retool my management skills and sharpen my business acumen, which I think can be done through an online program.

I am also planning to give a shot at consulting too. BUT English is my second language, and my presentation skills might not be as smooth as those of native speakers. And consulting involves a lot more interactions with clients, social skills play a bigger role to success in consulting than in IB . So I guess I might have better chances of having a career in IB .

I don't want to go into academia. My goal had been to join the private sector since I started my PhD program. Finance fascinates me for several reasons (including great pay). Particularly, I am pretty good with analytical skills and want to help companies search out ways to become more financially independent. Another reason is that my home country does not have an established financial market (no credit bureau , no mortgage loan, no stock exchange ). With international experiences and top-notch training i could get here in the US, my dream is to return home one day and help develop the financial sector back in my country.

Any more suggestions? Thank you!

fleetersamuelli's picture

You can make it into banking- but generally speaking the work is pretty mind numbing and might feel below your intellectual abilities / curiosity, given that you have gone through the trouble of getting an advanced degree. Realistically, your best shot is to network your way in. Success depends on how good you are at networking, MBAs , CFAs , all that stuff is a waste of time.

bakeasian's picture

What are my odds going from PhD into these business schools? ( Originally Posted: 05/02/2014 )

I am looking to apply to a MBA program this coming fall and switching away from R&D into management and consulting roles within the life science and biotech industry. I will be 28 when I enroll, this is a little on the older side I believe. Anyways, I would appreciate you guys' opinions on my chances.

Undergrad (top 2 Canada): Economics (3.4/4.0) Graduate (semi-target U.S) : Biochemistry PhD GMAT : 730

Work experience: Boutique consulting (co-op, life science biotech industry): 7 months IT consulting and implementation (current, healthcare and life science industry) : 6 months Software Start up (current, health care and life science industry): COO , 8 months.

I am interested in the following schools and programs:

Cornell (Johnson): 1 year MBA program for scientists Fuqua (healthcare management program) Haas UCLA USC Marshall (I am not sure how Marshall is doing, from the latest statistics it would seem that 25% of graduates are without job placement; I would like some thoughts on this as well)

Thanks again.

OpsDude - Certified Professional

28 is the average age, so you're definitely not on the old side. Your work experience is a bit on the light side, and it's going to be a red flag that you were at two firms for less than a year unless you explain it well. That said, a dual Biochem Ph.D and MBA will make you highly employable, so I think you can certainly get into the schools you are aiming for (although, you might come off as unfocused since your career isnt based on your Ph.D...make sure you can build a coherent story). You MIGHT have to re-apply once before you get in, to show more experience, but you'll definitely get in eventually. You might have more trouble in the Top 10/ MBA business schools "> M7 schools though if you decide to reach, but your target schools are fine (Haas will be a reach though).

jojome's picture

Your work experience is a HUGE red flag. Three jobs under a year each?! Most people hold on to a position for at least 2 years. Maybe you should look into patent law. There are alot of top firms that will pay you to goto law school and give you a six figure paycheck.

Thank you for the input guys. I realize that my work experience will be a glaring weakness on my application that I would need to address in some capacity. To qualify, I was not laid off, nor was I job hopping. My 7 months work experience at the boutique consulting firm was a work study (co-op) program. The work focused on management consulting for the life science and biotech industry. I am still currently employed at the start-up and the IT consulting firm. Both firms are involved in software development for the healthcare and life science sector. By the time I matriculate into any MBA program I would have been at these two companies for 2 years.

I am also not sure how MBA programs take into consideration the PhD experience. As part of the PhD program, I essentially served as a research assistant for 4 years. Since I am legally a paid employee of the University, should this not count as work experience in some capacity?

Betsy Massar - Certified Professional

Yes, your work experience as a research assistant in the university does count. Your combination on-going experiences look consistent with what I have seen in other students who are applying from an academic setting. I don't see any red flags. But like any other candidate, you want to present your purpose as having something bigger than simply wanting to switch functions. Get your story clear, I mean really clear, and of course, figure out ways that your experiences will add to a class.

Tell us more about this Cornell program for scientists (!) I thought it was just a tech program in NY . -- sorry to be ignorant, especially in public. I will be visiting the Cornell Tech Center in NY in a few weeks, so give me good questions to ask.

Ipso facto's picture

I do know of a number of PhDs that have gone to MBA business schools "> M7 schools more or less straight out of grad school. Doable, but not that common. If you can justify an MBA (having a good story) and also have demonstrated excellence out of academics (ECs, leadership roles, etc...), I believe you would be competitive at your schools of interest.

bajamrock9's picture

PhD looking for job at BB bank ( Originally Posted: 09/20/2012 )

i'm looking for a job at a BB . i'm generally clueless about finance but i am pretty sure i will like it if i get into it. i'm doing a phd in engineering from a good school and i expect to graduate in may or august next year.

few questions...

do Citi , jp, GS , etc have specific programs to hire people with my background? would my background (PhD plus a couple internships ) be sufficient to pass a resume screen?

given that i want to graduate next summer, when should i look to apply? is it rolling? is there a deadline for phds?

are phds hired differently from ba's? would i be interviewing for an associate role as opposed to analyst?

what divisions are there, and how is the prestige associated with each of them?

how do i best prepare for interviews?

protectedclass - Certified Professional

any languages?

ReadLine's picture

There's literally book guides printed out to answer those general questions. Search the forum or read them. also go to the wilmott forum instead. More PhDs there and they would be more knowledgeable of the opportunities. This forum is mostly populated with Investment Bankind Division aspirants. You'd be in Sales and Trading .

The most important and first filter for you is going to be- how good is your C++?

And yes, you'd be an associate. And full-time recruiting is going on right now. But for the jobs where they specifically look for quant PhDs- that recruiting isn't as structured. (of course some PhDs go into non-PhD required/recommended jobs too). For the quant PhD jobs you're looking at 3 main things:

  • risk management. especially market risk. considered middle office . nobody's top choice. mostly statistics skills. filled with many non-PhDs too. Some people kind it interesting though. little to no programming.
  • Quantitative Developer. This is almost all programming work. Yet filled with math/physics/engineerg, etc PhDs.
  • model validation. almost all quant PhDs. will require programming but not as much as QD. Generally MFE-type maths, but they prefer a PhD to get it right. Considered a typical springboard to front office trading /structuring.
  • trading. what everyone wants. the background highly depend on the asset you trade- PhDs will go to the exotic products or the more automated products (automated is obviously programming work).

thanks a lot.

i know a bit of C and am gonna work on developing that. i think i will be fine after studying it for a month...

is there any other skill theyre gonna look for? for instance, say my phd is in engineering. are they gonna ask me technical questions related to my prior cousework? or is it just going to be basic probability questions and brainteasers that i've seen on the internet?

finally, assuming im an industrial engineering phd from columbia, have working C skills, and can talk about my research, what's the chance i can get hired as a phd, in any div at GS ?

SirTradesaLot - Certified Professional

bajamrock9: what's the chance i can get hired as a phd, in any div at GS ?

GS is the first company that always comes to mind because they reached out to me. i'll consider any bb firm though. i was just picking out one as an example.

is there any other skill theyre gonna look for? for instance, say my phd is in engineering. are they gonna ask me technical questions related to my prior cousework? or is it just going to be basic probability questions and brainteasers that i've seen on the internet? finally, assuming im an industrial engineering phd from columbia, have working C skills, and can talk about my research, what's the chance i can get hired as a phd, in any div at GS ?

An interview is not going to be advanced technical stuff. But in the past it was common to have some people take a test and decide interviews based on that. That's another reason you'd want to apply sooner or later. Credit Suisse used to have a in-house test for applicants to their "quantitative associate" program- which basically encompassed 99% of the jobs a PhD would go into. Several times a year they'd have a 100+ people come in and take a test- mostly higher-level undergrad level questions in math areas useful for finance. And another common thing is an online test that supposedly measures your programming ability through multiple choice questions. There's a company that does it that several banks use- can't remember the name now.

But how they interview PhDs can change over the years depending on the bank, the department and sometimes even whoever is currently in charge in that area. Don't know how GS does it. As for your chances of getting into ANY division at GS? That's not an illuminating question. And in fact depends more on their current staffing needs in particular areas than it does on you (unless you're an expert in some in vogue area like signal processing?). But assuming you work at it- e.g. contacting HR and headhunters- I'd say pretty good.

prudentinvestor's picture

GS is actually the largest employer of PhD's after I believe the federal government. BB love PhDs and they are much harder to fire too, due to their expertise.

Consider finding a recruiting firm.

You will most likely find a position as a quant or as GS likes to call them, strategists. Put simply, you will a traders bitch.

I don't think that's true. At the end of the day its a bank not a technology/science company. And quantitative finance is just a subset of a broader industry. Besides Google is almost 2x as big. IBM is 10x as big (in employees).

I'm sure they have a higher attrition rate though- just because there's a higher learning curve in their job.

thanks so much for the insights, everyone. very helpful.

so all in all, you'd say that there is a good chance that I can land a job at a BB , provided I prepare. that's pretty much what I wanted to gauge.

given that, what would you say is the best way I should approach preparing for interviews? is the interview process as cutthroat as it is for undergrads? is there a book or a program i can subscribe to that will prepare me for interviews? i'm just reading wilmott's FAQs in quantitative finance as of now.

Heard on the Street....but its kinda old now. But everyone uses this. And they expect almost everyone to have seen it. Review your probability, calculus, ode/pde. Prepare for C++ brainteasers . The interview process is a lot more variable then undergrad. It's not nearly as structured. Typically not as many stages.

They'll look at your CV and ask you questions from it. So be prepared for that obviously. If you display some quant finance knowledge they might ask you further questions. Otherwise just read Hull . If you have time- then go into more finance reading like Shreve- but better to be strong on the basics than weak and broad. The finance questions will be secondary. If you fuck up the prob/calc/ode question- then that's instant death.

Next, a lot of PhD hires are interviewed specifically by a certain desk/group for a specific position. So once you hear about the interview- you're going to want to learn more about their work, the financial instrument, etc. And pay extra attention on that group's most relevant quant skill. e.g. for an interview with market risk you might want to add stats/econometrics to your reviewing. for model validation pde's. for quant developer- c++ brainteasers .

manutd's picture

doing phd while networking into ib ( Originally Posted: 02/07/2013 )

okay24 - Certified Professional

With a PHD you'd be overqualified

The Kid - Certified Professional

Your communication skills will be a huge roadblock, regardless of what you decide to do.

The Kid: Your communication skills will be a huge roadblock, regardless of what you decide to do.

kidflash - Certified Professional

'I am an international student who is about to graduate this semester from a non-target school in US, have not yet networked enough and secured a job in IB due to time manners. I am thinking of pursuing a PHD degree here in US after my undergraduate probably at schools around New York area so that it would be easy for me to travel there and make connections. If success in securing a job, then I would leave the PHD program. I dont want to pursue a MSF or a MFE due to budgetary issue. Do you think it is feasible? Will I have a shot in getting into BBs? By the way I am majoring in economics, had an internship with a boutique in the M&A advisory, but currently only targeting the BBs'

'have not yet networked enough' 'due to time manners.' 'if success in securing a job' 'due to budgetary issue,' etc.

Iunno. your point gets across, but it's not 'good' english persay.

Est consequatur sit vel veritatis fugiat voluptatem. Perspiciatis ea ut voluptate temporibus.

Perspiciatis sint atque maiores ut eos. Quia sed quos odit soluta. Error esse quos facere dolor et molestias. Recusandae voluptates quaerat quisquam hic quod necessitatibus molestias.

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WallStreetStandard's picture

Nihil perspiciatis nihil et veritatis ipsum dignissimos animi. Esse excepturi eum recusandae. Ratione optio a numquam omnis.

