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Editorial: Occupational health psychology: From burnout to well-being at work

Sónia p. gonçalves.

1 Centro de Administração e Políticas Públicas, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

2 Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Joana Vieira dos Santos

3 University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal

Hugo Figueiredo-Ferraz

4 Valencian International University, Valencia, Spain

Pedro R. Gil-Monte

5 University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Mary Sandra Carlotto

6 Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Brasília, Brazil

7 Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Psicologia, Brasília, Brazil

This Research Topic entitled Occupational Health Psychology (OHP): From Burnout to Well-being at Work tried to bring together two applied disciplines within psychology: health psychology and industrial/organizational psychology. OHP applies the psychology principles to protect health, improve the quality of work life and promote the health and wellbeing of workers (Gil-Monte, 2014 ). The notion of health protection in this definition refers to the analysis and interventions to reduce the toxicity of workplaces and diminish the employees demands that could impact on their health (e.g., burnout). Moreover, health promotion refers to analyses and interventions that focus on providing individuals with diverse resources to deal with different types of environments so as to guarantee their wellbeing, while at the same time encouraging healthy work environments. The workplace is a privileged context of action to promote health (Commission of the European Communities, 2005 ). The intense transformation of work and employment in the past decades has been contributing to changes in organizational structures and processes that are influencing the health and wellbeing of workers in their work roles, as well as in their personal and families' roles and boundaries (International Labour Organization, 2016 ).

The challenge of OHP in the future is to explore the positive mechanisms and simultaneously continue to study the illness and distress felt by this cohort. Both approaches are complementary and only jointly can allow a more integrative and complete understanding of the relationships between work, organization, and workers. It was an honor for us to promote such an interesting Research Topic. The number of articles (21 articles published) and the dissemination of the thematic, which includes 93 authors from more than ten countries, is the scientific validation of interest in the theoretical and empirical rationale of the current Research Topic.

The simple analysis of key-words and samples allows for the understanding of the diversity and richness of this Research Topic ( Table 1 ), providing important contributions toward the field of occupational health psychology.

Articles key-words and samples.

Total rewards perceptions, kindergarten teachers, organizational identification, work engagement, mediating effect1,014 kindergarten teachers
Burnout, COVID-19, healthcare workers, MBI scale, frontline healthcare workers1,163 healthcare workers
Personality, affect, coping strategies, nurses, descriptive of survey study1,268 nurses
Hindrance and challenge stressors, job burnout, work-family conflict, nurses, mediation effect516 nurses
Compassion, personality, job demand control, effort-reward imbalance, longitudinal723 workers ≠ occupations
Emergency service, self-efficacy, occupational burnout, perceived stress, COVID-19, emergency call-taker and dispatcher546 call-takers and dispatchers
Organizational identification, psychological capital, job satisfaction, income level, residents310 residents
Work design, wellbeing, remote work, teleworker, work from home, work characteristics, multimethod, COVID-191,108 teleworkers
Work teams, innovation, emotion, emotional carrying capacity, affective commitment138 Portuguese work teams ≠ sectors of activity
Diabetes mellitus, burnout, job satisfaction, distress, chronic illness297 participants ≠ occupations
Sensory processing sensitivity, highly sensitive person, highly sensitive person scale, attention awareness, mindfulness, resilience273 participants ≠ occupations
Burnout, drop-out, PhD candidate, research engagement, wellbeing692 PhD candidates in medicine
Burnout, sensory processing sensitivity (SPS), highly sensitive person, Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI), Highly Sensitive Person Scale (HSPS), wellbeing516 employees ≠ occupations
Job demands, job resources, burnout, psychological distress, social workers, China897 social workers
Stress, latent profile analysis (LPA), school principals, COVID-19, demands and resources535 school principals
Burnout, feelings of guilt, psychosomatic disorders, occupational stress, teachers1,266 teachers
Occupational health, mental health, stress response, overtime work, school teachers, job title54,772 teachers
Education, underemployment, health, endogeneity, labor10,563 participants ≠ occupations
Medical students, learning passion, self-esteem, psychological capital, professional identity1,218 medical students
Digital transformation stress, digital transformation, online intervention, self-efficacy, burnout, COVID-19558 participants ≠ occupations
Burnout, time-to-treatment, social support, type D personality, decision making1,039 general participants

The first contribution by Ji and Cui explores the observed relations between rewards perceptions and work engagement of kindergarten teachers, and the mediating role of organizational identification. The main results show that organizational identification partially mediated the relationship between total rewards perception and work engagement.

The second contribution, published by Zhang X. et al. , shows that burnout is prevalent among frontline healthcare workers fighting COVID-19. This study also explores the factors associated with burnout.

From Spain, the authors Martínez et al. bring a study that aims to analyze the relationships between the personality, positive and negative affects, and the coping strategies of nurses. Negative affects were a mediator in the relationship between personality and less adaptative strategies, whilst positive affects had a strong impact on the development of positive strategies.

The 1-year cross-lagged Baka and Prusik study investigates the effects of five types of job demands related to challenge and hindrance stressors on job burnout as well as the mediational role of work family conflict in Polish nurses.

The study Rewards of compassion: Dispositional compassion predicts lower job strain and effort-reward imbalance over a 11-year follow-up developed by Tolonen et al. examines (i) whether dispositional compassion predicts job strain and effort-reward imbalance (ERI) or the predictive relationship run from job strain and ERI to dispositional compassion and (ii) the effect of dispositional compassion on the developmental trajectory of job strain and ERI over a 11-year follow-up (2001–2012).

The study by Makara-Studzinska et al. is focused on the relationship between stress, burnout and employee personal resources in a sample of 546 call-takers and dispatchers from 14 public-safety answering point in Poland.

The study published by Zhang F. et al. analyzed the mediating effect of organizational identification on the relationship between psychological capital and job satisfaction.

Mishima-Santos et al. presented a study that analyzed work characteristics in remote work to wellbeing, using a two-stage multi-method approach.

The aim of the research published by Damasceno et al. is centered on the relationship between emotional carrying capacity and group innovation, considering affective commitment as the mediating variable with a sample composed of 625 members and their respective leaders.

Cook and Zill investigated the association between diabetes-related distress and work outcomes (burnout and job satisfaction) among employed people with type 1 diabetes.

The study published by Gulla and Golonka shows significant relationships between sensory processing sensitivity and resilience.

Tikkanen et al.'s study focused on exploring individual variations in medicine doctoral candidates' wellbeing, in terms of experienced research engagement and burnout by using a person-centered approach.

A study with social workers developed by Xie et al. supported a dual process by which JD-R affected both social workers' burnout and psychological distress through health impairment and motivation processes.

Upadyaya et al. study examined three latent profiles of school principals' stress concerning stress concerning the ability of students, teachers, parents and principals to cope during the COVID-19 pandemic: high stress, altered stress and low stress .

The results obtained in the study by Figueiredo-Ferraz et al. provide empirical evidence for the mediator role of guilt in the relationship between the burnout syndrome and psychosomatic disorders in a sample of teachers from Spain and Portugal, and they contribute to the empirical validation of the model of burnout developed by Gil-Monte (Gil-Monte, 2005 ).

The contribution of Matsushita and Yamamura examines the working hours of junior high school teachers in public schools and investigates the association between overtime work and stress responses across job titles.

Results from Li and Wu show that underemployment is significantly related to the decline of self-rated health, increased depressive tendencies, and the prevalence of illness over a certain period.

The Cross-Sectional Study of Individual Learning Passion in Medical Education developed by Zhang S. et al. demonstrates that self-esteem significantly and positively influenced medical students' PsyCap, which fully mediated the relationship between self-esteem and harmonious learning passion.

Makowska-Tłomak et al. bring a contribution related with a Blended Online Intervention based on cognitive behavioral therapy and social cognitive therapy.

Finally, Yin et al.'s study shows, for instance, that age, job burnout and worrying about expenditure were the three determinants for prehospital decision delay.

The Research Topic “ Occupational health psychology: From burnout to well-being at work ” presents considerable wealth in terms of the heterogeneity of authors and countries with contributions. In addition, the diversity of professional groups covered in the research and thematic areas is significant. We consider, therefore, that we have successfully achieved our objective by providing an opportunity for the sharing of interesting results and future avenues of research and applied implications regarding Occupational Health Psychology. The new avenues of research in this area need the contribution of each one of you for their recognition, not least because the improvement of work environments contributes to the health and wellbeing of workers and the healthy performance of organizations.

Author contributions

All authors listed have made a substantial, direct, and intellectual contribution to the work and approved it for publication.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


Thanks to the authors and reviewers who participated in this Research Topic.

  • Commission of the European Communities (2005). GREEN PAPER: Improving the Mental Health of the Population - Towards a Strategy on Mental Health for the European Union. Available online at: https://ec.europa.eu/health/ph_determinants/life_style/mental/green_paper/mental_gp_en.pdf (accessed October 28, 2022). [ Google Scholar ]
  • Gil-Monte P. (2014). Manual of Psychosociology Applied to Work and the Prevention of Occupational Risks . Madrid: Pirámide. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Gil-Monte P. R. (2005). El síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo. Una enfermedad laboral en la sociedad del bienestar [Burnout: An occupational illness in the society of well-being] . Madrid: Pirámide. [ Google Scholar ]
  • International Labour Organization (2016). Workplace Stress: A Collective Challenge. World Day for Safety and Health at Work . Available online at: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—ed_protect/—protrav/—safework/documents/publication/wcms_466547.pdf (accessed October 28, 2022).
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A Research Agenda for Workplace Stress and Well-being

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Samantha K Brooks, A Research Agenda for Workplace Stress and Well-being, Occupational Medicine , Volume 72, Issue 9, December 2022, Pages 651–652, https://doi.org/10.1093/occmed/kqac115

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This book is ideal for readers looking to further their understanding of workplace stress and how various aspects of the workplace can impact on employee well-being. Edited by experts in occupational psychology and with authors including international leading scholars in the fields of business, psychology and occupational health, all contributors to this volume are well-placed to summarize key literature in this area and identify where further research is needed.

Researchers and graduate students focused on work and well-being are stated to be the primary target audience, with managers and practitioners also potentially benefiting from some of the practical suggestions provided. Indeed, the book will provide food for thought and hopefully inspiration for researchers/academics, given each chapter’s focus on identifying gaps in existing literature, proposing under-researched and novel avenues for research and suggesting new research priorities.

The book is divided into three main parts, each consisting of between three and five chapters. Part I establishes the need to focus on issues relating to employee well-being and why this area of research is so important. Part II moves on to consider some of the important factors associated with workplace well-being. Each chapter briefly summarizes some of the existing relevant literature and key theories, and identifies gaps in the literature, suggesting ways in which future research might aim to fill these gaps. Finally, Part III addresses interventions aimed at improving workplace well-being. The book concludes with a timely chapter discussing the (potential long-term) impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on occupational health.

