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Political Science Masters Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Artificial Intelligence as the Next Front in the Class War , Christopher Hill

Corporatizing Violence: Targeted Repression of Indigenous Dissent in Democratic States , Laikaika Layne Rivera

The Arab Spring Uprisings in Geopolitical Context , Jake Alan Rutledge

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

The New Profits of Pleasure: Reality Television and Affective Exploitation in Post-Pandemic Neoliberalism , Sophia Aepfelbacher

Committees in the Oregon State Legislature: Partisan, Distributive, or Informational , Woodrow C. Moore

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Gender Equity and State-Mosque Relations in Middle East North Africa: A Case Study of Tunisia , Joy Amarachi Agbugba

Comparative Foreign Aid Analysis: Replacing the Competition Between Donors with Complementary Aid Policies , Emily Melinda Baker

Legislative Procedures and Perceptions of Legitimacy , Megan Elizabeth Cox

The Meaning and Measure of Deliberative Systems , Darren Michael McCormick

Same Game, Different Rules: Pointillist Imperialism and the New Cartography of Great Power Competition , Andrew Jesse Shaughnessy

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Trump's Legacy in the Middle East: Strategic Shift and the Geopolitics of American Foreign Policy in the Region , Bilel Kriaa

Freedom vs. Security: Analyzing the Connection between States' Prioritization of Security over Civil Liberties and Citizen Support for Democratic Norms , Carlyn Trumbull Madden

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Follow the (Electronic) Money: How Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology Are "Shaking the System" , Jim Robert Mignano

The Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Debate: Do Savings Provisions Influence Arbitration Outcomes? , Ryan Manning Moore

Understanding Evangelical Support for, and Opposition to Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election , Joseph Thomas Zichterman

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

How Does Wasta Bolster Regimes? The Case of Tunisia , Issrar Chamekh

Indigenous Party Formation and Success: the Strategic Roles of Reserved Seats, Parties, and Horizontal Accountability , Michael FitzGerald

Arctic Security: the Race for the Arctic through the Prism of International Relations Theory , Michael Gregory Morgan Trujillo

Grappling with the African E-Waste Pandemic: Contributing Factors and Future Deterrence , Brittany Nicole Wideman

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Using the Syrian Civil War to Measure Hierarchy: Regional Power Transition in the Middle East , Eric Michael Clary

Understanding ASEAN : An Alternative Approach to International Relations Theory in Asia , Ryan Grimstad Driver

Evaluating the Impact of Oregon's Citizen Initiative Review (CIR) on Voter Decisions , Ari Joaquin Wubbold

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The 2016 Presidential Election: Demographic Transformation and Racial Backlash , Skyler Lillian Brocker-Knapp

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Manufacturing Consent in the Maghreb: How Mohammed VI of Morocco Survived the Arab Spring , David Michael Duke II

Substantive Representation by the Unelected: The Role of Staff Gender on Mayoral Priorities in U.S. Cities , Sara M. Hottman

BEE CAUSE: Is Legislative Action Protecting Bees from Neonicotinoids Justified? , Ursula A. Squire

Democratization, Political Performance, and Income Distribution in Argentina and Brazil , Nicholas Paul Stowell

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

The Europeanization of Political Parties: A Study of Political Parties in Poland 2009-2014 , Dennis Jan Blew

An Examination of Factors that Catalyze LGBTQ Movements in Middle Eastern and North African Authoritarian Regimes , Michael Anthony Figueredo

Liberalization, Contention, and Threat: Institutional Determinates of Societal Preferences and the Arab Spring in Tunisia and Morocco , Matthew Thomas Lacouture

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

The Responsibility to Protect and International Law: Moral, Legal and Practical Perspectives on Kosovo, Libya, and Syria , William R. Blackford

Synthesizing the Vertical and the Horizontal: A World-Ecological Analysis of 'the Industrial Revolution', Part I , Christopher R. Cox

Exploring Connections Between Efforts to Restrict Same-Sex Marriage and Surging Public Opinion Support for Same-Sex Marriage Rights: Could Efforts to Restrict Gay Rights Help to Explain Increases in Public Opinion Support for Same-Sex Marriage? , Samuel Everett Christian Dunlop

Moving Beyond Regulatory Mechanisms: A Typology of Internet Control Regimes , Richard Reid Hunt

The Effect of Social Media on Public Awareness and Extra-Judicial Effects: The Gay Marriage Cases and Litigating for New Rights , Sarahfina Aubrey Peterson

Explaining Ballot Initiative Contest Outcomes in California, Oregon, and Washington , Hans Daniel Stroo

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Macroeconomic and Political Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in the Middle East , Robin Barnaby Calver

The Strategic Effects of Counterinsurgency Operations at Religious Sites: Lessons from India, Thailand, and Israel , Timothy L. Christopher

Fated to Pretend?: Culture Crisis and the Fate of the Individual , Rebecca Jade Ok

Economic Inequality's Correlation with Political Inequality and Inequality of Opportunity and the Implications for Social Justice Theory , Staci Leigh Schoff

A Dissatisfied Partner: A Conflict - Integration Analysis of Britain's Membership in the European Union , Osman Goktug Tanrikulu

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Supranationalism in the Fight Against Transnational Threats: A Comparative Study of ASEAN and EU Policy Responses to Human Trafficking , Nicholas M. Klynn

The Crisis of Cooperation: A Critical Analysis of Russian-Iranian Relations in the Post-Soviet Era , Eric D. Moore

Public Participation in Emergency Management , Jason Alexander Rood

A Strategic Model for INGO Accountability Systems , Sarah Elizabeth Wardwell

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

The Fourth Amendment and Cyberspace: Conflict or Cohesion? , Federico Alberto Cantón

The Institutional Development of the American Vice Presidency , James Emory Hite

African Regime Types and International Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organizations: A Comparative Study of the Relationships of Friends and Enemies. , Krista Noel Lane

From Blooming Judicial Philosophies to Castrated Legislation: Sexuality, Desire, and Nominations to the Supreme Court of the United States , Adam Michael McMahon

The Expressive Goals of Bias Crime Legislation and the Media , Louis Panush

In or Out: Interpretation of European Union Membership Criteria and its Effect on the EU Accession Process for Candidate and Potential Member States of Southeastern Europe , Ashley Marie Rasmussen

Citizenship, Duty and Virtue: A Vision of Jefferson's America , Anthony Philip Stine

Diminished Democracy? Portland Radio News/Public Affairs After the Telecom Act of 1996 , Rebecca Webb

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Northeast Asia and the Avoidance of a Nuclear Arms Race , Samuel Fogleman

Regional Integration in East Asia , Amaleia E. Kolovos

Rashomon Comes to the Courtroom: the Adoption of the Lay Judge System in Japan, Its Impact on Jurisprudence, and the Implications for Civic Engagement , Bryan Matthew Thompson

Limitation Riders in the Postreform House: A Test of Procedural Cartel and Conditional Party Government Theories , Jessica Scott Tollestrup

Nihilism Unbound: Strauss, Nietzsche and Foucault as Nihilist Thinkers , Jeffrey Jacob Wade

