
The gift of a lifetime of memories.

Make a beautiful, full color, book of your life to be treasured for generations. as simple as replying to an email., share your story.

You’ve likely heard the term, ‘writer’s block’ and you may have even found yourself staring at a blank page willing ideas onto the paper.

Many of us want to document our life stories for our loved ones, but are daunted with the prospect. Our web-based autobiography creator makes it easy.


You can share your amazing stories and adventures with your grandchildren’s children. We help you document the details so your contributions are honored and remembered.


We’ve made it easy. A guided interview provides a conversational atmosphere, and you can reminisce while we build your autobiography.

Give as a gift

Show someone special that you care about preserving their memories and stories for future generations.

We believe in the value of being connected to our roots. Our mission is to preserve memories and strengthen family legacies. By capturing our loved ones’ histories and stories, we share vibrant memories that can serve as cultural threads for future generations to continue weaving.

Life Story PRO

Transform your memories into vivid stories

LifeStoryPRO is an easy-to-use computer-based tool that helps create a book of your life.

We help you step-by-step as you bring your memories to life.

Your knowledge and life history are precious gifts that may influence your future great-great-grandchildren.

Family is about love.

You can share memories of hard work and determination, your favorite recipe, or finally get the chance to tell funny stories that may embarrass your favorite relatives!

Guided Interview Process

We strive to make you feel as though you’re chatting with a friend. The questions serve as a starting point for you to jump into your memories.

A Simple Program

If you can use the Internet, you can use LifeStoryPRO. We want you to feel comfortable. Our program is designed for everyone to enjoy.

Author Adjust

We take your comments and create a book for you to edit.

No blank pages to overcome! Save time and memories.

Easily add photos to your autobiography.

Print Ready

We offer several print options:

  • Book-format PDF file
  • Sharable digital copies

Safe and Secure

Your stories are safe with us. We use state-of-the art security to protect you, and you are the only one that can see and edit your information

Email Reminder Option

If you like, we will email you memory-prompts periodically. Just reply to that email question and we’ll add it to your book!  Fast and easy.


The book is fantastic.  I absolutely love, love it!

I received the four books today.  THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!!!!!

They are beautiful and it is a REAL book.  I flipped through it and you did a fantastic job.  It is something I and my children will always treasure.

I have received my books and am very pleased with the way they turned out.  Thanks for helping me in this endeavor.

I LOVE IT!   Thank you

Oh my gosh – this is SO cool!

I got the book and I love it! My dad will be thrilled.

I received it today!!

It’s absolutely beautiful!!

My book arrived this afternoon.  Its beautiful !  Thank you to you and your team for all your work and effort.

Dad really enjoyed the process of both writing and recalling long forgotten memories. Those memories have provided him with hours of conversations with friends and family.

This has been a wonderful exercise for my father. He was recently widowed when he answered his first question and he lacked concentration skills. His writing was rusty and he was frustrated with having to mentally translate all his childhood memories from French to English before writing. It was quite a challenge for him. He now looks forward to the questions and struggles much less with writing cogently. It has helped him in many ways to have this project to work on. Thank you!

Writing one’s autobiography is a very personal yet daunting task. Lifestory pro has demonstrated its ability to exceed this challenge. Their “weekly prompts” allow you to submit your biographical information at your own pace, a time saving feature that is priceless for us everyday people…

I place my manuscript in the personal and competent hands of LifeStory Pro!!

Michael Xavier

Thank you so much for this service you provide.  It is life changing.  Your whole staff should be so proud of what you do for people.  Inspiring them to put the life stories and pictures of themselves and members of their family into a book for other members and later generations to read is one of the greatest services there is.  THANK YOU SO VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH FOR WHAT YOU DO.

Thank you! You’re providing such a gift to others with your service! It has brought joy to our family. Thank you

8 years of preserving life stories!

Since 2016, LifeStoryPRO has been helping families preserve their memories and life stories in beautiful hardcover books that will be treasured for generations to come.

LifeStoryPRO Since 2016

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Personal Historian 3

Personal Historian 3

Personal & family history writing software.

Personal Historian is unique software that helps you write the story of your life and of other individuals. Overwhelmed with the thought of writing a personal history? It breaks this seemingly monumental task into small, manageable pieces and then reconstructs it into a complete, publishable document.


biography writing software

Suddenly the enormity of the task hits you like that foul ball in the 3rd grade.  You fumble through a few more paragraphs before deciding that you would do better retreating, regrouping, and charging the enemy at a later time.  Promising yourself that you will return someday, your hand defeatedly clicks on the "Save" button and the once-blank page, although scarred with a few sentences, triumphantly disappears.

Sound familiar?  If so, you're not alone.  Many people want to write a personal history about themselves or a family member but they just become lost or overwhelmed by the size and complexity of the project.  That's where Personal Historian comes in.

Personal Historian  takes the seemingly monumental task of writing a personal history about yourself or another individual and breaks it into small, manageable pieces and then reconstructs it into a complete, publishable document.

Personal Historian comes with an extensive library of LifeCapsules - timelines, historical events, cultural fads, and memory triggers covering a wide-variety of subjects.  LifeCapsules add color and context to your history, giving you insights into what was happening in the world at any point in your history.

Personal Historian builds upon the work that you've already done.  You can easily import word processor documents , photographs , and other data.

Personal Historian can even bring in events, dates, and notes from your genealogy software so that all the important events in your life and the life of your family are automatically there, ready for you to write.

From start to finish, Personal Historian is the quickest, easiest, and most enjoyable way to write your own personal history or that of another individual.  You'll be amazed at how easy and entertaining it can be with Personal Historian !

"You've done a magnificent job— so very well organized."

— C.M., California

"I think this is a great program.  It has been a great help to me, and maybe I will finally get a decent start on my personal history."

— W.S., Montana

"I am excited.  I've already been typing a few things about my life history and this will be fantastic."

— L.S., Utah

"I am using Personal Historian nearly every day and I love it!  It is a beautifully designed program, far superior to any others I have seen.  I have a terminal illness and want to write a personal history for my grandchildren who are too small to remember me after I am gone.  I felt rather overwhelmed with the task until I started working in this program.  I am thrilled with the progress I am making."

— M.H., Ohio

"I have started to write my personal history several times, but each time has been a failure. I often have only a few minutes at a time to work on it, and it used to take almost the entire available time just to get things together and start to write. I usually felt it was not worth the effort, but with Personal Historian I am able to utilize even very small blocks of time. When I combine that with the ability to look at my life's events in relation to world and cultural affairs, I am making real progress for the first time."

— G.B., Utah

"I was just entering some information about a great grandfather that I found in the 1860 census into my Personal Historian. It is great! Because it organized all his information from my Family History files, the Personal Historian helped me see some facts that I hadn't noticed before. With the census record and the ease of writing in the Personal Historian, I was able to put into writing some of the things I remembered hearing about him and his family. I find it is a great program that can be used for quick moments of inspiration when something triggers your memory, so writing my own personal history or that of one of my ancestors is not longer a chore."

— J.B., Utah

"I truly believe in Personal Historian. It makes an overwhelming task much easier."

— L.H.

"I have found the prompts in Personal Historian 1 to be very helpful in recalling my life experience, and that (as I remember it) of my family. Working with your prompts, and history timeline, is a big help in recalling events and typing them into the computer is much easier, and far more legible, than writing them out by hand, or typing them on a typewriter."

— S.G.

"Love the variety of ways to use Personal Historian. Today I primarily use it to document events and stories, like a timelne. This allows memories to be captured and then items pulled later for a more formal history."

— T.D.

Personal Historian is software that assists you in writing a personal history about yourself, another individual, or a family. Its many features will help you write a complete, interesting, and entertaining life story.

Main Screen

The Main Screen

Personal Historian breaks the history down into small, manageable "topics"— each with its own title, date, written text, and even pictures. Topics make it easy to work on your history whenever you have the time—whether you have 10 minutes or 10 hours. Personal Historian automatically saves your work and makes it easy to start where you left off.

The main screen displays all of the topics in the project. If a topic has a date, Personal Historian also displays the individual's age on that date. On the main screen, it is easy to sort and filter your topics.

The timeline gives an overall view of the person's life showing how many topics there are for each year. This makes it easy to see gaps in this history that you may wish to fill-in. The timeline also makes it easy to pinpoint topics from specific dates. By simply dragging the ends of the timeline, you can "zoom in" and display only the topics that pertain to that range of dates.

Gathering Information

There is no need to start from scratch when you use Personal Historian as the software can bring in events, stories, pictures, and documents from a variety of sources.

Personal Historian imports names, dates, and even notes from your favorite genealogical software and places them into your timeline.

NEW! The software can also import posts, people, and pictures from your Facebook feed. Personal Historian will allow you to download all those precious memories and even publish them to a book!

The software also includes an extensive library of "LifeCapsules" on a variety of subjects. LifeCapsules contain timelines, historical facts, cultural trivia, and memory triggers that give color, context, and interest to the history.

Personal Historian also imports your word processor documents and photographs so that your existing work can be effortlessly incorporated into your histories.

Organizing Information

With Personal Historian, you don't need a "start from the beginning" approach to writing a life history. You can choose any topic from the main screen (or add a new, blank topic), work as much as you like on it, and save it for later. Personal Historian keeps track of the status of each topic so you can see which topics are complete, which topics still need work, and which topics you haven't even started. You can even assign topics to "categories"—each with its own icon, color and font style.

When writing about a topic, one of the most overlooked steps is to organize facts and ideas before you begin writing. While this can normally be difficult and frustrating, Personal Historian makes it a breeze to brainstorm and organize your facts, thoughts, memories, and feelings.

The "Organizer" tool allows you to write down ideas as they come to you. Using the mouse or keyboard, you can easily move the ideas into coherent groups and logical orders until you have a working outline for your topic.

Writing Your History

When you're ready to actually write about a topic, Personal Historian contains a built-in word processor that not only makes it easy to write, but makes it easy to write well. The built-in spell check and thesaurus are just the beginning.

The readability check lets you know how readable and interesting your writing will be to others. It lets you know if your sentences are too long, too short— if your words are too simple or too complex, and even if you're writing in the passive voice instead of the active voice.

Publishing Your History

When you're ready to publish your masterpiece, Personal Historian is still there to help. It takes all of the topics that you choose and puts them together into a finished, publishable document. You can publish your history directly to your personal printer, to a PDF file that you can share with others, or to an RTF file that you can read into your favorite word processor for additional tweaking.

Share With Others

And when you are ready to make your map available for others, Personal Historian lets you print your maps, or save them to PDF or other popular graphics formats. It's never been easier to create completely custom maps.

