Absolute Zero

Learning intentions.

  • To understand how to convert between degrees Kelvin and degrees Celsius
  • To understand what it means for an object to reach absolute zero

Absolute zero is the coldest temperature that is theoretically possible, but it has never been achieved. Absolute zero occurs at -273.15 degrees Celsius.

The Kelvin scale was devised as a scale in which the lowest possible temperature is 0 K. To calculate the temperature in Kelvin, simply add 273.15 to the temperature in Celsius.

Absolute Zero: Absolute Awesome (3:15)

  • Convert to Kelvin:
  • -273.15 °C (absolute zero)
  • 0 °C (freezing point of water, at sea level)
  • 100 °C (boiling point of water, at sea level)
  • 5505 °C (temperature at the surface of the Sun)
  • Convert to Celsius
  • What do you think would happen if you touched an object that is absolute zero? What If You Touched Absolute Zero? (5:25) watch
  • If you see a temperature of -400 degrees, what scale is being used?

Absolute Temperature (0 Kelvin) Lab Demonstration (8:38)

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What Is Absolute Zero? Temperature in Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit

Absolute zero is 0 K, -273.15 °C, or -459.67 °F.

Absolute zero is defined as the temperature at which a cooled ideal gas is in its lowest energy state. In other words, it’s the point at which no more heat can be removed. While boiling point and melting point depend on the nature of a material, absolute zero is the same for all substances. Matter displays unusual properties as it near absolute zero, including superconductivity, superfluidity , and forming the state of matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate.

Absolute Zero in Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit

Absolute zero is 0 K, -273.15 °C, or -459.67 °F. Note the Kelvin temperature does not have a degree symbol . This is because the Kelvin scale is an absolute scale , while the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are relative scales based on the freezing point of water.

How Absolute Zero Works

One common misconception about absolute zero is that matter stops moving or freezes into place. Theoretically, absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature, but it isn’t the lowest possible enthalpy state. This is because absolute zero is defined for an ideal gas. At very low temperatures, real matter deviates from ideal gas behavior. At absolute zero, matter is in its lowest energy state, but it still has some energy from the vibration of chemical bonds, orbits of electrons, and movements within the atomic nucleus. Lowering a temperature to absolute zero is like when a person slows from running to standing still. Most of the kinetic energy is removed, but a person’s heart beats, lungs inhale and exhale, and there is still potential energy.

Can We Ever Reach Absolute Zero?

According to the laws of thermodynamics, it is not possible to reach absolute zero only using thermodynamic methods. We can get very, very close to absolute zero, but can’t ever quite reach it, thanks largely to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. For any particle, you can’t know its momentum and exact position. At absolute zero, the momentum is zero. Basically, even if scientists achieve absolute zero, they can’t measure it.

But, we can get very, very close to absolute zero! In 2015, scientists at MIT cooled a mixture of sodium and potassium gaseous atoms down to 450 nanokelvins. Space-based research has the potential to go even further. The Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL) is an experiment designed for the International Space Station that may achieve a temperature as low as 10 picokelvin (10-12 K).

Coldest Temperature Ever Recorded

It may surprise you to learn the coldest temperatures ever recorded were produced in labs here on Earth. Because of background radiation, deep space isn’t really all that cold (2.73 K). So far, the Boomerang nebula is the coldest place in nature, with a temperature of about 1 K.

Negative Kelvin Temperature

While we can’t reach absolute zero, in 2013 researchers made a quantum gas of potassium atoms that achieved negative Kelvin temperatures in terms of motion degrees of freedom. Although it’s counter-intuitive, negative temperatures aren’t actually colder than absolute zero. In fact, they might be considered infinitely hotter than a positive temperature.

Below absolute zero, matter displays strange properties. For example, although atoms are attracted to each other and exert negative pressure, the matter doesn’t collapse. Theoretically, a combustion engine operating below absolute zero could have a thermodynamic efficiency greater than 100%.

  • Arora, C. P. (2001). Thermodynamics . Tata McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-462014-4.
  • Medley, Patrick, et al. (May 2011). “ Spin Gradient Demagnetization Cooling of Ultracold Atoms .”  Physical Review Letters.  106. doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.195301
  • Merali, Zeeya (2013). “Quantum Gas Goes Below Absolute Zero.”  Nature . doi:10.1038/nature.2013.12146

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Physics Network

What is absolute zero and how is it determined?

Absolute zero can be defined as the temperature at which matter does not move. At absolute zero, even subatomic vibrations are put to a grinding halt. Because the pressure in this experiment is caused by the movement of a gas, the pressure would cease to exist when the gas stops moving (a.k.a. absolute zero).

Table of Contents

What is absolute zero in your own words?

Absolute zero is the lowest temperature possible. At a temperature of absolute zero there is no motion and no heat. Absolute zero occurs at a temperature of 0 degrees Kelvin, or -273.15 degrees Celsius, or at -460 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is an example of absolute zero?

A cup of hour-old tea, for example, is colder than the fire on your stove but hotter than an ice cube. Absolute zero represents the coldest possible temperature, which defies the this-versus-that pattern.

Is absolute zero physically possible?

Absolute zero can never be perfectly reached because of quantum fluctuations. Perfectly stopping every atom at a distinct point would require fixing the exact location and momentum of the atom, which is not physically possible according to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle .

What would happen to a human at absolute zero?

The problem is, this lack of blood supply and oxygen to your skin can cause damage to your cells. At absolute zero, the piece of metal will lower your cells’ temperature until they are so cold that the liquid inside them freezes. This would create sharp ice crystals, and damage the structure of your skin cells.

What happens at absolute zero?

At zero kelvin (minus 273 degrees Celsius) the particles stop moving and all disorder disappears. Thus, nothing can be colder than absolute zero on the Kelvin scale .