Id debitis incidunt nobis explicabo voluptas ea officia. Quia labore molestiae cum omnis. Eveniet omnis aut optio perferendis.

Rem delectus omnis ducimus sit et quos error. Natus et natus aut suscipit omnis dolorem nemo. Eum non nostrum quia molestiae omnis cum sint fugiat. Expedita voluptas nisi impedit minus dolorum. Nihil dolor et quidem non repudiandae omnis deleniti.

Ab velit quae laudantium. Cumque doloribus nihil vitae et voluptate architecto. Facere inventore dolor dolor ducimus qui. Consequatur neque alias fugiat et aut qui.

reformed - Certified Professional

Hic quaerat rem ex harum. Aliquid dolorem ut magni qui eum aliquam. Rerum rem voluptas quam ut est quis id.

Deserunt cumque quas ducimus et sapiente dolore. Laborum fugiat omnis autem perspiciatis inventore neque dolor. Sit omnis quisquam ea et. Sed laborum atque adipisci nam consectetur. Et non optio consequatur. Consectetur corporis excepturi consectetur quo vel nihil.

Aliquid minus tempore ratione et ipsa illum voluptas. Quia et cum quo magni eius. Doloribus eius magni repellat vel quidem.

Dolorem nisi qui quo corporis voluptate quas. Enim nesciunt quo occaecati nemo sed.

junxia11's picture

Laborum corporis nostrum rerum fuga vitae corporis dolores. Nulla id odio quia debitis itaque. Consectetur tempora ut atque ut. Omnis odio saepe aperiam molestias cupiditate quia molestiae.

ab62008 - Certified Professional

Sed corrupti deserunt quos vel. Dolore eos tempore harum officia illum ullam. Atque in et omnis. Praesentium libero quos et sit.

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Is it worth doing a PhD to secure a job in finance?

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The Ins and Outs of a PhD in Finance

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Landing a PhD in finance – the ultimate undertaking for intrepid souls who yearn to ascend to the highest academic echelons of finance. If you’re serious about being an overseer in this industry, a Doctorate of Philosophy in Finance is what you need! So if wading through tutorials and textbooks isn’t exactly how you want to spend your weekends, we totally understand.

That’s why we’ve broken down in glorious detail all that there is to know about landing a finance doctorate – so no more stressful nights scouring Google for advice on statements of purpose or wondering whether learning Python coding is necessary!

Are You Finance PhD Program Material?

If you’re someone who loves crunching numbers and has a passion for delving deep into financial issues to fully grasp the capital market’s fluctuations, then earning your finance PhD could be just what you need to accelerate your career ! As the financial landscape evolves to include high-speed trading and complex derivative investments, doctoral finance degrees are no longer just for students interested in teaching or research. Instead, these educational programs are offering more opportunities for those looking to take advantage of advancing technologies and modernized markets.

Possessing a finance PhD no longer confines professionals to the traditional lecture hall setting. Instead, this prestigious degree serves as your passport to some of the most innovative jobs available in financial institutions, on Wall Street, and further.

Programs at many universities are typically geared toward the study of theoretical finance and train students to gain a comprehensive understanding of financial markets. These graduate-level degrees allow students to delve deeper into business knowledge, as well as provide a stepping stone for those looking to pursue an academic career such as college professors or researchers. PhD students undertaking this degree are at the forefront of understanding and developing new markets, theories, and ideas. Furthermore, PhD in finance students have a unique opportunity to shape future leaders who will one day be responsible for managing our ever-changing world. After completing this higher-learning finance program, graduates are usually well-prepared to pursue successful careers either in the public sector or as consultants and researchers within administration or business.

What is a Finance PhD Program?

A PhD in Finance is a terminal finance degree for students seeking to specialize in advanced financial topics and theories. This degree program typically requires PhD students to gain expertise in areas such as investments, corporate finance, quantitative methods, theoretical modeling, modern empirical finance, and international finance. Most finance PhD programs involve rigorous coursework and the completion of a dissertation project that demonstrates the student’s knowledge within his or her chosen area. With this degree, graduates are well-prepared to pursue a career as an academic researcher or work as a financial analyst in a variety of settings. Upon completion of the program, students can be confident that they possess the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in their chosen field.

What Are the areas of specialization for PhD programs in finance?

PhD programs in finance typically offer a variety of specializations, depending on the university. Common areas of specialization for these programs may include corporate finance, financial risk management, international finance, financial market regulation and banking law, real estate investments, corporate governance, quantitative methods, and econometrics. Depending on the program chosen, PhD students may also specialize in areas such as financial engineering, computational finance, empirical asset pricing, and derivatives. PhD candidates in finance may also specialize in a particular country’s banking system or a specific type of financial instrument.

why phd in finance

How Long Does It Take to Earn a PhD in Finance?

Getting a PhD in Finance is not an easy task , and it requires considerable dedication and hard work. Generally, the duration of a finance PhD program depends on the institution, department, research topic, and degree requirements. On average, completing a PhD in Finance may take four to five years. This includes coursework, passing qualifying exams, conducting independent research, and writing the dissertation. In some cases, doctoral students may have to take additional courses or complete an internship to fulfill the requirements for graduation. Additionally, some universities require that their doctoral students attend and present at conferences or publish scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals. All these add up to the total time it takes to complete doctoral studies. Ultimately, the length of time it takes to complete a PhD in Finance depends on the student’s level of commitment and dedication.

What Jobs Can You Get with A PhD in Finance?

Pursuing this type of finance degree can provide you with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to become an expert in your chosen field. With a PhD, you will gain the skills and expertise to succeed in a variety of finance-related roles. You’ll be able to analyze financial data, develop financial models, and advise both individuals and organizations about the best strategies to achieve their goals. You will also gain valuable research experience that can help you make valuable contributions to the field of finance. With a PhD in finance, you can enjoy a broad range of career options in the banking, finance, and accounting industries. These can include roles such as financial analyst, portfolio manager, investment banker, risk manager, or financial consultant. The possibilities are virtually limitless; you could be a leader and innovator in the field of finance, or simply use your skills to help others make wise financial decisions.

why phd in finance

How Difficult Is It to Get Admitted into a Good Program?

Pursuing a PhD in finance can be an incredibly challenging endeavor. The amount of knowledge required and the rigorous academic requirements to gain admission to a top-tier finance program are daunting. Because of the rigorous admissions process, competition for admission is intense. Applicants must demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of financial concepts, strong quantitative and analytical skills, as well as an ability to think critically and independently. Prospective PhD students must also demonstrate a strong commitment to academic research, as well as the ability to develop and complete original research projects. Those who are successful in gaining admission to a PhD in finance program will reap the rewards of a top-tier education and will be well-prepared for an exciting career in the field of finance.

What Does the Application Process Look Like?

A Ph.D. in Finance is a terminal degree, meaning the highest level of education available in that field. It requires years of study and rigorous coursework to earn. To be eligible, students must have completed a bachelor’s degree with a major in finance or a related field and have acquired a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.3. Most programs require that applicants submit GRE scores , letters of recommendation, and professional experience.

Generally, doctorate programs require four to five years of in-depth assessment and coursework as well as the writing of a dissertation; therefore, it stands to reason that admission into such programs will be highly selective. During the application process, admissions committees formed by finance faculty strive to guarantee that a student will do whatever is necessary for them to be successful in their program. This can take some time because universities are searching for worthy candidates with knowledge of their field and impressive academic credentials.

To be considered as an applicant, the following materials and resources are needed:

  • submitting your paper or online application form
  • a statement of purpose
  • covering the applicable fees
  • providing official transcripts from any educational institutions attended.
  • well-crafted letters of recommendation from former employers and instructors that are familiar with his/her academic accomplishments.
  • a scholarly writing sample accompanied by official GRE or GMAT scores.

After you’ve submitted your documents, the end step of the application process is usually an interview with a member of the admissions committee. Each business school is different and thus has specific admission requirements; while one program may need candidates to go through an interview , another might only require providing a writing sample portfolio.

why phd in finance

Is A PhD in Finance Worth It?

The answer to this question depends on your individual career goals and ambitions.A PhD in finance can open doors to a variety of interesting and lucrative careers in the financial sector. It can also provide you with an opportunity to advance your research and teaching skills, and it may even lead to a higher salary. However, it takes a substantial amount of time and effort to complete a PhD program, so you should weigh the pros and cons carefully before deciding if it is the right move for you.

why phd in finance

What Are The Top 10 PhD in finance programs in the world?

The top 10 PhD in Finance programs in the world are highly sought-after for their rigorous curriculum, finance faculty, and international recognition. The most distinguished programs can be found at institutions such as Harvard University, the Yale School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford, London Business School, the Wharton School of Business , Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management, the Kellogg School of Management, and the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. These esteemed programs provide students with the opportunity to explore cutting-edge finance topics from a global perspective. With access to world-renowned faculty members, highly competitive internships, and outstanding research facilities, graduates from these top 10 PhD in Finance programs are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to become leaders in the field. Pursuing a PhD in finance from any of these schools will give students a unique advantage as they enter the corporate world or pursue academic positions.

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How Competitive Is It to Get Admitted Into a Top PhD in Finance Program?

PhD in finance programs are highly competitive and rigorous, requiring a strong knowledge base and advanced research skills to succeed. Many of the top universities offering PhD in finance programs have extremely select criteria for admissions, including GRE scores, academic achievement, professional experience, and recommendations from faculty members. The competition for admission is intense; most universities will only admit a handful of students each year.

How Can You Increase Your Chances of Getting Admitted into a Phd in Finance Program?

Completing a doctorate in finance is an ambitious endeavor, but it’s not impossible. To make yourself a more competitive applicant when applying to a doctoral program in this field, it’s important to focus on building your qualifications and doing meaningful research prior to applying. Start by obtaining a high GPA during your undergraduate education and impressing your professors through meaningful research and participation in course discussions. Then, gain relevant experience with internships or other professional opportunities that relate to the field of finance. From there, build a strong portfolio of academic achievements such as journals, published articles, presentations, and awards. Once you have established yourself as an ambitious researcher with a commitment to the finance field, you are ready to apply for a PhD program.

Working with a graduate school admission consultant prior to applying to a PhD program can also increase your chances of getting accepted by providing you with a solid foundation on how to build a portfolio that impresses admissions committees. A specialized consultant can help you make sure all your application materials are in order, as well as provide insight into the admissions process and what makes an applicant stand out—and get noticed. Make sure to check out our PhD application services or schedule a free consultation to find out how we can help you reach your career goals!

With a Master’s from McGill University and a Ph.D. from New York University, Dr. Philippe Barr is the founder of The Admit Lab . As a tenure-track professor, Dr. Barr spent a decade teaching and serving on several graduate admission committees at UNC-Chapel Hill before turning to full-time consulting. With more than seven years of experience as a graduate school admissions consultant, Dr. Barr has stewarded the candidate journey across multiple master’s and Ph.D. programs and helped hundreds of students get admitted to top-tier graduate programs all over the world .

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for weekly tutorials on navigating the PhD application process and live Q&A sessions!

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The 10 Best PhD Programs in Finance

Lisa Marlin

In essence, finance is the study of economics and the claims on resources. The best PhD programs in finance help you develop professionally so you can make difficult decisions around fund allocation, financial planning, and corporate financial management. This qualification will also equip you for a career in teaching or research at top universities.

Which of the 10 best finance PhDs is best for you?

Read on to learn everything you need to know.

Table of Contents

Why Get a Doctorate in Finance?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), finance managerial professionals have an average salary of $131,710  per year, and jobs are estimated to grow by 17%  from 2020 to 2030. This is much more than the average across all occupations. With a PhD in finance, you may work as a finance manager or even become a CEO of a large corporation.

Jobs and Salaries for Doctors of Finance

After earning a PhD in finance, you can find well-paid jobs as a professor or in various corporate finance roles.

