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{Top 40} बेटी की शादी के लिए बधाई संदेश इन हिंदी

  • January 18, 2023

माँ-बाप के लिए बेटी की शादी का दिन बहुत बड़ा दिन होता है। पेरेंट्स अपनी बेटी की शादी के लिए बधाई कैसे दें, इसके लिए हमने यहाँ best marriage wishes quotes shayari in hindi प्रोवाइड कराई है।

विवाह होने पर बेटी माँ-बाप के घर को छोड़ती है और अपने पार्टनर के साथ एक नया जीवन शुरू करती है। इन wedding wishes for daughter in hindi के द्वारा पेरेंट्स अपनी पुत्री यानि बेटी को विदाई के अवसर पर प्यार और स्नेह भरे मैसेज भेज सकते है।

बेटी की शादी के लिए बधाई संदेश

प्यारी बिटिया को शादी के बंधन में बनने पर बहुत-बहुत बधाई हो। मैं भगवान से तुम्हारे उज्जवल भविष्य की शुभकामनाएं मांगता हूं।

लाडली बेटी को शादी की बहुत-बहुत मुबारक हो। प्रभु आपकी जोड़ी को अपार खुशियां प्रदान करें।

बेटी की शादी के लिए बधाई

आप दोनों के जीवन में सदैव सुख समृद्धि, सदाचार और प्रेम बना रहे। प्यारी बेटी को शादी की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।

घर के हर कोने में अपनी आवाज से गूंज लाने वाली प्रिय बेटी को दांपत्य जीवन की शुरुआत करने पर हृदय की अनंत गहराइयों से ढेरों बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं। हैप्पी मैरिज 💐💐

भगवान की कृपा से तुम्हारे जीवन में सदैव सुख एवं शांति रहे। मेरी तरफ से तुम्हें और दामाद जी को शादी की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं।

प्यारी बिटिया को शादी पर मेरी शुभकामनाएं है कि यह विशेष दिन तुम्हारे भावी जीवन में नई उमंग और अनंत खुशियां लेकर आएं।

हर दिन नए से भरा हो सदा चलते रहो प्यार के मार्ग पर, जीवन में अनंत खुशियां लेकर आएं सात जन्मों का यह सफर।

छोड़कर जा रही है तू बाबुल का घर, बहुत आएगी हमें तेरी याद, शादी का शुभ अवसर है बड़ा बेटी दामाद को आशीर्वाद।

Wedding wishes from parents to daughter

परमपिता परमेश्वर की कृपा से प्यारी बेटी का शुभ विवाह हुआ है, बना रहे यह रिश्ता जन्मों जन्मों तक बस यही मेरी ऊपर वाले से दुआ है।

special words for daughter getting married in hindi

शादी का यह दिन तुम्हारे जीवन में लेकर आए प्यार की नई सौगात, हर दिन खुश रहो तुम शादी की बहुत-बहुत मुबारक हो।

प्रार्थना करता हूं रब से सारे जहां की खुशियां मिल जाएं, प्यारी बेटी को शादी की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं।

Wedding Wishes for Daughter in Hindi

लाडली बिटिया को शादी की शुभकामनाएं। आपका वैवाहिक जीवन सदैव खुशहाल बना रहे, यही मेरी कामना है।

wedding wishes for daughter in hindi

कभी मिटे ना हाथों की मेहंदी सदा खनकती रहे चूड़ी, विवाह की बहुत-बहुत मुबारक हो मेरी प्यारी कुड़ी।

भगवान आप दोनों को अनंत खुशियां और सम्मान प्रदान करें। आपका वैवाहिक जीवन हजारों जन्म तक चलें। happy wedding to you my princess!

कभी टूटे ना आपका साथ, सदा थामे रहो एक-दूसरे का हाथ, मुबारक हो शुभ विवाह की खुशियों से भरी रहे आपकी हर मुलाकात।

सलामत रहे जोड़ी आपकी जीवन में हो बेशुमार प्यार, हर पल खुशियों से भरा हो ऐसा रहे आपकी शादी के बंधन का करार।

एक-दूसरे के साथ जिंदगी को हंस मुस्कुराकर बिताएं, खुशियां कभी दूर ना हो आपसे बस यही मेरी भगवान से दुआएं।

friend daughter marriage wishes in hindi

आज मेरे दोस्त के बेटी की शादी है। मैं भगवान से बेटी एवं दामाद जी के सुखमय वैवाहिक जीवन की कामना करता हूँ। हैप्पी मेरिज लाइफ!

बेटी की शादी पर बधाई संदेश

प्यारी बेटी की शादी के साथ जीवन के एक नए सफर की शुरुआत हो रही है। आपका वैवाहिक जीवन सुख में रहें। यही मेरा आशीर्वाद है।

मां बाप और परिवार को करके अकेला बेटी चली किसी और के घर की ओर, दुआ करते हैं परम पिता परमेश्वर से सदा मजबूत बनी रहे आपके विश्वास की डोर।

आप हमेशा खुशहाल जीवन जिएं यही है मेरी ईश्वर से दुआएं, बाप की तरफ से बेटी को शादी की शुभकामनाएं।

इस जन्म ही नहीं हर जन्म में आप दोनों यह रिश्ता बड़ी खूबसूरती से निभाएं, खुशियों से भरा रहे वैवाहिक जीवन यही है मेरी तुम्हारे लिए मंगलकामनाएं।

Daughter Marriage Wishes in Hindi

सात फेरों के इस बंधन को जिंदगी भर निभाना, आए कोई मुश्किल तो दोनों साथ मिलकर समाधान पाना। Wish You Happy Marriage My Daughter 💐💐

daughter marriage wishes in hindi

आप दोनों सदा बने रहो एक-दूसरे के लिए प्यार मोहब्बत की मूरत, शादी का रिश्ता होता है बड़ा खूबसूरत।

सदा खुशियों की सौगात रहे जीवन में कभी कोई मुश्किल का दौर ना आएं, लाडली बिटिया को शादी की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।

बचपन से जिसे अपने हाथों से पाल पोस कर बड़ा किया, आज वह घर छोड़ कर जा रही बनने किसी की पिया।

पापा के कंधे और मां की गोद में पली बढ़ी है, आज मेरी लाडली किसी और के घर चली है। Happy Married Life to My Daughter 💐

जिस घर में जन्म लिया उसी घर से हो रही है विदा, सदा खुश रहे बिटिया तू बस यही है मेरी महादेव से दुआ।

daughter marriage quotes in hindi

Special words for daughter getting married in hindi

छोड़कर अपने मां-बाप का घर बिटिया चली है ससुराल, सात फेरों का यह बंधन तुम्हारे जीवन को बनाए और ज्यादा खुशहाल। Happy Marriage Life to You 🎈

तेरे जाने से आ गई है घर में तन्हाई, मां के आंसू और बाप की खामोशी दे रही है बिटिया को विदाई।

सदा बनी रहे हाथों की मेहंदी यूं ही चमकती रहे माथे की बिंदिया, शादी की बहुत-बहुत मुबारक हो मेरी प्यारी गुड़िया।

सदा खुश रहना तुम ना आए किसी चीज की कमी, खुशी का माहौल है पर आंखों में नमी। प्यारी बेटी को शादी मुबारक हो!

बेटी की शादी की शुभकामनाएं

बज रहे हैं ढोल गूंज रही है शहनाई, मेरी तरफ से प्यारी पुत्री को शादी की बधाई।

गुलाब के फूलों की बातें खुशियों से महकता रहे जीवन तुम्हारा, हर दिन आनंद से भरा हो बस यही है शादी का आशीर्वाद हमारा।

प्यार से भरी रहे जिंदगी कभी छूटे ना आप दोनों का साथ, शादी की बहुत-बहुत मुबारक हो बस यही है मेरे दिल की बात।

हर ख्वाहिश पूरी हो आपकी जिंदगी में रहे सदा खुशियों का प्रकाश, आप दोनों की जोड़ी छूएं सफलता का हर आकाश। Happy Wedding My Daughter 🎉

एक-दूसरे का साथ निभा कर आप दोनों हर मंजिल को पा लें, शादी के बंधन में बंधकर जिंदगी को खूबसूरती से सजा लें।

अनगिनत प्यार के ईंधन से सदा चलती रहे जीवन की बाड़ी, आपके रिश्ते में कभी कम ना हो प्यार सुबह से शाम तक खुशियों से चलती रही जीवन की गाड़ी।

दिल से दुआ है मेरी सदा मुस्कान से सजता रहे तुम्हारा चेहरा, विवाह के बंधन में बंध गई हो तुम अनंत खुशियां लेकर आए जीवन का यह नया सवेरा।

खुशियों से सजी रहे जिंदगी की हर घड़ी हर दिन आप दोनों प्रेम से मुस्कुराएं, आपको नव दांपत्य जीवन की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं

जुबां पर सदा रखना मिठास खुशियों से भरा रहेगा ससुराल, शादी की मुबारक हो तुम्हें यह रिश्ता रहे तुम्हारा बड़ा कमाल। wish you happy wedding my dear daughter

प्रेम को रखनी अपनी भाषा जीवन में सदा रहेगा खुशियों का प्रवेश, शादी के शुभ बंधन पर बस यही है Father का Daughter के लिए संदेश।

शादी जिंदगी का एक बहुत महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय होता है। अगर आपके किसी दोस्त, रिश्तेदारी में किसी की बेटी या खुद की बेटी की शादी हो रही है तो यह बिटिया की शादी की शुभकामना संदेश का प्रयोग जरूर करें।

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55+ Most Heartfelt Wedding Wishes for Your Daughter

Jenni Jacobsen is a licensed social worker with a master's degree in social work from The Ohio State University, and she is in the process of completing her dissertation... Read More

Sylvia Smith shares insights on love revitalization and conscious living. She believes purposeful actions can transform relationships into happier, healthier ones.

Bride walking with father in church

In This Article

Every parent looks forward to their child’s wedding. It is the start of a new experience for their child as they embark on a new journey with their spouse.

It is natural for a parent to be emotional and proud of their child as they venture into this new chapter in their lives. Sending genuine wedding wishes is one of the greatest ways to demonstrate your love and support for your daughter and son-in-law.

That’s why we are here with a list of emotional and heartfelt wedding wishes for your daughter. You can use these wishes to wish your daughter good luck for her new journey and tell her you love her.

So, if you want to learn “How to convey special words to my daughter on her wedding day?” this post is for you! They also remind her that your love is unwavering.

What are heartfelt wedding wishes for a daughter?

Heartfelt wedding wishes for your daughter are genuine expressions of love and joy as she embarks on this new journey. They convey happiness, pride, and hope for a beautiful marriage. These messages offer support, blessings, and guidance, underscoring the enduring bond between parents and their children.

These heartfelt wedding wishes for your daughter remind her that they’re always there, cheering her on as she enters this new phase, and their love remains unwavering.

These wishes serve as a touching reminder that her parents are by her side, celebrating her choice and the enduring commitment she’s making, ensuring she knows their hearts are with her on this special day.

