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Top 10 tips for Dental Hygiene and Therapy Personal Statement

dental therapy personal statement ucas

1. Stick to the Personal Statement Word Limit

Firstly, your personal statement is only a one-page essay, which must not exceed 4,500 characters, (including spaces, numbers, letters, etc). Your personal statement gives the university a clear picture of who you are and, most importantly, why you want to pursue a career in Dental Hygiene and Therapy.  

Table of Contents

2. Show Examples of Interest in Dental Hygiene and Therapy

The aim of the personal statement is to get the university’s admission team interested in you. You are wanting them to invite you to an interview. Try not to tell them who you are, show them with examples. Bring up interesting stories from your everyday life, which portray your best qualities and try to relate them to Dental Hygiene and Therapy, for example, optimism, attention to detail, confidence, empathy, manual dexterity, and communication skills. 

dental therapy personal statement ucas

3. Start Writing Early

Starting early. The earlier you start the better your personal statement will be. It is important to give yourself plenty of time to create a solid plan of what you are going to include and the structure of it. Write as many drafts as you can, this will help build a template ready for the final draft. 

Make sure to start 6 months before the deadline. The time you need to prepare for your personal statement will depend on your writing skills and your availability to sit and take the time to produce ideas, plan and write it up. 

4. Plan and Brainstorm

How to start? Firstly, try to begin brainstorming ideas and topics to include in your personal statement. Make sure to focus on key experiences, which will tell your story and help you realise why this is the profession/career you want to pursue. Make sure to choose a memorable opening, something that will draw the reader in and keep the reader engaged and wanting to know more about you.  

A quick go-to on how to start brainstorming  

  • Ensure to make a list of events and experiences that reflect on the evolution of your path to a career in dentistry. 
  • Make a list of your strengths and things that keep you motivated.
  • Think about key people and how they have inspired you.
  • Think about the message you wish to convey in your personal statement. 

Essential questions that need to be thought about before writing your draft: 

  • What have you learnt from your experiences? 
  • What will you contribute to Dental Hygiene and Therapy?  
  • How have your hobbies and academic experiences influenced your desire to pursue a career in dentistry?  
  • What personal qualities do you have to make you a good Dental Hygiene and Therapist? 
  • Why do you want to study Dental Hygiene and Therapy?  
  • What inspired you to apply for Dental Hygiene and Therapy?  
  • What do you find attractive about Dental Hygiene and therapy that no other career has to offer?  

When preparing for your first draft of your Dental Hygiene and Therapy personal statement, make sure to spend some time on it, as it will make the writing of your personal statement so much easier.  

When writing about personal qualities, be honest, as it is important to be yourself. Here are some important qualities to include: 

  • Artistic  
  • Empathetic  
  • Attentive to detail  
  • Great communication skills 
  • Confidence 
  • Great interpersonal skills 
  • Professionalism
  • Good ethic 
  • Hard-working 

5. Check Grammar and Spelling

Ensure to check grammar and spelling; it is essential to avoid any grammar inconsistencies. 

Ensure to also pay attention to the past/present and future tense and make sure there is not too much switching between them. Keep it professional and try not to use “I’m” or “don’t.”  

Clarity and flow 

It is essential that your personal statement MUST show a clear picture of your interests and strengths. Too many themes in the personal statement could make it confusing and cloud the bigger picture of who you are as a person.  

Make sure that each paragraph flows into the next one. This can be a challenge, especially when trying to fit so much information into a minor character limit, but try your best to add what you feel is the most important and show the reader YOU! 

6. Show don’t Tell

Do not say it; show it. Remember that everything you bring up, whether about yourself or interests in your personal statement, needs to be backed up. For example, do not just say, “I’m great around people and a people pleaser.” Instead, try and say, “throughout my volunteering, I realised my enjoyment of interacting with people and how my communication skills can help me with future patient interactions.” some other examples may include: 

  • General Dental Practice Placements (2 weeks recommended)
  • Dental Technician Placements (1 week recommended)
  • Online course for Dentistry 

If unsure about your skills or interests, brainstorm and draw some of those connections. It is also great to get friends and family members involved, as a second opinion counts. Try to think of qualities that no other student will write down, remember that you need to stand out and you are up against hundreds of other applicants wanting the same place on the course. 

7. Be Honest

Be honest. Understand that honesty is the best policy. No matter what you say, always tell the truth.  

It is also important not to copy anyone else’s personal statement, even if it is an online one or your friend’s personal statement. This counts as plagiarism, and all universities have a system to check that plagiarism has not occurred within your statement.  

8. Show Enthusiasm for Dental Hygiene and Therapy

Be enthusiastic about dental hygiene and therapy. All these universities are looking for someone passionate and enthusiastic about dentistry. You want to showcase that you have gone out of your way, in your own time, to gain as much experience before starting university. It illustrates initiative and it’s what will make you stand out. If there aren’t specific dental examples where you have done this, sign yourself up so that you can include this in your statement. It all has to be true so don’t start making things up as they might catch you out in your interview stage! Remember, that universities are looking for someone who wants to learn and show dedication.

9. Try to Stand Out

Try to stand out. Talk about what you have done and how your experience stands out compared to others; an example could be you do lots of volunteering work, which can be formal or non-formal or that you have a part-time job, and how these skills are transferable for the degree in Dental Hygiene and Therapy.

To stand out does not need to be dentistry specific, as universities just want you to be yourself and show that you are not the same as every other applicant. They are looking for those who go beyond to make themselves stand out, so brag a little and tell them how proud you are of yourself and all the things you have achieved. Some topics you may bring up can be related to dentistry, but be sure to expand. 

10. Get a Personal Statement Check

Get someone to check your personal statement for you. Ask someone to check over your work, even if this is a friend, parent, or teacher; it is always great to see what others think of it and get a unique perspective. If you know anyone studying Dental Hygiene and Therapy, it may be worth contacting them and asking if they could read it and give you a few pointers. Also, do not be afraid to ask if you could read their personal statement too. Seeking advice from current, past dental students will be instrumental, as they got onto the course based on their personal statements. 

My Personal Statement

As a qualified, GDC-registered dental nurse I ensure to maintain the NHS values and respect every individual equally. My favourite part is being able to interact with patients and aid their understanding of oral hygiene. Being able to communicate with a wide range of people of all ages and backgrounds is one reason why I enjoy dentistry, as well as the challenges and opportunities that it offers.

A favourite aspect of dental nursing is the satisfaction of treating patients using a tailored approach and seeing the end results. Being a dental nurse has made me realise the significance of understanding the physiology of the mouth and the whole body. Being able to relieve a patient from pain or enhance their confidence by improving their oral hygiene makes it such a rewarding career, and has encouraged me to progress further in the field of dentistry.

I have assisted with a wide range of treatments, for example, endodontic extractions and the preparation stage for crowns and dentures. From my experience assisting during surgery, I can appreciate how the hygienist’s empathy and communication skills help to build a rapport with patients, and the positive effect that being caring and compassionate has on their general wellbeing.

One of my most memorable moments whilst working with a hygienist was when I came across an extremely nervous patient. I helped them to relax by asking simple questions and distracting them with humour, which put them at ease and made them laugh. Interactions like this have helped me to appreciate the importance of empathy and adapting my communication strategies to suit the patient’s needs. My experiences with patients and the dental team so far have left me with no doubt that I want to be a part of this valuable and rewarding community.

As a dental professional, I make sure to strive for personal and professional excellence. I have faced many challenges with frustrated and anxious patients; however, my professional manner and respect remained consistent throughout. I have come up with different strategies to reassure anxious patients, such as offering a pre-treatment visit, to let the patient get acquainted with the staff and comfortable in the dental chair.

The GDC principles have come into action many times. One patient I remember was a boy who had little understanding of oral hygiene and was in a lot of pain. Due to his fear, he was unable to cooperate with the dentist’s assessment. Using a calm and friendly manner, I reassured him so that we were able to continue with the treatment. When I saw him again, he greeted me with a huge smile. Knowing that I made an impact on this boy and his oral hygiene is one of the proudest moments of my career so far. This experience helped reinforce the concept that effective patient-centred care and communication, as reflected in the GDC principles, with principles one and two; “put patients’ interests first”, and “communicate effectively with patients” are vital within dentistry.

Another important aspect is the ability to work closely with individuals in order to build a trusting patient-clinician relationship. I find it particularly compelling to witness patients gradually gain faith in the value of preventative care and education in oral health.

I am currently studying for an Access to HE Diploma. Exploring human physiology, anatomy, and the behaviour of drugs inside the body has made me all the more enthusiastic about applying my knowledge in dental practice.

Dentistry aside, I enjoy playing badminton and painting, both activities which have helped to develop my manual dexterity. I enjoy looking after my body using a holistic approach, incorporating diet and exercise such as yoga, to keep my body in good shape and improve my posture. With my experience as a dental nurse, adaptable communication skills, and drive to further my learning, I believe that I would be well suited to pursuing a career as a Dental Hygienist and Therapist.

As expressed, your personal statement needs to stand out, resemble you and most importantly show why you want to pursue Dental Hygiene or Dental Therapy. 

Frequently Asked Question

→what is a dental hygiene and therapy personal statement.

A dental hygiene and therapy personal statement is a written document that is required as part of the application process for admission to a dental hygiene and therapy program. It is an opportunity for the applicant to showcase their skills, experience, and personal qualities to the admissions committee.

→How long should a dental hygiene and therapy personal statement be?

The length of a dental hygiene and therapy personal statement can vary depending on the specific program’s requirements. However, most programs require a personal statement of around 500-1000 words.

→What should be included in a dental hygiene and therapy personal statement?

A dental hygiene and therapy personal statement should include information about your motivation for pursuing a career in dental hygiene and therapy, your relevant experience and skills, your understanding of the role of a dental hygienist or therapist, and your commitment to professional development.

→Should I include my academic achievements in my dental hygiene and therapy personal statement?

Yes, academic achievements can demonstrate your academic ability and potential, so it is important to include them in your personal statement. However, it is important to balance academic achievements with other relevant experiences and skills.

→Is it important to tailor my dental hygiene and therapy personal statement to each program I apply to?

Yes, it is important to tailor your dental hygiene and therapy personal statement to each program you apply to. This can involve researching each program’s specific requirements and highlighting how your skills and experiences match those requirements.

→How can I make my dental hygiene and therapy personal statement stand out?

To make your dental hygiene and therapy personal statement stand out, focus on specific examples and experiences that demonstrate your skills and abilities. Use active verbs and avoid generic statements. Additionally, make sure to proofread your statement carefully to ensure that it is free of errors.

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Personal Statement for Dental Hygiene

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Writing your Personal Statement for Dental Hygiene

A personal statement for Dental Hygiene / Dental Therapy plays a significant role in the application process for many programs. They provide admission committees with information on your academic background, professional experience, and personality traits to help them determine whether you’re a good fit for their program.

A well-written personal statement should highlight your strengths as a candidate and demonstrate how those skills would benefit the school’s curriculum. You should include details about your educational background, work history, volunteer activities, extracurricular activities, hobbies, and future goals. If you’ve taken courses related to dentistry, be sure to mention those too.

It’s essential to be honest with yourself when writing your personal statement for dental hygiene. If you’re unsure what to write, ask yourself these questions: 

What do I want to accomplish by applying to dental hygiene school? 

How will my life be different after dental hygiene school? 

Why should I choose this course?

This guide has you covered with 3 winning personal statement tips. As a bonus, I have included a personal statement written by a successful dental hygiene applicant. This guide can also help those applying to dentistry, dental hygiene and therapy, and dental nursing. 

If you’re looking for a more detailed guide to beat the competition, then purchase my guide by clicking below.

Table of Contents

  • Tip 1 – Scope of Practice
  • Tip 2 – Skills
  • Tip 3 – Reflection
  • Winning Personal Statement for Dental Hygiene
  • Overview of the statement

Tip 1: Understand a Dental Hygienist's Scope of Practice

A hygienist’s Scope of Practice includes every role or procedure that can be legally carried out under the General Dental Council License.

Roles – Research the different roles of dentists, dental hygienists, dental therapists, and periodontal specialists- this will show off your background research and understanding. Then integrate the roles you’ve researched into your dental hygiene personal statement.

If you have shadowed a hygienist, mention their roles in education, advocating, and treating patients. This isn’t somewhere to list roles but rather to express how this role appeals to you.

Showing your understanding is a big part of the statement. The admissions team won’t give out an offer to a highly competitive program if you haven’t made an effort to do some background research.

Principles – Look into the General Dental Council standards – These are 9 principles each dental professional must abide by. Mentioning one or two of these in your dental hygiene statement will give you brownie points.

1. Put patients’ interests first 2. Communicate effectively with patients 3. Obtain valid consent 4. Maintain and protect patients’ information 5. Have a clear and effective complaints procedure 6. Work with colleagues in a way that is in patients’ best interests 7. Maintain, develop and work within your professional knowledge and skills 8. Raise concerns if patients are at risk 9. Make sure your personal behaviour maintains patients’ confidence in you and the dental profession

Dental Hygienist

Tip 2: Show Don't Tell

You must have gained various skills from college, work, hobbies, and other extracurriculars. Think about communication, interpersonal skills, empathy, leadership, teamwork, and resilience. Relate these skills to becoming a dental hygienist. Where and how did you develop these skills?

Matching your skills to the hygienist’s roles by showing your skills through your experiences

“ Dental hygienists play a significant role within the dental team, where they primarily educate patients on oral hygiene and healthier habits. This requires excellent communication skills to teach patients about the processes behind gum disease. To develop my communication, I have practised breaking down biological topics when tutoring younger students. ”

Why is this effective? You are stating the role of the hygienist (educator), then providing evidence of how they educate (causes of gum disease), and then explaining how you have developed this skill through similar methods (tutoring).

Within a few sentences, you have explained your understanding of the role, patient interactions, and efforts to help younger students.

Happy patient

Tip 3: Reflection

Reflection is KEY . Without reflection, your personal statement is just a story with a list of your experiences. Reflecting on those experiences will immediately make you stand out. This is your chance to show how you have developed into the perfect applicant.

Reflecting on what you have learned shows you are mature, intelligent, self-aware, and can be accountable for your actions.

Self-reflection will be a large part of your education and continuous professional development . Reflection involves looking back at your experiences, considering what you have learned from them, and how has it changed you?

If your experience is a fundraising event, what was your role, what went well, what didn’t go so well, how could this be avoided, and what would you do differently next time?

Recognising that you aren’t perfect and willing to grow is a valuable quality.

This will really add to your application. Don’t say, “ I am mature and can account for my mistakes. ” Instead, it would be best if you showed this through your experiences.

E.g. “ Tutoring was initially challenging for me. I did not know how to share my knowledge with the students. After some research and observing a fellow tutor, I started to plan ahead and create lesson plans the day before. I would include images, videos, and examples that helped the students understand the topic. I wish to continue improving my teaching methods as this will help me to educate future patients.”

These 3 Top Tips  are all you need to write a successful personal statement for dental hygiene.

Bonus point: Try to avoid mentioning anything very negative. If you HAVE to explain poor grades or a gap in your education, then keep it brief and support it with positive points before and after. 

Are you finding these tips helpful?

Check out my comprehensive 14-page Dental Hygiene and Therapy Personal Statement Guide

Writing dental hygiene personal statement

Successful Personal Statement for Dental Hygiene UK

“Empathy- a simple yet powerful emotion that allows us to connect with others. Dental hygiene encompasses a need for empathy. Hygienists are integral to the functioning of a dental team, where they must identify the causes behind gum disease. Not only do they determine the aetiology, but they will also explain this to the patient and create an oral hygiene plan that suit whoever is in the chair. Empathising and understanding a patient are essential in helping to make effective changes. If the dental hygienist advised a patient with rheumatoid arthritis and limited movement to use a manual toothbrush and floss three times daily, this would never be possible. Patient-centred care is a prized skill I have been developing through my employment, volunteering and hobbies. I have spent four months working as a medical scribe at the hospital, where I shadowed various physicians to help them note their discussions and plans. This was difficult initially, as I was not used to the medical language and did not understand many of the conditions. I struggled with the pace and decided to do some more extensive reading before I began each day. Soon enough, I was writing quickly, keeping up with the fast pace, and able to introduce myself to patients and understand their management plans. It was a bonus that I was able to build foundational medical knowledge and oversee how dental hygiene is managed with bed-bound patients. This helped me to understand that simple hygiene can be highly effective if done correctly. More recently, I have been able to shadow dental hygienists and dentists while they carried out consultations, dental scaling and deep cleaning. Two weeks within a clinic helped me to understand how the dentist worked with the hygienist, referring patients who required deeper cleaning. The hygienist would determine the patient’s hygiene methods first, and she would insist there was no benefit to cleaning if the patient could not understand that the cause of the gum disease was in their hands. I was inspired by how she broke down the processes behind periodontal disease by showing the patient in the mirror and relating it to a diagram showing the disease development. It was eye-opening to understand the risks of not treating the condition, and patients were now well aware of the need for better care. Aside from the patient interactions, I noticed how intricate the procedures were, the technique was very skilful, and I hope that my hand-eye coordination can someday reach this level. I currently sew many of my designs on clothing, which has helped me work in small areas. Observing the interactions between the staff made it clear that teamwork is necessary for a dental clinic. The receptionists would regularly work around the dentist and dental hygienist by following their instructions and informing the dentist of any changes or patient issues. This is similar to my collaborative research work, where I have worked with a team of student researchers to plan an experiment. Without each member, the investigation could not have gone ahead. We needed to plan, lead one another, help each other and offer advice and criticism. I have learned to accept feedback and improve based on this. I recognise that others may notice points for improvement that I had never previously considered. Hence, I highly appreciate feedback and am always looking to learn. Dental hygiene is the course that stands out to me. I am interested in the biological processes behind oral diseases and would enjoy spending a lot of time educating and treating patients. I wish to be a part of the preventive dental movement, where I can help my patients to prevent the cause before beginning invasive treatment. I feel that hygienists play a significant role in prevention, which is why I have chosen to follow this path where I can serve many patients every day.”

University Student

Each technique is used effectively in almost every single paragraph. This creates a powerful statement showing the student’s understanding of the hygienist’s role.

She was also able to relate each point to her extracurricular experiences and then reflected on what she had learned.

This helps us to see that she is highly self-aware and willing to be responsible for mistakes, but she also shows interest in taking feedback to improve.

This is exactly what is needed from a dental hygiene applicant. Even though this student’s grades were average and her experiences were nothing out of the ordinary, she comes across as intelligent and very empathetic.

Personal statement for dental hygiene, UK – How could the applicant have made it even better! In the introduction, she mentions volunteering which is later not touched upon in the statement. Volunteering would add to the existing extracurriculars, but it isn’t clear where or when she volunteered.

Later in the statement, she briefly mentions research and ties this into teamwork. However, we don’t know if the research was voluntary, what was she researching and what her actual roles were. It would be really interesting to learn more about this, and she could discuss whether she wishes to help with research in the future.

Leadership is briefly mentioned in the research part. This could also be expanded on as there are times when a hygienist must lead the receptionists, patients, and mentor others in training. She could have spoken a bit more about how the research team led one another.

How to improve the conclusion?

In the conclusion, she brings up new topics of biological processes. I always avoid bringing up new topics as it seems random and unclear to the reader. The applicant has still done a good job with the conclusion, as prevention does tie in with her theme of educating patients.

To make the conclusion even more powerful, she could’ve linked back to empathy . She could have then reminded us of her initial motivations and her extracurriculars.

Reminding the reader of your experiences is very important here; they can forget, and it helps to summarise the statement and shows your journey towards this application.

Example of an alternative conclusion: “ Empathy is the link that ties dental hygienists to understanding patients’ needs and abilities. From my work experience, scribing, and research, I have learned that we cannot help others without connecting to those around us. Education has proven to be the foundation for encouraging healthier changes in oral hygiene, and I hope to keep this in mind as an aspiring dental hygienist. I strongly believe this would improve patients’ overall dental health. I now wish to embark on this course with the knowledge I have built and hope to further improve my skills by treating patients of my own. ”

This personal statement for dental hygiene perfectly encompasses essential tips and techniques required to create a winning essay. Hopefully, this personal statement example will guide you in the right direction when writing your application essay. 

Remember- Scope of Practice, Show don’t tell, and Reflect.

Sentence structure, flow, spelling, and grammar are also equally important. Without flow and good transitional sentences, it becomes difficult to read, losing the admission tutor’s interest.

Therefore, I strongly advise getting professional help with the draft once it is written. Invest in your future now to maximise your chances of getting into your dream course.

Get help from an experienced writer Detailed and comprehensive Dental Hygiene and Therapy Personal Statement Guide Top 3 Dental Personal Statements  

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dental therapy personal statement ucas

UCAS Personal Statement and Examples

What is the ucas personal statement .

The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) Personal Statement is the main essay for your application to colleges and universities in Great Britain. UCAS gives a nice explanation here , but in short, this is your chance to stand out against the crowd and show your knowledge and enthusiasm for your chosen area of study.

You’ve got 4,000 characters and 47 line limit to show colleges what (ideally) gets you out of bed in the morning. How long is that, really? Use your “word count” tool in Google or Word docs to check as you go along, but 4,000 characters is roughly 500 words or one page.


Think they’re the same? Think again. Here are some key differences between the UCAS and the US Personal Statement:

When you apply to UK schools, you’re applying to one particular degree program, which you’ll study for all, or almost all, your time at university. Your UCAS personal statement should focus less on cool/fun/quirky aspects of yourself and more on how you’ve prepared for your particular area of study.

The UCAS Personal Statement will be read by someone looking for proof that you are academically capable of studying that subject for your entire degree. In some cases, it might be an actual professor reading your essay.

You’ll only write one personal statement, which will be sent to all the universities you’re applying to, and it’s unlikely you’ll be sending any additional (supplemental) essays. Your essay needs to explain why you enjoy and are good at this subject, without reference to any particular university or type of university.

Any extracurricular activities that are NOT connected to the subject you’re applying for are mostly irrelevant, unless they illustrate relevant points about your study skills or attributes: for example, having a job outside of school shows time-management and people skills, or leading a sports team shows leadership and responsibility.

Your personal statement will mostly focus on what you’ve done at high school, in class, and often in preparation for external exams. 80-90% of the content will be academic in nature.


This may be obvious, but the first step to a great UCAS Personal Statement is to choose the subject you’re applying for. This choice will be consistent across the (up to) five course choices you have. Often, when students struggle with a UCAS personal statement, it’s because they are trying to make the statement work for a couple of different subjects. With a clear focus on one subject, the essay can do the job it is supposed to do. Keep in mind you’re limited to 47 lines or 4000 characters, so this has to be concise and make efficient use of words.

