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Milk of Magnesia Magic Mark as Favorite (90 Favorites)

DEMONSTRATION in Observations , Chemical Change , Chemical Change , Reaction Rate , Acid Base Reactions , Limiting Reactant , Chemical Change , Indicators , Le Châtelier's Principle , Unlocked Resources . Last updated September 23, 2021.

In this demonstration, students will observe a color change in a milk of magnesia solution as vinegar is added.

Grade Level

High school

AP Chemistry Curriculum Framework

This demonstration supports the following unit, topics and learning objectives:

  • TRA-1.C: Represent a given chemical reaction or physical process with a consistent particulate model.
  • SPQ-4.A: Explain changes in the amounts of reactants and products based on the balanced reaction equation for a chemical process.
  • TRA-2.A: Identify a reaction as acid-base, oxidation-reduction, or precipitation.
  • TRA-3.A: Explain the relationship between the rate of a chemical reaction and experimental parameters.
  • SAP-9.C: Explain the relationship among pH, pOH, and concentrations of all species in a solution of a monoprotic weak acid or weak base.
  • Topic 8.7: pH and pKa
  • SAP-10.A: Explain the relationship between the predominant form of a weak acid or base in solution at a given pH and the pKa of the conjugate acid or the pKb of the conjugate base.

By the end of this demonstration, students should be able to

  • Understand that a chemical change is taking place.
  • Recognize that an indicator causes the color change.
  • Realize that an acid base reaction is taking place.
  • Recognize the limiting and excess reactants during the reaction.
  • Apply Le Châtelier’s principle to explain the color change

Chemistry Topics

This demonstration supports students’ understanding of

  • Acid/base neutralization reaction
  • Limiting Reactant
  • Le Châtelier’s principle
  • Extension: Reaction Rate - Kinetics

Teacher Preparation : 5 minutes

Lesson : 20 minutes

  • Large beaker (at least 1000ml)
  • Graduated Cylinder, 50ml
  • Milk of Magnesia, 25ml
  • Water (tap water can be used), 700ml
  • Universal Indicator, 5 – 10 ml
  • Stir Plate and Stir Bar
  • Household Vinegar, 90ml
  • Ice cubes (optional
  • Always wear safety goggles when handling chemicals in the lab.
  • Students should wear proper safety gear during chemistry demonstrations. Safety goggles and lab apron are required.
  • Students should wash their hands thoroughly before leaving the lab.
  • Vinegar (SDS)
  • Magnesium hydroxide ( SDS)
  • Universal Indicator ( SDS)

Teacher Notes

  • Milk of Magnesia (MOM) is a common antacid. You can choose any antacid that is primarily magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH) 2 ).
  • Magnesium hydroxide is not very soluble in water (K sp = 1.8 x 10 -11 ). MOM is a magnesium hydroxide suspension.
  • There are 1200 mg of Mg(OH) 2 in 1 tablespoon of MOM.
  • Universal Indicator solution is often used in acid/base chemistry. It is composed of many different compounds that change color at specific pH values. The indicator changes color from pH= 1 through 14 and can be used to indicate how acidic or basic a solution is.
  • Vinegar is a 5% by mass solution of acetic acid (HC 2 H 3 O 2 ). The density is 1.01 g/ml.
  • The MOM will react with the vinegar as it is added:

Mg(OH) 2 (s) + 2HC 2 H 3 O 2 (aq) → 2H 2 O (l) + Mg(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 (aq)

  • The MOM solution will be blue when the Universal Indicator is added. When vinegar is added the solution will briefly turn red, and then change to orange, yellow, green, and back to blue as the vinegar reacts with the magnesium hydroxide.
  • The vinegar will be the limiting reactant for the first several additions. As the magnesium hydroxide reacts with each addition of vinegar, the pH reached when equilibrium is reestablished will be slightly lower.
  • Once all of the magnesium hydroxide has reacted and excess vinegar is added, the solution will stay red because of the acetic acid that is present in the solution.
  • This demonstration can be used to introduce or strengthen student understanding of the concept of Le Châtelier’s principle.
  • Links to Le Châtelier’s principle: The MOM solution is in equilibrium in the large beaker. Adding the vinegar “stresses” the system. The acid-base neutralization reaction between the magnesium hydroxide and acetic acid progresses until one runs out (vinegar in all but the last addition). As the vinegar reacts the pH of the solution increases, resulting in the color change. Once all of the vinegar reacts, equilibrium is reestablished.


  • Add about 700ml of water to a 1000ml beaker.
  • Add stir bar to beaker and put the beaker on a stir plate. Turn on the stir plate to create a small whirlpool in the middle of the solution.
  • Use a 50ml graduated cylinder to measure 25ml of Milk of Magnesia. Pour into the beaker of water.
  • Rinse graduated cylinder with water and pour into the large beaker of water.
  • Add 5 - 10ml (about two disposable pipettes) of Universal Indicator to the beaker.
  • When the color in the beaker is evenly distributed, measure out 15-20ml of vinegar in a small beaker and add it to the MOM solution.
  • Make observations of the color changes.
  • When the color in the beaker is evenly distributed discuss if the resulting solution is as basic as it was before the addition of the vinegar.
  • Repeat steps 6 – 8 until all of the magnesium hydroxide has reacted and the solution in the large beaker remains red. NOTE: It will take about 82ml of vinegar to neutralize the Mg(OH) 2 in 25ml of MOM. Adjust your additions based on how many times you’d like to show the color change.
  • Prompt students to explain the color change in terms of the reaction that is happening, using the terms limiting/excess reactant, pH, and equilibrium.
  • Adding ice slows the reaction quite a bit, which makes it easier to see the color changes. This addition would be a good connection between equilibrium and kinetics.

magnesium hydroxide experiment

Colorful liquids

MOM’s Acid-Base Chemistry


In this experiment, students react milk of magnesia with vinegar to study acid-base chemistry, chemical equilibrium, solubility, and heat of neutralization. Milk of magnesia (MOM), which still finds wide use as a laxative and antacid, is a suspension of magnesium hydroxide in water. The suspended particles of magnesium hydroxide give MOM its characteristic milky-white appearance. Although the particles are clearly visible, some magnesium hydroxide does dissolve in water, making milk of magnesia basic.

How they will do it

In the experiment, students add acid to MOM and observe the surprising pH changes during the reaction. Universal indicator added to the solution will show the pH changes.

Like any acid-base reaction, a base, in this case magnesium hydroxide, reacts with an acid, HX, to form a salt, MgX 2 , and water:

Mg(OH) 2 ( s ) + 2HX ( aq ) → MgX 2  ( aq ) + 2H 2 O( l )

Students will use vinegar (CH 3 CO 2 H) as the acid. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is:

Mg(OH) 2  ( s ) + 2CH 3 CO 2 H( aq ) → Mg(CH 3 CO 2 ) 2 ( aq ) + 2H 2 O( l )

The amount of magnesium hydroxide in solution and therefore available to react is determined by the equilibrium shown below:

Mg(OH) 2 ( s ) = Mg 2 +( aq ) + 2OH-( aq )

Le Châtelier’s principle

This equilibrium lies far to the left, leaving very little magnesium hydroxide in solution. As acid reacts with the hydroxide ions, removing them from solution, more magnesium hydroxide dissolves. This shift is an example of Le Châtelier’s principle. This process continues until all the magnesium hydroxide is neutralized, leaving only soluble magnesium acetate and water. The solution will be clear and will have the color of the universal indicator solution at that pH.

Your students may also notice a change in temperature of the mixture after they add the acid. This change is the heat of neutralization that accompanies acid-base reactions. They can feel the temperature change by touching the outside of the beaker.

Teach multiple concepts with 1 experiment

Colorful liquids

MOM's Acid-Base Chemistry

Per Student Group:

  • Beaker, 600 mL
  • Milk of Magnesia, 50 mL
  • Water, 200 mL  (deionized, distilled, or tap water)
  • Bogen Universal Indicator Solution
  • Vinegar, 10 mL
  • Stirring Bar
  • Plastic Pipet, 1 mL
  • Sulfuric Acid, 1 M, 25 mL  (optional)

Preparation and Procedure

  • In a 600-mL beaker, mix 50 mL of milk of magnesia with 200 mL of water.
  • Add 1 mL Bogen universal indicator solution to the beaker. The solution will turn violet, indicating a pH of at least 10.
  • Using a pipet, add 1 mL vinegar to the beaker. The solution turns yellow (acidic) then green, blue, and violet (basic) as the magnesium hydroxide neutralizes the acid and additional magnesium hydroxide dissolves.  Tip:   If the reaction occurs too fast to view the color changes easily, add ice to the mixture to slow the reaction.
  • Continue adding vinegar in 1-mL increments to observe the color changes.
  • Feel the outside of the beaker. It will be warm. As with any acid-base experiment, the reaction of magnesium hydroxide and vinegar generates heat.

To neutralize the MOM quickly, students will need a stronger acid than vinegar. Use about 75 mL of 1 M sulfuric acid. The solution will turn clear when neutralized.

  • Calculate the volume of 1 M sulfuric acid required to neutralize 50 mL of milk of magnesia that contains 400 mg magnesium hydroxide per 5 mL of suspension.
  • Discuss the differences between suspensions, colloids, and solutions. Review solubility rules of inorganic salts.
  • Calculate heat of neutralization for an acid-base reaction.

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magnesium hydroxide experiment

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What's the balanced equation for magnesium and hydrochloric acid?

magnesium hydroxide experiment

You can watch this reaction in the video below.

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magnesium hydroxide experiment

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  • Practical Experiment on Burning of Magnesium Ribbon in Air

Experiment on Burning of magnesium ribbon in air

A physical change occurs when there is no change in the composition of a substance and no change in the chemical nature of the substance.

The interconversion of state occurs during physical change.


A chemical change is a change that causes a change in the chemical properties of matter, resulting in the formation of a new substance. As an example, consider the burning of oil or fuel.

Heat is evolved or taken in, the formation of bubbles, gas, and fumes, as well as a change in the colour of the reactants, can take place when they form a product.

Reactants → Products

A + B → C (Chemical reaction)

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To carry out the Burning of magnesium ribbon in air and classify it as physical and chemical changes.

Magnesium Ribbon, Burner, Tongs, Watch Glass, pH paper Strip/Red Litmus Paper.

Magnesium is an extremely active metal. Magnesium oxide is formed when it reacts with oxygen.

During this process, two elements, magnesium and oxygen, react to form the compound magnesium oxide. Such reactions are referred to as combination reactions.

Magnesium oxide is basic in nature because it forms magnesium hydroxide when dissolved in water.

Magnesium oxide changes the colour of the red litmus solution to blue.

1. Impurities are removed from a piece of magnesium ribbon by rubbing it with sandpaper.

2. Use a pair of tongs to hold the magnesium ribbon over the watch glass or china dish.

3. Light the magnesium ribbon on the bunsen burner. Gather ash in a watch glass or china dish.

4. Bring the ash with moist red litmus paper.

1. Rub magnesium ribbon with sandpaper. It looks silvery white. The colour of magnesium ribbon/metal is silvery white.
2. Burn magnesium ribbon. It burns with a dazzling white flame. Magnesium burns in the air to form magnesium oxide.
3. Bring moist red litmus paper in contact with the ash of the magnesium ribbon. Red litmus paper turns blue. MgO is basic is nature.
  • Magnesium is a silver-white metal.
  • Mg burns in the air, emitting a bright white flash, and then combines with oxygen to form basic magnesium oxide. 2Mg + O 2 → 2MgO
  • MgO is a basic element.
  • The experiment shows that burning magnesium ribbon in air is a direct combination reaction.
  • The formation of magnesium oxide is a chemical change.

1. The sandpaper should be used to clean the magnesium ribbon.

2. Hold the magnesium ribbon with tongs while it burns.

3. Avoid looking directly at the bright light associated with burning Mg. Wear sunglasses.

4. Do not come into contact with white powder or magnesium oxide.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the colour of the flame when magnesium burns in the air.

Magnesium burns with a dazzling white flame.

Does Magnesium hydroxide have any effect on litmus paper?

Yes, on testing Magnesium hydroxide with litmus paper, it turns red litmus to blue.

Note down the observations for the experiment.

Some of the observations of the experiment are-

  • Magnesium burns with dazzling white flame.
  • A white powdery mass of magnesium oxide is formed.

What is the equation for the reaction?

The equation for the reaction is as follows-

Mg + O 2 → MgO

What type of reaction is the burning of magnesium ribbon?

The burning of magnesium ribbon is a combination reaction. This is because magnesium reacts with oxygen to form a single product magnesium oxide

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Evaluation of the acid-neutralizing capacity and other properties of antacids marketed in Morocco

The aim of this study was to evaluate the acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) and other properties of antacid drugs marketed in Morocco.

