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Essay About Consumerism: Top 5 Examples Plus Prompts

Consumerism is the child of capitalism; Here is a list of essay about consumerism examples and prompts you can read to further your understanding.

The word consumerism can seem daunting to some, but it’s pretty simple. It is defined as “a preoccupation with and an inclination toward the buying of consumer goods.” In the consumerist theory, people’s spending on goods and services drives economic growth- their spending preferences and habits determine the direction a company will go next.

Many businesses practice consumerism. It is a common belief that you must adopt a consumerist approach to succeed in your trade. Consumerism refers to people’s prioritization of spending on goods and services. They have the drive to purchase more items continuously.

If you are writing an essay about consumerism, you can get started by reading these essay examples.


1. What You Need To Know About Consumerism by Mark Scott

2. long essay on consumerism by prasanna, 3. consumerism: want and new pair shoes by tony richardson, 4. my thoughts on being a blogger & consumerism by anna newton, 5. consumerism and its discontents by tori deagelis, 1. does consumerism affect your decisions , 2. opposing consumerism, 3. how does consumerism negatively affect mental health, 4. how does consumerism positively affect mental health, 5. do you agree with consumerism.

“Although consumerism drives economic growth and boosts innovation, it comes with a fair share of problems ranging from environmental and moral degradation to higher debt levels and mental health problems..”

Scott gives readers an overview of consumerism in economic and social terms. He then briefly discusses consumerism’s history, benefits, and disadvantages driving economic growth and innovation. It also raises debt, harms the environment, and shifts society’s values toward worldly possessions rather than other people. Scott believes it is perhaps most healthy to find a balance between love for others and material things. 

“Consumerism helps the consumers to seek redressal for their grievances against the unfair policies of the companies. It teaches the consumers about their rights and duties and helps them get better quality of products and services.”

In this essay, author Prasanna writes about the history of consumerism and its applications in India. First, it helps protect consumers from companies’ “unethical marketing practices.” For example, she cites policies put in place by the government to inspect food items, ensuring they are of good quality and prepared per sanitation standards. When used appropriately, consumerism serves the benefit of all. 

“Anything people see they buy without thinking twice and knowing that they already have brand new pair shoes they have not worn because there to focused on buying and buying till they see they no longer have space in their closet to put new shoes in.”

Richardson takes a personal approach to consumerism, recalling several of his friends’ hobbies of collecting expensive shoes. Advertisements and the pressure to conform play a big role in their consumerism, enticing them to buy more and more items. Richardson believes that consumerism blinds people to the fact that their standards and desires just keep increasing and that they buy shoes for unjustified reasons. Instead, society should be more responsible and remind itself that it needs to take importance above all.

“Take online creators out of the way for a minute, because the pressure to buy is everywhere and has been since the dawn of the dime. The floorplan of stores are set out in a way that makes you stomp around the whole thing and ultimately purchase more, ads on the TV, radio, billboards, in magazines discounts and promotions – it’s endless..”

In her blog The Anna Edit , Newton explains the relationship between blogging and consumerism. Bloggers and influencers may need to purchase more things, not only for self-enjoyment but to produce new content. However, she feels this lifestyle is unsustainable and needs to be moderated. Her attitude is to balance success with her stability and well-being by limiting the number of things she buys and putting less value on material possessions. 

“In a 2002 paper in the Journal of Consumer Research (Vol. 29, No. 3), the team first gauged people’s levels of stress, materialistic values and prosocial values in the domains of family, religion and community–in keeping with the theory of psychologist Shalom Schwartz, PhD, that some values unavoidably conflict with one another. ”

DeAngelis first states that it is widely believed that more desire for material wealth likely leads to more discontent: it prioritizes material things over quality time, self-reflection, and relationships. Increasing one’s wealth can help solve this problem, but it is only a short-term fix. However, a 2002 study revealed that the life satisfaction of more materialistic and less materialistic people is not different. 