Each chapter is short and standalone, meaning it is easy for readers to dip in and out, or pick and choose which chapters are most relevant for them. I found the book easy to read and believe it provides high-quality summaries of some important occupational health literature. I hope that future editions of the book might include additional chapters covering some of the other important factors affecting workplace well-being which were not discussed or only briefly touched upon (for example, perceptions of organizational justice, or effort–reward imbalance). My only other criticism is the price which may put off some readers. Nonetheless, this is an excellent resource, particularly for academics, and I hope it will motivate readers to pursue new research topics or methodologies they may not have thought of before. I found the suggestions for new avenues of research to be thought-provoking and inspiring and believe other readers will feel the same.

Academics: ★★★☆ (Buy and keep)

Non-academic occupational physicians: ★★☆☆ (Reference only)

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Occupational Psychology Outlook

Occupational Psychology Outlook (OPO) is a peer-reviewed publication of the Division of Occupational Psychology.

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Call for papers

Occupational Psychology Outlook (OPO) aims to:

  • provide a bridge between research and practice, bringing the two together in a single publication that contains research and conceptual papers, practitioner papers, review papers and a range of other content
  • cover the five subject domains of occupational psychology, as well as ethics and professional skills
  • highlight hot topics and trends
  • publish evidence of best practice and content that is relevant for learning, continuing development, and professional standards
  • enable new and established authors to publish, and generate opportunities for others as reviewers and editorial board members
  • publish content about careers and celebrate success, reporting noteworthy developments within the division and the profession
  • create space for opinion along with a right to reply from different perspectives

Scheduled Publication Frequency

  • Three/four times a year from 2023 onwards
  • Psychology Editor: Dr Pirashanthie Vivekananda-Schmidt
  • Interim editor: Dr Andrew Clements
  • Editorial Manager: Nicki Dennis

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Occupational Psychology Outlook (OPO) is the new peer-reviewed publication of the Division of Occupational Psychology.

OPO aims to provide a bridge between research and practice, bringing the two together in a single publication that contains research and conceptual papers, practitioner papers, review papers and a range of other content.

We invite papers that report good science and practice, discuss emerging trends that we need to influence or react to, debate ethical issues, and more.

Each issue will aim to incorporate the five areas of occupational psychology: psychological assessment; leadership, engagement and motivation; work design, organisational change and development; wellbeing at work; and learning, training and development.


Submissions should be no longer than 2,000 words (not including references).

If you think your proposed paper should have greater word count, you are encouraged to discuss this with the editor in advance.

Submissions must demonstrate an ability to support professional development and/or advancement of science or practice.

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If you are not connected to an established ethics committee and your study contains data from people, animals, records of personal data, or anonymised human tissues please provide a statement explaining what ethical considerations were taken into account and how this was overseen.

Research articles will provide short summaries of ethically approved research projects, following the typical structure of introduction, method, results, and discussion.

This includes the option of summarising MSc dissertations or submitting summaries of  research that has been published elsewhere.

Authors may consider placing focus on aspects of the research that have not been previously addressed in publications – for example context that shaped the research, organisational impacts resulting from the research, and reflections on working with participants, etc.

Submissions must consider implications for practice as well as future research.

Practice entries will be summaries of activities undertaken with organisations and/or individuals.

A critical approach will make submissions valuable, e.g., by considering what worked and what did not work, why this seemed to be the case, etc.

Discussing the context of the work is likely to be beneficial to readers.

Clear implications for practice are required – this may include practical advice for working with particular types of organisations and/or populations,  design of interventions, etc.

However, authors may also identify research questions that emerge from the work.

Practice submission structures are more flexible than research submissions, but authors are encouraged to provide clear background, implementation, and evaluation, as well as reference to relevant research.

Submissions must demonstrate evidence-based practice, drawing on relevant theory to inform the background and discussion of outcomes.  Trainee occupational psychologists are particularly welcome to submit examples of their practice.

While research and practice entries will be based on activities undertaken by the author/s, commentaries provide a flexible way for authors to contribute to important discussions.

For example,  by highlighting important trends, e.g., in industry, research, technology etc., and how these may shape practice and research.

Authors may also make a 'call to action', e.g. identifying an area of practice or research that appears to have been neglected by our profession.

The scope of focus can be broad, e.g,. industry or practice in general, or may be specific, e.g., highlighting an emerging challenge in an industry.

Commentaries from individuals outside the profession are welcomed, e.g., stakeholders with a view on how occupational psychologists and allied professionals can support their activities.

Debate style articles provide scope for authors to make more contentious arguments, albeit still rigorous in using evidence where appropriate.

This might, for example, include debates on aspects of ethical guidance that need to be introduced or enhanced, perceived 'best practice' that could or should be improved – or even consigned to history, 'fringe topics' that should be more central to the curriculum, political perspectives, etc.

Please note that while radical arguments are welcome, they must still conform to BPS ethical and legal standards.

NB: Debate articles are submitted with the understanding that the editorial board will put out a call for responses where a paper is accepted for publication.  Contributors will have the right to a further response.

Page 1 should include Title, names of authors, corresponding author (please include two possible email addresses to ensure we can reach you), word count. Follow with a page break. Don't include author details on following pages.

Page 2 – Title plus abstract (of under 250 words) and up to five key words. Follow with a page break.

Page 3 onwards – main body of paper.

Research papers should follow the format of Introduction, Methods (including details of ethical considerations and approvals), Results, and Discussion.

Practice papers should broadly follow a structure of background, implementation, and evaluation.

The strongest OPO papers give information about limitations of methodology (whether research or practice), give advice to others considering similar work, consider the professional/practical implications of their findings, and suggest future routes for research or practice.

Commentary and debate papers may adopt a structure of the author(s) choice, but it is important to ensure the argument can be followed by readers.

The review process

Occupational Psychology Outlook (OPO) is a peer-reviewed  publication. We use a double-blind process.

After submission, your paper will be assigned to a reviewer.

OPO reviewers have varied backgrounds and areas of expertise. We try to match your submission with someone with knowledge of your area.

Submissions are usually reviewed in approximate chronological order of receipt.

You will usually receive one of four responses:

  • Not suitable
  • Suitable but requiring major revisions
  • Suitable but requiring minor revision
  • Suitable without further revision

The degree to which your revisions are directed will depend on the extent of the reviewers' comments.

If you are asked to resubmit we require a submission as a word document with tracked changes to alert us to where the revisions are in the text.

We also require an accompanying letter or email with a bullet pointed list of how you have addressed each of the requests for change made by the reviewer.

Authors may wish to discuss the suitability of their contribution with the editors before submitting, and at this point, advice could be provided as to length, structure etc.

We welcome new writers (at any career stage).  We are developing a group of writing coaches who can support new writers through the submission process.

Please feel free to contact the editorial manager at  [email protected]  if you have a paper you would like to go through an initial screening and advice process before being formally submitted for review.

You can download issues of the OPO on BPS Explore .

We invite articles that contribute to our understanding of occupational psychology as both science and practice.  We particularly encourage writers to consider the connections between science and practice, e.g. evidence based practice and practice based research.

Occupational Psychology Outlook publishes papers across the five core areas of occupational psychology.  Illustrative examples are provided below, these are not intended to constrain writer creativity.

Psychological assessment

  • Job selection processes in relation to equality, diversity, and inclusion
  • Developments in personality research, e.g. new measurement strategies
  • Work adjustments based on psychological assessment
  • Ethical issues,  e.g. who decides what will be assessed, how should assessments be used?

Leadership, engagement and motivation

  • Leadership development interventions
  • Employee relations surveys
  • Organisational reward strategies
  • Ethical issues, e.g. uses of power, distributions of rewards

Work design, organisational change and development

  • The changing work environment, and how organisations can respond
  • Physical and social work environment
  • Changing organisational cultures
  • Ethical issues, e.g. who decides how work is designed?

Wellbeing at work

  • Individual differences and wellbeing (e.g. coping styles, risk factors)
  • Wellbeing interventions in practice
  • Emerging threats and opportunities
  • Ethical issues, e.g. competing obligations to stakeholders, supporting the supporters

Learning, training and development

  • Emerging learning, training, and development needs, e.g. in specific professions or sectors
  • Approaches to learning needs analysis
  • Making learning more effective
  • Ethical issues, e.g. power relations in workshop activities, who sets the learning agenda?

Please submit your papers to [email protected] . Details about format and style are under the Information for contributors tab. 

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Psychosocial job dimensions and distress/well-being: issues and challenges in occupational health psychology

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Over the last three decades a large body of research has showed that psychosocial job dimensions such as time pressure, decision authority and social support, could have significant implications for psychological distress and well-being. Theoretical models, such as the job ...

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Occupational health psychology research and the COVID-19 pandemic


  • 1 Department of Psychology.
  • PMID: 34370498
  • DOI: 10.1037/ocp0000292

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to generate threats to occupational health, safety, and well-being. As a result, it presents an opportunity to deepen the field's insights into occupational health psychology (OHP), and to offer practical guidance that may help workers, organizations, and society mitigate the pandemic's negative effects. This special section of the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology (JOHP) addresses several implications of the pandemic for well-being and work behavior. The pandemic raises many additional questions deserving of research attention. Such topics include the implications of organizations' evolving workforce and workplace decisions, and work as a mechanism for public health and societal well-being. OHP research also has the potential to generate ideas that may prove useful for addressing future crises. A greater consideration of context may help the field achieve such aims. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).

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  • Workers' emotional exhaustion and mental well-being over the COVID-19 pandemic: a Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling (DSEM) approach. Perinelli E, Vignoli M, Kröner F, Müller A, Genrich M, Fraccaroli F. Perinelli E, et al. Front Psychol. 2023 Oct 5;14:1222845. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1222845. eCollection 2023. Front Psychol. 2023. PMID: 37868607 Free PMC article.
  • Risking one's life to save one's livelihood: Precarious work, presenteeism, and worry about disease exposure during the COVID-19 pandemic. Shoss MK, Min H, Horan K, Schlotzhauer AE, Nigam JAS, Swanson NG. Shoss MK, et al. J Occup Health Psychol. 2023 Dec;28(6):363-379. doi: 10.1037/ocp0000366. Epub 2023 Oct 19. J Occup Health Psychol. 2023. PMID: 37856382
  • Job loss and job instability during the COVID-19 pandemic and the risk of depression and anxiety among Swedish employees. Blomqvist S, Högnäs RS, Virtanen M, LaMontagne AD, Magnusson Hanson LL. Blomqvist S, et al. SSM Popul Health. 2023 Jun;22:101424. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2023.101424. Epub 2023 May 4. SSM Popul Health. 2023. PMID: 37159634 Free PMC article.
  • Long-term effects of COVID-19 on work routines and organizational culture - A case study within higher education's administration. Müller LS, Reiners S, Becker J, Hertel G. Müller LS, et al. J Bus Res. 2023 Aug;163:113927. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.113927. Epub 2023 Apr 5. J Bus Res. 2023. PMID: 37056239 Free PMC article.
  • Industry Context as an Essential Tool for the Future of Healthy and Safe Work: Illustrative Examples for Occupational Health Psychology from the Hospitality Industry. Horan KA, Shoss MK, Mejia C, Ciarlante K. Horan KA, et al. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Oct 13;18(20):10720. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182010720. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021. PMID: 34682465 Free PMC article. Review.

