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    University of Southern California
  Aug 19, 2024  
USC Catalogue 2021-2022    
USC Catalogue 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOGUE]


Master of Arts in Mathematics and Master of Arts in Applied Mathematics

The objective of the Master of Arts program is to prepare students for research, teaching and other professional careers in mathematics and applied mathematics, respectively. In addition to the algebra requirement and differential geometry/topology option for the Master of Arts in Mathematics, the two programs differ in emphasis: the Master of Arts in Mathematics emphasizes the core courses in pure mathematics, and the Master of Arts in Applied Mathematics emphasizes courses in mathematics and affiliated fields that are fundamental in applied mathematics.

Relationship to PhD Programs in Mathematics and in Applied Mathematics

The two year MA program is an expansion of the first year of graduate studies in the PhD program in mathematics (respectively, the PhD program in applied mathematics). The program provides a rigorous foundation in mathematics (applied mathematics) while affording students additional time for preparatory training. The comprehensive examinations for the MA program can serve as the preliminary qualifying examination for either PhD program, and the written PhD qualifying examinations serve as comprehensive examinations for the corresponding Master of Arts degree.

Requirements for the Master of Arts in Mathematics

At least 24 units are required, including:

Required Courses

  • MATH 510a Algebra Units: 3
  • MATH 510b Algebra Units: 3
  • MATH 520 Complex Analysis Units: 3
  • MATH 525a Real Analysis Units: 3

And one option from A, B, C or D:

  • MATH 535a Differential Geometry Units: 3
  • MATH 540 Topology Units: 3
  • MATH 555a Partial Differential Equations Units: 3
  • MATH 565a Ordinary Differential Equations Units: 3
  • MATH 507a Theory of Probability Units: 3
  • MATH 541b Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Units: 3
  • MATH 502a Numerical Analysis Units: 3
  • MATH 502b Numerical Analysis Units: 3

Additional Requirements

The degree is completed with either departmental examinations (two written examinations selected from the two required components and the optional component) or a thesis demonstrating research ability in pure mathematics (the thesis option requires four additional thesis units selected from MATH 594a   , MATH 594b   , MATH 594z   ).

Requirements for the Master of Arts in Applied Mathematics

At least 24 units are required, including, and at least three from these courses:.

  • MATH 505a Applied Probability Units: 3 or
  • MATH 505b Applied Probability Units: 3 or
  • MATH 506 Stochastic Processes, or
  • MATH 507b Theory of Probability Units: 3
  • MATH 541a Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Units: 3

Other elective courses, including those from other departments, have to be approved by the program adviser.

The degree is completed with either departmental comprehensive examinations (two examinations, one covering the required component MATH 525a   , and the second covering one of the elective MATH courses) or a thesis demonstrating research ability in applied mathematics (the thesis option requires four additional thesis units selected from MATH 594a   , MATH 594b   , MATH 594z   ).

What are you looking for?

Call for Applications

2025 Beth and Arthur Lev Student Research Fellowship

usc math phd application

Deadline: November 17, 2024 (for Spring 2025 residency) or March 30, 2025 (for Summer or Fall 2025 residency)

The USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research invites research proposals from USC undergraduate students and USC graduate students for the 2025 Beth and Arthur Lev Student Research Fellowship.

The fellowship provides $1,500 support for USC undergraduate students or $3,000 support for USC graduate students doing research focused on the testimonies of the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive and/or other related USC resources and collections. The fellowship is open to USC undergraduate students and graduate students of all disciplines.

The Beth and Arthur Lev Student Research Fellow will be expected to spend a period in residence at the USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research. Students may propose to conduct their research during Spring 2025 (10 hours of research per week for 15 weeks per semester), Summer 2025 (one month), or Fall 2025 (10 hours of research per week for 15 weeks per semester). The Lev Student Research Fellow will be expected to play a role in the activities of the Center and to give a public presentation based on their work and findings during the following academic year (2025-2026).

Award decisions for the fellowship will be based on the originality of the research proposal and the centrality of USC resources to the research project.

The USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive is a collection of over 57,000 audiovisual testimonies of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides, including the Rwandan, Armenian, Guatemalan, Cambodian genocides, the Nanjing Massacre in China, anti-Rohingya mass violence, and war and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The majority of testimonies are life history interviews in which interviewees discuss their lives before, during, and after genocide and mass violence. With interviews conducted in 70 countries and in 37 languages, testimonies capture both the individual experience of mass violence and the social and cultural history of the 20th century on a global scale. Learn more about the Visual History Archive here .

In addition to the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive, other internationally unique and growing research resources at USC include the extensive Holocaust and genocide studies collection at USC Libraries, which contains 30,000 primary and secondary sources including the original transcripts of the Nuremberg trials and the materials of the New York Life Insurance settlement regarding the Armenian genocide. Unique primary sources in the Special Collections at USC include the Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, which also houses the private papers of dozens of emigrants from the Third Reich, as well as private collections from Jewish Holocaust survivors and liberators.

For students who wish to conduct research in Spring 2025, the deadline for applications is November 17, 2024 .

For students who wish to conduct research in Summer or Fall 2025, the deadline for applications is March 30, 2025 .

To submit an application:

Email the materials below to  [email protected] or submit them electronically to the Fellowships page of the Center’s website. (Visit and click Apply.)

  • cover letter (including proposed dates of residency)
  • research proposal (1-3 pages), which should include a project outline and description of methodology
  • recommendation letter from a faculty advisor (Your advisor may also submit the recommendation letter directly to  [email protected] .)

For questions, please contact  [email protected] .

Read about the Center’s past Lev Student Research Fellows here:  2018 ,  2019 ,  2020 ,  2021 ,  2022 , 2023

Read more about their projects here: 2018 , 2019 , 2020 , 2021 , 2022 , 2023 , 2023

For more information about the Center, please visit our website  here .

Download the Call for Applications here.

USC Viterbi School of Engineering Logo – Viterbi School website

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

PhD Applicants: In addition to this FAQ, please visit the PhD FAQ which has answers to questions that pertain only to doctoral programs.

01. Am I eligible to apply for your programs?

MS:  You are welcome to apply to USC. We will evaluate your credentials and admissibility after you have submitted an application. Here at USC, we do a comprehensive review of all applications. We do not use a formula or have minimum test score requirements for admission to USC. In general, successful applicants have demonstrated outstanding quantitative ability and proven success in previous academic endeavors, particularly in prerequisite coursework relevant to their intended major.

PhD:   In addition to the above, applicants must also have demonstrated research experience.

02. I do not have an undergraduate degree in engineering, math or a hard science. Can I be admitted to your program?

03. What impact does work experience have on the application?

MS & PhD:  With the exception of our MS in Systems Architecting & Engineering, work experience is not required for admission and is not an application criterion. Also, work experience cannot substitute for academic coursework. However, work experience information can be included as part of the résumé/CV.

04. I have applied before. In my new application, do I have to re-submit the materials that were part of my previous application?

05. Can I pursue my graduate engineering degree online from outside of the United States?

MS:  Please visit our DEN@Viterbi  International Guidelines  page for information.

PhD:   All doctoral programs are on-campus only.

06. Is conditional admission offered? (INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS ONLY)

MS:  Conditional admission for international students is possible through the  Pre-Master’s Program  offered through USC’s International Academy.

PhD:   Doctoral programs do not offer conditional admission.

MS: The GRE exam is not required for 2024 Master's applications.

PhD: The GRE requirement varies based on the department.

02. How do I submit transcripts to USC?

MS & PhD:   Submit an electronic copy of official transcripts (.pdf recommended).  It is no longer required to mail hard copy  transcripts  to USC if you are applying for a Viterbi School graduate program (master’s or Ph.D.).  Currently,  Viterbi is the only USC school that does not require mailed  transcripts . Student’s who receive admission will be asked to provide mailed transcripts. 

03. Can I apply to more than one program?

MS/PhD: You may apply for a maximum of three graduate programs across the entire university in a given admission cycle. Only one set of transcripts and test scores need to be submitted regardless of the number of programs selected.

The Viterbi School allows applicants to apply for two graduate engineering programs with a single application fee of $90. We provide this benefit primarily for students who are interested in applying for both a Master’s and a Doctoral Program, but it can be used for applying to any two Viterbi graduate programs.

To apply for an additional program, a unique SECOND PROGRAM APPLICATION FEE WAIVER code must be provided by the USC Graduate Admission office and must be entered into the online application.

