Written Samples

15 japan multiple entry visa letter samples.

Are you planning a trip to Japan but feeling overwhelmed by the visa application process?

One crucial component of your application is the invitation letter, which can make or break your chances of securing a multiple-entry visa.

Japan Multiple Entry Visa Letter Samples

In this article, we’ve compiled fifteen sample letters that showcase the essential elements needed to create a compelling invitation letter.

These examples will guide you in crafting your letter, increasing your likelihood of obtaining a multiple-entry visa and embarking on an unforgettable journey to the Land of the Rising Sun.

Sample Letter One

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to invite my friend, [Friend’s Name], to visit me in Japan from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As a resident of Japan, I am excited to host [Friend’s Name] and show them the beauty and culture of our country.

During their stay, [Friend’s Name] will be residing with me at my apartment located at [Your Address]. I will be responsible for all of their accommodations and expenses throughout their visit.

[Friend’s Name] is eager to explore Japan and learn more about our rich history and traditions. We have planned a detailed itinerary that includes visits to famous landmarks, such as [Landmark 1], [Landmark 2], and [Landmark 3], as well as immersing ourselves in local experiences like [Experience 1] and [Experience 2].

I kindly request that you grant [Friend’s Name] a multiple entry visa, as they intend to make several trips to Japan in the future to further strengthen our friendship and cultural exchange.

Thank you for your consideration.

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Sample Letter Two

Dear Visa Officer,

I am writing to invite my business partner, [Partner’s Name], to join me in Japan for a series of important meetings and conferences from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As the [Your Position] of [Your Company], I believe [Partner’s Name]’s presence is essential for the success of our upcoming business endeavors.

During their stay, [Partner’s Name] will be staying at the [Hotel Name], located at [Hotel Address]. All expenses related to their accommodation and transportation will be covered by our company.

Our itinerary includes attending the [Conference Name] at the [Conference Venue], where we will be networking with key industry players and showcasing our latest products. We will also be visiting our Japanese branch office in [City] to discuss future collaboration opportunities and strengthen our business ties.

Given the nature of our business and the potential for future visits, I kindly request that you grant [Partner’s Name] a multiple-entry visa. This will allow for smoother travel arrangements and enable us to maintain a strong business relationship with our Japanese counterparts.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

Sample Letter Three

Dear Consular Officer,

I am writing to invite my family member, [Family Member’s Name], to visit me in Japan from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As a permanent resident of Japan, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to host my [Relationship] and show them the wonderful country I now call home.

During their stay, [Family Member’s Name] will be residing with me at my house located at [Your Address]. I will be responsible for all of their accommodations and expenses throughout their visit.

We have planned a family reunion that includes not only sightseeing at famous attractions like [Attraction 1] and [Attraction 2] but also intimate gatherings with our extended family members who reside in [City 1] and [City 2]. This visit is incredibly important for strengthening our family bonds and creating lasting memories.

As [Family Member’s Name] is retired and has the flexibility to travel, I kindly request that you grant them a multiple entry visa. This will allow them to make several trips to Japan in the future, ensuring that we can maintain our close family ties despite the distance between us.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Sample Letter Four

To the Visa Issuing Authority,

I am writing to invite my dear friend, [Friend’s Name], to join me on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure in Japan from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As a frequent traveler to Japan, I am excited to share my love for this incredible country with [Friend’s Name].

During their stay, [Friend’s Name] will be staying with me at various accommodations, including [Accommodation 1], [Accommodation 2], and [Accommodation 3]. I will be covering all expenses related to their stay and ensuring their comfort throughout the trip.

Our planned itinerary is filled with exciting activities, such as hiking the stunning trails of [Trail Name], exploring the vibrant streets of [City], and indulging in delicious local cuisine. We also intend to participate in traditional cultural experiences, like [Experience 1] and [Experience 2], to gain a deeper appreciation for Japanese customs and traditions.

As [Friend’s Name] and I share a passion for travel and cultural exploration, I kindly request that you grant them a multiple-entry visa. This will allow us to embark on future adventures together and continue to strengthen our friendship through shared experiences.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sample Letter Five

I am writing to invite my esteemed colleague, [Colleague’s Name], to participate in a crucial research project in Japan from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As the lead researcher at [Research Institute], I believe [Colleague’s Name]’s expertise is invaluable to the success of our endeavor.

During their stay, [Colleague’s Name] will be residing at the [Accommodation Name], located at [Accommodation Address]. All expenses related to their accommodation and transportation will be covered by our research grant.

Our research project focuses on [Research Topic], and we will be collaborating with experts from [University Name] and [Research Facility Name]. [Colleague’s Name]’s participation in this project is essential, as their knowledge and skills are unparalleled in the field.

Given the ongoing nature of our research and the potential for future collaboration, I kindly request that you grant [Colleague’s Name] a multiple-entry visa. This will facilitate seamless travel arrangements and enable us to maintain a strong working relationship with our Japanese counterparts.

[Research Institute]

Sample Letter Six

I am writing to invite my language exchange partner, [Partner’s Name], to visit me in Japan from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As a native Japanese speaker, I have been helping [Partner’s Name] improve their language skills, and this visit will provide an immersive experience to further enhance their learning.

During their stay, [Partner’s Name] will be residing with me at my apartment located at [Your Address]. I will be responsible for all of their accommodations and expenses throughout their visit.

We have planned a schedule that combines language practice with cultural experiences, such as attending a traditional tea ceremony, visiting historic temples, and participating in a calligraphy workshop. These activities will not only help [Partner’s Name] improve their Japanese language skills but also deepen their understanding of Japanese culture.

As [Partner’s Name] is committed to mastering the Japanese language, I kindly request that you grant them a multiple entry visa. This will allow for future visits and enable us to continue our language exchange and cultural immersion program.

Sample Letter Seven

I am writing to invite my artistic collaborator, [Artist’s Name], to join me in Japan for a series of exhibitions and workshops from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As a renowned artist based in Japan, I believe [Artist’s Name]’s participation is crucial for the success of our upcoming artistic events.

During their stay, [Artist’s Name] will be staying at the [Accommodation Name], located at [Accommodation Address]. All expenses related to their accommodation and transportation will be covered by our event organizers.

Our itinerary includes showcasing our collaborative artwork at the prestigious [Gallery Name] in [City], as well as conducting workshops and lectures at [Art School Name]. These events will not only promote cultural exchange but also provide opportunities for aspiring artists to learn from [Artist’s Name]’s expertise.

Given the nature of our artistic collaboration and the potential for future projects, I kindly request that you grant [Artist’s Name] a multiple-entry visa. This will allow for smoother travel arrangements and enable us to maintain a strong creative partnership.

[Your Position], [Art Organization]

Sample Letter Eight

I am writing to invite my dear friend, [Friend’s Name], to join me on a spiritual journey in Japan from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As a practitioner of [Spiritual Practice], I am eager to share the profound experiences and insights I have gained during my time in Japan.

During their stay, [Friend’s Name] will be staying with me at various temples and retreat centers, including [Temple 1], [Temple 2], and [Retreat Center]. I will be covering all expenses related to their stay and ensuring their well-being throughout the trip.

Our planned itinerary includes participating in meditation retreats, attending spiritual lectures, and visiting sacred sites such as [Sacred Site 1] and [Sacred Site 2]. Through these experiences, we hope to deepen our understanding of [Spiritual Practice] and forge a stronger connection with our inner selves.

As [Friend’s Name] and I share a profound interest in personal growth and spiritual development, I kindly request that you grant them a multiple-entry visa. This will allow us to continue our journey of self-discovery and support each other’s spiritual paths in the future.

Sample Letter Nine

I am writing to invite my sports teammate, [Teammate’s Name], to participate in a series of friendly matches and training camps in Japan from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As the captain of [Sports Team], I believe [Teammate’s Name]’s skills and dedication are essential for the success of our team.

During their stay, [Teammate’s Name] will be residing at the [Accommodation Name], located at [Accommodation Address]. All expenses related to their accommodation and transportation will be covered by our sports organization.

Our itinerary includes participating in friendly matches against local Japanese teams, such as [Team 1] and [Team 2], as well as attending intensive training camps at [Training Facility]. These experiences will not only help improve our team’s performance but also foster international sportsmanship and cultural exchange.

Given the potential for future tournaments and training opportunities in Japan, I kindly request that you grant [Teammate’s Name] a multiple-entry visa. This will facilitate smoother travel arrangements and enable us to maintain a strong athletic partnership with our Japanese counterparts.

Captain, [Sports Team]

Sample Letter Ten

I am writing to invite my music student, [Student’s Name], to participate in a series of music workshops and performances in Japan from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As a music teacher based in Japan, I believe this opportunity will greatly enhance [Student’s Name]’s musical skills and cultural understanding.

During their stay, [Student’s Name] will be residing with me at my home located at [Your Address]. I will be responsible for all of their accommodations and expenses throughout their visit.

We have planned a schedule that includes attending music workshops led by renowned Japanese musicians, such as [Musician 1] and [Musician 2], as well as performing at local music venues and cultural events. These experiences will provide [Student’s Name] with invaluable exposure to Japanese music traditions and help them grow as a musician.

As [Student’s Name] is committed to pursuing a music career, I kindly request that you grant them a multiple entry visa. This will allow for future visits and enable them to continue their musical education and collaboration with Japanese artists.

[Your Position], [Music School]

Sample Letter Eleven

I am writing to invite my volunteer partner, [Volunteer’s Name], to join me in Japan for a series of community service projects from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As a long-time volunteer in Japan, I believe [Volunteer’s Name]’s dedication and skills will greatly contribute to the success of our upcoming projects.

During their stay, [Volunteer’s Name] will be staying at the [Accommodation Name], located at [Accommodation Address]. All expenses related to their accommodation and transportation will be covered by our volunteer organization.

Our itinerary includes participating in various community service projects, such as [Project 1] and [Project 2], which focus on environmental conservation and assisting underprivileged communities. We will also be attending workshops and seminars to enhance our skills and knowledge in the field of community service.

Given the ongoing nature of our volunteer work and the potential for future collaboration, I kindly request that you grant [Volunteer’s Name] a multiple-entry visa. This will facilitate seamless travel arrangements and enable us to maintain a strong partnership in our efforts to make a positive impact on Japanese communities.

[ Your Position], [Volunteer Organization]

Sample Letter Twelve

I am writing to invite my culinary apprentice, [Apprentice’s Name], to join me on a gastronomic journey in Japan from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As a renowned chef specializing in Japanese cuisine, I am eager to share my knowledge and experience with [Apprentice’s Name].

During their stay, [Apprentice’s Name] will be staying with me at various accommodations, including [Accommodation 1], [Accommodation 2], and [Accommodation 3]. I will be covering all expenses related to their stay and ensuring their comfort throughout the trip.

Our planned itinerary includes visiting traditional Japanese restaurants, attending cooking classes led by master chefs, and exploring local markets to source authentic ingredients. Through these experiences, [Apprentice’s Name] will gain a deeper understanding of Japanese culinary traditions and techniques, enhancing their skills as a chef.

As [Apprentice’s Name] and I share a passion for Japanese cuisine and a commitment to culinary excellence, I kindly request that you grant them a multiple-entry visa. This will allow for future visits and enable us to continue our culinary collaboration and education.

[Your Position], [Restaurant/Culinary School]

Sample Letter Thirteen

I am writing to invite my dance partner, [Partner’s Name], to participate in a series of dance performances and workshops in Japan from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As a professional dancer based in Japan, I believe [Partner’s Name]’s talent and dedication are essential for the success of our upcoming dance events.

During their stay, [Partner’s Name] will be residing at the [Accommodation Name], located at [Accommodation Address]. All expenses related to their accommodation and transportation will be covered by our dance company.

Our itinerary includes performing at prestigious venues, such as [Venue 1] and [Venue 2], as well as conducting workshops and master classes at [Dance School]. These events will not only showcase our artistic collaboration but also promote cultural exchange and inspire aspiring dancers in Japan.

Given the nature of our dance partnership and the potential for future performances in Japan, I kindly request that you grant [Partner’s Name] a multiple-entry visa. This will facilitate smoother travel arrangements and enable us to maintain a strong artistic partnership.

[Your Position], [Dance Company]

Sample Letter Fourteen

I am writing to invite my photography mentee, [Mentee’s Name], to join me on a photographic exploration of Japan from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As a professional photographer based in Japan, I am excited to share my knowledge and help [Mentee’s Name] develop their skills in a new cultural context.

During their stay, [Mentee’s Name] will be residing with me at my studio apartment located at [Your Address]. I will be responsible for all of their accommodations and expenses throughout their visit.

We have planned a schedule that combines photography workshops, location scouting, and cultural experiences. We will be visiting iconic landmarks, such as [Landmark 1] and [Landmark 2], as well as exploring off-the-beaten-path locations to capture the essence of Japan through our lenses.

As [Mentee’s Name] is committed to pursuing a photography career, I kindly request that you grant them a multiple entry visa. This will allow for future visits and enable us to continue our mentor-mentee relationship and collaborative projects.

[Your Position], [Photography Studio]

Sample Letter Fifteen

I am writing to invite my literary collaborator, [Collaborator’s Name], to join me in Japan for a series of book signings and literary events from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As a published author based in Japan, I believe [Collaborator’s Name]’s participation is crucial for the success of our upcoming book tour.

During their stay, [Collaborator’s Name] will be staying at the [Accommodation Name], located at [Accommodation Address]. All expenses related to their accommodation and transportation will be covered by our publishing company.

Our itinerary includes book signings at major bookstores, such as [Bookstore 1] and [Bookstore 2], as well as speaking engagements at literary festivals and universities. These events will not only promote our co-authored novel but also foster cultural exchange and inspire aspiring writers in Japan.

Given the nature of our literary collaboration and the potential for future book tours in Japan, I kindly request that you grant [Collaborator’s Name] a multiple-entry visa. This will facilitate smoother travel arrangements and enable us to maintain a strong partnership in our literary endeavors.

[Your Position], [Publishing Company]

These fifteen sample letters demonstrate the various ways in which you can structure and personalize your invitation letter for a Japan multiple-entry visa.

By highlighting the purpose of the visit, the relationship between the inviter and the invitee, and the potential for future visits, you can create a compelling case for granting a multiple-entry visa.

Remember to tailor your letter to your specific situation and provide as much relevant information as possible.

A well-crafted invitation letter can make a significant difference in the visa application process, bringing you one step closer to experiencing the wonders of Japan.

japan visa cover letter multiple entry

Travel with Darel

What to write in the explanation letter for multiple-entry japan visa for filipinos.

One of the requirements I passed when I applied for a multiple-entry Japan visa last January 2019 is an explanation letter indicating as to why I am applying for such. Several blogs have indicated as well that they have included an explanation letter in their application. 

For me, the two reasons as to why I submitted one are 1.) the space in the “Request Form for a Multiple-Entry Visa” is quite small and it won’t be sufficient for me to write my explanation and 2.) this strengthens my application as I can explain better as to why I am applying for a multiple-entry visa. 

Sharing below what I wrote in my explanation letter.  PLEASE DO NOT COPY AND PASTE WHAT I WROTE IN YOUR OWN EXPLANATION LETTER. Each applicant has his or her own reasons as to why they are applying for one. Also, each one of us has different experiences and situations we are in. Thus, just use this blog post as a guide as to what you need to include in your own letter.


First, write on top the address of the Japan Embassy then followed by the topic or what this document is all about. This is then followed by the date when you wrote the letter and then the salutation or greetings.

japan visa cover letter multiple entry


Start your letter by introducing yourself (write your full name including middle name) and state immediately that you are applying for a multiple-entry visa. Afterwards, write your previous trips to Japan, where did you go specifically, for how long did you stay, and who you traveled with. I highly suggest that those applying for a multiple-entry visa should have at least visited Japan once using a single-entry visa. This goes to show that you have been screened before by the Embassy and you have proved that you returned to the Philippines after your trip.

japan visa cover letter multiple entry


In my case, I have an upcoming trip to Japan in less than three months from the date of my application. I included the details of my upcoming trip in the letter such as the length of my stay and the places that I intend to visit. Include these details as well in your explanation letter. Of course, without an upcoming trip, why are you then applying for a visa? Thus, this is quite important.