Samples of 12 antacids were collected from pharmacies and were subjected to the test described in the US Pharmacopoeia in order to measure their ANC. Other properties such as price and sodium content were also studied.

All the tested brands met the minimal requirement of 5 mEq. However, Aluminum hydroxide/Magnesium hydroxide combinations showed a superior acid-neutralizing capacity over other products and oral suspensions showed better results compared to other pharmaceutical forms. Regarding the cost of antacids, Aluminum hydroxide/Magnesium hydroxide combinations and calcium carbonate/magnesium carbonate combinations showed the most favorable ANC/price ratio. Some of the antacids studied contain a high amount of sodium.

All the antacids marketed in Morocco meet the USP requirement regarding their ANC. However, the ANC value should be included in the antacids’ labels so that both patients and physicians can choose the most appropriate product. The ANC value should be evaluated according to the dose of the active substance instead of the minimum labeled dosage in order to allow a better result interpretation.

Background and aims

The stomach is an organ of the digestive tract, specialized in processing food and preparing it for intestinal absorption. One of its main functions is undoubtedly the secretion of gastric juice which is produced at a rate of 1.2 to 1.5 liters per day. Among the constituents of gastric juice, hydrochloric acid plays an essential role in the digestion process. It also prevents the proliferation of pathogens and converts pepsinogen into pepsin, an essential enzyme for the digestion of proteins [ 1 , 2 ]. The gastric juice is strongly acid as its pH can drop to around 1.7 in fasted state [ 3 ]. Normally, a balance exists between aggressive acid secretion and gastric mucosal defense. Peptic ulcer can occur when this equilibrium is disrupted. Hyperacidity is among the factors that were shown to cause peptic ulcer [ 4 – 6 ]. Many studies have demonstrated that the prevalence in western countries of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)-related symptoms like heartburn or acid reflux ranges from 10% to 48% [ 7 , 8 ]. GERD therapy costs more than US$15 billion annually only in the United States [ 9 , 10 ]. Other studies concluded that the world prevalence of peptic ulcer disease ranges from 0.1% to 4.7%, with an annual incidence range of 0.3% to 0.19% [ 11 ].

Antacids are known to be effective in gastric and duodenal ulcer and GERD for several decades. Although they have not been proven to directly act on the erosive lesions, they are able to neutralize the excess of HCl in the gastric juice and therefore, reduce the activity of pepsin, enhance the healing process, and offer rapid relief of heartburn and acid reflux [ 12 – 15 ]. Antacids are alkaline drugs that neutralize gastric acidity and exert a buffering effect to stabilize the pH of the gastric juice. They are divided into 2 categories: absorbable compounds such as sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ), and magnesium carbonate (MgCO 3 ), and non-absorbable compounds such as aluminum phosphate (AlPO 4 ), aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH) 3 ), and magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH) 2 ). They are usually marketed as a combination of 2 or 3 compounds [ 16 , 17 ]. As most people use low doses, antacids are generally well tolerated by individuals with normal renal function. Aluminum-containing and calcium-containing products are known to cause constipation, while magnesium-containing products can cause diarrhea. Sodium bicarbonate-based antacids should be used carefully as they can lead to sodium overload [ 18 ].

Since antacids are mainly over-the-counter drugs (OTC), they are widely used in self-medication around the world. A survey carried out in Finland found that 88% of persons buying antacids, alginates or sucralfate in pharmacies, self-medicated for heartburn [ 19 ]. Another study of self-medication practices among a sample of medical students showed that antacids were the second most commonly used drugs with a frequency of use of 55% [ 20 ]. Antacids’ global market size was estimated at US$ 5.83 billion in 2017 and annual sales of antacids in France reached € 59 million in 2000 [ 21 , 22 ].

The acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) is the amount of acid that can be neutralized by an antacid. The United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) describes the ANC test as a back-titration method using sodium hydroxide (0.5N solution) to a set endpoint of pH 3.5 to determine the number of milliequivalents of acid (hydrochloric acid 1N solution) neutralized by the minimum labeled dosage (MLD) of an antacid [ 23 ].

In Morocco, a large number of antacid drugs are officially registered. They mainly come in the form of chewable tablets and oral suspensions. Most of them contain combinations of aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide [ 24 ]. Since these antacids are non-prescription drugs authorized for publicity to the general public [ 25 ], pharmaceutical companies promote their products by praising certain characteristics such as the flavor or the rapidity of symptoms relief. This encourages patients to use antacids for self-medication.

The aim of this study is to perform the ANC test as described in the USP, to evaluate the neutralizing capacity of antacids marketed in Morocco. As all these drugs already have marketing authorizations obtained in accordance with regulatory and quality requirements, the final objective is not to question the quality or the effectiveness of each antacid but to discuss the difference in neutralization capacity depending on the composition, the strength, the pharmaceutical form, the price, and other properties and characteristics, and to give an objective and balanced result interpretation.

Sampling method and samples

First, we consulted the Moroccan Ministry of Health registered drugs database [ 24 ] in search of antacids belonging to ATC class A02A, and other drugs for peptic ulcer and GERD belonging to ATC class A02BX13 (alginates in combination with antacids). This research identified 18 brands. The different packaging sizes, bottle capacities, and flavors of the same brand were considered as a single drug. The samples of 12 drugs were then purchased from pharmacies in Rabat and Casablanca (Morocco) and transported to the laboratory of analytical chemistry of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Casablanca (Morocco) and were labeled AC1 to AC12. Six out of the 18 initially identified brands were not available in the pharmacies of Rabat and Casablanca during the period from October 5, 2020 to October 11, 2020.

Test preparation and procedure

The preparation and standardization of reagents, the test preparation, and the test procedure were conducted as described in the United States Pharmacopoeia.

1. Preparation of reagents

1 N hydrochloric acid (HCl) was prepared by diluting 85 ml of concentrated HCl (37%) with distilled water to 1000 ml.

0.5 N sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was prepared by diluting 500 ml of 1 N NaOH with carbon dioxide-free (CO 2 -free) water to 1000 ml. 1 N NaOH was prepared by dissolving 162 g of sodium hydroxide in 150 ml of CO 2 -free water. After being cooled to room temperature and filtered through a hardened filter paper, 54.5 ml of the clear filtrate was diluted with CO 2 -free water to 1000 ml.

The standardization of 1 N HCl was performed by titrating a solution of tromethamine (5 g dried at 105° for 3 hours and dissolved in 50 ml of distilled water) using 2 drops of bromocresol green as an indicator to a pale-yellow endpoint. The normality of HCl is then calculated using the following formula: N HCL = mg of tromethamine / (121.14 × ml HCl).

The standardization of 0.5 N NaOH was performed by titrating a solution of benzoic-acid (200 mg in 15 ml of CO 2 -free water) using 2 drops of phenolphthalein as an indicator until a permanent pale-pink color is produced. The normality of NaOH is then calculated using the following formula: N NaOH = mg of benzoic-acid / (122.1 × ml NaOH).

2. Test preparation

Oral suspensions.

After shaking the bottle and measuring the density, the minimum labeled dosage was accurately weighed and transferred to a 250-ml beaker. Distilled water was then added to a total volume of 70 ml and the preparation was mixed on the magnetic stirrer for 1 minute.

Chewable tablets

Twenty tablets were weighed and the average tablet weight was determined. After grinding the tablets to a fine powder, a weight equivalent to the minimum labeled dosage was accurately weighed and transferred to a 250-ml beaker. 70 ml of distilled water was then added and the preparation was mixed on the magnetic stirrer for 1 minute.

Effervescent tablets

A quantity equivalent to the minimum labeled dosage was transferred to a 250-ml beaker. 10 ml of distilled water was added and the beaker was slowly swirled while the effervescence reaction took place. Another 10 ml of distilled water was added and the beaker was slowly swirled again. Finally, the walls of the beaker were washed with 50 ml of distilled water and the preparation was mixed on the magnetic stirrer for 1 minute.

3. Test procedure

The experiment was carried out at a temperature of 37 °C ± 3 and three determinations were performed for every brand.

A volume of 30 ml of 1 N HCl accurately measured was added to the preparation and the stirring was continued for 15 min accurately timed at a rate of 300 rpm. At the end of the 15 min, the excess HCl was titrated in less than 5 minutes with a 0.5 N solution of NaOH to attain a stable pH of 3.5. When the pH obtained at the end of the 15 min before beginning the titration was superior to 3.5, the procedure was started all over again using 60 ml of HCl instead of 30 ml and the appropriate modification was made in the formula. The number of milliequivalents (mEq) of acid consumed was calculated by the formula:

Where N HCl and N NaOH are, respectively, the normalities of HCl and NaOH and V NaOH is the volume of NaOH added to obtain a stable pH of 3.5.

Equipment and reagents

We used hydrochloric acid 37% for analysis from Carlo Erba, sodium hydroxide powder for analysis from Solvachim, tromethamine primary standard from Sigma-Aldrich, and benzoic acid reference material for titrimetry from Supelco. pH measurements were performed using a HACH sensION+ MM374 pH-meter coupled to a HACH 50-14-T pH electrode with a temperature sensor. pH-meter was calibrated using standardizing buffer solutions from HACH. Weighing operations were carried out using a RADWAG AS 220/C/2 analytical balance. Stirring and heating were carried out using a VELP SCIENTIFICA heating magnetic stirrer. All the operations were performed in A-class glassware.

Before being tested, the 12 sampled antacids underwent a pre-study whose objective was to collect all the pharmaceutical and pharmacological information appearing on the packaging and patient leaflet. Seven of the sampled brands were oral suspensions, 4 were chewable tablets, and one was effervescent tablets. From the 7 oral suspensions, 4 were 250 ml glass bottles, one was 150 ml glass bottle, one was 4.3 ml sachets, and one was 20 g sachets. Nine brands are locally manufactured and 3 are imported (two from the United Kingdom and one from France). All the tablets (except the effervescent tablets AC5) are mint-flavored. Oral suspensions are mint-flavored (AC6, AC9, AC11, and AC12), mint/anise-flavored (AC7), orange-flavored (AC10), and lemon-flavored (AC8). Six out of the 12 brands have aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide as active ingredients. Minimum labeled dosages for these 6 drugs ranged from 400 mg to 900 mg for AlOH 3 and from 400 mg to 800 mg for MgOH 2 . Three brands have sodium alginate at a minimum labeled dosage of 500 mg, in combination with antacids (sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, and calcium carbonate). One brand has aluminum phosphate as the active ingredient at a minimal labeled dosage of 2476 mg and another brand is a combination of 680 mg/80 mg of calcium carbonate/magnesium carbonate. One brand is an effervescent tablet containing sodium sulfate, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium hydrogenophosphate (285 mg/170 mg/195 mg). It should be noted that brands AC2, AC5, and AC7 contain sodium at the respective rates of 117.5 mg, 53 mg, and 411 mg per minimum labeled dose as indicated in their patient leaflets. Brands AC1, AC4, and AC8 contain sugar in their composition. The cost of the MLD ranged from $ 0.04 to $ 0.63. All the collected information is summarized in table I and table II .

Packaging size, volume, origin, price, batch numbers, and expiry date of sampled antacids.

Product IDPackageFlavorCountry of originMinimum labeled dosage price ($)Batch numberExpiry date
AC120 or 40 tabletsMintMorocco0.0410421Feb. 2023
AC220 tabletsMintUnited Kingdom0.46005001Feb. 2022
AC320 or 40 tabletsMintMorocco0.1302044-1May. 2023
AC436 or 72 tabletsMintMorocco0.04CB00373Jun. 2023
AC520 effervescent tablets-Morocco0.6306087-1May. 2024
AC6250 ml bottle of oral suspensionMintMorocco0.1310630Jun. 2023
AC7150 ml bottle of oral suspensionMint or aniseUnited Kingdom0.17009481Apr. 2022
AC820 sachets of 4.3 ml oral suspensionLemonFrance0.17XI008Nov. 2022
AC9250 ml bottle of oral suspensionMintMorocco0.2503037-2Jul. 2023
AC1020 sachets of 20 gOrangeMorocco0.19J1745Jun. 2023
AC11250 ml bottle of oral suspensionMintMorocco0.1410804Jul. 2023
AC12250 ml bottle of oral suspensionMintMorocco0.20180223Feb. 2021

Pharmacological class, active ingredients, indications, strength, and dosage of sampled antacids.

