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Eugen Goldstein

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Eugen Goldstein (born Sept. 5, 1850, Gleiwitz , Prussia—died Dec. 25, 1930, Berlin) was a German physicist known for his work on electrical phenomena in gases and on cathode rays; he is also credited with discovering canal rays.

Goldstein studied at the University of Breslau (now in Wrocław, Pol.), where he received his doctorate in 1881. His career was spent at the Potsdam Observatory. He was primarily interested in electrical discharges in moderate to high vacuums. In 1886 he discovered what he termed Kanalstrahlen, or canal rays, also called positive rays; these are positively charged ions that are accelerated toward and through a perforated cathode in an evacuated tube. He also contributed greatly to the study of cathode rays; in 1876 he showed that these rays could cast sharp shadows, and that they were emitted perpendicular to the cathode surface. This discovery led to the design of concave cathodes to produce concentrated or focused rays, which became fundamental to numerous experiments.

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Structure of Atom – Discovery of Electron, Proton, Neutron

Structure of atom; understand the structure of atom, their subatomic particles, energy levels, and chemical behavior through various theories and experiments.

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February 9, 2024

Structure of Atom

Table of Contents

Structure of Atom : The Structure of Atom is a fundamental concept in chemistry. It includes the arrangement of subatomic particles within an atom. At its core lies the nucleus, made up of protons (positively charged) and neutrons (neutral). Electrons, negatively charged particles, orbit around the nucleus.

Democritus, an ancient philosopher, first proposed the idea that matter consists of indivisible atoms. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, scientists discovered subatomic particles, leading to the development of modern atomic models. Understanding atomic structure is crucial for explaining chemical properties and reactions.

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discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

Structure of Atom -Discovery of Electron (Cathode Rays)

During the late 19th century, scientists were investigating cathode rays, which were mysterious streams of particles emitted from cathodes (negatively charged electrodes) in vacuum tubes. They sought to understand the nature of these rays and their role in the matter.

In 1897, J.J. Thomson, an English physicist, designed a glass tube that was partially evacuated (all air removed). He applied a high electric voltage across the tube between two electrodes: the cathode (negative) and the anode (positive). Thomson observed a particle stream (ray) emerging from the cathode and moving toward the anode.

This ray, known as the cathode ray, exhibited unique properties. Thomson discovered that the mass of these particles was much lighter than hydrogen, the lightest element. These subatomic particles came to be known as electrons.

Thomson’s groundbreaking work laid the foundation for our understanding of the atomic structure and the existence of negatively charged particles within atoms. The discovery of electrons revolutionized physics and paved the way for further advancements in particle physics and quantum mechanics

Properties of Cathode Rays

  • Origin of Cathode Rays: Cathode rays are streams of electrons emitted from the cathode (negative electrode) in a vacuum tube when it is subjected to high voltage.
  • J.J. Thomson’s discover the electron in his experiments with cathode rays

Nature of Cathode Rays

  • Cathode rays create shadows and move in straight directions..
  • They can be deflected by electric and magnetic fields, indicating their charge (negative).
  • They possess kinetic energy and momentum.

Velocity and Energy

  • Cathode rays move at high speeds, typically around 1/10th the speed of light.
  • Their energy depends on the accelerating voltage applied to the cathode.


  • Cathode rays consist of electrons (negatively charged particles).
  • These electrons are fundamental constituents of matter.

Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

  • When cathode rays strike a fluorescent screen, they cause it to emit visible light.
  • This property helped in the development of cathode ray tubes (CRTs) for television and monitors.

Heat Production

  • Cathode rays can heat materials upon impact due to their kinetic energy.
  • This phenomenon is utilized in electron microscopes and X-ray tubes.

discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

Charge to Mass Ratio of Electron

The charge-to-mass ratio of an electron, denoted as e/m, is approximately 1.76 × 10^11 C/kg. This ratio represents the relationship between the charge of an electron (e) and its mass (m). J.J. Thomson’s experiments with cathode rays led to this groundbreaking discovery, revolutionizing our understanding of atomic structure and subatomic particles.

Apparatus to detect the charge to the mass ratio of electron

Charge on The Electron

An electron is a subatomic particle with an elementary charge of magnitude -1.602 × 10^-19 coulomb. It has a mass of approximately 1/1837 that of a proton. Discovered by J.J. Thomson in 1897, electrons orbit the nucleus in atomic orbitals.

discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

Structure of Atom – Discovery of Protons (Anode Rays)

Protons are positively charged fundamental subatomic particles found in the nucleus of atoms. In 1886, German physicist Eugen Goldstein conducted the Canal Ray Experiment using a modified cathode ray tube. In this experiment, he observed positively charged rays known as canal rays or anode rays.

These rays originated from the anode (the positive electrode) and traveled in straight lines. The charge on these particles depended on the number of electrons lost by atoms. Protons play a crucial role in forming the nucleus of an atom and were first described by Ernest Rutherford in 1920.

discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

Properties of Anode Rays

Straight Trajectory : Anode rays travel in a straight line.

Positive Charge : They carry a positive charge and are deflected toward the negative plate.

Origin : These rays originate from the anode.

