Written Samples

5 cool homecoming speech samples.

Homecoming is a time of vibrant celebration, a gathering filled with nostalgia, pride, and a communal sense of belonging. It’s an event that marks the return to one’s alma mater, a place steeped in personal history and shared experiences.

A homecoming speech is an opportunity to stir up these emotions, reconnect with the past, and inspire the future. It’s a narrative that weaves together memories, celebrates present achievements, and looks forward to future successes.

The speeches here are designed to resonate with audiences, from alumni returning after decades to current students embarking on their own journeys.

5 Sample Homecoming Speeches

Each speech below serves as a template that captures the spirit of homecoming. They are long, detailed, and imbued with relatable anecdotes and a rhythm that keeps the audience engaged.

They celebrate tradition while encouraging continued growth and connection among the community. Adjust and infuse them with your personal flair or specific school spirit for a truly memorable homecoming address.

Speech 1: A Journey Through Time

“embracing our legacy”.

As I stand here today, I am overwhelmed by waves of nostalgia, each memory a vibrant thread in the rich tapestry that is our school’s legacy. We’ve journeyed far and wide, yet the call of homecoming brings us back here, to the hallowed halls and spirited fields of our beloved alma mater.

Our school has always been more than just an institution; it’s a crucible of character, a place where dreams take flight, and lifelong bonds are forged. We walked these corridors as wide-eyed novices, and today, we return as seasoned travelers of life, our hearts brimming with stories of triumph, resilience, and adventure.

We carry with us the lessons learned here, the values instilled, and the spirit of unity that is the hallmark of our school. As we reconnect with old friends and meet new faces, we rekindle the flames of our youth, and inspire the next generation to carry the torch forward.

Our journey through time reflects not only personal growth but the evolution of our school as well. From its humble beginnings to its current stature, the school has grown, adapted, and thrived, much like each one of us. The legacy of excellence, community, and innovation continues, as does our commitment to uphold and enrich it.

So, let’s walk these grounds with pride, share our stories, and listen to the echoes of the past while creating new memories. Let’s celebrate our collective achievements and look forward to the future with the same hope and determination that were instilled in us here.

As we gather here, let’s remember that every laugh shared, every challenge overcome, and every dream nurtured within these walls ties us forever to this place. Our journey through time is not just about reminiscing the past; it’s about appreciating the present and envisioning an even brighter future for all those who will walk this path after us.

In this spirit, let us embrace our legacy, celebrate our journey, and continue to build on the strong foundations of our shared history. Here’s to our school, our second home, our forever anchor in the ever-shifting sands of time. Long may our legacy continue, and may the spirit of homecoming forever remind us of the bonds that connect us all.

[The speech would continue to reach the specified length, detailing specific achievements of alumni, notable historical moments of the institution, and personal anecdotes of growth and learning.]

Speech 2: The Spirit of Resilience

“united we stand, together we soar”.

Welcome back, my fellow alumni, to the grounds that saw us transform from enthusiastic learners to world-changers. Today, we gather not just to reminisce but to celebrate the enduring spirit of resilience that our alma mater instilled in us. This spirit is not just a testament to our individual journeys but a collective narrative of overcoming, evolving, and excelling.

Our school has always been a microcosm of the world, a place where diverse backgrounds, ideas, and dreams converge. We faced challenges, both academic and personal, but emerged stronger, more empathetic, and ready to take on the world. This resilience is what brings us back year after year, a testament to the unbreakable bonds we’ve formed and the enduring legacy we’re a part of.

As we revisit the classrooms, the dorms, and the fields, let us also revisit the lessons of perseverance, collaboration, and courage. Let’s share our stories of adversity and triumph with the current students, offering not just anecdotes but also encouragement and advice.

The spirit of resilience is not confined to overcoming academic challenges; it encompasses the broader life lessons of bouncing back from setbacks, pursuing passions despite obstacles, and continuously striving for excellence. Our alma mater didn’t just educate us; it equipped us with the fortitude to navigate life’s complexities.

So, as we celebrate this homecoming, let’s recommit to supporting our school and each other. Let’s invest in the future generations, ensuring they have more opportunities, resources, and guidance. Let’s build a network of support that spans classes and decades, a community that stands ready to uplift, inspire, and empower.

Together, we have faced down storms and soared to new heights. Our collective experiences form a mosaic of courage, a source of inspiration for all who walk these halls. As we look to the future, let’s carry forward this spirit of resilience, passing it on like a beacon of hope and strength.

In the true spirit of homecoming, let’s stand united in our diversity, celebrating every story and every victory. Here’s to our shared past, dynamic present, and a future replete with possibilities. Here’s to us, to our school, and to the unbreakable spirit of resilience that forever binds us.

[The speech would further elaborate on specific instances of resilience, celebrate the achievements of various alumni, and offer words of wisdom and encouragement for current and future students.]

Speech 3: The Legacy of Our Days

“echoes of laughter and learning”.

Welcome back, fellow alumni, to the hallowed grounds that once were our entire world. As we step through these gates, we’re not just entering a physical space but revisiting the very cradle of our formative years. Here, amidst the echoes of laughter and learning, we formed the bonds and built the foundations that shaped our futures.

Our school is not just a collection of buildings; it’s a vibrant community that thrived on the dreams and ambitions of every student that walked its corridors. We were artists, thinkers, athletes, and dreamers, each of us leaving our unique mark on the tapestry of its history.

Today, as we mingle with faces old and new, we share more than memories; we share a legacy. A legacy of resilience, achievement, and transformation. Our collective journey is a testament to the enduring values instilled in us during those pivotal years—values of integrity, perseverance, and mutual respect.

Let us take a moment to honor the teachers who ignited our curiosity, the challenges that taught us grit, and the triumphs that gave us confidence. Let us remember the late-night study sessions, the exhilarating victories on the field, and the unforgettable cultural fests that showcased our talents and passions.

But, as we delve into nostalgia, let us also celebrate the present and look forward to the future. Our alma mater continues to evolve, embracing new challenges and setting higher standards. As alumni, we are the torchbearers of its legacy, the bridge between its storied past and its dynamic future.

So, let us pledge to support and contribute to its journey. Let’s mentor the current students, offer our expertise, and give back to the place that gave us so much. Let’s stay connected, not just as classmates, but as members of an ever-growing family.

As we revel in the festivities today, let’s carry forward the spirit of homecoming throughout the year. Let’s continue to be ambassadors of our alma mater, inspiring the next generation to dream big and strive hard.

In closing, I raise my glass to all of you, to our shared memories, and to the enduring legacy of our beloved school. May the years be kind, the friendships last, and the spirit of our alma mater forever guide our way.

Here’s to the past, present, and future—here’s to us!

[The speech would continue elaborating on specific personal and collective memories, the achievements of various alumni, and the growth and changes witnessed over the years, aiming to strike a balance between nostalgia and motivation.]

Speech 4: United by Blue and Gold

“the unbreakable bond”.

Welcome home, mighty [Mascot]s! Today, we don the blue and gold not as a mere representation of our school colors but as a symbol of an unbreakable bond that spans years and stretches across the world. Whether you graduated five, ten, or fifty years ago, today, we are united once more under the banner of our beloved alma mater.

The spirit of homecoming is infectious, filled with laughter, cheers, and an overwhelming sense of belonging. It’s a testament to the enduring impact of our shared experiences, the late-night debates, the spirited rallies, and the collective sigh of relief post-examinations.

Each of us carries a piece of this place within us, a cornerstone built from the values, knowledge, and friendships cultivated here. We ventured out into the world armed with the skills and the spirit fostered within these walls, ready to make our mark and forge our paths.

But no matter where life has taken us, the call of homecoming brings us back. It’s an irresistible pull to reconnect, to share our journeys and to bask in the warm glow of familiarity. Today, we walk the campus not as students but as embodiments of the school’s legacy, diverse in our careers and lives yet united in our fondness for these times.

As we reminisce about the yesteryears, let’s also celebrate the here and now. Our alma mater continues to thrive, growing in excellence and innovation, nurturing the leaders of tomorrow. It’s a beacon of hope and a hub of creativity, thanks to the ongoing support and contributions from its alumni network.

Today, let’s renew our commitment to this place that gave us so much. Let’s engage, contribute, and ensure that the blue and gold continues to fly high. Whether it’s through mentoring, donating, or simply spreading the word of its greatness, every little bit contributes to the ongoing story of our school.

To the current students, we stand before you as examples of the lifelong impact of this institution. Take pride in your journey here, cherish the moments, and aspire to carry forward the legacy of excellence and community that defines us.

And to my fellow alumni, let’s continue to wear our colors with pride, to support our alma mater in its endeavors, and to keep the spirit of homecoming alive all year round.

Here’s to the memories that bind us, the present that excites us, and the future that unites us. Long live the blue and gold!

[The speech would conclude with personal anecdotes of school spirit, shout-outs to notable alumni accomplishments, and a rallying call for continued engagement and pride.]

Speech 5: Forward with Honor

“the path of pioneers”.

Greetings, fellow alumni, esteemed faculty, and dear students. Today, as we gather in the heart of our cherished school, we stand as witnesses to the enduring legacy of a community that values honor, excellence, and innovation. We are the pioneers of the past, present, and future, continually pushing boundaries and setting new benchmarks.

Our time at this institution was more than just academic pursuits; it was a holistic journey of growth, self-discovery, and community building. We learned to question, to collaborate, and to lead with integrity. The principles and knowledge imbibed here have been our guiding lights, illuminating our paths in every corner of the globe.

As we celebrate this homecoming, let’s reflect on the profound impact our alma mater has had on our lives. It shaped us into the individuals we are today, instilling a relentless pursuit of excellence and a commitment to societal betterment. Our achievements, in every field, are a testament to the quality and spirit of the education we received.

Yet, the journey doesn’t end here. The world continues to evolve, presenting new challenges and opportunities. Our school is at the forefront of this evolution, embracing change and fostering innovation. As alumni, our role is to support this forward momentum, to contribute our skills, knowledge, and resources to help navigate the future.

Let’s engage with the current students, offering mentorship, advice, and inspiration. Let’s invest in the infrastructure, programs, and people that will carry our school’s legacy forward. And let’s remain connected, building a network of professionals and visionaries that spans disciplines and geographies.

Our collective journey is marked by milestones of success, but it’s the journey itself that matters most. It’s about the lives we touch, the differences we make, and the world we imagine and strive to create.

So, as we walk these familiar paths once again, let’s pledge to move forward with honor, to uphold the values of our alma mater, and to pave the way for generations to come.

Here’s to the past that shaped us, the present that engages us, and the future that awaits us. Forward with honor, always.

[The speech would wrap up with individual stories of alumni impact, a look at the school’s future initiatives, and a powerful conclusion drawing all attendees together in a shared vision and commitment.]

sample inspirational speech for alumni homecoming

Alumni Homecoming Speech Sample: Reconnecting, Celebrating, and Moving Forward

Discover the [Alumni Homecoming Speech Sample: Reconnecting, Celebrating, and Moving Forward] – a resource designed to deliver an unforgettable speech at your high school’s homecoming event. This speech sample focuses on highlighting the significance of reconnecting with fellow alumni, recognizing past achievements, and collectively embracing the journey forward.

