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Table of Content

What is News Reporting?

Important parts of a news report, articlegpt – the easiest way to write a news report, how to write a fact-based news report with articlegpt, how to make a news report on your own, mistakes to avoid when writing a news report, final words, how to write a news report.

Nicole Willing

Writing a news report entails more than just presenting facts; it requires weaving a narrative that captures the essence of an issue or event. This article goes in-depth into the fundamentals of news reports, showing you how news writing works. Additionally, it introduces ArticleGPT, a robust tool that helps create meticulously fact-checked and unbiased news articles.

Discover the intricacies of effective news reporting, learn how to write a news report , and explore the capabilities of ArticleGPT for generating credible and reliable news content.

News reporting is a dynamic and intricate art form that demands in-depth research, meticulous analysis, and the skill to present facts in a coherent and engaging manner. It transcends the mere conveyance of information; it is an art form designed to enlighten the public about the intricate web of current affairs.

A news report, at its core, is more than a mere enumeration of facts arranged chronologically; it is a narrative that strives to furnish readers with background context, analysis, and interpretation. Beyond the straightforward delivery of news, news reporting significantly influences public discourse, shaping perspectives, and steering debates.

Its impact extends beyond the immediate moment, leaving a lasting imprint on our collective memory. Moreover, it serves as the cornerstone of an informed society, spotlighting the pivotal events of our time.

Every exceptional news report comprises key elements that contribute to its effectiveness. These essential components include:

  • Headline: refers to the title that captures the core of the news and grabs attention.
  • Byline: which includes the author's name, adds credibility and accountability.
  • Lead (introduction): should be brief but captivating, providing answers to the "who," "what," "when," "where," "why," and "how" questions.
  • Body: The major content, presented in a logical manner with the most important facts stated first.
  • Quotes: Authorized remarks from those involved for credibility and depth.
  • Conclusion: A summary that restates the report's main points.

Even the most skilled reporters encounter challenges when crafting news reports—it's no easy feat. However, ArticleGPT serves as a valuable solution, making the process more manageable and accessible.


ArticleGPT stands out among AI article writers by specifically catering to various article types, including news articles . Unlike its counterparts, which rely solely on input prompts and training data, ArticleGPT comprehends your requirements for news reports more effectively. It is tailored to deliver content that aligns with your expectations.

Crucially, ArticleGPT recognizes the paramount importance of authenticity in news reporting. The tool generates fact-checked news reports devoid of any hallucinations, contributing to the heightened credibility of the information presented.

By leveraging ArticleGPT, you not only streamline the news writing process but also ensure the delivery of accurate and trustworthy news content.

Interested in ArticleGPT and how it helps with news reporting? Here’s a step-by-step guide to using the tool.

1. Visit ArticleGPT and click the "Start for Free" button. This will navigate you to the ArticleGPT's dashboard.

2. Find the "News Article" category and choose one of the two modes available. For producing credible news articles, "High-Quality Mode" is recommended.


3. Fill out the blanks with all the essential information, including the date, time, location, and names of the events. Input keywords relevant to the article's focus.


4. Customize the output content by selecting the tone of voice, point of view, and language. You can choose to create news reports with GPT-3.5 or GPT-4.

5. Then, click on "Add reference" to proceed. ArticleGPT will furnish you with the latest news related to your primary keyword. Choose relevant articles for ArticleGPT to consult during the writing process. Alternatively, you can upload materials or share URLs from specific sites you wish ArticleGPT to reference.


6. Subsequently, ArticleGPT will present you with title and outline options, allowing you to make your preferred selections. Once satisfied, click on "Generate article," and within a few minutes, a comprehensive news report will be generated.


If you opt to create a news report from scratch without the help of AI tools, here's a step-by-step guide:

Research and Gather Information

Engage in thorough research, exploring various sources to gather pertinent information about the subject or event. Rely on multiple sources for a well-rounded perspective.

Determine the News Angle

Analyze the story to find a distinctive viewpoint that captivates readers. Identify what will draw readers in and keep their attention, forming the narrative core of your news report.

Create a Captivating Headline

Craft an informative and captivating headline that encapsulates key points in an interesting way, enticing readers to delve deeper into the report.

Write a Strong Lead

Establish the tone with a compelling lead that reveals important details in an eye-catching manner, providing the essential "who, what, when, where, why, and how" details succinctly.

Structure the Main Body

Organize the main body logically, ensuring crucial details are prominently featured. Use paragraphs to guide readers through a well-structured story that enhances comprehension.

Incorporate Quotes

Include quotes from relevant individuals or authorities to add credibility and offer diverse perspectives on the topic. Choose quotes carefully to enhance the narrative.

Leave a Strong Last Impact

Conclude with a powerful overview emphasizing the report's key aspects. Avoid adding new details and focus on delivering a clear, impactful conclusion.

The following are some of the pitfalls to avoid when writing a news report:

Biased language

Avoid adding your own thoughts or using biased terminology in your news story. Retain impartiality and deliver the facts in an unbiased way. Biased reporting can damage credibility and jeopardize the objectivity of your work.

Inaccurate Information

Check and confirm all information before inserting it into your news article. Errors can deceive your viewers and undermine your reputation as a reporter.


Avoid the need to exaggerate situations or problems just to get attention. Sensationalism has the power to misrepresent a story's actual nature and call into question the subject's gravity.

Incomplete Attribution

Always give credit to the original source of any information. Ignoring correct attribution can result in plagiarism charges and damage your report's credibility. Indicate clearly whose sources—interviews, government pronouncements, or other media—the information came from.

In conclusion, mastering the art of news reporting is a crucial skill in today's fast-paced world where information is in constant demand. Understanding what constitutes a news report and its important components is fundamental to producing high-quality, informative content.

Whether utilizing advanced AI tools, such as ArticleGPT, or the traditional manual approach, the key is to ensure accuracy, clarity, and relevance in every news report.

By following the comprehensive guide provided, individuals can effectively navigate the intricacies of news reporting, ultimately enhancing their ability to convey newsworthy information to a broad audience.

With the right knowledge and tools at their disposal, anyone can become a proficient news reporter, contributing to the dissemination of valuable and impactful news stories.

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Newspaper Report Writing

Report generator.

a newspaper report essay

One of the essentials of becoming a journalist is writing a newspaper report. When writing the said report in the newspaper, it is essential that your report must be able to answer these following questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how. But aside from these questions, the most important one remains to be: so what? The question “so what” refers to the impact of the said news report and how it affects the general public in any way. For instance, Cable News Network (CNN) reports that North Korea and US representatives will meet in Finland.

So what will this meeting mean to the American citizens? What about to the North Koreans or even the South Koreans? Who are the participants going to be? Will the concept of peace talks between the two countries push through? Is it going to be successful? And if ever it does, does that mean that North Korea is planning to go for denuclearization? These are the kinds of questions that the journalist needs to ask for the curious public to know and find out as they read about it.

According to the book The Elements of Journalism written by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel in their book, they stated that the first two principles of journalism would be to the truth and to its citizens. You may or may not be taking up journalism or any of its related courses, but it is important for you to know how actual journalists gather the news. You may also see news article outline example .

Skillswise Football Newspaper Article Example

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How to Write a Newspaper Report

Figure out what to write about.

Normally, it would be the assignments editor or the desk editor that would give you the occasion or incident that you would need to write about. Other styles of journalism are better for things like profiles, advice articles, and opinion pieces. But there are times that they would not be around to hand you your assignment for the day. So what would you then? You may also see Interview Report Examples .

a. The first thing you can do is to ask around for story ideas, especially government officials and public relations representatives.

b. Take a copy of today’s newspaper and check for an interesting news article that piques your interest, or maybe you can scan the news to see what is already happening. This could lead to you finding other story ideas that are related.

c. Check for any updates in social media to find out about the local events that might be occurring soon.

d. Attend city council meetings to find out if there are any local issues happening in your area. For instance, you can sit in with the regional health department and listen to the seminars or any health advisories given by the doctors on a certain disease.

e. If you are assigned to cover as a court reporter, sit in on trials at the courthouse and see if anything interesting happens that you could report on.

Newspaper Report

Go to the scene

Journalists are not office people. Let’s get that straight. They do not get their news by sitting in the office, browsing through social media just waiting for it to happen. The journalist has to go out and get his or her hands dirty (figuratively, and not literally nor morally). Once you find out what you want to write about, conduct some field work. It might take minutes, or it might even take hours, but regardless, you still need to go out there. It will be difficult to write about something that you are not present at. You may also see How to Write a Report .

a. Write down everything you see and everything that takes place.

b. Record and take notes of any speeches that occur at events. Make sure to get the names, position and contact details of the speaker in case you might have further questions or clarifications that need answering.

a newspaper report essay

Conduct interviews

Who your interview will depend on what you are reporting on. But take note that you cannot interview just anyone. For instance, if your report will be about the effects of marijuana in the body, interviewing just any doctor would not suffice. You would need to interview a specialist whose field and research lies on these illegal drugs. You would want to get a broad range of quotes for your report, so try to interview an array of people.

Good people to interview are event coordinators, lawyers, police, business owners, volunteers, participants, and witnesses. If you need to find people to schedule interviews with them, use the internet to find contact information or gather contact information about them in the field. You can also interview people directly at the scene, depending on your news report topic.

a. If the story is controversial or political, make sure to get multiple points of view from different sides of the issue. In journalism, only getting two sides is considered “armageddon”, meaning it only represents a good and evil side.

b. Prepare a sample list of questions. But do not always stick with them. Ask more questions should the need arise to make your report as comprehensive as possible, making your story newsworthy.

c. Think of an interview as a conversation. Do not be too casual, and do not be too demanding as well. It is important to speak to someone with authority. You may also see Report Outline Examples .

d. Record the interview. But as you record the interview, make sure that you take down notes as well in the interview and jot the specific time frame as to when the answer was given so that you would not have to listen to the whole interview for that specific comment.

e. Make sure to get the full names (spelled correctly) of anyone you interviewed. Try to get their contact details as well so that you can ask them for further questions or clarifications.

a newspaper report essay

Transcribe the interviews and speeches

This would probably be the most tiring of step of them all, but you gotta do it anyway. Every word, every pause, every sentence. Take note of them all. So that it would be easier on your part to find all the necessary quotes required for the story. In case if a certain quote needs clarification, best contact the source so that he or she can verify that.

Do research on the subject

Research, research, research. If you do not know something and would like to find out about it, Google it. Almost everything can be found on the Internet now. One important thing about conducting research is that you can add additional information about that certain topic which can make your story more substantial and newsworthy. You may also see Recommendation Report Examples .

The Daily News Report Example


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The Elements of News

There are elements that need to be considered when one writes a news report. In the book “The Daily Miracle: An Introduction to Journalism”, Conley and Lamble (2006) present these eight updated elements of news as the basis in determining newsworthiness for news stories that are being published namely: impact, conflict, timeliness, proximity, prominence, currency, human interest and unusual.

a newspaper report essay

1. Impact. According to the proponents, an impact is equivalent to newsworthiness. This value not only represents a story’s importance to society but also mirrors a greater significance of the decisions one makes in his or her life.

2 . Conflict. When one thinks about conflict stories, the first thing that would pop in mind would be issues surrounding murder, crimes of any scale, terrorist attacks, even political clashes and war between nations. Conflict-based stories usually entice interest to the general public. You may also see Progress Report writing .

3 . Timeliness. This is the quality that pertains to “being news”. Currency and timeliness are both similar news values since they relate to the significance of the ‘when’ element.

4 . Proximity. This value is particularly associated with the ‘where’ element of the story. Sometimes, proximity-based stories involving ethnic and cultural differences would result in gaps among the minorities and community at large. A national story can also be considered a local news story if the story is framed in a local context. You may also see Short Report 

5 . Prominence. This value most often associated with people who are highly recognizable locally, nationally and even internationally that the common public takes an interest in their solo lives as well. However, prominence is more associated with credibility than with position.

6 . Currency. Also known as the concept of “now”, currency not only relates to controversy, trends but also towards lifestyle and technology. But in determining news value through currency leaning on a more serious light, the media must be able to assess on whether the strength and relevance of the new conditions being added to the ongoing story incite intellectual discussion. You may also see Business Report .

7 . Human interest. One thing that comes to mind when human interest is mentioned is a feature or ‘soft’ stories in newspapers; though it can be said that all news stories possess a human interest to a certain degree. Human interest stories can range from humorous to tragic incidents to the basic necessities that are sometimes taken for granted like food clothes, and shelter, to rising social issues. It is these types of news that can sometimes ‘give a human face’ to the issue that can sometimes bring out the best of a person’s good heart and nature. You may also see Formal Report .

8 . Unusual. And finally, there is the news value of the unusual which from the word itself, dictates that the story is simply out of the ordinary; not to mention it conflicts with existing practices and contradicts current trends as well.

School Newspaper Report Writing Example

School Newspaper Report Writing Example

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The Basic News Structure

Writing the news takes practice and skill that requires you to gather the necessary information that the public needs to be aware of. Most, if not all journalists follow a specific format called the inverted pyramid wherein the most important information is written first all the way down to the least important information. Remember that in news writing, a sentence is equivalent to a paragraph, so it is important to only place one thought per sentence in order for the article not to become too wordy in one paragraph. The inverted pyramid consists of four parts:

1. Lead.  This opening paragraph is considered most essential part of a news report that can be written in one to two sentences or 27 words to be exact. A good lead manages to grab the audience’s interests and must answer the question: “So what?” The lead gives readers the most important information in a clear, concise and interesting manner. It also establishes the voice and direction of an article. You may also see  Performance Report Examples

2. Context or Contrast or Controversy or Conflict.  Context is defined as the parts of a discourse that surround a word (or in this case, an event). What parts do you think the audience already knows and what do you think is new they would need to know? Contrast presents the readers with opposites of the said issue.