Personal Historian: The Companion Guide

“User Manual” is such an unfriendly word. This book much more than a cold, technical description of just another computer application. Because a personal history should be much more than a lifeless description of events, we wanted this book to be a little more colorful and have a little more personality.

Yes, you will find the expected technical descriptions and walk-throughs. But, hopefully, you’ll also find practical tips, new ideas, and needed inspiration to finally bring life to your life stories.

This 192-page book is written by Michael T. Booth, the author of Personal Historian. In addition to writing Personal Historian, he is also an accomplished trainer, teaching thousands of individuals how to write their life stories.

Table of Contents

  • Why you need Personal Historian
  • What is Personal Historian?
  • Personal Historian’s History
  • About this Book
  • Why are you doing this?
  • The obstacles
  • “I don’t know where to start”
  • “I don’t have the time”
  • “I can’t remember enough details”
  • “I’m not a good writer”
  • The Welcome Screen
  • Creating a new file
  • Importing Genealogy
  • Importing LifeCapsules & Timelines
  • Importing Other Text Data
  • Main Menu Toolbar
  • Story Details
  • Time Slider
  • Filtering Stories
  • Open an Existing File
  • Searching for a File
  • Moving or Renaming a File
  • Deleting a File
  • Copying a File
  • Checking and Repairing a File
  • File Options
  • Story Status
  • Adding a New Story
  • Editing an Existing Story
  • Picking a Random Story
  • Adding a Journal Entry
  • Deleting a Story
  • Adding a New Category
  • Editing a Category
  • Deleting a Category
  • Changing the Order of Categories
  • Changing a Story’s Category
  • Relationships
  • Dates of Involvement
  • Adding a New Person
  • Editing a Person
  • Deleting a Person
  • Adding a Person to a Story
  • Geocoding Your List of Places
  • Adding a New Place
  • Editing a Place
  • Deleting a Place
  • Changing a Story’s Place
  • Editor Menu
  • Editor Toolbar
  • Editor Status Bar
  • Story Information
  • Organizer Toolbar
  • Organizer Items
  • Moving Organizer Items
  • Selecting Multiple Items at Once
  • Copy Items to the Composer
  • Brainstorming
  • Step 1: Visualize
  • Step 2: Summarize
  • Step 3: Organize
  • Step 4: Repeat
  • The “O” Word
  • Composer Toolbar
  • Applying Styles
  • Fonts & Formatting
  • Adding Pictures
  • Importing a Document
  • Spell Check & Thesaurus
  • Readability Check
  • Dictating and Reading Back Your Story
  • Fullscreen Editing
  • Let Your Voice Shine Through
  • Make it Readable
  • Write to Your Audience
  • Write with Strength
  • Finding the Right Word
  • Shaking Things Up
  • The Difference
  • Show, Don’t Tell
  • Add Context
  • What’s a newspaper?
  • Let Your Characters
  • Creating a New Book
  • Managing Books
  • Using the Publisher
  • Printing and Exporting Your Work
  • Publishing a Single Story
  • Rule #1: Backup your data often
  • Rule #2: Keep past backups, not just the latest
  • Rule #3: Keep backups in multiple places
  • Restoring from a Backup
  • Program Options
  • Dates and Ages
  • Menu Commands
  • Keyboard Shortcut Keys


Share Your Story With Your Family


Life Writing is a Journey of Self-Discovery, Healing & Transformation

biography writing software

Create a Life Story Memoir Book Your Family Will Love


The Life Writer App

Makes life story memoir book writing & sharing easy – to brighten and heighten lives..

“My dad didn't think his life was that special or worth preserving inside a book. But once he began writing it, he LOVED it! And when it was finished, we all found it to be extraordinary - filled with many previously unknown stories, life experiences, and lessons learned. All of his thoughts, adventures, and most treasured photos are now inside that wonderful book for our family to cherish for generations. It has truly inspired us,  and we are grateful to have it now.”

             -Teri DeVincent, Co-Founder     

- See Video Above Left

biography writing software

Writing and Sharing Your Story Is Easy!

Answer customized life story questions, add your favorite photos, download and print your book, toll-free customer support included.

See Example Book

Your Memoir Book - Your Way



                 ,                       the life writer app delivers 2 memoirs :,                               1. a digital memoir book file (pdf) - which can be shared, saved or printed out ,                               2. a physical memoir book - with cover options similar to shown above,                                             (app purchase includes 1  6 x 9 inch black & white soft cover book, up to 150 pages),                                                                                    additional books :,                                                                                 2 books (1 extra): $31,                                                                                 3 books (2 extra): $73,                                                                                 4 books (3 extra): $112,                                                                                 5 books (4 extra): $149,                                                                             need more books call us,                                                                                    ,                                   have a question call or text: 888-501-7325 or click contact above,                                                                                                                                        , limited time introductory price.


Buy A Gift Certificate

For a  birthday, anniversary, retirement or other special gift. we email those out asap..

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Lady with her dog

Buy 2, Give 1 Commitment

We are committed to making memoir writing available to everyone, and have adopted a buy two, give one policy..

For every two app licenses that we sell, we donate one free copy to someone in need.

Do you know a person (including a U.S. Service Veteran) that would benefit from a free copy of The Life Writer App? If yes ...                         

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Let Us Know

Upgrade Today Block

This is a free trial version..

Upgrade today for access to over 400 patented questions specially designed to help you write and discover a life story. You'll also be able to publish your book on demand as well as receive priority access to our support team.

Trial version includes:

  • Ability to test all of the application features
  • Access to one chapters and questions
  • Book preview (you will not be able to print)

Upgrade now to receive:

  • Access to all chapters, and our full, patented system of over 400 tailored questions
  • Ability to publish as many books on-demand as you like
  • Priority access to support team


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The Life Writer

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Write better, right now. Enter your details to create your Free AutoCrit account.

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What does the Biography Timeliner ultimately give me?

The Biography Timeliner creates a reader-friendly, printable, illustrated script of your life story through the My Bio page. Share your personal My Bio page by posting it on your favourite social media, or printing it out.

Although the Biography Timeliner does not ‘publish’ your story, it does provide coaching on how to proofread and publish.

Whether you share your story online, print it, or even publish it ─ it is totally up to you.

Can I use the Biography Timeliner to write for someone else?

Yes you can! The Biography Timeliner coaches you on how to ghostwrite and it’s compelling questions and prompts enable you to write for yourself, or others.

Is there someone you know who’s not able write their story; a parent, a friend, a lonely soul?

That fact that you are thinking of someone right now shows that their life has a profound meaning and you want them to live on in time. Capture their story now, before it's lost forever.

Count me in! Where do I start?

Click here to give the Biography Timeliner a free, limited test drive. See for yourself how easy it is to bring your incredible, one-of-a-kind story to life.

What does the Biography Timeliner cost?

Hiring a writing coach could cost you thousands, but for just $39.99 , you can have all the tools you'll need to start writing your autobiography — a priceless gift to the world!

What People Are Saying About the Biography Timeliner

“The Biography Timeliner is addictive! I love it! Once I started following the questions and prompts I couldn’t believe what I remembered about my life — not so boring after all” “It was so therapeutic for me and my Dad. His windows of memory are starting to close and the time we spent together doing this was a gift in itself”
“I liked the way the My Bio page placed all the entries in order under the appropriate question. This allowed me to answer the questions quickly and then later add interesting details.” “I look forward to continuing to write my story for my children.”
“There are some things I did not want to tell – but that’s Ok . . . it’s my story. And it helped me remember a lot of wonderful things, and that felt really good” “The timeline events feature allowed me to add a little humour about what was happening in the world around me.”

Writing Center

The Writing Center is the heart of the Biography Timeliner . Here is where the fun happens. You can navigate through all the questions and your answers, upload images, make notes with the Scratchpad , respond to events in the Timeline .

You can also view helpful articles and prompts that will ignite your creativity and enhance the writing process.

Anyone can write with the Biography Timeliner .

My Bio is a summary of all your work – in other words, your biography. Here you will see, in chronological order, the questions and answers you have worked on, the images you have uploaded, and any Scratchpad notes, including responses to the Timeline , that you have created.

Beautifully laid out and ready for printing, you can also share a link, or create a text version. It is your choice. People love periodically clicking on the My Bio page to see their story come together before their eyes; in sequence, in honesty, and in pride.

This feature allows you to respond to significant events over the last century. Where were you on 20 July 1969 when man landed on the moon? When the Jets beat the Colts? When gas was 34c/gal. When pant suits hit the shelves? On the fatal morning of 9/11?

We’ve all lived through a profound era: quantum physics, wall building and demolition, the Beatles, computers, world wars, tie-dye, shoulder pads, space travel, civil rights, antibiotics, the world wide web . . .

Any Timeline event that you respond to will appear chronologically in your story on the My Bio page.

In-depth Coaching

The Biography Timeliner , designed by a professional writing coach, is your guide, taking you by the hand as it leads you through the entire story writing process, tugging you along when you get stuck.

With thought-provoking questions, prompts, memory triggers, writing tips, word lists, creative activities and how-to articles to guide you, the Biography Timeliner is your personal coach in your journey to sharing your own unique story.

The Biography Timeliner supports you every sentence along the way.

Why I Created the Biography Timeliner ?

biography writing software

Adrift at Sea

My family moved house every four months on average. I have no idea why. Mom was terrified of the sea. I have no idea why. And I have no idea why she ended her life by calmly walking into the sea one morning at sunrise. That day, my family’s legacy was washed away forever.

I never had the chance to learn about my family’s lives – their history, adventures, triumphs, talents, loves and losses. And so I began writing; to discover my roots, to recover from pain, and to connect to the love of my lineage. And mostly, to leave a priceless legacy for my children. After ghostwriting life stories, one client at a time, for many years, I created the Biography Timeliner to help everyone, everywhere to write theirs too.

Life stories are the invisible strands that hold our DNA together. Without our stories, we drift. With them, we anchor; connected forever to ourselves and to each other.

Give it a go!

See for yourself how easy it is to write your own biography!

Work with top publishing professionals

Advice, insights and news

Online writing masterclasses

Step into your own writing Studio

A place to craft your masterpiece.

Feel write at home

Our powerful writing tool is designed to get you from blank page to published book. Organize by section, chapter, and scene in the sidebar, and fill in your front and back matter.

Get started quickly

Studio feels instantly familiar. We keep you focused on the writing, not learning a new tool.

Import your existing drafts

Bring your latest draft into Studio. Import your current manuscript from any major text format.