Here are some of the most common finance professions with the average annual salaries for each:

  • Financial Manager ( $96,255 )
  • Financial Analyst ( $63,295 )
  • Finance Professor ( $73,776 )
  • Chief Financial Officer ( $140,694 )
  • Investment Analyst ( $67,730 )

Read More:   The Highest Paying PhD Programs

What’s the average cost of a phd program in finance.

The tuition for a PhD in finance can vary depending on the university, with public institutions generally being much more affordable than private ones.

Across all schools, the average tuition is around $30,000 per year.

However, on top of this, you need to factor in other expenses, which could add up to another $30,000 a year. Some top universities offer full funding, including tuition and a stipend for all students who are successfully admitted to the program.

Read Next: The Average Cost of a Master’s Degree in Finance

Top finance phd programs and schools, stanford university, graduate school of business.

PhD in Finance

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Stanford University is one of the most prestigious business schools in the world. Its PhD in finance programs has an emphasis on theoretical modeling and empirical testing of financial and economic principles.

  • Courses include: Financial markets, empirical asset pricing, macroeconomics, and financial markets.
  • Duration: 5 years
  • Tuition : Full funding
  • Financial aid: Research & teaching assistantship, grants, outside employment, and outside support.
  • Delivery: On-campus
  • Acceptance rate: 5%
  • Location: Stanford, California

The University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School

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The University of Pennsylvania’s renowned Wharton School of Business is home to faculty who are well-known in the field of business research. The school boasts a low student-faculty ratio in an atmosphere that allows you to work with faculty members as peers. This doctor of finance program emphasizes subjects like asset pricing, corporate finance, and portfolio management. This helps students become experts in research and teaching in these areas.

  • Courses include: Topics in asset pricing, financial economics, and international finance.
  • Credits: 18 courses
  • Financial aid: Fellowships, grants, student employment, health insurance, stipend, and loans.
  • Acceptance rate: 9%
  • Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The University of Chicago, Booth School of Business

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Booth School of Business is a major center for finance education because its faculty includes Eugene F. Fama, Nobel laureate and the father of modern empirical finance. This finance doctoral degree has an option for a joint PhD in collaboration with the university’s economics department.

  • Courses: Financial economics, financial markets in the macroeconomy, and behavioral finance.
  • Tuition : Refer tuition page
  • Financial aid: Grants, stipends, health insurance, scholarships, fellowships, teaching assistantships, research assistantships, and loans.
  • Acceptance rate: 7%
  • Location: Chicago, Illinois

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Gies College of Business

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The University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign is one of the best places for studying and conducting research in finance. Its finance research faculty was ranked #4  in the UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings between 2016-2019. In this PhD in finance program, students can take the qualifying examination at the end of the first year and, if successful. They’ll be able to start their research project earlier and complete the degree sooner.

  • Courses include: Empirical analysis in finance, corporate finance, and statistics & probability.
  • Duration: 4-5 years
  • Financial aid: Full tuition waiver, stipends, scholarships, grants, student employment, and loans.
  • Acceptance rate: 63%
  • Location: Champaign, Illinois

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management

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The Sloan School is one of the top research centers in the world, which aims to transform students into experts who can handle real-world problems in a wide range of spheres, from business and healthcare to climate change. This PhD program in finance gives students the flexibility to choose between a wide range of electives and even study some courses at Harvard.

  • Courses include: Current research in financial economics, statistics/applied econometrics, and corporate finance.
  • Duration: 6 years
  • Financial aid: Full tuition, stipend, teaching assistantships, research assistantships, health insurance, fellowships, scholarships, and loans.
  • Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts

Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management

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The Kellogg School of Management allows students to conduct independent research under the supervision of faculty who’ve made significant contributions to the field and have earned numerous prestigious awards. This doctorate of finance program’s admission process has a dual application option. You can also apply to the Economics PhD simultaneously, so if you are not selected for the finance program, you may be considered for economics.

  • Courses include: Econometrics, corporate finance, and asset pricing.
  • Duration: 5.5 years
  • Financial aid: Tuition scholarship, stipends, health insurance, moving allowance, and subsidies.
  • Location: Evanston, Illinois

The University of California Berkeley, Haas School of Business

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The Haas School of Business in Berkeley is an innovative institution that questions the status quo, takes intelligent risks, and accepts sensible failures in its path to progress. This finance PhD program offers students opportunities to learn about cutting-edge research from faculty from around the world.

  • Courses include: Corporate finance theory, stochastic calculus, and applications of psychology & economics.
  • Tuition : Refer cost page
  • Financial aid: Fellowships, grants, tuition allowance, stipends, teaching assistantships, and research assistantships.
  • Acceptance rate: 17%
  • Location: Berkeley, California

The University of Texas at San Antonio, Alvarez College of Business

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The Alvarez College of Business is one of the forty largest business schools in the USA. It follows a comprehensive and practical approach to education that allows students to apply the knowledge they gain directly in the workplace. This PhD in finance encourages students to do collaborative research with the faculty, which helps them publish their own academic papers before they even complete the program.

  • Courses include: Corporate finance, international financial markets, and microeconomic theory.
  • Credits: 84 (post-bachelors)
  • Financial aid: Scholarships, grants, work-study, teaching assistantships, research assistantships, research fellowships, and loans.
  • Acceptance rate: 84%
  • Location: San Antonio, Texas

Liberty University, School of Business

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in Finance

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Liberty University is a non-profit institution among the top five online schools in the USA and has been offering fixed tuition fees for the past seven years. This is one of the best PhD in Finance programs you can do completely online. It aims to prepare students to address issues in business finance through research, best practices, and relevant literature.

  • Courses: Managerial Finance, Investments & Derivatives, Business Valuation, etc.
  • Credits: 60
  • Duration: 3 years average
  • Tuition : $595 per credit
  • Financial aid: Grants, scholarships, work-study, veteran benefits, and loans.
  • Delivery: Online
  • Acceptance rate: 50%
  • Location: Lynchburg, Virginia

Northcentral University

PhD in Business Administration (PhD-BA) – Finance Management

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Northcentral University was founded with the objective of offering flexible, fully-online programs to working professionals around the world. This doctorate degree in finance online is flexible and allows you to design your own schedule. You will also get one-on-one personal mentoring from qualified faculty.

  • Courses include: Business financial systems, business statistics, and business leadership & strategy.
  • Duration: 84 months average
  • Tuition: $1,105 per credit
  • Financial aid: Grants, scholarships, and military scholarships.
  • Acceptance rate: NA
  • Location: Scottsdale, Arizona

Things To Consider When Choosing a Finance PhD Program

The right PhD program for you is a very personal decision and will depend on several individual factors.

However, these general questions will help you to make the right choice:

  • Is the university properly accredited?
  • Does the university conduct innovative and cutting-edge research?
  • Are there renowned faculty members who you’ll want to work with?
  • Do they offer subjects or specializations that match your career goals?
  • What is the school’s placement history?
  • What are the tuition fees, costs, and options for scholarships and financial aid?
  • Does the program offer online study options?

It’s also important to consider if you want to pursue a career in academia or work in organizations as a senior finance professional. A PhD degree will generally set you up for a career in research or academia, while a DBA is more suited to a career in business or government.

Preparing for a Finance Doctorate Program

It’s important to start preparing early if you want to be selected for one of the best finance PhD programs.

These handy tips can help you put your best foot forward:

  • Research the requirements of the best universities offering PhD in finance degrees, including pre-requisite subjects and qualifying grades. Keep these in mind when completing your bachelor’s or master’s degree.
  • Understand your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the program’s requirements. Work on your weaknesses and continue to hone relevant skills.
  • Read extensively in the field and keep up-to-date on regional and global developments.
  • Join communities of finance professionals to build your network and be exposed to the latest knowledge in the discipline.

Skills You Gain from Earning a PhD in Finance

The most important skills you learn as a doctor of finance include:

  • Communication skills, including writing and presentation skills
  • Data analytical skills
  • Economics and accounting skills
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Mathematical skills
  • Analytical software skills
  • Management and leadership skills
  • Problem-solving skills

PhD Programs in Finance FAQs

How long does a phd in finance take.

PhD programs in finance usually take between three and eight years to complete.

Is It Worth Getting a PhD in Finance?

A PhD in Finance is a qualification that’s in high demand today. It is a terminal degree and can help you get top-level jobs with lucrative salaries in corporate or large organizations.

How Much Can You Make With a PhD in Finance?

With a finance doctorate, you can expect to earn a salary anywhere from around $45,000 to $150,000, depending on your experience, role, and the organization you work for. According to the BLS, the average salary for finance PhD holders is $131,710 .

What Do You Need To Get a PhD in Finance?

The admissions requirements vary depending on the program, but you’ll typically need a bachelor’s or master’s degree in finance. The programs can take three to eight years of coursework and research.

To apply, you’ll usually need to submit:

  • Application
  • Academic resume
  • Academic transcripts
  • Recommendation letters
  • GRE or GMAT score
  • Personal essay

Final Thoughts

With a doctorate in finance, you can build a rewarding career in academia, research, or the business sector. Like any doctorate, these programs ask for dedication and hard work. By planning early, you’ll set yourself up to pursue one of the best PhD programs in finance.

For more on how to build your career in the field, take a look at our guides to the best master’s degree in finance , the highest paying PhDs , and fully-funded PhD programs .

Lisa Marlin

Lisa Marlin

Lisa is a full-time writer specializing in career advice, further education, and personal development. She works from all over the world, and when not writing you'll find her hiking, practicing yoga, or enjoying a glass of Malbec.

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PhD | Finance

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The Ph.D. in Finance

Stern’s Ph.D. program in finance trains scholars to conduct research at the leading edge of financial economics. The faculty represents one of the largest finance research groups in the world that has been ranked consistently as the leading publisher of academic research in top finance journals. Comprised of more than 40 researchers, including a Nobel-prize-winning economist, our faculty are active in all areas of finance—asset pricing, corporate finance, derivatives, market microstructure, and behavioral finance—with both theoretical and empirical focus, and with emerging specialization in the areas of financial intermediation, crises, and macro-finance. As a result of this unusual breadth, students have access to expertise in almost any topic that they might wish to explore.

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PhD Program

  • Program of Study

Wharton’s PhD program in Finance provides students with a solid foundation in the theoretical and empirical tools of modern finance, drawing heavily on the discipline of economics.

The department prepares students for careers in research and teaching at the world’s leading academic institutions, focusing on Asset Pricing and Portfolio Management, Corporate Finance, International Finance, Financial Institutions and Macroeconomics.

Wharton’s Finance faculty, widely recognized as the finest in the world, has been at the forefront of several areas of research. For example, members of the faculty have led modern innovations in theories of portfolio choice and savings behavior, which have significantly impacted the asset pricing techniques used by researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. Another example is the contribution by faculty members to the analysis of financial institutions and markets, which is fundamental to our understanding of the trade-offs between economic systems and their implications for financial fragility and crises.

Faculty research, both empirical and theoretical, includes such areas as:

  • Structure of financial markets
  • Formation and behavior of financial asset prices
  • Banking and monetary systems
  • Corporate control and capital structure
  • Saving and capital formation
  • International financial markets

Candidates with undergraduate training in economics, mathematics, engineering, statistics, and other quantitative disciplines have an ideal background for doctoral studies in this field.

Effective 2023, The Wharton Finance PhD Program is now STEM certified.

  • Course Descriptions
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  • Meet our PhD Students
  • Visiting Scholars

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  • Apply to Wharton
  • Doctoral Inside: Resources for Current PhD Students
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Purdue Mitch Daniels School of Business logo

Designed for aspiring academic professionals, the PhD program in Finance will provide you the personalized mentorship and rigorous educational platform from which to launch a successful career at a research-oriented university.

