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Essay Samples on Pay It Forward

Drama movie pay it forward.

This movie was filmed by the main actors, Haley Joel Osment as Trevor McKinney, Kevin Spacey as Mr. Eugene Simonet, and Helen Hunt as Arlene McKinney. This movie was presented/enacted inside a classroom in Las Vegas, Nevada during the start of the 7th-grade year of...

  • Helping Others
  • Pay It Forward

Influence of Movie Pay It Forward on My Worldview

The movie was entitled “Pay It Forward”. This movie was made by the prominent actors, Haley Joel Osment as Trevor McKinny, Kevin Spacey as Mr. Eugene Simonet, and Helen Hunt as Arlene McKinney. This movie was presented/enacted inside a classroom in Las Vegas, Nevada during...

Propaganda Awareness: Pay It Forward.

The movie I chose was Pay It Forward. Pay it Forward is about a boy who is given an assignment that creates a movement, where he helps 3 people with something they cannot do themselves. The recipient cannot return the favor and must “pay it...

Reflection on Plot of the Movie Pay It Forward

Pay it forward is a film adaptation of a book with the same title written by Catherine Ryan Hyde. It is a drama and romance film directed by Mimi Leder starring Kevin Spacey as Eugene Simonet, Helen Hunt as Arlene McKinney, Haley Joel Osment as...

  • Personal Experience

Best topics on Pay It Forward

1. Drama Movie Pay It Forward

2. Influence of Movie Pay It Forward on My Worldview

3. Propaganda Awareness: Pay It Forward.

4. Reflection on Plot of the Movie Pay It Forward

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Pay It Forward: A Reflection

Pay It Forward: A Reflection

posted on July 13, 2015

I wrote this as a reflection piece for a course on transformative coaching I am taking up.  It’s about the movie: Pay It Forward.  Sharing the insights and lessons learned.


We’re all in this world to pay it forward. In little ways, in big ways, in ways we won’t ever know or can’t even begin to imagine.

In a nutshell, it was about people making an effort to “pay it forward.” Helping other people in a big way, and in turn, those being helped “paying it forward” by helping other people.  All the while struggling with what life throws at them, and what life has given them in the past.

It was an interesting movie, to say the least. I didn’t like the ending. But what I did like was how the different characters struggled with what they’ve got.

What I liked even more, was how the characters started to move forward , change their lives, even by a little, and pay it forward as well, all with what they’ve got.

Trevor, the main character of the story, of course played the part of the prime mover in the movie, showing us that the strength and courage to do new things, and to actually do something about it, is what gets change going.

It was also interesting to note what got him moving in the first place.

It was because “everything… sucks.”

And I take it from the movie that he didn’t want life to stay that way.

Have you ever had a “everything… sucks” moment? A moment where you hit rock-bottom, that life couldn’t get any worse.   Or you just want so badly for your life to take a turn for the better.

“Everything… sucks.” And Trevor decided to do something about it.  Which sparks off a chain of events that he couldn’t have foreseen or imagined.

Arlene, Trevor’s Mom, showed in the movie that we make mistakes sometimes.  In the heat of the moment, we do things we don’t mean, and we hurt others, even ourselves.  Yet, we can also rise above that, and find it in ourselves to forgive ourselves, and in turn, forgive others.

She also showed us how we can be blinded by how we want things to turn out, by our expectation of how our lives will go, and how the people in our lives act.  And how we expect others to make us happy.

Arlene was waiting for Ricky, Trevor’s dad, to return, give up drinking, and give her that happily married life she’s been looking for.  It’s not so easy, and it doesn’t work that way.

Eugene, or Mr. Simonet, also shows us how we can be blinded.  This time by past experiences and hurts.

And how he, or we, can continue to live life through those lenses .  A life bound by our beliefs of how others might see us or judge us, because of our scars, both literally and figuratively.

And how we put up our routines, and walls, to feel safe, to avoid being hurt, like how we’ve been hurt in the past.

And then there’s Chris, the reporter, who after losing his car in the opening scenes, gets a brand new Jaguar handed to him, with the instructions to “pay it forward.”  He almost lost it trying to give back the Jaguar, or finding out why he was just given one.

He shows us how we don’t believe we are worthy of blessings and graces .  That we are also not deserving of help. That we didn’t work for it.  Or we didn’t pay for it.