Why are heartfelt wedding wishes important?

Heartfelt wedding wishes for your daughter hold significance as they convey genuine emotions, support, and well-wishes to the newlyweds. They are vital because they not only celebrate the couple’s union but also reaffirm the connections between family and friends.

The heartfelt message to your daughter on her wedding day offers encouragement and love, providing a strong foundation for the couple’s journey . They create an atmosphere of positivity and optimism, helping the couple start their married life with the blessings and good intentions of those who care about them.

Heartfelt wedding wishes for your daughter can promote a sense of community and warmth, reinforcing the importance of love, unity, and the shared joy that weddings bring all those involved.

As Dr. Jennifer Jacobsen , PhD in psychology explains,

It’s common for children to want their parents to approve of their marriage, and wedding wishes can be a way to communicate your approval.

How to write heartfelt wedding wishes for your daughter

Writing heartfelt wedding wishes for your daughter involves expressing your love and support while offering sincere blessings. But what to write on the wedding card for your daughter? Here’s a guide to help you craft a meaningful message and say congratulations on the wedding of your daughter:

  • Begin with a warm and personal salutation. Address your daughter by name to make it more intimate.
  • Express your love and emotions. Start by telling her how much she means to you and how proud you are of the person she has become.
  • Acknowledge the significance of the day. Mention that her wedding is a special moment and a new beginning in her life.
  • Offer your blessings. Wish her a lifetime filled with love, happiness, and a strong, enduring marriage.
  • Share a personal memory or impart advice. You can recall a special moment or offer words of wisdom based on your own experience.
  • Mention her partner. Express your excitement about their union and your confidence in their love.
  • Conclude with more love and well wishes. Let her know you are always there for her and your heart is with her on this important day.
  • Sign off with a warm closing, like “With all our love,” followed by your name or a nickname she calls you.

20 traditional wedding wishes for your daughter

As your daughter embarks on this beautiful journey of matrimony, it is a time for cherished moments, heartfelt emotions , and sincere blessings. Here are some traditional heartfelt wedding wishes for your daughter to express your love and support as she begins this new chapter in her life.

  • On your wedding day, my dearest daughter, I wish you love that lasts forever after.
  • Congratulations to my darling daughter and her wonderful husband on this wonderful day. Love, laughter, and joy in your life together.
  • Your vows now make me proud and happy. I congratulate my beautiful daughter and her lovely boyfriend today.
  • I wish my sweet daughter and her husband a lifetime of love and happiness. Happy marriage!
  • As you begin this new chapter in your life, I offer you my daughter, blessing, and wedding wishes. I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness together, and may your marriage be blessed with all of life’s goodness.
  • I wish you a marriage filled with love, trust, and happiness as you take this next step in your lives together. My beloved daughter, congratulations on your wedding day.
  • Please accept my best wishes for love, trust, and happiness as you begin your married life together. Congrats, honey.
  • My love and support will always be with you. May your marriage bring strength, comfort, and pleasure.
  • Sending love and support to my daughter and her spouse. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness.
  • Congratulations on your wedding day, my beloved daughter. You will always have my love and support.
  • Congratulations on your marriage. May it be filled with love and support from family and friends.
  • Honored to be a part of your day. May your marriage symbolize the strength of love, trust, togetherness, and good health . My best wedding wishes to my daughter.
  • Thanks for the love and joy you bring into my life. Congratulations on your wedding day.
  • Proud of the lady you’ve become. Congratulations on marrying the love of your life .
  • Thank you for bringing love and pleasure into our household. Congrats on your wedding day.
  • Proud of the woman you are today. Congratulations on your wedding day with your spouse.
  • Congratulations on finding genuine love and happiness. Appreciate the joy you bring to our lives.
  • I want to share some heartfelt words with my daughter on her wedding day. Your marriage should be characterized by love, respect, and understanding.
  • I hope that your marriage is filled with happiness and love. Well done, young lady.
  • I pray that your marriage is blessed and successful. Sending warm wishes to the happy couple !

20 funny wedding wishes for your daughter

As your daughter takes the plunge into matrimony, it’s not just about solemnity and tradition. This is a time for joy, laughter, and a bit of good-natured humor. 

In that spirit, here are some funny wedding wishes to sprinkle joy and playfulness into your daughter’s special day. Say your daughter’s wedding congratulations in a funny and heartfelt way.

  • May your marriage be as lovely as your love and filled with pleasure, laughter, and joy.
  • Happy wedding day, daughter. My daughter and her wonderful partner should always communicate frankly, forgive freely, and never stop saying, “I love you.” Congratulations on your wedding! May your love inspire others.
  • May your marriage be full of adventure, travel, and all that makes life wonderful. Dear daughter and son-in-law, congratulations on your wedding.
  • Rely on each other as you start your new path. Congratulations, sweetheart. Lifelong love and happiness to you.
  • May your marriage provide you with years of strength, comfort, and joy. Dear daughter and son-in-law, congratulations on your wedding. I’m excited for you two’s future.
  • Happy wedding day to my sweet daughter and her wonderful boyfriend. Have a wonderful future.
  • May your life together be full of wonderful memories, amazing adventures, and unending love. Congratulations, sweetheart.
  • I wish you happiness, joy, and endless love as you start your new adventure together. Daughter, congrats.
  • May you share beautiful memories and eternal love. Congratulations, sweet daughter and son-in-law.
  • I’m excited for you two’s future. Wishing you love, happiness, and endless possibilities in your marriage. Dear daughter and son-in-law, congratulations on your wedding.
  • Your loved ones will always be there to cheer you on throughout your married life. Congrats, honey. Infinitely cherished and encouraged and my fond wedding wishes for my daughter.
  • You have each other no matter what; I want to tell my precious daughter and her sweet partner congratulations!
  • Best wishes for a marriage filled with love, joy, and unwavering support. Congratulations on your wedding, daughter, and son-in-law!
  • The people closest to you will always have your back as you embark on a new adventure. Congrats, my girl! Your marriage has brought us much joy.
  • Watching my daughter marry her soulmate fills me with joy. Dearest, congrats. Enjoy your love tale.
  • I adore and thank my daughter and her wonderful husband. Happy wedding day, and may your love last forever.
  • Watching you marry your soulmate was one of my greatest joys. Congratulations, sweetheart. I love you inexplicably.
  • Thank you to my darling daughter and her amazing partner for bringing me joy and love. Congratulations on your wedding, and may love and blessings fill your marriage.
  • May your marriage symbolize love and devotion. Dear daughter and son-in-law, congratulations on your wedding. I appreciate you both.
  • May the events of your love tale be full of excitement, passion, and unending delight. Regards and congrats on your marriage, dear daughter and son-in-law.

10+ short wedding wishes for your daughter

As your daughter takes this significant step into the world of marriage, it’s an ideal moment to share your love and best wishes. 

These short and sweet wedding wishes serve as a heartfelt way to let your daughter know how much you care as she begins this beautiful journey into wedded bliss. So try using these daughter’s wedding day wishes to make the moment memorable.

  • As you embark on this beautiful journey together, may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Congratulations, my dear daughter!
  • Wishing you a lifetime filled with love, laughter, and endless joy. Your love story is a beautiful one, and I couldn’t be happier for you both.
  • May your marriage be a reflection of the love and happiness you’ve brought into our lives. Here’s to a lifetime of cherished moments and unending love. Congratulations!
  • To my wonderful daughter and her beloved partner, may your wedding day be the start of a magical adventure that leads to a lifetime of happiness. Cheers to your love!
  • Today, you start a new chapter in your life, and I have no doubt it will be as amazing as the one you’ve already written. Congratulations on finding your soulmate!
  • May your marriage be a source of strength and a beacon of hope in all your days. Congratulations on this beautiful journey, my dear daughter!
  • To the beautiful bride and her groom, may your love story be as timeless and cherished as your wedding day. Wishing you all the happiness in the world.
  • As you step into this new phase of life, may the love you share continue to blossom and fill your days with joy. Congratulations on your wedding, dear daughter.
  • Today, you become partners for life, and I couldn’t be happier for both of you. May your days be filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures.
  • Wishing you a lifetime of happiness, where love and understanding are your constant companions. Congratulations on your special day, my precious daughter.
  • May your marriage be a source of inspiration to us all, reminding us of the power of love and commitment. Congratulations on your beautiful wedding, dear daughter.
  • Here’s to a future filled with shared dreams, laughter, and endless love. May your marriage be a wonderful journey together. Congratulations!
  • As you start this new chapter as a married couple, remember that love is the foundation of a strong marriage. Wishing you both a lifetime of love and happiness. Congratulations, dear daughter!

5 religious wedding wishes for daughter

On this profoundly sacred occasion, as your daughter begins her divine journey of marriage, it is a time to invoke blessings and offer prayers. These religious wedding wishes are a heartfelt way to express your faith and trust in God’s guidance as your beloved daughter enters this holy union.

  • May God’s blessings be upon you as you embark on this sacred journey of marriage. May your union be filled with His grace, love, and divine guidance. Congratulations, my beloved daughter.
  • As you unite in holy matrimony, may your love be a reflection of God’s love for His children. May your marriage be a testimony to his faithfulness and a source of inspiration to all. God bless you both on this special day.
  • On this sacred occasion, may the Lord’s light shine upon your marriage, illuminating your path with love, joy, and spiritual harmony. May your commitment to each other be a testament to your faith. Congratulations, dear daughter.
  • As you enter into this covenant of love, may God’s presence be with you every step of the way. May your marriage be a haven of peace, a sanctuary of love, and a testimony to His unwavering grace. Wishing you a blessed and joyous wedding day, my daughter.
  • In the eyes of God, you are now one, and His blessings are upon your union. May your love be a source of strength and inspiration rooted in faith and devotion. Congratulations on your marriage, and may God’s love guide you throughout your journey together.

Commonly asked questions

As parents, expressing our love as wedding wishes for our daughters is essential to building a strong bond.

However, finding the right words can be challenging, especially when it comes to crafting a message for your daughter on her wedding day. Below are answers to some commonly asked questions to guide you.

What are some wedding wishes for my daughter and her new husband?

Not sure what to write on your daughter’s wedding card? Wedding wishes for your daughter and her new husband could be: “May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. 

“Wishing you a lifetime filled with happiness, love, and beautiful memories as you venture on this new journey together.”

What are some wedding wishes for my daughter’s new family?

Wedding wishes for your daughter’s new family: “Congratulations on gaining a wonderful new family member. May your bonds grow stronger, and may love and laughter fill your home.”

How do I deliver my wedding wishes to my daughter?

To deliver your wedding wishes to your daughter, consider sharing them in a heartfelt letter, during a speech, or with a personalized card. You could also express them in a one-on-one conversation for a more intimate connection.

As Dr. Jacobsen states,

What is most important is that you share genuine well wishes with your daughter.

How can I personalize my wedding wishes for my daughter?