Product IDPharmacological classActive Pharmaceutical IngredientsLabeled therapeutic indicationsMinimum labeled dosageStrength of minimal labeled dosage (mg)
ATC code: A02AD01
- Aluminum Hydroxide
- Magnesium Hydroxide
Heartburn - Acid reflux - Dyspepsia - Gastric intolerance to certain drugs1 tablet400
AC2Alginic acid in combination with antacids
ATC code: A02BX13
- Sodium Alginate
- Sodium Bicarbonate
- Calcium Carbonate
Acid regurgitation - Heartburn - Indigestion2 tablets500
ATC code: A02AD01
- Aluminum Hydroxide
- Magnesium Hydroxide
Heartburn - Acid reflux - Dyspepsia - Gastric and duodenal ulcer2 tablets800
ATC code: A02AX
- Calcium Carbonate
- Magnesium Carbonate
Heartburn1 tablet680
ATC code: A02AH
- Anhydrous Sodium Sulfate
- Sodium Bicarbonate
- Anhydrous Sodium Hydrogenophosphate
Heartburn - Stomach or esophagus pain1 effervescent tablet285
ATC code: A02AD01
- Aluminum Hydroxide
- Magnesium Hydroxide
Heartburn - Acid reflux - Dyspepsia - Gastric intolerance to certain drugs1 tbsp. (15ml)525
AC7Alginic acid in combination with antacids
ATC code: A02BX13
- Sodium Alginate
- Potassium Bicarbonate
- Calcium Carbonate
Acid regurgitation - Heartburn - Indigestion5 ml500
ATC code: A02AD01
- Aluminum Hydroxide
- Magnesium Hydroxide
Heartburn - Acid reflux1 sachet (4.3 ml)460
ATC code: A02AD01
- Aluminum Hydroxide
- Magnesium Hydroxide
Heartburn - Acid reflux - Dyspepsia - Gastric and duodenal ulcer1 tbsp. (15 ml)633
ATC code: A02AB03
- Colloidal Aluminum Phosphate (20 % gel)Mucous membranes protection, antacid, antipeptic - Esophageal, gastric and intestinal disorders - Ulcerative esophagitis, dyspepsia, hyperchlorhydria - Colopathies, colitis, sigmoiditis, proctitis1 sachet (17 ml)2476
AC11Alginic acid in combination with antacids
ATC code: A02BX13
- Sodium Alginate
- Sodium Bicarbonate
Acid reflux - Heartburn2 tsp. (10 ml)500
ATC code: A02AD01
- Aluminum Hydroxide
- Magnesium Hydroxide
Antacid - Mucous membranes protection - Gastric and duodenal ulcer2 tsp. (10 ml)900

Acid-neutralizing capacity test

Twelve antacids drugs and alginate/antacid combination drugs marketed in Morocco were tested for their acid-neutralizing capacity according to the method described in the USP. The results are summarized in table III . Brand AC12, an oral suspension based on Al(OH) 3 /Mg(OH) 2 combination showed the highest ANC of MLD (49.85±0.97), and brand AC7, an oral suspension containing sodium alginate combined with potassium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate showed the lowest ANC of the MLD (6.50±0.52). Among tablets, AC3 (Al(OH) 3 /Mg(OH) 2 combination-based) showed the highest ANC of MLD (27.70±0.79) and AC2 (sodium alginate combined with sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate) showed the lowest ANC of the MLD (12.30±0.18). Brand AC1, a tablet containing Al(OH) 3 /Mg(OH) 2 combination, showed the highest ANC per gram of substance tested (19.2) while AC10 which is an AlPO 4 -based oral suspension showed the lowest ANC per gram of substance tested (0.51). It is worth noting that the density of oral suspensions ranged from 1.09 to 1.36. The 2 suspensions containing sodium alginate combined with antacids (AC7 and AC11) have the same density while Al(OH) 3 /Mg(OH) 2 combination-based suspensions have different densities.

ANC per minimum labeled dosage (MLD) of tested samples.

Product IDDensity (Suspensions)Average labeled dosage weight (g) (Tablets)ANC (mEq) of MLD (Det. 1)ANC (mEq) of MLD (Det. 2)ANC (mEq) of MLD (Det. 3)ANC (mEq) of MLD (Mean ± SD)ANC (mEq) per gram of substance tested
1.2324.1024.4023.9524.15 ± 0.2319.60
1.6312.1512.2512.5012.30 ± 0.187.57
3.0426.8028.0528.2527.70 ± 0.799.12
1.3114.0514.1014.6014.25 ± 0.3010.84
1.998.258.157.608.00 ± 0.354.01
1.0945.7048.0046.2546.65 ± 1.202.85
1.165.906.856.756.50 ± 0.521.12
1.3626.6025.8524.8025.75 ± 0.904.41
1.2938.1039.0539.7038.95 ± 0.802.02
1.1210.059.459.609.70 ± 0.310.51
1.1611.2010.6511.0010.95 ± 0.280.94
1.2348.8050.0550.7049.85 ± 0.974.06

In this study, the acid-neutralizing capacity of twelve antacids and alginates combined with antacids was studied along with other characteristics and properties. Eight out of 12 brands are mint-flavored and one is either mint-flavored or anise-flavored. This shows that mint could be a flavor appreciated by patients using antacids. This observation should be confirmed by a palpability study. Except for brands AC2, AC7, and AC8, all the antacids tested are locally manufactured. This proves that the increasing patients’ demand for antacids is followed and satisfied by the Moroccan pharmaceutical companies.

In terms of ANC, all the tested brands meet the minimum value of 5 mEq required by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [ 26 ]. Brands containing Al(OH) 3 /Mg(OH) 2 combination as active ingredients have the highest ANC values ranging from 25.75±0.90 to 49.85±0.97 per MLD. Moreover, there seems to be a certain correlation between ANC and strength of minimal labeled dosage in Al(OH) 3 /Mg(OH) 2 combinations as the most potent product AC12 have the highest strength (900mg/600mg) and the least potent product AC1 have the lowest strength (400mg/400mg). CaCO 3 /MgCO 3 -based combination AC4 showed an ANC of 14.25±0.30, followed by aluminum phosphate AC10 (9.70±0.31), and sodium sulfate/sodium bicarbonate/sodium hydrogenophosphate combination AC5 (8.00±0.35). Sodium alginate/antacid combinations showed an ANC ranging from 6.50±0.52 to 12.30±0.18. Since the main pharmacological action of alginate/antacid combinations is to form a raft that floats on the stomach content and given that the neutralization of the gastric acidity is only an adjuvant action [ 27 ], the low ANC of these combinations makes perfect sense. However, the oral suspension AC11 has a higher ANC than the oral suspension AC7. This is probably due to the higher active ingredient content per MLD of AC11. When it comes to pharmaceutical forms, oral suspensions are clearly more potent than tablets as the top 3 ANCs of MLD belong to oral suspensions AC6, AC9, and AC12. This is certainly due to the fact that oral suspensions are in a favorable state of dispersion which allows them to act faster and more effectively.

It is proven that high sodium-containing drugs are associated with cardiovascular risk [ 28 ]. The sodium content of MLD of drugs AC2, AC7, and AC5 is respectively 117.5 mg, 53 mg, and 411 mg as indicated in the patient leaflet. Based on the labeled daily recommended intake of each drug, these contents correspond to a daily sodium intake of respectively 470 mg, 212 mg, and 1233 mg. Therefore, sodium content must be taken into consideration when choosing an antacid. Brands with low ANC/sodium content ratio such as AC5 should not be recommended for patients with high blood pressure, cardiovascular illnesses, or sodium-restricted diet.

Many other studies evaluated the acid-neutralizing capacity of antacids marketed in several countries, and have also shown great variability in terms of pharmaceutical form, composition, strength, ANC, and salt content of the different brands [ 29 – 33 ]. As with our study, the findings of these studies showed that aluminum hydroxide/magnesium hydroxide combinations have the highest ANC values, that oral suspensions are the most used dosage forms, and that sodium content is a very important concern linked to the use of antacids.

The cost of antacids is a factor that should be taken into consideration when choosing a product. In the present study, the price of the minimum labeled dosage (PMLD) ranges from $0.04 for brand AC1 to $0.63 for brand AC5. Combinations of Al(OH) 3 and Mg(OH) 2 have a PMLD ranging from $0.04 to $0.25 where oral suspensions showed a higher price than tablets. Sodium alginate-based brands showed a PMLD ranging from $0.14 to $0.46 where tablets are more costly than suspension. CaCO 3 /MgCO 3 -based combination AC4 and AlPO4-based suspension AC10 showed respective PMLD of $0.04 and $0.19. We compared these PMLD with ANC of each brand by calculating the ANC/PMLD ratio ( Table IV ). The best ANC/PMLD ratio belongs to brand AC1 (582.02) and the least favorable ratio belongs to AC5 (12.67). After analyzing these ratios, it appears clearly that products containing Al(OH) 3 /Mg(OH) 2 combination and CaCO 3 /MgCO 3 combination (particularly tablets) offer the economically most favorable choice for the patient. The low ANC/price ratio of sodium alginate-based brands (26.46 to 80.39) is understandable since they are not pure antacids. It is to note that the brand AC5 has the highest PMLD, the highest sodium content, the second-lowest ANC, and the lowest ANC/PMLD ratio. In our opinion, the use of this product as an antacid is not relevant and offers no benefits to the patient. These findings are consistent with many other studies that have also shown great variability in terms of the cost/effectiveness ratio of antacids and recommended the economic factor to be taken into account when choosing the most suitable product [ 34 – 36 ].

Price of the minimum labeled dosage and ANC/Price of minimum labeled ratio of tested samples.

Product IDActive Pharmaceutical IngredientsPharmaceutical formPMLD ($)ANC/PMLD ratio
Aluminum Hydroxide
Magnesium Hydroxide
Sodium Alginate
Sodium Bicarbonate
Calcium Carbonate
Aluminum Hydroxide
Magnesium Hydroxide
Calcium Carbonate
Magnesium Carbonate
Anhydrous Sodium Sulfate
Sodium Bicarbonate
Anhydrous Sodium Hydrogenophosphate
Effervescent tablet
Aluminum Hydroxide
Magnesium Hydroxide
Oral suspension (Bottle)
Sodium Alginate
Potassium Bicarbonate
Calcium Carbonate
Oral suspension (Bottle)
Aluminum Hydroxide
Magnesium Hydroxide
Oral suspension (Sachets)
Aluminum Hydroxide
Magnesium Hydroxide
Oral suspension (Bottle)
Colloidal Aluminum PhosphateOral suspension (Sachets)
Sodium Alginate
Sodium Bicarbonate
Oral suspension (Bottle)
Aluminum Hydroxide
Magnesium Hydroxide
Oral suspension (Bottle)

The USP requires the ANC to be evaluated for the MLD of each product. If we focus on Al(OH) 3 /Mg(OH) 2 combinations, we find that the strengths of the active ingredients in the MLD of the studied antacids are not equal ( Table II ). Thus, in our opinion, comparing different products based on different active ingredient strengths makes no sense. Moreover, two tablet formulations containing Al(OH) 3 /Mg(OH) 2 combination (AC1 and AC3) have the same strength per tablet (400mg/400mg) but different MLD (respectively 1 tablet and 2 tablets per dose). These MLDs correspond respectively to 400mg/400mg per dose for AC1 and 800mg/800mg per dose for AC3. Therefore, it appears clear that the requirement to evaluate the ANC on the MLD is a bias that constitutes a limitation for the ANC test as described in the USP. In our opinion, the strength of the active ingredients in the MLD should be taken into account when evaluating the ANC of an antacid. Furthermore, expressing the result in terms of mEq per gram of the substance tested as specified by the USP is more suitable for active pharmaceutical ingredients since the weight of finished pharmaceutical products MLD depends on several factors such as the excipients used in the formulation, the tablet’s size, the suspension’s density, the molecular weight of the active ingredient, etc.

The evaluation of the acid-neutralizing capacity of the antacids available in Morocco showed that all the marketed brands meet the minimal requirement. However, aluminum hydroxide/magnesium hydroxide combinations showed superiority over other products. Therefore, since the majority of patients choose their antacids based on non-objective criteria such as flavor, we recommend that the ANC value be included in the label of antacids to help both patients and physicians choose the most suitable product. The choice of the appropriate antacid should also take into account other properties such as the sodium content and the ANC/price ratio. We also believe that the ANC test as described in the USP should be revised so that it is based on active ingredients content instead of minimum labeled dosage.


