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robotics research proposal example

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500 research papers and projects in robotics – Free Download

robotics research proposal example

The recent history of robotics is full of fascinating moments that accelerated the rapid technological advances in artificial intelligence , automation , engineering, energy storage, and machine learning. The result transformed the capabilities of robots and their ability to take over tasks once carried out by humans at factories, hospitals, farms, etc.

These technological advances don’t occur overnight; they require several years of research and development in solving some of the biggest engineering challenges in navigation, autonomy, AI and machine learning to build robots that are much safer and efficient in a real-world situation. A lot of universities, institutes, and companies across the world are working tirelessly in various research areas to make this reality.

In this post, we have listed 500+ recent research papers and projects for those who are interested in robotics. These free, downloadable research papers can shed lights into the some of the complex areas in robotics such as navigation, motion planning, robotic interactions, obstacle avoidance, actuators, machine learning, computer vision, artificial intelligence, collaborative robotics, nano robotics, social robotics, cloud, swan robotics, sensors, mobile robotics, humanoid, service robots, automation, autonomous, etc. Feel free to download. Share your own research papers with us to be added into this list. Also, you can ask a professional academic writer from  CustomWritings – research paper writing service  to assist you online on any related topic.

Navigation and Motion Planning

  • Robotics Navigation Using MPEG CDVS
  • Design, Manufacturing and Test of a High-Precision MEMS Inclination Sensor for Navigation Systems in Robot-assisted Surgery
  • Motion Control of a Three Active Wheeled Mobile Robot and Collision-Free Human Following Navigation in Outdoor Environment
  • One Point Perspective Vanishing Point Estimation for Mobile Robot Vision Based Navigation System
  • Application of Ant Colony Optimization for finding the Navigational path of Mobile Robot-A Review
  • Robot Navigation Using a Brain-Computer Interface
  • Path Generation for Robot Navigation using a Single Ceiling Mounted Camera
  • Exact Robot Navigation Using Power Diagrams
  • Learning Socially Normative Robot Navigation Behaviors with Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning
  • Pipelined, High Speed, Low Power Neural Network Controller for Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation Using FPGA
  • Proxemics models for human-aware navigation in robotics: Grounding interaction and personal space models in experimental data from psychology
  • Optimality and limit behavior of the ML estimator for Multi-Robot Localization via GPS and Relative Measurements
  • Aerial Robotics: Compact groups of cooperating micro aerial vehicles in clustered GPS denied environment
  • Disordered and Multiple Destinations Path Planning Methods for Mobile Robot in Dynamic Environment
  • Integrating Modeling and Knowledge Representation for Combined Task, Resource and Path Planning in Robotics
  • Path Planning With Kinematic Constraints For Robot Groups
  • Robot motion planning for pouring liquids
  • Implan: Scalable Incremental Motion Planning for Multi-Robot Systems
  • Equilibrium Motion Planning of Humanoid Climbing Robot under Constraints
  • POMDP-lite for Robust Robot Planning under Uncertainty
  • The RoboCup Logistics League as a Benchmark for Planning in Robotics
  • Planning-aware communication for decentralised multi- robot coordination
  • Combined Force and Position Controller Based on Inverse Dynamics: Application to Cooperative Robotics
  • A Four Degree of Freedom Robot for Positioning Ultrasound Imaging Catheters
  • The Role of Robotics in Ovarian Transposition
  • An Implementation on 3D Positioning Aquatic Robot

Robotic Interactions

  • On Indexicality, Direction of Arrival of Sound Sources and Human-Robot Interaction
  • OpenWoZ: A Runtime-Configurable Wizard-of-Oz Framework for Human-Robot Interaction
  • Privacy in Human-Robot Interaction: Survey and Future Work
  • An Analysis Of Teacher-Student Interaction Patterns In A Robotics Course For Kindergarten Children: A Pilot Study
  • Human Robotics Interaction (HRI) based Analysis–using DMT
  • A Cautionary Note on Personality (Extroversion) Assessments in Child-Robot Interaction Studies
  • Interaction as a bridge between cognition and robotics
  • State Representation Learning in Robotics: Using Prior Knowledge about Physical Interaction
  • Eliciting Conversation in Robot Vehicle Interactions
  • A Comparison of Avatar, Video, and Robot-Mediated Interaction on Users’ Trust in Expertise
  • Exercising with Baxter: Design and Evaluation of Assistive Social-Physical Human- Robot Interaction
  • Using Narrative to Enable Longitudinal Human- Robot Interactions
  • Computational Analysis of Affect, Personality, and Engagement in HumanRobot Interactions
  • Human-robot interactions: A psychological perspective
  • Gait of Quadruped Robot and Interaction Based on Gesture Recognition
  • Graphically representing child- robot interaction proxemics
  • Interactive Demo of the SOPHIA Project: Combining Soft Robotics and Brain-Machine Interfaces for Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Interactive Robotics Workshop
  • Activating Robotics Manipulator using Eye Movements
  • Wireless Controlled Robot Movement System Desgined using Microcontroller
  • Gesture Controlled Robot using LabVIEW
  • RoGuE: Robot Gesture Engine

Obstacle Avoidance

  • Low Cost Obstacle Avoidance Robot with Logic Gates and Gate Delay Calculations
  • Advanced Fuzzy Potential Field Method for Mobile Robot Obstacle Avoidance
  • Controlling Obstacle Avoiding And Live Streaming Robot Using Chronos Watch
  • Movement Of The Space Robot Manipulator In Environment With Obstacles
  • Assis-Cicerone Robot With Visual Obstacle Avoidance Using a Stack of Odometric Data.
  • Obstacle detection and avoidance methods for autonomous mobile robot
  • Moving Domestic Robotics Control Method Based on Creating and Sharing Maps with Shortest Path Findings and Obstacle Avoidance
  • Control of the Differentially-driven Mobile Robot in the Environment with a Non-Convex Star-Shape Obstacle: Simulation and Experiments
  • A survey of typical machine learning based motion planning algorithms for robotics
  • Linear Algebra for Computer Vision, Robotics , and Machine Learning
  • Applying Radical Constructivism to Machine Learning: A Pilot Study in Assistive Robotics
  • Machine Learning for Robotics and Computer Vision: Sampling methods and Variational Inference
  • Rule-Based Supervisor and Checker of Deep Learning Perception Modules in Cognitive Robotics
  • The Limits and Potentials of Deep Learning for Robotics
  • Autonomous Robotics and Deep Learning
  • A Unified Knowledge Representation System for Robot Learning and Dialogue

Computer Vision

  • Computer Vision Based Chess Playing Capabilities for the Baxter Humanoid Robot
  • Non-Euclidean manifolds in robotics and computer vision: why should we care?
  • Topology of singular surfaces, applications to visualization and robotics
  • On the Impact of Learning Hierarchical Representations for Visual Recognition in Robotics
  • Focused Online Visual-Motor Coordination for a Dual-Arm Robot Manipulator
  • Towards Practical Visual Servoing in Robotics
  • Visual Pattern Recognition In Robotics
  • Automated Visual Inspection: Position Identification of Object for Industrial Robot Application based on Color and Shape
  • Automated Creation of Augmented Reality Visualizations for Autonomous Robot Systems
  • Implementation of Efficient Night Vision Robot on Arduino and FPGA Board
  • On the Relationship between Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Spatial Cognition for Robotics and Mobile Systems: Brief Survey and Current Open Challenges
  • Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Its Impact on Society
  • The Effects of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics on Business and Employment: Evidence from a survey on Japanese firms
  • Artificially Intelligent Maze Solver Robot
  • Artificial intelligence, Cognitive Robotics and Human Psychology
  • Minecraft as an Experimental World for AI in Robotics
  • Impact of Robotics, RPA and AI on the insurance industry: challenges and opportunities

Probabilistic Programming

  • On the use of probabilistic relational affordance models for sequential manipulation tasks inrobotics
  • Exploration strategies in developmental robotics: a unified probabilistic framework
  • Probabilistic Programming for Robotics
  • New design of a soft-robotics wearable elbow exoskeleton based on Shape Memory Alloy wires actuators
  • Design of a Modular Series Elastic Upgrade to a Robotics Actuator
  • Applications of Compliant Actuators to Wearing Robotics for Lower Extremity
  • Review of Development Stages in the Conceptual Design of an Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator for Robotics
  • Fluid electrodes for submersible robotics based on dielectric elastomer actuators
  • Cascaded Control Of Compliant Actuators In Friendly Robotics

Collaborative Robotics

  • Interpretable Models for Fast Activity Recognition and Anomaly Explanation During Collaborative Robotics Tasks
  • Collaborative Work Management Using SWARM Robotics
  • Collaborative Robotics : Assessment of Safety Functions and Feedback from Workers, Users and Integrators in Quebec
  • Accessibility, Making and Tactile Robotics : Facilitating Collaborative Learning and Computational Thinking for Learners with Visual Impairments
  • Trajectory Adaptation of Robot Arms for Head-pose Dependent Assistive Tasks

Mobile Robotics

  • Experimental research of proximity sensors for application in mobile robotics in greenhouse environment.
  • Multispectral Texture Mapping for Telepresence and Autonomous Mobile Robotics
  • A Smart Mobile Robot to Detect Abnormalities in Hazardous Zones
  • Simulation of nonlinear filter based localization for indoor mobile robot
  • Integrating control science in a practical mobile robotics course
  • Experimental Study of the Performance of the Kinect Range Camera for Mobile Robotics
  • Planification of an Optimal Path for a Mobile Robot Using Neural Networks
  • Security of Networking Control System in Mobile Robotics (NCSMR)
  • Vector Maps in Mobile Robotics
  • An Embedded System for a Bluetooth Controlled Mobile Robot Based on the ATmega8535 Microcontroller
  • Experiments of NDT-Based Localization for a Mobile Robot Moving Near Buildings
  • Hardware and Software Co-design for the EKF Applied to the Mobile Robotics Localization Problem
  • Design of a SESLogo Program for Mobile Robot Control
  • An Improved Ekf-Slam Algorithm For Mobile Robot
  • Intelligent Vehicles at the Mobile Robotics Laboratory, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil [ITS Research Lab]
  • Introduction to Mobile Robotics
  • Miniature Piezoelectric Mobile Robot driven by Standing Wave
  • Mobile Robot Floor Classification using Motor Current and Accelerometer Measurements
  • Sensors for Robotics 2015
  • An Automated Sensing System for Steel Bridge Inspection Using GMR Sensor Array and Magnetic Wheels of Climbing Robot
  • Sensors for Next-Generation Robotics
  • Multi-Robot Sensor Relocation To Enhance Connectivity In A WSN
  • Automated Irrigation System Using Robotics and Sensors
  • Design Of Control System For Articulated Robot Using Leap Motion Sensor
  • Automated configuration of vision sensor systems for industrial robotics

Nano robotics

  • Light Robotics: an all-optical nano-and micro-toolbox
  • Light-driven Nano- robotics
  • Light-driven Nano-robotics
  • Light Robotics: a new tech–nology and its applications
  • Light Robotics: Aiming towards all-optical nano-robotics
  • NanoBiophotonics Appli–cations of Light Robotics
  • System Level Analysis for a Locomotive Inspection Robot with Integrated Microsystems
  • High-Dimensional Robotics at the Nanoscale Kino-Geometric Modeling of Proteins and Molecular Mechanisms
  • A Study Of Insect Brain Using Robotics And Neural Networks