Prompts on Essay about Consumerism

This is not something people think about daily, but it impacts many of us. In this essay, write about how you are influenced by the pressure to buy items you don’t need. Discuss advertising and whether you feel influenced to purchase more from a convincing advertisement. Use statistics and interview data to support your opinions for an engaging argumentative essay.

Consumerism has been criticized by economists , academics , and environmental advocates alike. First, research the disadvantages of consumerism and write your essay about why there has been a recent surge of its critics. Then, conduct a critical analysis of the data in your research, and create a compelling analytical essay.

Consumerism is believed to impact mental health negatively. Research these effects and write about how consumerism affects a person’s mental health. Be sure to support your ideas with ample evidence, including interviews, research data such as statistics, and scientific research papers.

Essay about Consumerism: How does consumerism positively affect mental health?

Consumerism often gets a bad reputation. For an interesting argumentative essay, take the opposite stance and argue how consumerism can positively impact mental health. Take a look at the arguments from both sides and research the potential positive effects of consumerism. Perhaps you can look into endorphins from purchases, happiness in owning items, or even the rush of owning a unique item. 

In this essay, take your stance. Choose a side of the argument – does consumerism help or hinder human life? Use research to support both sides of the argument and pitch your stance. You can argue your case through key research and create an exciting argumentative essay.

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining what is persuasive writing ?

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

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Impact of Consumerism on the Environment: Putting Consumers’ Behaviours at the Center of the Climate Change Debate

  • Post author: Patricia Namakula
  • Post published: March 9, 2021
  • Post category: Articles
  • Post comments: 2 Comments
  • Post published: 10,285 views

Scientific evidence is creating a consensus that economic growth has placed an unsustainable burden on the physical environment. Over-consumption, resource use and the generation of pollution and waste are degrading environmental systems which people depend on either directly or indirectly for their survival and wellbeing. In the case of the most pressing environmental challenge, preventing or responding to disruptive climate change has significant implications for the global economy. Research shows that unless 2% of the global GDP is invested in responding to climate change, the negative effects are likely to affect the global economy by 20% by 2035.

The need to move to a lower carbon economy is therefore a pressing strategic challenge widely acknowledged by both policy makers and businesses. Moving towards a lower carbon economy requires a range of possible levers to be employed including technological innovation, regulation, investment, financial incentives, organizational and behavioural change. Carbon emissions are also strongly linked to the consumption of households and the choices and behaviours of individuals.

Research shows that the consumption behaviours of households account for 72% of global carbon emissions, therefore, consumers are key actors in ensuring that the 1.5 °C goal under the Paris Agreement is achieved. This is not to downplay the pressure currently placed on corporations and national governments but to highlight the fact that the possible contribution of households in climate policies is not well understood and neither are households given high priority in the current climate policy strategies.

In a highly capitalistic and globalized world, motivating consumers to adopt more sustainable consumption behaviours is an important policy goal and a source of new opportunities. Capitalism reinforces consumerism, a socio-economic order that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts. While globalization is a phenomenon driven by technology and the movement of ideas, people, and goods. And the rules of the game under globalization don’t draw clear lines between production methods that instinctively satisfy people’s needs and production manipulated for the sake of making profits for the few. Through advertising especially online, shrewd businessmen and women have accumulated great amount of wealth by producing “things” people are led to believe they want. This has been exacerbated by online shopping where buying a new product or service is just a click away. This behavior of people buying goods/services not because they need them but because they can afford them, coupled with poor waste disposal habits harms the environment.

Research on models of environmental behaviour found that environmental knowledge together with personal values, perceived control and emotional response determined environmental behavior. However, there is a gap between how households/individuals perceive their responsibility and ability to mitigate climate change and the responsibilities and roles communicated by climate policies. Addressing this gap requires that policy measures are selected that would materialize consumption changes using either market-based or command and control approaches. Driving changes in attitudes, norms, or practices can shape consumption habits and therefore, create motives for further voluntary changes.

