Home Blog Presentation Ideas About Me Slides: How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation
About Me Slides: How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation
From conference talks to client demos, it’s always essential to include an About Me slide in any presentation you are giving. Introducing yourself early into the presentation helps build a better rapport with the audience.
You can start with several fun facts about me slide to break the ice or go for a more formal professional bio to explain your background and what makes you qualified to talk about the topic at hand. At any rate, your goal is to get the audience on your side by revealing some of your personality.
How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation: 4 Approaches
It’s a good practice to include self-introduction slides at the beginning of your presentation. If you are looking to answer how to introduce yourself professionally, typically somewhere after the title, opening slide , and the main agenda. However, the presentation structure will be somewhat different depending on whether you are presenting to a new audience or a group of people familiar with (e.g., your team, clients, or business partners).
Here are four about me slide ideas you can try out, plus an About me template you can use to present yourself in a presentation.
1. Mention Your Name and Affiliations
Start with the introduction basics. State your name, company, title/position, and several quick facts about who you are and what you do. Even if you present to a familiar audience, a brief recap is always welcome.
To keep things a bit more engaging, consider adding some lesser-known facts about yourself. For example:
- Your interests
- Recent accomplishments
- Testimonial/quote from a team member
- Fun nicknames you got
The above can be nice ice breakers for less formal team presentations, project updates, or catch-ups with clients.
Here are several unique About Me examples you can try out:
For a client case study presentation :
“Hi, I’m Lynda, Chief Customer Success Specialist with Acme Corp. (Also, someone you thought was a chatbot for the first few encounters)
47 NPS | 15% Churn Rate | 40% repeat purchase rate”
For a team after-action review presentation :
Mike, Project Manager at Cool Project
(aka Maximizer)
Personal Project stats:
387 Slack messages answered
56 cups of coffee consumed
Project profit gross margin: $1.2 million
2. Work On Your Elevator Pitch
One of the best ways to introduce yourself in a presentation is to share a punchy elevator pitch. This works extra well if you are presenting to a new audience.
An elevator pitch is a concise statement (1-2 sentences) that summarizes your unique strengths, skills, and abilities and explains how these can benefit your listener.
It’s nice to have one ready for your presentations and networking in general since it helps you immediately connect with new people and communicate your value.
Writing a solid elevator pitch may require several attempts and iterations. But the sooner you start — the faster you’ll arrive at the best formula!
To get your creative juices flowing, here are several elevator pitch ideas you can incorporate in an introduction slide about yourself.
For professionals:
“Certified Salesforce Administrator, data visualization specialist, and analytics for top SaaS brands. I help businesses make more sense of their data to drive better outcomes”.
For a mentor :
“Adjunct professor of creative writing at Columbia University, published author, former lifestyle editor at Esquire, the New York Times. I can teach you how to find, shape, pitch, and publish stories for web & print.”
For a student:
“Third-year Marine Biology student at Denver State Uni. Volunteer at Lake Life Protection NGO, climate change activist, looking to expand my research about water conservation”.
3. Answer Popular Questions or Assumptions
If you are a frequent presenter , chances are you get asked a lot of the same “About Me questions” after your speeches and during the networking bits. So why not address a roaster of these in your About Me slide? Select 4-5 most common questions and list them as quick FAQs on your slide deck.
4. Focus on Telling a Story
Strong introductions are personable. They are meant to offer a sneak-peak into your personality and the passion behind your work. That’s why for less formal presentations, you can (and should!) start with a short personal story.
Remember: reliability is important to “click” with your audience.
For instance, neuroscience research of political ads recently found that ads featuring real people performed better than those with genetic stock footage. Among viewers, emotional engagement and memory encoding (recall) increased dramatically when political ads showed relatable people.
The same holds true for commerce. In 2015, GE launched a viral “What’s the Matter With Owen?” video ad series to attract more young talent to the company. The clips featured a relatable protagonist, struggling to explain what his work at GE entails e.g. that the company isn’t building railroads, but actually does some very innovative pilots. Many engineers related to the promo and work applications to GE shoot up by 800% !
As the above examples show, a good relatable story can go a long way. So think about how you can make a PowerPoint presentation about yourself more representative of who you really are as a person.
How to Give a Presentation About Yourself: 4 Fool-Proof Tips
On other occasions, you may be asked to give a full-length “about me” presentation. Typically, this is the case during a second interview, onboarding , or if you are in attending a training program or workshop where everyone needs to present themselves and their work.
Obviously, you’ll need more than one good about me slide in this case. So here’s how to prepare a superb presentation about me.
What to Put in a Presentation About Yourself?
The audience will expect to learn a mix of personal and professional facts about you. Thus, it’s a good idea to include the following information:
- Your name, contact info, website , social media handles, digital portfolio .
- Short bio or some interesting snippets.
- Career timeline (if applicable).
- Main achievements (preferably quantifiable).
- Education, special training.
- Digital badging awards , accolades, and other types of recognition.
- Something more personal — an interest, hobby, aspiration.
The above mix of items will change a bit, depending on whether you are giving an interview presentation about yourself or introduce yourself post-hiring. For example, in some cases a dedicated bio slide may be useful, but other times focusing on main achievements and goals can be better.
That being said, let’s take a closer look at how to organize the above information in a memorable presentation.
P.S. Grab an about me slide template to make the design process easier!
1. Create a List of “Facts About Me”
The easiest way to answer the “tell me about yourself” question is by having an array of facts you can easily fetch from your brain.
When it comes to a full-length about me presentation , it’s best to have a longer list ready. To keep your brainstorming process productive, organize all your ideas in the following buckets:
- Key skills (soft and hard)
- Educational accolades, training
- Accomplishments and other “bragging rights”
- Personal tidbits (a.k.a. fun facts )
Once you have a list, it gets easier to build a series of slides around it.
2. Think Like Your Audience
Most likely you’d be asked to make a presentation about yourself by a recruiter. There’s a good reason why many ask this — they want to determine if you are a good “cultural fit” for their organization.
After all, 33% of people quit within the first 3 months of accepting a new job. Among these:
- 43% of employees quit because their day-to-day role was different than what they were told it would be during the hiring process.
- 32% cite company culture as a factor for leaving within the first three months.
About me presentations often serve as an extra “filter” helping both parties ensure that they are on the same page expectations- and work style-wise. Thus, when you prepare your slide deck, do some background company research. Then try to align the presentation with it by matching the company tone, communication style, and cultural values.