Particle Charge : The charge on anode ray particles depends on the number of electrons lost by atoms

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Structure of Atom – Discovery of Neutrons

The discovery of neutrons is credited to the British physicist James Chadwick in 1932. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for this groundbreaking discovery in 1935. Before this, scientists assumed that atoms consisted only of protons and electrons. 

Chadwick’s work revealed the existence of uncharged neutrons, fundamentally shaping our understanding of atomic structure.

Thomson Model of Atom 

It was proposed by J.J. Thomson in 1904, this model (also known as the Plum Pudding Model) suggested that atoms consist of a positively charged sphere with negatively charged electrons embedded within it. However, it failed to explain the stability of an atom and the position of the nucleus.

discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)


Radioactivity is the property of certain matter to spontaneously emit energy and subatomic particles. Unstable atomic nuclei undergo decay, emitting particles or electromagnetic energy. It’s expressed in terms of half-life, ranging from extremely long to incredibly short timescales.

Rutherford’s Alpha Particle Experiment

Ernest Rutherford exposed a thin piece of gold foil to an alpha particle bombardment in 1911. His observations contradicted Thomson’s model: most of the atom is space, positive charge isn’t uniformly distributed, and the nucleus is a tiny, dense region. Rutherford postulated that electrons travel in a circular orbit around the nucleus. 

discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

Rutherford’s Observations

  • Most of the α-particles (nearly 99%) passed through the gold foil undeflected.
  • A portion of the α-particles experienced slight angle deflection.
  • Very few α -particles (1 in 20000) were either deflected by very large angles or were reflected along their path.

discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

Drawbacks of the Rutherford Model

Electron Stabilit y – According to Rutherford, electrons revolve around the nucleus in circular paths. However, this motion would cause acceleration and energy radiation, leading to electron energy loss and instability.

Lack of Explanation – The model failed to explain the stable arrangement of electrons around the nucleus

Atomic Number 

A crucial characteristic of an atom is its atomic number (Z). It shows how many protons there are in an atom’s nucleus. Each chemical element has a unique atomic number, which determines its position in the periodic table. For example, hydrogen (H) has an atomic number of 1, indicating one proton in its nucleus.

Mass Number

The total number of nucleons in an atom can be determined using the mass number (A).It represents the total of all the protons and neutrons that are found in the nucleus. Unlike the atomic number, which is specific to each element, the mass number can vary within the same element due to the existence of isotopes. For example, carbon-12 (12C) has a mass number of 12, indicating 6 protons and 6 neutrons.

Isotopes are variants of an element with the same atomic number (same number of protons) but different numbers of neutrons. These variations occur naturally and result in atoms with slightly different masses.

Isotopes exhibit identical chemical behavior due to their shared number of protons, but their nuclear composition differs. For example, carbon-14 (14C) has 6 protons like carbon-12 (12C), but it contains 8 neutrons.

Isobars are atoms of different chemical elements that share the same mass number (total nucleon count) but have distinct atomic numbers. In other words, their total number of protons and neutrons is identical.

For example, argon-40 (40Ar), potassium-40 (40K), and calcium-40 (40Ca) are isobars, all having a mass number of 40 but different atomic numbers. 

Isotones are nuclides (nuclei or atoms) that share the same number of neutrons (N) but have different numbers of protons (Z). Unlike isotopes, which have the same atomic number, isotones focus on neutron count. For example, sulfur-36 (36S), chlorine-37 (37Cl), and potassium-39 (39K) are isotones. They all contain 20 neutrons but vary in their atomic numbers.

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Maxwell Wave Theory

Maxwell’s Electromagnetic Wave Theory describes the relationship between changing electric and magnetic fields, leading to the propagation of electromagnetic waves (or light waves). These waves don’t require a material medium for transmission and travel at the speed of light.

Maxwell’s equations form the foundation of classical electromagnetism and optics, revealing a spectrum of invisible waves beyond visible light.

discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

Properties of Electromagnetic Waves

Transverse Nature – Electromagnetic waves are transverse, meaning their oscillations occur perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.

Self-Sustaining Oscillations – These waves consist of electric and magnetic fields oscillating in space, with no need for a material medium.

Speed of Light – Electromagnetic waves travel at a constant velocity of approximately 3 x 10^8 meters per second in a vacuum.

Equation – They follow the equation c = fλ, where c is the speed of light, f is the frequency (in Hertz), and λ is the wavelength (in meters).

Phase Relationship – The oscillating electric and magnetic fields are in the same phase, with their amplitudes related to the wave’s velocity.

Characteristics of Electromagnetic waves

Below is the graph which shows the Characteristics of Electromagnetic waves. With this sinusoidal wave, the characteristics of electromagnetic waves can be easily understood.

discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

Electromagnetic waves Important Terminologies

Wavelength : Distance between successive wave crests or troughs. Represents the wave’s spatial extent.

Frequency : Number of oscillations (cycles) per second. Measured in Hertz (Hz).

Velocity : Speed at which a wave propagates. For light, it’s approximately 3 x 10^8 m/s.

Wave Number : Reciprocal of wavelength. Denoted by k. Relates to spatial frequency.

Amplitude : Maximum displacement from equilibrium. Determines wave’s intensity or energy.