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  • Open access
  • Published: 28 June 2024

Magnesium hydroxide addition reduces aqueous carbon dioxide in wastewater discharged to the ocean

  • Vassilis Kitidis   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3802 1 ,
  • Stephen. A. Rackley   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1252-5376 2 ,
  • William. J. Burt 2 ,
  • Greg. H. Rau 2 ,
  • Samuel Fawcett 3 ,
  • Matthew. Taylor 1 ,
  • Glen Tarran   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-3695-5151 1 ,
  • E. Malcolm S. Woodward   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-7187-6689 1 ,
  • Carolyn Harris 1 &
  • Timothy Fileman 3  

Communications Earth & Environment volume  5 , Article number:  354 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Climate-change mitigation
  • Marine chemistry
  • Pollution remediation

Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) reduces the concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) in seawater, leading to atmospheric carbon dioxide removal (CDR). Here we report laboratory experiments and a field-trial of alkalinity enhancement through addition of magnesium hydroxide to wastewater and its subsequent discharge to the coastal ocean. In wastewater, a 10% increase of average alkalinity (+0.56 mmol/kg) led to a 74% reduction in aqueous CO 2 (−0.41 mmol/kg) and pH increase of 0.4 units to 7.78 (efficiency 0.73 molCO 2 /mol alkalinity). The alkalinization signal was limited to within a few metres of the ocean discharge, evident as 27.2 μatm reduction in CO 2 partial pressure and 0.017 unit pH increase, and was consistent with rapid dilution of the alkali-treated wastewater. While this proof of concept field trial did not achieve CDR due to its small scale, it demonstrated the potential of magnesium hydroxide addition to wastewater as a CDR solution.

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Limiting global warming to 1.5 °C requires a drastic reduction of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and further carbon dioxide removal (CDR) of 1–10 × 10 9 t atmospheric CO 2 year −1 by mid-century 1 , 2 . Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is one of the proposed solutions for CDR 3 . Dissolution of CO 2 in the ocean already takes up circa 26% of anthropogenic CO 2 from the atmosphere (2.9 ± 0.4 × 10 9  t C year −1 ) 4 , 5 . CO 2 dissolves in and reacts with water to form carbonic acid (H 2 CO 3 ) which further dissociates to bicarbonate (HCO 3 − ) and carbonate ions (CO 3 2− ), balanced by hydrogen cations (H + ). In this context, ocean alkalinity can be thought of as a measure of the capacity of seawater to neutralise carbonic acid to HCO 3 − and CO 3 2− , balanced by cations other than H + . Under steady state, these reactions establish an equilibrium between CO 2 in air and dissolved inorganic carbon in seawater (DIC; the sum of CO 2 , H 2 CO 3 , HCO 3 − , CO 3 2− ). At present, increasing atmospheric CO 2 is continually driving CO 2 influx to the ocean and increasing CO 2 , acidity, and DIC which is largely removed from the surface and entrained in the deep ocean circulation for centuries to millennia. OAE also drives CO 2 into the ocean and increases DIC, but instead reduces acidity. This mimics and accelerates natural mineral weathering and ocean alkalization, thereby increasing the capacity of ocean CO 2 uptake and long-term storage of DIC 6 , 7 , 8 . Addition of alkali to wastewater has recently been proposed as a vehicle for OAE and CDR 9 . Effluent from wastewater treatment is typically rich in biogenic CO 2 , creating a water to air concentration gradient that drives efflux of CO 2 to the atmosphere. In principle, alkalinity enhancement of wastewater re-establishes the carbonate equilibrium such that dissolved CO 2 gas (which can readily exchange with the atmosphere) is converted to dissolved bicarbonate and carbonate ions (which do not exchange with the atmosphere). Where treated wastewater is discharged to the ocean, alkalinity addition can thus result in: (1) ‘avoided emissions’ from the reduction of biogenic CO 2 emissions to the atmosphere and, if sufficient alkalinity has been added, (2) ocean CDR downstream of the wastewater discharge.

Numerical models have shown that OAE can effectively achieve CDR and reverse ocean acidification at the global or basin scale 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , but their predictions remain untested by field data 14 . Here, we report the results of laboratory experiments and a field trial of alkalinity enhancement in wastewater using a commercial magnesium hydroxide suspension (Mg(OH) 2 ; hereafter ‘MH’). We show that MH addition leads to a reduction in aqueous CO 2 concentration in the final effluent discharged into the coastal ocean.

Wastewater alkalinity enhancement

A set of preliminary lab experiments were conducted with ‘final effluent’ from the Hayle wastewater treatment works (HWTW) in order to constrain the field trial dosing rate. A commercial MH suspension (53% as 2 μm solids; 98.5% of solids as Mg(OH) 2 or 522 g/L Mg(OH) 2 ), derived from calcined magnesite, was added to treated wastewater at different concentrations at 22 °C, preventing further air contact (‘closed system’). Increasing MH fraction in the MH-wastewater mixture led to a reduction in dissolved CO 2 (CO 2 (aq) ) and increase in TA from 5.5 mmol/kg up to 8.4 mmol/kg at 1% v/v MH suspension in wastewater (Fig.  1 and supplementary Table S- 1 ). DIC remained unchanged as expected from conservation of mass (CO 2 was converted to HCO 3 − and CO 3 2− , but the sum remained the same), suggesting that no precipitation of inorganic carbon took place in these experiments. The pH of the wastewater mixtures increased with increasing MH fraction, in agreement with previous studies for the addition of laboratory grade Mg(OH) 2 and the Mg-rich minerals brucite and olivine to seawater 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 . Thereby, 0.01% and 0.1% MH suspensions in wastewater effected pH increases of 0.2 and 1.2 units respectively. A logarithmic curve was fitted to our experimental pH data: pH lab-experiments  = 0.316 × ln(MH % Volume Fraction ) + 9.26. Total suspended solids (TSS), quantified immediately (TSS in ) and 18 h after MH addition (TSS 18h ), demonstrated dissolution of particulate MH. We assume that ΔTSS=TSS in -TSS 18h represented the sum of dissolved Mg(OH) 2 plus that consumed by H 2 CO 3 in wastewater. Given a molecular weight of 58.3 g/mol, we calculated the ΔTSS-equivalent [Mg(OH) 2 ] as 0.5, 3.8, and 14.2 mmol/kg for the 0.01%, 0.1%, and 1% v/v MH additions respectively. Since these estimates exceeded the solubility of Mg(OH) 2 in pure-water (~0.3 mmol/kg), Mg(OH) 2 must be consumed by the abundant H 2 CO 3 in wastewater. The conversion of CO 2 to HCO 3 − through this reaction was corroborated by a geochemical speciation model using the concentration of alkalinity, pH, CO 2 partial pressure (pCO 2 ), temperature, and added Mg as input parameters 17 . Finally, there was no evidence of struvite or vivianite precipitation which could cause operational disruption of the HWTW. Phosphate and ammonia data, which decreased conservatively with increasing MH fraction, would have decreased non-conservatively if precipitation had taken place. Our experiments determined a mixing ratio of ~0.02% v/v MH suspension in wastewater for the field trial (equivalent to 104 mg/L or 1.8 mmol/kg Mg(OH) 2 addition).

figure 1

Water properties against the fraction of MH suspension in wastewater. TSS was determined immediately (<3 min; light blue in top right panel; TSS in ) and 18 h after the addition of MH (dark blue in top right panel; TSS 18h ). Dotted lines represent best fit for pH and TSS.

Following the lab experiments, MH was pumped directly into ‘final effluent’ at the HWTW on three consecutive days (18th−20th September 2022) for ~8.5 h per day at 0.058 L/s into a wastewater flow of 270 ± 70 L/s (±standard deviation) giving a mean mixing ratio of 0.021 ± 0.008% v/v [110 mg/L or 1.9 mmol/kg Mg(OH) 2 ]. Monitoring stations, upstream and downstream of the addition, were separated by approximately 200 m with a mean residence time of 22 min (MH addition to CO 2 /pH change was 16–33 min). Thereafter, effluent was discharged via an 11.3 km pipeline (residence time of ~9 h) terminating 2.5 km offshore in four diffusers at 23 m depth.

The addition of MH to treated effluent at the HWTW led to a decrease in xCO 2 (the mixing ratio of CO 2 in air-equilibrated-wastewater) and concomitant increase in pH and TA (Fig.  2 ). Prior to and between MH additions, downstream data were consistent with the upstream data with average xCO 2 of 1.36 ± 0.20%v/v (range: 0.6–1.5%v/v or 6000–15,000 ppmv), and pH in the 7.2–7.6 range. During MH addition, xCO 2 decreased consistently with average xCO 2 of 0.36 ± 0.28% and to a minimum of 0.038% (or 380 ppmv × CO 2 ), i.e., close to the atmospheric xCO 2 mole fraction (~410 ppmv). pH increased from 7.38 ± 0.09 (upstream) to 7.78 ± 0.17 during MH addition. There was no significant difference in DIC between paired upstream-downstream samples during MH addition [DIC range 5.4–6.5 mmol/kg; mean difference ( ± st.error) = 29 (±27) μmol/kg], confirming the conservation of mass for DIC between these stations (supplementary Table S- 3 ). In contrast, addition of MH suspension increased TA consistently by up to 943 μmol/kg, equivalent to a 17% increase, compared to concurrent measurements upstream (mean upstream TA: 5591 μmol/kg; mean TA difference between paired upstream/downstream samples was 560 μmol/kg). From the mean change in xCO 2 and CO 2 solubility at 18 °C 18 , we calculated a molar CO 2 change of 410 μmol/kg. This gave an efficiency of 0.73 mol CO 2 reduction per mol TA increase or 1.47 mol CO 2 per mol MH for the average alkalinity increase (560 μmol/kg) in agreement with published efficiencies of 0.6–0.8 mol CO 2 per mol TA 13 , 15 . TSS loads at the upstream (59 ± 25 mg/L) and downstream stations (66 ± 45 mg/L) were statistically indistinguishable ( t test, p  > 0.05), confirming significant dissolution of the particulate MH added.

figure 2

a TA, ( b ) xCO 2 , and ( c ) pH timeseries observations upstream (blue) and downstream (red) of Mg(OH) 2 addition to wastewater (grey shaded areas). Squares in panel ( c ). represent discrete samples. Red and blue shading in ( b ). represent extrapolated xCO 2 values from pH observations in ( c ).

Ocean discharge of enhanced alkalinity wastewater

The signal from the addition of MH to effluent at HWTW was expected to arrive at the diffuser ~9 h after the start of dosing (supplementary Table S- 1 ). The periods before and when MH was expected to flow at the diffuser are hereafter referred to as ‘pre-MH’ and ‘during-MH’. Lower salinity water (<35.1) in the vicinity of the outfall had the characteristics of treated effluent from the HWTW: higher xCO 2 , TA, DIC, ammonia and optical backscatter (a measure of particulates), lower pH, and lower oxygen saturation. TA and DIC were elevated around the outfall by ~200 μmol/kg and ~100 μmol/kg respectively compared with long-term observations in the nearby coastal English Channel 19 . A significant correlation between ammonia and salinity was found for marine samples (Pearson R 2  = 0.68, p  < 0.001) with an intercept of 2316 ± 257 μmol/kg, comparable with measurements at HWTW (2774 ± 149 μmol/kg).

The carbonate system in seawater is constrained by a series of equilibria, such that two of its four variables [TA, DIC, pH, and pCO 2 , the partial pressure of CO 2 ] can predict the remaining two 20 . Here, we found agreement between in situ pH or pCO 2 with that predicted from the seawater carbonate equilibrium when DIC was used with pCO 2 or pH as predictors. However, the discrete TA/DIC pair was a poor predictor of pH/pCO 2 . When the average TA calculated from pCO 2 /DIC was subtracted from the average measured TA, we found an ‘excess alkalinity’ of 55.2 μmol/kg (TA measured  > TA calc ), likely reflecting the presence of organic alkalinity in wastewater (weak organic bases). While organic alkalinity contributes to TA in the short term, this is likely a transient effect (hours-days) as the remineralisation of organic bases would lead to both CO 2 production and a reduction in TA 21 . This transient contribution of organic alkalinity and its biogeochemical evolution (dilution, remineralisation) are beyond the scope of this paper, but worthy of further study in the context of OAE.

