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To "carry out" an assignment/work/task

  • Thread starter Roymalika
  • Start date Dec 19, 2021


Senior Member

  • Dec 19, 2021

Carry out (Definition#19 in the WR Dictionary): to accomplish;complete Example (self-made): My students carried out the assignment/work/task in a short time. (I've just asked about "assignment/work" here: work vs. assignment ) Can I ask whether it's correct/idiomatic to use "carry out" here?  

Uncle Jack

It is okay, but "carry out" is used in a narrower range of situations than "do", and without context, we cannot say whether "carry out" fits or not. In particular, it is generally used in a narrative, when you are describing a succession of events, where you have previously described actions leading up to their carrying out the task. The adverbial needs to describe the manner in which the action was carried out, and "in a short time" is vague to the point of being barely worth mentioning. "In five minutes" would be fine, as would "quickly", as well as things like "in silence" or "with a heavy heart".  

Uncle Jack said: It is okay, Click to expand...


Roymalika said: Is it okay with all those three words, i.e. task, work and assignment? Or is it only acceptable with "task"? Click to expand...


Moderator Emeritus

I don't see any reason why "carry out" shouldn't be used with any of your nouns. It more depends on what you said about the assignment/work/task beforehand. With an appropriate introduction, I think you can use "carry out" for practically any activity.  

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▾ Dictionnaire anglais-français

Assignment nom ( pluriel: assignments ) —, mission f ( pluriel: missions f ), attribution f, assign ( sb./sth. ) verbe ( assigned , assigned ) —, attribuer v, affecter (qqn.) v, assigner qqch./qqn. v, nommer qqn. v, allouer qqch. v, mandater qqch./qqn. v, assign sb./sth. to sb./sth. verbe —, assigner qqn./qqch. à qqn./qqch. v, assign sth. to sb. verbe —, céder qqch. à qqn. v, exemples :, account assignment n —, task assignment n —, temporary assignment n —, pin assignment n —, written assignment n —, random assignment n —, special assignment n —, new assignment n —, group assignment n —, legal assignment n —, audit assignment n —, translation assignment n —, final assignment n —, first assignment n —, assignment of tasks n —, volunteer assignment n —, priority assignment n —, value assignment n —, assignment plan n —, sales assignment n —, direct assignment n —, rights assignment n —, completed assignment n —, recruitment assignment n —, assignment procedure n —, partial assignment n —, core assignment n —, commercial assignment n —, signal assignment n —, color assignment usa n —, document assignment n —, difficult assignment n —, ad-hoc assignment n —, challenging assignment n —, ▸ wikipédia, ▾ sources externes (non révisées).

due home shortly.
[...] support in his . [...] ses nouvel .
[...] write up t . [...] pour .
[...] [...] of ownership ating charges [...] [...] [...] u ou un [...]
ases to them shall be governed by the rules of procedure.
sually several weeks [...] ipe de [...]
be for at least [...] r une [...]
[...] characterisation mpurities to [...] [...] caractéris tés à [...]
[...] [...] decentralisation, and asks by contract to third [...] [...] [...] forme d'une passation de marchés à des tiers pa ontrats.
[...] [...] news direc ning editor [...] [...] [...] actualit sions spéciales [...]
eparate generation systems for each sector. e systèmes de production distincts à chaque secteur.
not easy to get [...] s facile [...]
be adjusted for inflation and, if so, whether the amount will be adjusted from the valuation date or from the payment date forward. valuez si l dées seront indexées en fonction de l'inflation et, le cas échéant, si le montant sera rajusté à compter de la date de l'évaluation ou du début des versements.
ld be made by way of one [...] [...] aire au [...] [...]
[...] elementary level d be a reading [...] [...] [...] palier élém re un [...] [...]
has dropped [...] inistres a [...]
[...] [...] status and typ . [...] [...] professionnel et .
[...] first perma Beauvais. emière [...]
[...] takes suc ld make a [...] [...] assume aire une [...]
t and transportation of personal effects. [...] [...] de voy 'allocation pour frais d'études, les frais pour congés dans les foyers, les frais de voyag es recrutements et des affectations, les primes d'affectation ais de [...]
[...] fulfilling . [...] pouvoir ac .
[...] mediation to his new and challen . [...] de cet érience [...] [...]
was a management consultant and chaired the board of trustees of the province's largest health care corporation. e secteur public, il a été conseiller en gestion et a présidé le conseil d'administration de la plus importante société de soins de santé de la province.
[...] to accept ayment in [...] [...] d'accepte ment intégral [...]
[...] of a rental stream receivable unde ement.
uestion is such as to interfere with the performance of the official's duties or is incompatible with the interests of the institution. ndat en question est de nature à entraver l'exercice de ses fonctions ou est incompatible avec les intérêts de son institution.
[...] to your schedule . [...] à votr .
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"What happened?" Parker replied that she couldn't carry out the assignment .