PLEASE NOTE: Applications submitted for multiple Viterbi School programs without a valid waiver will be charged for each additional program and no refunds will be given. See   Application Fee Waiver Instructions   for instructions on receiving a waiver to apply for a second Viterbi School program.

04. I have attended multiple institutions during my undergraduate study. Do I need to send transcripts from all institutions?

MS & PhD:  You must submit official transcripts from all colleges, universities, and post-secondary institutions you have previously attended, even if you did not receive a degree.

05. My previous studies were not conducted in English. Do you need academic records in the original language of instruction?

MS & PhD:  Yes. You need to provide both the original-language academic records and a full, word-for-word English-language translation issued by the academic institution you attended or a professional translation service.

06. How should my recommenders submit their letters?

MS & PhD:  Letters of Recommendation should be submitted through the online graduate application.

If your recommenders are having problems with the Letters of Recommendation system, please click on the CONTACT US link in the lower left corner of the application for assistance.

07. Should I wait for all of my recommenders to send their Letters of Recommendation before I submit my application?

08. Is there a length or format requirement for the Personal Statement (Statement of Purpose)?

MS & PhD:  There is no standardized format or length for the Personal Statement (Statement of Purpose), but we can provide some general guidelines. It should describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the proposed program at the Viterbi School of Engineering, your preparation for this field of study, study interests, future career plans, and other aspects of your background and interests which may aid the admissions committee in evaluating your aptitude and motivation for graduate study.

09. What is the format requirement for my résumé/CV?

MS & PhD:  There is no standardized format for the résumé/CV.

10. How can I update my Personal Statement (Statement of Purpose), CV/Résumé or add additional documents after I've submitted my application?

MS & PhD:  To update your Personal Statement or CV/résumé or to add other documents, follow the instructions below:

1) Log back into your application(s)

2) In the Program Materials quadrant, in the Documents tab you can add new/updated materials as an Other document.

3) Choose the file and click the Upload This Document button

Note: Once an application has been submitted, updated transcripts and Personal Statements can only be added as an Other document.


MS & PhD:  International graduate applicants must demonstrate English language proficiency by submitting either TOEFL or IELTS scores. For details on the requirement and for information on waiving the English Language requirement, visit USC Graduate Admission’s  English Proficiency  page.

12. What are the required minimum TOEFL/IELTS scores for graduate programs? (INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS ONLY)

MS & PhD:  Although required for admission, all complete applications receive a full review regardless of the TOEFL/IELTS scores submitted. Visit USC Graduate Admission’s  English Proficiency  page for detailed information about TOEFL/IELTS requirements.

13. How do I submit my TOEFL scores to USC? (INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS ONLY)

MS & PhD:  TOEFL scores must be submitted electronically from the ETS website to “U Southern Cal,” ETS code 4852. You do not need to provide a department code. However, if the ETS system requires one, just select the one that is the best fit. All TOEFL scores are automatically sent to our Graduate and International Admission Office, so it doesn’t matter what department you select.

Valid TOEFL scores must be dated within two years of the start of the intended application semester. The Fall semester starts in August, and the Spring semester starts in January.

MS & PhD:  Valid IELTS scores must be sent electronically to USC. USC does not accept valid IELTS score by postal mail. To submit your IELTS results to USC, please select the “University of Southern California” from the list of available institutions when you register to take the IELTS test. Do not enter the name, contact information or mailing address of the specific USC department to which you are applying on your IELTS registration.

You may also request that your IELTS results be sent to USC after you receive your scores by contacting the test center where you took the test and request that your results be sent to the University of Southern California electronically, not by postal mail. You can search for contact details for all IELTS test centers at .

Valid IELTS scores must be dated within two years of the start of the intended application semester. The Fall semester starts in August, and the Spring semester starts in January.

MS: The application deadline for Fall admission is December 15, and the deadline for Spring admission is September 1. Please see the Application Deadlines page for more details.

*Please note, on-campus prospective students who wish to be considered for scholarships must submit a Graduate Application for Admission and official transcripts by December 15 for the Fall semester and by September 1 for the Spring semester. Scholarships are not offered for the Summer semester.

SpringSeptember 1
FallDecember 15

Ph.D.:   Doctoral programs only have Fall admission with an application deadline of December 15.

MS:  Please refer to  Degree Program  pages for application criteria listed by specific program.

PhD:   Doctoral applicants need to submit  official transcripts, 3 Letters of Recommendation, Personal Statement (Statement of Purpose) and a résumé/CV.

Update: June 30, 2022

Due to challenges that applicants may face in taking the GRE exam, the GRE exam will not be required for all Spring and Fall 2024 applications to Viterbi School of Engineering graduate programs. 

We perform a holistic review of the entire application, including overall academic records and success in courses that emphasize quantitative, scientific, and engineering skills; personal statement; CV or resume; and any supplemental materials you provide in your application. 

03. I am having problems with the online application. Can you help me?

04. What happens if all or part of my graduate application arrives after the application deadline?

MS:  If you decide to submit your application or supplemental materials after the deadline, please note that it will be considered late. The university will do its best to review your application but will not be able to guarantee that your file will be reviewed for the term to which you have applied.

PhD:   If all or part of a doctoral application will be submitted after the deadline, we recommend contacting the appropriate   department PhD advisor   to find out whether the department accepts late applications.

05. How and when should I expect to receive the USC ID Number?

MS & PhD:  After you submit the online Graduate Admission application you will receive a USC ID number via email within 5-7 business days.

If, after 10 business days you have checked your email Junk and Clutter folders and have not received a USC ID, you can request it by contacting us   with your full name, date of birth and the program to which you are applying.

Note: The USC ID is not the CAS ID number.

06. How can I confirm that USC has received my materials?

07. How do I check my application status?

MS:  We are not able to provide students with information on when a specific application will be reviewed. For applications that are submitted by the application deadline, Fall admit decisions are made between January and May, and Spring decisions are made between September and early December.

Please note that the date an application is submitted does not determine the date an admission decision will be issued.

PhD:   Doctoral applicants need to contact the appropriate   department PhD advisor   to check on the status of an application.

08. How can I update my Personal Statement (Statement of Purpose), CV/Résumé, transcript or add additional documents after I've submitted my application?

MS & PhD:  To update your Personal Statement or CV/résumé, transcript or to add other documents, follow the instructions below:

1) Log into your submitted application, go to the Program Materials quadrant and open the Documents tab.

2) Use one of the Other documents slots to add the updated/corrected document.

3) If you have used all of your Other document slots, you will need to send the updated/corrected document as an attachment to   [email protected] . Make sure to include your name and USC ID in the email. (Note: This is the number that was emailed to you after you submitted the application. It is not the CAS ID.)

09. I made a mistake on my application, how can I have it corrected?

MS & PhD:  To correct a mistake in a submitted application, follow the instructions below:

1) Go to the Graduate Admission   Submit a Question   page.

2) Fill in the form. Make sure to include your USC ID number. (Note: This is the number you were emailed after you you submitted the application. It is not the CAS ID.)

3) Under Select an Area, choose Graduate Admission

4) Under Category, choose General Information

5) Use Subject and Question, to tell them what needs to be corrected

5) Click the Submit Your Question button

10. I don’t have TOEFL/IELTS scores yet, how do I fill in that section on the application? (INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS ONLY)

MS & PhD:  The application may be submitted with the TOEFL/IELTS scores section left blank. It is preferable to have the application submitted earlier without the scores rather than later because you waited until your scores were available. Also, this section remains active after the application has been submitted. It is recommended that once you have your TOEFL/IELTS scores that you log back into the application and add the scores.

Please note, if you are an international student your application will not be considered complete until USC has received your official TOEFL/IELTS scores electronically from the testing agency. For additional information on this requirement and the circumstances under which it can be waived, visit USC Graduate Admission’s   English Proficiency   page.

11. My GPA is not on a 4.0 scale, how do I fill in the GPA section on the application? (INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS ONLY)

MS & PhD:  Please use the scale that is used by the issuing university. There is no need to convert the GPA to a 4.0 scale.

12. How and when do I submit the Financial documentation? (INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS ONLY)

MS:  The  financial documentation  can be added in the Documents section of the Supporting Information quadrant of the online application. Additional submission details can be found on USC Graduate Admission’s  Financial Documentation  page.