Diurnal TA variability close to the diffuser (up to 150 μmol/kg), was consistent with TA variability at HWTW (Fig.  2 ), thermal stratification as well as tidal- and wind-driven mixing and advection of seawater. Direct measurement of alkalinity enhancement at the marine discharge was confounded by rapid dilution of the wastewater which is illustrated by the salinity distribution with distance from the diffuser (Fig.  3a .). In order to constrain this mixing, we constructed a mixing model with two end-members: (a) final effluent with salinity 2.4 and (b) coastal seawater with salinity 35.18 (average salinity 300–350 m from diffuser). An exponential fit was used to describe the relationship between salinity and distance from the diffuser [Salinity = 2.4 + 32.7 × (1-e (-K1×D) ) + 0.08 × (1-e (-K2×D) )], where D is the distance from the diffuser, K 1  = 0.32 m −1 and K 2  = 0.01 m −1 are empirical constants which define how rapidly the end-members mix. Salinity observations were broadly constrained by K 1 in the range of 0.18–1.00 m −1 and K 2 in the range of 0–0.01 m −1 (Fig.  3a .). The salinity mixing curves from this model were used to constrain the extent of the ‘initial mixing zone’ (IMZ), the region where the final effluent rises under its own buoyancy 22 , 23 . We defined the edge of the IMZ as salinity = 35 psu. For K 1  = 0.18 m −1 and K 2  = 0.01 m −1 (higher mixing scenario), the outer edge of the IMZ was thereby calculated as 38 m (grey shaded area in Fig.  3 ). The model IMZ salinity was used to calculate the respective fractions of effluent/seawater and an average dilution factor of 260 within the IMZ (590 at the edge of the IMZ).

figure 3

a Salinity against distance from the diffuser (black circles) with discrete samples from the 20th of September (orange circles). Salinity data were fitted with an exponential function (red line and shaded area) which were used to define the ‘initial mixing zone’ (grey shaded area). b Mean TA for pre-MH (light blue circle) and during-MH samples (dark blue square) from the 20th of September (error bars are standard deviation). TA pre MH (red curve) was derived from salinity in ( a ). and the linear regression of TA against salinity. The red shaded area corresponds to the range of mixing curves in ( a ). The purple curve represents a four-fold increase in MH addition.

Final effluent dilution was in agreement with the range of dilution factors from hydrodynamic modelling (400–2700) 24 , but also suggested that the alkalinity enhancement at HWTW would be practically undetectable in the IMZ. The 260-fold effluent dilution in the IMZ suggested that the alkalinization at HWTW (<943 μmol/kg) should be practically undetectable at sea (3.6 μmol/kg). A meaningful comparison of pre- and during MH TA could only be done for the 20th of September (logistical constraints on previous days resulted in the collection of a single during-MH sample). A during-MH TA increase of 33.8 ± 14.7 μmol/kg was measured (average during-MH TA = 2415.8 μmol/kg, compared to 2382.0 μmol/kg pre-MH). Closer examination of the data revealed a sampling bias whereby during-MH samples were collected closer to the diffuser compared to earlier samples which would result in higher TA regardless of MH addition. Salinity from the mixing model above was combined with the TA-salinity regression for pre-MH coastal and HWTW upstream discrete samples (TA pre MH  = 6038.9–103.857 × Salinity, R 2  = 1.00, n  = 18, p  < 0.001), to calculate the corresponding TA with distance from the diffuser (red line in Fig.  3b ). Both pre- and during-MH TA on the 20th of September fell within the envelope of the mixing model (Fig.  3b ). Similarly, DIC was related to salinity for pre-MH coastal and HWTW upstream discrete samples (DIC pre MH  = 6535.0–125.212 × Salinity, R 2  = 0.999, n  = 18, p  < 0.001) and the observed during-MH and pre-MH DIC difference (2154.7 μmol kg −1 ( n  = 8) and 2122.7 μmol kg −1 ( n  = 4) respectively) could be ascribed to dilution within the initial mixing zone. We therefore concluded that the observed TA and DIC increase could be ascribed to proximity to the diffuser rather than the addition of MH. These findings confirm the difficulty of measuring small TA changes against a high background at sea.

Nevertheless, we found other carbonate system effects, consistent with alkalinization. In the immediate vicinity of the diffuser (within 5 m) and at salinities <35.1 psu: (a) during-MH xCO 2 was lower by 27.2 μatm and (b) pH was higher by 0.017 units compared to earlier observations on the same day (Fig.  4 ). Both of these parameters were consistent with alkalinization of the effluent. Modest CO 2 reduction was thereby corroborated by independent measurements of xCO 2 and pH during this ‘proof of concept’ trial. Our observations demonstrate that xCO 2 and pH are more suitable parameters for OAE monitoring than TA, because of lower background values for xCO 2 and established sensor technologies that allow continuous observations rather than discrete sampling.

figure 4

a xCO 2 against salinity within 350 m and ( b ) 5 m of the discharge of treated wastewater to the coastal ocean. c pH against salinity within 350 m and ( d ) 5 m of the discharge. Blue and red symbols denote pre-MH and during-MH observations respectively. Statistically significant differences were constrained to within 5 m of the discharge point at salinity <35.1 (vertical line).

Alongside deep and rapid cuts in CO 2 emissions, early CDR deployment will be required in order to limit global warming and maintain ocean health 25 . Here, the addition of MH achieved substantial wastewater alkalinity enhancement and CO 2 reduction with an efficiency of 0.73 mol CO 2 reduction per mol TA added. It is worth noting that downstream recovery to pre-addition conditions was rapid with no apparent ‘memory’ of the MH addition in either the TA, xCO 2 or the pH data. From an operational and regulatory perspective, this demonstrates a clear ‘exit strategy’ should the MH addition need to be stopped. Without addition of MH, the wastewater was supersaturated with respect to atmospheric CO 2 and this excess CO 2 (34× atmospheric equilibrium) would therefore be expected to degas to the atmosphere once discharged to the ocean. Post-discharge CO 2 reduction and pH increase, consistent with alkalinization, were confirmed, but direct detection of these was limited to within a few metres of the diffuser due to the modest addition of MH, primarily aimed at ‘proof-of-concept’.

The specific location of this trial maximises the CDR potential of alkalinization as the prevailing currents would maintain alkalinized water in contact with the atmosphere for ~4 years 26 . At the present site, upscaling the MH concentration would lead to complete depletion of the wastewater CO 2 and increase the final effluent pH. A four-fold increase in MH concentration would thereby increase ‘final effluent’ pH to ~8.46 (for a 0.08% MH % Volume Fraction ). In seawater, our mixing model shows that a four-fold increase in MH addition would raise TA by 19.5 μmol/kg at the edge of the IMZ (purple curve in Fig.  3b ). The mean area-weighted TA increase within the IMZ would be 49.0 μmol/kg. We expect such an increase in TA to raise pH by 0.11 units (to 8.20) and lower pCO 2 by 111 μatm (based on seacarb 3.3.1 27 , from 461 μatm). Using a gas transfer model 28 and average wind speed of 4.5 m/s, this pCO 2 reduction would switch the IMZ from a current source of CO 2 (efflux of 2.2 mmol/m −2 /d) to a sink for atmospheric CO 2 (influx of −3.7 mmol/m −2 /d). Seawater pH would thereby remain within both the regulatory limit of 8.5 and the seasonal envelope for these coastal waters (e.g., pH variability of 0.38 units) 19 . Within the IMZ, the mean TSS would increase by ~1.0 mg/L (260-fold dilution of 254 mg/L undissolved TSS in final effluent). Particulate TA, ejected from the diffuser, would reach the sea surface and behave as quasi-dissolved since the settling velocity (settling drag) is at least one order of magnitude lower than the horizontal velocities (drag) from wind and tides. Our calculations also show that a four-fold increase in seawater alkalinity enhancement would increase the aragonite saturation state (Ω Ar ) from 2.4 to 3.0, i.e., below the threshold of 7 where CaCO 3 precipitation has been reported which might render alkalinization ineffective for CDR 29 . We stress that lifecycle embedded and operational emissions exceeded the avoided emissions for the present trial due to its limited scale. However, our ‘proof of concept’ trial justifies further work exploring the efficacy of lower emission Mg(OH) 2 and field trials focused on increasing the scale of operations and resulting CDR. Some operational emissions will increase proportionately with upscaling such as those associated with the additional feedstock required. Others, such as transport, dosing, and monitoring setup, increase by a smaller proportion. These considerations are captured in published Monitoring Reporting and Verification protocols (MRV) 30 , 31 . Our simple mixing model illustrates the potential of a distributed network of sites, each with modest MH addition, to provide an effective solution as part of a wider climate change mitigation strategy 13 .

While this study demonstrates the CDR potential of alkalinity enhancement using MH and its potential to counteract ocean acidification, it is imperative to consider potential ecosystem impacts. Previous experimental exposure of the shore crab ( Carcinus maenas ) to alkali identified physiological responses at higher pH increases (+0.4 and +0.7 pH units) 32 than observed here or expected from a four-fold increase in MH concentration. Such pH perturbations in seawater are unrealistic for the purpose of CDR as they could lead to precipitation of CaCO 3 with no CDR benefit 29 . Average Mg(OH) 2 concentration in the IMZ would increase by 1.7 mg/L for a four-fold increase in MH addition to the final effluent. For reference, Mg(OH) 2 toxicity levels (LC50) for an aquatic invertebrate ( Daphnia magna ) and fish ( Pimephales promelas ) are 285 and 511 mg/L respectively 33 , 34 while magnesium ion LC50 is 1300 mg/L and 2100 mg/L respectively 35 . Based on this evidence, upscaling OAE by addition of Mg(OH) 2 to wastewater can provide a climate change mitigation solution while staying within the range of chemical conditions experienced by marine ecosystems.

Analytical methods

Discrete sample measurements for carbonate parameters were made at 21 ± 0.5 °C from the same subsample in triplicate as described below and in the order of CO 2(aq) , Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC), pH, Total Alkalinity (TA). Sample handling and methodologies followed ‘best practice’ as recommended by Dickson (2007). CO 2(aq) was determined by sparging a known volume of subsample with N 2 gas (BOC Ltd.) followed by non-dispersive infrared detection of CO 2(g) (LiCor Biosciences, LI-7000). The LI-7000 instrument was calibrated with acidified Na 2 CO 3 standards (see next). DIC was determined by acidifying a known volume of subsample with 8.5% v/v H 3 PO 4 , followed by sparging with N 2(g) and non-dispersive infrared detection (LICOR; LI 7000) using an Apollo SciTech AS-C3 DIC analyser (Kitidis et al., 2017). The instrument was calibrated with Na 2 CO 3 standard solutions (range: 0–3.2 mmol/L Na 2 CO 3 ), [prepared by serial dilution of a 0.4 mol/L stock standard solution: 10.599 g of Na 2 CO 3 (VWR Chemicals, prod.no. 27767.295; Lot 21C154126), weighed on an ISO9001 calibrated microbalance (Ohaus Explorer Pro, s/n 1127033970) and dissolved in 250 mL of analytical grade water (Millipore, Milli-Q, 18.2 MOhm) which was previously sparged with N 2 gas (BOC Ltd.) in order to remove background CO 2(g) ]. Analytical precision for DIC was <2 μmol/kg. A certified reference material from the Andrew Dickson laboratory at Scripps Institute of Oceanography (batch # 202) with a reference DIC concentration of 2043.3 μmol/kg was analysed in triplicate and determined as 2038.1 ± 1.7 μmol/kg.

TA was determined by open cell, dynamic end-point, titration (Dickson, 2007) with 0.0396 mol/L HCl solution (diluted from 10 mol/L HCl, Merck ACS, prod.no. 30721, Lot STBG8596) and calibrated with Na 2 CO 3 standard solutions described above using an automated titration system (Metrohm, 916 Ti-Touch, s/n: 1916002032101) with a 20 mL dosing unit (Metrohm 800 Dosino, s/n: 1800003010533) and glass electrode (Metrohm iConnect 854; s/n: 00682610). The certified reference material from the Andrew Dickson laboratory (batch # 202) with a reference TA concentration of 2215.1 μmol/kg was analysed in triplicate and determined as 2220.7 ± 5.6 μmol/kg.

In the laboratory pH was determined with a glass electrode (Metrohm iConnect 854; s/n: 00682610). The instrument was calibrated with 3 NBS buffers at pH4 (Fisher, prod.no. J/2826/15, Lot 2034055), pH7 (Fisher, J/2855/15, Lot 2028757) and pH10 (VWR Chemicals, prod.no. 85044.001, Lot 211014118). The calibration slope was 99.8% of the idealised Nernst slope. Note that pH is reported on the NBS scale here (pH NBS ). Inorganic nutrients samples were collected by filtering 50 mL of effluent into acid cleaned high density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles (Whatman, WHA10404006, 0.45 µm cellulose acetate filter), and then frozen at −20 °C and transported back to the laboratory for analysis. The samples were defrosted according to GO-SHIP nutrient protocols 36 . Dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations were determined by colorimetric analytical techniques using a 5-channel Bran and Luebbe segmented-flow autoanalyzer (Bran and Luebbe, model AA3). Standard analytical techniques were used for nitrate + nitrite (NO 3 − + NO 2 − ) 37 , nitrite (NO 2 − ) 38 , ammonia+ammonium (NH x ) 39 , phosphate (PO 4 3− ) 40 and silicate (SiO 2 − ) 40 . All sample handling and analysis was carried out according to GO-SHIP nutrient protocols.