Afterwards, then state as to why you are applying for a multiple-entry visa. In my case, it is as simple as I want to visit other areas in Japan in the future that is why I am applying for such. This could be the same reason as to why most Filipinos are applying for a multiple-entry. Just be honest and include some of your memorable experiences in Japan and why would you want to come back over and over again.

japan visa cover letter multiple entry


This is one of the important parts of the letter – proving you are capable of supporting yourself during your stay in Japan. In my case, I first stated my employment background – the current company that I am working at, my current position, and for how many years I have been working for this company. Also, I stated the countries I have recently visited. I stated these information to prove that I can support myself in my upcoming trip. You can actually include more information that you think will help you look capable in supporting your trip.

Also if there are some documents you submitted that you would like to explain, you can do so. Example, if you are doing freelance work, then explain the documents you submitted. Also if you are a student and being supported by your parents, then explain this as well in your explanation letter. In my case, I did not submit my ITR for 2018 as it was not available yet from our Accounting department when I submitted my visa application.

japan visa cover letter multiple entry


End your letter by saying that you are hoping that they will consider your request and leave your contact details as well in case they have further questions.

japan visa cover letter multiple entry

That’s it! Five simple guidelines as to what you need to include or write in your explanation letter. Before ending this blog post, I have several reminders and tips when you write this document.

a. Be honest in what you write in this letter. For example, if you intend to write the previous countries you have visited, make sure this is true as well as they can double check your passport stamps to verify.

b. As much as possible, just write a one-page explanation letter.   The Embassy receives thousands of applications daily. Thus, it is important to be concise with your explanation.

c. Make sure that what you write in your explanation letter is cohesive with what you will also include in the “Request Form for a Multiple-Entry Visa”. If these two explanations are different, this may result to denial of visa application.

Hope this blog helps and enjoy your trip to Japan! If you have further questions, you can comment below or personally message me on Instagram @travelwithdarel. Thank you!

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4 thoughts on “ what to write in the explanation letter for multiple-entry japan visa for filipinos ”.

Hello! Just wanna thank you for writing this guide. I was granted a multiple entry visa for five years! I followed your tips here in writing my letter of request. Very grateful 🙂

I am so glad to hear this, E! Take care!

Im excited to write the letter for my visa at Indonesian consulate, kudos for your guide!

Thank you Zug! Enjoy Japan!

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japan visa cover letter multiple entry

A Guide to Obtaining a Multi-Entry Visa in Japan

japan visa cover letter multiple entry

For the last few years, almost everyone I know has either visited Japan  or is planning to go.  Japan has suddenly become the ‘IT’ place for travelers.

From the slopes of Mount Fuji to the templed streets of Kyoto , visitors are flocking to Japan’s hotspots, using their JR Passes to map out the length and breadth of the country, getting charmed by Sakura, and swiping their credit cards on cosmetics, sushi and high-tech toilet seats .

Whatever their reason for visiting, Japan is swiftly climbing to the top of tourists’ travel list.

The relatively favorable strength of the Yen, the fact that it’s getting easier to obtain a visa, and Government initiatives such as “Cool Japan” and “Omotenashi” seem to be working their magic and luring globe-trotters to experience all that Japan has to offer.

So, if you too are thinking of visiting Japan, but are puzzled on how to go about the visa process, then this post is for you.

Steps for getting a visa for Japan

Step #1: where to start.

Residents from  67 Countries and Regions  may enter Japan without a visa for short periods of time.  If you are not from one of these 67 countries, then you have no option but to apply for a Japanese Visa.  Visit the Japanese Embassy’s website to download the Application Form and Checklist which varies depending on the purpose of your visit.  If applying from India, visit the  VFS website . If applying from any other country, visit the Japanese Embassy’s website for your country such as the  Philippines .

Step #2: WHAT Documents to Submit?

Getting a Japanese Visa is no big deal if you have the required documentation in place.  Before applying for a Visitor’s Visa ensure that you have the following documents:

  • A valid Passport (with more than two blank pages). Please submit your old passports also, if you have any.
  • A photocopy of the Bio Data Page of your current Passport (First and Last Page)
  • A fully completed and signed Japan Visa Application Form.
  • A Cover Letter stating the purpose of your visit or requesting a Multiple-Entry Visa. In my Cover Letter I shared my Travel Blogger credentials and noted my interest in visiting Japan on multiple occasions (i.e. Multiple-Entries)
  • A photograph taken within the last 6 months. The photograph should be 2 x 2 inches (45×45 mm, or 35×45 mm) in size and it should be in color with a white background. The quality of the image should be good and be a reflection of your true appearance.
  • A confirmed travel booking that includes the day-to-day details of your trip in terms of where you will be staying (Travel itinerary and Hotel booking)
  • An original Bank Statement covering the last six months or a Bank Certificate mentioning your average bank balance. Obtain this a day or two prior to document submission. Your account should have at least 150,000 INR or 100,000 Php (about 2,200 USD) to cover your planned trip.  Make sure that your account balance doesn’t give an impression that large funds have been transferred purely for the purposes of obtaining a visa.
  • A copy of your latest Income Tax Return. In case you don’t have an ITR to show, you’ll need to provide an explanation letter with other supporting documentation. Along with my letter, I submitted my salary slips and Form 2305 (tax deduction form), which was provided to me by my office.
  • Certificate of Employment from employer / NOC / Leave Sanctioned
  • A statement of earnings for the last six months
  • Consent from parents / guardian
  • Parents / guardian’s original Bank Statement covering the last six months
  • Latest Income Tax Return for parents / guardian
  • If the applicant is the owner of a company ·         Proof of ownership (e.g. Director Identification Number approval issued from Ministry of Corporate Affairs or proprietorship document issued from bank or Import export license) ·         Company bank statement
  • Proof of Relationship, in the case that the applicant will be accompanied by a dependent, i.e. Passport copy, Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate.

Step #3: HOW to Submit the Application?

The Japanese Embassy has accredited travel partners in each country within which it functions. For instance, in India it has  VFS  on board and in the Philippines it has  7 accredited agencies .  You can submit the required documents along with the visa fees (cash only) – (e.g., 1090 INR in India or 1200 Php for Foreigners applying from Philippines).

Since I was applying from the Philippines, I used  Discovery Tours . They were very efficient and helpful and really went out of their way to ensure good service. They even agreed to check my documents before document submission, which was not included in their services.

Step #4: WHEN to Collect Your Passport?

Japan, like their bullet trains, is very fast when it comes to the visa process. After  three days  you can collect your passport. I submitted my application on Saturday and got my visa on Tuesday. The icing on the cake was getting a Multi-Visit 5 Year Visa. I wasn’t expecting it since I was applying for the first time but I guess having travelled to many G7 countries in the past three years and having sufficient financial capacity to fund my trip convinced them to grant me a multi-visit 5 year visa.

To collect your passport, you have to visit the accredited agency through which you applied and provide them with your original invoice receipt that was provided at the time of application submission. A representative can also collect it on your behalf so long as you provide them with an authorization letter, a copy of you your ID, as well as your original invoice cum receipt. You can also get your Passport via courier. You just need to provide the Original invoice cum receipt at the time of receipt.

Even after traveling frequently around the world, visas still scare me. But I am so glad that the Japanese Visa process was so smooth. I hope it is the same for you!

日本であなたを参照してくださ い

( Nihon de anata o sanshō shite kudasai  – see you in Japan!)

PS:   This post is based on my personal experience. The visa outcome can vary depending upon your situation.

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Letter Templates & Example

Journey to Japan: A Comprehensive Cover Letter Sample for Japan Visa Application

Letter sample 079

Planning a trip to Japan can be both an exciting and nerve-wracking experience, especially when it comes to the visa application process. One key element of the application is the cover letter, which provides important details about your travel plans and purpose for visiting Japan. To assist with this process, we’ve compiled a selection of cover letter samples for Japan visa, that you can use as a reference and edit as needed. By following these samples, you’ll be able to create a stand-out cover letter that showcases your personality, intentions, and overall readiness for a trip to Japan. So, let’s get started with crafting a compelling cover letter that will impress the Consulate-General of Japan and help you obtain your visa with ease!

The Best Structure for Cover Letter Sample for Japan Visa

If you are planning to apply for a Japan visa soon, then you need to prepare a cover letter. In Japan, the cover letter is called ‘detailed explanation of the purpose of visit’ or ‘shuhen moushikomi sho.’ In this letter, you need to explain the reason why you want to go to Japan, your itinerary, and other necessary details. Having a well-structured cover letter can improve your chances of getting approved for a Japan visa. Here are some tips on how to structure your cover letter.

1. Introduction In the first paragraph, introduce yourself and give a brief overview of who you are. Include your name, occupation, and purpose of traveling to Japan. Keep this section short and get straight to the point.

2. Purpose of Travel This is the most important part of your cover letter. Describe your reason for visiting Japan in detail. Be specific and clear in explaining the purpose of your travel, whether it’s for tourism, business, or visiting friends and family. Include where you plan to stay, your itinerary, and the dates of your stay.

3. Supporting Information In this section, provide additional information that supports your purpose of travel. For example, if you’re visiting Japan for a business meeting, provide details about the meeting, including the name of the company, the purpose of the meeting, and who you will be meeting with. If you’re visiting Japan for tourism, mention the attractions you plan to visit and why you’re interested in them.

4. Personal Information Include your personal information, such as your passport details and contact information. Make sure that you include a valid email address and phone number.

5. Closing In the last paragraph, thank the consulate for considering your application and express your excitement about visiting Japan. End the letter with a polite and respectful tone.

In conclusion, a well-structured cover letter is crucial to the success of your Japan visa application. By following the above tips, you can create a compelling cover letter that showcases your purpose for visiting Japan. Remember to keep your cover letter concise and to the point, and make sure that you provide all the necessary information. Good luck!

7 Sample Cover Letters for Japan Visa

Cover letter for japan visa – business.

Dear Visa Officer,

I am writing this letter to support the visa application of [Name of Applicant] who is planning to visit Japan for business purposes. As the [Your Position] at [Your Company Name], I have had the pleasure of working with [Name of Applicant] for [Duration of Work Relationship]. Having witnessed [his/her] skills and experience in the field of [Industry], I am confident that [he/she] will make a valuable contribution in advancing our business in Japan.

[Name of Applicant] has been entrusted to represent our company in meetings, conferences, and negotiations with Japanese clients and partners. [He/She] is well-equipped with the knowledge of Japanese business etiquette, culture, and language. [His/Her] expertise in [Specific Skill] and excellent communication skills will allow [him/her] to effectively communicate our business values and negotiate deals that benefit both parties.

Thank you for your consideration in granting [Name of Applicant]’s visa application. I’m confident that [his/her] purpose of visiting Japan is genuine and I fully support [him/her] in this endeavor.

[Your Full Name]

Cover Letter for Japan Visa – Tourism

I am writing this letter to support the visa application of [Name of Applicant] for tourism purposes. As [His/Her] [Relationship], I have known [Name of Applicant] for [Duration of Relationship] and can confidently recommend [him/her] for a Japan visa. [He/She] is an avid traveler and is excited to explore the rich cultural heritage and attractions Japan has to offer.

As a [Nationality] citizen, [Name of Applicant] understands the importance of respecting and immersing oneself in the local customs and traditions when visiting foreign countries. [He/She] has meticulously planned [his/her] travel itinerary, which includes visiting [Landmarks, Festivals or Specific Places of Interest]. [His/Her] research on Japanese culture, history, and cuisine reflects [his/her] sincere interest in Japan and [he/she] plans to experience all these personally.

I am confident that [Name of Applicant]’s visit to Japan will be enjoyable and memorable. [He/She] is a responsible traveler who will comply with Japan’s laws, regulations, and visa requirements. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information in supporting [his/her] visa application.

Cover Letter for Japan Visa – Visit Family

I am writing this letter to support the visa application of my [Relationship] [Name of Applicant] for visiting Japan to meet [his/her] family. [Name of Applicant] is [Your Nationality] and [he/she] resides in [Your Current Country]. [His/Her] parents, siblings, and extended family members are residents in Japan and [he/she] is eager to meet them and spend some quality time with them.

[Name of Applicant] is financially stable and will take care of [his/her] expenses during the visit. [He/She] will be staying with [his/her] family and therefore, accommodation expenses are taken care of. [He/She] has already obtained [his/her] leave of absence from [Work/School] and is making all necessary travel arrangements.

I assure you that [Name of Applicant] will abide by the Japanese laws and regulations, and return to [Your Current Country] upon completion of [his/her] visit. I hope you understand the importance of family and appreciate your consideration in approving [his/her] visa application.

Cover Letter for Japan Visa – Employment

I am writing this letter to support the visa application of [Name of Applicant] for employment in Japan. As [His/Her] [Relationship] and [Current Position] at [Company Name], I have had the pleasure of working with [Name of Applicant] for [Duration of Work Relationship]. I strongly recommend [him/her] for employment in Japan.

[Name of Applicant] is an expert in [Area of Expertise] and [has/have] [Number of Years] years of experience in this field. [His/Her] skills are in high demand in Japan, and [he/she] has been offered a position as a [Position] at [Company Name] in Japan. [Name of Applicant] has already secured [his/her] work visa and is in the process of relocating to Japan.

[Name of Applicant] is a responsible, hardworking, and reliable employee and has made significant contributions to our company. [He/She] is fluent in Japanese language and has also undergone training in Japanese business culture and etiquettes. [His/Her] adaptability and positive attitude will help [him/her] in adjusting to the Japanese work environment, including effective communication, teamwork, and respect for time and hierarchy.

Thank you for consideration in granting [Name of Applicant]’s visa application. I’m confident that [his/her] purpose of visiting Japan is genuine and I fully support [him/her] in this endeavor.

Cover Letter for Japan Visa – Education

I am writing this letter to support the visa application of [Name of Applicant] for education purposes at [University Name] in Japan. I am [His/Her] [Relationship] and have known [him/her] for [Duration of Relationship]. I have full confidence that [he/she] is fully capable and motivated to pursue [his/her] academic goals in Japan.

[Name of Applicant] has already been accepted in the [Name of Program] at [University Name] in Japan. [He/She] has secured [his/her] admission and has made all necessary arrangements for accommodation, travel, and finances. [He/She] will be pursuing [His/Her] Master’s degree in [Field of Study] and [he/she] is excited to explore Japanese culture and language.

[Name of Applicant] is a diligent student and [has/have] consistently achieved academic excellence in [His/Her] previous academic pursuits. [He/She] has also undergone training in the Japanese language and is proficient in Japanese language proficiency levels N3/N2. I assure you that [he/she] will abide by the Japanese laws and regulations and return to [Your Current Country] upon completion of [his/her] studies.

Thank you for your time and attention. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information in supporting [Name of Applicant]’s visa application.

Cover Letter for Japan Visa – Medical

I am writing this letter to support the visa application of [Name of Applicant] for medical treatment in Japan. [Name of Applicant] is [Your Nationality] and is suffering from [Medical Condition]. [He/She] has been referred to [Hospital Name] in Japan for [Medical Procedure/Consultation].

[Name of Applicant] is in need of urgent medical attention, and [His/Her] health condition requires [Specific Procedure/Consultation] that is not available in [Your Current Country]. [He/She] has already received the necessary recommendation from [Medical Institution] and [His/Her] medical records have been duly furnished to the Embassy. [Name of Applicant] has also secured an appointment with [Doctor/Hospital] in Japan and has made all necessary arrangements for travel and finances.

I urge you to consider and approve [Name of Applicant]’s visa application in a timely manner so that [he/she] can receive the medical care that [he/she] needs. [He/She] plans to return to [Your Current Country] upon completion of [His/Her] medical treatment.

Cover Letter for Japan Visa – Family Event

I am writing this letter to support the visa application of my [Relationship], [Name of Applicant] for visiting Japan to attend [Specific Event]. [Event] is of utmost importance to our family and [Name of Applicant] would like to participate in this event that is scheduled to take place from [Event Date].