Format once

Format from the get-go.

Choose your style and see your book’s final format as you write. As soon as you’re finished writing, it’s ready to go to readers — or to print!

biography writing software

Stay productive

Start a routine that gets you to the finish line.

Set writing goals, track your progress, and develop a writing schedule that helps you hit your word count.

Set goals and reminders

Have a goal for the day? The week? Set them up and Studio will keep you accountable.

biography writing software

Get to know your habits

View advanced stats to take a deep dive into your writing habits. Based on your insights, set realistic goals and keep moving forward.

Work anywhere

Studio works on any device, so you can write wherever you are.

biography writing software

Changes are automatically synced and backed up to the cloud as you write.

Live collaboration

Collaborate in real time.

No more wrestling with back-and-forth versions. See comments and tracked changes from your co-author, editor, or proofreader as you write.

Share a sneak peek

Share a link to an online preview of your book (or a single chapter), perfect for getting feedback from beta-readers.

Timeline view

Go back in time.

Rewind your timeline to see the evolution of your story. View past drafts, compare changes, and restore previous versions.

biography writing software

Start writing today

Access Studio by creating a free Reedsy account.

What is Reedsy Studio?

Reedsy Studio is an all-in-one book production tool that allows you to effortlessly plan, write, edit, and format any piece of writing for publishing. Built for authors by authors, it’s helped hundreds of thousands of authors publish beautiful books to date.

Can I use Studio offline?

Not yet. As of right now, you can only access Studio through an online browser, though we plan to make offline use a paid feature in the future.

How can I write a book on Reedsy Studio?

Simply go to and sign up for a free account! You’ll be taken straight to your dashboard, where you can begin writing a book immediately. Within the app, you’ll gain access to a powerful array of features, from the ability to set writing goals to a variety of ways to format your text. Reedsy Studio will also automatically typeset your book to professional industry standards for you, so that you only need to concentrate on one thing: writing your book.

Will I be able to see my version history?

Yes, Reedsy Studio automatically saves previous versions of your work. When you’re in the app, simply navigate to “Writing Timeline” in the panel on the right to view all versions of the book you’re writing. You can also star different versions of your manuscript for easy access.

Can I create writing goals for myself?

Absolutely! Reedsy Studio comes with an in-built feature to keep you on track with your writing goals. On top of the overall word count goal for the manuscript that you set, you can also create time-sensitive goals (for instance, a weekly word count goal, or daily and sprints-related goals).

Do I keep the copyright to my words?

Yes! To learn more about the copyright to your work, we also recommend reading this blog post .

Will my work be used to train AI?

No. We guarantee that your works, your books, and your words are your own. We will never use it to train AI. Nor did we build Reedsy Studio for that purpose.

Is Studio free to use?

Yes! Reedsy Studio is currently 100% free. There will be premium features available for purchase in the future, but they are optional. Every functionality that you need to write a book in Reedsy Studio will remain free.

I’d like to share feedback about Reedsy’s already-awesome writing software and make it even better! How can I do that?

We work hard to improve our product. Feel free to email us at [email protected] with some feedback and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

The Only (FREE) Autobiography Template You Need – 4 Simple Steps

biography writing software

Are you looking for an autobiography template? 

First things first.

What is your story? Not the shiny, air-brushed one you edit before posting on Instagram or the one you politely share during a writer’s chat on Zoom.

By your story, I mean the one with the cracks in it caused by childhood insecurities or the deep craters forged by unexpected collisions with life—the triumphs and tragedies that are forever etched into your DNA.

Yes, that story.

When you’re truly ready to write an autobiography, you’ll know it because you’ve come to a point in your life where the beauty of sharing your story has nothing to do with perfection. It’s knowing that despite the roller coaster ride that started at birth, you’ve found the courage to stay on it—sometimes holding on for dear life and other times riding with your hands up and screaming at the top of your lungs. 

Get your autobiography template here:

Need A Nonfiction Book Outline?

You’ve lived thoroughly and learned to embrace who you’ve become in the process, scars and all. 

This post will show you the format for writing an autobiography and the best way to package your story so you can provide the best reader experience possible.

This blog gives you a free autobiography template and more…

What is an autobiography.

The basic definition of an autobiography is that it’s a first-person account of your life. It differs from a memoir , which usually focuses on a single event or group of events that lead you to a discovery about yourself, your life, or some other revelation. An autobiography is a look at the total sum of your life from birth (early childhood) to the time of your book’s writing that highlights the key points that shaped who you’ve become.

Ready to start writing your autobiography? Let’s get into it…

What is the format for an autobiography? 

Just like any good story, every autobiography has a beginning, middle, and end. But before you begin filling in the sections, you want to come up with a theme for your book . Most people have too much life content to fit into one book. Selecting the parts that fit under the umbrella of a theme will make the book easier to follow. 

When coming up with a theme, think about what you want the key takeaway to be for the reader. You don’t want to give them some boring slog through your life history. If you want them to feel something, your book needs direction. That’s where your theme takes the lead. By keeping it in the back of your mind while writing, you’ll give your readers a track to stay on. Otherwise, they may lose interest and stop reading.

Once you have your theme, right down the events in your life that are related to your book’s focus. You’ll plug these into the outline as you develop it. 

Some examples of autobiography book themes are:

  • Overcoming challenges
  • Creating your own destiny
  • The unbreakable bonds of family
  • A faith journey
  • Perseverance

Your theme can be whatever you want it to be, but keep your audience in mind when selecting one. Below you’ll find an autobiography template. It includes an outline with writing prompts in each section. 

Whether you are an “outliner” (someone who outlines) or a “pantser” (someone who writes by the seat of their pants), the outline has enough structure and flexibility to make both writer types happy. 

Autobiography Template: An Outline

I’ve laid out what a traditional autobiography might look like below. But to really help you get the most out of the blog post, I recommend downloading our nonfiction book outline to use alongside this guide.

1.  Introduction 

Before you share your life story, prepare your readers for what is to follow by introducing yourself and telling them what they can expect. You can cover some or all of the following:

  • Why you are writing your autobiography?
  • What do you hope the reader will take away from the experience?
  • Any pertinent information that’s not covered in your book but that is needed for context.

2. The beginning – the early years

Since autobiographies are a condensed view of your life, you want to focus on the significant events that will move your story forward.

  • Where do you want to begin your story? 
  • Where does your book’s theme first show up when you look back over your life? You want the opening of your book to have an impact, so choose something that will hook your readers and bring them into your world.
  • How did your formative years influence how you viewed yourself? What we experience during our childhood can affect us for a lifetime. Consider how the early events of your life developed your character.
  • Who influenced you the most during your childhood?
  • What defining moments do you remember?

Where (on your timeline) and how you start your story is up to you. You want it to be something strong and significant to have the most impact on your reader. Here are the first few sentences of some autobiographies for inspiration .

Autobiography Template - &Quot;Not That Fancy&Quot; By Reba Mcentire

“Some would say the McEntires are a very set-in-their-ways, stubborn, hardheaded bunch of people. But I think that hardheadedness is what got Daddy to where he was, Grandpap to where he was, and his father, Pap, to where he was. Some might say it wasn’t all that far- but it was much further than where they started!” 

– Not That Fancy: Simple Lessons on Living, Loving, Eating, and Dusting Off Your Boots by Reba McEntire

(Nostalgia / Specific Event)

Autobiography Template - &Quot;This Time Together&Quot; By Carol Burnett

“My grandmother Nanny and I were at the picture show. I hadn’t reached two digits yet in age because I distinctly remember my feet couldn’t touch the floor of the movie house. Nanny and I were still living in San Antonio, Texas. My mama and daddy had gone ahead to California, where Nanny and I would later wind up.” – This Time Together: Laughter and Reflection by Carol Burnett

(From Birth)

Autobiography Template - &Quot;God, Family, Country&Quot; By Craig Morgan

“ If you know my music, you almost certainly know me as Craig Morgan. But I was actually born Craig Morgan Greer. Craig Morgan came along many years later.” – God, Family, Country: A Memoir by Craig Morgan

  • 31 Best Autobiographies
  • 30 Celebrity Autobiographies

3. The middle- halfway between the early years and where you are today.

If you are using a timeline to divide your story, the period that you cover during the “middle” of your autobiography depends on how old you are at the writing of your book. If you are in your golden years, your midpoint might be in your 30s or 40s. For someone like Malala Yousafzai , who wrote her autobiography at age 15, her “middle” looked very different. 

Whichever “middle” you choose consider the following:

  • What are the defining moments during this time of your life? 
  • Did they change how you viewed yourself?
  • Did they change the trajectory of what you initially thought you’d do with your life?
  • Who had the most influence on your life during this time?
  • What are some of the challenges you faced? How did you overcome them?
  • Did your worldview change during this time? If so, in what ways?

If your “middle” doesn’t fit neatly into a timeline, consider grouping your autobiography into themed sections.

The autobiography Cash by Johnny Cash groups his story into sections based on places that had special meaning to him: Cinnamon Hill, The Road, Port Rickey, Bon Aqua, and The Road Again.

4. The end—wrap-up

The end of your autobiography is the climax. It’s what you’ve been leading your reader to since the first sentence of your book. 

  • Where are you in your life now? What have you learned? How has your journey impacted who you’ve become? 
  • How do you want the reader to feel when they read the last sentence of your book? Inspired? Hopeful? Full? Enlightened? Satisfied? All of the above? 
  • Is there any part of your life that feels unfinished or incomplete? 
  • Looking back over your life, what is the greatest lesson you learned?
  • Don’t forget your audience, especially at the beginning of your book. You want to hook your readers early and bring them along for the ride.
  • Write an eye-catching autobiography title for your book.
  • Leave out the minutia. If it doesn’t move your story along, drop it. 
  • Tone matters. A good rule of thumb is to write your story like you were talking to a friend. Your story doesn’t have to be a monotone race to the finish line. Spice it up. Add some sparkle. Make sure your personality shines through. 
  • It’s always about the story. Buyers pick up your book to be entertained. Regardless of how serious your story is, it should be presented in a way that makes the reader want to keep turning the page. 
  • Every good story has a resolution. Good or bad, offer a resolution for each life conflict you introduce.
  • As you share the final pieces of your story, use the end of your story to reflect on where you’ve been, what you’ve learned, and where you plan to go from there. Every relationship that ends can benefit from closure, and if the end of your story is not the end of your relationship with your reader, tell them where they can go to continue getting to know you.

Writing your autobiography is a courageous move, but who better to write your life story than you? If you have experiences that others will find interesting, share! You never know how your journey will impact someone else. 