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) were determined as dry weight per litre following the regulatory analytical protocol (ISBN 011751957X). A known volume of water was filtered through dry, pre-weighed glass fibre filters (1.2 μm nominal pore size; Whatman, GF/C), dried at 105 °C and reweighed (balance: Ohaus Explorer Pro, s/n 1127033970). The dry retentate was divided by the volume of sample filtered to derive TSS concentration. TSS samples were air-dried in the field (within 12 h of collection) prior to drying at 105 °C overnight at the PML laboratory (1–5 days post-collection).

Lab assessment of alkalinity enhancement in wastewater

Prior to the field trial, laboratory experiments were conducted in order to: (a) assess the impact of MH addition on the wastewater carbonate system, (b) determine field-trial dosing rates within the regulatory discharge framework (upper pH limit of 8.5 and TSS limit of 150 mg/L at the edge of the ‘initial mixing zone’ at sea) and (c) assess the potential formation of struvite (NH 4 MgPO 4 ·6H 2 O) and vivianite (Fe 3 (PO 4 ) 2 ), precipitates that could consume MH and thereby compete with CO 2 as well as cause operational disruption of the wastewater treatment plant (WTW). Wastewater from Hayle WTW (HWTW) was mixed with a commercial MH suspension (TIMAB Magnesium; TIMAB 53 S mare). Circa 990 mL of wastewater were transferred to a 1 L volumetric cylinder before pipetting the corresponding volume of MH suspension and adding more wastewater up to the 1 L mark. The volumetric cylinder was inverted and the solution was gently transferred to 0.5 L glass bottles with a ground neck and stopper. Particular care was taken during the transfer in order to avoid turbulent mixing and bubble formation as well as headspace formation in the incubation bottle.

Field trial setup - Hayle wastewater treatment works

MH suspension (TIMAB magnesium, TIMAB 53 S mare, magnesite) was added to ‘final effluent’ at the Hayle wastewater treatment works (HWTW) on three consecutive days for ca 8.5 h on the 18th, 19th, and 20th of September 2022. The start times, pipe volume, and flow data provided by South West Water Ltd. were used to calculate the expected time of MH arrival at the diffuser outside St. Ives Bay (supplementary Table S- 2 ). MH suspension was supplied in four intermediate bulk containers (IBC), agitated with an industrial IBC mixer (Axesspack, TM IBC-169) and delivered to the effluent at a constant rate of 3.5 L/min using an industrial slurry dosing pump (Verderflex, iDura 15). In total, 4 tonnes of MH suspension were added to the final effluent.

Monitoring stations were established upstream (50.171846°N, 5.434764°W) and downstream (50.171283°N, 5.436859°W) of the MH addition and were instrumented with CO 2 and pH sensors with additional discrete sampling for DIC, TA and pH, nutrients and TSS (Fig.  5 ). Two custom-made, autonomous sampling systems were installed at the wastewater treatment works on 15th September 2022. Water was drawn from a sump at the upstream and downstream stations using a custom-made, solar-powered pump system (Blackfish Engineering, Bristol, UK). Each system comprised a diaphragm pump (Flojet, RLFP 222202D), two 400 W solar panels, 440 Ah battery capacity, timer, and associated electronic circuitry. Pumped effluent was directed to a flow-through manifold housing a CO 2 sensor (ProOceanus CO2 Mini), pH sensor, and logger (Hobo MX2501 pH and Temp). The CO 2 sensors were factory calibrated and the pH sensors were calibrated prior to deployment using NBS buffers. Wastewater flow through the sensor manifold was regulated to 2 L/min (manufacturer recommends 1–3 L/min for the CO2 Mini). Both pump systems were operated on a timer, switching on/off every 15 min, apart from the MH addition periods when the pumps were operating continuously. The outlet of the flow-through manifold returned wastewater to the sampling sump and was used for discrete sample collection. Both CO 2 Mini sensors unexpectedly stopped on the 20th of September at 14:33 BST (at the end of the last MH addition). Subsequent CO 2 data were inferred from the CO 2 -pH relationship prior to this point (CO 2  = 21521997120 × e −3.22pH ). propagating a pH uncertainty of 0.05 units (shaded area in Fig.  2 ). Discrete samples were collected for analysis of carbonate system parameters (DIC, TA, pH), nutrients and TSS following the protocols described above.

figure 5

a Study area and location of the MH addition field trial in north Cornwall, UK (red square). The general residual circulation follows the black arrows, flowing North from the study area, clockwise around Great Britain and counter-clockwise around the North Sea. b Locations of the Hayle Wastewater Treatment Works (HWTW) where MH suspension was added to final effluent and diffuser at the end of the discharge pipe for final effluent (black square). The inset shows the survey tracks around the diffuser (black square) and extent of the initial mixing zone (red shaded area).

Field trial setup - Coastal ocean survey

Sampling at the diffuser outside St. Ives Bay took place on a 20 m long survey vessel and a 7 m long fishing vessel (static vessel) over the period 18–21 September 2022. The static vessel assumed a position at the diffuser site while the survey vessel carried out spatial survey work consisting of a series of stations and drifts (Fig.  5 ). In calm conditions and slack water during the tidal cycle, the diffuser was identifiable at the surface as four clear patches suggesting four diffusers spaced fifteen metres apart and in line with the known position of the outflow pipe on land. The northernmost diffuser is located at approximately 23 m depth at 50.23885°N, −5.424404°E with the other diffusers on a bearing of 117 o . Ship positions were logged from the navigational instruments of both vessels at half-hourly intervals and at the start/end of stations/drifts. These data were interpolated onto the sampling times and their horizontal distance from the northernmost diffuser calculated using the Haversine formula.

The static vessel was equipped with a Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD; RBR Concerto3, s/n 60614) and CO 2 sensor package (ProOceanus CO 2 -PRO) which was deployed at anchor, primarily centred on the second diffuser from North. A 12 V submersible pump (Seabird) was used to maintain a constant flow across the CO 2 sensor head, powered by a 78 Ah battery pack. Data were logged internally and downloaded daily. The sensor package was deployed at constant depths (either at 17 m or 10 m) for several hours at a time.

The survey vessel was equipped with a multiparameter CTD (RBR Maestro3, s/n 209876) with additional backscatter, dissolved oxygen and pH sensors (pH was factory calibrated and checked against the same buffers as the lab electrode – no recalibration required). A 28 m flexible hose (10 mm id) was attached to the instrument wire with the inlet co-located with the CTD. This setup was used in ‘profiling’ mode, drawing water from the CTD depth. Water was drawn on deck via a diaphragm pump (Flojet, RLFP 222202D) and directed to a flow-through manifold housing a CO 2 sensor (ProOceanus CO 2 -PRO CV), pH sensor (Sunburst Technologies, SAMI-pH, s/n 0002) and conductivity probe (RS Components, RS PRO 205-0958). This setup was chosen to facilitate power independence (the setup was 12 V battery powered) and quasi real-time data monitoring with a hysteresis of 28 s (the residence time of the sampling hose). The CO 2 sensor was factory calibrated and the pH sensor was calibrated using NBS buffers prior to deployment and following the manufacturer’s instructions. The flow through the sensor manifold was regulated to 2 L/min. Discrete samples were collected from the flow-through manifold outflow for analysis of carbonate system parameters (DIC, TA, pH), nutrients, and TSS following the protocols described above (supplementary Table S- 4 ). All instruments were synchronised with the clock of the same PC and GMT to facilitate data merging.

Marine xCO2 data processing

CTD, CO 2, and pH sensor data were merged giving a combined 2 Hz dataset (CTD logging frequency was 8 Hz which was averaged to 2 Hz, interpolating the 1 s CO 2 data and 1 min SAMI-pH data). A 28 s offset was applied to the survey vessel CO 2 and pH data in order to account for the residence time of the sampling hose. The merged dataset was filtered to exclude: (a) all data where the timestamp difference between the CTD and CO 2 -PRO CV exceeded 1 s (this removed instances where either instrument was not operational); (b) all data where the salinity was <33 (spurious singular data points in time against a background of salinity >33); (c) a station on the 19th September when instruments were not operating properly (constant values for all parameters apart from time and depth); (d) all data in the uppermost 20 cm of the water column (mostly data at the start of a profile); (e) all data in the uppermost 1 m of the water column with salinity <34.62 (spurious singular data points in time; similar to b and d).

The filtered merged dataset comprised 97,566 data points from the survey vessel and a further 62,268 from the static vessel.

During deployment, it became apparent that the CTD (and hose inlet) drifted into and out of the outfall plume for short periods (typically seconds to <1 min). These events manifest themselves as salinity excursions (>33 salinity) and further corroborated by elevated backscatter compared to background seawater (ca. 35.2 salinity). It appears likely that the turbulent flow directly above the diffuser diverted the CTD package outside of the effluent plume, inhibiting observations for longer periods. During these salinity excursion events CO 2 increased as expected, but was lagging behind salinity (Fig.  6 ). Salinity would thereby decrease, but CO 2 would not rise concurrently and often peak after the salinity excursion event (see xCO 2 raw in Fig.  6 ). This resulted in a salinity-CO 2 mismatch likely caused by the relatively slow diffusion of CO 2 across the gas-permeable sensor membrane. The diffusion step results in a t63 response time of 50 s (the time it takes for the sensor to reach 63% of full response to a signal). The data were therefore scaled by the 1st and 2nd derivative of CO 2 over 3 s to obtain CO 2 scaled . This calculation improved the matchup between salinity excursion events and concurrent increase in CO 2 , but it also amplified the natural ‘noise’ of the CO 2 sensor data (see xCO 2 scaled in Fig.  6 ). Note that the equation below refers to xCO 2 for technical consistency, where ‘x’ marks the mixing ratio (in ppmv) rather than the partial pressure (in μatm). The scaling equation was empirically optimised to match calculated xCO 2 from discrete TA/DIC samples:

figure 6

A salinity excursion event on the 19th of September 2022 showing the time-lag in concurrent CO2-PRO CV data (xCO 2 raw) and reduced time-lag for scaled data (xCO 2 scaled). Note that the scaling applied here improves the time-lag between low salinity events and xCO 2 , although some hysteresis remains.

Marine pH data processing

The spectrophotometric instrument reports pH on the total scale at a constant salinity (pH SAMI-35 ). These data were corrected (pH SAMI in situ) to in situ salinity 41 and further corrected to in situ temperature using the pHinsi function in the R-package seacarb with the constants of ref. 42 , Dickson 1990 43 , Perez and Fraga, 1987 44 and Upströhm 1974 45 (R-version 4.0.1; https://www.r-project.org/ ). Both pH SAMI in situ and measurements using the glass electrode on the RBR instrument (pH RBR ) were converted to the free scale using the pHconv function in the R-package seacarb .

Marine carbonate system quality control and internal consistency

pH SAMI in situ was significantly correlated with measurements using the glass electrode on the RBR instrument (pH RBR ) with a residual standard error of 0.008 units (Pearson R 2  = 1.00, p  < 0.001) (Fig.  7 ). We used the timestamp of discrete samples to find the nearest corresponding pH RBR and pH SAMI in situ. pH RBR was in agreement with pH calc (pCO2/DIC) ; calculated pH from the discrete DIC data and corresponding CO 2 partial pressure (pCO 2 ; calculated from xCO 2 using the x2pCO2 function in the R-package seacarb ) (Fig.  7 ). This agreement between independent instruments gives high confidence to the pH data as well as xCO 2 and DIC data. However, pH calculated from discrete TA/DIC (pH calc (TA/DIC) ; calculated using the carb function in the R-package seacarb ) did not agree with pH RBR , pH SAMI in situ or pH calc (pCO2/DIC) (Fig.  7 ). pCO 2 from DIC/pH was in agreement with measurements of pCO 2 with a standard error of 10.5 μatm (Pearson R 2  = 1.00, p  < 0.001) (Fig.  7 ). When the average TA calculated from pCO 2 /DIC was subtracted from the average measured TA, we found an ‘excess alkalinity’ of 55.2 μmol/kg (55.6 μmol/kg when TA is calculated from DIC/pH).

figure 7

a pH from the SAMI instrument and calculated from pCO 2 /DIC and TA/DIC against pH from the RBR instrument. b Measured pCO 2 against calculated pCO 2 from TA/pH.