Personalize your wedding wishes by recalling special memories or inside jokes you share with your daughter. Mention her and her spouse’s unique qualities and aspirations. Adding a personal touch will make your wishes even more meaningful and memorable.

Helping her build a new life for herself

So, these were some popular wedding wishes for your daughter and son-in-law from mother and father. As parents, we want to express our love and support for our daughter on her wedding day. 

One way to do this is by sharing heartfelt wishes for the newlyweds. If you struggle to find the right words, consider seeking guidance through premarital counseling .

It can help you and your daughter build a stronger bond and prepare for the journey. By showing your love and support in this way, you can make her special day even more meaningful and unforgettable.

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वेडिंग स्पीच से कैसे बनाएं शादी को यादगार: Wedding Speech

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Wedding Speech: शादियों को यादगार बनाने के लिए अब वेडिंग स्पीच या फिर इंगेजमेंट स्पीच लोगों की पसंद बन चुकी है। हर कोई चाहता है कि एक अच्छी वेडिंग या इंगेजमेंट स्पीच तैयार कर प्रस्तुत की जाए जो कि दुल्हा या दुलहन को बहुत पसंद आए।

शादी किसी भी व्यक्ति के जीवन का सबसे अनमोल दिन होता है। शादी के बाद जीवन पूरी तरह बदल जाता है। आपकी कुछ छोटी-छोटी कोशिशें आपकी शादी को यादगार बना सकती हैं। जैसे आप अपने हल्दी फंक्शन को खास बनाते हैं, वैसे ही आप वेडिंग स्पीच जैसा भी कुछ अलग कर सकते हैं। वेडिंग स्पीच यानी शादी के मौके पर कही जाने वाली कुछ भावुक बातें जो आपकी शादी को बहुत यादगार बना देती हैं।हर किसी की ख्वाहिश होती है कि अपनों की शादी को यादगार बना सकें, ऐसे में वेडिंग स्पीच जैसी कुछ चीजें आपके अपनों की शादी को रोमांचक बना सकती हैं। आपके मन में वेडिंग स्पीच को लेकर सवाल होंगे कि आखिर कैसे एक अच्छी वेडिंग स्पीच तैयार की जाए जो सभी का मन मोह ले। आइए जानते हैं कुछ बातें जो आपकी वेडिंग स्पीच को बेहद अच्छा बना सकती हैं। जहां कई लोग इंगेजमेंट स्पीच देना पसंद करते हैं तो वहीं वेडिंग स्पीच को भी बहुत पसंद किया जाता है। आइये जानते हैं कि कैसे माता-पिता अपनी बेटी की शादी में एक अच्छी वेडिंग स्पीच दे सकते हैं।

परिचय से करें शुरुआत

वैसे तो माता-पिता को किसी परिचय की जरूरत नहीं लेकिन सभा को संबोधित करते हुए ये सही होगा कि आप अपना परिचय दें। परिचय देते हुए आप हाथ में एक मॉम और डैड वाला प्लेकार्ड भी ले सकते हैं। ये काफी रोचक लगेगा। आपकी बेटी के पैदा होने के बाद के बदलावों को साझा करते हुए आप एक अच्छा परिचय दे सकते हैं।

प्यारी यादों को साझा करें

अपना परिचय देने के बाद आप अपनी बेटी के साथ बिताए खूबसूरत पलों का जिक्र कर सकते हैं। वो पल जो आपके लिए बहुत खास हो जब आपने अपनी बच्ची में परिपक्वता महसूस की और आप मन ही मन मुस्कुराएं हो कि अब आपकी बच्ची समझदार हो गई है। ऐसी खट्टी-मीठी यादें जो आपकी बिटिया के चेहरे पर मुस्कान ले आये उनका जिक्र जरूर करें।

अपनी बेटी को बताएं कि वो हैं बेस्ट बेटी

यूं तो हर मां-बाप के लिए उनका बच्चा बेस्ट होता है, लेकिन उन्हें जताना बहुत जरूरी है कि वो कितने खास हैं और हमेशा रहेंगे। वैसे भी बेटियां तो होती ही प्यारी हैं अपने पिता कि लाडली। तो क्यों न स्पीच में अपनी बेटी को ये बताया जाए कि वो आपके लिए कितनी अजीज हैं। जीवन में चाहे कुछ भी हो जाए आपकी बाहें अपनी लाडली के लिए हमेशा खुली हैं। इससे उन्हें आगे के जीवन में काफी हिम्मत मिलेगी।

आशीर्वाद और सीख

शादी में आशीर्वाद का बहुत महत्व है। बगैर आशीर्वाद के आप किसी भी शुभ कार्यक्रम की कल्पना नहीं कर सकते हैं। वेडिंग स्पीच में आप अपनी बेटी के आगामी जीवन के लिए उसे आशीर्वाद देते हुए उसे जीवन की परिस्थितियों से निपटने के लिए भी सीख दे सकते हैं। उन दिनों की प्रशंसा करें जब आपकी बेटी ने विपरीत परिस्थितियों में अपने जीवन में कुछ हासिल किया हो, इससे उनका हौसला बढ़ेगा। अपनी बेटी को जीवन में सही निर्णय लेने की सीख दें ताकि आपकी बिटिया जीवन में हर परिस्थिति में अडिग रहे।

इस तरह वेडिंग स्पीच को करें समाप्त

वेडिंग स्पीच का समापन भी खास होना ही चाहिए जो कि यादगार बन जाए। आप अपनी वेडिंग स्पीच को बहुत खूबसूरती से खत्म कर सकते हैं। अपनी प्यारी बेटी के लिए एक प्यारा-सा गाना गाकर आप इस मौके को बहुत खास बना सकते हैं। और जब आप अपनी बेटी के लिए एक प्यारा गाना गाएंगे तो ये आपकी बेटी के लिए सरप्राइज होगा जो कि उन्हें बहुत पसंद आएगा।

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South Asian Father of the Bride Speech

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Home » South Asian Father of the Bride Speech

(*Of course, if you’re looking for more than ‘advice’, check out all the different ways the Speechy team can help you write & deliver a great speech. Or check out our new AI-powered team member, SpeechyAI .)

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The presence of speeches at South Asian Weddings is a trend that’s been growing exponentially over the last few decades. What began solely as a roll call of thank yous and gift-givings has evolved into an opportunity for the couple and their loved ones to provide an insight into the lives of the newlyweds and what truly makes them perfect for each other.

But there’s something you can bring to the table that nobody else can. You’ve known your children the whole of their lives. Who has a deeper insight than that?

Speech Etiquette & Length

As the bastion of wisdom (or, at least part of the older generation!) you will usually be first on the speech lineup. This has its pros and cons.

Firstly, you have to grab the audience’s attention, which isn’t always easy in a room of 800 people!

Yes, it’s difficult to hush people at South Asian weddings but it’s ingrained in our culture to be respectful, so hypothetically your guests should go quiet as soon as you take the microphone. If not, stand silently with your head bowed until the inevitable shhhhs echo their way around the hall. Only start once there is complete silence.

As the first one up, you’re essentially the warm-up act – so welcome all the guests and thank them for attending the wedding, however, don’t feel you need to namecheck half the guestlist. Thanking everyone who helped prepare for the wedding or members of the family who have flown over from Jallander is actually the newlywed’s job.

Of course, do acknowledge how pleased you are to welcome your daughter’s partner to your family and extend that welcome to their parents too.

Your main job is simply to show how much your daughter is loved and wish the couple well in their new marriage. And, here’s the tricky bit, try to do that in less than 1,300 words. Yes, you’ve got to sum up a lifetime of love in less than ten minutes. MAXIMUM.

Despite your wallet maybe suggesting you’re the star of the show, remember this wedding is all about the couple themselves, so no hogging the mic.

south asian wedding speech

Gather the Evidence

Start developing your speech at least a couple of months in advance, adding new material as and when it comes to you.

If your other half isn’t doing a speech, pick their brain for material about your child’s life that you may have forgotten about. Scour your photo albums and family videos to fire up your speech with things to talk about. Get your daughter’s siblings involved (and prepare for some family revelations!).

Try to find the stories and anecdotes that prove your daughter’s qualities and personality in action – the good, the bad, and the weird habits too! This is not an opportunity to list your daughter’s academic and career achievements, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime to cherish the individual she is.

Make sure you don’t simply resort to bridal cliches (beautiful, caring, thoughtful etc). While they’re important to add, it’s crucial that you give a true flavour of the unique character she is too.

Is she a gym-addict, a library-nerd, overly competitive? Describe the woman her friends and family will recognise as truly ‘her’.

And, don’t just rely on adjectives. Remember the adage ‘prove, don’t tell’. Tell the stories that show how wonderful your daughter is without you even having to say!

father of the bride Indian


Make sure you’ve introduced yourself (or someone else has welcomed you to the stage), then think of a witty or humorous way to welcome all the guests to the wedding. As soon as you’ve got your first laugh, you and everyone else there will immediately relax – so get it in early!


Next, start telling your favourite stories. Well, the ones that relate to your daughter at least.

Your speech is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dwell on the relationship you have with your daughter and how it’s evolved over the years. Your fondest memories, and your proudest moments.

Don’t do what a lot of Asian fathers do and just list your daughter’s academic accomplishments and extra circular achievements. This speech isn’t about showing off – it’s about showing your love and paying tribute to your daughter’s character.

It’s also the time to make people laugh. Humour really is a great bonding juice and your speech is a chance to really kick-start the party as well as pay tribute to your daughter. She will be just as proud of you if you make her groom laugh, as she will if you bring a tear to her eye.

Of course, the trick to putting your speech into the premier league is to think of a theme that links all your random anecdotes and insights into one overall narrative. Is there anything that bridges the stories, any recognisable traits in your daughter, or common thread running through them? A good speech is like good story-telling; you need a beginning, a middle and an end; a clear flow.


As well as paying tribute to your daughter (both as a child and the woman she is today) you also need to talk about your child’s choice of spouse.

So, what were your first impressions? At what point did you decide that they’re perfect for your child? What weird things did they do that caused you concern? What are some of your daughter’s characteristics her groom should be wary of?!


Obviously, you can add more levels of teasing if you can genuinely deliver it with true affection. If you have any remaining reservations, certainly do NOT even allude to them.

Conclude your speech by offering some wise, and also humorous words of wisdom regarding a happy marriage. Wish the happy couple all the best in their life together and ask the guests to join you in a toast to their health and happiness.

south asian wedding speech

Adding The Wow Factor

As you were gathering your speech content you may have come across some great visual evidence of your daughter in action.

Seeing old pictures of your child, or videos of them dancing to My Name is Lakhan at the age of 5 (or even 25!) will always invoke a good reaction from the audience.

But whilst audiovisual throwbacks definitely add to the magic, be aware that the more technology you get involved, the more likely things can go horribly wrong! You also have to be clever in how you incorporate them into your speech.