Note: The financial documentation must be submitted no later than April 15 for Fall admission or October 25 for Spring admission.

PhD:   Because USC tries to fully fund all doctoral students, applicants should not submit financial documentation.

13. Is it a problem that the name on my application and the name on my passport do not match? (INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS ONLY)

MS & PhD:  It is not a problem. This is a common issue for international applicants. We ask that International applicants submit a copy of the first two pages of their passport. This is so that we can use the name on the passport when generating the I-20 so that the two will match.

01. What is current tuition?

MS & PhD:  Visit our  Tuition  page for current tuition information.

02. How do I apply for financial aid and loans?

MS:  Visit the  USC Student Financial Aid  pages for information.

PhD:   USC tries to fully fund all of its doctoral students, so there is no need to apply separately for funding.

03. How do I apply for USC Viterbi scholarships?

MS: The Viterbi School is pleased to offer merit-based funding opportunities to U.S. and International students applying for Master’s programs. On-campus students who apply by published application deadlines will be considered for scholarships if admitted. Please visit our Ready to Apply page for information on deadlines and application steps.

PhD:   Doctoral applicants do not apply for Viterbi scholarships.

04. When will I know if I have received a Viterbi Scholarship?

MS:  Scholarship decisions are separate from Admission decisions. Fall scholarship recipients will be notified via email by May 1st and Spring recipients by November 1st.

PhD:   This does not apply to doctoral applicants.

05. How do I apply for research/teaching assistantships?

MS:  Research/teaching assistantships are reserved for our PhD students and are not available to Master’s students.

PhD:   Doctoral applicants are automatically considered for research/teaching assistantships. A separate application is not needed.

A PDF on financial documentation, including what documents can and cannot be used, helpful screenshots, and a sample financial document that a bank can use as a template can be found HERE .

01. What is the deadline for submitting the financial documentation?

Below are the deadlines for submitting the financial documentation and passport copies:

  • Spring - October 25
  • Fall - April 15

02. What is the amount of money needed for the Proof of Financial Support document?

The amount of money required for the financial document can be found on the USC Graduate Admission's Financial Documentation page.  Under Program Costs select Viterbi School of Engineering and use the total amount for Viterbi General Engineering Master’s.

03. What does the Total Cost of Attendance include?

The total cost of attendance reflects total cost for  one year of study only . The cost includes tuition and fees, health insurance, student programming fees, and living expenses in Los Angeles. You do not need to show any financial ability beyond the amount shown on the chart. (Link to chart in Item 02.)

04. Why does the tuition amount for the financial documentation and the Sample Course Plans not match?

The tuition amount and fees for the financial documentation   are calculated for immigration purposes only  and should not be considered a bill of expense. Actual costs may vary based on course load, living situation, lifestyle, etc.

Although still an estimate, the tuition and fees amounts listed in our Sample Course Plans  are a more accurate reflection of the actual costs.

05. If I have dependents (spouse and/or children), how much money do I need to add to the financial document?

For dependents who will be applying for F-2/J-2 visas, you must be able to provide an additional $13,403 for your spouse and $6,701 for each child.

06. How do I upload my financial document(s) and passport(s) through the online graduate application?

Upload your financial document(s) and passport copy by clicking on the "Supporting Information" section, then on the "Documents" tab. Upload your documents in the appropriately named areas.

Financial document(s) and passport copies can be added to a submitted application until an admission decision has been made.

NOTE: For each document type, multiple documents must be consolidated into one  non-password protected PDF document.

07. I have been notified that I am Academically Eligible for Admission , how do I submit my financial document(s) and passport(s)?

Send financial documents and passport copy as attachments in PDF or JPEG format through the USC Graduate Admission Office’s Ask a Question form.

Filling out the form:

  • Complete the First Name , Last Name , Email and USC ID information. (If you have not submitted the application, you will not have a USC ID.)
  • Under Select an Area , select Graduate Admission and Viterbi School of Engineering . (If you do not see a list of schools, click on the triangle to the left of Graduate Admission .)
  • Under Category , select Immigration Issues (I-20s, Visas, etc.) and submit financial documents / passports . (If you do not see a list of additional items, click on the triangle to the left of Immigration Issues .)
  • The Subject should be "Document Submission."
  • In the Question box, type "I have attached my financial documents and passport copy."
  • Use the Attach Documents function to add your documents.
  • Click the Submit Your Question button when you are done.

08. Is there a list of what can and cannot be used for the financial documentation?

The U.S. government requires that all international applicants provide proof of ability to pay tuition and living expenses for themselves and their dependents (if applicable) before a formal letter of admission and I -20 or DS- 2019 can be issued.

All submitted financial support documents must include:

  • Name of the account holder (student or sponsor)
  • Date of issue (which must be within one year of your intended program start date)
  • Name of the bank or financial institution on official letterhead
  • Amount available for withdrawal (conversion to USD is not necessary)
  • Professional, certified translations if financial documents are not in English
  • Sponsorship Letter or Confidential Statement for Sponsored Studies at USC if the financial documents are not in the USC applicant’s name

Types of Financial Support that are Normally Accepted *

  • Savings deposit and checking accounts
  • Approved/sanctioned education loans. “In-principle” sanctioned loans will not be accepted*
  • Bank letters or Solvency certificates from bank
  • Time/fixed/term deposits or government bonds available for withdrawal at any time
  • Approved and Employer, Government, or Organization sponsorships/scholarships
  • Provident funds ONLY IF document states amount available for withdrawal
  • USC scholarships/assistantships (this documentation will be submitted by your academic department directly to the Office of Graduate International Admissions)

Types of Financial Support NOT Accepted

  • Investments in fixed assets such as property, Demat accounts, mortgages, jewelry, residences, automobiles, etc.
  • Retirement funds, pensions, life insurance policies
  • Tax Returns
  • Salary/Payroll Statements
  • Pending or Provisional Educational Loans
  • [Chartered] Accountant portfolio
  • Candidate scholarship letters or scholarship applications

09. Do I need to submit a Sponsorship Letter or Confidential Statement for Financing Studies at USC?

If the financial document's account holder(s) is not the student, a Sponsorship Letter or Confidential Statement for Financing Studies at USC should be included.

For the Confidential Statement, you can use the online, fillable PDF form .

Sponsorship Letters must state the account holder’s name, student’s name, current date, and relationship between student and sponsor.

Students may have more than one sponsor or source of funding.  A separate Letter or Confidential Statement form is required for each sponsor.

For materials submitted through the Ask a Question form, a confirmation of receipt email is not sent. Depending on when the materials are received, it can take 3 to 7 business days before the Letter of Admission and Statement of Intent becomes available in a student's YouSC portal.

If the Letter and Statement of Intent are not available in you YouSC portal after 7 business days, you can contact the USC Graduate Admission Office through their Ask a Question form.

01. Is there a commitment deposit and how do I pay it?

MS:  Yes, the non-refundable commitment deposit is $1000. The deposit goes toward your tuition once you enroll.

Once you have been admitted, log into your YouSC account and go to your Statement of Intent. Once you have selected your program in the Statement of Intent, you will be prompted to pay the $1000 commitment deposit. (See below for image.)

usc math phd application

PhD:   There is no commitment deposit for doctoral students.

02. I have decided to enroll at USC. Where can I find information on orientation and next steps for new students?

MS & PhD:  Please visit our  Newly Admitted Students  page for orientation dates and a checklist of next steps.

03. Can I change my program after I have been admitted?

MS & PhD:  In order to change programs, you will need to complete your first semester in the program to which you have been admitted. After completing that semester you may request to transfer to another program. Your request will be reviewed by the department to which you are requesting transfer and they will make a decision on the request. Requests for a change of program are not automatically approved and may be denied.

MS & PhD: Deferral requests will be considered if you have experienced unexpected circumstances that will prevent you from applying for, or enrolling in, the semester which you originally intended.  Please read the following carefully:

  • You may submit a request to defer your application for a future semester within one year of your original application semester (Example: If you were admitted to Fall 2022, you could defer your admission to Spring 2023 or Fall 2023)
  • Admission is not guaranteed and deferred applications are reviewed along with all other applications for that term
  • You do not need   to submit a new application or pay the application fee again. You will need to submit any information that has changed since your original application, including updated/final transcripts, valid and official test scores, and/or financial documents
  • You can only defer to semesters for which your program has a start term (i.e. if a program does not have a spring start, you cannot defer to spring. You would need to defer to the following fall)
  • All updated application materials need to be received by the application deadline for the new semester to which you are applying
  • If you already submitted your intent to enroll and commitment deposit, and your request to defer is approved, the $1,000.00 commitment deposit will automatically be applied to the new term if readmitted

Complete and submit the  Deferral Request Form .  You will receive a confirmation of your submission and further instructions.