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  • Read the outgoing editorial of CPJ’ s editor-in-chief , Dr. Kenneth M. Nowack, who summarizes the publication’s contributions to the field of consulting psychology during his tenure.
  • Read a summary of a special issue of CPJ on progress in equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives across organizations

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Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

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  • Read an interview with editor Dr. Sharon Clarke
  • Read an open access article on  the impact of virtual meetings on cognitive performance   and active versus passive fatigue.

Impact Factor: 5.1

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Psychology of Leaders and Leadership Formerly  The Psychologist-Manager Journal

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I/o industrial or organizational psychology.

I/O, Industrial, Organizational or Industrial-Organizational Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior in organizations and work situations. I/O Psychologists study individual, group, and organizational behavior and use this knowledge to improve workplace problems. Before you explore the database below to find evidence for your project, you may find it helpful to learn more about this area of psychology. The following resources can help you narrow your topic, learn about the language used to describe psychology topics, and get you up to speed on the major advancements in this field.

  • Potential Topics: APA Spotlight Articles I/O Psychology This link opens in a new window
  • Learn more about Industrial and Organizational Psychology on the American Psychological Association's website

occupational psychology research topics

I/O Psychology Databases

Research in I/O psychology utilizes core psychology resources, as well as resources in business, human resources, and sociology. You may find it helpful to search the following databases for your I/o topics or research questions, in addition to the core resources listed on the home page.

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Consider using databases to perform subject searches, or incorporating words from applicable subjects into your keyword searches. Here are some I/O subjects to consider:

  • Industrial & Organizational Psychology
  • Management & Management Training
  • Occupational Interests & Guidance
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Personnel Attitudes & Job Satisfaction
  • Personnel Evaluation & Job Performance
  • Personnel Management & Selection & Training
  • Professional Education & Training
  • Working Conditions & Industrial Safety

I/O Example Search

Not sure what you want to research exactly, but want to get a feel for the resources available? Try the following search in any of the databases listed above:

(Industrial OR Organizational OR I/O) AND Psych*

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I/O Psychology Organization Websites

  • Alliance for Organizational Psychology This link opens in a new window Founded in 1991, EAWOP is an open network of I/O psychology groups. Their website includes publications and resources.
  • Harvard Business Review Blog - Psychology This link opens in a new window Current articles from the HBR Blog on psychology in business.
  • Occupational Information Network (O*NET) This link opens in a new window O*NET is a regularly updated database of occupational characteristics and worker requirements information across the U.S. economy. It describes occupations in terms of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required as well as how the work is performed in terms of tasks, work activities, and other descriptors. It is made available by the United States Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration.
  • Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology (SIOP) This link opens in a new window Membership organization for I-O psychologists. SIOP is a division of the American Psychological Association and an organizational affiliate of the Association for Psychological Science.
  • SIOP-SHRM White Papers The SHRM-SIOP Science of HR white paper series provides practitioner-oriented reviews of evidence-based HR practices written by leading researchers and practitioners in the field of I-O psychology and HR.
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Industrial-Organizational Psychology Topics

Industrial-Organizational (I-O)Psychology is defined simply as “psychology applied to work” (APA 1971). It studies “work” in its broadest sense, including paid and unpaid effort, recreation, and any purpose-driven effort (sports, hobbies). Compared with other specialties, I-O is more “applied” – putting practice above theory, since it typically aims to solve specific problems, increase efficiency, and maximize outcomes.

Industrial-Organizational Psychology Research Topics

  • Corporate Ethics Topics
  • Group Dynamics Topics
  • Individual Differences Topics
  • Job Satisfaction Topics
  • Leadership and Management Topics
  • Organizational Behavior Topics
  • Organizational Development Topics
  • Recruitment Topics
  • Work Motivation Topics

Compared with other fields of psychology, I-O psychology today has several features: (a) Small: I-O is a small specialty, including just 5% of US psychologists. (b) High-employment: Since I-O is in high demand in the industry; it has a negative unemployment rate below zero. (c) Lucrative: I-O has long had the highest salary, averaging at least 25% higher than 14 other psychology specialties. (d) Separate: I-O has become a very separate specialty within psychology, with its own independent association since 1987 – the Society for I-O Psychology (SIOP). (e) Hybrid: I-O overlaps with business and other social sciences. (f) Credentials: There is no one credential to define who is an I-O psychologist – be this a M.A., M.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., Psy.D., state license, APA or SIOP membership, or ABPP Diploma. (g) Demographics: SIOP members today are 6% ethnic minorities, 37% female, only 26% licensed, and 85% have a doctorate. I-O work settings vary greatly – employees in large firms, small “boutique” consulting firms, professors in psychology or business programs, or solo-practitioners.

Today, I-O psychology faces several challenges – such as globalization of organizations, the increased diversity of the US workforce, increased regulation by government and labor law, and the changing nature of work. These same challenges make a science-based I-O psychology more indispensable to successful organizations.


  • American Psychological Association (APA). (1971). Effective practice of psychology in industry: Task Force on the practice of psychology in industry. American Psychologist, 26, 974–991.
  • Benjamin, L.T.,&Baker, D. B. (2004). Fromse´ance to science: Ahistory of the profession of psychology in America. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  • Dunnette, M. D., & Hough, L. (Eds.). (1990–1994). Handbook of industrial-organizational psychology. Palo Alto: Consulting Psychologists Press.
  • Jones, J.W., Steffy, B. D., & Bray, D.W. (1991). Applying psychology in business: Handbook for managers and HR professionals. Lexington: Lexington Books.
  • McGregor, D. M. (1960). The human side of enterprise. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Riggio, R. E. (2008). Introduction to industrial-organizational psychology (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
  • Roethlisberger, F. J., & Dickson, W. J. (1939). Management and the worker. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Scott, W. D. (1903). The theory of advertising. Boston: Small, Maynard, & Co.
  • Zedeck, S. (Ed.) (2011). APA Handbook of industrial-organizational psychology. Washington, DC: APA.

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6.2 Topics in Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Topics in Industrial and Organizational Psychology 1 2

Work occupies a central part of people’s lives around the world. For example, full-time workers in the U.S. work an average of 8.5 hours/day, spending more time working than performing any other life activity except for sleep (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). Work experiences exert a heavy effect on people’s life satisfaction (Erdogan, Bauer, Truxillo, & Mansfield, 2012), and career goals are a central concern of many young adults (e.g., Rogers, Creed, & Glendon, 2008). Indeed, most readers of this chapter are likely in college as a step toward achieving a hoped-for career!

However, the world of work is changing in many ways that present new questions and challenges for workers. For example, advances in technology, including automation, are disrupting major industries and changing or eliminating many jobs (Susskind & Susskind, 2016). Employers are increasingly experimenting with alternative work arrangements, like contract workers in “gig” jobs (e.g., driving for Uber or Lyft), rather than offering full-time work with job security and stable benefits (Friedman, 2014). Despite progress, women, racial and ethnic minorities, religious minorities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people with disabilities still struggle to be accepted and successful in many workplaces (Myors et al., 2008). And, around the world, hundreds of thousands of migrant workers continue to search for decent work opportunities that can fulfill their basic needs (Moyce & Schenker, 2018).

Against this backdrop, industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology has an important role to play in improving organizations and promoting the well-being of workers. This chapter first presents a brief overview of I-O and what work in this field entails, and then reviews a series of major areas of research and practice within each half of the field.

I-O psychology is the scientific study of working and the application of psychological principles to workplace issues facing individuals, teams, and organizations. I-O psychologists apply the scientific method to investigate issues of critical relevance to individuals, businesses, and society. As a consequence, I-O psychologists are trained as scientist-practitioners with the ability to both conduct rigorous research and engage in the practical application of scientific knowledge alongside business people.

There are roughly 500 graduate programs in the U.S. that grant master’s and doctoral degrees in I-O psychology. Unlike many areas of psychology that require a doctoral degree practice, a terminal master’s degree is sufficient to pursue many excellent work opportunities in I-O psychology (Michalski, 2017). Moreover, the Department of Labor projects increased demand for I-O psychology into the mid-2020s. Much more information about graduate training and work opportunities is available on the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) website; SIOP is the primary professional body for the field.

Figure 1. SIOP, Division 14 of the American Psychological Association, has over 9,000 members as of January 2018.


Photo source: SIOP, used with permission.

Industrial Psychology

As the name “industrial-organizational” suggests, I-O psychology has often been viewed as a field with two distinct, though related, components. The industrial half of I-O Psychology, which is sometimes referred to as personnel psychology , focuses on the analysis of jobs; recruitment, selection, and training of employees; and evaluation of performance in the workplace. Industrial psychology is a close partner of human resource (HR) management in organizations, with industrial psychologists supplying the technical and legal expertise to create and evaluate the personnel systems that HR managers use on a daily basis. To this end, the major areas of research and practice that fall within industrial psychology include job analysis, recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, and training.

Job Analysis

Before we can hire people, before we can assess their performance, before we can decide on their salaries, before we can train them – before we can do virtually anything to affect a job, we must first understand what a job consists of. What tasks does it include? What skills does the job require? Where does the job fit within the organization? Job analysis helps I-O psychologists answer these questions (Sanchez & Levine, 2012). Because of its importance for making further decisions about jobs, many I-O psychologists begin their consulting work with a job analysis.

Generally speaking, a job analysis can fall into one of two categories: work-oriented or worker-oriented (Brannick, Levine, Morgeson, & Brannick, 2007). Work-oriented job analysis focuses on the job itself, and involves developing a list of tasks that the job involves. For example, a retail store sales clerk might assist customers in finding merchandise, answer customer questions, use a cash register to take money and make change, bag the merchandise, and thank the customer, among other responsibilities.  If we put this all together, it produces a job description that we can later use to identify training needs and the valuable behaviors that we should reward.