How do you find absolute zero in physics?

To solve for the value of absolute zero, use the equation for a line, y = mx + b. Absolute zero is the temperature at which the gas’s pressure equals zero. This is the line’s x-intercept.

What is difference between freezing point and absolute zero?

Absolute temperature is the lowest temperature at which the system is at its lowest possible energy. Kelvin and Rankine’s scales are used to measure the absolute temperature. The freezing point means a point that can probably be any temperature at which any compound freezes.

Is absolute zero the coldest temperature possible?

Physicists acknowledge they can never reach the coldest conceivable temperature, known as absolute zero and long ago calculated to be minus 459.67°F.

What is absolute zero and why is it important?

Absolute zero, technically known as zero kelvins, equals −273.15 degrees Celsius, or -459.67 Fahrenheit, and marks the spot on the thermometer where a system reaches its lowest possible energy, or thermal motion. There’s a catch, though: absolute zero is impossible to reach.

What is absolute temperature in physics?

Absolute temperature is temperature measured using the Kelvin scale where zero is absolute zero. The zero point is the temperature at which particles of matter have their minimum motion and can become no colder (minimum energy).

What is the coldest thing in the universe?

  • At a chilly –459.67 degrees Fahrenheit (–273.15 degrees Celsius), the Boomerang Nebula is the coldest place in the universe (Image credit: ESA/NASA)
  • The nebula gets its name thanks to its shape.
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Why is the absolute zero?

Absolute zero is defined as the point where no more heat can be removed from a system, according to the absolute or thermodynamic temperature scale. This corresponds to zero Kelvin, or minus 273.15 C. This is zero on the Rankine scale and minus 459.67 F.

What objects are absolute zero?

Absolute zero corresponds to –273 degrees Celsius and –460 degrees Fahrenheit. Cooling an object requires extracting energy from it and depositing it somewhere else. In household refrigerators, for example, the heat exchanger at the back gets warm because the energy extracted from the objects inside is deposited there.

What is the hottest thing in the universe?

The dead star at the center of the Red Spider Nebula has a surface temperature of 250,000 degrees F, which is 25 times the temperature of the Sun’s surface. This white dwarf may, indeed, be the hottest object in the universe.

Does water freeze at absolute zero?

Water freezes at absolute zero. Even water freeze at zero degrees Celcius but water molecule does not come to rest at this temperature. But at -273.15 degrees Celsius (absolute zero/ 0 kelvin), the molecular movement of water comes to rest or becomes minimal.

Can fire burn in absolute zero?

You don’t find cold fire on earth very much, because the earth isn’t that cold. But as we’ve already seen, you can start a fire at any temperature above absolute zero and if the flame is only say, 50 degrees hotter than the temperature at which you started the fire – it will burn cold.

Why is space not absolute zero?

Completely empty space would have no temperature since there are no molecules there – it would make no sense to discuss the temperature of nothingness. We wouldn’t even call it zero degrees. Technically, there must be matter present to have an associated temperature.

Do electrons still move at absolute zero?

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What happens to gas at absolute zero?

Theoretically, at absolute zero the volume of an ideal gas would be zero and all molecular motion would cease. In actuality, all gases condense to solids or liquids well above this point.

How does Charles Law define absolute zero?

Relation to absolute zero Charles’s law appears to imply that the volume of a gas will descend to zero at a certain temperature (−266.66 °C according to Gay-Lussac’s figures) or −273.15 °C.

What is pressure at absolute zero?

Hint: Absolute zero is the temperature at which the pressure of the gas equals to zero.

Is absolute zero different for different gases?

For all gases, that zero point (absolute zero) is (roughly) the same and although clearly the gas would no longer be a gas there, this is an important implication. The separate laws can be combined into the ideal gas law , PV = NRT.

What’s the difference between absolute zero and absolute temperature?

Absolute temperature, also called thermodynamic temperature, is the temperature of an object on a scale where 0 is taken as absolute zero. Absolute temperature scales are Kelvin and Rankine. Absolute zero is the temperature at which a system is in the state of lowest possible (minimum) energy.

What is the difference between sub zero and absolute zero?

“Absolute zero” is colder than “sub-zero”, even though the prefixes would imply the opposite. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

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What Is Absolute Zero in Science?

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Absolute zero is defined as the point where no more heat can be removed from a system, according to the absolute or thermodynamic temperature scale. This corresponds to zero Kelvin , or minus 273.15 C. This is zero on the Rankine scale and minus 459.67 F.

The classic kinetic theory posits that absolute zero represents the absence of movement of individual molecules. However, experimental evidence shows this isn't the case: Rather, it indicates that particles at absolute zero have minimal vibrational motion. In other words, while heat may not be removed from a system at absolute zero, absolute zero does not represent the lowest possible enthalpy state.

In quantum mechanics, absolute zero represents the lowest internal energy of solid matter in its ground state.

Absolute Zero and Temperature

Temperature is used to describe how hot or cold an object is. The temperature of an object depends on the speed at which its atoms and molecules oscillate. Though absolute zero represents oscillations at their slowest speed, their motion never completely stops.

Is It Possible to Reach Absolute Zero

It's not possible, thus far, to reach absolute zero—though scientists have approached it. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) achieved a record cold temperature of 700 nK (billionths of a kelvin) in 1994. Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers set a new record of 0.45 nK in 2003.

Negative Temperatures

Physicists have shown that it is possible to have a negative Kelvin (or Rankine) temperature. However, this doesn't mean particles are colder than absolute zero; rather, it is an indication that energy has decreased.

This is because temperature is a thermodynamic quantity relating energy and entropy. As a system approaches its maximum energy, its energy starts to decrease. This only occurs under special circumstances, as in quasi-equilibrium states in which spin is not in equilibrium with an electromagnetic field. But such activity can lead to a negative temperature, even though energy is added.