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Radicalism in American Political Thought : Black Power, the Black Panthers, and the American Creed , Christopher Thomas Cooney

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Social Regulatory Policy : A Challenge to Federalism , Kimberly Janet Russell

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Prospect Theory and the Cyprus Conflict: Analyzing Decisionmaking in the Turkish Cypriot President , Tarah Marie Wheeler

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

Presidential Domain: An Exploratory Study of Prospect Theory and US Climate Policy Since 1998 , Hal T. Nelson

Theses/Dissertations from 2000 2000

International Environmental Regimes and Latin America : The Role of Environmental Non-governmental Organizations , Jennifer T. Eller

Theses/Dissertations from 1998 1998

An Analysis of the Principal Arguments in Support of a Congressional Term Limit , Paul William Cadero-Smith

The Impact of Relative Gains on Interstate Cooperation in the Areas of Security and International Economy , Renato Corbetta

Free Trade, Regionalism, and the Democratic Peace Theory , Julia B. Johnson

Tocqueville’s Civic Republicanism : The Balance Between Equality and Liberty in American Democracy , Clifford Brantley Smith

Theses/Dissertations from 1997 1997

The Minimal Role of Legal Traditions at the International Court of Justice , Kalley Rae Aman

Virtue, Liberty, and the Good : A Critical Analysis of Civic Republicanism , Nathan Douglas Austin

Collective Intervention in Internal Conflicts : An Examination of Why States Participate , Andrew L. Blum

Public Interest Group Politics and American Political Culture , Patrick Henry Brennan

The Reemergence of Kantian Ethics: Have We Adequately Responded to Hegel's Objections? , Gwen C. Thompson

Theses/Dissertations from 1996 1996

Oregon's Carry Concealed Weapon Laws: A Historical Review of the Right to Personal Protection , Richard Meek Bash

Neorealism and Environmental Cooperation: Towards a Structural Explanation of International Environmental Matters , Anthony David Lott

The Dangers of Nuclear Proliferation: Five Reasons More May Not Be Better , Matthew MacArthur

Theses/Dissertations from 1995 1995

Gaining State Response on Global Environmental Problem-Solving: Developing a State-centric Approach , Heather MacGregor Bothwell

Liberalism, Community, and the Context of Choice , Marta R. Colburn

Sustainable Development in the Third World: A New Paradigm? , Terry A. Gentry

Communicative Action as Feminist Epistemology , Todd Nathaniel Gilman

John Rawls, Feminism, and the Gendered Self , Lori Kinder MacArthur

Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Strategies for Self-help in Food Production, Case Study of Kenya , Dieudonne Mayi

State Cooperation on Regulatory Policies for Transboundary Environmental Issues , Jennifer Lyn Pennell

North vs. South: Sovereign Equality and the Environment in the Twentieth Century , Thomas Schlesinger

Theses/Dissertations from 1994 1994

A Study of Japan's Foreign Policy Behavior: The Discrepancy between Japan's Foreign Policy and Its Voting Behavior in the United Nations General Assembly , Atsuko Sato

Theses/Dissertations from 1993 1993

The Liberal-Communitarian Debate and the Development of a Political Conception of the Person , Kenneth Howard Biggs

Common Security: a Conceptual Blueprint for an Israeli-Palestinian Political Settlement , Robert Arthur Horenstein

The United States-Japan Security Treaty of 1951: An Essay on the Origins of Postwar Japanese-American Relation , Christopher S. Johnson

Theses/Dissertations from 1991 1991

A Comparative Analysis of U.S. Foreign Policy in Iran and the Philippines , Christina M. Blumel

Chinese Intellectual Dissidents , Meiru Liu

Theses/Dissertations from 1990 1990

John Rawls, the conception of a liberal self, and the communitarian critique , Johnathan Edward Mansfield

Politics and Education: The Nicaraguan Literacy Crusade , Teresa Squires Osborne

Theses/Dissertations from 1989 1989

An Analysis of US/Soviet Arms Control: Adding a Subsystem Perspective , Peter Millard Olson

Theses/Dissertations from 1987 1987

Hugo Grotius and the liberal tradition , Karen Diane Csajko

American Foreign Policy: The Utility of Force as an Influence, Bargaining, or Coercive Force in the Caribbean Basin , Susan M. Marandas

Theses/Dissertations from 1986 1986

Manipulation or education? : symbolic language, belief system and the Truman Doctrine , John Gunn Tilson

Theses/Dissertations from 1985 1985

Formulation of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 , Gary G. Skalangya

Theses/Dissertations from 1984 1984

Integration in West Africa : an empirical examination of ECOWAS , Stephen C. Adkisson

Theses/Dissertations from 1983 1983

Polish foreign policy and the development of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe , Keijiro Yasui

Theses/Dissertations from 1982 1982

Congressional Power and Presidential Prerogative: The War Powers Question , Gerald Michael Worley

Theses/Dissertations from 1979 1979

The political integration of the Kurds in Turkey , Kathleen Palmer Ertur

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Political Science Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

A Comparative Measure Of Judicial Legitimacy , Rahul Hemrajani

Where the Constitution Is Silent: Indigenous Rights Jurisprudence in the United States , Anthony Wayne Hobert Jr.

Prosecutorial Discretion: District Attorneys, Public Opinion,and the Localized Rule of Law , Yu-Hsien Sung

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Changing Environment. Changing Attitudes? , Lindsey Brooke Hendren

Interstate Rivalry, Domestic Politics, and Economic Coercion , Shaoshuang Wen

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

International Conflict, Political Leaders, and Accountability , William Thomas Christiansen

Liberalization First, Democratization Later: The Linkage Between Income Inequality, Economic Development, and Democratization , Yi-Tzu Lin

Social Trust and Soft Power: The Role of Social Trust in Democratic Countries’ Soft Power Use , Judit Trunkos

Economic Interdependence, Power, and Peace: A Rationalist Study of Commercial Liberalism , Yuleng Zeng

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Essays on the Political Economy of International Trade and Coups , William Akoto

Judicial Legitimacy and the Dearth of State Supreme Court Knowledge , TJ Kimel

Women in the Governor's Mansion: Breaking the Barrier to Competition , Helen Adair King

Causes and Consequences of Police Militarization , Edward Eugene Lawson, Jr.

Dynamic Environments and Judicial Power , Monica Lineberger

The Dynamics of Vote Buying in Developing Democracies: Party Attachment and Party Competition in Southeast Asia , Matthew Louis Wagner

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Deepening Democracy: Inclusion, Deliberation, And Voice In The Grassroots South , Annie L. Boiter-Jolley

Evangelicals, Perceived Marginalization and Expressive Mobilization , Christin E. McMasters

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Economic Foundations of Authoritarian Rule , Clay Robert Fuller

Partisan Polarization, Social Identity, and Deliberative Democracy in the United States , Ryan Strickler

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Being Strategic: Black Legislative Representation In The Republican-Controlled South Carolina House of Representatives , Willie James Black

Leaders in Search of the Bomb: Institutional Incentives for Nuclear Decisions , Paige Price Cone

The Three Dimensionality Model Of State Security And Armed Conflict: Internal And External Dimensions And Lessons From The Middle East , Juri Kim

The Impact of Supreme Court Precedent in a Judicial Hierarchy , Ali Masood

How The European Union’s Criteria For Membership Move Public Opinion , Douglas Page

Information Heterogeneity and Economic Voting: A Cross-National Analysis , Chia-yin Wei

Nothing is the Matter with Kansas: White Southern Exceptionalism in American Politics , Paul White Jr.