3. Quote.  Quotes add substantial basis to the said issue at hand, and it is one way to prove that the reporter is not lying and that the source has really said it. Quotes are also written to give the people a voice that allows them to be heard by society.

4. Core.  The core is the final part of your news outline wherein all other supporting details that the journalist would want to include is going to be written there.

You may also see writing entertainment news outline to give you another idea on how the ‘soft’ news can be written. Writing the news is never easy. It is challenging and tough. There are days that the source will not answer your questions, or the story itself is bigger than it seems that you are not able to submit the story on time. It’s OK. Just remember to do what you can in your situation and be persistent!


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How to Write a News Article

Last Updated: June 5, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Gerald Posner . Gerald Posner is an Author & Journalist based in Miami, Florida. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in investigative journalism, nonfiction books, and editorials. He holds a law degree from UC College of the Law, San Francisco, and a BA in Political Science from the University of California-Berkeley. He’s the author of thirteen books, including several New York Times bestsellers, the winner of the Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History. He was also shortlisted for the Best Business Book of 2020 by the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 2,443,487 times.

Writing a news article is different from writing other articles or informative pieces because news articles present information in a specific way. It's important to be able to convey all the relevant information in a limited word count and give the facts to your target audience concisely. Knowing how to write a news article can help a career in journalism , develop your writing skills and help you convey information clearly and concisely.

Things You Should Know

  • Outline your article with all the facts and interview quotes you’ve gathered. Decide what your point of view on the topic is before you start writing.
  • Your first sentence is the most important one—craft an attention-getter that clearly states the most important information.
  • Proofread for accurate information, consistent style and tone, and proper formatting.

Sample Articles

a newspaper report essay

Planning Your Article

Step 1 Research your topic.

  • If you’ve ever written a research paper you understand the work that goes into learning about your topic. The first phase of writing a news article or editorial is pretty similar.
  • Who - who was involved?
  • What - what happened?
  • Where - where did it happen?
  • Why - why did it happen?
  • When - when did it happen?
  • How - how did it happen?

Step 2 Compile all your facts.

  • 1) those that need to be included in the article.
  • 2) those that are interesting but not vital.
  • 3) those that are related but not important to the purpose of the article.
  • This fact list will help prevent you from leaving out any relevant information about the topic or story, and will also help you write a clean, succinct article.
  • Be as specific as possible when writing down all of these facts. You can always trim down unnecessary information later, but it’s easier to cut down than it is to have to beef up an article.
  • It’s okay at this point to have holes in your information – if you don’t have a pertinent fact, write down the question and highlight it so you won’t forget to find it out
  • Now that you have your facts, if your editor has not already assigned the type of article, decide what kind of article you’re writing. Ask yourself whether this is an opinion article, an unbiased and straightforward relaying of information, or something in between. [2] X Research source

Step 3 Create an article outline.

  • If you’ve ever heard the term “burying the lead”, that is in reference to the structure of your article. [4] X Research source The “lead” is the first sentence of the article – the one you “lead” with. Not "burying the lead" simply means that you should not make your readers read several paragraphs before they get to the point of your article.
  • Whatever forum you’re writing for, be it print or for the web, a lot of readers don’t make it to the end of the article. When writing a news article, you should focus on giving your readers what they want as soon as possible.
  • Write above the fold. The fold comes from newspapers where there’s a crease because the page gets folded in half. If you look at a newspaper all the top stories are placed above the fold. The same goes for writing online. The virtual fold is the bottom of your screen before you have to scroll down. Put the best information at the top to engage your readers and encourage them to keep reading.

Step 4 Know your audience.

  • Ask yourself the “5 W's” again, but this time in relation to your audience.
  • Questions like what is the average age you are writing for, where is this audience, local or national, why is this audience reading your article, and what does your audience want out of your article will inform you on how to write.
  • Once you know who you are writing for you can format an outline that will get the best information to the right audience as quickly as possible.

Step 5 Find an angle.

  • Even if you are covering a popular story or topic that others are writing about, look for an angle that will make this one yours.
  • Do you have a personal experience that relates to your topic? Maybe you know someone who is an expert that you can interview .

Step 6 Interview people.

  • People usually like to talk about personal experiences, especially if it will be featured somewhere, like your news article. Reach out through a phone call, email, or even social media and ask someone if you can interview them.
  • When you do interview people you need to follow a few rules: identify yourself as a reporter. Keep an open mind . Stay objective. While you are encouraged to ask questions and listen to anecdotes, you are not there to judge.
  • Record and write down important information from the interview, and be transparent with what you are doing and why you are doing this interview.

Writing Your News Article

Step 1 Start with the lead.

  • Your lead should be one sentence and should simply, but completely, state the topic of the article.
  • Remember when you had to write essays for school? Your lead is like your thesis statement.
  • Let your readers know what your news article is about, why it’s important, and what the rest of the article will contain.

Step 2 Give all the important details.

  • These details are important, because they are the focal point of the article that fully informs the reader.
  • If you are writing an opinion piece , this is where you will state what your opinion is as well.

Step 3 Follow up main facts with additional information.

  • This additional information helps round out the article and can help you transition to new points as you move along.
  • If you have an opinion, this is where you will identify the opposing views and the people who hold them.
  • A good news article will outline facts and information. A great news article will allow readers to engage on an emotional level.
  • To engage your readers, you should provide enough information that anyone reading your news article can make an informed opinion, even if it contrasts with yours.
  • This also applies to a news article where you the author don’t state your opinion but present it as an unbiased piece of information. Your readers should still be able to learn enough about your topic to form an opinion.

Step 4 Conclude your article.

  • Make sure your news article is complete and finished by giving it a good concluding sentence. This is often a restatement of the leading statement (thesis) or a statement indicating potential future developments relating to the article topic.
  • Read other news articles for ideas on how to best accomplish this. Or, watch news stations or shows. See how a news anchor will wrap up a story and sign off, then try to emulate that.

Proofing Your Article

Step 1 Check facts before publishing.

  • Be sure to double check all the facts in your news article before you submit it, including names, dates, and contact information or addresses. Writing accurately is one of the best ways to establish yourself as a competent news article writer.

Step 2 Ensure you have followed your outline and have been consistent with style.

  • If your news article is meant to convey direct facts, not the opinions of its writer, ensure you’ve kept your writing unbiased and objective. Avoid any language that is overly positive or negative or statements that could be construed as support or criticism.
  • If your article is meant to be more in the style of interpretive journalism then check to make sure that you have given deep enough explanations of the larger story and offered multiple viewpoints throughout.

Step 3 Follow the AP Style for formatting and citing sources.

  • When quoting someone, write down exactly what was said inside quotations and immediately cite the reference with the person’s proper title. Formal titles should be capitalized and appear before a person’s name. Ex: “Mayor John Smith”.
  • Always write out numbers one through nine, but use numerals for numbers 10 and up.
  • When writing a news article, be sure to only include one space after a period, not two. [12] X Research source

Step 4 Have your editor read your article.

  • You shouldn’t submit any news article for publication without first letting someone take a look at it. An extra pair of eyes can double check your facts and the information to ensure that what you have written is accurate.
  • If you are writing a news article for school or your own personal website, then have a friend take a look at it and give you notes. Sometimes you may get notes that you want to defend or don’t agree with it. But these should be listened to. Remember, with so many news articles getting published every minute you need to ensure that your widest possible audience can easily digest the information you have provided.

Expert Q&A

Gerald Posner

  • Start with research and ask the “5. Asking these questions will help you create an outline and a narrative to your article. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Interview people, and remember to be polite and honest about what you are writing. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Put the most important information at the beginning of your article. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

a newspaper report essay

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Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about writing an article, check out our in-depth interview with Gerald Posner .

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About This Article

Gerald Posner

To write a news article, open with a strong leading sentence that states what the article is about and why it’s important. Try to answer the questions who, what, where, when, and why as early in the article as possible. Once you’ve given the reader the most important facts, you can include any additional information to help round out the article, such as opposing views or contact information. Finish with a strong concluding sentence, such as an invitation to learn more or a statement indicating future developments. For tips on researching your article, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Writing the NewsPaper Report- CSEC ENGLISH A-SECTION B

a newspaper report essay

This post looks at Section B of the CSEC English A Examination- Expository Writing. There are a number of reports that must be reviewed when exploring Report Writing; these include:

Simple report, eyewitness report, newspaper report, statistical report, today’s post reviews:.

  • what is a newspaper report,
  • elements of the newspaper report,
  • the structure of the newspaper report; and
  • sample newspaper reports.

What is a newspaper report?

There are two definitions to consider:, news reports are found in newspapers and their purpose is to inform readers of what is happening in the world around them., a newspaper report is a news story found in newspapers and is designed to provide people with information about what is happening in the world. news is new information and is usually about something that has just happened. all news reports follow a certain structure and have the same key features.

a newspaper report essay

How to Write a Statistical Report

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Your complete guide to writing an effective report essay to impress your readers.

How to write a report essay

Are you ready to take your academic writing prowess to the next level? Do you aspire to craft compelling and persuasive reports that leave a lasting impression on your readers? Look no further – we have all the insider tips and expert guidelines you need to succeed in writing a remarkable analytical essay!

Picture this: you have been assigned a report essay – a task that can seem overwhelming and intimidating at first. But fear not, for we are here to provide you with the essential tools and strategies to conquer this challenge with ease and finesse. So, grab your pen, gather your thoughts, and get ready to embark on a journey of analytical excellence!

In the realm of academic writing, a report essay requires a unique blend of critical thinking, meticulous research, and articulate writing skills. It is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your ability to analyze and interpret information, and to present your findings in a clear and concise manner. Throughout this guide, we will equip you with the knowledge and techniques necessary to deliver a report essay that captivates your audience and earns you the recognition you deserve.

Tips for Writing a Report Essay

When it comes to composing a report essay, there are several crucial aspects to consider that can enhance the quality and effectiveness of your writing. By following these tips, you can ensure that your report is well-organized, informative, and engaging to the reader.

  • Choose a compelling topic: Select a subject that interests you and is relevant to your audience. A captivating topic will not only keep your readers engaged but will also make the writing process more enjoyable for you.
  • Conduct thorough research: To provide valuable insights in your report essay, it is essential to gather reliable information. Utilize a variety of credible sources, such as books, academic journals, and reputable websites, to ensure a well-rounded perspective on the topic.
  • Outline your essay: Before diving into the writing process, create an outline to organize your thoughts and ideas. This will help you establish a clear structure for your essay and ensure a logical flow of information.
  • Use clear and concise language: Avoid unnecessary jargon or complex vocabulary that may confuse your readers. Instead, strive for clarity and simplicity in your writing. Explain concepts in a straightforward manner to ensure that your audience understands the information you are conveying.
  • Provide evidence and examples: Back up your statements with evidence and examples to support your arguments and claims. This will add credibility to your report essay and demonstrate your research and understanding of the topic.
  • Edit and revise: After completing the initial draft, take the time to edit and revise your essay. Look out for grammatical errors, logical inconsistencies, and areas that need improvement. Pay attention to the structure and flow of your writing to ensure a cohesive and coherent report.
  • Cite your sources: Give credit to the authors and researchers whose work you have used in your report by providing proper citations. This not only acknowledges their contributions but also adds credibility and integrity to your essay.

By following these tips, you can enhance your report essay writing skills and produce a well-structured and informative piece of writing that engages and informs your readers.

Understanding the Purpose

Understanding the Purpose

In order to effectively write a report essay, it is essential to have a clear understanding of its purpose. This section will explore the main objectives and goals of writing a report essay, allowing you to approach the task with confidence and clarity.

Identifying the purpose:

The purpose of a report essay is to provide a comprehensive and well-researched account of a particular topic or subject. It aims to analyze, evaluate, and present information in a structured and organized manner. A report essay should be informative, objective, and credible, presenting facts and findings that are supported by evidence and research.

Informing and educating:

A key goal of a report essay is to inform and educate the reader. It should provide a clear understanding of the topic at hand, presenting relevant information and data in a concise and accessible way. The purpose is to ensure that readers gain knowledge and insights on the subject, enabling them to make informed decisions or form their own opinions.

Analyzing and evaluating:

In addition to presenting information, a report essay also aims to analyze and evaluate the data. This involves critically examining the evidence, assessing its strengths and weaknesses, and drawing conclusions based on logical reasoning and analysis. The purpose is to provide a balanced and objective perspective on the topic, allowing readers to understand its implications and significance.

Addressing a specific audience:

Another important aspect of understanding the purpose of a report essay is considering the target audience. Whether it is written for academic purposes, professional reasons, or a general audience, the tone and style of the essay may vary. The purpose is to effectively communicate with the intended readers, ensuring that the content is relevant and engaging.

Emphasizing clarity and organization:

Lastly, the purpose of a report essay is to emphasize clarity and organization. It should be well-structured, with a logical flow of ideas and information. The purpose is to ensure that readers can easily navigate through the essay, grasping the main points and arguments. Clear headings, subheadings, and a coherent paragraph structure can contribute to the overall effectiveness of the essay.

By understanding the purpose of a report essay, you can approach the writing process with a clear direction and focus. Keeping in mind the objectives discussed in this section will help you create a well-written and impactful report essay that reaches its intended audience.