Strangely, a system at a negative temperature may be considered hotter than one at a positive temperature. This is because heat is defined according to the direction in which it flows. Normally, in a positive-temperature world, heat flows from a warmer place such a hot stove to a cooler place such as a room. Heat would flow from a negative system to a positive system.

On January 3, 2013, scientists formed a quantum gas consisting of potassium atoms that had a negative temperature in terms of motion degrees of freedom. Before this, in 2011, Wolfgang Ketterle, Patrick Medley, and their team demonstrated the possibility of negative absolute temperature in a magnetic system.

New research into negative temperatures reveals additional mysterious behavior. For example, Achim Rosch, a theoretical physicist at the University of Cologne, in Germany, has calculated that atoms at a negative absolute temperature in a gravitational field might move "up" and not just "down." Subzero gas may mimic dark energy, which forces the universe to expand faster and faster against the inward gravitational pull.

Merali, Zeeya. “Quantum Gas Goes Below Absolute Zero.”  Nature , Mar. 2013. doi:10.1038/nature.2013.12146.

Medley, Patrick, et al. " Spin Gradient Demagnetization Cooling of Ultracold Atoms ."  Physical Review Letters, vol. 106, no. 19, May 2011. doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.195301.

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What is absolute zero?

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Absolute zero is the lowest temperature possible. At a temperature of absolute zero there is no motion and no heat. Absolute zero occurs at a temperature of 0 kelvin, or -273.15 degrees Celsius, or at -460 degrees Fahrenheit.


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temperature scales

absolute zero , temperature at which a thermodynamic system has the lowest energy. It corresponds to −273.15 °C on the Celsius temperature scale and to −459.67 °F on the Fahrenheit temperature scale .

The notion that there is an ultimately lowest temperature was suggested by the behaviour of gases at low pressures: it was noted that gases seem to contract indefinitely as temperature decreases. It appeared that an “ ideal gas ” at constant pressure would reach zero volume at what is now called the absolute zero of temperature. Any real gas actually condenses to a liquid or a solid at some temperature higher than absolute zero. Therefore, the ideal gas law is only an approximation to real gas behaviour. As such, however, it is extremely useful.

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The concept of absolute zero as a limiting temperature has many thermodynamic consequences. For example, all molecular motion does not cease at absolute zero (molecules vibrate with what is called zero-point energy ), but no energy from molecular motion (that is, heat energy) is available for transfer to other systems, and it is therefore correct to say that the energy at absolute zero is minimal.

Any temperature scale having absolute zero for its zero point is termed an absolute temperature scale or a thermodynamic scale. In the International System of Units , the Kelvin (K) scale is the standard for all scientific temperature measurements. Its fundamental unit, the kelvin, is identical in size to the Celsius degree and is defined as 1/273.16 of the “triple point” of pure water (0.01 °C [32.02 °F])—i.e., the temperature at which the liquid, solid, and gaseous forms of the substance can be maintained simultaneously. The interval between this triple point and absolute zero comprises 273.16 kelvins. The lowest temperature achieved in experiments has been 50 picokelvin (pK; 1 pK = 10 −12 K).

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Taking Measure

Just a Standard Blog

How Low Can Temperature Go? Lord Kelvin and the Science of Absolute Zero

Stephen Eckel wears dark safety glasses as he peers into the complex CAVS apparatus in a darkened lab.

In Stephen Eckel’s lab at NIST, he gets to work with some of the coldest stuff in the universe.

Temperature is probably the second most measured physical quantity in our modern world — after time. 

When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I usually check is the time (to see if I should go back to sleep), but the second thing I check is the temperature outside (so that I know how to dress). 

Temperature is such a common measurement that we sometimes forget how important it is. From dairy farming to rocketry, from climate science to weather prediction, so many things require an accurate knowledge of temperature.

The metric (SI) unit for temperature is called the kelvin, after Lord Kelvin , whose 200th birthday we celebrate today. 

Lord Kelvin and the Early Science of Temperature 

Lord Kelvin, or William Thomson, worked in what was then the emerging field of thermodynamics — transforming heat into dynamical motion. He did this both as a student at the University of Cambridge and as a young professor at the University of Glasgow. Together with his close collaborator, James Joule, he researched all sorts of problems in thermodynamics , including temperature scales.

At the time, the scientifically accepted scale for temperature was the Celsius scale, with zero temperature being the freezing point of water and 100 degrees being the boiling point of water. But after studying how gases changed volume and pressure in response to changing temperature, Thomson, Joule and other scientists realized that there was an absolute coldest temperature that could be reached.

Illustrated portrait of Lord Kelvin from Scottish bank note.

To understand how they reached this conclusion, consider a gas in a balloon. If you cooled the balloon, the gas inside would exert less pressure against the balloon itself and against the atmosphere outside it, causing the balloon’s volume to shrink. 

Don’t believe me? Inflate a balloon and stick it in your freezer. When you pull it out, you can feel the balloon expand. Now extrapolate: How cold would you have to make the balloon to make its volume go to zero (ignoring the fact that the gas inside will eventually condense into a liquid)? That must be the coldest possible temperature because the balloon cannot have a negative volume.

In 1848, Lord Kelvin used similar reasoning to accurately calculate the absolute coldest temperature as negative 273.15 Celsius (or negative 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit). It would be roughly another decade before scientists like Lord Kelvin and Ludwig Boltzmann understood that at absolute zero, the molecules in the gas stop moving . 

Since 2019, all three of these scientists have been immortalized in the SI. The kelvin is our SI unit of temperature, defined through the Boltzmann constant , which relates temperature to energy, the SI unit of which is the joule.