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

The Turkish Foreign Policy Under The Justice And Development Party (AKP): A Paradigm Shift? , Ali Demirdas

The Liberal Commercial Peace, Regional Considerations: International Relations of Southeast Asia, Latin America, and the European Union Countries , Chienwu Hsueh

The Political Economy of Property Rights In China: Local Officials, Incentive Structure, And Private Enterprises , Ingrid Yingxia Li

The Domestic Adoption of International Human Rights Law: the Roles of Regional and National High Courts in Latin America , Rebecca Ann Reid

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014


Essays on Battle Clusters in Internal Armed Conflicts and Insurgencies: Concept, Causes and Consequences , Chifeng Liu

The Effects of Political Control and Institutional Structure on State Ethics Commissions , William Jonathan Rauh

Do Americans’ Perceptions of the Prevalence of Prejudice Impact Their Racial Policy Preferences? Investigating Meta-Stereotypes as a Potential Causal Mechanism , Alexandra Reckendorf

How Much Do Groups Still Matter to Politics? An Examination of Group Influences on Public Opinion , Lauren E. Smith

Microfinance and Poverty Reduction: How Risks Associated With Government Policies Affect Whether Microfinance Alleviates Poverty in Latin-America , Brian Warby

Taking Interests and International Conflict More Seriously , Chong-Han Wu

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Protracted Social Conflict: A Reconceptualization and Case Analysis , Melissa M. C. Beaudoin

Race, Class, Gender, and Linked Fate: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of African American Political Partisanship, 1996 and 2004 , Sherral Yolanda Brown-Guinyard

Holding International Public-Private Partnership Accountable: An Analysis of Sensitivity and Vulnerability Dynamics In Ghana'S Water Sector Reform and Its Impact On the Target Population , Xi Chen

The Impact of Ideology and Attorneys On Precedent Usage: An Analysis of State High Courts , Benjamin Kassow

Environmental Footprints of Violent Conflict , Swapna Pathak

Economic Agreements and Interstate Conflict: A Policy Substitution Model of Coercion , Matthew Daniel-Marion Shaffer

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Religion, Electoral Rules and Women's Representation: A Cross National Examination , Wafaa Adnan Alaradi

Postcolonial and Constructivist Theoretical Explanations of Women'S Traditional Agency In Sociopolitical Participation and Reproductive Rights In Present Day Mali and the Pilipinas , Jennifer Almeda

South Africa In Southern Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Economic Integration In the Southern African Development Community Using Hegemonic Stability Theory , William Andrew Jennings

The Relationship Between State Dissatisfaction and the Level of Conflict In State Dyads: the Revised Power Transition Theory , Hsiao-chuan Liao

Fighting In Space: Understanding the Opportunity and Willingness to Pursue Space Weapons , Michael James Martindale

Capital offenses, Non-Capital offenses, and Party Capability: Habeas Corpus Litigation in U.S. District Courts , Nicholas A. Mostardo

How Rivalries End: Understanding Dynamics of the Rivalry Termination Process , Soonkun Oh

State Implementation of the Children's Health Insurance Program: Analyses of Variation In Policy Adoption , Rebecca Layne Russ-Sellers

Female Legislators and the Power of the Purse: Does Gender Affect Government Spending? A Cross-National Analysis , Jennifer Suzanne Tison

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Judging the Bureaucrats: Understanding the Dynamics of Court-Agency Interaction , Michael P. Fix

La Ruta Maya: The Effects of tourism and the State On the Political Behavior Choices of the Maya , Heather Lea Hawn

Presidents and Terminal Logic Behavior: Term Limits and Executive Action In the United States, Brazil, and Argentina , Genevieve M. Kehoe

The Questions of Compliance With the NPT Regime and Complex Multilateral Nuclear Negotiations: A Comparative Analysis of North Korea and Iran As Defector States , Jihyun Kim

The Rule of Law In Times of War: A Comparative Analysis of the Effect of War On High Court Decision-Making , Susanne Schorpp

Between and Beyond Borders: Conflict, International Response, and Forced Migration , Young Hoon Song

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The War On Terrorism In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. An Academic Analysis of the Growing Phenomenon of Political Violence In the Kingdom. , Faisal M. Al-Madhi

Re-Defining Public Service In An Era of Networked Governance: An Examination of the Influence of Public Service Motivation On Contractors In Homeland Security , Alexa Haddock Bigwarfe

The Power and Authority of the Committee On the Rights of the Child , Aleksandra Chauhan

Does Foreign Direct Investment (Fdi) Affect Conflict? theIntertwined Relationship Between Multinational Corporations (Mncs) and Nation-States , Yi-Hung Chiou

Counterinsurgency Colonels: The Role of the Practitioner In the Evolution of Modern Counterinsurgency , Garrett Scott DeWitt

The Geometry of Racial Politics: The Role of Policy Entrepreneurs In Fostering Triangulation Among U.S. Racial and Ethnic Groups, 1800-1964 , Athena M. King

Passionate Political Talk: Social Networks and the Emotional Impact of Political Discussion , Bryan Michael Parsons

Judges and Their Loyalties: A Comparative Study Focused On the Venezuelan Supreme Court , Raul A. Sanchez Urribarri

International Law In the Supreme Court of the United States: An Empirical Analysis , Alan Michael Tauber

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Wolves In Chic Clothing: Gender, Media and the Securitization of Female Suicide Bombers , Mekell Mikell

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MPhil in Political Science Institutional Analysis

Profile image of Ghazi Abdullah

The Leiden Research Master's Programme in Political Science: Institutional Analysis (MPhil) aims at providing students with a thorough grounding in the literature on political institutions and a rigorous training in the methodological skills that are necessary to conduct research in this field. Students acquire this knowledge and these skills not only by being taught, but also by gaining hands-on experience with the way in which a broad research interest is transformed into a theoretically informed puzzle with concrete hypotheses, how a research method is chosen that is appropriate for the hypotheses that are to be tested, what problems can be encountered in data collection and analysis, how the data can be interpreted to test the hypotheses, and how the results can be presented effectively. Aims and Objectives The MPhil Political Science Research will train students to become researchers. The programme will complement the substantive and elementary research competencies of the Bachelor's programme with the necessary competencies of content and research methodology for research into political institutions and their design, workings and implications.