Time Period : Duration for one complete oscillation. Inversely related to frequency.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

All forms of electromagnetic radiation, ranging from radio waves to gamma rays, are included in the electromagnetic spectrum. It spans a wide range of frequencies and wavelengths, including visible light. Each type of radiation has distinct properties and applications.

discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

Planck’s Quantum Theory of Radiation

Planck’s Quantum Theory of Radiation is a scientific concept that explains energy behavior at the atomic and subatomic levels. It challenges the idea of continuous energy by proposing that energy exists in tiny, discrete packets called quanta.

These quanta are the smallest units of energy that can be emitted or absorbed as electromagnetic radiation. According to Planck, the energy of radiation is directly proportional to its frequency, expressed as E = hν, where E represents energy, h is Planck’s constant (approximately 6.626 × 10^{-34} J·s), and ν denotes frequency.

Photoelectric Effect

discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

Bohr’s Model of the Atom, proposed by Danish physicist Niels Bohr in 1913, revolutionized our understanding of atomic structure. Unlike earlier models, Bohr’s theory incorporated quantum principles. It depicted electrons orbiting a positively charged nucleus in fixed energy levels (shells), similar to the planets orbiting the sun. 

Electrons emit energy as light when they transition to lower energy levels. Although Bohr’s model successfully explained hydrogen’s spectral lines, it faced limitations, such as failing to account for magnetic and electric field effects and violating the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Radius of Bohr’s Orbit (n is the principal quantum number)

r n = n^2 * h^2 * ε₀ / (π * mₑ * e²)

The nth orbit is radius is denoted by rn.

h is the Planck constant,

ε₀ is the vacuum permittivity,

mₑ is the mass of the electron,

e is the elementary charge.

Velocity of an Electron in an Orbit (n is the principal quantum number)

v n = k * e² / (n * h)

The electron’s velocity in the nth orbit is represented by v n .

  • k is Coulomb’s constant.

Time Period of Electron in Orbit :

T n = 2π * n * ε₀ * h² / (k * e² * mₑ)

  • T n is the time period of the electron in the nth orbit.

Frequency of Electron in Orbit

fn = 1 / Tn

  • f_n is the frequency of the electron in the nth orbit.

Energy of Electron in Orbit (potential and kinetic energy)

En = -k * e² / (2 * rn)

  • The electron’s energy in the nth orbit is denoted by En.

Energy in Hydrogen like Species (Z is the atomic number of the nucleus)

E total = -k * Z * e² / (2 * rn)

  • E total is the total energy of the electron in a hydrogen-like species.

Atomic Spectra

Study of how electromagnetic radiation interacts with atoms and atomic ions. It explains phenomena like refraction and emission of radiation by excited atoms. Atomic spectra include emission spectra and absorption spectra.

discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

Emission Spectrum

When electrons in excited atoms or molecules move from higher energy states to lower ones, they emit radiation. The resulting spectrum of emitted radiation at specific wavelengths is called an emission spectrum.

discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

Absorption Spectrum

In an absorption spectrum, matter absorbs specific wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. It appears as dark lines within a continuous spectrum.

discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

Pathway to Quantum Mechanical Model

The pathway to the quantum mechanical model of the atom evolved through seminal contributions from scientists like Schrodinger, Heisenberg, and Dirac. Integrating wave-particle duality and mathematical formulations, the model describes electrons as probability waves in specific energy levels, transforming our understanding of atomic behavior and laying the foundation for modern quantum physics.

discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

Dual Nature of Matter

The dual nature of matter is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics, which describes particles such as electrons exhibiting both particle-like and wave-like properties. This idea is encapsulated by the wave-particle duality principle, suggesting that particles can display characteristics of both waves and particles.


Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, formulated by Werner Heisenberg in 1927, is a key principle in quantum mechanics. It states that it is impossible to simultaneously and precisely measure the exact position and momentum (or velocity) of a particle. Mathematically, the Uncertainty Principle is expressed as:

Δx * Δp ≥ ħ/2

Δx is the uncertainty in position,

Δp is the uncertainty in momentum,

Planck constant reduction (ħ = h/(2π)) is represented by ħ.

h is the Planck constant

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Structure of Atom FAQs

In Class 11 (typically part of high school or introductory college) chemistry curriculum, the study of atoms involves a more in-depth exploration of atomic structure, quantum mechanics, and the behavior of electrons in atoms. Topics may include the quantum mechanical model, electron configuration, atomic orbitals, and the periodic table. Students delve into the principles that govern the behavior of atoms at a more advanced level compared to earlier grades.

Over the years, a number of atomic models have been proposed. While it's challenging to list exactly seven, here are seven significant atomic models:

Dalton's Model (1803): Atoms are indivisible and indestructible particles. Thomson's Model (1897): The "plum pudding" model, where electrons are embedded in a positively charged sphere. Rutherford's Model (1911): Proposed the nuclear model with a small, dense nucleus and electrons orbiting around it. Bohr's Model (1913): Electrons orbit the nucleus in specific energy levels, and each orbit has a fixed energy. Wave Mechanical Model (1926): Described by Schrödinger, it represents electrons as waves and introduced probability density functions. Electron Cloud Model (1930s): A modern version of the wave mechanical model, emphasizing the probability of finding electrons in certain regions around the nucleus. Standard Model of Particle Physics (20th century): Describes atoms in terms of elementary particles like quarks and leptons.