3. Include Testimonials and Recommendations
Use the voice of others to back up the claims you are making in your presentation. After all, trumping your own horn is what you are expected to do in such a presentation. But the voices of others can strengthen the claims you are personally making.
Depending on your role and industry, try to sprinkle some of the following testimonials:
- LinkedIn recommendations
- Quotes from personal or professional references
- Social media comments
- Data metrics of your performance
- Funny assessments from your colleagues/friends
The above not just strengthen your narrative, but also help the audience learn some extras about you and your background. Testimonial slides can be of help for this purpose.
4. Include a Case Study
One of the best ways to illustrate who you are is to show what you are best in. Remember, an about me presentation often needs to “soft sell” your qualifications, experience, and personality.
One of the best ways to do that is to showcase how you can feel in a specific need and solve issues the business is facing.
So if you have the timeframe, use some of the ending slides to deliver a quick case study. You can present:
- Short retrospective of a past successful project
- Before-after transformations you’ve achieved
- Spotlight of the main accomplishments within the previous role
- Main customer results obtained
- Specific solution delivered by you (or the team you’ve worked with)
Ending your presentation on such a high note will leave the audience positively impressed and wondering what results you could achieve for them.
To Conclude
It’s easy to feel stumped when you are asked to talk about yourself. Because there are so many things you could mention (but not necessarily should). At the same time, you don’t want to make your introduction sound like a bragging context. So always think from the position of your audience. Do the facts you choose to share benefit them in any way? If yes, place them confidently on your About Me slides!
1. Personal Self Introduction PowerPoint Template
Use This Template
2. Self Introduction PowerPoint Template
3. Meet the Team PowerPoint Template Slides
4. Introduce Company Profile PowerPoint Template
5. Modern 1-Page Resume Template for PowerPoint
6. Modern Resume Presentation Template
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Introduce Yourself, Introduction, Presentation Ideas Filed under Presentation Ideas
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20+ Self Introduction PowerPoint Templates: Download for free!
Think about the image you want to portray during your presentation pitch. Creativity? Soberness? Reliability? A professional PowerPoint design can help you deliver a powerful introduction to your stakeholders .
Here, you'll find some creative Self-Introduction PowerPoint Templates that are going to elevate your slides to the next level. Our expert team has designed different layouts that you will surely love and save you a lot of time.
And if you want to present your company and highlight your team's experience, you'll also find some fantastic Team Presentation Templates . Keep reading to get them all for free!
Introducing Yourself PowerPoint Templates
Introducing yourself is vital to generate a connection with your audience . In fact, it showcases your background and abilities, making sure you are the person they seek.
That being said, let's have a look at the Self-Introduction PowerPoint Templates that we prepared for you and will optimize your creative process:
1. About Me PowerPoint Template
These self-introduction PowerPoint templates are perfect for anyone trying to convey sobriety and professionalism.
The pack offers different layouts, which you can use to engage your audience and showcase your work experience.
2. Personal Resume PowerPoint Template
This template is another great option for introducing yourself through a PowerPoint presentation.
You'll find different types of diagrams and graphs that will display all your skills and work experience in a more eye-catching way.
3. Colorful Resume PowerPoint Template
With this colorful template, you'll be able to create more impactful slides and add your desired background.
It also includes a map that will help you showcase your experience abroad!
4. Creative Resume PowerPoint Template
If you are not sure of the color palette of your presentation, try this blue template. It's the perfect color to convey professionalism!
This self-introduction PowerPoint template will definitely catch your audience's attention from the beginning.
5. Personal Branding PowerPoint Template
This template is focused on Personal Branding, but you can use the graphics to organize your "About me" presentation in PowerPoint.
As always, we invite you to customize each element however you like!
6. Women Leadership Powerpoint Template
Want to be concise in your pitch? This template will inspire you!
As you can see in the image, you'll find a minimalist design of pink and purple tones.
7. Timeline Infographic PowerPoint Template
This template package has timelines and graphics that will be useful for organizing your personal information.
If you were looking for a modern and creative self-introduction template, this design may be for you!
8. User Persona PowerPoint Template
This PowerPoint template was initially designed to present Buyer Personas but can be adapted for an "About Me" section.
9. Photography Portfolio PowerPoint Template
Want to improve your portfolio? We've designed portfolio templates in PowerPoint, too!
This resource was created for photographers, but you can adjust it to your needs.
10. Career Portfolio PowerPoint Template
Here is another portfolio design in PowerPoint!
When you download this template, you'll find a sober self-introduction design with blue tones.
We're not done yet!
In the following section, you'll discover more PowerPoint templates for introducing your work team to an audience.
Team Introduction PowerPoint Templates
Introducing your team becomes crucial when you want to attract new clients or investors to your business. It will spotlight your team's capabilities, convincing your audience that you can solve their problems.
As always, all the slides in our templates are easily editable , so you can add any image you like and customize the aesthetics according to your color scheme .
Let's check the Team Introduction PowerPoint Templates we have for you:
1. Team Slides PowerPoint Template
This team introduction PowerPoint template offers 8 different designs that will impress your audience.
Pick the layout you like the most and add it to your presentation deck!
2 . Roles and Responsibilities PowerPoint Template
This PowerPoint template is all about the roles and responsibilities of each team member.
If you’re working on a new project, this team intro PowerPoint template will be perfect!
3. Meet The Team PowerPoint Template
If you're seeking to introduce your company to a potential investor or client, check out these team introduction slides!
This template pack will help you to present a complete overview of your business and the people involved in it.
4. Project Management PowerPoint Template
Do you have a project running and need to design the final presentation? This template is made for you!
As in the previous designs, you will find a project team slide template and more graphics that will make your presentation dazzle.
5. Strategic Action Plan PowerPoint Template
Here is another of our corporate templates to introduce your work team to an audience.
If you want designs with green and blue tones, this resource is for you!
6. Finance Team PowerPoint Template
This presentation contains animated slides with a fresh design.
When you download this PowerPoint template, you'll find a "mission and vision" section, a description of services, a customer profile, and more!
7. Light Corporate PowerPoint Template
Want to present a creative self-introduction but need more time to think about the design? If so, this template will be perfect for you.
You'll find a "meet the team" section, 3D graphics, infographics, and more. Download it for free now!
8. Creative Business PowerPoint Template
If you prefer a one-page self-introduction, take a look at this template.
It contains icons, timelines, statistical graphs, and more resources. Like the previous designs, the download is completely free!
9. Creative Pitchbook PowerPoint Template
This PowerPoint template and its unique designs will immediately catch your audience's attention.
If you want to convey professionalism and detail-oriented, this template pack is for you.