Conducting Thorough Research

Immersion in the subject matter is the first key to successful research. To truly understand and convey the nuances of the topic, it is crucial to immerse oneself in it, allowing ideas and concepts to permeate one’s mind. Reading extensively, exploring various perspectives, and engaging with reliable sources creates a web of knowledge that forms the basis for the report essay.

Verification and validation are vital aspects of conducting thorough research. It is crucial to critically evaluate the sources of information, ensuring their credibility and reliability. Distinguishing between reputable scholarly articles, academic journals, reputable websites, and anecdotal sources is essential to present a balanced and accurate report. Additionally, cross-referencing information and verifying facts help to fortify the integrity of the essay’s content.

Unearthing the unconventional is another aspect of comprehensive research. Going beyond the usual sources and exploring alternative viewpoints can uncover valuable insights and add a unique perspective to the report. Seeking out lesser-known experts, delving into niche publications, and analyzing unconventional data can make the essay stand out and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Organizational prowess plays a crucial role in the research process. Creating an efficient system for storing and organizing gathered information is imperative to avoid the chaos of mismanaged data. Utilizing digital tools, such as note-taking apps or citation managers, can streamline the research process and enable easy retrieval of information during the writing stage.

Iteration and adaptation are essential components of thorough research. As new information is discovered and insights develop, it is crucial to iterate and adapt the research approach accordingly. Remaining open to new ideas and adjusting the research methodology ensures that the essay remains dynamic, robust, and relevant.

In conclusion, conducting thorough research is the cornerstone of writing a successful report essay. Through immersion, verification, exploration, organization, and adaptation, researchers can lay the groundwork for a well-informed and impactful piece of writing. By valuing the research process and committing to its intricacies, writers can elevate their essays to a realm of academic excellence.

Organizing Your Thoughts

When starting a writing project, it is essential to have a clear and organized plan in order to effectively convey your ideas. By structuring your thoughts in a logical and coherent manner, you can ensure that your report essay is engaging and easy to follow.

One effective way to organize your thoughts is by creating an outline. This involves breaking down the main points or arguments you want to make and arranging them in a hierarchical order. You can use bullet points or numbers to denote the different levels of importance or relevance. This visual representation of your ideas will serve as a roadmap for your report essay, guiding both you and your readers through the content.

Another method of organizing your thoughts is utilizing mind maps or concept maps. These tools allow you to visually connect related ideas and concepts, helping you to identify connections and patterns. Mind maps can be particularly useful when brainstorming or generating ideas, as they encourage free association and creativity.

In addition to these visual aids, it is essential to also consider the flow of your thoughts within the report essay itself. Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence that introduces the main idea, followed by supporting details and evidence. Transitions between paragraphs should be smooth and logical, helping to guide the reader through the progression of your thoughts.

Furthermore, it is important to consider the overall structure of your report essay. Typically, an introduction should provide background information and a thesis statement, outlining the main argument or purpose of the essay. The body paragraphs should then present and support your main points or arguments, while a conclusion should summarize your findings and restate your thesis in a clear and concise manner.

In conclusion, organizing your thoughts is a crucial step in the writing process. By creating an outline, utilizing visual aids, ensuring flow within paragraphs, and considering the overall structure, you can effectively convey your ideas in a coherent and engaging manner. This organizational approach will not only make the writing process easier, but also enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your report essay.

Structuring Your Essay

Arranging the content of your essay is key to ensuring a cohesive and logical flow of ideas. A well-structured essay not only makes it easier for the reader to understand your arguments, but also demonstrates your ability to organize and communicate your thoughts effectively.

When structuring your essay, it is important to consider the overall framework, the arrangement of paragraphs, and the use of headings and subheadings to guide the reader. A clear and logical structure helps to keep your ideas organized and makes it easier for the reader to follow your line of reasoning.

One common approach to structuring an essay is the introduction-body-conclusion framework. In the introduction, you should provide a brief overview of your topic and present your thesis statement, which outlines the main argument or point of your essay. The body paragraphs should present the supporting evidence and arguments for your thesis, with each paragraph focusing on a specific idea or piece of evidence. Finally, the conclusion should summarize your main points and restate your thesis in a way that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

In addition to the overall structure, you can also enhance the clarity of your essay by using headings and subheadings. These help to break up the text and provide a clear hierarchy of ideas. Headings should be concise and descriptive, giving the reader an idea of what each section will cover. Subheadings can be used within each section to further divide the content and provide a more detailed breakdown of your arguments or evidence.

Another important aspect of structuring your essay is the arrangement and flow of paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a single main idea and be connected to the previous and following paragraphs through transitions. Transitions help to guide the reader from one idea to the next, creating a smooth and coherent progression of thoughts. Examples of transition words and phrases include “however,” “in contrast,” “on the other hand,” and “furthermore.”

In summary, structuring your essay is essential for organizing and effectively conveying your ideas. By following a clear framework, using headings and subheadings, and ensuring a logical flow of paragraphs, you can create a well-structured essay that engages the reader and supports your arguments effectively.

Editing and Proofreading Your Work

Perfecting your written work is just as important as the writing process itself. After you have completed your essay or report, it is crucial to spend time editing and proofreading your work to ensure it is clear, concise, and free of errors.

Editing involves reviewing and revising your work for clarity, organization, and overall coherence. This step allows you to enhance the flow of your ideas, structure your arguments effectively, and eliminate any unnecessary or repetitive information. Additionally, it gives you the opportunity to improve the overall readability and engagement of your work for your intended audience.

Proofreading, on the other hand, focuses on correcting grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. This stage involves meticulously checking your written piece for any mistakes and making necessary edits. By carefully proofreading your work, you can ensure that it is polished and professional, demonstrating your attention to detail and commitment to producing quality content.

When editing and proofreading, it is essential to take a step back and approach your work with a fresh perspective. Give yourself enough time between writing and editing to gain a new outlook and allow errors and inconsistencies to become more noticeable.

During the editing process, read through your work attentively and identify areas that need improvement. Look for clarity issues, awkward sentence structures, or illogical transitions. Consider the overall organization and coherence of your ideas and make any necessary adjustments to enhance the flow of your work.

When proofreading, pay close attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Use spell check tools as a starting point, but be aware that they may not catch all errors and can sometimes even introduce new ones. Read your work aloud to identify any awkward phrasing or missing words. Consider seeking the assistance of a trusted friend or colleague to provide a fresh set of eyes and offer constructive feedback.

To ensure the utmost accuracy in your editing and proofreading, take advantage of the resources available to you. Use style guides and dictionaries to verify correct usage, spelling, and punctuation. Consult grammar reference books or reputable online sources to address specific grammar or usage questions.

By devoting time and attention to meticulously edit and proofread your work, you can elevate your essay or report to a higher level of professionalism and ensure that your message is communicated effectively to your readers.

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How to Write a Lead

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The lead, or opening paragraph, is the most important part of a news story. With so many sources of information – newspapers, magazines, TV, radio and the internet – audiences simply are not willing to read beyond the first paragraph (and even sentence) of a story unless it grabs their interest. A good lead does just that. It gives readers the most important information in a clear, concise and interesting manner. It also establishes the voice and direction of an article.

Tips for Writing a Lead

  • The Five W’s and H: Before writing a lead, decide which aspect of the story – who, what, when, where, why, how – is most important. You should emphasize those aspects in your lead. Wait to explain less important aspects until the second or third sentence.
  • Conflict: Good stories have conflict. So do many good leads.
  • Specificity: Though you are essentially summarizing information in most leads, try to be specific as possible. If your lead is too broad, it won’t be informative or interesting.
  • Brevity: Readers want to know why the story matters to them and they won’t wait long for the answer. Leads are often one sentence, sometimes two. Generally, they are 25 to 30 words and should rarely be more than 40. This is somewhat arbitrary, but it’s important – especially for young journalists – to learn how to deliver information concisely. See the OWL’s page on concise writing for specific tips. The Paramedic Method is also good for writing concisely.
  • Active sentences: Strong verbs will make your lead lively and interesting. Passive constructions, on the other hand, can sound dull and leave out important information, such as the person or thing that caused the action. Incomplete reporting is often a source of passive leads .
  • Audience and context: Take into account what your reader already knows. Remember that in today’s media culture, most readers become aware of breaking news as it happens. If you’re writing for a print publication the next day, your lead should do more than merely regurgitate yesterday’s news.
  • Honesty: A lead is an implicit promise to your readers. You must be able to deliver what you promise in your lead.

What to Avoid

  • Flowery language: Many beginning writers make the mistake of overusing adverbs and adjectives in their leads. Concentrate instead on using strong verbs and nouns.
  • Unnecessary words or phrases: Watch out for unintentional redundancy. For example, 2 p.m. Wednesday afternoon, or very unique. You can’t afford to waste space in a news story, especially in the lead. Avoid clutter and cut right to the heart of the story.
  • Formulaic leads: Because a lot of news writing is done on deadline, the temptation to write tired leads is strong. Resist it. Readers want information, but they also want to be entertained. Your lead must sound genuine, not merely mechanical.
  • It: Most editors frown on leads that begin with the word it because it is not precise and disorients the reader.

Types of Leads

Summary lead: This is perhaps the most traditional lead in news writing. It is often used for breaking news. A story about a city council vote might use this “just the facts” approach. Straight news leads tend to provide answers to the most important three or four of the Five W’s and H. Historically this type of lead has been used to convey who, what, when and where. But in today’s fast-paced media atmosphere, a straightforward recitation of who, what, when and where can sound stale by the time a newspaper hits the stands. Some newspapers are adjusting to this reality by posting breaking news online as it happens and filling the print edition with more evaluative and analytical stories focused on why and how. Leads should reflect this.

Anecdotal lead: Sometimes, beginning a story with a quick anecdote can draw in readers. The anecdote must be interesting and must closely illustrate the article’s broader point. If you use this approach, specificity and concrete detail are essential and the broader significance of the anecdote should be explained within the first few sentences following the lead.

Other types of leads: A large number of other approaches exist, and writers should not feel boxed in by formulas. That said, beginning writers can abuse certain kinds of leads. These include leads that begin with a question or direct quotation and those that make a direct appeal using the word you. While such leads might be appropriate in some circumstances, use them sparsely and cautiously.

Summary lead:

County administrator faces ouster

By Tony Cook for The Cincinnati Post, Jan. 14, 2005

Commentary: This lead addresses the traditional who, what and when. If this information had been reported on TV or radio the day before, this lead might not be a good one for the print edition of the newspaper; however, if the reporter had an exclusive or posted this information online as soon as it became available, then this lead would make sense. Note that it is brief (15 words) and uses an active sentence construction.

Lobbyists flout disclosure rules in talks with commissioners

By Tony Cook and Michael Mishak for the Las Vegas Sun, July 13, 2008

Commentary: This lead is more representative of the less timely, more analytical approach that some newspapers are taking in their print editions. It covers who, what and when, but also why it matters to readers. Again, it uses active verbs, it is specific (170 occasions) and it is brief (35 words).

Anecdotal lead:

Tri-staters tell stories of the devastating tsunami

By Tony Cook for The Cincinnati Post, Jan. 8, 2005

Commentary: This article is a local angle on the devastating tsunami that struck Southeast Asia in 2005. As a result of the massive death toll and worldwide impact, most readers would have been inundated with basic information about the tsunami. Given that context, this lead uses an unexpected image to capture the reader’s attention and prepare them for a new take on the tsunami. Again, it is brief (23 words).

Question lead:

Same lobbyist for courts, shorter term, more money

By Tony Cook for the Las Vegas Sun, June 29, 2008

Commentary: Question leads can be useful in grabbing attention, but they are rarely as effective as other types of leads in terms of clearly and concisely providing the main point of a story. In this case, the second paragraph must carry a lot of the weight that would normally be handled in the lead.

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26 Best Report Writing Topics For Students

Stumped while brainstorming report writing topics ? We’ve got your back. Take a look at our list of interesting-to-research report topics for students .

Completing a research report for a high school or college English class can be a great way to show off your smarts or interest in a topic, but figuring out where to start can be challenging. Choosing a topic that interests you is an essential part of getting started. The more curious you are about your chosen topic, the more interested you’ll be in the research process.

Choose from our list of sample essay topics below to show off your writing skills — we have options that work for several types of report writing formats. If you’re still stuck picking your next essay topic, check out our round-up of essay topics about education .


1. Technology’s Effect on Society

2. gun control in america, 3. anxiety and social media, 4. present-day slavery, 5. should assisted suicide be legal, 6. the draft’s history in america, 7. no child left behind: did it work, 8. the bp oil spill: 12 years later, 9. parental leave around the world, 10. the insanity plea, 12. trans rights: at what age should a person be legally allowed to transition, 13. should school uniforms be mandatory, 14. compare the uk and us education systems, 15. discuss the pros and cons of violent tv shows for teens, 16. analyze how peer pressure impacts teenagers, 17. does music have healing powers, 18. analyze the causes of wildfires, 19. discuss the impact of global warming on the environment, 20. how does single parenting impact the upbringing of a child, 21. what are the social impacts of the covid-19 pandemic, 22. the effects of urbanization on wildlife, 23. mental health impact of social media on teens, 24. sustainable farming practices and food security, 25. the rise of e-learning, 26. impact of plastic waste on marine life.

Best report writing topics: Technology's effect on society

Technology makes our lives easier in many ways, but today’s tech-heavy society can also have detrimental effects. Some people find they must always be reachable due to constant access through email and cell phones, while others appreciate instant access to the people closest to them.