Atomic structures can be broadly categorized into four types based on the number of subatomic particles (protons, neutrons, and electrons):

Hydrogen-like Atoms: Consist of one proton and one electron (e.g., hydrogen). Helium-like Atoms: Contain two protons, two neutrons, and two electrons (e.g., helium). Alkali Metals: Include elements in Group 1 of the periodic table (e.g., sodium) with one electron in their outer shell. Noble Gases: Include elements in Group 18 (e.g., helium, neon) with complete outer electron shells.

In the context of a 9th-grade science class, the atomic structure typically covers the basic components of an atom, which include:

The positively charged protons and neutral neutrons that make up the nucleus. Electron Cloud: Surrounds the nucleus and contains electrons (negatively charged). Electron Shells/Levels: Regions where electrons orbit the nucleus.


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Atom Particles

What is the canal ray experiment.

Table of Contents

Canal Ray experiment is the experiment performed by German scientist Eugen Goldstein that led to the discovery of the proton. The discovery of proton which happened after the discovery of the electron further strengthened the structure of the atom.

How did Goldstein discovered canal rays?

Then in 1886, German physicist Eugen Goldstein carried out a modified cathode ray tube experiment in which he used electric discharge in a modified discharge tube with perforated cathode. In this experiment he discovered positively charged rays which he named ‘canal rays’. Canal rays are also known as anode rays.

What did the cathode ray experiment reveal?

Thomson Experiment – The Discovery of Electron. The Cathode ray experiment was a result of English physicists named J. J. Thomson experimenting with cathode ray tubes. During his experiment he discovered electrons and it is one of the most important discoveries in the history of physics.

Who discovered canal rays What is the name of that experiment?

An anode ray (also positive ray or canal ray) is a beam of positive ions that is created by certain types of gas-discharge tubes. They were first observed in Crookes tubes during experiments by the German scientist Eugen Goldstein, in 1886.

What are the 4 properties of canal rays?

Which of the following are properties of canal rays?

  • A. Canal rays deflect towards negatively charged plate. …
  • B. Canal rays deflect towards postively charged plate. …
  • C. Canal rays travel along a straight path in absence of electric and magnetic field. …

Which gas is used in canal rays?

Whne canal rays experiment is conducted with hydrogen gas, scientists were found to give particles with different `(e)/(m)` values.

What is the Colour of canal rays?

There is no colour of cathode rays and canal rays. These rays are invisible. But when these rays are allowed to fall on some substances which glow with particular light.

Why protons are called canal rays?

These were called canal rays because they passed through the holes or canals in the cathode.

Who discovered proton Rutherford or Goldstein?

Goldstein discovered proton. Electron was discovered by Goldstein.

Is cathode ray positive or negative?

Cathode rays are negatively charged particles because they are attracted to the plate of the cathode ray tube.

How does a cathode ray work?

In the cathode ray tube, electrons are ejected from the cathode and accelerated through a voltage, gaining some 600 km/s for every volt they are accelerated through. Some of these fast-moving electrons crash into the gas inside the tube, causing it to glow, which allows us to see the path of the beam.

What evidence is found in the cathode ray tube?

What evidence from the Cathode Ray Tube Experiment support the claim that electrons have a negative charge? The Cathode Ray bent way from a negatively charged plate.

When was canal ray invented?

In 1886 he discovered what he termed Kanalstrahlen, or canal rays, also called positive rays; these are positively charged ions that are accelerated toward and through a perforated cathode in an evacuated tube.

What are canal rays Why are they so called?

These rays are beams of particles moving in a direction opposite to the “cathode rays,” which are streams of electrons which move toward the anode. Goldstein called these positiverays Kanalstrahlen, “channel rays” or “canal rays”, because they were produced by the holes or channels in the cathode.

What are canal rays with diagram?

Canal rays (or anode rays) are streams of positively charged particles which move towards the negative electrode (cathode) in a discharge tube when high voltage electricity is passed through a gas at very low pressure taken in the discharge tube.

What is the importance of canal rays?

The canal rays are used to produce fluorescence. > Canal rays can ionize the gas in which they travel.

What is the other name of Canal Ray?

what he termed Kanalstrahlen, or canal rays, also called positive rays; these are positively charged ions that are accelerated toward and through a perforated cathode in an evacuated tube.

What are the three characteristics of canal rays?

1) This rays travel in a straight line. 2) These rays can penetrate through small thickness of matter. 3) These rays get deflected by electric and magnetic field in direction opposite to cathode rays, this shows that they are positively charged.

What was the cathode ray experiment simple?

To test the properties of the particles, Thomson placed two oppositely-charged electric plates around the cathode ray. The cathode ray was deflected away from the negatively-charged electric plate and towards the positively-charged plate. This indicated that the cathode ray was composed of negatively-charged particles.

What was anode ray experiment?

What are canal rays answer in one word.