To work out what information to include, my favourite brainstorming activity is the ‘Courtroom Exercise’. Here’s how it works:

The Courtroom Exercise

Imagine you’re prosecuting a case in court, and the case is that should be admitted to a university to study the subject you’ve chosen. You have to present your case to the judge, in a 47 line or 4,000 character statement. The judge won’t accept platitudes or points made without evidence–she needs to see evidence. What examples will you present in your statement?

In a good statement, you’ll make an opening and a closing point.

To open your argument, can you sum up in one sentence why you wish to study this subject? Can you remember where your interest in that subject began? Do you have a story to tell that will engage the reader about your interest in that subject?

Next, you’ll present a number of pieces of evidence, laying out in detail why you’re a good match for this subject. What activities have you done that prove you can study this subject at university?

Most likely, you’ll start with a class you took, a project you worked on, an internship you had, or a relevant extra-curricular activity you enjoyed. For each activity you discuss, structure a paragraph on each using the ABC approach:

A: What is the A ctivity?

B: How did it B enefit you as a potential student for this degree course?

C: Link the benefit to the skills needed to be successful on this C ourse.

With three or four paragraphs like these, each of about 9 or 10 lines, and you should have the bulk of your statement done. Typically two of these will be about classes you have taken at school, and two about relevant activities outside of school.

In the last paragraph, you need to demonstrate wider skills that you have, which you can probably do from your extracurricular activities. How could you demonstrate your time management, your ability to collaborate, or your creativity? Briefly list a few extracurricular activities you’ve taken part in and identify the relevant skills that are transferable to university study.

Finally, close your argument in a way that doesn’t repeat what you’ve already shared. Case closed!


What if I’m not sure what I want to study? Should I still apply? 

There are a number of broader programs available at UK universities (sometimes called Liberal Arts or Flexible Combined Honours). However,  you should still showcase two or three academic areas of interest. If you are looking for a broader range of subjects to study and can’t choose one, then the UK might not be the best fit for you.

What if I haven’t done much, academically or via extracurriculars, to demonstrate that I’ll be able to complete the coursework for my degree? Should I still apply?

You certainly can, but you will need to be realistic about the strength of your application as a result. The most selective universities will want to see this evidence, but less selective ones will be more willing to account for your potential to grow in addition to what you’ve already achieved. You could also consider applying for a Foundation course or a ‘Year 0’ course, where you have an additional year pre-university to enable you to develop this range of evidence.

If I’m not accepted into a particular major, can I be accepted into a different major?

It’s important to understand that we are not talking about a ‘major,’ as what you are accepted into is one entire course of study. Some universities may make you an ‘alternative offer’ for a similar but perhaps less popular course (for example you applied for Business but instead they offer you a place for Business with a Language).At others, you can indicate post-application that you would like to be considered for related courses. However, it’s not going to be possible to switch between two completely unrelated academic areas.

What other information is included in my application? Will they see my extracurricular activities, for example? Is there an Additional Information section where I can include more context on what I’ve done in high school?

The application is very brief: the personal statement is where you put all the information. UCAS does not include an activities section or space for any other writing. The 47 lines are all you have. Some universities might accept information if there are particularly important extenuating circumstances that must be conveyed. This can be done via email, but typically, they don’t want to see more than the UCAS statement and your school’s reference provides.

Now, let’s take a look at some of my favourite UCAS personal statement examples with some analysis of why I think these are great.


When I was ten, I saw a documentary on Chemistry that really fascinated me. Narrated by British theoretical physicist Jim Al-Khalili, it explained how the first elements were discovered and how Chemistry was born out of alchemy. I became fascinated with Chemistry and have remained so ever since. I love the subject because it has very theoretical components, for example quantum Chemistry, while also having huge practical applications.

In this introduction, the student shows where his interest in Chemistry comes from. Adding some additional academic detail (in this case, the name of the scientist) helps guide the reader into more specific information on why this subject is interesting to him.

This aspect of Chemistry is important to me. I have, for example, used machine learning to differentiate between approved and experimental drugs. On the first run, using drug molecules from the website Drug Bank, I calculated some molecular descriptors for them. I started with a simple logistic regression model and was shocked to find that it had apparently classified almost all molecules correctly. This result couldn’t be right; it took me nearly a month to find the error. I accidentally normalized the molecular-descriptor data individually, rather than as a combined data set, thereby encoding the label into the input. On a second run, after fixing the error, I used real machine learning libraries. Here I actually got some performance with my new algorithm, which I could compare to professional researchers’ papers. The highest accuracy I ever saw on my screen was 86 percent. The researchers’ result was 85 percent; thanks to more modern machine learning methods, I narrowly beat them. I have also studied Mathematics and Physics at A Level and have been able to dive into areas beyond the A Level syllabus such as complex integration in math and the Schrödinger equation in Physics.

This paragraph outlines a clear case for this student’s aptitude for and interest in Chemistry. He explains in detail how he has explored his intended major, using academic terminology to show us he has studied the subject deeply. Knowing an admissions reader is looking for evidence that this student has a talent for Chemistry, this paragraph gives them the evidence they need to admit him.

Additionally, I have worked on an undergraduate computer science course on MIT Opencourseware, but found that the content followed fixed rules and did not require creativity. At the time I was interested in neural networks and listened to lectures by professor Geoffrey Hinton who serendipitously mentioned his students testing his techniques on ‘Kaggle Competitions’. I quickly got interested and decided to compete on this platform. Kaggle allowed me to measure my machine learning skills against competitors with PhDs or who are professional data scientists at large corporations. With this kind of competition naturally I did not win any prizes, but I worked with the same tools and saw how others gradually perfected a script, something which has helped my A Level studies immensely.

Introducing a new topic, the student again uses academic terminology to show how he has gone beyond the confines of his curriculum to explore the subject at a higher level. In this paragraph, he demonstrates that he has studied university-level Chemistry. Again, this helps the reader to see that this student is capable of studying for a Chemistry degree.

I have been keen to engage in activities beyond the classroom. For example, I have taken part in a range of extracurricular activities, including ballroom dancing, public speaking, trumpet, spoken Mandarin, and tennis, achieving a LAMDA distinction at level four for my public speaking. I have also participated in Kaggle competitions, as I’m extremely interested in machine learning. For example, I have used neural networks to determine the causes of Amazon deforestation from satellite pictures in the ‘Planet: Understanding the Amazon from Space’ competition. I believe that having worked on projects spanning several weeks or even months has allowed me to build a stamina that will be extremely useful when studying at university.

This penultimate paragraph introduces the student’s extracurricular interests, summing them up in a sentence. Those activities that can demonstrate skills that are transferable to the study of Chemistry are given a bit more explanation. The student’s descriptions in each paragraph are very detailed, with lots of specific information about awards, classes and teachers.

What I hope to gain from an undergraduate (and perhaps post-graduate) education in Chemistry is to deepen my knowledge of the subject and potentially have the ability to successfully launch a startup after university. I’m particularly interested in areas such as computational Chemistry and cheminformatics. However, I’m  open to studying other areas in Chemistry, as it is a subject that truly captivates me.

In the conclusion, the student touches on his future plans, using specific terminology that shows his knowledge of Chemistry. This also reveals that he aims to have a career in this field, which many admission readers find appealing as it demonstrates a level of commitment to the subject.


This next statement has to accomplish a number of tasks, given the subject the student is applying for. As a vocational degree, applicants for veterinary medicine are committing to a career as well as a subject to study, so they need to give information demonstrating they understand the reality of a career in this area. It also needs to explain their motivation for this interest, which quite often is demonstrated through work experience (something which is often a condition for entry into these programs). Finally, as this is a highly academic subject to study at university, the author should include a good level of academic terminology and experiences in the statement.

There is nothing more fascinating to me than experiencing animals in the wild, in their natural habitat where their behaviour is about the survival of their species. I was lucky enough to experience this when in Tanzania. While observing animals hunting, I became intrigued by their musculature and inspired to work alongside these animals to help them when they are sick, as a veterinarian.

In an efficient way, the applicant explains her motivation to become a vet, then squeezes in a bit of information about her experience with animals.

As a horse rider and owner for nearly ten years, I have sought opportunities to learn as much as I can about caring for the animal. I helped around the yard with grooming and exercise, bringing horses in and out from the fields, putting on rugs, and mucking out. I have also been working at a small animal vet clinic every other Saturday for over 2.5 years. There, my responsibilities include restocking and sterilising equipment, watching procedures, and helping in consultations. Exposure to different cases has expanded my knowledge of various aspects, such as assisting with an emergency caesarean procedure. Due to a lack of staff on a Saturday, I was put in charge of anaesthesia while the puppies were being revived. I took on this task without hesitation and recorded heart and respiration rate, capillary refill time, and gum colour every five minutes. Other placements following an equine vet, working on a polo farm, and volunteering at a swan sanctuary have also broadened my experience with different species and how each possesses various requirements. During pre-vet summer courses, I was also introduced to farm animals such as pigs, cows, sheep and chicken. I spend some time milking dairy cows and removing clustered dust from chicken feet, as well as tipping sheep in order to inspect their teats.

In this paragraph, she synthesizes personal experience with an academic understanding of vet medicine. She demonstrates that she is committed to animals (helping in the yard, regular Saturday work, assistance with procedures), that she has gained a variety of experiences, and that she understands some of the conditions (caesareans, clustered dust) that vets have to deal with. Note that she also briefly discusses ‘pre-vet summer courses,’ adding credibility to her level of experience.

I have focused on HL Biology and HL Chemistry for my IB Diploma. I was particularly excited to study cell biology and body systems because these subjects allowed me to comprehend how the body works and are applicable to animal body functions. Topics like DNA replication as well as cell transcription and translation have helped me form a fundamental understanding of genetics and protein synthesis, both important topics when looking into hereditary diseases in animals. Learning about chemical reactions made me consider the importance of pharmaceutical aspects of veterinary medicine, such as the production of effective medicine. Vaccines are essential and by learning about the chemical reactions, I f developed a more nuanced understanding about how they are made and work.

Now, the statement turns to academic matters, linking her IB subjects to the university studies she aspires to. She draws out one particular example that makes a clear link between school and university-level study.

I have also written my Extended Essay discussing the consequences of breeding laws in the UK and South Australia in relation to the development of genetic abnormalities in pugs and German shepherds. This topic is important, as the growing brachycephalic aesthetic of pugs is causing them to suffer throughout their lifetime. Pedigree dogs, such as the German shepherd, have a very small gene pool and as a result, hereditary diseases can develop. This becomes an ethical discussion, because allowing German shepherds to suffer is not moral; however, as a breed, they aid the police and thus serve society.

The IB Extended Essay (like an A Level EPQ or a Capstone project) is a great topic to discuss in a personal statement, as these activities are designed to allow students to explore subjects in greater detail.

The first sentence here is a great example of what getting more specific looks like because it engages more directly with what the student is actually writing about in this particular paragraph then it extrapolates a more general point of advice from those specificities.

By choosing to write her Extended Essay on a topic of relevance to veterinary medicine, she has given herself the opportunity to show the varied aspects of veterinary science. This paragraph proves to the reader that this student is capable and motivated to study veterinary medicine.

I have learned that being a veterinarian requires diagnostic skills as well as excellent communication and leadership skills. I understand the importance and ethics of euthanasia decisions, and the sensitivity around discussing it withanimal owners. I have developed teamwork and leadership skills when playing varsity football and basketball for four years. My communication skills have expanded through being a Model U.N. and Global Issues Network member.

This small paragraph on her extracurricular activities links them clearly to her intended area of study, both in terms of related content and necessary skills. From this, the reader gains the impression that this student has a wide range of relevant interests.

When I attend university, I not only hope to become a veterinarian, but also a leader in the field. I would like to research different aspects of veterinary medicine, such as diseases. As a vet, I would like to help work towards the One Health goal; allowing the maintenance of public health security. This affects vets because we are the ones working closely with animals every day.

In the conclusion, she ties things together and looks ahead to her career. By introducing the concept of ‘One Health’, she also shows once again her knowledge of the field she is applying to.


Standing inside a wind tunnel is not something every 17 year old aspires to, but for me the opportunity to do so last year confirmed my long-held desire to become a mechanical engineer.

This introduction is efficient and provides a clear direction for the personal statement. Though it might seem that it should be more detailed, for a student applying to study a course that requires limited extended writing, being this matter-of-fact works fine.

I enjoy the challenge of using the laws of Physics, complemented with Mathematical backing, in the context of everyday life, which helps me to visualise and understand where different topics can be applied. I explored the field of aeronautics, specifically in my work experience with Emirates Aviation University. I explored how engineers apply basic concepts of air resistance and drag when I had the opportunity to experiment with the wind tunnel, which allowed me to identify how different wing shapes behave at diverse air pressures. My interest with robotics has led me to take up a year-long internship with MakersBuilders, where I had the chance to explore physics and maths on a different plane. During my internship I educated young teenagers on a more fundamental stage of building and programming, in particular when we worked on building a small robot and programmed the infra-red sensor in order to create self-sufficient movement. This exposure allowed me to improve my communication and interpersonal skills.

In this paragraph, the student adds evidence to the initial assertion that he enjoys seeing how Physics relates to everyday life. The descriptions of the work experiences he has had not only show his commitment to the subject, but also enable him to bring in some academic content to demonstrate his understanding of engineering and aeronautics.

I’m interested in the mechanics side of Maths such as circular motion and projectiles; even Pure Maths has allowed me to easily see patterns when working and solving problems in Computer Science. During my A Level Maths and Further Maths, I have particularly enjoyed working with partial fractions as they show how reverse methodology can be used to solve addition of fractions, which ranges from simple addition to complex kinematics. ­­­Pure Maths has also enabled me to better understand how 3D modelling works with ­­­the use of volumes of revolution, especially when I learned how to apply the calculations to basic objects like calculating the amount of water in a bottle or the volume of a pencil.

This paragraph brings in the academic content at school, which is important when applying for a subject such as engineering. This is because the admissions reader needs to be reassured that the student has covered the necessary foundational content to be able to cope with Year 1 of this course.

In my Drone Club I have been able to apply several methods of wing formation, such as the number of blades used during a UAS flight. Drones can be used for purposes such as in Air-sea Rescue or transporting food to low income countries. I have taken on the responsibility of leading and sharing my skills with others, particularly in the Drone Club where I gained the certification to fly drones. In coding club, I participated in the global Google Code competition related to complex, real-life coding, such as a program that allows phones to send commands to another device using Bluetooth. My Cambridge summer course on math and engineering included the origins of a few of the most important equations and ideologies from many mathematicians such as, E=mc2 from Einstein, I also got a head start at understanding matrices and their importance in kinematics. Last summer, I completed a course at UT Dallas on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The course was intuitive and allowed me to understand a different perspective of how robots and AI will replace humans to do complex and labour-intensive activities, customer service, driverless cars and technical support.

In this section, he demonstrates his commitment to the subject through a detailed list of extracurricular activities, all linked to engineering and aeronautics. The detail he gives about each one links to the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in these subjects at university.

I have represented Model UN as a delegate and enjoyed working with others to solve problems. For my Duke of Edinburgh Award, I partook in several activities such as trekking and playing the drums. I enjoy music and I have reached grade 3 for percussion. I have also participated in a range of charitable activities, which include assisting during Ramadan and undertaking fun-runs to raise money for cancer research.

As with the introduction, this is an efficient use of language, sharing a range of activities, each of which has taught him useful skills. The conclusion that follows is similarly efficient and to the point.

I believe that engineering is a discipline that will offer me a chance to make a tangible difference in the world, and I am certain I will enjoy the process of integrating technology with our everyday life.


Applying for a joint honours course presents a particular challenge of making the case that you are interested in the first subject, the second subject and (often overlooked) the combination of the two. In this example, the applicant uses her own academic studies and personal experiences to make her case.

I usually spend my summer breaks in Uttar Pradesh, India working at my grandparents’ NGO which produces bio-fertilizers for the poor. While working, I speak to many of the villagers in the nearby villages like Barokhar and Dharampur and have found out about the various initiatives the Government has taken to improve the production of wheat and rice. I understand the hardships they undergo and speaking to them has shown me the importance of Social Policy and the role the government plays in improving the lives of people and inspired me to pursue my university studies in this field.

In the introduction, this applicant explains where her interlinking experiences come from: she has personal experiences demonstrating how economics impacts the most vulnerable in society. In doing so, she shows the admissions reader that she has a deep interest in this combination and can move on to discussing each subject in turn.

My interest in these areas has been driven by the experiences I had at high school and beyond. I started attending Model United Nations in the 9th grade and have been to many conferences, discussing problems like the water crisis and a lack of sustainability in underdeveloped countries. These topics overlapped with my study of economics and exciting classroom discussions on what was going on how different events would impact economies, for instance how fluctuations in oil prices will affect standards of living. Studying Economics has expanded  my knowledge about how countries are run and how macroeconomic policies shape the everyday experiences of individuals.

Unusually, this applicant does not go straight into her classroom experiences but instead uses one of her extracurricular activities (Model United Nations) in her first paragraph. For students applying for subjects that are not often taught at school (Social Policy in this example), this can be a good idea, as it allows you to bring in material that you have self-studied to explain why you are capable of studying each subject at university. Here, she uses MUN discussions to show she understands some topics in social policy that are impacting the world.

By taking up history as a subject in Grade 11 and 12, I have seen the challenges that people went through in the past, and how different ideas gained momentum in different parts of the world such as the growth of communism in Russia and China and how it spread to different countries during the Cold War. I learned about the different roles that governments played in times of hardships such as that which President Roosevelt’s New Deal played during the Great Depression. From this, I gained analytical skills by scrutinizing how different social, political and economic forces have moulded societies in the past.

In this paragraph, she then takes the nearest possible class to her interest in Social Policy and draws elements from it to add to her case for Social Policy. Taking some elements from her history classes enables her to add some content to this statement, before linking to the topic of economics.

To explore my interest in Economics, I interned at Emirates National Bank of Dubai, one of the largest banks in the Middle East, and also at IBM. At Emirates NBD, I undertook a research project on Cash Management methods in competitor banks and had to present my findings at the end of the internship. I also interned at IBM where I had to analyze market trends and fluctuations in market opportunity in countries in the Middle East and Africa. I had to find relations between GDP and market opportunity and had to analyze how market opportunity could change over the next 5 years with changing geo-political situations. I have also attended Harvard University’s Youth Lead the Change leadership conference where I was taught how to apply leadership skills to solve global problems such as gender inequality and poverty.

Economics is explored again through extracurriculars, with some detail added to the general statement about the activities undertaken during this work experience. Though the level of academics here is a little thin because this student’s high school did not offer any classes in Economics, she does as well as she can to bring in academic content.

I have partaken in many extra-curricular activities which have helped me develop the skills necessary for this course. Being a part of the Press Club at school gave me an opportunity to hone my talent for the written word and gave me a platform to talk about global issues. Volunteering at a local library taught me how to be organized. I developed research and analytical skills by undertaking various research projects at school such as the sector-wide contribution of the Indian economy to the GDP in the previous year. As a member of the Business and Economic Awareness Council at school, I was instrumental in organizing many economics-based events such as the Business Fair and Innovation Mela. Being part of various Face to Faith conferences has provided me with an opportunity to interact with students in Sierra Leone, India and Korea and understand global perspectives on issues like malaria and human trafficking.

The extracurricular activities are revisited here, with the first half of this paragraph showing how the applicant has some transferable skills from her activities that will help her with this course. She then revisits her interest in the course studies, before following up with a closing section that touches on her career goals:

The prospect of pursuing these two subjects is one that I eagerly anticipate and I look forward to meeting the challenge of university. In the future, I wish to become an economist and work at a think tank where I will be able to apply what I have learnt in studying such an exciting course.


This applicant is also a joint-honours applicant, and again is applying for a subject that she has not been able to study at school. Thus, bringing in her own interest and knowledge of both subjects is crucial here.

At the age of four, I remember an argument with my mother: I wanted to wear a pink ballerina dress with heels, made for eight-year-olds, which despite my difficulty in staying upright I was determined to wear. My mother persistently engaged in debate with me about why it was not ok to wear this ensemble in winter. After two hours of patiently explaining to me and listening to my responses she convinced me that I should wear something different, the first time I remember listening to reason. It has always been a natural instinct for me to discuss everything, since in the course of my upbringing I was never given a simple yes or no answer. Thus, when I began studying philosophy, I understood fully my passion for argument and dialogue.

This is an unusual approach to start a UCAS Personal Statement, but it does serve to show how this student approaches the world and why this combination of subjects might work for her. Though it could perhaps be drawn out more explicitly, here she is combining an artistic issue (her clothes) with a philosophical concern (her debate with her mother) to lead the reader into the case she is making for admission into this program.

This was first sparked academically when I was introduced to religious ethics; having a fairly Christian background my view on religion was immature. I never thought too much of the subject as I believed it was just something my grandparents did. However, when opened up to the arguments about god and religion, I was inclined to argue every side. After research and discussion, I was able to form my own view on religion without having to pick a distinctive side to which theory I would support. This is what makes me want to study philosophy: it gives an individual personal revelation towards matters into which they may not have given too much thought to.

There is some good content here that discusses the applicant’s interest in philosophy and her own motivation for this subject, though there is a lack of academic content here.

Alongside this, taking IB Visual Arts HL has opened my artistic views through pushing me out of my comfort zone. Art being a very subjective course, I was forced to choose an opinion which only mattered to me, it had no analytical nor empirical rights or wrongs, it was just my taste in art. From studying the two subjects alongside each other, I found great value, acquiring a certain form of freedom in each individual with their dual focus on personalized opinion and taste in many areas, leading to self- improvement.

In this section, she uses her IB Visual Arts class to explore how her interest in philosophy bleeds into her appreciation of art. Again, we are still awaiting the academic content, but the reader will by now be convinced that the student has a deep level of motivation for this subject. When we consider how rare this combination is, with very few courses for this combination available, the approach to take slightly longer to establish can work.

For this reason, I find the work of Henry Moore fascinating. I am intrigued by his pieces, especially the essence of the ‘Reclining Nude’ model, as the empty holes inflicted on the abstract human body encouraged my enthusiasm for artistic interpretation. This has led me to contemplate the subtlety, complexity and merit of the role of an artist. Developing an art piece is just as complex and refined as writing a novel or developing a theory in Philosophy. For this reason, History of Art conjoins with Philosophy, as the philosophical approach towards an art piece is what adds context to the history as well as purpose behind it.

Finally, we’re given the academic content. Cleverly, the content links both the History of Art and Philosophy together through a discussion of the work of Henry Moore. Finding examples that conjoin the subjects that make up a joint-honours application is a great idea and works well here.