That we aren’t humble enough to just say: “Yes, Thank you.”

But all of them, showed the power of the human spirit.  Showed the power of positive actions, and how that changes one’s life, as well as others.

All of them had their own struggles.  All of them their own hurts and pains, traumas and experiences.

All of them decided to pay it forward and to act to help others.

And all of the scenes and interrelationships in the movie, reminds me that we all have an effect on each other, and it’s up to us, to me, if I will be a positive influence on others.

With how we interact and treat other people, we are essentially “paying it forward.”  We may not always pay forward what helps other people, but the effort is also important.

The effort to help other people, and to share what positive things they have, had the power to change other people’s lives.

It had the power to change their own lives as well.  Through the course of the movie, they became more at peace with themselves, more honest, stronger, yet sensitive.

Life can get sucky.  There will come moments in time when “life sucks.”  That’s a fact.   It’s up to us what we make of it, and how we weather those times.

I’ve come across a quote, though I don’t remember where:

“When life gets hard, don’t ask for life to get easier, ask that you become a better person instead.”

That simple looking all year assignment given by Mr. Simonet at first day of class, got Trevor thinking, and his actions had such a profound effect on a lot of people.

Trevor wanted to help people, but he didn’t end up doing everything for them.  He trusted them to use what they received, and help themselves as well.

Trevor wasn’t exactly sure what would happen, or how things would turn out, but he believed in them.

That believing in people, can somehow get them believing in themselves.  That this can help them find the power within themselves to make choices that will change their lives.

Believing in others makes such a huge difference.  People have it in them to solve their problems, and people have what it takes to take control of their life, and change it for the better.

Even Jerry, the homeless man Trevor fed and let in his house, was able to help someone else towards the end of the movie.  He had it in him all along, and what he got from Trevor was a kickstart to get him going and believing in himself.

People tend to forget what we do to them, and tend to remember what we made them feel.

And it all begins with believing .

Picture from the Motion Picture: Pay It Forward (2000), Warner Bros. Pictures

Reader Interactions

' src=

January 18, 2016 at 12:03 am

Very good reflection!! Iv’e got a good lesson.

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January 18, 2016 at 12:31 am

Thanks so much Jeven!

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September 13, 2016 at 1:32 pm

I like ur comment ! I understand ur reflection very well .

September 13, 2016 at 3:43 pm

Thanks Alexis! I appreciate the compliment.

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November 1, 2016 at 9:45 am

this is my son’s 2nd term written task in his English class now, and your article helped him explained well his paper. Thank you for the insights. ❤️

November 2, 2016 at 12:52 am

You’re welcome Chichi! Hope he was also able to deepen his realizations. 🙂

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February 19, 2021 at 1:59 pm

This is so great! it makes me feel like I’m watching the movie. It helps me a lot in writing my essay

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Essays on Pay It Forward


Original title Pay It Forward
Language English
Characters Trevor McKinney, Arlene McKinney, Eugene Simonet, Chris Chandler, Mrs Simonet, Jerry, Kevin, Mark, Mom, Dad ...
Published 1999
ISBN 978-0-7432-0476-8

Table of Contents

If you find yourself in need of a fast essay on the book “Pay It Forward” but are pressed for time or resources, StudyMoose offers a speedy and reliable solution. Known for their wide range of academic writing services, StudyMoose has a team of seasoned writers experienced in literature analysis, who can deliver a high-quality essay that delves into the themes, characters, and impactful moments of the book.

About Pay It Forward Book

The Pay It Forward meaning is quite simple when someone does something kind for another person, but that person doesn’t repay the favor. Catherine Ryan Hyde’s book Pay It Forward is about a little kid called Trevor McKinney tasked with making the world a great place as part of an assignment.

This task is one that he takes on with great seriousness, and he promptly gets to work. His deed sets off a domino effect of goodwill and generosity. While Catherine Ryan Hyde’s 1999 book and 2000 movie with the same name popularized the notion of paying it forward, the movement’s origins go back further in time.

Book Summary

In the book Pay It Forward, the protagonist, Trevor McKinney, is a 12-year-old seventh-grader in Atascadero, California, who is tasked by his social study teacher, Reuben St. Clair, with developing and carrying out an initiative to improve the world.