The analysis of the experimental data and the results of quantum-chemical calculations allow us to carry out the assignment of modes manifested in the Raman and IR-spectra of 1 and 2 to the calculated set of vibrations.

It would consist of an instruction manual with the necessary steps to go from scratch to city domination as fast as possible and all we'd have to do was find the right people to carry out the assignment .

The subjects were instructed to carry out the assignment as fast and correctly as possible, and the computer provided feedback on performance by informing whether the answer was correct or not and how fast the trial was performed (very slow, slow, normal, fast or very fast) [40].

Given the involvement and energy of his work on this momentous night, Mr. Levine seems ready and able to carry out the assignments he accepted this season, which include runs of Verdi's "Falstaff" (in a new production) and Berg's "Wozzeck".

"Students will now be introduced to e-learning, they will be able to carry out the assignments , they'll be able to do a lot of research," she says.

Make their preparation part of your estate planning so they know how to step in and carry out the assignments you've given them efficiently.

Moreover, they can be provided appropriate candidate humans when carrying out the assignment task.

(Among the more unsurprising of this study's findings: "Most students reported extreme difficulty in carrying out the assignment " ) .

When he ends up carrying out the assignment early and in his own way he finds his own life in danger, but the politics behind his betrayal are too clumsily sketched to generate suspense.

If adequately carried out , the assignment of all abundant ions in the spectrum is required for spectral validation.

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Traduction assignment | Dictionnaire Anglais-Français

carry out an assignment en francais

assign , alignment , assignation , astonishment

'assignment' également trouvé dans les traductions du dictionnaire Français-Anglais
; summons

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The seaman apprentice stood proudly as he received his first duty assignment. Le matelot stagiaire se tenait fièrement alors qu'il recevait sa première affectation.
They lumped the various tasks into one assignment for simplicity. Ils ont regroupé les différentes tâches en une seule mission pour simplifier.
On the roof, a trained messenger pigeon awaited its next assignment. Sur le toit, un pigeon voyageur entraîné attendait sa prochaine mission.
Today's assignment consists of several multidrop deliveries across the downtown area. La mission d'aujourd'hui consiste en plusieurs livraisons multidrop dans le centre-ville.
Debarred from the project, she shifted her focus to a different assignment. Exclue du projet, elle a concentré ses efforts sur une mission différente.
His demurral was evident when he hesitated to accept the assignment wholeheartedly. Son hésitation était évidente lorsqu'il hésitait à accepter la mission sans réserve.

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▾ Dictionary English-French

Assignment noun ( plural: assignments ) —, mission f ( plural: missions f ), attribution f, assign ( sb./sth. ) verb ( assigned , assigned ) —, attribuer v, affecter (qqn.) v, assigner qqch./qqn. v, nommer qqn. v, allouer qqch. v, mandater qqch./qqn. v, assign sb./sth. to sb./sth. verb —, assigner qqn./qqch. à qqn./qqch. v, assign sth. to sb. verb —, céder qqch. à qqn. v, account assignment n —, task assignment n —, temporary assignment n —, pin assignment n —, written assignment n —, random assignment n —, special assignment n —, new assignment n —, group assignment n —, legal assignment n —, audit assignment n —, translation assignment n —, final assignment n —, first assignment n —, assignment of tasks n —, volunteer assignment n —, priority assignment n —, value assignment n —, assignment plan n —, sales assignment n —, direct assignment n —, rights assignment n —, completed assignment n —, recruitment assignment n —, assignment procedure n —, partial assignment n —, core assignment n —, commercial assignment n —, signal assignment n —, color assignment ae n —, document assignment n —, difficult assignment n —, ad-hoc assignment n —, challenging assignment n —, ▸ wikipedia, ▾ external sources (not reviewed).