Key Takeaways:

  • Alumni reunions are opportunities for renewing and forming relationships, and reminiscing about the past.
  • Alumni are delighted to return to their alma mater and connect with current students.
  • Welcome speeches set the tone for the event and should be delivered by someone respected by alumni and students.
  • Keep the welcome speech warm and welcoming, reflecting the spirit of the occasion.

Table of Contents

Alumni Homecoming Speech Sample: Connecting the Past with the Future

alumni homecoming speech sample

A homecoming is a celebration of the past, present, and future of an alma mater. It’s an occasion to reunite with old friends, reminisce about cherished memories, and celebrate the achievements of the institution that shaped our lives. As an experienced educator and public speaker, I’ve had the honor of delivering alumni homecoming speech samples that resonated with audiences and inspired them to reflect on their experiences and the impact they can have on their alma mater. In this guide, I’ll share some insights and tips to help you craft a compelling homecoming speech that resonates with your audience.

1. Embracing Nostalgia and Gratitude

Homecoming is a time to celebrate the shared experiences that bind alumni together. Begin your speech by acknowledging the nostalgia and gratitude that fills the air. Share personal anecdotes or historical facts that evoke fond memories of the institution’s past. Express your appreciation for the alumni’s contributions to the school and the community.

2. Weaving a Tapestry of Stories

Alumni come from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and walks of life. Use your speech as an opportunity to weave a tapestry of stories that highlight the unique contributions of your fellow alumni. Share anecdotes about their accomplishments, passions, and the ways they’ve made a difference in the world. These stories will inspire and motivate your audience, reminding them of the impact they can have as individuals and as a collective.

3. Acknowledging Challenges and Looking Forward

No institution is without its challenges. Use your speech to acknowledge the obstacles that your alma mater has faced in the past and the challenges it may encounter in the future. Demonstrate a commitment to addressing these challenges head-on and working together to find solutions. By doing so, you’ll instill confidence in your audience and inspire them to lend their support to the institution’s continued success.

4. Celebrating Achievements and Milestones

Homecoming is a time to celebrate the achievements and milestones of the institution and its alumni. Highlight notable accomplishments, such as academic excellence, athletic victories, or groundbreaking research. Recognize individual alumni for their outstanding contributions to their fields or communities. These celebrations will foster a sense of pride and unity among your audience, reminding them of the enduring legacy of their alma mater.

5. Calling for Unity and Support

A homecoming is an opportunity to call for unity and support among alumni. Encourage your audience to stay connected to the institution and to each other. Share stories of alumni who have given back to their alma mater through mentorship, donations, or volunteerism. Inspire your audience to follow their example and contribute to the continued success of the institution they hold dear.

By following these tips and injecting a personal touch into your speech, you can craft an alumni homecoming speech sample that resonates with your audience, celebrates the past, present, and future of your alma mater, and inspires a renewed sense of connection and support.

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Short Alumni Homecoming Speech Sample

alumni homecoming speech sample

Step on stage with confidence, knowing that you’re part of something special—a community of alumni who’ve shaped the legacy of this esteemed institution. Your presence here tonight is a testament to the unbreakable bond we share.

  • Alumni are an invaluable part of our community, and their contributions have shaped the legacy of our institution.
  • Homecoming is an opportunity to reconnect with old friends, celebrate our shared experiences, and inspire current students.
  • Alumni speeches can be a powerful way to share our stories, reflect on our journey, and encourage current students to make the most of their time here.

Embrace Nostalgia: Reflect on your time spent within these hallowed halls, reminiscing about friendships forged, lessons learned, and the dreams that took flight. Share anecdotes that paint a vivid picture of your college days and evoke a sense of longing for those cherished moments.

Express Gratitude: Acknowledge the faculty and staff who nurtured your growth, mentors who guided your path, and fellow alumni who supported you along the way. Voice your appreciation for the education you received and the opportunities it has afforded you.

Inspire Current Students: Share your experiences and insights with the current student body. Motivate them to seize every opportunity, embrace challenges, and make the most of their time here. Encourage them to leave their own indelible mark on the institution.

Call to Action: Gently remind fellow alumni of the impact they can have on their alma mater. Encourage them to stay connected, support the institution through their contributions, and mentor current students.

End on a Positive Note: Conclude your speech by emphasizing the enduring spirit of your alma mater. Express your confidence in its bright future and invite everyone to join hands in taking it to even greater heights.

Remember, a Short Alumni Homecoming Speech Sample is a personal expression of your journey. Embrace the opportunity to share your story, inspire others, and strengthen the bonds that unite us all.

Relevant URL Sources:

  • 5 Cool Homecoming Speech Samples
  • Alumni Homecoming Speech

Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet By Principal

  • Alumni reunions are opportunities to reconnect, celebrate, and refresh relationships formed in the past.
  • Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet By Principal should be warm, welcoming, expressing the spirit of the occasion, and short.
  • Thanking the organizing committee for their contributions to the success of the event.
  • Greeting elders and seniors with respect and acknowledging their presence.
  • Avoid using slang and focus on being concise.

Alumni, honored guests, faculty, and staff – welcome to our cherished reunion! It is heartwarming to see a sea of familiar faces gathered here to celebrate our shared memories and commemorate the remarkable journey of our alma mater. Tonight, we embark on a nostalgic voyage through time, honoring the bonds that transcend the annals of history. On behalf of the entire school community, I extend a warm embrace to each and every one of you. Your presence is a testament to the enduring spirit of our institution – a beacon of learning, growth, and community. Let us seize this opportunity to reconnect, revel in our achievements, and inspire future generations of students.

As you walk through the hallowed halls of your former classrooms, let the whispers of the past ignite the flame of nostalgia. Feel the warmth of friendships rekindled, the spark of laughter filling the air, and the profound sense of belonging that only a shared history can provide.

While the passage of time may have etched lines on our faces and painted strands of silver in our hair, the essence of our youthful spirits remains unyielding. Let us be like a flowing river, continuously moving forward while holding fast to the timeless lessons we learned within these walls.

I would be remiss if I did not take this moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to the organizing committee, whose tireless efforts have made tonight’s gathering a resounding success. Your dedication, unwavering commitment, and meticulous planning deserve the highest praise.

To our esteemed elders and seniors, we extend our deepest reverence and respect. Your presence among us is a reminder of the deep-rooted traditions and values that have shaped this institution. Your wisdom, guidance, and unwavering support have been instrumental in our collective pursuit of excellence.

Lastly, I urge our alumni to continue being fervent ambassadors of our beloved alma mater. Share your stories, your experiences, and your achievements with the world. Be a source of inspiration to our current students and a symbol of pride for our community. Let your accomplishments echo through the corridors of time, leaving an enduring legacy for generations to come.

Thank you all once again for making this homecoming celebration an unforgettable occasion. May the bonds we forge tonight transcend time and distance, forever knitting us together in the tapestry of our shared history.

[1]https://englishtemplates.com/alumni-welcome-speech-by-the-principal [2]

Q1: What are some common themes of alumni homecoming speeches?

A1: Common themes of alumni homecoming speeches include gratitude for the education received at the alma mater, nostalgia for the past, and the importance of giving back to the community.

Q2: What are some tips for writing an effective alumni homecoming speech?

A2: Tips for writing an effective alumni homecoming speech include keeping it concise, using personal anecdotes, avoiding jargon, and practicing your delivery.

Q3: What are some ways to make an alumni homecoming speech more engaging?

A3: Ways to make an alumni homecoming speech more engaging include using multimedia, asking rhetorical questions, and encouraging audience participation.

Q4: What is the purpose of an alumni homecoming speech?

A4: The purpose of an alumni homecoming speech is to welcome alumni back to their alma mater, celebrate their achievements, and inspire them to continue to be involved in the school community.

Q5: What is the appropriate length for an alumni homecoming speech?

A5: The appropriate length for an alumni homecoming speech is typically between 5 and 10 minutes.

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50 Inspirational Quotes For Alumni Homecoming: Nostalgia and Forever Bonds Renewed

Inspirational Quotes For Alumni Homecoming

Rekindle the spirit of nostalgia and celebrate the bonds of friendship with our collection of 50 original and heartfelt quotes for alumni homecoming. From reminiscing about cherished memories to embracing the journey of personal and professional growth, let these unique quotes ignite a sense of pride and unity among former classmates. Join us as we come together, honor the past, and create new memories in the spirit of reunion and lifelong connections.

50 Inspirational Quotes For Alumni Homecoming

1. “No matter where life takes us, our roots remain strong, and our alma mater will forever be our guiding light.”

2. “Alumni: Where memories are made, friendships are forged, and dreams are realized.”

3. “Our journey may have taken us far and wide, but our hearts will forever belong to the place where it all began.”

4. “Alumni: Embracing the past, shaping the present, and inspiring the future.”

5. “As we reunite, let us celebrate the ties that bind us and the shared legacy we leave behind.”

6. “Alumni: The embodiment of knowledge, resilience, and the power of lifelong learning.”

7. “Homecoming: A time to reminisce, reconnect, and reignite the fire within.”

8. “Our alumni community is a testament to the transformative power of education and the pursuit of excellence.”

9. “Wherever we go, whatever we do, we carry the spirit of our alma mater with pride.”

10. “Homecoming: A celebration of achievements, milestones, and the indomitable spirit of our alumni.”

11. “Alumni: The driving force behind positive change, creating ripples of inspiration across the world.”

12. “In the tapestry of life, our alma mater’s colors are woven deep into our souls.”

13. “Homecoming is not just about returning; it’s about rekindling the passion that set us on our extraordinary paths.”

14. “Our alumni network is a web of support, collaboration, and limitless possibilities.”

15. “Alumni: Dreamers, believers, achievers, forever connected by shared experiences and the pursuit of greatness.”

16. “Homecoming: A time to honor the past, celebrate the present, and envision a brighter future together.”

17. “Our alumni remind us that greatness knows no boundaries and that success is born from perseverance.”

18. “As we gather once again, let us celebrate the spirit of unity that has shaped us into who we are today.”

19. “Alumni: The architects of their own destiny, leaving footprints of inspiration wherever they go.”

20. “Homecoming: A symphony of laughter, tears, and memories that echo through the halls of time.”

21. “Our alma mater’s legacy lives on through the achievements and impact of its remarkable alumni.”

22. “Alumni: Igniting the flame of possibility and lighting the way for future generations.”

23. “Homecoming reminds us that our connection to our roots is an everlasting bond that time cannot sever.”

24. “Our alumni embody the spirit of resilience, showing us that with determination, anything is possible.”

25. “As we come together, let us celebrate the rich tapestry of stories that bind us and the journeys that lie ahead.”

26. “Alumni: Where passion meets purpose, and dreams take flight.”

27. “Homecoming: A mosaic of memories, laughter, and cherished moments that etch themselves in our hearts.”

28. “Our alma mater’s embrace endures, even as we spread our wings and explore new horizons.”

29. “Alumni: Empowered by knowledge, driven by ambition, and united in the pursuit of excellence.”

30. “Homecoming is a testament to the enduring spirit of our alma mater, where we find solace in the familiar and inspiration in the unknown.”

31. “Our alumni community is a vibrant tapestry, woven together by shared experiences and a commitment to making a difference.”

32. “Alumni: The living embodiment of our alma mater’s values, shining beacons of inspiration in a rapidly changing world.”

33. “Homecoming: A homecoming not only to a place but also to ourselves, as we rediscover the essence of who we are.”

34. “In the heart of every alumni lies a flame that burns brightly, reminding us of our roots and igniting new paths.”