05. How do I submit the Statement of Intent?

MS & PhD:  Click on the Statement of Intent button once you log into . Submitting the Statement of Intent form will allow you to create your university email account, register for Graduate Student Orientation, and access your USC records.

Note: Even if you opt not to attend USC, we ask that you submit the Statement of Intent.

06. If I was not admitted for a previous semester, can I reapply?

MS & PhD:  You are welcome to reapply for a future semester. How you do this depends on the circumstances:

1) If you did not receive an admit decision for the semester to which you applied, you can have your application updated within one year of your original application term. To have your application updated to a future semester, please complete the online Contact form and include your USC ID.

2) If you were denied admission and choose to reapply, it is in your best interest to submit new and compelling academic information that was not part of your original application, such as updated transcripts and/or test scores. You will need to submit a new application and pay another application fee. (On the application, make sure to indicate that you have applied before and input your USC ID number when prompted.) You can complete our online Contact form   to check on whether you will need to re-submit transcripts and test scores. (Make sure to include your USC ID number.) Any materials that have changed since their original application (including updated transcripts, test scores need to be submitted by the application deadline for the new semester to which you are applying.

Note: It is recommended that PhD applicants try contacting faculty before submitting a new application.

07. Can you provide me with a reason if I was not admitted to a program?

MS & PhD:  As there was a comprehensive review of your entire application, we are unable to offer specific reasons for your denial. The faculty has set parameters for admission based on GRE scores, overall academic performance, and major-specific academic performance, and unfortunately we did not feel it was possible to make an offer of admission at this time.

08. How do I transfer my I-20 from my current school to USC? (INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS ONLY)

MS: Full information on how to transfer your SEVIS record to USC so that an I-20 for your USC program can be created, is available at . (NOTE: You will still need to provide USC with acceptable financial documentation .)

If your transfer form requires International Advisor contact information - Name: Sarah Butler; Address: 3601 Trousdale Pkwy, Los Angeles, CA 90089; Telephone: 213-740-1111; Email: [email protected] .

PhD: Full information on how to transfer your SEVIS record to USC so that an I-20 for your USC program can be created is available at .

If your transfer form requires International Advisor contact information - Name: Sarah Butler; Address: 3601 Trousdale Pkwy, Los Angeles, CA 90089; Telephone: 213-740-1111; Email: [email protected] . (IMPORTANT: This information is only for use on forms. If you have visa or SEVIS questions, please use this online form so that you are issued a record number.)

09. When will I receive my I-20? (INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS ONLY)

MS:  I-20 papers are generally issued within a week of when the Statement of Intent has been submitted.

Note:  Financial documentation  needs to be submitted before the Statement of Intent becomes available in the portal.

PhD:  I-20 papers are generally issued within a week of when the Statement of Intent has been submitted.

I-20 papers for applicants enrolling in Summer 2020 and Fall 2020 will be issued from February 2020 onwards.

10. How (and when) do I complete Degree Verification? (INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS ONLY)

MS & PhD:  Degree verification through IERF needs to be submitted before the end of the student’s first semester and can be done after arriving at USC. More information can be found on the  Degree Progress  pages.

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Master of Arts in Teaching

Take the next step toward your career goals. Learn key information about the USC Rossier admission process and application requirements for the Master of Arts in Teaching program.



In order to apply for this program, you must have a bachelor’s degree, or equivalent, from a college or university that is regionally accredited or recognized by a ministry of education. The institution must have been accredited at the time your degree was conferred.

Note regarding felonies and misdemeanors : To obtain a teaching credential, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) requires credential applicants to disclose convictions of a felony or misdemeanor. While a felony or misdemeanor will not necessarily prevent you from being admitted to the program, you may not be eligible to participate in student teaching, which is a requirement of the program.

Note regarding international students : To complete teaching credential requirements, you must obtain a Social Security number (SSN) from the United States Social Security Administration. Contact the Office of International Services for assistance.

Program applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, but we encourage you to apply early.

December 1, 2024
Regular Deadline* February 15, 2025
Final Deadline March 28, 2025

*scholarship priority deadlines

Application Instructions

Review the detailed instructions in the dropdowns for each section of the online application . If you need accommodation for any part of the application process, please contact the Office of Admission and Scholarships at [email protected]. We encourage you to submit your request for accommodation at least two weeks before the accommodation is needed so our team can make necessary arrangements.

Tips Submit all application materials by the deadline . Incomplete applications may be delayed to the next application review. Skip ahead to the “Recommendations” section and use the application platform to send requests for letters of recommendation first . We recommend you complete this step right away to provide each recommender with the maximum amount of time to complete their letter. Follow the transcript submission instructions carefully. Please upload your registrar-issued transcripts from each institution attended to the USC application portal. Upon acceptance and submission of intent to enroll, you will need to submit official transcripts to the USC Office of Graduate Admissions separately. Be sure to submit a qualifying form of official documentation for the basic skills requirement . Review the related dropdown for details.

Where to find it on the application: My Application > Personal Information

  • Enter your name as it appears on your government issued I.D. Indicate any alternate or previous names in the “other name” field (i.e. maiden name).
  • Enter the email address USC Rossier should use to communicate with you throughout the application process.

Where to find it on the application: My Application > Academic History > Colleges Attended > Add a College > Upload a Transcript 

Any form of unofficial transcripts including print-outs from student portals are not acceptable for admission review. To expedite admission decisions, please upload registrar-issued transcripts from all attended institutions to the USC application portal. Official transcripts should be submitted separately to the USC Office of Graduate Admissions upon acceptance and submission of intent to enroll.  

International students should refer to USC’s country specific requirements to determine which academic records they need to submit. 

To Upload Your Transcript to The Application Portal   

Login to your USC Application Portal and navigate to the Academic History section. Enter detailed information about your academic history from each institution you have attended. 

Once you have saved this information, you will find an option to Upload a Transcript for each institution. You can upload only one PDF per institution. If the transcript consists of multiple pages, you must scan each page and merge them into a single PDF file. If you do not have access to a scanner, you can take clear photos of each page and combine them into one PDF.  

There are various online services available to merge multiple files into a single PDF or convert photos into PDFs. Once you have uploaded your transcripts and completed all other sections of the application, you can proceed to submit your application.  

Upon admission and submission of the statement of intent to enroll, you must submit degree-conferred transcripts from all attended institutions to the Office of Graduate Admissions.

colleges attended

Where to find it on the application: My Application > Supporting Information > Documents > CV/Resume

Your résumé should be detailed enough to help the admission committee understand the various experiences – extracurricular, leadership or volunteer – that have shaped your interest in the program. Outline your roles and responsibilities within each organization and highlight any special achievements or accomplishments. In the “Supporting Information” section of the application, select “Documents”. Select the “add document” button under “CV/Resume.”


Where to find it on the application: My Application > Program Materials > Documents

Essay responses will be used to evaluate your personal, professional and educational perspectives and experiences and the ability to effectively communicate ideas and organize written thoughts. Responses to essay questions should be double-spaced with a 12-point font and one-inch margin on all sides. Include your full name at the beginning of each document. Upload each essay as a separate document in the appropriate section.

Personal Statement – 500 words or less

Write a personal statement discussing your interest in the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program and your aspirations as a potential teacher. Highlight significant elements of your personal, family, professional, cultural, and/or academic background that can assist the admission committee in understanding your interest(s), qualifications, and motivation for pursuing a teaching career. Emphasize how your values align with the USC Rossier School of Education mission. 

Upload your Personal Statement in the “Program Materials” section of the application under the tab “Documents.” Select the “add document” button under “Personal Statement”.

Personal Statement

Optional Essay – 250 words or less

To aid the admission committee in evaluating your application, use this essay to discuss anything in your academic and/or professional history that may require additional explanation. This essay is optional.

Upload your optional essay in the “Program Materials” section of the application under the tab “Documents.” Select the “add document” button under “Other.”

other document

You are required to submit official documentation that you have satisfied the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) basic skills requirement by way of an acceptable method .

What is official documentation?