Studying Philosophy has allowed me to apply real life abstractions to my art, as well as to glean a deeper critical analysis of art in its various mediums. My IB Extended Essay examined the 1900s Fauve movement, which made a huge breakthrough in France and Hungary simultaneously. This was the first artistic movement which was truly daring and outgoing with its vivid colours and bold brush strokes. My interest expanded to learning about the Hungarian artists in this movement led by Henri Matisse. Bela Czobel was one of the few who travelled to France to study but returned to Hungary, more specifically Nagybanya, to bestow what he had learned.

Again in this paragraph, the author connects the subjects. Students who are able to undertake a research project in their high school studies (such as the IB Extended Essay here, or the A Level Extended Project or AP Capstone) can describe these in their UCAS personal statements, as this level of research in an area of academic study can enliven and add depth to the writing, as is the case here.

As an international student with a multicultural background, I believe I can adapt to challenging or unfamiliar surroundings with ease. I spent two summers working at a nursery in Hungary as a junior Assistant Teacher, where I demonstrated leadership and teamwork skills that I had previously developed through commitment to sports teams. I was a competitive swimmer for six years and have represented my school internationally as well as holding the school record for 100m backstroke. I was elected Deputy Head of my House, which further reflects my dedication, leadership, teamwork and diligence.

As in the previous examples, this statement gives a good overview of the applicant’s extracurricular activities, with a mention of skills that will be beneficial to her studies at university. She then concludes with a brief final sentence:

I hope to carry these skills with me into my university studies, allowing me to enrich my knowledge and combine my artistic and philosophical interests.


A good range of UK universities now offer courses called ‘Liberal Arts’ (or similar titles such as ‘Flexible Combined Honours’), which allows students to study a broader topic of study–perhaps combining three or four subjects–than is typically available in the UK system.

This presents a challenge in the personal statement, as within the 47 line / 4000 character limit, the applicant will have to show academic interest and knowledge in a range of subjects while also making the case to be admitted for this combined programme of study.

As a child I disliked reading; however, when I was 8, there was one particular book that caught my attention: The Little Prince. From that moment onwards, my love for literature was ignited and I had entered into a whirlwind of fictional worlds. While studying and analysing the classics from The Great Gatsby to Candide, this has exposed me to a variety of novels. My French bilingualism allowed me to study, in great depth, different texts in their original language. This sparked a new passion of mine for poetry, and introduced me to the works of Arthur Rimbaud, who has greatly influenced me. Through both reading and analysing poetry I was able to decipher its meaning. Liberal Arts gives me the opportunity to continue to study a range of texts and authors from different periods in history, as well as related aspects of culture, economy and society.

Here we have a slightly longer than usual opening paragraph, but given the nature of the course being applied for this works well. A personal story segueing from literature to modern languages to history and cultural studies shows that this student has a broad range of interests within the humanities and thus is well-suited to this course of study.

Liberal Arts is a clear choice for me. Coming from the IB International Baccalaureate Diploma programme I have studied a wide range of subjects which has provided me with a breadth of knowledge. In Theatre, I have adapted classics such as Othello by Shakespeare, and playing the role of moreover acting as Desdemona forced me to compartmentalise her complex emotions behind the early-modern English text. Studying History has taught me a number of skills; understanding the reasons behind changes in society, evaluating sources, and considering conflicting interpretations. From my interdisciplinary education I am able to critically analyse the world around me. Through studying Theory of Knowledge, I have developed high quality analysis using key questions and a critical mindset by questioning how and why we think and why. By going beyond the common use of reason, I have been able to deepen greaten my understanding and apply my ways of knowing in all subjects; for example in science I was creative in constructing my experiment (imagination) and used qualitative data (sense perception).

Students who are taking the IB Diploma, with its strictures to retain a broad curriculum, are well-suited to the UK’s Liberal Arts courses, as they have had practice seeing the links between subjects. In this paragraph, the applicant shows how she has done this, linking content from one subject to skills developed in another, and touching on the experience of IB Theory of Knowledge (an interdisciplinary class compulsory for all IB Diploma students) to show how she is able to see how different academic subjects overlap and share some common themes.

Languages have always played an important role in my life. I was immersed into a French nursery even though my parents are not French speakers. I have always cherished the ability to speak another language; it is something I have never taken for granted, and it is how I individualise myself. Being bilingual has allowed me to engage with a different culture. As a result, I am more open minded and have a global outlook. This has fuelled my desire to travel, learn new languages and experience new cultures. This course would provide me with the opportunity to fulfil these desires. Having written my Extended Essay in French on the use of manipulative language used by a particular character from the French classic Dangerous Liaisons I have had to apply my skills of close contextual reading and analysing to sculpt this essay. These skills are perfectly applicable to the critical thinking that is demanded for the course.

Within the humanities, this student has a particular background that makes her stand out, having become fluent in French while having no French background nor living in a French-speaking country. This is worth her exploring to develop her motivation for a broad course of study at university, which she does well here.

Studying the Liberal Arts will allow me to further my knowledge in a variety of fields whilst living independently and meeting people from different backgrounds. The flexible skills I would achieve from obtaining a liberal arts degree I believe would make me more desirable for future employment. I would thrive in this environment due to my self discipline and determination. During my school holidays I have undertaken working in a hotel as a chambermaid and this has made me appreciate the service sector in society and has taught me to work cohesively with others in an unfamiliar environment. I also took part in a creative writing course held at Keats House, where I learnt about romanticism. My commitment to extracurricular activities such as varsity football and basketball has shown me the importance of sportsmanship and camaraderie, while GIN (Global Issue Networking) has informed me of the values of community and the importance for charitable organisations.

The extracurricular paragraph here draws out a range of skills the student will apply to this course. Knowing that taking a broader range of subjects at a UK university requires excellent organizational skills, the student takes time to explain how she can meet these, perhaps going into slightly more detail than would be necessary for a single-honours application to spell out that she is capable of managing her time well. She then broadens this at the end by touching on some activities that have relevance for her studies.

My academic and personal preferences have always led me to the Liberal Arts; I feel as though the International Baccalaureate, my passion and self-discipline have prepared me for higher education. From the academics, extracurriculars and social aspects, I intend to embrace the entire experience of university.

In the final section, the candidate restates how she matches this course.

Overall, you can see how the key factor in a UCAS statement is the academic evidence, with students linking their engagement with a subject to the course of study that they are applying to. Using the courtroom exercise analogy, the judge here should be completely convinced that the case has been made, and will, therefore issue an offer of admittance to that university.

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University of Portsmouth

University of Portsmouth

Degree level: undergraduate, dental hygiene and dental therapy, course options.

This course is not accepting applications at this time. Please contact the provider to find out more.

University of Portsmouth has participated in the Teaching Excellence Framework. These ratings were awarded in 2023, for four years.

dental therapy personal statement ucas

Course summary

Overview Both dental hygienists and dental therapists help people maintain good oral health by providing treatments, carrying out procedures and giving dietary and hygiene advice. The role of dental therapist is the same as a dental hygienist, however they can also carry out some of the restorative work dentists do, such as fillings and extractions. This dual role BSc (Hons) Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy course, accredited by the General Dental Council (GDC), gives you the theory and practical skills required to register as both a dental hygienist and dental therapist with the GDC.

  • Become eligible to register with the General Dental Council (GDC) when you graduate, which you'll need to work as a dental hygienist and/or therapist in the UK
  • Practise your skills in our Dental Academy model clinical practice, with dental treatment bays and simulation technology, including our Phantom Head skill lab, new haptics suite and radiography equipment
  • Work in a dental team alongside practising dentists, dental nurses and other students, giving you a taste of your future work environment
  • Have the chance to work with the public through community healthcare projects, providing additional patient-focused work experience
  • general dental practice
  • hospital dental services
  • the Armed Forces
  • health promotion
  • owning and managing a dental business of your own
  • outreach activity in community surgeries and maxillofacial departments in local hospitals
  • oral health promotion
  • supervised tooth brushing in infant schools
  • helping staff to develop oral care plans in residential homes
  • providing dental screening to offenders in the probation service

Year 1 Core modules in this year include:

  • Foundation of Evidence Based Practice (Dental) (20 credits)
  • Foundations of Dhdt Professional Practice (40 credits)
  • Fundamentals of Dental Hygiene & Therapy Practice (20 credits)
  • Science Informing Practice (Dental) (40 credits)
  • Applied Dental Hygiene & Therapy Professional Practice (40 credits)
  • Communication for the Dental Team (20 credits)
  • Dental Radiography (20 credits)
  • Engaging with Service Improvement (Dental) (20 credits)
  • Evidence Based Decision Making (Dental) (20 credits)
  • Behaviour Management (20 credits)
  • Enhancing Dental Hygiene & Therapy Professional Practice (40 credits)
  • Leading Safe and Effective Care (Dental) (20 credits)
  • Project (40 credits)

Assessment method

You’ll be assessed through written exams, practical exams, coursework. You’ll be able to test your skills and knowledge informally before you do assessments that count towards your final mark. You can get feedback on all practice and formal assessments so you can improve in the future. The way you’re assessed may depend on the units you select. As a guide, students on this course last year were typically assessed as follows:

  • Year 1 students: 67% by written exams, 17% by practical exams and 16% by coursework
  • Year 2 students: 58% by written exams, 7% by practical exams and 35% by coursework

Professional bodies

Professionally accredited courses provide industry-wide recognition of the quality of your qualification.

  • General Dental Council

How to apply

This is the deadline for applications to be completed and sent for this course. If the university or college still has places available you can apply after this date, but your application is not guaranteed to be considered.

Application codes

Points of entry.

The following entry points are available for this course:

Entry requirements for advanced entry (i.e. into Year 2 and beyond)

We welcome applications for advanced entry. If you’d like to apply for advanced entry, you need to select the required year when you complete your UCAS application.

Entry requirements

Qualification requirements, ucas tariff - 120 - 128 points, a level - abb - bbb, pearson btec level 3 national extended diploma (first teaching from september 2016) - ddm, access to he diploma, scottish higher - not accepted, pearson btec level 3 national extended certificate (first teaching from september 2016), pearson btec extended diploma (qcf) - ddd - ddm, scottish advanced higher, international baccalaureate diploma programme - 29 - 30 points, welsh baccalaureate - advanced skills challenge certificate (first teaching september 2015), leaving certificate - higher level (ireland) (first awarded in 2017) - h3, h3, h3, h3, h3 - h2, h2, h3, h3, h3, cambridge international pre-u certificate - principal, gcse/national 4/national 5, t level - m, additional entry requirements.

Criminal records declaration (DBS/Disclosure Scotland)

Applicants must pass Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check before starting the course.

Health checks

Applicants must pass Occupational Health check before starting the course. This includes screening to exclude infectivity with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV.

All shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend an interview in support of their application. Shortlisting occurs up until the end of February and interviews take place between March and April.

English language requirements

TestGradeAdditional details
IELTS (Academic)7English language proficiency at a minimum of IELTS band 7.0 with no component score below 6.5.
PTE Academic68An overall score of 68 with a minimum of 61 in each skill.
TOEFL (iBT)100100 with a minimum of 24 in Reading, 23 in Listening, 25 in Speaking and 24 in Writing
Cambridge English Advanced Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) taken after January 2015. An overall score of 185 with no component score less than 176.
Cambridge English Proficiency Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) taken after January 2015. An overall score of 185 with no component score less than 176.
Trinity ISE Trinity College Integrated Skills in English (ISE) Level III with a Pass in all 4 components

Student Outcomes

The number of student respondents and response rates can be important in interpreting the data – it is important to note your experience may be different from theirs. This data will be based on the subject area rather than the specific course. Read more about this data on the Discover Uni website .

Fees and funding

Tuition fees.

EU £9250 Year 1
England £9250 Year 1
Northern Ireland £9250 Year 1
Scotland £9250 Year 1
Wales £9250 Year 1
Channel Islands £9250 Year 1
Republic of Ireland £9250 Year 1
International £25400 Year 1

Tuition fee status depends on a number of criteria and varies according to where in the UK you will study. For further guidance on the criteria for home or overseas tuition fees, please refer to the UKCISA website .

Additional fee information

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Overused Topics and Resources to Avoid in Your Personal Statement

We asked our advisors which topics, resources, and phrases they see time and time again in personal statement drafts so that you can swerve them and stand out from the crowd.

  • Introduction
  • General Tropes
  • Popular Subject-Specific Topics

Most Overused Personal Statement Topics

Whilst consulting ‘the classics’ of your subject is important for getting a well-rounded overview, applicants often risk packing their personal statements with the same resources or topics as every other applicant.  

Our expert consultants have spent years advising thousands of applicants on their personal statements, and have learned first-hand which topics are the most overused. In this article, we take you through some examples of these so that you can avoid boring your admissions tutors and stand out from the crowd!  

Just remember that just because these topics or resources are overused in personal statements, that’s not to say you should not read or learn about them as part of your research. In many cases, it’s the very fact that they are important and interesting topics that they become so overused. Instead, our advisors recommended reading the resources in question (so that you know about it should it come up in interviews), but instead choose something more original to bring up in the personal statement.   


Our Personal Statement packages pair you with an Oxbridge-graduate subject-specialist who talks you through the subject, helps you find topics that interest you, and helps improve your personal statement drafts.

Regardless of subject, we find that certain turns of phrase, introductory sentences, or general sentiments are grossly overused in first drafts of Personal Statements. Avoiding using the obvious phrasing and finding a more original introduction can therefore really help you stand out from the crowd before you’ve even considered the meat of the statement.   

The first big issue is stating that you are “passionate about x” or that you “have always loved x since I was a child” or anything along these lines. The statement may well be true, and this is essentially the impression you want to get across, but stating it in such simple terms is not appealing to admissions tutors. If you are able to discuss intelligently your independent research in the body of the statement, you should not need to state this in such an on-the-nose manner.   

Secondly, you should avoid talking about wanting to save the world or contribute to society at large through your choice of subject or career plans. This is more common to applicants for vocational courses, such as medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, law, and the like, but we have seen it creep into personal statements across the board. Especially as a medic, you should assume that everyone applying wants to help save people’s lives, so it’s redundant to say so in your statement.   

Lastly, especially for subjects that involve a number of disciplines or joint courses, stating that “my background is so diverse” so you want to study a certain subject is very overused. Studying a number of different school subjects or having lived in various different places, although interesting, isn’t in and of itself a proof of your academic spark or motivation for a certain subject. Again, we suggest that you find a way to prove your diverse interests through the main statement content rather than stating it with no evidence.   

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A common theme amongst Classics applicants in recent years is to focus on revisionist feminist literature. Essentially, these are works in which modern writers rehabilitate classical women and produce modernist retellings of their lives and stories. Whilst a focus on women in classical literature is indeed interesting, perhaps find a new avenue through which to explore this if you wish to be more original.  

Computer Science

A big theme amongst computer science applicants is that of intelligence. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are incredibly popular amongst applicants as core themes for the personal statement. Whilst our advisors are not warning you against discussing this topic per se, since it is an incredibly important and relevant topic, but that if you are going to discuss it you must engage with it at depth. Applicants are increasingly mentioning AI without proving that they have researched it beyond surface–level reading and the news.  

In a similar vein, applicants frequently mention Turing and, more specifically, the Turing Test. Again, we absolutely recommend that you learn about this very important and interesting topic, but perhaps find something more unique to discuss specifically in the statement itself.  

Recent Economics applicants have disproportionately focused on Behavioural Economics in general. This looks at how the decisions of individuals may deviate from the choices suggested by classical theories of economics based on various social, cultural, psychological, and other factors. In particular, our advisors recommend avoiding the book Nudge by Thaler and Sunstein in the statement; despite being one of the main books to bring nudge theory, an important concept in behavioural science, to prominence and being well worth reading, it has become overmentioned in recent years.  


Perhaps unsurprisingly , a real buzz-phrase in this area is sustainable engineering. Although it is both necessary and timely to learn more about sustainability within the engineering field, ensure that you either use it for your own general interest or, if you must discuss it in your personal statement, that you thoroughly research a specific area or concept and have plenty to say about it! Our advisors are seeing an uptick in applicants simply mentioning sustainable engineering as a vague idea to ‘score points’ with the admissions tutors.  

English Literature

Applicants to English Literature tend to centre around the same cornerstone authors and texts. Whilst it is fine to mention some of the classics (think Shakespeare, Orwell, Dickens, etc.), you should really mix these up so that you’re standing out to the tutors. In particular, our advisors have found Sylvia Plath and T.S. Eliot to have come up frequently in recent application cycles.  

The biggest name that comes up again and again in French personal statements, perhaps unsurprisingly, is Albert Camus. Whilst we would never suggest avoiding Camus in your research (in fact, we very much recommend having at least an overview of his work to discuss in interviews), mentioning him is unlikely to get you very many points.  

Another topic to be careful about is La Francophonie (i.e. French-speaking communities across the world). Our advisors have noted applicants mentioning their interest in the Francophone world but neglecting to actually mention any sources from outside of France. Therefore, we recommend only bringing it up if you’ve really done some research outside of France itself.  

Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall is by far and away the most common work we see cited both by Geography applicants and other area studies applicants as well. The book, published in 2015, was a New York Times bestseller and number one on the Sunday Times bestseller list. It is a very interesting and accessible book, making it easy to read and great for the entry-level geographer. For these reasons, it has become overused and hackneyed in personal statements. If you read the book, and/or its sequel The Power of Geography , we recommend perhaps honing in on one of the themes or regions you were most interested in and delving further into that instead.  

Land Economy

The Bottom Billion by Paul Coller, a 2007 book about the development, or lack thereof, of the poorest countries in the world, is overmentioned. If you are interested in this book, perhaps consider finding one of the main ‘traps’ outlined and investigating it through other sources, or reading some more recent works which either build upon or criticise the work.  

Letters to a Law Student by Nicholas J. McBride is one of the cornerstone texts for aspiring law students, and therefore overused in personal statements. We absolutely recommend reading it, but perhaps use it as inspiration or companion to your application, rather than citing it directly in the statement.  


Our advisors have observed the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis coming up a lot in statement draft. This colloquial term refers to the idea that language influences the speaker’s thought and perceptions of the wider world. However, this theory is not really debated much in modern linguistics: although there is some evidence for weak linguistic relativity (i.e. some influence between one’s language and perceptions), contemporary scholars generally do not support the idea that one’s language limits or restricts their worldview. We recommend you do not discuss this topic as if it is a raging debate within academic, since it isn’t really.   

A specific work that is overmentioned in linguistics statements is The Language Instinct by Steven Pinker. Whilst we recommend reading it, our advisors suggest finding other specific works to discuss that are more original.  


Lots of key concepts come up frequently in mathematics, but one of the main ones we notice is Fermat’s Last Theorem. In particular, we have found that applicants cite Simon Singh’s book on the topic (entitled Fermat’s Last Theorem ). Whilst this is an excellent book to read, laying out both the theorem itself and the story of finding a proof for the theorem puzzled mathematicians for years, it is one of the most popular mathematics books out there and therefore is mentioned in many personal statements.    

Think : A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy by Simon Blackburn is intended to introduce students, or general readers, to Philosophy. As such, it is very broadly read and very broadly mentioned by applicants in their statements and interviews. Our advisors recognise Think as a very valuable book to read if you are applying for philosophy, but that it is perhaps best used as a jumping-off point for further research rather than to mention it in its own right .   

The first name that almost anybody things of within the field of psychology is Sigmund Freud. For this reason, psychology applicants really should have an overview of his work and key theories; this does not mean that it’s necessary to discuss him or his work in the personal statement. Indeed, we would advise this, since he’s simply so popular that it is impossible to say something interesting about his work that your admissions tutors haven’t already read several times.  

Additionally, the book Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman is very commonly discussed in statements, so we recommend avoiding mentioning this one too.  

Get Personalised Advice

If your subject isn't mentioned here, or you want to get bespoke advice on your personal statement draft, get in touch with our expert consultants on + 44 (0) 20 7499 2394 or send us your query at [email protected] .


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2024-08-28: news headlines, palestinian healthcare workers chained, starved, sexually abused: new hrw report on israeli prisons.

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WSWS (2024-08-28) . Instagram shuts down accounts of anti-genocide student groups before start of fall classes. The photo and video sharing social media platform Instagram permanently shut down the accounts of Columbia University Students for Justice in Palestine and New York University People's Solidarity Coalition a week before fall semester classes start.

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hindustantimes (2024-08-28) . IDF Stuck In Gaza, But Starting New War In West Bank? Biggest Israeli Operation Since 2nd Intifada. Israel Defence Forces launched its biggest operation in the West Bank amid the raging war in Gaza. YNet News reported that hundreds of Israeli soldiers, accompanied by a "significant air escort," stormed three refugee camps: Jenin, Nur Shams, and Far'a. IDF's operation is aimed to "arrest wanted persons and destroy terrorist infrastructure." This is the biggest military operation in the West Bank since 2002 when the second intifada broke out against the IDF.

aljazeera (2024-08-28) . Several killed in major Israeli assault on occupied West Bank. Several Palestinians have been killed in Israel's biggest military assault in the occupied West Bank in decades.

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aljazeera (2024-08-28) . The US is Israel's accomplice, not a ceasefire mediator. Washington is purposefully dragging out negotiations to enable Israel's pursuit of its genocidal goals.

WSWS (2024-08-28) . UN forced to suspend food distribution as Israel places 89 percent of Gaza under evacuation orders. In the latest stage of the US-Israeli genocide and ethnic cleansing of Gaza, Israeli officials ordered the evacuation of parts of the city of Deir al-Balah, cramming the displaced and starving population of Gaza into an ever-smaller portion of the territory.

aljazeera (2024-08-28) . At least 9 killed as Israel launches major raid on occupied West Bank. Israeli military deploys hundreds of soldiers, backed by jets and drones, in largest such operation in two decades.

aljazeera (2024-08-28) . At least 9 killed as Israel launches major raid on occupied West Bank. Israel deploys hundreds of soldiers and its air force in attack that its media described as the biggest since 2002.

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_____ (2024-08-28) . CPJ, others urge EU to act against Israel's unprecedented journalist killings, press freedom violations.