On the other hand, worker-oriented job analysis focuses on identifying the qualities needed by an employee to successfully perform the job in question. Traditionally, I-O psychologists have tried to identify several key characteristics of employees, including their knowledge (things they know), their skills (such as skill at persuading others), and their abilities (more stable traits they possess, like mathematical ability), often referred to as the “KSAs” required to perform the job. Returning to the example of our retail sales clerk, we might find that they need to be friendly, detail-oriented, reliable, and have the ability to learn about the merchandise the store has in stock. This information is crucial to developing a selection system that identifies job applicants with the right qualifications to be successful.

The process of completing a work- or worker-oriented job analysis procedure is actually quite similar. In each case, I-O consultants typically interview current employees and supervisors, or ask them to complete surveys, to gather information about the job. The consultants then use this information to write the task or KSA statements that describe the job.

Recruitment, Selection, & Placement

Once I-O psychologists understand what a job entails, and the requirements that are necessary to do the job, they can use this information to assist an organization in a wide variety of ways. Generally, this information will be used to aid the hiring process in an organization–quality job analysis information can help with this process in a variety of ways.

The hiring process actually begins with recruitment—before people can be hired into an organization, they must first apply for an open position. Recruitment refers to the process of attracting people to submit applications for open positions within an organization. Today, recruitment often takes advantage of technology, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and internet job boards like Indeed.com and Monster.com. In their attempts to recruit people to apply for a job opening, organizations will typically describe the requirements of the position, including educational requirements, and the main tasks and responsibilities associated with the position. Organizations may also attempt to describe aspects of the culture of the organization, such as the feel of the work environment, or the values or mission of the company. An organization that describes itself as “fast-paced” or “competitive” is likely to attract rather different applicants than an organization that advertises “teamwork” and “cooperation.”

Once an organization has recruited an applicant pool, the organization must decide how to assess the applicants, and the formal hiring process begins. The process used to evaluate job candidates and decide which ones to hire is typically referred to as personnel selection .  Personnel selection is one of the oldest topics in I-O psychology, dating back to the very roots of the field at the start of the 20 th century (Farr & Tippins, 2010; Ployhart, Schmitt, & Tippins, 2017). Selection usually involves administering a series of instruments, such as tests or interviews, to job applicants; the instruments are often scored and combined with other information, such as letters of recommendation, to help employers select the best applicant(s). The selection instruments an organization uses are commonly referred to as predictors , and helping organizations develop effective predictors are one of the most common roles that I-O consultants engage in. Common predictors that I-O psychologists help develop include tests of various qualities (such as intelligence, personality and other traits), and interviews (Cascio & Aguinis, 2011).  Determining the right combination of predictors to give applicants for a given job is a central topic for consultants that assist with personnel selection, and involves the consideration of many factors, including cost, time, legality, validity, reliability, practicality, and acceptance in the business world. Selection often occurs in multiple stages. During the initial stage, it is common for applicants to participate in some initial screening assessments to “weed out” unqualified applicants.  Following this, subsequent stages in the selection process attempt to select the optimal candidate from the qualified applicants that remain after screening.

What predictors do the best job of helping organizations choose qualified applicants? One of the most consistent findings in I-O psychology, based on decades of research, is that general mental ability , or intelligence, is the single most effective predictor of job performance in nearly all jobs, and especially complex jobs (Schmidt & Hunter, 2004). One of the reasons this is the case is that general mental ability helps predict a person’s ability to learn new information and skills, a critical component of success in virtually any job.

Beyond general mental ability tests, many other predictors have been found to be effective for predicting employee success as well. Personality tests , such as those measuring the Big 5 traits, have also been found to successfully predict which applicants will make effective employees. In particular, the Big 5 trait conscientiousness has been found to predict performance in a wide variety of jobs. This is not surprising, given that people high in this trait are typically hard-working, reliable, and organized, all traits that should lead to success in most jobs (Barrick, Mount, & Judge, 2001). Additional predictors, such as simulations and work samples, can be used to successfully assess a person’s ability to handle actual job-related tasks in realistic settings (Scott & Reynolds, 2010).

What about interviews? Interviews have long been used by organizations to help make hiring decisions, and they remain one of the most commonly-used predictors in organizations today (Posthuma, Morgeson, & Campion, 2002). Interviews can be written to evaluate a variety of applicant characteristics and qualifications (Landy & Conte, 2010). Research on the effectiveness of interviews is mixed. Most interviews used in organizations tend to be fairly flexible conversations, where the interviewer is free to ask an applicant a wide variety of different questions. Each applicant may be asked different questions, and the questions may not be directly related to the job the applicant is applying for. These interviews are typically known as unstructured interviews , and, despite their prevalence, they are not very effective predictors for evaluating applicants. One reason for this is that the information gained from one applicant’s interview might be quite different from the information gained from another applicant’s interview, thus making it difficult to compare “apples to apples.”

Fortunately, interviews can be improved by making the interview process more structured . Strategies for structuring an interview include deciding on a consistent list of questions that will be asked of all applicants, ensuring that the questions are related to the content of the job, and using a scoring system to evaluate applicants’ responses. Structured interviews that have these features are much more effective at predicting which applicants will be successful in a given job (Huffcutt, Conway, Roth, & Stone, 2001). I-O consultants often help organizations to design and implement structured interviews to improve the organization’s selection process. Unfortunately, many organizations continue to rely on traditional unstructured interviews, which are much more prone to errors and subjective evaluations of job applicants. This divide between the predictors that I-O psychologists know are effective, and the predictors that many organizations utilize, remains an important concern for many I-O psychologists today.

Evaluating and Managing Worker Performance

Once employees are hired and placed into their roles in an organization, it is typically necessary to assess their performance to see how well they are performing in their new role. Evaluating how well employees perform their jobs, and documenting this performance, is important for a variety of reasons. Certainly, performance information is often used to make decisions about whether and when to promote, train, re-assign, or terminate employees; it can also be used for decisions about compensation, bonuses, and other rewards. If an employee’s performance is lacking, the gap between how he or she is performing, compared to the ideal, might be addressed by training (or re-training) the needed knowledge, skills, or abilities. Performance appraisal can also be used to give employees feedback, and help employees learn about their strengths and weaknesses–thus, another goal of performance appraisal is general employee development.

Performance appraisals are often conducted on a recurring schedule—once or twice a year is common. The review itself is typically structured around the employee’s primary tasks and responsibilities, such that the supervisor provides a summary of the employee and their performance. The appraisal will often involve making ratings on numeric scales corresponding with specific aspects of performance, as well as comments and/or illustrative critical incidents to communicate to the employee how well they are performing on each aspect of the job. Critical incidents are specific behaviors the employee has engaged in—they are used to illustrate good or bad performance and often supplement numeric performance ratings. Feedback and critical incidents from other coworkers may be gathered by the supervisor with the goal of basing the performance appraisal on complete information.

One variant of performance appraisal that has become popular in recent years is 360-degree appraisal, which seeks to gather feedback from multiple sources that the person being evaluated interacts with, such as subordinates, peers, supervisors, clients/customers, and others.  Self-appraisal, provided by the employee him- or herself, may also be included. The goal of this process is to provide employees with a more well-rounded sense of how they’re performing.

Numeric performance ratings are a common part of a performance appraisal.  For example, an employee may be rated on dependability on a scale of one to five, with anchors ranging from unacceptable (1), to average (3), to superior (5). Employees are often rated in the context of how other members of their team or work group are performing. Other rating approaches involve making direct comparisons between employees within a unit, such as ranking all employees, or comparing them two at a time and deciding which of the two is the superior performer. When using any numeric rating method, organizations need to be aware of the biases that raters may unknowingly exhibit. One risk is that all raters will not use a rating scale the same way—for instance, some might provide more generous, or harsher, ratings regardless of how the employee is performing. Such errors can lead to biases in the appraisal process, and impact the fairness of a performance appraisal system; fortunately, rater training can help avoid some of these issues.

What kinds of employee performance are typically assessed in organizations? In many cases, the answer to this question is determined by the type of organization the employee works in—effective performance for an employee who makes electric motors in a factory is likely to be very different from an employee who creates apps for your phone. For legal reasons, it is important for an organization to avoid assessing people based on irrelevant characteristics, such as their age, gender, or race. Here again, I-O consultants often help organizations design performance appraisal systems that focus on core aspects of job performance, and avoid evaluating irrelevant characteristics. For many jobs, the main focus of performance appraisal is on task performance —that is, how effectively an employee performs the key requirements of their job. However, many organizations are also concerned with additional behaviors that employees may engage in outside of their job responsibilities. These “extra” behaviors can be positive or negative in nature. Positive behaviors are typically referred to as organizational citizenship behaviors , or OCBs, and may include actions such as bringing donuts or bagels to an early morning meeting, staying late to assist a coworker with a project, or speaking positively about the organization to outsiders. Negative behaviors, often called counterproductive work behaviors , or CWBs, range from fairly minor actions, such as being rude to a coworker from time to time, to more serious, criminal activities such as theft, sabotage, or arson. As you would expect, employees who enjoy their work are more likely to engage in OCBs, while dissatisfied employees are likely to engage in CWBs. Thus, if organizations want to promote OCBs, and prevent CWBs, it is important for them to consider their employees’ thoughts and feelings about their workplace.

Training & Development

Over time, it often becomes necessary for employees to learn new knowledge or skills, to enhance their job performance and keep pace with changes in their occupation. I-O psychology intersects with cognitive psychology and learning theories in the domain of training and development , which focuses on increasing employees’ knowledge, skills, and abilities. Like many other organizational processes, training is, in part, based on job/task/work analysis to determine the elements of a job that a person requires training to do. The training process often begins with a training needs analysis, which is an analysis of the organization, tasks, and person that results in objectives for training (Arthur, Bennett, Edens, & Bell, 2003). Principles of learning and cognition serve as the basis for designing training and development interventions. Basic principles about memory, perception, judgment, and learning include cognitive biases, primacy and recency, interferences, decision-making, and developments. These are relevant to determining how best to convey information about how and when to engage in various work behaviors, and how to assess how well training has accomplished its goals.

What topics do organizations commonly use training for? Some training is motivated by legal considerations, such as diversity and sexual harassment training. With diversity training, employees are typically educated on the benefits of diversity, and provided with suggestions for acting with sensitivity in a diverse workplace. Sexual harassment and discrimination, which are typically prohibited both by law and organizational policies, can also be addressed via training. Employees may be educated on key terms and ideas related to harassment, practice identifying situations in which harassment may occur, and discuss appropriate courses of action for reporting and preventing harassment.