Social Robotics

  • Integrative Social Robotics Hands-On
  • ProCRob Architecture for Personalized Social Robotics
  • Definitions and Metrics for Social Robotics, along with some Experience Gained in this Domain
  • Transmedia Choreography: Integrating Multimodal Video Annotation in the Creative Process of a Social Robotics Performance Piece
  • Co-designing with children: An approach to social robot design
  • Toward Social Cognition in Robotics: Extracting and Internalizing Meaning from Perception
  • Human Centered Robotics : Designing Valuable Experiences for Social Robots
  • Preliminary system and hardware design for Quori, a low-cost, modular, socially interactive robot
  • Socially assistive robotics: Human augmentation versus automation
  • Tega: A Social Robot

Humanoid robot

  • Compliance Control and Human-Robot Interaction – International Journal of Humanoid Robotics
  • The Design of Humanoid Robot Using C# Interface on Bluetooth Communication
  • An Integrated System to approach the Programming of Humanoid Robotics
  • Humanoid Robot Slope Gait Planning Based on Zero Moment Point Principle
  • Literature Review Real-Time Vision-Based Learning for Human-Robot Interaction in Social Humanoid Robotics
  • The Roasted Tomato Challenge for a Humanoid Robot
  • Remotely teleoperating a humanoid robot to perform fine motor tasks with virtual reality

Cloud Robotics

  • CR3A: Cloud Robotics Algorithms Allocation Analysis
  • Cloud Computing and Robotics for Disaster Management
  • ABHIKAHA: Aerial Collision Avoidance in Quadcopter using Cloud Robotics
  • The Evolution Of Cloud Robotics: A Survey
  • Sliding Autonomy in Cloud Robotics Services for Smart City Applications
  • CORE: A Cloud-based Object Recognition Engine for Robotics
  • A Software Product Line Approach for Configuring Cloud Robotics Applications
  • Cloud robotics and automation: A survey of related work
  • ROCHAS: Robotics and Cloud-assisted Healthcare System for Empty Nester

Swarm Robotics

  • Evolution of Task Partitioning in Swarm Robotics
  • GESwarm: Grammatical Evolution for the Automatic Synthesis of Collective Behaviors in Swarm Robotics
  • A Concise Chronological Reassess Of Different Swarm Intelligence Methods With Multi Robotics Approach
  • The Swarm/Potential Model: Modeling Robotics Swarms with Measure-valued Recursions Associated to Random Finite Sets
  • The TAM: ABSTRACTing complex tasks in swarm robotics research
  • Task Allocation in Foraging Robot Swarms: The Role of Information Sharing
  • Robotics on the Battlefield Part II
  • Implementation Of Load Sharing Using Swarm Robotics
  • An Investigation of Environmental Influence on the Benefits of Adaptation Mechanisms in Evolutionary Swarm Robotics

Soft Robotics

  • Soft Robotics: The Next Generation of Intelligent Machines
  • Soft Robotics: Transferring Theory to Application,” Soft Components for Soft Robots”
  • Advances in Soft Computing, Intelligent Robotics and Control
  • The BRICS Component Model: A Model-Based Development Paradigm For ComplexRobotics Software Systems
  • Soft Mechatronics for Human-Friendly Robotics
  • Seminar Soft-Robotics
  • Special Issue on Open Source Software-Supported Robotics Research.
  • Soft Brain-Machine Interfaces for Assistive Robotics: A Novel Control Approach
  • Towards A Robot Hardware ABSTRACT ion Layer (R-HAL) Leveraging the XBot Software Framework

Service Robotics

  • Fundamental Theories and Practice in Service Robotics
  • Natural Language Processing in Domestic Service Robotics
  • Localization and Mapping for Service Robotics Applications
  • Designing of Service Robot for Home Automation-Implementation
  • Benchmarking Speech Understanding in Service Robotics
  • The Cognitive Service Robotics Apartment
  • Planning with Task-oriented Knowledge Acquisition for A Service Robot
  • Cognitive Robotics
  • Meta-Morphogenesis theory as background to Cognitive Robotics and Developmental Cognitive Science
  • Experience-based Learning for Bayesian Cognitive Robotics
  • Weakly supervised strategies for natural object recognition in robotics
  • Robotics-Derived Requirements for the Internet of Things in the 5G Context
  • A Comparison of Modern Synthetic Character Design and Cognitive Robotics Architecture with the Human Nervous System
  • PREGO: An Action Language for Belief-Based Cognitive Robotics in Continuous Domains
  • The Role of Intention in Cognitive Robotics
  • On Cognitive Learning Methodologies for Cognitive Robotics
  • Relational Enhancement: A Framework for Evaluating and Designing Human-RobotRelationships
  • A Fog Robotics Approach to Deep Robot Learning: Application to Object Recognition and Grasp Planning in Surface Decluttering
  • Spatial Cognition in Robotics
  • IOT Based Gesture Movement Recognize Robot
  • Deliberative Systems for Autonomous Robotics: A Brief Comparison Between Action-oriented and Timelines-based Approaches
  • Formal Modeling and Verification of Dynamic Reconfiguration of Autonomous RoboticsSystems
  • Robotics on its feet: Autonomous Climbing Robots
  • Implementation of Autonomous Metal Detection Robot with Image and Message Transmission using Cell Phone
  • Toward autonomous architecture: The convergence of digital design, robotics, and the built environment
  • Advances in Robotics Automation
  • Data-centered Dependencies and Opportunities for Robotics Process Automation in Banking
  • On the Combination of Gamification and Crowd Computation in Industrial Automation and Robotics Applications
  • Advances in RoboticsAutomation
  • Meshworm With Segment-Bending Anchoring for Colonoscopy. IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS. 2 (3) pp: 1718-1724.
  • Recent Advances in Robotics and Automation
  • Key Elements Towards Automation and Robotics in Industrialised Building System (IBS)
  • Knowledge Building, Innovation Networks, and Robotics in Math Education
  • The potential of a robotics summer course On Engineering Education
  • Robotics as an Educational Tool: Impact of Lego Mindstorms
  • Effective Planning Strategy in Robotics Education: An Embodied Approach
  • An innovative approach to School-Work turnover programme with Educational Robotics
  • The importance of educational robotics as a precursor of Computational Thinking in early childhood education
  • Pedagogical Robotics A way to Experiment and Innovate in Educational Teaching in Morocco
  • Learning by Making and Early School Leaving: an Experience with Educational Robotics
  • Robotics and Coding: Fostering Student Engagement
  • Computational Thinking with Educational Robotics
  • New Trends In Education Of Robotics
  • Educational robotics as an instrument of formation: a public elementary school case study
  • Developmental Situation and Strategy for Engineering Robot Education in China University
  • Towards the Humanoid Robot Butler
  • YAGI-An Easy and Light-Weighted Action-Programming Language for Education and Research in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
  • Simultaneous Tracking and Reconstruction (STAR) of Objects and its Application in Educational Robotics Laboratories
  • The importance and purpose of simulation in robotics
  • An Educational Tool to Support Introductory Robotics Courses
  • Lollybot: Where Candy, Gaming, and Educational Robotics Collide
  • Assessing the Impact of an Autonomous Robotics Competition for STEM Education
  • Educational robotics for promoting 21st century skills
  • New Era for Educational Robotics: Replacing Teachers with a Robotic System to Teach Alphabet Writing
  • Robotics as a Learning Tool for Educational Transformation
  • The Herd of Educational Robotic Devices (HERD): Promoting Cooperation in RoboticsEducation
  • Robotics in physics education: fostering graphing abilities in kinematics
  • Enabling Rapid Prototyping in K-12 Engineering Education with BotSpeak, a UniversalRobotics Programming Language
  • Innovating in robotics education with Gazebo simulator and JdeRobot framework
  • How to Support Students’ Computational Thinking Skills in Educational Robotics Activities
  • Educational Robotics At Lower Secondary School
  • Evaluating the impact of robotics in education on pupils’ skills and attitudes
  • Imagining, Playing, and Coding with KIBO: Using Robotics to Foster Computational Thinking in Young Children
  • How Does a First LEGO League Robotics Program Provide Opportunities for Teaching Children 21st Century Skills
  • A Software-Based Robotic Vision Simulator For Use In Teaching Introductory Robotics Courses
  • Robotics Practical
  • A project-based strategy for teaching robotics using NI’s embedded-FPGA platform
  • Teaching a Core CS Concept through Robotics
  • Ms. Robot Will Be Teaching You: Robot Lecturers in Four Modes of Automated Remote Instruction
  • Robotic Competitions: Teaching Robotics and Real-Time Programming with LEGO Mindstorms
  • Visegrad Robotics Workshop-different ideas to teach and popularize robotics
  • LEGO® Mindstorms® EV3 Robotics Instructor Guide
  • DRAFT: for Automaatiop iv t22 MOKASIT: Multi Camera System for Robotics Monitoring and Teaching
  • MOKASIT: Multi Camera System for Robotics Monitoring and Teaching
  • Autonomous Robot Design and Build: Novel Hands-on Experience for Undergraduate Students
  • Semi-Autonomous Inspection Robot
  • Sumo Robot Competition
  • Engagement of students with Robotics-Competitions-like projects in a PBL Bsc Engineering course
  • Robo Camp K12 Inclusive Outreach Program: A three-step model of Effective Introducing Middle School Students to Computer Programming and Robotics
  • The Effectiveness of Robotics Competitions on Students’ Learning of Computer Science
  • Engaging with Mathematics: How mathematical art, robotics and other activities are used to engage students with university mathematics and promote
  • Design Elements of a Mobile Robotics Course Based on Student Feedback
  • Sixth-Grade Students’ Motivation and Development of Proportional Reasoning Skills While Completing Robotics Challenges
  • Student Learning of Computational Thinking in A Robotics Curriculum: Transferrable Skills and Relevant Factors
  • A Robotics-Focused Instructional Framework for Design-Based Research in Middle School Classrooms
  • Transforming a Middle and High School Robotics Curriculum
  • Geometric Algebra for Applications in Cybernetics: Image Processing, Neural Networks, Robotics and Integral Transforms
  • Experimenting and validating didactical activities in the third year of primary school enhanced by robotics technology