With the purpose of inspiring others to do the same, Trevor resolves to “pay it forward ” by helping three others. It is required that everyone do three very helpful actions for others, activities that no one person could perform alone but which would set off a domino effect of goodwill.

Early on, Trevor aids Jerry, a homeless addict with an employment problem. Jerry seems not to do the three deeds before being sent to jail. In fact, Jerry prevents a lady called Charlotte from killing herself but doesn’t tell Trevor.

Mrs. Greenberg’s garden needs attention, so Trevor offers his assistance. Not long after, she passes away, and Trevor is left feeling that his efforts were in vain. On the other hand, Mrs. Greenberg did assist others by leaving money to three less fortunate people. Matt, one of the people involved, helps out another gang member called Sidney.

Teacher Reuben St. Clair is Trevor’s third support system member. Recognizing that Reuben and his mother, Arlene are both lonely, he introduces them to one another. Because Trevor’s biological father, Ricky, has just made an appearance, their connection is sporadic at best.

After some time has passed, Arlene comes to the conclusion that she made a mistake when she ended her relationship with Reuben; nevertheless, it is too late for the two of them to start dating again. Even though Arlene is expecting a child, she doesn’t know whether the father is Reuben or Ricky.

Chris Chandler, a journalist, hears about the “pay it forward” movement and decides to trace its beginnings by doing nice actions himself. A while later, he tracks down Trevor and profiles him and his groundbreaking concept in an article. After the interview is published, the president personally invites Trevor to meet with him. Reuben, Arlene, and Trevor go to Washington, D.C.

Later on, Trevor is killed while trying to save two other guys from an assault by a larger group of men. In his honor, tens of thousands of citizens hold a candlelight vigil. They commit to carrying on Trevor’s work and teaching the idea of “paying it forward” to future generations.

Reuben and Arlene tie the knot at the novel’s conclusion, and Reuben accepts responsibility for fathering Arlene’s child. In the event that Ricky reappears, they will provide financial assistance to help him get his life in order, and they will urge him to carry on Trevor’s mission by “paying it forward.”

Pay It Forward Quotes

These quotes from the book Pay It Forward illustrate why the message behind it is so important.

  •     “I guess it’s hard for people who are so used to things the way they are – even if they’re bad – to change. ’Cause they kind of give up. And when they do, everybody kind of loses.”
  •     “If you want to see a man come to his senses, try something like, Do you happen to carry a rubber in your wallet? Did I mention I’m not on the pill?”
  •     “It’s really hard to know what’s a good idea when you’re growing and these ideas don’t hold still and neither do you.”
  •     “But you can’t change the world on the honor system. Shoot, anybody knows that. Leave people on the honor system, they don’t do it. As soon as you look away, they just don’t. I mean, look what happened.”
  •     “There is no wrong way to perform an act of kindness.”

Essay Structure On Pay It Forward

Make sure that your essay is organized in a manner that allows you to convey your views clearly and adequately respond to the topic being asked. The following structure is recommended for all essays.


After you’ve completed your outline, you may go on to write the beginning of your essay. The reader will get a crystal clear idea of what to anticipate from the rest of the article after reading the introduction, which may include some background information.

In the book, Reuben St. Claire, the teacher, sets his students an out-of-the-ordinary task: they must develop a program that would lead to constructive change in the world. In “Pay it Forward,” a concept created by one of his students, Trevor McKinney, the beneficiary of a nice action is expected to return the favor by doing three kindness acts for three additional people. 

Your primary ideas and supporting arguments should be laid forth in the body, the bulk of your work. Your research and creative thinking have led to these points of view. Therefore, it is a combination of your thoughts and those of others. It is important to arrange these ideas in a way that makes sense to the reader.

It is essential to the growth of your argument that you strike a balance between discussing your thoughts and facts and those from other sources. Without this equilibrium, your writing risks becoming either a repetition of other people’s thoughts and theories or a recount of your ideas and experiences without any supporting research.

In both cases, analysis, a vital part of any essay, would be missing. Consequently, it is crucial to convey a variety of viewpoints. The key points will be discussed, backed up, and analyzed using examples drawn from your own life as well as data and ideas discovered elsewhere (books, websites, lectures, journals, etc.). Paragraphs help to organize the important topics for easy reading.