Qassam Muaddi, Mondoweiss. (2024-08-28) . 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 325: Ceasefire Talks Falter. Lebanon's foreign minister, Abdallah Abu Habib, urged the European Union to pressure Israel to end its attacks on Lebanon and comply with UN resolution 1701. The resolution calls for the full cessation of hostilities, the deployment of Lebanese forces to Southern Lebanon, the parallel withdrawal of Israeli forces behind the Blue Line, the strengthening of the UN force (UNIFIL) to facilitate the entry of Lebanese Forces into the region and the establishment of a demilitarized zone between the Blue Line and the Litani River. | The Lebanese minister reportedly made his remarks during a conversation with the EU chief… (2024-08-28) . Israel buying Google ads to discredit UNRWA: Report. Ads on Google searches of "UNRWA" draw users to websites filled with fake news linking the UN agency for Palestine refugees to Hamas.

dental therapy personal statement ucas (2024-08-28) . Massive Palestinian flag unfurled on Madrid's Toledo Bridge. Massive Palestinian flag unfurled on Madrid's Toledo Bridge as hundreds gathered to express solidarity with Gazans and demand an immediate ceasefire.

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-08-28) . The New Issue Of JOHNSTONE Is Ready To Order! I publish my work in print form every month in a collection called JOHNSTONE magazine. The new edition is now available to order in print or download in pay-what-you-want e-book version. Earlier this month Vice President Kamala Harris shushed anti-genocide protesters with the words "I'm speaking" during a campaign rally, and was met with thunderous …

Rania Khalek (2024-08-28) . 'Unfathomable' Israeli Crimes Backed By the 'American War Machine', w/ Egyptian Activist Rahma Zein. Rania Khalek was joined by Egyptian activist Rahma Zein to discuss the genocide in Gaza. | "The American dream is just a war machine" backing Israel's genocide, argues @Rahmazeinegypt. And Kamala Harris won't be any different.

dental therapy personal statement ucas (2024-08-28) . Protesters march in support of Palestinians after Friday prayers in Amman. Jordanians have once again been out on the streets to express support for the Palestinian people, particularly those facing the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza. (2024-08-28) . Art and trauma: Israeli genocide in Gaza through eyes of Palestinian children. Amateur artworks by children in Gaza who have so far survived the Israeli genocidal bombings point to the scale and magnitude of their tragedy and trauma.

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UOSSM Canada, Cision. (2024-08-28) . Over 3000 Physicians And 16 Medical And Humanitarian Organizations Demand An Arms Embargo On Israel. On August 26, 2024 medical and humanitarian organizations demand the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the NDP to enforce a full and complete arms embargo on Israel in recognition of the ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as plausible genocide of the people of Gaza. | We are alarmed that Canada is engaging in violation of Canadian and International Law by supplying Israel with munitions: | The M933A1 120mm High Explosive mortar cartridges with M783 fuzes that are going to be shipped to Israel via the U.S. is illegal under Canadian and International law. This is in violatio…

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Staff (2024-08-28) . Headlines for August 28, 2024. 9 Palestinians Killed as Israel Launches Largest Raid on West Bank in Two Decades, Israeli Attacks Kill Dozens in Gaza, Including 8 at School Sheltering Displaced Palestinians, Israeli Forces Rescue Bedouin Arab Man Kidnapped by Hamas on Oct. 7, Zelensky Rules Out Ceasefire as Russia Continues "Largest Aerial Assault" of Its War on Ukraine, IAEA Chief Warns Ukraine's Advance on Russian Power Plant Threatens Nuclear Catastrophe, Afghan Taliban Approves Gender Apartheid Law Banning Women from Speaking in Public, Indian Police Fire Tear Gas as Protesters Decry Rape and Murder of Medical Trainee, Ja…

Angela (2024-08-28) . Friday 8/30: San Jose: Peace Vigil – Ceasefire Now! No Weapons for Israel or Ukraine! in front of MLK Library | 4th and San Fernando | San Jose, CA…

ISRAEL Hezbollah Exchanging Large-Scale Launch Attacks (2024-08-28) . EU's Borrell urges 3-day ceasefire to enable polio vaccination in Gaza. Highly infectious poliovirus threatens all children in Gaza, already weakened by displacement, deprivation and malnourishment, Borrell said.

dental therapy personal statement ucas (2024-08-28) . Iran to Endorse Any Truce Deal Acceptable to Hamas: Araqchi. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi reaffirmed Tehran's unwavering support for the Palestinian resistance, saying Iran will endorse any agreement on ceasefire in Gaza that would be acceptable to Hamas.

Shireen Akram-Boshar (2024-08-28) . Israel's Attacks on Lebanon Since October 7 Have Displaced Over 100,000 People. For months, Lebanon has been on edge as cross-border strikes between Israel and Hezbollah rattle the country. On October 8 of last year, Hezbollah fired rockets into Israel to show its support for Hamas; in the months that followed, its objectives changed to pressuring Israel to end the war on Gaza. Israel has bombarded Lebanon with greater ferocity, turning the south of Lebanon into a war zone… | (2024-08-28) . Hezbollah hits Israeli positions in northern occupied territories. Several Israelis are reportedly killed in a major retaliatory strike by Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance movement in the occupied Golan Heights.

Steven Sahiounie (2024-08-28) . Despite US Military Threats, Hezbollah Avenges the Assassination of Lebanese Military Leader Foud Shukr with an Attack on Israel. At 4: 45 am., local time, Sunday August 25, Israel began a series of 50 preemptive airstrikes over villages in the south of Lebanon resulting in civilian casualties and injuries. | According to Israel, they had information that Hezbollah was planning a …

Abdel Bari Atwan (2024-08-28) . Did Hezbollah's attack undermine Israel's assassination approach? What are the most recent communications sent towards the negotiation delegation in Doha and Cairo? | "Hezbollah's" response of missiles and drones early yesterday morning in Israeli territory, specifically in the central area of Tel Aviv, is significant because it means that Israeli operations to kill leaders of resistance groups in Lebanon, Palestine, and Yemen will now be met with a prompt and effective response. Furthermore, these operations have come to incur substantial costs. | Suppose the primary objective of Israeli assassination operations is to reinstate "deterrence" and uphold the reputation of the int…

Oded Yaron (2024-08-28) . Concerned about Iranian revenge attack, U.S. keeps two aircraft carriers in region. Following Hezbollah's thwarted attack on Sunday, the Biden administration remains still concerned about an Iranian response to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, and has reinforced the deployment of its naval and aerial armada in the region, along with rushing arms shipments to Israel…

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Staff (2024-08-28) . Middle East braces for all-out war. Israel condemned for escalating crisis after air strikes target Lebanon Aug 25, 2024 ISRAEL was condemned today after it pummelled southern Lebanon with air strikes, driving the Middle East further into crisis, in what it claimed was a pre-emptive strike on Hezbollah. Hezbollah launched hundreds of rockets and drones of its own towards Israel in … (2024-08-28) . Iran Summons Austrian Envoy in Reciprocal Move. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned Austria's ambassador to Tehran after Iran's envoy to Vienna was summoned over his social media post in support of Hezbollah.

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infobrics (2024-08-28) . Kiev failed to achieve its objectives with Kursk invasion. According to Ukraine's top commander, the main goal of the operation was to divert Russia's attention from Donbass frontlines.

infobrics (2024-08-28) . Renowned US Economist Understands Why Malaysia, Thailand Want to Join BRICS. Jeffrey Sachs says countries are gravitating towards BRICS in response to the US weaponising the US dollar-based monetary system…

infobrics (2024-08-28) . Brics Model for a New World Order. On Jan 1, the Brics chairmanship shifted from South Africa to the Russian Federation. Russia is going to further promote strategic partnership on the basis of continuity and consensus, increase the role of Brics in global affairs, which is reflected in the motto of Russia's chairmanship: "Strengthening multilateralism for just global development and security"

infobrics (2024-08-28) . How the New Development Bank Has Made an Impact on South Africa. New Development Bank: a bank for the global south by the global south…

infobrics (2024-08-28) . US Treasuries no longer "safe haven," warn experts. Biden has only made the US debt significantly increase.

infobrics (2024-08-28) . Elections in Austria as outlook on political developments in Europe. After the victory of the Patriotic Forces in the EU elections in Austria, many people also expect a political change in the national parliamentary elections. These elections could also have an impact on the political landscape in Europe.

infobrics (2024-08-28) . US nuclear doctrine — attack everyone at once. America is the only country on Earth that has a plan to wage a simultaneous nuclear war with three nuclear-armed states — Russia, China and North Korea.

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Human Rights Watch (2024-08-28) . Stop Politicizing Education for Lebanon's Refugee Children. Click to expand Image | Chairs are placed on classroom tables at a closed public school in Beirut, Lebanon September 22, 2022. | © 2022 Mohamed Azakir/Reuters | Ahead of the upcoming school year, local authorities and politicians in Lebanon are seeking to impose discriminatory restrictions that could result in tens of thousands of refugee children being denied their right to education.On July 8, Lebanese Forces party leader Samir Geagea wrote on social media that the Education Ministry must require all students to provide identification papers to register for the 2024-25 school year, for both public and p…

kwjorinoco (2024-08-28) . ALBA-TCP Summit: Heads of State Warn of Fascist Threats Against Venezuela. The presidents of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel; Bolivia, Luis Arce; and Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, expressed their support for the government of Venezuela in the face of the onslaught of imperialist powers during the 11th Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America—Peoples' Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP). | President Díaz-Canel said that on behalf of the people of Cuba, "we reiterate the congratulations already expressed to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, for the victory achieved in the elections of July 28." | He said that at th…

Maxime Duriez (2024-08-28) . Ukraine set to ratify the Rome Statute and become the International Criminal Court's 125th member state.

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CODEPINK Bay Area (2024-08-28) . Friday 8/30: Rep. Eric Swalwell: Stop Arming Israel! Restore Funding for UNRWA! Refuse Israel Lobby $! Eric Swalwell's Office, 20990 Redwood Road, Castro Valley…

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-08-28) . You Don't Get To Vote On Any Of Your Government's Most Consequential Actions. The functioning of a globe-spanning empire is seen as too important to be left in the hands of the voting public‚Ää—‚Ääso it isn't. Nothing that is critical to the empire's operation is ever on the ballot.

Binoy Kampmark (2024-08-28) . Beware the Derogators: The Geneva Conventions Turn 75. On August 12, 1949, the four Geneva Conventions were adopted, laying the basis of a normative standard in international humanitarian law. As Balthasar Staehelin, personal envoy of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) president to China, stated at an anniversary event at the Swiss Embassy in Beijing, "In the past 75 years, the …

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Paul Larudee (2024-08-28) . The Zionist Hunters. The Nazi Hunters was a US television docu-drama miniseries in 2009, that described the exploits of Zionist (mostly Mossad) pursuers of Nazi criminals post-WWII. It was made into a film in 2022. We have all seen films and read books about Nazis and the holocaust. Sometimes they went too far, such as the fanciful stories …

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-08-28) . Scientists in Cuba study danger of Pinar's fault earthquakes. Havana, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) Cuban researchers are studying the paleoseismology of Pinar's fault, a long-standing desire of the scientific community about a region of the country that has reported several earthquakes throughout history, it was disclosed.

Nada Hamdouna (2024-08-28) . Even with all we have lost, Shurouq was special. Father mourns the loss of his purebred horse with whom he would chase away the stress on Gaza's beaches.

Shojaa al-Safadi (2024-08-28) . Some things we can never rebuild. The library I inherited from my father and spent a lifetime building was destroyed by Israel.

Pressenza New York (2024-08-28) . 7 years of Rohingya crisis: International community must be serious in the crisis resolution. The Rohingya crisis has lasted for seven years, and there still seems to be no sign of an end in sight. More than a million Rohingya people in Myanmar crossed the border to seek refuge in Bangladesh in 2017 as a result of systematic ethnic cleansing operations carried out by their government, which the world appears to be allowing to continue apace. This represents one of the worst cases of human rights violations in recorded history. The violent crackdown by the Myanmar government in 2017 also led to 9,000 fatalities and widespread destruction. | By Ozair Islam | As the major Rohingya refugee crisis has been ove…

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Abba A. Solomon (2024-08-28) . Why Are Liberal Zionists Cheering as Harris Echoes Biden on Gaza? Democrats pledge continued arms for Israel as it makes Gaza hell on earth…

Phil Pasquini (2024-08-28) . Biden's Israel-Gaza Policy "fueled by Racism and Islamophobia" Noting that those who speak out at first against injustices are considered a "marginal fringe," Edward Ahmed Mitchell, Deputy Director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said that history has shown that with the passage of time they are seen for "the wisdom of their ways." As an example, he cited the Vietnam antiwar movement whose tireless efforts eventually resulted in the US withdrawal from the conflict.

Jake Johnson (2024-08-28) . AIPAC Planned to Spend $100M on Elections This Year. It Already Surpassed That. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a powerful lobbying group widely known as AIPAC, has officially spent more than $100 million in the 2024 election cycle so far, pouring staggering sums into Democratic primary races in an effort to unseat progressive opponents of Israel's war on the Gaza Strip. Citing new Federal Election Commission filings, Sludge reported Tuesday that AIPAC's… |

Sharon Zhang (2024-08-28) . Israel Launches Major West Bank Raid as Israeli Minister Vows Gaza-Like Attack. Israel has embarked on its largest raid of the occupied West Bank in decades, launching attacks from the land and air against areas home to 80,000 Palestinians as Israel's foreign minister is pledging "war" using the same genocidal tactics the Israeli military has used on Gaza. Israel has attacked the West Bank with drone strikes and deployed military vehicles on the ground… | (2024-08-28) . Funeral of Qassam members killed in Israeli strike on Jenin held. Mourners take part in the funeral of two members of Hamas' armed wing. (2024-08-28) . Pro-Palestinian protest in Netherlands challenges govt. stance on Gaza war. Large crowds gathered in the capital of the Netherlands to protest against Israel's ongoing military operations in Gaza. (2024-08-28) . Three Palestinians killed by Israeli strike in West Bank's Tulkarm camp. Three Palestinians were killed on Thursday by an Israeli strike on a house in the Tulkarm refugee camp. (2024-08-28) . Israeli settler sexually harasses Palestinian man in occupied West Bank. In a disturbing video, the settler explicitly threatens the Palestinian man with rape. (2024-08-28) . Iraqi resistance strikes Israeli military site. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq said it launched a drone attack on the occupied territories. (2024-08-28) . Iran slams Israeli scheme to build synagogue within Al-Aqsa Mosque. It has been the first time Israeli minister Ben-Gvir openly speaks about building a synagogue inside the complex. (2024-08-28) . Hamas condemns Israel's plans to fund incursions into Al-Aqsa mosque. Hamas has slammed as a "dangerous escalation" Israel's stated plans to fund further incursions into the Al-Aqsa mosque. (2024-08-28) . Islamic Jihad slams Israel's 'undeclared war' in West Bank. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement has strongly condemned Israel's extensive aggression against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank as "an open and undeclared war." (2024-08-28) . At least 11 Palestinians killed in Israeli raids, strikes across occupied West Bank. The PRCS says Israel has carried out airstrikes against several towns across the occupied West Bank, killing at least 10 Palestinians. (2024-08-28) . FM: 'Final victory' belongs to Palestinians; Iran to stand with Palestine 'until the very end'. Iran hails Palestinians' steadfastness in the face of the Israeli regime's deadly atrocities, expressing certainty that "final victory" belongs to the Palestinian people. (2024-08-28) . Israel says will evacuate Palestinians from parts of West Bank as bloody raids continue. Israel's foreign minister says Palestinians will be ordered to evacuate parts of the northern occupied West Bank amid ongoing raids in the area. (2024-08-28) . 'Dire and dangerous': Hamas, PA condemn deadly Israeli escalation in West Bank. Hamas and the Palestinian Authority vehemently condemn escalation of the Israeli regime's deadly aggression across the Tel Aviv-occupied West Bank. (2024-08-28) . Pro-Palestinian students at US universities face censorship as semester begins. US campuses have adopted tough rules to restrict criticism of Israel's war on Gaza with the beginning of the first fall semester, making pro-Palestinian students face censorship. (2024-08-28) . UN: Israeli minister's synagogue proposal inside Aqsa Mosque inflames tensions. The UN condemns the latest remarks by far-right Israeli minister Itamar Ben-Gvir about the al-Aqsa Mosque compound as "highly counterproductive."

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Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin (2024-08-28) . War on Gaza Crystalizes Israel's Image. Modern Israel attracts much attention from analysts and the public but our ability to understand it is hindered by ideology, prejudice, and myth. Many tread carefully when discussing Israel lest they be accused of antisemitism. In an

Philip Giraldi (2024-08-28) . Israel Will Bleed US Dry. Israel Will Bleed US Dry | Related Article:

hindustantimes (2024-08-28) . After Failing In Gaza & Ukraine, US To Now Pacify China? Top Biden Aide In Beijing Amid War Backlash. As the U.S. faces intense global outrage over the wars in Israel and Ukraine, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has embarked on a crucial visit to Beijing. From August 27-29, Sullivan's talks with Chinese officials aim to ease tensions between the U.S. and China ahead of the upcoming elections. The two nations remain at odds over the Middle East, the Ukraine war, and territorial disputes in the region. Watch for more.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-08-28) . Israel launches massive assault on West Bank, kills 11 Palestinians. Ramallah, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched the largest military operation in the occupied West Bank in recent years, causing the death of 11 Palestinians and numerous injuries in just a few hours.

Rhoda Wilson (2024-08-28) . The Eight Families: The Roundtable & The Illuminati (Part III). British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, who "handled" mafia founder and 33rd degree Mason Guiseppe Mazzini, alluded to the Illuminati in a speech before the House of Commons in 1856 warning, "There is …

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aljazeera (2024-08-28) . Israeli forces kill several Palestinians in occupied West Bank raid. Violence by Israeli soldiers and settlers has intensified in the occupied territory as Israel's war on Gaza escalates.

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Rachel Fink (2024-08-28) . What is the 'status quo' at Jerusalem's Temple Mount/Al Aqsa, and why is it so precarious? Home to both Jewish and Muslim holy sites, the Temple Mount/Al Aqsa Compound keeps a fragile peace between the two religions, thanks to a policy that has remained unchanged since 1967. Far-right minister Ben-Gvir has been saying Israel's policy has changed. What would the implications be? Haaretz explains…

Vered Lee (2024-08-28) . Prostitution isn't a choice, and language should reflect that. A new Israeli initiative provides a vocabulary to help the media report more ethically on prostitution, shifting the spotlight to the activity of pimps and clients…

hindustantimes (2024-08-28) . Israel Army's Situation Worsens In Gaza: 9th IDF Soldier Confirmed Dead In Just 1 Week | Hamas. The Israel Defence Forces announced the death of one more soldier during combat in the Gaza Strip. On August 27, the Nahal Brigade's 932nd Battalion from Or Yehuda lost 19-year-old Staff Sergeant Amit Friedman. Friedman's death brings the total number of IDF's deaths in the ground offensive against Hamas in Gaza to 341.

hindustantimes (2024-08-28) . On Cam: Hamas' Arab Hostage Rescued By Israel Army From Gaza; Watch What He Said To Netanyahu. Israeli forces rescued hostage Farhan al-Qadi from Hamas captivity in the southern Gaza Strip on August 27. Al-Qadi, who spent more than 10 months in captivity, was found inside a tunnel by commandos of the Israeli Navy's Shayetet 13 unit and troops of the elite Yahalom combat engineering unit. The operation was led by the Israel Defence Forces' Southern Command, the Shin Bet security agency, and the IDF's 162nd Division. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also spoke to al-Qadi and assured him to bring back all hostages.

newleftreview (2024-08-28) . Rashid Khalidi: The Neck and The Sword. Rashid Khalidi and Tariq Ali discuss the political and intellectual history of the Palestinian national movement, its fraught entanglement with neighbouring Arab regimes, the realities of the 'peace process', Israel's grip on the Biden Administration and the strategic calculations—or miscalculations—of Hamas.

Staff (2024-08-28) . Former IDF Sniper Says Dehumanization of Palestinians and a Rhetoric of Hate is Driving Israel's Forever War in Gaza. by Linda Pentz Gunter* Aug 5, 2024 "In every classroom in Israel there is a map," says Nadav Weiman. "But it is a map without any green line and without any names of Palestinian villages or towns. Between the river to the sea it's only Israel." Weiman is the executive director of Breaking the Silence, …

Staff (2024-08-28) . Gaza family accuses Israel of killing Palestinian with Down syndrome during incursion. Ahmed al-Abadla's displaced family cites evidence that he was 'intentionally' killed by the Israeli army in Khan Younis By Maha Hussaini in Occupied Gaza Strip 26 August 2024 One day after they buried their brother, the al-Abadla siblings found his leg about 200 meters away from where he was killed by what they believe was …

Staff (2024-08-28) . Jewish Terror Has Exploded, and Nothing Is Standing in Its Way. It May Bring Israel Down. Aug 25, 2024 The letter sent by Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar to the prime minister, cabinet members and the attorney general, in which he warns that Jewish terror is a danger to the state's existence, constitutes a flashing warning light. In any normal country, there would be no hesitation in doing the right thing. … (2024-08-28) . Iran Raps Israeli Plan to Build Synagogue on Al-Aqsa Compound. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Iranian Foreign Ministry's spokesman denounced the outrageous comments by a far-right Israeli minister about building a Jewish synagogue at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem. (2024-08-28) . Israeli Airstrikes in West Bank Kill 11 Palestinians, Wound 15 Others: PRCS. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Israeli military airstrikes across several towns in the occupied West Bank have left at least 11 Palestinians dead and 15 others injured, the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) reported on Wednesday. (2024-08-28) . Top General Vows Iran's Calculated Response to Israel. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran will unquestionably give a well-contemplated response to the Zionist regime for the assassination of the Hamas chief in Tehran, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri said.

Black Rose Anarchist Federation (2024-08-28) . Black Rose/Rosa Negra 10th National Convention Report. Report back from the 10th anniversary convention of the Black Rose Anarchist Federation. Every year, Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra (BRRN) holds a national Convention in a different city somewhere in the United States. Delegates from Black Rose Locals gather to debate and deliver the votes of members on proposals that…

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| Renowned British-Palestinian doctor and activist

| The General Medical Council (GMC) filed the suspension request as pa…

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| The complaint was initially brought forward by UKLFI, who claimed th…

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kwjorinoco (2024-08-28) . Venezuela: 2nd National Consultation to Yield Improvements in Services Provided by the State. A large percentage of these projects are related to integrated water management, improvements to the electrical service, and rehabilitation of educational spaces and roads. | Most of the projects approved in the second National Popular Consultation aim to improve community services, according to the report presented on Tuesday by the Minister of Communes and Social Movements, àÅngel Prado, during a meeting of the spokespersons of the communes with President Nicolás Maduro. | In this regard, he explained that 22% of the approved projects relate to the comprehensive management of water; 13% to improvements in…

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-08-28) . France Slaps Telegram CEO With 12 Criminal Charges. Telegram founder Pavel Durov is being held in custody by French authorities as part of a cyber-criminality investigation, the Paris prosecutor said in a statement on 26 August. | The Russian-born billionaire and founder of the popular messaging app was arrested upon landing in the French capital on Saturday evening. | The prosecutor's statement mentioned 12 different offenses under investigation for "complicity" in organized crime, including illicit transactions, child pornography, fraud, and the refusal to disclose information to authorities. | The statement added that Durov's time in custody had been extended a…

Abdul Rahman, People's Dispatch. (2024-08-28) . US Starts Another Round Of War Games In Korean Peninsula. The US and South Korea began yet another military drill in the Korean Peninsula this week, further heightening the possibility of nuclear confrontation and threatening peace and stability in the region. The Ulchi Freedom Shield, as the exercise is called, allegedly aims to strengthen both countries' joint "defense capabilities" against nuclear power North Korea, as stated by the spokespersons of both nations earlier this month.