  • Bibliometric analysis on the status quo of robotics in construction
  • AtomMap: A Probabilistic Amorphous 3D Map Representation for Robotics and Surface Reconstruction
  • Robotic Design and Construction Culture: Ethnography in Osaka University’s Miyazaki Robotics Lab
  • Infrastructure Robotics: A Technology Enabler for Lunar In-Situ Resource Utilization, Habitat Construction and Maintenance
  • A Planar Robot Design And Construction With Maple
  • Robotics and Automations in Construction: Advanced Construction and FutureTechnology
  • Why robotics in mining
  • Examining Influences on the Evolution of Design Ideas in a First-Year Robotics Project
  • Mining Robotics
  • TIRAMISU: Technical survey, close-in-detection and disposal mine actions in Humanitarian Demining: challenges for Robotics Systems
  • Robotics for Sustainable Agriculture in Aquaponics
  • Design and Fabrication of Crop Analysis Agriculture Robot
  • Enhance Multi-Disciplinary Experience for Agriculture and Engineering Students with Agriculture Robotics Project
  • Work in progress: Robotics mapping of landmine and UXO contaminated areas
  • Robot Based Wireless Monitoring and Safety System for Underground Coal Mines using Zigbee Protocol: A Review
  • Minesweepers uses robotics’ awesomeness to raise awareness about landminesexplosive remnants of war
  • Intelligent Autonomous Farming Robot with Plant Disease Detection using Image Processing
  • Auotomatic Pick And Place Robot
  • Video Prompting to Teach Robotics and Coding to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Bilateral Anesthesia Mumps After RobotAssisted Hysterectomy Under General Anesthesia: Two Case Reports
  • Future Prospects of Artificial Intelligence in Robotics Software, A healthcare Perspective
  • Designing new mechanism in surgical robotics
  • Open-Source Research Platforms and System Integration in Modern Surgical Robotics
  • Soft Tissue Robotics–The Next Generation
  • CORVUS Full-Body Surgical Robotics Research Platform
  • OP: Sense, a rapid prototyping research platform for surgical robotics
  • Preoperative Planning Simulator with Haptic Feedback for Raven-II Surgical Robotics Platform
  • Origins of Surgical Robotics: From Space to the Operating Room
  • Accelerometer Based Wireless Gesture Controlled Robot for Medical Assistance using Arduino Lilypad
  • The preliminary results of a force feedback control for Sensorized Medical Robotics
  • Medical robotics Regulatory, ethical, and legal considerations for increasing levels of autonomy
  • Robotics in General Surgery
  • Evolution Of Minimally Invasive Surgery: Conventional Laparoscopy Torobotics
  • Robust trocar detection and localization during robot-assisted endoscopic surgery
  • How can we improve the Training of Laparoscopic Surgery thanks to the Knowledge in Robotics
  • Discussion on robot-assisted laparoscopic cystectomy and Ileal neobladder surgery preoperative care
  • Robotics in Neurosurgery: Evolution, Current Challenges, and Compromises
  • Hybrid Rendering Architecture for Realtime and Photorealistic Simulation of Robot-Assisted Surgery
  • Robotics, Image Guidance, and Computer-Assisted Surgery in Otology/Neurotology
  • Neuro-robotics model of visual delusions
  • Neuro-Robotics
  • Robotics in the Rehabilitation of Neurological Conditions
  • What if a Robot Could Help Me Care for My Parents
  • A Robot to Provide Support in Stigmatizing Patient-Caregiver Relationships
  • A New Skeleton Model and the Motion Rhythm Analysis for Human Shoulder Complex Oriented to Rehabilitation Robotics
  • Towards Rehabilitation Robotics: Off-The-Shelf BCI Control of Anthropomorphic Robotic Arms
  • Rehabilitation Robotics 2013
  • Combined Estimation of Friction and Patient Activity in Rehabilitation Robotics
  • Brain, Mind and Body: Motion Behaviour Planning, Learning and Control in view of Rehabilitation and Robotics
  • Reliable Robotics – Diagnostics
  • Robotics for Successful Ageing
  • Upper Extremity Robotics Exoskeleton: Application, Structure And Actuation

Defence and Military

  • Voice Guided Military Robot for Defence Application
  • Design and Control of Defense Robot Based On Virtual Reality
  • AI, Robotics and Cyber: How Much will They Change Warfare
  • Brain Controlled Robot for Indian Armed Force
  • Autonomous Military Robotics
  • Wireless Restrained Military Discoursed Robot
  • Bomb Detection And Defusion In Planes By Application Of Robotics
  • Impacts Of The Robotics Age On Naval Force Design, Effectiveness, And Acquisition

Space Robotics

  • Lego robotics teacher professional learning
  • New Planar Air-bearing Microgravity Simulator for Verification of Space Robotics Numerical Simulations and Control Algorithms
  • The Artemis Rover as an Example for Model Based Engineering in Space Robotics
  • Rearrangement planning using object-centric and robot-centric action spaces
  • Model-based Apprenticeship Learning for Robotics in High-dimensional Spaces
  • Emergent Roles, Collaboration and Computational Thinking in the Multi-Dimensional Problem Space of Robotics
  • Reaction Null Space of a multibody system with applications in robotics

Other Industries

  • Robotics in clothes manufacture
  • Recent Trends in Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing: An Overview
  • Application Of Robotics In Dairy And Food Industries: A Review
  • Architecture for theatre robotics
  • Human-multi-robot team collaboration for efficent warehouse operation
  • A Robot-based Application for Physical Exercise Training
  • Application Of Robotics In Oil And Gas Refineries
  • Implementation of Robotics in Transmission Line Monitoring
  • Intelligent Wireless Fire Extinguishing Robot
  • Monitoring and Controlling of Fire Fighthing Robot using IOT
  • Robotics An Emerging Technology in Dairy Industry
  • Robotics and Law: A Survey
  • Increasing ECE Student Excitement through an International Marine Robotics Competition
  • Application of Swarm Robotics Systems to Marine Environmental Monitoring

Future of Robotics / Trends

  • The future of Robotics Technology
  • RoboticsAutomation Are Killing Jobs A Roadmap for the Future is Needed
  • The next big thing (s) in robotics
  • Robotics in Indian Industry-Future Trends
  • The Future of Robot Rescue Simulation Workshop
  • PreprintQuantum Robotics: Primer on Current Science and Future Perspectives
  • Emergent Trends in Robotics and Intelligent Systems


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11 Examples of Robots in Research 

robotics research proposal example

Robots and robotic systems continue to grow in use across industries, from manufacturing to construction to medical settings. At universities, professors and graduate students use robots in research across various topics. They are exploring new applications for robots and examining robotic systems and how they can improve society and help humans. The proliferation of collaborative robots has sparked a movement to automate things we never thought possible before, particularly with increased interactions with humans. Robots can also be used to perform repetitive or dangerous tasks within the scope of a research project, allowing researchers to focus on their work.  

robotics research proposal example

Looking for some robotics research ideas?  

Here are 11 examples of robots in research published in academic journals, presented at academic conferences, or presented in thesis papers: 

1. Robotics Research Topic: Additive Manufacturing 

  3D Printing with a Cobot Arm  

The aim of this thesis was to create a proof of concept system for 3D printing with a robot.    

2. Robotics Research Topic: Artificial Intelligence 

Playing Tic-Tac-Toe with a Lightweight Robot  

This article presents an interdisciplinary approach to developing a robot demonstrator, combining the research fields of robot force/torque control, image processing, artificial intelligence, robot programming, and human-robot cooperation.    

3. Robotics Research Topic: Artificial Intelligence 

Human and Machine Symbiosis - An Experiment of Human and Robot Co-creation of Calligraphy-Style Drawing  

This paper discussed an experiment to study how AI, Automation, and Robots (AAR) will interact with humans and form a unique symbiotic relationship in art-making.  

4. Robotics Research Topic: Computer Vision 

Robot-Assisted Neuroendoscopy for Real-Time 3D Guidance of Transventricular Approach to Deep-Brain Targets  

This paper covers developments in feature detection and description methods for a real-time 3D endoscopic navigation system using simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for accurate and near real-time registration. 

5. Robotics Research Topic: Digital Fabrication 

The Development of the Intuitive Teaching-Based Design Method for Robot-Assisted Fabrication Applied to Bricklaying Design and Construction  

This paper proposes the TRAC (Teaching-based Robotic Arm Construction) system, which aims to the intuitive robot-assisted bricklaying process.  

6. Robotics Research Topic: Human-Robot Interaction 

Conversational Programming for Collaborative Robots   

This position paper describes a novel approach to programming industrial robots via conversational dialogue. 

7. Robotics Research Topic: Industry 4.0 

The Application of Collaborative Robots in Garment Factories  

This study aimed to understand and predict garment employees' cognitive, social, and psychological perspectives and behavioral intentions towards Cobot implementations in Vietnam. 

8. Robotics Research Topic: Machine Learning 

A proposal for Hand gesture control applied to the KUKA youBot using motion tracker sensors and machine learning algorithms  

This paper presents a proposal for real-time hand gesture recognition for both dynamic and static gestures. 

9. Robotics Research Topic: Manipulator Dynamics 

AURT: A Tool for Dynamics Calibration of Robot Manipulators  

This paper introduces AURT, an open-source software for modeling and calibration of robot manipulator dynamics. 

10. Robotics Research Topic: Mechatronics 

A Modular Mechatronic Gripper Installed on the Industrial Robot KUKA KR 60-3 for Boxing, Unpacking and Selecting of Beverage Bottles   

A Modular Mechatronic Gripper was designed and installed on an industrial robot to demonstrate versatility and dynamism to load and unload items at the same time efficiently and safely. 

11. Robotics Research Topic: Taguchi Method 

Application of Taguchi Approach to Optimize the Robot Spot Welding Parameters of JSC590RN Mild Steel  

This research focuses on using a KUKA robot to spot weld low carbon steel JSC 590RN cold-rolled sheet. This paper aims to determine the influence of welding input factors on T-S strength.  

Robots Used in Research 

You may notice that these research examples include two types of robots: KUKA robots and Universal Robots collaborative robots . These robots each have their advantages for a robotics research lab. Companies worldwide use them to compete, innovate, and improve productivity. Therefore, there are opportunities for research to drive improvements in real-world applications. They are also effective for lab environments with students because they are safe for human-robot collaboration, versatile, and mobile to move around a lab. Here's a little bit more about each robot manufacturer: 

Kuka robot arm

KUKA Robotics  

KUKA is one of the world's leading suppliers of intelligent automation systems for companies in automotive, electronics, metal & plastic, consumer goods, e-commerce/retail, and healthcare.  

KUKA offers an education bundle to research sensitive robotics, HRC, mobility, Industry 4.0, and more. Their industrial robots are lightweight, mobile, and precise. 

Universal Robot 3e with gripper

Universal Robots  

Universal Robots is the leading manufacturer of collaborative robots for production environments around the world. Their robots are helping companies of all sizes address labor needs and increase productivity. 

For researchers, Universal Robots offers a lot of flexibility in integrating end effectors and accessories or creating your own with their SDK and open API. The robots are easy to use and redeploy quickly. 

Are you looking to incorporate robots in research at your higher education institution? AET Labs specializes in partnering with educators in New England to provide end-to-end lab solutions. We can help you design a robotics research lab, get grants to fund your research, choose robots for your lab, and provide training and local service. Contact us today to get started ! 

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robotics research proposal example

Research Topics & Ideas: Robotics

50 Topic Ideas To Kickstart Your Research Project

Research topics and ideas about automation and robotics

If you’re just starting out exploring robotics and/or automation-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research by providing a hearty list of research ideas , including real-world examples from recent studies.

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . These topic ideas provided here are intentionally broad and generic , so keep in mind that you will need to develop them further. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

To develop a suitable research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan to fill that gap. If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Research topic idea mega list

Robotics & Automation Research Ideas

  • Developing AI algorithms for autonomous decision-making in self-driving cars.
  • The impact of robotic automation on employment in the manufacturing sector.
  • Investigating the use of drone technology for agricultural crop monitoring and management.
  • The role of robotics in enhancing surgical precision in minimally invasive procedures.
  • Analyzing the ethical implications of using robots in elderly care.
  • The effectiveness of humanoid robots in assisting children with autism.
  • Investigating the integration of IoT and robotics in smart home systems.
  • The impact of automation on workflow efficiency in the healthcare industry.
  • Analyzing the challenges of human-robot interaction in industrial settings.
  • The role of robotics in deep-sea exploration and data collection.
  • Investigating the use of robotic exoskeletons in rehabilitation therapy for stroke patients.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on the future of job skills and training.
  • Developing advanced machine learning models for robotic vision and object recognition.
  • Analyzing the role of robots in disaster response and search-and-rescue missions.
  • The effectiveness of collaborative robots (cobots) in small-scale industries.
  • Investigating the potential of robotics in renewable energy operations and maintenance.
  • The role of automation in enhancing precision agriculture techniques.
  • Analyzing the security risks associated with industrial automation systems.
  • The impact of 3D printing technology on robotic design and manufacturing.
  • Investigating the use of robotics in hazardous waste management and disposal.
  • The effectiveness of swarm robotics in environmental monitoring and data collection.
  • Analyzing the ethical and legal aspects of deploying autonomous weapon systems.
  • The role of robotics in enhancing logistics and supply chain management.
  • Investigating the potential of robotic process automation in banking and finance.
  • The impact of robotics and automation on the future of urban planning and smart cities.