The conclusion, like the introduction, ties the essay’s substance to its title. The introduction usually begins broadly before narrowing its emphasis and outlining the essential points; in contrast, the conclusion aims to summarize the main concepts and arguments before concluding.

The book Pay It Forward has the guts to show us a new path. It declares categorically that being selfless and considering the needs of others are among the highest forms of moral beauty. It boldly asserts that every individual can change the world for the better by doing good.

Furthermore, it demonstrates that it’s OK that we don’t know the results of our kind deeds. Religions from throughout the globe emphasize that pleasure is found in action itself.

Tips To Consider While Writing An Essay About Pay It Forward

Here you will find the most important guidelines for writing an essay.

Read The Book Thoroughly

Before you even begin writing, the most important portion of the essay-writing process takes place. Make sure you read the book thoroughly as you possibly can, paying attention to the distinction between terms like “contrast” and “analyze,” and bringing attention to any relevant information.

Find A Compelling Topic

Pick something you have some familiarity with. You will have an in-depth understanding of a process or idea so that you can describe it from the ground up. No matter what you’re writing an essay about, keep in mind that the finest essays know their purpose and how to fulfill it.

As a result, you’ll have a much clearer picture of how to zero in on a subject that’s both narrow enough and broad enough to interest you while meeting your writing class’s needs.

Create The Outline

Don’t hurry into writing after you’ve finished researching. Create a rough outline of your essay to help you keep track of your ideas while you read and gather information. Creating an outline is a great method to organize your thoughts before beginning the essay.

The outline is the framework of your paper, ensuring that no important details are overlooked and that your arguments are presented coherently.

Write The Thesis Statement

Always try to express the important argument of your essay in the thesis statement. Essentially, it’s a one-sentence summary of the essay’s topic. The phrase “pay it forward” describes a situation in which the recipient of a good action pays it forward by repaying the generosity to others rather than returning it to the original donor.

Include A Lesson Or Moral

Finding creative methods to help others is an important part of being a good citizen. In this lesson, students will reflect on their positive emotions when someone does something kind for them and then explores ways to spread those emotions to others. They will compose an essay to encourage people to do acts of kindness for others.

Conclusion: Proofread Your Work

Make a list of all the known issues. Include the names and terms you usually mispronounce, as well as the grammatical blunders you make on a regular basis. Consider the tasks on your to-do list while you reread your work.

You should also have a trusted friend, or family member read your essay to catch any missed errors or inconsistencies. You may get our assistance if you’re still unsure about your writing skills. You may trust us to provide you with a high-quality essay far sooner than you could on your own.

Frequently Asked Questions

       i.         what does the quote pay it forward mean.

Instead of just receiving or returning an excellent action, “pay it forward” means that the receiver goes out of their way to do another act of kindness for someone else.

     ii.         What is an example of paying it forward?

Simple activities like holding the door or elevator for someone else, starting a Facebook fundraiser, donating additional items, participating in a charity run, doing the dishes and making the bed, treating someone while you treat yourself, volunteering, picking up garbage, hosting a drive, and smiling and complimenting someone are examples of paying it forward.

    iii.         Was the movie pay it forward Based on a true story?

The movie is mostly inspired by Catherine Ryan Hyde’s book of the same name. The plot centers on 11-year-old Trevor McKinney, who in Las Vegas starts a “pay it forward” campaign of kindness.

    iv.         What are the three rules in pay it forward?

It’s easy to play by the rules:

  •   Firstly, it has to be a significant step forward that will really benefit many people.
  •     It must be something they can’t accomplish for themselves, and
  •     The third condition is that the giver helps three more needy persons.

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Home — Essay Samples — Entertainment — Pay It Forward — Analysis of the Protagonist of ‘Pay it Forward’ Movie Through the Theory of Attachment


Analysis of The Protagonist of 'Pay It Forward' Movie Through The Theory of Attachment

  • Categories: Attachment Theory Film Analysis Pay It Forward

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Words: 1941 |

10 min read

Published: Jul 7, 2022

Words: 1941 | Pages: 4 | 10 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, theoretical framework, developmental stage, transaction with environment, socio-cultural challenges, self-identity.