Alexandra Bradbury, Labor Notes. (2024-08-28) . Work To Rule And Open Bargaining Back Down Kroger Warehouse Bosses. Teamsters in an Indiana grocery warehouse scored big this year with a contract campaign like never before. They organized in five languages and sported a multilingual union button. They opened up bargaining sessions for any member to come observe—on the peak day, 150 showed up. They even pulled off a daring work-to-rule action the week before bargaining kicked off, to start from a position of strength. The final night, June 30, negotiations came down to the wire, stretching past the midnight contract expiration deadline. Some members were itching to walk.

Edward Carver, Common Dreams. (2024-08-28) . 'Anti-Worker' Trudeau Forces Arbitration On Rail Union. The Canadian government on Thursday moved to end a lockout of workers at the country's two major rail corporations by forcing the two sides into arbitration, drawing sharp criticism from the union, which is challenging the move, and left-leaning political figures, including an ally of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. | Canadian National (CN) and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) locked out about 9,300 engineers, conductors, and yard workers starting Thursday morning, shutting down the vast majority of the country's freight operations—a major disruption to the national economy and supplies chains across Nort…

Gabriel Thompson, Scheer Post. (2024-08-28) . A Landmark Federal Ruling Against Union-Busting Has Boosted Organizing. Five years ago, after a majority of workers at Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas signed cards to join the Culinary Workers Union, supervisors marched them into a series of mandatory meetings. The company promised employees free health care and new retirement benefits if they voted down the union, and vowed to drag out negotiations if the union won.

Hayley Brown, Sylvia Allegretto, Center for Economic, Policy Research. (2024-08-28) . Workers, Unchecked: The Case For Card Check This Labor Day. The process of union certification is a critical area of labor rights, acting as a precursor to collective bargaining. One method, card check, simplifies this process by allowing workers to express their desire for union representation through majority sign-up. Because it reduces opportunities for employer interference and expedites union certification, card check has come under significant fire from those who oppose unions. | Card check is a quick and efficient way for workers to indicate whether they want to be represented by a union. Workers who desire a union simply sign authorization cards indicating their s…

Richard Berg, Fight Back! News. (2024-08-28) . Nurses End Seven-Day Strike In Chicago. Chicago, Illinois — Working as a nurse in a large university hospital is a hard job. Large numbers of patients roll through. Vulnerable people look for hope, remedy and help. Despite this persistent pressure, hospital administrators ask for quick patient turnover. Supervisors ask overstressed nurses to do the work of housekeepers, food service, technical staff and others, who are often in short supply. Some doctors are nice, while others boss nurses around. | This is the case at the University of Illinois Health (UIH) as well as healthcare facilities across the country. One difference is that the nurses at…

aljazeera (2024-08-28) . Greek tanker attacked in Red Sea appears to be leaking oil, US says. The Pentagon says the Sounion is a navigational hazard and warns of a potential environmental catastrophe.

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Hugo GABBERO (2024-08-28) . Turkey: Joint trial observation report on the case of Kurdish human rights defenders and IHD members Eren Keskin Güllistan Yarkın. In a joint report, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders—a partnership between the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)—and the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger (OIAD) present findings from the judicial observation of the first hearing in the trial of Eren Keskin and Güllistan Yarkın, from the Human Rights Association (IHD). Both were accused of "publicly denigrating the Turkish Nation" (…) | – |

Juliette Rousselot (2024-08-28) . India: UN Human Rights Committee calls for protection of human rights defenders and reform of counter-terrorism laws. Front Line Defenders (FLD) together with the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, welcome the findings of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Committee following its review of India's situation of civil and political rights. FLD and the Observatory urge the government to take immediate steps to address the serious concerns expressed by the (…) | – |

Amy Goodman (2024-08-28) . Democrats Sue to Halt Georgia Rules That Could Block Election Certification. New voting rules in key battleground states could impact the 2024 election results. In Georgia, Democrats are suing to halt a set of Trump-backed election rules which Democrats say could be used to block certification of election results if they win in November. "It appears that Georgia Republicans are laying the groundwork not to certify the presidential election if Kamala Harris wins… |

Erin Reed (2024-08-28) . Trans Adults' Care Is Already Being Terminated in Florida Following Court Ruling. Several transgender youth and adults are being told their care will be terminated following a ruling from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals by a majority-Trump appointed panel. The court ruled that a 2023 law, which restricts transgender care at any age, can go back into effect after being permanently blocked in June 2024. The ruling, released late Monday, stated that transgender people are… |

Maya Schenwar (2024-08-28) . Movement Media Organizations Are Coming Together to Build Power. Last November, 25 media-makers from 15 independent U.S.-based organizations came together around a long table at Chicago's Haymarket House to talk about the future of media and how we might build it together. Although our organizations differed in focus, audience, size, perspective and origin, we all believed in the power of media to inform and fuel social movements that transform the world. |

Mike Ludwig (2024-08-28) . Overdose Prevention Centers Save Lives, But Politics Stand in the Way. Like similar facilities in Canada and Europe that have been around for years, the two overdose prevention centers in New York City drastically reduced public drug use in the areas they serve and intervened in more than 1,500 potentially fatal drug overdoses since opening in 2021. Emergency 911 calls also dropped since the centers opened, saving the city's health care system time and money. |

Nicole Karlis (2024-08-28) . New COVID Vaccines Arrive as Many Are Poised to Lose Access to Free Shots. Last week, the Food and Drug Administration approved two COVID-19 vaccines earlier than expected due to record-breaking surges of the virus. Instead of releasing them in the fall, following the pattern of previous coronavirus vaccine roll outs, they are available as early as this week. However, for some people, time is already running out to get the updated shots. For the nearly 27 million… |

Sharon Zhang (2024-08-28) . Watchdog: US Officials Swept Aside Aid Group Concerns in Gaza Aid Pier Planning. The Biden administration swept aside objections about the harmful effects its military pier in Gaza would have on aid delivery efforts in the project's planning stages, a damning new report from a government watchdog finds. According to a report published Tuesday by the agency watchdog for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), administration staff and the World Food Programme… |

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Michael Roberts (2024-08-28) . Bangladesh: the 'Global South' debt crisis intensifies.

Christoph Sorg (2024-08-28) . From the "Committee for the Cancellation of Third World Debt" to the "Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt"

Christoph Sorg (2024-08-28) . Social Movements and the Politics of Debt.

Christoph Sorg (2024-08-28) . The Debt System: The CADTM's analyses and theoretical foundations. Extract from "Social Movements and the Politics of Debt: Transnational Resistance against Debt on Three Continents" | In this extract from his doctoral thesis, Christoph Sorg begins by drawing a distinction between the CADTM and Eurodad, a European NGO specialising in debt and development financing. Christoph Sorg then focusses on the analyses produced by the CADTM. This extract from the thesis corresponds to pages 167 to 171. | CADTM ("Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt") shares (…) | – | / |

Collective, Development finance international (2024-08-28) . The worst ever global debt crisis.

Eric Toussaint (2024-08-28) . Ecuador: Resistance against the policies imposed by the World Bank, the IMF and other creditors between 2007 and 2011.

Paramjit Singh (2024-08-28) . Peasants and Politics in Neoliberal India: The 2020-21 Peasant Movement.

Salmali Das, Sankha Subhra Biswas (2024-08-28) . Reclaim the Night!

Yorgos Mitralias (2024-08-28) . Irrationality and mass paranoia invade our societies.

Yorgos Mitralias (2024-08-28) . Our media, Puigdemont's Catalonia and the violent undemocratic traditions of the Spanish state!

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Staff (2024-08-28) . Bangladeshi student sent back after 'Love' emoji reaction on 'anti-India post' at NIT Silchar. by Muslim Mirror Staff A Bangladeshi student at the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Silchar, Assam, was sent back to her home country after reacting with a 'love' emoji to an anti-India post on social media, according to Cachar Superintendent of Police Numal Mahatta. The incident took place on August 27 and involved Maisha Mahajabin, … (2024-08-28) . Zheng brings Paris mentality, not medal. China's reigning Olympic champion Zheng Qinwen didn't carry her gold medal from Paris to New York, obeying her parents' instructions to keep the family treasure safe at home. (2024-08-28) . Experts discover Gobi bears in China for the first time. Experts from the Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF) recently made the first-ever discovery of Gobi bears (Ursus arctos gobiensis) in Yiwu County, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, according to the third scientific expedition project to Xinjiang organized by CAF. (2024-08-28) . Flood hits China's largest desert. Recently, China's largest desert, the Taklimakan Desert in northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, experienced flooding, which sparked widespread discussions on social media. (2024-08-28) . Central-local fiscal ties in the spotlight. China is expected to make more efforts to optimize the fiscal relationship between the central and local governments, thereby strengthening fiscal sustainability while ensuring macroeconomic adjustment capability. (2024-08-28) . More efforts urged to reap RCEP benefits. Global experts and leaders called for higher utilization rates under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, and making collective efforts to unleash the full potential of the framework for economic prosperity for all. (2024-08-28) . SGS bond to lift yuan's global profile. A renminbi-denominated bond that will fund sustainability-linked, green and social activities, has been listed in Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Germany, marking the latest step in boosting the global presence of the Chinese currency. (2024-08-28) . More than a market, China is a strategic cornerstone. Driven by China's rapid growth, demand for sustainable solutions and role as an innovation hub, China is not just a market for the company, but a global strategic cornerstone, said a senior executive of Trane Technologies. (2024-08-28) . Macron says Telegram CEO arrest not political. French President Emmanuel Macron said the arrest of Russian-born Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was part of an ongoing judicial investigation rather than a political move after the French action triggered a heated debate about free speech and protests from Russia. (2024-08-28) . 'Trade war, industrial war, or tech war produces no winner' — says Ambassador Xie Feng. Amidst new circumstances and challenges, "scapegoating solves no problem, and trade war, industrial war or tech war produces no winner". (2024-08-28) . Nanjing becoming more child-friendly. Nanjing was one of the second batch of cities selected last year to participate in a national initiative to build child-friendly cities, and 110 child-friendly communities have now been built there. (2024-08-28) . Robot learns the ropes on Harbin metro network. A small robot patrolling and dispensing advice at a metro station in Harbin, Heilongjiang province, has recently attracted growing attention. (2024-08-28) . Video of women scolding toddler on plane sparks debate. A video showing two women scolding a crying toddler in an airplane bathroom has gone viral on social media in China, igniting a wide-ranging debate on how to best handle distressed children on public transportation. (2024-08-28) . Police boost transnational collaboration. The Ministry of Public Security will strengthen collaboration with law enforcement departments in other countries to crack down on transnational crimes targeting Chinese citizens, Vice-Minister Qi Yanjun said on Tuesday. (2024-08-28) . China to mull support for more families who lost only child. China will consider ramping up support for more families whose only child died, ranging from providing special elderly care and medical services to facilitating their access to assisted reproductive tools and child adoption. (2024-08-28) . Shanghai encourages practical education activities outside of schools. Shanghai is set to encourage more middle and primary school students to participate in practical education activities outside of schools since the new school year. (2024-08-28) . 'Physical examinations' come to campus to usher in the new school term. They assisted the school's logistics management department in inspecting and troubleshooting the school's electrical facilities, ensuring a safe electrical-using environment for the new semester. (2024-08-28) . Giant pandas celebrate 11th birthday at Guangzhou Zoo. Guangzhou Zoo hosted a birthday celebration for giant panda Xing Yi and Ya Yi for their 11st birthday. (2024-08-28) . China's 1st double-deck cable-stayed suspension bridge connected. China's first double-deck cable-stayed suspension bridge completed closure over the Yangtze River on Tuesday in Tongling City. (2024-08-28) . Beijing prepares for upcoming China-Africa Forum. The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) will be held in Beijing from Sept. 4 to 6. (2024-08-28) . Insect fossil from 300 mln years ago found in Shanxi. A Permian-era Diaphanopterodea insect fossil, dating back about 300 million years, has been found for the first time in Yangquan, North China's Shanxi Province, according to a report by local newspaper on Monday. (2024-08-28) . China-Africa cooperation boosts continent's green transition. The green economy is a cornerstone of Africa's future development, and collaboration between China and Africa in this sector will play a crucial role in facilitating Africa's green transition, experts said. (2024-08-28) . China adjusts duty-free policy to boost consumption. Chinese authorities issued a notice on a duty-free policy adjustment on Tuesday, under which a dozen downtown duty-free shops in first- and second-tier cities. (2024-08-28) . Rising industrial profits propel recovery. China's industrial profits rose in July at their fastest pace in five months, propelled by stable industrial production and robust new growth drivers, official data showed on Tuesday. (2024-08-28) . China firmly opposes Canada's EV tariffs. China will take all necessary measures to defend the legitimate rights and interests of its companies, said the Ministry of Commerce on Tuesday. (2024-08-28) . Dai Li – Giant panda passes away due to old age. Giant panda Dai Li passed away on August 12 due to old age, accompanied by heart disease and multiple organ failure, according to messages released by the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda on Monday. (2024-08-28) . Talks seek to build on summit consensus. Shortly after United States National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan arrived in Beijing on Tuesday afternoon, he embarked on a new round of China-U.S. strategic communication with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. (2024-08-28) . HK to play greater role in modernization push. The seminars, attended by about 1,600 representatives from various sectors, featured two central government officials who outlined the key takeaways from the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. (2024-08-28) . Governments closing their unused social media accounts. Government departments across multiple regions in China have been shutting down official social media accounts this year as part of a broader effort to curb formalism and bureaucracy and ease burdens on grassroots governments. (2024-08-28) . CPC leadership reviews measures on western region's development. The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a meeting on Friday to review policies and measures to open up a new vista in the large-scale development of China's western region. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, chaired the meeting. (2024-08-28) . Vessels turned into floating hospitals. Engineers at a shipyard in Jiangyin, a coastal city in Jiangsu province, have been working on a project never undertaken before in China: converting container ships into floating hospitals. (2024-08-28) . China to introduce revised textbooks, featuring stories of astronauts, scientists, border heroes. Primary and middle schools across China will start using newly revised textbooks in three subjects starting from the autumn semester this year, with new contents including stories of astronauts, scientists and heroes guarding China's borders. (2024-08-28) . People from both sides of Strait celebrate hero. At an event in Beijing on Tuesday commemorating Zheng Chenggong, a national hero who expelled Dutch colonists from Taiwan in 1662 and recovered the island. (2024-08-28) . Chinese athletes poised for Paris Paralympics glory. The iconic Arc de Triomphe, now illuminated by the vibrant red, blue and green of the Paralympic emblem, will serve as the backdrop for around 4,400 athletes from around the world as they take part in Wednesday night's opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. (2024-08-28) . Team China targeting a tsunami of swimming medals. As one of China's flagship teams at the Paralympics, the swimming squad has wasted no time in adjusting to the rigors of competition in Paris. Having battled long flights and jet lag, the team is now settling in, readying itself for the upcoming games.

WSWS (2024-08-28) . Dakkota Integrated Systems: The low-wage sweatshop workers are fighting against. Dakkota was founded in 2001 as a joint venture between Rush Group LLC, owned by trucking and auto supply business owner Andra Rush, and Canada-based Magna International Inc.

WSWS (2024-08-28) . Autoworkers need to communicate around the world and make a plan to fight back. I have always been told my job is more secure than most because we are one of the most profitable plants for GM. This sense of certainty has dwindled rapidly.

WSWS (2024-08-28) . Release comrade Bogdan Syrotiuk unconditionally and immediately! The persecution of Bogdan demonstrates that the defense of democratic rights is inseparable from the mobilisation of the international working class against imperialist war and capitalism.

WSWS (2024-08-28) . One fifth of world's youth not in employment, education or training. These conditions testify to the powder keg that is Africa and indeed vast parts of the world. Youth-led protests have broken out in several countries over recent months calling for political change.

WSWS (2024-08-28) . RMT union General Secretary Mick Lynch: The Labour government's toady-in-chief. The RMT leader has disappeared into closed door meetings with different departments of the incoming Labour government, just as Starmer has announced his intention to impose more than £20 billion in austerity measures in its upcoming budget while declaring that things will be "painful" for years to come.

WSWS (2024-08-28) . The arrest of journalist Richard Medhurst and the fight to defend democratic rights. Medhurst said of his detention at the UK's Heathrow Airport, "I believe I'm the first journalist to be arrested under this provision of the Terrorism Act."

WSWS (2024-08-28) . Socialist Equality Group meeting on Wellington rail workers' dispute calls for rank-and-file committee. The SEG in New Zealand held an online meeting to discuss the need for rail workers to form a rank-and-file committee, break from the union bureaucracy, and unite with workers internationally, following their rejection of a wage-cutting offer from Transdev and Hyundai Rotem.

WSWS (2024-08-28) . Washington, D.C. transit workers forced to vote on "memorandum of understanding" instead of contract. The four year contract emerging from this sordid maneuver will allow WMATA to abuse its workers until 2028, and likely introduce new attacks which haven't been disclosed to the membership.

WSWS (2024-08-28) . Air Canada pilots vote massively in favour of strike action. The 5,400 Air Canada pilots have been without a contract since June 2023. The previous agreement was an inferior 9-year deal negotiated after the then Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper illegalized worker job action.

WSWS (2024-08-28) . Failure of Boeing spacecraft strands 2 astronauts on the International Space Station. It should be asked why NASA continues to trust Boeing, the airplane manufacturer which developed the MAX 8 jets responsible for the deaths of 346 men, women and children in two separate crashes in 2018 and 2019.

WSWS (2024-08-28) . In appeal to far right, Cornel West adopts Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s anti-vaccine platform. Repeating a call he previously issued on "The Jimmy Dore Show" last year while still running as a Green Party candidate, West called for a "truth commission" to investigate "the vaccine."

WSWS (2024-08-28) . Meeting: Oppose Australian Labor government's cuts to international students and tertiary education jobs. Labor's offensive against international students is already eliminating jobs in universities, as well as private colleges.

WSWS (2024-08-28) . In appeal to far right, Cornel West adopts Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s anti-vaccine and bogus censorship platform. Repeating a call he previously issued on "The Jimmy Dore Show" last year while still running as a Green Party candidate, West called for a "truth commission" to investigate "the vaccine.

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Peter Koenig (2024-08-28) . Blueprint for Advancing Chinese Modernization Has Been Outlined. The 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) concluded its Third Plenary Session in Beƒ≥ing from July 15 to 18, 2024. One of its principal objectives was studying the issue of further deepening reform comprehensively to advance …

Adama Dempster, Lead Campaigner (2024-08-28) . Liberia: Support to War Crimes Court get big boost at UN Forum. The United Nations Peace-building Commission (PBC) convened a high-level Ambassadorial meeting in New York, to discuss the country's peacebuilding and sustaining peace priorities.

Angela (2024-08-28) . Friday 8/30: Power Half Hour for Gaza. Zoom | http: //…

Angela (2024-08-28) . Tuesday 8/27: Virtual Teach-In about Palestine. Zoom | http: //…

Angela (2024-08-28) . Friday 8/30: Virtual Action Hour. Zoom |… …

Angela (2024-08-28) . Friday 8/30: Webinar: Palestine Solidarity Announcements. Zoom | …

Brenda Norrell (2024-08-28) . Lakotas Ride in Solidarity with Havasupai 'Shut Down Uranium Mine in Grand Canyon!'. Oglala Lakota horseback riders from Pine Ridge, South Dakota, led the rally in defense of the sacred homeland of Havasupai on Saturday, continuing the demand to shut down Pinyon Plain uranium mine, threatening Havasupai's aquifer and spewing radioactive dust across the Grand Canyon.

California Lawyers for the Arts (2024-08-28) . Saturday 10/19: California Lawyers for the Arts. Fort Mason Center, 2 Marina Blvd., Bldg. D, San Francisco, CA 94123…

D.R. Koukal, University of Detroit (2024-08-28) . The Disordered Soul and Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Platonic Reflections on 45. Knowledge, skill, and experience are essential in all human endeavors, at least if excellence is our standard. The next question should be equally obvious: why would we exempt political leaders from having the requisite knowledge, skill, and experience, even in a democracy?>

David Giesen (2024-08-28) . Wednesday 8/28: Food! Civics! Action! a walking tour. Starts at the black obelisk in United Nations Plaza, across Market Street from The Strand Theater. San Francisco. Guide will be wearing a California Republic bicycle cap.

John Malkin (2024-08-28) . Remain in Light – Interview with Jerry Harrison on 2024 Tour with Adrian Belew. Interview with Talking Heads guitarist/keyboardist Jerry Harrison about recent Remain in Light tour with Adrian Belew…

Josh Atar (2024-08-28) . Friday 8/30: Tiger's Tale ~ A Jerry Garcia Band Tribute. Veterans Memorial Building | 846 Front Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060…

KQED Live (2024-08-28) . Thursday 9/19: San Francisco Mayoral Debate w/ KQED Live. FREE: streaming online, broadcast on 88.5FM and KQED 9 TV…

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-08-28) . Animal Rights March in Petaluma. Activists March from Penry Square to Perdue slaughterhouse…

Lynda Carson (2024-08-28) . Local activist helps to create hour music program on KALX Radio, Berkeley. Radio Dunya Music Program On KALX:…

Ramon du Houx (2024-08-28) . Newsom: Elected officials protect all CA communities don't delay safety-zones around wells. Gov. Newsom needs to keep his promise to stop polluting communities whose citizens live too close to oil and gas operations, say over 500 CA elected officials who signed a letter for 2,300 feet safty zones around wells…

Robert Norse (2024-08-28) . A Harm Reduction Proposal for the Santa Cruz City Council not on its Agenda. Two activists from HUFF send documentation of city police abuse in sweeping the camps of those outside and demand | changes.