[Name of Applicant] is [Your Nationality] and is planning to travel to Japan on [Date of Arrival]. [He/She] has already obtained [His/Her] leave of absence from [Work/School], and has made all necessary travel arrangements. [He/She] will be staying with our relatives in Japan and therefore, accommodation expenses are already taken care of. [He/She] is financially stable and will take care of [His/Her] expenses during the trip.

I hope you understand the importance of this family event and appreciate your consideration in approving [Name of Applicant]’s visa application.

Tips for writing a cover letter sample for Japan visa

Writing a cover letter for Japan visa can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not familiar with the Japanese culture and their visa application procedures. However, by following some tips, you can create a convincing cover letter that will increase your chances of getting your visa approved.

Firstly, make sure to address your cover letter to the relevant authority. In Japan, the visa application process is handled by the Embassy or Consulate, so it’s important to address your letter to the person in charge of the visa application. You can usually find the information on their website or by contacting them directly.

Secondly, explain the purpose of your trip to Japan clearly and concisely. Whether you’re visiting Japan for tourism, study, or business, make sure to state your intentions in a straightforward manner. If you’re visiting Japan for business, for example, mention the name of your company and the reason for your visit.

Thirdly, provide evidence that you have enough funds to cover your trip to Japan. Japan has strict visa requirements, and one of them is that you should have enough savings to cover all of your expenses during your stay. You can provide bank statements or proof of employment to show that you have the financial means to support yourself.

Fourthly, be honest and genuine in your cover letter. Japan values honesty and integrity, and a dishonest or fake cover letter will not only hurt your chances of getting a visa but also damage your reputation.

Finally, make sure to proofread your cover letter several times and have someone else read it. Spelling and grammatical errors can give the impression of carelessness, and it shows that you didn’t put enough effort into your application.

In conclusion, writing a cover letter for Japan visa requires careful attention to detail and adherence to strict requirements. By following the above tips, you can create a convincing cover letter that will help you obtain your visa and make your trip to Japan successful.

Cover Letter Sample for Japan Visa FAQs

What is a cover letter for a Japan visa?

A cover letter for Japan visa is a letter written by the visa applicant stating the purpose of their trip to Japan, specific details about their itinerary, and any other supporting information to convince the Japanese consulate that they will abide by the country’s laws and regulations.

What should I include in my cover letter for a Japan visa?

Your cover letter for a Japan visa should include your personal information, purpose of travel, intended travel dates, detailed itinerary, details of your accommodation, and your financial capability to support your stay in Japan.

What is the ideal length of a cover letter for a Japan visa?

Generally, your cover letter for a Japan visa should be one page in length. However, you can extend it to two pages if necessary.

How should I address the consular officer in my cover letter for a Japan visa?

You can address the consular officer as “Dear Sir/Madam” or use their last name if it is specified in the visa application instructions.

Can I use a template for my cover letter for a Japan visa?

While there are many templates available online, it is best to customize your cover letter to your specific trip to Japan. Customize the information and emphasize your unique circumstances, such as your relationship to any Japanese partners, if you have any, or your specific tourist destinations.

What are some tips for writing a successful cover letter for a Japan visa?

Making sure your cover letter has a clear purpose, is well-written, and includes any supporting documents are crucial to writing a successful cover letter for a Japan visa. You should also make sure that your itinerary is well-documented and that you have proof of financial capability to support your stay in Japan.

Can I include my spouse or children’s details in my cover letter for a Japan visa?

Yes, it is ideal to include your spouse and children’s details in your cover letter for a Japan visa, especially if they will be accompanying you on your trip. You should list their names, relationship to you, and passport details for the consular officer’s reference.

Thanks for checking out our cover letter samples for Japan visa!

We hope our examples have been helpful in crafting your own document to improve your chances of securing a visa. Remember to personalize your letter according to your own circumstances and to follow the guidelines set by the Japanese embassy. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Don’t forget to come back and visit us for more useful tips and information regarding travel and visa applications. Safe travels!

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MULTIPLE ENTRY JAPAN VISA: Requirements & How to Apply

MULTIPLE ENTRY JAPAN VISA: Requirements & How to Apply

By continuing to read this article, you agree to double-check with the concerned establishments for the latest updates.

This visa guide is for Multiple Entry Japan Visa applications. This contains Japan visa requirements and the multiple entry form. If you’re interested in only a single-entry visa, read these instead: Japan Single-entry TOURIST Visa , if you’re applying as a tourist, or Japan Single-entry VISIT Visa , if you’re visiting friends or relatives.

Note that this visa guide is only for TOURISTS applying in the Philippines. If you’re traveling to Japan for BUSINESS or for cultural matters, I’m afraid I can’t be of help as our knowledge is limited to personal experiences of our team. Rules may be different in other cities and for other nationalities.


Over the past few years, the Japanese Embassy has been lenient when it comes to letting Filipino tourists. Getting a Japan visa is no longer as difficult as before. Processes have been streamlined, rules relaxed, and requirements reduced in an effort to boost tourism.

In fact, they have been handing returning tourists MULTIPLE-ENTRY visas even when they’re not asking for it . That’s what happened to me.

So does that mean that you should expect a multiple-entry visa if it’s not your first time? NOPE, not necessarily.

My first visa was single entry. My second, multiple-entry, and I didn’t even request for it. My third Japan visa was singe-entry again. My fourth, multiple-entry. It’s erratic like that. Clearly, they base it on many factors, which is why, if you’re gunning for a multiple-entry visa and you can’t leave anything to chance, you have to do the application right.

We have been handling the visa applications of our teammates and we have done applying for a multiple-entry visa many times. So allow me to share how we do it.

Update (Feb 2018) . According to the staff at Reli Tours, they noticed since the year started, the embassy had been giving multiple entry visas ONLY to those who explicitly applied for it (meaning, those who filled out the form below). It was just their observation, nothing confirmed or official, but just sharing with you what they said.



Below is a form provided by the Japanese Embassy, enumerating the types of multiple-entry visas and corresponding eligibility requirements. If you meet any of the following criteria, you may request for one.

Most people will fall under the first category, so let me highlight that for you:

Multiple visa for tourist Eligibility Categories:

For the purpose of this article, let’s label A to D. The reason: I’ll be referring to these categories again when I discuss the requirements so it is important to know where you fall under.

  • Category A. If you have travelled to Japan as temporary visitor within the last three years AND have sufficient financial capability to support their trip.
  • Category B. If you have travelled to Japan as temporary visitor within the last three years AND have travelled as temporary visitor to G7 countries (excluding Japan) several times within the last three years. The other G7 countries are: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (USA).
  • Category C. If you have high financial capacity (but has not been to Japan in the past 3 years). The keywords here are HIGH FINANCIAL CAPACITY.
  • Category D. If you are an immediate family member (Spouse/Child) of a person who has high financial capacity.


Here’s a checklist for those visiting as TOURIST , (which means you won’t be visiting a friend or a relative, and you’re staying at a hotel).

Note that this section contains just the basic requirements. There are additional documents needed depending on your eligibility category, listed in the following section.

1. Multiple Entry Visa Request Form

You can download it here .

You can also get the form from the agency.

At the bottom of the form, you’ll find a box where you will be asked to explain why you need a multiple-entry visa. If you feel like it’s not enough space for your explanation, you can use an extra sheet. Better yet, just provide an explanation letter.

2. Philippine passport

Must have at least 6 months validity from your target travel date.

Must have 2 blank pages or more.

Must have a signature. For newer passports, you can find the signature field on Page 3, the page next to the Bio Page. If it’s blank, you can sign it. For older e-passports, your digital signature is already on the bio page. No need to sign.

3. Accomplished visa application form.

The form must be completely filled out. Just put N/A if some fields are not applicable to you.

You may download it from  here .

Use A4 paper when you print it out.

4. ID photo.

4.5cm x 4.5 cm.

White background.

Write your name at the back.

Paste it on the designated area on the application form.

5. Daily itinerary

  • Also known as daily schedule.
  • Download the format here .
  • Must be printed on an A4-size paper.

Update: Covid-19 Form

On 3 February 2020, the Japanese Embassy in Manila announced that visa applicants must answer and submit an additional questionnaire in accordance to the Japanese government’s decision to impose restrictions on travelers who have recently visited areas that are affected by Covid-19.

All applicants must accomplish and submit this form, in addition to the other requirements.


Aside from the basic requirements listed above, you must also provide additional documents depending on the category you fall under.


CATEGORY A: If you have traveled to Japan as temporary visitor within the past 3 years AND have sufficient financial capacity

  • Proof of travel to Japan in the last 3 years . The used visas and landing permission stamps on your passport are accepted. If your qualified visas/stamps are on an old passport, submit the old passport too.
  • Income tax return (ITR) Form 2316 . If you don’t have a current ITR because you’re new at your job or you’re working abroad or whatever, you can provide copies of invoice or payslip or other tax forms along with a letter explaining why you can’t provide this.
  • Bank certificate. Or any other proof of financial capacity such as dividend certificate of stock. Must be issued within the past 3 months. There’s no telling how big a fund is “enough” to get approved, but (in case you’re wondering) my account had only a bit north of P100,000. I planned on staying for a week. I also have a friend who applied for a 5-day stay with only P50,000 in the bank. Hers got approved, too.

CATEGORY B: If you have traveled to Japan as temporary visitor AND other G7 countries several times within the past 3 years

The keywords here are G7 COUNTRIES SEVERAL TIMES.

  • Proof of travel to Japan in the last 3 years as temporary visitor. The used visas and landing permission stamps on your passport are accepted. If your qualified visas/stamps are on an old passport, submit the old passport too.
  • Proof of travel to other G7 countries in the last 3 years as temporary visitor. Same as above, visas and stamps are accepted. Just submit the passports where they are affixed.
Note: Previously, for this category, no need for financial documents like ITR or bank certificate. However, we’ve been getting reports from readers that they were still required to submit financial docs even if they fall under this category. The Japanese website still does not list them as requirements though. It is possible that some agencies require financial docs while some don’t. What we recommend is to call the agency where you will lodge your application beforehand to confirm.

CATEGORY C: If you have high financial capacity

This is for those who have high financial capacity BUT HAVE NOT BEEN TO JAPAN WITHIN THE PAST 3 YEARS.

We receive a lot of messages from people who have never been to Japan and have low financial capacity but are adamant in applying for a multiple entry visa. While that is possible, it can be risky. If it’s your first time to travel to Japan, the safer way is to apply for a single-entry first. This will give you better chances of approval.

If you have high financial capacity (kaching, kaching!) and you haven’t visited Japan as a temporary visitor in the past 3 years, here are the requirements:

  • Birth certificate from PSA. Must be issued within the past one year. If late registration, you will also have to submit a baptismal certificate, high school or elementary school record (Form 137), and school yearbook (only if you have it).
  • Marriage certificate from PSA . Only if you’re married. Must be issued within one year from PSA Main Office or Serbilis Outlet Center nationwide.
  • Bank certificate. Or any other proof of financial capacity such as dividend certificate of stock. Must be issued within the past 3 months.

CATEGORY D: Spouse or Child of someone with high financial capacity

  • Income tax return (ITR) Form 2316 of Guarantor . The guarantor is the spouse or parent with abundant financial resources.
  • Bank certificate of Guarantor. Any other proof of financial capacity such as dividend certificate of stock is also accepted. Must be issued within the past 3 months.

If you’re applying to visit family or friends, you can find the list of requirements here: Japan Visa Requirements .


1. determine if you are eligible..

You’ll find all the eligibility categories above. In some cases, an applicant can fall under 2 or more categories. In that case, I recommend that you take a look at the requirements and figure out which category has the most needed documents that you can provide.

2. Complete the requirements.

Once you have figured out or decided your category, gather all the required documents as enumerated in the previous sections.

Make sure that all printed out documents are on an A4-size paper.

3. Submit via an Accredited Travel Agency.

Currently, there are only a handful of accredited travel agencies. They all charge different rates for the processing of the visa, but it’s somewhere between P800 and P2000. Some are stricter than others, too.

You can find the list of agencies and their office addresses here: Japan Visa Agencies

4. Wait for your visa.

Travel agencies say it usually takes 5-7 working days, but it is often shorter than that. I got my first and second muliple-entry visas after only 2 days. One of our readers said she got hers after 3 weeks. I guess you can never really tell.

Just to manage expectations: Just because you applied for a multiple-entry visa doesn’t mean you will be given exactly that. There’s still a chance that you will be granted a single-entry visa or your application will be denied. It is still at the sole discretion of the Embassy.

That’s about it! Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m traveling to japan for the first time. can i apply for a multiple-entry japan visa.

Only if you have high financial capacity or you’re an immediate family member of someone with a high financial capacity.

But in general, it’s much much safer to apply for a single-entry visa if you’re a first-time applicant.

To apply for a single-entry visa, read: SINGLE-ENTRY JAPAN VISA REQUIREMENTS .

How much show money should I have in my bank account to be considered for “high financial capacity”?

They don’t say how much exactly. I don’t know. The agents I asked don’t know either. But it’s generally accepted that if you have a 7-digit amount in your account (over 1 million pesos), you’re eligible.

I’m visiting a friend or relative. Can I apply for a multiple-entry Japan visa?

I don’t know for sure. In general, it’s safer to aim for a multiple-entry visa if you’re applying as a TOURIST, not a VISITOR. According to some our readers, VISIT VISA applicants are less likely to be granted a multiple-entry visa.

How early should I apply for a multiple-entry Japan visa?

3 months before your target travel date is the earliest, in my opinion. Remember, whether or not you’ll be granted a multiple-entry visa is upon the discretion of the embassy. It is still possible that you be granted a single-entry vis even if you apply for multiple. The single-entry visa has a validity of 3 months, so if luck is not on your side and you’re granted a single-entry visa, you can still use it to enter Japan.

I prefer applying 1 month before the trip.

Do I need a travel agency to apply?

Yes. Unless it’s a special case, all visa applications must be coursed through any of their accredited travel agencies.

Here’s the complete list of officially accredited travel agencies: Japan Visa Travel Agencies .

Do I need to book flights and hotel before applying?

No. It’s not a requirement. However, on the application form, you will have to write down the specific AIRLINE and HOTEL ADDRESS you wish to book (or have booked).

Some travel agencies accept flight itinerary if the applicant is already booked for better chances. Some don’t. In general, it is not a requirement. If you haven’t booked flights yet, don’t. Get a visa first.

How long is the validity of multiple-entry Japan visa?

Multiple-entry visas will allow you to stay for 15 or 30 days per trip, depending on what is given to you.

But the visa can be used multiple times for 5 years.

How long does it take to process Japan visa application?

Up to 7 days, generally. But it varies. My first time, 5 working days. Second time, 2 days. Then on my third and fourth times, 7 days and 2 days respectively.

I know people who have waited weeks for theirs. Pretty hard to tell.

Is personal appearance required for a multiple-entry Japan visa?

NO. You can ask someone else to do submit the documents for you IF THE REQUIREMENTS ARE COMPLETE.

For good measure, write an authorization letter.

Should the application form be typewritten/computerized or handwritten?

Either is okay. I’ve tried applying with both. No problem.

If the question doesn’t apply to me, should I write N/A or just leave it blank?

It confuses applicants because Japan and Korea have different policies, and most designated agencies process both Japan and Korean visas.

But here’s the generally accepted practice: For Japan Visa form, write N/A. For Korean Visa form, leave it blank.

What are the common reasons why multiple-entry Japan visa applications are denied?

I can only speculate, but based on the messages we receive from our followers, the usual reasons are the following:

  • You’re not eligible for multiple-entry. You’re probably traveling to Japan for the first time and have insufficient funds but you’re applying for multiple-entry. You should apply for a single-entry visa first.
  • You can’t prove that you can financially support yourself on this trip . You probably have insufficient funds or not in a good financial standing.
  • You can’t prove that you intend to return (rootedness). You probably don’t have a stable job at this point, unemployed, newly employed, or newly resigned, and it’s giving the impression that you intend to work there.
  • Your intention/purpose in Japan is unclear . This is why it is best to be specific when you’re detailing the reasons for your visit. There may also be some inconsistencies in your application.

How many times can I visit Japan using a multiple-entry visa?