Very steep reductions in emissions are needed if the global community is to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, which translate into a reduction of emissions from 40 gigatons of carbon dioxide in 2020 to 5 gigatons in 2050, and eventually reach a level of “net zero” by the end of the century. These stringent targets in climate change mitigation will require changes in households and their lifestyles especially in the developed world. And for households to adapt, it will require behavioural change at individual, household and community levels.

Through behavioural change, it’s possible to mend our broken relationship with mother nature and it starts with individuals, businesses and governments knowing their impact on the environment and coming up with viable solutions to this catastrophe. When all stakeholders are made aware that climate change effects vary from food security to human security, to national and global economy, and have been a cause of conflict in many parts of the world, then maybe there will be positive response. Environmental consciousness will also require both producers and consumers to move from a narrative of production and consumption toward one of sharing and caring. Globalization has produced both winners and losers and winners have got to make a conscious decision to care for the losers. This in the long-run will address the inequality problems.

It’s high time consumers realized the power they have since they can influence the practices and policies of companies, they therefore, bare responsibility for inaction. However, this kind of approach is highly dependent on the availability of relevant information. The consumerism behavior for many people and households is due to ignorance of their carbon footprint. The growing mobilization on climate change by climate activists around the globe is good but until this activism moves beyond the streets and extends to people’s homes to influence their consumption behavior, a lot still remains to be done. Consumers have the power to force businesses and governments to stick to their commitments in the 2015 Paris Climate Accord through their consumption behavior and the vote respectively.

As concern about climate change increases especially among the young people, there is an opportunity for climate policy debates to focus on behavioural change. The international climate policy debate puts emphasis on technology and economic incentives, leaving behavioural change as an afterthought, rather than having it at the center stage. While climate change has become a key policy issue both at national and global level partly because climate activists have used securitization and positioned climate change as an existential threat. This global movement by young people if sustained is likely to force politicians and corporations to listen and act appropriately.

Promoting pro-environmental behaviours like recycling, energy saving, reduction in travel and meat consumption must be intentional and the message ought to reach all classes of people around the globe. Information on the causes and dangers of climate change should be clear and accessible such that people make climate conscious decisions in their daily lives. National governments and the international community need to put consumers’ behaviour at the heart of policy and discourses on climate change. It’s high time governments and businesses understood what can motivate households to adopt low-carbon lifestyles and technologies. If done in a proactive manner, it will put households and consumers at the center of driving the much-needed change.

By Patricia Namakula,

Head of Research and PR

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This post has 2 comments.

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Hi, I’m Yvette. I was wondering if you would be willing to participate in an interview via ZOOM for the completion of an assignment that I have for Journalism. The assignment is related to the effect of consumerism on the environment. I have some questions prepared to ask about this topic. I believe that this interview will require at most 30 – 40 minutes of your time. My availability is Monday through Sunday from 12 pm – 5 pm. Please Let me know if you would be interested and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Hello Yvette, Can you explain a little more the main purpose of the assignment/interview, in regard to your journalism. You can communicate to us officially at: [email protected] Regards, Moses

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130 Consumerism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best consumerism topic ideas & essay examples.

  • 👍 Good Essay Topics on Consumerisms

📑 Interesting Topics to Write about Consumerism

💡 good research topics about consumerism, ❓ questions about consumerism.