Other types of training are prompted when employers require employees to possess a particular area of knowledge, skill, or ability to meet organizational needs. If an organization wants to avoid training, they may look to hire employees that already have those KSAs that they desire (a selection approach). Alternatively, they may use help current employees develop those KSAs (a training approach). The decision between these approaches is driven by several considerations, including cost, timing, other available resources, and staffing goals. For example, for employers do not wish to increase the size of their workforce, training may be a more attractive option. In addition, the expected trainability of a knowledge, skill, or ability and skill level of current personnel might be taken into account. Consider the likelihood of successfully teaching someone a specific skill, such as typing, using a cash register, or engaging in successful customer service interactions, compared to the more difficult challenge of improving a person’s mathematical abilities or extraversion.

In organizations today, training can occur in a wide variety of formats. Training often occurs with a face-to-face instructor , but many organizations today are relying on remote or distance training, mediated by communication technology, and self-paced training. In addition, employers are generally motivated to understand whether their resources devoted to training are achieving key training objectives. Consequently, many employee trainings are followed, either immediately or after a delay, with some form of evaluation. Some evaluations focus on how much of the training content was understood and retained by the trainee, while others focus on how well that information transfers to on-the-job behaviors, how well the trainee feels about the training process, and what the outcomes for the organization are (Kirkpatrick, 1959). For the individual, training can be considered in terms of impact on career development and advancement in the organization.

Organizational Psychology

The organizational half of I-O Psychology is broadly concerned with the social and psychological context of the workplace. Organizational psychology focuses on many different levels of workplace phenomena, including micro, within-person experiences, like attitudes and emotions; meso, small group dynamics like teamwork and interpersonal discrimination; and macro, organization-wide factors, such as leadership and organizational culture. Overall, organizational psychology helps us understand the experience and consequences of working life in modern organizations. Major areas of study within organizational psychology include employee attitudes, worker health and safety, motivation, and teamwork and leadership.

Employee Attitudes

I-O psychologists are often concerned with the attitudes employees hold about their work.  Several attitudes have been the focus of extensive research over the past several decades, and the importance of employee attitudes has been demonstrated by their ability to predict whether employees will exert less effort at work, engage in CWBs, or even leave the organization altogether.

Job satisfaction , which refers to an employee’s overall evaluation of their job, is the most fundamental attitude studied in I-O psychology (Judge & Klinger, 2007).  When a worker has positive feelings and thoughts about his or her job, positive outcome are likely. These outcomes include performing their job at a high level, feeling motivated, and being inclined to do extrarole behaviors that are helpful but aren’t explicitly required as part of the job. Job satisfaction is often measured using scales, which include questions with a range of numeric response options with either images or phrases as anchors (e.g., 1 = very dissatisfied to 5 = very satisfied). While job satisfaction can be measured using a single question, a more nuanced understanding of satisfaction can be achieved using multi-item scales that ask the respondent about various aspects of a job (e.g., pay, autonomy, coworkers). Measuring satisfaction in this way can help I-O consultants get a more detailed understanding of which aspects of their jobs employees like and dislike the most.

Another attitude important for understanding work behavior is organizational commitment , or an individual’s psychological attachment to an organization (Meyer & Allen, 1991).  Researchers studying the nature of organizational commitment have identified three types of commitment. Affective commitment reflects an emotional connection an employee may feel with their organization. Employees with high affective commitment may feel as though they are a “part of a family” with their organization. Continuance commitment reflects commitment that is based on a lack of available alternative employment options. Employees with high continuance commitment may stay at their current job because of poor job prospects in their area, or because they lack necessary education or training to make themselves competitive for other job opportunities. Finally, normative commitment is driven by employees’ sense of obligation to their organization. For instance, if a company gives an employee their first job after graduating from college, or has invested resources in an employee in the form or training or development, the employee may feel obligated to stay with the organization to “pay back” these investments. Overall, strong ties have been found between organizational commitment and turnover, or leaving one’s organization.

Employees’ attitudes about an organization may also be based on how fairly they feel they are treated.   Organizational justice theory suggests that employees pay attention to the fairness of how they’re treated in several ways.  The various types and subtypes of justice focus on how outcomes or results are distributed across employees, the fairness of organizational procedures or decision rules, and the nature of interactions among organizational members.  For example, an employee may feel that the process of performance appraisal is fair (procedural justice), but that it did not result in a sufficient pay raise (distributive justice).

What can an organization do to improve their employees’ attitudes? Unfortunately, psychological research on attitudes in general suggests that attitude change is often quite difficult. A basic principle of attitudes is that once an attitude or belief is held, it serves as an anchor around which new information is judged. Thus, once an employee begins to evaluate their workplace negatively, they may seek out and focus on additional information that supports this attitude.

Worker Health & Safety

Occupational health is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the health and safety of people at work, and has become the subject of much research in I-O psychology. Jobs place a variety of demands on workers, and these demands can lead to the experience of stress, which may be followed by various negative outcomes such as effects on the physical and mental health of employees (Beehr, 1995; Jex, 1998; Tetrick & Quick, 2011). Occupational health research examines internal and external sources of occupational stress, as well as ways to decrease worker stress and methods for preventing stress. Evidence suggests that organizations should be concerned with occupational health, as consistent exposure to stressful working conditions can impact not only employees, but also organizational effectiveness: studies have estimated that billions of dollars are lost from the U.S. economy due to occupational stress, based on the assumption that stress plays a role in negative outcomes such as increased medical, legal, and insurance costs, higher rates of absenteeism and turnover, diminished productivity, and increased occupational accidents (e.g., Goldin, 2004).

While I-O psychologists have contributed to the study of occupational stress, the occupational stress literature consists of important contributions from multiple perspectives, including medical (focusing on the contribution of stress in the workplace to employee health and illness), clinical/counseling (which focuses on the impact of stressful working conditions on mental health outcomes such as anxiety and depression), engineering psychology (which focuses on stressors originating from the physical work environment), and organizational psychology . Organizational psychology focuses heavily on cognitive appraisal (the process by which employees perceive the work environment and decide whether it is stressful), as well on sources of stress that are social in nature (e.g., are sourced from interactions with others). Recently, these four approaches have joined into one field known as occupational health psychology (OHP; Barling & Griffiths, 2011). OHP is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on using psychological theories and methodology to enhance health, safety, and well-being for individuals and organizations.

Another focus within the field of OHP is employee safety, usually with regard to preventing accidents and injuries in the workplace. Research has examined workplace safety outcomes in relation with both situational factors in the work environment (e.g., physical hazards such as heat and noise; Jex, Swanson, & Grubb, 2013) and personal factors in the employee (e.g., personality traits; Clarke & Robertson, 2008). Most models of employee safety posit that certain factors influence the experience of accidents and injuries through an effect on the safety performance of the employee (i.e., employees being compliant with safety procedures and notifying others in the organization about safety concerns; Griffin & Neal, 2000). Most studies have found moderate to strong relationships between different types of safety performance and the experience of workplace accidents (Jiang, Yu, Li, & Li, 2010). Moreover, the safety climate of a work unit and/or organization is predictive of safety performance, which has been linked to workplace accidents (Zohar, 2011). Safety climate refers to whether the employees in a company share similar perceptions of policies and procedures regarding workplace safety, such as rules regarding the use of safety equipment. A recent review of the injury and accident prevalence literature suggested that thousands of American workers die each year from injuries sustained in the workplace; however, prevalence rates are far worse in countries that do not have government oversight of labor practices: over two million individuals worldwide die each year as a result of injuries suffered in the work environment (Kaplan & Tetrick, 2011). In the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the government agency established to assure safe and healthful working conditions by setting and enforcing standards and providing training, outreach, education, and assistance to US organizations. Most private employers are responsible for ensuring that OSHA standards are met, and employers concerned with worker health and well-being seek to maintain safe working conditions and offer channels for addressing issues as they arise.

Understanding employee motivation –the forces that direct employees’ behaviors at work–has a long history in I-O psychology. The study of motivation in I-O psychology can be traced back to studies by Hugo Munsterberg , who studied motivation issues for employees working at knitting mills (Landy & Conte, 2004). He saw that employees were working 12-hour days, and working 6 days a week.  With some modifications (i.e., having kittens play with balls of yarn on the factory floor), Munsterberg was able to influence the satisfaction and alertness of the employees.

Some of the basic motivational questions that I-O psychologists study include what needs elicit action for individuals, what traits impact the engagement of behaviors, and how the environment (space and individuals) influences the motivation and behaviors of people.  While the study of work motivation is continually evolving, there are several seminal theories that have informed our understanding of motivation.

One of the most well-supported theories of motivation in I-O psychology is goal-setting theory (Locke & Latham, 1990). This theory emphasizes that goals can influence employees in a variety of ways. For instance, goals can influence the direction of actions; Goals can also affect the effort that employees put forth to those actions; In addition to these benefits, goals can increase employee persistence, and motivate them to choose more effective strategies for attaining those goals. Goals that tend to provide the benefits just described tend to share some key characteristics. Specifically, goals that are specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART) are typically more effective than goals that lack these qualities (Locke & Latham, 2002).

Despite the popularity of goal-setting theory, several other motivation theories have received attention, and research support, from I-O psychologists. Expectancy theory (Vroom, 1964) suggests that employees are unlikely to be motivated unless they can provide affirmative answers to three questions. The first question involves asking whether employee effort will lead to performance (instrumentality). If an employees feels that working hard will not result in success on the job, they are likely to have low motivation. If an employee decides that their effort will actually result in a sufficient level of performance, they must then evaluate whether their performance is likely to be rewarded or recognized in satisfactory ways (expectancy). In some workplaces, employees may feel that their strong performance goes unrecognized–if this pattern persists over time, they are likely to lose motivation. Finally, the third questions associated with expectancy theory concerns whether an employee values the rewards they are able to receive (valence). If an organization rewards its employees with public “employee of the month” ceremonies, but an employee would prefer a cash reward rather than public recognition, they may find their motivation limited.

The job characteristics theory (Hackman & Oldham, 1976) takes a rather different approach to motivation. This theory suggests that several key features of job themselves can also influence the motivation level of employees. For example, autonomy , or the freedom that employees have to choose how their work is done (or at least certain elements of it) typically has a positive effect on motivation. Doing work that allows employees to use a variety of different skills and abilities (task variety), and performing work that feels important to other peoples’ lives (task significance) can also generate higher levels of motivation. Finally, receiving feedback , such as from supervisors and peers, can improve motivation for many employees.

In many organizations today, work is often conducted in the context of a group or team. Teams are defined as two or more individuals who share one or more common goals, and interact to perform activities that are relevant to the organization. Teams are influenced by a wide variety of social dynamics. As an example, consider Susie who just graduated medical school and has started her intern year in a department that emphasizes teamwork. Her role in the interdisciplinary team is that of the physician, which she feels comfortable doing as she graduated with honors from her university. What she is concerned about is how to function effectively in the team. She personally likes to do things on her own, so she is uncertain how this part of her job will actually go, especially since she knows the intern year is a very stressful one and she knows that two of the other team members have reputations of being really difficult to work with.