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Political Science Master's Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

The political economy of rail transport financing: A closer look at ODA and PPP-financed railway projects in Metro Manila , Martin Angelo T. Millete

The mental health act of 2018 policy assessment and its implementation to higher education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic , Dominique R. Reario

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

The empowerment of Filipino micro enterprises utilizing local online marketplace groups , John Roy T. Abenaza

Sustainability of Philippine election campaigning: A study on the impacts of using non-biodegradable election campaign & advertisement materials in Quezon City , Judenn L. Mascareñas

Women’s empowerment in rural community development: The case of barangay Buenavista in Tudela, Misamis Occidental , Eunice Tabitha B. Trinidad

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Rethinking spaces of political agency: A phenomenological study on Philippine perceptions of political agency in video games vis-à-vis the real world , Xavier Dwight M. Gentalian

Assessing the potentials for deliberative practices in Philippine politics: The various mechanisms of the barangay , Nathan Mishael O. Go

International volunteerism and its contributions to capacity development in the Philippine education sector , Ian Kirsten C. Plata

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

An analysis of the role of sugar industry leaders in the formulation of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) excise tax using advocacy coalition framework , Samantha Franchezka S. Ching

Urbanization at Pag-Asa Olongapo, City and the slum dwellers' 'right to the city" , Cecilia C. Garson

Understanding inter-local government collaboration in the Philippines: The case of the Alyansa ng mga Baybaying Bayan ng Bulacan at Pampanga (ABB-BP) , Ian Jayson R. Hecita

Japanese foreign policy and peacebuilding in the Bangsamoro - new engagement for Japanese government and JICA- , Yusuke Kawanishi

The role of social capital in the reintegration of returning Overseas Filipino Workers: The case of the City of Batangas, Philippines , Ilyanna Xeandria D. Zamora

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Using facebook for public engagement: An analysis of the public facebook pages of the local government units in Metro Manila , Nicole Marie D. Afable

An analysis of the problems on the reporting of accomplishment of infrastructure projects in the DPWH , Paul Justine S. Cunanan

Essential elements for successful integrated watershed management system: The case of the Santa Rosa sub-watershed W Q M A B , Maria Eleunor B. Lucino

Compliance of agrarian reform cooperatives to a policy-based lending program: An organizational approach , Ella Joy A. Ponce

The role of non-state actors in international organizations: A case study of the CSO partnership for development effectiveness , Stephen Mar S. Tan

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

A semiotic analysis of gender constructions in popular video games and its ideological impact on the individual , Jamshyd F. Babago

Assessment of Pantawid pamilyang Pilipino program (4Ps) in District II, Makati City , Antonio D. Fontanilla Jr.

Creating stakeholder-driven indicators for evaluating sustainability of ecotourism destinations in the Philippines , Eylla Laire M. Gutierrez

Migrant workers’ protection in the digital age: Leveraging social media platforms to ensure the safety and welfare of OFWs in distress , Jovito Jose P. Katigbak

Transforming global goals into local actions: The localization of sustainable development goals in the Philippines with focus on Mandaluyong City , Mia Loraine S. Simpao

Determinants of physical integrity abuses in Southeast Asia: Under the context of anti-narcotics campaign , Jazelle Dyana Lizz G. Zerrudo

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Politics of ideas and discourses in the prospective Bangsamoro political entity , Kevin Nielsen M. Agojo

The formulation of Republic Act no. 10121 in the Philippines: The role of Hyogo framework for action, 2005-2015 , Mai Akamatsu

Forest governance and collective action problems in the upper Angat watershed forest reserve , Edcelyn Magay Bacila

Understanding local dominance: The case of Naga City , Mary Joyce B. Bulao

Explaining (non) participation: An inquiry on overseas voting of Filipinos in Japan , Georgeline B. Jaca

Environmental governance in Palawan: The implementation of the Wildlife Resources conservation and Protection Act of 2001 , Jazztin Jairum P. Manalo

Imperialism, state-making and Philippine security in the South China Sea , Robert Joseph P. Medillo

The politics of disaster reporting in online news: A multimodal critical discourse anaylsis of news reports on Typhoon Lando , Karl Patrick R. Mendoza

Bayanihang pampaaralan: Contributions of the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP)'s capacity interventions in the implementation of the senior high school program using co-production approach , John Mark H. Villanueva

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

An evaluation study on the use of the collective approach towards overcoming open defecation: A research , Katrina Chye V. Agulan

The resurgence of strongman politics in Southeast Asian democracies , Miguel Enrico G. Ayson

Challenges of governing urban effluents on development activities in the Boulevard Area, Dipolog City , Carlos P. Deloria

The politics of tax reforms in the Philippines , Marvee Anne C. Felipe

Disability-inclusive elections: The experience in the Philippines , Paula Bianca P. Lapuz

The effects of China's imposed economic sanction to the Philippines , Athena T. Padilla

The determinants affecting open government data implementation in public health: The case of Department of Health (DOH)-Philippines , Juan Rufino M. Reyes

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Women political leadership and basic needs in selected Quezon City barangays , Angelique Allen E. Alinood

From introspection to policy: Articulations of national identity in tracks I and II of Philippine Cultural diplomacy , Frances Pauline C. Brillantes

The online political participation of the Kabataan Partylist Cagayan Valley (KPLCV): A mixed method analysis , Gydabelle M. Olaya

Building a disaster resilient community through local capacity development , Leah Marie Tumlos-Castillo

Of digital footprints and transparency: E-government maturity and corruption in the Philippines , Prince Aian G. Villanueva

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Local knowledge, social memory and public policies: Recovering disaster memory of riverfront dwellers and their implications for disaster risk reduction and management policy in Angat river basin and watershed region, Philippines , Benigno C. Balgos

Operationalizing disaster risk reduction and management: The case of typhoon Yolanda in Tacloban City , Luzelito Q. Betinol

The Chains of blunted discontent: The protest inaction of jeepney drivers and a re-conceptualization of political alienation , Anthony Lawrence Arsenal Borja

Access to justice for the poor women and children: A study on the process of institutional change in Oriental Mindoro , Florisa Norina L. Carada

Children and disaster risk reduction and management in the context of the rights-based approach to development: The cases of the municipalities of Catarman and Laoang in the Province of Nothern Samar, Philippines , Juniver P. Delorino

Reaching the vulnerable and the poorest: A case study on the implementation of the conditional cash transfer program in indigenous communities of Esperanza, Agusan Del Sur , Marie Bembie A. Girado

An Assessment of the implementation of Republic Act No. 9994: The expanded senior citizens Act of 2010 in Makati City , Lolita Shaila B. Puruganan

Subverting the past: An analysis of Japans construction of state indentity , Carmina Y. Untalan

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

The changing state? Malaysia after the Asian financial crisis , Dennis B. Maldo

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Indonesia's third party role in the peace process in the Southern Philippines , Mohamad Zakaria Al Anshori

Women in Islam: Influence of religion and development , Merium H. Kazmi

Democracy and Islam: Can they be mixed? , Ibnu Asqori Pohan

A case study on the erosion of the political dominance of an entrenched political clan: The case of the Felix political clan of Cainta, Rizal , Raymund John P. Rosuelo

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Justice for the poor: An assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of small claims cases and Enhanced justice on wheels , Glenda E. Feliprada

A comparative study of the framing approaches of the two newspaper columnists in the Philippines , Aaron D.P. Lim

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Stakeholders’ assessment of the performance of the Department of Trade and Industry’s Business development program for the ICT services sector , Irish G. Caldona

An analysis of minority shareholder rights protection between family controlled and non-family controlled Philippine Stock Exchange listed companies , Geoffrey Rhoel C. Cruz

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Roman Catholic Church-State relations in the Philippines and its implications on the passage of House Bill 5043: The Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2008 , Julien L. Carandang

Evaluating inter-local government cooperation and governance in the Philippines: The case of the MNDC, the MMDA, and the Metro BLIST , Rodmyr F. Datoon

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Exploring human rights integration in selected general education subjects in three higher educational institutions , Maria Liselle N. Delantar

The nature & modalities of Local Government Unit-Civil Society Organization partnerships: The case of Angeles City , Reynaldo Rodriguez Jr.