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  • Consumerism Positive and Negative Aspect This is also believed to be the cause of materialism in the society. It is, therefore, a movement that is driven by spending of huge sums of money on such things as advertisements without taking […]
  • Consumerism: Affecting Families Living in Poverty in the United States Hence, leading to the arising of consumerism protection acts and policies designed to protect consumers from dishonest sellers and producers, which indicates the high degree of consumer’s ignorance, and hence failure to make decisions of […]
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  • Consumerism in “The Ladies’ Paradise” and “Madame Bovary” The author contrasts the outer higher aspirations of the middle and higher class to the actual deception of moral code and vanity endorsed by it.
  • The Influence of Consumerism on 7-11 Years Children Moreover, families are trying to alleviate their children from threats of stigmatization and social identity by purchasing things to their children that will make them socially compatible with other children.
  • Consumerism in the 1960s in “A&;P“ by John Updike He also shows the way people responded to the opportunities and challenges of the new times. The girls seem to rebel against the system and conventions of the society, as they dare come into the […]
  • Can Green Consumerism Be Anything More Than a Band-Aid Solution? Campaigns to inculcate the concepts of green consumerism are on and echoed in an abundant way all over the world but the question as to whether “green marketing contribute to the greening of a states […]
  • Fashion Consumerism and Its Negative Effects The fashion industry is one of the fields that is consumerism saturated the most. It is clear that the COVID-19 pandemic caused another wave of consumerism in fashion because people felt alone and bored.
  • Sexual Consumerism: A Case for Advertising As such, identifying the use of sexual consumerism in public media characterized by the presentation of sexually appealing adverts is key in explaining the current advertising as an emerging issue.
  • Graphic Design Effect on Industry and Consumerism One of the tools designed to draw buyers’ attention is the use of graphic elements, including the color of the product, its shape, the principle of displaying information on the package, and some other components.
  • Future Legislation on Health Care Consumerism The issues of escalating costs and prices of health care as well as poor quality of services should be adequately addressed.
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  • Consumerism Strategy in “A Health Plan Work in Progress” by Tynan The main points which are discussed in the article are the ramp-up of price and quality transparency efforts in health plans, applying consumerism strategy in health plans perceiving the idea that competition motivates health plan […]
  • Thinking Beyond my American Consumerism’ by Tiffany Anderson: The Need for Transformation in Consumer Habits Sometimes, these companies offer the best products in the market, and buyers cannot avoid them. The girl in Anderson’s story is a good example of consumers who buy their goods because of these reasons.
  • “Ethical Consumerism Is Not Dead” by Julie Irwin Lastly, the article gives hope to readers and explains that the absence of robust ethical consumerism behavior does not mean that this practice is dead.
  • How Consumerism Has Shaped America Conversely, the role played by Christianity and cultural celebrations in terms of influencing the consumer culture and the stake of women in shaping the traditions of different holidays are attributable to the spirit of consumerism […]
  • Sony Camera Poster: Graphics in Consumerist Culture Furthermore, it explains the size of the camera and went on the reveal that it’s a digital camera with all the features, durability and reliability of a digital camera.
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👍 Good Essay Topics on Consumerism