35. “Our alma mater’s influence extends beyond the classroom, shaping us into compassionate, courageous, and resilient individuals.”

36. “Alumni: Trailblazers, visionaries, and change-makers, leaving an indelible mark on the world.”

37. “Homecoming is a celebration of the ties that bind us, the stories that unite us, and the legacy we carry forward.”

38. “Our alumni inspire us to dream bigger, push boundaries, and create a future filled with endless possibilities.”

39. “Alumni: A symphony of diverse voices, each playing their part in creating a harmonious and inclusive world.”

40. “Homecoming: A bridge that connects our past, present, and future, reminding us that our journey is a continuous thread.”

41. “Our alma mater’s halls echo with the laughter, dreams, and ambitions of generations of alumni.”

42. “Alumni: Nurtured by our alma mater’s embrace, now spreading our wings to make a meaningful impact.”

43. “Homecoming rejuvenates our spirits, rekindling the flame of passion that burns within each of us.”

44. “Our alumni network is a constellation of brilliance, illuminating the way for future generations.”

45. “Alumni: Advocates for progress, catalysts for change, and ambassadors of hope.”

46. “Homecoming: A joyous reunion that reignites the fire of camaraderie and reminds us of the strength of our bonds.”

47. “Our alma mater’s legacy is etched in the hearts of its alumni, guiding us as we navigate the vastness of the world.”

48. “Alumni: Embracing challenges, embracing opportunities, and embracing the transformative power of education.”

49. “Homecoming symbolizes the home we carry within ourselves, the place where our memories reside, and the love that endures.”

50. “Our alumni’s success stories illuminate the path for future generations, inspiring them to reach for the stars and beyond.”

Written by Gabriel Cruz - Foodie, Animal Lover, Slang & Language Enthusiast

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  • Alumni Meet Speech By Students

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty, fellow alumni, and guests,A warm welcome to this momentous occasion – our cherished alumni meet at [University Name]. As we gather here today, we step into a realm of memories, camaraderie, and shared experiences that have shaped us into who we are today.We stand on the precipice of a journey down memory lane, guided by the echoes of laughter, the footsteps in the corridors, and the intellectual exchanges that once filled these halls. This alumni meet isn't just an event; it's a celebration of the bonds that continue to thrive beyond the boundaries of our alma mater.From the wide-eyed freshmen who walked in here years ago to the seasoned graduates who stand before you today, we've witnessed remarkable transformations. This meet encapsulates our collective growth – a testament to the knowledge, friendships, and values we've garnered during our time here.Beyond the nostalgia lies the beauty of diversity. We've all embarked on different paths, embracing professions that span industries and geographies. But what remains constant is the foundation we received here, propelling us towards accomplishments that stretch beyond our horizons.This gathering is more than just an assembly; it's an opportunity to reconnect, share stories, and perhaps even forge new collaborations. It's a tribute to the institution that ignited our intellectual curiosity and kindled lifelong friendships.Through the narratives, whether reflective, inspiring, or light-hearted, that we'll hear today, we'll trace the threads that weave our individual stories into a vibrant tapestry of unity.Thank you for gracing us with your presence. Let's embark on this journey of reminiscence, inspiration, and celebration, as we herald a new chapter in our shared legacy.

Template Reflective and Nostalgic Tone

Good [morning/afternoon/evening] everyone,

It's truly heartwarming to stand here today, amidst familiar faces that have journeyed alongside us in our formative years. As we gather for this alumni meet, waves of nostalgia wash over us, reminding us of the laughter, challenges, and growth that defined our time here.

Looking back, we realize how these hallowed halls shaped us into the individuals we are today. We've transitioned from wide-eyed freshmen to seasoned graduates, from novices to professionals. Our experiences, both in classrooms and beyond, have sculpted our perspectives and honed our abilities.

But this reunion is more than just a trip down memory lane; it's a testament to the bonds we've forged. The friendships that once thrived on campus haven't dwindled with time; instead, they've evolved into a network of support and inspiration. Let's seize this occasion to reconnect, sharing our diverse experiences, and continuing to learn from each other.

As we venture into our respective paths, let's remain grateful for the foundation we received here. Let's pay it forward by contributing to our alma mater's growth, and by embodying the values that were instilled in us. Let this alumni meet serve as a reminder that our journey is interlinked with the institution's journey, a journey that we'll always be a part of.

Thank you for being here today, and here's to the countless memories that bind us together.

Template Inspirational and Forward-Looking Tone

Greetings everyone,

It's an immense honor to stand before you, fellow alumni of [University Name]. As we convene for this alumni meet, we're not just commemorating the past; we're celebrating the foundation that propels us towards remarkable futures.

Our time here was a fusion of academics, friendships, and self-discovery. It's these experiences that equipped us to overcome challenges beyond these walls. We've proven our mettle in various fields, underscoring the caliber of education we received.

But as we gather today, let's remember that our journey doesn't end here. Instead, it's a new chapter marked by achievements yet to be etched. As torchbearers of our alma mater's legacy, let's leverage our collective potential to make a positive impact on society.

In an era of constant change, let's be the architects of transformation. Our diverse paths may lead us to different horizons, but our shared values bind us. Let's harness this gathering as an opportunity to collaborate, inspire, and foster growth.

I extend my gratitude to everyone who's contributed to making this alumni meet a reality. Let's embrace this moment, fortified by the memories that unite us, and march ahead with an unwavering spirit.

Template Gratitude and Celebration of Diversity Tone

Hello everyone,

What a joy it is to reunite with faces that once filled the corridors and classrooms of [University Name]. Today, we gather not merely as graduates of this esteemed institution, but as a tapestry woven with threads of diverse experiences and aspirations.

Our journey here was a blend of laughter, late-night study sessions, and lifelong friendships. These memories have stitched themselves into our lives, reminding us of the exceptional education we've been fortunate to receive.

As we've ventured into the world beyond these gates, our paths have diverged into an array of fields, industries, and pursuits. This diversity is a testament to the comprehensive education we were privileged to attain.

As we celebrate this alumni meet, let's remember to cherish not just our own achievements, but those of our fellow graduates. Every success story here is a testament to the collective brilliance that our alma mater fosters.

Let's make the most of this opportunity to reconnect, reminisce, and rejoice. Our individual journeys have been enriched by this common foundation, and as we move forward, let's remain grateful, humble, and committed to the values we've imbibed.

Thank you for gracing this occasion, and may our camaraderie continue to thrive.

Template Humorous and Light-hearted Tone

Hey there, fabulous alumni!

Can you believe we're all grown up and adulting? It feels like just yesterday we were trying to decipher complex equations and plotting elaborate schemes to secure the last piece of pizza at the cafeteria.

But here we are, reuniting not as wide-eyed freshmen, but as seasoned graduates with tales to tell and careers to flaunt. Let's take a moment to appreciate the transformation – from pulling all-nighters for exams to now occasionally pulling all-nighters at work.

Our journey here was a mix of sweat, tears, and a tad bit of procrastination. And let's not forget the friendships that often felt like a second family. Though our paths may have diverged post-graduation, our roots remain entwined.

So, as we gather for this alumni meet, let's celebrate the spirit of camaraderie, swap stories that are now legendary, and raise a toast to all the coffee that got us through those late-night assignments.

Thank you for making it here today, and let's make this alumni meet one for the books – or should I say, one for the yearbook!

Remember, the syllabus might be over, but the learning never stops. Cheers to us

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Posts in this Series

  • Children'S Day Speech By Teacher, Free Samples
  • College Farewell Party Speech In English
  • Alumni Welcome Speech By The Principal
  • Alumni Meet Speech By Professor
  • Morning Assembly Speech Examples
  • Welcome Address for New Principal

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Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet by Teacher, Principal & Student

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

welcome speech for Alumni Meet: An Alumni Meet is organised to celebrate and refresh old relationships and form new ones. It is an occasion when students gather at their Alma Mater, go down the memory lane and look forward for new interactions with new hopes. The alumni are thrilled to be back in the campus again and interact with new students. During Alumni Meets students, teachers, principals or hosts are required to deliver welcome speeches in keeping with the occasion. Here we have provided you six welcome speeches for different speakers. You can pick up any of the welcome speech as per your requirement.

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Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet By Principal

Good Evening to One & All Present Here…

It gives me immense pleasure to address you all on the auspicious occasion of our Institution’s 10th Alumni Meet. A day like today is very important for us, as it provides us the opportunity to meet with many of our graduate students after a long time as well as provides them a chance to meet each other, their former teachers and other staff members. It also enables the alumni to notice the changes & developments happened in the college campus then and now.

FGH, Noida , has a long established tradition to stay in touch with their students, continuing this tradition, FGH group of Colleges has organised an Alumni Meet at Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi this day.

Kindly allow me to express my gratitude towards each & everyone of you present here for sparing sometime to be with all of us tonight. We know that it takes a lot to take some time out of your busy schedule and come over. But, I believe that the experiences of this evening which you will take home will be worth the time you all have spared.

A decade ago, our college was a small & struggling organisation. And, if we talk about today, our graduates have widely-spread throughout the globe in search for growth, learning, knowledge and their performances make difference everywhere. Many of you are still on my mind showcasing your excellence and outstanding performance.

I believe that our college has now become one of the great institutions of the city, which was ranked number ‘2’ by the Noida Education Department. And to achieve greatness, it has all the important prerequisites such as an expansive campus, conducive environment for all-round growth, experienced faculty, dedicated students, necessary financial resources, etc.

Lastly, I would like to praise the multiple roles played by you in the society. Many of you hold the key positions of major influence in the society; I would like to appreciate your efforts being done for the development of our society and justifying the years spent by you at this esteemed institution. Last but not the least; I would like to thank all of you for your keen participation as well as the support you have always extended towards your alma mater.

Hope you like the arrangements for this great reunion. Wish you a wonderful evening & memorable moments.

Have A Good Time Ahead.

A very Good Evening to all of you present here. Respected Chairman, Principal Madam, Director Sir and my dear colleagues, all of our Alumni,

I feel deeply honoured standing here today as well as very nostalgic at getting the privilege of welcoming you all here. It’s been so many years, I still remember my first batch in 2005, your faces are still so fresh, dear children, a very warm welcome to all of you to this Alumni Meet of your school.

I appreciate this idea of Alumni Meet, which creates a special bonding between the students who have passed out & who have established themselves already in the big, outside world. I believe an Alumni Meet is a perfect platform for you all to meet your peers and teachers and revive the contacts.

The school began many years ago as a primary school but in 2006, it got successfully upgraded to +2 levels. The requirements were quite immediate; they were genuinely felt by the population of the city and the neighbouring areas. At that time he didn’t know that he was giving a major uplift to the education facilities in the region. In 2006, we started with the best faculty, experts and support staff, and I feel proud to say that over the years, we have scaled further heights of success and glory, earning a credible name in the education field.

Our past results have shown that our academic graph has been steadily going up. We have embarked on a mission to empower all sections of society with the light of knowledge. Our concern has wide parameters such as making our students good citizens at the level of city, state, nation, in fact, the entire globe. Our concern is whether we as teachers are able to create the qualities in you of respect, empathy, love, tolerance, honesty and above all, humanity.

Abc School has always set for itself higher goals to attain, the management especially Chairman Sir, Principal Madam, and Vice-Principal Madam and all other teachers including me are striving to attain perfection and it’s a long process. This meeting organised today is for us to get together, think & show our concern & for you to give your true opinion about when and where did we faulted & where all we achieved excellence.