Canal rays also known as anode rays are positively charged radiations that are observed under very low pressure and high voltage in a discharged tube.

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discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)


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Discovery of Proton

Much before the discovery of electron, Eugen Goldstein (in 1886) performed an experiment using a perforated cathode (a cathode having holes in it) in the discharge tube filled with air at a very low pressure. When a high voltage was applied across the electrodes in the discharge tube, a faint red glow was observed behind the perforated cathode.

This glow was due to another kind of rays flowing in a direction opposite to that of the cathode rays. These rays were called as anode rays or positive rays . These were positively charged and were also called canal rays because they passed through the holes or the canals present in the perforated cathode.

discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

The following observations were made about anode rays (canal rays):

Like cathode rays, the anode rays also travel in straight lines.

The particles constituting anode rays carry mass and have kinetic energy.

The particles constituting canal rays are much heavier than electrons and carry positive charges.

The positive charge on the particles was whole number multiples of the amount of charge present on the electron.

The nature and the type of the particles constituting the anode rays were dependent on the gas present in the discharge tube.

The origin of anode rays can be explained in terms of interaction of the cathode rays with the gas present in the vacuum tube. The electrons emitted from the cathode collide with the neutral atoms of the gas present in the tube and remove one or more electrons present in them. This leaves behind positive charged particles which travel towards the cathode. When the cathode ray tube contained hydrogen gas, the particles of the canal rays obtained were the lightest and their charge to mass ratio (e/m ratio) was the highest.

Rutherford  showed that these particles were identical to the hydrogen ion (hydrogen atom from which one electron has been removed). These particles were named as protons and were shown to be present in all matter. Thus, the experiments by Thomson and Goldstein had shown that an atom contains two types of particle which are oppositely charged and an atom is electrically neutral.

Eugen Goldstein: Discoveries and Contributions

Eugen Goldstein He was a leading German physicist, born in modern Poland in 1850. His scientific work includes experiments with electrical phenomena in gases and cathode rays.

Goldstein identified the existence of protons as equal and opposite charges to electrons. This discovery was carried out through experimentation with cathode ray tubes, in 1886.

Eugen Goldstein: Discoveries and Contributions

One of his most outstanding legacies consisted in the discovery of what is now known as protons, along with channel rays, also known as anodic or positive rays.

  • 1 Was there an atomic model of Goldstein?
  • 2.1 Crookes tubes
  • 2.2 Modification of Crookes tubes
  • 3.1 Modification of the cathode tubes
  • 4.1 First steps in the discovery of the proton
  • 4.2 Foundations of modern physics
  • 4.3 Isotope study
  • 5 References

Was there an atomic model of Goldstein?

Goldstein did not propose an atomic model, although his discoveries allowed the development of the atomic model of Thomson .

On the other hand, he is sometimes credited as the discoverer of the proton, which I observe in the vacuum tubes where he observed the cathode rays. Nevertheless, Ernest Rutherford is considered the discoverer in the scientific community.

Experiments with cathode rays

Crookes tubes.

Goldstein began his experiments with Crookes tubes during the decade of the 70s. He then made modifications to the structure developed by William Crookes in the 19th century.

The base structure of the Crookes tube consists of an empty tube made of glass, inside which gases circulate. The pressure of the gases inside the tube is regulated by moderating the evacuation of the air inside it.

The apparatus has two metal parts, one at each end, which act as electrodes, and both ends are connected to external voltage sources.

When electrifying the tube, the air ionizes and becomes a conductor of electricity. Consequently, the gases become fluorescent when the circuit between the two ends of the tube is closed.

Crookes concluded that this phenomenon was due to the existence of cathode rays, that is, flow of electrons. With this experiment the existence of elementary particles with negative charge in the atoms was demonstrated.

Modification of Crookes tubes

Goldstein modified the structure of the Crookes tube, and added several perforations to one of the tube's metal cathodes.

In addition, he repeated the experiment with the modification of the Crookes tube, increasing the tension between the ends of the tube to several thousand volts.

Under this new configuration, Goldstein discovered that the tube emitted a new glow that started from the end of the tube that had been perforated.

However, the highlight is that these rays moved in the opposite direction to the cathode rays and were called channel rays.

Goldstein concluded that, in addition to the cathode rays, which traveled from the cathode (negative charge) to the anode (positive charge), there was another ray traveling in the opposite direction, that is, from the anode to the cathode of the modified tube.

In addition, the behavior of the particles with respect to their electric field and magnetic field, was totally opposite to that of the cathode rays.

This new flow was baptized by Goldstein as channel rays. Because the channel rays traveled in the opposite direction to the cathode rays, Goldstein inferred that the nature of their electrical charge must also be the opposite. That is, the channel rays had a positive charge.

The channel rays

Channel rays arise when the cathode rays collide with the atoms of the gas that is confined inside the test tube.

The particles with equal charges repel. Starting from this base, the electrons of the cathodic ray repel the electrons of the atoms of the gas, and these last ones are detached from their original formation.

Gas atoms lose their negative charge, and are positively charged. These cations are attracted to the negative electrode of the tube, given the natural attraction between opposing electric charges.