In a research report on how technology affects today’s society, you can focus on both sides, touching on how technology makes life easier and affects relationships and work-life balance. Discuss how technology has positively affected medical care and how the overuse of technology has contributed to health issues (including an increasingly sedentary lifestyle). Be sure to back up your points with background information based on research.

Gun control in the United States is a controversial topic. This type of academic report can either be written as a report that presents both sides of a story or as a persuasive report that argues one side. People who are for gun control argue that access to guns increases the risk of violence in the United States. In contrast, people against gun control argue that guns aren’t responsible for deaths and violence.

While presenting this topic in a formal report, discuss the history of gun control in the United States. You may also want to consider comparing gun violence rates in the United States with gun violence in other countries and comparing gun control laws in the U.S. to gun control laws in other countries. Be sure to check your sources carefully when writing about gun control, and choose unbiased sources as often as possible.

Anxiety and social media

It’s tough to avoid social media in today’s day and age. While many people find social media a valuable tool for keeping in touch with family and friends, others find apps like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to induce stress.  Research shows that using social media can have an addictive effect, as scrolling through a social media app affects the brain’s levels of dopamine, a feel-good chemical.

The high associated with scrolling social media can become addictive. People may find themselves stuck in the downward spiral of scrolling for a dopamine hit, followed by comparing themselves to others, negatively affecting their self-esteem. In a paper on this topic, explore how cutting down on social media can relieve adolescent anxiety and explain how social media can also be used to boost self-esteem positively.

While many think of slavery as a thing of the past, the concept is still sadly alive today. This can be an emotional and tough topic to research and write about. Still, it can educate your readers about the harsh reality of present-day slavery, bringing attention to an issue that often goes ignored.

According to , nearly 50 million people live in modern-day slavery, and approximately 25% of modern-day enslaved people are children. There are many forms of modern-day slavery, including forced marriage, domestic servitude, forced labor, human trafficking, and descent-based slavery (when enslaved children are also forced to work as enslaved people). For your research report on present-day slavery, you may focus on one of these areas or explore the concept of modern-day slavery as a whole.

Many people who have experienced the death of a loved one have struggled to watch them suffer and have wished that there was something they could do to help them end their suffering. In some states in America, assisted suicide has become legal . This means that a person who is terminally ill can work with their medical treatment team to develop a plan to die on their own terms.

Some people are against assisted suicide and believe people should be unable to choose how and when they’ll die. In contrast, others feel that allowing people to choose their time of death following a diagnosis of a terminal illness allows them to pass away with dignity.

This report writing topic for students can work as an informational or persuasive essay. If you have strong feelings on the topic, be sure to present both sides of the argument and your personal opinion on your point of view. You’ll also want to be sure to touch on the history of assisted suicide in the United States and views on assisted suicide around the world, as the practice is common in many areas of the world.

The draft in the United States dictates that any male over the age of 18 can be called to military service in times of war. While some people believe that the draft is outdated and should be left behind , others believe that the draft still has a place in America.

This topic can work either as a research report or a persuasive essay. If you can, talking with a military veteran who began their service due to the draft can help bring realism to your report. You may also want to talk with people who left the country to avoid the draft.

While the draft currently can only bring men to military service, some people believe that women should also be able to be drafted. Discussing this aspect of the history of the draft in the United States can add an exciting aspect to your report.

No Child Left Behind was enacted by President George W. Bush and was in effect from 2002-2015. The law rewarded teachers and schools for having high-performing classrooms and penalized schools that did not perform up to par. While some people felt that the law was the right thing to keep schools accountable for student progress, others felt that it kept disadvantaged students at a disadvantage instead of providing teachers and schools with the support they needed to achieve.

While some schools rose to the challenges of No Child Left Behind, others struggled. In an essay on the topic, you’ll need to form your own opinion on whether NCLB was an effective law for education in the United States. You may want to interview educators and administrators working in schools during the No Child Left Behind era to get firsthand opinions on whether the laws were adequate.

Also known as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill , the BP oil spill occurred on April 20, 2021, and spilled more than 130 million gallons off the Gulf of Mexico near the New Othe Orleans, Louisiana coast. The effects of the BP oil spill are still being felt in the area more than a decade later.

You can go in several different directions while reporting on the effects of the BP oil spill. The animal and plant life in the area is still suffering from the spill’s effects. People in the area are also struggling, especially those who made a living fishing off the coast. Tourism in the area has also been affected, leaving many people in New Orleans struggling to make ends meet.

The length of your research paper will determine how in-depth you can go with the topic. If you’re writing a shorter research paper, it’s wise to choose one of the topics (how the spill has affected the area’s economy, wildlife, tourism, etc.). If you’re writing a longer research paper, split it into subheadings so you can fully delve into each facet of the topic.

Many parents in the United States struggle to make ends meet following the birth of a child due to the short time that companies are required to give parents after they welcome a baby into their home. While the United Nations recommends that mothers have at least four months to recover after giving birth, the United States has no federal requirement for parental leave .

While researching this issue, it’s key to explain the differences between how new parents are treated in the United States compared to other countries and how this treatment affects both the stress levels and job performance of new parents. You’ll want to be sure to look at both sides of the issue, also explaining how the lack of a federally mandated parental leave policy can affect companies.

In the United States, a person can be found not guilty of a crime because of insanity. This means that the person accused of a crime isn’t found innocent—the court has decided that they could not understand the severity of the crime. Some people argue that people should not be able to plead insanity after committing a crime, as the crime occurred whether they understood their actions or not. Others argue that the insanity defense is necessary to protect people who do not understand the consequences of their actions.

When writing a research paper on the insanity defense, it’s key to include examples from real-life legal cases, such as the Steven Steinberg case (1981) . Mr. Steinberg claimed he was sleepwalking and dreaming about a break-in to his home when he stabbed and killed his wife. Steinberg was found not guilty due to temporary insanity, as the jury decided he was not in his right mind when the crime occurred.

Trans rights: At what age should a person be legally allowed to transition?

Transgender health has received a lot of attention in the news recently, and one of the most commonly debated topics in the transgender health medical community is at what age it makes sense for people who are transgender to begin taking hormones and undergo surgical procedures that allow their body to be in alignment with their gender identification.

According to AP News , “The World Professional Association for Transgender Health said hormones could be started at age 14, two years earlier than the group’s previous advice, and some surgeries are done at age 15 or 17, a year or so earlier than previous guidance.”

Digging into the current research on transgender health and gender dysphoria can help you determine your position on this issue. Be sure that the news sources you use are current, as research in this area constantly evolves. You’ll want to be sure you’re basing your opinion on the most up-to-date information from the medical community.

In most US schools, school uniforms aren’t mandatory; instead, the school enforces a dress code. Dress codes define the clothing the school board finds acceptable for students. The dress code can vary from school to school, but for the most part, it requires students to wear appropriate clothing that is not overly short, formal, or dressy. Some argue that allowing students to choose their clothing for school promotes individuality and confidence.

In other countries in the world, a school uniform is mandatory. The purpose of a school uniform is to eliminate any class issues where some children may be able to afford more fashionable clothes than others. A uniform ensures all students look the same and can be argued to promote a feeling of self-confidence and a sense of belonging amongst the students, removing the pressure on deciding what to wear and meeting peer expectations regarding fashion. Choose a side and argue your case in your report, citing sources and studies.

The education systems in the US and the UK have pros and cons. Some argue that the US approach allows for confidence building through more extracurricular activities, while others argue that the UK prioritizes subjects like Math and English from a younger age.

Study the differences in both education systems and choose which one you think is most beneficial to children. Does one education system set students up for success more than the other? Answer this in your own words to create an engaging argument.

Violent TV shows can have positive and negative impacts on teens worldwide. This report discusses the pros and cons of violent TV shows. Some pros include reinforcing morals and prior beliefs that violence is wrong and has negative consequences. However, some argue that violent TV shows can justify violence in the viewer’s mind.

In your report, analyze both sides of this argument and conclude by discussing your views. Include studies and data to support your arguments, looking at how violence can be perceived.

Peer pressure is one of the biggest challenges that teens face. Peer pressure can be severe, such as peer pressure to drink alcohol underage. However, it can also show up in milder ways, such as pressure to dress a certain way, listen to specific music, or follow the crowd.

In your report, discuss the impact of peer pressure on teenagers’ self-esteem and examine how individuality can be challenging to achieve. Discuss factors contributing to peer pressure, like social media, bullying, etc.

Music is argued to be a healing power for mental health, and physical conditions and can even help plants grow. Study this theory and use research data to determine whether this is true. In your report, describe how music can be healing, but also look at the limitations. To create a compelling report, source real data on how music has been used to heal a health condition and discuss how much it can help.

Analyze the causes of wildfires

Wildfires are becoming increasingly common all around the world. In particular, the US sees a high number of wildfires every year. In August 2002, devastating wildfires across California left many people without homes.

This report, discusses the causes and effects of wildfires across the globe. Use this report as an opportunity to bring attention to the noticeable effects of global warming and include ways in which governments can work to reduce wildfires.

Global warming is becoming increasingly common, making it an essential topic for argumentative and analytical reports. In your report, discuss the climate changes and how they have impacted the environment.

For example, examine the glaciers and ice sheets shrinking, wildfires across the globe, and the overall temperature increase in countries worldwide. Use scientific data to back up your report, keeping it factual and informative.

Parenting is a common topic for research reports, examining how upbringing and circumstance can help or hinder a child’s development and well-being. Study the effects of living in a single-parent household versus a joint-parent household on the well-being and success of children. There are many arguments both for and against single parenting.

Some pros include that the child creates an excellent bond with the parent or the absent parent could negatively affect the child, so they shouldn’t be within the household. However, some cons can include the single parent becoming dependent on childcare. Discuss the effects of single parenting and look at both the positive and negative effects.

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world; with it, social issues have come into focus. Some of the most impactful social challenges of the pandemic are the increasing rates of anxiety and depression . In your report, research and identify the main social challenges that we have faced since the pandemic and discuss the steps that can be taken to recover. Use this report to discuss your own experiences and the challenges others have faced.

Explanation : Urbanization refers to the growth in population concentration in urban areas and its subsequent effects on the environment, economy, and society. One critical effect is on local wildlife, which can be displaced or endangered due to urban sprawl. Start by researching the local species affected by urban development in your region. They should gather data on species decline, habitat loss, or conservation efforts.

Consider visiting a local wildlife reserve or sanctuary. Interviewing experts or conservationists can provide firsthand insights works too.

The ubiquitous use of social media has led to various mental health concerns among teenagers, including issues related to self-esteem, peer pressure, and isolation. Analyze various scholarly articles and surveys highlighting the psychological effects of prolonged social media use. Contrast this with the potential positive aspects, like connectivity and information dissemination. Survey your school or community to gather primary data on the topic, this can make the report more relevant and localized.

Sustainable farming is a method of farming that incorporates practices that can sustain the farmer, resources, and the community at large. It often interlinks with food security, ensuring everyone can access sufficient, safe, nutritious food. Examine different sustainable farming methods, their benefits, and how they contribute to food security. Highlight challenges and propose potential solutions.

If possible, visit a local farm that employs sustainable practices. Real-world observations can add depth to your report.

E-learning refers to using electronic technologies to access educational content outside of a traditional classroom. With the rise of digital platforms and tools, e-learning has become more prevalent. Assess the advantages of e-learning, such as flexibility and accessibility, against its challenges, like lack of face-to-face interaction and potential distractions. Interview students or educators with firsthand experience with traditional and e-learning settings to provide a balanced view.

Plastic waste often ends up in our oceans, affecting marine life. From microscopic plankton to gigantic whales, marine organisms ingest or get entangled in plastic debris, leading to fatal consequences. Research the plastic journey from land to sea, the species most affected, and the overall ecological repercussions. Investigate potential solutions and conservation efforts.

Incorporate visuals, like photographs or infographics, to show the severity of ocean plastic pollution.

Looking for more advice about report writing topics? Check out our guide on how to write an argumentative essay .

  • Essay On Newspaper

Essay on Newspaper

500+ words essay on newspaper.

The newspaper is one of the oldest means of communication, which provides information from all around the world. It contains news, editorials, features, articles on a variety of current topics and other information of public interest. Sometimes the word NEWS is interpreted as North, East, West and South. It means that the newspapers provide information from everywhere. The newspaper covers topics related to health, war, politics, climate forecast, economy, environment, agriculture, education, business, government policies, fashion, sports entertainment, etc. It covers regional, national and international news.

Here, we have provided an essay on ‘Newspaper’, which will help students to improve their writing section. So, students must try to write a ‘Newspaper Essay’ in English after going through this sample essay . This essay on ‘Newspaper’ will give them ideas on how to organise their thoughts in a structured format to frame a good essay.

The newspaper is the most authentic and reliable source of information as it only prints the news after proper investigation. Newspapers are delivered to our doorstep early in the morning. We can read the news by having a cup of tea and get to know what is going on around the world. Newspapers are economical as we get information at a very low cost. They are easily available and are also printed in different languages. Thus, newspapers make it easier for people to read news in their native language.

Newspapers cover different columns, and each column is reserved for a particular topic. The employment column provides information related to jobs. This column is very useful for youth who are searching for suitable jobs. Similarly, there are other columns, such as the matrimonial column for finding the perfect match for marriages, a political column for news related to politics, a sports column for analysis and opinion on sports updates, etc. Other than this, there are editorials, readers, and critics’ reviews that provide a wide variety of information.