Research topic evaluator

Robotics Research Ideas (Continued)

  • Developing underwater robots for marine biodiversity conservation and research.
  • Analyzing the challenges of integrating AI and robotics in the educational sector.
  • The role of robotics in advancing precision medicine and personalized healthcare.
  • Investigating the social implications of widespread adoption of service robots.
  • The impact of automation on productivity and efficiency in the food industry.
  • Analyzing human psychological responses to interaction with advanced robots.
  • The effectiveness of robotic assistants in enhancing the retail customer experience.
  • Investigating the use of automation in streamlining media and entertainment production.
  • The role of robotics in preserving cultural heritage and archeological sites.
  • Analyzing the potential of robotics in addressing environmental pollution and climate change.
  • The impact of cyber-physical systems on the evolution of smart manufacturing.
  • Investigating the role of robotics in non-invasive medical diagnostics and screening.
  • The effectiveness of robotic technologies in construction and infrastructure development.
  • Analyzing the challenges of energy management and sustainability in robotics.
  • The role of AI and robotics in advancing space exploration and satellite deployment.
  • Investigating the application of robotics in textile and garment manufacturing.
  • The impact of automation on the dynamics of global trade and economic growth.
  • Analyzing the role of robotics in enhancing sports training and athlete performance.
  • The effectiveness of robotic systems in large-scale environmental restoration projects.
  • Investigating the potential of AI-driven robots in personalized content creation and delivery.
  • The role of robotics in improving safety and efficiency in mining operations.
  • Analyzing the impact of robotic automation on customer service and support.
  • The effectiveness of autonomous robotic systems in utility and infrastructure inspection.
  • Investigating the role of robotics in enhancing border security and surveillance.
  • The impact of robotic and automated technologies on future transportation systems.

Recent Studies: Robotics & Automation

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual robotics and automation-related studies to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of recent studies to help refine your thinking. These are actual studies,  so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • A Comprehensive Survey on Robotics and Automation in Various Industries (Jeyakumar K, 2022)
  • Dual-Material 3D-Printed PaCoMe-Like Fingers for Flexible Biolaboratory Automation (Zwirnmann et al., 2023)
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Adoption: A Systematic Literature Review (Costa et al., 2022)
  • Analysis of the Conditions Influencing the Assimilation of Robotic Process Automation by Enterprises (Sobczak, 2022)
  • Using RPA for Performance Monitoring of Dynamic SHM Applications (Atencio et al., 2022)
  • When Harry, the Human, Met Sally, the Software Robot: Metaphorical Sensemaking and Sensegiving around an Emergent Digital Technology (Techatassanasoontorn et al., 2023)
  • Model-driven Engineering and Simulation of Industrial Robots with ROS (Hoppe & Hoffschulte, 2022)
  • RPA Bot to Automate Students Marks Storage Process (Krishna, 2022)
  • Intelligent Process Automation and Business Continuity: Areas for Future Research (Brás et al., 2023)
  • Enabling the Gab Between RPA and Process Mining: User Interface Interactions Recorder (Choi et al., 2022)
  • An Electroadhesive Paper Gripper With Application to a Document-Sorting Robot (Itoh et al., 2022)
  • A systematic literature review on Robotic Process Automation security (Gajjar et al., 2022)
  • Teaching Industrial Robot Programming Using FANUC ROBOGUIDE and iRVision Software (Coletta & Chauhan, 2022)
  • Industrial Automation and Robotics (Kumar & Babu, 2022)
  • Process & Software Selection for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) (Axmann & Harmoko, 2022)
  • Robotic Process Automation: A Literature-Based Research Agenda (Plattfaut & Borghoff, 2022)
  • Automated Testing of RPA Implementations (Sankpal, 2022) Template-Based Category-Agnostic Instance Detection for Robotic Manipulation (Hu et al., 2022)
  • Robotic Process Automation in Smart System Platform: A Review (Falih et al., 2022)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

Get 1-On-1 Help

If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

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robotics research proposal example

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  • Automated reasoning
  • Cloud and systems
  • Computer vision
  • Conversational AI
  • Information and knowledge management
  • Machine learning
  • Operations research and optimization
  • Quantum technologies
  • Search and information retrieval
  • Security, privacy, and abuse prevention
  • Sustainability
  • Publications
  • Conferences
  • Code and datasets
  • Academics at Amazon

Amazon Research Awards

  • Amazon Trusted AI Challenge
  • Research collaborations

Robotics call for proposals

Pursuing the future of robotics research.

About this CFP

Amazon is advancing the robotics technology in many application areas. Amazon Robotics designs, codes, builds, and manufactures game-changing software applications, control systems, robotics and related hardware that is revolutionizing Amazon's operations across the globe. AWS RoboMaker provides the most complete cloud solution for robotic developers to simulate, test and securely deploy robotic applications at scale. We welcome proposals in these research topics related to robotics:

  • Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) - including human machine interaction and collaboration, learning from human preferences, affective and social interactions, and ergonomic or cognitive load support;
  • Autonomous Navigation and Mobility - including field robotics, SLAM, long-term autonomy, trajectory planning, autonomous calibration, methods for ground and aerial applications, sim-to-real transfer, real-to-sim digital twin creation, sensor simulators, wireless communication, localization systems, proximity sensors, and low power devices;
  • Manipulation - including grasping, dexterous manipulation, gripper design, motion and grasp planning, tactile sensing, compliant control, manipulation learning, assembly, multi-step task planning, sim-to-real transfer, real-to-sim digital twin creation, simulation of deformable objects, and sensor simulators;
  • Multi-robot systems - including multi-agent pathfinding, task assignment, planning and scheduling, distributed algorithms, and multi-agent reinforcement learning;
  • Artificial Intelligence for Robotics - including computer vision, semantic scene understanding, pose estimation, object tracking, multi-modal sensing, calibration-less operation, few-shot learning, reinforcement learning for robotics, sample-efficiency, deep learning, and hierarchical RL.

Theoretical advances, creative new ideas, and practical applications are all welcome.

The submission period has closed. Decision letters will be sent out early 2021.

Award details

Selected Principal Investigators (PIs) may receive the following:

  • Unrestricted funds, no more than $80,000 USD on average
  • AWS Promotional Credits, no more than $20,000 USD on average
  • Training resources, including AWS tutorials and hands-on sessions with Amazon scientists and engineers

Awards are structured as one-year unrestricted gifts. The budget should include a list of expected costs specified in USD, and should not include administrative overhead costs. The final award amount will be determined by the awards panel.

Eligibility requirements

Please refer to the ARA Program rules on the FAQ page .

Proposal requirements

Proposals should be prepared according to the proposal template . To submit a proposal for this CFP, please also indicate your research topic(s) as outlined in the “About this CFP” section, and list the open-source tools you plan to contribute to, and/or any AWS tools you may use.

Please note when submitting a proposal, you will be asked to select a subcategory from these five options: Manipulation, Mobility, Human Robot Interaction, Artificial Intelligence for Robotics, and Multi-robot Systems.

Selection criteria

ARA will make the funding decisions based on the potential impact to the research community and quality of the scientific content.

Expectations from recipients

Recipients are assigned an Amazon research contact who offers consultation and advice along with opportunities to participate in Amazon events and training sessions. To the extent deemed reasonable, Award recipients should acknowledge the support from ARA. Award recipients will inform ARA of publications, presentations, code and data releases, blogs/social media posts, and other speaking engagements referencing the results of the supported research or the Award. Award recipients are expected to provide updates and feedback to ARA via surveys or reports on the status of their research. Award recipients are encouraged to attend (physically or virtually) our Robotics Research Symposium in fall 2021 to present the results of their research. Award recipients will have an opportunity to work with ARA on an informational statement about the awarded project that may be used to generate visibility for their institutions and ARA.

Additional Information

This CFP is funded annually.

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Photo grid shows some of the recipients of the 2023 fall Amazon Research Awards

Work with us

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Robot Perception and Learning Lab


PhD Application Instructions

How to apply.

  • UCL CDT of Foundational AI: here
  • UCL CDT of Cybersecurity: here
  • UCL Computer Science: here (Department: Computer Science; Programme: Postgraduate Research; Full-time; Research Degree: Computer Science (4 Year Programme))

Research Proposal

  • Transcript of records
  • Research proposal (approximately 4-8 pages)
  • Description of what excites you
  • A lay summary (which can be read by someone, who is not from the field) of your research proposal (up to 200 words)
  • Literature overview (what do other people currently do in the area you are interested in?)
  • How would you fill in existing gaps?
  • A concrete 6-months project you wish to start your PhD with (including timeline)
  • Why you would like to join RPL, UCL-CS, and CDT of Foundational AI in particular
  • Download template for research proposal: here

Made by Dimitrios Kanoulas


101+ Simple Robotics Research Topics For Students

Robotics Research Topics

Imagine a world where machines come to life, performing tasks on their own or assisting humans with precision and efficiency. This captivating realm is the heart of robotics—a fusion of engineering, computer science, and technology. If you’re a student eager to dive into this mesmerizing field, you’re in for an electrifying journey. 

In this blog, we’ll unravel the secrets of robotics research, highlight its significance, and unveil an array of interesting robotics research topics. These topics are perfect for middle and high school students, making the exciting world of robotics accessible to all. Let’s embark on this adventure into the future of technology and innovation!

In your quest to explore robotics, don’t forget the valuable support of services like Engineering Assignment Help . Dive into these fascinating research topics and let us assist you on your educational journey

What is Robotics Research Topic?

Table of Contents

A robotics research topic is a specific area of study within the field of robotics that students can investigate to gain a deeper understanding of how robots work and how they can be applied to various real-world problems. These topics can range from designing and building robots to exploring the algorithms and software that control them.

Research topics in robotics can be categorized into various subfields, including:

  • Mechanical Design: Studying how to design and build the physical structure of robots, including their components and materials.
  • Sensors and Perception: Investigating how robots can sense and understand their environment through sensors like cameras, infrared sensors, and ultrasonic sensors.
  • Control Systems: Exploring the algorithms and software that enable robots to move, make decisions, and interact with their surroundings.
  • Human-Robot Interaction: Researching how robots can collaborate with humans, including topics like natural language processing and gesture recognition.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Studying how AI techniques can be applied to robotics, such as machine learning for object recognition and path planning.
  • Applications: Focusing on specific applications of robotics, such as medical robotics, autonomous vehicles, and industrial automation.

Why is Robotics Research Important?

Before knowing robotics research topics, you need to know the reasons for the importance of robotics research. Robotics research is crucial for several reasons:

Advancing Technology

Research in robotics leads to the development of cutting-edge technologies that can improve our daily lives, enhance productivity, and solve complex problems.

Solving Real-World Problems

Robotics can be applied to address various challenges, such as environmental monitoring, disaster response, and healthcare assistance.

Inspiring Innovation

Engaging in robotics research encourages creativity and innovation among students, fostering a passion for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.

Educational Benefits

Researching robotics topics equips students with valuable skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork.

Career Opportunities

A strong foundation in robotics can open doors to exciting career opportunities in fields like robotics engineering, AI, and automation.