Government corruption in Japan: Implication for the Philippines , Koichiro Usuki

Community-based resource governance in Barangay Bagong-Silang , Calatagan, Batangas , Jonathan David Q. Van Haute

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Effects of phase 1 of the Batangas Port Development Project (BPDP) on the multiple resource uses of Batangas Bay , Ma. Jocelyn P. Jaucian

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

An assessment of the compensation process applied by the Northwestern Luzon transmission line project: The case of the affected households/landowners of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan , Christopher Padilla Castillo

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Microfinance in the Philippine setting: A comparative assessment of the operational and financial efficiency of the People's Credit and Finance Corporation (PCFC) and Tulay sa Pag-Unlad Inc. (TSPI) , Michael G. Antonio

Internet and civil society participation in local governance: The case of Tamil Nadu, India , Joseph Fernando

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

A case study of the community-based peace-building program in the Bual Zone of Peace, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat , Serafin A. Arviola Jr.

Image and organization in senatorial campaign politics , Gerardo V. Eusebio

Theses/Dissertations from 2001 2001

The global march against child labour-Philippines: A case study , John B. Trew

Theses/Dissertations from 1993 1993

Ang pampulitikang ekonomiya ng magbubukid: Popular na partisipasyon, kooperatibismo at panimulang alternatibo , Ronald Everett David Holmes

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Department of Political Science


MPhil and PhD

Thesis mphil.

01 Child Labour: A Case Study of Auto Repair Workshops of Lahore( The Role of Government) Khalid Manzoor Butt

Roll No. 156

Dr. Muhammad Zakria Zakar 1999-2001
02 Confidence Building Measures in the Environment of Nuclear Proliferation in South Asia Saima Qayyum

Roll No.164

Prof. Javeed Ahmed Sheikh 1999-2001
03 Globalization and its Impact on Pakistan Politics (1991-2000) Rana Eijaz Ahmed

Roll No.157

Dr. Khalid Javed Makhdoom 1999-2001
04 Globalization and its Impact on Pakistan Politics (1991-2000) Rana Eijaz Ahmed

Roll No. 157

Dr. Khalid Javed Makhdoom 1999-2001
05 Dissolution of the Legislatures in Pakistan (1985-2001) A Political Analysis Haleema Naz Afridi

Roll No.154

Prof. Saeed Osman Malick 1999-2001
06 Determination of Impact of Autonomy on the state of Governance in Hospitals in Lahore. Asifa Naheed

Roll No. 151-MPH-99

Dr. Haq Nawaz Shah 1999-2001
07 Local Governments in Pakistan (1959,1979,2001) Comparative Analysis Tasneem Sikander

Roll No.162-MPH-1999

Prof. Javeed Ahmed Sheikh 1999-2001
08 Poverty Alleviation Strategies in Pakistan Shakila Noor Sindhu

Roll No. 165

Saeed Osman Malick 1999-2001
09 Determination of Impact of Autonomy on the State of Governance in Hospitals in Lahore Asifa Waheed

Roll No. 151

Dr. Haq Nawaz Shah 1999-2001
10 Sustainable Human Development (SHD) with Special reference to Pakistan (1947-2002) Faiza Khan

Roll No.153

Dr. Haq Nawaz Shah 1999-2001
11 Kashmir Dispute in Human Rights Perspective Asim Hameed Butt

Roll No. 155-MPH-2001

Dr. Muhammad Sarwar 2000-2002
12 Geopolitical Role of China As An Emerging Superpower Munawar Sabir

Roll No. 152-MPH-2000

Prof. Saeed Osman Malick 2000-2002
13 Structural Adjustment Programme: A case study of Pakistan since1988 Muhammad Sajid

Roll: 155

Prof. Javeed Ahmed Sheikh 2001-2003
14 Role of Economic Co-operation Organization (ECO) in Regional Scenario Miss. Saima Bashir

Roll No. 160

Prof. Dr Farhat Mahmood 2001-2003
15 Elected Leadership of Punjab Assembly 2002: An Empirical Analysis Fauzia Ghani

Roll No. 151

Prof. Javeed Ahmed Seikh 2001-2003
16 Problems of Good Governance: A case study of Pakistan Sadia Mahmood Falki

Roll No. 161

Mrs. Nasreen Javed Ahmed 2001-2003
17 Dependencies’: A case study of Pakistan (1981-2001) Kiran khurshid

Roll No. 157

Prof. Javeed Ahmed Seikh 2001-2003
18 Post Cold war American Foreign policy in south Asia Abeeda Qureshi

Roll No. 163

Prof. Dr Farhat Mahmood 2001-2003
19 Role of Economic Co-Operation organization (ECO) in Regional Scenario Ms. Saima Bashir

Roll No.160

Prof.Dr. Farhat Mahmood 2001-2003
20 Structural Adjustment Programme: A case study of Pakistan since1988 Muhammad Sajid

Roll No. 155-MPH-2001

Prof. Javeed Ahmed Sheikh 2001-2003
21 The Dilemma of Sharing the shrinking fresh water resources in Pakistan-Possible solutions (for the Provinces) Ms. Rabia Anwar

Roll No.152

Prof. Anwar Mehmood Khan 2001-2003
22 Ethnicity and Integration in Pakistan Gulshan Majeed

Roll No. 156-MPH-2001

Mrs. Nasreen Javeed 2001-2003
23 WTO and Developing Nations Nabila Akhtar

Roll No. 159

Prof. Javeed Ahmed Seikh 2002-2004
24 Gwadar: Strategic and Economic Significance Abid Ismail

Roll No. 157

Ms. Sadia Mushtaq 2002-2004
25 Role of Opposition Political Parties in Pakistan 1988-1999 Anwaar Ahmad

Roll No. 158

Prof. Rai Hameed Ali Khan 2002-2004
26 Global Military strategy for the 21st Century : (USA) Who is the Enemy? Quratul Ain Ashraf

Roll No. 162

Dr. Qais Aslam 2002-2004
27 Conflict and Cooperation Between India and Pakistan (1980-2004) Asma Waheed

Roll No.163-MPH-2002

Dr. Sadia Mushtaq 2002-2004
28 The Impact of Afghan Refugees on N.W.F.P (1979-2004) Mr. Asghar Khan

Roll No. 155-M.PH-2002

Prof. Dr. Haq Nawaz Shah 2002-2004
29 Gwadar: Strategic and Economic significance Abida Ismail