10. Film Pitch PowerPoint Template
These designs were created for film teams but can be adapted to any field!
We are confident its aesthetics will inspire you.
11. Storyboard Artist PowerPoint Template
Looking for more creative self-introduction slides? You'll love this one!
Initially, this template is black and white, but you can edit the colors freely.
12. Team Introduction PowerPoint Template
This team introduction PowerPoint template has a unique format.
You'll be able to highlight your team's skills visually. And the best thing is that it's easy to understand at first glance!
13. Science Organization PowerPoint Template
A team introduction is always a great idea, but it's even better when you can showcase the relationship between different members and roles!
With this template pack, you can make that possible.
Looking for Custom PowerPoint Presentations? We got you!
If you liked our free template designs, you'll love 24Slides custom presentations !
A PowerPoint presentation is a great place to start making an excellent first impression. It will show your audience how committed you are to a project and how much effort you will put into it.
But making a good PowerPoint presentation takes a lot of time and effort. Why not call upon professionals to handle it efficiently?
24Slides offers a pro-level design service that will elevate all your presentation decks. Our Designers have worked with some of the biggest companies worldwide, so we can offer the expertise you need.
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The best part is that you can try our expertise and style for just $1 . Our Designers will be happy to show you the true potential of your slides!
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20+ Best PowerPoint Templates to Make About Myself Presentations in 2024
At some point in business, you’ll have to do a presentation about yourself and your accomplishments. It could be to help you land a new role or simply to help investors and stakeholders learn more about the person they’re dealing with. One way to quickly create an about myself presentation is to use an all about me PowerPoint template .
Using a template gives you the professional look you need without you having to focus on fiddly design details. You can find plenty of PowerPoint presentation about myself templates on Envato Elements. In this guide, I’ll share some of the best PPT templates for self-introduction.
Best Premium PowerPoint Presentation About Myself Templates on Envato Elements
If you're looking for premium all about myself PowerPoint presentation templates , Envato Elements has a great offer you won't want to miss. Download as many presentation about myself templates as you want, all for one low price .
Explore PowerPoint Templates
Type self into the search box. You'll see a range of suitable self-introduction templates for PowerPoint. Once you decide on the one you want, select it and click Download . Then you're ready to start customizing.
Here are some of the reasons it makes sense to use premium PowerPoint presentation about myself templates. With a premium template you:
- get the benefit of design skills without needing to have those skills yourself
- save time , which is always a concern for busy business owners
- give your presentation a coherent, professional look that'll impress your audience
- are well supported and regularly updated by the designers
That's why it's a good idea to check out the self-introduction PowerPoint presentation samples on Envato Elements. To find the right one, visit Envato Elements and click on Presentation Templates .
5 Premium All About Myself Presentation Templates
To help you get started, here are some of the best PPT templates for self-introduction on Envato Elements:
1. Self PowerPoint
This clean, minimalist template set includes 30 well-designed slides. They'll help you create a stunning all about myself PowerPoint presentation quickly and easily.
2. Personal - Portfolio PowerPoint Template
This abstract, modern PowerPoint template has 12 different slides in three color schemes on both dark and light backgrounds. Change colors in a couple of clicks to an eye-catching presentation that matches your branding.
3. Mosic - Business Overview Google Slides Template
This Google Slides template also works with PowerPoint. The clean, modern design provides an excellent way to present yourself via a pitch deck or sales presentation.
4. Personal PowerPoint Template
Personal PowerPoint Template is a self-introduction template for PowerPoint that comes with over 150 slides. Also, it comes with five premade color schemes that you can choose from. Plus, this template comes with graphics, illustrations, and infographics.
5. Duofolio Personal Portfolio PowerPoint Template
This creative self-introduction PPT template comes with over 40 unique slides. Also, Duofolio Personal Portfolio PowerPoint Template comes with charts, media placeholders, and icons. Add data or information as needed. Easily add an image to this template by dragging and dropping an image of your choice into a picture placeholder.
25 Top Free About Myself PowerPoint Templates and Backgrounds to Download for 2024
If you want unique, beautifully designed PPT templates for self-introduction, premium templates are a good option. Not only will they give you a coherent look, but they'll save you time, too.
Before looking for self-introduction PowerPoint presentation samples on the web, look at Envato's free templates first. You'll be able to try out all kinds of premium templates (not just all about myself PowerPoint presentations) at no cost.
Here's how it works:
Every month, Envato Elements offers 12 different hand-selected files (fonts, presentations, videos, and more). Create a free account to download this month's free premium files now.
If you're thinking, " I need to do a presentation about myself, but I'm on a tight budget ", we've got you covered. Check out these free PowerPoint presentation about myself templates:
1. Single Slide Resume Template for PowerPoint
This customizable resume template provides an easy way to highlight your accomplishments on a single slide.
2. Education Idea Bulb
This template set includes 34 slides as well as maps and icons to help you create a memorable self-introduction presentation.
3. Computer Mouse With Red Background
This template set has 34 slides on an eye-catching red background. This would make a great example of a PowerPoint presentation about myself for a web designer or computer scientist.
4. Medical Doctor With a Stethoscope
If you're a doctor needing to do an " about myself " presentation, this template set includes 34 slides with the graphics you need.
5. Real Estate Key on Computer Keyboard
This template set includes 34 easy-to-edit slides, along with vector graphics, icons, and maps.
6. Abstract Background Leaves
This multipurpose template can help you showcase your accomplishments with 34 creative and easy-to-edit slides.
This template with muted colors is easy on the eye. You can change colors to match your branding with a couple of clicks.
If you're a podcaster wanting to present yourself, the Reegan theme includes podcast-related graphics and colorful slides to help you do so.
9. Paint Roller
This template will help you create a simple but effective presentation about yourself. You can easily change the background color with a few clicks.
10. Formal Black and White
This black and white template is useful for a business all about myself PowerPoint presentation. You can use it with Google Slides, too.
11. Formal Red
To impress your audience, try this template. It behaves like a website and includes dropdown menus.
12. Water Colored Splashes
This self-introduction PowerPoint presentation sample from FPPT is quite attractive. The template set includes 36 slides and editable vector graphics.
13. Industry 4.0 Revolution
This template works well for an industry presentation. It includes 48 slides with a range of useful vector graphics.
14. Success Businessman
The Success Businessman PPT template for self-introduction has a pink and black color scheme. It includes 48 slides, along with customizable icons.
This template doesn't just work with PowerPoint; it works with Google Slides, too. It includes a range of slide types, as well as examples of charts and graphs.