History of Newspapers in India

The first newspaper to be printed in India was called Gazette Bengal. It was published by an Englishman, James Augustus Hicky in 1780. This newspaper was followed by the publication of other newspapers like the Indian Gazette, Calcutta Gazette, Madras Gazette Courier and Bombay Herald in the coming years. After the first freedom struggle of 1857, the number of newspapers appearing in different languages of India continued to grow. At the time of this freedom struggle, media expansion in India was not large. However, after India became independent, the expansion of newspapers continued.

Importance of Newspaper

A newspaper is an important prerequisite for democracy. It helps in the proper functioning of government bodies by making citizens informed about government work. Newspapers act as powerful public opinion changes. In the absence of a newspaper, we cannot have a true picture of our surroundings. It makes us realise that we are living in a dynamic world of knowledge and learning. Daily reading of the newspaper will help improve English grammar and vocabulary, which is especially helpful for students. It also improves reading skills along with learning skills. Thus, it enhances our knowledge and broadens our vision.

Newspapers contain advertisements which are essential to run a paper. So, along with news, newspapers are also a medium of advertising. Advertisements related to goods, services and recruitment are broadcast. There are also missing, lost-found, and government-release ads. Though these advertisements are useful most of the time, sometimes they result in misleading people. Many big companies and firms also advertise through newspapers to enhance their brand value in the market.

Disadvantages of Newspaper

There are numerous advantages of the newspaper, but on the other side, there are some drawbacks too. Newspapers are a source of exchanging diverse views. So, they can mould the opinion of people in positive and negative ways. Biased articles can cause riots, hatred and disunity. Sometimes immoral advertisements and vulgar pictures printed in the newspaper can severely damage society’s moral values.

Deletion of the vulgar ads and controversial articles removes the above-mentioned demerits of the newspaper to a great extent. Thus, an active reader cannot be misled and deceived by journalism.

Keep learning and stay tuned with BYJU’S for the latest update on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams. Also, download the BYJU’S App for interactive study videos.

Frequently Asked Questions on Newspaper Essay

Is the newspaper still in use as much as in the earlier days.

Although news feeds and news channels instantly update us on the happenings around us, daily newspapers are very much still in use. Many people still refer to and wait for the news to be updated in these newspapers, even today.

What are the 5 main sections of a newspaper?

The five main sections of a newspaper are national/international news, sports, entertainment/amusement, classified advertisements, and neighbourhood news.

Who invented the newspaper?

Johann Carolus invented the first newspaper in Strasbourg, Germany.

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a newspaper report essay

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Report Writing Format, Template, Topics and Examples | Newspaper and Magazine Report Writing

March 8, 2023 by Prasanna

Report Writing Format 2021: What is a Report? Why is Report Writing Important? A report is the formal documentation of an event, a person, or another entity. Essentially, it provides details, insights and facts that are organised in the form of a document. Report writing is the process of writing such a report. It could have implications in many fields – such as education, business, governance, medicine, forensics etc. Hence, report writing is an important skill to learn. In this article, we shall explore the basic guidelines when writing a report, the various types, and current trends in report writing. We shall also explore a few samples and their respective format of newspaper report writing, format of magazine report and examples of newspaper report.

Guidelines for Report Writing

Following are a few important tips and guidelines when writing a report writing format pdf:

  • Identify the purpose for writing a report
  • Use language that is unambiguous, concise and jargon-free.
  • Express facts and details in an unbiased manner.
  • Do not use slang or other informal words and contractions.
  • Organize the content for easy navigation and logical flow of information
  • Revise and proofread
  • Read through the entire report before sending it in.

Report Writing Topics

These are the most commonly used report types:

  • Analytical Report
  • External Report
  • Formal Report
  • Functional Report
  • Informal Report
  • Informational Report
  • Internal Report
  • Lateral Report
  • Long Report

Magazine Report

  • Newspaper Report
  • News Report Writing Format
  • Periodic Report
  • Proposal Report
  • Short Report
  • Vertical Report

In this article, we shall take a detailed look at newspaper reports and magazine reports.

Magazine Report Writing Format for Competitive Exams

Following is the format for drafting a magazine report:


(This section contains a title that is representative of the content in the report. Do note that the title must be unambiguous)

By Line

(This section contains the name of the person drafting the report. It can also contain the designation of the person. More importantly, the drafter’s name or other personal information must not be mentioned in the main body)

Opening paragraph

(This section provides a brief overview of the report. Also, it includes the headline’s expansion)

Main Body

(This section provides the complete details of the report. Important details that must be included are “why”, “how”, “what”, “when” etc. Other details can also be included if they provide better context or clarity to the report)


(This section contains details on how the event in question ended. It can also contain other details which provides more information about the event)

Newspaper Report Writing Format

Following is the formatting for drafting a news report writing format. Do note that this is similar in format to the magazine report. The only additional section is the “Date and place of reporting”.


(This section contains the title of the report. The heading must be clear and direct as possible)

By Line

(The name of the person drafting the report, along with their designation is written in this section. Furthermore, it is important to note that the drafter’s name or their personal information must be excluded from the main body)

Date and Place of Reporting

(This section mentions the date and place on which an individual drafted the report)

Opening paragraph

(This builds on the headline’s expansion. It also provides a quick summary of the events that are reported in the newspaper report)

Main Body

(This section must ensure all details of the event are clearly mentioned. It generally contains two sections; the first provides details of the event while the other covers the accounts of witnesses, aftermath or any other details that provide a better context or clarity to the report)


(This section contains details on how the event was handled and the action is taken so far. It can also contain additional details which provide more information about the event)

Newspaper Report Writing Examples

Following is a sample of a magazine report writing format for Class 12 and 10 and a news report writing format isc example:

Your School organized a symposium on the topic – “Effect of Global Warming on Planet Earth”. Prepare a news report writing for your school magazine.

By John Doe, Editor of School Magazine

(Opening paragraph)

Recently, a science symposium was held at our school on Jan 10, 2021. The topic of the Symposium was the Effect of Global Warming on Planet Earth.

(Main Body)

The event began with the felicitation of the guest speaker – Dr. Jane Doe. This was followed by our principal, Dr. Leonard espousing the participants. Dr. Jane Doe reflected her vast insights and knowledge on the topic and emphasized the importance of curbing our carbon emissions. With the charts and graphs she prepared, the audience was intricately made aware of how our planet is changing for the worse. She also proposed a hypothesis as to what would become of planet earth if such anthropological activities were left unchecked. It was a truly eye-opening experience for all the participants on how humans have affected the planet. The symposium ended with a round of questions from the participants. After the lunch break, a short documentary was shown portraying the effects of global warming and the greenhouse effect. It captivated the audience, with some expressing grief at the plight of our planet.


The 4-hour long symposium ended with a vote of thanks. The participants also vowed to bring about a change in the situation.

Newspaper Report Writing Topics

Your school organized a computer literacy camp in its neighbourhood. Prepare a news report format on the same for your school newsletter.

(Computer Literacy Camp)

By John Doe, Secretary

(Date and Place of Reporting)

21-01-2021, Bangalore

(Opening paragraph)

A computer literacy camp was recently organised in Bangalore by the St John’s Educational Society. The primary goal of the school was to educate young adults and children about the usage of computers. It also aimed to educate the dangers of online bullying.

(Main Body)

The computer literacy camp began with an inaugural speech from the chief guest, Mrs. Jane Doe, the CEO and founder of Micromedia, a startup that is well-known for producing affordable and compact personal computers. Close to 250 people had attended the camp’s inauguration, with even more turning up by midday. The camp taught the basics of computers – such as its operating system, basic hardware and also the internet. The participants were also taught how to use the internet while avoiding dangers such as online-bullying and safe-browsing practices. These valuable insights helped the participants to be more productive and also stay safe when using a computer.


The camp ended with the chief guest distributing participation certificates to the volunteers. Overall, there was an atmosphere of enthusiasm and learning.

FAQ’s on Report Writing

Question 1. What is a report?

Answer: A report is formal documentation of an event, a person or other entity. It provides details, insights and facts that are organised in the form of a document – typically a newsletter or a magazine article.

Question 2. How do you write a report?

Answer: Writing a report is relatively easy. First, we need to identify the purpose of writing a report. Next, we need to create content that is unambiguous, concise and jargon-free. It is also important to express facts in an unbiased manner. Lastly, the draft must be proof-read to avoid any grammatical errors.

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Home » Writing a Newspaper Report with Dos and Don’ts

Writing a Newspaper Report with Dos and Don’ts

Writing a Newspaper Report

Writing a Newspaper Report

The first thing that a writer should be careful about when writing for a newspaper, is the headline. it will not be captivating enough; it will not attract the reader’s attention and the news might unnoticed.

Look at the following heading:

Plane Crashes in River, Kills Two

If you look carefully, you will notice that…

  • It is an incomplete thought and thus has no full stop at the end.
  • Each word in the heading is capitalized (except prepositions and conjunctions).
  • It grabs the readers’ attention and builds a curiosity to find out the details inside the article.

When reporting a piece of news, the following tips should be kept in mind:

  • Do your research and investigate the right facts and details.
  • Be impartial and just simply state facts. Leave the judgment to the reader.

Use simple language that everyone can understand.

  • Support your report with a visual image (photo clip, sketch, or a map, etc.) to help the reader better understanding and to serve as proof of your story is authentic.

Now, let’s read the article in detail and find out what is inside.

Writing a Newspaper Report

A few points to ponder after reading the article are:

  • The reader finds out after reading the article that the two people killed were not inside the plane. However, the headline did not give away the whole news. It led them to read and find out.
  • The article answers the ‘when?’, ’where?’, why? what? ‘Who?’ and ‘how?’ for the reader. It gives the reader all the information that they are curious to find out – the city where the accident happened, the river where the plane crashed, the names and professions of all the people involved in the crash, and the local authorities had taken in the situation. More importantly, the article mentions real witness accounts.
  • The article provides a good visual image which both supports the text and acts as proof.
  • Since a newspaper has a lot of news to report and space is limited, the article is brief and precise and only contains critical and relevant information. It avoids useless banter and gibberish. Remember, most readers decide whether or not they are interested in reading the whole report, after reading the ‘lead’.
  • The language used is simple and easily understood.

The article contains no spelling errors. Although most newspapers have editors who do the task, a writer should always revise, revise and revise before submitting their written work.

Do's and Don'ts of News Article Writing

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Free World News Essay Examples & Topics

If you have to write a world news essay, you have a variety of stories to consider. There are plenty of trustworthy newspapers to browse. So, you won’t have issues with your reference list. Your real challenge will be narrowing down the scope of your work.

The official definition of the news is a report of noteworthy events. Information that is important and recent is broadcasted out to the world every day. News is usually reported through television or radio. Otherwise, it can be found in newspapers or online. The news report topics range widely, from global crises to local happenings.

Here, our experts have collected advice that will help you in writing an essay about news. You will find out which elements should be in a first-rate news article. You will also discover our topic compilation. Besides, on the page, there are news essay examples written by other students.

As a journalism student, you’re probably wondering how to write a news story. The truth is that every article in newspapers or journals has more or less the same format. No matter the type of news, some elements are universal. Below, we will take a look at these elements. Feel free to reference them in your essay on newspaper articles.

While reading articles, try to notice these elements:

The first step of any successful news article is getting the facts in order. This is the part that separates it from an editorial or a blog. All the essential information must be in the leading paragraph of the story.

It is crucial to present the full context of the story. The audience that follows the development of a story needs to know why it’s vital. Any reader is more likely to flock to something that they can relate to.

A limited view will always be present in the news, meaning that you cannot get rid of bias. News reporters have to be careful in their usage of language and rhetorical devices. It is best to leave out emotion and not to dictate the audience’s feelings for them.

Finally, a good article should always address the consequences. If the readers connect with the story, they are more likely to keep reading. This is why target audience analysis is a must. The news should address how the story is going to impact the readers personally.

If you want to see how these elements are explored in other student works, check out news analysis essay examples below.

When writing an essay about news, you will always make difficult choices. This is why here we have listed some ideas that you can write about. We hope this will help you figure out some worthy topics. Furthermore, you can always use our title generator – it will create one for you automatically.

Take a look at the following world news essay topics:

  • How do social media affect the spread of COVID-19 news?

The global pandemic hit during a time when social media was experiencing a steady rise. Now, almost everyone in the world is relying on the Internet for communication. You can mention the increased reliance on social media as a source of information and updates.

  • The New York Times . A critical analysis of newspaper paywalls and the restriction of news.

These days, almost every service goes through commodification. Of course, newspapers are no exception. Editions that used to costs cents are now locked behind subscriptions. In this essay, you can talk about controlled access to news and news sources. Use The New York Times and their 2011 paywall restriction as a case study for this newspaper essay.

  • How does overexposure to bad news affect human psychology?

It is not a secret that too much negativity can take a toll on mental and physical health. In today’s world, we are overexposed to a constant stream of information. You can examine how social media and 24/7 news channels affect the human brain. Mention sensationalism and the focus on tragic stories.

  • A reflection on the media coverage of the 2019 Hong Kong protests.

One of the most controversial events of the year, the protests were covered by almost every news source. You can compare the approaches of Western and Eastern media to independent sources and blogs. The coverage presented contrasting approaches to a particular issue. Examining their angles is perfect for a comparative essay.

  • What was Donald Trump’s impact on the US media polarization?

The constant debate between the political parties in the USA is reflected everywhere. Some of the major news outlets in America now proudly stand under either the democrat or the republican banner. Discuss how Donald Trump served in further driving apart the left and right-wing media outlets. It is also an exciting topic to explore in a fake news essay.

  • More than just news. How Wall Street Journal’s Saturday Essay and other editorial features produce interest.