Roll No. 157-MPH-2002

Dr. Sadia Mushtaq 2002-2004
30 Domestic and foreign Policy linkage: A case study of Pakistan (1977-2000) Nadeem Ahmad

Roll No. 151-MPH-2002

Prof. Anwar Mehmood Khan 2002-2004
31 Us Invasion of Iraq-And its aftermath Shamaila Arshed

Roll No. 454-MPH-2003

Mr. Anwar Mehmood Khan 2003-2005
32 Socio-Political Problems Affecting Human Resource Management in Balochistan Ali Zaman Shah

Roll No.451

Mr. Anwar Mahmood Khan 2003-2005
33 Role and Participation of women in Punjab Assembly (2002-2007) An empirical Analysis Ayesha Babar

Roll: 452

Ms. Kiran Khurshid 2004-2006
34 Strategy of Bilateralism in Pakistan-India Relations (1998-2005) Mahwish Munir

Roll No.455

Prof. Dr. Khalid Javed Makhdoom 2004-2006
35 Madrassa Tradition in the Punjab Pakistan Ahmed Raza Khan

Roll No. 456-MPH-2004

Anwar Mahmood Khan 2004-2006
36 Pak-Afghan Relations in Post-Taliban Period Amna Saleem

Roll No.452-MPH-2005

Prof. Anwar Mahmood Khan 2005-2007
37 Development Transition: A case study of  North Waziristan (2001-2008) Sardar Shafqat Ullah

Roll No.457-7-PS-06

Ms. Kiran Khurshid 2006-2008
38 Impact of Dynastic  Politics in South Asia Jadoon Saif Ullah Khan

Roll No.460-7-PS-06

Prof. Anwar Mehmood Khan 2006-2008
39 Impact of Bureaucracy on Democracy in Pakistan Humera Malik

Roll No.454

Mr. Anwar Mahmood Khan 2005-2007
40 The Role of Judiciary in Democratization of Pakistan 1988-2008 Shakila Hashim

Roll No.453-PS-06

Dr. Khalid Javed Makhdoom 2006-2008
41 Religious Extremism in Pakistan and its Impact on National integration Humera Sadiq

Roll No. 455-7-PS-06

Dr. Khalid Javed Makhdoom 2006-2008
42 Pakistan’s Energy Crisis, Two Minutes to Mid night Amin Akhtar

Roll No.451-7-PS-06

Prof. Anwar Mahmood Khan 2006-2008
43 Pakistan’s Leadership crisis-A Mismatch Between Governance and Leadership Ahmed Hayat Khan

Roll No. 454-MPH-2007

Prof. Anwar Mahmood Khan 2007-2009
44 Pakistan’s Economic Aid Policy: Impact on National Politics (1999-2007) Saira Hameed

Roll No. 456R

Ms. Fauzia Ghani 2007-2009
45 Kashmir in contemporary Regional perspectives (1994-2009) Sidra Muhammad Ali

Roll No. 459-MPH-2007

Prof.Dr. Khalid Javaid Makhdoom 2007-2009
46 China’s Energy Security strategy Shafqat Jabeen

Roll No. 461-MPH-2007-09

Prof. Anwar Mahmood Khan 2007-2009
47 Democratic Modernization: A case study of social change in Pakistan an from 1973-2010 Hina Afzaal Naqvi


Dr. Khalid Manzoor Butt 2007-2009
48 Elite Politics and National Integration in Pakistan Ruqia Kalsoom

Roll No. 464

Ms. Fauzia Ghani 2008-2010
49 Federalism and Ethnocentrism in Pakistan Rana Sheharyar

Roll No. 451

Prof. Dr. Farooq Hasnat 2008-2010
50 The Role of Nuclear power in South Asian Politics Shahaid Mahmood Zahid

Roll No. 462-MPH-2008

Prof. Anwar Mahmood Khan 2008-2010
51 Causes and effects of Militancy in Pakistan: An Analytical Assessment Maryam Azam

Roll No.455

Prof. Dr. Farooq Hasnat 2008-2010
52 Federalism and National integration in Pakistan (1973-2007) Hafiz Muhammad Umar

Roll No. 456-MPH-2008-2010

Prof. Dr. Farooq Hasnat 2008-2010
53 American AID and Sanctions: GEO-Strategic implications for Pakistan (1979-2009) Yawar Hayat Shah

Roll No. 452

Prof. Dr. Farooq Hasnat 2008-2010
54 Military Security between India and Pakistan Iram Munir

Roll No. 454-MPHIL-PS-09

Dr. Sadia Mushtaq 2009-2011
55 Political Violence in Pakistan ( A case study of Lahore,2001-2010) Kanza Sharif

Roll No. 2157-GCU-Mphil-PS-09

Dr. Khalid Manzoor Butt 2009-2011
56 Militancy in Pakistan (2001-2011) Compulsion and constraint Arjumand Tahira Khan

Roll No. 462

Ms. Fauzia Ghani 2009-2011
57 Extremism in Pakistan’s Politics Saqib Khan

Roll No.459-7-PS-2009

Dr. Khalid Javaid Makhdoom 2009-2011
58 The Electoral Politics and Voting behavior in Pakistan: A comparative Analysis of 1970 and 2008 Elections Asad Ullah khan


Ms. Fauzia Ghani 2010-2012
59 The Role of Healthcare Services in Rural Punjab: A case study of Childbearing Women’s Access to Healthcare Maryam Latif

Roll No.458-7-2010

Dr. Khalid Manzoor Butt 2010-2012
60 Water Issue and its Implications on South Asian Security Tehmina  Qazi

Roll No. 456-MPH-2010-2012

Dr. Sadia Mushtaq 2010-2012
01 Child Labour in Human Rights Perspective ( Case study of Child Scavengers of Urban Area of Lahore) Khalid Manzoor Butt


Dr. Farhat Mahmod 2004-2007
02 Pakistn’s Foreign Policy towards India An Analysis of civilian Governments and Military Regimes 1972-2008 Sadia Mushtaq


Dr. Khalid Javed Makhdoom 2005-2008

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  • Undergraduate
  • Honors Thesis

Award Winning Theses

The following theses are recent examples of outstanding work:.