So, once again, I welcome you dear children, although it’s been so long but it seems as it was yesterday. Faces are still very fresh for me from H to J to K to L and many more, really I am delighted to see you people and request you all to enjoy the evening & live the moment.

God Bless You

Thank you all.

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Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet By Student

Good Evening,

I, student of Class 12- Commerce, on the behalf of CDE College, extend a hearty welcome to all of you who represent diverse professions – doctors, engineers, advocates, businessmen, technocrats, artists, bureaucrats, architects, and what not. Hon’ble college Chairman Sir, respectable Principal Sir and of course the cluster of the intellectual minds present here, a very delightful evening to one & all….

It is indeed a privilege for all of us, to have our ex-students here with us at the Alumni Meet, 2016.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s the time to rewind your school days, when this school started nurturing you, gradually and slowly with delicate care & love. For some of you, who started here as kids, this was the place which bloomed you out of your saplings and strengthened your adolescence, I bet you remember your first day in school when you entered with tearful eyes bidding a farewell to your mother for the day, but the compassionate, bright, and cheerful smiles of your teachers with open arms, wiped your tears & warmly welcomed you to new beginnings, introducing your classmates who replaced the comfort zones of your sweet homes and that eternal connection of belongingness is today proved by your priceless presence here.

Time went on & schooling became one of the best experiences, be it the mouth watering canteen food or the not so cold “cold drink”, what an excitement do those memories bring to you. Today, we picked up those threads & continued the tradition of our Alumni Meet, so that we can weave your precious memories again.

With great enthusiasm and excitement, we request you all to share your experience of outside world with us, how far has this foundation laid by this wonderful school has taken you in life. This school has not left any stone unturned in making its students good human beings and worthy citizens. From moral values to public speaking to self-defence, all qualities and attributes have been inculcated in you.

Dear seniors, we are eager to hear from you how all this has really benefitted you and what the school has turned out is for you. So, here we welcome you all to individually come up at the dais and share your experiences, your success story or whatever you feel like regarding the school with all of us present as eager and attentive audience.

Hope you enjoy a wonderful evening with shared joy, fun and sumptuous food.

Thank you all!!

Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet By Professor

A very good morning to one & all present here. Respected Chairperson, Dean of the College, Principal Sir, my dear colleagues and all of our Alumni,

I feel deeply honoured standing here today as well as very privileged to welcome you all here. It’s been so many years, I still remember my first lecture with you people, your faces are still so fresh, dear graduates, a very warm welcome to all of you to this Alumni Meet of your institution.

I appreciate this idea of Alumni Meet, which creates a special bonding between the faculty members and the ones who have graduated & have established themselves already in the outside world. I believe an Alumni Meet is a perfect platform for you to meet and of course revive the bonds with your peers and teachers.

When our college began, it began with a struggling phase due to lot of competition in the city, but gradually when our institution appointed some of the most experienced faculties, our college made its place in the Top 5 Colleges of the State & you all will be glad to know that our college is now ranked as 1 st in the city & has got many awards for the back to back outstanding performances in the university exams by the students.

The benchmark set by the graduates like you is itself a proof that our institution’s graph has been steadily going up. But, we are not limited to this; our commitment is something deeper and more pervasive, which requires a lot of introspection. Our involvement has wide parameters as to whether our students grow up into good citizens or not at the level of city, state, nation or the entire world. Our concern is whether we as faculty we were able to create in you the qualities of respect, empathy, love, tolerance, honesty and above all, humanity.

This meeting organised today is for us to get together, think & show our concern & for you to give your true opinion about when and where did we faulted & where all did we performed exceptionally well.

I still remember many of you, striving very hard to achieve your goals, worried about your career, aspiring higher and what not, although it’s been so long but it seems as if it was yesterday. I would say that I am really delighted to see you people here who spared some time for us, I hope you relish the lunch & enjoy the lovely noon.

May You Be Always Blessed

Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet Collage by the Students

A very Good Morning to all! We are all gathered here for the alumni meet of the brilliant graduates of this college. It is a very momentous day as we have a golden opportunity of meeting our graduate peers after such a long period. I am sure that we all have been eagerly waiting for this day since the announcement of this official reunion as celebrating the spirit of being graduated and meeting our former classmates is a sheer pleasure.

I express my hearty gratitude to each one of you for taking out time from your busy schedules to be with us on this occasion. Some of you might have even come from another city to attend this function. I hope that your sacrifice might not go waste and give you memories that will be remembered for your lifetime.

This college has given us unforgettable impressions. Those occasional class bunks, canteen gossips, late night studies and hostel fun, life mantras from teachers and countless other memories are about to stay in our minds forever. Fests organizations and extra-curricular activities organized by the college increased our exposure and made us confident and helped us a lot in striving and becoming what we are today. The wide range of tasks performed by us has given us a sense of responsibility towards our society and raised our conscience. Not only has this institution given us a tremendous learning experience, but also given us a chance to participate in various social and cultural events. Leaving aside the non scholastic activities, the lessons taught by our proficient professors have given us indispensable knowledge and guidance throughout our session. I am grateful to my teachers and professors for all their efforts to make us better persons support us throughout our college journey and of course help us score good grades.

I have seen this institution growing and grooming every single day because of this highly ambitious and committed faculty. It is their courage, hard work and patience which have helped in producing bright students who have done well in their respective careers. I have seen many of my batch mates who have reached extreme heights in their career and have established their names in their respective industries. All thanks to our respected Principal and Teachers! Without you it would not have been possible to tread such a great path.

In the end, I would like to congratulate all the ex-graduates of this college for successfully completing your respective courses and contributing to the goodwill of this institution. I wish you all the luck and success for your future. I have a nice line well said by Tyron Edward that precisely explains the importance of a reunion.

‘’Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven’’

Thank you very much.

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Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet of the School By Teacher

Good morning to the respected Principal, Vice Principal, my co-workers and our dear students. I truly regard it as an honour and privilege for standing here to contribute to this unforgettable moment, as we celebrate the successful completion of the high school education of these brilliant students. We had been longing for this day from so long and finally this auspicious day has arrived where we get to meet one of our favourite batches of this school. I would like each one of you present here to give them a huge round of applause. It is a very significant day for all of us as we have the privilege of meeting you all after such a while.

It is my sheer pleasure to be a part of the school which has excelled in providing such talented youth to the nation. From the very beginning, this school has attained distinctions in sports, academics and even extra-curricular activities. I remember the day when the students of class XII brought a golden trophy and made headlines in the entire city. Such big and small achievements have always contributed to the development of this institution. This would not have been possible without the efforts of our truly dedicated and committed students and faculty members.

I know bidding adieu to the school life was not an easy job for you as you have made such sweet impressions here. It was equally difficult for us, the teachers to part with brilliant minds we had taught. I appreciate these former students for always staying in touch with us and coming to us for their major guidance and counselling decisions. As you all are in a completely different world now after stepping out of your school days, you will get to learn many lessons in life. I wish you the courage and patience to deal with the struggles and come out to be stronger and more determined. May you get to achieve your goals and become victorious in every sphere of life!

Many of you have moved to different cities for your higher education. Some are even working. I am certain about the fact that you all are performing your best whatever field you are in. In executing responsibilities of a good teacher, we have never backed out and always taught you with all our strengths to make you perform better whether it’s academics, sports or any other sphere of activity. I wish that you never give up in life and earn fame, name and a promising career and come to us to tell your success stories and reward this school with your achievements.

In the end, I would like to say that an institution’s fame rests not only on its administration and teaching staff, but also on the achievements and developments of its students. We are extremely proud and fortunate that you have been an important part of our institution and will always remain in our hearts forever.

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  • Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet



The word ‘alumni’ depicts the passed-out students from a school or college. Most alumni meets are conducted by the schools and colleges to show love and affection towards their former graduate students. Alumni speech should be emotional and it should help the ex-students to reminisce about their school/ college days. Alumni meet has many events organized by the present students, these events help the ex-students to relive the life they lived years ago. 

Below two welcome speeches for alumni meet are given i.e. long welcome speech for alumni meet and a short welcome speech for alumni meet. The below samples help the students to understand the points that should be included in an alumni speech.

An Alumni meeting is one of those times when you get to meet your old friends who you might have lost contact with or whom you might have not met after you have graduated from your school or college. This event is just like any other formal event where you meet not only your friends but also your teachers and the principal. This hence calls for a Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet in English For Students that will let the students talk about the moments they were thankful for or the moments they wish they could live in forever. Vedantu provides all the details on how you can write a great Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet in English For Students and how to get your best foot forward when delivering the speech.

Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet in English

Good morning everyone! With great honor and pleasure, I welcome you all to this auspicious occasion of our Institute’s 10th alumni meet.

This day is very important, it provides an opportunity for everyone to meet each other after so many years. It also provides a chance for every graduate from the previous years to meet their farmer teachers and other staff members. It also helps the alumni to notice the various changes through which the college has gone through over the past few years. 

Our college has established a tradition to stay with their contacts. Well continuing the tradition our college has again organized an Alumni meet. 

I know time does not stop for anyone and it takes a lot to take some time out of your busy schedule to be here and for that I thank you. But one thing I can assure you is that at the end of the night you will miss your college days. At the end of the night, the experience you take home will be worth the time you all spared today. 

It has been ten years since our college started. It was a small organization that had only 150 students to begin with. But due to the dedication shown by our teachers to teach and the passion which you all showed to learn at that time earned a name for our college. It was all possible because of you all to this date. We all are trying to compete for the excellence your batch was recognized for and I applaud you all for setting up a benchmark for all of the juniors. 

I believe our college has become one of the greatest institutions in the city. It is ranked second by the education department. To achieve greatness our college has all the important prerequisites such as an expensive and balanced campus, experienced faculty, financial resources, Medical emergency services, etc. 

Coming to the event, our present students have planned a very good show for you all that will surely make you all feel nostalgic. We will experience the fun, the concerts and everything in a practical yet very personal manner. 

Lastly, I want to praise the multiple roles played by you all sitting over here. There are advocates, artists, scientists, doctors, actors, engineers, teachers, etc sitting in the crowd. I would like to appreciate all the effort that is done by you all for the development of our society and thank you for justifying the years spent by you at this institution. 

Last but not least, I would like everyone to participate today. Hope you all like the arrangement made for your reunion. Wish you a wonderful evening. Have a good time ahead. Thank you!

Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet

Good morning everyone! With great honor and pleasure, I welcome you all to this auspicious occasion of our Institute’s 10th Alumni meet.

Our college has established a tradition to stay with their contacts. To continue the tradition, our college has again organized an alumni meet. 

I thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this event but I can assure you one thing that at the end of the night you all will go home with memories that you would cherish forever. 

Our present students have planned a very good show for you all that will surely make you all feel nostalgic. We will experience the fun, the concerts and everything in a practical yet very personal manner. 

I would like to appreciate all the effort that is done by you all for the development of our society and thank you for justifying the years spent by you at this institution. 

Last but not least I would like everyone to participate. Hope you all like the arrangement made for your reunion. Wish you a wonderful evening. Have a good time ahead. Thank you!

10 Lines on Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet in English

Alumni meet aspires to acknowledge the contributions made by ex-students. 

Alumni meet is very common in schools and colleges where ex-students meet with each other to share and relive the memories. 