Nowadays, the attention of the audience cannot be captured by recent news alone. Examine how newspapers and journals like WSJ keep the readers interested. Analyze features such as The Saturday Essay and The Weekend Interview . Do people need a break from the global news?

  • Is neutrality possible? A critical analysis of the BBC during the times of Brexit.

The separation from the EU caused much polarization in the UK. BBC , the largest news network in the country, valiantly tries to remain impartial. Assess this stance and the language used in their reporting. Discuss whether a completely neutral coverage is possible. Don’t forget to address the question of ethics in such a case.

Thank you for reading! We hope that you found this page valuable. Now, feel free to take a look at the news essay examples we have provided below. If you don’t have time to read them, let our summary generator shorten them for you.

71 Best Essay Examples on World News

Internet journalism: the impact of new media.

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The History of Print Media and Its Competition With the Internet

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The Decline in Print Media

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Newspaper Article Analysis

Bbc radio 1 versus bbc radio 1xtra.

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Sports News Reporting: The Olympics 2022

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Personal Narrative: My Navy Boot Camp Experience

Why an interview is generally invalid and unreliable.

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Newspaper Industry and the Internet

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How feature writers convey people’s affection by topical or news events

The biggest news; the 9/11 attack, what makes a successful situation comedy.

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Media Coverage of Indigenous People

Identification of fake news on social media.

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The Classroom Where Fake News Fails by Turner & Lonsdorf

World news flow under impact of social media, american news reporting during the covid-19 pandemic.

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Russians Must Accept the Truth

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Fox News and CNN Regarding the Biden Administration’s Plan: Comparison

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2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine in Global Media Coverage

Issue of fake news spreading, news on the internet is trustworthy.

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Analysis of Articles Published by CNN and Fox News

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News Nowadays: Digitalization of Newspapers

2019 hong kong protests in media coverage, emirates247 violates privacy: case analysis.

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Readers and online news websites.

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  • How to Write News Report in English? - Key Tips and Points to Remember


Understanding the Structure of a Newspaper Report Writing: Key Components and Layout

Newspaper Report Writing is easier if you stay interested in current events and keep up with the latest news. A news report is a short story about an event that is happening or has already occurred. As a reporter, you aim to present the information clearly and understandably. Use simple language to make sure your message is clear to readers. The report should be straightforward, and the writing style must be clear. At Vedantu, we provide resources and tips to help you improve your news report writing skills. Our guidance will help you learn how to write news report in English and improve your skills, making your news reports clear and engaging.


and grabs the reader's attention.

Read the article to learn how to write a news report in English.

How to Write a News Report?

We all read newspapers, and often we only glance at the headlines. If a headline grabs our interest, we might read the full article. If the rest of the article isn't engaging, we may skip it. Writing a news report is different from writing a general article. A news report aims to inform the reader about what happened, without adding personal opinions. Knowing how to structure your news report properly will help you share information clearly and effectively.

Structure of a News Report

A news report should follow a clear news story structure to be effective and interesting:

Headline : This is a short, catchy line that tells what the story is about. It should grab attention and make the reader want to learn more.

Byline : This part names the person who wrote the story. It gives credit to the reporter and can also show their role or connection to the news.

Lead : The lead is the first paragraph and includes the most important facts. It answers the key questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How) to quickly tell the reader the main points of the story.

Body : This section gives a detailed account of the event. It adds more information and context, including quotes and background details, to help the reader understand the story fully.

Ending : The ending wraps up the story. It may summarize the main points or provide a final thought or solution, giving the reader a complete picture of the event in the news story structure.

Collecting Information

Getting accurate information is important before writing a news report. The aim is to give readers the facts about what happened. To make sure the information is correct, gather evidence from different sources like interviews, official statements, and documents. Double-check the facts and compare details to avoid mistakes. Collecting information involves talking to people who know about the event, checking official records, and looking at related data. Presenting this information clearly will make your news report reliable and helpful for your readers.

Visiting the Site

Going to the place where the event happened is a great way to collect firsthand information. It lets you see the actual location, notice details that might not be mentioned in reports, and understand the situation better. By being on-site, you can gather accurate information, write down everything you observe, and take photos that can serve as evidence in your news report. These observations and images help make your report more accurate and clear, giving readers a true picture of what happened.

Interviewing Witnesses

When you visit the site, you will likely meet people who saw the event happen. Talking to them is a key way to get more information. Witnesses can share their personal stories, which add valuable details to your report. However, it’s important to listen carefully and separate facts from any exaggerations or opinions. Recording these interviews is a good idea, as it ensures you capture all the details and can go back to them later. This helps you write a truthful and complete report.

Transcribing the Interviews

After recording the interviews, the next step is to write them down, which is called transcribing. Transcribing means turning the spoken words into written text. This makes it easier to organize the information and use it in your report. Writing down the interviews helps you review what was said and pick out the most important parts. This way, your news report will be accurate and easy for readers to understand, showing the real experiences of the witnesses.

Writing the Report – Steps to Follow

When writing a news report, the most important information is found in the headline and the first sentence. The writing style for a news report should follow the inverted pyramid method, where the most important details are placed in the first paragraph. This helps grab the reader’s attention quickly. The body of the report should cover additional information and supporting details related to the event, while the concluding paragraph should include less important details. This structure ensures that the main points are clear and easy to understand from the start.

Introduction of the Report

Begin the report with a strong introductory paragraph that outlines the main story. This introduction should include key details such as who was involved, where and when the event took place, and what happened. This gives the reader a clear overview of the event right from the beginning. After setting the stage, you can follow up with a more detailed account of the occurrence. This approach helps to draw the reader in and sets up the rest of the report effectively.

Body of the Report

The body of the report should contain all the relevant details about the event. Here, you can include the observations you made during the site visit, as well as the interviews you conducted. Make sure to write in the third person and maintain a neutral tone throughout the report. The goal is to provide information rather than personal opinions. A news report should be factual and objective, focusing on what happened without adding personal feelings. By sticking to the facts and keeping the writing clear and unbiased, you ensure that the report is informative and trustworthy for your readers.

Answering the 5Ws and the H

When writing a news report, it's important to cover all the essential WH questions. These questions help ensure that your report is complete and provides all necessary details.

What: Describe the main event or incident. This could be a major accident, a new policy announcement, a community celebration, or any significant occurrence. Clearly state what happened to set the focus of your report.

Where: Provide the location where the event took place. This includes specific details like the city, neighbourhood, or even the exact address if relevant. This helps readers understand the setting of the event.

When: Give the date and time of the event. Include specific details such as the exact day and time if applicable, as well as any broader context if the event spanned multiple days.

Who: List the people or groups involved in the event. Mention key figures such as those directly impacted, those responsible, or important organizations. Identifying these individuals or groups gives context to the event.

Why: Explain the reasons behind the event. This involves discussing the causes or motivations that led to the occurrence and providing background information that helps readers understand its significance.

How: Describe how the event unfolded. This includes the series of actions or processes that led to the event, outlining the steps or procedures involved. Explaining the "How" gives a clear view of the event’s development.

Writing in Short Sentences

When writing a news report, use short and clear sentences to make your information easy to follow. Avoid complex or long sentences that might confuse readers. Short sentences help in selecting the right words and reducing grammar mistakes. This approach makes your report more straightforward and engaging, ensuring that readers can quickly grasp the key points.


Always specify where you obtained your information from, unless it is common knowledge. Proper attribution means mentioning the sources or people who provided the information. This is important for maintaining credibility and avoiding plagiarism. By acknowledging your sources, you show transparency and honesty, which helps build trust with your readers.

Factual Check

A news report should present only verified facts, not personal opinions. Before including any details, ensure that all facts are accurate and supported by evidence. Checking your facts carefully helps maintain the reliability of your report and ensures that readers receive truthful information. This commitment to accuracy distinguishes a news report from opinion pieces.

Concluding the News Report

In the final paragraph, summarise the key points of your report and provide any additional details if needed. This summary should highlight the main findings and, if relevant, offer information on possible next steps or future developments. A well-written conclusion helps readers understand the significance of the news and leaves them with a clear overview of the report.

Catchy Headline

The headline is an important part of your news report because it grabs readers' attention. Craft a headline that is interesting and reflects the main story. To create an effective headline, wait until you have finished writing the report to ensure it accurately represents the content. An engaging headline encourages readers to continue reading and learn more about the story.

Examples of News Report Structures and Content

Example 1: Local School Event

Headline: "Local School Wins National Science Fair"

Byline: By Jane Doe, Local Reporter

Lead: The Greenfield High School science team secured first place at the National Science Fair held in Washington, D.C. on June 5th.

Body: The team’s project, focusing on renewable energy solutions, impressed judges with its innovative approach. Principal John Smith praised the students for their dedication and hard work. The victory brings a proud moment for the community, which has been supportive of the school's science programme.

Ending: The school plans to celebrate the win with a special assembly next week, where students will share their projects and experiences with the community.

Example 2: City Traffic Incident

Headline: "Major Traffic Accident Causes Downtown Gridlock"

Byline: By Mark Lee, City Reporter

Lead: A multi-vehicle collision on Main Street led to significant traffic delays in downtown Cityville during the morning rush hour on August 12th.

Body: The accident involved three cars and resulted in minor injuries to two drivers. Emergency services quickly responded, and traffic was rerouted through side streets. Police are investigating the cause of the crash, but initial reports suggest that speeding may have been a factor. Drivers are advised to avoid the area until the scene is cleared.

Ending: Authorities are working to clear the wreckage and restore normal traffic flow. An update will be provided as soon as more information is available.

Example 3: New Park Opening

Headline: "New Community Park Opens to Enthusiastic Crowd"

Byline: By Emily Clark, Community Reporter

Lead: The new Riverside Community Park was officially opened to the public on Saturday, August 15th, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by local officials and residents.

Body: The park features walking trails, playgrounds, and picnic areas, providing a new recreational space for families. Mayor Susan Adams highlighted the park's role in enhancing community well-being and promoting outdoor activities. The opening event included performances by local bands and activities for children.

Ending: The park is open daily from sunrise to sunset. Residents are encouraged to visit and enjoy the new facilities while adhering to park rules and regulations.

Test your Knowledge on Writing a News Report

Here are some engaging tasks for students to help them learn how to write a news report:

Task 1: Choose a recent event from your local news and come up with a catchy headline for it. Make sure the headline reflects the main story.

Task 2: Find a news article and rewrite the first sentence or two, focusing on including the most important details clearly and concisely.

Task 3: Pretend you are a reporter and interview a classmate about a recent school event. Write a short news report based on the interview, including all the essential details.

Task 4: Pick an event, either real or imagined, and create an outline for a news report. Include sections for the headline, lead, body, and ending, making sure to cover all the important details.

Task 5: Edit a sample news report to improve clarity and add any missing details. Focus on making the report more engaging and easier to understand.

These tasks will help you practice the basics of writing a news report and make the learning process enjoyable.

Now check out if you got them all right from the answers below.

Task 1: Create Your Headline:

Event: A local animal shelter is holding an adoption drive this weekend.

Headline: "Local Animal Shelter Hosts Adoption Drive This Weekend"

Task 2: Write a News Lead:

Original Article Lead: "The city council met yesterday to discuss new policies for public transportation."

Rewritten Lead: "The city council held a meeting on Tuesday to debate new public transportation policies aimed at improving city commutes."

Task 3: Interview a Classmate:

Event: Recent school science fair.

Report: "The Greenfield High School Science Fair, held on September 10th, showcased innovative projects from students across grades. Emma Thompson, a participant, presented her project on renewable energy, which won the top prize. Emma stated, 'I’m thrilled to see our hard work pay off and to inspire others with our findings.'

Task 4: Build a News Report Outline:

Event: School sports day.

Headline: "School Sports Day a Huge Success"

Lead: "Greenfield High School’s annual sports day on September 15th was a hit, with students participating in various athletic events."

Body: "The day featured track races, relay races, and field events. Students from all grades took part, and the atmosphere was filled with excitement. Principal John Smith praised the students for their enthusiasm and sportsmanship."

Ending: "The event concluded with a prize-giving ceremony, and the school plans to make next year’s sports day even bigger and better."

Task 5: Edit a Sample Report:

Original Report: "There was an accident on Main Street today. Traffic was slow."

Edited Report: "A multi-vehicle accident on Main Street this morning caused significant traffic delays. Emergency services responded quickly to the scene. The accident involved three cars, resulting in minor injuries to two drivers. Police are investigating the cause, and drivers are advised to avoid Main Street until the area is cleared."

Takeaways from this Page

Here are the key takeaways for writing a news report: Begin with a clear headline that gives a snapshot of the story. Start the report with a lead that covers the essential details like who, what, when, where, why, and how. In the body, include extra details and background information while keeping the tone neutral. End with a summary or any important follow-up. Always check your facts and give credit to your sources to ensure accuracy and credibility.


FAQs on How to Write News Report in English? - Key Tips and Points to Remember

1. What is the first step in writing a news report?

Start with a clear and compelling headline that captures the main point of the story. An effective headline in News Writing Example should be specific and engaging to reflect the content accurately.

2. What should be included in the lead of a news report?

The lead should provide the most important details of the story: who, what, when, where, why, and how. This section gives a concise summary of the key facts, allowing readers to quickly understand the main points of the report.

3. How should the body of a news report be structured?

The body should expand on the information given in the lead, providing detailed background and supporting details. It should be well-organized, presenting information in a logical order to help readers follow the story and understand all relevant aspects.