I don’t know if there is a limit regarding frequency of use. However, according to most forum sites, you shouldn’t spend more than 180 days in Japan. That’s total, cumulative number of days. This is just based on online forums. I don’t have official confirmation.

That’s the cumulative number of days. Not to be confused with the length of stay you are allowed PER TRIP, which is usually 15 or 30 days per trip, depending on what you are granted. Check your visa, the length of stay allowed is indicated.

I have just returned from Japan. How soon can I travel to Japan again?

Not sure if there is a limit. But I can tell you these:

In 2016: I exited Narita at 7:45pm to accompany my mom because she didn’t want to travel alone. Then, the next morning, I flew back and entered Narita again. That’s less than 24 hours apart, but I didn’t have any problem at the Immigration at all.

In 2018: I exited Nagoya on December 7 and flew to Sapporo for another trip on December 10. I didn’t run into any trouble either.

Updates Log

2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ • 2️⃣ • 3️⃣ – Added the new questionnaire (related to Hubei Province) to the list of requirements 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣7️⃣ • 3️⃣ • 2️⃣6️⃣ – first up

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Related Posts:

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  • JAPAN VISA APPLICATION FORM: Sample + How to Fill it Out
  • Sample INVITATION LETTER for JAPAN VISA Application (Reason for Invitation)
  • SAMPLE ITINERARY for JAPAN VISA Application (Schedule of Stay)
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  • Avoid These 12 COMMON MISTAKES when Applying for a JAPAN VISA!
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Yes, anything between 50k to 100k is the safest amount to have inside the bank.


Hi, question..if someone have multiple visa. When she return to japan since the lst time of her visit?


Good day, I applied for tourist visa in japan.single entry.plan ko na mag vacation this august 2017.nxt time gusto ko ulit bumalik so plan ko na mag apply for multiple entry visa.ilang months bago ako ulit makapg apply ng visa? ‘Hope to hear your respond. Thank you


Hi, Good day. Did you fill up the multiple enty form for your 2nd try or was it the single enty then they gave you a multiple entry visa? Thanks

Yosh Dimen

I didn’t fill out the multiple-entry form. They just gave us multiple entry visa despite us not requesting for it. :)


if we fill up the multiple entry form do we still need to submit a letter requesting a multiple entry visa??

No na, unless di kasya ung explanation mo dun sa space provided sa form.


hi! when you were granted a multiple entry visa, did you perhaps buy JR Pass as well? is multiple entry visa with temporary status accepted that time? i was searching the net and one JR Pass seller mentioned that multiple entry visa holders cannot use JR Pass… thank you!


Hi! I saw that too when I was granted a multiple visa back in 2016. I was still able to get a JR pass from the travel agency where I applied for my visa despite this “rule” though. Just ask your TA. But you probably don’t need to worry about this. :)

Hi Hiki. In 2016, I was able to use a JR Pass while on a multiple entry visa… Not sure if something has changes since.


File not found — sample IT format T-T

The embassy moved the file. Updated now. Thanks for bringing this up. :)


Hi.. I’ve been to Japan twice in last year but I haven’t been to any of g7 coubtries yet. Can i still apply for multiple entry?

Yep. You only need to meet at least one (not all) of the eligibility points listed above. So yep, you can be granted a multiple entry visa even without a G7 travel history.

Our teammate Astrid (who is also a regular contributor here) was recently granted a multiple entry visa and her travels were limited to Southeast Asia and Japan. Her application was still approved.

Hello! For the last multiple entry visa that was given to you last year, did you apply for a single entry visa only? Is that the form that you filled-up? Back in 2016, there were no forms yet separating single entry and multiple entry visas, and I was given a multiple entry one on my first visit to Japan. My sister went last year (this was when they started having the separate forms), and since she only applied for a single entry one, she was given that, even though we submitted basically the same requirements (we had our mother as guarantor).

My family and I are planning to go to Japan this June. It’s my mother’s and my brother’s first time in the country. I was thinking to just have them apply for a single entry visa, just to play it safe. But we plan to go back for the 2020 olympics, so a multiple entry one would really be great.

Do you have any recommendations? Thank you and more power to you and this site! :)

Hi Steph, to answer your question, yep, the 2 multiple visas that I have were both granted despite me applying for single entry.

However, my blogging partner Vins recently applied and the staff at Reli Tours said that they noticed since the year started, the embassy had only been giving multiple entry visas to those who would explicitly apply for it (meaning, those who would fill out the form above). It was just their observation, nothing confirmed or official, but just sharing with you what they said.

If it’s their (your mom’s and bro’s) first time to apply for a Japan visa, it’s always best practice to apply for a single entry muna to be safe. :)


I fall on both #1 and #2 eligibility since i had been to Japan and I had traveled to G7 countries multiple times in the last 3 years (12 Schengen countries + UK + US) even Australia. However I did not request for multiple entry visa so on my 2nd visa (2018) they still gave me single entry.


Hi :) Question about: “I also have a friend who applied for a 5-day stay with only P50,000 in the bank. Hers got approved, too.”

Did your friend get approved for a single-entry or a multiple entry? Thank you :)

That friend, single entry. It was her first time.

And just very recently, another friend applied with only P70,000 for her 2nd Japan trip, she was given multiple entry.


How high is the HIGH FINANCIAL Capacity? :D


same question, just wondering if 500k is high enough to get a multiple entry if you are applying for the first time in Japan

They don’t say explicitly.

Also i was planning to go this November kayalang i wanted to book early. I just did not want to risk buying the ticket without the visa that is why i wanted to apply for multiple because of the validity. Is there a chance na i applied for multiple tapos bigyan nila ako ng single entry which is di ko pa naman magagamit. Baka it might affect affect my next visa application?

Hi Joanna, yes, may chance na single ang ibigay sayo kahit multiple ang iapply mo.

Regarding whether or not makakaapekto, may isa kaming reader na hindi rin nya nagamit single visa nya tapos she applied again, sabi nya wala namang naging problem.

Allan Ray Restauro

HI! I just wanted to verify, according to your reply above, I can choose to apply for multiple entry, but if somehow they find my requirements not enough for multiple but would suffice for single entry, it is still possible to be granted single entry visa right? (Background lang po, I already visited Japan last January 2017, then will go back this year by September.)

Planning to apply po kasi ako for Multiple entry kasi I want to go back by 2020 for the Olympics.

Elisa jean Arcilla Bautista

Gud day ask ko lng single entry po ako lagi coz invite ako ng brother inlaw ko now dto po ako s japan pauwi nko ng april ask kol lng pde ko kya iapply multiple visa s nxt n punta ko dto s japan my business nmn ako s pinas n pde ko iproof for applying without guarantor possible kya maaprubahan ako tnx po

Pwede po pero mas okay if as a tourist, not as a visitor.

Hi Allan, yep, pwedeng single ang ibigay. Pwede ring flat out ideny. Yun ang tricky kapag nag-apply ng multiple. You’ll never know until results time.

Pag nag-apply ka, ask the agency if marerecommend nila, given all the docs that you have, na mag-apply ng multiple. Mas alam nila un :)


Hello, I’m a girl from Iran, which four Japanese girls asked me to form a team. What visa should I receive? The invitation visa is accepted by my friends? I want to stay in Tokyo for one month ありがとう


Hello! We just submitted our requirements for Japan Visa. This is now our second time applying. We didn’t submit a form of request for Multiple Entry because we were not aware of it and the agency didn’t inform us about it. Anyway, do we still have the chance to be given multiple entry visas? Thank you.


Hi Happy. May I know if you were granted multiple entry visas?

My family and I will be submitting this month. It will also be our second time applying. I’m thinking of applying the single entry (and hope that we will be given multiple entry) to be on the safe side.

There might be. But it’s hard to tell at this point because the last time we asked, the agency said the form is now a must for multiple.


hi! Gusto ko sana magapply ng multiple entry japan visa. NagSchengen ako last 2016 and went to both Italy and France, and last trip ko to Japan is 2015….ang problem ko is this: i have an italian schengen visa but yung entry and exit ko is through amsterdam. In other words, yung travel ko to italy and france walang immigration stamps. Acceptable po kaya yun sa embassy? May suggestion po ba kayo na pwede kong option or gawin? Thanks.

Hi Laurrie, okay lang po yun! Familiar naman sila sa Schengen policy so di issue yun. :)


I have 2 Schengen Visas, one was issued by Czech Republic (last Dec 2016) and the other one was from Switzerland (last April 2017). For the Czech, my entrance/exit point is Amsterdam while for the Switzerland, my entrance/exit was Geneva. I was able to tour France and Italy kaso walang immigration stamps. Do you think I need to submit photos pa during my Italy and France stay as proofs?

I just reread your comment, and hmmmm, I’m not sure kung papaano if ganyan ang case, kasi the visa was issued by another country. Di ko alam if icoconsider sya ng embassy. Best to call yung travel agency kung saan ka mag-aapply na lang.


Hi! Just wanna ask something. Ive been to Japan twice last year but both my visas are with a guarantor. Is it possible for me to apply for a multiple visa? Can I just submit the multiple entry visa form without having to provide my own tax return form? Thanks

Ang alam ko, pwede naman kahit may guarantor before. Ewan ko rin.

You need to submit an ITR unless there is a valid reason.


Hi po. sa page ng relaxation of visa requirements in the JPN emb. in the PH, ang list of documents for category A is this:

a. Visa Application Form (with Photo) b. Machine-Readable Passport (MRP) meeting (ICAO) standard or ordinary IC passport c. Proof of previous travel to Japan (existing or old passport with Japan visa, landing permit and entry stamps) d. Bank Certificate of applicant e. Employment Certificate of applicant f. Letter of explanation for requesting Multiple-entry visa

can you tell po if hindi na need ng ITR basta may employment certificate, or requirement parin po kahit hindi na nakalagay dito sa list??? thank you. :)

ay wait po nvm, kakakita ko lang. requirement pala talaga. don’t approve napo yung comments ko. thank you.


My sister and I are planning to go to Japan this May. I have been to Japan before back in 2016 and I plan to apply for multiple entry. My sister has never been to Japan but we have both been to New Zealand in 2016. My Questions: 1) Can my sister apply for multiple entry visa in Japan? 2) Can she fall under Category B (since she has been to NZ but not Japan) or Category D (since I can sponsor her)? 3)If she does not fall within any category, is it “safer” (higher chance of approval) for her to apply for Single Entry? Your reply is much appreciated. Thanks!

1. Only if you have HIGH FINANCIAL CAPACITY.

2. New Zealand is not a G7 country so she can’t be under B. And she can only be under D if you have high financial capacity.

3. Rule of thumb is, if it’s your first time to apply, apply for a single-entry visa.


Plan ko po magapply ng japan visa this May 2018. Plano ko pumunta ng japan (first time), ma-aavail ko kaya ang multiple entry kahit 1st time lang ako pupunta?

btw, nakapunta na ako ng korea early this year (w/single entry visa).



how much is the amount needed for a HIGH FINANCIAL CAPACITY?

Hi Sheila, we’ve answered that question in the post. FAQ #2


Hi, do you have idea if the agencies charge higher fees for multiple visas? compared to single entry. or same lang, thanks


Do you any idea if there is a passport validity requirement for applying for a multiple-entry visa? I mean, if that will be good for 5 years, should it fall within one’s passport validity? Say mine is 2015-2020 and if I will apply this year(2018), am I still capable to apply?

Walang problema dun. Mine expires next year but I was given a 5-year multiple entry visa.


Hi,sorry Galing po ako sa japan last May 2018 pero guarantor ko fiance ng mama ko. Pwede kaya ako mag apply ng multiple visa na walang guarantor?

Depende if may nameet ka sa criteria that I enumerated in the post above.

sorry i mean May 2017


Hi do you have any idea how high is the high financial capacity?


Question lang po, If ever I was not given a multiple entry visa, does that mean Single entry lang ung ibibigay? or Denied na ako nun, and I need to re-apply?

Been to JP thrice already, and this year will be my fourth. :)

Sabi ng agency, mahirap daw i-predict. Pwedeng single, pwedeng denied.


Im planning to apply for a single entry visa for japan this coming august. ive been to the country already last february. not planning on applying for a multiple entry visa. are the requirements still the same for single entry even if it is your second time applying for it already?

Yep, same. Difference lang is birth certificate, di na kailangan.

Wheng Bautista

My family and I had our first visit in Japan late last year. We are visiting again in December and are planning to get a multiple visa this time. If me and my hubby falls on Category A, does my 18 yr old daughter also falls under this category or category D as she is still a student?

Hi Wheng, I think either will do. But it depends on her financial situation. If she has a bank account under her name and it shows high financial capacity, then yes, she can be A. But if she doesn’t have one, then D. But I would just go for D for my daughter, if I were in your case.


Hi! My bf and I submitted all the requirements, except I submitted extra ones like COE and Car Registration, and he did not. He only submitted tickets and bookings, ITR, but no COE. His ITR was lower compared to what he is earning now, and it might not be commensurate to his current savings (120k). I’ve been to Japan once but I only applied for single entry, just like my bf.

Do you think there may be something lacking in our application? Should he have submitted more optional documents?

Hi via, that’s okay. Di naman required ang COE na.


Kakauwi ko lang from Japan and I was given 1 time entry with 15 days stay. I have few questions sana and hope you can answer.

1. I applied my visa may work pa ako kakaresign ko lang din.. But now all i have is my itr syempre wala na me work. Do i still need to provide COE or ok nlang yung ITR ko? Or need ko gumawa ng letter explaning wala ako work..

2. My timeline ba ng visa application bago ako mag apply ulit since kakauwi ko lang ngayung July 14? Or can I apply agad agad?

1. Wala na sa list of requirements nila yung COE. Pero ewan ko if may agencies na humihingi pa rin ng COE. Pero sa Reli Tours, for example, wala namang COE. ITR ay sapat na.

2. Okay lang kahit apply ka agad pag-uwi. Walang issue dun. Nagawa ko na rin yan before, wala naman naging problem.

leo matic

Hi mr. Yoshke, i just want to ask. If i file multiple visa via relatives ok lang ba yun? Im currently here in japan for 90days and balik ko ng phil. By august 29, nagrant ako ng single entry na submit ko nman ung req. tapos plan ko ulit mag apply after 3 months ng multiple visa, ganun din ba process na katulad ng ginawa ko sa single entry ko?

Process is still the same. May additional form lang na kelangan iaccomplish. And dapat mas malaki lang funds.


Hi.. gaano kalaki ung chance ko na magrant ng ME kapag nakapagstay na ako japan for single entry last june-august? Thanks!!!

Hard for me to sya coz it’s based on a whole lot of factors.


On my 2nd application, i explicitly applied for multiple entry and got approved for 1 yr 15 day one. You mentioned you got 5 yr, how many days? Any idea what are the other variations? 1 yr 30 day?

Hi Mark, the visa I’m using now is valid for 5 years, 30 days per visit.

Before that, I got a validity of 3 years, 15 days per visit.

James T

I’ll be applying for Multiple entry Visa for Japan. I have been to Japan last year lang, January 2017. I think na pasok naman ako don sa A.A. What worries me is I transferred all my balances from my 2 BPI accounts to my to my BDO account . The reason is this is the same account(BDO) I used last time. I needed to transfer my balances from my BPI accounts para at least mag 6 digits and ending balance ko and to prove that I have enough Financial Capability to support my trip. I only did these transfers last week. Hindi naman kasama sa ADB ang Bank Cert for Japan visa Application right? Only the Current balance and Date of Start ng Account.

Or should I just request Bank Certs from my BPI accounts as well. Kasi every certificate request has a fee. That;s why I though na itransfer na lang muna ung balances to one account.

Hi James, last time na kumuha ako sa BDO, hindi naman naka-display ang ADB. Not sure if sa branch lang namin or ganun lahat, though, kasi dati kasama.

Pero if hindi kasama, you should be fine.


I’ve read in an ABS-CBN article ( http://news.abs-cbn.com/overseas/07/31/18/japan-to-ease-visa-requirements-for-filipino-business-travelers ) that they’re going to extend the maximum validity period of an ME visa from 5 to 10 years.

Any tips for qualifying for the 10-year visa?