Also Read: Quantitative Research Topics for STEM Students

Easy Robotics Research Topics For Middle School Students

Let’s explore some simple robotics research topics for middle school students:

Robot Design and Building

1. How to build a simple robot using household materials.

2. Designing a robot that can pick up and sort objects.

3. Building a robot that can follow a line autonomously.

4. Creating a robot that can draw pictures.

5. Designing a robot that can mimic animal movements.

6. Building a robot that can clean and organize a messy room.

7. Designing a robot that can water plants and monitor their health.

8. Creating a robot that can navigate through a maze of obstacles.

9. Building a robot that can imitate human gestures and movements.

10. Designing a robot that can assemble a simple puzzle.

11. Developing a robot that can assist in food preparation and cooking.

Robotics in Everyday Life

1. Exploring the use of robots in home automation.

2. Designing a robot that can assist people with disabilities.

3. How can robots help with chores and housekeeping?

4. Creating a robot pet for companionship.

5. Investigating the use of robots in education.

6. Exploring the use of robots for food delivery in restaurants.

7. Designing a robot that can help with grocery shopping.

8. Creating a robot for home security and surveillance.

9. Investigating the use of robots for waste recycling.

10. Designing a robot that can assist in organizing a bookshelf.

Robot Programming

1. Learning the basics of programming a robot.

2. How to program a robot to navigate a maze.

3. Teaching a robot to respond to voice commands.

4. Creating a robot that can dance to music.

5. Programming a robot to play simple games.

6. Teaching a robot to recognize and sort recyclable materials.

7. Programming a robot to create art and paintings.

8. Developing a robot that can give weather forecasts.

9. Creating a robot that can simulate weather conditions.

10. Designing a robot that can write and print messages or drawings.

Robotics and Nature

1. Studying how robots can mimic animal behavior.

2. Designing a robot that can pollinate flowers.

3. Investigating the use of robots in wildlife conservation.

4. Creating a robot that can mimic bird flight.

5. Exploring underwater robots for marine research.

6. Investigating the use of robots in studying insect behavior.

7. Designing a robot that can monitor and report air quality.

8. Creating a robot that can mimic the sound of various birds.

9. Studying how robots can help in reforestation efforts.

10. Investigating the use of robots in studying coral reefs and marine life.

Robotics and Space

1. How do robots assist astronauts in space exploration?

2. Designing a robot for exploring other planets.

3. Investigating the use of robots in space mining.

4. Creating a robot to assist in space station maintenance.

5. Studying the challenges of robot communication in space.

6. Designing a robot for collecting samples on other planets.

7. Creating a robot that can assist in assembling space telescopes.

8. Investigating the use of robots in space agriculture.

9. Designing a robot for space debris cleanup.

10. Studying the role of robots in exploring and mapping asteroids.

These robotics research topics offer even more exciting opportunities for middle school students to explore the world of robotics and develop their research skills.

Latest Robotics Research Topics For High School Students

Let’s get started with some robotics research topics for high school students:

Advanced Robot Design

1. Developing a robot with human-like facial expressions.

2. Designing a robot with advanced mobility for rough terrains.

3. Creating a robot with a soft, flexible body.

4. Investigating the use of drones in agriculture.

5. Developing a bio-inspired robot with insect-like capabilities.

6. Designing a robot with the ability to self-repair and adapt to damage.

7. Developing a robot with advanced tactile sensing for delicate tasks.

8. Creating a robot that can navigate both underwater and on land seamlessly.

9. Investigating the use of drones in disaster response and relief efforts.

10. Designing a robot inspired by cheetahs for high-speed locomotion.

11. Developing a robot that can assist in search and rescue missions in extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes or wildfires.

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

1. How can artificial intelligence enhance robot decision-making?

2. Creating a robot that can recognize and respond to emotions.

3. Investigating ethical concerns in AI-driven robotics.

4. Developing a robot that can learn from its mistakes.

5. Exploring the use of machine learning in robotic vision.

6. Exploring the role of AI-driven robots in space exploration and colonization.

7. Creating a robot that can understand and respond to human emotions in healthcare.

8. Investigating the ethical implications of autonomous vehicles in urban transportation.

9. Developing a robot that can analyze and predict weather patterns using AI.

10. Exploring the use of machine learning to enhance robotic prosthetics.

Human-Robot Interaction

1. Studying the impact of robots on human mental health.

2. Designing a robot that can assist in therapy sessions.

3. Investigating the use of robots in elderly care facilities.

4. Creating a robot that can act as a language tutor.

5. Developing a robot that can provide emotional support.

6. Studying the psychological impact of humanoid robots in educational settings.

7. Designing a robot that can assist individuals with neurodegenerative diseases.

8. Investigating the use of robots for mental health therapy and counseling.

9. Creating a robot that can help children with autism improve social skills.

10. Developing a robot companion for the elderly to combat loneliness.

Robotics and Industry

1. How are robots transforming the manufacturing industry?

2. Investigating the use of robots in 3D printing.

3. Designing robots for warehouse automation.

4. Developing robots for precision agriculture.

5. Studying the role of robotics in supply chain management.

6. Exploring the integration of robots in the construction and architecture industry.

7. Investigating the use of robots for recycling and waste management in cities.

8. Designing robots for autonomous maintenance and repair of industrial equipment.

9. Developing robotic solutions for monitoring and managing urban traffic.

10. Studying the role of robotics in the development of smart factories and Industry 4.0.

Cutting-Edge Robotics Applications

1. Exploring the use of swarm robotics for search and rescue missions.

2. Investigating the potential of exoskeletons for enhancing human capabilities.

3. Designing robots for autonomous underwater exploration.

4. Developing robots for minimally invasive surgery.

5. Studying the ethical implications of autonomous military robots.

6. Exploring the use of robotics in sustainable energy production.

7. Investigating the use of swarming robots for ecological conservation and monitoring.

8. Designing exoskeletons for individuals with mobility impairments for daily life.

9. Developing robots for autonomous planetary exploration beyond our solar system.

10. Studying the ethical and legal aspects of AI-powered military robots in warfare.

These robotics research topics offer high school students the opportunity to delve deeper into advanced robotics concepts and address some of the most challenging and impactful issues in the field.

Robotics research is a captivating field with a wide range of robotics research topics suitable for students of all ages. Whether you’re in middle school or high school, you can explore robot design, programming, AI integration , and cutting-edge applications. Robotics research not only fosters innovation but also prepares you for a future where robots will play an increasingly important role in various aspects of our lives. So, pick a topic that excites you, and embark on your journey into the fascinating world of robotics!

I hope you enjoyed this blog about robotics research topics for middle and high school students.

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Research Proposals

In September 2022, the TCH awarded research grants to young researchers to carry out research in the field of haptics.

These grants were awarded to young researchers at the postdoc and Ph.D. student position levels to foster curiosity from applicants to explore new ideas in their research project that otherwise will be left unexplored. Below are the award recipients and their project titles: 

  • Abigail Nolin (University of Delaware, USA), Fingertip contact mechanics on smooth, chemically-modified interfaces to control fine touch
  • Anika Kao (University of Virgina, USA), Comparing states of skin deformation, and perceptual equivalence, between con-contact airflow and mechanical contact stimuli
  • Muge Cavdan (Giessen University, Germany), Do you perceive what you feel?: Affective influences on perceived roughness
  • Olivia Leslie (University College Dublin, Ireland), A tactile sensing array with side-sensing for collision detection and grasp exploration
  • Ori Fartook (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel), Drones as emotional support technology: using Haptics to create first contacts
  • Robert Kirchener (TU Dresden, Germany), Rendering strategies for plausible affective haptics
  • Sandeep Kollannur (University of Southern California, USA), Toolkits for haptic harness
  • Slyvia Tan (Northwestern University, USA), Development of soft, wearable haptic pucks
  • Thomas Daunizeau (Sorbonne University, France), On the evolutionary role of emotional sweating in gripping

We received 28 proposals, and through a rigorous peer review process were able to award nine top proposals, granting $2,000 USD to each. 

We thank the evaluation committee:

  • Yasemin Vardar, TCH co-chair (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
  • Claudio Pacchierotti, TCH emeritus co-chair (CNRS, France)
  • Rebecca Fenton Friesen (Texas A&M University, USA)
  • Cara M. Nunez (Harvard University, USA)
  • Dangxiao Wang (Beihang University, China)
  • Yitian Shao (TU Dresden, Germany)
  • Guhnyuk Park (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea)

 We are looking forward to seeing the fruits of these efforts soon!


  • Call for Applications
  • AI & Robotics
  • Conversational AI
  • Databases and Distributed Systems
  • Video Understanding
  • Amazon Fellows
  • Science Hub Community

Science Hub Research Opportunities: Call for Applications

MIT and Amazon launched the Science Hub in October 2021 to advance the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics in a collaborative and inclusive environment. Hosted by the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing, the Science Hub seeks proposals for innovative projects aimed at developing AI tools and technologies that will have a positive impact on society.

Call for Sponsored Project Applications: Prime Video

robotics research proposal example

Current Funding Key Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: January 8, 2024 by 5:00 PM ET
  • Notification of Awards: January 2024
  • Start of Project: After February 1, 2024


All MIT faculty and researchers with Principal Investigators status can apply. We welcome applications from diverse candidates including those historically underrepresented in the engineering, computing and mathematics.

With the mission to be the world’s most loved entertainment service, Prime Video continually strives to delight its customers by offering the most engaging video-watching experiences. Prime Video works to solve a broad range of cutting-edge technical problems and is seeking partnership with faculty to advance research in video technology. We welcome proposals related to the following broad research areas in order to accelerate progress in state-of-the-art video watching.

Submissions must fit within one of our five distinct research areas:

1) Video Understanding and Augmentation

2) Video Picture Quality, Compression, and Delivery

3) Search & Recommendation

4) Video Sports Analytics

5) Forecasting, Automation, & Metrics

Proposal Requirements

Proposals should be prepared according to the standard proposal template and should clearly indicate one of the above research areas

Please refer to the proposal template:

Award Details

Selected Principal Investigators (PIs) may receive up to $150K in sponsored project funding (inclusive of university overhead) for one-year projects. The budget should detail all costs including indirect costs. The number of awards will be determined by project fit.

Awards will be judged on their ability to advance our research interests, impact international A/V technology, and meet clear deliverables. Projects should aim for joint publication with Amazon scientists. Please list any open-source tools or data you would intend to use. Project timelines are flexible and proposals should not start sooner than Feb. 1, 2024.

Call for Gift Award Project Applications: Robotics

robotics research proposal example

  • Submission Deadline: February 29, 2024 by 5:00 PM ET
  • Notification of Awards: Between May and June 2024
  • Start of Project: August/September 2024

The Science Hub seeks proposals to advance the state of the art and enable new robotics and AI solutions, in the following topic areas:

1) Robotic Manipulation — for example: picking and packing objects from/to cluttered, confined spaces; robust grasping for a wide variety of many object types, including fragile, deformable, and deconstructable (e.g., lidded shoe boxes); modeling and prediction for fast compliant control

2) Computer Vision — for example: robust 3D scene understanding with low-cost sensors; tracking and predicting the 3D poses of dynamic actors; object damage detection from images

3) Machine Learning — for example: continual learning; sample-efficient model (re)training; applications of ML to robotic planning and control

4) Modeling, Simulation, and Verification — for example: modeling and simulation of deformable objects in contact; closing sim-to-real gaps in synthetic imagery; design of experiments and verification of autonomous systems

5) Autonomous Mobility — for example: safe and fluent navigation in complex dynamic environments; multi-agent planning and coordination (10s–100s of robots); localization and mapping

6) Multi-Robot Systems – for example: task allocation for fleets of 1000+ robots; multi-agent planning and coordination for 1000+ robots

Call for Sponsored Project Applications: Artificial General Intelligence

robotics research proposal example

  • Submission Deadline: January 23, 2024 by 5:00 PM ET

The MIT Science Hub solicits sponsored research proposals with innovative approaches to ground Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) technologies in the mechanical and physical aspects of the world.