Today, atomic physicists like myself use a technique partly pioneered at NIST called laser cooling , which uses lasers to cool clouds of between 100,000 and 1 billion atoms to temperatures of about 100 microkelvin. This temperature is 1/10,000th of a degree Celsius above absolute zero. 

And we measure these ultracold temperatures in a way that would not be surprising to Lord Kelvin (although making such cold gases might be!). 

We measure the average speed of the atoms in the gas. Researchers at NIST use such laser-cooled atoms for all sorts of applications, from atomic clocks to vacuum standards.

Vacuum Standard

Laser cooling atoms to near absolute zero only works inside a chamber where almost all the air has been removed by a pump to isolate the atoms from the surrounding environment. Such vacuum chambers are common and are used in industries such as semiconductor manufacturing. 

Most of the components in your cellphone have been in and out of at least one vacuum chamber. The core components, like the central processing unit, have probably been through a chamber that has produced some of the best vacuums on Earth. For every trillion gas molecules that started in the chamber, all were removed but one. Such exquisite vacuums are required because leftover gas molecules can both contaminate the chip and scatter the ultraviolet light that is used to imprint the designed circuit. This can cause the chip to be ruined.

Amazingly, the current best way to measure such pure vacuums is by using what is effectively a vacuum tube. But now, the laser-cooled atoms in my lab may be the best sensor of ultralow vacuum pressures on Earth. 

After the sensor atoms are cooled to near absolute zero, we hold the sensor atoms in a “trap” that is made entirely of magnetic fields. This trap is very weak, only able to hold onto the ultracold sensor atoms. The vacuum sensor works because if a cold sensor atom is struck by a leftover gas molecule, it will almost always be ejected from the weak trap. The rate at which this process occurs depends on the number of gas molecules the pump has left behind. Thus, determining the number of leftover gas molecules just involves counting the number of sensor atoms that remain after some time. 

This “ cold-atom vacuum standard (CAVS) ” is a new way of measuring vacuum pressure, which NIST has played a crucial role in developing. We anticipate it being used to measure ultrapure vacuums in semiconductor manufacturing, quantum computers and other big science experiments, such as an experiment detecting collisions of extremely distant black holes, known as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO).

Having a standard like the CAVS that always gives the correct vacuum pressure reading will help these applications build better vacuum chambers, diagnose problems and increase both reliability and productivity.

The CAVS is the only experiment that I am aware of that needs to measure two very different temperatures at the same time: the sensor atom temperature of around 100 microkelvin (very cold!) and the temperature of the leftover gas in the vacuum chamber, near room temperature at 300 kelvin. 

I think Lord Kelvin would be amazed to learn that two very different temperatures could exist at the same time, and both need to be measured for a single experiment to work.

A statue of Lord Kelvin, seated with a notebook, stands in a leafy park. An orange traffic cone is placed on his head like a hat.


Another interesting research pursuit here at NIST is trying to use atoms or molecules to build a thermometer that actually measures temperature. 

You may be wondering what I mean. 

After all, you probably have multiple thermometers in and around your home, and they all give you some number in either Fahrenheit or Celsius. But the truth is they all  measure some other physical quantity — like the resistance of a platinum wire or the voltage generated between two dissimilar metals — that depends on temperature. 

For these devices to read out a temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius, they must be calibrated. NIST does such calibrations, and it’s more likely than not that the calibration for the thermometer in your home’s thermostat can be traced through a complicated set of steps all the way back to NIST.

But we may be able to make this whole calibration process simpler by making thermometers that directly measure temperature, using techniques that Lord Kelvin would appreciate. 

For example, my colleague Daniel Barker and I are working on using lasers to measure the distribution of velocities of a gas of rubidium atoms at room temperature and above. This technique, called Doppler thermometry, gets at the very heart of how Lord Kelvin understood temperature. 

Together with my colleague Eric Norrgard , I am also working on two projects trying to create a new type of infrared thermometer using atoms and molecules. If these efforts are successful, calibrating our thermometers could get much easier, and it may further other scientific advancements as well. 

Keeping It (Very) Cool in the Lab  

I came to NIST as a postdoctoral researcher in 2012 after finishing my graduate work at Yale University. 

As a postdoc, I worked with some of the coldest stuff in the universe: Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). Like the CAVS, BECs are also made of laser-cooled atoms, but they have been cooled even further to less than 100 billionths (!) of a degree above absolute zero. 

After my postdoc, I decided to stay at NIST and try to use my experience with ultracold atoms and lasers to realize practical and useful standards, like the CAVS. 

I gain a great sense of pride when I see what appear to be glowing balls of ultracold atoms — which are certainly fun to play with — used to solve real-world measurement problems. I suspect that Lord Kelvin may have felt the same sense of pride to see his measurements and theories regarding thermodynamics (which were probably also fun to work on) be applied to make more efficient steam engines.

Happy Birthday, Lord Kelvin  

Lord Kelvin didn’t just calculate absolute zero. After his early work in establishing absolute temperature scales, he was instrumental in laying the first telegraph cables across the Atlantic Ocean. Lord Kelvin also invented a machine that predicted tides and a compass that helped the Royal Navy navigate the seas . While my research is not quite that varied, one of the ways I mix up my work is by working at both room temperature and temperatures near absolute zero.

One of the key things I have learned is that measuring temperature, as Lord Kelvin understood it, is almost always harder than you might think. While the ideas are straightforward, making them work in practice is the real challenge. 

And this fact makes it even more impressive that Lord Kelvin accurately predicted the temperature of absolute zero … in 1848. 

On his 200th birthday, I’ll take a moment to appreciate that.