If you’re serious about getting your story published, has a team of publishing experts who can walk you through the book development process.

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“biobuilder” heroic life   biography-writing software.

  Do-it-yourself, Downloadable Guidance, Questionnaires, Templates & More

biography writing software

T he “BioBuilder” Heroic Life Biography-Writing Software ( just $9 ) is a downloadable do-it-yourself program for writing biographies of any size, from short bios and business profiles to complete, detailed life histories.



In fact, BioBuilder has everything you need, at your fingertips, to write your bio, including not only bio templates for short profiles but also detailed advice and guidance and a host of helpful questionnaires to make it easy to collect all the information you’ll ever need for any bio you want to write, now or in the future, from shortest bio to longest bio.


BioBuilder ‘s easy-to-use selection of short bio questionnaires, templates and template “segments” can be adapted for almost anyone, including actors, athletes, consultants, coaches, entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, musicians, realtors, and more. And you can easily choose the templates for your bio that are ideally suited to your particular needs, by “mixing and matching” the best components of a variety of types of bios.



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When You Write

The Best Writing Software for Authors in 2024 [Free & Paid]

Whenever I come across the question “what is the best writing software?” I tend to focus on something else other than the answer.

To be precise, I start to think contemporary writers really have it easy. A hundred years ago or earlier, this wouldn’t have been an important question.

Don’t get me wrong, I honestly think writing is still a laborious task.

But when you consider that the likes of Shakespeare, Hemmingway, and Ted Geisel, among countless others who never used writing apps to polish their work, the premise that “it’s a bit easier to write nowadays” becomes a bit more accurate.

The process of writing has evolved—we dumped the quill for a pen, then came a typewriter, and finally a computer.

Now we have all sorts of writing tools at our disposal, such as our top-rated Scrivener ,  but finding the right one for “you” can be a bit of a hassle.

That is why I decided to lift some of that burden off your shoulder and review some of the best free and paid writing software for authors available in 2024.

Let’s get started.

Our Top 3 Book Writing Software at A Glance

The best book writing software, 1. scrivener.

Best Overall

When it comes to book editing software, you need to have tools that have a writer’s soul—made for writers by inventive writers.

Scrivener isn’t your standard word processor; it isn’t your regular grammar checker either.

Scrivener—a book-writing software program developed by an aspiring writer called Keith Blount back in 2007—is a package consisting of a typewriter, ring binder, and a scrapbook in one tool.

The software tool comes with valuable features like corkboards, pre-set formatting, templates, file importing, metatags, automated document listing, and many others.

These features are perfect for novelists, scriptwriters, academics, lawyers, translators, journalists, students, and other professional writers .

Key Features:

  • Has the Cork Board and Outliner: Easy and convenient organization of notes and book sections.
  • Hit the Ground Running: The templates give the user a head start because it saves him/her the time it takes to set a genre-based workspace.
  • Goal and Progress Tracking: Scrivener’s customizable Goals and Targets are so important for tracking your progress. They are also helpful when you’re running against a deadline and want to know if you’re picking up the pace or not.
  • Weigh your Work : The Snapshots enable you to compare rewrites to original notes.
  • Made with Novelists and Fiction Writers in Mind: this software comes with specialized features for novelists and fiction writers, including the Linguistic Focus (MacOS) / Dialogue Focus (Windows).

Scrivener has separate payment plans for the three supported platforms— macOS , iOS , and Windows and they cost $49, $19.99, and $45, respectively.

What I Like About Scrivener

Scrivener has a bunch of features and capabilities that I like. It has customizable interfaces, the desktop apps work offline, offers a very generous trial period, and has specialized features for novelists and fiction writers.

What I Didn’t Like About Scrivener

I found out that Scrivener requires a separate License for each supported platform—which was a bummer. On top of that, the tool doesn’t have a plagiarism checking feature. Oh, did I forget to mention the steeper learning curve?

2. Write! App

Write! is another distraction-free text editor that offers an elegant workspace for you to create notes, to-do lists, create blog posts, novels, and texts of many different kinds.

In Writer App!, you’ll find similar features of a good word processor that have been neatly packed into a well-groomed interface.

It’s sort of like a regular word processor on steroids.

And it has some sleek looks too; Writer App has a browser-styled minimalistic interface that utilizes tabs to help you navigate— for bloggers and writers, the user interface alone is an appealing appetizer.

But the app isn’t all about the looks; here are some of the essential features and their benefits.

Key Features and Benefits

Two distraction-free writing options: To do away with distraction, you have two options:

  • Either you use the “Full-Screen Mode,” which basically blocks all the features except for the outline and document interface.
  • Or the “Focus Mode” that turns your screen into some sort of a typewriter—it only displays the sentence or paragraph with the blinker.

Sync Your Work : Write! App offers a cloud syncing feature, conveniently enabling you to access your work from any device you use. But, the sync feature comes at an extra cost of 4.95/year.

Collaborate with Your Team: Write! App allows you to publish your work directly to the web and get a share link which you can use to share and collaborate your work.

The tool costs $24.95 annually.

What I liked About Write! App

The goal-setting features, the customizable interface, and the sharing and publishing features.

What I Didn’t Like About Write! App

There are a bunch of things that I didn’t like (not necessarily related to the tool’s functionality). The tool has no trial period, no app for mac.

Novlr is less complicated than Scrivener; a shorter learning curve and simplicity offers relief to users that found Scrivener some sort of rocket science.

It has a feature that turns it into a distraction-free tool; it eliminates all the other distractive features. The tool also checks for grammar errors, gives cheerleading leading one-liners when you are about to achieve a goal, and helps track your progress and performance.

Novlr also has an ambient-dependent color setting, which feels comfortable and sometimes stimulating.

The good thing is since it’s cloud-based, you can access the tool from any device via a web browser.

Key Features and Benefits :

  • Share or Keep Your Work Safe: Novlr can automatically sync with both Google Drive and Dropbox. This way, you can easily share your draft with a co-author, book editor, or an entire project group.
  • Write Within the Language’s Rules : Novlr comes with a grammar checking feature that prevents your text’s syntax and semantics from derailing.
  • Chase Goals and Achieve and Manage Your Objectives: Helps you track your performance and customize your goals
  • Offline Writing: you don’t essentially need a working internet connection to use the app.
  • Focus Mode – remove all kinds of distractions and stay focused on writing and editing.

But all these features come at a healthy price of $100 per year.

What I Like About Novlr

I like the offline capability, the Auto-save feature, the software’s suggestions for various writing styles, and the trial period.

What I Didn’t Like About Novlr

It is relatively expensive, exports fewer file formats, and is not available as a mobile app.

4. Microsoft Word

This list wouldn’t be complete with this word-processing warhorse—Microsoft Word.

Most contemporary middle-aged writers grew up using Microsoft Word and can literally point to any of its tabs with their eyes closed.

This veteran word processor is neat and is the most underrated writing tool nowadays.

It’s just like the beautiful wife you’ve had for years, and then she becomes a 5 out of 10 just because you’ve spotted some new “Jenny” on the block.

But… do not be fooled; MS Word is still the “OG” of the writing software category.

This tool still comes equipped with core features like translation, grammar checking, web publishing, and other standout features.

Here are some of these features (a mere glimpse of what MS Word has to offer):

  • Custom Styles : Whether you want to customize headings, subheadings, or subtitles, the tool allows you to tweak your text however you like.
  • Easy to Use Custom Navigation Pane : once you’ve customized the styles, the headings and pages appear in a very intuitive sidebar called the navigation pane. You can rearrange the headings by dragging them in the navigation pane.
  • Automatic links: you can easily link a word or sentence to a place in the same document or a web page. This is convenient when you want to publish your document in digital formats—a reader can simply click on the link and jump to the desired content or page.
  • Automatic Table of Contents : MS Word lets you create a table of contents to which is also hyperlinked the headings.
  • Mailing : easily send your manuscript to an editor, straight from Word. You can either mail your document to a single recipient or multiple email accounts.
  • Track Changes : the tool also lets you track, accept, and reject changes you or anyone else makes to your document. You can set the tracking feature on or lock tracking—whatever is your cup of tea, eh?

There are a bunch of Microsoft 365 plans available—too many, almost inconveniently too many. So for conciseness sake, I’m only going to list the basic plans (for personal and family use):

  • Microsoft 365 Family – free for one month; $9.99 monthly or $99.99 yearly
  • Microsoft 365 Personal – costs $6.99 per month and $69.99 yearly
  • Office Home & Student 2019 –offers a one-time purchase priced at $149.99 (for both Mac and PC)

The pricing section doesn’t seem concise, but I had to exscind almost 75% of Microsoft 365’s catalog pricing plans.

What I Like About MS Word

The app is packed with powerful formatting options, templates for almost anything, and an easy-to-use interface.

What I Didn’t Like About MS Word

No virtual boards like some of the other dedicated writing software programs I’ve listed.

Ulysses has been in the game for a very long time. In fact, it is the software that inspired Scrivener.

And just like Scrivener (which seems to have overtaken it), it has a modern, streamlined interface and is stuffed with essential features for a modern writer. Ulysses provides document management, file syncing, style editing, and many other essential capabilities.

It is the perfect book writing tool for serious authors because it allows the writer to organize the manuscript in a clean, focused writing environment.

Improves Focus & Productivity: Ulysses comes with features that allow writers to completely focus on writing and increase their output.

It has a distraction-free interface that helps you get around in no time-such as; typewriter mode, keyboard navigation mode which enables you to operate Ulysses via keyboard only, markup-based text editor, and many other customizable features.

Offers Sufficient Organization & Management: Ulysses offers a wide range of organizational tools that helps writers organize their work from something as small as note-taking to a bulky novel. The tool has:

  • A unified library for your texts
  • Hierarchic groups which let you organize your drafts
  • Enables you to attach additional information such as images, PDFs, notes, keywords, and others.
  • Filters which allow you to narrow down your library’s content according to keywords, text occurrences, et cetera.
  • Writing Goals for tracking your daily objectives, set word or character limits, and overall progress.
  • Auto-Save & Automatic Backup feature, which automatically saves your work and keeps local backups.

Versatile Synchronization and Export functions: With Ulysses’ syncing capabilities, you write anywhere without repeatedly setting the tool . Ulysses offers full iCloud sync, macOS-iOS sync (iPhone to iPad to Mac), and you can add Dropbox folders to your text library.

Ulysses also boasts of a versatile export function; among other capabilities, you can export your document as a Markdown file or HTML code, DOC, PDF, and other file formats. You can also publish your text directly to medium and WordPress.