  • Consumerism From the Sociological Perspective They also emphasized that there was a perception of healthy food as something boring and tasteless, and the perception should be rebutted, which is exactly what they were pursuing with opening the cafe.
  • “Black Friday: Consumerism Minus Civilization” by Leonard This author likes to investigate numerous positive and negative aspects of Black Friday in order not to define the outcome of the event, but to explain that it is possible to have both normal and […]
  • Consumerism in American Society and Its Critique This culture is part of a popular myth in American contemporary society that advances the belief that gratification and social integration occurs through product ownership and the accumulation of material possessions.
  • The Birth of a Consumerist Society Despite the obvious development of consumerism trends in the British society of the XVIII century, it would be wrong to claim that the phenomenon of consumerism as an uncontrolled desire to acquire new goods without […]
  • China Society Consumerism in the Past Century It is necessary to underline that the rise of Communism in China and the activities of Mao Zedong had a certain impact on consumerism, and Chinese consumers had to changes their strategies and improve priorities […]
  • China Society and Consumerism The major events that influenced on the development of the consumerist culture in China were: the establishment of China Republic in 1912 and its early years till the 1920s, Cultural Revolution and establishment of communism […]
  • Consumerism in the Emirati Society Consumerism in this context, is defined as the economic and social arrangement that is grounded on an orderly conception nurturing of the need to buy products in big amounts.
  • Environmental Studies: Transforming Cultures From Consumerism to Sustainability The trade fair portrayed the potential of the then and future civilizations to deploy technology, creativity, and innovation to create more consumables to boost the life of future generations.
  • Major Impacts of Consumerism in Contemporary World History This was spread to the rest of the world. Consumerism has necessitated the need to have advanced methods of doing business because products must be delivered to the market in mass, in time and of […]
  • Value of Anti-Consumerist Movements Consumerism This is the conviction that the selling and buying of enormous quantities of consumer goods and services is valuable to the economy or an indication of how strong the economy is.
  • Ethical Consumerism and Twinings Company The philosophy of the company is “to be totally committed to producing the highest quality tea brands and make them accessible to everyone”.
  • The Phenomenon of Consumerism The peculiarities of consumerism as the social notion of the World War II period influenced the development of the women’s movements against the growth of the prices and even led to their controlling role within […]
  • The Chinese Consumer Culture Phenomena Li observes that the concept of middle class began to be used in China in the late 1980s after the implementation of the reform and opening up policy The middle class category in China has […]
  • Consumerism and Economic Crisis The world has barely recovered from the effects of the global financial crisis of 2008 and yet Europe is slowly gliding to a similar economic downturn.
  • Gender and Consumer Culture In order to perpetuate a consumer culture, advertisements need to focus on the psychology of the recipient rather than the virtues of the product. In conclusion, Gender is a concept that captures the intersection of […]
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  • Consumerism Is Beneficial to U.S. Society That is, consumption of luxury products is thought to elevate a consumer’s social class. The desire to acquire the latest products in the market is a feeling shared by the social classes.
  • Exploring the Power of Consumerism as the Basis for Creating Countercultural Idea Exploring the Historical Trends and Ideologies of Consumerism It had long been considered that the consumerism and consumption patterns used to establish social limits among the existing social groups.
  • Consumerism Through the History Later, the rise in production led to the rise in the problem of consumption. Massive production of goods and services has cultivated the culture to consume.
  • Consumerism in Andrew Lam’s Book “The Perfume Dreams, Reflections on the Vietnamese Diaspora” Consumerism and not globalization is the new dawn and is the face of economic growth in many countries. As such increased demand for consumer goods and services leads to spurred growth in the production sector […]
  • Consumerism in “Cloning the Consumer Culture” by Noreene Janus The process by which consumerism increases and retains the growth momentum is a consequence of the linkage between the growth of the economy, increase in the per capita income, raising consuption, increase in retail space […]
  • Consumerism and Happiness To the surprise of Luedicke and Giesler, “The more goods produced and consumed in the society the higher the growth rate of the economy”.
  • Fight Club – Analysis of Consumerism If the cost of a recall is expected to be higher than the cost of dealing with lawsuits, initiated by unsatisfied customers, the car-manufacturing company will not move a finger: “Take the number of vehicles […]
  • The Type of Consumerism in the 21st Century But what came next was a testament to the spirit of the times there were products that were created as a direct result of the success of the book and the movie.
  • Teachings of Buddha and Consumerism In conclusion, Buddha also offers a solution to the problem of suffering that man has. This is the balance that man must try to attain so as to avoid the ills that the culture of […]
  • Consumerism Dangers in “No Logo” by Naomi Klein Klein believes marketing analysts concoct the perceived value of their products in their offices and sell them to the masses. The importance of this state of affairs in export processing zones like China is indicative […]
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  • Clustering Consumers Who Engage in Boycotting: New Insights Into the Relationship Between Political Consumerism and Institutional Trust
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  • Disposable Society: Capitalism and Consumerism Combined?
  • Aesthetic Consumerism and the Violence of Photography: What Susan Sontag Teaches Us About Visual Culture and the Social Web
  • Advertising and Consumerism: The Face of the 21st Century
  • Can Green Consumerism Replace Environmental Regulation?
  • Analysing the Impact of Consumerism Upon the Native American Peoples
  • Changing Societal Demands: Consumerism
  • Doll and Consumerism Lures
  • Global Consumerism Has Lead to a Loss of Cultural Diversity
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  • 19th Century Trends, Consumerism, and Women’s Fashions
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  • Are There Any Benefits in Consumerism?
  • How Did Consumerism Shape the United States of America?
  • What Is the Role of Product Labels (Like Food or Clothing Brands) in Consumerism?
  • How Did Pop Art Challenge Beliefs in Consumerism?
  • Do You Believe Special Occasions Like Christmas or Easter Have Become Too Consumeristic?
  • How Did the Fashion Industry Show the Changing Position of Consumerism and Youth Culture in the 1960s?
  • Is There a Way to Escape the Culture of Consumerism?
  • How Does Consumerism Affect Religion and Spirituality?
  • Do You Think There Are More Consumerist Women Than Men? Why?
  • How Does the Work of Andy Warhol and Jeff Koons Refer to Consumerism?
  • Are Teenagers and Children Becoming Consumerists Earlier?
  • How Has Globalization and Consumerism Influenced Society and Consumer Ethical Values?
  • Does Mass Media and Society Affect Teenage Consumerism?
  • How Has Graphic Design Had on Popular Culture and Consumerism?
  • In Your Opinion, Are Consumerist People Less Creative?
  • How Did Psychoanalysis Change Society With Consumerism and Public Relations?
  • What Is Ethical Consumerism?
  • How Has the Internet Affected Consumerism?
  • Is Consumerism a Pathology?
  • How Does Consumerism Affect the Environment and Nature?
  • Which Jobs Are Strictly Related to Consumerism?
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 130 Consumerism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"130 Consumerism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '130 Consumerism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "130 Consumerism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "130 Consumerism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.