You don’t want to keep stopping and starting as you play video footage – but if you use the video as a visual backdrop as you deliver your speech (talking about how shy and retiring your daughter is as the video clearly proves otherwise!) could prove fun.

south asian wedding speech

Deliver Like A Pro

Shai and the Speechy team have directed and worked with some of the biggest names in the UK television industry – from Top Gear presenters like Richard Hammond to X-Factors Sharon Osbourne and comedians like David Mitchell and the Have I Got News For You team.

We know a relaxed presentation style is simply down to confidence and rehearsal.

Here are some presentation tips…

  • HAVE HUMOUR EARLY IN YOUR SPEECH – If you’re not naturally the most out-going of personalities, you’ll become more confident if you deliver some humour early in the speech and you know you’ll get people laughing from the off. In fact, most of our clients end up looking forward to getting up there and grabbing that mic (even the shy dads!).
  • MEMORISE YOUR SPEECH – Well, kind of. On the day, it’s fine to use notes (even Oscar winners use notes and they’re professional actors) but at least try to memorise it in advance so you’re really familiar with the flow of it. You need to know what to emphasize, where to leave appropriate pauses and when to add a comedic eyebrow raise.
  • HOW TO MEMORISE YOUR SPEECH – It’s all down to good old fashioned repetition basically. Scientists have proven if you write something out with pen (typing doesn’t count) then it’s easier to retain. Also, reading your speech out loud five times in a row. And finally, reciting your speech just before you go to bed helps lodge it in your brain!
  • GET A MIC – If you’re not used to using one, try to practise with a microphone if you can. You want to avoid the amateur ‘pops’ when you hold the mic too close to your mouth. There’s also a sweet spot in terms of where you direct your mic. Have a play before the big day if you can.
  • LEAVE ROOM FOR LAUGHTER – If you expect laughter, leave a pause for it and it will come. Sometimes people just need a second or two to get it. Certainly, DON’T start talking over laughter once you’ve got it! You may feel nervous but just lap up the laughter.
  • EYE EYE – Eye contact is essential. Use your body to its maximum potential – use facial expressions and gestures to add comedy and emphasis where you can.
  • SLOW DOWN – Talk slower than you would naturally. It will immediately make you seem more confident.
  • SMILE – When in doubt, smile. It’s scientifically proven to be infectious, so make sure you maintain a hearty grin throughout your speech.
  • ENJOY IT – Relish this once-in-a-lifetime moment. It’s what memories are made of.

The Speechwriting Experts

The Speechy team  are TV-trained scriptwriters/comedians by trade & we’ve helped 1,000s of speakers around the world deliver their dream speech.

Our advice has been quoted everywhere from  The New York Times  to  Grazia  and from Forbes to The Observer . Our founder has also featured on the  BBC Sounds’ Best Men podcast with Jason Manford and written ‘ The Modern Couple’s Guide to Wedding Speeches’ , published by Little, Brown.

Heidi and the Speechy Team

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Trending: Speeches at Indian Weddings !

BY The WMG Bride | 23 Feb, 2015 | 14563 views | 2 min read

speech on daughter's wedding in hindi

Video by Amour

  •  Typically start by setting some time (around twenty minutes aside) , perhaps before the Sangeet, or on the reception (where there aren't too many rituals planned)
  • Start the speech with an introduction and how you know the bride and groom (Tip: Make it as humorous as possible without ensuring a break-up or a family fight:p)
  • Narrate some anecdote or incident of your time together with the bride/ groom (whoever you know better) which tells the audience more about them as a person
  • Talk about what you observed about both of them and their happiness since meeting each other and what they told you about each other when they met .
  • End with wishing them a lifetime of happiness

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BY The WMG Bride | 23 Feb, 2015

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Father Speech at Daughter's Wedding: 10 Heartfelt Examples 

Father Speech at Daughter’s Wedding: 10 Heartfelt Examples 

The father’s speech at his daughter’s wedding holds significant importance as it marks a pivotal moment in both the father-daughter relationship and the journey of the couple embarking on their married life together. It is a chance for the father to convey his emotions, share cherished memories, and offer guidance and blessings to the newlyweds. 

In the following blog post, we’ll share some sentimental yet lovely examples of a father’s speech for a daughter’s wedding to help you curate one for your daughter.

Let’s begin. 

  • Emotional and Sentimental Speech

Today is a semisweet day for me, my dear daughter. As I stand here, watching you embark on this beautiful journey of love and commitment, my heart swells with pride and a touch of nostalgia. From the day of your birth, you brought immeasurable joy into my life. Seeing you grow into the remarkable woman you are today fills me with awe. As you take your vows, remember that my love for you knows no bounds. May your marriage be filled with endless happiness, and may your love shine brighter with each passing day. I am always thankful for the privilege of being your father.

  • Fatherly Advice Speech

As a dad, it is my duty to offer you both some words of wisdom as you embark on this incredible journey called marriage. First and foremost, communication is key. Always listen with an open heart and speak with kindness and understanding. Remember to celebrate each other’s successes and support one another through the challenges that life may bring. And always remember to prioritize your love and make time for each other. Keep the flame of passion alive, and let it light up your lives. May your wedlock be a shining example of love’s strength and endurance.

  • Grateful and Appreciative Speech

Today, as I stand here, I cannot help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I am happy for the love that has blossomed between my daughter and her partner, grateful for the journey that took us to this moment, and thankful for the love and support of our family and friends. To my daughter, thank you for being the light of my life. To the groom and his family, thank you for embracing my daughter with open arms. May this love-filled day be a reminder of the incredible blessings we have received. Cheers to affection, merriment, and a lifetime of cherished moments.

  • Heartfelt Blessing Speech

As I stand here today, my heart is overflowing with love and blessings for my daughter and her partner. May your love be a sanctuary, offering solace in times of sorrow and doubling the joy in moments of celebration. May your bond be unbreakable, anchored by trust and respect. And may your house be filled with laughter, understanding, and a never-ending well of love. May your days be intertwined like a beautiful tapestry, creating a life together that is woven with compassion and shared dreams. With all my heart, I bless you both and wish you lifelong love and happiness.

  • Hopeful and Future-oriented Speech

To my daughter and her beloved partner, as you stand here today, you are filled with dreams and hopes for the future. I want you to hold onto those dreams tightly and let them guide you on this beautiful journey together. May your love be a source of strength and inspiration as you face life’s adventures hand in hand. I have no uncertainty that you will build a life filled with love, laughter, and beautiful memories. Embrace the unknown with courage, for it is in the unknown that life’s most precious treasures await. May your future be filled with endless possibilities. Congratulations!

  • Humorous and Light-hearted Speech

Dear beloved all, today is a day of celebration but also a day for me to embarrass my daughter a little. You see, I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing my daughter’s journey from pigtails to bridal veils. I still remember the time when she used to come to me for advice on boys, and now she’s found the perfect man to annoy for the rest of her life. But on a serious note, seeing the love between you two is heartwarming. May your days be filled with laughter, silly inside jokes, and a lifetime of happiness. Cheers to the newlyweds!

  • Inspirational and Motivational Speech

To my beloved daughter and her amazing partner, today marks the beginning of a grand adventure. As you board on this journey, remember that marriage is not just about sharing a home but about building a strong foundation of love and respect. Cherish each other’s dreams, lift each other up in times of need, and never lose sight of the incredible power of teamwork. Together, you can conquer any challenge and achieve greatness. May your love be a source of inspiration not only to yourselves but to all who have the pleasure of knowing you. Congratulations!

  • Nostalgic and Reflective Speech

It feels like just yesterday when my little girl held my hand and took her first steps. Now, I’m standing here, awestruck by the confident woman before me, ready to start a new chapter of her life. The memories we’ve shared are priceless treasures that I hold close to my heart. From bedtime stories to late-night heart-to-heart talks, each moment has shaped the bond we share. As you embark on this beautiful journey, take with you the love, guidance, and unwavering support that have been the foundation of our relationship. I am proud of you, my girl, and I am excited to witness the extraordinary journey that awaits you.

  • Poetic and Romantic Speech

Like a delicate flower, my daughter has blossomed into a stunning bride. Today, we witness the merging of two souls, entwined in a love so pure and true. As a father, my heart swells with joy and gratitude. May your love be a symphony, playing the sweetest melodies that will resonate through the years. May your souls dance together, forever intertwined in a graceful waltz. And just as the sun sets and rises, may your love shine brightly, lighting your path with warmth and tenderness. My darling daughter, I am honored to witness the beginning of your happily ever after.

  • Traditional and Cultural Speech

In our culture, a father’s role extends beyond just providing guidance; it is a sacred duty. Today, I stand here as a proud father, witnessing the union of two families. As we join hands, let us honor the traditions and customs that have shaped us. May your marriage be a harmonious blend of our heritage and the beautiful journey you both are about to embark on. Let love and respect be the pillars that uphold your union, and may the blessings of our ancestors guide you in all your endeavors. Congratulations, my beloved daughter, and welcome to our family, dear son-in-law.

Celebrate Love and Cherished Memories with Wedding Gifts

Here we introduce two exquisite pieces of personalized jewelry that are sure to touch the hearts of both the bridegroom and the bride on this momentous occasion.

  • Eternal Love Necklace for Couples 

Let your daughter celebrate everlasting love with our Personalized Breakable Heart Name Necklace for Couples Silver—the perfect symbol of your bond.

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  • Capturing Precious Memories

Capture cherished memories with our Personalized Heart Photo Infinity Bracelet in Gold —a timeless keepsake for your daughter’s wedding.

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A father’s speech at his daughter’s wedding is an opportunity to create a beautiful and memorable moment. By expressing love, sharing wisdom, and incorporating personal anecdotes, the father can touch the hearts of the newlyweds and everyone present. It is a chance to celebrate the union of two souls and set the stage for a lifetime of happiness and love. We hope these examples help you curate a speech that your daughter will cherish for years to come. Nonetheless, if you are looking for wedding gift options, think about no one but GetNameNecklace. This store has an amazing collection of wedding gift items, making it the right place to shop. 

Good luck. 

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Vincent Otieno

Vincent Otieno is a passionate jewelry enthusiast and writer at Getnamenecklace, an e-commerce store dedicated to offering exquisite jewelry and thoughtful gifts for your loved ones. With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of gift-giving, Vincent curates a collection that celebrates the beauty of craftsmanship and the joy of making family moments unforgettable.

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Dj Ritz Entertainment

Indian Wedding Speech Guide

Here is a guide that will help couples plan the speeches out in their reception program. 

The main purpose for sharing this blog with you is so your wedding program runs smoothly with no hiccups. If you want new music lists on Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube or want some Non-Stop Mixes, fill out the form on this page. 

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  • Bride & Groom (even if its short, do this for pictures, videos and to say thank you)
  • Parents (only if they are comfortable on the microphone and want to speak)
  • Siblings (should speak together) 
  • Best man or a groomsmen (have one person represent this group)
  • Maid of Honor or a bridesmaid (have one person represent this group)
  • Your third uncle from your dad's second cousin doesn't need to give a speech (please no neighbors either) 

2) How many

  • Minimum number of speeches allowed should be 3. You need to hear from the couple and one person representing each side of the couple. This can be family or a member of the bridal party. 
  • Maximum number of speeches allowed should be 7. This is only if you want everyone to speak, they want to speak, and they are good on the microphone. This includes the couple, each set of parents, siblings on both sides and a representative from each side of the bridal party. 