Ulysses costs $5.99 monthly or $49.99 yearly. It also has a 14-day trial period.

What I Liked

The tool comes with a lot of perks. Still, there were some special ones including effective document management, progress tracking tools, multiple view options, and the direct WordPress and Medium publishing feature.

What I Didn’t Like

I didn’t like its exclusivity to Apple devices. I thought that it only affects the owner’s revenues more than anything else.

6. Manuskript 

Manuskript is an open-source tool for writers including novelists, journos, and academicians.

It comes close to providing the same features as its paid counterparts. It has an Outliner for you to hierarchically organize your work, allows you to set writing goals and has a feature called the “Novel Assistant,” which helps develop a random idea into a lucid plot by using the “snowflake method.”

The tool lacks cloud collaboration and other essential elements that paid tools have.

“If it doesn’t cost you money, don’t complain sonny!”

  • Outliner: This feature lets you organize your ideas and little pieces of your story hierarchically. You can arrange and rearrange whichever way you like.
  • Avoid Unnecessary Detours: With the Distraction-free mode, you can get rid of all distractions that impede the pace of your writing process.
  • Monitor your Progress: Set personal goals
  • Novel assistant:  You can utilize the snowflake method to develop your basic ideas into a coherent plotline or a full-fledged story with characters, plots, and comprehensive settings.

What I Like About Manuskript

Firstly, it’s an open-source tool. I also like how the “Novel assistant” adds something extra to your writing, the spell checker, and language translation.

What I Don’t Like About Manuskript

The app might be a bit difficult to install for people who are not tech-savvy.

7. Livingwriter

Here’s another tool with a shorter learning curve but stacked with all the necessary features to help you write your book—from the plotting phase right up to the publishing stage.

Livingwriter has an intuitive interface that was designed to make you feel comfortable right from the start.

You can collaborate with your co-authors and share your live chapters or the entire draft with an editor. The tool lets you restrict the view, comment, and editing permissions of your editor, proofreader, or co-authors to protect your work.

  • Casually Organize and Plot Your Stories: Utilize the tool’s sidebar to arrange your chapter notes quickly.
  • Get A God’s-Eye View of Your Writing: rearrange your plot lines or your book simply by dragging and dropping notes on the app’s board.
  • Focus Mode : For a distraction-free writing experience, the right sidebar, which displays details on Chapters and Story Elements can be turned off, leaving the editor window only.
  • Set Writing Goals: Writing goals enable you to observe differences in your writing pace and see how much content you have written.

Liivngwriter offers a 14-day trial. If you’re hooked, you have to choose between two payment arrangements: either pay $9.99 monthly or choose to fork out $96 once a year.

What I Like About Livingwriter

I liked the Grammarly Integration, the free trial, and its collaboration capabilities.

What I Didn’t Like About Livingwriter

I didn’t like the fact that the tool is not available as a desktop app and wasn’t ideal for screenwriting.

Although Dabble’s interface is more streamlined and intuitive than most of its competition, it is stuffed with features similar to those that Scrivener and its closest competitors have.

Well of course I used the word “stuffed,” but Dabble still has less features than Scrivener.

The tool comes with features like a word tracker, Cloud Sync, plot grid, and Spelling and Grammar checkers, among others.

Take a look at what you’ll be getting when you have Dabble as your writing software.

  • Plot the “Bestseller Course”: One of Dabble’s most essential features is the Plot Grid.  With this feature, you can arrange plot lines and plot points in a notecard format. By dragging and dropping the notecards, you can develop basic ideas into a detailed scene chart.
  • Up your Game—Focus: Dabble let’s switch into focus mode as you type, which reduces the distractions.  You can also customize the interface manually to give you a more focused writing space.
  • Keep Track of the Mileage: Dabble has a goals module that keeps track of the daily word count. In the right module, there’s a bar graph that shows you the daily written amounts.

Dabble offers three plans: Basic, Standard, and Premium. The plans cost $5, $10, $15 respectively.

What I Like About Dabble

I like the Intuitive dashboard, the grammar checker, and the free trial

What I Didn’t Like About Dabble

There is one thing that I disliked about this tool; it isn’t ideal for writing screenplays, short stories, scripts, and other formats.

9. Google Docs

Google is the best Microsoft Word alternative—one of the most preferred writing tools out there. And just like its buddy, the word processor is supplemented by Google Sheets and Google Slides in G Suite by Google.

Unlike MS Word though, Google Docs tool is a cloud-based editor (although docs can be accessed offline). With the app, you can edit your docs offline and online (tablets, PCs, and phones).

This isn’t your sufficient Scrivener alternative though; it lacks the tools for you to seamlessly jump from one subsection of a bulky chapter to another section in another chapter. I usually use it for blog posts and other short reads.

Take a look at some of the standout features that Google Docs has to offer:

  • Add Fonts: Just like MS Word, Google Docs lets you add fonts to its library, the good thing is that you don’t need to download and install the fonts separately.
  • Enjoy the Voice to Text Feature: if you don’t feel like typing, you can utilize the voice typing feature and the app will translate your recording to text.
  • A Variety of Styles: Google Docs comes with lots of different styles for formatting your text.

Google Docs Pricing

Google Docs is free, but you can purchase Google Workspace plans for you to get more storage space and other benefits of Google’s apps.

A Few Other Notable Pieces Of Writing Software Worth Mentioning

  • Quoll Writer

What Makes the Best Book Writing Software?

Most writers I know are over 30, the average age being 40. Now, these seasoned wordsmiths have been doing all their writing using Word for a very long time.

For them to adopt a new tool to use in the writing process, the tool needs to have something extra special, an extra oomph!

They are not just going to start using a tool just because someone says it’s good (I’d expect the same attitude from you too), but some of the factors I have listed below would do a lot to convince them, and they’re the ones you should be considering before you decide which book writing software is the best for you.

How to Decide Which Book Writing Software Is Best for You?

The following are things to consider before choosing a book writing software:

Offline Functionality

Having a tool that only works online is okay, but sometimes writers take writing excursions to a remote location to get their writing juices flowing again.

They might choose an area with no internet connection and need their Scrivener working full time whilst they’re there.

Or the internet might be working just fine, but the writer might decide to go offline. Offline writing software comes in handy in such situations. 

Desktop App

Nobody expects to write or edit a whole 100k novel in a web-based text box. That would just kill the fun of writing the book.

Conveniently most good writing apps have desktop apps.

And the app ought to be available for both macOS and Windows (although I’ve listed some tools which are only available either as macOS apps or Windows apps).

Distraction-Free Writing

Focus is so important, especially when you’re writing bulky creative pieces.

But writing on a laptop or tablet computer offers plenty of distractions. With notifications flying in from everywhere, your unfinished movie staring at you, et cetera.

A good writing app needs to be able to block all these distractions from your writing environment.   

To achieve this, some apps go full screen and inhibit inessential background processes while others turn into a typewriter and only display the text being typed.

Easy or Steep Learning Curve

Although a steeper learning curve indicates the sophistication of a writing app, some tools are just complicated for no substantial reason.

If an app like Scrivener has a steeper learning, it is for a very good reason: the tool is stuffed with comprehensive features that help you from the first step to the publishing stage of your manuscript crafting process.

However, Scrivener is an exception (the steeper presents an investment into a Rambo of a book writing software), and writing tools need to be easy to master.

Tracking Your Progress

The best writing tools are equipped with features that help see how much ground you’ve covered.

They furnish you with stats to help you track your writing progress and set personal milestones.

Writing tools like the veteran MS word allow you to easily track, accept, and reject the change made to your document.

Scrivener and other tools like it have virtual boards called Cork Boards where you can organize, plan, and keep track of changes made to your draft.

Cost of Software

The overall cost of writing ought to be the least of your worries. The concern should be what you want from software.

If you are paying $49 to use Scrivener, it means you are paying for all its features.

But, are you using all of them?

If all you need the tool to do is help you outline your book and check some grammar and spelling mistakes , then you’re overpaying.

You can use a less sophisticated tool that costs less but has the basic features which you need.

But if a tool has the perfect features for your project (no major inessential elements), then pay up, buddy!

Is Free Writing Software as Good as Paid Software?

The answer—put simply—is no.

Free writing software is sufficient, but paid ones usually are more developed with better user features.

Free writing software tools feel like regular milk, but the paid have this extra edge, a thickness that feels more like condensed milk. The developers always make sure to stuff the paid ones with more indispensable features to make them way cooler than the free version.

And if a tool is completely free, then it probably generates revenue using other sources. Such tools usually bombard you with ads and lack many essential features you’d typically find in a paid tool.

So, the free ones will do the job for you, just not as efficiently as their paid counterparts.

What Software Do Most Writers Use?

The ‘word processor’ market has been flooded with a lot of software, but there is one that has stood the test of time.

The Granddaddy of word processors—Microsoft word. It’s been here for decades and still reigns as the most used writing software even though other apps do a better job.

The issue lies with trust. The tool still has millions of users (in the US only), and its popularity has never been matched anywhere else in the world.

What Writing Software Do Famous Writers Use?

1. stephen king.

The bestselling horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, crime, science-fiction, and fantasy novelist uses MS Word for manuscript and Final Draft for screenplays.

2. J.K Rowling

The Harry Potter author uses MS word. She once tweeted that she writes her very first draft using pen and paper then transfers it to Word.

3. Sabba Tahir

 The bestselling author of a YA fantasy series uses both Scrivener and MS Word. Sabba starts out in Scrivener, then after organizing the book she moves it to Word and finishes it there.

4. Jeff Goins

Jeff is a best-selling author of books, including Real Artists Don’t Starve and The Art of Work. He uses Scrivener to craft his bestsellers.

So, What’s the Best Book Writing Software?

Scrivener , without Doubt.

It is so good that new apps strive to be the perfect copies of this standard-setting tool.

Just imagine, it completely tramples the app it was accused of copying.

And I have talked about the steep learning curve about a thousand times and why the case is so…

You can’t build something this good and expect the average joe to quickly and easily master it.

Almost anyone can drive a Cadillac, but how many can get a spaceship to mars?

You get the idea.

Recommended Reading...

Best dictation software in 2024, best essay writing software: 16 apps that can help you write perfect essays, scrivener vs word: which is the better book writing software, vellum vs scrivener: which is better for writing and formatting your book.

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Best Memoir Writing App: 8 Top Options

Discover the best memoir writing apps that will save you time writing a non-fiction story, which readers love.

Writing a memoir is a fun experience. It’s a great way of exploring non-fiction. You can use a basic word processor, like Microsoft Word or Google Docs, to write a memoir just fine. However, a dedicated app can save you a lot of time. It’ll help you arrange and plan your non-fiction story and also prepare a draft for self-publishing.