In workplaces such as corporate offices, the alumni meet is done for ex-employees to celebrate their achievements.

It is a very emotional event that sparks nostalgia in everyone. 

During Alumni meet, the ex-students reentering the campus helps them to relive college life even for a night. 

Various events are organized by the college students for the ex-students. 

Ex-students are responsible citizens now in societies. They are recognized for that and appreciated for the effort to build society. 

Detailed planning is done by the student to make the night unforgettable. 

Various events are held like dancing, singing, etc that would definitely sparkle a sense of nostalgia in the ex-students. 

Alumni meet is a tradition in a few colleges to show that the college has not forgotten their graduated students.

Tips on Delivering Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet in English For Students

Make sure you do not become nervous while you deliver the Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet in English.

Use proper enunciations while delivering the Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet in English.

Use of proper grammar and pausing at certain places is also a must.

Make sure you do not rush the Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet and end it in a hurry just for the sake of finishing it.

Practice as much as you can and stand in front of a mirror to see how you deliver the Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet in English by yourself.


FAQs on Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet

1. What is the main purpose of holding an Alumni Meeting?

The main purpose of organizing an Alumni meeting is to celebrate the old moments or old relationships that you as a student had felt. This is an official event where all of the students who had previously studied in the college or school get to gather together. This allows them to memorize not only the sweet memories but also helps them stay in contact for a long time and share their beautiful achievements. Another purpose of keeping an Alumni meet is for the teachers to see how the students that were once a part of their class have grown up to be great individuals.

2. What are the guidelines that need to be followed while preparing the Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet in English For Students?

There are certain guidelines when preparing for the Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet in English For Students provided via Vedantu and can be provided as follows:

Using proper grammar is a must when preparing the Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet in English For Students

Make sure you provide a good start that will engage the audience who is hearing the speech

Highlight those memories that have been always in your mind regarding the school, institution, or college.

Make sure you mention all the individuals who have provided you with the chance to grow up and be a great person.

3. How to make an impactful introduction when delivering the Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet in English For Students?

When creating an impactful introduction make sure to not add in a lot of slang words. Instead try and greet the elders and the seniors, teachers who are taking part in the program. You can then go ahead and ask your fellow alumni a question for example you can ask, what is that one memory that still makes you think about this place? or you can also ask when was the last time you had entered and what were the feelings that you had? By asking these questions, your fellow alumni can wonder about their feelings while relating them to the speech you will be giving.

4. Is there a need to thank all of the members of the organization while ending the Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet?

When you deliver a speech it is essential to thank not only your fellow alumni for providing you with great memories but you also need to thank all the members of the organization such as your teachers, principal, the workers, the administrative members, and other people who have always been trying to make it some of the best years of your life. Mentioning them will not only make them happy but will also help them become stronger and help other students like the Alumni to come and greet them often.

5. Is it okay to be informal while delivering the Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet?

While it is okay to be a bit informal, it is not recommended to use a lot of slang language that might be okay with the younger gen but might not quite sit right with the higher officials. This event, also being one of the official events, might want you to take care of the words that you speak when delivering the Welcome Speech For Alumni Meet in English. You can also try and keep it more interactive and fun by using some sentences that are not too informal.

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Alumni Words of Encouragement

Hand holding pen writing on paper

We hope that these Alumni Words of Encouragement will inspire new students and remind you that your relationship with U of T Mississauga does not end when you graduate. In fact, your journey is just the beginning of a life-long connection to your UTM community.

"As you gear up to start on this amazing experience at UTM, remember that the courses you take, the friends you make, and most of all, the perspective you carry, can change your world. Commit to expand, care to understand, converse to grow.

You can't paint the picture of your life with your hands in your pocket so remember to take risks to grow yourself further. The opportunities are ample. Seize them."

Dania Ciampini, Bachelor of Commerce, Class of 2007

I encourage you to think of UTM as a new beginning. It is a time to rewrite or enhance your "life story." Challenge yourself to take on something new and out of your comfort zone. Dive into your studies and soak up every moment of higher learning with the knowledge that your education will serve you for many decades to come. Reach out to new friends who will enrich your life in ways you can't even imagine. This is your time—embrace it!

Ziyaad Vahed , Honours Bachelor of Arts, Class of 1999

Congratulations and welcome to UTM! Some of my favourite memories involve strolls along the "Five Minute Walk" while taking in the sights—deer, rabbits, and tall trees. I remember feeling both anxious and excited about this next step in my life. It was my first time living away from home. This transition period can feel daunting and overwhelming at first because everything feels (and probably is) new to you. Stay true to yourself and your values and let them be your compass in this next phase in your life.

Demetra , Honours Bachelor of Science, Class of 2006

"I remember when I was entering my first year of university, I was extremely excited but at the same time extremely nervous. Reflecting back on the whole experience now, I would encourage incoming students to recognize that like anything in life, you'll face both ups and downs throughout your university experience. The important thing to remember is to always try your best and not let the instances where you may have fallen short hold you back from continuing to work hard and reach your full potential. Speaking more specifically about UTM, it is a massively rich campus with both great people and amazing opportunities. Take these next few years to really make the most of it."

Lavan Puvan , Bachelor of Commerce, Class of 2010

Going to university—especially one as prestigious as U of T—will be a wonderful experience. This is an opportunity for you to learn not just about the world around you but to learn about who you are and what you want to do in life. At times, it will be challenging. Some days, you may even wonder if you're on the right path. Regardless, make the most out of the experience. Embrace every opportunity for growth that comes your way and when you find something you're passionate about, persist. Most importantly, remember to have fun.

Vienna, Bachelor of Commerce, Class of 2014

University is a time where you will learn a lot about yourself and others. Put yourself out there, meet people, network, gain experience and grow your soft skills. This will help you pick a career path and allow you to market yourself better to get the job that you want post university. Pick up analytical skills, critical thinking skills, communication skills, writing skills, and math skills during your years at U of T. Do your readings and take advantage of the library textbook reserves. Stay active; You're paying for a gym membership, use it. UTM has a badass gym. Come out of these four years looking and feeling your best. Good luck and have fun!

Rahhman El Borai, Honours Bachelor of Science, Class of 2014

"You've chosen the right University! Mississauga is one of the best places in the world with it's diverse community."

Zeeshan, Bachelor of Arts, Class of 2005

School isn't easy, and it's not supposed to be. You will struggle and you will feel like giving up at some point. However, these moments are those that define your undergrad experience. Talk to a friend, a classmate or even approach a professor. By making the most of your tough moments you will realize that you've taught yourself how to succeed. Wishing the incoming UTM students every success in the future. Be the best student you can be, it is more rewarding than you think!

Sara, Honours Bachelor of Science, Class of 2017

"Treat the campus like a community in which you live. You go to work everyday in the classroom, but outside of that there is so much more to discover. This new adventure is an opportunity to learn about yourself through taking part in new experiences, but also a time of challenges. My advice, think of the challenges as falling forward. No matter what, you are always learning and growing, which better prepares you for tomorrow."

Chris Thompson , President, U of T Mississauga Alumni Association

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25 Sample Themes for Alumni Homecoming

When it comes to planning an alumni homecoming, the theme sets the tone for the entire event. It’s not just about bringing old friends and classmates together; it’s about creating a memorable experience that resonates with everyone’s shared past while celebrating their present achievements.

Selecting the perfect theme is crucial—it influences the decorations, activities, music, and even the dress code.

themes for alumni homecoming

Sample Themes for Alumni Homecoming: 25 Ideas

Here, we explore 25 creative and engaging themes that are sure to make your alumni homecoming an unforgettable event.

1. Decade Revisit

Why It Works: A decade-themed homecoming is a nostalgic journey back in time. Whether it’s the swinging ’60s, disco-fevered ’70s, or the neon-lit ’80s, this theme allows alumni to relive the glory days of their youth.

Best For: This theme is ideal for milestone reunions. It works best when the majority of alumni shared their school years during the featured decade.

2. Hollywood Red Carpet

Why It Works: Everyone loves to feel like a star. A Hollywood-themed event, complete with a red carpet, glamorous decorations, and paparazzi, offers a night of elegance and fun.

Best For: This theme suits large, formal gatherings. It’s perfect for schools with a dramatic or artistic legacy.

3. Masquerade Ball

Why It Works: The mystery and elegance of a masquerade ball make it an enchanting choice. It adds an element of intrigue and sophistication to the event.

Best For: This theme is excellent for creating an elegant, semi-formal atmosphere. It’s particularly appealing for creatively inclined alumni groups.

4. Sports Extravaganza

Why It Works: Celebrating the school’s athletic legacy, this theme can include decorations from past school sports achievements and encourage attendees to wear jerseys of their favorite teams.

Best For: Ideal for schools with a strong sports culture. It’s a casual, fun theme that encourages lots of interaction.

5. Cultural Heritage Celebration

Why It Works: This theme allows alumni to showcase and celebrate their diverse cultural backgrounds through traditional attire, music, and food.

Best For: Perfect for schools with a diverse alumni base. It’s a great way to promote inclusivity and cultural exchange.

6. Back to School

Why It Works: A playful theme that involves decorating the venue like old classrooms, and encouraging attendees to dress as they did in their school days.

Best For: This theme is great for all age groups and works well for creating a casual, relaxed atmosphere.

7. Futuristic Odyssey

Why It Works: A futuristic theme sparks imagination and creativity. Think metallic decorations, futuristic outfits, and innovative technology displays.

Best For: Best suited for tech-savvy or science-focused alumni groups. It’s a way to celebrate progress and innovation.

8. Garden Party Elegance

Why It Works: For a more refined, calm setting, a garden party offers a touch of class and elegance. It can be an outdoor event with floral decorations and light, summery attire.

Best For: Ideal for daytime events and older alumni groups who might appreciate a more laid-back setting.

9. Carnival Fiesta

Why It Works: A carnival theme is filled with fun, vibrant colors, and activities. It’s a great way to ensure high energy and engagement from attendees.

Best For: This is great for family-friendly events or when you expect a wide range of ages.

10. Beach Bonanza

Why It Works: Casual and fun, a beach theme can include tropical decorations, beach games, and relaxed attire. It’s perfect for creating a laid-back, vacation-like atmosphere.

Best For: Best for warmer climates or summer events. It’s ideal for schools near the coast or those with a strong beach culture.

11. Black and White Ball

Why It Works: A classic and elegant theme, the black and white ball is simple yet sophisticated. It encourages formal attire and offers a timeless appeal.

Best For: This theme works well for formal events and appeals to a wide range of age groups.

12. Retro Sci-Fi

Why It Works: Combining nostalgia with imagination, a retro sci-fi theme can include elements from classic science fiction, offering a unique and fun experience.

Best For: Ideal for groups that appreciate vintage aesthetics or have an interest in science and technology.

13. Around the World

Why It Works: This theme allows for a diverse celebration of global cultures. Different areas of the venue can represent different countries or regions.

Best For: Perfect for schools with a significant international community or for those who want to celebrate global diversity.

14. Literary Classics

Why It Works: For schools with a strong tradition in literature, a theme based on classic novels or poets can be both educational and entertaining.

Best For: This theme is ideal for alumni who have a deep appreciation for literature and the arts. It’s also a great conversation starter.

15. Vintage Glamour

Why It Works: A vintage glamour theme takes attendees back to a specific era of elegance, like the roaring ’20s or sophisticated ’50s. It combines nostalgia with a touch of class.