3) H ow long

  • Keep speeches short and sweet
  • You don't need to tell every story about the bride and groom, tell your best one, give words of advice, and wish the happy couple
  • 2-3 minutes max is a good rule of thumb to tell the people that are speaking
  • You also need to work in time for them to be called up to speak and walk off the stage/dance floor. 

4) W riting the speech

  • Write it weeks/months in advance
  • Don't google jokes, they usually do poorly at weddings. You are not a comedian and this isn't open mic night.
  • Talk about the couple, this is  not about you
  • Keep it clean (kids and grandparents there)
  • Don't mention ex's
  • Make fun of the couple but don't humiliate them in front of their loved ones. 
  • Tell a funny story if you can keep it short and the audience will find it funny
  • Be emotional/sentimental but don't cry throughout the speech
  • Avoid using props and screens because people won't pay attention to what you are saying
  • End on a positive note. 

5) Holding the mic

  • You're not a rapper so please don't hold it above your head facing down towards your mouth
  • Also don't hold it too low to where the mic can't pick up your voice (bride below is holding the mic in the correct place)
  • The ideal place to hold it is to imagine an ice cream cone before it touches your lips. (2-4 inches away depending on how loud or soft you project your voice)
  • If you are moving your head while giving the speech make sure to keep the mic parallel to your mouth

6) B ack to back speeches

  • Definitely No! People will lose attention if they hear all the speeches in a row.
  • Spread out the speeches between your program. (First dance, speech, cake, speech, performance, speech, etc.)
  • When calling the parents, only one side should come up not both. But, both the mother and father should come up even if only one of them is speaking.
  • When calling the siblings, only one side should come up not both. But, all siblings from one side should come up even if only one of them is speaking.
  • Bridal party speeches can be the one person representing your side or all of that side. But both sides should not come up together. 

7) D elivering the speech

  • Memorize your speech weeks before the wedding
  • Practice saying it out loud without your notes/phone. You want it to flow and not sound like you are reading it.
  • Leave your phone and notes on the table
  • Speak slowly
  • Speak clearly
  • Speak loudly
  • Bring energy into your voice
  • Keep your hands free that way you're only holding the mic
  • Make eye contact with the couple and the crowd while delivering your speech 
  • If you forget something, move on, no one will know

8) After the speech

  • Make sure people know you are done with the speech
  • Hand off the mic back to the emcee or DJ
  • Hug the bride and groom
  • Quietly go back to your seat, remember it's still not about you

A wedding is the happiest moment in your life and you should have vendors that you love. Over our 26 years of bringing joy to thousands of couples, the DJ Riz Entertainment team has been a part of thousands of couples dream wedding weekends. Given these points, if you would like to talk about music and lighting for your wedding contact us here . If you want new music lists on Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube or want some Non-Stop Mixes, fill out the form on this page. 

If you liked the Indian Wedding Speech Guide, check out our blogs focused on Tips and  Music . 

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Guerdy Abraira Goes Glam on the Cover of The Knot to Talk Weddings, Career, & What's Next

Plus,  The Real Housewives of Miami  cast member reflects on her relationship with Russell Abraira and reveals her next career move. 

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When  The Real Housewives of Miami  returned for Season 4 in 2021 after leaving our screens in 2013, we were introduced to new cast member  Guerdy Abraira , aka the  ultimate wedding and event planner . The  Guerdy Design   boss shared the details of her incredible success on the show, revealing how she grew her business and kept it thriving even through a challenging cancer battle.  (Guerdy later announced she was cancer-free at BravoCon in November 2023 . Revisit that moment above). 

How to Watch

Watch The Real Housewives of Miami on  Peacock  and the Bravo App .

More recently, Guerdy accomplished another major milestone: She's on the cover of  The Knot  for the magazine's "celebration issue," and got the star treatment with a full spread in several stunning wedding looks. The cherry on top? Her husband, Russell Abraira , joined her to honor their union. 

"For [ The Knot ] to see me the way I see them was pretty much a win-win opportunity and I think that we definitely made each other shine from this collaboration," the wedding planner shared with  The Daily Dish  of her experience, which proudly declared she "[spoke] into existence." 

Guerdy Abraira posing on the cover of The Knot magazine.

Unsurprisingly, Guerdy's "favorite" part of the photo shoot was to take gorgeous pictures with Russell, to whom she's been married for over 20 years and has dated since they were in high school.

"It was very special because to get him out of his shell takes magic," she shared. "For me, he'll do anything, including this photo shoot celebrating our love." 

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Guerdy Abraira shares details on her marriage proposal from Russell 

Reflecting on their love story, Guerdy told The Daily Dish all about the romantic details that led to their long-lasting marriage. 

"The proposal was the most simple proposal ever and that's the way I like it," she revealed. "As much as I love to plan weddings and so forth I think that when it's about love I want purity, I want honesty, I want organic — and that's all I got from him." 

Who Is Russell Abraira? Meet The 'Husband Who Helped Guerdy Through Breast Cancer

Guerdy explained that while taking a "night stroll" at Bal Harbour Beach, a village in Miami, Russell popped the question. "It was just simple. Simplicity is one of the hardest things to do, and I think that's what Russell and I do well and that's how we're always able to meet each other in the middle to make this love continue." 

Guerdy Abraira and her husband Russell Abraira on a step and repeat at a party together.

Inside Guerdy and Russell Abraira's Wedding Day

As for their big day, it may have been a step up from "simple," but it was nevertheless magical. Guerdy's signature creativity was channeled for a "Guerdified" event that took place on November 16, 2002, at the Ancient Spanish Monastery of St. Bernard de Clairvaux. 

"I was obsessed with the 'Espanola' theme because I had just come back from Spain," the Miami mom, who wore an elegant white gown with custom beaded straps explained. " I was dedicated to wanting to recreate this kind of ancient floral look, so I did [the] flowers for my ceremony [myself]." 

Guerdy Abraira and Russell Abraira posing next to each other in front of a step and repeat.

Though her nuptials were perfect, there was a  tiny  issue Geurdy ran into on her wedding day.  "[The] wedding planner that I hired did not show up. So we had a little bit of a glitch and someone came in her place that knew nothing about the plans," the mom of two shared with us. Luckily, Guerdy's professional training in the wedding space paid off. 

Guerdy Abraira Has Already Made Career History — and She’s Far from Finished

"I decided to look away and just focus on the love in the air and just say, 'You know what? I've planned this to perfection' [...] so I was very confident in my timeline and that's where the professional in me comes in," she laughed. 

Guerdy Abraira opens up about the challenges she has faced in the events industry 

In her interview with The Knot, Guerdy reflected on the initial challenges she faced as a Black woman in the events industry, which, as the magazine explains, "wasn’t exactly known for its diversity" at the time. When she was starting out in the days before social media, she told The Knot  clients would book her "sight unseen" and were "shocked" when meeting her in person for the first time. 

While speaking to The Daily Dish , Guerdy reflected on how that has since changed. 

Guerdy Abraira of the Real Housewives of Miami.

"We live in a world now that is getting better and better and [ The Knot Vendor Marketplace ] gathered the best of the best diverse vendors for us to be able to shine and really cater to any demographic," she said. "The work is there and the trust is there. That's what matters." 

Considering her place in her career, these days, Guerdy puts her focus on choosing "passion project[s]" to plan, looking at those that "elevate" her "aesthetically [and] creatively." 

"I handpick my events and [...] they have to be somewhere that I probably didn't do a wedding yet," she shared. "I've got one that I'm considering in Montenegro. I have another one I'm considering in Minorca — this is what I'm talking about. Those are the Guerdified weddings that will truly be win-win for me and the clients." 

Guerdy Abraira Reveals Her Next Career Venture

In addition to her event-planning business, Guerdy revealed to  The Knot ( a leading all-in-one wedding planning platform and a one-stop shop for all weddings ) that she has another venture on the horizon: an " on-demand glam squad" app called  Ring My Belle that helps connect people to hair, makeup, and other needs in their respective cities. 

" I'm taking that portion of the wedding industry back in my hand because of the fact I couldn't refer glam teams to the wedding guests. It was always just for the bridal party," Guerdy told The Daily Dish.  "But the wedding guests need glam too, so this is an on-demand service where it's direct from a consumer to the service." 

  • Guerdy Abraira

The Real Housewives of Miami

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wedding speeches for mother of the bride

As the mother of the bride, giving a speech at your daughter's wedding is a cherished opportunity to share your love, joy and wisdom on this special day. It's a chance to offer heartfelt congratulations to the newlyweds and to express your own happiness and pride as a mother. Alongside the speech inspiration, we present our stunning collection of mother of the bride dresses that will complement your role and make you shine throughout the celebration.

28 Examples of Wedding Speeches for the Mother of the Bride

To inspire you to create a touching and memorable speech, here are 28 best examples of wedding speech for mother of the bride:

  • "To my dear daughter and her beloved partner, it brings me immense joy to be standing here as your mother, watching you both start a new chapter in your lives. Seeing the love and care you have for one another fills my heart with pride and happiness. I have watched you grow into a strong, independent woman, and I am so happy that you have found someone who complements you so well. [Share a personal anecdote about your daughter or the couple.]
  • "Dear family and friends, I am beyond honored to be standing here today as the mother of the bride. My daughter has always been a shining light in my life, and to see her so happy and in love warms my heart. I have watched her relationship with [partner's name] grow into something truly special, and I am grateful that they have found each other. [Share a memory or story about your daughter and her partner.]
  • "Good evening, everyone. It is a privilege to be here as the mother of the bride on this special day. Seeing my daughter so beautiful and happy fills me with pride and love. She has grown into a kind, thoughtful, and caring woman, and I am confident that she and [partner's name] will have a bright and happy future together. [Share a personal anecdote or memory about your daughter.]
  • "To my lovely daughter and her wonderful partner, it is an honor to be standing here as your mother on this special day. I have watched you both grow into loving, kind-hearted individuals, and I am grateful that you have found each other. I know that your future together will be full of love, joy, and laughter. [Share a heartfelt story or memory about your daughter and her partner.]
  • "Dear family and friends, it is with great joy that I stand here today as the mother of the bride. My daughter has always been an inspiration to me, and to see her so happy and in love brings me immense happiness. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, and express your admiration for the couple.]
  • "To my beautiful daughter and her partner, I am thrilled to be standing here today as your mother, witnessing your love and commitment to each other. I have watched you both grow into strong, independent adults, and I am proud of the people you have become. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, and express your admiration for the couple's love and commitment.]
  • "Good evening, everyone. I am the mother of the bride, and I am so grateful to be here today to witness my daughter and her partner start their lives together. Seeing them so happy and in love fills my heart with joy. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and express your admiration for the couple.]
  • "To my dear daughter and her partner, it is an honor to be standing here as your mother on this special day. I am so proud of the person you have become and the love and care you have for one another. [Share a heartfelt story or memory about your daughter and her partner, and express your admiration for their relationship.]
  • "Dear family and friends, it is a privilege to be standing here as the mother of the bride on this special day. My daughter and [partner's name] have a love that radiates throughout the room, and I am grateful to be a part of their journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, and express your admiration for their love and commitment.]
  • "To my lovely daughter and her partner, I am filled with joy and pride as I stand here today on your wedding day. Seeing you both so happy and in love brings warmth to my heart. [Share a personal anecdote about your daughter or the couple.] From the moment I met [partner's name], I knew that they were the perfect match for my daughter. Together, you two complement each other in a way that is truly beautiful. [Share a memory or story about the couple.] I am grateful that my daughter has found someone who loves and cares for her as much as [partner's name] does, and I know that your future together will be filled with endless love, laughter, and happiness. Congratulations to the happy couple!"
  • "To my darling daughter and her partner, it is an honor to be standing here today as your mother. When I look at you both, I see the perfect embodiment of love and commitment. You both have come so far together, and I am grateful to have witnessed your journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting their love and commitment.]
  • "Dear family and friends, it is a privilege to be standing here today as the mother of the bride. My daughter and her partner have a love that is truly unique and special. [Share a personal story or memory about the couple, highlighting their unique qualities that make their love special.]
  • "To my beautiful daughter and her partner, it brings me immense joy to be standing here as your mother on this special day. Seeing the two of you together reminds me of how important it is to find someone who truly complements you. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the qualities that make them perfect for each other.]
  • "Good evening, everyone. As the mother of the bride, I am proud and overjoyed to be here today witnessing my daughter and her partner start their new life together. I have seen their love grow stronger each day, and it fills me with happiness to know that they have found their soulmate. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their love grow stronger.]
  • "To my dear daughter and her beloved partner, it is an honor to be standing here as your mother on this special day. The love and respect that you have for each other is truly admirable, and I am grateful to have seen your relationship grow into something truly special. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting their mutual love and respect.]
  • "Dear family and friends, I am the mother of the bride, and I am so proud and happy to be here today celebrating my daughter and her partner's love. Watching them grow into the people they are today has been a privilege, and I know that their future together will be full of happiness and love. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw them grow into the people they are today.]
  • "To my lovely daughter and her partner, I am honored to be standing here today as your mother, watching you both start your new life together. Your love is a true inspiration, and I am grateful to have witnessed your journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when their love inspired you.]
  • "Good evening, everyone. As the mother of the bride, I am filled with joy and happiness seeing my daughter and her partner start their new life together. You both are an amazing couple, and I am grateful to have seen your love grow and flourish. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their love grow and flourish.]
  • "To my beautiful daughter and her partner, I am thrilled to be standing here as your mother, watching you both start a new chapter in your lives. Your love is a true inspiration to us all, and I am grateful to have witnessed your journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when their love inspired you.]
  • "Dear family and friends, it is an honor to be standing here today as the mother of the bride, celebrating my daughter and her partner's love. I have watched them grow into the amazing couple they are today, and it fills me with joy to see them starting their new life together. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their love grow and mature.]
  • "To my dear daughter and her beloved partner, I am grateful to be standing here as your mother on this special day. Your love is a true testament to the power of commitment and trust, and I am proud to have witnessed your journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when their commitment and trust inspired you.]
  • "Good evening, everyone. As the mother of the bride, I am honored and overjoyed to be here today witnessing my daughter and her partner's love. They are an amazing couple who complement each other in every way, and I am grateful to have seen their love grow stronger each day. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their love grow stronger.]
  • "To my beautiful daughter and her partner, it is a privilege to be standing here as your mother, celebrating your love and commitment. You both have found something truly special in each other, and I am grateful to have witnessed your journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their love and commitment shine through.]
  • "Dear family and friends, I am the mother of the bride, and I am filled with pride and happiness seeing my daughter and her partner start their new life together. Their love is a true inspiration to us all, and I am grateful to have seen their relationship grow into something truly special. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their love inspire others.]
  • "To my lovely daughter and her partner, I am honored to be standing here today as your mother, watching you both start a new chapter in your lives. Your love is the perfect embodiment of strength and resilience, and I am grateful to have witnessed your journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when their strength and resilience inspired you.]
  • "Good evening, everyone. As the mother of the bride, I am thrilled and overjoyed to be here today celebrating my daughter and her partner's love. Their journey together has been filled with love, laughter, and joy, and I am grateful to have witnessed it all. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their love bring joy and laughter into their lives.]
  • "To my dear daughter and her beloved partner, it is an honor to be standing here today as your mother, watching you both start your new life together. Your love is a true inspiration, and I am grateful to have been a part of your journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you felt privileged to be a part of their journey.]
  • "Dear family and friends, it is a privilege to be standing here today as the mother of the bride, celebrating my daughter and her partner's love. They are an amazing couple who have overcome many challenges together, and I am proud to have witnessed their journey. [Share a personal story or memory about your daughter and her partner, highlighting the moments when you saw their strength and perseverance in the face of challenges.]

In conclusion, a mother-of-the-bride speech is a beautiful and meaningful way to celebrate the love and joy of your daughter's wedding day. With these 28 best examples of wedding speeches for the mother of the bride, you can find inspiration to create a speech that expresses your love, pride, and support for the newlyweds. Whether you choose a heartfelt, lighthearted, or poetic speech, the most important thing is to speak from the heart and share your genuine emotions with those you love. So take inspiration from these examples, and create a speech that will touch the hearts of everyone in attendance and leave a lasting impression on your daughter and her new spouse.

As you prepare for your role as the mother of the bride, we understand that finding the perfect dress is essential. Our collection of elegant mother of the bride dresses at Ever-Pretty is designed to enhance your elegance, confidence, and radiance on your daughter's special day. Each dress is carefully crafted with high-quality fabrics and attention to detail, ensuring both comfort and style throughout the celebration.

Ever-Pretty Mother of the Bride Dresses

Whether you prefer classic and timeless designs, modern and chic styles, or something in between, our collection offers a wide range of options to suit your personal taste and the overall wedding theme. From flattering silhouettes to intricate embellishments, our dresses are created to make you feel beautiful and special on this momentous occasion.

Don't just take our word for it—here are some testimonials from our satisfied customers who found their dream mother of the bride dress:

"I felt like a queen in my mother of the bride dress from Ever-Pretty. The attention to detail and the quality of the fabric were exceptional. I received countless compliments throughout the wedding day. Thank you for making me feel truly special." - Sarah "I was amazed by the wide range of options available in the mother of the bride dress collection at Ever-Pretty. I found a dress that perfectly matched the wedding theme and made me feel elegant and confident. The fit was impeccable, and I couldn't have been happier with my choice." - Emily

Discover the perfect mother of the bride dress to complement your role and make a lasting impression on your daughter's wedding day. Visit our website to explore our stunning collection, read more customer testimonials, and find your dream dress. Make this momentous occasion even more memorable with a dress that reflects your style and personality.

If you're in need of more examples of wedding speeches, the following content may be helpful to you.

  • 10 best examples of wedding speech for brother for inspiration
  • 17 Best Examples of Wedding Speech for Father of the Bride for Inspiration
  • 15 Best Examples of Maid of Honor Speeches for Inspiration
  • Comprehensive Resource List of Wedding Vows 2023 For Him & Her

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Harris’s Indian Heritage Is Deeply Felt if Little Advertised

Many Indian Americans see Kamala Harris as another example of the diaspora’s success and influence.

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Vice President Kamala Harris shaking hands with Prime Minister Narendra Modi as President Biden and others look on.

By Anupreeta Das

Reporting from New Delhi

To most who saw the quotation being circulated this week as a meme , it was just something funny that Kamala Harris said in a speech in 2023: “You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?”

But for many Indians and Indian Americans, the line, which Ms. Harris attributed to her mother, is layered with extra meaning. Tamil Nadu, the South Indian state where her mother’s family is from, is one of India’s largest growers of coconut palms. It’s also the kind of thing an Indian parent might say.

Ms. Harris, the vice president and Democratic candidate for president, neither advertises nor shies away from her Indian heritage. She slips in references to it. She also deploys it strategically.

Last year, Ms. Harris spoke of her deep personal connection to India at a luncheon in Washington for Narendra Modi, the Indian prime minister, whom the United States has been courting. Her introduction to the concepts of equality, freedom and democracy came from her Indian grandfather, Ms. Harris said , with whom she went on long walks during her visits to Chennai.

“It is these lessons I learned at a very young age that first inspired my interest in public service,” she said.

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How To Write My Daughter’S Wedding Speech

Table of Contents:

The general format for your speech is as follows: Introduce Yourself Thank the guests Talk about your daughter Talk about Your New Son or Daughter-in-Law Explain why their marriage makes you happy. Close With a Wish for the CouplePractice Reciting the Speech.

Mothers speech at daughter's wedding

What is the most effective wedding speech introduction?

“Welcome to (NAME) and (NAME)’s most significant day ever. Promises have become binding agreements today, and friends have merged into families. ” Today is a holiday, and (NAME) and (NAME) and I are here to celebrate with them. We appreciate your attendance on this special day.”.

Our wedding speech introduction examples will help you get started if you need help with a speech but don’t know where to start.

To aid you in navigating and enjoying life’s most important moments, we have included products from third parties. We might receive compensation for purchases made after visiting links on this page.

Whether it’s the groom’s speech, the father of the bride’s speech, or the eagerly awaited best man’s speech, it can be quite nerve-wracking to stand up and speak a few words at a wedding. In order for you to get off to a strong start and feel confident, we explain how to start your wedding speech and provide some examples.

What should i say in my daughter's wedding speech

How should I speak during my daughter’s wedding speech?

A mother of the bride speech should: Pay tribute to the bride and share tales and memories of her from childhood and today. Talk about getting to know their new spouse or spouse-to-be, meeting them for the first time, and formally welcoming them into the family. Give the couple witty and wise counsel. Cached.

At their daughters’ weddings, an increasing number of mothers opt to give the mother of the bride speech. It’s a poignant moment in the day that will mean a lot to you and her.

Although a father-of-the bride speech is customary, this does not preclude mothers from speaking as well.

It’s a wonderful opportunity to laugh, honor her, and toast the couple’s future—whether that involves giving marriage advice or disclosing your daughter’s embarrassing first celebrity crush.

What a father ought to say at his daughter’s wedding.

What Should A Father of the Bride Speech Contain? A traditional father of the bride speech includes a few essential components like welcoming the guests, anecdotes and compliments about your daughter, a welcome to your new son-in-law or daughter-in-law, words of advice, and a toast to the newlyweds.

A brainstorm with a few important people can be really beneficial before you even consider writing your first draft.

To reminisce about the bride, invite the bride’s mother, any siblings, or extremely close relatives over. They might recall some absolutely hilarious or significant anecdotes that you have forgotten.