By exposing you to foundational theoretical models and cutting edge empirical methodologies, our world-renowned faculty will help you conduct exciting and impactful research, embrace innovative teaching, and engage in broader conversations on the role of finance in modern economies. We believe it is critical to build your research skills from the outset of your time in our program such that your research record stands out in a highly competitive academic job market.

Our faculty’s positions on the editorial boards of top academic journals, including Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and Journal of Financial Intermediation , further help students learn how to publish their research in top journals.

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Most Trusted #4

Morning Consult, 2022

Best Value School #7

The Wall Street Journal / Times Higher Education, 2022

Most Innovative School in the U.S. Top 10

US News and World Report, 2023

Want to Learn More?

If you would like to receive more information about doctoral study in Finance, please contact us and an Admissions Specialist will be in touch to connect you with a department representative!

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From the Finance Ph.D. Liaison

why phd in finance

“Welcome to UCLA Anderson’s Finance area, long recognized as one of the world’s top programs. Our Ph.D. students work with renowned faculty whose expertise covers corporate finance, macroeconomics, asset pricing, derivatives, investments and behavioral finance. The UCLA Anderson Doctoral Program is highly selective. We expect you to develop a passion and tenacity for excellent research in finance and, through mentorship and collaboration, we prepare you for a distinguished academic career. We look forward to receiving your application.”

Barney Hartman-Glaser Professor of Finance

Explore the Program

Recent publications.

Risk and Return in Segmented Markets with Expertise Andrea Eisfeldt

Complex assets appear to earn persistent high average returns, and to display high Sharpe ratios – but investor participation is very limited. Eisfeldt, along with co-authors Hanno Lustig and Lei Zhang, provides an explanation for these facts using a model of the pricing of complex securities by risk-averse investors who are subject to asset-specific risk in a dynamic model of industry equilibrium.  

Read Publication

why phd in finance

Learning Millennial Style Bruce Carlin

The growing use of online educational content and related video services has changed the way people access education, share knowledge, and possibly make life decisions. Here, Carlin – with co-authors Li Jiang and Stephen A. Spiller – characterizes how video content affects individual decision-making and willingness to share in the context of a personal financial decision.  

Volatility Managed Portfolios Tyler Muir

Managed portfolios that take less risk when volatility is high produce large, positive alphas and increase factor Sharpe ratios by substantial amounts. Muir, together with co-author Alan Moreira, documents a profitable trading strategy that increases stock market exposure in low volatility episodes and reduces exposure in high volatility times.  

Alumni Success

why phd in finance

Robert Richmond (’16)

First academic placement: NYU Stern

In 2016, Robert Richmond earned the Conference on International Finance Best Paper Award (2016), the Cubist Systematic Strategies Ph.D. Candidate Award for Outstanding Research and the Xavier Drèze award for most outstanding Ph.D. research paper. His current research uncovers an economic source of exposure to global risk that drives international asset prices.

why phd in finance

Mindy Xiaolan Zhang (’14)

First academic placement: UT Austin

Mindy Zhang is recipient of the 2014 Trefftzs Award for Best Student Paper, WFA; and the 2014 Yihong Xia Best Paper Award, CICF. She conducts research on macro finance, equilibrium asset pricing, dynamic contracting, dynamic corporate theory, labor and finance.

why phd in finance

Tobias J. Moskowitz (’98)

First academic placement: University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Recipient of numerous honors and awards, Tobias "Toby" Moskowitz is one of UCLA Anderson's Inspirational 100 alumni. Moskowitz was named the inaugural Dean Takahashi '80 B.A., '83 M.P.P.M. Professor of Finance at Yale School of Management in 2016. He was previously the Fama Family Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, where he had taught since 1998. In 2011, he co-authored the best-selling book Scorecasting , which uses economic principles to explain the hidden side of sports.

why phd in finance

Joshua D. Coval (’97)

First academic placement: University of Michigan Business School

Joshua Coval's current research investigates the structured finance market and how investor reliance on ratings and unsound pricing models led to the spectacular rise and collapse thereof. His research awards include the 2000 and 2005 Smith-Breeden Prize for the best paper in the Journal of Finance . His research has been featured in The Economist, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, Time, Money Magazine and Financial Times .

why phd in finance

William F. Sharpe (’61)

Winner of the 1990 Nobel Prize in Economic Science, William Sharpe was mentored at UCLA by the late Professor J. Fred Weston. Sharpe was one of the originators of the Capital Asset Pricing Model and developed the Sharpe Ratio for investment performance analysis. He co-founded the independent investment advisory firm Financial Engines.

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Cambridge Judge Business School

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New scholarships at Cambridge Judge thanks to very generous alumnus donation

The donation pledge of £750,000 over 5 years from Dimitris Tsikopoulos (MBA 1994), CEO of Greece-based maritime technology firm Navarino, funds the Navarino CJBS Masters Studentships for outstanding candidates to attend Cambridge Judge Business School.

Degree programmes

  • Masters degrees overview
  • Executive MBA
  • Executive Master of Accounting
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  • MSt in Social Innovation
  • MPhil in Management
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  • PhD and research masters overview
  • PhD pathways
  • Business Doctorate
  • Master of Research in Management

MPhil in Finance

  • MPhil in Innovation, Strategy and Organisation
  • MPhil in Strategy, Marketing, Operations and Organisational Behaviour
  • Management Studies (Tripos)
  • Virtual tours of the Business School
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Non-degree programmes

  • Entrepreneurship programmes overview
  • Accelerate Cambridge
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  • Social Venture Weekend
  • First Certificate in Business overview
  • For learners
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  • Executive Education overview
  • Online ExecEd programmes
  • Open programmes for individuals
  • Custom programmes for organisations

Need help funding your degree programme studies at Cambridge Judge?

Explore our scholarship and loan opportunities.

Executive Education

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Not sure which programme is for you?

Search our portfolio of over 40 well-crafted programmes that will expand your skills and understanding in service of your organisational, personal development and career objectives.

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Faculty and research

  • AI and technology
  • Behavioural economics
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  • Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Finance and accounting
  • Future of work
  • Global strategy and international business
  • Governance, economics, and policy
  • Leadership and organisational behaviour
  • Operations management
  • Philanthropy
  • Social impact

Biotech lab.

Fighting cancer: how biotech companies are making an impact

Amid rising cancer concerns, scientists and entrepreneurs worldwide are racing to develop novel treatments.

Find an expert

We have faculty, who can speak on many current UK and global issues, and are happy to be contacted by journalists.

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Leave your mark in LT1

The iconic Lecture Theatre 1 (LT1) is due for a refurbishment, and with it comes the opportunity for alumni, friends and other supporters of Cambridge Judge Business School to claim their seat in LT1.

  • PhD & research …
  • Specialising via a PhD pathway

The Finance PhD…

The Finance PhD pathway

  • Why a CJBS PhD?
  • Accounting PhD pathway
  • Business Economics PhD pathway
  • Finance PhD pathway
  • Marketing PhD pathway
  • Operations and Technology Management PhD pathway
  • Organisational Behaviour PhD pathway
  • Organisational Theory and Information Systems PhD pathway
  • Strategic Management PhD pathway overview
  • PhD pathways overview
  • MPhil in Strategy, Marketing and Operations

Master of Research (MRes)

  • Financing your PhD
  • Current students
  • Job market candidates
  • Visiting students overview
  • External PhD scholars
  • The Business Doctorate

The Finance group at Cambridge Judge Business School covers a broad spectrum of issues in finance. We define finance as more than a set of financial transactions – it is the glue that holds together corporations, capital markets and the real economy. 

We pursue research on empirical and theoretical corporate finance, asset pricing, and financial accounting as well as the intersections of finance and economics. In doing so, we treat finance as both an art and a science.

Professor Raghavendra Rau talks about the Finance pathway.

Hello. My name is Raghu Rau, and I’m the Head of the Finance and Accounting group here at Cambridge Judge Business School. Finance is actually an area which deals with four different groups of people.

We are looking at investors. Investors are people who give money to corporations and to reinvest in investment project and so on. We’re looking at corporations who take money from individuals and use that to invest in different types of projects. We have financial intermediaries, who sit between the corporations and individuals trying to make sure they have the best match between projects which the companies are offering and the individuals who want to invest in these projects. And finally, you have government and regulators who make sure the whole process is fair.

Here at Cambridge Judge Business School, we focus mostly on corporate finance. So in particular, we look at empirical corporate finance. What that means is most of our research uses actual data from companies. We look at why companies use particular types of financial policy.

We look at why individuals make certain types of decisions, whether they do this rationally, whether they’re driven by behavioural biases, and so on. We look at what conflicts of interest might make financial intermediaries advocate one type of action rather than another, for example, why they might ask firms to issue equity in place of debt and other factors like that. Overall, our focus is on trying to get actual data, hard data, which tells us exactly– allows us to get at the truth, allows us to figure out what it is that individuals, managers, and financial intermediaries are really thinking when they make financial decisions.

A lot of the data we use comes from deep engagement with companies. So in fact, here at Cambridge Judge Business School, we engage a lot with individuals who are at high level positions at firms. And because we are the University of Cambridge, we have been able to get access to a lot of unique data sets, which are not available typically at most universities across the world. And we use these to answer these types of questions.

What type of student are we looking for? Basically, someone who is interested in finding out the truth. The problem with industry is that you cannot really spend much time digging into to issues and figure out what is really going on.

We don’t just have the time. You need to talk to your clients. You need to talk to your company. These are short-frame, short-term projects, which typically last more than less than about three to six months.

Three to six months is a very, very short time for an academic. If you’re interested in truly figuring out how things work, you really have to go in-depth into these matters. And that might take a year, maybe two years. At the end of the day, we’re looking for someone who is at heart interested in the truth, someone who is, well, for better words, an academic.

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The pathway

To start on the Finance pathway you must take one of the following 9-month masters programmes:

Master of Research (MRes) (for students with a Cambridge MPhil in Economic Research)

Essential reading

Download detailed information about the 9-month + 4-year programme structure and content.

  • Research areas What we expect from you What you can expect from us PhD supervisors
  • What we expect from you Research areas What you can expect from us PhD supervisors
  • What you can expect from us Research areas What we expect from you PhD supervisors
  • PhD supervisors Research areas What we expect from you What you can expect from us

Research areas

Our faculty research is based around empirical and theoretical corporate finance, asset pricing, and financial accounting as well as the intersections of finance and economics. You will have the opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research on the multi-faceted linkages between investors, intermediaries and corporations. While the questions are academic in nature, we strive for solutions that can inform the practice of finance, and we incorporate this spirit into our teaching and other classroom interactions. 

Application of econometric methods and theoretical tools from contract theory and financial economics

  • Provides the methodical rigour to infer causal statements about the way the world works.
  • Allows us to shed light on questions that we, and businesses in the real world, deemed to be interesting and important at this time.
  • Leads to key new understandings, eg the importance of the role of financial intermediation for growth and welfare.

Analysing the ‘black box’ that is financial institutions

  • Work on topics and papers related to the study of commercial banks, investment banks, universal banks, mutual funds, hedge funds and other providers of financial services.
  • Market failures and inefficiencies as a result of what happens within firms, not just between financial institutions and those seeking their services.
  • Analysis of how firms work – how are compensation contracts written, and why do companies pay bribes to politicians?
  • Analysis of investors that invest in firms through a set of financial intermediaries. How do these investors understand risk? Can managers and intermediaries consistently fool them into paying too much for securities or assets?

We pay close attention to human decision-making and behavioural anomalies, both of which also apply to the broader context of capital markets and financial accounting.  

What we expect from you

You will need to have earned a first class undergraduate degree or equivalent. In some cases you will need to have a graduate degree from a highly regarded university in financial, mathematical or business economics, and to have performed within the top 5% in your class.

You will also be able to demonstrate a high level of commitment to an academic career in a business school, to this end your academic preparation is key. Finance research is quantitative in nature and your background will reflect quantitative and methodological rigour. 