due home shortly.
[...] support in his . [...] ses nouvel .
[...] write up t . [...] pour .
[...] [...] of ownership ating charges [...] [...] [...] u ou un [...]
ases to them shall be governed by the rules of procedure.
sually several weeks [...] ipe de [...]
be for at least [...] r une [...]
[...] characterisation mpurities to [...] [...] caractéris tés à [...]
[...] [...] decentralisation, and asks by contract to third [...] [...] [...] forme d'une passation de marchés à des tiers pa ontrats.
[...] [...] news direc ning editor [...] [...] [...] actualit sions spéciales [...]
eparate generation systems for each sector. e systèmes de production distincts à chaque secteur.
not easy to get [...] s facile [...]
be adjusted for inflation and, if so, whether the amount will be adjusted from the valuation date or from the payment date forward. valuez si l dées seront indexées en fonction de l'inflation et, le cas échéant, si le montant sera rajusté à compter de la date de l'évaluation ou du début des versements.
ld be made by way of one [...] [...] aire au [...] [...]
[...] elementary level d be a reading [...] [...] [...] palier élém re un [...] [...]
has dropped [...] inistres a [...]
[...] [...] status and typ . [...] [...] professionnel et .
[...] first perma Beauvais. emière [...]
[...] takes suc ld make a [...] [...] assume aire une [...]
t and transportation of personal effects. [...] [...] de voy 'allocation pour frais d'études, les frais pour congés dans les foyers, les frais de voyag es recrutements et des affectations, les primes d'affectation ais de [...]
[...] fulfilling . [...] pouvoir ac .
[...] mediation to his new and challen . [...] de cet érience [...] [...]
was a management consultant and chaired the board of trustees of the province's largest health care corporation. e secteur public, il a été conseiller en gestion et a présidé le conseil d'administration de la plus importante société de soins de santé de la province.
[...] to accept ayment in [...] [...] d'accepte ment intégral [...]
[...] of a rental stream receivable unde ement.
uestion is such as to interfere with the performance of the official's duties or is incompatible with the interests of the institution. ndat en question est de nature à entraver l'exercice de ses fonctions ou est incompatible avec les intérêts de son institution.
[...] to your schedule . [...] à votr .
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Cambridge Dictionary

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Définition de carry something out en anglais

Carry something out.

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  • The study will be carried out over a six-month period .
  • The plot was discovered before it was carried out.
  • The police carried out a thorough search of the premises , but failed to find any drugs .
  • More research on the subject needs to be carried out.
  • According to witnesses , the robbery was carried out by two teenage boys .
  • get through
  • get to/reach first base idiom
  • go far idiom
  • go from strength to strength idiom
  • go into orbit idiom
  • scale the heights idiom
  • scrape through (something)
  • sew something up
  • smash it idiom

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  1. SOLUTION: French Assignment

    carry out an assignment en francais

  2. Introductory writing assignment en français by Frenchie Science

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  3. French Assignent 4

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  4. French Assignment

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  5. Introductory writing assignment en français by Madame Sara

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  6. French Assignment

    carry out an assignment en francais


  1. Les articles contractés avec à




  5. 𝐋𝐚 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐢è𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐭 𝐋𝐚 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐦𝐞 𝐒𝐭é𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐞 À 𝐋𝐚 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐞 𝐃'𝐮𝐧 𝐁é𝐛é

  6. Carry Out


  1. carry out an assignment

    In action an infantry battalion commander, for example, would receive orders from his brigade. [...] commande r to carry out an assignment. junobeach.org. junobeach.org. Au combat, le commandant d'un bataillon d'infanterie, par exemple, recevra des ordres de son commandant de. [...] brigade, p our mener une cer taine action.

  2. carry out an assignment

    In action an infantry battalion commander, for example, would receive orders from his brigade. [...] commande r to carry out an assignment. junobeach.org. junobeach.org. Au combat, le commandant d'un bataillon d'infanterie, par exemple, recevra des ordres de son commandant de. [...] brigade, p our mener une cer taine action.

  3. carry out a assignment

    Many translated example sentences containing "carry out a assignment" - French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations.

  4. Traduction de "carry out the assignment" en français

    The amounts of the allowances shall be calculated on the basis of time spent away from base to carry out the assignment, with regard to time of departure from and return to base station/airport. Les montants d'allocations tiennent compte du temps d'absence pour effectuer la mission en tenant compte de l'heure de départ et de l'heure de retour ...

  5. Traduction de "to carry out an assignment" en français

    Traductions en contexte de "to carry out an assignment" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : Ensure that they have up-to-date equipment, tools and instruments necessary to carry out an assignment effectively.

  6. To "carry out" an assignment/work/task

    Or is it only acceptable with "task"? "Carry out" works well with an "assigned task" or a "task" or an "assignment". It is correct with "some work". Whatever it is, it has to be a limited task. You don't say "carry out" about working for weeks or months. You can also use the verbs "do", "perform" or "accomplish" with tasks.