About the author

Stephen Eckel

Stephen Eckel

Stephen Eckel is a physicist in the Sensor Science Division. His research focuses on using atoms, both at room temperature and ultracold, to probe thermodynamic quantities like pressure and temperature in calibration-free ways. He earned his Ph.D. at Yale University in 2012 and came to NIST as a postdoctoral researcher working with Bose-Einstein condensates. When not in the lab working with atoms and lasers, you will most likely find him tending to his garden or driving antique Stanley Steam cars.

For your amusement: Baron Kelvin's name comes from the River Kelvin which flows past Glasgow into the River Clyde. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/River_Kelvin

Great article, but I had a couple of nits to pick. First, Celsius temperature was referred to as "centigrade" during the time period referenced (and is still incorrectly called centigrade by a significant number of people today). While I think that should be acknowledged to give historical context, I would support NIST and other bureaus of weights and measures internationally putting forth a greater effort to purge "centigrade" from everyday language(s) in the present day. Second, was the scale of what is now called the Celsius thermometer not inverted when originally proposed, so that water boiled at 0 °C and froze at 100 °C? I think that would make an interesting article all by itself.

Thank you Stephen. Very nicely written article which addresses a critical subject in the needy hours of Quantum Computing & Quantum sensors. I am going to share this article in my LinkedIn post.

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Absolute Zero

Absolute Zero

Absolute zero is the lowest temperature possible. A theoretical condition concerning a system at the lowest limit of the thermodynamic temperature scale, or zero kelvins, at which the system does not emit or absorb energy. At a temperature of absolute zero, there is no motion and no heat. By extrapolating the ideal gas law, the internationally agreed-upon value for absolute zero has been determined as −273.15 °C (−459.67 °F; 0.00 K). It occurs at a temperature of 0 degrees Kelvin, or -273.15 degrees Celsius, or at -460 degrees Fahrenheit.

Absolute zero is the lowest limit of the thermodynamic temperature scale, a state at which the enthalpy and entropy of a cooled ideal gas reach their minimum value, taken as zero kelvins. The fundamental particles of nature have minimum vibrational motion, retaining only quantum mechanical, zero-point energy-induced particle motion. By international agreement, absolute zero is defined as precisely; 0 K on the Kelvin scale, which is a thermodynamic (absolute) temperature scale; and –273.15 degrees Celsius on the Celsius scale. It corresponds to −273.15 °C on the Celsius temperature scale and to −459.67 °F on the Fahrenheit temperature scale. The corresponding Kelvin and Rankine temperature scales set their zero points at absolute zero by definition. The concept of absolute zero as a limiting temperature has many thermodynamic consequences.

absolute zero assignment

Science is full of zeroes. Light has zero mass. Neutrons have zero charges. Absolute zero represents the coldest possible temperature, which defies the this-versus-that pattern. It’s the absolute nadir of our universe’s thermometer. And it gets pretty weird down there. Stranger still, absolute zero isn’t even zero on the temperature scales used by nonscientists. It’s minus 273.15 degrees on the Celsius scale or minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit. Different materials vary in how cold they can get, and theory suggests we’ll never get to absolute zero. In the quantum-mechanical description, matter (solid) at absolute zero is in its ground state, the point of lowest internal energy.

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After 100 Years of Debate, Hitting Absolute Zero Has Been Declared Mathematically Impossible

absolute zero assignment

After more than 100 years of debate featuring the likes of Einstein himself , physicists have finally offered up mathematical proof of the third law of thermodynamics , which states that a temperature of absolute zero cannot be physically achieved because it's impossible for the entropy (or disorder) of a system to hit zero.

While scientists have long suspected that there's an intrinsic 'speed limit' on the act of cooling in our Universe that prevents us from ever achieving absolute zero (0 Kelvin, -273.15°C, or -459.67°F), this is the strongest evidence yet that our current laws of physics hold true when it comes to the lowest possible temperature.

"We show that you can't actually cool a system to absolute zero with a finite amount of resources and we went a step further," one of the team, Lluis Masanes from University College London, told IFLScience.

"We then conclude that it is impossible to cool a system to absolute zero in a finite time, and we established a relation between time and the lowest possible temperature. It's the speed of cooling."

What Masanes is referring to here are two fundamental assumptions that the third law of thermodynamics depends on for its validity.

The first is that in order to achieve absolute zero in a physical system, the system's entropy has to also hit zero. 

The second rule is known as the unattainability principle, which states that absolute zero is physically unreachable because no system can reach zero entropy.

The first rule was proposed by German chemist Walther Nernst in 1906, and while it earned him a Nobel Prize in Chemistry, heavyweights like Albert Einstein and Max Planck weren't convinced by his proof, and came up with their own versions of the cooling limit of the Universe.

This prompted Nernst to double down on his thinking and propose the second rule in 1912, declaring absolute zero to be physically impossible.

Together, these rules are now acknowledged as the third law of thermodynamics, and while this law appears to hold true, its foundations have always seemed a little rocky - when it comes to the laws of thermodynamics , the third one has been a bit of a black sheep.

"[B]ecause earlier arguments focused only on specific mechanisms or were crippled by questionable assumptions, some physicists have always remained unconvinced of its validity," Leah Crane explains for New Scientist.

In order to test how robust the assumptions of the third law of thermodynamics actually are in both classical and quantum systems , Masanes and his colleague Jonathan Oppenheim decided to test if it is mathematically possible to reach absolute zero when restricted to finite time and resources.

Masanes compares this act of cooling to computation - we can watch a computer solve an algorithm and record how long it takes, and in the same way, we can actually calculate how long it takes for a system to be cooled to its theoretical limit because of the steps required to remove its heat.

You can think of cooling as effectively 'shovelling' out the existing heat in a system and depositing it into the surrounding environment. 

How much heat the system started with will determine how many steps it will take for you to shovel it all out, and the size of the 'reservoir' into which that heat is being deposited will also limit your cooling ability. 