Some of the concerns that Susie has are ones that I-O psychologists try to grapple with as consultants and researchers. Many topics that originated in social psychology are relevant to the study of teams. For instance, many people have a tendency to work with less intensity when they are in a group, compared to when they are by themselves, which social psychologists refer to as social loafing (see Latané, Williams, & Harkins, 1979). Managers can help avoid social loafing in their work groups by making sure that each employee knows what they are responsible for.

Management and Leadership

A natural sister topic of teams concerns the individuals tasked with facilitating teams— leaders . While there are many definitions of leadership, the common elements of the definitions are influence and guidance of others towards a goal. Over time, I-O psychologists have studied management and leadership from several different perspectives. In the 1920s and 1930s, early leadership research focused on the trait approach , which centers on the idea that leaders possess certain traits (e.g., ambition, dominance, extroversion, height) that non-leaders do not possess.  However, this approach did not prove to be productive, as research did not show consistent relationships among the traits. Undeterred, I-O psychologists re-focused their attempts to understand leadership by looking for specific behaviors that successful leaders might engage in. Fleishman and Harris (1962) defined leadership using two dimensions, consideration (concern for the individual’s needs) and initiating structure (organizes and defines activities). This approach proved to be more successful, and the legacy of this work can be seen in more modern research on transactional and transformational leadership (Bass, 1985).

I-O psychologists have a unique place as researchers and consultants when informing the greater population as to the practice of leadership. With changing workforce practices, such as the utilization of temporary workers, teleworking, virtual teams, increasing diversity in the workforce and other existing ambiguous boundaries that modern jobs hold, I-O psychologists are prepared to contribute to our understanding of leadership and how we best develop and coach the leaders of today and tomorrow.

A significant portion of I-O research focuses on management and human relations. Douglas McGregor (1960) combined scientific management (a theory of management that analyzes and synthesizes workflows with the main objective of improving economic efficiency, especially labor productivity) and human relations into the notion of leadership behavior. His theory lays out two different styles called Theory X and Theory Y. In the  Theory X  approach to management, managers assume that most people dislike work and are not innately self-directed. Theory X managers perceive employees as people who prefer to be led and told which tasks to perform and when. Their employees have to be watched carefully to be sure that they work hard enough to fulfill the organization’s goals. Theory X workplaces will often have employees punch a clock when arriving and leaving the workplace: Tardiness is punished. Supervisors, not employees, determine whether an employee needs to stay late, and even this decision would require someone higher up in the command chain to approve the extra hours. Theory X supervisors will ignore employees’ suggestions for improved efficiency and reprimand employees for speaking out of order. These supervisors blame efficiency failures on individual employees rather than the systems or policies in place. Managerial goals are achieved through a system of punishments and threats rather than enticements and rewards. Managers are suspicious of employees’ motivations and always suspect selfish motivations for their behavior at work (e.g., being paid is their sole motivation for working).

In the  Theory Y  approach, on the other hand, managers assume that most people seek inner satisfaction and fulfillment from their work. Employees function better under leadership that allows them to participate in, and provide input about, setting their personal and work goals. In Theory Y workplaces, employees participate in decisions about prioritizing tasks; they may belong to teams that, once given a goal, decide themselves how it will be accomplished. In such a workplace, employees are able to provide input on matters of efficiency and safety. One example of Theroy Y in action is the policy of Toyota production lines that allows any employee to stop the entire line if a defect or other issue appears, so that the defect can be fixed and its cause remedied (Toyota Motor Manufacturing, 2013). A Theory Y workplace will also meaningfully consult employees on any changes to the work process or management system. In addition, the organization will encourage employees to contribute their own ideas. McGregor (1960) characterized Theory X as the traditional method of management used in the United States. He agued that a Theory Y approach was needed to improve organizational output and the wellbeing of individuals.  Table summarizes how these two management approaches differ.

Theory X and Theory Y Management Styles
Theory X Theory Y
People dislike work and avoid it. People enjoy work and find it natural.
People avoid responsibility. People are more satisified when given responsibility.
People want to be told what to do. People want to take part in setting their own work goals.
Goals are achieved through rules and punishments. Goals are achieved through enticements and rewards.

Another management style was described by Donald Clifton, who focused his research on how an organization can best use an individual’s strengths, an approach he called strengths-based management . He and his colleagues interviewed 8,000 managers and concluded that it is important to focus on a person’s strengths, not their weaknesses. A strength is a particular enduring talent possessed by an individual that allows her to provide consistent, near-perfect performance in tasks involving that talent. Clifton argued that our strengths provide the greatest opportunity for growth (Buckingham & Clifton, 2001). An example of a strength is public speaking or the ability to plan a successful event. The strengths-based approach is very popular although its effect on organization performance is not well-studied. However, Kaiser & Overfield (2011) found that managers often neglected improving their weaknesses and overused their strengths, both of which interfered with performance.

Leadership is an important element of management. Leadership styles have been of major interest within I-O research, and researchers have proposed numerous theories of leadership. Bass (1985) popularized and developed the concepts of transactional leadership versus transformational leadership styles. In  transactional leadership , the focus is on supervision and organizational goals, which are achieved through a system of rewards and punishments (i.e., transactions). Transactional leaders maintain the status quo: They are managers. This is in contrast to the transformational leader. People who have  transformational leadership  possess four attributes to varying degrees: They are charismatic (highly liked role models), inspirational (optimistic about goal attainment), intellectually stimulating (encourage critical thinking and problem solving), and considerate (Bass, Avolio, & Atwater, 1996).

As women increasingly take on leadership roles in corporations, questions have arisen as to whether there are differences in leadership styles between men and women (Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt, & van Engen, 2003). Eagly & Johnson (1990) conducted a meta-analysis to examine gender and leadership style. They found, to a slight but significant degree, that women tend to practice an interpersonal style of leadership (i.e., she focuses on the morale and welfare of the employees) and men practice a task-oriented style (i.e., he focuses on accomplishing tasks). However, the differences were less pronounced when one looked only at organizational studies and excluded laboratory experiments or surveys that did not involve actual organizational leaders. Larger gender-related differences were observed when leadership style was categorized as democratic or autocratic, and these differences were consistent across all types of studies. The authors suggest that similarities between the genders in leadership styles are attributable to genders needing to conform the organization’s culture; additionally, they propose that gender-related differences reflect inherent differences in the strengths each gender brings to bear on leadership practice. In another meta-analysis of leadership style, Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt, & van Engen (2003) found that women tended to exhibit the characteristics of transformational leaders, while men were more likely to be transactional leaders. However, the differences are not absolute; for example, women were found to use methods of reward for performance more often than men, which is a component of transactional leadership. The differences they found were relatively small. As Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt, & van Engen (2003) point out, research shows that transformational leadership approaches are more effective than transactional approaches, although individual leaders typically exhibit elements of both approaches.

Work-Family Balance

Many people juggle the demands of work life with the demands of their home life, whether it be caring for children or taking care of an elderly parent; this is known as  work-family balance . We might commonly think about work interfering with family, but it is also the case that family responsibilities may conflict with work obligations (Carlson, Kacmar, & Williams, 2000). Greenhaus and Beutell (1985) first identified three sources of work–family conflicts:

  • time devoted to work makes it difficult to fulfill requirements of family, or vice versa,
  • strain from participation in work makes it difficult to fulfill requirements of family, or vice versa, and
  • specific behaviors required by work make it difficult to fulfill the requirements of family, or vice versa.

Women often have greater responsibility for family demands, including home care, child care, and caring for aging parents, yet men in the United States are increasingly assuming a greater share of domestic responsibilities. However, research has documented that women report greater levels of stress from work–family conflict (Gyllensten & Palmer, 2005).

There are many ways to decrease work–family conflict and improve people’s job satisfaction (Posig & Kickul, 2004). These include support in the home, which can take various forms: emotional (listening), practical (help with chores). Workplace support can include understanding supervisors, flextime, leave with pay, and telecommuting. Flextime usually involves a requirement of core hours spent in the workplace around which the employee may schedule his arrival and departure from work to meet family demands.  Telecommuting  involves employees working at home and setting their own hours, which allows them to work during different parts of the day, and to spend part of the day with their family. Recall that Yahoo! had a policy of allowing employees to telecommute and then rescinded the policy. There are also organizations that have onsite daycare centers, and some companies even have onsite fitness centers and health clinics. In a study of the effectiveness of different coping methods, Lapierre & Allen (2006) found practical support from home more important than emotional support. They also found that immediate-supervisor support for a worker significantly reduced work–family conflict through such mechanisms as allowing an employee the flexibility needed to fulfill family obligations. In contrast, flextime did not help with coping and telecommuting actually made things worse, perhaps reflecting the fact that being at home intensifies the conflict between work and family because with the employee in the home, the demands of family are more evident.

Posig & Kickul (2004) identify exemplar corporations with policies designed to reduce work–family conflict. Examples include IBM’s policy of three years of job-guaranteed leave after the birth of a child, Lucent Technologies offer of one year’s childbirth leave at half pay, and SC Johnson’s program of concierge services for daytime errands.

Link to Learning:  Glassdoor  is a website that posts job satisfaction reviews for different careers and organizations. Use this site to research possible careers and/or organizations that interest you.

Organizational Culture

Each company and organization has an organizational culture.  Organizational culture  encompasses the values, visions, hierarchies, norms, and interactions among its employees. It is how an organization is run, how it operates, and how it makes decisions—the industry in which the organization participates may have an influence. Different departments within one company can develop their own subculture within the organization’s culture. Ostroff, Kinicki, and Tamkins (2003) identify three layers in organizational culture: observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic assumptions. Observable artifacts are the symbols, language (jargon, slang, and humor), narratives (stories and legends), and practices (rituals) that represent the underlying cultural assumptions. Espoused values are concepts or beliefs that the management or the entire organization endorses. They are the rules that allow employees to know which actions they should take in different situations and which information they should adhere to. These basic assumptions generally are unobservable and unquestioned. Researchers have developed survey instruments to measure organizational culture.

With the workforce being a global marketplace, your company may have a supplier in Korea and another in Honduras and have employees in the United States, China, and South Africa. You may have coworkers of different religious, ethnic, or racial backgrounds than yourself. Your coworkers may be from different places around the globe. Many workplaces offer diversity training to help everyone involved bridge and understand cultural differences.  Diversity training  educates participants about cultural differences with the goal of improving teamwork. There is always the potential for prejudice between members of two groups, but the evidence suggests that simply working together, particularly if the conditions of work are set carefully that such prejudice can be reduced or eliminated. Pettigrew and Tropp (2006) conducted a meta-analysis to examine the question of whether contact between groups reduced prejudice between those groups. They found that there was a moderate but significant effect. They also found that, as previously theorized, the effect was enhanced when the two groups met under conditions in which they have equal standing, common goals, cooperation between the groups, and especially support on the part of the institution or authorities for the contact.