IvyPanda . "130 Consumerism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

Roaring Twenties: the Dawn of Modern Consumerism

An essay on consumerism in the 1920s delves into the transformative shift in societal attitudes and economic patterns during this era. It explores the emergence of mass production, technological advancements, and the rise of advertising as pivotal factors in fostering a culture of consumption. The essay discusses the changing values and behaviors, where the acquisition of goods became synonymous with personal identity and social status. It examines how the era fostered a consumer-driven society, marked by the pursuit of material wealth, conspicuous consumption, and the glamorization of modernity. Additionally, the essay reflects on the dichotomy between the opulence of consumerism and the underlying socioeconomic disparities, ultimately culminating in the lessons learned from this era’s exuberant embrace of materialism and its subsequent impact on the economic landscape. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to Consumerism.

How it works

In the tumultuous wake of World War I, the 1920s emerged as an era marked by a seismic shift in societal norms and the dawn of modern consumerism. This transformative period witnessed a profound evolution in the American way of life, catalyzed by technological advancements, changing attitudes, and economic prosperity.

The end of the war heralded an era of optimism and economic growth. Industrialization surged, leading to increased production and a surplus of goods. This abundance, coupled with innovations in manufacturing and advertising, set the stage for a consumer revolution.

Technological advancements, epitomized by the assembly line pioneered by Henry Ford, streamlined production, making goods more affordable and accessible. Mass production not only reduced costs but also ushered in a newfound era of convenience, as products once considered luxuries became everyday commodities.

Advertising emerged as a potent force, wielding its influence to shape desires and lifestyles. The rise of consumer culture was propelled by the seductive allure of advertising campaigns, which transformed products into symbols of status, happiness, and fulfillment. Advertisers tapped into the psyche of the populace, creating a narrative that linked consumption to personal identity and social standing.

The concept of “keeping up with the Joneses” became emblematic of this era—an ethos that encouraged conspicuous consumption and the pursuit of material wealth as a measure of success. The acquisition of automobiles, household appliances, and fashionable commodities became more than practical necessities; they became emblems of social progress and modernity.