Some apps can also help with the editing process. While writing my memoir, I tried and tested some of the best apps available. If you need help, remember to check out our guide, How to Write a Memoir .

1. Scrivener

2. grammarly, 3. prowritingaid, 4. ulysses, 5. autocrit, 6. ia writer, 7. evernote, why you can trust us, our testing criteria.

$30 per month $79 per year


Top 8 Memoir Writing Apps

Pricing: From $49 per month


Scrivener is one of the best memoir-writing apps available because it excels at long-form writing. You can use it to plan, arrange and write your memoir using virtual index cards, files and folders. You can also use this app to format a memoir before self-publishing.  

  • Scrivener features a drag-and-drop tool that will help you organize your thoughts
  • Offers numerous templates that can help write a memoir
  • Full-screen mode removes distractions
  • No collaboration options available
  • Learningn curve may putt off some memoirists

The program works for Mac and Windows. There is also an iOS version. Unfortunately, collaboration options are limited, so if you want to write with others, you are out of luck. The learning curve may put off memoirists who prefer old-school apps like Microsoft Word. For more, read our Scrivener review .

Scrivener is our go-to app for long-form writing projects. It's popular with best-selling novelists, screenwriters, non-fiction writers, students, academics, lawyers, journalists, translators and more. 


Pricing: Free trial available, then $29.99 per month

Grammarly for Windows

One useful app is Grammarly . This program automatically detects typos, spelling issues, and grammatical problems. It comes with a free version that acts as a powerful spell-check tool. However, if you are willing to pay for the premium options, you can use plagiarism tools, stylistic suggestions, a citation manager and in-depth writing analytics.

  • Free version available
  • It will help you catch grammar issues
  • Paid version also provides a plagiarism checker
  • Good for copyediting memoir drafts
  • For editing rather than writing
  • Most useful features are in the premium version

It’s not a dedicated app for writing a memoir, but you can use it to edit your early drafts before sending them to an editor. I love its ability to revise sentences at a click and it saved me hours of editing time on my last non-fiction book. You can add custom words and names to its dictionary too. For more, read our Grammarly review .

We tested dozens of grammar checkers, and Grammarly is the best tool on the market today. It'll help you write and edit your work much faster. Grammarly provides a powerful AI writing assistant and plagiarism checker.


Pricing: From $79

Prowritingaid new UI

Another program to consider is ProWritingAid . Again, it’s more for grammar checking your memoir chapters for errors rather than writing and planning. It can also act as a writing coach, helping you avoid mistakes such as passive voice, errors and parallelism, and stylistic concerns. It’s somewhat cheaper than Grammarly and works with Scrivener files. It contains more reports than its competitor. For more, read our ProwritingAid review .

  • Integrations for Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and Scrivener
  • One of the best grammar-checking tools available
  • Flag common writing issues including overusing adverbs, repetitive words, and passive voice
  • Only works well for single pieces
  • No mobile app
  • Reports can become overwhelming

ProWritingAid is a powerful, accurate grammar checker and style editor. It's suitable for non-fiction and fiction writers and doesn't require a monthly subscription. Save 20% per month or year.


Pricing: From $5.99 per month

Ulysses Writing Apps

Ulysses is a good writing program if you want to manage multiple writing projects from one place or you like Markdown. It supports Markdown and excels at managing long-form writing projects, including a memoir. It’s designed for Mac Os and iOS. It automatically syncs your memoir drafts to iCloud, so it works great with other Apple products. However, no windows version is available. For more, read our Ulysses review .

  • Manages all your writing in a single library.
  • Tracks of every version, so it can save older copies if you want to refer to them later.
  • Exports documents from Ulysses into any file type including EPub, PDF, HTML, Rich Text, and Plain Text.
  • Does not work with Windows

Pricing: From free to $30 per month


AutoCrit is a writing app for fiction that will help you handle word choice and phrasing issues. However, you can also use it for memoir writing. It comes with a spell and grammar checker. It also includes repeatability analysis similar to Hemingway. 

  • Provides real-time feedback on writing style and quality.
  • Can be adjusted for different genres.
  • Detect bad habits such as phrasing issues, repeated words, and adverb problems
  • Might need to do some extra formatting
  • Aimed at fiction writers

When this program exports your document in Microsoft Word, it doesn’t always place your content smoothly. Some lines might have awkward spacing between them, so you might need to do some extra formatting. That being said, I can help you improve your fiction writing. For more, read our Autocrit review .

Pricing: From $29.99 per month

IA writer graphical user interface

If you are looking for a minimalistic memoir writing app, then iA Writer is for you. This minimalist program eliminates distractions so that you can focus on your writing process. With a short learning curve, it doesn’t take long to master this program.

Looking for more? Check out these memoir writing prompts .

  • Clean interface that is easy to use
  • The mobile app is available on multiple applications including iPhone and Android
  • Focus mode enables writing memoir draughts without distraction
  • Works on Android, iOS, WIndows and Mac
  • Doesn’t feature a lot of the customizable options
  • Memoirits must learn Markdown to use it

It doesn’t feature many of the customizable options that some other memoir apps have. However, it is perfect for distraction-free writing. For more, read our IA writer review .

Price:  Free with in-app purchase options

Evernote graphical user interface

You’re not going to write a memoir with Evernote but it’s a useful writing app for capturing notes and ideas. You can sync them across all of your devices. Then, when it’s time to write a memoir, simply fire up Evernote, read through your notes and begin writing. 

  • Easy to write with
  • Ideal for journaling and free writing
  • Supports images
  • Less suitable for writing sessions unrelated to journaling or memoir

Price:  From $2.92 per month

Day One writing software

Day One is a popular journaling app developed by Bloom Built. It’s available on Android, macOS, and iOS devices.  It sets itself apart from other apps as it’s designed to encourage you to create journal entries. It’ll provide prompts and even surface old entries via its “On this day” feature. All of these tools are useful for turning entries into a memoir. For more, read our Day One app review .

  • You can write while on the go
  • Sync your notes across multiple devices
  • The free version is limited
  • Gets clunky if you’ve lots of memoir notes

Currently, I use Ulysses and Day One the most for this type of writing. If you’re on Windows, try IA Writer and Scrivener. Or simply use Google Docs or Word. These are a few of the best options available for memoir writing software. Compare the benefits and drawbacks to your specific needs. Then, select the best option for you. These programs can help you organize your thoughts and efficiently translate your life story into written words. Want more? Read our guide How to Write a Book and our roundup of the best writing apps .

I’ve written and published dozens of articles for newspapers, magazines and online publications, including, Forbes and Lifehacker. I’m also a best-selling non-fiction author, a trained journalist and a copywriter. I also wrote a memoir about parenting using some of these tools.

We regularly update this roundup as new products are released. We test memoir writing software by checking book chapters and personal essays. These articles and other writing samples range from several hundred to several thousand words.

biography writing software

AI-powered professional biography generator

  • Create a professional bio: Generate a professional biography for your LinkedIn profile, website, or resume.
  • Highlight achievements: Showcase your skills, experiences, and achievements in a concise and engaging way.
  • Personal branding: Develop a personal brand by creating a compelling bio that reflects your professional identity.
  • Freelancer bio: Create a captivating bio that showcases your skills and experiences to attract potential clients.
  • Entrepreneur bio: Generate a professional bio that highlights your entrepreneurial journey, skills, and achievements.

New & Trending Tools

Ai sentence rephraser, ai article outliner, ai writing style adapter.

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Premium Biography Writing Services

Unveil your true story to the world with wood bridge publishers..

Are you eager to share your life's journey but need help figuring out how to get started? Allow us to collaborate with you in creating a captivating account that delves into the profound experiences that have shaped your autobiography books. We take immense pride in our craft and relentlessly pursue excellence in every aspect of our work.

  • The best and fastest book writing
  • All the rights of the book with you
  • Combination of our abilities with yours

Let’s work together to make your story a big hit!

biography writing software

Are you ready to share the notable story of your life and transform readers' perspectives?

Until now, your journey in writing an autobiography has been similar to many others. However, you may benefit from our biography writing services to enhance the profitability and expand the audience reach of your ghost-written book. Let us help you.

Trust Wood Bridge Publishers to bring your personal story to life and create an inspirational book!

Wood Bridge Publishers takes great pride in providing exceptional biography writing services. Writing a biography is an intricate and unique art, and our writers understand the importance of capturing a person's life story with grace and precision. Our team of professional biography writers is devoted to breathing life into the pages, transforming memories into a compelling narrative that resonates with readers.

Scribe Ghost book Writers

Our dedication to authenticity distinguishes us from the rest. We don't just write biographies; we become immersed in the subject's experiences, feelings, and perspectives. We perform thorough research, interview participants and their loved ones, and weave together a narrative that seems authentic to their life experiences.

Our biography writing service is customized to clients' specific demands and goals. We have the skills to tell your story in a way that captivates and inspires, whether you are a public figure, a historical figure, or someone who wants to leave a legacy for future generations.

Your biography becomes more than just a book when you work with Wood Bridge Publishers; it becomes a tribute to a life well-lived. It is a legacy that will endure, motivating and enlightening future generations.

Our process to write, edit, and publish your story.

Scribe Room carefully customize our ghostwriting process to meet your specific needs and publishing goals.

Discovery Calls

We provide consultation about the publishing industry and discuss the optimal strategy for writing and publishing your book.


Our detailed questionnaire will help you think through your book concept and provide us with important details.

Research and Preparation

The writing team will review all available drafts, articles, notes, outlines, and other relevant materials in preparation for the Strategy Sessions.

Planning and Outlining

Your writing team will meet with you in person or via videoconference to discuss your book idea, outline your manuscript, and develop your publishing and marketing strategy.

Publishing Strategy

Discuss your book with our Editor-in-Chief, Scribe Room, to determine the best publishing strategy to meet your goals.

Developing the Draft

Your writer will develop your manuscript one section at a time. With each draft, you’ll have the opportunity to make revisions and suggestions.

Review and Revisions

We review by 20+ impartial readers within your target demographic who will provide detailed feedback on your manuscript and how to improve it.

Finalize the Draft

Your Senior Editor will meet with the team to ensure all parties are satisfied with the draft and make final adjustments.

Targeting Publishers

The writing team will develop your pitch materials and help you with targeting agents and securing a publisher.

Publishing Navigation

We work with publishing’s leading agents, publishers, hybrid publishers, marketers, publicists, bestseller strategists, fulfillment services, and more, allowing us to put together the optimal team to achieve your goals.