The York theme makes it easy to include charts, graphs, and tables in your " about myself " presentation.
This free all about me presentation template from SlidesGala includes editable charts and graphs. It works with both PowerPoint and Google Slides.
18. Dynamic Curves
This stylish and colorful presentation template includes 35 slides, along with maps, icons, and graphs.
19. Upward Arrows
This all about me PowerPoint template uses geometric shapes and arrows to create a pleasing, professional design. It includes 35 slides.
20. Business Geometric
This engaging theme features geometric shapes. It's got 25 slides with an easy-to-edit color palette.
21. Colorful Brush Strokes
This template features a framed brush stroke with a gradient color scheme that's easy to change.
This gradient PowerPoint template has more than 140 slides with creative layouts.
23. Portfolio
There are 25 slides in this template to help you produce a creative and professional PowerPoint presentation about yourself.
24. Pattern
This template is useful for those wanting a minimalist approach to presentation creation. It features uncluttered, professional-looking slides.
This colorful templates includes 11 slides and works with Google Slides and Keynote, as well as PowerPoint.
How to Customize Your Creative Self-Introduction PPT Template
Here are tips on how to customize your self-introduction PowerPoint template. In this tutorial, I’ll be using PowerPoint version 16.65.
1. Choose Your Template
An important step in creating an introduction presentation is choosing a creative self-introduction PPT template. Templates save time instead of making a presentation from scratch.
This tutorial looks at the premium Grey PowerPoint template from Envato Elements. This template comes with over 50 slides. This means that you’ll have many slides to add information on. If you don’t find a self-introduction PPT template, try searching for a minimal presentation template.
2. Tell the Audience Who You are
One of the most important things you need to do for an all-about-me presentation template is to tell the audience who you are and why you’re giving the presentation. You need to tell your audience why they should know this information. You can do this by briefly discussing what your three main points are.
To do this, choose a slide that you want to use. For this step, we’ll be using the slide below:
Next, you’ll need to add text boxes. First, click on the Insert tab above the toolbar. Then, click on the Draw a Text Box button in the toolbar. This turns your mouse into a textbox drawing tool.
Draw a diagonal line where you want the text box to be. Lastly, click inside the box and begin typing.
3. Have Consistency
To have a professional-looking all-about-me presentation template, you need consistency in your text. This means that all your headings should be in the same font and font size.
To change your font size, begin by highlighting the text that you want to change. In the toolbar, you’ll see a field with the current font in it. This is the Font menu. If you click on the arrow in the field, a menu drops. Choose a font.
Next to the Font menu is a Font Size field. This is where you can change the font size. A menu drops if you click on the arrow in this field. Choose the right font size for you.
4. Personalize the Colors of Objects
Adding color is the best way to add a personal touch to your presentation. One way to add color to your slide is to change the color of objects. Slide #8 has an object, so the rest of the tutorial features slide #8.
First, select the object that you want to change. Click on the Shape Format tab.
Next, in the toolbar, click on the Format Pane button. A pane appears on the side of your window.
In the Fill section of the Format pane, you’ll see a Fill Color button that looks like a paint bucket. Click on this button. When you click on this button, a color menu appears. From the menu, choose the color that you want to use.
5. Personalize the Background Color
Changing the slide background color of your all about me PowerPoint template is another great way to personalize your presentation template. First, click on the Design tab above the toolbar.
Next, click on the Format Background button in the far right of the toolbar. When you click on this button, a Format Background pane appears on the side of your window.
In the pane, you’ll see a Fill Color button. Click on it. Choose a color from the menu that drops down.
5 Quick PowerPoint About Myself Presentation Slide Design Tips for 2024
1. be selective.
Nobody wants your whole life story, so select the highlights when deciding what to include in your presentation.
2. Use Relatable Images
Though it's a cliche, pictures really are worth a thousand words. Choose images that support your presentation and help your audience relate to you. Make sure the images are of good quality. Fuzzy images are a huge turnoff.
3. Simplify Slide Design
If your slides are too busy, you'll lose your audience. Keep them simple, with a main point and no more than a couple of bullet points on each. You don't want your audience to feel frustrated because there's too much information for them to read.
4. Include Media
Switch things up a bit by importing an audio or video clip into your presentation. That'll keep your audience engaged and interested in what you're saying.
5. Get Attention With Color
No matter what your color scheme, you can improve your slides by using color selectively to highlight important points and key messages.
Discover More Top Microsoft PowerPoint Template Designs
We've shared some great premium and free PowerPoint presentation about myself templates. To choose from even more templates, check out the guides below:
Common PowerPoint Presentation Questions Answered (FAQ)
It’s common to have questions about PowerPoint. Here are some common PowerPoint questions and answers:
1. Can I Present My PowerPoint Presentation Over Zoom?
Yes, you can. To present your PowerPoint over Zoom, you’ll need both applications.
It can be convenient to know how to record PowerPoint presentations with audio and present it in Zoom. Here’s an in-depth tutorial on how to present your PowerPoint presentation in Zoom:
2. How Do I Make Sure That My Presentation Is Professional?
The best way is to have a premium template. When you use a premium template, some of the work is already done for you.
Another tip is to practice your presentation before you present it. For more tips, read this article:
3. How Do I Make My Presentation More Interesting?
Add multimedia to your presentation to make it more interesting and engaging for the audience.
Multimedia is images, audio, and video. You can use all three or a combination of two of those or one. It’s up to you.
For a tutorial on how to add multimedia to your PowerPoint presentation, read this tutorial:
4. How Do I Make PowerPoint Handouts?
Having handouts that go with your presentation can be helpful. They're a great tool if you think your audience will want to look over your presentation again. For a tutorial on how to create PowerPoint handouts, read this:
5. How Do I Create a Quiz in PowerPoint?
If you really want to see if your audience is paying attention, add an interactive quiz to your presentation. A quiz is also a great way to engage with your audience. You can even make it fun by adding a prize. For a tutorial on how to create an interactive quiz in PowerPoint, read this article:
Learn More About Making Great PowerPoint Presentations in 2024
You've got your template and some tips to create a great presentation. To learn even more PowerPoint skills, read our in-depth PowerPoint guide , and check out the articles below:
Make an All About Myself PowerPoint Presentation Today!
You've seen how a premium presentation template can help you save time, look professional, and benefit from great design. Remember, you can get plenty of self-introduction PowerPoint presentation samples at Envato elements for one low price.
Get your template now and create a stunning " about myself " PowerPoint presentation today!
Editorial Note: This post has been updated with contributions from Sarah Joy . Sarah is a freelance instructor for Envato Tuts+.