Goldstein called these rays"Kanalstrahlen", to refer to the counterpart of cathode rays. The positively charged ions that make up the channel rays move towards the perforated cathode until they pass through it, given the nature of the experiment.

Hence, that this type of phenomenon is known in the scientific world as channel rays, since they pass through the existing perforation in the cathode of the study tube.

Modification of the cathode tubes

Likewise, the essays of Eugen Godlstein also contributed in a remarkable way to deepening the technical notions about cathode rays.

Through experiments on evacuated tubes, Goldstein detected that cathode rays could project acute shadows of emission perpendicular to the area covered by the cathode.

This discovery was very useful to modify the design of the cathode tubes used to date, and place concave cathodes in their corners, to produce focused rays that would be used in a variety of applications in the future.

On the other hand, the channel rays, also known as anodic rays or positive rays, depend directly on the physicochemical characteristics of the gas contained within the tube.

Consequently, the relationship between the electrical charge and the mass of the particles will be different depending on the nature of the gas that is being used during the experiment.

With this conclusion, the fact that the particles came out of the gas, and not the anode of the electrified tube, was clarified.

Goldstein's Contributions

First steps in the discovery of the proton.

Based on the certainty that the electrical charge of the atoms is neutral, Goldstein took the first steps to verify the existence of fundamentally charged particles.

Foundations of modern physics

Goldstein's research brought with him the foundations of modern physics, since the demonstration of the existence of channel rays allowed to formalize the idea that atoms moved quickly and with a specific movement pattern.

This type of notions was key in what is now known as atomic physics, that is, the field of physics that studies the behavior and the properties of the atoms in all their extension.

Isotope study

Thus, Goldstein's analysis led to the study of isotopes, for example, among many other scientific applications that are currently in full force.

However, the scientific community attributes the discovery of the proton to the New Zealand chemist and physicist Ernest Rutherford , in the middle of 1918.

The discovery of the proton, as counterpart of the electron, laid the foundations for the construction of the atomic model that we know today.

  • Canal Ray Experiment (2016). Retrieved from: byjus.com
  • The atom and the atomic models (s.f.). Recovered from: recursostic.educacion.es
  • Eugen Goldstein (1998). Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Retrieved from: britannica.com
  • Eugen Goldstein (s.f.). Retrieved from: chemed.chem.purdue.edu
  • Proton (s.f.). Havana Cuba. Retrieved from: ecured.cu
  • Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (2018). Eugen Goldstein. Retrieved from: en.wikipedia.org
  • Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (2018). Crookes tube. Retrieved from: en.wikipedia.org

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Discovery of Electron, Proton and Neutron for IIT JEE

  • Discovery Of Electron Proton And Neutron


An Introduction

There were many hypotheses before John Dalton’s exceptional theory, and all these hypotheses concentrated on what mass was made of. The scientists eventually understood the subatomic particles forming different types of atoms. It was the first time a theory properly explained and supported the law of conservation of mass, the law of multiple proportions, and the law of constant composition. It is then that three subatomic particles were discovered by the scientists. The discovery of electron proton and neutron propelled various other important discoveries.

Matter is made of atoms. An atom is made of many subatomic particles. In this section, we will learn who discovered electron protons and neutrons and how. Every set of experiments led to the discovery of each subatomic particle. These path-breaking discoveries in the 19 th and 20 th centuries led to the foundation of Nuclear Physics and its various branches.

It is necessary to learn how the scientists performed these experiments to understand the physical properties of these subatomic particles. You will be fascinated to find out how electron proton neutrons are discovered by distinguishing their features.

How the Electron was Discovered?

Electrons are the subatomic particle that remains outside the nucleus. It is bound by the electromagnetic force of attraction. Despite the huge distance between an electron and a nucleus, the strong force keeps it in its orbit. Sir William Crookes was the one who discovered electrons in the year 1885.

He conducted many experiments by heating metallic electrodes in a vacuum. He was conducting experiments to check the behavioral features of metals when heated in a vacuum. The glass tube in which he was heating the electrodes was partially evacuated. When a source of high-voltage was connected to the electrodes, a stream of highly-energized particles was observed emerging from the negative electrode or cathode to the positive electrode of the anode. Crooks also saw that these particles traveled in a straight line when there is no influence of an external electric or magnetic field. A set of features of these particles was then concluded by the further experiments done by the other scientists. Sir J. J. Thompson, who invented electrons, was an eminent physicist who added to the physical features of electrons.

Crooks, who discovered electrons, and other scientists concluded that these are very small particles that possess very tiny mass and kinetic energy, travel very fast in a straight line, and are negatively charged. They also measured the charge to mass ratio (e/m) and found that they are always the same.

How Protons were Discovered?

Eugen Goldstein, the one who discovered protons,  was experimenting with a perforated cathode (negative electrode). The electrodes were fit into a glass tube containing air, but the pressure is extremely low. He experimented in 1886. During this time, the electron was not discovered and identified. He passed high voltage across the electrodes. He observed a red glow behind the cathode in that tube. This ray was formed in the opposite direction of the electrons flowing forming cathode rays. Hence, the proton was discovered by Goldstein accidentally.