Bachelor's degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education

As of June 29, 2024, a bachelor's degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education will serve as demonstration of basic skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. Degrees and course work must have been completed while the institution was regionally accredited in order for the Commission to consider them for credentialing purposes. Course work completed in other states is acceptable as long as the institution holds regional accreditation through one of the accrediting bodies on the CTC website. 

Course work and degrees completed outside the United States must be evaluated by a Commission-approved foreign transcript evaluation agency before it may be used for credentialing purposes. A WES transcript evaluation report for the Basic Skills Requirement verification will be accepted. 

Qualifying college-level coursework

Official transcript showing qualifying courses in reading, writing and mathematics courses at a regionally-accredited college or university.

If you completed your previous studies outside the United States, you may submit a WES transcript evaluation report for the Basic Skills Requirement verification. 

CBEST or CSET Multiple Subject (all 3 subtests) and Writing (additional subtest)

Upon your passage of the exam, CTC Exams will email you an official score report as a PDF attachment. You may also access a copy of your official scores by signing into your CTC Exams account. In some cases, you may not see the official scores in your account if you took the exam a number of years ago. In that case, reach out to CTC Exams for your official scores. Screenshots and images of your score report are not acceptable.

SAT Score Reports

You may access your official electronic score report by logging into your CollegeBoard account and looking for a download option. Once downloaded, please double check to see whether the report has the word “unofficial” across the top; if so, the report is not acceptable. If you do not see a download option and/or the score report you are able to download is unofficial, the official score report feature is not available and you must either locate your original hard copy report or request a new one directly from CollegeBoard to be mailed to your home address. Once received, you may scan all sides into one PDF document and submit. Official test score reports sent directly to the university may cause a significant delay in processing .

ACT Score Reports

Please scan your hard copy official report (typically red and white in color), all sides, into one PDF. Electronic official score reports may be available to you if you took the exam in recent years. If so, please send the PDF. Screenshots of scores are not acceptable. Official test score reports sent directly to the university may cause a significant delay in processing .

CSU early assessment program or placement exam or College Board Advanced Placement (AP) exams

Request an official score report from the vendor of your exam. Score reports that have the word “unofficial” across the top are not acceptable. Official test score reports sent directly to the university may cause a significant delay in processing.

Alternatively, if your passing status appears on your undergraduate transcript, you may use your transcript as official documentation.

Out-of-state Basic Skills Equivalent

Score reports look vastly different depending on the state in which you took the exam; please ensure your report is a PDF file sent directly to you from the vendor of your exam. Screenshots and images are unacceptable.

If you are unsure whether the score report in your possession is official, you may send a message [email protected] for evaluation.

You can increase your competitiveness in the job market by completing the requirements for additional credentials, authorizations and certificates. You will declare Additional Pathways when you apply to the program.

Teach Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities - Education Specialist Credential 

Prepare to work with students with mild to moderate learning disabilities in K-12 grade settings. The coursework requirements for this credential are integrated with the curriculum, but you must complete additional exams and student teaching to be recommended for this credential.

Teach Students Whose Primary Language is Spanish - Bilingual Authorization in Spanish

Prepare to teach K-12 grade language learners whose primary language is Spanish. This authorization provides the option to teach in either bilingual settings or in English dominant settings with learners whose primary language is Spanish. You must demonstrate fluency in Spanish and complete additional student teaching to pursue this authorization. Learn more about  California Bilingual Authorization .

Teach Advanced and Gifted Students - USC Gifted Education Certificate

Prepare to recognize and respond to the potential, interests and abilities of gifted and advanced PreK-12 grade learners from diverse backgrounds. Learn to design and provide an appropriate curriculum for each learner. Requires the addition of a four-unit course during the summer session.

Where to find it on the application: My Application > Program Materials > Recommendations > Add Recommendation

USC Rossier requires two letters of recommendation to complete the application. One recommendation should come from a current or former supervisor who can comment on the value you have added to your workplace. The second recommendation letter should come from a current or former professor who can attest to your ability to perform well in graduate level courses.

  • To submit the names of your recommenders, go to the “Program Materials” section of the application and click on the tab “Recommendations.”


  • Recommendation letters must be typed on official letterhead from the organization with a signature. If the recommender is not able to obtain company letterhead, this must be noted somewhere in the letter.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure all recommendation letters are submitted in the proper format prior to the appropriate deadline. Letters uploaded in the incorrect format without explanation are subject to further review.
  • Recommendations letters should be submitted by recommenders by the application deadline, but they are not required to be submitted at the time you submit your application.

Please note: recommendation letters are program-specific and cannot be used to apply to additional programs. If you withdraw your application from a particular program, your letters of recommendation will be deleted along with the application.

Where to find it: My Application > Program Materials > Kira Assessment

The recorded video response is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your communication skills in professional settings. No advance preparation is required for either assessment. You are allowed to take the assessment one time only (no exceptions). For technical assistance with the video response, email [email protected] .

  • Click the “Open Kira Assessment” button on the “Kira Assessment” tab in the application. Note: clicking this link will NOT require you to take the assessment immediately. You can register for the assessment and return at any time to complete it.
  • When the page opens, click the “Check In” button.
  • Click the registration module. Your first and last name and email should pre-populate in the registration form. Agree to the terms of agreement and privacy policy and click the “Register” button. After you register, a link to Kira will also be sent to your email address for easy access at the time you choose to complete your assessment.
  • Complete the device set up and practice modules to prepare for your assessment.
  • Click the assessment module (final step) at the time you are ready to begin your assessment.
  • Once completed, your assessment will be reviewed in conjunction with other application materials by the admission committee.

Video Response

  • Record your responses using an internet-connected computer with a webcam.
  • Dress professionally and behave as you would during an in-person interview.
  • Make sure you have a pen and notepad available for taking notes on the prompt.
  • Once you begin the assessment, you will be provided with one prompt, followed by five minutes of prep time for each prompt.
  • You will have two minutes to complete your response. There will be a countdown timer and a progress bar during preparation and response time so you can track how much time you have left. If you finish before time is up, you can submit your response using the “submit” button in the lower right corner. The system will automatically submit your response when the time is up.

Where to find it on the application: Submit Application Tab

Application fees must be paid by credit or debit card

An application fee waiver is available to applicants who meet certain eligibility criteria. Eligibility criteria and instructions for obtaining a fee waiver can be found at the USC Graduate Admission website . If you choose to apply for a fee waiver you must:

  • Start your online application but do not submit the application until the fee waiver is approved .
  • Provide supporting documents to demonstrate qualification.
  • Have your fee waiver request approved.
  • Complete and submit your online application.

USC Rossier welcomes international applicants. If your prior study was completed outside of the United States, you must have earned the equivalent of a United States bachelor’s degree to be eligible for admission. View the international application requirements based on your country of study . 

International students whose native language is not English and who completed their undergraduate work outside of the United States are required to demonstrate proficiency in English as part of the application process. For more information on English proficiency requirements, English-language test waivers and other alternate accepted exams, please visit the USC Graduate Admission English-Language Proficiency page .

TOEFL or IELTS Test Scores

Where to find it on the application: My Application > Academic History > Standardized Tests > Add a Test Score

International students whose native language is not English and who completed their undergraduate work outside of the United States are required to submit an official TOEFL or IELTS score as part of their application. You must have taken one of these tests within the past two years.

In order to be considered for admission, you should receive a TOEFL score at or above 90 iBT with no less than a score of 20 on each band, or an IELTS score at or above 6.5 with no less than a score of 6 on each band.

You may upload your test score report in the “Academic History” section of the application to be used in application review. However, only scores received electronically from the testing service are considered official . Official test scores should be sent from the testing agency directly to USC.

  • TOEFL: To send official scores, use USC ETS code 4852. Please note that USC does not accept super-scoring for the TOEFL.
  • IELTS: Select “University of Southern California” at the time of registration. Alternatively, provide this information to your testing center after taking the test.

Standarized Tests

For more information on English Proficiency requirements, English-language test waivers, and other alternate accepted exams, please visit the USC Graduate Admission page .

Your application materials will be reviewed by both the USC Rossier School of Education Office of Admission and Scholarships and the USC Office of Graduate Admissions.

  • Refer to your USC Rossier personal portal for timely and accurate updates on your application status (including missing items).
  • If your application is complete by the application deadline, expect to receive notification of your admission decision within 5 weeks. 
  • You will receive a decision letter from both USC Rossier and the USC Office of Graduate admission.