  • Bowlby J. (1969). Attachment. Attachment and loss: Vol. 1. Loss. New York: Basic Books.
  • Eiden, R.D., Molnar, D.S., Colder, C., Edwards, E.P., Leonard, K.E., 2009. A conceptual model predicting internalizing problems in middle childhood among children of alcoholic and non-alcoholic fathers: the role of marital aggression. J. Stud. Alcohol Drugs 70 (5), 741–750.
  • Grossmann, K., & Grossmann, K. E. (2019). Essentials when studying child-father attachment: A fundamental view on safe haven and secure base phenomena. Attachment & human development, 1-6.
  • Joeng, J. R., Turner, S., Young Kim, E., Ae Choi, S., Jeong Lee, Y., & Ki Kim, J. (2017). Insecure attachment and emotional distress: Fear of self‐compassion and self‐compassion as mediators. Personality and Individual Differences, 112, 6– 11.
  • Kamarajan, C., Pandey, A.K., Chorlian, D.B., Manz, N., Stimus, A.T., Bauer, L.O., et al., 2015. Reward processing deficits and impulsivity in high-risk offspring of alcoholics: a study of event-related potentials during a monetary gambling task. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 98 (2), 182–200.
  • Lam, L. T., Rai, A., & Lam, M. K. (2019). Attachment problems in childhood and the development of anxiety in adolescents: A systematic review of longitudinal and prospective studies. Mental Health & Prevention.
  • M. Lamont, A. Lareau, Cultural capital: allusions, gaps and glissandos in recent theoretical developments, Sociol. Theory 6 (1988) 153–168.
  • Mukhtar, S. (2019). Bowlby’s Attachment Theory in the Counseling Process of Adult’s Anxiety. J Emerg Trauma Care, 3(3), 3.
  • National Association of Social Workers (NASW). (2008). Code of Ethics. Retrieved September 28, 2017 from http://www.socialworkers.org/pubs/code/code.asp.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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Paying It Forward by Justin

Justinof Baltimore's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2014 scholarship contest

Paying It Forward by Justin - March 2014 Scholarship Essay

Paying it forward is defined as an expression for describing the beneficiary of a good deed repaying it to others instead of to the original benefactor. To me doing any good or random acts of kindness is the definition of this phrase. In school we are told that we have to meet the requirements of having 75 student service learning hours (aka 75 hours of paying it forward). Over the past 6 or 7 years I have taken the idea of helping others and expanded it into close to 700 hours of student service learning hours.

I started out like every other student out there; I was only trying to meet the required number of hours and fill out the paperwork. In order to meet this requirement I got a volunteer job at Oak Crest Retirement Village. I worked here for long enough to meet the hours needed, but I fell in love with my job helping out the residents with dementia. As a result I stayed for year and half. This was just the start of involving myself into my community. I moved onto other ways to pay it forward. I became very active in scouting and received hundreds of hours of service through the work our troop did to help out the community and those in need. I also became more active in my church in order to reach out to my community even further.

As students we are given 7 years to complete 75 hours of community service. I made it my goal to reach at least 100 per year. In saying that though it is amazing to think how much community service gets accomplished when you think of how many students there are and that each accomplishes 75 hours of paying it forward. Including those 75 hours of requirements for students is a great way to get people to contribute even more. I have heard other stories like my own of people who fell in love with paying it forward and seek to do more.

In 8th grade I received an award in the final ceremony along with a fellow scout for completing the most hours out of any other students. This was an honor to receive because I knew I wasn't getting an award for straight A’s or other such recognition. Although I am a good student it was inspirational to see that I could be recognized for academic success that I carried out in environments other than just school. After I earned that award I realized that paying it forward is what I wanted to do with my time. I would remain persistent in my studies while serving my community simultaneously.

The impact that community service has brought to me is like the difference between day and night. The difference I see that is possible through a little time and hard work is truly something of which I can be proud. I support all others that help to pay it forward because it only takes one moment to make someone want to commit themselves to serving their community. I have and will continue to dedicate hours in hopes that it will make a difference and that maybe I will inspire someone else to want to do the same.

There is no way I would have had the resources to do all of my contribution if it were not for the help of my church, school, and scouting. I have learned many things in my time of service. I have learned patience, hard work, dedication, time management, and how to be supportive. On a more literal side I have picked up many valuable skills including public speaking, construction elements, event organization, the art of advocating, and helping the less fortunate.