This research shall result in two key benefits: 1) Enhance AGI’s ability to respond factually to questions, common sense reasoning, safety and reliability, and 2) Accelerate AGI’s ability to contribute to research and invention in mechanics, aero/fluid dynamics, architecture and physical spaces.

Proposals should seek to advance the state-of-the-art in AGI in the following example topic areas:

1) Spatial perception and reasoning: including indoor and outdoor, quantitative and qualitative relationships, representations, static and dynamic, etc.

2) Materials science: e.g., in mechanical properties such as ductility; micro and macroscopic material structure such as porosity, compressibility, fluids vs solids, and their relationship with how materials interact with each other.

3) Mechanical design: e.g., designing mechanical systems ranging from nano to factory floor, aspects such as efficiency, reliability, human centric.

Selected Principal Investigators (PIs) may receive up to $250,000 in sponsored project funding (inclusive of university overhead) for one-year projects. The budget must detail all costs including indirect costs. The number of awards will be determined by project fit.

robotics research proposal example

Large language models have shown tremendous advances in their ability to support interactive conversation with humans across a broad range of applications from entertainment, information seeking, creative content generation, to education. It is critical to ensure that while these systems are increasing helpful, they are also not harmful. They must be safe, factual, explainable, inclusive, and fair.

The MIT Science Hub invite proposals to advance the state of the art in trustworthy and responsible generative AI systems. These proposals can be related (but not limited) to the following topics:

1) Automated discovery of advanced and emerging modeling capabilities and building advanced RAI controls.

2) Development of automated red teaming and blue teaming platforms.

3) Development of optimization algorithms that make LLMs resistant to catastrophic forgetting and/or malicious reversal of RAI training.

4) Development of solutions that allow usage of creative content while respecting the rights of their owners.

5) Development of approaches that enforce reliable and hallucination free model outputs, with particular focus on agentic LLMs.

6) Development of theoretical approaches for calibrating uncertainty of information provided by generation models/LLMs.

Call for Fellowship Awards Now Open

On a regular basis, the Science Hub will welcome MIT faculty and heads of department to submit nominations for graduate students to be named Amazon Fellows. Selected candidates will receive funding for one semester, or one semester plus summer, to pursue independent research projects at MIT. Awards will usually include funding for tuition, stipend and reasonable research expenses.

Please contact your department head for nomination materials. Submission deadline is April 18, 2023

Robotics and Intelligent Systems Certificate Program

Topics for research in robotics and intelligent systems.

General areas for study and research:

Chemical and Biological Engineering

  • Control of chemical and biological dynamic processes
  • Optimal design of systems for material processing
  • Manipulation of matter at atomic and molecular scale

Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • Structural health monitoring and adaptive structures
  • Water resources
  • Earthquake detection and protective design
  • Remote sensing of natural resources
  • Urban planning and engineering

Computer Science

  • Theory and practice of computation for physical systems
  • Game playing, photo identification, and semantic identification
  • Real-time algorithms for measurement, prediction, and control
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Databases, Internet security, and privacy

Electrical Engineering

  • Information theory
  • Electricity, microelectronics, and electromagnetism
  • Digital circuits and computation
  • Image processing, face, and character recognition
  • Video analysis and manipulation
  • Telecommunications networks
  • Autonomous vehicles

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

  • Robotic devices and systems
  • Autonomous air, sea, undersea, and land vehicles
  • Space exploration and development
  • Intelligent control systems
  • Biomimetic modeling, dynamics, and control
  • Cooperating robots for manufacturing and assembly
  • Cooperative control of natural and engineered groups
  • Identification of dynamic system models
  • Optimal state estimation and control

Operations Research and Financial Engineering

  • Intelligent transportation systems
  • Financial management and risk analysis
  • Dynamic resource management
  • Decision science
  • Optimal design
  • Knowledge, reasoning, and language
  • Logic and metaphysics
  • Politics and art of robotics and intelligent systems
  • Inference, reasoning, problem solving
  • Human factors and human-machine interaction
  • Human motor control
  • Modeling perception
  • Neural network (connectionist) modeling of cognitive functions
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Study of brain function using functional magnetic response imaging, electrical, and optical methods
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Robotics Automation Project Sample Proposal

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Robotics Automation Project Sample Proposal

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How to write your Robotics Automation Project Proposal

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  • This sample proposal plus
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  • Financial calculators
  • Wizard proposal software
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Proposal Pack Robotics #2 Title Page

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Robotics Automation Project Sample Proposal - The Narrative

Discussion of Automation of Manufacturing Facilities through Introduction of Industrial Robots

As requested, I am submitting this proposal to automate our manufacturing facilities by introducing industrial robots. I have consulted in general with several robotic experts to develop the information I’ve enclosed here, and I believe the path is clear for us. If RoadVision Systems, Inc. wants to stay competitive and profitable, we must modernize ASAP.

Our competitors in Germany and China are introducing more automated processes to increase their production capacity, and if we don’t act soon, we will lose the majority of our market share for automotive mirrors and backup cameras, and be left only with orders for specialty items. For the sake of our workers and our shareholders, we cannot let that happen. To proceed, we need to include more staff members in the discussion, and we need to bring in robotics consultants to study our manufacturing processes and recommend specific machines for us to purchase. Then, with that action plan in place, we need to schedule time for installation and training, and hire or retrain the employees we need to run and maintain the machines.

This will be a major change for our company, but we cannot afford to stay the course we are on right now. Please review the information I’ve included in the following pages and let’s schedule a meeting to discuss this soon. RoadVision Systems, Inc. wants to remain competitive in our market niche and expand our manufacturing capabilities. In order to do that, we need to modernize our facilities and include robotics for better automation.

We need to modernize our facilities and include robotics for better automation

The Objective

We need to reduce manufacturing costs while expanding our capabilities. Expand manufacturing hours. More fully automated factories in other countries have the ability to turn out products 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Reduce repetitive motion injuries on the manufacturing line. While it is the most efficient to have an employee do the same job at the same station, our largest medical costs are due to injuries caused by repeating the same motions all day long. Increase manufacturing and packaging speeds.

At times we experience bottlenecks when one part of the assembly line cannot match the speed of another.

The Opportunity

We are at a crucial point in the company’s development where we must modernize or risk losing business. We want to meet the following goals. Keep our manufacturing facilities in the United States.

Retain or even increase the number of employees. Compete or beat manufacturers overseas.

The Solution

The only way to modernize our processes is to introduce more industrial robots. Robotics are already used in our mirror cutting systems. It’s time to use them in other areas.

Use robots instead of assembly line workers to assemble our most commonly produced mirrors. Use robots for quality control where possible. Use robots to package all products coming off the assembly line. Introducing more robots into our manufacturing processes is the key to success.

The idea of robots taking over has long been a nightmare of American workers. But the fact is that industrial robots have taken over many manufacturing jobs, and no human workers can match their speed and efficiency at performing repetitive tasks. Consider the following points. Automation will make our company more competitive on a global basis Companies overseas are quickly automating their processes with robotics.

We have to keep up. Robots can work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We can produce more products. Robots produce greater volumes of products faster. We can compete for larger orders.

Robots can reduce our expenses Robots don’t need lights or climate control, and they don’t get injured by repeating the same motions thousands of times per day. We’ll reduce both utility bills and medical expenses. Robots will replace some assembly line workers, but we can retrain some to program and supervise the robots, and we can increase our sales and design staff to take advantage of new capabilities. By automating the manufacturing processes of RoadVision Systems, Inc., we strive to achieve all the following goals.

We have always taken pride in being owned and grown in the USA, and we want to keep it that way. Increase productivity We must be able to produce larger orders faster to compete with overseas competitors. Reduce costs Employee benefits are our largest expenses right now. Robots don’t take holidays, vacation, or sick days, and don’t become injured or disabled.

Quickly achieve return on investment ROI The ability to produce our products more efficiently while reducing operating costs should offset the cost of installing robots within two years and increase profits for the foreseeable future. Keep our company and our jobs in the United States We have always taken pride in being owned and grown in the USA, and we want to keep it that way. Automating through robotics is not just one option, it’s our only option.

RoadVision Systems, Inc. will receive many benefits from automating the majority of our manufacturing processes. These benefits include. With increased automation, we should be able to run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The ability to compete more effectively in a global market Many overseas competitors, especially those in China and Germany, are using industrial robots to produce products quickly and inexpensively. We must keep up with the industry to land contracts. Reduction of labor costs While we hope to retrain some manufacturing staff to work with the robots and plan to hire more expensive staff such as designers and programmers, overall we can expect to reduce costs of benefits such as vacation, sick leave, and health insurance which we now pay to our workers at times they are not producing.

Robots don’t get benefits and don’t expect raises and bonuses. The ability to bid on larger contracts Currently, we can bid only on contracts we know that our limited facilities and personnel can produce within the designated time frame. With increased automation, we should be able to run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week when needed, producing far more products than we can now.

Establish our reputation as a state-of-the-art facility Automated facilities are cleaner and more energy efficient, and thereby "greener" than employing a large workforce that commutes every day. We will be able to advertise our company as modern, efficient, and innovative, which should attract new customers. As you can see, the benefits we would receive from automation match the goals we have for our company.

We recognize that we will face certain challenges during the course of automating our manufacturing facilities. Some of these challenges are. Precisely identifying which jobs robots can do and what those robots will cost We will work with consultants on this process, but management will need to factor time into their schedules to make this happen. Cost of purchasing and installing robots As robots should pay for themselves within two or three years, this issue can be resolved with a short-term business loan.

Downtime while robots are installed and staff adjusts to working with them We must figure sufficient time into our schedule to make this happen with no impact to our customers. Pushback from employees Some employees on our manufacturing line will be laid off. We must determine how much headcount we will need after robots are installed, detail exactly which new jobs will be created, and determine if we can retrain some manufacturing staff or need to hire new staff. HR and managers will need to work closely together to handle all these staff issues in a humane, diplomatic fashion.

Automating our manufacturing processes will be a major change for RoadVision Systems, Inc., but if we want to remain in business in the future, we must embrace the possibilities and meet this challenge. Overall, productivity in the United States has increased over the past decade, and our factory is no exception. We’re proud of all the innovations we have introduced, but we can increase productivity even more through automation.

Analysis of Current Productivity

We have increased our productivity by 5-10% each of the last three years through more efficient scheduling and packaging, and by replacing glass-cutting workers with computerized laser machines to cut glass for our automotive mirror products. Our slowest manufacturing areas are assembly of rearview and side mirrors, and packaging products for shipping. We have polled our manufacturing supervisors and workers, and nobody has any good ideas about how we can increase productivity using our existing facilities and personnel. We are now producing at 100% of current capability.


Only one idea worth considering emerged from our poll on how to increase productivity. To decrease the variety of items we manufacture and thus devote more time to increasing the volume of those limited items we produce. However, it’s always risky to depend on very few clients; if the companies we were contracting with suddenly moved their manufacturing elsewhere or went out of business, we’d have no remaining developed client base to draw from.