Final effluent – seawater dilution

Salinity in the vicinity of the diffuser (e.g., within 25 m) was highly variable (range: 33.1–35.3) reflecting extensive and dynamic mixing between final effluent and coastal seawater (Fig.  3a ). In contrast, salinity in the zone 300–350 m away from the diffuser was higher on average and much less variable with a mean ± standard deviation of 35.183 ± 0.005 psu (Fig.  3a ). We defined two end-member mixing between: (a) final effluent with salinity 2.4 and (b) coastal seawater with salinity 35.183. An exponential fit (Eq.  2 ) was used to describe the relationship between salinity (S) and distance (D) from the diffuser (red curve in Fig.  3a ):

where K 1 and K 2 are empirical constants which define how rapidly the end-members mix. High- and low-mixing variants of Eq.  2 were used to constrain the field-observations (red shaded area in Fig.  3 ). The mixing curves defined by K 1 and K 2 where used to constrain the extent of the ‘initial mixing zone’ by specifying a salinity of 35.00 psu at its outer edge under the low mixing scenario (i.e., within 0.18 psu of the seawater end-member). The outer edge of the initial mixing zone was thereby calculated as 38 m (grey shaded area in Fig.  3 ).

In order to calculate the dilution of final effluent by coastal seawater, we defined two end-members: (a) final effluent with salinity 2.4 and (b) coastal seawater with salinity 35.183. For any sample point, its salinity is given by Eq.  3 :

where Salinity FE and Salinity sea are the respective salinities of the final effluent (2.4 psu) and coastal seawater (35.18 psu). f FE and f sea are the fraction of final effluent fraction of seawater with which it mixes. Since the salinities of the samples and end-members were known, we solved Eq.  2 for f FE given that f FE +f sea  = 1. The final effluent dilution factor (DF) is then given by Eq.  4 :

The average dilution factor and the respective value at the edge of the initial mixing zone were calculated as 260 and 590.

At the point of discharge, the flow velocity would dissipate rapidly. Assuming that the 0.270 m 3 /s flow is divided equally between the four diffusers, each with a diameter of 60 cm, we calculate a mean upwards velocity of 24 cm/s from each diffuser. If we assume that this velocity dissipates with increasing volume in the IMZ cone, then the effluent would require ~3 min to reach the surface.

As an independent coherence test we calculated the mean current in the initial mixing zone. f FE and f sea can be replaced by the final effluent flow (0.270 m 3 /s) and a theoretical seawater flow, Flow sea (units: m 3 /s) in Eq.  3 . Flow sea can then be calculated iteratively by varying Flow sea to minimise the absolute difference between measured and calculated salinity using Eq.  3 (replacing f FE with a flow of 0.270 m 3 /s while f sea becomes Flow sea ). We assumed that Flow sea is flowing across the wastewater plume represented as the orthographic projection of a cone on the vertical water column plane, i.e., an inverted triangle with its apex at the diffuser, a height of 23 m (the water depth at the diffuser), spreading to a width (base of the triangle) of 2 × 38 m at the surface (plume-plane area A = (23 × (2 × 38))/2 m 2 ). The mean current is thereby calculated as Flow sea divided by the plume-plane area (units: m 3 /s divided by m 2  = m/s). This calculation gave a mean current of 0.16 knots which is within the 0.1–0.4 knots neap-tide currents for the area 46 .

Magnesium hydroxide dissolution and upscaling

The lab experiment and field trial TSS data showed complete dissolution of MH at volumetric mixing ratios up to 0.021% v/v MH in wastewater. For, the 0.1% and 1% v/v ratios in the lab experiment, the respective TSS 18h concentrations, i.e., undissolved MH, were 390 and 5314 mg/L above the background TSS in raw effluent (supplementary Table S- 1 ). In order to quantify TSS dissolution we fitted an exponential asymptotic curve to the lab-experiment data: ΔTSS = 869.2 × (1-e (0.0005×TSSin) ), where ΔTSS = TSS in -TSS 18h (Fig.  8 ). ΔTSS was assumed to represent dissolved MH.

figure 8

Dissolution of Total Suspended Solids (ΔTSS) against initial TSS (TSS in ) from lab- and field trial data. An exponential asymptotic curve was fitted to the lab-experiment data (solid curve). The red square represents a hypothetical four-fold upscaling of MH addition from the field trial (to 0.08% v/v MH suspension in wastewater).

The TSS dissolution fit above, was used to calculate dissolved and particulate MH loads under a hypothetical four-fold increase in MH dosing to 0.08% v/v MH addition to wastewater. Under this scenario, the concentration of TSS in at the point of MH addition would be 418 mg/L 53% solids/L MH of which 98.5% is Mg(OH) 2  = 522 g/L Mg(OH) 2 in the pure MH suspension applied as 0.08/100 to wastewater = 418 mg/L Mg(OH) 2 . Of the 418 mg/L TSS in , our ΔTSS fit predicts dissolution of 164 mg/L, leaving 254 mg/L of undissolved TSS in the final effluent. Given a dilution factor of 260 for the final effluent in the IMZ, we would expect the mean IMZ TSS to be ~1.0 mg/L higher. Assuming that the 164 mg/L dissolved TSS represents MH, we calculate an increase of 2.8 mmol/kg Mg(OH) 2 or 5.6 mmol/kg TA (164 mg/L ÷ 58.3 g/mol and 1 mmol Mg(OH) 2  = 2 mmol TA). The 254 mg/L of undissolved TSS equates to 4.4 mmol/kg Mg(OH) 2 or 8.7 mmol/kg particulate TA. The total (dissolved+ particulate) TA increase in final effluent would thereby be 14.3 mmol/kg.

The dilution of a 14.3 mmol/kg TA addition in coastal seawater is shown as the purple curve in Fig.  3b . This mixing curve, implicitly assumes that the TA addition is in the dissolved or quasi-dissolved phase which is further discussed below. In the initial mixing zone, we would therefore expect a mean TA increase of 55 µmol/kg (260-fold dilution). The 14.3 mmol/kg MH addition to wastewater equals 418 mg/L Mg(OH) 2 , or 152 mg/L Mg 2+ . Within the IMZ, we would therefore expect average Mg 2+ to increase by 0.6 mg/L. In order to examine the behavious of the undissolved MH, we used Stokes Law to calculate the settling velocity (w) of a typical MH particle:

where ρ p and ρ f are the density of the particle (2300 kg/m 3 ) and fluid (1000.3 kg/m 3 for wastewater; 1025.8 kg/m 3 for seawater), g is the acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s), r is the particle radius (1 μm) and µ is the dynamic visosity of the fluid (0.001 kg/m*s). The settling velocity of a particle was thereby calculated as 1.0 cm/h in both wastewater and seawater. Within the 1 m diameter pipe, the mean flow of 0.270 m 3 /s, gives a horizontal velocity of 1.2 km/h. The horizontal velocity is therefore >10 5 times greater than the settling velocity. Since the drag force is proportional to the flow velocity, the horizontal drag force is more than 100 thousand times greater than the settling drag force. It is therefore highly unlikely that particles would settle in the pipework from HWTW to the coastal ocean.

At the point of discharge, the flow velocity would dissipate rapidly. Assuming that the 0.270 m 3 /s flow is divided equally between the four diffusers, each with a diameter of 60 cm, we calculate a mean upwards velocity of 24 cm/s from each diffuser. If we assume that this velocity dissipates with increasing volume in the IMZ cone, then the upwards velocity within 1 cm of the surface is in excess of the settling velocity, i.e., particles ejected from the diffuser would reach the sea surface. In seawater, these particles would then take 96 days to settle to the sea floor assuming no further turbulence (23 m divided by 1 cm/h). The MH particles would therefore reach the surface and sink, but at the same time dissolve and convert carbonic acid, from dissolved CO 2 , to bicarbonate ions. The reduction in seawater dissolved CO 2 (carbonic acid) would then favour influx of CO 2 from the atmosphere. Tidal currents in this region are in the range of 5–20 cm/h 46 , i.e., the horizontal drag on particles is one order of magnitude greater than the settling drag force. Tidal and wind-driven turbulence in this dynamic shelf-sea environment would therefore likely resuspend particulate TA rather than allow it to settle on the seafloor. This supports the underlying assumption in our mixing model that particulate TA (MH) would practically behave in a quasi-dissolved manner under hypothetical four-fold upscaling (purple curve in Fig.  3b ).

Data availability

All discrete sample data are available in the Supplementary tables. Sensor and profile data are available at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.26049460 .

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The authors disclose support for the research of this work from the UK Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy [Contract PLA202081]. This synthesis was supported by UK NERC funding (CLASS Theme1.2, NE/R015953/1).

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Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth, PL1 3DH, UK

Vassilis Kitidis, Matthew. Taylor, Glen Tarran, E. Malcolm S. Woodward & Carolyn Harris

Planetary Technologies, Dartmouth, NS, Canada

Stephen. A. Rackley, William. J. Burt & Greg. H. Rau

PML Applications Ltd., Plymouth, PL1 3DH, UK

Samuel Fawcett & Timothy Fileman

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Authors V.K., S.A.R., W.J.B., G.H.R., S.F., G.T., and T.F. contributed to the study design, data synthesis, and interpretation. V.K., W.J.B., S.F., M.T., and G.T. contributed to fieldwork. V.K., S.F., M.T., G.T., E.M.S.W., and C.H. contributed to analytical work.

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Correspondence to Vassilis Kitidis .

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The authors declare that Planetary Technologies (authors S.A.R., W.J.B., G.H.R.) are developing commercial ocean CDR technologies. PML Applications (V.K., S.F., M.T., G.T., E.M.S.W., C.H., T.F.) provided independent and impartial scientific consultancy services to Planetary Technologies as the commercial subsidiary of Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML).

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Kitidis, V., Rackley, S.A., Burt, W.J. et al. Magnesium hydroxide addition reduces aqueous carbon dioxide in wastewater discharged to the ocean. Commun Earth Environ 5 , 354 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01506-4

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Received : 02 September 2023

Accepted : 10 June 2024

Published : 28 June 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01506-4

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  • Gentle Laxative (Magnesium Hydroxide) 400 Mg/5 Ml Oral Suspension Hypertonic Laxatives

Gentle Laxative (Magnesium Hydroxide) 400 Mg/5 Ml Oral Suspension Hypertonic Laxatives - Uses, Side Effects, and More

Generic name(s): magnesium hydroxide, side effects, precautions, interactions.

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This medication is used for a short time to treat occasional constipation . It is a laxative (osmotic-type) that is thought to work by drawing water into the intestines , an effect that helps to cause movement of the intestines .This medication is also used to treat symptoms caused by too much stomach acid such as heartburn , upset stomach , or indigestion . It is an antacid that works by lowering the amount of acid in the stomach .

How to use Gentle Laxative (Magnesium Hydroxide) 400 Mg/5 Ml Oral Suspension Hypertonic Laxatives

Take this product by mouth as directed. For the chewable form, chew thoroughly before swallowing. For the liquid form, shake the bottle well before each dose. Carefully measure the dose using a special measuring device/spoon. Do not use a household spoon because you may not get the correct dose. If you are taking this medication for constipation , drink a full glass of water (8 ounces or 240 milliliters) with each dose. Follow all directions on the product package, or use as directed by your doctor. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist .

Dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment.

Extended use or overuse of this medication for constipation may result in dependence on laxatives and ongoing constipation. Overuse may also cause diarrhea that doesn't stop, dehydration , and mineral imbalances (such as high magnesium ).

Diarrhea may occur. If this effect lasts or gets worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

If your doctor has directed you to use this medication , remember that your doctor has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects.

Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effects, including: symptoms of high magnesium levels (such as muscle weakness , slow/irregular heartbeat, slow/shallow breathing, mental/mood changes such as confusion), symptoms of dehydration (such as decreased urination, dizziness , extreme thirst, very dry mouth ), stomach / abdominal pain , bloody stools , rectal bleeding .

A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, get medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction , including: rash , itching /swelling (especially of the face/ tongue /throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing .

This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

In the US -

Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or at www.fda.gov/medwatch.

Before taking magnesium hydroxide, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to it; or if you have any other allergies . This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details.

Before using this medication , tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: kidney disease , appendicitis or symptoms of appendicitis (such as stomach / abdominal pain , nausea / vomiting ), magnesium-restricted diet, sudden change in bowel habits that lasts for longer than 2 weeks.

During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly needed. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.

Drug interactions may change how your medications work or increase your risk for serious side effects. This document does not contain all possible drug interactions. Keep a list of all the products you use (including prescription/nonprescription drugs and herbal products) and share it with your doctor and pharmacist . Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval.

Some products that may interact with this drug include: raltegravir, sodium polystyrene sulfonate.

Keep all medical and lab appointments.

Lifestyle changes such as regular exercise and diet changes (including drinking enough water, eating a proper diet with fiber-rich foods such as bran, fresh fruits/vegetables) may prevent or relieve constipation .