One well-recognized negative aspect of organizational culture is a culture of  harassment , including sexual harassment. Most organizations of any size have developed sexual harassment policies that define sexual harassment (or harassment in general) and the procedures the organization has set in place to prevent and address it when it does occur. Thus, in most jobs you have held, you were probably made aware of the company’s sexual harassment policy and procedures, and may have received training related to the policy. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (n.d.) provides the following description of  sexual harassment :

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. (par. 2)

One form of sexual harassment is called quid pro quo. Quid pro quo means you give something to get something, and it refers to a situation in which organizational rewards are offered in exchange for sexual favors. Quid pro quo harassment is often between an employee and a person with greater power in the organization. For example, a supervisor might request an action, such as a kiss or a touch, in exchange for a promotion, a positive performance review, or a pay raise. Another form of sexual harassment is the threat of withholding a reward if a sexual request is refused. Hostile environment sexual harassment is another type of workplace harassment. In this situation, an employee experiences conditions in the workplace that are considered hostile or intimidating. For example, a work environment that allows offensive language or jokes or displays sexually explicit images. Isolated occurrences of these events do not constitute harassment, but a pattern of repeated occurrences does. In addition to violating organizational policies against sexual harassment, these forms of harassment are illegal.

Harassment does not have to be sexual; it may be related to any of the protected classes in the statutes regulated by the EEOC: race, national origin, religion, or age.

Violence in the Workplace

In the summer of August 1986, a part-time postal worker with a troubled work history walked into the Edmond, Oklahoma, post office and shot and killed 15 people, including himself. From his action, the term “going postal” was coined, describing a troubled employee who engages in extreme violence.

Workplace violence is one aspect of workplace safety that I-O psychologists study.  Workplace violence  is any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening, disruptive behavior that occurs at the workplace. It ranges from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and even homicide (Occupational Safety & Health Administration, 2014).

There are different targets of workplace violence: a person could commit violence against coworkers, supervisors, or property. Warning signs often precede such actions: intimidating behavior, threats, sabotaging equipment, or radical changes in a coworker’s behavior. Often there is intimidation and then escalation that leads to even further escalation. It is important for employees to involve their immediate supervisor if they ever feel intimidated or unsafe.

Murder is the second leading cause of death in the workplace. It is also the primary cause of death for women in the workplace. Every year there are nearly two million workers who are physically assaulted or threatened with assault. Many are murdered in domestic violence situations by boyfriends or husbands who chose the woman’s workplace to commit their crimes.

There are many risk factors for workplace violence that can be committed by leaders, employees, and even customers. A significant risk factor is the feeling of being treated unfairly, unjustly, or disrespectfully, and may become more serious when combined with other individual factors like personality and history, environmental stressors, and lack of community. In a research experiment, Greenberg (1993) examined the reactions of students who were given pay for a task. In one group, the students were given extensive explanations for the pay rate. In the second group, the students were given a curt uninformative explanation. The students were made to believe the supervisor would not know how much money the student withdrew for payment. The rate of stealing (taking more pay than they were told they deserved) was higher in the group who had been given the limited explanation. This is a demonstration of the importance of procedural justice in organizations. Procedural justice  refers to the fairness of the processes by which outcomes are determined in conflicts with or among employees.

In another study by Greenberg & Barling (1999), they found a history of aggression and amount of alcohol consumed to be accurate predictors of workplace violence against a coworker. Aggression against a supervisor was predicted if a worker felt unfairly treated or untrusted. Job security and alcohol consumption predicted aggression against a subordinate. To understand and predict workplace violence, Greenberg & Barling (1999) emphasize the importance of considering the employee target of aggression or violence and characteristics of both the workplace characteristics and the aggressive or violent person.

As you can see, I-O psychologists are concerned with a wide variety of topics related to the performance and well-being of both employees and their organizations. Some topics, such as recruitment, selection, and performance appraisal, have been important from the start, while others, such as worker attitudes, stress, and motivation, have increased in importance in recent years. Today, while it is still possible to make a distinction between “I” and “O” topics within this field, there is greater recognition that these areas represent two sides of the same coin, and that both sides can have a substantial influence on one another. As work continues to become more complex and subject to global and technological pressures, I-O psychologists will become increasingly important for helping both workers and organizations weather these changes.

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Ployhart, R. E., Schmitt, N., & Tippins, N. T. (2017). Solving the supreme problem: 100 years of selection and recruitment at the Journal of Applied Psychology . Journal of Applied Psychology, 102 , 291-304.

Posthuma, R. A., Morgeson, F. P., & Campion, M. A. (2002). Beyond employment interview validity: A comprehensive narrative review of recent research and trends over time. Personnel Psychology , 55 , 1–81.

Rogers, M. E., Creed, P. A., & Glendon, A. I. (2008). The role of personality in adolescent career planning and exploration: A social cognitive perspective. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 73 , 132-142.

Sanchez, J. I., & Levine, E. L. (2012). The Rise and Fall of Job Analysis and the Future of Work Analysis. Annual Review of Psychology , 63 , 397–425. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-psych-120710-100401

Schmidt, F. L., & Hunter, J. (2004). General mental ability in the world of work: Occupational attainment and job performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 86 , 162–173. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.86.1.162

Scott, J. C., & Reynolds, D. H. (Eds.). (2010). Handbook of workplace assessment: Evidence-based practices for selecting and developing organizational talent (1st ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Susskind, R., & Susskind, D. (2016). The future of the professions: How technology will transform the work of human experts. New York: Oxford University Press.

Tetrick, L. E., & Quick, J. C. (2011). Overview of occupational health psychology: Public health in occupational settings. Handbook of occupational health psychology , 3–20.

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Handbook of occupational health psychology (2nd ed., pp. 141–164). Washington, DC:

American Psychological Association.

Introduction to Psychology as a Social Science Copyright © by The Introduction To Psychology As A Social Science Teaching and Learning Group is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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10 Clinical Psychology Research Topics to Explore

Whether you’re working toward a PsyD or a PhD in Clinical Psychology , landing on a research paper that will sustain your interest throughout your doctoral program can be both thrilling and challenging.

Should you go with a niche you know well or branch out to another psychology specialization ? Should you choose a research topic you’re passionate about or opt for something more topical and needed in the broader realm of behavioral and mental health?

Only you can answer these questions—however, this blog may provide you with some inspiration and direction. Let’s walk through 10 of the most fascinating clinical psychology research topics and how they might bring you closer to your educational and professional objectives.

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10 Emerging Research Topics in Clinical Psychology

One of the benefits of clinical psychology is that it’s far from a static field.

With each passing year, we gain more and more insight into the brain and how it affects behavior. In the last few years alone, for example, we’ve obtained a clearer picture of the negative effects of digital media on mental health and behavior. But we’ve also seen how digital media (specifically, mobile apps) can enhance mental health when used correctly. 1

Put simply, clinical psychology is a dynamic, exhilarating realm with seemingly boundless possibilities for further research.

Nonetheless, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when settling on a clinical psychology research paper topic, especially when it’s one that you may be intimate with for years. To that end, consider these top 10 psychology topics to get you started in your research area:

#1. Mental Health Technology and Digital Interventions

The pandemic dramatically altered how healthcare practitioners interact with their patients and clients. Whereas psychotherapy and other forms of counseling were once performed almost exclusively in person, COVID-19 turned mental telehealth into our new reality.

But what might the long-term effects of this be? And will it persist as we march into the future?

Exploring the impact of digital mental health interventions (such as apps, other digital tools, and teleconferences) on well-being may open up a world of possible clinical psychology research topics and questions. 2 For instance, it may compel you to ask and research thoughts like:

  • How will AI alter mental health treatments, if at all?
  • Will digital mental health interventions ultimately cause or worsen isolation?
  • What are the downsides and perks of turning to social media for mental health information?
  • What is the relevance and value of in-person counseling sessions, post-pandemic?
  • Do clients feel safer in online sessions?
  • How can technology be employed to monitor patients outside of sessions?
  • How does mental telehealth affect the elderly?

Technology is rapidly and constantly changing. In other words, psychology and technology may be exciting subjects to explore as you work towards starting or completing your doctorate.

#2. Cross-Cultural and Global Mental Health 

Globalization has its pros and cons. Studies indicate that while it may have its advantages, it can also heighten: 4

  • Discrimination

Each of these may have lasting effects, including increasing the risk of mental disorders like addiction, depression, and anxiety. In other words, it needs to be examined by experts from multiple standpoints.

As a doctoral student, you’re in an ideal spot to investigate this complex issue. It also emphasizes the need to gain cultural competency and a global mindset as a mental health practitioner, which is another possible research topic in and of itself.

#3. Neuropsychology and Cognitive Processes

The field of neuropsychology and cognitive processes continues to grow, particularly with the advent of digital tools and their ability to monitor cognition. 5 Exploring our advancing knowledge of how the brain affects behavior may allow you to look at a wide range of mental health disorders and the newest clinical interventions that are being made available, such as treating:

  • Alcohol use disorder (AUD)
  • Eating disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

#4. Trauma and Resilience Studies

Psychologists and psychiatrists ranging from Bessel Van der Kolk to Peter Levine forever altered our understanding of trauma. What was once thought of as a purely psychological issue is now understood as a bodily ailment. 6

But how might this look as we move forward in time and gain an enhanced understanding of neuroplasticity? Will somatics continue to play a role in treating trauma, or will technological advances send practitioners and their clients in a completely different direction?

You may be in a position to dig deeper and find out.

#5. Behavioral Health and Chronic Conditions

The unique relationship between chronic conditions and behavioral health is also up for exploration. Growing research indicates that chronic conditions (such as diabetes) can trigger mental health complications like depression, which can then perpetuate the cycle of the chronic condition.

This topic may be especially timely and relevant as it emphasizes the need to bridge the gap between a patient’s full healthcare team and points out flaws in treating chronic conditions solely from a pharmaceutical stance.

#6. Psychotherapy Process and Outcome Research

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and other forms of traditional “talk therapy” have been mainstays in the field of clinical psychology for decades. But this, too, isn’t static, especially as clients continue to look more toward body-based therapies and technology-fueled solutions, like: 8

  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
  • Neurofeedback therapy 
  • Brainspotting
  • Somatic Experiencing (SE)

Is it too soon to know if these and other fresh forms of mental health treatments have the same staying power as, say, cognitive behavioral therapy? This might be optimal for exploration.