The same experiment was then conducted on anodes resulting in the flow of another ray. This time, the particles had a significant mass but traveled straight when there was no electrical or magnetic field around. The formation of these subatomic particles in the ray has been properly explained. If you read it carefully, you will find who discovered protons and how the features of this subatomic particle have been concluded.

These particles are much heavier than electrons. The charge to mass ratio (e/m) was always the same even if different metals were used to conduct the same experiment. On proceeding further, Rutherford was capable of proving that the hydrogen ion (H + ), the resultant of a hydrogen atom losing an electron, had the same properties as that of the positive particles flowing forming rays in 1919.

Discovery of Neutron

James Chadwick, after the end of World War I, returned to England to his mentor Ernest Rutherford. He completed his Ph.D. under Rutherford’s supervision and concentrated his experiments on radioactive decay. Even though Rutherford found protons in an atom, Chadwick found that it was not the only subatomic particle residing inside the nucleus of an atom.

He then conducted his experiments on atomic disintegrations and found that the atomic number of Helium is 2 but its mass number is 4. After carrying on many other experiments, he concluded that only protons can hold two electrons in a Helium atom. Hence, the other subatomic particles, that have the same mass as a proton, did not carry a charge. These particles were neutral but had mass. In 1935, he discovered the presence of neutrons and received the Nobel Prize.

Why Should You Study the Discovery of Electron Neutron Protons?

Every discovery in the world of nuclear physics is no less than a fairy tale. The discovery of something so small is quite fascinating. By learning who invented the proton electron neutron, you will be able to figure out the features of these subatomic particles responsible for the discovery. The way all the scientists distinguished and concluded these particles should be learned by the students.

The discovery of electron proton and neutron is a dimension-altering incident in the world of science. From this level, we have gone so far and these scientists are responsible for such development.

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Begin to recall the schematics of chemistry-related questions that featured in past years' papers. These will help you learn and remember the fundamental principles without having to read a lot of text.

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The first thing candidates should learn is everything, i.e., to know about the official JEE syllabus. They might compare the JEE syllabus to the syllabus for their board exams.


FAQs on Discovery of Electron, Proton and Neutron for IIT JEE

1. What is the Difference Between Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons?

Protons are positively charged subatomic particles, electrons are negatively charged particles, whereas neutrons are neutral subatomic particles. Protons and neutrons remain inside the nucleus of an atom whereas electrons rotate outside the nucleus in orbits. The mass of protons and neutrons are taken as one unit and both of them have equal mass whereas the mass of an electron is 1/2000 times of a hydrogen atom. “ p ” is used to denote protons, “ n” is used to denote neutrons and “ e ” is used to denote electrons.

2. Who Discovered Electron Proton and Neutron?

The discovery of electron protons and neutrons was done by J. J. Thompson, Ernest Rutherford, and James Chadwick, respectively. Many other scientists initiated the process of discovery but were unable to conclude what these subatomic particles were. J. J. Thompson discovered electrons in 1897. Ernest Rutherford discovered protons in 1917 with the help of a gold-foil experiment. James Chadwick discovered neutrons in 1932 whereas neutrons were theorized by Ernest Rutherford in 1920. After discovering neutrons James got the Nobel prize in 1935.

3. Why Should you Learn the Discovery of Subatomic Particles?

You will come to know how subatomic particles differ in physical properties and how these properties were determined by scientists. With the help of an understanding of these particles, you will be able to lay a strong foundation for the advanced concepts of Physics, and Chemistry. By the early 1930s, it was discovered the nucleus is composed of neutrons and protons. These particles are made of different types of basic units which, together with several types of leptons constitute the fundamental building blocks.

4. What is Dalton’s theory?

The atomic theory of Dalton was the first effort to characterize all matter in terms of atoms and their characteristics. Dalton's idea was founded on the laws of mass conservation and constant composition. The theory's second portion states that all atoms of a particular element have the same mass and characteristics. According to the third section, compounds are made up of two or more different sorts of atoms. A chemical reaction, according to the fourth section of the theory, is an atom rearrangement. Because of the presence of subatomic particles and isotopes, parts of the theory had to be changed.

5. What is a gold foil experiment about?

Electrons, protons, and neutrons are the primary particles of all atoms, according to vacuum tube tests. To figure out how these fundamental particles are distributed inside the atom, several theories and tests have been presented. Thomson proposed a spherical atom model with positive charge dispersed throughout the volume and electrons arranged like plums on a cake. Rutherford attempted to experimentally discover the structure of the atom.  

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Did JJ Thomson know about Eugen Goldstein’s experiment discovering canal rays?

We learn that JJ Thomson discovered the electron in 1897. Several years EARLIER in 1886, Eugen Goldstein performs the same experiment but with the anode and cathode switched to produce positively charged canal rays. My question is, did JJ know about Goldstein’s experiment? I’m surmising he did not, as it wouldn’t have taken such a leap to conclude that Goldstein’s was a positive particle as well as the negative electron JJ discovered. Does anyone know the history who can confirm this is true or prove it is false?