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Create a presentation
Create a presentation in PowerPoint
Create presentations from scratch or start with a professionally designed, fully customizable template from Microsoft Create .
Tip: If you have Microsoft Copilot it can help you create a presentation, add slides or images, and more. To learn more see Create a new presentation with Copilot in PowerPoint.
Open PowerPoint.
In the left pane, select New .
Select an option:
To create a presentation from scratch, select Blank Presentation .
To use a prepared design, select one of the templates.
To see tips for using PowerPoint, select Take a Tour , and then select Create , .
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Introducing Myself
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You never know when a slideshow about yourself could come in handy. Be prepared and use this template to introduce yourself to the audience. Explain your work, your strengths, your personal goals, your values, whatever you can come up with! The slides are cool and contain lots of compositions where you can be creative. Green, the color of self-growth, is the main hue here!
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How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation [with Examples]
In this post, we are going to cover the best way, a very simple three-step process that will help you introduce yourself in a presentation. A summary of the steps is below.
- Start with your name and company (or organization or school).
- Tell your audience what problem you can solve for them.
- Share some type of proof (social proof works best) that you can solve this problem.
I will break down each step into a simple-to-follow process. But first… a little background.
Want to beat stage fright, articulate with poise, and land your dream job? Take the 2-minute public speaking assessment and get the Fearless Presenter’s Playbook for FREE!
First, Identify What Your Audience Wants from Your Presentation
So, before you design your introduction, think about what your audience wants from your presentation. Why do they want to spend their valuable time listening to you? Are going to waste their time? Or, are you going to provide them with something valuable?
For instance, I have expertise in a number of different areas. I’m a public speaking coach, a keynote speaker, a best-selling author, a search engine optimization specialist, and a popular podcaster. However, if I delivered that sentence to any audience, the most likely reaction would be, “So what?” That sentence doesn’t answer any of the above questions. The statement is also really “me-focused” not “audience-focused.”
So, when I start to design my self-introduction, I want to focus just on the area of expertise related to my topic. I’m then going to answer the questions above about that particular topic. Once you have these answers, set them aside for a second. They will be important later.
How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation in Class.
Instead, you probably want to add in a fun way to start a speech . For example, instead of introducing yourself in your class speech and starting in an awkward way, start with a startling statistic. Or start with a summary of your conclusion. Or, you could start the presentation with an inspirational quote.
Each of these presentation starters will help you lower your nervousness and decrease your awkwardness.
If you are delivering a speech in a speech competition or to an audience who doesn’t know you try this technique. Just introduce yourself by saying your name , the school you represent , and your topic . Make it easy. This way you get to your content more quickly and lower your nervousness.
Typically, after you get the first few sentences out of the way, your nervousness will drop dramatically. Since your name, school, and topic should be very easy to remember, this takes the pressure off you during the most nervous moments.
Obviously, follow the guidelines that your teacher or coach gives you. (The competition may have specific ways they want you to introduce yourself.)
How to Introduce Yourself in a Business Presentation — A Step-by-Step Guide.
In a professional setting, when new people walk into a meeting and don’t know what to expect, they will feel uncomfortable. The easiest way to ease some of that tension is to chat with your audience as they come into the room.
By the way, if you are looking for a template for an Elevator Speech , make sure to click this link.
Step #1: Start with your name and company name (or organization).
This one is easy. Just tell your audience your name and the organization that you are representing. If your organization is not a well-known brand name, you might add a short clarifying description. For instance, most people outside of the training industry have never heard of The Leader’s Institute ®. So, my step #1 might sound something like…
Hi, I’m Doug Staneart with The Leader’s Institute ®, an international leadership development company…
Still short and sweet, but a little more clear to someone who has never heard of my company.
Should you give your job title? Well… Maybe and sometimes. Add your title into the introduction only if your title adds to your credibility.
For example, if you are delivering a financial presentation and you are the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of your company, you might mention that. Your title adds to your credibility. However, if the CFO is delivering a presentation about the value of joining a trade association, the CFO title adds little credibility. So, there is very little value in adding the title.
Step #2: Tell your audience what problem you can solve for them.
For instance, if my topic is how to deliver presentations, I have to determine why the audience would care. What problem will they have that I can help them with? For my audiences, the problem that I most often help people with is how to eliminate public speaking fear. Once I have the problem, I add that to my introduction by using the words, “I help people…”
Hi, I’m Doug Staneart with The Leader’s Institute ®, an international leadership development company, and I help people eliminate public speaking fear.
However, if my topic is How to Close a Higher Percentage of Sales Presentations , I’d likely want to alter my introduction a little. I might say something like…
Hi, I’m Doug Staneart with The Leader’s Institute ®, an international leadership development company, and I help people design more persuasive sales presentations.
I have expertise in both areas. However, I focus my introduction on just the expertise that is applicable to this audience. If I gave the first introduction to the second audience, they will likely respond by thinking, well, I don’t really get nervous speaking, so I guess I can tune out of this speech .
So, create a problem statement starting with, “I help people…” Make the statement apply to what your audience really wants.
Step #3: Share some type of proof (social proof works best) that you can solve this problem.
By the way, if you just do steps #1 and #2, your introduction will be better than most that you will hear. However, if you add Step #3, you will gain more respect (and attention) from your audience. Without adding some type of proof that you can solve this problem, you are just giving your opinion that you are an expert. However, if you can prove it, you are also proving that you are an expert.
This is the tricky part. For some reason, most people who get to this part feel like they haven’t accomplished great things, so they diminish the great accomplishments that they do have.
For instance, an easy way to offer proof is with a personal story of how you have solved that problem in the past.
A Few Examples of How to Introduce Yourself Before a Presentation.
For instance, one of my early clients was a young accountant. When I was working with him, he came up with the following introduction, “I’m Gary Gorman with Gorman and Associates CPA’s, and I help small businesses avoid IRS audits.” It was a great, audience-focused attention-getter. (No one wants to get audited.) However, as an accountant, it wasn’t like his company was getting a lot of five-star reviews on Yelp! So, he was kind of struggling with his social proof. So, I asked him a series of questions.
Me, “How many clients do you have?”
Gary, “Over 300.”
Me, “How many small business tax returns have you processed?”
Gary, “Well, at least a couple hundred a year for 15 years.”
Me, “So, at least 3000?” He nodded. “How many of your 300 clients have been audited since you have been representing them?”
He looked at me and said, “Well, none.”
So, we just added that piece of proof to his talk of introduction.