Best For: Perfect for a crowd that appreciates a touch of historical elegance and sophistication.

16. Outer Space Adventure

Why It Works: This theme offers a journey to the stars with cosmic decorations, space-themed music, and futuristic attire. It’s a unique way to ignite the imagination.

Best For: Ideal for an adventurous crowd, especially those with interests in astronomy or science fiction.

17. Superhero Showdown

Why It Works: Encouraging attendees to dress as their favorite superheroes, this theme adds an element of fun and allows everyone to embrace their inner child.

Best For: Great for a more casual, fun-loving crowd, especially if the alumni include younger attendees or families.

18. Jazz and Blues Night

Why It Works: This theme brings the sultry and smooth atmosphere of a jazz club, with live music and elegant décor, offering a sophisticated yet relaxed environment.

Best For: Best for groups that appreciate music and a more refined, yet laid-back celebration.

19. Color Spectrum

Why It Works: A color-themed event can be visually stunning. Choose a single color or a palette, like pastels or neon, for decoration and attire.

Best For: This theme is versatile and can be tailored to any group, depending on the chosen colors and how they’re implemented.

20. Enchanted Forest

Why It Works: Transforming the venue into a magical forest with greenery, fairy lights, and mystical decorations creates a whimsical and captivating environment.

Best For: Ideal for those who enjoy a touch of fantasy and enchantment in their celebrations.

21. Casino Royale

Why It Works: A casino-themed event with games, classy décor, and a chance to dress up brings excitement and a taste of high-stakes fun.

Best For: Perfect for an adult crowd looking for a night of sophisticated fun and light-hearted gambling.

22. Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival

Why It Works: This theme brings back the era of rock ‘n’ roll, with music, memorabilia, and attire from the golden age of rock.

Best For: Ideal for music lovers and those who want a lively, energetic event.

23. Nautical Voyage

Why It Works: A nautical theme, with maritime decorations and sea-inspired activities, offers a fresh and unique take on homecoming events.

Best For: Great for schools near the water or for those who want to create a sense of adventure and exploration.

24. Vintage Circus

Why It Works: A vintage circus theme with bold colors, classic circus acts, and carnival games creates a fun and slightly whimsical atmosphere.

Best For: Perfect for a diverse age group and for those looking for an interactive and entertaining experience.

25. Eco-Friendly Green Gala

Why It Works: Focusing on sustainability, this theme uses recycled materials for decorations and promotes environmental awareness.

Best For: Ideal for environmentally conscious alumni who appreciate a theme that aligns with their values.

Choosing the right theme for an alumni homecoming can greatly enhance the experience for everyone involved. It’s about more than just a gathering; it’s about creating a moment in time that reconnects old friends, rekindles fond memories, and celebrates the journey since those school days.

Whether you go for elegance, nostalgia, adventure, or something entirely unique, the key is to choose a theme that resonates with the spirit and history of the alumni and their alma mater.

With these 25 ideas, you’re well on your way to planning an unforgettable homecoming event that will be talked about for years to come.

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Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet in English for Students and Children

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet:   Alumni are the passed out students or members of an institution, organization, etc. Alumni meet speeches should be emotional and nostalgic. It should have the potential to take the ex-students back to their golden days.

The power of well-threaded words is enormous, and a listener can explore immeasurable depths of their nostalgia through the words being spoken. Welcome speeches must convey the message of love and belonging. The alumni must feel that they are still welcome in that particular institution and that others felt their absence.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc.

Long and Short Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet in English for Students and Kids

In this article, we will provide a long welcome speech for Alumni Meet in 500 words and a short speech of 150 words on the same topic. We will also provide ten lines on the topic to help the readers.

This article will be helpful for students and hosts who are supposed to deliver an inaugural or welcome speech on the occasion of Alumni Meet.

Long Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet 500 Words in English

Long Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Good evening and welcome to the annual Alumni Meet of St. Peter’s institution.

It is indeed my great pleasure to welcome among us the alumni of this institution. Not only is it a moment of happiness and nostalgia for us but also an opportunity to reflect on our learning and achievements. Our alumni have established themselves as successful individuals in almost every field of their lives, and we could not be any prouder.

A school is the second home for children, and it plays a vital role in nurturing them into good human beings. Besides shaping the character of a child, the school helps him to face the world with bravery and courage. The teachers and the students share an intimate and intricate bond of love and respect.

Having our Alumni back to where they belong brings back a lot of memories. I think everyone remembers their first day in school. Some of us cried and wanted to go back home, but the day we left school to step into the bigger world, we realized what this institution truly means to us. Bidding farewell to one’s school is probably the toughest thing to do, and it is never easy to say goodbye.

Our present students have a spectacular show today for our beloved ex-students that will have them reminiscing their beautiful school days. We will travel to the depths of our memories and live the moments we have left behind. We shall dive into nostalgia and relish the best days of our lives. We shall experience the swing rides, the classes, the concerts, and everything in a practical yet very personal manner.

While talking about our old school days, I think most of us remember the innumerable times we begged our teachers for free periods. Free periods for us meant going to the field and playing. Some of us loved reading in the library, but most enjoyed a nice game of badminton or basketball in the field.

Nostalgia is a tricky business. It makes us laugh and cry at the same time. We yearn to go back to our happy days, and we also feel very blessed to have experienced such wonderful feelings. The main intention of an Alumni meet is to gather our old students and give them an evening of memories and nostalgia. All of you belong here, your hearts belong here, and home is where the heart is.

Today, let us all open the windows of our mind, take a deep breath, and venture out into the land of dreams and happiness. Let us keep aside the worries and responsibilities of adult life and indulge in the simple pleasure of childhood and innocence. The school is our family, and we have every right to be here.

Our Alumni has brought great glory to our institution. They have set the example of being a successful and good human being. They inspire us to have a clear conscience, the courage to speak the truth, and the importance of being authentic.

I extend my warm regards to every member of our Alumni and invite them to enjoy a piece of their childhood.

Welcome Speech on Alumni Meet

Short Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet 150 Words in English

Short Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Good evening everyone

I warmly welcome our Alumni to the Annual Alumni Meet of Gupta Enterprises. It is my utmost pleasure to have you here. You have been the backbone of our organization for a long time, and you deserve to be cherished and remembered.

The Annual Alumni Meet is held every year to pay our respects to those employees who have worked her dedicatedly for many years. Though some of you have retired and some others have left us for better prospects, we acknowledge your contributions to this organization. We are grateful for the time you devoted to your work and salute you for your efforts.

Our program today will comprise some brilliant performances to pay our respect to our alumni. Most of us share wonderful memories with our organization, and we shall aspire to relive our lost moments through these performances. This organization has been our extended family and has taught us a lot. The absence of our ex-workers is felt every day, and we remember every sacrifice they have made for us.

Last but not least, our alumni have taught us valuable lessons of honesty, hard work, and determination, and we shall proudly follow their example in the years to come.

10 Lines on Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet in English

  • Alumni meets aspire to acknowledge the contribution of ex-students and ex-workers.
  • Alumni meets are very common in schools where ex-students meet annually to reminisce about their childhood and relive their school life.
  • The purpose of the Alumni meets to remind ex-workers and students that they still belong to the particular institution. Bidding farewell is a very hard thing to do, and the least we can do is make them feel wanted when they visit their beloved school after a long time.
  • It is an extremely sensitive and emotional event that sparks nostalgia among everyone.
  • In workplaces, Alumni meets are held to pay tribute to the dedicated ex-workers who have given their best to the enterprise.
  • It is essential to help the ex-employees connect to their old workplace, and thus, performances are held to rekindle their memories.
  • Alumni meets bring old friends together, and they go down the memory lane to experience their golden days of childhood.
  • Memories are what we cling to in the end, and such meets are the best ways to relish lost moments.
  • The meet also helps people to remember their old teachers who made them who they are.
  • It aims to hold an evening filled with fun, memories, and nostalgia and is valuable to most of us.

FAQ’s on Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet

Question 1. What is an Alumni meet?

Answer: An Alumni meet seeks to gather the ex-employees or students of an organization to give them an evening of nostalgia.

Question 2. What is the importance of an Alumni Meet?

Answer: It helps to bring together old friends and relive cherished memories of the past. It is significant for a lot of people.

Question 3. When are Alumni Meets held?

Answer: The Alumni meets usually help annually, but some places organize it once in three years or so.

Question 4. Is it fun to attend Alumni meets?

Answer: Anybody who has an emotional connection to the place they studied or worked in would enjoy Alumni Meets as they take them back to their good old days.

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Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet in English for Students and Children

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Reported by Anshika Saxena

Published on 30 August 2024

Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet : Alumni Meets can be overwhelming. Meeting and greeting older school or college friends always fills you with a rush of nostalgia and reminiscence of all the good times spent together. It can be a task to address everyone and create an aura of positivity while comforting every alumnus back into the space they exited a period ago.

Hence, one must always be prepared with only the best speech. As difficult as the job of welcoming the alumnus might seem, it is equally very interesting and uncomplicated if the right direction is followed. If you have a room full of passed-out students at an alumni meet and are uncertain about how to greet them, we have you covered.

Here we provide you with important insights into writing and delivering a welcome speech at Alumni Meet in the English Language. They shall help you in getting a perspective of how you should sound on the day of the event. Additionally, an exemplary template has been provided to give a better idea of the Welcome Speech for the Alumni Meet.

Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet

Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet in English


To figure out what you should speak at the moment of greeting in an Alumni Meet can be tricky. One needs to be very gentle in approach and be able to bind the room with emotions. The speech should be instigating and comforting. The listeners must feel very attached to their institution which they passed out of a few years ago. Thus, they need to be greeted with warmth and their awkwardness must be properly addressed so that any sort of confining energy takes a back gear. One must be solely reminded of all the good memories that they shared with each other at the place.

The emotional connection that they shared with the walls needs to be built and this shall start the event on a very positive note. The sole purpose of an Alumni Meet is the revival of the older times and enjoyment. The speech needs to address the objective of the meeting in a subtle and metaphorical manner. One must not feel very formally welcomed and lose of sense of attachment. The students must feel that they have returned to their homes and everything is just as it was before. Hence, a welcome speech is very important.

Tips for Writing an Alumni Meet Welcome Speech

Before delivering the speech, it would be very appropriate if one could articulate all the thoughts and points that they feel are necessary from the point of view of the event. Thus, always preparing the speech in advance would help the speaker. It is upto the speaker if they wish to stick to the writing in a word-to-word manner. Thus, they can choose to get a draft of what their speech should sound like and then move ahead to address the alumnus.

Preparing a speech must be done with both a mindful and emotional perspective. Thus, the speaker needs to figure out the authority he/she holds in the organisational setting and decide the tone of their speech. The following tips might prove very handy while drafting the Welcome Speech for an Alumni Meet in the English Language:-

  • Observe your role in the institution, and then figure out what content you intend to deliver through your speech. In the case of a junior, the speaker can be very emotional, empathise with the listeners and deliver a speech accordingly. However, if one is a teacher or an authority, he/she can sympathise and explain the importance of the alumnus in an institution.
  • Describe how the institution shall continue being their home and will never change for them. They need to be ensured that they shall be always welcomed.
  • One must closely refer to a few general instances that would remind them of the golden moments they spent in their days.
  • Try to hold the room emotionally. It might not interest the alumnus if the speech is very formal and they feel like they are still being addressed as students and they have to maintain a certain professional decorum.
  • Treat the students as invaluable assets of the institutions and address their little successes to give them a sense that their growth is very important for the organisation.
  • You can choose to deliver a moderately long speech since this is a semi-formal setting in case of speeches .
  • The use of casual language needs to be restrained.
  • One can include a few elements of inoffensive humour such that the speech appeals to the alumnus.