Review Process

Your application to USC Rossier will be evaluated using a holistic review process. Academic preparation, professional work experience, personal achievement and commitment to the USC Rossier mission are each considered. No single attribute or characteristic guarantees admission to USC Rossier. 

We seek applicants who will add to our vibrant learning community and whose goals, values and experiences align with the USC Rossier mission and program goals. We adhere to the university’s non-discrimination policy and are committed to providing equal opportunity for all students. 

As an applicant for this program, you will be automatically considered for limited USC Rossier scholarships. There is no need to submit a separate application. Recipients are selected based on academic achievement, demonstrated dedication to the USC Rossier mission and other distinguishing characteristics. With the exception of the Leo F. Buscaglia Endowed Fellowship, all USC Rossier scholarships are awarded at the time of admission.

Document Submission Policy

Transcripts and all other application materials become the property of USC. The university does not return or duplicate materials for any reason whatsoever. The information and materials in your submitted application are made available only to the central Office of Admission and the admission committee of the academic department or professional school to which you have applied.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. At USC Rossier, the online and on-campus version of our programs are distinct, with separate applications. If you would like to be considered for a program other than the program for which you have been admitted, you will need to reapply to that program.

No. The on-campus MAT program has one start date per academic year. If you wish to begin the program in another semester, you may consider the Master of Arts in Teaching online program, which has multiple start dates throughout the year. 

There is no minimum GPA required to apply to USC Rossier programs, but competitive applicants typically have a GPA of 3.0 or above. However, GPA is one of many elements evaluated in the admission committee’s comprehensive evaluation of candidates. In the application, you may use the optional essay to discuss anything in your academic and/or professional history that may require additional explanation.

USC Rossier students come from diverse academic backgrounds. Education or experience related to your program of interest can make you a more competitive applicant but is not required. If your bachelor’s degree is unrelated to the program for which you are applying, use your application to communicate your passion for working in your selected degree field and explain how your background and experience have prepared you to be successful and positively contribute to your chosen field.

If you would like to be considered for a program other than the program for which you have been admitted, you will need to reapply for the new program. Please read the program requirements thoroughly, as they may be different from those specified for the program to which you were admitted. Your application will not be considered complete until all documents required for your new program are received.

Before applying for any program, it is recommended that you speak with an admission team member for assistance and direction in determining which program is the best fit for you.  

Applicants are permitted to apply to up to three USC programs within the same academic year. When completing your online application, select all programs to which you would like to apply. Please read each program’s guidelines carefully, as each program may require different documents or methods of assessment. You will only need to complete program-specific questions for each additional program; you will not have to fill out the entire application multiple times.

If you decide you would like to apply to an additional program after submitting your initial application, you can log back into your application and add another program.

Application fees are required for each program to which you apply, but you will only need to submit transcripts and test scores (optional for most programs) once.  

Working while enrolled in the MAT program is not recommended. Given the short duration of the program, coursework and student teaching result in a rigorous schedule. However, if a student needs to work while enrolled, a flexible part-time job is possible in the first term.

No, the MAT program does not accept transfer courses. 

GRE scores are neither required nor accepted for admission at USC Rossier.

Estevan Hernandez

Estevan R. Hernandez, M.Ed.

Senior Assistant Director, Office of Admission and Scholarships

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[MS/PhD] VGSA Senator Application DEADLINE EXTENDED to 8/21

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The following announcement is from VGSA. Please contact them directly if you have any questions.

Hello students!

Have you been looking for an opportunity to represent your department by getting involved with the Viterbi Graduate Student Association (VGSA); here is your chance! 2024-2025 Senator applications are open!

To ensure that no interested individuals miss out on this incredible opportunity, we have decided to extend the application deadline. The new deadline for submitting your 2024-2025 Senator applications is  now August 21st, at 11:59 PM .

If you haven’t yet applied but are eager to represent your department and contribute to VGSA, seize this extended deadline and submit your application before the new cutoff. We look forward to receiving your applications and welcoming the next cohort of passionate senators!

To Apply: Click this  link   to access the Google Form or scan the QR code on the flyer.

Email your questions to  [email protected]  and  [email protected] .


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English Proficiency

English-language proficiency requirements.

Effective for applications submitted for summer 2024 and later terms only.

The ability to communicate effectively in English—to read, write and speak the language fluently—is vital to your success as a USC student.

International graduate applicants are therefore expected to demonstrate their proficiency in English as part of the application process and should carefully review the guidelines below.

U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents (such as green card holders) are considered to be “domestic” applicants, regardless of where they have studied or reside. Domestic applicants are exempt from the university’s English-proficiency requirements.

Test Score Guidelines

Important: USC does not set university-wide score minimums for graduate admission. The scores listed below are typically used for placement purposes only—to determine if an admitted student will need to take the International Student English (ISE) examination upon arrival at USC.

English-proficiency scores must be dated within 2 years (24 months) of the date you submit your graduate application. For example, a prospective student applying to fall 2024 who submits their USC application in December 2023 will need to have taken the test no earlier than December 2021.

USC students

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

USC accepts the TOEFL iBT Home Edition, iBT Paper Edition, and the standard in-person TOEFL iBT administered in official test centers. Admitted students are exempt from taking the ISE Exam with the following scores:

100 or above, with 20 or above in each section.
90 or above, with 20 or above in each section.

Sending official scores to USC: USC must receive scores electronically from the testing service for them to be considered official. Photocopies or paper copies of scores are not acceptable.

USC’s institution code is 4852. No department code is required.

IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

USC accepts IELTS Academic and IELTS Indicator (Online version) scores. Admitted students are exempt from taking the ISE Exam with the following scores:

7 or above, with 6 or above on each band.
6.5 or above, with 6 or above on each band.

Sending official scores to USC: USC must receive scores electronically from the testing service for them to be considered official. Photocopies or paper copies of scores from the testing service are not acceptable.

Select “University of Southern California” from the list of available institutions when you register to take the IELTS test. Alternatively, provide this information to your testing center after you have taken the test. Contact information for the USC department to which you are applying is not required.

PTE (Pearson Test of English) Academic

USC accepts PTE Academic and PTE Academic Online scores. Admitted students are exempt from taking the ISE Exam with the following scores:

68 or above, with 53 or above on each band.
61 or above, with 53 or above on each band.

Select “University of Southern California” from the list of available institutions when you register to take the PTE Academic test. Alternatively, provide this information to your testing center after you have taken the test. Contact information for the USC department to which you are applying is not required.

Special Accommodations

The Educational Testing Service (TOEFL), the British Council (IELTS) and Pearson (PTE Academic) will provide accommodations for those with disabilities.

Score Minimums Set by Programs

Please note that some individual programs may set internal score minimums that are higher than those listed here. Please refer to your intended graduate program(s) for information about their English proficiency requirements.

English-Language Test Waiver

International applicants are exempt from submitting English-proficiency scores under the following circumstances:

  • You hold a degree (bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate) from USC or are currently enrolled in a USC degree program.
  • You hold a bachelor’s degree completed in its entirety in the United States or the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree in a qualifying Anglophone country (as defined below). To determine degree equivalency, please refer to our country requirements .The bachelor’s degree should be earned at a regionally accredited university located in the United States, or at an officially recognized university in another country where English is both the language of instruction and the only officially recognized language of the country. The entire program needs to have been completed in the qualifying country. Dual-degree holders who completed just part of their degree in the U.S. or other qualifying country, and students who have transferred credits from a non-Anglophone country, do not qualify for this waiver.
  • You have completed a master’s or doctoral degree from a country in which English is both the language of instruction and the only official language. The degree needs to have already been completed at the time you submit your USC application. Applicants who have not yet completed a qualifying master’s or doctoral program at the time they apply will still need to submit English-proficiency scores.
  • Your native language is English. This applies to native English speakers from countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada (except Quebec), where English is both the only official language of the country and the language of instruction.

USC does not waive the English-proficiency requirement based on any other consideration such as work experience, ESL enrollment, amount of time spent in the U.S., etc. It also cannot be waived on the basis of programs taught in English in non-Anglophone countries.

To determine if USC requires TOEFL/IELTS/PTE scores for your country of study, please check our Country Requirements page.

USC International Academy

Students looking to prepare their English and academic skills for the rigors of graduate study at USC may wish to explore the USC International Academy as an option.