Hi Al, I haven’t really taken a good look at that news bit, we’ll share tips as soon as we experience it. :P

Althea Louise Cerico Almeria

When I applied for my visa last month, my relative in Japan was my guarantor. Can I still follow the same process if I will apply for multiple visa and the purpose is to visit a relative? Can my relative still be my guarantor or should I provide my Bank certificate and ITR already? Thank you. :)

Hi Althea, not sure if totoo but some of our readers said na risky mag-apply ng multiple kung Visit Visa. Mas malaki chance daw if tourist.


Hi, I went to Japan last November 2015 ( single entry) and I want to travel again this september for 11 days ( booked tickets and accommodation already). I want to apply for a multiple entry but I am kind of worried since I do not have an ITR. The last time I went there, I submitted an explanation letter with a COE from my company that I am a contractual nurse thus wala akong ITR. Do you think I should apply for single or push through for multiple entry?

Hi Shyr, best to ask yung agency na lang kung saan ka apply.

My advice though is apply for single na lang muna.


hi good day! Ive been to Japan last 2015 and 2016 for single entry lang.. can I. Be given a multiple entry if I apply this year? What to prepare for the multiple entry Visa? Currently I am not employed. I am just a freelance networker.any advise?

Hi Besscan, ayan na po sa post ung mga requirements.

If wala kang ITR, gawa ka ng letter explaining bakit wala then submit other proof na meron kang income like invoices or copy of contract, etc.


Hi, do you think it’s okay to apply for a multiple visa if I had only 60k in bank?

I was able to secure single entry visa in Japan last year twice and visited Japan twice but using visiting friend. But now I’m planning to get multiple by my own. My worries are, as of the moment, I opened a new bank account last July and it currently have 50-70k.

I hope you can advise me. Thanks!

Hi Pol, I have a friend/teammate who had almost the same amount in her bank (hers was lower) and was convinced by the agency to try applying for multiple, and her application was approved. It wasn’t her first time in Japan either. She visited just the month before. So yes, there is a possibility na ma-approve kahit ganun ung amount. :)

I have opened the bank account just this July 2018, check if the bank certificate your bank issues indicate the maturity nung account. Kasi if nakalagay kung gaano na katagal ung account and 1 month old pa lang, baka magka-problem. Most bank certs naman, hindi nakalagay. Pero double check mo lang.


Hi, kung sa category D, hindi na ba need yung Letter of Guarantee? Planning to apply as a family and mom ko yung guarantor for all of us sana.

Hi Shen, as far as I know, no na. the birth cert should already show that you’re immediate family.

Hi, I just want to say thanks! This guide absolutely helped. I did bring a guarantee letter just in case and Reli took the document. My whole family got 5-year ME visas. We used category C and D since we’ve never been to Japan before. The application took 9 working days to be processed so I was nervous but it was worth the wait.

Yayyyy! Congrats! Enjoy Japan! :D


Hi Yoshke! So if I have traveled to Italy, Canada and Japan in the last 2 years (I have single entry visa for these 3 countries), I don’t need to submit my ITR AND Bank Certificate? Did I understand this correctly?

Hi Jojee, yep! You only need to submit the basic requirements + proof of travel in Japan and G7 countries.

Hi Yoshke! I just applied. No financial docs nga needed just my Japan and G7 stamps haha i didnt even submit a CoE! Got approved in 2 days through Attic Tours. thank you!!!!!!!!

Yayyyyyy! Congrats! And thanks for taking the time to let us know! ☺️

Yey! That’s a relief! I’m praying I receive multiple entry next time I apply later this year. Thanks, Yoshke!!!


Hi my sister is living in tokyo but i dont want to bother her to be my guarantor. Is it possible to apply for multiple entry visa using my own documents even if i mention that i will visit my sister? Or they will require me additional documents from my sister?

Hi Apple, ang chika sa travel circles ko (wuw, chika talaga) ay mas mahirap maapprove ang multiple kapag Visit. Mas madali kapag Tourist. Again, yun ang rumor. Di ko alam kung totoo.

Is it your first time to visit Japan? If first time mo, best kung single entry na lang muna.


Hi Yoshke! I have travelled to Japan (single entry) last week for 13 days. My questions are:

1. When is the soonest I can apply again for Japan Visa? 2. How can I apply for multiple-entry Visa? I want to apply for multiple-entry VIsa but my bank account falls under 50-70k. I am not eligible with the requirements above (for multiple) because my Travel history is just Singapore (dec 2015 and Jan 2018) and recently Japan August 2018.

My reason for applying multiple-entry visa is bitin kasi yung 15 days. My Girlfriend is currently working in Japan (last march lang sya nag start) so no problem ako sa accommodation. I want to apply lang as a tourist not visiting her (same in what I did before) baka kasi malaki chance ma deny. I need your advice on this Mr. Yoshke.

Should I just apply for a visiting tourist sa GF ko or just apply multiple-entry visa na hindi ko imention GF ko? or single entry nalang? Maraming salamat po. Hope I get a reply.

1. You can apply anytime basta used na ung visa mo.

2. I have a friend/teammate who had the same amount in her bank and was convinced by the agency to try applying for multiple, and her application was approved. It wasn’t her first time in Japan either. She visited just the month before. So yes, there is a possibility na ma-approve kahit ganun ung amount. Ang difference lang is, she applied for a Tourist Visa, not a Visit visa.


Hi, Thank you for your great content and appreciating your help!

1- Do you think that an amount of $ 10K dollars will help me get a multiple entry visa?

2- I have recently joined a job since one month and I don’t have any ITR. Can you please send me a sample of any payslips that I need to provide along with my documents?

****I am from Afghanistan**** *****I have never been to Japan yet. Not applied yet. Please kindly guide.****

Hi Alokozai, this guide is for Philippine passport holders only. I have no idea what the policy is for Afghanistan citizens. :(


Just applied yesterday at Reli Tours Megamall. A few seconds after I gave my requirements to the staff, she said “Sir nakapunta ka na sa Japan. Would you like to request for a multiple entry visa?”. Of course I said yes!

Yay! Good luck on your application!

Late ppdate: My visa is ME for 5 years! Ang bilis, I applied Sept 2, then around 6:30pm of Sept 4 nagtext na ang Reli Tours na ready to pickup na ang passport ko.

Yayyyy! Congrats! :D


Hi, would you know if the maximum number of days I could stay in Japan should I apply for a multiple entry visa? And if I will be able to extend my visit or stay? It will be my fourth visit if ever.

Some multiple-entry visas allow maximum of 15 days, others allow 30 days. Depends on what is given to you.

Not sure about extending though.

Super thanks

Honey grace padilla

Hello mr. Yoshke ask ko lang last month nagpunta ako ng japan for tourist visa with guarantor for 15 days. And balak ko mag aply ulit ng tourist visa with same guarantor ok lang po ba yon friend ko lang yong guarantor ko posible kya yon.?

Hi Honey grace, for multiple entry ba?


Hi Yoshke! :) I’m planning to apply for multiple entry visa sana but I’ve never been to Japan pa. Although I have toured several SEA countries (w/o visa) + I have multiple entry Korean visa. Do I have a chance na magrant ung multiple entry ko? TIA.

Generally, if first time mo sa Japan, single-entry na lang muna para smaller ang risk na madeny. Unless 7 digits ung nasa bank account mo. :)

Thank you :)


Hi! I’ve been wanting to apply for a multiple-entry visa and I think I fall under category A. I have two questions:

1) For the show money, should it be “just enough” for the first planned trip (just like for single-entry) or should it be large enough to cover for the succeeding trips?

2) I traveled to Canada just recently. Only once so far but I have a multiple-entry status. Do you think I also fall under category B? If not, do you think it would help anyway if I apply following category A procedures but submitting a copy of my Canada visa (and entry/exit stamps) to help strengthen the chance of the visa being granted?

Thank you very much!

Zaeefa, I have a friend/teammate who applied for a multiple entry visa (Category A), and she only had 50-60K in her bank account. She was applying for a single entry but the agency convinced her to apply for ME instead. She did and got approved.

Of course, applying for ME is always risky, but what I’m saying is, it’s possible na maapprove basta may ok na travel history sa Japan lalo na if may Canada visa ka rin. You can submit requirements for both A and B for good measure. :)

Zaeefa Pandangan

Ohh. I see. Thank you so much for the info!

May follow-up question din pala ako. I have a friend who wants to try applying for the ME status as well but the last time he went to Japan was 6 years ago. He also went to Canada just this year and ME status din. How high should his show money be to fall under category C? Thank you!

Hi Zaeefa, I don’t have a figure (not even a ballpark figure). Best to contact na lang the agency where you plan to apply kasi mas may experience sila. :D

Ohh okay. Thank you so much! Your blog and your quick replies are very helpful. God bless. :D

No prob! Good luck sa application nyo! :)


Hello Yoshke!

I already got my multiple entry visa valid for 5 years! Do you have any idea if there’s a maximum number of days/trips I can go to Japan within a year? Thank you!


This site answers your question: https://origami-book.com/column/course-en/12390

I think the point is for travelers to not make Japan their “second home” by staying longer than they should.

Thanks for sharing this, Al. Really helpful. We’ll add to the FAQs too. :)

Hi Pearl, I don’t think there is. If there is, I don’t know.

But I’m currently in Japan now and this is my 5th Japan trip this year. I had no problem going in.


Hi Yoshe, Me and my family were granted visas twice already (visiting relative), this time we want to apply for a ME since our travel would be on May 2019. I just want to apply earlier (this Nov) coz my husband would be here for a vacation. He’s an OFW, with annual leave. He would be applying with us here since he doesn’t keep his money/savings in the bank abroad. My dilemma is that, I put in my letter that we have been granted two visas (2014 and 2016) visiting relative, would it affect our application now that we are applying as tourist? By the way, I indicated that we want to explore Tokyo on our own and book ourselves in 2 hotels. Also, will my children and my spouse fall on category D or will we go as a group and be categorized in A? I have an ITR, employment cert, stock cert and bank certificate. My children and my husband do have separate bank accounts but with modest savings in the bank (I don’t know how the Embassy tagged one’s finance). As much as possible, I want them to apply in Categ A coz If I go for D for them, I still have to provide PSA stuffs. Kindly enlighten me with my predicament. Thanks and more travels for you.

Hi Donna, I really don’t know the answer to this for sure. I think your past trips as visitors won’t matter much. If you’re traveling as tourists now, that’s what would matter to them. It’s just a hunch, though. It’s still best to consult the travel agency where you plan to lodge your application. They sure have a more definitive answer for you. :)

Hi Yoshke, Just to update you, got ours for 5 years, ME. Thanks Yoshke.. For travels for you. God bless..

Hi Donna! YAYYYYY!!! Congrats!!! :)


Hi yoshke! Will go to Japan in Jan my first time ,Im thinking to apply for ME visa I’ve been to Singapore just a few months ago. I’m quite worried I don’t have an ITR because I just opened my business last September. Do you think I’d get approved? Is it ok if I will submit the bank cert of my checking account or better the savings account?

Hi Jem, if it’s your first time to visit Japan, it’s much, much safer to apply for a single-entry visa.


Hello, I have a ME visa sa korea. Hindi pa ako naka travel sa Japan. Do you think pwede ako mag request ng Japan ME visa? How much ang balance na dapat meron sa bangko?

Hi Ruby, walang nakakaalam kung magkano dapat ung nasa account. Sabi nila 7 digits pag multiple. Di ko alam for sure.

But generally if it’s your first time, best na single na lang muna to be safe.


Hello! It will be my first time to go to Japan around July 2019. 1. Can I apply this early for a single entry this early? 2. I actually qualify dun sa 2nd category for multiple entry visa (employee from a company na Japanese subsidiary and also Japanese-managed) but I want to be a tourist. Can I use that for a first timer visa for multiple entry as a tourist? Thanks.

Hi Gian, 3 months before yung earliest.

Yung 2nd question, di ko gets, huhu.

Sorry po. Yung 2nd option sa multiple entry visa na form, yung employee ng Japanese company. Is it for business only or for tourists lang? Thanks po.

And any idea with high financial capacity?

Aaah, naku, wala akong alam dun sa kapag employee ng Japanese company. Yung for tourist lang ang alam ko.

Re high financial capacity, di nila sinasabi how much ung needed para mag-qualify sa high financial capacity.

If it’s your first time to apply, it’s generally safer to apply for a single-entry visa. Pag nakapunta ka na once, madali na magmultiple. Pero if first time, less risky kung single.

John Paul

Hello! Plan ko magapply ng Japan Tourist Visa pag nagbakasyon ako sa pinas next year .

May question are:

Exempted ba kming mga OFW sa ITR? Pwede ba akong mag apply ng Multiple may Canada Multiple Visa ako pero isang beses ko pa lang nagagamit?

You can submit the equivalent of ITR ng bansa kung saan ka nagwo-work. Tapos sulat ka na lang ng explanation letter.


Me and daughter recently traveled to Japan. Gusto ko mag apply ng multiple visa both sa akin and to her.

Alam ko sa category A ako.

Ang anak ko kaya sa category D?

Or one application for both us is enough?

Hi Ella! Yep, ikaw, definitely A. Di ko lang alam yung sa daughter kasi di ko pa naranasan mag-apply for a multiple entry visa na part of a group/family.

Kung individual application yan and your daughter is employed and has her own finances, I would say A din sya. Pero di ko alam kasi ung details pag group application or if pede pa un.


Ok. Thank you. I would try and let you know kung puwede or kung anong naging experience ko for others to know.

Mikaela Gonzaga

I will be applying Multiple Visa for my Family. We’ve been to Japan before but I only apply for single-entry visa. I’ll be coming back with my family and boyfriend. But the problem is it is indicated that you can only apply if you or your parents have financial capacity. Can I still include my boyfriend in our application or it should be in different application. He has a Multiple Visa in USA and Korea.

Hi Mikaela, di ko alam if pwede ang hindi relative in just one application. Sorry. Call na lang the agency where you plan to lodge your application. :(


Hi, for category B, is it required that the visit to g7 countries be “several times”?

I went to japan 2017 and US DEC2016 TO JAN2017. Ive been to US several times but only once in the last three years. Do i still qualify for category B?

Hi Dani, I’m not sure, but if I were in your shoes, I would go for it. :)


i have a filipino friend who work in japan and sponsor her fiancee to visit her there. She said her fiancee visa approved and allowed him to saty in japan for 3months straight. I’m not sure the authenticity of her information but this is what she’d been telling me. Is it really posible to stay in japan 3 months staright just holding fiancee visa?

Hi Katty, naku, wala akong alam about fiancee visa. :(


Hi po. I have multiple entry visa and once ko palang nagamit last year. No idea po ako kung paano sya gamitin for the 2nd time onwards? Basta punta na lang po ba ako ng airport and good to go na yun? Nasanay lang po ako sa single entry since 2016. Sorry po kung ganito yung tanong. >.<

And ayos lang po kaya kung halimbawa magkasunod na months ako pupunta pero a week or two lang each visit? May nagsabi po kasi sakin na parang bawal daw magkasunod na month kung nagamit yung 30 days na stay.

Thank you po!

Hi Jane, yep, show up ka lang sa airport with your visa, no other steps needed. But to be safe, always make sure you have a return ticket, proof of accommodations, etc. para sa PH immigration.

Di ko alam yung sinasabing bawal ang magkasunod pag nagamit ung 30 days. Nung latter half ng 2018, halos every month nasa Japan ako and 1 week apart lang, wala naman akong naging problem pero 1-2 weeks lang ang stay ko.


Hello Yoshke! Just wanted to confirm if my passport has expired and my multiple entry visa for Japan is still valid, do i just bring my old passport with valid visa and my new passport? No need to have my valid visa transferred to my new passport? Thank you!

Hi Pau! Yep, no need to have the visa transferred. Just bring BOTH your old passport with visa and your new passport. Ganyan din situation ko now. My ME Japan visa is in my old passport and I have a new passport na. I just bring both.