#7. Social Determinants of Mental Health 

Social determinants of mental health (SDOMH) refer to the external circumstances that may impact an individual’s mental well-being and make them more vulnerable to conditions ranging from depression to addiction. SDOMH includes: 9

  • Unemployment 
  • Social isolation
  • Urban crowding

How will SDOMH change as we move forward? Will it? Additionally, what is a clinical psychologist’s role in addressing these issues? What are the most effective strategies for working with those who have been disadvantaged?

This is an important topic as we, as a society, continue to address long-buried issues of race and class.

#8. Addiction and Substance Use Disorders

Addiction remains a prevalent topic: Alcohol use disorder (AUD) affects roughly 10.5% of the population, while 46.8 million Americans wrestled with a substance abuse disorder in 2022 alone. 10

Analyzing the most recent treatments and the future of treatments might not only pave the way for your own work after completion of your PsyD or PhD but also do a tremendous service for those who suffer from addiction (and their loved ones and families).

#9. Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Numerous studies indicate that kids and teens now have unusually high rates of: 11

  • Substance use

What plays into this? Is social media entirely to blame, or can social sites also be a resource for youngsters? And how can clinical psychologists tweak their methods to resonate with kids and teens?

These are just three of the many questions you might ask if you decide to adopt this topic for your clinical research.

#10. Ethics and Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology

Last but not least, consider the value of examining both the main and more subtle ethics and professional issues in clinical psychology at work today, such as:

  • Privacy 
  • Informed consent
  • Cultural sensitivity 
  • Termination of counseling

Shape the Future of Mental Health with Alliant International University 

From making a substantial difference in the lives of others to eradicating the stigmas that surround certain mental health conditions, clinical psychologists are in a prime position to fuel lasting change. Selecting a clinical research topic that ignites your spirit and works toward solving larger social issues takes this notion to the next level.

Alliant International University may get you closer to becoming the type of clinical psychologist who can make an impact. Whether you’re exploring our PsyD in Clinical Psychology or have just started college, we’re proud to offer doctoral programs for psychology that can help you excel in your future profession. And with online and in-person classes and training, you might find the flexibility your life requires.

Learn more about our clinical psychology programs today.


  • “Exploring the Latest Frontiers in Clinical Psychology Research.” The Clinic, March 25, 2024. https://theclinicca.org/exploring-the-latest-frontiers-in-clinical-psyc… .
  •  Park, Susanna Y, Chloe Nicksic Sigmon, and Debra Boeldt. “A Framework for the Implementation of Digital Mental Health Interventions: The Importance of Feasibility and Acceptability Research.” Cureus, September 19, 2022. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9580609/.  
  • Bond, Raymond R., Maurice D. Mulvenna, Courtney Potts, Siobhan O’Neill, Edel Ennis, and John Torous. “Digital Transformation of Mental Health Services.” Nature News, August 22, 2023. https://www.nature.com/articles/s44184-023-00033-y.  
  • “Cross-Cultural Mental Health.” CMHA British Columbia, July 14, 2016. https://bc.cmha.ca/documents/cross-cultural-mental-health-and-substance-use-2/.  
  • “New Research Looks at the Promise of ‘Digital Neuropsychology.’” McLean News | New Research Looks at the Promise of “Digital Neuropsychology,” January 7, 2019. https://www.mcleanhospital.org/news/new-research-looks-promise-digital-neuropsychology.  
  • Kuhfuß, Marie, Tobias Maldei, Andreas Hetmanek, and Nicola Baumann. “Somatic Experiencing - Effectiveness and Key Factors of a Body-Oriented Trauma Therapy: A Scoping Literature Review.” European journal of psychotraumatology, July 12, 2021. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8276649/.  
  • “The Intersection of Mental Health and Chronic Disease.” Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Accessed April 17, 2024. https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2021/the-intersection-of-mental-health-and-chronic-disease.  
  • Theodora Blanchfield, AMFT. “What to Know about Brainspotting Therapy.” Verywell Mind, January 16, 2024. https://www.verywellmind.com/brainspotting-therapy-definition-techniques-and-efficacy-5213947.  
  • Social Determinants of Health and Mental Health. Accessed April 17, 2024. https://www.ncsc.org/__data/assets/pdf_file/0025/70864/Social-Determinants-of-Health.pdf.  
  • “Alcohol and Drug Abuse Statistics (Facts about Addiction).” American Addiction Centers, April 4, 2024. https://americanaddictioncenters.org/addiction-statistics#.  
  • “Data and Statistics on Children’s Mental Health.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, March 8, 2023. https://www.cdc.gov/childrensmentalhealth/data.html.  

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occupational psychology research topics

The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: ● Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy vs Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain in Older Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial. ● Updated Estimate of the Number of Extreme Risk Protection Orders Needed to Prevent 1 Suicide. ● Management of Depression in Adults: A Review. ● Differential Outcomes of Placebo Treatment Across 9 Psychiatric Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

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  1. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology

    The Journal of Occupational Health Psychology ® publishes theory, research, and public policy articles in occupational health psychology, an interdisciplinary field representing a broad range of backgrounds, interests, and specializations. Occupational health psychology concerns the application of psychology to improving the quality of work life and to protecting and promoting the safety ...

  2. Occupational Psychology

    Recent occupational psychology research has been grounded upon earlier findings, models, and theories in applied social psychology but has examined phenomena in the workplace. ... Organizational psychology is the second broad subdiscipline recognized with I-O psychology. Topics traditionally considered within the domain of organizational ...

  3. Editorial: Occupational health psychology: From burnout to well-being

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  4. Occupational Health Psychology Research and the COVID-19 Pandemic

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  5. Handbook of Occupational Health Psychology, Third Edition

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  6. Occupational Health Psychology: From Burnout to Well-being ...

    This Research Topic focuses on Occupational Health Psychology (OHP) - the branch of psychology that emerged out of two applied disciplines within psychology: health psychology and industrial/organizational psychology. It involves the application of psychological principles and practices in promoting quality of life at work, protecting and promoting the health and well-being of workers ...

  7. Research Agenda for Workplace Stress and Well-being

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  8. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

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  9. Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology

    Topics covered include psychological health during organizational restructuring, immigrant occupational health and well-being, increasing the effectiveness of safety training programs, and the WHO Healthy Workplaces Model ... He is a founding member and past president of the Society for Occupational Health Psychology. His research focuses on ...

  10. PDF Occupational Health Psychology Research and the COVID-19 Pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic continues to generate threats to occupational health, safety, and well-being. As a result, it presents an opportunity to deepen the field's insights into occupational health psychology (OHP), and to offer practical guidance that may help workers, organizations, and society mitigate the pandemics. '.

  11. Occupational Psychology Outlook

    Occupational Psychology Outlook (OPO) is the new peer-reviewed publication of the Division of Occupational Psychology. OPO aims to provide a bridge between research and practice, bringing the two together in a single publication that contains research and conceptual papers, practitioner papers, review papers and a range of other content.

  12. The Future of Research Methods in Work and Occupational Health Psychology

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  13. PDF Introduction to work and Occupational Psychology

    These studies were conducted by the Industrial Health Research Board (IHRB) and in the 1930s the IHRB reported on topics such as hours of work, industrial acci-dents, vision and lighting, vocational guidance and selection, time and motion study, and methods of work and posture. Although, as Shimmin and Wallis (1994) note, these research studies ...

  14. Psychosocial job dimensions and distress/well-being: issues and

    Over the last three decades a large body of research has showed that psychosocial job dimensions such as time pressure, decision authority and social support, could have significant implications for psychological distress and well-being. Theoretical models, such as the job demand-control-social support model (JDCS model), the effort-reward imbalance model (ERI model), the job demands-resources ...

  15. Occupational health psychology research and the COVID-19 pandemic

    Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to generate threats to occupational health, safety, and well-being. As a result, it presents an opportunity to deepen the field's insights into occupational health psychology (OHP), and to offer practical guidance that may help workers, organizations, and society mitigate the pandemic's negative effects.

  16. Industrial/Organizational Psychology and Management

    Spotlight Articles. Risks and protective factors for young immigrant language brokers who experience discrimination. from Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority. March 1, 2024. The ups and downs of the week: If it's not Friday, I'm stressed. from Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. August 5, 2022. Sticking together: Creating cohesive ...

  17. APA Journals: Industrial and Organizational Psychology

    Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. JOHP publishes theory, research, and public policy articles in occupational health psychology, an interdisciplinary field representing a broad range of backgrounds, interests, and specializations. Occupational health psychology concerns the application of psychology to improving the quality of work life and to protecting and promoting the safety ...

  18. Psychology Research Guide

    Research in I/O psychology utilizes core psychology resources, as well as resources in business, human resources, and sociology. You may find it helpful to search the following databases for your I/o topics or research questions, in addition to the core resources listed on the home page.

  19. Industrial-Organizational Psychology Topics

    Industrial-Organizational Psychology Research Topics. Compared with other fields of psychology, I-O psychology today has several features: (a) Small: I-O is a small specialty, including just 5% of US psychologists. (b) High-employment: Since I-O is in high demand in the industry; it has a negative unemployment rate below zero.

  20. 6.2 Topics in Industrial and Organizational Psychology

    Occupational health is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the health and safety of people at work, and has become the subject of much research in I-O psychology. Jobs place a variety of demands on workers, and these demands can lead to the experience of stress, which may be followed by various negative outcomes such as effects on the ...

  21. Industrial and Organizational Psychology

    Industrial and Organizational Psychology. The specialty of industrial-organizational psychology (also called I/O psychology) is characterized by the scientific study of human behavior in organizations and the work place. The specialty focuses on deriving principles of individual, group and organizational behavior and applying this knowledge to ...

  22. 10 Clinical Psychology Research Topics to Explore

    Nonetheless, it's easy to feel overwhelmed when settling on a clinical psychology research paper topic, especially when it's one that you may be intimate with for years. To that end, consider these top 10 psychology topics to get you started in your research area: #1. Mental Health Technology and Digital Interventions

  23. Research Update: 20 June 2024

    The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy vs Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain in Older Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Updated Estimate of the Number of Extreme Risk Protection Orders Needed to Prevent 1 Suicide. Management of ...

  24. Industrial and Organizational Psychology Provides Workplace Solutions

    Enter I/O psychology. I/O psychology is the scientific study of human behavior in the workplace. It focuses on assessing individual, group and organizational dynamics and using that research to identify solutions to problems that improve the well-being and performance of an organization and its employees.

  25. American Psychological Association (APA)

    The American Psychological Association (APA) is a scientific and professional organization that represents psychologists in the United States. APA educates the public about psychology, behavioral science and mental health; promotes psychological science and practice; fosters the education and training of psychological scientists, practitioners and educators; advocates for psychological ...