4. In Newspaper Report Writing Format, why is it important to write in a neutral tone?

A neutral tone ensures the report is objective and unbiased, presenting facts without personal opinions. This approach maintains the credibility of the report and ensures that all perspectives are considered fairly in the Newspaper Report Writing Format.

5. How can I make my headline effective in the Newspaper Report Writing Format?

To make your headline effective, ensure it is clear, specific, and grabs attention. It should accurately reflect the main point of the story and entice readers to continue reading. A well-crafted headline makes the report stand out.

6. What details should be avoided in a news report?

Avoid including personal opinions, sensational language, or irrelevant details in the report. Focus on providing factual, relevant information to keep the report clear and objective, which helps maintain reader trust.

7. How can I ensure accuracy in my news report?

Ensure accuracy by thoroughly verifying all facts and sources before including them in the report. Cross-check information with reliable sources to confirm its correctness and avoid spreading misinformation.

8. What role does the conclusion play in a news report?

The conclusion summarizes the main points of the report and may offer additional context or follow-up information. It provides closure to the story, giving readers a final understanding of the event or issue.

9. How can I improve the readability of my news report?

Improve readability by using short, clear sentences and simple language using News Writing Example. Break up long paragraphs into smaller ones and use bullet points or headings to organize information, making it easier for readers to follow.

10. What should I do if I have conflicting information?

When faced with conflicting information, verify the facts with multiple sources to determine the most accurate version. Present any discrepancies in the report to maintain transparency and credibility.

11. How important is the order of information in a news report?

The order of information is very important; start with the most critical details and follow with supporting information. This "inverted pyramid" style helps readers quickly grasp the main points before delving into further details.

12. What should I include in the byline of a News Writing Example?

The byline should include the name of the reporter and their position or affiliation. This gives credit to the writer and helps readers know who provided the information, adding credibility to the report in News Writing Example.

American Psychological Association

Newspaper Article References

This page contains reference examples for newspaper articles, including the following:

  • Newspaper article
  • Comment on an online newspaper article

1. Newspaper article

Carey, B. (2019, March 22). Can we get better at forgetting? The New York Times .

Harlan, C. (2013, April 2). North Korea vows to restart shuttered nuclear reactor that can make bomb-grade plutonium. The Washington Post , A1, A4.

Stobbe, M. (2020, January 8). Cancer death rate in U.S. sees largest one-year drop ever. Chicago Tribune .

  • Parenthetical citations : (Carey, 2019; Harlan, 2013; Stobbe, 2020)
  • Narrative citations : Carey (2019), Harlan (2013), and Stobbe (2020)
  • In the source element of the reference, provide at minimum the title of the newspaper in italic title case.
  • If the newspaper article is from an online newspaper that has a URL that will resolve for readers (as in the Carey example), include the URL of the article at the end of the reference. If volume, issue, and/or page numbers for the article are missing, omit these elements from the reference.
  • If you used a print version of the newspaper article (as in the Harlan example), provide the page or pages of the article after the newspaper title. Do not include the abbreviations “p.” or “pp.” before the page(s).
  • If the newspaper article is from an academic research database, provide the title of the newspaper and any volume, issue, and/or page numbers that are available for the article. Do not include database information in the reference. If the article does not have volume, issue, or page numbers available, the reference in this case ends with the title of the newspaper (as in the Stobbe example).
  • If the article is from a news website (e.g., CNN, HuffPost)—one that does not have an associated daily or weekly newspaper—use the format for a webpage on a news website instead.

2. Comment on an online newspaper article

sidneyf. (2020, October 7). Oh, I don’t know; perhaps the common-sense conclusion that packing people together — for hours — like sardines — may be an [Comment on the article “When will it be safe to travel again?”]. The Washington Post .

  • Parenthetical citation : sidneyf (2020)
  • Narrative citation : sidneyf (2020)
  • Credit the person who left the comment as the author using the format that appears with the comment (i.e., a real name or a username). The example shows a username.
  • Provide the comment title or up to the first 20 words of the comment; then write “Comment on the article” and the title of the article on which the comment appeared (in quotation marks and sentence case, enclosed within square brackets).
  • Link to the comment itself if possible. Either the full URL or a short URL is acceptable. The example shows a URL that the writer has shortened with the bitly URL shortening service.
  • If the comment belongs to an article from a news website (e.g., CNN, HuffPost)—one that does not have an associated daily or weekly newspaper—use the format for a comment on a webpage on a news website.

Newspaper article references are covered in the seventh edition APA Style manuals in the Publication Manual Section 10.1 and the Concise Guide Section 10.1

a newspaper report essay

Essay on Newspaper for Students and Children

500+ words essay on newspaper.

Newspaper is a printed media and one of the oldest forms of mass communication in the world . Newspaper publications are frequency-based like daily, weekly, fortnightly. Also, there are many newspaper bulletins which have monthly or quarterly publication. Sometimes there are multiple editions in a day. A newspaper contains news articles from around the world on different topics like politics, sports, entertainment, business, education, culture and more. The newspaper also contains opinion and editorial columns, weather forecasts , political cartoons, crosswords, daily horoscopes, public notices and more.

essay on newspaper

History of Newspapers

Newspaper’s circulation started in the 17 th century. Different countries have different timelines to start the publication of Newspapers. In 1665, the 1 st real newspaper was printed in England. The first American newspaper named “Publick Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestick” was printed in 1690. Similarly, for Britain, it all starts from 1702 and in Canada, in the year 1752 the first newspaper named Halifax Gazette started its publication.

In the late 19 th century, newspapers became very common and were cheaply available due to the abolishment of stamp duty on them. But, in the early 20 th century, computer technology started replacing the old labor method of printing.

Importance of Newspaper

Newspaper is a very powerful medium of spreading information among people.  Information is a very vital thing as we need to know what is happening around us. Also, awareness to the happenings at our surrounding helps us in better planning and decision.

Government and other official announcements are done in a newspaper. Government and private sector employment-related information like job vacancies and different competitive related information are also published in the newspaper.

Weather forecasts, business-related news, political, economic, international, sports and entertainment-related all information are published in the newspaper. Newspaper is the ideal source of increasing current affairs. In most of the household in the current society, the morning starts with a reading newspaper.

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Newspaper and other Communication Channels

In this age of digitization, abundant data are available on the internet. Most of the news channel and newspaper publishing houses to cope up with the trend of digitization have opened their own website and mobile application. Information spreads instantly via social media and websites.

In this current scenario where information is almost available at real-time on the internet, the newspaper in its original form seems to face a treat of existence. However, the daily, weekly papers still hold its importance in this digital era. The newspaper is still considered as the authentic source of any information.

Most of the newspapers also have a special section for the young and school students to express and show their talent. Several articles on the quiz, essay, short story, painting are published which makes newspaper articles interesting among school students. It also helps in inculcating the habit of reading the newspaper from an early age.

Newspapers are a great source of information that can be available at home. Each and everyone must ensure to imbibe the habit of reading newspapers in their lives. In today’s digital world, online source of information is readily available but the authenticity and credibility of such information are not known. It is the newspaper which ensures to provide us accurate and verified information. Newspapers are permanent as because they have been able to earn the faith of the people with its validated information. Socially, the newspaper plays an important role in the upbringing and maintaining the morale and harmony of society to a larger extent.

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How to use the audience’s feedback to write a news report

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Checked : Soha K. , T. M. H.

Latest Update 20 Jan, 2024

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Reader’s comments can provide valuable feedback

How to use the audience’s feedback to write a new news report.

In the world of communication and   journalism , innovation has changed the way news reports are written and consumed. Several digital platforms, social media websites and news websites have the readers to show how much they like the news story, to share with their friends and to leave the comment after reading it. In this digital era, the computer system record and aggregate the views and made publically visible how many time this particular article has read. These days, the audience’s feedback has changed the several stages of news production. Moreover, it also influences how the journalist select, process and writes the news report. In this article, we will review how the journalists use the audience’s feedback to write a new news report.

In this modern world, news organizations permit their users to leave comments on the recent news stories. These comments often become a forum for debate, either political or religious. However, most news organizations don’t bother the comments of the readers. But according to the Researchers University of Missouri School of Journalism, they may pay more attention to what their readers say about the news stories.

There are some factors that let the journalists to monitor and integrate the audience’s feedback from website comments and micro-blogging social site Twitter in their   news reports. According to a survey in the USA, one study found that the personal attitude of journalists toward incorporating audience feedback and organizational policy in the news, as well as how much skills and knowledge they need to use their feedback in the news reports, affect their intention and consequently their definite use of, audience feedback in their editorial choices. There are four main elements that play a crucial role in writing news writing. The journalists use audience feedback while they write all these key elements of the news report.

  • There is no news story or report without the facts. If you don’t use it, it will become an opinion or a simple article. Read the reader’s comments about these facts that he mentioned and check them and integrate them if it matches your story. People don’t expect from you to share your personal opinion over facts.
  • When you write a news report, the context of the report answers the question, why should I read this story? For a news writer, context helps you to decide what the readers want to know. Context provides the circumstances surrounding the facts of your story. When you are writing a report, read the feedback and research what people say about these topics and quote their opinions that will show the circumstances surrounding the facts you are going to write.
  • The impact is the third element that you should take into account when writing a news report. Audience feedback helps you to write what people want to read, not what you want to write. But its story should be based on facts, and that has a positive impact.
  • There is no secret that news reporting can evoke the emotion of the audience, and emotions foster a communal feeling. If you are going to write on a sensitive topic and you have read audience feedback, then be careful. Draw a fine line between hard and cold facts and emotional heartstrings while writing a news report.

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How to Cite a Newspaper in MLA | Format & Examples

Published on January 14, 2021 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on March 5, 2024.

To cite a newspaper article in MLA style , list the author , title , name of the newspaper, date of publication, and URL (for online articles) or page number (for print articles). Use the interactive example below to explore the format.

You can also use Scribbr’s free MLA Citation Generator to effortlessly create MLA citations for newspaper articles.

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Page numbers in newspaper citations, citing a newspaper from a database, citing local newspapers, frequently asked questions about mla citations.

In your Works Cited entry, always include page numbers when available. Use “p.” for a single page or “pp.” for multiple pages. Page numbers in newspapers are often written with letters, e.g. “D3”; make sure to include the letters if present.

Use an en dash for a range of consecutive pages (e.g. “pp. 4–6”). For articles that appear on non-consecutive pages (e.g. starting on the first page but continued on the sixth), MLA recommends just writing the first page number followed by a plus sign.

In an in-text citation, only add a page number if the article extends across multiple pages. If the article is entirely on one page, the page number is already specified in the Works Cited, so you just write the author’s last name in your in-text citation.

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a newspaper report essay

To cite a newspaper article you accessed through a database, just include the usual information for a print newspaper, followed by the name of the database in italics.

MLA format Author last name, First name. “Article Title.” , Day Month Year, p. Page number. .
“Hoover Favors Stand in Pacific.” , 3 Jan. 1950, pp. 1+. .
(“Hoover” 2)

Note that a shortened version of the title is used in the in-text citation, since no author is listed for the article in this case.

When citing a local newspaper (one that is not published nationally or internationally), it’s sometimes necessary to clarify the publication you mean by including the city name in square brackets after the name of the newspaper. You don’t need to do this if the city is already part of the newspaper name.

  • Dallas Observer [Dallas]
  • Dallas Observer
  • The Gazette
  • The Gazette [Montreal]

In an MLA style Works Cited entry for a newspaper , you can cite a local newspaper in the same way as you would a national one, except that you may have to add the name of the city in square brackets to clarify what newspaper you mean, e.g. The Gazette [Montreal].

Do not add the city name in brackets if it’s already part of the newspaper’s name, e.g. Dallas Observer .

When an article (e.g. in a newspaper ) appears on non-consecutive pages (e.g. starting on page 1 and continuing on page 6), you should use “pp.” in your Works Cited entry, since it’s on multiple pages, but MLA recommends just listing the first page followed by a plus sign, e.g. pp. 1+.

The title of an article is not italicized in MLA style , but placed in quotation marks. This applies to articles from journals , newspapers , websites , or any other publication. Use italics for the title of the source where the article was published. For example:

Use the same formatting in the Works Cited entry and when referring to the article in the text itself.

If a source has no author, start the MLA Works Cited entry with the source title . Use a shortened version of the title in your MLA in-text citation .

If a source has no page numbers, you can use an alternative locator (e.g. a chapter number, or a timestamp for a video or audio source) to identify the relevant passage in your in-text citation. If the source has no numbered divisions, cite only the author’s name (or the title).

If you already named the author or title in your sentence, and there is no locator available, you don’t need a parenthetical citation:

  • Rajaram  argues that representations of migration are shaped by “cultural, political, and ideological interests.”
  • The homepage of The Correspondent describes it as “a movement for radically different news.”

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

Caulfield, J. (2024, March 05). How to Cite a Newspaper in MLA | Format & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 3, 2024, from

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Man who threatened skier, snowboarder near Brighton with a gun had to write an essay. Here’s what it said.

Man who asked “are you an ikon user” to alleged trespassers required to write an essay on “the use of deadly force in utah” as part of plea deal..

The Brighton man who threatened a skier and a snowboarder with his Winchester rifle after they crossed his driveway last winter wouldn’t say he brandished his weapon. He now admits, however, that he “exhibited” the gun.

Keith Stebbings, 67, pleaded guilty to third-degree felony assault for his interactions with the skier and snowboarder on separate incidents near his home in the Town of Brighton on Feb. 24. The felony charge will be dismissed, however, if Stebbings abides by all the terms of his probation. A second charge of threatening, a Class B misdemeanor, was dismissed with prejudice.