San Jose Peace, Justice Center (2024-08-28) . Monday 8/26: Action: PELOSI Out of South Bay! California Theater, | 345 S First St | (Just south of San Carlos Ave.) | San Jose, CA…

Sonoma County Tenants Union, North Bay Org (2024-08-28) . Saturday 9/14: 2024 Sonoma County Renters Assembly / Asamblea de Inquilines del Co. de Sonoma de 2024. Glaser Center | 547 Mendocino Ave | Santa Rosa (Downtown)…

Thomas White (2024-08-28) . Trump: Philosopher Mogul. Herbert Marcuse described the Happy Consciousness, the amoral product of the technocratic age, in which "guilt feeling has no place". A person with such a deficiency, Marcuse says, "can give the signal that liquidates hundreds and thousands of people, then declare himself free from all pangs of conscience, and live happily ever after".

UUSF Writers (2024-08-28) . Sunday 9/29: We Don't Need No Stinkin' Fascism! Writers' Hopes for Humanity. In person at Unitarian Universalists of San Francisco | 1187 Franklin Street | Starr King Room | And on Zoom:… …

Lynda Carson (2024-08-28) . Red states and MAGA Republicans are embracing Ku Klux Klan activities. Reportedly, If Trump Gets Back Into The White House, He Will Force Government Workers To Sign A Loyalty Oath To Trump, Which May Be Reminiscent To A Loyalty Oath Of The Ku Klux Klan.

noreply (2024-08-28) . Adapt, Adapt, Adapt… (2024-08-28) . Greece wildfires rage near Athens. Greek wildfires engulf mountain as they approach the Greek capital. (2024-08-28) . Taliban officials attend military parade on 3rd anniversary of Afghanistan takeover. Taliban officials attend a military parade on the third anniversary of Afghanistan's takeover. (2024-08-28) . US military conducts live-fire drills in South Korea to test deployment readiness. The US military conducted live-fire drills in South Korea to exercise deployment readiness. (2024-08-28) . Aerial images of burned-out landscape after wildfires in Greece. Drone images show the burned-out landscape in Greece. (2024-08-28) . Gaza Health Ministry warns of 'hospital crisis' amid lack of fuel, medical supplies. Gaza's health ministry warns that healthcare facilities in the territory are nearing closure due to an acute fuel shortage for generators and a severe lack of medical supplies. (2024-08-28) . Iran known today for science, military progress, regional power: Leader. Ayatollah Khamenei says Iran is today known in the world by its regional power, military progress and strategic depth. (2024-08-28) . Dozens, including civilians, killed in militant attack in Burkina Faso. Civilians are among the dozens of people killed in an attack by militants in Burkina Faso. (2024-08-28) . Telegram founder's arrest rekindles debate about censorship of non-Western media. After Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's arrest in France, the debate about censorship of social media platforms not directly controlled by the West has reignited. (2024-08-28) . Iranian president: 'We are looking for removal of illegal sanctions'. Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian says his government is looking for ways to get illegal sanctions removed that have been imposed against the Islamic Republic. (2024-08-28) . Hamas asserts Palestinian nation 'resolved' to continue resistance. The head of Hamas in the West Bank says Palestinians are determined to continue the path of resistance, despite hardships. (2024-08-28) . Russia-French ties hit rock bottom following Telegram CEO's arrest: Moscow. Russia says its relations with France have reached their lowest level since Paris' arrest without charge of the Telegram messaging application's CEO. (2024-08-28) . Floods kill 15 in India after heavy rains. (2024-08-28) . President Pezeshkian: Iran signs strategic agreements with Turkmenistan. The Iranian president hosted Turkmenistan's National Leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow in Tehran.

Nava J. Thakuria (2024-08-28) . Assam : Where Indigenous People Confront Illegal Migrants. Even the middle-aged Assamese nationals remember that Assam agitation was initially propagated as 'Bohiragata Kheda Andolan' (literarily meaning agitation to deport outsiders) and later, redefined as an agitation against illegal migrants (from East Pakistan/ Bangladesh) by the intellectuals and media barons based in Guwahati. After decades, the issue of outsiders (read non-Assamese Indians) came alive with an incident in Sibsagar of eastern Assam, where a community was compelled to apologize for a crime committed by some individuals (belonging to that group). The accused individuals, who physically assaulted a mi…

GAIA (2024-08-28) . 174 Civil Society Organizations, Networks, and Activists Oppose Financing by IFC for Abellon Clean Energy's Toxic, Pollution Waste-to-Energy Projects in Gujarat, India. August 28, 2024 — A

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-08-28) . You Don't Get To Vote On Any Of Your Government's Most Consequential Actions.

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Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2024-08-28) . Beware the Derogators: The Geneva Conventions Turn 75. On August 12, 1949, the four Geneva Conventions were adopted, laying the basis of a normative standard in international humanitarian law. As Balthasar Staehelin, personal envoy of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) president to China,

Ahmed Adel (2024-08-28) . US Treasuries No Longer A "Safe Haven," Warn Experts. New research presented at the Federal Reserve's annual research conference in Kansas City, Wyoming, found weaknesses in US Treasuries, once labelled a "safe haven" for securities. This is devastating news for the US as unsustainable debt and the weaponisation of …

Dr. Meryl Nass (2024-08-28) . Don't Watch "The Attack on Food and Farmers" — Unless You Want Better Health, a Glimpse Into the Future of Food, and Real Food Security. Is your food making you sick? | Suddenly, the fact that food is making us sick, really sick, has gained a lot of attention. | When Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced he would suspend his presidential campaign and campaign for President Trump …

Huang Lanlan (2024-08-28) . Lithium Protests in Serbia: Environment-driven or Politically-motivated? A recent protest against a lithium mining project broke out in Serbia, with demonstrators filling the streets of capital Belgrade. They reportedly obstructed the tracks at two railway stations in the city, and briefly halted traffic on a major highway….

John W. Whitehead (2024-08-28) . Techno-Fascism: The Government Pressured Tech Companies to Censor Users. "Internet platforms have a powerful incentive to please important federal officials, and the record in this case shows that

Marc Vandepitte (2024-08-28) . What the Media Are Hiding About Venezuela's Elections. Who is Edmundo Gonzalez? During the recent presidential elections in Venezuela we saw an outstanding example of electoral warfare, in which the media played a major role. In this article, we list some striking elements the mainstream media covered up. | * | If you believe …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-08-28) . Video: Terrorism Is Made in the USA. The Global War on Terrorism Is a Big Lie. [This video was originally published in 2015.] | Prominent academic and author Dr Michel Chossudovsky warned that the so-called war on terrorism is a front to propagate America's global hegemony and create a New World Order. | Dr Chossudovsky said terrorism is …

Stephen Karganovic (2024-08-28) . Pavel Durov: The Quixotic Free Speech Hero of Our Time. The Telegram Social Media Platform. It seems that over two hundred years after the Revolution, in France the Liberté part of its celebrated slogan has not really stuck. | On Saturday 24 August, Russian social media platform entrepreneur Pavel Durov was arrested by the French police …

The Global Research Team (2024-08-28) . One Month Before Global Research's Anniversary. Dear Readers and Authors, | Global Research is a month away from our 23rd founding anniversary. | To say we are truly grateful is an understatement. We appreciate every one of you for your unbending support over the last 22 years. | As …

Zero Hedge (2024-08-28) . Drone Strike Hits Russian Oil Depot Which Lies at a Record 1,500km from Ukraine. A new wave of Ukrainian drone attacks on Russia has damaged and set alight several more oil depots and energy facilities, one location notably which lies very deep into Russian territory. | On Wednesday drones struck the far away town of …

Andrew Korybko (2024-08-28) . Ortega's Condemnation Of Lula's Meddling In Venezuela Debunks A Top Alt-Media Lie. Those Alt-Media Community influencers who aggressively gatekept all prior criticisms of Lula 3.0's foreign policy and then "canceled" those who shared such views while continuing to insist that he'd never align himself with the US' regime change operations in the region have just been exposed as frauds. | The

Paul Craig Roberts (2024-08-28) . Democrats Who Rule Minneapolis Are Making Illegals Legal. The Minneapolis Civil Rights Department has created a category for illegal aliens who entered the US illegally with the full approval and help of the Democrat Obama and Biden Regimes. This new category of those requiring civil rights protection are designated in Minneapolis as "Justice Impacted Individuals." | They are "justice impacted" because they entered illegally. The solution to being "justice impacted" is to make the illegals legal by protecting them under the civil rights laws. The Minneapolis City Council is adding to the city's civil rights ordinance "immigration status" and "justice impacted status" as…

aljazeera (2024-08-28) . Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 915. As the war enters its 915th day, these are the main developments.

hindustantimes (2024-08-28) . Ukraine Army Chief Admits Putin Outsmarted Zelensky In Kursk? Kyiv Fails To Divert Russia Troops… Ukrainian Army Chief made a big reveal on the operation in Russia's Kursk region. Colonel General Oleksandr Syrski said the Ukrainian incursion was a high-stakes gambit. The Ukrainian official claimed the plan aimed to force Russia to divert troops from key frontlines but failed. Watch for more.

hindustantimes (2024-08-28) . Ukraine's Kursk Disaster In Numbers: Total Soldiers, Weapons Lost So Far, Revealed By Russia. The Russian Defence Ministry has claimed that over 6,600 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and injured in the Kursk incursion, RT reported. Ukraine had invaded the Russian border region on August 6. Not just manpower, the Kursk incursion is also depleting Ukraine's arsenal. This includes 73 battle tanks and 100s of other war weapons. Watch this video for more…

hindustantimes (2024-08-28) . Zelensky Ignores Own Cities For Russian Land? Amid Kyiv Attack, Power & Water Cuts, Army Sent To… Ukrainian forces are now reportedly trying to break into a new Russian region. Reuters, citing Russian telegram channels, said the Ukrainian Army attempted to push into the Belgorod region. This comes after Russia launched over 100 missiles and around 100 drones across Ukraine on August 26. Russian attacks also continued on August 27 as Ukraine reported blackouts.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Ukraine and Hiroshima: Geopolitical Parallel. In 1945, the US sent a message to the Soviet Union. In Ukraine, tactical nuclear weapons will send a message to the US that continuing its strategy of incremental conflict escalation risks full-blown nuclear war.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Ukrainian drone crashes into tallest building in Saratov, Russia. A residential complex in the Russian city Saratov was damaged by falling debris from drones destroyed by Russia's air defence systems, regional Governor Roman Basurgin said on the Telegram messaging app.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-08-28) . Sri Lankan group rejecst new law on religious association in Ukraine. Colombo, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) The Bolivarian Solidarity organization of Sri Lanka on Wednesday described as a human rights violation the new law on religious association and practice approved in the Ukrainian Parliament.

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tvbrics (2024-08-28) . New Delhi hosts 9th India-Brazil Joint Commission Meeting. Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira has arrived in India…

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Alina Ramos Martin (2024-08-28) . Argentina's unions denounce politically motivated dismissals. Buenos Aires, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) The State Workers Association (ATE) has accused the Argentine Government of planning the dismissal of citizens opposed to La Libertad Avanza (LLA), a group led by president Javier Milei.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-08-28) . Cuban FM sends congratulations to his Venezuelan counterpart. "We will work together for the strengthening of the solid bonds of brotherhood that unite our peoples and governments," Rodriguez highlighted on social network X. | This Tuesday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced a transformation in the ministerial cabinet to advance in the new stage of transition to socialism. | In total, the head of State made 17 changes and ratified 20 positions, highlighting the ratification of Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, who will also assume the Ministry of Petroleum. | Maduro stressed the importance of the team being integrated "to go to the great stage of the new…

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-08-28) . Djibouti denouncee US economic blockade against Cuba. Djibouti, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) The Secretary General of the Presidency of Djibouti, Mohamed Abdillahi Wais, denounced the policy of economic, commercial and financial blockade implemented by the United States against Cuba and the Caribbean island's inclusion on the list of countries that sponsor terrorism.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-08-28) . More than 600 deaths from Mpox in DRC this year. Kinshasa, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) At least 610 people died in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) this year due to monkeypox (Mpox), the Minister of Public Health, Roger Kamba, informed.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-08-28) . Chinese hospital ship pays friendly visit to South Africa. Pretoria, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) The visit of a Chinese hospital ship to South Africa will help to strengthen bilateral relations, Minister of Defense and Military Veterans Angie Motshekga said.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-08-28) . Cuba prepares quality school year despite economic situation. Havana, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) Despite Cuba's complex economic scenario, the country is not giving up on guaranteeing the quality of the 2024-2025 school year, which will begin on September 2.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-08-28) . Debate in Chile on Fidel Castro's legacy to the youths. Santiago, Chile, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) Convened by the Communist Youth of Chile and the Movement in Solidarity with Cuba, a debate was held in this capital on the validity of Fidel Castro's thought nowadays, on his 98th birthday, August 13, 1926.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-08-28) . El Salvador dreams of a dry canal to connect two oceans. San Salvador, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) El Salvador wants to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through a dry canal, the Executive Autonomous Port Commission (CEPA) announced.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-08-28) . Kenyan officers in Haiti frustrated over inadequate pay. The African military officers were concerned about the missing supplemental payments because they will soon have to pay for their children's school fees and guarantee current expenses and food for their relatives back home. | Le Nouvelliste newspaper, based on a report by CNN, informed that those officers were expecting a significant financial bonus for their mission in Haiti. | They are involved in an exhausting mission more suited for a military force than a police detachment, the source said, noting that the officers are not allowed to leave their base in Port-au-Prince after working hours.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-08-28) . Kim Jong un witnesses multiple rocket launchers test. Pyongyang, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) Kim Jong-un, leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), supervised the operation of a rocket launcher system equipped with a new remote-control mechanism, KCNA informed on Wednesday.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-08-28) . Authorities send condolences after accident in Cuban factory. Havana, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) Cuban authorities sent messages of condolences on Wednesday to the relatives, friends and acquaintances of worker Raymundo Narciso Sarría, victim of an accident at the Cement Factory in Cienfuegos province (central-south).

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-08-28) . Salvadorean wife killer gets 40 years in prison. The Attorney General's Office (FGR) reported the conviction of Cristian Otoniel Roque Carias, for the crime of aggravated femicide against his former partner in April 2022, in the district of Zaragoza, La Libertad, at a time when there is an upturn in the victimization of women in the country. | A report of the Observatory of Gender Violence of the Organization of Salvadoran Women for Peace (Ormusa) stated that, from January 1 to August 1, 2024, at least 21 women were murdered in El Salvador, which keeps the country in the list of the countries in the region of the Americas with the highest rate of feminicides.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-08-28) . South Vietnamese city fights measles outbreak. Hanoi, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) The southern Vietnamese Ho Chi Minh City is currently fighting an outbreak of measles, which has been spreading at neck break speed, causing 525 cases of fever accompanied by rash.

Juan M. Garcia (2024-08-28) . Cuba and Belize review migration issues. Havana, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) Diplomatic representatives from Cuba and Belize are holding the 4th round of migration talks in Belmopan, the capital of that Central American nation, on Wednesday and Thursday.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-08-28) . China reiterates its commitment to human rights protection. Beijing, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) China maintains a people-centered approach and considers the protection of human rights as a fundamental task in the country's governance, stressed Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Lin Jian.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-08-28) . Saudi-Ethiopian Business Council to strengthen economic ties. Addis Ababa, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia will strengthen their economic ties by improving trade and investment opportunities through the establishment of a new business council for the period 2024-2028, Fana Broadcasting Corporate reported.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-08-28) . Cuba thanks Sri Lanka for support over the US blockade. Colombo, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) Ambassador Andrés González thanked Sri Lanka for its support every year in the United Nations vote against the blockade of the United States against Cuba, an official source disclosed.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-08-28) . Majority of Uruguayans supports night police raids. Montevideo, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) The majority of Uruguayans are in favor of the referendum to enable nighttime police raids, which will be voted on in October at the same time as the national elections.

Juan M. Garcia (2024-08-28) . Cuba develops high-tech neonatal screening system. Havana, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) Experts from the Cuban Neuroscience Center (CNEURO) developed a neonatal screening system for the early detection of hearing and vision disorders in newborns, local media reported recently.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-08-28) . Discreto inicio de cubanos en Mundial Juvenil de Atletismo. La Habana, 28 ago (JIT).- El décimo puesto de Emnanuel Ramírez en la impulsión de la bala marcó la única presencia de Cuba en finales durante el inicio del Campeonato Mundial Juvenil de Atletismo de Lima 2024.

Alexis Sterling (2024-08-28) . Trump faces revised indictment in election interference case after Supreme Court's immunity ruling. Special counsel adjusts charges in response to Supreme Court decision, narrowing focus on Trump's actions as a candidate rather than as president.

Ashley Curtin (2024-08-28) . Biden-administration to build thousands of chargers across US under Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021. Funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, the Biden administration announced $521 million will be awarded in grants to complete this.

Ruth Milka (2024-08-28) . Global food crisis looms as pollinator decline threatens yields of nutrient-rich Crops, Rutgers study warns. New research reveals pollinator shortages impacting up to two-Thirds of farms worldwide, jeopardizing global food security.

Sharon Kelly (2024-08-28) . Baltimore lawsuit alleges shale investments by BlackRock, Fidelity, others fueled shale price fixing scheme. The latest in a series of lawsuits filed this year claimed that U.S. oil producers conspired with each other and with OPEC to drive oil prices up.

Barbara Expose (2024-08-28) . Labour Decides To Create Fear — But The British Public See Through Their Agenda. Keir Starmer, a man who has fallen into power, by default, has, in a few months, managed to destroy and divide a once great and proud United Kingdom. While the everyday, hardworking, …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-08-28) . A brief history of tax and the resistance to it. Taxation has played a significant role in shaping societies, economies and political landscapes throughout history, from ancient Egypt to the present day. Tax resistance has also contributed to shaping history; sparking revolutions …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-08-28) . Drug research was the same half a century ago. Half a century ago Dr. Vernon Coleman warned that the trend in drug development indicated a decline in the creation of genuinely original drugs, with most new drugs being variations of existing …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-08-28) . Free speech is in trouble on both sides of the Atlantic. In June, the US Supreme Court reversed a lower court's decision that barred the US government and its agencies from coordinating with social media to censor and suppress views that don't follow …

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aljazeera (2024-08-28) . 'I have lost everything': Bangladesh floods strand 1.24 million families. As floodwaters recede after heavy monsoon rains, many have lost their homes – and some blame India for a dam release.

aljazeera (2024-08-28) . A dangerous precedent? Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's arrest stokes speech war. Tech founder's arrest in France highlights debate about whether platforms are responsible for the speech of their users.

aljazeera (2024-08-28) . Harris and Walz to sit down with CNN for first formal interview of campaign. Thursday's interview with presenter Dana Bash will be first since Harris replaced Joe Biden as US Democratic nominee.

aljazeera (2024-08-28) . Japan issues emergency warning as Typhoon Shanshan approaches. Authorities on Kyushu and Honshu islands order evacuations and carmaker Toyota suspends operations at 14 plants.

aljazeera (2024-08-28) . Pacific Islands leaders back Australia-funded joint policing plan. The region-wide plan involves the establishment of four training centres across the Pacific with a hub in Brisbane.

aljazeera (2024-08-28) . What role have artists played in Kenya's antigovernment protests? We discuss the role of musicians and influencers in the ongoing protests against the Kenyan government.

aljazeera (2024-08-28) . Sinner, Swiatek ease into US Open second round but Raducanu crashes out. Second day of US Open sees former champs Alcaraz and Osaka go through as Evans wins longest-ever match over Khachanov.

dental therapy personal statement ucas

Juliette Rousselot (2024-08-28) . Joint Letter: Requesting urgent action towards UN human rights monitoring and investigation in Bangladesh. International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) joins 12 other human rights organisations in an open letter calling on United Nations (UN) member states to take immediate steps to ensure an independent investigation and accountability into human rights violations committed in Bangladesh and to prevent further human rights violations, including by ensuring that the UN Human Rights Council establishes an independent mechanism with a comprehensive mandate to investigate, collect, store and (…) | – |

noemail (2024-08-28) . India Achieves Major Cut in Air Pollution: Report Highlights Gains. India recorded a significant 19.3 per cent drop in particulate pollution in 2022 compared to 2021, the second-highest reduction in the world after Bangladesh, adding an average of 51 days to the life expectancy of every citizen, according to a new report.

noemail (2024-08-28) . Bad Bunny Joins Star-Studded Cast of Darren Aronofsky's 'Caught Stealing'. Bad Bunny is set to join the cast of Darren Aronofsky's upcoming film, 'Caught Stealing', according to The Hollywood Reporter. This casting decision pairs him with notable actors Zoe Kravitz and Austin Butler in a crime thriller based on Charlie Huston's novel of the same name. Specific details about the character Bad Bunny will portray have not yet been released.

noemail (2024-08-28) . Traders Announce Nationwide Strike on August 28 Over Tax and Power Issues. Pakistan's trading community, spearheaded by the Anjuman-e-Tajiran, has declared a nationwide strike on August 28, following unsuccessful talks with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), ARY News reported. Anjuman-e-Tajiran's Central President, Kashif Chaudhry, criticized the government's negotiations as a 'drama' and announced a complete shutdown from Khyber to Karachi.

noemail (2024-08-28) . The Care Crisis: How Child and Elderly Care Costs Shape Presidential Agendas. The cost of caring for children and the elderly is pushing women out of the workforce, straining family finances, and slowing economic growth. As the economy becomes a key theme in the presidential election, Democratic and Republican candidates offer differing solutions to these challenges.

noemail (2024-08-28) . Mamata Dedicates Trinamool Foundation Day to Murdered Trainee Doctor Amid Protests. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, on Wednesday, expressed her profound grief and solidarity with the family of a trainee doctor who was sexually assaulted and murdered at Kolkata's RG Kar Medical College and Hospital on August 9. Banerjee dedicated the foundation day of Trinamool Chhatra Parishad to the victim in her post on X.

noemail (2024-08-28) . BJP Demands Resignation of Mamata Banerjee and Police Chief After Violent Rally. In a fierce reaction to the violence following the Nabanna Abhijan rally, BJP national spokesperson C R Keshavan termed the aftermath as 'vicious, vindictive, and inhumane.' On Wednesday, Keshavan called for a 12-hour bandh in West Bengal and demanded the resignation of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Kolkata Police Commissioner Vineet Goyal.

noemail (2024-08-28) . Jharkhand CM Soren Waives Electricity Bills for Poverty-Stricken Families Amid Political Turmoil. Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren has announced a waiver of old electricity bills for families living below the poverty line. Speaking at a gathering in Dumka on Tuesday, Soren said, "Our government is providing 200 units of free electricity and, in the first phase, will waive off all old electricity dues of the poor who do not file Income Tax Returns. The government will also assess middle-class families, aiming to send a zero rupee bill to every household."

noemail (2024-08-28) . Tour Championship Transforms as East Lake Undergoes Major Renovation. The Tour Championship has returned to East Lake, but for many players, it seems like an entirely new course. Xander Schauffele and Scottie Scheffler are among those adjusting to the extensive renovations overseen by architect Andrew Green.

noemail (2024-08-28) . Alcaraz-Djokovic Rivalry Thrills Fans as US Open Final Looms. Carlos Alcaraz and Novak Djokovic share a strong friendship off the court, a bond evident despite their age difference and contrasting playing styles. However, their on-court rivalry is nothing short of spectacular and intense.