You can consult this family group repeatedly as you write if you need additional information or clarification on certain facts, and doing so will make you feel much less under pressure than if you were writing alone.

30 best mother of the bride speeches

When the father presents the bride for marriage, what does he say?

It would be the man to whom she was “property” in more specific terms. Therefore, the person officiating the wedding would inquire, “Who gives this woman (the bride) to this man (the groom) today?” or words to that effect, when the bride and, let’s say, her father, arrived at the front. Dad would then respond. “I do.”.

We require an arrival strategy, whether it involves giving the bride away or one of the other two possibilities.

If we’re performing a wedding, the bride will probably make her way to the front of the room on the arm of someone who is standing next to her. We require a strategy for what will transpire once she arrives because she has arrived. It can turn awkward if it isn’t well thought out and practiced.

This was obvious back in the day. Almost always, the groom or a male benefactor would go with the bride. Specifically, it would be the man whose “property” she was. So, when the bride and, let’s say, her father, reached the front, the officiant would inquire, “Who gives this woman (the bride) to this man (the groom) today?” or something similar. Dad would respond, “I do.”.

Short mother of the bride speech examples

How should I begin my wedding speech?

Simple and sincere opening lines for wedding speeches “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you (name) for the thoughtful introduction. Good evening to you all, ladies and gentlemen. I’m honored to greet you all here tonight as (name’s friend or relative).

If you’ve read our article on how to write a great wedding speech, you know how crucial it is to start out strong. Today, we’re going to show you how to do just that with a list of the top wedding speech opening lines. The best part of this list is that it can be used by anyone giving a wedding speech, including the bride, groom, best man, bridesmaid, father of the bride, flower girl, or the groom’s grandmother. We’ve made sure to include a variety of options so there’s something to suit every style of speech, whether you want to keep it short and sweet, move the audience to tears, or make them laugh. So let’s get started!

We’ve divided our sample opening lines into three categories: straightforward and sincere opening lines, humorous opening lines, and opening lines that include quotes from well-known figures.

Please take note that “name” can refer to you, the bride or groom, the couple as a whole, or another wedding party member.

Touching mother of the bride speeches

What would be the best introduction for a wedding speech?

Simple and sincere opening lines for wedding speeches “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you (name) for the thoughtful introduction. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Good evening. I’m happy to welcome you all to this gathering this evening as (name’s friend or relative).

We’ve written a feature on how to write a great wedding speech, and if you read it, you’ll know how crucial it is to start strong. Today, we’re going to show you how to do just that with a list of the top wedding speech opening lines. We’ve included a variety of choices so there’s something to suit every style of speech, whether you want to keep it incredibly simple, bring the audience to tears, or wow them with a joke. Some of our wedding speech opening lines can also be customized to help you. So let’s start now!

You, the bride or groom, the couple as a whole, another member of the wedding party, or yourself can all be identified by the name (name).

30 best father of the bride speeches

Does the bride’s mother speak?

The mother of the bride typically makes a speech at the wedding reception following cocktail hour and before dinner is served, according to Katelyn Peterson of Wedding Words, a service that writes wedding vows and speeches.

Enjoy a fantastic mother-of-the bride speech as you congratulate the happy couple.

One of the most memorable occasions you’ll have as a mother is undoubtedly the day of your daughter’s wedding. Furthermore, what better way to formally welcome your daughter’s new spouse into the family than with a moving toast during the wedding?

Funny wedding speeches for daughter of the bride

When giving a speech at my daughter’s wedding, how should I begin?

Accept your guests’ presence. The opening of a great speech should include a few words of appreciation for the audience members who have gathered to share in the celebration with you. dot. Please extend a warm welcome to your new in-laws. Pick enjoyable experiences to share. Specify one or two significant accomplishments. Cached.

Raise your glass in appreciation of the mothers who take the podium at wedding receptions to deliver their own mother of the bride remarks (why should fathers get all the fun?). Even the heroes among us can be shaken by public speaking, especially given the additional flood of conflicting emotions that will be present throughout the day. We all know that moms are essentially superhuman beings with an endless array of skills and abilities, but even they can be shaken by it.

You’ll probably feel a little anxious before giving a speech to a group of relatives and your new in-laws, and we can’t discount the difficulty of finding the words to express your feelings in the first place. Mamas, you can relax knowing that we have a guide to calm your fears and sharpen your mind. Amy Abbott, Paulette Alkire, and Kylie Carlson, CEO of Wedding Academy Global, are three wedding planners who are experts in their field, and they will guide you through the steps of giving a mother-of-the-bride speech at the highest professional level. (We advise you to educate any tongue-tied fathers out there about your new knowledge.)

You can write the ideal toast for your daughter’s special day using the expert advice provided below.

What are the most effective ways to begin a wedding speech? .

What are the most effective ways to begin a wedding speech?

“Welcome to the most significant day of (NAME) and (NAME’s) lives. Promises have become binding agreements today, and friends have merged into families. ” Today is a holiday, and (NAME) and (NAME) and I are here to celebrate. ” We appreciate your presence with us on this special day.”.

Our wedding speech introduction examples will assist you in getting started if you have to give a speech but are unsure of where to start.

To aid you in navigating and enjoying life’s most important moments, we have included products from third parties. We might receive a commission if you buy something after clicking one of our links.

Standing up and speaking at a wedding, whether it’s the groom’s speech, the father of the bride speech, or the eagerly anticipated best man speech, can be quite nerve-wracking. In order to help you get off to a strong start and feel confident, we provide examples of wedding speech introductions along with instructions on how to start your speech.

What should a father-daughter wedding speech include? .

What should a father-daughter wedding speech include?

A concise introduction: Tell the guest about yourself and your family. Father of the Bride Speech Template Greetings to the visitors. Salutations to the wedding party and bridesmaids. Talk about your daughter by telling some tales or anecdotes. Describe your son or daughter-in-law. For a final piece of advice, draw on your personal experience. CachedSimilar.

This comprehensive guide to the ideal speech includes speech examples, advice, and tips on how to write a flawless father of the bride speech for your daughter on her wedding day.

At the wedding reception, the father of the bride usually delivers his speech first, followed by the speeches of the groom and best man. This is the traditional running order for wedding speeches. The father of the bride speech is typically thought of as the warm-up act in this sequence.

The father of the bride typically starts his speech by thanking the wedding attendees and congratulating his daughter’s new in-laws before formally introducing his new son or daughter-in-law to the family.

What ought a mother to do for her daughter on the big day?

What ought a mother to do for her daughter on the big day?

The bride’s mother should be available to assist her daughter with any needs she may have on the wedding day. Playing hostess, assisting with directions for out-of-town visitors, or having a tissue box on hand are a few examples of this. TRAVEL READY. dot. At the ceremony. dot. at the reception.

Now that you’ve experienced the happiness of your daughter getting engaged, it’s time to start getting ready for her special day. This thorough guide to mother-of-the-bride duties and etiquette outlines your key role in the wedding, from how to help your daughter before the wedding to what you should expect on the wedding day.

If you haven’t already, it’s time to get to know your daughter’s partner’s family after they become legally engaged. Nowadays, either parent can arrange a gathering; traditionally, the bride’s parents and the groom’s parents set one up.

Your role in the wedding planning process will depend on a number of factors. The bride’s preferences, your level of involvement, and whether a wedding planner will be present are a few of these. For example, if your daughter lives far from the wedding location, she might appreciate your assistance researching potential venues and vendors, creating a guest list, or keeping track of RSVPs as they come in the mail. Coming up with cultural or family traditions to include in the celebration is another thing she might want assistance with. Whatever duties you decide to assume, your daughter will undoubtedly value your assistance and be relieved to know you are there for her.

Which of the following is a good example of a wedding speech?

Which of the following is a good example of a wedding speech?

Welcome to the most significant day in the lives of (NAME) and (NAME). Promises have become binding agreements today, and acquaintances have merged into families. “(NAME) and I are here to celebrate with (NAME) and (NAME) today. We appreciate your attendance on this special day.”.

Our examples for wedding speech introductions will help you get started if you have to give a speech but are unsure of where to start.

To aid you in navigating and appreciating life’s most important moments, we have included third-party products. We might receive a commission if you buy something after clicking one of the links on this page.

Standing up and speaking at a wedding, whether it be the groom’s speech, the father of the bride speech, or the eagerly anticipated best man speech, can be quite nerve-wracking. We provide examples of wedding speech introductions as well as instructions on how to start your speech so you can feel confident and get off to a strong start.

What is the ideal length for a father-of-the-bride speech? .

What is the ideal length for a father-of-the-bride speech?

The ideal time for the father of the bride speech is between 6 and 8 minutes, but it shouldn’t last longer than 10 minutes. (For the typical speaker, that translates to 900–1,200 words.)

The wedding speakers typically take the following orders:

This order is merely a convention in reality, though. In the modern era, other wedding party members, such as the maid of honor, mother of the bride, father of the groom, etc., may be included on the list of speakers. These more modern roles could either take the place of more conventional roles or be added to the current roster.

In any case, it’s crucial for you to confirm who will be speaking at your daughter’s wedding and how your speech will fit into the overall schedule.

In his speech, the bride's father expresses gratitude to the following people: .

In his speech, the bride’s father expresses gratitude to the following people:

Guests The father of the bride should customarily welcome and thank everyone who attended the wedding, thank anyone who helped pay for it, compliment and praise the bride, and welcome the groom into the family before concluding with a toast to the newlyweds.

How To Write My Daughter'S Wedding Speech

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12 Best Wedding Speeches For Daughter 

Looking for the best wedding speeches for daughter and son-in-law? Then search no further.

There’s nothing as loving as listening to a mother’s speech at a daughter’s wedding, it simply shows how lovely the bride’s family is and a wonderful wedding speech for daughter from a dad can add a lot of colors to the ceremony and make it a memorable one.

While making a speech to your daughter on her special day, you can start with an introduction like; My name is Barnabas, I’m the father or mother of the bride and it is so nice to see y’all here . You can strike a way to say a very big thanks to your guests, especially guests from a long distance. Thank you so much for being here to witness the union between our children. You may also add some funny elements to spice up your speech.

12 Best Speech Wedding Speeches For Daughter

wedding speeches for daughter

1. What should the father of the bride say about his daughter? – free sample

It is my great pleasure to stand before you on this great occasion of my daughter’s wedding.

My Dear Alisa, you’ve been a blessing to me and your mother since you were born. I’ve been looking forward to this day would be an understatement, so now the big day is finally here. I just want to take a moment to savour this experience because chances are I’m never gonna have another opportunity like this again. I’m so lucky and blessed to have you as a daughter.

May God bless your new home my beautiful Alisa.

2. Wedding speech for my daughter who’s getting married today

My beautiful daughter, you’re so confident and smart. I take pride in you and I’m so happy that you’ve found a soulmate & life partner. 