Our autobiography book writing process.

Our commitment to your autobiography goes beyond mere words on paper. We believe your story deserves to be expressed with passion, clarity, and authenticity. That's why our team of professional writers is not just here to write your story; we are here to become a part of it. Our writers will immerse themselves in your experiences, memories, and unique voices. We'll ensure a seamless collaboration for the autobiography writing process through open communication and a deep understanding of your narrative. Together, we will create an autobiography that recounts your life and celebrates it, leaving a legacy that resonates with readers for generations to come.

1. Initial Consultation: Getting To Know You And Your Story

During the initial consultation, we take the time to understand your unique journey and the key elements you want to highlight in your autobiography. We delve into the writing of an autobiography process, discussing important themes and events that have shaped your life. This step allows us to capture the essence of your story and ensures a personalized approach that resonates with readers.

2. Assigned Project Manager: Your Dedicated Guide

Upon partnering with us for our autobiography writing services, we assign a dedicated project manager who will be your main point of contact throughout the process. This experienced professional understands the intricacies of writing an autobiography and will provide guidance, support, and regular updates, allowing for a smooth and efficient collaboration.

3. Thorough Research & Draft Outline: Laying the Foundation

Our team of skilled professional biography writers conducts thorough research to gather additional details, historical context, and relevant information about your life experiences. This meticulous research forms the basis for creating a comprehensive and engaging autobiography book. We also develop a draft outline encompassing the significant events, milestones, and key themes you wish to include in your autobiography.

4. Content Creation Based On Your Ideas: Bringing Your Story to Life

Drawing inspiration from your ideas and the collected research, our talented professional biography writers transform your narrative into captivating content. They adeptly craft each chapter, incorporating your voice, emotions, and reflections, resulting in an authentic and compelling autobiography that resonates with readers. Throughout this process, we ensure your vision and story remain at the forefront.

5. Editing & Proofreading: Polishing Your Autobiography

To ensure the utmost quality, our skilled editors meticulously review and refine the written content of your biography. They focus on enhancing clarity, coherence, and overall readability while paying attention to grammar, syntax, and punctuation. Additionally, our proofreaders meticulously eliminate errors or inconsistencies, preparing a polished manuscript for the next steps.

6. Design, Typesetting & Formatting: Creating a Visual Masterpiece

We understand that an appealing design is crucial for a biography book. Our talented designers collaborate with you to create a visually stunning book cover and layout that reflects your personality and story. We ensure your autobiography is aesthetically pleasing and visually engaging through meticulous typesetting and formatting, enhancing the overall reading experience.

7. Book Publishing, Branding & Marketing: Sharing Your Story with the World

Once your biography is perfected, we offer comprehensive book publishing services to bring your story to the world. Our expertise in branding and marketing enables us to develop effective strategies to promote your biography book across various platforms and reach your target audience. We assist you in building your author brand and provide guidance on book distribution, online presence, and promotional activities.

8. Embrace the Journey and Welcome Constructive Feedback

Embracing the joy of sharing your life story and remaining open to feedback from readers and reviewers can help you refine your work further and continue to connect with your audience on a deeper level. It's a great addition to the process, fostering a sense of fulfillment and growth as an author.

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Why choose us?

Transforming Your Ideas into Compelling Autobiography Books!


Experienced Autobiography Ghostwriters

Experience matters when it comes to capturing your life's essence on paper. Our team of seasoned biography writers for hire specializes in crafting exceptional autobiography books. They infuse creativity into your story, ensuring uncompromised quality while capturing every detail.


Privacy and Trust

Protecting your privacy is paramount in our autobiography ghostwriting agency. We take robust measures to safeguard your data and information. Building trust and fostering effective communication with our esteemed customers is our priority, guaranteeing professional biography writing services that respect your confidentiality.


Affordable Autobiography Writing

We believe in transparency and affordability. Our professional biography writers offer services with no hidden charges or royalties. Instead, we provide flexible payment options, ensuring customers can access our affordable biography writing services without financial constraints.


Customer Satisfaction as a Priority

We value your time and money. Our dedicated professional biography writers welcome feedback and critiques, constantly collaborating with you to deliver precisely what you envision. We are committed to making necessary revisions and adjustments until you are delighted with writing your autobiography.

Dynamic Storytelling

Our biography writing services pride themselves on working with the most skilled storytellers and professional experts in the writing industry. Our book writers possess an unmatched talent for bringing your autobiography book to life through captivating narratives.

Round-the-Clock Customer Support

When you choose to work with us, we assign a dedicated account manager to handle your project. Moreover, our friendly customer representatives are available 24/7, ready to assist you outside business hours to ensure a seamless experience writing a personal autobiography.


Are you looking for biography writers for hire? Wood Bridge Publishers has got you covered!

Fill out our website with all the necessary details, and we will connect you with the seasoned biography writers for hire.


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Sign up now & let’s get started.

Because You’re the Star of Your Biography ~ Call 757/515-4315

  • Berent's Hero Place
  • Short Bio Writing Service
  • Overview of Short Bio Service
  • Biography-Writing Software
  • Executive Writing Projects
  • Submit Info

W elcome to ShortBios, celebrating more than a decade of service.   Our team of experienced biographers, headed by brothers Steve Berent and Irwin Berent, has written thousands of short (and not-so-short) bios, profiles, booklets, and histories for delighted customers throughout the U.S. and beyond — as well as executive portfolios , including business proposals, plans, press kits, introductions, etc.         Whether you’re a Realtor or executive, entrepreneur or artist, soldier or professor — whoever you are — we create the perfect bio or document for your specific needs — for a business, job, publicity, promotion, websites, blogs …anything! 


L et U s W rite Y our …

OR: D o I t Y ourself W ith …

H alf-page or O ne-page B io [ see examples here ]


See also: Larger Short Bios (2+ pages) | Do-It-Yourself Biography-Writing Software | Executive Writing Projects | Life Story BioBooklets | Ordering | About Us | Praise

Shown farther below are some examples of our one page bios ..

biography writing software

1) S ubmit Y our I nfo  

Use the Bio Info Form farther below to submit any information or document (such as old bio or resume) you’d like us to have for getting your bio written …  

2) T alk T o W riter  

After we receive your info, your Bio Writer will promptly contact you to make sure we get all the info we need to get your bio written — accurate, professional, and impressive . (We’ll interview you if we need more.) …  

3) M ake P ayment  

After speaking to your Bio Writer, you can order your bio by using our ShortBios Order-Form (or via PayPal ) so that we can begin writing your bio and complete it on time — even if you need it the same day. (Payment is required before writing can begin.)

~ ~ ~  

Shown below are some examples of our One Page bios .

biography writing software

✩ Examples of our One-Page Bio, with & without extra features*         * Extra features, such as photographs, fancy fonts, background color, and/or logos, may be added at no additional cost.

biography writing software

The easy way to submit information that you want us to have for creating your bio. After we receive it, we’ll contact you to make sure we have all we need to get your bio written as quickly as you need it.

To have us write your short bio, please fill out and submit our bio info form ( above ). a bio specialist will call you promptly., see also: larger short bios (2+ pages) | do-it-yourself biography-writing software | executive writing projects | life story biobooklets ordering | about us | praise, shown farther above are some examples of our one page bios ..

O ur O ther S ervices I nclude …

T wo-page, T hree-page, or F our-page B io   [ examples & more here ]

      – call (757/515-4315) for immediate quote .

Our BioBooklet is the perfect gift for special occasions or professional uses: biography, autobiography, life history, family history, corporate history, team or band history… More about it here .

We Write Your Bio, short or long, and short biography writing is our specialty! (also books on any subject)

D o you need a short bio (or large bio), written quickly and professionally? Perhaps you’re a musician needing a great profile to get more gigs? Or you’re a manager of a company that needs short bios of its board of directors? Or you’re someone who just wants to toot his or her horn and tell the world “I’m Here!” …Well, you’ve come to the right place.

People often come to the “Godfather of the short bio” ( that’s Steve Berent, our chief, the main editor ) and say, “I need you to write my bio or profile, but I’ve got a bunch of information about myself, and I don’t know where to start.” And then they say…

First, we get the information the client wants us to have and that we need in order to make a great bio (we usually set up an interview over the phone). And then we cull it down to the most precise and effective wording to make the client and their project, business, or talent stand out, without being cluttered with extraneous facts.

So, we write your bio, we write your profile, we write your autobiography, we write your book, we write your about page…we write whatever you need! We are your bio writers!

Writing a biography — writing your biography — has never been easier…with S hortBios Biography Writing Service!

“Short and to the point” is the rule we use for making your short biography dazzling. That prescription may seem simple…because it is simple: clear, concise, plain language, presented in a compelling way that promotes what you want to promote to the people whom you need to impress.

Actually, writing a biography, writing a short bio, is not quite that simple. And that’s why we’re here: to get your short bio (or long bio ) written quickly … and professionally.

All you need to do is check out our great styles , and then just fill out and submit our Bio Info Form . Once you start, we do the rest…  

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We don’t quit until you’re 100% happy, to have us write your short bio, please fill out and submit our bio info form ( here ). a bio specialist will call you promptly..

Limited time: Try B12 $1/mo for 3 months.

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How to write a professional bio about yourself

How to write a professional bio about yourself

Writing a professional bio might feel like a big task, especially considering how important it is for your online presence. Your bio is often the first thing people see—whether they’re potential clients, employers, or collaborators. But don’t worry. With the right approach, you can create a bio that shows off your achievements and gives a glimpse of who you are.

This guide will help you write a great bio, give you some examples to get inspired, and show you how tools like AI Assist can make the process easier.

Why your professional bio matters

Your professional bio is a personal introduction that tells the story of who you are, what you do, and why you do it. It's more than just a resume—it’s an opportunity to connect with your audience on a more personal level. A well-crafted bio can:

  • Build credibility: A strong bio establishes your expertise and trustworthiness in your field.
  • Enhance visibility: When optimized for search engines, your bio can help others find you more easily online.
  • Create connections: Your bio gives people a glimpse into your personality, values, and interests, making it easier for them to relate to you.

Given its importance, writing a professional bio is something you should approach thoughtfully. Let's explore the key elements to include in your bio and how to structure it effectively.

Critical elements of a professional bio

Start with your name and current role.

Begin your bio with a clear statement of who you are and what you do. This provides immediate context and sets the tone for the rest of your bio.

Example: “Jane Doe is a seasoned marketing strategist with over a decade of experience in digital campaigns and brand management.”