Hi pwede mag ask yung friend ko may 5years multiple visa tapos on process yung long term visa nya sa japan bali asawa nya don sa japan permanent resident pwede ba sya pumasok ng japan as tourist visa habang di lumalabas yung long term visa nya na finile ng asawa nya

Di ko po alam. :(

Lucky Gil

I’m an OFW based in Singapore so will apply through the embassy here. Just wanted to know if meron ka pong reader who is also based here and applied for 5-year multiple entry visa. Main reason for it is I want to come back next year for Tokyo 2020 and return for other cities such as Sapporo, Okinawa etc.

Visited Kansai region in January 2017 and I have multiple stamps from USA and will be visiting Germany next month. So I guess pasok naman sa criteria :)

Hi. You can post this sa FB Support Group namin. Baka may SG-based din dun na nakatry: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thepoortraveler/

Ok po, will do, salamat! :)

Sorry 2 more questions :)

1) For the passport photo/info page, G7 visas and passport stamps, do I need to submit photocopies OR the passport itself will suffice?

2) Are they strict about the A4 paper printout? Was there any visa application rejection due to not following this requirement? Curious lang. :)

1. Dun sa experience ng friend ko, passport lang. Pero dala ka na lang din ng photocopy to be sure.

2. Madalas, di na lulusot sa agency pa lang pag hindi A4. Papapalitan nila right there.


would like to ask, i want to apply ng M.E. Visa but my first time sa Japan pa lang.. But I’ve been to Schengen Countries and turkey and 8 asian countires including korea but not yet in Japan.

Do i need a cover letter for applying ng ME Visa? pasok na ba sa qualifications kaya yun? my bank account naman is in good standing… what if ndi ako nabigyan ng ME? possible ba na Denied agad un? or baka naman single entry lang ? Salamat po

Xtn, if mataas ang laman ng bank account mo, pede naman. Di naman need ng cover letter kasi may section naman sa form na pwede mo iexplain bakit mo gusto ng multiple.

Pero rule of thumb is, kapag first time mo, safer to apply na single. If gusto mo talaga ipush ang multiple, ijustify mo na lang sa form.


Will it be okay to apply for a multiple entry visa just months after I came back from my last Japan trip? It was April then I plan on going back during Autumn.

Or should I wait?

By the way I love your blog, I am learning a lot about traveling, and even though I know it’s complicated, your blog definitely makes it easier for me, I feel like I can travel like how you guys are doing. Way to go!

Hi Ozzy, Yep, that’s okay. My teammates did something similar. They applied for multiple after just coming back. They got approved.

Jay Michael

I have a ME Japan visa, I just came back last March 28 2019 for a 26 days visit, My question is When is the soonest na pwede ako bumalik sa Japan? Planning to go back there this month with my other family members with of course with visa ready on hand.. Thanks

Hi Jay, nagawa ko nang bumalik ng 1 day lang ang pagitan, wala namang problem.

Something like kahapon dumating ako from Japan ng 8pm tapos 8am the next day bumalik ako Japan. Walang naging issue. Ang alam ko, oks lang as long as hindi mo mareach ung limit ng number of days allowed sa Japan.


I just want to clarify. How often does “multiple entry” means? In a year, how many times can i go in and out of Japan? And are there any duration of the exit? Say for example i just came back from japan and plan to re-enter, does it have a span of time like a week or so?

In 2016: I exited Narita at 7:45pm to accompany my mom because she didn’t want to travel alone. Then, the next morning, I flew back and entered Narita again. That’s less than 24 hours apart, but I didn’t have any problem at the Immigration at all.

In 2018: I exited Nagoya on December 7 and flew to Sapporo for another trip on December 10. I didn’t run into any trouble either.


gd pm po may anak ako sa japanese nadeport kmi .8yrs na kami dto sa pinas. nag apply ang anak ko ng tourit visa 1week na dpa lumalabas resulta. tanong kolang makakaapekto ba sa anak ko na dcia mabisahan kc nadeport kami. kawawa naman kc un anak ko kung dahil don ay dna cia mabigyan ng pagkakataon makabalik kung san ko cia pinanganak .gusto na nia mkita ulit ang ama nia un nga lang nde cia garantor ng anak ko sa pagpunta don.may posibilida ba na dna cia mabigyan ng visa khit half japanese cia? ano dapat kong gawin sana naman manigyan cia ng visa.

Hi Mika, di ko po alam kapag ganyan. Parang best to consult a travel agency po. :(


Hi, I think my situation falls under the 2nd checkbox in the eligibility requirements (which was not discussed here) – my company is included in the top 1000 Philippine corporations in terms of gross revenue. My question is: Can i apply for a multiple-entry visa — for TOURISM purpose only — using the above-mentioned criteria? Or is the criteria for business purpose only? Thanks.


Hi. What if I applied for a tourist visa and I get approved either SE or ME. Then, there comes my trip to Japan, a friend offered that I can stay in their place. Will I have a conflict with the immigration officer if my visa is a tourist visa but I am staying in a friends house? (In wc I may suppose to fall under visitor visa upon application) Also note that this is not gonna be my first travel to Japan, was previously granted SE on mg first application.

Hi Nikki, ung last visa ko, ganyan yung nangyari. I was granted a tourist visa, multiple entry, but the trip was cancelled and the first time I used that visa was for another trip to visit my sister. I didn’t have any problem, but I don’t know if that’s okay in general, if I just got lucky, or if they just considered by travel history.

For ME visas, usually it’s okay for subsequent uses, but not sure about the first use.


Hi. In this scenario, is it necessary to present an invitation in the immigration or not. Thanks

Ideally, if you’re invited by someone abroad, you should have an Invitation Letter because there’s still that chance that Immigration Officers will look for them, especially on PH side. Often, they will not look for them, but there’s a chance that they will. Hard to say.


Thank you for responding. I have another question. My scenario is punta kami as tourist ng boyfriend ko pero nag offer yung relative niya na mag stay sakanila for a week. Gusto i-apply ng boyfriend ko may Inviter sa visa without guarantor. My question is, is it safe for me if I apply the same visa with an inviter (my boyfriend’s uncle) or risky pag related about boyfriend/girlfriend and get denied?

If I go with the inviter, anong ilalagay kong relationship sa uncle ng boyfriend ko na ofw dun?

Hope to hear from you again. Thanks!

That depends heavily on your profile. If I were in your position tapos okay naman ang work, funds and docs ko, I’d always choose applying as a tourist than being sponsored by someone na hindi ko close relative/close friend.

But that’s just me.


Hello planning to apply for a visa again now with my baby. Plan to apply for a multiple entry as we have a single entry previously approved. How about for my baby? Should it be for single entry first or can be multiple na like me? Plan to do the app as a family also with my hubby with previous visa as mine. Thank you.

Alberto M

I was wondering if you knew the age a bank account should be for the Bank Certificate for a Multi-Entry Visa application, and if Letter sized or Short Bond Paper Bank certificates are acceptable?

Hi Alberto,

In my experience, tinanggap pa rin kahit di A4 ung bank certificate. Basta yung mga ikaw mismo ang magpoproduce like application form, schedule, etc., dapat A4. Di ko lang alam if lahat ng agency ay ganun.

Kristine Lopez

My family and I visited Japan last May 31st to June 9th this year, and we are planning to apply for a multiple-entry visa. Is it okay to apply as early as now even if we are planning to go back to Japan next year?

Thank you and good day!


My last trip to Japan was last FEB 7 2016. Im wondering if I could apply for a multiple entry visa next month (August) because technically hindi na sya within 3 yrs talaga if I apply for the visa next month, although 2016 was my last trip and it is still 2019 now :) Am I still qualified to apply for a multiple entry or should I just apply for single entry? :)


Got my 5 years Multiple-entry Tourist Visa from Reli Travel and tours – SM Southmall Branch. Took only 3 business days for the result. Thanks Yoshke! Your blog was so helpful. From my Schengen Visa now to Japan. More power to you and your Blog!

Applied for ME with below criteria – Traveled once to Japan for the past 3 years – Traveled once to UK and France(G7 Countries) for the past 3 years – 100k on bank cert

Yayyy! Congrats! Saan ka sa Japan punta this time? :D


Thanks for the comprehensive article! I’m currently a student and work part-time as a freelancer, since wala pa akong ITR I’ve been relying on my sister for my documents. For category D ba kailangan specifically spouse/child ka ng guarantor?

Medyo ambiguous kasi nakalagay din sa documents na ‘immediate family’ (Immediate family members (Spouse/Child) of the person who has highly sufficient financial capacity.) So medyo magulo yung wording.

I’m planning to apply muna for single-entry this week. My last trip was 3 months ago and I stayed for 15 days, I’m planning to do the same ulit. I’m planning on going there more often so I’m hoping there’s a way for me to get a multiple-entry visa without having to apply for single entry every time I want to fly over to JP.


My first trip to Japan was February 2016. Will be travelling again this coming 1st wk of December 2019 and I plan to apply for a multiple entry visa this time. Do I still fall under Category A (traveled to Japan within the last 3 yrs) since my travel still falls under 2019? :p

Mark John

Hi just wanted to ask. Do you consider me as “high financial individual” I will submit soon my application. Qatar bank – 52,000 riyals (roughly 730k pesos) Philippine bank- 200,000 php Citibank credit card- 1,000,000 php credit card limit.

I have japan visas: Visa (1)- single entry used last April 2017 Visa(2)- single entry again, but wasn’t able to use. After the expiry of the second visa, I tried to apply again the third time the same year, after one week still no result. I need to submit a letter of release for my passport because I had to process my work here in Qatar.

I am planning to apply my visa in Manila. November 14,2019. Then my flight to japan would be on Dec 30, 2019

Any advice please

Hi Mark John.

If I were in your shoes, I’d go for it. Your profile is much better than some of my friends who applied for a multiple visa and were granted.


May penalty kaya if na grant ka lang ng single entry tapos di ka nakatravel for whatever reason?

As far as I know, wala naman consequences. At worst, explanation letter lang pero hindi ko matandaan kung sa Japan or sa Korean visa ung need ng explanation letter. Pero regardless, it doesn’t diminish your chances.

Jericson Rubiano

Good day! Tama ba na I don’t PSA Birth Certificate since I have valid passports with used Japan visa (March 2019)?

Good day! Tama ba na I don’t need PSA Birth Certificate since I have valid passports with used Japan visa (March 2019)?

maria shimizu

hi!ask ko lang my daughter is a philippine passport holder, her surname is japanese dahil inadop sya ng husband ko nung 5years old pa lang sya ,she visit japan many times ofcourse my husband ang guarantor, now she is 34 years old at kaya nya shoulder ang mga document to travel on her own,posible ba sya mag apply ng tourist visa na di ma question dahil my family sya dito sa Japan?

Hi Maria, I don’t know for sure if makaka-affect yun.

Normally, I would just recommend applying for a VISIT visa instead, but I think you really want a multiple-entry visa kaya tourist yung gusto nyo applyan. I think okay lang, pero di ko talaga sure.


Hi po. Ask ko lang po. Kung malaki chance kong makakuha ng ME visa sa Japan if nakapagtravel po ako sa USA once this year and 10 years ME yung US visa ko. Kaso first time palang ako pupunta japan. Nakalagay kasi several times sa g7 countries.T_T. November na ang alis ko. baka maudlot pa. hahaha

Di ko sure. Di kasi defined ng embassy yung “several” or “frequent.”

Although sabi ng isang travel agency na nakausap ko, kahit daw once lang sa G7, inaaccept ng embassy.

I’d go for it if I were in your shoes. But that’s just me.


Thanks for the informative blog, Yoshke! Received my 10-yr multiple entry (ME) visa yesterday after 4 days. I have never been to Japan but I have ME UK visit visas and visited the UK several times for 15 yrs, so tried my luck and applied for ME as a person “with high financial capacity”. It got approved. More power!

Congrats! Thanks for sharing :D


Hello po. Ask ko lang if for example meron na akong MUTIPLE ENTRY VISA sa Japan for 30 days stay, pwede po ba akong mag-extend ng another 30 days doon na mismo sa Japan kapag matatapos na yung 30 days na yun? Tingin ko lang bitin po talaga yung 30 days sakin eh. Hehe. Galing na kasi ako don twice pero laging 15 days lang ako. Hehe.

Hi Mark, di ko po alam if possible or kung ano extension process. :|


I resigned from work last 2017 but I have the capacity to travel as I have enough money naman in the bank. Will that suffice as I am now a full-time housewife or I still need to apply as applicant with guarantor?

Thanks in advance!


Hi, I wanted to apply for ME visa. I’m thinking if I still fall under the category A, but it says that my last visit should be within the last three years. My last time I’ve been to Japan was 2015 (4 years ago). Would it be an issue if I select the first category and just explain that it’s more than 3 years? Any advise is much appreciated.


Hello, if I apply for ME and got denied, will the agency automatically reconsider the same application for SE instead?

I don’t think so. As soon as the embassy submits the application to the embassy, it’s out of their hands. They will not return the documents. As far as I know, you will have to start a new application with a new set of documents. I’m not sure about this so better ask the agency where you plan to lodge your application.

Sometimes, though, even if you apply for an ME visa and the embassy decides you’re not qualified for ME but qualified for SE, they can still give you an SE visa. Sometimes, they decline altogether. It’s really hard to tell.

Thank you for info!

maeri krista

Hi! Just wanted your advice.. my family wants to apply for ME visa. I’ve been to japan before but SE & my mom as my guarantor. My parents wants us to try to apply for ME (they’re under category C naman daw & us daw sa D) and they’re going to be our guarantors (3children) for the trip (8days). Scaredy cat kasi ako what if di kami bigyan ng ME or denied. We bought tix for June (seat sale kasi hahaha). Also, all of us also have valid 10yrs ME US Visas; does this increase our chance of having Japan ME visa? Should we go for it? Thank you!

It’s hard for me to give an advice because I have no visibility on the documents you will be submitting. The best person to ask is the agent/staff who will receive your application. Prepare the requirements for ME tapos ask mo ung agency. If sabihin nila na go, go for it and submit the additional docs. :)


Hi! I’ve been to Japan once and I’m planning to apply for ME visa under category A. My bank cert shows a low ADB but I currently have around 80k on my account, mainly due to my income and bonus from last month. Will this raise a suspicion that I deposited a very large amount of money? Or submitting my payslips as a proof would be enough? My account was also created last 2017 pa. Thank you!

They only need the bank certificate, not the bank statement. They won’t see your transactions, only the balance.


I’m planning to apply multiple entry visa in Singapore. From the Japan embassy web, I saw this requirement to bring “A letter of explanation stating the reason of applying for the multiple visa (Original)”.

Do you know how important it is? How long should I write? Do you have any example for this?

I’m not familiar with the policy when applying in SG. But here in PH, the multiple visa request form already have a field where you can write a reason for asking for multiple. I usually just write 3-4 sentences there explaining that I plan to visit Japan 2x this year then I state the specific months and the places I plan to visit.

kofi ama

Could you please send me copy of your sample reasons when applying for japan multiple entry


Mr. Yoshke, do you know what Filipinos can get as an alternative to a working holiday visa? Some countries can work part-time in Japan using a working holiday visa and I wanted to do that as well, but we don’t have that type of visa in the Philippines.


Hello why Yung iba nakakakuha ng 90 days stay visa s japan? tas ung iba nmn 30 days stay lang


gusto ko lang po sana malaman. twice na po akong nakapunta ng japan invite ako ng kapatid ko. ask ko kung pwede mag apply ng multiple visa kahit ang record ng 2 punta ko eh invite from my ate. Apply ko sana ngayon ng multiple visa for tourist sarili kong papers. Ok lang po ba kahit walang ITR.. pero ang savings ko po sa bank 300k po.


Hi how to use credit card to add bank statement/proof of financial capacity?

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How I Got My Japan Multiple Entry Visa in One Shot in the Philippines

This post is about how I got my Japan Multiple Entry Visa in one shot. It was my very first time applying for a Japan tourist visa. I did not apply for multiple entry, but luckily, I got one.

The best thing about this post is I’m going to share two experiences: one for self-employed (mine) and another one for employed applicant (my sister) who got our multiple entry visas in one shot for the first time.

Table of Contents:

How I Got My Japan Multiple Entry Visa ?