The first time I met my son-in-law here, his words of wisdom and comportment gave him a lot of credit. It shows indeed that you made a good decision, my daughter. I know that you will take good care of my daughter as your lovely wife and you both will grow in everlasting love. I welcome you both to your new home and may this union be fruitful and blessed.

3. Best wedding speech and wishes from the bride’s parents

I want to welcome everybody to this day who came to celebrate the conjugal bliss between Jia and George. We say again thank you and welcome to the wedding ceremony.

My children, marriage is not a bed of roses, it is full of ups and downs. I want you both to be forgiving and live in peace and unity. Never allow third parties into your home. Be each other’s best friend and keeper. Let the love of God continue to dwell in your home. I wish you a happy married Life.

4. Wedding speech prayers for daughter on wedding day

My beloved daughter, you’re my best friend and everything. Today you’re getting married to your handsome and lovely husband.

I know I’ve trained you well to be the best version of yourself and I trust you will make a good wife and mother in your new home. I thank God for this day and I also thank God Almighty for giving me the privilege to witness this great event.

I pray that the Lord will make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you and the Lord will make his light of continents upon you and grant you peace.

5. Sample wedding speeches for daughter with a little story

It is an honor to stand up here today to witness the union between my daughter Michelle and Micheal. I can say to you vividly that it is a perfect match made by heaven. My daughter, you look absolutely beautiful today and with that smile that lights up every moment, no embarrassing story I promise 😁 but there’s one story that stitches in my mind every day. 

When Michelle was little, I fell sick and was admitted to a hospital. She came to visit me and she prayed for me with her words of encouragement. She also promised me that she will make me proud and I will witness her walk down the aisle. Today I’m witnessing this great event as she walks down the aisle. 

Ladies and gentlemen, she fulfilled all her promises to me and she has always made me proud all her life.

I thank God for blessing you with a kind man like Micheal, your new home is blessed, my beautiful daughter.

6. Wedding speeches for my only daughter on her wedding day

Today is a very happy day for me and your father. We’re very proud to welcome Tony to our family. Thanks to many others who helped in making this day a reality, and traveled from far and near to attend this wonderful ceremony. 

If I am allowed to say everything the way they’re in my heart, it would take us the whole day for me to deliver my wedding speeches for my one and only beloved daughter who I am giving out in marriage today.

She’s the only daughter that I have got and we have been so close to each other that in the blink of an eye she already knows what’s wrong with me and how to get around to solving it, what bothers me is a great concern to her and that’s the same way she treats everyone around her with genuine love and care.

May your new home be blessed, I wish you and your husband the best of marriage.

7. Everlasting love and happiness wedding speeches for daughter 

I suppose I’m not like other parents who upon gazing at their child for the first time, start drawing milestones and will look forward to sharing their first smile, the first word, the first step to school, boyfriends, and all that. When underlying all these special moments, the hopes and prayers that they simply grow up healthy and happy.

Many of us await a very special occasion like this which is falling in love with our children and the cycle starts over and over again.

Traditionally, at this point we as parents talk about giving our daughter’s hand in marriage which is a symbolic indication that she’s no longer single. Alisa and John committed to each other and have nourished and treasured those gifts which have been very precious to us to observe.

You both make each other happy and have decided to tie the knot today with unity and love. May God continue to strengthen the two of you with everlasting love and happiness.

8. Father and mother wedding speeches for daughter

The joy of every father and mother is to see their children’s happy moments and celebrate with them. 

My beautiful daughter, this is what I will say to you as the mother of the bride, the way to a happy home is trust, understanding, being fair to each other in good and bad times, sharing each other’s burdens, and loving unconditionally. 

I will surely miss you and your presence around the House. John my son-in-law, our hearts are full of joy. I know that the two of you will make a great life together and we stand by, ready, willing, and able to celebrate your happiness together today and forever.  

9. Touching wedding speeches from dad to daughter on her wedding day

As the father of the bride, here’s my speech to you my lovely daughter but firstly, I would like to say thanks all for joining us in the celebration of our daughter’s wedding. An adage says “it takes a village to raise a child”, here I think it takes a village to put a wedding together although we don’t have the support of all community members, we’ve some extraordinary family members and friends who have helped countless ways to make this special for our children.

I’m so happy I was able to walk my beautiful daughter down the aisle this morning and to know she has chosen well. It is the most important decision you can make that will take you a long way in your life. I wanted to start off by saying Matt, you’re most welcome in our family. 

Loyalty is one of the solid foundations to build a home, be loyal and show respect to each other. May your bond be stronger, and your marriage fruitful.

10. Weddings speeches for daughter straight from the heart

My lovely daughter Juli, I’ve shared so many stories with you while I watch you grow up into a wonderful young woman. So many memories we shared together and most especially dancing in the family garden, it is in the yearbook which you can look up my darling.

Sweet candy those days were wonderful but would not trade this day for any of those I’ve shared. Those stories then were a backdrop in order to tell you this in a short while.

You will now have a partner and I’m going to let you go into marriage joyfully because John is a warm-hearted, considerate and lovely man. I wish you nothing less than endless laughter and a happy home.

11. Wedding speech for my daughter Ann

Ann, my daughter, watching you grow into a full-grown beautiful woman, gives so much joy to my soul. You made the right decision by choosing Augustine as a life partner. I see how devoted he is to his mom and family and I know he will bring that same devotion to you and your children.

Thank you my in-law for training such an amazing son-in-law, kudos to you guys.

To my daughter who is such a kind, compassionate and caring young woman. I know that you will bring those wonderful attributes of yours into your role as a wife and mother-to-be. I want to tell you that I’m so proud of you and the woman you’ve become. Congratulations on your new home my angel. May the peace of Christ continue to dwell in your home.

12. Wedding speech for my daughter and son-in-law

! am sure you will leave a loving gap in my heart for the rest of my days a deep breath. I know I’ve impacted some words of wisdom that will help you be more of yourself even in the most uncomfortable situations and work things out to become favorable to you and your partner, this would give guarantee a happy marriage. Marriage is simple and complicated, but endurance and giving each other a listening ear can go a very long way in building a happy home.

Through it all my lovely daughter, always remembers whether it be Chicago or Rockford, there’s no place like home. 

My children (name of the celebrants), may your marriage journey be a happy one. May your marriage be the defining treasure of your life and may it be blessed with all the joy and happiness that the world has to offer. Have a home filled with sound health and prosperity.

As we all know, love is a beautiful thing and we always wish the best for our beloved ones. I hope our article on the best wedding speeches for daughters will be a good guide anytime you’re short of speeches to make on the special day of your beloved daughter who’s getting married to the love of her life.

I hope you had a happy reading, feel free to share your opinions with us through the comment box below.

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Dear Abby

Dear Abby: I’m insulted that I was invited to a wedding — through watching it on a livestream

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Dear Abby counsels a woman invited to a wedding live stream.

DEAR ABBY: The daughter of a friend is getting married and sent an email announcement with a link to watch a livestream of the ceremony. I have never been invited to NOT attend an event before, and frankly, my feelings are hurt. (My husband was an incredible artist. Should I send a livestream of others enjoying his work in person?) 

Does etiquette require I send a wedding gift? I would’ve understood not being invited if they were keeping it a small affair, but inviting a widow to witness a friend’s emotional, romantic moment in the solitude of her home seems cruel. Am I out of touch with what is socially acceptable? — NOT GOING IN TEXAS

DEAR NOT GOING: If the wedding is being held some distance from where you live, then the invitation to livestream was probably an attempt to be considerate. Today, many meaningful events are livestreamed, including funerals and memorials. If you would find watching the ceremony depressing and prefer not to “tune in,” then don’t do it. And, no, you are not required to send a gift. (A sweet e-card congratulating the couple would be a nice gesture.)

DEAR ABBY: My brother is married to a very nice woman. It’s the second marriage for both, and they both work, although they do not handle money well. They have traveled to family events and ended up running out of money for meals, car rentals, etc.

My sister-in-law heard about a girls trip my daughters-in-law, a few close friends and I will be taking. She has invited herself along, and I don’t know how to politely tell her she can’t come unless she has the money up front to pay her share. It would kill me to hurt her feelings. Please advise. — RESPONSIBLE LADY OUT WEST

DEAR LADY: Who has paid for the food and car rentals that this couple didn’t have the money to cover? Were those relatives ever reimbursed? Unless you want to foot the bill for your SIL on this trip (to which she has invited herself), you’ll have to summon up the courage to tell her you will under no circumstances be doing that. If her feelings are hurt when you state the obvious (that you are not a pushover), so be it. 

DEAR ABBY: I am a 79-year-old woman. I have had a friend since high school who is five months younger than I am. A few weeks, sometimes months, before my birthday rolls around, she’ll come out with comments about her being several months younger. These comments hover between sarcastic and just plain mean. 

I think she thinks she’s being clever, but after many years of this, it is no longer funny. When she makes a comment this year about my BIG birthday, what could my comeback be, in essence, telling her to knock it off? — SAME AGE IN FLORIDA

DEAR SAME AGE: How about this, spoken with a smile of course: “Oh, Honey, age is only a number. My birthday may come before yours, but you are right behind me. I’m trying out the number before you get there. At this point, I consider each day a blessing and so should you.”

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at http://www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Where is Melania Trump? Expected appearance tonight in family box at RNC

MILWAUKEE - The last night of the Republican convention is expected to include a rare sighting: Former first lady Melania Trump .

Melania Trump, who has been mostly absent from the 2024 campaign trail, is scheduled to attend the convention and sit in the family box as the former president delivers his acceptance speech.

Also expected to be in attendance: Daughter Ivanka Trump , who has also stayed away from the campaign, but recently posted a tribute to her father.

"They're coming in," Eric Trump, Ivanka's brother and Melania's step-son, said on CBS on Wednesday. "They're coming in in full force and effect.... There's no family I don't think in political history that's remained closer than our family."

Melania Trump has rarely be seen in public during her husband's 2024 campaign; she did issue a lengthy written statement after Saturday's assassination attempt.

“A monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine attempted to ring out Donald's passion - his laughter, ingenuity, love of music, and inspiration,” she wrote.

Melania Trump has appeared at private events this campaign year, including  closed fundraisers ; the Trumps were also  spotted at a polling place  on the day of Florida primary in March.

"Stay tuned," Melania Trump said when asked about a return to the campaign trail.


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  27. A Guide to Father of the Bride Speeches & Writing the Toast

    Your daughter is getting married. It's a monumental day for not only her, but also for you, her father. She's asked you to present a father of the bride speech (on of the traditional father of the bride duties), and you're probably honored, but also a bit apprehensive.You want this father of the bride toast to floor her, like she's floored you so many times in her life.

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    DEAR ABBY: The daughter of a friend is getting married and sent an email announcement with a link to watch a livestream of the ceremony. I have never been invited to NOT attend an event before ...

  30. Where is Melania? Trump wife expected in family box at RNC

    Melania Trump has rarely be seen in public during her husband's 2024 campaign; she did issue a lengthy written statement after Saturday's assassination attempt. "A monster who recognized my ...