  • Avery Goods:  "An Inconvenient Group: The Effect of Motivated Messages on Climate Change Attitudes and Behaviors of Skeptic Audiences" 2019 Janda Prize Winner for Best Honors Thesis
  • Joshua Varcie: "The Artificial Incumbency Advantage: How Bipartisan Redistricting Schemes Protect Incumbents" 2019   Janda Prize Honorable Mention for Distinguished Honors Thesis
  • Benjamin Alan Weinberg: " Ballot Challenge: Explaining Voting Rights Restrictions in 21st-Century America"  2018 Janda Prize Winner for Best Honors Thesis
  • Logan Scott Peretz:  "How Hillary May Have Lost the White House: The Electoral Effects of Presidential Campaign Visits in 2016"  2018   Janda Prize Honorable Mention for Distinguished Honors Thesis
  • Aaron Gordon: "An Empirical Appraisal of the Liberty of Contract"  2017 Janda Prize Winner for Best Honors Thesis
  • Hayley Hopkins: "Restrict the Vote: Disenfranchisement as a Political Strategy" 2017 Janda Prize Winner for Best Honors Thesis
  • Matthew Gates: "Ideological Basis for the Gay Rights Movement"  2017   Janda Prize Honorable Mention for Distinguished Honors Thesis
  • Elena Barham: "Passing the Buck: World Bank Anti-Corruption Reform and the Politics of Implementation" 2016 Janda Prize Winner for Best Honors Thesis
  • Remy Smith: "Inherently Unequal: The Effects of Equal Representation on Senate Policy Outcomes" 2016 Janda Prize Honorable Mention for Distinguished Honors Thesis
  • Laura Rozier:  "The Media, the Innocent, and the Public: A Nuanced Look at Exonerations and Public Opinion of the Death Penalty"   2015 Janda Prize Winner for Best Honors Thesis
  • Kaitlyn Chriswell: “Cross-cutting cleavages: Euskadi Ta Askatasuna, Terra Lliure, and the centrality of networks” , 2014 Janda Prize Winner for Best Honors Thesis
  • Jordan Fein:  "Searching for Health Care Reform: Studying Media Coverage and Framing Public Opinion of the 2009-2010 Health Care Debate" , 2011 Janda Prize Winner for Best Honors Thesis
  • Dylan Lewis:  “Unpaid Protectors: Volunteerism and the Diminishing Role of Federal Responsibility in the National Park Service” , 2011 Janda Prize Honorable Mention for Distinguished Honors Thesis
  • Benjamin Zhu:  “Resource Distribution in Post‐PRI Mexico: De‐Politicized or Re‐Politicized?” , 2011 Senior Marshall for Distinguished Honors Thesis
  • Ben Armstrong:  “Ne Touche Pas Ma Constitution: Pressures and Presidential Term Limits” , 2011 Barry Farrell Prize for Academic Achievement
  • Jeffrey Paller:  “Where are the people? The Relationship between Government and Civil Society in South Africa” , 2006 Janda Prize Co-Winner for Best Honors Thesis
  • Samir Mayekar:  “The Piquetero Effect: Examining the Argentine Government’s Response to the Piquetero Movement” , 2006 Janda Prize Co-Winner for Best Honors Thesis 

Janda PRIZE for DISTINGUISHED Honors Thesis REcipients

The Kenneth F. Janda Prize for Distinguished Honors Thesis in Political Science  is awarded annually for the best undergraduate Honors thesis of the year.

Student name Year
Kelly Miller 2022
Andrew Myers (Honorable Mention) 2022
Julian Freiberg 2021
Akash Palani 2021
Thomas Abers Lourenço (Honorable Mention)  2021
Hayden Richardson (Honorable Mention)  2021
Natalie Sands 2020
Jonathan Goldberg (Honorable Mention)  2020
Avery Goods 2019
Joshua Varcie (Honorable Mention)  2019
Benjamin Weinberg 2018
Logan Peretz (Honorable Mention) 2018
Aaron Gordon 2017
Hayley Hopkins 2017
Matthew Gates (Honorable Mention) 2017
Elena Frances Barham 2016
Remy Smith 2016
Laura Rozier 2015
Alexander Fredendall (Honorable Mention) 2015
Kaitlyn Chriswell 2014
Katie Singh 2013
Niabi Schmaltz 2013
Alex Samuel Grubman 2012
Lilly Yang Liu 2012
Jordan Fein 2011
Dylan Lewis (Honorable Mention) 2011
Harold Wiliford 2010
Caitlyn Carpenter (Honorable Mention) 2010
Kelly Bronk 2009
David Felton (Honorable Mention) 2009
Kristi St. Charles 2008
Alexander Hertel-Fernandez (Honorable Mention) 2008
Derek Linkous (Honorable Mention) 2008
Emily Luken 2007
Samir S. Mayekar 2006
Jeffrey W. Paller 2006
Sarah S. Bush 2005
Meeggan I. Maczek (Honorable Mention) 2005
Jennie A. Taylor 2004
Miriam Lieberman (Honorable Mention) 2004
Julie Skaff 2003
Nicole Sadler (Honorable Mention) 2003
John J. Luyat 2002
Molly Newcomb (Honorable Mention) 2002
Brett Theodos (Honorable Mention) 2002

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Political Science Department Student Theses

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See also MA theses submitted to the department and on the website of the Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations

Pathways to Stringent Carbon Pricing: Configurations of Political Economy Conditions and Revenue Recycling Strategies

by  Daniel Muth

Defense Committee:

Florian Weiler (supervisor, CEU) Evelyne Hübscher (CEU) Paula Mónica Castro Pareja (external voting member, Zurich University of Applied Sciences) Carsten Schneider (chair, CEU) 

Date of the Defense:  March 14, 2024

The Value of Personal Autonomy

by  Perica Jovchevski

Defense Committee:   

Andres Moles (supervisor, CEU) Janos Kis (CEU)  John Christman (external member, Pennsylvania State University)  Zoltan Miklosi (chair, CEU) 

Date of the Defense:  November 14, 2023

Politics and Political Economy of Elite Defections: Exploring the Sources and Effects of Elite Defections in Autocracies

by  Azad Garibov

Defense Committee: 

Inna Melnykovska (supervisor, CEU)  Laszlo Bruszt (CEU) Kristin Makszin (external member, Leiden University)  Alexander Astrov (chair, CEU)

D ate of the Defense:  September, 2023

Re-Conceptualizing A Global Challenger: Russia In The International System

by  Jacqueline Dufalla

Defense Committee : 

Alexander Astrov (supervisor) Michael Merlingen (CEU) Petr Kratochvil (external member, Institute of International Relations, Prague)  Thomas Fetzer (chair, CEU)

Date of the Defense:  September 7, 2023

The Sovereignty Conundrum: Between Territory and Authority in Contemporary Global Politics

by  Andras Radnoti

Defense Committee:  

Janos Kis (supervisor, CEU)  Zoltan Miklosi (CEU) Peter Wilson (external member, LSE)  Alex Astrov (chair, CEU)

Date of the Defense:  September 5, 2023

The Political Economy of Transfers, Public Opinion and Policy Preferences

by  Krisztina Szabó Defense Committee: 

Caitlin Brown (supervisor, University of Manchester)  Cristina Corduneanu-Huci (CEU)  Damien Bol (external member, King's College)  Michael Dorsch (chair, CEU)

D ate of the Defense:  May 30, 2023

Beyond The Rent-seeking: The Political Economy of the European Agricultural Policy (Non)Reform in the Twenty-First Century

By Ardi Priks

Michael Merlingen (chair, CEU) 

Date of the Defense:  May 24, 2023

Democracy under threat: Understanding mass appeal for undemocratic parties and practices

By  Nemanja Stankov

Levente Littvay (supervisor, CEU)  Robert Sata (CEU)  Bojan Todosijevic (external member, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade)  Erin K. Jenne (chair, CEU)

Date of the Defense:  May 3, 2023

Patterns of Corruption - A Study of Sub-National Units in Romania

By Andrei Cosmin Macsut

Zsolt Enyedi (supervisor, CEU) Cristina Corduneanu-Huci (CEU) Clara Volintiru (external member, Bucharest University of Economic Studies ) Erin Jenne (chair, CEU)