However, by introducing more automation with industrial robots, we can produce a greater volume of each product in the same time frame, using our current facilities. We could then maintain the variety of contracts we accept or even increase the numbers of products we manufacture, while increasing the output of each product at the same time. Robots can be programmed to assemble our rearview and side mirrors as well as our back-up cameras, and robots can also efficiently package our products and stack them on pallets. Robots can also do initial quality control scans and direct suspected problems to a human employee for solutions.

More automation is the key to improved productivity for our company. Currently the majority of our workforce is made up of manufacturing line workers. With more automation, many of those jobs would change or be eliminated, but other jobs would be needed. Our workforce is currently about 60% manufacturing assembly workers, 15% design engineering, 5% clerical, 10% sales, and 10% management.

With automation, we predict the shift would be to approximately 40% manufacturing assembly; 25% design engineering, 5% clerical, 20% sales, and 10% management. Fewer workers would be needed on the factory floor, and to take advantage of increased capacity, we would need to add more designers and engineers and sales staff. The new jobs on the manufacturing floors will be machine operators and support engineers. Machine operators will use computer consoles to set up and run the machines and monitor their work.

Support engineers will maintain machines, testing and calibrating them, lubricating and repairing as needed. HR can recommend which of our current factory employees are well suited for training into those new positions. We can never fully automate; some tasks will always need to be done by human workers, so not all factory workers will lose their current positions. New jobs in design and engineering will be applications engineers and software developers.

With each new product we manufacture, we will need engineers to detail precisely all the movements the machines must make to produce that item, and software developers to code those routines into the machines. The new jobs in sales would include the same responsibilities as the sales staff does now; we would simply need more sales staff to contact potential customers and make more deals to take advantage of our new capabilities. We should automate the assembly processes for our rearview and side mirror products, and possibly for our backup cameras as well.

A robotics consultant can help us determine that. In addition, initial quality control scans, packaging, and palletizing can be done by machines. Here’s a quick summary about how it would work. Automate assembly of rearview and side mirror products Non-Automated Process – Currently, all parts of each rearview mirror and side mirror are assembled by hand as they pass down the assembly line.

Each rearview mirror passes through at least two stations, and our specialized rearview mirrors that can switch to backup view require a third station to attach wires, as do all of our side mirror products. We typically experience some glass breakage during the process when employees drop pieces or apply too much pressure during assembly. Automated Process – Assembly robots can assemble each mirror in a fraction of the time it takes a worker to do it, and assuming precise programming , there will be no glass breakage. Automate quality control Non-Automated Process – Currently, a quality control technician observes parts as they move toward the packaging station and pulls out parts if they appear defective or flawed.

This can be time-consuming, and the technician may miss some problems while concentrating on others. Automated Process – The assembly robots can precisely position each part on a conveyor belt so that a programmable "reader" can examine each part and then shunt aside for human examination any parts that don’t match programmed patterns. This automated process is much faster and more accurate than our current process.

Automate packaging and palletizing Non-Automated Process –Currently all our packaging is done by hand. This is strenuous, repetitive work, especially because we often produce thousands of the same part in each manufacturing run. Shifting packages to pallets for shifting is currently done by hand or with forklifts, which can be slow and arduous work that often results in worker injuries.

Automated Process - Packaging and labeling of parts can be done quickly and efficiently by machines. Machines can be programmed to assemble cardboard boxes around parts or to shift parts into pre-assembled boxes. Lifting and lowering of parts and packages can be done at precisely controlled speeds, thereby preventing damage to inventory or workers.

An industrial robotics expert will help us determine the precise jobs that machines can do in our factory, and teach us which jobs our workers must still do to interface with the machines. Safety is of the utmost importance to RoadVision Systems, Inc. Under our current manufacturing processes, our workers have experienced injuries from cutting and installing mirror glass, from lifting and lowering heavy packages, and from repetitive motions. Working with robots does not guarantee a safe environment for our employees, but according to OSHA records, robot-related injuries and deaths represent only a tiny fraction of workplace injuries and deaths recorded around the world.

There are two main areas of safety concerns when working with robots. Keeping human workers out of the robot work area Risks. Robots are strong and constantly moving according to their programming. Generally speaking, they are not programmed to make exceptions for intrusions into their workspace, so employees in the area may be struck and severely injured by robot movements if they wander into the robot’s work area.

We will need to develop strict policies on where our employees can be within our factory, and construct safeguards such as walls or floor markings to indicate "No Entry" zones. Managing power on off situations during robot inspections or repairs Risks. The majority of injuries and deaths have happened when robots are powered up by one employee who does not realize another employee is in the robot danger zone. Additionally, severe accidents and even deaths have happened when a repair technician in the danger zone was electrocuted or accidentally activated a robot and nobody was available to turn off power and rescue that person.

We will need to develop strict "lock out tag out" procedures for inspecting and repairing robots so that power cannot be accidentally turned on. We also need to schedule time and develop procedures to ensure that while a technician is servicing or repairing a robot, another employee is monitoring the situation and is able to immediately turn off power and if necessary call for help. Generally speaking, working with robotic equipment is much less accident-prone than our current manufacturing processes, but an accident involving a powerful robot can be more severe or even fatal, so we must adopt and enforce new safety practices as soon as new equipment is introduced.

OSHA can assist us in doing risk assessment and developing lock out tag out procedures. RoadVision Systems, Inc. values its employees, who are generally reliable. But when a worker is late or sick or doesn’t show up at all, that can disrupt the entire manufacturing process.

Robots, on the other hand, are always at their stations and prepared to do their work. They can work 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. But robots, like all machines, can break down. They must be properly programmed and maintained, lubricated, and cleaned.

Strategic parts will wear out and need to be replaced. When a robot ceases to function on our manufacturing line, it will shut down our entire production. We cannot simply call in another robot to take the nonfunctioning robot’s place. To avoid shut-downs, we must be vigilant about maintaining robotic equipment and keeping spare parts on hand.

We must train operators and support technicians to properly and safely monitor and service robots to keep them good working order, and we must build robot-servicing time into our manufacturing schedules so that we never feel compelled to run machines in situations they were not designed for. The numbers shown above are estimates only. Actual prices of robots will be determined by consulting with experts, and costs of maintenance and replacement parts will depend on our level of usage of robots in our factory.

Although the purchase of robotic equipment and hiring retraining of employees to manage and maintain them may look daunting, over time robots will save our company a lot of money. We will reduce our overall staff Sadly, some of our manufacturing staff will need to be laid off. The new positions we will need may be higher in salary, but they are fewer in number, and overall we will save in providing benefits for fewer employees. We will have less downtime due to sickness and injury Robots don’t get sick, and if properly maintained, will stay on the job 24 7.

Productivity will be higher with automation Each automated task will take much less time, so we can manufacture products in greater volume, thus reducing our cost to manufacture each item. The ROI for automation is predicted to be two years. After that, each year we reap the benefits of automation. Change is always painful, but in industry, it’s inevitable if we want to stay in business.

Here’s a brief summary of our conclusions. Our competitors are automating at a rapid rate; we must do so, too. We want to keep our company and our jobs in the United States We may have fewer jobs after automation, but with increased capacity, our profits will grow and perhaps our workforce will, too. We need to compete with other manufacturers around the globe Our competitors are automating at a rapid rate; we must do so, too.

We want to increase manufacturing speed and capabilities Industrial robots will allow us to produce more products faster. We want to reduce injuries among our employees By using robots to perform repetitive tasks and to lift and lower heavy parts, our employees will have less down time due to injury. We want to be known as a state-of-the-art manufacturer Modernizing our manufacturing facilities will improve our reputation in the industry.

Increased automation through introduction of industrial robots is the key to our company’s future RoadVision Systems, Inc. must modernize to embrace the future of our industry.

Business proposal example

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Length of Sample

There are 200 complete sample proposals including this one in each proposal pack.

The following related samples are also included in Proposal Pack:

  • IT Product and Service Sales Proposal
  • Technology Consulting Sample Proposal
  • Software Automation Sample Proposal
  • Process Improvement Sample Proposal
  • Software and Hardware System Sample Proposal
  • Manufacturing Process Improvement Sample Proposal
  • Manufacturing and Distribution Sample Proposal
  • 3D Printing Prototyping Services Sample Proposal

This sample illustrates how to write the following types of proposals

  • General business proposal
  • Technical proposal
  • Project pitch proposal
  • Internal company proposal
  • IT, software, hardware proposal
  • Manufacturing, engineering, fabrication proposal
  • Many other types of proposals

Samples can be created in any Proposal Pack design theme

This sample was created with Proposal Pack Robotics #2 . To change the visual look purchase any Proposal Pack and this sample will be created in that design theme.

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Key Takeaways

  • The Robotics Automation Project Sample Proposal is a fully written sample included in every Proposal Pack and the Professional Bundle.
  • You can create custom variations of this sample using the included software and template library.
  • The Wizard software automates quotes and other financial pages with a line-item database.
  • There are no ongoing subscription fees. You get lifetime unlimited use.
  • Proposal Kit is made for freelancers, small businesses, and non-profits.
  • Proposal Kit product content (templates, samples, software) is 100% written by humans.

How to Write an Internal Company Proposal

This video shows how to use Proposal Kit to write an internal company proposal. This type of proposal is typically used to pitch a project, a new service, new product, define a new business strategy, etc. to someone higher up in your company, to another department, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i customize the robotics automation project sample proposal to fit my specific project or business.

If you buy a Proposal Pack or the Professional bundle, you can build a more customized editable Word document version of the Robotics Automation Project Sample Proposal using the included Wizard software. You can replace the sample information with your own, adjust the text to match your company's tone and style, and modify sections to include project-specific details.

Can I use multiple sample proposals for different types of projects?

You can purchase multiple samples as individual Word templates or all 200 samples are included in every Proposal Pack and Proposal Kit Professional, which is a much better deal. The Proposal Kit offers sample proposals for various industries and project types. You can select and customize different sample proposals to suit each unique project. This flexibility allows you to create tailored proposals for other clients or projects.

How can I integrate my branding into the Robotics Automation Project Sample Proposal?

While the Robotics Automation Project Sample Proposal is built as an editable Word document, depending on the level of custom branding needed, consider the Proposal Kit Professional, which includes the branding features in the Wizard software that let you create custom-branded design themes more effectively. Start by incorporating your company's logo on the cover page, as well as in the headers and footers of the document. Next, adjust the color scheme of the proposal to match your brand colors. Change the fonts in the proposal to align with your brand's standard fonts. Including branded graphics that reflect your brand's style will further enhance the proposal. Additionally, ensure that the text within the proposal maintains a tone and voice consistent with your brand's communication style. By integrating these elements, your proposal will reinforce your brand identity.

How do I ensure my proposal stands out and wins the client?

To ensure your proposal stands out:

  • Personalize the content: Address the client's needs, challenges, and goals to make the proposal unique.
  • Highlight your value proposition: Communicate what sets your business apart and how to deliver superior results.
  • Use professional design elements: Incorporate visuals, charts, and graphs to enhance the presentation and make it more engaging.
  • Proofread and edit: Ensure the proposal is error-free and well-organized. A polished, professional document reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.

What should I do if I need help understanding or modifying a section of the Robotics Automation Project Sample Proposal?

If you need help understanding or modifying a section of the Robotics Automation Project Sample Proposal, refer to the detailed instructions provided. Additionally, Proposal Kit includes customer support and resources such as tutorials and videos to assist you. Consulting with a colleague or a professional in your industry can also be beneficial if further clarification is needed. Asking an AI tool can also provide valuable insights for immediate needs.