I’m Gary Gorman with Gorman and Associates CPA’s, and I help small businesses avoid IRS audits. In fact, in my career, I’ve helped clients complete over 3000 tax returns, and not a single one has ever been audited.
Here Is How I Adjust My Introduction Based on What I Want the Audience to Do.
For my proof, I have a number of options. Just like Gary, I have had a lot of clients who have had great successes. In addition, I have published two best-selling books about public speaking. I also have hundreds of thousands of people who listen to my podcast each week. So, I can pick my evidence based on what I want my audience to do.
For instance, if I’m speaking at a convention, and I want the audience to come by my booth to purchase my books, my introduction might sound like this.
Hi, I’m Doug Staneart with The Leader’s Institute ®, an international leadership development company, and I help people eliminate public speaking fear. One of the things that I’m most know for is being the author of two best-selling books, Fearless Presentations and Mastering Presentations.
However, if I’m leading a webinar, I may want the audience to purchase a seat in one of my classes. In that case, my introduction might sound like this.
Hi, I’m Doug Staneart with The Leader’s Institute ®, an international leadership development company, and I help people eliminate public speaking fear. For instance, for the last 20 years, I’ve taught public speaking classes to over 20,000 people, and I haven’t had a single person fail to reduce their nervousness significantly in just two days.
If my goal is to get the audience to subscribe to my podcast, my intro might sound like…
Hi, I’m Doug Staneart with The Leader’s Institute ®, an international leadership development company, and I help people eliminate public speaking fear. One of the ways that I do this is with my weekly podcast called, Fearless Presentations, which has over one million downloads, so far.
Use the Form Below to Organize How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation.
The point is that you want to design your introduction in a way that makes people pause and think, “Really? That sounds pretty good.” You want to avoid introductions that make your audience think, “So what?”
If you have a speech coming up and need a good introduction, complete the form below. We will send you your answers via email!
Can You Replace Your Introduction with a PowerPoint Slide?
Is it okay to make your first slide (or second slide) in your presentation slides an introduction? Sure. A good public speaker will often add an introduction slide with a biography, portrait, and maybe even contact information. I sometimes do this myself.
However, I NEVER read the slide to my audience. I often just have it showing while I deliver the short introduction using the guide above. This is a great way to share more of your work experience without sounding like you are bragging.
For tips about how many powerpoint slides to use in a presentation , click here.
Remember that There Is a Big Difference Between Your Introduction in a Presentation and Your Presentation Starter.
When you introduce yourself in a presentation, you will often just use a single sentence to tell the audience who you are. You only use this intro if the audience doesn’t know who you are. Your presentation starter, though, is quite different. Your presentation starter should be a brief introduction with relevant details about what you will cover in your presentation.
For details, see Great Ways to Start a Presentation . In that post, we show ways to get the attention of the audience. We also give examples of how to use an interesting hook, personal stories, and how to use humor to start a presentation.
Podcasts , presentation skills
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The self presentation theory and how to present your best self
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What does self presentation mean?
What are self presentation goals, individual differences and self presentation.
How can you make the most of the self presentation theory at work?
We all want others to see us as confident, competent, and likeable — even if we don’t necessarily feel that way all the time. In fact, we make dozens of decisions every day — whether consciously or unconsciously — to get people to see us as we want to be seen. But is this kind of self presentation dishonest? Shouldn’t we just be ourselves?
Success requires interacting with other people. We can’t control the other side of those interactions. But we can think about how the other person might see us and make choices about what we want to convey.
Self presentation is any behavior or action made with the intention to influence or change how other people see you. Anytime we're trying to get people to think of us a certain way, it's an act of self presentation. Generally speaking, we work to present ourselves as favorably as possible. What that means can vary depending on the situation and the other person.
Although at first glance this may seem disingenuous, we all engage in self-presentation. We want to make sure that we show up in a way that not only makes us look good, but makes us feel good about ourselves.
Early research on self presentation focused on narcissism and sociopathy, and how people might use the impression others have of them to manipulate others for their benefit. However, self presentation and manipulation are distinct. After all, managing the way others see us works for their benefit as well as ours.
Imagine, for example, a friend was complaining to you about a tough time they were having at work . You may want to show up as a compassionate person. However, it also benefits your friend — they feel heard and able to express what is bothering them when you appear to be present, attentive, and considerate of their feelings. In this case, you’d be conscious of projecting a caring image, even if your mind was elsewhere, because you value the relationship and your friend’s experience.
To some extent, every aspect of our lives depends on successful self-presentation. We want our families to feel that we are worthy of attention and love. We present ourselves as studious and responsible to our teachers. We want to seem fun and interesting at a party, and confident at networking events. Even landing a job depends on you convincing the interviewer that you are the best person for the role.
There are three main reasons why people engage in self presentation:
Tangible or social benefits:
In order to achieve the results we want, it often requires that we behave a certain way. In other words, certain behaviors are desirable in certain situations. Matching our behavior to the circumstances can help us connect to others, develop a sense of belonging , and attune to the needs and feelings of others.
Example: Michelle is a new manager . At her first leadership meeting, someone makes a joke that she doesn’t quite get. When everyone else laughs, she smiles, even though she’s not sure why.
By laughing along with the joke, Michelle is trying to fit in and appear “in the know.” Perhaps more importantly, she avoids feeling (or at least appearing) left out, humorless, or revealing that she didn’t get it — which may hurt her confidence and how she interacts with the group in the future.
To facilitate social interaction:
As mentioned, certain circumstances and roles call for certain behaviors. Imagine a defense attorney. Do you think of them a certain way? Do you have expectations for what they do — or don’t — do? If you saw them frantically searching for their car keys, would you feel confident with them defending your case?
If the answer is no, then you have a good idea of why self presentation is critical to social functioning. We’re surprised when people don’t present themselves in a way that we feel is consistent with the demands of their role. Having an understanding of what is expected of you — whether at home, work, or in relationships — may help you succeed by inspiring confidence in others.
Example: Christopher has always been called a “know-it-all.” He reads frequently and across a variety of topics, but gets nervous and tends to talk over people. When attending a networking event, he is uncharacteristically quiet. Even though he would love to speak up, he’s afraid of being seen as someone who “dominates” the conversation.
Identity Construction:
It’s not enough for us to declare who we are or what we want to be — we have to take actions consistent with that identity. In many cases, we also have to get others to buy into this image of ourselves as well. Whether it’s a personality trait or a promotion, it can be said that we’re not who we think we are, but who others see.