The shift in societal values towards materialism was further accentuated by cultural changes. The Roaring Twenties saw a liberation of social mores—a newfound emphasis on individualism, leisure, and entertainment. The proliferation of jazz clubs, speakeasies, and cinemas offered avenues for leisure spending, contributing to the burgeoning consumer culture.

The 1920s also witnessed the democratization of certain goods. For the first time, items such as radios, vacuum cleaners, and ready-to-wear clothing became accessible to a broader spectrum of society. The installment plan and consumer credit emerged, enabling people to purchase beyond their immediate means, thereby fueling the cycle of consumption.

However, beneath the surface of exuberance and prosperity lurked underlying complexities. The era of excess and consumerism masked underlying socioeconomic disparities. While some reveled in the newfound opulence, others struggled in the shadows of poverty and inequality, highlighting the paradoxes of the era.

The stock market boom of the 1920s, fueled by rampant speculation and easy credit, set the stage for the subsequent crash and the Great Depression. The exuberance of consumerism ultimately collided with economic realities, leading to a sobering reckoning.

In retrospect, the 1920s represented an epoch of transition—a period that redefined the relationship between people and possessions. It signaled the birth of modern consumer culture, reshaping societal values, and laying the groundwork for the consumer-driven societies of the future.

The legacy of 1920s consumerism reverberates through the corridors of history, serving as a cautionary tale of the interplay between abundance, desire, and economic fragility. It remains a pivotal chapter in the ongoing narrative of consumer culture—a reminder of the intricate relationship between materialism, societal aspirations, and the ever-shifting dynamics of the human experience.


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"Roaring Twenties: The Dawn of Modern Consumerism," , 22-Dec-2023. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 9-Sep-2024] (2023). Roaring Twenties: The Dawn of Modern Consumerism . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 9-Sep-2024]

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Home Essay Samples Economics

Essay Samples on Consumerism

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5. The Dangers of Technology Reliance and Consumerism in the Novel Feed by M.T Anderson

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Consumerism Essay Examples

Food waste: destructive behaviour and problem statement.

Food waste is an urgent world issue that schould be mentioned as many times as possible, so that is why I chose to write a food waste essay in which we will discuss what kind of behaviour leads to food waste. We will conclude with...

The Change in Marketing that Influences Change in Society

The change in consumer behaviour as well as consumption patterns over the years has lead me to realise that most of these changes are influenced by the information that is being fed to us. Access to information is constantly evolving with the innovation in the...

Consumerism is not a Religion

Society has evolved over time to give less power and authority to church figureheads, who at one point held almost absolute political power. Everything from marriages, to scientific research had to be done with the approval from the church. Fast forward a few decades and...

Consumerism and the Respect for Animals

For decades now consumerism has not been a stagnant notion, many trends in the society and human lifestyle have redefined the term. Consumerism has its roots deeply embedded in the innate human behaviour that man has many desires. The industrial revolution in the past centuries...

Into the Wild - Film Review

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Andy Warhol and Consumerism

Born in 1928, Andy Warhol made a big impact on the art world. In 1949, he graduated from Carnegie Mellon School of Art, where he studied Pictorial Design. By the late 1950s, he was living in New York, working as a highly in demand commercial...

Mindfulness and Consumerism

Mindfulness is a meditative practice which aims to brings one’s attention and awareness to the experience occurring from moment to moment. Though it originates from Buddhist philosophy, it has recently gained in secular popularity due to its therapeutic potential in a number of mental-health problems,...

The Food and Drink Industry Overview: Surrent Changes and Challenges

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Changes in Canadian Society in Roaring Twenties

Did you know that 15 million Ford cars were sold by the end of 1927? The Roaring Twenties was a time where consumerism changed Canadian society in a positive way. One way was the introduction of new products that supported daily living. In addition, mass...

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