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  • How to Write an Internal Company Project Proposal

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Robotic Project Proposal Template

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In a world where technology is advancing at lightning speed, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. If you're looking to propose a groundbreaking robotic project that will revolutionize your industry, you need a proposal that stands out from the crowd. That's where ClickUp's Robotic Project Proposal Template comes in!

This template is designed to help you create a winning proposal that showcases your innovative ideas and convinces stakeholders to invest in your project. With ClickUp's template, you'll be able to:

  • Clearly define your project objectives, scope, and deliverables
  • Present a detailed timeline and budget that demonstrates your project's feasibility
  • Outline the potential ROI and benefits of your robotic project

Whether you're proposing a robotic automation system or developing the next generation of autonomous robots, ClickUp's Robotic Project Proposal Template is your secret weapon for success. Get started today and bring your robotic dreams to life!

Benefits of Robotic Project Proposal Template

When it comes to proposing a robotic project, having a well-structured and comprehensive plan is crucial. The Robotic Project Proposal Template offers a range of benefits, including:

  • Streamlining the project proposal process and saving time
  • Ensuring all necessary information is included, such as project objectives, scope, and timeline
  • Providing a professional and polished presentation of your project idea
  • Increasing the chances of project approval by presenting a clear and organized proposal
  • Facilitating collaboration and feedback from stakeholders with easy sharing and commenting features

Main Elements of Robotic Project Proposal Template

ClickUp's Robotic Project Proposal template is designed to help you streamline your project proposal process and get started on your robotic projects quickly. Here are the main elements of this Whiteboard template:

  • Custom Statuses: Keep track of the progress of your robotic projects with two customizable statuses - Open and Complete.
  • Custom Fields: Utilize custom fields to capture important information specific to your project, such as project budget, timeline, team members, and more.
  • Project Proposal View: Use the Project Proposal view to outline the details of your robotic project, including goals, objectives, deliverables, and milestones.
  • Getting Started Guide View: Access the Getting Started Guide view to provide step-by-step instructions and resources for team members to kickstart the project.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Leverage ClickUp's collaboration features, such as task comments, notifications, and file attachments, to ensure seamless communication and collaboration throughout the project lifecycle.

How to Use Project Proposal for Robotics

If you're ready to propose your robotic project and need a structured approach, follow these five steps using the Robotic Project Proposal Template in ClickUp:

1. Define the project scope

Start by clearly defining the scope of your robotic project. Outline the objectives, deliverables, and timeline for completion. Be specific about the problem your project aims to solve and the benefits it will provide. This will help you set clear expectations and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Use the Goals feature in ClickUp to create measurable and time-bound goals for your robotic project.

2. Conduct a feasibility study

Before diving into the project, conduct a thorough feasibility study to assess the viability and potential risks. Evaluate the technical, economic, and operational aspects of your project. Identify any potential challenges and develop contingency plans to mitigate them.

Use the Gantt chart feature in ClickUp to create a timeline and allocate resources for each phase of the feasibility study.

3. Develop a project plan

Once you've determined the project's feasibility, it's time to develop a comprehensive project plan. Break down the project into smaller tasks and assign responsibilities to team members. Define milestones and set deadlines to track progress. Consider using Agile methodologies to ensure flexibility and adaptability throughout the project.

Use the Board view in ClickUp to create columns for different project stages and move tasks across them as they progress.

4. Create a budget

Estimate the financial resources required for your robotic project. Consider costs such as equipment, software, labor, and ongoing maintenance. Create a detailed budget that includes all necessary expenses and allows for contingencies. Be sure to justify the costs and highlight the return on investment (ROI) your project will bring.

Use the custom fields feature in ClickUp to track and calculate costs associated with each task or phase of the project.

5. Write a compelling proposal

Now that you have all the necessary information, it's time to write a persuasive project proposal. Clearly articulate the problem, project objectives, methodology, timeline, and budget. Highlight the benefits and potential impact of your robotic project. Use visuals, such as charts or diagrams, to enhance your proposal and make it more engaging.

Use the Docs feature in ClickUp to create a professional and visually appealing project proposal that can be easily shared and collaborated on.

By following these five steps and utilizing the Robotic Project Proposal Template in ClickUp, you'll be well-equipped to present a comprehensive and convincing proposal for your robotic project.

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Get Started with ClickUp's Robotic Project Proposal Template

Engineers and robotics enthusiasts can use this Robotic Project Proposal Template to streamline the process of proposing and starting new robotic projects.

First, hit “Get Free Solution” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to develop innovative robotics projects:

  • Use the Project Proposal View to outline the details of your project, including objectives, deliverables, and timelines
  • The Getting Started Guide View will provide a step-by-step roadmap for each project team member to follow
  • Organize projects into two different statuses: Open and Complete, to keep track of progress
  • Update statuses as you move through each stage of the project
  • Assign tasks to team members and set deadlines
  • Collaborate on each task to ensure efficient project execution
  • Monitor and analyze project progress to ensure successful completion of each milestone

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  1. Robotics Automation Project Sample Proposal

    robotics research proposal example

  2. Project Proposal

    robotics research proposal example

  3. Proposal Pack Robotics #2

    robotics research proposal example

  4. Robotics Automation Project Sample Proposal

    robotics research proposal example

  5. (PDF) Proposal for Natural Human-Robot Interaction through the Use of

    robotics research proposal example

  6. Robots are the future This Robotics proposal page title shows it

    robotics research proposal example


  1. This is how a robotics engineer proposes

  2. Bio-Inspired Robotics Project Proposal

  3. 2023 Prototypes

  4. Part 1 of 2: Technische Universität München: CRAM: Cognitive Robot Abstract Machine

  5. Research Proposal #cbpi #researchproposal

  6. How to Write a Research Proposal & Student Writing Tips


  1. PDF Robotics Research Proposal

    Robotics Research Proposal

  2. PDF Robotics Research Proposal

    What to put in an abstract In a paper: - A bit of motivation and/or classification - A list of all important results In RRR - Motivation of the subject - The main directions of relevant research - A brief outlook For RRP - A bit of motivation - The main hypothesis - A list of the expected results Good: References, figures, lengths, style, argument …

  3. PDF Robotics Research Proposal (2)

    Robotics Research Proposal (RRP) Submission last week of term (4pm 13/4/2017) Marked by the same criteria and procedure as RRR Mark recorded at HWU, pass/fail at UoE, but will count towards project mark (30%) in both unis. Pace yourself Leave time for feedback and correction Self-assessment against marking criteria

  4. What Makes a Great We Robot Proposal? (Sample Abstracts)

    Example Proposal 2. Taking Futures Seriously: Forecasting as Method in Robotics Law and Policy "It's tough to make predictions, particularly about the future." - Yogi Berra. A central challenge in setting law and policy around emerging technology is predicting how technology will evolve.

  5. 500 research papers and projects in robotics

    500 research papers and projects in robotics

  6. Research Proposal

    Research Proposal - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document proposes research on multi-robot localization using cooperative SLAM. It begins by introducing the benefits of multi-robot systems and cooperative localization. The document then reviews existing localization methods such as beacon-based, SLAM, and GPS ...

  7. PDF REU Site: Undergraduate Robotics Research in Human-Swarm Interaction

    systems departs from the current robotics research and will provide unique benefits in swarm management. Broader Impact: 1. the project will create research and learning opportunities for students from socio-economically disadvantaged areas. 2. the research experience and training provided by this project will

  8. Robotics Research Proposal

    Robotics Research Proposal - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document provides guidance for writing a research proposal. It discusses including a statement of the problem being addressed, background on related work, proposed methods, evaluation metrics, and a workplan.

  9. 11 Examples of Robots in Research

    Here are 11 examples of robots in research published in academic journals, presented at academic conferences, or presented in thesis papers: 1. Robotics Research Topic: Additive Manufacturing. 3D Printing with a Cobot Arm. The aim of this thesis was to create a proof of concept system for 3D printing with a robot. 2.

  10. PDF Robotics Automation Project Sample Proposal

    Safety, Robotics, Cost Savings, Conclusions, Reliability, Workforce, Back Page . This sample was created using Proposal Pack Robotics #2. In the retail Proposal Pack you get the entire collection of samples (including this one) plus thousands of editable templates for creating an unlimited variety of custom proposals and other business documents.

  11. Automation & Robotics Research Topics (Free Webinar + Template)

    To develop a suitable research topic, you'll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap, and a viable plan to fill that gap. If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service.

  12. Robotics call for proposals

    We welcome proposals in these research topics related to robotics: Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) - including human machine interaction and collaboration, learning from human preferences, affective and social interactions, and ergonomic or cognitive load support; Autonomous Navigation and Mobility - including field robotics, SLAM, long-term ...

  13. PhD Applications

    Research Proposal. PhD applications at UCL require a research proposal. This needs to demonstrate: 1) your ideas about a novel problem and its solution, 2) your knowledge of related work, and 3) your scientific writing. If accepted, the actual PhD might be slightly modified based on feedback and interaction with supervisors and colleagues.

  14. PDF Proposal for A Major in Robotics Engineering

    2. Must include at least 1 unit in Physics. 3. Must include at least 5/3 units in Robotics. 4. Must include at least 1 unit in Computer Science, including Algorithms and Software Engineering. 5. Must include at least 2/3 units in Electrical and Computer Engineering, including Embedded Systems. 6.

  15. 101+ Simple Robotics Research Topics For Students

    Robot Design and Building. 1. How to build a simple robot using household materials. 2. Designing a robot that can pick up and sort objects. 3. Building a robot that can follow a line autonomously. 4. Creating a robot that can draw pictures.

  16. Research Proposals

    Research Proposals In September 2022, the TCH awarded research grants to young researchers to carry out research in the field of haptics. These grants were awarded to young researchers at the postdoc and Ph.D. student position levels to foster curiosity from applicants to explore new ideas in their research project that otherwise will be left unexplored.

  17. PDF Robotics Research Proposal (2)

    Robotics Research Proposal (RRP) Submission last week of term (4pm 12/4/2019) Marked by the same criteria and procedure as RRR Mark will count towards project mark (30%) Pace yourself Leave time for feedback and correction Self-assessment against marking criteria Meet with your supervisor regularly

  18. Call for Applications

    MIT and Amazon launched the Science Hub in October 2021 to advance the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics in a collaborative and inclusive environment. ... Proposals should be prepared according to the standard proposal template and should clearly indicate one of the above research areas. Please refer to the proposal template: View ...

  19. Topics for Research in Robotics and Intelligent Systems

    Robotic devices and systems. Autonomous air, sea, undersea, and land vehicles. Space exploration and development. Intelligent control systems. Biomimetic modeling, dynamics, and control. Cooperating robots for manufacturing and assembly. Cooperative control of natural and engineered groups. Identification of dynamic system models.

  20. Robotics Automation Project Sample Proposal

    The Robotics Automation Project Sample Proposal is a fully written sample included in every Proposal Pack and the Professional Bundle. You can create custom variations of this sample using the included software and template library. The Wizard software automates quotes and other financial pages with a line-item database.

  21. Robotic Project Proposal Template

    If you're ready to propose your robotic project and need a structured approach, follow these five steps using the Robotic Project Proposal Template in ClickUp: 1. Define the project scope. Start by clearly defining the scope of your robotic project. Outline the objectives, deliverables, and timeline for completion.

  22. PDF Robotics Research Proposal 2

    Robotics Research Proposal (RRP) Submission last week of term (Fr 15/4/16, 4pm) Marked by the same criteria and procedure as RRR Mark recorded at HWU, pass/fail at UoE, but will count towards project mark (30%) in both unis. Pace yourself Leave time for feedback and correction Self-assessment against marking criteria