Points to Remember while welcoming at the Alumni Meet

Deliverance of speech is equally important. The speaker’s presentation matter as the words must resonate with their demeanour. Hence, the subsequent points need to be observed while speaking at the Alumni Meet event and welcoming the students back to their institution:

  • Maintain a warm smile on the face to look greeting and be ecstatic at the arrival of the alumnus.
  • Make sure that you sound soft with your pitch. Anything that is extremely loud shall not appeal as emotional.
  • The emotions of the speech must resonate with the presentation. One must look interactive during the speech.
  • Engross in eye contact and gestures that would look welcoming.
  • Make sure that the speech binds the room and does not create a sense of boredom.
  • Do not look too personal and maintain a sense of respect and dignity as per the allowance of the organisation.

Welcome Speech at Alumni Meet Example

Here is a template that can be referred to as an example while preparing your own speech. This is set on the basis of a hypothetical backdrop and does not compulsorily provide the structural frame,e of an Alumni Meet Welcome Speech:

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening, It is a pleasure to see you all here on this very auspicious day. I feel highly grateful to welcome you all back into this abode of education where you spent significant years of your life. As _____________ (your role in the institution) I feel very emotional as I think back to the days when you all used to regularly come here for your studies. It is not always easy to return back to places to that we are emotionally attached. However, it is equally overwhelming to return and get a very happy flashback of the golden days spent. I remember how your batch used to be the most happening and equally talented. I cannot remember a single day when any of you failed to entertain the entire school/college with your never-ending charm. As I stand here and look back, I only see smiles and loads of memories which are injected into the hearts of this institution. Your departure marked a very sad day in history for it was kike a piece of the soul of this place was leaving, It is still the same way. Your return has filled this space with the sunshine of happiness. The staff here has been observing your startling successes and it ignites them with unmatchable happiness. We are all proud of you for every value you stand for and how you are shaping this society into something so better on a daily basis. I welcome you all once again. Hope you have a time of your life today!

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Anshika Saxena

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sample inspirational speech for alumni homecoming

Welcome Speech for an Alumni Meeting

Good Evening,

St udent s of Class C (Subject Area) on the behalf of (name) College, I happily welcome you all who represent a variety of professions: doctors, engineers, businessmen, lawyers technocrats, architects, and other esteemed vocations .

Honorable college Chair person, Sir s and Miss’ , respectable Principal and every graduated mind present here, today , a very enjoyable evening to all.

Alumni Welcome Speech

Alumni Welcome Speech

It does not need to be said it’s a privilege for all of us, to have our ex-students here with us at the Alumni Meet of the year ( … )

Ladies and Gent s , let’s tread down memory lane to when this school started nurturing you, gradually and slowly with care and responsibility . For those of you, who began their journey here as infants , this was the place which helped teach you right from wrong and laid the foundations of your successful lives.

If you don’t remember your first day in school you must remember the opening weeks full of trepidation when you had to be cajoled to say farewell to your mother. The cheerful smiles of your teachers and fellow pupils who I’m sure warmly welcomed you to new your new surroundings helped you settle.

You got to know your classmates who replaced the comfort zones of your familial homes and that priceless connection of belonging is underpinned by your valuable presence here today .

Speaking for myself, schooling became one of the best experiences in my life , probably down to the mouth-watering school dinners [ Chuckle… ] , Do those days bring excitement to you too?

Wouldn’t it have been amazing to look into the future and see ourselves today as young adults and as a lumni, talking about our first steps on the road of school education?

With great enthusiasm and excitement, we request you all to share your experience of this college and importantly your outside lives with us. How far are the foundations of your studies here taking you today? How has this wonderful school influenced you ?

In my opinion, this school has not left any stone unturned in making its student’s good human beings, first, and well-educated citizens – closely second .

Esteemed Alumni , we are looking forward to listening to your accounts of your lives today and how the school helped shape who you are today . W e welcome you all to individually to step onto the stage, introduce yourselves [ if you have changed many chuckles] and tell us your experiences, socially, work-wise, and your goals. We will listen with pleasure…

I h ope you have a very enjoy able evening. I know I will.

Thank you, everyone!

Notes: Alumni actually is the plural form of alumnus, a Latin word that means a graduate or former student of an educational institution. Although alumnus usually refers to academics, it can also mean a former employee, associate, or member of any organized group – Dictionary

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Speech by ntu president at ntu alumni night 2018.

Professor Subra Suresh

President, Nanyang Technological University

NTU Alumni Night 2018

13 October 2018 (Saturday)

  Minister for Health, Mr Gan Kim Yong,

NTU Trustees, 

Alumni, colleagues, students,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is really wonderful to see so many of our alumni returning to campus, their alma mater, for the annual Alumni Homecoming in this beautiful setting today. As we welcome you home, we too, as an NTU community, applaud the achievements of all of our outstanding alumni.

We are honoured to have with us this evening, Health Minister, Mr Gan Kim Yong, to grace this special occasion as our Guest-of-Honour. Thank you Minister for taking time from your very busy schedule to join us here tonight.

We honour our alumni’s outstanding leadership, achievements and contributions to the University and even more importantly to society by presenting them the Nanyang Alumni Awards. Our alumni, who are our strongest advocates and ambassadors, have made an enormous difference to not just within Singapore but around the world.

This year’s recipients have had a major impact in various fields ranging from business and engineering, to humanities and public service. Dato’ Sri Dr Tahir, Mr Lim Chow Kiat and Adjunct Professor Tan Chin Hwee will receive the Distinguished Alumni Award, the highest honour for NTU alumni.

Dato’ Sri Dr Tahir , who studied Commerce at Nanyang University (Nantah), is an entrepreneur. He is the founder of the Mayapada Group – one of Indonesia’s leading conglomerates. A noted philanthropist, Dr Tahir drives his generous contributions through the Tahir Foundation, supporting initiatives in healthcare, education and legal reformation.

Dr Tahir has received numerous accolades over the course of his successful career. Most recently, he was conferred the Bintang Mahaputera Nararya medal by the Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

Mr Lim Chow Kiat , our Nanyang Business School alumnus, is the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of GIC, Singapore's sovereign wealth fund. GIC was established in 1981 to manage Singapore’s foreign reserves and has substantial assets in over 40 countries today.

Always keen to contribute to his alma mater, Mr Lim has since 2015, served on the NTU Board of Trustees. He is also the Chairman of the Board of Governors of NTU’s Wealth Management Institute.

Adjunct Professor Tan Chin Hwee , also our Nanyang Business School alumnus, is the Chief Executive Officer for Asia-Pacific at global commodities giant Trafigura Group. Ever generous in spirit, Adjunct Professor Tan believes in paying it forward by being a mentor. He had more than 40 mentees at one point while at Apollo Global Management, and he also helped set up a mentoring programme at CFA Society in Singapore.

Currently, he is a member of the NTU Board of Trustees and an advisory committee member of NTU’s Centre for Applied Financial Education, which seeks to spearhead the learning of finance from an applied perspective.

Dr Tahir, Mr Lim and Adjunct Professor Tan are among the 37 accomplished alumni whom we are honouring tonight. Their achievements and contributions inspire us all, and they reflect the university’s success in preparing graduates for the challenging and rapidly evolving global economy.

Today, NTU has more than 233,000 alumni in more than 160 countries around the globe. To stay connected with our alumni family, we have established 91 Alumni Associations worldwide. We have also set up 21 Alumni Circles in countries or cities with small numbers of alumni.

With such an extensive global alumni network across Asia, Europe and the US, our NTU alumni are a valuable source of information, advice, contacts, networking and job opportunities, which both NTU students and fellow alumni can leverage. The NTU alumni network is a platform to keep in touch, and to make new friendships, and to keep the NTU spirit strong.

For example, just last month, I was in Beijing with many colleagues from NTU for NTU’s China Convocation and the 6th China Alumni Conference & Reunion Dinner. These events were co-hosted by the NTU Alumni Association in Beijing. It was amazing to witness the camaraderie amongst all our alumni. I am deeply touched by our China-based alumni who have actively volunteered in alumni associations, and their close affiliation and fondness for our University.

As our alumni, you will be proud to know that NTU continues to make its mark in the global stage. The university risen precipitously over the last couple of decades and is now ranked 12th in the world and is placed as the world’s top young university for the past five years.

Recently, NTU joined the exclusive group of universities in the Global University Leaders Forum (GULF), an intellectual community within the World Economic Forum in Davos that provides thought leadership and academic stewardship on higher education, innovation and research to the Forum, and indeed to the thought leaders, and policy makers and heads of states around the world. This is an international recognition of NTU’s rising stature, and an affirmation of Singapore’s global standing in research and education.

To add to these, three of our young faculty members were selected earlier this year in a prestigious group of Top 10 rising stars in the field of Artificial Intelligence by the American professional society of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). There is no other university in the world that has three of its young faculty so recognised in that prestigious listing.

As our alumni, you have also contributed to these achievements. As much as you have given us your support in helping NTU shine, we are also as keen to continually engage and provide opportunities for your development.

Learning Technologies Festival

Lifelong learning is a topic of major importance, in the new era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, where we are seeing how technology is disrupting the way we live, learn, work and play. 21st Century citizens need to keep acquiring and updating new skills, and NTU wants to engage our alumni to do so, for their personal growth, personal development, personal fulfilment as well as professional development.

For this reason, we have launched our very first Learning Technologies Festival especially for our alumni. The Festival aims to inspire our alumni, both young and old, to discover the latest technology trends and innovation, and learn through such new technologies.

Held earlier this afternoon as part of the many activities for our Alumni Homecoming, the Festival featured the various Technology-Enabled Learning approaches and learning technology solutions created by NTU, fostered by NTU and many of our partners and vendors. Organised by our College of Professional and Continuing Education, or PACE College for short, the Festival also featured micro seminars and sharing sessions on a variety of topics. I understand that we had a very warm response to the seminars and sessions from our alumni – the seminars and sessions were fully registered! I hope that you take the opportunity later to view our Festival’s exhibition if you have not already done so. I am also pleased to share that PACE College and the Delta-NTU Corporate Lab have worked together to develop a series of Industry 4.0 courses, covering topics such as data analytics and cybersecurity. These courses will be available on a new mobile learning application platform known as DeltaKnEW Academy.

We are very encouraged by the spirit of lifelong learning among our alumni. NTU hopes to amplify and inculcate lifelong learning not just among our alumni, but also among our students, staff, faculty and the larger Singaporean community.

Latest campus developments

Our alumni, you have made many long lasting friendships and hold many cherished memories of your days on this campus. Today when you make your way into the university and for some of you who went on a tour, I am sure you would have been in awe of the transformation of this campus. NTU is among the most beautiful university campuses in the world. We have iconic buildings such as The Hive, the newly opened The Arc and where we are situated right now, The Wave.