Using mathematical techniques derived from quantum information theory - something that Einstein had pushed for in his own formulations of the third law of thermodynamics - Masanes and Oppenheim found that you could only reach absolute zero if you had both infinite steps and an infinite reservoir.

And that's not exactly something any of us are going to get our hands on any time soon.

This is something that physicists have long suspected , because the second law of thermodynamics states that heat will spontaneously move from a warmer system to a cooler system, so the object you're trying to cool down will constantly be taking in heat from its surroundings.

And when there's any amount of heat within an object, that means there's thermal motion inside, which ensures some degree of entropy will always remain. 

This explains why, no matter where you look, every single thing in the Universe is moving ever so slightly - nothing in existence is completely still according to the third law of thermodynamics.

The researchers say they "hope the present work puts the third law on a footing more in line with those of the other laws of thermodynamics", while at the same time presenting the fastest theoretical rate at which we can actually cool something down.

In other words, they've used maths to quantify the steps of cooling, allowing researchers to define set speed limit for how cold a system can get in a finite amount of time.

And that's important, because even if we can never reach absolute zero, we can get pretty damn close, as NASA demonstrated recently with its Cold Atom Laboratory, which can hit a mere billionth of a degree above absolute zero, or 100 million times colder than the depths of space.

At these kinds of temperatures, we'll be able to see strange atomic behaviours that have never been witnessed before. And being able to remove as much heat from a system is going to be crucial in the race to finally build a functional quantum computer.

And the best part is, while this study has taken absolute zero off the table for good, no one has even gotten close to reaching the temperatures or cooling speeds that it's set as the physical limits - despite some impressive efforts of late . 

"The work is important - the third law is one of the fundamental issues of contemporary physics," Ronnie Kosloff at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel who was not involved in the study, told New Scientist.

"It relates thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, information theory - it's a meeting point of many things."

The study has been published in Nature Communications.

absolute zero assignment

Life's Little Mysteries

Is it possible to reach absolute zero?

To reach absolute zero, all of the particles within an object have to stop moving.

Ice covered thermometer, close-up.

Absolute zero is the lowest theoretical temperature, which scientists have defined as minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 273.15 degrees Celsius). That's even colder than outer space . So far, nothing we know of has reached absolute zero. But is it even possible to achieve this chilling milestone?

To answer this question, let's unpack what temperature actually is . We tend to think of temperature as how hot or cold something is, but it's actually a measure of the energy or vibrations of all the particles in a system. Hot objects have more energy, so their particles can vibrate more quickly. The point at which particles have no energy at all — and, therefore, stop moving — is what's defined as absolute zero.

Scientists are interested in reaching these low temperatures because quite a few interesting quantum effects emerge when particles are slowed down. A fundamental principle in quantum mechanics is wave-particle duality — the phenomenon in which a particle such as a photon of light can behave either as a particle or a wave, said Sankalpa Ghosh , a theoretical condensed matter physicist at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.

When dealing with quantum mechanical particles, it's important to remember their "indistinguishability" — "it's not possible to track the particles or waves individually as we can with larger objects," Ghosh told Live Science in an email. "The origin of this can be traced back to the famous Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle that quantifies the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanical measurement [meaning that when a particle's position is precisely measured, its momentum is less precisely known, and vice versa]. This probabilistic nature gives a wave-like character to a quantum mechanical particle."

The extent of this quantum wave-like behavior is expressed by a ratio of the thermal de Broglie wavelength and the interparticle distance. At normal temperatures, this quantum behavior is negligible, but strange effects begin to emerge as the particles get colder.

"[This ratio] gets larger as the temperature goes down and at absolute zero it is actually infinity," Ghosh said. "Quantum phenomena like super fluidity (flow without friction), superconductivity (current flows without any resistance), and ultracold atomic condensation all happen due to this."

a gloved hand uses tweezers to hold a test tube over dry ice.

Early ultracold experiments in the 1990s used a technique known as laser cooling to begin probing these effects. "The light exerts a force on the atoms which slows them down to reasonably cold temperatures, around 1 kelvin (minus 272.15 C or minus 457.87 F)," said Christopher Foot , an ultracold physicist at the University of Oxford. "[That's low enough] to see quantum behavior in solids and liquids but for the gases we study, we need 10s of nano-kelvin temperatures to get these quantum effects."

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The lowest temperature ever recorded in a lab was achieved by a group in Germany in 2021. The team dropped magnetized gas atoms down a 400-foot (120 meters) tower, constantly switching the magnetic field on and off to slow the particles to almost a complete standstill. In this type of experiment, known as magnetic trap cooling, the gaseous particles reached an incredible 38 picokelvin — 38 trillionths of a degree Celsius above absolute zero and well within the range to begin observing quantum effects in gases.

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But is there any point in trying to cool materials even further? Probably not, according to Foot. "We're much more interested in these quantum effects than reaching absolute zero," he said. "Laser-cooled atoms are already used in the atomic standards which define universal time (atomic clocks) and in quantum computers. Lower-temperature work is still at the research stage, and people are using these methods to test universal physical theories."

At present, it's not possible to cool that final 38 trillionths of a degree — and several hurdles would have to be overcome for it to become a reality. In fact, even if we were to reach absolute zero, we might completely miss it due to imprecise measuring techniques.

"With current instruments, you couldn't tell whether it was zero or just a very, very small number," Foot said. "To measure absolute zero, you would actually need an infinitely accurate thermometer, and that's beyond our current measuring systems."

Victoria Atkinson is a freelance science journalist, specializing in chemistry and its interface with the natural and human-made worlds. Currently based in York (UK), she formerly worked as a science content developer at the University of Oxford, and later as a member of the Chemistry World editorial team. Since becoming a freelancer, Victoria has expanded her focus to explore topics from across the sciences and has also worked with Chemistry Review, Neon Squid Publishing and the Open University, amongst others. She has a DPhil in organic chemistry from the University of Oxford.