The first thing I did was gather the documents required before our application. I prepared the following documents (listed below) and submitted them to the agency. The cover letter was not needed, but I made sure I submitted one. I also made one for my sister, and she got a multiple entry visa, too.

Japan Multiple Entry Tourist Visa Requirements in the Philippines:

For self-employed applicants:, for employed applicants:, japan multiple entry tourist visa application procedures in the philippines, 1. submit your complete documents, 2. prepare a simple daily schedule of stay in japan.

Follow the specific requirements and format, including the Daily Schedule in Japan. The Daily Schedule in Japan is a tough job to make because you will need hotel reservations.

No worries, you can make hotel reservations even without paying in advance, and you can list your accommodation on your Daily Schedule. Booking.com allows hotel reservations without payment.

3. Submit a Cover Letter

I think it was one of the reasons why we got Multiple Entry Visa. I shared a cover letter sample for Japan tourist visa application on this page: “ Japan Tourist Visa Cover Letter. “

4. Prove Your Financial Capacity

My sister got her 5-year Multiple Entry Visa, and she had around 150,000 on her bank certificate. If you are traveling to Japan for five days, for example, around 80,000 on your account would do. I think they will issue you a visa as long as you have a decent job, a decent bank account, and strong reasons you will be returning to your home country.

Disclaimer: This article is based on personal experiences. It is for information purpose only and should not be considered as travel expert advice. If you are not sure about your visa application, seek a professional visa advisor to assist your travel needs and services.

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Related posts, 7 thoughts on “how i got my japan multiple entry visa in one shot in the philippines”.

Any advice please

how can i apply tourist visa to visit my japanese children i have no contact yet for almost 17 yrs? Im 55 yrs old. thx

Ask ko lang if may G7 stamp me pero wala ng Japan, would they give multiple entry kaya?

Hello, my case is the same as your one. I just want to know if you got approved? I took the risk of filling out the multiple visa form because the travel agent offered it. I’m still waiting for my passport to be sent back to me sometime next week. I think being granted the multiple visa will be a bonus for me. Thanks! ????

hi ask lang if san agency po kayo nag apply for visa and how much? and for your whole tour how much po estimated budget nyo? thanks in advance ????

Hi ! Regarding the late registration for nso, i can only provide baptismal cert but not the form 137 or school yrbook, is that ok? i mean on ur own perspective. Coz hopefully we’ll be travelling by the 2nd week of Dec

Good day, It is interesting read though for first time travellers like us.

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How to Get Japan Visa Multiple Entry Without Income Tax Return (2019 Guide)

Finally! I just got my Japan Visa Multiple Entry without Income Tax Return. So, I can show you my guide on how I got one based on my personal experience. If you’re interested to get a Single Entry, here’s how I got my Japan Visa Single Entry without Income Tax Return and how I wrote my Letter of Explanation for Japan Visa . Please take note that this Japan visa guide is for applying as a tourist in the Philippines.

japan visa cover letter multiple entry

I can tell that getting a Japan visa is not that difficult compared to South Korea . For the first three applications, I got Single Entry to Japan. Now, for the fourth time, I got a Japan visa multiple-entry for five (5) years.

Requirements for Japan Visa Multiple Entry

The following are the requirements to submit to obtain a Japan Visa Multiple Entry:

1. Valid Philippine Passport

Philippine Passport must have 6 months validity from your target travel date. It must have 2 blank pages or more. When it’s due to expire, renew it right away, I renewed my passport in Palawan .

2. Old Philippine Passport with old Japan visa and stamps

Submit your old passport with an old Japan visa and stamps together with your current valid Philippine Passport. I had three (3) single entry Japan visa in my old passport. This is only applicable if you had Japan visa/s from the old passport.

You can read How I Lost my Passport in Tokyo .

3. Accomplished Visa Application Form

I accomplished my visa application form through writing. Put N/A to the fields if it’s not applicable to you. You can download the form through here . Always print your documents in A4 size.

4. Multiple Entry Visa Request Form

When you have the intention of applying for a multiple entry visa, please do not forget to download and fill up the multiple entry visa request form. It has all the guidelines on how to be eligible for getting a multiple entry visa. Download the form here .

If you wish to apply for a multiple-entry visa, please check the type of visa and appropriate items below.

I chose Multiple-entry visa for tourists .

And checked A person who has highly sufficient financial capacity .

I’ve been to Japan back in 2015 but it’s already beyond 3 years since I was there. The reason I never checked A person who has traveled to Japan as a temporary visitor within the last three years and has the financial capability to support his/her trip .

Then I fill out the reason why I want a multiple-entry visa to Japan.

5. ID Photo

The ID photo must be 4.5 x 4.5 cm in size with a white background. Wear something formal.

6. PSA Birth Certificate (within one year issue)

During my second and third application, I remember I didn’t submit my PSA Birth Certificate. Since my last application was in 2016-2017, I decided to submit my PSA Birth Certificate.

I requested my PSA Birth Certificate online and paid a fee.

7. Bank Certificate

This goes to show the financial capability of your travel to Japan. When I applied for a single entry visa, I showed around PHP 90,000. For a multiple-entry visa, I showed at least PHP 100,000.

You can check how I travel on a budget in Japan .

8. Bank Statements for 6 months

Actually, bank statements are not needed but only bank certificates. Since I have a copy of my bank statements, I decided to submit for additional proof that I can afford to travel to Japan.

9. Certificate of Stocks Investment

Together with my bank certificate and statements, I also submitted my Certificate of Stocks Investment from COL Financial as proof that I have funds to travel.

10. Marriage Certificate if you’re married

I am not required to submit this because I am single. This is only applicable when you’re married.

11. Daily Schedule in Japan

You can get the form from your travel agency’s website but I will share it and download it here .

For this application, I submitted a daily schedule in Kyoto.

Here’s a Sample Japan Itineraries You Can Follow …

12. Multiple Entry Visa Request Letter

This is a personalized letter addressed to the Consul of Japan Embassy. Here I wrote my intention of requesting a multiple entry visa to Japan.

Do not copy everything, this only serves as a guideline.

(DATE) The Office of the Consul General Embassy of Japan in the Philippines 2627 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City, 1300

RE: Application for Multiple Entry Japan Visa Dear Sir/Madam, Kon’nichiwa! Yoi tsuitachi! My name is (YOUR NAME) , a resident of the Philippines, with a Passport no. (INDICATE PASSPORT #) is humbly requesting to you a multiple-entry Japan Tourist Visa to cover my intention of exploring more of your country (for purpose of tourism only). I’ve been to Japan last (FIRST VISIT DATE) and (SECOND VISIT DATE) . I assure you that I never had any issues with immigration and law enforcement during my stay. I loved my first solo trip to Japan and it was memorable. The second solo trip was magical because of the autumn season. Now, I am interested to go to Kyoto and spent five days to enjoy the autumn season again from (INTENDED VISIT DATE) . I am requesting for a multiple entry visa because I am interested to return to Japan during the spring season, to see the cherry blossoms. I assure you that I can support myself during the duration of my stay. I am currently doing freelance work as a Virtual Assistant and a Travel Blogger. I earn my living doing online tasks and documenting my travels through my travel blog at www.itravelrox.com . I don’t have an Income Tax Return yet but I am on my way to register myself as a sole-proprietor. I have DTI Business registration to show to make it more legit. I have a Certificate of Employment to show from my client in Australia. (EXPLAIN WHAT YOU DO) As a frequent traveler, for the past six years, I’ve been to 10 countries. These are Malaysia in 2013, Hong Kong and Macau in 2014, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore in 2015, Taiwan in 2016 and 2017, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia in 2018, and Indonesia, Singapore in 2019. (EXPLAIN WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN TO)

All supporting documents and visa application of (YOUR NAME) are attached below: 1. Philippine Passport 2. Old Philippine Passport with Japan visas and stamps 3. Visa application form with attached photo 4. Daily Schedule in Kyoto, Japan 5. Hostel reservation in Kyoto 6. Original bank certificate and bank statement for six months 7. Certificate of Employment from a client in Australia 8. COL stock investment certificate 9. PSA Birth Certificate and Local Birth Certificate 10. DTI Business name registration 11. Multiple entry visa request form 12. SSS Monthly Contribution 13. PayPal transaction good for one year from different clients I hope these documents will suffice the process of my Multiple Entry Japan Tourist Visa. I am hoping for your kind consideration over this matter. Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,


13. Letter of Explanation without Income Tax Return

Another personalized letter addressed to the Consul of Japan Embassy why I don’t have an Income Tax Return.

Serves as a guideline only, do not copy everything.

The Office of the Consul General

Embassy of Japan in the Philippines

2627 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City, 1300       

RE: No Income Tax Return to show

Dear Sir/Madam,

Kon’nichiwa! Yoi tsuitachi!

My name is (YOUR NAME) , a resident of the Philippines, with a Passport no. (INDICATE PASSPORT #) . I am writing to request for approval of my Japan tourist visa.

My intention of my request is to for tourism purpose only. That is to visit Kyoto for five days from (INTENDED VISIT DATE) during the autumn season. I’ve been to Japan last (FIRST VISIT DATE) and (SECOND VISIT DATE) .

I know that part of the application is to present an Income Tax Return to prove financial capacity to travel, which, unfortunately, I don’t have yet. I am currently doing online freelance work as a Virtual Assistant and a Travel Blogger. My website is www.itravelrox.com where I document my travels. I earn money through my website and other online tasks. (EXPLAIN WHAT YOU DO)

As a frequent traveler, for the past six years, I’ve been to 10 countries. These are Malaysia in 2013, Hong Kong and Macau in 2014, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore in 2015, Taiwan in 2016 and 2017, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia in 2018, and Indonesia, Singapore in 2019. (EXPLAIN WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN TO)

Rest assured that I am financially capable to support my travel to Japan. All supporting documents and visa application of (YOUR NAME) are attached below:

  • Philippine Passport
  • Old Philippine Passport with Japan visas and stamps
  • Visa application form with attached photo
  • PSA Birth Certificate and Local Birth Certificate
  • Multiple entry visa request form
  • Daily Schedule in Kyoto, Japan
  • Hostel reservation in Kyoto
  • Original bank certificate and bank statement for six months
  • COL stock investment certificate
  • Certificate of Employment from a client in Australia
  • PayPal transaction good for one year from different clients
  • DTI Business name registration
  • SSS Monthly Contribution

I am looking forward to have my tourist visa granted. Hoping for your kind consideration. Thank you.


You can check How I Wrote my Letter of Explanation for Japan Tourist Visa .

14. DTI Business Name Registration

Since I don’t have ITR yet, I submitted my DTI business name registration in relation to the administrative support services I offer online. This is optional.

15. SSS monthly contribution

This is optional so I submitted my SSS monthly contribution together with my DTI business name registration certificate.

16. Certificate of Employment

Also, I submitted my Certificate of Employment from a client in Australia, proof in relation to the DTI business name registration.

17. PayPal Transactions or Pay Slips of One Year

An additional document I submitted together with DTI, COE, bank certificate and statement to show that I am working online.

18. Hostel Booking and Reservation in Kyoto

You can book through Agoda or Booking without paying anything but you can reserve it for a specific number of days with free cancellation. Or pay at the hotel or hostel.

19. Airline Ticket

Showing an airline ticket is optional unless you found a seat sale ticket to Japan, good for you. However, it is not guaranteed to get a visa. With my experience, the second application I got a cheap ticket to Tokyo. With the third and fourth applications, I don’t have an airline ticket to show.

But make sure you have the name of the entry and exit port, date of entry and exit to Japan, and the detail flight (name of airlines) as you need to fill-up the form with this information.

How to Get a Japan Visa Multiple Entry without Income Tax Return?

1. complete gathering all the requirements.

Gather all the requirements as written from above.

2. Submit the application to an accredited travel agency

I submitted my application from the same agency at Friendship Tours in Cebu. The complete address is Unit 2-508. 5th Floor, OITC 2 Bldg. Oakridge Business Park A.S.Fortuna St., Banilad Mandaue City Cebu.

The handling fee for a single entry visa is PHP 1,200. If granted a multiple-entry visa, you need to add PHP 800. PHP 2,000 is the total handling fee for a multiple-entry Japan visa.

3. Wait 5-7 days for your Visa

I already submitted all my documents on a Tuesday afternoon and the agency told me that they will send it to Manila on a Thursday. The next Tuesday afternoon, I received a text message from the agency. Says I’ve been granted a visa. But nobody told me if it’s a single entry or multiple-entry visa. Well, it was sort of a surprise. The next day, I went to the office of the travel agency to collect my passport. Finally, a multiple-entry Japan visa has been granted for 5 years with 30 days of stay each visit.

Here’s my Japan Visa Multiple Entry without Income Tax Return

japan visa cover letter multiple entry

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Getting Japan Tourist Visa in the Philippines without Income Tax Return

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How to Apply for a Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR and Get Approved for a Multiple Entry Visa (2018 Guide)

Japan is truly one of the best destinations and countries that a Filipino can dream of traveling to. It is where the animes originated and one of our biggest dreams is to those places that we only see in the anime scenes or even the movies. Some of us are fans of the Japanese soap operas, and some would just like to experience how is Japan different from any other Asian countries. With all the news and good things that we hear about this one beautiful country, who would not dream of stepping into the land of the rising sun ?

As a Filipino, we cannot just enter Japan without securing a visa as if it were a part of the ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations). I know it’s a hassle but Japan is part of G7 countries , and when you have a visa to at least one of these countries, you have a higher chance of getting a visa to another.

How to Apply for a Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR and Get Approved for a Multiple Entry Visa

Table of Contents

How to Apply for a Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR and Get Approved for a Multiple Entry Visa

I have personally stepped into Japan a few years back and created a guide for it (you can check this link) but that was the normal process because I was still in the corporate setup, a.k.a., I still have a corporate job/employer.

But this guide is for those who are self-employed or freelancers (like me) who cannot present a tax document yet but is earning enough to travel places and go far. This also applies to those who cannot present a Certificate of Employment and or are students.

Let’s start with the basic and important requirements first for Japan visa application.

1. Passport 1. Passport
2. Bank Certificate 2. Bank Certificate
3. Japan visa Photo 3. Birth Certificate
4. Japan Visa Application Form 4. Japan visa Photo
5. Daily Schedule Form 5. Japan Visa Application form
6. Marriage Contract (if married) 6. Daily Schedule Form
7. Explanation Letter (No ITR / CoE) 7. Marriage Contract (if married)
8. Multiple Entry Visa Request Letter 8. Explanation Letter (No ITR / CoE)

1. Valid  Philippine Passport  (with at least 2 blank pages and expiration is not less than 6 months)

Your passport is your number one requirement. If you do not have a passport yet, please apply for one. It only takes a few days for a rush passport or a few weeks for a regular passport. Go to the nearest DFA office in your area.  Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR

If you do have a passport already, make sure you have at least 2 blank pages remaining and is not coming near expiration. You won’t be permitted to travel if your passport is less than 6 months before expiration, even if your travel will just be for a few days.

2. Bank Certificate (from a local or international bank)

The embassy will also need to look if you are financially capable to travel to Japan. They don’t want you to become a beggar in their country and be a hindrance to their economy. Hence, the larger the amount you have, the higher the chance you will get approved. No worries though, even those with only 20,000 to 30,000 Php are getting approved. The money that should be in your account depends on the length of your stay. The safe bet is that you have at least 5,000 Php to 10,000 Php to spend per day.

3. PSA Birth Certificate (issued within One year)

NOTE: If you previously have been approved for a single entry Japan visa, you won’t need to present this. This document is only for the first time applicants.

Your Birth Certificate should be issued within a year before your intended application for Japan visa. Go to the nearest Serbilis Center in your area. You’d be able to get your birth certificate in 30 mins to 2 hours depending on the volume of requesters. A friend of mine got hers in about 40 mins. She said she requested at Pureza branch.  Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR

If you don’t have the time, you can also request for it online and pay for a little fee. It will be delivered straight to your home.

4. Photo sized for Japan visa

Just tell the studio/photographer that it needs to be on white background and is sized for Japan visa. They should know this. If your photo is not aligned with the photo border in the form, you will be required by them to send a new photo. The picture must also be within 3 months of capture.