Student service leaning hours are my greatest academic achievement because to me, hundreds of hours of helping others is way more valuable than a grade. I like to tell my tale of my community service hours not as a way of bragging but in hopes that someone will see that I am in fact trying to inspire others to do the same and pay it forward for the good of others. Words cannot describe every impact that has been bestowed upon me through my contributions other than life changing. So my advice is go out and find out what type of impact it has on you.


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Pay it forward is a global movement that celebrates the kindness of others. This act of kindness can reduce stress and depression. It can also help relieve financial burdens. This is a great cause to promote in our society, and one that you can take part in. Here are a...

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The Commutability of Humanity

Although society often stresses the importance of rugged individualism, Pay It Forward stresses the importance of human similarity in the face of apparent differences. One of the ways the book demonstrates the commonality of humankind is through the problems that arise out of individualism. In Reuben’s case, he routinely sees how different he is in comparison to other characters: he is one of the few, if not the only, black characters living in Atascadero, and he is badly disfigured. In order to counteract what he assumes are people’s negative reactions to his differences in appearance, Reuben isolates himself. This isolation demonstrates the emotional toil that can arise as a result of eschewing connection and community.

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Pay It Forward

by Bryel Frasch | Sep 22, 2019

Paying it forward. Always a redeeming act for humanity. The phrase “pay it forward” was coined by the author of the 1916 book In the Garden of Delight . It means “an expression for describing the beneficiary of a good deed repaying the kindness to others instead of to the original benefactor.” The author, Lily Hardy Hammond utilizes the oldest pattern of this concept, where children re-enact what their parents do for them. A quote from Lily’s book:

“I never repaid Great-Aunt Letitia’s love to her, any more than she repaid her mother’s. You don’t pay love back; you pay it forward”

This concept has traveled through time. A prize-winning play in Athens (317 BC) used paying it forward as a key plot element. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in his 1841 essay “compensation”:

“In the order of nature, we cannot render benefits to those from whom we receive them, or only seldom. But the benefit we receive must be rendered again, line for line, deed for deed, cent for cent, to somebody”

Next thing you know, a movie with Kevin Spacey called “Pay It Forward” is out and The Pay it Forward Movement and Foundation is founded. We now celebrate an International Pay It Forward Day (April 28 th ) to honor the act of kindness. The movement has been on the rise and this little phrase seems to be the spark for a lot of good! Even Oprah Winfrey has a “Pay It Forward Project” where more than 8 million dollars has been distributed for giving to others.

With all of this said, I can finally tell my story. Today at work, a radiant woman visited with her best friend for a relaxing spa day (I work at a Hungarian Spa in Toftrees). It was a Saturday and the spa was extremely busy all day. I typically spend the day running around; checking on guests, filling their beverages, cashing people out, folding laundry, preparing lunches for special packages, you know. But I love doing this! A spa atmosphere has a wonderful way of bringing out the best in people. Perhaps it’s the relaxing melodies of soft jazz playing in the background or the gorgeous architecture of the old building but guests come to my place for one reason: to relax and be happy.

So, the radiant woman was with her best friend and they were coming for a spa getaway. They were so kind and humble immediately and I wanted their experience to be steller . I was always checking on them, preparing their lunch with a little flower on the table, the whole thing. By the end of the day, they handed me the gift certificate which payed for all their services and gratuity. Something I’ve learned about the spa world; they rely on tips in the same way a host/hostess or waiter/waitress does. It’s a large part of their income. Before the ladies left, my radiant friend stayed behind as she filled out some things. We were chatting and I found out she’s pregnant!!! I congratulated her and wished her all the luck in the world. Before she left, she handed me a few small envelopes and said thank you.

The envelopes had extra tips for every person that worked today, including me? A receptionist? They also had a verse from the bible, mine said:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life…For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life”

I couldn’t believe her kindness! It was no small tip either, this was too much. I tried running to her car and to give it back but she was gone, newly pregnant and blessed. I was so overwhelmed by the act and so was everyone else that received an envelope and a verse. I have her address and name and I plan to send her something small for her baby 😊 I also plan to keep this kindness going and use the tip to give to others. I haven’t figured out how just yet but I’m excited to make someone’s day. Hopefully they pay it forward and we can start a cycle.


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