Example: Jordan is interested in moving to a client-facing role. However, in their last performance review, their manager commented that Jordan seemed “more comfortable working independently.”
Declaring themselves a “people person” won’t make Jordan’s manager see them any differently. In order to gain their manager’s confidence, Jordan will have to show up as someone who can comfortably engage with clients and thrive in their new role.
We may also use self presentation to reinforce a desired identity for ourselves. If we want to accomplish something, make a change, or learn a new skill , making it public is a powerful strategy. There's a reason why people who share their goals are more likely to be successful. The positive pressure can help us stay accountable to our commitments in a way that would be hard to accomplish alone.
Example: Fatima wants to run a 5K. She’s signed up for a couple before, but her perfectionist tendencies lead her to skip race day because she feels she hasn’t trained enough. However, when her friend asks her to run a 5K with her, she shows up without a second thought.
In Fatima’s case, the positive pressure — along with the desire to serve a more important value (friendship) — makes showing up easy.
Because we spend so much time with other people (and our success largely depends on what they think of us), we all curate our appearance in one way or another. However, we don’t all desire to have people see us in the same way or to achieve the same goals. Our experiences and outcomes may vary based on a variety of factors.
One important factor is our level of self-monitoring when we interact with others. Some people are particularly concerned about creating a good impression, while others are uninterested. This can vary not only in individuals, but by circumstances. A person may feel very confident at work , but nervous about making a good impression on a first date.
Another factor is self-consciousness — that is, how aware people are of themselves in a given circumstance. People that score high on scales of public self-consciousness are aware of how they come across socially. This tends to make it easier for them to align their behavior with the perception that they want others to have of them.
Finally, it's not enough to simply want other people to see you differently. In order to successfully change how other people perceive you, need to have three main skills:
1. Perception and empathy
Successful self-presentation depends on being able to correctly perceive how people are feeling , what's important to them, and which traits you need to project in order to achieve your intended outcomes.
2. Motivation
If we don’t have a compelling reason to change the perception that others have of us, we are not likely to try to change our behavior. Your desire for a particular outcome, whether it's social or material, creates a sense of urgency.
3. A matching skill set
You’ve got to be able to walk the talk. Your actions will convince others more than anything you say. In other words, you have to provide evidence that you are the person you say you are. You may run into challenges if you're trying to portray yourself as skilled in an area where you actually lack experience.
How can you make the most of the self presentation theory at work?
At its heart, self presentation requires a high-level of self awareness and empathy. In order to make sure that we're showing up as our best in every circumstance — and with each person — we have to be aware of our own motivation as well as what would make the biggest difference to the person in front of us.
Here are 6 strategies to learn to make the most of the self-presentation theory in your career:
1. Get feedback from people around you
Ask a trusted friend or mentor to share what you can improve. Asking for feedback about specific experiences, like a recent project or presentation, will make their suggestions more relevant and easier to implement.
2. Study people who have been successful in your role
Look at how they interact with other people. How do you perceive them? Have they had to cultivate particular skills or ways of interacting with others that may not have come easily to them?
3. Be yourself
Look for areas where you naturally excel and stand out. If you feel comfortable, confident, and happy, you’ll have an easier time projecting that to others. It’s much harder to present yourself as confident when you’re uncomfortable.
4. Be aware that you may mess up
As you work to master new skills and ways of interacting with others, keep asking for feedback . Talk to your manager, team, or a trusted friend about how you came across. If you sense that you’ve missed the mark, address it candidly. People will understand, and you’ll learn more quickly.
Try saying, “I hope that didn’t come across as _______. I want you to know that…”
5. Work with a coach
Coaches are skilled in interpersonal communication and committed to your success. Roleplay conversations to see how they land, and practice what you’ll say and do in upcoming encounters. Over time, a coach will also begin to know you well enough to notice patterns and suggest areas for improvement.
6. The identity is in the details
Don’t forget about the other aspects of your presentation. Take a moment to visualize yourself being the way that you want to be seen. Are there certain details that would make you feel more like that person? Getting organized, refreshing your wardrobe, rewriting your resume, and even cleaning your home office can all serve as powerful affirmations of your next-level self.
Self presentation is defined as the way we try to control how others see us, but it’s just as much about how we see ourselves. It is a skill to achieve a level of comfort with who we are and feel confident to choose how we self-present. Consciously working to make sure others get to see the very best of you is a wonderful way to develop into the person you want to be.
Understand Yourself Better:
Big 5 Personality Test
Allaya Cooks-Campbell
With over 15 years of content experience, Allaya Cooks Campbell has written for outlets such as ScaryMommy, HRzone, and HuffPost. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and is a certified yoga instructor as well as a certified Integrative Wellness & Life Coach. Allaya is passionate about whole-person wellness, yoga, and mental health.
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10 Minutes Presentation About Myself Powerpoint Presentation Slides
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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation
In today's job market, standing out is more than a goal—it's a necessity.
Imagine stepping into your next job interview with not just a resume, but with a powerful 10-minute presentation that showcases who you are, what you've accomplished, and where you're headed.
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Then, all you need to do is download this presentation and customize it per your needs, or we may say different employer’s needs.
Let's get started on transforming those critical 10 minutes into your personal spotlight moment.
A quick heads-up! This “10 Minutes Presentation About Myself” contains top-notch graphics and visuals, such as tables, charts, bar graphs, flowcharts, and pie charts, designed to present complex information in a clear and concise manner. However, we will walk you through the 10 slides to give you a teaser of why SlideTeam’s Complete deck is the top choice for job seekers worldwide.
Make a lasting impression in your professional circles with this template. It is designed to present your work history, personal victories, educational journey, and skills in a clear and engaging way. Share what makes you unique with a personal hobbies section, and keep your contact details handy for quick connections. The best part? You can add your high-quality professional picture in the center. It’s an ideal way to present yourself at a glance. | |
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Present a balanced view of your strengths and areas for improvement while identifying opportunities for growth within the company and potential threats you are prepared to manage. Use this template to demonstrate your self-awareness, analytical skills, and readiness to maximize your contributions while addressing challenges head-on. It's a strategic way to convey how your unique blend of experiences and skills aligns with the company's goals and needs. | |
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First Impression is the Last Impression
Your initial interaction sets the stage for the interviewer's perception of you, making the first impression a critical factor. Leveraging a well-prepared 10-minute presentation during this phase can solidify your image as a polished, confident, and capable candidate.
This PowerPoint Deck gives you a chance to make a memorable impact that resonates well beyond the interview room. Download it now!