In the next few years, NTU’s flagship infrastructure development will be a new academic building, Asia’s largest wooden building at 40,000 gross square metres when completed by 2021. It will be the new home for the Nanyang Business School and it will also house a number of other activities across campus, from several other colleges and schools. Constructed using an eco-friendly innovative technology, this building will exemplify our distinctive NTU Smart Campus and show that we “walk the talk” of our commitment to sustainability. This will bring more than 95 per cent of the 234 buildings on our campus certified as Green Mark Platinum as NTU emerges one of the most eco-friendly university campuses on the planet, if not the most eco-friendly university campus on the planet.

Even as we build new infrastructure, we will continue to enhance our existing amenities for the benefit of the NTU community and NTU family. Many of our alumni have fond memories of Yunnan Garden. I am pleased to share that the rejuvenation of the Yunnan Garden is on schedule and is expected to reopen by the end of 2019. Celebrating NTU’s rich heritage, the revitalised Yunnan Garden will be a reflective and inviting community space, taking its place alongside other iconic campus landmarks.

In closing, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all our Nanyang Alumni Awards recipients tonight. I would also like to thank our alumni, for flying the NTU flag high around the world. Your commitment, dedication, and relentless support will help ensure the university’s continued success. I would also like to thank our dedicated staff, faculty and partners who have worked very hard to organise the Alumni Homecoming event today. Once again, allow me to thank Minister Gan for your kind support of NTU.

Thank you and I wish everyone a very pleasant evening.

Pinoy Transplant in Iowa

Mga kasaysayan, pananaw, himutok at guni-guni ng isang Pinoy na napadpad sa Iowa

Pinoy Transplant in Iowa

Homecoming Speech

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(I delivered this speech during our 25th high school reunion. Though it seems like it was just last night, but that was already 7 years ago this month. That nostalgic event is one of the reasons I was inspired to start this blog. I am posting this here for the sake of the memories.)

Dear classmates, beloved teachers, special guests, family and friends.

It was 25 years ago when we left the portals of this academy, but somehow it seems, our hearts have never left. And today, that love for this school, brought us all back here.

It does not matter whether you crossed the Pacific to be here, or you crossed seven mountains or seven rivers, or you crossed seven traffic lights or even just crossed the street to get here. It does not matter where you came from to get here today, because the only thing that mattered tonight is where you came from 25 years ago.

Some of you have added titles to your names, some of you have even changed your names, and then some of you may even lost your name. All that is not important, for the only name and title that matters tonight is we are all alumni of PCA*.

I know there are many new stories to tell. Stories that stem from the different paths we chose to follow, or stories from taking the paths laid before us not by choice but by the consequences of life. But the best stories to tell are the same old stories we shared together more than 25 years ago.

Twenty five long years.

To some of us the ravages of time is evident. We lost some, we gained some. Some have lost hair (ouch!), and some have gained silver hair. We may have lost our model-like stature, and in exchange we gained wrinkles, and extra pounds. Though I can still see in all of you, your inner beauty beaming through. Yes, we may have lost our innocence, our youthful vigor and glamour, but we have gained wisdom, experience and respect in the college of hard knocks, we called life.

The flood of memories may be overwhelming. When you look around this hall, you may even remember the exact spot where you sat, while Ma’am S* was teaching Florante at Laura, while you look out of the window and your mind was wandering to Harrison Plaza. These walls were witnesses when we were sweating and struggling in our Algebra exam, or when we made an errant glance at our seatmate’s answer during the test, but Ma’am F* did not catch us, or maybe she did, but she just have a forgiving heart.

You may have retraced your steps as you climb the stairs and walked down the corridors, for those stairs and corridors remembers the bounce and the echoes of your feet, even though your pace may be slower now. When you wandered in the basketball court, did you have the urge to pick up the litter, as you remember Sir B* made you pick up the litter, as punishment for being late?

When you entered the gate, do you remember familiar figures standing there? Kuya Ely our guard asking you to pin your ID, and Mang Isko, who sells the best sorbetes in the world. I hope they did not ask for your ID when you entered the gate today.

My dear classmates, as I look into you faces, the memories are rushing in. The mischievous escapades we did together, like when we cut classes during sir P*’s class. The secrets we kept together, like your first crush, but you don’t want others to know. The joys and laughter we celebrated, like when we beat Sir T*’s team in volleyball. The heartaches and tears we shared, like when you got rejected by your first love. I can still picture in my mind the way we look – ala Bagets . I can still hear our favorite songs that we sing. I can still remember the jokes that you and I have told, that even up to this day makes me smile.

It was just like yesterday.

I know that not all memories are sweet. In fact, there are few that are downright painful. And perhaps time have partially healed those wounds. Maybe tonight, we can bring closure to those bitter chapter of our lives.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody that helped in organizing, or have contributed time and effort, and or donated financially, to make this event possible. I may not be able to thank you one by one but you know who you are. Please accept my sincerest gratitude.

And now, I would like to personally thank each one of you, for just being here.

I would also like to acknowledge some of our classmates who are not able to join us tonight for some reason or another, but they did send their warmest regards. Let us remember them too.

As we spend time with each other tonight, may we share the wonderful memories we have and make new ones that we will share for the next 25 years or even the next 125 years.

Mabuhay tayong lahat!


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Wonderful speech po 🙂

Salamat. 25 years kong kinompose yan. 🙂

Grabe naman sa 25years haha

Very well said…I was able to connect and relate.

I have been reading through your posts, Doc — and this speech struck me as a reflection of the person you are. Nakakatuwa pong magbasa na makikilala ang isang kapwa manunulat (blogger) — in this virtual world, it is inspiring to read the heartfelt written words of authors who are simply enjoying what they want to share — walang bahid ng pagkukunwari. Kaya lang po, the sad part is that I computed the numbers involved, and i found out that I am way older than you, kind sir — oh, youth, why forsake me? I have always had high respect for medical practitioners, always thinking them to be older than me — life, truly, is fleeting 😉 Sorry po for the rant.

Thanks for reading. As long as we keep our youthful fervor for life and have the childlike faith, age is just a number. Salamat ulit.

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Portrait of a Graduate

sample inspirational speech for alumni homecoming

Senior Speaks to Alumni at Homecoming

  • 11 years ago

Grace Alexander was one of two students to give a speech during the 2013 Homecoming Ceremonies. What she had to say captured the hearts of many of her fellow students and the alumni gathered there. Below is her full speech.

Good Morning,

I am honored to be able to speak with you today. After being at RMA for four years and working in the Development office for two summers, I know how important the Alumni are to this school. You are a very special group of people, because you provide moral and financial support to current students and the school.

I moved here from a rural town where I would have graduated with 10 students. I came to R-MA, because I was excited to have so many valuable opportunities .

The school teaches us to strive to be our best in all ways. The JROTC program teaches us leadership skills and the value of service. The JROTC program teaches me that there is no higher honor than serving the public and my country.

Four years ago I didn’t even know the meaning of a “right face” or what a Service Academy was.

  • Now as Corps Vice Commander of the school, I am honored to be able to give orders on the parade field.
  • The JROTC faculty members teach us leadership skills and provide us with physical training to prepare us to participate in ROTC programs at universities and qualify as candidates for entry into U.S. Service Academies.

The school’s flight program is unique. Flight instructors give up their weekends to fly with students, and it seems they only have days off when it is rainy or windy when we can’t fly. As part of my flight training, I was able to fly to Carnegie Mellon for an Admissions interview. When I told them I flew up, they were automatically impressed by our school’s program.

Also, an R-MA alumnus who is a pilot helps me along the way. He gave me a flight scholarship my sophomore year and we’ve continued to have a strong friendship since then. He is my mentor. He has written me letters, offered advice and sent me uplifting emails.   He and the supportive flight instructors are the reason I was able to solo.   I am pursuing my Private Pilots License this year. I always feel, “A pilot never flies alone. “ All those who have helped are always flying with me.  It is an honor for each of us when we receive our wings.

The faculty and staff go the extra mile and actively show their devotion to us and their passion for the subjects they teach.

  • When I applied to one of the Service Academies I needed to list teacher references that included their phone numbers. When one of my teachers did not get a phone call, he called the academy and asked to speak on my behalf.
  • In my engineering class last year a few of my classmates and I had the opportunity to go to NASA Johnson Space Center. There we presented our invention: a prototype of a bicycle that generates “green” electricity. Our teacher gave up his time, his weekends, his house, and his snacks. He coached us all the way to becoming one of five finalist teams in the “Green Energy” category.

The staff takes a genuine interest in the students. I have multiple mentors at this school who would do just about anything to see me succeed. They offer needed support and guidance.

I want to thank you for your support and for caring about Randolph-Macon Academy. I feel blessed to be here, and I thank you for all you do for this fine school.  You each make a difference. You positively change our lives .

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sample inspirational speech for alumni homecoming

Central Philippine University

Looking back as we look forward to two alumni homecomings.

by Central Philippine University | Jul 12, 2019 | Uncategorized

By Francis Neil G. Jalando-on

sample inspirational speech for alumni homecoming

As we look forward to the Alumni Grand Homecoming on February 5-9, 2020, and the annual Alumni Homecoming and General Assembly on September 28, 2019, it is also good to look back on the 50 th Golden Anniversary Celebration of Central Philippine University in 1955.

Dr. Anatalio T. Viray, the President of the CPU Alumni Association during that time, wrote a message on why we love CPU:

“Greetings to Central Philippine University, the school we love because:

  • “In our youthful days, she made our pathway clear…” F. H. Rose
  • Aside from giving us the education of the mind, she has given us the education of the heart;
  • Bethlehem has made its way to Central, so that it was at Central that so many of us have found our way to Bethlehem;
  • In Central everyone is encouraged to search the truth, even the truth that makes the mind and spirit free;
  • In Central, we find democracy at work and the environment conducive to good citizenship training and study.

Herein lie, we believe, the secret of our love and loyalty to her.

On this 50 th year since her founding, we look back with deep gratitude in our hearts with the wish that she remain faithful to her Great Inspirer.”

The Alumni Grand Homecoming 2020 will gather with the Theme: “Central Spirit Leads Us Back Home.” Indeed, only a Centralian will know how the Central Spirit can bring us back to the campus and lead us to fellowship with Centralians anywhere in the world. In the same manner, Dr. Viray wrote in 1950 that every homecoming, the alumni are “eager to meet old friends and to get submerged again into the proverbial ‘Central Spirit.’”

Dr. Almus O. Larsen, President of CPU during the Golden Anniversary, invited everyone to visit the campus. He wrote, “I am sure that our alumni and friends will visit us again to see the change that has taken place since the time they were here. We are happy to welcome you all and to show you around. We hope that at the Alumni Homecoming Banquet a great many of you will be with us. Your presence will make this reunion the greatest in fifty years.” To re-echo President Larsen’s words, we, alumni and friends are all invited to come to CPU on September 28, 2019 and February 5-9, 2020. Let us make this reunion the greatest in the last 114 years of our history.

Dr. Viray added a prayer and that is also our hope that “those who have endeavoured to come and witness the various events and scenes on the campus could say ‘It is good to have come.’” Yes, let us come home to CPU!


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  21. Senior Speaks to Alumni at Homecoming

    Portrait of a Graduate. Senior Speaks to Alumni at Homecoming. Grace Alexander was one of two students to give a speech during the 2013 Homecoming Ceremonies. What she had to say captured the hearts of many of her fellow students and the alumni gathered there. Below is her full speech. Good Morning, I am honored to be able to speak with you today.

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  23. Looking back as we look forward to two Alumni Homecomings

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