For more details, please see the academic requirements for the:

What you can expect from us

  • You will be considered a junior colleague rather than a student from the outset of the programme. 
  • Work with faculty on joint research projects for publication in leading academic journals.  
  • Learn from a series of courses focused on research methodology and the foundations of the discipline. 
  • Attend seminars given by the top researchers in the field. 
  • Benefit from close interactions both within the Finance subject group and beyond including external researchers, meetings with speakers and research visits to some of the finest finance departments outside Cambridge. 
  • You will be fully funded during your years on the programme. 
  • Access researchers across the University of Cambridge, studying a huge variety of topics at a world-class level. 
  • Take advantage of the specialised interdisciplinary centres established by the Finance group, and access unique data found nowhere else in the world. 

PhD supervisors

Your principal supervisor will be a senior academic, often Professor or Associate Professor, from within the Finance group. You will benefit from their guidance and counsel throughout the programme, and beyond: in helping you to succeed in the job market and in gaining a faculty position at a leading business school. Your principal supervisor will take an active role in your research programme and will assemble a group of faculty (your advisory committee) who will co-author papers with you. 

Take a look at the faculty who may serve as your principal supervisor and view their research interests:

Chambers david 137x137 2

David Chambers

Invesco professor of finance, read more about david.

Research interests

David Chambers researches investment management; financial history; endowment asset management; IPOs; law and finance.

View David's profile

Elroy Dimson.

Elroy Dimson

Professor of finance, not available as principal supervisor, read more about elroy.

Elroy Dimson researches investment management; financial market history; endowment asset management; sustainable and responsible investing.

View Elroy's profile

Oğuzhan Karakaş.

Oğuzhan Karakaş

Associate professor in finance, read more about oğuzhan.

Oguzhan Karakas researches corporate governance; ownership and control; corporate social responsibility; private equity; dynamic investment strategies.

View Oğuzhan's profile

Andrei Kirilenko.

Andrei Kirilenko

Read more about andrei.

Andrei Kirilenko researches the intersection of finance, technology and regulation; fintech; asset pricing, data, and digital technologies; the design of automated financial markets and instruments.

View Andrei's profile

Lambrecht bart 137x137 1

Bart Lambrecht

Read more about bart.

Bart Lambrecht researches various aspects of corporate finance such as real options and investment under uncertainty; mergers and acquisitions; payout policy; managerial agency and the role of asymmetric information; bankruptcy; and the financing of firms; housing and household finance; bank lending and bank capital structure.

View Bart's profile

Bang Dang Nguyen.

Bang Dang Nguyen

Read more about bang.

Bang Dang Nguyen researches corporate finance; empirical finance; corporate governance.

View Bang's profile

Rau raghavendra 137x137 2

Raghavendra Rau

Sir evelyn de rothschild professor of finance, read more about raghavendra.

Raghu Rau researches empirical corporate finance; empirical behavioural finance.

View Raghavendra's profile

Pedro Saffi.

Pedro Saffi

Professor of financial economics, not available to take incoming phd students in october 2025, read more about pedro.

Pedro Saffi researches security lending markets; short selling; liquidity risk; and how differences of beliefs affect trading volume.

View Pedro's profile

Sarno lucio 137x137 1

Lucio Sarno

Read more about lucio.

Lucio Sarno researches empirical asset pricing; international finance, and especially foreign exchange markets; macro-finance; microstructure of financial markets.

View Lucio's profile

Finance faculty

Learn more about the faculty that teach on this pathway.

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Explore fees and funding options

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PhD Program in Finance

2023-24 curriculum outline.

The MIT Sloan Finance Group offers a doctoral program specialization in Finance for students interested in research careers in academic finance. The requirements of the program may be loosely divided into five categories: coursework, the Finance Seminar, the general examination, the research paper, and the dissertation. Attendance at the weekly Finance Seminar is mandatory in the second year and beyond and is encouraged in the first year.  During the first two years, students are engaged primarily in coursework, taking both required and elective courses in preparation for their general examination at the end of the second year.  Students are required to complete a research paper by the end of their fifth semester, present it in front of the faculty committee and receive a passing grade.  After that, students are required to find a formal thesis advisor and form a thesis committee by the end of their eighth semester. The Thesis Committee should consist of at least one tenured faculty from the MIT Sloan Finance Group.

Required Courses

The following set of required courses is designed to furnish each student with a sound and well-rounded understanding of the theoretical and empirical foundations of finance, as well as the tools necessary to make original contributions in each of these areas. Finance PhD courses (15.470, 15.471, 15.472, 15.473, 15.474) in which the student does not receive a grade of B or higher must be retaken.

First Year - Summer

Math Camp begins on the second Monday in August. 

First Year - Fall Semester

14.121/14.122 Micro Theory I/II

14.451/14.452 Macro Theory I/II ( strongly recommended)

14.380/14.381 — Statistics/Applied Econometrics

15.470 — Asset Pricing

First Year - Spring Semester

14.123/14.124 Micro Theory III/IV

14.453/14.454 Macro Theory III/IV (strongly recommended)

14.382 – Econometrics

15.471 – Corporate Finance

Second Year - Fall Semester

15.472 — Advanced Asset Pricing

  14.384 — Time-Series Analysis or  14.385 — Nonlinear Econometric Analysis  (Enrolled students receive a one-semester waiver from attending the Finance Seminar due to a scheduling conflict)

15.475 — Current Research in Financial Economics

Second Year - Spring Semester

15.473 — Advanced Corporate Finance

 15.474 — Current Topics in Finance (strongly encouraged to take multiple times)

15.475 — Current Research in Financial Economics

Recommended Elective Courses

Beyond these required courses, students are expected to enroll in elective courses determined by their primary area of interest. There are two informal “tracks” in Financial Economics: Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing. Recommended electives are designed to deepen the student's grasp of material that will be central to the writing of his/her dissertation. Students also have the opportunity to take courses at Harvard University. There is no formal requirement to select one track or another, and students are free to take any of the electives.

UCL School of Management

University college london, phd programme in financial economics.

Start date:  September 2024 Duration: 5 years (1 year MRes + 4 years PhD) Fees:  We offer fully-funded scholarships to all admitted students who have applied by the 31 January 2024 (see details below)  Application deadline:  31 January 2024, 17:00 UK time (late applications submited by the 05 April 2024 may still be considered, see details below) Entry:  Applicants must hold a distinction in a master’s degree in Economics or a closely related subject. Applicants must demonstrate a high level of analytical and quantitative skills (such as in mathematics and statistics), evidenced by strong performance in relevant modules taken on previous degree programmes and/or through relevant standardised test performance (such as GRE Quantitative of at least 160). International students, please note that UCL’s English language requirement for this programme is a ' Level 2 ' (IELTS and TOEFL are the preferred test, however others on the UCL recognised test list will be accepted if required) - further details regarding this can be found on the  UCL English Language Requirements  page.

The MRes and PhD in Financial Economics is a joint programme between the UCL Department of Economics and the UCL School of Management.

The MRes programme is the first year of the five-year integrated MRes/PhD programme in Financial Economics. The MRes programme will provide you with training in research methods together with an advanced understanding of financial economics, to enable you to conduct insightful and original PhD level research in financial economics. 

The MRes will firstly provide quantitative training in microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, and finance. These will be taught in the context of cutting-edge research and relevant applications. Secondly, it will provide you with analytic frameworks and transferable skills that will allow you to identify relevant and promising research topics, present ideas in order to obtain feedback, and provide feedback yourself. 

The subsequent years (for students who progress from the MRes to MPhil) will focus on the skills you will need to run research projects to completion and to present completed research projects to various kinds of specialised audiences. Likewise, teaching skills will also be developed.

why phd in finance

PhD Structure

  • The MRes programme consists of taught modules (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics. Real Analysis and Probability with Economic Application), a hybrid module (Financial Economics) with taught components and research based components, and a research project in the final part of the year. For the MRes project, you work under supervision to design and carry out a substantial piece of original research. This enables you to gain a deep understanding of the entire research process.
  • Superior performance is required for automatic progression from MRes to MPhil. In particular, students should achieve an average mark of not less than 60% in the independent, original research components of the programme, and not less than 50% in the taught element.
  • Our highly selective and small-sized PhD programme ensures that each student receives personal attention and guidance from our faculty members throughout their doctoral study. The close mentorship process forms the foundations of a successful academic career. At the same time, you will be part of both the School of Management PhD cohort and the Economics PhD cohort, with which you will share most of the taught modules.
  • We expect our PhD graduates to have as their goal an academic career as a faculty member in a top business school or Economics department or in the research group of an international institution or a central bank.

Students take a total of 180 credits in the MRes year. This is made up of the MRes Research Project (MSIN0135) and 75 credits of compulsory taught modules. 

All modules in the MRes year are core modules, there are no optional modules. 

  • ECON0107 - Macroeconomics, 15 credits  
  • ECON0106 - Microeconomics, 15 credits  
  • ECON0108 - Econometrics, 15 credits  
  • ECON0118 - Real Analysis and Probability with Economic Applications, 15 credits
  • MSIN0234 - Topics in Financial Economics, 30 credits  
  • MSIN0135 - MRes Financial Economics Research Project, 105 credits  

The programme is delivered through a combination of lectures, seminars, and class discussion. Student performance is assessed through presentations, coursework, projects, and examinations. 

Students will study 4 compulsory taught modules. A typical taught module is taught over two terms (2 x 10 weeks) with 4 hours of contact hours per week (3 hours of lecture + 1 hour of review session). In addition, students spend approximately 6-8 hours a week for each module on assessment and independent study to further develop the skills and knowledge covered in lectures and seminars.  

Students will also undertake a substantial research project, which would usually start in Term 2 and be completed over the Summer. The total number of weekly hours will vary according to the weekly activities being undertaken.

Why choose us

What makes us different:.

Unlike many PhD Programmes in finance, our programme has a full anchor in economics and econometrics. Hence, we offer a unique world-class environment that combines the best of a leading business school, located in Canary Wharf, the heart of London’s modern financial district, and the tradition of economic research and teaching of the Department of Economics, which is located in Bloomsbury, London’s historical intellectual centre.

If you want to become an academic economist conducting research in finance, this programme is for you.  

UCL School of Management and the Department of Economics  

Founded in 2007, UCL School of Management has forged a reputation for world-leading research in management studies with 95% of the School’s research deemed to be world-leading or internationally excellent, the second highest percentage of any business school in the UK, according to the 2021 REF . The PhD programme is an integral part of our School’s active and ambitious research environment where students receive rigorous academic training and personalised research mentorship. 

The UCL Department of Economics has an outstanding international reputation in key areas of current research. The Department ranked top in the UK for research environment and outputs in the field of Economics and Econometrics in the 2021 REF . 

Our research programme offers a unique education and research experience with the intent of preparing you for scholarly careers at the highest level. Our highly selective and small-sized programme ensures that you receive personal attention and an opportunity for guidance from our world-leading scholars. The close mentorship process forms the foundations of a successful academic career. 

As a research student you will join a highly active research environment which involves frequent research seminars and visits by leading scholars worldwide, reading groups, brown bag seminars and panels in which PhD students and faculty members present and discuss their ongoing work. Such forums provide an excellent opportunity to receive critical constructive feedback on your research and to develop academic, generic and transferable skills.


Applying for our mres/phd programme.

Entry requirements and admissions criteria:

Applicants to the MRes+PhD programme must hold a distinction in a master’s degree in Economics or a closely related subject. Applicants must demonstrate a high level of analytical and quantitative skills (such as in mathematics and statistics), evidenced by strong performance in relevant modules taken on previous degree programmes and/or through relevant standardised test performance (such as GRE Quantitative of at least 160). Submitting a GRE test result is encouraged but not compulsory and is only one of the components used to assess the strength of applications. 