5. Japan Visa Application form

The form is usually available on your agency’s website. We did that. However, they told us they are using a new one so we filled out details right there and then. So if you have time to visit your visa agency, ask for a copy of the form.  There will be guidelines on how to fill it out and please be careful of your erasures.

6. Marriage Contract Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR

Only if you are already married. Otherwise, not applicable and is not required.

How to Apply for a Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR and Get Approved for a Multiple Entry Visa

7. Daily Schedule in Japan

The form is also available on your agency’s website. Download the form and fill it out. Look below for a sample of itinerary or daily schedule in Japan and how to fill it out. Here’s what we actually submitted for our application.

NOTE: This is not our actual itinerary. We had itinerary changes when we were in Japan but this is what we submitted. Make sure you include your entry point and exit point (arrival and departure).

Schedule of Stay

The schedules of stay in Japan of the visa applicant MARY JANE FAMARANCO and JERNY DESTACAMENTO others are as follows:





DATE Arrival at Chubu Centrair International Airport, Japan
Head to Kyoto via Bus Night bus
DATE Explore Kyoto
Visit Kyoto Tower, Koshoji Temple, Shorin-ji Temple, Imakumano Kannonji Temple
DATE Visit Arashiyama Bamboo Forest Same as above Same as above
Visit Daikakuji Temple Same as above Same as above
Visit Same as above Same as above
Back to Hotel Same as above Same as above
DATE Visit Kyoto Imperial Palace Same as above Same as above
Visit Nijo Castle Same as above Same as above
Visit Kifune Shrine Same as above Same as above
Back to Hotel Same as above Same as above
DATE Visit Gion District Same as above Same as above
Visit , Kodai-ji Temple Same as above Same as above
Visit Heaian Shrine Same as above Same as above
Back to Hotel Same as above Same as above
DATE Head to Osaka via Train
Explore Osaka / Umeda Same as above Same as above
Visit Isshinji Temple, Nipponbashi Same as above Same as above
DATE Explore Osaka Same as above Same as above
Explore Osaka Same as above Same as above
Back to Hotel Same as above Same as above
DATE Visit Same as above Same as above
Dotonbori / Nambayasaka Shrine / Back to Hotel Same as above Same as above
DATE Explore Osaka / shopping Same as above Same as above
Checkout from Hotel Same as above Same as above
Bus to Nagoya from Osaka
Depart from Chubu Centrair International Airport, Japan to Manila

8. Multiple Entry Visa Request Letter and Request Form

The request form can also be acquired at your agency’s website or ask them for it personally. You will be filling out a few details and the reason why you are requesting for a multiple entry visa.

The request letter is different. It is a more personalized letter that you are sending together with your other documents. Here’s my actual multiple entry visa request letter.

NOTE:  If you will be using this template, please change those in red with your actual details and change the font color to black. (Letter of Explanation for Japan Multiple Entry Visa Application with no ITR or CoE) Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR

NOTE: Feel free to emit or add anything else on your own explanation letter. Please do not just copy and paste this template. Make sure you at least personalize your letter as it will reflect on your application.

2627 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City
1300 Metro Manila, Philippines

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I am YOUR NAME bearer of Philippine passport no. YOUR PASSPORT NUMBER, and a resident of YOUR ADDRESS. I am writing because I would like to apply for a to cover my intention of exploring more of your country (for purposes of tourism only).

I have already been to Japan last DATES OF YOUR LAST VISIT TO JAPAN, and I assure you that I did not have any issues with immigration and law enforcement during my stay. I have visited during the late autumn and early winter season to Kyoto and Osaka with 3 of my friends.

That being said, I now intend to travel this YOUR INTENDED DATE OF VISIT with my partner, YOUR PARTNER’S NAME. We’re also planning to visit next year around the first quarter of 2019 to Sapporo via Philippine Airlines. (mention your plans if you have)

I assure you that I can support myself during the duration of my stay. I am currently doing freelance work as a Web Developer and a Travel Blogger. I earn my living doing online tasks and documenting our travels through our travel blog https://thejerny.net. (mention what you do)

I and my girlfriend had already visited Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia in 2017 for 9 days, and Taiwan for 9 days last June 2018. (mention where you’ve been and the dates you went)

I am submitting along with this application my bank certificate and PayPal withdrawals for the last 3 months. (mention documents you have to support your claim)

Overall, I trust that you will find that everything is in order and I hope that my previous travel experiences and my personal details would be helpful in your consideration to grant me a multiple-entry tourist visa.

Thanking you in advance for a favorable reply to my application.


9. Explanation Letter

If you are like me who cannot present an ITR or CoE, then you probably need to read this and not skip a sentence.

So our scenario is:  Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR

1. I am a freelancer/travel blogger and I have enough funds to sustain an 8-day trip to Nagoya, Kyoto, and Osaka. However, I cannot present a CoE or ITR because simply I work for myself. We will also be celebrating my girlfriend’s birthday within the dates we are in Japan plus I have a plan to propose marriage to her.

2. My partner, Jane, is a student, thus, not having any ITRs or CoE (except for Certificate of Enrollment) but has enough travel funds to sustain an 8 days trip to Japan. She will be the one celebrating her birthday in the country.

Here’s the letter I presented to the agency together with my other requirements.

NOTE: When you are traveling with another person, make your letters consistent in thought.

NOTE:  If you will be using this template, please change those in red with your actual details and change the font color to black. (Letter of Explanation for Japan Visa Application with no ITR or CoE)


The Office of the Consul General
The Embassy of Japan in the Philippines
2627 Roxas Boulevard
Pasay City, Metro Manila 1300

Dear Sir / Madam,


My name is YOUR NAME, a resident of the Philippines, with Passport number YOUR PASSPORT NUMBER. I am writing to request for approval of our tourist visa for Japan.

My girlfriend, Mary Jane Famaranco, and I are planning to travel to Nagoya, Kyoto, Nara, and Osaka for 8 days this INTENDED DATES OF VISIT. We are both excited to see what Japan has in store for us. I had visited Japan myself last PREVIOUS VISIT DATE and I want to show her that Japan has a unique beauty not known to many.

I know that part of the application is to present an ITR to prove financial capacity to travel which, unfortunately, I don’t have. I am currently doing online freelancing work as a Web Developer and a Travel Blogger. We have a website (https://thejerny.net) where we document our travels and I earn money from our website and other online tasks. (mention what you do)

We have already traveled to a few South East Asian countries including Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia together last January to February 2017 for 9 days, and most recently to Taiwan last June 2018 for 9 days as well. (mention where you have traveled to)

Rest assured that we are both financially capable to support our travel to Japan. Attached herewith is my Bank Certificate for your reference. (mention your references)

Japan was the first country I have traveled to and I want to make this memorable for both of us. I am planning to propose marriage to her when we get to Japan. It will also be her birthday on the HER BIRTHDATE. (mention why you want to have your visa granted)

We are both looking forward to having our tourist visa granted. Hoping for your kind consideration. Thank you.


Jerny Destacamento (change to your name)

Here is Jane’s ITR letter submitted together with the other documents (first-time application). Remember, she’s a student.  Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR

NOTE:  If you will be using this template, please change those in red with your actual details and change the font color to black.


The Office of the Consul General
The Embassy of Japan in the Philippines
2627 Roxas Boulevard
Pasay City, Metro Manila 1300

Dear Sir / Madam,


My name is YOUR NAME, a resident of the Philippines, with Passport number PASSPORT NUMBER, and currently a student of YOUR SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY. I am writing to request for approval of our tourist visa for Japan.

I and my boyfriend, Jerny Destacamento, are planning to travel to Nagoya, Kyoto, Nara, and Osaka for 8 days this INTENDED DATES OF VISIT. This will be my first time to visit such an amazing country and I would like to celebrate my upcoming birthday (DOB) in Universal Studios Japan. My boyfriend had visited the country with his friends and I would like to experience Japan as well.

I know that part of the application is to present an ITR to prove financial capacity to travel which unfortunately I don’t have. I am currently a student taking up YOUR COURSE but I have saved up some cash for this trip from my allowances and earnings from our travel blog as we’re also a travel blogging couple. We document our experiences and whereabouts in our website, .

My boyfriend and I have already traveled to a few South East Asian countries including Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia last January to February 2017 together for 9 days, and most recently to Taiwan last June 2018 for 9 days. (mention where you have traveled to)

Rest assured that we are both financially capable to support our travel to Japan. Attached herewith is my Bank Certificate for your reference and my Certificated of Enrollment at the school. (mention your references)

We are both looking forward to having our tourist visa granted. Hoping for your kind consideration. Thank you.


Mary Jane Famaranco (change to your name)

Optional documents you can present to support your visa application

These documents are not required by the agency or the embassy. This may or may not help with your visa application but you are free to submit such documents to back your application for a Japan visa.

a.  Valid IDs  Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR

Print or submit a photocopy of your IDs if possible (Company, School, UMID, PhilHealth, etc) .

b.  Airline Tickets

If you are one like us (who book tickets even without the assurance of getting a granted visa), then congrats on spending your money on that ticket! LOL! It will help you with your application a little but it’s not a guaranteed success.

c.  Hotel / Hostel Bookings

The embassy wants to make sure that you have a place to stay in their country. So if you have booked accommodations in advance, print the confirmation form and submit it. Some hotels offer a pay at hotel option or free cancellation within an allotted time so this is completely safe.  Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR

Check out and book your hotels here via AGODA | BOOKING and pay directly or use the Pay at Hotel option.

After submission of documents

Once you have submitted all the required documents, pay the visa processing fee. We have applied at ReliTours MOA branch and paid 950 Php each. There are cheaper options but this agency is where I submitted my application before.

They will tell you to wait until you get a text from them, so make sure that your phone number is the most recent one and is active.

We submitted our application on a Thursday evening. The waiting game was totally killing me because our flight is Saturday that same week. LOL! Come Wednesday and we still did not receive any text messages so I decided to call them on Thursday morning. They told me they still don’t have our passports and call again in the evening at 6:00 pm.

After a few hours, around 11:00 am, we received a text message that our passports are ready for claiming and we will only know the result when we got there in the agency.

We picked up our passports at around 4:00 pm and we both got approved! To know if you are approved or not, a “red sticker (or red mark)” in the back of your passport indicates “denied”, and a “white sticker” indicates an approved visa.  Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR

We got our visa and passort in 5 working days.

Luckily, my multiple entry visa request was GRANTED! I was granted a 5-year multiple entry visa for 30 days each. Whilst Jane got a 15 days single entry visa primarily because it was her first time applying for one.

How to Apply for a Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR and Get Approved for a Multiple Entry Visa

Now, if you have questions, feel free to send us a private message or leave a comment below.

If you also would like to know how the proposal goes, she said YES! We’re engaged!

Here’s the video (watch in HD):


Q:   do we need an agency or we should apply personally.

A. I have not encountered anyone yet who applied personally at the embassy. It’s more preferred to have your agency do all the work after you have surrendered your requirements to them. In our case, we inquired at  Reli Tours  and had them process it.

Q:   Where is the agency located?

A:    We inquired at their SM Mall of Asia branch. They also have other branches located at Dusit Thani in Makati, SM Southmall in Las Piñas and SM Megamall at Shaw Blvd. More information can be found on their website.

Q:   Is there a fee? How much?

A:    Yes, there is. By the time we inquired, handling fee was  PHP 950  for a Japan visa. I don’t think it will change anytime soon. The price is only for a Tourist Visa with No Guarantor.

Q:   Is there a tour provided by them? Did you avail it or you did a DIY Itinerary?

A:    Yes, they provide tours and tickets at a certain price but we did not avail of the tours. We made ourselves our own itinerary.  Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR

Q:   Can we also submit tickets and hotel bookings?

A:    Yes, you may submit those documents. As I have mentioned on the checklist, they will help but does not guarantee approval.  Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR

Q:   If I couldn’t have that amount before the application, any other options we can have?

A:    If one or two of you have no enough money to support himself, borrow from a friend and secure a Bank Certificate after a day.

Q:   When should we apply for a visa?

A:    Please apply for a visa at least 3 months before your departure date. Don’t rush yourself, apply as early as possible to avoid hassles and unexpected constraints.

Q:   Will there be a personal interview Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR ?

A:    No, there is no interview for JP Visa application.

Q:   Do we need to secure ourselves check-in baggage allowance?

A:    It depends on how long you are staying. You can bring a backpack if you’re only gonna stay for a few days. Make sure all your clothes and other belongings fit in on your bag and must not exceed 7kgs (depending on your airline), else, please buy baggage allowance especially if you are going to Japan during winter. Jackets are bulky and will surely cost a significant amount of weight.

Q: Do you have a sample itinerary?

A. Yes, you may check this  link for our itinerary .

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us!


We are fond of DIY traveling but sometimes we do book tours as well for convenience and experience, plus it’s hassle-free.

Kyoto Bus Tour from Osaka: Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine & Kinkaku-ji

Venture out from Osaka on a bus tour and explore Kyoto’s three major temples – Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, Kinkaku-ji, and Kiyomizu Temple. Explore Arashiyama and walk through the Bamboo Grove.

Kyoto Kimono Rental – Maiko-Henshin Studio Shiki

Complete your Kyoto cultural experience with a day-long Kimono rental. Choose from hundreds of beautiful designs and take stunning photos by the Gion district and Kyoto’s temples.

Kyoto Bus Tour: Kiyomizudera Temple & Kinkaku-ji

Journey around Kyoto’s classic attractions on a half-day tour. Hop aboard a sightseeing bus and visit Kinkaku-ji, Ginkaku-ji, and Kiyomizudera Temple.  Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR

Kansai Day Tour from Osaka: Arashiyama, Kinkaku-ji, Nara Park

Discover ancient Japan on this Kansai region day tour. Visit the famous Kinkaku-ji Temple and Todai-ji Temple in Kyoto. Revel in the autumn scenery and feed sika deer at Nara Park.

Universal Studios Japan Pass & JR Kansai Area Pass

Grab this convenient two-in-one pass. Explore the Kansai region with your JR Pass and discover the magical world of Universal Studios Japan with a one-day pass.  Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR



Thanks to this SIM card we availed here in the Philippines, we rarely got lost because we use this for some searches and mostly Google Maps. Mobile Data is highly recommended when you travel to Japan or even to other countries because there is a huge language barrier you need to overcome. This product is highly recommended!

Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR


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    VISA. August 1, 2024. Japanese. With regards to visa inquiries, you can contact "Foreign Residents Support Center (FRESC) MOFA Visa Information" or "the Japan Visa Information Hotline" listed on the website of the Embassy or Consulate General of Japan. For more information and advice, please contact the Consular Section of the ...

  18. Japan Visa Multiple Entry Without Income Tax Return

    If granted a multiple-entry visa, you need to add PHP 800. PHP 2,000 is the total handling fee for a multiple-entry Japan visa. 3. Wait 5-7 days for your Visa. I already submitted all my documents on a Tuesday afternoon and the agency told me that they will send it to Manila on a Thursday.


    Multiple entry temporary visitor's visa for artist and specialist in humanities. Please fill in the reason why you need a multiple-entry visa in the box below. I would like to request for a multiple visa. DATE: NAME: SIGNATURE: A person who has travelled to Japan as temporary visitor within the last three years and has financial ...

  20. How to Apply for a Japan Tourist Visa Without ITR and Get Approved for

    Luckily, my multiple entry visa request was GRANTED! I was granted a 5-year multiple entry visa for 30 days each. Whilst Jane got a 15 days single entry visa primarily because it was her first time applying for one. Now, if you have questions, feel free to send us a private message or leave a comment below.

  21. PDF Outline of Application Procedures for Multiple Entry Visa

    f. A letter of explanation stating the reason of applying for the multiple visa (g. if apply from outside of their countries) documents to prove that the applicant legally resides in that country (2) Applicant with travel records to Japan and G7 in the last three years (as mentioned 1(2) above) a. Application form (with Photo) b.

  22. PDF Letter of Invitation (Multiple)

    Letter of Invitation (Multiple)Le. h) (Day)Inviting Person(When an inviting person and a guarantor are the same, you may. x number: ( ) [Fill in the following contact information when the company/organizati. x number: Visa Applicant (The name must be written in the Latin alphabet as.