  7. Traduction de "carrying out the assignment" en français

    Traductions en contexte de "carrying out the assignment" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : It ends by carrying out the assignment and, if applicable, having regard to the nature of the assignment, by the delivery of the agreed services.

  8. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  9. carry out

    The company carries out regular safety checks. L'entreprise effectue des contrôles de sécurité réguliers. Evaluation of the material will be carried out by experts. Le contrôle du matériel sera effectué par des experts.

  10. assignment

    europarl.europa.eu. This could include the feature editor, photo editor or lifestyle editor at a newspaper; the news director or special. [...] segment producer at a radio station; or the. [...] news direc tor, assignment-plan ning editor. [...] or special segment producer at a television station.


    carry out (also: accomplish, achieve, complete, execute, fulfil, perform, pull off) volume_up. accomplir {vb} more_vert. It was a pleasure to be able to carry out such a well-prepared mission. expand_more C'était un plaisir d' accomplir cette mission admirablement préparée.

  12. carry out translation in French

    You also have access to these methods to carry out withdrawals.: Vous avez également accès à ces méthodes pour effectuer des retraits.: This allows us to carry out all the necessary operations in-house.: Cela nous permet d' effectuer toutes les opérations nécessaires en interne. However, students will be asked to carry out distance activities.: Cependant les étudiants seront amenés à ...

  13. Traduction carry out en Français

    You also have access to these methods to carry out withdrawals.: Vous avez également accès à ces méthodes pour effectuer des retraits.: This allows us to carry out all the necessary operations in-house.: Cela nous permet d' effectuer toutes les opérations nécessaires en interne. However, students will be asked to carry out distance activities.: Cependant les étudiants seront amenés à ...

  14. carry out

    réaliser v. I need to carry out daily tests on my samples. Je dois réaliser des tests quotidiens sur mes échantillons. The surgeon carried out a gastric bypass. Le chirurgien a réalisé un pontage gastrique.

  15. carry out

    mener ⇒ vtr. (une menace) mettre à exécution vtr. The army sometimes carries out mountain rescues in this area. carry [sth] out, carry out [sth] vtr phrasal sep. (bring to fruition) mener à bien vtr. The executor of a will carries out the wishes of the deceased.

  16. to carry out

    carry [sth] out, carry out [sth] vtr phrasal sep. (bring to fruition) mener à bien vtr. The executor of a will carries out the wishes of the deceased. carry [sth] over, carry over [sth] vtr phrasal sep. (sum: transfer to next column) (Maths) retenir ⇒ vtr.


    expand_more C'était un plaisir d' accomplir cette mission admirablement préparée. carry out (aussi : assume, come to terms with, come to terms with, take on, take something on board, undertake) volume_up. assumer [assumant|assumé] {v} [expr.] more_vert.

  18. carry out the assignment

    The phrase "carry out the assignment" is correct and can be used in written English. You can use this phrase when talking about someone performing a task, task completion, or task implementation. For example: "I will carry out the assignment on time and with excellence." exact ( 4 )

  19. carry out

    carry out - traduction français-anglais. Forums pour discuter de carry out, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. Gratuit. ... WordReference ne peut pas traduire cette expression, mais cliquez sur chacun des mots pour en voir la signification : carry out ⓘ Un ou plusieurs fils de discussions du forum correspondent ...

  20. Traduction assignment en Français

    The seaman apprentice stood proudly as he received his first duty assignment.: Le matelot stagiaire se tenait fièrement alors qu'il recevait sa première affectation.: They lumped the various tasks into one assignment for simplicity.: Ils ont regroupé les différentes tâches en une seule mission pour simplifier.: On the roof, a trained messenger pigeon awaited its next assignment.

  21. carrying out

    The company carries out regular safety checks. L'entreprise effectue des contrôles de sécurité réguliers. Evaluation of the material will be carried out by experts. Le contrôle du matériel sera effectué par des experts.

  22. assignment

    Many translated example sentences containing "assignment" - French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations ... — La direction du journal a nommé un nouveau rédacteur en chef. ... it shall be subject to the limits set out in paragraph 4. unionsyndicale.eu. unionsyndicale.eu. Dans ce cas, la nouvelle affectation doit c ...

  23. Définition de carry something out en anglais

    CARRY SOMETHING OUT définition, signification, ce qu'est CARRY SOMETHING OUT: 1. to do or complete something, especially that you have said you would do or that you have been…. En savoir plus.