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The Independent (2024-08-28) . Gov't Chief Whip applauds Speaker Among on regional sittings. Gulu, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Government Chief Whip, Denis Hamson Obua has applauded the 11th Parliament for holding the first ever regional plenary sittings in Gulu City, Northern Uganda. Obua made the remarks during the plenary sitting at Kaunda grounds, Gulu City on Wednesday, 28 August 2024. He paid tribute to Speaker, Anita Among …

dental therapy personal statement ucas

hindustantimes (2024-08-28) . Putin Seethes In Anger At NATO Nation Over Russian Billionaire's Arrest | Telegram | Pavel Durov. Russia escalates rhetoric against France over the arrest of Telegram co-founder and CEO Durov Paris. The Russian Foreign Minister says Moscow's relations with France are now at the "lowest level." The Kremlin claims France's accusations against Durov are "very serious." Watch for more. I…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Mayo Clinic Minute: 4 ideas for avoiding the 'freshman 15'. The term "freshman 15" often refers to weight gain by students during their first year in college. Many times, it's their first time away from home and their normal routines. Dr. Denise Millstine, a Mayo Clinic internal medicine physician, shares daily goals for every freshman. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. In…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Mayo Clinic Minute: What new college students should know about bacterial meningitis. As students head off to college, close quarters in new spaces could put them at risk for contagious illnesses, including bacterial meningitis. Dr. Tina Ardon, a Mayo Clinic family medicine physician, explains the common ways meningitis spreads and the best way to prevent an infection. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 57) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Mayo Clinic Minute: Managing migraines in the summer. Severe weather conditions are enough to give anyone a headache, but temperature fluctuations are even more problematic for migraine sufferers. Dr. Rashmi Halker Singh, a Mayo Clinic neurologist, says the weather can trigger some migraine patients. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 08) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. For some people, migraines are debilitating. The intense, throbbing head…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Mayo Clinic Minute: Building a back-to-school routine. For many kids, summer is a time to stay up late, sleep in and hang out with friends. Waking up for that first day of a new school year can be a shock if young children, teenagers, parents or caregivers have not come up with a routine. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Stephen Whiteside, a Mayo Clinic child psychologist, offers some tips for getting into a back-to-school routine. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Mayo Clinic Minute: Why diverse organ donors are needed. August is National Minority Donor Awareness Month. It's a time of celebrating organ donation and educating people about transplantation by encouraging donor registration and promoting healthy living. Dr. Shennen Mao, a Mayo Clinic transplant surgeon, says having a diverse pool of organ donors will help serve a growing wait list of those in need. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 07) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Mayo Clinic expert explains parvovirus B19, a common childhood infection. A bright red rash on the cheeks is a distinctive sign of parvovirus infection. Cases of human parvovirus B19, commonly known as Fifth disease, are on the rise, prompting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) this week to issue a health advisory. Parvovirus B19 is the cause of Fifth disease, a mild rash typically seen in children, although adults can contract the virus. Parvovirus B19 affects only humans. You can't contract it or transmit it…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Mayo Clinic Minute: Surprising sources of added sugar. Added sugar in foods not only adds extra calories, it also can have direct toxic effects, such as tooth decay and even a risk for heart disease. Minimizing the amount of added sugar in your diet is important. However, you may not even realize how much added sugar you consume. That's because some unsuspecting foods you may think are healthy contain added sugar. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Donald Hensrud, a Mayo Clinic physician…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Mayo Clinic Minute: What are brain metastases? Over one million people in the U.S. are living with brain tumors, and more than 90,000 new diagnoses are made each year. Dr. Rich Byrne, a Mayo Clinic neurosurgeon, explains how brain tumors are classified and what that means for treatment. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. There are dozens of types of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Mayo Clinic Minute: Can injectable weight-loss drugs improve heart health? Injectable weight-loss medications called semaglutides are helping people with obesity by reducing appetite. But could these drugs also be the next breakthrough in keeping your heart healthy? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Wegovy, a brand name of semaglutide, as a secondary prevention medication to reduce risk of serious heart problems. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 10) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Mayo pioneers population science to advance personalized medicine. In a bold move blending pioneering technology with medical science, Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine is forging a new frontier in healthcare with the launch of its population omics strategy. This advanced approach uses large-scale "omics" data to connect genomics, environmental factors and health outcomes. The population omics strategy studies a wide range of biological data from large cohorts — including DNA, proteins, metabolites and more — to uncover patterns associated with diseases. However,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . MEDIA ADVISORY: Mayo Clinic celebrates the topping-off of the new proton beam therapy facility. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic is set to celebrate the next phase of construction of its new proton beam therapy facility with a topping-off ceremony, which will place the final steel beam on top of the Andersen Building. The Andersen Building, located in downtown Rochester, was constructed to meet the increasing demand of patients seeking advanced cancer treatment. The building, expected to be open and treating patients in the second quarter of 2027, will have…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . ARPA-H lends award to project to develop precision surgical tools for cancer care. ROCHESTER, MN ‚àí The Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute (IHSI) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has been awarded an up to $33 million contract from the Advanced Research Funding Agency for Health (ARPA-H). Mayo Clinic and Illinois, through the Mayo Clinic & Illinois Alliance for Technology-Based Healthcare, will work to develop precision surgical tools to help surgeons perform procedures accurately, providing real-time assessments for surgical decision-making in cancer care. "Through this project, we aim to build…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . New graduate students poised to drive innovation. New Mayo Clinic Ph.D. students Alani Perkin, Jordan Parks, Shanon Rego and Chelsea Powell, M.D. Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences welcomed its latest class of Ph.D. candidates this month. The students — from across the country and around the world — are now beginning their training on Mayo Clinic's campuses in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota. The graduate school received a record 1,046 submissions last year for 45 spots in the school's eight graduate tracks….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Tomorrow's Cure: How to train medical professionals for tomorrow's cure. Healthcare is changing rapidly. Tomorrow's cure is already here today. How do top medical educational institutes prepare and equip the workforce for the fast-changing healthcare landscape? Learn more in a new episode of Tomorrow's Cure out now. This week's podcast episode features Dr. Fredric Meyer, executive dean of Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science and dean of Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, and Dr. James Stoller, professor and chairman of the Education Institute…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . 3D body volume scanner uses AI to help predict metabolic syndrome risk. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic researchers are using artificial intelligence (AI) with an advanced 3D body-volume scanner — originally developed for the clothing industry — to help doctors predict metabolic syndrome risk and severity. The combination of tools offers doctors a more precise alternative to other measures of disease risk like body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio, according to findings published in the European Heart Journal – Digital Health. Metabolic syndrome can lead to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Advancing AI in healthcare: Highlights from Mayo Clinic's 2024 AI Summit. Panelists discuss the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare at the AI Summit. Left to right: John Halamka, M.D.; Steven Hart, Ph.D.; Daniel Cabrera, M.D.; Eric Williamson, M.D.; and moderator Cui Tao, Ph.D. 2024 marks a pivotal year for advancing artificial intelligence (AI) solutions in healthcare, requiring multidisciplinary teamwork and scientific rigor to bring these innovations to patient care. These key takeaways emerged from Mayo Clinic's AI Summit, "Generative and Multimodal AI — Potentials…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Back pain basics and self-care tips. When it comes to back pain, there's good news and bad news. The good news is that back pain is rarely a sign of something serious and is often relatively short-lived. The bad news is that it's a common ailment for many adults. About 80% of adults experience pain in their back at some point in their lives. Nearly 90% of back pain cases are temporary, and people make a full functional recovery within 12…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Mayo Clinic Q and A: The risks of ticks: Staying safe in the great outdoors. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My kids and I love to go hiking when the weather is nice, but I've heard ticks are terrible this year. What are the risks? How can I keep us safe and still stay active outside? ANSWER: Warm weather entices you into the great outdoors. But while you're having fun golfing, camping, picnicking and hiking, ticks are looking for a ride — and a meal. Ticks live in woods, fields and grassy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Expert alert: Surgical approaches being studied to restore function after stroke. JACKSONVILLE, Florida — Stroke affects 15 million people worldwide every year, with most stroke-related surgery occurring during the patient's acute phase. An estimated half of those people will live with permanent or chronic disability. Researchers continue to study ways that may help patients regain function later, says Chris Fox M.D., a neurosurgeon at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. A stroke happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted. An ischemic stroke,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Mayo Clinic Health System's new hospital in La Crosse, Wisconsin, integrates innovative technologies and design to support the overall care experience for patients and staff. LA CROSSE, Wis. — Mayo Clinic leaders and community officials today celebrated the completion of a new Mayo Clinic Health System hospital in La Crosse, Wisconsin, which blends advanced technology with personalized care to bring an unparalleled experience to patients and equip staff with the tools to Cure more patients, Connect people with data to create new knowledge and scalable solutions and Transform community care. With patient comfort and safety as top priorities, the new…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-08-28) . Mayo Clinic Minute: Bone marrow transplants for autoimmune disorders. Bone marrow transplants are a common treatment for various blood disorders and many types of cancers. At Mayo Clinic, patients with autoimmune disorders, including Crohn's disease, scleroderma and multiple sclerosis, also may be eligible for an autologous bone marrow transplant (using cells from your own body) as a treatment option. Dr. Ernesto Ayala, a hematologist and oncologist at Mayo Clinic, explains the use of autologous bone marrow transplantation to help these patients who aren't responding well to standard care. Watch: The Mayo…

newleftreview (2024-08-28) . Tony Wood: Mexico in Flux. Against the rightward trend of the Old World, countries in Latin America continue to favour governments of the left. The resounding mandate for Claudia Sheinbaum in Mexico's presidential election confirms Morena's hegemony within the new party system. Where exactly on the political map should its project be placed?

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Intent of BJP in Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign. The deeper intent of BJP in Har Ghar Tiranga is merely for optics, bereft of the deeper commitment to the message inherent in this flag – sacrifice, peace and unity in diversity.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . AYUSH NEET UG 2024 Counselling Schedule released, Registration from Aug 28. The AYUSH Admissions Central Counseling Committee (AACCC) has published on its official website .in AYUSH NEET UG Counselling Schedule for the year 2024-25 (AYUSH NEET UG 2024 Counselling Date and Time).

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Cong calls 'inhumane and barbarism' demolition of homes in BJP ruled states. The Congress Party Saturday called "inhumane and barbarism" the demolitions of homes and properties of Muslims in the BJP ruled states.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . GATE 2025 Registration Starts on Aug 28. Online registration for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2025 (GATE 2025) will start from August 28, 2024, IIT Roorkee said in a statement.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Maharashtra NEET UG 2024 Merit List on Aug 26. The Maharashtra CET Cell has announced to publish on August 26, 2024 NEET UG 2024 Merit List for admission in MBBS, BDS, BUMS, BAMS, BHMS, and other medical and paramedical courses.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Rajasthan NEET UG 2024 Merit List Today. Rajasthan NEET UG Medical and Dental Admission/Counseling Board 2024 is set to publish on its official website NEET UG Merit List 2024 today i.e. Saturday August 24, 2024.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . France arrests Telegram founder – Reactions. In a mover described as West's double standard, French Police Saturday August 24, 2024 arrested Telegram Founder Pavel Durov for refusing to censor his popular social media platform.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Gujarat NEET UG 2024 Round 1 Choice Filling Starts. Admission Committee for Professional Undergraduate Medical Educational Courses (ACPUGMEC) Gujarat has asked candidates seeking admission in undergraduate medical courses MBBS and BDS to submit college options, choice and preferences for Gujarat NEET UG 2024 Counselling.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . UP NEET UG 2024 1st Merit List released, Choice filling till Aug 29. Directorate General of Medical Education and Training Uttar Pradesh (DGME UP) has released on its official website .in the list of candidates (UP NEET UG Merit List) who have registered for the First Round of Counselling conducted for admission in MBBS, BDS and other Medical Courses for the year 2024-25.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Elon Musk slams Pavel Durov's arrest, questions impunity to Mark Zuckerberg. US multi-billionaire and owner of X (formerly Twitter) slammed the arrest of Telegram Founder Pavel Durov in France at the same time questioning impunity granted to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . MHT CET 2024 FE Round 2 Allotment: How to Check. Maharashtra State CET Cell is set to publish today i.e. Monday August 26, 2024 on its official website Provisional Allotment of CAP Round-II (Round 2 allotment result) of candidates who have registered for admission in First Year Engineering (FE) B.E. and B.Tech four year courses for the year 2024-25.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Steps to Check: Maharashtra NEET UG 2024 Merit List Today. Maharashtra Common Entrance Test Cell (CET) is set to publish on its official website today i.e. Monday August 26, 2024 NEET UG 2024 Provisional Merit List of candidates who have registered for Admission in First Year Health Science Courses including MBBS and BDS.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . MHT CET Pharmacy 2024 Merit List Published. Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test (CET) Cell has published on August 25, 2024 on its official website ph2024.mahacet,org Provisional Merit List containing the names of the students who have registered for admission to First Year Undergraduate B Pharmacy and Postgraduate Pharm D courses for the year 2024-25.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Meet 4 Gaza Journalists nominated for 2024 Nobel Peace Prize. Four Palestinian Journalists, who reported from war-hit Gaza, have officially been nominated for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize, highlighting their courageous work in the face of adversity.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Non-Aligned Movement can still be pivotal for World Peace. If more countries decide eventually to opt for non-alignment, then the non-alignment movement can become stronger.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Outrage as Shivaji statue inaugurated by Modi collapsed. Angry reactions followed after a statue of Maratha Hero Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj installed at Rajkot Fort in Maharashtra's Sindhudurg district, collapsed Monday August 26, 2024.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Smart cards boosting Islamic banking software market growth. Smart cards issued by Islamic banks is driving Islamic banking software market growth, with a trend towards adoption of blockchain technology, according to Technavio.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Hindutva organizations ask Muslims to leave Upper Assam: AIUDF. The call for cleansing Muslims from Upper Assam has come to light where threats have been issued by some Hindutva organizations to the Muslims to leave the region or face the consequences.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . In global first, LG receives V2X 'Common Criteria' certification. LG Electronics' Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) solution has received the world's first Common Criteria (CC) certification for security stability in the V2X device category.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . NCERT proposes new evaluation model for 12th board exam. The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has proposed a new evaluation process, suggesting that students' performance in Classes 9, 10, and 11 should contribute to their Class 12 board results.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Pakistan Debt Crisis. A surprising part of the debt crisis of Pakistan is that it has been increasing despite Pakistan having enjoyed very good relations with the richest countries for very considerable periods of time.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Reflections on Hyderabad's 1948 Legacy: Past and Present. A recently held seminar in Hyderabad discussed at length how the region's turbulent past, especially the 1948 Hyderabad Police Action, continues to influence its present socio-political landscape.

UMMID (2024-08-28) . Strict cell phone policies improve student engagement, classroom behavior. Following implementation of strict cell phone policies, there is a significant improvement in student engagement, safety and classroom behaviour, a new study has found.

Staff (2024-08-28) . Colleges reopen amid nation-wide escalation of attack on free speech. Originally published: World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) on August 23, 2024 by Josh Andrews (more by World Socialist Web Site (WSWS)) (Posted Aug 26, 2024) University and college students are returning to campus amidst a fall offensive launched against free speech. The ruling class is determined to put students "in their place" after they have …

Abdullah Jallow (2024-08-28) . 13] O Faris Al-Hammadi! The time has arrived for your deceitful and absurd statements to be unveiled for all to see! [Pretending to be Victimised]. In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy. The Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: "If the people were to be given in accordance with their claim, men would claim the fortunes and lives of (other) people, but the onus of proof is upon the claimant, and …

Bheria (2024-08-28) . Afghanistan's Communist Rulers: A Study in Secular Radicalism. The emergence of state communism within societies that are commonly considered to be the most religiously observant is a particularly puzzling reality of the Muslim world's modern political history. I am referring, of course, to the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen and the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Both, while beginning roughly around the same time … (2024-08-28) . Imperial co-launches UK centre for tasty, affordable meat alternatives. Imperial has co-launched the National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre (NAPIC) to develop tasty, planet-friendly animal protein alternatives.

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_____ (2024-08-28) . Belarusian journalist Dzmitry Luksha released following presidential pardon.

_____ (2024-08-28) . Turkish court orders social media accounts blocked despite ruling that banned police 'virtual patrolling'.

_____ (2024-08-28) . Hong Kong denies work visa to Bloomberg reporter Haze Fan.

_____ (2024-08-28) . 2 media workers killed, 1 injured in drone strike in Iraqi Kurdistan.

_____ (2024-08-28) . Syrian journalist detained without explanation, held by Turkish intelligence.

Adriaan Alsema (2024-08-28) . Colombia's bankers agree to invest additional $13.6B in economic development. Colombia's banking sector agreed to invest $13.6 billion in sectors that are expected to grow the economy, President Gustavo Petro said Tuesday. The agreement came after a series of meetings…

Andrea GIORGETTA (2024-08-28) . Laos: Government fails in follow-up review of key civil and political rights. The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Lao Movement for Human Rights (LMHR) welcome the assessment by the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Committee (CCPR), which gave the Lao government low grades concerning the implementation of the committee's recommendations on enforced disappearances and participation in public affairs and the right to vote. Paris, 15 August 2024. On 6 August 2024, the CCPR released its report on the follow-up to the Concluding Observations it (…) | – |

Charles Rotter (2024-08-28) . Jane Goodall on the Futile Climate Crusade. But taken together, the problems of wind, solar, and batteries are substantial and call for a mid-course correction from look-the-other-way, mention-and-run, wish-and-hope Big Green. Jane Goodall, just as James Hansen, the father of the climate alarm, recently provided just this.

Cris Barrish (2024-08-28) . Disciplinary fallout continues from bogus degree of Delaware school therapist charged with child rape. From Philly and the Pa. suburbs to South Jersey and Delaware, what would you like WHYY News to cover? The revelation that former Delaware elementary school therapist John Arnold, This month, the state Department of Education meted out unspecified discipline against one unidentified Licensure & Certification office…

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Eileen Kinch (2024-08-28) . A behind-the-scenes look at the Anabaptism at 500 project. Amy Gingerich, executive director of MennoMedia, passed through Pennsylvania on August 6 and made a stop at Zion Mennonite Church, Souderton, Pa., to talk about the Anabaptism at 500 project, which celebrates the 500th anniversary of Anabaptism. Mennonite Church USA Chief Communication Officer Cami Dager attended the gathering. The Anabaptism at 500 project began in …

Guest Blogger (2024-08-28) . Yet More Reasons Why Green Hydrogen Is Going Nowhere. The gist of the paper is that the existing natural gas infrastructure of storage facilities, pipelines and power plants absolutely cannot be repurposed for use by hydrogen; and indeed, there does not exist any practical way to transport and combust hydrogen safely on a large scale.

Guest Blogger (2024-08-28) . Party Over for Alarmists as Sea Temperatures Plunge Around the World. Surface ocean temperatures are plunging rapidly around the world with scientists reported to be puzzled at the speed of the recent decline. Less puzzlement was to be found when the oceans were 'boiling' during the last two years.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-08-28) . COP29: Call to stop hosting Conference of Parties (COP) annual climate summits in authoritarian countries.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-08-28) . DRC: Disillusion and concern for human rights defenders and civil society.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-08-28) . India: Release Kashmiri human rights defender Khurram Parvez, arbitrarily detained for 1,000 days.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-08-28) . Greece: Continued judicial harassment of migrants' rights defender Panayote Dimitras. The recent summons by the Athens Magistrate marks a new development in Mr Dimitras' long history of judicial harassment, this time also prospecting the criminal prosecution of his wife, constituting a major violation of their right to defend human rights as well as of the recently adopted European Union (EU) anti-SLAPP Directive. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (FIDH-OMCT) urges the Greek authorities to put an immediate end to this practice of harassment and to (…) | – |

Human Rights Watch (2024-08-28) . Cambodia: Arrests Target Critics of Regional Development Zone. (Bangkok) — Cambodian authorities have arbitrarily arrested at least 94 people since late July 2024 for publicly criticizing the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Area (CLV), Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International said today. At least 59 of those arrested, which include environmental, human rights, and other activists, as well as several children, remain unlawfully detained and charged for peacefully expressing their views. The authorities should immediately drop all charges for which no internationally recognized charge is brought. The CLV is a development plan among the governments of Cambo…

Human Rights Watch (2024-08-28) . Mexico: Flawed Inquiry on Soldiers' Alleged Killing of Child. Click to expand Image | An undated photograph of Heidi Pérez. | © Cristina Pérez | (Mexico City) — The Mexican Attorney General's Office has failed to properly investigate allegations that soldiers shot and killed a 4-year-old girl in August 2022, Human Rights Watch said in a report, including visual evidence, published today.The report, "Who Killed Heidi Pérez?" details the serious omissions and errors committed by prosecutors leading the investigation. The Attorney General's Office failed to take basic steps to corroborate the military's version of events, despite irregularities in the evidence pr… (2024-08-28) . Study finds limits to storing CO2 underground to combat climate change. Imperial research has found limits to how quickly we can scale up technology to store gigatonnes of carbon dioxide under the Earth's surface. (2024-08-28) . Food allergy doubles in the UK over last decade but many still without treatment. The number of people with food allergy in the UK has more than doubled since 2008, with the largest increase seen in young children. (2024-08-28) . PRESTIGE-AF Escape Room returns to STEM Futures. This August, the PRESTIGE-AF Escape Room was invited to take part in STEM Futures for the second year running. (2024-08-28) . Three Imperial researchers have won prestigious Royal Society awards. Experts in arthritis treatments, particle physics experiments and materials science have been recognised for excellence in their fields.