Exceptions: The Office of Graduate Admission does not have the authority to grant exemptions to the university’s English-proficiency policies on the basis of applicant requests. Exemption requests submitted directly to our office by applicants themselves are automatically denied. If you have extraordinary circumstances that you believe may merit an individualized exemption, please contact your intended graduate program to discuss available options.

UC Davis Graduate Group in Applied Mathematics

Quick Links +

Applied ph.d. program requirements (fall 2024).

This plan requires a total of 60 units. Students will enroll for 12 units per quarter including research, academic, and seminar units. Before advancing to Candidacy for a doctoral degree, a student must have satisfied all requirements set by the graduate program, maintained a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all course work undertaken (except those courses graded S or U), passed the PhD Preliminary Examination, and passed the Qualifying Examination. A dissertation and an exit seminar are required.

Course Requirements

  • Area A (12 units in one of the series) : (i) Analysis Series MAT 201AB/MAT 201C/MAT 205/MAT206 (Analysis) or (ii) Methods of Applied Mathematics MAT 207ABC.  
  • Area B (8 units in one of the series): (i) Data Science series: Numerical Optimization (MAT 258A), Discrete and Mixed-Integer Optimization (MAT258B), Mathematics of Data Science (MAT 270); or (ii) Numerical Methods series: Numerical Methods: Fundamentals (MAT 226A), Numerical Methods: Large-Scale Matrix Computations (MAT 226B), Numerical Methods: Ordinary Differential Equations (MAT226C), Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations A, B and C (MAT 228ABC); or (iii) Probability series: Probability Theory A and B (MAT235AB), Mathematical Statistics III (STA231C); or (iv) Theoretical Computer Science series: Theoretical Computer Science (ECS220), Design and Analysis of Algorithms (ECS222).  
  • Graduate Advanced Mathematics: 12 units of 200-level Mathematics courses whose course numbers are 279 or less. These include courses from areas A or B not selected as core courses. One mathematics-oriented graduate course outside of Mathematics, could be substituted but only with prior approval by GGAM Chair.  
  • Field of Specialization (FOS): Minimum of 15 units in a field of specialization, such as, any courses in Area A or B not taken to satisfy the core requirements, optimization, and control, differential equations, probability and statistics, discrete mathematics, mathematical physics, mathematical biology, harmonic analysis and signal processing, etc. Out of this minimum of 15 units, at least one course of 3 or more units must be outside of Mathematics. Courses outside of the mathematics department have to be approved by the Chair of the graduate group. For a list of preapproved courses, see the GGAM webpage and consult with the potential thesis advisor. An updated list of courses can be found in  
  • Advanced Mathematics: Maximum of 12 units, in three 100 level (i.e.upper division) math courses.  
  • GGAM miniconference: Attendance at the annual GGAM mini-conference, which takes place during winter quarter graduate welcome and consists of faculty talks and a student poster session showcasing the research being done at GGAM, is required in the first or second year, for which 1 unit of 290 will be given in order to document compliance.  
  • MAT 290 seminars  
  • MAT 390 and Teaching: Each student who accepts a TAship in the Department of Mathematics is required to complete MAT390, which is taught every Fall quarter. Most students take this in their first year, even if they are supported by a fellowship. MAT 390 does not count toward degree units (but does count for the 12-unit minimum required for registration each quarter). All PhD students are required to be teaching assistants for at least one quarter. Exceptions require approval of the GGAMEXEC. Students beyond their first year are encouraged to apply for positions as Associate-Instructors to develop and improve their lecturing skills.  
  • Research Units: Students can register for research units but these units cannot substitute course requirements unless previously reviewed and approved by the chair of the graduate group.

Ph.D. Preliminary Examination

The Ph.D. Preliminary Examination is a written examination covering materials from the student’s chosen tracks Area A (MAT 201AB or MAT 207ABC) and Area B: Data Science: (MAT 168, MAT170); Numerical Methods (MAT128ABC); Probability (MAT 135AB); and Theoretical Computer Science (ECS220, ECS222). The exam is offered in June and September every year. PhD students are required to pass this examination before the end of their second year.  They may take the examination multiple times; what matters is when they pass, not how many attempts.

Qualifying Examination

Students must complete the course requirements before taking their Qualifying Examination (QE). The QE will consist of a written research proposal, a syllabus of materials relevant to the research proposal covered in the chosen tracks in Areas A and B, and oral examination. Approximately six weeks before the date of the proposed QE, the research proposal, along with the QE Application, is submitted to GGAMEXEC for approval. Once approved and required signatures obtained, the QE Application will be forwarded to the Office of Graduate Studies for final approval. The QE should be taken by the sixth quarter and no later than the end of the ninth quarter after admission to the Ph.D. program. Passing the QE makes the student eligible for advancement to candidacy.


The doctoral dissertation is an essential part of the Ph.D. program. A topic will be selected by the student, under the guidance of the Dissertation Advisor. Students are encouraged to begin their research activity as early as possible. The dissertation must contain an original contribution of publishable quality to the knowledge of applied mathematics. Acceptance of the dissertation by the dissertation committee must follow Graduate Studies guidelines (Plan B). The program does not have any program-specific requirements, such as length or presentation format. Instructions on preparation of the dissertation and a schedule of dates for filing the thesis in final form are available from Graduate Studies; the dates are also printed in the UC Davis General Catalog.

Exit Seminar

Ph.D. students are required to give a 60-minute seminar presentation, open to the public, on their dissertation subject.

Optional Final Oral Examination (at the discretion of the Dissertation Committee)

After the exit seminar, the student’s dissertation committee may meet privately with the student to discuss the contents of the dissertation and ask additional questions. Satisfaction of this requirement must be verified by the Dissertation Committee Chair.

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usc math phd application

Admissions Advisor

USC Online is seeking an Admissions Advisor to counsel and guide prospective students throughout the admission process. The Admissions Advisor will support admissions inquiries, providing exemplary service to prospective students and applicants, managing and reviewing applications, coordinating communication during the application process, assisting with data collection and reporting, and working with other departments to manage internal and external information flows. The ideal candidate will be detail oriented, comfortable in decision making and counseling applicants, organized and skilled in project management, and an excellent communicator, both written and verbal.

USC Online is a center of excellence in online education, with the goal of providing operational capacity to schools in market research, online strategy, program marketing, enrollment and admissions. As we build the team we are looking for collaborative individuals comfortable in a start-up environment and dedicated to producing the highest quality work.


Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience.

Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

Strong interpersonal skills with both faculty and student populations.

Superior organizational and problem resolution skills.

Ability to listen to internal/external customers and to understand and respond positively to requests.

Ability to adapt to changing assignments and multiple priorities.

Ability to manage multiple tasks and successfully meet deadlines. 

Job Accountabilities:

Connect with prospective students by telephone, email, web conference, through online presentations and via online chat to advise prospective students on USC Online  programs.

Use a consultative approach to help guide students through the decision making process.

Coordinate review of graduate applications with graduate enrollment team.

Provide outstanding student centric service to applicants and prospective applicants.

Collaborate with academic departments to ensure thorough review of applicant admissions eligibility and acceptance process.

Work in conjunction with USC financial aid department to ensure student financial aid is processed in a timely and efficient manner.

Counsel applicants one-on-one on admission policies and procedures. Evaluate and offer solutions to applicant problems and requests regarding admission.

Coordinate application completion activities with Graduate Admission Coordinators, students, university admission offices, and individual departments

Communicate in person, by telephone and in writing with domestic and international students about status of admission applications.

Assist with data collection and reporting.

Assist in maintaining USC Online  admission website pages and communication templates.

Stay current on a wide range of university policies, school-wide policies, and online educational trends affecting graduate students, admission and recruitment practices for professional programs.

Performs other related duties as assigned or requested.

The hourly rate for this position ranges from $27.00-$30.77. When extending an offer of employment, the University of Southern California considers factors such as (but not limited to) the scope and responsibilities of the position, the candidate’s work experience, education/training, key skills, internal peer equity, federal, state, and local laws, contractual stipulations, grant funding, as well as external market and organizational considerations.

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  1. Short Guide to PhD Program

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  2. College Materials: USC Application tips: Activity Summary

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  3. PhD Preliminary Qualifying Examination: Applied Mathematics

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  1. Admissions for Graduate Programs

    The program culminates with the student's written dissertation, oral defense, and the conferral of Doctorate of Philosophy. Admission to our Ph.D. programs includes a 5-year aid package with 1 year of fellowship, 4 years of teaching assistantship, full tuition remission, plus health and dental insurance. We offer six different Masters programs.