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Zero chance" Supreme Court will rule that Trump has "absolute immunity," Jan Crawford says

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With the Supreme Court set to rule on presidential immunity, CBS News legal correspondent Jan Crawford says that she foresees "zero chance that they're going to embrace Donald Trump's argument that he has absolutely immunity." CBS News chief Washington correspondent Major Garrett adds that depending on the outcome of the Supreme Court decision, special counsel Jack Smith will have to decide if he will try the former president ahead of the November election, which could be "the most consequential prosecutorial decision in the history of the country."

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2024 East Coast NATIONALS @ Spooky Nook

2024 East Coast NATIONALS @ Spooky Nook Schedule

Weekend pass for a CHILD is $25 A mistake was made on the original message and has since been changed Thank you

Coaches, PLEASE inform Parents - CASH ONLY CASH ONLY No Venmo No Cashapp No Credit Cards FRIDAY - Separate Single day band Adults $15 Child $10 WEEKEND PASS - 2 Day Band Saturday & Sunday ONLY Adults $35 Child $25 DAILY PASS - Separate Single Day Band Saturday & Sunday Adults $20 Child $15 Wristband MUST be worn on wrist at all times ABSOLUTELY NO Ripped, taped or torn Wristbands will be accepted NO EXCEPTIONS!!

**PLEASE closely monitor your game schedule tomorrow. Many divisions will have a pool play game and a short time later will have a bracket play game. Any questions, please email us thank you

9th Grade Black division has been updated, please see the changes. Unfortuantely, two teams drop out over the last 24 Hours. Thank you

Parking is controlled and managed by Spooky Nook Sports, their fee is $10 per day, per car. We are not at all involved nor do we compensate from these fees.

WARNING THIS IS A ZERO TOLERANCE EVENT HEAD COACHES are responsible for the behavior of each asst. coach, player and spectator that’s traveling with your program. Please provide the following Warning to all that are traveling with your team. - No Profanity within the venue - No abusive language within the venue - No aggressive Behavior or Gestures within venue - Respect the Officials or be EJECTED from the Venue - Spectators are not allowed on the Court during Game Play Failing to follow these rules will result in your EJECTION from the Venue. STAY HOME IF YOU CANT CONTROL YOURSELF THIS IS THE FIRST AND ONLY WARNING If, after receiving this warning you verbally abuse any player, coach, game official or spectator, or engage in behavior that is disruptive or interferes with a game participant or another spectator. You will be immediately ejected from the venue without refund.

ALL COACHES MUST show ID when checking in prior to their first Game. NO ID, NO Entry Two Coaches permitted per team, 3rd or 4th coach will be required to purchase a wristband

As you may have already noticed, some minor schedule changes are taking place and will be throughout the day today. We hope to have all changes final by midnight tonight. Please review your schedule again tomorrow Thank you for your patience

The Schedule has been released!! NO SCHEDULE CHANGES will be made unless an error was made during the scheduling process Please understand the difficulties of managing a schedule this large. We did our absolute best to accommodate time requests but with bracket play games on Saturday, it limited how late or early we could schedule certain age groups.

Schedule release - 1130pm **PLEASE READ - Important Details Many divisions will start bracket play on Saturday instead of Sunday. PLEASE REVIEW the bracket within your division as the game times and court assignment for your 2nd game on Saturday will be dependant on your 1st game results. We will do our best to follow up with each team throughout the process. Thank you

East Coast Nationals Schedule will be released prior to midnight, we do apologize for the delay as this has been an extremely difficult schedule to manage. With that, please accept your game times as they are , any changes will result in 10 additional changes. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT US unless we made an error during the scheduling process. Thank you

Schedule will be posted this evening 90% of all teams will have their first game on Friday, these games will begin at 4pm. The 10% of teams not playing on Friday are based ONLY on the numbers per division and NOT based on requests. We will NOT be accepting any time request for Games in this schedule. PLEASE DO NOT ASK Thank you

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     at which all molecular motion stops, equal to 0 or -273.15° . However, quantum mechanically, molecules cannot cease all motion (as this would violate the ), so at 0 K they still vibrate with a certain small but nonzero energy known as the zero-point energy. ,

Division Standings

absolute zero assignment

All event related questions should be directed to Vinny LaSorsa at [email protected] or call 631 926-5942.


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  1. The Determination of Absolute Zero

    At absolute zero, even subatomic vibrations are put to a grinding halt. Because the pressure in this experiment is caused by the movement of a gas, the pressure would cease to exist when the gas stops moving (a.k.a. absolute zero). Therefore, when the linear relationship discovered in this experiment is extrapolated to the point where the ...

  2. 11.16: Using Charles' Law to Determine Absolute Zero

    The mass measurements are converted to high and low temperature gas volumes and Charles's Law, V = a⋅ T+ b, is used to calculate absolute zero. Convert mass measurements to high and low temperature gas volumes: High temperature: V h := 224.4gm−83.0gm 1gm mL 224.4 g m − 83.0 g m 1 g m m L = 0.141 L; T h := 99.0 Celsius.

  3. Absolute zero

    Zero kelvin (−273.15 °C) is defined as absolute zero.. Absolute zero is the lowest limit of the thermodynamic temperature scale; a state at which the enthalpy and entropy of a cooled ideal gas reach their minimum value, taken as zero kelvin.The fundamental particles of nature have minimum vibrational motion, retaining only quantum mechanical, zero-point energy-induced particle motion.