10 Minutes Presentation About Myself Powerpoint Presentation Slides with all 65 slides:
Display a good head for business with our 10 Minutes Presentation About Myself Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Bring your commercial acumen to the fore.
The presentation should include the company name, an agenda with topics such as about yourself, career, SWOT analysis, qualifications, achievements and training, skill set, language skills, hobbies, and experience.
The SWOT analysis slide should include threats, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.
The presentation can include a variety of charts and graphs such as donut pie charts, stacked bar charts, radar charts, column charts, scatter charts, line charts, and more.
The experience/projects slide can include the duration and details of previous work experience and projects.
Yes, hobbies can be included in a presentation about yourself to showcase personal interests and skills.
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How to do a Presentation About Yourself
‘A presentation about myself’ – I think this is one of the most dreaded speech topics. Talking about yourself – it’s difficult to know what your audience want to know, and how much you should tell them.
Its all about you
Unfortunately this also happens to be one of the most common speeches you will be asked to give. Whether you are applying for a new job, or starting a new course/class, quite often the first meeting will involve getting to know each other and this will often mean saying a little bit about yourself. Luckily this often has a short time scale, perhaps five or ten minutes so it isn’t as daunting as it sounds.
Firstly when planning your speech, break it down into three sections – a beginning, a middle and a conclusion. This will not only give your speech some structure but will also help with the writing of it.
To start with
The most important thing to remember with the beginning is that it doesn’t really contain any real information. Greet your audience with a warm welcome, tell them who you are and what you are going to talk about, and tell them why you are going to talk about it. Take a look at Making a Presentation:Part One .
The middle section
This is where you tell them about you, tell them about your hobbies, your hopes, your dreams, your goals. Don’t brag about what you have achieved but be informative about it. If it is relevant then you should definitely include achievements.
If you are at a job interview discuss the reasons for wanting the job, touch on some past experience and tell them why you think you are suitable. Back this up with an anecdote from your past if it is related. Tell them what you pride yourself on. This might be time-keeping, efficiency, people skills, or all of these. Be prepared for questions on this because they may ask for examples of when you have shown these skills.
If you are at school, or starting a new college course then tell them why you chose to go for the course, what interests you about that particular job or career, what experience you have had previously, and where you hope it will take you.
For some pointers, have a look at this article on Making a Presentation: Part Two
Wrapping it up
The most important point to remember here is never to add any extra information at this point, this is where you should ask the audience if they have any questions. Do a little preparation for this beforehand so that you are prepared for questions about something that you have not covered. Have a look at this article about preparing for your presentation. Finally, you should thank them for their time and attention. And that’s it, finished.
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Can anyone please give tips..
Yes, First you strat looking at the audience and tell them that you wish give details about you.
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hey i have to do 5 minutes presentation about my self .i dont know where to start please give me ideas
thax very much for this valuable information.
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I need a big help on this please. How can I create who I am topic ?
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by the way this info helped me alot:)
I’m need where to start and habby,weaknesses, strength,activities,
It’s good…………
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well done. it’s helps me alot
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Learn how to create an About Me slide for different types of presentations, from conference talks to client demos. Find out how to write a personal self introduction, an elevator pitch, a FAQ section, and a story to connect with your audience.
Use these Presentation About Myself Templates to become prominent and leave an everlasting impact on your employers, colleagues, and clients.
Learn how to introduce yourself with stunning PowerPoint templates that you can download for free. Impress your audience with 24Slides' tips and tricks.
How to Make a Great PowerPoint Presentation About Yourself Envato Tuts+ 1.47M subscribers 78K views 1 year ago Employment Tips & Tricks with Envato Tuts+
Sometimes, you need to present information about yourself. One way to do this is through a compelling PowerPoint presentation about yourself. Learn how to do it.
10 minute MySelf Presentation Making a presentation about yourself may seem like a Challenging work. After all, talking about yourself is a nerve-racking experience for even experienced speakers. But when you take the time to prepare and plan ahead, you can nail it.
Learn how to do a presentation about yourself and discover some helpful tips so that you can ensure that your audience members remember you.
Explore how to craft a memorable "Who Am I" presentation about yourself, enhancing personal and professional introductions. Creating a "Who Am I" presentation can be a valuable exercise, whether you're introducing yourself at a new job, presenting in a class, or even preparing for an interview.
Download the "About Yourself" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources.
Create a presentation about yourself that suits you completely with our Self-Introduction Templates.
See more presentation about yourself: https://youtu.be/XQjuPBnrE_YThis video will show you how to make a PowerPoint presentation about yourself, myself. You ...
Need to show yourself in the best possible light? Make it easier with one of these free or premium "all about myself" PowerPoint presentation templates.
Template 2: Introducing Yourself and Your Capabilities in a PowerPoint Presentation with Slides. This template can be an amazing tool to create a strong first impression in any professional setting. The multi-slide template lets you highlight your personal and professional qualities in a well-structured and powerful way.
Training: Watch and learn how to create a PowerPoint presentation, add/format text, and add pictures, shapes, and/or charts.
Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template You never know when a slideshow about yourself could come in handy. Be prepared and use this template to introduce yourself to the audience. Explain your work, your strengths, your personal goals, your values, whatever you can come up with! The slides are cool and contain lots of compositions where you can be ...
Introduce yourself with confidence using a self-introduction PowerPoint template. Whether you're a job seeker, a student, or a professional looking to network, these templates will help you create a memorable and engaging introduction. With a range of customizable slides, you can easily showcase your skills, experiences, and goals.
Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template These Introducing Myself slides are cheerful and bold. We chose a vibrant color scheme of orange, blue, yellow and red to make heads turn. There is plenty of space for adding text about yourself and uploading your favorite photos. You'll also find slides for fun facts, hobbies, pets, family and other details to ...
How to Introduce Yourself in a Business Presentation — A Step-by-Step Guide. Remember that at the beginning of your presentation, you want to get your audience's attention in a positive way — fast. Also, remember that before you start the presentation, you will often have an opportunity to network or interact with the audience as they enter the room. So, rather than saying "Good ...
Self presentation is any behavior or action made with the intention to influence or change how other people see you. Anytime we're trying to get people to think of us a certain way, it's an act of self presentation. Generally speaking, we work to present ourselves as favorably as possible. What that means can vary depending on the situation and the other person.
Find predesigned 10 Minutes Presentation About Myself Powerpoint Presentation Slides PowerPoint templates slides, graphics, and image designs provided by SlideTeam.
'A presentation about myself' - I think this is one of the most dreaded speech topics. Talking about yourself - it's difficult to know what your audience want to know, and how much you should tell them.