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  • 3 $\begingroup$ Stack Exchange History of Science and Mathematics will get you the response. Secondly have you tried looking at the original paper of JJ and does he cite Goldstein using Google Scholar? Most likely he does. $\endgroup$ –  ACR Commented Jan 6, 2021 at 6:40
  • 1 $\begingroup$ See the original paper. web.lemoyne.edu/~giunta/thomson1897.html#footnote . The charge of cathode "rays" was determined by Perrin not by JJ. $\endgroup$ –  ACR Commented Jan 6, 2021 at 8:13

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discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)


Explain in brief -the Goldstein experiment which led to the discovery of the proton and Rutherford's experiment which led to the discovery of the atomic nucleus.

After dalton's atomic theory that the atom is indivisible. it has been found that an atom is further made up of 3 subatomic particles, electron, proton, and neutron. explanation of discovery of proton and nucleus the discovery of proton: goldstein employed a redesigned crt (cathode ray tube) with a porous cathode in his experiment in 1886. he noticed a new form of the beam coming from the anode as it passed through the perforated cathode's holes. anode rays were the name for these rays. conclusion: anode rays, also known as positive rays, are made up of positive charge particles known as protons. electric and magnetic forces influenced positive beams but in the opposite direction of cathode rays. with the finding of positive particles, the proton story begins. discovery of the nucleus: the discovery of the atomic nucleus: experiment: rutherford conducted an experiment (in 1911) in which he projected alpha particles onto a thin gold foil that was in the path of the rays. he observed that the majority of the alpha particles passed straight through to the foil. but that some were slightly deflected and some were deflected at considerable angles. conclusion : an atom is generally empty on the entire but contains a concentrated effective positive mass inside the centre. which leads the alpha particles to deflect. as a result, the search for a central positive region — the atomic nucleus began..


Rutherford's alpha particle scattering experiment led to the discovery of :

(b) Electrons

(d) Neutrons

Explain using a neat diagram conducted by Goldstein in 1886 that led to the discovery of protons.

The scattering experiment by J.Chadwick led to the discovery of a nucleus in an atom.



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    discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

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  5. Discovery of Proton

    discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)

  6. PPT

    discovery of protons (explain the experiment conducted by eugen goldstein)


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  2. Discovery of Proton and Neutron

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  4. Discovery of Protons

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  5. Eugen Goldstein

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    Through scientific discovery, protons have been accepted as the particle that contributes to the positive charge of an atom. The discovery of protons can be ...

  8. Canal Ray Experiment

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  9. Eugen Goldstein

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    Canal Ray experiment is the experiment performed by German scientist Eugen Goldstein that led to the discovery of the proton. The discovery of proton which happened after the discovery of the electron further strengthened the structure of the atom. How did Goldstein discovered canal rays? Then in 1886, German physicist Eugen Goldstein carried ...

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    discovered protons. eugene goldstein. contrast the plum pudding model and the nuclear model-Rutherford, the nuclear model of a positive nucleus surrounded by electrons. ... Thompson conducted the cathode ray experiment first plate negative and the second one positive. After a fast ray came from the negatively charged plate being repelled ...

  15. Eugen Goldstein: Discoveries and Contributions

    Eugen Goldstein He was a leading German physicist, born in modern Poland in 1850. His scientific work includes experiments with electrical phenomena in gases and cathode rays. Goldstein identified the existence of protons as equal and opposite charges to electrons. This discovery was carried out through experimentation with cathode ray tubes ...

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  17. Explain the experiment done for discovering proton

    Goldstein (1886) found that some rays passed through these holes in a direction opposite to that of the cathode rays.These are also known as anode rays because they seems to be coming from a perforated anode used in a discharge tube experiment. These are made up of positively charged particles known as protons.

  18. Discovery of Electron, Proton and Neutron for IIT JEE

    Eugen Goldstein, the one who discovered protons, was experimenting with a perforated cathode (negative electrode). The electrodes were fit into a glass tube containing air, but the pressure is extremely low. He experimented in 1886. During this time, the electron was not discovered and identified.

  19. electrons

    We learn that JJ Thomson discovered the electron in 1897. Several years EARLIER in 1886, Eugen Goldstein performs the same experiment but with the anode and cathode switched to produce positively charged canal rays. My question is, did JJ know about Goldstein's experiment?

  20. Canal Ray Experiment: Discovery of Protons

    Anode rays or canal rays are experiments conducted by German scientist Eugen Goldstein in 1886. Goldstein used a tube that had a perforated cathode. "Rays" were produced at the holes in the cathode and moved in the opposite direction to cathode rays, which were the flow of electrons. Goldstein called these positive rays "Kanalstrahlen" - canal rays because they seemed to pass through a canal ...

  21. Explain in brief -the Goldstein experiment which led to the discovery

    With the finding of positive particles, the proton story begins. Discovery of the nucleus: The discovery of the atomic nucleus: Experiment: Rutherford conducted an experiment (in 1911) in which he projected alpha particles onto a thin gold foil that was in the path of the rays. He observed that the majority of the alpha particles passed ...

  22. what is the significance of eugen goldstein's experiment as it applies

    Goldstein is credited with the discovery of canal rays, which later led to the identification of the proton, an essential component of the atom's nucleus. However, the key experiment that drastically altered the atomic model was conducted by Ernest Rutherford, Hans Geiger, and Ernest Marsden, often referred to as Rutherford's gold foil experiment.