Highlight your professional achievements

Mention your key accomplishments, but keep them relevant to your audience. This could include awards, notable projects, or contributions to your industry.

Example: “She led the rebranding efforts for several Fortune 500 companies, increasing brand awareness by 30%.”

Share your mission or values

Your bio should reflect what you do and why you do it. Sharing your motivations or values helps readers understand what drives you professionally.

Example: “Jane is passionate about helping businesses find their voice in crowded markets, believing every brand has a unique story.”

Include relevant education or certifications

While not always necessary, including your educational background or certifications can add to your credibility, especially if they directly relate to your field.

Example: “She holds an MBA from Stanford University and a certification in digital marketing from Google.”

Add a personal touch

A touch of personality can make your bio more relatable. Share your interests, hobbies, or personal life, but keep it professional.

Example: “When she’s not strategizing for brands, Jane enjoys hiking with her two dogs and exploring new cuisines.”

Include a call to action

End your bio with a clear next step for your audience, whether it’s contacting you, visiting your website, or connecting on social media.

Example: “Connect with Jane on LinkedIn to discuss potential collaborations or learn more about her work.”

Professional bio examples to inspire you

Here are a few examples of professional bios that effectively balance professionalism and personality:

Example 1: “John Smith is a software engineer specializing in AI and machine learning. Over the past eight years, he has developed cutting-edge algorithms that have improved data processing speeds by 50%. John is passionate about the potential of AI to solve real-world problems and holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from MIT. Outside work, he enjoys volunteering at local coding workshops and playing chess. Connect with John on GitHub to see his latest projects.”

Example 2: “Samantha Lee is a creative director with a knack for transforming brand identities. With a background in graphic design, she has spearheaded the creative vision for campaigns that have garnered international recognition. Samantha’s work is driven by a belief in the power of design to communicate compelling narratives. She is a Rhode Island School of Design graduate who advocates for sustainable practices in the creative industry. Samantha can be found traveling or working on her photography portfolio when not in the studio. Reach out to Samantha through her portfolio site to collaborate.”

Using AI Assist to draft your bio

Writing a professional bio can be challenging, especially if you’re unsure where to start. This is where AI tools like AI Assist come in handy. AI Assist can help you generate a first draft of your bio based on crucial information you provide, such as your name, role, achievements, and values.

Here’s how you can use AI Assist to draft your bio:

  • Input your details: Enter basic information about yourself—your name, current position, and key accomplishments.
  • Select the tone and style: Choose the tone you want for your bio, whether formal, casual, or somewhere between.
  • Review and refine: Once AI Assist generates a draft, review it and make adjustments to ensure it accurately reflects your personality and professional identity.

AI Assist can save you time and provide a solid foundation to build on, but it’s essential to personalize the draft to make it yours.

Why your bio should be part of your online presence

Having a professional bio is just the first step. To maximize its impact, you must ensure it’s visible to the right audience. Here’s how to incorporate your bio into your online presence:

  • Social media profiles: Update your LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social profiles with your bio. This helps potential employers or collaborators get a quick snapshot of who you are.
  • Personal website: If you have a personal website, ensure your bio is prominently featured on the About page. This is where visitors often go to learn more about you.
  • Professional networks: Join relevant professional networks and include your bio in your profile. This can enhance your visibility within your industry.

Your online presence is an extension of your professional identity. By strategically placing your bio across various platforms, you ensure that the people who matter most can easily find and connect with you.

Start creating your professional bio today

Writing your bio doesn’t have to be complicated. With a simple plan, some inspiration, and some help from tools like AI Assist, you can create a bio that genuinely reflects who you are.

Ready to improve your online presence? Give B12's AI-powered tools a try. Sign up now and see how a great bio can make a big difference.

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The Best Apps for Distraction-Free Writing

Hands writing on computers with black squiggle background

We are bombarded by distractions every moment of every day. Some of them are of our own making; others are basically unavoidable. As I sat writing this story my Fitbit reminded me to get up and move, I received well over 100 emails, Duolingo told me it was time for a lesson, Google let me know it was screening a suspicious call , and I received an alert to water my plants. All of this noise would make it hard to accomplish any task, but it’s particularly problematic when you’re trying to write.

Even the tiniest of distractions can completely disrupt your flow when you’re trying to put words down on a page, and so a whole cottage industry has cropped up around making tools for distraction-free writing. These apps can’t stop telemarketers from calling you or deflect the deluge of Instagram notifications, but they do strip away the extraneous nonsense found in traditional word processors like rulers, toolbars, and tables, and focus on what’s most important: words.

Distraction-free writing apps come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and at various price points. Here are a few of my favorites.

Google Docs

Sometimes the best tool is the one you’re already using. Google Docs wouldn’t qualify as “distraction-free” by most measures. It has all the bells and whistles you’d expect from an office suite. But if you go up to the View menu and click “Full screen,” you get a surprisingly clean and minimal interface.

In full screen mode, you see a page with words, rulers along the top and sides, and a document outline on the left. That’s it. The toolbar and most other interface elements are removed. You can hide the rulers and document outline as well; just go to the View menu.

A screenshot of the Google Docs writing application.

To make Docs as close to the other distraction-free apps in this roundup, go to Tools, Preferences, and turn on Enable Markdown. This allows you to format your work with simple text cues like putting words between asterisks to style them with italics. My biggest complaint is that there’s no dark mode for Google Docs at the moment.

The best feature of Google Docs though, is the price: Free.

At the other end of the price spectrum is iA Writer . The desktop app for macOS is $50. And if you want to use it on your iPad or iPhone, that’s another $50. Windows and Android users get a bit better of a deal at $30, but the experience isn’t quite as smooth, and features generally come to Apple’s platforms first.

That being said, I think it might provide the best experience of the bunch. Even in standard mode, iA Writer is a clean and minimal text editor with a decent amount of customization and support for simple Markdown formatting .

But the real magic happens when you click the focus mode button in the top bar. There are a few ways to customize focus mode, but by default the line you’re actively typing on is highlighted and centered. As you move on to the next line, the completed text fades to a dull gray and moves upwards. It’s not too different from what you’d experience with a typewriter.

A screenshot of the iA writing application.

iA Writer has dark mode and shortcut integration for macOS, iOS, and iPadOS. Plus it’s just plain pretty. Given the high price though, you have to be pretty dedicated to the idea of a distraction-free working environment to spring for iA Writer.

The basic layout and feature set of Ulysses isn’t terribly different from iA Writer. There’s a sidebar for navigating and organizing your files, and a large main pane for composing. But it’s definitely more feature-rich, including tools for goal tracking and proofreading. Thanks to its simple but thoughtful organization system, you could probably even use Ulysses as a note-taking app in a pinch.

A screenshot of the interface for Ulysses.

Like iA Writer it has a typewriter mode with line highlighting and text scrolling. But you have to turn on the various parts of it individually the first time. One of its bigger draws is its styles that allow you to export documents using templates customized for scripts, novels, blog posts, and more.

The knock against Ulysses is that it’s available only as a $40 annual subscription. And it’s strictly for macOS, iOS, and iPadOS. If you’re a Windows user, you’re out of luck.


This is perhaps the most bare-bones of the bunch, but it shouldn’t be overlooked. FocusWriter has all the basics you’d expect from a text editor, including spell check and the ability to have multiple documents open simultaneously. It also has tools for serious writers, like stat tracking and goal setting.

Unlike most of the other apps here, FocusWriter uses rich text (RTF) for formatting instead of Markdown. It probably has the most customizable interface of the bunch, though. You can meticulously choose the interface colors, fonts, and background.

A screenshot of the Focus Writer writing application.

One of the biggest draws will be that it’s free and open source, though right now it’s available for Windows and Linux only. While you can probably get it running on macOS if you know your way around a command line, it will take some legwork, and there’s no mobile client or file syncing.

The idea of distraction-free writing is, inherently, kind of gimmicky. But OmmWriter is probably the most gimmicky of the bunch. It doesn’t just strip away the extraneous nonsense; it aims to immerse you in an environment conducive to a flow state. That includes gentle soundscapes to help you focus and even various typing sound effects to enhance the vibes.

If you want more audible feedback while typing, but don’t want to invest in a nice mechanical keyboard, this might do the job. Though, the very slight lag between your fingers hitting the keys and the sound coming out of the speakers bugged me.

Otherwise, the UI is pretty bare, with a resizable text box in the center and a few buttons to the right for changing settings. It’s the cheapest of the commercial options here at $9.93 for macOS or Windows. But you can also give it a whirl in your browser by playing with a stripped down version for free.

Scrivener has a dedicated following among long-form writers, and for good reason. While the app does have an excellent distraction-free mode, complete with typewriter-style scrolling, it also sports advanced organizing tools that you’re sure to appreciate if you’re working on a book or a screenplay. It’s made specifically with longer writing projects in mind.

Its project outlines make it simple to collect research or rearrange ideas until you find what clicks. When it comes time to actually write, the full screen composition mode gets rid of everything but the text box. It’s the most minimal of editors.

A screenshot of the interface for the Scrivener writing application.

Scrivener is available on macOS and Windows for $60, or iOS for $24. Unfortunately you will have to purchase a separate license for each platform, which could get expensive if you use multiple devices.

This is perhaps the best deal of the bunch if you’re looking for a true distraction-free experience without having to jump through a lot of hoops. For $15, Calmly offers some customization of the interface and basic stat tracking, but mostly it’s just focused on writing.

A screenshot of the Calmy Writer writing application.

Like many of the other apps, Calmly is Markdown based, so your resulting files are just plaintext and easily transferred between apps. What you won’t find here are any file management tools or flashy export options, though it does allow you to insert images and add comments, which many of the other apps don’t.

Calmly is available as a desktop app for Windows, Linux, and macOS, but there’s also a stripped down web-based version that is free.

Obsidian isn’t really a distraction-free writing app; it’s a full-featured notetaker. But its clean UI and reliance on Markdown make it a pretty solid writing tool. Plus, its wealth of customization options and deep catalog of extensions mean you can turn Obsidian into the specific writing environment that suits your needs. You can add typewriter-like modes, or set up goal tracking to monitor your productivity. You can just as easily remove features and strip away any of the bits you don't want.

A screenshot of the interface for the Obsidian writing application.

The best part is that Obsidian is free for personal use. If you want to use it as more than just a text editor, I highly recommend you spring for the $4 monthly subscription. This enables file syncing, which keeps all your work in order across all your devices. Obsidian is also platform agnostic and available for macOS, iOS, iPadOS, Windows, Android, and Linux. Just don't let browsing and trying out all those extensions become a distraction itself.

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