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Josiah Mortimer (2024-08-28) . Stark Figures Reveal How Many Londoners were Turned Away Due to Voter ID in General Election. Nearly one in four voters who were turned away from polling stations in London due to issues with photo ID did not return to cast their vote in July's General Election, new figures reveal. | The data, obtained by Labour London Assembly chair Len Duvall AM, show that out of 5,495 voters who were initially turned away across 29 London boroughs, 1,521 did not come back later in the day. This means they were effectively denied a vote. | These figures do not account for those who did not even attempt to turn up and vote because they lacked the necessary identification. | The General Election took place just two mon…

Juliette Rousselot (2024-08-28) . Need for an urgent rethink of international response to the human rights crisis in Afghanistan.

Maxime Duriez (2024-08-28) . Egypt: Human rights organisations condemn the targeting of ElMaraya for culture and arts and call for the protection of cultural institutions. The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is co-signing a call to the Egyptian authorities to end their harassement and repression of independent cultural organisations in Egypt. The political regime's continued use of security services, police crackdowns, arrests and prison sentencing to intimidate artists and cultural workers must stop. 13 August 2024. The signatories of this statement condemn the Egyptian security forces' raid on the headquarters of ElMaraya for Culture and (…) | – | /…

newleftreview (2024-08-28) . Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

newleftreview (2024-08-28) . Grey Anderson: Imperium Uncloaked. Grey Anderson on Tom Stevenson, Someone Else's Empire. Lucid anatomization of the American imperium, with a devastating assessment of the UK's equerry role.

newleftreview (2024-08-28) . Owen Hatherley: Labourism: In and Against? Owen Hatherley on Andy Beckett, The Searchers. Interlinked portraits of the Labour Party's Bennite bloc, from 1968 to the Corbyn leadership.

newleftreview (2024-08-28) . Radhika Desai: Peak Hindutva? As Modi's BJP loses its overall majority, Radhika Desai examines the part played by India's capitalist conglomerates in his rise—and the contradictions on which their strategy has foundered. The economic crisis of the parched countryside as brake on Hindutva's forward march.

newleftreview (2024-08-28) . Rebecca Lossin: The Multiple Gaze. Resisting the erasure of working-class life in the American rust belt, the critical photography of LaToya Ruby Frazier combines intimate portraiture with representations of capital's flight. Rebecca Lossin reflects on MoMA's recent retrospective of her work—and on the cultural politics of documentary image-making in an age saturated with the visual.

newleftreview (2024-08-28) . Sanjay Subrahmanyam: Blood and Bombast. Sanjay Subrahmanyam on Vinayak Chaturvedi, Hindutva and Violence and Janaki Bakhle, Savarkar and the Making of Hindutva. Intellectual biographies of Hindu nationalism's Mazzini-inspired theoretician.

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Peter Crimmins (2024-08-28) . A museum of formerly incarcerated people opens in Germantown. From Philly and the Pa. suburbs to South Jersey and Delaware, what would you like WHYY News to cover? Since being released from prison more than two decades ago for crimes related to drug addiction, Rev. Michelle Simmons has turned her formidable energies into helping other formerly incarcerated women transition back into society. | She founded Now art and artifacts from th…

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Sophia Schmidt (2024-08-28) . 'We can learn from them': Transit professionals to gather in Philly for green bus conference. This story is part of the From the Poconos to the Jersey Shore to the mouth of the Delaware Bay, what do you want to know about climate change? What would you like us to cover? | Transit professionals from all over the country are in Philadelphia this week for a conference about lowering their planet-warming emissions. | SEPTA is hosting this year's

Staff (2024-08-28) . Greece ‚Äï the country that lets people escape justice. Cover-ups, botched investigations and a general feeling of impunity set alarm bells ringing. By Nektaria Stamouli August 26, 2024 ATHENS ‚Äï In the country famous for inventing democracy, there's a sense it is fraying. Greece has experienced a series of scandals that, while all very different, add up to a feeling that justice is crumbling …

Staff (2024-08-28) . 'Hopeless and broken': why the world's top climate scientists are in despair. Exclusive: Survey of hundreds of experts reveals harrowing picture of future, but they warn climate fight must not be abandoned By Damian Carrington Environment editor 8 May 2024 "Sometimes it is almost impossible not to feel hopeless and broken," says the climate scientist Ruth Cerezo-Mota. "After all the flooding, fires, and droughts of the last …

Staff (2024-08-28) . The future of China, the danger of a collapse of human civilization and the need of a "5th International" By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) Shortly before his death, in a series of writings, Samir Amin unfolded the two issues that were mainly of concern to him. The first was the non-subjection of China to financial globalization, that is, to the totalitarian power of world financial capital; also the non transformation of the Chinese land into …

Susan Phillips (2024-08-28) . Climate Fixers: Less than 1% of clothing gets recycled. This University of Delaware researcher has a plan to fix that. This story is part of the From the Poconos to the Jersey Shore to the mouth of the Delaware Bay, what do you want to know about climate change? What would you like us to cover? | At a chemistry lab at the University of Delaware in Newark, chemical engineering PhD candidate Erha Andini is carefully snipping off pieces of my shirt and shoving the slivers into a test tube. | The problem with my shirt, like a lot of clothing these days,…

The Onion Staff (2024-08-28) . SATIRE: Catty Study Finds Majority Of Americans Must Lack Access To Reliable Mirrors. WASHINGTON—Publishing their work in the peer-reviewed journal Passive-Aggression, Georgetown University researchers released a catty new study Wednesday that found the majority of Americans must lack access to reliable mirrors. "After analyzing thousands of data points, from their tragic haircuts to their questionable tastes in footwear, we determined there are millions of people across the country who …

The Onion Staff (2024-08-28) . SATIRE: Goth Hate-Watches Sunrise.

The Onion Staff (2024-08-28) . SATIRE: Woman Wastes Free Monthly Article On Story About High School Golf Team. NORWOOD, OH—Kicking herself as the words "1 free article(s) remaining" hovered at the bottom of her screen, local woman Margaret Cross stated Wednesday that she had wasted a free monthly article on a story about a high school golf team. "I just got pulled in because I know my cousin's kid plays for St. …

Tim Huber (2024-08-28) . Mucking about with MDS in Vermont. Mennonite Disaster Service has been responding to a repeat flood disaster in and around Barre, Vt., where volunteers have mucked out or repaired more than 50 homes. (2024-08-28) . Iran's Ex-Minister Appointed as Deputy Chief of Staff. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The former defense minister of Iran was appointed as the deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces. (2024-08-28) . Iran, Turkmenistan Sign Deals in Tehran. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran and Turkmenistan signed a number of cooperation agreements on Wednesday during a visit to Tehran by the Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow.

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teleSUR, JDO, MER, JGN, JCM, SH (2024-08-28) . Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. En varios países continúan realizándose actividades para expresar apoyo al pueblo palestino y condenar el genocidio que comete Israel.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-08-28) . Israel inició masivo asalto contra Cisjordania, 11 palestinos muertos. La Habana, 28 ago (RHC) Las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel (FDI) iniciaron hoy la mayor operación militar en la ocupada Cisjordania en los últimos años, que causó en apenas unas horas la muerte de 11 palestinos y numerosos heridos.

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Staff (2024-08-28) . Mundial Sub 20 de Atletismo: Cuba abre con el décimo puesto de Emanuel Ramírez en impulsión de la bala. El décimo lugar del balista Emanuel Ramírez y el avance a la final de los triplistas Gian Carlos Baxter y Anthony Martínez representó lo mejor para Cuba en la primera fecha del Campeonato Mundial de Atletismo para menores de 20 años, un torneo que acoge la ciudad peruana de Lima hasta el próximo 31 de agosto.

Staff (2024-08-28) . Equipo cubano infantil noquea a Estados Unidos y avanza a final de Panamericano de Béisbol. El equipo cubano, categoría sub-12 años, derrotó hoy al de Estados Unidos 11×1 (nocao en cinco entradas) y discutirá este jueves el título del XII Torneo Panamericano de Béisbol Infantil, que se juega en República Dominicana. Los pupilos que dirige el granmense Vladimir Vargas contaron con buen pitcheo del bayamés Rainer Delgado.

Staff (2024-08-28) . Venezuela celebra el primer mes de la victoria electoral de Nicolás Maduro. Organizaciones y movimientos sociales venezolanas han convocado a una gran marcha este miércoles en apoyo al presidente Nicolás Maduro y para celebrar que se cumple un mes de la victoria electoral en los comicios del pasado 28 de julio. El pueblo venezolano recordará una vez más su voto por el mandatario Nicolás Maduro y la sentencia firme de la Sala Electoral del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia.

Michael Nevradakis (2024-08-28) . Mesmo quando se trata de crianàßas, o governo alemà£o ignorou seus próprios cientistas para impor vacinas COVID rigorosas e mandatos de máscaras. A resposta da Alemanha à pandemia de COVID-19 foi baseada em objetivos políticos, e o governo implementou contramedidas que muitas vezes contradiziam evidências científicas e a opinià£o dos próprios cientistas do governo, de acordo com documentos vazados por um ex-funcionário …

teleSUR, JGN (2024-08-28) . Comunidad internacional saluda victoria de Sheinbaum en México. Xiomara Castro dijo que acordó con Sheinbaum "trabajar juntas por la unidad de Latinoamérica y el Caribe".

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-08-28) . Ataque ucraniano deja tres heridos en Bélgorod, Rusia. Hace solo dos días esta región rusa registró otro ataque que cobró la vida del subjefe del municipio de Korochanski.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-08-28) . Docentes universitarios realizan paro nacional en Argentina. Si no encuentran una respuesta satisfactoria, los manifestantes han declarado que existen posibilidades de que la semana próxima vayan nuevamente al paro.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-08-28) . Eleva a 22 el número de muertos por inundaciones en Sudáfrica. Las graves inundaciones han afectado casas que han sido arrasadas por las aguas del temporal, así como carreteras anegadas y árboles arrancados de raíz.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-08-28) . Líder mapuche Héctor Llaitul inicia huelga de hambre en prisión. A través de un comunicado, Llaitul exigió la nulidad del juicio y que los recursos presentados hace unas semanas sean revisados por la Corte Suprema.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-08-28) . Encuesta: 88,2 % de peruanos desaprueban desempeño de Dina Boluarte. El informe refleja que un 81,2 por ciento considera que Boluarte debería dejar "cuanto antes" su cargo.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-08-28) . EE.UU. anuncia que limita las solicitudes de asilo en la frontera. Su entrada en vigor se producirá cuando el número de cruces en la frontera supere los 2.500 diarios durante una semana.

teleSUR, MER (2024-08-28) . Presidente Maduro alerta sobre violencia de la extrema derecha. El mandatario le expresó al pueblo venezolano que es necesario cuidar la paz.

teleSUR, MS (2024-08-28) . Gobierno colombiano y la Segunda Marquetalia inician diálogos de paz. Las partes firmantes, representadas por el consejero comisionado de paz de Colombia, Otty Patiño, e Iván Márquez, exnegociador de los diálogos que condujeron al acuerdo de paz de 2016 de las disidencias de las FARC.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-08-28) . López Obrador asegura que continuará investigación del caso Ayotzinapa. El presidente destacó que "bajo ninguna circunstancia se va a cerrar el caso".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-08-28) . Unesco advierte sobre deterioro acelerado de los océanos desde 2003. La directora del ente, Audrey Azoulay, manifestó que factores como "temperatura, acidificación, nivel del mar: están sonando todas las alarmas".

teleSUR, YSM (2024-08-28) . Trabajadores de telecomunicaciones rechazan ley de medios en Uruguay. Los Diputados acordaron que el documento será nuevamente analizado después del 30 de junio.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-08-28) . Venezuela denuncia campaña mediática internacional para desconocer procesos electorales. Jorge Rodríguez advirtió a la ultraderecha que no se permitirá la vulneración de la paz venezolana.

Maria Calvo (2024-08-28) . Los peruanos buscan justicia. Los peruanos todavía aguardan porque se haga justicia, casi dos años después de que 49 ciudadanos murieran y más de mil resultaran lesionados en las multitudinarias protestas que tuvieron lugar en el país, y que fueron violentamente reprimidas por el ejército y la policía.

Maria Calvo (2024-08-28) . Presidente cubano celebra victoria de boxeadores en noche histórica. La Habana, 28 ago (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, envió hoy felicitaciones, a través de su cuenta en X, a los boxeadores de la isla que dominaron todos los combates, durante la Noche de Campeones de la Asociación Internacional de Boxeo (IBA).

María Candela (2024-08-28) . Sin pruebas, prensa en EE.UU. habla de intervención de Cuba en La Florida. Aunque nada novedosa, provoca rotundo rechazo la imputación de artículos periodísticos en Estados Unidos acerca de lo que llaman esfuerzos de Cuba para influir en las campañas electorales del estado de Florida.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-08-28) . Celebra Teatro de las Estaciones de Matanzas 30 años de fundado (+Fotos). La Habana, 28 ago (RHC) En el Teatro del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, en La Habana, fue homenajeado Teatro de las Estaciones una agrupación matancera que el pasado 12 de agosto llegó a los 30 años de vida.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-08-28) . Caso Franco: diputados brasileños por invalidar a legislador. La Habana, 28 ago (RHC) El Consejo de Ética de la Cámara de Diputados de Brasil analizará hoy el informe que puede llevar a la casación del diputado Chiquinho Brazà£o, uno de los supuestos mandantes del asesinato de la concejala Marielle Franco.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-08-28) . Cuba prepara curso escolar de calidad pese a situación económica. La Habana, 28 ago (RHC) Pese al complejo escenario económico que atraviesa Cuba, el país no renuncia a garantizar la calidad del curso escolar 2024-2025, a iniciarse el 2 de septiembre próximo.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-08-28) . Cuba vendió cara la derrota en Mundial Sub-17 de Voleibol. La Habana, 28 ago (JIT).- La selección de Cuba vendió cara la derrota ante la de España, que requirió de cinco parciales para reclamar espacio en los cuartos de final del I Campeonato Mundial Masculino Sub-17 de Voleibol 2024, con sede en Sofía, Bulgaria hasta el día 31.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-08-28) . Omara Durand, uno de los atractivos de la paralimpiada, según directivo. París, 28 ago (PL).- La cubana Omara Durand será uno de los grandes atractivos de los Juegos Paralímpicos que acogerán próximamente esta ciudad.

Staff (2024-08-28) . CTE Antonio Guiteras sale del SEN por fallo en sistema de turbina. La Central Termoeléctrica (CTE) Antonio Guiteras, mayor y más eficiente bloque unitario en Cuba, salió del sistema electroenergético nacional (SEN) la madrugada última por problemas asociados a los sistemas auxiliares en el área de turbina y prevé su regreso en un período estimado de 24 horas. El fallo se produjo específicamente en el sistema de regulación del aceite en turbina.

Staff (2024-08-28) . Mal segundo día para Cuba en el Mundial Juvenil de Atletismo. Cuba vivió una discreta segunda jornada en el Campeonato Mundial de Atletismo para menores de 20 años, tras la eliminación de la cuatrocentista Camila Rodríguez y la triplista Ariday Girón, sus dos únicas representantes en la fecha. Para la jornada de este jueves Cuba centrará su atención en la final del triple salto varonil.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-08-28) . Narendra Modi celebra su victoria en las elecciones generales. Narendra Modi necesitará el apoyo de otros partidos para gobernar, algo inédito en sus anteriores mandatos.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-08-28) . Militares franceses en Ucrania serán blanco legítimo para tropas rusas. Canciller Lavrov se reúne con su homólogo congoleño en Oyo, tras comenzar este lunes una gira por África para reforzar los vínculos de Rusia en el continente.

teleSUR, MER (2024-08-28) . Presidente Maduro conversa con mandataria electa de México. Ambas autoridades ratificaron los lazos de hermandad entre México y Venezuela, así como su disposición en fortalecer la Celac.

Maria Calvo (2024-08-28) . Djibouti denunció bloqueo económico de Estados Unidos contra Cuba. Djibouti, 28 ago (RHC) El secretario general de la Presidencia de Djibouti, Mohamed Abdillahi Wais, denunció hoy la política de bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero aplicada por Estados Unidos contra Cuba y su inclusión en la lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo.

Maria Calvo (2024-08-28) . Canciller de Cuba envía felicitación a su par venezolano. La Habana, 28 ago (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, felicitó hoy a su homólogo venezolano, Yvan Gil, por su ratificación como canciller de la nación bolivariana.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-08-28) . Confirman en Francia apuesta por destitución de Macron. La Habana, 28 ago (RHC) La Francia Insumisa (LFI) ratificó hoy su intención de presentar una moción de destitución contra el presidente Emmanuel Macron, un proceso complejo al amparo de la Constitución.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-08-28) . Debaten en Chile sobre legado de Fidel Castro a la juventud. La Habana, 28 ago (RHC) Convocado por las Juventudes Comunistas de Chile y el Movimiento de Solidaridad con Cuba, tuvo lugar en la capital chilena un conversatorio sobre la vigencia hoy del pensamiento de Fidel Castro, en el contexto del 98 aniversario de su natalicio.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-08-28) . Comité Paralímpico Internacional confía en éxito de Juegos de París. París, 28 ago (PL).- El presidente del Comité Paralímpico Internacional (IPC), el brasileño Andrew Parsons, reiteró su total confianza en el éxito de las Paralimpiadas de París, cuya ceremonia de inauguración dejará mañana una huella en la ciudad.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-08-28) . Mijaín López, único de su estirpe en la lucha greco. Moscú, 28 ago (PL).- El multicampeón olímpico en lucha grecorromana de Cuba, Mijaín López, nunca vio como una posibilidad perder su quinta medalla de oro en los pasados Juegos de París 2024.

Staff (2024-08-28) . Accidente de tránsito en Palma Soriano deja varios lesionados (+ Fotos). En horas tempranas de la mañana de este 28 de agosto ocurrió un accidente masivo en el tramo de la carretera central entre Irijoa y Arroyo Blanco municipio Palma Soriano. El àìmnibus Transtur perdió el control del vehículo impactando con un camión de asistencia a grupos electrógenos y posteriormente de forma parcial con una vivienda de la localidad.

Staff (2024-08-28) . Estabilidad clínica de los lesionados tras accidente en Fábrica de Cemento de Cienfuegos. Transcurridas las primeras horas posteriores al accidente ocurrido en la Fábrica de Cementos Cienfuegos SA los lesionados mantienen una estabilidad clínica, de acuerdo con el reporte médico. En la Unidad de Quemados del Hospital General Universitario Doctor Gustavo Aldereguía Lima, se les brindan los cuidados necesarios para una favorable evolución y recuperación.

Staff (2024-08-28) . Omara Durand y Robiel Yankiel encabezan la delegación cubana en Juegos Paralímpicos de París. En una ceremonia repleta de emoción y simbolismo, los campeones paralímpicos Omara Durand y Robiel Yankiel Sol portaron la bandera cubana durante la inauguración de los Juegos Paralímpicos de París 2024.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-08-28) . Venezuela y China muestran sintonía en agenda bilateral. La visita es una invitación del ministro chino de Relaciones Exteriores, Wang Yi, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China.

teleSUR, MS (2024-08-28) . Inundación de una mina de carbón en China deja tres muertos. La tragedia tuvo lugar el pasado sábado alrededor de las 17H00, cuando diez trabajadores se encontraban en la zona afectada. Dos lograron escapar por sus propios medios, dejando a ocho atrapados.

teleSUR, odr, SH (2024-08-28) . Autoridades dominicanas colocan a 25 provincias en alerta verde. El COE aumenta 14 provincias y al Distrito Nacional en alerta amarilla debido a una masa de aire húmeda dejada por una onda tropical en el país caribeño.

Maria Calvo (2024-08-28) . Agrupación cubana Vocal Sampling en festival en Moscú. Moscú, 28 ago (RHC) La agrupación musical cubana Vocal Sampling ha tenido una grata acogida por el público moscovita, en sus interpretaciones en el Festival Internacional de Canto Moscow A Cappella.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-08-28) . Agradece Cuba apoyo de Sri Lanka sobre bloqueo de Estados Unidos. La Habana, 28 ago (RHC) El embajador Andrés González agradeció el respaldo de Sri Lanka cada año en la votación de Naciones Unidas contra el bloqueo económico, financiero y comercial de Estados Unidos contra Cuba, divulgó hoy una fuente oficial.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-08-28) . Boxeo cubano arrasa en cartel profesional en Noche de Campeones. La Habana, 28 ago (RHC).- El bicampeón olímpico Julio César La Cruz cerró una jornada perfecta para el boxeo cubano en cartel profesional de seis peleas celebrado en La Habana, en la Noche de Campeones auspiciada por la Asociación Internacional de Boxeo (IBA).

dental therapy personal statement ucas

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-08-28) . Palestina: Cine para la infancia de los campamentos en Gaza °Colabora! Palestina: Cine para la infancia de los campamentos en Gaza | informe y convocatoria a la solidaridad sin fronteras! Difunde y colabora!

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-08-28) . Venezuela acogerá la Serie del Caribe en el año 2026. La lista de sedes por año quedaría de la siguiente forma: Mexicali 2025, Venezuela 2026, Hermosillo 2027, República Dominicana 2028 y Puerto Rico 2029.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-08-28) . Irán inicia etapa de calificación de candidatos a elecciones. Tras el proceso de investigación, el Ministerio del Interior anunciará los candidatos finales el 11 de junio, y los calificados tendrán 15 días, del 12 al 26 de junio, para llevar a cabo sus campañas electorales.

Maria Calvo (2024-08-28) . Autoridades cubana envían condolencias tras accidente en fábrica de cemento en Cienfuegos. La Habana, 28 ago (RHC) Autoridades de Cuba enviaron hoy mensajes de condolencias a los familiares, amigos y conocidos del trabajador Raymundo Narciso Sarría, víctima de un accidente en la Fábrica de Cemento de la provincia Cienfuegos (centro sur).

teleSUR, JCM (2024-08-28) . ONU condena más de 500 asesinatos de palestinos en Cisjordania. Más de 500 palestinos han muerto desde el 7 de octubre en actos de violencia en la ocupada Cisjordania vinculados al asedio del Ejército israelí de ocupación en Gaza.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-08-28) . Presidente de Siria recibe a canciller de Irán. Ambos políticos debatieron sobre el estado de las relaciones bilaterales, así como el avance de la agresión de Israel en la Franja de Gaza.

Staff (2024-08-28) . teleSUR anuncia el concurso "Sur Influyente" El concurso invita a jóvenes, mayores de edad, creadores de contenidos a elaborar piezas audiovisuales de máximo 60 segundos en formato vertical (9: 16).

Juan M. Garcia (2024-08-27) . Dominican Gov't to promote advertising campaign against violence. Santo Domingo, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) The Dominican Minister of the Interior and Police, Faride Raful, announced the beginning of an advertising campaign to promote a culture of peace and confront violence nationwide, mainly caused by social conflicts.

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