As part of his plea, which he entered into the 3rd District Court on June 25, Stebbings was put on probation for 36 months. The court also demanded he surrender his .30-30 Winchester rifle, take a gun safety course and write an essay on “The use of deadly force in Utah.”

Stebbings did not return calls seeking comment for this report.

“I do appreciate the term ‘exhibited’ in the [Utah Criminal Code]. It is far clearer to me than brandished,” Stebbings wrote in his essay, which was obtained by The Salt Lake Tribune. “I was unaware at the time of the incident that exhibiting an unloaded gun on my personal property was unlawful when encountering an individual trespassing.”

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Old Prospect Road, where a man threatened a snowboarder with a shotgun for allegedly entering his property near Brighton Ski Resort, on Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024.

On the day in question, snowboarder Loren Richardson, 41, was following a plowed path he said he believed would lead him from the backcountry near Brighton Resort to his vacation rental in town. When he banked around a cluster of trees, however, Richardson came face to face with Stebbings and the barrel of his rifle. Stebbings then began cursing at Richardson and shoving him.

“What are you, an Ikon user ?” Stebbings said, referring to the multi-resort ski pass often blamed for overcrowding at resorts. “I don’t give a [expletive]. This is private property.”

“Do it again and there will be holes in you.”

A GoPro camera attached to Richardson’s helmet recorded the entire interaction. It went viral when he posted it to his Instagram account and has received 106,000 plays.

Stebbings was dressed in a red checkered flannel shirt, black beanie and flowing gray pants. A red camping chair was set out in the path behind him. He continued to curse at Richardson after the snowboarder stopped, unbuckled from his snowboard and walked quickly down Old Prospect Avenue toward Big Cottonwood Canyon Road.

(Christopher Cherrington | The Salt Lake Tribune)

“My stomach was in my throat,” Richardson told The Tribune in February. “I was just like: ‘Be apologetic.’ I don’t know. ‘Why is he going to shoot me? Why is this happening?’”

When he reached the junction of the two roads, Richardson met two skiers, one of whom said he also had been threatened by Stebbings. That skier, a Salt Lake City man who has asked not to be named, told the police Stebbings hit his hip with the butt of the rifle . He was returning to his car after taking a backcountry ski clinic near Guardsman Pass. Richardson came from the opposite direction via an egress into United States Forest Service property from Brighton Resort. Both said they did not see any “No Trespassing” or private property signs before Stebbings assaulted them.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by LRF (@loren_richardson_films)

The skier’s father reported the encounter to the Unified Police Department that afternoon. Richardson filed his report two days later. When officers visited Stebbings house, he initially told them he didn’t know anything about the run-ins, according to a police report. Once informed he was caught on video, Stebbings told officers he and his neighbors had become frustrated with skiers and snowboarders trespassing over their property.

Stebbings’ essay on “the use of deadly force in Utah” consists of five paragraphs and an excerpt of Title 76 of the Utah Criminal Code, which defines “threatening with or using a dangerous weapon in a fight or quarrel.” He dedicated one of those paragraphs to telling the court that some of his neighbors “have banded together, partly on my behalf, to approach Brighton Ski Resort to inquire whether the Resort would be willing to develop a plan and install appropriate diversion mechanisms to alleviate the trespasser problem.”

Stebbings by The Salt Lake Tribune on Scribd

Stebbings formerly worked as a ski instructor for Brighton.

Brighton spokesperson Jared Winkler said the resort gave Stebbings fencing to cordon off his property immediately after learning of the encounters. He added that the resort is always open to listening to the community but he was unaware of anyone raising concerns about trespassers in the months since the encounters.

Previously, Winkler stated that Brighton is required by law to allow egress to adjacent USFS property and that it isn’t responsible for skiers and snowboarders once they leave the resort.

In his essay, Stebbings wrote that “following the incident, my behavior changed.” He said he now calls UPD to request more patrols on days he expects to see an influx of skiers and snowboarders crossing his property. He records video footage of alleged trespassers and gives them “a non-threatening warning that they are on private property.” And, he said, before the rifle was confiscated he no longer brought it outside.

UPD confiscated the Winchester rifle on July 7 and will hold it until Dec. 25, 2025, so long as Stebbings abides by his parole. He has been ordered to enroll in a gun safety course this fall and he cannot leave the state for more than 45 days at a time.

Though his probation is set for 36 months, Stebbings can wrap up his punishment by Christmas Day 2025 if he shows 100% compliance and receives a recommendation from the probation agency.

Editor’s note • This story is available to Salt Lake Tribune subscribers only. Thank you for supporting local journalism.

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DNC flies banners about Trump-Vance ticket, "Project 2025" over battleground state football games

By Aaron Navarro , Anne Bryson

Updated on: September 7, 2024 / 3:42 PM EDT / CBS News

Spectators at the University of Michigan football game against Texas on Saturday were reminded of a different rival before the game: Ohio State. 

At the Big House in Ann Arbor, Michigan, an aerial banner paid for by the Democratic National Committee and pulled by small airplanes read: "JD Vance 💗 Ohio State + Project 2025." It's a tongue-in-cheek reference to the Republican vice presidential nominee, who got his bachelor's degree from Ohio State University, and the dense conservative blueprint by the Heritage Foundation for a potential second Trump term.

From the tailgates until kickoff, fans at separate college football games in battleground states on Saturday saw aerial banners paid for by the Democratic National Committee, according to details first shared with CBS News. 

DNC banner

The trolling by the DNC comes as they look to keep the election front-of-mind for battleground state voters, particularly younger voters . 

A banner flew over Michigan Stadium, where the defending national champion Wolverines lost to Texas, 

Penn State's Bowling Green matchup got more general messages urging fans to "Beat Trump, Sack Project 2025." The bannet set to fly over Georgia's home game was grounded due to weather.

At the University of Wisconsin vs. South Dakota game in Madison, Wisconsin, the banner said: "Jump Around! Beat Trump + Project 2025," referencing the football team's fourth-quarter tradition.

"The DNC is reaching voters where they are," DNC spokesperson Abhi Rahman told CBS News ahead of the weekend. "These banners carry a message that resonates with fans and reminds them that the most important contest is still to come in November."

Trump and his campaign have sought to distance themselves from Project 2025, though a  CBS News analysis  has found hundreds of its proposals match Trump's past and proposed campaign promises.

Vance has alluded to the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry during his own campaign stops in Michigan.

"To my Ohio brethren, guys, we gotta win Michigan. That's the most important thing this election cycle," he said at a July event in Grand Rapids. 

Other outside political groups are also looking to tap into the intersection of college sports and politics. 

NextGen America, a non-partisan youth voter engagement organization, is paying hundreds of student-athletes in the battleground states to get them to use their platforms to encourage others to vote.

The payment makes them one of the first political organizations to utilize the "Name, Image, and Likeness" (NIL) ruling that enables athletes to monetize their personal brand. 

"Sports is a fantastic way of tapping into the cultural zeitgeist of the nation," NextGen America Vice President of Communications Antion Arellano told CBS News. 

The battle over the young vote

Sustaining the support President Biden received from college-aged voters in 2020 is key for Vice President Kamala Harris ' campaign. 

In 2020, Mr. Biden easily garnered more support from voters 18 to 24 years old than former President Donald Trump (65%) as well as those between 25 to 29 (54%), according to a CBS News exit poll. Voters under 30 years old made up 38% of new voters in that election, according to the Pew Research Center.

But comparatively, younger voters turn out at significantly lower numbers than older voters. 

Voter turnout in the 2020 elections for those between the ages of 18 to 24 was just 51.4%, compared to 76% for those between 65 to 74 years old, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This was an increase from 2016 when 46.1% of those between 18 and 29 years old turned out to vote. 

Both candidates are being backed by college outreach programs.

Turning Point USA, an organization founded for outreach to young conservative voters, has hosted Trump and Vance at multiple events. 

The group said they've focused on outreach to Greek life on Arizona and Wisconsin campuses, in addition to having booths at tailgates during college gamedays. Turning Point USA's founder, Charlie Kirk, also plans to go to over 22 campuses in swing states. Some of his visits so far to Arizona and Wisconsin have been open debates with students, and the organization says it has led to hundreds of new voter registrations. 

Earlier this month, the Harris campaign launched a "Back-to-School" campaign targeting 150 college campuses in the battleground states with social media and campus newspaper ads, visits from surrogates, as well as a doubling of its staff dedicated to youth engagement. They're also running ads during college football games this fall. 

Likely voters under 30 years old heavily lean towards Harris, according to an August CBS News poll . There has also been a 175% increase in young Black women registering to vote since the vice president became the nominee, according to data firm TargetSmart .

But young voters were also the group with the lowest marks in terms of saying they "definitely" will vote in November, according to the CBS News poll.

Engagement with social media influencers and content creators has also been frequent this cycle. The Democratic National Convention credentialed more than 200 influencers to attend in person, with some interviewing Harris or her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. 

Trump himself has appeared on multiple podcasts or streaming shows geared toward younger audiences. 

Earlier this summer, he appeared on internet celebrity Adin Ross' stream. The appearance was panned by Democratic critics who pointed to Ross' show hosting white supremacist Nick Fuentes, as well as his ties to social media influencer Andrew Tate, who has faced allegations of human trafficking with minors. 

"Make the move now, all you young people," Trump told viewers on Ross' show. 

  • Kamala Harris
  • Democratic Party
  • Donald Trump
  • University of Texas
  • College Football
  • University of Michigan

Aaron Navarro is a CBS News digital reporter covering the 2024 elections. He was previously an associate producer for the CBS News political unit in the 2021 and 2022 election cycles.

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U.S. economy adds 142,000 jobs; unemployment ticks down slightly

The U.S. economy added 142,000 jobs in August and the unemployment rate ticked down slightly to 4.2%, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Friday, fresh data that does little to assuage concerns about a slowdown in an otherwise solid labor market.

Economists had expected a slightly stronger jobs report, looking for 161,000 added jobs. And while the unemployment rate hardly budged, Friday's report also included significant downward revisions to June and July jobs numbers.

Unemployment remains low but has been on an upward trajectory for most of this year following a jobs boom the U.S. experienced as part of its broader economic recovery following the Covid pandemic. 

“The chief worry among Americans has been high prices, the result of inflation,” Mark Hamrick, senior economic analyst at Bankrate, said in a note following Friday’s release. “The state of the job market is now competing for their attention.”

The monthly jobs report — always closely watched by economists and analysts — was under even more intense scrutiny due to expectations that the Federal Reserve will soon cut interest rates in an effort to provide a boost to economic growth. Economic issues are also at the forefront of the presidential campaigns of Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. After Friday, there will be just two more monthly jobs reports before Election Day.

Markets responded negatively to the news, with stock futures ticking downward and U.S. Treasury yields falling, the latter a sign that investors are seeking assets deemed safer and less risky.

The economy is producing mixed signals. Earlier this week, two measures of manufacturing came in weak , fueling fears that the economy is slowing faster than hoped for.

On Wednesday, the BLS reported that job openings continued a sharply downward trend, though they still remain above pre-pandemic levels. But it showed that the hiring rate for professional and business services workers — who tend to enjoy higher salaries — has reached lows not seen since the Great Recession in 2009.

Yet layoffs remain largely subdued, even after jump ing last month , as does the number of individuals filing for unemployment.

Businesses are "laying off workers like it's a boom and hiring like it's a recession," Dario Perkins, managing director at TS Lombard financial firm, said in a post on X Wednesday .

The cross-currents come as Americans have mostly spent down their pandemic-era cash piles, while borrowing remain restrained by the high interest rate environment. And even as the rate of inflation has largely been tamed back to the Federal Reserve's 2% target, consumers are still reeling from four years of surging prices.

Despite these headwinds, there's been talk throughout the summer of the U.S. economy having achieved a "soft landing" of relatively low unemployment and relatively low inflation.

Stocks, too, remain near all-time highs despite some recent turbulence .

Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics group, told NBC News that, as long as the unemployment rate remains at current levels, he believes a soft landing can be sustained.

But he said that sunny picture could easily be ruined.

"It wouldn’t take a whole lot to upset that story and see companies start pulling back and laying off," Zandi said. "The labor market is good, but it feels like a fragile good."

The current unemployment rate still implies more than 7 million Americans are out of work and looking for a job. Among them is Cassandra Kelly, a 38-year-old New Jersey resident and mother of two who told NBC News she has now been on the job market for more than a year.

An operations specialist with experience in communications and social media, Kelly said she's been getting by thanks to a settlement payment from her landlord, financial support from her partner and occasional independent contract work. But none of it has been enough to cover her expenses.

The full-time roles she's seeing posted in her field now pay as little as $45,000 — hardly enough to qualify for an apartment in the New York City area, Kelly said, adding that some of the positions come with no benefits, something that she needs in order to support hers and her family's medical needs.

"Even when I’m willing to go down to $45,000 or $50,000, the amount of work they're asking for this tiny bit of money is not fair," she said. "It breeds resentment. There have been times I've wanted to give up."

There's hope that the Federal Reserve's widely expected interest-rate cut later this month will ease the brakes on growth and loosen financial conditions.

When it does so, the cost of borrowing on everything from autos to credit cards will decline. Mortgage rates, too, are likely to fall, although the Fed does not directly control those.

Whatever financial relief may come, the Fed's policy actions won't have an immediate effect — especially given that the current rate of 5.5% is already so high.

"It's not a game-changing event," Zandi said, meaning it will take time for the economy to adjust to a September rate cut and any future cuts that may come in November, December and beyond.

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