  4. Science 8: Absolute Zero

    Absolute zero is the coldest temperature that is theoretically possible, but it has never been achieved. Absolute zero occurs at -273.15 degrees Celsius. The Kelvin scale was devised as a scale in which the lowest possible temperature is 0 K. To calculate the temperature in Kelvin, simply add 273.15 to the temperature in Celsius. Absolute Zero ...

  5. PDF Estimate a Value for Absolute Zero

    At absolute zero the pressure of the air sample will be 0. You can substitute this result (and your known values of m and c) into the equation of the line of best fit to calculate absolute zero. Absolute zero = -c/m Safety Boiling water may cause burns so care should be taken when handling it. Take care when using glassware.

  6. What Is Absolute Zero? Temperature in Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit

    Absolute zero is 0 K, -273.15 °C, or -459.67 °F. Absolute zero is defined as the temperature at which a cooled ideal gas is in its lowest energy state. In other words, it's the point at which no more heat can be removed. While boiling point and melting point depend on the nature of a material, absolute zero is the same for all substances.

  7. What is absolute zero and how is it determined?

    Absolute zero is defined as the point where no more heat can be removed from a system, according to the absolute or thermodynamic temperature scale. This corresponds to zero Kelvin, or minus 273.15 C. This is zero on the Rankine scale and minus 459.67 F.

  8. What Is Absolute Zero in Science?

    Absolute zero is defined as the point where no more heat can be removed from a system, according to the absolute or thermodynamic temperature scale. This corresponds to zero Kelvin, or minus 273.15 C. This is zero on the Rankine scale and minus 459.67 F. The classic kinetic theory posits that absolute zero represents the absence of movement of ...

  9. What is absolute zero?

    Absolute zero is the lowest temperature possible. At a temperature of absolute zero there is no motion and no heat. Absolute zero occurs at a temperature of 0 degrees Kelvin, or -273.15 degrees Celsius, or at -460 degrees Fahrenheit.

  10. Absolute zero

    absolute zero, temperature at which a thermodynamic system has the lowest energy. It corresponds to −273.15 °C on the Celsius temperature scale and to −459.67 °F on the Fahrenheit temperature scale. The notion that there is an ultimately lowest temperature was suggested by the behaviour of gases at low pressures: it was noted that gases ...

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    States that the volume of a gas is proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas. Van Der Waals forces. molecules sticking together because they are too close to each other) the air inside the flask. the temperature of the water surrounding the flask is equal to: 0 Kelvin. what is -273.15 degrees celsius in K?

  12. How Low Can Temperature Go? Lord Kelvin and the Science of Absolute Zero

    In 1848, Lord Kelvin used similar reasoning to accurately calculate the absolute coldest temperature as negative 273.15 Celsius (or negative 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit). It would be roughly another decade before scientists like Lord Kelvin and Ludwig Boltzmann understood that at absolute zero, the molecules in the gas stop moving.

  13. Absolute Zero ( Real World )

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  14. Absolute Zero -- from Eric Weisstein's World of Physics

    Absolute Zero. The temperature at which all classical molecular motion stops, equal to 0 Kelvin or -273.15° Celsius. However, quantum mechanically, molecules cannot cease all motion (as this would violate the Heisenberg uncertainty principle ), so at 0 K they still vibrate with a certain small but nonzero energy known as the zero-point energy.

  15. Absolute Zero

    It occurs at a temperature of 0 degrees Kelvin, or -273.15 degrees Celsius, or at -460 degrees Fahrenheit. Absolute zero is the lowest limit of the thermodynamic temperature scale, a state at which the enthalpy and entropy of a cooled ideal gas reach their minimum value, taken as zero kelvins. The fundamental particles of nature have minimum ...

  16. After 100 Years of Debate, Hitting Absolute Zero Has Been Declared

    While scientists have long suspected that there's an intrinsic 'speed limit' on the act of cooling in our Universe that prevents us from ever achieving absolute zero (0 Kelvin, -273.15°C, or -459.67°F), this is the strongest evidence yet that our current laws of physics hold true when it comes to the lowest possible temperature.

  17. Exploring Absolute Zero: Science 101 Assignment Insights

    Part 1: Research and Explanation 1. Define absolute zero in your own words. Explain why it is considered the lowest possible temperature according to the laws of thermodynamics. 2. Research the history of the discovery of absolute zero. Provide a brief overview of the scientists and experiments that contributed to our understanding of this concept.

  18. The Determination of Absolute Zero

    Absolute zero can be defined as the temperature at which matter does not move. At absolute zero, even subatomic vibrations are put to a grinding halt. Because the pressure in this experiment is caused by the movement of a gas, the pressure would cease to exist when the gas stops moving (a.k.a. absolute zero).

  19. Absolute zero

    This temperature -273 °C is called as zero kelvin or zero absolute. According to Charles law, the volume of gas should become zero at this temperature. Absolute zero for a Gas cannot be Achieved: This is hypothetical temperature and for a gas it can not be achieved.

  20. Lab 13-The Ideal gas and Absolute Zero.docx

    Absolute Zero Introduction Pressure and temperature are two important physical properties of a gas. Pressure is the force exerted over a given area. It is measured in units such as pounds per square in (psi) or Newtons per meter squared (Pascal). Air pressure is the force exerted by the atmosphere on a surface. Pressure is measured by a barometer.

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  22. Is it possible to reach absolute zero?

    To reach absolute zero, all of the particles within an object have to stop moving. Absolute zero is the lowest theoretical temperature, which scientists have defined as minus 459.67 degrees ...

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  28. 2024 East Coast NATIONALS @ Spooky Nook Schedule

    WARNING THIS IS A ZERO TOLERANCE EVENT ... We did our absolute best to accommodate time requests but with bracket play games on Saturday, it limited how late or early we could schedule certain age groups. ... PLEASE REVIEW the bracket within your division as the game times and court assignment for your 2nd game on Saturday will be dependant on ...

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