Date of the Defense:  April 19, 2023

The Receptiveness of Political Parties towards Women: Understanding the Impact of Candidate Selection Procedures

By  Burtejin Zorigt

Gabor Toka (supervisor, CEU) – voting member Eva Fodor (CEU) – voting member Ekaterina Rashkova-Gerbrands (external member, Utrecht University) – voting member Eszter Kovats (chair, Democracy Institute) – non-voting member

Date of the Defense:  March 8, 2023

Far-Right Demobilisation: Patterns and processes from demonstration campaigns in Germany, England, and Austria

By Michael C. Zeller

András Bozóki (supervisor, CEU) – voting member Carsten Schneider (CEU) – voting member Swen Hutter (external member, Freie Universität Berlin and Center for Civil Society Research WZB Berlin Social Science Center) – voting member Dorit Geva (chair, CEU) – non-voting member

Date of the Defense:  February 24, 2023

Post-Neoliberalism and the Politics of Capital Mobility

By  Pedro Perfeito Da Silva

Evelyne Huebscher (supervisor, CEU) – voting member Cristina Corduneanu-Huci (CEU) – voting member Cornel Ban (external member, Copenhagen Business School) – voting member Anil Duman (chair) – non-voting member

Date of the Defense:  February 17, 2023

Your Assembly is Abolished: Civil-Military Relations and Public Policies in Putin's Russia

By  Kirill Shamiev

Christopher LaRoche (supervisor, CEU)  Cristina Corduneanu-Huci (CEU)  Risa Brooks (external member, Marquette University)  Carsten Schneider (chair) 

Date of the Defense:  January 13, 2023

See also theses submitted to the department in 2022 ,  2021 ,  2020 ,  2019 ,  2018 ,  2017,   2016 ,  2015 ,   2014 ,  2013 ,   2012 ,  2011 ,  2010 ,  2009 ,   2008 ,  2007 ,  2006 ,  2005 ,  2004 ,  2003 ,  2002 ,  2001


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    PDF. Social Trust and Soft Power: The Role of Social Trust in Democratic Countries' Soft Power Use, Judit Trunkos. PDF. Economic Interdependence, Power, and Peace: A Rationalist Study of Commercial Liberalism, Yuleng Zeng. Theses/Dissertations from 2019 PDF. Essays on the Political Economy of International Trade and Coups, William Akoto. PDF

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    25 Thesis Laboratory and Thesis Preparation Instructor(s) ECTS Level Year Term Language of instruction Dr. P. Kopecký and Faculty Staff 20.0 600 MPhil 2nd semester English Description Aim: The thesis work for this MPhil programme will consist of two parts: a paper that conforms to the requirements and standards of leading political science ...

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  6. PDF The London School of Economics and Political Science

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    The following outlines a method for beginning an M.Phil/Ph.D thesis, since the criteria of originality are more stringent for the award of these degrees. However, those beginning an MA dissertation may find the following useful. 1. Source Research The march of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The first step in writing a dissertation

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  11. PDF Course Information Sheet for entry in 2020-21

    preparation for the MPhil thesis. Progression to the second year is conditional on satisfactor y performance in the rst. In your second year, you will write a thesis and complete two specialist optional papers. Options offered in recent years have included: Political Theories of Hegel and Marx Political Theories from Machiavelli to Burke

  12. Department of Political Science

    UCL (University College London) is London's leading multidisciplinary university, with 8,000 staff and 25,000 students.

  13. PDF Guidelines for the MPhil Thesis

    1. The MPhil Thesis in the MPhil Programme: General The MPhil thesis is the key element and pinnacle of your MPhil programme. Within this programme it has a weight of 20 out of 60 study points. In your MPhil thesis you have to demonstrate an ability to do high-level independent research and to write a dissertation on a

  14. MPhil and PhD

    01. Child Labour in Human Rights Perspective ( Case study of Child Scavengers of Urban Area of Lahore) Khalid Manzoor Butt. 03-GCU-PHD-Pol-Sc-2005. Dr. Farhat Mahmod. 2004-2007. 02. Pakistn's Foreign Policy towards India An Analysis of civilian Governments and Military Regimes 1972-2008. Sadia Mushtaq.

  15. MPhil. Thesis of All Public / Private Sector Universities / DAIs

    01.Thesis. MPhil. Thesis of All Public / Private Sector Universities / DAIs Collection home page. Browse Subscribe to this collection to receive daily e-mail notification of new additions Theme by . Customized by ...

  16. Award Winning Theses

    The Kenneth F. Janda Prize for Distinguished Honors Thesis in Political Science is awarded annually for the best undergraduate Honors thesis of the year. Student name. Year. Kelly Miller. 2022. Andrew Myers (Honorable Mention) 2022. Julian Freiberg. 2021.

  17. (PDF) MPHIL/MS/PhD Research Proposal Guidelines

    Abstract. As part of the application for admission onto our MS, MPhil and PhD programmes, you must prepare a research proposal outlining your proposed area of study. A research proposal is a ...

  18. Political Science Department Student Theses

    Follow. Browse the Political Science Department Student Theses Collections: . Graduate Student Theses. Undergraduate Student Theses


    Ph.D., M.Phil and M.Tech. etc. These research programs are conducted in 10 Schools, 4 Special Centres and Centres affiliated to various Schools such as School of Social Sciences, School of International Studies and School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies. Besides, JNU is also an institution of

  20. PDF University of Cape Coast a Qualitative Exploration of Factors Causing Mphil

    factors that affect the timely completion of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) students' research and thesis writing, the importance of thesis writing to students, the university and the society at large. This is followed by the statement of the problem, purpose and objectives of the study. ...

  21. PDF MS/M.Phil. Thesis Template And Thesis Writing Guidelines

    MS/M.Phil. Business Administration), at "Faculty Name" (e.g. Faculty of Management Studies), University of Central Punjab, hereby declare that this thesis titled, "Title of Thesis" is my own research work and has not been submitted, published, or printed elsewhere in Pakistan or abroad.

  22. PhD Dissertations

    Politics and Political Economy of Elite Defections: Exploring the Sources and Effects of Elite Defections in Autocracies. by Azad Garibov. Defense Committee: Inna Melnykovska (supervisor, CEU) Laszlo Bruszt (CEU) Kristin Makszin (external member, Leiden University) Alexander Astrov (chair, CEU) Date of the Defense: September, 2023. -.

  23. PDF Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana

    Sustainability is not only about natural resources, but it also includes economic development and social equity (Kuhlman and Farrington, 2010). Kuhlman and Farrington (2010) stated that sustainability is based on three principles which form the basic concept, namely, the environment, economy, and social aspect.


    Fri., Dec. 13 Faculty Membership Committee Meeting, 11:00am Thesis Room (5200.07) Fri., Dec. 13 Executive Committee Meeting, 11:30am Thesis Room (5200.07) Fri., Dec. 13 Political Science Program End-of-Year events - 2:30pm-5:30pm Room 5200 Sat Dec 14 Last day to drop a course without a grade of "W" appearing on your transcript.