We only have a single intake in September. We accept applications throughout the year. Successful candidates who have submitted their MRes application by 31 January 2024 will receive a scholarship (full fee waiver plus a stipend). Successful candidates who have submitted their application after this date may receive a scholarship subject to availability, or will come with their own funding.

In your personal statement you are expected to suggest one or more faculty members as potential supervisors. On the application form you may see that it states that it is preferred that you contact potential supervisors beforehand. However, we strongly discourage applicants from contacting individual faculty members or potential supervisors when applying to our programme. All applications are first evaluated by a joint admissions committee, so contacting potential supervisors separately will not increase your chances.

We also require you to submit IELTS or TOEFL scores if English is not your first language. Our School requires a “Level 2” English language qualification which corresponds to:

IELTS: Overall grade of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in each of the sub-tests.

TOEFL: Score of 96 overall, plus 24/30 in the reading and writing subtests and 22/30 in the listening and speaking subtests. 

Application Deadline

The application window closes 31 January 2024 (17:00 UK time) and a late submission window closes on 05 April 2024 (17:00 UK time). We advise those interested in the programme to apply before 31 January 2024, as those applying in the late submission window will only be considered if there are still places remaining.

Application Procedure

Apply via UCL Postgraduate Admissions System here . When starting the application, you must select the MRes Financial Economics option. In addition to filling out the online application form, please upload a copy of the following documents:

  • Official Transcripts of Grades / Course marks
  • A 1 page personal statement that clearly indicates: (i) your research interests and preliminary research ideas, (ii) potential faculty member(s) you may want to work with (this is a suggested list, you don’t need to contact potential supervisors beforehand), and (iii) your motivation to do a PhD.
  • Your  GRE  score report, if you took the test.
  • Your IELTS/TOEFL score report, if English is not your first language.


We offer fully funded five year scholarships to all admitted students who apply before the 31 January 2024. The scholarship is open to all nationalities. It covers all tuition fees, and includes an annual stipend of £25,000 which is tax-free. 

Successful candidates who have submitted their application after 31 January 2024 may receive a scholarship subject to availability or will come with their own funding.

Additional Costs

This programme does not have any compulsory additional costs outside of purchasing books or stationery, printing, thesis binding or photocopying.  Students may have the opportunity to participate in conferences in the UK and internationally. The UCL School of Management provides MRes/PhD students with an annual budget for conferences, which students will use to cover the travel, accommodation, food and other costs whilst at conferences, in line with UCL’s expenses policy. 

Further Information and Contact Details

The full-time MRes/PhD programme runs from September each academic year. Entrance is therefore every September. While we may accept applications until 05 April 2024 we encourage candidates to apply as early as possible. Our programme is very selective and we only admit a limited number of students, so applying before 31 January 2024 increases your chances.

How to Apply

For queries about the MRes/PhD Programme that are not addressed on our web pages, please contact [email protected] .

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Frequently Asked Questions about the UCL School of Management MRes/PhD Programme

Programme Information

Application process, admissions requirements.

Students are required to possess a “Level 2” English language qualification if it is not their first language. This means: TOEFL: Score of 96, plus 24/30 in the reading and writing, and 22/30 in the listening and speaking subtests. IELTS: Overall grade of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in each of the subtests.

Further Information

If you have any other questions regarding the programme that are not addressed on our web pages please email the programme team ( [email protected] )

why phd in finance

Choose start date: Start date: September 2025 Duration: Five to six years Deadline: 2 December 2024 Fee: Fully funded Location: London, UK

Conduct research to develop a more robust financial system

Within the Department of Finance, our world-class researchers engage with and disseminate research to practitioners, policy-makers and academic colleagues to develop a more robust financial system.  

The research interests of faculty span four core themes – Innovation and Asset Pricing, Corporate Finance, Finance and Risk Management, and Financial Analysis. They hold expertise within derivative pricing and hedging, quantitative risk management and asset allocation, financial econometrics, stochastic volatility modelling, credit risk modelling, catastrophe risk analysis, M&A and private equity. 

You may also be co-supervised by faculty in other departments in the School, depending on your research interests. 

Data observatory

Research centres and partnerships

The Business School is home to several research centres and institutes, offering a diverse range of activities that bring together academics and specialists

city of london

The Brevan Howard Centre for Financial Analysis

Where Imperial College London finance faculty collaborate with external academics and industry professionals to develop cutting-edge research, influencing global industry practice and public policy.  

The Grantham Institute, Imperial College London

Grantham Institute for Climate Change

Focussing on research relating to a sustainable, resilient, zero-carbon future. 

Blue globe and data

Financial Technology

Acting as a hub for the interdisciplinary research that is needed to develop innovations, reveal insights and answer questions; bringing together the activities of academics, startup companies, established industry and governmental organisations. 

Climate Innovation- Accelerating to Net Zero Emissions

Climate Finance and Investment

Works to unlock solutions within capital markets to address the challenges posed by global climate change. 

Career impact

Teaching experience

PhD students on the Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) scholarship will undertake 150 hours of teaching assistant duties from year three of the programme. There will be opportunities for PhD students to engage in teaching activities within the Business School’s Finance Masters’. 

Doctoral Theses in Finance

Lu Liu

Essays on Mortgage and Housing Markets 

Professor Tarun Ramadorai and Professor Marcin Kacperczyk

Adrian Lam

Three Essays on Sustainable Finance 

Dr Claudio Custodio and Professor Marcin Kacperczyk

Salim Baz

Essays in Empirical Financial Economics

Dr Lara Cathcart and Professor Alex Michaelides

Meet your faculty

Our PhD programme fosters close collaboration between leading Finance faculty and doctoral students, developing their research interests and providing continuous support and guidance throughout the programme.  

Franklin Allen

Franklin Allen

Patrick Bolton

Patrick Bolton

Ramana Nanda

Ramana Nanda

Lara Cathcart

Lara Cathcart

Enrico Biffis

Enrico Biffis

Christopher Hansman

Christopher Hansman

Clara Martinez-Toledano

Clara Martinez-Toledano

Explore more, doctoral programme.

Study your doctoral programme at a global top 10 university offering world-class faculty, leadership coaching, global business experience, industry connections, specialist careers support and an exciting London location. 

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Downloading a brochure is a great way to find out more about our programmes and discover which is right for you. 

Stay up to date

Keep up to date about news, events, and application deadlines for the Doctoral programme by joining our mailing list. 

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PhD to a Career in Finance

This article highlights reasons why PhD graduates are in demand by recruiters in the financial sector, including insights from the Bank of America Merrill Lynch. The tips and insights will help PhD researchers to think about steps they can take during their PhD to effectively prepare for a career change out of academia to the world of finance.

What are the competencies employers are looking for?

Financial organisations from global banks to investment banking specialists to private trading companies will welcome applications from PhD graduates who can demonstrate relevant expertise and experience for roles requiring quantitative and research skills. Some of the larger organisations even have dedicated positions and internship schemes specifically for PhDs. In other cases PhDs will be applying alongside first degree candidates or experienced hire applicants, with the organisation not necessarily specifying that a PhD is required.

Employers will value PhD candidates with specialist quantitative and statistical training, and strong economic and numerical skills, typically recruiting researchers from mathematics, science or engineering fields, or economics or finance.

As well as the technical expertise, think more broadly about how your PhD can demonstrate your ability to:

  • Solve complex problems and find creative solutions
  • Analyse and synthesise large amounts of information and data
  • Work under pressure and to deadlines
  • Cope with unexpected results and find new ways to move ahead
  • Communicate complex information  to a range of audiences
  • Work independently with minimal supervision and ability to make decisions

What steps can you take to get ahead in the job market?

Articulate and evidence your key competences and experience in a well-written, concise CV or in an online application. Make sure that you tailor your application to the specific job role.

To stand out at the written application and interview stage ensure that you can demonstrate:

  • An understanding and interest in financial markets and broader commercial awareness
  • Examples of relevant work experience you have undertaken outside of academia, ideally in the financial sector
  • Clarity about your career plans and a motivation to work in the organisation you are applying to
  • Evidence of soft skills, such as managing others, working in teams and showing leadership

Insights from by Lauren Saunders, Staffing Manager at Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s PhD programme enables doctoral students with high-level technical skills to put their intellect and ambition to work in a fast-paced, exciting environment that will challenge and reward a rigorous approach. Interns will be assigned across our Quantitative analytics and Algorithmic trading desks and the day to day responsibilities will vary accordingly.

Typically, as an intern you will:

  • Grasp all opportunities to use high–level mathematical skills in a fast–paced, demanding business environment
  • Apply research and quantitative analysis to real–world problems in several business areas
  • Manage an intense level of interaction with colleagues and peers across all global markets functions

To support candidates in their transition to our workplace we offer a bespoke development programme, unique to our quantitative hires, which runs throughout your internship including: Strategic overview of the company, focusing on the debt and equity businesses, sessions covering topics including how to add value in your role and communicating with impact. There are also several opportunities to interact and network with peers.

Candidates will need an advanced degree/PhD in a mathematical or financial discipline, along with a strong quantitative background and impressive problem–solving, analytical and communication skills. The ability to think creatively will be essential, as will familiarity with programming. Applications are only accepted via our website at www.baml.com/campusEMEA .

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PhD Program

Front stairs to the OSU College of Business Fisher Building

The primary objective of the Finance PhD Program is to educate students of exceptional promise to become outstanding researchers and university-level teachers in the field of finance. Graduates of the Program must have a thorough knowledge of the fundamental concepts and theories in finance, an understanding of financial instruments and markets, and an ability to use financial data to analyze models and evaluate financial decisions.

Program Structure

A student admitted to the Ph.D. Program in Finance is expected to have excellent aptitude, motivation, and preparation for rigorous post-masters-level study in finance. Students entering the program without a master's level degree or related coursework may have to take additional courses.

During the first year in the program, the student takes the graduate level course sequence in macroeconomic theory, econometric research tool courses and PhD level courses in asset pricing and corporate finance.

At the end of the first year, the student also must take and pass the Microeconomics Qualifying Examination (the second field exam) administered by the Economics department. During July of the first year, the student must take and pass the Asset Pricing Qualifying and Corporate Finance Qualifying Examinations administered by the Finance Department.

During the first year, the student works on a research paper that much be completed by November 15 of the second year in the program.

In the second year of the program, the student takes advanced PhD-level courses in asset pricing and corporate finance, the finance research reading course as well as macroeconomic theory courses, and additional research tools courses in econometrics and statistics.

After the completion of the second year, the student will take and pass the Candidacy Examination. The Candidacy Examination contains written and oral portions and must be scheduled before the start of the third academic year. The written portion of the candidacy exam is given in July between the second and third year of the program and the oral portion of the candidacy exam is given within 30 days of the written portion of the exam as required by the Graduate school of the Ohio State University.

During the third year of the program, the student takes the Finance Research Seminar course, and must complete the Thesis Proposal requirement. To complete the Thesis Proposal requirement, the student has to submit a scientific paper to the Coordinator of the Ph.D. Program by April 15 of the third year of the program. The Coordinator of the Ph.D. Program then evaluates whether the paper is good enough to be presented to the Thesis Proposal Committee consisting of three faculty members before the end of April. If the paper is deemed good enough at the oral presentation that it can develop into a job market paper for the student to participate in the job market in the fifth year, the student had completed the Thesis Proposal requirement. If the paper does not meet that standard, the student has to complete such a paper and defend it in front of a Thesis Proposal Committee by November 15th of the fourth year.

During the fourth year of the program, the student works on their paper to develop it into a job market paper. The student will get teaching experience. Once they have completed a paper that the major advisor believes is suitable for the job market, the student will present it in a seminar.

During the fifth year of the program, the student will go on the job market, complete the dissertation, defend, and graduate.  The student is responsible for meeting Gradation deadlines.