  2. Program: Mathematics (PhD)

    Five courses selected from the following: MATH 502b Numerical Analysis Units: 3. MATH 507a Theory of Probability Units: 3. MATH 520 Complex Analysis Units: 3. MATH 525b Real Analysis Units: 3. MATH 532 Combinatorial Analysis Units: 3. MATH 541a Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Units: 3. MATH 555a Partial Differential Equations Units: 3.

  3. Short Guide to PhD Program

    Short Guide to PhD Program. Welcome to the USC Math Department. We have two Ph.D. programs: (AMAT) Applied Mathematics Ph.D. (MATH) Mathematics Ph.D. The two programs have different requirements, so it is important to know the requirements for your program. This guide is intended as a brief outline of major points; for full details, see the USC ...

  4. Program: Mathematics (PhD)

    Required Courses. The following courses must be completed with a grade of B or higher. Students may opt to pass the written screening exam, at the PhD level, in lieu of the course. MATH 510a Algebra Units: 3. MATH 525a Real Analysis Units: 3. MATH 540 Topology Units: 3. MATH 794a Doctoral Dissertation Units: 2.

  5. Program: Mathematics (PhD)

    USC Catalogue 2023-2024 ... Application deadline: December 15. Completion of the program generally requires a maximum effort by the student for a minimum of four years of full-time work. ... including the thesis advisor and a member outside the mathematics department. The PhD thesis, based on a substantial amount of original research conducted ...

  6. Home Page

    Welcome to the Department of Mathematics at USC Dornsife. We offer a wide range of research and education opportunities in pure and applied mathematics. ... USC Graduate Program Information Session Register here for our virtual open house for prospective graduate students on Thursday, October 26, 2023 from 4-6pm. The deadline to apply for Fall ...

  7. Program: Applied Mathematics (PhD)

    A maximum of 30 units of graduate work at another institution may be applied toward the course requirements for the PhD. A grade of B (A = 4.0) or lower will not be accepted and, at most, two grades of B will be accepted. A PhD candidate may petition the department for transfer of additional credit, after he or she passes the qualifying ...

  8. How to Apply

    Completing the Online Application: Apply to USC. You must create a graduate application account in order to apply to a graduate program at USC. Please set aside 45 to 60 minutes to complete the online application. Alternatively, you may save your information and continue it at a later date. You must use the same account to apply to multiple ...

  9. Degree Requirements

    Masters Degrees. We offer degree programs leading to five possible Master's degrees. Our Master's degrees require graduate level coursework and either comprehensive exams or a Master's thesis. Applied Mathematics M.S. Mathematical Finance M.S. Statistics M.S. Applied Mathematics M.A. Mathematics M.A. Ph.D. Handbook.

  10. Mathematics (PhD)

    Continually ranked among the top universities in the country, USC prepares undergraduate students to become leaders and innovators across a broad range of disciplines, and graduates global citizens who are uniquely poised to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

  11. USC Graduate Admission

    Graduate and professional studies at the University of Southern California prepare students for leadership positions in research, education and professional practice. Students can choose from a wide array of master's, PhD, dual-degree and graduate certificate programs in our distinguished liberal arts college or 20 professional schools ...

  12. Program: Applied Mathematics (MA)

    The two year MA program is an expansion of the first year of graduate studies in the PhD program in mathematics (respectively, the PhD program in applied mathematics). The program provides a rigorous foundation in mathematics (applied mathematics) while affording students additional time for preparatory training. The comprehensive examinations ...

  13. Graduate

    Explore Our Graduate Programs. The USC Mathematics Department offers 2 PhD programs and 6 Masters programs. We have about 75 current PhD students and 30 current Masters students. MGSA hosts a mentoring program to partner first year graduate students with one of our senior students to help them navigate our program. MGSA Game Night in the Tea Room.

  14. Ph.D. Program Application & Deadline Information at USC Viterbi

    Step 1. Start the Application for Graduate Admission ($90 application fee). Step 2. TRANSCRIPTS: Upload Electronic Transcripts from all colleges and universities attended. A mailed hard copy or official e-transcript is not required for admission to our programs. These instructions apply only to applicants to the master's and Ph.D. programs of the Viterbi School of Engineering

  15. Mathematics

    The primary aspects of USC's graduate programs in Mathematics are high-level courses, independent study and thesis preparation by PhD students. Our programs also mentor students in their presentation skills and post-degree careers. Students choose either the Mathematics or the Applied Mathematics program, which share the requirement of a ...

  16. Research

    In addition, the USC Department of Mathematics is home to a number of interdisciplinary organized research units involving faculty both from within the Department of Mathematics and whose home departments are elsewhere in the College and University. Center for Applied Math Sciences. Computational Molecular Biology.

  17. Program: Mathematics (MA)

    The two year MA program is an expansion of the first year of graduate studies in the PhD program in mathematics (respectively, the PhD program in applied mathematics). The program provides a rigorous foundation in mathematics (applied mathematics) while affording students additional time for preparatory training. The comprehensive examinations ...

  18. Call for Applications: 2025 Beth and Arthur Lev Student Research

    The fellowship provides $1,500 support for USC undergraduate students or $3,000 support for USC graduate students doing research focused on the testimonies of the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive and/or other related USC resources and collections.

  19. Ph.D. Program

    I. Credit requirements. The Graduate School requires Ph.D students to complete a minimum of 60 credits beyond the baccalaureate degree. A minimum of 12 of these credits must come from Math 899, Dissertation preparation. Students must take 12 credits beyond the courses covering their qualifying exams and comprehensive exams for breadth.

  20. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Master's applicants at USC Viterbi

    MS/PhD: You may apply for a maximum of three graduate programs across the entire university in a given admission cycle. Only one set of transcripts and test scores need to be submitted regardless of the number of programs selected. The Viterbi School allows applicants to apply for two graduate engineering programs with a single application fee of $90.

  21. Mathematics (BA)

    Now through Aug. 14: Students, faculty, staff, registered guests and known vendors (with confirmation of work) arriving by car, via transit or on foot can enter at: McCarthy Way and Figueroa Street (24/7); McClintock Street and Jefferson Boulevard (24/7); and Watt Way and Exposition Boulevard (6 a.m.-7 p.m. weekdays).

  22. Admission

    Estevan R. Hernandez, M.Ed. Senior Assistant Director, Office of Admission and Scholarships. [email protected]. (213) 319-6572. Take the next step toward your career goals. Learn key information about the USC Rossier admission process and application requirements for the Master of Arts in Teaching program.

  23. [MS/PhD] VGSA Senator Application DEADLINE EXTENDED to 8/21

    The following announcement is from VGSA. Please contact them directly if you have any questions. Hello students! Have you been looking for an opportunity to represent your department by getting involved with the Viterbi Graduate Student Association (VGSA); here is your chance! 2024-2025 Senator applications are open! To ensure that no interested individuals miss out on this incredible ...

  24. English Proficiency

    The scores listed below are typically used for placement purposes only—to determine if an admitted student will need to take the International Student English (ISE) examination upon arrival at USC. English-proficiency scores must be dated within 2 years (24 months) of the date you submit your graduate application.

  25. Ph.D. Degree Requirements :: UC Davis Applied Mathematics

    This plan requires a total of 60 units. Students will enroll for 12 units per quarter including research, academic, and seminar units. Before advancing to Candidacy for a doctoral degree, a student must have satisfied all requirements set by the graduate program, maintained a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all course work undertaken (except those courses graded S or U), passed the PhD Preliminary ...

  26. Admissions Advisor at USC

    USC Online is seeking an Admissions Advisor to counsel and guide prospective students throughout the admission process. The Admissions Advisor will support admissions inquiries, providing exemplary service to prospective students and applicants, managing and reviewing applications, coordinating communication during the application process, assisting with data collection and reporting, and ...

  27. Graduate Student Expo: Connect, Learn, and Win!

    The Graduate School and Graduate Student Association are excited to announce the inaugural Graduate Student Expo.This event will take place on Friday, September 6, 2024, from 9 am to 12 pm at the Russell House Ballroom (RUSSELL 207).. The Graduate Student Expo is designed to help new and current graduate students connect with essential campus resources, engage in valuable workshops, and ...