Lifestyle changes such as stress reduction programs, stopping smoking , limiting alcohol, and diet changes (such as avoiding caffeine /certain spices) may help to reduce heartburn and other stomach acid problems.

Store at room temperature away from light and moisture. Do not store in the bathroom. Keep all medications away from children and pets.

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Have you ever purchased Gentle Laxative (Magnesium Hydroxide) 400 Mg/5 Ml Oral Suspension Hypertonic Laxatives?

This survey is being conducted by the WebMD marketing sciences department.

Selected from data included with permission and copyrighted by First Databank, Inc. This copyrighted material has been downloaded from a licensed data provider and is not for distribution, except as may be authorized by the applicable terms of use.

CONDITIONS OF USE: The information in this database is intended to supplement, not substitute for, the expertise and judgment of healthcare professionals. The information is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, drug interactions or adverse effects, nor should it be construed to indicate that use of a particular drug is safe, appropriate or effective for you or anyone else. A healthcare professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course of treatment.

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Making magnesium carbonate: the formation of an insoluble salt in water

In association with Nuffield Foundation

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When solutions of two soluble salts are mixed, a solid may form. The solid is called a precipitate, and the reaction is called a precipitation reaction. Precipitation reactions are used to make insoluble salts

In this experiment the soluble salts are magnesium sulfate and sodium carbonate, and the insoluble salt formed is magnesium carbonate, which can be filtered, dried and collected.

This is a short standard class experiment. It should take no more than 20 minutes to the point at which the wet product can be set aside to dry.

If the solutions can be provided in pre-measured 25 cm 3  quantities in labelled containers, distribution of chemicals and control of quantities can be easily managed, and the practical work can begin without delay.

Sodium carbonate in dilute solution is weakly alkaline. So the few other safety issues are essentially restricted to safe handling of glassware. Even these can be minimised by the use of polythene filter funnels. This experiment is therefore suitable as a class experiment for most classes.

  • Eye protection
  • Conical flasks (100 cm 3 ) x2
  • Filter funnel (65 mm diameter or similar, note 1)
  • Filter papers (size suited to funnels used)

Apparatus notes

  • Polythene filter funnels are safer and cheaper than glass funnels. The size of filter paper, when folded, should match the funnel size. The cheapest grade of filter paper is okay for this experiment.
  • Sodium carbonate solution, 0.5 M, 25 cm 3
  • Magnesium sulfate solution, 0.5 M, 25 cm 3

Health, safety and technical notes

  • Read our standard health and safety guidance
  • Wear eye protection. 
  • If the reagent solutions can be distributed in pre-measured quantities, waste is reduced and lesson organisation is easier. All containers used for these solutions should be labelled.
  • Sodium carbonate solution, Na 2 CO 3 (aq) – see CLEAPSS Hazcard HC095a and CLEAPSS Recipe Book RB080.
  • Magnesium sulfate solution, MgSO 4 (aq) – see CLEAPSS Hazcard HC059b .  
  • Magnesium carbonate, 3MgCO 3 .Mg(OH) 2 .3H 2 O(s) – see CLEAPSS Hazcard HC059b . 
  • Mix 25 cm 3  of magnesium sulfate solution and 25 cm 3  of sodium carbonate solution in a conical flask.
  • Place the filter funnel in the neck of another conical flask.
  • Fold the filter paper to fit the filter funnel, and put it in place.
  • Swirl the reaction mixture gently, and pour a little at a time into the filter paper in the funnel. Only pour in enough solution at a time to leave the solution level 1 cm below the rim of the filter paper. Allow to filter through.
  • A clear solution should collect in the flask. If the solution is not clear, and white cloudiness remains in it, you will need to repeat the filtration.
  • Remove the wet filter paper carefully from the funnel and place on a clean dry paper towel. Label with your name(s) and leave in a warm place, safe from interference, until it has dried completely (a few hours).

Making magnesium carbonate apparatus set-up

Source: Royal Society of Chemistry

The apparatus set-up for the experiment making magnesium carbonate

Teaching notes

There are no significant hazards in this experiment, except for the risk of broken glass if a flask is knocked over.

The formation of precipitates on mixing two solutions is met frequently in chemistry. This experiment is intended as a first introduction to this phenomenon for 11–14 year olds, as well as to practical filtration techniques. The experiment can be made more exciting visually by making a coloured salt such as copper(II) carbonate; in this case the chemical hazard level is slightly higher, since copper(II) carbonate is HARMFUL.

Because this is intended as a first introduction, the interpretation should be restricted to developing the word equation as a summary of what has happened:

magnesium sulfate + sodium carbonate → magnesium carbonate + sodium sulfate

Suggesting the name of the salt left in solution is not easy for students at this stage. It needs to be approached carefully, probably by group or whole class discussion. Using cut-out card labels: ‘sodium’, ‘magnesium’, ‘carbonate’ and ‘sulfate’ for students to move around will help many of them grasp the idea of ‘swapping partners’.

You could add some interest to which salts are used, and which salts are formed. Mention their uses, if this helps the class to see that these substances are not just important in the laboratory. See below.

Background information

Magnesium sulfate is known as Epsom salts. This is because the water found at the spa at Epsom in Surrey contains this salt in quite high concentration. Epsom salts are rarely used nowadays, but were used in medicine as a purgative.

Sodium carbonate is found naturally in high concentrations in the soda lakes of Kenya and Tanzania in East Africa. It is also manufactured in vast quantities and used in many different industries, including the chemical industry itself and in glass making. It is found in the home as washing soda, and in some detergent powders. For more about sodium carbonate in general, you may be interest in the Royal Society of Chemistry Book,  Sodium carbonate: a versatile material .

Magnesium carbonate is found in the mineral dolomite, mixed with calcium carbonate. Most limestones contains a proportion of magnesium carbonate – some a very high proportion. Magnesium carbonate is used in industry as a major source of magnesium compounds, it is used in many medical preparations to treat indigestion and it is also used as gym chalk.

Sodium sulfate, known as Glauber’s salt, is found (like Epsom salts) in some natural brines. It is used in large quantities in industries such as wood pulp production, glass-making, and detergents, and is also as a mild laxative.

If this experiment is used with older students, you can ask them to work out the symbol equation:

MgSO 4 (aq) + Na 2 CO 3 (aq) → MgCO 3 (s) + Na 2 SO 4 (aq)

The ionic equation, together with the concept of ‘spectator ions’, is likely to be appropriate for fewer students. However, this is not likely to be the experiment where the concept of spectator ions is introduced, as there are better examples, with visual colour clues to what is happening. The ionic equation is:

Mg 2+ (aq) + CO 3 2- (aq) → MgCO 3 (s)

and the spectator ions are: Na + (aq) and SO 4 2- (aq)

Student questions

Here are some possible questions for students.

  • What did you see happen in the flask when the solutions mixed?
  • What has collected in the filter paper? Describe what you can see.
  • What is the name of the solid salt you have made?
  • Suggest the name of the salt left in solution in the flask at the end. Explain how you decided on this name.
  • Complete the word equation for this reaction: magnesium sulfate + sodium carbonate → … + …

Additional information

This is a resource from the  Practical Chemistry project , developed by the Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Practical Chemistry activities accompany  Practical Physics  and  Practical Biology . 

© Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry

  • 11-14 years
  • 14-16 years
  • Practical experiments
  • Reactions and synthesis


  • AT.4 Safe use of a range of equipment to purify and/or separate chemical mixtures including evaporation, filtration, crystallisation, chromatography and distillation.
  • AT4 Safe use of a range of equipment to purify and/or separate chemical mixtures including evaporation, filtration, crystallisation, chromatography and distillation.
  • 3.21 Describe the method used to prepare a pure, dry sample of an insoluble salt
  • 7 Production of pure dry sample of an insoluble and soluble salt
  • C4 Production of pure dry sample of an insoluble and soluble salt
  • preparation of insoluble salts by precipitation
  • Precipitation is the reaction of two solutions to form an insoluble salt called a precipitate.
  • Information on the solubility of compounds can be used to predict when a precipitate will form.
  • The formation of a precipitate can be used to identify the presence of a particular ion.
  • (o) the preparation of insoluble salts by precipitation reactions
  • (i) atoms/molecules in mixtures not being chemically joined and mixtures being easily separated by physical processes such as filtration, evaporation, chromatography and distillation
  • 2. Develop and use models to describe the nature of matter; demonstrate how they provide a simple way to to account for the conservation of mass, changes of state, physical change, chemical change, mixtures, and their separation.
  • 4. Classify substances as elements, compounds, mixtures, metals, non-metals, solids, liquids, gases and solutions.

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    Milk of Magnesia (MOM) is a common antacid. You can choose any antacid that is primarily magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH) 2). Magnesium hydroxide is not very soluble in water (K sp = 1.8 x 10-11). MOM is a magnesium hydroxide suspension. There are 1200 mg of Mg(OH) 2 in 1 tablespoon of MOM. Universal Indicator solution is often used in acid/base ...

  3. The reaction of magnesium with steam

    The reaction is: Mg (s) + H 2 O (g) → MgO (s) + H 2 (g) Followed by MgO (s) + H 2 O (l) → Mg (OH) 2 (aq) The hydrogen flame in method 1 would be more easily seen in a slightly darkened room. Do not allow the burning magnesium to touch the side of the flask. This can be a difficult task if you are dazzled by its flame.

  4. The rate of reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric acid

    The rate of reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric acid

  5. MOM's Acid-Base Chemistry

    Introduction. In this experiment, students react milk of magnesia with vinegar to study acid-base chemistry, chemical equilibrium, solubility, and heat of neutralization. Milk of magnesia (MOM), which still finds wide use as a laxative and antacid, is a suspension of magnesium hydroxide in water. The suspended particles of magnesium hydroxide ...

  6. Using indigestion tablets to neutralise an acid

    Rinse the flask with water, and repeat the experiment with a different indigestion tablet. Refill the burette, if necessary. Teaching notes. Titrating a powdered tablet containing insoluble ingredients such as calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide is slow, as you need to allow for the solid to react with the acid.

  7. PDF Basic Synthesis Magnesium Hydroxide and Aluminum Hydroxide

    The hydroxide part of the chemical reacts with the aluminum in the alum. In Part II of this lab, you will react magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) with ammonia. These are both compounds that dissolve in water. Household ammonia contains ammonium hydroxide. The hydroxide part of the chemical reacts with the magnesium in magnesium sulfate.

  8. PDF The reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid

    2. Put one piece of magnesium into the beaker of hydrochloric acid, and time the reaction. Record the reaction time in a table like Table 1 (below). Concentration of acid (M) Reaction time (s) time 1 (s-1) 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 3. Empty the beaker and rinse it out. Repeat the experiment using the other volumes of hydrochloric acid and water ...

  9. What's the balanced equation for magnesium and hydrochloric acid?

    What's the balanced equation for magnesium and ...

  10. Experiment on Burning of magnesium ribbon in air

    Experiment Observation Inference; 1. Rub magnesium ribbon with sandpaper. It looks silvery white. The colour of magnesium ribbon/metal is silvery white. 2. Burn magnesium ribbon. It burns with a dazzling white flame. Magnesium burns in the air to form magnesium oxide. 3. Bring moist red litmus paper in contact with the ash of the magnesium ribbon.

  11. The change in mass when magnesium burns

    The change in mass when magnesium burns | Experiment

  12. Evaluation of the acid-neutralizing capacity and other properties of

    Evaluation of the acid-neutralizing capacity and other ...

  13. Magnesium hydroxide: Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action

    Magnesium hydroxide: Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action

  14. Method of Analysis for Magnesium Hydroxide

    Procedure: Ignite a clean platinum crucible at 900°c for 30 minutes, cool and weigh the crucible. Transfer about 500 mg. of the sample into the crucible and record the weight. Ignite the crucible along with the sample at 900°c for 2 hours. Cool the crucible to room temperature in a desiccator and record the weight.

  15. Exothermic or endothermic? Classifying reactions

    Exothermic or endothermic? Classifying reactions | Experiment

  16. Magnesium hydroxide addition reduces aqueous carbon dioxide in ...

    Alkalinity enhancement of wastewater through addition of magnesium hydroxide greatly reduces aqueous CO2 on discharge to the ocean, according to experiments and a field trials which suggests the ...

  17. Gentle Laxative (Magnesium Hydroxide) Oral: Uses, Side Effects ...

    Magnesium hydroxide can decrease the absorption of other drugs such as dasatinib, atazanavir, gabapentin, digoxin, mycophenolate, phosphate supplements (such as potassium phosphate), tetracycline ...

  18. Making magnesium carbonate: the formation of an ...

    Making magnesium carbonate: the formation of an insoluble ...