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PhD in Finance

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The Katz PhD Program in Finance focuses on research in financial economics, and most recently has studied phenomena such as corporate governance, restructurings, mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings, corporate valuations, corporate diversification, corporate disclosures, equity-based compensation, and issues related to international corporate finance. The finance group mentors students with an apprenticeship model, providing an early start in research projects both by and with faculty.

Over successive five-year periods between 1980 and 2014, graduates of the Katz PhD in Finance Program ranked between 28th and 49th among doctoral programs worldwide depending on the specific time interval over which productivity was measured. Most recently, our graduates ranked as the 17th most productive among finance graduates of U.S. public universities the 39th most productive among all programs worldwide. This is especially impressive given that the rankings do not make adjustments for differences in the number of graduates across programs.

Considering we are a relatively small program, our graduates have had an outsized impact in terms of producing high-impact research published in the leading finance academic journals.The upside of our small program size is that it allows for frequent interactions and collaborations among our faculty and our PhD students.

We have an excellent history of doctoral student/faculty collaboration, which often results in articles that are published in top journals. Our faculty members develop relationships with our students that result in research collaboration that often lasts well beyond the doctoral program experience.

Our goal is for students to join finance faculties at top research universities and to make significant scholarly contributions to the field of financial economics. We usually accept two or three new students per year so that we are able to give students a great deal of faculty attention.

Some of our alumni are now full or chaired professors at research-oriented schools including:

  • University of Alabama
  • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • University of Missouri
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • North Carolina State University

Year 1 Curriculum: Fall Term (12 credits)

Admitted students begin the PhD program with an intensive  math class that meets daily for three weeks prior to the start of fall classes. Katz Finance PhD Students are expected to arrive on campus by August 1.

An exploration of critical thinking.

BFIN 3001 Finance Fundamentals 1.5
BFIN 3031 Corporate Finance Theory Methods 1.5
ECON 2001 Introduction to Mathematical Methods 3
ECON 2010 Mathematical Methods Economic Analysis 3
ECON 2020 Intro to Econometric Theory 3
ECON 2100 Advanced Microeconomic Theory 1 3

Year 1 Curriculum: Spring Term

A thorough examination of research methods.

BFIN 3032 Corporate Finance Seminar 1 1.5
BFIN 3033 Corporate Finance Seminar 2 1.5
BFIN 3034 Corporate Finance Seminar 3 1.5
ECON 2120 Advanced Microeconomic Theory 2 3
CMU 0721 Seminar in Finance 2

Year 1 Curriculum: Summer Term (3 credits)

Research paper with faculty guidance.

BFIN 3039 Summer Research Paper

Year 2 Curriculum: Fall Term

A continued study in critical thinking and research methods.

BFIN 3035 Financial Empirical Methods 1.5
CMU 0723 Seminar in Finance 3 2
CMU 0724 Seminar in Finance 4 2
ECON 2260 Advanced Econometrics 1 3
MATH 3225 Mathematics of Finance 3

Year 2 Curriculum: Spring Term

A further dive into major concentrations, critical thinking, and research methods.

BFIN 3036 Empirical Asset Pricing 1.5
BFIN 3038 Property Rights and Theory of the Firm 1.5
CMU 0720 Computational Methods Finance 2
CMU 0805 Computational Methods Econ 2
MATH 3226 Mathematics of Finance 2

Year 2 Curriculum: Summer Term

A comprehensive independent study.

BFIN 3010 Independent Study in Finance 3

Year 3 Curriculum: Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms

Fully concentrated work on dissertation and service as teaching assistant.

BUSADM 3199 Dissertation Credits 9
FTDF 0000 Full-Time Dissertation Study

Curriculum: Years 4 and 5

Teach and enter the job market to defend your dissertation.

FTDF 0000 Full-Time Dissertation Study


Pitt has spectacular faculty and staff members. One can work with world-class scholars on rigor and relevant topics in business fields. I’m fortunate to work with possibly the best mentors one could ask for – they respect your own research interests, always inspire you, and they encourage curiosity, discovery, and blazing your own trail. They support and help me evolve as an independent researcher and a future educator.

PhD, Information Systems and Technology Management

I chose Pitt over other schools for the exceptional faculty at Katz and for the flexibility and freedom it provides. The faculty, who are world-class researchers, genuinely care for my growth and are always open to discuss and collaborate on new research ideas. The flexible course of study allows me to draw from a vast array of courses offered across different schools, helping me choose only those which best fit my needs. I am lucky to be part of the Katz community, which inspires me to do better every day!

PhD, Marketing

Emory University Goizueta Business School

PhD in Finance

Creating real financial impact, influencing practice through theory, finance curriculum timeline.

  Fall Spring Summer
Year 1 Core/Area coursework Core/Area coursework
Year 2 Core/Area coursework
Year 3 Dissertation proposal Dissertation proposal
Year 4

Dissertation research

Teaching business

Dissertation research
Year 5 Dissertation research  

Faculty and Published Work

Finance faculty.

Panagiotis (Panos) Adamopoulos

Panagiotis (Panos) Adamopoulos

Tetyana Balyuk

Tetyana Balyuk

Jan  Barton

Anandhi Bharadwaj

Emily Bianchi

Emily Bianchi

Jesse Bockstedt

Jesse Bockstedt

Douglas Bowman

Douglas Bowman

Jeffrey Busse

Jeffrey Busse

Tian Heong Chan

Tian Heong Chan

Ramnath K Chellappa

Ramnath K Chellappa

Tarun Chordia

Tarun Chordia

Ruomeng Cui

Ruomeng Cui

Ilia Dichev

Ilia Dichev

George Easton

George Easton

Finance phd students.

Zhishuo Han

Zhishuo Han

Jianzhang Lin

Jianzhang Lin

Dmitry Malakhov

Dmitry Malakhov

Avinash Kumar Pandey

Avinash Kumar Pandey

Qian Zhu

Recent News

why phd in finance

Goizueta Welcomes New Faculty

why phd in finance

“Crypto Companies Have Made the Most Political Donations in 2024. Here’s What They’re Funding,” INC.

why phd in finance

“Startups Are Booming–but So Are Bankruptcies,” Inc.com

why phd in finance

“How Stocks Became the Game That Record Numbers of Americans Are Playing,” Bloomberg

why phd in finance

“What causes bond prices to rise and fall?,” Marketplace

why phd in finance

“Disney, Bob Iger Defeat Activist Nelson Peltz in Shareholder Vote,” The Wall Street Journal

why phd in finance

How One Master of Analytical Finance Student Plans to Do Good With Her Degree 

why phd in finance

Go from Beginner to Analytical Finance Expert

why phd in finance

“50 Best Undergraduate Business Professors of 2023,” Yahoo! Finance

why phd in finance

“Dump your bonds, this new research says,” Morningstar

why phd in finance

“Dump your bonds, this new research says,” MarketWatch

why phd in finance

“Why bitcoin ETFs launch won’t be a ‘buy the rumor, sell the news’ event,” Morningstar

Pursuing a phd in finance.

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Our doctoral program in the accounting field offers broadly based, interdisciplinary training that develops the student’s skills in conducting both analytical and empirical research.

Emphasis is placed on developing a conceptual framework and set of skills for addressing questions broadly related to accounting information. While issues of financial reporting, managerial accounting, corporate governance and taxation are the ultimate concern, special emphasis is given to applying basic knowledge of economics, decision theory, and statistical inference to accounting issues.

Spectrum of Interests and Research Methods

Faculty research represents a broad spectrum of interests and research methods:

  • Empirical and analytical research on the relation between accounting information and capital market behavior examines the characteristics of accounting amounts, the effect of accounting disclosures on the capital market, the role of analysts as information intermediaries, and the effects of management discretion. Issues examined also include the impact of financial information on stock and option prices, earnings response coefficients, market microstructure, earnings management, voluntary disclosures, and the effect of changes in accounting standards and disclosure requirements.
  • Problems of information asymmetries among management, investors, and others are currently under study. This research investigates, analytically and empirically, the structure of incentive systems and monitoring systems under conditions of information asymmetry. Research on moral hazard, adverse selection, risk sharing, and signaling is incorporated into this work.
  • Other ongoing projects include research on the economic effects of auditing and regulation of accounting information, and analysis of tax-induced incentive problems in organizations.
  • Additional topics of faculty interest include analytical and empirical research on productivity measurement, accounting for quality, activity-based costing for operations and marketing, and strategic costing and pricing.

Preparation and Qualifications

It is desirable for students to have a solid understanding of applied microeconomic theory, econometrics and mathematics (linear algebra, real analysis, optimization, probability theory) prior to the start of the program. Adequate computer programming skills (e.g. Matlab, SAS, STAT, Python) are necessary in coursework. A traditional accounting background such as CPA is not required.

Faculty in Accounting

Christopher s. armstrong, jung ho choi, george foster, brandon gipper, ron kasznik, john d. kepler, jinhwan kim, rebecca lester, iván marinovic, maureen mcnichols, joseph d. piotroski, kevin smith, emeriti faculty, mary e. barth, william h. beaver, david f. larcker, charles m. c. lee, stefan j. reichelstein, recent publications in accounting, fraudulent financial reporting and the consequences for employees, corporate carbon accounting: balance sheets and flow statements, firm boundaries and voluntary disclosure, recent insights by stanford business, your company is on a high-growth list it may not be there next year., how corporate “diversity washers” spin investors, new data on the quality of esg audits catches regulators’ attention.

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PhD in Finance

The PhD concentration in finance emphasizes theoretical economics and provides a rigorous, analytically-grounded education. The Finance Department has a long and prominent intellectual history. Ideas that we now take as commonplace, such as moral hazard problems caused by deposit insurance and the Hansen-Jagannathan bounds in asset-pricing, have their origin at the Carlson School.

About the Program

Faculty members are also dedicated to producing top-flight scholars by offering both doctoral courses that focus on cutting edge research as well as collaborative research opportunities. Students who have strong interests and abilities in quantitative methods, mathematics, and economics will find this program both challenging and stimulating.

Our faculty members are more than just educators; they are accomplished leaders in the finance industry and dedicated researchers shaping the future of finance.

The PhD finance concentration requires a strong mastery of economic theory.

Get to know current students in the PhD Finance program.

Learn more about their educational background, expertise, and research interests. 

Carlson School building exterior

Finance Seminars & Conferences

Learn more about the events and conferences presented by the Carlson School of Management's Finance Department.

Alumni Perspectives

Xuelin Li

"As a PhD student, the Carlson School of Management has given me everything I could ask for and more. The exceptional faculty support and collegial environment were crucial in guiding me from an undergraduate student to a focused researcher. The faculty's diverse expertise and openness to novel topics allowed me to explore various areas of finance research. The program's strong connections with leading companies provided valuable market insights, bridging the gap between theory and practice. From thought-provoking seminars to relaxing road trips and winter adventures, I will always be grateful for the opportunities and memories offered by Carlson."

Assistant Professor of Business, Finance Division Columbia Business School

More about Xuelin Li

Get in touch

Juliana Salomao

PhD Coordinator

Headshot of Tracy Yue Wang, Professor of Finance

Department Chair

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why phd in finance

Finance focuses on the financial structure and problems of corporations, on the manner in which financial securities are priced, and on the organization and operation of markets and financial institutions. As a scholar in finance, you might examine how conflict of interest affects corporate financial policies, how competitive the NASDAQ trading system is, how to detect price bubbles, or how investor psychology affects asset prices in a systematic way. Our finance faculty offers strong support for such explorations of market microstructure, corporate finance, asset pricing, and international finance. The finance faculty has broad interests, and students can develop analytic or empirical interests under their guidance.

Jawad Addoum Dyson School

Warren B. Bailey Johnson School

Matthew Baron Johnson School

Murillo Campello Johnson School

Linda Canina Nolan School

Steven Carvell Nolan School

Will Cong Johnson School

Adrian Aycan Corum Johnson School

Minmo Gahng Dyson School

Ming Huang Johnson School

Robert A. Jarrow Johnson School

Andrew Karolyi Johnson School

Yifei Mao Nolan School

Pamela C. Moulton Nolan School

Justin Murfin Dyson School 

David Ng Dyson School 

Maureen O’Hara Johnson School 

Gideon Saar Johnson School 

Scott Yonker Dyson School

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Heather Tookes, Graduation Year: 2003, First Placement: Yale University

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Why Earn a Finance Ph.D.?

The doctoral program in Business with a concentration in Finance is designed to prepare individuals of outstanding ability for careers in teaching and research at the university level. The program has enough flexibility, however, to accommodate individuals whose career objectives lie outside academia.

Doctoral study in business is structured to challenge individuals who possess the ability to analyze complex problems and synthesize solutions. Individuals who undertake doctoral study are expected to achieve excellence in command of a business discipline's technical aspects and develop expertise in meaningful research.

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Finance Ph.D. Highlights

The Business Leadership Building contains 24 classrooms and student learning is enhanced with interior and exterior spaces, such as tutor rooms, team study rooms, and outdoor terraces.

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Why is the Haitian population of Springfield, Ohio, booming?

Former President Donald Trump's false and provocative claims about Haitian immigrants abducting and eating pets in Springfield, Ohio, have cast a national spotlight on the small midwestern city and its migrant population.

The unsubstantiated rumors initially spread widely online -- and were magnified by some right-wing politicians and Trump's running mate, Sen. JD Vance -- after a series of social media posts went viral.

A spokesperson for the city of Springfield has told ABC News these claims are false, and there have been "no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals in the immigrant community."

Still, a firestorm brought on by the Republican presidential candidate's comments has eclipsed the complexities of the American immigration system and the geopolitical dynamics that have contributed to the rising number of Haitians seeking refuge in the United States -- including the thousands who have settled in Springfield over the last roughly three years.

More than a decade of temporary protections

While Trump has vowed to conduct "large deportations in Springfield ," most of the estimated 12,000 to 15,000 Haitians in the city are legally authorized to live and work in the U.S. And many of them -- and many Haitian migrants who have settled elsewhere in the country -- are protected from expulsion by law.

MORE: Trump pushes false claim that Haitian migrants are stealing and eating pets

Hundreds of thousands of Haitian immigrants hold Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, a designation created by Congress in 1990 that allows migrants in the U.S. to stay for a limited amount of time if the executive branch determines conditions in their home country prevent them from returning safely.

Haitian nationals were first granted TPS in 2010 after a catastrophic earthquake decimated the Caribbean nation, claiming more than 100,000 lives and overwhelming its government.

Those protections were renewed multiple times during the Obama era and then extended by six months during Trump's time in the White House before the former president moved to sunset the provision in 2019. However, that decision was met with multiple legal challenges that effectively ran out the clock on his administration.

Shortly after President Joe Biden took office, he moved to reinstate TPS for Haiti, sharply increasing the number of Haitians eligible to apply for the status.

"Haiti is currently experiencing serious security concerns, social unrest, an increase in human rights abuses, crippling poverty and lack of basic resources, which are exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic," Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said in a May 2021 statement explaining the decision.

This past June, Biden expanded protections for Haitians again, ruling that the more than 300,000 migrants from the country who arrived in the U.S. after November 2022 were eligible to apply for TPS while allowing more than 200,000 Haitians whose protections were expiring to apply for an 18-month extension.

Haiti's persisting instability

The Biden administration has also worked to address the challenges facing Haiti and improve the security situation in the country, but it has encountered little success.

The assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse in July 2021 left a power vacuum in the country that left local authorities weak and unable to check the violent gangs that took control over large swaths of its capital city, Port-au-Prince.

The turmoil prompted Haiti's interim leader at the time, former Prime Minister Ariel Henry, to request help from abroad to restore law and order. U.S. diplomats worked to answer the call by encouraging the creation of a multinational security force, but it took an entire year for the United Nations Security Council to greenlight a Kenyan-led operation.

The mission originally promised to surge 2,500 troops to Haiti, but so far fewer than 400 have been deployed, and its U.N. authorization is set to expire next month.

In recent months, Haiti has seen some improvements -- including the reopening of its main airport -- but many of its citizens say their country is still plagued by widespread gang violence.

The Biden administration has also worked to put Haiti on a path toward holding democratic elections for the first time since Moïse's assassination by facilitating the creation of a transitional presidential council, which intends to hold a vote in early 2026 -- the same time Haiti's current TPS designation is set to expire.

MORE: Springfield, Ohio, parents ask Trump and Vance to stop using their child as 'political tool'

Why Springfield?

Although Trump describes towns like Springfield as being "overrun" by migrants, the vast majority of Haitians in the U.S. reside in Florida and the northeast, not the Midwest, according to the American Community Survey, which is run by the U.S. Census Bureau.

But local authorities in Springfield say the Haitians who flocked to the city in recent months aren't yet reflected in the census data, and that the percentage of migrants now accounts for around 20% of its total population.

According to immigration advocates, many Haitians who relocate to Springfield are drawn by its relatively low cost of living and ample employment opportunities, including manufacturing jobs the city's chamber of commerce has worked to create.

But Springfield's relatively small population size -- just over 58,000 in 2022 -- means the influx of newcomers has been more noticeable, especially when it comes to strain on the city's resources.

Under U.S. law, most Haitian migrants are automatically eligible for public benefits, including Medicaid, nutritional assistance and other federal public benefit programs that rely on local outlets to render services. Some residents of Springfield say the increased number of migrants has led to difficulty accessing these resources.

Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced last week that he would send $2.5 million to Springfield over the next two years to provide more health care options for the city's residents.

MORE: GOP Gov. DeWine defends Haitian immigrants: 'They came to Springfield to work'

On Sunday, he appeared on ABC's "This Week" and defended the Haitian immigrants in Springfield, telling co-anchor Martha Raddatz they're in Ohio legally and praising their work ethic.

"I think it's unfortunate that this came up. Let me tell you what we do know, though. What we know is that the Haitians who are in Springfield are legal. They came to Springfield to work. Ohio is on the move, and Springfield has really made a great resurgence with a lot of companies coming in. These Haitians came in to work for these companies," DeWine said on Sunday.

"What the companies tell us is that they are very good workers. They're very happy to have them there, and frankly, that's helped the economy. Now, are there problems connected? Well, sure. When you go from a population of 58,000 and add 15,000 people onto that, you're going to have some challenges and some problems. And we're addressing those," he added.

On Monday, DeWine said he would also send law enforcement officers to conduct bomb sweeps of Springfield's schools after more than 30 threats have been made in the past week.

Why is the Haitian population of Springfield, Ohio, booming? originally appeared on abcnews.go.com

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What is Donald Trump’s new crypto project and why are people worried?

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Republican nominee Donald Trump speaks at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville on 27 July, 2024

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Three years after deriding bitcoin as a “scam” and “disaster waiting to happen” , former US president and convicted felon Donald Trump has unveiled his own crypto project - one he promises will “revolutionise” finance.

Led by his two sons Eric and Donald Jr, with 18-year-old son Barron as its “visionary”, World Liberty Financial claims that it will challenge the power of big banks and revolutionise finance through the launch of a brand new cryptocurrency.

More than a million people tuned in to the live event on X (formerly Twitter), which was broadcast from Trump’s Mar-A-Lago residence in Florida last night, all keen to find out what exactly the new crypto project is.

What is World Liberty Financial?

Monday night’s launch event lasted 90 minutes, with four members of the Trump family and various crypto figures associated with the venture in attendance, however little was actually revealed about what World Liberty Financial is. More time was spent talking about the recent assassination attempt on Trump than the crypto project they were there to launch, though a few key details were confirmed.

The main announcement centred on a new crypto token called WLFi.

“We’re planning to sell and otherwise distribute governance tokens called WLFi in the future,” said Zak Folkman, one of the project’s leaders.

“WLFi tokens are pure governance tokens only providing the right to make proposals and vote on matters related to the platform. WLFi will be non-transferrable and do not provide any economic rights such as dividends or other distributions, and we only want eligible people who actually plan to engage in the direction of World Liberty Financial governance to purchase the token. So this means not people who are motivated simply by an expectation for resale for profit.”

Not everyone will be able to buy the token, with regulations meaning that only accredited investors in the US are allowed to purchase WLFi.

Only 63 per cent will be sold to the public, with 17 per cent set aside for user rewards and 20 per cent reserved for “team compensation” for the likes of Trump and his sons.

Other details previously offered by Eric Trump suggest it will involve some kind of “digital real estate” – referring to either the digital tokenisation of real-world assets in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), or the creation of virtual property within the metaverse.

“It’s equitable. It’s collateral anyone can get access to and do so instantly,” he told the New York Post last month. “I don’t know if people realise what a shake up that is for the world of banking and finance.”

Why is it controversial?

Weeks before Trump’s unveiling of the project, World Liberty Financial was already being targeted by scammers and cyber criminals.

A fake telegram channel drew in more than 70,000 of his followers by promising cryptocurrency giveaways worth up to $15,000. In order to qualify for the fake giveaway, users were required to “connect” their crypto wallet, which would expose any funds within the wallet to the scammers.

Hackers also hijacked Tiffany and Lara Trump’s X accounts earlier this month in order to promote a similar scam that aimed to profit from the hype surrounding the venture.

During Monday night’s presentation, the hosts warned against scammers targeting the project, specifically the plans to launch a crypto token.

“If it doesn’t come from our official Twitter or Telegram accounts or our website, it is not real,” the hosts warned.

Other concerns related to the project are about whether Trump’s motivations are truly about transforming traditional finance, or just another opportunity to cash in on his followers’ willingness to buy into his ventures. His non-fungible token (NFT) collection released last year raised $7.2 million and sold out within days.

“Is there something that we, as crypto twitter, can collectively do to stop the launch of world liberty coin? I think it genuinely damages trump’s electoral prospects, especially if it gets hacked…it’s also an obvious target for the SEC,” Nic Carter, a Trump supporter and general partner at crypto asset firm Castle Island Ventures, wrote on X ahead of Monday’s event. “At best it’s an unnecessary distraction, at worst it’s a huge embarrassment and source of (additional) legal trouble.”

What does it mean for the broader crypto industry?

With the backing of a former US president and current presidential candidate, this is arguably the moment that the crypto industry has finally broken into the mainstream.

Trump’s announcement had little impact on the crypto market – the price of bitcoin and other leading cryptocurrencies moved by less than 1 per cent in the hours following World Liberty Financial’s launch – but industry leaders expect fresh scrutiny on the space as a result of his involvement. Some hope it could also result in the fast-tracking of regulation in both the US and globally.

“The debate in the US around the future role of crypto shows how mainstream the sector has become, not just in America but also globally” a spokesperson for crypto asset trade association CryptoUK told The Independent .

“The UK government must accelerate the legislation already in place, swiftly implement a supportive tax framework... and collaborate with the sector to ensure the UK remains a global fintech leader.”

George McDonaugh, co-founder and co-managing director of digital asset investment firm KR1, added: “Donald Trump’s endorsement of crypto creates pros and cons for the industry. It shows how powerful a force the crypto world has become and that it’s now a major political force that pushes US presidential hopefuls to take sides.”

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    Direct entry PhD program. Providing students with the opportunity to undertake a research program that addresses contemporary business, industry or policy challenges. ... School PhD student Yayan Riyanto promises to guide policymakers through the tricky terrain of tax compliance in the new financial frontier of cryptocurrency.

  27. What is Donald Trump's new crypto project and why are people worried

    Trump's announcement had little impact on the crypto market - the price of bitcoin and other leading cryptocurrencies moved by less than 1 per cent in the hours following World Liberty ...